UW Global Business Case Competition

Universities interested in competing in GBCC 2025 – Please Complete this Expression of Interest Form . Priority submissions will be reviewed in August.

Go to GBCC Site for access to competitor, schedule, and other information!

The UW Global Business Case Competition (UW GBCC) is a prominent international case competition, bringing together undergraduate students from within the United States and around the globe to compete in fast-paced and innovative business case studies. Starting in 1999 as the Global Business Challenge, UW GBCC turns 24 this year– cheers to that– and is one of the oldest of its kind.

UW GBCC enables students to build meaningful, cross-cultural relationships, experience what the city of Seattle has to offer and most importantly, challenges them with the task of analyzing and developing a business recommendation for two real-world case studies. The competition concludes with each team presenting their case solutions to a panel of industry-leading judges, who are tasked with the difficult decision of selecting the UW GBCC champion

Be sure to connect with the UW Global Business Case Competition on Instagram .

Participating teams can find rules and detailed schedule information on the exclusive GBCC website – please email  [email protected] for access.

GBCC Archived Finals Recordings

2024: Global Retail Expansion Focus with Tim Hortons and Costco

The Global Business Center is pleased to announce that National Chengchi University of Taipei, Taiwan, is the 2024 UW Global Business Case Competition (GBCC) champion! This week-long intensive experiential learning event challenged 11 undergraduate student teams from across the globe.

5-Hour Case For Tim Hortons, they tackled the popular chain’s expansion into China. Teams made of 3-4 students representing different universities each recommended two strategic differentiators that Tim Hortons should focus on over the next two years, and identify actions they could take over this period of time to build growth on those differentiators.

The winning team was comprised of students from Chulalongkorn University, Erasmus University RSM, University of Prince Edward Island, and Washington University – St. Louis.

24-Hour Case Students developed analysis for Costco Wholesale’s expansion opportunities in three new markets: India, Brazil, or the UAE. Teams were given 24 hours to develop market entry strategies, propose timelines for entry, and recommend whether Costco should adapt its business model and product offerings to customer preferences in each country.

Competing Universities:

  • Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Erasmus University, The Netherlands
  • Illinois State University, USA
  • National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  • The Ohio State University, USA
  • Universidad Panamericana- Ciudad UP, Mexico
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
  • University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
  • University of Washington, USA
  • Washington University, USA
Champions: National Chengchi University (Taiwan)
2nd Place: Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
Finalists: University of California, Santa Barbara
Finalists: University of Washington

The two case problems were developed for this competition by Foster School faculty. The Tim Horton’s case was adapted by Dr. Debra Glassman. The Costco case was co-authored by Dr. Debra Glassman and Dr. Suresh Kotha.

2023: Nestle’s Sustainability and Intel’s Semiconductor Supply Chains

The Global Business Center is pleased to announce that American University of Beirut (Lebanon) is the 2023 Global Business Case Competition (GBCC) champion! This powerhouse experiential learning event challenged 12 undergraduate student teams from across the globe to tackle current global business issues. This year they developed recommendations for issues faced by Nestle and Intel.

For Nestle, they worked for 5 hours (Short Case Challenge) on alternative packaging for KitKat candy bars that would help them meet their 2025 commitment for all packaging – 100% recyclable or reusable.

Teams had to:

  • Recommend which KitKat packaging (plastic with recycled content OR paper) should be implemented on a global scale
  • Suggest a strategy that would promote consumer recycling behavior
  • Adding to the challenge, the teams were multinational ones who had never met each other. They were formed after arrival in Seattle and had to present, boardroom style with just one slide, to business executives. A truly unique learning experience that simultaneously builds community and cross-cultural competence. The short case winning team included Pan Karnjanaekarin (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Valentino Mollard (Erasmus University, Netherlands), Jade Joyce Ng (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), and Dominik Vlasak (University of Washington, USA).

24-Hour Case: Intel This time they had 24 hours to address how Intel can make its new foundry (chip manufacturing) services a success, especially given that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is the world’s dominant manufacturer. More specifically, who are the potential customers and how can Intel persuade them to work with its foundry services rather than TSMC?

The champions are compiled below.

Champions: American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
Finalists: Erasmus University (Netherlands)
Finalists: University of British Columbia (Canada)
Finalists: University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

The two case problems were created specifically for this competition by Foster School faculty. The Nestle case was developed by Dr. Debra Glassman. The Intel Case was co-authored by Dr. Debra Glassman and Dr. Suresh Kotha.

2021: Tesla’s Global Expansion Strategy

By Suresh Kotha and Dr. Debra Glassman, University of Washington Foster School of Business, April 2021 Tesla is a revolutionary car company with a revolutionary leader, Elon Musk. It has upended conventional wisdom by successfully producing a line-up of battery-powered electric vehicles (EVs) with its own designs and many of its own components. Despite production challenges, Tesla is undertaking rapid global expansion, with a “Gigafactory” in Shanghai and another about to come online in Germany. The global EV market is growing rapidly, and Tesla is considering other locations for Gigafactories, including India. Is this a good idea? Is Tesla spreading itself too thin? With global competitors ramping up, can Tesla be profitable in the global markets that it is considering?

This case asks the student teams to identify and evaluate Tesla’s global expansion strategy and to present an implementation plan and forecast for the strategy that they recommend.

Champions: University of Porto, Portugal
Finalists: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Erasmus University, Netherlands

2019: Amazon Go Stores: New Directions in Grocery Retailing

By Dr. Debra Glassman, University of Washington Foster School of Business, April 2019

In January, 2018, the first Amazon Go store was opened to the public in Seattle. It featured a checkout-free experience. Upon entering, the customer scans a QR code on the Amazon Go phone app. As the customer shops, cameras track his or her movements. The shelves have weight sensors that detect when a product is removed from a shelf (or returned to it). The app keeps track of purchases and charges a credit card when the customer leaves. Amazon calls this Just Walk Out technology.

Amazon has plans for as many as 3,000 Amazon Go stores in the US by 2021. It has identified a site in London for the first overseas Amazon Go store. It is logical to think that Amazon will consider further overseas expansion, but it is not clear what form that should take. Cross-border expansion in the grocery sector is notoriously difficult, and other retailers are already launching cashierless grocery stores around the world, from the UK to China.

This case asks the student teams to identify and evaluate three global expansion strategies and to present an implementation plan for the strategy that they recommend. The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Finalists: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Finalists: Maastricht University, Netherlands
Finalists: University of Melbourne, Australia

2018: Amazon Web Services: Searching for Global Growth

By Suresh Kotha and Debra Glassman, University of Washington Foster School of Business, April 2018

The case focuses on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world leader in provision of cloud computing services, from data storage to computing and applications. Moving to “the cloud” means that customers rent data center services from third-party providers via the internet rather than maintain their own data centers. The major cloud providers, such as AWS, Microsoft’s Azure and Google Cloud Platform, are rapidly building networks of very large (“hyperscale”) data centers, grouped in geographic Regions around the world.

This case asks the student teams to play the role of AWS managers who will recommend locations for new data center Regions to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and other top managers. The presentations must identify the top three criteria for location selection and recommend three new Region locations.

