
How to Define Condition Types in SAP

Olivia Turner

Defining of condition types can be done in few simple steps.

Steps to Define Condition Types

Step 1) Define condition types

In the IMG, click on the define condition types option.

Define Condition Types in SAP

Step 2) Choose Define Condition

In next step, Choose Define Condition Type option.

Define Condition Types in SAP

Step 3) Find all of the existing entries

You can find all of the existing entries for condition types.

  • Click on the desired condition you would like to change.
  • Click this icon to choose the selected condition and enter the change mode.
  • If you want to create a new entry click on New entries. In this case, you don’t have to select any existing entries.
  • If you want to create a new condition type by copying an existing condition type (it will inherit it’s setting which you can change – just like copying a condition table in the previous topic), you can choose this icon – copy condition type.

You have several more actions at your disposal: deletion, selecting all condition types, deselecting all condition types.

Define Condition Types in SAP

If you select multiple condition types, you can edit them all by navigating through them in the following screen (arrow left and right or F7 and F8).

This screen has a lot of settings for a condition type, let’s review the most important.

Step 4) Section of the screen contains

First section of the screen contains condition type PB00, description, and access sequence used for condition determination.

A) Control data 1 section contains the following:

  • Condition class (e.g. prices, discounts, taxes)
  • Calculation type (e.g. quantity, percentage, fixed amount, formula)
  • Condition category (e.g. basic price, input tax)
  • Rounding rule (e.g. commercial, round up, round down)
  • Plus/minus (indicates if a condition can be positive, negative or both)

B) Group condition section:

  • Group condition (indicates if a condition calculates its value by more than one item in the document)
  • RoundDiffComp (rounding difference comparison)
  • Group condition routine (routine that calculates the value)

C) Changes which can be made section:

  • Manual entries (e.g. no limitations, not possible, manual entry has priority)
  • Header condition (indicates if a condition can be used at header level)
  • Item condition (indicates if a condition can be used at item level)
  • Delete (indicates if a condition can be deleted)
  • Amount/percent (can amount/percentage be changed)
  • Value (can value be changed)
  • Qty. relation (can conversion factor between UoMs be changed during processing)
  • Calculat. Type (can calculation type be changed during processing)

Define Condition Types in SAP

Step 5) Save your changes

The other section on the lower end of the same screen are:

D) Master data section:

  • Valid to (default date to use)
  • Pricing Proc. ( pricing procedure to be used for this condition type)
  • Delete fr. DB (deletion procedure for this condition type)

E) Scales section:

  • Scale basis (e.g. quantity scale, value scale)
  • Check value (default blank)
  • Scale type (controls the validity of the value/quantity)

F) Control data 2 section:

  • Currency Conv. (indicates if currency conversion is allowed)
  • Accruals (if you check this box you indicate that it is a statistical condition)
  • Promotion condition (is this condition relevant only for promotions)
  • Quantity conversion (controls how quantity conversion will be processed)
  • Exclusion (condition exclusion indicator – e.g. gross price, tax code, delivery cost)
  • Rel.Acc.Assig (determines if the condition type is relevant for account assignment)

Define Condition Types in SAP

When you are done with creating, changing or copying of the condition type, you can save your changes.

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What is Condition Type | How to create Condition Types in SAP

In this SAP tutorials , you will learn what is condition type and how to define condition types in SAP SD using tcode V/06.

What is condition type in SAP

Condition type is a technique that controls the price components or price elements in SAP. In a real time business scenario, the entire pricing can be divided into four elements i.e

  • Basic Price
  • Discount/Surcharge

There can be different types condition types for each type of price element. each pricing element has its own functionalities and usage in the SAP system, and we need to define corresponding condition types with the respective functionalities.

How to create condition types in SAP

SAP R/3 Role MenuMaintain condition types
Transaction codeV/06
SAP IMG PathSPRO(Tcode) -> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) => Sales and Distribution (SD) => Basic functions => => Pricing control =>Define condition types => Maintain condition types.

