50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

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IELTS Essays About Crime

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Opinion Essays

The death penalty should be available as a punishment for serious crimes.

To what extent do you agree?

Certain groups of society believe that the most efficient way of lowering crime rates is to be able to implement the death penalty for crimes which are the most serious. Others believe that this is not the case and makes no difference. Personally, I am completely against the use of the death penalty and this essay shall explore some of the reasons for this view point.

Firstly, a major drawback of the death penalty is that it is irreversible and could be handed out incorrectly. Although forensic scientists are becoming more and more advanced there is still a chance that mistakes are made and innocent people are executed. A classic case of this was Colin Ross, who in 1922 was executed but later evidence proved that he was actually innocent and in fact he was later pardoned in 2008.

In addition to the above arguments is the fact that some people are of the opinion that the death penalty has no place in a civilized society. To kill another human being for whatever reason should be considered a very low immoral act which demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the precious gift of life which we have all been given. Furthermore, most major religions of the world express the need for forgiveness. Executing inmates on death row is as far from this particular teaching as you could get.

Overall, it can be said that innocent people can be executed wrongfully and that a truly developed society should be able to find a more productive way of dealing with serious criminals. I therefore remain firmly of the stand point that the death penalty is totally unethical and ineffective

Internet crime is increasing rapidly as growing numbers of people purchase goods over the internet. What can be done to tackle this problem?

Following a significant increase in the number of financial transactions taking place online in recent years, internet crime levels have also increased dramatically. I believe this is due to the fact that people often think that they are safe when they are sat behind a computer and that they cannot be caught easily. This essay shall explore some ways of reducing these types of crimes.

One of the most effective ways of reducing online crime levels might be to make every internet user log-in with their passport number or national identification card number. Most countries assign at least one of these numbers to each citizen so this would make it very easy to track down who had done what crime and when. If potential criminals were made to identify themselves online in this manner when they first log on then it may cause them to think twice about conducting illegal activities.

Another method which may also aid online crime reduction would be to regulate the websites that the general public was allowed to access. This would mean that rather than the public being able to visit any type of websites they want to, they would only be allowed to access websites which were secure and not linked in any way to criminal activity. For example, certain web-sites such as Alphabaymarket.com sell fire-arms and drugs and are infamous for being places where illegal activities and transactions take place. Eliminating access to them could therefore aid in crime level reduction.

Overall, making people identify themselves online and restricting access to certain web-sites could help in online crime reduction. Personally, I feel the government need to take responsibility for implementing some or all of the above ideas.

Some people believe that poverty is the cause of most crimes.

Do you agree or disagree?

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While some people believe prison is the best place for criminals others think that there are better ways to handle them.

What is your opinion?

Violence in society increases when more violence is shown on television.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some communities the teenage crime rate is growing. Some people believe that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive punishment that is the same as an adults.

Some people believe certain prisoners should be forced to do community work with no pay rather than being simply kept inside a prison cell.

The crime rate nowadays is lower than in the past because of the increased use of advanced technology which can prevent and solve crimes.

Some countries are experiencing an increase in the rates of crime. Many people believe that getting more police walking the streets is the best way to prevent crime from occurring.

Discussion Essays

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Many people think that having one single fixed punishment for all crimes would be more effective.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment?

Discussion and Opinion Essays

Some people think that giving harsher prison sentences and punishments is the best way to reduce crime rates, others however believe there are alternative methods that need to be explored.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to hand out longer prison sentences, whilst other people think that there are better methods of doing reducing crime.

Discuss both views and give your opinion .

Some people think that the government should be responsible for reducing crime, where as others believe individuals should take responsibility for their own safety and security.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many criminals after being released go on to commit further crimes as soon as they are allowed out of prison.

What do you think are the causes of this and what possible solutions can you suggest?

Situation Essays

In some poorer areas of large cities people are too afraid to leave their houses at night time due to a fear of crime.

What are the causes of crime in those areas and what can be done to tackle those problems?

In many large cities around the world youth crime is growing at a fast rate.

What are the reasons for this and suggest some solutions.

Crime rates in most countries are often higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

What do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to lower the crime rates?

It is thought that the increase in youth crime rates can be linked to an increase in violence shown in the media.

Do you agree that this is the main factor causing juvenile crime and what ideas can you offer to deal with the situation?

Many crimes are often linked to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that banning alcohol sales would dramatically reduce crime.

Do you think it is an effective measure against crime and what other solutions can you suggest?

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ielts essay about crime

Crime and punishment IELTS model essay with vocabulary

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This IELTS essay on crime and punishment explores the advantages and disadvantages of harsh punishment for criminals.

band Nine Sample Essay

In some countries, crimes are punished harshly. what are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Several nations have opted to implement a system of strict penalties, such as long jail sentences and execution, for crimes. In this essay, I will explore the advantage that this is a good deterrent with the disadvantage that this harms rehabilitation .

Punitive measures can help deter future crime. If people can see that crimes will be punished harshly, they are far less likely to want to commit a crime . Because people consider risk versus reward before acting, making crime as risky as possible by increasing punishment can stop criminals. Conversely, when countries have light punishments for crimes like shoplifting , people in those countries might feel like it is worth the risk to do these crimes.

However, these strong punishments also increase recidivism by failing to rehabilitate people. One of the main purposes of sending people to prison is to prevent them from committing crimes when they leave; however, making prisons and other punishments too strict works against this purpose. When criminals have a heavily punitive experience, they lose self-confidence and become distrustful of authority , meaning they are more likely to be involved in crime when they leave prison. Alternatively, if prisoners have access to training and support, such as drug rehabilitation programs and anger management classes, they are far more likely to rejoin society in a productive way. 

In conclusion, the correct punishment for crimes is a complex issue. On the one hand, strong measures deter crime; on the other hand, the same measures make it more likely for prisoners to reoffend .

crime and punishment vocabulary

Although crime and punishment is a common topic in the IELTS exam, there, thankfully, is not too much vocabulary you need to know for it. Let’s take a look at some of the high level vocabulary in this answer to kick start your learning.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 12, 2024


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic. Given below is a cause and solution essay with sample answers that will help you to practise and get a good score.

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

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Cause/ Solution Essay 


Introduce the essay topic and paraphrase it by giving a proper preface. Then, state the essay’s intent in two subsequent paragraphs, i.e., the causes and solutions for the essay topic. 

