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mahatma gandhi death essay

The Death of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was shot on 30 January 1948 by the Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse. His death reverberated across the globe.

Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi.

T he 20th century’s most famous apostle of non-violence himself met a violent end. Mohandas Mahatma (‘the great soul’) Gandhi, who had taken a leading role in spearheading the campaign for independence from Britain, hailed the partition of the sub-continent into the separate independent states of India and Pakistan in August 1947 as ‘the noblest act of the British nation’. He was, though, horrified by the violence that broke out between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs; and the eviction of thousands from their homes in the run-up to Independence Day, 15 August 1947, and undertook a fast to the death, a tactic he had employed before, to shame those who provoked and took part in the strife. Messages of support came from around the world, including Pakistan, where Jinnah’s new government commended his concern for peace and harmony. There were Hindus, however, who thought that Gandhi’s insistence on non-violence and non-retaliation prevented them from defending themselves against attack. Ominous cries of ‘Let Gandhi die!’ were heard in Delhi, where Gandhi was occupying a mansion called Birla Lodge.

Read Next: How Has Gandhi Influenced Indian History Since His Death?

On 13 January, beginning what would prove to be his last fast, the Mahatma said: ‘Death for me would be a glorious deliverance rather than that I should be a helpless witness of the destruction of India, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam’, and explained that his dream was for the Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Muslims of all India to live together in amity. On the 20th a group of Hindu fanatics, who detested Gandhi’s calls for tolerance and peace, set off a bomb some yards from him, which did no harm. It was not the first attempt on Gandhi’s life, but he said: ‘If I am to die by the bullet of a madman, I must do so smiling. There must be no anger within me. God must be in my heart and on my lips.’

On 29 January one of the fanatics, a man in his thirties named Nathuram Godse, returned to Delhi, armed with a Beretta automatic pistol. About 5pm in the afternoon of the next day, the 78-year-old Gandhi, frail from fasting, was being helped across the gardens of Birla House by his greatnieces on his way to a prayer meeting when Nathuram Godse emerged from the admiring crowd, bowed to him and shot him three times at point-blank range in the stomach and chest. Gandhi raised his hands in front of his face in the conventional Hindu gesture of greeting, almost if he was welcoming his murderer, and slumped to the ground, mortally wounded. Some said that he cried out, ‘Ram, Ram’ (‘God, God’), though others did not hear him say anything. In the confusion there was no attempt to call a doctor or get the dying man to hospital and he died within half an hour.

Nathuram Godse tried but failed to shoot himself and was seized and hustled away while the shocked, hysterical crowd cried out, ‘Kill him, kill him!’ and threatened to lynch him. He was tried for murder in May and hanged in November the following year.

Nathuram Vinayak Godse, seated on the left of the front row, at the trial.

Meanwhile, Gandhi’s body was laid out on the terrace of Birla House, draped in a white cotton cloth that left his face uncovered, and a single spotlight focused on the corpse as all the other lights were turned off. Speaking on the radio, the Indian prime minister Pandit Nehru said: ‘The father of the nation is no more. Now that the light has gone out of our lives I do not quite know what to tell you and how to say it. Our beloved leader is no more.’

The following day an enormous crowd estimated at nearly one million people lined the five-mile route of the funeral procession to the bank of the Jumna River as the body, draped in the Indian flag, was carried on an army truck while air force planes overhead dropped flowers. Repeated incursions from the crowd meant that the journey took five hours and the police had to clear space by force while the bier was lifted onto the sandalwood funeral pyre and the body was cremated in the traditional manner. As the flames burned, the grieving crowd showered the pyre with petals. The ashes were kept on the river bank for three days before they were taken away for immersion at the spot where the Jumna joins the Ganges.

Read Next: Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru – India’s Frustrated Visionaries?

Despite the efforts of Nehru and other leaders, violence erupted in Bombay and elsewhere in India, with riots and arson. There were attacks on Brahmins, because the killer was a Brahmin. Police in Bombay had to open fire on the rioters. It was an outcome which would have profoundly horrified Gandhi himself.

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Mahatma Gandhi

By: History.com Editors

Updated: June 6, 2019 | Original: July 30, 2010

Mahatma GandhiIndian statesman and activist Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 - 1948), circa 1940. (Photo by Dinodia Photos/Getty Images)

Revered the world over for his nonviolent philosophy of passive resistance, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to his many followers as Mahatma, or “the great-souled one.” He began his activism as an Indian immigrant in South Africa in the early 1900s, and in the years following World War I became the leading figure in India’s struggle to gain independence from Great Britain. Known for his ascetic lifestyle–he often dressed only in a loincloth and shawl–and devout Hindu faith, Gandhi was imprisoned several times during his pursuit of non-cooperation, and undertook a number of hunger strikes to protest the oppression of India’s poorest classes, among other injustices. After Partition in 1947, he continued to work toward peace between Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi was shot to death in Delhi in January 1948 by a Hindu fundamentalist.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. His father was the dewan (chief minister) of Porbandar; his deeply religious mother was a devoted practitioner of Vaishnavism (worship of the Hindu god Vishnu), influenced by Jainism, an ascetic religion governed by tenets of self-discipline and nonviolence. At the age of 19, Mohandas left home to study law in London at the Inner Temple, one of the city’s four law colleges. Upon returning to India in mid-1891, he set up a law practice in Bombay, but met with little success. He soon accepted a position with an Indian firm that sent him to its office in South Africa. Along with his wife, Kasturbai, and their children, Gandhi remained in South Africa for nearly 20 years.

Did you know? In the famous Salt March of April-May 1930, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea. The march resulted in the arrest of nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself.

Gandhi was appalled by the discrimination he experienced as an Indian immigrant in South Africa. When a European magistrate in Durban asked him to take off his turban, he refused and left the courtroom. On a train voyage to Pretoria, he was thrown out of a first-class railway compartment and beaten up by a white stagecoach driver after refusing to give up his seat for a European passenger. That train journey served as a turning point for Gandhi, and he soon began developing and teaching the concept of satyagraha (“truth and firmness”), or passive resistance, as a way of non-cooperation with authorities.

The Birth of Passive Resistance

In 1906, after the Transvaal government passed an ordinance regarding the registration of its Indian population, Gandhi led a campaign of civil disobedience that would last for the next eight years. During its final phase in 1913, hundreds of Indians living in South Africa, including women, went to jail, and thousands of striking Indian miners were imprisoned, flogged and even shot. Finally, under pressure from the British and Indian governments, the government of South Africa accepted a compromise negotiated by Gandhi and General Jan Christian Smuts, which included important concessions such as the recognition of Indian marriages and the abolition of the existing poll tax for Indians.

In July 1914, Gandhi left South Africa to return to India. He supported the British war effort in World War I but remained critical of colonial authorities for measures he felt were unjust. In 1919, Gandhi launched an organized campaign of passive resistance in response to Parliament’s passage of the Rowlatt Acts, which gave colonial authorities emergency powers to suppress subversive activities. He backed off after violence broke out–including the massacre by British-led soldiers of some 400 Indians attending a meeting at Amritsar–but only temporarily, and by 1920 he was the most visible figure in the movement for Indian independence.

Leader of a Movement

As part of his nonviolent non-cooperation campaign for home rule, Gandhi stressed the importance of economic independence for India. He particularly advocated the manufacture of khaddar, or homespun cloth, in order to replace imported textiles from Britain. Gandhi’s eloquence and embrace of an ascetic lifestyle based on prayer, fasting and meditation earned him the reverence of his followers, who called him Mahatma (Sanskrit for “the great-souled one”). Invested with all the authority of the Indian National Congress (INC or Congress Party), Gandhi turned the independence movement into a massive organization, leading boycotts of British manufacturers and institutions representing British influence in India, including legislatures and schools.

