What Can You Do with a PhD in Political Science? [2024 Guide]

If you’re fascinated by political systems and want to study their influence in-depth, you may find yourself asking, “What can you do with a PhD in Political Science?”

What Can You Do with a PhD in Political Science

This doctoral program may present opportunities to learn about global politics, explore conflicts of power, and practice policy analysis. You will likely conduct original research in the field and prepare a dissertation with your findings.

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This terminal degree may help propel you toward the top of the political science field and prepare you for a career in an educational, government, or private institution, where you can help shape others’ understandings of politics and power.

What Can You Do with a PhD in Political Science?

Public Relations and Fundraising Managers in a meeting

The field of political science is filled with opportunities to gather data, conduct research, analyze policies, study power structures, and explore ideas.

Once you’ve earned a PhD, you may apply that knowledge and skillset with jobs both inside and outside of academia. Academic positions are some of the most popular PhD political science jobs.

You may teach classes on international relations or international affairs. As a professor, you might also conduct research. The average annual salary for postsecondary political science teachers is $85,760, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Working in the field as a political scientist is another career track to consider.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 48% of political scientists are employed by the federal government. Many political science professionals work as policy analysts. Your knowledge of power systems could also be beneficial in a public relations role. You might be particularly well-suited to work as a press secretary for a political candidate.

A doctorate in political science could also inform your work as a journalist, a broadcast news analyst, a government official, a survey researcher, or a market research analyst. With additional training, you may also become a lawyer.

5 Things You Can Do with a PhD in Political Science

Political Scientists in a meeting

Having a Ph.D. in Political Science can help you enter into an academic career or apply for advanced positions in non-academic settings.

With this traditional or online political science degree , you might be employed by an academic institution, a government organization, a think tank, or a private business.

1. Broadcast News Analyst

Broadcast News Analysts interviewing a politician

Journalists and news analysts often cover issues related to politics and power. With your expert knowledge of political science, your voice might be trusted as a source of information and analysis regarding current events.

Reporters and other news professionals work for television networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, websites, and other forms of media. You might work for one particular outlet or share your insight with a variety of news sources.

2. Political Scientist

Political Scientists walking together

Anyone who studies political systems and power structures can be thought of as a political scientist. You may be especially successful in this role if you focus your studies on one particular aspect of political science, such as pursuing a PhD in International Relations.

As a political scientists, you may work for the federal government, labor unions, research institutions, and grantmaking agencies. You may also act as a policy analyst, evaluating the influence of laws and regulations.

3. Political Science Postsecondary Teacher

Political Science Postsecondary Teacher teaching in a university

If you want to become a full-time college faculty member and work toward a tenure-track position, having an online PhD in Political Science may be a valuable asset. As a professor, you might teach undergraduate or graduate students.

Many faculty members conduct research in addition to their teaching responsibilities. Your university might fund your research, allow you to have students assist with your projects, and encourage you to seek publication.

4. Public Relations Specialist

Public Relations Specialist working in an office

Individuals and organizations depend on public relations specialists to represent them to the public, convey messages on their behalf, and project a sense of calm and control during crisis situations.

Your knowledge of political science may help you understand the dynamics at play in PR settings. You might be especially successful as a press secretary. This job title is used for public relations specialists who represent political figures.

5. Survey Researcher

Survey Researcher interviewing someone

If you’re interested in investigating the effects of politics and policies, you may consider a career as a survey researcher.

You may gather data from survey participants, analyze the findings, and present your information to others who may use it to shape legislation, organizational policies, or lobbying platforms.

As a survey researcher, you could work for a research or polling organization. There are also survey jobs within educational and government institutions.

Political Science Careers & Salaries

Political Science Careers & Salaries

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , political scientists earn an average annual salary of $125,350, and jobs in this field are projected to increase at a 6% rate for the next decade. You may also pursue the following careers or positions with a doctorate in political science.

Lawyer $126,930
Political Scientist $125,350
Public Relations and Fundraising Manager $118,430
Economist $108,350
Top Executive $107,680
Political Theory Professor $85,760
Market Research Analyst $65,810
Lobbyist $62,810
Survey Researcher $59,870
Reporter, Correspondent, or Broadcast News Analyst $49,300

While academic positions are sometimes thought of as the most highly sought PhD political science jobs, this extensive list demonstrates that there is a wide range of careers you could pursue with this degree.

How Much Money Can You Make with a PhD in Political Science?

Market Research Analyst working

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most political scientists earn between $62,840 and $170,800 per year. Factors such as your professional experience and the state in which you work can influence your PhD political science salary.

This is a broad field, so your salary may largely depend on what type of employer you have. Political scientists who work in the professional, scientific, and technical services sector earn an average of $136,640 per year. Federal government political scientists earn an average of $133,460.

The average salary for political scientists who work for educational, religious, and grantmaking organizations is around $87,910.

What Is a PhD in Political Science Good For?

political science professor teaching in a university

Political science doctoral programs can help provide the training that you need for a career at a university. You may teach political science at the college level or work in a university-affiliated research lab.

Your degree may also qualify you to work as a policy analyst or a political scientist. As a political scientist, you may find work in government agencies, political groups, and private organizations.

You may also become a public relations professional, a market research analyst, or a survey researcher. A political science PhD could also enhance your career as a business executive, a lawyer, a legislator, or a journalist.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Political Science?

PhD in Political Science student studying in a library

Your time in a doctoral program will be broken into several stages. A doctorate can typically be completed in 3 to 5 years. The length of each program may vary depending on your school’s structure and your personal schedule.

The coursework and examination portion of your studies may take 2 to 3 years. After that will come the dissertation portion. You may spend at least 1 full year conducting research and 1 or more years completing your project.

Some universities expect PhD political sciences students to be finished within a specific timeframe, but you may be able to request an extension.

Can You Get a PhD in Political Science?

lawyer working in the office

Universities do offer Ph.D. programs in political science. Holding this degree is often a requirement for a job as a survey researcher, a political scientist, or a postsecondary political science educator.

You may have the option to select one or more areas of specialization, such as comparative politics or conflict management. During your studies, you may take courses on American politics, political analysis, and transnational politics.

You will likely complete a dissertation or another doctoral capstone project. If this field of study interests you, you may consider looking for a school that offers an online PhD in Political Science program.

Is a PhD in Political Science Worth It?

Market Research Analysts working together

Yes, a PhD in Political Science is worth it for many students. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in the life, physical, and social science field are set to grow at 5% over the next ten years, faster than the average overall growth.

Common political science careers in this field include postsecondary teacher, political scientist, public relations specialist, broadcast news analyst, and survey researcher.

Having a political science PhD may qualify you for a variety of non-academic jobs, but it may also lead to a career as a professor. If your goal is to secure a tenure-track position, then you’ll certainly need a PhD.

Getting Your PhD in Political Science Online

Getting Your PhD in Political Science Online

Politics is a fascinating topic that touches nearly every area of life. A political science PhD program may advance your knowledge about political systems and help you explore the ways that legislation and current events affect people and structures.

