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Pivot table.

  • Post published: November 9, 2019

Pivot Table is a great tool for summarizing and analyzing data in Excel.

We can use a Pivot Table to perform calculations on our data based on certain criteria. For example – Sales per Store, Sales per Year, Average Discount per Region, and many more…

Here are some of the advantages of using Pivot Tables:

  • There is no need to use formulas in order to perform calculations.
  • We can perform complex calculations in a quick and simple way.
  • The summarized data is dynamic and can easily be applied to different sets of data

Click to download our absolutely FREE Pivot Table Exercise 

Table of Contents

Creating a Pivot Table

To create a new Pivot Table, we first need to select the data range which we would like to analyze, then click on one of the desired cells in our data range, then click Insert tab, then Pivot Table.

Let’s assume we want to analyze a database of cars sold by a car vendor:

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To create a new Pivot Table:

  • We will click on one of the cells in the data range.
  • We will go to the Insert tab and click on Pivot Table:

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  • Next, we will confirm that the selected range is indeed the right range.

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  • Last, we will select “New Worksheet” to create the Pivot Table in a new worksheet, or “Exisiting Worksheet”, to place it in an existing worksheet.

After we decided to create a Pivot Table, we can see all the column headers – these are the fields from our database which we can work with:

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To start creating our Pivot Table, we can drag the different fields to the following areas:

  • Rows – Here we will choose the field/s which we would like to base our Pivot Table rows upon.
  • Columns – Here we will choose the field/s which we would like to base our Pivot Table columns upon.
  • Filters – Here we will choose the field/s by which we would like to filter our data in the Pivot Table. i.e.- we would choose “Year” to filter by a specific year.
  • Values – Here we will choose the field we want Excel to calculate and our desired calculation.

Creating a basic Pivot Table – Example

One of the most basic examples of using a Pivot Table is summing values of a specific field based on a criteria that appears in a different field.

In order to do so, we will drag the field which we would like to analyze into the “Rows” area or “Columns” if we would like to present the analysis in columns. We will the drag the field we want to sum into the “Values” area:

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Changing the way Values are calculated

We will notice that most times, the basic calculation we will get when dragging a field to the “Values” area will be “Sum”.

We can change the calculation by clicking the field after we dragged it into the “Values” area, then “Value Field Settings…”, which will open a menu where we can choose to sum, count, average and many more calculations:

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Segmentation to Columns and Rows

We can segment the data using rows and columns simultaneously by dragging fields to the “Rows” and “Columns” areas:

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Performing multiple calculations on the same field

We can perform a number of different calculations on the same field by dragging the field several times to the “Values” area and changing the type of calculation in each of the columns:

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Segmentation of more than one field

In the Pivot Table, we can segment based on more than one field by dragging several fields into the “Rows” area:

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Designing a Pivot Table

Changing the pivot table design to a classic table design.

In order to give the Pivot Table a “classic” look, where each field is presented in a different column, we will click the Pivot table, click on “design” and perform the following steps:

  • Click on Report Layout
  • Click on “Show in Tabular Form” to show the table in a classic format
  • Click on “Repeat All Items Labels” to show all item labels.
  • We can click on “Do Not Show Subtotals” to hide the subtotals in the newly created table.

This is the process and final result:

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Formatting a Pivot Table field

We can quickly select the way we wish to format a certain value field, by right-clicking the field and then clicking on “Format Cells”, or directly on “Number Format”, if we wish to format the values as number and add 1000 separator (4,524,254 instead of 4524254):

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Designing missing values and errors

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Filtering a Pivot Table

Filtering existing fields in a pivot table.

We can filter data shown in the Pivot Table rows simply by clicking the corresponding button in the desired field. For example, to filter the “Gear” field, we simply have to click the button next to the field name:

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Filtering values in a Pivot Table

What if we wanted to filter the values in our Pivot Table?

To do so, we can start our filtering by clicking the filter button in one of the fields, then click on “Value Filters”, following which we will be able to see the various value filtering options.

Here’s an example of how to filter values greater than 40,000:

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Adding an external filter to a Pivot Table

If we want to filter based on a field that is not currently in the Pivot Table, we could drag that field into the “Filters” area:

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Please note – we can add more than one field to the “Filters” area.

Sorting values in a Pivot Table

If we want to sort our fields, we just have to right-click on the desired field and click on “Sort”:

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Updating and refreshing the Pivot Table data

After updating the source data, we have to refresh the Pivot Table in order for the new data to be reflected in the Pivot Table. We can do that by right-clicking the table and clicking on “Refresh” or by Refresh/Refresh all in the “Data” group

Adding new data at the end of the data range

If we want to add new data to our Pivot Table that will be added at the end of the previously used data range, we need to update the source data’s range by clicking on “Change Data Source” in the “Data” group:

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Another way of dealing with this issue is by adding the new data in the middle of the previously used data range and then refreshing.