Paragraph 1: A large proportion of criminals leave prison only to reoffend, owing to a lack of rehabilitation and reskilling opportunities in prison

Paragraph 2: These criminals can take effective measures to keep engaged in activities that will help them acquire new skills.  


State the solution 

Sample Essay

Most criminals tend to commit crimes again, once they are released from jail. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation in prisons and also the difficulty they face in finding employment. There are a lot of solutions to overcome this situation. In this essay, we will explain why the criminals commit the same crime again and the reasons to overcome this.

The main reason for the repetition of crimes is the lack of reskilling options in jails. Since they are unable to find the right employment, they resort to unfair means to earn their daily bread. Another reason is that there aren’t strict laws to keep them under control.

  Some effective measures are imposing strict punishments and improving their skills like craft making, fashion designing, catering and so on. They will be engaged in work once they are out of prison and become self-sustained.

To sum up, the government must closely monitor the criminals even after they are out of prison and ensure that there is a reduction in crime rate so that we can make the world a better place to live in. 

Band 9 Sample Essay

Several criminals are likely to commit other offences after serving their initial term, owing to their incapacity to maintain economic stability and difficulty finding suitable employment. However, there are several options for dealing with this scenario, such as providing financial assistance and instilling the necessary skills. This essay will look at why criminals commit the same crimes over and over again and how to avoid them.

To begin with, most first-time convicts commit crimes after serving their first sentence due to the lack of employment options and opportunities to retrain and master new skills to make a living. Moreover, since society does not accept the convicts as respectable people anymore, they join hands with their criminal friends and perpetuate the same crimes, such as pickpocketing or robbing, to make ends meet and avail basic necessities. As a result, the financial hardships of the perpetrators prompt them to recommit the crimes regardless of the repercussions.

There are some viable measures to rehabiliate habitual criminals. The government can provide financial assistance to them after they complete their sentence as this will help them stabilize their economic status and make a living for themselves. The government can also ensure that criminals have the opportunity to retrain vital skills while in prison, as this will help them find stable work after their sentence is over and will improve their reintegration into society and financial development.

To sum up, the convicts recommit the crimes owing to a lack of financial help, job opportunities, and rehabilitation. Still, crime rates would drop considerably if the government implemented the above-mentioned measures and kept a close eye on first-time offenders once set free.

  • Rehabilitation  

Meaning: the action of restoring someone to a healthy or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness  Eg: The older woman was sent to a rehabilitation centre. 

Meaning: succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty) Eg: It was difficult for John to overcome the loss of his pet. 

Meaning: teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skills  Eg: The University started a reskilling program for the students. 

  • Repetition  

Meaning: the action of repeating something that has already been said or written. Eg: The staff was fired due to her repetition of mistakes. 

  • Earn (one’s) daily bread 

Meaning: to do work of any kind for a living Eg: The man earned his daily bread by working at a construction site. 

  • Self-sustaining 

Meaning: able to continue in a healthy state without outside assistance  Eg: Kay was self-sustaining from his business. 

Meaning: observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time  Eg: The teacher monitored the students during the exam. 

Meaning: make certain that (something) will occur or be the case   Eg: My mother ensured that I scored good marks. 

Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.  Eg: Jill had to resort to a loan from the bank. 

Meaning: force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone  Eg: The government imposed strict travel restrictions. 

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Many people argue whether every crime should have a fixed punishment. Some people disagree saying that the motive and intent of the crime must be found out.

It is believed that if the criminals are given fixed punishments, they will be more careful while performing their daily activities and will fear to do unlawful activities. This may turn advantageous to society. 

If the punishments are fixed, a lot of time and money will be saved. If different sentences are to be given, the government might have to spend more money on lawyers and on enforcing security measures. Instead of spending money on these purposes, it can be used for other sectors like education, development of society and so on.

On the other side, people think that having the same punishment for every crime may not bring justice in a real sense, because some crimes are unintentional. To avoid this, the punishments must be given knowing the real reason behind them.

Thus we can say that the main focus should be on serving equal justice to the people. There is no point in giving the same punishment for all crimes because no two crimes are of the same motive.

Other essays related to Crime and Punishment

There are also other related essays that you can make use of while practicing for writing task 2 essays. The list is given below:

  • Juvenile Criminal
  • Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
  • Studies show that criminals get a low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is by educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
  • Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Proven tips to score Band 9 in IELTS Writing

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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IELTS essay Crime and Punishment

Crime and punishment.

This blog teaches you how to write essays on the topic of Crime and Punishment.

It includes the following:

𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲:

𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞:

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬:

  • 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:

𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐲:

  • Capital Punishment: the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
  • Detention: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.
  • Forensics: scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime.
  • Incarceration: the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.
  • Juvenile Delinquency: the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, particularly one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible.
  • Misdemeanor: a minor wrongdoing; a non-indictable offense, regarded in the US (and formerly in the UK) as less serious than a felony.
  • Probation: the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision.
  • Rehabilitation: the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
  • Restorative Justice: a system of criminal justice that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large.
  • Sentencing: the declaration of a punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offense.

Crime and punishment are critical components of any society’s legal and moral framework, reflecting how a community upholds justice and social order. This topic encompasses the various aspects of the criminal justice system, the ethics of punishment, and the effectiveness of different punitive measures. Understanding these elements is essential for fostering a safer, more just society.

Debates in the realm of crime and punishment often revolve around the effectiveness and morality of various forms of punishment, such as capital punishment versus life imprisonment. Proponents of harsher sentencing argue that severe penalties deter crime more effectively. In contrast, advocates for rehabilitative approaches emphasize the potential for reducing recidivism through programs focused on reintegrating offenders into society. Another area of contention is the application of restorative justice and its role in healing communities versus traditional punitive measures.

𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Internationally, the debate over the abolition of the death penalty in various countries continues to evoke strong opinions on both sides.

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for committing it should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that a uniform set of legal consequences should be applied to all offences, while others contend that the specific details and reasons behind each crime should be taken into account when determining the suitable penalty. This essay discusses both views and explains why I believe that the best approach would utilise both types of sentences depending on the severity of the case.

