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Xhosa ( isiXhosa )

Xhosa is a Bantu language spoken in South Africa, mainly in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Northern Cape. It is also in parts of Lesotho and Zimbabwe. According to the 2011 census there are about 8.2 million native speakers of Xhosa, and another 11 million second language speakers.

Xhosa at a glance

  • Native name : isiXhosa [isikǁʰɔ́ːsa]
  • Language family : Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Southern Bantoid, Bantu, Southern Bantu, Nguni, Zunda
  • Number of speakers : c. 19 million
  • Spoken in : South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho
  • First written : 1823
  • Writing system : Latin script
  • Status : official language in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Xhosa is an official language in South Africa and Zimbabe, and is used as a language of instruction in primary schools, and in some secondary schools. It is also taught in universities. There are books, magazines and newspapers in Xhosa, as well as TV and radio programmes, films, plays and songs.

Xhosa is closely related to Zulu , Swati and Ndebele , and mutually intelligible with them to some extent.

Xhosa's click consonants were most likely borrowed from the Khoisan languages as a result of long and extensive interaction between the Xhosa and Khoisan peoples.

A system for writing Xhosa using the Latin alphabet was devised by Christian missionaries during the early 19th century. The first printed work in Xhosa was published in 1823.

Xhosa alphabet

Hear the Xhosa alphabet:

Xhosa pronunciation

Hear how to pronounce Xhosa:

Download an alphabet chart for Xhosa (Excel)

Sample text in Xhosa

Bonke abantu bazalwa bekhululekile belingana ngesidima nangokweemfanelo. Bonke abantu banesiphiwo sesazela nesizathu sokwenza isenzo ongathanda ukuba senziwe kumzalwane wakho.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Some corrections to this page by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample video in Xhosa

Information about Xhosa | Phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Tower of Babel | Books about Xhosa on: and [affilate links]

Information about the Xhosa language

Online Xhosa lessons

Online Xhosa dictionaries

Xhosa phrases

Bantu languages

Bangi , Basaa , Bemba , Bena , Benga , Bhaca , Bukusu , Bulu , Central Teke , Chichewa , Chokwe , Chuwabu , Comorian , Digo , Duala , Eton , Ewondo , Fang , Ganda/Luganda , Gogo , Gusii , Gwere , Haya , Herero , Ikizu , Jita , Kamba , Kiga , Kikuyu , Kimbundu , Kinyarwanda , Kirundi , Kisi , Kongo , Konjo , Koti , Kukuya , Kunda , Kuria , Lambya , Lingala , Loma , Lozi , Luba-Katanga , Luchazi , Lunda , Luvale , Makaa , Makonde , Makhuwa , Mandekan , Maore , Masaaba , Mbunda , Mende , Mongo , Mushungulu , Mwani , Nambya , Nande , Nkore , North Teke , Northern Ndebele (South Africa) , Northern Ndebele (Zimbabwe) , Northern Sotho , Nyamwezi , Nyakyusa , Nyemba , Nyole , Nyungwe , Nzadi , Oroko , OshiWambo , Pagibete , Punu , Ronga , Sena , Sengele , Shona , Soga , Songe , Southern Ndebele , Southern Sotho , Sukuma , Swahili , Swati , Tanga , Tembo , Tonga , Tshiluba , Tsonga , Tswa , Tswana , Tumbuka , Umbundu , Venda , Xhosa , Yao , Yasa , Zigula , Zinza , Zulu

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

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application letter in xhosa

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World Language Library

Xhosa (isixhosa).

ULwesine, 27 Isilimela 2024 (GMT)

travel phpto to inspire Xhosa language study


Why learn Xhosa?

Learning Xhosa improves the knowledge of your own language. Understanding Xhosa enhances your opportunities in government, business, medicine, law, technology, military, industry, marketing, etc. Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are increased when you study Xhosa. The study of Xhosa teaches and encourages respect for other people.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Xhosa?

*** NOTES ***

Xhosa Alphabet & Pronunciation

Xhosa is both a tonal language and a click language. It has two tones, high and low, and 18 click sounds. The first six are dental clicks (represented by the letter "c"), made with the tongue on the back of the teeth, and they are similar to the sound represented in English by "tut-tut" or "tsk-tsk" to reprimand someone. The next six are lateral (represented by the letter "x"), made by the tongue at the sides of the mouth, and they are similar to the sound used to call horses. The last six are alveolar (represented by the letter "q"), made with the tip of the tongue at the roof of the mouth, and they sound somewhat like a cork pulled from a bottle.

