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Letak subject pronoun dalam kalimat, letak object pronoun dalam kalimat, object pronoun juga bisa terletak setelah preposition., soal latihan subject pronoun dan object pronoun, choose the correct pronoun, complete the sentence with object pronoun., jawaban dan pembahasan.

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Applied Grammar by Gail Brubaker

Subject Pronouns in English: Definition, Examples, and Usage

Subject pronouns are an essential component of the English language, playing a crucial role in sentence structure. They are pronouns that perform the action in a sentence, replacing nouns in the subject position of a clause. By using subject pronouns, you can avoid repetition and make your sentences more concise and easier to understand. But, it is vital to use subject pronouns correctly, as using the wrong one can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. In this text, we will investigate into the definition, usage, and examples of subject pronouns to help you grasp their importance in the English language. So, let’s immerse and discover the area of subject pronouns together!

Key Takeaways

  • Subject pronouns are essential in the English language as they replace nouns in the subject position of a clause, making sentences more concise and easier to understand.
  • Subject pronouns include: I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Each pronoun is used depending on the performer of the action.
  • Subject pronouns should agree in number with the verb in the sentence. Singular subjects require singular verbs, and plural subjects require plural verbs.
  • Using subject pronouns correctly helps create cohesion and clarity in writing, enhancing communication effectiveness.
  • Subject pronouns should be clear and specific in their reference to avoid confusion.
  • Paying attention to context and practicing subject-verb agreement are crucial when using subject pronouns in English.

What are Subject Pronouns?

Subject pronouns play a crucial role in the English language. They are pronouns used to replace nouns in the subject position of a clause, making sentences more concise and easier to understand. Understanding subject pronouns is essential for effective communication in English.

To put it simply, subject pronouns replace the person or thing that is performing the action in a sentence. They help avoid repetition and provide clarity. Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Here are some examples of subject pronouns in action:

  • She is going to the store. (Subject pronoun: She)
  • They are going to the party. (Subject pronoun: They)

Subject pronouns include:

Using subject pronouns correctly is important to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. It is crucial to note that subject pronouns are different from object pronouns. Object pronouns are used when the pronoun is the object of the sentence or follows a preposition.

Here’s an example to illustrate the difference:

  • The cashier helped her at the store. (Object pronoun: Her)

Subject pronouns, such as “he,” “she,” and “they,” are used to replace nouns in the subject position of a sentence. They help create cohesion and clarity in your writing. Correct usage of subject pronouns can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your communication.

In the next sections, we will investigate deeper into the usage and examples of subject pronouns to help you better understand their importance and master their correct usage.

List of Subject Pronouns

In English, subject pronouns play a crucial role in making our language more concise and avoiding repetition. They replace nouns in the subject position of a sentence and tell us who is performing the action. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of subject pronouns.

Singular Subject Pronouns

There are three singular subject pronouns in English: “I,” “you,” and “he/she/it.” Each pronoun is used depending on who is performing the verb.

  • “I” is used when you are the one performing the action. For example, “I am going to the store.”
  • “You” is used when addressing someone directly or referring to them. For example, “You are doing a great job.”
  • “He/she/it” is used when referring to a third person or a non-human subject. For example, “He is a talented musician,” “She loves reading,” or “It is raining.”

Plural Subject Pronouns

We also have plural subject pronouns in English. These pronouns are used when referring to multiple people or things performing the action. Here are the plurals:

  • “We” is used when including yourself and others in the action. For example, “We are going to the beach.”
  • “You” is used when addressing a group of people. This can be used for both formal and informal situations. For example, “You are all invited to the party.”
  • “They” is used when referring to multiple people or things. For example, “They are the winners of the competition.”

Subject pronouns are an essential part of effective communication in English. They replace nouns in the subject position of a sentence, making it more concise and clearer for the reader or listener. By understanding and using subject pronouns correctly, you can express yourself with precision and avoid confusion.

Knowing when and how to use subject pronouns is a fundamental skill in English grammar. Practice using them in different sentences and pay attention to the subject pronouns used in conversations or texts. Make sure to always place the subject pronoun before the verb and use the right pronoun based on the subject performing the action.

Remember, subject pronouns make your language more concise and avoid repetitive use of nouns. So, embrace the power of subject pronouns and enhance your English communication skills.

Subject Pronouns Examples in Sentences

Now that you have a better understanding of subject pronouns and their importance in the English language, let’s investigate into some examples of how subject pronouns are used in sentences. These examples will help you see subject pronouns in action and further reinforce your understanding.

Here are some sentences that showcase the usage of subject pronouns:

  • I am going to the store to buy groceries.
  • You need to finish your assignments before dinner.
  • He is an excellent soccer player.
  • She loves to read books.
  • It is raining outside, so bring an umbrella.
  • We enjoy spending weekends at the beach.
  • They are going on a road trip next week.

In these examples, the subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) are used to replace the nouns that would have otherwise been used as the subject of the sentences. Notice how using subject pronouns makes the sentences more concise and easier to understand.

It’s important to remember, subject pronouns should agree in number with the verb in the sentence. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular as well. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.

Here’s an example to illustrate subject-verb agreement:

  • He is studying for his exams. (Singular subject and verb)

In this sentence, the singular subject pronoun “he” is followed by the singular verb “is studying,” which is in agreement.

Let’s look at an example with a plural subject pronoun:

  • They are playing soccer in the park. (Plural subject and verb)

In this sentence, the plural subject pronoun “they” is followed by the plural verb “are playing,” again demonstrating subject-verb agreement.

Understanding and correctly using subject pronouns is crucial for effective communication in English. By practicing and paying attention to their usage in conversations and texts, you’ll be able to improve your language skills and convey your thoughts more clearly.

Remember, subject pronouns replace nouns in the subject position of a clause. They make sentences more concise and easier to understand. So, keep practicing, and you’ll soon become proficient in using subject pronouns in your English writing and speech.

Using Subject Pronouns in English

Subject pronouns are an essential part of the English language and play a significant role in sentence structure. They are used to replace nouns in the subject position of a clause, making sentences more concise and easier to understand. By using subject pronouns, you can avoid repetition and make your writing more engaging. Here’s everything you need to know about using subject pronouns in English.

Let’s start with the singular subject pronouns. These pronouns are used when referring to one person, animal, or thing.

  • I: This pronoun is used when the speaker is the subject of the sentence. For example, “I went to the store.”
  • You: This pronoun is used when addressing the person being spoken to as the subject. For example, “You should try this new restaurant.”
  • He: This pronoun is used when referring to a male person or animal as the subject. For example, “He is going to the party.”
  • She: This pronoun is used when referring to a female person or animal as the subject. For example, “She is an excellent singer.”
  • It: This pronoun is used when referring to an inanimate object, concept, or gender-neutral entity as the subject. For example, “It is raining outside.”

Let’s move on to the plural subject pronouns. These pronouns are used when referring to more than one person or thing.

  • We: This pronoun is used when the speaker and one or more other people are the subject. For example, “We are going to the beach.”
  • You: This pronoun is used when addressing two or more people being spoken to as the subject. For example, “You all did a fantastic job.”
  • They: This pronoun is used when referring to a group of people or things as the subject. For example, “They went on a vacation together.”

Remember, subject pronouns are crucial for maintaining subject-verb agreement in sentences. The verb must agree with the subject pronoun in terms of number and person. For instance, if the subject pronoun is “I,” the corresponding verb should also be in the first person singular form.

Tips for Using Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns are an important part of the English language, allowing us to replace full nouns and make our sentences more concise and easier to understand. To ensure that you are using subject pronouns correctly, consider the following tips:

  • Be Clear and Specific : One of the key aspects of using subject pronouns is to make sure their reference is clear. Your reader or listener should easily understand which noun the subject pronoun is replacing. For example, instead of saying, “Jim and Tom went to the store, but he forgot his wallet,” it would be clearer to say, “Jim and Tom went to the store, but Jim forgot his wallet.”
  • Practice Subject-Verb Agreement : Subject pronouns must agree with the verbs in the sentence. This means that if the subject pronoun is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject pronoun is plural, the verb should be plural as well. For instance, if you use the subject pronoun “she,” the verb that follows should also be singular. It’s essential to maintain this agreement for grammatically correct sentences.
  • Pay Attention to Context : Along with subject-verb agreement, consider the surrounding context when using subject pronouns. Ensure that the pronouns fit naturally within the sentence structure and provide clarity to your intended meaning. This will help avoid any confusion or ambiguity for your reader or listener.
  • Be Mindful of Gender : English subject pronouns aren’t distinguished by gender, except for the third-person pronouns, “he” and “she.” It’s important to use the correct pronoun that aligns with the gender identity of the person or object being referred to. This small detail can help create an inclusive and respectful tone in your writing or speech.

By following these tips, you can effectively incorporate subject pronouns into your sentences and improve the clarity and precision of your writing. Remember, subject pronouns play a significant role in English sentence structure, and mastering their usage will enhance your communication skills.

Mastering subject pronouns is essential for effective communication in English. By understanding how subject pronouns replace nouns in the subject position of a sentence, you can make your writing more concise and easier to understand. Remember to use singular subject pronouns like “I,” “you,” and “he/she/it” when referring to one person or thing, and plural subject pronouns like “we,” “you,” and “they” when referring to multiple people or things.