Advocates for fixed legal consequences have two main arguments. The main one is that a standardised approach ensures equality in the justice system. For instance, traffic violations typically incur set fines, which means that all lawbreakers receive the same penalty for the same criminal acts. Moreover, victims of crimes can feel that equity is upheld. This is because they can have clear expectations about the punishment perpetrators will receive.

Conversely, people who believe it is better to decide the penalty on a case-by-case basis, argue that such an approach neglects the nuances of individual cases. They assert that true justice requires consideration of the context of each crime, such as any mitigating circumstances. For instance, killing a person in self-defence should be treated differently than premeditated murder. Furthermore, in some cases where the perpetrator has suffered from an unusually harsh background, rehabilitation should be prioritised over retribution. For example, addiction or mental health issues may warrant treatment and support rather than strict prison sentences.

In conclusion, I believe both sides of the argument have merits. However, an ideal approach is to use fixed disciplinary actions for minor offences as they offer clarity and deterrence; however, for major offences where the consequences are severe, the circumstances should be considered to account for the intricacies of each case.

𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞:

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Sample Essay on Rising Crime Rates

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 21, 2022 | Model Essays | 0

Sample Essay on Rising Crime Rates

There are many common IELTS topics that you frequently see in task 2 of the writing test, and one of those is the topic of crime. Today, we are going to look at a sample essay relating to this subject and I’ll point out some useful ideas in terms of vocabulary and structure.

Analysing the Question

Before you start any IELTS essay, you should spend a moment thinking about the question. This is important because sometimes they can be trickier than they initially appear.

Here’s our question for today:

In many countries, the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?

Fortunately, this is not a difficult question. The meaning is pretty straightforward and I think most people could grasp what they need to do. Ultimately, you need to do two things:

  • Say why crime is increasing in frequency and level of violence
  • Suggest some solutions to this problem

This is what’s known as either a “ cause and solution essay ” or “problem and solution essay.” Either way, you have two parts – either a cause or a problem and then a solution to that problem.

It is important you don’t focus only on one part. Also, in this particular question, don’t overlook the fact that it’s about both rising crime levels and rising violence levels.

Generating Ideas

This isn’t the easiest question to answer. Actually, it took me a while to think of some good ideas for it because, to the best of my knowledge, crime (and especially violent crime) has actually been decreasing in recent decades! Look at this line graph:

ielts essay about crime

Of course, that’s just for Western Europe, and in some parts of the world the opposite trend can be observed. Here, we can see that some places have, sadly, seen a rise in homicides (that means the same as murder):

ielts essay about crime

Considering the question, I had to think creatively. In those places that I don’t really know about, what factors could have caused rising crime levels and in particular rising violent crime rates?

To answer questions like this, it’s not enough just to be good at English. You need to have a good general knowledge and that means you should read widely, listen to podcasts, watch the news, and become an informed world citizen.

I have a whole article on learning to generate great ideas for IELTS essays.

Structuring your Essay

When it comes to cause and solution essays, I typically structure them like this:

ielts essay about crime

There may be other great ways to structure your essay, but this is my preference. It allows me to write sample answers quickly and effectively, putting forth my position as clearly as possible in a very short time.

Think about it: You have two things to write, so why not put one in each of your body paragraphs? Simple!

I will structure this essay as follows:

IntroductionIntroduce the topic (rising crime rates)
Briefly outline my essay
Body paragraph 1Note that there are different reasons in different places
Explain why urbanisation may be to blame (lack of accountability and social values)
Other issues: unemployment, drugs, gangs
Body paragraph 2Explain that this will not be easy to fix
Suggestions: policing, sense of community
ConclusionSummarise essay thus far

In this sort of essay, it can be hard to write an introduction and in particular an essay outline . That’s because you aren’t putting forth any opinion and instead you’re hinting at the ideas that you will explain later.

I want to make clear in my essay that this is not an easy situation to explain and that it will also be hard to fix! Don’t worry. You can be honest. It’s better to give a nuanced explanation than to simply say, “We need the government to solve it.” That is simplistic and lacks intelligence.

Finally, remember to include a conclusion that summarises your ideas without repeating them.

Vocabulary about Crime

I have a whole article on the IELTS topic of crime and punishment . It gives lots of vocabulary and even includes a helpful video that can make learning more interesting!

In this essay, I will use the following words and phrases:

urbanisationThe process of people moving from the country to the city.
deterioration of traditional valuesTraditional values (ie cultural or familiar ones) are disappearing.
crimes rates are plummetingThey are dropping quickly.
on the riseIncreasing
accountabilityThe ability (or not) of being held accountable for something.
disbandsTo be made to fall apart.
comparatively anonymous environmentA place where people don’t know each other well.
policingThe act of doing police work.
stopped at its rootFinding the cause of something and stopping it there before it gets worse.
engage in violent crimesThis means to do crime. We can say “engage in” or “commit.”
myriad reasonsMany reasons.
counteractTo go against something.

Remember that you can always learn more crime-related vocabulary by searching on Google News or just reading the newspaper each day. I highly recommend that you check out websites such as BBC News and The Guardian . You will see a lot of articles about crime there.

Sample Band 9 Answer

In some parts of the world, crime rates are increasing and the types of crime are becoming more violent. This can be attributed to urbanisation and the deterioration of traditional values and, in order to fix it, societies will need to work to give people more opportunities.

Whilst crimes rates are plummeting in most parts of the world, in some places they are on the rise. Obviously, the reasons for this depend on the individual location, but generally it seems to happen because people are moving from traditional ways of living to big cities. The problem is that, in small communities, people have purpose and accountability. In other words, a young man would be known by all the people in his village and have a job to do in order to contribute to that society. However, when the village disbands and he goes to the big city, it is not easy to make a good living. He might become part of a gang or become addicted to drugs. Without accountability and in the comparatively anonymous environment of the big city, he could easily become engaged in desperate and violent crimes.

Fixing this sort of problem is never easy, but there are various approaches. Certainly, it helps to improve policing but perhaps the problem can be stopped at its root if people are given more education and opportunity. These people would likely not turn to crime if they were supported as part of a community. Again, this is not an easy thing to facilitate, but it is possible through different approaches. Ultimately, the aim needs to be maintaining social values and giving people a sense of responsibility and purpose. When people have these things, they are much less likely to engage in violent crimes.

