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Read This Teen's Essay About Her Mom That Has Everyone Ugly Crying On TikTok

Annie Johnson

A teenager's heartbreaking essay has gone viral, leaving TikTok users sobbing.

At age 18 Ryan Harmann wrote a gut-wrenching piece after losing her mother to cancer. Harmann shared the beautiful piece on her TikTok this week, saying it "made her English professor cry." Well, now we're all crying.

The TikTok video has been viewed almost seven million times and racked up more than one million likes, despite just being screenshots of the essay. We've transcribed them all here for easier reading.

It was May of 2022, when my life was supposed to be at its peak, until one day it wasn't. I had high school graduation and senior week at the beach with my graduating class. I was starting my adulthood and my college career and I couldn't have been happier. In January of 2021, my mom got diagnosed with Sarcoma Cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments. From the day she was diagnosed, she lost a different part of her life everyday. She was strong, resilient, loving, caring and most of all the best mom anyone could ask for. She never asked the doctors for a time expectancy, she wanted to live the best she could with her three children and her husband. My mom had a goal from the start, to watch me go to my senior prom and to see me and my sister, Madeleine, walk across the stage at graduation. She achieved both of those goals.

May 26, 2022, I walked across that stage at graduation, with my mom in a wheelchair watching proudly. The first step I took on that stage, I felt her overwhelming amount of love and knew she was she proud and that was all that mattered in that moment. After I graduated, I received a text, "I love you so so much and am so proud of you." Those words felt like I just won the Super Bowl. She didn't get out of the house much so her being able to attend graduation was a big accomplishment and it took a lot out of her. We had a celebratory dinner at home and she was too exhausted to stay awake for dinner. Although it was upsetting that she wasn't at dinner, I was just thankful she was able to be there and meet her goal.

I was looking forward to going on my week-long beach trip with all of my best friends that night. All week long while I was away, I was texting my mom, telling her all of the drama going on with all of my friends and FaceTiming her. Until Friday came along and my mom stopped answering my texts and my FaceTime calls. I was a little worried and debated texting my dad to see if she was okay, but I let it go and continued on with my last night at the beach.

I was excited to get back home and tell my family all about the week I had. Instead, I came home to my mom in bed and my dad sat me and my two older siblings down and told us that our mom wasn't doing well and he was very worried. At the time, I was thinking my dad was freaking out and exaggerating and that she was going to be OK. After a lot of thinking, my dad decided to take her to the hospital. She walked from her room, downstairs and into the car. At the hospital, they told her that her spine is 75 percent collapsed because of the tumors growing rapidly. I thought to myself that my mom was a superstar, she just walked on a spine that almost was completely collapsed. From that point on, my mom entered hospice care and did not get back up from her bed.

We called all of our family and friends and let them know that her life was coming to an end. The first couple days following her entering hospice care, I was in shock, I didn't believe that my mom was going to die when I was only 18 years old. I remember sending a text to my sister, Madeleine, and asking "Is Mom going to die?" Her response was, "In a few weeks, yeah." My heart shattered into a million pieces. I knew from that point on, I was going to take advantage of the time left with my mom and not have any regrets. I did not want to look back at the last few weeks I had left with my mom and think "I wish I spent more time with her" so I did everything in my power to protect my future self from regret. As friends and family members were coming by, I was laying in bed right next to my mom, holding her hand. I couldn't imagine what my life was going to become. My mom reminded as daily that she loved us and that when she passes, she wants us to move forward. She told us, "When I take my last breath, I want you guys to dance, don't cry, dance."

Days started to blur together as my mom went in and out of consciousness for the next couple weeks. I remember sitting in bed, with my door open and my parents bedroom door open too, scared that I would hear her take her last breath. She started talking in her sleep and talking to her deceased mother telling her that she would see her soon.

The stress that my family endured is not something I would not wish on anyone. We were on lockdown, spending time with my mom and watching her slowly go through the different stages of death. I was in a mental block, I wasn't eating as much as I should've, my main focus was spending as much time as I could with her. On July 7th, my mom said to my dad "I'm so tired I need to go, I will see you later," as she closed her eyes. My dad came down the stairs and told us we all need to go say our final goodbyes. My older siblings went up first. I started pacing back and forth, I did not want to say bye to my best friend. I started my journey up the stairs, with tears rolling down my cheeks, and I stopped, I couldn't do it. I walked into my parents bathroom until I built the courage to go and say goodbye. I walked to my mom, kissed her on the forehead and told her I would see her later and that I loved her.

