business plan templates for startups

Small Business Trends

How to create a business plan: examples & free template.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or launching your very first startup, the guide will give you the insights, tools, and confidence you need to create a solid foundation for your business.

Table of Contents

How to Write a Business Plan

Executive summary.

It’s crucial to include a clear mission statement, a brief description of your primary products or services, an overview of your target market, and key financial projections or achievements.

Our target market includes environmentally conscious consumers and businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. We project a 200% increase in revenue within the first three years of operation.

Overview and Business Objectives

Example: EcoTech’s primary objective is to become a market leader in sustainable technology products within the next five years. Our key objectives include:

Company Description

Example: EcoTech is committed to developing cutting-edge sustainable technology products that benefit both the environment and our customers. Our unique combination of innovative solutions and eco-friendly design sets us apart from the competition. We envision a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand, leading to a greener planet.

Define Your Target Market

Market analysis.

The Market Analysis section requires thorough research and a keen understanding of the industry. It involves examining the current trends within your industry, understanding the needs and preferences of your customers, and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

Our research indicates a gap in the market for high-quality, innovative eco-friendly technology products that cater to both individual and business clients.

SWOT Analysis

Including a SWOT analysis demonstrates to stakeholders that you have a balanced and realistic understanding of your business in its operational context.

Competitive Analysis

Organization and management team.

Provide an overview of your company’s organizational structure, including key roles and responsibilities. Introduce your management team, highlighting their expertise and experience to demonstrate that your team is capable of executing the business plan successfully.

Products and Services Offered

This section should emphasize the value you provide to customers, demonstrating that your business has a deep understanding of customer needs and is well-positioned to deliver innovative solutions that address those needs and set your company apart from competitors.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Discuss how these marketing and sales efforts will work together to attract and retain customers, generate leads, and ultimately contribute to achieving your business’s revenue goals.

Logistics and Operations Plan

Inventory control is another crucial aspect, where you explain strategies for inventory management to ensure efficiency and reduce wastage. The section should also describe your production processes, emphasizing scalability and adaptability to meet changing market demands.

We also prioritize efficient distribution through various channels, including online platforms and retail partners, to deliver products to our customers in a timely manner.

Financial Projections Plan

This forward-looking financial plan is crucial for demonstrating that you have a firm grasp of the financial nuances of your business and are prepared to manage its financial health effectively.

Income Statement

Cash flow statement.

A cash flow statement is a crucial part of a financial business plan that shows the inflows and outflows of cash within your business. It helps you monitor your company’s liquidity, ensuring you have enough cash on hand to cover operating expenses, pay debts, and invest in growth opportunities.

Executive SummaryBrief overview of the business planOverview of EcoTech and its mission
Overview & ObjectivesOutline of company's goals and strategiesMarket leadership in sustainable technology
Company DescriptionDetailed explanation of the company and its unique selling propositionEcoTech's history, mission, and vision
Target MarketDescription of ideal customers and their needsEnvironmentally conscious consumers and businesses
Market AnalysisExamination of industry trends, customer needs, and competitorsTrends in eco-friendly technology market
SWOT AnalysisEvaluation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and ThreatsStrengths and weaknesses of EcoTech
Competitive AnalysisIn-depth analysis of competitors and their strategiesAnalysis of GreenTech and EarthSolutions
Organization & ManagementOverview of the company's structure and management teamKey roles and team members at EcoTech
Products & ServicesDescription of offerings and their unique featuresEnergy-efficient lighting solutions, solar chargers
Marketing & SalesOutline of marketing channels and sales strategiesDigital advertising, content marketing, influencer partnerships
Logistics & OperationsDetails about daily operations, supply chain, inventory, and quality controlPartnerships with manufacturers, quality control
Financial ProjectionsForecast of revenue, expenses, and profit for the next 3-5 yearsProjected growth in revenue and net profit
Income StatementSummary of company's revenues and expenses over a specified periodRevenue, Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit, Net Income
Cash Flow StatementOverview of cash inflows and outflows within the businessNet Cash from Operating Activities, Investing Activities, Financing Activities

Tips on Writing a Business Plan

4. Focus on your unique selling proposition (USP): Clearly articulate what sets your business apart from the competition. Emphasize your USP throughout your business plan to showcase your company’s value and potential for success.

FREE Business Plan Template

To help you get started on your business plan, we have created a template that includes all the essential components discussed in the “How to Write a Business Plan” section. This easy-to-use template will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you don’t miss any critical details.

What is a Business Plan?

Why you should write a business plan.

Understanding the importance of a business plan in today’s competitive environment is crucial for entrepreneurs and business owners. Here are five compelling reasons to write a business plan:

What are the Different Types of Business Plans?

Type of Business PlanPurposeKey ComponentsTarget Audience
Startup Business PlanOutlines the company's mission, objectives, target market, competition, marketing strategies, and financial projections.Mission Statement, Company Description, Market Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Organizational Structure, Marketing and Sales Strategy, Financial Projections.Entrepreneurs, Investors
Internal Business PlanServes as a management tool for guiding the company's growth, evaluating its progress, and ensuring that all departments are aligned with the overall vision.Strategies, Milestones, Deadlines, Resource Allocation.Internal Team Members
Strategic Business PlanOutlines long-term goals and the steps to achieve them.SWOT Analysis, Market Research, Competitive Analysis, Long-Term Goals.Executives, Managers, Investors
Feasibility Business PlanAssesses the viability of a business idea.Market Demand, Competition, Financial Projections, Potential Obstacles.Entrepreneurs, Investors
Growth Business PlanFocuses on strategies for scaling up an existing business.Market Analysis, New Product/Service Offerings, Financial Projections.Business Owners, Investors
Operational Business PlanOutlines the company's day-to-day operations.Processes, Procedures, Organizational Structure.Managers, Employees
Lean Business PlanA simplified, agile version of a traditional plan, focusing on key elements.Value Proposition, Customer Segments, Revenue Streams, Cost Structure.Entrepreneurs, Startups
One-Page Business PlanA concise summary of your company's key objectives, strategies, and milestones.Key Objectives, Strategies, Milestones.Entrepreneurs, Investors, Partners
Nonprofit Business PlanOutlines the mission, goals, target audience, fundraising strategies, and budget allocation for nonprofit organizations.Mission Statement, Goals, Target Audience, Fundraising Strategies, Budget.Nonprofit Leaders, Board Members, Donors
Franchise Business PlanFocuses on the franchisor's requirements, as well as the franchisee's goals, strategies, and financial projections.Franchise Agreement, Brand Standards, Marketing Efforts, Operational Procedures, Financial Projections.Franchisors, Franchisees, Investors

Using Business Plan Software

Upmetrics provides a simple and intuitive platform for creating a well-structured business plan. It features customizable templates, financial forecasting tools, and collaboration capabilities, allowing you to work with team members and advisors. Upmetrics also offers a library of resources to guide you through the business planning process.

SoftwareKey FeaturesUser InterfaceAdditional Features
LivePlanOver 500 sample plans, financial forecasting tools, progress tracking against KPIsUser-friendly, visually appealingAllows creation of professional-looking business plans
UpmetricsCustomizable templates, financial forecasting tools, collaboration capabilitiesSimple and intuitiveProvides a resource library for business planning
BizplanDrag-and-drop builder, modular sections, financial forecasting tools, progress trackingSimple, visually engagingDesigned to simplify the business planning process
EnloopIndustry-specific templates, financial forecasting tools, automatic business plan generation, unique performance scoreRobust, user-friendlyOffers a free version, making it accessible for businesses on a budget
Tarkenton GoSmallBizGuided business plan builder, customizable templates, financial projection toolsUser-friendlyOffers CRM tools, legal document templates, and additional resources for small businesses

Business Plan FAQs

What is a good business plan.

A good business plan is a well-researched, clear, and concise document that outlines a company’s goals, strategies, target market, competitive advantages, and financial projections. It should be adaptable to change and provide a roadmap for achieving success.

What are the 3 main purposes of a business plan?

Can i write a business plan by myself, is it possible to create a one-page business plan.

Yes, a one-page business plan is a condensed version that highlights the most essential elements, including the company’s mission, target market, unique selling proposition, and financial goals.

How long should a business plan be?

What is a business plan outline, what are the 5 most common business plan mistakes, what questions should be asked in a business plan.

A business plan should address questions such as: What problem does the business solve? Who is the specific target market ? What is the unique selling proposition? What are the company’s objectives? How will it achieve those objectives?

What’s the difference between a business plan and a strategic plan?

How is business planning for a nonprofit different.

Business Plan Templates


A well-written business plan can help you identify your goals, map out strategies to achieve them, and measure progress along the way. And while some proponents of the ' no plan ' business plan argue that businesses can survive without a business plan — research shows that having a solid plan can help fuel growth and improve business performance, especially if you're a startup.

What's a Startup Business Plan?

Before diving into the specifics, let’s revisit the basics of a startup business plan. Briefly, a business plan is a written document outlining your strategies and ideas for launching, growing, managing, and (later on) exiting your business venture. 

Business plans are by no means set in stone. In fact, your plan will likely evolve as the market changes and as you learn more about your customers. A typical business plan will include your financial projections, marketing strategies, timelines, products and services, management plans, competitive analysis, and more.

Why Does it Matter?

Studies show that both new and existing businesses can benefit from a business plan , as planning drastically improves business performance and efficiency. Also, companies with business plans tend to grow at least 30% faster than those that don't have any sort of planning in place. 

Additionally, 71% of fast-growing companies attribute their growth to having defined their budgets, sales goals, and business strategies early on. And to really drive the point home, yet another study revealed that companies that had a growth rate in sales of over 92% year-over-year all had business plans to inform their next steps. 

Briefly put, business plans help you focus on your business goals and keep your team and investors informed regarding the future of your company. Putting things on paper enables you to set realistic goals and actionable steps for reaching them. For example, if you're developing a new product, you'll need to know exactly how much it will cost and whether you need additional funding. 

Who Will Want to Read It?

No, sorry, the "About Us" section on your website or social media page is not enough. You'll need a well-written, comprehensive business plan to get your startup off the ground — and that means you should be prepared to share it with potential investors, partners, and lenders.

Your potential investors or partners will want to know exactly what they're investing in and how their money will help your company reach its goals. By having a comprehensive business plan in place, you can show potential investors and partners that you have done your homework and are serious about taking your business venture to the next level. Plus, it gives them a glimpse into what kind of returns they can expect from financing your business or partnering with you.

The Starting Point

Creating a business plan can be a daunting task. That’s why we created the Startup Business Plan Template – an easy-to-use editable template that provides guidance on writing a high-quality business plan (or checking what you already have so far). Here's what the kit contains:

  • Guidelines for Writing a rockstar business plan
  • The nine components your business plan needs
  • Editable fields for easy creation
  • A business plan gut checklist
  • How to make the template work for you.

Get access to the templates now

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How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide + Examples

Determined female African-American entrepreneur scaling a mountain while wearing a large backpack. Represents the journey to starting and growing a business and needi

Noah Parsons

24 min. read

Updated May 7, 2024

Writing a business plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to write a business plan that’s detailed enough to impress bankers and potential investors, while giving you the tools to start, run, and grow a successful business.

  • The basics of business planning

If you’re reading this guide, then you already know why you need a business plan . 

You understand that planning helps you: 

  • Raise money
  • Grow strategically
  • Keep your business on the right track 

As you start to write your plan, it’s useful to zoom out and remember what a business plan is .

At its core, a business plan is an overview of the products and services you sell, and the customers that you sell to. It explains your business strategy: how you’re going to build and grow your business, what your marketing strategy is, and who your competitors are.

Most business plans also include financial forecasts for the future. These set sales goals, budget for expenses, and predict profits and cash flow. 

A good business plan is much more than just a document that you write once and forget about. It’s also a guide that helps you outline and achieve your goals. 

After completing your plan, you can use it as a management tool to track your progress toward your goals. Updating and adjusting your forecasts and budgets as you go is one of the most important steps you can take to run a healthier, smarter business. 

We’ll dive into how to use your plan later in this article.

There are many different types of plans , but we’ll go over the most common type here, which includes everything you need for an investor-ready plan. However, if you’re just starting out and are looking for something simpler—I recommend starting with a one-page business plan . It’s faster and easier to create. 

It’s also the perfect place to start if you’re just figuring out your idea, or need a simple strategic plan to use inside your business.

Dig deeper : How to write a one-page business plan

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  • What to include in your business plan

Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally just one to two pages. Most people write it last because it’s a summary of the complete business plan.

Ideally, the executive summary can act as a stand-alone document that covers the highlights of your detailed plan. 

In fact, it’s common for investors to ask only for the executive summary when evaluating your business. If they like what they see in the executive summary, they’ll often follow up with a request for a complete plan, a pitch presentation , or more in-depth financial forecasts .

Your executive summary should include:

  • A summary of the problem you are solving
  • A description of your product or service
  • An overview of your target market
  • A brief description of your team
  • A summary of your financials
  • Your funding requirements (if you are raising money)

Dig Deeper: How to write an effective executive summary

Products and services description

This is where you describe exactly what you’re selling, and how it solves a problem for your target market. The best way to organize this part of your plan is to start by describing the problem that exists for your customers. After that, you can describe how you plan to solve that problem with your product or service. 

This is usually called a problem and solution statement .

To truly showcase the value of your products and services, you need to craft a compelling narrative around your offerings. How will your product or service transform your customers’ lives or jobs? A strong narrative will draw in your readers.

This is also the part of the business plan to discuss any competitive advantages you may have, like specific intellectual property or patents that protect your product. If you have any initial sales, contracts, or other evidence that your product or service is likely to sell, include that information as well. It will show that your idea has traction , which can help convince readers that your plan has a high chance of success.

Market analysis

Your target market is a description of the type of people that you plan to sell to. You might even have multiple target markets, depending on your business. 

A market analysis is the part of your plan where you bring together all of the information you know about your target market. Basically, it’s a thorough description of who your customers are and why they need what you’re selling. You’ll also include information about the growth of your market and your industry .

Try to be as specific as possible when you describe your market. 

Include information such as age, income level, and location—these are what’s called “demographics.” If you can, also describe your market’s interests and habits as they relate to your business—these are “psychographics.” 

Related: Target market examples

Essentially, you want to include any knowledge you have about your customers that is relevant to how your product or service is right for them. With a solid target market, it will be easier to create a sales and marketing plan that will reach your customers. That’s because you know who they are, what they like to do, and the best ways to reach them.

Next, provide any additional information you have about your market. 

What is the size of your market ? Is the market growing or shrinking? Ideally, you’ll want to demonstrate that your market is growing over time, and also explain how your business is positioned to take advantage of any expected changes in your industry.

Dig Deeper: Learn how to write a market analysis

Competitive analysis

Part of defining your business opportunity is determining what your competitive advantage is. To do this effectively, you need to know as much about your competitors as your target customers. 

Every business has some form of competition. If you don’t think you have competitors, then explore what alternatives there are in the market for your product or service. 

For example: In the early years of cars, their main competition was horses. For social media, the early competition was reading books, watching TV, and talking on the phone.

A good competitive analysis fully lays out the competitive landscape and then explains how your business is different. Maybe your products are better made, or cheaper, or your customer service is superior. Maybe your competitive advantage is your location – a wide variety of factors can ultimately give you an advantage.

Dig Deeper: How to write a competitive analysis for your business plan

Marketing and sales plan

The marketing and sales plan covers how you will position your product or service in the market, the marketing channels and messaging you will use, and your sales tactics. 

The best place to start with a marketing plan is with a positioning statement . 

This explains how your business fits into the overall market, and how you will explain the advantages of your product or service to customers. You’ll use the information from your competitive analysis to help you with your positioning. 

For example: You might position your company as the premium, most expensive but the highest quality option in the market. Or your positioning might focus on being locally owned and that shoppers support the local economy by buying your products.

Once you understand your positioning, you’ll bring this together with the information about your target market to create your marketing strategy . 

This is how you plan to communicate your message to potential customers. Depending on who your customers are and how they purchase products like yours, you might use many different strategies, from social media advertising to creating a podcast. Your marketing plan is all about how your customers discover who you are and why they should consider your products and services. 

While your marketing plan is about reaching your customers—your sales plan will describe the actual sales process once a customer has decided that they’re interested in what you have to offer. 

If your business requires salespeople and a long sales process, describe that in this section. If your customers can “self-serve” and just make purchases quickly on your website, describe that process. 

A good sales plan picks up where your marketing plan leaves off. The marketing plan brings customers in the door and the sales plan is how you close the deal.

Together, these specific plans paint a picture of how you will connect with your target audience, and how you will turn them into paying customers.

Dig deeper: What to include in your sales and marketing plan

Business operations

The operations section describes the necessary requirements for your business to run smoothly. It’s where you talk about how your business works and what day-to-day operations look like. 

Depending on how your business is structured, your operations plan may include elements of the business like:

  • Supply chain management
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Equipment and technology
  • Distribution

Some businesses distribute their products and reach their customers through large retailers like, Walmart, Target, and grocery store chains. 

These businesses should review how this part of their business works. The plan should discuss the logistics and costs of getting products onto store shelves and any potential hurdles the business may have to overcome.

If your business is much simpler than this, that’s OK. This section of your business plan can be either extremely short or more detailed, depending on the type of business you are building.

For businesses selling services, such as physical therapy or online software, you can use this section to describe the technology you’ll leverage, what goes into your service, and who you will partner with to deliver your services.

Dig Deeper: Learn how to write the operations chapter of your plan

Key milestones and metrics

Although it’s not required to complete your business plan, mapping out key business milestones and the metrics can be incredibly useful for measuring your success.

Good milestones clearly lay out the parameters of the task and set expectations for their execution. You’ll want to include:

  • A description of each task
  • The proposed due date
  • Who is responsible for each task

If you have a budget, you can include projected costs to hit each milestone. You don’t need extensive project planning in this section—just list key milestones you want to hit and when you plan to hit them. This is your overall business roadmap. 

Possible milestones might be:

  • Website launch date
  • Store or office opening date
  • First significant sales
  • Break even date
  • Business licenses and approvals

You should also discuss the key numbers you will track to determine your success. Some common metrics worth tracking include:

  • Conversion rates
  • Customer acquisition costs
  • Profit per customer
  • Repeat purchases

It’s perfectly fine to start with just a few metrics and grow the number you are tracking over time. You also may find that some metrics simply aren’t relevant to your business and can narrow down what you’re tracking.

Dig Deeper: How to use milestones in your business plan

Organization and management team

Investors don’t just look for great ideas—they want to find great teams. Use this chapter to describe your current team and who you need to hire . You should also provide a quick overview of your location and history if you’re already up and running.

Briefly highlight the relevant experiences of each key team member in the company. It’s important to make the case for why yours is the right team to turn an idea into a reality. 

Do they have the right industry experience and background? Have members of the team had entrepreneurial successes before? 

If you still need to hire key team members, that’s OK. Just note those gaps in this section.

Your company overview should also include a summary of your company’s current business structure . The most common business structures include:

  • Sole proprietor
  • Partnership

Be sure to provide an overview of how the business is owned as well. Does each business partner own an equal portion of the business? How is ownership divided? 

Potential lenders and investors will want to know the structure of the business before they will consider a loan or investment.

Dig Deeper: How to write about your company structure and team

Financial plan

Last, but certainly not least, is your financial plan chapter. 

Entrepreneurs often find this section the most daunting. But, business financials for most startups are less complicated than you think, and a business degree is certainly not required to build a solid financial forecast. 

A typical financial forecast in a business plan includes the following:

  • Sales forecast : An estimate of the sales expected over a given period. You’ll break down your forecast into the key revenue streams that you expect to have.
  • Expense budget : Your planned spending such as personnel costs , marketing expenses, and taxes.
  • Profit & Loss : Brings together your sales and expenses and helps you calculate planned profits.
  • Cash Flow : Shows how cash moves into and out of your business. It can predict how much cash you’ll have on hand at any given point in the future.
  • Balance Sheet : A list of the assets, liabilities, and equity in your company. In short, it provides an overview of the financial health of your business. 

A strong business plan will include a description of assumptions about the future, and potential risks that could impact the financial plan. Including those will be especially important if you’re writing a business plan to pursue a loan or other investment.

Dig Deeper: How to create financial forecasts and budgets

This is the place for additional data, charts, or other information that supports your plan.

Including an appendix can significantly enhance the credibility of your plan by showing readers that you’ve thoroughly considered the details of your business idea, and are backing your ideas up with solid data.

Just remember that the information in the appendix is meant to be supplementary. Your business plan should stand on its own, even if the reader skips this section.

Dig Deeper : What to include in your business plan appendix

Optional: Business plan cover page

Adding a business plan cover page can make your plan, and by extension your business, seem more professional in the eyes of potential investors, lenders, and partners. It serves as the introduction to your document and provides necessary contact information for stakeholders to reference.

