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Email Cover Letter Examples and Formats

cover letter examples via email

What to Include in Your Email

How to format an email cover letter, email cover letter examples, cover letter articles and advice.

 Hero Images / Getty Images

An email cover letter includes all the essential elements of a hard copy cover letter and serves the same purpose: to impress the hiring manager and convince them to bring you in for an interview.

It’s essential to follow the employer's instructions so that you don’t wind up bounced from contention because of a technicality. You might be asked to send your cover letter in the body of the email or as an attachment, or to add a specific subject line, or to send it as a specific file type, e.g., a Word document or PDF.

Cover Letter Salutation

It’s best to address your letter to a specific person, instead of using a generic salutation like "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam." These can look unprofessional and like you didn't make an effort.

Cover Letter Body

The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up. This section of your cover letter includes:

  • First paragraph: Why you are writing. It is "the grab," your chance to grasp your reader by the collar and get his attention. Offer some specific, focused information regarding the job you're seeking and a few core strengths that demonstrate suitability for the position.
  • Second paragraph: What you have to offer the employer. It is your hook where you highlight examples of the work you’ve performed and the results you’ve achieved. Draw on your key competencies from your resume, though don't copy it word for word. Bullet points in this paragraph are effective in drawing your reader's eye to your successes.
  • Third paragraph: Your knowledge of the company. Show that you did your research and know something about the business and how you can contribute to its mission.
  • Fourth paragraph: Your closing. Summarize what you would bring to the position and suggest next steps by requesting a meeting or suggesting a call.
  • Address an Email Cover Letter : Make sure your cover letter and other materials get to the right place – and make a good impression when they get there.
  • Email Cover Letter Subject Line Examples : The subject line is the first thing a hiring manager will see when they look at your email. Make yours count.
  • Email Cover Letter Salutation Examples : Confused about how formal or informal to be in your salutation? These tips will help.
  • Email Cover Letter Closing Examples : Keep it professional all the way through, with these cover-letter ready closers.

Most cover letters follow the same basic format, but the contents will be very different, depending on your goals and circumstances. These templates cover a wide range of situations, from a cold email inquiring about job openings to an internal job promotion cover letter to a job transfer request.

  • Email Cover Letter Sample
  • Sample Email Cover Letter Inquiring About Job Openings
  • Sample Email Cover Letter - Part-Time Job
  • Sample Cover Letter - Referred by a Contact
  • Sample Email Cover Letter - Summer Job
  • Sample Email Message - Volunteer Position
  • Sample Formatted Email Cover Letter Message
  • Job Promotion Cover Letter
  • Job Transfer Request Email Message
  • Job Transfer Request Email Message - Relocation

Whether you’re looking for your very first job or making a career change to something new and different, there are certain guidelines that can help you create a cover letter that sells your experience. For example:

  • Write a customized cover letter for every job opening . You may develop your own cover letter template to help you get started, but be sure to tweak it every time so that it’s a perfect fit for the role’s requirements.
  • Include keywords in your cover letter . Analyze the job listing, looking for keywords that describe the job duties and the experience and skills required to fulfill them. Then, use those words in your cover letter and resume. It will help you get past the applicant tracking system and to a real human being who can call you for an interview. 
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. Pay special attention to the name of the hiring manager and the company and its products. Then, ask an eagle-eyed friend to give your cover letter one last review before hitting “send.” 

How To Write an Effective Email Cover Letter (Template + Examples)

Nathan Thompson

3 key takeaways

  • An email cover letter is typically sent alongside a resume.
  • Learn the structure and format of a winning email cover letter, and how to create your own.
  • Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process of creating cover letters tailored to each job.

When applying for a job online, an email cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It's your introduction, providing a personalized narrative that complements your resume and demonstrates your fit for the role.

A well-written email cover letter can distinguish you from other candidates and improve your chances of securing an interview.

This guide walks through best practices for writing an email cover letter, emphasizing the importance of personalization and professionalism.

Struggling to craft the perfect email cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator for free.

What is an email cover letter?

An email cover letter is a document sent with your resume when applying for a job online or via email. It's an introduction to your qualifications and interest in the role.

Email cover letters have become a standard part of the job application process, often serving as the first impression you make on a potential employer.

The primary role of an email cover letter is to complement your resume by providing context and a personalized narrative that demonstrates your fit for the position. An effective email cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Why email cover letters matter

Crafting a compelling email cover letter is more important today than ever before.

A well-written email cover letter can make the difference between your application being noticed or getting lost in a "maybe" bin with other candidates. It lets you showcase your personality, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and demonstrate your genuine interest in the position and company.

Plus, an impressive email cover letter can set the stage for a successful job interview.

It gives hiring managers a glimpse into your communication skills, attention to detail, and professionalism—all qualities employers highly value. A memorable email cover letter can pique the hiring manager's interest and make them eager to learn more about you during an interview.

In essence, your email cover letter is a powerful tool for marketing yourself, distinguishing your application, and increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

How to write an effective email cover letter

An effective email cover letter requires a strategic approach to capture the employer's attention and demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Follow these steps to craft a compelling email cover letter:

1. Craft an attention-grabbing subject line

Your subject line is the first thing the employer sees, so make it count. Use a clear and concise subject line that includes the job title and your name.

Marketing Manager Position - John Doe.

2. Address the recipient appropriately

Start your email cover letter with a proper salutation, addressing the hiring manager by name, if possible. If the name is unavailable, use a respectful greeting. 

Dear hiring manager,

3. Write an engaging introductory paragraph

In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself, express your enthusiasm for the role, and provide a hook that piques the reader's interest.

Consider mentioning a mutual connection or a notable achievement relevant to the position.

4. Highlight your qualifications and fit for the role

The main body of your email cover letter should showcase your qualifications, experiences, and skills that align with the job requirements.

Quantify your resume and provide specific examples that demonstrate your potential value to the company. Mention how you can contribute to their success and why you are the ideal candidate.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator helps job seekers craft compelling cover letters that effectively highlight their accomplishments. 

Teal is able to analyze job descriptions to identify the most relevant skills and experiences to emphasize. It then helps you articulate these professional achievements more clearly and persuasively, ensuring your cover letter stands out.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator

Whether you're detailing a project that boosted sales by 25 percent or explaining how you led a successful team, Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator ensures your accomplishments are presented in the most impactful way, increasing your chances of making a strong impression on potential employers.

5. Express enthusiasm and a call to action

Conclude your email cover letter by reiterating your interest in the role and the company.

Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and provide a call to action, such as requesting an interview or discussing your qualifications further.

6. Use a professional sign-off

End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you for your consideration."

Need help overcoming writer's block? Learn how to generate a great cover letter with ChatGPT cover letter prompts .

Tips for writing compelling email cover letters

Writing your first cover letter can be intimidating. Follow these tips to set yourself up for success:

  • Keep it concise and focused: Aim for a length of three to four paragraphs, highlighting your most relevant qualifications and experiences.
  • Personalize for each application: Tailor your email cover letter to the specific job and company, demonstrating your understanding of their needs and how you can contribute.
  • Proofread carefully: Ensure your email cover letter is free from spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors, as it reflects your attention to detail.
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description: Use relevant keywords and phrases from the job posting to show your alignment with the role's requirements.

Following a clear, professional format is crucial for creating an email cover letter that makes a strong first impression.

Writing email cover letters with AI

Struggling to craft the perfect cover letter for each job application? Research and compare the best AI cover letter writers to avoid writer’s block.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator takes the stress out of the process, allowing you to create effective, tailored cover letters in minutes, not hours.

With just a few clicks, its AI personalizes your cover letter to match any job description, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Plus, Teal intelligently adds keywords from the job descriptions to help make your cover letter more ATS-friendly, ensuring your application stands out with a professional, customized cover letter every time.

Proper email cover letter format

The standard parts of an email cover letter include:

1. Subject line

Your email cover letter's subject line is the first thing a hiring manager or recruiter will see. It's your chance to make a strong first impression and entice them to open your email.

When crafting your subject line, aim for clarity and conciseness.

Clearly state the purpose of your email, such as "Application for [Job Title] - [Your Name]."

This immediately lets the reader know what the email is about and who it's from.

Avoid using generic subject lines like "Resume" or "Job Application.” While descriptive, those terms are too vague and overused in application subject lines and, therefore, more likely to be overlooked.

To make your subject line stand out, consider including a unique selling point or achievement that aligns with the job requirements. This gives the reader a reason to learn more about you.

