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Save & Close  Utilizing Independent Contractors and Other Gig Workers Training

Utilizing Independent Contractors and Other Gig Workers Training

This sample presentation is intended for delivery to individuals who hire and manage workers. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the law and best practices regarding independent contractor/gig worker classification.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Recognizing Hidden Bias

​This sample presentation is intended for delivery to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the concepts and best practices regarding unconscious bias in the workplace.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Documenting Employment Actions

This sample presentation is intended for presentation to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who is knowledgeable in both proper documentation and the employer's policy and practices.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Conducting Performance Appraisals Training

This sample presentation is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the employer's performance management and appraisal programs.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Confronting Workplace Bullying

This sample presentation provides training on what workplace bullying is and how to prevent it.

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Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

Top 7 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for HR Presentations


  • July 15, 2022
  • Content-ready Business Topics , Human Resources presentations , PowerPoint templates for download

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Anastasia

Working in the human resources department of middle or bigger companies involves effectively communicating various HR processes, and analyzing & presenting organizational structures. Explaining these rather complex HR concepts can be a lot easier when you use clear visuals.

For you, we’ve handpicked some recommendations of PowerPoint slide deck examples that can be a source of graphical inspiration for you.

You can get any example presented here as editable PPT files. Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full collection of Human Resources PowerPoint templates here .

Let’s explore our selection of presentations covering the major HR management presentation topics:

  • HR Metrics Dashboards with PowerPoint Data Charts
  • Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes
  • HR Talent Management Concepts
  • Employer Branding Essentials

Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration

  • Company Organizational Structure Charts
  • Company Roles and Department Structure

Dashboard Template with HR Metrics PowerPoint Charts

Do you need to report HR-related KPI metrics in a clear presentation? Show it in the form of a dashboard presentation.

An HR dashboard is a presentation type that visually displays major key performance indicators on one or more slides. Check this HR Metrics Dashboard Data Charts PowerPoint template with places for displaying the KPI measures. For example: employee profiles, remuneration structure, skills, or satisfaction. There you can find slides for reporting employee performance and retention, as well as HR project status and progress.


Where you can use those HR dashboards:

  • Presenting your employee skills matrix evaluating key competencies
  • Illustrate your recruitment & onboarding metrics
  • Visualize your remuneration changes year-over-year
  • Create your employee retention dashboard

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes PowerPoint HR Diagrams

If you want to present recruitment steps or the onboarding processes in a visually attractive format,  then have a look at this set of Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring HR diagrams .

Using creative visuals to illustrate the steps to fill the job post helps you to communicate those processes to your peers.


You can use these HR presentation ppt graphics to:

  • Illustrate the overall process of hiring employees 
  • Show the candidate selection roadmap
  • Visually compare  hiring journeys with or without pre-onboarding

HR Diagrams for Presenting Talent Management Concepts

This is another HR area that can benefit from using a visual method of communication. If you need to present talent management processes, check this pre-designed HR Talent Management slide deck . 

It includes layouts for presenting talent management definition,  performance process cycle, and goal management from an organization and individual perspective, and more.


You can use it as a library of eye-catching diagram templates to explain HR concepts within your organization. Also, check our icon ideas to illustrate talent management , even 1 symbol can make a difference to your slide.

Employer Branding Essentials Presentation

If you are working with employer branding frameworks and roadmaps, explore this Employer Branding HR Process Diagrams PowerPoint template . It includes a dozen diagram slides to illustrate the process of employee life-cycle or employee value proposition.

A well-designed employer branding roadmap helps to implement relevant activities for improving the employer’s image.

employer-branding-process-hr-diagram-ppt-template HR diagrams

Examples of using Employer branding graphics:

  • Presenting employer branding framework areas
  • Showing employer branding stages 
  • Visualizing employer EVP offerings (employee value propositions)

Need to present a compensation and benefits scheme inside your organization?

Here’s a Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration PowerPoint library of slide graphics covering these topics. 

There you can find editable diagrams illustrating benefits management, salary determination, and payroll processes.


These HR diagrams can be used in a broad spectrum of contexts:

  • Presenting the scope of HR administration management 
  • Showing and analyzing your company’s compensation and benefits scheme
  • Describing your salary determination process 
  • Visualizing stages of the payroll process

Template for Company Organizational Structure Charts

Do you need to quickly create a creative organization map in PowerPoint?

This Company Organizational Structure Charts slide deck includes company structure organograms as well as matrix management structures for several projects spanning multiple departments.

corporate-structure-org-chart-ppt-diagram HR diagrams

There are 16 pre-designed org charts editable in PowerPoint, for example:

  • Hierarchical organization charts with pictures of the CEO and department managers
  • Diagrams for flat organization structures, tree parallelograms, vertical and horizontal flow org charts
  • Hand-drawn matrix organizational charts for creative scribbled org chart
  • Vector icons for various roles, project teams, and company departments

Creating your own organizational chart in PowerPoint allows you to get a unique-looking organizational chart and make flexible changes to reflect organizational fluctuations. Replacing, adding, or removing a position or department is a matter of fast shape modification.

How you can use this template:

  • Clearly present the organization management flows, company size, and personnel structure.
  • Introduce people managing a company in a personal way, adding a person’s photograph or role icon only.

Company Roles and Departments PowerPoint Icons Collection

Need to illustrate various senior management roles or specific departments? Have a look at this presentation with Company Roles and Department Structure PPT icons . 

There you will find 32 outlined symbols of company positions such as CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, HR head, or Chief Sales Officer. There are also icons representing corporate product-related departments, sales-related issues, back-office, and various product development steps.


You can reuse the icons and organizational chart templates for presenting your company hierarchy, from the board through to the CEO and directors to specific department heads.

Feel free to explore these and reuse visualization ideas if they fit your work.

With the help of PowerPoint templates full of HR diagrams and role icons, you can enrich your existing slides or create a professional presentation from scratch. 

Thanks to the PowerPoint format you can edit all content – change descriptions, expand diagrams, replace icons as you need, etc. 

Having such HR presentation templates allows you to create your own do-it-yourself toolbox that can speed up your presentation preparation. You can also import those slides to Google Slides or Keynote presentation software if that is a presentation tool you use.

Resource: HR Presentation Examples and Template s for PowerPoint

Explore the complete set of presentation graphics about human resources and personnel development topics. If you find it useful you can download all the source illustrations for commercial use and free modifications. All these resources are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics:

HR Management Diagrams & Icons Decks Collection

Further inspiration for HR presentations

Explore more blog posts to find the right infographics and visuals for presenting your ideas:

  • How to Present Employee Engagement Factors
  • Use Attention-Grabbing Graphics for Your Next Remote Work Presentation and Visual Metaphors to Illustrate Work From Home Concepts
  • 7 Design Ideas for Group Development Chart Slide
  • Use Symbols to Show 6 HR Management Areas
  • Illustrate Needs and Values with icons

To try out how these PPT diagrams work, get a free sample of PowerPoint diagrams and icons that you can use to play with this kind of presentation graphic.

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.


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Art of Presentations

13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

By: Author Shrot Katewa

As an HR head, you might be invited to many forums, conferences, and board rooms to discuss burning topics that are being debated within your community.

We think there is surely room for more and more presentations to be made and points to be discussed within this space. So, today we share with you some ideas that you can read, discuss and develop for your next PowerPoint presentation.

So, let’s dive right into the topics directly –

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs . The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

1. Employee well-being

The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well.

Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies with respect to employee well-being should be framed, how business functions should be rewarded for promoting employee well-being.

It would be a great topic for starting an organizational behavior discussion as well. 

2. Digitalization in HR practices

We all acknowledge that the digitalization of processes and systems is something no function can escape from – including HR. Do you agree that technology has a role to play in HR? Or do you believe that the role of the ‘human’ here is more important to focus on than automation of HR practices?

Either way, this is a great topic to take off from and talk about how HR as a function has been impacted by technology over the years, and what possibly will it look like 5 to 10 years hence.

