Rubric Best Practices, Examples, and Templates

A rubric is a scoring tool that identifies the different criteria relevant to an assignment, assessment, or learning outcome and states the possible levels of achievement in a specific, clear, and objective way. Use rubrics to assess project-based student work including essays, group projects, creative endeavors, and oral presentations.

Rubrics can help instructors communicate expectations to students and assess student work fairly, consistently and efficiently. Rubrics can provide students with informative feedback on their strengths and weaknesses so that they can reflect on their performance and work on areas that need improvement.

How to Get Started

Best practices, moodle how-to guides.

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Step 1: Analyze the assignment

The first step in the rubric creation process is to analyze the assignment or assessment for which you are creating a rubric. To do this, consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the assignment and your feedback? What do you want students to demonstrate through the completion of this assignment (i.e. what are the learning objectives measured by it)? Is it a summative assessment, or will students use the feedback to create an improved product?
  • Does the assignment break down into different or smaller tasks? Are these tasks equally important as the main assignment?
  • What would an “excellent” assignment look like? An “acceptable” assignment? One that still needs major work?
  • How detailed do you want the feedback you give students to be? Do you want/need to give them a grade?

Step 2: Decide what kind of rubric you will use

Types of rubrics: holistic, analytic/descriptive, single-point

Holistic Rubric. A holistic rubric includes all the criteria (such as clarity, organization, mechanics, etc.) to be considered together and included in a single evaluation. With a holistic rubric, the rater or grader assigns a single score based on an overall judgment of the student’s work, using descriptions of each performance level to assign the score.

Advantages of holistic rubrics:

  • Can p lace an emphasis on what learners can demonstrate rather than what they cannot
  • Save grader time by minimizing the number of evaluations to be made for each student
  • Can be used consistently across raters, provided they have all been trained

Disadvantages of holistic rubrics:

  • Provide less specific feedback than analytic/descriptive rubrics
  • Can be difficult to choose a score when a student’s work is at varying levels across the criteria
  • Any weighting of c riteria cannot be indicated in the rubric

Analytic/Descriptive Rubric . An analytic or descriptive rubric often takes the form of a table with the criteria listed in the left column and with levels of performance listed across the top row. Each cell contains a description of what the specified criterion looks like at a given level of performance. Each of the criteria is scored individually.

Advantages of analytic rubrics:

  • Provide detailed feedback on areas of strength or weakness
  • Each criterion can be weighted to reflect its relative importance

Disadvantages of analytic rubrics:

  • More time-consuming to create and use than a holistic rubric
  • May not be used consistently across raters unless the cells are well defined
  • May result in giving less personalized feedback

Single-Point Rubric . A single-point rubric is breaks down the components of an assignment into different criteria, but instead of describing different levels of performance, only the “proficient” level is described. Feedback space is provided for instructors to give individualized comments to help students improve and/or show where they excelled beyond the proficiency descriptors.

Advantages of single-point rubrics:

  • Easier to create than an analytic/descriptive rubric
  • Perhaps more likely that students will read the descriptors
  • Areas of concern and excellence are open-ended
  • May removes a focus on the grade/points
  • May increase student creativity in project-based assignments

Disadvantage of analytic rubrics: Requires more work for instructors writing feedback

Step 3 (Optional): Look for templates and examples.

You might Google, “Rubric for persuasive essay at the college level” and see if there are any publicly available examples to start from. Ask your colleagues if they have used a rubric for a similar assignment. Some examples are also available at the end of this article. These rubrics can be a great starting point for you, but consider steps 3, 4, and 5 below to ensure that the rubric matches your assignment description, learning objectives and expectations.

Step 4: Define the assignment criteria

Make a list of the knowledge and skills are you measuring with the assignment/assessment Refer to your stated learning objectives, the assignment instructions, past examples of student work, etc. for help.

  Helpful strategies for defining grading criteria:

  • Collaborate with co-instructors, teaching assistants, and other colleagues
  • Brainstorm and discuss with students
  • Can they be observed and measured?
  • Are they important and essential?
  • Are they distinct from other criteria?
  • Are they phrased in precise, unambiguous language?
  • Revise the criteria as needed
  • Consider whether some are more important than others, and how you will weight them.

Step 5: Design the rating scale

Most ratings scales include between 3 and 5 levels. Consider the following questions when designing your rating scale:

  • Given what students are able to demonstrate in this assignment/assessment, what are the possible levels of achievement?
  • How many levels would you like to include (more levels means more detailed descriptions)
  • Will you use numbers and/or descriptive labels for each level of performance? (for example 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and/or Exceeds expectations, Accomplished, Proficient, Developing, Beginning, etc.)
  • Don’t use too many columns, and recognize that some criteria can have more columns that others . The rubric needs to be comprehensible and organized. Pick the right amount of columns so that the criteria flow logically and naturally across levels.

Step 6: Write descriptions for each level of the rating scale

Artificial Intelligence tools like Chat GPT have proven to be useful tools for creating a rubric. You will want to engineer your prompt that you provide the AI assistant to ensure you get what you want. For example, you might provide the assignment description, the criteria you feel are important, and the number of levels of performance you want in your prompt. Use the results as a starting point, and adjust the descriptions as needed.

