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Navigating Thesis and Dissertation Challenges: Advice from Experts

Headshots of the three interviewed experts. From left to right Drs. Andrea Hernandez Holm, Shelley Hawthorne Smith, and Leslie Dupont.

I like to think that crafting a thesis or dissertation is akin to setting sail on an academic odyssey, navigating uncharted waters filled with challenges. Fortunately, in this expedition at UArizona, we have seasoned academic advisors like Drs. Leslie Dupont, Shelley Hawthorne Smith, and Andrea Hernandez Holm. They, serve as wise navigators, offering insights that help you chart a course through the complexities of project data management, writing dilemmas, time constraints, and the climactic defense.

Meet the three experts interviewed for this article.

Dr. Andrea Hernandez Holm

A headshot of Dr. Andrea Hernandez Holm.

The Director of the Writing Skills Improvement Program (WSIP) at the University of Arizona, Dr. Holm has two decades of expertise as a writing specialist. With a focus on academic and professional writing, she coordinates projects like the Graduate Writing Institute and is an adjunct professor in the Mexican American Studies Department, holding a PhD in the field. She is also a published researcher, essayist, and poet, who contributes to the literary landscape.

Dr. Shelley Hawthorne Smith

A headshot of Dr. Shelley Hawthorne Smith.

Dr. Hawthorne Smith is an Assistant Professor of Practice and Associate Director of the Graduate Writing Lab where she passionately supports graduate students' writing development. Creator of Fellowship Application Development Programs, she holds an MFA in Creative Writing and a PhD in Rhetoric from the University of Arizona.

Dr. Leslie Dupont

A headshot of Dr. Leslie Dupont.

Dr. Dupont is a writing coach who helps College of Nursing students, staff, and faculty improve their scholarly and professional writing skills. With a PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English, she has been teaching writing since 1989, both at UA and online with Johns Hopkins University. Her passion lies in collaborative coaching and mentoring.

The Writer’s Blueprint: Strategies from Thesis and Dissertation Writing Mentors

According to Dr. Holm, one of the most important aspects of thesis or dissertation writing is mentorship. Though there are plenty of online resources that can help, students also need personalized guidance. Mentors can address student writers’ individual experiences, changes in academia, and the evolution of disciplines.

One area that Dr. Holm notes is often addressed last when it should be in the forefront is one's identity as a writer. In graduate school, the personal perspective often gets relegated to the bottom of the priority list. It's important to consider how you're feeling, assess your confidence level, and actively nurture your identity as a writer. 

Dr. Holm suggests the following self-reflections:

  • Celebrate what you have accomplished so far. Most students forget that writing their thesis/dissertation means that they have completed or are about to complete their coursework, which is in itself a great accomplishment. Recognizing that gives you more confidence to tackle the next task and helps you find your voice as an academic writer. 
  • Use the lessons you have learned while writing for courses or as a teaching assistant. What has worked for you so far and what hasn’t?  
  • Change your mindset. Do not view this piece of writing as a final hurdle but an opportunity to express your work in writing to a captive audience (your committee) and to the wider community. This is an opportunity to have your voice heard, your work expressed and shared.

On a similar note, Dr. Hawthorne Smith says that having a strong sense of purpose for your projects is important for success. While some students start with a clear understanding of this in their graduate studies, most develop it over time, often by the end of their dissertation. The challenge is understanding the significance of their work, which may not be clear at the beginning as ideas take time to develop. Students who develop their ideas later may not have the same initial motivation as those who start earlier. Therefore, it's essential to cultivate a deep understanding of the 'what' and 'why' behind your academic endeavors. However, if you do not know this at the start of your project, it is okay. Dr. Hawthorne Smith stresses that coming into the program with all the necessary understanding and motivation is rare. In fact, in her 12 years of working closely with writers, she has only met 3 such students. Don’t doubt yourself; you will in due course find your strong motivations and a richer understanding of the importance of your work that will propel you forward.

Data Management and Writing

  • Dr. Hawthorne Smith maintains that you do not have to finish data collection before starting the writing process. You can write as you go. Even writing twice a week in 30-minute sessions will help you develop your ideas and make progress in the writing phase. 
  • Dr. Dupont advises students to store data so they always have access to it. Even if you do not micro-organize it into specific subfolders, at least have a “project data” folder instead of simply keeping everything in your downloads. In addition, keep backups of your data on hard drives, flash drives, or a secure cloud storage platform, so you can access the work from any device. A good resource for information about secure storage of sensitive data is the  Institutional Review Board .
  • If you consult the internet while working on your writing, you can end up with too many open tabs. To avoid losing the links, create bookmark subfolders for your project, name it accordingly, and add to the subfolder all relevant papers and webpages you have open.
  • The  University of Arizona Libraries website has helpful information about both project and data management.

Unlocking the Writing Process

If you are in graduate school and have no idea how to navigate academic writing, you are not alone. After speaking to these three writing mentors, I understood that most graduate students need guidance as they start communicating their findings to the academic community. 

Here are some tips that can help you improve your writing or gain the confidence to keep going. 

1. Overcoming the Dreaded Writer's Block

  • Take breaks strategically, especially after significant milestones. Seek support from peers, tutors, or colleagues. Remember, community and support systems are your lifelines.
  • Gamify your writing process, set achievable goals, and reward yourself. Create a dynamic outline, experiment with different environments, and if you have an alternative way of processing information or dealing with some neurodivergence, utilize resources like the  Disability Resource Center .

2. Crafting the Manuscript: A Symphony of Words and Ideas

  • Understand your audience and the scholarly conversation you're joining. Break down the writing process into manageable steps. Leverage the support of writing tutors and groups at the  Graduate Writing Lab .
  • Make a mess during drafting. The first draft is for yourself, so don't aim for perfection. Start with organizing ideas, address content issues, and focus on sentence-level details later.

3. Harnessing Tools for Enhanced Writing

  • Tools like  Grammarly and  Chatgpt can be beneficial for non-native speakers. Use them for pattern recognition and flow improvement. AI tools are tools, not substitutes; use them ethically and professionally.
  • Read aloud for flow and pattern identification. Use AI tools for brainstorming, proofreading, and organizing ideas.

4. Thriving Amidst Challenges

  • Overcome shame and imposter syndrome by seeking support. Remember, challenges are part of the journey, and many share similar struggles.
  • Celebrate achievements along the way. Perceive writing as an opportunity for growth and knowledge dissemination. Prepare diligently by understanding department expectations and utilizing campus resources.

5. Charting the Course to Dissertation Defense

  • Collaborate with graduate writing tutors, set goals, and seek feedback. The dissertation defense is a performance; prepare like an actor rehearsing a play. Embrace nerves as a sign of readiness.
  • Know your department's expectations, communicate with advisors, and leverage campus writing resources. Feedback is not criticism; it's a tool for growth. Navigating writing challenges is a shared experience; avoid internalizing external opinions and seek support from writing specialists.

Time as a Precious Resource

Time management is paramount for success in graduate school. Here is valuable advice from our interviewees on optimizing your time for effective and efficient thesis or dissertation writing.

  • Creating Structures for Consistent Progress

Establishing writing structures and systems is laying tracks for a smooth academic journey. As suggested by seasoned writers, consider forming or joining  writing groups . These forums provide not only accountability but also a sense of camaraderie, fostering a conducive environment for consistent progress.

  • Embracing Flexibility and Acknowledging Trade-Offs

Flexibility is the ally of productivity. Recognize that sacrifices and trade-offs are often integral to academic pursuits. While commitment to your research is non-negotiable, understanding the art of balance is crucial. Whether it's compromising on leisure time or adjusting your schedule, being flexible is a key to success.

  • The Power of Accountability through Writing Partnerships

Embark on your writing odyssey with a companion. Join a writing group or find a writing partner who shares your academic aspirations. This not only adds an element of accountability but also provides a support system during the inevitable peaks and valleys of your writing journey.

  • Carving Out Dedicated Writing Time

Time, even in small increments, is a formidable ally in the writing process. Set aside dedicated periods for writing, making it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Daily commitment, even if brief, accumulates into significant progress over time. Remember, consistency is the linchpin of success.

  • Leveraging University Resources for Writing Improvement

The University of Arizona has a treasure trove of resources. Explore writing improvement programs and coaching services tailored for graduate students. These tools not only enhance your writing skills but also offer personalized guidance, aligning your academic pursuits with the highest standards.

Here is where you can start:

  • Graduate Writing Tutors - Free consultations by appointment with trained and certified graduate writing tutors. Our tutors offer helpful feedback on any kind of writing at any stage in the writing process. Work with them to set writing goals and create strategic plans. The Graduate Writing Tutors service is a collaboration between the  THINK TANK Writing Center and the Graduate Center’s  Graduate Writing Lab .
  • Writing Skills Improvement Program Tutoring and Consultations -  A free service for UA undergraduate and graduate students. Meet with a WSIP tutor to receive focused feedback on a shorter sample of writing. Sessions are 15-30 minutes, depending on availability. No appointment is necessary.
  • College of Nursing Writing Coaching - Dr. Dupont works directly with Nursing students, staff, and faculty on strengthening their scholarly and professional writing.
  • Task Prioritization and Safeguarding Writing Time

The academic landscape is teeming with tasks and commitments. Prioritize your responsibilities and zealously guard designated writing time against encroachments. Establishing clear boundaries ensures that your scholarly endeavors receive the attention they deserve.

