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PhD programmes

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.

Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University, but a number are subsidised by a grant that they have acquired themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates, who generally work part-time on their research. 

Every PhD candidate is enrolled in one of the University Graduate Schools.

Read more about Studying for your PhD .

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PhD scholarships

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A PhD cannot be completed without adequate financing. If you are appointed a position at Erasmus University Rotterdam, in most cases your finances are already taken care of.  In some cases, however, you will need to write and submit grant proposals, in order to gain funding for (part of) your project. Also, you might want to write grant proposals for the period after finishing the thesis (especially if you are pursuing an academic career), for congress visits or international collaborations. On this page, you can find see which grants are available depending on your country of origin. 

In the Netherlands, research is financed mainly by the government, industrial organisations or others, for example certain foundations. Three funding categories (“geldstromen”) are recognised:

  • The first category consists of 2 billion Euros provided by the government. This funding has to be shared by all universities.
  • The second category also consists of 2 billion Euros, and is also provided by the government, but is not directly dedicated to the universities. Different organisations, like the KNAW and the NWO, have the responsibility for distributing this funding by providing grants.
  • The third category consists of external funding from, for example Europe, companies, foundations or private companies.
  • More about funding
  • More about funding for PhD's

Go directly to:

  • Indonesia – LPDP PhD scholarship
  • Mexico – CONACyT PhD scholarship
  • People’s Republic of China – CSC PhD scholarship
  • Taiwan – EUR PhD scholarship

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Promotieplechtigheid in de Senaatszaal van het Academiegebouw van de Universiteit Utrecht.

PhD Programmes

Do you have a Master's degree or similar? And would you like to continue your career into research? Then a doctoral degree may be your next step.

All information for both prospective and current PhD students can be found in the  PhD Manual (pdf) .

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A partnership with impact: Anton de Kom University of Suriname

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Entire Assessment Committee is allowed to wear gowns from now on

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Municipalities taking a different course in the reception and assistance of refugees

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Work in process: Unearthing Meaning using Process Mining

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“We should see workarounds as valuable feedback, rather than turning a blind eye”

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PhD defence Kay Boers: Citizenship in seventh-century Hispania

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PhD Defense: Grow old or die young; Lymphocyte dynamics in humans

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PhD Defense: Clinical Decision Support for Rheumatoid Arthritis & Primary Antibody Deficiencies

Phd defense: integrating omics for an improved understanding of cardiac diseases, phd defense: improving quality of survival after childhood cancer by developing, implementing and evaluating care.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

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PhD at TU/e

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  • Becoming a PhD candidate
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  • After your PhD

Do you have a master's degree, and do you aspire to a career in scientific research? Then consider a PhD position at TU/e. For four years, you will conduct (paid) in-depth research within a specific field of research. At a top international university known for its strong ties with industry, right in the middle of Brainport (the smartest region in the world).

What does a PhD at TU/e entail?

In four years, you will become an excellent, independent researcher. A professor will assist you in conducting in-depth, groundbreaking research in the field of your choice. You will work together with other research groups, industrial partners, and research institutions, depending on the subject of your research. After successfully defending your dissertation, you will be awarded the PhD title.

A PhD program offers you a great deal of freedom to conduct research into socially relevant topics. You can develop your ideas in an environment with state-of-the-art research facilities. 

  • Explore our research groups

Why become a PhD candidate at TU/e?

If you choose to pursue a PhD at TU/e, you will be given the space and support to excel in your field. In addition, our small-scale and personal approach makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with other departments and research groups. Also, PhD candidates are valued employees at our university. Most have an employment contract and therefore receive a salary during their training.

Meet some of our PhD candidates

Open culture.

The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different countries, who come together in one of the many communities. We embrace diversity and inclusion, as it adds to our success and pleasure in education and research. TU/e is a university where students and lecturers know each other on a first-name basis and work together on innovative projects with real-life significance.   

State-of-the-art research facilities

To conduct groundbreaking research, to attract outstanding scientific talent, and to train new generations of engineers, we have ultramodern research labs and facilities at our disposal. Some of our labs are unique in the Netherlands, or even in the world.

PROOF program

As a PhD candidate, you will plunge into an intensive learning experience over a period of four (or five) years. Learning takes place all the time, both consciously and subconsciously: on the job, when interacting with others, while (informally) researching, and during courses and workshops. To support and facilitate the development of your competences, TU/e offers a dedicated training program for PhD candidates.

