Ultimate List of 265 Research Topics for College Students

Ultimate List of 265 Research Topics for College Students

How often do you freeze up after receiving an assignment to write a research paper? We know how tough it can be, particularly in a flood of possible research topics for students. Choosing that one idea from plenty of research proposal topics for college students is the foremost step in any academic project.

Lack of inspiration? We made an ultimate list of research topics for college students. You will find art, biology, social science, education, and even more fun research topics for college students. Don’t scour the tons of outdated or dull topics anymore. A much better alternative would be to look at essay examples instead. 

What’s more, we prepared three main steps to start converting the chosen topic into a successful research paper. Besides, we will dispel any uncertainty in research importance. 

Is Research Important?

  • Art Research Topics
  • Biology Research Topics
  • Educational Topics
  • Environmental Topics

Gender Research Topics

  • Law Research Topics

Literature Research Topics

  • Music Research Topics
  • Psychology Topics
  • Religion Research Topics
  • Science Research Topics
  • Social Science Topics

Sports Research Paper Topics

How to start a research paper, top 10 research topics for college students:.

  • Human impact on biodiversity loss
  • Internet’s effect on freedom of speech
  • Is isolation a cause of child abuse?
  • Negative effect of pop culture trends on youth
  • Pros and cons of free education
  • Is AI a threat to humans?
  • The impact of modern technology on ecology
  • Can nuclear power be safe?
  • Economic impact of GMO food
  • Negative effect of climate change on economy

Before getting into the importance of research, let’s understand what kind of work it is.

Research is an analysis aimed at discovering of new facts or revising existing theories. It consists of several steps. The most common are:

  • Research methodology setting
  • Research problem statement
  • Data extraction and gathering
  • Assessment of the gathered data
  • Conclusions summarizing

What Are the Purposes of Research?

The intentions are countless, but here are the general ones:

✨ to accept or reject a hypothesis; ✨ to gather information on a phenomenon or subject; ✨ to initiate further research or to “dig deeper.”

Why Is It important?

Research makes our life easier. The underlying cause of new discoveries is to understand how things work. If we acquire that data, we’ll know how to get practical value out of it.

Think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. As we meet our deficiency needs, its level grows. At the same time, the demand for new knowledge increases. That is why discovering new is a never-ending process.

That is all clear. But you may ask: why do I need research skills in my day-to-day life?

After graduation, you will most likely still need research skills at work. No matter what the industry is. Either you decided to excel in science or form a hi-tech startup. If you want to achieve success, you should have strong research skills.

All in all, having research skills is one of the core elements of personal and social growth. It helps to generate additional findings or set new questions around existing knowledge.

Now let’s move on to the list of research topics.

Art Research Paper Topics

We’ll start from the study area, which is difficult to measure. We talk about art. For some, it may seem easier to study than exact sciences. But still, the number of questions about various genres, forms, and art styles is beyond imagination.

Why should we not overestimate the importance of studying art ?

Art is not just something for connoisseurs. It has always been and still is vital for the whole of society. What affected humanity’s development? Of course, the way people express their everyday life or feelings through art.

Besides, thanks to art, we can see things from different perspectives. It makes us open-minded and helps to develop critical thinking. And, most apparently, art fills our lives with beauty and elegance.

Art is so diverse that students may struggle to choose from a myriad of research areas. Here are some of the hottest art research paper topics for you:

  • The influence of the internet and social networks on art.
  • Researching of Greek mythological painting.
  • The comparison of modern art in the United States and Europe.
  • The representation of art in Lars von Trier’s films.
  • The influence of African-American cultural heritage on modern American art.
  • What are the features of contemporary art ?
  • Frida Khalo and her sources of inspiration.
  • The role of Kazimir Malevich in abstract art development.
  • Art in the early renaissance and today’s European society .
  • Art therapy techniques: what are they and are they effective?
  • The difference of women’s representation in ancient and modern art .
  • Comparative analysis of modern and classic cubism .
  • The history and main features of abstract expressionism .
  • The relationship between art and globalization .
  • The influence of art on the fashion industry in Japan.

Biology Research Topics for College Students

Let’s move on to biology. This science deals with vital processes of living organisms. We’ve gathered a list of topics from different biology fields. You’ll find essay ideas from the fields of botany and zoology to genetics.

Research in biology has one distinctive feature. It is the use of research lab equipment. If you don’t use it and base your research on other sources — make sure they are credible.

What are the attributes of a research paper in biology?

Molecular biology, cellular, and other categories of biology imply accurate measurements. There is no place for mistakes here. Otherwise, the relevance of research results would be insignificant. A researcher should be scrupulous in calculations and statements.

So, feel free to pick up any topics from the list below. Study them thoroughly!

  • The impact of global warming on marine life.
  • Extensive research of photosynthesis aspects and functions.
  • Thyroid hormones and their impact on the female body.

Thyroid hormones fact.

  • DNA structure, modifications, and genetic disorders .
  • Is it ethical to test cosmetics on animals ?
  • The ability of living organisms to adapt to changing environments.
  • The need for the protection of rare and endangered species .
  • The role of sustainability in biology.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of organic farming .
  • The role of neurobiology in artificial intelligence development.
  • The discovery and impact of Darwin’s theory .
  • The discovery, history, and importance of vaccination .
  • The role of microbes and microbiology in health .
  • Neurobiology and its association with emotional trauma .
  • Biology: mechanical signals regulating development .
  • Cultural variations in environment and biology: AIDS .
  • A review of the ecology and biology of the whale shark.
  • Performance and quality assessment of methods for detection of point mutations.
  • Optical imaging techniques in cell biology .
  • Computational methods in molecular biology .

Educational Research Topics for Students

What can be trickier than studying how to study? Education research papers evolve at a rapid pace as the world changes every day. That is why new techniques and approaches are in demand.

No other discipline will answer the milestone questions as well as education. And the most important is about human nature.

What can make a precious contribution to society? The definite answer is — driving innovations in studying .

Want to remain in history as an author of a revolutionary breakthrough? Explore educational research paper topics for college students:

  • Language distribution issues in bilingual schooling .
  • Critical thinking as the primary goal of the educational process.
  • Role-playing games as a learning tool .
  • Pay-for-performance scheme for teachers .
  • Moving from compliance to performance-based schools .
  • Bilingual learning: advantages and disadvantages.
  • Educational approaches in retrospective.
  • Aspects of multicultural educational practices.
  • The importance of inclusivity in teaching .
  • Popular modern educational techniques: a comparison.
  • Arithmetical problem-solving difficulties .
  • Learning methods for blind children.
  • The role of technology in lesson planning .
  • Role-playing as an educational practice.
  • The need for parents’ involvement in the educational process.
  • Tools to develop the best teaching strategy .
  • The efficiency of gamification .
  • Individual approach to students.
  • Popular educational mobile apps.
  • Peculiarities of teaching disabled children .
  • Same-gender and mixed-gender schools: a comparative analysis.
  • Understanding the causes of school violence and bullying.
  • The importance of sex education at schools.
  • The educational system in America : problems and prospects.
  • Cloud computing in educational institutions: an impact on the educational environment.
  • Ethical behavior in  higher educational institutions.
  • Cooperation of educational institutions and businesses: successful cases.
  • Information technology as a means of educational process improvement.
  • Homeschooling and its influence on communication skills.
  • Comparative analysis of distance learning and face-to-face education efficiency.
  • Individualized versus group learning.
  • The necessity of higher education for all students.
  • Best practices of top higher education establishments.
  • Peculiarities of teacher’s education in America.
  • Preschool education versus tertiary education .
  • Teacher as a researcher. Cross-age peer tutoring .
  • Multicultural and monocultural education programs: a comparison.
  • Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of tablets and printed textbooks .
  • Should education be free?
  • Education unification: reasons to apply in high schools.

Environmental Research Topics

Our day-to-day comfort is an inherent cause of environmental problems. We may drive a car and have no idea how we harm nature.

Eco activism is a growing trend. Ecology issues acquired a more frequent and lucid coverage. Regardless, people tend to overlook the environment. They got the idea that we should protect our planet, but not all of them are ready to act.

That is why we need to be aware of more facts and measures. This can’t be obtained without decent environmental science research papers.

Do you want to be a part of it? Use our list of environmental research topics for college students:

  • Risks of climate change and global warming .
  • Aspects and perspectives of Kyoto protocol .
  • Green hydrogen in automotive industry : is it a great alternative?
  • The origin of the carbon tax .
  • Amazonian deforestation , its causes, and trends.
  • The greenhouse effect : process, components, and risks.
  • Types of pollution : air, water, and soil.
  • Alternative energy in Europe.
  • Water scarcity in the Middle East .

Water scarcity in the Middle East fact.

  • Wind energy as an alternative source .
  • Benefits of sustainable technology and living .
  • Vulnerability of hazardville to flooding disasters .
  • Environment protection authority and chemical waste .
  • Population control in China.
  • Geoengineering principles.
  • Acid rains : the cause and current measures.
  • Radioactive waste disposal.
  • The protection of wildlife .
  • E-mobility as an environmental protection measure.
  • Ecological conservation.

Gender roles and aspects are one of the central social questions nowadays. Studies in this field are as relevant and necessary as never before. It pushes our society forward, eliminating gender inequality and discrimination.

Do you want to contribute to gender knowledge but don’t know where to start? Here is the list of most relevant gender studies essay topics:

  • Public policy analysis on gender inequality in education in South Sudan.
  • The history of gender concept.
  • Gender imbalance in the developing countries.
  • Sex reassignment in treating gender dysphoria : a way to psychological well-being.
  • Employee issues: gender discrimination, sexual harassment , discrimination.
  • Gender roles in couples and sex stereotypes in society.
  • The diversity of gender and sexual orientation identities of transgender individuals.
  • MeToo movement as sexual harassment fight measure.
  • Feminism : the contraception movement in Canada.
  • Maternity and paternity leaves .
  • The correlation between gender and cognitive abilities .
  • Transgender people and healthcare barriers .
  • Race and gender in public relations .
  • Gender stereotyping in American media .
  • The health and well-being of LGBTQA+ young people in Australia.
  • Cancel culture in America.
  • Transgender healthcare issues.
  • Transgender person in professional sports.
  • Female genital mutilation.
  • Gender roles in media.

Law Research Paper Topics

We cannot imagine a civilized society without law. Even though the fundamental rights and obligations in different countries are mostly similar, there is still a great scope of differences to research.

We gathered the list of law research paper topics to explore:

  • Human rights violations in CIS countries.
  • A self-enforcing model of corporate law .
  • Corporate strategies and environmental regulations : organizing framework.
  • The benefits of decriminalization .
  • International criminal law and measures .
  • Discrimination in the workplace in legal practice.
  • Welfare legislation for families .
  • Intellectual property law: copyright law, trademark law, patent law.
  • Enforcement of civil rights law in private workplaces.
  • The establishment of foreign and international law in American courts. A procedural overview.
  • Family law : spousal support after a divorce in Canada.
  • Employment law and workplace relations in Saudi Arabia.
  • Applicable real estate laws and policies for sustainable development in South Africa.
  • Retrospective of the immigration crisis in Europe.
  • The need for a domestic violence law in Russian Federation.
  • Religious crimes and religious laws.
  • Terrorism in different countries’ law systems.
  • Grievance procedure in the European court of human rights.
  • Cybercrimes in legal practice.
  • Human trafficking and slavery in the modern world.

When it comes to literature, there is a vast ocean of ideas to research. The topics can be classified into a large number of categories. Those can be literature genres, awards, trends in literature, different social aspects of literature, etc.

To make finding the best fit easier, we conducted a list of the world literature research topics:

  • Golden Age writers and their impact on literature.
  • Feminist literature authors.
  • Y. Zamyatin’s “We” as the origin of dystopian literature.
  • Trends of modern literature .
  • Ancient Greece literature.
  • Is best seller always good literature?
  • Tricksters in literature.
  • Post-modernism in literature .
  • Sexual violence in the “Handmaid’s Tale” by Atwood .
  • Children literature.
  • The works of J. D. Salinger .
  • Social perception of modern literature .
  • Philosophy, literature, and religion in society: a comparative analysis of the impact on human life.
  • The portrayal of racism in the literature of the 21st century.
  • Censorship in literature.
  • Professional literature trends.
  • Central themes in American literature .
  • The impact of digitalization on literature.
  • The role of the main character in literature.
  • Literature: print versus digitalized?

Music Research Paper Topics

Research is something we can do not only in astronomy or molecular biology. We need it in the music too. Music shapes our life in a way we can’t even imagine. It’s a tremendous social and cultural phenomenon to explore.

These are 20 potential topics for your research in the music industry :

  • The effect of music on a human brain .
  • The evolution of rap music .
  • TikTok as the most efficient promotional channel for new music.
  • The origin of music theory.
  • The music industry and information technology .
  • The influence of Kanye West performances on the music industry.
  • Music journalism : the most influential music media.
  • Feminism and sex in hip-hop music .
  • Opera and instrumental music .
  • The origin of music festivals .
  • Reggae music and its aspects .
  • Latin American women and trap music .
  • Streaming services prospects.
  • Music as the way of promoting new trends.
  • Features of punk music.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

Psychology is a multidisciplinary kind of field. That means there’s a wide range of potential research questions.

Do you need to write a psychology paper? Explore the list of possible topics:

  • Cross-cultural psychology: research and application.
  • The psychology of self-esteem .
  • Aspects of industrial and organizational psychology .
  • The psychology of learning and motivation : skill and strategy in memory use.
  • Description of remarkable experiments and their results in psychology.
  • The influence of meditation on people’s health .
  • Analyzing psychological disorders: disorders treatment and research .
  • Personality psychology and zen Buddhism .
  • Perception of psychology in society .
  • Organizational behavior. Emotion and personality .
  • Children’s emotional development .
  • Predictors of postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression statistics.

  • Symptoms, causes, and treatment of schizophrenia.
  • The social, political, and religious reasons of homophobia .
  • Eating disorders in males: current progress and challenges.
  • The side effects of antidepressants .
  • Cognitive psychology : best cognitive scientists’ practices.
  • Social anxiety as a constraint in learning.
  • Alzheimer’s disease : working strategies for disease modification.
  • The relation between the aging process and psychology.

Religion Research Paper Topics

Religious institutions, beliefs, and customs also get explored in papers quite often. That is rather a controversial sphere of education, so we gathered the most relevant religion paper topics below to help you.

  • The religious significance of the Bible .
  • The place of women in Islam .
  • The history of Christianity in Indonesia .
  • Assessing a crisis of faith and making a pastoral crisis intervention.
  • Forced religion: cause and effect on children.
  • The problem of creation mythology in the study of Indian religion.
  • Existence of God : a philosophical introduction.
  • Religion and mythology: concepts, differences.
  • The role of religion in attitudes toward LGBT individuals.
  • Issues and traditions in western religion .
  • Theology in the concepts of nature, time, and the future.
  • Religion and government interaction in the US.
  • The history of the Christian church in East Europe.
  • Religion freedom and its limitation .
  • Hinduism and Buddhism: similarities and differences .
  • Baptism in Christianity .
  • The impact of religion on terrorism .
  • The God of Israel and Christian theology .
  • Culture and religion: how they interact.
  • Religion and social morality.

Science Research Topics for College Students

What is a better way to uncover the mysteries of our universe than through science? As it comprises multiple types and directions, there is a vast number of questions to answer.

We suggest you the following science research paper topics:

  • Paris climate agreement perspectives.
  • Ethical aspects of cloning .
  • Political science in the US: past and present issues.
  • Genetic engineering and cloning controversy .
  • The development of life on Earth .
  • The current state of nuclear energetics in America.
  • Nuclear weapon -free zones: a history and assessment.
  • Solid earth dynamics and the evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet.
  • Natural hazards : local, national, global.
  • Geophysical fluid dynamics: atmospheric dynamics, dynamo theory, and climate dynamics.
  • Data science as a key element of data-driven decision-making.
  • Robotics & mobility systems in agriculture: successful cases.
  • Legal models of space resources exploration and utilization.
  • The social context of recycling : factors influencing household recycling behavior.
  • Trends in consumer attitudes about agricultural biotechnology .
  • Theory of turbulence: a mathematical model that illustrates it.
  • Dual-mode infrared and radar hardware-in-the-loop test equipment.
  • Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models.
  • Genetic algorithms in astronomy and astrophysics.
  • A fundamental relation between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

Social Science Research Topics

Sociology is an umbrella term that covers dozens of branches. It studies family, social movements, mass media, class theory, race, ethnicity, levels of income. We could go on and on.

As you can see, the options for research are endless. Don’t waste your time trying to understand the peculiarities of each social or cultural branch. Use our list of social science research paper topics for college students.

  • Social movements of 21 st century.
  • Strauss–howe generational theory in marketing.
  • Social media as a “hotbed” of narcissism .
  • The nutritional status of vegans and vegetarians .
  • Gender identity and community among three transgender groups in the United States: MTFs, FTMs, and genderqueers.
  • Social causes of anorexia in young women.
  • The civil rights in South America.
  • #BlackLivesMatter movement and its influence on society.
  • Gay marriage in America : current debates.
  • Dependency of the children mortality level on the anti-vaccination movement development.
  • Judaism in the first centuries of the Christian era.
  • School choice and segregation by race, class, and achievement.
  • The correlation between race and wealth.
  • Freedom and social status of blacks in America .
  • The problem of abortion .
  • Causes and effects of drug addiction .
  • Horizontal and vertical gender segregation in employment .
  • Effects of domestic violence on children.
  • The poverty level in the US: a retrospective analysis.
  • Women leadership and community development.

We are approaching the end of our ultimate research paper topics list. To wrap it up, let’s take a look at sports research ideas.

It has been present in our lives for a long time and is still developing. That’s why we need to answer new questions and build new knowledge. Explore the list below:

  • How does globalization affect sports?
  • History of doping scandals in the Olympics .
  • Team sports as a socialization tool for children.
  • The origin and history of ice hockey.
  • Organizational aspects of Paralympic games.
  • Aspects of independent Olympians at the Olympic games .
  • The unique history of Pelé.
  • Risk factors for injuries in football.
  • Short interval versus long interval training.
  • Sport as a communication medium .
  • Nutritional support of young athletes .
  • Mental training during competition preparation.
  • Philosophical conflicts between the practices of sport and cybersport.
  • Running as a treatment for heart diseases .
  • Typical traumas of soccer players.

5 steps of Research Process.

After getting familiar with the list of topics, let’s discuss the essential steps before beginning research.

Narrow Your Topic

Let’s say you selected that one topic from the list. What’s next? It’s time to outline the boundaries of the research. It should not be too broad or narrow . Its scope must strictly correspond to the problem’s scope under exploration.

What is the difference between a narrow and a broad topic?

Let’s look at three research topic examples:

  • Eating Disorders. The topic is too general and comprehensive. If your research paper requires to be short, then there is no sense in choosing this topic. You better narrow it down.
  • Eating Disorders in Young Females. In this topic, we try to segment the subjected populations to specify the research question. It is still rather broad but more focused.
  • Anorexia in Young Females and Its Impact on Society. Here, we distinguish a particular type of eating disorder and leave a population segmentation. That is a perfect example of a narrowed topic. Now, it’s easier to ask specific questions, uncover insights and contribute to further research.

Focus on your narrowed topic and form a central research question. After that, research the existing data and find supporting facts. Don’t let your exploration be one-sided: explore different points of view. Compare and analyze counterpoints and draw conclusions.

After a profound studying, create a thesis statement to support your narrowed topic in a specific way.

To make things clear, use this step-by-step guide on finding and narrowing your topic.

Evaluate Sources

It takes a second to get access to billions of search results on any topic in Google. Most of the time, we jump through the first two or three links, and that’s it. If you seek quality, then it’s not the proper approach. You should acquire the skill of processing the sources.

What are the tips for source evaluation?

  • Forget about Wikipedia as a scientific source. Wikipedia is a free platform where any user can make edits. Extracting information from wiki without fact-checking isn’t a good academic practice. Great alternatives to Wikipedia are College e-libraries, scholarly databases, Google Scholar, etc.
  • Explore well-respected professional research journals. They contain up-to-date research data and conclusions which shape the most relevant views and understanding of what is going on in the modern world.
  • Visit libraries. We tend to overlook them in our digital era. But you can find super valuable sources for research there.
  • Avoid personal blogs, opinion articles, and self-published books . There can be heavy use of bias.

3 Main Tips on Writing a Thesis Statement

After you decide on a research topic and sources, it’s time to write a thesis statement.

  • Ask a question. Here are two options. In the first one, your professor can assign you a concrete question. If it’s not your case, then ask what interests you. What would you like to explore?
  • Give an initial answer. Try to answer the question before in-depth topic exploration. Work out some hypotheses.
  • Enrich the initial answer. Prove the initial hypothesis by detailing the research. Use the calculations and quantitative data to make your thesis credible.