Note : – SAP system delivers various predefined condition types and you use this types as per your requirements. However you can define new condition type in SAP as per requirements of client using option new entries or copy as option.

Step 1 : – Enter Tcode “V/06” and enter.

SAP condition types tcode

Step 2 : – On change view conditions: condition types overview screen, choose new entries button and update the following details.

Condition type : – Update the key that identifies as condition type in SAP and update the descriptive text of condition type.

Access Sequence : – Update the corresponding access sequence key of the condition type.

Condition class : – It determines the structure of condition type and allows to control each condition type as per its functionalities.

Plus/minus : – This filed for discounts and surcharges, if you enter negative (X), then it becomes discount. If you choose the value as positive (A), it becomes surcharge.

Calculation type : – It determines how the condition amount of condition type is to be calculated.

Condition category : – It specifies the classification of different condition types.

Scale basis : – It specifies how the scale amount of condition type is calculated.

Check value : – Specifies the scale rates to be entered as per ascending order or descending order.

create Condition Types in SAP SD

Click on save button and save the configured condition type details in SAP.

Define condition type with reference of standard condition type

You can create new condition type by coping the standard condition type, so the all the settings of predefined condition type are copied to new condition type.

copy condition type SAP

Update new condition type and description and press enter to continue.

create condition type in SAP SD

Click on save button and save the condition type in SAP.

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SAP Pricing Condition Tables & Pricing Condition Tcodes in SAP

SAP Pricing Condition Tables

A condition type is a representation in the system of some aspect of your daily pricing activities.

For example, you can define a different condition type for each kind of price, discount or surcharge that occurs in your business transactions.

You find following the list of main SAP Pricing Condition Tables and Transaction Codes.

Table of Contents

Main SAP Pricing Condition Tables

The most important SAP Pricing Condition Tables for SAP Sales Order are:

KONVConditions for Transaction Data
KONPConditions for Items
KONDConditions (Data)
KONHConditions (Header)

Full list of SAP Pricing Condition Tables

If you are looking for more tables for Pricing Condition in SAP check the following list:

KONAINDIndex: Groups of Conditions/Header Record Conditions
KONDConditions (Data)
KOND3Conditions: Campaign Determination – Data Part
KONDDMaterial Substitution – Data Division
KONDDPConditions: Additional Materials for Material Determination
KONDHConditions: Batch Strategy – Data Division
KONDINDGeneral Document Index for Conditions
KONDIConditions: Data part for certificates
KONDNConditions: Free goods – Data section
KONDNSFree goods determination : scales – Conditions
KONDPConditions: Packing Object Data Section
KONDRConditions: Derivation strategy – data part
KONDRPRDerivation strategy : recipient item data- Conditions
KONDRPSConditions: Derivation strategy : sender item data
KONDVConditions: Data part for certificates
KONHHeader of Conditions
KONMConditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)
KONPConditions (Item)
KONVTransacion Data for Conditions
KONWConditions (1-Dimensional Value Scale)
KOTN900LSI Free Goods Condition Table


Condition Types T685T Table

The standard Table T685T contains all the Condition Types for Pricing.

The fields of T685T Condition Types Tables are:

SPRASLanguage Key
KVEWEUsage of the condition table
KSCHLCondition Type

SAP Most Common Condition Types

MWST, P000, PRS are within the most used condition in SAP Pricing.

You can also create our custom Pricing Conditions.

The most common Conditions Types are (standard) :

FRA1Freight %
HB00Header Surch.(Value)
HB01Header Disc.(Value)
K000Contrct HeaderDisc %
MM00Minimum Qty (Amount)
MM01Minimum Qty (%)
MP01Market Price
MWSTInput Tax
P000Gross Price
R000Discount % on Gross
PA00Promotion Price
P001Gross Price
PRSTotal Price

More SAP Conditions Tables

All Pricing Conditions are stored in SAP Tables. If you want to play around with them, check the following list.

