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9 Anti-Bullying Activities for the Classroom to Stand Up to Unkindness

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Written by Jeanne Sager

Need some ways to remind your students that bullying is not OK under any circumstances? Whether you’re prepping for National Bullying Prevention Month (it’s held in October each year), or you’ve noticed some disturbing behavior by a few individuals in the classroom, there is a whole lot of evidence out there that teachers can and do have a real impact when it comes to stopping bullies.

It’s not the most glamorous part of the job, we know. But consider this: A study released in 2019 found that it was more likely that aggressive behavior would increase if teachers ignored the bullying behavior or somehow trivialized it. They found that students actually interpret teachers’ lack of intervention as an implicit acceptance of bullying. On the other hand, when teachers take an active anti-bullying role in the classroom, the researchers found students were more likely to respond and reduce the poor treatment of classmates.

So how do you face bullying head-on in your classroom?

The teachers of Teach Starter know you’ve got a lot going on already, so we’ve built this guide to fighting bullying in your classroom, whether it’s in October or any other time throughout the year. Read on for a look at National Bullying Prevention Month, plus anti-bullying activities that you can use in an elementary or middle school classroom to make it clear you do not accept cruelty toward classmates (or anyone else, for that matter!).

What Is National Bullying Prevention Month?

Also called National Bullying Awareness Month, this nationwide anti-bullying campaign has been marked each October since 2006 — ever since it was founded by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. Americans are called on to talk about the national problem of bullying and its effects and come together for Unity Day, held the 3rd Wednesday of October each year, by wearing and sharing the color orange.

So, how big is the problem of bullying anyway? Research is ongoing, but data from the National Bullying Prevention Center indicates:

  • Forty-one percent of students who have been bullied at school think it will happen again.
  • Bullying at school is most likely to occur in the school hallway or stairwell, followed by in the classroom.
  • As much as 42 percent of bullying incidents reported by students happened in the classroom.
  • School-based bullying programs work — they reduce the incidents by 25 percent.

Anti-Bullying Activity Ideas for Kids

Explain what it means to be a bully.

There’s a difference between what it means to be mean to another person and bullying — one that can be hard to parse when you’re a kid. It’s worth sitting down with your class to discuss the different levels and why none of them are OK.

Try this kid-friendly way of explaining what bullying means: Bullying is when someone repeatedly hurts, threatens, or makes fun of another person. It can be physical — like hitting or pushing —or emotional — like teasing or spreading rumors.

This is a short one-minute animated video that is perfect for the younger kids and introduces the term “bullying” to young children. It reminds them it’s important to remember that bullying is not okay and everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.

This next video is a great one for the older kids. Elvis, the student, narrates a video explaining exactly what behavior qualifies as bullying and discusses the difference between conflict and bullying.

Create Anti-Bullying Posters

Creating posters to stand up for a cause you believe in is an age-old practice, and it is a great way for students to practice their power of sharing persuasive messages in a creative way. Challenge each student — or small groups — to create posters with anti-bullying messages that can be hung up around the school to remind schoolmates to be a little kinder to one another.

You might want to introduce this anti-bullying activity with a look at how posters have been used in activism campaigns in the past — from persuasive World War II era posters designed to encourage men to sign up for the US Army to those that called on women to join the labor force to help their country.

Anti-Bullying Coloring Sheets with green

Try the Wrinkled Heart Activity

The Wrinkled Heart Activity is a simple but effective way to show how bullying and hurtful words can cause irreversible damage. Just like a human heart, once a paper heart has been wrinkled, it’s almost impossible to return it to its flat and smooth original state. This provides a great visual representation to teach students that they can’t take back the mean things they might say to a classmate.

All you’ll need for this activity is a copy of our  free heart template and different colored pieces of paper.



  • Print a copy of the heart template on the different colored papers — one each for the students in your class.
  • Write the following on your whiteboard: “Before you speak, think and be smart. It’s hard to fix a wrinkled heart!”
  • Ask students to share what they think the saying means.
  • Direct each student to create a small ball with their heart template, and then ask them to smooth it out.
  • Explain how this relates back to the mean words we sometimes say to one another — just like the wrinkles that they can’t get out of the heart, they won’t be able to take back those words.

For lower years, this anti-bullying activity can be done in conjunction with the book  Chrysanthemum   written by Kevin Henkes. Chrysanthemum is a thought-provoking tale of a little girl who loves her name and has all the confidence in the world until she starts school and encounters bullies.

Lower Elementary Wrinkled Heart Activity

  • Provide each student with a printed paper heart.
  • Read the book aloud or watch  Chrysanthemum  on YouTube .
  • Encourage your students to listen carefully.
  • When the characters in the story use mean words, encourage your students to scrunch up their paper hearts.
  • Every time Chrysanthemum’s parents use kind words, encourage your students to try and smooth out their paper hearts.
  • As a class, discuss the irreversible damage that harmful words and bullying can cause.

Make Anti-Bullying Wrist Bands

Having students pledge not to bully their classmates and take a stand against bullying is a powerful way to have students take ownership of the problem. But simply saying it isn’t enough — you’ll want students to make more of a commitment.

Enter personalized wristbands that students can create to show their friends and family that they’re serious.

All you need for this simple activity is strips of purple and orange construction paper or cardstock and velcro dots! After you’ve led a class discussion on what it means to be against bullying, challenge students to write out their personal pledge on a wristband, which they can then wear for the rest of the day.

Check out our huge collection of persuasive writing teaching resources to help your students write powerful messages on their wrist band. You can extend this beyond wristbands to even bigger shows of support for the cause: Perhaps students can create their own posters, banners or flags to take action and help to stamp out bullying.

Make a Strong Message Chain

Not sure wristbands are right for your class? Why not make an anti-bullying paper chain with messages from students about the ways they will work to prevent bullying in your school? Work with administration and the other teachers in your school to create a chain that can incorporate messages from students in various year levels.

Encourage your students to write an anti-bullying message on a strip of colored paper. Then secure them together to show a united stand against bullying. The links of the chain can be spread across the classroom or across a common area in the school.

anti-bullying chain activity for kids

Teach Students How to React

As much as we would like, we may not be able to completely eradicate bullying. But we can help our students feel more empowered when they face cruelty from a classmate or a mate, and that could actually help cut down on the rates of bullying incidents in your school.

It turns out that when kids are equipped with strategies to respond to bullying, children feel more confident and in control of their situation, and children who know how to respond effectively are less likely to be targeted. What’s more, simply educating our students about bullying can raise awareness and promote a culture of empathy and respect in your class, helping to prevent bullying from occurring in the first place.

Set time aside for a social and emotional lesson on what to do when you feel that you are being bullied.

This free  printable resilience strategies poster is a must-have for the classroom as it teaches students each of the steps to take when they feel that they are being bullied!

Take the PACER Anti-Bullying Pledge as a Class

PACER’s anti-bullying pledge calls on kids to speak up when they see bullying, reach out for help and be a good friend when someone is being bullied. Their simple online pledge includes a printable certificate you can end home with students as a reminder of the promise they made.

Text reads Have You Seen the Latest SEL Resources? beside photos of social emotional learning worksheets

Practice Mindful Communication

Being empathetic, tactful, thoughtful, and compassionate when communicating is a learned skill, and it can be challenging forsome younger children to understand, particularly when they are still developing social skills, their vocabulary and interpersonal skills like empathy. They’re also finding their own unique voices.

Working on mindful communication in your classroom helps cut down on bullying, as this practice is all about being conscious of what you say and how you say it!

Teach students the THINK strategy of mindful communication, which asks students five key questions to filter out inappropriate comments:

“Before I speak, write or type, I think. Is this… True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? Kind?”

Print a THINK strategy poster for your classroom here.

Try a Bruised Apple Activity

This powerful lesson definitely deserves a place in your plans for regular learning experiences about bullying. By using a tangible symbol (two apples that look the same on the outside but, when cut in half reveal the “hurt” inside), students can easily understand the impact of unkind words.

For this anti-bullying activity, you’ll need two apples that look similar. Take one apple and bang it up — you can toss it on the ground a few times — but make sure you don’t do any outside damage!

bruised apple anti-bullying activity for kids

During your lesson, show students two apples that look the same and ask them if either one is damaged (based on appearance only). Toss your damaged apple on the ground and tell the students (and the apple!) that this is the bad apple. Praise the other apple, and encourage the students to do the same.

