essay about abandoned child

The Long-Term Effects of Abandonment

by Shirley Davis | Feb 25, 2021 | Abandonment and CPTSD | 14 comments

essay about abandoned child

One of the most egregious behaviors a parent or other caregiver can do to a child is to abandon them, allowing them to suffer alone. The damages done to the child when grown are significant and should not be ignored.

In this article, we shall examine together what childhood abandonment is, how it affects adults, and ways to mitigate the power it has over our lives.

What is Abandonment?

essay about abandoned child

All children are entirely dependent upon parents or caregivers for their safety in their environment. When these caretakers fail to offer support and meet the child’s needs, emotionally and physically, they are said to have abandoned their child.

When parents abandon their children, their kids grow up feeling unsafe in the world and feeling people cannot be trusted. These unsafe feelings lead to the child experiencing emotions where they feel they do not deserve positive attention or adequate care.

For many children, abandonment is physical and may include:

  • Lack of supervision
  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Narcissistic abuse
  • The inappropriate offering of nutrition
  • Inadequate clothes, heat, shelter, or housing

For other children, abandonment takes the form of emotional neglect and abuse when parents do not give to their children emotional conditions and environments that are necessary for their healthy development.

The child is left feeling inadequate, rejected, and damaged, needing to hide themselves away from others knowing who they are on the inside. Abandoned children are left believing it is not okay to make mistakes, that it is not okay to show their genuine emotions, that they should not have needs, and that it is not okay to be successful.

Fear of Abandonment in Adulthood

essay about abandoned child

Because they were neglected and abused as children, many adults grow up having internalized all the messages they received from their parents when they were young.  Also, because they craved attention from their abusive parents, many adults grow up fearing losing the love of those they have in their lives.

Fear of abandonment is not a mental illness by itself but rather a form of anxiety that can negatively affect those who experience it. Adults experiencing abandonment issues often experience problems in their relationships because they fear the other person will leave them.

It is vital to recognize the signs of abandonment issues so that these issues may be tackled head-on. They include:

  • They fear giving too much in a relationship.
  • They push people away to avoid rejection.
  • They are often people pleasers.
  • They experience codependency.
  • They feel insecure in intimate relationships and friendships.
  • They require repeated reassurances that they are loved.
  • They feel the need to control others.
  • They jump from one relationship to another.
  • They often will sabotage their relationships.

Other symptoms that may challenge a survivor of abandonment’s life include the following:

  • Constant worry
  • Panic or anxiety
  • Fear of being alone
  • Frequent physical illnesses
  • Low self-esteem
  • Disordered eating

Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you fight abandonment issues.

The Long-Term Effects of Abandonment and Neglect

essay about abandoned child

People who have experienced abandonment might be more likely to have long-term mental health disorders, often based on the fear the abandonment will happen again in their adult relationships. Mood swings and anger issues later in life can often be traced to abandonment in infancy due to the lack of emotional and other support from parents.

Some of the mental health conditions thought to be heavily influenced by abandonment include:

  • Codependency
  • Attachment anxiety
  • Borderline personality disorder

For someone who lacks self-esteem due to childhood abandonment, the fear of being abandoned again becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as their clinginess, and other negative behaviors tend to push away potential life partners and friends.

Other long-term consequences affect future generations of those who experienced abandonment as a child. A recent study , published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging found that the offspring of the abandoned and neglected inherit brain abnormalities from their mothers show up as functional dysconnectivity between the amygdala and medial prefrontal regions of their children’s brains shortly after birth.

  The Treatments for Childhood Abandonment in Adults

The treatment of abandonment issues focuses mainly on establishing healthy emotional boundaries and building a plethora of new responses when old thought patterns of fear begin to emerge or reemerge.

There are two primary treatments for abandonment that work tightly together to treat abandonment and neglect issues, including the following.

Psychotherapy . While psychotherapy is not for everyone, seeking out a mental health professional’s help can help those who were the victims of childhood abandonment and neglect. They can learn to overcome their fears of being abandoned again. Therapists work with their clients to understand where the fear originates and how it affects their relationships.

Self-Care. Self-care includes making sure the survivor healthily meets their emotional needs by forming friendships and relationships and allowing themselves to trust.

Should you love someone who has abandonment issues, there are ways you can support them while they heal.

Validate their fears. This means that you should acknowledge their feelings of abandonment without judgment. This move is vital to maintaining open communication. Validating a loved one’s fears doesn’t mean agreeing with them, but instead, supporting their feelings to further build on trust and compassion.

You can do this by following the six-level approach mentioned in Psychology Today. 

  • Be present and actively listen to their concerns.
  • Reflect and summarize your loved one’s feelings verbally and without judgment.
  • Become a mind-reader, and by listening to what they say help them identify their emotions.
  • Understand their history so you can openly state that you understand when circumstances trigger their past history of abandonment.
  • “Normalize” their fears by acknowledging the fact that others with their history have fears of abandonment and that their feelings are understandable.
  • Use radical genuineness to deeply validate your loved one and share your loved one’s fears as your own.

The treatment of abandonment anxiety can be very successful, but it requires commitment and self-care. Many people with abandonment issues do not see how destructive their behaviors have been to their relationships until it is pointed out to them and they begin to heal.

However, treatment can teach new ways of thinking and coping to end the overarching and debilitating power of abandonment in childhood.

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” ~Elbert Hubbard

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu

20 signs someone has abandonment issues. (2017, September 8). Retrieved from

Abandonment & attachment-related trauma treatment & rehab center. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hendrix, C. L., Dilks, D. D., McKenna, B. G., Dunlop, A. L., Corwin, E. J., & Brennan, P. A. (2020). Maternal childhood adversity associates with frontalamygdala connectivity in neonates. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging .

Megase, K. (2016, March 3). How fear of abandonment affects relationships. Retrieved from

Schoenfelder, E. N., Sandler, I. N., Wolchik, S., & MacKinnon, D. (2011). Quality of social relationships and the development of depression in parentally-bereaved youth.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40 (1), 85-96. Retrieved from

Wade, B. (1995, 04). Fear of abandonment.  Essence, 25 (79). Retrieved from

essay about abandoned child

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essay about abandoned child

My name is Shirley Davis and I am a freelance writer with over 40-years- experience writing short stories and poetry. Living as I do among the corn and bean fields of Illinois (USA), working from home using the Internet has become the best way to communicate with the world. My interests are wide and varied. I love any kind of science and read several research papers per week to satisfy my curiosity. I have earned an Associate Degree in Psychology and enjoy writing books on the subjects that most interest me.


Josephine Viscomi

Excellent article, Shirley Davis, and very interesting. Tugs at my heartstrings, and I can identify with some of that. I think about alot of kids myself; still, after all these years, and it continues to be ongoing.


Thank you Shirley. As someone that is currently working through this in therapy I appreciate reading this, it makes me feel less alone. What a fight it is to work through this type of trauma. Thank you for sharing as you do!

Miriam Kelly

Thank you for taking the time to write on this topic. The information is very descriptive of the realities of many persons. Please continue the work of ‘enlightening’ the world about the truths of the Psychology of Humanity.

Shirley Davis

Thank you for your kind comment. Shirley


I’ve known this was my main issue in my life, so I looked it up online. I’m glad I did. The symptoms showing up in real life match perfectly.

Thank you for writing this. Looking internally, I couldn’t see clearly. Your writing helped.

(just realized I was trying to people-please in my writing. The shoe fits)

Thank you for your comment, I’m glad I could help. Shirley


I was abandoned, and now abandoned others without a thought. I don’t know how to love or find happiness, but hope your writings will help me.