Your cover page should be simple and include:

  • Company logo
  • Business name
  • Value proposition (optional)
  • Business plan title
  • Completion and/or update date
  • Address and contact information
  • Confidentiality statement

Just remember, the cover page is optional. If you decide to include it, keep it very simple and only spend a short amount of time putting it together.

Dig Deeper: How to create a business plan cover page

How to use AI to help write your business plan

Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT can speed up the business plan writing process and help you think through concepts like market segmentation and competition. These tools are especially useful for taking ideas that you provide and converting them into polished text for your business plan.

The best way to use AI for your business plan is to leverage it as a collaborator , not a replacement for human creative thinking and ingenuity. 

AI can come up with lots of ideas and act as a brainstorming partner. It’s up to you to filter through those ideas and figure out which ones are realistic enough to resonate with your customers. 

There are pros and cons of using AI to help with your business plan . So, spend some time understanding how it can be most helpful before just outsourcing the job to AI.

Learn more: 10 AI prompts you need to write a business plan

  • Writing tips and strategies

To help streamline the business plan writing process, here are a few tips and key questions to answer to make sure you get the most out of your plan and avoid common mistakes .  

Determine why you are writing a business plan

Knowing why you are writing a business plan will determine your approach to your planning project. 

For example: If you are writing a business plan for yourself, or just to use inside your own business , you can probably skip the section about your team and organizational structure. 

If you’re raising money, you’ll want to spend more time explaining why you’re looking to raise the funds and exactly how you will use them.

Regardless of how you intend to use your business plan , think about why you are writing and what you’re trying to get out of the process before you begin.

Keep things concise

Probably the most important tip is to keep your business plan short and simple. There are no prizes for long business plans . The longer your plan is, the less likely people are to read it. 

So focus on trimming things down to the essentials your readers need to know. Skip the extended, wordy descriptions and instead focus on creating a plan that is easy to read —using bullets and short sentences whenever possible.

Have someone review your business plan

Writing a business plan in a vacuum is never a good idea. Sometimes it’s helpful to zoom out and check if your plan makes sense to someone else. You also want to make sure that it’s easy to read and understand.

Don’t wait until your plan is “done” to get a second look. Start sharing your plan early, and find out from readers what questions your plan leaves unanswered. This early review cycle will help you spot shortcomings in your plan and address them quickly, rather than finding out about them right before you present your plan to a lender or investor.

If you need a more detailed review, you may want to explore hiring a professional plan writer to thoroughly examine it.

Use a free business plan template and business plan examples to get started

Knowing what information to include in a business plan is sometimes not quite enough. If you’re struggling to get started or need additional guidance, it may be worth using a business plan template. 

There are plenty of great options available (we’ve rounded up our 8 favorites to streamline your search).

But, if you’re looking for a free downloadable business plan template , you can get one right now; download the template used by more than 1 million businesses. 

Or, if you just want to see what a completed business plan looks like, check out our library of over 550 free business plan examples . 

We even have a growing list of industry business planning guides with tips for what to focus on depending on your business type.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

It’s easy to make mistakes when you’re writing your business plan. Some entrepreneurs get sucked into the writing and research process, and don’t focus enough on actually getting their business started. 

Here are a few common mistakes and how to avoid them:

Not talking to your customers : This is one of the most common mistakes. It’s easy to assume that your product or service is something that people want. Before you invest too much in your business and too much in the planning process, make sure you talk to your prospective customers and have a good understanding of their needs.

  • Overly optimistic sales and profit forecasts: By nature, entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future. But it’s good to temper that optimism a little when you’re planning, and make sure your forecasts are grounded in reality. 
  • Spending too much time planning: Yes, planning is crucial. But you also need to get out and talk to customers, build prototypes of your product and figure out if there’s a market for your idea. Make sure to balance planning with building.
  • Not revising the plan: Planning is useful, but nothing ever goes exactly as planned. As you learn more about what’s working and what’s not—revise your plan, your budgets, and your revenue forecast. Doing so will provide a more realistic picture of where your business is going, and what your financial needs will be moving forward.
  • Not using the plan to manage your business: A good business plan is a management tool. Don’t just write it and put it on the shelf to collect dust – use it to track your progress and help you reach your goals.
  • Presenting your business plan

The planning process forces you to think through every aspect of your business and answer questions that you may not have thought of. That’s the real benefit of writing a business plan – the knowledge you gain about your business that you may not have been able to discover otherwise.

With all of this knowledge, you’re well prepared to convert your business plan into a pitch presentation to present your ideas. 

A pitch presentation is a summary of your plan, just hitting the highlights and key points. It’s the best way to present your business plan to investors and team members.

Dig Deeper: Learn what key slides should be included in your pitch deck

Use your business plan to manage your business

One of the biggest benefits of planning is that it gives you a tool to manage your business better. With a revenue forecast, expense budget, and projected cash flow, you know your targets and where you are headed.

And yet, nothing ever goes exactly as planned – it’s the nature of business.

That’s where using your plan as a management tool comes in. The key to leveraging it for your business is to review it periodically and compare your forecasts and projections to your actual results.

Start by setting up a regular time to review the plan – a monthly review is a good starting point. During this review, answer questions like:

  • Did you meet your sales goals?
  • Is spending following your budget?
  • Has anything gone differently than what you expected?

Now that you see whether you’re meeting your goals or are off track, you can make adjustments and set new targets. 

Maybe you’re exceeding your sales goals and should set new, more aggressive goals. In that case, maybe you should also explore more spending or hiring more employees. 

Or maybe expenses are rising faster than you projected. If that’s the case, you would need to look at where you can cut costs.

A plan, and a method for comparing your plan to your actual results , is the tool you need to steer your business toward success.

Learn More: How to run a regular plan review

Free business plan templates and examples

Kickstart your business plan writing with one of our free business plan templates or recommended tools.

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Free business plan template

Download a free SBA-approved business plan template built for small businesses and startups.

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One-page plan template

Download a free one-page plan template to write a useful business plan in as little as 30-minutes.

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Sample business plan library

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How to write a business plan FAQ

What is a business plan?

A document that describes your business , the products and services you sell, and the customers that you sell to. It explains your business strategy, how you’re going to build and grow your business, what your marketing strategy is, and who your competitors are.

What are the benefits of a business plan?

A business plan helps you understand where you want to go with your business and what it will take to get there. It reduces your overall risk, helps you uncover your business’s potential, attracts investors, and identifies areas for growth.

Having a business plan ultimately makes you more confident as a business owner and more likely to succeed for a longer period of time.

What are the 7 steps of a business plan?

The seven steps to writing a business plan include:

  • Write a brief executive summary
  • Describe your products and services.
  • Conduct market research and compile data into a cohesive market analysis.
  • Describe your marketing and sales strategy.
  • Outline your organizational structure and management team.
  • Develop financial projections for sales, revenue, and cash flow.
  • Add any additional documents to your appendix.

What are the 5 most common business plan mistakes?

There are plenty of mistakes that can be made when writing a business plan. However, these are the 5 most common that you should do your best to avoid:

  • 1. Not taking the planning process seriously.
  • Having unrealistic financial projections or incomplete financial information.
  • Inconsistent information or simple mistakes.
  • Failing to establish a sound business model.
  • Not having a defined purpose for your business plan.

What questions should be answered in a business plan?

Writing a business plan is all about asking yourself questions about your business and being able to answer them through the planning process. You’ll likely be asking dozens and dozens of questions for each section of your plan.

However, these are the key questions you should ask and answer with your business plan:

  • How will your business make money?
  • Is there a need for your product or service?
  • Who are your customers?
  • How are you different from the competition?
  • How will you reach your customers?
  • How will you measure success?

How long should a business plan be?

The length of your business plan fully depends on what you intend to do with it. From the SBA and traditional lender point of view, a business plan needs to be whatever length necessary to fully explain your business. This means that you prove the viability of your business, show that you understand the market, and have a detailed strategy in place.

If you intend to use your business plan for internal management purposes, you don’t necessarily need a full 25-50 page business plan. Instead, you can start with a one-page plan to get all of the necessary information in place.

What are the different types of business plans?

While all business plans cover similar categories, the style and function fully depend on how you intend to use your plan. Here are a few common business plan types worth considering.

Traditional business plan: The tried-and-true traditional business plan is a formal document meant to be used when applying for funding or pitching to investors. This type of business plan follows the outline above and can be anywhere from 10-50 pages depending on the amount of detail included, the complexity of your business, and what you include in your appendix.

Business model canvas: The business model canvas is a one-page template designed to demystify the business planning process. It removes the need for a traditional, copy-heavy business plan, in favor of a single-page outline that can help you and outside parties better explore your business idea.

One-page business plan: This format is a simplified version of the traditional plan that focuses on the core aspects of your business. You’ll typically stick with bullet points and single sentences. It’s most useful for those exploring ideas, needing to validate their business model, or who need an internal plan to help them run and manage their business.

Lean Plan: The Lean Plan is less of a specific document type and more of a methodology. It takes the simplicity and styling of the one-page business plan and turns it into a process for you to continuously plan, test, review, refine, and take action based on performance. It’s faster, keeps your plan concise, and ensures that your plan is always up-to-date.

What’s the difference between a business plan and a strategic plan?

A business plan covers the “who” and “what” of your business. It explains what your business is doing right now and how it functions. The strategic plan explores long-term goals and explains “how” the business will get there. It encourages you to look more intently toward the future and how you will achieve your vision.

However, when approached correctly, your business plan can actually function as a strategic plan as well. If kept lean, you can define your business, outline strategic steps, and track ongoing operations all with a single plan.

Content Author: Noah Parsons

Noah is the COO at Palo Alto Software, makers of the online business plan app LivePlan. He started his career at Yahoo! and then helped start the user review site From there he started a software distribution business in the UK before coming to Palo Alto Software to run the marketing and product teams.

Check out LivePlan

Table of Contents

  • Use AI to help write your plan
  • Common planning mistakes
  • Manage with your business plan
  • Templates and examples

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business plan templates for startups

Free Startup Plan, Budget & Cost Templates

By Kate Eby | September 12, 2017

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A business plan describes how a new business will meet its primary objectives over a given period of time. It is both a strategic document that can act as a roadmap and a tool for securing funding and communicating with stakeholders. For a startup business, planning is key to developing a thorough understanding of the target market, competition, market conditions, and financing opportunities.

Included on this page, you'll find a variety of helpful, free startup business planning templates , like a SWOT analysis template , a competitive analysis template , a business startup checklist template , and more.

Startup Business Planning Templates

Competitive analysis template - excel.

Competitive Analysis Template Updated

Download Competitive Analysis Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Analyze multiple competitors based on the categories you want to compare, and use the results to identify your top rivals. This template contains several sheets to provide a comprehensive look at how your startup stacks up to the competition, the strengths of each company, and potential partnerships or opportunities.

SWOT Analysis Template - Excel

SWOT Analysis Template

Download SWOT Analysis Template

While researching your business plan, both risks and opportunities are likely to arise. This critical information gives you the chance to plan for how you will take advantage of or address them as needed. A SWOT analysis helps you identify and gain a clear understanding of internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. The results of the analysis will inform your business goals and strategies for reaching them. Once completed, you can add this SWOT template to a startup business plan or use it as a planning tool. If this template doesn’t have the details you require, you can find more of our  free SWOT Analysis Templates .

Marketing Plan Template - Excel

Marketing Plan Template

Download Marketing Plan Template

Easily create a detailed marketing plan for different campaigns, including projected and actual costs. It also doubles as a marketing calendar template, showing a weekly, monthly, and quarterly breakdown of your timeline and initiatives. A marketing plan is typically part of a business plan, but you can use this dedicated template for developing a thorough plan and schedule.

Business Startup Checklist Template - Excel

Business Startup Checklist Template

Download Business Startup Checklist Template

This template offers a simple checklist to help you organize all of the tasks that need to be accomplished, from initial research and planning to establishing professional partnerships and acquiring necessary permits. Edit the list to include relevant actions for a particular business. This is an easy way to ensure that important items are not overlooked and prioritize steps.

Business Planning Schedule - Excel

Business Planning Schedule Template

Download Business Planning Schedule

This template allows you to create a schedule for tasks with a visual calendar for planning. This layout can help you organize your planning process and provide a timeline for reaching certain milestones. The template is structured around planning stages, allowing you to separate tasks hierarchically. To use this template for another planning process, simply edit the tasks included and add your dates to the schedule.

Target Market Comparison Template - Excel

Target Market Comparison Template

‌ Download Target Market Comparison Template - Excel

Utilize this worksheet to compare target markets in order to understand which are ideal for your product or service. Understanding your customers is vital not only for developing effective strategies, but also for showing investors that you’ve done the necessary research and understand how to reach potential customers.

Startup Business Plan Template - Word

Startup Business Plan Template

Download Startup Business Plan Template

Word  | Smartsheet

This template offers a traditional outline for creating a business plan document. You’ll find sections for an executive summary, company description, marketing plan, product and operational information, financial data, and room for appendices. You can refine the plan to suit different industries and business types. For example, if you want to create a technology startup business plan template, you will want to show how the startup will deal with rapidly changing markets, and provide product and market research that shows how your business will be on the cutting edge. You may also need to provide longer-term financial projections since high-tech startups often operate for an extended time without profits. 

For additional resources, visit " Free Startup Business Plan Templates and Examples ."

One-page Business Plan Template - Word

One Page Business Plan Template

Download One-page Business Plan Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF  | Smartsheet

Create a streamlined business plan document on a single page with this Word template. A simplified plan can be helpful for summarizing information into a brief report. This format gives readers a quick overview of your startup business plan while emphasizing key points. 

For additional resources, visit " One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide ."

Startup Financial Templates

Small-business budget template - excel.

Small Business Budget Template

Download Small-Business Budget Template

This basic budget is ideal for small businesses that want an easy, blank template to customize. To create a business budget, include both fixed and variable expenses along with revenue and funding sources. Use this template to track expenditures and revenue, maintain a balanced budget, and to help grow your business.

Sales Forecast Template - Excel

Sales Forecast Template

Download Sales Forecast Template

With this template, you get a 12-month sales forecast as well as sales data from prior years. You can organize the spreadsheet based on product names, target customers, or other categories, and then enter forecasted monthly sales, including adjustments for seasonal changes or other factors that might impact sales. The template also calculates monthly and yearly totals.

Business Startup Costs Template - Excel

Business Startup Costs Template

Download Business Startup Costs Template

Startup costs begin to accrue before operations begin, so it’s important to determine expenses early on to avoid being underfunded or overspending. This startup costs template shows a summary of both funding and expenses at the top, with itemized details below. You can use this worksheet to outline expenses, create a tentative budget, and compare actual costs as they accrue. Similar to a start up budget template, this version helps you focus on expenditures.

Startup Budget Template - Excel

Startup Budget Template

Download Startup Budget Template

A startup budget is an important tool for identifying what financial resources are available, determining how much revenue is needed to meet business goals, and pinpointing areas where you can save money. A budget works as a planning tool as well as a method for tracking actual expenditures. As part of a business plan, it supports the process of pitching to investors and completing loan applications. This budget template is geared toward startup companies and includes a section for projected monthly costs.

Startup Financial Projections Template - Excel

Startup Financial Projections Template

Download Startup Financial Projections Template

Similar to a pro forma template for startups, this version includes a 12-month profit and loss projection, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement. Use the template to analyze the current financial standing and run a future forecast for a business. The spreadsheet includes pre-populated fields with expenses and income sources, which you can easily edit to accommodate your business.

Personal Financial Statement - Excel

Personal Financial Statement Template

Download Personal Financial Statement

Some lenders may require a personal financial statement in addition to relevant business data. This template lists assets and liabilities in order to calculate net worth. You’ll also find space for adding a signature so you can certify that the information is correct.

Balance Sheet Template - Excel

Balance Sheet Template

Download Balance Sheet Template

This template can be modified to either show an opening day balance for a startup or to create a projected balance sheet. Choose a given time period, enter your numbers for assets, liabilities, and equity, and the template will provide automatic calculations.

First-Year Budget Calculator - Excel

First Year Budget Calculator Template

Download First-Year Budget Calculator

Combining business and personal budget information into a single template can be useful for small business owners who are just getting started. This template focuses on first-year budget calculations including startup costs, operating expenses, estimated income, personal expenses, and more. You can identify fixed and recurring costs for a full view of expenses for the first year.

12-Month Cash Flow Forecast - Excel

12-Month Cash Flow Forecast Template

Download 12-Month Cash Flow Forecast

This template shows all 12 months of the year for a monthly and annual cash flow forecast. In addition to creating a forecast, you can compare actual cash flow totals for each month. The template is divided into categories for cash on-hand, cash receipts, and cash paid-out, with an alternating color scheme for easy viewing.

Annual Business Budget Template - Excel

Annual Business Budget Template

Download Annual Business Budget Template

As a startup becomes established, this template can be used to create a budget showing totals on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. You can create a projected 12-month budget as well as compare financial data to the previous year’s performance. The template provides detailed income and expense categories for thorough planning and tracking.

Financial Dashboard Template - Excel

Financial Dashboard Template

Download Financial Dashboard Template - Excel

Create a visual financial report with this dashboard template, which tracks statistics over time using graphs and charts. Compare sales rep performance, product revenue, regional data, or other financial KPIs. A graphical report provides a quick overview of financial information in a format that is easy to understand and share with stakeholders.

Marketing Budget Plan - Excel

Marketing Budget Plan Template

Download Marketing Budget Plan

Create a dedicated marketing budget with results displayed in both a spreadsheet format and pie chart. Calculate costs for various marketing campaigns in order to view fund allocation. The template includes space for comments and notes to aid in strategic business planning.

Website Budget Template - Excel

Website Budget Tool Template

Download Website Budget Template

This startup website template provides sections for calculating initial development costs as well as creating a projected budget over three years. View a list of costs and benefits to see how the website will impact the business over time. This template can help you determine the value of your website investment and track actual annual performance.

Loan Amortization Schedule - Excel

Loan Amortization Schedule Template

Download Loan Amortization Schedule

Keep track of a loan balance, payments made, upcoming amounts due, and interest paid with this loan amortization template. Enter lender information and loan terms at the top of the template, and then use the schedule to track payment details. Startups owners will appreciate how easy it is to manage business loans and create repayment plans.

Why Write a Startup Business Plan?

The benefits of writing a startup business plan range from clarifying initial ideas to attracting potential investors. The process of business planning can help uncover weaknesses as well as opportunities you may have overlooked. Planning encourages entrepreneurs to examine each step required to start a business in order to avoid mistakes in the long run. Collecting data through market analysis can allow you to confidently make informed decisions and provide a dose of reality to your business idea by affirming or challenging initial assumptions about your product, business model, or strategies for achieving success. Once you clarify your startup vision, analyze financial and market data, and define goals, you can create a strategic action plan to use as a guide for reaching objectives and addressing potential challenges. 

After establishing a startup, continue business planning to identify ways to grow and improve the business as well as to plan for resource use and development. If you treat your business plan as a living document that you regularly review and update, you can also use it to measure progress over time. An effective plan communicates a company’s vision to team members and all stakeholders, and provides both a foundation and an adaptable model that can grow and change along with the business.

One key reason for startups to develop sound business plans is to convince investors and lenders to finance the endeavor. Most banks and investors will want to see detailed financial projections and a statement of your current personal and business financial standing. Investors may want to see market data and other proof that your plan has a high chance for success. Without adequate financing, no startup can succeed, so it’s essential to create an ironclad pitch for funders.

What to Include in a Business Plan

Business plans are tailored to fit a specific type of business and to serve a particular purpose, whether it’s to seek funding, influence a particular audience, or develop strategy for internal use. While you’ll need to continually revise plans need to fulfill a certain function, there are similar elements in all business plans. Here are some of the common sections included in a startup business plan:

  • Summary and Objectives: This first section can provide background information, a detailed company description, general industry information, goals that you want to achieve, and long-term objectives. Depending on the size and type of business, this information may be divided into multiple sections or summarized in one pitch. 
  • Marketing Plan: Providing market data and an outline for how you will market and sell products and services allows you to show a deep understanding of your target audience and your plans for branding and distribution. Be sure to conduct thorough research that you can use to back up your plans with supporting numbers and statistics. You may also include separate, detailed sections on competition, customer characteristics, product features, sales forecasts, and marketing strategy.
  • Operational Plan: This section is concerned with the equipment, processes, and people involved in daily operations. You may want to include details on location requirements, production methods, legal issues (such as licenses or insurance requirements), staffing information, vendor needs, and other operational elements. 
  • Management and Organization: A description of management positions and professional advisors provides an organized look at key roles, the experience individuals bring to the business, and important consultants or mentors. You can also include resumes for key employees and startup owners if the business plan is supporting a loan application or investor pitch.
  • Startup Expenses and Financial Plan: Estimate expenses as accurately as possible and include contingencies for unforeseen costs. Creating estimates requires thorough research, and expenses should include even small items - while they are easy to overlook, they may add up to significant costs. A comprehensive financial plan can include profit and loss projections and other budget forecasts in order to provide a clear picture of a startup’s financial standing and future outlook. 