Next, slice each “perfect” apple down the center, and expose the cross-sections. The undamaged apple will be perfect, but the dropped apple will be bruised on the inside, underneath the skin. Use this visual to help students understand that unkind words and actions can and will cause lasting emotional damage, which will remain unseen from the outside.

For more help with facing bullying head-on in the classroom, explore teachers’ favorite activities for building relationship skills in the classroom.

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National Bullying Prevention Center

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  • Carmen's Corner Series
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  • What Should You Do?
  • Los Angeles Gala
  • Take The Pledge
  • Cartoon Network, Redraw Your World Without Bullying
  • Cartoon Network, Kids Take On Bullying
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  • The Unity Awards
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  • Mobile and Online Safety
  • All Products
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  • Unity Day Posters
  • Classroom 5-Poster Series
  • Beyond Sticks and Stones
  • Instagram Poster Series
  • Create A World Without Bullying Resource kit
  • Quick Guides
  • Hold a Pledge Signing Event
  • Kids Coloring Book
  • Kids Against Bullying Activity Book
  • Stick Puppet Role Plays
  • Spookley the Square Pumpkin, Classroom Toolkit
  • Elementary School, Animated Video Series
  • Unity Dance
  • T.E.A.M Rudolph and the Reindeer Games
  • How to Tell an Adult
  • 5-Poster Series for Classrooms
  • Create a Poster
  • Every Step You Take
  • Project Connect
  • Kindness Catcher
  • A Wrinkled Heart
  • Above the Line / Below the Line
  • Kids Against Bullying Newsletter
  • Let’s Talk About Bullying and Disability
  • Teen Talk on Cyberbullying
  • Hayley Reardon Music
  • School Event Planning Guide

anti bullying presentation for teachers

Classroom Education and Activities

These free educational and interactive bullying prevention resources are designed for K-12 learners and the parents and educators who support and educate them. Can be used in the classroom, at home, during workshops, or at special events. 

Distance Learning

During these challenging times, PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center is committed to being a valuable online resource. We are excited to share these free digital resources that you can use to continue engaging your child or student in social and emotional learning.

Free educational options designed for younger students to creatively engage them to build their understanding and develop the skills on how to address and prevent bullying.

Elementary Activities

Free activities and resources designed for younger students. The goal is to creatively engage them through conversation, activities, art and music to build their understanding of how to handle bullying situations.

Free educational options designed for teens to creatively engage them to build their understanding and skills on how to address and prevent bullying.

Middle and High School Activities

Free activities and resources designed for older students. The goal is to creatively engage them through conversation, event planning, activities, art and music to build their understanding of how to handle bullying situations.

Register for the free, weekly, year-long classroom resources designed to create environments in which every student is IN cluded, IN volved, and IN vested in preventing and addressing bullying.

PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center

National Office:

8161 Normandale Blvd. | Minneapolis, MN 55437

Los Angeles Area Office:

80 E. Hillcrest Drive, #203 | Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Founded in 2006, PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center actively leads social change to prevent childhood bullying, so that all youth are safe and supported in their schools, communities, and online.

[email protected]

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  • Training Center


Bullying Prevention Training Center

Getting started.

The Bullying Prevention Training Module Presentation is a research-based resource that can help you lead bullying prevention efforts in your local community.

Bullying Prevention Training Module - PowerPoint

Bullying Prevention Training Module - PDF

Organizing a Community Event

The Community Action Toolkit includes materials to create a community event using the research, ideas and bullying prevention and response strategies that you learned about in the Training Module.

Community Action Toolkit - English - PDF

Equipo de acción comunitaria - Español - PDF

Working with Stakeholders

The User Guides are tailored to 11 audiences that play a critical role in bullying prevention and include information for delivering this training.

English User Guides

  • Business Professionals
  • Early Education Child Care Providers
  • Elected Officials
  • Faith Leaders
  • Health and Safety Professionals
  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Parents Caregivers
  • Recreational Leaders
  • School Administrators
  • Young Professional Mentors

Guías de Usuario

  • Profesionales empresariales
  • Proveedores de cuidado infantil y educación inicial
  • Funcionarios electos
  • Líderes espirituales
  • Profesionales de la salud y seguridad
  • Profesionales de salud mental
  • Funcionarios de seguridad pública
  • Padres y proveedores de cuidado
  • Líderes recreacionales
  • Administradores de escuelas
  • Profesionales y mentores jóvenes

Trainings for Educators and School Bus Drivers

The National Center of Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) offers bullying prevention training toolkits filled with research-based, user friendly materials trainers can use for events and workshops. Each Training Toolkit includes a step-by-step facilitator's guide, a customizable power point presentation, handouts, and feedback form.

Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment on Our Nation's School Buses

Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment in Our Nation’s Classrooms

Get Smart, Get Help, Get Safe

Learn From Others

The Take Action Today booklet features stories of how different community leaders are working hard to prevent bullying in their schools and their communities.

Take Action Today Blog Series - PDF

Evidence Review of Bullying Prevention Strategies

The “Strengthen the Evidence Base for Maternal and Child Health (SEMCH) Programs” is a Health Resources and Services Administration-funded initiative that aims to support state Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Title V programs in developing evidence-based or evidence-informed State Action Plans in responding to the National Outcome Measures, National Performance Measures, and State Performance Measures to facilitate the transformation of the MCH Title V Block Grant program.

SEMCH recently released an evidence review of the current literature on strategies to address bullying. Although the intended audience for these briefs is Title V state health departments, the information has broad applicability to any individual or organization interested in bullying prevention. You can access to 3-page brief on the SEMCH website, as well as the full report.

Additional Resources

  • How to Talk About Bullying
  • Respond to Bullying



Tools for Teachers in Schools

Below, are Powerpoint presentations, "fly on the wall" video presentations and the Irish "Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools" (as well as draft school anti-bullying policies and other useful resources).


Downloadable resources, teacher support, 0.01 bullying in schools - finally the solution.

A one-minute max. explanatory video

anti bullying presentation for teachers

0.02 Bullying - What Schools Need to Have in Place

A one-minute max. outline video

anti bullying presentation for teachers

0.03 Anti-Bullying Policy Implementation

2.5 Minutes - A policy that is inadequate, or is adequate but not implemented, is not "worth the paper it's written on."

anti bullying presentation for teachers

01 (a) Powerpoint Presentation for Teachers in Primary/Elementary Schools

Explaining (a) the nature and impact of bullying, (b) the awareness-raising needed to persuade pupils not to bully and (c) the "reform, not blame" method of resolving bullying situations with a "win-win" outcome so everyone can live happily ever after - for Teachers in Primary (Elementary) Schools.

anti bullying presentation for teachers

01 (b) Video Presentation for Teachers in Primary/Elementary Schools

Explaining how the Anti-Bullying Campaign programme can be implemented in Primary (Elementary) Schools.  This video is in three distinct sections that can be shown separately to staff on successive occasions. The first, lasting 33 mins, explains the nature and impact of bullying, the second, lasting 35 mins, explains with examples, the range of awareness raising exercises we offer and the third, lasting 33 mins, explains how to implement the "reform, not blame" approach that is so effective in resolving bullying situations. Sincere thanks to Mike Moriarty who filmed this talk on a voluntary basis.

anti bullying presentation for teachers

02 (a) Powerpoint Presentation for Teachers in Post-Primary/High Schools

Explaining (a) the nature and impact of bullying, (b) the awareness-raising needed to persuade students not to bully and (c) the "reform, not blame" method of resolving bullying situations with a "win-win" outcome so everyone can live happily ever after - for Teachers in Post-Primary (High) Schools.