Just realized I have this issue. Sucks… And its come at a point where I have already lost everything. So no money, means no therapy. I have isolated myself so much. when I look back over the years, I was the problem. Now i just hate being. Every minute I spend at my friends place is torture. So I am waiting for a little money to leave and hit the streets where I cannot hurt anyone anymore. Im 44 now. If you can go get help while you can. I am hoping to die as quickly as possible without doing it to myself. I see 2 possibilities. starvation or freezing in the UK when this coming winter. I was abandoned several times, abused as a child. And now people expect me to just shrug it off. Careful who you tell. I tried to open up to my best friend of 34 years. He told me so what. Suck it up and move on. I wish I could. I wish so much. Most of my life I have not felt love. My belief is that people do not even like me. Why do they put up with me. The friend I am staying with tries to help. He told me to see a therapist and then the next day will say suck it up. This just confuses my mind more. Which is it? And how? I have no job and no money. The little I have buys me some food. When your friends talk to you like this, its of no help and further confirms my uselessness in this world. Wish you all the best. Hopefully with 3 weeks, i get to walk out and never have to love or look for it. And yes my parents have died. And my younger brother ripped me off and my elder brother wont even return $400 to me even if he can afford holidays, lavish parties. I’m eating instant noodles 3 times a day and he has the nerve to call me his brother. why was I born?


I have a friend struggling psychologically because of abandonment, and I know how hard it is to overcome, so I always give a talk to all my friends when they are emotional. A simple word and showing them that you care for them are simple, yet essential to them. Thanks for sharing this excellent article. Great post!


This is so sad, heartbreaking. Some parents are so selfish. They only think about their needs


Yeah! That is the sad reality. Not all kids are blessed to have completely loving family.


my father abandoned me and ruined my life and till this day he has nothing to his name but living off a woman.


Thank you so much for your article, finally I managed understand myself. I was denying this for so long, finally I’m on a path of healing. Naming what happend to me helps a lot.

Aracely Alcala

How about instead of giving everyone else a chance to understand and be there for you, you give yourself a chance? What you went through does not define who you are nor whom you will be. I know it is easier said than done, but if you can find a tiny glimpse of hope within you, I am sure that is all you need.


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The lasting impact of neglect

Psychologists are studying how early deprivation harms children — and how best to help those who have suffered from neglect.

By Kirsten Weir

June 2014, Vol 45, No. 6

Print version: page 36

10 min read

Psychologists are studying how early deprivation harms children — and how best to help those who have suffered from neglect. (© Bernard Bisson/Sygma/Corbis)

The babies laid in cribs all day, except when being fed, diapered or bathed on a set schedule. They weren't rocked or sung to. Many stared at their own hands, trying to derive whatever stimulation they could from the world around them. "Basically these kids were left on their own," Fox says.

Fox, along with colleagues Charles Nelson, PhD, at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston, and Charles Zeanah, MD, at Tulane University, have followed those children for 14 years. They describe their Bucharest Early Intervention Project in a new book, "Romania's Abandoned Children: Deprivation, Brain Development, and the Struggle for Recovery" (2014).

Neglect isn't just a Romanian problem, of course. UNICEF estimates that as many as 8 million children are growing up in institutional settings around the world. In the United States, neglect is a less obvious — though very real — concern. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 676,569 U.S. children were reported to have experienced maltreatment in 2011. Of those, more than 78 percent suffered from neglect.

The list of problems that stem from neglect reads like the index of the DSM: poor impulse control, social withdrawal, problems with coping and regulating emotions, low self-esteem, pathological behaviors such as tics, tantrums, stealing and self-punishment, poor intellectual functioning and low academic achievement. Those are just some of the problems that David A. Wolfe, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Toronto, and his former student Kathryn L. Hildyard, PhD, detailed in a 2002 review ( Child Abuse & Neglect , 2002).

"Across the board, these are kids who have severe problems throughout their lifetime," says Wolfe, recent past editor-in-chief of Child Abuse & Neglect .

Now, researchers are beginning to understand some of the ways that early deprivation alters a person's brain and behavior — and whether that damage can be undone.

The Bucharest project

In 1989 Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu was overthrown, and the world discovered that 170,000 children were being raised in Romania's impoverished institutions. As the children's plight became public, Fox, Nelson and Zeanah realized they had a unique opportunity to study the effects of early institutionalization.

The trio launched their project in 2000 and began by assessing 136 children who had been living in Bucharest's institutions from birth. Then they randomly assigned half of the children to move into Romanian foster families, whom the researchers recruited and assisted financially. The other half remained in care as usual. The children ranged in age from 6 months to nearly 3 years, with an average age of 22 months.

Over the subsequent months and years, the researchers returned to assess the development of the children in both settings. They also evaluated a control group of local children who had never lived in an institution.

They found many profound problems among the children who had been born into neglect. Institutionalized children had delays in cognitive function, motor development and language. They showed deficits in socio-emotional behaviors and experienced more psychiatric disorders. They also showed changes in the patterns of electrical activity in their brains, as measured by EEG.

For kids who were moved into foster care, the picture was brighter. These children showed improvements in language, IQ and social-emotional functioning. They were able to form secure attachment relationships with their caregivers and made dramatic gains in their ability to express emotions.

While foster care produced notable improvements, though, children in foster homes still lagged behind the control group of children who had never been institutionalized. And some foster children fared much better than others. Those removed from the institutions before age 2 made the biggest gains. "There's a bit of plasticity in the system," Fox says. But to reverse the effects of neglect, he adds, "the earlier, the better."

In fact, when kids were moved into foster care before their second birthdays, by age 8 their brains' electrical activity looked no different from that of community controls. The researchers also used structural MRI to further understand the brain differences among the children. They found that institutionalized children had smaller brains, with a lower volume of both gray matter (which is made primarily of the cell bodies of neurons) and white matter (which is mainly the nerve fibers that transmit signals between neurons).

"A history of institutionalization significantly affected brain growth," Fox says.

The institutionalized children who were moved into foster homes recovered some of that missing white matter volume over time. Their gray matter volume, however, stayed low, whether or not they had been moved into stable homes ( PNAS , 2012). Those brain changes, the researchers found, were associated with an increased risk of ADHD symptoms.

Many of the children remain with their foster families. (The researchers no longer support those families financially, but the Romanian government continues to provide stipends for the children's care.) Soon, Fox says, he and his colleagues will begin the 16-year assessment. They expect that to be particularly telling, since the effects of adversity in early childhood can re-emerge during adolescence.

Regardless of future findings, Fox has seen enough evidence to draw hard conclusions. "Children need to be in socially responsive situations. I personally think that there aren't good institutions for young children," he says. With millions of children growing up in similar conditions, he adds, "this is a worldwide public health issue."

Coming to America

In the United States, Megan Gunnar, PhD, director of the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota, has helped fill in other pieces of the puzzle. In 1999, she and her colleagues launched the International Adoption Project, an extensive examination of children adopted from overseas. She now has nearly 6,000 names on her registry and her research is ongoing.

Gunnar has found certain brain changes are common among children who came to the United States from orphanages, including a reduction in brain volume and changes in the development of the prefrontal cortex.

"Neglect does a number on the brain. And we see behaviors that follow from that," she says.

She's found post-institutionalized kids tend to have difficulty with executive functions such as cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and working memory. They are often delayed in the development of theory of mind, the ability to understand the mental states of others. Many struggle to regulate their emotions. Often, they suffer from high anxiety.

One of the most common behaviors she sees among post-institutionalized children is indiscriminate friendliness. "A child who doesn't know you from Adam will run up, put his arms around you and snuggle in like you're his long-lost aunt," Gunnar says. That friendliness was probably an important coping technique in their socially starved early lives, she says. "What's interesting is it just doesn't go away."

Fox and his colleagues had also noted such disarming friendliness in the Romanian orphanages. Initially, children with indiscriminate friendliness were thought to have an attachment disorder that prevented them from forming healthy connections with adult caregivers. But findings from the Bucharest Project as well as Gunnar's own research have demonstrated otherwise, she says.