A business plan will, of course, look different for a restaurant, web-based business, technology service provider, or product manufacturer. Before getting started, consider what you want to accomplish with your business plan, and customize it accordingly.

Business Plan Tips

Taking the time for thorough research and planning can help you make informed decisions, avoid potential pitfalls, and craft an effective plan. Here are a few tips to consider as you create a business plan:

  • Get Creative: Business plans can follow a simple outline, but turning your plan into a creative presentation can make a statement and grab investors’ attention. 
  • Use Data Wisely: No matter what format or approach you take, a startup business plan should be concise and include compelling evidence and hard data to back up your claims. 
  • Refine Your Plan: Consider your audience and review your plan to ensure the information presented is appropriate, sufficient, and clear. 
  • Focus on Objectives: Connect every strategy to core objectives so that there is a clear path for attaining success. 

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Business plan

Having a great business idea and having the willingness and ability to jump into the entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial journey are the stepping stones to a successful journey. Next, you will develop expertise on how to write a business plan for a tech startup step by step.

You may like to start a business venture on your own or start a new business initiative within the firm that you work for. Whatever the case may be; you need to start your journey by writing a tech startup business plan proposal.

Like they say, a job well begun is half done. So, knowing how to write a well thought out business plan wins half the battle for you.

You also need to follow the “Keep it Simple, Silly” doctrine and come up with a simple business plan. Following a step-by-step business plan template, in this case, helps.

Sounds interesting? Let’s start the journey.

How do you begin a tech startup business plan?

To begin a tech startup business plan, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

“What to do?” “How to do it?” “When to do it?” and ” Who will do it?”

These questions will help in starting to plan how to take your business idea to executable action. Planning will help you bridge the gap between where you are right now and where you want to reach, concerning your business idea.

What is a startup business plan?

What are the 5 elements of a tech startup business plan?

There is no sacrosanct format of a good business plan or a business plan pdf, and also the ingredients of a business plan proposal would depend on your experience in business and knowledge in that particular field. 

However, a good startup business plan consists of the following:

1. Your background 

In case you have partners, their background too

2. Description of the business idea

It should consist of Utility of the Product / Service and the Unique Selling Proposition, i.e., USP 

3. Production plan 

In case of a product, how would you produce the product, in case of a service, how will you deliver the service

4. Operational plan

How would you smoothly coordinate the day to day work, how would you ensure the desired quality, where would you set up your factory/office, at what price will you sell

5. Organizational plan

This contains details of how many people you will employ to produce or deliver the service, what your marketing set up will be, who will manage your accounting and liaison with the various stakeholders and authorities

6. Financial plan

Now we come to an essential part of your business plan, where you need to spend considerable time and effort. It is the Financial Plan .

Your financial plan should spell out the investment required for the business. Where would the funds come from, and when are the funds needed? How much cash is needed to carry on day to day operations?

This section would also describe the economic feasibility of the business. This would include the revenue forecast for the next year, or three years or even further. 

How do you write a one-page business plan for a tech startup?

You need an elaborate plan to be successful in your business. However, at the same time, you also need to keep in mind that the business plan is needed for the potential investor to consider investing in your business. 

Given the lack of time the potential investor has, you need to make a one-page business plan which has a concise description of your plans but gives details on why she/he should invest in your business. It should motivate the potential investor to spend time and read a more elaborate business plan.

The one-page business plan is also your means of communication with the external stakeholders like the government, the public at large when you need to do any statutory filing of information of the company or present in various conferences. 

You may also like to term this one-page plan as a written “elevator pitch.”

  You may like to start a business venture on your own or start a new business initiative within the firm that you work for. Whatever the case may be; you need to start your journey by writing a tech startup business plan proposal.

  Like they say, a job well begun is half done. So, knowing how to write a well thought out business plan wins half the battle for you.

  You also need to follow the “Keep it Simple, Silly” doctrine and come up with a simple business plan. Following a step-by-step business plan template, in this case, helps.

What does a tech startup business plan consist of?

A startup business plan consists of an internal roadmap elaborating on the most important aspects of your business (i.e., the background, the production, operational, organizational, and financial aspects). 

At the same time, it consists of the purpose, and the financial returns your business will generate, which acts as a written marketing document for external stakeholders.  

However, given the uncertainties in modern times, business plans are increasingly focusing on the risks, and the fall back plans that would be in place if the original plan fails.  

A significant point that gives confidence to the investor about the long term viability of the business plan is the interest that the target market will show in the product or service. So, it is worthwhile to add as a Business plan annexure pdf, any primary research done by a reputed marketing agency of the market potential of the product or service.

When the business plan involves a new product or service, it is effortless to fall into the trap of looking at the product from your point of view and taking the market for granted. What is required at this stage is to focus exclusively on how you conceptualized the idea and how you are planning to bring the concept to execution.

Researchers from MIT suggested successful business plan examples where users were invited to pre-test the products or services. Their feedback is of interest to the investor and needs to be included in your startup business plan.

8 Steps to Create a Business Plan for Your Tech Startup

Step 1: executive summary.

The first step in writing a startup business plan for your new tech business is to create an executive summary.

The executive summary doesn’t need to be lengthy and tedious; around two to three pages should suffice.

Although a short document, the executive summary one of the most important elements of your business plan.

Your executive summary should be concise and clear as it should be successful in communicating everything about your business.

Some investors might  only  ask for your executive summary — so be sure to craft it well and pepper it with all the right bits of information. you’ll want to ensure it can stand on its own.

Stick to the following:

1. Mission Statement:  In one crisp paragraph, explain the mission of your business and what you want to accomplish.

2. General Company Information:  Next, include general information like when your business was formed, the name of the other founders, their roles, the number of employees, office locations, and so on.

3. Visual Highlights:  Include graphs and charts pertaining to any key milestones of the business or any growth you’ve seen since starting the business.

4. Products and Services:  Without getting overly passionate or verbose, briefly describe your product, the technology that powers it, and your target customer base.

5. Financial Information:  If you’re looking for  startup fundraising , include your funding goals. You can also include any information on previous loans or about banks or lenders you’ve worked with before.

6. Future plans:  Don’t forget to include where you plan on taking your business in the future.

Pro tip: Write your executive summary after you’ve completed creating your business plan.

This way you’ll have all your facts in place and all your information and details sorted so you will be better equipped to summarize them.

Step 2: Company Overview

Many entrepreneurs confuse the company overview with the executive summary. However, there is a stark difference between the two.

The company overview is a more detailed top-level view of the structure of your tech business and what you do.

Here’s how you can go about drafting your startup overview:

1. Begin your company overview section by describing what your business specializes in and the technology behind it. This part of the company overview is intended to give readers and investors a general idea of your business.

2. Next, proceed to explain the nature of the industry and marketplace.

3. Lay out the legal structure of your business and provide the ownership structure.

Step 3: Market Analysis

The next step along the process of creating your startup business plan is to perform in-depth research and analysis of your niche, target market, and primary competitors.

This is the first part of your startup business plan where you dive into the details.

Your market analysis will give readers and investors enough proof about the level of understanding you have about the dynamics of your industry.

Your market analysis should include the following sections:

1. Industry Description:  Start by including a detailed view of your industry. How big is it? How much has it grown in the past few years? What are its growth predictions from industry experts? Who are your competitors? How have they performed? And so on.

2. Target Market Details:  Dive into the details of your target market . And include your target market’s characteristics and target market size and growth.

3. Your Market Share Potential:  Chart out what your market share could look like along with how much market share you expect to gain.

4. Market Pricing:  Include an estimated cost of your products and how you will distribute them.

5. Challenges:  Don’t shy away from including any challenges that you may across. This could be legal issues to shifting technologies to capital issues to lack of talented or skilled human resources.

6. Competitor Research:  Study your competitors by analyzing their strengths, market share, weaknesses, challenges they pose to you, and so on.

Step 4: Business Organization

This next section of your startup business plan provides insights and information on your tech business’s management structure clearly defining and explaining what everyone does.

You will also have to go a step further to include everyone’s business background and past experiences.

Here’s what you need to break down:

1. Organizational Structure: Start this section by creating an organizational chart that depicts how your business is structured.

2. Ownership Structure:  Although you’ll repeat this information in your company overview, you have the liberty to go in-depth allowing you to talk about the ownership structure of your company, who owns how much, and so on.

3. Background of Owners:  Categorically explain the background of your team. This includes information on directors, senior management members, and managers.

4. Talent Requirement:  Clearly make a list of all hiring needs.

Step 5: Products and Services

This section of your startup business plan is all about laying out the details and plans for positioning your product, the utility it provides, the technology behind it, and so on.

For instance, if you are offering Internet of Things (IoT) based solutions or Artificial Intelligence-powered services, then give details about how these products work and how you wish to promote and sell it.

Here’s exactly what this section should include:

1. General Description:  Highlight the USP of your product or service and the value it provides to potential customers.

2. Status of products:  Paint an honest picture of the status of your product. Is your product in the idea stage? Is it already selling? Or is it ready to go to market?

3. Product goals:  If you are still in the ideation phase, map out a journey that talks about how you plan to launch the product and bring it to life. Include details on the research and development activities required. You can also include new versions or new products or any new features you wish to include in the future.

4. Intellectual property:  As a tech business, it is imperative to have proprietary intellectual property . Make mention of this and any other patent or trademark that you own or are in the process of owning.

5. Sourcing and fulfillment:  If you are dependent on third-party vendors to fulfill or your product or service creation, mention it here.

This section is crucial for your startup business plan as it defines everything about your products and services.

It will work as a bible for product managers and for you in the development stages and go to market phase.

Step 6: Marketing and Sales Plan

Once you’ve explained everything about your product, it’s time to delve into explaining how you are going to go about marketing and selling your product or service.

When it comes to marketing, this is what this section should look like:

1. Positioning:  This first part of your marketing plan should talk about how you’re positioning your business and products. What price bracket are you targeting? Are you offering any free service? What guarantees and warranties are you offering? Answering these questions and more will help you determine where you are positioning your products and services.

2. Promotion:  This part involves explaining marketing channels and plans you have for advertising your product, PR strategies, SEO plans, content marketing practices, social media marketing, etc.

Next, your sales plan:

1. Salesforce:  How do you plan to sell your product? Do you need a sales force? How big a team do you need? Who will train your sales team? These parameters need to be addressed in your sales plan.

2. Selling strategy:  Give an overview of how you will sell your product or service. Define the process you will follow as a technology business. Will you start with cold-calling potential customers? Or attending events? Or appointing channel partners? Clearly describe what your sales funnel should look like.

Step 7: Financial Plan and Projections

This is a supremely important section of your business plan.

Investors and VCs will want to look at your financial plans and projections before parting with their money.

Ideally, this section uses financial data from past performances or forecasts.

Include the following as part of your financial plan:

1. Income statements

2. Cash flow statements

3. Balance sheets

Additionally, if applicable, include the accounts of receivable statements, accounts of payable statements, and details or documents of debts.

Ideally, your financial projections should be supported either by past performances or future projections and estimations.

Include statements of projected income, cash flow forecasts, forecasted balance statements, capital expenditure budgets, and miscellaneous expenses.

Your startup business plan should include projections for the first year of business but should include a vision for the coming 3 to 5 years.

Step 8: Appendix

The appendix should be included towards the end of your business plan. This section includes all additional information that you didn’t include in the sections above of your business plan.

Any data, statistics, strategic points, charts, footnotes, or further explanations that you think are necessary to be included as part of your startup business plan but has been skipped should be included here.

As an entrepreneur or founder, you can also consider including your own resume and resumes of other founders or senior management team members.

Ideally, the appendix should begin with a table of contents that categorically breaks down your business plan into relevant, followed by the additional information that corresponds to each section.

199 Resources for Startup Business Plan Templates, Business Plan Examples, and Business Plan Samples

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2 Business Plan Examples
3 Business Plan Examples
4 Business Plan Examples
5 Business Plan Examples
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10 Business Plan Sample
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14 Business Plan Sample
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30 Business Plan Sample
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38 Business Plan Sample
39 Business Plan Sample
40 Business Plan Sample
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48 Business Plan Sample
49 Business Plan Sample
50 Business Plan Sample
51 Business Plan Sample
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199 Business Plan Template

Final Thoughts

Although creating a startup business plan seems daunting and arduous, when you break it down into a step by step process, it gets easy to create one.

And with these 8 steps, you can create a killer tech business plan for your tech startup that will help you catapult to success and leave investors mesmerized.

Starting a tech business? Build it on a .tech domain! 

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business plan templates for startups

Free Simple Business Plan Template

Helena Young

Our experts

Written and reviewed by:. is reader supported – we may earn a commission from our recommendations, at no extra cost to you and without impacting our editorial impartiality.

Your business plan is the document that adds structure to your proposal and helps you focus your objectives on an achievable and realistic target. It should cover every aspect of what your business journey will look like, from licensing and revenue, to competitor and sector analysis.

Writing a business plan doesn’t need to be a difficult process, but it should take at least a month to be done properly.

In today’s capricious business climate there’s a lot to consider, such as the impact of political challenges like Brexit. These details are especially important in today’s bad economy. Investors are looking for entrepreneurs who are aware of the challenges ahead and how to properly plan for them.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to create a concise, specific and authoritative business plan. So let’s get started turning your idea into a reality!

Click here to download your free Business Plan template PDF – you can fill in your own details and those of your business, its target market, your customers, competitors and your vision for growth.

Our below guide will give you detailed advice on how to write a quality business plan, and our PDF download above can give you a clear template to work through.

But, creating an effective business plan needs….planning! That’s where a high quality planning tool can help. business plan template

We recommend creating an account with monday to use this tool – there’s even a free trial . Doing so means you can start your entrepreneurial journey on the right foot.

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What to include in your business plan template

There’s a lot of information online about how to write a business plan – making it a confusing task to work out what is and isn’t good advice.

We’re here to cut through the noise by telling you exactly what you need to include for a business plan that will satisfy stakeholders and help develop a key identity for your brand. By the end, you’ll have a plan to make even Alan Sugar proud and can get started with the most exciting part – running your business.

Throughout this guide, we’ve featured an example business plan template for a new restaurant opening in Birmingham called ‘The Plew’. In each section, you’ll be able to see what the contents we’re describing would look like in a ‘real-life’ document.

Cover Page

What to include in your business plan:

  • Executive Summary
  • Personal summary
  • Business idea
  • Your product or service
  • Market analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Cash forecast
  • Operations and logistics
  • Backup plan
  • Top tips for writing a business plan
  • Business plan template UK FAQs

1. Executive summary

This section is a summary of your entire business plan. Because of this, it is a good idea to write it at the end of your plan, not the beginning.

Just as with the overall business plan, the executive summary should be clearly written and powerfully persuasive, yet it should balance sales talk with realism in order to be convincing. It should be no more than 1,000 words.

It should cover:

  • Mission statement  – what is your company’s purpose?
  • Business idea and opportunity – what unique selling point (USP) will you provide?
  • Business model – how will your business operate?
  • Business objectives – what are you aiming to achieve?
  • Target market – who is your customer base?
  • Management team – who are the owners/senior staff?
  • Competition – who are you competing against?
  • Financial summary – can you prove the business will be profitable?
  • Marketing strategy – what is your marketing plan and associated costs?
  • Timeline – how long will it take to launch/grow your new business?

It sounds like a lot – but don’t feel you have to spend hours putting this together. Here’s what the above information for an executive summary might look like when put into our example business plan template for ‘The Plew’:

Example of an executive summary in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: executive summary

2. Personal summary

Investors want to know who they’re investing in, as much as what. This is where you tell people who you are, and why you’re starting your business.

Outline your general contact details first, giving your telephone number, email address, website or portfolio, and any professional social media profiles you might have.

Run through this checklist to tell the reader more about yourself, and put your business ambitions into context.

  • What skills/qualifications do you have?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What is/are your area(s) of industry expertise?
  • Why do you want to run your own business?

Here’s what our two fictional co-founders of ‘The Plew’ might write in their personal summaries for our example business plan. CEO Gabrielle Shelby, has highlighted her expertise in the restaurant industry, while CFO Freya Moore outlines her accounting and finance knowledge.

Example of a personal summary in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: personal summary

Richard Osborne, founder and CEO of UK Business Forums, says personality is important in a business plan.

“Having a strong, personal reason at the heart of your business model will help keep you going and give you the motivation to carry on,” he affirms.

3. Business idea

This section is essentially to offer a general outline of what your business idea is, and why it brings something new to the market.

Here, you should include your general company details, such as your business name and a  one-line summary of your business idea known as an  elevator pitch. This section should also list a few key business objectives to show how you plan to scale over the next 1-3 years.

We also recommend carrying out a SWOT analysis to tell investors what the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are for your business idea. Think about:

  • Strengths: ie. why is this a good time to enter the sector?
  • Weaknesses: ie. what market challenges might you encounter?
  • Opportunities: ie. what demand is your product/service meeting in today’s market?
  • Threats: ie. how will the business be financed to maintain liquidity?

In the template below, you can see a breakdown of the above information for ‘The Plew’. At the top is its mission statement: “to craft an unforgettable dining experience in a chic atmosphere.”

Example of a business description in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: business idea

Need a business idea? We’ve crunched the numbers and come up with a list of the best business ideas for startup success in 2023 based on today’s most popular and growing industries.

4. Your products or services

Now it’s time to explain what you are selling to customers and how will you produce your sales offering.

Use this section to answer all of the below questions and explain what you plan to sell and how. Just like your business idea outline, your answers should be concise and declarative.

  • What product(s) or service(s) will you sell?
  • Do you plan to offer new products or services in the future?
  • How much does the product or service cost to produce/deliver?
  • What is your pricing strategy ?
  • What sales channels will you use?
  • Are there legal requirements to start this business?
  • What about insurance requirements?
  • What is the growth potential for the product or service?
  • What are the challenges? eg. if you’re looking to sell abroad, acknowledge the potential delays caused by post-Brexit regulations.

What insurance and licensing requirements do you need to consider?

Depending on what your business offers, you might need to invest in insurance or licensing. Our How To Start guides have more details about sector-specific insurance or licensing.

Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, and Employers’ Liability are the most well-known types of business insurance. We’ve listed some other common other licensing and insurance requirements below:

Common insurance requirements:Common license requirements:
Income Protection insurance
Critical Illness insurance
Life Cover insurance
Office or Home insurance
Automobile insurance
Health and Safety licensing
Food Hygiene and Safety licensing
Intellectual Property licensing
Copyrights licensing
Patent licensing

In our example product/service page for ‘The Plew”s business plan, the founders choose to separate this information into multiple pages. Below, they outline their cost and pricing, as well as sales strategy. But they also include an example menu, to offer something a bit more unique and tantalising to the reader:

Example of an product / service page in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: product list and pricing strategy

5. Market analysis

This section demonstrates your understanding of the market you are entering, and any challenges you will likely face when trying to establish your company.

This section pulls all of your target market and customer research together to indicate to stakeholders that you are knowledgable about the sector and how to succeed in it.

  • Who is your typical customer and where are they are based? Describe the profile of your expected customers eg. average age, location, budget, interests, etc.
  • How many customers will your business reach? Outline the size of your market, and the share of the market that your business can reach.
  • Have you sold any products/services to customers already? If yes, describe these sales. If no, have people expressed interest in buying your products or services?
  • What have you learned about the market from desk-based research? What are the industry’s current challenges, and how has it been affected by the economic downturn?
  • What have you learned about the market from field research? (eg. feedback from market testing like customer questionnaires or focus group feedback).

What is your marketing strategy?

Once you’ve highlighted who your rivals are in the market, you can provide details on how you plan to stand out from them through your marketing strategy. Outline your  business’ USP, your current marketing strategy, and any associated advertising costs.

‘The Plew’ identifies its target audience as young, adventurous people in their mid-30s. Because of the restaurant’s premium service offering, its audience works in a well-paid sector like tech:

Startups' example: market analysis in a business plan

Startups’ business plan template example: customer analysis

6. Competitor analysis

This section demonstrates how well you know the key players and rivals in the industry. It should show the research you have carried out in a table format.

Begin by listing the key information about your competitors. Don’t worry about sounding too critical, or too positive. Try to prioritise accuracy above all else.

  • Business size
  • Product/service offering
  • Sales channels
  • Strengths/weaknesses

Competitors will take two forms, either direct  or  indirect. Direct competitors sell the same or similar products or services. Indirect competitors sell substitute or alternative products or services.