Cultivate a Positive Attitude

When you get to the thesis or dissertation phase, it is important to remember that in addition to the anticipated challenges, there will likely be some unforeseen ones. However, no challenge should stop you from achieving your goal. This section consists of advice from Drs. Dupont, Hawthorne Smith, and Holm on the support you can get across campus, cultivating a positive mindset, and dealing with some ‘perceived’ writing problems.

Instead of isolating yourself while you marinade in thoughts of self doubt, acknowledge the potential for loneliness and combat it with intention. Tap into available resources and community support. Whether you turn to a mentor, fellow graduate students, or campus groups, writing can be easier when shared. Join the Graduate Center’s  Graduate Writing Groups and  Writing efficiency sessions . Even seasoned writers like Dr. Hawthorne Smith and Dr. Dupont meet up and write together in a cafe or online. 

A Strategic Approach to Preparing for the Thesis or Dissertation Defense

As you near the pinnacle of your academic journey—the defense—it's crucial to be prepared and confident. Dr. Hawthorne Smith offers suggestions for a successful defense that is also a celebration of your scholarly achievement.

  • Attend Dissertation Defenses

Familiarize yourself with dissertation defenses before your own moment in the spotlight. Attending peers’ defenses not only educates you about the process but also provides a firsthand look at the expectations and dynamics of a successful defense. Learn from others' experiences and envision yourself in a similar position.

  • Communicate with Advisors and Committee Members

View your advisors and committee members as allies. Foster open communication with them to demystify the defense process. Seek their guidance on what to expect, understand the nuances of the evaluation criteria, and discuss any specific areas they may emphasize. By learning their expectations, you set the stage for a more collaborative and informed defense.

  • Tap into the Wisdom of Recent Graduates

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes from those who have prior experience. Connect with recent graduates who have successfully defended their dissertations. They can offer you practical advice, share common pitfalls to avoid, and provide a nuanced perspective on the entire experience. Learn from their triumphs and challenges to better navigate your own defense.

Tune into our  Graduate Student’s Guide Podcast where you can listen to the conversations I had with these three writing experts. Their recommendations about embracing your identity as a writer, effective data management, unlocking the writing process, time mastery, and defense preparation serve as a compass for graduate students.

challenges for thesis writing

Top Challenges of Writing a Dissertation (and How to Overcome Them)

So, you’ve reached your final year of university and the dissertation - that horned beast that stalks the nightmares of every undergraduate - is looming. Writing a dissertation is a brilliant opportunity to showcase your abilities and produce a genuinely original piece of work that reflects what you’ve learnt during your degree. But it’s not an easy task and you’ll inevitably come up against moments of creative crisis. Because the fact is that, yes, writing a dissertation is a creative process - in fact, it might well be the most overwhelmingly creative undertaking you’ve ever faced. And everybody has differing approaches when it comes to creativity. So, unfortunately, there really aren’t many hard and fast rules when it comes to writing a dissertation. However, if you’re sitting there wondering how on earth you’re going to produce a piece of work that lives up to all the expectation surrounding a dissertation, let us try and relieve your panic by offering you some solid general advice.  ‍

Picking a topic 

Before you start your dissertation, perhaps the most daunting task facing you is choosing what to write about. You’ve spent at least two years mining the depths of this complex and layered subject, but now you’re expected to narrow it all down to just one topic! As worrying as this prospect may be, it’s important to understand that the decision will happen in stages. You don’t have to have chosen your topic, angle, argument, etc, all in one go. It’s a process and your topic will expand and grow, maybe even changing completely, throughout the course of the next few months. So, don’t panic. But there are a few things you should bear in mind while choosing that initial area to explore: 

Firstly, write about something that truly fascinates you. This might sound obvious but many feel overwhelmed by this decision and end up going for a topic that they view as a safe bet rather than one they feel sincerely passionate about. You’re going to be spending a lot of time with this piece of writing - the last thing you want is to be bored by it. Plus, the less interest you have, the less depth you will go into in your research, endangering your chances of securing a high grade.

Secondly, try to choose something original. While it’s pretty tough to break entirely new ground as an undergraduate, exploring an area that isn’t as well-trodden as others will be to your advantage. Coming at your topic from a novel angle will make your dissertation not only a genuinely insightful piece of work, but infinitely more interesting to both read and write. You also won’t have to compete with as many existing studies of your topic - a great advantage when seeking originality.

challenges for thesis writing

Even once you’ve pinned down (roughly) what you’re going to write about, the research stage can also seem intimidating. It’s the longest part of the process, and it can be difficult to know whether you’re using your time in the most productive way. Depending on the subject you’re studying, there may be a specific structure for your dissertation to follow. Make sure you know exactly what kind of piece you’re expected to write as this will help a lot with ordering your research. 

While researching, it’s important to cultivate a balance of freedom and structure. Experimentalism is important because the research stage is where most of your ideas will be generated. You must be prepared to be flexible on the areas you read about, explore material that you perhaps wouldn’t have expected to be useful, and maybe even watch your dissertation plan go in a completely new direction. 

But it’s easy to get carried away by all the new ideas and possibilities that research brings, so make sure you integrate structure and organisation as well. Set yourself reading deadlines and always know where you are with your notes (you’d be surprised how often students lose track of the research areas they’ve covered and become completely lost). Combining these two elements will allow your argument to form and tighten, laying the foundations for a top-quality dissertation.

Students tend to idealise - or at least strongly build up - the dissertation in their minds, which is understandable. You want to be producing the best piece you possibly can. But, ironically, this can form a real obstacle to writing. It’s easy to become reluctant to actually put pen to paper due to the worry that what you write just won’t live up to your expectations. The best remedy for this is to bite the bullet and get writing early, even if you don’t feel you’ve done enough research. You might be tempted to shelter in the research stage for as long as possible but the earlier you start writing, the more time you’ll have to redraft and eventually produce a polished piece. 

Discoveries made while writing can be just as important as those made while researching. Restructuring and rejigging your dissertation may well pave the way for breakthroughs you wouldn’t have reached otherwise. While planning is important, we can’t stress enough the importance of writing full sections as early in the process as possible. This will reveal gaps in your research in a way that simply planning out and bullet-pointing a structure will not. Constructing a sophisticated, original argument out of your mountain of research isn’t an easy task. You have to know what you’re working with in a lot of detail and throwing yourself into the writing process, as intimidating as it may be, is the best way to look at your raw material from multiple angles.

challenges for thesis writing

Time management

A vital part of structuring the dissertation comes in the form of daily time management. When you have so much time to complete a piece of work, it’s easy to lie back and allow yourself to go at a leisurely pace. But beware of this urge. Though producing a dissertation at first feels like a slow burner, time catches up with you quicker than you expect. Before you know it, the deadline will be just around the corner but you’ll still have gaping holes in your research. To avoid this, establish a consistent work routine early on. The pomodoro method is great for ensuring effective time management and helping to fight procrastination. (For those unfamiliar, the pomodoro method = 25 minutes of work + a 5 minute break. Repeat for the duration of the working day, with a slightly longer break for lunch). 

If you approach the way you manage your time with the right level of self-awareness, you’ll be able to develop a thorough understanding of what you can fit into a day (which - sorry to break it to you - is rarely as much as you’d hope). This will be incredibly useful once the deadline draws closer and time starts slipping away. Learning how you work best - the conditions to seek out and the distractions to avoid - will serve you not only throughout the dissertation process but well beyond it too.

The final stretch 

Finishing up your dissertation is such a crucial part of the process it really deserves a section in itself. Talk to anyone who has completed a dissertation and they will all have differing war stories regarding the final couple of weeks that they were working on it. Some may have breezed through it, having planned their time effectively, and spent this period calmly editing and proofreading at a leisurely pace. Knowing them, they probably completed hand-in a few days before the deadline, humming cheerfully as they went. However, others will have spent those last few days in a blind panic, carrying out frenzied rewrites of certain parts, and snatching a few hours’ sleep here and there. To avoid this unenviable situation, here’s what we advise:

Have a picture - and preferably a written out list - early on of exactly what steps you need to take before hand-in. This list might look like it mostly just consists of bitty taks, such as referencing and formatting, but these things have a habit of eating into your time far more than you expect. For example, however careful you may think you’ve been while writing, we guarantee proofreading will take longer than you think. And don’t underestimate the time it takes to come up with a focused, but catchy, title. Having someone to read over your draft can also be very helpful, so make sure you factor in time to make any changes they may suggest as well. With this checklist in mind, set yourself your own deadline to have finished writing that is well before the final hand-in date.

challenges for thesis writing

Feeling calmer?