In a study of 65 toddlers who had been adopted from institutions, Gunnar found that most attached to their new parents relatively quickly, and by nine months post-adoption, 90 percent of the children had formed strong attachments to their adoptive parents. Yet that attachment was often "disorganized," marked by contradictory behaviors ( Development and Psychopathology , in press). A child might appear confused in the presence of a caregiver, for instance, sometimes approaching the caregiver for comfort, and other times showing resistance.

"There were things that happened in terms of early development, when they lacked that responsive caregiver, that they're carrying forward," Gunnar says.

One of those things may be a disrupted cortisol pattern. Cortisol, commonly known as the "stress hormone," typically peaks shortly after waking, then drops throughout the day to a low point at bedtime. But Gunnar found that children with a history of neglect typically have a less marked cortisol rhythm over the course of the day. Those abnormal cortisol patterns were correlated with both stunted physical growth and with indiscriminate friendliness ( Development and Psychopathology , 2011).

Indiscriminate friendliness may also be tied to the amygdala. In a study using fMRI, Aviva Olsavsky, MD, at the University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues found that when typical children viewed photos of their mothers versus photos of strangers, the amygdala showed distinctly different responses. In children who had been institutionalized, however, the amygdala responded similarly whether the children viewed mothers or strangers. That response was particularly notable among kids who exhibited more friendliness toward strangers ( Biological Psychiatry , 2013).

Closer to home

Other researchers are also exploring physiological differences in children who have experienced neglect. Around the time Gunnar was launching her adoption study, Philip Fisher, PhD, a psychologist and research scientist at the University of Oregon, was working with American foster children. Initially, he suspected the behavioral and developmental difficulties they experienced stemmed from physical abuse. But as he shared data with Gunnar and others, he realized they looked a lot like post-institutionalized children.

Though cortisol tends to follow a daily cycle, it also spikes during times of stress. Fisher expected that his foster children, who had clearly experienced stressful situations, might show high levels, too. Instead, he discovered something quite different. "Their levels were low in the morning and stayed low throughout the day," he says.

Combing through the case records of the children in his sample, he discovered that disregulated cortisol was not associated with physical or sexual abuse, but with early neglect. "This blunted daily pattern with low morning cortisol seemed to be a hallmark of neglect," he says. "That was a pretty powerful picture."

In fact, abnormal cortisol cycles have previously been noted in a variety of psychological disorders, Fisher says, including anxiety, mood disorders, behavior problems and post-traumatic stress disorder. But the good news: Cortisol patterns appear to be changeable.

Fisher found that foster kids living with more responsive caregivers were more likely to develop more normal cortisol patterns over time. Kids living with caregivers who were stressed out themselves didn't show that recovery ( Psychoneuroendocrinology , 2007). "We're more likely to see that blunted pattern when they don't get that support, and there's a lot of stress in the family," he says.

Helping caregivers manage their own stress and develop more positive interactions with their children may help reset the kids' stress responses. Fisher is now developing and testing video coaching programs that aim to identify and reinforce the positive interactions foster parents are already having with their young children. "We can show people very precisely the things we know are at the core of promoting healthy development," he says.

Meanwhile, he's also looking for other physiological systems affected by early adverse experience — particularly those that are malleable. "If we can impact those systems, especially without pharmacology, we have great tools we can leverage," he says.

For instance, kids with a history of neglect are known to have trouble with executive functioning. One way that presents itself is that the kids don't show much brain response to corrective feedback; instead, they often make the same mistakes over and over. Targeted interventions may help those children learn to tune in to the important cues they're missing, Fisher says. Though more research is needed, he adds, computer-based brain-training games and other novel interventions might prove to be useful complements to more traditional therapy.

Despite progress, child neglect remains underfunded and understudied, says Wolfe. Politically, it's a prickly subject. "Neglect is not a disease. It's entwined with the delivery of proper social and medical services. It's embedded in socioeconomic disadvantage," he says.

Politics aside, science is making strides toward erasing the stamp that early neglect leaves on a child. New understanding of the ways that neglect changes a person's physiology is helping to push the field forward, Wolfe says.

That progress is sorely needed, but the most important first step is to remove neglected children to a safe, loving environment, he adds. "The brain will often recover, if it's allowed to."

Kirsten Weir is a journalist in Minneapolis.

Further reading

  • Bruce, J., Gunnar, M. R., Pears, K. C., and Fisher, P. A. (2013). Early adverse care, stress neurobiology, and prevention science: Lessons learned. Prevention Science, 14 (3), 247–256.
  • Nelson, C. A., Fox, N. A., and Zeanah, C. H. (2014). Romania's abandoned children: Deprivation, brain development, and the struggle for recovery . Cambridge, MA, and London, England: Harvard University Press.
  • Nelson III, C. A., Zeanah, C. H., Fox, N. A., Marshall, P. J., Smyke, A. T., and Guthrie, D. (2007). Cognitive recovery in socially deprived young children: the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. Science, 318 (5858), 1937–2940.

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  • Video: Izidor Ruckel is a Romanian orphan who has made it his life’s work to help other orphans .

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Understanding and Coping With Child Abandonment

Compassionate Eye Foundation / Getty Images

  • Why Parents Abandon
  • Explaining Abandonment

Loss of Parental Rights

  • Reunification

Abandonment typically refers to a parent's choice to willfully withhold physical, emotional, and financial support from a minor child. In other words, abandonment occurs when the parent fails to fulfill his or her parental responsibilities and chooses not to have contact with his or her child.

Parental abandonment is not limited to ​non-custodial parents, either. Sometimes parents with sole custody —even those who have fought hard in court to win child custody—have also been accused of abandoning their children .

Why Do Parents Abandon?

The most common question is, "How could a parent do that?" Sadly, parents who abandon their children often do so because they believe they are ill-equipped to provide the emotional and financial stability the child needs.

It's common to blame this on the previous generation's ability to parent (or lack thereof), and yet it's not true that all parents who abandon were mistreated, ignored, or neglected as children. Certainly, we see examples every day of parents who were neglected or abused , and yet later become loving, committed parents. So these types of generalizations don't hold up when examined more closely.

Self-doubt can be a common denominator in cases where parents willfully abandon their children.

While it is not a legitimate excuse, it may be an important factor to consider when trying to explain to your child why the other parent chooses to be uninvolved.

Explaining Abandonment to a Child

If you're raising your children on your own, and the other parent chooses not to be involved, you may anticipate that your kids eventually will start asking some tough questions that you'll need to answer. The following tips can help:

  • Respect timeliness . It's tempting to put the conversation off, but if your kids are bringing it up, then they're ready to talk about it.
  • Trust yourself . You don't have to have the perfect words planned out. Acknowledge their questions and their hurt. Show empathy and let them know that you're always going to be there, no matter what.
  • Find something positive to say about your ex . The can be hard, especially if you're still angry or the separation is fresh. But it's important to remember that your children carry a part of your ex inside them, so you don't want to give them the idea that he or she is "all bad."
  • Continue the conversation . Chances are, you're going to have many conversations with your kids about this issue. For them, recognizing and naming the abandonment is just one part of the grieving process.

They will likely experience many complex emotions, including sadness and anger, before coming to a point of acceptance. They're also going to need to know all along the way that you're willing to hear them out and be a shoulder to lean on.

In most states, a parent is said to have "abandoned" a child after a two-year period of withholding his or her contact and financial support. Abandonment can also lead to the loss of one's parental rights .

However, a parent cannot simply choose or elect on his or her own to forfeit those rights. In fact, even in cases of clear and willful abandonment, most states will not legally terminate a parent's rights unless there is another parent-figure, such as a step-parent, who is waiting to formally adopt the child .

Post-Abandonment Reunification

Some parents who have withdrawn from their children's lives later recognize their mistake and wish to seek forgiveness and restore the relationship.

In situations where the previously uninvolved parent is able to participate more regularly in the children's lives and has expressed a commitment to do so, the experience can offer some much-needed healing and restoration.

