What is a PhD Degree? [2024 Guide]

As you’re taking a look at potential grad school programs, you might be asking yourself, “What is a PhD degree?”

What is a PhD Degree

Understanding what a PhD is and what’s involved in earning one can help you decide whether to enroll in this type of doctoral program. You might decide that a PhD is a strategic step for you to take to further your career.

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If you choose to pursue a PhD, you’ll be glad to know that you can also earn this type of degree online through an accredited university.

What Is a PhD Degree?

students pursuing PhD degree, doing research

After earning a bachelors degree and a masters degree, you may be considering taking your education even further.

The next step for you might be a Doctor of Philosophy degree, better known as a PhD. As a terminal degree, a PhD can set you apart as an expert in your field. Earning a doctoral degree is not a small undertaking. The process includes multiple steps and can last for several years.

Components of a Ph.D. degree program often include:

  • Advanced courses in your chosen field
  • Classes in research methods, data analysis, and scholarly writing
  • Examination of current literature and studies related to your field
  • Oral or written comprehensive exams
  • Original research project—includes writing and defending a major paper about your research

The dissertation, sometimes known as a thesis, is usually the part of a PhD program that takes the longest. During the dissertation process, you’ll work under the supervision of a faculty advisor, often someone whose research interests correlate with yours. You’ll design a research project, carry it out, and write about your findings. This project is meant to contribute new ideas to your field.

A PhD is particularly suitable for students who love school settings and want to pursue academic careers. For instance, professors often have PhDs. It’s also common for scientists and other researchers to hold this type of degree. Outside of  academia, a PhD could set you apart as a knowledgeable leader in your field.

Benefits of a PhD Degree

students taking PhD degree, in group study

Getting your PhD can be an incredible personal goal worth achieving. Plus, a degree at this level can offer many professional benefits, such as:

  • Career advancement . As a person with a PhD, you may be considered an expert in your field. That could help qualify you for a variety of top roles within your line of work.
  • Higher earnings . A job promotion or a new employer might offer you a higher salary.
  • Networking . You can meet new people and build professional connections as you work toward a PhD.
  • Preparation for becoming a professor . Universities typically prefer to hire faculty members who hold PhDs in their area of expertise.
  • Research opportunities . Before you can earn your PhD, it’s necessary to complete an original research project called a dissertation. After completing your degree, you may have additional opportunities to contribute research to your field.

If you’re willing to put in the work, then getting your PhD could be worth the effort.

How to Know If a PhD Is Right for Me

Woman taking PhD degree online

Before you sign up for a PhD program, it’s helpful to carefully weigh the decision and make sure it’s the right choice for you. You might ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I willing to commit years to the process ? PhDs take at least 3 years, and most take longer than that.
  • Do I want to carry out original research ? This is a research-focused degree, and the purpose is to contribute new ideas or theories to your field.
  • Does an academic career interest me ? Many people get PhDs because they want to work in higher education as teachers or researchers. Those who plan to remain as practitioners often consider professional doctorates instead.

It can also be helpful to speak with faculty members and current students to get a feel for what you can expect from PhD studies.

Applying for a Ph.D: Education Requirements

Friends applying for PhD Education online

It’s necessary to put in years of study before you can apply for a PhD program. Most students need to hold at least two degrees already. But, in some cases, one may be sufficient.

  • Bachelor’s degree . All graduate programs require students to have earned a four-year undergraduate degree before enrolling in advanced studies. Most PhD programs don’t specify that your bachelors degree must be in the same field as your hoped-for doctoral studies, but it can help you move through a graduate-level program with more ease.
  • Master’s degree . Colleges often expect students to have earned a master’s degree before applying for PhD studies, but some programs do allow students straight out of bachelor’s degree programs. Doing a master’s degree first can provide strong preparation for the advanced coursework, research, and writing that are required in doctoral programs.

It is often required that the degrees you have be from accredited colleges. It may also be necessary to meet a minimum GPA requirement, such as a score of 3.0 or higher. Some colleges prefer PhD applicants who have graduated from previous programs with honors.

Doctor of Philosophy: Admissions Requirements

Man preparing requirements for Doctor of Philosophy

Doctoral programs can be quite selective about whom they admit because they’re looking for capable students who can keep up with the demands of the program and contribute valuable new research to the field.

In addition to meeting the education requirements, you’ll also be required to turn in records that demonstrate your academic potential. Here are some common admissions requirements:

  • College transcripts and professional resume
  • Letters of recommendation from people who know you academically or professionally
  • Statement about relevant background, research interests, or professional goals
  • Proposal that presents the original research project you’d be interested in doing
  • Scores from the GRE or GMAT (not always required)

You might also connect with the department’s faculty members and find someone who would be willing to serve as your academic supervisor for your dissertation. It’s beneficial for this person’s research interests to align with your own.

Some schools have you do this before admission, and others connect admitted students to supervisors later in the enrollment process.

What Does PhD Stand For?

Students taking a PhD degree

PhD stands for “Doctor of Philosophy.” It doesn’t mean that you’ve studied philosophy at the highest levels. Rather, the word “philosophy” in the name refers back to ancient Greek. It implies that you are someone who loves and seeks wisdom and knowledge.

You can get a PhD in many different subject areas—such as a Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics or a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. PhD students explore their chosen field of study in great depth. They also learn how to conduct original research, and they undertake major research projects. By graduation, they are considered experts in their fields.

What Do You Learn in a Doctoral Degree?

Friends getting Doctoral degree, researching in library

In a PhD program, you’ll learn about your chosen area of study, such as biology or sociology. You will also study a niche area within that field in great depth.

Research is a significant topic in any PhD program. Your courses might include topics on:

  • Advanced statistics
  • Dissertation preparation
  • Literature review
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Research methodology

These research-focused classes may be tailored to your particular area of study, such as research methodology in the social sciences or advanced statistics in criminal justice research.

What Can You Do with a PhD Degree?

Biochemists with PhD degrees, working in the lab

Many people earn PhD degrees because they want to teach at the college level. This degree is often required for tenured faculty positions at universities.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that most postsecondary teachers earn between $46,690 and $172,130 each year. Research scientists often hold PhDs as well. Examples include medical scientists, biochemists, and physicists.

Additionally, there are some career paths that require a doctorate for licensure. For instance, clinical and counseling psychologists usually need to receive training at the doctoral level before they can practice independently.

Do You Need a Masters to Get a PhD?

Woman with masters degree, pursuing PhD

Whether you’ll need a masters before you can begin the PhD process will depend on the program you choose.

Many PhD programs require a master’s degree as an admissions requirement. Completing a master’s program can provide a strong research and writing foundation that can help you during this advanced program. Other programs, though, let students enroll with only a bachelors degree.

There might be additional classes required to prepare you for working at the graduate level, so it may take a bit longer to complete your studies. For more information on whether you need a master’s to get a PhD , you can consult the admissions requirements of each program you’re considering.

Can You Get a PhD Online?

Man taking PhD degree Online

There are many online PhD programs available for aspiring students looking for flexibility. Some PhD programs are offered entirely online. You can take all of your classes online, and you can also receive guidance from your faculty advisor and defend your dissertation from afar.

Other programs are mostly online but require some in-person experiences. You might be asked to come to campus for a week or two of intensive study. Also, you may be asked to show up in person for your dissertation defense. Either way, online PhD studies are often more accessible for working professionals than fully on-campus programs.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

students taking PhD degree, attending class in university

Students often spend 3 to 5 years completing a PhD program. Online programs sometimes include features like year-round classes and short course terms that encourage quick completion.

The shortest PhD programs typically do not involve writing a dissertation. There may be a different final assignment, such as a capstone project, instead. You might be able to finish one of those programs in about 3 years. Not all students finish within 5 years. Some spend around a decade on this massive undertaking. Some PhD programs set an upper limit for completion, such as 7 or 8 years.

Is a PhD a Doctor?

People with PhD degrees

People with PhDs are considered experts in their fields, and the degree includes “Doctor” in its name. For that reason, PhD holders often use the title “Doctor.” A college professor, for example, might go by Dr. Smith.

Even still, there’s a difference between MD vs. PhD. A person who holds a PhD is not a medical doctor. Medical doctors earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree before becoming licensed to practice medicine. In most contexts, though, people refer to professionals with PhDs as “doctors.”

What Jobs Can You Get with a PhD?

College professor guiding students in class

People with doctorate degrees work in both academia and professional practice. Being a college professor is quite popular among people who hold PhDs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that a PhD can also be helpful for obtaining jobs in higher education administration, particularly as a dean or a provost.

PhD graduates may work in research as well. Research jobs are available with colleges, government agencies, and private institutions. Researchers are needed in many different fields, including biology, mathematics, computer science, and economics. PhDs also help people rise to the top in their industries, perhaps as chief executives.

How Much Does a PhD Cost?

People attending PhD program

Some graduate schools charge just $300 to $400 per credit hour. Others may charge $2,000 per credit hour or more.

Per-credit-hour rates between $600 and $1,000 are quite common. It’s helpful to keep in mind that state universities often charge less for in-state residents than nonresidents. Your total number of credit hours may depend on how many years you spend working on your dissertation.

Some universities offer tuition-free PhD programs for qualifying participants. The students may even receive a stipend in exchange for research or teaching assistance. This arrangement is more common for on-campus programs than online ones.

What’s the Difference Between a Doctorate vs. PhD Degrees?

Is a PhD a doctorate degree ? For your terminal degree, you may have the choice between a PhD degree and a professional doctorate. While they are both doctoral degrees, they do have some differences.

Professional doctorates are sometimes a year or two quicker than PhDs, but that’s not always the case.

Is a PhD Worth It?

Man pursuing PhD degree online

Yes, a PhD is worth it for many students. For one thing, holding a PhD could be the key to fulfilling your professional dreams.