Is a PhD track right for me?

To successfully pursue a PhD, you must be able to work and write independently. In addition, you have an above-average interest in technology, are a go-getter, and can think analytically. Of course, you enjoy doing research and finding out the underlying cause of things. Finally, you need to have a suitable prior education. 

  • More information about requirements

Or an EngD (Engineering Doctorate)?

Do you want to continue your education, but not spend four years doing in-depth research? In that case an EngD program might be something for you: a two-year, paid, full-time program to become a technological designer. You will expand your technological knowledge, gain practical experience with the latest methods, and work on your professional skills. The main difference between an EngD program and a PhD track is its focus. A PhD is aimed at establishing yourself as an independent researcher. On the other hand, an EngD prepares you for a high-level position in industry. 

  • More information about EngD


They are happy to answer your questions and share their experiences!

Events and information for PhD's

Watch the program video where a PhD candidate and an EngD trainee will tell you more about their experiences at TU/e. Ask your question(s) directly to one of our PhD students. Or visit our Graduate School Event on campus!


Program videos

Want to know more about our bachelors, masters, EngD or PhD programs? Watch one of our program videos presented by our staff and students.

Master's Open Day

Visit the TU/e during the open day of our Graduate School

Fact & Figures PhD candidates

1650 phd candidates.

About 1650 people are working as a PhD candidate at TU/e.

PhD Defenses

Every year about 225 PhD’s defenses take place.

Male Female Ratio

About 33% of the PhD candidates are women, 67% are men.

International environment

About 60% of our PhD candidates have an international background. The other 40% have Dutch nationality. English is our working language.

Average duration

On average, the duration of the PhD trajectory at TU/e is one of the shortest in the Netherlands.


PhD candidates assess their PhD trajectory on average with a 7.5 (on a scale of 1-10).


PhD research

PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

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PhD vacancies

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Getting your PhD at the UvA

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UvA Staff Housing

The guide to doing your PhD at the UvA brings together all kinds of information about the PhD process, from the regulations and different steps in the process to terms of employment and facilities you can make use of as a PhD candidate.

Doctoral programme: from admission to completion

Documents and forms, phd contact information, central phd council, cookie consent.

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Erasmus University

  • PhD Programmes

Full-Time PhD

  • Full Funding

Fully-funded PhD positions

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Salary and Benefits

In the Netherlands, appointed PhD candidates are considered employees of the university and therefore no tuition fee is charged. This also means that our PhD vacancies are fully-funded and salaried positions. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO).

The starting monthly salary for PhD candidates is € 2770,- in year 1, € 3226,- in year 2, € 3377,- in year 3, and € 3539,- in year 4 and 5 (all mentioned figures are gross and fixed amounts). Successful candidates are appointed on a full-time basis for a total of 4 or 5 years, depending on the project further extensions are possible. Candidates' performance is evaluated after 18 months and if positive, the contract is extended for additional 2.5 years.

Working at the Erasmus University Rotterdam means working in a professional environment, where development is encouraged through an active career and mobility policy. The Erasmus University Rotterdam highly appreciates flexibility and offers a 38-hour workweek, flexible working hours, maternal/paternal leave, holiday allowance, end of year bonus etc. Moreover, the University has a company childcare scheme, possibilities to participate in a terms of employment option model, company savings program and life insurance schemes and favourable collective insurance schemes. Employees can also make use of facilities such as sports facilities and the library. For more information about the employment conditions please visit the dedicated page on the EUR-website .

Furthermore, PhD candidates also benefit from the state-of-the-art research facilities and financial support programme (ESP-ERIM Support Programme), which ERIM has set up a for a wide range of research-related activities like conference participation and visits, international job market visits, external courses, scientific and educational literature, working visits to international supervisors, international research study/visit, etc.

External Funding

Most of ERIM's PhD positions are directly financed by internal funding from Erasmus University Rotterdam. However, it is also possible to pursue a PhD at ERIM by obtaining external funding such as a personal grant, a company financed project or a special (personal) scholarship fund.

In all cases, whether internally or externally financed, applicants must always meet ERIM's admission requirements in order to enter the ERIM doctoral programme (without any exceptions). Please note that ERIM's admission requirements may differ from those of grant providers and other external project financers, thus securing an external grant does not automatically imply an acceptance to ERIM's Doctoral Programme.

Note: ERIM is not responsible for external grants, so for any questions regarding external funding please contact the external grant providers.

