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21 Research Objectives Examples (Copy and Paste)

21 Research Objectives Examples (Copy and Paste)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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research aim and research objectives, explained below

Research objectives refer to the definitive statements made by researchers at the beginning of a research project detailing exactly what a research project aims to achieve.

These objectives are explicit goals clearly and concisely projected by the researcher to present a clear intention or course of action for his or her qualitative or quantitative study. 

Research objectives are typically nested under one overarching research aim. The objectives are the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve the aim (see the examples below, for example, which demonstrate an aim followed by 3 objectives, which is what I recommend to my research students).

Research Objectives vs Research Aims

Research aim and research objectives are fundamental constituents of any study, fitting together like two pieces of the same puzzle.

The ‘research aim’ describes the overarching goal or purpose of the study (Kumar, 2019). This is usually a broad, high-level purpose statement, summing up the central question that the research intends to answer.

Example of an Overarching Research Aim:

“The aim of this study is to explore the impact of climate change on crop productivity.” 

Comparatively, ‘research objectives’ are concrete goals that underpin the research aim, providing stepwise actions to achieve the aim.

Objectives break the primary aim into manageable, focused pieces, and are usually characterized as being more specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Examples of Specific Research Objectives:

1. “To examine the effects of rising temperatures on the yield of rice crops during the upcoming growth season.” 2. “To assess changes in rainfall patterns in major agricultural regions over the first decade of the twenty-first century (2000-2010).” 3. “To analyze the impact of changing weather patterns on crop diseases within the same timeframe.”

The distinction between these two terms, though subtle, is significant for successfully conducting a study. The research aim provides the study with direction, while the research objectives set the path to achieving this aim, thereby ensuring the study’s efficiency and effectiveness.

How to Write Research Objectives

I usually recommend to my students that they use the SMART framework to create their research objectives.

SMART is an acronym standing for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It provides a clear method of defining solid research objectives and helps students know where to start in writing their objectives (Locke & Latham, 2013).

Each element of this acronym adds a distinct dimension to the framework, aiding in the creation of comprehensive, well-delineated objectives.

Here is each step:

  • Specific : We need to avoid ambiguity in our objectives. They need to be clear and precise (Doran, 1981). For instance, rather than stating the objective as “to study the effects of social media,” a more focused detail would be “to examine the effects of social media use (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) on the academic performance of college students.”
  • Measurable: The measurable attribute provides a clear criterion to determine if the objective has been met (Locke & Latham, 2013). A quantifiable element, such as a percentage or a number, adds a measurable quality. For example, “to increase response rate to the annual customer survey by 10%,” makes it easier to ascertain achievement.
  • Achievable: The achievable aspect encourages researchers to craft realistic objectives, resembling a self-check mechanism to ensure the objectives align with the scope and resources at disposal (Doran, 1981). For example, “to interview 25 participants selected randomly from a population of 100” is an attainable objective as long as the researcher has access to these participants.
  • Relevance : Relevance, the fourth element, compels the researcher to tailor the objectives in alignment with overarching goals of the study (Locke & Latham, 2013). This is extremely important – each objective must help you meet your overall one-sentence ‘aim’ in your study.
  • Time-Bound: Lastly, the time-bound element fosters a sense of urgency and prioritization, preventing procrastination and enhancing productivity (Doran, 1981). “To analyze the effect of laptop use in lectures on student engagement over the course of two semesters this year” expresses a clear deadline, thus serving as a motivator for timely completion.

You’re not expected to fit every single element of the SMART framework in one objective, but across your objectives, try to touch on each of the five components.

Research Objectives Examples

1. Field: Psychology

Aim: To explore the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance in college students.

  • Objective 1: To compare cognitive test scores of students with less than six hours of sleep and those with 8 or more hours of sleep.
  • Objective 2: To investigate the relationship between class grades and reported sleep duration.
  • Objective 3: To survey student perceptions and experiences on how sleep deprivation affects their cognitive capabilities.

2. Field: Environmental Science

Aim: To understand the effects of urban green spaces on human well-being in a metropolitan city.

  • Objective 1: To assess the physical and mental health benefits of regular exposure to urban green spaces.
  • Objective 2: To evaluate the social impacts of urban green spaces on community interactions.
  • Objective 3: To examine patterns of use for different types of urban green spaces. 

3. Field: Technology

Aim: To investigate the influence of using social media on productivity in the workplace.

  • Objective 1: To measure the amount of time spent on social media during work hours.
  • Objective 2: To evaluate the perceived impact of social media use on task completion and work efficiency.
  • Objective 3: To explore whether company policies on social media usage correlate with different patterns of productivity.

4. Field: Education

Aim: To examine the effectiveness of online vs traditional face-to-face learning on student engagement and achievement.

  • Objective 1: To compare student grades between the groups exposed to online and traditional face-to-face learning.
  • Objective 2: To assess student engagement levels in both learning environments.
  • Objective 3: To collate student perceptions and preferences regarding both learning methods.

5. Field: Health

Aim: To determine the impact of a Mediterranean diet on cardiac health among adults over 50.

  • Objective 1: To assess changes in cardiovascular health metrics after following a Mediterranean diet for six months.
  • Objective 2: To compare these health metrics with a similar group who follow their regular diet.
  • Objective 3: To document participants’ experiences and adherence to the Mediterranean diet.

6. Field: Environmental Science

Aim: To analyze the impact of urban farming on community sustainability.

  • Objective 1: To document the types and quantity of food produced through urban farming initiatives.
  • Objective 2: To assess the effect of urban farming on local communities’ access to fresh produce.
  • Objective 3: To examine the social dynamics and cooperative relationships in the creating and maintaining of urban farms.

7. Field: Sociology

Aim: To investigate the influence of home offices on work-life balance during remote work.

  • Objective 1: To survey remote workers on their perceptions of work-life balance since setting up home offices.
  • Objective 2: To conduct an observational study of daily work routines and family interactions in a home office setting.
  • Objective 3: To assess the correlation, if any, between physical boundaries of workspaces and mental boundaries for work in the home setting.

8. Field: Economics

Aim: To evaluate the effects of minimum wage increases on small businesses.

  • Objective 1: To analyze cost structures, pricing changes, and profitability of small businesses before and after minimum wage increases.
  • Objective 2: To survey small business owners on the strategies they employ to navigate minimum wage increases.
  • Objective 3: To examine employment trends in small businesses in response to wage increase legislation.

9. Field: Education

Aim: To explore the role of extracurricular activities in promoting soft skills among high school students.

  • Objective 1: To assess the variety of soft skills developed through different types of extracurricular activities.
  • Objective 2: To compare self-reported soft skills between students who participate in extracurricular activities and those who do not.
  • Objective 3: To investigate the teachers’ perspectives on the contribution of extracurricular activities to students’ skill development.

10. Field: Technology

Aim: To assess the impact of virtual reality (VR) technology on the tourism industry.

  • Objective 1: To document the types and popularity of VR experiences available in the tourism market.
  • Objective 2: To survey tourists on their interest levels and satisfaction rates with VR tourism experiences.
  • Objective 3: To determine whether VR tourism experiences correlate with increased interest in real-life travel to the simulated destinations.

11. Field: Biochemistry

Aim: To examine the role of antioxidants in preventing cellular damage.

  • Objective 1: To identify the types and quantities of antioxidants in common fruits and vegetables.
  • Objective 2: To determine the effects of various antioxidants on free radical neutralization in controlled lab tests.
  • Objective 3: To investigate potential beneficial impacts of antioxidant-rich diets on long-term cellular health.

12. Field: Linguistics

Aim: To determine the influence of early exposure to multiple languages on cognitive development in children.

  • Objective 1: To assess cognitive development milestones in monolingual and multilingual children.
  • Objective 2: To document the number and intensity of language exposures for each group in the study.
  • Objective 3: To investigate the specific cognitive advantages, if any, enjoyed by multilingual children.

13. Field: Art History

Aim: To explore the impact of the Renaissance period on modern-day art trends.

  • Objective 1: To identify key characteristics and styles of Renaissance art.
  • Objective 2: To analyze modern art pieces for the influence of the Renaissance style.
  • Objective 3: To survey modern-day artists for their inspirations and the influence of historical art movements on their work.

14. Field: Cybersecurity

Aim: To assess the effectiveness of two-factor authentication (2FA) in preventing unauthorized system access.

  • Objective 1: To measure the frequency of unauthorized access attempts before and after the introduction of 2FA.
  • Objective 2: To survey users about their experiences and challenges with 2FA implementation.
  • Objective 3: To evaluate the efficacy of different types of 2FA (SMS-based, authenticator apps, biometrics, etc.).

15. Field: Cultural Studies

Aim: To analyze the role of music in cultural identity formation among ethnic minorities.

  • Objective 1: To document the types and frequency of traditional music practices within selected ethnic minority communities.
  • Objective 2: To survey community members on the role of music in their personal and communal identity.
  • Objective 3: To explore the resilience and transmission of traditional music practices in contemporary society.

16. Field: Astronomy

Aim: To explore the impact of solar activity on satellite communication.

  • Objective 1: To categorize different types of solar activities and their frequencies of occurrence.
  • Objective 2: To ascertain how variations in solar activity may influence satellite communication.
  • Objective 3: To investigate preventative and damage-control measures currently in place during periods of high solar activity.

17. Field: Literature

Aim: To examine narrative techniques in contemporary graphic novels.

  • Objective 1: To identify a range of narrative techniques employed in this genre.
  • Objective 2: To analyze the ways in which these narrative techniques engage readers and affect story interpretation.
  • Objective 3: To compare narrative techniques in graphic novels to those found in traditional printed novels.

18. Field: Renewable Energy

Aim: To investigate the feasibility of solar energy as a primary renewable resource within urban areas.

  • Objective 1: To quantify the average sunlight hours across urban areas in different climatic zones. 
  • Objective 2: To calculate the potential solar energy that could be harnessed within these areas.
  • Objective 3: To identify barriers or challenges to widespread solar energy implementation in urban settings and potential solutions.

19. Field: Sports Science

Aim: To evaluate the role of pre-game rituals in athlete performance.

  • Objective 1: To identify the variety and frequency of pre-game rituals among professional athletes in several sports.
  • Objective 2: To measure the impact of pre-game rituals on individual athletes’ performance metrics.
  • Objective 3: To examine the psychological mechanisms that might explain the effects (if any) of pre-game ritual on performance.

20. Field: Ecology

Aim: To investigate the effects of urban noise pollution on bird populations.

  • Objective 1: To record and quantify urban noise levels in various bird habitats.
  • Objective 2: To measure bird population densities in relation to noise levels.
  • Objective 3: To determine any changes in bird behavior or vocalization linked to noise levels.

21. Field: Food Science

Aim: To examine the influence of cooking methods on the nutritional value of vegetables.

  • Objective 1: To identify the nutrient content of various vegetables both raw and after different cooking processes.
  • Objective 2: To compare the effect of various cooking methods on the nutrient retention of these vegetables.
  • Objective 3: To propose cooking strategies that optimize nutrient retention.

The Importance of Research Objectives

The importance of research objectives cannot be overstated. In essence, these guideposts articulate what the researcher aims to discover, understand, or examine (Kothari, 2014).

When drafting research objectives, it’s essential to make them simple and comprehensible, specific to the point of being quantifiable where possible, achievable in a practical sense, relevant to the chosen research question, and time-constrained to ensure efficient progress (Kumar, 2019). 

Remember that a good research objective is integral to the success of your project, offering a clear path forward for setting out a research design , and serving as the bedrock of your study plan. Each objective must distinctly address a different dimension of your research question or problem (Kothari, 2014). Always bear in mind that the ultimate purpose of your research objectives is to succinctly encapsulate your aims in the clearest way possible, facilitating a coherent, comprehensive and rational approach to your planned study, and furnishing a scientific roadmap for your journey into the depths of knowledge and research (Kumar, 2019). 

Kothari, C.R (2014). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques . New Delhi: New Age International.

Kumar, R. (2019). Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners .New York: SAGE Publications.

Doran, G. T. (1981). There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives. Management review, 70 (11), 35-36.

Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2013). New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance . New York: Routledge.


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What Are Research Objectives and How To Write Them (with Examples)

What Are Research Objectives and How to Write Them (with Examples)

What Are Research Objectives and How To Write Them (with Examples)

Table of Contents


Research is at the center of everything researchers do, and setting clear, well-defined research objectives plays a pivotal role in guiding scholars toward their desired outcomes. Research papers are essential instruments for researchers to effectively communicate their work. Among the many sections that constitute a research paper, the introduction plays a key role in providing a background and setting the context. 1 Research objectives, which define the aims of the study, are usually stated in the introduction. Every study has a research question that the authors are trying to answer, and the objective is an active statement about how the study will answer this research question. These objectives help guide the development and design of the study and steer the research in the appropriate direction; if this is not clearly defined, a project can fail!

Research studies have a research question, research hypothesis, and one or more research objectives. A research question is what a study aims to answer, and a research hypothesis is a predictive statement about the relationship between two or more variables, which the study sets out to prove or disprove. Objectives are specific, measurable goals that the study aims to achieve. The difference between these three is illustrated by the following example:

  • Research question : How does low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) compare with a placebo device in managing the symptoms of skeletally mature patients with patellar tendinopathy?
  • Research hypothesis : Pain levels are reduced in patients who receive daily active-LIPUS (treatment) for 12 weeks compared with individuals who receive inactive-LIPUS (placebo).
  • Research objective : To investigate the clinical efficacy of LIPUS in the management of patellar tendinopathy symptoms.

This article discusses the importance of clear, well-thought out objectives and suggests methods to write them clearly.

What is the introduction in research papers?

Research objectives are usually included in the introduction section. This section is the first that the readers will read so it is essential that it conveys the subject matter appropriately and is well written to create a good first impression. A good introduction sets the tone of the paper and clearly outlines the contents so that the readers get a quick snapshot of what to expect.

A good introduction should aim to: 2,3

  • Indicate the main subject area, its importance, and cite previous literature on the subject
  • Define the gap(s) in existing research, ask a research question, and state the objectives
  • Announce the present research and outline its novelty and significance
  • Avoid repeating the Abstract, providing unnecessary information, and claiming novelty without accurate supporting information.

Why are research objectives important?

Objectives can help you stay focused and steer your research in the required direction. They help define and limit the scope of your research, which is important to efficiently manage your resources and time. The objectives help to create and maintain the overall structure, and specify two main things—the variables and the methods of quantifying the variables.

A good research objective:

  • defines the scope of the study
  • gives direction to the research
  • helps maintain focus and avoid diversions from the topic
  • minimizes wastage of resources like time, money, and energy

Types of research objectives

Research objectives can be broadly classified into general and specific objectives . 4 General objectives state what the research expects to achieve overall while specific objectives break this down into smaller, logically connected parts, each of which addresses various parts of the research problem. General objectives are the main goals of the study and are usually fewer in number while specific objectives are more in number because they address several aspects of the research problem.

Example (general objective): To investigate the factors influencing the financial performance of firms listed in the New York Stock Exchange market.

Example (specific objective): To assess the influence of firm size on the financial performance of firms listed in the New York Stock Exchange market.

In addition to this broad classification, research objectives can be grouped into several categories depending on the research problem, as given in Table 1.

Table 1: Types of research objectives

Exploratory Explores a previously unstudied topic, issue, or phenomenon; aims to generate ideas or hypotheses
Descriptive Describes the characteristics and features of a particular population or group
Explanatory Explains the relationships between variables; seeks to identify cause-and-effect relationships
Predictive Predicts future outcomes or events based on existing data samples or trends
Diagnostic Identifies factors contributing to a particular problem
Comparative Compares two or more groups or phenomena to identify similarities and differences
Historical Examines past events and trends to understand their significance and impact
Methodological Develops and improves research methods and techniques
Theoretical Tests and refines existing theories or helps develop new theoretical perspectives

Characteristics of research objectives

Research objectives must start with the word “To” because this helps readers identify the objective in the absence of headings and appropriate sectioning in research papers. 5,6

  • A good objective is SMART (mostly applicable to specific objectives):
  • Specific—clear about the what, why, when, and how
  • Measurable—identifies the main variables of the study and quantifies the targets
  • Achievable—attainable using the available time and resources
  • Realistic—accurately addresses the scope of the problem
  • Time-bound—identifies the time in which each step will be completed
  • Research objectives clarify the purpose of research.
  • They help understand the relationship and dissimilarities between variables.
  • They provide a direction that helps the research to reach a definite conclusion.