A doctorate in this field may help you further your political science, public relations, research, or journalism career within academia, the federal government, or a private organization.

You may want to consider exploring the best schools for political science for a flexible yet thorough approach to doctoral studies. Through an accredited online university, you may earn a respected political science doctorate that can help you take your career to the next level.

political science phd jobs

Secondary Menu

Ph.d. in political science.

We are ranked as a top-ten research department and our graduate program has an excellent job placement record. Over the past decade, the vast majority of our PhD graduates have gone on to attain tenure-track positions, and many other students have become leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. 

In addition to a demanding sequence of courses during the first two years, our graduates begin working with faculty from the very first day, to gain an appreciation of the challenges involved in producing innovative research.

This paves the way to their own intellectual development, the first major milestone of which is a solo-authored research paper to be presented to the department during their second year in the program. From that point on, until the completion of the dissertation in year five, the focus is primarily on independent and collaborative research.

Our graduate program is organized around subfields that address major theoretical questions about political life, encourage collaboration across intellectual boundaries, and place us at the frontiers of the discipline. As a graduate student here, you will become certified in two major fields and gain exposure to other fields through our graduate workshop series.

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Political Science

Ph.d. job market candidates.

Cyril Bennouna

Cyril Bennouna

Kristen Essel

Kristen Essel

Jess Feldman

Jess Feldman

David J. Herrera

David J. Herrera

Rachel Nusbaum

Rachel Nusbaum

Siraj Sindhu

Siraj Ahmed Sindhu

Nicolás Taccone

Nicolás Taccone

Joshua Weitz

Joshua Weitz

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Business & Finance 

Undergraduate political science training offers a good preparation for careers or graduate programs in business. Undergraduate courses in political economy and development can be useful preparation for working in business development, financial consulting, or public finance. Students who have focused on area studies and international relations may find opportunities in international business or trade.  

If you are interested in attending business school, r eview the appropriate guides and catalogues   to identify graduate business programs. Contact the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business for more information. If you have a business school at your own institution,   speak with the admissions director about the program of study.

Public Administration & International Affairs Undergraduate studies in any area of political science can be useful for a career in public administration. Knowledge of the political process, strong writing skills, and familiarity with research methods are all useful preparation for these careers. While many careers in public service require only a bachelor's degree, graduate programs in public administration, public policy, and international affairs provide specialized training for positions in a variety of government and public service careers. The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration and the American Society for Public Administration provide more information on graduate study in public administration. If you have a particular interest in international affairs, the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs may be of interest.  If you have a public administration or public policy degree at your own institution, speak with the admissions director about the program of study. Student Training & Education in Public Service also provides information on a variety of careers with a political science degree.

Non-governmental Organizations & Non-profits If you are thinking about a career in public service, consider non-profits, foundations, or non-governmental organizations. These organizations operate at the local, national, and international policy level, working on virtually all issue areas all over the globe. The missions of these organizations range from local neighborhood housing to state environmental policy to global human rights. Non-profits, foundations, and non-governmental organizations offer opportunities for political science graduates at all degree levels.  

Journalism & Media If you are interested in a career in journalism or media, political science training can give you the substantive and analytical background you need. Typically political science courses place heavy emphasis on developing fluid and clear writing and speaking skills, which are beneficial for positions in print or broadcast journalism, publishing, social media, communications, and public relations.  

Many people enter these positions with a bachelor's degree or after completing a graduate program in journalism, communications, or media studies. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications or the Broadcast Education Association have more information on pursuing a graduate degree in media and journalism.  

Academic Research and Teaching With a PhD in political science, you will have gained key methodological skills that will prepare you for a career as a college or university professor conducting cutting-edge research in a variety of political science subfields, including American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations.  

Political science research appears in a variety of journals , textbooks, and academic books. Research conducted by political scientists throughout the discipline—including race and ethnic studies, bioethics, electoral reform, environmental policy, political economy, gender studies, conflict resolution, and disability studies—contributes to wider public discussions and policy development. Political scientists often present their research findings at academic conferences like the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and a variety of other meetings in the profession .  

Political science PhDs who work at colleges and universities often split their time between research, teaching, and service-orientated duties such as committee or advising responsibilities. For an up-to-date listing of academic positions available in the political science discipline, visit the APSA eJobs portal .

Some political science PhDs use their skills in careers outside of academia. They work in government, research organizations, non-profits, university administration, business, and technology companies. The research and analytical skills of political science PhDs are valuable in a variety of fields.

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The Department of Political Science

  • PhDs on the Job Market
  • PhD Requirements
  • Graduate Courses
  • Alumni Job Placement
  • Honors & Fellowships

Sabrina Axster

Sabrina Axster

  • [email protected]
  • Research Interests:  Migration studies; border controls; racial capitalism; post-colonialism; policing and incarceration

Ronay Bakan

Ronay Bakan

  • Research Interests:  Comparative Politics and International Relations; Politics of Land and Cities, Insurgency and Counterinsurgency, Colonialism, Middle East, Kurdish politics, Turkish politics
  • Thesis Title: "Counterinsurgent Urbanism: Weaponizing Land and Heritage in Northern Kurdistan"
  • Main Adviser: Sarah Parkinson

Conor Bean

  • Graduate Student
  • Research Interests:  Political Theory, Marxism, 20th Century French Radical Theory, Security Studies and the War on Terror, Biopolitics, Theories of Materialism
  • Thesis Title: "Orderly Dispositions: Toward a Theory of Affective Governance"
  • Main Adviser: William Connolly

Julieta Casas

Julieta Casas

  • Research Interests:  Comparative political development; State-building and democratization in the U.S. and Latin America; Patronage and bureaucratic politics; Comparative historical analysis
  • Thesis Title: "Building Bureaucratic Capacity: The Political Origins of Civil Service Reforms in the Americas"
  • Main Adviser: Sebastián Mazzuca

Sheharyar Imran

Sheharyar Imran

  • Research Interests:  International Relations; Global Racial Capitalism; Postcolonial Theory; Environmental Politics; Anticolonial Global Politics
  • Thesis Title: "Colonial Worldmaking: Race, Capital, and Abolition in the Indo-Atlantic World"
  • Main Adviser: Robbie Shilliam and Jane Bennett

David Kenneth Johnson

David Kenneth Johnson

  • Research Interests:  International Relations; Global Political Economy; U. S. Foreign Policy; Empire and Imperialism; Global Development; Political Theory; Historical Methods
  • Thesis Title: "Empire of Capital: U.S. International Development Policy from the Spanish-American War to the Bretton Woods System "
  • Main Adviser: Robbie Shilliam

Stephanie Saxton

Stephanie Saxton

  • Research Interests:  American Politics, Race and Ethnic Politics, Urban Politics, Police and Prisons
  • Thesis Title: "Gold, Coal, and Oysters: Why America Made Police"
  • Main Adviser: Vesla Weaver and Lester Spence

Ben Taylor

  • Research Interests:  Political theory, contemporary and modern; continental philosophy; race and racial politics; political economy
  • Thesis Title: "After Racialization: Neoliberalism and the Limits of Racial Justice"
  • Main Adviser: Samuel A. Chambers

Maximiliano Vejares

Maximiliano Vejares

  • Research Interests:  State building and democratization in Latin America’s late 19th century
  • Thesis Title: "Varieties of state-building: ecology and capacity in Latin America"
  • Main Adviser: Sebastian Mazzuca

Tvrtko Vrdoljak

Tvrtko Vrdoljak

  • Research Interests:  Philosophy of Power, Political Ecology, Friedrich Nietzsche & Neo-Nietzschean Political Thought, History & Philosophy of Social Sciences

Job Placement

Graduate students and faculty seated around seminar table

While students complete their dissertations, the department works actively to help them find appropriate employment. The following Ph.D. students and recent graduates are seeking employment this academic year.