After sporadic violence broke out, Gandhi announced the end of the resistance movement, to the dismay of his followers. British authorities arrested Gandhi in March 1922 and tried him for sedition; he was sentenced to six years in prison but was released in 1924 after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. He refrained from active participation in politics for the next several years, but in 1930 launched a new civil disobedience campaign against the colonial government’s tax on salt, which greatly affected Indian’s poorest citizens.

A Divided Movement

In 1931, after British authorities made some concessions, Gandhi again called off the resistance movement and agreed to represent the Congress Party at the Round Table Conference in London. Meanwhile, some of his party colleagues–particularly Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a leading voice for India’s Muslim minority–grew frustrated with Gandhi’s methods, and what they saw as a lack of concrete gains. Arrested upon his return by a newly aggressive colonial government, Gandhi began a series of hunger strikes in protest of the treatment of India’s so-called “untouchables” (the poorer classes), whom he renamed Harijans, or “children of God.” The fasting caused an uproar among his followers and resulted in swift reforms by the Hindu community and the government.

In 1934, Gandhi announced his retirement from politics in, as well as his resignation from the Congress Party, in order to concentrate his efforts on working within rural communities. Drawn back into the political fray by the outbreak of World War II , Gandhi again took control of the INC, demanding a British withdrawal from India in return for Indian cooperation with the war effort. Instead, British forces imprisoned the entire Congress leadership, bringing Anglo-Indian relations to a new low point.

Partition and Death of Gandhi

After the Labor Party took power in Britain in 1947, negotiations over Indian home rule began between the British, the Congress Party and the Muslim League (now led by Jinnah). Later that year, Britain granted India its independence but split the country into two dominions: India and Pakistan. Gandhi strongly opposed Partition, but he agreed to it in hopes that after independence Hindus and Muslims could achieve peace internally. Amid the massive riots that followed Partition, Gandhi urged Hindus and Muslims to live peacefully together, and undertook a hunger strike until riots in Calcutta ceased.

In January 1948, Gandhi carried out yet another fast, this time to bring about peace in the city of Delhi. On January 30, 12 days after that fast ended, Gandhi was on his way to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi when he was shot to death by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu fanatic enraged by Mahatma’s efforts to negotiate with Jinnah and other Muslims. The next day, roughly 1 million people followed the procession as Gandhi’s body was carried in state through the streets of the city and cremated on the banks of the holy Jumna River.

salt march, 1930, indians, gandhi, ahmadabad, arabian sea, british salt taxes

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The Brutal Death Of Mahatma Gandhi, India’s Voice For Unity Who Was Assassinated In Front Of Thousands

Just months after leading the independence of india from the british in 1947, gandhi was shot three times at point-blank range by a hindu extremist named nathuram godse..

Mahatma Gandhi Death

Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images One of the last photos taken before Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.

Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination on January 30, 1948, shocked the world. Just the year before, the nonviolent activist achieved his life’s goal when the British withdrew from India and the country celebrated their first ever Independence Day.

But that milestone achievement would lead to Gandhi’s death a few short months later.

Gaining independence from an imperial power left the Indian subcontinent divided, and many blamed the violence surrounding this partition on Gandhi. Although Gandhi had opposed dividing the territory along religious lines, extremists nonetheless accused him of taking sides. Gandhi listened as enemies cried out, “Let Gandhi die!”

On his final day, Gandhi was weak with fasting and was being led across the gardens of Birla House where he was living when a Hindu fanatic named Nathuram Godse stepped out of the crowd. He bowed before Gandhi, then stood and shot him three times at point-blank range in the stomach and chest.

This is the shocking story of Mahatma Gandhi’s death at the hands of a religious zealot.

Mahatma Gandhi Battles Against Partition

In 1947, British rule in India ended. But the British left behind a major question: would the territory remain united, or would it split into two states based on religious beliefs?

During World War II, religious violence polarized the colony. Many advocated for a two-state solution, with East and West Pakistan governing over majority Muslim areas while India would govern a majority Hindu nation. Muslim League leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah argued for a partition along religious lines, in part to protect the minority Muslim populations in the British colony.

The question of partition divided Indians. Gandhi originally opposed partition as he believed that splitting the subcontinent along religious lines would create more violence. Instead, Gandhi recommended uniting across religious barriers.

Mahatma Gandhi

Wikimedia Commons A portrait of Mahatma Gandhi from 1931.

Unfortunately, Gandhi’s prediction of violence proved true. When the British withdrew, they handed power to the new states of India and Pakistan — and religious violence quickly swept across the new nations. Riots broke out, especially along the borders of the new territories.

Ultimately, partition displaced 15 million people, and the violence claimed one million lives.

Gandhi’s advocacy for nonviolence earned him enemies. To some Hindus, Gandhi’s way meant leaving themselves open to attacks. Others felt that Gandhi was too soft on Muslims, unfairly siding with them against Hindus.

Then, on Jan. 20, 1948, Gandhi barely escaped an assassination attempt when a radical group of Hindus set off a bomb mere yards from the 78-year-old.

“If I am to die by the bullet of a madman, I must do so smiling,” Gandhi said after the fact. “There must be no anger within me. God must be in my heart and on my lips.”

Gandhi also had a message for the radicals who thought he favored Muslims. “Don’t do this,” Gandhi begged . “The Hindu religion is not going to be saved by such acts. I insist that if the Hindu religion is to be saved, it can be saved only through the kind of work I am doing.”

Rather than running from death, Gandhi embraced it. “Death for me would be a glorious deliverance rather than that I should be a helpless witness of the destruction of India, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Islam.” He said this in the days leading up to his brutal execution.

Then, ten days later, an assassin reached Gandhi and killed him.

On The Day Of Gandhi’s Assassination

On Jan. 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi walked out of Birla House in Delhi around 5 p.m. Weak from completing his last fast, Gandhi was led by his grandnieces to a prayer meeting where thousands of his supporters were awaiting him.

Then, a Hindu zealot named Nathuram Vinayak Godse.

Godse believed Gandhi had betrayed his fellow Hindus by taking pro-Muslim stances. So he brought a Beretta automatic pistol to Delhi and planned to kill him.

But before doing so, Godse bowed to Gandhi in a mock show of greeting. When he stood, he fired three shots — they hit Gandhi in the chest and stomach.

Nathuram Godse

Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images Nathuram Vinayak Godse, the zealot who killed Gandhi.

At the moment before his assassination, Gandhi raised his hands in a Hindu greeting gesture. Then, when the shots hit, he fell to the ground, his grandnieces at his sides.

In the chaos after Gandhi’s death, Godse tried to shoot himself. But as a mob of enraged Gandhi supporters yelled “Kill him, kill him,” authorities seized Godse and placed him under arrest.

One year later, a court sentenced Gandhi’s assassin to death. Godse was hanged in November 1949.

The Icon’s Funeral And Legacy

News of the peaceful leader’s death reached the media within the hour.

That night, India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru addressed the nation. He announced Gandhi’s death and his funeral the next day.

“Gandhi has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere,” Nehru announced . “The father of our nation is no more.”

Gandhi's Funeral

Wikimedia Commons A crowd of nearly one million people lined the procession for the fallen icon’s funeral.

“Now that the light has gone out of our lives I do not quite know what to tell you and how to say it,” Nehru added. “Our beloved leader is no more.”

One paper reported, “The crowds insisted they wished to see Gandhi’s face once more … All roads to Birla House were jammed.”

