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Certificate in Creative Writing

Creative Writing

About the Online Creative Writing Certificate

The Certificate in Creative Writing offers an innovative, collaborative course of study for those who have always wanted to unlock their creativity. Each online course is designed as a workshop in which you explore new ideas, tackle new writing tools, generate original insights and discover your own powers of expression. You create, collaboratively discuss and revise your original writing with feedback from your instructors and your peers. You also engage with a range of assigned readings and multimedia that inform and grow your innovative practice.

The Certificate in Creative Writing offers both basic and advanced workshops and appeals to students new to creative writing as well as students with writing experience who want to learn new skills. Through a series of online courses in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting, the Certificate in Creative Writing focuses on creative writing as a form of critical thinking as a way to reimagine audience and as a space of innovation. Taught by professionals in the field, our courses cultivate both individual and group learning, providing an overview of the field as well as deep dives into literary genres. These online creative writing courses are designed as hands-on, intensive study of the subtleties and power of language.

Creative Writing Certificate Requirements

The Certificate in Creative Writing is a 4-course, 4 c.u.* credit program of study taught by University of Pennsylvania faculty. To earn a certificate, students complete any four courses offered, in any order.  Students who complete the basic certificate may pursue an advanced certificate (6-course, 6 c.u.*) by adding two additional creative writing courses.

Flexible Course Schedule and Tuition

Penn LPS Online courses in the Certificate in Creative Writing are offered in accelerated 8-week terms and full terms. Courses in the online certificate program are largely asynchronous with some optional synchronous sessions to be scheduled by the instructors.

You have the option to enroll in individual creative writing courses without committing to the entire online certificate, enjoying the flexibility and expertise offered by Penn LPS Online to suit your schedule and interests. Visit the Cost of Attendance page for course tuition and fee rates.

Watch a video of a recent virtual information session to hear from the program team about the Certificate in Creative Writing.

If you are having trouble viewing this video, watch it on YouTube .

*Academic credit is defined by the University of Pennsylvania as a course unit (c.u.). A course unit (c.u.) is a general measure of academic work over a period of time, typically a term (semester or summer). A c.u. (or a fraction of a c.u.) represents different types of academic work across different types of academic programs and is the basic unit of progress toward a degree. One c.u. is usually converted to a four-semester-hour course.

The Certificate in Creative Writing prepares you to:

  • Understand how text conveys meaning across a variety of literary genres and styles
  • Explore how to use innovation, flexibility, and collaboration to cultivate a creative writing practice
  • Create, revise and edit your original writing in multiple literary genres, including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and screenwriting

Online Creative Writing Courses

Certificate students who complete four of the online courses listed below earn a Certificate in Creative Writing. Those students are then eligible to pursue an Advanced Certificate in Creative Writing by taking two additional courses.

  • CRWR 1010: The Craft of Creative Writing
  • CRWR 1600: Modern and Contemporary US Poetry
  • CRWR 2010: Poetry Workshop
  • CRWR 2400: The Art of Editing
  • CRWR 2500: Writing and Meditation
  • CRWR 2600: Fiction Workshop
  • CRWR 2800: Narrative Collage
  • CRWR 3000: Writing About Place
  • CRWR 3200: Screenwriting
  • CRWR 3600: Advanced Nonfiction *
  • CRWR 3700: Journalism

*This course may not be offered every academic year. Check the course page or our course guide to see when upcoming terms are added.

Courses are subject to change.

See Course Tuition

Meet The Faculty

Julia Bloch

Julia Bloch

  • Faculty Director, Penn LPS Online Certificate in Creative Writing
  • Director, Creative Writing Program

Al Filreis

  • Director, Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing

Laynie Browne

Laynie Browne

  • Poet, prose writer, teacher and editor

Scott Burkhardt

Scott Burkhardt

  • Lecturer in cinema and media studies

Christy Davids

Christy Davids

  • Teacher, poet and assistant editor at The Conversant

Lise Funderburg

Lise Funderburg

  • Lecturer in creative writing

J †Johnson

  • 2017-2018 Digital Studies Fellow at Rutgers University-Camden

Dick Polman

Dick Polman

  • Povich Writer-in-Residence at the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing (CPCW)

Karen Rile

  • Writer, editor, teacher

Photo of Zachary Tyler Vickers

Zachary Tyler Vickers

Careers related to creative writing.

The Certificate in Creative Writing is designed to enhance your writing and storytelling skills and provide a framework for a creative process that can be applied to a myriad of professional roles including:

  • Advertising copywriter
  • Fundraising/development consultant
  • Author and journalist

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  • Creative Writing

Professional Certificate

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About the Creative Writing Program

Delivery method.

  • Live Online

certificate of creative writing

Required Courses

Students must complete all 5 courses listed below. Classes can be taken in any order.

Grammar Lab WCWP-40234

Units:  3.00

Grammar Lab (WCWP-40234)10 Weeks | OnlineThis ten-week online Grammar Lab course is skillfully designed to meet the needs of all students. It is beneficial for those with little grammar experience and...

Upcoming Start Dates:

The art and craft of creative writing wcwp-40107.

The Art and Craft of Creative Writing 10 Weeks | Online Course Description/Goals: Creative writing begins when the spark of an idea ignites the fuel of language. The writer picks up a pen or presse...

Developing Unforgettable Characters WCWP-40245

Units:  2.00

Whether you are writing short fiction, a novel, or memoir, characters are what draw your reader in and make them care enough to read on. This course offers methods for creating three-dimensional chara...

Finding Our Voices, Telling Our Stories: Part I WCWP-40142

Within you there dwells an innate sense of storytelling and a unique voice with which to tell your stories. In this course you will explore writing techniques to help you locate and refine the natura...

Writers' Workshop: Read and Critique WCWP-40252

­­­Literary criticism is not a form of negatively critiquing a writing piece, but rather conscientiously and carefully analyzing written works through various lenses. Reading and critiquin...

Students must choose minimum 2 units of Literature from any of the classes below

Women and Madness LIT-40069

In the 19th century, a strange marriage of art, literature, science, and psychology catapulted society’s obsession with the archetypal madwoman into the mainstream. Pathologies that had once been used...

Gender Identity and Literature: Him, Her, Us LIT-40071

Gender is infinitely more intricate than the biological question of sex. Uncover the cultural, social and political implications of gender identity in three powerful works. Kiss of the Spider Woman, b...

Ernest Hemingway: Titan of American Literature LIT-40064

Ernest Hemingway wrote “All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwar...

American Literature: Stories of Immigration LIT-40022

Explore this Unique Take on Immigration Stories Immigration has once again taken center stage in the national spotlight, giving artists, writers and thinkers another opportunity to consider and help r...

Glittering Wit: Three Works by Oscar Wilde LIT-40099

Famous, and infamous, for his brilliant turn of phrase, seething social commentary and flamboyant personality, Oscar Wilde was the toast of the literary world throughout the 1880’s and 1890’s. Join us...

History of Children's Literature LIT-40093

Gain a deep understanding of the history of children s literature by studying classics of post-enlightenment writing for children. This course provides children s book writers, illustrators and enthus...

Students must choose 12 units of electives from any of the classes below

Novel Writing I WCWP-40187

The greatest challenge to writing a first novel may be deciding where to start. This course will help you write an engaging first paragraph and a draft of at least the first chapter. You may also work...

Novel Writing II WCWP-40297

Are you ready to develop a significant portion of your novel? This workshop will bring you valuable feedback on your work, including suggestions for revision. Class discussion will focus on the struct...

Novel Writing III WCWP-40254

This class will prepare you for the big picture review of your novel. With the use of contemporary and classic novels as examples, you will evaluate the progress on the plot arc and character developm...

Creative Non-Fiction

Memoir writing wcwp-40200.