There are no current job market candidates at this time.

Job Placement History

The department's record in placing graduate students is very strong.  Following is a list of first and second placements of recent graduates.

Name Position Institution
Noam Reich Assistant Professor Yale University
William Horne Assistant Professor Clemson 
Danny Daneri Assistant Professor Syracuse 
Tiffany Barron Assistant Professor University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Derek Wakefield Postdoctoral Fellow Emory University
Sayumi Miyano Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2024), Assistant Professor (Summer 2024) Harvard University (2023-2024), Osaka University (Summer 2024)
Peter Giraudo Postdoctoral Fellow Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Mohammad Isaqzadeh Assistant Professor Chapman University
Eric Manning Postdoctoral Fellow Data Driven Social Science Initiative, Princeton University
Arantxa Rodriguez Uribe Policy and Research Manager J-PAL Europe at the Paris School of Economics
Xiaoxiao Shen Postdoctoral Fellow Yale
Gabe Borelli Research Associate Pew Research Center
Lewis Krashinsky Postdoctoral Fellow University of Toronto
Jing Qian Assistant Professor New York University, Shanghai
Sonny Kim Postdoctoral Fellow Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Joseph Ruggiero Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University
Tom Donnelly Assistant Professor (Tenure track) University of Richmond School of Law
Name Position Institution
Haosen Ge Data Scientist, Wharton School

University of Pennsylvania

Theophile Deslauriers Postdoctoral Fellow Amherst College
Claire Willeck Data Scientist Netflix
Will Freeman Fellow for Latin America Studies Council on Foreign Relations
Zenobia Chan Nuffield College Prize Research Fellow (2023-2026), Assistant Professor (Fall 2024) Oxford (2023-2026), Georgetown (Fall 2024)
Name Position Institution
Carolyn Barnett Assistant Professor University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy and School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Fin Bauer   Appriss
Gabriel Borelli Research Associate Pew Research Center
Megan Brand Postdoctoral Fellow Christopher Browne Center for International Politics, University of Pennsylvania
Stephanie Chan Assistant Professor Lafayette College
Julian Dean Data Scientist Facebook
Daniel Gibbs Assistant Professor Virginia Tech
Nathan Gibson Postdoctoral Fellow Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
Ben Hammond Professional Staff U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee
Will Horne Postdoctoral Fellow Executive Approval Project, Georgia State University
Dela Kpo   Bain & Company
Naijia Liu Assistant Professor Harvard University
Michael Pomirchy Postdoctoral Fellow Yale University
Noam Reich Postdoctoral Fellow NYU Abu Dhabi
Susanne Schwarz Assistant Professor Swarthmore College
Bailey Scott Postdoctoral Fellow George Washington's Institute for Data, Democracy and Politics
Patrick Signoret   Boston Consulting Group

Gaétan Tchakounte Nandong

Assistant Professor New York University
Carissa Tudor Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam
Name Position Institution
Shuk Ying Chan

Prize Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2021-2023

Lecturer in Political Theory (tenure-track), 2023 onward

Nuffield College, Oxford University

University College London

John Chin` Assistant Teaching Professor Carnegie Mellon University
Daniel Gibbs Postdoctoral Fellow Washington University in St. Louis
Melinda Haas Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh
Galileu Kim Data Science Consultant World Bank
Michael Kistner Assistant Professor University of Houston
Alexander Kustov Assistant Professor University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Rachael McLellan Lecturer in Politics (tenure-track) University of Glasgow
Erin Miller Assistant Professor University of Southern California, Gould School of Law
Tommaso Pavone Assistant Professor University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy
Andrew Proctor Assistant Professor Wake Forest University
Tanika Raychaudhuri Assistant Professor University of Houston
David Ribar Consultant Boston Consulting Group
Jose Maria Rodriguez Valadez Postdoctoral Fellow Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Leah Rosenstiel Assistant Professor Vanderbilt University
James Sasso   Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
Diana Stanescu Postdoctoral Fellow Shorenstein APARC at Stanford University
Daniel Tavana

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-2022

Assistant Professor, 2022 onward

Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST)

Pennsylvania State University

Carissa Tudor Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-2023 Brown University, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Elsa Voytas

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-2022

Assistant Professor, 2022 onward


IE University

Name Position Institution
Paul Baumgardner Assistant Professor Belmont University
Killian Clarke Assistant Professor Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service
Chaya Crowder Assistant Professor Loyola Marymount University
Cassandra Emmons Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Pavielle Haines Assistant Professor Rollins College
Dongxian Jiang Assistant Professor Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Fordham University-Lincoln Center 
Korhan Kocak Assistant Professor NYU Abu Dhabi
Svetlana Kosterina Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh, Department of Economics
Anatoly Levshin Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer Princeton University, PIIRS
Rachael McLellan Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy London School of Economics and Political Science
Erin Miller Postdoctoral Fellow University of Chicago Law School
Steve Monroe Assistant Professor Yale-NUS College
Saurabh Pant Assistant Professor University of Essex
Lucia Rafanelli Assistant Professor The George Washington University
Adam Thal Research Scientist Facebook
Erik H. Wang Assistant Professor Australian National University
Name Position Institution
Meir Alkon  Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard University
Dan Berbecel Assistant Professor Glendon College, York University
Chantal Berman Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies
Naoki Egami Assistant Professor Columbia University
Ted Enamorado Assistant Professor University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Song Ha Joo Visiting Scholar/Lecturer Stanford University
Suzie Kim Assistant Professor NYU, Abu Dhabi
Alexander Kustov Postdoctoral Fellow Yale University
Adeline Lo Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin Madison
Asya Magazinnik Assistant Professor MIT
Brandon Miller de la Cuesta Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University
Giuliana Pardelli Assistant Professor NYU Abu Dhabi
Tommaso Pavone Postdoctoral Fellow PluriCourts Centre, University of Oslo
Andrew Proctor President's Postdoctoral Fellow University of Minnesota
Lucia Rafanelli Research Associate Smith Institute, Chapman University
Tanika Raychaudhuri Postdoctoral Fellow University of Pennsylvania
Sepehr Shahshahani Associate Professor Fordham University School of Law
Sondre Solstad Senior Data Journalist The Economist, London
Aaron Tayler Competitive Intelligence and Strategy Specialist The Boeing Company
Yang-Yang  Zhou Assistant Professor University of British Columbia 
Name Position Institution
Nhung Bui Data Scientist Google
John DiIulio Postdoc James Madison Program, Princeton University
Romain Ferrali Postdoc New York University, Abu Dhabi
Benjamin Fifield Research Scientist Facebook
Sharan Grewal Assistant Professor College of William & Mary (following postdoc at Brookings)
Pavielle Haines Postdoc University of Denver
Brittany Holom Researcher Visiting Scholar Program, New York University
Ben Johnson Assistant Professor Penn State Law
Amanda Kennard Assistant Professor New York University
James Lee Postdoc European University Institute
Darl Lewis Postdoc Washington University in St. Louis
Lauren Mattioli Assistant Professor Boston University
Saurabh Pant Postdoc Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse
Tyler Pratt Assistant Professor Yale University
Joan Ricart-Huguet Postdoc & Lecturer Yale University
Alexander Slaski Postdoc Tulane University
Adam Thal Postdoc Yale University
Oskar Timo Thoms Postdoc Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada
Marie Alienor van den Bosch Postdoc Georgetown University
Bella Wang Founding Data Scientist Group Project
David Zuluaga Martinez Consultant The Boston Consulting Group
Name Position Institution
John Chin Postdoc Carnegie Mellon University
Colby Clabaugh Postdoc Harvard University
Peter Johannessen Postdoc University of Notre Dame
Marcus Johnson Assistant Professor CUNY Baruch College
Mary Kroeger Assistant Professor University of Rochester
Katie McCabe Assistant Professor Rutgers University
Vladimir Medenica Postdoc University of Chicago
Christoph Mikulaschek Postdoc Harvard University
Elizabeth Nugent Assistant Professor Yale University
Yuki Shiraito Assistant Professor University of Michigan (following postdoc at Dartmouth College)
Geoff Sigalet Postdoc Stanford University
Vinay Sitapati Assistant Professor Ashoka University
Name Position Institution
Carolyn Abott Postdoc Ohio State University
Ryan Brutger Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Ewing