Subject-verb agreement is crucial when using subject pronouns. Ensure that the verb agrees with the subject pronoun in number and person. Pay attention to the context to choose the appropriate subject pronoun and be mindful of gender when necessary.

To improve your usage of subject pronouns, practice being clear and specific in your writing. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement to maintain sentence structure. By following these tips, you can enhance the clarity and precision of your writing.

To conclude, subject pronouns play a vital role in English sentence structure. Mastering their usage will help you communicate effectively and confidently in both spoken and written English.

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#1. I gave up ... job because I was ill.

#2. where is sami i have been looking for ... since morning., #3. he gave a powerful speech. ... was about homelessness., #4. i don't remember where ... will hold the meeting., #5. i'm worried about my niece. i really wonder what ... is doing now., #6. can you proofread ... assignment, please, #7. - did your parents go to australia this year - no, ... didn't., #8. mr and mrs craig have just bought a villa near ..., #9. when will your sons finish ... studies, #10. we're throwing a surprise party on ... birthday., #11. have you enjoyed ... vacation, #12. she returned the laptop because ... screen was broken., #13. my brother lost ... bike in the park., #14. the manager is going to discuss ... suggestion in tomorrow's meeting., #15. nita took my glasses by mistake. ... are on the sofa..

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Mastering Subject Pronouns: Your Ultimate Guide to Fluent English Writing

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: August 8, 2023

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If you are learning English, you have probably come across subject pronouns already. However, you may not be entirely sure what they are, how to use them, or why they are important. That’s where we come in!

Subject pronouns are a crucial part of English grammar. They are used to replace personal nouns in a sentence and act as the subject of the sentence. Subject pronouns are essential because they help make sentences shorter, clearer, and more concise. Without them, sentences would be long and repetitive, making it difficult to communicate effectively. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about subject pronouns, including their definition, usage, and examples.

We will start with the basics and move on to more complex concepts, so there’s something for everyone. By the time you finish reading, you will have a solid understanding of subject pronouns and how to use them correctly in your writing. So, let’s get started!

Subject Pronouns – Image

Subject Pronouns

Understanding Subject Pronouns

If you’re learning English, understanding subject pronouns is essential. Subject pronouns are words that take the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence. They help to make sentences less repetitive and more concise.

Here are some examples of subject pronouns:

I I am going to the store.
You You should study for the test.
He He is a good student.
She She is a talented musician.
It It is raining outside.
We We are going to the beach.
They They are coming over for dinner.

As you can see from the table above, subject pronouns can be singular or plural. It’s important to use the correct pronoun based on the subject of the sentence.

Another important thing to remember is that subject pronouns can be used to ask questions. Here are some examples:

Who is coming to the party? They are coming to the party.
What is your favorite color? It is blue.
Where are you going? We are going to the park.

In these examples, the subject pronouns are used to answer the questions. It’s important to use the correct pronoun based on the subject of the question.

Role of Subject Pronouns in Sentences

Subject pronouns are used to indicate who or what is performing the action in a sentence. They are typically placed at the beginning of a sentence, before the verb. Using subject pronouns in sentences helps to avoid repetition and makes the sentence more concise.

For example, instead of saying “John went to the store, and John bought some milk,” we can say “He went to the store and bought some milk.” In this example, “he” is the subject pronoun that replaces the noun “John.”

Subject pronouns can also be used in compound subjects, where two or more subjects are performing the action in a sentence. For instance, “Mary and I went to the movies” uses “I” as the subject pronoun for the first person singular, while “Mary” is the subject pronoun for the third person singular.

Using subject pronouns can also help to avoid gender bias in language. Instead of using gender-specific pronouns like “he” or “she,” we can use gender-neutral subject pronouns like “they” or “them” to refer to a person without specifying their gender.

List of Subject Pronouns

Here is a list of subject pronouns:

I I am going to the store.
You You are my best friend.
He He is playing basketball.
She She is reading a book.
It It is raining outside.
We We are going to the party.
They They are watching a movie.

As you can see, subject pronouns are always singular or plural and can be used in place of any noun that is a subject of a sentence. It is important to note that subject pronouns can also be used to refer to animals or things.

When using subject pronouns, it is important to ensure they match the verb tense and agreement in the sentence. For example, “He runs” is correct, but “He run” is incorrect.

Subject Pronouns in Different Contexts

As we know, subject pronouns are used to replace nouns in a sentence. They are an essential part of English grammar and are used in different contexts, be it formal writing or casual conversation.

Formal Writing

In formal writing, subject pronouns are used to maintain a professional tone. It is important to use the correct subject pronoun to convey the intended meaning. Here are some examples of how subject pronouns are used in formal writing:

  • When writing a business email, it is appropriate to use “I” or “we” as the subject pronoun, depending on who is writing the email. For example, “I am writing to inform you about the new product launch” or “We would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the proposal.”
  • In academic writing, it is common to use “he” or “she” as the subject pronoun when referring to a person. For example, “She conducted a study on the effects of climate change on marine life.”
  • When writing a formal letter, it is appropriate to use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” as the salutation, followed by “I” as the subject pronoun. For example, “I am writing to express my interest in the job opening at your company.”

Casual Conversation

In casual conversation, subject pronouns are used to convey a more relaxed tone. Here are some examples of how subject pronouns are used in casual conversation:

  • When greeting someone, it is common to use “you” as the subject pronoun. For example, “Hey, how are you doing?”
  • When talking about oneself, it is common to use “I” as the subject pronoun. For example, “I went to the beach yesterday.”
  • In a group setting, it is common to use “we” as the subject pronoun. For example, “We should all go out for dinner tonight.”

It is important to note that in casual conversation, subject pronouns can be dropped or shortened for brevity. For example, “Going to the store, want to come?” instead of “I am going to the store, do you want to come?”

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Subject pronouns are a crucial part of English grammar, and they are essential for clear communication. However, they can be tricky to use correctly, and many people make common mistakes when using them. In this section, we’ll discuss two of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Subject-Verb Agreement

One common mistake people make with subject pronouns is failing to match them correctly with the verb in the sentence. This mistake is known as subject-verb agreement, and it can lead to confusion and incorrect grammar.

To avoid this mistake, remember that singular subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it) take singular verbs (e.g., am, is, was), while plural subject pronouns (we, you, they) take plural verbs (e.g., are, were, have). Here are some examples:

  • Incorrect: Me and him is going to the store.
  • Correct: He and I are going to the store.
  • Incorrect: They was at the park.
  • Correct: They were at the park.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Another common mistake is failing to match the pronoun with its antecedent . It must agree with the pronoun in number and gender.

To avoid this mistake, make sure the pronoun matches its antecedent in both number and gender. Here are some examples:

  • Incorrect: Each student must bring their own textbook.
  • Correct: Each student must bring his or her own textbook.
  • Incorrect: The doctor told the patient that they would need surgery.
  • Correct: The doctor told the patient that he or she would need surgery.

Practice Exercises

Learning subject pronouns is an essential foundation in mastering English grammar. To help you practice identifying and using subject pronouns correctly, we have provided some exercises below.

Identifying Subject Pronouns

Before using subject pronouns correctly, it is important to be able to identify them. Here are some examples of subject pronouns in sentences:

  • She is my best friend.
  • They are coming to the party.
  • We went to the beach yesterday.

To identify a subject pronoun in a sentence, look for the word that is performing the action. In the examples above, “she,” “they,” and “we” are all subject pronouns.

Using Subject Pronouns Correctly

Now that you have identified subject pronouns, it is time to practice using them correctly. Here are some exercises to help you:

  • Choose the correct subject pronoun to complete the sentence:
  • ___ is a great singer. (He/Her)
  • ___ and I went to the park. (Him/He)
  • ___ is my favorite color. (It/They)

Answer: 1. He 2. He 3. It

  • Rewrite the following sentences using subject pronouns:
  • The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  • My friends and I went to the movies.
  • The book belongs to my sister.
  • It is sleeping on the couch.
  • We went to the movies.
  • It belongs to my sister.
  • Fill in the blanks with the correct subject pronoun:
  • ___ are going to the beach tomorrow.
  • ___ is the best player on the team.
  • ___ and I are going to the concert tonight.
  • He/She/They

In conclusion, subject pronouns are an essential part of English grammar. They help us avoid redundancy and be more frugal with language. Subject pronouns are used as grammatical subjects in a sentence, and they must be the subject (not the object) of the sentence.

Remember, a sentence’s subject is the person or thing that performs the action of a verb. Subject pronouns replace a personal noun in a sentence and take its place as the subject of the sentence.

Subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and who. These pronouns perform the action in a sentence and are categorized as subjective case (nominative case).

It’s important to use the correct subject pronoun in a sentence to avoid confusion. For example, “He and I went to the store” is correct, while “Him and me went to the store” is incorrect.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of subject pronouns in English?

Subject pronouns are pronouns that take the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence. Some examples of subject pronouns in English include “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, and “they”.

What’s the difference between subject pronouns and object pronouns?

Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, while object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition. For example, “I” is a subject pronoun, while “me” is an object pronoun.

How do you use subject pronouns in a sentence?

To use a subject pronoun in a sentence, simply replace the noun that is the subject of the sentence with the appropriate subject pronoun. For example, instead of saying “John went to the store”, you can say “He went to the store”.

What are the most common subject pronouns in English?

The most common subject pronouns in English are “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, and “they”. These pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence.

Can you give me some exercises to practice using subject pronouns?