If the opportunity arises and you're not sure what to do, consider speaking with a therapist or counselor about your concerns before making a decision.   

Child Welfare Information Gateway. Children's Bureau/ACYF/ACF/HHS. Definitions of child abuse and neglect .

Child Welfare Information Gateway. Children's Bureau/ACYF/ACF/HHS. Grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights .

Darnall D. The psychosocial treatment of parental alienation . Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am . 2011;20(3):479-494. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2011.03.006

By Jennifer Wolf Jennifer Wolf is a PCI Certified Parent Coach and a strong advocate for single moms and dads. 

Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS

The Painful, Long-Term Effects of Parental Abandonment

A trauma with lifelong impact few others understand..

Posted October 2, 2022 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Caregiver abandonment affects us long into adulthood, often manifesting as dysfunctional traits in and outside of relationships.
  • Caregiver neglect or abandonment can be a significant source of trauma but is often overlooked in older teens.
  • Those who experience parental abandonment may struggle with self-image and self-esteem as adults.

 zika radosavljevic

Cassie was 14 when her father left her mother, moving into an apartment across town. She dealt with the trauma of their separation by skipping school, experimenting with drugs, and staying out late with boys, and she was even caught shoplifting.

But she was 18 when he left her . Reporting to mutual family members that he "couldn't handle" Cassie's behavior anymore, he stopped answering the phone and moved in with a new woman. As he began a completely new family, it was clear that Cassie was no longer welcome.

He still sent Christmas and birthday cards for the next couple of years (which were clearly written in his new wife's handwriting), but then stopped contact altogether. He refused to come to her college graduation, brushing off her attempts to reach out. "You're an adult now," he told her, "let me live my life and be happy for me."

She felt that the rug had been ripped out from under her. She blamed herself for him leaving. Not knowing where to turn to self-soothe the pain and confusion, she plunged into 10 years of drug addiction , compulsive eating, and other self-destructive behavior before landing on my couch in a desperate attempt to change her life. She was about to be 33, divorced , and had just had her first child. She felt like it was time to process the abandonment she had experienced so she did not pass the pain onto her child.

When we discuss parental abandonment, we often think of vulnerability. Images of small children or babies in foster care come to mind.

However, the effects of caregiver abandonment can be detrimental at any age. While it can be argued that smaller children are more at risk for lasting impact due to their stage of development, many people struggle with parental abandonment that happened during their adolescent or teen years—or even well into young adulthood.

Cassie's father wrongly assumed that because she had reached her teenage years, she was responsible for her own behavior and therefore did not need him anymore. He wanted to live his life without the responsibility of having to be a parent, and simply cut her off.

To most of us, this act seems abusive and wrong. How can a parent turn off their love like a light switch? While it can be assumed that her father was undoubtedly struggling with his own mental health concerns, the impact on the young woman Cassie was becoming was lasting.

Her pain was real, but it was ignored by many due to her age. "You're an adult now, it doesn't matter," her mother said to her, dismissing her feelings. "Well, you two never did get along," her uncle said, excusing the inexcusable behavior of an adult caregiver and projecting the blame onto the child.

Cassie's father blamed her behavior as his reason for leaving, and others in her life reinforced this cruel message, setting her up for a life of self-blame and loathing. When a caregiver abandons a toddler, few would think to blame the child. But for some reason, when a teenager or young adult is abandoned, society often assigns them the blame. "Their behavior was so bad, who could blame them?" Or, "There must have been something they did." This is the common whisper among unknowing onlookers who wrongly assume their behavior had to contribute to the caregiver throwing their hands up and leaving. In reality, there is no excuse: It is abandonment.

In our culture, we assume that older children need us less than they did when they were babies, when they were helpless and dependent on their caregivers for every need. And of course, this is true in a physical sense.

However, teenagers and young adults often need their parents a lot more than they are able to articulate. Just because they can feed and clothe themselves somewhat appropriately does not mean that they cease to benefit from parental guidance. Yes, that angry teenager or college student who tells you he hates you, and acts annoyed by your very presence, actually needs you.

Children in dysfunctional families are often put in age-inappropriate emotional and physical situations. And they are often treated as either older or younger than they are, developing personality characteristics that reflect that mistreatment, such as ultra-independence, learned helplessness , or codependency.

essay about abandoned child

However, these personality traits are then held against them in the family unit. For example, Cassie was used as the emotional caregiver of her parents, often expected to handle the psychological stress of the family—but she was then punished for staying out late, talking back, and having many sexual relationships as a teenager. She was allowed to act like an adult, but only when it benefitted the family.

Her father " couldn't handle it anymore," and resigned from his job as a parent. This places an unfair and age-inappropriate burden on a young child who is then punished for acting in other adult ways. It's hypocritical and sends mixed messages to a developing brain. Children of all ages already blame themselves for traumas in their life. They do not need society pushing that self-blame further. Nothing tells a young person that they are less worthy of love than their own parent leaving them. Cassie felt scarred for life. Who wouldn't?

In therapy , Cassie worked on her feelings of abandonment that manifested as depression , anxiety , poor self-esteem , and chronic unhappiness. She reported an inability to leave unsafe or toxic relationships until the other person eventually just left her. She drank heavily, stuffed her feelings with food, and was scared to raise her child alone—even considering going back to her abusive ex-husband. She was so scared of repeating the abandonment she had suffered as a teen that she was willing to stay in an unsafe relationship. It took years of diving into the pain that she had experienced before she started to feel like she was worthy of love and healthy relationships.

Most parents will agree that their love for their children is unconditional and never-ending, but what happens when some caregivers do not feel the same? When someone is able to turn away from a child, no matter the age, this seems foreign and cruel—as it should. To another adult, the behavior often speaks to the pathology and mental health of the offending parent. But to the emerging adult, who does not yet have the tools to compartmentalize the situation, it has lasting effects on their very sense of self, with the trauma often manifesting for many years after.

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van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. Viking. Read in entirety in 2021.

Shirley, D. (2021).The Long-Term Effects of Abandonment.… Accessed 10/1/2022.

Wang ZY, Hu M, Yu TL, Yang J. The Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment and Risky Sexual Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Sep 29;16(19):3666. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16193666. PMID: 31569567; PMCID: PMC6801672. Accessed 10/1/2022.

Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS

Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS, is a psychotherapist and the author of three books, including Breaking the Cycle and It's Not High Conflict, It's Post-Separation Abuse.

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Child Abandonment

Definition of abandonment, types of child abandonment.

Under the law, many parental behaviors lead to charges of child abandonment, including:

Child Abandonment Laws

Criminal child abandonment is often defined as physically leaving a child somewhere, though it may also include failing to provide for the child’s basic needs, such as shelter, food, clothing, and medical care. As with child abuse, child physical abandonment is subject to mandatory reporting by professionals defined by state law. Such mandated reporters include medical personnel, counselors or psychiatric care providers, teachers, and other professionals in close contact with children

Emotional Abandonment

Termination of parental rights.

While laws vary from state to state, each recognizes specific circumstances that create an unsafe environment for a child. The most common reasons for termination of parental rights include:

Requirements for Termination of Parental Rights

Child abandonment statistics, related legal terms and issues.

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Child Abandonment and Interventions

Introduction, literature review, participants, procedure and measures, data analysis, ethical issues.

Child abandonment is a voluntary action done by parents, where a child is deserted and left behind. Some parents abandon their children by ensuring that they will be taken care of, but others leave children without any assurance. The primary concern is to identify what are the reasons for such behavior and how these actions can be prevented with minimum effort and investment.

The modern literature on the given issue shows that the major factors reinforcing child abandonment behavior among parents are financial and sociocultural components (Manful & Abdullah, 2018). Poverty and the inability to provide a child with food, shelter, and adequate education force parents to decide to leave a child behind.