The customizing Tables for Conditions are

T680MCondition: Tree Control: Features
T680MTCondition: Tree Control: Features: Texts
T680NCondition: Tree Control: Nodes
T680NFCondition: Tree Control: Nodes: Fields
T680VCondition: Tree Control: Variants
T680VLCondition: Tree Control: Tree Variants
T680VTCondition: Tree Control: Variants: Texts
T680VUCondition: Tree Control: User-dependent Variants
T681Conditions: Structures
T681AConditions: Applications
T681BConditions: Applications: Texts
T681COMPCond.: Fig. (KVEWE & KAPPL) > DF14L (Component Hierarchy)
T681DCondition: Tables used per Application
T681EConditions: Fast-Entry Fields
T681FConditions: Allowed Fields Per Usage and Application
T681HConditions: Usage/Application with Client
T681OPermitted Document Categories for the Index to Conditions
T681OTObject Category Texts for Index to Conditions
T681SConditions: Fast Entry Types
T681TConditions: Fast Entry: Texts
T681UParameters for creating pricing reports
T681VConditions: Usages
T681WConditions: Usage: Texts
T681XCondition tables for lists
T681YConditions: List Variants
T681YFPricing Report: Fields Used
T681YTPricing Report: Texts
T681Y_BMENCondition Maintenance to Area Menu
T681ZConditions: Dependent Data for Application/Usage
T682Conditions: Access Sequences
T682IConditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682IAConditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)
T682TConditions: Access Sequences: Texts
T682VConditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check)
T682VAConditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check)
T682ZConditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T682ZAConditions: Access Sequences (Fields)
T682Z_DT682Z with Dynamic Part
T682Z_NOBLIConditions: Access Sequences (Fields) – Mandatory Yes/No
T683Pricing procedures
T683CBatch Search Procedure: Determination in Sales Docs
T683SPricing Procedure: Data
T683TPricing Procedures: Texts
T683UConditions: Procedure (Text)
T683VPricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.
T683V_CMPCampaign Determination Procedure: Sales Doc. Determination
T684Condition Exclusion Groups
T684GCondition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types
T684SCondition Exclusion: Procedure Assignment
T684TCondition exclusion: Texts
T685Conditions: Types
T685AConditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data
T685BCondition Types: Additional Data for Sending Output
T685HConditions: Batches => Default Values
T685MPortfolio Processing: Portfolio Types
T685NConditions: Types & Additional Data for Free-Goods Discount
T685PWFMC: Valid printing parameters of an application
T685RConditions: Derivation => default values
T685SCondition Types: Scales for Conditions
T685S_KEYKey Fields for Table T685S
T685TConditions: Types: Texts
T685WDRM Relevancy for Rules Condition Types
T685ZCondition Types: Lower/Higher Limits for Pricing Elements
T686AConditions: Exclusion Indicator
T686BConditions: Exclusion Indicator: Texts
T686CContact Person: Responsibilities in Sales and Distribution
T686DContact Person: Responsibilities in SD: Texts
T686EConditions: Processing Status
T686FConditions: Processing Status: Texts
T687Account Determination: Account Key
T687TAccount Determination: Account Key Texts
T688Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables
T688KCondition: Copying Rules for Condition Types
T688TCondition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables
T689Download Profile for the Conditions
T689KReference: Download Profile – Pricing Procedures
T689TText Table for T689

SAP Pricing Condition Tcodes

Let’s start first by the most important transaction code for Sales Order Pricing Condition in SAP SD (Sales and Distribution).

Here the 3 tcodes to consider first:


If you want to go further and know the SAP transaction codes for SAP Pricing Condition for Sales Order, here the list:

Full list of Pricing Condition Related Tcodes

If you are looking for another transaction for Condition for Sales Order, you may to check the following list.

This list contains all VK* Transactions related to Pricing Condition for Sales Order.

