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Paragraph On Sunny Day

Paragraph On Sunny Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Paragraph On Sunny Day: A sunny day is a pleasurable gift from nature, filling our lives with warmth, brilliance, and a sense of joy. It’s a day when the sun shines brightly, spreading its golden shafts across the sky and casting a luminous gleam on everything it touches. In this composition, we will explore the beauty and significance of sunny days, how they affect our mood, and the colorful conditioning we can indulge in to make the utmost of these noble moments.

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Paragraph On Sunny Day

In this blog Paragraph On Sunny Day, we include About Paragraph On Sunny Day, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On Sunny Day for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On Sunny Day is also available in different languages. In this, Paragraph On Sunny Day, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

On a sunny day, the world seems to come alive with warmth and vibrant energy. The sun’s shafts gently kiss the earth, casting a golden gleam upon everything it touches. The sky is a brilliant blue oil, adorned with ethereal white shadows that lazily drift by. People are filled with a sense of joy and sanguinity, as they lounge in the sun’s benevolent grasp. The air is fresh and amping , carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers and lately cut lawn. It’s a day for out-of-door adventures, whether it’s a tardy perambulation in the demesne, a fun and games with loved bones , or simply soaking up the sun’s shafts while reading a book. A sunny day brings a sense of tranquility and happiness, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that nature has to offer.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 150 Words For Classes 4, 5 Children

On a sunny day, nature seems to rejoice in all its splendor. The sun rises in a majestic blaze, casting its warm gleam upon the world. The sky is a brilliant breadth of blue, unmarred by the fewest hint of a pall. catcalls pip jovially, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breath. The air feels crisp and amping , carrying the scent of lately bloomed flowers and recently cut lawn. People are drawn outside, seeking solace and joy in the grasp of the sun’s shafts. premises and auditoriums come vibrant capitals of exertion, as families gather for picnics, children frolic on swings, and musketeers engage in lively exchanges. Sun kissed faces are adorned with grins, and horselaugh fills the air. It’s a day for tardy walks, for exploring new places, or simply chancing a quiet spot to lounge in the warmth. A sunny day lifts spirits, invigorates the soul, and reminds us of the essential beauty and wonder that surrounds us.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 200 Words For Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

On a sunny day, the world seems to come alive with vibrant energy and endless possibilities. The sun’s shafts gracefully illuminate everything they touch, casting a warm gleam upon the earth. The sky stretches out in a brilliant blue breadth, adorned with ethereal white shadows that drift lazily by. The air is filled with a gentle breath, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and lately cut lawn.

People adventure outside, embracing the noble rainfall with open arms. premises and auditoriums come havens of exertion as families gather for picnics, children run and play, and couples tromp hand in hand. The thoroughfares are bulging with life as people go about their day, their faces adorned with bright grins and a renewed sense of joy.

catcalls pip jovially from the treetops, their melodious songs filling the air with a symphony of nature’s music. notions buzz from flower to flower, diligently collecting quencher, while butterflies gracefully dance amidst the petals. The world is bulging with life and vitality, as if the sun’s shafts have breathed new life into every living critter.

The warmth of the sun’s grasp soothes the soul and lifts the spirits. It brings a sense of tranquility and pleasure, washing away any worries or stresses that may have dallied. The golden sun invites people to lounge in its gleam, encouraging them to take a moment of respite and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

As the day progresses, the sun sluggishly descends toward the horizon, casting a mesmerizing display of colors across the sky. The warm tinges of orange and pink makeup a stirring background against the fading light. And as the sun sets, leaving behind a trail of radiant twilight, a sense of gratefulness fills the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to witness the beauty of a sunny day.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

A sunny day is a pleasurable respite from the slate and caliginous rainfall that frequently prevails. It’s a gift from the welkin, a radiant burst of light and warmth that fills our hearts with joy. From the moment the sun rises, its golden shafts pierce through the curtains, gently blarneying us out of slumber. The world outdoors awakens in harmony with the sun, as nature emerges from its nightly slumber.

The sky is transformed into a vast canvas of azure, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drift lazily by. The air feels crisp and invigorating, carrying the subtle scent of blooming flowers and freshly mown grass. It beckons us to step outside, to immerse ourselves in the wonders of the day.

As we venture outdoors, the sunshine caresses our skin, warming us from within. The world is bathed in a soft, luminous glow that accentuates every color and detail. Trees stand tall and proud, their emerald leaves shimmering in the sunlight. Flowers burst forth in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, their petals reaching for the sky.

In parks and gardens, people gather to enjoy the splendors of the day. Families spread out picnic blankets, sharing laughter and food under the shade of towering trees. Children run and play, their laughter echoing through the air, while couples stroll hand in hand, basking in the serenity of the surroundings. The atmosphere is alive with happiness and contentment.

The songs of birds fill the air, a melodious symphony that resonates with nature’s harmony. Bees flit from flower to flower, their wings buzzing in rhythmic delight. Butterflies gracefully dance amidst the blossoms, their vibrant wings carrying them on a whimsical journey. Everywhere you look, life abounds, energized by the sun’s life-giving rays.

The sun’s warmth soothes our souls and lifts our spirits. It casts a gentle spell, filling us with a renewed sense of hope and positivity. Worries and troubles seem to dissipate in the face of the sun’s brilliance, replaced by a sense of tranquility and gratitude. It invites us to slow down, to take a moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

A sunny day is a treasure that fills our lives with brilliance, joy, and a sense of connection to the world around us. It has the power to hoist our mood, produce beautiful recollections, and inspire us to embrace the prodigies of nature. Whether it’s engaging in out-of-door conditioning, landing moments through photography, or simply reposing in the warmth of the sun, a sunny day invites us to decelerate down, appreciate the present, and find solace in its radiant grasp.

Read More: Sky Paragraph

Paragraph On Sunny Day (FAQs)

Question 1. Are there any health benefits of spending time in the sun?

Answer: Spending time in the sun can boost vitamin D situations, ameliorate mood, and enhance overall well- being. still, it’s important to exercise sun safety and avoid inordinate sun exposure.

Question 2. Can a lack of sun affect our mood?

Answer: Yes, a lack of sun, particularly during downtime months, can lead to seasonal affective complaint( SAD) or general passions of low mood and languor. Sunny days can help combat similar goods.

Question 3. Are there any pitfalls associated with sun exposure?

Answer: Inordinate sun exposure without protection can lead to sunburn, unseasonable aging, and an increased threat of skin cancer. It’s pivotal to balance sun exposure and sun protection.

Question 4. Can I get enough vitamin D from sun alone?

Answer: While sun is a natural source of vitamin D, it may not give sufficient situations for everyone. Factors like skin type, geographical position, and sunscreen use can affect vitamin D conflation.

Question 5. What are some inner conditioning to enjoy on a sunny day?