Hopefully we’ve managed to calm your nerves a little. Writing a dissertation can be a truly gratifying experience, and one that may even end up being transformative. But it’s undeniably challenging, so in order to prevent it from getting on top of you, follow our guidelines and always remember to ask for help if you need it. A little prior planning and organisation will go a long way in helping you produce the best possible piece of work.

Need help with your dissertation?

With such a substantial piece of writing, it can really help to receive guidance from someone who has experience writing a successful dissertation. Get in touch with one of our expert dissertation tutors today.

Ella is a content writer at Tutor House and explores a range of education centred topics, having previously spent time teaching English while living abroad. A foreign language enthusiast and lover of text art, she is devoted to words in all their forms. She'll happily immerse herself in anything wordy from conceptual art to vintage murder mysteries.

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Grad Coach

🎙️ The 3 STRUGGLES You’re Bound To Face

(And how to deal with them…)

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) and Ethar Al-Saraf (PhD) | April 2024

Writing a dissertation or thesis is no small task – just ask any ABD . The academic research journey is one filled with trials and tribulations, especially for new researchers. In this episode, we dive into the familiar challenges that daunt new and first-time researchers embarking on their dissertation or thesis journey.

If you’re currently working on a dissertation or thesis, don’t forget to download our free tried and trusted template to help you along your journey!

Episode Summary


Struggle 1: Difficulties with Advisors and Supervisors

One of the most common hurdles you might encounter is navigating the relationship with your research advisor or supervisor. Many students report mismatches in expectations and a perceived lack of support.

To smooth these potential rough patches, we recommend establishing clear role definitions and expectations right from your initial meeting. In practical terms, this usually means having a frank discussion with your advisor about what you can expect from them and what they are looking for from you. This type of proactive communication helps prevent misunderstandings and sets a solid foundation for the relationship.

Struggle 2: Isolation and Time Management in Research

Research can often feel like a solitary marathon. The quiet hours spent alone can lead to feelings of isolation and stress. However, it’s important to manage your time wisely and ensure you’re not just working hard but also working smart. To this end, it’s always useful to reach out to peers who share similar experiences or challenges. Building a community, even if it’s virtual, can provide significant emotional and intellectual support.

Additionally, integrating effective time management strategies, like the Pomodoro Technique, can help break your work into manageable segments, allowing for regular breaks to clear your mind and refresh your focus.

Struggle 3: Imposter Syndrome

Feeling like a fraud is a common thread among many scholars, particularly those new to conducting research. This phenomenon, known as imposter syndrome, can severely impact your confidence and productivity. It’s important to understand that this is a normal part of the academic experience.

To combat these feelings, we recommend that you embrace them as signs of your growth and ambition. Double-check your work, seek feedback, and remember that every researcher starts somewhere. You’re learning and improving, which is the real measure of progress.

Need a helping hand?

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Challenges of writing theses and dissertations in an efl context: genre and move analysis of abstracts written by turkish m.a. and ph.d. students.

\r\nSerdar Sükan*

  • 1 Department of Modern Languages, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Turkey
  • 2 ELT Department, Faculty of Education, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Turkey

Writing a thesis or dissertation is a challenging procedure as it is one of the requirements of getting a graduate and postgraduate diploma. Writing an abstract like other parts of a thesis or dissertation has its criterion. For this reason, due to globalism, those abstracts written by non-native English speakers may lack some of the features of the abstract genre and move that must be included. This study examines the moves of M.A. and Ph.D. abstracts written by Turkish students between the 2009 and 2019 academic years on foreign language education at Cyprus International University. The data consisted of 50 abstracts chosen randomly from the ELT department. For the analysis, Hyland’s five-move model has been used. The study results reveal that 40 abstracts did not follow the five moves that Hyland has put forward. Moreover, it can be stated that the absence of some moves in the abstracts may cause restraint for readers to comprehend these studies in terms of communicative purposes.


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of students willing to get a diploma in their postgraduate fields. Thus, it became necessary to conduct research on the written abstracts as they are considered the essential section of the written theses that will give the reader an idea of the value of the whole dissertation. Hence, to draw attention to its importance and highlight the features that must be included in them, abstract analysis becomes more significant at this point. Especially for those writing their M.A. or Ph.D. abstracts, to guide them on what is needed. Any abstract that is going to be written needs systematic and organized work. The absence of these may lead to comprehension problems and may cause less attention. Poorly written abstracts can have unwanted results and may not receive enough credit or be read. To avoid this, what is expected is that a writer should have all the necessary skills to write good abstracts, which should be seen or understood from the moment one looks at the study. Genres and moves should be included and defined so that every reader understands each step clearly without reading the whole research. Genre is a literary term, and genre analysis is a sort of discourse done to check the reliability of communicative purposes. So, it includes an analysis of the style and text. Abstracts as genres have become a key tool for investigators because they offer them a chance to choose the appropriate study for their investigation ( Chen and Su, 2011 ; Yelland, 2011 ; Piqué-Noguera, 2012 ; Paré, 2017 ; Abdollahpour and Gholami, 2019 ; Anderson et al., 2021 ; Yu, 2021 ).

Moreover, genre referring to abstracts means socially known ways of using language. This is because writing practise is done to give the reader a chance to interpret what the reader could be expected based on what they have read in earlier texts ( Hyland, 2007 ). As Kaya and Yağız (2020) state, publishing research articles in English is the main aspect of academic life. Therefore, writing is a challenging job, and surviving in the academic world is demanding. Thus, it needs to be of good quality with all the features. However, if the writer has no awareness of what is required for writing and how to make it more interesting for the readers, the text written can turn into a disappointment. Belcher (2009) states that the abstract is an important part of work because it gives readers an idea of what it contains and whether it is worth reading. To put it simply, an abstract acts as a communication tool revealing the importance of the article and indicating whether reading the article will enrich scholars. Tanko (2017) claims that abstracts are the key tools to declare the outcomes researchers have found in their studies. Moreover, Salager-Meyer (1994) and Hartley (2003) define the abstract as the core of the article and the first part that encounters the readers of the article. For this reason, Hartley and Betts (2009) highlight the importance of abstracts by pointing out the fact that a well-written abstract increases the possibility of being read if it gives enough information about the article.

This study investigates and analyzes the M.A. and Ph.D. students’ theses abstracts written by EFL Turkish students in the ELT department. As we all know, abstracts are a very significant part of articles, and they are the main part of transferring and reporting the writer’s view. The major concern of this issue is probably the poor writing skills of students’. Since the demand for writing abstracts is increasing, it has become more important to focus on the structure of the information, make discourse and do a genre analysis. Therefore, problems that lie beneath this topic will be examined, analyzed, and solved.

This study aims to analyze how M.A. and Ph.D. students at Cyprus International University (CIU) write their thesis abstracts using a genre-based approach and Hyland’s framework for abstract analysis (2000). Specifically, the study aims to classify the patterns of the moves employed in the abstracts of CIU M.A. and Ph.D. theses, identify the obligatory and optional moves in the research abstracts, and determine the linguistic features, specifically the tense of the verb and the voice of the verb. Furthermore, it aims to classify the pattern of the rhetorical moves employed in the theses abstracts and determine the linguistic features used by the researchers regarding the following: (a) tense of the verb and (b) voice of the verb. The following research questions will be answered through the present study:

(1) What are the genre-specific rhetorical features of the abstract sections of M.A. and Ph.D. theses written between the 2009 and 2019 academic years on foreign language education at Cyprus International University?

(2) What types of moves are there in the abstract sections of M.A. and Ph.D. theses written between the 2009 and 2019 academic years on foreign language education at Cyprus International University?

(3) What are the obligatory, conventional, and optional moves identified in the abstract sections of M.A. and Ph.D. theses written between the 2009 and 2019 academic years on foreign language education at Cyprus International University?

(4) What are the linguistic features of the abstract sections of M.A. and Ph.D. theses written between the 2009 and 2019 academic years on foreign language education at Cyprus International University?

Theoretical Framework

Abstracts are the most important parts of research reports as they determine the value of the whole manuscript. Therefore, as Male (2018 : 24) states, “abstracts categorized as an academically written genre containing the rhetorical structure or moves”. Writing abstracts can be more challenging than writing the whole report for students or academicians since it requires an awareness of steps or organization. Furthermore, it has to be written systematically and in good organization. According to Othman (2011) , effective abstract writing can be ascribed to many factors. One of the aspects written is organization. Abstracts are important for the growth and prosperity of academics in all fields.

Considering the fact that the English language has become an international language used worldwide, it may carry some obstacles within itself for non-native speakers when they are writing their reports. Especially, when they want to convey their thoughts. This could be one of the reasons Hyland (2016) has pointed out why non-native speakers go through difficulties as the linguistic norms of the target language are different from their mother tongue. Similarly, Brown (2000) has stated that not only writing is a complicated activity but also one needs to have the full competencies.

According to Ren and Li (2011) , genre analysis has to be done to be able to write well or to overcome the challenges of academic writing. For this reason, Al-Zubaidi (2012) , recommended that second language learners’ should receive extra help in comprehending the content, building academic language, and incorporating language skills. Furthermore, Zhu (2004) ; Tardy (2005) , and Tas (2008) pointed out that in the process of writing academic manuscripts, appropriate style should be given in a discoursal environment. To overcome the writing difficulties in the native language and to develop effective academic writing skills studying the genre, analysis is the best.