Read the student charge . The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Thammasat University, Thailand
Finalists: University of Texas at Austin, USA
Finalists: Maastricht University, Netherlands
Finalists: University of Sydney, Australia

2017: Fitbit: The Business About Wrist

The case focuses on Fitbit, a company with a big share of the wrist-worn wearables market. The market has become increasingly competitive and is characterized by a convergence between the functions offered by fitness trackers (such as Fitbit) and smartwatches (such as Apple Watch). Due to this connectivity, there is a growing recognition of the privacy and security risks associated with the data generated by wearables. The teams in this competition were asked to play the role of Fitbit managers asked to recommend how to protect data from Fitbit devices. They were also asked to develop a plan for marketing Fitbit’s new data protection efforts.

Read the student charge . The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Universidad Panamericana Guadalaraja, Mexico
Finalists: University of Vermont, USA
Finalists: University of Auckland, New Zealand
Finalists: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

2016: Volkswagen Group: The Emissions Scandal and the Costs of Deception

In 2007, Martin Winterkorn, the new CEO of the Volkswagen Group, led the adoption of Strategy 2018, a bold plan for the company to become the world’s number-one-selling automaker. By early 2015, the Volkswagen Group had achieved that goal, in part by increasing US car sales through offering “clean diesel” vehicles. The clean diesel engines allowed VW, Audi and Porsche cars to meet the strict US emissions rules on nitrogen oxides. Then, in September 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency announced that VW diesels had cheated on the emissions tests with a “defeat device” – software that detected when a car’s emissions were being tested. The device reduced emissions during testing, but allowed emissions as much as 40 times higher during regular driving. Eventually it was revealed that the company had installed defeat devices in 11 million VWs, Audis and Porsches worldwide, including 600,000 in the US. Winterkorn was forced to resign and governments and customers around the world launched recalls and lawsuits. The VW Group is facing huge potential costs, as well as damage to its reputation. As new CEO Mathias Muller revises the Group’s strategy, he must address these questions: What will be the total costs of the cheating scandal, and how will they constrain the VW Group’s strategic options in the future?

Champions: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Finalists: McGill University, Canada
Finalists: Global Team: National University of Singapore (Singapore), University of California, Berkeley (USA), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), University of Washington (USA)
Finalists: Queensland University of Technology, Australia

2015: First Solar Inc. in 2013

Each of the GBCC teams spent 48 hours analyzing a business case on First Solar Inc. In 2010, First Solar was the global leader in production of solar panels. However, by 2013, Chinese producers dominated the world market, helped by generous government subsidies. First Solar was also challenged by falling prices for solar panels made with a competing technology. First Solar responded by vertically integrating into the solar systems business, making the company a “one-stop shop” for utility customers. First Solar’s sales have been concentrated in the US market, but they are exploring opportunities outside the US. The GBCC student teams were tasked with identifying the external forces affecting First Solar’s business over the next five years and then prioritizing the non-US target markets.

Read the case study on the Harvard Business School website . Find the student charge . The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Finalists: Florida State University, USA
Finalists: Simon Fraser University, Canada
Finalists: University of Southern California, US

2014: Nike: Sustainability and Labor Practices 2008-2013

Acting as Nike mangers, students examine Nike’s sustainability and labor practices from 1998 to 2013 and provide recommendations on three case questions: 1) Where should Nike move its collegiate apparel production? 2) What is a feasible way for Nike’s supply chain to be more transparent? and 3) How can Nike build consumer awareness concerning its improved labor sustainability projects?

Read the case study on the Harvard Business School website. Find the student charge . The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Global Team: NHH (Norway), CUHK (China), FSU & UW (USA)
Finalists: Concordia University, Canada
Finalists: Shantou University, China
Finalists: University of Melbourne, Australia

2013: Frog’s Leap Winery in 2011: The Sustainability Agenda Case

From 2000-2010, John Williams, co-founder of Frog’s Leap Winery in California, invested in dry farming, organic, and biodynamic agriculture; geothermal and solar power; year-round employment and benefits for immigrant workers; and the industry’s first LEED-certified tasting room. Despite static production, inventory and debt load grew. Students were tasked with finding solutions to help Frog Leap increase sales and become more sustainable while remaining a small winery.

Read the case study on the Harvard Business School website . Download the student charge . The champion and finalists’ presentations are compiled below.

Champions: Concordia University, Canada
Finalists: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Finalists: University of Arizona, USA
Finalists: University of Hong Kong, China

2012: Li & Fung 2012, Harvard Business School

Students act as the top executives at Li & Fung in the midst of preparing an important presentation to stock market investors and analysts. During the presentations, executives (students) will explain the strategies that will be implemented to achieve a goal of $1.5 B. core operating profit in 2013.

Champions: University of Hong Kong, China
Finalists: Simon Fraser University, Canada
Finalists: Indiana University, USA
Finalists: University of Porto, Portugal

2011: Urban Water Partners (A), Harvard Business School, October 2010

Students teams took on the role of the founders and executives at Urban Water Partners. Each team was asked to develop a business plan and subsequent presentation outlining possible business expansion and possible risks.

Champions: University of Western Ontario, Canada
Finalists: Thammasat University, Thailand
Finalists: University of Auckland, New Zealand
Finalists: University of Washington, USA


2024 Case Study Competition

case study competition 2023

Page and the  Institute for Public Relations  conduct an annual competition for the writing of original case studies by students enrolled in a school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations. The objectives of the competition are to introduce the practical applications of the core principles that define public relations as a critical function of management to scholars, teachers, and students, and encourage research that contributes to the profession's body of knowledge and provides practical suggestions on how to improve the corporate public relations function.  The 2024 Case Study Competition is now open for entries,  a pply here . The deadline to apply is Friday, January 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Student authors of winning entries and their faculty advisors are awarded cash prizes and recognized by the nation's leading corporate communications executives. See below for 2023 winning cases. 

2023 Case Study Competition Results:

First place | trouble in paradise: the walt disney company.

Arthur Page Society 2024 Case Study Competition | Walt Disney Trouble In Paradise

  • Submitted by : Ayesha Djibo, Mya Estrada, Breahn Fisher, and Kelly Weinstock 
  • School : Texas Christian University  
  • Advisor : Dr. Liang Ma
  • Download :  Presentation |  Case Study

SECOND PLACE | The Starbucks Union Boom: Pro-Worker Employer to Union Target Case Study Competition

Arthur Page Society 2024 Case Study Competition | Starbucks Union Boom

  • Submitted by : Yasmeen Jabara, Nicolas Blanco Ballesteros, Meagan Keefe, and Gabriela Perez 
  • School : American University  
  • Advisor : Pallavi Kumar
  • Download :  Presentation  |  Case Study

THIRD PLACE | The US Army Recruiting Crisis: Cause and Potential Solutions

Arthur Page Society 2024 Case Study Competition | US Army Recruiting Crisis

  • Submitted by : Blake Bonifas 
  • School : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  • Advisor : Dr. Lois Boynton 
  • Download :  Presentation  |  Case Stud y

Honorable Mentions:

Communications | more than a penny for your thoughts: paypal’s inconsistent acceptable use policy.