In conclusion, there are myriad reasons for crime rates increasing but perhaps urbanisation and the loss of traditional values are to blame. Giving people purpose and making them accountable for their own actions could counteract this.

As I mentioned above, I felt surprised that this question talked about rising crime rates but it does make sense when you think that certain countries or parts of countries are indeed experiencing this problem. Thus, I tried to put my feelings forward with careful explanations.

You will see that my body paragraphs are quite complex. That’s because this is not a simple topic. I don’t feel it’s possible to get a band 9 for Task Response without explaining just how complex the causes and solutions to crime are. It is not an easy issue to discuss.

You will see that I’ve avoided any bizarre vocabulary. Long-term readers of this blog will know that such an approach is not helpful. The best thing is to use the right word, whatever that may be. Aim for accuracy rather than obscurity.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Crime and the Police (Real IELTS Exam)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Crime and the Police (Real IELTS Exam)

This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer from the real IELTS exam about the topic of crime, which comes up frequently on the test.

These questions are really common in the writing test and can come up on ielts speaking as well., read my sample answer below and practice some of the vocabulary related to crime, here is some review on  ielts task 2 writing structures ., these are some other  ielts task 2 writing sample answers that i wrote , consider supporing my efforts to write these essays but signing up for my exclusive ielts ebooks here on patreon., ielts writing task 2 sample answer  (crime and the police).

Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believe that having more police on the streets is best way to reduce and combat crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many countries today are grappling with the best ways to curb rising crime rates and some have suggested that increased police presence on the streets is the optimal solution. Although I think this would have a positive effect for obvious reasons, the best solution is more nuanced and requires a deeper understanding of the sources underlying crime.