How to write research objectives?

Research objectives can be written using the following steps: 7

  • State your main research question clearly and concisely.
  • Describe the ultimate goal of your study, which is similar to the research question but states the intended outcomes more definitively.
  • Divide this main goal into subcategories to develop your objectives.
  • Limit the number of objectives (1-2 general; 3-4 specific)
  • Assess each objective using the SMART
  • Start each objective with an action verb like assess, compare, determine, evaluate, etc., which makes the research appear more actionable.
  • Use specific language without making the sentence data heavy.
  • The most common section to add the objectives is the introduction and after the problem statement.
  • Add the objectives to the abstract (if there is one).
  • State the general objective first, followed by the specific objectives.

Formulating research objectives

Formulating research objectives has the following five steps, which could help researchers develop a clear objective: 8

  • Identify the research problem.
  • Review past studies on subjects similar to your problem statement, that is, studies that use similar methods, variables, etc.
  • Identify the research gaps the current study should cover based on your literature review. These gaps could be theoretical, methodological, or conceptual.
  • Define the research question(s) based on the gaps identified.
  • Revise/relate the research problem based on the defined research question and the gaps identified. This is to confirm that there is an actual need for a study on the subject based on the gaps in literature.
  • Identify and write the general and specific objectives.
  • Incorporate the objectives into the study.

Advantages of research objectives

Adding clear research objectives has the following advantages: 4,8

  • Maintains the focus and direction of the research
  • Optimizes allocation of resources with minimal wastage
  • Acts as a foundation for defining appropriate research questions and hypotheses
  • Provides measurable outcomes that can help evaluate the success of the research
  • Determines the feasibility of the research by helping to assess the availability of required resources
  • Ensures relevance of the study to the subject and its contribution to existing literature

Disadvantages of research objectives

Research objectives also have few disadvantages, as listed below: 8

  • Absence of clearly defined objectives can lead to ambiguity in the research process
  • Unintentional bias could affect the validity and accuracy of the research findings

Key takeaways

  • Research objectives are concise statements that describe what the research is aiming to achieve.
  • They define the scope and direction of the research and maintain focus.
  • The objectives should be SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
  • Clear research objectives help avoid collection of data or resources not required for the study.
  • Well-formulated specific objectives help develop the overall research methodology, including data collection, analysis, interpretation, and utilization.
  • Research objectives should cover all aspects of the problem statement in a coherent way.
  • They should be clearly stated using action verbs.

Frequently asked questions on research objectives

Q: what’s the difference between research objectives and aims 9.

A: Research aims are statements that reflect the broad goal(s) of the study and outline the general direction of the research. They are not specific but clearly define the focus of the study.

Example: This research aims to explore employee experiences of digital transformation in retail HR.

Research objectives focus on the action to be taken to achieve the aims. They make the aims more practical and should be specific and actionable.

Example: To observe the retail HR employees throughout the digital transformation.

Q: What are the examples of research objectives, both general and specific?

A: Here are a few examples of research objectives:

  • To identify the antiviral chemical constituents in Mumbukura gitoniensis (general)
  • To carry out solvent extraction of dried flowers of Mumbukura gitoniensis and isolate the constituents. (specific)
  • To determine the antiviral activity of each of the isolated compounds. (specific)
  • To examine the extent, range, and method of coral reef rehabilitation projects in five shallow reef areas adjacent to popular tourist destinations in the Philippines.
  • To investigate species richness of mammal communities in five protected areas over the past 20 years.
  • To evaluate the potential application of AI techniques for estimating best-corrected visual acuity from fundus photographs with and without ancillary information.
  • To investigate whether sport influences psychological parameters in the personality of asthmatic children.

Q: How do I develop research objectives?

A: Developing research objectives begins with defining the problem statement clearly, as illustrated by Figure 1. Objectives specify how the research question will be answered and they determine what is to be measured to test the hypothesis.

research objectives examples business

Q: Are research objectives measurable?

A: The word “measurable” implies that something is quantifiable. In terms of research objectives, this means that the source and method of collecting data are identified and that all these aspects are feasible for the research. Some metrics can be created to measure your progress toward achieving your objectives.

Q: Can research objectives change during the study?

A: Revising research objectives during the study is acceptable in situations when the selected methodology is not progressing toward achieving the objective, or if there are challenges pertaining to resources, etc. One thing to keep in mind is the time and resources you would have to complete your research after revising the objectives. Thus, as long as your problem statement and hypotheses are unchanged, minor revisions to the research objectives are acceptable.

Q: What is the difference between research questions and research objectives? 10

Broad statement; guide the overall direction of the research Specific, measurable goals that the research aims to achieve
Identify the main problem Define the specific outcomes the study aims to achieve
Used to generate hypotheses or identify gaps in existing knowledge Used to establish clear and achievable targets for the research
Not mutually exclusive with research objectives Should be directly related to the research question
Example: Example:

Q: Are research objectives the same as hypotheses?

A: No, hypotheses are predictive theories that are expressed in general terms. Research objectives, which are more specific, are developed from hypotheses and aim to test them. A hypothesis can be tested using several methods and each method will have different objectives because the methodology to be used could be different. A hypothesis is developed based on observation and reasoning; it is a calculated prediction about why a particular phenomenon is occurring. To test this prediction, different research objectives are formulated. Here’s a simple example of both a research hypothesis and research objective.

Research hypothesis : Employees who arrive at work earlier are more productive.

Research objective : To assess whether employees who arrive at work earlier are more productive.

To summarize, research objectives are an important part of research studies and should be written clearly to effectively communicate your research. We hope this article has given you a brief insight into the importance of using clearly defined research objectives and how to formulate them.

  • Farrugia P, Petrisor BA, Farrokhyar F, Bhandari M. Practical tips for surgical research: Research questions, hypotheses and objectives. Can J Surg. 2010 Aug;53(4):278-81.
  • Abbadia J. How to write an introduction for a research paper. Mind the Graph website. Accessed June 14, 2023.
  • Writing a scientific paper: Introduction. UCI libraries website. Accessed June 15, 2023.
  • Research objectives—Types, examples and writing guide. website. Accessed June 17, 2023.,track%20and%20achieve%20their%20goals .
  • Bartle P. SMART Characteristics of good objectives. Community empowerment collective website. Accessed June 16, 2023.
  • Research objectives. Studyprobe website. Accessed June 18, 2023.
  • Corredor F. How to write objectives in a research paper. wikiHow website. Accessed June 18, 2023.
  • Research objectives: Definition, types, characteristics, advantages. AccountingNest website. Accessed June 15, 2023.
  • Phair D., Shaeffer A. Research aims, objectives & questions. GradCoach website. Accessed June 20, 2023.
  • Understanding the difference between research questions and objectives. Accessed June 21, 2023.

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How to Write a Marketing Research Objective

We all know the old adage: is marketing is an art or a science?

At Seer, we think it’s both. But not necessarily both at the same time. We believe the better question is: which comes first in marketing, art or science?

And if you ask us that question, we’d tell you it’s a science first.

"The science of marketing is all about using data and insights to drive your strategy. The art of marketing is how you express that strategy."

Now that we know we are starting with science, what does that mean exactly?

Well, remember when you were in school and you had to come up with your own science research experiment? Remember what came first? The objective. Why? Because without an objective, you don’t have a testable proposition. And without a testable proposition, you don’t have direction. And we all know that when research doesn’t have a direction, it typically doesn’t garner any groundbreaking takeaways.

So, what does your high school science experiment have to do with marketing research?

Similar to the traditional objective, a great marketing research plan starts with a strong objective. One that is focused, measurable, and effective. Without a clear objective, your marketing research will not be as successful. 

What is a Marketing Research Objective?

[TIP] By definition, a "Research Objective" is a statement of purpose that outlines a specific result to achieve within a dedicated time frame and available resources.

Applying this logic to marketing, a marketing research objective is a statement that outlines what you want to know about your customer. Clearly defining your objective at the beginning stages will help you avoid conflicting expectations or wasted collecting irrelevant data. 

How Do You Create a Marketing Research Objective?

Start at the end. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but if you start with the desired outcome, you will be able to create a more focused objective. What’s the one thing you want to be able to take away from this research? What do you plan to do with the information? What does success look like? Use this objective as your compass while you navigate your research and analysis. 

Typically, it’s easiest to do this in the form of a question. Here are a few examples.

  • Example 1: Which features in Product X are most important to our Enterprise customers? 

This question will give you a list of features, in order of importance, for your Enterprise customer. 

  • Example 2: What are the different search triggers amongst our four customer segments? 

This question will result in a list of common factors that result in users searching for Service Y. 

When you start seeing all the data points, behaviors, and survey responses - curiosity can set in.

An abundance of data can pull you in multiple directions because each finding is interesting in its own right. That’s when your objective comes in. Know the end result you are working toward and stay on that path.

Creating a Research Objective

Once you’ve got your desired outcome, you’ll want to create your objective. A few things to consider as you create your statement: 

  • Where does this fit into your marketing strategy? Where does this objective fit into your larger marketing strategy? Not only is this helpful when dispersing information internally or getting buy-in, it keeps the research team focused on the higher business objectives attached to this research. Is this part of your company’s focus on brand awareness? A new product launch? An analysis of competitors? These are all very different things. 
  • Include your target audience. Typically, it’s difficult to understand everything with every user segment so pick which segment you plan to analyze. Is it your Enterprise customers? Customers living in a specific region? A certain demographic segment? Including this in your objective will be a helpful gut check when choosing participants. 
  • What will you measure? You don’t need to list out all of the data points you plan to measure, but there should be some measurable element in your objective. Is it sentiment? Are you looking for frequencies? What about behavioral trends? Including this in your objective will ensure you pick the most appropriate research methodology to acquire that measurable element. 
  • A behavior. What is the behavior or action that we are going to be researching? Is navigating your website? Is it purchasing a product? Is it clicking on an ad? 

Let’s look at some examples: 

marketing research objective

Common Marketing Research Objective Pitfalls

While creating an objective may seem relatively straightforward, it can be easy to get wrong. Let’s go over some of the common pitfalls.

Objective is Too Broad

Now, if you follow the outline above, this shouldn’t be an issue because it forces you to get granular with your objective. 

  • Specific: As part of our rebranding, we are conducting a sentiment analysis with our recurring customers 
  • Broad: As part of our rebranding, we will ask customers how they feel about it

We want to avoid broad objectives because they can allow curiosity to get the best of us and a once seemingly clear research project can get muddied. 

More Than One Objective

Every research project should have one objective and one objective only. Again, while this may seem easy enough to manage, you’d be surprised just how easy it is to sneak those secondary and tertiary objectives into your statement. 

  • One objective: We aim to understand what questions our customers have when considering purchasing a car 
  • Two objectives: We aim to understand what questions our customers have when searching for and considering a car 

You see, the questions customers may have when searching for a car could be completely different than the questions they have when considering purchasing a car. 

Making Assumptions

Avoid making your objective into a hypothesis with absolute statements and assumptions. Your objective should be more of a question than a prediction. That comes later. 

  • Objective: Uncover the purchase journey of our target demographic
  • Assumption: Uncover what part search plays in the purchase journey of our target demographic

This looks unsuspecting, but in reality, we're already assuming that search plays a role in our audience's journey. That could sway the focus of the research.  

Once you’ve created your objective, let it (and only it) drive the beginning stages of your marketing research.

Write it on a post-it and stick it on your desk, write it on the whiteboard at every meeting you have, keep it top of mind as you continue your research. It will serve as a compass and help you avoid being led astray by interesting data, curious colleagues, and conflicting agendas. 

More Tips for Understanding Your Audience

Check back on the Seer blog for the next installment from our Audience team. Sign up for our newsletter to read the latest blogs on audience, SEO, PPC, and more. 

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Research Aims, Objectives & Questions

The “Golden Thread” Explained Simply (+ Examples)

By: David Phair (PhD) and Alexandra Shaeffer (PhD) | June 2022

The research aims , objectives and research questions (collectively called the “golden thread”) are arguably the most important thing you need to get right when you’re crafting a research proposal , dissertation or thesis . We receive questions almost every day about this “holy trinity” of research and there’s certainly a lot of confusion out there, so we’ve crafted this post to help you navigate your way through the fog.

Overview: The Golden Thread

  • What is the golden thread
  • What are research aims ( examples )
  • What are research objectives ( examples )
  • What are research questions ( examples )
  • The importance of alignment in the golden thread

What is the “golden thread”?  

The golden thread simply refers to the collective research aims , research objectives , and research questions for any given project (i.e., a dissertation, thesis, or research paper ). These three elements are bundled together because it’s extremely important that they align with each other, and that the entire research project aligns with them.

Importantly, the golden thread needs to weave its way through the entirety of any research project , from start to end. In other words, it needs to be very clearly defined right at the beginning of the project (the topic ideation and proposal stage) and it needs to inform almost every decision throughout the rest of the project. For example, your research design and methodology will be heavily influenced by the golden thread (we’ll explain this in more detail later), as well as your literature review.

The research aims, objectives and research questions (the golden thread) define the focus and scope ( the delimitations ) of your research project. In other words, they help ringfence your dissertation or thesis to a relatively narrow domain, so that you can “go deep” and really dig into a specific problem or opportunity. They also help keep you on track , as they act as a litmus test for relevance. In other words, if you’re ever unsure whether to include something in your document, simply ask yourself the question, “does this contribute toward my research aims, objectives or questions?”. If it doesn’t, chances are you can drop it.

Alright, enough of the fluffy, conceptual stuff. Let’s get down to business and look at what exactly the research aims, objectives and questions are and outline a few examples to bring these concepts to life.

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Research Aims: What are they?

Simply put, the research aim(s) is a statement that reflects the broad overarching goal (s) of the research project. Research aims are fairly high-level (low resolution) as they outline the general direction of the research and what it’s trying to achieve .

Research Aims: Examples  

True to the name, research aims usually start with the wording “this research aims to…”, “this research seeks to…”, and so on. For example:

“This research aims to explore employee experiences of digital transformation in retail HR.”   “This study sets out to assess the interaction between student support and self-care on well-being in engineering graduate students”  

As you can see, these research aims provide a high-level description of what the study is about and what it seeks to achieve. They’re not hyper-specific or action-oriented, but they’re clear about what the study’s focus is and what is being investigated.

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research objectives examples business

Research Objectives: What are they?

The research objectives take the research aims and make them more practical and actionable . In other words, the research objectives showcase the steps that the researcher will take to achieve the research aims.

The research objectives need to be far more specific (higher resolution) and actionable than the research aims. In fact, it’s always a good idea to craft your research objectives using the “SMART” criteria. In other words, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound”.

Research Objectives: Examples  

Let’s look at two examples of research objectives. We’ll stick with the topic and research aims we mentioned previously.  

For the digital transformation topic:

To observe the retail HR employees throughout the digital transformation. To assess employee perceptions of digital transformation in retail HR. To identify the barriers and facilitators of digital transformation in retail HR.

And for the student wellness topic:

To determine whether student self-care predicts the well-being score of engineering graduate students. To determine whether student support predicts the well-being score of engineering students. To assess the interaction between student self-care and student support when predicting well-being in engineering graduate students.

  As you can see, these research objectives clearly align with the previously mentioned research aims and effectively translate the low-resolution aims into (comparatively) higher-resolution objectives and action points . They give the research project a clear focus and present something that resembles a research-based “to-do” list.