Lastly, keep your subject line short and sweet, ideally under 60 characters. That way it won't get cut off in the recipient's inbox preview.

Email cover letter subject line example:

Experienced Software Developer with Expertise in [Relevant Skill]

2. Salutation

One of the most important aspects of your email cover letter is addressing it to the right person.

Whenever possible, aim to find the hiring manager's name or person responsible for filling the position. This shows you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

To find the hiring manager's name, review the job posting carefully. Sometimes, the contact person doesn't have their name listed in the ad. If not, visit the company's website and look for a "Team" or "About Us" page. You might find the name of the department head there.

If you still can't find a name, try searching for the company on LinkedIn. Look for people with titles like "Hiring Manager," "Recruiter," or "Human Resources Manager." You can also search for the head of the department related to the position.

If you exhaust all these options and still can't find a name, using a general salutation is okay.

"Dear Hiring Manager," "Dear Recruiting Team," or "Dear [Department] Team" are all appropriate choices. Avoid outdated salutations like "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern."

3. Opening paragraph

Your opening paragraph captures the hiring manager's attention and entices them to read further.

Keep your opening paragraph of your email cover letter short and impactful, ideally no more than three to four sentences.

Remember, your goal is to quickly capture the hiring manager's interest and encourage them to continue reading your email cover letter to discover how you can contribute to their organization's success.

Try the following to get started: 

  • Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and the company to make a strong first impression.
  • Briefly mention how you discovered the position, whether it was through a job board, referral, or the company's website.
  • Explain why you are interested in the role and company.
  • Showcase your knowledge of the company’s mission, values, or recent achievements.
  • Highlight one or two key qualifications that make you an excellent fit for the position.

Email cover letter intro example:

I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name] on [Job Board]. With my 5+ years of experience in digital marketing and my passion for data-driven strategies, I am confident I would be a valuable asset to your team.

4. Body paragraphs

One of the most important aspects of crafting an effective email cover letter is showcasing your relevant skills and experience.

To make a strong impression on the hiring manager, carefully select the most impressive and pertinent qualifications from your background that align with the job requirements.

  • Review the job description and identify the key skills, experience, and qualities the employer is seeking.
  • Choose examples from your work history that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas.
  • If the job posting emphasizes strong project management abilities, highlight a time when you successfully led a complex project from start to finish.
  • Provide concrete details about your role, the challenges you faced, and the positive outcomes you achieved.
  • Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible using hard numbers and metrics.
  • Instead of stating you "improved sales," specify that you "boosted sales by 25% within the first quarter."
  • Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job description into your email cover letter.

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen candidates based on the presence of specific keywords. Naturally integrating these terms into your resume and cover letter also increases your chances of passing through the ATS and landing an interview.

Remember, the goal is to clarify to the hiring manager that you possess the necessary skills and experience to excel in the role.

5. Add a call to action

As you wrap up your email cover letter, be sure to finish strong and leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. This is your golden opportunity to reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company, as well as your confidence in the fit.

Start by briefly recapping your key qualifications and how they align with the position's requirements. This reinforces why you're a strong candidate and reminds the reader of the value you can bring to their team.

Then, clearly state your desire to further discuss the opportunity and learn more about how you can contribute to the organization's success.

This call-to-action demonstrates your proactive approach and eagerness to take the next step in the hiring process.

6. Signature

Finally, end with a polite and professional sign-off.

Best regards, Sincerely, Thank you for your consideration.

Include your full name and contact details below your sign-off to make it easy for the hiring manager to reach out to you.

By leveraging AI to streamline formatting, you can ensure each email cover letter maintains a polished, professional appearance while focusing your time on tailoring the content to make a compelling case for your candidacy.

Need a bit of added help? Check out this resource to learn how to format your cover letter and stand out from the crowd.

Email cover letter sample

To help you visualize what an effective email cover letter looks like, let's explore a few examples for different scenarios:

Email cover letter example: marketing manager position

Subject : Experienced Marketing Manager Excited About [Company Name] Opportunity Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I was thrilled to come across the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name]. With my 5+ years of experience leading successful marketing campaigns and driving brand growth, I am confident I would be a valuable addition to your team. In my current role at [Current Company], I have spearheaded several digital marketing initiatives that have increased website traffic by 40% and generated a 20% increase in lead conversions. I am well-versed in developing data-driven strategies and collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve measurable results. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name]'s mission of [Company Mission] and believe my skills and experience align perfectly with the goals you aim to achieve. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your marketing efforts and help drive your company's continued success. Thank you for considering my application. You will find my resume attached for your review and look forward to the possibility of an interview. Best regards,  [Your Name]

Why it works

This email cover letter works effectively for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows that the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, which demonstrates genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Clear and enthusiastic introduction : The opening sentence clearly states the position applied for and expresses enthusiasm, capturing the hiring manager's attention right away.
  • Relevant experience and achievements : The applicant highlights their 5+ years of experience and provides specific, quantifiable achievements, such as increasing website traffic by 40 percent and lead conversions by 20 percent. This demonstrates their ability to deliver results and adds credibility to their application.
  • Alignment with company mission : By mentioning the company’s mission and explaining how their skills and experience align with the company's goals, the applicant shows they have researched the company and understand its values and objectives.
  • Collaborative skills : The applicant emphasizes their ability to work with cross-functional teams and develop data-driven strategies, showcasing their collaborative and analytical skills, which are valuable in a marketing role.
  • Professional and polite closing : The closing paragraph reiterates the applicant’s interest in the role, thanks the hiring manager for their consideration, and includes a call to action by expressing eagerness for an interview. This leaves a positive and proactive impression.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures the hiring manager is aware of where to find it, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

Overall, this email cover letter is concise, well-structured, and tailored to the specific job and company, effectively showcasing the applicant's qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

Email cover letter example: software developer position

Subject : Passionate Software Developer Ready to Contribute to [Company Name] Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my strong interest in the Software Developer position at [Company Name]. As a skilled developer with extensive experience in [Programming Languages/Frameworks], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my technical expertise to support your mission. During my time at [Current Company], I have been responsible for developing and maintaining several complex applications. One notable project involved creating a user-friendly web application that streamlined internal processes, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency. I pride myself on writing clean, maintainable code and collaborating effectively with team members. I am impressed by [Company Name]'s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and creating cutting-edge solutions. I believe that my problem-solving skills and passion for innovation make me an ideal fit for your development team. I have attached my resume, which further highlights my qualifications and experience. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to [Company Name]'s success. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,  [Your Name]

This email cover letter works well for several reasons:

  • Personalized salutation : Addressing the hiring manager by name shows the applicant has taken the time to research and personalize their application, demonstrating genuine interest in the position and company.
  • Relevant technical skills : The applicant mentions their experience with specific programming languages and frameworks, highlighting their technical expertise and aligning with the job requirements.
  • Quantifiable achievements : The applicant provides a specific example of their work, noting a 30 percent increase in efficiency from a user-friendly web application they developed. This demonstrates their ability to deliver tangible results and showcases their impact on previous projects.
  • Alignment with company goals : By expressing admiration for the company’s commitment to innovation and technology, the applicant shows they have researched the company and aligns with its values and mission.
  • Highlighting key strengths : The applicant emphasizes their problem-solving skills, passion for innovation, and ability to write clean, maintainable code, which are essential qualities for a software developer.
  • Attachment of resume : Mentioning the attached resume ensures that the hiring manager is aware of additional details supporting the application, providing a complete picture of the applicant's qualifications.

For more inspiration and guidance, check out Teal's extensive collection of cover letter examples spanning various industries and roles.

How to proofread and edit your email cover letter

A well-polished cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism, increasing your chances of impressing the hiring manager.

Before hitting send on your email cover letter, take the time to carefully proofread and edit your work by following these steps:

1. Review your email cover letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. Even minor mistakes can make you appear careless or unqualified.

2. Use spell-check tools and read through the content slowly to catch any typos or awkward phrasing.

3. Assess the overall flow and tone of your writing. Does your email cover letter have a logical progression of ideas? Is the tone appropriate for the company culture and industry?

4. Make sure your personality shines through while maintaining a professional demeanor.

5. Get a second opinion. Consider having a trusted friend, family member, or mentor review your email cover letter as well. 

A second set of eyes can often spot issues you may have missed and provide valuable feedback for improvement.

Remember, a little extra effort in the editing process can go a long way in making a positive first impression on potential employers.

How to send your email cover letter

Once you've crafted a compelling email cover letter, you need to send it correctly to ensure it reaches the hiring manager and makes the desired impact.