To back up these tips, let’s look at a couple of example thesis statements from the StudyCorgi essay database:

You’ve just explored an ultimate list of research paper topic ideas and important steps to turn those topics into excellent research papers.

Did you find our topics compilation helpful? Save it for a future reference or share with friends!

  • What Is Research? — Hampshire College
  • Definition of Research — Western Sydney University
  • The Importance of Research to Students — Cleveland University Kansas City
  • Guidelines for Writing Art History Research Papers — UA Little Rock University
  • Areas of Research in Biology — Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Environmental Science: Current Research — Herald Scholarly Open Access
  • Thesis Statements — University of North Carolina
  • Thesis Statement Tips — Purdue University
  • What Is Education Research — National Center for Education Research
  • Research in the Faculty of Music — University of Cambridge
  • Research: Religion and Society Specialism — University of Birmingham
  • Sociology Research Areas — Cornell University
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea — UCS Libraries
  • Developing a Research Question — The University of Arizona
  • Organizing Academic Research Paper — Sacred Heart University
  • How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper: Indeed
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200 Easy Research Paper Topics for College Students in 2021

200 Easy Research Paper Topics for College Students in 2021

Writing research papers is a must-do step in any educational process at college. In many cases, professors allow students to be creative with choosing a topic to complete this type of academic assignment. This privilege usually sounds great at first glance. However, thousands of learners might feel overwhelmed with a wide choice of interesting research topics they can find online. 

The truth is that you can easily get lost in countless research paper topics available on different websites. Moreover, exploring and narrowing down the solutions for your essay might appear too challenging. The reason is that many research topics for college available online are outdated or contain too broad concepts for the research. To make your investigation process easier, we’ve collected a list of 200 new and innovative topics for composing an impressive research essay, presentation, or report. No worries if you have little writing experience or creativity - this guide will help you choose a fresh solution for your assignments in no time. 

How to Choose Research Study Ideas for College Students

If the professor gives you complete freedom to pick up a topic, we have good news for you. Now, you can select a field or niche according to your individual preferences and background knowledge! There is no need to compose a boring paper that will make you yawn during the entire writing process. However, make sure you follow some basic rules of choosing good research paper topics below.

Stick to Your Favorite Topic 

Are you fond of cars? Feel free to research the benefits and drawbacks of electric automobiles. Can’t imagine your life without sports? Explore the dope issue in professional sports. The key to developing a successful paper is to write about the topic that makes you feel excited. If you write about something you show zero interest in, the process will likely slow down and become more challenging. Therefore, always try to find something inspiring.

Choose Understandable Solutions 

Many students are interested in modern technologies or space exploration. However, writing on these topics requires having advanced knowledge in the corresponding areas. Still, few learners can boast of having a deep understanding of artificial intelligence, computer programming, or space technologies. That is why it is better to look for easier and more comprehensive topics to write about. As a result, you will reduce the amount of time for research and cope with the college task faster. 

Make Sure You Will Find Enough Information 

When choosing ideas for a research paper, you need to make sure there are at least several reliable sources you can use for researching. The fact is that if you pick a truly out-of-the-box solution, you might fail to find enough relevant information about it. The same rule works for outdated topics. In case you select a played-out idea, you will hardly find new and up-to-date sources to support your idea. Here is a little hint for you: if you are looking for the relevant information for a chosen idea but fail to find anything suitable, it is better to change your topic. 

Look for Clear and Understandable Concepts and Issues 

When searching for the best research paper topics, don’t forget to think about your audience. What does it mean? The fact is that it is necessary to pick up a solution that is completely understandable for both you and the readers. In other words, avoid sticking to extremely difficult or complex topics that might make your audience feel confused. In case you use some specific terms in your paper that might be unfamiliar to the common reader, it is better to explain them briefly. 

Try to Be Specific 

Picking up too broad topics for research papers is one of the most common mistakes of hundreds of students. To avoid this issue, it is better to stay away from too general solutions that can be described from dozens of sides. Otherwise, you might go down in tons of diverse data and arguments you can use for your paper. Being precise and choosing only the most powerful facts are among the features of any successful student.

Look For Something Unique 

Picking up topics for a research paper some of your classmates are also writing about is never the best choice. It is better to select an idea you will be able to describe from an unusual perspective. If you prefer to cover simple and comprehensive topics, it will be great to try an innovative approach to describing facts. However, don’t experiment with the paper’s structure and focus on providing exclusive and original arguments only. The best research academic papers are intriguing and inspiring. 

Be In Trend 

There is nothing new that trendy topics attract more attention from the audience. The reason is that they have a huge unexplored potential and amazing research opportunities. If you pick up an emerging topic, you will likely get higher grades for your academic assignment. 

Simple Research Topics: Education 

If you are still wondering which idea is the best one for composing your research paper, it might be good to write about education . The truth is that this topic is one of the easiest to write about. Moreover, you will effortlessly find countless relevant sources to support your ideas related to education. Feel free to grab one of these handy solutions you can put into practice when writing your academic paper.

  • Are Standardized Tests Good to Evaluate the Student’s Knowledge? 
  • How to Make Education More Accessible for Students With Disabilities?
  • Should Tuition Become Free at All Colleges in the United States?
  • How Can Schools and Colleges Support International Students?
  • Becoming a Student and a Successful Businessman: Is It Possible? 
  • The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Education Sector
  • The Benefits of Social Networking at College and University 
  • The Innovations in the Education System of the United States 
  • Is It Possible to Start Building a Career During Studies?
  • How Can Schools Stop Violence Among Students? 
  • Should American Learners Have a “Gap Year”?
  • The Analysis of the Finnish Education System 
  • Homeschooling vs. Learning in the Classroom
  • British vs. American Education Systems
  • The Teaching Technologies of the Future 
  • Should College Students Have a Part-Time Job?
  • Is There Any Discrimination at High Schools?
  • Should Schools Have Sexual Education Lessons?
  • Most Common Issues of Bilingual Education
  • Why Do Students Need to Learn Religion at School? 
  • How to Stop Cheating on Exams
  • Student Loans: Pros and Cons
  • The Pros and Cons of Same-Sex Classrooms
  • The Development of Women’s Right to Education
  • Montessori Method: Advantages and Drawbacks 
  • Effective Ways to Improve the Quality of Teaching
  • How Can the Issue of “Useless Classes” Be Solved?
  • Should Colleges Become Business-Driven?
  • How to Improve Modern Elementary Education?
  • Should School Children Wear Uniforms?
  • How to Stop Hazing at High Schools? 

Unique Research Topics on Health

To put it short, these solutions remain topical among young learners for years. If you would like to select a comprehensive and brilliant solution for your research paper, choosing topics related to health might help you finish your essay fast. What to research? Here is a list of ideas you can start writing about right now. 

  • The Impact of Drugs on the Human Body
  • How to Stop Consuming Too Much Junk Food?
  • How Much Fruit and Vegetables Should a Common Student Consume per Day?
  • The Correlation Between Mood and the Health of the Immune System 
  • Is It Possible to Stop the COVID-19 Spread in All Countries?
  • Why Do Many Girls Suffer From Anorexia During Their Studies?
  • The Mental Issues of the Most Well-Known Criminals 
  • The Impact of Classical Music on Overall Well-Being
  • Main Reasons for Facing Serious Allergies
  • The Importance of Regular Health Screenings 
  • Ways to Prevent Serious Mental Diseases
  • Kids’ Vaccination: Advantages and Risks
  • Birth Control Issues in Developed Countries
  • The Impact of Breastfeeding on the Kids’ Health
  • The Impact of Insomnia on the Quality of Life
  • Most Effective Ways to Control Obesity
  • Top Reasons to Consume More Fats Regularly
  • Artificial Vitamins: Should Everyone Consume Them?
  • The Role of Nutrition for Maintaining Brain Health 
  • How to Decrease Stress Levels of Teenagers
  • The Pros and Cons of Reconstructive Surgery
  • Acupuncture: The Hidden Health Benefits 
  • The Most Important Aspects of Neonatal Nutrition 
  • Impact of Emotional Stability on Human Health 
  • Uncommon Solutions to Improve Short-Term Memory
  • Should Elementary Schools Have Homework?
  • The Psychology of Gifted People
  • Top Issues of Cardiovascular Care
  • How to Keep Your Brain Healthy
  • The Impact of Sports on Human Health 
  • The Future of Natural Medicine 
  • New Strategies for Coma Recovery
  • Basic Rules of Sun Safety 
  • The Dangers of Low-Fat Diets
  • The Future of Antibiotics Therapies
  • Pros and Cons of Dietary Supplements 
  • Non-Medical Cancer Treatments 
  • Most Effective Ways to Make Your Brain Work Harder 
  • Religion and Health
  • Benefits of Swimming
  • Eating Disorders 

Easy Research Paper Topics: Environment 

If you would like to follow the path of Greta Thunberg, it might be good to start your way with composing papers related to environment protection and ecology. Explore the main issues in this field and come up with an impressive research paper in a matter of a couple of hours. 

  • The Main Dangers of Air Pollution
  • Greenhouse Effect: Myths vs. Reality
  • Ways to Stop Marine Pollution
  • Advantages and Drawbacks of Using Pesticides in Agriculture
  • GMO Products vs. Organic Food
  • The Importance of “Green Programs” in Developing Countries
  • The Problem of Radioactive Waste Disposal
  • Should Environmental Regulations Become Stricter?
  • Is the Problem of Global Warming Exaggerated?
  • The Problem of Water Deficit in Developing Countries
  •  Ways to Protect Endangered Wildlife 
  • How Can an Individual Help Save an Environment?
  • Why Should Children Learn About Global Warming?
  • The Advantages of Solar Technologies
  • The Main Dangers of Producing Too Much Plastic
  • How to Start Using Eco-Friendly Products?
  • The Changes in the Climate of Earth in the 21st Century
  • The Analysis of the Deforestation Levels in South America
  • How to Improve Access to Clean Water in All Countries Globally? 
  • Is It Possible to Manage Overpopulation?
  • The Prospects of Nuclear Energy

Interesting Topics to Research: Technology and Media 

Modern technologies are developing at a breakneck speed. The new solutions, apps, and approaches revolutionize different industries and elevate the quality of lives of millions of people. If you choose a nice solution about innovation and computing for your essay, you will definitely have a chance to attract the attention of the audience. Top research papers topics ideas are right here below! 

  • The Possible Ways to Develop Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • How Will Smartphones Change in the Near Future?
  • The Benefits of Cloud Solutions in Storing Data
  • Top Areas to Use Drone Technologies
  • Ecommerce Solutions vs. Local Retailers
  • Online Currencies and Their Impact on the Global Financial System
  • How to Avoid the Dangers of the Dark Web?
  • Will Self-Driving Cars Become Common in the Future?
  • Privacy Issues Online
  • The Future of Blogging
  • Online vs. Offline Communication
  • Will People Colonize Mars?
  • Nanomedicine: Myths and Realities
  • Online Payments and Paper Money 
  • Breaking the Sound Barrier 
  • Is Social Media a New Technology?
  • Technologies That Might Impact Human Behavior
  • Safest Ways to Store Information in the 21st Century 
  • How Do Modern Technologies Allow People to Work From Home?
  • The Impact of Modern Technologies on Globalization
  • The Perspectives of Online Gaming
  • The Impact of Advertisements on Kids and Teens
  • Newest Technologies Used in Surgery
  • Internet Addiction and the Ways to Prevent It 
  • Censorship Control

Top Solutions Related to Business and Economy 

Many students are looking for research papers topics for college-related to the economy, e-commerce, and business. If you are one of them, explore this ultimate list of the newest ideas related to these popular spheres.

  • Most Effective Ways to Improve the Economy of the Developed Countries
  • How to Start Your Business in E-Commerce
  • Modern Ways to Manage Inflation
  • How to Fight Poverty and Hunger 
  • The Role of Taxes in the Modern Economy
  • How Did Industrialization Change the World?
  • International Tourism During the Pandemic Times
  • Industries That Were Impacted by the COVID-19 Crisis
  • The Correlation Between Culture and Economic Growth
  • How Can Immigration Impact the Country’s Economy?
  • The Global Pandemic and Employment Rates
  • Role of a Leader in Modern Business
  • Choosing the Best Work Environment 
  • The Impact of Corporate Culture on the Employment Rate
  • How to Set Up Effective Business Links?
  • The Most Common Issue of Taxation of Small Businesses
  • The Advantages of a Four-Day Workweek
  • How to Stop Discrimination at the Workplace?
  • Drawbacks of Using Unethical Business Practices
  • Social Media Ads to Promote Small Businesses 
  • How to Improve the Effectiveness of a Human Resource Department? 
  • Why Do Companies Attract International Investors?
  • Most Effective Types of Business Models
  • How to Become More Competitive in a Chosen Market?
  • Government Regulations and Business
  • Basic Reasons to Increase the Minimum Wage in the United States
  • Most Promising Business Ideas for the Near Future

Hot Topics for Research Paper: Family and Communication

Family is an essential part of our lives. How to set up healthy family relationships? What is the role of parents in raising children? Feel free to use any of these ideas for your research paper.  By the way, good research topics related to communication are also collected in this paragraph. 

  • Marital Rape and Its Impact on the Personality
  • Impact of Divorce on Kids and Teens
  • How to Stop Abusive Relationships?
  • How to Make Your Children Happier?
  • Effective Ways to Solve Conflicts in Families
  • How to Improve Communication Between Siblings?
  • Role of Grandparents in Raising Children 
  • Lack of Communication Between Family Members
  • Why Do Children Kill Abusive Parents?
  • The Impact of Parents’ Depression on Their Children
  • Happy Childhood and Leadership 
  • Advantages of Having a Big Family
  • Drugs and Alcoholism in Modern Families
  • Impact of Home Life on Child Development 
  • Do All Children Need to Respect Their Parents?
  • The Criticism of Freud’s Theories
  • Important Parental Rights
  • Gender Roles in the Family
  • Basic Family Values
  • Domestic Abuse 

Easy and Interesting Research Paper Topics

Many students face difficulties when choosing an idea for composing an academic paper. If you are not good at writing on education, health, business, or family relationships, it might be great to search for something more exciting. Here is a list of diverse topics you might find good-looking. 

  • The Role of International Health Organizations in Modern Society 
  • Corporate and Business Laws: Most Common Issues
  • Why Do Many People Watch TV Shows and Series?
  • Future of Chinese Economy
  • The Future of Video Streaming Services
  • Women’s Rights in the Modern World
  • How to Support Global Peacekeeping 
  • Gender Stereotypes in Advertising
  • Classical Hollywood Cinema 
  • Landmark Court Decisions
  • Possible Ways to Use 3d Printers
  • Portrayals of Superheroes in Movies
  • Cannabis Legalization: Pros and Cons
  • Should Companies Stop Animal Testing?
  • Criminalizing Protests
  • Socialism vs. Capitalism
  • How Has Feminism Changed Over the Years?
  • Origins of Racial Discrimination 
  • Should Modern People Read More?
  • Top Effective Promotion Solutions for Startups
  • Crowdfunding & Outsourcing
  • Policies That Are Related to Transgenders 
  • Role of Cultural Revolutions
  • How to Decrease Crime Rates in Big Cities?
  • What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Fracking?
  • Freedom of Religion: Basic Issues
  • Body Cameras for Police Officers: Pros and Cons
  • Should Penalties for Drunk Driving Become Stricter?
  • Abstinence Program: Do They Truly Work?
  • The Importance of Writing Research Papers at Colleges
  • Effective Techniques to Erase Bad Memories 
  • Ways to Solve the Immigration Crisis
  • Stereotypes in Modern Culture
  • Gun Safety and Control Policies

Top Tips to Writing a Winning Research Paper 

Picking up an excellent topic is only about 20% of the job you need to do to compose a flawless research paper. What’s next? Are there any prompts that might help you finish your assignment in no time? Sure! Our experts are ready to share some secrets on composing fantastic essays within the shortest terms. 

Double-Check the Professor’s Instructions 

The secret truth is that there are many types of research papers you might face during your studies. Consequently, these papers might have different requirements and writing rules you need to follow. How to find out how to compose your essay? The easiest way to discover all details is to read the instructions shared by the professor. Although it is a must step all students need to do before they start writing, many learners often forget about this easy rule. By the way, what information can you find in the college writing instructions? As a rule, you will find these types of data:

  • deadlines for completing assignments;
  • formatting styles;
  • the tone of voice you need to use;
  • assignment goals;
  • length specifications;
  • list of topics;
  • key features for your writing;
  • submission method;
  • most common mistakes you need to avoid. 

It is recommended to read the instructions at least a couple of times to make sure you understand all the requirements and specifications of your research paper. Avoid starting to write your essay before you’ve learned its basic rules. 

Be Realistic 

Many students are very confident about their research and writing skills. Therefore, thousands of learners still believe they can effortlessly develop a top-notch research paper in just a couple of hours. However, even professional writers can’t compose a superior 3000-word essay in just an hour. 

Therefore, it is vital to be realistic when setting up your individual deadlines and creating writing schedules to cope with your academic assignments. Even if you choose current research topics that are incredibly easy to write about, you will still need to do advanced research, choose trustworthy sources, and pick up the most impressive arguments for your paper. All these tasks might take you plenty of time. 

It is also not recommended to write research papers at the last moment. First, you might fail to meet the deadline. Second, you might easily come up with poor quality writing because of being unattentive. Third, you will hardly have enough time to proofread and edit your essay. Fourth, when in a hurry, you might copy and paste data from different sources into your paper. This will inevitably lead to extremely high plagiarism levels. All these issues might lead to receiving low grades for your academic assignment. 

Follow the Rules 

There are many writing rules you will need to follow. However, the basic one is to choose a traditional structure of an academic paper. In other words, your research paper will need to have an introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Avoid being creative when choosing the structure of your paper - it is the worst place for showing off your innovation. If you would like to stand out from the crowd of other learners, it is better to select an out-of-the-box topic for your assignment. 

Proofread and Edit Your Paper

 Many students are so tired of doing the research and writing that they often forget to proofread their papers. However, this is an important step in completing any type of academic assignment. If you proofread your essay, you can easily detect dozens of inconsistencies, mistakes, and typos. Moreover, you can also find some repetitive phrases, sentences, or facts in your paper. All these issues can drastically worsen your quality of writing. Even if you are sure your writing is 100% excellent, make sure to proofread it before passing it to the professor. 

Check Originality 

Plagiarism is a true nightmare of any diligent student. How to avoid this serious issue when composing your academic paper? First, make sure to share the results of your analysis uniquely and uncommonly. Second, use citations carefully. Third, check your essay for plagiarism online! You can find dozens of plagiarism detecting tools and utilities designed for students on many websites. Feel free to use a couple of solutions to make sure your essay is fresh and original. If you suddenly find out your paper has a high plagiarism level, make sure to make significant modifications and be more original. After that, double-check your essay once again. 

The Best Way to Get a Perfect Research Paper 

There are plenty of important research topics you can use in your academic writing. But what if you’ve chosen a great idea but fail to compose a unique and flawless paper? Is there any solution if you don’t have enough time to meet the professor's deadline? Sure!

Thousands of students fail to deliver college or university assignments on time. The reasons for this issue might significantly vary. Some learners are not skilled writers, while others might not have a deep understanding of the chosen field. Moreover, many students are trying to build careers or dedicate all their free time to sports. Anyway, failure to meet deadlines might worsen the student’s academic performance and other problems related to studies. The good news is that you can avoid facing all these issues!

Our professional writers are always ready to help you complete any type of research paper within the shortest terms. You don’t need to provide any reasons for asking for writing help - we understand the students’ pain and can provide you with pro assistance anytime. Just place an order on our website, choose the deadline, and forget about all your learning issues. You will get a perfectly written academic paper right when you need it. We have thousands of happy customers and impressive guarantees, so you can always trust our service. We value each customer and always deliver superior papers to each of our clients.


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500 Good Research Paper Topics

Bonus Material: Essential essay checklist

Writing a research paper for a class and not sure how to start?

One of the most important steps to creating a great paper is finding a good topic! 

Here’s a hand-drafted list from a Princeton grad who has helped professors at Harvard and Yale edit their papers for publication and taught college writing at the University of Notre Dame and .

What’s more, we give you some foolproof formulas for creating your own paper topic to fit the requirements of your class.

Using these simple formulas, we’ve helped hundreds of students turn a B- paper topic into an A+ paper topic.

Keep reading for our list of 500 vetted research paper topics and our magic formulas for creating your own topic!

Of course, if you want help learning to write research papers tailored to your individual needs, check out our one-on-one writing coaching or academic writing workshop . Set up a free consultation to see how we can help you learn to write A+ papers!

Jump to paper topics in:

European & Mediterranean History

African history, asian history, history of the pre-columbian americas.

  • Latin American History

History of Science

Politics & public policy, education & education policy, political theory, science policy.