3. Role of Employee Mental Health

A goal-focused approach, having a mindset for success, an enhanced focus for better productivity — these are aspects that many a time we talk to employees about. However, how do you develop a healthy mind that is not stressed and anxious? A mindset that actually wants to succeed but isn’t feeling pressured.

We think HR departments have a great opportunity in expounding on the critical need for investing in mental health and providing good counseling opportunities across levels. A great presentation topic at any forum for sure!

4. Importance of Learning and Development

Now, this has always been a top favorite amongst HR practitioners.

There is no doubt that the need to learn and upskill employees is a crucial aspect in today’s ever-increasing VUCA world. Globalization has ensured that one can learn both online and offline from experts.

It would be interesting to showcase your thoughts and present how training resources are being assigned. The presentation can also include how HR teams are adapting to the ever more nuanced learning needs of their people.

5. Dispute Resolution among Employees

We are human and so it is obvious that there shall be disagreements. In fact, disagreements are often encouraged to ensure that good ideas on the table become even better! We see HR heads presenting this topic with examples and anecdotes from their work lives.

Also, as a presentation topic, it can extend to offline case studies that can be discussed event after a workshop. There is a possibility that at times you have seen that a dispute is highly subjective – for example when it comes to interpretation say of a gesture, culturally it can be a genuine mistake.

So go ahead make this presentation topic as engaging and interactive as you like it!

6. Secrets of a Happy Workplace

We all want to work at an organization where we feel motivated, engaged, and safe. However, what goes behind in building and maintaining such a happy workplace?

Is it when you have an employee-first approach or is it when it is about a customer-first approach? Do HR and management value the same thing?

These are all pointers that we think your PowerPoint presentation can touch upon. There is enough research out there that supports both points of view. So go happy presenting!

7. How to Attract Millennials to your Workplace?

Now, this is another great presentation topic – and one that many people would like an answer to!

Millennials have a reputation that they are either too distracted or disloyal to stick to an organization. However, recent surveys suggest that all they need is a purpose-driven organization. If they can identify with your cause, they actually are quite a loyal bunch!

As an HR practitioner your role in attracting and retaining such talent, and the role of the CEO in providing this enabling environment can well be a good presentation topic for your next HR board meeting.

8. Creating an Engaged Workforce

Engaged workforce as a presentation topic works very well at all levels.

You have an opportunity over here to talk about a variety of aspects that go into engaging your workforce such as progressive and inclusive policies, diversity management, the role of sports, off-sites, etc.

You might want to stress certain productivity numbers that the industry has experienced when working with an engaged workforce. We believe that this topic can go as niche or wide as you would prefer.

9. Open Offices – boon or bane?

HR teams across the world have often been sold the concept of open offices over closed cabin environments.

It seems logical that the more open the office, the less the hierarchy. Yet does that also mean more distraction, less productivity?

This is a presentation topic that can help you open up a lot of room for an active discussion with your audience. Is there a formula for success to open offices? Why do some industries or sectors have more success w.r.t to these open formats?

Again as an HR head or student, you would have unique experiences that will make for a great presentation.

10. Encouraging a work-life balance at a startup

Start-up culture is something that still is a hot topic at most HR seminars. It is usually this unique time in an organization where the organization is still figuring out what suits its employees best.

HR professionals can use this PowerPoint presentation topic to both share and invite ideas on how work-balance can be maintained, and what is needed in their organizations as they move along the growth curve.

11. Employee Volunteering – Role of HR or CSR?

Another great topic is the role volunteering plays in an organization and which team really needs to front this. Since Corporate Social Responsibility teams are often merged with the Communication teams there can be a difference in the approach.

HR heads have an opportunity here to dissect their role as employee engagement custodians and how & if they see volunteering as part of this mandate.

12. Importance of an Ethics Committee

Do you need an ethics committee for your organization? Usually, well yes! However, is the firm at too nascent a stage for such a ‘committee’? Can it work via an ombudsperson? Do you need a formal whistle-blower policy?

All these topics can come together within this presentation topic and make it worthy of a discussion across board rooms. We believe that HR heads have another great topic here for making their voice heard!

13. Job Rotation and its contribution to Employee Growth

The industrial revolution showcased how employee productivity grew if people repeated a task often. It was stated that this reduced the chances of errors and in fact, is what led to the whole 6 sigma quality and productivity concept. Yet, is this concept relevant now?

As an HR head you can ponder on why this has worked but even how in this digital age, and reducing attention spans, employees are seeking to learn new skills.

Your presentation can cover how job rotation can lead to, for example. better talent development and retention. Worth your time! 

So there you have it. There is a lot to talk about when we need to share something useful on human resources. I would like you to consider these topics only as a conversation starter and build up from the brief pointers that we have mentioned. I also hope that you find the above topics really something that you can use and is effective in your business setting. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Our goal on this blog is to create content that helps YOU create fantastic presentations; especially if you have never been a designer. We’ve started our blog with non-designers in mind, and we have got some amazing content on our site to help YOU design better.

If you have any topics in mind that you would want us to write about, be sure to drop us a comment below. In case you need us to work with you and improve the design of your presentation, write to us on [email protected] . Our team will be happy to help you with your requirements.

Lastly, your contribution can make this world a better place for presentations . All you have to do is simply share this blog in your network and help other fellow non-designers with their designs!

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HR Presentation Slide Templates

HR Presentation Slide

Number of slides: 10

The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company. With this template you can demonstrate the core functions of the human resource management. Also, you can show relationships between the senior managers and the work force.

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Set of HR Powerpoint Slides

Venn diagram human resource slide.

A Venn diagram is used to show logical relationships between different and numerous data sets. For example, it can be applied to the hiring process of your company. Your company will have certain criteria that the right candidate should possess, such as experience, professional skills, and leadership qualities. All of the applicants who exhibit those characteristics have the potential to be the new employee.

Clustered Column Chart Human Resource Slide

The Clustered Column Charts is a graph that is used for comparison of certain data. The values are grouped into categories by using vertical bars. The data will use the same axis labels and can become really complex, depending on the amount of data. This template will enable you to better organize the data in your HR department and to highlight important values.

Meet the Team Human Resource Slide

It is important to always praise your employees and this slide is the right place to give them credits. Your team is the most valuable asset in the organization. You have plenty of space to name each team member, regardless of their responsibilities and field of expertise. Also, the slide is quite visual and you will be able to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

With the HR template you will highlight the key values of the HR process and organization

You can demonstrate the core functions of the HR department and create a path for better organization of the human resources.

The Venn diagram is suitable for demonstrating the hiring process

By using the Venn diagram, you will be able to successfully select the right candidate.

Professional template that will enable you to make a memorable presentation

The visual slides will contribute for a better understanding of the data.


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VP of Marketing at Avella

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Strata Research

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What are human resource templates.

Human resources ppt templates are a collection of pre-designed  100% editable PowerPoint slides  created explicitly for HR professionals to help them effectively communicate their HR strategy, ideas, and initiatives. These templates usually include various HR-related themes such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, performance management, etc. They come with professionally designed graphics,  presentation icons , and images that easily match an organization’s branding or personal preferences. Free HR templates are perfect for creating impressive and visually appealing presentations that can help HR professionals convey essential information to their audience engagingly and clearly.

What Are The Various HR Topics For Presentation?

Several HR Topics For Presentation are usable for  creating attractive business presentations . Some of the most common ones include:

  • Recruitment and Selection:  This topic covers organizations’ methods and strategies to attract, identify, and select the most qualified candidates for a job.
  • Onboarding and Orientation:  This topic covers integrating new employees into the organization and familiarizing them with its culture, policies, and procedures.
  • Employee Engagement:  This topic covers the strategies and techniques used to motivate and engage employees, improve their job satisfaction, and foster a positive work environment.
  • Performance Management:  This topic covers setting goals, monitoring performance, providing feedback, and improving performance to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Employee Training and Development:  This topic covers the methods and strategies used to enhance employee skills and knowledge to meet the organization’s changing needs.
  • Compensation and Benefits:  This topic covers how organizations attract, retain, and reward employees through various forms of compensation and benefits.
  • Diversity and Inclusion:  This topic includes  strategic initiative templates  used to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including the recruitment of diverse talent, creating an inclusive culture, and managing diversity-related issues.