In order to identify the primary reasons for child abandonment, it is critical to consider the fact that appropriate measurement tactics must be set in place. These are surveys and publicly available statistical data evaluations. In addition, parents who abandoned their children can be interviewed.

The key participants are parents who already abandoned their children or who are planning to do so. In addition, it is essential to consider the observational data from orphanage workers and administrators, who monitor the overall occurrence rate.

The procedure will include a general survey, which will be designed to identify the main influencing factors. The given process will assist the researchers in navigating the direction of the study.

The data analysis process will primarily focus on weighing out the raw statistical data into plausible causal and correlational graphs and diagrams. ANOVA test will also be used in order to make correct estimations of possible hypotheses.

The major concern regarding the ethical side of the study is the fact that the most important participants will be the parents who abandoned their child. The given occurrence is clearly traumatic and emotional for them, and interviewing and surveying the parents on the given subject might not be fully ethical. However, it can be avoided by properly constructing the questions and the overall flow of the process.

In conclusion, it is crucial to note that child abandonment is a highly controversial issue that needs to be addressed. By identifying the primary reasons for such behavior, effective measures can be taken in order to fully eliminate the overall occurrence rate.

Manful, E., & Abdullah, A. (2018). Conceptualisation of child neglect: A Ghanaian practice narrative. International Social Work, 3 (1), 2-9.

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Mental Health

A letter to the parent who abandoned me as a child.

essay about abandoned child

I know there are hundreds of reasons why people leave every day and maybe some of them are justified. But as anyone who has ever been left by a parent can tell you, it will never make sense to a child.

No child will understand why mommy or daddy didn’t love them enough to stay. I should know, I am that child.

I am a child of abandonment. It has been hardwired into who I am since I was 12 years old — since the moment I watched my mom walk out the door for the last time.

I never got to say what I wanted to and I suspect I’m not alone in that. So if you are like me, let it out.  Here it is.

Mom, you left me on October 4th, 2015. I was sitting on the couch in sweatpants with my hair in a braid. My eyes were red and puffy from crying — my dog was sitting on my lap. Do you know why I remember every detail of that day?

Because years later, I don’t understand it. I don’t know where I went wrong. I’ve been haunted for years.

And to make it worse, you never had to see the ruins.

You didn’t have to see me on the floor sobbing while I begged for you to come back. Watching what you did would bring some humanity to my pain, but you wanted to leave me with nothing. Mission accomplished.

If you have never been left by a parent you won’t understand.

It rips you up inside. You spend years wondering what you could have done differently to make your parent stay. The world becomes a scary and unforgiving place.

Which makes sense — your parents are supposed to protect you, not destroy you.

When you get left by a parent, you see their face everywhere. Strangers on the street begin to look like them. You spend your whole life trying to replace what you lost. M aking sure it doesn’t happen again becomes your sole purpose because the idea of living through that type of pain again is too much to bear.

Losing you was the hardest thing I never chose to do.

I couldn’t spend the rest of my life without saying that. You should know that I lived. Your attempt to break me failed. You cracked me, yes. But I have learned to be stronger than I ever thought I could .

I know there are others like me. People who spend long nights looking up at the ceiling, reliving the moment their world crumbled around them. To those people I would say: You are stronger than you could ever know. This is just the beginning for you. You, like me, can rise again.

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I am college student from Matthews, NC. Following my parent's divorce, I began writing and I haven't been able to stop since. For anyone who reads my articles, I hope you find as much comfort in my words as I did writing them. I have been featured on MSN, Yahoo!, YourTango, Teen Vogue, and Unwritten.

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Foundlings and Abandoned Children by Rachel Fuchs , Stephanie McBride-Schreiner LAST REVIEWED: 13 January 2014 LAST MODIFIED: 13 January 2014 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199791231-0075

The study of foundlings and abandoned children is a subfield of the history of children and the family but also relates to studies of charity, philanthropy, and public welfare. The terms “foundlings” and “abandoned children” are interchangeable and, until the early 21st century, pertained primarily to Western Europe and Russia. Scholarly work highlights the diversity of cultures and experiences, demonstrating that both terms denote children with unstable or nonexistent families, including orphans with one or both parents deceased, newborns abandoned at birth, children whose families (usually a single mother) could not or would not keep them, and homeless street children. Giving up an infant for legal adoption by another family was not an option in many Western cultures until the 20th century, and such infants whom a parent could not or would not keep often became abandoned children or foundlings when another family or kin member could not provide for them. “Abandoned children” is the general term, whereas “foundling” is more specific, denoting infants left at institutions or “found” on the streets or in doorways or churches. A person, usually a mother or midwife, would abandon an infant at a foundling home, and the authorities would send those infants to wet nurses, with whom a large percentage died. Foundling homes existed in Europe starting in the Middle Ages, and the period between the 15th and 18th centuries saw a rise in those institutions, predominantly run by the Catholic Church. During the 18th and 19th centuries a great increase in child abandonment occurred throughout Catholic Europe, but children were not confined to institutions; those who survived were raised by wet nurses and foster parents. Scholars discuss differences between Catholic and Protestant cultures; in Protestant states, unlike the Catholic, abandoning infants to an institution was rare, but orphanages existed for parentless children. During the 19th century, state and municipal interests altered provisions for abandoned children, with governments taking a greater role in providing for abandoned children within and outside institutions. While variations persisted in the different countries of Europe, including Russia, institutions for abandoned children were established in colonial settings and in the United States. In the 20th century, institutions for abandoned children declined with the increase in public welfare for mothers and children, foster care, and formal child adoption. This article presents scholarship that addresses abandoned children in the social, cultural, political, and demographic contexts, including those children outside institutions. The article pays special attention to abandoned children in Europe because that is where the problem developed and was the greatest, but it also considers abandoned children in the United States, where issues and policies were different, and the global dimensions of child abandonment in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Forms of child abandonment have occurred in varying degrees in nearly every culture and society, but how and why children were abandoned and what happened to them depend on the specific time, place, and culture. No overview of foundlings and abandoned children exists in monograph form, only as edited volumes, because the geographic, chronological, and thematic depth and breadth is enormous, varying by time, place, politics, and culture. The most comprehensive and significant broad survey of the topic is the edited volume Panter-Brick and Smith 2000 , in which historians and anthropologists present a far-reaching view of abandoned children in various non-Western and Western contexts. Collectively, the essays show both similarities and differences over time and geographic region. The Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome 1991 , a largely demographic approach by fifty scholars to the study of abandoned children in Continental Europe over five centuries provides another survey. Several introductions to the topic in a European context may be found in sections of historical surveys of childhood and of poverty and charity. Heywood 2001 and Cunningham 2005 focus on the main benchmarks of change in abandonment practices and the treatment of abandoned children over time. Pullan 1994 offers a clear orientation to the dominant European systems for institutional care for abandoned children: the Catholic system (France, Italy, Spain), characterized by religious or publicly funded foundling homes and wet-nursing networks, and the Protestant system, with its diverse range of local initiatives, such as aid to poor mothers and highly selective, specialized institutions for children. Hunecke 1985 gives a historiography of early works on the topic. An excellent overview of theoretical and methodological issues concerning the study of foundlings and foundling homes can be found in Tilly, et al. 1992 . Depositing infants in a foundling home or abandoning them was often a legal alternative to infanticide. In China, parents without these options resorted to the latter; Mungello 2008 is an overview of infanticide in China over several centuries.

Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, ed. Enfance abandonnée et société en Europe, XIVe–XXe siècle; Actes du colloque international de Rome, 30 et 31 janvier 1987 . Collection de l’École française de Rome 140. Rome: l’École française de Rome, 1991.

This largely demographic study by several authors covers the fluctuation in the rates and causes of child abandonment, the institutions receiving foundlings, child abandonment as a social vice to eradicate or an inescapable social ill, the abandoning mothers, the high infant mortality, the causes of death, wet nursing, and the role of society. Most contributions are in French, Spanish, or Italian.