02 (b) Video Presentation for Teachers in Post-Primary/High Schools

anti bullying presentation for teachers

03 (a) Powerpoint Presentation for Parents explaining the Anti-Bullying Campaign

Explaining (a) the nature and impact of bullying, (b) the awareness-raising needed to persuade pupils not to bully and (c) the "reform, not blame" method of resolving bullying situations with a "win-win" outcome so everyone can live happily ever after - for Parents of children in Primary (Elementary) Schools and Post-Primary (High) Schools.

anti bullying presentation for teachers

03 (b) Video Presentation for Parents explaining the Anti-Bullying Campaign

Explaining to parents how the Anti-Bullying Campaign programme works in schools.  This video is in three sections.  The first explains the nature and impact of bullying, the second explains the Anti-Bullying Campaign approach to bullying that is so effective in schools and the third gives parents information on cyber-bullying.  While this video was filmed in an all-boys school the tools and methods of the Anti-Bullying Campaign that apply here apply equally well in all-girls schools and in mixed schools. Sincere thanks to Mike Moriarty who filmed this talk on a voluntary basis.

anti bullying presentation for teachers

03 (c) Information Flyer for Parents about Bullying and Cyber-Bullying

This valuable resource, a collaboration between the Anti-Bullying Campaign and the Lions Clubs of Ireland, can be printed and circulated to parents

anti bullying presentation for teachers

04 Anti-Bullying Circular for Irish schools

Circular instructing all Irish schools to adopt the new mandatory "Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools"

05 "Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools" Framework Document

This is the Anti-Bullying Procedures document providing a mandatory framework within which Irish schools must implement their anti-bullying policies.  This is a useful framework document that can offer guidance to anti-bullying personnel in any English-speaking school anywhere.

06 Draft Anti-Bullying Policy for Primary/Elementary Schools - Revised

Anti-Bullying Draft Policy for Primary Schools to adapt for their purposes.

07 Draft Anti-Bullying Policy for Post-Primary/High Schools - Revised

Revised Anti-Bullying Draft Policy for Post-Primary Schools and Youthreach Centres to adapt and use (and to help prepare for future inspections)

08 Template for Annual Recording of Investigations and Outcomes of Possible Bullying Situations

A simple template for keeping an annual record of investigations and outcomes of possible bullying situations

09 Video Presentation - Adult Enactment of Teen Bullying Situation

"Break Bullying: Not in the Break Room, Not on the Playground" presents an adult version of what a middle school student really experienced

10 Video Presentation - Shane's Story

11 video presentation - lucy's story.

Heart-rending video from Lucy Alexander, a mother whose cyber-bullied son Felix died. Please be patient as it gets ready to play.

anti bullying presentation for teachers

12 Video Presentation - Why do we see homophobic bullying in schools?

Students describe the impact of homophobic bullying on them and suggest what could help stop it.

13 Anti-Bullying Poems for Post-Primary (Age 12-18) Level

A Selection of Poems either (a) for use with Post-Primary Pupils (Age 12-18) or (b) for helping Teachers understand how it feels to be bullied

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20 Best Anti-Bullying Videos To Share With Your Students

Empower kids to stand up for themselves and others.

Screenshot from anti-bullying videos for kids: woman holding up hands with anti-bullying message tattoos

Bullying is an incredibly tough topic to tackle in the classroom. But the more we talk about it, the better our chances of making things safer for all kids. These anti-bullying videos help start conversations and provide kids with new points of view. There’s something here for every age, so choose a few to share with your students as part of a larger program to address bullying.

1. Robot Bullies

Best for: Upper Elementary

After seeing her classmate Judy bullied by other classmates and going along with it, Nellie accidentally steps into a time machine. It transports her to the future, which is full of robot bullies. Nellie realizes she herself was a robot bully. When she returns to the present, Nellie stands up for Judy—and herself.

2. Anti-Bullying Squad

Best for: Elementary

The Anti-Bullying Squad (ABS) is here to help! This animated video features tips for standing up to bullies and seeking help when you need it.

3. Jeremy Anderson Anti-Bullying Video

Best for: Middle/High School

Anderson is a popular motivational speaker, and his anti-bullying message comes straight from the heart. He envisions a world where bullying has lost its power, and students will be inspired.


4. Five Ways To Stop Bullying

Best for: Upper Elementary/Middle School

This is one of our favorite anti-bullying videos because it gives kids concrete steps to take. The five tips encourage kids to stand up to bullies and seek help when they need it.

5. Anti-Bullying Animated Short Film

This wordless animated film doesn’t pull any punches. It shows the violence associated with a lot of bullying and bullying’s strong connection with suicide. This one will definitely open up a lot of paths for discussion in your classroom.

6. Anti-Bullying: It Only Takes One

Best for: Any Grade

This short, wordless video would make a great PSA on your morning announcements. Or use it to spark a creative writing assignment: What do you think happens before and after this video takes place?

7. Be the Change

A student who’s been bullied himself begins to bully others. Then he realizes it’s up to him to break the chain. This may strike a chord with many kids who think it’s OK to bully because they’ve experienced it themselves.

8. The Rainbow

Sarah has trouble making friends until one girl decides to leave the others behind and join Sarah for some fun. This is a simplistic video, but it’s good for younger students to start conversations around kindness and friendship.

9. Celebrities Anti-Bullying Video

Kids might be surprised to learn that many of their favorites celebrities were bullied when they were in school. This video helps students realize that bullies don’t have to ruin their lives. Pair it with other material that gives kids advice on how to stand up for themselves and others and when to involve adults.

10. McGruff Anti-Bullying Video

Remember McGruff? He stars in this video, helping a little girl who’s being bullied by teaching her to “Stop, talk, and walk.” He also encourages other students to stand up when they see bullying and gives the bullies themselves a lesson too.

11. Sesame Street: Becoming an Upstander

Best for: Pre-K/Early Elementary

Big Bird wants to join the Good Bird Club but is surprised to find it’s made up of bullies! This is one of the best anti-bullying videos for very young kids. It introduces the topic with characters they know and love.

12. Be an Upstander—Prevent Bullying

Kids learn the difference between bystanders and upstanders in this video. Upstanders stand up to bullying, using one of the four options outlined here.

13. The Meanest Girl in Second Grade

Best for: Early Elementary

Zoe is mean, and she enjoys it. Then one day when she bullies a new student, her friends let her know that it’s just not OK.

14. Bully: A Read-Along Story About Bullies for Kids


This read-along story is about Lupi, who’s bullied on the playground. His tale will resonate with younger kids who’ve already experienced mean behavior from others.

15. What Being Bullied Actually Does to You

For a more informational approach, try this video. It’s full of statistics and facts about bullying. It also provides info on programs that help fight bullying activity.

16. Protect Yourself Rules

“No one ever has the right to hurt you or make you feel unsafe.” It’s important for kids to know that bullying is never ever OK. They need to learn to stop, walk away, and tell an adult they trust.

17. Jack Hartmann, Stop Bullying Now

Jack Hartmann has a song for everything! This one urges kids to be kind to one another and stand up to bullies.

18. Captain McFinn: Help Kids Learn How To Stop Bullying

The Coral Cuties of Sand Dusty Reef only invite certain fish to be their friends, and all the other fish think they’re cool. When the Coral Cuties invite Gretta Grouper to play with them, she starts to feel cool like them, but realizes they just want to make fun of her. Gretta learns that everyone is special in their very own way, no matter what a bully may do or say.

19. What Is Bullying?

Define bullying and learn more about why kids bully to begin with. The answer may surprise some students.

20. What To Do About Bullying

This is the second part of video 19 above. Learn what you can do if you see bullying happen and how to help the victim.

What anti-bullying videos do you share with students? Come share or ask for advice on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out these must-read anti-bullying books for kids ..

Introduce this tough topic in your classroom with these anti-bullying videos. There are engaging options here for all ages and grades.

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Anti-Bullying - An Upstanding Promise - Lesson Plan + PowerPoint

Anti-Bullying - An Upstanding Promise - Lesson Plan + PowerPoint

Subject: Whole school

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

OpenView Education's Resources

Last updated

29 May 2024

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anti bullying presentation for teachers

This anti-bullying lesson plan encourages students to consider the individual responsibility that they have to respond appropriately to bullying.

Students learn the word ‘Upstander’ and identify specific actions they can take to reduce bullying in their school.

The lesson also allows students to create their own Upstander Footprint. These can then be used to make a fantastic wall display as part of your schools Anti-Bullying Week.

  • Supporting PowerPoint
  • Upstander Footprint Template

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain understanding of our individual and collective responsibility to stop bullying.
  • Identify characteristics of bullying.
  • Identify the characteristics and
  • behaviours that can stop bullying.
  • Create an Upstander Footprint.