Automatically update Data Source Range when adding new rows by using Tables

Another way to save time if we are planning to update the data source range often is changing the data source range to a table by clicking in “Table” in the “Insert” tab or by clicking CTRL+T

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Now we can create/update the Pivot Table that will use the table as the source data, and when the table will be updated- the Pivot Table’s source data range will be updated as well. Here’s how our Data Source looks like:

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Show Values As

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Presenting a breakdown of a value in a Pivot Table

Whenever we like, we can present all the items that are calculated in a certain cell in the Pivot Table by double-clicking that cell. This will result in a new sheet opening:

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Grouping Data

We can group data presented in the Pivot Table’s rows and columns with “Group” and reverse it with “Ungroup” by right-clicking one of the cells:

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Date data will usually be grouped automatically to months/years

We can also group numerical data (i.e 1-100, 101-200, etc.)

Creating Pivot Charts

We can add charts to existing Pivot Tables or create new charts based on a new Pivot Table.

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  • Existing Pivot Table – We will click on the “Analyze” tab and then on “Pivot Chart” in the “Tools”  group (we have to select a cell in the Pivot Table before doing this)
  • Creating a new Pivot Table – “Insert” tab -> “Pivot Chart” in the “Charts” group (we have to select the desired source data before doing this)

When we click on the Pivot Chart, the names of the categories will look like this:

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Like any other chart, we can control the axis’ directions and the chart type by clicking on the “Design” tab. We can, for example, replace the X and Y axis by “Switch Row/Column” in the “Design tab”. We can also change the Chart type:

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It is important to note that Pivot Charts behave exactly as Pivot Tables, so each functionality that can be used in Pivot Tables, can also be used in Pivot Charts.

Adding Slicers / Timelines to a Pivot Table

Adding slicers to a pivot table.

  • We can add Slicers to our Pivot Table / Chart, which will enable visually filtering the field, by clicking on the “Analyze” tab and then on “Insert Slicer”. Here’s how it looks:

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  • We can have multiple slicers to our Pivot Table, which will work simultaneously:

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  • We can select several values in the Slicer by using CTRL/ SHIFT.
  • To cancel the filtering of a Slicer, we will click on this button at the top of the Slicer:

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Adding a Timeline to a Pivot Table

For date fields, we can add a Timeline by clicking on the “Analyze” tab and then on “Insert Timeline”:

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Pivot Table Calculated Fields

We can perform calculations within the Pivot Table itself, Instead of creating calculation columns in the source data. For that, we can use a “Calculated Field”.

A Calculated Field is calculated based on the sum of a certain field.

We will add a Calculated field by clicking on: Analyze tab -> Fields, Items & Sets  -> Insert Calculated Fields:

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We will name each Calculated Field and write the desired formula for it (you can insert the desired field by double-clicking it).

Here’s an example of calculating the Sales amount after a 2% commission:

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Practice Pivot Table

Click here to download our FREE Excel Pivot Table exercise , in which you will be able to practice and learn how to create Pivot Tables, design them, update their data, create Pivot Charts, adding Slicers and many more Pivot Table tips and tricks! 

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Having an issue with the formulas' language? check out this post

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Excel Beginner Exercises

In this article, I’m going to walk you through a couple of Excel exercises that are perfect for beginners. We will slowly ramp up the difficulty from beginner to advanced so if things are too easy for you, just scroll down a bit.

Getting started with formulas

‘Formulas?!’ You may be thinking. ‘That’s way too advanced for a first Excel beginner exercise.’ It’s not really. Let me explain why: formulas and functions are the bread and butter of Excel. If you want to work with Excel, it is wise to at least know what a formula looks like and why a formula is handy. That’s why we’re starting with this. Don’t worry, they are really not as complicated as they sound.

So let’s jump into it. We will be calculating the result of 32+57. However, we won’t be doing that ourselves, we will be making Excel do the hard work for us.

To start with a formula in Excel, we have to fill in the equals sign = into a cell. After that, we add our formula, so 32+57 in this case. The resulting cell content becomes =32+57 .

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Note: all of our exercises have a Show answer button in the top-right that you can click if you cannot figure out what the answer has to be. After clicking Show answer , you can click on the cell to see the formula that was used in the formula bar. You can also reset the editor back to its default contents using the Reset button.

I hope the number 89 is showing in cell A1 of the spreadsheet editor above. The cool thing about this is that you can substitute the + for a minus – and it will also work. Or you can use the asterisk * to multiply. Or the slash / to divide. You can try all of these different calculations in the editor above if you want.

And just like that, you have learned how Excel formulas work! You can now get rid of your calculator 😉

Using Excel beginner functions: SUM

Now that we’ve seen how to include formulas in Excel spreadsheets, we can get to the real deal: functions. Functions are basically formulas with names. It’s easiest to understand with an example:

The SUM function will sum the values that you give it. We can recreate the formula that we created in the exercise above ( =32+57 ), but using the SUM function. That would look like this:


If you write this in a cell, it will show 89 . Exactly as you may expect. But you can add more numbers (separated by commas) to the function: =SUM(32,57,1) will result in 90, for example.

In this next exercise, we will combine the SUM function with another interesting Excel feature: references. So what are references? Once again, an example will explain this very quickly. Look at the following formula:


What do you think the result will be? The answer is: it depends. That’s because the formula uses references to cells A1 and A2 .