Sure, here are some exercises to practice using subject pronouns:

  • The cat is sleeping on the couch. (It)
  • Sarah and I are going to the park. (We)
  • The students are studying for their exams. (They)
  • Fill in the blank with the correct subject pronoun:
  • ___ is going to the party tonight. (She)
  • ___ are the best students in the class. (We)
  • ___ is the tallest person in the room. (He)

Why are subject pronouns important in English grammar?

Subject pronouns are important in English grammar because they help to make sentences shorter and clearer. They also allow us to avoid repeating the same noun over and over again in a sentence. By using subject pronouns, we can communicate more efficiently and effectively.

Subject pronouns are pronouns that take the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence. Some examples of subject pronouns in English include \"I\", \"you\", \"he\", \"she\", \"it\", \"we\", and \"they\".

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What's the difference between subject pronouns and object pronouns?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, while object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition. For example, \"I\" is a subject pronoun, while \"me\" is an object pronoun.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you use subject pronouns in a sentence?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

To use a subject pronoun in a sentence, simply replace the noun that is the subject of the sentence with the appropriate subject pronoun. For example, instead of saying \"John went to the store\", you can say \"He went to the store\".

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the most common subject pronouns in English?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The most common subject pronouns in English are \"I\", \"you\", \"he\", \"she\", \"it\", \"we\", and \"they\". These pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you give me some exercises to practice using subject pronouns?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why are subject pronouns important in English grammar?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

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🏠 / Pronoun / Subjective, Objective, Possessive Case Pronoun: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Subjective, Objective, Possessive Case Pronoun: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

  • Pronoun Case

Lihat juga:

  • First, Second, and Third-Person Pronoun
  • Personal Pronoun
  • Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
  • Plural Family Name
  • Possessive Pronoun

Ada tiga macam pronoun case, yaitu: subjective , objective , dan possessive case dimana beberapa pronoun memiliki bentuk yang sama pada case yang berbeda, seperti: you, his, dan it.

Subjective Objective Possessive, Determiner
I me mine, my
you you yours, your
we us ours, our
they them theirs, their
she her hers, her
he him his
it it its
who whom whose
whoever whomever

Pronoun pada subjective case berfungsi sebagai subject of verb  atau  subject complement ; sedangkan pada objective case berfungsi sebagai object of verb atau  object of preposition . Adapun pronoun pada possessive case dapat berfungsi sebagai subject ataupun object di dalam suatu kalimat.

Contoh Kalimat Pronoun Case

  • I ‘m a former auto technician. (Saya mantan teknisi otomotif.) subject of verb
  • The youngest student in my class is she . (Siswa termuda di kelas saya adalah dia.)  subject complement
  • She prepared it in 5 minutes. (Dia mempersiapkan tu dalam 5 menit.) object of verb “prepared”
  • Who is sitting next to him ? (Siapa yang sedang duduk di sampingnya?) object of preposition “next to”
  • My pen doesn’t work. Can I borrow yours ? (Pena saya tidak bekerja. Bolehkah saya meminjam punyamu?) possessive case, object of verb “borrow”

Subjective Case Pronoun

Pengertian subjective case.

Subjective case adalah case dari suatu pronoun (kata ganti) ketika berfungsi sebagai subject of verb , subject complement (sebagai  predicate nominative  setelah linking verb “be”), atau appositive dari subject of verb atau subject complement. Pronoun yang berada di dalam subjective case yaitu: I, you, they, we, she, he, it, who, dan whoever. Adapun it dan you juga dapat digunakan pada objective case.

Subjective case dikenal juga dengan sebutan nominative case.

Contoh Kalimat Subjective Case

  • I saw him sitting on the grass. (Saya melihatnya duduk di rumput.) subject of clause
  • She is just my friend. (Dia hanya teman.) subject of clause
  • They don’t interfere with each other. (Mereka tidak mengganggu satu sama lain.) subject of clause
  • The traveler who stayed for one night is from Germany. (Wisatawan yang menginap selama satu malam tersebut dari Jerman.) subject of verb “stayed” ( adjective clause )
  • Whoever comes first will be served first. (Siapapun yang datang duluan akan dilayani duluan.) subject of clause
  • The leader of the group was  he . (Pemimpin kelompok tersebut dulunya dia.) subject complement; konstruksi yang lebih natural: He is the leader of the group.
  • This is she . (Ini dia.) subject complement
  • That woman, she , has helped me greatly in life. (Wanita itu telah sangat membantu saya dalam hidup.) appositive dari subject of verb “woman”

Pengertian: subjective case (pronoun) adalah case dari suatu pronoun ketika berfungsi sebagai subject, subject complement, atau appositive dari subject atau subject complement. Pronoun yang berada di dalam subjective case antara lain: I, you, they, we, she, he, it, who, dan whoever.

pengertian subjective case (pronoun)

Permasalahan pada Subjective Case

Subject complement (predicate nominative) pada formal/informal writing.

Baik subject maupun subject complement memang sama-sama berada di dalam subjective case, namun pada informal speech/writing, “me” yang merupakan objective case biasanya digunakan menggantikan “I” karena penggunaannya terdengar lebih wajar dan tidak terlalu formal.

Contoh Kalimat Predicate Nominative

Grammatically Correct Conversation
It’s . It’s .
That’s . That’s .

Compound Subject

Jangan sampai keliru jika kalimat menggunakan compound subject (dua atau lebih noun/pronoun atau gabungan keduanya dan dihubungkan dengan coordinate conjunction “and”), pronoun tetap berada di subjective case, bukan objective case. Jika compound subject terdiri dari noun dan pronoun, first-person pronoun ditulis belakangan (formulasi yang sopan). Untuk membuktikan apakah pronoun yang digunakan sudah tepat, coba hilangkan noun dan lihat apakah pronoun yang digunakan sudah tepat.

Contoh Kalimat Compound Subject

Benar Salah
 went shopping yesterday. (Arum dan saya pergi belanja kemarin.)  went shopping yesterday.
 were late because they got caught up in traffic.
(Alex  dan da terlambat karena terjebak kemacetan lalu lintas.)
were late because they got caught up in traffic.
 was late because he got caught up in traffic. (case benar) was late because he got caught up in traffic. (case salah)

Degrees of Comparison

Cara menentukan pronoun apa yang tepat untuk mengikuti as ( positive degree ) atau than ( comparative degree ) adalah dengan membayangkan bagian yang biasanya dihilangkan pada kalimat perbandingan tersebut. Jika yang dibandingkan adjective (kata sifat) mungkin kita dapat langsung menebak pronoun yang tepat karena ada linking verb yang menjadi penanda bahwa elemen yang dihubungkannya berada pada case yang sama, yaitu subjective.

Contoh Kalimat Subjective/Objective Case

  • My sister reads as fast as you (read). (Saudara saya membaca secepat kamu.) positive degree, subjective case
  • He hates me as much as (he hates) them . (Dia membenci saya seperti membenci mereka.) positive degree, objective case
  • She is fatter than I (am fat). (Dia lebih gemuk dari saya.) comparative degree, subjective case
  • Alan treated me better than she (treated me). (Alan memperlakukan saya lebih baik daripada dia memperlakukan saya.) comparative degree, subjective case
  • Alan treated me better than her (than he treated her). (Alan memperlakukan saya lebih baik daripada Alan memperlakukan dia.) comparative degree, objective case

Objective Case Pronoun

Pengertian objective case.

Objective case adalah case dari suatu pronoun (kata ganti) ketika berfungsi sebagai direct or indirect object of verb , object of preposition , atau subject of infinitive . Pronoun yang berada di dalam objective case yaitu: me, you, them, us, her, him, it, whom, dan whomever. Adapun it dan you juga dapat digunakan pada subjective case .

Case ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan accusative case.

Contoh Kalimat Objective Case

  • I’m going to meet her  at the coffee shop. (Saya akan menemuinya di kedai kopi.) direct object of him
  • He wrote it by hand. (Dia menulis itu dengan tangan.) direct object of wrote
  • My friend often lends me  some money. (Teman saya sering meminjami saya uang.) indirect object of lend
  • That’s the woman whom  I admire for her determination. (Itu wanita yang saya kagumi karena tekadnya.) object of admire
  • Let’s talk about it later. (Mari bicarakan tentang itu nanti.) object of preposition about
  • No one has fixed the potholes using asphalt yet, so look out for them . (Belum ada yang memperbaikinya dengan aspal, jadi hati-hati dengannya.) object of preposition for
  • The man  to whom I talked has prepared his childs to take over his business. (Laki-laki yang berbicara dengan saya telah mempersiapkan anak-anaknya untuk mengambil alih bisnisnya.) object of preposition to
  • His trainer encouraged him to stop smoking. (Pelatih menganjurkannya untuk berhenti merokok.) subject of to stop
  • They never persuade us  to buy the product. (Mereka tidak pernah membujuk kami membeli produk tersebut.) subject of to buy

Permasalahan pada Objective Case

Informal/formal writing.

Posisi subject complement seharusnya diisi oleh pronoun yang berada di subjective case , namun pada informal speech/writing “me” biasa digunakan untuk menggantikan “I”. Senada dengan itu, whom biasanya diganti who. Lihat: Who vs. Whom .

Formal Informal
It’s . It’s .
That’s the woman  I admire for her determination. That’s the woman  I admire for her determination.
The man  I talked has prepared his child to take over his business. The man   I talked has prepared his child to take over his business.