1. Use a professional email address

Create an email address that includes your name, such as [email protected] . Avoid using casual or outdated email addresses that could undermine your credibility.

2. Attach your cover letter and resume

Use widely accepted file formats such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). PDF resumes are often preferred because they preserve the formatting and layout of your documents across different devices and platforms.

3. Name your attachments professionally

Name your attachments clearly, such as "FirstName_LastName_Cover_Letter.pdf" and "FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf."

This makes it easy for the hiring manager to identify and keep track of your application materials.

4. Double-check before sending

Before hitting send, double-check that you've attached both your cover letter and resume.

It's also a good idea to test your email by sending it to yourself or a friend to ensure that the attachments open correctly and the formatting appears as intended. This extra step can help you avoid any last-minute technical issues that could derail your application.

Write cover letters faster with Teal

Writing an effective email cover letter can be time-consuming and daunting, especially when you're applying for multiple positions.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator simplifies the process, allowing you to generate a compelling email cover letter in minutes.

The AI-powered Cover Letter Generator guides you through the essential components, ensuring you don't miss any crucial elements. Simply input key information about your background and the job you're applying for, and the tool will craft a personalized email cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and experience.

One of the most significant advantages of using Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator is its ability to create customized content for each application. The tool analyzes the job description and incorporates relevant keywords and phrases, demonstrating to hiring managers that you're a strong fit for the role. This level of customization can significantly increase your chances of standing out from other job seekers.

Rather than starting from scratch for each application, you can leverage AI suggestions to quickly assemble a polished email cover letter. This efficiency allows you to focus your energy on other aspects of your job search, such as networking and interview preparation.

Try out Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to write a cover letter in the email body.

It depends on the company size and hiring process. Small companies with fewer applications to manage may prefer the cover letter in the email, while larger companies will need it as an attachment to add to a candidate’s file.

Can the email message itself serve as the cover letter?

In some cases, the email message can serve as your cover letter, particularly if the job posting explicitly states this preference. If taking this approach, craft the email with the same level of care and attention you would give to a formal cover letter document.

How to choose between PDF and Word attachments?

When it comes to attaching your cover letter and resume, both PDF and Word resumes are generally accepted. PDFs are often preferred as they preserve the formatting and layout, ensuring your documents appear exactly as intended.

cover letter examples via email

Nathan Thompson

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How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)

By Status.net Editorial Team on November 15, 2023 — 13 minutes to read

An email cover letter is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself, highlight your qualifications, and explain why you’re the perfect fit for the job. Here are a few pointers to help you craft an effective email cover letter:

  • Subject Line: Your subject line should clearly indicate the purpose of your email. Mention the job title you’re applying for and your full name, e.g., “Marketing Manager Application – Jane Doe.”
  • Salutation: Address the hiring manager by their name, if possible. If you don’t know their name, a simple “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.
  • Introduction: In the opening paragraph, you should mention the job title you’re applying for, where you found the job posting, and a brief introduction of yourself.
  • Body: The body of your email cover letter should elaborate on your qualifications and experiences that are relevant to the job. Focus on showcasing your skills, achievements, and how you can contribute to the company’s success. Be sure to tailor your content to the specific job and company, demonstrating that you’ve done your research.
  • Closing: Wrap up your email cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for considering your application. Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Signature: Sign off with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name, email address, and phone number.

One more tip: as email systems can sometimes strip out formatting or not display it consistently, it’s best to stick to simple formatting options, such as bold text, bullet points, and clear paragraph breaks. If you want to include additional information, such as your resume, consider attaching it as a PDF file to ensure consistent formatting across different devices and email platforms.

Key Elements of a Cover Letter

Subject line essentials.

Your email cover letter should start with a compelling subject line that quickly grabs the recipient’s attention, especially since it’s competing with other emails in their inbox. Keep your subject line concise, clear, and informative. For example, you could use a format like: “Marketing Coordinator Application – Jane Smith” or “Re: Job Application for Graphic Designer (Job ID: 12345)”. Tailor your subject line to the company and position, so the recipient can easily identify your message’s purpose.

Email Signature and Contact Information

An email signature is an essential part of creating a professional presence in your email cover letter. Your email signature should include your full name, phone number, and any relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile or online portfolio. This makes it easy for the recipient to contact you regarding your application. For example: Jane Smith Phone: 123-456-7890 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/janesmithexample Portfolio: janesmithportfolioexample.com

The Importance of Professional Email Address

A professional email address sets a good first impression and shows that you’re serious about your job search. Avoid using email addresses that are unprofessional or include personal information. Stick to a simple format like [email protected] or variations that include your first initial and last name.

Selecting the Right File Name

When attaching your resume or other documents, choose a file name that clearly identifies the content and includes your name. This makes it easy for hiring managers to locate your documents among numerous other files. For example, “JaneSmith_Resume.pdf” or “CoverLetter_JohnDoe.docx” are appropriate file names.

Understanding File Types

Submitting your documents in the appropriate file format ensures that they’re easily accessible and readable by the recipient. The most commonly accepted file formats are .doc, .docx, and .pdf. It’s a good idea to stick to these formats unless the job posting specifies otherwise. In most cases, PDF files are preferred as they maintain consistent formatting across different devices and platforms.

How To Create an Effective Cover Letter

Creating the greeting.

Begin your cover letter with a formal yet friendly greeting. Address the hiring manager by name if possible; you can find this information from the job posting, company website, or LinkedIn. If the manager’s name is unattainable, go for general but professional salutations such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern.”

Describing Your Experience and Skills

Showcase your relevant experience in the opening paragraph of your cover letter. Briefly pinpoint the role you’re applying for and how your background aligns with the position. Avoid regurgitating your resume; instead, focus on what unique skills make you the perfect candidate for the job.

As you describe your skills, use clear and concise language. Structure this section with bullet points to make it easy for the employer to read and digest:

  • Skill 1: Why it’s relevant
  • Skill 2: How it’ll benefit the company
  • Skill 3: Examples of how you’ve used it before

Detailing Your Achievements

Next, outline your most significant and relevant achievements. These can include promotions, academic success, or other awards. Focus on accomplishments that display your skills, strategic thinking, and leadership capabilities. Use data to back up your claims – incorporate specific numbers and percentages indicating how you made a difference in your previous positions.

Following the Employer’s Instructions

Carefully read the job posting and any instructions provided by the employer when crafting your cover letter. If they ask for specific formatting or mention certain keywords, comply with their requests. You demonstrate your attention to detail and ability to assimilate by following their instructions.

Optimizing the Closing Examples

A strong closing further supports your candidacy and invites the employer to take further action. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and express your desire to contribute to the company’s success:

Example 1 : “I am excited about the opportunities posed by this role and am confident that my skills will allow me to excel at [Company Name]. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.”

Example 2 : “Thank you for considering my application. I believe my expertise in [Skill/Area] will greatly benefit [Company Name]. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your team.”

Remember to include your contact information and sign off professionally using “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or a similar phrase.

Formatting Your Email Cover Letter

Choosing the right font and spacing.

When writing your email cover letter, start with a clean and easy-to-read font such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Select a font size between 11 and 12, which is generally considered standard for professional correspondence. Use single-spacing throughout the body of your email cover letter and consider adding a space between each paragraph for better readability.

Ensuring Correct Spelling and Grammar

Before sending your email cover letter, thoroughly proofread it for any spelling or grammar errors. To catch mistakes, use the built-in spell checker in your email client, or consider using third-party tools. Additionally, reading your email cover letter out loud can help spot any awkward phrases or inconsistencies.

Formatting and Structure Tips

Here are some tips to format your email cover letter effectively:

  • Subject line : Make sure to include a clear and concise subject line, such as “Job Application – Your Name – Job Title.” This will make it easy for the recipient to identify the purpose of your email.
  • Salutation : Address the hiring manager by their first and last name, if you can find it, or use a general greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  • Introduction : Introduce yourself and mention the position you’re applying for. Briefly explain why you’re a strong fit for the role.
  • Body : Highlight your relevant experience and skills in 2-3 short paragraphs. Use specific examples to support your claims.
  • Call-to-action : End your email cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for their time and mentioning that you’re looking forward to their response.
  • Sign off : Use a professional closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely,” followed by your full name. Don’t forget to include your contact information such as your email address and phone number below your name.

Key Tips for a Successful Email Cover Letter

Tuning your email message.