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PhD's at Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, a PhD degree is not just a study but a serious research project that adds new knowledge to a given field. There are three ways to become a PhD candidate at UM, which are outlined below. As a PhD candidate, you’ll spend most of your time conducting original research and writing a dissertation. You might also follow courses relevant to your research or have teaching responsibilities as well. Most candidates take four years to complete their dissertation and earn their degree. Requirements for our PhD programmes vary, but you will at least need a master’s degree, a high level of English proficiency and a strong academic record.

There are three ways to obtain a PhD at Maastricht University:

Apply for a paid phd position.

As a paid PhD candidate, you’ll be an employee of the university and will conduct research in conjunction with a faculty, research school or institute. You can search for a PhD vacancy on Academic Transfer or contact a faculty directly.   Paid PhD positions

Note: FHML/MUMC+ discerns 4 types of PhDs.

Enrol in a PhD training programme

Several of our graduate schools and research institutes offer PhD training programmes. In these programmes, you will follow a number of courses as well as write a dissertation. We have both full-time and part-time programmes.

  PhD training programmes

Obtain external funding & pitch your idea

Do you have a specific research proposal that does not match one of our vacancies? Then you can also obtain external funding and pitch your idea to one of our faculties, graduate schools or research institutes.

  Externally funded PhDs

BA Tax Law

Why Maastricht University?

The Netherlands ranks second worldwide in the number of publications per researcher and third worldwide in the impact of research publications, according to the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC). At Maastricht University, PhD candidates are respected as full-fledged members of our research community. You'll be treated as a peer and will be given all the support you need for your research. There is a high level of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cooperation at UM, and PhDs often complete their dissertation alongside their career. Such a commitment requires hard work and fortitude. And it especially requires the capacity to innovate, to come up with new ideas and new ways of seeing and applying knowledge.

International environment

Maastricht University was the first university in the Netherlands to strive for internationalisation. Almost half of our students and 40% of our academic staff come from abroad. Each faculty, school and institute has extensive international partnership networks and the university encourages international research collaborations. Students and researchers have many opportunities to study and work abroad, and our graduates are eagerly sought in the international labour market and research community.

Active PhD community

At Maastricht University, we have a vibrant PhD community. There are many ways to connect with your peers on a social and professional level:

  • PhD Academy Maastricht
  • Young Researchers Academy
  • Central PhD Candidates Platform
  • PhD candidates Network (PNN)
  • Meet & Greet Maastricht
  • Representative participation for UM
  • ProVUM Maastricht
  • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc)

Current PhD candidates

In the overview for current PhDs, you can find more information on:

  • additional courses
  • professional development opportunities
  • practical matters
  • Scholarships

  Overview for current PhDs

Research master's

Have you finished your bachelor’s and would like to pursue a PhD? Then you should consider one of our research master’s programmes, which specifically prepare you to be successful as a doctoral candidate. In some of these programmes, more than 90% of the students go on to become PhD candidates. You can find the research master's programmes in our master's overview.

Master's programmes

Defending your thesis

A PhD Defence ceremony is a formal occasion with strict protocols governing each person’s role, responsibility, and even the language used. It all works a bit like a trial, hence the term ‘PhD defence’. If you are a PhD candidate at the end of your trajectory you need to formally request permission for a public defense ceremony soon. In this website you find information on practical matters you need to arrange before and during your doctoral research and explains how to go about your your PhD defense.

  More information


One step closer to an anti-stress pill

Why are some people more sensitive to stress than others? Dennis Hernaus was hired as a PhD candidate to study the relationship between stress and dopamine levels of patients using PET scanners. He found that low dopamine levels are associated with increased sensitivity to stress and vice versa.  

Medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII Hannah van den Ende PhD

Wrestling with medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII

Is it okay for a doctor to make someone ill or appear ill if it saves them from being boarded on a train and sent to a death camp? Hannah van den Ende studied the experiences of 534 Dutch-Jewish doctors who wrestled with this type of ethical dilemma during WWII.  

HIV stigma in virtual reality PhD Henna Toppenberg

Studying HIV-related stigma in virtual reality

Stigmatising behaviour is often unconscious. People don't usually realise that they treat HIV patients differently. But the consequences are real. Henna Toppenberg and her PhD supervisor Rob Ruiter are using virtual reality to gain more insight into this behaviour so they can help bring about change.  

A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia

Detailed information on Dutch research and higher education can be found in  A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia. 