Building a rubric from scratch

For a single-point rubric , describe what would be considered “proficient,” i.e. B-level work, and provide that description. You might also include suggestions for students outside of the actual rubric about how they might surpass proficient-level work.

For analytic and holistic rubrics , c reate statements of expected performance at each level of the rubric.

  • Consider what descriptor is appropriate for each criteria, e.g., presence vs absence, complete vs incomplete, many vs none, major vs minor, consistent vs inconsistent, always vs never. If you have an indicator described in one level, it will need to be described in each level.
  • You might start with the top/exemplary level. What does it look like when a student has achieved excellence for each/every criterion? Then, look at the “bottom” level. What does it look like when a student has not achieved the learning goals in any way? Then, complete the in-between levels.
  • For an analytic rubric , do this for each particular criterion of the rubric so that every cell in the table is filled. These descriptions help students understand your expectations and their performance in regard to those expectations.

Well-written descriptions:

  • Describe observable and measurable behavior
  • Use parallel language across the scale
  • Indicate the degree to which the standards are met

Step 7: Create your rubric

Create your rubric in a table or spreadsheet in Word, Google Docs, Sheets, etc., and then transfer it by typing it into Moodle. You can also use online tools to create the rubric, but you will still have to type the criteria, indicators, levels, etc., into Moodle. Rubric creators: Rubistar , iRubric

Step 8: Pilot-test your rubric

Prior to implementing your rubric on a live course, obtain feedback from:

  • Teacher assistants

Try out your new rubric on a sample of student work. After you pilot-test your rubric, analyze the results to consider its effectiveness and revise accordingly.

  • Limit the rubric to a single page for reading and grading ease
  • Use parallel language . Use similar language and syntax/wording from column to column. Make sure that the rubric can be easily read from left to right or vice versa.
  • Use student-friendly language . Make sure the language is learning-level appropriate. If you use academic language or concepts, you will need to teach those concepts.
  • Share and discuss the rubric with your students . Students should understand that the rubric is there to help them learn, reflect, and self-assess. If students use a rubric, they will understand the expectations and their relevance to learning.
  • Consider scalability and reusability of rubrics. Create rubric templates that you can alter as needed for multiple assignments.
  • Maximize the descriptiveness of your language. Avoid words like “good” and “excellent.” For example, instead of saying, “uses excellent sources,” you might describe what makes a resource excellent so that students will know. You might also consider reducing the reliance on quantity, such as a number of allowable misspelled words. Focus instead, for example, on how distracting any spelling errors are.

Example of an analytic rubric for a final paper

Above Average (4)Sufficient (3)Developing (2)Needs improvement (1)
(Thesis supported by relevant information and ideas The central purpose of the student work is clear and supporting ideas always are always well-focused. Details are relevant, enrich the work.The central purpose of the student work is clear and ideas are almost always focused in a way that supports the thesis. Relevant details illustrate the author’s ideas.The central purpose of the student work is identified. Ideas are mostly focused in a way that supports the thesis.The purpose of the student work is not well-defined. A number of central ideas do not support the thesis. Thoughts appear disconnected.
(Sequencing of elements/ ideas)Information and ideas are presented in a logical sequence which flows naturally and is engaging to the audience.Information and ideas are presented in a logical sequence which is followed by the reader with little or no difficulty.Information and ideas are presented in an order that the audience can mostly follow.Information and ideas are poorly sequenced. The audience has difficulty following the thread of thought.
(Correctness of grammar and spelling)Minimal to no distracting errors in grammar and spelling.The readability of the work is only slightly interrupted by spelling and/or grammatical errors.Grammatical and/or spelling errors distract from the work.The readability of the work is seriously hampered by spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Example of a holistic rubric for a final paper

The audience is able to easily identify the central message of the work and is engaged by the paper’s clear focus and relevant details. Information is presented logically and naturally. There are minimal to no distracting errors in grammar and spelling. : The audience is easily able to identify the focus of the student work which is supported by relevant ideas and supporting details. Information is presented in a logical manner that is easily followed. The readability of the work is only slightly interrupted by errors. : The audience can identify the central purpose of the student work without little difficulty and supporting ideas are present and clear. The information is presented in an orderly fashion that can be followed with little difficulty. Grammatical and spelling errors distract from the work. : The audience cannot clearly or easily identify the central ideas or purpose of the student work. Information is presented in a disorganized fashion causing the audience to have difficulty following the author’s ideas. The readability of the work is seriously hampered by errors.