Arthur Page Society 2024 Case Study Competition | Paypal Inconsistent Use

  • Submitted by : Darian Hernandez, Carolina Gnerre, and Taimarie Carasa 
  • School : University of Florida 
  • Advisor : Patrick Ford
  • Download :  Presentation  | Case Study

BUSINESS AND INTERNATIONAL | Not Your Average Joe: How Spotify Experienced The Extraordinary Joe

Arthur Page Society 2024 Case Study Competition | Spotify The Extraordinary Joe

  • Submitted by : Riko Setsuta, Kenny Anthony 
  • School : Peking University  
  • Advisor : Soojin Roh

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Global Case Competition at Harvard 2024

The Global Case Competition at Harvard brings together the best and the brightest minds around the world to solve a business case problem. The competition has attracted 750+ teams (3000+ students) across the world to compete for a chance to win $10,000. Teams are given 3 weeks to prepare and submit a solution, and the top 10 teams will be invited to pitch their solutions to a panel of judges comprising of distinguished business executives and Harvard Business School professors in April. ​ Participants will also have access to a series of online networking events and panels discussions featuring representatives from top Consulting firms, Private Equity firms, and Investment Banks, amongst others.

​Join now for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to receive a world-class learning experience through a hands-on business case, and to build a unique network with students from all over the world and with executives from the world’s leading institutions!  

We bring together students with finance and business backgrounds from across the world to compete at Harvard on a finance case. 

Receive a world-class learning experience through a hands-on business case.

Network and connect with leading firms and business executives.

Enhance your business, communication, and teamwork skills through a challenging workshop series.

A three week long case competition with a grand final at Harvard University in the presence of first class business executives.

The teams will have to perform the  following tasks:

Industry Analysis

Company Analysis

Financial Analysis & Valuation

Students will work in a dynamic environment in which they will get first-hand experience on investment banking and private equity.

The case is related to the investment banking and private equity world. It focuses on a major finance event which students will have to study and analyse. Last year's edition encompassed an M&A scenario involving Amazon.

Just like in a real world situation, teams will have to create a pitch book. The teams in the top ten receive an invitation to present their work in front of a first class jury at Harvard University. However, all participants are invited to join the on-campus weekend at Harvard University.

Meet the future leaders and get a chance to network with world leading institutions and business executives during our on-campus weekend.

Build a unique network during our social events, gala, lectures, workshops, and spend an unforgettable time with the global elite. Showcase your intelligence to the world, develop new skills and compete with the very best.

Hybrid Organisation of GCCH 2024

General Agenda *

November 13, 2023 February 19, 2024 March 10, 2024 April 20, 2024 April 27, 2024

*Subject to change as the timeline moves forward

Registrations open Case release Case submission deadline Competition Grand e-finals  In-Person event

Hybrid Version.png

case study competition 2023

  • Global Ambassador

></center></p><p>CBS Case Competition</p><h2>WE CREATE LIFETIME EXPERIENCES</h2><p>We connect students and companies in solving real-life challenges.</p><h2>CBS Case Competition 2024 GLOBAL</h2><p>- largest open case competition in the world -.</p><ul><li>More than 3,200 students from 104 nationalities participated</li><li>24 hours to come up with a solution to a real-life business case</li><li>The competition is comprised of three rounds</li><li>All undergraduate and graduate students* from all over the world are eligible to participate</li><li>GLOBAL is your chance to challenge yourself and demonstrate your skills by solving a real-life business case</li></ul><p><center><img style=

CBS Case Competition 2024 Invitational

case study competition 2023


- exclusive competition for top case teams -.

  • Top 12 most talented undergraduate case teams from around the world are invited for an exclusive case experience in Copenhagen
  • Teams of 4 students come up with a solution to a real-life business
  • The competition format varies from year to year
  • The teams will engage in a whole week of entertaining and challenging events at CBS and in the city of Copenhagen.
  • Teams are eligible to participate if they are supported by a faculty advisor at their university and have demonstrated prominent experience with case-solving and express global representation.






Porcelænshaven 24B,  2000 Frederiksberg

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Early career professionals should be under 35-years old. Teams can have from 3-5 members.


and upload it into the :     Submit only one application per team.

. Every effort will be made to accommodate all unaffiliated individuals. Preference will be given to applications with the earliest submission dates.

The deadline to register a team or as an individual is  Registration fees include all four days of the congress, June 17-20.


Catch up by watching the video below.

Kathryn White:

Elena Garnevska, Senior Lecturer in Agribusiness, Massey University, New Zealand,  


© 2024 IFAMA  |  All rights reserved  |   [email protected]

Case Competitions

group of students

Student Experience

Pitch your ideas, put your business skills to the test, and compete in a case competition.

Participating in a business-related case competition is one of the best ways to develop critical business and presentation skills, gain practical real-world industry experience, and network with experts and potential employers. Partner with Carey faculty to fine-tune your presentation and case analysis skills. And then put your theories to the test and present to leading executives around the world. With competitions hosted at Carey and funding available to register and travel to outside competitions, at Carey Business School you can compete and win in some of the most prestigious case competitions worldwide.

2024 Venture Capital Investment Competition

four people holding a large check

A team of four Carey students won first place at the 2024 New England Regional Finals of the Venture Capital Investment Competition in Boston. This marks the first win in Carey history at the regional round of the competition. The VCIC is a competition where teams of participants act as venture capitalists for the day and evaluate startups for potential funding. The teams conduct extensive research, draft a term sheet for their selected startup, and present findings to a panel of professional venture capitalist judges.

Howard University’s 27th Annual MBA Exclusive Conference: 18th Annual Minority Case Competition 

three students holding a large check

A team of Carey students took home first place and $12,000 at the 18th Annual Minority Case Competition, held during the MBA Exclusive Conference at Howard University. This year’s competition was sponsored by the NobleReach Foundation and themed “Leveraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship for National Competitiveness.” The case focused on the United States’ response to substantial adversarial investments in digital infrastructure and the need to create a mission-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem to remain competitive. The Carey team developed a comprehensive strategy to build the ecosystem, aligning entrepreneurs, investors, universities, students, communities, and government agencies. The strategy aimed to ignite a wave of innovation that would transform the entrepreneurial landscape, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and responsible society. Students had a week to plan, strategize, and solve the case to then present their ideas to a panel of judges.

BioNJ Health Equity in Clinical Trials MBA Business Plan Case Competition

five students holding a large check

A team of Johns Hopkins Carey Business School students took home the first-place prize, winning $10,000, at the BioNJ’s inaugural MBA Business Plan Case Competition. The Carey team, consisting of five MBA/MPH students, developed a business plan that outlined a new health equity solution in clinical trials. The competition is designed to promote next-generation innovators and to identify new methods and models to strengthen clinical trial diversity and expand health equity.


MIT Sloan Operations Simulation Competition

four people on a zoom call

A team of Carey students took first place, winning $2,000, at the 18 th annual MIT Sloan Operations Simulation Competition, held virtually on April 20-22, 2022. This marks the third win by a Carey team in the last four competitions, making Johns Hopkins the best-performing business school (tied with MIT Sloan) in competition history.


CFA Institute Research Challenge

fours students and a professor

A Carey student team placed first in the annual local DC/Baltimore CFA Institute Research Challenge . The competition requires students to research and analyze a publicly traded company, write a report, and present a buy, sell, or hold recommendation to a panel of industry experts.