Answer: Still, you can still enjoy a sunny day by opening curtains and hangouts to let natural light in, engaging in inner pursuits, If you prefer to stay outdoors.

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A beach on a sunny day

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A beach on a sunny day                                                   James Weir

I woke up one morning feeling very hot. As I opened my eyes I noticed the intense brightness all around the room.  The sun was gleaming through a crack in the curtain.  My bedroom was usually like an old dusty dark street, but now it is a lovely bright and warm sunny room.  I suddenly felt happy in my self, because I thought this could be a day spent at the long sandy beach.

I got out of my bed yawning and got dressed into some shorts and a brightly coloured tee-shirt.  I quickly ate some cereal and toast, had a drink of cold fresh orange juice, picked up my beach towel and set off to the beach.

On the way, I could really feel the wind from the sea and the sun shining down on me as if the sun knew me and was drawing me closer and closer to the golden sands.  As I drew even closer to the beach I could hear the faint children’s voices wailing as if in pain, but they were not in pain, they were just having fun running around and enjoying the sunshine.   The closer I got to the beach I could hear sounds of laughter from the people, the sound of the waves lapping onto the shore, the cry of the seagulls as they swished and swooped over the water, ducking and diving for fish.  Everyone was enjoying the sunshine and relaxing on the fine sand.

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As I reached the beach the fine sand stretched out before me and it gave me a sense of freedom seeing the big expanse of sand.  Dotted along the stretch of sand were colourful windbreaks sheltering people from the sea breeze.  In my mind I knew that the sun had brought people down to the seaside.    

This is a preview of the whole essay

On the horizon I could see sailing boats with white sails racing around the course set out by orange buoys.  Although it was extremely sunny I could really feel the wind going through me like a drill, which was strangely refreshing. I could not help smiling to myself as I thought about the day ahead on the beach.

As I looked around I thought to my- self that the beach is like one big playing field as most people were playing games of some sort.  Some were playing tennis, children were playing cricket, footballs were being kicked, rugby balls were being thrown and caught, other people were paddling in the sea or playing catch in the water or just swimming about.  I couldn’t wait to join in.

With all the sounds of the activities taking place it was like one huge orchestra of beach sounds.   I had never heard so many different sounds together in my life, but surprisingly the noise was music to my ears.  There were boats banging around, wind howling through the windbreaks, children shouting and laughing, babies crying and all the time the sound of the sea in the background. I felt excited and wanted to join in and really enjoy every minute of my day on the beach.  

I sauntered to the other end of the beach where there is a gift shop called The Holidaymakers shop which sold the coolest items ever like shells, fossils and fridge magnets. An ice cream stall was situated at the other end of the beach.  Children and adults were eating delicious strawberry, vanilla or chocolate ice cream with flakes stuck into the side.  It was the loveliest sight in the world.

There was so much to see and do.  I wandered along the beach to where you could hire wind surfers, surf boards and sailing dinghies.  After I looked into the activities I looked in the nearby shop.  The shop was large and bright with the sun reflecting off the mirrors that were for sale on the walls.  The shop was very pricey and must have made lots of money in the summer months.  Next to the shop was a café with decking in the front leading onto the beach.  People were enjoying the sunshine sitting at the tables overlooking people lying under parasols and windbreaks.  It was one of the best cafes around so everyone came here.  The food was brilliant and the service was top class like the service you would get in a London restaurant.  Everyone on the beach was friendly which made the atmosphere almost feel like a carnival.  

It was getting near 5 o’clock and people were starting to leave the beach.  People were packing up their belongings.  Windbreaks were being taken down and picnics put away.  People were leaving after a relaxing time at the lovely, sandy sunny beach.  The children were eating the last of their lunch and ice creams.

After a long day on the beach it was like a mine bomb factory as all the children had dug holes everywhere so you had to dodge them.

I decided that the next time I go the beach I am going to go windsurfing because it looks so exciting to glide along the water on the surf solely propelled by the wind.  It will take some time to get used to it, but I will get the hang of it.

Now most people had gone and the wind had died down there was a deadly hush all around.  All you could hear were the waves breaking on the sand.  It felt really relaxing.  The wind had calmed down and had gone to sleep until the next morning. That is when everyone gets up and goes to the beach again.  Then it’s the normal routine for the sun and the wind.  All the sun cream is going to be sold out at the gift shop!

A beach on a sunny day

Document Details

  • Word Count 966
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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Master List for Describing Weather

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain

A lot of writers struggle with describing settings. I’ve written before about how to describe settings and why it matters , but a few people have told me they’d like me to do some of my master lists for writers to help them out!

I have a weird love for creating lists like this, so I’m happy to do it. “How to describe weather” seemed like a good place to start. This way, you won’t get stuck trying to figure out how to describe nice weather, or thinking up ways to describe rain. Hopefully, this will make your writing go faster.

I always include simple as well as more creative ways to describe or write about weather. Sometimes, the simple word is the one you want! I included dryness and humidity in a few of the categories because it felt weird for them to get their own.

As always, this is not a comprehensive list, and I might add to it. My list will probably make you think of other possibilities, too. Bookmark or pin it for future writing reference!

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

blazing sunshine

glaring sun

baking in the sun


scorching heat

extravagant heat

relentless sun

like a suana

dense tropical heat

radiating heat

blistering heat

oppressive heat

insufferable heat

suffocating heat

heat pressing down

searing sun

shimmering heat

like an oven

like a furnace


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(“Pleasant” is a matter of opinion, of course.)

a beautiful day

a clear day

a temperate day

a golden day

a glorious day

heavenly weather

bright and sunny

a gorgeous spring day

a dazzling summer day

a brilliant autumn day

a vivid blue sky

a cloudless sky

fluffy white clouds

gentle sunshine

lazy sunshine

kind sunshine

filtered sunlight

dappled sunlight

welcome warmth

one of those rare, perfect days

the kind of day that made people forget to worry

the kind of day that lifted people’s moods


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

refreshing air

stimulating cool air

invigorating cool air

bracing cool air

a nip in the air

a brisk day

a chilly day

weak sunshine


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(Most people don’t like gray days, so most of these descriptions are negative. I love them, so I had to add a few positive descriptions.)