There is little doubt that employing greater numbers of police officers will have an adverse affect on criminality. one of the best examples of this would be in new york city under mayor rudy giuliani during the late 1980s and early 90s. at that time, new york was a haven for criminals and many areas of the city were deemed too dangerous by residents to safely live in or walk through at night. one of the many measures that giuliani used to reduce crime was significantly increasing the number of police officers during his time in office. this led to a reciprocal decline in crime and made the tourist-heavy neighbourhoods almost entirely safe and the rougher districts at least passably crime-free., the above-mentioned measures were only effective because administrators also tackled the root causes of crime. it is generally agreed upon that the principle causes of crime are related to education indirectly and poverty more directly. if you look at countries with extremely low poverty and unemployment rates, such as japan, you will see correspondingly low rates of crime. in japan, this begins with one of the world’s most renowned educational systems. students graduate from high school and university with immediately employable skills and most are employed throughout their lifetimes. since they have money to afford a good standard of living there is little incentive for criminal behaviour and the crime rate is among the lowest in the world., in conclusion, the best way to reduce crime in the long-term is to invest more in education and the economy to stimulate job growth and address the catalysts spurring on crime. any government that is serious about making their country a safer place must first take steps to improve their educational system as that will have the largest impact on creating the stable jobs that discourage criminality in all its forms., ielts examiner sample answer analysis (crime and the police), 1.  many countries today are grappling with the best ways to curb rising crime rates and some have suggested that increased police presence on the streets is the optimal solution. 2. although i think this would have a positive effect for obvious reasons, the best solution is more nuanced and requires a deeper understanding of the sources underlying crime., 1. my first sentence quickly restates the topic for the essay – spend a lot of time understanding the question correctly but don’t waste time writing this sentence – it isn’t that important, 2. next is my opinion. state your opinion 100% clearly or you could get a task achievement band 5, 1. there is little doubt that employing greater numbers of police officers will have an adverse affect on criminality. 2. one of the best examples of this would be in new york city under mayor rudy giuliani during the late 1980s and early 90s. 3. at that time, new york was a haven for criminals and many areas of the city were deemed too dangerous by residents to safely live in or walk through at night. 4. one of the many measures that giuliani used to reduce crime was significantly increasing the number of police officers during his time in office. 5. this led to a reciprocal decline in crime and made the tourist-heavy neighbourhoods almost entirely safe and the rougher districts at least passably crime-free., 1. the first sentence is my topic sentence with the topic (police on the street) and my main idea (negative effect on crime)., 2. my second sentence already begins my example. don’t waste time – run right to your example as fast as you can, 3. the third sentence further develops the same example – don’t run away from the example – stick with it, 4. my fourth sentence continues to develop the same example., 5. even my fifth sentence develops this same example you can also include a conclusion sentence for the paragraph if you have time., 1.  the above-mentioned measures were only effective because administrators also tackled the root causes of crime. 2. it is generally agreed upon that the principle causes of crime are related to education indirectly and poverty more directly. 3. if you look at countries with extremely low poverty and unemployment rates, such as japan, you will see correspondingly low rates of crime. 4. in japan, this begins with one of the world’s most renowned educational systems. 5. students graduate from high school and university with immediately employable skills and most are employed throughout their lifetimes. 6. since they have money to afford a good standard of living there is little incentive for criminal behaviour and the crime rate is among the lowest in the world., 1. the first sentence is again the topic sentence for the paragraph with my main idea – tackling the root causes of crime., 2. my second sentence explains my main idea before i get to my example., 3. the third sentence begins my example by mentioning japan and why its crime is so low., 4. my fourth sentence continues to develop the answer about japan., 5. the fifth sentence still continues describing the example of japan., 6. my sixth sentence concludes the example and paragraph., 1. in conclusion, the best way to reduce crime in the long-term is to invest more in education and the economy to stimulate job growth and address the catalysts spurring on crime. 2. any government that is serious about making their country a safer place must first take steps to improve their educational system as that will have the largest impact on creating the stable jobs that discourage criminality in all its forms., 1. my first sentence says my opinions for the second time. be clear don’t sit in the middle with your opinion, you must choose a side, 2. the second sentence adds an extra detail to the paragraph that many examiners will require for at least band 7 for task achievement., sample answer vocabulary, what do the words in bold mean if you’re not sure, don’t use a dictionary – try to figure out the meaning from the whole sentence then check your answers below, many countries today are grappling with the best ways to curb rising crime rates and some have suggested that increased police presence on the streets is the optimal solution . although i think this would have a positive effect for obvious reasons , the best solution is more nuanced and requires a deeper understanding of the sources underlying crime., there is little doubt that employing greater numbers of police officers will have an adverse effect on criminality . one of the best examples of this would be in new york city under mayor rudy giuliani during the late 1980s and early 90s. at that time, new york was a haven for criminals and many areas of the city were deemed too dangerous by residents to safely live in or walk through at night. one of the many measures that giuliani used to reduce crime was significantly increasing the number of police officers during his time in office. this led to a reciprocal decline in crime and made the tourist-heavy neighbourhoods almost entirely safe and the rougher districts at least passably crime-free ., the above-mentioned measures were only effective because administrators also tackled the root causes of crime. it is generally agreed upon that the principle causes of crime are related to education indirectly and poverty more directly . if you look at countries with extremely low poverty and unemployment rates , such as japan, you will see correspondingly low rates of crime. in japan, this begins with one of the world’s most renowned educational systems . students graduate from high school and university with immediately employable skills and most are employed throughout their lifetimes . since they have money to afford a good standard of living there is little incentive for criminal behaviour and the crime rate is among the lowest in the world., in conclusion, the best way to reduce crime in the long-term is to invest more in education and the economy to stimulate job growth and address the catalysts spurring on crime. any government that is serious about making their country a safer place must first take steps to improve their educational system as that will have the largest impact on creating the stable jobs that discourage criminality in all its forms ., grappling with:  strugglling with/fighting, curb:  slow down, crime rates: the level of crime, increased police presence:  more police on the streets, optimal solution:  best way of dealing with, obvious reasons:  clear, definite justifications, nuanced:  complex, requires a deeper understanding:  needs more study/analysis, underlying:  root causes/foundation, there is little doubt that:  no question that, adverse effect:  negative impact, criminality:  crime, under:  while someone serves in office (under obama, trump, napoleon, etc.), haven:  safe place for, deemed:  considered/thought to be, measures:  methods, reciprocal decline:  related decrease, tourist-heavy neighbourhoods:  areas where tourists frequent, rougher districts at least passably crime-free:  dangerous areas at least mostly free of crime, above-mentioned:  said before, administrators:  people working in offices/government, tackled:  combatted, root causes:  sources, principle causes:  main reasons, indirectly:  not directly, poverty:  being poor, directly:  from a clearly identified source, unemployment rates:  the number of people without jobs, correspondingly:  related, most renowned educational systems:  good schools, employable skills:  skills that help you to get a job, lifetimes:  as long as you live, good standard of living:  good quality of life, little incentive:  no reason for, long-term:  over a long period of time, stimulate job growth:  increase the number of jobs for people, catalysts spurring on:  causes leading to, take steps:  take action towards, stable jobs:  good jobs that don’t go away easily, discourage criminality in all its forms:  decrease all crimes, pronunciation, ˈgræplɪŋ   wɪð  , kɜːb  , kraɪm   reɪts  , ɪnˈkriːst   pəˈliːs   ˈprɛzns  , ˈɒptɪməl   səˈluːʃən  , ˈɒbvɪəs   ˈriːznz  , nju(ː)ˈɑːnst  , rɪˈkwaɪəz   ə   ˈdiːpə r  ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ  , ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ  , ðeə r  ɪz   ˈlɪtl   daʊt   ðæt  , ˈædvɜːs   ɪˈfɛkt  , ˌkrɪmɪˈnælɪti  , ˈʌndə  , ˈheɪvn  , diːmd  , ˈmɛʒəz  , rɪˈsɪprəkəl   dɪˈklaɪn  , ˈtʊərɪst – ˈhɛvi   ˈneɪbəhʊdz  , ˈrʌfə   ˈdɪstrɪkts   æt   liːst   ˈpɑːsəbli   kraɪm – friː  , əˈbʌvˈmɛnʃ(ə)nd  , ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtəz  , ˈtækld  , ruːt   ˈkɔːzɪz  , ˈprɪnsəpl   ˈkɔːzɪz  , ˌɪndɪˈrɛktli  , ˈpɒvəti  , dɪˈrɛktli  , ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt   reɪts  , ˌkɒrɪsˈpɒndɪŋli  , məʊst   rɪˈnaʊnd   ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl   ˈsɪstɪmz  , ɪmˈplɔɪəbl   skɪlz  , ˈlaɪftaɪmz  , gʊd   ˈstændəd   ɒv   ˈlɪvɪŋ  , ˈlɪtl   ɪnˈsɛntɪv  , ˈlɒŋtɜːm  , ˈstɪmjʊleɪt   ʤɒb   grəʊθ  , ˈkætəlɪsts   ˈspɜːrɪŋ   ɒn  , teɪk   stɛps  , ˈsteɪbl   ʤɒbz  , dɪsˈkʌrɪʤ   ˌkrɪmɪˈnælɪti   ɪn   ɔːl   ɪts   fɔːmz, vocabulary practice, remember and fill in the blanks:, many countries today are _____________ the best ways to _____________ rising _____________  and some have suggested that  _____________ on the streets is the  _____________ . although i think this would have a positive effect for   _____________ , the best solution is more _____________ and  _____________ of the sources _____________ crime., _____________ employing greater numbers of police officers will have an _____________ on   _____________ . one of the best examples of this would be in new york city   _____________ mayor rudy giuliani during the late 1980s and early 90s. at that time, new york was a _____________ for criminals and many areas of the city were _____________ too dangerous by residents to safely live in or walk through at night. one of the many  _____________ that giuliani used to reduce crime was significantly increasing the number of police officers during his time in office. this led to a  _____________ in crime and made the _____________ almost entirely safe and the  _____________ ., the _____________ measures were only effective because _____________ also _____________ the _____________ of crime. it is generally agreed upon that the _____________ of crime are related to education _____________ and _____________ more   _____________ . if you look at countries with extremely low poverty and _____________ , such as japan, you will see _____________ low rates of crime. in japan, this begins with one of the world’s _____________ . students graduate from high school and university with immediately _____________ and most are employed throughout their   _____________ . since they have money to afford a _____________  there is _____________ for criminal behaviour and the crime rate is among the lowest in the world., in conclusion, the best way to reduce crime in the  _____________ is to invest more in education and the economy to _____________ and address the _____________ crime. any government that is serious about making their country a safer place must first  _____________ to improve their educational system as that will have the largest impact on creating the _____________ that _____________ ., crime links from youtube and articles, why japan’s crime rate is so low, crime:the animated series – marcus mcghee – mocatv (explicit language), why should you read “crime and punishment” – alex gendler, comment below – have you ever committed a crime.