When writing an email cover letter, your message should be clear and concise. Use a professional yet friendly tone to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role. Start with a clear subject line that includes the job title and your full name. In the body of the email, briefly introduce yourself and mention the position you’re targeting. You can also add a line that highlights your skills or experience relevant to the job. Make sure to proofread your email content to avoid grammatical errors and maintain a polished appearance.

Using Cover Letter Templates

Using a cover letter template can be a helpful starting point. It provides a layout that ensures a consistent, professional presentation. Look for a template that matches the industry and job you’re applying for, while still allowing you to showcase your personality. Try to find a balance between a visually appealing design and an easy-to-read format. Always tailor the content to the specific job you’re applying for, as hiring managers can easily spot a generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter.

Sending a Test Email

Before hitting send on your cover letter and resume, send yourself a test email. This practice will ensure that the email arrives in your inbox correctly and that the formatting is intact. It will also give you a chance to review the email from the recipient’s perspective, so you can make any necessary adjustments. Check for broken links, and make sure your attachments (like your resume) are in a commonly used format, such as PDF. This step is important for ensuring your application’s success, as a poorly formatted email could impact your chances of moving forward in the hiring process.

How To Manage the Application Process

Understanding the job description.

When applying for a job, it’s important to carefully read and understand the job description. This will help you tailor your cover letter and resume to the specific requirements and needs of the position. Look for keywords and phrases that describe the responsibilities and qualifications, and be sure to highlight your relevant experience in your application materials.

Researching the Company

Before sending your email cover letter, research the company to gather useful information. This will help you demonstrate your interest and knowledge of the organization in your cover letter. Look for the company’s mission, values, and recent news. Try to find ways to relate your experience and skills to the company’s goals and culture.

Using LinkedIn in Job Search

In your job search, don’t forget to leverage LinkedIn. Connect with people in your industry, and follow companies and influencers relevant to your career objectives. You can also find job postings on LinkedIn, and even apply directly using your profile. Customize your LinkedIn URL and use it as part of your email signature to make it easy for potential employers to learn more about you.

Part-Time and Summer Jobs

If you’re looking for part-time or summer jobs, your email cover letter should reflect the specific nature of these positions. Focus on your flexibility, availability, and willingness to work irregular hours. Highlight relevant skills and experiences, even if they’re not directly related to the position. This will show your adaptability and eagerness to learn.

Managing the Follow-Up

After sending your email cover letter and resume, consider following up with the company if you haven’t heard back within a week or two. A polite email or phone call can help keep your application front of mind and demonstrate your continued interest in the position. However, be respectful and avoid being pushy or overly persistent. Remember that hiring managers are often very busy and may take some time to respond.

Advanced Cover Letter Strategies

Using a cover letter builder.

A cover letter builder can be a valuable tool in crafting an impressive cover letter. These online tools often provide customizable templates and step-by-step guidance to help you structure your content. Plus, they can save you time by automating the formatting process.

To get started, you can search for a reputable cover letter builder and follow the prompts. Make sure to choose a template that matches the tone and style of the job you’re applying for. Then, input your information and adjust the prewritten text to reflect your experiences and skills.

Emphasizing Your Qualifications

To stand out, you should highlight your relevant qualifications. To do this, carefully review the job posting and note the key requirements. Then, match your skills and experiences to those points, using specific examples to demonstrate your capabilities.

For example, if the job requires strong time-management skills, mention how you successfully managed multiple projects simultaneously in a previous role. Use numbers and metrics, where possible, to emphasize your achievements. This targeted approach can help you catch the attention of a potential employer.

Highlighting Professional Achievements

Your cover letter should showcase your professional achievements, demonstrating how your accomplishments make you the ideal candidate. To do this effectively, include specific examples that illustrate your strengths.

For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, you could mention specific sales targets you’ve met or exceeded in the past, or discuss how you broke new ground by securing a big client.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key steps in writing an email cover letter.

To write an effective email cover letter, follow these steps:

  • Start with a concise and professional subject line.
  • Address the recipient professionally and use an appropriate greeting.
  • Engage the reader with a strong opening sentence or paragraph.
  • Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements.
  • Show enthusiasm for the company and position.
  • Include a call-to-action, encouraging the employer to review your attached resume.
  • Close your cover letter with a professional sign-off.

How should I customize my cover letter for different job applications?

Customizing your cover letter for each job application can boost your chances of success. Focus on these areas:

  • Research the company and use your insights to show genuine interest and knowledge about their business.
  • Study the job requirements and emphasize your skills and experiences that match well with the position.
  • Address the hiring manager by their name if you can find it, or use a generic salutation.
  • Mention any connections or referrals that might be relevant to the position or company.

What are some effective tips to make my email cover letter stand out?

To make your email cover letter stand out, consider these tips:

  • Keep it concise and to the point, ideally no longer than one page.
  • Use a professional, easy-to-read font.
  • Break up your text with bullet points, bold text, or subheadings to emphasize key messages.
  • Avoid cliches and overused phrases; be genuine and use your own voice.
  • Proofread your cover letter multiple times and ask someone else to review it for errors or suggestions.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided by the employer in the job posting.

What examples should I include in my email cover letter?

Including real-life examples in your cover letter can help demonstrate your expertise and suitability for the position. Follow these guidelines:

  • Choose examples that are relevant to the job requirements and company values.
  • Describe your achievements and successes in a specific, quantifiable manner.
  • Focus on instances where your actions led to positive outcomes or improvements.
  • Structure your examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for clarity.

Do I attach the cover letter to the email or include it in the body?

Including your cover letter in both the email body and as an attachment is a good approach. By doing this, you ensure that the hiring manager sees your cover letter, regardless of their email settings or preferences. Save your cover letter as a PDF to preserve formatting.

What should I put in the subject line when sending my cover letter and resume via email?

A compelling and professional subject line is important for capturing the attention of the hiring manager. Consider these guidelines:

  • Include your name and the job title or position you are applying for.
  • Use clear, concise language.
  • Make sure the subject line matches any instructions provided by the employer in the job posting.
  • An example could be: “Jane Doe – Marketing Specialist Application”
  • How to End an Email Professionally (Examples)
  • 3 Examples: Job Application Email (with Tips)
  • 3 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples (Guide)
  • 3 Examples: How to Write a Job Offer Thank-You Letter
  • Job Interview Request Email Responses (Detailed Examples)
  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
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With the advancement of technology and shift to the online world, applying for a job via email instead of using job boards has become quite common.

You get a golden opportunity to get remembered by the hiring manager. All you need to do is write an email cover with your resume.

An attention-grabbing, convincing, and appealing email cover letter can easily land you the targeted job interview.

Here’s the summary of topics covered in this detailed article:

  • What is an Email Cover Letter?
  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter?
  • What is the Email Cover Letter Format?
  • What are the Tips for Cover Letter Email?

Introduction to Cover Letter

A one-page document complimenting your resume is what a cover letter does. Yes! You submit a cover letter as part of your job application.

A cover letter introduces you and briefly summarizes your professional background. An impressive cover letter can spark the hiring manager’s interest and get them to look forward to your resume.

An email cover letter is a brief message explaining why you're interested in the job position. You detail how your expertise makes you the right candidate. It adds a personal touch to your resume. A cover letter email is usually shorter than a standard letter. It is sent to HR as an email and not as an attachment.

How to Send an Email Cover Letter

A cover letter as an attachment is the norm today. Whether as part of an online job application or in an email, a cover letter is a must. A cover letter email highlights your skills and motivates the hiring manager to read your resume.

Below, in this article, we offer the best advice to prepare an email cover letter. Also, a bunch of the important steps you should take before sending your email cover letter.

Follow the Company’s Instructions

Email cover letters can generally be sent as an email attachment or as the body of your email. Before you attach a cover letter email, check the company’s job application guidelines.

Sometimes companies prefer attachments, while some prefer them as the body of your email message. Keep in mind that if you don’t follow the employer’s instructions, your application may not be considered.

Use a Professional Email Address

When submitting an email cover letter, your email address speaks for you. Use a professional email address, like [email protected] .

Avoid using unprofessional email addresses such as [email protected] .

Add an Informative Subject Line

An informative subject line increases the chances that the recruiter will open your email. Write in less than 60 characters, including your full name and the job position you are applying for. Possible ways to write your email subject line:

  • Cover Letter – [Job Title] – [Your Name]
  • Cover Letter: [Your Name] for [Job Title]
  • [Your Name] Cover Letter: [Job Title]

Save Your File in the Correct Form

Save your file as a .doc or .pdf to preserve the original appearance of your cover letter. Better to change the file name to First Name-Last Name-Cover-Letter. This makes it easier for the hiring manager to view your cover letter once they’ve already downloaded it.