Visiting Assistant Professor Duke University Law School

Michael Hoffman

Assistant Professor Notre Dame University
Richard Jordan Assistant Professor Baylor University
Patricia Kim Postdoc Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program
Theodore Lechterman Postdoc Stanford University
Erin Lin Assistant Professor Ohio State University
Gabriel Lopez Moctezuma Assistant Professor CalTech (following postdoc at Yale University)
Kevin Mazur Postdoc

Oxford University

Matthew Tokeshi Assistant Professor Williams College
Carlos Velasco Rivera Postdoc Institute for Advanced Studies Toulouse
Austin Wright Assistant Professor University of Chicago, School of Public Policy
Name Position Institution
Alex Acs Assistant Professor

Ohio State University

Sean Beienburg Assistant Professor Lehigh University
Graeme Blair Assistant Professor University of California, Los Angeles
Alex Bolton Postdoc Duke University
M. Emilee Chapman Assistant Professor Stanford University
Yiftah Elazar Assistant Professor Hebrew University
Sarah El-Kazaz Assistant Professor Oberlin College
Paul Gardner Postdoc Syracuse University
Aram Hur Postdoc New York University
Matt Incantalupo Visiting Assistant Professor Haverford College
Raymond Kuo Assistant Professor Fordham University
Alex Lanoszka Postdoc Dartmouth College
Trevor Latimer Postdoc University of Georgia

Matthew McCoy

Postdoc University of Pennsylvania
Dinsha Mistree Postdoc Stanford University
Rohan Mukherjee Assistant Professor Yale-NUS College
John Oliphant Research Associate Pew Research Center
Bryn Rosenfeld Assistant Professor University of Southern California

Alex Ruder

Assistant Professor University of South Carolina
Joshua Vandiver Visiting Assistant Professor Williams College
Name Position Institution
Scott Abramson Assistant Professor University of Rochester
Alex Acs Visiting Professor American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Michael Barber Assistant Professor Brigham Young University
Matthew Barnes Assistant Professor West Virginia University
Graeme Blair Postdoc Columbia University

Brookes Brown

Assistant Professor Clemson University
Tom Dannenbaum Lecturer (tenure track)  University College London

Michael Donnelly

Assistant Professor University of Toronto

Loubna El Amine

Assistant Professor Georgetown University
Sarah El Kazaz Postdoc Brandeis University
Yanilda Gonzalez Postdoc Harvard University
Sarah Hummel Assistant Professor

University of Illinois

Chris Kendall

Assistant Professor University of Puget Sound
In Song Kim Assistant Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Raymond Kuo Assistant Professor SUNY, Albany
Michael Lamb Postdoc University of Oxford
Alex Lanoszka Postdoc

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Adam Liff Assistant Professor Indiana University, School of Global and International Studies

Michael McKoy

Assistant Professor Wheaton College
Herschel Nachlis Assistant Professor Franklin and Marshall College
Steve Rogers Assistant Professor Saint Louis University
Julie Rose Assistant Professor Dartmouth College
Meredith Sadin Postdoc Robert Wood Johnson Health and Policy, Berkeley
Steve Snell Postdoc Duke University
Joshua Vandiver Lecturer University of Chicago

Meredith Wilf

Assistant Professor

University of Pittsburgh

Name Position Institution

Lamis Abdelaaty

Assistant Professor University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Becher Assistant Professor University of Konstanz
Deborah Beim Assistant Professor

Yale University

Peter Buisseret

Assistant Professor University of Warwick
Erica Czaja RWJF Scholar

University of California, Berkeley

Michael Donnelly Postdoc European University Institute
Rex Douglass Postdoc University of California, San Diego

Daniel Frost

Assistant Professor Clemson University

Matteo Giglioli


Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris

Sarah Goff Postdoc

London School of Economics

Alex Levitov


Stanford University

Daniel Mark Assistant Professor

Villanova University

Oriana Mastro

Assistant Professor Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service

Benjamin McKean

Assistant Professor Ohio State University

Michael Miller

Assistant Professor George Washington University
Melissa Moschella Assistant Professor Catholic University of America

Dan Myers

Assistant Professor University of Minnesota

Alex Ruder

Researcher Rutgers University
Sharece Thrower Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh
Name Position Institution
Samuel Arnold Assistant Professor Texas Christian University

Stephen Chaudoin

Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh

Loubna El Amine

Postdoc Yale University

Andrea Everett

Assistant Professor University of Georgia
Sandra Field Assistant Professor Yale National University of Singapore College

Jessica Flanigan

Assistant Professor University of Richmond
Shana Gadarian Assistant Professor Syracuse University
Nick Goedert Postdoc Washington University

Sarah Goff

Postdoc Goethe University Frankfurt
Thomas Hale Postdoc University of Oxford
Kristin Harkness Postdoc

University of Notre Dame

Javier Hidalgo

Assistant Professor University of Richmond
David Hsu Postdoc University of Pennsylvania
Quinton Mayne Assistant Professor Harvard University
Gwyneth McClendon Assistant Professor Harvard University
Michael McKoy Postdoc Rutgers University
Kanta Murali Assistant Professor University of Toronto
Julie Rose Postdoc

