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Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: 6 Tips That Actually Work

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated January 29, 2024 9 min read

Do you often turn to Reddit for answers to your burning questions? And, have you considered exploring this popular online forum to uncover what the best resume advice according to Reddit is?

Of course, Reddit can be notoriously difficult to navigate and not all of its users actually know what they're talking about.

Still, Reddit and other public forums can be valuable sources of first-hand experience in all things resume. 

We've painstakingly sifted through countless subreddits, all dedicated to resume writing and career tips, to save you the trouble.

Now, we present to you the crème-de-la-crème of Reddit resume advice. 

In this article, you'll find:

  • 6 best resume advice according to Reddit;
  • What we think about them; 
  • And, of course, examples. 

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TL;DR: 5 Best resume advice according to reddit

1. use a single column layout to pass the ats.

  • 2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

3. Keep your job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs

4. use numbers to quantify your achievements, 5. less is more for both word count & job applications per day, 6. use resume builders to make your life easier, key takeaways: best resume advice according to reddit.

First, for those in a hurry, here's the TL;DR version of our top five resume advice gathered from Reddit:

  • Use a single column layout to pass the ATS.
  • Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'.
  • Keep you job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs.
  • Use numbers to quantify your achievements.
  • Less is more for both word count & job applications per day.
  • Use resume builders to make your life easier.

Now, let's look at the best resume advice according to Reddit users more closely. Here's what we think:

If you thought that layout doesn't play any significant role in the success rate of your resume, you thought wrong!

In case the company you're applying to uses an Applicant Tracking System, always opt for a single column layout . 

The reason? ATS compatibility. 

Even though all ATSs are designed to read text from top to bottom, left to right , not every ATS is programmed to distinguish between columns. 

And you just can't know with certainty which software you'll encounter. Therefore, reduce the risk of your resume being incorrectly processed or rejected by picking a one-column ATS friendly resume template . This will make the process of parsing and interpreting information easier and safer.

HOWEVER. That doesn't mean you should discard the two-column resume all-together. Here are some reasons why a two-column layout can still be beneficial :

  • Non-ATS employers . Many companies still don't use ATS systems, making the ATS compatibility argument less relevant in these cases. For these employers, the visual and organizational benefits of a two-column layout could be more advantageous.
  • Aesthetics . A two-column format can be more visually engaging, making your resume stand out.
  • Ease of reading . Smaller chunks of information can make the resume easier for the human eye to navigate.
  • Space management . For those with less experience, a two-column layout can help evenly distribute text and avoid large empty spaces.
  • Strategic organization . It allows for a more strategic presentation of information, guiding the recruiter's eyes through your resume efficiently.

Moreover, if you're just entering the workforce with no experience , your resume is probably still quite sparse. 

Because of this, you may end up with a large, unattractive empty space at the bottom of your document. And with one-column structure resumes, this is often the case. 

There' s an easy fix! Organizing your resume sections into a two-column structure can help spread the text more evenly.  

2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

Indeed, putting together a good resume is quite a tedious process.

There're so many rules and principles to think about, for instance:

  • Every single resume section, whether it be the resume summary , work experience section, education section, skills section, or any other optional section, requires your full and undivided attention. 
  • You must remember to always tailor your resume to fit a specific job description . 
  • Not to mention the subsequent formatting and proofreading!

By the time you've finished writing your resume, you're likely mentally drained. 

It's at this time that errors creep out from the most unexpected places.

One such error is not naming your resume file appropriately .

How to name your resume file: step-by-step.

When naming your resume file for submission, it's important to consider clarity, professionalism, and the likelihood of it being easily found by the recruiters.  

Here are our recommendations for naming your resume file:

  • Use your name. Start with your full name. This is the most crucial piece of information because it clearly identifies the document as yours. For example, "PeterStones" .
  • Specify the document type. Make it clear that the document is a resume . This helps distinguish your resume from other documents like a cover letter . For example, " Resume ".
  • Add the job title. This can be particularly helpful if you are sending the resume directly to a hiring manager. For example, " ProductManager ".
  • Use a professional format. Avoid using any unnecessary symbols or fancy formatting. Underscores (_) or hyphens (-) are acceptable to separate words.

A good file name for your resume could look like this: "PeterStones_Resume_ProductManager.pdf".

Finally, before hitting send, consider carefully what to write in an email when sending a resume . Of course, when you're applying for a job, every detail matters. Don't neglect the content of your email – it's also responsible for making a positive first impression.

Undoubtedly, you know that the work experience section is the heart and soul of your resume.  

The recruiters always pay it the most attention, and so you need to be extra diligent and patient while writing about your past employment. 

Consequently, many will try to fit in as much information as humanly possible, disregarding the readability and quality of their entries. To steer clear from such mistake, follow these two simple principles:

  • Organize your work descriptions into bullet points . Under each work experience entry, list 4-5 bullet points underlining your most notable responsibilities and achievements. That is to say, you should focus on demonstrating the impact your presence had on your former employment, rather than just stating your daily duties. 
  • Open the said bullet points with action verbs . The recruiters don't care about long winding sentences! That's why it's a good idea to start each bullet point with an action verb . This will not only make your writing more concise, but it'll also depict you as a proactive, and therefore valuable, employee.

For example, a well conceptualized work entry description can look like this:

Work experience entry example:

Senior Product Manager XYZ Tech Solutions, New York, NY | June 2019 – Present

  • Led a team of 8 in the development of an innovative mobile application, increasing user retention by 35% within six months.
  • Collaborated with cross-departmental teams to streamline product delivery, reducing time-to-market by 20%.
  • Managed product lifecycle from concept to launch, including market analysis, positioning, and rollout strategy.
  • Oversaw a budget of $1M, optimizing resource allocation and cutting costs by 15% without impacting product quality.

This is another great resume advice according to a Reddit user!

The recruiters adore to see numbers in your resume! Why, you ask?

It makes life a bit easier for them. By quantifying your accomplishments, you simultaneously allow recruiters to better gauge your abilities ; and add more weight to your words . 

Be as specific as you can - numbers are universal. 

Struggling to figure out how to incorporate numbers into your resume? Here are few examples of what you can quantify:

  • Revenue and sales increases. If you contributed to growing revenue or sales, specify the percentage or dollar amount of the increase. For example: " Boosted sales by 20% within a six-month period. "
  • Cost reduction. Similarly, if you implemented strategies that reduced costs, mention the amount or percentage saved. For example: " Cut operational costs by 15% through process optimization ."
  • Time efficiency. If you streamlined processes, indicate how much time was saved. For example: " Reduced project turnaround time by 30% ."
  • Team management. If you manage a team, you can specify the number of people you supervise. For example: " Led a team of 12 sales professionals ."
  • Project scope and delivery. Quantify the size or value of the projects you managed, then mention if you delivered them under budget or ahead of schedule. For example:  " Managed projects worth $2M, consistently delivering 10% under budget ."
  • Training and development. If you were involved in training, mention the number of people you trained or the improvement in performance post-training. For example: " Trained over 30 employees, leading to a 40% increase in overall team efficiency. "

Resume advice two-in-one!

As this Reddit user rightly pointed out, less is sometimes more . 

This is especially true when it comes to the content of your resume as well as the amount of job applications you send out each day .

When crafting your resume, keep in mind that you must show the recruiters that you have everything they're looking for . Chances are, you actually have much more – more diverse job experience; more interesting hobbies; or more fulfilling volunteer work you'd like to share with them. 

Obviously, resumes have their length limitations . Once you've started to write yours, you'll soon learn that you have to be picky! 

Recruiters prefer resumes that are focused, relevant, and straight-to-the-point. In other words, don't make them read information they didn't ask for. 

The same applies to applying for jobs.

Many in this situation start panic-applying to every single job posting they find. Because they assume that the more applications they send, the bigger their chances at landing a job will be. 

Makes sense right?

In theory, maybe. In practice? Hardly!

Believe it or not, there's such a thing as sending too many applications. Basically, if your solely focus on the quantity of applications, you're running the risk of sacrificing their quality . 

And that is a problem. If you'd like to learn how to go about this problem, including tips on how to manage the pressure of job hunting, take a look at what research says about the ideal number of job applications .

Now, hand over your heart!

Would you prefer to sit in front of your computer for hours, battling with Microsoft Word and its many settings? Trying to create a perfect resume design from scratch? 

Admit it, even the thought of setting margins and spacing makes you roll your eyes. 

Hence, arguably the best resume advice according to reddit is to make a resume with an online resume builder to avoid these inconveniences (politely said).

No need to scratch your head over a layout or the best colour palette! Instead, simply pick a resume template that best suits your needs (both aesthetic and practical), fill in all your information, and watch your resume come to life in seconds. 

Additionally, resume builders can proofread and correct any misspellings or typos you might've otherwise missed. 

Sounds good? If so, your perfect resume is one click away.

Resume template by Kickresume

This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

In conclusion, Reddit and other public forums can serve as a good starting point for seeking resume advice.

Apart from first-hand applicant experience, many posts are sumbitted by actual hiring managers.

However, there's a lot to weed out first to find the best resume advice according to reddit.

Plus, you should always compare your findings with reputable sources. Which is exactly what we did.

  • Don't forget to name your resume file appropriately.
  • Keep your job descriptions short with bullet points and action verbs.
  • Keep your resume concise and the number of daily applications reasonable. 
  • Use online tools (like Kickresume) to build your resume.

Ready to create the perfect resume?

Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of AI and our customizable templates.

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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What You Need to Know Before You Pay Someone to Help With Your Resume

person on the phone while looking at computer

Writing a strong resume is important, but it’s also hard. You might have heard that some people hire a resume writer, or maybe you’ve seen ads for resume writing services promising a free professional review of your resume. It’s tempting—especially if you’re desperate for a new job or your search has dragged on for a while.

Is it a good idea to have your resume written by a professional? The short answer is yes, it can definitely be beneficial to your job search.

Before you spend your money, however, there are a few things you should know—including what exactly a resume writer or reviewer does, how to decide if you should hire one, and, if you decide to go for it, how to do your homework and pick the right one for you.

What a Resume Writer and/or Reviewer Does

How to decide if you should hire professional help for your resume, how to pick the right resume writer.

First, you need to make sure you understand what a resume writer or reviewer can—and can’t—do for you. If you don’t have the right expectations going into the process, you’re likely to be disappointed.

What’s the Difference Between Resume Writing and Resume Reviewing?

As you look to hire a professional to help with your resume, you’ll come across the terms “resume writing” and “resume reviewing” and it’s important to understand the range of things these terms can mean. They’re almost—but not quite—interchangeable.

Most services and individuals offering “resume writing” will not actually create an entirely new resume for you from nothing. Instead, resume writing means rewriting , says Muse career coach Jennifer Smith , founder of Flourish Careers , who in addition to writing resumes, read them for over 15 years as a recruiter and HR professional. “I require something that we can build from, to understand their experiences and key accomplishments,” Smith says.

Most resume writers will want to see your existing resume, and they’ll usually need you to fill out a questionnaire or worksheet or have a long conversation with them about your experience and goals—most commonly, you’ll need to do a combination of these things.

Some individuals and services, like The Muse’s own Coach Connect —a marketplace where you can book sessions with thoroughly vetted career coaches—call this same service a “ resume review .” At The Muse, the intention is to avoid the perception that you’ll be getting a resume written from scratch, says Eloise Eonnet , Coach Connect Manager and a coach herself who specializes in interviewing and communication.

However, in its lightest (and cheapest) form, resume reviewing can mean a professional looking over your resume and providing some actionable advice for you to make updates yourself, Smith says. This is often what you’re getting if you sign up for a free resume review. Tread lightly here since the advice may not be personalized to you: I, a content editor and writer, once submitted my resume to the same free resume review service as my mother, a nurse, and we got nearly identical feedback despite our extremely different goals and industries.

You might also choose to work with a coach who reviews the resume you’ve written, shares advice on how to improve it, and then gives you feedback on the changes you make, says Dana Hundley, a resume writer, former recruiter, and founder of Career Cooperative . This kind of service will probably do the most to help you learn how to write better resumes yourself in the future.

What Can a Resume Writer Do for my Resume?

Your resume is a story about why you’re the right person for a given job. Experienced resume writers are adept at asking the right questions to pull out the most relevant information about you and packaging it in a way that tells an engaging and persuasive story, Smith says.

There are also some common errors that (good) resume writers won’t make or will catch, including bullet points that list responsibilities rather than achievements and a lack of consistency throughout the resume (usually because people are just adding recent jobs onto old resumes without making sure everything tells a coherent story and is formatted the same way).

When she was a recruiter, Smith also noticed candidates who would try to stand out using flashy design—including a resume that used so much bright green that she literally jumped back from the screen (and then struggled to read the document). A good resume writer will help your resume stand out the right way.

You can definitely do all these things for yourself, but if you’re overwhelmed, stuck, or don’t have the time or energy to immerse yourself in the nuances of resume best practices, a professional might be the right choice.

Do I Still Need to Be Involved in the Resume Writing Process?

Hiring a resume writer doesn’t mean that you’ll magically receive a perfect resume without any thought or work on your part. “If you want to do it right, it should be a partnership,” Smith says. This means the writer is learning about you and your professional history, listening to what you want from your resume and your next job, and getting input from you throughout the drafting and revising process. This also means you’re putting the effort in to share all the relevant information needed to make your resume the best it can be.

Once It’s Done, Can I Submit the Same Resume for Every Job I Apply To?

Whether or not you work with a professional, it’s an absolute must to tailor your resume  for every position you apply to. This means making changes to emphasize the most relevant experience, skills, and achievements for each role as well as switching up language to make sure you’re including the right keywords from the job description.

A resume writer should gear their work toward the types of jobs you plan to apply to, so a professionally written base resume should already showcase most of your most relevant experience. But every job is a little different and you should expect to make tweaks. Perhaps a certain company is looking for someone with knowledge of uncommon software that you happen to have experience with, but it’s not on your base resume because most companies don’t use it. Adding the name of that software to your professionally written resume could be what lands you the interview.

If you’re applying to more than one type of job—let’s say, for instance, you’ve worked in both marketing and development and are applying to roles in both—you might have to make more changes for different applications, or you might consider working with a professional on two (or more) base versions of your resume.

Will a Resume Writer Design My Resume?

Resume writers often will format your resume, but if you’re looking for someone to make a heavily designed resume, it’s not a given. And that’s probably a good thing. Applicant tracking systems (ATSs)—the programs that many companies use to process and organize resumes—can’t always parse fancy formatting. So a good resume writer will make sure your resume has clean, simple formatting an ATS can read. Muse coaches, for example, typically focus “not on the fancy details, but what is going to help you get through [the ATS] and land that interview,” Eonnet says.

Resume formatting is also about appealing to the human reader. As former recruiters, both Smith and Hundley make sure the resumes they write are easily scanned and understood by someone who might have a lot of applications to go through in a short time.

If you re looking for a heavily designed resume, you should be up front about that expectation and prepared for the possibility that you’ll need to pay more or even hire someone separately.

Is Hiring a Resume Writer “Cheating”?

If you’re considering hiring a resume writer, but are concerned that it feels dishonest or is “cheating,” worry no more. Unless you’re applying to be a resume writer yourself, your resume isn’t meant to be a sample of your work, but rather an accurate reflection of your qualifications for a job. As long as what’s written on your resume is true, there’s nothing dishonest about it.

If a resume had the information she was looking for, Smith says, she didn’t really care if a resume was professionally written. In fact, neither Hundley nor Smith usually noticed if a candidate had hired someone else to write their resume.

Almost anyone can benefit from a resume writer, but working with one can be especially productive in some scenarios. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you decide whether to write your own resume , hire a professional, or even seek out an entirely different kind of  career coaching .

Do You Know What Your Job Search Goals Are?

Effective resumes are “a combination of your goals and your history. If you don’t have the goals piece, that makes the resume a lot less effective,” Smith says.

At its core, “your resume is a marketing tool” that’s selling you as the right person for the job, Smith says. If you were marketing a new product, you’d want to know who your customer is; if you’re writing a resume, you want to know who your target audience is. There is no single ideal resume for each person based only on their history. The best resume for a candidate looking to land a digital marketing coordinator job is different from the best resume for that same candidate to get a sales development role or even a social media coordinator role. Different experiences, achievements, and skills matter for different jobs—your resume needs to reflect the ones that matter for the jobs you’re applying to.

So if you’re not sure what type of positions you’re going to apply to, a resume writer can’t deliver a good product and it’s a waste of everyone’s time and your money to make them try.

“Sometimes people come to me and say that they need a resume, but that’s not really what they need,” Smith says. They don’t really know what they want next, but they think they need a resume to start. People tend to want to pay for tangible things like a resume even when what they actually is need someone to help them figure out their goals, Eonnet says.

If this is you, and you’re unsure of what job you want next, you might want to start with a different kind of coaching before you look for someone to write your resume. For a potential client in this position, for example, Eonnet would recommend checking out Coach Connect’s “ Stuck in a Rut ” package over its resume review service.

Does Your Job Search Situation Fall Into One of These Trickier Categories?

There are a few situations where hiring a resume writer might be particularly helpful. If you fall into one of these categories, your resume may be a bit more difficult (though not impossible) to write on your own:

  • You’re making a career change
  • You haven’t applied for a job or updated your resume in a long time
  • Your career history is extensive and you need help narrowing it down
  • You’re going back to work after a long employment gap
  • You’ve had a bunch of jobs and/or side gigs that might look unrelated
  • You’re a freelancer looking for a full-time job
  • You’re in a niche market or transitioning out of one (such as government, the military, or academia)
  • You don’t have the time needed to create a high-quality resume
  • You’re not a strong writer and need help clearly stating your achievements
  • Your job search has gone on for a while with little success

Do You Need Motivation or Help Overcoming a Mental Block?

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people I know say, “I just need to update my resume, then I can start looking for a new job,” and stay stuck in that stage for weeks or even months. When your resume becomes a barrier preventing you from making progress in your job search, you should consider bringing in a professional, Hundley says. “If it feels too big, too daunting, too confusing, seeking support to create the best possible resume for yourself so you can...focus your energy on other aspects of a job search is a great option.”

Resume writers can also help motivate you, especially if you’re feeling deflated from a job hunt—with all its rejections and radio silences. Often “I look at a draft of someone’s resume and see how amazing they are and then get on the phone and they’re down on themselves,” Smith says. But she’s heard from clients that even the act of filling out her intake questionnaire helps them start to process their background in a new way, see what makes them qualified, get out of their own heads, and feel prepared to talk themselves up.