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Home PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint Templates HR PowerPoint Template

HR PowerPoint Template

The HR PowerPoint Template is a set of 17 slides to present human resources management concepts. Human Resources is the term used for people working in an organization. Whereas, the human resources department is responsible for administrating employee lifecycle (Attract, Onboard, Develop, Engage, Recognize, Transition). The HR focuses on recruiting, employee benefits and perks, on-job training, employee relations, and talent development. Our HR PowerPoint slide deck provides a range of layout and diagrams to present these HR-related topics. Different HR models and creative slides are available to discuss the organizational workforce.

The HR PowerPoint Template outlines the most important aspects of human resources processes and management. For example, hiring process, HR management structure, Strategic HRM, and more. Creative clipart icons and shapes in PowerPoint templates will help visualize these aspects of human resources. The PowerPoint shapes could be used as metaphors for various collaboration or people-related activities. Further, the use of graphics gives an infographic look to the HR presentation theme.

The true potential of any business lies with its human resources. This HR template can assist in demonstrating all necessary functions such as policies, rules and HRM planning. Moreover, it includes slides for topics like job analysis, talent hunt as well as job poaching in retention strategies. A ready-to-use deck with all HR related topics will reduce time and effort of presenter. The professionals of any field can use HR PowerPoint template for a comprehensive business presentation.

HR Theme Slide Deck

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Free Human Resource PPT slides help focus on providing extrinsic, as well as intrinsic motivators to help groom the employees. Job Interview and Blue Manager are among the template designs included under this tag.

Download Human Resources PowerPoint slides in .pptx format, and use them to help the company grow by participating in recruitment, training and other pivotal processes.

Job Interview PowerPoint template

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Recruitment PowerPoint Template

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Human Resource PowerPoint Template

Human Resource PowerPoint Template

Business Team PowerPoint Template

Business Team PowerPoint Template

Free Human Resources PowerPoint templates are designed to support various HR functions within an organization. These slide templates on HR, which can be downloaded in .pptx format, are practical tools for presenting HR-related information in a professional and engaging manner.

The primary use of these Human Resources PowerPoint templates is to aid HR professionals in their daily tasks and presentations. This may involve employee management, recruitment, training, performance assessment, and talent development. The PPT templates contain a variety of slides that can help illustrate these processes, from organizational charts to talent management strategies, training calendars, and performance metrics.

HR teams can also use these Human Resources templates during recruitment drives and job interview presentations . Slides may showcase the company culture, job requirements, interview processes, or onboarding and offboarding procedures, thereby providing prospective employees with a clear understanding of what they can expect from the company.

Furthermore, these PowerPoint templates can serve as a valuable resource for job seekers and candidates preparing for job interviews. Combined with 30 60 90 day plan templates , they can use these slide templates to create presentations that highlight their skills, experiences, and career objectives. Slides can include personal introductions (how to introduce yourself) or even for team introductions , career summaries, skills matrices, and other relevant data that can improve their chances of success during job interviews.

With a wide variety of designs, these Human Resources PowerPoint templates can cater to different presentation needs. Job Interview and Blue Manager PowerPoint template are just a few examples of the slide templates you might find under this category. These designs focus on providing both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators that can aid in employee development and growth.

The presentation templates are not just visually appealing; they are also customizable to meet specific requirements. HR professionals can easily modify text, images, infographics, colors, and other elements to suit their organization’s brand identity and presentation needs. The flexibility of these PPT templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides allows them to be used across various HR scenarios, making them an essential tool in any HR department’s arsenal.

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hr presentation for employees ppt

Top 10 HR Presentation Templates

Top 10 HR Presentation Templates

Organizations rely on human resources departments to relay important company information to the team. This could be anything from training and onboarding materials, to company compliance and performance management. HR teams act as a resource for employees for anything regarding their compensation, behavior, education, and more. 

Regardless of the information, HR managers can benefit from presentations to help them communicate more effectively. These are the top 10 HR presentation templates your team needs.

A 30-60-90 plan defines a new employee’s responsibilities and goals for the first 90 days after onboarding. It maps out achievable goals tied to their role so that they can be productive and efficient while learning the ins and outs of the job. Teams can set clear expectations more effectively with Beautiful.ai’s 30-60-90 presentation example.   

A successful 30-60-90 presentation can help leadership and teams lay down the foundation for personal, performance, and learning goals. Our 30-60-90 template can also help you make the transition for a new employee more seamless and empowering, set priorities for the new position so they know where to start, and achieve more success on the team, faster.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Year End Employee Review

A year end employee review is a conversation that happens between managers and employees that goes over performance expectations and how well they were executed. The employee review allows leadership to reflect on the previous year with their team in order to help them grow for the overall success of their career and the business. Teams can facilitate these meetings more effectively with Beautiful.ai’s year end employee review presentation example.  

Our Year End Employee Review template can also help you get a better understanding of your responsibilities and expectations for your role, communicate concerns or provide feedback to your manager, or position yourself in a favorable way to ask for a raise or promotion. 

hr presentation for employees ppt

Company Culture

Good company culture can be the difference between landing top talent and losing them to the competition. When an employee finds a company that matches their values, they tend to form better relationships with their colleagues in turn making them more motivated and productive. A successful company culture presentation helps you define things like your work environment, values and mission, and expectations of employees, and can help HR managers and teams align on values for a more balanced workplace. 

Our company culture template can help HR managers define company culture standards and guidelines, onboard new hires more efficiently, and host annual or quarterly training as a refresher to existing employees.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Training Presentation

Are you training a team of new recruits to your company? Or delivering a webinar on a topic in your industry to your employees? To pull off a training session, webinar, or coaching session effectively, you’ll need an organized presentation as a visual aid.

A good training presentation can provide structure to your speech and boost your confidence as a presenter. It can also deliver your message efficiently, and stick with your audience long after your presentation is over. Use our training presentation template to present information simply and logically, help on-board new recruits, motivate, inspire, or inform your audience.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Performance Review Presentation

A performance review can help managers and employees align on expectations and set goals so the team as a whole can be more successful. Keep your notes and employee evaluations organized with Beautiful.ai’s performance review template . 

Our customizable template has all the performance review basics like communication hits and misses, job performance, and overall feedback. Our performance review template can also help you customize your performance review presentation for different employees, act as a take-away resource that employees can reference throughout the quarter, organize your notes and expectations for future hires.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Employee Handbook

HR managers have a lot to share with new employees during their first week on the job. That’s why you need an employee handbook template for your upcoming presentation. You’ll also need a template that covers it all: the company’s history and values, essential policies, perks and benefits, expected employee behavior, who they can contact for help, and much more. 

A comprehensive employee handbook presentation can help HR teams inform new hires and get them excited to work for the company. Plus, it can be used as a resource that they can come back to again and again.

hr presentation for employees ppt

New Hire Onboarding

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the specific team they’ll be working with. There’s a lot of information for HR managers to share with new hires on their first day and beyond: what the company is all about, what they can expect to do and who to work with, and so much more. Having all of that information conveyed in a template helps to standardize the onboarding process across the organization. Our new hire onboarding template keeps everything organized for you and new employees who are starting their journeys. 

HR teams can use the new hire onboarding template to introduce new hires to the company, help onboarding run more consistently across teams and functions, standardize the knowledge base all new employees will have upon finishing orientation, and check in with new employees periodically. 

hr presentation for employees ppt

HR Benefits Presentation

Our human resources benefits template makes it easy to break down important benefits and perks for your employees. Understanding medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage can be confusing. Figuring out incentives like 401(K) retirement plans can be, too. Lay everything out in one easy-to-read HR benefits presentation.