Single-Point Rubric

Advanced (evidence of exceeding standards)Criteria described a proficient levelConcerns (things that need work)
Criteria #1: Description reflecting achievement of proficient level of performance
Criteria #2: Description reflecting achievement of proficient level of performance
Criteria #3: Description reflecting achievement of proficient level of performance
Criteria #4: Description reflecting achievement of proficient level of performance
90-100 points80-90 points<80 points

More examples:

  • Single Point Rubric Template ( variation )
  • Analytic Rubric Template make a copy to edit
  • A Rubric for Rubrics
  • Bank of Online Discussion Rubrics in different formats
  • Mathematical Presentations Descriptive Rubric
  • Math Proof Assessment Rubric
  • Kansas State Sample Rubrics
  • Design Single Point Rubric

Technology Tools: Rubrics in Moodle

  • Moodle Docs: Rubrics
  • Moodle Docs: Grading Guide (use for single-point rubrics)

Tools with rubrics (other than Moodle)

  • Google Assignments
  • Turnitin Assignments: Rubric or Grading Form

Other resources

  • DePaul University (n.d.). Rubrics .
  • Gonzalez, J. (2014). Know your terms: Holistic, Analytic, and Single-Point Rubrics . Cult of Pedagogy.
  • Goodrich, H. (1996). Understanding rubrics . Teaching for Authentic Student Performance, 54 (4), 14-17. Retrieved from   
  • Miller, A. (2012). Tame the beast: tips for designing and using rubrics.
  • Ragupathi, K., Lee, A. (2020). Beyond Fairness and Consistency in Grading: The Role of Rubrics in Higher Education. In: Sanger, C., Gleason, N. (eds) Diversity and Inclusion in Global Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

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  • How to write a descriptive essay | Example & tips

How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Table of contents

Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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rubric for a descriptive essay

The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 6, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

Jack Caulfield

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Writing Beginner

Writing Rubrics [Examples, Best Practices, & Free Templates]

Writing rubrics are essential tools for teachers.

Rubrics can improve both teaching and learning. This guide will explain writing rubrics, their benefits, and how to create and use them effectively.

What Is a Writing Rubric?

Writer typing at a vintage desk, with a stormy night outside -- Writing Rubrics

Table of Contents

A writing rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate written work.

It lists criteria and describes levels of quality from excellent to poor. Rubrics provide a standardized way to assess writing.

They make expectations clear and grading consistent.

Key Components of a Writing Rubric

  • Criteria : Specific aspects of writing being evaluated (e.g., grammar, organization).
  • Descriptors : Detailed descriptions of what each level of performance looks like.
  • Scoring Levels : Typically, a range (e.g., 1-4 or 1-6) showing levels of mastery.

Example Breakdown

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
GrammarNo errorsFew minor errorsSeveral errorsMany errors
OrganizationClear and logicalMostly clearSomewhat clearNot clear
ContentThorough and insightfulGood, but not thoroughBasic, lacks insightIncomplete or off-topic

Benefits of Using Writing Rubrics

Writing rubrics offer many advantages:

  • Clarity : Rubrics clarify expectations for students. They know what is required for each level of performance.
  • Consistency : Rubrics standardize grading. This ensures fairness and consistency across different students and assignments.
  • Feedback : Rubrics provide detailed feedback. Students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Efficiency : Rubrics streamline the grading process. Teachers can evaluate work more quickly and systematically.
  • Self-Assessment : Students can use rubrics to self-assess. This promotes reflection and responsibility for their learning.

Examples of Writing Rubrics

Here are some examples of writing rubrics.

Narrative Writing Rubric

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Story ElementsWell-developedDeveloped, some detailsBasic, missing detailsUnderdeveloped
CreativityHighly creativeCreativeSome creativityLacks creativity
GrammarNo errorsFew minor errorsSeveral errorsMany errors
OrganizationClear and logicalMostly clearSomewhat clearNot clear
Language UseRich and variedVariedLimitedBasic or inappropriate

Persuasive Writing Rubric

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
ArgumentStrong and convincingConvincing, some gapsBasic, lacks supportWeak or unsupported
EvidenceStrong and relevantRelevant, but not strongSome relevant, weakIrrelevant or missing
GrammarNo errorsFew minor errorsSeveral errorsMany errors
OrganizationClear and logicalMostly clearSomewhat clearNot clear
Language UsePersuasive and engagingEngagingSomewhat engagingNot engaging

Best Practices for Creating Writing Rubrics

Let’s look at some best practices for creating useful writing rubrics.

1. Define Clear Criteria

Identify specific aspects of writing to evaluate. Be clear and precise.

The criteria should reflect the key components of the writing task. For example, for a narrative essay, criteria might include plot development, character depth, and use of descriptive language.

Clear criteria help students understand what is expected and allow teachers to provide targeted feedback.

Insider Tip : Collaborate with colleagues to establish consistent criteria across grade levels. This ensures uniformity in expectations and assessments.

2. Use Detailed Descriptors

Describe what each level of performance looks like.

This ensures transparency and clarity. Avoid vague language. Instead of saying “good,” describe what “good” entails. For example, “Few minor grammatical errors that do not impede readability.”

Detailed descriptors help students gauge their performance accurately.

Insider Tip : Use student work samples to illustrate each performance level. This provides concrete examples and helps students visualize expectations.

3. Involve Students

Involve students in the rubric creation process. This increases their understanding and buy-in.

Ask for their input on what they think is important in their writing.

This collaborative approach not only demystifies the grading process but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility in students.

Insider Tip : Conduct a workshop where students help create a rubric for an upcoming assignment. This interactive session can clarify doubts and make students more invested in their work.

4. Align with Objectives

Ensure the rubric aligns with learning objectives. This ensures relevance and focus.

If the objective is to enhance persuasive writing skills, the rubric should emphasize argument strength, evidence quality, and persuasive techniques.

Alignment ensures that the assessment directly supports instructional goals.