  • Health Sciences & Psychology

Download the essential essay checklist

What is a research paper?

In order to write a good research paper, it’s important to know what it is! 

In general, we can divide academic writing into three broad categories:

  • Analytical: analyze the tools an author uses to make their point
  • Research: delve deeply into a research topic and share your findings
  • Persuasive : argue a specific and nuanced position backed by evidence

What’s the difference between an analytical paper and a research paper? For an analytical paper, it’s okay to just use one or two sources (a book, poem, work of art, piece of music, etc.) and examine them in detail. For a research paper, however, the expectation is that you do, well . . . research .

student writing research paper

The depth of research that you’re expected to do will depend on your age and the type of class you’re taking.

In elementary or middle school, a “research paper” might mean finding information from a few general books or encyclopedias in your school library. 

In high school, your teachers might expect you to start using information from academic articles and more specific books. You might use encyclopedias and general works as a starting point, but you’ll be expected to go beyond them and do more work to synthesize information from different perspectives or different types of sources. You may also be expected to do “primary research,” where you study the source material yourself, instead of synthesizing what other people have written about the source material.

In college, you’ll be required to use academic journals and scholarly books, and your professors will now expect that you be more critical of these secondary sources, noticing the methodology and perspectives of whatever articles and books you’re using. 

In more advanced college courses, you’ll be expected to do more exhaustive surveys of the existing literature on a topic. You’ll need to conduct primary research that makes an original contribution to the field—the kind that could be published in a journal article itself.

For a walkthrough of the 12 essential steps to writing a good paper, check out our step-by-step guide .

student writing research paper

Working on a research paper? Grab our free checklist to make sure your essay has everything it needs to earn an A grade.

Get the essential essay checklist

What makes a good research paper topic?

One of the most important features of a research paper topic is that it has a clear, narrow focus. 

For example, your teacher may assign you to write a research paper related to the US Revolutionary War. Does that mean that your topic should be “the US Revolutionary War”? 

Definitely not! There’s no way to craft a good paper with in-depth research with such a broad topic. (Unless you’re in elementary or middle school, in which case it’s okay to have a more general topic for your research paper.)

Instead, you need to find a more specific topic within this broader one. There are endless ways that you can make this narrower! Some ideas generated from this one broader topic might be:

  • Causes of the US Revolutionary War
  • Changes in military strategy during the Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Revolutionary War was pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton
  • The role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War
  • How George Washington’s previous military career paved the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War
  • The main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War
  • Changes in clothing and fashion over the courses of the Revolutionary War
  • How Valley Forge was a key moment in the Revolutionary War
  • How women contributed to the Revolutionary War
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts during the Revolutionary War
  • Field medicine during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the Revolutionary War
  • How different opinions about the Revolutionary War were reflected in poetry written during that time
  • Debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War
  • The importance of supply chains during the Revolutionary War
  • Reactions to the US Revolutionary war in Europe
  • How the US Revolutionary war impacted political theory in England and France
  • Similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution
  • Famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War
  • Different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture
  • The appropriation of the “Boston Tea Party” by US politicians in the 2010s

This list could go on forever!

good research paper topics about the US Revolution

In fact, any of these topics could become even more specific. For example, check out the evolution of this topic:

  • Economic causes of the Revolutionary war
  • The way that tax policies helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How tax laws enacted 1763–1775 helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written 1767–1775
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written by members of the Sons of Liberty 1767–1775

As you advance in your educational career, you’ll need to make your topic more and more specific. Steps 1–3 of this topic might be okay in high school, but for a college research paper steps 4–7 would be more appropriate!

As you craft your research paper topic, you should also keep in mind the availability of research materials on your subject. There are millions of topics that would make interesting research papers, but for which you yourself might not be able to investigate with the primary and secondary sources to which you have access.

Access to research materials might look like:

  • To the best of our knowledge, the sources exist somewhere
  • The source isn’t behind a paywall (or you or your school can pay for it)
  • Your school or local library has a copy of the source
  • Your school or local library can order a copy of the source for you
  • The source is in a language that you speak
  • The source has been published already (there’s tons of amazing research that hasn’t been published yet, a frustrating problem!)
  • You can access the archive, museum, or database where the primary source is held—this might mean online access or travel! To access a source in an archive or museum you’ll often need permission, which often requires a letter of support from your school.

If you’re not sure about access to source materials, talk to a librarian! They’re professionals for this question.

Finally, pick a research topic that interests you! Given that there are unlimited research topics in the world and many ways to adapt a broad topic, there should absolutely be a way to modify a research topic to fit your interests.

student writing research paper

Want help learning to write an amazing research paper? Work one-on-one with an experienced Ivy-League tutor to improve your writing skills or sign up for our bestselling academic writing workshop .

Insider tips to generate your own research paper topic

Use these formulas to generate your own research paper topics:

  • How did X change over a period of time (year, decade, century)?
  • What is the impact (or consequences) of X?
  • What led to X?
  • What is the role of X in Y?
  • How did X influence Y?
  • How did X become Y?
  • How was X different from Y?
  • How is X an example of Y?
  • How did X affect Y?
  • What were some reactions to X?
  • What are the most effective policies to produce X result?
  • What are some risks of X?
  • How is our current understanding of X incorrect? (advanced)
  • What happens if we look at X through the lens of Y theory or perspective? (advanced)

A good research paper topic often starts with the question words—why, how, what, who, and where. Remember to make it as specific as possible!

student writing research paper

Good research paper topics

These research paper topics have been vetted by a Princeton grad and academic book editor!

  • How did European rivalries (British vs French) impact North American history?
  • What was the role of British and French alliances with indigneous tribes during the Seven Years’ War?
  • Reactions to the 1754 Albany Congress among North American intellectual figures
  • How the Albany Plan served as a model for future attempts at union among the North American colonies
  • How did different religious identities (Calvinist, Catholic, etc.) play a role in the aftermath of the Seven Years’ War?
  • What were the consequences of the 1763 Treaty of Paris?
  • How did the Seven Years’ War impact British debt and colonial economics?
  • What were some causes of the US Revolutionary War?
  • How did military strategy change during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?
  • How was the Revolutionary War pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton?
  • What was the role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War?
  • How did George Washington’s previous military career pave the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War? How did that affect the options for military strategies?
  • How did clothing and fashion change over the courses of the Revolutionary War?
  • How was Valley Forge a key moment in the Revolutionary War?
  • How did women contribute to the Revolutionary War?
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts (or any other specific location) during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was field medicine like during the Revolutionary War? 
  • How was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?
  • How were different opinions about the Revolutionary War reflected in poetry written during that time?
  • What were the debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was the role of supply chains during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were reactions to the US Revolutionary war like in Europe? What does that tell us about politics in England, France, the Netherlands, etc?
  • How did the US Revolutionary war impact political theory in England and France?
  • What are similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution?
  • What are some famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War? What do differences between these paintings tell us about how the artists who created them saw the war?
  • What are some different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture? What does that tell us?
  • How was the story of the “Boston Tea Party” appropriated by US politicians in the 2010s, and why?
  • What was the difference between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians?
  • How did the 1797 XYZ Affair lead to the Quasi-War with France?
  • How were loans from European countries and companies (France, Spain, Dutch bankers) key to the early US?
  • What were reactions to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
  • Why did the US remain neutral during the French Revolution?
  • How did the Alien and Sedition acts contribute to the election of Thomas Jefferson as president?
  • What was the US’s reaction to the Haitian revolution? Why did the US not recognize Haitian independence until 1862?
  • What were the reactions to John Jay’s Treaty of 1794?
  • How have the remarks made by George Washington in his Farewell Address inspired isolationist policies?
  • How did interpretations of the Monroe Doctrine change over the decades since its creation? 
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary and Lodge Corollary change and expand the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How did the presence of US companies like the United Fruit Company affect US military interventions in Latin America? 
  • How was the Monroe Doctrine invoked in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? 
  • How was US culture shaped by the Cold War?
  • How did ecology play a role in the rise of Ancient Egypt?
  • How did water management technologies impact Ancient Egypt?
  • How did bureaucracies function in Ancient Egypt?
  • How did Egyptian art influence Ancient Greek art?
  • Who could be a citizen in Athens in the 5th century BCE? What does this tell us about classical Athenian society?
  • What was the impact of the Peloponnesian War?
  • What was the impact of Alexander the Great’s attempt to create an empire?
  • How does the way that Alexander the Great is represented in art demonstrate conceptions about the relationship between the human and the divine?
  • Was there a conception of race in the ancient world? How were these ideas different from our own modern conceptions of race?
  • What was the role of debt slavery in the Roman republic? How were these policies ended, and what is the significance of the end of debt slavery? What kinds of slavery remained?
  • To what degree does the movie Gladiator accurately the Roman Empire in 176–192 CE?
  • What was the role of slavery in managing the large latifundia ?
  • How and why did the emperor Constantine I adopt Christianity?
  • How did patterns of urbanism in the latter Roman empire change? What does this tell us about challenges being faced at that time?
  • What do reactions to the Byzantine empress Theodora tell us about ideas of gender in 6th-century Byzantium?
  • How did scientific advancements in Islamic Spain influence the rest of Europe?
  • What was the relationship between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish populations in Islamic Spain? How does this compare to the experience of Muslim and Jewish populations in Christian Spain?
  • How did medieval troubadour poetry represent a new idea of romantic relationships?
  • What are similarities and differences between medieval troubadour poetry and lyric poetry in Ancient Greece? 
  • What do letters between women and popes tell us about gender, power, and religion in medieval Europe?
  • In what ways was Hildegard of Bingen groundbreaking for her time?
  • Who produced beer in medieval England, and what does this tell us about society?
  • How did the adoption of hops affect the production and distribution of beer?
  • How did beer production allow some women a way to be financially independent?
  • How was clothing used to mark religious and cultural identities in 15th- and 16th-century Spain?
  • How did print culture change relationships and courting in Georgian England?
  • How did churches function as social gathering spaces in Georgian England?
  • To what degree is Netflix’s Bridgerton series historically accurate?
  • How did ideas of love change in the 18th century? How did philosophy play a role in this?
  • When were Valentine cards first commercially available? What does that show us about cultural ideas of love and courtship?
  • What were the consequences of the desertification of the Sahara?
  • How did trade links on the Red Sea influence Nubian culture?
  • How did Carthage build power in Northern Africa around 600–500 BCE?
  • What was the impact of the Mercenary War (241–238 BCE) in Carthage?
  • How did the Roman province of Africa play a key role in financing the Roman Empire?
  • What were the consequences of the Donatist division in the 300s in Northern Africa?
  • What was the impact of the large-scale movement of Bedouins from the Arabian peninsula into the Maghreb?
  • How was Mande society organized in the Mali Empire? 
  • What was the role of the book trade in Timbuktu? What does this tell us about culture and learning in the Mali Empire?
  • How did Aksum use trade to build wealth and power? 
  • What do Nok terracotta sculptures tell us about Nok culture?
  • How did the Luba Empire create a centralized political system? How did the idea of spiritual kins ( balopwe ) play a role in this system?
  • How did tax collection work in the Lunda empire?
  • What does it mean to say that the Ajuran Empire was a hydraulic empire? How did control over water resources allow the Ajuran Empire to build and consolidate power?
  • What is the significance of diplomatic ties between the Somai Ajuran Empire and Ming dynasty China? 
  • How did the tribute system in the Kingdom of Kongo help to stimulate interregional trade?
  • What was the impact of the introduction of maize and cassava to the Kingdom of Kongo?
  • How did women wield influence in the Kingdom of Benin?
  • How did the Industrial Revolution in Europe help lead to the Scramble for Africa 1878–1898?
  • What were the consequences of the Second Boer War?
  • What happened in the Year of Africa (1960)?
  • How did the Han dynasty consolidate power in frontier regions? 
  • How and why did the Han dynasty nationalize the private salt and iron industries in 117 BCE?
  • What are the earliest records of papermaking, and what is the significance of this invention?
  • What was the role of Daoist religious societies in rebellions at the end of the Han dynasty (Yellow Turban Rebellion, Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion)?
  • What do tomb paintings tell us about ancient Chinese society?
  • What was the impact of the Sui dynasty’s standardization and re-unification of the coinage?
  • What was the role of standardized testing in Sui dynasty and Tang dynasty China?
  • Why is the Tang dynasty often regarded as a golden age of cosmopolitan culture in Chinese history?
  • What was the role of slavery in imperial China? 
  • How did the rise of jiedushi (regional military governments) undermine the civil-service system? What were the consequences of this?
  • How did Tang dynasty China exert power over Japan and Korea?
  • What was the Three Departments and Six Ministries system in imperial China and how did it work?
  • What does the appearance of Inca, Maya, and Aztec goods in North America (Utah, Canada) and the appearance of goods from the Great Lakes region in Maya and Aztec ruins tell us about trade in the Pre-Columbian Americas?
  • How did celebration of maize play a central role in Mesoamerican cultures?
  • How did the Aztec empire use relationships with client city-states to establish power? How did the Aztec empire use taxation to exert power?
  • How did the luxury good trade impact Aztec political power? 
  • How did the building of roads play a key role in the Aztec empire?
  • How and why has archaeology played a pivotal role in expanding our understanding of the pre-Columbian Americas?
  • What are some common misconceptions about the Americas in the year 1491? Why do these misconceptions exist?

Latin American History (post-1492)

  • How and why did the Spanish appropriate Aztec sites of significance (e.g. Mexico City at the site of Tenochtitlan)?
  • What were reactions among Latin American intellectuals (e.g. Luis María Drago, Alejandro Álvarez and Baltasar Brum) to the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How was the US’s involvement in the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–1903 a pivotal turning point in the relationship between the US and Latin American countries?
  • What were the effects of the US’s involvement in the Cuban War for Independence?
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary of 1904 benefit the US?
  • How did Simon Bolivar’s time in Europe affect his ideas about Latin American independence?
  • How did 19th century academic societies play a role in the advancement of scientific discoveries? Who was excluded from these societies?
  • How was music connected to the sciences in medieval thinking?
  • When was the concept of zero first used, and how was it instrumental for advancements in math?
  • What role did Islamic Spain play in the spread of scientific advancements in medieval Europe?
  • What role has translation between languages played in the development of sciences?
  • Why were Galileo’s ideas about astronomy controversial at the time?
  • What was the connection between art and advancements in human anatomy?
  • Why were Darwin’s ideas about natural selection controversial at the time?
  • To what degree does the film Master and Commander accurately depict the voyages of Charles Darwin?
  • How did the discovery of quinine and other medical innovations help to facilitate the European colonization of Africa?
  • How and why was the internet invented?
  • Does Virgil’s Aeneid celebrate the new Roman Empire or subvert it?
  • Why was the poet Ovid exiled from Rome?
  • What are the pagan influences in Beowulf ? What are the Christian elements in Beowulf ? What does that tell us about late Anglo-Saxon England?
  • How does Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales reflect gender roles in late medieval England?
  • How does Dante’s Inferno draw on book IV of Virgil’s Aeneid ? 
  • How are gender roles presented and subverted in Shakespeare’s plays?
  • To what degree did Henry David Thoreau live out the ideals he described in Walden in his own life?
  • How did the serialized publication of novels affect the way that they were written?
  • Does Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities accurately portray the French Revolution?
  • How did 18th-century novels propagate the idea of marrying for love?
  • What did contemporary readers think about Jane Austen and her novels?
  • To what degree do Jane Austen’s novels reflect economic realities for women in Regency England? What do they leave out?
  • How did Lord Byron’s personal life affect his poetry?
  • What do we know about the romantic life of Emily Dickinson?
  • What were the religious movements that influenced the writer George Eliot, and how do those influences appear in her novels?
  • In what ways were Walt Whitman’s writings new or different?
  • How did British poets react to the horrors of Word War I?
  • What do Tolkien’s letters reveal about the ways in which the two world wars influenced his writings?
  • How did the friendship between CS Lewis and Tolkien affect their respective writings?
  • What are the arguments for and against Catalonian independence from Spain?
  • What are the arguments for and against Scottish independence from the United Kingdom?
  • What are some risks of contact sports, especially for children?
  • What are the most effective policies for combating childhood obesity?
  • What are the most effective policies for reducing gun violence?
  • Which countries have the longest life expectancy and why?
  • What are some differences between the healthcare system in the US and in European countries? Which country has the most similar system to the US?
  • What policies for parental leave exist in different countries? What are some effects of these policies?
  • Has the drinking age in the US always been 21? What have been some different policies, and what were some consequences of them?
  • What is the debate around museum artifacts like the Elgin Marbles in London or the Benin Bronzes in Berlin?
  • How have politicians attempted to control population growth in different countries, either directly or indirectly? What have been some effects of these policies?
  • Which countries have the most gender parity reflected in national governments? How have they accomplished this?
  • How has public funding of K-12 education changed since the 1930s in the US? 
  • How has public funding of higher education changed in the US?
  • What is early childhood education like in different countries?
  • What are some effects of free or reduced-cost meals in schools?
  • How does access to menstrual products affect education outcomes for girls in different countries?
  • What was the impact of Rousseau’s writings on education?
  • How did Plato’s ideal forms of government reflect contemporary Athenian concerns about the unruly masses ( demos )?
  • How did Aristotle justify slavery?
  • How has wealth inequality increased in recent decades?
  • How is inflation calculated, and what are the implications of this methodology?
  • How have genetically-engineered crops changed the way that the planet feeds itself?
  • How has animal testing changed since 2000?
  • How is animal testing regulated differently in different countries?

Health Sciences and Psychology

  • How do different societies reflect the natural circadian rhythms of the human body?
  • How does secondhand smoke affect the human body?
  • How does lack of sleep affect the body?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • What are some ways to reduce stress?
  • How have cancer treatments changed in the past 30 years?
  • Why is it hard to find a “cure” for cancer?
  • How has the Human Genome Project changed medical science?
  • How were the Covid vaccines developed so quickly? What is the difference between the various Covid vaccines that have been developed?

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Emily graduated  summa cum laude  from Princeton University and holds an MA from the University of Notre Dame. She was a National Merit Scholar and has won numerous academic prizes and fellowships. A veteran of the publishing industry, she has helped professors at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton revise their books and articles. Over the last decade, Emily has successfully mentored hundreds of students in all aspects of the college admissions process, including the SAT, ACT, and college application essay. 


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271 Strong Argumentative Research Paper Topics You Must Know

argumentative research paper topics

Writing good argumentative research paper topics can always place you in a rock and a hard place. Writing from scratch can be daunting, but writing to a deadline is worse. Creating a terrific academic argumentative research paper takes a few tweaks. Through them, you will eventually craft a standardized paper that would earn you all points and, if not all, perhaps better grades.

This article will discuss the various angles you could take flawlessly to finish an argumentative research paper. Consequently, do not let terror take over you when writing a research paper.

Instead, it will be your forte after reading through this article’s steps.

What Is An Argumentative Research Paper?

An argumentative research paper is a paper that is structured in a way that allows you to present and defend your ideas about the topic, and that’s what definitional argument paper topics involve. The main purpose of an argumentative research paper is to make it possible for you to demonstrate your arguments. They may be based on either scientific knowledge or personal experience.

College argumentative research paper topics can be a single paper or a collection of several papers that you have written. Alternatively, it can be a series of papers in which you have analyzed different aspects of the topic. It will take you a while of introspection to understand this.

An award-winning research paper or one that could earn you better grades must be deeply rooted in facts. Generally, you must employ extensive evidence to defend your opinion or point.

What Are The Different Types Of Argumentative Research Paper Topics?

The are many different types of argumentative research paper topics. Here we explore the classic classification of the topics and their characteristics

  • Classical Western Argument These types of classical argument paper topics have always been footed on two bases: to convince the audience that they are right and give well-reasoned answers to questionsThey are easy argument paper topics. Topics for argumentative research paper tasks do not necessarily have to be complicated. An introduction is imperative for a classical western argument since it welcomes the audience and builds goodwill and a connection with the readers. It also announces the overall theme or thesis of the argument.It must have a narration that portrays necessary background facts. It is intended to inform the listener about the setting and occurrences that produced the argument.A classic western argument must have confirmation, refutation, and summation. Remember, the summary must be concrete, echoing the gravity of the argument and equally reflecting the best solution to the readers.
  • Toulon Argument The primary goal of a Toulmin argument is frequently to gather the most compelling proof in favor of the presented statements. For example, if you take “Philosophy argument paper topics”, you have to work through this topic well and understand it.The goal of a Toulmin argument is precise, unlike the previous types. It is made up of six parts, namely: introduction, data, warrants, qualifiers, rebuttal, and backing. It has a conclusion intended to trigger evocative thought among the readers.
  • Rogerian Argument The Rogerian argument seeks the greatest plausible solution based on the wants and preferences of everyone concerned, or, in other words, some form of unanimity. The essay structure of this type of argument does not bear innate disparities to the different types. It has a structure that aims at reaching a consensus amidst the contest.The Rogerian argument topics for a paper focus on expanding comprehension between conflicting viewpoints by noting that an issue can be viewed from various perspectives. Its building blocks are; an introduction, an acknowledgement of the opposition, a thesis statement, support for the thesis, and a conclusion.Notably, the summary has to highlight the imperatives of a classical argument paper topic, even if it cannot resolve the problem wholly. Also, it has to acknowledge that more work needs to be done in the future to find lasting remedies.