If you’ve decided you want to hire someone, you’ll quickly realize that “there are thousands and thousands of coaches out in the world who say they can help you with a resume,” Eonnet says. While many of these coaches are legitimate, not all of them are going to be a fit for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself to make sure you find a resume writer or service who will give you the biggest leg up on your job search.

Is the Resume Writer or Service Reputable?

Before selecting a resume service or writer, you want to make sure that your choice is qualified and that you’ll get the product they’re promising. “There’s not a one-size-fits-all in terms of what makes a successful, impactful resume writer,” Hundley says. But there are a few ways to try to assess your options.

  • Look at reviews —both on their own website and third-party sites. If the coach you’re considering is on Coach Connect, you can be sure that the reviews listed on their profile are all in order and the “featured testimonial” is always the most recent review. Negative reviews are not deleted or altered, and positive reviews aren’t promoted to the top, Eonnet says.
  • Check for certifications. They’re a sign that a resume writer or coach is qualified—but not the only one. The Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches and the National Resume Writers’ Association are the two main sources of resume writing certifications in the U.S. and you can be sure that folks with these certs are qualified. But not having one of these doesn’t mean someone’s not qualified, so make sure to take all of their experience into account. A recruiting and/or HR background, especially in your desired industry, is one other thing to look for along with or in lieu of a certification.
  • Understand the criteria. If you’re looking at resume services with a lot of writers, you might want to find out what standards and vetting processes they have in place. The service’s website might include this info or you could ask for it directly before agreeing to use them.
  • Ask for referrals and recommendations from your network. That way you know that someone you trust was happy with the work the resume writer did.

Are There Red Flags?

Here are a few red flags to watch out for from resume writers or services. Most aren’t definite dealbreakers, but might be a signal to dig deeper or consider looking elsewhere:

  • Job guarantees: Some resume services will guarantee that you’ll get a job in a certain number of days or your money back. Be wary—there’s likely fine print with some extreme qualifications you need to meet to be eligible. Plus, no one can realistically guarantee that you’ll get a job based on your resume alone, no matter how fantastic it is. Landing a job depends on so many factors—including the job market, the number of jobs you apply to, your experience, your performance in interviews, and the speed of the hiring process where you’re applying.
  • Extreme prices: If a service is free or less than $100, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting for your money. At prices that low, you might not be getting personalized advice or your information could be sold to third parties for advertising purposes. On the flip side, if a resume writer is charging in the high triple digits or more for just a resume (and you’re not a C-suite executive), make sure they have the experience and results to justify it or skip straight to cheaper options.
  • Lack of transparency: Before paying for anything, you want to know what you’re getting, right? A service or writer should be up front about their prices and process, including how many rounds of edits you get and what type of file your resume will be delivered in.
  • A final result you can’t easily edit: You still need to tailor your professionally written resume for each job you apply to, so your resume should be “very nimble,” Hundley says. If a service is going to deliver an end product in a file format you can’t edit (such as an image file or a file you need special software to open) or is so heavily designed that changing up the text will mess up the formatting, look elsewhere. Note: It’s fairly common (and not a red flag) to receive a PDF and an editable document.
  • Generic advice or lack of input needed from you: If you’ve already submitted your resume for a review, and it’s clear from the results that whoever wrote the feedback didn’t read your resume, tread very carefully before giving the service more money. Or if a resume service doesn’t ask for more information about what kinds of jobs you’re looking for or anything else about your experience, consider whether your money is better spent on something more personalized.

What’s Your Timeline?

You should have an idea of when you need your resume to make sure that the resume writer you choose is able to deliver on time. If you want to start your job search “soon,” spending a few weeks on your resume might be fine, but if you spotted a perfect job you want to apply right away before the posting comes down, you might need it in a few days—in which case you need to make sure the resume writer can meet your deadline (and you should be willing to pay extra for a rush job, Hundley says).

What’s Your Budget?

Resume review and writing services can range in price from free to thousands. Typically, you should expect to pay at least one hundred to a few hundred dollars for a professional to rewrite or revise your resume, Smith says. Folks far along in their careers, especially at the executive level, tend to have to pay more than early-career job seekers.

Different writers and services might have different resume packages that include more revisions, more time to talk with the writer about your job search goals and resume strategy, or even additional coaching products—and prices will range accordingly. So think about what you can afford. If you don’t have a lot to spend, it might make more sense to get a lighter resume review from an experienced resume writer who’s a good match for you rather than a full rewrite from a service where you’re not quite sure who’s writing your resume or what quality the end product will be.

What Is Your Ideal Process?

As mentioned earlier, every resume writer and reviewer needs some amount of input from you. But the amount and type of involvement you have in the process can vary. Do you want some tips on your resume that you can use to update it yourself? Do you want the writer to handle the writing and go back and forth with several rounds of revisions to make sure it’s exactly how you’d like it? Do you prefer to talk about yourself over the phone or will filling out questionnaires allow you to organize your thoughts better?

Think this through before you look for resume writers and be prepared to ask probing questions about their writing or review process to make sure it lines up with your expectations and needs, Hundley says. If one resume writer isn’t offering what you’d like, move on to another.

Do They Have Experience Helping People in Your Role, Industry, and Situation?

While looking for writers, see what industries, careers, and situations they have experience with to ensure they have a track record of helping people like you. A coach who has a background in the industry you’re looking for work in is especially helpful because they “can speak the language,” Smith says. If you have to choose, it’s typically better to find someone who’s familiar with where you’re going in your career, Smith says, than someone who’s familiar with where you’ve been. One exception is when you’re transitioning out of the military since translating that experience can be a unique skill.

Even if you’re using a larger resume service, you can see if it has a way for you to work with a writer who has the experience you need. For example, Coach Connect allows you to filter for careers, experience levels (both yours and the coach’s), and other areas of expertise—for instance, working with veterans, career changers, or international job seekers. And if you’re still struggling, some services, including Coach Connect, allow you to reach out for help finding a match.

Is Their Personality and Style a Good Match for You?

Before you make a final choice, try to get a sense of who the writer is beyond their experience. Read anything they’ve written on their website, LinkedIn, social media, and various professional profiles (on The Muse’s Coach Connect, at least, each coach writes their own bio). Pay attention to both tone and content. Are they warm and bubbly or no-nonsense and to-the-point? Neither is good or bad per se, but you might prefer one over the other.

Look at reviews and testimonials and watch for any common themes. Do multiple clients say that they’re a good listener? Or that they infused some humor into the process? You can also use a free initial phone consultation or any pre-hire conversations with the writer to get a sense of how they communicate and if they’re a good fit for you.

You likely work better with some colleagues than others because of their personalities and work styles. A resume writer is no different. You’ll get your best possible resume from someone you gel with.

reddit resume writer

The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

Caroline Forsey

Published: April 25, 2024

According to GetFive, only 30% of resumes are approved by applicant tracking systems (ATS). Once the resumes are approved, a hiring manager will only spend an average of six seconds reading each resume.

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If those stats stress you out, I hear you. Writing a great resume that gets you noticed is tough — that’s why I’m here to encourage you to try a resume builder.

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In this post, I've compiled a list of the best free resume builders that will help you create a personalized professional resume that passes ATS, stands out to the hiring manager, and helps you land your next job interview.

Why use a resume builder?

Writing a polished resume is second nature for some job applicants. But for others (and maybe most of us), creating a strong resume can be a struggle.

If you're one of the many people who need a little extra support, here are a few ways I think a resume builder can help out.

Resume builders offer templates, clean designs, and tips that speed up resume writing. They also make the process less stressful.

Offers Writing Tips

It takes a lot of work to promote yourself. And even if you enjoy self-promotion, writing isn't a skill everyone has. A resume builder can help you use the best words and phrases to show your experience and knowledge.

Improves Design

Each industry has different expectations for what a great resume looks like. If you're not familiar with design skills or tools, resume builders offer free templates to make your resume look as good as it sounds.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. And a good resume builder will help with formatting to make sure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

Best Free Resume Builders

  • Zety: Best for Expert Resume Creation Tips
  • Resume Genius: Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation
  • Wepik: Best for Customizing Pre-Made Resumes
  • My Perfect Resume: Best for Guided Resume Creation Help
  • Standard Resume: Best for Active LinkedIn Users
  • Kickresume: Best for Quick and AI-Assisted Resume Creation
  • Canva: Best for Design Creativity and Expression
  • Pixpa: Best for Creating Online Resume Websites
  • Indeed: Best for In-Platform Job Seekers
  • Resume.com: Best for Minimalist Resume Creation
  • Novoresume: Best for ATS-Friendly Resume Building
  • VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes
  • CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio
  • Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation
  • ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help
  • Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides
  • Hloom: Best for Resume Templates

We’ve discovered the best free resume builders on the market. These resume builders are great for all jobseekers, from entry-level to executive level.

Each free resume builder has a simple interface, customization options, and templates that help you create the perfect resume for your next job.

Featured Resource : HubSpot Resume Templates

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12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

Fill out this form to access your free professionally-designed templates, available on:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Slides

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2. Resume Genius : Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation

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  • Services & Software

Article updated on June 30, 2024 at 5:00 PM PDT

Best Resume Writing Services for 2024

Whether you need to build a new resume from scratch or want some professional advice, we’ve curated the best websites, apps and services to make you stand out.

Our Experts

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  • She received the Renau Writing Scholarship in 2016 from the University of Louisville's communication department.

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CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise.


Even if you've written a resume before, the job market is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. Having a fresh resume ready when you aren't searching can make a huge difference if you need it in a pinch. New formats, new terms, factoring in keywords and making sure your experience is not only up to date but relevant to the job you're applying for can be stressful. Take the pressure off with the best resume writing services.

Some of what you'll need to include in your resume will depend on the industry you want to work in. While it can vary, employers will likely look at your education, work history and skills. We’ve combed through dozens of resume services looking at the most helpful features across a variety of needs. We looked especially closely at the number of custom templates, the amount of guidance the service offered, the ease of navigation and the robustness of the service's privacy policy. Each of these templates and professional writing services will help you create a complete resume that best reflects your skills and experience at an affordable price.

What’s the best resume builder website?

The best resume template and builder should give you a variety of options to customize your resume. Resume.com has many options and customization features that make it a useful tool for almost any candidate applying to any job. You can upload and edit an existing resume, customize an available template from its collection or let the service guide you through creating one from scratch. Resume.com also offers helpful guidance throughout your resume creation process, making sure you include and optimize all your content. Once you’re happy with your resume, you can download it for free in multiple formats.

Depending on where you’re at in the job application process, you might need more guidance than a template. These professional writing services will pair you with experienced writers and coaches to help you craft and perfect resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters and more. These services include more personalized coaching and features, but they tend to be more expensive. We’ve collected a range of options for your budget and needs. Because your resume likely includes your contact information and some personal information, we've also included information about each service's privacy policy.

Best resume templates and builders of 2024

a woman works on a laptop next to a sheet of paper with resume written on it

A well-constructed resume can help you stand out during a job search.

  • Can create new resume or customize templates
  • Many free features, guidance while writing
  • Integrated with Indeed job search site
  • Difficulty unsubscribing from paid services

Best free resume builder

Resume.com is a free resume writer offering dozens of templates for creating your resume or cover letter, as well as job boards and career advice. You have the option to upload and edit an existing resume, create a new one, or customize one of the sample resumes offered on the site. It's intuitive and easy to use, and it creates a professional-looking final product.

When starting from scratch, you'll go section by section, entering your education, employment history, hobbies and interests, professional skills, languages and references. Resume.com provides question prompts and tips for guidance, as well as career-specific examples you can add if you're struggling to find the right words. You can also choose to forgo any of these sections, rearrange sections and add custom ones depending on what you need. As you update and save each section, you can see how it will appear on the page on your resume preview to the right. You can also change the template, font style and size, or spacing at any time and see it update in real-time in the preview. 

Once you're done, you can download your new resume (in PDF, DocX, RTF or TXT format), create a custom URL or print it out. You also have the option to upload it to Indeed, a job search site that partners with Resume.com . The account you make will work with both Indeed and Resume.com . On the privacy side, the site does collect user information. If you want to delete your account, simply click your profile icon and then Account . Clicking Close My Account deletes your account and your data. If you didn't make an account, you can still choose Delete Guest Data . You can also request your data, and the company will send you an email with what it has collected. 

On the review site Trustpilot , Resume.com only has 38 reviews, but of those, 53% of them awarded the site four or five stars. Some negative reviews speak of difficulty unsubscribing from paid services, so read carefully as you use the free aspects of this service . 


  • Guided help writing work experience descriptions
  • Cover letter and CV help
  • Easy to change layout and color styles
  • Must pay to download resume

Best option for your first resume

Resume genius.

The website Resume Genius says you can "make a professional resume in 12 minutes." We tested it out and indeed had a solid first draft of an easy resume completed in about 10 minutes. Resume Genius takes you step-by-step through the process, prompting you with questions about your education and work experience to help you fill out the applicable sections. Resume Genius is particularly helpful because you can search for a job and see prewritten text for the description that you can add or edit. When finished, you can easily toggle between different templates to see what looks best for the final product. You also have the option to directly share your resume with Indeed or Resume Library. 

The site can also help you build cover letters and curriculum vitae. After you input all your information, you can choose different layout styles and colors. It's easy to move through, but you have to do it in order and fill in all the information before continuing. Resume Genius also offers examples of resumes, CVs and cover letters for specific jobs, as well as recommended jobs near you. You can download the resume you create for $3 (which starts a 14-day trial for Resume Genius Pro), or $8 (which kicks off a monthly subscription plan). If you fail to cancel your trial before the 14 days are up, you'll be billed $24 every four weeks, according to the site. 

On Trustpilot at the time of this publication, the site has 4.6 out of 5 stars based on more than 38,000 reviews. Note that if you register on the site, Resume Genius does collect personally identifiable information and may share it with third parties for advertising and other purposes, according to its privacy policy. The account deletion process is buried in the Terms of Service . According to Resume Genius, complete data erasure can take up to 30 days, but they may retain "certain information in accordance with privacy laws."


  • Easy to customize
  • Free downloads
  • Optional paid extra assistance with Indeed professionals
  • Unclear how to delete personal information

Easiest resume builder to use

Indeed resume builder.

It's free to create a resume or post your current resume on Indeed. If you're building a new one, you can choose between eight templates. The resume sections are highlighted and when you click, each section expands specific text fields. You can swap templates at any time without losing your work, as well. There are also options for toggling sections on and off, in addition to rearranging them. When you're finished, you can download a free PDF of your work history.

Indeed Resume Builder also offers optional professional advice for your new resume. After you download the resume you created, you'll get a prompt and can click Get Resume Help From a Real Person. Fill out a short questionnaire about what type of help you want and upload your resume (it's OK if you haven't built one). This service usually costs $89 unless you've applied to at least 10 jobs using your Indeed resume. According to Indeed, if you haven't received an interview request within 60 days of receiving your new resume, you can request a one-time rewrite. 

For $19, you can take a quiz and get feedback from a professional to get you started. You can also use Indeed's automated instant report system for free. The system returns quick tips to improve your resume. 

Indeed's privacy policy says that it does collect and share user data with third-party providers to connect job seekers with employers and improve services. According to Indeed's privacy policy, you can request an account or personal data deletion and request that your data not be shared while your account is active. CNET reached out to Indeed for more information and we'll update when we hear back.


  • Guides resume creation
  • Free resume downloads
  • Paid tier offers interview advice and cover letter builder
  • Have to pay for additional downloads

Most affordable paid resume builder

Cv engineer.

CV Engineer is an easy-to-use smartphone app that creates a professional-looking resume. With 16 templates to choose from, you can tap to enter information into all of the usual sections and add custom ones. When you tap on each section, you can tap through the bottom toolbar to get advice on what type of information to add, as well as view resume examples to show you how the section could look. 

CV Engineer lets you send or download your first completed resume for free, but upgrading to CV Engineer Pro for a one-time payment of $6 gives you access to unlimited downloads. A Scan My CV feature is also included, which can detect common mistakes and suggest improvements, such as places where you can add more information. The Pro version also offers interview advice and a cover letter builder. 

You can download CV Engineer from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store . CV Engineer does collect personal information and can share it with Google Play Services and Firebase Analytics, according to its privacy policy. The app is free to download and ad-free.


  • Strong privacy policy
  • Example resumes available
  • Only one layout available
  • Little guidance during creation

Best free iOS resume builder

Resume star 2: pro cv designer.

Resume Star 2 isn't the most visually stunning resume design app for iOS, but it gets the job done. To use, tap each section of the resume, fill in your information and it will fill in a traditional template (you only get one layout). The app offers some example resumes you can start with and edit as needed, including job-specific ones for a: cashier, dental hygienist, receptionist, waitress, mechanic and senior manager.

You can add or delete any sections you like without needing to hit save every time you add information, and you can see your resume update as you go. The autosave feature makes it easy to toggle quickly between the different sections as well. At the end, you'll have a basic resume ready to go. The app's interface doesn't offer as much guidance about how to write your resume or what types of information to include. If you need extra help, tap the information icon in the bottom left and choose the Resume Writing Guide. This will open up a crash course on resume writing in your mobile browser. It also includes a job search feature. 

The app collects payment via donations after you use the service -- you don’t have to pay if you don’t want to. The app connects to iCloud, and you can export your resume as a PDF to any location on your device(s). If you are happy with the service, you can choose the $6 "helped a bit" tier, a standard donation of $10, or the "really helped me" tier for $25. 

Resume Star 2 has a 4.8 out of 5 rating, and more than 1,800 ratings in the App Store . The first version, Resume Star: Pro CV Maker, which is the same except for the iCloud connection, had a 4.9-star rating and more than 16,000 reviews. The site does not collect personally identifiable information without user consent, which seems to make it one of the more secure options available.


  • 42 templates to choose from
  • Easily customizable
  • Little to no guidance during creation

Best free Android resume writing service

Intelligentcv resume builder app.

Intelligent CV's Resume Builder App offers 42 resume templates and allows you to change font colors. Each resume section appears on a list, and you can move through sections in whichever order you choose, save and go on to another. You also have the option to add, delete or rearrange sections such as education, experience and skills. There’s a Help icon in each section for a little bit of extra guidance. Once you're finished, you can download your document for free as a PDF, which you can then save on your device or send via email or text. 

On the downside, the app is ad-supported and ads for other resume creators do pop up, which can get confusing. The app also offers less guidance than some of the other services, which means it's not a great option if you're new to resumes.

Resume Builder App has one of the strongest privacy policies of the bunch. The app does not collect personally identifiable information , though third-party services (including Google Play services and analytics firms) may collect information. The app has 4.6 out of 5 stars and more than 424,000 Google Play Store ratings and is free to download.