If you want to be a professor, for instance, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to have this advanced degree. Even if that’s not your ultimate goal, a PhD could be beneficial. The more education you have, the more your job security usually increases.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s an inverse relationship between education and unemployment. As education increases, unemployment rates decrease.

Getting Your PhD Degree Online

student getting PhD degree online

An exciting future as an expert in your field may await. You can earn a PhD to increase your knowledge, prove your capability, and contribute new ideas to your area of study. Getting this degree is an impressive accomplishment, and it may open new doors for your career. For convenience and accessibility, you might take a look at online PhD studies.

Many accredited colleges offer robust online PhD programs. You’ll get to take advanced courses and work with respected professors. An online program can also offer opportunities for completing a thesis or a doctoral project. You could graduate prepared to make a difference in your field.

Why not start exploring your options today?

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What is a phd.

A PhD is the highest postgraduate qualification level that can be awarded in academic study. This is usually completed over three to four years of full-time study, and involves research into an original contribution in your chosen field. 

PhD is an acronym that stands for Doctor of Philosophy. The name for PhD comes from the Latin term “Philosophiae Doctor”, which roughly translates to “Lover of wisdom”.

Whether you’re finishing up from an undergraduate degree, on a masters course or even just looking to get back into education, you’ll have seen people talking about getting a PhD .

Most people know vaguely what a PhD is – it’s a university course that means you can call yourself ‘Doctor’ without having to do medicine, right? Whilst that is surprisingly close to the truth, we’re here to answer the oft-asked question of ‘what is a PhD?’.

This guide covers everything you need to know about a PhD.

What does a PhD involve?

A PhD will typically take three years to complete. If taken part time, then it will be separated into three different stages:

Year 1: This will involve you speaking with your advisor about your research ideas, finishing your research proposal and beginning to put deadlines in place for your research. You’ll also complete your literature review in this stage. During this, you’ll review the existing research done on the topic that you’re planning to research to help you determine the gaps in the research that you can target

Year 2: During this stage, you’ll begin to conduct your research to gather data. You’ll document this whole process for your thesis and begin to attend conferences where you will have the opportunity to present your current research to other professionals and researchers in the field. You can take this further and take steps to educate the public on the benefits of your research.

Year 3: The final stage of a PhD involves using the data you’ve collected and the documentation of your research to write your thesis. You may still be conducting research at this point, and that’s OK. Once you’ve finished your thesis, you’ll justify your research and decisions in a viva .

How long is a PhD?

A typical PhD will take three to four years to complete when studying full time. Studying part time can take up to six years. The good news is that the thesis can be extended by up to four years. This means that if you haven’t gotten anywhere near finishing your research by the end of the second year, you can apply to extend your thesis and continue your research for up to four more years. Many PhD students will complete their thesis in the 4th year.

How is a PhD different from other degrees?

phd degree details

To start with, describing a PhD as a university course can be a bit misleading. Whilst it is a course offered by a university, it’s incredibly different to most courses. Unlike the undergraduate level, you won’t be covering your subject broadly you’ll be focused on one very particular area. Whilst a masters degree, especially a research one, may be focused, it won’t be nearly as focused as a PhD.

That said – don’t expect this focused level of research to necessarily be groundbreaking! Though part of doing a PhD is the intent to produce original research, it’s also primarily there to train your research skills and to prove yourself as a capable researcher.

A PhD is research focused

One of the main differences between PhDs and other types of postgraduate degree is that PhDs are heavily research based. PhDs involve a lot of independent research time, where you'll study your topic in detail using academic resources – such as the university's online library and online materials. This format is different to taught postgraduate degrees, which involve a lot more taught aspects such as lectures and seminars.

Do you need a masters to study a PhD?

In order to study a PhD, you’ll need to have a masters degree and a bachelors degree with a 2:1 or higher. Though self-funded students and students with professional experience in the field may be admitted with lower grades

Some students may begin with a MPhil (Masters of philosophy) or a Mres ( Master of research) and upgrade to a PhD by the end of their studies.

Where can I study a PhD?

Most universities offer PhD programs across a variety of disciplines. It is possible to study a PhD at almost any university and in almost any subject. Since a PhD is an independent research-based program, there is a lot of flexibility in regard to what you’ll study. 

PhD students often choose their own study topics and carry out independent research into that topic. This makes it possible to study your intended PhD at almost any university. 

Although, it is important to check which specific subject areas the university specialises in. For instance, if a university specialises in linguistics, then it would be a good idea to complete a linguistics PhD at that university as opposed to one that specialises in another subject.

It can be difficult to find the perfect course at the right university. That’s why we’ve put together advice on how to find a PhD .

It’s important to remember that a PhD is different from a typical university course. Rather than going to lectures, you’ll be conducting independent research, and so the application process will be quite different. Learn how to apply for a PhD  with our expert guide.

A PhD means attending ‘optional’ lectures and conferences

PhDs do involve some aspects of taught study, including lectures and conferences, although these are often optional and take place less often than on lower level courses.

Now of course, the university doesn’t just accept you, your project and tell you to have fun. You’ll work with a supervisor, and there will be conferences, lectures, and other such things that you can attend. Unlike lower level courses, however, although you won’t necessarily be examined on these things that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go! Conferences are a great way to meet people, get your name out and network . For any career, but especially one in academia, networking is well worth it.

A PhD is a high standard qualification

But what does having a PhD show, other than the fact you spent three to four years working on research and can now call yourself Dr [Your surname here]? 

A PhD is a globally recognised, high standard qualification. This means that if you choose to move elsewhere in the world, your PhD will be recognised as a credible postgraduate qualification.

In addition, a PhD can open up a whole world of new job opportunities! This includes academic roles , such as postdoctoral research posts, or even possibly fellowships. 

Regardless of which career path you choose to take, a PhD is regarded as the highest level postgraduate qualification – reflecting your impressive work ethic, knowledge, and workplace skills.

How to get a PhD

Getting a PhD is not easy by any means. But, if it’s something you truly want to do, it’s well worth it. So let’s take a look at just how to get a PhD!

Choose your research area

Before getting started with your PhD, you want to make sure you know what area you’d like to do it in. Don’t just pick something on a whim – this is something you’re going to be studying for the next four years of your life, and something that, once you finished your PhD, you’ll have your name attached to. So, for arts and humanities students, find an area of your subject that fascinates you enough that you’ll want to spend the next few years writing about it. For scientists, find an area you’d be happy to be working on in a team, and wouldn’t mind moving into as a career!

Find a good supervisor

Once you’ve selected your topic, it’s time to start looking for a supervisor . Depending on what you’re currently doing, asking tutors for contacts or recommendations can be well worthwhile, but if you can’t do this, check out what research your potential supervisor has done. 

In addition, try and arrange an in-person meeting – or at least, a phone conversation. Email can make communication difficult and given this is the person you’ll be working under for the foreseeable future, you want to ensure you get on.

Then, assuming you’re accepted and have appropriate funding, you’ll be considered a probationary PhD student . At the end of your first year, you’ll be expected to prove you’re capable of the full course, so you’ll be tested in the form of writing a report. Once you pass this, you’re good to go!

Your next few years will be spent attending conferences, working on the research and your thesis. Your thesis will talk about what you’ve spent your time doing, how you dealt with any difficulties that arose, and generally show what your contribution to your subject is! Once that’s out the way, you get the fun job of having a viva – that is, talking about your thesis to a bunch of academics.

Pass the viva? Then you’ve succeeded.

So that’s how to get a PhD!

UK Research Councils

There are a selection of UK Research Councils, each of whom are part of the  UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) organisation. Collectively, these UK research councils provide an average of £380 million in PhD studentship funding every year – acting as the largest PhD funding body in the UK. 

Here’s an overview of UK research councils:

  • Science and Technology Facilities Council
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council  
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Medical Research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council  

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phd degree details

What is a PhD?

  • Types of Doctorates
  • A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest globally recognized postgraduate degree that higher education institutions can award.
  • PhDs are awarded to candidates who undertake original and extensive research in a particular field of study.
  • Full time PhD programmes typically last three to four years, whilst part time PhD programmes typically last six to seven years.
  • A PhD can lead to an academia teaching role or a career in research. A PhD can also equip you with skills suitable for a wide range of jobs unrelated to your research topic or academia.

Definition of a PhD – A Doctor of Philosophy (commonly abbreviated to PhD , Ph.D or a DPhil ) is a university research degree awarded from across a broad range of academic disciplines; in most countries, it is a terminal degree, i.e. the highest academic degree possible.

PhDs differ from undergraduate and master’s degrees in that PhDs are entirely research-based rather than involving taught modules (although doctoral training centres (DTCs) offer programmes that start with a year of lecture-based teaching to help develop your research skills prior to starting your project).

In most English-speaking countries, those that complete a PhD use the title “Doctor” (typically abbreviated to Dr) in front of their names and are referred to as such within academic and/or research settings. Those that work in fields outside of academia may decide not to use the formal doctor title but use post-nominal letters (e.g. John Smith PhD); it’s unusual though for someone to use both the Doctor title and post-nominal letters in their name.

PhD vs Doctorate

A PhD and a professional doctorate are both research-based terminal degrees.

However, where a PhD focuses on original research mostly around theoretical concepts, a professional doctorate focuses on examining existing knowledge to solve real-life, practical problems.

While there is much crossover between the two, a PhD is generally better suited for an individual to wants to advance the knowledge and understanding in their field, and a professional doctorate degree is better suited to a working professional who wants to better be able to apply knowledge and understanding to their field.

What Are the Entry Requirements for a PhD?

To be accepted on to a PhD programme, students usually need to hold at least a high ( 2:1 and above ) undergraduate degree that is related to the field of research that they want to pursue. A PhD candidate may also be expected to hold a Master’s degree , however, this does not mean you must have one, as it is still possible to enrol into a PhD without a Master’s .