colorless sky

a soft gray sky

a dove-gray sky

a gray day made for books and tea

steel-gray sky

granite sky

cement-gray sky

threatening clouds

foreboding clouds


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

glacial air

bitter cold

brutal cold

bone-chilling cold

penetrating cold

devastating cold

numbing cold

punishing cold

dangerous cold

unforgiving cold

too cold to talk

so cold it burned one’s lungs

so cold it took one’s breath away

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

like a blast from a hair dryer

a gust of wind

insistent winds

heavy winds

strong winds

cutting wind

whipping winds

biting wind

wintry squall

violent gale

howling wind

shifting winds

restless wind

fresh breeze

soft breeze

balmy breeze

perfumed breeze

slight breeze

hint of a breeze

stirring breeze

wind rustling through the trees

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

fine drizzle

gray drizzle

pebbles of falling rain

spitting rain

stinging rain

steady rain

rain falling in torrents

cascades of rain

rain beating down

shower of rain

sheets of rain

hard-driving rain

pelting rain

lashing rain

slashing rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

rumbling in the distance

a roll of distant thunder

crash of thunder

crackle of thunder

crack of thunder

clap of thunder

bang of thunder

booming thunder

rattled with thunder

earth-shaking thunder


a furious storm

flash of lightning

streaks of lightning


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

flurries of snow

dancing flakes

snowflakes floating down

snowflakes wafting down

swirling snow

falling thick and fast

big flakes falling like petals

blinding snowstorm

raging blizzard

sparkling expanses

blankets of white

caked with snow

boulders of snow

branches coated in ice

glittering ice

crystallized by frost

silvered with frost

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

clouds of mist

swirling mist

billowing fog

cloaked in mist

cocooned in fog

shrouded in fog

enveloped by fog

smothered by fog

made mysterious by fog

the fog rolled in

the fog was burning off

the fog was lifting

the fog was clearing

the fog was dissipating

I have many lists like this in my book  Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More . Check it out!

Master Lists for Writers by Bryn Donovan

Do you describe weather conditions in your writing? Do you have a favorite example of a weather description? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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21 thoughts on “ master list for describing weather ”.

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In my current WIP, weather is a crucial element. Not only is the woman in the romance a professional photographer — of weather — but it is a weather phenomenon, namely a tornado, that brings them together. So the description of the sky and the weather is quite detailed in places (specially as the supercell storm roars down on them).

On another angle, the phrase “gloriously sunny” is one that despite having that horrible “ly” adverb (shudder) is so evocative of the type of weather and the POV character’s attitude (and possibly even the type of weather that has gone before), that it’s powerful. It says a huge amount with only two words.

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Hi Chris! Oh, wow…that’s a lot more detailed than most of us ever get in writing about the weather. It sounds like a great premise!

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I will need this list as I begin edits next month on my WIP. I currently live in Hawaii, but am writing a story at Christmas time in Vermont. 🙂 Thank you!

Aw, nice! That’s some very different weather from what you’re used to. 🙂

It really is! And traveling to the climate I need isn’t ideal right now. So, off to the freezer I go! 🙂

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Wow! This is fantastic. Thanks. You ARE a master at this.

  • Pingback: Master List for Describing Weather – Written By Bryn Donovan – Writer's Treasure Chest

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This is comprehensive! It’s bookmarked for future use. Thanks!

Thanks, Steve, I’m glad you liked it!

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Amazing list that goes beyond the words that I struggle with – especially describing the rain-painted setting of Snowdonia.

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Love your lists. You don’t have one for beaches by any chance? Would this, including the weather be another book by any chance??

Hi, Nicole! It’s funny you should ask. 🙂 I am going to release a second, more expanded version of MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS . It’s going to have several setting descriptions in there (including a whole list for beaches!), and the weather list will be in there, too! I’m hoping to get it done before November of this year, but we’ll see. Thanks for asking!

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That’s awesome and look forward to it’s release.

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I am in Chinan. I happened to enter this web-link and want to learn more about writing, I wonder if there are any descriptive passages. I can only find some words and expressions…

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That was really useful. Thank you!

  • Pingback: The Power of Vision in Writing | Writers In The Storm

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This list is fabulous. Thank you for sharing it. I will be consulting it when incorporating weather elements into writing my next picture book.

  • Pingback: How’s The Weather In Your Story? – Writer's Treasure Chest

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Beginning A Composition With Weather Descriptions

  • Sunday, Sep 9th, 2018
  • Composition Framework
  • Writing Techniques

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Weather description is one of the easiest ways for young writers (6 to 8 years old) to begin their compositions. This is also usually the first story starter that they are being taught in school.

For children who are weak in the language, writing a good weather description can be an easy and effective way to get them started in their composition.

However, most teachers do not encourage flowery weather descriptions such as these:

“White fluffy clouds dotted the azure blue sky as the sun beamed beatifically, casting a golden glow upon the earth.”

“The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue, dotted with feathery white clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky.”

You get the picture.

Proper Use of Weather Descriptions in English Compositions

Weather descriptions is an easy way for young writers to begin their stories. Primary 1 and 2 students can start their compositions with weather descriptions, if weather plays a part in the plot.

There is no need to memorise a hugh chunk of bombastic weather descriptions.

Simple words can sometimes be more effective than bombastic ones.

These are some of the weather descriptions written by our P1 and P2 students:

“It was a cool and breezy evening. A strong gust of wind blew against my face.” 

“It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.”

“Lightning flashed across the sky. A storm was coming.”

Short. Simple. Readable.

The kids came up with these weather descriptions themselves, without memorising any bombastic phrases.

Most importantly, they are natural, something which children can understand, remember and apply in their writing.

Model Compositions for Primary School

Get this set of PSLE Model Compositions with writing techniques highlighted.

So, how can children be taught to write weather descriptions?

For children who are really weak in the language, even writing a simple sentence to describe a sunny day can be difficult. These children often resort to starting their compositions with “One day, we went…” or “One fine day, Peter was …” or “Last Sunday, my family and I …”.

Such story beginnings can be boring and not captivating.

Students can learn to write effective weather descriptions.  In our classes, we get our students to do brainstorming.

1. Brainstorm and make a list of all kinds of weather that you can think of.

  • cold and rainy
  • cool and breezy
  • bright and sunny
  • scorching hot

2. For each weather type, imagine how the sky, sun, clouds and other weather elements look like.

Describe each element in simple, readable English .


Describe the sun: – shines brilliantly – bright – like a fire ball

Describe the sky: – clear, blue sky

Describe the clouds: – white, fluffy clouds – sunlit clouds

3. Form sentences using some of these descriptions.

It was a  bright and sunny  day. The  sun shone brilliantly  in the  clear, blue sky .

It was a  bright and sunny  day.  White, fluffy clouds  drifted across the  clear, blue sky .

The above 3 steps are effective in teaching young children (Primary 1 to 3) to come up with weather descriptions that sound natural. Most children are able to come up with beautiful weather descriptions without resorting to the method of memorising huge chunks of unreadable flowery language.  

Download the FREE Brainstorming Sheet for Weather Description

Use Weather Descriptions Appropriately 

Some students have the habit of starting every composition with weather descriptions, regardless of topic or setting. Remember to use weather descriptions only if weather plays a part in your story. For example, if a rainy weather contributes to the plot of the story, it is a good idea to describe the weather, especially the rain and the coldness.  If a story is set outdoors, it is fine to describe the weather too.

However, many students fell into the trap of starting their compositions with describing the sun, the clouds and the sky when their story is set indoors! This is a huge mistake, which should be stopped.