Due to the fact that examiners or readers are very busy doing their work, most of them limit their search, and they want to know from the first glance whether the manuscript is worth reading or not ( Alhuqbani, 2013 ). For this reason, according to Kossasih (2018) , four reasons make abstracts play a vital role in articles. The first reason is, it gives information that can be easily read or seen. The second reason is that it can guide readers or provide them with a clue as to whether they will finish reading the whole content or not. Third, it gives an outline for readers. Fourth, it offers a summary of the most important ideas and thoughts. According to Walter (2008) , abstract means, “a shortened form of a speech, article, book, etc., giving only the most important facts or ideas.” Bhatia (1993) defined it as “a description or factual summary of the much longer report, and is meant to give the reader an exact and concise knowledge of the full article.”

Moreover, Martín-Martín (2005 : 20) claims that abstracts are written: “to provide the summary of the content of the accompanying article”. Consequently, they all suggest that research article writers should use a series of rhetorical strategies or move structures, and accordingly, there are some popular generic structures to mention. One of them is Bhatia (1993) , suggesting four-move generic structures of abstracts: (1) introducing the purpose, (2) describing the method, (3) summarizing the result, and (4) presenting the conclusion. Another one is proposed by Hyland (2004) , which has a five-move generic structure such as introduction, purpose, method, product, and conclusion moves. In parallel with these, Santos (1996) and Swales and Feak (2004) proposed a five-move generic structure that include (1) background, (2) aim, (3) method, (4) results, and (5) conclusion moves.

According to Kossasih (2018) , the abstract can be contemplated as a genre. Eggins maintains that “Genre is a staged, goal-oriented purposeful activity in which speakers or writers engage as members of our culture. Thus, recognizing the genre of a text has an important role in identifying ways in which a particular text is similar to, reminiscent of, other texts circulating in the culture” ( Eggins, 2004 : 45). Hence, if the genre of the text cannot be identified, it can be seen as problematic. According to Niu (2013) , the genre is a literary term, and genre analysis is a type of discourse that is believed to be done to check the consistency of communicative purposes. Therefore, it involves stylistic text analysis. Abstracts as genres have become an indispensable tool for researchers because it provides them with a chance to select the right article for their research ( Piqué-Noguera, 2012 ).

In 1990, Swales identified genre analysis as parts that constitute moves and linguistic features such as tense, reporting verbs, and the lexical frequency that help writers write a certain text. Thus, it focuses on ideas and meaning and has a sequence of moves that involves communicative function in each move. Therefore, according to his description and identification, all research articles should first identify the topic, then give a review of the previously written articles as the next move, and detect what is not present in the research reports written earlier as a second move, and state the outline of the goals of the study that has been carried out by writing a summary of the outcomes and stating the results as the last move ( Upton and Connor, 2001 ). In line with Upton and Connor (2001) , Ding describes the word move as, “A functional unit in a text, being related to the overall task, which is used to identify the textual regularities in certain genres of writing” ( Ding, 2007 , 20). Having read many articles on the topic, it has been noticed that many experts have defined the term “move analysis” differently. Yelland (2011: 12) defines move analysis as a “piece of text that is evident in the unified functional meaning of a sentence or group of sentences”. Swales (2004) defines it as a shaper of the overall communicative purpose and the rhetorical structure of the genre. El-Dakhs (2018) explains each move as steps. Moreover, some models have been put forward by Bhatia (1993) ; Santos (1996) , and Hyland (2000) . In Bhatia’s version, four moves have been explained, namely, introduction, method, results, and discussion, and this model has been named the IMRD model. In Santos (1996) suggested a new model and put forward five moves, namely, situating the research, presenting the research, describing the methodology, summarizing the findings, and discussing the findings. Finally, in 2000, Hyland gave the final version of the model of moves, which can be detected as similar to Santos’s model because Hyland’s version also included five moves and introduction, purpose, method, product, and conclusion made up the model. Figure 1 demonstrates the three different models that have been explained.

Figure 1. Research article abstracts move models ( El-Dakhs, 2018 ).

According to Can et al. (2016) , moves can be explained or defined as methods that can be used as a guide for the organizing the text to be written. Therefore, all these studies that have been carried out with the aim of evaluating the language of thesis abstracts are to offer different ways and methods of organizing and controlling the language of second language learners’ to prevent discrepancies for communicative purposes. Furthermore, Kanoksilapatham (2007) stated that the move analysis helps the information to be arranged and identifies the type of information that should be included in the text.

This study employs Hyland’s five-move model, examining the moves in thesis abstracts by CIU students. The results of this study can help non-native speakers in writing their abstracts and can contribute to the enrichment of literature in regards to the structure of moves. Moreover, the results are expected to provide deep insight for academicians to improve their writing skills in their future studies.

This study adopts a content analysis method to examine the rhetorical structure of English thesis abstracts. The corpus is the analysis of a total of 50 bachelor theses abstracts at Cyprus International University. The students were selected randomly. The analysis of thesis abstracts involves examining Hyland’s five-move models, which consist of introduction, purpose, method, product, and conclusion.

As shown in Table 1 , Hyland (2000) presents all five moves and their functions. We examined all moves and their functions sequentially in our analysis.

Table 1. Hyland’s (2000) move model.

To examine abstracts more easily, all 50 abstracts were numbered separately. Hyland’s (2000) model was employed for the analysis. The reason for choosing this model is the fact that it includes five moves, namely, introduction, purpose, methods, product, and conclusion, and his model was used widely in many other research studies. Hyland’s model has been accepted as the most influential in addressing the rhetorical moves in abstracts compared to other suggested models by Santo and Bhatia. In the analysis of move, identification, occurrence, patterns, and the use of tense and voice of moves were also examined. Moreover, the analysis was based on the content or function of the text, and the frequency was used to classify the number of move occurrences in the abstracts. The frequency of occurrence was first recorded and then noted in the tables.

Table 2 lists the frequency of moves found in the abstracts, and as it can be seen from the table, purpose and method have the highest percentages, and conclusion has the lowest percentage. It also shows that only (20%) of these abstracts include complete Hyland’s five moves which are: introduction, purpose, method, product, and conclusion. It has been noticed that most English thesis abstracts (70%) comprised only four rhetorical moves with the absence of a conclusion move. It can be said that all abstracts did not have the conclusion move. The absence of some rhetorical moves in English thesis abstracts may cause communication problems with the readers. Moreover, the readers may have difficulty comprehending the text, and may fail to read it further. This may be a drawback for researchers if their research is not read and recognized in the academic community.

Table 2. The frequency of moves found in the abstracts.

In Table 3 , the results for tense verb frequency in each move in the abstracts are presented. According to the results obtained, it can be seen that most of the moves in thesis abstracts were written in the present tense. The results showed that the present tense was used more than the past tense in the introduction, purpose, and conclusion in English abstracts. However, the past tense was used more with higher percentages in method and product move. It can also be seen that the future tense was only used in the conclusion move with a low percentage (12%), and it cannot be seen in the other moves.

Table 3. Verb tense frequency in each move in the abstracts.

In Table 4 , the findings showed that the active voice was preferred in the introduction, purpose, product, and conclusion moves. Nevertheless, the passive voice was used in the method move with a higher percentage compared to the active voice. Furthermore, it is possible to say that a mixture of active and passive voices was used in all moves in the analyzed abstracts.

Table 4. The voice used in the analyzed abstracts.

In the identification process of move analysis, the belief in rhetorical function was vital for the analysis of RA abstracts to investigate move frequency, move pattern, and the use of tense and voice. To ensure the reliability of this research, coding was used. The Kanoksilapatham’s (2015) criterion for the classification of the frequency of occurrence of each move was employed as the cut-off point.

As shown in Table 1 , all five moves related to Hyland’s (2000) model have been presented. In Table 2 , the frequency of each move differed slightly. The purpose move has been found to have the highest frequency and percentage (96%), followed by the method (92%), product (88%), introduction (74%), and conclusion moves (50%). According to the data obtained, the conclusion move with the least frequency and percentage was an optional move as it was not mentioned in most abstracts. Many researchers preferred not to include this move in their abstracts as this showed they did not give enough importance to it. However, the purpose, method, and product moves were similar in their frequency, but the introduction and conclusion moves seemed to be different, with the least occurring frequency and having the least percentages. The purpose move was the most dominant in all the abstracts that have been examined in this study. The high frequency found in the moves of purpose, method, and product implies that the researchers were aware of the importance of these three moves, whereas the least frequency found in the introduction and conclusion moves demonstrates that some researchers were not aware of the importance of establishing the context of the manuscript and motivating the research or discussion and interpreting or extending the results beyond the scope of the manuscript, drawing inferences, pointing to applications, or suggesting wider implications. The writers had a tendency to begin their abstracts with a purpose move and end the abstracts without drawing references to the field by providing no further suggestions on how to improve their studies in the future. This finding indicates that the writers of this corpus regard the background, method, and significance of the study as more important. Since there is no previously written similar research on this issue, this can be interpreted as the writers’ are lacking rhetorical knowledge on the other two moves (introduction and conclusion), or perhaps they do not attach any importance to mentioning them.