Here’s a breakdown of the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats presented by a competitor restaurant for ‘The Plew’ called Eateria 24. At the bottom, the founders have written what learnings they can take from the chart.

Startups' example: competitor analysis in a business plan

Startups’ business plan template example: competitor analysis

Check out our list of the top competitor analysis templates to download free resources for your business, plus advice on what to include and how to get started.

7. Cash forecast

Outline your financial outlook including how much you expect to spend, and make, in your first year

All of your considered costs can be put into one easy-to-read document called a monthly cash forecast. Cash forecasts contain:

1. Incoming costs such as sales revenue, customer account fees, or funding.

2. Outgoing costs such as staff wages or operating expenses. The latter can cover everything from advertising costs to office supplies.

For those firms which have already started trading, include any previous year’s accounts (up to three years) as well as details of any outstanding loans or assets.

Annual cash forecast: what is it?

By conducting 12 monthly cash forecasts, you can create an annual cash forecast to work out when your company will become profitable (also known as breakeven analysis) . You will break even when total incoming costs = total outgoing costs.

In your annual cost budget, make sure to also include month opening/closing balance.  This is important to monitor for accounting, particularly for year-end.

  • Opening balance = the amount of cash at the beginning of the month
  • Closing balance = the amount of cash at the end of the month

The opening balance of any month will always be the same as the closing balance of the previous month. If you are repeatedly opening months with a negative closing balance, you need to adjust your spending. Here’s an example of what ‘The Plew’s financials might look like in its first year of operation:

Example of an cash forecast in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: cash forecast

8. Operations and logistics

Explain how your day-to-day business activities will be run, including key business partnerships around production and delivery.

A.) Production

List all of the behind the scenes information about how your business will operate. Include:

  • Management team – who do you plan to hire as senior staff and why?
  • Premises –  where will you be based? What will be the cost?
  • Materials –  what materials/equipment will you need to make your product/service?
  • Staffing –  how many employees will you hire? How much will they cost?
  • Insurance – what insurance do you need for production?

B.) Delivery

Detail how your customers will receive your product or service. Include:

  • Distribution –  how will you sell your product to customers?
  • Transport –  how will you transport the product/service to customers or partners?
  • Insurance –  what insurance do you need for delivery?

C.) Supplier analysis

Lastly, you should carry out a supplier analysis.  Write down 2-3 suppliers you plan to use as part of your business operations and evaluate them on factors like location and pricing.

In our example business plan for ‘The Plew’, the founders have chosen to present this information in an easily-digestible chart, breaking down the leadership and employees into two different areas: product development and operations.

Example of a page showing staffing information in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: staffing section

9. Backup plan

Explain how you will manage any surprise losses if your cash forecast does not go to plan.

In the event that your business does not go to plan, there will be costs to incur. A backup plan outlines to potential investors how you will pay back any outstanding loans or debt.

In the short-term: 

If your cash-flow temporarily stalls, what steps could you take to quickly raise money or make savings? For example, by negotiating shorter payment terms with your customers.

In the long-term:

If you’ve noticed a drop in sales that seems to be persisting, what changes can you make that would improve cash flow longer term? For example, can you do more of your business online to reduce rent fees?

To placate investors even further, it’s a good idea to include details about potential support channels you can utilise (eg. a business network or contact) who might be able to help if you get caught in a sticky cash-flow situation.

Startups’ 5 top tips for writing a business plan

  • Keep your predictions realistic. Your business plan should showcase your knowledge of the sector and what’s achievable. It’s not about impressing investors with big numbers or meaningless buzzwords.
  • Don’t go over 15 pages. Business plans should be engaging, which means sticking to the point and avoiding a lot of long-winded sentences. Keep your executive summary to less than 1,000 words, for example.
  • End with supporting documents. Use your appendix to include product diagrams or detailed research findings if these are helpful to your business case.
  • Get a second pair of eyes. Everyone misses a spelling error or two – invite a trusted business contact or associate to look over your business plan before you send it anywhere.
  • Leave enough time to write! It’s exciting to think about getting your business up and running – but planning is an important step that can’t be rushed over. Spend at least a month on writing to get all the details correct and laid-out.

At, we’re here to help small UK businesses to get started, grow and succeed. We have practical resources for helping new businesses get off the ground – use the tool below to get started today.

What Does Your Business Need Help With?

Designing a business plan is very important for laying the foundation of your business. Ensure you spend an appropriate amount of time filling it out, as it could save you many headaches further down the line.

Once your plan is complete, you’ll then be ready to look at other aspects of business set-up, such as registering your company. Sound daunting? Don’t worry!

Our experts have pulled together a simple, comprehensive guide on How to Start a Business in 2024, which will tell you everything you need to know to put your new plan into action.

  • Can I write a business plan myself? Absolutely! There are plenty of resources available to help, but the truth is a business plan needs to reflect the owner's personal ambitions and passion - which is why entrepreneurs are best-placed to write their own.
  • How long should a business plan be? We recommend your business plan is kept to a maximum of 15 pages. Keep it short and concise - your executive summary, for example, should be no more than 1,000 words.
  • Is it OK to copy a business plan? While not technically illegal, copying a business plan will leave you in a poor position to attract investment. Customising your plan to your unique business idea and industry specialism is the best way to persuade stakeholders that you have a winning startup formula. is reader-supported. If you make a purchase through the links on our site, we may earn a commission from the retailers of the products we have reviewed. This helps to provide free reviews for our readers. It has no additional cost to you, and never affects the editorial independence of our reviews.

  • Essential Guides

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Home Business Business Plan

Business Plan Templates

Use our template to make an investment-worthy business plan.

business plan template

Updated December 8, 2023 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A business plan is a document outlining a company’s operations, strategies, goals, and objectives. It’s crucial to guide you through each stage of starting and growing your business.

Templates (8)

What is a business plan, why is a business plan essential, components of a business plan, how to write a business plan, business plan sample.

Below, you can find free business plan templates for specific business types. You can also find more in-depth information on writing a plan for your business, whether it’s a food truck, restaurant, real estate business, or another entity:

business plan screenshot

Create a detailed plan that lays out the details of how your business will achieve it's objectives.

Traditional Business Plan

One-Page Business Plan Template

Create a simplified version of a traditional business plan.

One-Page Business Plan

Non-profit business plan screenshot

Create a Non-Profit Business Plan and learn how to write one.

Daycare business plan screenshot

Create a Daycare Business Plan and learn how to write one.

Restaurant business plan screenshot

Create a Restaurant Business Plan and learn how to write one.

Real estate business plan screenshot

Create a Real Estate Business Plan and learn how to write one.

Real Estate

Food truck business plan screenshot

Create a Food Truck Business Plan and learn how to write one.

A business plan is a document detailing how a business, whether it’s a new or existing company, will achieve its goals and objectives. It guides you through every step of starting and running a company.

A business plan can be the foundation of your business, serving as a written roadmap that covers all aspects of how to structure, run, and grow your business. You can also refer back to it as your business progresses to track its growth and success.

In addition to being a helpful document internally, a business plan is also vital for a company to communicate its success to external parties that may influence its future success.

Consider some of the main reasons why large and small business owners alike use business plans:

1. Use As a Roadmap

A business plan sets specific, measurable, and time-bound goals. Having these goals helps you track progress, evaluate performance, and adjust as necessary.

By laying out goals, you have a clear and attainable plan of action with the ability to see and monitor your progress.

2. Plan Strategies For Potential Challenges

A business plan can help you think objectively about your business’s key elements and inform your decision-making as you move forward.

A detailed plan can provide a semblance of control over a potentially cumbersome process. Formulating a plan can improve your ability to make choices and decisions for yourself and the business. This approach is much better than suddenly making a critical decision without time to evaluate or haphazardly letting others decide for you.

3. Get Funding or Bring on New Business Partners

An accurate business plan is essential whether or not you need to secure a business loan. Investors and lenders often require a business plan before they commit capital. A solid plan demonstrates your commitment, viability, and potential return on investment.

Create a business plan that grabs the attention of potential investors and provides them with enough structure and confidence that they will move forward and grant funding and support to your business.

You can use your business plan to highlight how the proposed business will be successful and profitable.

4. Discover Any Weaknesses

A business plan includes a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis that helps identify potential risks and challenges. It is essential to allocate resources and demonstrate monthly profit or loss. By recognizing these elements early, you can develop strategies to mitigate or address them.

5. Analyze the Market and Competition

Market research within the plan helps you better understand your target audience, competition, and industry trends. This knowledge is crucial for making informed business decisions.

By learning about your competition, you can help make your goods or services stand out and help validate your business idea.

You should update a business plan as you go, altering your goals as necessary and being mindful of any changes of direction in your business.

A typical business plan includes the following sections:

  • Executive Summary
  • Management Team
  • Products and Services
  • Customers and Marketing
  • SWOT Analysis

Our business plan template includes all of the above, so you won’t have to worry about missing out on essential sections.

Step 1 – Create an Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section of a traditional business plan, serving as the first impression of your business. Please give a brief overview of your company, including its mission, key goals, and a snapshot of your financial projections.

You can skip this step if you’re writing a lean business plan for a startup. Instead, replace it with a few sentences outlining the problem your startup aims to solve and the solution you will provide.

Executive Summary Example:

Market research indicates there are a growing number of dog owners in Tallahassee who want to train their animals. Consumer surveys indicate that most consumers don’t have the time or resources to train their animals themselves.

Consumers have also expressed a desire for combined dog walking and training services to help discipline their animals.

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks provides a convenient service for customers with furry friends and disposable incomes.

Tips for Writing an Executive Summary

  • Define a problem in your market and state how your business will solve it.
  • Limit your executive summary to one page.
  • Use a tone appropriate for your audience.

Step 2 – Describe Your Company’s Team

A professional business plan will include a statement about your company’s team and management.

Describe your startup’s legal structure. After that, you can insert a chart to show the hierarchical structure of your company. Show and name your C-suite executives, management team, and key employees. Include short biographies and links to their resumes and LinkedIn profiles to give the reader a complete picture of your staff’s qualifications.

If you have a smaller staff, you can highlight the founder and CEO and your staff members who perform the services or create your business’s products.

Example for Company’s Team Statement:

Jamie Clayton, Founder and CEO

  • Board-certified veterinarian.

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks’s dog walkers and trainers

  • 14 full-time staff members.
  • 26 part-time staff members.
  • All staff members have the Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge and Skills Assessed (CPDT-KSA) credential from the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers.

Tips for Writing about Your Company Management and Team

  • Include any roles you’d like to hire to grow your company, if applicable.
  • Highlight expertise and awards one to show your staff’s capabilities.

Step 3 – Summarize Market Analysis and Potential

Your business plan must also thoroughly analyze your target market and customer base. The goal here is to show that you understand your market and target audience and that there is a viable market for your business.

Market Analysis Example:

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks’s ideal customer is a dog owner between the ages of 25 and 65 with a high disposable income. They’re ideally a working professional or have recently retired from the workplace. They love their dog (or dogs) and want them to be well-behaved and have an outlet for all their energy.

Market research shows that Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks has ample opportunities in the Tallahassee area:

  • The total revenue for dog walking services in the U.S. increased from $900 million in 2019 to $1.1 billion in 2023.
  • Dog ownership has increased by 20% over the last five years.
  • Online search volume for “dog walkers in Tallahassee” is up by 10% since last year.
  • 19% of Tallahassee’s residents have a household income of $125,000 or more (compared to the average of 5% across the U.S.).

Tips for Writing a Market Analysis

  • Use reliable sources for acquiring data.
  • Conduct consumer surveys to hear from people in your target area.
  • Focus on the demand in your area and the growth potential.
  • Include revenue and expense projections based on market data.

Step 4 – Describe Your Product or Service

Describe the products and services you offer. Pinpoint the value they provide to current and future customers and share your plans for research and development.

The main goal of this section is to convince the reader and yourself that your business is viable and that you have enough resources, time, and energy to achieve your goals.

Product Description Example:

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks isn’t an ordinary dog walking service. When a customer signs up for our monthly subscription plan, we have one of our certified dog walkers go to their house 12 times a month on a schedule that works for them.

Our dog walker takes their dog on a 30-minute walk and corrects their behavior. Their dog learns how to walk on a leash calmly and be around cars and people. Not only does the dog get some exercise and fresh air, but they also learn discipline, meaning the customer doesn’t have to worry about training their dog in this sense.

Tips for Writing a Product/Service Description

  • Highlight cross-sell and upsell opportunities, if applicable.
  • Emphasize what distinguishes you from other companies providing similar services/products.
  • Include details for updating your offerings in the future.

Step 5 – Plan Your Marketing Strategy

Discuss the brand vision you want to cultivate, the metrics you’ll track, and the channels you’ll use to reach your target audience. Outlining how you plan to collect and retain customers will help you experience growth in the long term.

Marketing Strategy Example:

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks will focus on social media and direct mail marketing as its two main forms of advertising. We’ll track customer referrals to determine how many current customers are satisfied with our services.

On our social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook, we’ll track our audience growth rate, bounce rate, and click-through rate.

Tips for Writing a Marketing Strategy

  • Add the budget/resources you have, if applicable.
  • Create strategies for marketing to different segments within your main target audience.

Step 6 – Conduct SWOT Analysis

Organizations use SWOT analyses to determine how closely a business will adhere to its growth trajectories. This analysis involves looking at a company’s SWOTs, which are:

  • Strengths: Strengths are things your company does well. Examples include having a unique selling proposition, standout brandings, or human resources, like your employees and C-class executives.
  • Weaknesses:  These barriers prevent your project or company from reaching certain milestones. Examples include financial limitations, a shortage of skilled professionals, and unclear selling propositions.
  • Opportunities:  These positive external factors could give you a competitive edge. For instance, if you’re a manufacturer and the federal government cuts tariffs, you can export your products into a new market to boost market share and sales.
  • Threats:  These are events, competitors, and situations that pose a risk to your company and the goals you’ve set for it. Typical threats include negative media coverage, changing customer demands, emerging competitors, and new rules and regulations.

SWOT Analysis Example:

  • Appeals to people who don’t have the time or resources to train their pets.
  • Low startup costs.
  • Finding enough certified employees to meet the anticipated demand.
  • Dealing with aggressive animals may be challenging for newer employees.


  • Offering multiple subscription packages for customers who want more frequent training sessions for their pets.
  • BehaviorBuddies is a dog walking service in Bradfordville that may take away customers.

Tips for Writing a SWOT Analysis

  • Be honest with your business’s weaknesses and threats.
  • Capitalize on opportunities you find through market analysis.

Step 7 – Develop a Strategy for Operations

Your business plan needs to include a thorough operations plan. This section reveals your manufacturing, fulfillment, managing, staffing, hiring strategies, and all the other processes you go through when running your business daily.

Operations Strategy Example:

Jamie Clayton will oversee the hiring of all employees, and the team lead will train all employees for at least one month to ensure they have the knowledge necessary to deal with animals of all temperaments.

The team lead will also organize the dog walking schedule to ensure all team members have enough time to arrive at customers’ houses and complete the dog walking/training sessions thoroughly.

Tips for Writing a Business Strategy

  • Consider what your business needs to thrive on a daily basis.
  • Account for inventory and supplies, even if your business is service-based.

Step 8 – Compile Your Business Financials

Create financial projections, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the first few years of operation. If you need funding, specify the amount and how you plan to use it.

Financial Statement Example:

Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2023

  • Revenue: $150,000
  • Cost of Goods Sold: $30,000
  • Gross Profit: $120,000
  • Operating Expenses: $80,000
  • Net Operating Income: $40,000
  • Other Income/Expenses: -$2,000
  • Net Income: $38,000

Tips for Writing a Financial Section

  • Double-check the accuracy of financial information.
  • Demonstrate how the proposed funding aligns with your company’s goals.
  • Forecast future financial performance.

Step 9 – Explain Your Funding Request

If you’re seeking funding or investment for your business, explain the amount you need and how you intend to use it. Be transparent about the terms you’re offering to investors or lenders.

Funding Request Example:

Pawsitive Strides Canine Coaching & Walks has already hired a team to serve our existing customers. Once we scale to $500,000 in annual revenue over the next two years and at a 10% profit margin, our primary ongoing annual expenses (not including taxes) will total $350,000.

While already profitable, we are requesting $200,000 in the form of a business loan to buy two additional company vehicles. These vehicles will improve our employees’ ability to get to customers’ homes, and the remaining money will go toward maintaining current company vehicles.

Tips for Writing a Funding Request

  • Add a timeline so investors know your goals and how you plan to use the money.
  • If you seek funding in the form of an exchange for equity, an investor may expect to gain decision-making powers in your company. Plan for this situation accordingly.

Step 10 – Compile an Appendix for Official Documents

Include relevant documents, such as resumes of key team members, legal agreements, market research data, product design mock-ups, and your business’s legal structure documents.

Remember that each business plan is unique, so tailor your content to your venture and audience. Your business plan should effectively communicate your vision, strategy, and financial viability to potential investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Combine the appendix with a table of contents and footnotes section so you can reference it throughout your document.

You can download a free business plan template below in PDF or Word format:

business plan template

Related Documents

  • Business Continuity Plan : Outline how your business will run in the event of a range of disaster scenarios with a business continuity plan.
  • One-Page Business Plan : A simplified version of a traditional business plan that outlines the basics of your business.
  • LLC Operating Agreement : An internal written document among members of a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”).
  • Business Proposal : Use this document to form new relationships with other businesses and organizations.
  • Request for Proposal : Download this form to allow you to collect offers from various vendors who can provide goods or services your business needs.
  • Legal Resources
  • Partner With Us
  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy Policy
  • Do Not Sell My Personal Information

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  • Sample Business Plans

Startup Business Plan

Executive summary image

Starting a business is an exciting and overwhelming prospect at the same time. Having a business gives you autonomy but comes with a lot of responsibility at the same time.

But you don’t need to worry! If you plan your business down to the last detail, all the overwhelming aspects of your business can become easier to manage.

Proper business planning also helps you get the maximum out of your business efforts and writing a business plan is the first step for any business planning.

A well-written business plan helps you grow your business rapidly and optimally. To make the business plan writing process easy and faster, we have created this startup business plan.

First, let’s understand an important question.

What is Business Plan Template?

A business plan template is a guide that consists of an outline of all the required sections of a perfect business plan. It also includes step-by-step instructions on how to write each section of the business plan.

A good business plan usually consists of an executive summary, business overview, market analysis, operations plan, and so on.

Now that you know what a business plan template is, let’s move on to understand why you need one.

Why do you need a business plan for your startup?

If you’ve recently set up your startup business, it’s understandable why you might be dumbstruck. There’s a lot that needs to be done and it’s not always obvious why. Fortunately, we can help you create a business plan. Some of the reasons why you need a business plan are:

  • Getting started: Getting a business up and running may seem chaotic. You may be unsure of where to begin, and here’s when a business plan can help you set things straight. It helps prioritize and organize your business activities.
  • Predict challenges: Creating a startup business plan helps determine the risks and obstacles that your startup is likely to face in the future. This helps you stay prepared with suitable tactics to overcome these challenges.
  • Funding: Attracting investors to score funding is essential for startups. Whether you’re applying for a loan or seeking investors, a business plan helps gain their trust. Having a business plan conveys that you are serious about your business and are trustworthy.
  • Goals and milestones: A business plan helps you create measurable goals . It further helps induce focus and track your progress. Witnessing the progress motivates you and your team to perform better and achieve more milestones.
  • Finances: Finances are one of the trickiest aspects of a business, especially for a startup. Every decision you make has a financial implication. Hence, it is vital to consider every aspect in decision-making. A business plan helps you manage, track, and predict your finances.
  • Revising strategies: When you’re just setting up your business, you’re bound to make the wrong assumptions. A business plan helps you identify your mistakes and revamp your strategies to get back on track.

Types of Business Plan Template

Moreover, business plan templates come in different forms and you can select the one that fits your needs the best.

Here are the two most common ones:

Simple Business Plan

Traditional business plan.

Let’s understand what’s the difference between these business plans and which one is best for you.

A simple business plan template is super handy to write a quick and concise business plan.

It helps you cover all the pointers necessary to attract investors as well as for creating a well-rounded plan.

A lean business plan is not only easy to write but it is also written in a way that helps you take action to solve business problems as well as to introduce product and service-based solutions in the market.

Here are the 9 sections of a simple or lean business plan:

  • Problem:  This section consists of a brief description of the market problem you are trying to solve with your product or service.
  • Solution:  This section would consist of how you’ll solve the concerned market problem, and how is your solution different from the already existing ones.
  • Key Metrics:  Include all your data including sales target, break-even analysis, funding requirements, and so on in this section.
  • Unique Proposition:  In this section, you’ll describe the USP of your product and the data to support your claim. It can either be in the form of surveys or customer and competitive analysis.
  • Unfair Advantage:  This section will help you take note of all the unfair advantages of your competitors and how you’ll prevent them from using the same.
  • Channels:  In this section list down mediums through which you can market and distribute your product or service.
  • Target Audience:  Through this section, you’ll describe the key attributes of your ideal customer or draw out your customer persona .
  • Cost Structure:  This section would consist of the cost structure and describe its feasibility.
  • Revenue Streams:  In this section list out your revenue stream and when you plan on starting it.