Compound Object

Pronoun tetap berada di objective case walaupun kalimat menggunakan compound object (dua atau lebih noun /pronoun atau gabungan keduanya dan dihubungkan dengan coordinate conjunction “and”). Agar terdengar lebih sopan, first-person pronoun ditulis belakangan.

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Objective Case
Object of Verb He considered his good friends.
(Dia menganggap Terry dan saya teman-teman baiknya.)
She showed emphaty to .
(Dia menunjukkan empati pada Devi dan saya.)
Object of Preposition Anna was angry with .
(Anna marah pada Nita, Martin, dan saya.)

Possessive Case Pronoun

Pengertian possessive case.

Possessive case adalah case dari suatu pronoun (kata ganti) ketika menunjukkan ownership (kepemilikan). Case ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan genetive case.

contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris dengan possessive case: Is this laptop yours? I found it in the conference room.(Apakah laptop ini milikmu? Saya menemukannya di ruang konferensi.)

contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris dengan possessive case

Possessive Pronoun dan Possessive Adjective

Pronoun yang berada di dalam possessive case dikenal dengan sebutan possessive pronoun : mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, dan its. Possessive pronoun bermanfaat untuk mengurangi repetition (pengulangan kata) dan wordiness (kepanjang-lebaran) di dalam suatu kalimat. Biasanya kata ganti tersebut menggantikan noun phrase berupa possessive adjective : my, your, his, her, our, their, dan its + noun  (kata benda). Tampak bahwa his dan its dapat berfungsi baik sebagai possessive adjective maupun pronoun.

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Adjective dan Pronoun

  • I had no time to shop for a camera, so I borrowed his camera . (Saya tidak punya waktu untuk berbelanja kamera, jadi saya meminjam kameranya.)
  • I had no time to shop for a camera, so I borrowed his . (Saya tidak punya waktu untuk berbelanja kamera, jadi saya meminjam miliknya.)

Berbeda dengan pronoun yang berada di dalam subjective atau objective case yang hanya dapat berfungsi sebagai subject atau object saja, pronoun yang berada di dalam possessive case dapat digunakan baik sebagai subject maupun object.

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Case dan Artinya

  • Mine has worn out. (Punya saya sudah aus.) subject
  • Ours is better than theirs . (Punya kita lebih baik dari punya mereka.) subject
  • I like hers . (Saya suka punyanya.) object of verb “like”
  • If you look at my writing, I’ll look at yours . (Jika kamu memeriksa tulisan saya, saya akan memeriksa punyamu.) object of preposition “at”

10 Contoh Soal Pronoun Cases

Case menentukan fungsi pronoun (kata ganti) di dalam suatu kalimat. Pronoun mungkin berada pada subjective (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, who, whoever), objective  (me, you, them, us, her, his, it, whom, whomever), atau possessive case (mine, yours, theirs, ours, hers, his, its, whose).

Pilihlah pronoun pada case yang tepat, apakah subjective, objective, atau possessive. Jika semua jawaban benar, pilih “both are correct” dengan mengetik a , b , atau c .

Ferdian and … have accomplished their mission.

Your answer:, they don’t work as hard as …, my father advised … to eat less salt and more whole grain foods., the customer … i will send this package lives in a rural area., whose wallet did she find it’s …, he is more experienced than …, she asked me trickier questions than ….

  • he/him (Both "he" and "him" are correct.)

Rangga offered to lend me his car, but I prefered to borrow …

Take care of your skin by protecting … from the harmful ultraviolet radiation., … is the blue tunnel tent., javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini..

  • Objective Case
  • Possessive Case
  • Soal I vs. Me
  • Soal Personal Pronoun


  • Subjective (nominative) Case. http://grammar.about.com/od/mo/g/subcaseterm.htm . Accessed on June 30, 2015.
  • Subjective Case of Pronouns. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/writing/english/pronoun/subjective-case-of-pronouns. Accessed on June 30, 2015.
  • Grammar Handbook: Noun and Pronoun Case. http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/nouncase/. Accessed on June 30, 2015.
  • Choosing Between Subjective Case and Objective Case. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/writing/english/pronoun/choosing-between-subjective-case-and-objective-case. Accessed on July 1, 2015.
  • Objective Case of Pronouns. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/writing/english/pronoun/objective-case-of-pronouns. Accessed on July 4, 2015.
  • Objective Case (Grammar) http://grammar.about.com/od/mo/g/objcaseterm.htm . Accessed on July 4, 2015.
  • Possessive Case. http://grammar.about.com/od/pq/g/poscaseterm.htm . Accessed on July 6, 2015.
  • Pronoun Case. http://owlet.letu.edu/grammarlinks/pronouns/pronoun3d4.html. Accessed on July 6, 2015.

Wilma is a grammar enthusiast. She loves learning about things and writes about them.

8 thoughts on “ Subjective, Objective, Possessive Case Pronoun: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal ”

saya pikir tidak menyalahi aturan, namun kalo umum digunakan atau tidak, perlu dicari tahu lebih mendalam

alrigt, thx you so much for your advice, mba wilma. you re realy my good techer. thank so much, you always help me. hehehehehe

you’re welcome… I am not a teacher nor good explainer, but thank you :B

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English Grammar Quiz for ESL learners

Personal Pronouns Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Personal Pronouns page.

1. To use the correct personal pronoun, we may need to know the number, person, gender and/or _______ of the noun it's replacing.

2. The personal pronoun "they" is in the ______ case.

3. Which gender is the personal pronoun "her"?

4. Which number is the personal pronoun "you"?

5. The only word ever used as a 2nd person personal pronoun is

6. Which sentence contains the singular 1st person subject pronoun?

7. Which sentence contains the plural 3rd person object pronoun?

8. Which is correct? "Dark clouds mean ______ could rain any minute."

9. Which is correct? "Joe drove Mary and _______ home."

10. Which pronoun should not be used in this sentence? "Soon after the ship left, _______ sank."

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Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

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Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

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Subject Pronouns

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  • 1. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Which pronoun replaces "the children"? The children found another key. They He She It
  • 2. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What pronoun replaces "the key"? What is the key used for? she he it they
  • 3. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What pronoun replaces "Ned, Kara, and I" ? Ned, Kara, and I see a big box. Them We She It
  • 4. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What pronoun replaces "Ned"? Ned fits the key into the lock. He She It We
  • 5. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What pronoun replaces "Kara"? Kara sees that the key fits. He It They She
  • 6. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What pronoun replaces "The box"?   The box is full of old toys. It She I We
  • 7. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the subject pronoun. box children jump he
  • 8. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the subject pronoun. we key looks shiny
  • 9. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the subject pronoun. pictures slowly she can't
  • 10. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the subject pronoun. was run it but
  • 11. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the sentence that uses a subject pronoun correctly. We will visit Grandma this weekend. Her will visit Grandma this weekend. The kids will visit Grandma 
  • 12. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Identify the sentence that uses a subject pronoun correctly. Them were not happy about leaving. The children were not happy about leaving. They were not happy about leaving. Us were not happy about leaving.

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tanya-tanya.com Tempat Gratis Buat Kamu Nambah Ilmu

Rangkuman materi, contoh soal pronouns jawaban & pembahasannya, rangkuman materi pronouns.

Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada benda (proper noun). Kata ganti dalam konteks wacana bisa berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap dan juga katas sifat. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pemaparan materi di bawah ini!

(Anjani dan suaminya sedang bermasalah dengan mobil mereka. Mereka hendak meminta mekanik memperbaikinya.)

Evaluation: ‘They’ dan “their” mengacu ke Anjani and her husband.

(Kakekku menangkap seekor tikus rakus besar. Si tikus selalu merusak pintu belakang dan pintu depan.)

Evaluation : ‘It’ mengacu ke a big greedy rat dan ‘his’ mengacu ke my grandfather

Perhatikan dan pahami ya guys tabel konsep dasar tentang pronomina (pronouns) di bawah ini!

Konsep dasar


  • Pronoun ‘it’ tidak memiliki possessive pronoun
  • W adalah wanita
  • P adalah pria


  • Donita brings an imported bag from Paris
  • She brings it
  • Your dog stole Rina’s fried fish
  • Yours stole hers
  • Charlie accused Jack
  • He accused her
  • My father met your children
  • Mine met yours

Fungsi dan penggunaan lain dari pronouns dalam bahasa Inggris

Penggunaan subject pronouns (sp), sebagai subject kalimat.

(Ia membuat sebuah boneka bayi di ruang kerja kemarin)

(Mereka senang menjelajah area berbukit di Bandung)

Sebagai pelengkap (complement) kalimat

(Ilmuwan yang baru saja menjual lima hak cipta ke perusahaan ini adalah dia)

(Para duda yang aku ceritakan ke kamu itu adalah mereka-mereka ini)

Setelah than dalam tingkatan perbandingan (degree of comparison)

(Kabar burung menyebutkan bahwa suhu tubuh Melly lebih dingin daripada mereka)

(Seekor kuda ketika berlari tentunya lebih kuat daripada dia)

Penggunaan Object Pronoun (OP)

Sebagai object dalam kalimat.

(Sekretaris harus menelepon saya unutk menanyakan posisi manejer)

(Anak nakal yang membawa ular kecil berlari mengejar kita)

Setelah prepositions

(Anggota band memutuskan bahwa Siska harus berkolaborasi dengan saya)

(Teman kelasnya Adrian yang cerdas, Januar, tertarik dengannya)

Catatan: preposition adalah kata depan dan contohya adalah sebagai berikut: on, about, at, from, in, after, before, with, by, off, dll.