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Inclusive premium package

Best range of professional tools

VisualCV has an easy-to-use interface that lets you build your resume in the way that works best for you. After signing up, you can upload an existing resume, begin with a prewritten sample or start entirely from scratch. You can use the basic editor to input information in a list form, the visual editor to edit directly on the resume and preview mode to see changes made on either version in real time. Revision history is also available. 

The free basic edition allows you to select from over a dozen professional templates to create, edit and download one resume as a PDF. You can also create one free cover letter and apply to jobs through its job search feature.

To download or share additional resumes, you’ll need to buy VisualCV Pro for $15 a month quarterly or $24 a month monthly. Upgrading unlocks more templates, unlimited creations, downloading, career tracking and the ability to build a personal resume website. The website URL goes through VisualCV but can be shared online. 

In terms of privacy, VisualCV's policy says that it does not sell, trade, rent or license personal information to third parties. As of publication, VisualCV has 4 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot but only 131 reviews.


Best professional resume writing services of 2024

Depending on where you’re at in the job application process, you might need more guidance than a template. These professional writing services will pair you with experienced writers and coaches to help you craft and perfect resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters and more. 

As these services include more personalized coaching and features, they tend to be more expensive. We’ve collected a range of options depending on your budget and needs. Best professional resume writing services of 2024.

  • Resume writing and career coaching
  • Builds your resume from the ground up
  • Quick turnaround
  • More expensive options

A premium option for a tailored resume


Suppose you're totally lost and are willing to invest several hundred dollars into your job search. In that case, ResumeSpice is a resume writing and career coach service created by recruiters that connects you with a "resume expert" to build your CV from scratch. 

Once you choose, you'll fill out a short questionnaire and schedule a phone consultation with a resume expert to discuss your experience, job search and career goals. The expert will take that information and turn around a personalized resume draft within two business days. You can review the draft and request any changes, and you'll get the final version in PDF and Word formats. 

An entry-level resume costs $479, a professional resume costs $589 and an executive resume costs $699. In addition to these packages, you can also add a cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interview coaching or other services to help you be more competitive in the job market.


  • 60 day interview guarantee
  • Industry-specific advice
  • Variety of packages
  • Limited non-resume add-ons

A 60-day interview guarantee


ResumeWriters.com offers a guarantee: If you don't get a job interview with a potential employer within two months of getting your new resume, they'll rewrite it for free. The service claims that in the 20 years and tens of thousands of resumes completed under this guarantee, it averages fewer than five requests for rewrites per year. 

To use the resume writing service, submit your current resume or career information on the site, and an experienced resume writer will contact you to assess your materials and plan out what you need. You'll get a first draft back within 72 hours and can work with the writer on revisions until you're satisfied with the result. 

ResumeWriters offers student, professional, executive and career-change resume services, as well as CV services for those conducting their job search in fields specific to the military, IT and research. The resume services cost $170 for students and $200 for the professional level, with a cover letter, one-on-one consultation and LinkedIn profile. The career change level ($250) is a comprehensive package that includes everything plus a post-interview follow-up letter, and the highest tier is the executive package that guarantees applicants its most experienced writers for $300.


  • ATS screening
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Longer turnaround time (3-7 business days)

A fast pass through HR screening software

Zipjob’s professional resume writers optimize your resume to get through the applicant tracking system (ATS) software used by the majority of employers to automatically scan and sort resumes. An expert writes your resume and scans it through the ATS to ensure it will make it through to the hiring manager's desk. 

To use the service, upload your resume or fill out a form to start from scratch. You'll be matched with a professional resume writer who will work with you to improve it and will then scan the final product to make sure it passes through the screening algorithms. Depending on which package you choose, your resume will be ready in three to seven days. 

You can choose from three packages: Launch (resume writing and unlimited revisions for $139), Fast Track (adds a cover letter and a 60-day interview guarantee for $189) or Premium (adds a top resume writer, LinkedIn profile optimization, future resume updates and expedited delivery for $299).


  • Career coaching
  • Industry-specific feedback
  • Ability to customize packages
  • Longer turnaround time (3-5 business days)

An executive resume solution

Find my profession.

Find My Profession offers professional resume writing services as well as career coaching. Every resume gets reviewed by two different consultants. 

You'll find packages that include entry-level, professional, C-level and executive resume writer services, as well as federal. In each, you can choose a base, premium or VIP package depending on your needs. For example, the professional resume package starts at $595 for a resume compatible with automated systems. You can also add help with a cover letter for an additional $119 or a LinkedIn profile for $399. 

You'll get the first draft of your resume within three to five business days after you consult with a writer. Or, upgrade to a priority service for another $149 to get it within 48 hours.


How we tested resume sites and services

When we evaluated the different resume templates and builders, we looked at how each site or app allowed you to create new resumes, browse templates or upload and edit existing resumes. We also looked at how easy or hard it would be to customize different templates and sections, how much guidance was available, how user-friendly it was to navigate, plus reading and understanding each company’s privacy policies.

Some of our picks are free, some enlist the help of professional writers and some require a subscription or one-time payment. When it comes to premium or paid services, we evaluated how inclusive its packages were compared to basic or free versions. In many cases for the professional writing services, these paid tiers included more guidance and additional job search support like a cover letter and LinkedIn editing, suggested jobs to apply to and interview coaching.

Factors to consider when choosing a resume writing service

This was a key factor when compiling this list. Whether you’re looking for a free service to boost your current resume or interested in professional editing services, there’s something for everyone’s price range.

Ease of use

When looking at each website, we looked at how easy it was to navigate, browse templates and add, edit or remove different sections. We also considered whether you can download and share your resume for free and in what format.

Customization options

Customization options were essential, as everyone’s resume is going to look different. Having easy user control over your resume helps you create a resume that meets your industry’s standards and showcases your professional experiences.

Privacy policies

Privacy policies were the final important factor to consider, as many of these are websites and apps that can collect and store your personal information. All of the services and websites included on this list have decent privacy settings, and we noted which ones have exceptionally clear use cases and account deletion policies.

Resume writing FAQs

What is a resume builder.

A resume builder is a company that has a website or app that helps you create and customize your resume. You can use pre-existing templates or create your own from scratch.

What is a resume writing service?

A resume writing service is a company that pairs you with a coach or writer to work with you to create, perfect and tailor your resume, cover letters and other job application materials. These tend to be more inclusive packages and therefore more expensive than simple resume template websites.

What is the best resume format to use?

The best format for your resume is going to depend on the job you are applying to, along with your work experience. Resume templates can help you format and include all the necessary information like your education, work experience, skills and contact information.

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The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Resume Writer

Thinking about hiring a professional resume writer? In this guide, we dive into where to find one — and whether it’s really worth it.

2 years ago   •   7 min read

Okay, let’s be real: Nobody actually enjoys putting together a resume. It’s stressful, time-consuming, and there’s no guarantee of a payoff at the end.

Which is exactly what makes resume writing services so tempting. After all, if you could pay a few bucks to skip the whole process and get a professional-caliber resume at the end of it, why not?

That’s exactly the question we’re about to answer — along with where to find a legitimate resume writer and what to expect if you do hire one.

Is a professional resume writer worth it?

Should I hire a resume writer? There’s no single “yes or no” answer. Like any service that costs money, whether it’s worthwhile to hire a professional resume writer comes down to what you want out of it — and what you’re willing to give up.

To help you make that decision, here are some of the benefits (and potential downsides) when considering if resume writers are worth it.

Hiring a resume writer: Pros vs Cons

The benefits of hiring a professional resume writer seem obvious on the surface — saving time and effort while getting a better-quality product at the end of it. But, as the saying goes, everything has a price … and we aren’t just talking about money.

Pro: It’s convenient

Con: It’ll cost you

Professional resume services can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars . Found a cheaper alternative? “You get what you pay for” is a cliché for a reason — and in this case, it’s very true.

Pro: It lets you skip most of resume writing process

Con: You’ll need to be more involved than you think

Resume writers can’t simply build a resume from scratch. You’ll still need to provide them with information, including your job history, educational background , and accomplishments . You may also end up needing more than one resume — at least, if you’re applying for more than one job, which you probably are. That means you’ll be tailoring your own resumes anyway, or you’ll be racking up additional fees for a resume writer to do it for you.

Then there’s the initial vetting process, ongoing collaboration, feedback, and revisions. By the time it’s finished, it’s unlikely you’ll have saved much time or effort; instead, you could have simply plugged the same information into a template and saved yourself several hundred dollars.

Pro: There’s less time and effort required

Con: It isn’t an overnight process

Don’t expect a brand new resume in a matter of hours — a week or two is more realistic. Also factor in 1-2 initial phone calls (yes, calls — writing a resume takes a lot of back and forth, including information that can’t easily be conveyed over email) as well as multiple revisions. Some resume writing services may offer a quicker turnaround if you’re in a hurry, but don’t expect the rush option to come cheap.

Pro: You can look for a certified professional

Con: Not all resume writers are qualified

How do most resume writers get started? By deciding to write resumes. There are no official qualifications needed to become a resume writer, and the truth is that most resume writers don’t have backgrounds as recruiters or hiring managers.

You can look for resume writers who are affiliated with the National Resume Writers Association or who possess Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) certification, but even then, there’s no way to know exactly what you’re paying for. CPRW doesn’t require any kind of industry background to qualify — it's just a couple of short online courses and a test. No one's actually a hiring manager with experience.

Pro: A professional resume writer may do a better job

Con: … And then again, maybe not

Nobody knows your background and accomplishments better than you. Even if you supply them with detailed information, resume writers still don’t know exactly what you’ve accomplished or what skills you possess. This could mean that genuine accomplishments are left off your resume or — more likely — that others are embellished or even made up entirely. This could get you in serious trouble at the interview stage, so you’ll still need to go over the final product with a fine-tooth comb.

Keep in mind that resume writers are rarely current practitioners , and they’re even less likely to be familiar with your particular industry. This means that, even if you’re not confident in your writing abilities, you probably still have a better chance of writing a good resume than someone who’s never worked in the field. This is especially true if you work in a niche industry with its own hiring standards (like academia) or in a field that’s newer or constantly changing (like marketing, social media, or anything tech-driven).

Pro: Experienced resume writers can help if you’re not confident in your writing abilities

Con: Some hiring managers might see it as cheating

It isn’t illegal to hire a resume writer, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best idea. If your resume is written very differently to your other written communication, hiring managers may figure out that you didn’t write it yourself. Some may not care … but others will.

As a general rule, you should avoid hiring a resume writer:

  • If you’re applying for a job where communication skills are important. Recruiters will be looking at your resume as evidence of your writing skills, which means it’s probably not a good idea to outsource it.
  • For your cover letter . Even more so than a resume, your cover letter needs to be a reflection of who you are and how you communicate, so never hire someone else to write it.

Pro: It’s a good way to get started

Con: There are easier (and cheaper) alternatives

Think professional resume writers must know something you don’t? Not necessarily. In fact, resume writers use Resume Worded to help their clients — we support recruiters, careers coaches , and resume writers as well as job seekers. Our suite of free tools is available to everyone, and our Pro plan offers unlimited templates, uploads, feedback, and reviews. The best part? You can access it directly as a job seeker, and for a fraction of the cost of hiring a resume writer.

Where to find a resume writer

If you’ve considered both sides and decided to hire a resume writer, here are some tips on where to start and how to make the process as smooth as possible.

  • Decide what kind of resume writing service you actually need. Do you want someone to hold your hand through the entire job application process? Figure out how to turn your duties into accomplishments? Give your existing resume a quick once-over?
  • Decide on your budget. Resume writing services aren’t cheap — but there are low-budget options available that won’t sacrifice quality.
  • Be specific. If you’re serious about hiring a professional resume writer, don’t just Google “resume writing service” and call it a day. Instead, use keywords specific to the role or industry you’re applying for.
  • Focus on finding a professional resume writer in your niche. Generalist resume writers are likely to know even less about what hiring managers are looking for than you do.
  • Choose a resume writer who’s actually worth the money. Not sure how to tell? Look for a combination of industry background, recruitment experience, and proven results.
  • Never hand over your money without knowing exactly what you’re getting in return. A good resume writer should offer to set up a call to make sure they understand your experience and professional goals — and you understand the process — before you put anything in writing.
  • Check the terms and conditions. Look specifically for things like unlimited revisions, which will prevent you from paying for something you’re not 100% happy with.
  • Don’t put too much stock in money-back guarantees. Most resume writing services will offer additional rewrites instead of an actual refund or insist on (often unreasonably) strict terms and conditions to qualify.
  • Put together as much information as you can in advance. Professional resume writers aren’t wizards — they won’t know anything about your background, experience, or accomplishments unless you tell them.
  • Consider the alternatives. There are ways of getting the same results for a fraction of the cost — or even for free!

Alternatives to hiring a resume writer

Before you go all in on hiring a resume writer, check out some of these free alternatives.

If you need help creating a resume from scratch: Download a resume template

If you’re considering splurging on a resume designer, know this: The best resume is a simple resume. Instead of paying for an expensive graphic-based resume that most hiring managers don’t want (and Applicant Tracking Systems can’t read) , download a free, ready to use ATS resume template . Simply paste in your information and start applying straight away!

If you don’t know what to write: Check out industry-specific resume examples

Once you’ve chosen your template, head over to our resume examples page, with 250+ full resume examples from dozens of industries. With just a little tweaking, you can have your resume done and ready to send off in less time than it would take to hire a resume writer.

If you’re struggling to create bullet points: Use a bullet point generator

Still stuck with a resume that reads more like a job description than a list of achievements? This bullet point builder tool can help you generate custom bullet points that focus on your actual accomplishments and give you access to suggested bullet points from similar roles.

If you want expert feedback: Use a resume checker

Not all professional advice costs money. If you already have a resume that just needs a bit of an update, upload it to Score My Resume . This AI-powered resume checker will scan your resume for the same things recruiters are looking for — relevant skills and keywords, concrete accomplishments, readability, and lack of filler. It can even analyze things like length, brevity, and word choice, giving you an easy-to-understand score along with easy ways to improve.

On the topic of relevant skills and keywords, use the skills search tool below to get a list of keywords and hard skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. It is a good way to tailor your resume to the job without needing to pay a resume writer.

If you want a professional service: Go pro

Resume Worded Pro gives you access to professional-level resume writing help, including targeted, resume-ready accomplishments and metrics, personalized additions, line-by-line analysis, and recruiter insights on your existing resume. The best part? It’s still way cheaper than hiring a one-off resume writer.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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How to hire a resume writer and not get duped.

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Be careful writing your resume. Some won't get through an employer's Applicant Tracking System.

Sarah called today because she said her friend's friend in HR recommended me. She had previously paid $500 to have her resume "professionally written." She lost her job back in March. To date, she has not had one response from the resume. The company that created it blamed the economy last week when she complained. She asked me to review it and tell her what was wrong.

As I dissected his resume, I knew immediately that the fancy design would never get through the Applicant Tracking System. (Read my Last Forbes Post: Are Employers Ignoring Your Resume? 5 Mistakes to Avoid . ) I also noted another cardinal sin. The company used an outdated template, did not uncover her accomplishments, and likely had little business or industry knowledge. Sarah said the salesman talked to her for 30 minutes, took notes, and passed it on to the writer. She never spoke to the writer. Good resume writers, I told her, spend a few hours with you to uncover your experience and ask you probing questions. To all this, she said, "Yeah, I had some doubts. I guess you really do get what you pay for."

Another prospective client, Dave, showed me his resume that he'd paid $400 for. It was creative and fancy looking but would mostly all disappear in the ATS. It also lacked any specific details on how he had excelled in his past roles. He said he had just spoken to a salesperson and only spent 20 minutes talking to the writer who seemed very young. Two weeks later, the resume arrived. It failed to get him any interviews – hence the call to me.

Buyer beware!

COVID-19 has brought out resume writers in full force. Some lack hiring experience. Many know very little about the ATS. Others know nothing at all. Often, they just have good writing skills. They could be a person who did a little hiring, and they see the flood of unemployed and rush to say, "Yeah, I can do that." Others may be able to create fancy, creative-looking designs, but that is all they are designs, not resumes . Ineffective, but pretty.

I went to a few advertised resume writing websites, and one had started in March. (First clue!). Their website says the right things. It advertised: "our team of career experts and Fortune 500 recruiters put together resume examples for 250+ job titles that will impress hiring managers and pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) scans." They showed examples of their work. On close inspection, they were making these mistakes :

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· Not ATS friendly

· No keywords

· Used color ink and a lot of shading

· Had tables, columns, text boxes

· Used headers and footers

Guidelines to follow before you lay down your money

Many people want to hire someone to help them create an effective resume. Some genuinely talented individuals know how to create a resume and get employers' attention. Understandably, you may lack the ability to create a terrific resume on your own. And asking your manager for help isn't often useful unless that person is in HR and does the company's recruiting.

Knowing how to write a resume is much different than just reviewing many. First, the professional writer needs to have strong knowledge of many careers and the job duties required in each role. It takes wordsmithing skills and personal branding ability. Most importantly, it requires the writer to understand how ATS works and the knowledge to know which keywords to add.

I've been a career counselor and resume writer for twenty-five years. I have written 5, 000 resumes in my career, and I spend no less than 3 hours talking to the client to create each one of those resumes. I would never hire anyone that I didn't speak directly with to discuss this project before agreeing to pay them to do the writing for you. Also, I recommend you use these guidelines to help you make the right decision on who to hire.

· Ask for a referral. Have any of your friends or colleagues used a writer that they liked? Did the resume work and helped them get interviews? Go to the referral's website and check them out. Start with that name and then continue your research checking on the following.

· Review background, education, qualifications, credentials. Typically, a resume writer is a career counselor, former recruiter, has HR hiring experience, and are college-educated. Do they have a Bachelor's Degree? A Master's? In what? A few have written resume writing books, others write job search articles or blogs and cover resumes. Some hold resume writing certifications offered by professional associations, like the National Resume Writers Association.

· Years of experience. You don't want a newbie. How long have they been writing resumes? Look for someone who has done resume writing for no less than FIVE years. Ask how many people they have helped. Some offer samples, look those over.

· Ensure they know your career path, industry, and job title. Work with someone who has expertise in writing a resume for your job level, job title, and is knowledgeable about your industry. Some people specialize and work only with lawyers or engineers. Others have more expertise and help people in various fields and have assisted people in your career role.

· No one can create a good resume without talking to you directly. Much of the information needed to improve your resume is in your head and must be uncovered by talking to you directly. Be sure that the person you speak to is the one who writes the resume. Be careful about being sold by the company owner who has excellent credentials but doesn't do the work. Beware of the savvy salesperson who also will pass you on to someone else to write it. The amount of time it takes to gather the info varies, but for most professionals and executives, you need a 2-3 hour conversation with the writer.

