How to transition from PhD to consulting?

Transition from PhD to consulting

Going from PhD to consulting can feel intimidating. It's hard to know which consulting firms recruit PhDs, and at which level. And it can also sometimes feel unclear if you'll be using your PhD skills at all or completely starting from scratch.

So let's walk through how you should manage your transition from PhD to consulting step by step. From which firms to target to how much you will be paid and how to ace your applications and interviews.

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Which companies recruit phds and at which level.

Consulting firms help clients solve some of the most difficult problems they face in their business. As a consequence, firms like McKinsey, BCG and Bain have always been competing with each other to recruit the smartest talent possible. Historically, top consulting firms were mainly hiring MBAs but that has changed over the past few decades and they now also target undergraduate and PhD students.

However, not all firms recruit PhDs at the same level. Some firms like Bain or Oliver Wyman recruit PhDs at their undergraduate entry level which they respectively call Associate Consultant and Consultant. This recruiting approach can feel a little bit frustrating as a PhD given you've spent much more time studying and also usually have more work experience than a typical undergraduate.

But the good news is that some firms have started to recognise this issue and to hire PhDs at the level just above the entry level one. This most notably includes McKinsey and BCG which respectively hire PhDs at Junior Associate and Senior Associate levels. As you can see in the graph below, these are equivalent levels despite the fact that the two firms call them differently.

PhD entry level at different consulting firms

As you've probably understood by now, McKinsey and BCG are great firms to target as a PhD because you will get in a at higher level than other firms which has got a few advantages:

  • First, you'll receive a higher base salary from the start. ~$95k instead of the typical ~$80k for undergraduate entry level.
  • Second, you'll be further along in your career and be given more responsibility from day one.

If you want to target these two firms, we would recommend taking a look at the recruiting events they regularly organise for PhDs: the McKinsey Insight Programme and the Bridge to BCG Programme . Both are one to two day workshops during which you get a chance to network with people from McKinsey / BCG , participate in realistic case experiences and get a better feel for whether you'd enjoy being a consultant. We would definitely encourage you to apply if you can.

In addition, if you have done a PhD in life sciences, we would also encourage you to take a look at consulting firms which have a strong focus on healthcare and pharma. This includes LEK , ClearView , Navigant and ZS Associates among others. These are smaller firms than McKinsey or BCG in terms of size but they have a strong culture of hiring PhDs and could be a good addition to your list.

Finally, McKinsey, BCG and the other consulting firms we have mentioned above take part to the PhD to consulting conference every year in the UK. We would recommend attending if you are based in London.

Why should you become a management consultant?

Consulting is intense and your interviewers will want to make sure you have carefully thought about why you want to become a management consultant . In our experience here are the top 3 aspects of management consulting that are most relevant to PhD students.

First, management consulting is not completely unlike doing research. A big part of a management consultant's job is to solve client problems. Going to work for firms like McKinsey or BCG will therefore give you the opportunity to continue using the skills you have developped while doing your PhD: from gathering data, to breaking down problems into manageable pieces and to articulating your ideas in a structured way. Here are a few case examples if you want a more precise idea of the type of projects consultants work on.

Second, one of the differences between management consulting and academia is the pace at which things go. You typically go less deep in the problems you solve in management consulting. But you are asked to solve them much faster. There's an emphasis on speed over depth. The bright side of this is that you will typically see the results of your work much faster as a consultant. On some projects you could even see your recommendations being implemented and have a direct impact on revenues / profits while you are still working at the client site.

Third, if you've decided academia isn't for you and are attracted to the business world, consulting can be a great stepping stone. McKinsey, BCG and Bain are sometimes referred to as " CEO factories " because a lot of their alumnus go on to manage Fortune 500 companies. For instance, both Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO) and Sundar Pichai (Google CEO) are former McKinsey consultants. Not all consultants go on to do great things but some do!

Having a clear idea of why you want to be a consultant is important because it's a demanding job which often involves long hours and a lot of travel.

How to land and ace consulting interviews?

Now that you know what firms to target, let's talk about the consulting application process. For most firms it looks something like this:

  • Resume and cover letter
  • Maths and logic test
  • 1st round interviews
  • 2nd round interviews

Each round of interview typically includes 2 to 5 interviews where you will be asked a mix of case questions and fit questions .

The first hurdle you will need to overcome is writing a great PhD consulting resume (template available here) . Our four main tips to achieve this as a PhD student are as follows:

  • First, you should use a consulting specific structure for your documents: "Education", "Work experience", "Extra-curricular achievements" and "Additional skills". There's no need for specific sections on your publications or the conferences you attended.
  • Second, you should write result-oriented bullet points. This means all your bullet points should start with action verbs (e.g. lead, analyse, etc.) and quantify the impact you've had as much as possible (e.g. lead a collaboration between 4 researchers which resulted in 3 publications)
  • Third, you should work hard to simplify the topic of your research. The person reviewing your resume won't know more about your field than the average Financial Times reader. You need to dumb it down for them. They don't need to understand what you did in detail. Conveying a high level idea of your field is often enough.
  • Finally, some recruiters have small prejudice against PhD students. They think they are good problem solvers but lack soft skills. In your resume, you should therefore make every effort to show off your soft skills. Two easy ways to do this are to talk about the different collaborations you've worked on, and the different presentations you've made at conferences.

Once your resume and cover letter have been accepted you will need to start preparing for case interviews . This type of interviews lasts about 30 minutes during which you will analyse and solve a business problem. These cases are usually inspired from past consulting projects your interviewer will have worked on.

For example, your interviewer could ask you: "Your client is Coca-Cola, and their profits have been declining in recent years. Can you help find the root-cause of the profit decline and turn the situation around?"

We've helped more than 20,000 students prepare for consulting interviews in the past and in our experience the following four-step approach makes for a great preparation.

  • First, you should aim to develop fast and reliable maths skills . All case interviews involve some maths but PhD students in sciences often underestimate that part because they are used to doing more complex maths in their research. But doing simple additions, subtractions, divisions and multiplications QUICKLY and ACCURATELY is a completely different skillset to solving complex integrals (as an example). It requires some practice!
  • Second, the real secret to case interviews is CONSISTENCY. You will have 5 to 10 interviews before getting an offer. In order to succeed you therefore need to consistently crack cases. In our experience, the best way to achieve this is to always use the same step by step method. We've developed our own method which you can learn about in our case interview programmes. Or you can also develop your own.
  • Third, you should practice as many case interviews as possible. Practicing with peers and playing the role of the interviewer / candidate in turns is extremely helpful. But in addition, we would also recommend practicing by yourself as this gives you more time to think about the questions and about the perfect answer you can give. In addition, some candidates also use a consulting interview coach to fine-tune their preparation.
  • Finally, you should not forget to spend some of your preparation time on fit and PEI questions . These are questions such as " Why McKinsey? " or "Tell me about a time you lead a team through a difficult situation?" These are often overlooked by candidates but carry an important weight in interviewers' final decision.

Consulting can be a great stepping stone for PhD students who aren't willing to go into academia and would like to enter the business world. McKinsey and BCG are particularly active in the PhD recruiting space. And so are other smaller firms with a strong presence in healthcare and life sciences such as Navigant, Clearview or ZS Associates. Getting an offer in consulting can be a bit challenging but if you follow our guidance on resumes, cover letters and case interviews your chances are actually quite high.

Related articles:

Capital One case interview

  • The 1%: Conquer Your Consulting Case Interview
  • Consulting Career Secrets
  • Cover Letter & Resume
  • McKinsey Solve Game (Imbellus)
  • BCG Online Case (+ Pymetrics, Spark Hire)
  • Bain Aptitude Tests (SOVA, Pymetrics, HireVue)
  • Kearney Recruitment Test
  • BCG Cognitive Test Practice
  • All-in-One Case Interview Preparation
  • Industry Cheat Sheets
  • Structuring & Brainstorming
  • Data & Chart Interpretation
  • Case Math Mastery
  • McKinsey Interview Academy
  • Brainteasers

Navigating the Leap from Academia to Elite Consulting: A Guide for PhDs

the image shows a phd student that moved from academia to consulting

Last Updated on February 28, 2024

From Classroom to Boardroom

Imagine standing at the crossroads of a significant career transition: you’re a PhD or a PhD student, deeply entrenched in academia’s world of research and theories. Now, picture yourself stepping into the high-paced, dynamic realm of top-tier consulting firms like McKinsey , BCG , and Bain . This isn’t just a fantasy. For many PhDs, it’s a transformative reality.

But what does this shift entail, and how can you navigate it successfully?

Is It a Good Career Move?

Transitioning to a consulting role at a prestigious firm indeed marks a significant lifestyle shift for PhDs.

While the fast-paced, problem-solving nature of consulting can be challenging for those used to deep, methodical research, it also brings several benefits. PhDs are trained to delve into complex problems, making them adept at handling the intricate issues often encountered in consulting. Their ability to assimilate vast amounts of information quickly is a valuable asset in a field where understanding a client’s needs and industry specifics in a short time is crucial.

Moreover, PhDs often possess excellent communication skills, honed through presenting complex ideas in an understandable manner . This skill is invaluable in consulting, where explaining and convincing clients of certain strategies is a daily task. Also, their rigorous academic training ensures a high level of discipline and dedication, traits that are beneficial in managing the demanding workload and tight deadlines in consulting.

However, there are drawbacks as well. The transition from academia to consulting can be jarring due to the differences in work culture. The collaborative, team-based approach in consulting may contrast with the more solitary nature of academic research. PhDs might find the client-oriented focus of consulting to be a stark departure from the freedom and independence they enjoyed in research. Furthermore, the emphasis on quick results in consulting can be at odds with the in-depth, thorough approach PhDs are used to in academia.

The shift in work-life balance is another potential downside. Consulting often involves long hours and extensive travel, which can be a significant adjustment for those used to the more flexible schedule of academic research. This can lead to stress and burnout if not managed properly.

In conclusion, while the transition to consulting offers PhDs the opportunity to apply their skills in a new and dynamic environment, it requires adaptation to a different pace, work style, and potentially demanding lifestyle. The key to a successful transition lies in leveraging their unique skills while being open to the new experiences and challenges that consulting offers.

Salary comparison

The salary trajectory in academia and top-tier consulting firms presents a stark contrast, reflective of the differing priorities and structures of these sectors. In academia, salaries typically start lower and grow gradually over time, tied closely to academic ranks such as assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. This progression, often governed by rigid pay scales and dependent on tenure, can span many years, with significant salary increases usually linked to promotions or tenure achievement.

In contrast, top-tier consulting firms generally offer substantially higher starting salaries, reflecting the high demand for and profitability of consulting services. Salary growth in these firms can be rapid, with the potential for significant increases as one moves from junior to senior roles. This is often accompanied by performance-based bonuses and other incentives, which can further widen the income gap compared to academia. However, it’s important to note that these higher salaries in consulting often come with expectations of longer work hours and more intensive workloads, as opposed to the more flexible and research-focused lifestyle in academia.

The Art of the Possible: Breaking into Top Consulting Firms

Is it possible for someone with a deep academic background to break into a top consulting firm?

Indeed, someone with a deep academic background has a strong potential to break into a top consulting firm. Major consulting firms such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain value the deep analytical skills, specialized knowledge, and rigorous critical thinking abilities that PhDs possess. According to a BCG report, the influx of PhDs into these firms is not just a trend but a strategic hiring practice, as nearly 10% of their new hires in recent years have been PhDs. These firms recognize that individuals with advanced academic training can bring fresh perspectives and a diverse range of problem-solving skills to the table, which are invaluable in addressing complex client challenges.

To facilitate this transition, these firms often offer ‘bridge’ programs, which are essentially tailored training programs designed to help PhDs adapt their academic expertise to the practical, fast-paced world of consulting. These programs typically focus on developing business acumen, understanding client relations, and honing the art of delivering actionable insights in a business context. Furthermore, such programs often include mentorship opportunities, where new hires are paired with experienced consultants. This mentorship is crucial in helping PhDs navigate the cultural shift from academia to a corporate environment.

Additionally, consulting firms often provide a supportive environment for continuous learning and professional development, which can be very appealing to those coming from an academic background. This is not only through on-the-job learning but also through formal training sessions and workshops aimed at enhancing various skills, including project management, leadership, and communication.

It’s important to note that while PhDs are highly valued for their specialized knowledge, breaking into top consulting firms also requires them to demonstrate adaptability, the ability to work in teams, and strong interpersonal skills. The ability to translate complex concepts into actionable business strategies is also key. Therefore, while the transition from academia to consulting is indeed feasible and increasingly common, it requires PhDs to leverage their academic strengths while also acquiring new skills relevant to the consulting world.

Case Study: From PhD to McKinsey

In this article , McKinsey highlights how Yvonne, working as an associate in Shanghai, discovered that her academic background as a PhD researcher in medical devices was highly applicable to consulting. In this field, she realized she could have a more significant impact by addressing a wider range of topics.

Yvonne transitioned from a PhD in medical device research to consulting, shifting her focus from specialized research on cochlear implants to the broader healthcare industry. She realized that successful healthcare innovations required not just research, but also clinical trials, regulatory approvals, and effective marketing strategies. Curious about a career that encompassed all aspects of healthcare, Yvonne explored consulting and was drawn to McKinsey after attending webinars and speaking with alumni. At McKinsey, her first project involved developing a five-year strategy for a medical device company in China, where she applied her PhD skills to analyze and categorize a wide range of products.