Hortense Jongen winner of The 2018 Dissertation Prize

The 2018 Dissertation Prize, this year awarded for the best doctoral dissertation from the inner city faculties, went to Hortense Jongen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Her thesis is entitled: ‘Combating corruption the soft way: The authority of peer reviews in the global fight against graft.’

PhD Programme

Welcome to the pages for Wageningen University & Research PhD candidates! Your starting point to find the information you need. Foto: Koen Manusama – ko-en photography


About the PhD programme

Learn more about the PhD programme at WUR and its rules & guidelines.

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Practical information

All practical information about the WUR PhD programme, required documents, procedures & info about housing in Wageningen and visas for and residence in the Netherlands.

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Contact & support

The Doctoral Service Centre manages the admission and immigration of new doctoral candidates at Wageningen University, the PhD and EngD skills course program and the logistics regarding the PhD and EngD defence.

Why choose Wageningen University & Research?

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has a name for innovative and ground-breaking research. When it comes to research and providing education, Wageningen University & Research enjoys an outstanding international reputation. As a PhD candidate at WUR, you will develop knowledge that serves mankind and society at large.

phd funding nederland

Research Awards for inspiring supervisor and study on animal welfare

phd funding nederland

Adobe Illustrator - scientific artwork & infographics

Wgs ethics and animal sciences (0.8 ects), phd defences.

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Salt intrusion and adaptation in the south-central coastal zones of Bangladesh under changing climate

phd funding nederland

Towards more sustainable greenhouse production

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Hotspots and Hopespots: Analysing land cover changes, degradation, and restoration efforts in upper Manafwa watershed on Mount Elgon, Uganda

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The smell of success: unravelling human attractiveness to malaria mosquitoes

Wageningen graduate schools.

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PhD & Postdoc courses

Learn more about all Wageningen Graduate School courses.

PhD Vacancies

Postdoc position science and practice in precision livestock farming, phd social acceptance of fermented foods from waste streams, phd in fermentation technology and metabolic engineering, postdoc inclusive and effective governance of sdg interactions in ethiopia, kenya and uganda, phd in fermentation and food safety, phd researcher - shaping shoreface sand nourishments to optimise biodiversity.

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Aljawaz Your guide to study abroad

Phd in the netherlands for international students.

Herilalao Study in Netherlands Leave a comment

Pursuing a PhD in the Netherlands is an attractive prospect for many international students. The Netherlands is known for its progressive higher education system, with top universities, research institutes and industry partners. With a diverse range of research opportunities, excellent facilities and an open and welcoming environment, international students can benefit from a unique and rewarding experience. 

The Netherlands also offers financial support for PhD students, making it an attractive destination for those looking to further their studies. With an excellent quality of life and a vibrant cultural atmosphere, the Netherlands is the perfect place to take the next step in your academic journey.

Table of Contents

Is it worth doing a PhD in the Netherlands?

In the field of education, the Netherlands has an impressive reputation. And numerous benefits make it the ultimate destination for students seeking an international PhD experience. 

Some of the reasons to study in Holland include: 

  • Outstanding graduate schools 
  • Wide range of research programs 
  • Excellent research facilities and world-class universities with 10 of the top Dutch universities being in the top 200 international ranking.
  • Most PhD candidates get a paid contract as university employees.
  • Top ranked worldwide when it comes to the number of publication per researcher (2nd) and the impact of research publication (4th)

And there is the accreditation. Usually, it’s up to the university to grant the degree and ensure the quality and content of each student’s doctoral training. However, when it comes to the quality of the PhD process, the Netherlands and Flemish Accreditation Organization ( NVAO ) is in charge of ensuring you earn a worthy degree.  

Structure of a PhD in the Netherlands

The Netherlands being part of the European Higher Education Area, a PhD program in the country accounts for a third-cycle qualification. The doctoral research then focuses on a specific topic and ends up with a thesis that presents the student’s results and conclusions. 

Moreover, like in any research work, students will work closely with a supervisor to oversee their doctorate and approve their thesis for submission. Supervision involves progress check, review points among other things. Students also can have a co-supervisor if needed. 

Is a PhD in the Netherlands paid?  

The answer is yes. Most doctorate candidates in the Netherlands have the status of professional researchers. In other words, they get a salary during their doctorate and in return they’ll have various tasks as researchers and to contribute to the university’s academic work and operation, such as teaching, and some administrative responsibilities. 