· How long will it take to get it? You should expect to get the resume back within 48 hours.

· What is the review process? Explore this policy. They write it, and you should have the option to review it and be able to make changes, corrections, and additions if needed before completion.

· Pricing: Resume writing comes in all price points, but it is the effectiveness of the end product that is critical. Lowered priced services likely won't deliver. I surveyed several resume writers with excellent qualifications to determine their prices to create a resume for professionals, managers, and executives. The results showed that you should expect a professionally written resume to cost between $800-$2400. (Note the fees seem to be much less if you are a new grad.)

· Testimonials. The writer should have several endorsements from happy customers on their website. Also, look at their LinkedIn profile to see if people endorsed the SKILLS section for resume writing.

This is a significant investment in yourself and your career. Shop carefully.

Robin Ryan

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The Top 10 Best Free Resume Builders of 2024

Get ahead in your job search with these top-rated tools that allow you to create a professional resume without hidden fees or premium upgrades.

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Is writing your resume giving you a headache? Use a resume builder and save valuable time!

In this article, we present the 10 best free resume builders you can use to create a perfect resume in no time. We’ll give you the pros and cons of each builder, show you how to use it, and provide resume examples.

What is a resume builder?

A resume builder is an online tool that comes with pre-made professional resume templates. All you need to do is plug in your information. The resume builder takes care of the rest!

The problem is that many resume builders that advertise themselves as free are NOT actually free. After you’ve spent time working on your resume, you’ll find that you need to pay to download it. This isn’t free, it’s frustrating!

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The following list features resume builders that are actually free. There are no hidden costs, so you can write a resume and download it without any surprises.

Usability score: Extremely Easy

Screenshot of Jobscan's resume builder.

Why do I like this resume builder?

I have to admit, I’m a bit biased! But I really like this online resume builder. It’s easy to use and creates a highly readable, professional resume in no time. And it’s totally free.

My favorite part of this resume builder is that it’s  ATS-friendly . The templates are designed with applicant tracking systems in mind, ensuring your resume gets noticed by employers who use ATS software to screen applicants.

Another nice feature of this resume builder is the split-screen format. On the left is the area where you input your information. On the right is a real-time preview of your resume as you build it.

When you’re done, you can easily tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying to by using Jobscan’s resume scanner (up to two free jobs a month).

The resume scanner provides you with a resume score that shows how closely your resume matches the description of the job you’re applying to. It also tells you how to increase your score to get a job interview for your dream job.

Is this resume builder really free? How do you use it?

Yes, Jobscan’s resume builder is 100% free. There are no hidden costs.

  • Import an existing resume or create a new resume from scratch.
  • Choose one of the ATS-friendly resume templates.
  • Fill in your contact information, work history, education, skills, and certificates.
  • Use Jobscan’s resume scanner to optimize your resume (two free jobs a month).
  • Download your resume as a PDF.

Pros and cons of using Jobscan’s resume builder

  • The tool is completely free to use, making it accessible to everyone.
  • The split-screen format makes it easy to preview your resume as you build it.
  • The free templates are ATS-friendly.
  • There are no hidden costs.
  • You can use Jobscan’s resume scanner to optimize your resume according to best practices.
  • The free version only allows two free scans per month.
  • AI assistant is only available with paid version.

Sample resume made with Jobscan

Sample resume made with Jobscan's resume builder.

2. CakeResume

reddit resume writer

First of all, there’s a nice selection of templates. And the drag-and-drop interface allowed me to easily add and rearrange sections as needed.

In addition to a resume, I was able to create a public profile, which I linked my LinkedIn profile to. It was then easy to generate links to both my profile and my resume that could easily be shared.

The only downside of CakeResume is that you can just build one basic resume using their free version.

Yes, CakeResume is free, but you can only create one basic resume.

  • Sign up for a free account.
  • Pick a template that suits your professional style.
  • Use their drag-and-drop interface to organize your professional experiences, education, and skills sections.
  • Fill in your details.
  • Create a public profile and link your LinkedIn information for added visibility.
  • Click the PDF button in the upper left corner to download your resume for free.

Pros and cons of using CakeResume’s builder

  • The drag-and-drop sections make customization simple.
  • You can create a public profile, enhancing your professional presence.
  • You can easily download your resume in PDF format.
  • You can create a shareable link to your online resume.
  • You can only create one free basic resume.
  • The resume can only be downloaded in PDF format.
  • The default templates are simple and might not be visually appealing.

Sample resume made with CakeResume

reddit resume writer

When you’re done building your resume with CakeResume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

3. GotResumeBuilder

Screenshot of the GotResumeBuilder resume builder.

I found this free resume builder super easy to use. I used the drag-and-drop feature to quickly organize my sections, and was able to customize fonts and size without any problem.

I love that GotResumeBuilder offers an AI-powered writing assistant. This is a bonus in any free resume builder.

Finally, I liked that I could download my resume as a PDF or Word file without any hidden costs.

Overall, although it might not have all the bells and whistles of some paid tools, GotResumeBuilder is a fantastic option for anyone needing a reliable and cost-free resume builder.

Yes, GotResumeBuilder is entirely free.

  • Select a template that fits your style.
  • Add your contact info, job title, work experience, education, and skills.
  • Use the AI-powered writing assistant to help you.
  • Adjust fonts, sizes, and other design elements.
  • Check the real-time preview to see how your resume looks.
  • Once satisfied, download your resume in your preferred format (PDF, Word, HTML, or plain text).

Pros and cons of using GotResumeBuilder

  • You can create and download resumes in multiple formats (PDF, Word, HTML, txt).
  • The platform features an AI-powered writing assistant that can suggest bullet points​.
  • Easy to customize with drag-and-drop organizer, quick font adjuster, and real-time preview​​.
  • May lack some of the advanced functionalities found in premium resume builders, such as more in-depth resume design, customization, and integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)​​.

Sample resume made with GotResumeBuilder

Sample resume made with GotResumeBuilder's resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with GotResumeBuilder, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

4. Resume Trick

Usability score: Easy

Screenshot of Resume Trick's resume builder.

Resume Trick offers a variety of free, customizable templates that cater to different styles and industries. It also has an AI-powered assistant, which provides writing suggestions and formatting tips. This is a big plus.

This resume builder is also multilingual. Besides English, other languages include German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Another plus.

Finally, you can download the finished resume in PDF format with no hidden costs. Everything a free resume builder should have!

Yes, Resume Trick is entirely free.

  • Register for a free account using your Google credentials.
  • Browse the selection of resume templates, which range from classic to modern designs.
  • Enter your information, including your professional qualifications, education, and relevant skills.
  • Use the AI tool to get helpful suggestions and formatting tips.
  • Adjust the template’s layout, fonts, and colors to personalize your resume.
  • Preview your resume.
  • Once you’re satisfied, download your resume in PDF format for free.

Pros and cons of using Resume Trick’s builder

  • A range of customizable templates that cater to different styles and industries.
  • The AI assistant provides helpful writing suggestions and formatting tips.
  • You can create resumes in multiple languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
  • You can download the finished resume in PDF format at no cost.
  • While the platform offers basic customization and AI assistance, it may lack some of the more advanced features available in premium resume builders.

Sample resume made with Resume Trick

Sample resume made with the Resume Trick resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with Resume Trick, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score: Moderately easy

Screenshot of Enhancv's resume builder.

Enhancv is another strong resume builder that does the basics well. It’s got templates, easy customization, and even an AI assistant that helps “write and improve resumes”. And, of course, you can download your resume in PDF format.

BUT, you can only use the free version of Enhancv for 7 days. After that you’ll have to pay for a subscription.

During the free trial period, you can create up to two resumes and cover letters. You have access to all available resume and cover letter templates and basic resume sections.

Yes, it’s free for 7 days, after which you’ll have to pay for a subscription.

  • Click on “Build Your Resume” to begin creating your resume.
  • You can either start from scratch or upload an existing resume to get started.
  • Select a template that suits your style and industry.
  • Fill in your information.
  • Use the drag-and-drop interface to rearrange sections. You can add up to 15 section items during the free trial.
  • Check the real-time preview of your resume.
  • During the free 7-day trial, you can download your resume in PDF format.

Pros and cons of using Enhancv’s builder

  • Offers a wide range of templates that cater to different industries and styles.
  • Features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to customize layouts, fonts, and colors.
  • The AI-powered assistant provides writing suggestions and formatting tips.
  • Users can preview their resume as they build it.
  • After the 7-day trial, you must pay for a subscription to continue to access the resume builder.
  • During the free trial, users are restricted to a maximum of 15 section items .

Sample resume made with Enhancv

Sample resume made with the Enhancv resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with Enhancv, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

6. ResumeGiants

Usability score : Moderately easy

Screenshot of Resume Giant's resume builder.

I found ResumeGiants to be an excellent tool for creating a professional resume and cover letter.

First of all, the platform is free to use. You can create and download your resume without any hidden charges. And it has an AI assistant, which provides writing suggestions and formatting tips.

The platform is available in nearly a dozen languages, including German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese.

Overall, ResumeGiants is a fantastic, user-friendly option for job seekers looking to create standout resumes at no cost.

Yes, ResumeGiants is completely free.

  • Create a free account.
  • Browse the variety of templates available and select the best fit.
  • Fill in your personal details (address, email, phone number), work experience, education, and skills.
  • Adjust the layout, fonts, and colors to suit your preferences.
  • Use the AI-powered suggestions for writing and formatting tips.
  • Check the real-time preview to ensure everything looks good.
  • Download your resume in your preferred format (PDF, Word, etc.) for free.

Pros and cons of using ResumeGiant’s builder

  • You can create and download resumes and cover letters without any hidden charges.
  • Available in nearly a dozen languages.
  • Provides AI-generated writing suggestions and formatting tips.
  • The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Resumes created may not always be optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • While the free features are robust, some advanced features may be limited compared to paid services.

Sample resume made with ResumeGiants

Sample resume made with Resume Giant's resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with ResumeGiants, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score : Moderate

reddit resume writer

The best thing about Indeed’s resume builder is that you can automatically share your resume with potential employers on the Indeed website. 

Now for the negatives. Overall, I didn’t feel that this resume builder was flexible enough. For example, next to each resume skill you must add your experience level. I didn’t want that option but there’s no way to turn it off.

The education section was also limited (no option to choose MBA?). Plus, the ability to manually edit entries is limited as well.

But perhaps the biggest issue I had with this resume builder was that it doesn’t save your work! Although they do warn you with this message, “Your information will not be saved when this browser tab is closed.”

Yes, Indeed’s resume builder is free.

  • Sign in to your Indeed account (or create one first).
  • Click “Build your free resume”.
  • Enter your contact info, work history, years of experience, and education.
  • Include additional sections like skills, certifications, awards, and projects.
  • Download your resume in PDF format.

Pros and cons of using Indeed’s resume builder

  • You can automatically share your resume with potential employers on Indeed.
  • Indeed’s resume builder is completely free with no hidden costs.
  • You can upload your existing resume to have it automatically reformatted.
  • The builder isn’t flexible enough; there’s no way to turn off options you don’t want.
  • The ability to manually edit entries is limited.
  • The builder does not save your work automatically, and your information will be lost if the browser tab is closed.

Sample resume made with Indeed

reddit resume writer

When you’re done building your resume with Indeed, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

8. Kickresume

Screenshot of Kickresume's resume builder.

I liked the user-friendly interface and the AI-powered writing assistant, which can help you generate and rewrite content.

Unfortunately, you can only list two skills with the free version, which is quite limiting. I also didn’t like that I couldn’t add a resume headline or resume summary . And the preview was too small to read properly.

On the positive side, the unlimited downloads are a nice feature for a free tool, and it offers the option to create a matching cover letter .

​Yes it’s free, but there are limitations (like only being able to list two skills).

  • Sign up for a free Kickresume account.
  • Select one of the four basic resume templates available.
  • Enter your contact details, work history, and education.
  • Include additional sections like skills (limited to 2 skills in the free version).
  • Download your resume in PDF format, with unlimited downloads available.

Pros and cons of using Kickresume’s builder

  • Allows you to use AI to generate and rewrite content.
  • You can download your resume as many times as needed without additional costs.
  • Provides the option to create a matching cover letter.
  • You can only list two skills with the free version.
  • The preview is too small to read comfortably.
  • There is no option to include a resume headline or summary.
  • The free version lacks flexibility in key areas, making it less practical for comprehensive resume building.

Sample resume made with Kickresume

Sample resume made with the Kickresume resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with Kickresume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Screenshot of Canva's resume builder.

It takes a bit of practice to learn how to use Canva, but once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to create a visually appealing resume in no time.

There’s a wide variety of templates to choose from, although many of them aren’t suitable for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). It’s also easy to customize colors , fonts, and layouts to truly make your resume your own.

Overall, I found Canva to be a strong resume builder with no hidden charges.

Yes, Canva users can create, edit, and download their resumes for free.

  • Visit Canva’s website and sign up for a free account.
  • Select a free template that fits your style.
  • Open the template and use Canva’s drag-and-drop interface to personalize it.
  • Change colors, fonts, and layouts to your liking.
  • Enter your personal details, work experience, education, and skills.
  • Add text boxes for additional sections like certifications or awards.
  • Click the “Download” button, choose PDF format, and download your resume.
  • Save your project in Canva for future updates and generate a shareable link if needed.

Pros and cons of using Canva’s resume builder

  • The drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to customize templates, even for beginners.
  • Hundreds of free, professionally designed templates are available.
  • Users can personalize colors, fonts, and layouts
  • Resumes can be downloaded in multiple formats (PDF, JPG, PNG) as many times as needed without any cost.
  • Many of Canva’s templates might not be appropriate for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • You can’t download your resume in Word format.
  • There are no expert tips for writing or suggestions for relevant keywords, making it harder to tailor resumes for ATS.

Sample resume made with Canva

Sample resume made with the Canva resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with Canva, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

10. Resume.com

Screenshot of Resume.com's resume builder.

Resume.com is owned by Indeed, so you’ll need an Indeed account to use this builder. It is possible to build a resume in guest mode without signing in, but it will be deleted after 48 hours.

Overall, this builder is easy to use. You can drag sections to reorder them, and you’ll be able to preview your resume in real-time as you build it, which is always a positive.

You can also add custom sections, which adds some flexibility. For example, if you want a headline section, you can manually create one.

I especially liked the tips that pop up as you add your information to each section. And it’s simple to download your resume as a PDF (there’s no Word option though).

Unfortunately, I thought the final resume looked a bit bland and uninspiring.

While this builder is free, you must create an Indeed account and use it to sign into Resume.com. If you don’t, your resume will be deleted in 48 hours (you’ll even see a clock counting down).

  • Create an Indeed account and use it to log in.
  • Add your information to existing sections like work experience, education, and skills.
  • Create custom sections (like for the headline) and reorder them by dragging.
  • Click the PDF button to download your resume.

Pros and cons of using Resume.com’s builder

  • The builder allows you to easily visualize your resume as you build it.
  • You can add custom sections, such as a headline, for greater flexibility.
  • Easily reorder sections by dragging and dropping them.
  • The tips feature provides useful guidance as you add information to each section.
  • Simple to download your resume as a PDF file.
  • You need an Indeed account to use the builder since Resume.com is owned by Indeed.
  • The final resume can look a bit bland and uninspiring.
  • Resumes can only be downloaded as PDFs, not Word documents.
  • Your resume will only be saved for 48 hours unless you create an Indeed account.

Sample resume made with Resume.com

Sample resume made with the Resume.com resume builder.

When you’re done building your resume with Resume.com, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

A resume builder is the easy way to build your resume. It simplifies the process of creating a professional resume by offering templates and step-by-step guidance, ensuring your resume is well-structured and highlights your strengths.

Yes, many resume builders offer completely free templates that jobseekers can use to create and download their resumes without any cost.

Some resume builders are completely free, while others may charge for additional features like downloading or premium templates. Always check for any hidden costs.

The best resume builder depends on your needs, but popular options include Jobscan, Resume Genius, Novoresume, and Resume.com, known for their ease of use and comprehensive features.

Yes, many resume builders offer tips, examples, and suggestions to help you write effective resume content tailored to your job application.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Let’s Eat, Grandma is our pick for the best overall resume writing service

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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Looking for a job can be stressful, and finding ways to stand out from other job-seekers is often difficult. Writing a quality resume is challenging, time-consuming, and requires a lot of effort. Instead of stressing out, one option is to have a professional do it for you.

To choose the best resume writing services, we evaluated nearly a dozen companies based on their pricing, customer service, certifications, and guarantees, in addition to the quality, design, and formatting of their work on a test resume. Here are our top picks.

Best Resume Writing Services of 2024

  • Best Overall: Let’s Eat, Grandma
  • Runner-Up: Monster.com
  • Best Price: The Muse
  • Best Customer Service: TopResume
  • Best Guarantees: ZipJob
  • Best Advanced Writers: iHire
  • Our Top Picks

Let’s Eat, Grandma

  • Monster.com
  • See More (3)

Final Verdict

  • Compare Services


Best overall : let’s eat , grandma.

  • Price: $439 and up
  • Cover Letter: With $549 plan
  • LinkedIn Rewrite: With $689 plan

Special Offer Take $75 off a Starter, Accelerated, or Premium Package from Let's Eat, Grandma using the code BALANCE75 at checkout.

We chose LEG as our best overall due to the high-quality resume the company produced when we tested the service. Several sections of our test resume were among the best that we received from all providers tested. Overall, LEG produced a top-quality document in a timely fashion.

Easy sign-up process

Created a great resume

Includes a cover letter

Slightly longer turnaround time

Resume summary was lengthy

Resume layout was a bit dense on one page

Let’s Eat, Grandma, (LEG) was founded by brothers Chris and Matt Villanueva in 2014. The Villanuevas realized that job searching could be one of the most stressful times of a person’s life and sought to help candidates in their search. The company provides career advice as well as resume-writing services for active job-seekers.

One of the nice things about LEG’s resume writing service is that it includes a cover letter for its Accelerated Package which runs for $549 and includes everything in the Starter Package plus a cover letter, LinkedIn profile recommendations, a cold email, and a thank-you note guide. And, if you want the Premium Package, it includes all features of lower packages, plus a second design for your resume and a LinkedIn rewrite, all for $689. They also offer a new Executive Concierge Service tailored for high level careers for $1,899.

Although the Starter Package, which costs $439, was one of the higher-priced services we reviewed, we felt the option of having a phone conversation included was beneficial.