As shown in Table 3 , the most frequent verb tense in all the five moves was the present tense. However, the most frequent pattern can be seen in the purpose move with a percentage of 90%. Only in the method move past tense was more frequent with a percentage of 87%. The most frequent patterns were in introduction move (a) Pr-P, purpose move (b) Pr-P, method move (c) P-Pr, product move (d) P-Pr, and conclusion move (e) P-Pr-F. It can be seen that the present voice was the most frequently preferred structure, and only in the conclusion move, the future tense was preferred only in three abstracts among 50 manuscripts to give further implications on the study. According to Table 3 , in the introduction, purpose and conclusion moves present tense was used more frequently and to categorize this present simple and present continuous, and present perfect tenses were the most frequently seen. In the product move, the use of past tense was seen to be more than the present tense. Finally, in the conclusion move, from the findings, it can be understood that all tenses are used, including past, present, and future, however, the further findings reflect that the present tense was used more, followed by past and future tense. The differences in tenses usage and their frequency were in the method and product moves. There was no future tense used in the other moves, while 12% of the ELT abstracts were written in the future form. For the method move, only 13% of the abstracts were written in the present form, while 87% were written in the past tense. Thus, we can say that the most frequent tense used in most moves was present simple, while the past tense was the second most frequent and the future tense was found to be the least frequent in three abstracts only to present the conclusion move. However, other previous studies by Zhang et al. (2012) and Suntara and Usaha (2013) stated that the most dominant tense was the past tense in the studies they have carried out.

When our study is compared with other studies by Tseng (2011) and Alhuqbani (2013) , it has been found that they both included the same similarities and differences in tenses usage. This means that in the introduction, purpose, and conclusion moves, they tended to use the present simple tense, whereas in our study, introduction, purpose, product, and conclusion moves present tense was mostly used, but the method and product moves were different in the tense usage because past tense was used more which is similar to Alhuqbani’s and Tseng’s findings. Tseng found that in method and product moves, past tense usage was more dominant, which is similar to our findings. However, Zhang et al. (2012) suggested that in their findings, present tense was not seen in the method move in the abstracts he examined. This implies that there are variations in the methodology part of the writings of research manuscripts’ abstracts.

In Table 4 , the findings showed that in general, active voice usage was mostly used in all moves. Especially, in the purpose move, the active voice was used by 90% with the highest percentage, while the passive voice was used by 10%. The second most frequent choice was a mixture of active and passive voices that occurred in the method move. This was similar to Zhang et al. (2012) findings, which stated that active voice was more frequent than passive voice. On the contrary, Tu and Wang (2013) revealed that passive voice was the most frequently used in the RA abstracts they have examined. Moreover, Hanidar (2016) also mentioned that writers prefer to use the passive form more when they are presenting the procedure of their research and stating their findings. Nevertheless, in our findings, a combination of the active and passive voices was used, which indicates that most writers tend to develop their abstracts directly rather than using an indirect style. Only in the product move, the passive voice seem to be the least frequent with the lowest percentage (7%).

Although there have been a lot of studies conducted on abstract writing by both native and non-native speakers of English, my research is different from the previous studies due to the fact that only abstracts written by Turkish students were analyzed. The reason for conducting this research only on Turkish students is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the moves of the abstracts, as there is a wealth of literature available on native students. We believe that this study will contribute to the field, improve the current literature on the topic, and provide a significant step by examining the rhetorical structure of Turkish abstracts within the framework of Hyland’s (2000) five-move pattern. The findings of a study conducted by Çandarlı (2012) showed that all abstracts include the introduction move. The reason for this could be the move pattern he followed (IMRC), in which the purpose move had to be stated in the introduction move. In the study carried out by Al-Khasawneh (2017) , it was found that in the examined abstracts by native and non-native speakers of English, three moves (introduction, purpose, and product) were available, which implies that both abstract writers are aware of the importance of the moves in their abstracts. However, the only difference was detected in the abstracts of native writers because they included introduction and conclusion moves more than the non-natives. It is believed that this study can help students and novice writers, especially those from non-English backgrounds to facilitate their successful acculturation into their disciplinary community. Another study conducted by Çakır and Fidan (2015) is believed to raise students’ awareness and help them choose suitable moves to fulfill their aims. Moreover, it is believed that their study will have important implications for the future. The findings of a study done by Kaya and Yağız (2020) are assumed to help authors in this field be familiar with abstract writing conventions. Also, the results are believed to benefit the production of academic writing materials for scholars and academic writing courses. Since it is a comparative study, the results would help non-natives be aware of the conventions of academic writing and guide them throughout the process involved in global research. However, the results of Ashofteh et al. (2020) demonstrate that non-native speakers use more hedges and are more tentative in their abstracts which shows that they leave more space for opposing views in their claims. Furthermore, Saidi and Khazaei’s (2021) study is believed to be used in teaching academic writing to graduate students in English for academic purposes and to help them present their findings globally.

Generally, the authors’ aim in conducting research in this field is that they believe it will be beneficial for beginner writers. The suggestions and recommendations and the findings of the results will guide them to produce better academic reports by following the rules to develop writing skills. In this regard, it would be appropriate to say that this research is expected to provide similar pedagogical implications.

This study has been carried out to investigate the rhetorical structure of English RA abstracts in ELT theses. Five moves have been identified and analyzed. The present tense and active voice were the most chosen and frequently occurring. As a result of this, the past tense, present perfect tense, and passive voice were seldomly used. Moreover, the findings of this study are presented in a descriptive style since all the results are discussed. For this reason, the authors who will be writing manuscripts in the field of English language teaching should consider these findings and develop their abstracts accordingly. The benefit of this study would be to apply what is useful and needed for the implementation of pedagogical practice. Writing abstracts can be helpful for the development of teaching materials and thesis manuscripts, and with the correct guidance, non-native writers or graduate students who are in the process of developing their careers can be helped to solve their writing problems and organize their work in five moves. Moreover, these five moves would help the development of English abstracts for conference presentations or publications. It is believed that once writers gain a full understanding of grammatical and rhetorical features, they will be able to write their abstracts more effectively. Furthermore, the findings regarding the tense and voice usage presented in this study would be a guide to offer the limitations and drawbacks when writing abstracts. Thus, these restrictions should be considered when carrying out move analysis studies in the future. Peacock (2002) claims that move structures should be taught to non-native speakers and novice writers to help them to be able to write the abstract sections of their research correctly. However, this study is limited since it only focuses on one section, which is abstracts. Likely, another limitation of this study could be the small sample size due to its restriction to 50 abstracts, with the result that it can be generalized to all ELT thesis abstracts. Future studies can focus on the large scale of samples, considering all the suggestions and recommendations made in this research.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.

Author Contributions

SS and BM contributed equally to the manuscript generation, writing process, and approved the submitted version.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Keywords : genre, move, abstracts, ELT M.A. thesis, ELT Ph.D. thesis, Hyland model

Citation: Sükan S and Mohammadzadeh B (2022) Challenges of Writing Theses and Dissertations in an EFL Context: Genre and Move Analysis of Abstracts Written by Turkish M.A. and Ph.D. Students. Front. Psychol. 13:925420. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.925420

Received: 21 April 2022; Accepted: 16 May 2022; Published: 27 June 2022.

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*Correspondence: Serdar Sükan, [email protected]

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30-Day Thesis Writing Challenge: Proven Techniques to Finish Your Dissertation in One Month

Embarking on a 30-day thesis writing challenge may seem daunting, but with the right strategies, it's entirely possible to complete your dissertation within a month. This article outlines proven techniques that can help you accelerate your thesis completion, manage your time effectively, enhance your writing skills, navigate the emotional aspects of the process, and prepare for success after submission. These insights are drawn from the experiences of past students, academic research on PhD productivity, and the services provided by coaching experts.

Key Takeaways

Adopt a structured writing routine and set realistic goals to complete your thesis efficiently within the tight timeframe.

Utilize productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, minimize distractions, and employ time-saving templates to maximize writing sessions.

Enhance your writing by overcoming common challenges and using literature review and theory cheat sheets for quick reference.

Maintain mental balance and reduce stress through mindful practices, while building a support network to cope with the isolation of thesis writing.

Prepare for post-thesis success by planning for your defense and leveraging your dissertation to open up future academic and professional opportunities.

Strategies for Accelerated Thesis Completion

Setting realistic goals and deadlines.

Embarking on a thesis writing journey requires a clear roadmap. Setting realistic goals and deadlines is crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring timely completion. Start by breaking down your thesis into manageable sections and assign a deadline to each. This approach not only structures your workload but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you tick off completed tasks.

Identify the main chapters and sections of your thesis.

Estimate the time required for each part, considering research, writing, and revision.