Many of us have had fascinating lives, whether lived inwardly or outwardly, during childhood long ago or in the past decade. But when it comes to writing a memoir, where do we begin? The day of our bi...

Self-Editing and Publishing for the Web WCWP-40313

The ability to edit your own written work is a skill that s highly valued by employers and publishers. This class focuses on strengthening your writing for the web using journalistic techniques. Wheth...

News and Feature Writing WCWP-40276

The goal of this course is to introduce you to the purpose of journalism and the fundamentals of news and featue writing. In this ever-changing media landscape, one thing can remain constant: an indiv...

The Writer's Art of Interviewing WCWP-40123

Effective interviewing techniques translate to writing that is clear, lively, and depending on the writer s mission instructive or entertaining. This course will encompass all the integral compone...

Finding Our Voices, Telling Our Stories: Part II WCWP-40338

This course is a continuation of Finding Our Voices, Telling Our Stories: Part I. In this course students will continue to build upon the story they created in the first section of this series of clas...

Children's Writing

Writing for children i: introduction wcwp-40186.

Have you ever told yourself that someday you will write a children s book? Now s your chance! Join us as we demystify the writing process and examine the wide variety of books offered to children: pi...

Writing Children's Picture Books WCWP-40261

Let the wild rumpus begin! Do you dream of imaginary lands and mythical creatures? Learn how to inspire a child s imagination by giving them the tools necessary to explore the world around them. The ...

Writing for Children II: Intermediate WCWP-40315

Revision is the key to improving your work to reach the next level: publication. But often the hardest part is to figure out which words to cut, which to leave in, and how to tighten up the rest. Thi...

Writing for the Middle Grade/YA Reader WCWP-40274

Discover how successful middle grade and young adult books are crafted, and begin to plot out and write a tale of your own. In this course, we will consider how a plot works, what makes a compelling ...

Writing Non-Fiction and Informational Books for Children WCWP-40327

The market for children s nonfiction and informational books and articles has never been better. In this course, which can be taken by those familiar with writing for children and those just beginnin...

General Electives

Forms of poetry wcwp-40308.

Amy Lowell wrote, "No one expects a man to make a chair without first learning how, but there is a popular impression that the poet is born, not made, and that his verses burst from his overflowing he...

Nature Writing: The True Muse WCWP-40342

Nature Writing: The True Muse (WCWP-40342)6 Weeks | Online As writers, we are the witness and voice of our time, and as such, we are invited to translate what we experience to share and celebrate wit...

The Business of Writing

Building a business around writing wcwp-40321.

Units:  1.00

There a many avenues to building a business around writing. In this short course we will briefly discuss various possibilities including becoming a book author, freelance writer for hire, or journal...

The Art and Business of Blogging WCWP-40334

In this course students will learn the art of writing for an online audience, how to create a basic Wordpress site, insert blog posts, edit, and brand their blog. This course will also touch on how to...

Conditions for Admission

Students should have a native level of fluency in English and be able to write clear, logical and grammatically-correct sentences.

Certificate Guidelines

The program consists of earning at least 28 quarter units in Creative Writing and related courses. Students should be able to complete the entire certificate program in 2.5 years or less depending on their work load.

Students must pass all 14 units of required classes, 2 units of Literature, and choose 12 units from our listed electives in order to receive the certificate.

Advisory Board

Benjamin Doller

Professor and Author

UC San Diego

Author and Professor Emerita of Writing and Literature

University of CA, San Diego

Judy Reeves

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All applications are automatically accepted and there is no fee to apply. Twenty four to forty eight hours after applying, a button will appear in your MyExtension account that will allow you to pay the $95 certificate fee. Classes may be taken without being enrolled in the certificate.


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At a Glance

Classes Begin June 17

Term Length 10 Weeks

4 Course Certificate Tuition $13,344

6 Course Certificate Tuition $20,016

Format Asynchronous and Hybrid Online

Admission No GRE or GMAT

Duration As few as 6 months

Duration As few as 12 months

certificate of creative writing

Top-Ranked University

U.S. News & World Report Rankings

Brian Cicero

Talk to an Enrollment Manager

Chris Heriza 303-871-4785 Schedule an appointment Email me

Free Application

University College is committed to educational access, and given the difficult circumstances currently impacting millions of people, we are waiving application fees.

Skills You’ll Learn

Annual Schedule 5

Which certificate is right for me?

  • 4-Course Certificate
  • 6-Course Certificate

Concentration Courses

Focus on a specific professional area within the larger industry sector and master the skills needed to excel in that area.

Elective Courses

Popular electives for students in the Professional Creative Writing program include:

Electives may be chosen from among all courses in the Professional Creative Writing program. You may also select courses from other University College graduate programs with approval from the academic director.

Your academic advisor will help you select electives that align with your career and personal goals, and your advisor will obtain any necessary approvals from the academic director.


More Electives 5

Featured Instructors

View Instructors 5

certificate of creative writing

Patricia Dubrava Keuning

certificate of creative writing

Linda Sanders

certificate of creative writing

L.A. Jennings

certificate of creative writing

Joseph Hutchison

certificate of creative writing

Jonah Bornstein

certificate of creative writing

Jenn Zukowski

certificate of creative writing

Jeff Schwartz

certificate of creative writing

Hilary Leftwich

Sample schedule.

Plan your schedule to complete your graduate certificate. Finish quickly in just six months or take up to two years (four course certificate) or three years for a six-course certificate.

Interested in a master’s degree?

Take a course before you apply, career outcomes, predicted outcomes for graduates of professional creative nonfiction writing, writer and author salary​: national average, (u.s. bureau of labor statistics), get ahead with career services.

One-on-one career coaching and mock interviews

Job database dedicated to DU students and alumni

Résumé and cover letter guidance

Career Services 5

Hear from Our Students

Theme: job satisfaction.

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Professional Creative Writing

Flexible online classes.

We understand the demands of balancing work, friends and family, and school can be challenging. That's why at University College, you can complete your program entirely online. Our online learning platform makes it easy to work anywhere at any time.


certificate of creative writing

University College programs maintain the highest level of accreditation offered by The Higher Learning Commission, one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the federal government. The University of Denver and all of its academic programs are regionally accredited by this commission, and regional accreditation is the highest standard for universities in the United States.

Take the Next Step

Financial Aid 5

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UCLA Extension

Creative Writing

One of the nation's most prestigious open-enrollment creative writing programs..

Creative Writing at UCLA Extension

Whether you're looking to improve your writing for personal fulfillment, want to be published, or are preparing to apply to an MFA program, the Writers' Program can help you achieve your goals. You will find a supportive community of instructors, academic counselors and fellow students to help you on your journey.

We offer a wide range of open-enrollment courses, all of which may be taken individually. A guide on where to get started is provided below.

We also offer a fully customizable 21-unit Certificate in Creative Writing  where you can develop professional creative writing skills in the genre of your choice.

What do you want to create?

See All Courses

Creative Writing Certificate

hand writing in a notebook

Develop your skills in the genre of your choice, including fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and more.

This customizable program culminates in a capstone project where you will make significant progress on a polished collection of work.

Taught by a prestigious roster of instructors who are published writers and active professionals, courses can be taken onsite, online, or a combination of both.

three smiling students at The Writers Studio

Annual Writers Studio

4-day in-person, intensive workshops in Creative Writing & Screenwriting.

Perfect for both aspiring and experienced writers looking for new inspiration.

August 1-4, 2024 Registration opens Monday, February 5

Writers' Program Consultations

overhead perspective of a writer using a latop

If you have a completed draft of a manuscript and need feedback for your work, you may consider a one-on-one consultation with a Writers’ Program instructor.

Consultations give you a full cover-to-cover read of your work, a written evaluation, and a follow-up conversation in person, via phone, or web chat.

Expect more from your education.

MFA, fiction writer, author of the story collection Once Removed (UGA Press) and winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. 