Brown University

Michael Sullivan Assistant Professor St. Mary’s University
Philip Wallach Fellow Brookings Institution
Name Position Institution
Mary Beth Ehrhardt Altier Postdoc The Pennsylvania State University

Samuel Arnold

Postdoc Stanford University
Sarah Bush Assistant Professor Temple University
Nicholas Carnes Assistant Professor Duke University, Public Policy School
Jing Chen Assistant Professor Eckerd College
Lauren Davenport Assistant Professor Stanford University
Yiftah Elazar Postdoc Hebrew University
David Glick Assistant Professor Boston University
Javier Hidalgo Postdoc Brown University
Eva Kaye-Zwiebel Postdoc Occidental College
Ben Lauderdale Lecturer (tenure track)

London School of Economics

Noam Lupu

Assistant Professor

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dan Myers Postdoc

Robert Wood Johnson

Genevieve Rousseliere

Postdoc University of Chicago

James L. Wilson

Collegiate Assistant Professor University of Chicago Society of Fellows

Michael Woldemariam

Assistant Professor

Boston University

Teppei Yamamoto

Assistant Professor

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Name Position Institution
Melody Crowder-Meyer Assistant Professor Sewanee: University of the South
Megan Francis Assistant Professor Pepperdine University
Katie Gallagher Lecturer Harvard University
Daniel Lee Fellow Columbia: Society of Fellows
Benjamin McKean Fellow University of Chicago:  Society of Fellows

Dustin Tingley

Assistant Professor Harvard University
Emily Zackin Assistant Professor Hunter College

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PhD position Platform Cooperatives for the Inclusion of Disabled Workers

Job descriptionThis fully-funded, 4-year PhD research position is part of the project "Don't Forget the Forgotten! Towards a Platform-Based Approach for Sustainable Employment of Workers with a Dis...


PhD Scholarship in comparative politics at the Department of Political Science and Public Management

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship within comparative politics to be based at the Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense.The starting date for the position is 1 January, 2025...


PhD Candidate / Postdoctoral Researcher: Governing the Acceleration of the Transition to Animal-free Safety Assessment

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 3,226 - € 5,090Required background PhD, Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Nijmegen School of ManagementApplication deadline 07 July 2024The transition to animal-free safety assessment needs to a...


Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg

(Fulltime, E 13 TV-L)Reference No: 2024/114. The preferred start date is April 1st, 2025. Conditionally on the submission of an external grant, the position can be extended for an additional year. In principle, the position can be divided into two...


Doctoral scholarship holder international relations

Let’s shape the future - University of AntwerpThe University of Antwerp is a dynamic, forward-thinking university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than 20000 students, conduct pio...


PhD Candidate: History of Global North-South Public Health Cooperation

Interested in researching the diplomatic history of global north-south public health cooperation in a vibrant team? Join us at the ERC-funded project COOPERATION as a PhD researcher.Your jobUtrecht University invites applications for a PhD positio...

PhD Candidate: Adaptive Management for Healthcare Accessibility

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12 Doctoral Positions (part-time 60 %, E 13 TV-L )

Reference No. 2024/119. The starting date is October 1st, 2024. The positions are available until September 30th, 2028 (48 months).The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful...


PhD researcher on citizens and the ethics of health technology innovations

The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (Department of Public Health and Primary Care, KU Leuven) is looking for a PhD student to conduct research on citizens’ perceptions on the ethics of health ...


PhD Access to Medicine

Vacancy number 14930Job type PhD positionsHours (in fte) 0,8-1,0External/ internal ExternalLocation LeidenPlaced on 4 June 2024Closing date 15 July 2024 40 more days to applyDo you want to be part of a dynamic international team working on cross-d...

Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international security

Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international law, phd candidate: strategic violence by non-state actors (1,0 fte).

Vacancy number 14933Job type PhD positionsHours (in fte) 1,0External/ internal ExternalLocation Den HaagPlaced on 30 May 2024Closing date 30 June 2024 31 more days to applyPhD Candidate: Strategic Violence by Non-State Actors (1,0 FTE)The Institut...


Doctoral student in public policy and administration

Phd student in media studies.


PhD position in public finances law

UCLouvain (2x2 years)The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Sciences and Criminology (Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques et criminologie) at UCLouvain is looking for a talented researcher interested...

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political science phd jobs

University of South Florida

School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

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Undergraduate programs, political science careers.

The political science major can be career-specific or career-flexible, in that students develop transferable skills which allow students to work in many fields & also to pursue graduate studies in many areas.  Many students pursue a minor, certificate or second major to craft their academic portfolio.

Skills Compentencies Developed with a Political Science Education

  • Communication (both written and oral) – 93% of employers rank a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively and apply knowledge in real-world problem solving to be of greater importance than major of study (the first can be developed within your studies, the second can be partially developed in courses that involve aspects of applied research and service learning, but the application of knowledge in real-world scenarios is best developed in internships (within and outside political science,) along with tasks completed as part of USF student organizations.
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Comparing arguments
  • Understanding diversity (via courses and experiential learning) and how to interact with those from various backgrounds
  • Content specific knowledge (i.e. structure, role and function of Florida legislature, state and local government, US congress, city government, international organizations, etc.)