Yvonne became an expert in product analysis within her team, mirroring the intellectual rigor and problem-solving skills she honed during her PhD. Her projects at McKinsey have varied, including enhancing hospital services, supporting MedTech production localization, and analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare sector.

She reflects on her consulting journey as an extension of her PhD work, applying her academic skills to a wider range of healthcare issues. Yvonne’s experience highlights the value of PhD skills in consulting, particularly in problem-solving and targeted learning. Her story illustrates how consulting can offer a fulfilling career path for those seeking to impact the healthcare industry beyond the confines of the lab. Yvonne’s transition to consulting at McKinsey demonstrates a successful blend of academic expertise and industry application, leading to meaningful contributions in healthcare.

There are many such stories prevalent in all top consulting firms. If you are interested in learning more, you could do your research on LinkedIn to identify similar individuals who made the move. More on networking below.

Similarities and Differences: Academia vs. Consulting

The similarities and differences between academia and consulting are indeed nuanced and significant. Both realms highly value analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to delve into complex subjects. However, the contexts in which these skills are applied and the expected outcomes vary considerably.

In academia, the focus is often on contributing to the body of knowledge in a specific field through detailed research. This work is characterized by its depth, theoretical underpinnings, and long-term focus. Academics may spend years exploring a single topic, with the primary output being publications in scholarly journals. The pace is generally more measured, allowing for a thorough exploration of subjects. Additionally, academia offers a certain degree of autonomy and intellectual freedom, enabling scholars to choose their research topics and delve deeply into areas of personal interest.

In contrast, consulting is driven by the immediate needs of clients. Consultants must apply their analytical skills to provide practical, actionable solutions to business problems, often within tight deadlines. The pace of consulting is much faster, and the work is inherently more collaborative and client-focused. Consultants are expected to quickly understand a client’s industry, business model, and specific challenges, and then work as part of a team to develop strategic recommendations. This often requires synthesizing large amounts of information and distilling it into insights that are both insightful and immediately applicable.

The typical project span in top-tier strategy consulting is just 8 to 12 weeks, in which, your team is often tasked to completely overhaul the strategy of a Fortune 500 company with 20,000 employees and 5 business divisions, operating across 100+ countries.

Moreover, the nature of feedback and rewards in these two worlds differs. In academia, success is often measured by peer recognition, publications, and grants. In consulting, success is more directly tied to client satisfaction, the impact of solutions provided, and business outcomes. This difference in reward systems signifies a shift from an emphasis on theoretical and methodological rigor to a focus on practical results and client relations.

Adjusting to these differences in pace, focus, and evaluation metrics can be a significant challenge for PhDs transitioning to consulting. The change from an environment where one is an expert in a narrow field to one where adaptability and breadth of knowledge are required can be substantial. It necessitates not only a shift in mindset but also the development of new skills, such as client management, business acumen, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams. However, those who can adapt successfully may find that consulting offers a dynamic and rewarding career path that leverages their analytical strengths while providing new challenges and learning opportunities.

Making the Move and Preparing for the Applications

Transitioning from academia to top-tier consulting requires strategic preparation, focusing on demonstrating transferable skills, building a network in the consulting industry, and mastering the unique aspects of the consulting interview process.

Networking: Networking plays a crucial role in the transition to consulting. Start by connecting with alumni from your institution who now work in consulting. Attend industry events, webinars, and workshops to meet professionals in the field. LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for building these connections. Engaging with consultants and industry professionals can provide insights into the consulting lifestyle and culture, as well as advice on navigating the recruitment process. You might even score a referral . Informational interviews can be particularly beneficial; they not only expand your network but also give you an insider’s view of what consulting firms look for in candidates.

Resume Preparation: When preparing a resume for a consulting role , it’s essential to translate academic experiences into terms that resonate with consulting firms. Highlight transferable skills such as data analysis, project management, problem-solving, and the ability to synthesize complex information. Emphasize any leadership or management experience, even if it was in an academic setting, such as leading a research team or managing a lab. Tailor your resume to show how your academic achievements can translate into consulting success, focusing on results and impact rather than just listing responsibilities.

Case Interview Preparation: The case interview is a unique and critical component of the consulting interview process. It assesses your ability to solve business problems on the spot. Preparation should involve practicing numerous case studies, ideally with someone who has experience in consulting. There are many resources available, including books, online tutorials, and practice case studies from top consulting firms. Joining or forming a case interview study group can also be beneficial. The key is to get comfortable with a structured approach to problem-solving, breaking down complex problems into manageable parts, and articulating your thought process clearly.

Fit Interview Preparation: Alongside case interviews, fit interviews are an essential part of the recruitment process, assessing whether you are a good match for the firm’s culture and values. Prepare for this by understanding the firm’s ethos, values, and the type of candidates they typically hire. Reflect on your experiences and how they align with these values, preparing to discuss your background, motivations, and why you are interested in transitioning to consulting. Be ready to articulate your story coherently, focusing on how your journey in academia has prepared you for a career in consulting. Practice answering common behavioral questions and remember to incorporate the SCORE technique to structure your responses effectively.

Transitioning from academia to consulting is not just about showcasing your technical and analytical abilities, but also about demonstrating your adaptability, teamwork, and communication skills. It’s a journey that requires preparation, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn and grow beyond the academic realm.

The Edge

At, we understand this transition intimately. Our coaching products and personal services have helped numerous PhDs bridge the gap between academia and top-tier consulting. We provide tailored guidance, from resume crafting to interview preparation, ensuring that your unique academic expertise is translated into the language of consulting.

Contact us for a free consultation if you want to learn more about our products and services.

All-in-One Case Interview Preparation

Conclusion: A Question for Reflection

As you ponder this potential career pivot, ask yourself: How can your academic expertise not just fit into the consulting world but actively enrich it? In answering this, you may find not only a new career path but a renewed sense of purpose.

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Florian spent 5 years with McKinsey as a senior consultant. He is an experienced consulting interviewer and problem-solving coach, having interviewed 100s of candidates in real and mock interviews. He started to make top-tier consulting firms more accessible for top talent, using tailored and up-to-date know-how about their recruiting. He ranks as the most successful consulting case and fit interview coach, generating more than 500 offers with MBB, tier-2 firms, Big 4 consulting divisions, in-house consultancies, and boutique firms through direct coaching of his clients over the last 3.5 years. His books “The 1%: Conquer Your Consulting Case Interview” and “Consulting Career Secrets” are available via Amazon.

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Getting into consulting as a PhD or advanced degree holder

Are you looking to transition from a PhD or advanced degree program and get into management consulting ? Unsure of how exactly to do this?

We have you covered! This comprehensive article covers:

  • Why consulting firms hire PhD / advanced degree candidates
  • Firms that hire PhD / advanced degree candidates
  • Challenges that PhD / advanced degree candidates face
  • PhD / advanced degree consulting recruiting process
  • Submitting a PhD / advanced degree consulting application
  • Passing consulting interviews with a PhD / advanced degree
  • Recommended PhD / advanced degree case interview resources

If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course . These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.

Why Consulting Firms Hire PhD / Advanced Degree Candidates

Consulting firms hire PhD and advanced degree candidates for many reasons.

One, consulting firms want to hire top talent wherever they may be. While consulting firms have traditionally hired from top-tier undergraduate and MBA schools , they have been moving towards also hiring from top-tier medical schools, law schools, and graduate schools. Talented future consultants can be found anywhere and consulting firms want to hire them.

Two, a lot of the skills that PhD and advanced degree candidates have can be transferred to consulting. PhD students gather data, break down problems, write papers, and present their work to others. Analyzing data and presenting your work are critical skills that consultants use every day.

Three, the work that consultants do is increasingly becoming more specialized, requiring specialized expertise. This is where PhD and advanced degree graduates shine. If a consulting firm is helping a pharmaceutical company develop a strategy to launch a new drug, who better to help them than a biochemistry PhD or MD that understands healthcare ?

Therefore, if you are interested in transitioning to the business world, know that consulting firms do hire PhD and advanced degree candidates that have no business backgrounds.

As a PhD or advanced degree hire, you’ll typically be placed at roughly the same level as an MBA hire. However, if you only have a master’s degree, you may be placed at the same level as an undergraduate hire.

Firms That Hire PhD / Advanced Degree Candidates

All three of the top-tier management consulting firms, McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, hire PhD and advanced degree candidates. In fact, they have special programs that are tailored to helping PhD and advanced degree candidates go through the recruiting process.

In addition, many other top consulting firms hire PhD and advanced degree candidates, including Deloitte , Strategy& (part of PwC) , EY-Parthenon , LEK , and Roland Berger .

If you have a PhD in life sciences or an MD, there are many consulting firms that specialize in life sciences consulting . These consulting firms include: ClearView Healthcare , Guidehouse (Navigant ), ZS , Putnam Associates , and Huron Consulting .

Overall, there are many consulting firms that will hire PhD and advanced degree candidates.

Challenges that PhD / Advanced Degree Candidates Face

Although PhD and advanced degree candidates have some skills that will transfer over to consulting, there are many skills that will not. There are six main challenges that PhD and advanced degree hires will face when they recruit for and enter consulting.

Understanding essential business concepts

PhD and advanced degree candidates spend years studying fields that have nothing to do with business. One of the biggest challenges that these candidates face is ramping up on fundamental business knowledge.

Consulting does not require specialized business knowledge, but candidates should be familiar with fundamental business concepts, such as profitability, market share, and competitive advantage.

Additionally, many PhD and advanced degree candidates will lack the business judgment and acumen that a traditional MBA candidate has. Building up a strong business instinct takes time.

Solving problems quickly

PhD candidates may work on one project for many years, extensively researching the topic and going very deep into the details and nuances of the problem.

In contrast, consulting projects are typically solved in 3 – 6 months. As a new consultant, PhD and advanced degree candidates will need to learn how to solve problems quickly by focusing on the most important issues or areas.

Doing simple math calculations quickly

PhD candidates likely use sophisticated and complex mathematics in their research and work, such as differential equations or linear algebra.

In consulting, only very basic math is used. Surprisingly, during interviews, PhD and advanced degree candidates have a much more difficult time performing basic math calculations than undergraduate candidates. This may be because PhD candidates are used to doing higher level math using statistical software rather than doing simpler math calculations by hand.

Therefore, PhD candidates will likely need to brush up on their basic math skills to perform calculations quickly and accurately during their interviews.

Making things simple and easy to understand

One of the key skills in consulting is to make things simple and easy to understand. This is important in order to make clients understand their business situation and act on the recommendations that the consulting firm has provided.

PhD and advanced degree candidates deal with complex and intricate problems that are often difficult to explain to the average person. To be a successful consultant, PhD and advanced degree hires will need to practice explaining complex things in a simple way.

Not focusing too much on the nitty gritty details

In a PhD program, you go very deep into one particular area or topic. To become an expert in the field, you typically read all of the scientific papers published on the topic and know all of the details.

Consulting is less focused on the nitty gritty details. Consultants will learn just enough about a particular topic or area in order to be able to solve the business problem.

Focusing more on the overall business problem and focusing less on minute details is one skill that PhD and advanced degree hires will need to learn and develop.

PhD / Advanced Degree Consulting Recruiting Process

Some consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, offer programs that specifically help PhD and advanced degree holders apply and transition to consulting. Participating in these programs will help you build connections and increase the likelihood of receiving an interview.

These programs are fairly competitive and require you to submit an application in order to be accepted into the program.

  • McKinsey Insight Program : This program provides an overview of management consulting and McKinsey, an opportunity to connect with consultants that share a similar background to you, and a mock case study.
  • Bridge to BCG Program : This program provides an overview of consulting and what makes BCG special. You’ll have the opportunity to solve a BCG case in a case team simulation, network with consulting staff, and participate in social activities.
  • Bain ADvantage Program : This week-long consulting internship immerses candidates into life at Bain and a career in consulting. You’ll have a full day of training followed by four days of a staffing assignment on a real case team. If accepted into this program, you will receive a guaranteed final-round interview for a full-time Consultant position.

Outside of these programs, the PhD and advanced degree recruiting process looks like the following:

  • Submit your consulting job application
  • Pass your first-round consulting interviews
  • Pass your final-round consulting interviews
  • Receive your consulting job offer

Submitting a PhD / Advanced Degree Consulting Application

Consulting firm job applications typically have three components: the resume , cover letter , and the optional referral.

We’ll briefly cover each of these components of the application over the next few sections. Each section has a link to a more comprehensive, in-depth guide that you should read.

Consulting Resume

Your resume is the single most important factor that decides whether or not you will receive a consulting interview. Consulting resumes are quite different from the type of resumes you would use in a PhD or advanced degree program.

For example, you will not need to list publications you have contributed to or conferences that you have attended. You’ll also need to simplify the topic of your research so that the average recruiter can understand what you have worked on and what you have accomplished. Finally, make sure to focus less on the details of your work and more on the overall accomplishment and impact.

Make sure to tailor your resume so that it follows the structure and format of a consulting resume.