Lots of times! I remember once I … Just the once …  Yeah, a few times… What?! I’d never…

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 644 - the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime..

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Crime: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Crime: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

October 12, 2023 By Ben Worthington

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In this tutorial, we discuss crime IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

We look at:

  • Specific vocabulary, collocations, and phrases related to crime.
  • What are cleft sentences and how to use it in the IELTS Topic crime.
  • Model essay on the Pros and cons of imprisonment versus rehabilitation.
  • Sample answers for IELTS speaking part three questions about crime.

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As the founder of IELTSPodcast, Ben started his journey as an English educator in 2006. Ben and his team of teachers provide students with expert advice, twice a week to cover the writing, reading, listening and speaking sections of the IELTS exam.

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In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing: IELTS Writing Task 2

Updated on Jul 19, 2024, 06:32

In the  IELTS Writing section , you demonstrate your proficiency in written English. Tasks 1 and 2 assess different skills depending on whether you're taking the General Training or Academic module.

For the General Training, Task 1 typically requires  writing a letter responding to a given situation or request. In contrast, Task 1 of the Academic module involves  describing visual information , like charts, graphs, or diagrams, testing your ability to interpret and convey data effectively. Task 2 remains consistent across both modules, requiring you to write an essay responding to a prompt. 

In this practice test, we will discuss how the rise in crime rates has become a pressing concern for many nations. Falling under the " Problem-Solution " category in the IELTS Writing section requires an analysis of the causes of crime followed by practical solutions. Practising essays on such topics enhances your ability to structure coherent arguments. It familiarises you with effective problem-solving approaches, which is crucial for achieving a high score in the IELTS exam.

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1. In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing: How to Answer?

Adhering to clear guidelines can significantly enhance your essay's effectiveness in IELTS Writing Task 2.

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2. In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing: Sample Essay

Let's explore essay samples for In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing.

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In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing: How to Answer?

When approaching  IELTS Writing Task 2 , remember several key guidelines to maximise your score. First and foremost, clarity and coherence are paramount. Ensure your ideas are logically organised, and your arguments are well-developed throughout the essay. Secondly, aim for a balanced approach when discussing the topic. 

While you should present your opinion, acknowledge counter-arguments and provide a nuanced perspective. Additionally, maintain a formal tone and use a range of vocabulary appropriately to demonstrate your language proficiency. 

Structure your essay with an introduction that clearly states your position, body paragraphs that elaborate on your points with examples or evidence and a conclusion that summarises your arguments and provides a final perspective. Finally, manage your time effectively, allocating enough for planning, writing, and revising your essay to ensure clarity and accuracy. By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively tackle IELTS Writing Task 2 and achieve a higher score.

Here’s what your topic will look like: 

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes?

Give some examples for the topic given with your expertise.

Here's a structured approach to writing your essay on the topic of increasing crime rates:


Begin by introducing the topic and stating your position clearly. Mention that the essay falls under the "problem-solution" type. Provide a brief overview of the main causes of crime, which you'll discuss in the body paragraphs. End your introduction with a thesis statement that outlines how these causes can be addressed to reduce crime rates.

  • First Body Paragraph: Causes of Crime
  • Start with a topic sentence that identifies one major cause of crime.
  • Provide supporting details or examples to illustrate this cause.
  • Explain why this cause contributes to increasing crime rates.

2. Second Body Paragraph: Additional Causes of Crime

  • Begin with a clear topic sentence introducing another significant cause of crime.
  • Offer evidence or examples to support this cause.
  • Discuss its impact on crime rates and society.

3. Third Body Paragraph: Solutions to Address Causes

  • Introduce effective strategies or solutions to mitigate each cause discussed.
  • Provide details or arguments supporting the feasibility and effectiveness of each solution.
  • Discuss potential challenges or criticisms of these solutions and propose ways to overcome them.


Summarise the key points discussed in the body paragraphs regarding the causes of crime and the proposed solutions. Reinforce the importance of addressing these causes to reduce crime rates globally. End with a strong concluding statement emphasising the significance of proactive measures to create safer communities.

By structuring your essay in this way—clearly addressing the causes of crime and proposing practical solutions—you will effectively fulfil the requirements of a "problem-solution" type essay in the IELTS Writing Task 2.

In Many Countries The Amount of Crime Is Increasing: Sample Essay


In recent years, the global increase in crime rates has become a critical concern for many nations. This essay examines the primary drivers behind this trend and proposes effective solutions. Factors contributing to rising crime include socioeconomic disparities and inadequate law enforcement. However, proactive measures to address root causes and implement targeted strategies can create safer environments for all citizens.

The primary catalyst for escalating crime often lies in socioeconomic inequality. Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds may turn to crime due to limited access to education and job opportunities. Economic desperation, exacerbated by widening income gaps, pushes some into illicit activities for survival or status elevation. Moreover, societal influences like peer pressure and cultural factors can exacerbate criminal behaviour, particularly within marginalised groups where criminal activities may be glamorised or normalised.

Furthermore, ineffective law enforcement and judicial systems perpetuate a cycle of impunity, where criminals evade accountability. This fosters a perception of injustice and undermines trust in authorities, hindering crime prevention efforts. Addressing these systemic issues requires comprehensive strategies.

To combat these challenges, governments must prioritise social welfare initiatives that foster education, vocational training, and employment opportunities. Strengthening community policing efforts can build trust between law enforcement and communities, thereby enhancing public safety. Investing in rehabilitation programs for offenders is crucial in reducing recidivism rates and promoting long-term societal stability.


In conclusion, addressing the multifaceted causes of crime requires coordinated efforts from governments, communities, and individuals. By addressing root causes such as socioeconomic disparities and strengthening community bonds, societies can effectively mitigate crime rates and create safer, more inclusive environments for their citizens.

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Q. How do I approach a problem/solution essay?

Ans. Begin a problem/solution essay by clearly defining the issue. Present feasible solutions with supporting evidence or examples. Structure your essay with an introduction that outlines the problem, a body detailing potential solutions, and a conclusion summarising key points and advocating for the best solutions. Use transitional phrases to ensure coherence and logical flow throughout your essay.