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8 Anti-Bullying Activities to Use In Your Classroom

A student with his head down standing away from a group of students in the distance

Bullying is still very much a part of life for school children in the United States. In fact, one out of every five students reports being bullied at some point during their academic careers. However, there is also a strong correlation between anti-bullying efforts and a decrease in incidences: studies have shown that school-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25%.

While anti-bullying efforts can and should be a school-wide initiative, they can also start right in the classroom. Here are some tips about bullying prevention and 8 anti-bullying activities to try with your students.

What is Bullying?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines bullying as any “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.”

While identifying bullying can sometimes be tricky, as a rule of thumb it must check two out of three of these boxes:

  • The behavior is aggressive in nature.
  • There is a clear imbalance of power between the parties (physically, socially, emotionally, etc.)
  • The behavior is repeated or will likely be repeated. 

Types of Bullying That Teachers Should Be Aware Of 

There is some fluidity across the categories of bullying. But by and large teachers should look out for any of the following types and examples of bullying that are common in schools:

  • Name-calling
  • Inappropriate comments
  • Threatening to cause harm
  • Excluding someone on purpose
  • Telling other children not to be friends with someone
  • Spreading rumors 
  • Embarrassing someone 
  • Social media
  • Instant messaging
  • Hitting/kicking/pinching
  • Tripping/pushing
  • Taking or breaking someone’s things

8 Anti-Bullying Class Activities for Teachers 

Teachers can be the first line of intervention in instances of student bullying. To help put anti-bullying initiatives into action, many teachers implement activities and/or classroom management steps that target bullying behavior. Here are some things you can do, too:

  • Presentations

In-class presentations can be a great way to face a bullying issue head-on. Invite guest speakers, play one of the Stand Up to Bullying TED Talks , or even host an open forum where students can role play bullying scenarios. These help students see and hear about bullying first hand which can be an important step in prevention.

  • Creative Writing

Have students find creative ways to talk about bullying, the impacts of bullying, or how bullying can be prevented. Creative writing exercises, such as poetry or essay writing, can help students express how they feel and can be a healthy outlet that simultaneously serves as an anti-bullying exercise. 

  • Artistic Works  

Anti-bullying messages don’t only have to be communicated through words. Encourage students to use artistic methods, such as drawing, painting, collage, or even large-scale mural design to discuss respectful behavior and how bullying negatively impacts them and/or their school community. 

  • Classroom Town Halls

Hold in-class town hall meetings where you as a group can discuss the current classroom climate and state of peer relationships. Depending on the age group, this can be a difficult exercise, but encouraging students to speak out about any bullying behavior they have seen or experienced can help decrease occurrences.

Not just any books, but books about bullying and the effects it can have on people. The good news is that there are bullying-centric books for all ages, from elementary picture books to longer novels for middle and high school kids. Here is a quick list of books about bullying that you can pull from. 

  • Encourage Journaling

Journaling can be a great and safe way for students to communicate their feelings about bullying to you or other school leaders. Writing can help kids process the world around them, while also helping you as the teacher know more about what is truly going on in your classroom and your school. You can give students prompts or allow them to free-write about their experiences.

  • Teach Students to Be An Upstander

It may be easier said than done, but teaching your students to be upstanders — those who actively stand up to bullying — can be a great way to empower students with the skills they need. Standing up to bullies takes compassion and courage, but there are great resources available for teachers who want to help their students get more involved.

  • Create a No Bullying Pledge

While many schools do this on a school-wide basis, consider creating a “no bullying” or a “stand up to bullying” pledge for your classroom. You can find many templated resources online, or you can create your pledge together as a class. This is a great way to set expectations and empower students to look out for one another.

Anti-Bullying Education Resources for Teachers

Many schools have in-house anti-bullying resources and strategies that they implement at various grade levels and school-wide. However, if you’re looking for more classroom-specific information or new exercises to share with your teaching cohort, consider these outlets:

  • Stopbullying.gov – A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • National Bullying Prevention Center – Resources broken down by grade level.
  • Edutopia – Online teaching resource for a variety of subjects, including anti-bullying.
  • California Dept. of Education – Resource created in conjunction with California state assembly bill.

If a more formal education opportunity is more in line with what you’re looking for, there are long-form opportunities in the form of continuing education credits and certificates. For example, at USD we offer a Bullying Prevention in Our Schools certificate program that is designed for K-12 teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff. This program will help school officials better identify, prevent, and address bullying by building a “toolkit” for improving school and classroom safety.

FAQs About Bullying & Anti-Bullying Activities

What is bullying.

Bullying is any unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

What are the different types of bullying?

In school settings, the four main types of bullying are:

  • Verbal bullying
  • Social bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Physical bullying

How effective are anti-bullying measures?

Anti-bullying activities in schools have been proven to be very effective: research shows that school-based anti-bullying programs reduced incidences of bullying by 19%–20% overall, with some statistics pointing to a 25% reduction in bullying.

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Anti-Bullying Intervention for Teachers Shows Positive, Short-Term Outcomes

Bullying is a common form of aggression experienced by school-aged children; it negatively impacts the victim as well as the person convicted of the crime, bystanders, and the overall school environment. [1] Because bullying often happens in the classroom, teachers are integral to bullying detection and prevention. However, research shows that teachers often have difficulty detecting and responding to this behavior. [2]

With funding from the National Institute of Justice, researchers from the University of Virginia, Johns Hopkins University, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia developed and tested an integrated coaching and mixed-reality simulation strategy for teachers in urban Maryland middle schools called the Bullying Classroom Check-Up. [3] This anti-bullying strategy is uncommon in that it focuses on developing skills in teachers, not students.

Data from the school year during program implementation showed that teachers who used the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy were better at detecting and responding to bullying, but were not better at preventing bullying behavior compared to teachers who did not use the strategy. Program impact results were not sustained in the year following implementation.

The Bullying Classroom Check-Up Strategy

The Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy incorporates two previously tested coaching interventions into a single, personalized bullying-prevention strategy for teachers:

  • Classroom Check-Up is a staged problem-solving process that begins with teachers and coaches conducting classroom observations of student behaviors. Next, a teacher works with a coach to identify two classroom improvement goals and design an implementation plan for achieving these goals. [4] For the Bullying Classroom Check-Up, the original Classroom Check-Up program was adapted to focus on bullying behaviors.
  • TeachLivE is a mixed-reality training simulator in which teachers can practice detecting, responding to, and preventing bullying behavior with simulated student avatars that react in real time. [5] Teachers using the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy were offered three TeachLivE sessions in the first year and one session in the second year of the study.

In addition, the coaches gave teachers a set of six tip sheets called Bullying Bulletins that reinforced the following themes: overview of bullying, detection of bullying, response to bullying, prevention of bullying, and starting the year off right. Altogether, teachers participating in the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy received four hours of training over four months.

Evaluation of the Strategy

The researchers used seven focus groups — three groups of teachers and four groups of students — to develop the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy and then pilot tested it with six teachers in one school. Feedback from the pilot study was used to further refine the intervention.

Following the pilot test, researchers conducted a small-scale randomized controlled trial to evaluate the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy’s efficacy; the trial included 78 teachers from five urban middle schools in Maryland during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years. Half of the teachers were randomly assigned to the Bullying Classroom Check-Up and the other half were randomly assigned to the comparison group and did not receive the intervention.

All teachers self-reported on the prevalence of bullying in their classroom and how they responded to the behavior. The self-reported data were considered along with bullying behavior data collected by trained classroom observers. The researchers employed three coaches to conduct the Classroom Check-Up and TeachLivE sessions with the coached group of teachers.

Did the Strategy Work?

The study showed that by the end of the first school year of the intervention, coached teachers who used the Bullying Classroom Check-Up strategy were more likely to report that they could identify and respond to bullying behaviors compared to teachers who were not coached with the Bullying Classroom Check-Up. Teacher responses to bullying behaviors included:

  • Referring to a guidance counselor.
  • Intervening with the bully or victim.
  • Talking with other school staff or administrators.
  • Talking with the bully or victim’s parent. [6]

Classroom observer data from the end of the first year of the study also showed teachers coached with the Bullying Classroom Check-Up were better at detecting bullying in their classrooms, but were not better at preventing bullying behavior compared to teachers who were not coached with the Bullying Classroom Check-Up.