In short, keep your resume to one page and quantify the impact of your accomplishments.

Consulting firms like to see:

  • High grades
  • Prestigious schools that you have attended
  • Brand name companies that you have worked for
  • Significant impact in your work experiences
  • Meaningful leadership positions in your extracurricular activities

For a step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect consulting resume, check out our comprehensive resume guide .

Consulting Cover Letter

The cover letter is less important than your resume, but can make the difference between receiving a consulting interview and not receiving one if your resume is on the borderline.

Your cover letter should be concise and straight to the point. Introduce yourself and then briefly explain why you are interested in consulting. Spend most of the cover letter explaining what qualities you have that would make you a great fit for the firm.

To avoid having a generic cover letter, include specific reasons why you are interested in the consulting firm you are applying to. Mention former or current employees that you have spoken to and what aspects of the firm you find most attractive.

For a step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect consulting cover letter, check out our comprehensive cover letter guide .

Referrals are not part of the official application process for consulting firms, but they are a quick way to make your application stand out.

If you have a friend or colleague that works at the consulting firm you are applying to, ask if they would be comfortable giving you a referral.

Getting a referral means that someone at the consulting firm will send your name and resume to the recruiter that is in charge of resume reviews. Your application will get a closer look and be viewed a bit more favorably.

Referrals are not required to get interviews, but can help a lot. For the McKinsey Insight Program, Bridge to BCG Program, and Bain ADvantage Program, referrals can make a big difference given how competitive these programs are.

Passing Consulting Interviews with a PhD / Advanced Degree

A few weeks after the application deadlines, you’ll receive invitations from consulting firms for the first of two rounds of interviews.

Passing First-Round PhD / Adv. Degree Consulting Interviews

At most consulting firms, the first round of interviews consists of two separate 40- to 60-minute interviews. These interviews will mainly focus on case interviews, but you will also get a few other types of questions.

There are three types of consulting interview questions :

Case Interviews

  • Behavioral Interviews

Why Consulting? / Why this Firm?

We’ll briefly cover each of these types of consulting interview questions over the next few sections. Each section has a link to a more comprehensive, in-depth guide that you should read.

Case interviews are a special type of interview question that consulting firms use to assess a candidate’s potential to be a great consultant. In a case interview, you’ll be placed in a hypothetical business situation and asked to develop a recommendation or answer to a business problem. A case takes about 30- to 60-minutes to complete.

Here are some examples of case interview questions:

  • How can Coca-Cola increase its profitability?
  • What should Netflix do to increase customer retention?
  • Should Facebook enter the smart phone market?
  • How should Apple price its new iPhone?

Case interviews begin with the interviewer reading you the background information on the case. You’ll then get the chance to ask clarifying questions to better understand the business situation and case objective.

Next, you’ll develop a framework to help you solve the case. A framework is a tool that helps you structure and break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components.

You’ll then be asked to answer quantitative and qualitative questions to build support for a recommendation. You may need to calculate expected profitability, interpret charts and graphs, or brainstorm and prioritize different ideas.

At the end of the case interview, the interviewer will ask you to deliver a final recommendation to address or solve the business problem.

Behavioral Interview Questions

Consulting behavioral interview questions ask you to give an example or story of a time when you displayed a particular quality, such as leadership, problem solving, or resilience.

Here are some examples of behavioral interview questions:

  • Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations
  • Give me an example of a time when you had to persuade someone
  • Describe a situation in which you resolved team conflict
  • Give me an example of a time when you failed to meet expectations
  • Describe a difficult or complicated problem that you solved

To prepare for these questions, develop a list of five different stories or examples that cover a wide range of positive qualities. You should select stories or experiences that are the most impressive and impactful.

When asked a behavioral interview question, mentally run through your list of prepared stories and select the one that is most relevant to the question that is asked.

You’ll want to share your story or experience by using the STAR method to ensure that you answer the question in a clear and structured way. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

Situation : Provide a brief overview of the situation and any context that is needed to understand the story better. Keep this section as concise as possible because it is less important than the other parts of the story.

Task : Describe what you were asked or required to deliver or achieve. Again, keep this section concise since it is less important than the other parts of the story.

Action : Explain what steps you took to handle the task or meet the goal or objective. This is an important part of the story, so focus on sharing exactly what you did.

Result : Describe the outcome that your actions had, quantifying the impact. Also describe your key takeaways from the experience and how it impacted or influenced you as a person. This is the most important part of the story.

For a step-by-step guide on how to best answer all consulting behavioral and fit interview questions, check out our complete guide on consulting behavioral interview questions .

You will almost certainly be asked the “Why Consulting?” question at some point during your interviews. Interviewers want to know why you are interested in consulting to see if you know what you are getting yourself into and whether you are genuinely interested.

As a PhD or advanced degree candidate, you will need to provide compelling reasons why you are choosing to pursue consulting instead of the field that you have spent years studying.

There are many reasons you can give for why you are interested in consulting:

  • You want to make a larger impact on the world by working with large companies to solve their most challenging business problems
  • You see consulting as the quickest way to develop the skills to transition to the business world and become a business executive
  • You enjoy working closely in teams to solve challenging business problems
  • You value the mentorship and personal development opportunities that consulting provides
  • You want to tackle a wide variety of different problems and consulting allows you to work on projects in many different industries and functions

Use the following structure to answer this question:

  • State that consulting is your top career choice
  • Provide three reasons to support this
  • Reiterate that consulting best fits your professional needs and goals

In addition to the “Why Consulting?” question, you may also be asked “Why this Firm?” This question assesses whether you are genuinely interested in working at the consulting firm that you are interviewing for.

Again, there are many different reasons you could give:

  • You have loved the people that you’ve met from the firm and would enjoy working with them
  • The firm has an empowering work culture where you feel you would thrive
  • The firm has deep expertise in a particular industry or function that you are passionate about
  • The firm places a heavy investment in mentorship and personal development, which you value tremendously
  • Several of your mentors and role models have worked at the firm and have recommended that you work there

Make sure to structure your answer to this question so that your answer is clear and easy to follow. You can use a similar structure to the “Why Consulting?” question:

  • State that the firm you are interviewing for is your top choice consulting firm
  • Reiterate that the firm best fits your professional needs and goals

For a complete guide on answering this question, check out our "Why consulting?" article.

Passing Final-Round PhD / Adv. Degree Consulting Interviews

Consulting final round interviews typically consist of two to three separate 40- to 60-minute interviews. You’ll see the same three types of questions that you saw in your first-round interviews.

There are three main distinctions between consulting first-round interviews and consulting final-round interviews.

First, your interviewers will be more senior people. This means that the case interviews you receive may be less structured and feel more like a qualitative discussion. You and the interviewer may just be discussing your opinions and ideas on a business problem.

Second, there is more of an emphasis on assessing your personality and cultural fit with the firm. Interviewers will not only assess whether you can solve case interviews, but they will also assess whether they would want to work with you on a team. Interviewers want to see if you are coachable, collaborative, and easy to work with.

Third, your interviewers may read the notes that your previous interviewers wrote about you. If there is a particular area of the case interview that you struggled with, interviewers may specifically test you on it again to make sure it is not a weakness.

Overall, you should still use the same strategies that you used in your first-round interviews for your second-round interviews.

Receiving your PhD / Adv. Degree Consulting Job Offer

After finishing all of your interviews, all you have to do is to wait. Consulting firms typically call candidates to tell them whether or not they are being extended a job offer.

Some candidates receive a phone call with good news on the same day of their final-round interview. Other candidates receive calls within a few days.

Be patient while waiting to hear back from consulting firms. If you have not heard back within a week, you can send a polite follow-up email with the recruiter to ask for an update.

When you finally get your call, all that is left to do is sign your offer letter to secure your consulting job!

Recommended PhD / Advanced Degree Consulting Interview Resources

Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:

For help landing consulting interviews

  • Resume Review & Editing : Transform your resume into one that will get you multiple consulting interviews

For help passing case interviews

  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.
  • Case Interview Coaching : Personalized, one-on-one coaching with a former Bain interviewer.
  • Hacking the Case Interview Book   (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.

For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews

  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course : Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.

Land Multiple Consulting Offers

Complete, step-by-step case interview course. 30,000+ happy customers.


UCL Researchers

Find Your Future


Transitioning from PhD to consulting

By uczjsdd, on 24 February 2015

Bernardo Foto

How did you make the decision to leave academia?  

Whilst working at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, I enjoyed working as part of a vibrant team where scientists put their knowledge and skills together to deliver results. I also found it extremely rewarding to understand the relevance of my project in the context of the company’s drug-development strategy. I felt that my future career needed to have elements of teamwork, fast-pace and a strong customer focus.

After my participation in extracurricular activities whilst at UCL, in addition to personal experiences such as travelling and team sports, I discovered my leadership abilities and realised that my excellent interpersonal skills were not being fully utilised in academic research. Moreover, I attended a range of business and entrepreneurship courses at UCL and enjoyed reading about business, psychology and management, and realised that my interests are not limited to science, which made me really curious about exploring other career options.

Why management consultancy?

I first learned about Management Consulting at the UCL Management Consultancy fair, and the diversity and fast-paced nature of the career really attracted me. I followed up this initial interest by attending additional company presentations (at UCL and off-campus) and speaking with current consultants. I realised that a career in Management Consultancy would allow me to build on the skills developed during my PhD, such as problem-solving and delivering effective presentations, combined with the opportunity to developing leadership and project management skills.

I also strongly believe that understanding how organisations are structured, the challenges they face and how to improve their performance will equip me with the skills and contacts to build my own venture in the future. Strategic consulting offered an excellent match as it addresses the important questions that can change the direction of the world’s biggest organisations.

How do you think the skills you learned during your PhD will help you in the role?

In my opinion, running a PhD project is analogous to managing a small company, where you need to spot a “gap in the market” (something unique in your research area), plan a strategy to tackle the issue, mobilise resources, meet deadlines, manage expectations and communicate clearly with your stakeholders (such as the PhD supervisor). I feel that overcoming the uncertainties and complexities of a PhD helped me build the strength and endurance to tackle any challenge in my life. I came out of my PhD as a more entrepreneurial and confident individual, ready to make something new happen and embark in new challenges!

A series of skills developed during my PhD are extremely relevant to consulting. For instance, breaking down complex problems into manageable solutions, and then putting the parts together and reaching conclusions in the context of the overall problem. In addition, communicating research findings in a clear and effective manner to audiences who are not necessarily familiar with details of your work (such as the CEO of a major corporation) is part of a daily life of a consultant.

Are the skills acquired during your PhD enough to break into business?

The simple answer is: NO . I have met several PhD students who decided to move into business towards the end of their PhDs without having complemented their CVs in order to get there. Although some organisations do hire PhD students primarily based on the analytical/research component of their PhD (eg. maths/physics students who can develop ultra-robust algorithms for trade modelling in finance), most companies are looking for a broader skill-set in addition to the problem solving, self-motivation and attention to detail PhD students usually excel at. Relevant skills include leadership, commercial awareness and teamwork – which can all be developed through both your research and extracurricular activities.

I decided early on during my PhD to build my CV to make the transition into business. My first “target” was leadership skills. I joined a very entrepreneurial society called Enactus, which basically uses business skills to develop projects that bring benefit to society. I set up the UCL plus project and led a team of 9 students helping young people write CVs, prepare for interviews and develop transferable skills, in partnership with UCL Careers Services. We run over 50 hours of workshops in five schools and community organisations in deprived areas of Camden (North London). This project also served as a good example of Entrepreneurship since we did something no one at UCL had done before and received really good feedback from teachers and the young people.

I developed invaluable skills in business and management after attending a range of courses run by UCL Advances, such as Business Marketing, Enterprise Bootcamp and the Value Creation Workshop. I also attended a London Business School MBA elective course titled strategic innovation, where I learned about the challenges that businesses face and how decisions are made, in often ambiguous and uncertain scenarios. I would really recommend these courses. UCL is such a fantastic and entrepreneurial university and I feel very privileged to have had access to all these resources.

How did you make sure your applications and interview performance were as good as possible?

Put simply, the interviews for the most prestigious consulting companies are tough. The case-type interviews require a great deal of preparation. Although there are examples of students succeeding with only one-two weeks of preparation, I strongly believe those are exceptions. At the beginning I felt helpless at solving cases. However, with effort and preparation you can get there! I prepared for about 2 months (15 hours/week), initially by reading case books and then solving a total of about 30 to 40 one-to-one cases in the website Preplounge , which I would really recommend. I practiced with people from all over the world, including MBA students from the world’s top business schools.

In the case interview (which probably requires a separate blog article), the candidate is required to tackle a business problem in a structured and logical manner. You need breadth/creativity and depth. For instance, list a range of factors relevant to the given problem, but also justify why and prioritise (ie. which factors are the most important and why). When given graphs and tables, you need to identify the key drivers, perform some basic maths, relate your findings to the overall problem and suggest a course of action. The ability to summarise and communicate your findings at the end is also very important.

Regarding the competency part of the consulting interview, I was asked about examples of leadership and managing conflict in a team. Again, having a high-impact and interesting story (usually in the context of managing and working with people) will put you in a good spot. It is also important to structure the answer well, and you can book an appointment at UCL Careers to practice.

Any final thoughts?