Setelah between / among

(Pak Sunarto, seorang dosen yang tak diharapkan, mendadak duduk di antara kita

  • That umberella girl is standing gracefully between them (Gadis pembawa payung tersebut sedang berdiri dengan anggunnya di antara mereka)

Penggunaan possessive adjective , possessive pronoun, dan reflexive pronoun

Possessive adjective dan possessive pronoun menunjukan kepemilikan orang atau benda. Yang membedakan adalah jika possessive adjective ditempatkan sebelum kata benda (orang atau bukan orang) dan berfungsi untuk menjelaskan milik siapakah benda atau orang tersebut, maka possessive pronoun terbentuk dengan menggabungkan possessive adjective+kata benda.

Penggunaan Possessive Adjective


Catatan: untuk kata benda tentu (proper noun) , apostrof (‘s) digunakan sebagai pengganti possessive adjective

(Nadif adalah kepala divisi pemasaran dan analisis pasarnya membuat perusahaan ini mendapatkan banyak keuntungan)

(Buaya itu menyerang para pemancing dan ekornya menghantam satu dari mereka)

(Si penyelundup tersebut melindungi wajahnya dengan topeng khusus untuk menghindari deteksi CCTV dan polisi pengenalan kepadanya)

(Skill Tsubatsa dalam sepakbola diakui secara internasional oleh semua pelatih profesional)

Penggunaan possessive pronoun

Kata ganti kepemilikan atau possessive pronoun adalah bentuk sederhana dari prossessive adjective+noun.


  • His small house = His
  • My handsome father = Mine
  • Our brilliant opinion = Ours

(Motornya Pedrosa, CBR 1000, sangat cepat tapi punyaku, Kawasaki Ninja H2R, lebih cepat.)

(Pengemudi ceroboh tersebut mengemudikan mobil manualnya Tomy sementara pengemudi yang taktis tersebut mengendarai mobil punya kita)

Penggunaan reflexive pronouns

Kata ganti reflektif atau reflexive pronouns bisa berfungsi sebagai objek, penegas subjek, atau pelengkap (complement) dan digunakan bersamaan dengan proper noun atau setelah kata depan (preposisi).



Relexive pronoun digunakan dalam kalimat ketika subjek dan objek adalah orang atau benda yang sama.

(Fatimah selalu memuji dirinya sendiri karena wajahnya, faktanya, selalu memikat semua orang yang memandangnya)

(Jordy menyalahkan dirinya sendiri karena kegagalan yang disebabkan oleh kebodohannya)

(Sang ksatria mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi seekor raksasa yang mendekatinya)

Contoh Soal Pronouns Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Bono and Rendy are my business partners. _____ come from a state company in Surabaya. I______ regard them as ______ successors.

  • Themselves, my
  • They, myself
  • Ourselves, my

The turtle-headed lizard has gobbled one of my rabbits. But I guess ______belongs to be non-venomous lizard.

_____usually denounce himself because he is not proud of _____ achievement.

  • She, herself
  • He, himself

Mr. Ketut and ______ are making our portrayal of some models.  _____ have been doing it for three weeks.

All boys in this group really like______because she always smiles very gracefully; In addition,_____ face is Cassandra Lee-like

  • Herself, she
  • Her, herself

Gerry idolizes Tata Janeta and ____ songs. ____ becomes Gerry’s idol since 2000.

My house is designed by an architect and so is _____

  • Their houses

These wells are almost dry. _____ base need to be dredged to let _____ retain more rain water.

  • They, themselves
  • Themselves, them
  • Their, they
  • Their, them

_____ is Lulu’s favourite pet. It is a persian cat. _____ name is Chumenk.

The mining workers were trapped in the channel. _____ life depend on the rescue team seriousness to save _____

  • Their, themselves
  • Them, their

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25 Contoh Soal Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal pronoun pilihan ganda, kemudian ingin berlatih soal Simple past atau conditional sentence, dengan mengklik menu dropdown " Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris " di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Pronoun adalah kata ganti, Penggunaan Pronoun (kata ganti) akan sering kita temukan di dalam kalimat bahasa inggris, seperti saya sedang makan ( I am eating now ), Apakah kamu sudah makan? ( Have You eaten? ) dan Buku ini milikmu ( This book is yours ).

Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Pilihan ganda Pronoun 

Adapun langkah mudah di dalam mengerjakan soal bahasa inggris tentang Prononun adalah dengan mengetahui arti kalimatnya, apabila kita mengetahui arti dari kalimat maka dengan mudah kita bisa menjawab soal-soal tersebut. Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal pronoun dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, sedangkan jawaban soal terdapat di akhir kalimat. Adapun apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan dan saran silahkan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.


1. You … bought this price to me 

a. yourself      b.himself 

c. myself          d,herself

2.We.. will protect our country from colonialist

a. ourself          b. theirself

c. myself          d. yourself

3. … ticket is as expensive as that of ours. 

a.his                b.he 

c.it                   d.you 

4. .... are my books 

a.this              b.that 

c.These         d.it

5.They ... started their car 

a.himself      b.ourself 

c.herself      d.themselves

6.Andik spoke to ... 

a.he                b.himself 

c.they           d.she

7.I ... wrote this book until finish 

a.me                   b.my 

c.myself           d.am

8.Don’t be arrogant in ... life, Because we will get responsible in here after. 

a.it                     b.your 

c.her                d.our

9.You will visit Padang next week. ... city is very beautiful. 

a.it                     b.yours 

c.hers                d.its

10. Safrudin brought tools from Samarinda, So this is ... tool 

a.Safrudin’s      b.yours 

c.hers                d.Safrudin

11. Although this hold is strong, but she is not ....She will come back to the Almighty

 a.I           b. We 

c,him d.ours

.12. They built this house last year, so this house is ... 

a.mine b.yours 

c.hers d,theirs

13. They become the winner of championships, so this camphion is ... 

c.hers d.theirs

14. Rizqi sold this phone to Budi, so this phone is .. 

c.hers d.his

15. We bought this ball with our money, so this ball is .. 

c.your d.ours

16. It is your motor cyle. So it is ... 

17. This is my wife, so she is ... 

a.mine b.your 

c. my d.ours

18. They will struggle against Holland with .... tool. 

a.they b.their 

c.mine      d.ours

19. I will not forget Immaniat, Because i ever fallen in love with ... 

a.him b.her 

20. ... parents didn’t give him affection. So he will be bad boy 

a.her b.he 

21. Habib syech is standing in front of ..., so don’t be busy. 

a.our b.us 

c.we d.they

22. They said badly in front of our teacher, so don’t forget what did ... do 

a. Her b.his 

c.our d.they

23. Messi kicked the ball, We watched ... on TV last night 

24. Adelle is singing Hello, so I will listen ... song 

a. We b. her 

c.his d.your

25. Don’t break ... chair, 

a. We b.my 

c.they d.you

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Contoh soal pronoun – subjective, objective, possessive adjective dan jawabannya

  • 16 April 2020 16 April 2020

Postingan ini membahas contoh soal subjective pronoun, objective pronoun, possessive ajdective, possessive pronoun dan jawabannya. Subjective pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek, contohnya I, he, she, you, it, we dan they. Objective pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek contohnya me, him, her, it, us, them, you.

Possessive adjective adalah kata sifat yang menunjukkan kepemilikian contohnya my, your, her, his, our, their dan its. Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti kepemilikan tanpa diikuti kata benda contohnya mine, yours, his, her, ours, dan their. Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan contoh soal dibawah ini.

Contoh soal Subjective pronouns . Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan kata yang tepat.

Contoh soal 1

…(Me/I) come to Yogyakarta every month.

  • … (subjek sehingga diisi dengan subjective pronoun yaitu I).
  • come to (predikat)
  • Yogyakarta (keterangan)

I come to Yogyakarta every month (saya datang ke Yogyakarta setiap bulan).

Contoh soal 2

…(His/He) spends the weekend playing guitar.

  • … (subjek sehingga diisi dengan subjective pronoun yaitu He)
  • spends (predikat)
  • the weekend playing guitar (objek)

He spends the weekend playing guitar (dia menghabiskan akhir pekan bermain gitar).

Contoh soal 3

…(They/Them) told me that they sent e-mail to each other every day.

  • … (subjek sehingga diisi dengan subjective pronoun yaitu They)
  • told (predikat)

They told me that they sent e-mail to each other every day (mereka mengatakan kepada saya bahwa mereka mengirim email satu sama lain setiap hari).

Contoh soal 4

…(we/ours) plan to visit Thailand next year.

  • … (subjek = objective pronoun = We)
  • plan to visit (predikat)
  • Thailand next year (keterangan)

We plan to visit Thailand next year (kita berencana mengunjungi Thailand tahun depan).

Contoh soal 5

…(We/It) can to climb Bromo Mountain together on July.

We can to climb Bromo Mountain together on July (kita bisa mendaki gunung Bromo bersama pada bulan Juli).

Contoh soal objective pronouns .

I am going to introduce … (she/her) to one of my pals in Malaysia.

  • going to introduce (predikat)
  • … (objek sehingga diisi dengan objective pronoun yaitu her)

I am going to introduce her to one of my pals in Malaysia (saya akan memperkenalkan dia ke salah satu teman saya di Malaysia).