A crowd of nearly one million lined up for the funeral procession that crossed Delhi to the Jumna River.

The five-mile procession took five hours. Planes dropped flowers on the crowd. At the end of the procession, Gandhi’s body was burned on a sandalwood funeral pyre.

In spite of his message of nonviolence, riots and arson broke out in the wake of Gandhi’s death. Rioters targeted members of extremist groups. In Bombay, police even fired into crowds. It was a terrible legacy for a man devoted to peace.

In the decades after Gandhi’s death, his reputation for political activism and his efforts to gain independence for India influenced generations. But his warning about partition also proved true.

He would have gladly given his life for peace. Unfortunately, even his death could not heal the divide between India and Pakistan.

Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination divided India. Next, read about other assassinations that shook up history, like that of Martin Luther King Jr. or Abraham Lincoln .

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mahatma gandhi death essay

Mahatma Gandhi

Date of Birth: October 2, 1869

Place of Birth: Porbandar, British India (now Gujarat)

Date of Death: January 30, 1948

Place of Death: Delhi, India

Cause of Death: Assassination

Professions: Lawyer, politician, activist, writer

Spouse : Kasturba Gandhi

Children: Harilal Gandhi, Manilal Gandhi, Ramdas Gandhi and Devdas Gandhi

Father: Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi

Mother: Putlibai Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an eminent freedom activist and an influential political leader who played a dominant role in India's struggle for independence. Gandhi is known by different names, such as Mahatma (a great soul), Bapuji (endearment for father in Gujarati) and Father of the Nation. Every year, his birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday in India, and also observed as the International Day of Nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi, as he is most commonly referred to, was instrumental in liberating India from the clutches of the British. With his unusual yet powerful political tools of Satyagraha and non-violence, he inspired several other political leaders all over the world including the likes of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and Aung San Suu Kyi. Gandhi, apart from helping India triumph in its fight for independence against the English, also led a simple and righteous life, for which he is often revered. Gandhi's early life was pretty much ordinary, and he became a great man during the course of his life. This is one of the main reasons why Gandhi is followed by millions, for he proved that one can become a great soul during the course of one’s life, should they possess the will to do so. 

mahatma gandhi death essay

M. K. Gandhi was born in the princely state of Porbandar, which is located in modern-day Gujarat. He was born into a Hindu merchant caste family to Karamchand Gandhi, diwan of Porbandar and his fourth wife, Putlibai. Gandhi’s mother belonged to an affluent Pranami Vaishnava family. As a child, Gandhi was a very naughty and mischievous kid. In fact, his sister Raliat had once revealed that hurting dogs by twisting their ears was among Maohandas’ favorite pastime. During the course of his childhood, Gandhi befriended Sheikh Mehtab, who was introduced to him by his older brother. Gandhi, who was raised by a vegetarian family, started eating meat. It is also said that a young Gandhi accompanied Sheikh to a brothel, but left the place after finding it uncomfortable. Gandhi, along with one of his relatives, also cultivated the habit of smoking after watching his uncle smoke. After smoking the leftover cigarettes, thrown away by his uncle, Gandhi started stealing copper coins from his servants in order to buy Indian cigarettes. When he could no longer steal, he even decided to commit suicide such was Gandhi’s addiction to cigarettes. At the age of fifteen, after stealing a bit of gold from his friend Sheikh’s armlet, Gandhi felt remorseful and confessed to his father about his stealing habit and vowed to him that he would never commit such mistakes again.

In his early years, Gandhi was deeply influenced by the stories of Shravana and Harishchandra that reflected the importance of truth. Through these stories and from his personal experiences, he realized that truth and love are among the supreme values. Mohandas married Kasturba Makhanji at the age of 13. Gandhi later went on to reveal that the marriage didn’t mean anything to him at that age and that he was happy and excited only about wearing new set of clothes. But then as days passed by, his feelings for her turned lustful, which he later confessed with regret in his autobiography. Gandhi had also confessed that he could no more concentrate in school because of his mind wavering towards his new and young wife.

mahatma gandhi death essay

After his family moved to Rajkot, a nine year old Gandhi was enrolled at a local school, where he studied the basics of arithmetic, history, geography and languages. When he was 11 years old, he attended a high school in Rajkot. He lost an academic year in between because of his wedding but later rejoined the school and eventually completed his schooling. He then dropped out of Samaldas College in Bhavnagar State after joining it in the year 1888. Later Gandhi was advised by a family friend Mavji Dave Joshiji to pursue law in London. Excited by the idea, Gandhi managed to convince his mother and wife by vowing before them that he would abstain from eating meat and from having sex in London. Supported by his brother, Gandhi left to London and attended the Inner Temple and practiced law. During his stay in London, Gandhi joined a Vegetarian Society and was soon introduced to Bhagavad Gita by some of his vegetarian friends. The contents of Bhagavad Gita would later have a massive influence on his life. He came back to India after being called to the bar by Inner Temple.

Gandhi in South Africa

After returning to India, Gandhi struggled to find work as a lawyer. In 1893, Dada Abdullah, a merchant who owned a shipping business in South Africa asked if he would be interested to serve as his cousin’s lawyer in South Africa. Gandhi gladly accepted the offer and left to South Africa, which would serve as a turning point in his political career. 

In South Africa, he faced racial discrimination directed towards blacks and Indians. He faced humiliation on many occasions but made up his mind to fight for his rights. This turned him into an activist and he took upon him many cases that would benefit the Indians and other minorities living in South Africa. Indians were not allowed to vote or walk on footpaths as those privileges were limited strictly to the Europeans. Gandhi questioned this unfair treatment and eventually managed to establish an organization named ‘Natal Indian Congress’ in 1894. After he came across an ancient Indian literature known as ‘Tirukkural’, which was originally written in Tamil and later translated into many languages, Gandhi was influenced by the idea of Satyagraha (devotion to the truth) and implemented non-violent protests around 1906. After spending 21 years in South Africa, where he fought for civil rights, he had transformed into a new person and he returned to India in 1915. 

mahatma gandhi death essay

Gandhi and the Indian National Congress

After his long stay in South Africa and his activism against the racist policy of the British, Gandhi had earned the reputation as a nationalist, theorist and organiser. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a senior leader of the Indian National Congress, invited Gandhi to join India’s struggle for independence against the British Rule. Gokhale thoroughly guided Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi about the prevailing political situation in India and also the social issues of the time. He then joined the Indian National Congress and before taking over the leadership in 1920, headed many agitations which he named Satyagraha.

Gandhi and Indian National Congress

Image source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/17029304817074165/

Champaran Satyagraha

The Champaran agitation in 1917 was the first major success of Gandhi after his arrival in India. The peasants of the area were forced by the British landlords to grow Indigo, which was a cash crop, but its demand had been declining. To make the matters worse, they were forced to sell their crops to the planters at a fixed price. The farmers turned to Gandhiji for help. Pursuing a strategy of nonviolent agitation, Gandhi took the administration by surprise and was successful in getting concessions from the authorities. This campaign marked Gandhi’s arrival in India!

Kheda Satyagraha

Farmers asked the British to relax the payment of taxes as Kheda was hit by floods in 1918. When the British failed to pay heed to the requests, Gandhi took the case of the farmers and led the protests. He instructed them to refrain from paying revenues no matter what. Later, the British gave in and accepted to relax the revenue collection and gave its word to Vallabhbhai Patel, who had represented the farmers.  