The research objectives detail the specific steps that you, as the researcher, will take to achieve the research aims you laid out.

Research Questions: What are they?

Finally, we arrive at the all-important research questions. The research questions are, as the name suggests, the key questions that your study will seek to answer . Simply put, they are the core purpose of your dissertation, thesis, or research project. You’ll present them at the beginning of your document (either in the introduction chapter or literature review chapter) and you’ll answer them at the end of your document (typically in the discussion and conclusion chapters).  

The research questions will be the driving force throughout the research process. For example, in the literature review chapter, you’ll assess the relevance of any given resource based on whether it helps you move towards answering your research questions. Similarly, your methodology and research design will be heavily influenced by the nature of your research questions. For instance, research questions that are exploratory in nature will usually make use of a qualitative approach, whereas questions that relate to measurement or relationship testing will make use of a quantitative approach.  

Let’s look at some examples of research questions to make this more tangible.

Research Questions: Examples  

Again, we’ll stick with the research aims and research objectives we mentioned previously.  

For the digital transformation topic (which would be qualitative in nature):

How do employees perceive digital transformation in retail HR? What are the barriers and facilitators of digital transformation in retail HR?  

And for the student wellness topic (which would be quantitative in nature):

Does student self-care predict the well-being scores of engineering graduate students? Does student support predict the well-being scores of engineering students? Do student self-care and student support interact when predicting well-being in engineering graduate students?  

You’ll probably notice that there’s quite a formulaic approach to this. In other words, the research questions are basically the research objectives “converted” into question format. While that is true most of the time, it’s not always the case. For example, the first research objective for the digital transformation topic was more or less a step on the path toward the other objectives, and as such, it didn’t warrant its own research question.  

So, don’t rush your research questions and sloppily reword your objectives as questions. Carefully think about what exactly you’re trying to achieve (i.e. your research aim) and the objectives you’ve set out, then craft a set of well-aligned research questions . Also, keep in mind that this can be a somewhat iterative process , where you go back and tweak research objectives and aims to ensure tight alignment throughout the golden thread.

The importance of strong alignment 

Alignment is the keyword here and we have to stress its importance . Simply put, you need to make sure that there is a very tight alignment between all three pieces of the golden thread. If your research aims and research questions don’t align, for example, your project will be pulling in different directions and will lack focus . This is a common problem students face and can cause many headaches (and tears), so be warned.

Take the time to carefully craft your research aims, objectives and research questions before you run off down the research path. Ideally, get your research supervisor/advisor to review and comment on your golden thread before you invest significant time into your project, and certainly before you start collecting data .  

Recap: The golden thread

In this post, we unpacked the golden thread of research, consisting of the research aims , research objectives and research questions . You can jump back to any section using the links below.

As always, feel free to leave a comment below – we always love to hear from you. Also, if you’re interested in 1-on-1 support, take a look at our private coaching service here.

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Isaac Levi

Thank you very much for your great effort put. As an Undergraduate taking Demographic Research & Methodology, I’ve been trying so hard to understand clearly what is a Research Question, Research Aim and the Objectives in a research and the relationship between them etc. But as for now I’m thankful that you’ve solved my problem.

Hatimu Bah

Well appreciated. This has helped me greatly in doing my dissertation.

Dr. Abdallah Kheri

An so delighted with this wonderful information thank you a lot.

so impressive i have benefited a lot looking forward to learn more on research.

Ekwunife, Chukwunonso Onyeka Steve

I am very happy to have carefully gone through this well researched article.

Infact,I used to be phobia about anything research, because of my poor understanding of the concepts.

Now,I get to know that my research question is the same as my research objective(s) rephrased in question format.

I please I would need a follow up on the subject,as I intends to join the team of researchers. Thanks once again.


Thanks so much. This was really helpful.


I know you pepole have tried to break things into more understandable and easy format. And God bless you. Keep it up


i found this document so useful towards my study in research methods. thanks so much.

Michael L. Andrion

This is my 2nd read topic in your course and I should commend the simplified explanations of each part. I’m beginning to understand and absorb the use of each part of a dissertation/thesis. I’ll keep on reading your free course and might be able to avail the training course! Kudos!


Thank you! Better put that my lecture and helped to easily understand the basics which I feel often get brushed over when beginning dissertation work.

Enoch Tindiwegi

This is quite helpful. I like how the Golden thread has been explained and the needed alignment.

Sora Dido Boru

This is quite helpful. I really appreciate!


The article made it simple for researcher students to differentiate between three concepts.

Afowosire Wasiu Adekunle

Very innovative and educational in approach to conducting research.

Sàlihu Abubakar Dayyabu

I am very impressed with all these terminology, as I am a fresh student for post graduate, I am highly guided and I promised to continue making consultation when the need arise. Thanks a lot.

Mohammed Shamsudeen

A very helpful piece. thanks, I really appreciate it .

Sonam Jyrwa

Very well explained, and it might be helpful to many people like me.


Wish i had found this (and other) resource(s) at the beginning of my PhD journey… not in my writing up year… 😩 Anyways… just a quick question as i’m having some issues ordering my “golden thread”…. does it matter in what order you mention them? i.e., is it always first aims, then objectives, and finally the questions? or can you first mention the research questions and then the aims and objectives?


Thank you for a very simple explanation that builds upon the concepts in a very logical manner. Just prior to this, I read the research hypothesis article, which was equally very good. This met my primary objective.

My secondary objective was to understand the difference between research questions and research hypothesis, and in which context to use which one. However, I am still not clear on this. Can you kindly please guide?

Derek Jansen

In research, a research question is a clear and specific inquiry that the researcher wants to answer, while a research hypothesis is a tentative statement or prediction about the relationship between variables or the expected outcome of the study. Research questions are broader and guide the overall study, while hypotheses are specific and testable statements used in quantitative research. Research questions identify the problem, while hypotheses provide a focus for testing in the study.

Saen Fanai

Exactly what I need in this research journey, I look forward to more of your coaching videos.

Abubakar Rofiat Opeyemi

This helped a lot. Thanks so much for the effort put into explaining it.

Lamin Tarawally

What data source in writing dissertation/Thesis requires?

What is data source covers when writing dessertation/thesis

Latifat Muhammed

This is quite useful thanks


I’m excited and thankful. I got so much value which will help me progress in my thesis.

Amer Al-Rashid

where are the locations of the reserch statement, research objective and research question in a reserach paper? Can you write an ouline that defines their places in the researh paper?


Very helpful and important tips on Aims, Objectives and Questions.

Refiloe Raselane

Thank you so much for making research aim, research objectives and research question so clear. This will be helpful to me as i continue with my thesis.

Annabelle Roda-Dafielmoto

Thanks much for this content. I learned a lot. And I am inspired to learn more. I am still struggling with my preparation for dissertation outline/proposal. But I consistently follow contents and tutorials and the new FB of GRAD Coach. Hope to really become confident in writing my dissertation and successfully defend it.


As a researcher and lecturer, I find splitting research goals into research aims, objectives, and questions is unnecessarily bureaucratic and confusing for students. For most biomedical research projects, including ‘real research’, 1-3 research questions will suffice (numbers may differ by discipline).


Awesome! Very important resources and presented in an informative way to easily understand the golden thread. Indeed, thank you so much.


Well explained

New Growth Care Group

The blog article on research aims, objectives, and questions by Grad Coach is a clear and insightful guide that aligns with my experiences in academic research. The article effectively breaks down the often complex concepts of research aims and objectives, providing a straightforward and accessible explanation. Drawing from my own research endeavors, I appreciate the practical tips offered, such as the need for specificity and clarity when formulating research questions. The article serves as a valuable resource for students and researchers, offering a concise roadmap for crafting well-defined research goals and objectives. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced researcher, this article provides practical insights that contribute to the foundational aspects of a successful research endeavor.


A great thanks for you. it is really amazing explanation. I grasp a lot and one step up to research knowledge.


I really found these tips helpful. Thank you very much Grad Coach.

Rahma D.

I found this article helpful. Thanks for sharing this.


thank you so much, the explanation and examples are really helpful

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Home » Research Objectives – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

Research Objectives – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

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Research Objectives

Research Objectives

Research objectives refer to the specific goals or aims of a research study. They provide a clear and concise description of what the researcher hopes to achieve by conducting the research . The objectives are typically based on the research questions and hypotheses formulated at the beginning of the study and are used to guide the research process.

Types of Research Objectives

Here are the different types of research objectives in research:

  • Exploratory Objectives: These objectives are used to explore a topic, issue, or phenomenon that has not been studied in-depth before. The aim of exploratory research is to gain a better understanding of the subject matter and generate new ideas and hypotheses .
  • Descriptive Objectives: These objectives aim to describe the characteristics, features, or attributes of a particular population, group, or phenomenon. Descriptive research answers the “what” questions and provides a snapshot of the subject matter.
  • Explanatory Objectives : These objectives aim to explain the relationships between variables or factors. Explanatory research seeks to identify the cause-and-effect relationships between different phenomena.
  • Predictive Objectives: These objectives aim to predict future events or outcomes based on existing data or trends. Predictive research uses statistical models to forecast future trends or outcomes.
  • Evaluative Objectives : These objectives aim to evaluate the effectiveness or impact of a program, intervention, or policy. Evaluative research seeks to assess the outcomes or results of a particular intervention or program.
  • Prescriptive Objectives: These objectives aim to provide recommendations or solutions to a particular problem or issue. Prescriptive research identifies the best course of action based on the results of the study.
  • Diagnostic Objectives : These objectives aim to identify the causes or factors contributing to a particular problem or issue. Diagnostic research seeks to uncover the underlying reasons for a particular phenomenon.
  • Comparative Objectives: These objectives aim to compare two or more groups, populations, or phenomena to identify similarities and differences. Comparative research is used to determine which group or approach is more effective or has better outcomes.
  • Historical Objectives: These objectives aim to examine past events, trends, or phenomena to gain a better understanding of their significance and impact. Historical research uses archival data, documents, and records to study past events.
  • Ethnographic Objectives : These objectives aim to understand the culture, beliefs, and practices of a particular group or community. Ethnographic research involves immersive fieldwork and observation to gain an insider’s perspective of the group being studied.
  • Action-oriented Objectives: These objectives aim to bring about social or organizational change. Action-oriented research seeks to identify practical solutions to social problems and to promote positive change in society.
  • Conceptual Objectives: These objectives aim to develop new theories, models, or frameworks to explain a particular phenomenon or set of phenomena. Conceptual research seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter by developing new theoretical perspectives.
  • Methodological Objectives: These objectives aim to develop and improve research methods and techniques. Methodological research seeks to advance the field of research by improving the validity, reliability, and accuracy of research methods and tools.
  • Theoretical Objectives : These objectives aim to test and refine existing theories or to develop new theoretical perspectives. Theoretical research seeks to advance the field of knowledge by testing and refining existing theories or by developing new theoretical frameworks.
  • Measurement Objectives : These objectives aim to develop and validate measurement instruments, such as surveys, questionnaires, and tests. Measurement research seeks to improve the quality and reliability of data collection and analysis by developing and testing new measurement tools.
  • Design Objectives : These objectives aim to develop and refine research designs, such as experimental, quasi-experimental, and observational designs. Design research seeks to improve the quality and validity of research by developing and testing new research designs.
  • Sampling Objectives: These objectives aim to develop and refine sampling techniques, such as probability and non-probability sampling methods. Sampling research seeks to improve the representativeness and generalizability of research findings by developing and testing new sampling techniques.

How to Write Research Objectives

Writing clear and concise research objectives is an important part of any research project, as it helps to guide the study and ensure that it is focused and relevant. Here are some steps to follow when writing research objectives:

  • Identify the research problem : Before you can write research objectives, you need to identify the research problem you are trying to address. This should be a clear and specific problem that can be addressed through research.
  • Define the research questions : Based on the research problem, define the research questions you want to answer. These questions should be specific and should guide the research process.
  • Identify the variables : Identify the key variables that you will be studying in your research. These are the factors that you will be measuring, manipulating, or analyzing to answer your research questions.
  • Write specific objectives: Write specific, measurable objectives that will help you answer your research questions. These objectives should be clear and concise and should indicate what you hope to achieve through your research.
  • Use the SMART criteria: To ensure that your research objectives are well-defined and achievable, use the SMART criteria. This means that your objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • Revise and refine: Once you have written your research objectives, revise and refine them to ensure that they are clear, concise, and achievable. Make sure that they align with your research questions and variables, and that they will help you answer your research problem.

Example of Research Objectives

Examples of research objectives Could be:

Research Objectives for the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment”:

  • To investigate the effects of the adoption of AI on employment trends across various industries and occupations.
  • To explore the potential for AI to create new job opportunities and transform existing roles in the workforce.
  • To examine the social and economic implications of the widespread use of AI for employment, including issues such as income inequality and access to education and training.
  • To identify the skills and competencies that will be required for individuals to thrive in an AI-driven workplace, and to explore the role of education and training in developing these skills.
  • To evaluate the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the use of AI for employment, including issues such as bias, privacy, and the responsibility of employers and policymakers to protect workers’ rights.

When to Write Research Objectives

  • At the beginning of a research project : Research objectives should be identified and written down before starting a research project. This helps to ensure that the project is focused and that data collection and analysis efforts are aligned with the intended purpose of the research.
  • When refining research questions: Writing research objectives can help to clarify and refine research questions. Objectives provide a more concrete and specific framework for addressing research questions, which can improve the overall quality and direction of a research project.
  • After conducting a literature review : Conducting a literature review can help to identify gaps in knowledge and areas that require further research. Writing research objectives can help to define and focus the research effort in these areas.
  • When developing a research proposal: Research objectives are an important component of a research proposal. They help to articulate the purpose and scope of the research, and provide a clear and concise summary of the expected outcomes and contributions of the research.
  • When seeking funding for research: Funding agencies often require a detailed description of research objectives as part of a funding proposal. Writing clear and specific research objectives can help to demonstrate the significance and potential impact of a research project, and increase the chances of securing funding.
  • When designing a research study : Research objectives guide the design and implementation of a research study. They help to identify the appropriate research methods, sampling strategies, data collection and analysis techniques, and other relevant aspects of the study design.
  • When communicating research findings: Research objectives provide a clear and concise summary of the main research questions and outcomes. They are often included in research reports and publications, and can help to ensure that the research findings are communicated effectively and accurately to a wide range of audiences.
  • When evaluating research outcomes : Research objectives provide a basis for evaluating the success of a research project. They help to measure the degree to which research questions have been answered and the extent to which research outcomes have been achieved.
  • When conducting research in a team : Writing research objectives can facilitate communication and collaboration within a research team. Objectives provide a shared understanding of the research purpose and goals, and can help to ensure that team members are working towards a common objective.

Purpose of Research Objectives

Some of the main purposes of research objectives include:

  • To clarify the research question or problem : Research objectives help to define the specific aspects of the research question or problem that the study aims to address. This makes it easier to design a study that is focused and relevant.
  • To guide the research design: Research objectives help to determine the research design, including the research methods, data collection techniques, and sampling strategy. This ensures that the study is structured and efficient.
  • To measure progress : Research objectives provide a way to measure progress throughout the research process. They help the researcher to evaluate whether they are on track and meeting their goals.
  • To communicate the research goals : Research objectives provide a clear and concise description of the research goals. This helps to communicate the purpose of the study to other researchers, stakeholders, and the general public.

Advantages of Research Objectives

Here are some advantages of having well-defined research objectives:

  • Focus : Research objectives help to focus the research effort on specific areas of inquiry. By identifying clear research questions, the researcher can narrow down the scope of the study and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant information.
  • Clarity : Clearly stated research objectives provide a roadmap for the research study. They provide a clear direction for the research, making it easier for the researcher to stay on track and achieve their goals.
  • Measurability : Well-defined research objectives provide measurable outcomes that can be used to evaluate the success of the research project. This helps to ensure that the research is effective and that the research goals are achieved.
  • Feasibility : Research objectives help to ensure that the research project is feasible. By clearly defining the research goals, the researcher can identify the resources required to achieve those goals and determine whether those resources are available.
  • Relevance : Research objectives help to ensure that the research study is relevant and meaningful. By identifying specific research questions, the researcher can ensure that the study addresses important issues and contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Set, Track, and Achieve Business Objectives with 60 Examples

By Kate Eby | April 10, 2023

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Businesses that set objectives make better decisions. Business objectives allow companies to focus their efforts, track progress, and visualize future success. We’ve worked with experts to create the most comprehensive guide to business objectives.