Lolito told … (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in Papua.

  • Lolito (subjek)
  • … (objek sehingga diisi dengan objective pronoun yaitu me).

Lolito told me that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in Papua (Lolito mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia ingin mengirim hadiah ulang tahun kepada sahabat pena di Papua).

My friends and I have regular meetings with pen pal seeker group. You can join …(it/its) anytime.

  • you (subjek)
  • join (predikat)
  • …(objek = objective pronoun = it)

My friends and I have regular meetings with pen pal seeker group. You can join it anytime (Teman-temanku dan saya mengadakan pertemuan rutin dengan kelompok pencari sahabat pena. Kamu dapat bergabung kapan saja).

He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with …(theirs/them).

Penentuan subjek – predikat – objek setelah kata “but”.

  • he (subjek)
  • no longer keep in touch (predikat)
  • … (objek = objective pronoun = them)

He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with them (Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia mempunyai banyak e-pals (banyak teman elektronik) tetapi dia tidak lagi berhubungan dengan mereka).

It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She talked about …(them/it) frequently these days.

  • She (subjek)
  • talked (predikat)
  • …(objek = objective pronoun = it).

Sudah jelas bahwa Marina sangat ingin mengunjungi Malang segera. Dia sering membicarakannya akhir-akhir ini.

Contoh soal possessive adjectives :

  • I am going to wash … hand. (my/me)
  • Do you like …pen pals?. (you/your)
  • … hobby is reading the biography of famous people. (He / His)
  • She is sixteen and … school is in Minneapolis (her / she).
  • They run their family business themselves because … father died last year. (they / their)
  • my karena menunjukkan kepemilikan tangan atau possessive adjective (Saya akan mencuci tanganku).
  • your karena menunjukkan kepemilikan sahabat (Apakah kamu suka sahabat penamu).
  • His karena kepemilikan hobi (Hobinya membaca biografi orang-orang terkenal).
  • Her karena kepemilikan sekolah (Dia berusia 16 tahun dan sekolahnya di Minneapolis).
  • Their karena kepemilikan ayah (Mereka menjalankan bisnis keluarga sendiri karena ayahnya meninggal tahun lalu).

Contoh soal possessive pronouns :

He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings book in … (he/his) bag.

his karena kepemilikan tas (Dia sangat rajin dan suka membaca. Dia selalu membawa buku di tasnya).

…(mine/my) little brother studies in a state vocational school in my region.

My karena kepemilikan adik (Adik laki-laki saya belajar di sekolah kejuruan negeri di daerah saya).

Alice told her pen pal that she admired JK. Rowling and collected …(her/his) novels.

Her karena kepemilikan novel (Alice mengatakan kepada sahabat penanya bahwa dia mengagumi JK. Rowling dan mengumpulkan novel-novelnya). Menggunakan “Her” karena mengacu pada novel milik JK. Rowling yang seorang perempuan.

My pen pals have the same interest with me, which is about writing. We sometimes send … (their/our) piece of writings and I often give comments on …(it/theirs).

Jawaban titik-titik pertama adalah our karena menunjukkan kepemilikan tulisan dan titik-titik kedua adalah it (Sahabat pena sama mempunyai minat yang sama dengan saya, yaitu menulis. Kami sering mengirim tulisan kami dan saya sering memberi komentar padanya).

He told me about his family and I told …(my/mine) too.

mine karena menunjukkan kepemilikan tanpa diikuti kata benda (Dia memberitahu pada saya tentang keluarganya dan saya juga memberitahu keluarga saya).

Contoh soal pronouns and possessive adjectives :

Shopia told …(me/I) that you would like to have more pen pals from Netherlands.

  • Shopia = subjek
  • told = predikat
  • …. = objek = objective pronoun = me

Shopia told me that you would like to have more pen pals from Netherlands (Shopia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kamu ingin mempunyai banyak teman pena dari Belanda).

I have several pen pals from UK. I write to … (they/them) via email every week.

  • write = predikat
  • … = objek = objective pronoun = them

I have several pen pals from UK. I write to them via email every week (Saya mempunyai beberapa teman pena dari Inggris. Saya menulis kepada mereka melalui email setiap minggu).

Alia often tells Hannah about her herearsal. …(She/her) joins a choir club in her school.

  • … = subjek = subjective pronoun = She
  • join = predikat
  • a choir club = objek

Alia often tells Hannah about her herearsal. She joins a choir club in her school (Alia sering memberi tahu Hanah tentang latihannya. Dia bergabung dengan klub paduan suara di sekolahnya).

As for hobbies, we are really into sport and music. So, we can share … (my/our) experience about football players and songs.

our karena menunjukkan kepemilikan experience atau possessive adjective (Karena hobi, kami benar-benar menyukai olahraga dan musik. Jadi, kami dapat berbagi pengalaman tentang pemain dan lagu-lagu sepakbola).

My friend and I often spend long holiday in our hometowns. … (They/We) keep in touch via email and WhatsApp.

We = subjective pronoun = kata penganti My friend and I (Teman saya dan saya menghabiskan liburan panjang di kampung halaman kami. Kami [We] tetap berkomunikasi melalui email dan WhatsApp).

Contoh soal 6

The cat licks … (its/it) fur many times, and it seems to enjoy doing …(its/it).

Its (possessive pronoun = kepemilikan) dan it (objective pronoun) (Kucing senang menjilati bulunya berkali-kali, dan sepertinya senang melakukannya).

Contoh soal 7

Hannah said, “This is my favorite book and I want to give it to …(yours/you). Now it’s …(yours/you).

you (objective pronoun) dan yours (possessive pronoun) (Hannah berkata, “Ini adalah buku favorit saya dan saya ingin memberikannya kepada kamu [you = objek]. Sekarang milik anda [yours = possessive pronoun]).

Contoh soal 8

Alia was sobbing when …(she/her) read this line in the novel …(she/her) got from Saidah. They know the land is not (they/theirs) anymore. The landlord told … (they/them) to leave the land. The two brothers said to themselves, “We will work very hard to collect money. Someday … (we/us) will return to buy his land, and …(its/it) will become … (our/ours) forever.”

She – her – theirs – they – we – it – ours (Alia terisak ketika dia [she = subjek] membaca baris dari novel yang didapatnya [her = objek] dari Saidah. Mereka tahu itu bukan milik mereka lagi. Pemilik tanah menyuruh mereka pergi. Kedua bersaudara itu berkata, “Kami akan bekerja keras untuk mengumpulkan uang. Suatu hari kita [we = subjek] akan kembali untuk membeli tanahnya, dan itu [it = subjek] akan menjadi milik kita [ours = possesive pronoun] selamanya.

Contoh soal 9

The teacher tells …(we/us) to make friends with students from english speaking countries so that …(we/us) can improve our English.

us – we (Guru memberi tahu kami [us = objective pronoun] untuk berteman dengan siswa dari negara-negara berbahasa Inggris sehingga kami [we = subjective pronoun] dapat meningkatkan bahasa Inggris kami).

Contoh soal 10

Alia’s brother wanted to have pen pals too. Alia introduced …(he/him/his) to Hannah’s and Saidah’s brothers. Now, they have become good friends. Sometimes Alia writes about … (their/them) in …(hers/her) letter to Hannah and Saidah.

him – them – her (Kakak Alia juga punya sahabat pena. Alia memperkenalkannya [him] kepada saudara laki-laki Hannah dan Saidah. Sekarang, mereka sudah menjadi teman baik. Terkadang Alia menulis tentang mereka [them] dalam suratnya [her] kepada Hannah dan Saidah).

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris

English for Everyone. English for All Ages. Bahasa Inggris untuk Semua Usia.

  • arti kata bahasa inggris
  • Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12
  • Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8
  • kunci jawaban bahasa inggris
  • bahasa inggris SMP kelas 9
  • bank soal bahasa inggris smp
  • bahasa inggris smp kelas 7
  • bahasa inggris SMA kelas 11
  • bahasa inggris sma kelas 10
  • soal bahasa inggris sma
  • soal expressions untuk SMA

35 Latihan Soal Pronoun Kelas 7


Latihan Pronoun (Kata ganti orang) untuk  kelas 7  

Pilih 1 jawaban yang benar dari 

25 Soal Pilihan Ganda berikut ini

a.        He – I

b.       He – me

c.        He – my

a.        Her supervisor – she

b.       Her supervisor – her

c.        My supervisor – me

a.        I – her

b.       She - her

c.        I – she  

a.        Was – her

b.       Is - her

c.        Is – him

a.        She

b.       Her

c.        Him

a.        I – my

b.       She – my

c.        He – her

a.        Him - he

b.       She – he

c.        Mine – he

a.        He – it

b.       She – it

c.        Him – me

a.        Me – me – he

b.       Me – I – he

c.        I – me – he

b.       Him – he

c.        He – him

a.        He

b.       His

a.        He – his

b.       His – he

c.        Him – his

a.        Me

b.       Mine

c.        I

a.        You

b.       Your

c.        Yours

15. That blue laptop case is ................

16. Don’t be angry with ........... because 

a.        They

b.       Them

c.        Their

17. His supervisor gave ............ no choice, 

18. They have their own gas 

a.        We

b.       Us

c.        Ours

19. I’m interested to buy your car. 

a.        It – me

b.       Me – it

c.        It – them

20. The interviewer asked ............ why 

b.       I

c.        Mine

21. I bought this seat. It’s ...........

a.        My 

c.        Me 

22. Can we borrow your spare tent? 

a.        Ours

c.        Our

23. I have a newborn baby brother. 

a.        Her

c.        He

24. Diana, is a car parking there .......... ?

a.        Hers

b.       You

25. This cat is mine ............ likes fish

b.       It

c.        She

26. Can Maya use your bike? 

b.       She

c.        Hers

27. Please tell Ricky that I really miss ........!

a.        Him

b.       He

c.        His

28. Is rendang good? I’ve never 

a.        It

c.        Its

29. Where were Novi and Nova 

30. I was so excited to meet 

c.        Her

Jawablah essay pronoun di bawah ini!