Attach a Cover Letter to the Email

Create a new email message in your email program to attach your cover letter. Choose the paperclip icon, browse through the files and click to attach it to the email.

Write a Brief Email Message

In the body of the email write a simple message letting the hiring manager know you’ve attached a cover letter. Don't make the mistake of leaving the email message blank.

Also Read: How Long Shall a Cover Letter Be?

Include a Proper Email Signature

Add the proper email signature at the end of your email. Also, make it easy for the recruiter to get in touch with you. You can close your email in the format suggested below:

  • First Name Last Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Email Cover Letter Format

If this is your first time writing an email cover letter, all this may sound pretty tough.

The fact is, you don't need to be innovative or even a good writer to draught an impressive email cover letter. All you have to do is follow this email cover letter format:

  • Header - Add your contact information
  • Greet the hiring manager
  • Opening paragraph - Grab the attention of HR with 2-3 of your top achievements
  • Middle paragraph - Describe your qualities and tell how you're a perfect fit for the job
  • Final paragraph - Thank the employer for considering you for the position
  • Complimentary closing
Also read : Industry-standard cover letter template to ace your application

What to Include in Each Part of Email Cover Letter

Segregating your email cover letter into distinctive sections will help you maintain a flow to your cover letter and appeal better to recruiters.

Your Contact Information

The header or first section of your email cover letter includes contact information. Your name, address, phone or cell phone number, and email address are what you have mentioned in this section.

Find out more : What is the best way to start a cover letter

Cover Letter Salutation

When sending a cover letter via email, do your research to avoid having to use the generic salutation. The best way is to call the organization’s front office or to review their website.

Also read : To whom should I address my cover letter?

Cover Letter Body

This section of your cover letter has three paragraphs:

  • First : This is "the grab" your reader's attention paragraph. You can offer focused information about the job you're seeking and a few core strengths of yours.
  • Second : Hook the reader, you can highlight the work performed and achieved results. Draw key competencies from your resume, but don't copy it word for word. You can also showcase your knowledge about the company you are applying to.
  • Third : In your closing, summarize what you will bring to the position. Request a meeting or suggest a call.

Finish your letter with "Sincerely" or "Yours truly." Professional correspondence is the best way to close your email cover letter.

Find out more : How to write a cover letter enclosure

Your Signature

You're sending a cover letter via email, so type your name and contact information after your salutation.

Tips for Writing Email Cover Letter

Here are some more tips on how to craft a cover letter email, as well as some cover letter examples you can use to start yours.

Be Informative

When writing an email cover letter, be informative, but get to the point. Introduce yourself, and convince the recruiter to consider your application.

Don't add too much content, you may risk losing the hiring manager’s interest. Better you cut your cover letter email down to only the most relevant information. The standard cover letter length for an email cover letter is approx 400 words.

Easy to Read

For your resume to stand a chance, write a clear and easy-to-read cover letter with a well-formatted body.

Each paragraph should be short, to the point, and no longer than three sentences. If you can’t figure out how to get it right, consider using an email cover letter sample template.

Personalize Your Email Cover Letter

Starting from scratch is more difficult than tweaking. Writing a personalized cover letter won't take long once you have the template in place.

If you just write, "Here is my resume," you may make a far worse impression than if you write a personalized cover letter.

Finish it with Something Remarkable

The final paragraph of your email cover letter decides the recruiter's next step in your application. Encourage the hiring manager to reach out to you with some remarkable words.

You can reiterate your interest in the job profile.

The closing paragraph of your email should come across as confident. Don't be pushy and desperate. Clarify that you’re available and ready to work with the company.

Also read : Common cover letter mistakes that could cost you a job

Email Cover Letter Examples

Subject Line

Job Position - Your Name Salutation Dear Hiring Manager's Name

Opening Paragraph

Your cover letter's first paragraph should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, your expertise, where you found the job ad, and why you are applying for the job.

Body Paragraphs

The second paragraph should respond to the job description written by the company. Draw the attention of readers to how your previous job experiences and skills will help you meet the company’s needs. You can also include exact words and phrases from the job descriptions in your cover letter.

  • Provide your accomplishments in a bulleted list
  • Quantify to emphasize your bullet points

Do some research about the company and explain how you can help them with its mission.

Closing Paragraph

Your cover letter's last paragraph is the call-to-action part. Inform the recruiter that you’d love to go in for an interview with them. Provide your email address and other contact information. Thank them for reading your cover letter.

Signing Off

Sincerely, Your Name Contact Number Your Signature

Email Cover Letter Example:

Subject: Store Manager Position - Robert Sierra Dear Ms. Haddington, I read your job posting for the Store Manager position with interest, as the qualifications you are seeking match closely with my professional skills and experience. I can offer ABC Company: Over three years of retail management experience Ability to hire, train, and manage staff Payroll management, reports, and inventory control expertise Work experience with visual standards and merchandising high-ticket items In addition, I have outstanding communication skills along with significant retail expertise. When communicating with others, including customers and store employees, I always keep a courteous and professional demeanor. Because of my extensive experience and diverse skill set, I am an excellent candidate for this role. More information about my career and achievements may be found in my resume, which I have attached. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible to discuss my suitability on call or in person. Thank you for your consideration, Robert Sierra (216) 234 2323 [email protected]

Key Takeaways

Make the saying first impression is a lasting one true for you. Use your best judgment for each position you apply for. For entry-level jobs, keep your cover letter brief, while for upper-level ones, go into greater detail and include more information.

Here are a few takeaway points from the article:

  • A cover letter email should have 250-400 words.
  • Along with your resume, you must include a cover letter with your job application.
  • The first paragraph of your cover letter should catch the attention of the hiring manager and hold it until the end.
  • Address two primary points in your email cover letter: why you're the best candidate and why you're excited to work.
  • The majority of your email cover letter's content should be factual, with no fluff or generalizations.

Reach out to us at [email protected] for any professional assistance. With Hiration's career service platform and 24/7 chat service, you will find answers for all your job & career-related queries.

cover letter examples via email

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cover letter examples via email

Email Cover Letter Samples

Including an email cover letter is imperative, so we thought it would be helpful to our job-seeking readers to have sample letters to use as a starting point.

The examples below come from real-life job seeker emails, although we’ve altered the details and contact information. Whether you prefer a “salesy” approach or you’re more of a “direct and to the point” kind of person, choose the template that suits your style. Just be sure to include these key elements in your email cover letter.

Etiquette for Any Email Cover Letter

  • Mention the title of the position you’re applying for in the subject line and body of your email.
  • Explain where you found the job posting or how you heard about the position.
  • Conclude with a subtle call to action to remind the hiring manager of the action you’d like them to take, such as, “I look forward to hearing from you.”
  • List your full name and contact information in your email signature block (not just on your resume attachment).
  • If applicable, quickly explain any questions that your resume may raise. For example, if you’re from out of town but planning to move close to the job location, or you’ve been at your current position for only a short time.
  • Don’t start your cover letter with your name. Instead, introduce yourself in the letter with a relevant qualification and connect it to the position.
  • Keep your cover letter concise. Just like your resume, keep your document to just one page to entice hiring managers instead of overwhelming them.
  • Avoid any spelling or grammar errors in your document. The smallest typo can ruin your chances at the job.
  • Don’t address the wrong company name or the wrong company contact’s name. This could be seen as awful cover letter etiquette and indicate you’re not attentive to details.
  • Don’t ever include your salary requirements unless otherwise directed by the potential employer.

Signature on Email Cover Letter

Without a signature at the end of your email cover letter, you could be missing out on incredible potential job opportunities. This quick snippet of your contact information makes it easy for recruiters and hiring managers alike to contact you.

When it comes to deciding between a physical signature and a name sign-off, there are benefits to either option. With a name sign-off, you can use a digital signature service like Eversign and RightSignature to give your cover letter that personal touch.

If you’d prefer to include just a regular email signature, make sure to include your full name, email and phone number. You can also consider adding a LinkedIn button so the hiring manager can have more insight on your experience and skill set.

How to Format an Email Cover Letter

Wondering how to format your email cover letter? You’re not alone. Once you’ve written your incredible cover letter providing more information on your expertise and how it relates to the job you’re applying for, it’s vital to format it correctly before sending it to any recruiters. If it isn’t formatted correctly, you could be missing out on the job opportunity.