VK+CCondition master data check
VK01Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.
VK03Create Condition Table
VK04Change Condition Table
VK05Display Condition Table
VK11Create Condition
VK12Change Condition
VK13Display Condition
VK14Create Condition with Reference
VK15Create Condition
VK16Create Condition with Reference
VK17Change condition
VK18Display condition
VK19Change Condition Without Menu
VK20Display Condition Without Menu
VK30Maintain Variant Conditions
VK31Create SAP Condition Maintenance
VK32Change SAP Condition Maintenance
VK33Display Condition Maintenance:
VK34Condition Maint.: Create with Refer.
VKA1Archiving conditions
VKA2Deleting conditions
VKA3Reloading conditions
VKA4Archiving agreements
VKA5Deleting agreements
VKA6Reloading agreements
VKARRead Archive File
VKAWGenerate Archive File
VKC1Create General Strategy
VKC2Change General Strategy
VKC3Display General Strategy
VKDVNumber range maintenance: RV_SNKOM
VKM2Released SD Documents
VKM4SD Documents
VKOAAccnt Determination
VKP1Sales price calculation
VKP2Display POS Conditions
VKP3Pricing document for material
VKP4Pricing document for org. Structure
VKP5Create Calculation
VKP6Change pricing document
VKP7Display pricing document
VKP8Display Price Calculation
VKP9Currency conversion in price calc.
VKPBSales price calc. in background run
VKPRRead archive file
VKTTTest Partners DI/RFC
VKU1Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chng
VKU10Correction of Valuation at Retail
VKU11Delete Count Document Items
VKU2Total Revaluation at Retail
VKU3Partial Revaluation at Retail
VKU4Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material
VKU5Display Retail Revaluation Document
VKU6Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Change
VKU7Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Chn
VKU8Test Transaction BAPI Count List
VKU9Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display
VKVFConditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.
VKVGMaintain Condition Elements
VKVIGeneral View Maintenance- W.Qualif.
VKXXCreate Test for RKA
VKYYChange Test for RKA
VKZZTest for RKS-Surcharge Conditions

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SAP S/4HANA Condition Contract Management Configuration Guide

Settlement Management in S/4 HANA is crucial for managing the subsequent settlement of rebates for both customers and vendors . The Condition Contract Management feature offers a unified and standardized approach to managing both supplier and customer conditions. It allows for the calculation and posting of accruals as statistical conditions in an FI Extension Ledger. Additionally, pricing conditions can be aligned with value fields in Combined COPA, enabling a comprehensive analysis of Gross-to-Net Revenue.

This document provides an overview of configuring and processing rebates using condition contract management in SAP S/4HANA. An order-to-cash scenario demonstrates creating a sales rebate contract, determining rebate conditions in sales orders, settlements, and analyzing credit memos and accounting postings. Relevant transaction codes, reporting, and tables are listed. Following are key topics covered in the document;

  • Introduction to rebates and condition contract management
  • Configuration steps for pricing, condition types, tables, procedures
  • Condition contract maintenance configurations
  • Settlement configuration for documents and process types
  • End-to-end order-to-cash scenario with rebate condition contract using WCOCO tcode
  • Contract settlement, analyzing credit memos and postings
  • Overview of key transactions, reporting, and tables
  • Conclusion summarizing condition contract rebate management

Download – SAP S/4HANA Condition Contract Management Configuration Guide

List of configuration tasks covered in the document are as below;