Students can find most PhD positions listed on job boards, on universities’ notice boards, or in scientific journals. 

How long does it take to do a PhD in the Netherlands?

Doing a PhD in the Netherlands requires you spend a minimum of 4 years to conduct research and write your dissertation. This is due to the employee status of the doctorate candidate, which require them to ensure other bonus tasks along with their research work. 

In the case the doctoral candidate is not associated to a university, like for an external candidate, it will take longer to complete the PhD degree. 

Dutch PhD defense ceremony

To defend your PhD thesis the Dutch way, there is a protocol you need to follow to the letter. As a matter of fact, the PhD defense in the Netherlands is not an examination but rather a ceremony. It serves the same purpose as a viva voce examination but with a more formal process in front of a traditionally dressed committee!

During this unique ceremony, the student also wears a full academic dress and uses formal titles. Moreover, the protocol stipulates what happens at each step, what the student should say at the beginning and how they should address their opponents. An officer of the university, a beadle, opens and closes the ceremony using a ceremonial staff. 

The doctoral committee consists of at least 3 academics. They are there to assess the student’s thesis and determine if it’s worthy of a doctorate. It may include a professor – a ‘most learned opponent’, or a post-doctorate academic, a ‘learned opponent’. Other invited individuals can also ask questions to the student. 

Another distinctive traits of the thesis defense in the Netherlands is the fact that students can have 2 supporters to accompany them. They served in the old days as “bodyguards” in case things got heated. Nowadays, they are more of a moral support and a practical assistance.

Lastly, PhD candidates need to publish their thesis as a book before the defense ceremony takes place. 

How to apply for a PhD position in the Netherlands?

PhD’s candidates in the Netherlands are part of the academic staff of a research school or a graduate school. Research schools consists of partnerships between several research universities and institutes. Graduate schools on the other hands are organizations within universities. However, only research universities and in some cases research institutes can award PhD degrees. 

Application can be done 2 ways: either you apply for an advertised PhD program or you submit your own research proposal. If you see a PhD position that interests you, contact the university directly to inquire about the application procedure. 

In the case you have a specific proposal but can’t find a vacancy that matches your intended project, the process is to pitch your idea to universities or research groups who work in the relevant field and able to provide the funding you need. 

Admission requirements 

The criteria for admission to doctoral positions are rigorous. And prospective candidates must have a strong background in theory and practices in their field. They also must have a master’s degree in a relevant subject area. International students must ensure their master is recognized in the Netherlands. 

To check a degree equivalency, you can go either on the website of the Dutch Organization for Internationalization in Education (Nuffic) or check with your choice university. Furthermore, since most international candidates choose to write their thesis in English, they need also need to provide a proof of a good command of the English language. (TOEFL or IELTS scores in most cases). 

Additional entry requirements vary depending on the research subject and the university. 

Check also our guide on how to apply to universities in the Netherlands .

How much does a PhD cost in Netherlands?

Since PhD students are university employees who receive a salary, many Dutch doctoral programs apply no tuition fees. At least not in the literal sense. However, some universities may charge statutory fees for the enrollment, supervision, examination, administration or access to the research facilities of the institution. 

Each university is free to decide how much fees they charge. Usually, this varies depending on the institution, the discipline of study, the cost of lab equipment etc.

Netherlands PhD funding

In the Netherlands, there are 3 ways to fund your doctoral studies: 

  • Through an employment contract with your research university or institute
  • With a fellowship or grant 
  • With a sponsorship from an employer

The first option is the most common. Moreover, around 17% of PhD candidates get a funding from a fellowship or grant from abroad. These organizations offering grants can be found on the website of Euraxess . The last option is to study for your PhD part-time while working. In this case, your employer provides the necessary funding for your doctorate. 

Read also our guide on the scholarships in the Netherlands .

Netherlands PhD visa

EU/EEA/Swiss nationals do not require any visa for a PhD study in Holland. Non-EU/EEA citizens on the other hand need to arrange for a long-stay entry visa. Usually, your host university should offer you assistance for your application. If this is not the case, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the university’s international office or HR department. You’ll be able to collect your entry visa at a Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country.

Moreover, they also need to apply for a residence permit for study purpose from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). And lastly, upon your arrival in the Netherlands, you absolutely need to register with the local council of residence. This serves as a registration in the Personal Records Database (BRP) in order to get a Citizen Service Number (BSN). 

Get more details in our article on the student visa in the Netherlands .