Insider Tip : Regularly revisit and update rubrics to reflect changes in curriculum and instructional priorities. This keeps the rubrics relevant and effective.

5. Review and Revise

Regularly review and revise rubrics. Ensure they remain accurate and effective.

Solicit feedback from students and colleagues. Continuous improvement of rubrics ensures they remain a valuable tool for both assessment and instruction.

Insider Tip : After using a rubric, take notes on its effectiveness. Were students confused by any criteria? Did the rubric cover all necessary aspects of the assignment? Use these observations to make adjustments.

6. Be Consistent

Use the rubric consistently across all assignments.

This ensures fairness and reliability. Consistency in applying the rubric helps build trust with students and maintains the integrity of the assessment process.

Insider Tip : Develop a grading checklist to accompany the rubric. This can help ensure that all criteria are consistently applied and none are overlooked during the grading process.

7. Provide Examples

Provide examples of each performance level.

This helps students understand expectations. Use annotated examples to show why a particular piece of writing meets a specific level.

This visual and practical demonstration can be more effective than descriptions alone.

Insider Tip : Create a portfolio of exemplar works for different assignments. This can be a valuable resource for both new and experienced teachers to standardize grading.

How to Use Writing Rubrics Effectively

Here is how to use writing rubrics like the pros.

1. Introduce Rubrics Early

Introduce rubrics at the beginning of the assignment.

Explain each criterion and performance level. This upfront clarity helps students understand what is expected and guides their work from the start.

Insider Tip : Conduct a rubric walkthrough session where you discuss each part of the rubric in detail. Allow students to ask questions and provide examples to illustrate each criterion.

2. Use Rubrics as a Teaching Tool

Use rubrics to teach writing skills. Discuss what constitutes good writing and why.

This can be an opportunity to reinforce lessons on grammar, organization, and other writing components.

Insider Tip : Pair the rubric with writing workshops. Use the rubric to critique sample essays and show students how to apply the rubric to improve their own writing.

3. Provide Feedback

Use the rubric to give detailed feedback. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement.

This targeted feedback helps students understand their performance and learn how to improve.

Insider Tip : Instead of just marking scores, add comments next to each criterion on the rubric. This personalized feedback can be more impactful and instructive for students.

4. Encourage Self-Assessment

Encourage students to use rubrics to self-assess.

This promotes reflection and growth. Before submitting their work, ask students to evaluate their own writing against the rubric.

This practice fosters self-awareness and critical thinking.

Insider Tip : Incorporate self-assessment as a mandatory step in the assignment process. Provide a simplified version of the rubric for students to use during self-assessment.

5. Use Rubrics for Peer Assessment

Use rubrics for peer assessment. This allows students to learn from each other.

Peer assessments can provide new perspectives and reinforce learning.

Insider Tip : Conduct a peer assessment workshop. Train students on how to use the rubric to evaluate each other’s work constructively. This can improve the quality of peer feedback.

6. Reflect and Improve

Reflect on the effectiveness of the rubric. Make adjustments as needed for future assignments.

Continuous reflection ensures that rubrics remain relevant and effective tools for assessment and learning.

Insider Tip : After an assignment, hold a debrief session with students to gather their feedback on the rubric. Use their insights to make improvements.

Check out this video about using writing rubrics:

Common Mistakes with Writing Rubrics

Creating and using writing rubrics can be incredibly effective, but there are common mistakes that can undermine their effectiveness.

Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

1. Vague Criteria

Vague criteria can confuse students and lead to inconsistent grading.

Ensure that each criterion is specific and clearly defined. Ambiguous terms like “good” or “satisfactory” should be replaced with concrete descriptions of what those levels of performance look like.

2. Overly Complex Rubrics

While detail is important, overly complex rubrics can be overwhelming for both students and teachers.

Too many criteria and performance levels can complicate the grading process and make it difficult for students to understand what is expected.

Keep rubrics concise and focused on the most important aspects of the assignment.

3. Inconsistent Application

Applying the rubric inconsistently can lead to unfair grading.

Ensure that you apply the rubric in the same way for all students and all assignments. Consistency builds trust and ensures that grades accurately reflect student performance.

4. Ignoring Student Input

Ignoring student input when creating rubrics can result in criteria that do not align with student understanding or priorities.

Involving students in the creation process can enhance their understanding and engagement with the rubric.

5. Failing to Update Rubrics

Rubrics should evolve to reflect changes in instructional goals and student needs.

Failing to update rubrics can result in outdated criteria that no longer align with current teaching objectives.

Regularly review and revise rubrics to keep them relevant and effective.

6. Lack of Examples

Without examples, students may struggle to understand the expectations for each performance level.

Providing annotated examples of work that meets each criterion can help students visualize what is required and guide their efforts more effectively.

7. Not Providing Feedback

Rubrics should be used as a tool for feedback, not just scoring.

Simply assigning a score without providing detailed feedback can leave students unclear about their strengths and areas for improvement.

Use the rubric to give comprehensive feedback that guides students’ growth.

8. Overlooking Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment

Self-assessment and peer assessment are valuable components of the learning process.

Overlooking these opportunities can limit students’ ability to reflect on their own work and learn from their peers.