Use the HR benefits template to explain the open enrollment process, onboard new employees, or to keep on hand as a company resource.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Recruitment Presentation

In a competitive market, recruiters and HR representatives need to attract and lock down top talent for their organization. Your company might provide competitive benefits, high salaries, an engaging company culture, and enticing opportunities for growth, but if you don’t know how to sell those perks, you won’t bring in those candidates. 

A compelling and informative job recruitment presentation can set you apart from your competitors and bring in top quality job candidates who are perfect for your team. Use our recruitment presentation template to highlight your company’s advantages, connect and network with candidates in your industry, and attract high-quality candidates.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Company Overview

Every company has a unique story to tell. However, it can be difficult to put together a beautiful presentation that tells your story effectively and looks great at the same time. Our company overview template is the answer. With this presentation template, you can share your company’s philosophy, specific goals, team members, products or services, plans for the future, and more.

Our company overview template is perfect for organizing annual meetings, potential customer or investor pitches, or new hire orientations. It’s a versatile HR deck that every team should have on hand.

hr presentation for employees ppt

Beautiful.AI Team

Beautiful is an AI-powered presentation tool that makes it fast and easy for anyone to build clean, modern and professionally designed slides that they can be proud of.

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Home Collections Recruitment Human Resources

Free Human Resources Presentation Templates

Elevate your hr presentations with our pre-designed free human resources powerpoint templates and google slides. it is a perfect way to create engaging presentations on a wide range of hr topics. whether you're onboarding new employees, conducting performance reviews, or presenting your hr strategy, our templates will help you make a great impression..

Human Resources

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How To Make A HR Infographic PowerPoint

How To Make A HR Infographic PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what are human resources presentation templates.

Human Resources Presentation Templates are pre-designed slides that simplify the process of creating presentations on topics related to Human Resource Management (HRM), providing a visually appealing and structured format.

Where can we use these Human Resources Templates?

These templates are versatile and can be used in various settings, including business meetings, educational workshops, company seminars, and job fairs, enabling effective communication of HR-related information.

How can I make Human Resources Slides in a presentation?

Creating HR slides is straightforward; choose a template, add your content, include visuals like charts, customize the design, and review for accuracy, streamlining the presentation creation process.

Who can use these Human Resources Templates?

Human Resources Templates are designed for HR professionals, managers, educators, and business owners, offering a user-friendly tool to communicate HR strategies, policies, and initiatives.

Why do we need to use the Human Resources Slides?

Using Human Resources Slides enhances communication by providing clarity, ensuring efficiency, maintaining consistency in presentation design, and increasing audience engagement with visually appealing content.

Where can I find Free Human Resources Presentation templates?

Free Human Resources Presentation templates are available on various online platforms. Slide Egg provides accessible options for creating impactful presentations without incurring any costs.

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Business Model

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Business PPT

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  • Digital Transformation

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Acknowledgement PPT

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HR Management PowerPoint Templates, Presentation Backgrounds & Slide Templates

  • Sub Categories
  • 30 60 90 Day Plan
  • About Us Company Details
  • Action Plan
  • Annual Report
  • Audit Reports
  • Balance Scorecard
  • Brand Equity
  • Business Case Study
  • Business Communication Skills
  • Business Plan Development
  • Business Problem Solving
  • Business Review
  • Capital Budgeting
  • Career Planning
  • Change Management
  • Color Palettes
  • Communication Process
  • Company Location
  • Company Vision
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Corporate Governance
  • Cost Reduction Strategies
  • Custom Business Slides
  • Customer Service
  • Data Management
  • Decision Making
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Disaster Management
  • Equity Investment
  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Services
  • Growth Hacking Strategy
  • Innovation Management
  • Interview Process
  • Knowledge Management
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Legal Law Order
  • Market Segmentation
  • Media and Communication
  • Meeting Planner
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Operations and Logistics
  • Organizational Structure
  • Performance Management
  • Pitch Decks
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Process Management
  • Product Development
  • Product Launch Ideas
  • Product Portfolio
  • Purchasing Process
  • Quality Assurance
  • Quotes and Testimonials
  • Real Estate
  • Risk Management
  • Sales Performance Plan
  • Sales Review
  • Service Offering
  • Social Media and Network
  • Software Development
  • Solution Architecture
  • Stock Portfolio
  • Strategic Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Supply Chain Management
  • System Architecture
  • Team Introduction
  • Testing and Validation
  • Time Management
  • Timelines Roadmaps
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Workplace Ethic

Five yearly human resource shared services migration implementation roadmap

Presenting Five Yearly Human Resource Shared Services Migration Implementation Roadmap PowerPoint slide which is 100 percent editable. You can change the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your needs. This PPT template is compatible with Google Slides and is available in both 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. This ready to use PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded in various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG.

Human Resource Management Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Human Resource Management Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides. High-quality graphics ensure that pixelation does not occur. The PPT supports both the standard and widescreen sizes. The slideshow is extremely easy to download and can be saved in popular image or document formats such as JPEG and PDF. It is having compatibility with Google Slides and other office suites. Alter the style, size, and background of the slides.

Hr Employee Development Plan Powerpoint Graphics

Presenting hr employee development plan powerpoint graphics. This is a hr employee development plan powerpoint graphics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are recruitment, training, engagement, incentives, enablement.

Hr transformation lifecycle roadmap

Introducing HR transformation Lifecycle roadmap PowerPoint template. This is an encased PPT picture great for the business supervisor, experts, HR administrators and more. The plan, force, setting, images and so on can be effectively recreate able. This Presentation image can likewise be accessible into different document files like PDF or JPG. Additionally gives alternative to include organization logo or trademark. Well versant with all Google Slides.

Organizational chart for employee position flat powerpoint design

Made up of sufficient slides of high resolution. Authentic content with flexible data. Adaptable background with color, font and layout. It can be easily converted into PDF and JPG format. Alluring graphs for comparison and fascinating figures to illustrate the concepts. Beneficial for the students, business professional, corporate people and researchers.

Hr Roadmap Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Sharing Hr Roadmap PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This presentation contains 19 visually appealing PowerPoint templates. These PPT slides can be easily edited. Users can change the fonts, colors, and slide backdrop as per their need. Presentation templates can be downloaded in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is compatible with Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format

Hr Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Hr Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This PPT deck displays fifty-three slides with in-depth research. Our topic oriented Hr Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides presentation deck is a helpful tool to plan, prepare, document and analyze the topic with a clear approach. We provide a ready to use deck with all sorts of relevant topics subtopics templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. It showcases of all kind of editable templates infographics. Edit the color, text, font style at your ease. Add or delete content if needed. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Training module on  understanding dibe  diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity

Presenting Training Module on Diversity and Inclusion Understanding DIBE Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity. This presentation deck contains 18 well researched and uniquely designed slides. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the colour, text, icon and font size to suit your requirements.

Strategic Human Resource Planning Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides

These graphics allow you to make changes as per your need. 68 slides having quality content. Instantly downloadable with just a single click. Standard and widescreen compatible visuals. Can be opened in Google Slides also. Suitable for use by marketers, managers and firms. Premium Customer support service. The extensively designed, easy to convert and editable decks comprises of workforce planning, human resource management, strategic management, strategic planning, business plan, business development.

HR Strategy Organization Product Human Resource Process Individua Business Goals

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on HR Strategy Organization Product Human Resource Process Individua Business Goals and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of eleven slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Human Resource Metrics Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this deck of Human Resource Metrics PowerPoint presentation slides designed by our team of expert designers. The PPT templates are available in both formats – standard screen size (4:3 ratio) as well as widescreen size (16:9 ratio). Also, the slides are well suited for use in Google slides. All the graphics are 100% editable in PowerPoint. You can change color, size and orientation of all the elements. Also, add or remove any piece of text anywhere, according to your requirement. Changes in the font color, font style, font size can be made conveniently. The icons can be replaced with those of your choice. So, download this slide at the convenience of a click!

Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Human Resources Performance Management Metrics complete PowerPoint presentation with editable PPT slides. All slides are professionally designed by our team of PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of performance related to HR and is extensively researched. No pixelate problem while projecting on wide screens. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of 61 slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. Easy option to insert logos, videos and animation. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence!

Hr roadmap design ideas presentation images

Completely editable HR roadmap design ideas PPT slide. Easy to incorporate your company name and logo in the slide. You can customize the font type, font size, colors of the slide, and background color as per your requirement. High resolution and fine quality PowerPoint slides. High quality graphics and icons ensure that there is no deteriorating in quality on enlarging their size. Fast download at click of a button. Compatible with multiple software options available both online and offline. Widely used by sales leaders, marketers, business professionals, analysts, strategists, etc. Can be saved in both JPG and PDF format.

Key Human Resource Metrics Dashboard Snapshot Ppt Slide

Presenting key human resource metrics dashboard snapshot ppt slide. This is a key human resource metrics dashboard ppt slide. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are key health metrics, previous 4 quarters, change year over year, voluntary, turnover rate, involuntary, q, registration rate, manager instability rate, top talent turnover rate, top 3 potential areas of concern, for smb services in vancouver, for products in u k, for human resources in denver, key health metrics, previous 4 quarters, change year over year, flow through rate, headcount flow, out, in, span of control, direct compensation change.

Human resources kpi dashboard showing employment status turnover rate

SlideTeam presents the Human Resources Kpi Dashboard Showing Employment Status Turnover Rate PPT which will help you keep a track of the human capital working under you. All the slides in the slideshow are 100 percent editable and you can make all the desired changes in the presentation. You can also add or delete the slides All the slides are fully compatible with Google slides as well. Your audience will be amazed by Google slides. You can even view the document in 16:9 widescreen size.

Human resources kpi dashboard showing recruitment funnel application sources

Presenting this set of slides with name - Human Resources Kpi Dashboard Showing Recruitment Funnel Application Sources. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Human Resource, Hrm, Human Capital.

Human resource team hierarchy process powerpoint sample

Human resource team hierarchy process PowerPoint template. Offers wide variety of options and colors to alter the appearance. Allows adding of enterprise personal details such as brand name, logo and much more. Enough space available to enter text and its related points in the PPT table. Pre-designed slide which can be modified i.e. can change colors, visuals, fonts, order of hierarchy, etc. High-resolution PowerPoint presentation backgrounds for better clarity of the information displayed. This PPT slide is available in both Standard and Widescreen slide size. Compatible with multiple formats like JPEG, PDF and Google slides.

Decision making process complete powerpoint deck with slides

Presenting decision making process PowerPoint presentation slides. Complete pre-designed package of 36 professionally designed PPT templates. This complete deck presentation comprises of stunning visuals and well researched content. These templates are completely customizable. You can change the colour, text and font size as per your requirement. All sort of modifications are possible without compromising the resolution of the presentation. Easy to download. Can be easily converted into PDF or JPG formats. These PPT slides are well compatible with Google slides.

Hr roadmap layout sample presentation ppt

Introducing HR roadmap PPT layout. This is exclusively codified PPT design scheme which is quite suitable for managers, process experts, etc. This PPT graphic can be acclimated with divergent software and Google Slides. This Presentation template can be customizable into other file formats like PDF or JPG. Offers alterable designs, forms, colors, contents, etc. Also provides an option to add company name or emblem with this PPT template.

Human Resources Life Cycle Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting human resources life cycle PowerPoint templates. These professionally designed are fully customizable. You can modify the font color, font size and colors of graphics and background color as per your needs. Fully consistent with Google slides and can be converted into any format. You will be able to download it in regular size or widescreen size. Easily downloadable at the click of a button.

Recruitment Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Introducing Recruitment Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This presentation comprises 41 professionally outlined PowerPoint slides, all of them being hundred percent changeable in PowerPoint. Text fonts type and size, colors and slide background of the PPT slides are modifiable. You can download these presentation slides in both widescreen (16:9) and standard screen (4:3) aspect size. The presentation templates are entirely customizable with Google Slides and other online software’s. You can easily save the PPT slides in JPG or PDF format. The presentation templates can be personalized by adding a business name or logo. Premium product support is provided.

Human Resource Consulting Powerpoint Presentation Slides

100% adjustment can be done to presentation layout. Superior quality of flow charts, tables and other matrix has been used to convey a purposeful message. Produces fine results in Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, and Vista. Changes in presentation slide show can be done from any device. HR, businessmen or industrial consultants and managers can put to use the PPT layout as per their demand. PPT graphic adjusts font size which can be understood from reasonable distance. Good and professional resolution is offered by the presentation slide.

Human Resources Management Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Every graphic can be customized in the presentation design as per need. Supportive images can be used to compliment message. Functions well in Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, and Vista. Editing and correction in presentation slide show can be done from anywhere with the use of any device. Human resource team, businessmen or industrial managers can put to function the PPT layout. Can be customized and has an extra advantage of being compatible with Google slides. PPT graphic offers font size which can be read from a distance.

Human resource dashboard metrics with total headcount

Presenting our well-structured Human Resource Dashboard Metrics With Total Headcount. The topics discussed in this slide are Human Resource Dashboard Metrics With Total Headcount. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Hr strategic plan roadmap ppt sample download

Presenting HR strategic plan roadmap PPT sample download PPT slide. High-resolution PowerPoint diagrams. Thoroughly editable format. Easy to include and exclude the slide content as per individual need. Easy to convert into several formats. Compatible with Google Slides and other software options. Ease of download. Add the company name and logo for personalized output. Ease of customization and personalization.

Workforce Trends In Human Resource Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

These PPT slides are 100% editable. 62 content-ready visuals are provided. Instant download option available on the website. Suitable for standard as well as widescreen monitors. Compatible with Google Slides. Can be used by businessmen, organizations, marketers. The stages in this process are business plan, strategic management, strategic planning, human resource management, workforce planning, business development.

Hr swot analysis for human resource practises

Presenting this set of slides with name - Hr Swot Analysis For Human Resource Practises. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Hr Swot, Human Resources Swot Analysis, Human Resources Management.

Customer Service Team Soft Skills Training Module on Customer Service Edu Ppt

Presenting Training Module on Customer Service Team Soft Skills. This deck comprises of 113 slides. Each slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts and every slide consists of an appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content and present it with confidence.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Fire Safety Training PPT

EduDecks are professionally-created comprehensive decks that provide complete coverage of the subject under discussion. These are also innovatively-designed for a powerful learning experience and maximum retention

Hr Model Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Introducing Hr Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This complete deck contains 38 content ready templates. These PPT slides can be easy to customize. Users can edit the fonts, colors, and slide backdrop as per their need. Users can quickly download Presentation templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported with Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Hr development roadmap presentation design

Presenting HR development roadmap presentation design PPT slide. This is an impressively designed eye catchy presentation with the use of high-resolution visuals which do not pixelate when projected on the screen of any size. Moreover, the slide is compatible with Google Slides, Microsoft software options, and various format options too. Since it is a thoroughly editable slide, executing the changes does not need any professional expertise. Guidelines to execute changes have been provided for assistance.

Human Resource Orientation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Human Resource Orientation Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This exclusive deck with fifty-three slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyze, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Our PPT designers have worked tirelessly to craft this deck using beautiful PowerPoint templates, graphics, diagrams, and icons. On top of that, the deck is 100 percent editable in PowerPoint so that you can enter your text in the placeholders, change colors if you wish to, and present in the shortest time possible. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Human resource recruitment report with monthly metrics

Presenting this set of slides with name Human Resource Recruitment Report With Monthly Metrics. The topics discussed in these slides are Human Resource, Recruitment Report, Monthly Metrics. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Strategic Human Resource Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Strategic Human Resource Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Download our professional PPT comprising extensively researched content and professional design layouts. Don?t waste hours fiddling with PowerPoint toolbars and finding professional PowerPoint templates. This complete Strategic Human Resource Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides saves hours of your time. Comprising a total of twentyfive slides, the PowerPoint presentation is a visual masterpiece with professional PPT templates, data-driven graphs, charts and tables, a beautiful theme, impressive slide designs, icons, imagery and more. It is fully editable so that you can make changes to colors, data and fonts if you need to. Just enter your text in the placeholders provided and rock the meeting or conference you are presenting at.

Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck consists of total of twenty two slides. It has PPT slides highlighting important topics of Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck comprises of amazing visuals with thoroughly researched content. Each template is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. Our designers have included all the necessary PowerPoint layouts in this deck. From icons to graphs, this PPT deck has it all. The best part is that these templates are easily customizable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button shown below. Edit the colour, text, font size, add or delete the content as per the requirement. Download this deck now and engage your audience with this ready made presentation.

Offer interviews hires recruitment funnel with icons

Presenting offer interviews hires recruitment funnel with icons PowerPoint template. Easy and convenient downloading by following simple steps. No concession with the quality, once opened on wide screen. Modify and personalize the presentation by including the company name and logo. Guidance for executing the changes has been provided for assistance. Useful for sales leaders, marketers, business professionals, analysts, strategists, students, teachers, etc. Compatible with Microsoft office software and the Google slides. Available to be saved in jpg or pdf format.

Business Proposal For Recruitment Agency Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting business proposal for recruitment agency PowerPoint presentation slide. This deck has a set of 41 slides. This presentation has been crafted with an extensive research done by the research experts. Our PowerPoint designers have designed this PPT by incorporating appropriate diagrams, layouts, templates and icons related to the topic. These slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and icon as per your need. Click the download button below to get your hands on the content-ready PPT deck.

Human Resources Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Human Resources Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of total of twentythree slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Our professional PowerPoint experts have also included icons, graphs and charts for your convenience. All you have to do is DOWNLOAD the deck. Make changes as per the requirement. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. And leave your audience awestruck with the professionally designed Human Resources Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides complete deck.

Business Succession Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Business Succession Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Our creatively crafted slides come with apt research and planning. This exclusive deck with thirty slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyze, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Utilize ready to use presentation slides on Business Succession Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all sorts of editable templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

New Recruitment Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - New Recruitment Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Our creatively crafted slides come with apt research and planning. This exclusive deck with fifty-four slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyze, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Utilize ready to use presentation slides on New Recruitment Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all sorts of editable templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Human resources kpi dashboard showing staff strength compensation distribution

SlideTeam presenting Human Resources Kpi Dashboard Showing Staff Strength Compensation Distribution PPT. It will not only help you in knowing the exact strength of the staff but also about actual staff required in the organization. This slideshow is entirely editable and you can edit it whenever you want. All the slides in this presentation are compatible with Google slides. You can enter thousands of relatable icons of your own choice. You can also change from 4:3 standard screen size to 16:9 widescreen size.

Training module on diversity and inclusion - understanding stereotype, prejudice, discrimination

Presenting Training Module on Diversity and Inclusion Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination. This deck contains 30 uniquely designed slides. Our PowerPoint experts have included all the necessary templates, designs, icons, graphs and other essential material. This deck is well crafted by an extensive research. Slides consists of amazing visuals and appropriate content. These PPT slides can be instantly downloaded with just a click. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the colour, text, icon and font size to suit your requirements.

Hiring funnel attract assess select using silhouettes

Presenting hiring funnel attract assess select using silhouettes. This is a hiring funnel attract assess select using silhouettes. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are hiring funnel, recruiting funnel, staffing funnel.

Employee Compensation And Benefits Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Employee Compensation And Benefits Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains thirty-two slides. Our topic-specific Employee Compensation And Benefits Powerpoint Presentation Slides presentation deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Payroll Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting payroll management presentation slides. This deck comprises of total of 40 professionally PPT slides. Each template consists of professional visuals with an appropriate content. These templates have been designed keeping the requirements of the customers in mind. This complete deck presentation covers all the design elements such as layout, diagrams, icons, and more. This PPT presentation has been crafted after a thorough research. You can easily customize each template. Edit the colour, text, icon, and font size as per your requirement. Easy to download. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Get access to this payroll management PowerPoint presentation to have a proper understanding of payroll system.

Employee on boarding process with hired applicants and on board to hr system

Presenting the Employee onboarding process PPT slides. This template is crafted by our PowerPoint professionals. This stunning visual PowerPoint design can be easily edited. The fonts, colors, and slide background can be easily changed according to your vision. Easily download the PPT layout in both widescreen and standard screen aspect ratios. The PowerPoint slide is compatible with Google Slides and can be introduced in JPG and PDF format.

Recruitment Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Recruitment Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. All slides are completely editable and professionally designed by our team of expert PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of Recruitment Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of twenty seven slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence.

Quarterly task list calendar 2019

Presenting this set of slides with name - Quarterly Task List Calendar 2019. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Annual Calendar, Monthly Calendar, Quarterly Calendar, Marketing Calendar, Hr Calendar, Project Planning Calendar.

Powerpoint Presentation On Why I Should Get The Job Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting our PowerPoint on why I should get the job PowerPoint slides. This PPT layout holds thirty seven slides and each slide is accessible in standard as well as wide-screen formats. It is completely editable as per your requirements and preferences as well. You can use it with Microsoft Office, Google slides and many other presentation software.

People strategy talent planning and development

Presenting people strategy talent planning and development. This is a people strategy talent planning and development. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are people strategy, person development, human capital.

Beyond Customer Service Customer Engagement and Experience Training Module on Customer Service Edu Ppt

Presenting Training Module on Beyond Customer Service Customer Engagement and Customer Experience. This presentation deck contains 78 well researched and uniquely designed slides. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon and font size to suit your requirements.

Human resources kpi dashboard showing employee number by salary staff composition

Presenting this set of slides with name - Human Resources Kpi Dashboard Showing Employee Number By Salary Staff Composition. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Human Resource, Hrm, Human Capital.

Hr swot analysis to boost human resource function

Presenting this set of slides with name - Hr Swot Analysis To Boost Human Resource Function. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Hr Swot, Human Resources Swot Analysis, Human Resources Management.

People strategy human resource operating model

Presenting people strategy human resource operating model. This is a people strategy human resource operating model. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are people strategy, person development, human capital.

People organization chart for business flat powerpoint design

High quality images and designs used in the Presentation. PPT design can be easily customized i.e. colour and font. Access to share the PowerPoint slide in standard and widescreen view. Fast download and smoothly changeable into JPEG and PDF. Flexible PPT slides as well-matched with Google slides. Suitable for business managers and working professionals.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Showcasing Recruitment Process Outsourcing PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This presentation includes 41 professionally designed PowerPoint slides, all of them being hundred percent changeable in PowerPoint. Text fonts type and dimension, colors and slide background of the presentation slides are modifiable. You can download these PPT slides in both widescreen (16:9) and standard screen (4:3) aspect dimension. The presentation templates are completely customizable with Google Slides and other online software’s. Save the slides in JPG or PDF format. The PPT slides can be personalized by adding a business name or logo. Premium product support is provided.

Leader team organizational chart flat powerpoint design

All images are 100% editable in the presentation visual. Presentation slide supports changing the color, size and orientation of any icon to your liking. It’s easy for the PPT design to run smoothly on any software. Best feature being the conversion of presentation slide show to PDF or JPG format. Can be used by businesses of all sizes.

New Employee Briefing Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - New Employee Briefing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. All slides are completely editable and professionally designed by our team of expert PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of New Employee Briefing Powerpoint Presentation Slides and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs, and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of fifty-one slides. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Compensation Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting compensation plan presentation slides. This deck comprises of total of 28 professionally PowerPoint slides. Each template consists of appropriate business visuals and content. This complete deck presentation comprises of design elements such as layout, diagrams, icons, and more. This PPT presentation has been crafted with a thorough research. You can easily edit each template. Edit the color, text, icon, and font size as per your requirement. Easy to download. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides.