Kheda Satyagraha

Image source: YouTube.com

Khilafat Movement Post World War I

Gandhi had agreed to support the British during their fight in World War I. But the British failed to grant independence post the war, as promised earlier, and as a result of this Khilafat Movement was launched. Gandhi realized that Hindus and Muslims must unite to fight the British and urged both the communities to show solidarity and unity. But his move was questioned by many Hindu leaders. Despite the opposition from many leaders, Gandhi managed to amass the support of Muslims. But as the Khilafat Movement ended abruptly, all his efforts evaporated into thin air.

Non-cooperation Movement and Gandhi

Non-cooperation Movement was one of Gandhi’s most important movements against the British. Gandhi’s urged his fellow countrymen to stop co-operation with the British. He believed that the British succeeded in India only because of the co-operation of the Indians. He had cautioned the British not to pass the Rowlatt Act, but they did not pay any attention to his words and passed the Act. As announced, Gandhiji asked everyone to start civil disobedience against the British. The British began suppressing the civil disobedience movement by force and opened fire on a peaceful crowd in Delhi. The British asked Gandhiji to not enter Delhi which he defied as a result of which he was arrested and this further enraged people and they rioted. He urged people to show unity, non-violence and respect for human life. But the British responded aggressively to this and arrested many protesters. 

On 13 April 1919, a British officer, Dyer, ordered his forces to open fire on a peaceful gathering, including women and children, in Amritsar’s Jallianwala Bagh. As a result of this, hundreds of innocent Hindu and Sikh civilians were killed. The incident is known as ‘Jallianwala Bagh Massacre’. But Gandhi criticized the protesters instead of blaming the English and asked Indians to use love while dealing with the hatred of British. He urged the Indians to refrain from all kinds of non-violence and went on fast-to-death to pressure Indians to stop their rioting.  

Non-cooperation Movement and Gandhi

Image source: Wikimedia.org

The concept of non-cooperation became very popular and started spreading through the length and breadth of India. Gandhi extended this movement and focused on Swaraj. He urged people to stop using British goods. He also asked people to resign from government employment, quit studying in British institutions and stop practicing in law courts. However, the violent clash in Chauri Chaura town of Uttar Pradesh, in February 1922, forced Gandhiji to call-off the movement all of a sudden. Gandhi was arrested on 10th March 1922 and was tried for sedition. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment, but served only two years in prison. 

Simon Commission & Salt Satyagraha (Dandi March)

During the period of 1920s, Mahatma Gandhi concentrated on resolving the wedge between the Swaraj Party and the Indian National Congress. In 1927, British had appointed Sir John Simon as the head of a new constitutional reform commission, popularly known as ‘Simon Commission’. There was not even a single Indian in the commission. Agitated by this, Gandhi passed a resolution at the Calcutta Congress in December 1928, calling on the British government to grant India dominion status. In case of non-compliance with this demand, the British were to face a new campaign of non-violence, having its goal as complete independence for the country. The resolution was rejected by the British. The flag of India was unfurled by the Indian national Congress on 31st December 1929 at its Lahore session. January 26, 1930 was celebrated as the Independence Day of India. 

But the British failed to recognize it and soon they levied a tax on salt and Salt Satyagraha was launched in March 1930, as an opposition to this move. Gandhi started the Dandi March with his followers in March, going from Ahmedabad to Dandi on foot. The protest was successful and resulted in the Gandhi-Irwin Pact in March 1931.

mahatma gandhi death essay

Negotiations over Round Table Conferences

Post the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Gandhi was invited to round table conferences by the British. While Gandhi pressed for the Indian independence, British questioned Gandhi’s motives and asked him not to speak for the entire nation. They invited many religious leaders and B. R. Ambedkar to represent the untouchables. The British promised many rights to various religious groups as well as the untouchables. Fearing this move would divide India further, Gandhi protested against this by fasting. After learning about the true intentions of the British during the second conference, he came up with another Satyagraha, for which he was once again arrested.

Quit India Movement

As the World War II progressed, Mahatma Gandhi intensified his protests for the complete independence of India. He drafted a resolution calling for the British to Quit India. The 'Quit India Movement' or the 'Bharat Chhodo Andolan' was the most aggressive movement launched by the Indian national Congrees under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was arrested on 9th August 1942 and was held for two years in the Aga Khan Palace in Pune, where he lost his secretary, Mahadev Desai and his wife, Kasturba. The Quit India Movement came to an end by the end of 1943, when the British gave hints that complete power would be transferred to the people of India. Gandhi called off the movement which resulted in the release of 100,000 political prisoners. 

mahatma gandhi death essay

Freedom and Partition of India

The independence cum partition proposal offered by the British Cabinet Mission in 1946 was accepted by the Congress, despite being advised otherwise by Mahatma Gandhi. Sardar Patel convinced Gandhi that it was the only way to avoid civil war and he reluctantly gave his consent. After India's independence, Gandhi focused on peace and unity of Hindus and Muslims. He launched his last fast-unto-death in Delhi, and asked people to stop communal violence and emphasized that the payment of Rs. 55 crores, as per the Partition Council agreement, be made to Pakistan. Ultimately, all political leaders conceded to his wishes and he broke his fast. 

Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

The inspiring life of Mahatma Gandhi came to an end on 30th January 1948, when he was shot by a fanatic, Nathuram Godse, at point-blank range. Nathuram was a Hindu radical, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by ensuring the partition payment to Pakistan. Godse and his co-conspirator, Narayan Apte, were later tried and convicted. They were executed on 15th November 1949. 

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Mahatma Gandhi’s Legacy

Mahatma Gandhi proposed the acceptance and practice of truth, peace, non-violence, vegetarianism, Brahmacharya (celibacy), simplicity and faith in God. Though he would be remembered forever for his great contribution to the Indian freedom movement, his greatest legacies are the tools of peace and non-iolence that he preached and used in India's struggle for freedom against the British. He was for peace and non-violence all over the world, as he truly believed that only these virtues can save the mankind. Mahatma Gandhi once wrote a letter to Hitler , before the World War II, pleading him to avoid war. These methods inspired several other world leaders in their struggle against injustice. His statues are installed all over the world and he is considered the most prominent personality in Indian history.

Gandhi in Popular Culture

The word Mahatma is often mistaken in the West as Gandhi’s first name. His extraordinary life inspired innumerable works of art in the field of literature, art and showbiz. Many movies and documentaries have been made on the life of the Mahatma. Post the Independence, Gandhi’s image became the mainstay of Indian paper currency. 

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Source: Mahatma Gandhi Quotes @ FamousQuotes123

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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi summary

Explore the life of mahatma gandhi as a political and social activist.

Mahatma Gandhi , byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , (born Oct. 2, 1869, Porbandar, India—died Jan. 30, 1948, Delhi), Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism and prophet of nonviolence in the 20th century.

Gandhi grew up in a home steeped in religion, and he took for granted religious tolerance and the doctrine of ahimsa (noninjury to all living beings). He studied law in England from 1888 to 1891, and in 1893 he took a job with an Indian firm in South Africa. There he became an effective advocate for Indian rights.

In 1906 he first put into action satyagraha, his technique of nonviolent resistance. His success in South Africa gave him an international reputation, and in 1915 he returned to India and within a few years became the leader of a nationwide struggle for Indian home rule. By 1920 Gandhi commanded influence hitherto unattained by any political leader in India.

He refashioned the Indian National Congress into an effective political instrument of Indian nationalism and undertook major campaigns of nonviolent resistance in 1920–22, 1930–34 (including his momentous march to the sea to collect salt to protest a government monopoly), and 1940–42. In the 1930s he also campaigned to end discrimination against India’s lower-caste “ untouchables ” (Dalits; officially designated as Scheduled Castes) and concentrated on educating rural India and promoting cottage industry.