Encourage students to use the rubric for self and peer assessment to deepen their understanding and enhance their skills.

What Is a Holistic Scoring Rubric for Writing?

A holistic scoring rubric for writing is a type of rubric that evaluates a piece of writing as a whole rather than breaking it down into separate criteria

This approach provides a single overall score based on the general impression of the writing’s quality and effectiveness.

Here’s a closer look at holistic scoring rubrics.

Key Features of Holistic Scoring Rubrics

  • Single Overall Score : Assigns one score based on the overall quality of the writing.
  • General Criteria : Focuses on the overall effectiveness, coherence, and impact of the writing.
  • Descriptors : Uses broad descriptors for each score level to capture the general characteristics of the writing.

Example Holistic Scoring Rubric

5 : Exceptionally clear, engaging, and well-organized writing. Demonstrates excellent control of language, grammar, and style.
4 : Clear and well-organized writing. Minor errors do not detract from the overall quality. Demonstrates good control of language and style.
3 : Satisfactory writing with some organizational issues. Contains a few errors that may distract but do not impede understanding.
2 : Basic writing that lacks organization and contains several errors. Demonstrates limited control of language and style.
1 : Unclear and poorly organized writing. Contains numerous errors that impede understanding. Demonstrates poor control of language and style.

Advantages of Holistic Scoring Rubrics

  • Efficiency : Faster to use because it involves a single overall judgment rather than multiple criteria.
  • Flexibility : Allows for a more intuitive assessment of the writing’s overall impact and effectiveness.
  • Comprehensiveness : Captures the overall quality of writing, considering all elements together.

Disadvantages of Holistic Scoring Rubrics

  • Less Detailed Feedback : Provides a general score without specific feedback on individual aspects of writing.
  • Subjectivity : Can be more subjective, as it relies on the assessor’s overall impression rather than specific criteria.
  • Limited Diagnostic Use : Less useful for identifying specific areas of strength and weakness for instructional purposes.

When to Use Holistic Scoring Rubrics

  • Quick Assessments : When a quick, overall evaluation is needed.
  • Standardized Testing : Often used in standardized testing scenarios where consistency and efficiency are priorities.
  • Initial Impressions : Useful for providing an initial overall impression before more detailed analysis.

Free Writing Rubric Templates

Feel free to use the following writing rubric templates.

You can easily copy and paste them into a Word Document. Please do credit this website on any written, printed, or published use.

Otherwise, go wild.

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Well-developed, engaging, and clear plot, characters, and setting.Developed plot, characters, and setting with some details missing.Basic plot, characters, and setting; lacks details.Underdeveloped plot, characters, and setting.
Highly creative and original.Creative with some originality.Some creativity but lacks originality.Lacks creativity and originality.
No grammatical errors.Few minor grammatical errors.Several grammatical errors.Numerous grammatical errors.
Clear and logical structure.Mostly clear structure.Somewhat clear structure.Lacks clear structure.
Rich, varied, and appropriate language.Varied and appropriate language.Limited language variety.Basic or inappropriate language.
Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Strong, clear, and convincing argument.Convincing argument with minor gaps.Basic argument; lacks strong support.Weak or unsupported argument.
Strong, relevant, and well-integrated evidence.Relevant evidence but not strong.Some relevant evidence, but weak.Irrelevant or missing evidence.
No grammatical errors.Few minor grammatical errors.Several grammatical errors.Numerous grammatical errors.
Clear and logical structure.Mostly clear structure.Somewhat clear structure.Lacks clear structure.
Persuasive and engaging language.Engaging language.Somewhat engaging language.Not engaging language.

Expository Writing Rubric

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Thorough, accurate, and insightful content.Accurate content with some details missing.Basic content; lacks depth.Incomplete or inaccurate content.
Clear and concise explanations.Mostly clear explanations.Somewhat clear explanations.Unclear explanations.
No grammatical errors.Few minor grammatical errors.Several grammatical errors.Numerous grammatical errors.
Clear and logical structure.Mostly clear structure.Somewhat clear structure.Lacks clear structure.
Precise and appropriate language.Appropriate language.Limited language variety.Basic or inappropriate language.

Descriptive Writing Rubric

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Vivid and detailed imagery that engages the senses.Detailed imagery with minor gaps.Basic imagery; lacks vivid details.Little to no imagery.
Highly creative and original descriptions.Creative with some originality.Some creativity but lacks originality.Lacks creativity and originality.
No grammatical errors.Few minor grammatical errors.Several grammatical errors.Numerous grammatical errors.
Clear and logical structure.Mostly clear structure.Somewhat clear structure.Lacks clear structure.
Rich, varied, and appropriate language.Varied and appropriate language.Limited language variety.Basic or inappropriate language.

Analytical Writing Rubric

Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Good)2 (Fair)1 (Poor)
Insightful, thorough, and well-supported analysis.Good analysis with some depth.Basic analysis; lacks depth.Weak or unsupported analysis.
Strong, relevant, and well-integrated evidence.Relevant evidence but not strong.Some relevant evidence, but weak.Irrelevant or missing evidence.
No grammatical errors.Few minor grammatical errors.Several grammatical errors.Numerous grammatical errors.
Clear and logical structure.Mostly clear structure.Somewhat clear structure.Lacks clear structure.
Precise and appropriate language.Appropriate language.Limited language variety.Basic or inappropriate language.