Q. Can I give my opinion on IELTS writing essays?

Ans.  Yes, expressing your viewpoint is crucial in IELTS Writing Task 2. This task often requires you to argue a position, discuss a problem, or provide solutions. Support your opinion with examples and reasoning. Ensure to acknowledge counterarguments to demonstrate a balanced perspective, enhancing the credibility and coherence of your essay.

Q. How long is IELTS Writing Task 2?

Ans.  IELTS Writing Task 2 requires a minimum of 250 words. It constitutes a significant portion of your Writing score, counting twice as much as Task 1. Task 2 assesses your ability to articulate and support ideas, present a clear argument or viewpoint, and demonstrate coherence and cohesion in written discourse.

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Youth Crime Essay

This sample IELTS writing is on the subject of  youth crime .

In this essay, you are presented with an issue and asked to discuss the  'reasons'  why it is occuring and suggest  'solutions' .

Crime is a topic that sometimes arises in IELTS essays and in speaking questions. But be careful to identify what kind of crime is being referred to - this is specifically  youth crime .

You need to give some reasons that it is happening and then give some solutions.

Youth Crime

IELTS Youth Crime Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world.

What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Over the last few decades, many cities around the world have seen alarming increases in the levels of youth crime. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and provide some possible solutions.

The first reason is connected with the family. In order for a child to grow up in a balanced way, it is very important that he or she is nurtured well by his or her parents. However, these days, it is often the case that children are neglected. This may be because of the fact that many parents in cities now both have to work so are often not around to give their children support when needed. Another factor is the increasing levels of poverty around the world. We have seen with globalization the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and this inevitably means that those who are poorer will have to resort to illegal means to get what others have. Of course, this will include the children in the poorer families.

However, there are ways to tackle such problems. Firstly, one of the ways to combat the problem is to have stricter punishments. Although, as discussed above, it can be outside factors that lead to crime, it is still important to have severe punishments to deter teenagers from crime. All too often, because they are young, the courts are too lenient. Parents also have to take more responsibility for their children’s actions. They too should be punished if their children commit crime.

To sum up, several factors have led to increases in youth crime, but measures are available to tackle this problem.

(267 words)

The topic of youth crime is clearly stated in the general statement of the introduction, and the thesis tells the reader that reasons and solutions will be discussed.

It is organized well, with reasons for youth crime discussed in the first body paragraph and solutions in the next. Each paragraph has two ideas and they are clearly signaled and well supported.

There are some good complex structures (In order for…, often the case that…, means that…,) and some good examples of topic related vocabulary (nurtured…, neglected…, illegal…, severe punishments…, deter…, commit crime…).

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Crime and Punishment Vocabulary with Pronunciation

The most common crime and punishment vocabulary with audios for pronunciation. This word list covers crimes, criminals, punishment, court proceedings and other useful words to write and talk about the topic of crime. Practice the words with the vocabulary exercise at the bottom of the page.

Types of Crime: Major & Minor Crime Vocabulary

These crimes are divided into crimes which are considered serious and those that are not.

Major Crimes

The list of crimes below are all nouns.

  • abduction = taking someone against their will (kidnapping)
  • arson = setting fire to a property
  • assault = a physical attack
  • burglary = illegal entry to a building with an intent to commit a crime
  • child abuse = maltreatment of a child
  • drug trafficking = importing illegal drugs
  • false imprisonment = imprisoning a person against their will and without legal authority
  • fraud = deception for personal or financial gain
  • hacking = unauthorised access to data in a computer system
  • hijacking = illegally getting control of an aircraft or vehicle
  • human trafficking = illegally transporting people, usually for slave labour or commercial sexual exploitation
  • premeditated murder = murder that is intentional (planned before hand)
  • unpremeditated murder – murder that is not intentional (not planned)
  • manslaughter – unintentional murder (synonym for unpremeditated murder)
  • attempted murder = planning to kill another person
  • patricide = killing one’s own father
  • genocide = systematic killing of a race or religious group
  • euthanasia = killing someone for their benefit
  • organised crime = crime by an organised gang or organisation
  • smuggling = illegal import or export
  • terrorism = unlawful violence or threat with political aims
  • white collar crime = financially motivated non-violent crime by a worker

Minor Crimes / Offences

  • pick pocketing = taking from another person’s pockets
  • shoplifting = taking products from a shop without paying for them
  • traffic offences =breaking the rules of the road and driving
  • drunk driving = driving whilst under the influence of alcohol
  • jay walking = crossing the road at an undesignated spot
  • running a red light = going through traffic lights when they are red
  • speeding = driving over the speed limit
  • vandalism = deliberate destruction or damage to a building

Vocabulary for Criminals

This list shows the person relating to the crime (the perpetrator of the crime).

  • crime = criminal
  • murder = murderer
  • theft = thief
  • trafficking = trafficker
  • hijacking = hijacker
  • terrorism = terrorist
  • smuggling = smuggler
  • shoplifting = shoplifter
  • vandalism = vandal
  • teenage criminal/ juvenile delinquent

Types of Punishment Vocabulary

  • the death penalty (capital punishment) = punishment of death
  • life in prison
  • a suspended sentence = delaying of a sentence
  • forfeiture = property is taken away (confiscated)
  • hospital order = to confine someone to hospital under arrest
  • a fine = to pay money as a punishment for an offence
  • house arrest = imprisoned in one’s own house rather than in prison
  • to suspend a license = withholding a person’s right to use their driving license for a period of time
  • to revoke a license = to take away someone’s driving license
  • community service = punishment by doing community work

Other Types of Punishment

This refers to punishment commonly used by schools and parents.