Common Political Science Career Tracks

  • Recommend Course: Intermediate Research Methods after Empirical Analysis for those planning a PhD in Political Science.
  • Law School:   Recommend to take Pre-Law Track courses, along with Constitutional Law 1 & 2, Law and Politics, International Law, and also focus on developing argument analysis in Empirical Analysis and critical thinking/reading comprehension in Political Theory courses. If aware of Law focus (i.e. Criminal, Business, International,) there are several courses that can be taken for various areas of law.
  • Recommended Courses:  State and Local Government, Florida Politics, The American Congress, Professional Writing, Public Administration, Non-Profit and Public Policy, Public Policy.  George Washington has the nations only masters exclusively for legislative affairs.
  • Recommended Courses: Intro to Public Administration, Public Financial Administration, Non-Profit and Public Policy, Intro to Urban Politics and Government, Urban and Regional Planning, City Planning and Community Development, State and Local Politics, Florida Politics, Public Policy.
  • Federal Government Bureaucratic Departments/Agencies:  sub-focus on federal government and policy and perhaps business make sense to augment.  Highly encourage Washington Center or other Washington-based internships, such as College to Congress, D.C. Internships.org, Capital Semester program. Recommended Courses: The American Presidency/Congress, Intro to Public Admin, Public Policy, Public Financial Administration…& others per interest area.
  • Recommended Courses: Non-Profit and Public Policy, Intro to Public Admin, Public Policy, Public Financial Administration, City Planning and Community Development.
  • Recommended Courses: US Foreign Policy, Globalization, International Wealth and Power, ASN coded area studies courses (Middle East, Japan, China,) Europe, Latin America, International Law, International Organizations, International Human Rights, Conflict in the World, and INR 4931 Special Topics: Politics of Developing Areas. 
  • Recommend coursework to develop writing skills in English/Mass Comm.
  • Recommended courses: Political Behavior, Public Opinion, and Elections, Political Parties and Interest Groups , then courses in the areas you are passionate about (i.e. Human Rights, Environmental Policy, US Foreign Policy, etc.) Many students may consider graduate programs like this at George Washington~ https://gspm.gwu.edu/strategic-public-relations American University also has a Political Communications Masters Program
  • Public Policy or Public Administration: sound similar, but this article explains the differences quite well: https://mpadegree.org/mpa-vs-mpp-5-differences-between/ Public Policy focused students are encouraged to consider a minor in Economics, or to consider a minor in the area they wish to focus their studies on (i.e. Environmental Science & Policy, Immigration/Human Rights, Public Health.) USF has a Public Administration program you may consider. For those planning on Public Policy, an internship with a Think Tank is recommended. Some Public Policy Programs: American University
  • Urban and Regional Planning: Urban planners create and implement land-use plans that determine what kinds of buildings will go where, setting the course for what a city or town will look like years down the road. They’re involved in discussions with other leaders on areas where growth should be encouraged and other spots where it may be inappropriate. Recommended minor in Urban & Regional Planning, with a masters in that area. Minors in Leadership, Sociology, Environmental Science and Policy could also be beneficial.
  • Non-Profit Social Activism:  perhaps with a minor in Leadership Studies or Sociology. would be another avenue.  Community organizers act as local leaders to accomplish specific goals. Their duties include lobbying for legislative change, organizing rallies to build awareness of critical issues and strategizing new ways to improve the lives of community members. Understanding how the system functions, helps understand what is wrong and how to change it. Development officers organize events and campaigns to raise money and donations for an organization. Your job may include designing promotional materials and increasing awareness of an organization’s work, goals and needs.
  • Urban Government: Recommended courses: Non-Profit and Public Policy, Intro to Public Admin, Public Policy, Public Financial Administration, City Planning and Community Development, Intro to Urban Politics and Government
  • Social Science/Statistics based research positions:  (with organizations like Gallup) Survey researchers design and conduct surveys and analyze the results. The surveys can be used to collect factual data like employment and salary information or to ask questions in order to understand people’s opinions, preferences, beliefs or desires, and are used heavily in political campaigns, and by special interest groups. Recommend Courses: focus on success in Empirical Analysis, and take Intermediate Research Methods. Stats or math minor if so inclined.
  • Business:   Paired with a Certificate in General Business. A Certificate in Sales could also make sense for someone interested in working in campaign management, marketing, lobbying, or related areas. Per stats learned in POL: Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. In this role, you would help companies understand what products people want, their target audience and reasonable selling prices.
  • Non-Profit Social Entrepreneurship:  via an Entrepreneurship minor, if you wish to pursue forming some type of for-profit or non-profit political organization, or other type of non-profit Entrepreneurship to advance some type social cause in society. For example, we had a recent graduate found a program to provide Pell Grant eligible students access to legislative assistant positions in Washington, by developing a funding source to allow these students to have their living expenses covered while on the internship.   Will have the statistics, analysis, communication skills desired. 
  • Teaching Middle or High School Government/Civics: Requires a Master of Arts in Teaching or Concurrent Degree in Education. 

D'Amour Edwards , Academic Advisor Chris Barnes , Academic Advisor

  • Department of Political Science

Profile Type:

We prepare students for career success, leadership and social responsibility through the study of the fundamental values, interests, processes, tools and actors that play a role in making decisions.

  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • Academic Departments

About our program

Politics is essential to the human condition. It is expressed in patterns of influence among individuals, in the actions of states in world affairs, and in collective efforts to achieve our most noble goals. The political science curriculum links moral issues to empirical analysis of political life and explores the realities of political behavior at local, state, national, and international levels. A political science major helps students prepare for careers in government, social and political organizations, international relations, business, and education, and for graduate study or law school.

BA and Minor, Political Science

Details about our degrees and information about internship and career opportunities.

Students in the legislature


Among the opportunities open to you is the Washington State Legislative Intern Program, which brings more than 70 college students to Olympia for a one-of-a-kind educational and professional opportunity.

  • More about political science internships
  • Current Students: information on Redhawk Hub

US Capitol in Washington DC

Your degree opens the door to many fields, including government, community organizations, journalism, law and more. 

Yitan Li, PhD

Professor and Chair, Political Science; Director, Asian Studies

Yitan Li, PhD

Melissa Poquiz

Senior Administrative Assistant

Melissa Poquiz

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Department of Politics and Philosophy

Physical Address: 205 Administration Building

Mailing Address: Department of Politics and Philosophy University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3165 Moscow, ID 83844-3165

Phone: 208-885-6328

Email: [email protected]

Two hands hold picture and plaque.

Leading the Charge

ASUI President Has Passion for Discourse

Jenny Baker at One World Cafe.

Political Science

The flow of lights outside of the Capital Building.

Master of Public Administration

The Lincoln Memorial with a flurry of visitors

3 + 3 Program (J.D.)

A bearded, bald man with eyeglasses, wearing a suit with an American flag lapel pin stands near a Doric column.

Governing His Future

Doors Open to Capitol

Larry Stauffer studying in the amphitheater.

Where She Came From

Becoming a Leader for Idaho’s Latinx Population

Art featuring a donkey and an elephant staring at each other.

The Great Divide

Senior Seeks to Understand Issue Polarization

Photo of woman on ski hill with mountain in background.

Clear Skies

Senior Sees Bright Future Fighting for Climate

In the Department of Politics and Philosophy we give students the opportunity to study these disciplines in their contemporary forms — as degree programs in political science and philosophy. But we bring these fields together by giving students the opportunity to study in a community of students who are eager to understand themselves, our nation and the world, to serve the public interest and to articulate values for a better society.

B.A./B.S. Political Science

Exploring the political process, American government, international relations, comparative politics, public administration and policy and beyond.

B.A./B.S. Philosophy

By gaining insight into themselves, society and the human condition, students become ethical, thoughtful and contributing members of society.

Complete your undergraduate degree (BA/BS) and finish law school with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) at the University of Idaho in six years.

Election latest: Nigel Farage predicts how many votes Reform might win - as Rishi Sunak insists he is 'still fighting very hard'

Reform leader Nigel Farage reacts to a poll that puts his party ahead of the Tories for the first time. Listen to the latest episode of Electoral Dysfunction as you scroll.

Friday 14 June 2024 17:40, UK

  • General Election 2024
  • Catch up on events from the campaign trail in our evening bulletin
  • Farage demands to be included in leaders' event after poll puts Reform ahead of Tories
  • He claims Reform UK could win over six million votes
  • 'Vote for Reform would give blank cheque to Labour': Sunak reacts
  • Tory claims on Labour 'secret' tax rise plans unpacked
  • Listen to the Electoral Dysfunction podcast  as you scroll and  tap here  to follow wherever you get your podcasts
  • Live reporting by Katie Williams

Election essentials

  • Check parties' manifesto pledges:  Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid Cymru
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:  Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

By Laura Bundock , Sky correspondent

Manifestos have failed to make up the minds of the majority of the Sky News YouGov Voters Panel.