Runner-Up : Monster.com

  • Price: $149 and up
  • Cover Letter: With $349 plan
  • LinkedIn Rewrite: With $349 plan

Monster.com was a close second to Let’s Eat, Grandma because it produced a test resume that had many outstanding benefits. This included great skills and experience sections and lots of industry-related keywords that would get picked up by an applicant tracking system (ATS).

Great communication with writer

Relatively inexpensive at $149

Brief, easy-to-read paragraphs

One-page resume was a bit cramped

Resume had a few typos

Training and Education sections had some problems

Monster.com is a fairly typical job site, where job seekers apply for jobs and employers post jobs. It was founded by Jeff Taylor in 1994. In 2016, Monster was bought by Randstad Holding, a Netherlands-based human resources (HR) consulting giant.

In addition to its vast database of current job opportunities, Monster offers a resume-writing service with three plans. Under the Basic Plan, you’ll receive a customized resume for $149. If you want a cover letter written for you, the Deluxe plan provides one in addition to a personalized resume for $197. The third plan, Premier, includes a resume, cover letter, and a LinkedIn profile makeover for $349. And, if you’re unhappy with your resume after 60 days, Monster will rewrite it free of charge.

The biggest drawback with Monster was that our test resume included some poor formatting, although that could've been addressed in follow-up discussions.

Best Price : The Muse

  • Price: $119 and up
  • Cover Letter: Depends on the writer
  • LinkedIn Rewrite: Depends on the writer

The Muse earned our pick for the best-priced option because its rates were extremely competitive, especially given the individualized attention that was provided in each of the packages available.

Ability to choose your own writer

Quick turnaround times

Inexpensive pricing

Design and formatting needed some work

Summary paragraph was too long

Education and Training sections were missing information

The Muse is a New York City-based online career platform founded in 2011 by Kathryn Minshew, Alexandra Cavoulacos, and Melissa McCreery. It prides itself on providing career advice to new generations of job-seekers.

The Muse offers three basic plans for cover letter assistance: Mentor, Coach, and Master Coach. The Mentor plan beats out Monster's cheapest plan. For $119 you’ll have the opportunity to chat with a resume writer via Skype or phone before having your resume updated by a professional. Coach costs $225 and includes a 45-minute chat as well as two rounds of edits. Lastly, for $479 Master Coach gives you a 60-minute chat and unlimited rounds of edits for two weeks after receiving the first draft.

We found our writers to be more lenient when it came to revisions and rated them as excellent.

Best Customer Service : TopResume

  • Cover Letter: With $219 plan

When we tried the service, our resume writer was responsive to our needs and exceeded the number of revisions stated in the agreement. That's why we chose TopResume as having the best customer service.

Simple signup process

One-page resume had good design and formatting

Summary and Job Scope sections were too long

Training section didn't stand out enough

Jeff Berger founded TopResume in 2014 and has since built a team of more than 1,500 resume writers across the United States.

One nice benefit of TopResume is that you can have your resume scanned free of charge before you decide whether to have it written by a professional. If you opt to move forward, there are three plans from which to choose. Professional Growth is the entry-level package at $149. The second plan is Career Evolution, which at $219 also includes a cover letter and a 60-day guarantee that you’ll land more interviews. Executive Priority costs $349 and includes all of the above plus a LinkedIn profile makeover.

The test resume that we got back from TopResume didn’t quite meet our expectations. The quality of the document was good, but not great, as the Experience and Summary sections seemed a bit short on accomplishments.

Best Guarantees : ZipJob

  • Price: $139 and up
  • Cover Letter: With $189 plan
  • LinkedIn Rewrite: With $299 plan

Our pick as the best for guarantees is ZipJob because it provides a 60-day guarantee that job-seekers will land more interviews within this timeframe. If that doesn't happen, the company will review and rewrite your resume for free.

Resume delivered on time

Skills section contained strong keywords

Easy signup process

Design and format made reading the resume difficult

Summary paragraph was too long and contained clichés

Education and Training sections were poorly formatted

Founded in 2016, ZipJob aims to make the resume writing process "as professional and easy as possible." The company acknowledges that resumes are boring, time-consuming, and a struggle for people to write.

The plans available through ZipJob are modestly priced, starting with Launch. This entry-level plan costs $139 and optimizes your resume for applicant tracking systems. Fast Track is the next plan, at $189, and it includes a cover letter and a 60-day guarantee that you’ll land more interviews within two months. The third plan is Premium, which includes all the features of lower-priced plans, plus expedited delivery for $299.

While the test resume that we received from ZipJob was generally lackluster, the guarantee reduces customer risk.

Best Advanced Writers : iHire

  • Price: $395
  • Cover Letter: $49.50 extra
  • LinkedIn Rewrite: N/A

We chose iHire for best advanced writers because the resume writer we used wrote one of the best resumes we received. The company also has clients complete an extensive questionnaire that helps its writers focus on the proper parts of your resume to highlight.

Strong resume content with impactful writing

Contained brief, easy-to-read paragraphs

Prestigious resume writing credentials

Took 18 days to hear from our resume writer

Most expensive price of the services we reviewed

Required to fill out an eight-page questionnaire

iHire has been in business since 1999, and it specializes in helping both employers and job seekers find the right match. If you’re looking for assistance with your resume, iHire offers a tool to score your resume against jobs, resume critiques, and professionally written resumes.

This company offers a base price of $395, which includes writing services from iHire employees called "Certified Advanced" and "Master Resume" writers. This will ensure you'll be working with top professionals and industry leaders who know which skills and experience employers are looking for. The resume is written and designed to accentuate the client's goals and experience. Users also have the option to pay an additional $49.50 for a cover letter. The fee is a bit pricier than other services, but with iHire you know you'll be getting the most bang for your buck.

Our top resume writing service is Let's Eat, Grandma, which includes a phone conversation in its Starter Package and returned a high-quality resume more quickly than many other services. The resume was professional and impressive enough that we'd be glad to present it to a recruiter.

Monster.com produced a resume nearly as good as the one from LEG, but there is no phone call included. Other companies we reviewed excel in their own ways, and whether you're looking for something inexpensive or you just want professional help along the way, you'll find a resume-writing service that works for you.

Compare the Best Resume Writing Services

Company Price Cover Letter LinkedIn Rewrite

Best Overall
$439 and up w/$549 plan w/$689 plan

$149 and up w/$349 plan w/$349 plan

Best Price
$119 and up Depends on writer Depends on writer

Best Customer Service
$149 and up w/$219 plan w/$349 plan

Best Guarantee
$139 and up w/$189 plan w/$299 plan

Best Advanced Writers
$395 $49.50 extra N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a resume writing service.

Resume writing services are companies or freelancers who help job-seekers improve the quality of their resumes so they stand out from other candidates. Though they all share this common goal, no two writing services are alike. They all have their own processes designed to provide clients with effective resumes with quick turnaround times and good customer service. The services available from resume writers are also diverse and vary across plans. However, all of them are designed to help candidates land more interviews.

How Do Resume Writing Services Work?

Customers typically are required to complete a questionnaire so the company can develop an understanding of what you do and where you are in your career , and find the best writer for your situation. A good resume writer will establish contact via phone and email and take some time to review your goals and accomplishments and ask questions about your career.

The final stage is receiving your resume from the writer.

How Much Does a Resume Writing Service Cost?

The price of having a resume written from scratch or rewritten varies. The lowest price we paid was $119, and the highest price we saw was $649. You’ll find resume writing services that will charge less and some that will charge more. The resume writing service that did the best job for us charged $399, mostly because of the resume they produced but also because it provided us with a cover letter as well.

Is Hiring a Resume Writing Service Worth the Cost?

A resume writing service is worth the cost if it provides great customer service and, most importantly, delivers a great document. However, in all of our reviews, we found the number of companies that actually do this to be relatively small. Some offered great customer service but a subpar resume, while some rewrote a strong resume but lacked in customer service.

To decide whether a resume writing service is right for you, query other job seekers in your personal network or on social networks like LinkedIn . Look at the services’ sample resumes as well.

What Is the Best Executive Resume Writing Service?

This ultimately comes down to personal preference, but iHire might be the best option for executives because it offers the most experienced resume writers of the services we reviewed. It also has one of the most extensive questionnaires, so writers should have a clear idea what to accentuate. Let's Eat, Grandma also is a good choice for executives because of the personal attention provided and the quality of the resume we received.

To find the best resume writing services, we used a comprehensive methodology to review and evaluate nearly a dozen companies that are available nationwide. We then chose several to review more in-depth using a test resume. We contracted with each of these services and reviewed their offerings based on pricing, customer service, certifications, and guarantees.

After we received the final test projects, we rated the quality of each section (Summary, Skills, Experience, Training, and Education) as well as the overall design and formatting. We combined all of the scores for these factors to establish overall ratings for each provider and make our top picks.

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Zippia. " Monster Worldwide History: Founding, Timeline, and Milestones ."

10 Best Resume Writing Services for 2024

Caitlin Proctor headshot

22 min read

Two professional women collaborating while seated across from each other at a conference table. Both people are holding printed resumes in their hands. Their expressions are happy.

Every month, there are over 5,000 searches for phrases like "best resume writing service."

You’ll find results for local and national options, as well as professional resume writers in different industries.

While browsing the listings, you’ll notice hundreds of companies and freelancers offering resume writing services that appear to be quite shady. Since your resume can get your foot in the door and help you land the right job, it’s important to select a quality service that gets you results.

To help take the guesswork out of choosing the right resume service for you, our team of career experts researched more than 200 resume services for job seekers in the US and Canada. This post discusses our top picks, as well as an overview of each resume service.

At the end of this post, we have some valuable advice about how to tell if other service reviews are legitimate.

Top resume writing services


Capstone Resume Services



Before you buy: how to find legitimate service reviews

This list does not include any affiliate links or paid placements.

Should you use a local or national service?

While searching for resume services, you will find both national and local results. The only time you would choose to use a local service is when you are meeting the writer face to face.

The majority of local services will work with you virtually (not in person) so you may be better off hiring a national company that has access to a wide network of writers and an  ATS resume test  built into the process.

We found that the average cost of a quality resume is around $157 . This number doesn't reflect add-on offers like LinkedIn profiles, career advice, or cover letter services.

ZipJob homepage. Text reads "resumes that get you hired: achieve more with a resume that displays your strengths, works with recruiting software, and earns you interviews" and picture shows a woman with curly hair and an orange shirt talking to a bearded man in a suit with a cup of coffee between them.

Pricing : $139 – $299

Turnaround : 3 to 7 days

Writers : 100+ professional resume writers with backgrounds in HR, Fortune 500 recruiting, career coaching, job placement, and professional writing.

Industries : 65+ industries including Business, Finance, IT, Healthcare, Sales, Marketing, and more.

View Services

You didn't think we were going to put a different service here, did you? Yes, our team may be biased...but we also live and breathe resume writing, so we know why our service is top-notch.

ZipJob uses a tech-informed, expert-designed protocol to create resumes that appeal to hiring managers and Applicant Tracking Systems : the same technology used by more than 90% of employers to screen and parse resumes.

ZipJob’s resume writing services are designed for companies hiring in the USA and Canada, which is where all of the writers are located. Most companies use applicant tracking systems to manage and sort through job applicants. A single job post averages 250 applicants, so the ATS helps employers keep track of those applications.

However, the ATS has another important job: filtering out the resumes that don’t meet the pre-set requirements. On average, applicant tracking systems filter out 75% of the resumes submitted. Here are the most common reasons applicants get rejected automatically:

Improper resume formatting

Incorrect use of keywords

So if the ATS can mistakenly reject otherwise qualified candidates, what does that mean for you? That's exactly what ZipJob is here to help with.

Resume writers experienced in resume keyword optimization add an extra step at the end of the process to ensure your new resume will be parsed correctly by an ATS scan.

Pros of using ZipJob

Professional writers  — ZipJob only hires professional resume writers with experience and ATS training.

60-Day interview guarantee — ZipJob guarantees that you’ll get at least 200% as many interviews or we will rewrite your resume for free.

ATS technology —  ZipJob uses the same ATS technology employers use to help ensure every resume gets through to a hiring manager.

Direct communication  — One of the few services that allow you direct, unlimited access to your personal resume writer until your project is complete.

Reputation  — ZipJob’s reputation speaks for itself. ZipJob has been featured in  Forbes ,  Reader’s Digest ,  Marketwatch ,  Glassdoor ,  The Muse , and other big-name media outlets. ZipJob is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. In addition, ZipJob has earned more than  800 five-star reviews and 10,000+ happy clients.

A ZipJob review

"I spent a lot of time researching resume writing services. That was quite a feat and stressful with everything out there. I finally decided on ZipJob...After several revisions we hit on a resume that appears to be working. Prior to my latest revision I had sent out close to hundred resumes and had one interview. I've put out about another 40, and I've had movement in making it past the ATS system to pretesting with 2 jobs and an initial interview with another job. Considering this is the holidays and we're in a pandemic I'm heartened by the response. Thank you ZipJob and Julie!" -Floyd, verified ZipJob customer

Note: this review was edited slightly for length and clarity.

How ZipJob works

Upload your resume and answer a few questions. If you don't have a current resume, these questions will help your writer get started on your new resume from scratch.

Get matched with a resume expert in your field who will overhaul your resume. Each project focuses on ATS-friendly formatting, keyword optimization, and value-focused language.

Collaborate directly with your writer through multiple revisions until you're satisfied with your resume. 

Approve a final draft. This will trigger the last step in ZipJob's resume writing process: the ATS resume test . Your new resume will go through our in-house system to ensure that your resume will pass through recruitment software used by more than 90% of employers.

Start using your new resume and watch your interview requests triple!

You can contact ZipJob by phone at (888) 944-9929 or via live chat from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. You can also email customer service any time at  [email protected] .

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn ProFinder

Pricing : $250 – $700+

Turnaround : 3 to 14 days

Writers : 100+

Industries : All industries including Finance, IT, Healthcare, Marketing and more.

Most people use LinkedIn to search for jobs and career-related information. However, many are unaware that it offers a “service marketplace” called LinkedIn Services (formerly LinkedIn ProFinder) for interviewing, career coaching, and resume writing.

Technically, yes, this is a platform and not a resume writing service. However, we are rating this option highly because LinkedIn takes steps to ensure its pros are legit. For example, each professional submits an online application that must be approved by LinkedIn, and past client reviews are readily available for anyone considering a certain resume writer.

Pros of using LinkedIn

Time efficient  — Receive proposals quickly from your potential resume writer.

Person to person  — Pick from a number of resume critique and expert review professionals whom you want to work with, based on their LinkedIn profiles and other information they provide.

Cost effective  — Since these are resume critique and expert review freelancers, the prices may be more competitive than a company. Still expect to pay $150+ for a quality resume, but know that your money is going directly to your writer.

Local options  — You can opt for local-only professionals, making this a great option if you feel strongly about meeting with your resume writer in person.

LinkedIn Profinder Process 2

Speaking of LinkedIn, do you know  how to include your LinkedIn URL on a resume ? Most employers will look you up on LinkedIn before interviewing you anyway, so it's common to include a link to your profile in your resume's contact section.

Working with LinkedIn

Answer a couple of questions about the services you’re looking for.

Within 24 hours (and likely much sooner), get up to 5 proposals from professionals on LinkedIn’s list. Each proposal will include a price quote.

Research and select your resume writer. Every writer will have a different system to process from there.

LinkedIn helps you find freelance resume writers, but doesn’t have a company-wide standard for resume writing. Instead, you should look into multiple freelancers based on their proposals and pick the resume style you like best as not all freelancers are created equal.

If you need any help, LinkedIn offers a concierge team, which is essentially tech support and customer service for hiring a pro. You can use live chat or a contact form to reach out.

3. TopResume

Best Resume Writers: TopResume.

Pricing : $149 – $349

Turnaround : 7 to 14 days

Writers : 1,500+ professional writers including certified career coaches, recruiters, and experienced hiring professionals.

Industries : All industries including Military transition, Academic, and Federal resumes.

This list would not be complete without TopResume. TopResume is technically one of our direct competitors, but any list of the best resume writing services would be incomplete (and misleading) if we omitted them. Their writers do great work--as evidenced by their Trustpilot reviews --and the company does belong on this list.

One of the most common questions is if TopResume is legit. The answer, from our professional perspective, is that they are legit. Look at real reviews on unbiased review sites and check out our tips later in this article on how to spot a resume writing service scam.

TopResume’s website includes many compelling statistics about working with a professional resume writer. According to its research, a professionally written resume makes you:

38% more likely to be contacted by recruiters 

31% more likely to land an interview

40% more likely to land a job

Pros for TopResume

Large, well-established company  — TopResume was founded in 2014 by Jeff Berger and has a network of 1,500+ resume writers across the country as well as an international network through their sister brand, TopCV , specializing in professional CV rewrites.

History of success  — According to its website, TopResume has helped 600,000+ professionals “land more interviews and get hired faster.” You can check out some of their success stories here .

Positive reviews  — Given how big it is, TopResume has had the opportunity to help thousands of people. It has more than 7,000 five star reviews on Trustpilot .

TopResume review

"Fantastic service that gave 100% to get my resume in a professionally formatted, scan friendly format / content - saw great increase in activity from headhunters and recruiters post TopResume’s assistance. My professional writer was intelligent, understood my personal situation and desired objectives - and delivered the goods!" -Joseph, TopResume customer

Working with TopResume

Upload your resume and get matched with an expert writer from its vast network.

Collaborate one-on-one with your writer via TopResume’s dashboard to revise your resume.

Receive a resume tailored to your goals.

TopResume guarantees that you’ll receive two times more job interviews or they’ll rewrite your resume again one time, free-of-charge.

There is also the option to add on a phone call for an additional fee--otherwise, your communication happens online. If you need to contact the company, you can email them at  [email protected]  or call 800-604-1929 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET on weekdays. There is also have a live chat option from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

4. The Muse

Best Resume Writers: The Muse.

Pricing : $119 – $1,699

Turnaround : 4 to 7 days

Writers : 80+

Industries : All industries including HR/recruiting, fitness/health, and fashion.

The Muse offers a different model to provide resume help. Instead of a text-based collaboration, The Muse has a resume review coaching service that includes a resume update. Depending on the coaching service you purchase, you get 30, 45, or 60 minutes for a video call or phone call with your career coach.

Pros of using The Muse

Highly interpersonal  — If you are looking for a conversation about your resume, this coaching service is a great option.

Lots of options  — The Muse has a wide network of experts in a range of fields. Mentors, coaches, and master coaches are vetted and backed by The Muse.