Self-funded courses may sometimes be more relaxed in relation to entry requirements. It may be possible to be accepted onto a self-funded PhD programme with lower grades, though these students typically demonstrate their suitability for the role through professional work experience.

Whilst a distance learning project is possible , most PhD candidates will carry out their research over at least three years based at their university, with regular contact with two academic supervisors (primary and secondary). This is particularly the case for lab-based projects, however, some PhD projects require spending time on-site away from university (e.g. at a specialist research lab or at a collaborating institution abroad).

How Long Does a PhD Take?

Typically, full-time PhDs last 3-4 years and part-time PhDs last 6-7 years. However, at the discretion of the university, the thesis writing-up period can be extended by up to four years.

Although most doctoral programmes start in September or October, they are generally much more flexible than taught-courses and can start at any time of the year.

How Much Does a PhD Cost?

Tuition fees for UK and EU students vary between £3,000 and £6,000 per year, with the average tuition fee of £4,712 per year for 2023/24 programmes.

Tuition fees increase considerably for international students, varying between £16,000 to £25,000 per year, with an average tuition fee of £19,600 per year .

Nonetheless, most students will secure PhD funding in the form of studentships, scholarships and bursaries to help pay for these fees. These funding opportunities can either be partial, which cover tuition fees only, or full, which cover both tuition fees and living expenses.

UK national students can also apply for Doctoral Loans from Student Finance England if they are unable to secure funding.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

What Does a PhD Involve?

To be awarded a PhD, a doctoral student is required to produce a substantial body of work that adds new knowledge to their chosen field.

A PhD programme will typically involve four key stages:

Stage 1: Literature Review

The first year of a PhD involves attending regular meetings with your supervisors and carrying out a search on previously published work in your subject area. This search will be used to produce a literature review which should set the context of the project by explaining the foundation of what is currently known within the field of research, what recent developments have occurred, and where the gaps in knowledge are. In most cases, this will be an extension of your research proposal should you have produced one as part of your application. The literature review should conclude by outlining the overarching aims and objectives of the research project. This stage of setting achievable goals which are original and contribute to the field of research is an essential first step in a successful PhD.

The supervisor is the main point of contact through the duration of a PhD – but remember: they are there to mentor, not to teach, or do it for you . It will be your responsibility to plan, execute and monitor your own work as well as to identify gaps in your own knowledge and address them.

Stage 2: Research

The second year (and prehapse some of your third year) is when you work on your research. Having identified novel research questions from your review of the literature, this is where you collect your data to help answer these questions. How you do this will depend on the nature of your doctoral research: for example, you may design and run experiments in a lab alongside other PhD students or visit excavation sites in remote regions of the world. You should check in regularly with your supervisors to update them and run any ideas or issues past them.

Have the structure and chapters of your thesis in mind as you develop and tackle your research questions. Working with a view of publishing your work will be very valuable later on.

Stage 3: Write up of Thesis

The next key stage of a PhD is writing a doctoral thesis , which typically takes from anywhere between three months to one year. A thesis is a substantial body of work that describes the work and outcomes of the research over the previous two to three years. It should tell a detailed story of the PhD project – focusing on:

  • The motivations for the research questions identified from the literature review.
  • The methodologies used, results obtained, and a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the findings.
  • A detailed discussion of the key findings with an emphasis on the original contributions made to your field of research and how this has been impactful.

There is no universal rule for the length of a PhD thesis, but general guidelines set the word count between 80,000 to 100,000 words.

For your thesis to be successful, it needs to adequately defend your argument and provide a unique or increased insight into your field that was not previously available.

Stage 4: Attending the Viva

A viva voce , most commonly referred to as just a ‘ viva ‘, is an interview-style examination where the PhD student is required to engage in a critical appraisal of their work and defend their thesis against at least two examiners. The examiners will ask questions to check the PhD student has an in-depth understanding of the ideas and theories proposed in their thesis, and whether they have developed the research skills that would be expected of them.

The viva is one of the final steps in achieving a PhD, and typically lasts at least two hours, but this duration can vary depending on the examiners, the university and the PhD project itself.

Once you have done the viva – you’re on the home stretch. You will typically be asked to make some amendments to your thesis based on the examiner’s feedback. You are then ready to submit your final thesis for either:

  • PhD – If you pass the requirements you will be awarded a PhD degree (most common outcome),
  • MPhil – If you failed to meet requirements for a PhD, you may be downgraded to an MPhil degree (uncommon outcome),
  • Fail – No award is given, typically for cases of plagiarism (extremely uncommon outcome).

What Is It Like to Undertake a PhD?

We’re often asked what it is like to undertake a PhD study. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple answer to this question as every research project is different.

To help give insight into the life of a PhD student, we’ve interviewed PhD students at various stages of their programmes and put together a series of PhD Student Interviews . Check out the link to find out what a PhD is like and what advice they have to offer you.

What Are the Benefits of A PhD?

A PhD is the highest globally recognised postgraduate degree that higher education institutions can award. The degree, which is awarded to candidates who demonstrate original and independent research in a particular field of study, is not only invaluable in itself, but sets you up with invaluable skills and traits.

Career Opportunities

First, a PhD prepares you for a career in academia if you wish to continue in this area. This takes form as a career in the Higher Education sector, typically as a lecturer working their way to becoming a professor leading research on the subject you’ve studied and trained in.

Second, a PhD also enables the opportunity for landing a job in a research & development role outside of the academic environment. Examples of this include laboratory work for a private or third sector company, a governmental role and research for commercial and industrial applications.

Transferable Skills

Finally, in possessing a PhD degree, you can show to employers that you have vital skills that make you an asset to any company. Three examples of the transferable skills that you gain through a PhD are effective communication, time management, and report writing.

  • Communication – presenting your work in written and oral forms using journal papers and podium presentations, shows your ability to share complex ideas effectively and to those with less background knowledge than you. Communication is key in the professional environment, regardless of the job.
  • Time management – The ability to prioritise and organise tasks is a tremendous asset in the professional industry. A PhD holder can use their qualification to demonstrate that they are able to manage their time, arrange and follow a plan, and stick to deadlines.
  • Report writing – Condensing three years of work into a thesis demonstrates your ability to filter through massive amounts of information, identify the key points, and get these points across to the reader. The ability to ‘cut out the waffle’ or ‘get to the point’ is a huge asset in the professional industry.

Aside from the above, you also get to refer to yourself as a Doctor and add fancy initials after your name!

What Can I Do After a PhD?

One of the most desirable postdoctoral fields is working within independent Research and Development (R&D) labs and new emerging companies. Both industries, especially R&D labs, have dedicated groups of PhD graduates who lead research activities, design new products and take part in crucial strategic meetings. Not only is this a stimulating line of work, but the average salaries in R&D labs and emerging start-ups are lucrative. In comparison, an undergraduate with five years of experience within their given field will, on average, likely earn less than a new PhD graduate taking on a R&D position.

It’s a common misunderstanding that PhDs only opens the door for an academic career such as university lecturers and training providers. Although obtaining a PhD opens these doors, the opportunities extend far beyond educational roles. In fact, recent data from the UK’s Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) indicates only 23% of PhD graduates take a position in educational roles . This low percentage is primarily because PhD graduates have a wide range of skills that make them suitable for a broad spectrum of roles. This is being seen first hand by the increasing number of PhD graduates who are entering alternative roles such as research, writing, law and investment banking.

How Do I Find a PhD?

We appreciate that finding a PhD programme to undertake can be a relatively daunting process. According to Higher Education Student Statistics , over 22,000 PhDs were awarded in 2016/17 within the United Kingdom alone. Clearly there are a huge number of PhD programmes available. This can sometimes be confusing for prospective doctorates, particularly when different programmes are advertised in different places. Often, it is difficult to know where to look or where to even start. We’ve put together a list of useful sources to find the latest PhD programmes:

  • A great place to start is with our comprehensive and up-to-date database of available PhD positions .
  • Assuming you are still at university, speak to an existing PhD supervisor within your department.
  • Attend as many postgraduate open days as you can. Whilst there, speak to current PhD students and career advisors to get an awareness of what PhDs are on offer.
  • Visit the postgraduate section of university websites and the PhD Research Council section of the UKRI website.

Browse PhDs Now

Join thousands of students.

Join thousands of other students and stay up to date with the latest PhD programmes, funding opportunities and advice.

  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →

PhD Programs

  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management

Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice.

Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has five areas of study: Accounting and Management , Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , management  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

Information Science: PhD

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

The doctoral program.

The doctoral program in Information Science is a research-oriented program in which the student chooses specific fields of specialization, prepares sufficiently in the literature and the research of those fields to pass a qualifying examination, and completes original research culminating in the written dissertation. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred in recognition of a candidate's grasp of a broad field of learning and distinguished accomplishment in that field through the contribution of an original piece of research revealing high critical ability and powers of imagination and synthesis.

The I School also offers a master's in Information Management and Systems (MIMS), a master's in  Information and Data Science  (MIDS), and a master's in  Information and Cybersecurity (MICS).

Visit School Website

Admission to the PhD Program

We welcome students from a diverse set of backgrounds; some will be technically educated, some educated in the humanities and social sciences.

The I School typically accepts 3-7 PhD students each year from more than 100 applications. Applications are reviewed by a committee of faculty.

Applicants are evaluated holistically on a number of factors. A strong academic record is important, but not sufficient. A critical factor is the ability to demonstrate a research record and agenda that fit well with specific I School faculty. In a small, interdisciplinary program, it is important that applicants clearly indicate in their Statement of Purpose which faculty member(s) they are interested in researching with, and why.

To be eligible to apply to the PhD in Information Management and Systems program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

A bachelor's degree or its recognized equivalent from an accredited institution.

Superior scholastic record, normally well above a 3.0 GPA.

Indication of appropriate research goals, described in the Statement of Purpose.