Most of our unique panel told us they're still undecided who to vote for on 4 July.

When asked what our voters were hoping to hear, the answers were wide-ranging. The NHS came up repeatedly, as did tax, immigration and the environment.

Our exclusive Voters Panel managed by pollster YouGov represents more than 40 different seats and many different political views.

We asked everyone on the panel for their views on each of the manifestos.

The Lib Dems launched first, and their policies received a lot of positive comments.

One voter described the manifesto as "radical and ambitious".

Another picked out the plan to tackle tax evasion: "That really stood out to me because I think there's a lot of money that is left on the table with people avoiding tax in a number of different ways."

However, a few weren't convinced a Lib Dem vote would make any difference. "I still get the gut feeling it could be a wasted vote," came one response.

Some of our older panellists were more supportive of the Conservative manifesto.

"As someone who is approaching retirement age, I think the triple lock plus is of particular interest," one mentioned.

The Rwanda policy continues to divide, but it is popular with some of the panel. One told us: "I'm in favour of the more stringent immigration policies, and think this will give us a bit more stability with regards to the net migration."

But there was scepticism too, and some of the younger voters were unimpressed.

"I'm 24, I see absolutely nothing in here that is going to help me in my life and is probably actively going to make it a lot worse," one person said.

Labour might be leading the polls, but several on our panel questioned how the manifesto pledges would be paid for.

"I do wonder in general if the amount of change that they are putting forward is realistic, and if it is realistic, at what cost?" said a voter.

Others were broadly positive.

A panel member said: "My thoughts on the Labour policies are that they're all relevant, especially those for education and on the environment. And they're also fairly convincing."

Manisfestos are a mainstay of election campaigns, a moment meant to help make minds up.

But the majority of our panel are undecided and still unable to commit to a party and their polices.

"The elephant in the room for all parties is still the funding and it's still not quite clear how all the parties intend to raise the funding to implement their ideas," one voter said.

The parliamentary watchdog says it is taking no further action after launching a review into reports Douglas Ross may have used Westminster expenses to travel in his role as a football linesman.

Mr Ross - the leader of the Scottish Conservatives - said the expenses claims were approved by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).

He acknowledged that "any breaking of the rules with expenses is a serious breach", but added he was "very comfortable" with the claims he has made.

In a statement this evening, a spokesperson for IPSA said: "We have reviewed Mr Ross's travel claims, relating to the allegations made in the press, and met with him to discuss the issues that have been raised. 

"Following this review, we are satisfied that the claims were within IPSA's rules and no further action is required."

The British public have had their say on the three biggest parties' manifestos in a new survey just released by YouGov.

The poll reveals that the Lib Dem's pledges on NHS and social care have garnered the most significant support, while there's strong backing for the Tories' "triple lock plus" plans and Labour's pledge to create publicly owned "Great British Energy".

Conservative manifesto

The Tories' promised tax cut for pensioners through its "triple lock plus" plan has the highest level of support of all its manifesto promises, with nearly three-quarters of people surveyed backing the plan.

By contrast, its policy to introduce compulsory national service for 18-year-olds has more opposition than support, with 52% against compared to 39% for the idea. 

Meanwhile, two-thirds of Britons like the proposal to abolish stamp duty for first-time-buyers purchasing a home valued up to £425,000.

Labour manifesto

When it comes to Labour's pledges, the plan to create a state-owned energy provider, Great British Energy, has the strongest public backing.

Three-quarters of people polled said they supported the idea, while 60% of Brits also voted in favour of Sir Keir Starmer's flagship policy to charge VAT on private school fees.

The support for the private schools pledge included 45% of 2019 Tory voters, despite the party's opposition to the idea.

The party's plan to lower the voting age to 16 is not so popular, the survey reveals, with the majority (60%) opposed and just 31% in favour.

Liberal Democrat manifesto

As we mentioned, the Lib Dem's plans for the NHS drew the strongest support of any of the three main parties, with 93% of Britons supporting a legal right that all urgently referred cancer patients in England will start treatment within 62 days.

Meanwhile, 90% supported a legal right to see a GP within a week.

The party also has significant support (83%) for its policy to increase the minimum wage for social care workers by £2 an hour.

None of its policies had more opposition than support, but its promise to push for more football matches to be free to air on TV had the lowest proportion of votes directly in favour at 26%, while 49% said they didn't know how they felt.

It's 5pm, here's your round-up of what's been happening on the campaign trail today.

There's no sign of the election campaign slowing down with less than three weeks to go until voters head to the polls.

Reform UK has been celebrating today after one opinion poll showed the party edging ahead of the Conservatives.

Rishi Sunak has played down the survey, while Labour says the growth of Reform is "just the latest chapter in the Conservative Party's psychodrama".

  • Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said he believed the party could get six million votes in the 4 July election as he revealed his "delight" that the "inflection poll has arrived";
  • In a news conference, Mr Farage said a Labour win was a given and a Conservative vote in the Red Wall was a "wasted vote";
  • Meanwhile, chairman Richard Tice said the poll showing Reform overtaking the Tories was linked to an "enthusiasm for something else apart from the boring status quo of the two main parties";
  • However, pollsters have noted that Reform's lead was within the margin of error, and other polls from the past day show the party trailing the Tories
  • Responding to the YouGov poll, Rishi Sunak said  a vote for Reform would "give a blank cheque to Labour", as he batted away a suggestion from Mr Farage that his party now represents the opposition to Labour;
  • The Tories ' chief secretary to the Treasury Laura Trott has also been speaking today in a news conference mainly aimed at attacking Labour's manifesto promises;
  • She accused Labour of having "deliberately failed to rule out 18 potential tax rises" and said the opposition would "take the tax burden to a record high".
  • Labour  shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, on the Reform poll victory, said it was "the latest chapter in the Conservative Party's psychodrama";
  • Mr Streeting revealed his hope that Mr Farage would not be voted in as MP for Clacton in Essex, claiming he's "never been tested on actually delivering on the change he campaigns for".
  • Meanwhile, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves and shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds met CEOs in London to hear their views on the party's manifesto.
  • Elsewhere,  Lib Dem deputy leader Daisy Cooper visited the east of England as her party promotes its plans for a national food strategy.

Don't forget Politics Hub  is back tonight with our correspondent Ali Fortescue hosting from 7pm.

You can watch and follow live here in the Politics Hub - and we'll bring you more news and analysis throughout the evening.

By Tamara Cohen , political correspondent, in Puglia, Italy

Rishi Sunak has responded to a poll showing Nigel Farage's Reform party ahead of the Conservatives - saying a vote for the party would "give a blank cheque to Labour".

Speaking to journalists at the G7 summit in Italy, the prime minister said: "We are only halfway through this election, so I'm still fighting very hard for every vote.