Included in this article, you’ll find the differences between business objectives and business goals , the four main business objectives , and the benefits of setting business objectives . Plus, find 60 examples of business objectives , which you can download in Microsoft Word.

What Is a Business Objective?

A business objective is a specific, measurable outcome that a company works to achieve. Company leaders set business objectives that help the organization meet its long-term goals. Business objectives should be recorded so that teams can easily access them. 

Business objectives cover many different factors of a company’s success, such as financial health, operations, productivity, and growth. 

One easy way to make sure that you are setting the right business objectives is to follow the SMART goal framework . SMART objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

To learn about setting project objectives using the SMART framework, see this comprehensive guide to writing SMART project objectives .

Business Objectives vs. Business Goal

A business goal is a broad, long-term outcome that a company works toward. Goals usually inform which strategies that department leaders will implement. A business objective , however, is a specific, short-term outcome or action that helps the company achieve long-term goals.

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, goals and objectives are not the same . In general, goals are broad in scope and describe an outcome, while objectives are narrow in scope and describe a specific action or step. 

While these differences are important to understand, many of the common frameworks for successful goal-setting — such as SMART, objectives and key results ( OKRs ), and management by objectives (MBO) — can be useful when writing business objectives. 

When deciding on objectives for a team or department, keep in mind the overarching goals of a business. Each objective should move the company closer to its long-term goals.

Project Goals and Objectives Template

Project Goals and Objectives Template

Download the Project Goals and Objectives Template for Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Use this free, printable template to learn how to break down project goals into individual objectives using the SMART framework. Write the primary goal at the top of the worksheet, then follow the SMART process to create one or more specific objectives that will help you achieve that goal. 

For resources to help with setting and tracking goals at your company, see this all-inclusive list of goal tracking and setting templates .

What Are the Four Main Business Objectives?

The four main business objectives are economic, social, human, and organic. Each can help a business ensure their prolonged health and growth. For example, human objectives refer to employees’ well-being, while economic objectives refer to the company’s financial health. 

These are the four main business objectives:

  • Example: Reduce spending on paid advertisements by 20 percent.
  • Example: Reduce average customer wait times from eight minutes to four minutes. 
  • Example: Hire two new chemical engineers by the end of Q2.
  • Example: Improve the efficiency of a specific software product by 15 percent.

Types of Business Objectives

There are many types of business objectives beyond the main four. These range from regulation objectives to environmental objectives to municipal objectives. For example, a global objective might be to distribute a product to a new country. 

In addition to economic, social, human, and organic objectives, here are some other types of business objectives companies might set: 

  • Regulatory: These objectives relate to compliance requirements, such as meeting quality standards or conducting internal audits.
  • National: These objectives relate to a company’s place in and how they contribute to the country they operate in, such as promoting social justice causes and creating employment opportunities. 
  • Global: These objectives relate to a company’s place in and its contribution to many countries, such as improving living standards and responding to global demands for products and services. 
  • Environmental: These objectives relate to a company’s environmental impact, such as reducing chemical waste or making eco-friendly investments. 
  • Healthcare: These objectives relate to the health and well-being of a population, whether within or outside an organization. These objectives might be improving healthcare benefit options for employees or refining a drug so that it has fewer side effects.

The Importance of Having Business Objectives

Teams need business objectives to stay focused on the company’s long-term goals. Business objectives help individual employees understand how their roles contribute to the larger mission of the organization. Setting business objectives facilitates effective planning. 

Here are some benefits to setting business objectives:

Sully Tyler

  • Develops Leadership: Company leaders are more effective when they have a clear vision and can delegate tasks to make it a reality. Setting objectives is a great way to improve one’s leadership skills.
  • Increases Motivation: People tend to be more invested in work when they have clear, attainable objectives to achieve. Plus, each completed objective provides a morale boost to keep teams happy and productive. 
  • Encourages Innovation and Productivity: With increased motivation and workplace satisfaction come more innovations. Set attainable but challenging objectives, and watch teams come up with creative solutions to get things done.
  • Improves Strategy: Setting objectives that align with overarching company goals means that everyone across the company can stay aligned on strategic implementation. 
  • Enhances Customer Satisfaction: Overall customer satisfaction is more likely to increase over time when measurable quality improvements are in place. 
  • Improves Prioritization: When they are being able to see all of the current objectives, team members can more easily prioritize their work, which in turn makes their workloads feel more manageable. 
  • Improves Financial Health: Setting economic objectives in particular can help companies stay on top of their financial goals.

60 Examples of Business Objectives

Company leaders can use business objectives to improve every facet of an organization, from customer satisfaction to market share to employee well-being. Here are 60 examples of business objectives that can help a company achieve its goals. 

60 Example Business Objectives

Economic Business Objectives

  • Increase profit margins by 5 percent by the end of the Q4. 
  • Recover 50 percent of total outstanding debts from each quarter the following quarter for the next year. 
  • “Increase revenue by 10 percent each year for the next five years,” suggests Tyler. 
  • Offer three new holiday sales events in the coming year. 
  • Move 30 percent of surplus stock by the end of Q2.
  • “Reduce costs by 10 percent each year for the next five years,” suggests Tyler.
  • Reduce monthly interest payments by 1.5 percent by consolidating debt. 
  • Introduce a new credit payment option to expand the potential customer base. 
  • Apply for six government grants by the end of the year. 
  •  Hire an accountant to track expenses and file the company’s taxes. 
  •  Secure a $100,000 loan to start a business.
  •  Pitch your business ideas to a venture capital firm. 
  • Improve your business credit score from 75 to 85 in two years. 
  • Invest in solar panels for your company headquarters to reduce building energy costs by 75 percent. 
  • Establish a monthly practice to analyze your cash flow statement.

Social Business Objectives

  • Decrease customer average customer wait times by 20 percent in two months.
  • Improve the average customer service satisfaction rating from 3.2/5 to 3.8/5 in six months through targeting trainings. 
  • Hire a contract UX designer to redesign the company website interface in four months. 
  • Decrease customer churn by 15 percent in one year. 
  • “Triple the customer base within two years,” suggests Tyler.
  • Offer 20 percent more customer discounts and specials over the course of two years. 
  • Increase market share by 5 percent in three years. 
  • Increase monthly sales quotas for sales associates by 10 percent. 
  • Develop a sales incentive program to reward top-performing sales associates with vacations, bonuses, and other prizes. 
  • Donate $10,000 to local causes, such as public school funds or local charities. 
  • Partner with a charitable organization to host a company-wide 5K.
  • Increase your marketing budget by 15 percent.
  • Hire a new marketing director by the end of Q3.
  • Donate 40 percent of surplus stock to a relevant charity. 
  • Increase engagement across all social media platforms by 10 percent with a multiplatform ad campaign.

Human Business Objectives

  • Hire three new employees by the end of Q1.
  • Hire a contractor to train your IT team on new software. 
  • Rewrite and distribute your company values statement. 
  • Conduct a quarterly, company-wide productivity training over the next two years. 
  • Establish a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) committee. 
  • Design and implement a mentorship program for diverse employees. 
  • Create an incentive program that grants additional vacation days for all employees when company-wide productivity goals are met. 
  • Offer a free monthly happy hour to improve the employee experience. 
  • Select change leaders across multiple teams to provide support for a corporate reorg.
  • Start three employee resource groups (ERGs) within the next six months. 
  • Diversify websites and career fairs where the hiring team recruits applicants to encourage a more diverse pool of candidates for new jobs. 
  • Invest in an office redesign that improves the office atmosphere and provides more in-office resources, such as free coffee and snacks, to on-site employees. 
  • Upgrade employee laptops to improve productivity and employee satisfaction. 
  • Conduct a yearly, comprehensive employee experience survey to identify areas of improvement. 
  • Throw office parties to celebrate change milestones. 

Organic Business Objectives

  • Increase the top line by 15 percent every year for the next five years.
  • Achieve 20 percent net profit from 10 product enhancements in the next two years.
  • Decrease raw materials costs by 10 percent by the end of the year.
  • Reduce downtime by 25 percent by the end of the year.
  • Within two years, attain a rate of 25 percent new revenue from products released within the last year.
  • Improve customer acquisition ration by 10 percent every quarter for the next two years. 
  • Reduce total inventory levels by 20 percent over four months.
  • Interact with at least 20 Instagram users every month for one year.
  • Have a new product launch covered by at least three reputable industry publications within two months of the launch date.
  • Grow both the top line and the bottom line by 60 percent every year for three years. 
  • Reduce product defects by 15 percent every year for four years.
  • Increase on-time delivery dates for top customers by 25 percent over the span of three quarters.
  • Conduct yearly workplace safety reviews.
  • Decrease average customer wait times for responses to social media queries from 45 minutes to 15 minutes by the end of Q4.
  • Improve your company website to be on the first page of search results within six months.

Download 60 Example Business Objectives for

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What are the Research Objectives? Types, Examples & How to Write Them

September 19, 2023 | By Hitesh Bhasin | Filed Under: Marketing

Accurate and well-defined research objectives lay the foundation of any successful research project. These objectives serve as a compass, guiding researchers on the path they need to follow in their research journey. They provide clarity, narrowing down the broad research question into manageable, focused tasks.

Consider, for example , a research project aimed at studying the impact of social media usage on student performance. Instead of a broad, vague aim, the research objectives could be:

  • To assess the daily social media usage among high school students
  • To measure academic performance via GPA
  • To investigate the correlation between social media usage and academic performance.

These objectives provide a clear, unambiguous direction, facilitating a focused and effective research process .

Table of Contents

What are the Research Objectives?

Research objectives are specific, measurable goals that a researcher aims to achieve through their study. They guide the direction of the research, determining the data needed and the analysis methods to be employed. Essentially, they are the steps that lead the researcher towards the fulfillment of their overall research aim.

It’s important to ensure that research objectives are SMART – that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Doing so allows for clearer communication of the project intentions and better management of resources by ensuring that every aspect of the research stays on track.

Why are Research Objectives Important?

The creation of research objectives is a critical initial step in the research process. It not only provides a clear direction for the study but also allows for a systematic approach, increasing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the research. Some of the reasons why research objectives are important:

  • Clarity: A research objective provides a clear understanding of what the study aims to achieve.
  • Focus: They help maintain the focus of the research by defining the scope of the study.
  • Feasibility: They ensure that the research is manageable by breaking down the study into smaller, achievable tasks.
  • Evaluation: They allow for the assessment of the research process and the outcomes by providing measurable goals.

Types of Research Objectives

  • Exploratory Objectives: These objectives aim to delve into a research topic to gain a deeper understanding of it, typically used in research areas that are not well explored. They involve conducting preliminary investigations and gathering initial insights.
  • Descriptive Objectives: These objectives focus on providing a detailed account of a phenomenon or characteristic. They seek to describe and document the features, attributes, and characteristics of the subject under study.
  • Explanatory Objectives: Explanatory objectives seek to interpret phenomena by illustrating the cause-and-effect relationship. They aim to explain why certain events or phenomena occur and uncover the underlying mechanisms or processes involved.
  • Predictive Objectives: These objectives aim to predict outcomes or future occurrences based on identified patterns. They involve analyzing historical data and developing models to forecast future trends or events.
  • Evaluative Objectives: Evaluative objectives focus on judging the effectiveness or impact of a certain program or method. They aim to assess the success or failure of an intervention and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Prescriptive Objectives: Prescriptive objectives aim to provide recommendations based on the research findings. They involve suggesting actions or solutions based on the analysis and interpretation of the data.
  • Diagnostic Objectives: These objectives are set to identify the causes of a certain phenomenon or problem. They aim to investigate the root causes and factors contributing to a particular issue.
  • Comparative Objectives: Comparative objectives involve comparing two or more groups or variables to identify differences or similarities. They aim to analyze and contrast the characteristics and outcomes of different groups or variables.
  • Historical Objectives: These objectives involve the study of past events to understand present conditions or predict future outcomes. They aim to examine historical records and events to gain insights into the context and factors that have shaped the present.
  • Ethnographic Objectives: Ethnographic objectives involve studying a culture or social group in detail to understand its practices, behaviors, and beliefs. They aim to immerse themselves in the community, observe their customs, and document their way of life.
  • Action-oriented Objectives: These objectives aim to bring about a specific change through the research. They focus on identifying actionable steps and interventions that can lead to desired outcomes.
  • Conceptual Objectives: Conceptual objectives are set to define concepts or ideas that are central to the research. They aim to clarify and establish the theoretical framework and key terms used in the study.
  • Methodological Objectives: These objectives focus on developing or improving research methods or tools. They aim to enhance the reliability, validity, and efficiency of data collection and analysis techniques.
  • Theoretical Objectives: These objectives aim to develop, expand, or verify theories related to the research topic. They involve refining existing theories or proposing new conceptual frameworks based on empirical evidence.
  • Measurement Objectives: Measurement objectives involve developing or improving measurement tools or techniques. They aim to ensure accurate and reliable data collection by refining measurement instruments or procedures.
  • Design Objectives: These objectives focus on planning the structure of a research study. They involve determining the research design , sampling strategy , data collection methods, and analytical approaches.
  • Sampling Objectives: Sampling objectives involve determining the appropriate sample size or selecting the appropriate sample for the research. They aim to ensure that the selected sample is representative of the population under study and yields valid and generalizable results.

How to Write Research Objectives

How to Write Research Objectives

To develop research objectives, it is important to follow some of the key steps such as:

1) Clearing the Fog: Know Your General Research Aims

Research aims refer to the overarching goals or ambitions of your study. They describe what you wish to achieve through your research and provide a broad overview of the expected outcomes. The research aims to set the direction for your research and establish a roadmap that guides your study from start to finish.

2) Going Deeper: What are Specific Research Objectives?

Specific research objectives break down the main research aim into smaller, manageable parts. These objectives are concrete, measurable, and achievable goals that guide your research efforts. They focus on specific aspects of the research aim and provide a clear path to achieve it.

3) Mastering the Art: How to Formulate Your Research Aims and Objectives

Formulating your research aims and objectives is a critical step in conducting a successful research project. It involves translating your research question into a clear, concise aim that outlines the purpose of your study. From the research aim, specific objectives are then developed that provide a roadmap for your research. Each objective focuses on a particular aspect of the research aim, guiding the study’s various stages including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

4) Bridging the Gap: How to Develop Research Objectives

Developing research objectives involves identifying the specific steps needed to achieve your research aims. These objectives should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The process involves precise planning, a thorough literature review, and a deep understanding of the research problem.

5) Detective’s Journey: How Research Objectives Focus Your Study

Research objectives focus your study by providing a clear direction and framework. They serve as a compass, guiding your research methods, analysis, and eventual conclusions. These objectives help you stay on track, prevent deviation from the research aims, and ensure that you address all the key aspects of your research problem.

Creating SMART Research Objectives

Creating SMART Research Objectives

When formulating research objectives, it is important to make sure they are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. All these aspects help guide the researcher in developing a clear roadmap for their study.

  • Specific: Research objectives should be precise and focused. They should clearly define the purpose of the study, including what is to be studied and why.
  • Measurable: Research objectives should provide a way for you to measure your progress and assess whether or not you are on track with achieving your research aims.
  • Achievable: The objectives of a study should realistically reflect the resources available and the skills of the researcher.
  • Relevant: Research objectives should be relevant to answer the research questions and hypotheses, helping to address the problem being studied.
  • Time-bound: Research objectives must have a deadline so that you can accurately measure progress and success over time.