Task IMG Path Transaction Code
Activate Rebate processing in the Sales Organization Enterprise structure > Definition > Sales and distribution > Define Copy, Delete, Check Sales Org. OVX5
Activate Rebate processing in Billing Document type Sales and distribution > Billing-Billing documents > Billing type VOFA
Condition Tables Creation Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing >Sales (SD) > Define Condition Tables Display Condition Tables V/03
Access Sequences Creation Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing >Sales (SD) > Define Access Sequences V/07
Condition types Creation and Assignment of access sequence to Condition types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing >Sales (SD) > Define Condition types V/06
Maintaining Pricing procedure Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing >Sales (SD) > Define Pricing procedures V/08
Specify CC-Relevance for Condition Types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Condition Contract Management >Condition Contract conditions > Sales >Specify CC Determination Relevance and Copy Control for Condition Types VM17
Define Condition type group Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Condition Contract Management >Condition Contract conditions > Sales >Define Condition type group VM12
Assign condition type to Condition type group Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Condition Contract Management >Condition Contract conditions > Sales >Assign Condition Types to Condition Type Groups VM13
Define Account Keys for rebate conditions Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Account Determination > Revenue Account Determination (SD) > Define and Assign Account Keys VOK11
Assign GL accounts > OS1, ERB, ERU Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Account Determination > Revenue Account Determination (SD) > Define and Assign Account Keys SPRO
Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement Document Types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing > Sales > Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement Document Types SPRO
Pricing Procedure Determination Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Pricing > Sales > Specify Pricing Procedure Determination SPRO
Define Number Ranges Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Maintenance > Define Number Ranges SPRO
Define condition category (Optional) Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Maintenance > Define Condition Contract Categories SPRO
Define and Configure Field Status Groups for Header Fields (Optional) Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Maintenance > Define and Configure Field Status Groups for Header Fields SPRO
Define Condition Contract Types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Maintenance > Define Condition contract types SPRO
Activate Additional Functions Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Maintenance > Additional checks > Activate Additional Functions SPRO
Maintaining settlement document types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Settlement Documents >Settlement Document Types SPRO
Maintaining settlement document types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Settlement Documents >Settlement process type SPRO
Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type / Settlement Document Type Logistics General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Settlement Documents >Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type / Settlement Document Type SPRO
Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types Logistics General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract Settlement > Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types SPRO

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  • End Users Guide to SD Pricing Condition in SAP S/4HANA
  • SAP S/4HANA Sales Rebate Process Manual
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2951453 - How to use condition type Cost (PCIP) in SAP S/4HANA Cloud

  • How is the cost determined in pricing?
  • How shall I set up condition type PCIP in Customizing?
  • Why is the cost not copied from the sales order to the subsequent document although, in the copying control from delivery to billing document, I have used a pricing type which does not redetermine the cost?
  • Where can I see how the cost is determined?
  • Why is the condition amount of condition type PCIP in a different currency in the billing document than in the sales order?
  • Can an item have several price conditions of condition category Cost (G)?
  • Why is the price condition PCIP of a document item not zero although the related goods issue had the condition value zero?
  • Why is the currency conversion for condition type PCIP performed differently than for other condition types?
  • Can I use condition type PCIP as a template to copy to other non-statistical condition types?
  • Why is the price condition PCIP not redetermined when a repricing is performed in the billing document?



General questions about the cost when used in pricing.

1.       How is the cost determined in pricing?

In the sales order, the cost is generally taken from the valuation segment of the material master. However, in the billing document, the cost can have other sources. Depending on the business transaction, for example, the costs can be determined from the goods issue of the invoiced delivery.

In the following, we describe only the goods issue case as an example. However, the information also applies to costs from purchase orders, goods receipts, and invoice verification runs.

These costs are handed over to pricing and included in the condition value of condition type PCIP. The condition amount is calculated as condition value divided by quantity . Therefore, the calculation of the condition value may differ in the billing document.

2.       How shall I set up condition type PCIP in Customizing?

To ensure that the real costs of the business transaction are included in condition type PCIP, the condition must be assigned to condition category ‘G – Cost’. Only then are the costs taken from the goods issue if needed (or from the invoice verification, goods receipt, or purchase order). The condition category ‘S – Standard Cost’  takes costs exclusively from the valuation segment of the material master. For condition type PCIP, you must not assign an access sequence. In the pricing procedure, set the Statistical indicator for condition type PCIP. Recommendation: In addition, in the pricing procedure, enter routine 4 in the Requirement field and select B ( Carry over value to KOMP-WAVWR (cost )) in the Subtotal field.

3.       Why is the cost not copied from the sales order to the subsequent document although, in the copying control from delivery to billing document, I have used a pricing type which does not redetermine the cost?

Condition types with condition category ‘G’ are subject to a special logic during billing. If the goods issue is available, the system always determines the condition value from the condition value of the goods issue. This behavior is independent of whether the price condition was merely copied or redetermined in the billing document.