India achieved dominion status in 1947, but the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan was a great disappointment to Gandhi, who had long worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. In September 1947 he ended rioting in Calcutta (Kolkata) by fasting. Known as the Mahatma (“Great-Souled”), Gandhi had won the affection and loyalty of millions. In January 1948 he was shot and killed by a young Hindu fanatic.

Mahatma Gandhi

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India and the Death of Mahatma Gandhi

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s classic photo-essay captured India at a critical time in its history

Henri Cartier-Bresson

mahatma gandhi death essay

Throughout his career, Henri Cartier-Bresson defined himself as the antithesis of a traditional photojournalist, famously writing: “I would like to stress my point of view: I have never been a storyteller.” The considerable influence of Surrealism on his practice is evident in his regard for photography as only being of any relevance as a tool for “instant drawing”. It was his colleague and Magnum Photos co-founder Robert Capa who encouraged Cartier-Bresson to make more documentary work, and indeed to visit India in the first place.

mahatma gandhi death essay

Cartier-Bresson initially set out to create a photographic essay that would capture the essence of the country, its past and present at a time of rapid social change. India’s recent independence from Britain had quickly deteriorated into unrest with the partition of the country into Hindu India and Muslim East and West Pakistan. At the centre of these upheavals was Mahatma Gandhi, who, after campaigning for India’s independence, was now protesting for the end of the violence between Hindus and Muslims. Cartier-Bresson had exclusive access to Gandhi, recording the activist’s hunger strike in protest of riots in which millions died. However, with the assassination of Gandhi on January 30, 1948, the day after he had taken his portrait, he unexpectedly found himself witness to a major historical event. The photographs Cartier-Bresson made in the aftermath of Gandhi’s death offer a unique visual record of the event, and epitomize, although perhaps not intentionally, what makes an iconic photo-essay.

mahatma gandhi death essay

Cartier-Bresson resisted the label of journalist, however he was both deeply interested in and possessed of a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of photojournalism, which he laid out in the introduction to his book The Decisive Moment ; “To me photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.” His photo story the ‘Death of Gandhi’ embodies this dual-pronged approach, both acting to capture a significant historic moment and formally expressing the anguish and sorrow of the event.

mahatma gandhi death essay

This story was also published in the book Magnum Stories , published by Phaidon , where an extensive extract from Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Decisive Moment can be read. A very limited number of  copies of Magnum Stories are available from the Magnum Shop, signed by Magnum photographers .

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In Search of Gandhi: Essays and Reflections

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Five Encounters with Death

  • Published: October 2004
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This chapter presents an essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s encounters with death during his fight for Indian rights in South Africa. It recalls when Gandhi arrived in Durban in January 1897, he was attacked by a mob of white settlers. Gandhi refused to file charges against the perpetrators of the attack and his voluntary surrender of his right to seek redress against his assailants was a remarkable gesture. He did not indulge in self-pity or heroics, but was able to turn the incident to good account in his political battle against racial discrimination against Indians in South Africa.

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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi | Mahatma Gandhi Essay for Students and Children in English 500 Words

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English (महात्मा गांधी एसे इंग्लिश में): Mahatma Gandhi, an apostle of non-violence and preacher of truth, was born on October 2nd, 1869 in Gujarat. He belonged to a well-to-do family. Throughout his school days, he remained a shy boy but was a good and regular student. He later went to England to study law and became a barrister. Then he returned to India and began to practice at the Bombay High Court. But he was not very interested in the legal profession. So, he joined the struggle for India’s Independence.

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essay on mahatma gandhi in english for class 5

Long and Short Essays About Gandhiji

He went to South Africa. There, he made his best efforts to improve a lot of the Indians. He underwent all the sufferings but remained steadfast in his convictions.

He could not bear the miserable plight of Indian masses suffering and starving under British rule. In order to uproot the Britishers from the Indian soil, Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything.

His entire life is a saga of valor and sacrifices. Freedom was the breath of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. In 1919 he started a non-violent and peaceful movement. Hindu-Muslim unity, removal of untouchability and usage of Swadeshi (domestic-made) goods were his life-long missions. He launched the ‘Khadi Movement’ to encourage the use of handspun fibers like khadi or jute. ‘Khadi Movement’ was part of a bigger movement “Non¬co-operation Movement” which encouraged the use of Indian goods and boycotting of foreign goods.

Get a Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi and 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Students and Children in English

Essay On Mahatma Gandhi in English (महात्मा गांधी एस्से इन इंग्लिश)

Mahatma Gandhi was a man of sound and strong convictions. He had a noble soul. He wore very simple clothes and took simple vegetarian food. He was not only a man of words but also of action. He practiced what he preached. His approach to various problems was non-violent. He was a God-fearing person. He was the cynosure of all the eyes. He hated communalism in every shape or form. He was a friend of all and an enemy of none. He was universally loved and liked. That’s why Indian masses bestowed him with the title ‘Mahatma’.

The part played by Mahatma Gandhi on the stage of Indian politics is unforgettable. In those stormy days of the struggle for Indian Independence, Gandhi suffered and was imprisoned several times but freedom of his motherland remained his cherished goal. He guided many freedom struggles and launched the “Quit India Movement.”

Conclusion on Mahatma Gandhi Essay

His tragic death on January 30th, 1948, plunged the entire nation into the gloom. He was assassinated by a Hindu frantic. His death was the greatest blow to the forces of peace and democracy. The memorable words of Lord Mountbatten are worth quoting, “India, indeed the world, will not see the likes of him perhaps for centuries.” His death left a great vacuum in the life of the nation. His birthday 2nd October is commemorated as ‘Gandhi Jayanti’, a national holiday in Indian, and worldwide as the ‘International Day of Non-violence’.

The whole world still loves and respects this veteran of the twentieth century who has left an indelible mark on the sands of time.

FAQ’s On Mahatma Gandhi Essay

Question 1. What is the essay of Mahatma Gandhi?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi, an apostle of non-violence and preacher of truth, was born on October 2nd, 1869 in Gujarat. He belonged to a well-to-do family.

Question 2. Why is Mahatma Gandhi called Father of Nation?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi is called as Father of Nation because he is the person who divides India from foreign dominations and established India as a nation.

Question 3. Who was the father of the nation explain in a hundred words?

Answer: Father of Nation is Mahatma Gandhi, his full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was conferred by Mahatma which means great soul and this name was given by his great friend Rabindranath Tagore. Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat in October 2nd, 1869.

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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi [100, 150, 200, 300, 500 Words]

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English: In this article, you are going to read short and long essays on Mahatma Gandhi in English (100, 150, 200-250, 300, and 500 words). This article will be also helpful for you If you are looking for a speech on Mahatma Gandhi or Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi in English. We’ve written this article for students of all classes (nursery to class 12). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi 100 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of our country. He was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Dewan and his mother Putlibai was a pious lady. Gandhiji went to England to become a barrister. In 1893 he went to South Africa and worked for the rights of our people.

He returned to India in 1915 and joined the freedom struggle. He started many political movements like Non-cooperation movement, Salt Satyagraha, Quit India Movement to fight against the British. Gandhiji worked for the ending of the caste system and the establishment of Hindu-Muslim unity. He was killed by Nathuram Godse On January 30, 1948.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 150 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader. His full name was Mohandas and Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar. His father was a Diwan. He was an average student. He went to England and returned as a barrister.

In South Africa, Gandhiji saw the bad condition of the Indians. There he raised his voice against it and organised a movement.

In India, he started the non-cooperation and Satyagraha movements to fight against the British Government. He went to jail many times. He wanted Hindu-Muslim unity. In 1947, he got freedom for us.