Case Competitions Funding and Support

Carey Business School provides case competition teams with faculty and peer advisors, case preparation workshops, a list of over a hundred national case competitions, and funding for registration and other needs if necessary.

To request case competition resources, email [email protected].

Annual case competitions

Danaher case competition.

The annual Healthcare Business Association case competition is sponsored by global science and technology innovator Danaher Corporation. Student teams from universities across the nation traveled to Baltimore to compete for the $7,500 first-place prize, on a case judged by a panel of Danaher Health IT subject experts and business leaders.

Graduate Consulting Club Case Competition

The Johns Hopkins Graduate Consulting Club Case Competition’s annual competition brings together students and fellows from across the country to work on some of the most pressing challenges in today's health care sector. Interdisciplinary teams comprised of students from across multiple schools, programs and departments. 40 schools competed in the April 23, 2021 case competition sponsored by HighMark Health.

This intense, 48-hour simulated competition requires teams to improve the efficiency of a hypothetical near-bankrupt firm. Graduate students from top business schools across the globe aim to run the most profitable factory with rankings based on their ending cash balances.

Venture Capital Investment Competition

In this annual competition, student teams play the role of venture capitalists who are looking to invest in one of the startups presenting at the event. Student teams are assessed on the investment opportunities and pitching an investment strategy to the judges. The winning team of the local (Carey students only) competition win a spot in the regionals.

Past case competitions

Carey students placed second in the 2021 virtual Danaher Case Competition. This competition focused on the rapid growth of at-home lab testing and issues related to effectiveness, efficiency, and inequities in access.

KeyBank Ohio State University Minority MBA case competition

A Carey Business School team took first place, winning $10,000, in the KeyBank Ohio State University Minority MBA Case Competition.

Arthur Page Society - Student Case Competition

Carey student, Rhianna Taniguchi, placed first in the business school category with her submission, "Turning a Moment into a Movement: Why the NBA said 'Black Lives Matter.'"

UNC/Duke Case Competition

Carey students placed third in the UNC/Duke Case Competition. The competition brings together graduate students (Master’s, PhD, JD, MD) and provides the opportunity for teams to apply their analytical skills and creativity in a real-world context, by solving a real-world business problem.

MIT Operations Simulation Competition

For the second consecutive year, a Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School student team took the top prize at the annual MIT Sloan Operations Simulation Competition.

Amazon Case Competition

The Carey Business School team took the top spot at the 2020 Reaching Out MBA conference— the largest gathering of LBGTQ+ business students and alumni.

Harvard Global Case Competition

A team of Johns Hopkins students placed third in Harvard University’s annual  Global Case Competition  on April 25, 2020. The team, which included four Carey students, team faced off against 160 other teams from around the world.

Kellogg Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition

A four-member team of Johns Hopkins University students, including two from the Carey Business School, has won first place in the 16th annual Kellogg Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition.

A Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Global MBA team took top prize in the 15th annual MIT Sloan Operations Simulation Competition, held April 7, 2019, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Student case competitions

case study competition 2023

Case competitions can play a role in highlighting the many skills involved in case writing, teaching and learning. They can benefit faculty, researchers and students and offer the opportunity to showcase expertise at business schools and universities.

This page provides details of current student case competitions. We're always interested to hear about new case competitions, so if yours isn't listed please get in touch.

We also have a page that lists information about case writing competitions .

Promote your competition

If you would like your student case competition promoted on this page please contact Paddy.

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Competition currently closed

Aarhus Case Competition is an annual case competition founded in 2011. It is the largest case competition in the Nordics with over 650 participants, divided into two case tracks, Advanced and Aspire. The first track is Advanced, which consists of 27 top students divided into nine teams. They are recruited from all around the world to compete in creating the best case solutions. The other track is Aspire Case Camp, open for all students at Aarhus University, both experienced case solvers and people who are new to case solving. Throughout the week, Aspire and Advanced will solve the same three cases presented to them by the case company as if they were real-life consultants.

At Aarhus Case Competition, our mission is to prepare business students for a business career, which we believe is best accomplished through hands-on experience and collaboration with our partners.

Further information

Visit the competition website

List of winners

Amsterdam Case Competition is a new competition organised by the University of Amsterdam and student organisation SEFA. We organise a week-long competition for top universities around the world! Our competition includes an eight-hour case, a 24-hour case, as well as several two-hour cases and countless social and networking opportunities.

Students can expect top companies from the Netherlands and the world to be involved, thus providing them with experience of real life problems of top businesses, as well as opportunities to network and meet the business leaders of today.

At Amsterdam Case Competition, our goal is to gather bright minds from all over the world to compete on competitive cases. By doing so we strive to create value, but also link aspiring consultants together from all over the world.

Competition currently closed 

CaseIT is the world's premier international undergraduate Management Information System (MIS) case competition, hosted annually in collaboration with the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University (SFU). The brightest business students from across the globe converge to Vancouver, B.C. to put their case analysis skills to the test in this week-long event. With opportunities to network, explore, and learn, the CaseIT experience is one that you will never forget.

Visit competition website

List of winners 

 Competition currently closed 

We connect students and companies in solving real-life challenges. By organising two of the world's most prominent case competitions, we have built a platform for students across the globe to exercise their current skillsets while simultaneously gaining new inspiration and expanding their toolboxes. In everything that we do, we aim to provide life-time experiences.

  Competition currently closed 

The impact of globalisation on business, both locally and globally, is immense and ignoring it would be a catastrophic undertaking. The goal of the case competition is to identify and answer questions that real businesses and managers are posing today in relation to Emerging Markets. The growing role of Emerging Market Multinationals in the business world continues to evolve and this case competition seeks to challenge us to come up with win-win solutions for expanding stakeholders.

The Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) at the Syracuse University Maxwell School is sponsoring its 16 th annual E-PARCC competition to further stimulate the creation of effective and innovative teaching cases and simulations. 

The event brings together students and faculty from all of Hong Kong’s universities as well as top universities from the Asia-Pacific region. Teams of four undergraduates compete in business strategy-making and presentation, and are judged by senior international business executives. Students also have the opportunity to interact with some of Asia's brightest talents and experience Hong Kong's unique international culture.

Entries open for 2024

Are you ready for the challenge? This globally popular Institute of Management Accountants Middle East and India Student Case Competition invites university students to think strategically and stretch their analytical skills to solve a finance business case on “Determening How to Classify Stock Investments: The Case of Unbekannt, Inc.”

Put your business acumen to the test and present your team’s analysis in front of leading business heads. This year’s case gives you and your team the chance to get selected for the Grand Finals, where you will compete with peers from around the world.

Please note that this competition is only open to students across the Middle East, Africa and India.

In 2024, ISM-HK worked with HKU Asia Case Research Center and Cathay Pacific on a real-life case on supplier risk management and sustainability as the key theme.