We know the SUM function will sum the values that you give it, but in this case we give it references to cells. When you do that, it will instead sum the contents of the cells that you reference. So the result will be different depending on the values in cells A1 and A2 . If cell A1 contains 1 and cell A2 contains 2 , then the result will be 3 .

These references can be super handy because they update automatically if the contents of the cells change. Whenever you edit the value in cell A1 , the result of =SUM(A1, A2) will also automatically update! And that’s why references are so ridiculously useful.

Now, let’s get to the exercise. We will be using the SUM function to calculate our total monthly income after expenses.

Calculating income using SUM

I hope that wasn’t too difficult. Or if it was a little difficult, that when you looked at the answer, it made sense.

Note about the answer: if you looked at the answer to the above exercise, you saw a notation that you may not have seen before. =SUM(B2:B5) . The colon : is used to mean a cell range . In this case, that means cells B2 up to and including B5 . So it is equivalent to using =SUM(B2,B3,B4,B5) . In Excel, there are often multiple ways of solving the same problem. I’d encourage you to use the solution that is most intuitive to you.

A step up: Average

Calculating the average of a group of numbers is quite simple: you sum them all up and divide by how many number you have. For example, the average of the number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 divided by 5, because there are 5 numbers.

You could do this in Excel by typing =SUM(1,2,3,4,5)/5 into a cell. But there is an easier way. You can simply use the AVERAGE function. Let’s do so in an Excel exercise.

Note: you may have noticed by now that both of these functions are written in all-caps. That’s just the way function names in Excel are. So it may look like I’m screaming SUM at you, but that’s just how it is written.

More practical: Concatenate

We’ve seen functions that use numbers, now let’s look at another type of function: text functions. They are functions that take text as input or that result in text output (or usually both).

Before we get to the exercise, you need to know something about text in Excel formulas. Texts in Excel formulas are almost always surrounded by double quotes “. That’s just the way to let Excel know that it is a text.

Concatenate first and last names exercise

For the fourth of our Excel beginner exercises, we will be combining the contents of two cells. The first cell will have a first name, the second cell will have a last name in it. We would like to fill the third cell with the first name, then a space and then the last name.

We can do this using the CONCATENATE function. The CONCATENATE function looks like this: =CONCATENATE("text1","text2","text3") . If we would run this function, it would result in text1text2text3 . So it just combines the texts that you give it.

More Excel Exercises

That was it for our Excel beginner exercises. I hope you’ve learned something new today. If you just can’t get enough of these types of exercises, we have an Excel exercises page filled to the brim with exercises to dig your teeth into.

5 thoughts on “Excel Beginner Exercises”

  • Pingback: How to Learn Excel Fast: 3 Principles to Learn Excel Quickly

Helpful and clear for beginners.

Written with very clear instructions except with the CONCATENATE. Unfortunately I cannot figure this simple formula.

This is awesome

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Excel Exercises Practice

Excel IF Function

The IF function (or "IF statement") in Excel is a simple function that allows you to build logic into your worksheets. The IF function evaluates a logical test and returns one value if the logical test condition is true, and another value if the condition is false. Learning this function will help you begin to write complex logic to power your spreadsheets and models. For example, if a cell in your spreadsheet contains the top speed of a vehicle, you might write an IF statement which returns the text "fast" if the speed is above 30, and returns the text "slow" if the speed if below 30.

Syntax of the IF Function

The IF function takes three arguments (function inputs inside the parenthesis separated by commas):

=IF(condition, value_if_true, [value_if_false])

  • condition : This is a statement or expression, usually comparing two values in the form of a logical comparison that evaluates to true or false. A logical comparison requires one of the logical operators in the table below.
  • value_if_true : This is the value that will display if the condition is true.
  • value_if_false : This optional argument is the value that the function will display if the condition argument is false.

The value_if_true and value_if_false arguments can be any type of values, including cell references, numbers, text, dates, as well as other functions or formulas.

Logical Statements in Excel

You may be wondering how to write a logical comparison for the first part of your IF statement. To compare two values, use one of the six logical comparison operators from the table below.

You can use these comparison operators to compare text values, dates, numbers, and more.

= Equal to
Not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to

See the table below for some examples of logical comparisons in Excel.

1=1 True
1=2 False
"Hello" True
5 False
1/1/2021 > 1/1/2020 True
5>6 False
5>=1 True
5>=6 False

Using the IF Function in Excel

2 Speed: 35

Recall the syntax of an IF statement:

=IF( condition , value_if_true , value_if_false )

The first argument is the condition, or the logical test that compares two different values. If the condition is true, Excel returns the second argument (shown above as value_if_true). If the condition is false, Excel returns the third argument (shown above as value_if_false). See the example below:

=IF( C2>30 , "Fast" , "Slow" )

The IF statement above compares the value in cell C2 to 30. Excel returns the text "Fast" if speed is greater than 30 (because the condition is true), and returns the text "Slow" if speed is NOT greater than 30 (because the condition is false).

You could also omit the third argument:

=IF( C2>30 , "Fast" )

This IF statement would display the word "Fast" if speed was greater than 30, and would otherwise simply be blank. This is because the IF statement does not have the value_if_false argument.