Gandhiji was a great social reformer. He worked for Dalits and lower-class people. He lived a very simple life. He wanted peace. He believed in Ahimsa.

On January 30, 1948, he was shot dead. We call him ‘Bapu’ out of love and respect. He is the Father of the Nation.

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English

Also Read: 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi 200-250 Words

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, freedom activist, and politician. Gandhiji was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Chief Minister (diwan) of Porbandar state. His mother Putlibai was a religious woman.

He went to England to study law at the age of 18 years. After his return to India, he started a practice as a lawyer in the Bombay High Court. He went to South Africa and started practicing law. There he protested against the injustice and harsh treatment of the white people towards the native Africans and Indians.

He returned to India in 1915 and started to take interest in politics. Mahatma Gandhi used the ideals of truth and non-violence as weapons to fight against British colonial rule. He worked for the upliftment of Harijans. He fought against untouchability and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity.

Through his freedom movements like Non-cooperation movement, Khilafat movement, and civil disobedience movement he fought for freedom against the British imperialists. 1942, he launched the Quit India movement to end the British rule. At last, India got freedom in 1947 at his initiative.

People affectionately call him ‘Bapu’ and the ‘Father of the Nation’. He was shot dead in 1948 by the Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse.  Gandhiji’s life is a true inspiration for all of us.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 300 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat on 2nd October, 1869. His father was the Diwan of the State. His name was Karam Chand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi’s full name was Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi. His mother’s name was Putali Bai. Mahatma Gandhi went to school first at Porbandar then at Rajkot. Even as a child, Mahatma never told a lie. He passed his Matric examination at the age of 18.

Mohan Das was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen. Mahatma Gandhi was sent to England to study law and became a Barrister. He lived a very simple life even in England. After getting his law degree, he returned to India.

Mr. Gandhi started his law practice. He went to South Africa in the course of a law suit. He saw the condition of the Indians living there. They were treated very badly by the white men. They were not allowed to travel in 1st class on the trains, also not allowed to enter certain localities, clubs, and so on. Once when Gandhiji was travelling in the 1st class compartment of the train, he was beaten and thrown out of the train. Then Mahatma decided to unite all Indians and started the Non-violence and Satyagrah Movement. In no time, the Movement picked up.

Mahatma Gandhi returned to India and joined Indian National Congress. He started the Non-violence, Non-cooperation Movements here also. He travelled all over India, especially the rural India to see the conditions of the poor.

Mahatma Gandhi started Satyagrah Movement to oppose the Rowlatt Act and there was the shoot-out at Jalian-Wala-Bagh. The Act was drawn after many people were killed. He then started the Salt Satyagraha and Quit India Movements. And finally, Gandhiji won freedom for us. India became free on 15th August, 1947. He is called as “Father of the Nation”. Unfortunately, Gandhiji was shot on 30 January 1948 by a Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse.

Also Read: Gandhi Jayanti Speech 10 Lines

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 500 Words


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was a politician, social activist, writer, and leader of the Indian national movement. He is a figure known all over the world. His name is a household word in India, rather, in all the world round. His creed of non-violence has placed him on the same par with Buddha, Sri Chaitanya, and Jesus Christ.

Family & Education:

Mahatma Gandhi was born in the small town of Porbandar in the Kathiwad state on October 2, 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the prime minister of Rajkot State and his mother Putlibai was a pious lady. Her influence shaped the future life of Mahatma Gandhi.

He was sent to school at a very early age, but he was not a very bright student. After his Matriculation Examination, he went to England to study law and returned home as a barrister. He began to practice law in Bombay but he was not very successful.

Life in South Africa:

In 1893 Gandhiji went to South Africa in connection with a case. He found his own countrymen treated with contempt by the whites. Gandhiji started satyagraha against this color hated. It was a non-violent protest, yet hundreds were beaten up and thousands were sent to jail. But Gandhiji did not buzz an inch from his faith in truth and non-violence and at last, he succeeded in his mission. He was awarded the title of Mahatma.

Fight for India’s Independence:

In 1915 Gandhiji came back to India after twenty long years in South Africa. He joined the Indian National congress and championed the cause of India’s freedom movement. He asked people to unite for the cause of freedom. He used the weapons of truth and non-violence to fight against the mighty British.

The horrible massacre at Jalianwalabag in Punjab touched him and he resolved to face the brute force of the British Government with moral force. In 1920 he launched the Non-cooperation movement to oppose British rule in India.

He led the famous Dandi March on 12th March 1930. This march was meant to break the salt law. And as a result of this, the British rule in India had already started shaking and he had to go to London for a Round Table Conference in 1931. But this Conference proved abortive and the country was about to give a death blow to the foreign rule.

In 1942 Gandhiji launched his final bout for freedom. He started the ‘Quit India’ movement. At last, the British Government had to quit India in 1947, and India was declared a free country on August 15, 1947.

Social Works:

Mahatma Gandhi was a social activist who fought against the evils of society. He found the Satyagraha Ashram on the banks of the Sabarmati river in Gujarat. He preached against untouchability and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. He fought tirelessly for the rights of Harijans.


Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation was a generous, god-loving, and peace-loving person. But unfortunately, he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948 at the age of 78. To commemorate Gandhiji’s birth anniversary Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on October 2. Gandhiji’s teachings and ideologies will continue to enlighten and encourage us in the future.

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  • Mahatma Gandhi Essay


Important Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Students in English

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, often called the 'Father of the Nation' , was a leader who fought for India's freedom from British rule. He believed in non-violence. Every year on October 2nd, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti to honor his efforts in freeing India.

English Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Rabindranath Tagore was the first to call Gandhiji 'Mahatma,' which means 'Great Soul' in Sanskrit. His wise ideas and beliefs led people to respect and call him 'Mahatma Gandhi.' His dedication to the country and efforts to turn his ideas into reality make Indians around the world very proud of him .

According to Mahatma Gandhi’s biography, he was born on October 2, 1869 , in Porbandar, a coastal town in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. He grew up in a Hindu family and ate basic vegetarian meals. His dad, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi, was an important leader in Porbandar State. In South Africa, he was the first to lead a peaceful protest movement, setting him apart from other demonstrators. Mahatma Gandhi also introduced the idea of Satyagraha, a nonviolent approach to opposing unfairness. He devoted 20 years of his life to battling discrimination in South Africa.

His idea of 'Ahimsa,' which means not hurting anyone, was widely admired and followed by many influential people worldwide. He became an indomitable figure who couldn't be defeated in any situation. Mahatma Gandhi initiated the 'Khadi Movement' to encourage the use of fabrics like khadi or jute. This movement was a crucial part of the larger 'Non-co-operation Movement,' which advocated for Indian goods and discouraged foreign ones. Gandhi strongly supported agriculture and encouraged people to engage in farming. He inspired Indians to embrace manual labor and emphasized self-reliance, urging them to provide for their needs and lead simple lives. He began weaving cotton clothes using the Charkha to reduce dependence on foreign goods and promote Swadeshi products among Indians.

During the fight for India's freedom, Gandhiji faced imprisonment several times along with his followers, but his main goal was always the freedom of his motherland. Even when he was in prison, he never chose the path of violence.

Mahatma Gandhi made significant contributions to various social issues. His efforts against 'untouchability' while he was in Yerwada Jail, where he went on a hunger strike against this ancient social evil, greatly helped uplift the oppressed community in modern times. He also emphasized the importance of education, cleanliness, health, and equality in society.