4.       Where can I see how the cost is determined?

In a business document, for example, a sales order, choose Item Conditions , select the price condition PCIP, and then choose Condition Detail . - If the condition control is set to Condition value fixed (cost price) (H), the cost is taken from the goods issue. - If the condition control is set to Adjust for quantity variance (A), the cost is calculated from the valuation segment from the material master. - If the condition control is set to Fixed (D) or Condition value and basis fixed (E), the cost is copied from the preceding document.

5.       Why is the condition amount of condition type PCIP in a different currency in the billing document than in the sales order?

If the cost in the billing document is taken from the goods issue, the condition amount is derived from the condition value (which is always in the document currency, in this case from goods issue): Condition amount is condition value divided by quantity. As a result, the condition amount is always in the document currency. A currency conversion is not performed. This is the standard system behavior and cannot be changed.

6.       Can an item have several price conditions of condition category Cost (G)?

It's not recommended to have more than one price condition of condition category G for an item. For each item, only the first price condition of condition category G receives the goods issue value as the condition value. The special logic for condition category G is not carried forward to further price conditions.

7.       Why is price condition PCIP of a document item not zero although the related goods issue had the condition value zero?

For technical reasons pricing cannot differentiate between a goods issue with value zero and no goods issue. As a result, the system determines the costs from the valuation segment of the material master in both cases.

8.       Why is the currency conversion for condition type PCIP performed differently than for other condition types?

In contrast to other condition types, condition types with condition category Cost (G) are always converted with the exchange rate type average rate (M), while ignoring the defined exchange rate in the customer master. An exception to this is intercompany billing.

The exchange rate type average rate ensures that the costs posted in Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) are identical.

9.       Can I use condition type PCIP as a template to copy to other non-statistical condition types?

It's not recommended to use the condition type PCIP as a copying template for other condition types because the following issues may occur:

       a) The specific rules for currency conversion are implicitly transferred to the dependent condition types.

       b) As part of third-party business transactions or individual purchase orders, the costs in the billing document and therefore the condition value of PCIP might change subsequently.

If the document is already in accounting, an adjustment of additional price conditions is no longer allowed and is not carried out. As a result, there is a risk of inconsistencies if other price conditions depend on the condition value of PCIP.

10.   Why is price condition PCIP not redetermined when a repricing is performed in the billing document?

In general, the cost is taken from the goods issue in the billing document. However, the information of the goods issue is only available while creating the document. Therefore, the true costs would be irreversibly lost during a repricing if price condition PCIP was redetermined. The same applies to condition types from condition category costing (Q), such as Actual Costs (EK01), Calculated Costs (EK02), which are not recalculated in the billing document either.

For more information about condition types, see Condition Types on SAP Help Portal .

SAP Help Portal - Condition Types

WAVWR, cost, PCIP, allocation value , KBA , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , SD-BF-PR-2CL , Pricing (Public Cloud) , Problem

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Working with Settlement Management

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Use Condition Contract Management (CCM)

Rebate Processing using Condition Contract Management (CCM)


The traditional SAP ERP rebate solution is explained.

The (traditional) SAP ERP rebate solution uses a rebate index table (VBOX). Use of this table presents the following challenges:

  • Size: The rebate index table can sometimes contain thousands or even millions of entries in the SAP ERP system. An example is a customer system where the table contained 1TB of data with a total database size of 5TB.
  • Locks: If changes to a customer’s conditions need to be maintained in the system, the rebate index table needs to be rebuilt. While this rebuild is taking place, all rebate data is locked for everyone in the entire organization.

The Settlement Management functionality which is part of SAP S/4HANA aims to tackle these challenges.

The table VBOX itself is no longer used in SAP S/4HANA because in SAP S/4HANA, rebate conditions are applied instantly. This means that there is no need for a rebate index table that needs rebuilding when new customers become eligible for rebates or conditions change. Eliminating this table significantly reduces the data footprint of the system.