Other Types of Story Beginnings

For stories which are not set outdoors or not affected by the weather, there are other types of story beginnings that can be used.

Students can begin their compositions with speech , which is also a common way of beginning a primary school composition.

Another effective way is to begin with a captivating statement or an intriguing question. Such a beginning hooks readers immediately to read on. When used correctly, it piques a reader’s curiosity and make them want to continue reading to find out what happens next.

Upper primary students can begin their stories with character descriptions . This is useful to show a change in the character at the end of the story. For example, a timid person who became courageous, or a bully regretting his actions and turning over a new leaf.

Beginning with an action is great if you want to move the story along quickly. Students can use suitable vivid verbs to clearly describe a character’s actions at the beginning of the story.

good phrases for compositions

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Writing is a skill that improves with practice.

Enrol in our highly popular Writing Academy or Junior Writing Academy , our online courses that support primary school students in developing their English composition writing skills.

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Sample narrative essay - A day at the beach

sunny day essay

It was a sunny day at the beach. The sand was hot under our feet. My little brother Xoli started crying. “Pick him up, Busi,” my mother said.

I picked him up. He was so heavy. And his nose was dirty. I didn’t want that snot on my summer top! I put him down and he started crying again. “Pick him up!” my mother shouted. I picked him up again, wishing I didn’t have a baby brother who was always such a pain.

Finally we got to a good spot and spread out the towels. My mother got out her magazine and started reading. I tried to play on my cellphone but the sun was too bright. So I lay down and closed my eyes.

Suddenly I realised it was quiet – too quiet. I sat up and looked for Xoli. He was nowhere around. Then I saw him. He was digging in the sand close to the water and a big wave was coming. “Xoli!” I shouted. But he didn’t hear me.

I started running as fast as I could. My mother had heard me and she came after me too. But we were too late. The huge wave swept him off his feet. I rushed into the water and managed to grab hold of his arm before he could be sucked out to sea. I picked him up. He was spluttering and crying. When I saw he was all right I nearly started crying too. “Why did you go so far?” I started shouting.

But my mother took him from me gently. “He is just a baby, Busi. We should have been watching him.” The two of us sat with Xoli and built a sandcastle. I found shells to decorate the castle and Xoli clapped his hands. My mother went to buy us ice creams.

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sunny day essay

Essay on Sun

sunny day essay

The sun is a star and the centre of our solar system. It is made of gases that create heat and light. You can see it in the sky on a sunny day and feel its warmth on your skin. The sun is an essential resource for life on mother Earth . It not just gives us warmth but also helps the plants grow. We would be freezing and in a dark place without the sun. BYJU’S essay on sun helps us learn some interesting facts.

Apart from providing us with warmth and light, the sun provides us with solar energy for our homes and provides us with vitamin D, which helps our bodies stay strong and healthy. Moreover, plants can only grow if they get enough sunlight. Animals depend on sunlight to keep themselves warm during the winter season. Now, let us read some facts about the sun by reading an essay on the sun in English.

It is incredible to learn that the sun is vital to our planet. The sun is the closest star to our planet Earth. It is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. The sun is like a giant nuclear furnace and releases lots of energy. It is the source of all life on Earth, providing heat and light for plants, animals , and people. The sun is always shining , and with the help of the light it emits, it makes our world bright enough for us to work outside every day. BYJU’S essay on sun for kids is a helpful tool to help them understand the solar system and its brightest star.

Importance of Sun

After learning about the sun, let us start reading about the importance of the sun that helps save Earth by referring to BYJU’S essay on sun. The sun is an essential component of life. The leaves on plants can’t perform photosynthesis without light, so they need the sun to survive. Without enough light, they will die, and the animals that depend on it will eventually starve to death. Without the sun, our whole planet would become a frozen wasteland.

Sunlight helps increase serotonin, which can improve one’s mindfulness. The sun also helps with the water cycle by evaporating water from the water bodies on the Earth’s surface. Without the sun, life on Earth would not exist.

To conclude, this essay on sun in English is an excellent way to help your little ones improve their vocabulary and knowledge. For more kids learning activities, such as worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the magnitude of the sun.

The magnitude of the sun is -26.74.

What are the gases that comprise the sun?

The sun is made up of gases like oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.

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University of California - San Diego

A sunny day anonymous, tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. what about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are.

When I found out I had been cast as Emile de Becque in the musical South Pacific, I was excited but confused, and even a little scared. Why had I been picked as the lead, even though I was a sophomore with no experience singing in the operatic style of Emile? How was I going to pull off a French accent? What did a French accent even sound like? Was I just going to make a fool of myself?

These questions agonized me. I seriously considered telling the drama teacher that I thought she had made a mistake, that someone else could do the job better than I could, and that I’d rather take a smaller role. But then I remembered why I enjoy drama so much. I love the pressure. I love how you have to face the audience, showing no fear, and become someone else for those few moments on stage. Most of all, I love the sense of accomplishment after a good show. I realized that, because this would be my most challenging role yet, it could end up being my most fulfilling one. So, after laughing at the insanity of what I was about to do, I set to work.

First, I tried to figure out how to speak with a French accent. I looked at old versions of the play, and tried to mimic the way Emile spoke. My drama teacher told me I sounded like Count Dracula, so...

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sunny day essay

Boredom is but a window to a sunny day beyond the gloom

<p><em>Photo by Mihai Surdu/Unsplash</em></p>

Photo by Mihai Surdu/Unsplash

by Neel Burton   + BIO

sunny day essay

What, exactly, is boredom? It is a deeply unpleasant state of unmet arousal: we are aroused rather than despondent, but, for one or more reasons, our arousal cannot be met or directed. These reasons can be internal – often a lack of imagination, motivation or concentration – or external, such as an absence of environmental stimuli or opportunities. We want to do something engaging, but find ourselves unable to do so and, more than that, are frustrated by the rising awareness of this inability.

Awareness, or consciousness, is key, and might explain why animals, if they do get bored, generally have higher thresholds for boredom. In the words of the British writer Colin Wilson : ‘most animals dislike boredom, but man is tormented by it’. In both man and animal, boredom is induced or exacerbated by a lack of control or freedom, which is why it is so common in children and adolescents, who, in addition to being chaperoned, lack the mind furnishings – the resources, experience and discipline – to mitigate their boredom.

Let’s look more closely at the anatomy of boredom. Why is it so damned boring to be stuck in a departure lounge while our flight is increasingly delayed? We are in a state of high arousal, anticipating our imminent arrival in a novel and stimulating environment. True, there are plenty of shops, screens and magazines around, but we’re not really interested in them and, by dividing our attention, they serve only to exacerbate our boredom. To make matters worse, the situation is out of our control, unpredictable (the flight could be further delayed, or even cancelled) and inescapable. As we check and re-check the monitor, we become painfully aware of all these factors and more. And so here we are, caught in transit, in a high state of arousal that we can neither engage nor escape.