For applicants whose academic work has been in a language other than English, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Not required: GRE/GMAT. Starting Fall 2021, we no longer require the GRE or GMAT. We recommend you put your time and effort towards the required application materials.

Further  information about I School Ph.D. Admissions  can be found on the I School website. 

Applying for Graduate Admission

Thank you for considering UC Berkeley for graduate study! UC Berkeley offers more than 120 graduate programs representing the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary scholarship. The Graduate Division hosts a complete list of graduate academic programs, departments, degrees offered, and application deadlines can be found on the Graduate Division website.

Prospective students must submit an online application to be considered for admission, in addition to any supplemental materials specific to the program for which they are applying. The online application and steps to take to apply can be found on the Graduate Division website .

Admission Requirements

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

A bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution;

A satisfactory scholastic average, usually a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale; and

Enough undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field.

For a list of requirements to complete your graduate application, please see the Graduate Division’s Admissions Requirements page . It is also important to check with the program or department of interest, as they may have additional requirements specific to their program of study and degree. Department contact information can be found here .

Where to apply?

Visit the Berkeley Graduate Division application page .

Doctoral Degree Requirements

Program design.

The School of Information is an interdisciplinary school examining the design, organization, and management of information and information systems. The School of Information draws on the expertise not only of its own faculty but of the full Berkeley campus. We encourage students to take full advantage of being at this world-class University and not feel bound by disciplinary boundaries.

The PhD degree program at the School of Information is a research program. Each student is expected to work with his or her adviser to ensure that the program of study includes:

  • A thorough understanding of research methods and research design.
  • The ability to review current research critically.
  • The ability to understand emerging trends from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Expected PhD Timeline:

  • Semester 1:  Identify a faculty adviser
  • Semesters 1–4:  Complete breadth courses; complete major and minor requirements
  • Semester 4:  Complete the preliminary research paper
  • Semester 5:  Complete preliminary exam
  • Semester 6–8:  Complete qualifying exam; advance to candidacy
  • Four semesters after qualifying exam:  Complete dissertation and give presentation

Please refer to  the School of Information website  for more information.

Breadth Courses

Major/Minor Areas

Related Courses

Info 201 research design and applications for data and analysis 3 units.

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Introduces the data sciences landscape, with a particular focus on learning data science techniques to uncover and answer the questions students will encounter in industry. Lectures, readings, discussions, and assignments will teach how to apply disciplined, creative methods to ask better questions, gather data, interpret results, and convey findings to various audiences. The emphasis throughout is on making practical contributions to real decisions that organizations will and should make. Course must be taken for a letter grade to fulfill degree requirements. Research Design and Applications for Data and Analysis: Read More [+]

Hours & Format

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1.5 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: One and one-half hours of lecture per week.

Additional Details

Subject/Course Level: Information/Graduate

Grading: Letter grade.

Research Design and Applications for Data and Analysis: Read Less [-]

INFO 202 Information Organization and Retrieval 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course introduces the intellectual foundations of information organization and retrieval: conceptual modeling, semantic representation, vocabulary and metadata design, classification, and standardization, as well as information retrieval practices, technology, and applications, including computational processes for analyzing information in both textual and non-textual formats. Information Organization and Retrieval: Read More [+]

Rules & Requirements

Prerequisites: Students should have a working knowledge of the Python programming language

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture per week.

Information Organization and Retrieval: Read Less [-]

INFO 203 Social Issues of Information 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course is designed to be an introduction to the topics and issues associated with information and information technology and its role in society. Throughout the semester we will consider both the consequence and impact of technologies on social groups and on social interaction and how society defines and shapes the technologies that are produced. Students will be exposed to a broad range of applied and practical problems, theoretical issues, as well as methods used in social scientific analysis. The four sections of the course are: 1) theories of technology in society, 2) information technology in workplaces 3) automation vs. humans, and 4) networked sociability. Social Issues of Information: Read More [+]

Social Issues of Information: Read Less [-]

INFO 205 Information Law and Policy 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course uses examples from various commercial domains—retail, health, credit, entertainment, social media, and biosensing/quantified self—to explore legal and ethical issues including freedom of expression, privacy, research ethics, consumer protection, information and cybersecurity, and copyright. The class emphasizes how existing legal and policy frameworks constrain, inform, and enable the architecture, interfaces, data practices, and consumer facing policies and documentation of such offerings; and, fosters reflection on the ethical impact of information and communication technologies and the role of information professionals in legal and ethical work. Information Law and Policy: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor required for nonmajors

Instructor: Mulligan

Information Law and Policy: Read Less [-]

INFO 206A Introduction to Programming and Computation 2 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course introduces the basics of computer programming that are essential for those interested in computer science, data science, and information management. Students will write their own interactive programs (in Python) to analyze data, process text, draw graphics, manipulate images, and simulate physical systems. Problem decomposition, program efficiency, and good programming style are emphasized throughout the course. Introduction to Programming and Computation: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 7.5 weeks - 4 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: Four hours of lecture per week for seven and one-half weeks.

Instructor: Farid

Introduction to Programming and Computation: Read Less [-]

INFO 206B Introduction to Data Structures and Analytics 2 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 The ability to represent, manipulate, and analyze structured data sets is foundational to the modern practice of data science. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of data structures and data analysis (in Python). Best practices for writing code are emphasized throughout the course. This course forms the second half of a sequence that begins with INFO 106. It may also be taken as a stand-alone course by any student that has sufficient Python experience. Introduction to Data Structures and Analytics: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: INFO 206A or equivalent, or permission of instructor

Credit Restrictions: Course must be completed for a letter grade to fulfill degree requirements.

Formerly known as: Information 206

Introduction to Data Structures and Analytics: Read Less [-]

INFO 213 Introduction to User Experience Design 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course will provide an introduction to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Students will learn to apply design thinking to User Experience (UX) design, prototyping, & evaluation. The course will also cover special topic areas within HCI. Introduction to User Experience Design: Read More [+]

Introduction to User Experience Design: Read Less [-]

INFO 214 User Experience Research 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course addresses concepts and methods of user experience research, from understanding and identifying needs, to evaluating concepts and designs, to assessing the usability of products and solutions. We emphasize methods of collecting and interpreting qualitative data about user activities, working both individually and in teams, and translating them into design decisions. Students gain hands-on practice with observation, interview, survey , focus groups, and expert review. Team activities and group work are required during class and for most assignments. Additional topics include research in enterprise, consulting, and startup organizations, lean/agile techniques, mobile research approaches, and strategies for communicating findings. User Experience Research: Read More [+]

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture per week for 15 weeks.

User Experience Research: Read Less [-]

INFO 215 Product Design Studio 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023 This course will give participants hands-on digital product design experience oriented around current industry practice. The course will be project-based with an emphasis on iteration, practice, and critique. During the course, participants will work on a series of design projects through a full design process, including developing appropriate design deliverables, gathering feedback, and iterating on designs. Product Design Studio: Read More [+]

Objectives & Outcomes

Course Objectives: The course objective is to provide students interested in web and mobile Product Design with skills, practice, and experience that will prepare them for careers in product design and design-related roles.

Prerequisites: DES INV 15 or COMPSCI 160 or INFO 213 AND INFO 214; or permission of the instructor. Students can take INFO 214 and INFO 215 concurrently, but students may not drop INFO 214 and remain in INFO 215

Formerly known as: Information Systems and Management 215

Product Design Studio: Read Less [-]

INFO 217A Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Research 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2021, Fall 2020 This course is a graduate-level introduction to HCI research. Students will learn to conduct original HCI research by reading and discussing research papers while collaborating on a semester-long research project. Each week the class will focus on a theme of HCI research and review foundational and cutting-edge research relevant to that theme. The class will focus on the following areas of HCI research: ubiquitous computing , social computing, critical theory, and human-AI interaction. In addition to these research topics the class will introduce common qualitative and quantitative methodologies in HCI research. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Research: Read More [+]

Instructor: Salehi

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Research: Read Less [-]

INFO 218 Concepts of Information 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020 As it's generally used, "information" is a collection of notions, rather than a single coherent concept. In this course, we'll examine conceptions of information based in information theory, philosophy, social science, economics, and history. Issues include: How compatible are these conceptions; can we talk about "information" in the abstract? What work do these various notions play in discussions of literacy, intellectual property, advertising, and the political process? And where does this leave "information studies" and "the information society"? Concepts of Information: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Graduate standing

Instructors: Duguid, Nunberg

Concepts of Information: Read Less [-]

INFO 225 Leadership and Management 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021 This course focuses on the practice of leadership, collaboration, and people management in contemporary, distributed, information and technology-rich organizations. Not just for potential people managers, this course is derived from the premise that a foundation in leadership, management, and collaboration is essential for individuals in all roles, at any stage of their career. To build this foundation we will take a hybrid approach, engaging literature from disciplines such as social psychology, management, and organizational behavior, as well as leveraging case studies and practical exercises. The course will place a special emphasis on understanding and reacting to social dynamics in workplace hierarchies and teams. Leadership and Management: Read More [+]

Leadership and Management: Read Less [-]

INFO 231 Decisions and Algorithms 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2013, Spring 2011 This class is for graduate students interested in getting an advanced understanding of judgments and decisions made with predictive algorithms. The course will survey the vast literature on the psychology of how people arrive at judgments and make decisions with the help of statistical information, focused mostly on experimental lab evidence from cognitive and social psychology. Then study the burgeoning evidence on how people use statistical algorithms in practice, exploring field evidence from a range of settings from criminal justice and healthcare to housing and labor markets. Special attention is paid to psychological principles that impact the effectiveness and fairness of algorithms deployed at scale. Decisions and Algorithms: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Help students understand systematic human errors and explore potential algorithmic solutions.