Basic Phrases in Xhosa

Sala kakuhle
Ingaba uyasithetha Isingesi?
Enkosi ndiyabulela!
Ungubani igama lakho?
Igama lam ndingu
Ndonwabela ukuhlangana nawe

Xhosa Grammar

Xhosa nouns.


Xhosa Adjectives

Colors in xhosa.


Numbers in Xhosa

Ishumi elinanye
Ishumi elinambini
Amashumi amabini
Amashumi amathathu
Amashumi amane
Ishumi amahlanu
Amashumi amathandathu
Amashumi asixhenxe
Amashumi asibhozo
Amashumi aluthoba

Xhosa Verbs


Building Simple Sentences

More complex xhosa sentences.

Nangona kunjalo

Useful Xhosa Vocabulary

Xhosa questions.


Days of the Week in Xhosa


Months in Xhosa


Seasons in Xhosa


Telling Time in Xhosa

Ngubani ixesha?
Kwikota edlulileyo

Copyright © 2008-2024. World Language Library


How to learn Xhosa

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Craving to conquer the captivating clicks of Xhosa? Then look no further! Start unlocking the secrets of this melodious South African language with our tips and learning resources. Whether you’re just interested in learning essential phrases or whether you want to master Xhosa’s tricky pronunciation, our overview can help you get started. Get ready to embrace a new linguistic adventure and dive into the mesmerizing world of Xhosa culture!

About Xhosa

Xhosa, a rich and vibrant Bantu language, is spoken by millions of people in South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces. Just like Zulu (to which it’s closely related), Xhosa is well-known for its distinctive click sounds and is an integral part of South Africa’s cultural heritage, playing a significant role in communication, storytelling, and traditional ceremonies. With its complex grammar and fascinating nuances, learning Xhosa offers a gateway to understanding the diverse tapestry of South African society and immersing oneself in the beauty of its language and traditions.

A Xhosa bride walks alongside an older woman in Lesedi Cultural Village in South Africa

Before we dive into how to learn Xhosa and the best programs and methods out there, let’s take a quick look at the language itself:

Key Facts About Xhosa
🗣 Name (English)Xhosa
🗣 Name (Xhosa)isiXhosa [isikǁʰóːsa]
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Language FamilyAtlantic–Congo
🌍 Native toSouth Africa
📝 Writing SystemLatin
👥 No. of Speakers21 million (10 million native; 11 million L2)
🔎 DifficultyVery difficult for English speakers
📖 Word OrderSVO

There’s no getting around it: learning Xhosa can be a real challenge, especially if you have no experience in Bantu languages and how they work. Let’s explore what makes Xhosa a challenging (and a rewarding) experience in the next section:

The good and the bad of learning Xhosa

If you’re intending to learn Xhosa, you’ll probably find it a real challenge unless you’re already familiar with another Bantu language (in particular Zulu or Matabele, although even knowing any other Southern Bantu language like Tswana, Sotho, Tsonga, or Venda will give you a significant advantage). Still, no matter your starting point, learning Xhosa can be a highly rewarding journey that can open many doors and opportunities for you.

Advantages to learning Xhosa

Let’s start by looking at the things that generally make Xhosa easy or worthwhile to learn:

  • It uses a familiar alphabet: Xhosa has a phonetic writing system based on the Latin alphabet (i.e., the one you’re reading right now). This means that the pronunciation of words can be inferred from their spelling, and (unlike English) words are never written differently from how they’re pronounced.
  • It has consistent spelling rules: Similar to the above, as soon as you understand Xhosa pronunciation, you’ll realise that it’s a comparatively easy language to read and write.
  • Its speakers generally enjoy speaking to learners: When learning a new language, it can be very disheartening to try to speak to native speakers in that language, only for your effort to be received condescendingly or for your interlocutor to switch immediately to English. Fortunately, this generally isn’t the case among Xhosa speakers, who tend to be very welcoming of non-speakers conversing in their language! Immersion in Xhosa-speaking communities or practising with native speakers can provide valuable opportunities for language acquisition and cultural understanding.
  • It has similarities with other Bantu languages: As we mentioned earlier, Xhosa shares some similarities with other Bantu languages, especially Zulu and Matabele, but also others. Therefore, if you learn Xhosa, you’ll find it increasingly easy to infer some meaning from speakers of many other South African languages.
  • It uses SVO: The word order in Xhosa follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) pattern, which aligns with the word order in many other world languages, including English. For example, in the Xhosa sentence ‘ndisaqala ukufunda isiXhosa’ , we can see that the words follow the exact same order as they would in the equivalent English sentence: ‘I’ve just started learning Xhosa’ .
  • It opens many doors: Learning Xhosa will open your horizons. If you’re a South African, it will help you to see the country, its people, and its history from a widened perspective, and it can help you to become more socially savvy or regarded as being more trustworthy among Xhosa-speaking circles.