Final Thoughts: Writing Rubrics

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iRubric: Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing (grades 6-8)

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Rubric Code: By Ready to use Public Rubric Subject:    Type:    Grade Levels: (none)

Paragraph Writing - Descriptive

rubric for a descriptive essay

Rubric – Language Arts Grade 6 Descriptive

Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Use of Sensory Language The essay includes vivid and detailed sensory language that effectively appeals to the reader’s senses. The essay includes some sensory language that appeals to the reader’s senses, but could be more detailed and vivid. The essay includes limited sensory language that does not effectively appeal to the reader’s senses. The essay lacks sensory language.
Organization The essay is well-organized with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion that flow smoothly. The essay is mostly organized with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, but may have some areas that lack clarity or flow. The essay is somewhat organized, but lacks a clear introduction, body paragraphs, or conclusion, causing confusion for the reader. The essay is disorganized and lacks a clear structure.
Descriptive Details The essay includes a variety of specific and detailed descriptive details that effectively paint a picture of the gingerbread house. The essay includes some descriptive details, but could be more specific and detailed in painting a picture of the gingerbread house. The essay includes limited descriptive details that do not effectively paint a picture of the gingerbread house. The essay lacks descriptive details.
Grammar and Spelling The essay demonstrates excellent grammar and spelling with very few errors. The essay demonstrates mostly correct grammar and spelling, with occasional errors that do not significantly impact understanding. The essay demonstrates some errors in grammar and spelling that occasionally impact understanding. The essay demonstrates numerous errors in grammar and spelling that significantly impact understanding.
Word Choice The essay includes a variety of precise and engaging vocabulary choices that enhance the descriptive nature of the writing. The essay includes some precise and engaging vocabulary choices, but could benefit from more variety and impact. The essay includes limited vocabulary choices that do not enhance the descriptive nature of the writing. The essay lacks precise and engaging vocabulary choices.

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Rubrics 2.0: Descriptive Criteria Enable Student Success

Faculty and instructors tend to be divided over the use of rubrics and scoring sheets to assess writing. Some instructors appreciate the sense of consistency that rubrics provide and how they simplify grading. Others find scoring rubrics artificial and confining, and worry that splitting hairs between categories increases assessment challenges. In this blog post, we’ll look at the question of scoring rubrics from the perspective of student performance and recent research on how scoring rubrics can help students learn.

Descriptive criteria are crucial to student success

Many instructors are aware of the broad distinctions among rubrics. The popular education blog Cult of Pedagogy offers a practical refresher on the differences between holistic, analytic, and single-point rubrics . Regardless of the final form, the most important features of rubrics are the descriptions of salient features of successful completion. Bookhart and Chen (2015) noted that successful rubrics provided descriptive features of expected performance levels in their meta-analysis of student-facing rubrics. Grading sheets that merely provided numerical scales or offered points for meeting format and assignment requirements were not associated with student performance gains. The following examples illustrate the differences:

Scoring Sheet

Perhaps not surprisingly, rubrics that offer clear performance standards are associated with greater consistency between graders and greater validity in assessment. More importantly, Bookhart and Chen observed that when students were offered the same assignment and rated on the same scale, students provided with a descriptive rubric performed better than their counterparts who wrote without the benefit of descriptive criteria.

Descriptive criterion language aids self and peer assessment

While the benefits of descriptive criteria were evident in students' task performance in summative assessments, descriptive criteria were also positively correlated to student motivation and self-efficacy while engaged in the writing process. Providing students with descriptions of successful performance can help them internalize those standards and recognize their presence when assessing work in progress. In their analysis of pre-service teachers, Panadero and Romero (2014) found that the availability of a descriptive rubric increased students' use of effective learning strategies (planning and drafting), positive self-regulation, and reported self-efficacy.

When coupled with practices of effective peer response and using reflective memos , the descriptive language used in effective rubrics can clarify assignment aims and goals and improve the quality and specificity of students' feedback on works in progress.

Three classroom strategies to try

Silver red and black clock set to 3:00 success

Introduce students to assessment criteria common to your discipline. The Writing Enriched Curriculum Program website includes descriptions of faculty-generated writing abilities and menus of grading criteria used by WEC units. The academic units page links to web descriptions of these criteria that can be a practical starting point for discussion of assessment.

Ask students to perform a criterion reference assessment of samples. Using a de-identified sample or samples, ask students (individually or in teams) to use the scoring rubric to rate the quality of a written document and justify their reasoning. Using google forms or another shared platform, compare student responses and identify points of difference.

Involve students in generating descriptive language around standards. Rather than beginning with a rubric to assess samples, ask students to read or review examples of successful writing and describe what they notice.  What features make a selection engaging, informative, or persuasive? What qualities make it less informative, less clear, or less relevant? Students' experience as readers and writers gives them a descriptive vocabulary to augment or supplement criteria common to the field.

Susan M. Bookhart & Fei Chen (2015). The quality and effectiveness of descriptive rubrics. Educational Review , 67:3, 343–368,

Jennifer Gonzales (2014). Know your terms: Holistic, Analytic, and Single-Point Rubrics. Cult of Pedagogy.