Settlement Management contains functionality known as Condition Contract Management (CCM). This functionality replaces traditional rebate processing in SAP S/4HANA.

Condition Contract Management in Settlement Management in SAP S/4HANA is shown.

Condition Contract Management (CCM) allows for the storage of agreements between the various business partners involved in a certain process. A condition contract contains important information such as prices, conditions, and the validity of the agreement. It forms the basis for settling claims or rebates with suppliers or payables to customers. Furthermore, the condition contract can be used to handle pricing conditions only for the order to cash or the procure to pay process.

General Process for Condition Contract Management (CCM)

The general process in CCM differs from traditional SAP ERP rebate processing in that the process does not start with the creation of a rebate agreement. Instead, there are (types of) condition contracts that are created and released. A condition contract combines all information relevant to a certain agreement such as the condition granter or owner of the condition contract, the list of eligible partners, and special conditions such as discounts or prices. It can be used to grant discounts for meeting quantity or value targets for sales or purchasing volumes. An enhancement in the system for pricing ensures that the system only finds the relevant conditions for the eligible partners listed in the condition contract.

The conditions to be processed in the condition contract are stored in Customizing in condition tables. Any condition table that is required can be assigned in Customizing. If the eligible partner is used, or if there is a need to have multiple condition records in parallel, for example, in case of a rebate, the condition contract number needs to be in the access sequence and in the condition table. This number is used to ensure that the conditions are granted only to the eligible partners of the condition contract.

Condition Contract Management Configuration

The following figure summarizes the configuration of Condition Contact Management (CCM):

Characteristics of using a settlement program are discussed.

Condition Types RES1 and REA1/RED1

The condition types for which records are maintained in condition contract maintenance are called RES1 (for Rebate) and REA1 (for Rebate Accruals).

Condition types RES1 and REA1 and some of their characteristics are shown.

Condition type RES1 Rebate:

Condition type RES1 is used in a condition contract to maintain rebate conditions for a sales rebate scenario. This condition type uses SAP standard access sequence RE01 Sales Rebate. It is set up as a discount. However you are going to create a credit memo with it, so you have to set the field Plus/Minus as positive (/plus). The calculation type for this condition type is A (Percentage) .

Within standard pricing procedure A10005, base formula 214 is present (in column Alt.Cond.Base Value ). This formula controls that, in case of a fix amount rebate condition, the condition base value is positive (see formula documentation). The account number for the posting in SAP S/4HANA Finance is determined using account key 0S1. The calculated value is stored as a subtotal.

Condition type REA1 Rebate Accruals:

Condition type REA1 is used in a condition contract to maintain accruals conditions for a sales rebate scenario. Therefore, the Accruals indicator is selected in the Control Data 2 group of fields in the configuration of the condition type. This condition type uses the SAP standard access sequence REA1. The field Plus/Minus is set as negative (/minus) for condition type REA1 as it represents the opposite amount of the amount posted as a rebate. The calculation type for this condition type is again set as A (Percentage) . During settlement, posted accruals are dissolved again.

Condition type RED1 Rebate Accruals:

RED1 is used in a settlement run to determine the accruals amount for delta accruals (pricing procedure A10006). It is not an accruals condition type itself (this means that the Accruals indicator in the Control Data 2 group of fields in the configuration of the condition type is not selected), but it uses the accruals condition type REA1 as a reference. Such a condition type is required in the pricing procedure since accruals conditions are not considered in the net amount determination. The net amount is used for the accruals update. RES1 Rebate and REA1 Rebate Accruals are the condition types for which condition records are maintained in condition contract maintenance.

For more information on the configuration of Condition Contract Management (CCM) please also refer to SAP's help portal which can be found using . In the Search all field enter Condition Contract Management and select the entry called Condition Contract Management - Sales Rebate Processing .

Create and Use a Condition Contract

Part 1 of the exercise/simulation:

Part 2 of the exercise/simulation:

Check Configuration Settings for Condition Contract Management (CCM)

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