Cunningham, Hugh. Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 . 2d ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005.

An overview of western Europeans’ changing ideas about childhood, this text contains sections covering institutional care of orphaned and abandoned children as well as the widespread philanthropic and governmental interest in “saving” the child in the second half of the 19th century.

Heywood, Colin. A History of Childhood: Children and Childhood in the West from Medieval to Modern Times . Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2001.

In this comprehensive history of childhood from the Middle Ages to the early 21st century, Part II, chapters 5 and 6 (pp. 62–102), on caring for infants and parent-child relations, discuss abandoned children as a social problem and the establishment of foundling hospitals as a solution.

Hunecke, Volker. “ Les enfants trouvés: Contexte européen et cas milanais, XVIIIe–XIXe siècles .” Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 32 (1985): 3–29.

This article situates the author’s work on abandoned children in Milan, within a thoughtful review of historical and demographic studies of child abandonment, foundlings, and foundling hospitals published during the 1970s and early 1980s. Hunecke also offers insight into methodological issues and limitations.

Mungello, D. E. Drowning Girls in China: Female Infanticide since 1650 . Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008.

This groundbreaking analysis of Chinese female infanticide puts forward a balanced view of this little understood, controversial, and very private practice. The author considers the cultural, economic, and social causes of gender-specific infanticide in China and its persistence into the early 21st century, despite efforts over the last several hundred years by Confucian moralists, Buddhist teachers, Christian missionary workers, and government officials to end it.

Panter-Brick, Catherine, and Malcolm T. Smith, eds. Abandoned Children . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

This multidisciplinary volume presents a global view of child abandonment from the Renaissance to the end of the 20th century. The essays collectively examine a broad spectrum of abandoned children—foundlings, orphans, refugees, street children—through anthropological and historical perspectives. Panter-Brick’s introductory essay is a reanalysis of the concept of abandonment. The volume lends itself equally well to historians, anthropologists, demographers, and social welfare and policy workers.

Pullan, Brian. Poverty and Charity: Europe, Italy, Venice, 1400–1700 . Aldershot, UK: Variorum, 1994.

One chapter, “Orphans and Foundlings in Early Modern Europe” (pp. 5–28) of Pullan’s important book, explores the major themes pertaining to child abandonment practices in early modern Europe, with a clear explanation of differential treatment of foundlings according to a north–south axis, a divide rooted in distinctly Catholic and Protestant values and attitudes concerning family, legitimacy, poverty, and charity.

Tilly, Louise A., Rachel G. Fuchs, David I. Kertzer, and David L. Ransel. “Child Abandonment in European History: A Symposium.” Journal of Family History 17.1 (1992): 1–23.

A useful synthesis of the state of the history of child abandonment, including similarities and differences of practices in France, Italy and Russia, with critiques of anthropological, demographic, and cultural approaches and considerations for new lines of inquiry.

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  • Abandonment Leading to Legal Termination of Parental Rights

Beyond child abuse or neglect, one of the key situations in which a parent might lose their rights to their child involves abandonment. “Abandonment” has a specific legal definition, and it must be proven in court for parental rights to be terminated.

Generally, no more than two people may be the legal parents of any child, so asserting abandonment may be the only way for stepparents to adopt or for birth mothers to place their children for adoption without explicit consent from the father.

When Does Abandonment Happen?

There are a few situations in which abandonment may come up. For example, one biological parent may want to prove that the other biological parent has abandoned the child when they are seeking a stepparent adoption . In order for a stepparent to adopt a child, both biological parents need to consent to the adoption. However, if one of the biological parents cannot be located, or if they can be located but refuse to consent to the stepparent adoption, the biological parent who has custody may move for termination of rights based on abandonment. The biological parent who is looking to terminate rights will need to prove the alleged abandonment in court.

Another situation in which abandonment may be relevant is when the biological mother wants to place the child for adoption, and all that is needed to complete the adoption is the consent of the biological father. Typically, these are scenarios in which the biological father is uninvolved in the child’s life, and he may even be difficult or impossible to locate. State laws governing abandonment give the court a way to allow the adoption proceeding to go forward while complying with notice and consent requirements.

What Qualifies as Abandonment?

State laws differ about what is needed for a parent to be deemed to have abandoned a child. Generally, there needs to be a period of time during which the parent does not have any contact with the child and does not pay child support. In most states, the period of time is one year, but this varies. Some states include a provision that the time period for abandonment begins once the biological father learns of the existence of the child. A skilled adoption attorney in your state can help you understand the state-specific laws that govern your case.

Proving or Defending Abandonment

When evaluating whether a child has been abandoned, a court will likely balance a parent’s right to parent their child with the child’s best interests.

The burden is on the party moving for termination to prove that abandonment has taken place. Typically, this will only come up when there is another party who is looking to take on the parental rights that the parent has allegedly given up due to their abandonment. As with all of the other elements of abandonment, specific defenses will vary by state. For example, in a state that measures the period of abandonment from when the father learns of the child, the father may defend his parental rights by showing that he did not know of the child. Parents who want to keep their rights intact may also provide evidence showing financial support of the child or mother as well as contact and attempts to form a relationship with the child. A court may also take into account other circumstances that the statute does not contemplate. A knowledgeable adoption attorney can help craft an appropriate defense or conversely help prove that abandonment has occurred so that the child can be adopted by another parent.

Last reviewed October 2023

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Psychology Dictionary

Psychological Effects of Child Abandonment

There are two different, though equally devastating, ways a child can be abandoned - physically and emotionally. Physical abandonment occurs when one or more of the child's primary caregivers disappears from the child's life. This may happen due to death or divorce. Sometimes parents walk away because they can't handle the responsibility and emotional strain of caring for a young child.

Emotional abandonment occurs when the caregiver is present but completely emotionally unavailable. Causes of emotional abandonment include mental illness, substance abuse , and the caregivers selfishly deciding to put their needs before the needs of the child. Abandonment in any form can lead to serious psychological problems.

One common effect of childhood abandonment is low self-esteem . The child may believe that she was abandoned because she did something wrong or because she simply wasn't good enough to live up to her parents' standards. The child with low self-esteem often tries to be extra well behaved.

She may become a perfectionist or seek to validate her self-worth with achievements. If she fails to reach her often unrealistic goals, she may become very depressed or even suicidal. This child is often easy prey for pedophiles and other abusers because she will do almost anything to please the people who are important to her.

Children who are abandoned may also develop attachment disorders. These may be more likely to develop if the child was abandoned by both parents at a very young age. Because he was prevented from attaching to his primary caregivers, he does not know how to connect with anyone else.

This child is likely to be withdrawn and isolated. He often does not trust others. He may keep a very close eye on the activity going on around him, but he is unlikely to engage or try to join in. When a child with attachment problems is upset, he will not seek comfort from others, nor will he accept comfort if it is offered.

The perpetual outcast and loner, this child may grow up unable to empathize with others.

A third reaction to abandonment is anxiety . Like the child with an attachment disorder , the anxious child does not trust, however the anxious child clings to others and lives in dread of yet another abandonment.

Unfortunately, her fear often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy . Adults and other children may be put off by the anxious child's neediness.

Child abandonment can cause serious psychological effects. If not treated by a compassionate therapist who is experienced in working with neglected or abandoned children, these problems and dysfunctional ways of viewing the world may persist into adulthood and cause problems on the job and in adult relationships.

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Essay on Child Abandonment

There are various reasons for the child abandonment. Most often it happens that the abandoned child is left by a single mother. In a nursery home or hospital, a woman writes a statement renouncing their parental rights, leaving the child to the State. Unlike the found babies, the identity of the child in such cases is known. Having received the status of “abandoned,” the child should be sent to orphan’s institution or to the foster family.