Decisions and Algorithms: Read Less [-]

INFO 233 Social Psychology and Information Technology 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 Discusses application of social psychological theory and research to information technologies and systems; we focus on sociological social psychology, which largely focuses on group processes, networks, and interpersonal relationships. Information technologies considered include software systems used on the internet such as social networks, email, and social games, as well as specific hardware technologies such as mobile devices, computers , wearables, and virtual/augmented reality devices. We examine human communication practices, through the lens of different social psychology theories, including: symbolic interaction, identity theories, social exchange theory, status construction theory, and social networks and social structure theory. Social Psychology and Information Technology: Read More [+]

Instructor: Cheshire

Social Psychology and Information Technology: Read Less [-]

INFO 234 Information Technology Economics, Strategy, and Policy 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 This course applies economic tools and principles, including game theory, industrial organization, information economics, and behavioral economics, to analyze business strategies and public policy issues surrounding information technologies and IT industries. Topics include: economics of information goods, services, and platforms; economics of information and asymmetric information; economics of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data privacy, and peer production; strategic pricing; strategic complements and substitutes; competition and antitrust; Internet industry structure and regulation; network cascades, network formation, and network structure. Information Technology Economics, Strategy, and Policy: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: INFO234 is a graduate level course in the school's topical area of Information Economics and Policy, and can be taken by the masters and doctoral students to satisfy their respective degree requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to identify, describe, and analyze business strategies and public policy issues of particular relevance to the information industry. Students will learn and apply economic tools and principles to analyze phenomena such as platform competition, social epidemics, and peer production, and current policy issues such as network neutrality and information privacy. Through integrated assignments and project work, the students will apply the theoretical concepts and analytic tools learned in lectures and readings to develop and evaluate a business model, product, or service of their choosing, e.g., a start-up idea they are pursuing.

Instructor: Chuang

Information Technology Economics, Strategy, and Policy: Read Less [-]

INFO 239 Technology and Delegation 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2018 The introduction of technology increasingly delegates responsibility to technical actors, often reducing traditional forms of transparency and challenging traditional methods for accountability. This course explores the interaction between technical design and values including: privacy, accessibility, fairness, and freedom of expression. We will draw on literature from design, science and technology studies, computer science, law, and ethics, as well as primary sources in policy, standards and source code. We will investigate approaches to identifying the value implications of technical designs and use methods and tools for intentionally building in values at the outset. Technology and Delegation: Read More [+]

Technology and Delegation: Read Less [-]

INFO 241 Experiments and Causal Inference 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2022 This course introduces students to experimentation in data science. Particular attention is paid to the formation of causal questions, and the design and analysis of experiments to provide answers to these questions. This topic has increased considerably in importance since 1995, as researchers have learned to think creatively about how to generate data in more scientific ways, and developments in information technology has facilitated the development of better data gathering. Experiments and Causal Inference: Read More [+]

Experiments and Causal Inference: Read Less [-]

INFO 247 Information Visualization and Presentation 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 The design and presentation of digital information. Use of graphics, animation, sound, visualization software, and hypermedia in presenting information to the user. Methods of presenting complex information to enhance comprehension and analysis. Incorporation of visualization techniques into human-computer interfaces. Course must be completed for a letter grade to fulfill degree requirements. Information Visualization and Presentation: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: INFO 206B or knowledge of programming and data structures with consent of instructor

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of laboratory per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.

Instructor: Hearst

Information Visualization and Presentation: Read Less [-]

INFO 251 Applied Machine Learning 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 Provides a theoretical and practical introduction to modern techniques in applied machine learning. Covers key concepts in supervised and unsupervised machine learning, including the design of machine learning experiments, algorithms for prediction and inference, optimization, and evaluation. Students will learn functional, procedural, and statistical programming techniques for working with real-world data. Applied Machine Learning: Read More [+]

Student Learning Outcomes: • Effectively design, execute, and critique experimental and non-experimental methods from statistics, machine learning, and econometrics. • Implement basic algorithms on structured and unstructured data, and evaluate the performance of these algorithms on a variety of real-world datasets. • Understand the difference between causal and non-causal relationships, and which situations and methods are appropriate for both forms of analysis. • Understand the principles, advantages, and disadvantages of different algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning.

Prerequisites: INFO 206B , or equivalent course in Python programming; INFO 271B , or equivalent graduate-level course in statistics or econometrics; or permission of instructor

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.

Instructor: Blumenstock

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INFO 253A Front-End Web Architecture 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course is a survey of technologies that power the user interfaces of web applications on a variety of devices today, including desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. This course will delve into some of the core Front-End languages and frameworks (HTML/CSS/JS/React/Redux), as well as the underlying technologies enable web applications (HTTP, URI, JSON). The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the technical issues surrounding user interfaces powered by the web today, and to provide a solid and comprehensive perspective of the Web's constantly evolving landscape. Front-End Web Architecture: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Introductory programming

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of laboratory per week

Additional Format: Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.

Formerly known as: Information 253

Front-End Web Architecture: Read Less [-]

INFO 253B Back-End Web Architecture 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course is a survey of web technologies that are used to build back-end systems that enable rich web applications. Utilizing technologies such as Python, Flask, Docker, RDBMS/NoSQL databases, and Spark, this class aims to cover the foundational concepts that drive the web today. This class focuses on building APIs using micro-services that power everything from content management systems to data engineering pipelines that provide insights by processing large amounts of data. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the technical issues surrounding back-end systems today, and to provide a solid and comprehensive perspective of the web's constantly evolving landscape. Back-End Web Architecture: Read More [+]

Back-End Web Architecture: Read Less [-]

INFO 255 Privacy Engineering 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023 The course overviews a broad number of paradigms of privacy from a technical point of view. The course is designed to assist system engineers and information systems professionals in getting familiar with the subject of privacy engineering and train them in implementing those mechanisms. In addition, the course is designed to coach those professionals to critically think about the strengths and weaknesses of the different privacy paradigms. These skills are important for cybersecurity professionals and enable them to effectively incorporate privacy-awareness in the design phase of their products. Privacy Engineering: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Critique the strengths and weaknesses of the different privacy paradigms Describe the different technical paradigms of privacy that are applicable for systems engineering Implement such privacy paradigms, and embed them in information systems during the design process and the implementation phase Stay updated about the state of the art in the field of privacy engineering

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for INFO 255 after completing INFO 255 . A deficient grade in INFO 255 may be removed by taking INFO 255 .

Privacy Engineering: Read Less [-]

INFO 256 Applied Natural Language Processing 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021 This course examines the use of natural language processing as a set of methods for exploring and reasoning about text as data, focusing especially on the applied side of NLP — using existing NLP methods and libraries in Python in new and creative ways. Topics include part-of-speech tagging, shallow parsing, text classification, information extraction, incorporation of lexicons and ontologies into text analysis, and question answering. Students will apply and extend existing software tools to text-processing problems. Applied Natural Language Processing: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: INFO 206A and INFO 206B or proficient programming in Python (programs of at least 200 lines of code). Proficient with basic statistics and probabilities

Instructor: Bamman

Applied Natural Language Processing: Read Less [-]

INFO 258 Data Engineering 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2022 This course will cover the principles and practices of managing data at scale, with a focus on use cases in data analysis and machine learning. We will cover the entire life cycle of data management and science, ranging from data preparation to exploration, visualization and analysis, to machine learning and collaboration, with a focus on ensuring reliable, scalable operationalization. ensuring reliable, scalable operationalization. Data Engineering: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: INFO 206B or equivalent college-level course in computer science in Python with a C- or better AND COMPSCI C100/ DATA C100 / STAT C100 or COMPSCI 189 or INFO 251 or DATA 144 or equivalent college-level course in data science with a C- or better

Instructors: Hellerstein, Parameswaran, Jain

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INFO 259 Natural Language Processing 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course introduces students to natural language processing and exposes them to the variety of methods available for reasoning about text in computational systems. NLP is deeply interdisciplinary, drawing on both linguistics and computer science, and helps drive much contemporary work in text analysis (as used in computational social science, the digital humanities, and computational journalism). We will focus on major algorithms used in NLP for various applications (part-of-speech tagging, parsing, coreference resolution, machine translation) and on the linguistic phenomena those algorithms attempt to model. Students will implement algorithms and create linguistically annotated data on which those algorithms depend. Natural Language Processing: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Familiarity with data structures, algorithms, linear algebra, and probability

Natural Language Processing: Read Less [-]

INFO C262 Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course explores the theory and practice of Tangible User Interfaces, a new approach to Human Computer Interaction that focuses on the physical interaction with computational media. The topics covered in the course include theoretical framework, design examples, enabling technologies, and evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces. Students will design and develop experimental Tangible User Interfaces using physical computing prototyping tools and write a final project report. Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces: Read More [+]

Instructor: Ryokai

Also listed as: NWMEDIA C262

Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces: Read Less [-]

INFO C265 Interface Aesthetics 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course will cover new interface metaphors beyond desktops (e.g., for mobile devices, computationally enhanced environments, tangible user interfaces) but will also cover visual design basics (e.g., color, layout, typography, iconography) so that we have systematic and critical understanding of aesthetically engaging interfaces. Students will get a hands-on learning experience on these topics through course projects, design critiques , and discussions, in addition to lectures and readings. Interface Aesthetics: Read More [+]

Also listed as: NWMEDIA C265

Interface Aesthetics: Read Less [-]

INFO 271B Quantitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 Introduction to many different types of quantitative research methods, with an emphasis on linking quantitative statistical techniques to real-world research methods. Introductory and intermediate topics include: defining research problems, theory testing, casual inference, probability, and univariate statistics. Research design and methodology topics include: primary/secondary survey data analysis, experimental designs, and coding qualitative data for quantitative analysis. Quantitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Introductory statistics recommended

Quantitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management: Read Less [-]

INFO 272 Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 Theory and practice of naturalistic inquiry. Grounded theory. Ethnographic methods including interviews, focus groups, naturalistic observation. Case studies. Analysis of qualitative data. Issues of validity and generalizability in qualitative research. Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management: Read More [+]

Instructor: Burrell

Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems and Management: Read Less [-]

INFO 283 Information and Communications Technology for Development 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This seminar reviews current literature and debates regarding Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD). This is an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented field that draws on insights from economics, sociology, engineering, computer science, management, public health, etc. Information and Communications Technology for Development: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Three hours of seminar per week.