Human Resource Implementation Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Human Resource Implementation Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides. The presentation includes 25 content ready slides. Templates content and designs are 100 % editable. Change the colors, font, size, add and remove things as per your needs.PPT slides are accessible in both widescreen and standard format. All PowerPoint templates are compatible with Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

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Human Resource Templates

In today’s fast-paced business world, HR professionals need efficient tools to manage their tasks. Our collection of PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides templates caters precisely to this need. Whether you’re looking to streamline your new hire process, present quarterly reports, or develop a strategic roadmap, our templates for human resources are here to assist.

Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Google Slides, Keynote and PowerPoint presentation on Human Resource HRM

Why Use Our HR Templates?

  • Free to Download: A vast array of free HR templates awaits you. From job application forms to evaluation forms, we’ve got you covered.
  • Premium Choices: For those seeking advanced features, our premium templates offer specialized designs and functionalities.
  • Diverse Range: Whether it’s a training presentation, hr process infographic, or vacation request forms, our collection caters to all HR needs.
  • High-Quality Designs: Every template boasts a professional look, ensuring your HR department stands out.
  • Easy Customization: With templates to help HR teams, you can easily modify content, image, and background to fit your company’s brand.

Detailed Features of Our Human Resource Templates

1. HRIS and System Integration

Our templates are not just visually appealing; they are technologically advanced too. They seamlessly integrate with HR Information Systems (HRIS), ensuring that data management is efficient and streamlined. This integration means that any information from your hris can be easily pulled into our templates, making reporting and analytics a breeze. Moreover, the system compatibility ensures that your hr department uses the latest tools for optimal performance.

2. Demographic Insights and Analytics

In the modern HRM world, understanding your workforce demographics is crucial. Our templates come equipped with infographic tools that allow HR professionals to delve deep into demographic data. Whether you’re looking at age, specialization, or any other demographic area, our tools provide a clear picture. This concept is vital for strategy planning and ensuring that HR policies align with workforce needs.

3. Comprehensive Talent Management

Talent management is a broad area, encompassing everything from recruitment to retirement. Our hr templates for human resources are designed to support all facets of this process:

  • Training and Development: Use our ppt templates to design development programs or showcase training strategies.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Easily layout your pay structures, bonus schemes, and other compensation plans.
  • Sample Forms and Documents: From hr form to human resources form, our collection includes a variety of templates to streamline HR processes.

4. Architectural Design and Aesthetics

The architecture of our templates is not just about structure; it’s about aesthetics too. With green design elements, high-quality photos, and a clear point of focus in every slide, our templates are a blend of form and function. Whether you’re presenting to the human resources department or the entire company, the power of a well-designed template cannot be understated.

5. Global and Multilingual Support

Recognizing the significance of global teams and the diverse languages they speak, our templates offer robust multilingual support. A standout feature is our plantillas de recursos humanos gratis – a dedicated set of templates for Spanish-speaking HR professionals. This ensures that no matter where your personnel are located, our templates resonate with them.

Benefits of Using HR Templates

Utilizing our human resources template can revolutionize your HR department. Not only do they save time, but they also enhance the presentation and reporting processes. With easy download options, HR teams can swiftly access the template they need. Moreover, our templates are designed to help HR professionals in every function and role they undertake.

In the realm of human resources, having the right tools is of paramount importance. Our collection of human resources templates is curated to ensure that every HR professional, whether dealing with new employee onboarding or hr analytics, finds the perfect fit. Dive in, explore our free and premium templates, and elevate your HR game today!

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Human Resource Infographics

It seems that you like this template, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Do you need to organise all the human resources information of your company? This Slidesgo template was made for you. It contains graphics to explain the functions and goals of the department, diagrams to draw the organization chart, infographics to establish learning methodologies and skills to evaluate in your employees. You can also define the work flow in a selection process or the communication channels with your workers.

Features of these infographics

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Include information about how to edit and customize your infographics

How can I use the infographics?

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How to attribute the infographics?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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How to Change Layouts in PowerPoint

How to Change the Slide Size in Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

How to Change the Slide Size in Google Slides

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Human Resources (HR) PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

The role of the human resource (HR) department in any organization is undeniably crucial as these professionals act as a link between the employers and employees. Download our eye-catching Human Resource (HR) PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes to depict the roles and responsibilities of the HR professionals and their contribution to the organization’s success. Leveraging the captivating layouts, you can bring your HR-related presentations to life and supercharge the way you present your organization in front of clients as well as potential talented employees. Our designers have created these decks from scratch to maintain complete authenticity and keep copyright issues at bay. 

Human Resource PPT Themes for Multiple Purposes

Our feature-rich deck would help you craft a compelling company profile fit to be used for varied purposes. The creative templates let you showcase activities and core functioning of the HR team and illustrate metrics to measure their performance. Our color-coordinated HR templates would aid you during seminars and important office meetings with seniors to depict your information with great visual impact. 

HR Presentation Designs that Allow Easy Customization

We understand that the HR department always remains busy and occupied with an array of tasks and duties. And when an upcoming event or meeting starts knocking on the door, you probably won't get the sufficient amount of time to hone your presentation designing skills. Therefore, this amazing set of pre-designed HR PPT slides comes with fantastic customization options and high-definition elements to make it extremely convenient for HR executives to align the slides with their presentations’ objectives. Moving the objects, copying the designs you like and pasting them into your existing decks, and adding texts in the desired format is quite easy. 

Human Resource (HR) PPT Presentations that Let You Make an Impact

No matter whether you are a staffing coordinator, an HR assistant, an HR manager, or the vice president of the human resource department, these power-packed HR slides with outstanding graphics will reduce your work to a minimum even if you don't have any editing expertise. Using these aesthetically pleasing decks, you can present several important topics, such as recruitment, talent acquisition techniques, training and development, conflict management, performance appraisal, motivation, and much more.

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  • Human Resources
  • Project Management
  • Timelines & Planning
  • Health & Wellness
  • Environment
  • Cause & Effect
  • Executive Summary
  • Customer Journey
  • 30 60 90 Day Plan
  • Social Media
  • Escalation Matrix
  • Communication
  • Go to Market Plan/Strategy
  • Recruitment
  • Pros and Cons
  • Business Plan
  • Risk Management
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Mental Health
  • ISO Standards
  • Process Diagrams
  • Puzzle Diagrams
  • Organizational Charts
  • Arrow Diagrams
  • Infographics
  • Tree Diagrams
  • Matrix Charts
  • Stage Diagrams
  • Text Boxes & Tables
  • Data Driven Charts
  • Flow Charts
  • Square Puzzle
  • Circle Puzzle
  • Circular Arrows
  • Circle Segments
  • Matrix Table
  • Pillar Diagrams
  • Triangle Puzzle
  • Compare Diagrams
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Human Resources (HR) - Free Download

(10 Editable Slides)

Free Download - Human Resources (HR) PPT Slide 1

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Human Resources (HR) Mission PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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Get your hands on our aesthetically pleasing Free Human Resources (HR) PPT template to put across your message more impactfully and grab the audience’s attention throughout the slideshow. The graphic-rich slides are the perfect visual aid to throw light on how the HR department plays a vital role in:

  • Hiring potential people for different positions;
  • Organizing training and development activities;
  • Tracking employees’ performance;
  • Motivating and boosting employees’ productivity;
  • Retaining talented candidates;
  • Making company’s strategies effective; and many more

We have designed this deck from scratch, with great attention to detail, and extensive research, making it the right fit to deliver an insightful and meaningful presentation. So, hurry up and download it now!