The typical justification for such a step is the illness of a child. However, biological parents also often abandon completely healthy children: due to the scarcity of material status or household problems, or a minor mother due to the fear of persecution for unwanted pregnancies.

The kids are experiencing serious deficits in attention and communication that leads to the so-called emotional hunger, most of the time they spend in their beds, are not provided with personal items, hygiene supplies, means of care.

Psychologists warn against toughening laws against such will of the mother. In the face of even greater threat of child-murder, which today happens to be due to the same reasons.

Child abandonment can be traced in many cultures since the ancient times. Although such children could survive if they were taken by others in their care, this was often seen as a form of baby murder-as for example in the apologeticum of Tertullian: “it’s a very cruel way to kill [a child] … by exposing them to cold, hunger and dogs.”

Also in the early Middle Ages, there were babies left in this way. At that time, the law prescribed that such a child, if taken care of, should treat as a slave.

Until the end of the 18th century, it happened quite often that a mother or an older couple that could maintain no children for some reason, left the child at a church or the house of settling down, in the hope that it would be found in time, and would grow up in a better environment.

Sometimes it was a foundling abandoned children accompanied by a so-called note on which then the names and possibly the faith were mentioned.

Monasteries and hospitals were sometimes equipped with a hatch in which they could accept abandoned children so it was quickly found without the parents have to make themselves known. In addition, in many European countries such hatches should be installed near the roads for this need.

In the middle ages, parents of children who were abandoned were to be scaffold publicly for twelve days and then to be banished from the city. The foundling itself had to be carried on the arm of a servant and shown around the town.

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Abandoned Children, Essay Example

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The film, Bulgarias_Abandoned_Children.avi (presented by the BBC, 2007) discusses the life of abandoned children in Bulgaria, a developing part of the European Union. According to the film, in Bulgaria 1:50 children fall into a non-functioning category; this is the highest ratio of all children from other countries that are also in the European Union. All across the world there are children who, because of birth defects or inherited illnesses, are simply unable to perform under the normal circumstances that are expected of most of society’s children (Save the Children, 2002; Child Serve, 2011). The children discussed in the film were unable to cope with normal children their own age. These children have emotional and functional difficulties: They were unable to display normal movements. They often had tics that are associated with various diseases, inabilities to sit quietly without constant motion, unable to control to bladder and other personal hygiene functions, and displayed various levels of deafness and blindness which left them pretty much paralyzed in a normal society. In addition to the preceding characteristics, the children in this film also displayed inabilities to comprehend the world around them; many of them could not speak intelligibly and others could not process words of any kind. Most of the children could not talk, not because they were unable to, but because nobody had taught them how.

There were also a couple of children who were merely abandoned by their parents, for no particular reasons that were discussed in the film. But it was easy to determine that these abandoned children maintained some functionality; they could have been educated and could probably distance themselves from children with lesser brain functions. Instead, all children placed into these surroundings were treated the same. Among those two children who were merely abandoned, the girl assisted with miscellaneous kitchen duties while the male child helped with laundry. Provided with some education, even if no more than learning more responsibility in the roles they were already assuming, it would be reasonable to believe that once leaving the home, these children would be able to live normal lives.

It was apparent that in Bulgaria, children displaying the features described in the preceding paragraph were simply abandoned by their own parents, left on the street to die, or at very best, they were moved into some kind of government-sponsored shelter. Unfortunately, these shelters were nothing more than human warehouses, places that provided minimal comfort: a bed, clean clothes, and miscellaneous, but unskilled personnel to take care of these 75 children. However, at night a single caretaker had to watch over all 75 children while she worked a 12 hour shift. Also noticeable in the film is that workers were not segregated according to genders. Male and female workers attended to the needs of all children regardless of gender. Certainly as children enter puberty there should be an expectation of separation of genders, both with the social needs of the children as well as in the hygiene needs of both girls and boys. The film showed male workers showering and bathing teenage girls without the help of other female caretakers.

According to the film the children were not considered as individuals to be educated, so education of any kind was not provided. Meals were the same for everybody and the rule of the survival of the fittest applied, as stronger children who were still hungry would grab food from those who were weaker and unable to defend themselves. Within the children, a pecking order was allowed to develop, so like in eating, the bigger children could pick on the younger children.

When the children attained what the government believed to be adulthood, these kids were moved into adult facilities. There were totally separate facilities for men and for women. The film was not too explicit about the care of the adults but it is reasonable to believe that if, as children, this population was considered expendable, then as adults, this population would also be expendable, with little or no hope for future development.

There are other countries in the European Union, Great Britain, for example, where the care of these children is considerably better. There are laws on the books that children cannot merely be abandoned by their parents for whatever reason they choose. Children can and will be removed from parental guidance if the courts so order such removal. However, if such removal should become necessary, most civilized countries will seek nearby relatives with whom to place the children before placing them in government foster care (Save the Children, 2002).

In working with children who have specialized needs, homes have been created in Great Britain (Save the Children, 2002), as well as in other civilized nations including the United States (Child Serve, 2011), where care is rendered only by professional staff. These staff members are skilled, educated, and licensed in working with children who have specialized diseases. Children who are blind are placed in schools for the blind where course work is tailored and presented which will help the majority of these children to become integral parts of their nation’s society. The same kinds of programs are available for deaf children. Schools have also been created for children who have cerebral palsy, a brain-related muscular disorder.

Childhood diseases create huge difficulties, for the affected children, for their families, and for society as a whole. But it has been discovered in the last several decades that merely warehousing children with these dread diseases does nothing for them and provides greater burden to society as a whole. Providing these children, and sometimes their immediate families, with specialized training, and helping these children to become responsible citizens looks after the greater good for all of society. Within every society there may be a few children who, even with training, may fall by the wayside and will need continually specialized care all of their adult lives, but these cases have proven to be few and far between. More often, these children, provided with the care they need and the prosthetics and other health devices available, can lead productive lives as adults (Save the Children, 2002; Child Serve, 2011).

Bulgarias_Abandoned_Children.avi (2007). Presented by True Vision Television Foundation . London: British Broadcasting Company.

Child Serve Corporation. (2011). An independent foundation proving services to children and their families. Ames, IA: Author.

Save the Children. (2002). A charitable support group working with children and their families, with the head office in the United Kingdom and branch offices located in the United States. London, UK: Author.

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Mother of the ‘miracle baby’ found crawling by a highway faces a murder charge in older son’s death

A Louisiana sheriff says a 1-year-old “miracle baby” survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a truck driver spotted him crawling along a roadside the day after his 4-year-old brother was found dead and his mother was arrested in Mississippi.


This image made from video provided by KPLC shows Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Gary “Stitch” Guillory speaking at a press conference Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Guillory said a 1-year-old “miracle baby” survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a truck driver spotted him crawling along a roadside the day after his 4-year-old brother was found dead and his mother was arrested in Mississippi. (KPLC via AP)

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LAKE CHARLES, La. (AP) — Three days after a 4-year-old boy’s body was pulled from a southwest Louisiana lake, and two days after the child’s 1-year-old brother was rescued while crawling beside an interstate highway, Louisiana authorities announced a murder charge against the children’s mother.

Aaliyah Jack, 25 was arrested earlier this week in Mississippi on a Louisiana charge of failure to report a missing child. On Thursday, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office added charges including cruelty to a juvenile and second-degree murder. She remained in custody in Mississippi after her arrest in the city of Meridian.

It was unclear when she would be extradited. She did not appear in online booking records, and there was no information available on whether she had an attorney who could comment on her behalf. A Louisiana judge set bond at $9.1 million, according to the sheriff’s news release.

“Although we have upgraded charges on Jack, our detectives still have a lot of work to do,” Calcasieu Sheriff Gary “Stitch” Guillory said in a news release. “The investigation will continue while we wait for the autopsy results of the victim.”


Authorities have not stated a suspected cause of death for the 4-year-old.