How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement outlines the topic of your assignments, that is, argumentative research essay topics, and provides a summary of the article’s content, particularly your position on the subject. It is helpful to pose a concern before making your assertion in a thesis, so that your thesis can provide a resolution.

This is a powerful strategy for getting the reader interested in your subject and the viewpoint you advocate. The basic custom of any argument should be briefly covered in a thesis. By accomplishing this-getting thesis writing help, you can assist the reader in becoming ready for the essay’s main body.

When writing a thesis statement, you must include: A question A provocative statement A well-laid description An anecdote that compels the readers to find out more about the essay

Whenever you start writing, make an effort to define your aim explicitly. This is what argumentative research paper topics college institutions demand. Constantly write on your subject if you cannot express your purpose effectively.

How To Select A Topic For An Argumentative Essay

You might occasionally find yourself debating points you do not particularly agree with. That is just good – making a convincing argument does not need you to believe what you are saying fervently.

However, picking a subject you are passionate about is a fantastic option when you have complete freedom over it. A strong perspective and various supporting arguments are the two essential elements of a high quality successful argumentative essay.

It will be simpler for a student to obtain proof to back up an argument if they are fascinated and enthusiastic about the issue that they chose. The evidence itself is what matters most.

Decide on a topic by considering issues that are important to you, irrespective of whether they are good or bad. Create a list of concepts, and then pick a couple to focus on. You will then elaborate upon such concepts by addressing a few compensatory picks.

Making these lists may lead you to discover that a few are more powerful than others. The greater the issue, the more proof you have and the more compelling you believe that proved to be.

Again, choosing a different argument research topic is acceptable if you think one issue would have more verifiable data, but you would prefer not to pen about it. If you are enthusiastic about our topic, it might be much simpler to uncover solid arguments and evidence to support your claims than if you are not.

Well, here is a list of sample argumentative research paper topics you could decide to choose from and develop a terrific essay.

Good Argument Paper Topics On Education

Here are some ingenious argumentative essay sample topics touching on matters of education:

  • Can parents be able to alter their unborn children’s characteristics?
  • Should pupils need to be immunized to attend a public school?
  • Should global governments take action to combat climate change?
  • Should physical education classes have an impact on a student’s grades?
  • Is free college a good idea?
  • Should Greek life be banned from academic institutions?
  • Should comprehensive sex education be given to scholars?
  • It should be possible for pupils to choose the high school curriculum.
  • The importance of physical education in education.
  • Schools should not permit the use of cell phones.
  • Like scholars, teachers need to pass a professional exam.
  • Less work should be assigned to pupils in schools.
  • High schools should be required to include sex education.
  • The Best Alternative to Regular School is Home Schooling
  • Scholars should only spend three months studying and nine months vacationing.
  • Sporting Activities Can Help You Change Your Life.
  • Lies Are a Vital Component of a Healthy Relationship
  • There Are Aliens
  • Keeping a Journal Is a Fun Stress Reduction Technique
  • Colleges need medical facilities to aid scholars in overcoming stress and depression.
  • You Can Learn Important Life Skills from Video Games
  • Having a pet is a way to improve your happiness.
  • Better Off Renting Than Buying a Home
  • Is the American educational system ideal for the modern world?

Interesting Argument Paper Topics On Ethics

When faced with an argumentative essay touching on ethics, here are samples to jog your mind:

  • Do GMOs benefit or hurt humans?
  • Should Facebook be permitted to gather user data?
  • Should autonomous vehicles be made legal?
  • Is it moral to use automation to replace human labor?
  • Should use a cell phone while driving is prohibited by law?
  • Has the Internet had a good or bad impact on society?
  • Should college athletes receive compensation for playing on teams?
  • Must fracking be permitted?
  • Same-sex couples ought to be permitted to wed.
  • Death Penalties: Are They Still Valid in the Twenty-First Century?
  • Benefits of Medical Marijuana Legalization
  • Without organized religion, the world might be a better place.
  • More harm than good is caused by technology.
  • What would life be like if animals ruled the world?
  • What if scholars and teachers switched places?
  • How will having flying automobiles affect our daily lives?
  • The most prosperous people are school dropouts.
  • Why drinking is advisable before a test
  • What if humans were to view the world as dogs do?
  • The causes behind Starbucks’ delicious flavor
  • How defying your parents can help you succeed?
  • Why passing the driving test is crucial
  • The top pupils are those who do not attend class.
  • The best visitors are those who arrived already stuffed.
  • Why I enjoy junk mail
  • Why setting your school on fire is not an option
  • Clowns are not as terrifying as you would imagine.
  • The reason why your washing won’t do itself
  • Why you should continue to wear a mask even after COVID-19
  • Which film has ever been the worst?
  • How playing video games can benefit your career search
  • Why I don’t like country music
  • Why films are superior to books
  • Is it wrong to show sex scenes on television?
  • Should learning institutions condone cheating?
  • Should young people have access to birth control?
  • Is religion a valid justification for terrorism?
  • Does bullying make one stronger?
  • Do you think young kids should have access to cell phones and tablets?
  • Should minors be allowed to obtain contraception without their parent’s permission?
  • Is it time for single-payer healthcare in the US?
  • Should assisted suicide be allowed to exist?
  • Should nutritional supplements and products for weight loss, such as teas, be allowed to use influencer marketing?
  • Should physicians be permitted to promote medications?
  • Is the electoral college still a useful mechanism in contemporary America?
  • Should Puerto Rico gain statehood?
  • Is automatic voter registration a good idea?
  • Should prisoners have the right to vote?
  • Should justices of the Supreme Court be voted into power?
  • Children should not be served soda at restaurants.
  • Should sexual labor be made legal?
  • Should Indigenous Peoples’ Day take the place of Columbus Day?
  • Should executions be permitted?
  • Are uniforms for schools a good idea?
  • Should using animals for clinical tests be permitted?
  • Should the crime of drug possession be dropped?
  • Must unpaid internships be permitted?
  • Must abortion be outlawed?
  • Do individuals misuse their freedom to carry weapons?
  • Is there a racial component to police violence?
  • It is time to raise the legal drinking age.
  • A child’s sexual orientation is established when they are young.
  • All around the world, same-sex unions should be permitted.
  • Inmates should not be kept as illegal immigrants.
  • Should all women have access to reproductive health care and birth control?
  • Would anyone benefit equally from our tax system?
  • Is vaping just as dangerous as cigarette smoking?
  • Is global consumption a serious problem?
  • Is social media a privacy infringement?
  • Does everyone need to get vaccinated?
  • Do food firms have a say in what we eat?
  • Does our system of education fit our culture?
  • Why should certain languages be recognized as official in the US?
  • Is the death penalty ever justified?
  • Victims of rape ought to abort their unborn children.
  • Equal paternity leave should be granted to fathers.
  • Do trouble-making behaviors among teenagers stem from boredom?
  • Parents who have failed their children should be disciplined.
  • Animal testing ought to be prohibited.
  • Gaming that is violent needs to be prohibited.
  • Adopting parents with mental impairments should not be permitted.
  • Islamist nations should allow alcohol usage.
  • Everyone should receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • School dress codes ought to be abolished
  • Assignments should not be required
  • Pets ought to be allowed in learning institutions
  • Cellphone use should be permitted in class for scholars.
  • The daily schooling hours ought to be cut shorter
  • Why longer school breaks are necessary
  • Every classroom needs a TV.
  • We must extend our summer vacation.
  • Schools ought to have recess in between class sessions.
  • A pet belongs in every classroom.
  • Is a College Education Still Required?
  • Should High School Graduates Have a Gap Year?
  • Cyberbullying in High School Is a Serious Problem
  • Scholars ought to be permitted to dress however they like.
  • The Existing Grading System Does Not Reflect Scholars’ Knowledge in the Contemporary World
  • Is a Lower Voting Age Needed?
  • The Benefits of Offering Free Condoms to Scholars
  • Partners expecting a child ought to take parenting classes
  • Sex education ought to be taught in schools.
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Standardized Tests Need to Be Banned
  • Scholar loans: Are They Favorable or Bad?
  • Is drug use on campuses a test or a genuine issue?
  • Do College Relationships Last a Long Time?
  • Children should not be permitted to attend college classes by scholars.
  • Fraternities’ detrimental effects on scholars’ behavior and performance
  • When Is a Gap Year a Welcomed Idea?
  • There should be more benefits for college athletes when schooling.
  • Most college units are already obsolete and unfit for the contemporary world.
  • The cost of lodging in universities ought to be zero.
  • Celebs ought not to serve as teenage girls’ role models.
  • Diet obsession can result in a variety of eating conditions and health complications.
  • School uniforms ought to be required.
  • Males and females can have friendships that are limited to just that.
  • The vegetarian lifestyle is not practical
  • Democracy is currently the sanest form of government.
  • GMO diets aren’t as risky as we once thought
  • Horror films may harm one’s mental health.
  • Junk food ought not to be offered in school lunches.

Easy Argument Paper Topics On Sports

Sports argumentative essay topics can prove hard to formulate. Here are samples:

  • Should there be a gender divide in sports?
  • Should baseball’s designated hitter system be eliminated?
  • Should American sports treat soccer with more respect?
  • Should players and coaches receive the same compensation?
  • Girls should be urged to participate in sports and put just as much effort into their studies as boys do.
  • College Sports Players Must Be Paid
  • Sports should allow women to compete against men.
  • Countries benefit economically and socially by hosting the Olympic Games.
  • Media coverage of female athletes is still sexist.
  • Certain sports can encourage violent behavior.
  • Injury Has a Significant Impact on an Athlete’s Mental Health
  • Among Athletes, Eating Disorders Are a Common Issue
  • Schools and Colleges should emphasize physical education more
  • Taking part in sports can have calming, resonant effects on the body and mind.
  • Motivating girls to participate in sports is important.

Argument Paper Topics On Religion

Argumentative essay topics on religion could prove contentious. Below are samples:

  • Should religious institutions be subject to taxation?
  • Should schools allow religious clubs?
  • Should the pledge of allegiance include “one nation under God”?
  • Should religion be covered in the classroom?
  • Should clerics be permitted to wed?

Professional Argument  Paper Topics On Economics

Argumentative topics in economics essays are easy. Here are some examples:

  • Is raising the minimum wage necessary?
  • Do monopolies deserve to exist?
  • Is the concept of universal basic income wisely?
  • Should the tax rate on companies be higher or cheap?

Argument Paper Topics On Society And Culture

Formulating argumentative essay topics on culture and society, in general, should not bother you that much. Here are samples. But if you have problems with your writing you can order a dissertation online .

  • Is graffiti considered destruction or art?
  • Should books with offensive language be prohibited?
  • Should YouTube content be more strictly regulated?
  • Is the study of art important?
  • Should people be able to share their art and music online?
  • Current assessments do not match the scholar’s ability.
  • Breastfeeding in public should be permitted for women.
  • To bring about change, the Internet was developed.
  • When it comes to giving their kids a nutritious diet, parents should be accountable.
  • Churches ought to be taxed as well.
  • The Contribution of Art to the Evolution of Our World
  • Using Art Therapy to Treat Mental Illness
  • Scholars that participate in the arts excel academically.
  • Unlike traditional art, digital art lacks soul.
  • Everybody ought to enrol in art classes in school
  • Is Art Actually Required?
  • What Inner Fears Do Children Express in Their Art?
  • What Is Art For?
  • How Has the Representation of Women in Art Changed Over the Centuries?
  • Most art forms were created in ancient Greece, which is where they originated.
  • A potent treatment for psychological issues is music.
  • Hard Rock Harmfully influences teenage Behavior
  • If You Pay Attention, You Can Hear Music in the Natural World
  • Billie Eilish Is Not Your Average Teen Pop Star-Star
  • The Human Brain is Positively affected by Music
  • The Calming Power of Celtic Music
  • Modern music is largely commercial rather than artistic.
  • Rap music encourages aggression.
  • A better pregnancy can be ensured by classical music.
  • College scholars’ academic performance is improved through music

Technology Argument Paper Topics

Many learners avoid technology-related argumentative topics due to their technicality. Below are samples:

  • Owners of social media platforms should keep an eye on and delete comments that use offensive language.
  • Does technology contribute to individuals feeling more alone?
  • Will there ever be a moment when no new technological developments take place?
  • Vlogging is not a legitimate career.
  • Is LinkedIn useful in terms of job search?
  • The number of business opportunities has significantly increased thanks to social media.
  • Is Java going out of style?
  • Are social media profiles of candidates something employers should look through?
  • Social media cause teenage despair.

Science Argument Paper Topics

Below are argumentative topics touching on the science field:

  • The Morality of Cloning the Benefits of Genetic Engineering and How They Can Change the World the Potential Benefits of Investing in Space Exploration
  • Universities should spend more money on scientific programs.
  • How Do New Scientific Discoveries Affect Our Everyday Lives?
  • Do New Technologies Pose Health Risks?
  • The use of animals in scientific research should be prohibited
  • The Science of Medical Marijuana’s Healing Effect
  • Food that has been genetically modified: Is it healthy for us or not?
  • Why Science Should Be Taught to Everyone.

Argument Paper Topics On The Environment

Argumentative topics on the environment tend to be broad. Here are useful samples:

  • Existing environmental statutes do not avert human encroachment and habitat obliteration
  • Human encroachment endangers the lives of plants and animals
  • Climate change is real
  • Developed nations primarily cause global warming
  • A change in farming practices is required to cease environmental obliteration.
  • Environment-friendly effects of vegetarianism
  • The worst polluters of air and water are industrial by-products and farming additives
  • Overpopulation is the root cause of city pollution
  • We must protect the world’s resources.
  • Hunting is a sinful activity.
  • Is using animals in a circus acceptable?
  • Evil dogs ought to be put to sleep.
  • Recycling ought to be required.
  • Should recycling be made required?
  • Is competition advantageous?
  • Does blogging as a profession have a future?
  • Is it possible for people to ever exist without the Internet?
  • Should everyone volunteer and donate to charities?
  • Does the media infringe on famous people’s privacy?

Argument Paper Topics On Government

Politics is not everyone. Below are argumentative topics on governance you could exploit:

  • In wealthy nations, unlawful immigration is a serious problem.
  • Citizenship should always be granted to persons sired within a particular country’s borders. Stricter immigration laws should be enforced against illegal immigration
  • Border restrictions should be tightened to stop illegal immigration.
  • The main driver of unlawful immigration is poverty.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants to their nations of origin is usually pointless.
  • High Illegal Immigration Rates May Encourage Prostitution
  • High levels of unlawful immigration are one of the main causes of terrorism.
  • Lowering immigration costs may help avert illegal immigration
  • Refugee applicants ought not to be viewed as unauthorized immigrants.
  • Is Racial Profiling Still Appropriate in Today’s World?
  • Euthanasia for terminally ill patients should be made legal.
  • All should have access to free higher education.
  • Is Donald Trump’s presidency detrimental to the US and the rest of the world, or beneficial?
  • In colleges and schools, energy drinks have to be prohibited.
  • In the US, gambling ought to be outlawed.
  • Should abortion be outlawed globally?
  • Should the death penalty be carried out universally?
  • Certain kinds of animal experimentation and other forms of study ought to be prohibited.
  • Should the government take additional steps to provide accessibility for the physically challenged?
  • Are people born with the skill to be a politician, or do they learn it?

High Quality Argument Paper Topics On Health

There are numerous argumentative topics on health to choose from. Below are samples:

  • Everyone should have access to free health care.
  • It is possible to discover a working cure for AIDs
  • Art therapy can be effective for a wide range of health issues
  • Healthy alternatives: benefits and drawbacks
  • The negative consequences of a head injury
  • Does the media accurately represent the risk of coronavirus?
  • Are electronic cigarettes more harmless than smoke?
  • Could 3D printing help the medical field?
  • Nanotechnology can aid in cancer treatment
  • How would stem cells reduce cardiac arrest patients’ mortality rates?
  • Pro-life vs. Pro-choice views on abortion
  • Alcoholism harms all aspects of life, not just health
  • The production and sale of tobacco should be prohibited
  • Vaping is safer than cigarette smoking.
  • The risks of the COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the benefits.

Get Professional Help

Working students can consider our consulting and thesis writing services when faced with tough argumentative research paper assignments. Our writers are some of the best experts and can provide a fast turnaround with your argumentative research essays to help you beat the deadlines. Even so, writing essays and coming up with good argument paper topics can be strenuous. Our team of writers can help you get the best argumentative research paper topics that will earn you grades generously.

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college research essay ideas

5 Awesome College Essay Topics + Sample Essays

←11 Cliché College Essay Topics + How to Fix Them

8 Do’s and Don’ts for Crafting Your College Essay→

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What makes a good college essay topic, awesome college essay topics + sample essays, how to get your essay reviewed for free.

Finding a great college essay topic is one of the most stressful parts of the essay writing process. How is it possible to accurately represent your life and personality in one essay? How can you tell if a topic will do your story justice, or if it’ll end up hurting your application?

While a good essay topic varies from one person to another, there are some general guidelines you should follow when picking a topic. In this post, we’ll go over the commonalities of a good college essay topic, and we’ll share five original topics and sample essays to inspire your writing.

College essays are meant to provide admissions officers with a better idea of who you are beyond your quantitative achievements. It’s your chance to share your voice, personality, and story.

A good essay topic will do the following:

Answers the 4 core questions. These questions are:

  • “Who Am I?”
  • “Why Am I Here?”
  • “What is Unique About Me?”
  • “What Matters to Me?”

At its core, your essay should show who you are, how you got there, and where you’re going. 

Is deeply personal. The best essay topics allow you to be raw and vulnerable. You don’t need to bare your soul and tell your deepest secrets, but you should share your thoughts and emotions in your essay. A good essay should make the reader feel something—whether that’s your joy, embarrassment, panic, defeat, confidence, or determination.

Is original, or approaches a common topic in an original way. Admissions officers read a lot of essays about the same old topics. Some of those cliches include: a sports injury, person you admire, tragedy, or working hard in a challenging class. While it’s possible to write a good essay on a common topic, it’s much harder to do so, and you may lose the admissions officer’s attention early on. 

Try to find a topic that goes beyond traditional archetypes to make yourself truly stand out. You could also take a cliche topic but develop it in a different way. For example, the standard storyline of the sports injury essay is that you got hurt, were upset you couldn’t participate, but then worked hard and overcame that injury. Instead, you could write about how you got injured, and used that time off to develop a new interest, such as coding. 

The truth is that a “good” college essay topic varies by individual, as it really depends on your life experiences. That being said, there are some topics that should work well for most people, and they are:

1. A unique extracurricular activity or passion 

Writing about an extracurricular activity is not a unique essay topic, and it’s actually a common supplemental essay prompt. If you have an unconventional activity, however, the essay is the perfect opportunity to showcase and elaborate upon that interest. Less common activities are less familiar to admissions officers, so some extra context can be helpful in understanding how that activity worked, and how much it meant to you.

For example, here’s a sample essay about a student who played competitive bridge, and what the activity taught them:

The room was silent except for the thoughts racing through my head. I led a spade from my hand and my opponent paused for a second, then played a heart. The numbers ran through my mind as I tried to consider every combination, calculating my next move. Finally, I played the ace of spades from the dummy and the rest of my clubs, securing the contract and 620 points when my partner ruffed at trick five. Next board.

It was the final of the 2015 United States Bridge Federation Under-26 Women’s Championship. The winning team would be selected to represent the United States in the world championship and my team was still in the running.

Contract bridge is a strategic and stochastic card game. Players from around the world gather at local clubs, regional events, and, in this case, national tournaments.

Going into the tournament, my team was excited; all the hours we had put into the game, from the lengthy midnight Skype sessions spent discussing boards to the coffee shop meetings spent memorizing conventions together, were about to pay off.

Halfway through, our spirits were still high, as we were only down by fourteen international match points which, out of the final total of about four hundred points, was virtually nothing and it was very feasible to catch up. Our excitement was short-lived, however, as sixty boards later, we found that we had lost the match and would not be chosen as the national team.

Initially, we were devastated. We had come so close and it seemed as if all the hours we had devoted to training had been utterly wasted. Yet as our team spent some time together reflecting upon the results, we gradually realized that the true value that we had gained wasn’t only the prospect of winning the national title, but also the time we had spent together exploring our shared passion. I chatted with the winning team and even befriended a few of them who offered us encouragement and advice.