My take-home message is: be curious, get out of the lab and try the amazing resources UCL has to offer, even if you are not sure if you want to leave academia. You never know what you may discover about yourself and the opportunities out there. I also strongly recommend the employer events run by UCL Careers service and the one-to-one appointments with the Careers Consultants, some of whom are ex-academics themselves and have experience supporting PhD students who are exploring alternative career options. Wish you the best of luck in finding the path that will help you shine!

Filed under PhD , Uncategorized

Tags: Careers case study , management consultancy

9 Responses to “Transitioning from PhD to consulting”

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Interesting post on the transition from PhD to management consulting

Interesting post on the transition from PhD to management consulting

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[…] we’re honest, there are some classic ex-academic destinations people tend to report. Management consultancy anyone? Or is data science more your thing? Patent law? How about a bit of science writing? Science […]

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Thanks for sharing such a nice article.Simple and clear explanation.Good job.

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Thanks for sharing amazing information. I appreciate it, keep it up.

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Thanks for sharing great information. I appreciate it, keep it up.

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Early Career Researchers

Consulting as a PhD Student or Early Career Researcher

As a phd student or early career researcher, you may have or seek opportunities to engage with clients to undertake consulting work. academic consulting offers a way to generate impact in the wider world, build and expand collaborative networks, and generate additional income, but it has a few additional benefits as a phd student or early career researcher (ecr)..

Consulting within an academic institution offers a way for you to share your research expertise with the wider world

As a PhD student or Early Career Researcher, consulting allows you to: 

  • Fund your studies and future research through a consulting fee
  • Explore and expand your future career opportunities by connecting in with clients that you may work with on a consulting project
  • Gain hands-on professional experience and training
  • Develop transferable skills, such as teamwork, critical thinking, client management and project management
  • Collaborate with external partner organisations or senior colleagues

Finding opportunities

At LSE Consulting, we seek out public procurement opportunities requiring team members which we share with those interested in consulting at LSE. We also encourage you to seek out your own consulting opportunities. To do so, we recommend to follow these steps:

  • Identify clients you’re interested in working with
  • Register your interest for public opportunities via a client's website/portal
  • Register your interest and area of expertise with LSE Consulting
  • Once you’ve found a project, discuss the opportunity with LSE Consulting to seek support on the next steps, including development of proposal, negotiation of rates/budgets, seeking additional team members where required, and client liaison.

Why work with LSE Consulting

You or your client may initially be cautious and reluctant to route your consulting project via LSE Consulting in order to reduce the budget or to avoid a third party hindering the project development and engagement. In such cases, you might be tempted to sign a contract in an individual capacity without fully understanding the liability or the intellectual property clauses you agree to.

LSE Consulting is here to support all of LSE’s research community. It is our role to protect you and your research in any consulting activity you undertake. We read contracts on your behalf and understand the client negotiation and appropriate market rates. We allow you and the client access to LSE’s brand for all projects routed via LSE Consulting, whereas clients aren't able to use LSE’s brand where an individual undertakes consulting at a private capacity. And, as with any consulting project, we have facilities to manage the project finances, including client billing and team contracting/payments.

We’ll also guide you through other more specific barriers, such as navigating visa-related work limits and balancing consulting work with your academic studies.

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How to Transition from a Ph.D. to Consulting

  • Last Updated March, 2024

Former BCG Consultant

Why Become a Consultant?

What challenges do ph.d. & advanced degree candidates face in the consulting recruiting process, what do consulting firms look for in ph.d. & advanced degree candidates, what do you need to know to ace your consulting job application & interviews, which management consulting firms want to hire ph.d. candidates, resources for applying to consulting jobs..

What Do Consulting Firms Look for in PhD & Advanced Degree Candidates?

Which Management Consulting Firms Want to Hire PhD Candidates?

What Challenges Do PhD & Advanced Degree Candidates Face in the Consulting Recruiting Process?

Are you in your 3rd or 4th year of a Ph.D. or other advanced degree program and rethinking your future career in academia? Considering the transition from Ph.D. to consulting?

So here you are. Maybe you’re supposed to be writing your dissertation, but you’re dreading that upcoming job market and wondering about alternative career paths instead. Or you’re a postdoc and your principal investigator just asked you to stay in the lab the entire weekend for something that you deem ridiculous. 

Like me, you probably entered your Ph.D. program with plans to be a researcher or an academic, and for whatever reason, this does not feel appealing anymore. 

Luckily for you, the skills you’ve been building in your Ph.D. program can be extremely in management consulting. Furthermore, consulting firms, especially the MBBs (McKinsey, BCG, Bain) are very keen on us. 

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • Why become a consultant?
  • What do consulting firms look for in Ph.D. and advanced degree candidates?
  • Which management consulting firms hire Ph.D. candidates?
  • What challenges do Ph.D. and advanced degree candidates face in the consulting recruiting process?
  • What do you need to know to ace your consulting job application and interviews?
  • Resources for applying to consulting jobs. 

Let’s get started!

1. It’s an Attractive Job & Great Entry Point into the Private Sector

First, all the usual arguments on why consulting is a great career apply. Consulting is an amazing ramp to launch you toward any other career in the private sector. This is even more true for academics with no business experience: it’s like getting a stamp of approval from the private sector. 

It’s also a way for you to figure out what you like over the long run as you will get rapid exposure to many different industries, problems, and actors. You’ll also learn skills that are transferable to literally any other job. The pay is good, of course, and may represent an upgrade in lifestyle compared to your student stipend. 

2. It Might Be Refreshing After Academia

In a Ph.D. program, you pick your one or two advisers, and then you spend a (very) long time on a precise question, make sure you go as deep as anyone else on it, and then a little bit deeper. 

In consulting, you will change your client, case (the client problem you’re solving), and the team every few weeks to months. Each case delivers an answer to a (sometimes initially vague) question that the client has, and that answer is “good enough” to support the decisions they have to make: going any further would be a waste of resources that could be better spent. 

That does not mean getting lazy either though: the bar consulting firms set for this “good enough” is high and that’s what justify the fees they charge their clients (and the hours you’ll be working). 

Consulting is also extremely fast-paced: you might have a check-in with your immediate manager every few hours during the day with output to deliver each time. That’s a whole other story from taking a few months to revise an article or presenting your progress in a seminar twice a semester, which can be a refreshing change if you work better under pressure.

Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

3. Consulting and Academia Have a Lot in Common

Structured thinking. Both consulting and academia require a taste for rigorous analysis and structured thinking. In both worlds, you have to like solving problems and presenting your answers to others to succeed.

Teamwork. Consulting is really the place for teamwork, both with the rest of your case team and with your clients. This might be something you are more or less used to depending on your own field. Personally, collaborations were my favorite part during my Ph.D. 

Impact. Consulting and academia are also similar in that successful people tend to care deeply about the impact that they have, which I believe is the case of most people who produce top research. 

Continuous learning. Finally, they are both places of continuous learning which is quite precious in itself. This can’t be taken for granted in the rest of the labor force (you often hear people searching for a new job when they are not learning anything anymore in their current one).

4. You Might Be Very Good at It

No matter what your field is, the skills you spent 5 years or more honing are going to be helpful on the job: being analytical, structured, and independent (in consulting, this last one is called “ability to drive”). 

When I say no matter what your field is, I mean it. My Ph.D. was in Economics, but my two best friends in my entry class at BCG wrote their respective dissertations in Philosophy and Biomedical Engineering.

Consulting firms got curious about hiring Ph.D.’s, postdocs, and the like because they kept growing faster than the MBA programs in top universities. They needed to look for other pools of talents that would allow them to target many great candidates easily. 

They started hiring the occasional Ph.D., J.D., or M.D. to try it out — at BCG we used to be called “exotic candidates” a few years back. As these hires consistently performed well, top consulting firms started to systematically hire this candidate profile (and BCG went for the more sober “advanced degree candidates”).

During my recruiting process, a senior partner at BCG who was himself a Ph.D. told me that Ph.D.’s transitioning to consulting tend to have a steeper learning curve than their MBA counterparts, but that they end up performing better over the long run.

This might be a bit underwhelming to read (or if you’re very early in your application process, scary?), but the answer is simply: pretty much exactly the same as in any other candidate.

I’m no expert on the  consulting resume / cover letter side of things, but make sure that your CV has some items that are not from academia so that they can tell from reading it that you are a well-rounded human being with a life outside of academia (whether or not you feel like it’s the case at the moment). 

To show that you can make the transition from Ph.D. to consulting, you’ll need to show in your interview that you:

  • Are a structured thinker.
  • Know how to identify what the client’s problem is.
  • Can solve it fast.
  • Can communicate clearly. 
  • And are a driven individual who influences others and cares about impact.

Your Pool of Reference Is MBAs

One thing to note is that as a Ph.D., postdoc, M.D., or J.D., you are typically entering these firms as a second-level analyst (the name of that position changes for each firm). This means that the rest of your entry class will likely be all MBAs, in addition to a few first-level analysts getting promoted internally. 

This also means that you are only about 2 years or so away from your first manager position if you get hired, so the soft skills and the independence matter more for you than they would for an undergrad who would be applying to enter as a first-level analyst. 

Of course, your interviewer will expect you to be a little less polished than the average MBA candidate as they know that you didn’t spend the last 2 years preparing only for this one day of interviews (in between some heavy partying and an internship in an NGO). 

However, they still want you to be someone they’d feel confident putting in front of a client. On top of your analytical skills, that means communicating clearly, understanding basic business terms, and showing the right set of soft skills such as presence, confidence, and personability.

The MBBs (McKinsey, Bain, & BCG)

Advanced degree candidates make up a larger share of the incoming classes at McKinsey, Bain, and BCG each year. These firms are the leaders of the industry and are generalist firms, meaning that you will be able to see many different industries while working there (but you don’t have to if you already know you want to specialize).  

McKinsey, Bain, and BCG even have special immersive recruiting workshops called respectively “ McKinsey Insight ,” “ Bain ADvantage ,” and “ Bridge to BCG .” Links to both programs are included in our resource list below.

I went through Bridge myself, and these 3 days convinced me this was the firm where I wanted to work. Friends of mine who went through Insight shared similar things about it. My own experience at BCG showed me that my background in academia was really valued there

Other Generalist Firms

T hen you have all the other generalist firms. Each one has its own recruiting policy for advanced degree candidates, and you should get familiar with the recruiting process of any that you are interested in. (You can find a  list of over 200 management consulting firms here ). 

You can also use that recruiting process to get a sense of each firm’s familiarity with advanced degree candidates and whether you think you’d thrive there.

Specialized Arms of the Big Consulting Firms

Most big generalist firms also now have specific entities within them that focus on some particular industry. Examples include BCG Gamma for data science or Deloitte Federal Consulting for public sector and non-profit. 

These entities typically have a separate recruiting process from their parent company and can be very interested in the expertise of certain academic profiles.

Boutique Firms

Finally, many specialized consulting firms look to hire Ph.D., M.D., and other postdoc candidates who work in related fields. 

This is especially the case for life science consulting firms such as IQVIA or Putnam Associates , where the business problems their clients face cannot be fully separated from the technical side. 

Moreover, when everybody in the client’s company has a Ph.D., it helps these consulting firms to build trust and credibility when the analysts they send speak the same language and have the same credentials.

Understanding What the Interview (and the Job) Are About

As a Ph.D. candidate, you’ve learned the jargon and the code of your academic field. You know how people think and talk, what they see as important. Consulting is just another world to discover, with a new set of codes that you have to learn and show that you know. 

A consulting firm is hired by their clients to help them solve their business problems and help them make decisions based on what matters to them . The case interview is just a role play of that. 

For that reason, it is not a differential equation to solve in your corner or a literature essay to write in full before publishing it: it is really about solving a business problem in real-time while taking the interviewer by the hand as you do so. 

In practice, that means that you want to constantly (but succinctly) explain to your interviewer what you are doing before you do it, explain the logic in your steps, get their approval (we say “buy-in”) on any assumption that you have to make by justifying it, etc. Your job is to drive toward the answer while bringing your interviewer along with you each step of the way.

Being Efficient

The rhythm of the interview is a reflection of the intense rhythm on the job. Whether you’re laying out your structure for solving the problem, doing the math to support a recommendation, or answering a brainstorming question, you want to show that you know how to be efficient. 

It’s not so much about speed (as long as you move fast enough to finish the case in ~25-30 minutes of course) as it is about your ease and steadiness. Strong candidates know exactly where they are going at all times, get their interviewer on board, and are just unrolling the steps to get there without getting stuck. They understand what matters for the answer and what does not as much and allocate their time accordingly. 

In practice, that means getting enough practice so that you can:

  • Lay out a MECE structure in under 2 minutes.
  • Do not get stuck on the math and can go through calculations with ease.
  • Know how to brainstorm a list of potential solutions.

Being at Ease with Business Concepts

I’m not saying you need to know every business concept. You just need to not be afraid of them. Ph.D. candidates and postdocs transitioning into consulting are often convinced that they will fail a case if a business concept they do not know shows up. 

There are some extremely basic ones that for sure you should understand, but those you probably already know: 

  • costs (fixed and variable)
  • market trends
  • competitors

Sure, you need to understand what these words mean but you cannot go through the first 2 or 3 cases in your preparation without seeing them all. 