When the news spread that it might be the day she passed, family members were coming to say their goodbyes, until my mom randomly woke up. At this point, she has been in hospice for 4.5 weeks. When she opened her eyes, I was upset. I was upset my mom was alive. I felt like such a horrible human. I walked outside with my heart in my stomach as I saw my dad leaned over crying talking on the phone. I couldn't imagine going through the process of saying goodbye again. My mom was up and talking for about 5 more days until she went back into a state of total unconsciousness. My dad decided to kick me and my siblings out, and send us to our aunt's house at the beach because he didn't want us to see her in that state anymore.

The beach was my moms favorite place. She would sit on the beach from 9 AM-5 PM every chance she would get. She would take any chance she got to go to the beach, especially since it meant spending more time with her kids. She always had a Grapefruit Crush in her hand and soaked up the sun. She looked so beautiful on the beach and she was in her element. I was sitting on the beach, and had a thought that I needed to tell my mom, but realized I couldn't. My mom was still alive, but I couldn't talk to her. I felt weak. I didn't want this to be the end. I had tears in my eyes as my sister said "Ryan, me and Tommy (my brother) are going to go to Jason Aldean on Sunday, do you want to go? I wanted to go, but for some reason the word "no" came out of my mouth. From that moment forward, all I could think about was my mom. I told my siblings I wanted to go back home that night, I couldn't be away from mom anymore.

When we got back home, there was no change in my moms status. We were told, by hospice, to leave her be and she will go on her own. A few days after returning home from the beach, I woke up and my siblings got ready to go to the concert as me and my dad stayed home with my mom. Around 3 PM, I took a nap and woke up to my dad coming out of their room and said "can you go check her breathing?" I went in and she had the death rattle, I knew today was the day. From then on, my dad and I alternated going in and checking on her until about 7:30. We layed in bed with her and realized her skin was ice cold. I layed there until I couldn't anymore, and I went downstairs. Around 9 PM, my worst nightmare came true. I heard my dads footsteps, and turned the corner and said "I think so, I think she's gone." I had never felt a true heart break and such emptiness ever.

We then had to call my siblings at the concert. We called each of them about 20 times. My brother finally picked up and we had to tell them over the phone. I heard my sister scream and sob, that was the moment where I realized this is real life. Friends and family members started trickling in, I met my siblings outside and hugged them in the driveway as they came home from the concert. My sister looked up at me and said, "we didn't answer your calls because we were dancing. We were dancing when mom took her last breath, just like she wanted." I felt relief in this moment, my mom passed away just the way she wanted to and I knew she wasn't in pain anymore.

As I continue living life without my mom, I realize every single thing I do is to make her proud. I have matured and grown as an individual. As I am constantly paralyzed by the pain that is caused by her death, I remind myself that I am lucky enough to feel this great amount of pain because my mother was such a phenomenal person. There is nothing I wish more than to be able to pick up the phone and call my mom, but I feel peace that she is watching over me and sees my every move. She fought her hardest fight for a month and half to give us the time we desperately needed to say goodbye to her, and for that, I will forever be grateful. I celebrate her existence everyday and am so incredibly grateful to have the best Angel looking over me.

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the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

Dear author, your poignant article about the loss of your mother touched my soul. The depth of your emotions and the vulnerability in your words brought tears to my eyes. I am truly sorry for your loss and can only imagine the pain you must be feeling. May your mother's soul rest in eternal peace, and may you find solace and strength in the cherished memories you shared. Sending prayers and healing thoughts your way.

the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

In my prayers.

the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

I have been there. I'm really excited that you got that experience, some people go through life and never know This makes us all more understanding of life and death. Yeah it's hard but,I would not have missed it for anything. Praying for you and your family

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Ryan Harman: the Essay That Made the Teacher Cry

Table of contents, bittersweet moments before tragedy, processing loss and the rollercoaster of emotions, a teen’s tribute resonates.

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The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry: A Story of Impactful Writing

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In the realm of education, the power of words transcends mere communication; it has the ability to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and leave a lasting impact. One such profound experience was witnessed in a classroom setting when a student penned down an essay that moved their English teacher to tears. This essay not only showcased the student’s mastery of language but also delved into deeper emotions and themes that resonated profoundly. In this article, we will explore the journey of how a simple assignment turned into a poignant expression of human experience, leaving an indelible mark on both teacher and student.