Combining IF With Other Excel Functions

You saw how an IF statement can return text values, but we can also combine any other function in Excel with any of the arguments of an IF statement. For example, take this exercise using the SUM function : IF Texas and California sales combined are at least $500, commission is 10% on the total. Otherwise Commission is 0.

2 TX Sales: $320
3 CA Sales: $545

=IF( SUM(C2, C3)>=500 , SUM(C2, C3)*0.1 , 0 )

The formula above says If Sales for TX + CA is greater than or equal to 500, then return 10% of the total. Otherwise, return 0.

Because the SUM function in the condition would return 865, which is greater than 500, our IF statement would return the value_if_true argument. The value_if_true argument returns the sum multiplied by 0.1, so this IF statement would return 86.5.

Nested IF Statements

You can combine any number of IF Statements in Excel by "nesting" them inside the second or third arguments of another IF statement. For example, say you are shopping for a new car. You want a newer car, but you also like older Cadillacs. You decide to look for a car that meets the following conditions:

  • If the car is a Cadillac, buy it.
  • If the car is not a Cadillac, buy it only if it was made after the year 2010.
  • If the car is not a Cadillac and was made in 2010 or earlier, do not buy.

Below we see different car options in a table. We can write a nested IF statement, starting with row 2, to help you determine whether to buy the car or not.

2 Green 1999 Honda
3 Blue 2009 Caddilac
4 Red 2015 Chevy

=IF( C2="Cadillac" , "Buy" , IF(B2>2010, "Buy", "Do not buy") )

The IF statement above says If make is equal to "Cadillac", then buy it. Otherwise, if the year is greater than 2010, then buy it. Otherwise do not buy it.

Starting with row 2, the make is not Cadillac, so we then go to the value_if_false clause. The year is not greater than 2010, so we would not buy the car.

For row 3, the make is Cadillac, so we would buy the car.

In row 4, the make is not Cadillac so we go to the value_if_false clause again. This time the year is greater than 2010, so we would buy this car.

Using IF Functions with AND and OR Functions in Excel

Say you want your IF statement to trigger the value_if_true_ argument only if several different conditions are all true. The AND function takes comparisons as its arguments and returns TRUE if ALL of the arguments are true. For example, the function =AND(A1>B1, A2=B2, A3<=B3) will return TRUE only if ALL three arguments are true. It will return FALSE if any of its arguments is false.

Now imagine you want your IF statement to trigger the value_if_true_ argument if at least one of several different conditions is true. The OR function also takes comparisons as its arguments and returns TRUE if AT LEAST ONE of the arguments is true. For example, the function =OR(A1>B1, A2=B2, A3<=B3) will return TRUE if AT LEAST ONE of the three arguments is true. It will return FALSE only if ALL of the arguments are false.

To use AND or OR with an IF function, you simply replace the condition argument with the AND or OR function:

=IF( AND(condition_1, [condition_2]...) ,  value_if_true ,  value_if_false )

=if( or(condition_1, [condition_2]...) ,  value_if_true ,  value_if_false ), continue to if practice exercises →.

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Excel Most Popular Functions Practice

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Additional information, reviews (2), intermediate excel exercises, real exercises of the most popular excel functions, excel practice description.

Practity’s Intermediate Excel exercises offer the perfect opportunity for Excel students to master the most important functions and formulas of spreadsheets. With a focus on essential concepts such as conditional statements, counts, duplicates, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, and more. This type of  Excel challenges provide a hands-on approach to learn how to combine and implement these functions to solve real-world problems and calculate KPIs.

You are given an Excel file with data of 700 purchase orders of one of the most important products of a chemicals company. You will have to gather, analyze and manipulate the data in four sheets in order to check controls, discover useful information, manage risk and draw conclusions for the company decision making. The Excel exercises intermediate download includes more than 30 Excel practice questions of the most common functions and tools used in the real world. You will have to perform the same tasks a business analyst, controller or middle office have to do on the spreadsheet on a regular basis.

Why try these Excel Practice Projects?

  • Real-world Application : The assignments offer real-life scenarios where Excel is the tool to go, allowing learners to confront practical problems and apply their knowledge in a meaningful way.
  • Master Complex Functions : Practice is the only way to truly master Excel. By working through these challenges, Excel intermediate students can build a deep understanding of how to use and combine functions to achieve specific goals.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving : Our exercises foster creativity and problem-solving skills, encouraging learners to think critically and approach Excel practice problems from different angles, preparing them for real-world Excel challenges.


1) Data querying formulas. You will learn about finding, matching and retrieving values  in order to get insights about the business. 2) Compare data and check conditions so that you can make decisions based on results. 3) Common Excel tools and tricks to make professional spreadsheets ready to be used in presentations and be shared with others. 5) Summarize data with breakdown tables. 6) Combine and merge functions. 7) Real applications of the following functions: IF, COUNTIF, AND,OR, VLOOKUP , IFNA , text functions,  nested functions, pivot tables, conditional formatting, sort, filters, sheet formatting, workbook protection.


These Intermediate Excel exercises require a minimum knowledge of Excel. Students must have attended a complete Excel intermediate course and completed successfully regular Excel exercises  for beginners. The spreadsheet included in the project have been done with latest Excel version . It is then compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2016.

