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Apparel Design Graduate Programs

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Apparel Design provides a unique approach to graduate study through its focus on conducting independent research in aspects of apparel design including fashion theory, functional apparel, sizing and anthropometrics, cultural and historic aspects of dress and textile design, apparel industry issues, CAD and other technologies, etc. We help you craft your graduate research program based on your interests and goals to address significant issues of apparel design within the context of aesthetics, production, function, and the meanings of dress.

Diverse, engaged faculty

The apparel design faculty has research- and industry-based expertise from design conception through production and analysis. The fiber science faculty offer supporting courses in fabric structure, color and functional characteristics for apparel students and contribute technical expertise to thesis/dissertation research. Working with a professor with whom your research interests align, you'll also take courses with other department faculty and in other fields of study related to your thesis/dissertation research.

Individualized programs

A written thesis is required for completion of all graduate degrees in Fiber Science & Apparel Design. Candidates for the Ph.D. require at least three years of full-time study beyond the master's degree. Candidates for the M.A. usually complete their degree requirements within two years.  For a complete program description, see the  graduate student handbook .

Unlike undergraduate studies, graduate work focuses on independent research. At the masters level, you identify a research focus and select courses that will prepare you to conduct the research. At the Ph.D. level you are also expected to take coursework that will give you a broad base in all aspects of the apparel design discipline, along with courses that will help you develop your research topic. The core courses for graduate study in apparel design are:

  • FSAD 6025: Design for Change: Imagining Decolonial Futures
  • FSAD 6415: Anthropology of the Fashioned Body
  • FSAD 6451: Fashion Curation
  • FSAD 6500: Fashion, Media, and Technology
  • FSAD 6640: Human Factors: Anthropometrics and Apparel
  • FSAD 6700: Fashion Theory and Philosophy
  • FSAD 6800 Ethical Design: Engine of Positive Change
  • FSAD 6900: Understanding Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design

Relevant, rigorous research

Your apparel design research immerses you in a problem-solving endeavor using qualitative and/or quantitative methods that link elements of apparel and textile design in the context of aesthetics, function, technique and the meaning of dress. These research projects often have an interdisciplinary perspective that reach across the university and to private industry and government.

The department and Cornell University provide excellent support and resources for graduate study, including competitive grants for research expenses, grants for travel to conferences and world-class libraries, collections and research labs.

For more detailed information on the different areas of apparel design research conducted at Cornell visit individual faculty webpages, and contact us to discuss your interests.

The fall admission deadline is December 15.   We do not admit for spring.  Graduate study applications are submitted directly to the Graduate School of Cornell University, which has jurisdiction over all graduate work and advanced academic degrees.  A complete application includes a statement of purpose, a personal statement, unofficial transcripts, and two (preferably three) letters of recommendation.  Please do not include copies of certificates, passports or other documents.  We will not review your application until it is fully complete, including TOEFL/IELTS test scores. No individual faculty member can offer you admission.  A graduate admissions committee will read your application when it is complete and make the decision. 

Please email the Graduate Field Assistant for Pre-Application information.

Application fee waivers are available in the application.

Admissions are based on evidence of potential capability for advanced study. Applicants for the Ph.D. must already hold a master's degree. We do not require the GRE.

International applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by taking a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. Minimum TOEFL scores are as follows: Writing 20, Listening 15, Reading 20, Speaking 26, as well as a minimum total score of 100 . If ALL of these scores and the total are not met, applications will not be reviewed. The Graduate School requires an overall band score of a 7.0 or higher on the IELTS.  

For more information, including waiver information, see the graduate school’s website: .

Cornell University expects all applicants to complete their application materials without the use of paid agents, credentials services or other paid professional assistance. The use of such services violates university policy, and may lead to the rejection of application materials, the revocation of an admissions offer, cancellation of admission or involuntary withdrawal from the university.

Applicants who wish to specialize in apparel design for an M.A. or Ph.D. may be asked to submit a portfolio.  For those whose research will be in applied design areas, a portfolio is required. Other research areas may not require a portfolio. Portfolios should contain whatever you feel is necessary to show your work. and need to be fewer than 10 MB to upload to your application. 

Financial support, in the form of teaching assistantships, graduate research assistantships or fellowships is offered with acceptance to Ph.D. students only. Full assistantships include tuition, fees and individual health insurance. Assistantships are offered for four academic years, mid-August through mid-May.  Continued funding is contingent upon acceptable academic performance constituting good standing in your graduate field and satisfactory fulfillment of any teaching or research responsibilities as defined by your assistantship supervisor.