Regardless of the cover letter template you’ve chosen, make sure to include these key components when formatting your email cover letter:

  • Write a subject line that includes the position you’re applying for
  • Address the company contact’s name in the salutation
  • Clearly state what you’re hoping to accomplish in the first few sentences
  • Summarize your strengths, skills and experience by connecting them to the job opportunity
  • Use a font that’s easy to read
  • Avoid typos in your message by proofreading
  • Include a signature with your contact information
  • Always send a .pdf file rather than a word doc or other format

Email Cover Letter Examples for Legal Professionals

Example #1: if you prefer to keep it brief..

Subject Line: Interest in Litigation Associate Position

To Whom It May Concern:

I am interested in the Litigation Associate position advertised on LinkedIn. I have attached my resume and cover letter for your review.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

First Last Name

Example #2: If you’re relocating to the city where the job opportunity is located.

Subject Line: Expressing Interest and Relocating Near Litigation Secretary Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to express my interest in the Litigation Secretary position listed on Monster.com. My resume is attached for your review and consideration.

I am a fast learner, very dependable, organized, and computer savvy. I have extensive experience assisting firm attorneys and multiple paralegals, as well as supervising and managing an office. While I currently reside in Los Angeles, I will be moving to San Francisco at the end of the month.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to learn more about your firm, its plans and goals, and how I might contribute to its continued success. I can be your ideal candidate if given this opportunity. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Example #3: If a colleague referred you.

Subject Line: John Mentioned Your Firm is Seeking a Litigation Secretary

Dear Sir/Madam:

I was referred to you by a mutual acquaintance, John Smith, who said you have an opening for a litigation secretary.

I have many years of experience as a litigation secretary, most of them working with managing partners. I am a professional looking for a career, not just a job. I am organized, reliable and self-motivated. I like being part of a team, but can also work independently.

Included with this e-mail is a copy of my resume for your review and consideration. Once you have had an opportunity to review my resume, please contact me if you have any questions or to arrange an interview. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.

Thank you for your time,

Example # 4: If you’ve been at your current position for less than one year.

Subject Line: Experienced Legal Secretary Seeking Long-term Opportunity with Stable Litigation Firm

Please allow this introduction. My name is Jane Smith, and I have 12 years of legal secretarial experience working with managing partners of small, mid- and large-sized law firms. My current typing speed is 105 wpm from written form and 120 wpm from live dictation with the utmost accuracy. I am interested in the Litigation Secretary position advertised on your firm’s website.

I am currently working for a small civil litigation firm. However, after only 11 months in this position, the financial stability of the firm has significantly changed. Therefore I am seeking long-term tenure with a stable civil litigation firm.

Attached please find my resume and list of references. If you are interested in the professional skills and positive attributes I can contribute to your firm, please contact me at [phone number] at your convenience to schedule an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Example #5: If you want to dazzle the hiring manager with your qualifications.

Subject Line: Do you need a conscientious paralegal at your firm?

Dear Recruiting Administrator:

Do you need a hardworking, creative and conscientious paralegal to meet your firm’s needs? If so, I can help you. The following is a summary of my qualifications:

  • More than ten years of progressively responsible legal experience;
  • Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Business Administration;
  • Exceptional verbal, written and analytical skills;
  • Advanced computer skills;
  • Outgoing personality and “can-do” attitude.

I would like to meet with you to discuss how I might assist your firm in fulfilling its present needs. 

My resume is enclosed for your review. If you need someone who is highly motivated, eager to learn, and willing to work hard to succeed, please contact me at [phone] or via email: [email].

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Now, start writing your cover letter!

They say the first impression is a lasting one — so make sure your digital introduction represents you well. Use your best judgment with each position you apply to; for an entry level position keep your cover letter more concise while going into further depth and providing more information with upper level positions.

These examples are meant to be a starting point only — add your own voice, style and experience to make your own standout (or at least solid) email cover letter.

Start building out cover letters that will help you stand out and land the job!

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cover letter examples via email

Email Cover Letter and CV | Sending Tips and Examples


What is an email cover letter?

An email cover letter is essentially a job application email through which you apply for a job. The email must contain your cover letter, either in the body of the email or as an attachment, and your CV as a separate attachment.


Do you need to send your CV and cover letter via Email?

With the massive technological boom over the past decade, we have seen the dramatic rise in email applications. Sending an email is free, it doesn’t require a stamp, visit the post office or a trip to the company you’re applying for. It all happens within seconds and with just one click of a button.

There are two main reasons why you would send an email to a recruiter:

  • When you’re applying for a job
  • When you’re enquiring about job opportunities at their company

In this guide, we will mainly focus on applying for jobs that have already been advertised . However, read on as there are also tons of tips and examples for those who wish to inquire about job opportunities via email.

The format of an email cover letter + template

The format of an email cover letter slightly varies from the format of a standard cover letter. For example, there is no need to include your personal details such as name and address on the right side of the letter because your attached CV will already contain all this information. Moreover, it will take up valuable space.

Your email to the recruiter should be in the following format:


Click here to download this template.

Before you start…

1. Have your perfect CV and cover letter ready

Before working on drafting your email, make sure that you have already written and prepared your CV and cover letter. Check out How to write a Cover Letter and How to write a CV guides for more tips and examples.

2. Be formal

The job application process is a formal process. As such, you have to have a formal approach to writing your email job application.

  • Don’t use contractions (e.g. I’m instead of ‘ I am ‘ or Let’s instead of ‘ Let us ‘)
  • Write in complete sentences
  • Write in paragraphs (not in short lines, as you would in text messaging)
  • Use formal greeting (use ‘ Dear Sir/Madam ‘, ‘ Dear [Surname], ‘ or ‘ To whom it may concern ‘ rather than ‘ Hey ‘, ‘ Hi ‘, or ‘ What’s up? ‘)
  • Don’t write in capitals (IT’S NOT NICE TO READ TEXT IN CAPITALS!)

You can find more information on formal writing here .

3. Use a professional email address

You must use a professional email address when contacting the recruiter.

It should be:

  • It should be short in length
  • It should contain your name
  • It shouldn’t contain any/many numbers

Acceptable examples:

  • [email protected]

Unacceptable examples:

4. Keep it short and to the point

You only have one chance to grab the attention of the prospective employer, so keep the letter short and to the point. Employers only tend to scan CVs and cover letters for less than a minute. Anything longer than a single side of A4 will most likely not be read or considered. Why take the chance? You will have plenty more opportunities in the later stages of the recruitment process, including during the job interview, to fully impress the prospective employer.

5. Write the content of the email in a separate document first

It is highly recommended to write your letter in a separate Word document first rather than typing it up on the actual email client in one go. This is because there will be a smaller chance of losing your work because of the loss of internet connection or the software crashing in the middle of writing your letter.

It also gives you additional time to properly check your written document for grammar and spelling mistakes.

How to send a cover letter and CV via email

Let’s get started…

1. Email subject line for job application

The subject of your email should be the job position followed by the job ID or job reference number:

  • IT Manager (ID: W124)
  • Receptionist (Job Ref. A2014)
  • Cleaner (Job ID: AFT2421)

That’s all that is required.

If you decide to add anything extra, e.g. including your name or a short message, please keep it short as there is a limit on how much of the subject line will be shown to the recruiter when they receive it in their inbox.

Do not write your subject line in capital letters

Some applicants, in a desperate attempt to make their email stand out from the rest, write the subject line of their emails in capital letters, like this:

This is not recommended for two reasons:

  • It is awful to read, and;
  • You come over as either too desperate or too aggressive. In the worst case scenario, you come over as both.

QUESTION: Should you write the cover letter in the body of the email or send it as an attachment?

Some employers prefer attachments, whereas others prefer the letter in the body of the email. Please check for company requirements on the job advertisement. If the company has not specified their preference, it is up to you how you’d like to send your cover letter to them.

It’s decision time!

As previously stated, there are two acceptable ways of doing this:

1. Include the cover letter as an attached file

If you decide to attach your cover letter separately to the email, always write a short message in the body of the email introducing yourself and giving the reason for emailing the recruiter – don’t leave it blank! The content of your email body should be short, informative and to the point:


Another good example:

Please find attached my CV and Cover Letter for the position of Senior Research Fellow.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards, Michael Harper.

2. Write the cover letter in the body of the email

This is the most popular way of sending an email job application.


I can already hear you ask “which one is better?” glad you asked.

Our recommendation is to write the cover letter in the body of the email. It gives the opportunity to make a strong and memorable first impression, allowing you to grab the prospective employer’s attention within seconds.