Colette Sartor


Writers' Program Network of Writers (WP NOW)

Stay immersed in the Writers' Program community. Our optional membership program offers exclusive access to a range of discounts and benefits, including members-only networking, professional development opportunities, and course discounts. 

L earn More

My UCLA Extension coursework, teachers, and colleagues have shaped my writing life, fueled the creation of my novel, and provided continual inspiration.


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Creative Writing

A haven for writers of all genres and ambitions

December 3, 2024

*Flexible payment available

Enroll this week to receive a 10% tuition reduction

Imbue your writing with imagination and range.

Craft writing that is distinct and well-developed..

Stories are timeless and eternal. They are touchstones, formed by time and place, which reflect upon the human experience. Creative writing is an asset in all professional fields throughout diverse positions. The ability to craft intriguing, memorable prose remains one of the most enduring forms of human expression. Learn to conceive and develop integral elements of a story, including plotline, characters, symbolism, setting, and atmosphere.

Our Approach to Online Learning

Optimize your time with a mode of study that allows you to explore content and complete tasks at your own pace.


Our interactive content includes videos from instructors at the University of Chicago as well as materials that enable you to learn through real-world examples.


Throughout the program, the teaching assistant will serve as a valuable resource to clarify any questions and provide feedback on your work.

Meet Your Instructor

Instructor Sarah Terez Rosenblum, MFA

Sarah Terez Rosenblum, MFA

Sarah Terez Rosenblum’s work has appeared in literary magazines such as The Normal School, Prairie Schooner (shortlisted for the publication’s Summer 2020 Creative Nonfiction Prize), Diagram , Brevity, Third Coast , and Carve. In 2022, Rosenblum was shortlisted for StoryQuarterly ’s annual fiction contest. She has written for sites that include Salon, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Satirist, and Pop Matters .

Pushcart Prize-nominated, she earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Rosenblum is a creative coach and developmental editor. She also teaches creative writing at Story Studio, where she was voted 2022 Teacher of the Year, and at the University of Chicago Writer’s Studio. Rosenblum’s novel, Herself When She’s Missing , was called “poetic and heartrending” by Booklist . 

Unique Program Features

Live sessions and workshops.

Engage in live sessions and workshops that provide the opportunity to pose questions and exchange ideas.

Practical application

Practice specific craft points and explore the drafting process through weekly writing exercises.

Personalized guidance

Receive feedback from your instructors about the development of your writing.


Learning Outcomes

  • Reveal character through action.
  • Establish setting through characters’ physicality.
  • Write dynamic scenes.
  • Create dialogue that reveals character and furthers plot.
  • Recognize and use imagery and symbolic language.


After completing the course, you will be able to:

Create a strategy for your organization that makes use of AI to accomplish business goals

Build a team for success in an AI world

Choose the best areas for early-stage development and understand how to scale AI solutions

Earn a certificate of completion from the University of Chicago and become part of the UChicago network

Course Modules

Introduction to Writing and Crafting Character

  • Things to Consider Before Writing
  • Introduction to Character
  • Description
  • Internal Response

Point of View

  • Introduction to Point of View
  • First Person
  • Third Person
  • Less Common Points of View: Second Person
  • Less Common Points of View: First Person Plural
  • Focalization
  • Writing Practice

Setting and Mood

  • Starting with Setting
  • Creating Setting
  • Analysis of Setting in The Road
  • Introduction to Workshop
  • Introduction to Plot
  • Basic Plot Arcs
  • Denouement and Resolution
  • Conflict and Tension
  • Change and Imagery
  • The Hero’s Journey
  • Introduction to Dialogue
  • Dialogue and Action
  • Creating Tension with Dialogue
  • Dialogue and Subtext
  • Issues in Dialogue

Voice and Tone

  • Introduction to Tone and Voice
  • Authorial Voice and Character Voice
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Strong Story Starts
  • Writing Practice: Drafting

Imagery, Symbolism, and Theme

  • Introduction to Imagery and Theme
  • Figurative Language
  • Systems of Imagery: “In the White Night”
  • Building Your Own Systems of Imagery
  • Writing Practicen

Time Movement and Literary Magazines

  • Simple Scene Movement
  • Introduction to Flashbacks
  • The Mechanics of Flashbacks
  • Writing Practice: Submitting Your Work
  • Writing Practice: Beyond this Course

This course is designed for:

Individuals with diverse aspirations, backgrounds, and skills interested in exploring writing in an easily accessible way

Learners from all walks of life with curiosity and enthusiasm toward writing, communication, literature, and the art of crafting a story

Experienced writers looking to hone their skills and elevate their expression.

Participant Experiences

Enroll now to receive a 10% tuition reduction

Flexible Payment Options Available


Any discounts will be applied at checkout.

Pay in Full

Pay in 2 installments.

students reviewing writing sample

Creative Writing Certificate

Enhance your creativity—and your writing skills—while gaining hands-on experience producing a variety of literary genres.

UND's undergraduate Creative Writing certificate will help you develop as a writer. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to become more analytical, more collaborative, and more aware of how and why narrative works.

Why earn a certificate in Creative Writing?

Whether you someday want to publish your own creative work or you simply want to develop the skills to enhance your own understanding of narrative and popular culture, this certificate is for you. It is for English majors who want credentials in creative writing and for students in pre-professional majors who want a creative outlet.

In this program, you'll be challenged to produce creative projects, and your writing will receive individualized attention from faculty. You will have opportunities to work collaboratively with other students as you learn to provide feedback to other writers. 

This certificate is designed for students who want to:

  • Practice their written communication skills and become more confident writers.
  • Enter professions such editing, publishing, journalism, or arts administration in which the ability to offer sound artistic judgments is crucial.
  • Develop the analytical, collaborative, and advanced communication skills that will contribute to careers in aviation, technology, business, health, or education.
  • Enhance their understanding of narrative in order to enter careers in writing or gaming—or in order to better appreciate film, literature, and popular culture.

You'll have the opportunity to participate in publishing Floodwall , an undergraduate literary journal, and to interact with professional writers at UND's annual Writer's Conference. In addition, you can be part of a vibrant community of student writers through writing club, open-mic nights, and readings events.

Opportunities to enhance your writing skills and to work on creative projects.

Participate in the annual UND Writer's Conference.

Receive individualized feedback from writing faculty.

Share your talents with fellow writers by participating in open-mic nights.

Creative Writing Certificate Courses

ENGL 226. Introduction to Creative Writing. 3 Credits.

A survey of major genres of creative writing, including poetry, the short story, and a third genre, such as creative nonfiction, scriptwriting, or hybrid. Instruction will cover elements of form, principles of craft, and strategies for writing and editing through in-class discussions, frequent practice prompts, workshops, and conferences with students. F,S.

ENGL 414. The Art of Writing: Fiction. 3 Credits.

Continues the work of ENGL 306 , Creative Writing: Fiction, at the advanced level. Prerequisite: ENGL 306 or instructor's permission. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. S.

ENGL 413. The Art of Writing: Poetry. 3 Credits.

Intermediate and advanced-level study and practice of poetry-writing. Repeatable once. Prerequisite: ENGL 226 or instructor's permission. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. F.

ENGL 306. Creative Writing: Fiction. 3 Credits.

Intermediate-level study and practice of fiction-writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 226 or instructor's permission. F.

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Creative Writing Certificate

Writer working at their computer

A certificate program for aspiring writers

Best-selling novels, blockbuster movies and award-winning poems all start with an idea…but the crucial next step of creating words to convey and express those ideas can be daunting. Our customizable Creative Writing Certificate program provides individualized guidance from experienced instructors who have published works in multiple genres. Explore methodologies across all writing categories as you refine both your personal style and voice utilizing the most effective tools and techniques. Schedule flexibility combined with a variety of elective options allows you to tailor the curriculum based on personal interests and skill sets. Build your platform and grow your brand as you work to successfully achieve your writing goals.