Instructor: Saxenian

Formerly known as: Information C283

Information and Communications Technology for Development: Read Less [-]

INFO 288 Big Data and Development 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2021, Spring 2019 As new sources of digital data proliferate in developing economies, there is the exciting possibility that such data could be used to benefit the world’s poor. Through a careful reading of recent research and through hands-on analysis of large-scale datasets, this course introduces students to the opportunities and challenges for data-intensive approaches to international development. Students should be prepared to dissect, discuss, and replicate academic publications from several fields including development economics, machine learning, information science, and computational social science. Students will also conduct original statistical and computational analysis of real-world data. Big Data and Development: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Students are expected to have prior graduate training in machine learning, econometrics, or a related field

Big Data and Development: Read Less [-]

INFO 289 Public Interest Cybersecurity: The Citizen Clinic Practicum 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 This course provides students with real-world experience assisting politically vulnerable organizations and persons around the world to develop and implement sound cybersecurity practices. In the classroom, students study basic theories and practices of digital security, intricacies of protecting largely under-resourced organizations, and tools needed to manage risk in complex political, sociological, legal, and ethical contexts. In the clinic , students work in teams supervised by Clinic staff to provide direct cybersecurity assistance to civil society organizations. We emphasize pragmatic, workable solutions that take into account the unique needs of each partner organization. Public Interest Cybersecurity: The Citizen Clinic Practicum: Read More [+]

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit with instructor consent.

Public Interest Cybersecurity: The Citizen Clinic Practicum: Read Less [-]

INFO 290 Special Topics in Information 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Specific topics, hours, and credit may vary from section to section, year to year. Special Topics in Information: Read More [+]

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes. Students may enroll in multiple sections of this course within the same semester.

Fall and/or spring: 8 weeks - 2-8 hours of lecture per week 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of lecture per week

Summer: 10 weeks - 1.5-6 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: One to four hours of lecture per week. One and one-half to six hours of lecture per week for 10 weeks. Two to eight hours of lecture per week for 8 weeks.

Special Topics in Information: Read Less [-]

INFO 290M Special Topics in Management 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Specific topics, hours, and credit may vary from section to section and year to year. Special Topics in Management: Read More [+]

Additional Format: One to four hours of lecture per week. Two to eight hours of lecture per week for 8 weeks.

Special Topics in Management: Read Less [-]

INFO 290S Special Topics in Social Science and Policy 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023 Specific topics, hours, and credit may vary from section to section and year to year. Special Topics in Social Science and Policy: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 8 weeks - 4-8 hours of lecture per week 15 weeks - 2-4 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: Two to four hours of lecture per week. Four to eight hours of lecture per week for 8 weeks.

Special Topics in Social Science and Policy: Read Less [-]

INFO 290T Special Topics in Technology 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023 Specific topics, hours, and credit may vary from section to section and year to year. Special Topics in Technology: Read More [+]

Special Topics in Technology: Read Less [-]

INFO 291 Special Topics in Information 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 Specific topics, hours, and credit may vary from section to section, year to year. Special Topics in Information: Read More [+]

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: One to four hours of lecture per week.

Grading: Offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only.

Instructor: Hoofnagle

INFO 293 Information Management Practicum 0.5 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2016, Summer 2016 10 Week Session, Spring 2016 This course is designed to help School of Information graduate students maximize their internship, practicum, or independent research experiences. Information Management Practicum: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Experience the practical application of your academic knowledge to real-world professional contexts; Gain insight into an organization and how one might make a valuable contribution; Reflect on the information the experience has provided, to see if it fits within one’s personal value set and work/life manifestos. Try out various professional activities to see when you are in ‘flow’;

Student Learning Outcomes: Assess the organizational culture of a company, governmental body, or non-governmental organization Connect academic knowledge about information management to real-world professional contexts Evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of information science techniques when deployed in organizational situations Integrate the student's own individual professional goals with the organization's needs relevant to the internship or practicum Reflect critically on the internship or practicum experience

Prerequisites: Consent of a Head Graduate Adviser for the School of Information

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of internship per week

Summer: 10 weeks - 1.5 hours of internship per week

Additional Format: One hour of internship per week. One and one-half hours of internship per week for 10 weeks.

Information Management Practicum: Read Less [-]

INFO 294 Doctoral Research and Theory Workshop 2 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 An intensive weekly discussion of current and ongoing research by Ph.D. students with a research interest in issues of information (social, legal, technical, theoretical, etc.). Our goal is to focus on critiquing research problems, theories, and methodologies from multiple perspectives so that we can produce high-quality, publishable work in the interdisciplinary area of information research. Circulated material may include dissertation chapters , qualifying papers, article drafts, and/or new project ideas. We want to have critical and productive discussion, but above all else we want to make our work better: more interesting, more accessible, more rigorous, more theoretically grounded, and more like the stuff we enjoy reading. Doctoral Research and Theory Workshop: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: PhD students only

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of workshop per week

Additional Format: Two hours of workshop per week.

Doctoral Research and Theory Workshop: Read Less [-]

INFO 295 Doctoral Colloquium 1 Unit

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023 Colloquia, discussion and readings designed to introduce students to the range of interests of the school. Doctoral Colloquium: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Ph.D. standing in the School of Information

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of colloquium per week

Additional Format: One hour of colloquium per week.

Doctoral Colloquium: Read Less [-]

INFO 296A Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Topics in information management and systems and related fields. Specific topics vary from year to year. Seminar: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2-4 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Two to Four hours of Seminar per week for 15 weeks.

Seminar: Read Less [-]

INFO 298 Directed Group Study 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2019, Spring 2016, Fall 2015 Group projects on special topics in information management and systems. Directed Group Study: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for INFO 298 after completing INFOSYS 298.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of directed group study per week

Summer: 8 weeks - 1.5-7.5 hours of directed group study per week

Additional Format: One to four hours of directed group study per week. One and one-half to seven and one-half hours of directed group study per week for 8 weeks.

Directed Group Study: Read Less [-]

INFO 298A Directed Group Work on Final Project 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2016, Spring 2015 The final project is designed to integrate the skills and concepts learned during the Information School Master's program and helps prepare students to compete in the job market. It provides experience in formulating and carrying out a sustained, coherent, and significant course of work resulting in a tangible work product; in project management, in presenting work in both written and oral form; and, when appropriate, in working in a multidisciplinary team. Projects may take the form of research papers or professionally-oriented applied work. Directed Group Work on Final Project: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Course must be taken for a letter grade to fulfill degree requirements

Additional Format: One to four hours of directed group study per week.

Directed Group Work on Final Project: Read Less [-]

INFO 299 Individual Study 1 - 12 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2023, Summer 2016 8 Week Session, Spring 2016 Individual study of topics in information management and systems under faculty supervision. Individual Study: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-12 hours of independent study per week

Summer: 8 weeks - 2-22.5 hours of independent study per week

Additional Format: Format varies.

Individual Study: Read Less [-]

INFO 375 Teaching Assistance Practicum 2 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2021, Fall 2020 Discussion, reading, preparation, and practical experience under faculty supervision in the teaching of specific topics within information management and systems. Does not count toward a degree. Teaching Assistance Practicum: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: Two hours of lecture per week.

Subject/Course Level: Information/Professional course for teachers or prospective teachers

Instructor: Duguid

Teaching Assistance Practicum: Read Less [-]

INFO 602 Individual Study for Doctoral Students 1 - 5 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015 Individual study in consultation with the major field adviser, intended to provide an opportunity for qualified students to prepare themselves for the various examinations required of candidates for the Ph.D. degree. Individual Study for Doctoral Students: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-5 hours of independent study per week

Additional Format: One to Five hour of Independent study per week for 15 weeks.

Subject/Course Level: Information/Graduate examination preparation

Individual Study for Doctoral Students: Read Less [-]

Contact Information

School of information.

102 South Hall

Phone: 510-642-1464

Senior Director of Student Affairs

Siu Yung Wong

[email protected]

Senior Director of Admissions

Julia Sprague

[email protected]

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Graduate School

Ph.d. requirements.

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  • Programs & Requirements

Brown University awards more than 200 doctor of philosophy degrees annually.

The Brown Ph.D. is primarily a research degree. Teaching is an important part of many doctoral programs, and many departments require candidates for the Ph.D. to have teaching experience.

Brown University offers substantial financial support to doctoral students. All incoming doctoral students are guaranteed five years of support, which includes a stipend, full tuition remission, health-services fee, and a health-insurance subsidy. Doctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences are guaranteed six years of support. All promises of student support are subject to students making satisfactory academic progress, as determined by their programs of study. Please see related links for additional details regarding the University's commitment to doctoral education.

Ph.D. Funding

Funding guarantee, four general requirements for the doctor of philosophy.

The candidate must be formally admitted to his or her degree program.

The normal residency requirement is the equivalent of three Academic Years of full-time study beyond the bachelor's degree. Students who enter a PhD program at Brown already holding a master’s degree in a related field have a residency requirement equivalent to two Academic Years of full-time study upon entering the PhD program at Brown. Use of a previously earned master’s degree to reduce PhD residency requirements is contingent upon approval of the program Director of Graduate Study. Graduate work done at other institutions and not used in fulfillment of the requirements for any doctoral degree elsewhere may, on the approval of the program Director of Graduate Study, be counted in fulfillment of up to, but not exceeding, one year of the residency requirement. A student who desires credit for work done elsewhere should file a timely application with the program Director of Graduate Study; transfer credit forms are available through the  Office of the Registrar .