Data collected during the second year of the study indicated that the Bullying Classroom Check-Up’s impact was not sustained. In response, the researchers are developing more Bullying Classroom Check-Up programming and are considering other ways to increase the strategy’s impact and sustainability through planned activities, like booster sessions, which could be incorporated into a larger-scale efficacy trial.

About This Article

The research described in this article was funded by NIJ grant 2015-CK-BX-0008 , awarded to the University of Virginia. This article is based on the grantee final report “ Coaching Teachers in Detection and Intervention Related to Bullying ” (2019), by Catherine Bradshaw, Elise Pas, and Tracy Waasdorp.

[note 1] Lauren Musu et al., Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2018, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, and U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, April 2019, NCJ 252571.

[note 2] Catherine P. Bradshaw, Anne L. Sawyer, and Lindsey M. O’Brennan, “ Bullying and Peer Victimization at School: Perceptual Differences Between Students and School Staff ,” School Psychology Review 36 no. 3 (2007): 361–382.

[note 3] Elise T. Pas, Tracy E. Waasdorp, and Catherine P. Bradshaw, “ Coaching Teachers To Detect, Prevent, and Respond to Bullying Using Mixed Reality Simulation: An Efficacy Study in Middle Schools ,” International Journal of Bullying Prevention 1 no. 1 (2019): 58–69.

[note 4] Wendy M. Reinke, Keith C. Herman, and Randy Sprick, Motivational Interviewing for Effective Classroom Management: The Classroom Check-Up (New York: Guilford Press, 2011).

[note 5] Lisa A. Dieker et al., “ The Potential of Simulated Environments in Teacher Education: Current and Future Possibilities ,” Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children 37 no. 1 (2014): 21–33.

[note 6] Pas, Waasdorp, and Bradshaw, “ Coaching Teachers To Detect, Prevent, and Respond to Bullying .”

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  • Coaching Teachers in Detection and Intervention Related to Bullying

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  • Coaching teachers in detection and intervention related to bullying

Jodee Blanco

In-School Program – It’s NOT Just Joking Around!™ (INJJA)

In author/survivor jodee blanco’s own words.

My in-school program entitled  It’s NOT Just Joking Around!™ (INJJA)  is divided into two parts: the program’s core component which is a day-long series of live presentations for students, faculty and parents; and an optional SEL-inspired follow-up curriculum to keep the message of tolerance and compassion alive the rest of the school year and provide both teachers and students with tools to connect more meaningfully on a human level.

Jodee Blanco’s Anti-Bullying Presentations and Implementation of INJJA™ (It’s  NOT  Just Joking Around!™) in Jodee’s Own Words

What My Program Includes:

  • Age appropriate student presentations (elementary, middle and high)
  • After-school faculty in-service with comprehensive written supplement and digital resources package for continued learning
  • Parent seminar (evening or morning)
  • Flexible, optional SEL-based follow-up curriculum (commences after I’ve come to speak and keeps the message of tolerance and compassion alive the rest of the school year)
  • Communications tool kit for students to help them communicate better with each other and adults (these simple, practical tools can be practiced in class and at home with parents).

Why INJJA Encompasses Students, Educators and Parents:

  • The Matrix of Bullying is students, educators and parents. The most powerful approach to sustainable change in a school is to reach all three groups on a human level and engage them in a realistic, practical plan of action that each one feels respects their perspective.
  • This is what my program INJJA™ (It’s NOT Just Joking Around!™) does, encompassing each element of that matrix through live presentations, a flexible SEL based curriculum, professional development, and a parent/family piece.
  • Schools may opt for individual presentations or any combination and I’m flexible. That being said, I always recommend, whenever possible, including the above matrix for maximum impact.

Available Modalities:

  • In-Person  
  • Virtual (I present live and schools may record the presentations for future learning)
  • Blended Learning Model (integrates in-person components and E-learning, designed around a school’s needs)

How I Typically Work with Schools:

Often, a group of schools will bring me in to speak and share in the costs. The more schools that opt in, the less the price per school because my time is being maximized in a market.  Sometimes a superintendent or a consortium of principals will have me keynote an in-service and then bring me back to implement my anti-bullying program in their schools.  

For example, I did a five-week residency tour in San Diego for twenty-three schools. It all began with a day-long professional development institute for their principals on working in partnership with parents and then each of those principals had me visit their schools to implement my INJJA program. Because there were so many schools participating, I was able to charge a package rate per school, and many used title funds to cover it. The key is to determine how many schools are interested in having me come to speak, and then we work backwards from there on coming up with a fee per school.  

Another example… I did a school tour for the Department of Education in Hawaii. The department put out the call to all the principals, and any that wished to have me visit put their names on a list. Sixteen schools opted in, so I was able to do it very reasonably as I could divide the cost equally among them. The department also didn’t have to worry about logistics. Their director and a coordinating principal whose school anchored my visit simply put out the word and any principals that chose to participate handled their logistics with me directly.  I’ve done similar tours in multiple states.  

There are lots of options available and I’m flexible. Rates range from $4,000.00-$7,000.00 per school depending upon the number of participating schools and duration of the engagement. Two schools within proximity may partner for the day and share the cost. Partnered rates may vary.  

A note on bringing other schools on board that may be in other parts of the state or in rural areas potentially a few hours away or more: I’m used to having to drive sometimes a couple hundred miles at the end of each evening to get to the next day’s school. As long as it’s less than a three hour drive, I can keep the schedule pretty streamlined, and if a school opts in to having me visit that’s a larger distance away, I just add a travel day in between.

I don’t charge for expenses.  I charge one flat rate, all expenses included.

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A little background on me:

I’m a survivor of school bullying and author of the  New York Times  bestselling memoir Please Stop Laughing At Me… . As anti-bullying’s first voice, I’m one of the pioneers of the movement, having dedicated my life to this issue for two decades. I travel to schools and communities, sharing my story to motivate change.  

I’ve spoken to thousands of students, teachers and parents across the country.  In addition to my memoir, I’ve written multiple other books on bullying, including a series for educators published through one of the largest educational associations in the country. I’ve also worked with Loyola University and Notre Dame in the areas of anti-bullying and governance, and am a consultant for schools and districts on enlightened communication practices, parent relations and crisis management.   I’ve brought INJJA (It’s NOT Just Joking Around!) to hundreds of schools, at the behest of governments, district leadership as well as individual administrators.  All my methodologies, the crux of everything I do in the anti-bullying space, are based on core values of compassion, tolerance and inclusion.. 

Prior to my anti-bullying work, I owned a PR/communications company that specialized in helping corporations and public figures express themselves with grace under pressure. I also taught at The University of Chicago and New York University, training other professionals on how to integrate that skill set into their own practices

Description of Live INJJA™ Presentations

The student presentations are age-appropriate and divided as follows:

K-4 (45 minutes) 6-8 (75 minutes including Q&A) 9-12 (75 minutes including Q&A)

The Elementary School Presentation—45 minutes

This presentation is engaging and whimsical, and captures the attention of little ones through imaginative audio and visual cues (no special equipment is needed—I use theatrical techniques to keep them focused and involved from start to finish).  It’s interactive and allows students and teachers to participate.  I teach little ones about compassion for the bully, forgiveness, and how to stand up for themselves with kindness and respect.  I show them how “tattling hurts and telling helps”, explaining the difference between, “tattling” (which is anger motivated) and “telling” (which is compassionate because it helps the bully and the recipient of that behavior both get needed support).  Students learn about eye contact, the power of a sincere sorry, the importance of honesty, what a true friend is and isn’t and how to distinguish the two.  I also review step by step what to do if someone bullies you and why.  I teach them how to “turn their compassion on and turn their anger off.” Through singing, role-playing, games and a fresh approach to understanding why bullies bully and how to help everyone, my objective is to inspire their hearts and open their minds, using presentation methods that are fun, moving, and memorable. 

Note on 5th Graders: Some schools prefer their 5th graders attend the middle school presentation. Others prefer they attend the elementary presentation. Some request that I do a specific presentation for 4th and 5th graders together. I can accommodate whatever the principal feels will be the most meaningful and effective.