Understanding the Assignment

Heading 1: Unraveling the Assignment

The genesis of this transformative essay lies in a seemingly ordinary classroom assignment. Assigned by the English teacher, Ms. Thompson, the task was simple: write a reflective essay on a personal experience that had a significant impact on one’s life. The instructions were clear, yet the potential for profound introspection and emotional expression was immense. You can also read Simplifying SSIS 816: A Comprehensive Guide

The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry

Heading 2: The Composition

Within the confines of a blank sheet of paper, the student embarked on a journey of self-reflection and storytelling. They poured their thoughts, emotions, and memories onto the page, weaving together a narrative that would ultimately resonate deeply with their audience. The primary keyword, “the essay that made my English teacher cry,” encapsulates the essence of this narrative, hinting at the emotional depth and resonance embedded within its lines.

Heading 3: Crafting Emotion

As the essay unfolded, the reader (in this case, Ms. Thompson) was taken on a rollercoaster of emotions. The student masterfully crafted their words to evoke empathy, sympathy, and ultimately, tears. Through vivid descriptions, heartfelt anecdotes, and raw vulnerability, they painted a picture of human experience that transcended the confines of the classroom.

Heading 4: Tears of Empathy

As Ms. Thompson read through the essay, she found herself deeply moved by the student’s words. Each sentence resonated with her on a personal level, stirring up memories, emotions, and reflections of her own. The essay tapped into universal themes of love, loss, resilience, and hope, striking a chord that reverberated within the depths of her soul.

Heading 5: A Lesson in Humanity

The tears that welled up in Ms. Thompson’s eyes were not merely tears of sadness but also tears of profound empathy and understanding. In that moment, she realized the true power of literature and writing – to connect, to heal, and to inspire. The student’s essay served as a poignant reminder of the human experience and the importance of empathy in both teaching and learning.

In the end, the essay that made my English teacher cry was more than just a piece of writing; it was a testament to the power of words to touch hearts, provoke thoughts, and inspire change. Through its emotional resonance and profound insight, it left an indelible mark on both teacher and student, reminding them of the transformative potential of storytelling. As we reflect on this powerful narrative, let us remember the words of Maya Angelou: Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.

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Teen goes viral as essay that made teacher cry has the internet in tears

The essay that made my English professor cry TikTok

A teen by the name of Ryan Harman has gone viral on TikTok after sharing an essay she wrote that made her English professor cry – and it’s now making all of TikTok cry too.

The pen might not be mightier than a sword if you find yourself in a sword fight. However, it is a good tool if you want to make your teachers cry. This is what Ryan Harman did after submitting a personal essay. And she also decided to share it on TikTok.

In just two days, the video has been watched over six million times and has accumulated over 882,500 likes, and for good reason.

The reason? It makes most people who read it burst into tears.

What is the essay that made my English teacher cry trend on TikTok?

Ryan decided to write an essay about her mom, who died in 2022 after a battle with cancer. She explains the heart-wrenching and tragic story of her mother passing away from cancer when she was just 18 years old. 

“From the day she was diagnosed, she lost a different part of her every day. She was strong, resilient, loving, caring and most of all the best mom anyone could ask for,” she wrote. 

It starts with her explaining how proud she’d been after her mom had managed to go to her high school graduation after being unable to leave the house.

the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

Ryan went on to describe how she went on a beach vacation with her friends. While away, her mom suddenly stopped replying to her FaceTime calls. However, Ryan decided not to worry and continued to enjoy her time away.

As she got back home, her mom had gotten significantly worse. The tumors had grown rapidly and her spine had 75% collapsed, and she then entered hospice care and never got back up from her bed.

“The first couple of days following her entering hospice care, I was in shock. I didn’t believe that my mom was going to die when I was only 18,” Ryan wrote.

The rest of the essay detailed the family’s last moments with their mom while her “heart shattered into a million pieces”.

It’s making people all across the world cry

The response Ryan got after posting the essay on her TikTok has been nothing but supportive. With over 20,700 comments, the compliments keep flooding in.

One person commented: “This has me ugly crying right now, you’re so strong. I know your mom is so proud of who you’ve become.”

Another said: “I just sobbed. Im so beyond sorry for your loss, this is beautiful.”

“I just cried so much, this is so good,” a third person wrote.

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The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry: A Journey Within

Ricky Nguyen

“The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry” has recently become a viral sensation in the rapid and ever-evolving digital landscape of today. With content varying from humorous memes to touching tales effortlessly captivating millions globally, the internet serves as a grand stage for global sharing and connection.