A student is advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. when he or she has completed satisfactorily all the requirements, departmental and general, requisite to beginning work on the dissertation. Candidacy is determined by the department or program of study and certified by the Registrar. Most departments require a preliminary examination before advancing any student to candidacy. Most departments also require a final examination or defense. The examination is conducted by professors in the department and by such other members of the faculty as may be appointed.

The candidate must present a dissertation on a topic related to his or her area of specialization that presents the results of original research and gives evidence of excellent scholarship. The dissertation must be approved by the professor or committee under whose direction it is written and by the Graduate Council. All requirements for the Ph.D. must be completed within five years after advancement to candidacy.

Faculty Member Leaves Brown

If a faculty member working with a doctoral student leaves Brown for any reason before that student has completed his or her degree requirements, it may not always be possible for that faculty member to continue working with the student as an advisor. In such cases, departments will work with students to help them locate a new advisor.

Additional Requirements

Individual departments and programs may have additional requirements regarding the number of courses to be taken, proficiency in foreign languages, special examinations, and theses. The department should be consulted for specific information.

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The School of Information is UC Berkeley’s newest professional school. Located in the center of campus, the I School is a graduate research and education community committed to expanding access to information and to improving its usability, reliability, and credibility while preserving security and privacy.

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  • Applied Data Science Certificate
  • ICTD Certificate
  • Citizen Clinic

The School of Information offers four degrees:

The Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program educates information professionals to provide leadership for an information-driven world.

The Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) is an online degree preparing data science professionals to solve real-world problems. The 5th Year MIDS program is a streamlined path to a MIDS degree for Cal undergraduates.

The Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) is an online degree preparing cybersecurity leaders for complex cybersecurity challenges.

Our Ph.D. in Information Science is a research program for next-generation scholars of the information age.

  • Spring 2024 Course Schedule
  • Summer 2024 Course Schedule
  • Fall 2024 Course Schedule

The School of Information's courses bridge the disciplines of information and computer science, design, social sciences, management, law, and policy. We welcome interest in our graduate-level Information classes from current UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students and community members.  More information about signing up for classes.

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  • Ph.D. Students

Photo of three people talking together at a table with a laptop computer.

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  • Computer-mediated Communication
  • Data Science
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human-computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Information Economics
  • Information Organization
  • Information Policy
  • Information Retrieval & Search
  • Information Visualization
  • Social & Cultural Studies
  • Technology for Developing Regions
  • User Experience Research

Research by faculty members and doctoral students keeps the I School on the vanguard of contemporary information needs and solutions.

The I School is also home to several active centers and labs, including the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) , the Center for Technology, Society & Policy , and the BioSENSE Lab .

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I School graduate students and alumni have expertise in data science, user experience design & research, product management, engineering, information policy, cybersecurity, and more — learn more about hiring I School students and alumni .

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images of Eric Meyer smiling with arms crossed wearing a yellow tie

Eric T. Meyer has been appointed dean of the UC Berkeley School of Information and will begin his new job on...

students in graduation regalia at commencement

On May 18, 2024, the School of Information welcomed 423 of 670 total graduating students from the Master of...

woman with glasses wearing graduation regalia speaking at a lectern

Gigi Sohn gave the keynote speech at the UC Berkeley School of Information May 2024 Commencement.

a group of people pose to take a picture together in two rows

The initiative is now known at the I School as the I School Graduate Scholars (ISGS) program, which...

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  • I School Lectures
  • Information Access Seminars
  • CLTC Events
  • Women in MIDS Events

A group of graduating master's students at their commencement ceremony, wearing black caps and gowns with gold master's hoods.

Ph.D. in Information Science

Ph.d. community.

Ph.D. students are knowledge architects and respected contributors to our information society, with a vision of expanding access to quality information, an appreciation for diverse perspectives, and the spirit of collaboration.

You Belong at Berkeley

The I School is a welcoming community of students, faculty, and staff from a wide variety of backgrounds, nations, cultures, and experiences.

The doctoral program is a research-oriented program in which the student chooses specific fields of specialization, prepares sufficiently in the literature and the research of those fields to pass a qualifying examination, and completes original research culminating in the written dissertation. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred in recognition of a candidate's grasp of a broad field of learning and distinguished accomplishment in that field through contribution of an original piece of research revealing high critical ability and powers of imagination and synthesis.

The Ideal Place for Breakthrough Thinking

School of Information offers an ideal environment for information scholars , on the campus of a preeminent, forward-thinking research institution .

Dedicated to cross-disciplinary research, breakthrough thinking, and creative collaboration, the I School actively shapes the information frontier and has a track record of scholarly ideas, solutions, and policy counsel that make information more accessible, manageable, and useful.

Rigorous academics instill the theoretical and research capabilities required to advance diverse interests — from information design, architecture, and assurance, to human-computer interaction and the social, economic, and public policy implications of information. Ph.D. students work closely with faculty recognized as information pioneers.

Interdisciplinary thinking and partnership are central to the I School approach, so doctoral research often engages exceptional UC Berkeley schools and departments beyond the I School, from journalism, business, and law to computing, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.

On average, I School students complete the Ph.D. degree in 6 years.

  • Semester 1–4 : Breadth, major, & minor coursework
  • Semester 4–5 : Prelim research paper & exam
  • Semester 6–8 : Qualifying exam
  • Semester 10–12 : Complete & present dissertation

Detailed degree requirements & timeline

Areas of Study

Major and minor areas include:

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Economics and Policy
  • Information Law and Policy
  • Information Organization and Retrieval
  • Information Systems Design
  • Social Aspects of Information
  • Information and Communication Technologies and Development

Your Career

I School Ph.D. graduates go on to careers in academia, industry, or the public sector.

Recent Ph.D. graduates hold tenure-track faculty positions at the world’s leading universities, as well as leading research positions in industry, academia, and public-interest organizations.

More about Ph.D. career outcomes

  • MIMS Program
  • 5th Year MIDS Program
  • MIDS Program
  • MICS Program
  • Graduate Certificates

Galen Panger

“I think we can do a better job of using the Internet to tap into how people are doing, how they’re feeling, and what matters to them — online democracy, in a way, but minus the hype.”

—Galen Panger Ph.D. 2017

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Speakers Celebrate Moments of Persistence, Resilience, and Camaraderie at 2024 Commencement

photo of sand with construction machines

New Research Aims to Curb Illegal Sand Mining with Data-Driven Mapping Tools

collage of four women

I School Representatives Lead DEIBJ Initiatives

Last updated:.

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Ph.D. Programs

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  • TELL GSAS Doctoral Research Days

A doctorate is the pinnacle of an arts and science education. Founded in 1886, the Graduate School of Arts and Science at NYU is among the oldest schools offering doctoral programs in the United States. Today NYU’s doctoral programs span the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, and students pursue cutting-edge research with the close supervision of NYU’s internationally recognized research faculty. New York City resources complement and enhance our vibrant intellectual communities. Use the links below to explore Doctor of Philosophy and dual advanced degrees at New York University.

Ph.D. Programs Dual Degree Programs

Search NYU Steinhardt


Doctor of Philosophy English Education

Develop the research and writing skills you need to become an academic researcher or teacher educator in the field of English education. This doctoral program prepares you to build a career as a university researcher, English curriculum specialist in governmental and nonprofit educational organizations, or English teacher educator in post-secondary school systems.


Degree Details

Official degree title.

PhD in English Education: Secondary and College

New York City as Your Research Setting

Based in one of the most diverse urban settings in the world, NYU Steinhardt is an ideal location to conduct educational research. We partner with schools across New York City to provide opportunities for fieldwork, giving you a wide range of potential sites for conducting research. 

Small Classes and Doctoral Seminars

Courses in this program prepare you to conduct independent research in your area of interest. You'll design research proposals, implement a research agenda, and disseminate findings. You will also attend doctoral seminars that foster deep conversations on relevant texts and issues in the field. 

Work Closely with Our Renowned Faculty

Our faculty members are leading efforts in educational reform, and conducting research on issues like barriers to literacy acquisition and the relationship of public schooling to social, political, and economic contexts. With the guidance of your faculty mentor, you will research and prepare a doctoral dissertation.

Upon completion of your doctorate, you’ll be prepared for a career as a university researcher, Teacher educator in post-secondary school systems, and English education specialist in governmental and nonprofit educational organizations.

Funding for Full-Time PhD Students

NYU Steinhardt offers a competitive funding package for PhD students who study full time.  Learn more about our funding opportunities .

Online Info Session

In this session, NYU faculty share information about the PhD programs in the department of Teaching & Learning, including the PhD in Teaching & Learning, PhD in English Education, PhD in Bilingual Education, and PhD in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Faculty provide an overview of the programs and answer questions from potential applicants.


If you have any additional questions about our degree, please feel free to contact Sarah W. Beck, Program Director at  [email protected] .

Take the Next Step

Advance your personal and professional journey – apply to join our community of students.

Doctor of Education Leadership

EdLD students

Additional Information

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America needs transformative leaders in preK–12 education whose passion for education quality and equity is matched by a knowledge of learning and development, the organizational management skills to translate visionary ideas into practical success, and a firm grasp of the role of context and politics in shaping leadership. Graduates of the three-year, multidisciplinary Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education will be prepared to become those leaders.

The Ed.L.D Program — taught by faculty from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School — will train you for system-level leadership positions in school systems, state and federal departments of education, and national nonprofit organizations. Ed.L.D. is a full-time, three-year program built on a cohort learning model. Cohorts consist of up to 25 students from diverse professional backgrounds (including district/charter management leaders, nonprofit directors, principals, teachers, and policy researchers) who progress through the program together.

All Ed.L.D. students receive a full tuition funding package plus stipends, work opportunities, and a paid third-year residency at a partner organization.