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This PhD project is part of the A Large Ion Collider Experiment  external link(ALICE) programme in which high-energy collisions of heavy lead ions are used to create and study the high-temperature state of the strong interaction: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). ALICE is one of the exper

Published: 04 May 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 31 May 2022

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Erasmus University (RSM) 2022 Postdoctoral International Positions in Netherlands for Fellowship

If you have experience in supporting researchers with preparing collaborative grant proposals, then you must check out the Collaboration Grant Advisor Position offered in the Netherlands at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) for the academic year 2022-2023. All inte

Published: 25 Apr 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 08 May 2022

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 2022 International PhD in Senior Friendly Care Trajectories, Netherlands Scholarships ???????

Scholarship give promising students an approach to their education regardless of their financial circumstances. Therefore, the Erasmus University Rotterdam is providing the PhD Positions in the Netherlands. The research will be conducted in the province of Zeeland in close collaboration with heal

Published: 09 Mar 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 14 Mar 2022

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Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) 2022 Individual Fellowships

NIAS offers individual fellowships to scholars who wish to carry out research in the humanities and the social sciences. For five or ten months, scholars are offered the time and space to work on a topic of their own choice. Both scholars based in the Netherlands and scholars based abroad can apply

Published: 04 Mar 2022 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 15 Mar 2022

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Radboud University 2021 Two PhD Candidates in Experimental Astroparticle Physics

Within the context of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, the High Energy Astroparticle Physics Department of the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) (Faculty of Science, Radboud University, Netherlands) is looking for two PhD candidates. The Pierre Auger Observatory

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Utrecht Unniversity 2021 PhD Scholarship in Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis

Decades of polymer engineering have led to various plastic materials with a variety of tuneable properties and applications. Considerably less effort has gone into strategies on how to deal with the waste created. The majority of plastic waste is landfilled, burned, or leaks to the environment. Unfo

Published: 08 Jul 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 31 Jul 2021

Fully-funded Erasmus University Rotterdam 2021 ERIM International PhD Position in Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing

ERIM International Fully-funded PhD Position in Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing is offered for PhD degree in the field of Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing.  The deadline for the sending your application is 20 Jun 2021. This scholarship is provided by Erasmus University Rotterdam an

Published: 09 Jun 2021 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 20 Jun 2021

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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) 2020 PhD Scholarships Drought Risk in East Africa

Are you interested in how drought risk of rural communities in East Africa is related to climate and societal drivers? Then we would like to get to know you. Please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We are happy to announce that at IVM – VU Amsterdam we have 2 PhD vacancies r

Published: 17 Jun 2020 Type: PhD Study in: Netherlands Deadline: 25 Jun 2020

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List of Netherlands Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

Nl scholarship for non-eea international students.

Deadline: 1 Feb/1 May 2024 (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Course starts 2024

Utrecht Excellence Scholarships for International Students

Deadline: 1 Feb 2024 (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Next course starts Sept 2024

University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)

Deadline: 1 Feb/1 May 2024 (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Course starts Sept 2024

Maastricht University NL-High Potential Scholarships for International Students

Deadline: 1 Feb 2024 (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Course starts September 2024

Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students

Deadline: 31 January 2024 (annual) Study in: Netherlands Course starts September 2024

Eric Bleumink Scholarships at University of Groningen

Deadline: 1 December (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Course starts September 2024

VU Amsterdam Fellowship Programme for International Students

Deadline: 1 Dec 2023/1 Feb 2024 (annual) Study in: Netherlands Course starts September 2024

Justus & Louise van Effen Excellence Scholarships for International Students at TU Delft

Deadline: 1 Dec 2023 (annual) Study in: Netherlands Course starts September 2024

Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS)

Deadline: 1 Oct/1 Feb (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Next course starts Feb/Sept 2024

Orange Knowledge Programme in The Netherlands

Deadline: 30 Mar/5 Sept 2023 (annual) Study in:  Netherlands Course starts 2023/24

Rotary Scholarships for Water and Sanitation Professionals

Deadline: 10/15 April 2023 (annual) Study in: Netherlands Course starts Oct 2023

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Netherlands Government Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded)

Start your study adventure in Netherlands. Good news! Netherlands Government Scholarships are currently open. In this article we will explain in detail about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application process.

Netherlands Government Scholarships 2024-2025 are fully funded masters and short courses scholarships for international students. The Orange Knowledge Programme under Netherlands Government Scholarship offers free cost of living, tuition fees, visa, round trip travel tickets and health insurance.