The department does not provide financial support for master's students. 

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a row of bare design mannequins with a reflection of autumn leaves

/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="phd design clothing"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Apparel design ph.d. (ithaca), field of study.

Fiber Science and Apparel Design

Program Description

The common focus of the field is the study of fibrous materials and their use as apparel, as engineering structures (such as composite materials), in biomedical applications, and in home furnishings. The Field of Fiber Science and Apparel Design is applied and multidisciplinary, with faculty members drawn from the Colleges of Human Ecology and Engineering.

Students are expected to develop strength in their base discipline as well as gain appropriate breadth to support the area of specialization. Active research programs exist in high-performance fibers and fiber-reinforced composites; Green composites; detergency and surface chemistry; perfume treated fabrics; textile materials in biomedical and geotechnical applications; polymers for electronics; liquid-crystal polymers; textile-dye chemistry; crystal morphology of fibers; electrospin of fibers; cellulose; apparel and fashion design, design ethnography; sizing and fit of apparel; functional apparel; cultural and historic studies of clothing and textiles; mass customization and technology; and technology management in the apparel industry. For Ph.D. students, a minimum of four committee members are required: one faculty member representing the major, one for each of the two minor areas, and a fourth member appointed by the Director of Graduate Studies to act for the field. The oral and written Admission to Candidacy examination and the final oral examination are required for the Ph.D. degree. The field does not require a foreign language. Outstanding facilities for research and study are available in the College of Human Ecology and the College of Engineering. Textile and polymer science laboratories are equipped with modern instrumentation for chemical, physical, and mechanical analysis and with a controlled temperature and humidity room. Apparel design studios are equipped with industrial sewing equipment. Video image-capture and photography equipment is available in a visual analysis lab. The functional apparel lab houses a variety of human-factors testing equipment, including a full-body scanner.

Contact Information

208 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • apparel design

Visit the Graduate School's Tuition Rates page.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Fall, December 15

Requirements Summary:

  • all Graduate School Requirements , including the  English Language Proficiency Requirement for all applicants
  • two recommendations and recommendation forms
  • pre-application for Ph.D. applicants; request form from field via e-mail
  • portfolio for Apparel Design applicants

Admission is based on evidence of potential for advanced study. Pre-applications are required for M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. programs; forms are available from the address above. Applicants to the Ph.D. program in fiber science should have an M.S. degree in textile chemistry, textile science, polymer science, engineering, chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, or a similar discipline. Applicants who do not have an appropriate M.S. degree should apply to the M.S./Ph.D. program. Applicants who want to pursue studies in apparel design may be required to submit a portfolio to the Director of Graduate Studies, if their research interests involve a design component.

*The Field's minimum TOEFL requirement is higher than the Graduate School's. Applicants must achieve a total score of at least 100, with a Speaking subscore of at least 26.

Learning Outcomes

Establish general expertise in Apparel Design including:

  • Anthropology of the Fashioned Body
  • Understanding Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design
  • Human Factors: Anthropometrics and Apparel
  • Fashion Theory
  • Fashion, Media and Technology
  • Fashion and Beauty
  • Functional Aspects of Clothing and Design

Make an original and substantial contribution to an area of Apparel Design:

  • Think originally and independently to develop concepts and methodologies
  • Identify new research opportunities within the field of Apparel Design
  • Incorporate approaches, techniques, skills or knowledge connecting Apparel Design with other disciplines

Demonstrate advanced research skills:

  • Synthesize existing knowledge via coursework and literature review
  • Master application of research techniques, technical skills and analysis
  • Present research motivation, methods and results in written and oral formats

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Doctor of philosophy (apparel design, material culture & textile studies, merchandising, textile science), doctor of philosophy (apparel design, material culture & textile studies, merchandising, textile science) doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), accredited by the national association of schools of art and design.