My father has a favourite car. ..........(31) loves ......... (32) car very much. He told .......... (33) that he will teach me to drive a car when I am 17 years old. He will  allow ........ (34) to drive ...... (35) car too. I'm so happy to hear it.             

15. B . Tas laptop biru itu miliknya (his)

Coba jawab juga :  25 Contoh Soal Greeting Kelas 7 LENGKAP Jawaban dan Pembahasan

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BRILIO » Ragam

45 contoh soal pronoun bahasa inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya.

foto: pixabay.com

Pronoun merupakan sebuah kata ganti yang akan sering kamu temukan dalam setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris.

12 Oktober 2022 06:43

Brilio.net - Dalam bahasa Inggris banyak hal dasar yang harus dipelajari terlebih dahulu seperti kata kerja, kata benda , kata ganti dan masih banyak lagi. Mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebenarnya bukan hal yang sulit sobat Brilio, hanya saja terkadang cara belajar kamu yang sedikit kurang tepat.

Mempelajari hal apapun itu harus dilakukan dengan semangat dan kemauan. Selain itu, belajar tidak sekadar menghafalkan teori-teorinya saja akan tetapi juga diimbangi dengan rutin mengerjakan soal-soal.

Salah satu materi dalam bahasa Inggris yang harus kamu pelajari adalah pronoun. Pronoun merupakan sebuah kata ganti yang akan sering kamu temukan dalam setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris seperti yours, mine, ours dan masih banyak lagi.

Magang: Muhammad Reza Aiski

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Latihan Soal Possessive Pronouns

Hai adik-adik, buat kalian yang ingin mempelajari latihan soal tentang pronouns baik itu untuk persiapan Ulangan Harian maupun untuk Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS), ataupun untuk Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT), yuk dicoba latihan soalnya tentang adjective pronouns dan possessive pronouns berikut ini.

soal essay subject pronoun

Langsung saja, let’s check it out latihan soal pronouns beserta kunci jawabannya di bawah ini.


Finish the sentences with possessive pronouns.

It’s your money. It’s yours.

It’s my bag. It’s …

It’s our car. It’s …

They’re her shoes. They’re …

It’s their house. It’s …

They’re your books. They’re …

They’re my glasses. They’re …

It’s his coat. It’s …

Choose the right word.

It’s their /theirs problem. Not our/ ours. (their and ours are right)

This is a nice camera. It’s your/yours?

That’s not my/mine umbrella. My/mine is black.

Whose books are these? yu/yours or my/mine?

Zahra is going out with her/hers friend this evening.

my/mine room is bigger than her/hers.

I don’t know their/theirs name.

Can we use your washing machine? our/ours is broken.

Complete the sentences!

I’ m going to wash my hands .

She’s going to wash ......................

We’re going to wash.........................

He’s going to wash...........................

They’re going to wash.......................

Are you going to wash......................? 

He lives with his parents.

They ..............................................

We ..............................................

Jane .............................................

I ...................................................

John .............................................

Do you ........................................?

Most children ..................................

* Do you like your job?

I know Mr. Watson, but I don’t know ................wife

Alice and Tom live in London. .................son lives in Australia

We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all ........friends.

Anna is going out with ........................ friend this evening.

I want to phone Maria. Do you know ...............number?

Do you think most people are happy in ...................jobs?

Complete the sentences

I went to the cinema with a friend of mine .

They went on holiday with some friends ....................

She’s going out with a friend ..................................

We had dinner with some ..................................

I played tennis with a ..................................

Tom is going to meet .............................

Do you know those people? Are they ......................

Key Answers

Yours, mine

Their hands

Your hands?

live with their parents.

live with our parents.

lives with her parents.

live with my parents.

lives with his parents.

live with your parents?

a friend of mine

friends of ours

a friend of his

friends of yours?

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20 CONTOH Soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP-MTs Terbaru 2022 dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan soal bahasa inggris personal pronoun kelas 7 SMP/MTs terbaru 2022

Portal Kudus - Berikut di bawah ini 20 contoh soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs terbaru 2022 beserta kunci jawaban.

Personal Pronoun adalah kata pengganti dari penyebutan untuk nama orang atau barang.

Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada lima jenis bentuk Personal Pronoun, masing-masing memiliki fungsi yang berbeda dan mempunyai peran penting dalam terbentuknya suatu kalimat.

Baca Juga: 50 SOAL UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya, Contoh Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 2022

Contoh Soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs dan Kunci Jawaban

1. Santy and Synta are twins. . . . are beautiful A. Their B. She C. we D. They

2. Dian likes to stay . . . bedroom all day A. she B. your C. he D. her

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN CONTOH Soal PAT Bahasa Sunda Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022 Kurikulum 2013

3. We live in Indonesia. . . . country has two seasons A. We B. My C. Our D. Mine

4. That's . . . ball. That's not mine. A. your B. you C. my D. our

5. . . . loves Sate. It's her favorite food. A. She B. He C. I D. You

Baca Juga: SOAL PAT Bahasa Sunda Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Sunda Kelas 11 K13 2022

6. . . . goes to the market with his mother. A. She B. I C. He D. We

7. Tony goes to school. ...... rides his bike. A. She B. They C. He D. Him

8. Berikut personal pronoun yang menjadi objek dalam kalimat A. They B. She C. I D. You

Baca Juga: 20 CONTOH Soal PAT Akidah Akhlak Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022 Kurikulum 2013 Terbaru

9. "She is my mine". Dalam kalimat tersebut, manakah yg merupakan kata pengganti? A. She,is B. She,my C. She,mine D. My,mine

10. Berikut contoh kalimat yang benar A. Us are best friend B. You told me about this case C. I teach she english D. Them go to supermarket

11. Iam talking for the woman....you're waiting about. Kata yang tepat untuk kalimat diatas adalah..... A. Who B. That C. Whom D. Which

Baca Juga: 40 CONTOH Soal IPA Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban 2022, Latihan Soal PAT IPA Kelas 7 Semester 2 2022

12. He has a new phone....phone is expenxive Kata yang tepat untuk kalimat diatas adalah..... A. His B. Its C. He D. They

13. Berikut adalah macam-macam kata ganti diantaranya adalah,.... A. Kata ganti orang B. Kata ganti milik C. Kata ganti petunjuk D. Kata ganti binatang

14. ......go to supermarket this morning. Kata ganti yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas adalah.... A. I am B. I C. Them D. Her

15. Kata ganti yang di gunakan untuk menunjuk benda dalam keadaan jamak adalah A. These B. That C. This D. It

Baca Juga: 30 Soal UAS Bahasa Sunda Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Sunda Kelas 10 2022

16. Where is my car? Andi is cleaning ... A. her B. it C. them D. us

17. The cat is playing with .... Tail A. his B. our C. its D. their

18. a bird is singing, ... Sings every morning A. his B. our C. it D. its

19. .... is whiteboard A. This B. That C. There D. It

20. .... is a bag A. Those B. This C. That D. There

Nah, demikianlah contoh soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs terbaru 2022 beserta kunci jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat.***

Editor: Sugiharto

Bahasa Inggris

Personal pronoun, artikel pilihan, pertamina aja ngerti masa kamu engga, video viral tanda dari truk pertamina, 20 contoh soal pat akidah akhlak kelas 10 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban tahun 2022 kurikulum 2013 terbaru, 30 soal uas bahasa sunda kelas 10 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban, contoh soal uas bahasa sunda kelas 10 2022, 40 contoh soal ipa kelas 7 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban 2022, latihan soal pat ipa kelas 7 semester 2 2022, daftar nama bayi perempuan yang terinspirasi bualan juni, lengkap dengan artinya, soal pat bahasa sunda kelas 11 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban, contoh soal pat bahasa sunda kelas 11 k13 2022, kumpulan contoh soal pat bahasa sunda kelas 11 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban tahun 2022 kurikulum 2013, 50 soal uas bahasa indonesia kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya, contoh soal bahasa indonesia kelas 10 2022, penemuan mayat pemuda asal rembang, satlantas polres tuban langsung turun tangan, 20 soal pai kelas 1 semester 2 kurikulum 2013, contoh soal pai kelas 1 sd mi dan kunci jawaban tahun 2022.