This scholarship seeks to promote the ability, information and performance growth of both people and organizations in the area of higher education and vocational education as well as in other areas linked to the key topics in the program nations.

Also apply for Harvard University MBA Scholarship and get financial aid amounting to US$95,000 towards tuition fees.

As a new program under the name Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP), the Netherlands Fellowship Programs (NFP) entered a new phase on 1 July 2017. OKP is initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is fully funded.

Netherlands Government Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study:  Masters / Short Courses
  • Institution(s):  Various Institutes in Netherlands ( Studyfinder )
  • Study in:  Netherlands
  • Program Period: Short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months). Master’s programmers (duration 12 – 24 months).
  • Note: The Orange Knowledge Programme is planned to end on 31 December 2024. As a result, there will be no application rounds in 2024.

Netherlands Government Scholarship Courses

  • All courses that are eligible for an Orange Knowledge Programme scholarship for this application round are listed in  Studyfinder  .
  • Please note that there are focus areas for each country, which are taken into consideration when scholarship applications are nominated and assessed. Applications that fall within the focus areas for a specific country are given priority:  Country focus document Orange Knowledge Program.

Also Apply for Fully Funded MEXT Scholarship 

Scholarship Coverage

Netherlands Government Scholarship is fully funded.

  • Free costs of living
  • Free tuition fees
  • Free roundtrip travel tickets
  • Free Health insurance
  • Thesis Research Grant

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for step by step Application process

Eligibility Criteria Netherlands Government Scholarship

To be eligible for Netherlands Government Scholarship, these points should be considered:

  • Required Languages:  English
  • Eligible Countries: The scholarship applicant holds the nationality of and is resident and working in one of the countries on the OKP Country list (see the document  Country List for Short courses and Masters  ).
  • The scholarship applicant works for one of the following types of national or local organizations: ministries, secondary or higher vocational or academic education institutions, universities, the private sector, commissions or NGOs.
  • The scholarship applicant may not work for: a bilateral or multilateral organization, a non-governmental organization that is internationally active and is focused on representing social interests, such as development cooperation, nature, and environmental protection, health or human rights.
  • The scholarship applicant is a professional who, in light of his/her (1) role, (2) multiple years of relevant work experience and (3) networks within a theme relevant to local development, is in a position or through his/her employer could be put in a position to apply what he/she has learned in practice.
  • The scholarship applicant holds a valid identity document.
  • The scholarship applicant has been admitted to the course or program for which he/she wishes an OKP scholarship.
  • The scholarship applicant has provided a government statement with the scholarship application if this is required by the local government (see the document  government statement requirement ).
  • The scholarship applicant demonstrates that the requested co-funding percentage is available to fund the study.
  • The employer of the scholarship applicant supports the scholarship application through a positive reference, declares that it will continue to pay the salary of the scholarship recipient during the program and after his/her return will give the scholarship recipient an opportunity to apply what he/she has learned in practice.

How to Apply for Netherlands Government Scholarship?

Please follow the following step by step application procedure to avail Netherlands Government Scholarship:

(1)  Find a course or master’s Program that is eligible for the scholarship. You can find the eligible courses in study  Program database  www.studyfinder.nl, specifying in the search criteria: ‘OKP qualified: Yes’.

(2)  Contact the Dutch higher education institution that is offering the course for information on:

  • The course content.
  • The scholarship application deadline (deadlines can differ per Dutch institution).
  • The scholarship application and selection procedures.
  • The online application form and the required application documents.

(3)  Prepare your application and the supporting documents.

(4)  Submit your online application via the Dutch institution offering the course.

Check the most prestigious and   Fully Funded Fulbright Scholarship USA

To know more about Netherlands Government Scholarship, please visit the official website:

Official Website

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Best Scholarship Websites of 2024

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Even the best student loans and other financial aid items don't always provide enough to cover all the costs of college. Scholarships are a great way to bridge the gap, with no obligation to repay the money. Finding scholarships you qualify for can be difficult. But there are several great scholarship websites that can help you do it.

Keep in mind, however, that many colleges deduct private scholarships from the amount of gift aid they provide, reducing how much "free money" you can get from the school. That would effectively negate the work you did in seeking out and applying for private scholarships. Therefore, you should consider looking at schools that offer merit-based scholarships or provide generous packages to students with financial need.


Collegeboard, scholarshipowl, compare the best scholarship websites.