Prizes and recognition:  - Internship opportunities (sponsored by Richemont, MTR Corporation) - $8000 cash prize - Asia miles (sponsored by Cathay Pacific) - Xbox (sponsored by Microsoft) - Mentorship program (sponsored by Argon & Co, ISM, Lululemon, Mars, etc.) - APSM digital pack (sponsored by ISM Global) - Company visit (sponsored by HSBC, Richemont and Schneider Electric)

Entries open for 2025

The John Molson MBA International Case Competition is the largest, oldest and most prestigious MBA case competition in the world.

This is your chance to showcase your school’s talent, gain top-level exposure and network with fellow MBA students from around the globe. First place winners walk away with the highly coveted Concordia Cup as well as prize money of $10,000 CAD.

KeyBank and Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University host an annual Minority MBA Student Case Competition. The  KeyBank  Foundation supervises the selection of a contemporary and never-before-used case topic that addresses business issues with varied implications at either a national or international level. Teams of three presenters are invited from universities and colleges across the country to compete. Each team benefits from the opportunity to develop important professional skills such as analyzing and responding quickly to often-complex business issues. Also, teams have a chance to hone their communication and team-building talents while learning from the expertise of business executive judges and moderators.

The NIBS Worldwide Case Competition - one of the oldest undergraduate case competitions in the world - is a test of problem-solving ability, business acumen, cultural insight, communication skills, and teamwork. Teams of four undergraduate students compete on behalf of their respective universities. They receive written case studies focused on international business issues, and have a limited time to assess the challenges facing the organisation and recommend a specific course of action to panels of senior managers, policymakers and academics.

All NIBS member institutions are eligible to enter the competition. Each participating school is represented by a single team, chosen by the school and consisting of four students and a faculty coach or coaches.

Be part of an award-winning international student competition.

The Risk Management Challenge, a case competition of the  PRMIA Institute , empowers undergraduate and graduate students by taking them beyond the classroom and giving them exposure to real-world business situations.

The Challenge offers students the opportunity to apply the concepts they have learned and showcase their knowledge, critical thinking skills, leadership, and presentation abilities.

Entries closed for 2024

The NASBITE International Student Case Competition is an exciting learning and networking opportunity for undergraduate students attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities that offer an academic business programme. 

In 2024, the Competition will provide an opportunity for both undergraduate international business students as well as graduate business students to solve a real-world challenge posed by a US-based exporter. 

The annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition (SG-FECC) prepares participants to understand the critical issues that are unique to family enterprise by applying the knowledge and expertise they have developed in the classroom towards solving complex family business cases.

During four tough rounds of competition, teams present their case to a distinguished panel of judges who will determine which group best understood, analysed and presented the case.

To participate in this competition, organised by Tsinghua University, students are required to select a topic related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals - set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 - that aligns with their research interests and expertise, and conduct public policy case studies focusing on real-world scenarios and practices.

Participants have the option to explore case stories within local communities or those that impact global populations. The chosen topic should allow for a comprehensive discussion of the issue from multiple perspectives, while avoiding overly broad scopes. The competition seeks case studies that effectively blend narrative storytelling with sufficient data, showcasing participants’ solid policy knowledge and exceptional analytical capabilities.

The first prize is worth $3,000.

Visit the competition website  

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Must-apply student case competitions to launch your career in 2023 🚀.

Student case competitions are a great way to test your skills, win awesome prizes and land a job! Solving real-life cases is a launchpad for your career.

Are you ready to take your knowledge beyond the classroom? Assemble your team, choose the best competition for you and crack the case to win prizes and exposure!

Apply now for these student case competitions to launch your career in 2023 🚀

Acc advanced.

Deadline:  December 28, 2022 | Apply  here Eligibility:  teams of Bachelor or Master student from European universities.

case study competition 2023

Aarhus Case Competition is one of the largest case competitions in Europe gathering top business students. In the ACC Advanced, nine selected teams will be solving three different real-life cases: two introductory cases and one extensive 30-hour main case, where the winning team will receive the title of Case Solving Champions and other amazing prizes.

Page Student Case Study Competition

Deadline:  January 13, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility:  any currently enrolled student, graduate or undergraduate, in a school of business, communications or journalism who is pursuing a degree (full-time or part-time) is eligible to participate.

alphagamma Student case competitions 2023 opportunities

Page, in alliance with the Institute for Public Relations, conducts an annual competition for the writing of original case studies. Student authors of winning entries and their faculty advisors are awarded cash prizes and recognized by the nation’s leading corporate communications executives.

Student Big Data Case Competition

Deadline:  January 22, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility:  Participants must form a team of three members with an alternate at-large member. Each team will be comprised of currently enrolled undergraduate and/or graduate students from any accredited university or institution of higher learning in the U.S.

case study competition 2023

This competition is designed to be a data science experience in healthcare for undergraduate or graduate students. Participating teams will be given the same business problem, datasets, and access to software to solve a challenging problem using a data analytics approach.

NASBITE International Student Case Competition

Deadline:  January 23, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility:  open to teams from colleges and universities that offer an academic business degree program at the undergraduate and/or graduate level.

case study competition 2023

The NASBITE International Student Case Competition is an exciting  learning and networking opportunity  for undergraduate students attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities that offer an academic business program.

PRMIA Risk Management Challenge

Deadline:  January 25, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility:  Registration is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are actively enrolled.

The PRMIA Risk Management Challenge is a case competition that empowers undergraduate and graduate students by taking them beyond the classroom and giving them exposure to real-world business situations.

The Challenge offers students the opportunity to apply the concepts they have learned and showcase their knowledge, critical thinking skills, leadership, and presentation abilities while competing to win a US$10,000 prize.

Student Evaluation Case Competition

Deadline:  January 27, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: teams of 3-5 members comprised of registered students (either full or part time) in a Canadian post-secondary institution (e.g., university or college).

case study competition 2023

The Student Evaluation Case Competition is a two-round annual Canadian competition that helps post-secondary students build and showcase their program evaluation skills. Through the use of real-world programs and cases, students work in teams to respond to a request for proposals over a limited time period.

TEI Student Case Competition

Deadline:  January 30, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: all students with a preference for Masters of Tax or Law degree students, irrespective of the country of study. Location: Montreal, Canada

alphagamma Student case competitions to launch your career in 2023 entrepreneurship opportunities

This program will cover an international tax topic and participation does not require specific training or specialization. With a prize of CAD$2,000, the competition will bring together mentors from the TEI membership and judges from IFA Canada for an exciting day of studying and collaboration in beautiful Montreal, Canada.

IMA Student Case Competition

Deadlines vary for each region: February 8, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: the competition is open to teams of 3-5 students from the same college or university.

case study competition 2023

The IMA Student Case Competition invites students to think strategically and solve a business case. In “ Kunapipi Gardens: Transfer Pricing in the Service Industry “, the CEO of a resort hotel wants a new income statement format to better capture and understand the company’s performance.

GLOBAL CBS Case Competition

Deadline:  February 13, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: open for all university students Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

case study competition 2023

GLOBAL 2023 is open for all university students globally and it is a chance for anyone, no matter location, to compete with some of the top case teams out there. It is your chance to practice case-solving and be challenged by a panel of industry-leading professionals, which is an experience rarely gained while studying.

Community Bank Case Study Competition

Deadline: February 20, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: teams of 3-5 students currently enrolled in a university or college as an undergraduate during the full case study competition timeframe (September – May).