In conclusion, a lean business plan is a great tool if you are just starting and don’t want to get into the hassle of writing a 30-page-long business plan. Moreover, it can also serve as a pitch for investors.

But despite all of its advantages, a lean business plan might not be your cup of tea. Or if you plan on growing your business you might need a more detailed and elaborate plan.

And for that, a traditional business plan is a very handy tool. It might seem tedious to write, but it acts as a guide at every step of your business.

And here’s what you’ll include in a traditional business plan.

A traditional business plan is a living document that grows alongside your business. It helps you grab opportunities unforeseen by unplanned businesses and helps you tackle obstacles smartly and smoothly. A business plan is one of the best investments of time that you can put into your business.

Here are a few major sections of a traditional business plan:

  • Business Overview
  • Mission Statement
  • Product/Service Summary
  • Market Opportunity Summary
  • Traction Summary
  • Vision Statement
  • Capital Request
  • Problem Analysis
  • Market Size & Growth
  • Market Trends
  • Market Segments
  • Industry Success Stories
  • Market position
  • Unique selling position
  • Pricing strategy
  • Value to customer
  • Revenue Channels
  • Critical Costs
  • Cost Maturation & Milestones
  • Investment Costs
  • Operating Efficiencies
  • Competitor 1
  • Competitor 2
  • Similarities & Differences
  • Customer Definition
  • Channel Cost Assumptions
  • SWOT – internal and external forces
  • Launch Strategy and Budget
  • Distribution Channels
  • Product Development
  • Manufacturing/Distribution
  • Early Customers & Revenue
  • Testimonials & Social Proof
  • Partnerships
  • Intellectual Property
  • Press Mentions
  • Organization Chart
  • Hiring Plan
  • Funding Goal
  • Use of Funds
  • Why Invest? / Conclusion
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Break-Even Analysis

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Why Choose a Traditional Business Plan?

Startups are very different from established businesses. The most obvious reason is that startups don’t have any previous data on how to run their business. This is precisely why a traditional business plan will work for any startup.

There are some vital differences between a traditional business plan and a simple business plan. These differences exist due to several reasons:

  • Lack of a definite business model In the early stages, it’s difficult to state the structure of your business model because your business idea and its execution are still in the testing phase. Only after a certain period of trial and error, you would be able to describe your business model.
  • No performance history While creating financial projections, an established company examines its credit history, past sales, revenue, expenditure, and growth rate. In contrast, a startup needs to begin with assumptions. You have to predict sales, costs, expenses, growth rate, etc. To increase the accuracy of your predictions, you need to gather reliable factual data to back your predictions.
  • Increased risk Startups have an increased risk factor compared to established businesses. This is because startups lack a loyal customer base, an expert team, brand recognition, etc. Devise strategies to overcome the potential risks and challenges that may come your way in the future.

These are the reasons why you need a dedicated business plan for your startup that helps focus on the essential elements while setting up your business.

Before you start writing your business plan, go through the below checkpoints to make sure you are ready for it.

Tips to Create a Business Plan for Your Startup

Writing your first business plan can be overwhelming and confusing. However daunting it may seem, it is still something you can’t avoid.

  • Use a startup business plan template: It can be hard to start from scratch, especially when you are unsure of where to begin. A business plan template helps you get started quickly. You can use it to navigate and structure your plan according to your standards
  • Tailor your plan: After choosing a template, it is essential to customize it to your business requirements. Remove sections that are irrelevant and create your business plan based on the purpose you need it for. For instance, if you are building a business plan to get funding, the financial section of your business plan needs more emphasis.
  • Research thoroughly: Every section of your business plan needs extensive research. Collect data about your market, industry, and competitors. Study their pricing strategies and market trends. Run surveys and talk to your potential customers to understand their needs and problems.
  • Compose according to your objectives: It can be easy to lose sight of your objectives and get lost in the process of writing your business plan. To avoid that, make sure that your marketing strategies, operations, and financial goals are aligning with your business objectives.
  • Ask for feedback: Once you finish creating a business plan, get your team and various experts to provide your feedback. This helps you revise and make adjustments to your plan before presenting it to an investor or client.
  • Be prepared to answer questions: Before you present your startup business plan, it is crucial to prepare yourself to answer any questions related to your plan. It can be because the reader of your business plan may not understand a specific topic or want to test your knowledge. Regardless, keep yourselves informed and ready.

Download a sample startup business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free startup business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your house-flipping business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

The Quickest Way to turn a Business Idea into a Business Plan

Fill-in-the-blanks and automatic financials make it easy.


In conclusion, a business plan is an extremely handy device to get the best out of your efforts if you use it the right way. Planning your business involves consideration of several aspects that make up your business like the type of your industry, the stage of your business, the number of competitors, market size, etc.

Nonetheless, business planning always acts as a plus while tackling the challenges your business will face. It provides you with a proper structure to deal with your business problems head-on.

So, are you thinking of starting your own business? Then go ahead and start planning!

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this startup business plan template into your business plan, modify the required information, and download your startup business plan pdf or doc file. It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing a business plan for your new startup.

Related Articles On Business Plan Writing

  • How to Write a Business Plan Step by Step
  • Deciding the Ideal Length of Your Business Plan
  • How to Write an Operations Plan for Your Business Plan
  • Browse Through 400+ Free Business Plan Examples
  • How to Design a Detailed Table of Contents for Your Business Plan

About the Author

business plan templates for startups

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Top 10 Business-Plan Templates You Can Download Free

Why reinvent the wheel get free professional business plan templates at no cost..

business plan notes on table

Writing your business plan. Ughhhh.

It's definitely not the most exciting part of starting a business. In fact, if you're like a lot of entrepreneurs, you're probably going to find yourself pulling a few all-nighters to get one done before heading into your first pitch for funding . Because that's the thing--your business plan is a pretty important.

Any funder worth his or her salt wants to see it right off the bat. Moreover though, a solid business plan is a living document that will continue to guide your efforts as your business grows. Recently, I shared 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups , an infographic created by Mark Vital over at Funders and Founders.

A lot of those mistakes (most of them, in fact) are the result of poor planning. Bad location, a marginal niche, having no specific user in mind, raising too much or too little money--all of these issues can be prevented or at least mitigated with good planning.

Creating your business plan is more than just getting your ideas down on paper for potential funders to see. It's an exploratory process in which you can evaluate your options, test your assumptions about your idea, and even discover new opportunities. It might even lead you to kill off aspects of your business before investing too much time or money in them.

That doesn't mean you have to bust out Word and start the plan from scratch. A template is great--you probably aren't doing anything that hasn't been done before, so it provides a proven structure for your plan. Pretty much everything on it can be customized. Check out these comprehensive business plan templates you can download for free to get you started:

1. Score's Business Plan Template for Startups

Score is an American nonprofit dedicated to helping entrepreneurs get their companies off the ground. Its template, available as a PDF or Word download, asks a whopping 150 questions and is generic enough to customize for most types of businesses. The Refining the Plan resource that comes with it is helpful, especially if this is your first crack at writing a business plan.

2. U.S. Small Business Administration Business Plan Engine

The SBA's template is available to fill out online and then download as a PDF. You can go back in and edit it as needed, so don't worry about having everything ready the first time you sit down to tackle it. Even broken into sections, it's a long document and a bit of a slog to get through, but it produces a professional-looking and useful business plan. This is particularly helpful if your idea isn't fully fleshed out and you know you have homework to do--it prompts you for information.

3. The $100 Startup's One-Page Business Plan

Who said a business plan has to be a long, complicated document? Some funders are going to want to see a lot of detail, but you can provide that in appendices. The $100 Startup, the website for the best-selling book of the same name, has a ton of stripped-down resources for entrepreneurs, including this super simplified business plan template.

4. LawDepot's WYSIWYG Business Plan Template

This one says you just have to answer a few simple questions and will be "done before you know it!" Don't believe it. A business plan should take time and a lot of homework, but if you've already done that, LawDepot's template is a decent choice. It walks you through getting started, marketing, product, competitive analysis, SWOT, and more, with a window below the input fields to show you the plan as you work away at it. You can download it free with a trial subscription, but you'll have to remember to cancel it within the week if you don't plan to continue using it.

Editor's Note: Looking for Business Loans for your company? If you would like information to help you choose the one that's right for you, use the questionnaire below to have our partner, BuyerZone, provide you with information for free:

5. sme toolkit business plan samples.

The SME Toolkit, jointly offered by IFC and IBM, offers a simple two-page outline of what should be included in your business plan to meet the minimum requirements of funders and tax authorities (in the U.S.). It contains 10 broad sections, including market analysis, management and organization, etc., with a one-paragraph explanation of each. A second download on the same page is an Excel file to help with your financial projections.

6. Office Online Templates Galore

Of course, Microsoft offers a ton of business plan templates for Office users (you can get birthday invitations while you're at it). If you'd rather do a business plan presentation than a Word doc, you can download one of Microsoft Office's half a dozen or so PowerPoint templates for just that purpose. You'll want to customize it with your company branding (you have your branding down, right?), but it's easier than starting from a blank PPT.

7. vFinance Inc. Business Plan Template and Guide

Global financial services firm vFinance offers a basic, 30-page business plan template to download from its website--one the company says has been downloaded more than a quarter of a million times. No, it won't be completely unique, but vFinance knows what it's doing and the template is pretty comprehensive. VFinance is the creator of the massive Venture Capital Directory and has tailored the plan to appeal to funders. If that's your goal, definitely check this one out.

8. Invoiceberry Templates for Word, Open Office, Excel, or PPT

U.K. online invoicing software brand Invoiceberry offers free business plan templates in .docx, .odt, .xlsx, and .pptx formats. Each one also contains a marketing plan and executive summary template. There's a catch, though--the company asks you to take one of the following three actions before you can download the template: like it on Facebook, give it a +1 on Google+, or give it your email address. If you don't mind doing that, it's a good deal. Kudos to Invoiceberry for figuring out this effective lead-gen tactic too!

9. Santa Clara University's My Own Business Institute Plans

Santa Clara U's MOBI is an initiative of its Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Leavey School of Business. On the site, you can download each of the 15 business plan sections individually as Word documents, or grab all 15 together in one doc. There's a ton of other helpful resources as well, including guidelines for evaluating your potential sites, a list of key people to review your plan, and sample financial sheets.

10. RocketLawyer's Business Plan Templates by State

Like some of the others, you fill out RocketLawyer's form and download the business plan when you're done--but its template allows you to choose your state before getting started. These plans are tailored to meet your financing requirements in your state, which is a huge bonus for those seeking funding through banks. It's also heavily geared toward financing, making it a good choice if that's a priority for you.

Editorial Disclosure: Inc. writes about products and services in this and other articles. These articles are editorially independent - that means editors and reporters research and write on these products free of any influence of any marketing or sales departments. In other words, no one is telling our reporters or editors what to write or to include any particular positive or negative information about these products or services in the article. The article's content is entirely at the discretion of the reporter and editor. You will notice, however, that sometimes we include links to these products and services in the articles. When readers click on these links, and buy these products or services, Inc may be compensated. This e-commerce based advertising model - like every other ad on our article pages - has no impact on our editorial coverage. Reporters and editors don't add those links, nor will they manage them. This advertising model, like others you see on Inc, supports the independent journalism you find on this site.

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11 worksheets guide you step-by-step through writing a business plan. The template includes easy-to-follow instructions for completing each section of the business plan, questions to help you think through each aspect, and corresponding fillable worksheet/s for key sections.

The business plan sections covered in this template include:

Confidentiality Agreement

I. Instructions: Executive Summary

Executive Summary

II. Instructions: Company Description

Company Description Worksheet

III. Instructions: Products & Services


IV. Instructions: Marketing Plan

SWOT Analysis Worksheet

Competitor Data Collection Plan

Competitive Analysis Worksheet

Marketing Expenses Strategy Chart

Pricing Strategy Worksheet

Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet

V. Instructions: Operational Plan

VI. Instructions: Management & Organization

Management Worksheet

Organization Chart

VII. Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization

VIII. Instructions: Financial Plan

IX. Instructions: Appendices

X. Instructions: Refining the Plan

Now That You’re (Almost) Finished . . .

Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.


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Business and Plans

A Business Plan Template for Startup Companies [2024 Guide]

by I.J. Karam | Jan 1, 2024 | Business Plans

Business plan template for startup companies

A “startup” refers to a company just starting out or operating at an infant stage. The business at this stage is likely to have a nascent economic activity, a highly committed team, and a limited but growing customer base. Generally speaking, the term can be used for any company that has only been recently established. If yours is a new company, we recommend you check our business plan template for startup companies to help you create a professional business plan and avoid common mistakes .

In this post, we will share a simple, yet effective, business plan template, however, before we look at the template, it’s important you understand what a business plan is and why you need one.

Why Do I need a Business Plan for My Startup?

A startup business plan, simply put, is a written document that basically does three things:

  • Gives an overview of your new business
  • Defines your startup’s short-term and long-term goals
  • Defines how it is going to achieve them

You need a business plan for your startup because it helps you:

  • Steer your startup as it grows : Consider your business plan as a GPS to get your startup moving in the right direction.
  • Define business milestones and achieve them: A milestone, in simple language, is an important action or event in your startup’s journey which marks a key stage of progress, like reaching a certain number of sales. A business plan allows you to define milestones that are important for your new business and also acts as a roadmap to achieve them.
  • Attract investors : A business plan shows potential investors that you have done your homework, are serious about your business and that working with you is a mutually beneficial decision. It also helps them feel confident about seeing a good return on investment (ROI).
  • To evaluate your success : If you have a business plan, you can compare actual results against the plan itself. This will help you understand whether your team has achieved the defined goals or not.

Now that we have seen what a business plan is and why it is important , let’s learn how to write one using our simple business plan template for startups.

Crafting a formal business plan for a startup is not as hard as many think it is. Since you are just starting on your business journey, it’s best to keep the plan concise and to the point. As the business grows, you can add new details as needed. Also, keep in mind that you may be better off creating different versions of your business plan for different audiences. If you are looking for a business loan and need to show your plan to a bank, add all relevant financial information including how you are planning to service your debt. In contrast, a new partner would rather be more interested in knowing your startup’s mission statement and your strategy for selling your products or services and eventually how you  plan to turn a profit. 

By the way have you checked our FREE business plan template in Word? Download it now and write the first draft of your business plan in no time.

If you want something more advanced or in case you are pitching your project to prospective investors, then check out our ready-made business plans with automatic financials . This is a truly cost-effective solution to build a professional, investor-grade business plan fast and easy, and the good news is that no financial expertise is required from you.

Business Plan Template for Startup: Executive Summary

Your startup business plan must have an executive summary. This should be the introduction of your document — one that provides readers with a clear overview of the main points of the business plan. It allows the reader, who might be an extremely busy bank manager, to understand the key aspects of your new venture in a quick read.

Ideally speaking, you should summarize each of the following sections in one short paragraph:

  • Give an elevator pitch and describe the startup in brief
  • Give a summary of the market research or analysis done by your team
  • Mention the problem(s) your product or service will solve
  • Describe concisely how your startup’s offering will solve the aforementioned problem
  • Introduce the key people behind your startup
  • Describe the financial plan in brief

Once you’ve done all this, it’s time to close the executive summary. The closing is every bit as important as the opening, so make it clear, distinct, and persuasive. You should close the summary by providing a clear, yet concise, explanation of the project, why the project is required, and how it is going to benefit both the customers and the investors. Moreover, if you are planning to raise funds from investors , it is a good idea to state here the amount you are looking for and the amount of shares you are willing to give away.

Pro tip:   It’s best to write the startup executive summary last because it summarizes your entire plan in a few short paragraphs.

Business Plan Template for Startup: The Problem Opportunity

Startup business plan opportunity and idea

Your startup exists because there is a gap in the market that has not yet been filled, right? Describe this need in this section. Talk about how the need arose and what are the reasons it has not yet been fulfilled.

Pro tip: You should keep this particular section short. That’s because the main focus of your startup business plan should be on the solution, which you will touch upon in detail in the next section.

Business Plan Template for Startup: The Solution

After laying out the various problems experienced by your target customers, now is the time to describe how your offering solves them. For each problem previously stated, mention the solution you bring to the table. The next two sections define your unique selling proposition and articulate further the features of your products and services.

Your Startup’s Mission Statement, Vision & Goals

State your startup’s mission, that is, the reason why your business venture exists and why it does what it does. Furthermore, share the company’s core values.

Then, mention your startup’s vision and goals. The vision usually summarizes the long-term goals of your company. Where do you see this business in five years from now? Ten years from now? Then show how your vision fits with your core values.

Your goals should be divided into short-term objectives and longer-term ones. Keep this part of your plan brief. The remaining sections will give you ample opportunity to delve deeper into the details.

Your Startup’s Business Model

Define here your business model by describing how your startup plans to capture and produce value, and generate money by interacting with various market actors and stakeholders. For an effective yet concise representation, we recommend you to use the business model canvas method that uses nine pillars to describe your business model.

Your Startup’s Products and Services

This is where you should describe your offering in detail to the reader. Besides mentioning the features and characteristics of your products and services, state the various benefits to consumers — a simple statement that describes why would a consumer select your service or product.

When talking about your offering and value proposition, it might be a good idea to capture its main features and benefits in a simple table such as the one shown below.

Feature 1Benefit 1
Feature 2Benefit 2
Feature 3Benefit 3

It is a good idea to mention something about your prices at this stage. Stating your rate card or average order values complements the description of your unique selling proposition and provides a practical or tangible information to the readers, allowing them to better imagine or evaluate your startup’s offering in the market.

Pro Tip: If you want, you can also add some product pictures and specifications. But if you have too many visuals or if the info is too technical (a data sheet for example), then they should be put in the appendix; otherwise, they may end up distracting the reader from your main message.

Business Plan Template for Startup: Market Analysis

Market analysis for startup business planning

You must conduct a thorough research on the industry and market you are targeting before penning the business plan. If you are able to run a full-blown ground survey, then great. If this isn’t possible, then make sure you find good market reports offered by trusted sources. Based on this research, describe your industry, the opportunities you want to exploit, and the growth projections in your sector of interest.

This section of the plan basically shows the reader that there is a niche in the current market that your product or service can exploit. There are three main components that should be addressed in your market analysis.  

  • Industry analysis – Gives a brief assessment of the industry environment in which your startup will compete. You can start by talking about global trends and then drill down to local market considerations.
  • Target customers – In this section, identify and describe the various customer groups you will be targeting.
  • Competitive analysis – Here, mention your main competitors and talk about their strengths and weaknesses. You can also close this sub-section by stating your startup’s competitive advantages, a list of points explaining how you are edging the competition through a differentiated offering and positioning.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate a startup’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis section would typically include a detailed evaluation of the startup’s current position and potential future growth prospects as follows:

  • Strengths: This section would identify the internal strengths of the startup, such as a unique product or service, a strong management team, or a proprietary technology.
  • Weaknesses: This section would identify the internal weaknesses of the startup, such as a lack of experience, limited financial resources, or a small market share.
  • Opportunities: This section would identify external opportunities for the startup, such as a growing market, new technologies, or changes in government regulations.
  • Threats: This section would identify external threats to the startup, such as increased competition, economic downturns, or changes in consumer preferences.

Your Startup’s Operating Plan

An operating plan explains how your startup’s various teams and members interact with each other and with the various stakeholders of the value chain, to fulfill the mission and reach your business goals. In other words, it describes who does what, and explains how the various tasks should be executed within a defined timetable.

Make sure your startup operating plan is consistently answering the following questions:

  • What are the tasks that must be completed on a daily basis?
  • Who are the owners or people responsible for these tasks?
  • What are the key deadlines for completing these tasks?

Many startups use flowcharts and other visual representations to simplify their operating plan and make it more intelligible.

Your Startup’s Marketing Plan

What’s your startup’s promotional strategy? This is what you should be talking about in detail in this section. Start by listing the challenges that you foresee coming your way and then explain how you plan to overcome them, from a sales and marketing perspective.

To make the plan more visually appealing and to help the reader grasp your strategy, we recommend presenting the challenges and their solutions in a bulleted list or tabled form. Also, don’t forget to justify each of these choices:

Location – Is the location close to your target audience? Will it help you get more sales or save money? Or is your business purely online relying on a website or mobile app?

Branding and awareness – What channels will you activate to reach your prospects and generate brand awareness? Usually, TV, radio, outdoor, display ads and social media are effective means to reach this goal.