All prospective doctoral students in the department will apply for a PhD in Human Sciences.  Areas of specialization distinguish each student’s academic focus and should be clearly indicated on the application.  A specialization should be selected from the following areas:

  • Apparel Design 
  • Material Culture and Textile Studies 
  • Merchandising
  • Textile Science 

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sciences with a Specialization in Merchandising

The objective of a Doctor of Philosophy of Human Sciences with a specialization in Merchandising is to prepare future practitioners who can critically apply knowledge of merchandising practices to the soft-goods industry.  Learning innovative merchandising techniques, including the extensive use of technology, will provide students with applicable knowledge of the field.  Students will also learn and apply theory and research methods to address industry challenges. In addition, interdisciplinary knowledge, from fields such as marketing and educational psychology, will enhance students’ perspectives toward research.


hours of required courses


hours of recommended courses (minimum)


hours of supporting courses in a related discipline (minimum)


hours of research methods (including 6 hours minimum of statistics; 9 hours minimum for Textile Science)


hours of PhD seminar (TMFD 995)


hours of PhD Doctoral Dissertation (TMFD 999; minimum)


hours total (minimum)

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sciences with a Specialization in Apparel Design

The Doctor of Philosophy program in Human Sciences with a specialization in Apparel Design is designed to educate apparel design scholars who can comprehensively apply theory, knowledge and academic research to their specialties. An in-depth look is taken at fundamental apparel design disciplines as well as relevant interdisciplinary knowledge and technologies, in which students should play a leading role in the future. Related fields will vary depending on the specific focus of the student but may include and are not be limited to anthropology, art, business, education, history, psychology, technology, theater, and women and gender studies.

The required number of hours for any TMFD specialization is 90 hours of 800 or 900 level courses, including 20 dissertation hours.  Distribution of courses include:

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sciences with a Specialization in Material Culture and Textile Studies

The goal of the Ph.D. in Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design with a specialization in Material Culture and Textile Studies is to educate professionals and academics who can comprehensively apply theory, research, and knowledge in their respective and chosen career fields. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the various applications and methodologies that incorporate and/or focus on object based research as a primary means of studying the cultural, social, economic, political, and personal experiences of people, both past and present. Related fields such as (but not limited to) history, art history, anthropology, sociology and women’s and gender studies are included in the specialization to enhance students’ abilities to understand and apply concepts and theories from outside their particular area of expertise and contribute to the development of original research and advancement of knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of material culture.

A basic outline of the degree is provided below, with more details available in the PhD Handbook:                                                                       

  Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sciences with a Specialization in Textile Science

The goal of the Ph.D. in Science of Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design with a specialization in Textile Science is to educate textile scientists who can comprehensively apply theory, academic research and application of knowledge to their specialties.  An in-depth look is taken at fundamental textile material science disciplines, as well as relevant interdisciplinary knowledge and technologies, in which students play a leading role in the future.  Related fields like chemistry and statistics are focused to enhance students’ abilities to solve complex problems within or outside their area of expertise, and contribute to the development of textiles with original research.

Ph.D. Handbook

  • Policy development
  • Analysis and Outreach

Application to this program

Requirements for Applicants 

  • Completion of online application through Admit; Applicants will indicate the intended program (PhD applicants will select Human Sciences, MA & MS applicants will select Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design). All applicants will select a specialization 
  • Grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • Minimum TOEFL scores (International Students only) 550 on paper test, 213 on computer based test or 79 on the internet based test (Institution code – 6877)
  • Digital Portfolio for textile design and apparel design areas of interest
  • Personal Statement: Letter of application describing educational and career goals.

Any of the following would be an appropriate writing sample: 

  • manuscript or published article resulting from earlier research such as master's thesis
  • paper given at a professional meeting
  • substantial paper such as a review of literature
  • grant proposal
  • critique of a research article
  • professional materials developed for use in one's workplace
  • course paper
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • MA & MS applicants will have successfully completed an undergraduate degree and PhD applicants will have successfully completed an MA or MS degree if approved for a graduate program in Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design

Degree Requirements

Ph.D. students will take an individualized program of study focusing on textile and/or apparel fields. A minimum of 90 credit hours is required

Sample Courses

College of Human Sciences

Doctor of philosophy.

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Graduate studies in apparel, merchandising, and design extend your knowledge, research, and creative scholarship beyond the basics to take a close look at industry-wide issues, such as outsourcing, sustainability, and customer buying behavior. Students in this program are afforded many opportunities to present and publish their research and creative work alongside world-renown faculty members.

The apparel, merchandising, and design program offers two formats to complete doctoral studies:

  • Doctor of philosophy
  • Distance doctor of philosophy

Download  flyer  for more information.

General Requirements

Visit the Iowa State University  Graduate College site  for application requirements. The program outlined below has the common requirements for all doctoral students. Each specific program will depend on the student’s previous preparation, goals, and needs. Find your 500 and 600 level courses along with course descriptions in the  online catalog .