If you send it as an attachment, on the other hand, the employer has to take the additional step of finding and opening your letter in order to read it. Some recruiters will not open attachments out of fear of infecting their computers by viruses.

Warning: Don’t include the same cover letter in the body of the email and as a file attachment. That is just a weird thing to do and makes you look very indecisive.

The remainder of the guide will show you step-by-step how to write your email covering letter in the body of the email:

How to start an email

2. employer’s personal details.

The first few lines of your letter should be the personal details of the recruiter:

  • Recruiter’s full name
  • Recruiter’s job title
  • Company name
  • Company address

Good example:


3. Opening salutation/greeting

The next line of your covering letter is the opening salutation, which should be written in the following format:

“Dear” followed by their honorific title (Mr, Mrs, etc.) and surname.

  • Always use formal greeting (e.g. ‘ Dear Sir/Madam ‘, ‘ Dear [Surname] ‘ or ‘ To whom it may concern ‘ rather than ‘ Hey ‘, ‘ Hi ‘, or ‘ What’s up? ‘)
  • It’s always best to find out the name of the employer to whom you are written the letter. This makes the letter more personal and convincing.
  • If you’re addressing the employer by name, only include their surname (Dear Mr Kent) and not their full name (Dear Mr Simon Kent).


The next line should include today’s date in full ( 10 November, 2018 instead of 10/11/18 ), aligned to the right.


5. Introductory paragraph

State the reason why you are writing this covering letter.

For example:

I am writing to express my interest in the Electrical Engineer role listed in The Worcester News, 19th of March 2017. After carefully reviewing the job requirements, I feel I have all the necessary experience and technical skills to excel in this position, and I would wholly appreciate your consideration.

  • These are the first few sentences that the prospective employer will be reading about you; make sure the introductory paragraph is short , to the point and is written for high impact .

6. Paragraph 2

In this paragraph, clearly outline the reasons why you would be a suitable candidate for this position. Make mention of your relevant education, qualifications, work experience, strengths, skills and abilities.

I graduated in 2014 with a first-class degree in Librarianship from the University of Essex, and I worked for a year as a Junior Librarian at Summerfield College. Both my education and work experience have given me a great insight into the purpose, function and processes of libraries. I am trained in all the standard library information and data management systems.

  • Try to back up your statements with real-world examples. For instance, if you wrote that you have an “ excellent track record in sales “; back it up by tangible and verifiable performance information, e.g. by stating that you “ increased the company’s sales by 23% in six months. “

7. Paragraph 3

Following on from paragraph 2, expand on more reasons why you would be the ideal candidate for this job position.

I graduated in 2015 with a 2:1 degree in Business Management from the Queen’s University Belfast, something which kindled my passion for business and the economy. I studied a broad variety of topics ranging from Marketing Principles and Corporate Responsibilities to Leading Change and Strategic Management. I am a driven, ambitious and analytical individual with the excellent ability to analyse current business operations and offer meaningful solutions based on the findings.

8. Paragraph 4

This is going to be the final information-packed paragraph of your cover letter. Mention any other selling points that you have and state the reason why you are interested in working for this particular company.

I am especially attracted to joining your organisation because of the emphasis it puts on long-term growth and training within the company. Challenges motivate me, and I believe that I would be able to bring together my prior knowledge and skills as a competent Recruitment Officer. I am confident that my records of impressive accomplishments over the past few years prove that I will become a valuable asset to Lancefield Recruitment.

  • Do research about the company you are applying for and use your findings to draft this paragraph. This will make you look interested, intelligent and resourceful in the eyes of the prospective employer.

How to end the email

9. closing statement.

The final paragraph is usually a polite call for action in which you state that you are looking forward to meeting the prospective employer. It must also contain a reference to your CV that you have attached with the application.

Useful phrases you can use:

  • Please find attached my CV for your consideration.
  • I have attached my CV with this email.
  • For your consideration, my CV is attached with this email.


10. Closing salutation

The closing greeting should be “Yours sincerely” only if you addressed the employer by name (e.g. Dear Mrs Sanders) at the beginning of the letter.

If you used “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern” as the opening greeting of your letter, it should end with “Yours faithfully.”

Other alternatives that you may use instead of “Yours faithfully”:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Best Wishes

11. Signature & Sender’s name

Sign off the letter with a signature followed by your name.

If you do not have a scanned or electronic signature, you can write the signature in the following format:

  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile – optional


That is it – you should now have a perfectly written email cover letter!

  • Don’t rush by writing and sending your email in one go – you will most likely forget to include important things or make many factual, grammatical or spelling mistakes. Write a draft version first, take a break, and then come back again in a few hours time to review it.
  • Don’t forget to attach your files ! You only have one chance to make a good impression, make sure you don’t mess it up with clumsy mistakes.
  • Send a test email to yourself first to double-check the email’s format and whether attachments can be opened.
  • Give the attachments identifiable file names, for example, “ Julia_McCaree_CV.pdf ” is better than “ newhkh34.pdf “

Shall I send my documents in Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format? Both methods are acceptable. However, we recommend you send it as a PDF file because that will preserve the format and presentation of your documents; including margins, padding, spacing and indentation.

How do I find out if my job application email has been received? Unfortunately, you can’t be sure whether the employer has opened or read your email unless they tell you so. Some email clients allow you to ask for a “Read” receipt after the sender has opened your email. However, you will only receive a “Read” receipt if the recipient decides to send you one.

After how many days shall I follow-up my application? Most job vacancies will state the timeframe in which you should hear back from them if you have been shortlisted for an interview. Many job vacancies will state: “If you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks time, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful this time.” If, however, this is not specified you should get in touch with them after a week to follow-up on your initial application.

Should I use the “ high importance ” flag when sending my application? No, not really. The high importance flag has lost its value years ago. Besides, there is a chance that you will come across as rude as why should your job application email be more important or urgent than those of other senders? More than 90% of emails are sent without one.

Working on your CV? Awesome!

  • 40 Best Key Words to Use on Your CV (Examples + 2024 Guide)
  • 10 Best Fonts for a CV (Examples + 2024 Guide)
  • Good CV Examples & Templates for 100+ jobs
  • Facilities Assistant CV Example [2024 Guide + Tips]

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Email Cover Letter Examples

An email cover letter has to grab the reader's attention quickly in order to be effective. In-boxes are full of emails that need to be read so get across your main points promptly and powerfully.

Graphic of arrow pointing to the word "job" in a search box

Quickly convince the reader of your suitability for the job opportunity by using a powerful subject line in your cover letter email.

This will make the difference between getting your resume read or relegated to the database. Avoid bland subject lines such as Joe Black's Resume .

Get the employer's attention by following these simple steps.

How to write an email cover letter - 7 simple steps

  • Write a subject line which is factual and persuasive - include the job title and job posting number and a selling point - "Job #4536 Bookkeeper - 8 years with Fortune 500 company "
  • Clearly state your purpose in the first couple of sentences
  • Summarize your strengths , skills and expertise as they relate directly to the job opportunity
  • Persuade the reader to continue on to read your resume
  • Use an easy-to-read font and keep the formatting simple
  • Proofread and spell check your message
  • Keep your email cover letter to one screen view

Job Application Cover Letter Email - Example 1

Subject Line: Sales Associate Job #1234 - 10 Years Experience

Dear Mr Green

I read with enthusiasm your opening for a Sales Associate on XYZ site. I am confident that my 10 years experience as a sales professional in ABC industry with a successful track record of meeting and exceeding sales objectives makes me an excellent match for this position.

Detailed on my attached resume you will find that over the last X years I generated more than $X in sales and achieved an average of X% sales growth. My experience in new and key account acquisition, new territory development and the planning and implementation of customer loyalty strategies will contribute to the success of DEF Corporation.

My resume demonstrates that I am well qualified to lead the entire sales cycle management process from client consultations and needs assessment through demonstrations, negotiations and final sales closings.

I believe that I will be a valuable asset to your team if given this opportunity and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Joe Candidate

Contact Numbers

Resume Email Cover Letter - Example 2

Subject Line: Legal Secretary Job #S123 - 6 Years at Top Law Firm

Dear Ms Drone

I am responding with enthusiasm to your job posting on XYZ.com for a legal secretary. I believe my extensive experience and skills in this field are an excellent match for the job.

The attached resume demonstrates my competence to interact capably with clients from point of referral, efficiently draft and process legal documents and correspondence, co-ordinate multiple case loads and assist with complex case preparation.