These qualities defined him as a person with a great soul and justified his transformation from Gandhi to Mahatma. He led many freedom movements, including the "Quit India Movement," which was highly successful. His death was a huge loss to the forces of peace and democracy, leaving a significant void in the nation's life.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a prominent Indian nationalist leader, significantly influenced Mahatma Gandhi's political ideology and leadership approach. Gandhi considered him his political teacher.

Mahatma Gandhi played a crucial role in India's fight for freedom from British rule. His life was dedicated to serving his country and its people, and he became an international symbol of Indian leadership. Even today, he continues to inspire and motivate young people worldwide with his values and principles.

Gandhi Ji was known for his strong sense of discipline. He emphasized the importance of self-discipline in achieving significant goals, a principle he applied in promoting his philosophy of Ahimsa (non-violence). Through his own life, he demonstrated that rigorous discipline can lead to the realization of any objective, provided we remain committed and dedicated. These qualities established him as a revered and respected leader whose influence extends far beyond his lifetime. His ideals continue to resonate not only in India but also around the world.


FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi Essay

1. What were the different movements that Gandhi started in order to bring Independence to India?

In order to bring freedom, Gandhi started the Satyagraha movement in 1919, the non-cooperation movement in 1921, and Civil Disobedience movement in 1930 and Quit India movement in 1942.

2. Who killed Mahatma Gandhi?

A young man named Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi when he was going to attend an evening prayer meeting.

3. Why is Gandhi known as the ‘Father of the Nation’?

Mahatma Gandhi is known as the ‘Father of the Nation’ because he laid the true foundation of independent India with his noble ideals and supreme sacrifice.

4. How do we commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution for our Nation?

His birthday on 2 nd October is celebrated as a National Holiday across the nation in order to commemorate his great contributions and sacrifices for the country’s independence.

5. What are the things we should learn from Mahatma Gandhi? 

There are various things one can learn from Gandhiji. The principles that he followed and preached his entire generation and for generations to come are commendable. He believed in ‘Ahimsa’ and taught people how any war in the world can be won through non-violence. To simply state one can learn the following principles from Gandhiji - 


Respect for elders,

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi – Contributions and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi

500+ words essay on mahatma gandhi.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi – Mahatma Gandhi was a great patriotic Indian, if not the greatest. He was a man of an unbelievably great personality. He certainly does not need anyone like me praising him. Furthermore, his efforts for Indian independence are unparalleled. Most noteworthy, there would have been a significant delay in independence without him. Consequently, the British because of his pressure left India in 1947. In this essay on Mahatma Gandhi, we will see his contribution and legacy.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Contributions of Mahatma Gandhi

First of all, Mahatma Gandhi was a notable public figure. His role in social and political reform was instrumental. Above all, he rid the society of these social evils. Hence, many oppressed people felt great relief because of his efforts. Gandhi became a famous international figure because of these efforts. Furthermore, he became the topic of discussion in many international media outlets.

Mahatma Gandhi made significant contributions to environmental sustainability. Most noteworthy, he said that each person should consume according to his needs. The main question that he raised was “How much should a person consume?”. Gandhi certainly put forward this question.

Furthermore, this model of sustainability by Gandhi holds huge relevance in current India. This is because currently, India has a very high population . There has been the promotion of renewable energy and small-scale irrigation systems. This was due to Gandhiji’s campaigns against excessive industrial development.

Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence is probably his most important contribution. This philosophy of non-violence is known as Ahimsa. Most noteworthy, Gandhiji’s aim was to seek independence without violence. He decided to quit the Non-cooperation movement after the Chauri-Chaura incident . This was due to the violence at the Chauri Chaura incident. Consequently, many became upset at this decision. However, Gandhi was relentless in his philosophy of Ahimsa.

Secularism is yet another contribution of Gandhi. His belief was that no religion should have a monopoly on the truth. Mahatma Gandhi certainly encouraged friendship between different religions.

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Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi has influenced many international leaders around the world. His struggle certainly became an inspiration for leaders. Such leaders are Martin Luther King Jr., James Beve, and James Lawson. Furthermore, Gandhi influenced Nelson Mandela for his freedom struggle. Also, Lanza del Vasto came to India to live with Gandhi.

mahatma gandhi death essay

The awards given to Mahatma Gandhi are too many to discuss. Probably only a few nations remain which have not awarded Mahatma Gandhi.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest political icons ever. Most noteworthy, Indians revere by describing him as the “father of the nation”. His name will certainly remain immortal for all generations.

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FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi

Q.1 Why Mahatma Gandhi decided to stop Non-cooperation movement?

A.1 Mahatma Gandhi decided to stop the Non-cooperation movement. This was due to the infamous Chauri-Chaura incident. There was significant violence at this incident. Furthermore, Gandhiji was strictly against any kind of violence.

Q.2 Name any two leaders influenced by Mahatma Gandhi?

A.2 Two leaders influenced by Mahatma Gandhi are Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela.

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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English- 100 words

Mahatma Gandhi was an important leader in the Indian independence movement. He is best known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which helped India to gain independence from British rule. Gandhi was also a deeply religious man, and he used his beliefs to guide his actions. In this essay, we will discuss Gandhi’s life, his teaching, and his legacy. He advocated for a non-violent approach to resistance, and his tactics helped lead to India’s freedom in 1947. Gandhi was also a prolific writer, and his essays contained powerful messages of equality, justice, and democracy. His words continue to inspire people around the world today.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English- 150 words

Mahatma Gandhi was an influential political leader in India who is best known for leading the country’s non-violent resistance movement against British colonialism. In this essay, we will explore some of Gandhi’s life and accomplishments.  Gandhi was born in 1869 in what is now Gujarat, India. He was educated in England and later returned to India to begin his law practice. In 1893, he was thrown off a train for being in a first-class compartment with a second-class ticket. This incident sparked his lifelong commitment to social justice and equality. Gandhi became a leader of the Indian National Congress and fought for India’s independence from British rule. He advocated for non-violent resistance and civil disobedience. His philosophy of satyagraha, or “truth force,” inspired many people around the world. In 1947, India finally gained its independence from Britain. After years of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, Gandhi had helped lead his country to freedom.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English- 200 words

Mahatma Gandhi was an inspiring figure who fought for India’s independence from British rule. He is also celebrated for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance. In this essay, we will examine Gandhi’s life, his work for Indian independence, and his legacy. Gandhiji (paragraph on mahatma gandhi) was born in 1869 in what is now Gujarat, India. He studied law in London and later returned to India to begin practicing. However, he soon became involved in the nationalist movement fighting for India’s independence. Gandhi(essay on mahatma gandhi) believed in using peaceful methods to achieve political goals, and he became the leader of the Indian National Congress party. Under Gandhi’s leadership, the Indian National Congress protested against British policies through mass campaigns of civil disobedience. One of the most famous campaigns was the Salt March, during which protesters walked 240 miles to the sea to collect salt, defying British laws that taxed salt production. This campaign and others like it earned Gandhi international respect as a leader of peaceful resistance.In 1947, after years of struggle, India finally gained its independence from Britain. However, the new nation was immediately plunged into religious violence between Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi worked tirelessly to promote religious tolerance and peace.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English- 300 words


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the leader of the nationalist non-violence movement against British rule in India and as such was known for his doctrine of Satyagraha. He was referred to as “Mahatma” or “Great-Souled” by his followers.

Youth life of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was born to his father’s 4th wife. He was born in Porbandar, the chief minister of his father. As a child he was restless, roaming and playing a lot. But as he got older he began to see he had been labelled short and spindly which prevented him from participating in athletics. Gandhi was very religious and would spend time reading Bhagavad-Gita, Tolstoy, and the Bible with great enthusiasm.