Customer acquisition – Are you going to use direct prospecting, paid search, SEO, or other types of ads and offers to acquire leads and generate orders? Or will you use a combination of these?

Lastly, mention the budget allocated for the marketing plan and break it down by channel. If you are hiring a marketing agency or external consultant, factor in this cost into your total budget as well.

Pro tip: You can add a couple of mockups of the marketing materials, branding or logo that you plan to use in the appendix.

Your Startup’s Key People & Hiring Plan

Hiring plan for Startup business

Because you are just embarking on your business journey, your startup is not likely to have many professionals on board. In addition to the founder or founding partners, describe the most important management and operation roles in the company, in addition to providing a brief biographical sketch of each of key person. The main purpose of this section is to convince the reader that your team has both the qualifications and skills to implement everything outlined in your business plan.

Additionally, and to have a better picture of your startup’s hiring plan, it is a good idea to draw a table listing the initial employees and their respective salaries in this section.

Pro tip: You should include educational credentials, key accomplishments, and relevant experience in the biographical sketches of your key team members.

Startup’s Financial Plan

financial template for startup business

In this section, you must describe the financial aspects, the cost structure and the revenue model of your startup. The financial plan helps you:

  • Quantify the amount of money you need to launch the business
  • Understand how you will spend this money
  • Figure out how long it will take for the business to become profitable

It’s important that you give the reader a detailed peek into your business’s projected finances. Therefore, include detailed financial information. However, instead of just listing the numbers plainly, use charts, graphs and tables to make it easier for the reader to grasp them.

Here’s what should be included in this section:

Startup Income Statement

An income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement or P&L, is a financial document that shows a company’s revenues, expenses, and profits over a specific period of time. In the context of a startup business plan, the income statement section would typically include projected revenue, projected costs and expenses, and projected profits for the startup over a period of time (such as the next three to five years). This section would also typically include information on key assumptions and drivers of revenue and costs, such as pricing strategies and sales goals. Additionally, it may also included a breakdown of the costs, like fixed and variable costs.

Startup Cash Flow Statement

A cash flow statement is a financial document that shows your startup’s cash inflows and outflows over a specific period of time. The cash flow statement section would typically include projected cash inflows (such as revenue from sales) and projected cash outflows (such as expenses for operations and capital expenditures) for the startup over a specific period of time (such as the next three to five years).

The cash flow statement section of a startup business plan would typically include the following elements:

  • Operating Activities: This section would show the cash inflows and outflows from the startup’s normal day-to-day operations, such as revenue from sales, payments to suppliers, and employee salaries.
  • Investing Activities: This section would show the cash inflows and outflows from any investments the startup makes in property, plant, and equipment or other long-term assets.
  • Financing Activities: This section would show the cash inflows and outflows from any financing activities, such as issuing shares of stock, borrowing money, or repaying loans.
  • Net Cash Flow: This section would show the overall cash balance of the startup by adding or subtracting the cash inflows and outflows from the operating, investing, and financing activities.
  • Projected Cash Balance: This section would show the startup’s projected cash balance at the end of each month or quarter over the period of the business plan.

Startup Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a financial document that shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. In the context of a startup business plan, the balance sheet section would typically include projected balance sheet items for the startup at the end of each month or quarter over the period of the business plan.

The balance sheet section of a startup business plan would typically include the following elements:

  • Assets: This section would show the things that the startup owns, such as cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment, and any investments.
  • Liabilities: This section would show the debts and obligations that the startup owes, such as accounts payable, loans, and other types of debt.
  • Equity: This section would show the residual interest in the assets of the company after deducting liabilities, which can include common stock, retained earnings, and any additional paid-in capital.
  • Working Capital: This section would show the difference between current assets and current liabilities.
  • Debt to Equity Ratio: This section would show the proportion of debt to equity in the company, which is a financial metric used to measure a company’s leverage.
  • Current Ratio: This section would show the ability of the startup to meet its short-term obligations by comparing current assets to current liabilities.

The above financial statements are usually drawn from a detailed financial model in Excel. When developing your startup financial plan in Excel, you need to build a cost model, a revenue model and then generate a P&L statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have the expertise to make a financial statement on your own, you can use our automatic financial plan included in our ready-made business plan template.

Funding Requirement & Capital Raise

  • Funding Requirements: This section provides an estimate of the total amount of funding that the startup requires to achieve its goals, and the timeline for when the funding is needed.
  • Sources of Funding: This section would discuss the different types of funding that the startup plans to raise, such as venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding, and debt financing. It would also provide information on the startup’s existing investors and any strategic partners or joint venture partners.
  • Uses of Funds: This section gives a detailed breakdown of how the startup plans to use the funds raised, such as for research and development, marketing and sales, hiring new employees, and purchasing equipment.

Exit Strategy

The exit strategy section of a startup business plan would include the following elements:

  • Overview of Exit Strategies: This section would provide an overview of the different types of exit strategies available to the startup, such as an IPO, a merger or acquisition, or a sale to a strategic buyer. It would also discuss the pros and cons of each option and the potential challenges that the startup may face in executing the chosen strategy.
  • Timeline: This section would provide a rough timeline for when the startup expects to exit the business, and the key milestones that need to be achieved in order to achieve the exit.
  • Preparation: This section would discuss the steps that the startup is taking to prepare for the chosen exit strategy, such as building a strong management team, improving financial performance, and developing a strong customer base.
  • Potential Buyers: This section would identify potential buyers for the startup and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each option.
  • Valuation: This section would provide an estimate of the startup’s valuation, based on its projected financial performance, and discuss how the valuation would be affected by different exit strategies.
  • Risks: This section would discuss the potential risks associated with the chosen exit strategy and the steps that the startup is taking to mitigate those risks.

Finally, summarize again the key points about your startup in the Conclusion section. This, however, can vary depending on your target audience. For example, if you are asking a financial institution for funds, you must focus on the financial viability of your business and the reasons why they should give you the capital you are seeking. If you are trying to convince an investor to join your startup, focus on the attractiveness of the business opportunity and how he or she will be able to gain a strong return on his investment in the near future.

We hope you found real value in our business plan template for startup companies. If you wish to create a robust business plan fast and easy, we also recommend you check our large collection of ready-made business plans categorized by industry . Our business plan packages include a pre-written business plan in Word and an automatic financial plan in Excel you can easily customize to fit your own startup project. If you are short on time, our ready-made template is probably the best cost-effective solution for you.

Business plan templates with automatic financials

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100 Free Sample Business Plan Templates for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

business plan templates for startups

Looking for free sample business plan templates? You’ll find plenty here. For FREE! 🙂

It’s one thing to have brilliant business ideas or be keen to explore interesting business opportunities . But until you have a good business plan, you may never be taken seriously.

The biggest problem most entrepreneurs have with writing a business plan is that they don’t know where or how to start.

If you’re one of those who’s looking for a simple, effortless and straightforward way to write a great business plan, today’s your lucky day!

This article contains a long list of free sample business plan templates that will give you the easy start you really need to write your own business plan. Just look for a sample that suits your business and tweak it until it’s yours!

Copy, edit and use; it’s that easy!

In my experience, a business plan is not always the long, complex and scary document you think it is. Depending on your target audience (banks, investors, business plan competition), a business plan can be as simple or complex as you want it.

The list below covers a wide range of businesses. Whether you’re planning for a night club, used car sales, wedding planning or child day care services , you’ll find a business plan sample for any kind of business you can think of.

If in the end, you don’t find a sample plan for the business you want, visit the 500+ Business Plan Samples to see more.

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Your journey starts here; just scroll down the page to see all the plan titles and a summary of the businesses. When you find a sample you like, click on the ‘ Read Full Business Plan ’ link to view the full plan on our affiliate site.

1.    Night Club Business Plan

The Spot is a new night club that will focus on attracting the students of State University, with a student population that exceeds 22,000 and growing by 15% each year. The night club will be located one block away from the main campus. Read Full Business Plan  

2.    Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan

Trend Setters is a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price, value and relationship.  Read Full Business Plan

3.    Spa Health Club Business Plan

Visions (VS) is a socially and environmentally conscious health club that is concerned not only with physical beauty but also with mental well being. It is a health club with environmental and social concerns that sets it apart from other clubs; all products used are plant safe and cruelty free.  Read Full Business Plan   

4.    Bed and Breakfast Hotel Business Plan

The long-term goal of Coach House Bed and Breakfast (Coach House) is to become the best choice on Tybee Island, Georgia for temporary lodging by creating a differentiated experience capitalizing on personal service, the historical nature of the Coach House building, and its unique location in one of the most attractive parts of the Old South.  Read Full Business Plan  

5.    Plumbing Business Plan

Water Tubes Plumbing is a plumbing company that has chosen residential new homes as its preferred niche. Water Tubes will be able to handle any service request for plumbing of volume home builds or custom new homes.  Read Full Business Plan  

6.    Painting Contractors Business Plan

Barnum Painters will provide top-quality interior and exterior residential and commercial painting services. The principal officers of Barnum Painters believe that most companies in this industry suffer two major problems : poor scheduling of job projects and poor retention of quality employees. We intend to change the way these are done and excel in both areas.  Read Full Business Plan 

7.    Home Interior Design Business Plan

Hamlin and Park Design will offers a wide range of interior design services to meet any client’s needs in our business area. Our services will include : On-site consultations; Project survey & analysis; Space planning & furniture arrangement; Design concepts; Finishes & furnishings; Custom designs; Purchasing, delivery, & installation; Project coordination & management.  Read Full Business Plan  

8.    Furniture Manufacturer Business Plan

Trestle Creek Cabinets will be formed as a cabinet company specializing in custom cabinets for the high-end residential, resort, and commercial market. Its founders have extensive experience in the construction and cabinet industry.  Read Full Business Plan  

9.    Equipment Rental Sales Business Plan

Equipment Rental, Inc. (ER) is a company that sells and rents heavy equipment such as bulldozers, backhoes, excavators, and trenchers as well as small home use and construction equipment such as tillers, augers, and chain saws.  Read Full Business Plan 

10.    Building Construction Business Plan

Concrete Installation LLC plans to become the leading provider of concrete formwork services in the area. This means always having the best and most efficient facilities, processes, and people. Read Full Business Plan  

business plan templates for startups

11.    Construction Repair Business Plan

HodgePodge Sealcoating Company is a service provider that offers crack filling and sealcoating to residential customers. Sealcoating protects asphalt driveways by filling the cracks and coating the surface of the driveway, protecting it against the weather.  Read Full Business Plan

12.    Computer Consulting Business Plan

Calico Computer Consulting shall provide fast and reliable technical assistance to small office computer users. The keys to success for CCC are marketing and networking, responsiveness, quality, and generating repeat customers. The initial primary service offered will be hourly technical aid, although retainer contracts and projects will be considered in the future growth.  Read Full Business Plan   

13.    Wedding Consultant Business Plan

TLC Wedding Consultants is a full service company that provides complete consulting services for weddings , holy unions and anniversaries. Our services include weddings, honeymoons, receptions, anniversary consultations, budget planning, answers to etiquette questions, as well as full-service referrals to florists, hair stylists, entertainers, musicians, etc.  Read Full Business Plan  

14.    Business Consulting Business Plan

Growth Management and Strategies (GMS) is an ambitious innovative new company that is attempting to turn the small business consulting business on its head. With an experienced consultant at the helm as President, GMS intends to grow at more than 50 percent per year through solid customer service, a great sales plan, proven competitive strategies, and a group of people that bring dynamic energy to the company and the sales process.  Read Full Business Plan  

15.    Seminar & Training Business Plan

Advanced Linguistic Pontificators is a leading seminar and training program company led by a best-selling author. Advanced Linguistic Pontificators will be targeting medium- and large-size companies and corporations. Pontificators will quickly reach profitability and achieve $79,000 of net profit by Year Two.  Read Full Business Plan 

16.    Marketing Strategy Consultant Business Plan

The Cambridge Strategy Group (CSG) , is dedicated to providing marketing and management consulting services to small and emerging businesses looking for opportunities to increase their potential for success. Unlike traditional management consulting firms that focus on analyzing problems for large customers, CSG works exclusively with small business clients to develop concrete, practical, short-term action plans that will start moving their businesses in the right direction.  Read Full Business Plan

17.    Day Care Business Plan

Safe Kids Child Care is a start-up organization that provides day care services to families living in the surburbs of a large city. This mid-sized child care facility serves children from three months to six years of age. Safe Kids’s services are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be taken care of.  Read Full Business Plan

18.    Child Care Business Plan

The Toddler Warehouse is a full-service child care/development facility that cares for toddlers from age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse will be concentrating on the upper end of the market: which is made up of double-income professional parents.  Read Full Business Plan 

19.    Diaper Manufacturer Business Plan

Baby Nappies World plans to enter and penetrate the baby nappies and sanitary pads market. Baby Nappies World is poised to take advantage of the impressive growth rate and minimal local competition in this market. It will have a dedicated and experienced staff, excellent order procurement, and effective management and marketing.  Read Full Business Plan

20.    Movie Theater Business Plan

The Falls River Theatre will provide the residents of Falls River with a long-awaited, hometown movie theatre. The films shown will be second run releases of the most popular movies in two target markets: families and young adults.  Read Full Business Plan 

21.    Parenting Centre Business Plan

A Mother’s Place is a new company targeted to open in downtown Santa Cruz. We will provide a family-friendly environment with high quality customer service to meet the daily emotional, physical and social well-being needs of mothers, young children and other family members. Read Full Business Plan

22.    Recreation Center Business Plan

Play Time for Kids has identified the family entertainment industry as its primary interest and the company has focused its efforts on the development of one or more family entertainment centers (FEC) to provide quality family entertainment activities to the communities in the Our County, Big City area.  Read Full Business Plan

23.    Tutoring Service Business Plan

Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private sessions offer intense individual assistance, but groups sessions can also be beneficial with decreased economic costs and the use of team-based approach that the business program encourages. Read Full Business Plan 

24.    Educational Software Business Plan

Third Degree I.D. designs, develops, and markets instructional products and services for the corporate, education , government, and healthcare e-learning industries. It provides a core deliverable of programs, courses, and learning objects for the distance education, distributed learning, and e-learning markets.  Read Full Business Plan  

25.    Driving School Business Plan

Markam Driving School (MDS) offers a wide range of driver services. It is ultimately the goal of the company to be a one-stop facility for all driver needs, including registration, licensing, etc., but at this time Markam mainly offers private and commercial driver education in the Seattle, WA area. MDS is positioned as a low-cost facility with excellent service. Read Full Business Plan  

26.    Computer Software Business Plan

FoodFun Lifeskills Instructional Software (FoodFun LIS) is a start-up organization whose vision is to create the finest education/entertainment software for non-reading individuals with developmental disabilities. The software product is designed and created for the special education industry. It will be constructive by teaching certain lifeskills and will be fun to use, encouraging the student to use it as often as possible.  Read Full Business Plan  

27.    Teachers Employment Agency Business Plan is a new job search website that is designed to provide teachers with part-time or seasonal employment, supplementing their current income. The site will be effective in matching educated, mature, responsible educators with employers in need of their part-time or summer assistance. Read Full Business Plan  

28.    Agriculture Farm Business Plan

Botanical Bounty is working hard to become a leading producer of botanical plants for the natural supplement industry as well as plant nurseries. By leveraging a well thought-out business plan executed by a skilled management team, Botanical Bounty will generate over $216,000 in sales in the next three years.  Read Full Business Plan  

29.    Agriculture Fruit Farm Business Plan

Farmers Group is a company whose mission is to provide high quality, nutritional, and flavourful vegetables and strawberries for consumption in both near and remote areas. Additionally, the company will provide high quality planting materials for use nationwide.  Read Full Business Plan 

30.    Coffee Export Business Plan

Silvera & Sons prepares green Arabica coffee beans grown in Brazil for exportation to American specialty roasters and sells to wholesalers on the Brazilian market. Our coffee stands out from the competition. We prepare the top five percent, in terms of quality standards, of all Arabica beans on the market. Our customers seek this product as it provides them with a point of differentiation to specialty roasters. Read Full Business Plan  

31.    Wholesale Juice Business Plan

Oasis Juice is planning to expand its operation to include distribution to stores within the entire state.  Owner funding and internally generated cash flow will enable most of the expansion plans.   The company will also secure a $100,000 short-term loan.  Sales projections for the next three years are based on current sales success with the target customer base.  This plan will result in sales revenues growing to $1.2 million by Year 2.  Read Full Business Plan  

32.    Feed and Farm Supply Business Plan

Latheethen Feeds , Inc. is a well-established custom feed store. The company is engaged in the production of custom livestock feeds , bird feed, deer feed, and other animal products in relation to livestock animals, pets, etc. Latheethen Feeds, Inc. has recently expanded its production facility (custom mill) and is well-positioned to market its workroom production beyond its present client base.  Read Full Business Plan 

33.    Workout Gym Business Plan

The Mountain Brook Fitness Center is a thriving business-person’s club but is also one of the only family-focused clubs in the Monroe area. Fifty percent of our members are under the age of 45 and have young children. Currently, the center has 900 members. A center membership is $800 a year. The Mountain Brook Fitness Center wants to add an additional 300 members with families over the next three years.  Read Full Business Plan  

34.    Fitness Equipment Business Plan

Circuit Fitness Importing is a start-up business that has become the exclusive importer of the Wega Corporation’s innovative Esercitazione Diritta (Exercise Standing) fitness equipment. Circuit Fitness Importing is poised to receive the exclusive license to sell this patented equipment, already very popular in Europe, in the U.S.A.  Read Full Business Plan  

35.    Martial Arts School Business Plan

Cents and Sensibility will be a value-priced taekwondo martial arts school serving its customers in our community by providing several programs for a variety of purposes, ranging from basic martial arts, to self defense, to esteem and life skills building, and more.  Cents and Sensibility Martial Arts School plans to enhance its programs as it expands, developing new programs to ensure the students have as much access to the different aspects of Songahm Taekwondo as possible.  Read Full Business Plan 

36.    Physical Fitness Gym Business Plan

Ladies Only Fitness is a women-only health club that creates a personalized environment for women to pursue their fitness goals.  We have the best equipment and the best training program in this arena. We prepare our clients for success because we have the best weight-management program.  Positive Lifestyle Systems is a truly responsible and effective weight-management program. We offer this program with confidence. It is unbeatable.  Read Full Business Plan  

37.    Wholesale Bicycle Distributor Business Plan

Wheelie Deals is a wholesale distributor that serves the retail bicycle industry.  Wheelie Deals will carve out a focused niche within this industry, providing closeouts, last-year models, and fairly-used bicycles.  Currently, most of the large wholesalers will occasionally have a closeout to offer, however, the availability of special deals is spotty.  Wheelie Deals will quickly become the #1 source to provide retail shops with above average margins. Read Full Business Plan  

38.    Clothing Manufacturer Business Plan

New Look is a recent start-up manufacturer of an upscale clothing line targeted at males between the ages of 20 and 40. New Look not only develops the clothing line , but supports it with advertising and promotion campaigns. The company plans to strengthen its partnership with retailers by developing brand awareness. New Look intends to market its line as an alternative to existing clothing lines, and differentiate itself by marketing strategies, exclusiveness, and high brand awareness.  Read Full Business Plan 

39.    Cosmetics Manufacturing Business Plan

Bluespa is a company that has created a brand concept consisting of both skin care and athletic apparel utilizing multiple channels of distribution. We are seeking recurring investment to fund the growth of the brand, and position the company for an IPO. This plan shows how Bluespa will reach profitability in our third year of operation and generate shareholder return on equity within five years.  Read Full Business Plan  

40.    Plastics Recycling Business Plan

The growing utilization of plastics in industrial and consumer applications, combined with increased consumer awareness surrounding solid waste recycling , has led to an increased demand for recycled plastic resins and products. One of the fastest growing types of collected plastic materials for recycling is polyethylene terephthalate (“PET”) from post-consumer beverage and water bottles. Replay Plastics will capitalize on the opportunities in the recycled resin and packaging markets through two main divisions: a Recycling Division and a Packaging Division.  Read Full Business Plan  

41.    Cleaning Products Business Plan

The marketplace for janitorial products and services is changing, both in nature and scope. The consumer is becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of cleaners as the market expands. ChemSafe offers a innovative line of biodegradable, environmentally safe, citrus cleaners to janitorial services, retail outlets and consumers. The product line includes: Automotive cleaners; Industrial cleaners; Degreasers; Hand cleaners; Odour control; Tar remover; Concrete cleaners; Vehicle wash and wax products.  Read Full Business Plan 