Working with The Muse:

Choose a service such as “Resume Review” coaching, “Resume and LinkedIn Review” coaching, or the “Ultimate Job Search” Kit.

Book a coach, based on filters like your industry and years of experience.

Schedule your coaching call. Your coach will contact you within one business day of your booking.

After your coaching session, you will get an updated version of your resume that is designed to be “eye-catching” and “ATS-beating.” Depending on your service, you may get one, two, or unlimited rounds of edits within a two week time period.

This is a highly personalized service, so you need to do your research before picking a coach. If you have any problems with your service, you can contact the company at  [email protected]

Best Resume Writers Monster Bannev2

Pricing : $129 – $349

Turnaround : 2 to 5 days

Writers : 50+

Industries : All industries including Finance, IT, Healthcare, Marketing, and more.

Although Monster is primarily a job board, it also offers resume writing services. Like many of these resume companies, there are tiers of services with additional add-ons for cover letters and LinkedIn profiles.

Monster stands out as a recruiter-focused resume writing service. Based on their decades of job searches and working with recruiters to source talent, their resumes are easy for recruiters to filter and scan.

Pros of using Monster

Established  — Monster has been around for 20+ years and has earned a positive name recognition.

60-day guarantee  — If you aren’t completely satisfied with your resume or other products, you can get it rewritten for free.

Additional services  — Monster has a job board so you can take your new resume and upload it quickly to apply for jobs.

International reach  — Monster provides services for the US and Canada as well as the UK, France, Germany, and The Netherlands

A review of Monster

"I had the pleasure of using Monster to update my resume and cover letter. They asked relevant questions, formulated a concise and thoughtful resume and cover letter that played to my strengths and goals. The thing most worth noting was that I felt like a person in my industry wrote my resume - as she was able to extrapolate all the necessary verbiage as it specifically related to my experience and field. It was a very positive experience - one that landed me my first interview within my field that will take me in the direction that I was hoping to pivot into."

-Joann, verified Monster customer

How it works

Upload your resume and answer additional questions via a brief questionnaire.

Get a resume draft with additional keyword opportunities.

Provide feedback for up to one revision.

Monster resume writing services have limited revisions: only one draft and one revision. The modes of communication with your writer is also limited to text-based messages through email. They don’t offer phone services.

If you’re having trouble communicating with your writer, you can email  [email protected]  or call Monster at (978) 461-8000 . Its website also has a live chat function that can connect you with a real person within a few minutes.

6. CareerPerfect

CareerPerfect job winning resume writing services homepage

Pricing : $179.95 – $499.95

Turnaround : 4 to 5 days

Writers : 5+

Industries : All, including Federal, Executive, and Entry-Level

CareerPerfect is an online resume writing service with additional cover letter, interview, job search, and career planning services. It offers resume writing services in four categories: student and entry-level, professional and mid-career, executive, and federal and military. Since CareerPerfect’s start over 30 years ago, it has helped plenty of job seekers with both advice and career services.

Pros of CareerPerfect

Global presence — Specializing in US employers, CareerPerfect has a global reach and partners with several high-profile career websites internationally.

Online career services pioneer  — CareerPerfect started offering career service online in 1996 and has been leading online career services ever since.

Editing service  — In addition to CareerPerfect’s resume writing services, you can also opt for a resume editing service from a professional.

Working with CareerPerfect

Place your order using several payment options including PayPal and most major credit cards.

Provide information by uploading your previously prepared materials or CareerPerfect’s SkillNet tool to identify additional accomplishments and strengths.

Develop your document with the help of a professional resume writer.

Have a keyword-rich personal marketing document in 4 to 5 business days.

CareerPerfect advertises that its team is made up of only US-based writers with four-year college degrees, and collectively have expertise in over 90 industries. The company is a member of the Career Management Alliance as well as the National Employment Counseling Association.

For resume writing inquiries, you can call  1-877-844-5724  between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET. You can also email the support team or your resume writer from within your account after logging in.

7. Capstone Resume Services

Best Resume Writers: Capstone Resume Services.

Pricing : $149 – $299

Turnaround : 5 to 7 days

Industries : All industries, including Professional, Academic, and Federal.

Capstone Resumes offer a variety of specialized resume services, such as Federal and Executive Level resumes. The company was started by Amy Giles, who has been writing resumes since 2003. Capstone Resumes was formerly called Gies Career Services, but now specializes in the resume writing portion of the business.

Pros of using Capstone Resumes

Conversation-first approach — Capstone Resume services begin with a 15 to 30 minute phone call, instead of the questionnaire approach most companies use.

Certified writers  — The resume writers are introduced with a photo and a certification on the Capstone website. Each member is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with a different background.

Specializations  — Certain resumes, like Executive and Federal, require specialized formats. Capstone Resumes has different payment options for their resume services, as opposed to the more common tiered approach. With the team’s background in HR, recruitment, and the U.S. Navy, it is likely these formats are effective.

Quick delivery time  — Many positive reviewers mention how they received their resumes with 1 to 3 days of their initial phone consultation.

Easy to contact — Amy, the owner of Capstone Resumes, makes her direct email very easy to find. She appears to be quite responsive and open to revisions to ensure client satisfaction.

Working with Capstone Resume Services

Schedule a phone consultation–you can upload your resume at the same time.

Purchase the services you need, selecting your resume format as well as any additional cover letter or LinkedIn services.

Work with your writer to finalize your resume.

You can reach the company by phone at  (650) 445-5301  or through the contact form on its website. You can reach Amy directly at [email protected].

8. iHireFinance

iHireFinance Resume Writing Services

Pricing : $395

Industries : Finance

iHireFinance is a niche job board that focuses on open, vetted opportunities in the financial sector. The resume services they offer integrate well with their job board service.

Because it was built for finance professionals specifically, iHireFinance is a great option for budget analysts, equity traders, tax managers, and all finance specialists. The writers are educated, certified, and trained in modern resume writing especially for finance.

In addition to their resume writing service, iHireFinance has a separate cover letter service. If you only need help with a cover letter instead of a resume/cover letter bundle, this is a good option.

Pros of using iHireFinance

Made for the finance industry — iHireFinance is hyper-focused on people and companies in the financial services industry. 

Optional membership — With a membership, you get a discount on the writing services as well as access to a handy iScore Resume Match tool to use on the job board.

Formatting service — In addition to iHireFinance’s resume writing services, you can also opt for just a resume formatting service to improve the design of your existing resume. This is priced at $99.

Working with iHireFinance:

Create an account. Select a service from entry-level, professional, or executive resume services.

Complete a questionnaire and upload your current resume.

Finalize your resume–your first draft should arrive within 5 to 7 business days–and work with your writer until you are 100% satisfied.

For resume writing inquiries, you can call (877) 840-6217 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. ET. You can also email the support team through a contact form on the website.

9. LiveCareer

Best Resume Writers: LiveCareer.

Pricing : $99 – $299

LiveCareer started as a career test site in 2004 and eventually launched a resume builder and a professional resume writing service. It is one of the largest resume builders around, with over 10 million resumes created for people in 180 countries.

In addition to its resume writing service, LiveCareer has a separate cover letter writing option. If you only need help with a cover letter instead of a resume/cover letter bundle, this is a good option.

Pros of using LiveCareer

Established  — LiveCareer has been around longer than most resume services, and features a large network of writers and career experts.

Global  — LiveCareer is headquartered in New York City, and has offices in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. While its employee information on LinkedIn states that most of its workers are located in India, the resume writers seem to be located mostly in the US.

Large resume database  — LiveCareer has 700,000 resumes from various locations, industries, and roles that you can filter and search.

More than just resumes  — This career service company also has a mobile app, job apply tool, job board, and salary calculator.

Working with LiveCareer

Choose from three resume services based on your career stage.

Answer a few additional questions about your background.

One-on-one optional consultation with your writer, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes based on the package you purchased.

Receive your completed resume within 3 business days.

LiveCareer offers many services in addition to the resume writing services. It’s one of the most popular choices for resume building.

If you need to contact the company about your resume services, you can reach customer service by phone at (844) 485-4050 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m CT. There is also a live chat service if you have an account login, or you can email the team at [email protected].

10. ResumeSpice

Pricing: $479-699

Turnaround: 2 days (first draft)

Writers: 5+

Industries: Multiple industries, with services targeting everything from entry-level resume needs to resumes for professionals and executives.

ResumeSpice was launched by a team of recruitment professionals who wanted to create a dynamic job service firm that offered first-class coaching for job seekers.

ResumeSpice’s team of experienced resume writers focuses on crafting expert-level resumes that are designed to pass screening from Applicant Tracking Systems , while delivering the compelling content job seekers need to capture the attention of hiring managers and recruiters.

The company also provides career coaching services to assist job seekers in navigating an increasingly complex job search environment. Their certified experts are there to offer free consultations on resumes, cover letters, interview preparation, optimization of LinkedIn profiles, and more.

ResumeSpice writers utilize the industry’s best practices for resume creation, relying on formats that consistently attract hiring managers’ attention. They are experts in utilizing keywords in an optimal manner, ensuring that the end results can pass those ATS screenings.

While they are one of the newest and costliest services on our list, reviews suggest that ResumeSpice yields the results needed to justify the expense.

Pros of using ResumeSpice

Expert writers and coaches— ResumeSpice’s team is comprised of certified resume specialists and career coaches with years of experience in their field.

60-Day interview guarantee — ResumeSpice provides a guaranteed interview within 60 days, or they will “make it right.”

ATS— ResumeSpice is committed to ensuring that every resume they create has the optimization needed to satisfy any ATS.

Direct communication —ResumeSpice offers a direct line of communication for you to consult with your resume expert, including up to two revisions of the resume.

Reputation — ResumeSpice has been featured by MarketWatch, the Job Network, and the Houston Business journal, and has helped clients land jobs at companies like Nike, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, and Charles Schwab.

A ResumeSpice review

"Caitlin was amazing!! I was changing careers after being in the financial industry for 24 years. She revamped my resume, provided amazing cover letters explaining my transition and also provided me with a Thank You letter and updated my LinkedIn profile. Caitlin totally got me and made me look like a superstar/qualified candidate!!

I worked with Kathy on my Interview skills since I hadn't interviewed in 24 years, to say I was rusty was an understatement lol. Kathy provided me with helpful documents and amazing answers to interview questions I found to be annoying and difficult. Kathy gave me the confidence to nail my interviews!! TOTALLY worth the money!!”

- Donna, ResumeSpice customer

How ResumeSpice works

You start by choosing your preferred resume option, as well as any supplemental services you need like interview prep, cover letters, etc.

ResumeSpice will then email you with a short questionnaire link and a link to help you schedule your consultation.

At your consultation, your resume expert will work with you to identify your career needs and gather information for your resume or other products.

With that information, your writer will create your personalized resume and deliver the draft copy to you within two days.

At that point, you get to review the document and make any requests for modifications. You have up to seven days to make those change requests, and can have revisions made a total of two times.

Once the revision process is completed, you receive your finished resume in both Word and PDF formats.

If you ordered any other services, those are completed only after your resume is finished.  

You can contact ResumeSpice by phone at (832) 930-7378 or using live chat at their website. For more information, you can email them at [email protected].

There are many professional resume writing services to choose from, such as the 10 on this list. Since there is no shortage of fraudulent services out there, do your due diligence before giving your private information to a less than reputable company.

The best resume writing services have good examples, positive reviews, and responsive customer service teams. Remember that resume writing services are mainly digital today, so you don’t need to limit your search to local options. When in doubt, however, keep in mind that if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.

We hope this article helps you pick the best resume writing service for your career goals. Good luck with your job search!

What to read next:

How Much Should a Resume Writing Service Cost?

Hiring a Resume Writing Service | Is it Worth the Money?

Caitlin Proctor, CPRW, Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Caitlin joined the ZipJob team in 2019 as a professional resume writer and career advisor. She specializes in strategic advice for executives, career pivots, and remote workers. Read more resume advice from Caitlin on ZipJob’s blog .

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

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Resume Worded Review: Is This Worth The Hype?

Resume worded review.

  • Ease of use
  • Affordability
  • Additional features

Resume Worded Review: The Bottom Line

Resume Worded is a tool that scans your resume and gives constructive criticism so you can improve. It has features like a targeted job funnel and 350+ templates that streamline application processes.  However, it isn’t a silver bullet, and your grammar knowledge must still be on point. In short, if you’re applying for your dream job, Resume Worded is worth your time. It uses the same hiring systems that recruiters use, giving you insight into what works and doesn’t. The tool will also provide resume feedback on improving your LinkedIn profile and resume, helping you create the best resume possible and stand out from the competition.

  • Get insight from recruiters.
  • Use ATS-optimized resume templates to structure your resume
  • Target your job search to meet specific criteria
  • Get LinkedIn profile and resume feedback
  • The weekly emails provide valuable career advice
  • The resume checker focuses on optimizing your resume for ATS too much
  • The customer service is poor

Read our Resume Worded review to find out how this tool can streamline your job searching process and if it’s worth it.

Do you find writing resumes a challenge? I did too because it takes forever and requires a weird writing style.

But a few months ago, I learned about Resume Worded and had to give it a shot. The reviews were mainly positive, and I learned that you could access unique features like the resume and LinkedIn profile scanner on the free plan.

So is Resume Worded worth it, or is it better to write a resume yourself?

Below, I’ll go through everything you need to know before signing up for Resume Worded. Then, I’ll talk about my experiences with the tool, some features that stood out, and if it’s worth your time and money.

What Is Resume Worded?

Resume worded pricing, job seekers, universities, bootcamps, and educational institutions, resume writers, how does resume worded work, score my resume, linkedin profile feedback, 350+ templates, it emphasizes ats too much, the customer service is lacking, resume worded review criteria, why you can trust me.

Resume Worded is an AI-powered application that optimizes your resume and LinkedIn profile.

What separates Resume Worded from the competition is that it has the identical ATS or applicant tracking systems that most companies use. So you can bypass machines and get your resume in front of humans.

Rohan Mahtani founded Resume Worded in 2017 because he wanted to help people land their dream jobs. I could sense this passion when using the tool, as the feedback was detailed and actionable.

Resume Worded offers one paid plan, but you can choose between three pricing options:

  • A monthly plan of $49 per month
  • A quarterly subscription costing $99 every three months
  • An annual plan of $299 per year

Resume Worded pricing

What I like about Resume Worded is that you can access all the essential features without entering your credit card information . So feel free to paste your LinkedIn profile or resume into the tool, and you’ll receive feedback within seconds.

You’ll have to upgrade to the paid plan if you want to use the advanced features. With this, you’ll find:

  • Full resume analysis
  • 60+ metrics
  • Proven resume lines
  • Job search funnels
  • 350+ templates

These features are helpful when trying to land a job fresh out of college. You gain a data-backed insight into what works and doesn’t. There’s no need to play guessing games.

I also like the templates that Resume Worded provides. It’s vetted by experienced recruiters and optimized to pass ATS and recruitment software. So you won’t have to structure your resume; simply fill in the blanks, and you’re good to go.

Who Is Resume Worded For?

After testing Resume Worded, I feel it can empower the lives of:

  • Job seekers
  • Universities, boot camps, and educational institutions
  • Resume writers

To land jobs at top companies, you’ll need to polish your resume and LinkedIn profile. This is where Resume Worded can help. It provides actionable feedback that lets you bypass ATS, so hiring managers can read your resume. This is useful if you just graduated and didn’t have much experience. The templates are concise, and you can communicate your value to companies within a few pages.

If you’re part of an educational institution, you’ll be happy to know that Resume Worded helps your students land jobs even if they have little experience. In addition, you won’t have to sign up for the personal plan. Instead, resume Worded offers bulk plans with personalized coaching that allow students to find jobs quickly .

Although Resume Worded isn’t a replacement for resume ghostwriting , it streamlines the creative process. You must paste your client’s information into a Resume Worded template and use your copywriting skills to fill in the blanks. You might also be interested in our Checkvist review .

To get started, head to ResumeWorded.com and sign up with your Google or Facebook account. It’s free, and you don’t have to enter your card information.

Next, choose between resume or LinkedIn profile checking. To scan your resume, copy and paste it into the software or attach the PDF file. You might also be interested in our Speechify review .

How does Resume Worded work?

For LinkedIn profile feedback, go to your LinkedIn dashboard, select the “More” icon, and you’ll be able to download your profile as a PDF.

Save to PDF option

Attach this PDF to the Resume Worded software, and after a few seconds, Resume Worded will generate an in-depth report showing what you’re doing well and where to improve.

Resume Worded report

If you want to upgrade, click the “Upgrade to Pro” icon, choose your pricing option, and start enjoying the premium features.

You can upgrade to pro

Here, you’ll find tools that track your progress and help you build the best possible LinkedIn profile and resume. 

There’s also a playbook called “How To Get A Job Referral” that I highly suggest you download and study. It answers all your questions about how to land the perfect job. You might also be interested in our Dropbox Paper review .

How to get a job referral playbook

Now let’s look at a few features that caught my eye.

The standout Resume Worded feature is the online resume reviewer. It scores your resume based on criteria that hiring managers and recruiters look for. It takes less than a minute to upload your resume, and the software provides actionable advice.

When I pasted my resume into Resume Worded, it gave me a score of 72.

Score my resume

It also analyzes job descriptions and necessary skills and adds these keywords to your resume. So while everybody uses the same resume to apply for positions, you can tailor your resume to different job descriptions and keywords. 

But a resume isn’t the only element to landing that dream job. Recruiters look at your LinkedIn profile too. This is where the LinkedIn profile feedback is valuable. It’s just like the resume scanner, but it shows you how to improve your LinkedIn profile.

I pasted my LinkedIn profile into the Resume Worded software, and it gave me an overall score of 47. 

Linkedin profile feedback

Certain parts of my profile, like my headline and education description, got a score of 100. But I’ll have to work on writing a longer LinkedIn summary and adding more keywords. You’ll stand out to recruiters if you’re constantly pasting your profile into the tool and improving as you gain more skills and experience.

Resume Worded has writing templates for almost every area of the job application process. These templates include:

  • LinkedIn summary templates
  • Templates for connecting to new prospects
  • Inventory and invoicing templates
  • Templates for recent graduates

Writing templates

I like that they offer different types of resume templates and not just a generic, cookie-cutter outline.

Areas For Improvement

However, Resume Worded isn’t perfect, and I’ve noticed a few areas for improvement:

  • It emphasizes ATS too much
  • The customer service is lacking

Although Resume Worded is effective at getting past machines and putting your resume in the hands of humans, I feel like it emphasizes ATS too much.

The templates suggest adding buzzwords and longer descriptions to meet ATS criteria, but it rarely tells you how to grip the recruiter’s attention and communicate your value.