After purchase, you will receive a Zip file attached in the confirmation email. The Zip includes the following files:

  • One PDF with the Excel assignments.
  • One PDF with the Excel exercises solved and explained. It includes detailed explanations and print screens about each Excel practice problem. You will see in each image the function, the expected outcome and how to find the requested options and tools. – Excel file with data (4 sheets). – Excel file with all problems solved.
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2 reviews for Excel Most Popular Functions Practice

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scargot – 11 October, 2023

I liked a lot. The exercises are focused on the important stuff and very well explained. It helped get confident with spreadsheet. Recommended!!

Vlad Korse – 20 October, 2023

Very good. Some exercise was challenging but the documentation is very helpful. I can move now to more difficult things.

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7 Olympic Athletes, 7 Very Personal Motivation Secrets

July 12, 2024 -- Peter Reid was once a legendary triathlete, a three-time Ironman World Champion (1998, 2000, 2003) who was seemingly unstoppable. But in 2006, he began having doubts. After finishing a race in first place, he dishearteningly remarked to a friend, “What am I supposed to do? Win again?” 

At another competition, he didn’t even make it to the starter's pistol, walking off the course pre-race and later explaining, “I just couldn’t think of a good enough reason to keep going.” 

By 2007,  he was done , permanently retired.

Reid’s crisis of faith had nothing to do with his athletic ability. He was stronger and faster than ever. What stopped him was his inability to answer what behavioral scientists call  the “why” question . It wasn’t about how  it could be done, but why it was worth doing.

“It’s one of our best motivational tools and central to goal setting,” said behavioral psychologist Ayelet Fishbach, PhD, a professor at the University of Chicago who studies motivational science — she’s been  called “arguably the world’s foremost expert on motivation” — and author of Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation . 

“When people ask ‘why,’ they gain a better understanding of the purpose behind their actions,” Fishbach said. “It’s the first step in maintaining a workout regimen.”

With the  2024 Summer Olympics on the horizon — the opening ceremony begins at sunset in Paris on July 26 — we reached out to seven of the competing athletes and asked them to share their very personal “why.” Other than the dream of winning an Olympic medal, what inspires them to come to the gym every day and keep pushing themselves harder, even when their bodies might be begging them to quit?

Then we asked Fishbach and Katie Heinrich, PhD, associate professor of exercise behavioral science at Kansas State University, to explain how these athletes’ “whys” are so effective. And just as important, what you can learn from their secrets, finding your own “why” and leveraging it for a happier, healthier life.


Seven-time Olympic gold medalist Caeleb Dressel, who’s representing the U.S. this summer in three events: the 50-meter freestyle, 100-meter butterfly, and 4×100-meter freestyle relay, admits he sometimes has days he’d rather stay in bed than hit the gym. What keeps him going? 

“I tell myself that challenges are a part of the journey towards success,” said the 27-year-old Green Cove Springs, FL, native. “I remind myself of all the hard work I have put in and how far I have come. I know that every day I have the opportunity to become better than I was yesterday, and that drives me to give my all and push my limits.”

Why This Works:  Heinrich calls this a form of intrinsic fundamental motivation, as in a motivation that comes from within. 

“He’s focused on enjoying the journey that his training is taking him on rather than a specific destination,” she said. “We can learn a lot from Caeleb. For example, instead of focusing on a goal weight, focus on making each daily nutrition choice the healthiest one you can. Begin to enjoy the challenge of how to build the healthiest meal out of menu offerings.”

A 2019  Stanford University study confirmed that people whose fitness goals are more journey-oriented than goal-oriented — who, like Dressel, want to get a little better every day rather than crossing some finish line — are more likely to continue those behaviors for the long run.

KRISTEN NUSS and TARYN KLOTH, beach volleyball

Kloth and Nuss joined forces in 2021 at Louisiana State University, and this summer the pair of 26-year-olds, who recently ranked No. 2 in beach volleyball in the world (just behind Brazil), will be going to their first Olympics to compete at the Eiffel Tower Stadium.

Both women have the same answer when asked what motivates them to keep training and pushing themselves further. 

“Kristen,” Kloth said without hesitation. “I can't let Kristen down. Of course this journey is challenging, but doing it with my best friend/sister/business partner makes it way easier to get through the tough times. This allows my focus to switch to her and not the tough task.”

Nuss said much the same. “What keeps me going is seeing Taryn push herself and wanting to do the same,” she said. 

Why This Works:  “What a great example of the impact of role models,” said Fishbach. All human beings are social animals, she said, and we live (and pursue goals) in groups. “We look around us, and if others are working hard, we work hard as well. We know that exercising and working alone is very hard because it goes against our nature. Those around you inspire you and motivate action.”

Heinrich compares Nuss and Kloth’s supportive partnership to the findings of the  first sports psychology study , conducted by Norman Triplett in 1898, who found that cyclists performed better when cycling with others, even though they did not feel like they were working harder. 

“If you find it easier to push yourself during a group exercise class rather than exercising alone, you have benefitted from this same social facilitation principle,” Heinrich said. “There is science showing the benefits of moving together. This also might look like having a pickleball partner who counts on you to perform well when playing in a league. You can push yourself harder to play better because you don’t want to let your partner down.”