Creative Designs

  • A uniquely designed hut-shaped diagram represents the primary HR pillars.
  • The top 10 HR practices are highlighted using a few serial numbered text placeholders.
  • The major functions of HR are depicted through several hexagon-shaped boxes adorned with captivating icons.
  • The HR mission is comprehensively illustrated via multiple rectangular boxes.
  • The vision of HR is displayed through several uniquely designed text placeholders.
  • The HR hiring steps are portrayed via colorful strips with serial numbers.
  • The top priorities of HR professionals are exhibited through a well-designed layout.
  • The impact of digital technologies on HR processes is presented via a colorful 2*2 matrix infographic.
  • The top HR trends are portrayed using multiple colorful hexagon boxes.
  • The key HR challenges are illustrated via a colorful circular infographic.

About the Features

  • The layouts can be conveniently customized according to your preferences.
  • The original design with vector-based graphics ensures uninterrupted resolution even on large screens.
  • Excellent customer support is assured.

Download the PowerPoint template right away and leave a long-lasting impression on the audience!

Create compelling presentations in less time

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HR Management Slides

HR Management Slides and HR Management Tools

Free Amazing HR PPT Slides

All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process.

There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4. Measuring ROI of Training 5. Change Management

6. Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness 7. Good to Great 8. Coaching for Optimal Performance 9. Balanced Scorecard 10. Career Management

11. Communication Skills 12. Emotional Intelligence 13. Developing Leadership Skills 14. Presentation Skills for HR Managers 15. Creative Thinking Skills for HR Managers

You can download all of these amazing slides HERE


  1. HR PowerPoint Cover Slide

    hr presentation for employees ppt

  2. Ppt Templates For Hr

    hr presentation for employees ppt

  3. Hr Powerpoint Template Free Download

    hr presentation for employees ppt

  4. HR PowerPoint Template

    hr presentation for employees ppt

  5. Free HR PowerPoint Templates Slide and Google Slides

    hr presentation for employees ppt

  6. Hr Policies To Retain Employees Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration

    hr presentation for employees ppt


  1. Performance Review Powerpoint Presentation Slides

  2. HR_Presentation Mindmap

  3. HRM

  4. Workforce Diversity HR Presentation

  5. Human Resources Presentation

  6. Career Milestones Animated PPT Template


  1. Free HR PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Make your HR presentations shine with these HR PowerPoint templates. Whether you're a human resources manager or a job applicant, these templates will help you deliver your message with clarity and style. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your recruitment and onboarding processes, and make learning dynamic and attractive.

  2. Human Resources PPT Templates

    HR Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Slide 1 of 17. HR Annual Report Powerpoint PPT Template Bundles. Slide 1 of 62. Human Resource Metrics Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Slide 1 of 19. Human Resources Report Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Slide 1 of 25. Reward And Recognition Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles.

  3. Sample HR Presentations

    This sample presentation provides training on what workplace bullying is and how to prevent it. New, trends and analysis, as well as breaking news alerts, to help HR professionals do their jobs ...

  4. Top 7 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for HR Presentations

    Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full collection of Human Resources PowerPoint templates here. Let's explore our selection of presentations covering the major HR management presentation topics: HR Metrics Dashboards with PowerPoint Data Charts. Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes.

  5. 13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

    1. Employee well-being. The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well. Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies ...

  6. Human Resource Management Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Download the "Human Resource Management" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze.

  7. HR Presentation Slide Templates

    HR Presentation Slide Templates. Number of slides: 10. Signup Free to download. The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company.

  8. HR Presentation Templates For PowerPoint & Google Slides

    Human resources ppt templates are a collection of pre-designed 100% editable PowerPoint slides created explicitly for HR professionals to help them effectively communicate their HR strategy, ideas, and initiatives. These templates usually include various HR-related themes such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, performance management, etc.

  9. Human Resources PowerPoint Templates

    What is a Human Resource PowerPoint Template? A human resource PowerPoint template is a pre-designed slide deck tailored to HR topics. It facilitates the presentation of HR-related information, such as recruitment processes, training programs, employee benefits, etc.

  10. HR PowerPoint Template

    HR PowerPoint Template. The HR PowerPoint Template is a set of 17 slides to present human resources management concepts. Human Resources is the term used for people working in an organization. Whereas, the human resources department is responsible for administrating employee lifecycle (Attract, Onboard, Develop, Engage, Recognize, Transition).

  11. Free HR PowerPoint Templates Slide and Google Slides

    Features of the template. 100% customizable slides and easy to download. Slides are available in different colors. The slide has 4:3 and 16:9 formats. Easy to change the slide colors quickly. Appealing presentation to impress an audience. Create feature-rich slide presentations. Slides are compatible with Google slides. Premium quality free slide.

  12. Free Human Resources PowerPoint templates & PPT Slides

    These slide templates on HR, which can be downloaded in .pptx format, are practical tools for presenting HR-related information in a professional and engaging manner. The primary use of these Human Resources PowerPoint templates is to aid HR professionals in their daily tasks and presentations. This may involve employee management, recruitment ...

  13. Top 10 HR Presentation Templates| The Beautiful Blog

    Regardless of the information, HR managers can benefit from presentations to help them communicate more effectively. These are the top 10 HR presentation templates your team needs. 30-60-90. A 30-60-90 plan defines a new employee's responsibilities and goals for the first 90 days after onboarding.

  14. Free Human Resources Presentation Templates

    Free Human Resources Presentation Templates. Elevate your HR presentations with our pre-designed Free Human Resources PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides. It is a perfect way to create engaging presentations on a wide range of HR topics. Whether you're onboarding new employees, conducting performance reviews, or presenting your HR strategy ...

  15. Human Resource Management PPT

    Presenting this set of slides with name - Hr Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This PPT deck displays fifty-three slides with in-depth research. Our topic oriented Hr Induction Powerpoint Presentation Slides presentation deck is a helpful tool to plan, prepare, document and analyze the topic with a clear approach.

  16. Human Resources (HR) Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Our Human Resource (HR) templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides cater to the needs of the HR departments of all organizations and help them demonstrate the processes, procedures, organizational hierarchy, and so on to the employees. You can also use the creative sets of decks to provide extensive orientation training to new recruits and ...

  17. HR Human Resource Templates

    Our hr templates for human resources are designed to support all facets of this process: Training and Development: Use our ppt templates to design development programs or showcase training strategies. Compensation and Benefits: Easily layout your pay structures, bonus schemes, and other compensation plans. Sample Forms and Documents: From hr ...

  18. Human resource infographics

    This Slidesgo template was made for you. It contains graphics to explain the functions and goals of the department, diagrams to draw the organization chart, infographics to establish learning methodologies and skills to evaluate in your employees. You can also define the work flow in a selection process or the communication channels with your ...

  19. Human Resources (HR) PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    The role of the human resource (HR) department in any organization is undeniably crucial as these professionals act as a link between the employers and employees. Download our eye-catching Human Resource (HR) PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes to depict the roles and responsibilities of the HR professionals and their contribution to ...

  20. Human Resources (HR)

    Create compelling presentations in less time. Download our Free Human Resources (HR) PPT template for PowerPoint and Google Slides to put across your message more impactfully and illustrate all HR functionalities and initiatives clearly and comprehensively!

  21. 15 Powerful HR Slide Series

    In this page, you can view all of 15 excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process. There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics : 1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4.

  22. Human resource management ppt

    Human resource management ppt. Jan 8, 2015 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 394 likes • 432,875 views. AI-enhanced description. S. srinidhiraman. The document discusses human resource management (HRM). It defines HRM as employing, developing, utilizing, maintaining, and compensating employees according to job and organizational needs. It ...

  23. Free Amazing HR PPT Slides

    In this page, you can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management for FREE. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process. There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics : 1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3.

  24. Workplace Violence Prevention Training Guide & Presentation

    Train your employees on the specifics of your Workplace Prevention Plan (WVPP) using our supplemental PowerPoint presentation. This customizable presentation provides practical insights and actionable steps to foster a safe and secure work environment, ensuring peace of mind for both employees and employers. Your Workplace Violence Prevention ...