Throughout my bridge career, although I’ve gained a respectable amount of masterpoints and awards, I’ve realized that the real reward comes from the extraordinary people I have met. I don’t need to travel cross-country to learn; every time I sit down at a table whether it be during a simple club game, a regional tournament or a national event, I find I’m always learning. 

I nod at the pair that’s always yelling at each other. They teach me the importance of sportsmanship and forgiveness.

I greet the legally blind man who can defeat most of the seeing players. He reminds me not to make excuses.

I chat with the friendly, elderly couple who, at ages ninety and ninety-two, have just gotten married two weeks ago. They teach me that it’s never too late to start anything.

I talk to the boy who’s attending Harvard and the girl who forewent college to start her own company. They show me that there is more than one path to success.

I congratulate the little kid running to his dad, excited to have won his very first masterpoints. He reminds me of the thrill of every first time and to never stop trying new things.

Just as much as I have benefitted from these life lessons, I aspire to give back to my bridge community as much as it has given me. I aspire to teach people how to play this complicated yet equally as exciting game. I aspire to never stop improving myself, both at and away from the bridge table.

Bridge has given me my roots and dared me to dream. What started as merely a hobby has become a community, a passion, a part of my identity. I aspire to live selflessly and help others reach their goals. I seek to take risks, embrace all results, even failure, and live unfettered from my own doubt .

2. An activity or interest that contrasts heavily with your profile

The essays are also a great way to highlight different aspects of who you are, and also explain any aspects of your profile that might not “make sense.” For instance, if your extracurriculars are heavily STEM-focused, but you have one theatre-related activity you care a lot about, you might want to write an essay on theatre to add an extra dimension to your application. Admissions officers actually love when students have a “contrast profile,” or well-developed interests in two disparate fields. This is because they see a lot of well-rounded and specialized students, so students with contrast profiles offer something refreshingly unique.

Here’s a sample essay written by an athlete who is also an accomplished poet. The piece focuses upon the student’s contrasting identities, and how they eventually come to feel proud of both identities.

When I was younger, I was adamant that no two foods on my plate touch. As a result, I often used a second plate to prevent such an atrocity. In many ways, I learned to separate different things this way from my older brothers, Nate and Rob. Growing up, I idolized both of them. Nate was a performer, and I insisted on arriving early to his shows to secure front row seats, refusing to budge during intermission for fear of missing anything. Rob was a three-sport athlete, and I attended his games religiously, waving worn-out foam cougar paws and cheering until my voice was hoarse. My brothers were my role models. However, while each was talented, neither was interested in the other’s passion. To me, they represented two contrasting ideals of what I could become: artist or athlete. I believed I had to choose.

And for a long time, I chose athlete. I played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse and viewed myself exclusively as an athlete, believing the arts were not for me. I conveniently overlooked that since the age of five, I had been composing stories for my family for Christmas, gifts that were as much for me as them, as I loved writing. So when in tenth grade, I had the option of taking a creative writing class, I was faced with a question: could I be an athlete and a writer? After much debate, I enrolled in the class, feeling both apprehensive and excited. When I arrived on the first day of school, my teacher, Ms. Jenkins, asked us to write down our expectations for the class. After a few minutes, eraser shavings stubbornly sunbathing on my now-smudged paper, I finally wrote, “I do not expect to become a published writer from this class. I just want this to be a place where I can write freely.”

Although the purpose of the class never changed for me, on the third “submission day,” – our time to submit writing to upcoming contests and literary magazines – I faced a predicament. For the first two submission days, I had passed the time editing earlier pieces, eventually (pretty quickly) resorting to screen snake when hopelessness made the words look like hieroglyphics. I must not have been as subtle as I thought, as on the third of these days, Ms. Jenkins approached me. After shifting from excuse to excuse as to why I did not submit my writing, I finally recognized the real reason I had withheld my work: I was scared. I did not want to be different, and I did not want to challenge not only others’ perceptions of me, but also my own. I yielded to Ms. Jenkin’s pleas and sent one of my pieces to an upcoming contest.

By the time the letter came, I had already forgotten about the contest. When the flimsy white envelope arrived in the mail, I was shocked and ecstatic to learn that I had received 2nd place in a nationwide writing competition. The next morning, however, I discovered Ms. Jenkins would make an announcement to the whole school exposing me as a poet. I decided to own this identity and embrace my friends’ jokes and playful digs, and over time, they have learned to accept and respect this part of me. I have since seen more boys at my school identifying themselves as writers or artists.

I no longer see myself as an athlete and a poet independently, but rather I see these two aspects forming a single inseparable identity – me. Despite their apparent differences, these two disciplines are quite similar, as each requires creativity and devotion. I am still a poet when I am lacing up my cleats for soccer practice and still an athlete when I am building metaphors in the back of my mind – and I have realized ice cream and gummy bears taste pretty good together.

3. A seemingly insignificant moment that speaks to larger themes within your life 

Writing an essay on a seemingly mundane moment is unexpected, so that should grab the attention of the reader in almost a backwards way. You’ll make them wonder where the essay is going, and why you chose to write about that moment. From there, you can use that moment as an avenue to discuss important elements of your identity. 

In this sample essay, a student details her experience failing to make a fire from sticks, and how it leads her to reflect on how her former passion (or “fire”) for the outdoors is now reflected in her current interests. 

Was I no longer the beloved daughter of nature, whisperer of trees? Knee-high rubber boots, camouflage, bug spray—I wore the garb and perfume of a proud wild woman, yet there I was, hunched over the pathetic pile of stubborn sticks, utterly stumped, on the verge of tears. As a child, I had considered myself a kind of rustic princess, a cradler of spiders and centipedes, who was serenaded by mourning doves and chickadees, who could glide through tick-infested meadows and emerge Lyme-free. I knew the cracks of the earth like the scars on my own rough palms. Yet here I was, ten years later, incapable of performing the most fundamental outdoor task: I could not, for the life of me, start a fire. 

Furiously I rubbed the twigs together—rubbed and rubbed until shreds of skin flaked from my fingers. No smoke. The twigs were too young, too sticky-green; I tossed them away with a shower of curses, and began tearing through the underbrush in search of a more flammable collection. My efforts were fruitless. Livid, I bit a rejected twig, determined to prove that the forest had spurned me, offering only young, wet bones that would never burn. But the wood cracked like carrots between my teeth—old, brittle, and bitter. Roaring and nursing my aching palms, I retreated to the tent, where I sulked and awaited the jeers of my family. 

Rattling their empty worm cans and reeking of fat fish, my brother and cousins swaggered into the campsite. Immediately, they noticed the minor stick massacre by the fire pit and called to me, their deep voices already sharp with contempt. 

“Where’s the fire, Princess Clara?” they taunted. “Having some trouble?” They prodded me with the ends of the chewed branches and, with a few effortless scrapes of wood on rock, sparked a red and roaring flame. My face burned long after I left the fire pit. The camp stank of salmon and shame. 

In the tent, I pondered my failure. Was I so dainty? Was I that incapable? I thought of my hands, how calloused and capable they had been, how tender and smooth they had become. It had been years since I’d kneaded mud between my fingers; instead of scaling a white pine, I’d practiced scales on my piano, my hands softening into those of a musician—fleshy and sensitive. And I’d gotten glasses, having grown horrifically nearsighted; long nights of dim lighting and thick books had done this. I couldn’t remember the last time I had lain down on a hill, barefaced, and seen the stars without having to squint. Crawling along the edge of the tent, a spider confirmed my transformation—he disgusted me, and I felt an overwhelming urge to squash him. 

Yet, I realized I hadn’t really changed—I had only shifted perspective. I still eagerly explored new worlds, but through poems and prose rather than pastures and puddles. I’d grown to prefer the boom of a bass over that of a bullfrog, learned to coax a different kind of fire from wood, having developed a burn for writing rhymes and scrawling hypotheses. 

That night, I stayed up late with my journal and wrote about the spider I had decided not to kill. I had tolerated him just barely, only shrieking when he jumped—it helped to watch him decorate the corners of the tent with his delicate webs, knowing that he couldn’t start fires, either. When the night grew cold and the embers died, my words still smoked—my hands burned from all that scrawling—and even when I fell asleep, the ideas kept sparking—I was on fire, always on fire.

4. Using an everyday experience or object as a metaphor to explore your life and personality 

Using an everyday experience as a vehicle to explore your identity is also intriguing in an unexpected way. You’d be surprised at how many everyday routines and objects naturally lend themselves to a unique glance into your life. Some of those things might be: a familiar drive, your running shoes, a recipe from your grandmother, walking to your guitar lesson.

This topic also is a strong choice if you have a descriptive, artful writing style. It allows you to get creative with the transitions from the everyday experience to larger reflections on your life.

Here’s an example of a student who chose to write about showers, all while showcasing their personality and unique aspects of their life. 

Scalding hot water cascades over me, crashing to the ground in a familiar, soothing rhythm. Steam rises to the ceiling as dried sweat and soap suds swirl down the drain. The water hisses as it hits my skin, far above the safe temperature for a shower. The pressure is perfect on my tired muscles, easing the aches and bruises from a rough bout of sparring and the tension from a long, stressful day. The noise from my overactive mind dies away, fading into music, lyrics floating through my head. Black streaks stripe the inside of my left arm, remnants of the penned reminders of homework, money owed and forms due. 

It lacks the same dynamism and controlled intensity of sparring on the mat at taekwondo or the warm tenderness of a tight hug from my father, but it’s still a cocoon of safety as the water washes away the day’s burdens. As long as the hot water is running, the rest of the world ceases to exist, shrinking to me, myself and I. The shower curtain closes me off from the hectic world spinning around me. 

Much like the baths of Blanche DuBois, my hot showers are a means of cleansing and purifying (though I’m mostly just ridding myself of the germs from children at work sneezing on me). In the midst of a hot shower, there is no impending exam to study for, no newspaper deadline to meet, no paycheck to deposit. It is simply complete and utter peace, a safe haven. The steam clears my mind even as it clouds my mirror. 

Creativity thrives in the tub, breathing life into tales of dragons and warrior princesses that evolve only in my head, never making their way to paper but appeasing the childlike dreamer and wannabe author in me all the same. That one calculus problem that has seemed unsolvable since second period clicks into place as I realize the obvious solution. The perfect concluding sentence to my literary analysis essay writes itself (causing me to abruptly end my shower in a mad dash to the computer before I forget it entirely).  

Ever since I was old enough to start taking showers unaided, I began hogging all the hot water in the house, a source of great frustration to my parents. Many of my early showers were rudely cut short by an unholy banging on the bathroom door and an order to “stop wasting water and come eat dinner before it gets cold.” After a decade of trudging up the stairs every evening to put an end to my water-wasting, my parents finally gave in, leaving me to my (expensive) showers. I imagine someday, when paying the water bill is in my hands, my showers will be shorter, but today is not that day (nor, hopefully, will the next four years be that day). 

Showers are better than any ibuprofen, the perfect panacea for life’s daily ailments. Headaches magically disappear as long as the water runs, though they typically return in full force afterward. The runny nose and itchy eyes courtesy of summertime allergies recede. Showers alleviate even the stomachache from a guacamole-induced lack of self-control. 

Honestly though, the best part about a hot shower is neither its medicinal abilities nor its blissful temporary isolation or even the heavenly warmth seeped deep into my bones. The best part is that these little moments of pure, uninhibited contentedness are a daily occurrence. No matter how stressful the day, showers ensure I always have something to look forward to. They are small moments, true, but important nonetheless, because it is the little things in life that matter; the big moments are too rare, too fleeting to make anyone truly happy. Wherever I am in the world, whatever fate chooses to throw at me, I know I can always find my peace at the end of the day behind the shower curtain. 

5. An in the moment narrative that tells the story of a important moment in your life

In the moment narrative is a powerful essay format, as your reader experiences the events, your thoughts, and your emotions with you . Students assume that your chosen moment needs to be extremely dramatic or life-altering, but the truth is that you can use this method to write about all kinds of events, from the everyday to the unexpected to the monumental. It doesn’t matter, as long as that moment was important to your development.

For example, this student wrote about a Model UN conference where they were asked to switch stances last minute. This might not seem like a huge moment, but this experience was meaningful to them because it showed them the importance of adaptability. 

The morning of the Model United Nation conference, I walked into Committee feeling confident about my research. We were simulating the Nuremberg Trials – a series of post-World War II proceedings for war crimes – and my portfolio was of the Soviet Judge Major General Iona Nikitchenko. Until that day, the infamous Nazi regime had only been a chapter in my history textbook; however, the conference’s unveiling of each defendant’s crimes brought those horrors to life. The previous night, I had organized my research, proofread my position paper and gone over Judge Nikitchenko’s pertinent statements. I aimed to find the perfect balance between his stance and my own.

As I walked into committee anticipating a battle of wits, my director abruptly called out to me. “I’m afraid we’ve received a late confirmation from another delegate who will be representing Judge Nikitchenko. You, on the other hand, are now the defense attorney, Otto Stahmer.” Everyone around me buzzed around the room in excitement, coordinating with their allies and developing strategies against their enemies, oblivious to the bomb that had just dropped on me. I felt frozen in my tracks, and it seemed that only rage against the careless delegate who had confirmed her presence so late could pull me out of my trance. After having spent a month painstakingly crafting my verdicts and gathering evidence against the Nazis, I now needed to reverse my stance only three hours before the first session.

Gradually, anger gave way to utter panic. My research was fundamental to my performance, and without it, I knew I could add little to the Trials. But confident in my ability, my director optimistically recommended constructing an impromptu defense. Nervously, I began my research anew. Despite feeling hopeless, as I read through the prosecution’s arguments, I uncovered substantial loopholes. I noticed a lack of conclusive evidence against the defendants and certain inconsistencies in testimonies. My discovery energized me, inspiring me to revisit the historical overview in my conference “Background Guide” and to search the web for other relevant articles. Some Nazi prisoners had been treated as “guilty” before their court dates. While I had brushed this information under the carpet while developing my position as a judge, it now became the focus of my defense. I began scratching out a new argument, centered on the premise that the allied countries had violated the fundamental rule that, a defendant was “not guilty” until proven otherwise.

At the end of the three hours, I felt better prepared. The first session began, and with bravado, I raised my placard to speak. Microphone in hand, I turned to face my audience. “Greetings delegates. I, Otto Stahmer would like to…….” I suddenly blanked. Utter dread permeated my body as I tried to recall my thoughts in vain. “Defence Attorney, Stahmer we’ll come back to you,” my Committee Director broke the silence as I tottered back to my seat, flushed with embarrassment. Despite my shame, I was undeterred. I needed to vindicate my director’s faith in me. I pulled out my notes, refocused, and began outlining my arguments in a more clear and direct manner. Thereafter, I spoke articulately, confidently putting forth my points. I was overjoyed when Secretariat members congratulated me on my fine performance.

Going into the conference, I believed that preparation was the key to success. I wouldn’t say I disagree with that statement now, but I believe adaptability is equally important. My ability to problem-solve in the face of an unforeseen challenge proved advantageous in the art of diplomacy. Not only did this experience transform me into a confident and eloquent delegate at that conference, but it also helped me become a more flexible and creative thinker in a variety of other capacities. Now that I know I can adapt under pressure, I look forward to engaging in activities that will push me to be even quicker on my feet.

college research essay ideas

At selective schools, your essays account for around 25% of your admissions decision. That’s more than grades (20%) and test scores (15%), and almost as much as extracurriculars (30%). Why is this? Most students applying to top schools will have stellar academics and extracurriculars. Your essays are your chance to stand out and humanize your application.

That’s why it’s vital that your essays are engaging, and present you as someone who would enrich the campus community.

Before submitting your application, you should have someone else review your essays. It’s even better if that person doesn’t know you personally, as they can best tell whether your personality shines through your essay. 

That’s why we created our Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. We highly recommend giving this tool a try!

college research essay ideas

Final Thoughts

We hope this gives you a better idea of what good essay topic looks like, and that you’re feeling inspired to write your own essay—maybe one of these topics can even apply to your own life!

For more guidance on your essays, see these posts:

How to Write the Common App Essay

What If I Don ’t Have Anything Interesting to Write About in My College Essay?

Wh ere to Begin? 6 Personal Essay Brainstorming Exercises

Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. You can also get your essay peer-reviewed and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

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college research essay ideas

227 Amazing College Persuasive Essay Topics [Free Ideas]

college research essay ideas

Ever wondered what a persuasive essay is? Are you struggling to differentiate it from an argumentative one? Do you think it’s impossible to find original persuasive speech topics for college students?

If you have answered yes to any question, you’ve come to the right place. Our team can help you!

A persuasive essay is a piece of academic writing that convinces readers to accept the author’s position and agree with their ideas. Through clear arguments and examples, the writer demonstrates the legitimacy of their point of view.

Below, we have provided a list of the most interesting and unique college persuasive essay topics. So, don’t waste any more of your time searching for the right title. Use our ideas and create an outstanding persuasive essay!

  • 👉 How to Choose?
  • ✨ Best Speech Topics
  • 🎓 Ideas on Education
  • 📜 Topics on History
  • ⚖ Ideas on Politics
  • 👍 Topics on Sociology
  • 💰 Ideas on Economics
  • 🚌 Transportation
  • 🌿 Environment
  • ⚙ Technology
  • 🌍 Traveling
  • ✌ Lifestyle
  • 🏫 Teenagers
  • 📚 Literature
  • 🖐 25 More Topics

👉 How to Choose a Persuasive Essay Topic for College?

The main secret of the successful persuasive essay is a compelling topic. Therefore, when choosing the right persuasive topic, follow these few simple pieces of advice:

  • Re-read the assignment . The task that you’ve received from your tutor can be of great assistance. You just have to read it correctly. Unfortunately, college students tend to underestimate the power of the question. Don’t make this mistake. Read your assignment carefully because it can provide clues on the topic to look for.
  • Brainstorm ideas. Before writing any paper, college students have to research. It will ensure the argumentative part of the persuasive essay. To understand what to examine, have an ideation session, and consider a variety of ideas. Picking the most appropriate one, you’ll see where to start your research. Try to find as many topics as you can. Free college essays collection is a good place to check out as a part of your session. You’ll be able to see what topics are already covered, and what you can expand upon. It will make your investigation and writing processes easier!
  • Don’t pick an idea if it’s too broad . You may think that in this case, you’ll have plenty of things to argue about. Well, maybe a bit too many. In your essay, you should cover an entire topic so that it sounds convincing. When the idea is too broad, you can’t fit every argument in one paper. So, specify your title. For instance, you want to persuade your readers to stay healthy. Then don’t investigate all the aspects of maintaining health. Focus on one specific issue. For example, explore the positive influence of sport on the general health condition of a human being.
  • Ensure that you have credible sources. In some colleges, even the smallest essays may require a list of references. Thus, make sure you have materials to research and later list as your sources. Remember: Good persuasive paper topics for college have to offer a wide variety of sources to investigate. So, if you are not confident in your materials, better change the title. It will prevent you from a lack of evidence to support your arguments.
  • Choose a topic of personal interest. We’re not compelling you to write something that you enjoy when it contradicts the assignment. But try to select an idea that doesn’t bore you from reading it out loud. It is always more pleasurable to write on a topic you are passionate about. Don’t miss your chance to make turn your essay writing process into an exciting activity.
  • Select something you have an opinion about, but open to debate. Your tutors can disagree with your position. Nevertheless, it is not a reason to give up. It’s the right time to show your critical thinking skills. State your position clearly and provide convincing arguments to support it. Show your readers that you can change your position if you see some compelling data. It can give you some extra credit. The best persuasion topics for college create an environment for debates and discussions.
  • Be unique! In colleges, the amount of papers done daily is enormous. Don’t make your professors read about the importance of waste sorting, for example, yet again. The topic of environmental protection is undoubtedly extremely significant. However: It is way too overused. The professors are tired of reading essays on the same issues again and again. Surprise them and stand out.

Finding an original topic for a persuasive essay is tricky.

✨ 12 Best Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

  • How important is mental health?
  • Is online school more effective?
  • Are GMO products good?
  • Is social media dangerous?
  • What’s wrong with the education system?
  • Does recycling work?
  • Is veganism bad for the environment?
  • Should foreign policy be feminist?
  • Is marriage an obsolete institution?
  • Can protests and demonstrations bring change?
  • Can alternative medicine actually work?
  • Is modern advertising unethical?

🔑 Essential College Persuasive Essay Topics

We bet, every college student at least once had an assignment to write a persuasive essay. Haven’t you had yet? The best is yet to come! Thus, you have to be prepared to face all the challenges of a persuasive essay composing.

Searching for interesting persuasive essay topics is a complicated issue. However, you don’t have to worry about it. Our team of experts gathered the most popular and effective ideas in one place.

Don’t stress out about the topic:

Take a look at our list of persuasive essay topics for college students. We divided our ideas into sections so that you can find the most appropriate one. So, you can easily navigate throughout our page for a more effective search.