The Middle and High School Presentation—75 minutes

I relive painful episodes from my past in front of the students so that they can witness firsthand what I endured at the hands of my peers.  It’s emotional and intense and allows the audience to live inside the heart and head of the bullied or excluded student.  My primary message to students is three-fold: bullying is not just joking around, it can damage someone for life; bullying just isn’t the mean things we do, it’s all the nice things we never do; and if you’re being bullied or shunned, there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s everything that’s right about you that makes you a target, and you shouldn’t change for anyone, it is those who judge you and put you down who need to change.  In addition to the re-enactment of my school days, during which those messages are continually reinforced, I also give students specific advice on how to handle what I call “elite tormentors,” the mean members of the cool crowd.   I conclude the student presentation with advice and an optional assignment designed to inspire empathy, understanding and inclusion.  

After each presentation(s), I make myself available to talk with students (counselor or faculty member must be present). Typically, they will be students who’ve been bullied and who want a sympathetic ear and/or “elite tormentors” who never realized they were unkind until they heard my talk, and now want my advice on how to make amends to those whom they’ve hurt.

After-School Teacher Workshop—75 minutes

Note: Below is the standard INJJA in-service. I also offer workshops that can be swapped out for the standard version, and/or include content from the below variations:

  • Parents Who Bully the School: How to Work in Partnership with Challenging Parents
  • A Communications Master Class for Teachers and Principals
  • Among other options – list available upon request

Description of Standard INJJA Teacher Workshop:

What makes this workshop so fresh and different is that everything is from the student’s point of view.  I take teachers and administrators inside the heart and mind of the bullied child, the bully and the bystander, from their singular perspectives. 

The presentation includes: what you should never say to a bullied child and why; what you should say and do; the difference between authority and emotional credibility and how it can make or break a child’s ability to trust in you; the two types of bullied students; the two types of popular students; the typical profile of the bullied child; how to intervene with a bullied child and/or a bully one-on-one; how to intervene in a group bullying situation; the single biggest mistake parents and teachers make when dealing with a bullied child that can often lead to tragedy and how to avoid it; how to “think like a kid” instead of a “grown-up” and apply this skill to save a young life; a creative new approach to helping kids absorb academic lessons and ace homework that cleverly incorporates anti-bullying and other life lessons that teachers can easily put into practice; why traditional punishment doesn’t always work and how to supplement it with more enlightened forms of discipline that are “compassion-centric”; how parents and teachers can work together effectively and productively when dealing with a difficult child; among other strategies and solutions. 

I also share deeply personal insights such as: the worst mistakes my teachers made and how I wish they would have handled things differently; the most common complaints I hear from bullied students today, and what they want their teachers to know but don’t have the courage to tell them.  At the end of this workshop, teachers, counselors and any adult working at the school, will have concrete knowledge about what to do to help the bullies, the recipients of their behavior, and the bystanders. Faculty will be given scripted verbiage, specific strategies, creative suggestions, and other valuable tools that only someone who was bullied and survived, and who is working with thousands of other children going through what she once did, could provide.  This is an honest and exciting workshop that not only informs participants, but also celebrates their energy and commitment to youth.

Parent Seminar—60 minutes (may be done in the morning before school or in the evening):

I take parents back in time to my school years and help them reconnect with that part of their own past so they can better relate to their children’s experiences in the here and now. I walk the parents through the typical clichés adults use on bullied kids and why they don’t work, then offer fresh and effective alternatives to those clichés.  

I describe the warning signs a child may be a bully or a target, how to intervene successfully, how to approach the parents of the bullies and/or their targets, how to work productively with the school, why some children are targeted by bullies more than others, how to spot the warning signs a child may be suicidal due to bullying or may be contemplating violence, how to help that child create an interim social life until issues at school can be resolved, and other critical information. 

I also share deeply personal insights about the mistakes my own parents made and how to avoid them, as well as what my parents did that helped and why. This is an engaging and informative presentation that provides parents specific tools for deepening the communicating with their children, all from the child’s point of view.

Brief Description of Flexible SEL-Based INJJA™ Follow-Up Curriculum

The student component of the INJJA program is divided into two immersive phases: the first are live presentations; the second is a comprehensive curriculum. The presentations are designed to open hearts and minds, inspire compassion in the bullies, hope in the victims, and courage in the bystanders. The purpose of the curriculum is to maximize the impact of the presentation experience by reinforcing and expanding upon those themes the rest of the school year. The presentations are the wake-up call to students that change is needed. The curriculum guides them there and provides specific, values-based practical tools to help deepen their connection. with each other and their teachers on a human level. Curriculum structure, dissemination and core content available upon request.

About the INJJA Communications Tool Kit for Students

Whether a student is struggling in their interactions at school or at home, knowing how to be a more perceptive and intuitive listener, recognize and articulate one’s true feelings, lead with truth and compassion, navigate right from wrong using honesty as the compass, disagree with dignity and respect, and command the ability to speak clearly and purposefully are just some of the proficiencies they’ll learn through practicing the tools in the INJJA Tool Kit.

The kit contains everything from how to tell Instead of tattle, how to respond instead of react, and how to express a complaint to a teacher with respect, to a litmus test for social media posts. It also includes conversation starter flash cards that help students communicate with more confidence, clarity and purpose.

Anti-DEI teacher sues California union over 'BIPOC' board position: 'Discrimination'

by JACKSON WALKER | Crisis in the Classroom

History teacher Isaac Newman filed the lawsuit against the Elk Grove Education Association after allegedly attempting to run for an executive board position (The Fairness Center)

ELK GROVE, Calif. (CITC) — A California teacher is suing his teachers union after it allegedly denied his candidacy for a position on its executive board due to him being White.

History teacher Isaac Newman attempted to run for a board position for the Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) after becoming “fed up” with his school district’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies, his attorney told Crisis in the Classroom (CITC). Newman, a decade-long member of the union, allegedly could not advance his candidacy past the nomination form due to his race.

EGEA in 2023 created a “BIPOC At-Large” board position reserved only for individuals who self-identify as a member of a racial minority group, according to the lawsuit. When filing paperwork to run for the opening, Newman “could not in good conscience check the box,” his lawyer said. That allegedly made him ineligible to run for the position.

The lawsuit aimed at EGEA now claims Newman was a victim of racial discrimination.

“EGEA deprived Newman of a specific opportunity to run for an Executive Board seat based on the color of his skin,” the suit reads. “Furthermore, the existence of the BIPOC position constitutes ongoing unlawful discrimination because it permanently damages Newman’s future prospects of attaining a union leadership role.”

READ MORE | California teachers could hide students' gender identities from parents under proposed law

Newman told CITC Thursday the requirement is blatant discrimination and must be stopped.

After nearly 10 years of membership, my union has barred me from running for a leadership position simply because of the color of my skin,” Newman said. “You don’t have to be a history teacher to recognize that this is a textbook example of discrimination and a blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act. I hope my lawsuit will force the union to see reason and remove all racial barriers to running for elected office.”

Several members of EGEA did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CITC Thursday.

Follow Jackson Walker on X at @_jlwalker_ for the latest trending national news. Have a news tip? Send it to [email protected].

Election latest: Sunak not taking questions amid talk of Tory battle to succeed him - as Dragon joins Starmer at brewery

A poll has found Reform's Nigel Farage would be the favourite to take over as Tory leader if Rishi Sunak loses the election. Labour says the Conservatives are already battling over the succession. Earlier, the transport secretary denied that the PM's D-Day blunder had lost the election.

Saturday 8 June 2024 23:04, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election news

  • PM not taking questions as D-Day row rumbles on
  • Sir Keir joined by Dragon to launch small businesses plan
  • Farage should take over from Sunak as leader of Tories, poll finds
  • Tories will scrap ULEZ expansion in 'backing drivers bill'
  • Sunak vows to axe stamp duty for first-time buyers
  • Electoral Dysfunction:  What could be in the party manifestos?

Expert analysis

  • Rob Powell: It beggars belief someone didn't sound the alarm about PM leaving D-Day events early
  • Tamara Cohen: Labour can't believe their luck

Election essentials

  • Battle For No 10: PM and Starmer taking part in Sky News special
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

The Lib Dems have announced plans to create 1,000 new  hospital beds to end the "corridor crisis" in hospitals. 

The party is ramping up its focus on health and social care ahead of its manifesto launch next week, which will include a dedicated chapter on care.

The issue is personal to leader Sir Ed Davey, who is a carer for his son John, who has a neurological condition and learning difficulties.