Disadvantages to learning Xhosa

On the other hand, Xhosa is an inescapably difficult language to learn. Here are a few of the biggest reasons why:

  • It has clicks: Pronouncing Xhosa’s three distinct prenasalized click sounds can be challenging for speakers of languages which don’t have those sounds (i.e., the vast majority of them!).
  • It has complex grammar: Xhosa’s grammatical structure is no walk in the park. Some of its most challenging features (at least as far as English speakers are concerned) are its extensive list of noun classes and its concord systems.
  • There’s not much learning material out there: At present, there is still very limited availability of learning resources and textbooks for Xhosa overall, compared to more widely studied languages like Arabic or French.
  • It’s not common outside its ‘home range’: Limited exposure to Xhosa in mainstream media and popular culture outside of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa can make practising and immersing yourself in the language significantly more challenging.

Best ways to learn Xhosa

As we saw above, there unfortunately aren’t quite as many options to learn Xhosa as you’d have to learn a major world language like French, Mandarin, or Spanish. That being said, there are still a few paths you can follow. If you’re living in South Africa, you’ll find it much easier to take in-person classes or become immersed in the language, but these days, you can even make progress from anywhere.

Below, we’ve highlighted the three best ways to learn Xhosa:

application letter in xhosa

Option 1: Take in-person Xhosa classes

Taking in-person language classes is normally the best way to learn Xhosa. Not only will you receive individual attention, but you’ll also be able to interact with a teacher and fellow students at your level. Language, after all, is a social phenomenon, and it should come as no surprise that learning in an in-person, social context is generally considered to be the best way to learn a new language – and Xhosa is no exception. Below, we’ve highlighted a few language schools offering Xhosa classes in major cities:

Cape Town
Cape Town

Option 2: Immerse yourself in Xhosa

With TV, radio, and of course the internet, you can go quite far in listening to and reading the Xhosa language and exposing yourself to its nuances. For example, the SABC is available in Xhosa with daily programming, and there are plenty of interesting YouTube channels and online websites to get exposure for free. That said, the best way to get exposure is to speak to Xhosa speakers, so if you’re in an area where Xhosa is spoken, don’t be shy – get out there and make an effort!

application letter in xhosa

Option 3: Teach yourself online

Last but not least, paid online resources to learn Xhosa are few and far between, but a few reliable and affordable options do exist. By taking an online speaking lesson with a native speaker or following a preset course, you can start from scratch and make progress in no time! Especially when combined with one or both of the other two methods we discussed above, you’ll be on your way to speaking Xhosa faster than you might imagine!

Below, we’ve highlighted three of the very best options on the market to teach yourself Xhosa online:

Our pick
💻 Type1-on-1 tutoring1-on-1 tutoringCourse
📆 Founded200620132016
🍎 Native Tutors
📖 No. of LessonsAs requestedAs requested131
⏳ Duration1 hour /lesson1 hour /lesson100 hours

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Minggu, 30 April 2017

Application letter in xhosa.

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Application Letter In Xhosa

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Xhosa Letters

Let's now learn the Xhosa letters . Knowing these characters will allow you to read and write commonly used expressions and words with ease.

A a as in
B b as in
C c as in
D d as in
E e as in
F f as in
G g as in
H h as in
I i as in
J j as in
K k
L l as in
M m as in
N n as in
O o as in
P p as in
Q q as in
R r as in
S s as in
T t as in
U u as in
V v as in
W w as in
X x as in
Y y as in
Z z as in

The above letters in Xhosa should allow you to read and write the following pages with much ease: popular phrases in Xhosa , Xhosa homepage , or Xhosa Grammar . Xhosa quiz and flashcard can also be found on our homepage.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

  • How To Write A Cv In Xhosa

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How To Write A Cv In Xhosa

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How To Write A Cv In Xhosa

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Results for xhosa application letter of admission translation from English to Xhosa

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xhosa application letter of admission

isixhosa incwadi yesicelo sokwamkelwa

Last Update: 2022-04-27 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

xhosa application letter

Last Update: 2023-09-02 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

xhosa application letter ampply

isixhosa incwadi yesicelo ampply

Last Update: 2022-06-02 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

xhosa application letter for grade 10

ileta yesicelo yesixhosa yebanga le-10

Last Update: 2024-04-23 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

letter of application for admission

ileta yesicelo sokwamkelwa

Last Update: 2024-05-12 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

job application letter

ileta yesicelo so msebenzi

Last Update: 2023-10-24 Usage Frequency: 6 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

formal job application letter

i leta yocela umsebenzi

Last Update: 2019-01-17 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

formal job application letter in xhosa

ileta yesicelo somsebenzi esisemthethweni ngesixhosa

Last Update: 2023-11-12 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

right of admission reserved

Last Update: 2016-10-20 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

i will write a letter of referral

okuzoba yiyo yonke namuhla.