🎓 College Persuasive Essay Ideas on Education

  • An educational system should encourage creativity .
  • Student diversity should be present in a school classroom .
  • Why should college students care about their mental and physical health?
  • Why should we stop girls’ discrimination in the modern educational system?
  • Why should computer science programs be taught in colleges and universities?
  • Why should parents take part in their children’s education?

Parents should participate in their children's studying for numerous reasons.

  • Why reading performance of students with learning disabilities should be improved?
  • Studying abroad results in better education.
  • Homework does not help in the learning process.
  • The costs of higher education should be reduced.
  • A grade does not show a student’s knowledge.
  • The Internet overuse blocks the mental development of a modern teenager.
  • Education should not depend on technologies.
  • Essay writing develops the critical thinking skills of students.
  • Foreign language learning should be mandatory in school . Conduct research on how foreign languages influence children and teenagers. What are the positive sides of such education? Then, persuade your readers that foreign languages are essential in the school core curriculum.
  • Art classes should be a priority in middle school . Elaborate on the importance of the development of the sense of art for children and teenagers. Why should art classes be higher in the list of priorities than technical or science courses? How can the right perception of art help pupils in future life?
  • The core curriculum of the high school should not be too broad. Why do we have to narrow down our focus in high school? Explain how teenagers will benefit from studying particular subjects instead of getting general knowledge. Convince your readers about the importance of focusing on a specific field in high school.
  • A gap year before entering the university is beneficial. Give persuading evidence why students should take a gap year. What are the advantages? Make your readers debate whether a gap year is worth considering. Finally, convince them that it is worth it.
  • Mobile phones should not be allowed in school. State your position regarding the usage of smartphones during the learning process. What adverse ramifications do the mobile phones have on the academic results of pupils? Persuade your readers to prohibit phone usage in school.
  • Traditional education is more effective than remote learning . How the benefits of the conventional way of learning outweigh the advantages of remote education? Compare the aspects of remote learning for different age groups: 1st grade age, 6th grade age, and a college student.

📜 College Persuasive Essay Topics on History

  • The American Revolution was a turning point in USA history.
  • The year 1763 is crucial in US history.
  • The media played a crucial role in promoting the Vietnam War .
  • We shouldn’t underestimate the significance of African-American social reform.
  • Technological advancement of the 17th century was a new era in world history.
  • Without Enlightenment and Romantic Age , the European culture wouldn’t be so progressive nowadays.

Enlightenment took over the period of the 17th and 18th centuries.

  • People should’ve stopped the propaganda of Adolf Hitler and Jim Jones before the intensive development.
  • The historical influence of Abraham Lincoln should become a role model for modern political figures.
  • Americans should have abolished slavery in the United States way earlier.
  • The four voyages by Christopher Columbus are crucial in the progress of world history.
  • Cultural exchanges in the medieval period significantly impacted the civilizations.
  • Protestant reformation was the most influential Christian movement.
  • Japanese women in the Middle Ages should have been more powerful.
  • The world war should never happen again.
  • The age of exploration . Who are the key figures? How did they impact world history formation? Convince your readers of the importance of the age of exploration.
  • The Mayan calendar system did not predict the end of the world . Investigate the Mayan calendar system. What is your explanation of the fact that the calendar system ended in the year 2012? Persuade your readers that the suggestions about the end of the world in 2012 are false.
  • Racial discrimination in America violated human rights to a great extend . Give a brief overview of racial discrimination in the USA. Persuade the readers to perceive racial discrimination as an act of human rights violation.
  • Apollo 11 – the first spaceflight that landed people on the Moon . Discuss the importance of this event. Convince your readers about the significance of the Moon exploration.
  • History studying should become the top priority for students. The knowledge of history may help to prevent mistakes from the past. So, persuade your readers to explore historical events.
  • Holocaust should not be justified and denied . What are the horrible consequences of holocaust tragedy? Analyze an opinion regarding the denial of the holocaust. Persuade the readers not to support this idea.

⚖ College Persuasive Essay Ideas on Politics

  • Civil rights of black Americans should not be limited.
  • Migration should not be restricted because it has certain benefits to modern countries .
  • In the battle of socialism vs. democracy , the second one should win.

Why is socialism becoming so popular in democratic states?

  • Nationalism in international relations should be accepted.
  • E-government should become transparent and accountable for the citizens .
  • Celebrities should stay aside from political activities.
  • The laws for each state of America should become common.
  • A voting system should be transparent.
  • Ordinary people should not be allowed to own guns.
  • The federal tax return process should become more manageable.
  • Individual rights versus the common good . Express your position regarding the issue. What do you support: individual rights or common good? Persuade the readers to follow your ideas.
  • Gay marriage should be allowed . If you don’t agree with the topic, express the opposing opinion. Elaborate on your arguments and provide counterarguments. Exclude harsh comments and offensive language from the narrative.
  • The death penalty cannot be justified . Why do you think so? Give clear arguments to support your opinion. If you believe that the death penalty is justifiable, prove your position.
  • Electronic voting in the United States should not be banned . Present the positive sides of this way of voting and convince the readers in your rightness. Don’t you agree with this opinion? Then, provide counterarguments.
  • Abortion should be legal . Provide clear arguments to express your position. Or provide counterarguments to contradict the idea of abortion legalization.

👍 College Persuasive Essay Topics on Sociology

  • Community services should be provided for mentally disabled people .
  • Equality and diversity are the main social issues .
  • Interpersonal communication skills are crucial in modern society.
  • Gender inequalities in the 21st century should be overcome .
  • Should the Canadian government legalize prostitution?
  • Max Weber’s rationality theory should be accepted by society .
  • China should take specific steps to overcome the overpopulation problem .
  • Gender stereotypes in a family should be dismantled.

Present studies aim to fill a gap in the literature on gender role attitudes and family dynamics.

  • Abusive relationships in a family should not be hidden.
  • Implementing more tough punishments on the lawbreakers should reduce the crime rates of the USA.
  • Does family promote or limit mobility? Choose one side of the issue and provide clear arguments to support your ideas.
  • Divorce has negative effects on children . Do you agree with this statement? Convince the readers to accept your point of view by stating your position clearly and powerfully.
  • Birth control should be monitored on a governmental level. Express your opinion regarding birth control in modern society. Conduct a study on the cultural, religious, and political aspects of the birth control issue.
  • Is there the right age to get married? Decide if there are any age suggestions to create a family or no? Support your choice with bright ideas and appropriate examples.
  • To resolve the conflict, we need to know the nature of the conflict . Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Provide strong arguments to make people believe in your point of view. How do you think psychology works while resolving the conflict?

💰 College Persuasive Essay Ideas on Economics

  • Competing theories are the core of economic development.
  • We have to consider John Locke’s and Karl Marx’s economic ideas nowadays.
  • Demand and supply correlation in the market matters a lot.
  • Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” concept can improve modern economics .
  • If we want to stabilize the economy, we have to implement the monetary policy .
  • Should big banks be broken up?
  • We should consider the relationship between money supply and inflation while preventing the high level of inflation.
  • We shouldn’t take the Keynesian explanation of the recession too seriously.
  • Industrialization plays a significant role in economic development.
  • Small business owners should receive financial support during the period of crisis.

As an example or evidence for this persuasive topic, talk about the COVID-19 crisis.

  • The governments should reduce monopoly power.
  • The role of understanding the goals of human resource management in the context of human capital theory . Explain the significance of effective HR management for a business flourishing. Persuade your readers to invest enough resources in human capital.
  • Exchange regimes have a significant impact on macroeconomic performance . Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide well-developed arguments to prove your point of view. Persuade your readers to accept your position.
  • Consumer behavior is different in every country. If you agree, develop this idea by providing strong arguments. If you don’t, state your position. Either way, support your arguments with supporting evidence. Make your readers follow your opinion.
  • The understanding of the basic concepts of economics is essential for every person . Explain how the knowledge of economics can help people to manage their money wisely. How to survive during the crisis? How to lead a business successfully, etc. Persuade your readers to study the basics of economics.

💡 Interesting College Persuasive Essay Topics

Are you already impressed with a diversity of topics our team collected for you? But don’t think that’s all we have to offer for you. Since our mission is to help you, we have more persuasive essay ideas for college to share.

Below, you can find more fascinating ideas for your assignments. For your convenience, we divided persuasive essay topics for college into several sections. Investigate our ideas and don’t hesitate to use them.

🚌 Transportation Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Planes should newer take off if weather conditions are inappropriate .
  • Never drive a car if you are under the alcohol or drug effect .
  • Hybrid cars are environmentally friendly, so they should become the future of the transportation industry .
  • Why should people study driving?
  • The usage of alternative energy resources should reshape the global transportation infrastructure .
  • The governments should invest enough money in public transport advancement .
  • Cars usage should be regulated .
  • A school bus should be checked at least once a month to ensure the safety of pupils.
  • The reserves of petroleum should be replenished to provide a proper transportation industry operation.
  • The shipping of essential goods during the state of emergency (quarantine, dangerous natural conditions, etc.) should be free.
  • We should use public transport instead of private cars to save the environment.
  • Hybrid engine vs. standard engine . Examine the positive and negative aspects of both of them. Which one would you prefer? Persuade your readers to support your opinion by giving clear arguments.
  • Information technology influences the logistics industry to a great extent . Provide appropriate examples of the IT impact on logistics. Convince your readers of the importance of your opinion.
  • The role of transportation in the development of tourism . Prove your audience that transportation progress has a direct impact on tourism opportunities.

Transportation plays a vital role in tourism.

  • We have to reduce the use of crude oil in the transportation industry . What are the possible adverse ramifications of such oil usage? Persuade your readers to limit applying this type of fuel. If you don’t agree with the idea, express the opposing opinion. Elaborate on your arguments and provide counterarguments.

🌿 Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The government should control the overpopulation to prevent consequences for the environment .
  • Human activity should be limited to preserve biodiversity .
  • We have to examine an ecologically sustainable approach .
  • Alternative energy sources are essential for saving the planet .
  • We should try our best to live a zero-waste lifestyle .
  • Saving endangered species must be a top priority issue for environmental organizations.
  • Solar energy can save the environment.
  • Hunting sports should be banned because they harm biodiversity.
  • The conservation of global resources is necessary for maintaining the lifecycle of the planet.
  • Waste sorting should be mandatory all around the world.
  • Stopping deforestation will prevent the loss of natural habitat for animals.
  • Tourism negatively affects wildlife. Comment no the negative consequences of traveling on nature. If you believe that tourism does not harm wildlife, provide counterarguments to claim your position.
  • Farming has to be wise. Explain how intensive farming damages nature. Convince your readers about the importance of following the farming rules. They can help to prevent intensive farming’s adverse ramifications.
  • The Prime Days on Amazon should be banned . Explain how the incredibly low prices on items during the Prime Days result in extremely high costs for the environment. Persuade your readers to resist the desire to buy unnecessary goods from Amazon.
  • Without rainforests, our planet will suffocate . Prove the significance of the preservation of the rainforests for the environment.

Tropical forests are responsible for around 34 percent of photosynthesis occurring on land.

⚙ Technology Persuasive Essay Ideas

  • Globalization influences computer technologies to a great extent .
  • The government should implement Internet censorship .
  • Cloud computing is an innovative era in computer science .
  • Cyberbullying should be controlled to prevent a negative influence on youth .
  • Dependency on computers is a considerable threat to human well-being .
  • Data and information security should be a top concern of every internet user .
  • Investing money in developing information technology systems is profitable for companies.
  • The internet blocks the development of human intelligence.
  • To prevent the development of serious illnesses, we should use genetic technology.
  • Technological advancement should focus on the improvement of the health sector.
  • We have to use technology wisely to make people smarter.
  • A scientific revolution started the technological advancement. Convince your readers about the importance of the scientific revolution in technological development. If you don’t agree with the topic, express the opposing opinion, providing counterarguments.
  • E-books or audiobooks will never replace paper books. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? State your position clearly and make your readers accept it.
  • Nowadays, society is too dependent on computer technologies . Comment on its negative and positive sides in the life of modern people. Persuade the readers not to overuse technology in everyday life.
  • Technology and science complement each other. Provide clear arguments to prove this idea or counterarguments to disprove it.

😃 Easy College Persuasive Topics

Do you think that persuasive essays have to cover only serious or global issues? Do you feel as if you have to be overwhelmed with the complexity of the subject? You are mistaken. A paper won’t become less successful if it explores even everyday life topics.

That’s why:

We prepared the next section of the article for you. Here you can find simple persuasive essay ideas for college students. Select a fascinating topic and compose an outstanding essay.

🎶 Persuasive Essay Ideas for College about Music

  • Music has a significant impact on culture .
  • Music preferences depend on personality type .
  • Music can influence our behavior .

Research suggests music can influence us a lot. It can impact illness, depression, spending, productivity, and our perception of the world.

  • Songs with lyrics that promote violent behavior should be banned.
  • A musician is not just a job; it is a vocation.
  • Medical workers should investigate the positive effect of music on mental illnesses’ treatment.
  • Music can be helpful in the learning process.
  • Good song lyrics can inspire people . Provide a sample of inspiring verses. How can it motivate listeners? Persuade the readers to pay attention to the song lyrics while listening to music.
  • A guitar is always a good idea for friendly gatherings . Prove to your readers that several songs played on a guitar can create a warm and cozy atmosphere.
  • Rap reflects violence. This is a generally accepted opinion. Do you agree or disagree with it? Prove your point of view by providing well-developed arguments.

🌍 Persuasive Topics for College on Traveling

  • While traveling, health and safety issues should be a top priority .
  • Tourism should be sustainable .
  • A trip to India will make you see the world from the other side.
  • Summer will become more memorable and fascinating if you travel.
  • Traveling broadens people’s minds.
  • Traveling with family or friends is an essential part of a happy life.
  • Spending a holiday on a trip is always more pleasurable than in front of a TV or computer.
  • Every person should visit Europe at least once in life. Explain why Europe is a must-see destination for every tourist.
  • People should travel as much as they want. Persuade people not to resist the desire to explore new places by listing the advantages of traveling.
  • Traveling is affordable for everyone. Persuade people to visit various countries, even with a limited budget.

Give some useful tips to persuade your reader to travel more.

✌ Persuasive Essay Ideas for College about Lifestyle

  • Parents should be responsible for their children’s obesity .
  • Proper nutrition and positive behavior prevent cancer .
  • A healthy lifestyle prevents aging .
  • Weight management programs and hypnotherapy are useful in maintaining good shape and a healthy organism .
  • An active way of life should replace a sedentary lifestyle to prevent heart diseases.
  • You should plan your weight loss process wisely.
  • Well-balanced nutrition is a way to a healthy and beautiful body.
  • Regular yoga and fitness will help you to maintain mental and physical wellness.
  • Regular physical activities and enough sleep can help students to study better.
  • Media influences the development of eating disorders . Explain the mechanisms media’s effect on eating disorders. Persuade your readers to pay enough attention to the information on social media.

📺 Persuasive Topics for College about Media

  • The role of mass media in modern society shouldn’t be underestimated .
  • Media affects the way people look at society .

Dr. Pamela Rutledge says about the media's influence on society.

  • TV shows have a negative influence on children .
  • Parents should control the effects of mass media advertising on teenagers .
  • Professional psychologists should review every cartoon before being released on television.
  • The information on the internet should be filtered to avoid the spreading of fake news.
  • Censorship is a must-have for modern television.
  • Old cartoons are more insightful than modern ones. Compare and contrast old and new animated films. Prove the usefulness of old ones. Convince the audience to make their children familiar with old cartoons.
  • Social media develops an inferiority complex among teenagers . How pictures of luxurious life in social networking sites influence adolescents’ self-esteem? Persuade the readers to filter the information seen in social media.
  • Mass media in the 1950s was more ethical than contemporary mass media. Analyze the ethical issues that are present in modern media. Why is following the ethical rules while sharing the information through the mass media vital?

🏫 Persuasive Essay Ideas for College on Teens

  • Both abstinence and sex education should be taught in high schools .
  • Professional psychologists or psychiatrists should treat anxiety disorders in children and adolescents .
  • Cheating in schools should be strictly punished.
  • Understanding teen depression is a crucial step in overcoming it.
  • The federal government should enact anti-bullying laws .
  • Bullying in school should be the main issue to deal with for the headteacher.
  • The teenage period requires constant monitoring of children’s behavior by parents and teachers.
  • Parents should have access to teenagers’ academic results.
  • The mental health of teens is precarious. Convince the readers to monitor and maintain adolescents’ mental health.
  • Parents should control social media usage by teenagers. Why should parents monitor the social networking accounts of their children? Explain why it is useful to teach teens how to behave on social media.

Persuade the parents to keep track of kids’ social networking activity.

📚 Persuasive Topics for College on Literature

  • Literature studying should be mandatory in schools.
  • Literature teaches us how to live a worthy life.
  • Robin Hood should become an example to follow.
  • You have to read some books several times throughout life to get the idea.
  • Lyric poetry may help in dealing with inner conflicts.
  • William Shakespeare is an outstanding figure of English literature that should always be appreciated.
  • Every person should have one book that will always remain their favorite one.
  • The theme of Romeo and Juliet will always remain relatable. Support this idea by providing compelling arguments and examples from the play. If you don’t agree with the statement, present clear counterarguments to prove your point of view.
  • The parents should read fairy tales to their children from early childhood. Persuade your audience to make their kids familiar with the fairy tales. Explain the importance of positive aspects of this genre of literature.
  • Dorian Gray and Oscar Wilde are connected. Describe Oscar Wilde’s background. Analyze how the author reflected his personality in the character of Dorian Gray. Convince your readers to accept your point of view. Propose examples from the book and the author’s biography.

🖐 25 More Topics to Persuade College Students

Here you can find a pleasant bonus from our team—25 more ideas to write about. You can use them not only for essays but also as persuasive speech topics for college.

So, take the benefit of our list of topics. Show an outstanding academic performance in the college.

College Persuasive Essay Topics: Family

  • A happy relationship should be based on trust and honesty.
  • In small and big families, parents should treat their children equally.
  • After giving birth, motherhood should become the primary concern of a woman’s life.
  • Parents should be the most significant support for their kids when they are sad, confused, or lost in life.
  • Children should take their retired parents to their home instead of the nursing home.

Support your position by providing strong arguments.

College Persuasive Essay Topics: Health

  • Physical activity is an effective way to prevent heart diseases.
  • People should quit smoking .
  • Mental health is not less important than physical health.
  • Well-balanced nutrition is key to a healthy body.
  • Taking care of general wellness should be everyone’s primary concern.

College Persuasive Essay Topics: Medicine

  • Strong pain killers should be sold by prescription only.
  • Drug prices should be set ethically .
  • Herbal medications are the safest.
  • Self-medication is extremely dangerous, even in the case of a simple cold or an allergy.
  • Differentiating various forms of medicines is essential . What is the working principle of a capsule, pill, syrup, etc.? Prove that the inappropriate application will not have an appropriate effect.

College Persuasive Essay Topics: Sports

  • Visiting a gym is extremely useful for our health .
  • Physical education should be mandatory in high school.
  • Extreme sports are only for professional athletes.
  • The governments should invest enough money in the development of sports schools.
  • Football is not only for boys. Women can create a successful football team, as well.

College Persuasive Essay Topics: Religion

  • Discrimination by religion or culture should not be acceptable in modern society.
  • Every person should have a right to choose a god or goddess to worship.
  • The representatives of different religions should be tolerant of each other.
  • The attitude towards wealth in Christianity differs from the perception of wealth in Islam.
  • Any other religious representatives should not criticize the central beliefs of Judaism .

Select a persuasive topic on a touchy subject with care.

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope the information was useful to you. Don’t forget to leave your comments and share the article with other students.

🔗 References

  • Persuasive Essays, Writing Resources, Hamilton College
  • Persuasive Essay Outline: HCC Learning Web, Houston Community College
  • Choosing a Topic for Your College Essay: Essay Writing Center, International Student
  • Choosing College Essay Topics: Accepted
  • 35 College Essay Prompts and Topics: Kayla Rutledge, SignUpGenius
  • How to Write a College Essay: Kelly Mae Ross, Devon Haynie, and Josh Moody for U.S. News
  • How To Answer the 2022-23 Common App Essay Prompts: College Essay Advisors
  • Writing a Political Science Essay: Charles King, Georgetown University
  • Writing a Paper about an Environmental Issue: Frederic Beaudry, ThoughtCo
  • Evidence: The Writing Center, the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill
  • Introducing Quotations and Paraphrases: UNSW Current Students
  • How Do I Write an Intro, Conclusion, & Body Paragraph: College of Literature, Science, and Arts, University of Michigan
  • Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students: Saul McLeod, Simply Psychology
  • How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
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Research Paper Topics: 50 Ideas to Get Started

Last Updated on May 26, 2023

Happy female college student working on research paper topics.