👨🏽‍🎓 The best student case competitions in 2021 | AlphaGamma

The Community Bank Case Study Competition, facilitated by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), is a nationwide academic competition for undergraduate students. Through this competition, undergraduate student teams will partner with local community banks to conduct original case studies on relevant topics.

IACBE Case Competition

Deadline: February 24, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: teams of students

SHU Students Place Third in National Business Competition · Seton Hill University

IACBE Case Competition experiential learning format provides students with the training, exposure, and reference-worthy experience that they need to set themselves apart upon entering the workforce.

AAU Case Competition

Deadline: February 28, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: participants can apply in teams, in pairs or as individuals, who will subsequently be put in a group. All the participants must be enrolled in one of the universities in Denmark.

Student case competitions

AAU Case Competition is a unique opportunity for students to test their academic competencies and business know-how, by solving a real-life business challenge from the business community. Students compete in teams to provide the best solution for the business challenge.

Global Case Competition at Harvard

Deadline: March 12, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: this competition is open only to currently enrolled students.

case study competition 2023

The Global Case Competition at Harvard brings together the best and the brightest minds around the world to solve a business case problem. The competition has attracted 750+ teams (3000+ students) across the world to compete for a chance to win $10,000.

BCG Crack The Case

Deadline: April 2, 2023 | Apply  here Eligibility: applications from all university students living in Denmark Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Student case competitions

Do you want to make a positive impact on society? By applying analytical and creative skills, BCG delivers strategic solutions to create real change. Crack the Case is an annual case competition that focuses on Social Impact cases.​

IFAMA Student Case Competition

Deadline: May 1, 2023 | Apply  here Dates: June 17-18, 2023 Eligibility: students and early career professionals serving the agribusiness sector Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Student case competitions

IFAMA International Student Case Competition offers students and early career professionals a global stage to demonstrate their analytical and problem-solving skills while giving their respective universities a venue to showcase the next generation of changemakers in the ag sector.

Which of these student case competitions are you going to apply for? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to promote a student competition, get in touch with us !

For more life-changing  opportunities , subscribe to our  weekly newsletter  and follow us on  Twitter ,  Facebook,   Instagram  and  LinkedIn .

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case study competition 2023

Case writing competitions

We partner with various organisations around the world to offer a range of case writing competitions. Find out how you can apply and details of our previous winners. 

Our competition winners receive international recognition and a cash prize, and cases may be considered for international publication.

Our aim is to foster the development of cases from real-life situations that can be used as teaching tools within management and business education. Beyond capacity building, the competitions create awareness of the specific organisational challenges within key global markets.

To date, our longest-running case writing competition with the Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) has gathered around 600 cases from 80 countries.

On this page

The africa & middle east emerald case writing competition, emerald/ceeman case writing competition, the case for women, emerald emcs & tlc@mdi india compact case competition 2023, past case writing competitions.

case study competition 2023

Competition status: Open Closing date: 30 September 2024

Enter this emerging market-focused case writing competition for a chance to win up to $1,000 and have their case study published globally.

case study competition 2023

Competition status: Closed Early-bird closing date: 29 February 2024* Closing date: 30 April 2024 * Authors have the option to receive initial feedback from the judges prior to the final deadline if they submit their case by 29 February 2024.

Enter this emerging market-focused case writing competition for a chance to win up to €2,500 and to have your case published globally.

case study competition 2023

Competition status: Closed Closing date: 15 May 2024

In partnership with The Case for Women, Forté, and MBA Roundtable, this case study competition focuses on the female case protagonist.

case study competition 2023

Competition status: Closed for entries

Emerald Publishing and TLC@ MDI Gurgaon welcome high-quality teaching cases to this joint case writing competition.

AABS logo

AABS / Emerald case competition

The AABS/Emerald case writing competition invited authors from African higher education institutions to create business teaching cases focused on emerging markets in Africa. 

AUC logo

AUC School of Business case writing competition

Emerald Publishing and KCC welcomed high-quality teaching cases to our AUC School of Business case writing competition, open to authors from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Pakistan and Turkey.

Indigenous voices logo

Indigenous Voices case writing competition

This competition provided a home for indigenous scholars within the Emerald teaching case ecosystem, highlighting their stories and research.

Mauritius logo

The Mauritius compact case competition

This competition aimed to encourage and promote the development of high-quality, compact teaching case material relevant to the realities of the Mauritius context. It also supported the development of case-writing capabilities in Mauritius.

Related content

Publish in emerging markets case studies.

Learn more about the Emerging Markets Case Studies collection and find current calls for cases.

Publish in The CASE Journal

Learn more about the The CASE Journal collection and find current calls for cases.

The Emerald Cases Hub

Sign in or register on our Emerald Cases Hub to get practical advice and support from the experts.

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An architectural model of public facilities for Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, India.

Top 40 Case Studies of 2022-23

A case about a unique partnership to bring public toilet facilities to Indian slums earned the top spot in the 2022-23 Top 40 Yale case studies round up.

Delving into the complex project management landscape of a partnership between governments, designers, academic, and NGOs in India, the Project Sammaan case study jumped to the #1 spot this year from #30 in 2021 based largely on its strong sales to academic institutions.

Cases on the uses of debt and equity at Hertz that took the top two spots last year continued their strong showing this year at #2 and #3.

Surprisingly, the abridged version of the Toyota 2010 case leapt from #40 in last year’s roundup to #4; perennial favorite Coffee 2016 took #5 and cases involving search funds, private equity, and Cadbury, another perennial favorite, rounded out the top 10.

CRDT compiled the Top 40 list by combining data from its case store, Google Analytics, and other measures of interest and adoption.

Other year-end data for 2022-23 showed that:

  • 26K case users from 156 countries and all 50 U.S. states interacted with 191 Yale cases.
  • Over fifty percent of case users came from outside the U.S. with India, Tanzania, and the Philippines making up the bulk.
  • 22 cases on the list are "raw" and 18 "cooked."
  • The top 40 cases were supervised by 21 different Yale SOM current and former faculty members, several supervising multiple cases.

All of the 2022-23 Top 40 cases are available for purchase from the Yale Management Media store .

And the Top 40 cases for 2022-23 are:

1 Project Sammaan

2 Hertz Global Holdings (A): Uses of Debt and Equity

3 Hertz Global Holdings (B): Uses of Debt and Equity 2020

4 Toyota 2010 (Abridged)

5 Coffee 2016

6 Searching for a Search Fund Structure: A Student Takes a Tour of Various Options

7 Gardner Denver

8 Search Fund Company Boards: How CEOs Can Build Boards to Help Them Thrive

10 Suwanee Lumber Company (B)

11 Marina Bay Sands

12 IBM Corporate Service Corps

13 Shake Shack IPO

14 Children's Premier

15 Hirtle Callaghan & Co

16 Volkswagen

18 Commonfund ESG

19 Alternative Meat Industry

20 Mastercard

21 Palm Oil 2016

22 Design at the Mayo Clinic

23 Mercy Corps

24 Mike Erwin: An accidental social entrepreneur

25 DonorsChoose.org

28 The Alibaba Group

29 Giant Bicycle: Bike-Sharing in Taipei

30 American Greetings

31 Air Canada

32 Achievement First

33 Tesla in Germany

34 Nielsen: How Will the Company Maintain Its Commitments to Multiple Stakeholder Groups?

35 Climate Change Capital

36 2011 Debt Limit Crisis: How Should the Fed Respond?