Crafting Research Questions from Objectives

Research objectives provide the basis for crafting your research questions. When formulating research questions, they should keep in mind the SMART criteria and ensure that each question is framed in a way that allows it to be answered through data collection and analysis.

Research objectives are often broken down into smaller specific objectives which help guide the development of research questions. These individual objectives can then be used as the basis for developing research questions, which should be focused on gathering relevant information to answer the overall objectives of the study.

Some of the examples of research questions are:

  • What methods can be used to measure the effectiveness of educational programs?
  • How does access to healthcare affect outcomes for underserved communities?
  • What are the factors that contribute to poverty in urban areas?

These types of questions should be specific enough to provide meaningful information, but broad enough that they can be answered through data and analysis. When crafting research questions, it is important to keep in mind the overall aim of the research project and how the data collected will help address the objectives.

Tips for Writing Research Objectives

Writing research objectives can be a daunting task, but some tips can make the process easier. Let’s have a look at some of the best practices for writing research objectives while conducting research:

1) Establish a clear purpose

Before even beginning the process of drafting research objectives, it is important to have a clear understanding of the primary aim and purpose of the research project. This will help ensure that research questions are focused on the right topic and can be answered through data collection and analysis.

2) Break down into smaller specific objectives

Breaking down objectives into smaller specific objectives can help direct the focus of research efforts and ensure that all relevant information is gathered. This will also make it easier to evaluate the success of the project, as each specific objective can be judged on its merit.

3) Be concise

Research objectives should be precise and concise. Long, rambling statements can easily become confusing and detract from the focus of the project. Keep each objective to just one sentence that outlines the aim of the research.

4) Focus on measurable outcomes

When writing research objectives, it is important to ensure that they can be measured in some way, so that the success of the project can be evaluated. This can include anything from assessing employee perceptions to collecting sales data.

5) Make sure objectives are achievable

When writing research objectives, it’s important to make sure that they are realistic and achievable. It’s important to be aware of the resources available, as well as any restrictions or limitations that might impact the project. This will help you determine whether your objectives are feasible. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that each objective is clear and concise so there is no room for misunderstanding.

Examples of Research Objectives

There are several different types of research objectives, but here are some examples to give you an idea of what well-crafted objectives might look like:

  • To assess employee perceptions of working at Company X and identify areas for improved job satisfaction .
  • To collect quantitative data on the success of Company X’s new product launch.
  • To determine customer opinion of Company X’s services and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • To evaluate the impact of Company X’s branding strategy on consumer loyalty.
  • To assess public attitudes towards Company X and its environmental policies.
  • To determine how Company X can better meet customer needs and improve customer service .

By creating clear, concise research objectives based on measurable outcomes, you can ensure that your research project is focused and successful. With the right direction, research projects can be incredibly valuable for any business or organization.

1) What is the research objective?

Research objectives are specific, measurable goals that a research project seeks to achieve. They provide direction for the research and help ensure that it is focused and productive.

2) What should be included in a research objective?

When writing research objectives, it is important to make sure that they are clear, concise, and relevant to the overall goal of the research project. They should include what data needs to be collected, the specific outcomes of the research, and any other relevant information that will help ensure success.

3) What is the difference between research hypothesis , research paper , and research objectives?

A research hypothesis is an educated guess or statement of what a researcher believes may be true based on the available evidence. A research paper is a formal document that outlines the findings of a research project. Research objectives are specific goals for the research project, such as collecting data or measuring outcomes. While all three terms are related, they differ in their purpose and use.

4) What is the difference between research aims and research objectives?

Research aims are broad goals that a research project seeks to achieve, whereas research objectives are specific, measurable goals. Research aims provide direction for the research and help ensure that it is focused and productive. Research objectives are concrete steps that need to be taken to reach the broader goal of the research project.

5) How do you write a research objective?

Writing research objectives involves identifying the specific goals of a research project and articulating them clearly and concisely. This should include what data needs to be collected, the specific outcomes of the research, and any other relevant information that will help ensure success. Additionally, when formulating research objectives it is important to keep in mind how they relate to the overall goal of the project.

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About Hitesh Bhasin

Hitesh Bhasin is the CEO of Marketing91 and has over a decade of experience in the marketing field. He is an accomplished author of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies. Holding an MBA in Marketing, Hitesh manages several offline ventures, where he applies all the concepts of Marketing that he writes about.

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well, am going to write a research paper ” the future of online teaching and learning in higher education ” in particular my university so, what are my objectives going t be ??

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i am interested too

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Very educated

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Formulating Research Aims and Objectives

Formulating research aim and objectives in an appropriate manner is one of the most important aspects of your thesis. This is because research aim and objectives determine the scope, depth and the overall direction of the research. Research question is the central question of the study that has to be answered on the basis of research findings.

Research aim emphasizes what needs to be achieved within the scope of the research, by the end of the research process. Achievement of research aim provides answer to the research question.

Research objectives divide research aim into several parts and address each part separately. Research aim specifies WHAT needs to be studied and research objectives comprise a number of steps that address HOW research aim will be achieved.

As a rule of dumb, there would be one research aim and several research objectives. Achievement of each research objective will lead to the achievement of the research aim.

Consider the following as an example:

Research title: Effects of organizational culture on business profitability: a case study of Virgin Atlantic

Research aim: To assess the effects of Virgin Atlantic organizational culture on business profitability

Following research objectives would facilitate the achievement of this aim:

  • Analyzing the nature of organizational culture at Virgin Atlantic by September 1, 2022
  • Identifying factors impacting Virgin Atlantic organizational culture by September 16, 2022
  • Analyzing impacts of Virgin Atlantic organizational culture on employee performances by September 30, 2022
  • Providing recommendations to Virgin Atlantic strategic level management in terms of increasing the level of effectiveness of organizational culture by October 5, 2022

Figure below illustrates additional examples in formulating research aims and objectives:

Formulating Research Aims and Objectives

Formulation of research question, aim and objectives

Common mistakes in the formulation of research aim relate to the following:

1. Choosing the topic too broadly . This is the most common mistake. For example, a research title of “an analysis of leadership practices” can be classified as too broad because the title fails to answer the following questions:

a) Which aspects of leadership practices? Leadership has many aspects such as employee motivation, ethical behaviour, strategic planning, change management etc. An attempt to cover all of these aspects of organizational leadership within a single research will result in an unfocused and poor work.

b) An analysis of leadership practices in which country? Leadership practices tend to be different in various countries due to cross-cultural differences, legislations and a range of other region-specific factors. Therefore, a study of leadership practices needs to be country-specific.

c) Analysis of leadership practices in which company or industry? Similar to the point above, analysis of leadership practices needs to take into account industry-specific and/or company-specific differences, and there is no way to conduct a leadership research that relates to all industries and organizations in an equal manner.

Accordingly, as an example “a study into the impacts of ethical behaviour of a leader on the level of employee motivation in US healthcare sector” would be a more appropriate title than simply “An analysis of leadership practices”.

2. Setting an unrealistic aim . Formulation of a research aim that involves in-depth interviews with Apple strategic level management by an undergraduate level student can be specified as a bit over-ambitious. This is because securing an interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook or members of Apple Board of Directors might not be easy. This is an extreme example of course, but you got the idea. Instead, you may aim to interview the manager of your local Apple store and adopt a more feasible strategy to get your dissertation completed.

3. Choosing research methods incompatible with the timeframe available . Conducting interviews with 20 sample group members and collecting primary data through 2 focus groups when only three months left until submission of your dissertation can be very difficult, if not impossible. Accordingly, timeframe available need to be taken into account when formulating research aims and objectives and selecting research methods.

Moreover, research objectives need to be formulated according to SMART principle,

 where the abbreviation stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

Study employee motivation of Coca-Cola To study the impacts of management practices on the levels of employee motivation at Coca-Cola US by December  5, 2022


Analyze consumer behaviour in catering industry


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Recommend Toyota Motor Corporation  management on new market entry strategy


Formulating recommendations to Toyota Motor Corporation  management  on the choice of appropriate strategy to enter Vietnam market by June 9, 2022


Analyze the impact of social media marketing on business


Assessing impacts of integration of social media into marketing strategy on the level of brand awareness by March 30, 2022


Finding out about time management principles used by Accenture managers Identifying main time-management strategies used by managers of Accenture France by December 1, 2022

Examples of SMART research objectives

At the conclusion part of your research project you will need to reflect on the level of achievement of research aims and objectives. In case your research aims and objectives are not fully achieved by the end of the study, you will need to discuss the reasons. These may include initial inappropriate formulation of research aims and objectives, effects of other variables that were not considered at the beginning of the research or changes in some circumstances during the research process.

Research Aims and Objectives

John Dudovskiy

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Business Research: Methods, Types & Examples

Business Research

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Business research: Definition

Quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, advantages of business research, disadvantages of business research, importance of business research.

Business research is a process of acquiring detailed information on all the areas of business and using such information to maximize the sales and profit of the business. Such a study helps companies determine which product/service is most profitable or in demand. In simple words, it can be stated as the acquisition of information or knowledge for professional or commercial purposes to determine opportunities and goals for a business.

Business research can be done for anything and everything. In general, when people speak about business research design , it means asking research questions to know where the money can be spent to increase sales, profits, or market share. Such research is critical to make wise and informed decisions.

LEARN ABOUT: Research Process Steps

For example: A mobile company wants to launch a new model in the market. But they are not aware of what are the dimensions of a mobile that are in most demand. Hence, the company conducts business research using various methods to gather information, and the same is then evaluated, and conclusions are drawn as to what dimensions are most in demand.

This will enable the researcher to make wise decisions to position his phone at the right price in the market and hence acquire a larger market share.

LEARN ABOUT:  Test Market Demand

Business research: Types and methodologies

Business research is a part of the business intelligence process. It is usually conducted to determine whether a company can succeed in a new region, to understand its competitors, or simply select a marketing approach for a product. This research can be carried out using steps in qualitative research methods or quantitative research methods.

Quantitative research methods are research methods that deal with numbers. It is a systematic empirical investigation using statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques . Such methods usually start with data collection and then proceed to statistical analysis using various methods. The following are some of the research methods used to carry out business research.

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Survey research

Survey research is one of the most widely used methods to gather data, especially for conducting business research. Surveys involve asking various survey questions to a set of audiences through various types like online polls, online surveys, questionnaires, etc. Nowadays, most of the major corporations use this method to gather data and use it to understand the market and make appropriate business decisions.

Various types of surveys, like cross-sectional studies , which need to collect data from a set of audiences at a given point of time, or longitudinal surveys which are needed to collect data from a set of audiences across various time durations in order to understand changes in the respondents’ behavior are used to conduct survey research. With the advancement in technology, surveys can now be sent online through email or social media .

For example: A company wants to know the NPS score for their website i.e. how satisfied are people who are visiting their website. An increase in traffic to their website or the audience spending more time on a website can result in higher rankings on search engines which will enable the company to get more leads as well as increase its visibility.

Hence, the company can ask people who visit their website a few questions through an online survey to understand their opinions or gain feedback and hence make appropriate changes to the website to increase satisfaction.

Learn More:  Business Survey Template

Correlational research

Correlational research is conducted to understand the relationship between two entities and what impact each one of them has on the other. Using mathematical analysis methods, correlational research enables the researcher to correlate two or more variables .

Such research can help understand patterns, relationships, trends, etc. Manipulation of one variable is possible to get the desired results as well. Generally, a conclusion cannot be drawn only on the basis of correlational research.

For example: Research can be conducted to understand the relationship between colors and gender-based audiences. Using such research and identifying the target audience, a company can choose the production of particular color products to be released in the market. This can enable the company to understand the supply and demand requirements of its products.

Causal-Comparative research

Causal-comparative research is a method based on the comparison. It is used to deduce the cause-effect relationship between variables. Sometimes also known as quasi-experimental research, it involves establishing an independent variable and analyzing the effects on the dependent variable.

In such research, data manipulation is not done; however, changes are observed in the variables or groups under the influence of the same changes. Drawing conclusions through such research is a little tricky as independent and dependent variables will always exist in a group. Hence all other parameters have to be taken into consideration before drawing any inferences from the research.

LEARN ABOUT: Causal Research

For example: Research can be conducted to analyze the effect of good educational facilities in rural areas. Such a study can be done to analyze the changes in the group of people from rural areas when they are provided with good educational facilities and before that.

Another example can be to analyze the effect of having dams and how it will affect the farmers or the production of crops in that area.

LEARN ABOUT: Market research trends

Experimental research

Experimental research is based on trying to prove a theory. Such research may be useful in business research as it can let the product company know some behavioral traits of its consumers, which can lead to more revenue. In this method, an experiment is carried out on a set of audiences to observe and later analyze their behavior when impacted by certain parameters.

LEARN ABOUT: Behavioral Targeting

For example: Experimental research was conducted recently to understand if particular colors have an effect on consumers’ hunger. A set of the audience was then exposed to those particular colors while they were eating, and the subjects were observed. It was seen that certain colors like red or yellow increase hunger.

Hence, such research was a boon to the hospitality industry. You can see many food chains like Mcdonalds, KFC, etc., using such colors in their interiors, brands, as well as packaging.

Another example of inferences drawn from experimental research, which is used widely by most bars/pubs across the world, is that loud music in the workplace or anywhere makes a person drink more in less time. This was proven through experimental research and was a key finding for many business owners across the globe.

Online research / Literature research

Literature research is one of the oldest methods available. It is very economical, and a lot of information can be gathered using such research. Online research or literature research involves gathering information from existing documents and studies, which can be available at Libraries, annual reports, etc.

Nowadays, with the advancement in technology, such research has become even more simple and accessible to everyone. An individual can directly research online for any information that is needed, which will give him in-depth information about the topic or the organization.

Such research is used mostly by marketing and salespeople in the business sector to understand the market or their customers. Such research is carried out using existing information that is available from various sources. However, care has to be taken to validate the sources from where the information is going to be collected.

For example , a salesperson has heard a particular firm is looking for some solution that their company provides. Hence, the salesperson will first search for a decision maker from the company, investigate what department he is from, and understand what the target company is looking for and what they are into.

Using this research, he can cater his solution to be spot on when he pitches it to this client. He can also reach out to the customer directly by finding a means to communicate with him by researching online.’

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Qualitative research is a method that has a high importance in business research. Qualitative research involves obtaining data through open-ended conversational means of communication. Such research enables the researcher to not only understand what the audience thinks but also why he thinks it.

In such research, in-depth information can be gathered from the subjects depending on their responses. There are various types of qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, content analysis, and case study research, that are widely used.

Such methods are of very high importance in business research as they enable the researcher to understand the consumer. What motivates the consumer to buy and what does not is what will lead to higher sales, and that is the prime objective for any business.

Following are a few methods that are widely used in today’s world by most businesses.

Interviews are somewhat similar to surveys, like sometimes they may have the same types of questions used. The difference is that the respondent can answer these open-ended questions at length, and the direction of the conversation or the questions being asked can be changed depending on the response of the subject.

Such a method usually gives the researcher detailed information about the perspective or opinions of its subject. Carrying out interviews with subject matter experts can also give important information critical to some businesses.

For example: An interview was conducted by a telecom manufacturer with a group of women to understand why they have less number of female customers. After interviewing them, the researcher understood that there were fewer feminine colors in some of the models, and females preferred not to purchase them.

Such information can be critical to a business such as a  telecom manufacturer and hence it can be used to increase its market share by targeting women customers by launching some feminine colors in the market.

Another example would be to interview a subject matter expert in social media marketing. Such an interview can enable a researcher to understand why certain types of social media advertising strategies work for a company and why some of them don’t.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview

Focus groups

Focus groups are a set of individuals selected specifically to understand their opinions and behaviors. It is usually a small set of a group that is selected keeping in mind the parameters for their target market audience to discuss a particular product or service. Such a method enables a researcher with a larger sample than the interview or a case study while taking advantage of conversational communication.