If we really need to catch our flight, maybe because our livelihood or the love of our life depends on it, we will feel less bored (although more anxious and annoyed) than if it had been a toss-up between travelling and staying at home. In that much, boredom is an inverse function of perceived need or necessity. We might get bored at the funeral of an obscure relative but not at that of a parent or sibling.

So far so good, but why exactly is boredom so unpleasant? The 19th-century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that, if life were intrinsically meaningful or fulfilling, there could be no such thing as boredom. Boredom, then, is evidence of the meaninglessness of life, opening the shutters on some very uncomfortable feelings that we normally block out with a flurry of activity or with the opposite feelings. This is the essence of the manic defence, which consists in preventing feelings of helplessness and despair from entering the conscious mind by occupying it with opposite feelings of euphoria, purposeful activity and omnipotent control – or, failing that, any feelings at all.

In Albert Camus’s novel The Fall (1956), Clamence reflects to a stranger:

I knew a man who gave 20 years of his life to a scatterbrained woman, sacrificing everything to her, his friendships, his work, the very respectability of his life, and who one evening recognised that he had never loved her. He had been bored, that’s all, bored like most people. Hence he had made himself out of whole cloth a life full of complications and drama. Something must happen – and that explains most human commitments. Something must happen, even loveless slavery, even war or death.

People who suffer from chronic boredom are at higher risk of developing psychological problems such as depression, overeating, and alcohol and drug misuse. A study found that, when confronted with boredom in an experimental setting, many people chose to give themselves unpleasant electric shocks simply to distract from their own thoughts, or lack thereof. Out in the real world, we expend considerable resources on combatting boredom. The value of the global entertainment and media market is set to reach $2.6 trillion by 2023, and entertainers and athletes are afforded ludicrously high levels of pay and status. The technological advances of recent years have put an eternity of entertainment at our fingertips, but this has made matters only worse – in part, by removing us further from our here and now. Instead of feeling sated and satisfied, we are desensitised and in need of ever more stimulation – ever more war, ever more gore, and ever more hardcore.

T he good news is that boredom can also have upsides . Boredom can be our way of telling ourselves that we are not spending our time as well as we could, that we should be doing something more enjoyable, more useful, or more fulfilling. From this point of view, boredom is an agent of change and progress, a driver of ambition, shepherding us out into larger, greener pastures.

But even if we are one of those rare people who feels fulfilled, it is worth cultivating some degree of boredom, insofar as it provides us with the preconditions to delve more deeply into ourselves, reconnect with the rhythms of nature, and begin and complete highly focused, long and difficult work. As the British philosopher Bertrand Russell put it in The Conquest of Happiness (1930):

A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow processes of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers as though they were cut flowers in a vase.

In 1918, Russell spent four and a half months in Brixton prison for ‘pacifist propaganda’, but found the bare conditions congenial and conducive to creativity:

I found prison in many ways quite agreeable … I had no engagements, no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I wrote a book, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy … and began the work for Analysis of Mind … One time, when I was reading Strachey’s Eminent Victorians , I laughed so loud that the warder came round to stop me, saying I must remember that prison was a place of punishment.

Of course, not everyone is a Bertrand Russell. How might we, mere mortals, best cope with boredom? If it is, as we have established, an awareness of unmet arousal, we can minimise boredom by: avoiding situations over which we have little control; eliminating distractions; motivating ourselves; expecting less; putting things into their proper perspective (realising how lucky we really are); and so on.

But rather than fighting a constant battle against boredom, it is easier and much more productive to actually embrace it. If boredom is a window on to the fundamental nature of reality and, by extension, on to the human condition, then fighting boredom amounts to pulling back the curtains. Yes, the night is pitch-black, but the stars shine all the more brightly for it.

For just these reasons, many Eastern traditions encourage boredom, seeing it as the path to a higher consciousness. Here’s one of my favourite Zen jokes:

A Zen student asked how long it would take to gain enlightenment if he joined the temple. ‘Ten years,’ said the Zen master. ‘Well, how about if I work really hard and double my effort?’ ‘Twenty years.’

So instead of fighting boredom, go along with it, entertain it, make something out of it. In short, be yourself less boring. Schopenhauer said that boredom is but the reverse side of fascination, since both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.

Next time you find yourself in a boring situation, throw yourself fully into it – instead of doing what we normally do, which is to step further and further back. If this feels like too much of an ask, the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh advocates simply appending the word ‘meditation’ to whatever activity it is that you find boring, for example, ‘standing-in-line meditation’.

In the words of the 18th-century English writer Samuel Johnson: ‘It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible.’

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Sunny Anderson's Spicy Green Goddess Burger

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Sunny anderson's spicy green goddess burger.

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The Significance and Function of the Mayan Calendar

This essay about the Mayan calendar explores its sophisticated structure and significance in the ancient Maya civilization. It describes the three main components—Tzolk’in Haab’ and Long Count—and their roles in religious agricultural and historical contexts. The essay also highlights the calendar’s reflection of Mayan cosmology its impact on social and political systems and its enduring legacy in modern times.

How it works

Mayan calendar stands how the wonderful achievement of old civilization of maya removing their leading understanding to astronomy and timekeeping. This refined system that hugs frequent associate cycles not only facilitated the agricultural planning and ritual ceremonies but and serves as deep cultural and religious native stones.

In his kernel Mayan a calendar consists of three expressive but associate systems: Tzolk’in Haab’ and Long Count. Tzolk’in whether Saint Around is a 260-day cycle that combines 20 adopted days with 13 numbers.

This cycle is foremost used for religious and ceremonies of aims conducting the choice of time of substantial rituals and events. Haab’ how Indefinable Year – 365-day a sunny calendar was divided by 18 months of 20 days each additional short plus month five days known how Wayeb’. Haab’ evens close with a sunny year helping in agricultural activity marking seasonal changes and important periods for placing and harvest.

Presumably the most intriguing aspect of Mayan of calendar is Long Count that herring more long periods and used to write down historical dates higher than millennium. Unlike Tzolk’in and Haab’ Long Count provides the linear count of days from the fastened nadawczego point believed to be on August 11 3114 To our era. To hug ability of this system the wide amounts of time are underlined by the deep matter of Representatives’ of people of maya how history so and prophecy giving to them possibility to celebrate events far during past and the futures.

Co-operation between them three calendars are created by the cyclic understanding of time deeply built to Mayan of cosmology. This perception of time how cyclic instead of that linear removes them worldview where events and experience is part of standard what returns. Such point of view is obvious in their mythology and religious practices where the cycles of creation and destruction play central role.

One of the most famous aspects of Mayan of the calendar system is his far-sighted prophecy of world’s of December 21 end 2012. This date marked the end of substantial cycle in the calendar of Long Count especially completion 13 – ?? of baktun. Contrary to the popular mistranslations Representatives of people of maya did not provide for that apokaliptyki closed but quicker moving to the new era. For a maya end of one cycle and second beginning is possibility for updating and transformation.