The following types of students will benefit from this program:

  • Working professionals looking to bolster their writing skills
  • Aspiring authors eager to become published
  • Hobbyists seeking to hone their craft

Program objectives

After successfully completing this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of professional writing techniques spanning all aspects of the writing process
  • Utilize the practical knowledge of how to grow their platform, evaluate the commercial potential of their work, and move toward publishing
  • Create a tangible testament to their academic achievement in the field

Certificate requirements

To receive the certificate, students must:

  • Complete all four (4) of the core courses
  • Complete at least three (3) elective courses
  • Attend at least 80% of the class sessions in each course
  • Satisfy all program requirements within 18 months

All courses are also offered open enrollment, meaning anyone can register for them regardless of affiliation with Emory or desire to complete the certificate program. Students must apply for and be accepted into the Advanced Revision Workshop .

View writing submission guidelines . 

Certificate overview

Duration 12-18 months

Cost $3,045

Time commitment 84 hours

Are you an employer?

Students should complete the four (4) required courses in the order listed below.

Students must complete three (3) of the following electives before, during, or after the required courses.

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Creative Writing

About this program.

Have you longed to explore your creative potential?

Embrace the unknown and start your journey here. As part of one of the largest Creative Writing programs in Canada, you can learn the essentials of excellent writing and put them into practice. Whether you aspire to write a novel or short story, explore poetry, pen a script or screenplay, or explore other writing styles, we have the courses you need to improve your skills.

Class sizes and writers workshops are kept small to ensure you receive the individual attention you need to help your writing thrive, whether you take your class in-class or online. 

Courses in the genres listed below can be applied to the Certificate in Creative Writing

  • Creative Non-Fiction
  • Escritura Creativa en Español
  • Literary Fiction
  • Multi-genre
  • Poetry and Songwriting
  • Popular Fiction
  • Stage and Screenwriting
  • U of T Summer Writing School
  • Writing for Children

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Creative Writing Certificate Program | Northwestern SPS - Northwestern School of Professional Studies

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Program Overview

Creative Writing

Creative Writing Certificate Program

Writers who are serious about their craft can create a custom course of study to prepare for graduate programs in creative writing. In this post-baccalaureate certificate program, students hone their craft, formalize their training and build a solid portfolio of work for application to MFA and MA/ PhD programs in writing. Courses are conducted as writing workshops to allow for valuable feedback from a community of fellow writers. As students analyze and write creative work and learn about the publishing world, their creative development is guided by instructors who are respected writers themselves. Students can explore a variety of writing areas, or they may specialize their course of study based on experience and discipline — fiction, creative nonfiction or poetry. Classes meet on campus in Chicago or Evanston.


About the Creative Writing Certificate Program

Creative writing goals and courses, creative writing tuition, admission for creative writing, creative writing registration information, find out more about the creative writing certificate program, program goals.

Creative Writing post-baccalaureate certificate students will:

  • Explore a range of literary works and aesthetic approaches
  • Gain a rigorous background in the fundamentals of creative writing by working with established poets and prose writers
  • Learn about the literary publishing industry and develop a sense of the writer's position within it
  • Build a solid portfolio through the development of a regular writing practice

Required Courses

Four from the following:

  • ENGLISH 206 Reading/Writing Poetry*
  • ENGLISH 207 Reading/Writing Fiction
  • ENGLISH 208 Reading/Writing Creative Nonfiction
  • ENGLISH 307-A Advanced Fiction I
  • ENGLISH 307-B Advanced Fiction II
  • ENGLISH 308-A Advanced Nonfiction I
  • ENGLISH 308-B Advanced Nonfiction II

In addition to the minimum of four required courses, students may complete literature courses in SPS.

Students should have some academic writing experience before starting the Creative Writing post-baccalaureate certificate.

The recommended start time for this program is fall quarter.

View Creative Writing Courses

Post-baccalaureate students at Northwestern's School of Professional Studies pay per course. For more information about financial obligations and tuition, visit the Tuition page.

In addition to completing an online application, you'll also need to submit a few supplemental materials. A list of requirements for admission including application deadlines and tips on how to apply can be found at the  Admission page.

Whether you're a first-time registrant or current and returning student, all students register using our online student registration and records systems. Important information about registering for courses at SPS, including registration timelines and adding or dropping courses in which you are already enrolled, can be found at the  Registration Information page.

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ECU Online

Course overview

  • Why study with ECU online

Learning outcomes

What you will study, entry criteria.

  • Teaching team
  • Frequently asked questions
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The Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing is designed to introduce students to fundamental principles and practices of modern creative writing.

It provides a condensed exploration of creative writing skills, empowering students to develop their writing abilities and express themselves effectively.

After completing your Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing, you can continue your studies to gain a Graduate Diploma of Creative Writing to refine your storytelling and literary finesse and a full Master of Creative Writing to master the art of storytelling.

*Duration depends on individual study path and unit availability. Please speak to a Student Enrolment Advisor for advice.

For more information about our fast-tracked master degree, contact one of our Student Enrolment Advisors on 1300 707 760 or request a call-back.

Why study a Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing with ECU Online?

Taught by top industry experts, enhance your writing craft, discover varied writing styles.

Don't just take our word for it, read the written works of our most notable staff and alumni, and feel inspired.

Images sourced from Amazon Australia .

The Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing is designed for students seeking to improve their writing skills.

You will gain an understanding of contemporary writing principles and practices, enabling you to develop as a proficient writer.

Refine your writing skills

  • Develop essential creative writing techniques to ignite your creativity.
  • Begin crafting the stories you're eager to share.

Discover your writing path

  • Explore different writing forms through dynamic coursework.
  • Apply your new skills to personal projects and writing goals.
  • Customise your learning by choosing subjects aligned with your interests.

The online Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing consists of 3 units from a pool of 5.

Writing Fiction

  • This unit introduces the fundamentals of writing fiction through reading a range of short stories.

Writing Realities

  • This unit explores writing based on actual events, including history, biography, true crime and stories of place and family.

Writing for Performance

  • This unit introduces skills for writing drama or monologue for performance.

Writing and Audience

  • This unit cultivates a writer's understanding of their work with consideration of genre and readership, including online audiences.

Editing and Publishing

  • This unit explores the business of writing, editing, and publishing, including processes and workflow for professional editing, seeking publication, and presenting the professional author platform.
  • Managing People and Organisations
  • Marketing for Leaders
  • Financial Performance, Accountability and Risk
  • Data Analytics and Organisational Decision Making
  • Strategic Management and International Competitiveness
  • Responsible Management
  • Managing Change
  • Transformative Leadership
  • Business Innovation Project

Admission requirements:

To gain entry to the Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing, applicants must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any discipline; OR
  • Equivalent prior learning, including at least five years of relevant professional experience or students must submit a piece of published work.​​

Meet the teaching team

Donna Mazza

Associate Professor

Donna, a notable fiction writer and researcher, specialises in environmental and feminist speculative fiction. Her recent novel "Fauna" (2020) was shortlisted for Aurealis Best Science Fiction Novel. She's the author of "The Albanian" (2007), winning the TAG Hungerford Award. Donna is a prominent figure in conferences, festivals, and radio discussions, while also contributing to public art projects.

Donna Mazza

Dr. Aksel Dadswell

Aksel Dadswell is an award-winning West Australian horror and weird fiction writer. Holding a PhD in creative writing, his work explores race and belonging, featured in anthologies like "Test Patterns: Creature Features" (2018) and "Hymns of Abomination: Secret Songs of Leeds" (2021).

Aksel Dadswell

To find out more about our teaching team download the course guide.

Fees and FEE-HELP

The cost of our Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing is $10,800* for all 3 units.

To assist with some or all of your tuition fees, FEE-HELP is available for eligible students. This government-supported loan scheme is designed to help eligible full-fee paying students pay their postgraduate tuition fees.