I’d like Resume Worded to introduce more checks that provide feedback on how catching and concise your writing is. 

If you’re looking for a resume builder that gives persuasive writing tips, try TopResume.

Online reviews also complain about customer service . For example, users have reported that it takes weeks for Resume Worded to give refunds or fix bugs. I haven’t encountered any customer service problems, but this is something to watch out for.

I used these criteria to help me test and review Resume Worded:

After using Resume Worded to better my resume and LinkedIn profile, I can safely say that it meets these criteria. However, the developers should focus on accuracy.

Resume Worded is perfect for bypassing ATS, but it doesn’t offer much writing advice to increase your chances of getting hired. In addition, it won’t give tips on communicating your value to employers, so it’s still important to keep developing your copywriting abilities .

I’ve been creating various types of content over the years, and this is the first time I’ve used a resume tool like Resume Worded. I had my reservations at first, but I feel it’s an affordable way to improve the quality of your LinkedIn profile and resume. 

Although it won’t do everything for you as a resume writer would, it optimizes your resume for specific job descriptions, so it’s easier to land your dream job. I used Resume Worded for a once-off project and won’t be using it going forward as I’m currently not applying for jobs. But, if I transition into other fields or start applying for jobs in the future, I’ll sign up for this review service again.

I tested 5 AI resume builders to help get a job — here's what happened

Here’s how to apply for a job using AI

Man holding resume in front of a computer

I long for the day when I’ll wake up in the morning and get my AI ready to go to work for me . Until that time comes, the least AI could do for me today is to help me land a job I like.

Not everyone is a fan of resume and cover letters, but they remain staples in many recruitment processes.

For years, employers have also been using forms of AI to filter through these documents in order to narrow down the pool of applications they receive for any given vacancy. 

The latest advances in generative AI mean that right now employees can leverage AI tools at their disposal to empower themselves in the job-hunting process.

I wanted to see how powerful these tools are. To find out, I created a shortlist of AI resume and cover letter builders that I wanted to try. Tom’s Guide believes in fair fights, so I used each of them as though I was applying for the same job with the same profile.

A target was required and I found a LinkedIn ad for a real job as a remote Software Engineer with generative AI responsibilities at Meta (formerly Facebook) that looked promising.

The role asked for a candidate with over two years of coding experience and over two years of building large-scale applications. More experience was required in designing and completing medium to large features without guidance. Meta was looking for a candidate with, or in the process of obtaining, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent practical experience. In exchange, the company was offering a salary between $116k and $168k per year.

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I created a fictitious aspiring Meta software engineer, Tamsin Smith, in order to have some kind of profile I could submit to the AI. Smith holds two Stanford University degrees in computing science, completed an internship with Twitter and has been working at Google as a software engineer since 2019. 

If that’s not enough for Mark Zuckerberg to give her an offer, she also leads a local scouting group in her free time.

With an actual job ad and an alter ego in hand, I was ready to start reviewing AI tools. Read on to find out which tools I used, what they produced and my thoughts on their performance.

Resume created by Rezi.ai

My first attempt was with Rezi.ai since it offers a free basic service and I wanted to check if the way I designed the review could work in principle. And it did!

Right after confirming my email, I was creating Tamsin Smith’s first resume.

I was presented with a choice between a “Job-Tailored Resume” and a “General Purpose Resume”; I went with the first choice as it was exactly what this test was about. It asked me for the role and company I’m targeting but I was blindsided when Rezi asked me to insert a job application I’d written for the role. Isn’t this something the AI should be doing for me?

I finished this side quest and then added basic details like my name and email, followed by my previous work experience. Here’s when I first encountered signs of AI life in the form of a bullet point generator to further explain my role. 

Rezi went on to ask me to add details on projects I’d worked on, my education history, certifications, coursework, involvement in other organizations, and my skills.

The next exciting step was the summary section, where I gladly let the AI take control. It was nothing I couldn’t have come up with myself if I simply wanted to summarize my resume, but it at least merits a pass mark. (I wanted to ask the AI to write a cover letter for me based on the finished resume but that feature requires a subscription.)

Overall Rezi marked the resume it produced at 87 out of 100, which I think is a bit too generous. If you have a rough idea of what you want your resume to look like, by all means, use Rezi so you don’t have to worry about the formatting. It might also provide a helpful AI-generated bullet point or two along the way.

If you were worried that not using Rezi’s AI was the one thing stopping you from getting your dream job, rest assured that (at least with its free version) this is not the case.

My score: 3/5


Resume created by Resumaker

“Designed templates that will get you hired at the world's leading companies,” Resumaker proudly displayed on its homepage. I also had to pay ($0.99) to download my resume and cover letter. Surely, I was on the verge of getting Tamsin hired?

By now I’d gotten the hang of inserting details like my education and work history. In this regard, little separates the resume builders tested here.

The AI kicked in to provide me with text I could insert as accomplishments in my jobs and as the headline summary. The latter left much to be desired but at least it was presentable. Resumaker didn’t offer to beef up my volunteering section so I had to write that part manually. As a whole, the resume felt a bit dry but at least it was presentable.

However, it’s a good thing this service isn’t called Coverlettermaker. Every sentence it generated started with either an “I am” or “I have”. When you’re working with such a structure, there’s only so much you can do to make the rest more exciting. Furthermore, it left the [Company Name] field for me to fill in. AI that’s supposed to help me land a job in a highly competitive market should come with higher standards. 

Resumaker.ai claims that thousands of applications it created landed people jobs. If there’s any truth to that, then on the bright side we really shouldn’t be overthinking what we’re sending to hiring managers.

Resume created by Teal

The main question I asked myself before deciding whether each AI builder deserved a pass mark was: Can I send out the résumé as is? 

Teal didn’t quite make the cut here.

It asked me to connect the specific job I was applying for from LinkedIn to the resume and it started analyzing the job ad for keywords I should include. Fantastic! I was ready for a made-to-measure summary, past accomplishments, and cover letter — the areas where I wanted the AI to work its magic.

Unfortunately, this is where I felt let down. In the headline summary, Teal ended up giving me a compilation of the achievements it had previously generated but also prominently added that I had expertise in “work authorization”. The AI thought the right to work in the U.S. requirement from Meta’s job description was a hard skill. 

It scored its own resume at 79%.

As far as its cover letter goes, I appreciated that I could generate it for free without having to spend time adding more details than I already had. However, the result was something I could have just as easily written myself.

My score: 2/5


Resume created by Kickresume

The last AI resume maker I wanted to test was Kickresume, which had the highest monthly fee out of the lot at $19 per month. You can bring that down by paying an annual lump sum that brings the pricing down to $9 a month or, as I did, utilize the free trial version. 

Right when I was losing hope in the resume generators, Kickresume lifted my spirits.

Its helpful AI writer was alongside me from start to finish, offering handy suggestions for work accomplishments, explaining my certifications, and also suggesting skills I should list specifically for a software engineering position. I ended up with a clean-looking CV and I didn’t even have to break a sweat.

Kickresume gave the resume it generated a score of 88/100.

If I’m in a pinch and need a new resume that I don’t have to scan for AI-generated sentences that would land me in the "rejected" pile, Kickresume.com is the first website I’ll be visiting.

I wanted to add a nice cherry to the cake, so I asked Kickresume to create a cover letter using the great resume it made. But this is where I was underwhelmed. 

While devoid of grammatical errors, I felt as though the AI didn’t take the résumé and job description I gave into consideration. It provided me with a few short lines that didn’t even name-drop Tamsin’s fictitious stints at Twitter and Google. You wouldn’t even know she completed two degrees at Stanford. Based on my positive experience with the résumé, I couldn’t believe this was the same AI content generator.

My score: 4/5

Resume created by ChatGPT

No subscriptions. No plugins. I wanted to see how well the free version of OpenAI ’s ChatGPT would do against the four dedicated AI resume and cover letter generators listed above.

I tweaked a prompt that I found online and, in 161 words, I asked the AI for a first draft of my new resume. I then asked the chatbot to refine its work based on the job description I gave it to make my resume less generic. In seconds, I had my second draft.

Since ChatGPT only gave me a plain text version of my resume, I then pasted what it gave me into a template from one of the previous builders.

I’m happy to announce that both myself and Tamsin were very pleased with the results. The resume easily rivals the ones generated from the other services I tested. I wouldn’t have minded some text to beef up the education section to explain what I had learned at Stanford. Also, the line pointing out that Meta was previously called Facebook is something I would never have included in a resume intended for Meta’s eyes. Other than that, ChatGPT gave me decent results in the shortest amount of time.

I was especially impressed with the cover letter I asked ChatGPT to craft for me. It was perhaps a bit too long for some tastes but it was arguably the most well-rounded out of the five.

Honorary score: 4/5

The verdict

There have already been reports of people using AI to write resumes and cover letters who ended up getting hired for the positions they’ve applied for, and I’m not surprised. But as this test has shown, a website’s claim that it uses AI to provide a service is not some kind of guarantee of the level of service you can expect. 

Shop around when looking for AI resume and cover letter writers. Perhaps combine two or more of them to leverage each one’s specific strengths. But add the finishing touches yourself.

More from Tom's Guide

  • Google's new Gemini AI could beat ChatGPT — here's why
  • Google’s plan to train its AI now includes the entire public internet
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Christoph Schwaiger is a journalist who mainly covers technology, science, and current affairs. His stories have appeared in Tom's Guide, New Scientist, Live Science, and other established publications. Always up for joining a good discussion, Christoph enjoys speaking at events or to other journalists and has appeared on LBC and Times Radio among other outlets. He believes in giving back to the community and has served on different consultative councils. He was also a National President for Junior Chamber International (JCI), a global organization founded in the USA. You can follow him on Twitter @cschwaigermt.

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Resumeble Review

Wednesday, July 10th

2024 Resume Writer Service Reviews

Resumeble Review

  • Prices from $159 to $399 for resumes

60-day satisfaction guarantee

  • Field-specific writers on staff
  • "A" rating with the BBB

Resumeble is a reputable online service that specializes in professional resume writing. With a team of experienced resume writers, Resumeble offers tailored solutions to help individuals stand out in their job search. Their services include resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn profile optimization. So, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing resume, Resumeble provides a reliable and effective solution to help you land your dream job.

Individualized resumes with interview guarantee

Resumeble, founded by Olena Mazur in 2016, is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their career goals by offering a unique and tailored approach to resume writing. Resumeble takes a consulting approach, ensuring that their services align perfectly with what clients are seeking. With a team of professional writers who possess expertise in HR, recruitment, professional editing, and management, Resumeble goes the extra mile to optimize resumes for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). In fact, Resumeble even guarantees that their resume writing service will increase interview invitations by twofold, demonstrating their confidence in the quality of their work.

Help from start to finish

To get started on Resumeble, there is an easy four-step process for your personalized and effective resume-building experience. First, users need to register and purchase a suitable pricing plan. Once registered, they are required to share their work history, career highlights, motivations, and target job positions through a comprehensive questionnaire. Following this, an expert writer is assigned to collaborate with the user, refining the resume based on their industry, target country, and seniority level. Users can provide feedback and suggest changes to ensure the final product meets their needs. Finally, clients receive their completed resume and can confidently apply for their desired job, knowing that Resumeble will continue to support them throughout the selection process.

Best Resume Writers

Three pricing options

Resumeble offers three pricing plans with a range of services to cater to different needs and career levels. Overall the pricing is comparable to other companies in the industry and seems to be fair for the service you receive. The options include:

  • Career Pro , which is ideal for junior to mid-level professionals in various industries. It is well-suited for individuals with employment gaps or those returning to work after a period of time. The cost starts at $159 and includes:
  • Professional Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Three Free Revisions
  • One-on-one Writer Consultation
  • Interview How-to Manual
  • Professional , which is the best-selling option and includes the expertise of 25 top writers. It is suitable for mid to senior-level professionals looking for a career or industry change, as well as those seeking career advancement opportunities. The cost starts at $299 and includes:
  • LinkedIn Profile Makeover
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Interview Guarantee
  • Premium is the most comprehensive package and features the expertise of 5 top writers. While it comes at a higher price point, it provides exceptional value with its complete range of services and highly skilled writers. This package is recommended for C-Suite applicants, professionals with over 10 years of experience, and those aiming for a career change in highly competitive industries. The cost starts at $399 and includes:
  • Job Guarantee
  • Back up Industry Resume
  • Thank-you / Follow-up Letter(s)
  • Cold Email to Recruiters

At Resumeble, clients can rest assured that their job search is in good hands. The company takes great pride in its services and offers a satisfaction guarantee to ensure that clients see real results. Once Resumeble completes an order, they promise that clients will receive an interview call within 60 days. However, Resumeble understands that sometimes things don't go according to plan, and that's okay. If clients don't achieve the desired results, Resumeble is more than happy to step in and rewrite their resume for free.

Best Resume Writers

Company comes highly recommended

During our research, we found that Resumeble has performed wonderfully with reviewers. On top of a stellar presence on verified third-party review sites, Resumeable also has an impressive "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau. In terms of those reviews, Resumeable doesn't have as many as some resume writing services, with just over 200 total reviews. However, they all have great ratings attached to them. The average score offered by reviewers is an impressive 4.6 stars out of 5. Clients agree that the quality of the resumes here is top-notch and Resumeble has an impressive turnaround time. Customers loved the straightforward process and the guarantee for interviews.

A great option near the top of the stack

With a 60-day satisfaction guarantee and free rewrites as well as competitive pricing, Resumeble stands out as a fantastic option for customers looking for a fresh resume to support their job search. With rave reviews from users who've already seen success with the Resumeble resumes, there are a lot of points in this company's favor. It's a great service to check out, although it's outpaced by services that are more well-rounded or offer better pricing overall.

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The 10 Best Resume Writer Services

Where can you find the best resume writing services.

Are you on the hunt for the best resume writing service to give your career a boost? Crafting a standout resume is essential in today's competitive job market, but it can be a daunting task. Whether you're a recent graduate looking to land your first job, or a seasoned professional aiming for a career change, finding the right resume writing service is crucial to showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

With countless applicants vying for the same positions, your resume needs to stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of hiring managers. That's where professional resume writing services come into play. They understand the intricacies of resume writing and can help you create a powerful document that highlights your strengths and captures the interest of potential employers.

The Best Resume Writer Services

Resume Writer Service FAQ

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Using resume writing services provides a range of benefits for job seekers, including expert advice on resume structure, tailored content that aligns with your career goals, and the ability to showcase your accomplishments in a compelling manner. By collaborating with skilled resume writers, you can ensure that your resume not only meets industry standards but also stands out as a unique representation of your qualifications.

With the abundance of resume writing services available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs. It's important to select a service that understands your industry and has a track record of success in helping individuals like you land those dream jobs.

If you're not sure where to start, here are a few things to look for:

  • Price: If you're searching for a new job, odds are you don't want to be burning extra cash when you don't need to be. There are tons of pricing options for resume writing services. Some offer free trials and others start in the hundreds. Knowing how much you're willing to spend on a resume is important to help you narrow your options.
  • Hands-on or DIY: Are you looking for a resume writing service to take your work history and make some magic? Or do you want to be involved in the process? Some services are better for DIYers than others, so if you want to work on your own resume, keep an eye out for services that offer free or low-cost templates. If you don't want to touch your resume until it's ready to submit, there are plenty of full-service options out there just for you.
  • Range of services: Not all resume services are the same. Some focus only on the basics: resumes and cover letters. Others offer a total package including updates for your LinkedIn profile as well as thank-yous or follow-up letters for employers. So, it may help you to decide what exactly you want updated: just your resume or something more comprehensive?
  • Success stories: Getting a new resume isn't super helpful if you don't get the interviews from it, right? Keeping an eye on the reviews and feedback from customers as well as a company's BBB ratings can help you get a clear idea whether a resume writing service is turning out job-finding resumes or not.

Get ready to take your career to new heights with the help of a trusted resume writing service. To make sure you've got the best fit possible, Top Consumer Reviews has evaluated the top resume writing services on the market today. This way you can take the stress out of the job search and let a professional worry about highlighting your accomplishments and optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems. Armed with this information you should be able to find the perfect resume writing service that will propel your career forward!

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10 Best Free Resume Builders

By Biron Clark

Published: February 15, 2024

Resume/CV | Reviews

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

There are quite a few free online resume sites, but some are MUCH better than others.

Some also appear to be free but will make you pay at the very end or you won’t be able to download your newly-created resume.

So in this article, I’m going to review the 10 best resume sites that offer completely free resume builders.

These are the websites that offer the best resume templates, best building software and user experience, and don’t charge you to download a printable resume.

Top 10 Free Online Resume Builders

1. cultivated culture.

Cultivated Culture provides free tools and information to job seekers. It’s run by Austin Belcak, who’s spent his recent career developing formulas for crafting effective resumes, writing engaging cover letters, and landing high-paying jobs at some of the world’s top companies.

His free resume builder includes eight resume templates that are ATS friendly , full design customization, and expert advice throughout the process to help you craft the perfect resume.

The tool is user-friendly and makes writing a resume simple. Here’s how it works:

  • Choose your resume template.
  • Select a color scheme.
  • Create your resume. You’ll be able to add information to the various sections of your resume , including personal information, experience, education, and skills . You can remove and add sections as needed.
  • Once you’re happy with your resume click “Finalize.” Here you’ll be able to adjust the font size, line spacing, and margins.
  • Download your resume as a PDF or Word file, or save it to your Google Drive.

You can use this tool to build an unlimited number of resumes.

Cultivated Culture also offers two other free tools that will help you develop a more professional resume. They have a scanner that offers suggestions and keywords based on your desired role and also provides a feature to help you write more effective bullet points.

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2. NovoResume

NovoResume is an online resume builder that offers eight free templates to choose from, a content optimizer, pre-written resume samples, a cover letter builder, and templates for your cover letter.

After you choose one of their resume template options you’re taken straight into their resume builder. You have to sign up for a free account before continuing, but this just takes a moment.

The free version of NovoResume allows you to build one single-page resume. Click on any of the resume sections to edit and customize it however you like. You can also change the font, template, design, or layout throughout the process if you’re not happy with the way it’s looking. 

If you want a little more flexibility you can upgrade to the premium resume builder, which lets you create unlimited resumes and gives you access to additional fonts, templates, and various customization options.

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3. LiveCareer

LiveCareer offers a free resume builder designed by certified resume writers. They also offer example resumes, templates, a cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and everything else you need to build an eye-catching resume.

The first thing you’ll notice about their resume builder is the number of templates they offer. There are over 30 templates to choose from, which gives you the freedom to create a resume that suits you. They’ll also recommend templates for you, based on your level of experience and the job title you’re applying for.