The tangled nature of Mayan of calendar also demonstrates civilization leading knowledge of astronomy. Smoothing of Tzolk’in and Haab’ with blue bodies and events for example sunny eclipses and motions of Venus distinguishes their refined observant habits. Churches and observatories during the region of May for example those in Chichen Itza and Copan oriented often to level with astronomic events doing an accent on importance of the merciful phenomena in their culture.

To that the calendar system had deep social and political values. Mayan of ruler and elite used their understanding of time and calendar to legalize their power and divine right to manage. Leveling their dominations with substantial calendrical cycles they strengthened connecting to Gods and space that is why fixing their plenary powers above their themes. The legacy of the Mayan calendar endures in modern times particularly among the descendants of the Maya people who continue to use the Tzolk’in for ceremonial purposes. The calendar’s influence also extends beyond indigenous communities captivating the imaginations of scholars archaeologists and the general public alike. Its complexity and precision continue to be subjects of study and admiration shedding light on the intellectual achievements of the ancient Maya civilization.

In conclusion the Mayan calendar is much more than a timekeeping system; it is a testament to the ingenuity and depth of the Maya’s understanding of the universe. Its intricate cycles reflect their views on time astronomy and the cosmos serving as a bridge between the terrestrial and the divine. The enduring fascination with the Mayan calendar speaks to its profound impact on both ancient and modern cultures reminding us of the timeless quest to comprehend the rhythms of the world around us.


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The Significance and Function of the Mayan Calendar. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from

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"The Significance and Function of the Mayan Calendar," , 06-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 7-Jul-2024] (2024). The Significance and Function of the Mayan Calendar . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 7-Jul-2024]

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I was in the Panhandle recently visiting family. On the long drive between Pensacola and Jacksonville, I noticed something that made me pull off the interstate and investigate.

Not far from the musical sign that marks the bridge over the Suwannee River , I encountered what looked to be a former farmer’s field. Now, it had sprouted a new crop: acre after acre of solar panels.

Maybe it’s because I’d been listening to classic rock on the car radio, but my first thought when I saw all those gleaming silver rectangles was a Beatles song: “Here Comes the Sun.”

Our duly elected doofuses have lately taken to sneering at clean energy sources. For instance, our fine Legislature voted to ban offshore windmills , even though nobody wants to build those near Florida .

That bill also deleted most mentions of climate change from state law (as if that will stop it). It prompted Gov. Ron DeSantis to endorse a repeal of the state’s clean energy goals.

“Our energy bill that we did, it wasn’t about saying or not saying ‘climate change,’” DeSantis claimed, according to Politico . “It was a substantive piece of legislation to say that in the state of Florida our energy policy is going to be driven by affordability for Floridians and reliability. … We want low energy costs. And that means you’ve got to utilize things like natural gas.”

Low energy cost? Apparently, our Ivy League-educated governor missed the news that from 2020 to 2022, the price of U.S. natural gas more than doubled.

Roughly three-fourths of Florida’s power plants burn natural gas for fuel. That’s a major reason why Florida’s energy bills are the fourth highest in the nation .

You know what’s a cheaper source of energy than natural gas?

“There’s no fuel cost,” said Jim Fenton , executive director of the Florida Solar Energy Center at the University of Central Florida. “It’s kind of like printing money.”

Most solar in the South

Whenever I have a question about solar power in Florida, I always call Fenton. He’s not only extremely knowledgeable about the industry, he’s as enthusiastic about it as I am about key lime pie. (Trust me, that is a high bar.)

I told him what I saw from the Lee exit off Interstate 10 in Madison County, and he said I was right. Solar farms are springing up across Florida like mushrooms after a hard rain.

“That’s pretty much all the utilities are building now,” he explained. “They’re building solar like crazy.”

I heard the same thing from Bryan Jacob , the solar power expert for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. “Florida has the most solar of any Southern state, and it’s one of the top three in the country,” he told me.

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The most solar in the South? And Dawn Shirreffs of the Environmental Defense Fund said she’s seen the same thing. She told me that one of the state’s major utilities is so invested in solar it “has no natural gas in its 10-year plan.” But she said Florida should be doing so much more.

“We could be making and exporting solar energy and it could be a huge economic driver, rather than importing natural gas from other states and paying for that,” Shirreffs said.

Still, what’s going on now marks a major turnaround for Florida, said Jacob. Just seven years ago, “Florida was not living up to its Sunshine State moniker. They have really come a long way.”

Florida’s utilities are now generating 9 gigawatts of solar power, he said. In case you see that sentence and say, “What the watt?” I will explain. A watt is a measure of power. There are 1 billion watts in 1 gigawatt. You can power about 750,000 homes with 1 gigawatt, so with 9 you can run nearly 7 million.

Not just the IRA

I assumed the reason for all this sun-worshipping construction work was the federal Inflation Reduction Act . It provides more than $369 billion in clean energy incentives — ironically, many in the districts of Republicans who voted against the law .

But Fenton and Jacob cited other factors too. Fenton, the UCF solar expert, told me it’s partly because of rules — or lack of them — from the Florida Public Service Commission, the little-known state agency that’s in charge of utility regulation.

“The PSC allows them to build 75-megawatt solar fields without first proving there’s a need for them,” he explained. “There’s a lot less paperwork that way, and the utilities can strategically place them wherever they can find cheap real estate.”

The farm I saw was Duke Energy’s Winquepin Renewable Energy Center , which was built on nearly 530 acres in Madison County. It uses its 220,000 solar panels to generate 74.9 megawatts per day — just a hair under 75. Duke says that’s producing enough emissions-free electricity to supply nearly 23,000 households.

Now multiply that by similarly sized solar farms in Santa Rosa County, Walton County, Calhoun County, Clay County, Suwanee County, Baker County, DeSoto County, Union County and so on. While building them requires hundreds of workers, they operate with a tiny staff, which saves money for the customers.

Fenton added that, while our state officials are turning their backs on clean energy and the battle against climate change, the state’s utilities are definitely not.

“They all have set sustainability goals,” he told me.

That’s a standard corporate practice these days, because such goals can lead to cost reductions, increased revenue and other good stuff for the stockholders.

Jacob, the solar power expert for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said the utilities are pursuing sun power so hotly because it makes economic sense. They’re looking at the bottom line, not the horizon line.

“Public officials don’t embrace this agenda,” he said, “but so much of this is driven by market forces. The utilities have seen the costs decrease and the technology improve over the last five years.”

Chasing the sun

The utilities are happy to talk about their large investment in lots of little solar energy farms.

Florida Power & Light, for instance, has the largest array of solar plants in the country. It has opened 78 solar centers in Florida to generate about 5,700 megawatts of power for 31 of Florida’s 67 counties.