42.    Office Furniture Manufacturer Business Plan

Willamette Furniture helps create pleasant and productive office environments with well-designed furniture that incorporates new technology into the classic office mode in which real people can work happily. We are sensitive to the look and feel of good wood and fine furniture as well as to high-powered personal computing. We always provide the best possible value to our customers who care about quality office environments, and we want every dollar spent with us to be well spent.  Read Full Business Plan  

43.    Remodeling Business Plan

Comgate is a custom mill house specializing in creating architectural woodwork in the form of wall paneling, custom cabinets, and other products for the local residential market. After initial losses and several thin profit years of competitive bidding construction projects, Comgate is creating this business plan in order to bring its mission statement into clearer focus. Prior years were characterized by hectic efforts to bid as many jobs as possible. Margins were thin as pricing policy was “flexible” for fear that there would be insufficient work for production staff. Read Full Business Plan  

44.    Retail Furniture Manufacturer Business Plan

Producing and selling furniture is a $12 billion industry.  The focus of the industry is on the affluent customer who can spend upwards of $3,000 on furniture purchases.  In our region, there are fifteen furniture stores that are competing for these customers with deep pockets.  Those customers who can’t afford these high prices are left with a poor selection of inferior products.  Read Full Business Plan 

45.    Specialty Gifts Business Plan

Pink Lady Bug Designs LLC (PLBD) is a provider of high-quality, uniquely crafted chocolates, gift baskets and other fine products that are sold for the purpose of raising awareness and funds for women’s health programs.  Read Full Business Plan  

46.    Pharmacy Business Plan

The Discount Pharmacy’s main goal is to provide prescription medications for our customers at the lowest prices on the market. We will be able to sell prescriptions at reduced prices by carefully maintaining efficiencies in our operations and by targeting a specific segment of the market – those customers who pay for their prescription medications themselves.  Read Full Business Plan  

47.    Laboratory Business Plan

Fargo Medical Laboratories (FML) is a start-up company committed to providing the most convenient, friendliest blood testing service to the physicians of the Main Street Professional Building and the surrounding area.  Read Full Business Plan 

48.    Medical Equipment Business Plan

MedNexis, Inc. (the company) is a medical device development company that has designed and patented medical devices which it plans to produce and market. A magnetic muscle stimulator/field generator has been designed with the participation of leading medical personnel and biomedical engineers. One patent is initially incorporated.  Read Full Business Plan  

49.    Real Estate  Broker Business Plan

While many people hope one day to purchase their own home, cultural barriers and shortages in affordable housing are just two of the issues that can prevent these dreams from materializing. Reed Properties is working to keep these dreams alive. This new real estate brokerage will not only define success by the number of units closed and sales volume but also by whether people were helped in the process.  Read Full Business Plan  

50.    Bakery Business Plan

Jolly’s Java and Bakery (JJB) is a start-up coffee and bakery retail establishment located in Southwest Washington. JJB expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its broad variety of coffee and pastry products. The company plans to build a strong market position in the town, due to the partners’ industry experience and mild competitive climate in the area. JJB aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle-to higher-income local market area residents and tourists.  Read Full Business Plan 

51.    Catering Business Plan

Sumptuous Cuisine Catering is a local catering company serving both business and private clients within a ten mile radius. Established in 2005, the business has operated a catering kitchen and specialized in full-service catering and event planning for upscale events in the region. The business event management, event staff, a variety of cuisine for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and appetizers, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage service, floral design, space design and decor, musicians and DJs, event equipment and furniture rentals, and other event services.  Read Full Business Plan  

52.    Restaurant Business Plan

New World Delicatessen (NWD) is an eating establishment focusing on heathy, nutritious, and fast food to the local downtown area. The New World Deli will be an upscale deli specializing in a combination of fast hot or cold sandwiches and salads plus specific recipes focusing on the Pacific Northwest cuisine. Based on this distinct menu, New World Deli will follow a differentiation strategy that will provide unique, or hard to find choices to deli patrons.  Read Full Business Plan  

53.    Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan

Fresin Fries is a locally owned fast food outlet that will be positioned as an international franchise through our creative approach to the company’s image and detail presentation. Fresin Fries will provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing, with fun packaging and atmosphere. Fresin Fries is the answer to an increasing demand for snack-type fast food, to be consumed while window shopping and walking around inside a shopping mall.  Read Full Business Plan 

54.    Fine Dining Restaurant Business Plan

Gabri’s Lounge & Restaurant is a 60-seat fine-dining restaurant with a 20 seat lounge. We focus on our New American-Swedish menu with a touch of Asian influence. The menu will be inspired from different countries’ specialties and appeal to a diverse clientele.  Read Full Business Plan  

55.    Food Preparation Business Plan

What’s For Dinner? is an exciting, new business with a unique approach to helping people enjoy home cooked meals with their families. Customers will come to our office location and prepare 12 meals that they pre-select from a menu in a party atmosphere. In two hours, they will have a month’s worth of meals to put in their freezer.  Read Full Business Plan  

56.    Internet Cafe Business Plan

JavaNet , unlike a typical cafe, will provide a unique forum for communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet. The public wants: (1) access to the methods of communication and volumes of information now available on the Internet, and (2) access at a cost they can afford and in such a way that they aren’t socially, economically, or politically isolated. JavaNet’s goal is to provide the community with a social, educational, entertaining, atmosphere for worldwide communication.  Read Full Business Plan 

57.    Used Auto Sales Business Plan

There is a need in community for a large selection of quality used cars, and Integrity Auto Sales will sell these top-quality used vehicles at a competitive price to customers in the area. The owner and sales manager have over 30 years of combined experience in new and used auto sales. We will continue to develop our excellent working relationship with local dealers and auctions to bring the savings to the customer.  Read Full Business Plan  

58.    Home Accessories and Gifts Business Plan

The Scarlet Tassel is a start-up retail store offering eclectic home accessories and gifts to consumers wanting to create a personalized home environment – that “I’m home” feeling. The Scarlet Tassel plans to cater to middle- and upper-class consumers who look beyond the national home accessory and gift chain stores for those expressions of individual personality and style.  Read Full Business Plan  

59.    Home Decoration Fabrics Business Plan

Interior Views is a retail store offering home decorator fabrics and complementary home accessories and resources. It is now approaching its fifth year in business. This destination store offers the advantages of providing fabrics specifically designed for home decorator use in fabric widths of 54 inches and greater. Over 900 fabrics are available on the floor at any time with more than 10,000 sample fabrics for custom “cut” orders.  Read Full Business Plan 

60.    Gifts, Novelties, Souvenir Business Plan

The Avant-Garde Shop is a retail store specializing in the sale of novelty of various product mix. The store, however, will emphasise the sale of official merchandise of the Avant-Garde brand with a full assortment of apparel, accessories and stationary, as well as other lifestyle related novelties. Read Full Business Plan  

61.    Gift Basket Business Plan

Basket of Goodies (BOG) is a premier gift basket retailer. BOG is concentrating on making gourmet gift baskets out of a wide range of high-quality ingredients. In addition to having several flagship baskets, BOG will also offer the option of a custom basket allowing the customer to choose the ingredients themselves.   Read Full Business Plan  

62.    Family Clothing Business Plan

ReHabiliments is a clothing and apparel business with located in Sandybar Harbour.  The company sells trendy clothing and apparel, such as casual and active wear, head gear, work-out gear, leather coats, and baseball jackets to an international market consisting of individuals of all ages, from all walks of life.  Read Full Business Plan 

63.    Drapery Fabricator Business Plan

Cutting Edge Drapery is a well-established decorators’ workroom. The company is engaged in the production of draperies, slip covers, and other textile products in accordance with the designs and concepts of interior designers. Cutting Edge Drapery has recently expanded its production facilities and is well-positioned to market its workroom production beyond its present client base.  Read Full Business Plan  

64.    Custom-Printed T-Shirts Business Plan

Your T-Shirt! is an exciting new business that allows people to custom design a shirt (specifically the design on the front or back) any way that they would like. By intelligently leveraging cutting edge technology, Your T-Shirt! will harness the power of computer sublimation to allow custom shirt printing in production runs as small as one unit.  Read Full Business Plan  

65.    Convenience Store Business Plan

MillenniumMart is the convenience store of the 21st Century future, fulfilling a need that will continue to exist into the future – the need for speed. MillenniumMart will be the first fully automated, 24 hour convenience store that is more like an enormous dispensing machine than the traditional store.  Read Full Business Plan 

66.    Clothing Retail Business Plan

Mahogany Western Wear is a new apparel store that caters to the African-American cowboy community in Houston, Texas. As our name suggests our focus is to provide western wear apparel and accessories, and position ourselves as the top retail store servicing this particular market.  Read Full Business Plan  

67.    Butcher Shop Business Plan

Parkdale Meats , is a startup specialty butcher shop to be launched in the coming year.  It will sell a wide menu of meats to customers including medium- and high-income residents of Parkdale, as well as high-income residents of neighboring towns, and high-end caterers.  Read Full Business Plan  

68.    Cell Phones Retailer Business Plan

Garbles Cellular Phones is taking advantage of an opportunity to become a highly distinguished and recognized leader in the mobile phone communications industry. It is the goal of our company to become established as the leading distributor of wireless communications services in the metro area.  Read Full Business Plan 

69.    Bridal Shop Business Plan

Moms, Maids, and More is a wedding attire shop like no other. While most retail bridal shops focus on selling wedding gowns, our focus is everything else. We will cater to the mothers of the bride and groom, bridesmaids, and flower girls. In addition, we will provide an array of accessories for all the female members of the bridal party.  Read Full Business Plan  

70.    Automotive Car Repair Business Plan

Mad Keen Motors is a family-owned business located in a suburb of London. It has been under the ownership of the Keen family for 35 years and has grown from a single mechanical repair shop to five locations that deal with body and mechanical repairs, vehicle storage and towing, washing and valeting and used car sales.  Read Full Business Plan  

71.    Recycling Waste Materials Business Plan

Mid-Atlantic Recycling’s area of business will be to collect, recycle/compost, and market waste from municipality waste processing plants for use as a consumer good. Our recycled waste will be targeted toward fertilizer manufacturers, nurseries, landscapers, farmers, government agencies, golf courses, and other.  Read Full Business Plan 

72.    Auto Inspectors Business Plan

Portland Mobile Auto Inspectors is a mobile car inspection service for prospective used car buyers practicing due diligence.  Portland Mobile Auto Inspectors travels around with all of the necessary test equipment to inspect used cars.  Within one to one-and-a-half hours, the inspection is complete and the customer is given a detailed custom printout that indicates the tests performed and the results, thereby indicating the condition of the vehicle.  Read Full Business Plan  

73.    Auto Repair Service Business Plan

Quick and Dirty Auto Repair aims to offer high-quality auto repair services and a full range of auto parts. QDAR focuses on personalized service to its customers by offering convenience and rapid service. Additionally, QDAR is technologically savvy with computerized monitoring of all parts inventory, to ensure that parts are always in stock, while keeping a balanced level of inventory to maximize inventory turnover.  Read Full Business Plan  

74.    Car Wash Business Plan

Soapy Rides will be providing customers with three services: exterior car washing, , interior cleaning, and detailing. Soapy Rides has no true competitors that are trying to offer a high quality service for a reasonable rate. Most are trying to compete on price alone. Soapy Rides’ ability to provide a high quality service, both in regards to the actual washing as well as customer service is all based on their ability to find the best employees.  Read Full Business Plan 

75.    Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services

Like New Carpet Cleaning will sell carpet and upholstery cleaning services to home and condominium owners, building its brand around the fact that it will make carpets look “like new.” To that end, the business will raise $57,500 from outside investors to purchase its delivery van, carpet-cleaning equipment, and develop a unique, service-oriented website which will keep administrative costs low and drive sales through its simple and easy accessibility for the consumer.  Read Full Business Plan  

76.    Catering Company Business Plan

Fressen Catering is a kosher catering company.  Fressen offers creative, colorful, and unusual food options for kosher as well as the traditional standbys.  The service offerings are quite a change relative to the existing kosher catering market which is quite stagnant.  Read Full Business Plan  

77.    Commercial Photography Business Plan

Flash Commercial Photography will serve small and medium-sized businesses and non-profits for all of their studio photography needs by creating beautiful shots that serve the client’s needs, offering excellent service and flexibility with a personal touch, and offering value-added services related to photography.  Read Full Business Plan 

78.    Computer Repair Business Plan

PC Repair will provide computer and technical consulting (repairs, training, networking and upgrade service) to local small businesses as well as home PC users. The company will focus on marketing, responsiveness, quality, and creating and retaining customer relations.  Read Full Business Plan  

79.    Janitorial Services Business Plan

Clean Office Pros is a new cleaning service specializing in office cleaning and serving the Kansas City, Missouri area. The business will sell office cleaning and related services to businesses with office spaces of any size. The business also offers office cleaning, floor treatment, carpet cleaning, and window cleaning for businesses with office space in the Kansas City area.  Read Full Business Plan  

80.    General Freight Trucking Business Plan

Mike’s Trucking Service is a trucking company that aims to be one of the largest trucking companies in the country.  Mike’s is initially focusing on the food industry with plans to diversify into new industries. Mike’s has chosen the trucking industry as the growth prospects are encouraging and stable, with trucking dominating the freight industry in this country.  Read Full Business Plan 

81.    Limousine Taxi Business Plan

San Francisco Limo is a limousine service serving customers with top quality transportation services using late model limousine sedans. San Francisco Limo will generate $52,000 in net profit by year three.  Read Full Business Plan  

82.    Taxi Business Plan

City Taxi is a company whose mission is to provide reliable, timely, and safe taxi cab services by using complete, in-car credit and debit card access, along with computer-aided dispatch. The company will establish its presence in the industry by acquiring an existing taxi cab association, Mighty Cab, a family-owned business that was formed 12 years ago.  Read Full Business Plan  

83.    Used Auto Sales Business Plan

Integrity Auto Sales plans to provide a unique car buying experience to its customers. One that focuses on customer satisfaction first. We understand that vehicle purchasing is a necessary, but sometimes unpleasant experience. Our goal is to provide the customer with an enjoyable, honest service by satisfying individual customers practical transportation needs with a quality product.  Read Full Business Plan 

84.    Personal Event Planning Business Plan

Occasions strives to be the best choice of clients by helping to ease their event planning burden. Through consistent, predictable professionalism, Occasions will ensure a worry and hassle-free event at a reasonable price. By combining old fashioned values, going the extra mile, and using cutting edge event-planning software, Occasions will lead the market, providing the same quality results, every time.  Read Full Business Plan  

85.    Event Planning Business Plan

The Corporate Retreat Professionals (CRP) is an event planning company specializing in corporate customers.  CRP will offer two types of services, retreat training services as well as product launch event planning.  The retreat training services will be either leadership development training or teaming skills training.  For both types of retreats, CRP can take care of the planning of the event, as well as actually hosting the training through the use of one of CRP’s strategic business partners.  Read Full Business Plan

To be continued… We will keep updating this list until the world runs out of sample business plans!

And by the way, if you enjoyed reading this article and you’re thinking of raising capital to start or grow your business, you’ll love Jackpot!, one of the most comprehensive guides ever written for raising funds for any type of business, project, or cause.

Click the banner below or click here to get started with the book.

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About the author: john-paul iwuoha.

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I think I found a good resource that would help you prepare a cashflow plan for a pig business. It’s called a [b]Comprehensive Guide to Farm Financial Management[/b]

You can read or download it for free at:

I hope this helps.

Cheers. [b] John-Paul[/b] 🙂

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Nice post! Keep up the good work! I’m also a business planner!

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Awesome list. Very useful

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How to Write a Business Plan Outline in 9 Steps (Example Included!)

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Starting a business often begins with writing a business plan , especially if you need funding . It acts as a roadmap, guiding you through each stage of launching and managing your company, and it presents a clear, compelling case to potential investors and partners. But here's the thing: not everyone finds this step intuitive. That's where a business plan outline can be incredibly helpful.

Creating a detailed business plan outline helps you organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the key aspects of your business strategy. Plus, it might be just what you need to overcome that blank page and start typing.

Below, you'll find an easy-to-follow guide on how to craft your business plan outline, and an example to show you what it should look like.

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What is an outline of a business plan?

Think of a business plan outline as the skeleton of your entire business plan. It gives a high-level overview of the main sections you'll need to flesh out later. It's not the final document but a crucial step in getting you there.

Simply put, it's like creating a detailed table of contents for your business plan, showing you exactly what information to include and how everything fits together. A well-structured business plan outline also helps you plan things ahead, saving time and effort.

Writing a business plan outline in 9 steps

Follow these steps to build your business plan outline and learn exactly what each section should include.

(Bear in mind that every business plan is unique, tailored to the specific needs and goals of the business. While the structure below is common, the order of sections may vary—only the executive summary will always come first.)

1. Executive summary

Imagine you have just 60 seconds to convince someone to invest in your business. That's the essence of a strong executive summary. Although it appears first on your business plan, this section is often written last because it sums up the entire plan. Think of it as your elevator pitch . This section gives a quick overview of your entire business plan, highlighting key points that grab the reader's attention.

Keep it clear and concise. Start with a brief overview of your business, including its name and what it offers. Summarize your mission statement and objectives, and don’t forget to mention crucial aspects like financial projections and competitive advantages.

2. Company description

Here's where you provide detailed information about your company. Begin with the business name and location. Describe the legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) and ownership. If your business already exists, share a brief history.

For new ventures, explain the business's nature and the problems you aim to solve. Go into more detail about your vision and mission statements, outlining your goals and the principles guiding your business. This section helps potential investors and stakeholders grasp your company’s identity and purpose.

3. Market research and analysis

This section shares insights into your company’s industry. Start with a landscape analysis to give an overview of the market, including its size, growth rate, and key players.

Next, define your target market and customer demographics—age, location, income, and interests—detailing who your ideal customers are. Identify market needs and trends your business will address, and highlight customer pain points your product or service aims to solve.

Consider conducting a SWOT analysis to evaluate your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and gain a strategic view of where your business stands in the competitive landscape.

4. Organization and management

Describe how your business is structured and who runs it. Outline the organizational structure, and if helps, include a chart. Introduce the leadership team and key personnel, highlighting their qualifications and roles. If you have a board of directors, mention them and briefly explain their involvement.

Then, outline your production processes, detailing how your product or service is (or will be) created—from sourcing materials to delivery—to give a comprehensive view of your operational capabilities.

5. Products and services

This section of your business plan outline is crucial for showing potential investors what makes your products and services unique and valuable.

Clearly describe what your business offers, emphasizing your unique selling propositions (USPs) and the benefits and features that set you apart from the competition. Talk about the product life cycle, including any plans for future updates.

If your business holds any intellectual property or proprietary technologies, detail them here to underscore your competitive advantages.

6. Marketing strategy

Having a fantastic product or service is just half the battle. The marketing plan section should outline how you'll reach your target market and convert them into customers.

Begin with market positioning and branding, explaining how you want your brand perceived. Detail your marketing and promotional strategies, including specific tactics to reach your target audience.

Discuss your sales strategy, focusing on how you'll convert leads into customers. Lastly, include your pricing strategy and provide a sales forecast, projecting your expected revenue over a certain period.

7. Operations plan

Here, the goal is to give a detailed overview of the physical and logistical aspects of your company. Start with the business location and facilities, describing where it operates and any significant physical assets. Detail the technology and equipment needed for daily operations.

Briefly describe your supply chain and logistics processes to illustrate how you manage inventory, procurement, and distribution. Finish it by outlining your production process and quality control measures to ensure your products or services consistently meet high standards.

8. Financial plan

Use this section of the business plan to show how your company will succeed financially. Include financial projections like income statements and cash flow statements. Specify how much capital you need and how you plan to use it, discussing funding sources.

Conduct a break-even analysis to estimate when your business will become profitable. Be transparent and address any financial risks and assumptions, outlining how you plan to mitigate them.

9. Appendices and exhibits

In this section, include any additional information that supports your business plan. This might be resumes of key personnel to highlight your team's expertise and experience, or even legal documents and agreements.

Include market research data and surveys to back up your market analysis. Add financial statements for a detailed look at your financial plan. Also, provide detailed product specifications to give a clear understanding of your products and services.

Here's a business plan outline example

Not quite there yet? Take a look at this business plan outline example—it will make everything clear for you.