You’ll most likely be writing a lot of research papers while in college, so it is important to master the skill of finding the right research paper topics. Unfortunately, not all the topics you are interested in may be that easy to write about. It becomes even more difficult if there is not enough research material on the topic you've chosen.

Research Paper Topics: Find a Broad Subject First, Then Narrow It Down

One thing that works when finding the right research paper topics is to think of several subjects that interest you. Try writing down these subjects on a sheet of paper. Choose the one that interests you the most, and then break down the general subject into smaller chunks of topics that are related to it.

Narrow down your topics to the most interesting ones. If it is a controversial topic, choose a particular perspective that you will develop in your research paper. Read different points of view related to your topic, as this expands your knowledge and makes writing your paper easier.

Mind mapping is always a good idea, too. To find out how much you actually know about a topic, make a mind map of it. Put the main concept in the middle of a sheet of paper, then start adding relevant terms around it. When you run out of terms on this topic, you'll see if they're sufficient for a paper. 

Another way to get yourself completely rid of all the trouble is to get a research paper writing service to help you. By delegating your assignment, you will free up some of your time and see how this type of paper is done by a professional. You can stay in touch with your paper writer every step of the way, ask them questions, and request drafts. This will allow you to stay on top of the process and see how a thesis statement becomes a full paper.

A helpful way to find a topic that would make writing a research paper easy is to use one you’ve already written about. Take one of the essays you’ve written for this particular subject and see if you can broaden this topic. How much more detail can you add? Has any new research been made on that topic? In academia, it’s quite normal to broaden and deepen your past research, so you might as well start now.

Make sure you have enough resources for your topic.

Do a quick online search on the topics on your list to see which one is widely researched. This means finding a topic that is discussed not just on websites or blogs, but more so in books, articles, and even encyclopedia references. Find a topic that is both interesting and has plenty of published material. Check magazine articles, because these are usually shorter and more updated than those found in books.

Check references online or at the library.

Once you have chosen your topic, check the internet for references and also try using your school's library database, which may also be available online. Don't hesitate to ask your librarian for assistance with an urgent research paper. Other resources beyond the library include research paper websites that provide professional research paper writing help .

Writing a research paper requires a lot of time, extreme concentration, and diligence. And not everyone can cope with this task. Therefore, some people turn to special services for writing student papers. However, we do not recommend ordering this work. It is better to order editing for the writing assignment. In any case, it is always better to analyze both writing and editing services.

It is difficult to identify scammers, so it is better to trust a professional like William Grabe. On his website, you will find a detailed analysis of the best essay writing services .

Running out of topics to write about? Check the suggestions below that can help you choose the right research paper topics:

Business Research Paper Topics:

  • Cloud computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Glass ceiling
  • The gender pay gap
  • Geo arbitrage
  • Gig economy
  • Online retail
  • Online whiteboards
  • Outsourcing
  • Machine learning and automation
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Customer Service
  • Operations Management
  • Business ethics and social responsibility
  • Human Resources Management
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Teleconferencing and video meetings
  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • White collar crime
  • Work from home

Crime, Law, and Social Justice Research Paper Topics:

  • Acquaintance rape
  • Animal rights
  • Assisted suicide
  • Campus violence
  • Capital punishment
  • Civil rights
  • Climate justice
  • Drinking age, legal
  • Drug legalization
  • Gun control and gun violence
  • Hate crimes
  • Hunger and food insecurity
  • Insanity defense
  • Mandatory minimum sentencing
  • Patriot Act
  • Police brutality
  • Prisons and prisoners
  • Racial equality
  • Refugee crisis
  • Self defense
  • Serial killers
  • Sexual harassment
  • Stand Your Ground Law
  • Three Strikes Law

Drugs and alcohol Research Paper Topics:

  • Addiction recovery
  • CBD (Cannabidiol) benefits
  • Doping in sports
  • Drug testing
  • Drug addition
  • Drunk driving
  • Hemp seed benefits
  • Marijuana and medical marijuana
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Sober living
  • Substance abuse
  • Twelve Steps

Education Research Paper Topics:

  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Charter schools
  • College admission policies
  • College athletes
  • College tuition planning
  • Distance education
  • Diploma mills
  • Education and funding
  • Grade inflation
  • Greek letter societies
  • Home schooling
  • Intelligence tests
  • Learning disabilities
  • Literacy in America
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Prayer in schools
  • Sex education
  • School vouchers
  • Standardized tests

Environmental Research Paper Topics:

  • Alternative fuel/hybrid vehicles
  • Conservation
  • Climate change
  • Deforestation
  • Endangered species
  • Geoengineering
  • Global warming
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Marine pollution
  • Nuclear energy
  • Population control
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Soil pollution
  • Wildlife conservation

Family Issues Research Paper Topics:

  • Battered woman syndrome
  • Child abuse
  • Divorce rates
  • Domestic abuse
  • Family relationships
  • Family values
  • Parental Leave Benefits and Their Impact on the Family
  • Children's Mental Health & Development Impacted by Parental Absence
  • The Cost of Child Care
  • What Future Education Systems Must Include to Support Familial Wellbeing and Successful Learning for All

Health Research Paper Topics:

  • Alternative medicine
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Artificial insemination
  • Birth control
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Dietary supplements
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Heart disease
  • Health Care Reform
  • HIV infection
  • In vitro fertilization
  • Medicaid, Medicare reform
  • Organic foods
  • Prescription drugs
  • Plastic surgery
  • Stem cell research
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Vegetarianism
  • Weight loss surgery

Media and Communications Research Paper Topics:

  • Children's programming and advertising
  • Copyright Law
  • Freedom of speech
  • Materialism
  • Media conglomerates, ownership
  • Globalization of media and communications
  • Minorities in mass media
  • Political correctness
  • Portrayal of women
  • Reality television
  • Stereotypes
  • Television violence

Political Issues Research Paper Topics:

  • Affirmative Action
  • Budget deficit
  • Electoral College
  • Election reform
  • Illegal aliensIllegal aliens
  • Immigration
  • Impeachment
  • International relations
  • Operation Enduring Iraqi Freedom
  • Partisan politics
  • Social Security Reform
  • Third parties

Psychology Research Paper Topics:

  • Criminal psychology
  • Physical attraction
  • Schizophrenia

Religion Research Paper Topics:

  • Christianity
  • Freedom of religion
  • The Religious Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Religion as a Form of Therapy
  • A Comparison of Wicca and Catholicism in the Media
  • Religious Fundamentalism in the United States
  • Scientology
  • Teaching Islam in Public Schools
  • The Role of Religion on Sexuality

Social Issues Topics:

  • Airline safety, security
  • Affirmative Action programs
  • Child rearing
  • Discrimination in education
  • Employee rights
  • Gambling, online gaming
  • Gang identity
  • Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender
  • Gay parenting
  • Gender discrimination
  • Genetic screening
  • Homelessness
  • Identity theft
  • Interracial marriage
  • Race relations
  • Reverse discrimination
  • Test biases
  • Textbook biases

Technology Topics:

  • Changing Public Opinion & Politics in Social Media Era
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange
  • Innovation in AI and Machine Learning
  • Quantum Computing Revolutionizing Information Security
  • Smart Cities and Transportation Systems
  • The Future of Social Media

Terrorism Topics:

  • Bioterrorism
  • Homeland Security
  • September 11 attacks
  • Domestic terrorism
  • International terrorism
  • Religious terrorism
  • Irgun: Zionist terrorism
  • The Munich Olympics

Women and Gender Topics:

  • Birth control and pregnancy
  • Botox injections
  • Cultural expectations and practices
  • Discrimination
  • Eating disorders
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Gender Identity
  • Gender-neutral pronouns
  • Marriage and Divorce
  • Media portrayals
  • Menstruation
  • Modern women
  • Prostitution
  • LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)
  • LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more)
  • Social media influencers
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Female athletes
  • Women stereotypes
  • Women executives
  • Transgender
  • Traditional wife
  • Violence and rape
  • Women's rights

Source: University of Illinois Online Library

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5 thoughts on “Research Paper Topics: 50 Ideas to Get Started”

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Pick a topic that interests you or a topic that you have a lot of experience in. It’s much easier to address specific research issues when you either know the topic or have the interest to spend weekends and nights reading about it.

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That was helpful

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thank you this was very helpful!!

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Thank you! Now i just need to do the difficult part of choosing a topic to write about.

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Writing based on Texts

Drafting a research essay: synthesizing ideas.

college research essay ideas

Research can yield a lot of information and interesting ideas. You may find that you have so many ideas from your research, it’s hard to start writing a draft. If you did an  Idea Matrix to synthesize notes from many sources, then you have a good start at synthesizing ideas for an essay draft. Since an idea matrix focuses on organizing related ideas from a variety of sources, you now need to focus more on your own ideas in order to start a draft. In other words, you need to converse with your sources to achieve the kind of synthesis expected in a college research essay, which is intended to support and showcase your own ideas about an issue. In most college research essay assignments, your research should be used to support and supply evidence for your personal thoughts.

Here’s one way to proceed:

  • First of all, if you have been working with a research question, now’s the time to answer that research question and create a working thesis, with a topic and an angle in which you make an assertion about your topic/issue.
  • Then, review the supporting idea column of your idea matrix. Each idea listed offers in brief an idea group that can answer your research question and support your working thesis. Draft topic sentences, each with its own topic and angle, based on each supporting idea in your matrix.
  • Finally and most importantly, add your own ideas to your idea matrix in a new column or by writing notes. What do you, yourself, think about these ideas? Do you agree or disagree with certain supporting information and why? Add samples from your own experience and additional thoughts to exemplify each supporting idea group in general, and each quotation, paraphrase, or summary in particular.

A good way to begin synthesizing your own with your sources’ ideas for an essay draft is to consider how you integrate ideas into a conversation. When you’re discussing a topic with a few friends, you might refer to others’ ideas with phrases such as these: “When I was watching the news, I heard them say that . . . ,” “I read in The Atlantic online that. . .,” “Jamal told me that . . . .”  It’s quite standard to use sentences such as these to refer to others’ ideas within the flow of conversation. It’s the same in drafting an essay. Ask yourself if you were speaking this aloud in conversation, how would you introduce others’ ideas to your listeners? What information would you give them to help them understand who the author was and why the views presented are worth referencing? After giving this information, how would you then link it back to the point you were trying to make? Just as you do this in a conversation when you refer to another’s ideas, you also need to do this in your writing.

Yet even though ideas need to blend in a conversation, the source of each idea needs to be totally clear. While you’re synthesizing your own thoughts with your research, you still need to clarify and differentiate between your own ideas and your sources’ ideas. Part of your job is to help your reader understand exactly which information and what ideas came from whom. When you’re drafting a research essay, then, synthesizing your ideas with your sources’ ideas is like making a minestrone vegetable soup—all of the flavorings blend together, even though you still see distinct pieces of tomato, zucchini, beans, pasta, and whatever else you’ve included. If you don’t identify the source of each idea, then you have a blended soup like carrot soup—you cannot differentiate the ingredients, so no one knows which idea belongs to whom.

college research essay ideas

Another food analogy may help you synthesize ideas in a research essay—a “source sandwich.” Whether you use a direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary, a source sandwich helps you distinguish source material from your own ideas and explain how that source material fits into your argument. A source sandwich includes a transition to introduce the source, an attribution to actually move into the material from the source, and an in-text citation that connects to the full citation material at the end. It also includes your own thoughts in the most important bottom piece of bread which holds all of the rest. The bottom of the sandwich synthesizes the source material by explaining how it fits into your argument, supports your topic sentence, and supports your working thesis. Use the source sandwich convention to synthesize material from sources into your own writing so that your source’s information complements your own ideas with supporting evidence.

The Source sandwich

Here’s a video that offers the concept of synthesizing your ideas with your research in yet another way.

Another Approach to Synthesizing Ideas: They Say/I Say

The page on Reading & Writing to Synthesize introduces the They Say/I Say concept of joining a conversation, a way to incorporate your original thinking with ideas from your sources. Sometimes you may cite a research finding that provides strong evidence for your point; at other times you may summarize someone else’s ideas in order to explain how your own opinion differs or to note how someone else’s concept applies to a new situation. In general, using this approach, you first report what “they” say, “they” being published authors, prevalent ideas in society at large, or maybe participants in some kind of political or social debate. Then you respond by explaining what you think: Do you agree? Disagree? A little of both?

The “They Say/I Say” approach can help you find balance in your use of sources. On one extreme, don’t assume that you aren’t allowed to make any claims without citing one or more expert authors saying the same thing. On the other extreme, don’t describe what sources say about a topic, but then go on to state opinions that seem unrelated to the claims just summarized. (For example, a student writer may draw on expert sources to explain how the prevention and early detection of cancer has saved lives, but then argue for more funding for curing advanced cancer without making any explicit link to the points about prevention and screening.) On one extreme, the sources are allowed to crowd out original thinking; on the other, they have seemingly no impact on the author’s conclusions.

How can you know when you’re avoiding both of these extremes? The concept of They Say/I Say can help you refine as well as support a working thesis. “I Say” can count as an original claim and still be grounded in the sources “They Say.” For example:

  • Combine research findings from multiple sources to make a larger summary argument . You might find that none of the sources you’re working with specifically claim that early 20th century British literature was preoccupied with changing gender roles but that, together, their findings all point to that broader conclusion.
  • Combine research findings from multiple sources to make a claim about their implications . You might review papers that explore various factors shaping voting behavior to argue that a particular voting-reform proposal will likely have positive impacts.
  • Identify underlying areas of agreement . You may argue that the literature on cancer and the literature on violence both describe the unrecognized importance of prevention and early intervention in order to claim that insights about one set of problems may be useful for the other.
  • Identify underlying areas of disagreement . You may find that the controversies surrounding educational reform—and its debates about accountability, curricula, school funding—ultimately stem from different assumptions about the role of schools in society.
  • Identify unanswered questions . Perhaps you review studies of the genetic and behavioral contributors to diabetes in order to highlight unknown factors and argue for more in-depth research on the role of the environment.

These examples illustrate how original thinking in academic writing involves making connections with and between a strategically chosen set of sources.

Read the following paragraph about “mindful me” rooms in elementary schools and answer the questions that follow.

Reflective practice has also started to replace detention in schools across the country. Robert W. Coleman Elementary School is one of the first to adopt this method. As of 2014, this school has had no suspensions. When students fight or misbehave, they are sent to a “mindful me” room instead of the principal’s office, and they learn to peacefully solve these conflicts themselves (Khorsandi). Administrators at the school claim to have seen a marked improvement in student behavior. Coleman Principal Carillian Thompson explains, “The mindfulness practices have actually taught the students how to redirect that negative energy into something positive” (Khorsandi). The changes have resulted in more focus on academics and extracurricular activities at Coleman, which has made parents in the district happy. In fact, many parents have switched their thinking from once believing punitive measures are necessary to modify children’s behaviors to now seeing reflective practices as meaningful alternatives to detention.

  • Which sentence contains a signal phrase?
  • Coleman Principal Carillian Thompson explains, “The mindfulness practices have actually taught the students how to redirect that negative energy into something positive” (Khorsandi).
  • Reflective practice has also started to replace detention in schools across the country.
  • When students fight or misbehave, they are sent to a “mindful me” room instead of the principal’s office, and they learn to peacefully solve these conflicts themselves (Khorsandi).

Sentence #1 contains a signal phrase. Thompson’s name and credentials, plus the verb “explains,” constitute the signal phrase.

  • In which sentence does the writer transition into using a source?
  • The changes have resulted in more focus on academics and extracurricular activities at Coleman, which has made parents in the district happy.
  • Coleman principal Carillian Thompson explains, “The mindfulness practices have actually taught the students how to redirect that negative energy into something positive” (Khorsandi).

Sentence #3 is correct, as the writer uses “also” to indicate a new point and example to come. Sentences #1 and #2 simply summarize points previously introduced.

  • Which sentence explains the relevance of the source to the writer’s thesis?
  • Robert W. Coleman Elementary School is one of the first to adopt this method.
  • In fact, many parents have switched their thinking from once believing punitive measures are necessary to modify children’s behaviors to now seeing reflective practices as meaningful alternatives to detention.
  • Administrators at the school claim to have seen a marked improvement in student behavior.

Sentence #2 is correct; the writer relates the source to her thesis. In sentences #1 and  #3, the writer describes/develops the evidence.

Synthesizing Ideas also involves Synthesizing Skills

Realize that as you synthesize ideas for a research paper, you’re also synthesizing reading and writing skills.

  • Pre-writing – brainstorming, listing, mapping, etc. to create a research question and working thesis; reviewing your prewriting in the context of your writing’s purpose (e.g., to apply, analyze, etc.)
  • Researching – finding appropriate types of sources and content to answer your research question and more firmly establish your working thesis
  • Reading – skimming researched sources; evaluating them for content, relevance, etc.; reading fully for main ideas; annotating, note taking, or in some way recording and interacting with those ideas
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing relevant ideas from your notes (relevant to your working thesis)
  • Synthesizing ideas – finding relationships among ideas from different sources and synthesizing them in an idea matrix; evaluating the matrix for amount and type of support to see if more or different support is needed
  • Drafting the research paper – intro-body-conclusion, determining the order of supporting ideas
  • Reading the draft as a text in its own right to evaluate it (for purpose, content, clarity) and aid in revising and finalizing the paper
  • Citing sources
  • Drafting a Research Essay: Synthesizing Ideas, includes material adpated from Basic Reading and Writing, UMiss RhetLab, and Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence; attributions below. Authored by : Susan Oaks. Project : Introduction to College Reading & Writing. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Finding Evidence. Provided by : Lumen Learning. Located at : https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-basicreadingwriting/chapter/outcome-finding-evidence/ . Project : Basic Reading and Writing. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Bringing Sources into the Conversation. Provided by : Lumen Learning. Located at : https://courses.lumenlearning.com/olemiss-writing100/chapter/bringing-sources-into-the-conversation/ . Project : UM RhetLab. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Listening to Sources, Talking to Sources. Authored by : Amy Guptill. Provided by : The College at Brockport, SUNY. Located at : https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu/writing-in-college-from-competence-to-excellence/chapter/listening-to-sources-talking-to-sources/ . Project : Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • image of woman holding laptop in front of jigsaw puzzle pieces. Authored by : Gerd Altmann. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : https://pixabay.com/photos/businesswoman-business-puzzle-2822600/ . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • video How to Plan and Write a Paper: How to Draft. Authored by : Clancy Clawson. Provided by : University of Maryland, Baltimore Writing Center. Located at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHkqdkhBYg . License : Other . License Terms : YouTube video
  • image of minestrone soup in a bowl. Authored by : catceeq. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : https://pixabay.com/photos/soup-minestrone-soup-vegetable-soup-4769456/ . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • image of carrot soup in a bowl. Authored by : Christo Anestev. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : https://pixabay.com/photos/carrots-soup-fresh-soup-food-soup-2157198/ . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • video How to Write a Body Paragraph for a Research Paper. Authored by : Tyler Rablin. Located at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJDsV05fIXk . License : Other . License Terms : YouTube video

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and argue for or against it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas available to get you started. Then you need to take a position, do some research, and present your viewpoint convincingly.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your subject. Otherwise, you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. You don't need to know everything, though; part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.

It's best if you have a general interest in your subject, but the argument you choose doesn't have to be one that you agree with.

The subject you choose may not necessarily be one you are in full agreement with, either. You may even be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. 

Ideas for Argument Essays

Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest. Write those down as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure you get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about? Can you see why someone else may feel differently?

List of 50 Possible Argumentative Essay Topics

A number of these topics are rather controversial—that's the point. In an argumentative essay , opinions matter, and controversy is based on opinions. Just make sure your opinions are backed up by facts in the essay.   If these topics are a little too controversial or you don't find the right one for you, try browsing through persuasive essay and speech topics  as well.

  • Is global climate change  caused by humans?
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is the U.S. election process fair?
  • Is torture ever acceptable?
  • Should men get paternity leave from work?
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Does the U.S. have a fair tax system?
  • Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
  • Is cheating out of control?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • Should animals be used for research?
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
  • Do we have a throwaway society ?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
  • Should members of Congress have term limits?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Are CEOs paid too much?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  • Are beauty pageants exploitative ?
  • Should English be the official language of the United States?
  • Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
  • Should the alcohol-drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Should everyone be required to recycle?
  • Is it okay for prisoners to vote (as they are in some states)?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in more countries?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school ?
  • Does boredom lead to trouble?
  • Should schools be in session year-round ?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the government provide health care?
  • Should abortion be illegal?
  • Should more companies expand their reproductive health benefits for employees?
  • Is homework harmful or helpful?
  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Should the federal government legalize marijuana use nationally ?
  • Should rich people be required to pay more taxes?
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is affirmative action fair?
  • Is public prayer okay in schools?
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Is greater gun control a good idea?