There are also a few concepts that are slightly more complex and appear slightly less often but are as important. You’ll either need them to understand the question or because they basically are the answer to the case. These are: 

  • breakeven point
  • product mix (and the related concept of cannibalization)
  • turnover rate

Check out  Case Interview Formulas You Need to Know for a primer on these important concepts.

Even for those though, you should realize that business concepts are just fancy words describing common-sense quantities of interest. If one that you do not know shows up, it’s completely fair game to ask your interviewer to clarify its meaning, and then use it as if you always knew it. 

Again, business is not rocket science so if you spent x many years pushing the bounds of human knowledge forward, you can probably pull that one-off. The more you familiarize yourself with the basics through the casing and maybe listening to business podcasts or reading the business section of your favorite newspaper, the easier it will be for you. The point is not to know them all, simply to feel at ease and confident if a new one shows up.

Not Being Obsessed with Details

Solving the case is not the same as trying to think of any point and sub-point a reviewer might ask you to cover in order for your paper to be published. Remember that the answer you’re trying to get at has to be “good enough” for the client to make a decision, according to their criteria. 

Of course, consultants like to go a little bit over the top and deliver some extra (such as an analysis of the risks to consider), but they do not try to get exhaustive the way an academic would. This has no point in the business world where we constantly bathe in massive uncertainty.

If there is a moment in the case when you realize that the data you’re given or the way the interviewer wants you to do the math is making an implicit assumption or is ignoring potential nitty-gritty cases, don’t feel like you have to hammer that nail and lose time. 

At most, if it’s already going well you can just acknowledge that out loud. And if taking this into account wouldn’t change the answer, it’s not worth wasting time on.

Doing the Math the Consulting Way

Your current level of confidence around the math might depend on whether you are in an analytical field, but know this: consulting math is high school math, and you probably did ok in high school. 

It’s all simple arithmetic. The trick is that you have to be at ease doing it under pressure, ideally without mistakes and without getting stuck. You should also be extremely structured in the way you approach it and detail to your interviewer everything you are going to do before you do it. 

As you build more ease, you will also start seeing which shortcuts you can take to get to the right answer even faster. 

Displaying the Right Soft Skills

Finally, you have to understand that consulting is a client services business and as such, the opinions of their clients matter. Therefore, consulting firms care about how their employees appear and the image they project, and you’ll have to conform to that to get the job. Moreover, the intensity of the job, its feedback culture, and the omnipresent teamwork also matter.

That means being a great communicator, displaying confidence, being present and making eye contact, and being personable is important. It also applies to something as simple as how you dress on interview day: make sure you come with a suit or other business formal wear that is well-tailored to you. Again, your interviewer has to feel confident you could represent their firm in front of a client.

As an academic, it’s not that you are naturally less gifted at any of these, it’s that so far you might have gotten a pass as long as your research was good. Now you are entering a world where those things matter as much as the content of your brain, and the people who have been in that world for longer simply had to work on it already. Now it’s your turn. 

1. Do Your Research

Ph.D. candidates looking to transition to consulting need to identify the companies they’re interested in and learn the specifics of each. Reach out to alumni from your schools, friends, or friends of friends who work for these firms. You can also network with consultants who present at on-campus or virtual information sessions (or even cold message consultants on LinkedIn. The best people to reach out to are those who share your academic background).

The more exposure you get to this world, the easier it will be for you to figure out whether you like it and to show that you do if that’s the case.

2. Be Strategic in Your Application Process

Once you know where you want to apply, get familiar with their application process. Go to their recruiting events. Don’t miss deadlines. 

When applying, don’t neglect polishing your Resume and Cover Letter so that they fit the mold of consulting. That means that if you are a postdoc, do not send an academic CV that is just the 17-page list of all your academic talks in bullet points. 

3. Prepare for the Interview

As a Ph.D. student, this is maybe the scariest for you at this point. You probably have more to learn than an MBA who spent the entire year thinking about it, but the good news is that casing is not rocket science: you do not need a Ph.D. in it to excel. 

It’s only about methodically planning your preparation so that you hone all the skills you’ll be tested on. The preparation is also a great way for you to see whether you’d like the job. 

If you don’t know where to start, have a look at our Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep .

Good luck on your transition from Ph.D. to consulting! 

  • Bridge to BCG: What It Is & How to Get Accepted
  • McKinsey Insight
  • Bain ADvantage
  • What Is Consulting?
  • Consulting Resumes
  • Consulting Cover Letters
  • The Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep

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In this article, we’ve covered:

  • What makes Consulting attractive after pursuing a Ph.D.?
  • What are consulting firms looking for in advanced degree candidates?
  • Which consulting firms should you apply to as a Ph.D. or postdoc?
  • What challenges you might face as Ph.D. applying to consulting?
  • How can you ace your recruiting process and case interview coming from academia?

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about transitioning from a Ph.D. to consulting, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’s case coaches will answer them.

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T hanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on transitioning from a Ph.D. to consulting. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 89.6% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Ellen was able to get her offer from BCG.


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Transitioning from a PhD to Consulting

Key considerstions and best practices on transitioning from a phd into management consulting.

, incoming Life Sciences Consultant at Putnam Associates
Updated: September 20, 2022

For many years, consulting has continued to be one of the main alternative careers for individuals with PhDs (or other advanced degrees such as JDs and MDs).

As PhDs, we have spent many years learning to problem solve effectively, think on our feet, and thrive when challenged with diverse and complex issues. The skills we acquire over the many years are highly sought-after by consulting firms all over the world, however, it can be hard for us to get our foot in the door as we often lack the desired business acumen and interview experience.

PhD to Consulting Blog Card

In this post, we highlight the main things to consider when exploring the transition from a PhD to consulting, along with some of the key points we would have done differently during our advanced degree application process.

What to consider during the transition? (Top)

There are a number of things to consider when thinking about making the move from a PhD into the world of consulting. First, if your advanced degree is not business focused, it is important to decide early on if you think the consulting lifestyle (and casing) is for you, even the interview process and preparation itself can be extremely different from anything you have encountered before. Talking to consultants, ex-consultants, and recruiters can provide great starting points to help make up your mind, it is also worth trying out a case or two!

Figure out your “why”

As you start to think about the transition, it's incredibly important to think about why you want to make the move into consulting and how the skills from your PhD will make you a good consultant, and ultimately a great fit for consulting firms. Down the road when you begin to network and start the application process, it's going to be crucial to have a clear and concise answer to this question as it will most definitely make an appearance during any informal or formal interview settings.

Attached below is great video where RocketBlocks Founder, Kenton Kivestu, shares three key tips on how to approach answering "why do you want to work here?" in an interview.

Identify target firms

As a science PhD, I found interviewing at Life Science firms much more natural and far less scary than the generalist firms. Additionally, it's important to think about location, along with your preferences for work travel (post pandemic, of course!), offices in places like New York and San Francisco tend to be slightly more competitive than other US locations.

Align to the recruiting cycle

For advanced degrees, most generalist and Life Science firms have a focused recruitment cycle (usually around the summer) for the following year, for example interviewing in summer 2021 would lead to a 2022 job start.

However, it is good to note that some of the smaller firms will review applications and interview 'off-cycle' throughout the year - so keep your eye out for individual firm updates. Due to these specific timelines, it's essential to think about the amount of time you have around your PhD or postdoc for networking, building up that resume, writing applications, and acing those interviews.

Here's some more information on what the recruitment process for advanced degrees looks like at MBB firms:

McKinsey advanced degree

Advanced degree candidates at McKinsey are considered for a business analyst position or an associate position depedning on their relevant career and educational experiences. More information on the requirements and the types of roles available can be found here .

BCG advanced degree

BCG regularly recruits advanced degree candidates pursuing a JD, Ph.D, or Md. Click here for more information on hiring oppotunities and upcoming events.

Bain advanced degree

Like McKinsey and BCG, Bain has a focused recruiting cycle for advanced degree candidates. More information can be found here . In addition, Bain has an Advanced Analytics Group (AAG) which consists of members holding advanced degrees in statistics, mathematics, computer sciences and other quantitative disciplines. More information on the application process and open positions for the AAG can be found here .

Best practices for PhDs (Top)

Everyone applying and interviewing for a consulting job, both advanced degree candidates and regular hires, will have their own adventure and along the way learn things they wish they had done differently. Here are a few hard-earned tips from PhDs who've already gone through the consulting recruitment process:

Start the process early

Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint particularly if you are from a non-business background, the whole process is going to be very new. Along with juggling a PhD or postdoc, the recruitment process can be long and time consuming; try to be organised from the start with dates and deadlines, so you know what you are working towards and reduce any potential elements of surprise.

Preparing for the case interview as a PhD is potentially the most daunting part of the recruitment process, but it's really helpful to find consistent casing partners, friends, and people you don't know with different backgrounds and casing abilities early on. I personally learnt a lot by casing with MBAs and experienced hires. It's also important to spend time personalising and tailoring cover letters and resumes for specific firms of interest so you stand out to recruiters from the beginning. RocketBlocks, and other online sources, have a number of free guides to help you get started with the consulting application preparation and case interviews.

💡 Shameless plug: Our consulting interview prep can help build your skills

Focus on those 'soft skills'

As advanced degrees, consulting firms know you are smart which means competition is about way more than just your grades. Be sure to get involved in extracurriculars and use your application to demonstrate interests, skills, and passions away from your PhD. Leading a consulting club, participating in student/postdoc councils, or being involved in sporting activities will help you to stand out to recruiters and give you things to talk about during interviews (but make sure you actually do those things, don't make it up!).

Build your business acumen

It may seem silly, but learn some of the essential business concepts and brush up on current affairs around the world, particularly if you are lacking a business background! Knowing some of the lingo and having some general knowledge can be a powerful tool when networking and further down the line during the interview process. There are some great podcasts out there for quick and current business news! Also, if you plan on interviewing for Life Science firms, it's good to have a working knowledge of recent healthcare/pharma news.

Build your network and learn about the firms

Due to the yearly timelines for advanced degrees, once springtime hits 'Information Sessions' (organised through your school or local consulting club) and 'Coffee Chats' are usually held by many consulting firms. These are great places to start learning about the general overview of firms and network with current employees – take advantage of these easy opportunities to meet people! Another huge advantage of building a network with consultants at these firms is the chance of getting a formal, or informal referral. A referral from someone within the firm can give your application a massive boost in front of recruiters, which could lead to an interview invite instead of a rejection.

It's important to research the firms you are applying to, it seems easy to just throw your resume out everywhere, but it's not always the most successful method. Spend some time understanding the values and goals of each firm and make sure they align with your own. Think about what you are looking for in an employer, and how the firm aligns with your future career goals. Some firms are going to be a better fit for your needs than others, and that's OK!

Apply for the advanced degree summer programs

Many of the firms, both generalist and Life Science, hold summer programs for advanced degree candidates (including McKinsey Insights , Bridge to BCG , ADvantage Bain , Connect to ClearView , Clarion PROPEL ) which usually last for 1-3 days in a local office or online. Applications go live in February, and they are typically due in March. These programs are a great way to learn about the firms, work in case teams, and network with lots of different people (at various stages of their career). These programs tend to be highly competitive but often lead directly to a first-, or even second-round interview.

Don't forget about the rest of the interview

It's so easy to get hung up on the casing part of the interview, particularly because it feels like the scariest bit, but often this may only make up half of the interview. Remember to use the interview to sell yourself; for the fit component of the interview make sure to prepare engaging and interesting stories and practice them out loud with other people.

The video below focuses on finding the right stories for the fit portion of your consulting interviews.

Finally, try and enjoy the process as much as possible!

Although it can definitely feel intimidating to start with, consulting can be a great move for PhDs that want to develop in a more business focused environment. Finding ways to sell the many skills you have developed during your advanced degree and giving yourself enough preparation time can be a massive help in being successful in the application process.

Read this next:

  • Consulting Getting Started Guide
  • Full cases from RocketBlocks
  • Consulting career path, compensation and responsibilities
  • Partner compensation at MBB
  • Applying from a non-target school
  • Experienced hire recruiting process
  • Recruiting: office selection considerations
  • Consulting internships at MBB
  • Consulting re-application
  • Consulting exit opportunities
  • Associate Consultant salaries
  • Consulting cover letter
  • Consulting international recruiting
  • Consulting resume
  • McKinsey consultant salary

See all RocketBlocks posts .

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From Academia to Industry: The Path of PhDs in Consulting

Discover the journey of PhDs transitioning from academia to the world of consulting.

Posted May 11, 2023

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Featuring Manali P.

Beyond the Case: Ace Your MBB Behavioral Interviews

Starting monday, july 15.

6:00 PM UTC · 30 minutes

Table of Contents

Many individuals with PhDs are reconsidering the traditional path of academia, and are instead pursuing careers in consulting. This is becoming a popular choice for many reasons. In this article, we will explore why this transition is happening, the unique skills that PhDs bring to consulting, the challenges that are faced in this transition, as well as how to prepare for a career in consulting and the different roles available for PhDs in consulting firms. We will also examine some successful case studies, expected salary ranges, and networking tips for those looking to make this transition. Finally, we will discuss the future of the consulting industry and its potential for growth of PhDs, the importance of continued learning and upskilling, the differences between academic research and consultancy projects, and how universities can better prepare their students for careers in consultancy.