NICK ITKIN, fencer

Itkin, who started fencing at 7 years old, made his Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games in 2020, where he won a bronze medal in the men’s team event. He goes to Paris as the No. 1-ranked foil fencer in the world.

The 24-year-old gets motivated by the very thing that makes most people want to throw in the towel (or at least hit the snooze button and skip that early-morning trip to the gym). 

“I kind of like the pain, especially when I want to give up,” he said. “I think those are the moments that make you stronger. I remember when I was younger, I had to fight through those moments, and it’s what made me the athlete I am today. I like to think of all the other athletes training at the same time as me, and I have the vision that I can’t let them outwork me.”

Why This Works:  “Itkin suggests that instead of avoiding discomfort, we should seek it out,” said Fishbach. “He’s right in his intuition that ‘no pain, no gain.’ Achieving personal growth often requires experiencing discomfort.”  Several   studies have found a link between pain and motivation, and not because they’re motivated to find a way to make it stop. “Good” pain can indicate mild inflammation or micro-tears in the muscle, tendons, and connective tissue, a physical signal that positive changes are being made. What’s more, people who exercise regularly have a  higher pain tolerance than those with sedentary lifestyles.

“Instead of tolerating discomfort, people could actively seek it out,” said Fishbach. “And because discomfort is usually experienced immediately and is easy to detect, it’s an immediate signal of growth that increases motivation.”

But she noted that discomfort should only be temporary, “as ultimately people will stick to goals they enjoy pursuing.” 

A  2022 study from Portugal found that moderate exercise, resulting in less physical pain, can be more enjoyable and thereby more likely to become a regular habit.


Known as “Frederick Flips” to his legion of fans — he has a combined fan base of nearly 1 million on  TikTok and  Instagram  — Richard, 20, has been immersed in gymnastics since he was 2 years old. 

He’s the 2024 NCAA Gymnast of the Year and the  youngest American male gymnast ever to win an individual medal at the Artistic World Championships last year. This will be his first Olympics.

For Richard, the way he stays focused and inspired is by always avoiding boredom. “Gymnastics should be an ongoing process where you can always add new elements,” he said. “Every day at the gym should be something to look forward to.” 

Rather than repeating the same training routine over and over again, he tries to keep mixing it up, making every workout exciting and fresh and new. 

“I know there will be days that aren’t as good as others, but the thought of giving up never enters my mind,” Richard said. “Every day is a stepping stone towards a bigger goal that I’ve been working toward, in some way or another, since I was a little kid.”

Why This Works:  Richard has hit on a formula that’s inspired many pro athletes, said Heinrich: “Variety and creativity.” 

Fishbach agreed. Richard “knows that you can only stick to something if it feels right at the moment,” she said. “Pursuing long-term goals is notoriously hard, so we need to make them interesting. You want to be the one who wants to do it rather than the one who wishes it was already done.” 

A  2020 study by New York University’s Rory Myers College found that people who do a wider array of exercise — not just running, but also swimming, biking, weight-lifting, and so on — are likely to spend more time at the gym, up to 150 minutes per week on average, than people who choose just one skill or exercise to focus on. 

“Variety-seeking and novelty are proven methods for increasing motivation,” said Fishbach.

PIPER KELLY, speed climbing

Kelly is the first-ever women's speed climbing champion. The 24-year-old Indianapolis native isn’t new to the sport — she went rock climbing with her dad as a kid and scaled her first wall in elementary school — and she even has a degree in exercise science (and minor in psychology) from Xavier University, so she’s uniquely qualified to talk about athletic motivation.

“My goal every day is to leave my training session better than I started,” she said. “That won't always mean a better personal record, but it could mean a better average time, a better time on a specific section, better movement quality through a certain move, or whatever.”

Why This Works:  Like many of her Olympic peers, Kelly focuses on the immediate experience. “The best strategies involve increasing intrinsic motivation — making pursuing the goal an end in itself,” said Fishbach. “You want your training session to feel good right now , at the moment you’re doing it.”

Feeling good isn’t just the endorphin rush of exercise; it’s about setting small, achievable goals that make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. “This could mean having a small increase in the weight lifted,” said Heinrich, “a slightly faster time on a running distance, or even just improving your form on a push-up.” 

The incremental improvement approach, as Heinrich calls it, means “focusing on celebrating these small improvements each day can lead up to overall success.”


At 35 years old, Fredette is no rookie. After graduating from Brigham Young University in 2011, he played in 241 NBA games with five teams over six seasons (2011-2016, 2018-2019) before moving to China to play with the Shanghai Sharks. As part of the three-on-three squad Team USA, he’s already won a silver medal at the 2023 FIBA World Cup and gold at that year’s Pan American Games.

“There's definitely days where either you're sore or you're tired, there's other things that you want to be doing,” Fredette said. “All throughout my career, if it happens, I just remember that other people are feeling like this too. And if I can push through and continue to motivate myself to get better, even on those days where I feel like I don't want to be doing it, pushing myself even harder, then you're at an advantage, because other people may not be doing that.”

He’s also a big proponent of the gradual gain. 