Focus group is also one of the best examples of qualitative data in education . Nowadays, focus groups can be sent online surveys as well to collect data and answer why, what, and how questions. Such a method is very crucial to test new concepts or products before they are launched in the market.

For example: Research is conducted with a focus group to understand what dimension of screen size is preferred most by the current target market. Such a method can enable a researcher to dig deeper if the target market focuses more on the screen size, features, or colors of the phone. Using this data, a company can make wise decisions about its product line and secure a higher market share.

Ethnographic research

Ethnographic research is one of the most challenging research but can give extremely precise results. Such research is used quite rarely, as it is time-consuming and can be expensive as well. It involves the researcher adapting to the natural environment and observing its target audience to collect data. Such a method is generally used to understand cultures, challenges, or other things that can occur in that particular setting.

For example: The world-renowned show “Undercover Boss” would be an apt example of how ethnographic research can be used in businesses. In this show, the senior management of a large organization works in his own company as a regular employee to understand what improvements can be made, what is the culture in the organization, and to identify hard-working employees and reward them.

It can be seen that the researcher had to spend a good amount of time in the natural setting of the employees and adapt to their ways and processes. While observing in this setting, the researcher could find out the information he needed firsthand without losing any information or any bias and improve certain things that would impact his business.

LEARN ABOUT:   Workforce Planning Model

Case study research

Case study research is one of the most important in business research. It is also used as marketing collateral by most businesses to land up more clients. Case study research is conducted to assess customer satisfaction and document the challenges that were faced and the solutions that the firm gave them.

These inferences are made to point out the benefits that the customer enjoyed for choosing their specific firm. Such research is widely used in other fields like education, social sciences, and similar. Case studies are provided by businesses to new clients to showcase their capabilities, and hence such research plays a crucial role in the business sector.

For example: A services company has provided a testing solution to one of its clients. A case study research is conducted to find out what were the challenges faced during the project, what was the scope of their work, what objective was to be achieved, and what solutions were given to tackle the challenges.

The study can end with the benefits that the company provided through its solutions, like reduced time to test batches, easy implementation or integration of the system, or even cost reduction. Such a study showcases the capability of the company, and hence it can be stated as empirical evidence of the new prospect.

Website visitor profiling/research

Website intercept surveys or website visitor profiling/research is something new that has come up and is quite helpful in the business sector. It is an innovative approach to collect direct feedback from your website visitors using surveys. In recent times a lot of business generation happens online, and hence it is important to understand the visitors of your website as they are your potential customers.

Collecting feedback is critical to any business, as without understanding a customer, no business can be successful. A company has to keep its customers satisfied and try to make them loyal customers in order to stay on top.

A website intercept survey is an online survey that allows you to target visitors to understand their intent and collect feedback to evaluate the customers’ online experience. Information like visitor intention, behavior path, and satisfaction with the overall website can be collected using this.

Depending on what information a company is looking for, multiple forms of website intercept surveys can be used to gather responses. Some of the popular ones are Pop-ups, also called Modal boxes, and on-page surveys.

For example: A prospective customer is looking for a particular product that a company is selling. Once he is directed to the website, an intercept survey will start noting his intent and path. Once the transaction has been made, a pop-up or an on-page survey is provided to the customer to rate the website.

Such research enables the researcher to put this data to good use and hence understand the customers’ intent and path and improve any parts of the website depending on the responses, which in turn would lead to satisfied customers and hence, higher revenues and market share.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Research Questions and Questionnaires

  • Business research helps to identify opportunities and threats.
  • It helps identify research problems , and using this information, wise decisions can be made to tackle the issue appropriately.
  • It helps to understand customers better and hence can be useful to communicate better with the customers or stakeholders.
  • Risks and uncertainties can be minimized by conducting business research in advance.
  • Financial outcomes and investments that will be needed can be planned effectively using business research.
  • Such research can help track competition in the business sector.
  • Business research can enable a company to make wise decisions as to where to spend and how much.
  • Business research can enable a company to stay up-to-date with the market and its trends, and appropriate innovations can be made to stay ahead in the game.
  • Business research helps to measure reputation management
  • Business research can be a high-cost affair
  • Most of the time, business research is based on assumptions
  • Business research can be time-consuming
  • Business research can sometimes give you inaccurate information because of a biased population or a small focus group.
  • Business research results can quickly become obsolete because of the fast-changing markets

Business research is one of the most effective ways to understand customers, the market, and competitors. Such research helps companies to understand the demand and supply of the market. Using such research will help businesses reduce costs and create solutions or products that are targeted to the demand in the market and the correct audience.

In-house business research can enable senior management to build an effective team or train or mentor when needed. Business research enables the company to track its competitors and hence can give you the upper hand to stay ahead of them.

Failures can be avoided by conducting such research as it can give the researcher an idea if the time is right to launch its product/solution and also if the audience is right. It will help understand the brand value and measure customer satisfaction which is essential to continuously innovate and meet customer demands.

This will help the company grow its revenue and market share. Business research also helps recruit ideal candidates for various roles in the company. By conducting such research, a company can carry out a SWOT analysis , i.e. understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. With the help of this information, wise decisions can be made to ensure business success.

LEARN ABOUT:  Market research industry

Business research is the first step that any business owner needs to set up his business to survive or to excel in the market. The main reason why such research is of utmost importance is that it helps businesses to grow in terms of revenue, market share, and brand value.


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  • 22 types of business objectives to meas ...

22 types of business objectives to measure success

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Clear business objectives help you achieve your mission statement and long-term company vision. These objectives can range from financial objectives to organization specific objectives. Take a look at 22 types of business objectives you can set—plus, learn when to use business objectives vs. 14 other goal frameworks. 

Whether you work at a small business, a start up, or as a team lead at a larger enterprise, as a key business owner, you’re responsible for identifying the business objectives that will help your organization hit its long-term goals. Setting goals and strategic objectives is the best way to know where you’re going and how to get there. 

In this article, learn about 22 different types of business objectives and how to make them achievable. Then, take a look at the 15 different types of goals you can set, depending on why you’re setting those goals.

What is a business objective? 

Business objectives are the results you are aiming to achieve in order to accomplish your longer-term company vision. Think of business objectives as metrics to measure your overall business success.

Hitting your business objectives means you’re on the path towards achieving larger company goals. As such, business objectives should focus on large-scale organizational impact. Good business objectives are measurable, specific, and time-bound. 

22 types of business objectives

Set business objectives based on factors that measure and impact your organization’s success. For example, you might set the following business objectives:

Financial business objectives

1. Profitability: A profitability-focused business objective is important if your company is relying on outside investors. Achieving—and maintaining—profitability ensures your long-term success so you can make progress towards your overall company mission. 

2. Revenue: Revenue-focused business objectives help you balance your income with your costs in order to stay in business. You might set business objectives to achieve a certain annual revenue goal, or to increase revenue by a certain percentage over a period of time. 

3. Costs: Costs refer to how much money you’re spending on your business. Reducing costs can help you increase revenue and achieve profitability. Business objectives related to cost can help you control production or operations cost to improve your business’s financial performance. 

4. Cash flow: Cash flow refers to the money moving into and out of your business. Cash flow can be positive—when you’re making more than you’re spending—or negative—when you’re spending more than you’re making. Similar to profitability, a cash flow-oriented business objective can help set you up for long term financial success. 

5. Sustainable growth: In order to grow as a business, you need to grow sustainably. Setting business objectives around sustainable growth can help you plan your financial projections, employee costs, and other financial considerations. 

Customer-centric business objectives

6. Competitive positioning: A big element of your business strategy is thinking about how your product or service compares to others in the same market. By setting a business objective focused on competitive positioning, you can ensure your product or service reaches parity with what’s expected in the market, or use competitive positioning to outdo your competitors in a key area. 

8. Customer satisfaction: In order to succeed as a business, you need happy customers. Focusing on a customer satisfaction-based business objective can help you better serve your customers. Depending on the business objective, this might focus on a customer advocacy program, a better help desk, or something similarly customer-facing. 

9. Brand awareness: Your brand is what makes your organization stand out from the crowd. Brand awareness is an important way to understand how your customers think of your brand, and how aware they are of your distinct brand vs. your competitors. Understanding—and increasing—brand awareness is a key part of your long-term marketing strategy .

10. Sales: You’ll often find business objectives related to improving or refining the sales cycle. This could include anything from reducing customer acquisition cost (CAC), developing better lead tracking, increasing cross-selling, or something else.

11. Churn: In business, your churn rate refers to how many customers you lose over a set period of time. Reducing churn is a great way to increase your revenue and ensure your customers are satisfied with the product or service you provide. 

Internal business objectives

12. Employee satisfaction and engagement: Part of your business is how your employees feel about working there, too. Increasing employee satisfaction and engagement leads to happier employees, reduced burnout , and more effective teams. 

13. Employee retention: A key internal business objective is how long your employees spend at your company. Increasing tenure and reducing turnover can help you achieve more complex projects with knowledgeable employees. 

14. Company growth: In order to grow your business, you also need to grow the number of people you employ. Growing your company sustainably can be difficult—which is why businesses often set company growth as a key business objective. 

15. Organizational culture: Organizational culture is the ideals, values, and group norms that shape how team members interact within your company. Good culture drives employee engagement and increases retention, which is one of the key reasons so many companies set organizational culture-focused business objectives. 

16. Change management: Smoothly implement large-scale organizational change with change management . Though you typically won’t see organizations set this type of business objective year after year, it can be a helpful objective to set if you have large changes on the horizon. 

17. Productivity: At Asana, we don’t think of productivity as “doing the most you can,” but rather as a way to optimize your time and get your best work done. Increasing employee productivity can help your teams achieve their high-impact work more efficiently. 

18. Employee effectiveness: Teams don’t just need to be efficient—they also need to know the right things to work on. The best companies aim for efficiency and effectiveness—which is where an effectiveness-based business objective comes into play. To learn more, read our article about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness . 

19. Diversity and inclusion: A big part of a welcoming company culture is making sure your employees feel like they belong. Investing in diversity and inclusion programs can help your business be more welcoming to your current and potential employees. 

Regulation related business objectives

20. Quality control: Implementing quality control measures as a business objective can help you ensure your product or services are at the level you want them to be. This in turn leads to better customer relationships and overall increase in revenue. 

21. Compliance: If your business has any compliance needs to meet in the near future, setting those compliance requirements as a business objective will ensure you hit your targets on time. 

22. Sustainability or waste reduction: Some businesses set business objectives to reduce waste or increase sustainability. While this may not directly impact your business, proving that you’re environmentally minded can help you reach specific audiences you’re targeting. 

Which goal framework is right for you?

Figuring out exactly what type of goal you need to set can be tricky. Each goal framework is slightly different—and implementing the right one can help you achieve success. 

The type of goal you set will depend on the business activities you’re running and the specific goals you have. If your goals have a set time frame, you may want to go with short-term objectives, whereas larger goals have their own unique frameworks. 

If you’re not sure where to start, check out these 15 goal frameworks for different situations: 

1. Business objectives: Set goals based on operating factors that impact your company’s long-term success.

2. Business plan : Also called a business strategy plan. Document your business’ goals and plan out how you’ll get there.

3. Vision statement : Set an organization-wide North Star.

4. Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) : Set organization-sized stretch goals .

5. Company values : Align your team around core principles. 

6. Strategic plan : Clarify your three to five year company goals during the strategic planning process. 

7. Strategic goal : Set the goals you want to achieve by the end of your strategic plan.

8. Critical success factors : Clarify the high-level goals you need to achieve in order to achieve your strategic goals. 

9. Strategic management : Execute against your strategic plan in order to achieve your company goals. 

10. Business goals : Set predetermined targets to achieve in a set period of time.  

11. Objectives and key results (OKRs) : Set and communicate annual company goals.

12. Key performance indicators (KPIs) : Set quantitative goals.

13. Project objectives : Share what you want to achieve by the end of a project.

14. Project deliverables : Identify a project’s output.

15. Project milestones : Mark specific checkpoints along a project’s timeline.

More goal setting resources

Clear goals are critical to keep your organization functioning. In addition to business objectives, check out our goal setting resource hub for tips on setting goals and achieving high-impact results. Then when you’re ready, get started with Asana for goal tracking. With Asana , you can connect your company goals to the work that supports them—all in one place. 

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The Importance Of Research Objectives

Imagine you’re a student planning a vacation in a foreign country. You’re on a tight budget and need to draw…

The Importance Of Research Objectives

Imagine you’re a student planning a vacation in a foreign country. You’re on a tight budget and need to draw up a pocket-friendly plan. Where do you begin? The first step is to do your research.

Before that, you make a mental list of your objectives—finding reasonably-priced hotels, traveling safely and finding ways of communicating with someone back home. These objectives help you focus sharply during your research and be aware of the finer details of your trip.

More often than not, research is a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s to pick a restaurant for your next birthday dinner or to prepare a presentation at work, good research is the foundation of effective learning. Read on to understand the meaning, importance and examples of research objectives.

Why Do We Need Research?

What are the objectives of research, what goes into a research plan.

Research is a careful and detailed study of a particular problem or concern, using scientific methods. An in-depth analysis of information creates space for generating new questions, concepts and understandings. The main objective of research is to explore the unknown and unlock new possibilities. It’s an essential component of success.

Over the years, businesses have started emphasizing the need for research. You’ve probably noticed organizations hiring research managers and analysts. The primary purpose of business research is to determine the goals and opportunities of an organization. It’s critical in making business decisions and appropriately allocating available resources.

Here are a few benefits of research that’ll explain why it is a vital aspect of our professional lives:

Expands Your Knowledge Base

One of the greatest benefits of research is to learn and gain a deeper understanding. The deeper you dig into a topic, the more well-versed you are. Furthermore, research has the power to help you build on any personal experience you have on the subject.

Keeps You Up To Date

Research encourages you to discover the most recent information available. Updated information prevents you from falling behind and helps you present accurate information. You’re better equipped to develop ideas or talk about a topic when you’re armed with the latest inputs.

Builds Your Credibility

Research provides you with a good foundation upon which you can develop your thoughts and ideas. People take you more seriously when your suggestions are backed by research. You can speak with greater confidence because you know that the information is accurate.

Sparks Connections

Take any leading nonprofit organization, you’ll see how they have a strong research arm supported by real-life stories. Research also becomes the base upon which real-life connections and impact can be made. It even helps you communicate better with others and conveys why you’re pursuing something.

Encourages Curiosity

As we’ve already established, research is mostly about using existing information to create new ideas and opinions. In the process, it sparks curiosity as you’re encouraged to explore and gain deeper insights into a subject. Curiosity leads to higher levels of positivity and lower levels of anxiety.

Well-defined objectives of research are an essential component of successful research engagement. If you want to drive all aspects of your research methodology such as data collection, design, analysis and recommendation, you need to lay down the objectives of research methodology. In other words, the objectives of research should address the underlying purpose of investigation and analysis. It should outline the steps you’d take to achieve desirable outcomes. Research objectives help you stay focused and adjust your expectations as you progress.

The objectives of research should be closely related to the problem statement, giving way to specific and achievable goals. Here are the four types of research objectives for you to explore:

General Objective

Also known as secondary objectives, general objectives provide a detailed view of the aim of a study. In other words, you get a general overview of what you want to achieve by the end of your study. For example, if you want to study an organization’s contribution to environmental sustainability, your general objective could be: a study of sustainable practices and the use of renewable energy by the organization.

Specific Objectives

Specific objectives define the primary aim of the study. Typically, general objectives provide the foundation for identifying specific objectives. In other words, when general objectives are broken down into smaller and logically connected objectives, they’re known as specific objectives. They help define the who, what, why, when and how aspects of your project. Once you identify the main objective of research, it’s easier to develop and pursue a plan of action.