BARU 30 SOAL UAS UT Manajemen Kualitas EKMA4265, Contoh Soal UAS UT Manajemen EKMA4265 Manajemen Kualitas

BARU 30 SOAL UAS UT Manajemen Kualitas EKMA4265, Contoh Soal UAS UT Manajemen EKMA4265 Manajemen Kualitas

PREDIKSI 40 SOAL UAS UT Manajemen Kualitas EKMA4265, Contoh Soal UAS UT Manajemen EKMA4265 Manajemen Kualitas

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UPDATE 50 SOAL UAS UT Manajemen Kualitas EKMA4265, Contoh Soal UAS UT Manajemen EKMA4265 Manajemen Kualitas

UPDATE 50 SOAL UAS UT Manajemen Kualitas EKMA4265, Contoh Soal UAS UT Manajemen EKMA4265 Manajemen Kualitas

DOWNLOAD 30 SOAL UAS UT Psikologi Sosial ADPU4218 Ilmu Administrasi Negara Semester 5 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

DOWNLOAD 30 SOAL UAS UT Psikologi Sosial ADPU4218 Ilmu Administrasi Negara Semester 5 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

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KUMPULAN 50 SOAL UAS UT Psikologi Sosial ADPU4218 Ilmu Administrasi Negara Semester 5 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

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  1. Contoh Soal Pronoun Essay Dan Jawabannya

    soal essay subject pronoun

  2. Subject Pronouns Worksheets

    soal essay subject pronoun

  3. Subject Pronoun: What is a Subject Pronoun & Examples

    soal essay subject pronoun

  4. Soal Pronoun Essay

    soal essay subject pronoun

  5. 23 Contoh Soal Pronoun Essay dan Jawabannya

    soal essay subject pronoun

  6. What Is a Subject Pronoun? Usage Guide and Examples

    soal essay subject pronoun


  1. Examples of PRONOUN

  2. CEPAT Paham

  3. M43-45: Pronoun dalam tes TOEFL ITP

  4. Bahas TUNTAS

  5. Bahas LENGKAP

  6. Let's Learn: Object Pronoun


  1. 23 Contoh Soal Pronoun Essay dan Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah 23 contoh soal pronoun dalam bentuk essay, saudara bisa mengerjakan dahulu sebisanya, adapun kunci jawaban soal terletak di bagian bawah. Fill this blank with the correct answer!!! This is … new laptop, I bought this last week; These are ... cars. They will use these to go to Medan. Don't give .... a chance to be governor.

  2. Latihan Soal Subject & Object Pronoun

    Sesuai dengan namanya, ia dalam kalimat berfungsi sebagai subject, sehingga pada umumnya terletak di awal kalimat (di depan). Contoh : - I read the newspaper. Pada kalimat di atas, pronoun yang bertindak sebagai subject (subject pronoun) adalah "I". - She loves me. Pada kalimat di atas, "she" adalah subject pronoun. Letak object pronoun dalam ...

  3. 26 Contoh Soal Subject Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

    1. Pengertian dan Contoh Subject Pronoun. Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Subject Pronoun adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

  4. Contoh Soal Pronoun dan Jawabannya + Penjelasannya [QUIZ]

    Contoh Soal Pronoun. Select the subject pronoun that could replace the underlined word (s)! The calves look cute. The following sentence is written correctly. The pilot of Delta's plane dies, and the only survivor is he. Select the correct pronoun to complete the sentence! ___ don't need to build a rocket to prove the earth isn't round!

  5. Subject Pronouns in English: Definition, Examples, and Usage

    There are three singular subject pronouns in English: "I," "you," and "he/she/it.". Each pronoun is used depending on who is performing the verb. "I" is used when you are the one performing the action. For example, "I am going to the store.". "You" is used when addressing someone directly or referring to them.

  6. Pronouns Quiz

    Try this quiz to test your understanding of pronouns. Click here to review the lesson! Choose the best pronouns to complete the following sentences. #1. I'm worried about my niece. I really wonder what ... is doing now. #2. She returned the laptop because ... screen was broken. #3.

  7. Mastering Subject Pronouns: Your Ultimate Guide to Fluent ...

    Subject pronouns are a crucial part of English grammar. They are used to replace personal nouns in a sentence and act as the subject of the sentence. Subject pronouns are essential because they help make sentences shorter, clearer, and more concise. Without them, sentences would be long and repetitive, making it difficult to communicate ...

  8. Subjective, Objective, Possessive Case Pronoun: Arti dan Soal

    Ada tiga macam pronoun case, yaitu: subjective, objective, dan possessive case dimana beberapa pronoun memiliki bentuk yang sama pada case yang berbeda, seperti: you, his, dan it. Pronoun pada subjective case berfungsi sebagai subject of verb atau subject complement; sedangkan pada objective case berfungsi sebagai object of verb atau object of ...

  9. 20 Latihan Soal Tentang Pronoun Dan Jawabannya

    The document provides 20 pronoun questions with multiple choice answers. The questions test understanding of different pronouns like subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns. The questions cover common pronoun usage scenarios involving people, places, and things. The answers to each question are provided at the end for self-checking comprehension.

  10. Personal Pronouns Quiz

    Personal Pronouns Quiz. You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Personal Pronouns page. 1. To use the correct personal pronoun, we may need to know the number, person, gender and/or _______ of the noun it's replacing. 2.

  11. 50 Soal Latihan Personal Pronoun Lengkap Dari Berbagai Jenis

    Soal latihan personal pronoun terlengkap berikut terdiri dari 50 nomor. Soal dilengkapi kunci jawaban dan dapat di download dalam bentuk file PDF. ... adalah soal latihan yang lengkap karena terdiri dari berbagai jenis personal pronoun mulai dari personal pronoun untuk subject, object, possessive pronoun, possessive adjective dan reflexive pronoun.

  12. Contoh Soal Pronouns Dalam Bentuk Essay Lengkap

    Contoh Soal Pronouns Dalam Bentuk Essay Lengkap - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains a student's name and class, Nugroho Setiawan from class X MIPA 2, followed by exercises on grammar topics including: 1. Using correct personal pronouns to replace nouns.

  13. Soal Kelas 7 Introduction, Identity, Pronouns

    Soal kelas 7 berisi materi introduction, identity dan pronouns. Soal dalam bentuk PG dengan kunci jawaban & dapat di download gratis dalam bentuk PDF. ... Fill in the blanks with the most suitable subject pronoun and possessive adjective. 21. . . . . . . name is Della. I am a student. ... Part II essay. Answer the questions number 16 to 20 ...

  14. Subject Pronouns

    Subject Pronouns quiz for 3rd grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  15. Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Pronouns Jawaban & Pembahasannya

    Rangkuman Materi Pronouns. Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada benda (proper noun). Kata ganti dalam konteks wacana bisa berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap dan juga katas sifat. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pemaparan materi di bawah ini! Contoh:

  16. 25 Contoh Soal Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal pronoun dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, sedangkan jawaban soal terdapat di akhir kalimat. ... Contoh Soal Possessive Adjective Essay. 2. Contoh Soal Possessive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda. Adapun jawaban dari soal Pronoun Pilihan Ganda sebagai berikut : 1. A, 2. A 3. A 4. C 5.D 6.B 7. C 8. D ...

  17. Contoh soal pronoun

    Postingan ini membahas contoh soal subjective pronoun, objective pronoun, possessive ajdective, possessive pronoun dan jawabannya. Subjective pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek, contohnya I, he, she, you, it, we dan they. Objective pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek contohnya me, him, her, it, us, them, you. Possessive adjective adalah kata sifat

  18. Soal Pronouns Essay

    Soal Pronouns Essay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides examples of using correct personal pronouns, changing words to object pronouns, and filling in blanks with possessive adjectives. It contains multiple choice questions testing these grammar rules across 4 sections - using personal pronouns, changing ...

  19. 35 Latihan Soal Pronoun Kelas 7

    35 Latihan Soal Pronoun Kelas 7. squeeny. Diperbarui: 19 Mar, 2024 • 0 • 6 menit membaca. Daftar Isi. Latihan Pronoun (Kata ganti orang) untuk kelas 7. 25 Soal Pilihan Ganda berikut ini. Jawablah essay pronoun di bawah ini!

  20. 45 Contoh soal pronoun bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya

    Berikut ini brilio.net rangkumkan kumpulan contoh soal pronoun bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya yang dilansir dari berbagai sumber pada Rabu (12/10). Contoh soal ini dapat kamu manfaatkan sebagai salah satu bentuk latihan dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris terutama dari segi pronoun. Magang: Muhammad Reza Aiski.

  21. Latihan Soal Possessive Pronouns

    21.40 Add Comment. Hai adik-adik, buat kalian yang ingin mempelajari latihan soal tentang pronouns baik itu untuk persiapan Ulangan Harian maupun untuk Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS), ataupun untuk Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT), yuk dicoba latihan soalnya tentang adjective pronouns dan possessive pronouns berikut ...

  22. Latihan Soal Pronouns kelas 7.docx

    View Latihan Soal Pronouns kelas 7.docx from ENG 123 at Widyatama University. Latihan Soal Pronouns kelas 7 A.Use correct personal pronouns. Example : .....often reads books. (Lisa) Answer : She often ... write the preterite form that corresponds to the indicated subject pronoun. Modelo: ir / ustedes fueron or ustedes fueron 1. dar / yo: Answer ...

  23. 20 CONTOH Soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 ...

    Portal Kudus - Berikut di bawah ini 20 contoh soal Personal Pronoun Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs terbaru 2022 beserta kunci jawaban.. Personal Pronoun adalah kata pengganti dari penyebutan untuk nama orang atau barang. Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada lima jenis bentuk Personal Pronoun, masing-masing memiliki fungsi yang berbeda dan mempunyai peran penting dalam terbentuknya suatu kalimat.