“It's not like one day you go out there and you just crush it and then the next day you're way down or whatever it may be,” he said. “It's more like, if I can just continue to improve just by a second or just by one shot every day, then I can continue to improve and improve and improve until you feel like you've mastered that skill.”

Why This Works:  Though social comparison — evaluating our merits and abilities based on our peers or those around us — can be dangerous in some settings, like social media or marketing, Fredette has found a clever way to use it as a positive motivation, said Heinrich. “He reminds himself that others are having struggles and bad days, too.”

Some research, like this  2021 German study , has found that social comparison can be especially effective among athletes, but only if the upward comparison is "moderately better." In other words, if you play basketball, you'll push yourself to train harder and work longer if your fellow players are just slightly better than you, but not if they're Michael Jordan level.

Fishbach called Fredette “an expert on goal setting. He realizes that the numbers we put on our goals need to be challenging but not impossible. As we improve, we increase the expectations.” 

As a  2021 study revealed, the best exercise goals should be slightly more than we're comfortable achieving, but not impossible. For instance, if running 2 miles feels difficult but doable, shoot for 3 miles tomorrow, not 10. 

“You want your target to be something that you can realistically achieve if you work hard,” Fishbach said. “If it’s too easy, it won’t motivate you. If it’s too hard, you’ll give up. So it needs to be constantly updated to meet your current level.”

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Excel Data for Pivot Table Practice

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To solve these problems, you need to be familiar with inserting pivot tables , using slicers , utilizing calculated fields , inserting pivot pie charts , building a data model , and grouping by year . If you have Excel 2010 or later, you can solve these exercises without any compatibility issues.

Download the Practice Workbook

Excel Practice Data for Pivot Table.xlsx

Problem Overview

There are seven columns and 714 rows in our dataset, which represents sales data for a company from 2019 to 2022. The “Amount” column refers to the sales amount for the particular date.

Problem Overview of Excel Data for Pivot Table Practice

Here’s a list of exercises:

  • Exercise 01 – Inserting a Pivot Table: Make a pivot table, then remove the grand total and edit the pivot table . Then, hide the Gridlines from the table.
  • The following animated image shows how to hide the grand total value.
  • Exercise 02 – Grouping Data by Year: Group the sales amount by the year. Additionally, you can try to group the data by weeks and months .
  • Exercise 03 – Finding a Running Total by Date: Find the running total by date using the data.
  • Exercise 04 – Inserting a Pie Chart: Create a pie chart from the data in this problem.
  • Exercise 05 – Adding Slicers to the Pivot Table: Insert a slicer to the pivot table.
  • Exercise 06 – Using a Calculated Field: You will need to find the sales tax which is 5% of the total sales using the calculated field. Remember, to import the pivot table as a data model.

The following image shows the first three solutions.

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Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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Thank you!! Rafiul Haq.

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Dear Minhajul ,

You are most welcome.

Regards ExcelDemy

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Answer to exercise 3 is wrong. Sales and Running total of Sales have the same values. Otherwise nice exercise

Dear Qasim ,

Thanks for your suggestions we have updated our Exercise 3 you can check it now.

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Great work exceldemy team! Really healped me a lot.

Dear Foysal ,

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Do you have any YouTube channel?

Dear Ashab,

We do have a YouTube channel named ExcelDemy

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Solve this in a video and upload on your youtube channel. Its a very helpful.

Hello Rao ,

We will try to upload it in our up coming videos.

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  • About sharing
  • About delegates
  • Use a shared mailbox
  • Share view-only calendars
  • Allow edit and delegate access
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Share and access a view-only calendar in Outlook

If you're using a work or school account or personal account in Outlook, you can send a sharing invitation to other users so they can view your calendar from within their own Outlook Calendar list.

Calendar sharing isn't limited to the default Calendar folder that's created in all Outlook profiles. You can create additional calendar folders and choose which of those folders to share. For example, you can create a calendar folder for a specific project and share it with your co-workers, or a family calendar that includes all the events and appointments for family members.

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This article describes how to share and access a calendar that can only be viewed. This means the people you're sharing it with, can't make changes to it. To give someone permissions to edit a shared calendar, see Share and access a calendar with edit or delegate permissions in Outlook .

Select a tab option below for the version of Outlook you're using. What version of Outlook do I have?

Note:  If the steps under this  New Outlook  tab aren't working for you, you may not be using new Outlook for Windows yet. Select the  Classic Outlook  tab and follow those steps instead.

In this article:

Share a calendar with others

Add another person's calendar

Publish a calendar

Share a calendar with others in new outlook.

From the navigation pane, select    Calendar .

On the Home tab, select   Share calendar , and if you have more than one calendar, select which calendar you want to share. 

Type whom to share with in the Enter an email address or contact name  box. If the person's name appears in a list, select it, otherwise press Enter .

After you’ve added the person you want to manage your calendar, select the drop-down list next to their name, and choose the level of access you want them to have.

Select Can view when I'm busy to give them permission to see only when you are busy, but not the details of items on your calendar.

Select Can view titles and locations to give them permission to see when you're busy, plus the titles and locations of items on your calendar.

Select Can view all details to give them permission to see all details of items on your calendar. others to view your calendar but not make changes to it.