To find out if you are eligible for FEE-HELP, you can contact one of our Student Enrolment Advisors on 1300 707 760.

*2024 student fees are shown and are subject to change.

Our Graduate Diploma of Creative Writing comprises 6 units and is a great option for students looking to enhance their writing skills through the application of modern principles and practices and apply these new skills to reach their creative and professional goals. Our Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing comprises 3 units and provides students with a foundational understanding of the techniques of creative writing practice.

If you do not have an undergraduate degree, you may be eligible for the Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing if you have equivalent prior learning, including at least two years of relevant professional experience or you arrange with ECU Online to submit a piece of published work. To find out more we recommend contacting our Student Enrolment Advisors to provide a tailored assessment of your eligibility.

At ECU Online we understand that everyone has different work arrangements, family responsibilities, locations and learning styles. This is why our postgraduate courses are offered 100% online, so you can balance your study with other commitments. As an ECU Online student, you will have access to academic and non-academic support.

Our accelerated online courses are developed by industry experts and engaged academics. You can easily connect with learning facilitators and course coordinators through our easy-to-use online learning environment to gain feedback and ask academic questions. You can also reach out to a Learning Advisor who can help with things like assessment writing, study skills and more.

You will have a dedicated Student Success Advisor available to you from when you start studying through to graduation. They will be available to provide non-academic support, such as assistance with scheduling time to study and more.

As an ECU online student, you also have access to all the support offered by ECU, both on-campus and online:

  • Access and inclusion services
  • Student health services
  • Psychological counselling support
  • Careers and employability services
  • Student Guild, clubs, and associations

No, the Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing is 100% online and does not include any on-campus components. We have designed this course to be flexible so you can tailor your studies to fit your lifestyle.

Interested in accelerated online study at ECU?

Our Student Enrolment Advisors are ready to answer your questions. Send us an email or schedule a call-back at a time that best suits you.

  • Eligibility & enrolment
  • Course duration & fees
  • How to fit study into your schedule
  • Course entry and study pathways

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ECU is committed to reconciliation and recognises and respects the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ communities, cultures and histories. ECU acknowledges and respects the Noongar people as the traditional custodians of the land on which our campuses are located.

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You must have an APAC Accredited 3 year Psychology degree or equivalent to be eligible for this course.

If you have not studied Psychology before, you may be interested in our Online Accelerated Graduate Diploma of Psychology.

You must be a Qualified Teacher to be eligible for this course.

If you’re not currently a Qualified Teacher, you may be interested in our on-campus Teacher Education course.

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Our eBook ‘5 Trends Shaping the Future of Human Resource Management’ will give you valuable industry insights

Our Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) is designed for existing teachers, educators, directors and team leaders who wish to develop their skills.

This course does not provide students with the required registrations to become a qualified teacher.

If you want to become a teacher, you might be interested in ECU’s Master of Teaching courses

The University of Texas at Austin

Creative Writing Certificate Program

Illustration by valerie tran, announcements, admission applications.

The deadline for applying to the Creative Writing Certificate Program was March 1.  We are no longer accepting applications at this time.  The next application window is September 1 - October 1, 2024.

Creative Writing Certificate Program End-of-Semester Reception and Readings

Please join us on Wednesday, May 1 , in the Joynes Reading Room (Carothers Residence Hall) for our end-of-semester celebration.

Reception begins at 12:30pm with food and refreshments.

Writing Awards and Readings begin at 1:00pm

Creative Writing Honors Thesis Readings begin at 2:00pm.

Please feel free to come to all or part of the program.  Family and friends are welcome!

Writing Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the Winners of the Kruger Fellowships and Parker Prizes for student writing. 

KRUGER Fiction 

1st Place     Lara Palmqvist - "In Another Life"

Runner-up   Stephanie Degnore - "Where the Light Shines Brightest"

Runner-up   Varun Jawarani - "Lakshana"

KRUGER Poetry  

1st Place     Aguilar Alfredo - "After Three Beers My Tia Talks About The Border"

Runner-up   Safiyya Haider - "Assimilation Is Performance Art" 

PARKER Fiction

1st Place      Molly Tompkins - "Bolt from the Blue"

Runner-up    Charlie Sharpe - "A Horse of Course” 

Runner-up    Ashley Rummel - "The Artists" 


1st Place      Leah Piñon - "The World Ends Through the Mirrors in Your House"

Runner-up    Boppana Pradhitha - "Alternate Methods of Crying"


1st Place      Molly Tompkins - "Celestial, Beautiful, and Social Bodies" 

Runner-up    Lane Dent - “Our False Perception of Nature”,

Congratulations to all the contest winners and honors thesis students! 

Ongoing Opportunities

Check back often for more links to publishing, contest, and internship opportunities.

  • Writer's League of Texas
  • Texas Book Festival
  • Poets and Writers Magazine
  • Tab Option 4
  • Tab Option 5

The Writers' League of Texas provides internship, networking, literary, and educational opportunities in Austin and around the state, as well as an annual conference featuring literary agents and editors. 

The Texas Book Festival , one of the largest in the country, takes place annually in late October / early November, but offers volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

Poets and Writers magazine lists contests, fellowships, grants, and literary journals for writers of all levels. 

Creative Writing Certificate

This certificate is designed for students who wish to write poems, fiction, or nonfiction, to improve their writing and abilities through workshops taught by practitioners, and possibly to go on to graduate programs in creative writing and careers such as teaching and editing. The program is also for students who wish to broaden their perspectives of literature to include that of the writer.

Creative Writing Certificate Requirements

  • A total of 18 credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA is required.
  • English Composition (ENGL 1001) is the prerequisite required before any coursework is completed.
  • Although not required, it is highly recommended to complete the composition sequence (ENGL 2089: Intermediate Composition or equivalent) prior to beginning coursework.
  • No credit toward the Creative Writing Certificate is earned for 2000 level composition courses.

One Introductory Course

ENGL 2010 Introduction to Creative Writing Multi: Poetry & Prose ENGL 2011 Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction ENGL 2013 Introduction to Literary Nonfiction ENGL 2015 Introduction to Screenwriting ENGL 2017 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry ENGL 2027 Introduction to Creative Writing: Drama

One Forms Course

ENGL 3085 Forms of Poetry ENGL 3086 Forms of Fiction ENGL 3087 Forms of Literary Nonfiction

One Creative Writing Course 3000-level or higher

ENGL 3015 Poetry and Sound ENGL 3022 Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy ENGL 3023 Writing the Mystery ENGL 3025 Writing Historical Fiction ENGL 3026 Writing Fiction with a Global Vision ENGL 3027 Writing Comic Fiction ENGL 3030 Writing the Love Poem ENGL 3031 The Poet as Actor: Persona and Voice in Poetry ENGL 3032 Music and Poetry ENGL 3033 Writing Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction ENGL 3034 Audiopoetics ENGL 3049 Creative Writing and Social Change ENGL 3053 Writing Fiction in the Digital Age ENGL 3054 Creative Writing Pedagogy ENGL 3055 Creative Writing from Real Life ENGL 3056 Writing Comic Poetry & Prose ENGL 3079 Creative Writing & the Environment ENGL 3096 Creative Writing & Literary Publishing ENGL 3101 Reading & Writing Memoir ENGL 3102 Podcasting & Audio Storytelling ENGL 3103 Creative Writing & the Community ENGL 3104 Poetic Justice ENGL 3105 Writing Landscapes: Poetry ENGL 3107 Creative Writing in Contemporary Contexts ENGL 4012 Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction* ENGL 4013 Intermediate Literary Nonfiction* ENGL 4017 Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry* ENGL 5112 Senior Writing Seminar: Fiction* ENGL 5113 Senior Writing Seminar: Literary Nonfiction* ENGL 5114 Senior Writing Seminar: Creative Writing and Research* ENGL 5115 Senior Writing Seminar: Hybrid Forms* ENGL 5117 Senior Writing Seminar: Poetry*

*This course has prerequisites.