Set deadlines that are challenging yet achievable, allowing for unforeseen delays.

Remember, the key to success is consistency. Regular progress, even if small, keeps the thesis moving forward.

Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed. Life's unpredictability may require you to be flexible with your plan. However, avoid extending deadlines too frequently, as this can lead to a cycle of procrastination and stress.

Adopting a Structured Daily Writing Routine

A structured daily writing routine is pivotal for managing time effectively during the thesis writing process. By establishing a consistent schedule, you can ensure that each aspect of your work receives the attention it requires.

Create a Realistic Schedule: Develop a detailed schedule that outlines specific blocks of time for research, writing, and other aspects of the thesis process.

Consider the following steps to build your routine:

Identify your most productive hours and dedicate them to writing.

Allocate time for reading and synthesizing literature.

Schedule regular breaks to maintain mental clarity.

Set aside time for chapter outlines and feedback sessions.

Remember, flexibility is key. Life's unpredictability means your routine should accommodate occasional adjustments. However, maintaining the core structure will provide a sense of stability and progress.

Utilizing One-on-One Coaching for Personalized Guidance

Embarking on the journey of thesis writing can often feel like a solitary endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs can provide the focused guidance and support that is often missing in traditional academic settings. A dissertation coach acts as a personal trainer for your academic pursuits, offering not just critical feedback but also strategies for building confidence and resilience.

Accountability : Regular check-ins keep you on track.

Customized Support : Tailored advice for your specific challenges.

Progress Boost : Structured discussions to enhance your writing.

With a dedicated coach, you can transform the thesis writing process from a daunting task into a structured and manageable project. You'll write more, worry less, and be on a clear path to graduation.

Whether you require assistance with chapter outlines, intense supervision, or simply an accountability partner, a one-on-one coaching program is designed to maximize your results. Each student's journey is unique, and so should be the support they receive. By addressing your specific pain points and struggles, a dissertation coach ensures that your academic potential is fully realized.

Mastering Productivity and Time Management

Prioritizing tasks with the pomodoro technique.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management tool that can be particularly effective for thesis writing. It involves breaking down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, followed by a short break. This method helps to maintain a high level of concentration by providing regular, scheduled breaks to refresh the mind.

Work Session (25 mins): Focus on a single task or aspect of your thesis.

Short Break (5 mins): Step away from your work to relax.

Repeat: Continue with subsequent Pomodoro sessions.

Long Break (15-30 mins): After four Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break to recharge.

By alternating sessions of focused work with short breaks, the Pomodoro Technique sustains concentration and prevents burnout, making it an ideal approach for the intense period of thesis writing.

Remember to adjust the lengths of the work and break periods to suit your personal rhythm and the nature of the task at hand. Some may find longer work sessions or shorter breaks more productive. The key is to find a balance that keeps you engaged and prevents fatigue.

Minimizing Distractions and Maximizing Focus

In the quest to complete a thesis in 30 days, minimizing distractions is as crucial as the writing itself . Distractions come in various forms, from digital notifications to personal commitments, and tackling them requires a strategic approach.

Identify Distractions : Start by listing all potential sources of interruption. This could include social media, emails, or household chores.

Create a Distraction-Free Zone : Designate a specific area for writing where interruptions are kept to a minimum. This might mean a quiet room or a library.

Set Boundaries : Inform friends and family of your writing schedule so they can support you by respecting your focused time.

Use Technology Wisely : Employ apps that block distracting websites during your writing periods.

By creating a structured environment and setting clear boundaries, you can cultivate a space that supports deep focus and productivity.

Remember, the goal is to create a sustainable writing practice that allows for intense concentration. Regular breaks are also important to maintain mental clarity and avoid burnout. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to intersperse writing with short, restorative breaks.

Implementing Time-Saving Templates and Tools

In the race against the clock, utilizing templates and tools can significantly expedite the thesis writing process. Templates serve as a structured starting point, eliminating the need to create documents from scratch. For instance, a 'One Page Writing Template' can streamline the drafting phase, while a 'Literature Review & Theory Cheat Sheet' provides quick references to support your arguments.

The use of tools like 'Viva Questions Template' and 'Introduction Chapter Cheat Sheet' not only saves time but also ensures consistency across different sections of your thesis. Here's a list of some valuable templates that can be integrated into your workflow:

Research Paper 1.0

Literature review template

Thesis Work Template

AI-powered Reading List

Research Paper Tracker

By adopting these resources, you can focus more on the content of your work and less on the formatting and organizational aspects, which are often time-consuming.

Remember, the goal is to work smarter, not harder. Templates and tools are there to assist you in maintaining a steady pace throughout the thesis journey, allowing you to meet your deadlines with confidence.

Enhancing Writing Skills and Effectiveness

Overcoming common writing challenges.

Thesis writing is a complex task that often involves navigating through a maze of intellectual challenges and writer's block. Don't overwhelm yourself ; it's normal to get stuck during the process. Instead of viewing these challenges as insurmountable, approach them with a problem-solving mindset. Here are some strategies to help you overcome common writing hurdles:

Identify the specific issues that are hindering your progress. Is it the structure of your thesis, or perhaps stress and anxiety?

Break down large tasks into manageable pieces. Tackling a chapter outline or a single section at a time can make the task less daunting.

Seek feedback on draft chapters from peers or a reading group. Collaborative input can provide fresh perspectives and valuable insights.

Utilize templates and cheat sheets to streamline your writing process. These tools can save time and help maintain consistency across your document.

Remember, every thesis writer faces challenges. The key is to find strategies that work for you and to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

If you're an ESL student or struggling with the nuances of academic writing, consider seeking one-on-one coaching. Personalized guidance can address your unique needs and help you improve your writing skills more effectively.

Leveraging Literature Review and Theory Cheat Sheets

Efficiently navigating through the vast sea of literature is a cornerstone of thesis writing. Utilizing literature review and theory cheat sheets can streamline this process, saving you invaluable time. These cheat sheets serve as quick reference guides, summarizing key theories and findings relevant to your research.

For instance, a well-organized Literature Review Catalog can help you keep track of various studies, their methodologies, and outcomes. Consider using a template like the Grad Coach's free literature review catalog template , which allows you to manage your literature review in an intuitive spreadsheet.

By systematically categorizing literature, you can easily identify gaps in research and align your thesis to address these areas effectively.

Here's a simple list of cheat sheet types that could be beneficial:

One Page Writing Template

Literature Review & Theory Cheat Sheet

Viva Questions Template

Introduction Chapter Cheat Sheet

Remember, the goal is not to cut corners, but to work smarter by having essential information at your fingertips.

Improving Clarity and Cohesion in Academic Writing

Achieving clarity and cohesion in academic writing is essential for conveying complex ideas effectively. Signposting language is a powerful tool that guides the reader through your argument, making the structure of your thesis apparent. It includes phrases like 'On the one hand,' 'In contrast,' and 'As a result,' which clarify the relationship between ideas.

Parallel structure is another key element that enhances readability. By maintaining a consistent pattern in lists, comparisons, and series of ideas, your writing becomes more fluid and easier to follow. For example:

Use similar grammatical structures for items in a list

Keep verb tenses consistent when discussing related concepts

Match the tone and style across different sections of your thesis

Lastly, maintaining consistent verb tenses throughout your thesis is crucial. It ensures that your reader clearly understands the timeline of research events and arguments. A common mistake is to fluctuate between past and present tenses, which can confuse the reader and disrupt the narrative flow.

By focusing on these strategies, you can significantly improve the quality of your academic writing, making your thesis more persuasive and comprehensible.

Navigating the Emotional Landscape of Thesis Writing

Finding mental balance and reducing stress.

Achieving mental balance during the thesis writing process is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine to help manage stress levels. These practices can ground you and provide a much-needed break from intense cognitive work.

Establishing a consistent self-care routine is not just beneficial; it's essential for sustaining the long-term effort required in thesis writing.

To effectively reduce stress, consider the following points:

Identify your stress triggers and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Set aside time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Ensure you get adequate sleep, as it is vital for cognitive function and stress management.

Regular physical activity can help to release tension and improve mood.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is as important as advancing your academic work. By finding your balance, you can enhance your focus and productivity, leading to a more successful thesis completion.

Coping with Isolation and Building a Support Network

Thesis writing can often feel like a solitary journey, but building a robust support network is crucial for maintaining momentum and well-being. Engaging with peers, mentors, and professional coaches can provide the camaraderie and guidance needed to navigate this challenging process.

Peer Support : Regularly connect with fellow students to share experiences and advice.

Mentorship : Seek out faculty or professionals who can offer insight and feedback on your work.

Professional Coaching : Consider personalized coaching for targeted support in areas like stress management and writing skills.

Remember, the support you choose should be tailored to your specific needs and challenges, ensuring a program that maximizes your results.

Structured discussions, whether through video or phone-based coaching, can significantly boost your progress. These sessions should challenge you, make you think, and provide the resources to overcome PhD hurdles. A flexible program, geared towards success, can include help with chapter outlines, feedback on draft chapters, and advice on structuring your work. It's essential to have an accountability partner to maintain focus and direction.

Celebrating Milestones to Maintain Motivation

Recognizing and celebrating each milestone in your thesis journey is crucial for maintaining motivation. Break down your thesis into smaller, manageable sections and set milestones for each. When you reach a milestone, take the time to celebrate your progress. This could be as simple as taking a day off, enjoying a favorite activity, or treating yourself to something special.

Outline chapter completion

Data collection finish line

Draft revision success

Celebrating these achievements helps to create a positive feedback loop that reinforces your hard work and dedication. It's not just about the end goal; it's about acknowledging the effort and progress along the way.

Remember, each milestone is a step closer to your ultimate goal. Celebrate your achievements to keep the momentum going and to remind yourself that every step forward is a victory in its own right.

Preparing for Post-Thesis Success

Planning for the mock-viva exam.

The mock-viva exam is a crucial rehearsal for the actual viva voce, where you defend your thesis before an examination panel. Prepare a clear and concise presentation that encapsulates the essence of your research, anticipating potential questions and criticisms. Practice is key to boosting your confidence and refining your defense strategy.

Understand the structure of the viva exam and the types of questions you may face.

Arrange mock sessions with peers or mentors to simulate the actual experience.

Review feedback from these sessions to identify areas for improvement.

Remember, the goal of the mock-viva is not just to survive the ordeal but to emerge with a deeper understanding of your work and how to present it effectively.

In addition to practice, consider the following resources to aid your preparation:

One-on-One Coaching

Workshops and Writing Retreats

By taking these steps, you'll be well-equipped to handle the pressures of the viva and demonstrate the value of your research.

Transitioning from Student to Scholar

The journey from being a graduate student to becoming a scholar is a pivotal phase in any academic career. It marks the transition from student to scholar , from following to leading in your field. This transformation involves not just the completion of your assignment, dissertation, or postgraduate thesis, but also a shift in mindset and responsibilities.

Recognize the difference in roles and expectations.

Develop a professional identity within your discipline.

Engage actively with scholarly communities.

The transition is an opportunity to reassess your path toward academic employment and to redefine your professional identity.

For many, this period is about learning to navigate the new terrain of academia without the safety net of student status. Those who do not continue in academia face the challenge of recalibrating their professional identity, a process that can be both daunting and liberating. The skills and expertise developed during this time are invaluable, whether they lead to a career within academia or beyond its borders.

Leveraging Your Dissertation for Future Opportunities

Your dissertation is more than just a requirement for graduation; it's a platform that can launch your career to new heights. The importance of the relevance of your dissertation topic cannot be overstated ; it is the cornerstone for future academic and professional pursuits. The first step in the process is to consider one's area of study and professional interests. From there, it is recommended to come up with preliminary ideas that align with both current academic discourse and industry needs.

By strategically selecting a dissertation topic, you create a bridge between your academic achievements and potential career paths. This foresight can significantly influence your employability and opportunities for post-thesis success.

Here are some ways to leverage your dissertation for future opportunities:

Identify potential career paths that align with your research.

Network with industry professionals during conferences and seminars.

Publish your findings in reputable journals to establish credibility.

Use your dissertation as a portfolio piece when applying for jobs or grants.

Consider further education or certifications that complement your research.

Remember, your dissertation can serve as a testament to your expertise and dedication. It's a unique opportunity to showcase your skills and knowledge to future employers or academic peers.

Embarking on the 30-Day Thesis Writing Challenge is a bold step towards conquering the monumental task of completing your dissertation. By identifying your pain points, setting clear goals, and adhering to a structured plan, you can significantly increase your productivity and write more effectively. Remember, the journey to obtaining your PhD doesn't have to be prolonged by unnecessary burdens. With the right techniques, support systems like coaching, and a focus on mental balance, you can navigate the doctoral journey with confidence. Whether you're utilizing templates, seeking one-on-one coaching, or attending workshops, the key is to maintain momentum and stay committed to your end goal. As you implement the proven strategies discussed, keep in mind that early completion not only aligns with academic incentives but also positions you for success in the job market. Write more, worry less, and graduate sooner—your thesis is within reach, and the finish line is closer than you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common challenges faced during thesis writing, and how can i overcome them.

Common challenges include time management, writer's block, and maintaining motivation. Overcoming these can be achieved by setting realistic goals, adopting a structured writing routine, and seeking personalized guidance through coaching.

How can the Pomodoro Technique help me with my thesis writing?

The Pomodoro Technique can enhance productivity by breaking work into focused intervals, typically 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. This can help you maintain concentration and prevent burnout during prolonged writing sessions.

What types of templates and tools can save time during the writing process?

Time-saving templates include one-page writing templates, literature review and theory cheat sheets, introduction chapter cheat sheets, and viva questions templates. Tools like reference management software can also streamline the writing process.

How can I maintain mental balance and reduce stress while writing my thesis?

Maintaining mental balance can be achieved by scheduling regular breaks, practicing mindfulness or relaxation techniques, and building a support network of peers, mentors, and professionals to share your experiences and challenges.

What is a mock-viva exam, and how should I prepare for it?

A mock-viva exam is a practice defense of your thesis, simulating the questioning you'll face in the actual viva voce. Preparation involves reviewing your work thoroughly, practicing potential questions, and receiving feedback from advisors or coaches.

How can I leverage my dissertation for future opportunities after graduation?

You can leverage your dissertation by publishing your research in academic journals, presenting at conferences, networking within your field, and highlighting your specialized knowledge and skills when applying for postdoctoral or industry positions.

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PhD Assistance

Challenges and problem faced by the researcher while writing a phd dissertation.

  • Although writing efficiently can lead to successful Academic, Writing a Thesis is not an easy task for many researchers.
  • Most of them face writing challenges, mainly in framing the thesis statement, literature review, finding data, etc.
  • PhD assistance is here to give you the challenges and problems for a researcher during a dissertation process and provide PhD Dissertation Writing Services .

challenges for thesis writing

PA – Challenges and problem faced by the researcher


At the point when PhD up-and-comers plunk down to write their dissertations, many will experience a comparative arrangement of issues. From Topic Selection to time managing, similar problems crop up on numerous occasions. That is one explanation that it tends to be useful to find out about the standard traps when writing a dissertation so you can dodge them when you are prepared to begin making your own critical significant scholarly records. To help you out, we’re going to go over some of the most important problems that researchers face when writing a PhD dissertation. Contact PhD assistance for any PhD Dissertation Writing Help

Challenges and problem faced by the researcher while writing a PhD dissertation

Topic Selection

In the first place, researchers run into inconvenience while choosing a topic for their paper. It tends to be not challenging to take on something over the top or take on way too much by choosing a point that is either too wide or that will require a lot of time, exertion, and energy to cover completely. You can also take Help from PhD Dissertation Writing Services . Researchers are encouraged to work with their counsels to make an adequately restricted topic to consider intensive research without overpowering the understudy with a lot of material from Experts in Thesis Help. If you find that your subject would require a whole book to explore appropriately, you should examine how to tailor it to zero in, more barely on a more modest subset of the first.

challenges for thesis writing

Time Management

The single most significant issue that researchers face between topic choice and the dissertation guard is time the board. Figuring out how to adjust your time to achieve all that requires to be done is a test and one that only one out of every odd understudy is prepared to survive. In any case, writing a dissertation is continually going to be a tedious interaction. Notwithstanding, numerous researchers become threatened and begin to hesitate to manage a portion of the difficulties of writing the thesis. Others neglect to prepare and wind up in a circumstance where they are scrambling to compensate for some recent setbacks since they didn’t understand how rapidly they would have to write in the wake of directing their research. Making a period the board plan and adhering to a schedule to work consistently and reliably will make the interaction go substantially more efficiently.

Formatting and Documentation

The following issue that faces researchers when writing their papers is the issue of designing. Each school has an unmistakable control style to organize theses, yet numerous researchers experience investigating, following, and actualizing every standard. A portion of these guidelines is esoteric, overseeing, for instance, the number of spaces to put after a period or when pages need roman versus Arabic numbering. Different standards are planned explicitly to make varieties from stringent adherence to generally perceives reference arrangements such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. On account of these difficulties, it isn’t remarkable for an understudy to be advised to reconsider a paper to address various minor arranging issues. This, obviously, can create no limit of pressure since it diverts from the difficult work of doctoral-level research to zero in on insignificant word preparing cases.

Finding Relevant Literature

The Literature Review segment gives extensive research of materials identifying the difficulties you are researching using PhD Dissertation Writing & Editing Services . It might examine speculations and distributed data and provide a verifiable appraisal and flow sees identifying with the research issue. It is usually an extended area that may take 15 to 30 pages. Most researchers may tragically use too many direct statements, writing short synopses of articles, or communicating their feelings in this segment, which keeps the understudy from displaying their insightful abilities. Recall that the writing survey allows you to give proof to help your contentions, just as to show your mastery of the exploration issue. Additionally, it is compulsory to provide references to all material you use in this segment.

Finding Data

Another issue most researchers face is finding applicable data to help their contentions. You can either utilize Primary Data or Secondary Data for your Paper . Use primary data. You may gather it utilizing polls, telephone meetings or centre gatherings, which requires some investment and requires cash. Guarantee that you concoct the correct example size to improve the exactness of your investigation. Optional data includes utilizing insights from another source, like government offices, non-legislative associations and telecom organizations. Nothing is incredibly demoralizing that understanding that you don’t have the pertinent data to help your contentions in the wake of arriving at the approach segment. To evade this, guarantee that all the data you intend to utilize is accessible from secondary sources. Set aside an effort to form the correct poll and test size and direct your inquiry while gathering data using Professional Dissertation Writing Services.

Formulating a Suitable Dissertation Statement

A theory articulation is quite possibly the essential piece of the paper since it expresses your exploration motivation. A theory proclamation should be easily proven wrong, which implies that it should pull in contradicting assessments. Your theory must not be founded on an articulation that is acknowledged no matter how you look at it

Primarily, the software can be complicated when writing a dissertation. An astonishing number of researchers make it to the doctoral level without knowing a portion of the more obscure standards of utilizing a word-handling system like Microsoft Word. For instance, numerous researchers experience issues embedding a part break or organizing an archive so that page numbering will contrast from one segment to another as per the school style’s prerequisites. Further, adjusting tables and figures to show up on the right pages can be testing. None of these issues is critical without anyone else. However, taken together, they can turn out to be immensely baffling when researchers are confronted with learning many new orders to write a unique thesis and to deliver a print-prepared last paper.


Generally, the thesis writing measure is continually going to be upsetting; however, researchers’ pressure can increment when they are curious about necessities and designing capacities. When they have not prepared for time, the board needs to accomplish the best outcomes. Luckily, finding out about these typical issues is a simple method to maintain a strategic distance from them. This will assist with guaranteeing that your dissertation runs quickly, beginning to end. For Best PhD Thesis Writing Service Contact PhD Assistance


  • Gardner, S. K. (2008). “What’s too much and what’s too little?”: The process of becoming an independent researcher in doctoral education.  The journal of higher education ,  79 (3), 326-350.
  • Komba, S. C. (2016). Challenges of writing theses and dissertations among postgraduate students in Tanzanian higher learning institutions.
  • Odena, O., & Burgess, H. (2017). How doctoral students and graduates describe facilitating experiences and strategies for their thesis writing learning process: A qualitative approach.  Studies in higher education ,  42 (3), 572-590.
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paper cover thumbnail

The Analysis of Students’ Challenges to Thesis Writing at Uin Alauddin Makassar

Profile image of Citra Dwi Safitri

2021, English Language Teaching for EFL Learners

Thesis writing as one of final year students’ assignment is not a simple work. It involves hard work and effort to complete. This research addresses issue of the students’ challenges to thesis writing among the eighth semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The research questions were asking about the challenges faced by the eighth semester students to thesis writing of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar and the causal factors of the challenges faced by the eighth semester students to thesis writing of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar. Descriptive qualitative design was used in this research. The subject of this research consisted of 30 students of English Education Department intake year 2016. The subjects were chosen purposively including several criteria. The data of this research was obtained from two kinds of instruments, namely interview with supporting data from questionnaire. The data analysis techni...

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Poppy Rahayu

sherly dwi kurmaningrum

The objectives of the study are to describe the process of teaching writing at the second semester of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2014/ 2015 academic year and describe the problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing process. In this research,there are five components of teaching learning process that the writer analyze, such as: (1) Learning Objective. (2) The Syllabus. (3) The Material. (4) The Media. (5) The Technique and the problems faced by the teacher. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are taken from observation, interview, and document. In collecting the data, the writer employs observation and interview. The technique for analyzing data is data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of this study are: (1) Learning Objective of writing to make ths students able to develop paragraph and apply coherent and cohesion in making paragraph. (2) The type of syllabus is task based syllabus....

Voices of English Language Education Society

lalu ilham maryadi

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Undergraduates faced difficulties when the students were in the process of writing a thesis in order to obtain a bachelor's degree This study was aimed to examine the factors affecting undergraduates' difficulties in writing thesis and identify the dominant factors. This study based on the primary data gathered through questionnaire survey based on a five point Likert scale from a sample of 80 undergraduates of Faculty of Management and commerce of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka academic year 2014/2015. Descriptive quantitative design was used in this research. For the data analysis, this study used descriptive analysis and graphical presentation by using SPSS software and Excel to analyze. The result revealed that mainly, there are three factors affecting undergraduates' difficulties in writing thesis, they are Psychological, Socio-cultural and Linguistics factors. (1) undergraduates' difficulties in psychological factors 3.55 as a mean value., (2) undergraduates' difficulties in sociocultural factors 3.25 as a mean value. (3) undergraduates' difficulties in linguistic factors 3.48 as a mean value. From the three factors it is concluded that psychological factor is the highest difficulties faced by undergraduates. Finally, it was found that first, dominant score of psychological factor is the self-esteem (35.14%) and they were difficulty in gaining the data of thesis (3.79) and difficulty in choosing the title of thesis (3.71). Second, dominant score of socio-cultural factor is the students-lecturer relationship (34.32%), and they were communication problems with supervisors (3.39). Third, dominant score of linguistic factor is the diction (34.64%), and they were difficulty choosing the right vocabulary (3.65) and difficulty using punctuation, capitalization (3.61).

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AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

Naniana N I M R O D Benu

Md. S H A M I M H O S S A I N Biswas

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences

sara freihat

English Language Teaching

HIND A Alfadda

Fatiha Sadouki

J-Shelves of Indragiri (JSI)

Samsul Amri

PREMISE JOURNAL:ISSN online: 2442-482x, ISSN printed: 2089-3345

Aulia Hanifah Qomar

English Language Teaching Educational Journal

Nur siti Fatimah

Listyani Listyani

Farida Nur Hidayati

Science publication group

Mulugeta A Tadesse

Scholars' Journal

Ashok Raj Khati

International Journal of English and Literature

mulat guadie



Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Editorial Department , Diana Dan


Marcus Gee-Whai Kho


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  1. Full article: Postgraduate students' difficulties in writing their

    1. Introduction. Although writing effectively can lead to fruitful academic upshots (Mousavi & Kashefian-Naeeini, Citation 2011), writing thesis is not an easy task for many students.Most of them face with challenges of writing up their theses particularly their literature review section (Boote & Beile, Citation 2005; Fergie et al., Citation 2011). ...

  2. PDF Problems you face as you work on your dissertation

    Think of all problems as a set of traffic lights. The red light indicates that you have come across an obstacle and that you have a problem. As you work through the problem, the traffic light moves on to amber as you bring lots of sources together that help you to solve the problem and, when you solve it, it then turns to green.

  3. Navigating Thesis and Dissertation Challenges: Advice from Experts

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    To avoid this, establish a consistent work routine early on. The pomodoro method is great for ensuring effective time management and helping to fight procrastination. (For those unfamiliar, the pomodoro method = 25 minutes of work + a 5 minute break. Repeat for the duration of the working day, with a slightly longer break for lunch).

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    The writing thesis challenges were lack of knowledge related to writing a . scientific paper, skill in designing research methodology, and lack of r esources related to . the thesis's topic.


    The results of the study by Komba (2016) which attempted to explore the challenges of writing theses or dissertations among Tanzanian postgraduate students revealed that the majority of postgraduate students had difficulties in writing all chapters of theses or dissertation due to poor research. method course.

  11. Frontiers

    1 Department of Modern Languages, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Turkey; 2 ELT Department, Faculty of Education, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Turkey; Writing a thesis or dissertation is a challenging procedure as it is one of the requirements of getting a graduate and postgraduate diploma.

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  14. Postgraduate students' difficulties in writing their theses literature

    Naeeini, 2011), writing thesis is not an easy task for many students. Most of them face with challenges of writing up their theses particularly their literature review section (Boote ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dr. Zahra Shahsavar is an assistant professor at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. ...

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  18. Challenges Faced by Students in Writing Thesis: An Investigation from

    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by research students. during thesis writing. Qualitative research methodology was adopted to conduct t his study ...

  19. Postgraduate studies: The challenges of research and thesis writing

    Thesis writing as one of final year students' assignment is not a simple work. It involves hard work and effort to complete. This research addresses issue of the students' challenges to thesis writing among the eighth semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar.

  20. Challenges Faced by Students in Writing Thesis: An Investigation from

    The study considered postgraduate studies through an examination of the challenges of research and thesis writing in the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted for the study and a sample of 200 postgraduate students comprising Master's and Doctoral candidates who wrote their theses during the 2011/2012 ...

  21. Postgraduate Studies: The Challenges of Research and Thesis Writing

    Functionality refers to helping students to progress rationally through the research tasks given the challenges that they face in research and thesis writing related to doctoral studies (Lee and ...

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    a problem and challenges in writing and repo rting the results. Table 1 also explores that . ... undertaking thei r writing tasks. Thesis submi tted for the de gree of Doctor of .