Ph.D. Requirements

72 credits: Minimum number of credits required

12 credits minimum: Research methods and statistics (a minimum of one course must be in statistics)

20 or more credits: 500-600 level AMD courses (must include AMD 570 teaching practicum)

12 or more credits: Additional courses outside the department (must include one course in education theory)

15 credits minimum: Dissertation

Distance Ph.D. Requirements

Iowa State University (ISU) offers a distance (hybrid) format to complete the Ph.D. in apparel, merchandising, and design degree. As a distance (hybrid) doctor of philosophy student, award-winning ISU faculty prepare you to succeed as a professional in industry, museums, or academia.

This hybrid distance format features one or two short on-campus summer coursework sessions  (on-campus requirement waived for summer 2021 due to Covid19). Other credits can be done at a distance, most through synchronous course delivery with on-campus courses.

72 total credit hours:

  • 36 credits must be taken at Iowa State
  • 24 credits must be taken at Iowa State over six consecutive semesters to earn residency
  • Nine credits must be taken in the first two summers

Program of Study

Each student plans an individualized program of study in consultation with the student’s advisor and Program of Study (POS) Committee, which includes faculty members from apparel, merchandising, and design and other Iowa State departments. The student submits this program to the Graduate College for approval, usually by the beginning of the second year at Iowa State University.

Supporting Courses

The POS committee may require a student whose undergraduate degree was not in apparel, merchandising, and design to take supporting courses in preparation for graduate study. The Iowa State University course catalog lists  course descriptions  of graduate courses offered.


The student selects a dissertation area by the time the program of study is submitted, so suitable courses can be chosen to strengthen the research. The research methods course should be taken as soon as possible to permit the student to explore possibilities for the dissertation research with the advisor and other committee members.

Preliminary Examinations

Written and oral preliminary examinations are required in the major and co-major or minor, if any.

Contact the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE) for apparel, merchandising, and design with any questions.

Need More Information?

Ann marie fiore.

1062 LeBaron Hall 626 Morrill Rd Ames, IA, 50011-2100

515-294-9303 [email protected]

“My classes have really been helpful in giving me a wide skill set that will be infinitely useful in the numerous tasks that are required of me as a curatorial researcher or working with historic textiles in a collection,” Ginger said.

Major: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Organization: ZALORA Group

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Department of Design


PhD Textile and Fashion Design

The doctoral education in Textiles and Fashion Design is focused on deepening the understanding of the interaction between analysis and synthesis in the design process, theoretically as well as practically, as a basis for developing design methodology, design technology, and design programmes, which requires a practice-based approach; for design, through design.

The development of methodology, programme, and techniques requires a critical, experimental, artistic work. An in-depth understanding of the expressiveness of materials, techniques, and intended use also requires experimental, artistic work.

The education is focused on artistic design research in the field of textile and fashion, with the opportunity to further specialise in the following:

  • Textile design ; to develop, specialise and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of textile materials and techniques as in building up and expressing textile products and environments.
  • Fashion design ; to develop, specialise and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of garments as in dressing and expressing people.
  • Textile interaction design ; to develop, specialise, and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of the use of textiles as in defining and expressing textile products and environments.

Director Delia Dumitrescu, professor

Director of studies Eva Gustafsson, Docent

General syllabus for Design, dnr 303-15, version 2015/05/20 (pdf)

General syllabus for Design, dnr 303-15, version 2018/01/24 (pdf)

Documented artistic research project

Here you will find published, documented artistic research projects in the doctoral education in Textiles and Fashion Design.

Published doctoral theses Radiant Textiles: Designing electromagnetic textile systems  Erin Lewis, 2023

Redesign Foundations Anna Lidström, 2023

Form-defining systems of reverse crafting Karin Peterson, 2022

Designing for Changeability in Textiles Riikka Talman, 2022

Body Movement as Material: Designing Temporal Expressions Linnea Bågander, 2021

Zero Waste Systems Thinking: Multimorphic Textile-Forms Holly McQuillan, 2021

Around Over Between Up...: Spatial properties as variables in textile design Tonje Kristensen Johnstone, 2020

Wearing Sound: Foundations of Sonic Design Vidmina Stasiulyte, 2020

On the Textility of Smell in Spatial Design Jyoti Kapur, 2020

On Textile Farming: Living Indoors Svenja Keune, 2019

Acts of Seeing: Seeing as a Methodological Tool in Fashion Design Stefanie Malmgren De Oliveira, 2018

On Textile Printing with Thermochromic Inks Marjan Kooroshnia, 2017

Dressing Wearing: Movement Directed by Dress - Dress Directed by Movement Ulrik Martin Larsen, 2016

Body Acts Queer: Clothing as a Performative Challenge to Heteronormativity  Maja Gunn, 2016

Kinetic Garment Construction: Remarks on the Foundations of Pattern Cutting  Rickard Lindqvist, 2015

Textile Influence: Exploring the Relationship between Textiles and Products in the Design Process Linnea Nilsson, 2015

The Myth of the Silhouette: On Form Thinking in Knitwear Design Karin Landahl, 2015

Composing over Time, Temporal Patterns: In Textile Design  Barbara Jansen, 2015

Existential Design: Revisiting the "Dark Side" of Design Anne Britt Torkildsby, 2014

Relational Textiles: Surface Expressions in Space Design Delia Dumitrescu, 2013

Exploring Textiles as Materials for Interaction Design Anna Persson, 2013

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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in Fashion Design

Part of arts, design & architecture.

Fashion Design is the field where you will learn to make styling decisions, from clothes to accessories. Fashion Design is ideal for creative people, who like matching and playing with colours, textures, and materials. Depending on what area of fashion you want to focus on, you can dedicate haute couture or ready-to-wear clothing. Either way, you will need to create products that are aesthetically pleasing as well as wearable.

An important aspect of Fashion Design is also considering the size of the products and who is able to wear them. You will also learn how to manage a production line, be in line with seasonal trends or influence trends with a unique style, understand colour theory and how different fabrics and materials function and match together.

You will learn how to combine artistic principles and applied graphics, in order to transform an idea into an appealing product. Some of the branches you can specialise in are: clothing design, footwear design, accessories design, and others.

Courses will combine various aspects of theory and practice, all in the search of the perfect aesthetic. You will explore and master sewing, drawing, fashion history, as well as the textile industry. Afterwards, you will apply what you learned in a practical setting, by creating your own high-end fashion objects. Fashion Design is a form of art, so you will develop your creativity and practical skills, as well as the ability to think in three dimensions and turn great ideas into actual reality.

Fashion Design will help you become a successful fashion designer, retail buyer, retail manager, stylist, or textile designer.

View all PhDs in Fashion Design . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in Fashion Design .

Interesting programmes for you

Specialisations within the field of arts, design & architecture.

  • Architecture
  • Industrial Design
  • Visual Arts
  • Film Studies
  • Art History
  • Fashion Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Interior Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Planning
  • Music Composition
  • Music Performance
  • Ceramics and Sculpture
  • Painting & Drawing
  • Art and Craft
  • Photography

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10 Universities in the USA offering Doctoral Degrees Fashion and Textile Design degrees and courses

More Information

Are you looking for Doctoral Degrees courses in Fashion and Textile Design? Here you can find course providers offering full-time, part-time, online or distance learning options.

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Thomas Jefferson University

Iowa state university.

THE World Ranking: 351

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University

THE World Ranking: 251

Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University

THE World Ranking: 601

Kansas State University

Kansas State University

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

THE World Ranking: 401

University of Missouri

University of Missouri

University of Georgia

University of Georgia

Cornell University

Cornell University

THE World Ranking: 20

There are more Fashion and Textile Design courses available in North America

  • Clothes Making (Craft)
  • Fashion / Textiles Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Textile Design
  • Georgia (inc. Atlanta)
  • Iowa (inc. Des Moines)
  • Kansas (inc. Topeka)
  • Louisiana (inc. Baton Rouge)
  • Missouri (inc.Jefferson City)
  • Nebraska (inc. Lincoln)
  • New York (inc. Albany)
  • North Carolina (inc. Raleigh)
  • Pennsylvania (inc. Harrisburg)
  • Study level:
  • Postgraduate
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Study mode:
  • Online/Distance

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Doctoral Degrees in Fashion Design / Merchandising

Career summary: fashion designers.


National Average, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics


1% job growth by 2028, which is far below average

Earn a degree in fashion design / merchandising from an accredited college

One of the best ways to prepare for a career in fashion design / merchandising is through a college education. A Doctoral Degree will help you develop entry level skills, general fashion design / merchandising know how and the basic fashion design / merchandising experience you need to start your career off right. You may also consider a Post-doctoral Certificate in Fashion Design / Merchandising to help you take your education and career to the next level. Please select fashion design / merchandising school below.