Once you choose one of their templates you have the choice of starting from scratch or uploading your current resume for LiveCareer to reformat. 

When creating a new resume, the resume builder will walk you through each section one at a time and ask you to provide the required information. During the resume-building process, LiveCareer will suggest bullet points that are related to the job titles you list in your work experience.

They’ll even provide a pre-written summary for you based on all the information you provide (although you also have the option to write your own summary if you like).

After you’re done you can download your resume to your computer in a PDF, Word document, or plain text. 

With LiveCareer’s free resume builder, you can make multiple resumes and download them in plain text format. However, if you want unlimited downloads in Word or PDF you’ll need to upgrade to one of their premium options. While there isn’t a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it .

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Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer’s attention. In addition to their online resume builder, they give you access to over 20 resume templates, writing tips, pre-written examples, a cover letter builder, templates for your cover letters, and more. 

Once you select one of their resume templates, you can choose to start a resume from scratch or build off of an existing document (Zety will reformat it for you).

You’ll find Zety and LiveCareer’s resume builders are virtually identical (they seem to be built on the same platform), and they have all the same features and download options. Zety also has the same payment structure, where to download multiple resumes or gain access to their more advanced tool options, you’ll need to purchase a premium subscription.

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5. USA Jobs

USA Jobs provides the best resume builder software when applying for government jobs.

Their online resume builder is geared toward the exact application process and requirements of the typical government role.

(And those requirements are quite overwhelming if you haven’t applied to many government jobs in the past, so it’s fantastic that their software helps.)

You’ll need to set up an account with USA Jobs to get started, but it’s well worth it.

After joining, follow these steps to start creating a resume for government jobs:

  • Sign into your account.
  • Go to your Documents.
  • Click “Upload” if you want to edit an existing resume or “Build Resume” if you want to create a new one.

From here, you can add text to the various sections of your resume (work experience, previous job title, education, references, etc.). There’s also a section where you can add additional information, like job training, languages, and affiliations. Once you finish your resume you’ll be able to access it in your documents list and can use it to apply to various government positions.

The big difference between USA Jobs’s resume builder and other similar tools is the amount of information it asks you to include. For example, federal government recruiters review, audit, and score a wide variety of information, and this builder ensures you don’t omit anything that the recruiters require for you to be considered.

I found out about this tool through a colleague on LinkedIn, and here’s how they explained it:

USA jobs - best resume builder software for government jobs

So, if you’re applying to any government jobs, this is THE resume builder to use .

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6. My Perfect Resume

My Perfect Resume offers free resume builder software and over 30 proven resume templates to help you get started. They also provide a resume optimizer, cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and several different customization options to help you land your dream job.

This resume builder uses the same platform as LiveCareer and Zety. You start by indicating how long you’ve been working and based on that My Perfect Resume will recommend a few templates for you. Then they’ll walk you through each section so you can fill in the correct information. They’ll offer suggestions along the way and will even write your bullets for you if you wish.

Once you’ve completed the process you can download your resume as a PDF, Word document, or plain text file. To enjoy unlimited downloads in Word or PDF, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid account. There is no free trial, but a 14-day full access for $2.95. After two weeks, the subscription auto-renews at $23.95 billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it.

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7. Resume.com

Resume.com is a completely free resume builder. They also offer information on how to write an effective cover letter, career advice for job seekers, and more.

Their resume builder is simple to use:

  • Enter the type of job you want to apply for.
  • Choose a resume template. Resume.com offers 15 different templates.
  • Click on each section of the template to edit it. Tips are provided for each section to help you craft the perfect resume.
  • When you’re finished, you can choose to print or download your resume as a PDF or text file.

In addition to resume building, Resume.com partnered with Indeed. You’ll use a single account for both platforms. By creating a resume, you agree to create a public resume on Indeed and to receive job opportunities from employers. However, you can change this at any point.

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JobScan is known mainly for its flagship software that allows you to match your resume up to the job description before applying (also known as tailoring a resume ).

However, they recently launched a free resume builder that’s among one of the best we’ve seen. It features great resume templates and design options, and it also offers writing guides, cover letter templates, and more.

I’d certainly put this among the free best resume-making sites available right now.

Once you begin, their resume builder gives you the option of building a resume from scratch or editing an existing file. You can even download your LinkedIn profile as a PDF and parse it as an “existing resume.”

If you choose to create a new resume you’ll start by picking one of the three resume templates they have to offer. Then you’ll simply fill in the required information for each section of the resume. Additionally, unlike other resume builders, Jobscan offers 15 Google Docs resume templates, designed by their team.

JobScan provides labeled fields for all the details you need to provide for every section, and a number of these fields are required to ensure you don’t miss anything.

If you already have a resume you’re reasonably happy with you can upload it to the resume builder and JobScan will reformat it and fill in your information based on what’s provided in your resume.

Once you’re done building your professional resume you’ll have the option to scan it based on the job you’re applying for.

JobScan will give your resume a grade ( match rate score) that’s judged on several factors, including skills match, education match, ATS tips, keywords, word count, and more. Based on these results, you’ll be able to build a resume that’s perfectly suited to the job you’re applying for.

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9. Kickresume

Kickresume is one of the best resume builders I was able to find while researching. You’ll have to create an account before using it, however, this process only takes a moment.

Once you’re inside the resume builder you have the option of starting a resume from scratch, importing your resume from your LinkedIn profile, using one of their example resumes, or creating a new resume with AI.

Click on the different sections and fill in the fields to make your resume. You can also add and remove sections to personalize the document.

Click “Customization” along the left-hand side to change the colors, format, font, and template. There’s also an option to have it proofread by a professional, although there is a charge for this service.

When you’re happy with your resume, click “Download” to export it as a PDF file or Word doc, email it to yourself, or save it to Dropbox.

Kickresume also has a premium option. The free option should be good enough for most, as it allows you to build unlimited resumes and gives you access to plenty of resume examples and pre-written phrases for you to use.

But if you want access to all the resume templates and tools you might want to consider the premium option. You can choose a monthly, quarterly, or yearly plan. While they don’t have a free trial they do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Indeed is known mostly as a job search tool to find employment opportunities in your local area. However, the company also offers a free resume builder to help job seekers perfect their resume before applying for postings.

Once you choose one of their eight different templates you’re taken to the resume builder where you can edit the document. You can switch templates at any time, adjust the color scheme, and add or remove sections. Once you’re satisfied with what you created about can download your resume as a PDF file.

While there are better resume builders out there, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a resume, this one is a good choice.

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Caution: Before Using ANY Online Resume Builder

There’s one more piece of information you should know before acting on ANY of the online resume builder reviews above.

In my experience, too many job seekers focus on an eye-catching resume design when applying for jobs or emailing recruiters , but they don’t put enough focus on writing great content and information that will appeal to the reader. So no matter which of these top 10 resume builders you choose, focus mostly on the text and information you add, not the design.

In fact, I still recommend a single-column layout.

And the truth is, if I were creating my own resume today, I’d use a regular Word template, not any online software or tool.

I discussed this with a colleague on LinkedIn here:

resume building websites vs writing your own resume

Microsoft Office has good templates available , and Hloom is another good site for templates.

I can understand if you don’t want to tinker with resume formatting , spacing, etc., and everything that comes with creating it in a Word doc, but that’s what I’d personally do.

Just keep this in mind when choosing any drag-and-drop software above; you should always pick a design that lets you focus on the content and info because that’s what employers want to see. Don’t choose a format that doesn’t give much space to describe your recent work, accomplishments, etc.

Because the FIRST place I look as a recruiter is your work history, under your one or two most recent roles.

I’d also never recommend a resume layout that doesn’t begin with your employment history on the top half of page 1.

Employment experience is often the first thing hiring managers look for (unless you’re an entry-level job seeker), and you should never make them scroll far down the page (or look on page 2) to find it.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Online Resume Site for You

There isn’t one single best resume builder for all people in all industries, but the 10 choices above provide good, basic options that are user-friendly and will impress hiring managers.

I recommend visiting a few of the sites above and seeing which builder and templates look best to you. Each site offers different features/options, so you’ll want to get a sense of which one feels best to you before creating and downloading a resume.

And if you read my “Caution” statement above and decide to build your own resume in a document rather than in an online app, I have many free resources to help you here.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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  • Post-Election

What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming?

By Matt Cohen

July 9, 2024

A photo of former President Donald Trump whispering something to former Attorney General Bill Barr.

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In a post on his TruthSocial platform last week, former President Donald Trump attempted to distance himself from the extreme agenda of Project 2025. “I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump wrote. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Despite Trump’s apparent ignorance of Project 2025, numerous former Trump administration officials contributed to the nearly 1,000-page mandate, including former Acting Secretary of Defense  Christopher Miller , former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security  Ken Cuccinelli and  Peter Navarro , a former top trade advisor to Trump. Trump also has deep ties to The Heritage Foundation, the group behind Project 2025, and the dozens of conservative organizations who contributed to the plan. Original post, June 28

The general election is still about four months away and, with the latest polls showing an incredibly tight race , anything can happen in that time. But that hasn’t stopped former President Donald Trump who, in concert with top Republicans and conservative figures and organizations, already sketched out a plan to reshape the federal government in their image. 

The plan is called Project 2025 — a collection of policy transition proposals that outline how, should Trump win the November election, he can vastly remake the federal government most effectively to carry out an extremist far-right agenda. 

“It is not enough for conservatives to win elections,” the project’s website states. “If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project.”

What, exactly, is Project 2025?

Simply put, Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions, Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision. 

The opening essay of the plan, written by Heritage Project President Kevin D. Roberts, succinctly summarizes the goal of Project 2025: a promise to make America a conservative nation. To do so, the next presidential administration should focus on four “broad fronts that will decide America’s future.”

Those four fronts include:

  • Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
  • Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
  • Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
  • Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

The rest of the document sketches out, in detail, how the next Republican administration can execute their goals on these four fronts. That includes comprehensive outlines on what the White House and every single federal agency should do to overhaul its goals and day-to-day operations — from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Defense, Small Business Administration and Financial Regulatory Agencies. Every sector of the executive branch has a detailed plan in Project 2025 that explains how it can carry out an ultra-conservative agenda. 

Project 2025 is supported by the same right-wing groups bringing dozens of anti-democracy lawsuits that will impact the outcome of this year’s election.

Democracy Docket is the only news outlet tracking and reporting on these cases — sign up for our free daily and weekly newsletters to get the latest updates sent straight to your inbox.

Why should we be worried about Project 2025?

As The New Republic notes , Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.” The primary document of Project 2025, the magazine explains, lays out what is essentially a “Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; and transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist.”

It’s a terrifying vision of what American life could look like, but what’s most concerning about Project 2025 is its playbook for the first 180 days of a hypothetical second Trump term. “The time is short, and conservatives need a plan,” the playbook states. “The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies.”

Among the numerous troubling suggestions laid out in the playbook is a detailed plan to essentially purge the federal workforce of tens of thousands of workers in favor of hiring ones who will adhere to the conservative principles of Project 2025. Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official who’s director of Project 2025’s Presidential Transition Project, told the Associated Press the 180 day transition plan is a “clarion call to come to Washington… People need to lay down their tools, and step aside from their professional life and say, ‘This is my lifetime moment to serve.’”

Much of the 180-Day Playbook reads like a cult’s recruiting pamphlet, explaining how department and agency heads should be vetting potential candidates. “This book is functionally an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can,” Dans writes in the intro to the Playbook . “Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.”

Who’s behind Project 2025?

Project 2025 is the brainchild of The Heritage Foundation , the 50-year-old conservative think tank that’s among the most influential right-wing organizations in the country. 

In its nearly half century of existence, The Heritage Foundation has used its resources, influence and money to push its conservative agenda in just about every facet of American life: anti-abortion advocacy , voter suppression , anti-climate policies , and anti-LGBTQ advocacy . 

Though The Heritage Foundation organized Project 2025 , the initiative is actually a coalition made up of more than 100 right-wing groups, including notorious groups like America First Legal , the Public Interest Legal Foundation and Moms For Liberty . According to NBC News , a huge web of right-wing dark money groups connected to Project 2025, led by the Leonard Leo-connected Donors Trust, has seen a large bump in donations since the project was announced. 

The chapters in the Project 2025 plan and 180-Day Playbook were written by “more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country,” the group says. That includes former Trump administration officials and notable right-wing figures, like former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller , former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli , and Peter Navarro , a former top trade advisor to Trump.

Read the full 2025 Project plan here.


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    Some people may present themselves in writing really well, so professional writer is something they don't need at all. For others, it's the only thing that may save them from failure during a job search. The article 5 Advantages Of Using Resume Writing Services may give you a few reasons for using professional help.

  2. Best Resume Writing Services 2024

    Best Resume Writing Service For Executives: ZipJob. Best Resume Writing Service Built By Recruiters: ResumeSpice. Best Quick-Turnaround Resume Writing Service: Craft Resumes. Best Value Resume ...

  3. Resume Review

    All resume's outside of the review thread will be removed. Properly anonymize your resume or risk being doxxed. Additionally, please REVIEW RESUME POST STANDARDS BEFORE SUBMITTING. Common Resume Mistakes - READ FIRST AND FIX: Remove career objective paragraphs, goals and descriptions DO NOT put a photo of yourself

  4. Reddit

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  5. Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: Tips That Actually Work

    Still, Reddit and other public forums can be valuable sources of first-hand experience in all things resume. We've painstakingly sifted through countless subreddits, all dedicated to resume writing and career tips, to save you the trouble. Now, we present to you the crème-de-la-crème of Reddit resume advice. In this article, you'll find:

  6. Are Resume Writers Worth It? (Plus Tips for Using One)

    Here are some advantages of using a resume writer: Professional writing experience: Resume writers are often experts in the written word and dedicate their skills to help you improve your own writing. This means they can help nonwriters use unique phrasing, industry keywords and correct spelling and grammar to craft an appealing resume.

  7. What You Need to Know Before You Hire a Resume Writer

    So a good resume writer will make sure your resume has clean, simple formatting an ATS can read. Muse coaches, for example, typically focus "not on the fancy details, but what is going to help you get through [the ATS] and land that interview," Eonnet says. Resume formatting is also about appealing to the human reader.

  8. The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

    VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes. CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio. Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation. ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help. Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides. Hloom: Best for Resume Templates. We've discovered the best free resume builders on the market.

  9. The 12 Best Professional Resume Writing Services for 2024

    3. Let's Eat, Grandma. A relative newcomer to the professional resume writing scene, the uniquely named Let's Eat, Grandma was founded in 2014 and provides both free career advice and premium resume writing services. The quality of Let's Eat, Grandma's customer service is exceptionally high.

  10. 10 Best Resume Writing Services (+ Our Top Choice)

    Below, you can see a selection of the 10 best professional resume writing services, plus what they excel in: Resume Writing Services: Best Resume Writing Service. Resumeble: Best Value for Money Resume Writing Service. Monster: Best for All-in-One Service. Top Resume: Most Versatile Resume Writing Service.

  11. Top Resume Writers: 13 Best Affordable Resume Writing Services ...

    Other Resume Writing Options. In addition to our top five picks for resume writing services, you might find one of these resume writers, templates, and builders helpful: Novoresume. "Novorésumé is a 100% free resume builder. If you're on a budget, you can use it to create your resume completely free of charge.".

  12. Best Resume Writing Services for 2024

    An entry-level resume costs $479, a professional resume costs $589 and an executive resume costs $699. In addition to these packages, you can also add a cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interview ...

  13. The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Resume Writer

    Con: It isn't an overnight process. Don't expect a brand new resume in a matter of hours — a week or two is more realistic. Also factor in 1-2 initial phone calls (yes, calls — writing a resume takes a lot of back and forth, including information that can't easily be conveyed over email) as well as multiple revisions.

  14. How To Hire A Resume Writer And Not Get Duped

    Start with that name and then continue your research checking on the following. · Review background, education, qualifications, credentials. Typically, a resume writer is a career counselor ...

  15. The Top 10 Free Resume Builders of 2024 (That Are Actually Free)

    Zety is a resume builder that truly understands the importance of customization . With this builder, you'll enjoy an unparalleled level of control over your resume's appearance and formatting. Choose your preferred color scheme, font size, line spacing, and even the way your dates are formatted.

  16. Best Resume Writing Services of 2024

    If you want a cover letter written for you, the Deluxe plan provides one in addition to a personalized resume for $197. The third plan, Premier, includes a resume, cover letter, and a LinkedIn profile makeover for $349. And, if you're unhappy with your resume after 60 days, Monster will rewrite it free of charge.

  17. Zety

    You can choose from 18 sleek templates and easily modify the design, layout, colors, and fonts to create a unique and professional-looking resume. Additionally, Zety offers pre-written content tailored to different job positions, saving users valuable time compared to crafting their resumes from scratch. Yuri Kruman.

  18. 10 Best Resume Writing Services for October 2022

    6. CareerPerfect. CareerPerfect is an online resume writing service with additional cover letter, interview, job search, and career planning services. It offers resume writing services in four categories: student and entry-level, professional and mid-career, executive, and federal and military.

  19. Resume Worded Review: Is This Worth The Hype?

    Additional features. 4. Resume Worded Review: The Bottom Line. Resume Worded is a tool that scans your resume and gives constructive criticism so you can improve. It has features like a targeted job funnel and 350+ templates that streamline application processes. However, it isn't a silver bullet, and your grammar knowledge must still be on ...

  20. I tested 5 AI resume builders to help get a job

    Kickresume.com. (Image credit: Future) The last AI resume maker I wanted to test was Kickresume, which had the highest monthly fee out of the lot at $19 per month. You can bring that down by ...

  21. Resumeble Review for July 2024

    Resumeble. Prices from $159 to $399 for resumes. 60-day satisfaction guarantee. Field-specific writers on staff. "A" rating with the BBB. Resumeble is a reputable online service that specializes in professional resume writing. With a team of experienced resume writers, Resumeble offers tailored solutions to help individuals stand out in their ...

  22. Rezi

    August 2015—Present, Seoul, South Korea. • Launched Rezi, a renowned AI-powered resume SaaS software, garnering trust from over 1,133,800 users globally. • Initiated Rezi at the age of 22, and within a year, successfully globalized into South Korea, raising over $650,000 in capital fundraising efforts and gaining recognition as South ...

  23. 10 Best Free Resume Builders

    While there isn't a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it. 4. Zety. Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer's attention.

  24. What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming?

    Why should we be worried about Project 2025? As The New Republic notes, Project 2025 is "a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist's paradise."The primary document of Project 2025, the magazine explains, lays out what is essentially a "Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual ...