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Table of Contents


The guidelines for dnb thesis writing & submission are given below:.

For more details you can check in  National Board Website

Free Download:

Annexure Publication Thesis Summary Demo file Declaration cum Undertaking for Fresh Thesis Covering letter to NBE Declaration cum Undertaking for Modified Thesis


  • The DNB/DrNB Trainees are required to submit a thesis at the prescribed time line and as per the rules and regulations of NBEMS.
  • Research shall form an integral part of the education programme of all trainees registered for DNB/DrNB degrees of NBEMS.
  • The basic aim of requiring the trainees to write a thesis/dissertation is to familiarize him/her with research methodology.
  • The members of the faculty guiding the thesis/dissertation work for the candidate shall ensure that the subject matter selected for the thesis/dissertation is feasible, economical and original.


The protocol for a research proposal (including thesis) is a study plan, designed to describe the background, research question, aim and objectives, and detailed methodology of the study. In other words, the protocol is the ‘operating manual’ to refer to while conducting a particular study.

The candidate should refer to the NBEMS guidelines for preparation and submission of thesis protocol before the writing phase commences. The minimum writing requirements are that the language should be clear, concise, precise and consistent without excessive adjectives or adverbs and long sentences. There should not be any redundancy in the presentation

 The development or preparation of the Thesis Protocol by the candidate will help her/him in understanding the ongoing activities in the proposed area of research. Further it helps in creating practical exposure to research and hence it bridges the connectivity between clinical practice and biomedical research. Such research exposure will be helpful in improving problem solving capacity, getting updated with ongoing research and implementing these findings in clinical practice.

 Research Ethics: Ethical conduct during the conduct and publication of research is an essential requirement for all candidates and guides, with the primary responsibility of ensuring such conduct being on the thesis guide. Issues like Plagiarism, not maintaining the confidentiality of data, or any other distortion of the research process will be viewed seriously. The readers may refer to standard documents for the purpose.


  • The thesis protocol should be restricted to the following word limits:
  •  It is mandatory  research work to have Ethics committee approval before initiation of the research work.
  •  The concerned NBEMS accredited hospital shall be required to evaluate the thesis protocol at its own level through Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and approve the thesis protocol for carrying out the . The constitution of Institutional Ethics Committee has to be in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by NBEMS.
  • After the thesis protocol has been assessed and evaluated by Institutional Ethics Committee and has been approved for carrying out the research work, the same has to be submitted to NBEMS by the concerned hospital as per format specified in  Annexure – Thesis Protocol Approval (TPA).


The following penal provisions shall be levied on trainees who fail to comply with the aforementioned timelines

           Note: The above indicated timelines and penal provisions shall be applicable for trainees getting registered from July 2020 admission session onwards.


  • The accredited hospital should have an Ethics Committee (EC) which is Multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial in composition. The Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) shall review all ethical aspects of the project proposals received by it from DNB/DrNB trainees in an objective manner & shall provide advice to researchers on all aspects of the welfare and safety of all the concerned after ensuring the scientific soundness of the proposed research through appropriate Scientific Review Committee.
  • The accredited hospital / institute is required to have an Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) as per Notification issued by the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India vide Notice No. U-11024/01/2018-HR (Part-2)/8015255 dated 12 th September, 2019. It should be registered with the National Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and Health Research (NECRBHR) through their website
  • Ethics Committee Role: It is necessary for all research proposals on biomedical, social and behavioural science research for health involving human participants, their biological material and data to be reviewed and approved by an appropriately constituted EC to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well- being of all research
  • Ethics Committee Responsibility: The institution is responsible for establishing an EC to ensure an appropriate and sustainable system for quality ethical review and monitoring. The EC is responsible for scientific and ethical review of research proposals. ECs are entrusted with the initial review of research proposals prior to their initiation, and also have a continuing responsibility to regularly monitor the approved research to ensure ethical compliance during the conduct of research. The EC should be competent and independent in its  functioning.
  • Terms of Reference (TOR) for Ethics Committee: Every EC should have written SOPs according to which the committee should function. The EC can refer to ICMR guidelines in preparing the SOPs for all biomedical and health
  • Composition of Ethics Committee:
  • ECs should be multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral.
  • There should be adequate representation of age and
  • Preferably 50% of the members should be non-affiliated or from outside the
  • The number of members in an EC should preferably be between 8 – 15 and a minimum five  members   should   be   present   to meet   the   quorum of
  • The EC  should   have   a   balance   between   medical   and   non-medical members/technical and non-technical members, depending upon the needs of the institution.

The composition may be as follows:

  • Chairperson
  • One – two persons from basic medical science area
  • One – two clinicians from various Institutes
  • One legal expert or retired judge
  • One social scientist/ representative of non-governmental voluntary agency
  • One philosopher / ethicist/ theologian
  • One lay person from the community
  • Member Secretary
  • In case the institution does not have an Institutional Ethics registered with NECRBHR, the accredited hospital may tie institution  to utilise   its   NECRBHR       registered    A Committee (IEC) up with a nearby Memorandum of Understanding in this regard shall be required to be submitted to Accreditation Department of NBEMS.


  • The proposed study must be approved by the Institutional Ethics
  • The thesis should be restricted to the size of 80 pages (maximum). This includes the text, figures, references, annexure, and certificates etc. It should be printed on both sides of the page and every page has to be numbered. Do not leave any page blank. To achieve this, following points may be kept in view:
  • Typewriting of the Thesis work should always be done on an A4 size sheet having dimensions 21cm X 7 cm.
  • The thesis should be typed in 5 space using a clear and vi id font, preferably, Times New Roman/Arial/ Garamond size 12 font, 1” margins should be left on all four sides. Major sections viz., Introduction, Review of Literature, Aim & Objectives, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, References.
  • Appendices should start from a new
  • Study proforma (Case record form), informed consent form, master chart and patient information sheet may be printed in single
  • Only contemporary and relevant literature may be Restrict the introduction to 2 pages, Review of literature to 10-12 pages, and Discussion to 8- 10 pages.
  • The techniques may not be described in detail unless any modification/innovations of the standard techniques are used and reference(s) may be
  • Illustrative material may be It should be printed on paper only. There is no need to paste photographs separately.
  • Use numerals (1,2,3….) at the bottom in the centre of the pages to number all the
  • Use roman numerals for the preliminary pages in the lower-case to number front
  • All the new chapters to begin from new
  • Align all the chapter headings in the
  • The displaying page of chapter title must be placed at the  beginning of the chapter.
  • Always avoid typing any heading near the page bottom or at the end of a
  • Title and numbering along with data caption that clearly describes the nature of table and
  • Illustrate the caption at the bottom of the table and figure and on the same
  • The text description must be above and on the same page related to any table, figure and
  • Keep the headings distinct by a larger font as compared to the whole
  • Maintain all the headings of the same level by using the same font and
  • Keep the headings aligned to the left side as the chapter headings remain in the
  • Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents relate to the work in clinical subject or clinically-oriented laboratory subjects, the following steps are suggested:
  • The number of cases should be such that adequate material, judged from the hospital attendance/records, will be available and the trainee will be able to collect case material within the period of data collection, i.e. around 6-12 months so that he/she is in a position to complete the work within the stipulated
  • The aim and objectives of the study should be well
  • As far as possible, only clinical/laboratory data of investigations of patients or such other material easily accessible in the existing facilities should be used for the
  • Technical assistance, wherever necessary, may be provided by the department
  • concerned. The resident of one specialty taking up some problem related to some other specialty should have some basic knowledge about the subject and he/she
  • should be able to perform the investigations independently, wherever some
  • specialized laboratory investigations are required a co-guide may be co-opted from the concerned investigative department, the quantum of laboratory work to be carried out by the trainee should be decided by the guide & co-guide by mutual consultation.
  •  The clinical residents are not ordinarily expected to undertake experimental work or clinical work involving new techniques, not hitherto perfected OR the use of chemicals or radioisotopes not readily They should; however, be free to enlarge the
  • scope of their studies or undertake experimental work on their own initiative but all
  • such studies should be feasible within the existing facilities.
  • The DNB/DrNB residents should be able to freely use the surgical pathology/autopsy data if it is restricted to diagnosis only, if however, detailed historic data are required the resident will have to study the cases himself with the help of the guide/co-guide. The same will apply in case of clinical data.
  • Statistical methods used for analysis should be described specifically for each objective, and name of the statistical program used mentioned.


1.     Cover Page or Outer Cover- It should carry the following details:

a.     Title of Thesis

b.     Trainee’s Name

c.      Year of Thesis

d.     NBEMS Logo

e.     Name of Institute

f.       Guide’s Name (Optional)

 2.     Title- A good title should be brief, clear, and focus on the central theme of the topic; it should avoid abbreviations. The Title should effectively summarize the proposed research and should contain the PICO elements.

 3.     Declaration- Under the declaration, trainees shall submit the declaration as per  format specified for Fresh Thesis or Modified Thesis.

 4.     Introduction- It should be focused on the research question and should be directly relevant to the objectives of your study.

 5.     Review of Literature – The Review should include a description of the most relevant and recent studies published on the subject.

 6.     Aim and Objectives – The ‘Aim’ refers to what would be broadly achieved by this study or how this study would address a bigger question / issue.

 7.     The ‘Objectives’ of the research stem from the research question formulated and should at least include participants, intervention, evaluation, design.

 8.     Material and Methods- This section should include the following 10 elements: Study setting (area), Study diagnostic accuracy,duration; Study design (descriptive, case-control, cohort, experimental (randomized/non-randomized)); Study sample (inclusion/exclusion criteria, method of selection), Intervention, if any, Data collection, Outcome measures (primary and secondary), Sample size, Data management and Statistical analysis, and Ethical issues (Ethical clearance, Informed consent, trial registration).

 9.     Results- Results should be organized in readily identifiable sections having correct analysis of data and presented in appropriate charts, tables, graphs and diagram etc.

 10.  Discussion- It should start by summarizing the results for primary and secondary objectives in text form (without giving data). This should be followed by a comparison of your results on the outcome variables (both primary and secondary) with those of earlier research studies.

 11.  Summary and Conclusion- This should be a précis of the findings of the thesis, arranged in four paragraphs: (a) background and objectives; (b) methods; (c) results; and (d) conclusions. The conclusions should strictly pertain to the findings of the thesis and not outside its domain.

 12.  References- Relevant References should be cited in the text of the protocol (in  superscripts).

 13.  Appendices- The tools used for data collection such as questionnaire, interview schedules, observation checklists, informed consent form (ICF), Master Chart, participant information sheet (PIS) and Thesis Protocol Approval should be attached as appendices.


1. Thesis must be modified strictly in accordance with the observation made by the  assessor.

2.Modified thesis should be hard bound and the front cover page should be printed in the standard format. However, it should be labeled as MODIFIED THESIS.

  3.       A hard bound thesis should be accompanied with:

a.     A summary of thesis and modification incorporated.

b.     Print out of online application form duly signed and stamped by all mentioned authorities

 4.       A declaration of thesis work “title” being bonafide in nature and done by the trainee himself at the institute of DNB/DrNB training need to be submitted bound with modified thesis . The certificate must specify that thesis have been modified as per  suggestion of the assessor. This certificate must be signed by the trainee himself/herself, the thesis guide and head of the institution, failing which thesis shall not be considered.

 5.       Modifications done in the thesis should be appropriately flagged.

 6.       Modified thesis is required to be submitted within 6 weeks of issuance of the communication.


  • As per NBEMS norms, writing a thesis is essential for all DNB/DrNB trainees towards partial fulfillment of eligibility for award of DNB/DrNB
  • Application for assessment of thesis (Fresh/modified) can be submitted online only through National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences website There is no other method for application submission. Application submitted through any other mode shall be summarily rejected.
  • DNB/DrNB Trainees are advised to go through these guidelines carefully before submission of the Thesis and filling the application
  • The trainee should ensure that all the information entered during the online submission of application form is correct and factual. Information provided by the trainee in the online application form shall be treated as correct and NBEMS will not entertain, under
  • any circumstances, any request for change in the information  provided by the candidates.
  • NBEMS itself does not edit /modify/alter any information entered by the trainees at the time of online submission of application form under any circumstances. There is no provision of change in any Such requests shall not be entertained.
  • All the correspondence through post should be addressed to the Executive Director, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, Medical Enclave, MahatmaGandhi Marg, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029. Candidates are requested to superscribe the envelope with the subject matter of the correspondence for expeditious processing.The jurisdiction for court cases/disputes shall be at New Delhi only.
  • Incomplete submission forms will not be considered
  • Online application available at
  • Along with your thesis, send the summary of your thesis as per the earlier format in hard copy. Soft copy for thesis has to be uploaded on website.
  • Declaration that, the Thesis & Research work “Title” is ‘bonafide’ in nature, and has been carried out by the DNB/DrNB Trainee, need to be submitted bounded with the Thesis. This declaration is to be signed by the Trainee, Guide, Co-Guide (if any) and the Head of the Institution, with rubber-stamp.
  • Any change in your correspondence address after submission of thesis should be intimated to NBEMS at email [email protected] so as to affect timely dispatch of the outcome for your thesis assessment and other Communications.


  • The following timelines are to be followed for submission of thesis:

2.The following penal provisions shall be levied on trainees who fail to comply with the aforementioned timelines:

Note: The above indicated timelines and penal provisions shall be applicable for  trainees with immediate effect and shall be applicable on all admission sessions.


  • Fees for Thesis Assessment is as follows:

*(Payment Gateway Charges as applicable shall be levied using a credit or debit card issued by banks in India or through Internet banking.)

  • Trainees who fail to submit their Thesis by the cutoff date shall be allowed to submit their Thesis with a late fee of 10,000/- for upto one month after the scheduled cut off.
  • In case the trainee fails to submit the thesis even after then, they shall loose eligibility for the respective DNB/DrNB Final Examination and will have to abide by the cut off for next session of examination if they wish to appear.


Thesis should be bound and the front cover page should be printed in the standard A bound thesis should be accompanied with:

  • Print out of online  application form duly signed and stamped by all mentioned authorities
  • Synopsis of thesis
  • Copy of letter of registration with NBEMS
  • Thesis Protocol Approval

A declaration of thesis work being bonafide in nature and done by the trainee himself/herself at the institute of DNB/DrNB training need to be submitted bound with thesis for Fresh Thesis or Modified It must be signed by the trainee himself/herself, the thesis guide and head of the institution, failing which thesis shall not be considered.


  • For inquiries pertaining to thesis, you may write to [email protected].
  • Following Information must be provided in queries addressed to National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences regarding Thesis Status:
  • Registration Number
  • Date of submission of thesis

*Queries sent without aforesaid information shall not be entertained.

  • No inquiries regarding thesis assessment status prior to 4 months after thesis submission will be entertained.
  • Queries shall    not   be   entertained   from    persons    claiming    themselves    to be representative, associates or officiates of the applicant candidate.
  • Mention your Name, Subject, Registration and Date of submission of thesis in any correspondence pertaining to thesis with NBEMS.

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National board governed post-graduate curriculum: Strengths and scope

Jadon, Ashok; Theerth, Kaushic A 1, ; D'souza, Nita 2 ; Jana, Joyshankar J 3

Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Relief Service, Tata Motors Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

1 Department of Anaesthesia and Critical care, Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulum, Kerala, India

2 Department of Anaesthesia, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India

3 Department of Anaesthesiology, KEM Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Kaushic A Theerth, Department of Neuroanaesthesia and Neurocritical Care, Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulum, Kerala, India. E-mail: [email protected]

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The National Board of Examinations was established to boost the quality of medical education by laying down exclusive norms, uniform standards and a national level evaluation for the postgraduate medical courses. The content and context of the training curriculum is well updated as per advances in the field and current requirements. Diplomate of National Board (DNB) courses are considered to be at par with the postgraduate and post doctorate degrees for all intents and purposes. The introduction of a formative assessment with objective evaluation pattern has improved the scope of the board. Moving on to a competency-based training with emphasis on novel research can maximise the quality of training to international standards. Training DNB teachers and assessors in the newer teaching and assessment methods can improve the calibre of residents. Stringent monitoring and review of the training can increase the credibility of the courses and the board can be expected to cater for students abroad.


The regulation of medical education and health professionals is an important aspect of the governance of health systems.[ 1 ] The various postgraduate courses in medical colleges affiliated to concerned universities and other institutions were conducted based on the curriculum and guidelines directed by Medical Council of India (MCI). This was replaced recently by the National Medical Commission (NMC). However, the proficiency and standards of evaluation were considerably variable in these institutions.[ 2 ] The National Board of Examinations (NBE) was aimed to boost the quality of medical education by laying down exclusive norms and standards for postgraduate medical examinations across the country. The advantage of such norms was to possess uniform standards and mechanisms for evaluation of the PG medical courses.[ 2 ] The NBE awards a postgraduate degree, ‘Diplomate of National Board (DNB)’ in Anaesthesiology, through well-structured training and assessment methods. The process of DNB examination has evolved over the years and has many inherent strengths.[ 3 ] However, as medical science is developing at a very fast pace, scope of improvement to incorporate newer methods is essential. This article presents an overview of these strengths and the scope of improvement.


‘National Academy of Medical Sciences’ formerly ‘Indian Academy of Medical Sciences’ was established way back in the year 1961. An idea was then proposed for the development of a high-level postgraduate examination, at the national level, in various disciplines of medical sciences.[ 4 ] The NBE was later established in the year 1975 under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). This was the first of its kind national level exit examination, in the history of medical education in India. Initially, the qualifications were named as Membership of the National Academy of Medical Science (MNAMS). Although a shortage of qualified medical specialists fostered the inception of the board, NBE has diversified into training resident doctors in various super and sub-specialities revolutionising post-graduate education. Since 1982, NBE became an independent body and harboured the power of accreditation of hospitals for training postgraduate medical students. The qualifications granted since 30 August 1982, were named as DNB and recognised by the MoHFW, and for all purposes, considered equivalent to Doctor of Medicine (MD) due to similarities in tenure period, academic and clinical activities, and research exposure and exit examination.[ 5 ]

The board was renamed as National Board of Examination for Medical Sciences (NBEMS) following approval by the ministry in 1990. Initially, to encourage the enrolment of candidates, the selection process was based on walk-in interviews. However, candidate enrolments were constrained and students continued to prefer MD over DNB due to poor pass percentages in the exit examinations. With the establishment of a single National Eligibility Cum Entrance Examination (NEET), currently the difference between the structure of the two courses is barely identifiable. Additionally, the board also conducts entrance examination for Doctorate of Medicine (DM) and Master of Chirurgiae (MCh) courses along with Doctorate of National board (DrNB) and post-doctoral fellowship in national board (FNB -PD), for super and sub-specialities. In spite of apparent similarities, the National Medical Commission bill, recently introduced to overhaul the process of medical education, failed to include a clause on single PG board. However, in the lines of NMC, NBEMS has launched Post MBBS two-year Diploma courses in the broad specialities since 2020.[ 6 ] Additionally, DNB degree is recognised as an eligibility criterion for super speciality degrees (DM and MCh) making the distinction between the boards more fluid.

The discrimination of DNB graduates goes a long way since 1994 with purported inequalities in teaching experience. Since a couple of decades, India has seen a rapid growth in the number of medical colleges due to increased governmental spending on health infrastructure. Additionally, numerous private institutions have also been established which still contribute to the majority of the undergraduates in the country.[ 7 ] This has not only widened the gap between undergraduate and post-graduate seats but also led to the gross shortage of qualified medical teachers, which is roughly estimated to be at 40%.[ 8 ] The acceptance of DNB graduates as PG teachers has additionally minimised the dearth of educators in postgraduate education.


The goal of the DNB programme is to impart theoretical knowledge, training in suitable skills and procedures, development of communication and counselling techniques, and research in the field of anaesthesiology and allied subspecialities. During the DNB course, students perform a large array of clinical work, emergency duties and are also expected to keep records. They are normally posted in various locations and are required to participate in academic meetings, present case studies, and conduct reviews and seminars. Throughout the course, their skills and competence are constantly evaluated on the premise of a set standard format. On completion of training, a post-graduate in anaesthesiology should be ready as a specialist, medical teacher and researcher in anaesthesiology and the related fields of medicine.[ 3 ] However, the training requirements need to emphasise on the positive aspects and scope of the speciality outside the operating room like trauma, critical care and pain management.[ 9 ]


The DNB anaesthesiology curriculum of NBE is vast and inclusive of all necessary expertise which are required for a practising anaesthesiologist. The syllabus has been delineated between the various stages in training, which is divided into first, second and third years.[ 3 ] During the first year, the main focus is on the basic sciences and basics in anaesthesiology which includes pre and postoperative care, equipment and monitoring. Resuscitation and critical care are also included in the initial stages of the residency. The overarching curriculum designates use of ultrasound in anaesthesia and resuscitation in a comprehensive manner. The second-year involves competency in advanced monitoring, management of emergency surgeries, paediatric anaesthesia, other broad specialities and difficult airway management. Certain distinct areas such as geriatric anaesthesia, rural anaesthesia for camp surgeries, blood product management and role of anaesthesiologist in the pandemic have been initiated this year. Its apt to mention here that the curriculum in the United Kingdom has stressed competence in obstetric anaesthesia as a discrete and critical progression point in the second stage of training and it is assessed exclusively before the candidate advances to the next stage.[ 10 ] The third year includes the super-specialities, bariatric surgery, neonatal surgery and critical care, pain management, human resource management and medical audit in the curriculum.

Departmental rotation has been segregated into core areas and accessory areas and duration ranging from 1 to 6 months have been allotted for 17 different areas/departments. Externship is recommended to ensure all the areas are adequately covered within the duration of rotation. Although the guidelines have been laid in with extensive detailing, the enforcement of these guidelines are rarely monitored or reviewed. Often the postgraduate residents are posted based on the need of the hour basis, in various departments, irrespective of the year or stage of training.[ 3 ]

Various procedural skills are described in the curriculum and the minimum required number to attain proficiency is also specified for each procedure. The domains of curriculum are comprehensive; however, they are not as extensive as practised in the developed world.[ 10 ] In the west, they have been typically classified under generic and speciality specific categories. Among the generic domains of learning, team working, safety and quality improvement require a special mention.

The DNB curriculum is a time-based model. The assumption that 36 months is a satisfactory period to achieve all the skills of anaesthesia lacks solid evidence. The structured curriculum hopes to serve its purpose. All over the world, many training curricula in anaesthesiology exist with substantial variability.[ 11 ] In India, as DNB residents join from various socio-economic and academic backgrounds, the time taken to acquire certain skills may vary.[ 12 ] Therefore, a competency-based curriculum devised on set milestones, which are attained independent of the time, could be a better alternative method.[ 13 ]


The DNB follows a traditional teaching method which involves the conduct of seminar, case presentation, grand rounds, faculty lecture and clinical audits. However, to increase the involvement of trainees in the didactic lectures, ‘Flipped classrooms’ have been introduced in western curriculum.[ 14 ] It offers a pedagogical style of learning experience where residents are required to complete their study before attending the lecture and the class time is spent on problem-solving and discussion. This provides a learner-centred model offering exploration of topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities. Teaching also includes morbidity, mortality and clinical audits. Mortality and morbidity data, and presentations of rare and interesting cases, can offer newer insights on how to foresee, prevent and manage unexpected complications and avoid unforced errors.[ 15 ]

Scientific research is subjected to extensive scrutiny before translating it into practice. Identifying, analysing and criticising research are essential for improving and updating the existing knowledge. These are facilitated by the conduct of journal clubs. It also helps to identify quality research and encourages its utilisation and incorporation into practice.[ 16 ] Skills in super-specialities like cardiac and neuro anaesthesia are achieved by in-house rotational posting. However, when facilities are not available in-house, external postings to other institutions are done to fulfill all aspects of the curriculum. Additionally, observer-ship to regional centres of advanced learning and visiting faculty sessions can be organised.

Training needs are variable and cannot be grouped as good or bad practices. Some countries have highly structured training programmes with multiple national requirements and training principally carried out at the parent institute. Other countries have a more decentralised and unregulated approach with fewer (if any) specific case or rotation requirements, where the trainee creates his/her own customised training to meet broad objectives and goals.[ 11 ]

A study done in Kerala to evaluate the post-graduate clinical learning environment showed significant differences in several areas amongst the residents doing MD and DNB. The DNB students gave higher scores to social environment, supervision and feedback, while MD students gave higher scores for the domain of learning opportunities.[ 17 ] Moreover, faculty lectures are not commonly undertaken in accredited hospitals and DNB trainees register for various Continuing Medical Education programmes and online updates organised by the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists through its various chapters. Monitoring and enforcement of the curriculum and training pattern has not been an objective of the board. However, the board has an online portal for students to submit their grievances and feedback and NBEMS tracks the query and complaints effectively. Nonetheless, majority of NBE accredited hospitals fared better than government institutions in terms of state of art technology and advanced treatment facilities providing comprehensive learning opportunities for the students. NBE accredited hospitals have come together and formed an association – Association of National Board Accredited Institutions (ANBAI). This forum encourages innovative ideas in postgraduate medical teaching to enhance the standards of students. It also conducts annual conferences and confers awards to outstanding teachers in these hospitals.[ 18 ] Despite DNB having a great scope in our country, concern still remains regarding paucity in super-speciality training.[ 19 ] DNB super-speciality and 6 year DNB courses have been recently renamed as DrNB and District DrNB and FNB -PD programmes at state government-owned district/general/civil hospitals have been introduced by the board to address these concerns.

Learning by audio-visual media, simulation aids and skill laboratories is emphasised by the NBE in the DNB anaesthesiology curriculum. Audio-visual aids improve learning ability. Videos from routine clinical practice can orient the postgraduate towards a better grasp of skills. In skill laboratories, residents can experience real-time physiological changes and potential complications. This builds the residents’ familiarity, confidence with procedures and exposure to the management of life-threatening complications.[ 20 ] Availability of NBE webinars and online question paper bank are very progressive steps taken up by the NBE for the improvement of training.


As a professional activity, academic achievement assessment carries special implications and significance. Evidence is beginning to accrue that performance assessments indeed provide the means for improving teaching and learning.[ 21 ] The main drawback of the traditional examination is the subjective nature of assessment. According to the Miller's pyramid of professional competence,[ 22 ] the routine summative end of training exams may test the ‘knows’ and ‘knows how’ component of the competency testing. The ‘shows’ and ‘does’ components which are at the top of the pyramid are usually assessed during workplace-based informal assessment. The procedural skills are documented in a logbook along with the number and level of supervision. Fairness, validity and reliability of these records are inadequate, and they are not subjected to monitoring and review by the NBE. This warrants a newer means of logging in routine work and procedures for assessment of adequate clinical skills acquisition.

Internal assessment in the form of theory and practical examinations is conducted every 6 months. The NBE has set guidelines for the conduct of internal examinations and appraisal during the training period. The purpose of the examination is not only to motivate the trainees but also to obtain feedback on an individual basis and to improve the training for the students and help them focus in the deficient areas. These guidelines can be improved to assign specific areas of competency assessment in the internal assessment, based on the level of training.

There are several methods of workplace-based assessment (WPBA) such as Anaesthesia Clinical evaluation exercise (A-CEX), Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS), Anaesthetic list management assessment tool (ALMAT) etc. Mini -CEX has been evaluated and found to be an effective work place-based assessment tool.[ 23 ] These types of assessment have been used for surgical specialties and nonsurgical specialities which involve attaining procedural skills.[ 24 ] In a study done to evaluate resident's feedback on assessment methods, DOPS emerged as an effective teaching-learning tool, a motivational exercise that helped them improve their procedural skills and put forth their views.[ 25 ] These can be included by the board. Training of the assessors could overcome the drawbacks like student–teacher friction and demoralisation, which are seen in WPBAs.


The DNB candidates are eventually evaluated through theoretical examinations, practical examinations and through completion of a thesis (research project). Grading systems are used to evaluate and certify the candidate's knowledge, skills and competence.

Assessment of post-graduate students in DNB has evolved from a summative assessment to a formative assessment method.[ 24 26 27 ] Formative Assessment Test (FAT) has been introduced in the evaluation of performance of the trainees in DNB since the last decade and these tests are conducted every year for theory and practical assessment. Unlike the internal assessment and appraisal, these examinations are not conducted in-house and follow a uniform central question paper pattern for theory and also include external examiners for practical evaluation. The primary distinction in the assessment lies in the fact that the trainees get appraised about the performance in the examinations. The theory answer papers evaluated externally are returned to the trainees through the departmental head and each one of them is counselled based on the performance. The goal of FAT is to monitor the progress, with the aim of improving performance and building a foundation for learning more advanced skills.[ 28 ] The attendance to FAT exam is mandatory. Unfortunately, apart from moral obligations, the results are seen as inconsequential by the students. Inclusion of scores from these examinations in the final assessment may prevent students from discrediting the annual exam.

Though the conduct of such centralised examination in a large scale annually is laudable, the formative method of assessment is not justified enough in this examination. The syllabus for the examinations is not different from the summative assessment during final examinations. The critical progression of the trainees is not assessed; instead, an overarching assessment of competency is done. Although an external examination has more validity, the actual advantage lies in following a universal structured pattern of evaluation. Nevertheless, these exams do serve the purpose of feedback and induce a proactive behaviour among the trainees to improve their knowledge.[ 29 ] Many universities under the NMC have split the qualifying examination into two parts with part-1 comprising basic sciences, being held at the end of the first year of residency. This encourages reading and lays the foundation of basic sciences and helps with better understanding for further clinical exposure.

A standardised patient or clinical material and an independent impartial examiner are key components for an appropriate unbiased examination. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a precedent examination followed in many international centres across various health science examinations.[ 30 ] There are various stations that can be tailored to be specific and are assigned to test all the necessary areas of competency and follow a prescribed marking scheme. These are helpful in assessing unique domains such as professionalism, communication and procedural skills. Use of simulation of different levels of fidelity can be helpful in creating real-life emergency situations which are usually impractical to assess in a routine examination. OSCE component added recently by National board has over 25 stations in a specified time period targeting concise answers. The uniformity across all centres is maintained as they are virtually run from the NBE command centre simultaneously.

Additionally, the performance in DNB can be appraised in a centralised manner with inclusion of certain more objective methods including multiple true/false and single best answer as a part of the examination. These help in assessment of the breadth of knowledge and its application.[ 31 ] They are better in quantifying the performance across many centres at a regional level and assess the quality of the trainees at the national level annually.

In the DNB curriculum, the importance of research is emphasised by incorporating thesis as a mandatory criterion for qualifying the final examinations. This inculcates an attitude to carry out the designing of a study, review of literature, methodology, data collection and application of valid statistical tests to arrive at a conclusion. It also encourages the trainees to write a scientific paper and publish the research findings in various journals. Although thesis serves the main objective of familiarising the practice of research methodology, the topics submitted for review are often less than ordinary. While the NMC promotes original research in medical colleges by coupling publications with promotions, it is not the same with NBE. The burden of novel scientific research in these hospitals lies in the hands of devout students and teachers who are eager to allocate their time in conducting original research.

The evaluation of the answer papers of DNB theory examination is subjective. Whilst the question papers are set by experts in the field with years of experience, the valuation of the answers are done by assessors with varying levels of experience. The model answer paper is set by the examiner and not by the person who sets the question paper. The questions are set with an idea to cover all the domains of competency mentioned in the curriculum. On the contrary, the evaluation entirely depends on the assessor stringency, subjectivity and experience. The results of the recent

DNB theory examinations saw a dip in pass percentage. NBE has encouraged concise, point-wise answering to the questions. Thereby the answering scripts were limited to facilitate answering all questions, in the specified duration of time to assess the candidate's ability to present only relevant essential points.