3.1 Executive Summary

  • Overview of the business
  • Key points of the business plan

3.2 Company Description

  • Business name and location
  • History and nature of the business
  • Legal structure and ownership
  • Vision and mission statement

3.3 Market Research and Analysis

  • Industry analysis
  • Target market and customer demographics
  • Market needs, trends
  • Customer pain points
  • SWOT analysis

3.4 Organization and Management

  • Organizational structure
  • Leadership team and key personnel
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Board of directors (if applicable)
  • Production processes

3.5 Products and Services

  • Description of products or services offered
  • Unique selling propositions, benefits, features
  • Product lifecycle and development plans
  • Intellectual property and proprietary technologies

3.6 Marketing Strategy

  • Market positioning and branding
  • Marketing and promotional strategies
  • Sales strategy and tactics
  • Pricing strategy and sales forecast

3.7 Operations Plan

  • Business location and facilities
  • Technology and equipment
  • Supply chain and logistics
  • Production process and quality control

3.8 Financial Plan

  • Financial projections (income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements)
  • Funding requirements and sources
  • Break-even analysis
  • Financial risks and assumptions

3.9 Appendices and Exhibits (if applicable)

  • Supporting documents and additional information
  • Resumes of key personnel
  • Legal documents and agreements
  • Market research data and surveys
  • Financial Statements
  • Detailed Product Specifications

Bonus tips on how to write a winning business plan

Once you've done your business plan outline, it's time to fill in the gaps and craft a winning business plan. Here are some bonus tips to keep in mind:

  • Tailor it to fit your business : Customize sections to meet industry-specific needs and highlight what makes your business unique.
  • Keep it clear and concise : Use straightforward language and support your points with data to ensure easy understanding and avoid any confusion.
  • Set actionable and realistic goals : Define measurable objectives with clear timelines and milestones to track your progress.
  • Update regularly : Keep your plan dynamic by making regular updates to reflect changes in goals, market conditions, and strategies.
  • Seek feedback : Gain insights from mentors and advisors to refine your plan.

Read this next: How to Start a Business in 8 Steps: A Comprehensive Guide from Concept to Launch

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How To Start A Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Creating a business plan is a critical first step for any entrepreneur. Knowing how to start a business plan will help you create a roadmap, guiding your business from startup to growth and beyond. Whether you're looking for investment, trying to set clear goals, or simply organizing your thoughts, a solid business plan can make all the difference.

Here is a guide to help you get started on your business plan:

1. executive summary.

What It Is: This section summarizes your business plan as a whole and outlines your company profile and goals.

What to Include:

  • Business name and location
  • Products or services offered
  • Mission statement
  • The purpose of the plan (e.g., seeking funding, guiding the startup process)

Tip: Keep it concise. Although it's the first section, it's often best to write it last, after you’ve detailed everything else.

2. Company Description

What It Is: This section provides detailed information about your company, including who you are, what you do, and what markets you serve.

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  • Your business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)
  • The industry and marketplace needs your business meets
  • Your business’s objectives and how you stand out from competitors

Tip: Use this section to highlight your company’s strengths and what makes you unique.

3. Market Research

What It Is: Market research demonstrates your understanding of the industry and target market.

  • Market size and growth potential
  • Target customer demographics
  • Market trends and outlook
  • Competitive analysis, including strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Tip: Include data and statistics to back up your findings and show that you’ve done your homework.

4. Organization and Management

What It Is: This section outlines your business’s organizational structure and management team.

  • Organizational chart
  • Information about the ownership of the company
  • Backgrounds and qualifications of the management team
  • Roles and responsibilities within the company

Tip: Highlight the skills and experiences of your team that will help the business succeed.

5. Products or Services Line

What It Is: Here, you detail the products or services you offer or plan to offer.

  • A description of each product or service
  • The lifecycle of products or services
  • Research and development activities, if applicable
  • Intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks

Tip: Focus on the benefits your products or services bring to your customers.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy

What It Is: This section explains how you will attract and retain customers.

  • Marketing strategies, including advertising, promotions, and public relations
  • Sales strategies, including sales processes, channels, and tactics
  • Pricing strategy and how it compares to competitors

Tip: Ensure your marketing and sales strategies are aligned with your market research findings.

7. Funding Request

What It Is: If you’re seeking funding , this section outlines your requirements.

  • Your current funding needs
  • Future funding requirements over the next five years
  • How you intend to use the funds
  • Potential future financial plans (e.g., selling the business, repaying debt)

Tip: Be specific and realistic about how much funding you need and how it will be used.

8. Financial Projections

What It Is: Financial projections provide a forecast of your business’s financial future.

  • Income statements
  • Cash flow statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Break-even analysis

Tip: Use realistic and conservative estimates. Consider hiring a financial professional to help with this section if needed.

9. Appendix

What It Is: The appendix includes any additional information that supports your business plan.

  • Resumes of key management team members
  • Permits and leases
  • Legal documents
  • Detailed market research data
  • Product photos

Tip: Only include essential information that adds value to your business plan.

Final Tips for Creating a Business Plan

Creating a business plan requires clarity and precision. First and foremost, keep your business plan clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or complex language that could make the plan difficult to read or understand. Your aim should be to communicate your ideas effectively and efficiently.

Next, be realistic in your approach. Ensure that your goals and financial projections are attainable based on your research and understanding of the market. Overly ambitious projections can undermine your credibility and potentially lead to unrealistic expectations.

It's also essential to remember that a business plan is a dynamic document. As your business grows and market conditions change, you should revisit and revise your plan regularly. This helps you stay aligned with your goals and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

Finally, seek feedback from experienced business professionals. Having someone with business experience review your plan can provide valuable insights and help identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. Their feedback can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your business plan.

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to create a robust and effective business plan that can guide your business towards success.

The bottom line is that starting a business plan may seem challenging, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a comprehensive guide to steer your business toward success. Use this step-by-step guide to ensure that all essential components are covered, giving your business the best possible start.

Melissa Houston, CPA is the author of Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business and the founder of She Means Profit . As a Business Strategist for small business owners, Melissa helps women making mid-career shifts, to launch their dream businesses, and I also guide established business owners to grow their businesses to more profitably.

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace any professional or expert accounting and/or tax advice whatsoever.

Melissa Houston

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Ultimate Guide To Starting A Trucking Company Business Plan

Ultimate Guide To Starting A Trucking Company Business Plan

Every year, over 70% of all freight tonnage in the U.S. is moved by trucks, underpinning the critical role of the trucking industry in the economy. This astonishing figure showcases the immense potential for entrepreneurs looking to dive into this sector. However, achieving success requires a meticulously crafted business plan specific to the unique challenges and opportunities in trucking.

Starting a trucking company isn’t just about owning a fleet; it’s about strategic planning and thorough industry knowledge. Historically, small operators have thrived by capitalizing on niche markets, but the modern landscape demands adaptability and foresight. A robust business plan integrates market analysis, financial projections, and compliance strategies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to navigating the complexities of this dynamic field.

Ultimate Guide to Starting a Trucking Company Business Plan

Creating a successful trucking company business plan is the first step toward hitting the road. A well-thought-out plan helps guide your operations and decision-making. It includes detailed insights into your business’s structure and strategies for growth. Additionally, it shows potential investors that you’re serious and prepared.

Key components of a trucking business plan cover various aspects. These include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, and organization structure. Financial planning and compliance details are also crucial. Together, these elements form a comprehensive plan to achieve your goals.

Effective market analysis is essential to understand the competition and industry trends. This section helps you identify your target market and set realistic benchmarks. Analyzing competitors allows you to find gaps in the market that your business can fill. It’s about knowing where you fit in and how to stand out.

Accurate financial projections ensure your trucking company remains profitable. Include details about startup costs, ongoing expenses, and expected revenue. Make sure to plan for any financial risks and how you’ll manage them. This helps keep your business on track and ready to handle any detours.

Importance of a Well-Crafted Trucking Company Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan sets the stage for a successful trucking company. It acts as a roadmap, guiding your business from startup to growth phases. Without a clear plan, it’s easy to get lost in the complexities of the trucking industry. This ensures you stay focused and organized, making better decisions along the way.

Investors and lenders look for a solid business plan before committing their money. A detailed plan shows you’ve done your homework and reduces perceived risks. It includes key elements like market analysis, financial projections, and operational strategies. This builds confidence among stakeholders and increases your chances of securing funding.

A good business plan also helps in managing cash flow effectively. Breaking down expenses, revenue, and profits allows for accurate financial planning. Consistently reviewing and updating the plan keeps your financial goals in sight. This is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Lastly, a business plan offers a way to measure success. Setting benchmarks and tracking progress ensures you’re meeting your objectives. It allows for adjustments when things don’t go as planned. In essence, it keeps your business moving in the right direction.

Crucial Components of a Trucking Company Business Plan

A comprehensive trucking company business plan covers many essential elements. First, the executive summary provides a snapshot of your business, outlining goals and strategies. This section is crucial for capturing the interest of potential investors. It should be clear and compelling to make them want to read more.

The company description dives into what your trucking company is all about. It includes details like your mission, vision, and the types of services you offer. This segment also highlights what sets your company apart from competitors. Explaining your unique selling points is key to standing out.

Market analysis is another vital component, offering insights into the industry and competition. It involves researching your target market and identifying trends. Understanding who your customers are and what they need helps tailor your services. This data-driven approach can significantly enhance your business strategy.

Financial projections are indispensable for long-term planning and securing funding. These projections should cover startup costs, revenue forecasts, and profit margins. Including charts and tables to illustrate your financial outlook makes it easier to understand. This visual representation helps in convincing stakeholders of your business’s viability.

Steps to Developing a Winning Trucking Company Business Plan

Developing a successful trucking company business plan starts with thorough research. Begin by understanding the industry, your competitors, and your target audience. This provides a solid foundation for your business. The more information you gather, the stronger your plan will be.

Next, create an engaging executive summary to capture attention. This section should provide an overview of your business, outlining key points. Make it concise yet informative. A powerful summary can make a positive first impression on potential investors.

After that, flesh out your business description. Include details on your company’s structure, mission, and vision. Highlight your services and what makes your company unique. This helps define your brand and attract customers.

Crafting a detailed market analysis is crucial for identifying opportunities and challenges. Focus on your target market, industry trends, and competitor analysis. Use data and insights to support your findings. This step is vital for shaping your business strategy.

  • Startup costs
  • Revenue projections
  • Break-even analysis

Lastly, outline financial projections to showcase the financial viability of your business. Mention startup costs, revenue forecasts, and break-even analysis. This reassures investors about the profitability and sustainability of your plan. Accurate financial data is essential for gaining stakeholder trust.

Understanding the Trucking Industry Market Analysis

Market analysis in the trucking industry involves researching a variety of important factors. Start by looking into current industry trends. This includes understanding the demand for trucking services and emerging technologies. An industry overview helps identify market opportunities and potential risks.

Part of the analysis is diving into the competition. Determine who your main competitors are and study their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what other companies are doing can help you position your business uniquely. Competition analysis also helps pinpoint what sets your trucking company apart.

Next, you should focus on target market research. Identify your potential customers and their needs. Are you catering to businesses that need freight shipped locally or nationwide? Understanding your audience ensures your services meet their specific requirements.

Use tables and data to simplify complex information. Financial figures, market shares, and demand forecasts can be visually represented in tables. This helps stakeholders quickly grasp the essentials. Visual aids make the information more accessible and impactful.

Consider the regulatory environment in your market analysis. The trucking industry is subject to various regulations that can impact operations. Keep track of laws around driver hours, environmental standards, and safety requirements. Staying compliant is crucial for long-term success.

Financial Projections and Fund Management for a Trucking Business

Financial projections are a cornerstone of a trucking business plan. They offer a forecast of your company’s financial future. Start by listing your initial startup costs, such as purchasing trucks and securing permits. Accurate projections help you understand how much funding you need.

Next, create detailed revenue forecasts. Estimate how much you’ll earn based on factors like the number of trucks and trips. Revenue predictions should be realistic and supported by data. Keeping track of income helps ensure that your business remains profitable.

Managing funds effectively involves monitoring both earnings and expenses. Operating costs account for fuel, maintenance, and driver salaries. Keep a close eye on these expenditures to avoid overspending. Regularly updating your financial plan helps in effective fund management.

Use a table to display your financial projections clearly. This helps in visualizing key figures like startup costs, monthly revenue, and operational expenses. Tables can summarize complicated data in an easy-to-read format.

Financial ElementProjected CostMonthly Expenses
Startup Costs$150,000
Operating Costs$20,000

Lastly, consider contingency planning. Set aside funds for unexpected expenses like truck repairs or regulatory changes. This ensures your business can handle unforeseen challenges. Adequate fund management provides stability and keeps your operations smooth.

Compliance and Legalities in the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry operates under strict regulations to ensure safety and efficiency. One major component is obtaining proper licensing. Driver licenses, vehicle registrations, and business permits are necessary. These documents must always be up-to-date to avoid fines.

Ensuring your drivers comply with hours-of-service regulations is crucial. These laws prevent fatigue by limiting driving hours. Monitoring devices can help track compliance in real-time. Offenders face severe penalties, impacting your business reputation.

Environmental laws also play a significant role in trucking operations. Rules regarding emissions and waste management are common. Adhering to these guidelines helps maintain a sustainable business model.

  • Driver Qualifications
  • Vehicle Inspections
  • Insurance Requirements

You should keep thorough records of all legal documents and changes in regulations. Organized documentation ensures quick access during audits or inspections. Staying well-informed about new rules prevents any compliance issues from arising.

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting a trucking company involves careful planning and awareness of industry regulations. Here are some of the most common questions related to launching your trucking business.

1. What are the basic steps to start a trucking company?

The first step is researching the industry to understand market demand, competitors, and regulatory requirements. Next, you’ll need to create a detailed business plan outlining your services, target market, and financial projections.

After that, secure the necessary licenses and permits for operation. Make sure you have a strategy for funding and managing finances to sustain your business in its early stages.

2. What types of licenses are required for a trucking company?

You will need several key licenses to operate legally. A motor carrier authority (MC number) from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ( FMCSA ) is essential.

Your drivers will also need commercial driver’s licenses (CDL). Additionally, ensure that both state and local permits are obtained based on where you plan to operate.

3. How can I secure funding for my trucking business?

Consider various options such as small business loans, grants specifically for transportation businesses, or investor funding. Each option requires thorough documentation including your robust business plan.

You might also explore leasing trucks instead of purchasing them outright, which minimizes initial costs. Building relationships with banks or financial advisors can provide additional avenues for securing necessary funds.

4. How important is market analysis in starting a trucking company?

Market analysis is critical because it helps you understand industry trends and customer needs. Knowledge about your competition and target audience ensures that your services meet specific demands effectively.

This insight helps tailor your marketing strategies and operational approaches, increasing chances of success. Accurate market analysis can guide pricing strategies too.

5. What are the major challenges faced by new trucking companies?

One significant challenge is dealing with tight profit margins due to high operational costs like fuel prices and maintenance expenses. Compliance with regulatory requirements is another hurdle as non-adherence can attract severe penalties.

General competition in the market needs attention-you`ll require strategic positioning with exceptional service offerings attract loyal customers amidst this. </br Productivity needs close monitoring

Additionally,demand fluctuations affect consistent revenue streams so flexibility remains could be considered adding operational value.

Starting a trucking company is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. A well-structured business plan is essential for navigating the industry’s challenges and seizing its opportunities. This plan serves as your roadmap, guiding your decisions and ensuring your business remains on course.

From understanding market dynamics to securing necessary licenses, each step is crucial for success. By focusing on financial planning, compliance, and solid market analysis, you lay a strong foundation. With dedication and strategic planning, your trucking company can thrive in this competitive industry.

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  • Implementing Performance Management

Review Periods in Talent Management

Review periods are business periods that you use to measure performance and achieve results. Review periods enable you to organize your processes into time bound business cycles. For example, you can create a review period for the Financial Year 2020 as FY2020.

You can link Talent Management business objects that have the same review period time line. Review period is a common component that ties to goal plans and performance document periods. For example, you can connect an employee's performance to business objectives and results by associating goal plans in the Goals work area and performance documents in the Performance Management work area with business periods using review periods.

Manage Review Periods

As an HR specialist or administrator, you manage review periods on the Review Periods page.

HR specialists can go to My Client Groups > Goals , and then select the Review Periods link.

HR specialists can go to My Client Groups > Performance , and then select the Review Periods link.

Administrators can search for and use the Review Periods task in the Setup and Maintenance area.

These considerations apply for review periods:

You can create review periods whenever you want to, and later associate them with goal plans, goal plan sets (if enabled), and performance documents.

Each review period must have a unique name.

If a review period is in use, then you can't modify its start and end dates.

You can set the status of a review period to active or inactive any time. The business objects already associated with a review period that you make inactive continue to use the review period. But HR specialists can't see an inactive review period when creating a business object, such as a goal plan, goal plan set, or performance document.

You can hide inactive review periods in all employees and managers responsive pages. You need to set the Display Inactive Review Periods (ORA_HRT_DISPLAY_INACTIVE_REVIEW_PERIODS) profile option to No . But remember that HR specialists will continue to see inactive review periods regardless of the profile option value.

You can also delete review periods that aren't in use.

Review Periods You See

You can now only see relevant review periods on the Goal Management and Performance Management responsive pages.

On the employee Goals spotlight page, you can see only those review periods for which the employee has an assigned goal plan. But if primary goal plan is enabled, you can see all review periods.

On the employee Performance Spotlight page, you can see only these review periods:

Review periods where the employee has a performance document created for them or an Anytime document can be created

Review periods where the employee has a check-in document created for them or a check-in document can be created

On the Performance spotlight page, an employee can also see review periods where the employee has a received a request to provide participant feedback for another employee.

On the Evaluate Performance page, managers can see review periods for which there are created employee performance documents (regular or Anytime) where the manager is the performance document manager.

On the Goals and Performance Overview page, managers can see only these review periods:

Review periods where the employee has an assigned goal plan. But if primary goal plan is enabled, all review periods are shown.

Review periods where the employee has a performance document created for them or an Anytime Document can be created

Link Goal Plans and Goal Plan Sets to Performance Documents

When you create performance templates, you select a review period for each document period.

When you create a goal plan, you select a review period and then associate performance document types with the goal plan. If goal plan set is enabled, when you create a goal plan set, you select a review period. All goal plans in the goal plan set have the same review period. The goal plan's review period and the associated performance document types determine the goals that appear in the goal plan when a performance document is created.

Associate Check-In Templates with Review Periods

You can associate a check-in template with specific performance review periods or all review periods. By default, check-in templates are associated with all review periods. When you create a check-in document based on the template, these goals for the review period are included in the check-in document:

Performance goals that aren't pending approval, not private, and not canceled

Active and not private development goals

You can add a discussion topic for a performance goal if you're assigned any goals for the review period.

Did you know that you can also specify review periods or change review periods for inactive check-in templates? The review periods can control the goals included in the check-in documents, when you later activate the template.

Related Topics

  • How Performance Documents Work with Performance Goals
  • Guidelines for Setting Up Performance Document Periods
  • Create a Check-In Template
  • Goal Plan Sets


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  18. Top 4 Business Plan Examples

    You may need a 5-year business plan template, or perhaps just some business plan examples for students. Make sure to remember this as you start writing your business plan, and comment below to let us know if these examples of business plans for startups were helpful in your startup journey. For more helpful founder information: check out our ...

  19. A Business Plan Template for Startup Companies [2024 Guide]

    A startup business plan, simply put, is a written document that basically does three things: Gives an overview of your new business. Defines your startup's short-term and long-term goals. Defines how it is going to achieve them. You need a business plan for your startup because it helps you:

  20. 100 Free Sample Business Plan Templates for Entrepreneurs and Small

    2. Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan. Trend Setters is a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price, value and relationship. Read Full Business Plan. 3.

  21. How to Write a Business Plan Outline in 9 Steps

    Bonus tips on how to write a winning business plan. Once you've done your business plan outline, it's time to fill in the gaps and craft a winning business plan. Here are some bonus tips to keep in mind: Tailor it to fit your business: Customize sections to meet industry-specific needs and highlight what makes your business unique.

  22. How To Start A Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Here is a guide to help you get started on your business plan: 1. Executive Summary. What It Is: This section summarizes your business plan as a whole and outlines your company profile and goals.

  23. Planning templates & free guides

    Download our free business planning templates and access help and advice on how to complete a business plan and cash flow templates for your start up. Skip to main content Log in; Apply for funding ; Search Toggle. Open and close the menu ... The Start-Up Loans Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of British Business Bank plc. It is a company ...

  24. Ultimate Guide To Starting A Trucking Company Business Plan

    A robust business plan integrates market analysis, financial projections, and compliance strategies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to navigating the complexities of this dynamic field. Ultimate Guide to Starting a Trucking Company Business Plan. Creating a successful trucking company business plan is the first step toward hitting the road.

  25. Auto Reply Text Message Template in 2024

    Jul 5, 2024 - auto reply text message template. There are any references about auto reply text message template in, you can look below. I hope this article about auto reply text message template can be useful for you. Please remember that this article is for reference purposes only. #auto #reply #text #message #template

  26. Review Periods in Talent Management

    If a review period is in use, then you can't modify its start and end dates. ... But HR specialists can't see an inactive review period when creating a business object, such as a goal plan, goal plan set, or performance document. ... When you create performance templates, you select a review period for each document period. ...