Note:  If you want to grant permissions that allow a user to edit your calendar, or can respond to meeting requests on your behalf, see  Calendar delegation in Outlook .


The person you're sharing a calendar with will receive an email invitation to share their calendar. Once they accept, they can add your calendar to their own view.  

Add another person's calendar to your calendar

Adding another person's calendar to your own is only possible with work or school accounts.

Note:  To do this using a personal account, ask the person who you want to share calendars with to share their calendar following the steps in the section above, Share an Outlook calendar with others .

The following video demonstrates how to add a shared Outlook calendar.

You can publish a calendar and then share the link with others to let them view the calendar online. Use an HTML link if you want recipients to view the calendar in a browser, or an ICS link if you want them to subscribe to your calendar.

From the ribbon, select the  View tab Calendar settings > Calendar > Shared calendars .

Under the section Publish a calendar , select the calendar you want to publish from the dropdown and select the permissions you want to grant.

Click Publish . HTML and ICS links will appear below.

Copy the HTML or ICS links for how you want to share the calendar. Copy the HTML link if you want recipients to view the calendar in a browser, or copy the ICS link if you want them to subscribe.

Select Unpublish to unpublish the calendar.

Steps and information for classic Outlook:

Share your calendar  |   Stop sharing your calendar  |   Share a calendar by publishing  |  Share your calendar in email  |   Additional information  |   Fix issues

Share your Microsoft 365 or Outlook.com calendar with people inside or outside your organization

From your Calendar folder, on the Home tab, select Share Calendar .

From the drop-down menu, choose the calendar you want to share.

In the Calendar Properties dialog box, select  Add .

You can search for people from your address book or type in their email addresses in the Add box. When you're done adding names in the Add Users dialog box, select  OK .

Back in the Calendar Properties dialog box, select the person's name or email address, then choose the level of details that you want to share with the person, then select  OK .

The person you've shared your calendar with will receive a sharing invitation by email.

Once the recipient selects  Accept , they'll see your shared calendar in their calendar list.

I see a "This calendar can't be shared" error

If you see a message that says This calendar can't be shared , there are three possible reasons:

The email address is invalid.

The email address is a Microsoft 365 Group

The email address belongs to an external user who isn't part of your organization.

What permissions other people can have to your calendar

When sharing your calendar, you can choose from several different permission levels:

Can view when I'm busy . Those sharing your calendar with this permission level can only see which times you're available.

Can view titles and locations . Those sharing your calendar with this permission level will see availability and the subject and meeting location.

Can view all details . Those sharing your calendar with this permission level will see all details of your appointments, just like what you see.

Stop sharing your calendar

At any time you can revoke access to your calendar.

Note:  It may take a while for Microsoft 365 and the user's Outlook to sync and remove the view to your calendar

Select  Calendar .

On the ribbon, select the Folder tab, then select  Calendar Properties .

Select the Permissions tab, and under Currently sharing with , select the user's name and then choose Remove .

Select  OK .

Share a calendar by publishing it to a web page

If you have access to a web server that supports the World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol, you can publish your calendar there.

Note:  Not sure if your server supports WebDAV? Your server administrator or internet service provider (ISP) should be able to tell you.

Select  Home > Publish Online > Publish to WebDAV Server .

If your email account uses Exchange, you will see Publish This Calendar , instead of the option to publish to a WebDAV server. This lets you publish your calendar directly to an Exchange Server. In the window that opens, select the publishing options you want, and click Start Publishing .

If you're using Microsoft 365, you can still publish your calendar to a WebDAV server, but you must first remove {Anonymous:CalendarSharingFreeBusySimple} from the sharing policy. This will prevent you from publishing your calendar to Exchange in the future, however. 

In the Location box, enter the location of the WebDAV server, select any other publishing options you want, and then select  OK .

Share your calendar in an email

If you don't want to give someone permissions to share your calendar and see updates, you can email a static copy of your calendar for a specific date range. The recipient will be able to see the events on your calendar at the time you sent the email, but not any updates you make after you send the email.

Note:  This feature is no longer available with Outlook for Microsoft 365.  

Select  Home > E-mail Calendar .

On the Home tab, click E-mail Calendar

In the Calendar and Date Range boxes, pick the calendar and time period you want to share. For example, choose Today only or for the Next 7 days .

In the Calendar and Date Range boxes, pick the options you want

Set any other options you want, and then select  OK .

In the new email that opens, add who you want the message to go to in the To field, add a message if you want, and select Send .

The person you sent your calendar to will see a snapshot of your calendar in the message.

Example of a calendar shared in an email

The message also includes an attached iCalendar (.ics) file that they can open in Outlook or another calendar program. When the recipient clicks the iCalendar file, Outlook displays the file as a new calendar that they can view side-by-side with their calendar. They can drag appointments or meetings between the two calendars and find a time that works for both of you.

Fix issues sharing your calendar

If you don't have the option to share your calendar (it's greyed out), it's because the admin/IT support for your business has set a policy to prevent people from sharing calendars.

To add another person's calendar to your own, ask the person who you want to share calendars with to share their calendar with you following the steps in the section above, Share an Outlook calendar with others .


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