On the campaign trail in Wokingham, Berkshire on Saturday, he told broadcasters: "The Liberal Democrats are putting health and care right at the centre of our election campaign, and on ambulance delays and waiting times, it's been a crisis.

"We've seen in some parts of the country people's loved ones dying before the ambulances arrive.

"We've seen queues at hospitals as ambulances are waiting to hand over their patients and something has to be done."

Sir Ed said he would "turn around this mess the Conservatives have made" by investing £400m per year to add an extra 1,000 staffed beds in hospitals.

The party says this would help end excessive handover delays and the scandal of patients waiting in corridors to be treated. 

It has also pledged an upfront capital investment of £280 million to expand urgent treatment centres and A&E wards. 

The Lib Dems did not say where the money was coming from, but insisted the the pledge is "fully funded" and more detail will be unveiled in their manifesto - which will include a chapter on care. 

Rachel Reeves has accused the Tories of acting like Jeremy Corbyn with a "fantasy manifesto". 

The shadow chancellor, who campaigned twice to be an MP under Mr Corbyn's watch, has written an op-ed in The Sun in which she said she "totally rejects" the former Labour leader's approach. 

Accusing the Tories of making unfunded promises to cut taxes, Ms Reeves said: "The approach the Conservatives are taking now is the same as the approach Jeremy Corbyn took - and I totally reject it. 

"I’m not going to offer you a fantasy manifesto that writes cheques we could never cash. I will never do this."

CCHQ were quick to point out that Ms Reeves, an MP since 2010, will have campaigned twice for Mr Corbyn's manifesto - at the 2017 and 2019 general elections. 

"Imagine her shock when she finds out she campaigned for this manifesto, and to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister… twice", they said in a post on X. 

The Labour shadow cabinet have been at pains to stress how much the party has changed since its historic defeat at the 2019 election. 

Ms Reeves in particular has been painting herself as fiscally conservative, in sharp contrast to Mr Corbyn who made a number of big spending pledges such as free school meals and the abolition of tuition fees.

The latest attack could risk angering the Labour left, who are keen to see greater spending commitments. 

But Ms Reeves made clear there would be no surprise spending announcements in the party's manifesto when it launches next week, repeating her mantra: "We are a changed Labour Party. I will never play fast and loose with your money." 

Question. If a prime minister is heckled at a rally and there's no backdrop scandal to imbue it with meaning, should it still end up on the news?

I ask because so often in election campaigns, individual and often innocuous events get sucked into the black hole of a political narrative and spat out as something very different and much more dangerous.

Exhibit A - the torrid two days Rishi Sunak has had after his early departure from the D-Day commemorations.

Such was the scale of this saga that even a solitary road sign in rural Gloucestershire was transformed into a symbol of the hapless Tory campaign stumbling from one PR disaster to another - simply because it read "Veterans Way" and happened to be next to a school the prime minister was visiting.

A GP with gripes about the widening of access to medical care topped off the party's hell day after she interrupted Mr Sunak at a rally in Wiltshire.

This was inevitably seen as another blow for the embattled campaign, despite the prime minister giving a fairly convincing defence of his policy.

You wonder how such a situation would have been received had it happened to Sir Keir Starmer - the drama potentially diluted by his huge lead in the polls and polished campaign machine.

None of this is to deny the importance of the D-Day story.

As one pollster put it, the debacle seemed almost "laser guided" to inflict the maximum amount of damage on a leader leaking votes to the right and facing frequent accusations of being out of touch.

That was certainly evident in Bishop Auckland on Saturday.

The Tories took this seat for the first time ever in 2019, but metres from a Conservative campaign stop one former candidate for the party told Sky News he could "never vote for that man" after events of the past two days.

"He's leading them off the cliff like rats following the Pied Piper," he said.

So how can Rishi Sunak change the weather?

Read Rob's full analysis below... 

The polls are stubbornly refusing to move for the Conservatives.

Sky's latest average poll tracker shows Labour on 43.6% while the Conservatives trail on 22.8% - a commanding lead.

And - despite Rishi Sunak appealing to the right of his core vote with policies on immigration and national service, Nigel Farage's Reform party are nipping at the Tories' heels. 

One YouGov poll this week showed the party on 17% - just two points behind the Conservatives on 19%.

Conservative peer and poll expert Lord Hayward has said the Tories have been "flatlining" in the polls. 

"I think the polls have somewhat overestimated the Labour lead but it's still solid and it's still very substantial," he tells the Politics Hub. 

He says Reform's position is "dangerous" to all other parties. 

"What's interesting is that Reform, and other disruptor parties like the Greens, are taking away votes from the major parties," he adds. 

"It will hit all parties, not just the Conservatives, and this what people have to be aware of nbecause voter loyalty is very low." 

He adds that he believes his party's chances of achieving a majority is going to be "pretty difficult". 

Ali Fortescue is joined now by our political correspondent Tamara Cohen , and the pair are discussing whether the Conservatives can dig themselves out of the hole they've found themselves in after a bad week. 

Tamara says there is a lot of deep despair in the Tory ranks. 

"Rishi Sunak refusing to speak to journalists today and just look at the seats that they're visiting. The prime minister in Bishop Auckland, where the Conservatives have an 8,000 majority," she says. 

"Whereas Labour today is in Aldershot - a seat the Conservatives have held for 100 years. 

"Next week we have the manifestos released. Is that a moment for Rishi Sunak to regain a bit of momentum?

"We've also got more debates including our election event and the Tories are chucking out a lot of ideas here." 

Next up on the show is Labour's shadow treasury minister James Murray. 

Ali begins by asking him about Labour's plan to overhaul the business rates system if it gets into power. 

Mr Murray explains that his party wants to replace the current system with one that "rebalances the burden away from high streets and make sure that online giants pay their fair share". 

"People want high streets to thrive... but at the moment they pay a disproportionate amount of tax through business rates," he adds. 

He explains that bricks and mortar stores would be given extra support under a Labour government. 

He reiterates Labour's pledge to not rejoin the single market, the customs union and it will not have the freedom on movement again.

But he says that the party wants to "reduce friction" with the European Union to improve the economy. 

Business Minister Kevin Hollinrake is the first guest to appear on tonight's Politics Hub with Ali Fortescue. 

He is asked about the Conservatives defenders seemingly missing in action, saying everybody's time in politics eventually comes to an end, and they have their own decisions to make. 

Mr Hollinrake is among those standing again as an MP. 

"Politics isn't the only thing to do in your life," he adds. "But there are some fantastic people coming through, and we have a fantastic leader in Rishi Sunak." 

Ali pushes him on the criticism surrounding Sunak over his decision to leave D-Day commemorations early. 

"He made a mistake, and he was of course in the commemorations in the UK and in the British commemorations in France," Mr Hollinrake says, adding that the PM has apologised. 

He adds that only one person he has spoken to in his constituency have raised D-Day as an issue. 

"I think it's time now to talk about other issues," he says. 

Moving on now to the Ultra Low Emission Zone in London, he insists the Conservatives want to make sure the cost of moving to a cleaner environment is "sensible and proportionate". 

   Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been trying to move on from anger over his decision to leave D-Day commemorations early – today he refused to speak to journalists.

Last night though, a cabinet minister speaking on live TV told the country his decision was "very wrong". 

But where have all those who would be out defending the Conservatives got to? 

Boris Johnson, long-time deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, Liz Truss, even Michael Gove, have all deserted the field.

None - apart from Liz Truss - are even standing at the election.

Here's our political correspondent Rob Powell's latest report from today's campaign trail... 

In the last few moments, Rishi Sunak has posted on X about the release of four Israeli hostages in Gaza. 

He said it was a "huge relief" to see them returned home after their "unimaginable ordeal". 

"We will continue to strive towards an end to the fighting as well as safety and security for all," he added. 

Earlier, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer reposted a message from shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, which said the hostage's rescue was a "glimmer of hope in the darkness". 

Tonight's show begins with a look at the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza earlier today.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his forces had acted with "creativity and boldness" and they will not relent until all hostages have been returned home. 

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has accused Israeli forces of a "bloody massacre". 

The Hamas-run government in the enclave has said at least 210 Palestinians were killed during the rescue mission. 

You can read all the latest updates in our dedicated Israel-Hamas war blog below...