Last but not the least, success at workplace depends on presence of the appropriate aptitude necessary for the speciality. Certain non-technical skills are required to improve the performance of anaesthesia practice. These are not assessed in the examinations. The major skill sets are situation awareness, teamwork, communication and task management. One has to be able to perform all these while coping with pressure. A prototype Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) system was found to have a satisfactory level of validity, reliability and usability in an experimental setting. Guidelines should be developed for its integration into the anaesthesia curriculum and its assessment.[ 32 ]

DNB anaesthesiology is aimed at producing competent anaesthesiologists and future teachers. The content and context of training curriculum is well updated as per advances in the field and current requirements. DNB courses at present are considered to be at par with the postgraduate and post doctorate degrees for all intents and purposes including employment opportunities in India and abroad. The introduction of a formative assessment with objective evaluation pattern has improved the scope of the board. Moving on to a competency-based curriculum with shift of focus on practical rather than theoretical skills can maximise the quality of training to international standards. Inclusion of newer workplace-based assessment methods and assessment of non-technical skills can exemplify the calibre of the residents. Training DNB teachers and assessors in the newer teaching and assessment methods can improve the performance of trainees. Stringent monitoring and review of the training can increase the credibility of the courses and eventually, the board can be expected to cater to anaesthesiology trainees not only in India but other South-East Asian Nations.

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NBE extends thesis submission deadline for DNB, DrNB trainees

MD Bureau

New Delhi : Through a recent notice, National Board of Examination, (NBE) has informed regarding the extension to the last date for submission of thesis by DNB/DrNB trainees who are going to appear for forthcoming DNB, DrNB Final Theory Examinations.All the trainees and Accredited Institutions are hereby informed that the last date for submission of Thesis for 2020 admission session is...

New Delhi : Through a recent notice, National Board of Examination, (NBE) has informed regarding the extension to the last date for submission of thesis by DNB/DrNB trainees who are going to appear for forthcoming DNB, DrNB Final Theory Examinations.

All the trainees and Accredited Institutions are hereby informed that the last date for submission of Thesis for 2020 admission session is extended till 31st of October,2022.

As per NBEMS norms, writing a Thesis is essential for all DNB/DrNB trainees towards the partial fulfillment of eligibility for Diplomate of National Board (DNB) and Doctorate of National Board (DrNB) Degree.

It is mandatory for DNB/DrNB trainees who are eligible to appear in a forthcoming DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examination to submit their Thesis for Assessment at least six months prior to the Examination.

Meanwhile, NBEMS has been receiving numerous requests both from trainees and Accredited Institutions to extend the last date for submission of Thesis, as trainees have not been able to complete thesis due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

In the light of the above, and due to COVID-19 pandemic, the last date for submission of Thesis for 2020 admission session is extended till 31st of October,2022. All DNB/DrNB trainees and accredited institutions are informed that, no further extension shall be given, and those trainees who do not submit their Thesis by the 31st of October, 2022, shall be rendered 'ineligible' to appear in their DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examination.

For any query related to Thesis, please contact to NBEMS at 011-45593000 or write at NBEMS Communication Web Portal.

To view the official Notice, Click here :

MD Bureau

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  1. एनबीई

    Online Web Portal for submission of Thesis Protocol reg. 2022-10-31. Last date for submission of Thesis for candidate scheduled to appear in DNB Final Theory Examination - March/April 2023. 2022-06-30. Extension of last date for submission of Thesis. 2022-04-16. Extension of last date for submission of thesis. 2022-01-06.

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  16. National board governed post-graduate curriculum: Strengths and scope

    The NBE has set guidelines for the conduct of internal examinations and appraisal during the training period. The purpose of the examination is not only to motivate the trainees but also to obtain feedback on an individual basis and to improve the training for the students and help them focus in the deficient areas.

  17. एनबीई

    Online Web Portal for submission of Thesis Protocol - reg. 2022-10-31. Last date for submission of Thesis for candidate scheduled to appear in DNB Final Theory Examination - March/April 2023. 2022-06-30. Extension of last date for submission of Thesis. 2022-04-16. Extension of last date for submission of thesis. 2022-01-06.

  18. NBE extends thesis submission deadline for DNB, DrNB trainees

    All the trainees and Accredited Institutions are hereby informed that the last date for submission of Thesis for 2020 admission session is extended till 31st of October,2022. As per NBEMS norms, writing a Thesis is essential for all DNB/DrNB trainees towards the partial fulfillment of eligibility for Diplomate of National Board (DNB) and ...


    paper. All copies of thesis pages must be clear, sharp and even, with uniform size and uniformly spaced characters, lines and margins on every page of good quality white paper of 75 gsm or more. 2.1.3 Thesis should be free from typographical errors. 2.1.4 Thesis must be accompanied by an Abstract as detailed under 2.2 Size and Margins