This essay, crafted meticulously by a high school student, has not only mesmerized its widespread readers but also moved its initial recipient, the student’s English teacher, to tears. With its deeply emotional and stirring content, the essay resonates with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

It underscores the significance of emotional intelligence, emphasizing its powerful role and the indelible impact it can imprint on others. This piece of writing stands testament to the innate human potential for empathy, understanding, and the transformative influence wielded by words.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, often overlooked in favor of more quantifiable skills, is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives, allowing us to navigate relationships, make informed decisions, and empathize with others.

This essay, written by a teenager, beautifully captures the essence of emotional intelligence and its profound impact on the people around us. It serves as a testament to the power of emotional understanding and the deep connections it can foster.

The Essay That Moved a Teacher to Tears

The essay, titled “A Journey Through Emotions,” was assigned as a class project on the topic of emotional intelligence. The teenage student, who wishes to remain anonymous, poured their heart and soul into the assignment, sharing personal experiences and reflections on their own emotional journey.

They delved into their deepest feelings, exploring their emotional growth and the lessons they had learned along the way. Little did they know that their words would have such a profound effect on their teacher, moving them to tears and sparking a wave of emotional resonance that would soon spread across the internet.

A Personal Connection

Essay by Ryan Harman

The teacher, who has been teaching for over a decade, was deeply moved by the essay. It resonated with them on a personal level, as they too had experienced similar emotions and challenges throughout their own life.

The raw honesty and vulnerability displayed in the essay struck a chord with the teacher, reminding them of the power of emotional intelligence and the importance of acknowledging and expressing our emotions. The essay served as a mirror, reflecting their own experiences and emotions, and highlighting the universal nature of emotional struggles and growth.

The Impact of the Essay

After reading the essay, the teacher couldn’t help but shed tears. They were not tears of sadness, but rather tears of empathy and understanding. The essay had touched them in a way that no other piece of writing had before.

It reminded them of the power of emotional intelligence and the profound impact it can have on our lives. The essay served as a catalyst, sparking a wave of emotional resonance that would soon spread across the internet. It was a testament to the power of words and the deep emotional connections they can foster.

Going Viral

Ryan Harman

The teacher, deeply moved by the essay, decided to share it with their colleagues and friends. They posted it on their social media platforms, hoping to share the powerful message with others. Little did they know that it would soon go viral, capturing the attention of millions of people around the world.

The essay was shared on various social media platforms, where it quickly gained traction and started to spread like wildfire. It resonated with people from all walks of life, sparking a wave of emotional resonance and highlighting the universal nature of emotional struggles and growth.

The Internet’s Response

The internet was captivated by the emotional essay, with many people expressing their own experiences and emotions in response. The comments section of the post was flooded with messages of support, empathy, and gratitude. People from all walks of life shared how the essay had touched them and reminded them of the importance of emotional intelligence in their own lives.

The essay sparked a wave of emotional resonance, with people from all over the world connecting over their shared experiences and emotions. It served as a reminder of the universal nature of emotional struggles and growth, and the profound impact that our words can have.

Lessons Learned

Ryan Harman Pictures

This viral essay serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that emotional intelligence can have on others. It highlights the importance of acknowledging and expressing our emotions, as well as the power of vulnerability and authenticity.

The essay also serves as a call to action, urging readers to cultivate their own emotional intelligence and to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. It serves as a testament to the power of emotional understanding and the deep connections it can foster.

In a world that often values logic and reason over emotions, this emotional essay serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of emotional intelligence. It has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world, reminding us of the power of vulnerability, authenticity, and empathy.

As we navigate through life, let us remember the lessons learned from this essay and strive to cultivate our own emotional intelligence, making the world a more compassionate and understanding place for all. Let this essay serve as a reminder of the profound impact that our words can have, and the deep emotional connections they can foster.

the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

Ricky Nguyen is a talented author and journalist known for his expertise in covering the latest news about celebrities and the entertainment industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Ricky has made a name for himself as a prominent figure in the world of entertainment journalism.

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Ryan Harman and her mom

Ryan Harman lost her mom to cancer last year.

In an essay for her English class, she divulged the heart-wrenching journey from diagnosis to death — bringing the internet and her West Virginia University professor to tears.

Harman shared the lengthy text in a viral TikTok video this week, garnering more than 13 million views and 45,000 teary responses.

At a time when her life was “supposed to be at its peak,” everything fell apart, she wrote, explaining that her mom was diagnosed with sarcoma, which invades bones and soft tissue , in 2021.