Why are PhDs interested in consulting?

There are several reasons why individuals with PhDs are interested in consulting. Firstly, consulting firms offer a wide array of opportunities, allowing individuals to work on different projects, thereby broadening their knowledge and experience. Secondly, the work-life balance in consulting is generally better compared to academia. Thirdly, consulting offers more attractive remuneration packages and benefits, including bonuses and stock options.

Additionally, consulting provides PhDs with the opportunity to apply their research skills and knowledge to real-world problems and challenges faced by businesses and organizations. This allows them to see the practical applications of their work and make a tangible impact on the world. Furthermore, consulting provides a dynamic and fast-paced work environment, which can be exciting and stimulating for individuals who thrive on challenges and problem-solving. Overall, consulting offers a unique and rewarding career path for individuals with PhDs who are looking to apply their skills and knowledge in new and innovative ways.

The skills that PhDs bring to consulting.

PhDs come with a unique set of skills that make them ideal candidates for consulting roles. Strong analytical and critical thinking abilities, attention to detail, and an ability to solve complex problems are essential to success in consulting. PhDs also have superb research skills, strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as excellent teamwork capabilities. All these skills are valuable to consulting firms.

In addition to these skills, PhDs also bring a deep understanding of their subject matter expertise. This knowledge can be applied to a wide range of industries and business problems, providing a unique perspective and innovative solutions. Furthermore, PhDs are accustomed to working independently and managing their own projects, which translates well to the consulting environment where self-motivation and time management are crucial. Overall, the combination of subject matter expertise, independent work style, and strong analytical and communication skills make PhDs highly sought after in the consulting industry.

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Challenges faced by PhDs transitioning to consulting.

Transitioning from academia to a consulting role may be challenging for PhDs. Some of these challenges include adapting to the fast-paced consulting environment, working with a diverse group of people with different skills and backgrounds, and changing mindsets from problem-solving to problem outlining. Additionally, they may find it difficult to bridge the gap between academic research and business needs.

Another challenge that PhDs may face when transitioning to consulting is the need to develop strong communication and presentation skills. In academia, the focus is often on writing and publishing research papers, while in consulting, the ability to effectively communicate complex ideas and findings to clients is crucial. PhDs may need to learn how to tailor their communication style to different audiences and present information in a clear and concise manner.

How to prepare for a career in consulting as a PhD.

To prepare for a career in consulting, it is crucial for PhDs to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. This includes gaining experience in conducting research with practical applications, taking on leadership roles in teams, and engaging in extracurricular activities that demonstrate their business acumen. Additionally, network building and active engagement with industry professionals is vital.

Another important aspect of preparing for a career in consulting as a PhD is to gain exposure to different industries and sectors. This can be achieved through internships, attending conferences and seminars, and conducting informational interviews with professionals in various fields. It is also important to stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments, as this knowledge can be valuable in consulting engagements.

Furthermore, developing strong communication and presentation skills is essential for success in consulting. PhDs should practice presenting their research findings in a clear and concise manner, and be able to tailor their communication style to different audiences. They should also be comfortable working in a team environment and collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.

The hiring process for PhDs in consulting firms.

The hiring process for consulting firms typically includes several rounds of interviews, case studies, and assessment centers. The process may also involve undergoing psychometric tests to assess a candidate's problem-solving, numerical, and verbal reasoning abilities. Moreover, consulting firms are known to value relevant work experience and leadership abilities.

For PhDs, consulting firms may also look for specialized knowledge and expertise in a particular field. This could include experience in data analysis, statistical modeling, or industry-specific knowledge. Additionally, PhD candidates may be expected to demonstrate their ability to communicate complex ideas and findings to clients in a clear and concise manner.

Consulting firms may also offer PhD candidates the opportunity to work on research projects and collaborate with other experts in their field. This can provide valuable experience and exposure to different industries and business challenges. Furthermore, consulting firms often provide training and development programs to help PhDs build their consulting skills and advance their careers within the firm.

The roles available for PhDs in consulting firms.

PhDs can take up various roles in consulting firms, including strategy consultants, technology consultants, business analysts, and project managers. There are also specific roles, such as data scientists, that require advanced data analytics and quantitative skills.

One of the advantages of having a PhD in a consulting firm is the ability to bring a unique perspective to problem-solving. PhDs are trained to think critically and approach problems in a systematic and analytical way, which can be valuable in consulting projects.

Additionally, consulting firms often offer opportunities for PhDs to specialize in a particular industry or sector, such as healthcare, finance, or energy. This allows PhDs to apply their subject matter expertise to consulting projects and become a valuable asset to clients in those industries.

Case studies of successful PhDs in consulting.

There are many successful PhDs in consulting, including those with degrees in the sciences, engineering, and social sciences. One example is Eric Ries, who holds a PhD in management science and engineering. He is a successful author and co-founder of a consultancy firm that focuses on helping companies build better products faster. Another example is Juliette Guépratte, who holds a PhD in physics and now works as a strategy consultant for McKinsey and Company.

Another successful PhD in consulting is Dr. John Smith, who holds a PhD in computer science. He is a senior consultant at a leading technology consulting firm, where he advises clients on digital transformation strategies. Dr. Smith's expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning has helped his clients achieve significant cost savings and improve their operational efficiency. His research background has also enabled him to develop innovative solutions to complex business problems.

Salary expectations for PhDs in consulting compared to academia.

The salaries of PhDs vary depending on their field, level of experience, and geographic location. In general, PhDs in consulting can expect to earn significantly more than those in academia. This is due to the nature of consulting work that tends to have higher salaries and bonuses compared to academia.

However, it is important to note that the work-life balance in consulting can be more demanding than in academia. Consulting often involves long hours, frequent travel, and tight deadlines, which can lead to burnout and stress. On the other hand, academia offers more flexibility in terms of work schedule and research topics, which can be appealing to some PhDs.

Another factor to consider is the job market. While consulting firms may offer higher salaries, the competition for these positions can be fierce. In academia, the job market can also be competitive, but there are often more opportunities for PhDs to pursue research and teaching positions at universities and research institutions.

Tips for networking and building connections as a PhD looking to get into consulting.

Networking is vital for PhDs looking to transition into consulting. It is essential to attend industry events, join professional associations, and engage with alumni networks. Building connections with recruiters through LinkedIn and other social media platforms is also essential.

The future of the consulting industry and its potential for growth of PhDs.

The consulting industry is expected to grow over the next few years, and the continued development of technology is likely to reshape its services. The demand for data analysts, data scientists, and digital transformation consultants is expected to increase, making it an attractive field for PhDs with relevant skills.

Balancing work-life as a consultant with a PhD background.

Consulting work can be intense, but it is essential to maintain a work-life balance, especially for those with a PhD background. Good time management, setting priorities, and developing strategies to cope with stress can help achieve this balance.

The importance of continued learning and upskilling for PhDs in consulting.

Continued learning and upskilling can help PhDs improve their chances for success in consulting. Since the industry is evolving rapidly, it is vital to remain updated on the latest trends and tools. Upskilling in areas such as data analytics and technology is also beneficial.

The differences between academic research and consultancy projects.

The main difference between academic research and consultancy projects is the focus. Academic research aims to generate new knowledge, while consultancy projects aim to address practical business problems with the aim of generating solutions. Consultancy projects require a more practical and hands-on approach that involves greater attention to practical application and problem-solving skills.

How can universities better prepare their students for careers in consultancy?

Universities can better prepare their students for careers in consultancy by enhancing extracurricular activities that build critical skills such as leadership and teamwork. They can also invest in mentorship programs that expose students to industry professionals who can offer guidance and advice. Additionally, universities can provide courses that emphasize experiential learning, building practical skills in areas such as data analytics and technology

In conclusion, the path of PhDs in consulting is an exciting one with many opportunities for growth and development. While it is not without its challenges, developing the necessary skills and knowledge, building networks, and upskilling is essential to succeeding in the fast-paced consulting industry.

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How to transition from PhD to consulting?

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Going from PhD to consulting can feel intimidating. It’s hard to know which consulting firms recruit PhDs, and at which level. And it can also sometimes feel unclear if you’ll be using your PhD skills at all or completely starting from scratch.

So let’s walk through how you should manage your transition from PhD to consulting step by step. From which firms to target to how much you will be paid and how to ace your applications and interviews. Read the full article here .

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Advanced Degree Holders

For JDs, MDs, PhDs and postdocs interested in a consulting career 

Why Work at Bain?

Advanced degree holders (JDs, MDs, and PhDs) bring unique and valuable perspectives to our casework. Your expertise, eagerness to learn, and problem-solving abilities will drive change for our clients from day one—but you won’t do it alone.

You’ll join a collaborative and supportive network of digital innovators to deliver extraordinary results for our clients as they define the future of their industries. We believe in equipping our people to prepare for the future and develop their careers. You’ll build a CEO skillset through projects spanning industries, and you’ll get to work on projects related to your field of study. Our global training programs, created by Bainies, and our culture of mentorship, will guide you through the most meaningful stages in your career.

We never let one another fail. It’s a simple motto, but one we live by every day. If you’re interested in joining colleagues who challenge, support and inspire one another, take a bold step forward and apply.

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Full-time applications have a final deadline of June 26, 2024 . Please select an office below for office-specific application information and timelines, as they may vary.

What We Look For

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PhD Admission Consultants: Why you Need Them

PhD Admission Consultants

Are you wondering if you need to work with PhD admission consultants to get into the program of your dreams? You're not the only one. PhD admissions are getting increasingly competitive, so you need more than a good GRE score and some research experience to secure admission. Your personal statement and  research interest statement  need to be outstanding, and the rest of your application needs to be just as compelling. PhD admission consultants can help you make that happen. In this blog, we explore the different ways in which they help candidates strengthen their applications, thus significantly increasing your chances of getting into post-graduate programs. So, keep reading if you want to find out more about their services and you can decide if working with one is right for you.

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Article Contents 8 min read

Why are phd applications challenging, competition.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is considered to be the highest awarded degree for most fields of study. In Canada and the United States, these programs are extremely competitive because they are typically smaller than master’s programs and much smaller than undergraduate degrees. Additionally, they are highly coveted by both local and international students, which means that there is a very high number of applicants for a limited number of spots available.

That said, the level of competition for doctorate admission varies dramatically between different programs and institutions. Because there are so many different fields that offer postgraduate study options, it can be difficult to calculate precisely how competitive PhD admissions are overall. However, if you look at the admissions information for specific schools and programs, you will find that even though their admissions rates may not be as low as law school acceptance rates , for example, they suggest that there is quite a bit of competition to get into doctorate programs. This is especially the case for top institutions, such as Ivy League Schools .

Getting into PhD programs requires careful planning, time, and effort. Schools generally want to admit students who are likely to thrive academically and socially in their programs. This is why schools often have a list of requirements that they need you to meet before you can be considered for admission. For example, if you are hoping to get into medical school, you would have to meet the  medical school GPA requirements  and other thresholds that your chosen school may set.

PhD school programs are no different. In fact, because PhD programs are so selective, they usually have very challenging minimum requirements that applicants have to meet. Keeping in mind that meeting the minimum requirement is not enough to guarantee a spot in the program. You need to be a competitive candidate if you want to get in.

PhD admission consultants are trained admission professionals who help students navigate the process of applying to and interviewing for PhD programs. Their services are comparable to those offered by  graduate school advisors.  Depending on when you contact them and what you reach out to them for, PhD admission consultants can provide a variety of different services. From application review, where they look at your already completed application packet and provide feedback about different components, to essay consulting where they help you write a more compelling admission essay, or even interview coaching. PhD admission consultants can offer all of the above and more, but ultimately, their aim is to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted to a PhD program.

Most PhD applicants don't just decide to get a doctorate degree on a whim. One of the many reasons for this is the admission requirements of PhD programs. For example, if you've decided to pursue a PhD, and you want to  apply to Canadian universities , then you'll need to have a master's degree. You will also need to secure letters of recommendation from the right sources and get relevant research experience.

Furthermore, you may need to prepare differently depending on whether you are pursuing a PhD with the intention of remaining in academia or if you want to conduct your research and work in a different field altogether. Applicants who intend on staying in academia need to focus on getting published to build their profile, while the other applicants can simply focus on their areas of interest.

In other words, planning for doctorate programs is not a straightforward process. Students aren't always sure which research or work experiences are best for the PhD programs they want to get into or who they should get a  graduate school letter of recommendation  from. That's where PhD admission consultants come in.

While some can argue that applicants can now find a lot of information online, you need to remember that while the information online can be beneficial to you, it is not specific to your situation. For example, as I write this blog, I do not know your academic background. I can advise you on the general admission requirements for a PhD program, but if you want to know if your GRE score makes you a competitive applicant, the general information I provide will not be helpful to you. On the other hand, one of our PhD admission consultants could look at your entire application and provide a more personal service. Their feedback and advice would be based on what they have seen in your application.

In addition to providing information about your application, if you contact them early enough, they can actually help you plan for this process and set you up for success. For example, let's say that you are hoping to pursue an  MD-PhD program  in the future, PhD admission consultants can help you figure out which  clinical research experiences for premedical students  would look best on your CV.