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anti bullying presentation for teachers


  1. Anti-Bullying Week PowerPoint (teacher made)

    anti bullying presentation for teachers

  2. Anti Bullying Week 2018

    anti bullying presentation for teachers

  3. PPT

    anti bullying presentation for teachers

  4. Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation

    anti bullying presentation for teachers

  5. PPT

    anti bullying presentation for teachers

  6. Free Anti Bullying Powerpoint Templates

    anti bullying presentation for teachers


  1. Anti-Bullying Presentation

  2. How teachers deal with bullying in school💀@mattfizz_ @gchoppa_

  3. How teachers deal with bullying in schools pt2💀@mattfizz_ @gchoppa_

  4. Bullying presentation

  5. Anti-Bullying Presentation for Secondary Schools

  6. Anti-Bullying Presentation


  1. 9 Anti-Bullying Activities for the Classroom to Stand Up to Unkindness

    Bullying at school is most likely to occur in the school hallway or stairwell, followed by in the classroom. As much as 42 percent of bullying incidents reported by students happened in the classroom. School-based bullying programs work — they reduce the incidents by 25 percent. Anti-Bullying Activity Ideas for Kids

  2. Classroom Tool Kits

    Classroom Education and Activities. These free educational and interactive bullying prevention resources are designed for K-12 learners and the parents and educators who support and educate them. Can be used in the classroom, at home, during workshops, or at special events.

  3. Bullying Prevention Training Center

    The National Center of Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) offers bullying prevention training toolkits filled with research-based, user friendly materials trainers can use for events and workshops. Each Training Toolkit includes a step-by-step facilitator's guide, a customizable power point presentation, handouts, and feedback form.

  4. Anti-Bullying Campaign: Stop the Hate! Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Advocating for a better and kinder world starts with teaching children about tolerance and respect. Prepare an anti-bullying campaign and spread an inspiring message to your students. This template is full of children's illustrations and it'll convey the anti-bullying message clearly. Edit ...


    02 (b) Video Presentation for Teachers in Post-Primary/High Schools. Explaining how the Anti-Bullying Campaign programme can implemented in Post-Primary (High) Schools. This video is in three distinct sections that can be shown separately to staff on successive occasions. The first, lasting 35 mins, explains the nature and impact of bullying ...

  6. Free Google Slides and PPT Templates about bullying

    Anti-Bullying Campaign: Stop the Hate! Advocating for a better and kinder world starts with teaching children about tolerance and respect. Prepare an anti-bullying campaign and spread an inspiring message to your students. This template is full of children's illustrations and it'll convey the anti-bullying message clearly.

  7. Anti-bullying presentation

    Anti-bullying presentation. Stand up to bullying with this free presentation template. Educate and raise awareness of the issue in an impactful way. Customize and share engaging content to drive positive change. Use this template. Interactive and animated design. 100% customizable. Add audio, video and multimedia. Present, share or publish online.

  8. Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation

    This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Through this presentation, students will be introduced to a comprehensive overview of bullying, including its definition, various types, and the roles of ...

  9. PDF Bullying Prevention Strategies and Resources for K-12 Schools

    bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how schools and individuals can prevent and respond to bullying. • The Relationship Between Bullying and Suicide: What We Know and What it Means for Schools: This resource provides school administrators, teachers, and other school staff with concrete, action-oriented information based

  10. PDF Bullying Prevention Strategies and Resources

    Resources. Assessing Capacity for Bullying Prevention and Implementing Change: This evidence-informed and evidence-based resource package provides professionals working to prevent bullying with tools to assess their environment's current capacity to address bullying and to determine where there may be gaps and needs.

  11. 20 Best Anti-Bullying Videos To Share With Your Students

    5. Anti-Bullying Animated Short Film. Best for: Middle/High School. This wordless animated film doesn't pull any punches. It shows the violence associated with a lot of bullying and bullying's strong connection with suicide. This one will definitely open up a lot of paths for discussion in your classroom. 6.

  12. Classroom resources

    The Empowering student voice classroom resource provides an opportunity for open discussions about bullying. Through authentic student voice, students consider, discuss, and contribute to the creation of appropriate and relevant strategies to respond to bullying in their context. The Information of Teachers (PDF) provides an overview of the ...

  13. 597 Top "Anti Bullying Powerpoint" Teaching Resources curated ...

    Pink Shirt Day Word Mat. Explore more than 597 "Anti Bullying Powerpoint" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Bullying Powerpoint". Instantly access Twinkl's printable and digital K-12 teaching resources, including worksheets, eBooks, games, PowerPoints, Google Slides, and more!

  14. Anti-Bullying Week PowerPoint

    Anti-Bullying Week PowerPoint. Within this assembly or class power point. our lives for the good. spread kindness this Anti-Bullying Week. The lesson or assembly will begin with teachers acting out polite and welcoming speech/body language and then being strict and rude to the pupils. Ask the children how they felt for each scenario.

  15. Anti-Bullying

    pdf, 200.7 KB. This anti-bullying lesson plan encourages students to consider the individual responsibility that they have to respond appropriately to bullying. Students learn the word 'Upstander' and identify specific actions they can take to reduce bullying in their school. The lesson also allows students to create their own Upstander ...

  16. FREE!

    Made by teachers to support anti-bullying, this PowerPoint has been carefully crafted with subject knowledge and expertise to help teach children about this serious topic in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. Colourfully illustrated with hand-drawn images, the PowerPoint is visually engaging and appealing to children, helping to keep them ...

  17. Professional learning resources

    Responding to parent reports about bullying workshop—session 2 (PPTX, 26.7MB) These professional development resources were developed and published by Bullying No Way in April 2019. The workshop materials for teachers and schools staff have been developed as a facilitator-led group workshop. However, the PowerPoint presentation could also be ...

  18. PDF Bullying Prevention Lesson Plan (Grades 3

    activities and events to help stop bullying. Adults believe that bullying is wrong, and we want to teach all students about bullying and how to prevent it, or stop it. » Many times, when people think of bullying, they think of fighting, arguing, teasing, or acting mean. These are not acceptable behaviors, but they may not be bullying. An easy ...

  19. PDF Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies In Positive ...

    bullying. Support the bullying, but do not take an active part. Like the bullying, but do not display . open support. Dislike the bullying and think they ought to help, but don't do it. Dislike the bullying, help or try to help the bullied student. Student Who Is Bullied. Students Who Bully. Followers. Supporters. Passive . Supporters ...

  20. 8 Anti Bullying Class Activities for Teachers

    Bullying is still very much a part of life for school children in the United States. In fact, one out of every five students reports being bullied at some point during their academic careers. However, there is also a strong correlation between anti-bullying efforts and a decrease in incidences: studies have shown that school-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25%.

  21. Anti bullying Act Powerpont Presentation

    Anti bullying Act Powerpont Presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... All teachers also create their own materials, whether a few sentences on a blackboard, a highly-structured fully-realised online course, or anything in between. Despite this, the knowledge and skills needed to create effective language learning materials ...

  22. Anti-Bullying Intervention for Teachers Shows Positive, Short-Term

    Bullying is a common form of aggression experienced by school-aged children; it negatively impacts the victim as well as the person convicted of the crime, bystanders, and the overall school environment.[1] Because bullying often happens in the classroom, teachers are integral to bullying detection and prevention. However, research shows that teachers often have difficulty detecting and ...

  23. Anti-Bullying Presentations For Schools- It's Not Just Joking Around by

    It also includes conversation starter flash cards that help students communicate with more confidence, clarity and purpose. Anti-bullying school presentations, faculty workshops and parent seminars. Jodee Blanco's, It's Not Just Joking Around programs are motivational and educational to help kids & adults find solutions to bullying.

  24. Anti-DEI teacher sues California union over 'BIPOC' board position

    ELK GROVE, Calif. (CITC) — A California teacher is suing his teachers union after it allegedly denied his candidacy for a position on its executive board due to him being White. History teacher Isaac Newman attempted to run for a board position for the Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) after becoming "fed up" with his school district's diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI ...

  25. Election latest: Tories 'already vying to take over from Sunak if he

    A poll has found Reform's Nigel Farage would be the favourite to take over as Tory leader if Rishi Sunak loses the election. Labour says the Conservatives are already battling over the succession.