How to Craft a Persuasive Argument

After you've decided on your essay topic, gather evidence to make your argument as strong as possible. Your research could even help shape the position your essay ultimately takes. As you craft your essay, remember to utilize persuasive writing techniques , such as invoking emotional language or citing facts from authoritative figures. 

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  • 100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students
  • Examples of Great Introductory Paragraphs
  • Preparing an Argument Essay: Exploring Both Sides of an Issue
  • Tips on How to Write an Argumentative Essay
  • Bad Essay Topics for College Admissions
  • How to Write a Narrative Essay or Speech
  • Controversial Speech Topics
  • How to Write a Solid Thesis Statement
  • High School Debate Topics
  • 25 Essay Topics for American Government Classes
  • How to Write a Persuasive Essay
  • MBA Essay Tips
  • 40 Writing Topics for Argumentative and Persuasive Essays
  • Topical Organization Essay
  • Common Application Essay Option 6: Losing Track of Time


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 50 great argumentative essay topics for any assignment.

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At some point, you’re going to be asked to write an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is exactly what it sounds like—an essay in which you’ll be making an argument, using examples and research to back up your point.

But not all argumentative essay topics are created equal. Not only do you have to structure your essay right to have a good impact on the reader, but even your choice of subject can impact how readers feel about your work.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of writing argumentative essays, including what argumentative essays are, how to write a good one, and how to pick a topic that works for you. Then check out a list of argumentative essay ideas to help you get started.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is one that makes an argument through research. These essays take a position and support it through evidence, but, unlike many other kinds of essays, they are interested in expressing a specific argument supported by research and evidence.

A good argumentative essay will be based on established or new research rather than only on your thoughts and feelings. Imagine that you’re trying to get your parents to raise your allowance, and you can offer one of two arguments in your favor:

You should raise my allowance because I want you to.

You should raise my allowance because I’ve been taking on more chores without complaining.

The first argument is based entirely in feelings without any factual backup, whereas the second is based on evidence that can be proven. Your parents are more likely to respond positively to the second argument because it demonstrates that you have done something to earn the increased allowance. Similarly, a well-researched and reasoned argument will show readers that your point has a basis in fact, not just feelings.

The standard five-paragraph essay is common in writing argumentative essays, but it’s not the only way to write one. An argumentative essay is typically written in one of two formats, the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model.

The Toulmin model is the most common, comprised of an introduction with a claim (otherwise known as a thesis), with data to support it. This style of essay will also include rebuttals, helping to strengthen your argument by anticipating counterarguments.

The Rogerian model analyzes two sides of an argument and reaches a conclusion after weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Both essay styles rely on well-reasoned logic and supporting evidence to prove a point, just in two different ways.

The important thing to note about argumentative essays as opposed to other kinds of essays is that they aim to argue a specific point rather than to explain something or to tell a story. While they may have some things in common with analytical essays, the primary difference is in their objective—an argumentative essay aims to convince someone of something, whereas an analytical essay contextualizes a topic with research.


What Makes a Good Argumentative Essay?

To write an effective argumentative essay, you need to know what a good one looks like. In addition to a solid structure, you’ll need an argument, a strong thesis, and solid research.

An Argument

Unlike other forms of essays, you are trying to convince your reader of something. You’re not just teaching them a concept or demonstrating an idea—you’re constructing an argument to change the readers’ thinking.

You’ll need to develop a good argument, which encompasses not just your main point, but also all the pieces that make it up.

Think beyond what you are saying and include how you’re saying it. How will you take an idea and turn it into a complex and well thought out argument that is capable of changing somebody’s mind?

A Strong Thesis

The thesis is the core of your argument. What specific message are you trying to get across? State that message in one sentence, and that will be your thesis.

This is the foundation on which your essay is built, so it needs to be strong and well-reasoned. You need to be able to expand on it with facts and sources, not just feelings.

A good argumentative essay isn’t just based on your individual thoughts, but research. That can be citing sources and other arguments or it can mean direct research in the field, depending on what your argument is and the context in which you are arguing it.

Be prepared to back your thesis up with reporting from scientific journals, newspapers, or other forms of research. Having well-researched sources will help support your argument better than hearsay or assumptions. If you can’t find enough research to back up your point, it’s worth reconsidering your thesis or conducting original research, if possible.


How to Come Up With an Argumentative Essay Topic

Sometimes you may find yourself arguing things you don’t necessarily believe. That’s totally fine—you don’t actually have to wholeheartedly believe in what you’re arguing in order to construct a compelling argument.

However, if you have free choice of topic, it’s a good idea to pick something you feel strongly about. There are two key components to a good argumentative essay: a strong stance, and an assortment of evidence. If you’re interested and feel passionate about the topic you choose, you'll have an easier time finding evidence to support it, but it's the evidence that's most important. 

So, to choose a topic, think about things you feel strongly about, whether positively or negatively. You can make a list of ideas and narrow those down to a handful of things, then expand on those ideas with a few potential points you want to hit on.

For example, say you’re trying to decide whether you should write about how your neighborhood should ban weed killer, that your school’s lunch should be free for all students, or that the school day should be cut by one hour. To decide between these ideas, you can make a list of three to five points for each that cover the different evidence you could use to support each point.

For the weed killer ban, you could say that weed killer has been proven to have adverse impacts on bees, that there are simple, natural alternatives, and that weeds aren’t actually bad to have around. For the free lunch idea, you could suggest that some students have to go hungry because they can’t afford lunch, that funds could be diverted from other places to support free lunch, and that other items, like chips or pizza, could be sold to help make up lost revenue. And for the school day length example, you could argue that teenagers generally don’t get enough sleep, that you have too much homework and not enough time to do it, and that teenagers don’t spend enough time with their families.

You might find as you make these lists that some of them are stronger than others. The more evidence you have and the stronger you feel that that evidence is, the better the topic.  Of course, if you feel that one topic may have more evidence but you’d rather not write about it, it’s okay to pick another topic instead. When you’re making arguments, it can be much easier to find strong points and evidence if you feel passionate about our topic than if you don't.


50 Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

If you’re struggling to come up with topics on your own, read through this list of argumentative essay topics to help get you started!

  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?
  • Do GMOs help or harm people?
  • Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
  • Should world governments get involved in addressing climate change?
  • Should Facebook be allowed to collect data from its users?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Is it ethical to replace human workers with automation?
  • Should there be laws against using cell phones while driving?
  • Has the internet positively or negatively impacted human society?


  • Should college athletes be paid for being on sports teams?
  • Should coaches and players make the same amount of money?
  • Should sports be segregated by gender?
  • Should the concept of designated hitters in baseball be abolished?
  • Should US sports take soccer more seriously?
  • Should religious organizations have to pay taxes?
  • Should religious clubs be allowed in schools?
  • Should “one nation under God” be in the pledge of allegiance?
  • Should religion be taught in schools?
  • Should clergy be allowed to marry?
  • Should minors be able to purchase birth control without parental consent?
  • Should the US switch to single-payer healthcare?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal?
  • Should dietary supplements and weight loss items like teas be allowed to advertise through influencers?
  • Should doctors be allowed to promote medicines?


  • Is the electoral college an effective system for modern America?
  • Should Puerto Rico become a state?
  • Should voter registration be automatic?
  • Should people in prison be allowed to vote?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be elected?
  • Should sex work be legalized?
  • Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
  • Should the death penalty be legal?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should drug possession be decriminalized?


  • Should unpaid internships be legal?
  • Should minimum wage be increased?
  • Should monopolies be allowed?
  • Is universal basic income a good idea?
  • Should corporations have a higher or lower tax rate?
  • Are school uniforms a good idea?
  • Should PE affect a student’s grades?
  • Should college be free?
  • Should Greek life in colleges be abolished?
  • Should students be taught comprehensive sex ed?


  • Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
  • Should books with objectionable words be banned?
  • Should content on YouTube be better regulated?
  • Is art education important?
  • Should art and music sharing online be allowed?


How to Argue Effectively

A strong argument isn’t just about having a good point. If you can’t support that point well, your argument falls apart.

One of the most important things you can do in writing a strong argumentative essay is organizing well. Your essay should have a distinct beginning, middle, and end, better known as the introduction, body and opposition, and conclusion.

This example follows the Toulmin model—if your essay follows the Rogerian model, the same basic premise is true, but your thesis will instead propose two conflicting viewpoints that will be resolved through evidence in the body, with your conclusion choosing the stronger of the two arguments.


Your hook should draw the reader’s interest immediately. Questions are a common way of getting interest, as well as evocative language or a strong statistic

Don’t assume that your audience is already familiar with your topic. Give them some background information, such as a brief history of the issue or some additional context.

Your thesis is the crux of your argument. In an argumentative essay, your thesis should be clearly outlined so that readers know exactly what point you’ll be making. Don’t explain all your evidence in the opening, but do take a strong stance and make it clear what you’ll be discussing.

Your claims are the ideas you’ll use to support your thesis. For example, if you’re writing about how your neighborhood shouldn’t use weed killer, your claim might be that it’s bad for the environment. But you can’t just say that on its own—you need evidence to support it.

Evidence is the backbone of your argument. This can be things you glean from scientific studies, newspaper articles, or your own research. You might cite a study that says that weed killer has an adverse effect on bees, or a newspaper article that discusses how one town eliminated weed killer and saw an increase in water quality. These kinds of hard evidence support your point with demonstrable facts, strengthening your argument.

In your essay, you want to think about how the opposition would respond to your claims and respond to them. Don’t pick the weakest arguments, either— figure out what other people are saying and respond to those arguments with clearly reasoned arguments.

Demonstrating that you not only understand the opposition’s point, but that your argument is strong enough to withstand it, is one of the key pieces to a successful argumentative essay.

Conclusions are a place to clearly restate your original point, because doing so will remind readers exactly what you’re arguing and show them how well you’ve argued that point.

Summarize your main claims by restating them, though you don’t need to bring up the evidence again. This helps remind readers of everything you’ve said throughout the essay.

End by suggesting a picture of a world in which your argument and action are ignored. This increases the impact of your argument and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A strong argumentative essay is one with good structure and a strong argument , but there are a few other things you can keep in mind to further strengthen your point.

When you’re crafting an argument, it can be easy to get distracted by all the information and complications in your argument. It’s important to stay focused—be clear in your thesis and home in on claims that directly support that thesis.

Be Rational

It’s important that your claims and evidence be based in facts, not just opinion. That’s why it’s important to use reliable sources based in science and reporting—otherwise, it’s easy for people to debunk your arguments.

Don’t rely solely on your feelings about the topic. If you can’t back a claim up with real evidence, it leaves room for counterarguments you may not anticipate. Make sure that you can support everything you say with clear and concrete evidence, and your claims will be a lot stronger!

What’s Next?

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A bunch of great essay examples can help you aspire to greatness, but bad essays can also be a warning for what not to do. This guide to bad college essays will help you better understand common mistakes to avoid in essay writing!

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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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100 Best Political Science Research Topics

June 3, 2024

Political science is an incredibly broad and variated discipline, containing numerous subfields that attract immense amounts of research. Researchers in the field can utilize diverse empirical or theoretical methodologies, sometimes in combination. There are specialized fields based on geographic areas, time periods, political forms and institutions, and bodies of thought. Researchers might aim to impact policy, inspire advocacy, or produce knowledge about the nature of political ideas, systems, and processes. There are even sub-disciplines that focus separately on either relations or comparisons between nation-states (international relations and comparative politics, respectively). Given this expansiveness, it can be challenging to quickly pick out compelling political science research topics.

This article provides a broad sample of political science topics. Most of the topics are already the subject of intensive research, which is ultimately something to look for when identifying a topic. Understanding the themes and subfields that already structure study in the field can ultimately help toward locating a unique research interest. From there, it’s a matter of refining interests into specific topics and, eventually, questions that drive research.

Picking Political Science Research Topics

Finding political science topics usually involves doing two things, sometimes simultaneously. The first requires understanding what prominent topics already exist in the field(s). After all, this discipline has been around for many decades, with incredible amounts of published research each year. It’s best to not try to wholly reinvent the wheel in this case, or risk selecting a topic for which there is no available research. The second entails reflecting on what feels important to research. A topic could be significant because it is remarkably timely or because there is some pragmatic outcome in mind. The researcher might even have a personal connection with the topic on top of these other kinds of factors. Pursuing research that feels important is an evergreen recommendation – otherwise, research can be produced without any clear purpose or benefit in mind.

So, when picking political science research topics, consider these processes and resources:

1) Start with what interests you. Take inventory of your personal and intellectual experiences and how they might intersect with what you know about political research. How would you map your experiences geographically or historically? What themes in the political sphere grab your attention? In what ways have you and others around you interacted with formal politics? Understanding what you are motivated to learn about makes the process of selecting among political science topics more organic.

Picking Political Science Research Topics (Cont.)

2) Consider what feels urgent. Political science has a good deal of overlap with the discipline of history. But perhaps even more than historians, political scientists are committed to understanding and improving politics in the present. A great deal of tremendous scholarship is sparked from this presentist impulse. What news items are persistently interesting or seem to revolve around intractably complex problems? A topic connected to widely recognized issues in the present will almost immediately justify the resulting research.

3) Survey field categories and literature. Usually, topics that are timely will already be drawing attention from other researchers. It’s also possible to spark curiosity through understanding how others have framed topics and questions. However, the most important reason for this step is to ensure that a research topic will have enough published writing around it to warrant attention. There are many ways to complete a survey within or across political science fields. To start, fields like comparative politics have field-specific journals and anthologies with useful descriptions and citations. There is the Journal of Comparative Politics , a journal called Comparative Political Studies , and a big anthology called Comparative Politics: A Practical Guide . Another extremely helpful resource is the research database known as Oxford Bibliographies . There, political science scholars compile bibliographic entries that define subfields and provide key citations.

Again, these are not strictly sequential steps. Often, it’s necessary to engage existing topics and research questions and use them to inspire reflection on what feels significant. Or it’s likely that specific interests will help delimit subfields, making it easier to comb through topics.

It’s important to narrow topics so that a researcher could reasonably become an expert on. In Oxford Bibliographies, many times they break very broad topics into multiple subtopics, each with its own body of literature. But it can also be useful to think about the research question that might stem from the broad topic. What specifically is it that needs to be known about this topic? What causes and effects are involved in phenomena we can see and describe but have not yet analyzed? Or what can be critiqued, evaluated, improved or replaced? Finding how a broad topic can lead to descriptive, analytical, or evaluative research questions is the most effective way to identify compelling and specific topics.

The List – Political Science Research Topics (1-30)

African politics.

1) African Ethnic, Linguistic, and Religious Minority Political Representation

2) Authoritarianism in the Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa

3) Comparative Political Structures of African Urban Governments

4) Democratization Policies and Political Movements in Africa

5) Ethnic and Religious Plurality in the Politics of Nigeria

6) National and Transnational LGBTQ Political Movements in Africa

7) Political Organization Around Climate Crises in Africa

8) Public Opinion on International NGOs in Africa

9) South Africa’s Governmental Policies for COVID Vaccination

10) Women in African Politics

Asian Politics

11) Competing Claims to Sovereignty in the South China Sea

12) Economic and Cultural Effects of China’s One-Child Policy

13) Labor Politics in China

14) Media Politics and Expression in Asian Countries

15) Nationalism and Religious Minorities in India

16) Philippine Politics and the Illicit Drug Economy

17) Social Movements in East Asia

18) South Korean Policies Addressing Demographic Decline

19) Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong

20) Youth Protest Movements in Taiwan

Comparative Politics

21) Authoritarian Populism in Brazil, Hungary, and India

22) Countries that Host Foreign-Owned Nuclear Weapons

23) Diasporas and National Politics in South and East Asian Countries

24) Differences in Environmental Politics Between the Global North and Global South

25) Elections in Sierra Leone and Their Differences from Other Countries

26) Governmental Responses to Gang Violence in Different Latin American Countries

27) Income Inequality in Advanced Democracies

28) Indigenous Rights and Politics in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

29) Laws Surrounding Abortion in the U.S. and the U.K.

30) State Legitimacy and Authority in Botswana and Somalia

Political Science Topics (31-60)

European politics.

31) Authoritarianism and Media Politics in Turkey

32) Austerity, White Identity Politics, and Brexit

33) Ethnic and Religious Minority Representation in the European Union

34) European Public Opinion on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

35) Far-Right Political Mobilization in Europe

36) France’s Political Opposition to Multicultural Pluralism

37) Immigration, Islamophobia, and European Union Political Campaigns

38) Political Challenges and Opportunities for European Integration

39) Regime Transitions in Post-Communist Eastern Europe

40) Welfare State Development in Western Europe

International Relations

41) Border Security Politics, Immigration, and International Relations

42) Efficacy of International Criminal Justice Bodies

43) Energy Politics of International Relations

44) Global Economy of Illicit Drugs

45) Global Politics of Intellectual Property

46) International Conflict Management

47) International NGOs and Their Effects on National Politics

48) Political Responses to Transboundary Pollution

49) Preferential Trade Agreements and Tariff Wars

50) Regulation of International Private Corporations

Latin American Politics

51) Authoritarianism and Democratization in Brazil’s Political History

52) Christian Transnational Political Mobilization in Latin America

53) Electoral Volatility and Suppression in Venezuela

54) Government Responses to Organized Crime in Mexico and Central America

55) Guerilla Insurgencies in Latin America

56) Neoliberalism and Democracy in Latin America

57) Military Government in Latin America, 1959-1990

58) Populism’s Role in Shaping Latin American Politics

59) Poverty, Inequality, and Development in Latin America

60) Regional Economic, Political, and Cultural Integration in Latin America

Political Science Research Topics (61-90)


61) Accuracy and Reliability of Models Predicting Election Outcomes

62) Applying Game Theory to Understand Political Strategies

63) Development of Survey Methods and Research

64) Ethical Problems Surrounding the Use of Experiments in Political Research

65) Experimental Methods for Promoting Voter Turnout

66) Impact of Survey Design and Sampling Techniques on Validity in Public Opinion Polls

67) Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Political Research

68) Machine Learning Techniques and Political Science

69) Researching Politics Through Big Data

70) Using Ethnography to Study Political Behavior and Institutions

Middle Eastern Politics

71) Comparative Politics of the Middle East and North Africa

72) Democracy, Statehood, and the Israel-Palestine Peace Process

73) Immigrant Labor Politics in Oil-Rich Middle East Countries

74) Mobilization and Oppression Through Media Control in the Arab Spring

75) Oil Wealth, Political Stability, and Economic Development in the Middle East

76) Political Islam, National, and International Politics in the Middle East

77) Postcolonialism and the Political Development of Iran

78) S. Foreign Policy and Its Effects on Stability and Governance in the Middle East

79) Women’s Political Participation in the Middle East and North Africa

80) Water Politics and Their Impact on Middle Easter International Relations and Security

Political Theory

81) Critical Political Theory and the Frankfurt School

82) Development of Political Thought in Ancient China

83) Effects of New Media (i.e., TVs, CDs, social messaging platforms) in Politics

84) Feminist Interventions in Political Thought

85) Hegelian and Counter-Hegelian Political Thought

86) Intersectionality in Political Theory

87) Nationalist and Cosmopolitan Political Thought

88) Religion in Classical and Contemporary Political Thought

89) Political Representation and Policy Responsiveness to Public Opinion

90) Postcolonial and Decolonial Political Theory

Political Science Topics (91-100)

U.s. politics.

91) Age and Generational Differences in U.S. Politics

92) Asian American Politics and Political Movements

93) Campaign Advertising in U.S. Elections

94) Celebrity Influence on Political Campaigns in the U.S.

95) Interest Groups and Modern U.S. Conservativism

96) Litigation Strategies in Political Contests Over Abortion

97) Politics of Electoral Redistricting in the U.S.

98) Politics of U.S. Healthcare System and Reform

99) S. Politics and Policies of Mass Incarceration

100) Voter Opinion on Women Political Candidates

Final Thoughts on Political Science Research Topics

Political science topics are rarely one-size-fits-all. Like many humanistic and other modes of research, topics typically suit the specific interests and motivations of the researcher. Do you want to improve a method or practical process? Are you interested in the politics of a specific region, or motivated to learn about something especially urgent? Where is the conversation within or across fields, and where might you have the most to contribute? Combining careful self-assessment and knowledge of research fields is the best way to effectively carve out your own chunk of the gigantic discipline that is political science.

Political Science Research Topics – Additional Resources

  • Good Persuasive Speech Topics
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  • Easy Science Experiments for Kids
  • 62 Research Opportunities for High School Students 
  • 150 Journal Prompts for Kids, Middle, and High School Students 
  • 141 Fun, Weird, and Interesting Facts 
  • High School Success

Tyler Talbott

Tyler holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Missouri and two Master of Arts degrees in English, one from the University of Maryland and another from Northwestern University. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in English at Northwestern University, where he also works as a graduate writing fellow.

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