37 The Future of Malls: Was Decline Inevitable?

39 Herman Miller

40 AXA: Creating the New CR Metrics


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  • 2023 Bateman Case Study Competition

2023 Competition

PRSSA Headquarters received 49 entries for the PRSSA 2023 Bateman Case Study Competition. Of these submissions, twelve entries received honorable mention and three were chosen as finalists to present. The results are below: Winners

  • First Place: University of Florida ( summary )
  • Second Place: University of Colorado Boulder - The Daily He(a)rd
  • Third Place: Louisiana State University

Honorable Mentions

  • Brigham Young University -Provo Team One
  • High Point University
  • Kent State University - Kent State Bateman Gold
  • Montclair State University
  • Ohio University
  • Oklahoma Christian University
  • Penn State - Nittany Lion Communications
  • St. John's University - Team Goal Diggers
  • St. John's University - Team Next Door
  • University of Delaware - Bateman Blue Hens
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of South Carolina - Garnet

Thank you to all teams for participating. PRSSA Headquarters hopes all teams gained valuable experience from their perseverance and arduous work.

Judges PRSA/PRSSA would like to thank the judges of the Competition for their time and expertise:

  • Katie Aberbach
  • Jill R. Alexander, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Arshia Anwer, Ph.D.
  • Kristie K. Aylett, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Greg Bailey, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Mary Deming Barber, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Kay F. Barkin, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Michael Cherenson, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Gerard F. Corbett, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Ellen Crane, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Debbie Davis, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Nathaniel Derrenbacher
  • Dawn M. Doty, APR
  • Jane Dvorak, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Shaelynn Farnsworth
  • Henry Feintuch
  • Karen Garnik, APR
  • Kirk Hazlett, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Kathryn D. Hubbell, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Stephen D. Iseman, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Sherry A. Kast, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Joann E. Killeen, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Roland King, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Dean Kruckeberg, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Jennifer Lane Grizzle, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Nance Louise Larsen, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Kena L. Lewis, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Lisa Lochridge, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Chris Lukach
  • Kim Marks Malone, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Olga Mayoral-Wilson, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Renea B. Morris, M.Ed., APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Robert J. Oltmanns, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Elizabeth A. Pecsi, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Sally DG Ridenour, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Gail E. Rymer, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Diane Slaughter, APR, Fellow PRSA
  • Faith Ureel
  • Christina Veiga
  • Marina Vujnovic, Ph.D., APR
  • Larry Weiner, APR, Fellow PRSA 

Competition Materials

  • 2023 Timeline
  • 2023 Rules and Guidelines
  • 2023 Project Brief
  • Intent-to-Enter Form  Deadline: Monday, Nov. 21

Client Information

  • NLP Brand Guidelines

Client Call

  • Held December 13, 2022 at 1 p.m. ET:  Access Recording Here

Gain some background information by listening to the free recordings of the three-part webinar series, Are You as News Literate as You Can Be? 

  • Part I, Recognizing News and Differentiating It From Other Types of Information .
  • Part II, Learning a Critical Approach to News Media Bias .
  • Part III, Understanding Misinformation and Motivations Behind How It Spreads
  • 2024 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2022 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2021 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2020 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2019 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2018 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2017 Bateman Case Study Competition
  • 2016 Bateman Case Study Competition
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case study competition 2023

The contest brings together the country's top business, management, and accounting students offering them a great opportunity to showcase their problem solving skills. Such skills are relevant in the context of emerging business models. We give our participants, the business leaders of tomorrow’s India, the chance to interact with fellow students, cultivate a powerful network, engage with industry experts, and case gurus from various domains.


This National Case Competition 2023 brings together students to solve a historic business case. The competition offers a total prize money of INR 100,000. Teams are given 4 weeks to prepare and submit a solution for the first round of screening. The shortlisted teams will participate in regional level in-person event. The regional toppers will be invited to pitch their solutions to a panel of judges comprising of distinguished business executives and professors in a National Finals.

​ Participants will also have access to a series of online networking events and panel discussions featuring representatives from industry, consulting firms, investment banks etc.

Register now for this first of its kind National India Case Competition.

This case contest is open for students with accounting, finance and business backgrounds from across India.

Receive a world-class learning experience through a hands-on business case., network, engage and connect with leading firms and business executives., enhance your business, communication, and teamwork skills., a month long case competition with a grand finale at ibs hyderabad in the presence of industry leaders and experts., the case is set in the backdrop of the satyam scam of 2009., the case focuses on the 100 days spanning from the date when ramalinga raju confessed to the board and the day tech mahindra took over satyam., students must read the book "tech phoenix - satyam's 100 day turnaround"., this book is co-written by t n manoharan the government-nominated member on the satyam board that spearheaded the revival and v pattabhi ram a ca., the reading will set the context for the case solution. additional videos will be shared involving conversations that can provide additional context., students will receive the 8-page case and are expected to upload your original solution for the first round., in the second round (regional level) the shortlisted teams will make a presentation to the judges., in the final round (national level) the regional winners will make presentation to jury followed by an audience driven q&a., the regional winners and national winners will recieve certificates, awards and cash prizes. all teams will recieve participation certificate., important dates, 30 sep 2023 - 05 pm.

Registration Closed

11 - 28 Oct 2023

Screening & Online Rounds

16 Nov 2023

Regional Pre Finals - Gurugram

17 Nov 2023

Regional Pre Finals - Pune

20 Nov 2023

Regional Pre Finals - Bengaluru

25 Nov 2023

Grand Finale @ Hyderabad

All Finalists presenting in the Grand Finale will receive certificate of Recognition and Gift Books.

Presented by.

case study competition 2023

Organized by

case study competition 2023

Academic Partner

case study competition 2023

Media Partner

case study competition 2023


case study competition 2023

Former Chairman Deloitte India

case study competition 2023

Unnikrishnan AR

Managing Director Saint-Gobain India

case study competition 2023

M P Vijay Kumar

Executive Director & Group CFO Sify Technologies

case study competition 2023

Suryanarayanan V

Managing Director, Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Co. Ltd.