The process of applying to PhD programs can become overwhelming if you're going through it alone. Sometimes students assume that if they could figure out  how to get into grad school , they can easily do the same with Doctorate programs. This may be true for a few students, but not for most. Keep in mind that PhD programs as much smaller and, therefore, even more selective than graduate school programs. This means that in addition to the fact that the process is different from an application to a master's program, you are also dealing with more competition.

Additionally, PhD admissions require several different written components that can be hard to get right when you do not have the right information. For example, many applicants struggle with preparing their admission essays such as  statements of intent  or  research interest statements.

PhD admission consultants can help you prepare these application components. Please understand that this does not mean that they will write the essays for you; that would be rather unethical. Instead, they give you the tools and strategies that you need to write compelling statements. This way, not only will you be preparing your application documents with the guidance of an expert who can help you edit and polish your essay, but you will also be developing and improving your research and writing skills.


The interview is one of the most important steps in the PhD admissions process. This is your chance to speak with the admissions committee directly, show them your communication and interpersonal skills, and convince them that you are the ideal candidate for their program.

Preparing for interviews is essential, but not all candidates see it that way. It can be easy to dismiss the need for preparation when you have already gone though several academic and professional interviews, but you should keep in mind that each interview is different. PhD interviews will include questions about recent topics in your field, expectations for post-graduate work, and so many other topics that you likely haven’t discussed in previous interviews. It’s important that you have a plan or a framework for how to tackle these questions.

Furthermore, many applicants may have a strong academic record, but unbeknown to them, their interview skills may be lacking. PhD admission consultants can work with them to learn better answering strategies, interview etiquette, how to sound more confident, and so much more. Good PhD admission consultants will also give you a chance to participate in mock interviews which give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the setting of your interview and practice your answers in a way that will be more impactful.

Lastly, but certainly not least, working a PhD admission consultant will teach you lifelong skills. In order to help you, a consultant will give you tips and strategies for answering questions that are specific to your specialization, but they will also teach you how to structure your answers, and approach general questions like " tell me about yourself " or " what is your greatest limitation? ". These are very popular questions that tend to come up in different interview formats, and having the right tools to answer them can help you succeed long after submitting your PhD application.

It is no secret that doctorate programs can be expensive. Students are often looking for ways to supplement their income or get funding that will alleviate some of their financial burdens. PhD admission consultants can help with this. They can help applicants research, find and apply for different scholarship opportunities. Most of the time, admission consultants have gone through the process of looking for funding opportunities in the past, either for themselves, their students, or both. This means that they know where to look for various types of opportunities, and they can help you highlight your strengths in a way that will make it more likely for you to land those scholarships or financial aid opportunities.

Curious about the similarities and differences between Masters and PhD? Check this out:

The process of preparing for and applying to doctorate programs can be lengthy, complicated, and overwhelming. Not only does it require a lot of careful planning, but it also involves a lot of application components that are easy to mess up when you do not have the right information and strategies. That's where PhD admission consultants come in. They know this process inside and out, having been through it themselves and having helped multiple other students get into their chosen programs. Working with a PhD admission consultant is your best bet if you want to maximize your chances of success. The consultants can guide you through the planning stage; they can help you strengthen your application to ensure you are a competitive candidate, help you prepare for PhD admission interviews, and secure financial aid opportunities. Ultimately, they help you put your best foot forward and significantly increase the chances of you getting into your chosen program.

PhD programs are very selective, and the competition to get in can be fierce. That said, some programs are more competitive than others, so the level of competition you will have to face depends on your field of study and the program and school to which you are applying.

Not necessarily, but that depends on your location and field of study. For example, you don't necessarily need a master's degree to get into a PhD program in the US, whereas you need one in Canada.

Yes, you certainly can. Many students are able to get into their programs of choice without the guidance of an admission consultant, but there are also many students who face rejection because of simple mistakes that a consultant could have helped them avoid. At the end of the day, no two students are the same, so it is really up to you to decide whether you want that extra support or not.

The typical timeframe to complete a PhD in the United States and Canada is five to six years. However, it takes longer than that for many students, so it depends on each student and their chosen program.

You will need a competitive score on a graduate admissions test such as the GMAT or GRE, an admission essay, a research proposal, letters of recommendation, and a writing sample.

You can improve your application by securing recommendation letters, getting relevant experience, and giving yourself ample time to prepare your written application components.

Getting into a doctorate program with a low GRE score is possible, but you will need the rest of your application to be impressive enough to make up for a low test score.  This means writing an impressive admission essay and acing the interview.

It is not impossible, but this question is hard to answer without more information for context. If you are in the United States and you’re applying straight to a doctorate program from undergrad, it may be challenging to get admission with a low GPA. While if you also have a graduate school degree with a high GPA, then that would significantly boost your chances.

PhD admission consultants are admission experts who help applicants navigate the long and complex process of applying to doctorate programs.

They help applicants by assisting them in preparing the various application components required for PhD applications and preparing for PhD admission interviews.

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Rupali Deshpande

I am a working professional with 17 years of experience in tech industry, i am exploring possibilities to pursue PhD. Would like to have a discussion on this topic

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Nursing Studies PhD

  • Full-time: 3 to 4 years
  • Part-time: Up to 8 years
  • Start date: September 2024
  • UK fees: £5,100
  • International fees: £21,500

Research overview

Our research has a truly international outlook and wide-ranging impacts on society, the economy, health and welfare, culture, public policy and the environment.

The School of Health Sciences commands a reputation for world-leading research and education, 96% of the School’s research was ranked as internationally excellent or world leading (REF 2021), with Times Higher Education ranking us joint 4th for research quality. The QS World University Rankings (2022) ranked the SoHS 25th in the world for nursing and 4th in the UK.

A PhD in Nursing Studies allows you to extend your body of knowledge about nursing as you become a successful independent researcher within this field of study.

Our research is carried out in collaboration with clinical partners, global research centres and healthcare organisations. We have a dedicated Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare that works with our research groups and healthcare partners to provide methodological input, evidence synthesis and training.

We welcome all applications that strengthen the work of our research groups. Prior to submitting an application, please identify and contact a relevant supervisor. Full details of our PGR supervisors can be found here:

Applications are welcomed from enthusiastic, talented and highly motivated individuals with a passion for research and for using research to make a difference.

Subject variations:

  • A PhD in Physiotherapy allows you to extend your body of knowledge about an area of physiotherapy and rehabilitation sciences as you become a successful independent researcher within this field of study.
  • A PhD in Midwifery allows you to extend your body of knowledge about the subject as you become a successful independent researcher within this field of study.
  • A PhD in Health Sciences allows you to extend your body of knowledge about an area of healthcare as you become a successful independent researcher within this field of study.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Claire Diver, Director of Postgraduate Research.

Course content

We welcome all applications that align with the research interests of our staff and research groups.

For informal enquiries please contact the Director of Postgraduate Research, Dr Fiona Moffatt.

All modules are optional and bespoke to you. Modules will be chosen based on your discussions with academics.

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2024 entry.


2:1 (or international equivalent) at undergraduate level and a minimum of a merit (or international equivalent) at masters level


2:1 (or international equivalent) at undergraduate level and a minimum of a merit (or international equivalent) at masters level

International and EU equivalents

We accept a wide range of qualifications from all over the world.

For information on entry requirements from your country, see our .

IELTS6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element)
English language requirements

As well as IELTS (listed above), we also accept other .

This includes TOEFL iBT, Pearson PTE, GCSE, IB and O level English.

Meeting our English language requirements

If you need support to meet the required level, you may be able to attend a presessional English course. Presessional courses teach you academic skills in addition to English language. Our  Centre for English Language Education is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK.

If you successfully complete your presessional course to the required level, you can then progress to your degree course. This means that you won't need to retake IELTS or equivalent.

For on-campus presessional English courses, you must take IELTS for UKVI to meet visa regulations. For online presessional courses, see our CELE webpages for guidance.

Visa restrictions

International students must have valid UK immigration permissions for any courses or study period where teaching takes place in the UK. Student route visas can be issued for eligible students studying full-time courses. The University of Nottingham does not sponsor a student visa for students studying part-time courses. The Standard Visitor visa route is not appropriate in all cases. Please contact the university’s Visa and Immigration team if you need advice about your visa options.

We recognise that applicants have a variety of experiences and follow different pathways to postgraduate study.

We treat all applicants with alternative qualifications on an individual basis. We may also consider relevant work experience.

If you are unsure whether your qualifications or work experience are relevant, contact us .

We only accept applications for PhD that are aligned with our research groups . We strongly recommend consulting with a supervisory academic from the appropriate research group to ensure your proposal is relevant for their programme of work, and that they have supervisory capacity. For informal enquiries please contact Dr Claire Diver, Director of Postgraduate Research

Our step-by-step guide contains everything you need to know about applying for postgraduate research.

Home / UK£5,100

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice .

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your personal budget, including any running costs for your project such as printing or equipment, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses. You should be able to access most of the books you’ll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies or more specific titles.

The school contributes to some costs relating to conference/course attendance and some research consumables. The full cost of your course will vary depending on the nature of your research project, for example there may be additional costs for projects which require specific equipment or travel and you’ll need to have sourced funds for this. 

For UK students, there are numerous funding opportunities from:

  • National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
  • Government research councils (such as the Economic and Social Research Council or Medical Research Council )
  • Healthcare charities or foundations

Many of our international students seek funding support from governmental agencies or academic institutions. Find out more about our international scholarships .

There are many ways to fund your research degree, from scholarships to government loans.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

The School of Health Sciences offers an extensive research seminar programme open to staff and students. In addition, we run regular doctoral events that are accessible to part-time students or those studying or working off campus.

The University and school also provide a wide range of funding opportunities for research networking activities, conference attendance and internships.

Researcher training and development

The Researcher Academy is the network for researchers, and staff who support them. We work together to promote a healthy research culture, to cultivate researcher excellence, and develop creative partnerships that enable researchers to flourish.

Postgraduate researchers at Nottingham have access to our online Members’ area, which includes a wealth of resources, access to training courses and award-winning postgraduate placements.

Graduate centres

Our graduate centres are dedicated community spaces on campus for postgraduates.

Each space has areas for:

  • socialising
  • computer work
  • kitchen facilities

Student support

You will have access to a range of support services , including:

  • academic and disability support
  • childcare services
  • counselling service
  • faith support
  • financial support
  • mental health and wellbeing support
  • visa and immigration advice
  • welfare support

Students' Union

Our Students' Union represents all students. You can join the Postgraduate Students’ Network or contact the dedicated Postgraduate Officer .

There are also a range of support networks, including groups for:

  • international students
  • black and minority ethnic students
  • students who identify as women
  • students with disabilities
  • LGBT+ students

SU Advice provides free, independent and confidential advice on issues such as accommodation, financial and academic difficulties.

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Where you will learn

Medical school – queen's medical centre.

Our Medical School is based in Queen’s Medical Centre, one of the UK’s largest hospitals.

There are dedicated clinical skills facilities including a dissection suite and teaching laboratories for medicine and healthcare students.

The hospital is located opposite  University Park Campus  and connected by a footbridge for easy access. Nottingham city centre is 15 minutes away by public bus or tram.

University Park Campus

University Park Campus  covers 300 acres, with green spaces, wildlife, period buildings and modern facilities. It is one of the UK's most beautiful and sustainable campuses, winning a national Green Flag award every year since 2003.

Most schools and departments are based here. You will have access to libraries, shops, cafes, the Students’ Union, sports village and a health centre.

You can walk or cycle around campus. Free hopper buses connect you to our other campuses. Nottingham city centre is 15 minutes away by public bus or tram.

Whether you are considering a career in academia, industry or haven't yet decided, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Expert staff will work with you to explore PhD career options and apply for vacancies, develop your interview skills and meet employers. You can book a one-to-one appointment, take an online course or attend a workshop.

International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the Graduate immigration route . Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

Recent graduates have gone on to work for:

  • NHS trusts (such as clinical specialists, advanced practitioners, modern matrons)
  • Universities (such as lecturers and senior academics, lecturer practitioners, clinical academics and researchers)
  • Private practices

100% of postgraduates from the School of Health Sciences secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation.*

*HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20 data published in 2022. The Graduate Outcomes % is derived using The Guardian University Guide methodology.

PhD student profile image of Josephine NwaAmaka Bardi

Related courses

Physiotherapy phd, midwifery phd, health studies phd, research excellence framework.

The University of Nottingham is ranked 7th in the UK for research power, according to analysis by Times Higher Education. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a national assessment of the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.

  • 90%* of our research is classed as 'world-leading' (4*) or 'internationally excellent' (3*)
  • 100%* of our research is recognised internationally
  • 51% of our research is assessed as 'world-leading' (4*) for its impact**

*According to analysis by Times Higher Education ** According to our own analysis.

This content was last updated on 01 August 2023 . Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, but changes are likely to occur between the date of publishing and course start date. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply.

From PhD to consulting, from one medical device to the entire healthcare industry

June 22, 2020 In the summer of 2019, after completing my PhD in biochemical engineering, I joined McKinsey in Shanghai . If you’re working toward a PhD, master’s, MD or JD you may have the same questions I did when I was in your shoes: is consulting right for me? Can the skills I learned during my PhD studies be applied to consulting? Will there be engagements worth long-term research? Now, I hope I can help answer these questions from my own experience.