(4) Two additional Creative Writing courses:

ENGL 2010 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry & Prose ENGL 2011 Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction ENGL 2013 Introduction to Literary Nonfiction ENGL 2015 Introduction to Screenwriting ENGL 2017 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry ENGL 2027 Introduction to Creative Writing: Drama ENGL 3015 Poetry and Sound ENGL 3022 Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy ENGL 3023 Writing the Mystery ENGL 3025 Writing Historical Fiction ENGL 3026 Writing Fiction with a Global Vision ENGL 3027 Writing Comic Fiction ENGL 3028 Memoir as Literature ENGL 3030 Writing the Love Poem ENGL 3031 The Poet as Actor: Persona and Voice in Poetry ENGL 3032 Music and Poetry ENGL 3033 Writing Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction ENGL 3034 Audiopoetics ENGL 3049 Creative Writing and Social Change ENGL 3053 Writing Fiction in the Digital Age ENGL 3054 Creative Writing Pedagogy ENGL 3055 Creative Writing from Real Life ENGL 3056 Writing Comic Poetry & Prose ENGL 3079 Creative Writing and the Environment  ENGL 3085 Forms of Poetry ENGL 3086 Forms of Fiction ENGL 3087 Forms of Literary Nonfiction ENGL 4012 Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction ENGL 4013 Intermediate Literary Nonfiction ENGL 4017 Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry ENGL 5112 Senior Writing Seminar: Fiction ENGL 5113 Senior Writing Seminar: Literary Nonfiction ENGL 5114 Senior Writing Seminar: Creative Writing and Research ENGL 5115 Senior Writing Seminar: Hybrid Forms ENGL 5117 Senior Writing Seminar: Poetry

(5) One English elective at the 2000-level or above*

*No English elective credit is given for 2000-level composition courses (ENGL 2089 or its equivalent)

Email : [email protected]

This fully-online graduate certificate program is designed for creative writers seeking to sharpen their skills and work toward publishable fiction and/or poetry, and for teachers seeking to improve and enhance their pedagogy of Creative Writing. Through a foundational course in techniques followed by workshop classes in which original creative work is read and critiqued, students will complete and revise a body of work under the guidance of experienced teachers and authors from Bowling Green State University’s acclaimed Creative Writing Program. 

Admission Requirements

Additional Documents Required:

  • Statement of Purpose*  - should identify the program for which admission is sought and explain preparation for the program, the purpose for enrolling in it, and professional goals relevant to the program
  • Writing Sample  - submit 8 to 10 double-spaced pages of prose or 5 pages of poetry. Applicants currently admitted in the  English: Individualized Track - MA (Online)  at Bowling Green State University need only submit a Statement of Purpose. Please contact  [email protected]  to request your Writing Sample waiver (if you were admitted to the  English: Individualized Track - MA (Online)  at BGSU).

Application Requirements

Admissions Categories and Grade Point Average Requirements

International Application Information

Degree Requirements

Curriculum requirements, required courses (12 credits), techniques - complete both courses.

ENG 6300 - Technique of Poetry    

ENG 6310 - Technique of Fiction    

Graduate Writer’s Workshop

Take 2 Sections of ENG 6320 - Graduate Writers Workshop     in any genre

Techniques - Complete 1 course

Take 3 sections of ENG 6320 - Graduate Writers Workshop    in any genre

Electives (6 credits)

Minimum total credits (12 credits), additional requirements.

  • Minimum 3.0 graduate cumulative grade point average
  • All requirements must be completed within six years from the end of the earliest course used to fulfill certificate requirements.

About the Program

While pursuing a BA in Creative Writing, students study literary texts and then produce their own poetry or fiction. The creative writing student is an artist. This major is perfect for those who love to write poems or stories, and who plan to do so no matter what. In addition to the required five courses in poetry or fiction writing, students must take five courses in English Literature or English Language. While some creative writing students attend graduate school to hone their skills and develop their art, others practice their craft in commercial industries like marketing or publishing. Ultimately, creative writers learn many skills that employers find desirable.

The Bell Tower , an undergraduate-run magazine for the arts affiliated with Purdue University’s Department of English, was founded in 1995 and is published yearly.

Books and Coffee talks (hosted by the Department of English) are held several times throughout the school year. Coffee and tea are available, followed by a half-hour talk about a selected work. The series is popular with faculty, staff, and students.

College of Liberal Arts

Degree Requirements

120 credits required, liberal arts curriculum.

Each liberal arts major is designed as a four-year plan of study and includes three types of courses: Major, Core, and Elective. Most students take five courses per semester, with some of each type.

Professional academic advisors meet individually with each of our students on a regular basis to help with course selection, academic planning, and career development, as well as to help students find additional resources on campus.

Departmental/Program Major Course Requirements (30 credits)

Required course (3 credits).

A grade of “B-” or better is required before attempting courses in Area A.

  • ENGL 20500 - Introduction To Creative Writing Credits: 3.00 ♦

A. Creative Writing Courses - Choose Four (12 credits)

All Creative Writing courses except 20500, 31600, and 31700 may be repeated once by Creative Writing majors for credit. (The 40000 and 50000 level courses should be taken in order in any given genre; exceptions are granted by the permission of instructor.)

  • ENGL 31600 - Craft Of Fiction From A Writer’s Perspective Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 31700 - Craft Of Poetry From A Writer’s Perspective Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 40700 - Intermediate Poetry Writing Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 40800 - Creative Writing Capstone Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 40900 - Intermediate Fiction Writing Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 50700 - Advanced Poetry Writing Credits: 3.00
  • ENGL 50900 - Advanced Fiction Writing Credits: 3.00

B. Engaging English (3 credits)

May be taken concurrently with ENGL 20500.

  • ENGL 20200 - Engaging English Credits: 3.00 ♦

C. Literature/Linguistics/English Education (12 credits)

  • Any ENGL course not taken above; at least 9 credit hours must be at the 30000 level or above.

Other Departmental (31-55 credits)

The College of Liberal Arts Other Departmental area is designed to be experiential, informative, and relevant to life in a rapidly changing universe. It combines courses that fulfill University Core foundational outcomes, discipline diversity, social diversity, and other languages to produce a well-rounded background for students. Coursework is integrative and collaborative and fosters insight, understanding, independence, initiative, and the desire to reach across divides and redefine our relationship to the peoples and the worlds that surround us.

Core I: Disciplinary Diversity (6-18 credits)

Choose 1 course in 6 different disciplines within the College of Liberal Arts.

Note: Disciplines are differentiated by course prefix. Undistributed credit does not count to satisfy this requirement.

Core II: Social Diversity (1-3 credits)

Culture, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity all play a role in how others perceive us and how we experience the world, and as such, are meaningful categories for analyzing social change and social problems past and present. The purpose of this category is to acquaint students with the pluralistic nature of the world and foster an appreciation and awareness of the diverse range of lived human experience. Courses in this list will expose students to important aspects of human diversity and foster understanding about different world views.

Choose one course from this list: CLA Core II - Social Diversity Selective List   .

Core III: Linguistic Diversity (3-4 credits)

Proficiency through Level IV in one world language. Courses may be required to reach Level IV proficiency; these courses will be counted toward electives.

Foundational Requirements (21-30 credits)

Students must complete approved coursework that meet the following foundational outcomes. Many of these can also be used to fulfill Core I, Core II, or Core III.