Guillory said at a Tuesday news conference that the baby was covered with insect bites but otherwise appeared in good condition. Guillory called the boy a “miracle baby,” having been spotted crawling in a ditch beside Interstate 10 after two days alone in sometimes stormy weather.

Authorities had recovered the dead child’s body Monday after getting a report of a body in a lake behind a Louisiana welcome center. An investigation led police to search for Jack, who was arrested in Meridian while the search continued for her missing baby. Workers were preparing to search the water behind the welcome center Tuesday morning when a 911 call came in from a truck driver who spotted the baby, Guillory said.

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Abandoned newborn baby found in Manhattan, officials say

A newborn baby was found on a Manhattan sidewalk with his umbilical chord still attached, officials said.

“When I approached the infant, it was crying and cooing and waving. And I was just so happy that the child was alive,” Mia Chin, the EMT who took care of the infant, said.

What You Need To Know

According to the nypd, a doorman found the baby boy around 3:20 a.m. thursday outside an apartment building on west 23rd street police brought the baby to bellevue hospital in stable condition. officials say the newborn had no trauma to his body and is healthy police say 37-year-old ayana swann was taken into custody hours later and charged with abandonment of a child.

According to the NYPD, a doorman found the baby boy around 3:20 a.m. Thursday outside an apartment building on West 23rd Street — just below the High Line and across the street from a fire station.

The doorman called EMS, who alerted police, officials said.

Chin said the baby wasn’t alone for long.

“It was fresh. It was a fresh delivery, so it probably happened moments before. The doorman who informed us about it said it happened just 30 seconds prior to our arrival at the station,” she said.

Police brought the baby to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. Officials say the newborn had no trauma to his body and is healthy.

“They immediately treated the infant, they brought him inside, they made sure he got all the care he needs and then they ultimately brought him to a hospital and I’m happy to report the infant is doing well,” Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanaugh said.

Police say 37-year-old Ayana Swann was taken into custody hours later and charged with abandonment of a child.

Her address is a little over a mile away from where the baby was found, according to officials.

New York’s Save Haven Law allows for parents to leave their babies at certain locations if they cannot care for them and they will not be charged with a crime.

“A parent is legally allowed to abandon a newborn baby up to 30 days of age anonymously if the baby is left in a suitable location like a hospital, firehouse, police station and if the parent promptly notifies an appropriate person of the infant’s location,” Acting Deputy Commissioner at Administration for Children Services Luisa Linares said.

“Please, if you are in the middle of an emergency of any kind and can’t care for your child or infant, please bring your child somewhere safe. We will take care of it and you will not be asked any additional questions,” Kavanaugh said.

It’s unclear at this time why the child was left outside of that particular building. The investigation remains ongoing, officials said.

Watch CBS News

NYC doorman helps rescue abandoned newborn baby in Chelsea, mother arrested

By Jesse Zanger , John Dias

Updated on: July 11, 2024 / 5:15 PM EDT / CBS New York

NEW YORK -- A New York City doorman helped rescue an abandoned newborn baby he found on the street early Thursday morning.

Police later arrested the child's mother, Ayatta Swann, 37, who lives at the Latham Hotel shelter at 4 East 28th St. in Manhattan, and charged her with abandonment of a child.

It all unfolded just after 3 a.m. at a building on West 23rd Street near 10th Avenue in Chelsea, under  the High Line .

The doorman of a high-end apartment building heard cries coming from outside. He went to check it out, and discovered the child on the street. The baby still had his umbilical cord attached when he was found, naked and alone, wrapped in a blanket on the sidewalk. Police say the child was conscious and alert.

The doorman then rushed to an EMT station across the street for help. They assisted right away, rushing the baby to Bellevue Hospital. He is in good condition.

A man who works in the area said he spoke with the doorman shortly after it all happened.

"He told me, when he came out, he saw a clump of something on the floor, and heard the baby crying," Cedric Fraser said. "Young kid. He said, 'Oh my God, I never seen something like this before.'"

EMTs described what they saw and did

FDNY officials spoke about the incident during an afternoon news conference . EMT Mia Chin said a man approached her ambulance and knocked on the window at 3:09 a.m. and told her and her partner, Patrick Feimer, about the abandoned newborn.

"We just fell back on our training. We relied on what the fire department has taught us time and time again, and we immediately brought the infant to our desk lieutenant and waited for medics to transport the child to Bellevue," said Chin, who works out of EMS Station 7 and has been on the job for about a year. "It was fresh. It was a fresh delivery, so it probably happened moments before.

"When I approached the infant it was crying and cooing and waving, and I was just so happy that the child was alive, was well, didn't have any obvious injuries," Chin added.

Feimer added, "Getting a knock on the window like that, you don't know what you're going to walk into, so we just ran over and tried to assess the situation and when we saw [the newborn], that's when you kind of snap into action."

Though both EMTs said they were just doing their jobs, FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh praised their efforts.

"Are they heroes? Of course," Kavanagh said.

New York's Abandoned Infant Protection Act  

States have enacted safe haven laws that allow parents to abandon children at safe locations such as hospitals or staffed police or fire stations without fearing criminal charges. New York state's Abandoned Infant Protection Act allows a parent to abandon a newborn baby up to 30 days old anonymously if done safely.

"We are very lucky that that doorman was able to alert them and that they were there so we could intervene right away," Kavanagh said. "You can bring [newborns] to the station or the firehouse or police precinct and knock on the door and not be asked any additional questions."

Jesse Zanger is managing editor of CBS New York. Jesse has previously worked for the Fox News Channel and Spectrum News NY1. He covers regional news around the Tri-State Area, with a particular focus on breaking news and extreme weather.

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Jack Tiech standing in a driveway.

The Kidnapping I Can’t Escape

Fifty years ago, my father’s friend was taken at gunpoint on Long Island. Then he went on with his life — and that’s the part that haunts me.

Jack Teich in the driveway of his home in Westchester County, N.Y., in June. Credit... Dina Litovsky for The New York Times

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Taffy Brodesser-Akner

By Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Taffy Brodesser-Akner is a staff writer for the magazine. The kidnapping that begins her new novel, “Long Island Compromise,” was inspired by the Jack Teich kidnapping in 1974.

  • Published July 7, 2024 Updated July 12, 2024

On Nov. 12, 1974, my father’s childhood friend Jack Teich was kidnapped out of his driveway in the nicest part of the nicest part of Long Island. He was arriving home from work at Acme Steel Partition and Door, the steel-fabrication company that his family owned in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It was 6:40 p.m., and it was raining. He pulled up to the house and killed the engine of his Lincoln coupe but saw that the white exterior of the garage door still glowed even though he had turned his high beams off. He twisted around in the driver’s seat and saw another car in the driveway, its headlights blinding him.

Listen to this article, read by Gabra Zackman

“Excuse me,” a man called. He was now outside the car, but Jack could see him only in silhouette because of how bright the headlights were. “You know how to get to Northern Boulevard?”

Jack stepped out of his car. He was surprised. His street was so far off the commuter path that it would be hard to get lost and end up there looking for Northern Boulevard. In fact, when Jack saw headlights in his rearview mirror as he approached the house that night, he thought how strange and rare it was to be on that same road with anyone.

“Excuse me?” Jack asked.

But now the man was approaching. As he grew closer, Jack saw that he was wearing a ski mask and holding a long-barrel silver pistol. That’s when he also saw a second man, taller, this one holding a shotgun and also wearing a ski mask.

“You’re coming with us,” the first man said. “Get over here or we’re going to blow your head off!”

Jack froze for a moment. He considered running behind the house, into the thicket of trees there, but he thought about his wife, Janet, and his two small sons, 6-year-old Marc and 2-year-old Michael, who were in the house right then, how running might put them in danger.

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    In one corner is a set of glass shelves with family photos: Jaime with her husband and children; Marc's high school graduation portrait; Michael and his wife; Janet and Jack with a group of friends.

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