case study competition 2023

Narayanan Ramaswamy

National Leader - Education and Skill Development, KPMG India

case study competition 2023

Venkatanarayanan R

President & CHRO Rane Group

case study competition 2023

Dr. Ankita Singh

Chief People Officer & Board of Director, CIGNEX Founder - HR Association of India

case study competition 2023

Sudhakar Rao

Director Branding ICFAI Group

case study competition 2023

Ganesh Balakrishnan

Partner Deloitte

case study competition 2023

Dr. Anbu Rathinavel

Chief Design Officer - Intellect Design Arena. Head - School of Design Thinking

case study competition 2023

Ganesh Sankararaman

Senior VP - Finance Sify Technologies

case study competition 2023

Sangeeta Sumesh

Business Coach & Author

case study competition 2023

Dr. N Chandrasekaran

Professor, IFMR Graduate School of Business - Krea University

case study competition 2023

Suresh Paul Antony

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli

case study competition 2023

Chandrasekhar Chenniappan

Senior Director - Human Resource Virtusa

case study competition 2023

Group Chief Financial Officer Narayana Health

case study competition 2023

Dr K Rama Subramaniam

Director & CEO Valiant Technologies Group

case study competition 2023

CA V Pattabhi Ram

Author, Speaker and Teacher

case study competition 2023

Dr Anbuthambi Bhojarajan

Head - Strategy & Partnerships, L&T EduTech - Larsen & Toubro

case study competition 2023

Venkatesh Athreya

Chartered Accountant by profession, Coach, Mentor & Author

case study competition 2023

Parvatha Vardhini

Editor - bl.portfolio The Hindu Businessline

case study competition 2023

CA Lijil Lakshman

Managing Partner LDS and Co Chartered Accountants

Grand Final

case study competition 2023

Shashwat Banerjee & Kamakshi Varshney Chandigarh university

case study competition 2023

Anjana Chaerian & Sahil Jasrotia Lovely Professional University

case study competition 2023

Mohan Balaji S & Jason John Loyola Institute of Business Administration

case study competition 2023

Dimple Ranglani & Dulani Bunty Ahmedabad University

case study competition 2023

Jeyaram Lakshman & Rishabh The institue of chartered accountants of india

case study competition 2023

Shashi Rekha KU & Maanya Chandran CMS Business School Jain

case study competition 2023

Shreya Shetty & Kavalipurapu Sai Neha TA Pai Management Institute

case study competition 2023

Khushi Khabani & Pooja M Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Regional Final


The link to download the case document will be sent to your registered email id. Please mail to [email protected]   if you do not receive within 24 hours of registration.

This year's case contest is set on the backdrop of the satyam scam of 2009. the case focuses on 100 days spanning from the date when ramalinga raju confessed to the board and the day tech mahindra took over satyam., you shall read the book "tech phoenix - satyam's 100 days turnaround" as a prerequisite to this contest. you can access this book from your college library or can obtain a copy in your nearest book store or online at amazon., once you receive the case , you can start working on the solution and submit the same on or before 15 sep 2023. the solution can be submitted in .doc / pdf formats. once completed email the case solution to [email protected]  , the submitted solution will be scrutinized by the selection committee as a first round., once qualified in the first round, you will be informed about the selection and to prepare the solution in the presentation format for the regional level, which you will be presenting in-person to the jury., all qualified entries in the first round will be provided with mentoring sessions by experts before going to the regional round., on qualifying in the regional round, you will get into the grand finale round. the dates and venues of both regional round and grand finale will be announced later. tentatively, it will be scheduled during oct 2023., requesting you to watch the contest website regularly for updates. updated will also be sent to your registered email., only students currently pursuing pg, ug, ca, cma and other professional courses are eligible to participate in the contest. the faculty members can mentor the participating students on solutioning the case., the organizers reserve the right to modify, amend, or update the contest rules, regulations, and guidelines at their sole discretion. this includes, but is not limited to, changing the contest dates, altering submission requirements, adjusting evaluation criteria, and disqualifying entries that do not adhere to the established guidelines or violate the spirit of fair competition. all such changes will be communicated to participants through official channels, and participants are encouraged to regularly check the official contest website and your registered email for any updates. the organizers' decisions regarding any aspect of the contest are final and binding..

  • Cette page n'est pas disponible en Français

Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum 2023

case study competition 2023

The Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum bring together high-level competition officials each year to promote dialogue, consensus building and networking among policy makers and enforcers in the region.

The 2023 Forum, hosted by Ecuador, peer reviewed Dominican Republic's regime and explored  competition and poverty and competition in sports.


 pre-events - 27 september 2023.

27 September 2023 (morning): National Competition Day of Ecuador   Agenda  |  Orden del día   

27 September 2023 (afternoon): Ibero-American Forum on Competition  Agenda  |  Orden del día

27 September 2023 (end of the afternoon): Meeting of the Group of Competition Agencies of America (GrACA)  Agenda  |  Orden del día

Day 1 - 28 September 2023

Session 1. competition and poverty.

Fighting poverty has remained a top priority and a key challenge to many countries including in Latin America and the Caribbean. Poverty eradication appears, for instance, as the first of seventeen objectives of sustainable development established by the United Nations. The region was also particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave rise to the worst recession in the region in the last 100 years. 

This session focused on the role of competition policy for poverty reduction, considering that fighting poverty remains as a top priority to many developing countries including in Latin America and the Caribbean. It covered the interplay between competition policy and poverty reduction, as well as the role of competition authorities to contribute to reduce poverty from both enforcement and advocacy standpoints.


Call for contributions   English  |  Español

Background Note by the OECD Secretariat  English  |  Español


Costa Rica  English  |  Español

Dominican Republic  English  |  Español

Ecuador  English  |  Español

Mexico  English  |  Español

Spain  English  |  Español

United States  English  |  Español

RECAC  English  |  Español

Eleanor Fox   Bio   Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation Emerita, New York University School of Law 

case study competition 2023


Session 2. Peer review of Dominican Republic

The mechanisms of peer review vary, but it is founded upon the willingness of a country to submit its laws and policies to substantive questioning by other peers. The process provides valuable insights into the country under study, getting to the heart of ways in which each country deals with competition and regulatory issues, from the soundness of its competition laws to the structure and effectiveness of its competition institutions.

Founded on the willingness of a country to submit its laws and practices to substantive review by peers, the Peer Review exercise provides valuable insights to the country under study, mainly by recommending ways to improve its competition policy including the effectiveness of its competition institutions. In 2023, Dominican Republic's competition law and policy was subject to such a review. The final report, including recommendations to strengthen Dominican Republic's competition framework was launched in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on 22 January 2024 in presence of in presence of Vice President Raquel Peña and several ministers, María Elena Vásquez Taveras (President, Procompetencia), Frederic Jenny (Chair, Competition Committee), Mario Umaña (Lead Expert, IDB) and many other high-level local representatives.

Day 2 - 29 September 2023

Session 3. competition and sports.

Sports are embedded in national cultures and are a relevant tool in the promotion of social development, such as crime reduction, health improvement and social cohesion. Football is the most popular sport in continental Latin America, while baseball is the prime sport in the Caribbean. Other sports are also popular in the region, such as athletics, basketball, boxing, car racing, cricket, horse racing, tennis, and volleyball. In addition to the social and cultural dimension of sports, its economic importance has increasingly become evident in the last decades.

In this context, the session will explore key competition issues related to the sports industry including competition in the organisation of sports leagues (e.g. existence of a monopoly and potential abusive behaviour by league organisers), sports broadcasting rights, the sale of tickets to sports events, and sports labour markets.

Background documentation

Call for contributions   English | Español

Background Note by the OECD Secretariat  English | Español

Contributions from participants

Argentina  English  |  Español

Brazil  English  |  Español

Colombia  English  |  Español

Chile (FNE)  English  |  Español

Paraguay  English  |  Español

Ben Van Rompuy Professor of Law at Leiden University

Marcela Mattiuzzo Professor at INSPER, Partner at VMCA

María Claudia Martinez Partner, DLA Piper Martinez Beltran


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