"And what that poll shows is - the only poll that matters is the one on 4 July - but if that poll was replicated on 4 July, it would be handing Labour a blank cheque to tax everyone, tax their home their pension their car, their family, and I'll be fighting very hard to make sure that doesn't happen."

The Lib Dems' stunt-filled election campaign is a "conscious strategy" as the party doesn't take itself "too seriously", deputy leader Daisy Cooper has said.

"Ed has won a lot of people's hearts and minds with this strategy," she said, defending party leader Sir Ed Davey's campaign which has so far seen him tumble from a paddleboard, slide down a waterslide and ride rollercoasters.

"When he fell off a paddle board he was talking about our policy to tackle the crisis of raw sewage dumping. 

"When he was at a water park he was talking about the importance of putting a mental health practitioner into every single school," said Ms Cooper.

She said her party was working to "grab people's attention at a time when the country is really struggling".

The deputy Lib Dem leader said there was "almost nothing" that would stop Sir Ed "from getting out and about, meeting people, doing the stunts and having a lot of fun".

Beth Rigby has revealed how she decided on a "narrative" before quizzing the Labour and Tory leaders at Sky News's special event - and how a morning run almost scuppered everything.

Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak took turns for a 45-minute grilling at Sky News' Battle For Number 10 in Grimsby, with questions coming from a representative audience.

First to interrogate both leaders was political editor Rigby, who has lifted the lid on what it's like to prepare, execute (and almost miss) the big event.

"Kay Burley told me when I first came into telly 'fail to prepare, prepare to fail'," she told former Labour MP Margaret Hodge on the Electoral Dysfunction podcast.

"So, I took these two mottos into this very intense interview prep… you get loads of information and you start to try and work out what's the narrative that you want to tell."

The secret, she said, is to look at everything and then "distil it" until you have a clear "narrative arc".

"With Starmer, the thing really was - how can you trust this guy? That was the premise," she said.

"But for Sunak, it was like, you say you've got a clear plan, you say you're going to deliver… so, what's the Conservative record? But more importantly, what's your record?

"Because you've actually been prime minister. You made five pledges, and then there was a broader question about what were the betrayals to the British people."

But disaster almost struck before the event had even started.

"The night before, I woke up at, like, five in the morning, fully awake," she said, adding she could "feel the adrenaline".

So, she decided to go for a run.

"I just saw I'm coming to the end of the road. And I went to turn round, and, as I turned, I nearly ran into a moving car. So, I nearly got run over," she explained.

Not the kind of car crash anyone would have expected that day.

Listen to the full podcast here:

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The Conservatives are claiming Labour is "secretly planning" 18 tax rises.

Although it is very fair to say Labour has not explicitly ruled out a number of these, there is no mention of most in their manifesto.

They have also been clear they will "not raise taxes on working people" - which includes national insurance, the basic, higher, or additional rates of income tax, and VAT.

Let's take a look at the detailed list the Tories have put out, and what Labour have said:

1. The new state pension being dragged into income tax for the first time in history

The Conservative Party has frozen tax thresholds, and the basic state pension is continuing to rise to the point where pensioners will soon need to pay income tax on it.

As a result, Rishi Sunak is pledging to raise the threshold for pensioners so they never have to pay tax on the state pension.

Labour has not committed to doing the same - although they have not criticised the substance of the policy either.

2. Ending the 25% tax-free lump sum

This is about private pensions, and it means pensioners can withdraw a lump sum and not pay income tax on the first 25% of it.

Labour has not said they will end this policy, and nor is it mentioned in their manifesto.

3. Making tax relief on pension contributions less generous

4. Extending national insurance to employer pension contributions

5. Increasing the number of council tax bands

6. Undertaking an expensive council tax revaluation, as Labour have already done in Wales

The Welsh Labour government in Wales has undertaken a revaluation of homes for council tax purposes - but the implementation of the change has been postponed until 2028, after the next Senedd election.

UK Labour has not said if it has any plans to do this in England, and nor is it mentioned in their manifesto.

7. Cutting council tax discounts, as Labour is currently doing in Wales

As part of a shake-up of the council tax rules in Wales, changes to the discounts were explored, but this has also been postponed until 2028.

8. Applying capital gains tax to family homes by ending Private Residence Relief

Labour has not said they will do this, and it is not in their manifesto.

9. Increasing the rate and level of stamp duty

Labour has said they will raise stamp duty for purchases of residential property by non-UK residents only by 1% - but they have not said they will increase it across the board.

10. New levies or charges on bills while accelerating the rollout of renewables

Labour has not said they will add any new levies or charges. 

They have explicitly stated that the aim of their green energy investment plan - funded by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants - is to reduce bills for households.

11. Increasing capital gains tax

Labour have not said they will raise capital gains tax overall, although they are planning to make a change so that performance-related pay in the private equity industry is treated as income, rather than capital gains.

12. Increasing employers' national insurance

Labour have not said they intend to do this, although it is not mentioned in their manifesto.

They have explicitly ruled out increasing the national insurance that employees pay.

13. Ending the Enterprise Investment Scheme

Labour have not said they will do this, and it is not mentioned in their manifesto.

14. Cutting or ending the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme

15. Ending Venture Capital Trusts

16. Ending Business Asset Disposal Relief

A Labour source told The Times newspaper in September last year that this was being examined, but it is not in the party's manifesto.

16. Ending Agricultural Property Relief and Business Relief

18. Maintaining the expanded ULEZ zone in Outer London and expanding road pricing beyond London

This is not technically a tax, nor is it controlled by the Treasury.

The ULEZ scheme was first proposed by ex-PM Boris Johnson, and has been implemented by the London mayor, Labour's Sadiq Khan, who controls transport policy independent of national government.

The party has not said it will expand road pricing beyond London, and nor is it mentioned in their manifesto.

Earlier we reported on comments made by chief secretary to the Treasury Laura Trott, who claimed in a news conference that Labour was deliberately failing to rule out 18 potential tax rises.

She also said Labour would "take the tax burden to a record high" (see more in 11.04 post).

Responding to her remarks, Darren Jones, Labour's shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, said it was a sign of "chaos and desperation" in the Conservative campaign "that they are spending their time talking about things they have imagined and that Labour isn't doing".

"The only surprise is that the imaginary 'meat tax' and the fantasy seven bins haven't made another appearance," he said.

Mr Jones reiterated that Labour's pledges were "fully-funded and costed" and claimed the Tories' plans would "leave families paying £4,800 more on their mortgages".

However, this claim from Labour has been branded "very speculative" and based on "multiple assumptions" by Full Fact.

By Tom Cheshire, Megan Harwood-Baynes, Mary Poynter, online campaign team

How bad is the Conservative brand?

Bad enough for dozens of its own candidates to avoid using it, according to research from Sky's Online Campaign Team and Who Targets Me.

We looked at the adverts published on Facebook and Instagram by 521 Labour and Conservative candidates from 1 May until 12 June.

Of these, 376 adverts contained official branding (logos and colours), 104 had some form of partial branding, and 41 had no branding at all.

And the vast majority of those with no branding - 38 - were Conservative.

Read more here:

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