Let’s take the example of ‘a study of an organization’s contribution to environmental sustainability’ again. The specific objectives will look like this:

To determine through history how the organization has changed its practices and adopted new solutions

To assess how the new practices, technology and strategies will contribute to the overall effectiveness

Once you’ve identified the objectives of research, it’s time to organize your thoughts and streamline your research goals. Here are a few effective tips to develop a powerful research plan and improve your business performance.

Set SMART Goals

Your research objectives should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-constrained. When you focus on utilizing available resources and setting realistic timeframes and milestones, it’s easier to prioritize objectives. Continuously track your progress and check whether you need to revise your expectations or targets. This way, you’re in greater control over the process.

Create A Plan

Create a plan that’ll help you select appropriate methods to collect accurate information. A well-structured plan allows you to use logical and creative approaches towards problem-solving. The complexity of information and your skills are bound to influence your plan, which is why you need to make room for flexibility. The availability of resources will also play a big role in influencing your decisions.

Collect And Collate

After you’ve created a plan for the research process, make a list of the data you’re going to collect and the methods you’ll use. Not only will it help make sense of your insights but also keep track of your approach. The information you collect should be:

Logical, rigorous and objective

Can be reproduced by other people working on the same subject

Free of errors and highlighting necessary details

Current and updated

Includes everything required to support your argument/suggestions

Analyze And Keep Ready

Data analysis is the most crucial part of the process and there are many ways in which the information can be utilized. Four types of data analysis are often seen in a professional environment. While they may be divided into separate categories, they’re linked to each other.

Descriptive Analysis:

The most commonly used data analysis, descriptive analysis simply summarizes past data. For example, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) use descriptive analysis. It establishes certain benchmarks after studying how someone has been performing in the past.

Diagnostic Analysis:

The next step is to identify why something happened. Diagnostic analysis uses the information gathered through descriptive analysis and helps find the underlying causes of an outcome. For example, if a marketing initiative was successful, you deep-dive into the strategies that worked.

Predictive Analysis:

It attempts to answer ‘what’s likely to happen’. Predictive analysis makes use of past data to predict future outcomes. However, the accuracy of predictions depends on the quality of the data provided. Risk assessment is an ideal example of using predictive analysis.

Prescriptive Analysis: 

The most sought-after type of data analysis, prescriptive analysis combines the insights of all of the previous analyses. It’s a huge organizational commitment as it requires plenty of effort and resources. A great example of prescriptive analysis is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which consumes large amounts of data. You need to be prepared to commit to this type of analysis.

Review And Interpret

Once you’ve collected and collated your data, it’s time to review it and draw accurate conclusions. Here are a few ways to improve the review process:

Identify the fundamental issues, opportunities and problems and make note of recurring trends if any

Make a list of your insights and check which is the most or the least common. In short, keep track of the frequency of each insight

Conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Write down your conclusions and recommendations of the research

When we think about research, we often associate it with academicians and students. but the truth is research is for everybody who is willing to learn and enhance their knowledge. If you want to master the art of strategically upgrading your knowledge, Harappa Education’s Learning Expertly course has all the answers. Not only will it help you look at things from a fresh perspective but also show you how to acquire new information with greater efficiency. The Growth Mindset framework will teach you how to believe in your abilities to grow and improve. The Learning Transfer framework will help you apply your learnings from one context to another. Begin the journey of tactful learning and self-improvement today!

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics related to the THINK Habit such as  Learning From Experience ,  Critical Thinking  & What is  Brainstorming  to think clearly and rationally.


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Develop Clear Research Objectives for Your Survey Research Project

  • Written by Susan E. DeFranzo

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A variety of problems can arise if research objectives are not clearly defined at the beginning stages of the survey research project. The very first thing the researcher should do is work with the research team or clients to clearly identify each research objective.

Research objectives consist of general descriptions describing the types and categories of information the researcher wants to obtain from the survey; from what target population; and an explanation of possible comparisons. Throughout the survey project plan, the main objectives inform and steer the research team in the right direction.

Measure: Research objectives should contain a measurement objective, specifying what your research team is trying to measure. If your company is planning to make a large, expensive, or risky business decision, it is quite important to quantify market data in order to minimize risk.

Categorize: Research objectives are essentially summary statements detailing the categories of data you want to acquire. Some examples of objectives for market research purposes could include: brand awareness, brand image, consumer perception, consumer attitudes, buyer behavior, product satisfaction , consumer experience (good and bad), and intent to purchase behavior. Objectives should be tailored to each specific project.

Target: It is evident that you need to choose a target population that will provide the data you need. It is possible for a survey research project to target multiple target populations in order to acquire the necessary data for a successful project. If you are targeting multiple populations, ensure that the survey questions are tailored to those groups.  For example, if you are administering a technology study, you don’t want to ask technical questions to a non-technical population.

Compare: In many cases, you will want to compare data from previous years, compare certain segments of a population to each other, or benchmark data against existing market data.

You should have a clear idea in mind of how the survey data will be used. Important business decisions are based on the findings of the research.  Defining survey research objectives at the start of your survey project plan can serve as a guide throughout the entire research process, making certain that the right questions are asked to the right target audience, and making certain that your clients and stakeholders are satisfied with the overall outcomes of the survey, and more importantly, the accuracy and validity of the data you provide.

Related blog post: 6 Areas to Consider when Developing a Survey Project Plan 

Related topics

  • Research Objectives , survey , survey project , survey project plan , survey research , surveys

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  • 10 Research Question Examples to Guide Your Research Project

10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project

Published on October 30, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on October 19, 2023.

The research question is one of the most important parts of your research paper , thesis or dissertation . It’s important to spend some time assessing and refining your question before you get started.

The exact form of your question will depend on a few things, such as the length of your project, the type of research you’re conducting, the topic , and the research problem . However, all research questions should be focused, specific, and relevant to a timely social or scholarly issue.

Once you’ve read our guide on how to write a research question , you can use these examples to craft your own.

Research question Explanation
The first question is not enough. The second question is more , using .
Starting with “why” often means that your question is not enough: there are too many possible answers. By targeting just one aspect of the problem, the second question offers a clear path for research.
The first question is too broad and subjective: there’s no clear criteria for what counts as “better.” The second question is much more . It uses clearly defined terms and narrows its focus to a specific population.
It is generally not for academic research to answer broad normative questions. The second question is more specific, aiming to gain an understanding of possible solutions in order to make informed recommendations.
The first question is too simple: it can be answered with a simple yes or no. The second question is , requiring in-depth investigation and the development of an original argument.
The first question is too broad and not very . The second question identifies an underexplored aspect of the topic that requires investigation of various  to answer.
The first question is not enough: it tries to address two different (the quality of sexual health services and LGBT support services). Even though the two issues are related, it’s not clear how the research will bring them together. The second integrates the two problems into one focused, specific question.
The first question is too simple, asking for a straightforward fact that can be easily found online. The second is a more question that requires and detailed discussion to answer.
? dealt with the theme of racism through casting, staging, and allusion to contemporary events? The first question is not  — it would be very difficult to contribute anything new. The second question takes a specific angle to make an original argument, and has more relevance to current social concerns and debates.
The first question asks for a ready-made solution, and is not . The second question is a clearer comparative question, but note that it may not be practically . For a smaller research project or thesis, it could be narrowed down further to focus on the effectiveness of drunk driving laws in just one or two countries.

Note that the design of your research question can depend on what method you are pursuing. Here are a few options for qualitative, quantitative, and statistical research questions.

Type of research Example question
Qualitative research question
Quantitative research question
Statistical research question

Other interesting articles

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, October 19). 10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project. Scribbr. Retrieved June 19, 2024, from

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Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 18, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that outlines the career goals of an individual applying for a research position. It gives employers an insight into what type of researcher the applicant is and how their skills and experiences can contribute to the organization. When writing a resume objective for a researcher position, it is important to focus on qualifications that are relevant to the role. For example, include a description of any research experience you have and highlight any technical knowledge or specialized skills related to the field. Additionally, emphasize any accomplishments you have achieved in your previous research roles, such as published papers or successful experiments. Finally, make sure to include your career goals as they relate to the research position you are applying for. By doing this, employers will be able to see how your skills and experiences fit with their needs and how you will be an asset to their organization.

Researcher Resume Example

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Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a researcher where I can utilize my research and analytical skills to contribute to the success of the organization.
  • To secure a position as a researcher that will allow me to use my knowledge and expertise in conducting research and analysis.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a researcher in an environment that encourages professional growth and development.
  • Looking for a challenging role as a researcher where I can apply my problem solving skills and knowledge for the betterment of the organization.
  • To become part of an esteemed organization as a researcher, utilizing my experience in data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • To join an organization that values creativity and innovation as a researcher, leveraging my experience with quantitative methods.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a researcher in order to explore new ideas and develop innovative solutions.
  • To obtain employment as a researcher within an organization that encourages team-oriented problem solving and collaboration.
  • To pursue a career as a researcher where I can use my communication skills to effectively present research findings.
  • Aiming for an entry-level position as a researcher where I can gain more experience in conducting research studies.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work with leading experts in the field of research by joining them as a researcher.
  • Seeking employment with an organization that values hard work, dedication, and excellence in research activities by becoming their next researcher.
  • Applying for the position of Researcher with the goal of utilizing my knowledge base and technical skills to benefit the company’s objectives.
  • Desire to join an innovative team of researchers who are dedicated to finding creative solutions through rigorous research efforts.
  • Looking for an exciting role as Researcher which will enable me to apply my strong analytical abilities towards helping achieve organizational goals.
  • Seeking employment at your esteemed institution as Researcher with the aim of contributing towards its success through effective data analysis techniques.
  • Interested in working with cutting-edge technologies while developing innovative solutions through applied research activities at your company.

How to Write a Researcher Resume Objective

A researcher resume objective is an important part of a researcher's application as it gives employers an insight into the applicant’s goals, abilities, and motivations. A well-crafted objective can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing the job. When writing your own researcher resume objective, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep it brief. Your objective should be no more than two sentences long and should focus on what you can bring to the position. Avoid fluffy language or vague statements; instead, be specific about your qualifications and skills.

2. Highlight your strengths. Make sure to include any relevant experience or research projects that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field. If you have any specializations or certifications, include these as well.

3. Show enthusiasm for the role. Employers want to hire someone who is passionate about their work, so make sure to express excitement for the position in your objective statement. You can do this by mentioning why you find the role interesting or how you hope to contribute to the organization’s success.

4. Tailor it for each job application. Don’t just use one generic objective statement; tailor each one to fit the specific job you’re applying for by highlighting different experiences or skills that could be beneficial for that particular role.

By following these tips, you can create an effective researcher resume objective that will help you stand out from other applicants and make a strong impression on potential employers.

Related : What does a Researcher do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Researcher Resume Objective

In the competitive field of research, having a well-crafted resume that highlights your key skills can make all the difference in landing your desired job. The objective section of your resume is particularly crucial as it provides a snapshot of your abilities and expertise to potential employers. This section titled 'Key Skills to Highlight in Your Researcher Resume Objective' will guide you through the essential skills you should emphasize to create an impactful and compelling career objective. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just starting out, these insights will help you stand out from the crowd.

1. Data analysis

A researcher needs the skill of data analysis as they are often required to collect, interpret and present data. This skill is crucial in helping them understand complex information and draw conclusions from the data. It can also assist in making informed decisions or recommendations based on their findings. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has the ability to handle quantitative information effectively and can contribute valuable insights for research projects or studies.

2. Python programming

Python programming is a highly sought-after skill in many research positions, particularly in fields like data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Having this skill indicates that the candidate can develop and implement complex algorithms, manage large datasets, and create effective data visualization. It also shows their ability to automate tasks and solve problems efficiently. This can help them achieve their resume objective of contributing to high-level research projects and driving innovation within the company.

3. R programming

As a researcher, having R programming skills is essential as it allows for effective data analysis and visualization. This skill is crucial in making sense of complex data sets, predicting trends, and making data-driven decisions. It also demonstrates a strong understanding of statistical methods and models, which are often used in research work. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers the ability to handle and interpret data accurately and efficiently, an important aspect in research roles.

4. SPSS proficiency

As a researcher, having proficiency in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is crucial as it is one of the most widely used software for statistical analysis in social science research. This skill demonstrates the ability to manage and analyze large data sets, conduct complex statistical analyses, interpret results, and present findings in a clear and understandable manner. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that you have the necessary technical expertise to handle data-related tasks effectively, which is integral to any research position.

5. MATLAB expertise

A researcher often needs to analyze complex data sets, create algorithms, and develop models. MATLAB is a powerful tool that can be used for these purposes. It allows for efficient manipulation of matrices, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages. Therefore, having MATLAB expertise on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has strong analytical skills and the ability to handle complex data-related tasks.

6. SQL querying

A researcher often needs to collect, analyze, and interpret complex data sets. SQL querying is a skill that allows for efficient management and manipulation of these data sets. This skill is essential for a resume objective as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle large amounts of information accurately and effectively, which is crucial in research roles. It also shows proficiency in using advanced technological tools for data analysis, making the candidate more competitive.

7. Tableau visualization

A researcher often needs to analyze and present complex data in a clear, concise manner. Tableau visualization is a skill that allows for the creation of dynamic, interactive data visualizations. This can help a researcher to not only understand and interpret their findings more effectively, but also communicate these insights to others. Therefore, having this skill can greatly enhance a researcher's ability to perform their job effectively and efficiently.

8. Machine learning

As a researcher, having machine learning skills is crucial as it allows for the ability to create predictive models and algorithms that can analyze large amounts of data and provide insights. This skill is particularly important in fields such as data science, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that you have the technical ability to design and implement complex research strategies, making you a valuable asset to their team.

9. Experimental design

A researcher needs the skill of experimental design as it is crucial for planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments effectively. This skill demonstrates the ability to create a systematic and logical approach to investigate questions about specific phenomena or observed events. It shows proficiency in controlling variables, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, and interpreting results. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to conduct thorough research and contribute valuable insights or discoveries in their field.

10. Statistical modeling

Statistical modeling is a crucial skill for a researcher as it allows them to predict and analyze trends, patterns, and relationships within data sets. This skill is essential in making informed decisions, drawing accurate conclusions, and creating effective strategies based on the research findings. Including this skill in a resume objective showcases the candidate's ability to handle complex data and contribute valuable insights, which is highly sought after in research roles.

Top 10 Researcher Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your researcher resume is a strategic platform to showcase your key skills. These skills should align with the job description and demonstrate your ability to excel in the role. Highlighting relevant skills not only distinguishes you from other candidates but also provides potential employers with a snapshot of what you bring to the table. Remember, it's not about listing as many skills as possible, but rather focusing on those that are most pertinent to the position you're applying for. Tailoring your resume in this way can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

Related : Researcher Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Researcher Resume Objective

A resume objective is an important part of any resume. It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it needs to be concise and clear. Unfortunately, many job seekers make common mistakes when writing their resume objective, which can hurt their chances of getting an interview.

One common mistake is to include too much information in the resume objective. Employers want to know what skills or experiences you have that are relevant to the position they are looking for. If the objective contains irrelevant information or goes into too much detail about your qualifications and experience, it will likely be overlooked. Instead, try to keep the objective brief and focus on why you are a good fit for the job.

Another mistake is using generic language in the resume objective. Many people use phrases like “seeking a challenging position” or “looking for an opportunity to advance my career” without providing any specifics about what kind of role they are seeking or how they can contribute to the company’s success. This type of language does not tell employers anything meaningful about your qualifications and experience, so it should be avoided.

It is also important to avoid making exaggerations in your resume objective. While you want to present yourself in a positive light, it is important to be honest about your skills and abilities. Making false claims or exaggerating your qualifications will only hurt your chances of being considered for a position because employers will see through them when they review your application materials.

Finally, one mistake that many job seekers make is failing to tailor their resume objectives for each position they apply for. A generic resume objective that doesn’t mention any specific skills or experiences related to the job will not stand out from other applicants and won’t give employers a good impression of you as a candidate. Instead, make sure that you customize each resume objective so that it speaks directly to the skills and experiences needed for the particular role you are applying for.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing your researcher resume objective, you can ensure that employers take notice of your application materials and consider you as a viable candidate for their open positions.