Fashion design merchandising original

What classes will I take to get a degree in Fashion Design/Merchandising?

You’ll take your general education classes, of course, but along with those will be a variety of classes more field-specific. These could include Textile Design, Fashion Illustration, History of Fashion, Tailoring, Visual Merchandising, Cloth Construction, and Draping. Real-life experience, such as that found in an internship, is also a valuable part of your education.

Job Description

What does a fashion designer/merchandiser do.

A degree in Fashion Design/Merchandising could lead to a great many things. You might start out designing textiles, fabrics, or working on patterns, or else get your start working retail or as a buyer in a store. This could lead to jobs in planning and public relations, being a technical designer, a sales representative, a visual merchandiser, or a fashion writer or photographer. You could also do the actual designing of garments or come up with ideas for garments, working with others or on your own to come up with the next big trend. Fashion designers are also found in film and theater, working on costumes and other aspects of the production.

5 Common Careers:

  • Fashion Designer
  • Technical Designer, Apparel
  • Special Event Planner
  • Pattern Maker

How much would I make as a Fashion Designer/Merchandiser?

Depending on what job you get within the fields of Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising, your average salary could be quite different. For example, in Fashion Design, a Fashion Designer could make $74,000 annually; and a Pattern Maker, $45,000. In Fashion Merchandising, a Buyer could make around $69,000; a Sales Representative, $52,000; a Special Event Planner, $50,000; and a Visual Merchandiser, $27,000.

Career Outlook

How popular are jobs in fashion design/merchandising.

Jobs in fashion can be found anywhere and in a variety of different areas. From working with/creating raw materials (fabrics and patterns) to working in retail, public relations, merchandising in stores, or actually designing clothing, there are countless careers this degree could lead to. It can also be helpful when looking for jobs in fashion writing, fashion photography, costume design, and more. So whether or not you’re the next Christian Dior, you could have a big hand in the fashion design industry and leave your own mark!

Career Path

What skills do i need to become a fashion designer/merchandiser.

Fashion Designers should have a strong feel for and be well-informed about fashion trends, be highly organized and flexible, work well under pressure, be a creative and artistic person, and be able to communicate effectively with others. Fashion Merchandisers need to have similar skills, as well as good leadership ability, listening skills, an eye for fashion trends and fashion influences, knowledge of contemporary marketing, a high energy level, and attention to detail.

Salary and career outlook data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics .

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PhD Community

The CSF PhD community represents a wealth of fashion sustainability research ideas and themes, explored through both theoretical and practical research.

Themes our PhD Community explore

Fashion as an enabler of political agency

The landscape of local clothing systems

Craft values as transformative tools

Fish Leather in the Luxury Industry

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Want to join our PhD Community?

If you are interested in joining the PhD community at CSF – please visit  PhD’s at CSF , to find out how to apply.

Explore our PhD Profiles

Anna Fitzpatrick

Anna Fitzpatrick

Fashioning Political Actors: an exploration of political agency and sustainable fashion

Eldina Begic

Eldina Begic

How to wear utopia: a dress manual for the socialist future

Elisa Palomino-Perez

Elisa Palomino-Perez

Indigenous Arctic Fish Skin Heritage: Sustainability, Craft and Material Innovation.

Kadian A Gosler

Kadian A Gosler

Futuristic Bras: Centring Experience in the Design and Development of Bra Wearables.

Katelyn Toth-Fejel

Katelyn Toth-Fejel

Fashion-In-Residence: Mapping the landscape of local clothing systems.

Katherine Pogson

Katherine Pogson

The Companion Object: Materialising a dialogue with ‘nature’.

Lauren Junestrand Leal

Lauren Junestrand Leal

A cross-geographical study of second-hand fashion consumption practices.

Rawan Maki

An exploration of key levers influencing sustainability goals for the fashion sector in Bahrain.

Victoria Elizabeth Ho

Victoria Elizabeth Ho

Markers of Sustainability: Respectful Engagement Between Designer and Vietnamese Artisans in Production of Hybrid-cultural Products

phd design clothing

Graduate Fashion Week 2024 in London

18 June 2024

Two fashion design graduates from IED Milano and IED Barcelona presented their final projects on the Graduate Fashion Week (GFW) runway in London

On the occasion of the GFW , which took place from June 10th to 13th, we traveled to London to present our 2024 fashion school graduate projects in the world’s largest showcase of BA fashion talent : a platform for emerging fashion designers and connect with industry professionals.  