I am a motivated and hard working professional with solid legal practice skills and knowledge and a reputation for accurately and efficiently meeting strict deadlines in a challenging environment.

I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about the position and find out how I can contribute to the success of your firm.

Jane Candidate

How to start and close your email cover letter

Write a compelling cover letter intro and ensure that you grab the reader's attention straightaway.

Close you cover letter with a strong call to action and get your resume read with serious consideration.

Cover Letter Introduction Paragraphs

Cover Letter Closing Paragraphs

Should I submit an email cover letter if the posting only asks for a resume?

You can copy and paste your cover letter into the body of the email as your message and include your resume as an attachment.

Keep your cover letter short and simple as the reader will not want to invest a lot of time in going through your email. It is better to include a brief cover letter as an introduction rather than simply stating "I have attached my resume for your consideration".

How should an email cover letter be sent?

If you are responding to an advertisement make sure you follow the employer's instructions on submitting your cover letter and resume.

If you are asked to include your letter as an attachment save and send it as a PDF file or .doc file.  Avoid HTML as the email the employer uses may not be able to open this.

Additionally change the file name to include your name to make it easy for the hiring manager to view your cover letter once they have downloaded it from the email.

Include a short email message to inform the hiring manager that you have attached your cover letter.

Best Font for Cover Letters

Should your cover letter be in the body of an email or attached to it?

If the employer asks for the email cover letter and resume to be included in the message and not an attachment, copy and paste them into the body of your email.

Sometimes copying and pasting your cover letter from a Word or PDF file can alter the formatting. A good tip is to send the email to someone you know first to check that your formatting works properly. If it looks fine then you can send it to the employer.

Should I address the cover letter to an individual?

It is always better to address correspondence to a name rather than a title. Job postings often don't list the name of the person to contact and only give an email address.

Find out the name of the person receiving the emails. For example the email address, janereynolds@HRBakers,  indicates the name of the contact person is "Jane Reynolds".

This is your contact person and you can begin your email message with Dear Ms Reynolds. Immediately you stand out from the crowd.

What should I write in the email cover letter subject line?

As discussed, an interesting and informative subject line will ensure your email gets noticed. Keep it professional and specific. Good examples of  email subject lines for cover letters and resumes include:

Junior Accountant Position - 6 years experience in your industry

Experienced Sales Representative for Job#334 - Janet Driver

Marketing Associate Job - John Smith, BA in Business Administration

When should I follow up on my email?

It is important to find out the status of your job application. If the job posting does not have a close date you can wait about a week after sending your resume before following up.

If there is a close date then wait for about a week after that date before following up. For tips and help on resume follow up , plus a sample follow up email .

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How to Close a Cover Letter

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  1. Email Cover Letter

    cover letter examples via email

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  5. FREE 8+ Email Cover Letter Templates in PDF

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  1. Email Cover Letter Examples and Formats

    How to Format an Email Cover Letter . Address an Email Cover Letter: Make sure your cover letter and other materials get to the right place - and make a good impression when they get there. Email Cover Letter Subject Line Examples: The subject line is the first thing a hiring manager will see when they look at your email. Make yours count.

  2. How To Send an Email Cover Letter (With Steps, Tips and Example)

    1. Follow company instructions. Email cover letters can generally be sent in one of two ways: as an email attachment or as the body of your email. Before sending your cover letter, check the company's job application guidelines. Some companies prefer attachments, while others prefer them to be in the body of your email message.

  3. How To Write An Email Cover Letter: Samples + 5 Writing Tips

    Email cover letter format & writing tips. Now that you've seen what an email cover letter should look like, here are five tips on how to format and write an effective email cover letter: 1. Make it easy to read. The average recruiter spends very little time looking at an email.

  4. How To Write an Effective Email Cover Letter (Template + Examples)

    Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and provide a call to action, such as requesting an interview or discussing your qualifications further. ‍. 6. Use a professional sign-off. End your email cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you for your consideration."

  5. Email Cover Letter: 5 Samples & Writing Guide + Expert Tips

    Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email. Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format, but keep it short and snappy. Find resume keywords in the job ad. Include one big achievement relevant to the job. Expert Hint: Don't forget to attach your resume to the cover letter in your email!

  6. Emailing a Cover Letter: How To Guide With Example

    2. Send via a professional email address. It is important to use a professional email address when emailing your cover letter. A professional email address will comprise your first and last name. For example, it could be [email protected], [email protected] or another combination of your names.

  7. How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

    To write a perfect cover letter email for a job application, follow these steps: Use our email cover letter template. Apply a clear, strong subject line. Open with a proper greeting—address the hiring manager by their name. In the first sentence, explain why you're writing and what position you're targeting.

  8. How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)

    To write an effective email cover letter, follow these steps: Start with a concise and professional subject line. Address the recipient professionally and use an appropriate greeting. Engage the reader with a strong opening sentence or paragraph. Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements.

  9. How to Write an Email Cover Letter

    Doing so personalises your letter and shows you have a genuine interest in the role. For example, you could start your cover letter email with a sentence like: 'I'm writing to express my strong interest in the [Job title] role that I came across on [Company's website/job board].'. 2.

  10. Email Cover Letter Example (With Steps and Helpful Tips)

    Here are some examples of how you might format the subject line: Cover Letter - [Job title] - [Your name] Cover Letter: [Your name] for [Job title] 4. Send your cover letter with the stated channel. Attach your cover letter to the email only if the job posting specifically requests it.

  11. Best Email Cover Letter: Complete 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples

    All you have to do is follow this email cover letter format: Header - Add your contact information. Greet the hiring manager. Opening paragraph - Grab the attention of HR with 2-3 of your top achievements. Middle paragraph - Describe your qualities and tell how you're a perfect fit for the job.

  12. Email Cover Letter: Sample + Format That Works in 2024

    Write your cover letter in your email body and enclose only your CV. Right—. So you've seen a jaw-dropping job application email cover letter. Now, let's break down what makes this email format for cover letters so great. 1. Strong Subject Line: the Only Guarantee Your Email Cover Letter Gets Opened.

  13. Email Cover Letter: Examples & How to Write

    Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email. Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format, but keep it short and snappy. Find CV keywords in the job ad. Include one big achievement relevant to the job. Expert Hint: Don't forget to attach your CV to the cover letter in your email!

  14. 11 Steps To Email a Cover Letter

    Example of a cover letter email You can follow this example cover letter when sending it via email: Email subject: Bruce Jenkins-cover letter-customer service manager Dear Ms. Burrow, I am writing this letter to formally apply for the role of customer service manager at HighRev Corporation. As a seasoned customer service manager with over seven years of experience coordinating diverse customer ...

  15. How to Email a Cover Letter (Plus Example Emails)

    3. Open an email application or website. To send your cover letter, open an email application or website. Log into your account and then go to the 'send' or 'compose' tab. Then you can write an email that contains your cover letter in the body of the message or you can attach your cover letter to the email.

  16. How to send a cover letter by email (With guide and example)

    From the drafted cover letter, copy and paste the content into the body of the email. Remove dates and contact information and check to see the pasted text has aligned correctly. 9. Include an email signature. Most email services have a function that allows you to automatically include a signature.

  17. Email Cover Letter Samples

    Email Cover Letter Examples for Legal Professionals . Example #1: If you prefer to keep it brief. Subject Line: Interest in Litigation Associate Position ... eager to learn, and willing to work hard to succeed, please contact me at [phone] or via email: [email]. Thank you for your time and consideration, First Last Name . Phone .

  18. Email Cover Letter and CV

    However, read on as there are also tons of tips and examples for those who wish to inquire about job opportunities via email. The format of an email cover letter + template. The format of an email cover letter slightly varies from the format of a standard cover letter.

  19. Best Email Cover Letter Examples

    Job Application Cover Letter Email -Example 1. Subject Line: Sales Associate Job #1234 - 10 Years Experience. Dear Mr Green. I read with enthusiasm your opening for a Sales Associate on XYZ site. I am confident that my 10 years experience as a sales professional in ABC industry with a successful track record of meeting and exceeding sales ...

  20. The Short Cover Letter: What to Include & Why (with Examples)

    Hanna says that all cover letters—whether long or short—should be written using a professional tone and must contain the following elements: A header that contains your name and contact information. This information should match that on your resume. The date. A salutation, ideally with the hiring manager's name.

  21. How to Write A Letter of Application For A Job + Examples

    Pick an appropriate file format and name. Save your letter in a widely accepted file format, such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Ensure your file name is professional and includes your name, such as "FirstName_LastName_CoverLetter.pdf.".