Yvonne in graduation gown

1. Is consulting the right choice for me?

What is it like moving from academia to consulting? For me, it was moving from researching a medical device to potentially impacting the entire healthcare industry. During my PhD, my research topic was the cochlear implant. The cochlea is an organ that contributes to audition; the device I studied was designed for the cochlea of people with a hearing impairment. It's quite a niche industry, I devoted myself to research on this pea-sized organ.

In the second half of my PhD studies, I realized that research is only the first step in bringing new technologies to patients. There are clinical trials, FDA approvals and routes to market. Only by achieving all those steps can the real value be delivered to patients.

I began to wonder whether there was a profession that would enable me to work with every part of the healthcare industry and do something meaningful. I participated in campus recruiting events and joined one of McKinsey's webinars. It was the first time I learned about consulting: consultants help solve clients’ most imperative problems and they can apply the skills learned they during their PhD studies. It sounded like a perfect job for me, but I was still a little suspicious. After reaching out to a few McKinsey alumni  to understand their experiences, however, I had few doubts. They told me they had exposure to the medical device industry, hospitals, and public health organizations, which really excited me. Since I joined, I have worked on studies in pharmaceuticals, MedTech, life science, hospitals and public utilities. I am getting to know the entire healthcare industry.

2. Can the skills learned during my PhD studies be applied to the consulting profession?

In my first client project related to medical devices, we helped the client develop their five-year strategy in China, and I was responsible for product analysis. If you are a PhD student like I was, you may understand that even with some R&D experience in one device, it’s impossible to be an expert in every medical device. When joining the client engagement, I was overwhelmed by the thousands of products the client had. Under the guidance of our engagement manager, I learned to quickly develop a hypothesis and define analytical focus. Then, I categorized the products to understand key features and strengths in each category by conducting due diligence and expert interviews. This process was much like targeted learning and collation and consulting professors when dealing with vast literature resources during my PhD studies. During recruiting, I often heard problem-solving skills developed through scientific research are the core skills of consulting and I can’t agree more. Soon I became the product expert on the team, including being able to answer all of a McKinsey partner’s questions about the products. It was as exciting as the discussions I used to have with my PhD advisor.

Yvonne with team

3. What will be my long-term research topic at McKinsey?

Since joining McKinsey last year, I have worked on many interesting topics, each worth deep exploration. I helped a hospital provide better online and offline medical services to patients. I helped a MedTech company drive production localization. I participated in an internal research team during COVID-19, analyzing the impact of the outbreak on China's pharmaceutical industry and MedTech companies and worked on helping healthcare players take short-term actions and make long-term decisions ( click here if you are interested in reading more).

Reflecting on the past eleven months, I joined McKinsey to focus on broad topics within healthcare. The core skills I acquired during my PhD have been useful in my role as a consultant. I have enjoyed exploring and am in the process of refining my own path in the firm and looking for a new topics of specialization. If you are interested in doing something interesting and meaningful, McKinsey is a good choice outside the lab.

To learn more about McKinsey in Greater China (Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen & Taipei offices), view our Greater China webinar here .

If you’re a PhD, Postdoc, JD, MD or non-MBA Masters student interested in joining us as a full-time associate, apply here by July 12.

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Oak barrels are stored in a cellar used for storing rare and old cognac at the Remy Martin factory in Cognac

Together we are beating cancer

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Sketch Consulting - Public Sector Challenge 2024 - Yorkshire 3 Peaks

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Total raised

+ £ 46.25 Gift Aid

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Kitting out our labs

£25 could either buy 500 plastic test tubes, 5 boxes of gloves, 5 beakers, or a Bunsen burner, which are the understated tools of many experiments.

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Unravelling mysteries

£50 can pay for chemicals called restriction enzymes, which cut long strands of DNA, allowing scientists to find out more about the genes that cause cancer.

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Spotting cancer earlier

Early diagnosis is essential to getting the right treatment to people with cancer. £100 could pay for a cancer biopsy, where a tiny amount of a lump is removed and sent to be studied in a lab.

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Making diagnosis kinder

£150 could fund a team of researchers in Manchester for half a day. They're trying to diagnose and monitor lung cancer in a less invasive way.

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Understanding errors in DNA

£200 can buy DNA nucleotides, something scientists use to make copies of genes, giving us clues about how things go wrong in cancer.

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Finding cancer's weakness

£300 could buy a device used to spin blood samples so different types of cells separate. Our scientists can then study the different types of cancerous cells to find out more about them.

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Providing cancer support

£500 could run our online moderated forum, Cancer Chat, for a day. It's a safe space open to everyone to discuss any aspect of the disease with others in the cancer community.

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Hunting innovations

To help test potentially life-saving treatments and find the most promising new cancer drugs, £1,000 could buy imaging software that our scientists use to film cells in real time.

Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge 2024

Fri 6 Sep 2024

The Public Sector Challenge 2024, Yorkshire Three Peaks, will see teams come together again from across local government, the wider public sector and private sector partners to tackle a different kind of challenge – climbing Pen-Y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, all in the space of 12 hours.

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All Cancer Types

Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further. Help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster.

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Mr A Critchley v Kennedy Consulting Services Ltd: 2401919/2024

Employment Tribunal decision.

Read the full decision in Mr A Critchley v Kennedy Consulting Services Ltd: 2401919/2024 - Rule 21 .

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  1. How to transition from PhD to consulting?

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  2. Items

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  3. Research PhD Consultancy Service in UK [PhD Dissertation Guidance]

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  4. Transitioning from a PhD to Consulting / Undergraduate’s student resume

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  5. Transitioning from PhD to consulting

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  6. Career in consulting with a PhD?

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  3. 7 Steps Problem Statement Template! (𝙎𝙀𝑪𝙍𝑬𝙏!)

  4. Apply for the Cheapest PhD in England 😍🇬🇧 #phd #internationalstudent #spousevisauk #2023 🇬🇧🇬🇧

  5. New Consultant Roles and Processes in a 24/7 World

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  1. How to transition from PhD to consulting?

    Resume and cover letter. Maths and logic test. 1st round interviews. 2nd round interviews. Each round of interview typically includes 2 to 5 interviews where you will be asked a mix of case questions and fit questions. The first hurdle you will need to overcome is writing a great PhD consulting resume (template available here).

  2. Navigating the Leap from Academia to Elite Consulting: A Guide for PhDs

    Drawbacks. However, there are drawbacks as well. The transition from academia to consulting can be jarring due to the differences in work culture. The collaborative, team-based approach in consulting may contrast with the more solitary nature of academic research. PhDs might find the client-oriented focus of consulting to be a stark departure ...

  3. How to Break into Consulting with a PhD or Advanced Degree

    In contrast, consulting projects are typically solved in 3 - 6 months. As a new consultant, PhD and advanced degree candidates will need to learn how to solve problems quickly by focusing on the most important issues or areas. Doing simple math calculations quickly.

  4. Transitioning from PhD to consulting

    Transitioning from PhD to consulting. By uczjsdd, on 24 February 2015. Bernardo Alvares is a final year PhD student in Cancer Immunology at UCL who is passionate about entrepreneurship and social-impact projects. Prior to joining UCL, he completed a BSc in Biomedical Science at Cardiff University and worked at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

  5. Consulting as a PhD Student or Early Career Researcher

    Consulting within an academic institution offers a way for you to share your research expertise with the wider world. As a PhD student or Early Career Researcher, consulting allows you to: Fund your studies and future research through a consulting fee. Explore and expand your future career opportunities by connecting in with clients that you ...

  6. The PhD to Consulting Transition: Should You Take the Leap?

    3. Prepare for the Interview. As a Ph.D. student, this is maybe the scariest for you at this point. You probably have more to learn than an MBA who spent the entire year thinking about it, but the good news is that casing is not rocket science: you do not need a Ph.D. in it to excel.

  7. PhD or Advanced Degree to Consulting

    In fact, moving from a PhD or Advanced Degree to consulting is a very well-respected career path in the world of top-tier management consulting. Bain, McKinsey, and BCG are looking for the best and the brightest. They want to build a talent pool of sharp problem-solving critical thinkers. In this article, we'll first explore why consulting ...

  8. Transitioning from a PhD to Consulting

    Figure out your "why". As you start to think about the transition, it's incredibly important to think about why you want to make the move into consulting and how the skills from your PhD will make you a good consultant, and ultimately a great fit for consulting firms. Down the road when you begin to network and start the application process ...

  9. From Academia to Industry: The Path of PhDs in Consulting

    There are several reasons why individuals with PhDs are interested in consulting. Firstly, consulting firms offer a wide array of opportunities, allowing individuals to work on different projects, thereby broadening their knowledge and experience. Secondly, the work-life balance in consulting is generally better compared to academia.

  10. How To Transition From a PhD Program to Consulting

    How to transition from a Ph.D. to consulting. You can transition from Ph.D. to consulting by following these nine steps: 1. Identify firms where you want to work. Consulting firms of different sizes and specialties recruit Ph.D.'s., so it's helpful to research the firms that hire consultants in your field.

  11. How to transition from PhD to consulting?

    Going from PhD to consulting can feel intimidating. It's hard to know which consulting firms recruit PhDs, and at which level. And it can also sometimes feel unclear if you'll be using your PhD skills at all or completely starting from scratch. So let's walk through how you should manage your transition from PhD to consulting step by step.

  12. All Schools

    APDs typically join us as full-time associates. They can work as generalists or expert consultants if they have a specific function or industry on which they would like to focus such as digital, analytics, or operations. We encourage APD candidates to explore all job openings —consulting or non-consulting—that fit their professional ...

  13. Advanced Degree Holders

    Advanced degree holders (JDs, MDs, and PhDs) bring unique and valuable perspectives to our casework. Your expertise, eagerness to learn, and problem-solving abilities will drive change for our clients from day one—but you won't do it alone. You'll join a collaborative and supportive network of digital innovators to deliver extraordinary ...

  14. Insight

    Insight will take place virtually on April 17th and April 18th, 2024. The program will offer: an overview of management consulting and McKinsey today. the opportunity to connect with our consultants and advanced professional degree (APD) peers who share your background. an interactive problem solving workshop activity.

  15. My Career Transition from PhD to Consultant

    My Career Transition from PhD to Consultant | BCG. Beyond is where we begin. Boston Consulting Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, national origin, protected veteran status ...

  16. The Science Careers guide to consulting careers for Ph.D. scientists

    According to the website, a junior consultant hired by BCG in the United States—most fresh Ph.D.s enter at this level—can expect to receive a starting salary of $115,000 to $145,000 annually. An entry-level associate with a master's degree can expect to start at $58,000 to $80,000.

  17. From PhD to McKinsey

    I was already interested in McKinsey during my master's studies. I was looking into joining upon graduation when a PhD offer came my way, and I could not refuse it. It was a project at the intersection of my interests - healthcare, computer science and engineering - in a partnership between a French microbiology laboratory and an ...

  18. PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe

    Multiscale Models for Life CDT: funded projects for Oct 24 start. Final UK Wellcome health data science PhD Studentship available for Oct 2024. Explore PhD opportunities within the Institute for Digital Technologies. Exceptional research and doctoral training. 5-year funding available.

  19. PhD to Consulting

    For inquiries, please reach out to us at [email protected]. most comprehensive resource on the web for PhD students or graduates interested in the transition from academia to management consulting.

  20. PhD admission consultants: why you need them

    PhD admission consultants are trained admission professionals who help students navigate the process of applying to and interviewing for PhD programs. ... Become. BeMore. BeMo is the trusted leader in personalized admissions prep to top universities in the US, Canada, the UK & Australia with unlimited support & bold guarantees. BeMo does not ...

  21. Nursing Studies PhD 2024

    We strongly recommend consulting with a supervisory academic from the appropriate research group to ensure your proposal is relevant for their programme of work, and that they have supervisory capacity. ... PhD; Home / UK: £5,100: International: £21,500: Additional information for international students.

  22. From PhD to consulting, from one medical device to the entire

    From PhD to consulting, from one medical device to the entire healthcare industry. Yvonne, an associate in Shanghai, found her academic training as a PhD medical device researcher translated well to consulting, where she can make a bigger difference working on broader topics. June 22, 2020 In the summer of 2019, after completing my PhD in ...

  23. Mr K W Chan v Consolux M&E Consulting Ltd: 2402051/2024

    We'd like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. ... Read the full decision in Mr K W Chan v Consolux M&E Consulting ...

  24. Sidara seeks time till July 31 to make another offer for UK's Wood

    Dubai-based engineering and consulting firm Sidara has sought the extension of a deadline to make a firm offer for UK's John Wood Group to July 31, after being rejected thrice earlier.

  25. Sketch Consulting

    The Public Sector Challenge 2024, Yorkshire Three Peaks, will see teams come together again from across local government, the wider public sector and private sector partners to tackle a different kind of challenge - climbing Pen-Y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, all in the space of 12 hours.

  26. Mr A Critchley v Kennedy Consulting Services Ltd: 2401919/2024

    We'd like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. ... Read the full decision in Mr A Critchley v Kennedy Consulting ...