Two fashion collections took the runway of the international fashion event:

"Indossando la pioggia"  by Davide Cassadei (IED Milano) propose a relaboration of the formal menswear codes. Codes act as a sort of armor for what is a rebellion from a social condition of regression, homologation, and control, from the illusory feeling of being the protagonist of one's narrative. Therefore, from the design point of view, he implements a reflection on how the garments are constructed and how the multiple details contained in them can be reinterpreted, erased, misplaced, or copied, giving way to the creation of one's dress codes and an aesthetic language that maintains references both to the contemporary and to traditions as a new beginning. 

Mercè Domènech (IED Barcelona) presented "Principi, nus, desenllaç" , a collection that explores her dichotomy of having grown up between the frenzy and hardness of the city's asphalt and passing the summers wrapped in trees, rays of sunshine, and fantastic stories.  The collection reflects the shape of the chairs, window frames, etc., the texture of the fallen paint on the walls and the tufts of the cushions - all inspired by the house - in a fresh way, combining it with an urban influence. This work is reflected in the materials, cutting, and manipulations. 

On top of the catwalk show and the digital portfolios, a selection of additional outfits, accessories, and jewelry developed by IED graduates was on display throughout  the 4-day event in the GFW International Exhibition . But one particular collection caught the jury's attention and won the Best Accessories Award: Reflection by Mel Oceane Dario (IED Milano). 

The project investigates the invisibility of emotions and the complexity of the human experience. To do it, the designer created different glass modules shaped by the shapes of sand through the vibrations of a song. While these imprints might not be very clear and visible, there is still something perceivable. An analogy of how to perceive emotions: To truly experiment with them, one must take the time to personally touch the inside of the pieces. 

Davide Casadei

Indossando la pioggia

Mercè Domènech

Principi, nus, desenllaç

Mel Oceane Dario

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Graduación Undergraduate IED Barcelona 2024

12 June 2024

IED Barcelona 2024 Undergraduate Graduation

The Ceremonies will be held on 17 June in the Mediapro Imagina building.

phd design clothing

11 June 2024

Dolce & Gabbana Dal Cuore alle Mani, conversazioni con Florence Müller

IED Milan is organizing a conference dedicated to the Dolce & Gabbana exhibition, "Dal Cuore alle Mani" making its world premiere in Milan at Palazzo Reale.

phd design clothing

IED Barcelona confirms its leadership in fashion design training with Fashioners of the World

The international jury of the Final Fashion Show held on 10 June at La Paloma dance hall highlighted the high level of the collections exhibited in this 20th edition, with more accolades awarded than ever before.

phd design clothing

07 June 2024

The future of Fashion opens to the City of Milan

New edition of the IED Milano fashion School graduate show will take place on June 26 and 27. Come to discover and vote the best graduate collections!

03 June 2024

Marc Sanz Pey, Guest Speaker of the EAS class of 2020–2024

The IED Barcelona Fashion alumnus was the guest of honour at the Government of Catalonia’s Institutional Graduation Ceremony, which took place on 27 May at the Victoria Theatre.

29 May 2024

IED Barcelona, more Barcelona than ever

In June, projects by final-year Fashion, Product and Interior Design as well as Visual Arts students will take over various emblematic spaces in the city to bring the School’s talent and innovation in design closer to citizens.

IED Barcelona MANE The Scent of Design

24 May 2024

What does design smell like?

“The Scent of Design”, the co-creation project between IED Barcelona and MANE in which nine interdisciplinary teams created a perfume related to a design in their field of expertise, has come to an end. These are the results.

“Made in Italy, entre tradición e innovación” IED Barcelona

22 May 2024

“Made in Italy, between tradition and innovation”

On 14 May, IED Barcelona hosted this event discussing some of the key factors in the success of Italian companies who have made a name for themselves across the world, such as creativity, in its Point 2 facilities.

Un look del alumnus del IED Barcelona Javier Girón (JNORIG) diseñado con Clod3D, en Eurovisión Soraya Arnelas

14 May 2024

A look by IED Barcelona alumnus Javier Girón (JNORIG), designed using Clod3D, in Eurovision

The singer Soraya Arnelas, tasked with delivering Spain’s results in one of the world’s most-watched television programmes, wore this mini dress from the collection “Profundidad superficial”.

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