Harman went on to write that her mom got to see her and her sister graduate from high school, but it wasn’t until the newly minted graduate was on a celebratory beach trip with friends that things went downhill.

Harman and her mom in a selfie

Her mom stopped replying to texts and calls, and when Harman returned home, her mom was bedridden with a 75% collapsed spine due to tumor growth.

Dedicated to a life of no regrets, Harman spent as much time as possible with her mom, laying in bed with her, holding her hand.

“She told us, ‘When I take my last breath, I want you guys to dance, don’t cry, dance,'” Harman wrote, expressing shock that she would be losing her mother at just 18.

In the summer of 2022, Harman’s siblings attended a Jason Aldean concert while she opted to stay home — that ended up being the night their mom died. Harman and her father rang them “about 20 times” until someone picked up.

When they arrived home, Harman’s sister said: “We didn’t answer your calls because we were dancing. We were dancing when mom took her last breath, just like she wanted.”

Harman before a school dance with her mom

That was the line that choked up viewers .

“The dancing part got me,” one viewer admitted. “I am so sorry for your loss.”

“‘We didn’t answer your calls because we were dancing,'” another quoted. “I lost it.”

“I can’t stop crying,” confessed someone else.

“This broke my heart in the most beautiful way,” a TikToker agreed.

Harman holding her mom's hand

Some invested readers even made their own videos in response, many showing themselves tearing up or fully crying .

“No bc that essay deserves an award,” one user wrote on a clip .

“Me sobbing in the middle of work bc I read the essay,” shared another person on their own video . “‘We didn’t answer bc we were dancing.'”

The Post has reached out to Harman for comment.

Harman's mom kissing her face

“There is nothing I wish more than to be able to pick up the phone and call my mom, but I feel peace that she is watching over me and sees my every move,” Harman wrote.

“I celebrate her existence everyday and am so incredibly grateful to have the best Angel looking over me,” she concluded the essay.

Harman and her mom in a selfie


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Teenager's essay about her mother reduces English teacher to tears

Teenager's essay about her mother reduces English teacher to tears

A teen’s heartwrenching essay that made her professor cry has gone viral on TikTok leaving readers “sobbing”.

Teenager Ryan Harman penned the personal essay when she was just 18 years old after losing her mother to cancer.

The TikTok has been viewed almost 7 million times and racked up 1 million likes as Harman shared screenshots of the story she penned about her mother’s untimely death.

Harman’s heartbreaking story began with her explaining that her mother had been diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer in January 2021.

At the time, Harman explained, her mum made it her mission to be around to see her children graduate and attend prom.

The TikToker wrote: “She never asked the doctors for a time expectancy, she wanted to live the best she could with her 3 children and her husband.

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“My mom had a goal from the start, to watch me go to my senior prom and to see me and my sister, Madeline, walk across the stage at graduation. She achieved both of those goals.”

As her mother’s condition worsened, Harman described the agony of knowing she was going to lose her mother, writing: “My heart shattered into a million pieces.”

Harman recalled being by her mother’s side almost constantly towards the end and feeling a sense of “relief” when the final moment came that “my mom passed away just the way she wanted to and I knew she wasn’t in pain anymore”.

The essay left other TikTokers in tears, with many in the comments commenting on how proud her mother would be of her.

“I can’t stop crying,” one person commented.

Another said: “Beautifully written, I know she is so proud of you.”

Someone else wrote: “I’m sobbing.”

One TikToker commented: “This has me ugly crying right now, you’re so strong. I know your mom is so proud of who you’ve become.”

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Student’s Emotional Essay Touches English Teacher’s Heart

the essay that made the teacher cry pdf

As a high school student, it’s not often that you come across an assignment that truly moves your teacher to tears. But for Ryan Harman, a senior at Lincoln High School, that’s exactly what happened when he submitted his most recent English essay. The emotional depth and raw honesty of his writing touched the heart of his English teacher, Mrs. Thompson, and left a lasting impact on everyone who had the opportunity to read it.

The Impact of Ryan’s Essay

Ryan’s essay was a personal reflection on his struggles with anxiety and depression, and how writing has become his outlet for coping with these challenges. In his essay, he vividly describes the feelings of isolation and fear that often accompany mental health issues, and how he discovered solace in the act of putting pen to paper. Mrs. Thompson was deeply moved by Ryan’s willingness to open up about such personal experiences, as well as his ability to articulate his emotions with such clarity and insight.