We've rounded up the best scholarship websites for students looking to save on the cost of college, with an emphasis on those that provide a wide breadth of opportunities. Most of the sites are free to use. Some offer basic features at no cost, with an option to pay for additional functionality. 


Our experts for the best scholarship websites.

We consulted scholarship and financial experts to give their insights into finding the best scholarship websites — and when to avoid them altogether.

  • Christopher Rim, founder and CEO at Command Education
  • Jennifer Ledwith, owner at Scholar Ready
  • Neeta Vallab, founder at MeritMore
  • Ryan Wangman, former loans reporter at Personal Finance Insider

Best Scholarship Websites FAQs

There isn't a singular website that's the best to apply for scholarships. Instead, consider scholarships.com, Fastweb, Bold.org, Peterson's, College Board, Scholly, GoingMerry, Scholarship Owl, and ProFellow.

Do your due diligence when looking to apply for scholarships you find on aggregation websites. Confirm that the scholarship's sponsor is legitimate by looking at reviews of the company, and check its Better Business Bureau grade, if available. 

Most private scholarships won't completely cover the cost of your education. You're better off looking for merit scholarships from individual colleges that cover your costs completely or filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  to see if you're eligible for a need-based full ride. 

Generally speaking, you shouldn't pay someone to search for scholarships for you, though there are exceptions to every rule. Many scholarship websites are free to use. They only "cost" the time you spend searching on them. 

The timing on when you should start filling out applications for scholarships varies depending on the specific scholarship you're applying for. Some scholarships are even available to high school students, so it's never too early to start your search.

The GPA requirement varies from scholarship to scholarship, but the lowest GPA is usually around 2.0. In general, you'll have a better chance of success with a higher GPA. 

Some of the most common scholarship types include academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, identity-based scholarships, and first-generation student scholarships.

Our Experts' Advice for Choosing the Best Scholarship Websites

What are the advantages of private scholarships versus scholarships or grants from schools.

Neeta Vallab: 

"Honestly, there are very limited advantages to using private scholarships over grants directly from schools. Unlike private scholarships, most grants from schools do not require a separate application and are renewable for four years. Additionally, many colleges will deduct the value of a private scholarship from any award they give you. This is called 'displacement.' And because this practice is so prevalent, it often leaves students with no net financial benefit, despite the effort they invested in submitting an application."

Jennifer Ledwith:

"Unlike scholarships from schools, private scholarships can be used at multiple universities. Furthermore, unlike grants from schools, private scholarships don't have to follow federal or institutional financial aid methodology. Consequently, students can receive private scholarships without regard to other financial aid awards. Furthermore, some private scholarships send the money directly to the student, allowing greater flexibility in using the funds."

Should you always consider scholarships before loans? Are there any scenarios you should pick a loan?

Christopher Rim: 

"No, you should never pick a loan over a scholarship! You always have to pay back loans. Students should bear in mind that they may have their scholarship rescinded if they don't meet the terms and conditions. They should be absolutely sure to read the terms of their scholarship thoroughly to understand the possible consequences if they fail to meet the set conditions."

Ryan Wangman:

"You'll need to repay the money you borrow from any lender, so it's never a good idea to choose a loan over a scholarship, which is money you don't have to pay back. There aren't any scenarios I can think of where it is better to pick a loan than a scholarship. 

How do you know what scholarships you're qualified for?

Rim : 

"Many websites will allow students to filter through their databases to find scholarships they are eligible for. Others ask students to create a profile and then match them based on demographic information. Once students find the scholarships on databases, they should be sure to cross check eligibility requirements on the sponsoring organization's website."

Vallab : 

"Private scholarships will usually have a qualifications section in their description. Some colleges may publish a scholarship grid showing the GPA and test scores required for certain levels of eligibility. Not all merit scholarship information is published however."

What's the best way to track what scholarships you've applied for and are waiting to hear back from?

"Students should keep a spreadsheet to track their scholarship application status."

"Like Jennifer mentioned, a spreadsheet is usually the best way to track application status. Make sure you note how far along you are in each process, as well as any awards you have received — both private and from the schools you've been accepted to.

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Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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    ERIM International Fully-funded PhD Position in Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing is offered for PhD degree in the field of Climate Risk and Sustainable Investing. The deadline for the sending your application is 20 Jun 2021. This scholarship is provided by Erasmus University Rotterdam an. Published: 09 Jun 2021 Type: PhD Study in ...

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