“Solar energy is the most cost-effective source of new power generation we can invest in on behalf of our customers, saving customers’ money by helping remove fuel costs from energy bills,” FPL spokesperson Chris Curtland told me. ”These investments have saved customers more than $900 million in avoided fuel costs since 2009, with more than $500 million in savings in the last two years.”

How dedicated is FPL to chasing the sun? Jacob said that after the company bought Gulf Power in the Panhandle , FPL built a 160-mile transmission line from North Florida to its main customers in South Florida. Now it can harvest the rays of the setting sun later in the afternoons and shoot the power down to millions of people who live where dusk has already settled in.

Duke Energy, owner of that site that I saw from I-10, “has built approximately 1,300 MW so far,” spokesperson Ana Gibbs told me. “We have 225 MW under construction.”

I was curious whether their solar panels were made in China, and the answer is an emphatic no. They’re manufactured by Arizona-based First Solar and Canadian Solar , which means they originate from the land of Mounties, moose and Molson beer, eh?

Duke, which had a not-so-great experience with a Florida nuclear plant , started building new solar farms in 2018, she said. You may recall that’s when the Palm Beach club owner who was president at the time kept nattering on about “beautiful, clean coal.” However, Duke was worried about the fluctuation of natural gas costs, and rightly so.

Gibbs pointed out exactly what Fenton did: Customers don’t have to pay a dime for fuel costs when the fuel comes from the rays of Ra .

Florida’s other, smaller utilities are equally avid in their pursuit of more solar capacity, say Fenton and Jacob. The only folks who don’t seem to be on board this electric train are our elected “leaders.”

Shady, not sunny

Five years ago, FPL sent out a news release that announced a “groundbreaking ‘30-by-30′ plan to install more than 30 million solar panels by 2030 (and) make Florida a world leader in solar energy.”

You won’t believe who was quoted in the news release. It was a newly elected governor named DeSantis. He was so pro-solar, he sounded positively — ohhhh, what’s that word for being aware of what’s going on in the world? Oh yeah — “woke.”

“I am supportive of programs that will provide Floridians with greater access to affordable, clean energy which will help propel the state to a healthier future,” he said then. “We live in the Sunshine State and solar energy is a natural resource that should be seriously considered. … As Florida’s energy needs continue to grow at a rapid pace, it is important that we diversify our energy resources.”

Since then, except for one brief but crucial 2022 veto of an FPL-backed bill that could have killed the private solar industry, DeSantis has seemed far more interested in working in the shade than for sweet sunshine.

If DeSantis had continued the pro-solar vein, he would have been like one of his Republican predecessors, Jeb Bush. Nearly 20 years ago, Bush was warning that the state relied too much on natural gas to fuel its power plants

“I think there’s more we can do in solar energy,” Bush said then.

Unfortunately, DeSantis became an ardent advocate of fossil fuels. I find it amusing that DeSantis has shown scant interest in Florida’s solar surge, because he loves to talk about how technology can solve our problems.

Hey, he says, instead of cutting back on pollution, we can fix our toxic algae blooms by paying an Israeli company millions to dump hydrogen peroxide into the water . Hey, instead of cutting back on fossil fuels, we can deal with sea-level rise by installing lots of pipes and pumps and walls .

You know what would be a cool technology fix for our soaring cost of power here in Florida where high utility bills have some folks skipping meals ? If the governor and Legislature would try to encourage the utilities to install even more solar panels to produce economical energy for our growing population.

Shirreffs, of the Environmental Defense Fund, said the best option is for them to just get out of the way and let market forces continue to push the spread of solar panels across the state. That’s been working well so far. But I thought of a few things they could do to make it even more of an attractive investment.

They could tell the Public Service Commission to increase the 75 MW limit to something larger for solar — 200 or 300, for instance.

They could use some of that Seminole Tribe gambling money to finance construction of bigger batteries to store the solar power longer.

They could even help poor people buy solar panels to put on top of their homes, and require it for the construction of new state buildings. Personally, I’d like to see some panels on the governor’s mansion.

None of this is likely to put our politicians’ mugs on Fox, but it will help bring down the high cost of living in Florida. It could even do something effective to counter climate ch— oh wait, I forgot, they don’t want us to mention that. Consider it an unspoken side benefit.

Craig Pittman is a native Floridian. In 30 years at the Tampa Bay Times, he won numerous state and national awards for his environmental reporting. He is the author of six books. In 2020, the Florida Heritage Book Festival named him a Florida Literary Legend. He is co-host of the “Welcome to Florida” podcast. He lives in St. Petersburg with his wife and children. This essay , reprinted under a Creative Commons license, originally appeared in the Florida Phoenix.

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A reader peruses the shelves at The Ripped Bodice bookstore in Brooklyn.

Romance Bookstores Are Booming, Dishing ‘All the Hot Stuff You Can Imagine’

Bookstores once shunted romance novels to a shelf in the back. But with romance writers dominating the best-seller lists, a network of dedicated bookstores has sprung up around the country.

Romance bookstores are largely owned and operated by women, with women making up most of the genre’s readers. Credit... Natalie Keyssar for The New York Times

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Alexandra Alter

By Alexandra Alter

  • July 7, 2024

Last summer, when Mae Tingstrom had the idea to open a romance bookstore in Ventura, Calif., the first thing she did was search online to see whether there was already one in her region. She found The Ripped Bodice — a bookstore in Culver City that was doing so well, it was expanding to a second location in Brooklyn.

“That was intimidating,” she said.

If their success was daunting, it also suggested that there might be room for another romance store. So this February, she opened Smitten on a busy strip of Main Street, about 60 miles from her competitor. In the months since, Smitten has become a vibrant hub for romance readers, with author signings, tarot readings, book clubs and trivia and craft nights.

Customers sometimes approach her with highly specific requests. “Someone came in and was like, ‘I like fantasy, I want it to be queer, I want it to have representation from a different culture and I want it to be as smutty as possible,’” Tingstrom said.

And they come in often. “I have regulars who come a couple of times a week,” Tingstrom said. “I’m like, didn’t you just buy two books the other day?”

Once a niche that independent booksellers largely ignored, romance is now the hottest thing in the book world. It is, by far, the top-selling fiction genre, and its success is reshaping not only the publishing industry, but the retail landscape as well.

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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My husband and I have been together for 13 years. Neither of us wears a wedding ring.

  • Neither my husband or myself wear wedding rings and people are often surprised to find out.
  • We've been together for 13 years, have two kids and a puppy together.
  • I do have an engagement ring but don't wear often because I'm not a fan of wearing jewelry.

Insider Today

When I meet people, they're usually surprised to find out I'm married . That's because I don't wear a wedding ring. Don't fault me, though — neither does my husband.

Contrary to popular belief, we do this not because we are looking for free drinks or scandalous trysts. We just don't feel like wearing them. For us, it has worked — for 13 years, with two kids and a new puppy.