The essay not only showcased Ryan’s exceptional writing skills, but it also provided a powerful message of hope and resilience to anyone who has ever faced similar struggles. Mrs. Thompson knew that Ryan’s words had the potential to inspire and comfort others who may be going through similar experiences, and she was overwhelmed by the bravery and vulnerability displayed in his writing.

The Emotional Response

When Mrs. Thompson first read Ryan’s essay, she was immediately struck by the emotional depth and vulnerability present in his words. As she continued to read, she found herself becoming increasingly moved by the raw honesty and authenticity of his writing. By the time she finished the essay, tears were streaming down her face, and she knew that she had just encountered something truly special.

After composing herself, Mrs. Thompson knew that she had to share Ryan’s essay with her colleagues and students. She believed that his words had the power to start important conversations about mental health and the importance of self-expression. She also knew that Ryan’s essay could serve as a reminder to everyone that it’s okay to ask for help and to express your emotions in healthy ways.

The Aftermath

After sharing Ryan’s essay with the rest of the school, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Students and teachers alike were deeply moved by the honesty and vulnerability displayed in his words, and many shared their own stories of struggle and recovery as a result of reading his essay. Ryan himself was surprised by the impact his writing had on others and was grateful for the opportunity to share his experiences in such a public forum.

As a result of the attention his essay received, Ryan was invited to speak at an assembly about mental health awareness and the importance of seeking help when needed. His words resonated with everyone in the audience, and he received numerous messages of support and gratitude for his willingness to share his story. Ryan’s essay had not only touched the heart of his English teacher, but it had also impacted the entire school community in a deeply meaningful way.

Ryan Harman’s essay was a powerful reminder of the impact that personal storytelling can have on those who hear it. His willingness to open up about his struggles with mental health not only touched the heart of his English teacher, but it also resonated with an entire school community. Ryan’s essay served as a catalyst for important conversations about mental health and the importance of self-expression, and it provided comfort and inspiration to those who may be going through similar experiences. His words were a testament to the power of writing as a tool for healing and catharsis, and they left a lasting impact on everyone who had the opportunity to read them.

1. What inspired Ryan to write such a personal essay?

Ryan was inspired to write about his struggles with mental health as a way to cope with his own experiences, and to provide comfort and inspiration to others who may be facing similar challenges.

2. How did the school community respond to Ryan’s essay?

The response to Ryan’s essay was overwhelmingly positive, with students and teachers alike expressing their gratitude for his willingness to share his story and start important conversations about mental health.

3. What impact did Ryan’s essay have on the school community?

Ryan’s essay had a profound impact on the school community, sparking important conversations about mental health and the importance of self-expression. It also provided comfort and inspiration to those who may be struggling with similar experiences.

the essay that made my english teacher cry ryan harman As an English teacher, I’ve read countless essays over the years, but there are always a few that stand out. One such essay was written by a student of mine, and it touched my heart in a way I’ll never forget. The essay was about the struggles the student had faced in their personal life, and how they had overcome them through the power of words and self-expression.

The essay was raw, emotional, and incredibly honest. The student poured their heart onto the page, detailing the challenges they had faced and the impact those challenges had on their mental and emotional well-being. It was clear that writing this essay had been a cathartic experience for them, and the vulnerability they displayed was both brave and inspiring.

Reading the essay, I felt a deep sense of empathy and compassion for the student. It was a reminder of the power of storytelling and the ability of language to connect us at the most fundamental level. The student’s words were a window into their soul, and I felt honored to have been trusted with such a personal and meaningful piece of writing.

The essay also highlighted the student’s resilience and strength. Despite the obstacles they had faced, they had found solace and healing in writing. It was a testament to the transformative power of language, and it reminded me of the profound impact that literature and creative expression can have on our lives.

After reading the essay, I knew that I had to reach out to the student and let them know how much their words had moved me. I wanted to acknowledge the courage it took to write such a personal essay and commend them for their honesty and vulnerability. I also wanted to offer my support and encouragement, and let them know that they had a safe space in my classroom to continue expressing themselves through writing.

The student’s essay was a reminder of why I became a teacher in the first place. It was a powerful demonstration of the impact I could have on my students’ lives, and it reaffirmed my commitment to creating a nurturing and supportive environment in my classroom. It was a poignant reminder that every student has a story to tell, and that by listening and providing a platform for their voices to be heard, I could make a difference in their lives. The essay touched my heart in a profound way, and it will stay with me for the rest of my career. the essay that made my english teacher cry ryan harman

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Chronicles of Learnia

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The things that make an english teacher cry (happy tears) , part 1.

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