  • Humanities - all approved courses accepted.
  • Behavioral/Social Science - all approved courses accepted.
  • Information Literacy - all approved courses accepted.
  • Science #1 - all approved courses accepted.
  • Science #2 - all approved courses accepted.
  • Science, Technology, and Society - all approved courses accepted.
  • Written Communication - all approved courses accepted.
  • Oral Communication - all approved courses accepted.
  • Quantitative Reasoning - all approved courses accepted.
  • Double counting of courses is allowed across the various categories.
  • All accredited programs whose accreditation is threatened by CLA Core requirement, both professional BAs and BFAs, are exempt from Liberal Arts Core I & II in order to meet accreditation standards and requirements. Liberal Arts Core III: Linguistic Diversity is still required for such programs.
  • “Degree +” students (students with a second major outside of Liberal Arts) are exempt from the CLA Core.

Electives (35-59 credits)

Grade requirements.

  • A grade of “B-” or better in ENGL 20500 is required before attempting courses in Area A.

Course Requirements and Notes

  • All Creative Writing courses (Area A) except 20500, 31600, and 31700 may be repeated once by Creative Writing majors for credit. (The 40000 and 50000 level courses should be taken in order in any given genre; exceptions are granted by the permission of instructor.)

College of Liberal Arts Pass/No Pass Option Policy

  • P/NP cannot be used to satisfy Liberal Arts Core, Liberal Arts major, minor, or certificate requirements.

University Requirements

University core requirements, for a complete listing of university core course selectives, visit the provost’s website ..

  • Human Cultures: Behavioral/Social Science (BSS)
  • Human Cultures: Humanities (HUM)
  • Information Literacy (IL)
  • Oral Communication (OC)
  • Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  • Science #1 (SCI)
  • Science #2 (SCI)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Written Communication (WC) 

Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement

The civics literacy proficiency activities are designed to develop civic knowledge of purdue students in an effort to graduate a more informed citizenry. for more information visit the civics literacy proficiency  website..

Students will complete the Proficiency by passing a test of civic knowledge, and completing one of three paths:

  • Attending six approved civics-related events and completing an assessment for each; or
  • Completing 12 podcasts created by the Purdue Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement that use C-SPAN material and completing an assessment for each; or
  • Earning a passing grade for one of  these approved courses (or transferring in approved AP or departmental credit in lieu of taking a course).

Upper Level Requirement

  • Resident study at Purdue University for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 semester hours of coursework required and approved for the completion of the degree. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level (30000+) courses.
  • Students should be able to fulfill most , if not all , of these credits within their major requirements; there should be a clear pathway for students to complete any credits not completed within their major.

Additional Information

  • Liberal Arts offers a streamlined plan of study for students pursuing a second degree outside CLA. Contact the CLA Advising Office for more information.

Sample 4-Year Plan

Fall 1st year.

  • Written Communication - Credit Hours: 3.00-4.00
  • World Language Level I  - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Quantitative Reasoning - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Behavioral/Social Sciences (CLA Core I: 1 of 6) - Credit Hours: 3.00

15-16 Credits

Spring 1st year.

  • Oral Communication - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • World Language Level II - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Humanities (CLA Core I: 2 of 6) - Credit Hours 3.00
  • Science - Credit Hours: 3.00

Fall 2nd Year

  • Area A Creative Writing Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Area C Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • World Language Level III - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • CLA Core I: 3 of 6 - Credit Hours: 3.00

Spring 2nd Year

  • Area C Selective - Credit Hours: 3.0
  • World Language Level IV (CLA Core III) - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Science, Technology, and Society - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • CLA Core I: 4 of 6 - Credit Hours: 3.00

Fall 3rd Year

  • CLA Core I: 5 of 6 - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • CLA Core II: Diversity Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours 3.00

Spring 3rd Year

  • Area A Creative Writing Selective - Credit Hours 3.00
  • CLA Core I: 6 of 6 - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

Fall 4th Year

  • Area C Selective - Credit Hours 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

Spring 4th Year

Pre-requisite information.

For pre-requisite information, click here .

World Language Courses

World Language proficiency requirements vary by program. The following list is inclusive of all world languages PWL offers for credit; for acceptable languages and proficiency levels, see your advisor. (ASL-American Sign Language; ARAB-Arabic; CHNS-Chinese; FR-French; GER-German; GREK-Greek(Ancient); HEBR-Hebrew(Biblical); HEBR-Hebrew(Modern); ITAL-Italian; JPNS-Japanese; KOR-Korean; LATN-Latin; PTGS=Portuguese; RUSS-Russian; SPAN-Spanish)

Critical Course

The ♦ course is considered critical.

In alignment with the Degree Map Guidance for Indiana’s Public Colleges and Universities, published by the Commission for Higher Education (pursuant to HEA 1348-2013), a Critical Course is identified as “one that a student must be able to pass to persist and succeed in a particular major. Students who want to be nurses, for example, should know that they are expected to be proficient in courses like biology in order to be successful. These would be identified by the institutions for each degree program.”

The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. Consultation with an advisor may result in an altered plan customized for an individual student. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.

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The graduate program offers the Master of Arts (MA) in English. For the program, candidates specify a literature or creative writing focus at the time of application. MA candidates develop a broad knowledge of English literature and language, American literature and literary theory, other Anglophone literatures and criticism. Such breadth of knowledge is a prerequisite for advanced graduate study. Students who wish to apply for doctoral programs after the MA are advised to plan a curriculum that emphasizes the development of a broad knowledge of English, American and more broadly Anglophone literatures, although some specialization in a single field may be appropriate.

The department offers two options for the MA in English: the Master of Arts in English, and the Master of Arts in English with a Certificate in Creative Writing.

Admission Requirements

Qualified students holding a bachelor’s degree are eligible for admission to the program. An undergraduate major in English is desirable for admission. All applicants should submit a sample of their critical writing (10-20 pages). 

Those wishing to enter the MA program with a specialization in creative writing should so indicate on the front page of the application and should submit, together with a sample of their critical writing, a portfolio of their creative work (not more than 40 pages of fiction or 25 pages of verse). 

GRE general test scores are accepted, but not required for the MA program application.

The application deadline for fall admission to the MA is Jan. 27. The application deadline for spring admission to the MA is Nov. 15. All applicants for the MA should go to the graduate admissions website to apply online.

Program Requirements

Course requirements.

Students pursuing the MA in English must nine graduate level courses (or 36 credits), which includes:

  • One literature course before 1800
  • One course including literary theory
  • Seven additional topics courses

Students normally take no more than two appropriate courses in other departments and no more than two courses from the same faculty member. Students who wish to take independent study courses must seek the consent of a faculty member who is willing to direct the independent study as well as the graduate director. Students are limited to two independent study courses as part of their program.

Thesis Requirement

Students may wish to write a master’s thesis. Such students must submit to the graduate director a plan that shows adequate preparation for their proposed thesis, a brief prospectus of the proposed investigation, and a signed approval from the faculty member with whom the student wishes to work. The thesis is a substantial (50-75 pages) piece of original research or criticism. Only students whose thesis plan has been approved may register for ENG 599 Master’s Thesis. ENG 599 may be taken twice for credit, and it may be used for as many as two of the five electives required for the degree. 

When the thesis has been approved by the faculty advisor, the director of graduate programs appoints a qualified second reader to review it. The thesis must conform to the Graduate School requirements, as outlined in the Graduate School Manual. Students may plan a course of study that does not include the writing of a thesis.

Master of Arts with a Certificate in Creative Writing Program Requirements

  • Three workshops or tutorials in the writing of fiction or poetry
  • Four additional topics courses
  • ENG 599 Thesis, for four credits

Students may take no more than two appropriate courses in other departments and no more than two courses from the same faculty member. Students who wish to take independent study courses must seek the consent of a faculty member who is willing to direct the independent study. Students are limited to two independent study courses as part of their program.

At the conclusion of their coursework, students must submit to their thesis director a collection of poems, a collection of stories, a novel, or work in creative nonfiction. The director of the thesis and another faculty member evaluate this thesis. The thesis is the most important requirement for the MA in English/creative writing; it must be of substantial length and publishable quality, and it must conform to the Graduate School requirements for a thesis, as outlined in the Graduate School Manual.