Related : Researcher Resume Examples

Researcher Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a researcher should focus on the specific skills, experience, and qualifications necessary to achieve the desired research goals, while a wrong resume objective may be too broad or generic.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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30+ Resume Objective Examples (Plus, Tips on How to Write Yours)

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Resume objectives are a bit controversial. Some career experts see them as outdated, while others believe job seekers can still use them to their advantage. Although resume objective statements have slowly been replaced by resume summaries, they remain useful in certain situations—and that's why you should know how to write one, just in case.

For instance, if you're changing careers and your previous work experience doesn't quite match the new role you're after, an objective statement could help communicate your professional goals to the hiring manager. Likewise, if you're a recent graduate or looking to relocate, you could use this section of your resume to highlight these intentions.

We've gathered 32 resume objective examples—plus, some tips on how to craft one that grabs the hiring manager's attention.

What is a resume objective

A resume objective is a brief statement outlining your short-term career goals, usually one to two sentences long. It should be tailored to the specific job or industry you're pursuing and is placed at the top of your resume, just below the header.

What is a good objective for a resume, and when are they welcomed? That's what we'll show you in a moment.

When you should use a resume objective

Resume objectives aren't quite the norm these days, so they should be only used when you need to clarify why you're applying for that particular role or company. Here are three situations where using an objective statement is a good idea:

  • If you're doing a career pivot: A resume objective can guide recruiters on your career goals and prevent you from being disqualified when transitioning to a new field.
  • If you're changing locations: Applying for jobs outside your current state or city can leave recruiters uncertain about your location; a resume objective can clearly express your willingness to relocate.
  • If you're a recent graduate: Since you likely have little to no work experience to show, a resume objective can give a glimpse into who you are and what you aim to achieve.
  • If you've worked in a variety of roles: When your work history is all over the place, a resume objective statement can be a helpful tool to highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and what you're looking for in your next role .

Resume objective vs. resume summary

A resume objective outlines your career goals and what you aim to achieve in a position, while a resume summary focuses on skills, accomplishments, education, and relevant experiences for the role.

“Think of the resume objective as your career aspiration and the summary as your professional snapshot,” says Angela Tait, People Operations Specialist and Founder of Tait Consulting . “The objective sets your sights forward, while the summary looks at your past and present achievements.”

How to write a resume objective

If you decide to write a resume objective, it'll be the first thing recruiters see on your resume, right after your name and contact information. This means their first impression will be based on how well-written your objective statement is. Here are key tips to do it right:

1. Mention your area of expertise

“Start by mentioning your area of expertise and the role you are applying for,” Tait says. This way, you let the employer know right away about your background and what you want to achieve professionally.

2. Show how you can add value to the company

Your objective statement—and your whole resume, actually—should be tailored to each job opening. “Personalize your resume objective by stating how you can add value to the company you're applying to,” Tait says. “For instance, ‘ Seeking to leverage my expertise in digital marketing to drive brand growth and engagement at XYZ Corp.’”

3. Highlight skills relevant to the role

Once again, to write an effective resume objective, keep in mind the role you're going for. “Focus on how your skills and interests align with that specific job opportunity,” says Conor Hughes, certified in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and HR Consultant at SMB Guide .

For example, for a software developer, skills in programming with languages like Java, C++, and Python are pretty important. Meanwhile, a graphic designer should highlight technical skills in creating and editing visual projects using tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma.

4. Optimize your statement for ATS machines

These days, most resumes get scanned by an ATS robot before reaching human recruiters. So, it's crucial to optimize your objective statement for these ATS machines. How? “Use keywords from the job description to show you have the relevant abilities they're looking for,” Hughes says.

If a job posting specifies “experience in copywriting” and “SEO optimization” as requirements, you should incorporate these exact keywords in your objective statement—and wherever else they fit on your resume. Using just “SEO” or only “copywriting” might not be enough; precision is key.

Need some help? Here's how to read the job description the right way —so you can stop sending resumes into the void.

5. Make it as concise as possible

Recruiters go through resumes really fast—that's one of the reasons two-page resumes aren't usually recommended. When writing your resume objective, keep it concise. “To one or two sentences max,” Hughes says. Remember, the goal is to give enough information about why you're applying for that role, not to share your whole life history.

32 resume objective examples to guide you

Now that we've covered the basics, here are 32 good examples of objectives for resumes categorized by job title and different professional situations, like career pivoting and entry-level positions. Use these examples as a guide, and don't forget to inject your own personality and core information.

General resume objectives examples

1. career change.

Copywriter with five years of experience, now transitioning into the UX Writing field, looking to leverage my writing and content creation skills to create digital experiences that drive business growth. Strong background in content strategy and data-driven decision making.

Find UX writer jobs on The Muse »

2. Relocation

Experienced customer service representative relocating to New York in July, seeking employment with an established customer support agency. I bring my strong communication skills , conflict resolution and customer retention ability developed in seven years working in the industry.

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3. Entry-level

Creative marketing graduate seeking a social media assistant entry-level position at a fast-growing marketing agency. My goal is to apply my strong storytelling and creative writing skills to create impactful content for clients and foster professional development.

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Compassionate and enthusiastic elementary school teacher with four years of experience teaching young students. Seeking to leverage my creative ideas, multitasking and organizational skills to create a safe and stimulating environment where children can play and learn.

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Registered nurse with three years of experience in patient care , currently specializing in pediatric nursing. Seeking to join the Grey Hospital nursing team and bring my knowledge of patient care and my critical thinking skills to foster a safe and empathic environment for patients.

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6. Journalist

Seasoned journalist seeking a News Reporter position at the USPN channel. I bring my five years of experience working on live television, interviewing sources, gathering and reporting information in fast-paced environments.

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Seeking a litigation paralegal position at The Law Group. I bring my three years of experience in conducting legal research, processing legal documents, and witness preparation for deposition and trial.

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8. Architect

Experienced architect relocating to Houston, Texas in August. In my 10 years of experience in the architecture industry I was able to work both in industrial and residential projects, holding high proficiency in AutoCAD and Photoshop.

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9. Real estate specialist

Passionate and proactive real estate specialist with solid experience in lease negotiation and facility management. Looking for a similar role to manage a real estate portfolio, implementing strategies to improve profitability and cost effectiveness.

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10. Waiter/Waitress

Seeking a waitress position at a local, family-led restaurant where my two years of experience in customer service and hospitality industry would contribute to create an exceptional experience to customers, guests, and clients.

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Resume objective examples for tech professionals

11. software engineer.

Software engineer with 5 years of experience in the banking industry, pivoting to the customer service industry to foster professional growth. Deep knowledge of object oriented programming, experienced with Java, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, and relational database schema design.

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12. Software developer

Computer science graduate seeking an entry-level position as software developer. I bring my experience with Git, Java, and Python, as well as strong documentation abilities and communication skills .

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13. Data scientist

Experienced data scientist, seeking a senior position in the e-commerce industry. My goal is to leverage my ability to write complex and efficient SQL queries to extract data and translate business needs into analytical frameworks.

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14. SEO analyst

SEO analyst, passionate about SEO and digital audience growth. 7 years of experience with site migrations, SEO analytics tools (Google Search Console, Chartbeat, Google Analytics, and SEMRush), reporting and sharing data insights, and making data-driven decisions.

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15. UI/UX Designer

Mid level UI/UX Designer, seeking employment in a fast-growing tech startup. Solid experience with user-centered design principles, knowledge of responsive design, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

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Examples of resume objectives for creative jobs

16. content writer.

Results-driven content writer with two years of experience writing for blogs and websites. Skilled in SEO, creative copywriting, and storytelling, looking forward to applying my skills and creative ideas to help XYZ build an engaged audience.

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17. Graphic designer

Creative graphic designer seeking an entry level-position in the education industry. Proficient with InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, and After Effects, quick learner with strong time management skills.

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18. Video editor

Outcome-oriented video editor, proficient with Final Cut, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop. Seeking employment in the entertainment industry where I intend to apply my extensive experience in storytelling and project management to create engaging stories.

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19. Social media manager

Experienced social media professional, seeking a manager position at a high-growth company. I bring my in-depth knowledge of social media strategy and five years of agency experience creating content that is engaging and exciting to the community.

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Resume objective examples for administrative roles

20. front desk.

Highly energetic tourism and hospitality graduate, looking for a front desk clerk position. 1.5 years of experience in customer service. Strong time management and organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to learn quick and adapt in fast paced environments.

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21. Receptionist

Looking for a receptionist position in the real estate industry. Three years experience in customer-facing roles, communication and leadership skills, ability to work with tight deadlines focusing on all aspects of a task or project.

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22. Administrative assistant

Seeking an administrative assistant role in the healthcare industry. I bring five years of experience in customer service, advanced Excel skills, and ability to multitask to perform my duties in a timely and efficient manner.

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23. Human resources

Human resources graduate, looking for an entry level human resources generalist position with ABC company to apply my strong verbal and written communication skills , analytical abilities, and proficiency in Microsoft applications to provide hands-on assistance to the HR team.

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24. Logistics

Logistics supervisor seeking a manager position at AABB company. I bring my extensive experience in global logistics operations and project management to enhance supply chain and logistics efficiency and achieve cost-effectiveness.

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25. Executive assistant

Seeking an executive assistant role at XYZ company. I'm an experienced professional with strong interpersonal skills, ability to multitask, and attention to detail to provide timely and high quality administrative office support to senior level leaders.

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26. Office manager

Experienced administrative assistant seeking an office manager position in a fast-paced work environment to apply my written communication skills, time management, prioritization, and planning abilities and provide exceptional service and foster professional growth.

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Resume objective examples for sales jobs

27. sales assistant.

Problem solver and team player sales professional, seeking a sales assistant position in a challenging work environment. I bring my experience supporting high acquisition organizations, willingness to learn, and winning team spirit to support sales teams.

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28. Sales manager

Dynamic sales manager seeking employment in the pharmaceutical industry to develop strategic sales plans and achieve revenue and market share objectives. Two years of experience in pharmaceutical sales plus three years of experience in general sales, excellent communication and leadership skills.

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29. Cashier

Recent high school graduate looking for a cashier position at a company with a culture of recognition and excellence. One year of experience in retail sales, strong organizational, leadership, and communication skills to represent the company in a professional manner.

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Examples of resume objectives for finance careers

30. banking.

Seasoned relationship banker looking to secure an investment banking analyst position at Bank of America. 15 years of experience in the banking industry, advanced knowledge of banking transactions, strong interpersonal skills, and ability to develop and expand relationships with stakeholders.

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31. Accounting

B.S. graduate in accounting seeking an entry-level accounting associate position to use my growth mindset, desire to learn, and organizational skills to ensure financial goals are achieved and foster professional development.

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32. Financial analyst

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) looking to secure a senior position in a competitive and results-driven work environment. 10 years of experience in financial analysis in banking and technology industries, advanced Excel and SQL skills, and ability to articulate analysis outcomes and relevant insights.

Find financial analyst jobs on The Muse »

Key takeaways

Resume objectives aren't the favorite of most recruiters, but they still serve a purpose. If you're career pivoting, relocating, applying for your first job, or have a diverse professional background, an objective statement can help the hiring manager understand your career goals and how they align with the job opportunity.

However, in other circumstances, using a resume summary might be more appropriate. (Here are 20 resume summary examples to make writing your own easier .)

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    Formulating research objectives has the following five steps, which could help researchers develop a clear objective: 8. Identify the research problem. Review past studies on subjects similar to your problem statement, that is, studies that use similar methods, variables, etc.

  3. Research Objectives

    Example: Research objectives. To assess the relationship between sedentary habits and muscle atrophy among the participants. To determine the impact of dietary factors, particularly protein consumption, on the muscular health of the participants. To determine the effect of physical activity on the participants' muscular health.

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    That comes later. Objective: Uncover the purchase journey of our target demographic. Assumption: Uncover what part search plays in the purchase journey of our target demographic. This looks unsuspecting, but in reality, we're already assuming that search plays a role in our audience's journey. That could sway the focus of the research.

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    A research objective is defined as a clear and concise statement of the specific goals and aims of a research study. It outlines what the researcher intends to accomplish and what they hope to learn or discover through their research. Research objectives are crucial for guiding the research process and ensuring that the study stays focused and ...

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    In order to write effective research aims and objectives, researchers should consider all aspects of their proposed work. For example, the sample(s) to be approached for participation in the primary data collection. Identifying research objectives that are SMART is key to ensuring key aspects of the work are considered prior to any data collection.

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    Economic Business Objective: Also called financial objectives, economic objectives relate to the financial health and growth of the company. These objectives can involve profits, revenue, costs, cash flow, sustainable growth, debt management, and investments. Example: Reduce spending on paid advertisements by 20 percent.

  13. What are the Research Objectives? Types, Examples & How to Write Them

    Focus: They help maintain the focus of the research by defining the scope of the study. Feasibility: They ensure that the research is manageable by breaking down the study into smaller, achievable tasks. Evaluation: They allow for the assessment of the research process and the outcomes by providing measurable goals.

  14. Formulating Research Aims and Objectives

    Formulating research aim and objectives in an appropriate manner is one of the most important aspects of your thesis. This is because research aim and objectives determine the scope, depth and the overall direction of the research. Research question is the central question of the study that has to be answered on the basis of research findings.

  15. Business Research: Methods, Types & Examples

    Business research is carried out to understand the customer, market and the competitors. Such a research is important as it helps businesses to grow in terms of revenue, market share and brand value. This article talks about the methods, types, examples, advantages, disadvantages, and importance of business research.

  16. 22 types of business objectives to measure success

    8. Critical success factors: Clarify the high-level goals you need to achieve in order to achieve your strategic goals. 9. Strategic management: Execute against your strategic plan in order to achieve your company goals. 10. Business goals: Set predetermined targets to achieve in a set period of time. 11.

  17. PDF Research Objectives

    In this chapter you will learn about: • How market research can be used to help organisations grow by finding new markets for their products or new products for their markets. • How to separate out the aims of market research from the research objectives and the research questions. • How to define a problem that can be solved by market ...

  18. How To Write Business Objectives (With Examples)

    Related: 26 of the Best Survey Software. 3. Organize. Noticing patterns in the information you brainstorm and gather from employees can help you write meaningful business objectives. For example, if many of your ideas relate to revenue, it might reveal that you prioritize profits.

  19. Objectives of Research

    An in-depth analysis of information creates space for generating new questions, concepts and understandings. The main objective of research is to explore the unknown and unlock new possibilities. It's an essential component of success. Over the years, businesses have started emphasizing the need for research.

  20. Develop Clear Research Objectives for Your Survey Research Project

    Some examples of objectives for market research purposes could include: brand awareness, brand image, consumer perception, consumer attitudes, buyer behavior, product satisfaction, consumer experience (good and bad), and intent to purchase behavior. Objectives should be tailored to each specific project. Target: It is evident that you need to ...

  21. 10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project

    The first question asks for a ready-made solution, and is not focused or researchable. The second question is a clearer comparative question, but note that it may not be practically feasible. For a smaller research project or thesis, it could be narrowed down further to focus on the effectiveness of drunk driving laws in just one or two countries.

  22. PDF How to Get from Business Objectives to Research Questions

    Some business objectives will be about reducing cost, waste or behaviour, or will be set in a competitive context. You might want to stop anti-social behaviour or react to a competitor in the market. ... Examples of qualitative research objectives would be:

  23. Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Examples

    This can help them achieve their resume objective of contributing to high-level research projects and driving innovation within the company. 3. R programming. As a researcher, having R programming skills is essential as it allows for effective data analysis and visualization.

  24. 30+ Resume Objective Examples for Multiple Jobs

    General resume objectives examples 1. Career change. Copywriter with five years of experience, now transitioning into the UX Writing field, looking to leverage my writing and content creation skills to create digital experiences that drive business growth. Strong background in content strategy and data-driven decision making.