Ernesto Panadero & Margarida Romero (2014). To rubric or not to rubric? The effects of self-assessment on self-regulation, performance, and self-efficacy, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practic e , 21:2, 133-148, DOI:  10.1080/0969594X.2013.877872

Meet with the Teaching with Writing Team

Are you interested in discussing ways to develop or refine your courses and assignments? Members of the Writing Across the Curriculum Team can meet with you in person or through Zoom to discuss questions, problems, and strategies to make teaching with writing more manageable and better.

In addition to the links above, our Teaching with Writing Program website offers teaching resources to faculty members and instructors across the University of Minnesota system.

Each semester, we host the popular Teaching with Writing event series , offering workshops, panels, and discussions on writing-related topics. This semester, we’re focusing on connections between reading, research, and writing.

Visit the Writing Across the Curriculum Program and follow us on Twitter @UMNWriting. You can schedule a phone, email, in-person, or via zoom through our online consultation form .

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Guide to Writing at Stetson University

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  • Speaking and Writing English (when it isn’t your first language)
  • Writing in the Disciplines
  • University Writing Rubric
  • A Biology grade rubric
  • The Four Point scale

General Descriptive Rubric

  • Information Literacy and Fluency (Research Fundamentals)
  • General Citations
  • Copyright Basics
  • The Writing Reference

Example 3: Professors of writing-enhanced courses may use a rubric similar to this to describe the work that would earn a specific letter grade.

In general,  A writing  is characterized by absolute clarity and original thought. No essay earns an A if it is not outstanding, academically challenging, and excellent. As are NOT for working hard; rather, As are awarded for rich and full detail, adroit transitions and effective arrangement, ethical and broad research, successful and vivid development and use of the individual voice, and quality of thought, expressed in high quality prose.

In general,  B writing  is characterized by above average achievement. An essay earning a B is one that demonstrates most of the qualities of average writing, illuminated in some spots by evidence of excellence: for instance, while organization may be sound throughout the essay, a superb introduction and conclusion might reflect "above average" skill in this area. Few mechanical errors are present. A B essay is often considered a C essay with some extra "good stuff"--style, voice, humor, and so on.

In general,  C writing  is average and expected writing. The essay has no particular lacks or weaknesses, but neither does it demonstrate excellence. Organization is coherent if slightly inconsistent, use of evidence is often limited to one or two kinds, and the essay sounds somewhat anonymous. Mechanical errors are present but not intrusive. A C designates average achievement.

In general,  D writing  falls below the average mark in two ways: meeting the assignment and mechanical proficiency. Writing that is off topic, doesn't address the assignment, or ignores one or more elements of the assignment is below average; mechanical errors that interfere with the reading process are clearly below average. Incomplete essays, or essays that do not get revised, are often D level essays that could be raised to C essays with substantial work.

In general,  F writing  fails to meet the assignment, fails to show effort at passing the course, fails the ethical expectations or in some other irreparable way falls far, far short of being acceptable work

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Descriptive writing rubric

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Descriptive Writing Rubric

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Haunted House Descriptive Writing - With Drawing Page and Rubric !

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Descriptive Writing Rubric - Ready to Print & Editable Version

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  3. Descriptive Writing Rubric by Live Life Learning

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  3. Descriptive Essay-Arief Ichwan Fanani-0110223262-TI09

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  5. Essay Question Practice using Rubric

  6. English 1102: Rubric for the Literature Review Essay


  1. PDF Descriptive Essay Rubric

    Descriptive Essay Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Title Title is creative, sparks interest and is related to the topic. Title is related to the topic but needs to be more creative. Title is present. No title present. Introduction (Organization) The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, previews the structure of the paper,

  2. PDF STUDENT RUBRIC for Descriptive Writing

    1. Have I used descriptive words and details to create strong mental pictures? 2. Have I used appropriate transition words? 3. Have I used suitable figurative language to develop sensory images? 4. Is the purpose of my descriptive writing stated in my topic sentence? 5. Have I developed the topic in an interesting and informative way?

  3. Rubric Best Practices, Examples, and Templates

    Analytic/Descriptive Rubric. An analytic or descriptive rubric often takes the form of a table with the criteria listed in the left column and with levels of performance listed across the top row. Each cell contains a description of what the specified criterion looks like at a given level of performance. ... "Rubric for persuasive essay at ...

  4. PDF Descriptive Writing Rubric

    Descriptive Writing Rubric. Vivid details incorporated throughout. Sensory details create rich imagery that complements the mood of the narrative. Concrete details and sensory imagery adequately support the description and narrative. Limited presence of concrete details. These do not necessarily contribute to creation of a mood.

  5. Descriptive Essay Rubric

    Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling. Grammar, Spelling, Capitalization, & Punctuation. There are no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Rubric is attached to essay. Essay is completed on time. There are some errors; however, these errors do not distract the reader. Rubric is attached to essay.

  6. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    Descriptive essay example. An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt "Describe a place you love to spend time in," is shown below. Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works. Descriptive essay example. On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house.

  7. Writing Rubrics [Examples, Best Practices, & Free Templates]

    1. Define Clear Criteria. Identify specific aspects of writing to evaluate. Be clear and precise. The criteria should reflect the key components of the writing task. For example, for a narrative essay, criteria might include plot development, character depth, and use of descriptive language.