People don't always understand

Some may find this difficult to understand, as rings that symbolize marital commitment are deeply rooted in many cultures.

When I mention my husband, most people just look at my left index finger. I catch a familiar look for a split second.

"Why don't you wear a ring if you're married?" I've been asked so many times.

I live in the suburbs of Boston , where people generally follow and stick to tradition. But I'm originally from Colorado , and people there are more relaxed about such things. I know several couples from home who choose not to wear wedding rings. This may be because they do extreme sports regularly, or it's just not the same thing as it feels here on the East Coast, where everyone loves to sport their multi-carat rocks.

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Back in Colorado, people have never noticed, like they do here in Boston.

I've been at work and colleagues have asked with genuine curiosity and perplexion why I don't wear a ring. Does my husband wear one? Am I not enraged that he doesn't? They seem especially confused when I answer that I don't care he doesn't want to wear one.

My husband did propose with a ring

I do have an engagement ring, and I am glad he got me one. I love it even though it isn't what I pictured it would be when I was young. If I had an endless supply of money, I still wouldn't change it. It's a symbol of what we've gone through.

My husband proposed on a sunny afternoon in May. We had spent the day at Cheesman Park in Denver and walked to a wine bar nearby. I was not expecting it, but he pulled out a diamond ring and asked if I would marry him.

When we got married, we signed the paperwork and said we'd have a reception later. But he got a job in another city so our energy suddenly went to relocating. So, I suppose that not wearing a wedding ring is partly that the ritual of getting married got interrupted. After the move, our lives started anew, and we never quite got back to planning and organizing what would have been the initial traditions of our life together.

I don't love rings in general

Ultimately, I don't find wearing rings or other jewelry comfortable for long periods. As a writer, I'm on the computer for hours a day and rings and other jewelry get in the way of typing.

Also, I've become more casual as I've gotten older. Like jewelry, I probably wear makeup three or four times a year. I never want to invest the time on it.

Perhaps it's a combination of having two kids and going through the pandemic. There aren't as many events or outings I go to post-pandemic that require getting dressed up, which is when I'd typically wear jewelry. And if I am going to spend time on my appearance, nine times out of 10, it's going to be at the gym because that's where I get the benefits of health and fitness.

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Essay on Rainy days for Students and Children

500+ words essay on rainy days.

Essay on Rainy Days – Rainy days are different from any other day. They hold great importance for everyone differently. People have different reasons to wait for the Rainy Season eagerly. After all, it brings a sigh relief for everyone. No matter what the weather may be, a rainy day relaxes and soothes our soul. There is no age limit to enjoy rainy days people of almost every age enjoy it equally. Thus, rainy days are very important for a number of reasons.

Essay on Rainy Days

Importance of Rainy Days

As stated earlier, rainy days are enjoyed by people of all ages. The kids are probably the most excited lot of all. Rainy days bring pleasant weather and uplift the moods of kids. Moreover, it gives them a chance to step out and play in the rain, jump in the puddles and make paper boats.

Similarly, for students, a rainy day means a break from school. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine as the school declares a holiday. The joy of going to school on a rainy day enjoying the weather and then realizing the school is closed is one of a kind experience. The students become relaxed and spend their day doing other activities like going out with friends and more.

If we look at rainy days from the perspective of a common man, we see how it brings them relief from the heat. It changes their mood and also their dull routine. In other words, rainy days give them a chance for rejuvenation amidst the stress.

Most importantly, we see rainy days are of utmost importance for farmers. It is quite essential for the production of crops. It provides them with adequate water to make their crops flourish which will eventually benefit them.

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My Rainy Day Experience

When I think of rainy days, it brings back very special memories for me. However, one memory is such which is the closest to my heart. I remember our teacher scheduled a test for us when it started raining heavily.

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I woke up in the morning with the fear of taking the test for which I was not prepared. I prayed to God for the cancellation of the test. As I was getting ready, it started raining heavily. I got dressed up and went to school with my father, and to my surprise, we came to know the school was closed that day due to a rainy day.

I was on top of the world when I came to know about it. I returned with my father and came back then undressed. Immediately, I changed into my home clothes to go f\and bathe in the rain on my terrace. I played with my siblings a lot in the rain; we made paper boats as well. After we were done, we saw that my mother was making onion fritters. She served them burning hot with chili chutney. We relished the fritters as we watched the rainfall. It was truly one of the most memorable rainy days of mine.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do rainy days benefit farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Rainy days benefit farmers the most. They bring a sigh of relief for them. As it waters their crops free of cost and helps them flourish. They give them good produce which, in turn, benefits them eventually.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can one enjoy rainy days?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”There are various ways to enjoy their rainy days. You can sit in your balcony and sip on tea while enjoying the weather. Moreover, you may go out in the garden or terrace and bathe in it. Make paper boats and take a long drive on the road as well.”} }] }

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  22. The best essay. A Beautiful Sunny Day at the Park Down the street from

    A Beautiful Sunny Day at the Park Down the street from my house, where you can see the sun finally coming up for a bright autumn day,"— Presentation transcript: 1 The best essay 2 A Beautiful Sunny Day at the Park Down the street from my house, where you can see the sun finally coming up for a bright autumn day, sits an old wooden park bench.

  23. I've Been With My Husband 13 Years but We Don't Wear Wedding Rings

    Essay by Tracee M. Herbaugh. 2024-07-05T12:53:01Z ... My husband proposed on a sunny afternoon in May. We had spent the day at Cheesman Park in Denver and walked to a wine bar nearby. I was not ...

  24. Essay on Rainy days for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Rainy Days. Essay on Rainy Days - Rainy days are different from any other day. They hold great importance for everyone differently. People have different reasons to wait for the Rainy Season eagerly. After all, it brings a sigh relief for everyone. No matter what the weather may be, a rainy day relaxes and soothes our soul.

  25. 10 Lines on Sunny Day || Essay on A Sunny Day in English

    10 Lines on Sunny Day || Essay on A Sunny Day in English || A Sunny Day Essay Writing

  26. 5 Lines on Sunny Day in English || 5 Lines Essay on Sunny Day

    5 Lines on Sunny Day in English || 5 Lines Essay on Sunny DaySubscribe our channel for More English Essay.Thank You😊⏩ Topics Covered ⏪5 Lines on Sunny Day5 ...

  27. Elektrostal, Russia Weather Conditions

    Length of Day . 10 h 1 m . Tomorrow will be 4 minutes 31 seconds longer . Moon. 1:34 PM. 7:20 AM. waxing gibbous. 90% of the Moon is Illuminated . Feb 24. Full Moon. Mar 3. Waning Half Last Qtr ...

  28. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...

  29. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    Things to Do in Elektrostal. 1. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 2. Statue of Lenin. 3. Park of Culture and Leisure. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.