Education of Gandhi Ji

Soon after his graduation, Gandhi tried to open a law practice with very little success. He got a job in the South African Company and experienced widespread prejudice. Gandhi attended the University of Bombay and UCL. He was admitted to the bar exam in England. After traveling to South Africa, he experienced discrimination and racism.

Contribution of Gandhi ji

Gandhi refused to join in Indian politics, but he supported the British by recruiting soldiers and denouncing violence. In 1919, the British pushed through a law that empowered authorities to imprison Indians without trial. Today, people are unaware of the Indian Independence movement and of Gandhi’s actions in it. In response, he declares a satyagraha struggle to protest against the British Raj. This is a virtual political earthquake since many violent outbreaks follow, with the massacre at Amritsar being especially important. Mahatma Gandhi’s influence in India was never seen before, and in 1922 he was arrested for sedition with a 6-year sentence. Gandhi became the president of Congress Party in 1924. Mahatma began the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930, which was a practice where the individuals refused to obey orders but faced violence and brutality. Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent independence activist, who has inspired many.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. His philosophy of nonviolent resistance helped to end British rule in India and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom around the world. Gandhi’s life and teachings continue to be an inspiration to people all over the world who are striving for justice and equality.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English 500 words

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most influential figures in modern history. Born in India in 1869, Gandhi was a lawyer who fought for Indian independence from British rule. He is best known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which helped lead India to independence in 1947. Gandhi also played a key role in improving relations between Hindus and Muslims. After his death in 1948, he remains an inspiration for people all over the world who are fighting for justice.

Who was Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian political leader who fought for India’s independence from British rule. After years of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, Gandhi helped lead India to independence in 1947. He is also celebrated for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

Early Life of Mahatma Gandhi

Born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the youngest of three sons. His father, Karamchand Gandhi, served as the diwan (chief minister) of Porbandar state. His mother, Putlibai, was a devout Hindu who fasted regularly. As a child, Gandhi was shy and thoughtful. He excelled in his studies and was popular among his classmates. At the age of thirteen, Gandhi married Kasturbai Makhanji in an arranged marriage. The couple had four children, but only two survived infancy. In 1888, Gandhi traveled to England to study law. While there, he was profoundly influenced by the works of Henry David Thoreau and Leo Tolstoy. After returning to India in 1891, Gandhi began practicing law in Bombay (now Mumbai). In 1893, Gandhi was thrown off a first-class train compartment after refusing to give up his seat to a white man. This incident made him realize the depth of discrimination against Indians in South Africa. He stayed in South Africa for twenty years, fighting for the rights of Indian immigrants. In 1915, he returned to India and continued his work for social

Key Events in Mahatma Gandhi’s Life

  • 1869- Gandhi is born in Porbandar, India
  • 1893- Gandhi finishes his law studies in London and returns to India
  • 1899- 1901- Gandhi works as a lawyer in South Africa
  • 1906- Gandhi returns to India
  • 1915- Gandhi is arrested for the first time in his life
  • 1920- Gandhi launches the Non-Cooperation Movement
  • 1930- Gandhi leads the Salt March
  • 1942- Gandhi is arrested again, this time for leading the Quit India Movement
  • 1948- Gandhi is assassinated by Hindu nationalist Nathuram Godse

The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is considered one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. His philosophy of nonviolent resistance helped lead India to independence from British rule, and has been an inspiration for social and political activists around the world. Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance is based on the belief that violence only begets more violence, and that true change can only be achieved through peaceful means. This philosophy was put into practice during Gandhi’s years leading the Indian independence movement, when he advocated for peaceful protests and civil disobedience against the British government. Although Gandhi’s philosophy has been criticized by some as being too idealistic, his legacy continues to inspire people who are fighting for social change. In a world that often seems dominated by violence, Gandhi’s message of peace and nonviolence is more relevant than ever.

The Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential political figures of the 20th century. He is best known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which helped lead India to independence from British rule. After his death, Gandhi’s legacy continued to inspire people around the world who were struggling for social justice. Today, on the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, we remember his life and work. We also reflect on how his example continues to challenge and inspire us in our own quest for justice.

What did he do?

Mahatma Gandhi was an influential political leader in India who is best known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance. He played a pivotal role in leading the country to independence from British rule, and he also advocated for the rights of minorities and the poor. After his assassination in 1948, Gandhi became an icon for peace and justice around the world.

Why is he important?

Mahatma Gandhi is considered one of the most important figures in history. He is known for his non-violent resistance movement against British colonialism in India. He also played a key role in the Indian independence movement. After years of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, Gandhi helped lead India to independence in 1947. He is also celebrated for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which inspired other freedom fighters across the world, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

How has he influenced the world?

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian independence leader who fought against British colonial rule. He is also celebrated as a champion of non-violent protest and civil disobedience. His legacy continues to inspire people around the world who are seeking social justice.

The essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English has shown us that he was a great leader who fought for the rights of his people. He was a man of peace and always strived to bring people together. He is an inspiration to all of us and we should strive to follow his example.

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Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birth Name and Legacy

This essay about Martin Luther King Jr. explores his early life his father’s influence in renaming the family and his profound impact on the Civil Rights Movement. It discusses King’s educational journey leadership in advocating for nonviolent activism and legislative achievements in promoting racial equality. Tragically assassinated in 1968 King’s legacy endures as a beacon of courage and moral leadership in the ongoing fight against injustice emphasizing his enduring commitment to justice equality and nonviolent protest.

How it works

Swallow of Luther King the Junior known for his central role in American Civil Motion of Rights was Junior Michael King what was born on January 15 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. His father Sr Michael King. preacher Baptist traveled to Germany in 1934 and was deeply inspired by Swallow of leader of Protestant Reformation of Luther. In a contribution to the ideals of Luther of justice and equality Sr Michael King. his proper name is changed to Swallow of Luther King. In course of time he also changed his name of son to Swallow of Luther King Swallow

Swallow of Luther King that Junior grew in family deeply Baptist was rooted in traditions and devoted to the social justice.

His education in Atlanta provided directly experiences to the pedigree segregation and discrimination forming his early understanding to inequality. King surpassed second academic ending College of Morehouse with a baccalaureate in sociology before pursuit of teologicznych studies in Priest of Seminar Crozer in Pennsylvania and later in University of Boston where he earned the Ph.D. in systematic theology.

Obligation of Doctor King before nonviolent activity and civil resistance became central to his leadership in Civil Motion of Rights. Inspiredly Mahatma Gandhi by philosophy of nonviolence King protected that room protests and legal calls attained to pedigree equality in the united states. His leadership during Boycott of Bus of Montgomery in 1955 and his known I “delivered the language of Dream” during March on Washington in 1963 heaved up him to the national nominal division for civil laws.

Activity of king stretched on a pedigree segregation to contain more wide problems of economic justice and opposition to Vietnam of War removing his faith in interconnectedness of all created from oppression. His efforts climaxed in passing of Civil Laws Operate 1964 and Rights for Voting Operate 1965 considerable legislative achievements that the dismantled legal segregation and provided voting right for African Americans.

Tragically Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4 1968 in Memphis Tennessee while supporting striking sanitation workers. His death sparked mourning nationwide and underscored the ongoing struggle for racial justice in America. Despite his untimely death King’s legacy endures as a symbol of courage resilience and moral leadership in the fight against injustice.

In conclusion Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth name Michael King Jr. was changed to Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of his father’s admiration for Martin Luther. His life’s work and legacy as a prominent leader in the Civil Rights Movement continue to inspire generations worldwide emphasizing the enduring importance of justice equality and nonviolent activism in the pursuit of a more just society.


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