Additional Information About the Program

The student must maintain at least a B (3.0) average to remain in the program; more than one C grade normally requires dismissal. 

Residency Requirement : A student not in residence must register each semester to remain in good standing.

For more information on the English MA program, please refer to the English, General Literature and Rhetoric website for more information. To apply to the English MA program, please visit the University Admissions website.


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  1. Online Certificate in Creative Writing

    The Certificate in Creative Writing is a 4-course, 4 c.u.* credit program of study taught by University of Pennsylvania faculty. To earn a certificate, students complete any four courses offered, in any order. Students who complete the basic certificate may pursue an advanced certificate (6-course, 6 c.u.*) by adding two additional creative ...

  2. Best Creative Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular creative writing courses. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Introduction to Psychology : Yale University. Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course): Michigan State University.

  3. Creative Writing Certificate Program

    The Certificate in Creative Writing is fully customizable. You may follow a Writers' Program sample curriculum plan based on specific writing goals, or design your own program of study. Students must complete 21 total units comprised of the 3-unit Creative Writing Certificate Capstone course and 18 units of 400-level Creative Writing coursework.

  4. Creative Writing Certificate

    The Professional Certificate in Creative Writing is designed to provide you with the skills necessary to write in a variety of creative writing genres. You will learn core creative writing skills and choose from a selection of electives in the areas of Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Children's Writing, Poetry, and/or The Business of Writing ...

  5. Creative Writing Certificate Online: Enhance Your Skills in Creative

    Nonfiction Writing. Progress toward mastering the fundamentals of writing narrative nonfiction. From memoir to personal essay, find your narrative voice and tell your story. In this certificate, you'll discover how to capture the attention of your audience with nonfiction writing that sparks interest and inspires action.

  6. Creative Writing Specialization [5 courses] (Wesleyan)

    Specialization - 5 course series. This Specialization covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. You will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style.

  7. Best Online Creative Writing Courses and Programs

    Learn creative writing with online courses delivered through edX to advance your career today.

  8. Creative Writing Courses & Certificates

    Creative Writing Certificate. Develop your skills in the genre of your choice, including fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and more. This customizable program culminates in a capstone project where you will make significant progress on a polished collection of work. Taught by a prestigious roster of instructors who are published writers and ...

  9. Creative Writing Online Course

    Creative writing is an asset in all professional fields throughout diverse positions. The ability to craft intriguing, memorable prose remains one of the most enduring forms of human expression. Learn to conceive and develop integral elements of a story, including plotline, characters, symbolism, setting, and atmosphere.

  10. Online Courses: Creative Writing

    Stanford Continuing Studies' online creative writing courses make it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford's writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not ...

  11. Creative Writing Certificate

    Creative Writing Certificate. Enhance your creativity—and your writing skills—while gaining hands-on experience producing a variety of literary genres. UND's undergraduate Creative Writing certificate will help you develop as a writer. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to become more analytical, more collaborative, and more aware of ...

  12. Creative Writing Certificate

    A certificate program for aspiring writers. Best-selling novels, blockbuster movies and award-winning poems all start with an idea…but the crucial next step of creating words to convey and express those ideas can be daunting. Our customizable Creative Writing Certificate program provides individualized guidance from experienced instructors ...

  13. Online Advanced Certificate in Creative Writing

    The Online Advanced Certificate in Creative Writing is housed in the Creative Writing and Literature program of The Lichtenstein Center. Certificate students will be able to access the same support services as part-time matriculated MFA students. Resources may include a limited number of partially subsidized one-time admission awards. Faculty.

  14. Creative Writing Certificate

    Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing. The writing certificate introduces students to the small-group workshop format and features individual attention from published, award-winning faculty.Flexible scheduling - with courses offered evenings and weekends on Northwestern's Chicago and Evanston campuses as well as online and in hybrid format - gives students the opportunity to balance ...

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    15 hours. Best University-level Creative Writing Course (Wesleyan University) 5-6 hours. Best Course to Find Your Voice (Neil Gaiman) 4-5 hours. Best Practical Writing Course With Support (Trace Crawford) 12 hours. Best Course to Overcome Writer's Block: 10-Day Journaling Challenge (Emily Gould) 1-2 hours.

  16. Creative Writing

    Embrace the unknown and start your journey here. As part of one of the largest Creative Writing programs in Canada, you can learn the essentials of excellent writing and put them into practice. Whether you aspire to write a novel or short story, explore poetry, pen a script or screenplay, or explore other writing styles, we have the courses you ...

  17. Creative Writing Certificate Program

    Creative Writing Certificate Program Writers who are serious about their craft can create a custom course of study to prepare for graduate programs in creative writing. In this post-baccalaureate certificate program, students hone their craft, formalize their training and build a solid portfolio of work for application to MFA and MA/ PhD ...

  18. Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing Online

    The online Graduate Certificate of Creative Writing consists of 3 units from a pool of 5. This unit introduces the fundamentals of writing fiction through reading a range of short stories. This unit explores writing based on actual events, including history, biography, true crime and stories of place and family.

  19. Creative Writing Certificate Program

    Creative Writing Certificate Program End-of-Semester Reception and Readings. Please join us on Wednesday, May 1, in the Joynes Reading Room (Carothers Residence Hall) for our end-of-semester celebration. Reception begins at 12:30pm with food and refreshments. Writing Awards and Readings begin at 1:00pm. Creative Writing Honors Thesis Readings ...

  20. Creative Writing Certificate of Achievement

    Certificate of Achievement. Recognize and evaluate authors' use of the conventions of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Create original works of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and drama, applying the appropriate conventions for each genre and incorporating craft elements introduced in the program. Develop and refine a creative process.

  21. Creative Writing Certificate

    Creative Writing Certificate. This certificate is designed for students who wish to write poems, fiction, or nonfiction, to improve their writing and abilities through workshops taught by practitioners, and possibly to go on to graduate programs in creative writing and careers such as teaching and editing. The program is also for students who ...

  22. Program: Creative Writing Certificate (CWRCC)

    A student completing a Creative Writing Certificate will recognize, define, and execute core elements of craft across multiple genres, be familiar with the literary canon as well as schools/trends in contemporary literature, participate in and foster writing communities based on the mutual exchange of support and actionable feedback, and confidently present their own work orally and for ...

  23. Program: Creative Writing, Certificate (online)

    This fully-online graduate certificate program is designed for creative writers seeking to sharpen their skills and work toward publishable fiction and/or poetry, and for teachers seeking to improve and enhance their pedagogy of Creative Writing. Through a foundational course in techniques followed by workshop classes in which original creative ...

  24. Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot

    Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot. This course is part of Creative Writing Specialization. Taught in English. 22 languages available. ... Your electronic Certificate will be added to your Accomplishments page - from there, you can print your Certificate or add it to your LinkedIn profile. If you only want to read and view the course content ...

  25. Program: Creative Writing, BA

    All Creative Writing courses except 20500, 31600, and 31700 may be repeated once by Creative Writing majors for credit. (The 40000 and 50000 level courses should be taken in order in any given genre; exceptions are granted by the permission of instructor.) ENGL 31600 - Craft Of Fiction From A Writer's Perspective Credits: 3.00

  26. Take a Course

    Stackable pathways that can lead from a course to a certificate to a degree. Take a Course This Summer. You can explore over 400 online and on-campus courses offered during Harvard Summer School 2024. ... Harvard Extension Ready is a series of online lessons on core writing skills. It is free, self-guided, and self-paced.

  27. Program: English, MA

    The graduate program offers the Master of Arts (MA) in English. For the program, candidates specify a literature or creative writing focus at the time of application. MA candidates develop a broad knowledge of English literature and language, American literature and literary theory, other Anglophone literatures and criticism.