Last Update: 2022-04-18 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

capitalize the first letter of each selected word

bhala unobumba osekuqaleni ngonobumba omkhulu kwigama ngalinye elikhethiweyo

Last Update: 2014-08-20 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

sample of formal letter of complaint to a manager

Last Update: 2024-03-12 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

the initial letter of the dockyard is added to each.

isiqalelo sonobumba seyadi yasedokisini sidityaniswe esinye nesinye.

Last Update: 2018-02-15 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

name sometimes given to a "letter of indemnity."

igama ngamanye amaxesha elinikwa "ileta yokhuselo"

Last Update: 2018-02-15 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting

the marking consists of the distinguishing letter of the class of boat.

iimpawu zinonobumba abohlula amabanga ezikhephe.

a letter of thanks must be sent as soon as possible after a private function.

ileta yombulelo kumele ithunyelwe ngokukhawuleza emva kwalo msitho wabucala.

the proper() function converts the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase.

proper () umsebenzi uguqulela i leta yokuqala yegama ngalinye kwamagama amakhulu nazozonke i leta kwamagama amancincane.

Last Update: 2011-10-23 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

then esther the queen, the daughter of abihail, and mordecai the jew, wrote with all authority, to confirm this second letter of purim.

babhala ke ooestere ukumkanikazi, intombi ka-abhihayili, nomordekayi umyuda, bamisa ngokuqinileyo konke, le ncwadi yesibini yepuri.

Last Update: 2012-05-05 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

and hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and hezekiah went up into the house of the lord, and spread it before the lord.

wawathabatha uhezekiya amaphepha eencwadi ezandleni zabathunywa, wawalesa; wenyuka waya endlwini kayehova, wawaneka uhezekiya phambi koyehova.

code by which weather conditions may be tersely expressed by a combination of letters of alphabet.

ingqokolela apho isimo sezulu singatsho emxholweni ngokucacileyo ngokudibanisa uluhlu loonobumba abalandelelayo.

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  1. Translate xhosa application letter in Xhosa with examples

    Get a better translation with7,793,293,431 human contributions. Contextual translation of "xhosa application letter" into Xhosa. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory.

  2. Translate formal job application letter in Xhosa

    formal job application letter in xhosa. ileta yesicelo somsebenzi esisemthethweni ngesixhosa. Last Update: 2023-11-12. Usage Frequency: 1. Quality: formal job application letter. i leta yocela umsebenzi. Last Update: 2019-01-17. Usage Frequency: 1.

  3. Translate application letter in Xhosa with examples

    Contextual translation of "application letter" into Xhosa. Human translations with examples: amanqaku, paper size, ileta yobuhlobo, ileta yangasemva.

  4. Xhosa alphabet, pronunciation and language

    Xhosa ( isiXhosa) Xhosa. (. isiXhosa. ) Xhosa is a Bantu language spoken in South Africa, mainly in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Northern Cape. It is also in parts of Lesotho and Zimbabwe. According to the 2011 census there are about 8.2 million native speakers of Xhosa, and another 11 million second language speakers.

  5. Xhosa language

    Xhosa (/ ˈ k ɔː s ə / KAW-sə, / ˈ k oʊ s ə / KOH-sə; Xhosa pronunciation: [kǁʰóːsa]), formerly spelled Xosa and also known by its local name isiXhosa, is a Nguni language, indigenous to Southern Africa and one of the official languages of South Africa and Zimbabwe. Xhosa is spoken as a first language by approximately 10 million people and as a second language by another 10 million ...

  6. Xhosa Words & Phrasebook

    Accommodation listing and news for the Wild Coast of South Africa. Faceted search for accommodation by place, type, facilities, activities and services. Comprehensive list of hotels, b&b, self catering, cottages, backpackers, nature reserves. Online booking for Wild Coast Holiday Accommodation.

  7. cover letter in Xhosa

    Translation of "cover letter" into Xhosa. ileta ekhapha isicelo is the translation of "cover letter" into Xhosa. Sample translated sentence: If there is not, you can write to the Society, provided that the elders send along a covering letter with their observations about your qualifications and language skills.