  8. PDF Essay Rubric

    Essay Rubric Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay. Traits 4 3 2 1 Focus & Details There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information.

  9. PDF Descriptive Writing Rubric

    - Descriptive details are concrete, specific, and sensory. - Writing demonstrates a confident voice. ___ - Words are properly chosen. - Sentences are adequately constructed and logically ordered. 2 Emerging - Most descriptive details are concrete and sensory, but writer could be more specific. - Writer relies too much on

  10. iRubric: Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing (grades 6-8)

    Rubric for Descriptive Paragraph Writing (grades 6-8) The topic sentence is the first sentence in the paragraph. It is a clear statement of the paragraph content. The topic sentence gives some clarity of the overall connectivity of the sentences present. The topic sentence gives little evidence of a relevant topic connecting to the other sentences.

  11. Rubric

    Rubric - Language Arts Grade 6 Descriptive. Criteria. 4 Points. 3 Points. 2 Points. 1 Point. Use of Sensory Language. The essay includes vivid and detailed sensory language that effectively appeals to the reader's senses. The essay includes some sensory language that appeals to the reader's senses, but could be more detailed and vivid.

  12. Rubrics 2.0: Descriptive Criteria Enable Student Success

    Rubrics 2.0: Descriptive Criteria Enable Student Success. Faculty and instructors tend to be divided over the use of rubrics and scoring sheets to assess writing. Some instructors appreciate the sense of consistency that rubrics provide and how they simplify grading. Others find scoring rubrics artificial and confining, and worry that splitting ...

  13. Descriptive Essay Rubric: Category 4

    This document provides a rubric for evaluating descriptive essays. It outlines 14 categories for assessment including title, introduction, focus on topic, supporting details, adding personality, sentence structure, sequencing, conclusion, grammar and spelling, revision, form and neatness. For each category, performance levels of 4, 3, 2 and 1 are defined with clear descriptions of the ...

  14. General Descriptive Rubric

    General Descriptive Rubric. Example 3: Professors of writing-enhanced courses may use a rubric similar to this to describe the work that would earn a specific letter grade. In general, A writing is characterized by absolute clarity and original thought. No essay earns an A if it is not outstanding, academically challenging, and excellent.

  15. Descriptive Essay Rubric

    The descriptive essay rubric outlines categories for evaluating descriptive essays. It provides descriptors for 4 levels of performance in each category, which include the introduction, focus on topic, supporting information/details, adding personality, sentence structure, sequencing, conclusion, grammar/spelling, revision, and form/neatness. The highest level of performance in each category ...

  16. Rubrics For Descriptive Essay Teaching Resources

    This packet contains rubrics for descriptive essay assignments. The packet contains several variations of my standard descriptive essay rubric, which makes them of use to classrooms in all subject areas and several grade levels, including post-secondary. The rubric variations can be used in Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Higher Education, and in ...

  17. Descriptive Essay Rubric

    Descriptive Essay Rubric - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The rubric outlines criteria for evaluating essays across multiple categories, including: - An introduction that clearly states the subject and includes a thesis statement. - Use of sensory details that appeal to the ...

  18. Descriptive Essay Grading Rubric

    The document provides a rubric for grading a descriptive writing assignment (MWA 1) with categories for ideas, organization, introduction, conclusion, word choice, sensory detail, figurative language, sentence fluency, conventions, and formatting. Each category is graded on a scale of 1 to 5, with descriptors provided for what constitutes an excellent (5), very good (4), satisfactory (3), or ...

  19. Results for descriptive writing rubric

    Looking for something to lead your students through writing a DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH or essay? This resource includes a detailed assignment sheet, brainstorming sheet, peer editing / self-evaluation sheet, Helpful Hints handout, detailed grading rubric and more! It also includes two example descriptive paragraphs / mentor texts for students to see the difference between a poorly written and a ...

  20. PDF Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics

    Analytic scoring is usually based on a scale of 0-100 with each aspect receiving a portion of the total points. The General Rubric for Analytic Evaluationon page 14 can be used to score a piece of writing in this way as can the rubrics for specific writing types on pages 17, 26, 31, 36-38, and 43.

  21. Descriptive Essay RUBRIC

    The document is a rubric for grading descriptive essays. It evaluates essays across 5 categories: thesis and focus, organization and development, rhetorical skill and language, mechanics, and an overall holistic grade. For each category, it provides descriptors to assess excellent, competent, adequate, and developing/weak essays with criteria like clear thesis, logical organization, vivid ...

  22. PDF Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics

    Holistic scoring is a quick method of evaluating a composition based on the reader's general impression of the overall quality of the writing—you can generally read a student's composition and assign a score to it in two or three minutes. Holistic scoring is usually based on a scale of 0-4, 0-5, or 0-6.

  23. Descriptive Essay Rubric

    This rubric evaluates descriptive essays based on several criteria, including the introduction, use of sensory details, word choice, use of figurative language, sentence structure, and grammar. For each criterion, the rubric assigns a score from 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest. A score of 4 indicates the essay's introduction clearly states the subject and captures attention, it includes ...