The Ed.L.D. Program prepares graduates to do work for the public good in the American public education sector, whether that be at the system or state level. Specifically, the program is designed to accelerate the progress graduates make toward achieving meaningful impact in influential roles and/or crossing boundaries in the following spaces in the public education sector:

  • PreK–12 district or CMO leadership roles : superintendent of schools, chief academic officer, and/or deputy superintendent
  • Foundation/philanthropy roles:  director, president and CEO, senior fellow
  • Education nonprofit roles : president or executive director of backbone or collective impact organizations which support preK–12 schools. Ed.L.D. graduates will lead education nonprofits that explicitly focus on improving outcomes and opportunities for children, families, and communities.
  • State or federal education leadership roles : commissioner or deputy commissioner roles. Could also include public education advocacy or education policy advisers to senior government officials.
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation roles:  Founder, CEO, president

Curriculum Information

The Ed.L.D. curriculum is a balance of multidisciplinary coursework and practice-based learning. Core courses and electives are taught by recognized leaders from across Harvard’s graduate programs in fields like data-based education reform, organizational change and innovation, and effective leadership strategies for urban schools. You will develop and test your leadership skills through team projects and an immersive third-year residency.

All students in the cohort take the same classes in four foundational content areas: learning and teaching, leadership and organizational change, politics and policy, adult development, and leadership inside and out (including one-on-one executive coaching). Courses taken during the first-year focus on practice-based learning and serve as the framework of your first-year experience.

Sample HGSE Courses

  • Leading Change
  • How People Learn
  • Ed.L.D. Proseminar
  • Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Learning
  • Race, Equity, and Leadership
  • Practicing Leadership Inside and Out
  • Sector Change
  • The Workplace Lab for System-Level Leaders

View  all courses  in the Academic Catalog.

Each cohort member works with program advisers to choose an individualized sequence of electives from any of the Harvard graduate schools. You will work closely with the program faculty and staff during your second year to determine the best match with a partner organization for your third-year residency. Matches are driven by mutual interest between the resident and the partner organization, and each student's career and learning goals and geographic preferences.

  • Second Year Practicing Leadership Inside and Out
  • Driving Change 
  • Education Sector Nonprofits
  • Negotiation Workshop
  • Coaching with Equity in Mind
  • Ethnic Studies and Education
  • Deeper Learning for All:  Designing a 21st Century School System
  • Institutional Change in School Organizations, Systems, and Sectors

You will take part in a 10-month paid residency at one of our partner organizations. There, you will work on a strategic project which synthesizes your experience and learning into a written Capstone project. You will stay connected to your Ed.L.D. cohort and HGSE through technology and by returning to Harvard periodically for intensive workshops.

Paid Residency 

Our partner organizations include school systems and departments of education, as well as some of the nation's most influential and dynamic nonprofit, mission-based for-profit, and philanthropic organizations.

You will be intentionally pushed out of your comfort zones and asked to work systemically and make a significant contribution to the partner organization. In addition, the residency will provide you with the professional mentoring, practical experiences, and network of connections they need to position themselves as future leaders in the education sector. 

Strategic Project 

You will define (with supervisors from your partner organization) a strategic project on which to focus. You will have the opportunity to lead one or two major efforts on behalf of the organization, such as the creation or implementation of current initiatives. The project allows you to practice and improve leadership skills, add important value to the mission and strategy of the partner organization, work systemically, and hold high-level accountability.

During the residency period, you will produce a written Capstone. The Capstone is a descriptive, analytic, and reflective account of your third-year leadership contributions to a strategic project within an Ed.L.D. partner organization. It is a demonstration of your ability to engage others, develop strategy to successfully address and diagnose challenges, work toward a vision and goals, and learn from the results.

Sample Topics

  • Accountability, Coherence, and Improvement: Leadership Reflection and Growth in the Los Angeles Unified School District
  • Leadership Development for Entrepreneurial Education Leaders Working to Build Public & Private Sector Support
  • Disrupting Teacher Preparation: Lessons in Collaboration and Innovation Across the Learning to Teach Community of Practice
  • Pursuing Educational Equality for English Language Learners

Sample Summaries 

  • Breaking Down Silos in a School District: Findings from an Ed.L.D. Project in Montgomery County
  • Expanding Students' Access to Meaningful STEM Learning Opportunities Through Strategic Community Partnerships
  • Developing a New Teacher Leadership and Compensation System in Iowa: A Consensus-Based Process
  • Finding Great Teachers for Blended-Learning Schools

GSE Theses and Dissertations from Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH)

Program Faculty

Ed.L.D. students learn with renowned faculty from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Kennedy School. Faculty from the three schools share their individual expertise in the Ed.L.D. Program and work collaboratively to provide a challenging and coherent experience for students. Faculty who teach in the Ed.L.D. core curriculum and advise Ed.L.D. students include:

Faculty Director

Frank Barnes

Frank D. Barnes

Frank Barnes is faculty director of the Doctor of Education Leadership Program. He has over 30 years experience as an educator, researcher, and organizer. As a chief accountability officer, he led turnaround efforts for large public school districts, including Boston Public Schools and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

Kathryn Parker Boudett

Kathryn Boudett

Ebony N. Bridwell-Mitchell

Ebony Bridwell Mitchell

Jennifer Perry Cheatham

Jennifer Cheatham

Elizabeth City

Elizabeth City

Candice Crawford-Zakian

phd degree details

Marshall Ganz

HGSE shield on blue background

Adria D. Goodson

Deborah helsing.

phd degree details

Monica C. Higgins

Monica Higgins

Deborah Jewell-Sherman

phd degree details

Lisa Laskow Lahey

Lisa Lahey

Mary Grassa O'Neill

Mary Grassa O'Neill

Irvin Leon Scott

Irvin Scott

Catherine Snow

Catherine Snow

Michael L. Tushman

Martin west.

Martin West

Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself so that we can tailor our communication to best fit your interests and provide you with relevant information about our programs, events, and other opportunities to connect with us.

Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Education Leadership experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Brendon Chan with the Dalai Lama

Do We Need Happiness Teachers?

After a trip to meet with the Dalai Lama, an Ed.L.D. student says we do

Illustration of parents bringing children to school

Combatting Chronic Absenteeism with Family Engagement 

As post-COVID absenteeism rates continue unabated, a look at how strong family-school engagement can help

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New Ph.D. in leadership and policy marks first year

Doctorate program is opening doors to more research opportunities for students and for Lipscomb.

Janel Shoun-Smith | 615-966-7078 |  06/05/2024

The awarding of PhD hoods at Lipscomb graduation

The first 13 students in Lipscomb’s new Doctor of Philosophy in leadership and policy began their studies in August 2023.

The fifth doctorate started in Lipscomb’s history, the new Ph.D.’s curriculum allows students’ knowledge and skills to be applied to various fields such as education, public service, health care or public policy leadership.

Not only does this 63-hour, three-year program prepare students for high-level careers in leadership and service across a range of sectors, but it also helps prepare Lipscomb itself to continue to grow doctoral education and research activities into various academic disciplines in the future, said Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies Trace Hebert .

“The Ph.D. is comprised of a set of core courses that can be used by any of Lipscomb’s colleges. Then colleges can also offer a set of guided electives specific to their academic discipline. This allows them to develop their own Ph.D. cohort in an efficient way.” said Hebert. “Once they have developed critical mass, the college could potentially develop its own stand-alone doctorate.”

“This approach is starting new conversations among various departments on campus; conversations that are helping the doctoral world grow at Lipscomb,” he said.

Dr. Candice McQueen (BS ’96) and Hebert began to vision the new Ph.D. not long after McQueen’s arrival as president and it was determined that the College of Education was the best suited to host host the degree; however, the umbrella is larger than just education, said Hebert. Potential students work in a variety of sectors including education, public service, health care, as well as for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

The skills taught in the program include the ability to organize substantial amounts of information, research subjects broadly, independently manage and complete in-depth projects and to adapt to changing environments. These skills can fuel graduates’ work in various areas of leadership.

Debi Rutledge , dean of retention and engagement at Rochester University, in Michigan, enrolled in Lipscomb’s program as a way to not only gain the skills to carry out higher-level research to address her institution’s challenges, but to also expand her “general knowledge pertaining to leadership and policy regarding students, as well as knowledge specific to the issues I am working with every day,” she said.

“There is a high level of expectation in terms of engagement and quality of work, but that expectation is maintained amidst an environment of support from faculty and peers,” said Rutledge, who attends the course via the online distance learning option. “Even attending virtually, while most of my peers are in person, the peer support network has been invaluable already. 

“It has definitely driven me forward and has already raised the level of work that I am doing on a day-to-day basis,” she said.

Unlike Lipscomb’s existing doctorate programs – Pharm.D., Ed.D., D. Min. and PH.D. in archeology – the Ph.D. in leadership and policy appeals to a broader range of potential students, said Hebert. The interdisciplinary nature of the program is one that students are looking for in the market, and unlike the existing Ed.D. program, which uses collaborative dissertation work, the Ph.D. program allows students the flexibility to customize their dissertation research to a subject area they are passionate about.

In addition, enrolled doctoral students may earn a Master of Science in leadership and policy along the way and the bachelor’s-to-Ph.D. route is also available for graduating seniors who meet the program’s admission criteria.  “This is an exciting addition to our robust academic offerings,” said Lipscomb Provost Jennifer Shewmaker . “Adding a second Doctorate of Philosophy program elevates the academic profile of our university while giving students a challenging and fulfilling academic experience that equips them with the tools and experiences to make a difference in the world around them.”   

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  29. New Ph.D. in leadership and policy marks first year

    Doctorate program is opening doors to more research opportunities for students and for Lipscomb. Janel Shoun-Smith | 615-966-7078 | 06/05/2024. The first 13 students in Lipscomb's new Doctor of Philosophy in leadership and policy began their studies in August 2023. The fifth doctorate started in Lipscomb's history, the new Ph.D.'s ...