  8. Learn Xhosa Online (isiXhosa)

    Xhosa Alphabet & Pronunciation. Xhosa is both a tonal language and a click language. It has two tones, high and low, and 18 click sounds. The first six are dental clicks (represented by the letter "c"), made with the tongue on the back of the teeth, and they are similar to the sound represented in English by "tut-tut" or "tsk-tsk" to reprimand someone.

  9. PDF Xhosa Theme 1: Greetings and Courtesies

    In true Xhosa tradition greeting is a very important procedure. It is a structured encounter and it is considered ill-mannered not to greet either a friend or a stranger in passing. One should always greet. Ubuntu (humanity towards others) plays a prominent role in the African culture. It is therefore not sufficient to merely say "Molo!".

  10. Here are the best ways to learn Xhosa ⁄ Sprachpunkt

    Xhosa, a rich and vibrant Bantu language, is spoken by millions of people in South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces. Just like Zulu (to which it's closely related), Xhosa is well-known for its distinctive click sounds and is an integral part of South Africa's cultural heritage, playing a significant role ...

  11. Xhosa English Translator

    3. Xhosa and English Dictionary: Discover the full potential of our app as a comprehensive Xhosa and English dictionary. Whether you're looking to explore Xhosa words or their English equivalents, our app serves as a reliable language reference, expanding your vocabulary and deepening your understanding of both languages. 4.

  12. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  13. Language/Xhosa/Grammar/Pronunciation-and-Alphabet

    The Xhosa alphabet consists of 28 letters, including 3 click consonants. It is important to note that the Xhosa alphabet is written using the Latin script, which makes it easier for English speakers to learn. However, there are a few letters that are unique to Xhosa and may require some practice to pronounce correctly.

  14. Translate formal job application letter in Xhosa

    xhosa application letter for grade 10. Xhosa. ileta yesicelo yesixhosa yebanga le-10. Last Update: 2024-04-23 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Add a translation. Get a better translation with 7,776,985,869 human contributions ...

  15. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  16. Application. letter in application letter in xhosa formal business

    Application letter in xhosa Memory. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual HERE. COPY AND PASTE THE CONTENTS OF THIS LETTER INTO A NEW TEXT OR WORD PROCESSOR DOCUMENT words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of the name Origin of the name Names meaning ...

  17. Application Letter In Xhosa ~ ANAXMEN

    Application Letter In Xhosa Application Form Mba This Is An Image Of The Coast Guard Reserve Application Letter In Xhosa posted by, Image Size : 347 x 668 png.

  18. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Use the same font you chose for your resume. Left-align all content. Keep your application letter length to only one page. Just like with your resume margins, set them to 1-inch on your job application letter as well. Leave ample white space by using double-spacing between paragraphs and setting line spacing to 1.15.

  19. Xhosa Letters

    Let's now learn the Xhosa letters. Knowing these characters will allow you to read and write commonly used expressions and words with ease. The above letters in Xhosa should allow you to read and write the following pages with much ease: popular phrases in Xhosa, Xhosa homepage, or Xhosa Grammar. Xhosa quiz and flashcard can also be found on ...

  20. How To Write A Cv In Xhosa ~ ANJINHO-B

    Mabel C.V CURRICULUM VITAE OF MABEL TINY MASHABA 5633B Immink Drive Zone 5 Diepkloof 1864, GAUTENG, ... How To Write A Cv In Xhosa posted by, Image Size : 903 x 638 jpg.

  21. Translate example of xhosa application l in Xhosa

    Contextual translation of "example of xhosa application letter" into Xhosa. Human translations with examples: msunu kanyoko, umzekelo wesafobe.

  22. Gboard

    Gboard has everything you love about Google Keyboard—speed and reliability, Glide Typing, voice typing, Handwriting, and more Glide Typing — Type faster by sliding your finger from letter to letter Voice typing — Easily dictate text on the go Handwriting* — Write in cursive and printed letters Emoji Search* — Find that emoji, faster GIFs* — Search and share GIFs for the perfect ...

  23. Translate xhosa school application lette in Xhosa

    Reference: Anonymous. formal job application letter in xhosa. ileta yesicelo somsebenzi esisemthethweni ngesixhosa. Last Update: 2023-11-12. Usage Frequency: 1. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. types of a formal letter a school application form. iintlobo zeleta esemthethweni ifomu yesicelo sesikolo.

  24. Translate xhosa application letter of ad in Xhosa

    Contextual translation of "xhosa application letter of admission" into Xhosa. Human translations with examples: khulula.