  • detention = to stay in school after hours for punishment
  • to give lines = punishment where a child must write the same sentence again and again
  • isolation = to be kept apart from others as a punishment
  • grounding = to be unable to go outside home as a punishment
  • scolding = an angry reprimand
  • corporal punishment = physical punishment from a teacher or headteacher at school

Court Language

  • judge = the person who controls the court proceedings
  • jury = a group of independent people who decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty
  • justice = fairness or court law
  • trial = legal proceedings to judge whether someone is guilty of a crime
  • court = the place where the trial is held
  • defendant = the accused person: the individual or group being accused in court of a crime
  • prosecutor = the lawyer against the accused person
  • defense = the lawyer protecting the accused person
  • witness = a person who sees an event happen
  • evidence = facts or information supporting the truth
  • proof = evidence supporting a claim
  • hearsay = rumour / unsubstantiated information
  • guilty = not innocent as judged by a court of law
  • innocent = found not guilty of a crime
  • to be found guilty = the court decided that the person did commit the crime
  • conviction / verdict = formal sentence of a court
  • circumstances of the crime = a condition or situation relating to a crime
  • extenuating circumstances = a condition that makes the crime or mistake less serious and more understandable
  • take into consideration = should be thought about carefully
  • circumstantial evidence = something that connects a person indirectly to the crime (for example, a finger print at a crime scene but no actual hard evidence or witness)
  • maximum / minimum sentence = highest penalty / lowest penalty
  • a harsh punishment = hard, strict penalty
  • penalty / punishment are synonyms but penalty is often used for both minor offences and major crimes.

Other Useful Crime & Punishment Vocabulary

  • crime is prevalent = there is a lot of crime
  • armed police = police who carry guns
  • to deter (n = deterrent) = to put someone off from doing something
  • discrimination = unjust treatment
  • to be soft on crime = not to have harsh or strict punishments
  • repeat offender = a person who has committed a crime or offence more than once
  • serial criminals = criminals who repeatedly commit the same crime
  • diminished responsibility = when someone is not in a state to be considered responsible for their own actions
  • rehabilitation = to restore someone through education or therapy
  • reintegrate back into society = help someone return into society
  • peer pressure = pressure from friends or colleagues
  • role models = people whose behaviour should be copied and respected
  • mimicking violent behaviour = to copy aggressive actions

Practice Exercises with Crime Vocabulary

Complete the sentences using one or more words either from the above lists or from other vocabulary relating to this topic. The sentence must be grammatically correct once you have added the right word(s).

  • The ………………. is the strongest deterrent against crime.
  • The number of ……………….. is on the rise due to the impact of peer pressure at school and violent movies shown on TV. Teenagers are prone to ……………. aggressive behaviour.
  • All people accused of a crime should be given a fair ……………. in a ………… of law.
  • People who are convicted a murder from only ………………………. evidence should not receive the death penalty.
  • The motives of a crime should always be taken into consideration. For example. there is a significant difference in the character of a person who commits ……………… murder and one who commits accidental murder.
  • A ………….. sentence is more humane than capital punishment.
  • Punishment should be the last resort. Instead criminals should be  …………………….
  • People who commit ……….. crimes, such as traffic offences, should have their ……………….. revoked.
  • Famous people, such as movie stars, should set a good ………… and ensure that they are good …………….. for young people to follow.
  • …………… and the right to a fair ……………. should be the right of all citizens.
  • Parents who inflict ……………… punishment on their children are showing children that …………….. is an acceptable way to deal with problems.
  • Prison does not rehabilitate criminals, it only …………. them from society.   …………….. service and rehabilitation is a better way to avoid criminals becoming ………………….
  • death penalty (the answer can’t be “capital punishment” because it doesn’t use the article “the”)
  • juvenile delinquents / mimic
  • trial / court
  • circumstantial
  • premeditated
  • rehabilitated
  • minor / licenses
  • example / role models
  • Justice / trial
  • corporal / violence
  • removes / Community / repeat offenders


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attempted murder vs premeditated murder is attempted murder is failed attempt & premeditated leads to death . IS IT SOO ? ??

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“premeditated” means it was planned before the murder happened “attempted” means trying to kill someone but they failed to kill them

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Reporing on crimes every day on TV only encourages criminals to copy. School schootingns have been very seldom reported until recently and they encourage more crimes than there used to be.COPYING is a serious problem. The press should be more subtle in reporting crimes.

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Awesome, thanks

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Awesome!!! Thanks!!!

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U are so adorable and passionate teacher. I hope you a happy life and hope that I get a high bandscore in my upcoming test

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Liz, you are a exceptional person.

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Hey Liz. This was a great help, I learned a lot of new things which is definitely a help for my exam

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Thank you ma’am. There is a lot to learn

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What is the difference between Convict and Sentence?

To convict is about finding someone guilty. To sentence is about passing the punishment.

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Your site is very useful mam for us thanks post new things

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Superb, good job

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i found this page and topic very interesting..As a matter of fact i have learnt lots of vocab i havent heard in the last 40 yrs.KUDOS

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Thanks a lot! It’s been very useful to prepare my class. Your work is great!

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I love you LIZ! you truly are a blessing. Thank you for your generosity and benevolence! I

Happy New Year 🙂

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I definitely enjoyed your lesson. Thanks Liz

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I enjoy it. Thanks

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hi Liz, in this portion of vocabulary you can also add words like: felon-felony, sadist, turncoat, traitor, heinous crime, renegade

also in educational vocabulary words like; freshers/freshman – 1st year college student sophomore – 2nd year college student veteran – final year student

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Hi Liz, why there is no explanation for ‘human trafficking’ in the above given list?? Thank you so much for all your wonderful works. Keep going..

Thanks for letting me know – I just added it 🙂

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Hii lizz.. What does vanadlism means ??

Sry vandalism

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It denotes destruction of property (usually public property).

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It is really interesting. Very useful for students.

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Excellent resource!

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yes buddy !

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Hi Liz, Please heck the meanings of drunk driving and jay walking. Drunk driving is driving under the influence of drinks. But the meaning does not say that. Also, jay walking. It should be walking at an undesignated spot and not designated spot.

Thanks for spotting my typos. They have been corrected.

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You are really wonderful and co-operative teacher. Your teaching technique will be helpful to all the IELTS student. Thank you very much. y

You’re welcome 🙂

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hello liz i am following your website from few days i am glad to follow your website, but i am unable to improve my writing skills especially in writing task 2 mainly i am lagging in vocabulary and sentence structure. my exam in a week to go so please consider my request and suggest me to improve my writing skills

Your problem is relating to English, not IELTS. If your English language is weak, find an English language website to help you: https://ieltsliz.com/useful-websites-and-resources-for-ielts/

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Hi ! Can I paraphrase the words “teenage crime” with “juvenile delinquency” ? Thank you in advance!

Sure. It’s not 100% the same but close enough depending on the essay question.

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Good afternoon, dear Liz! I’ve got a question. Why is it written “the motives of a crime should always be TAKING into consideration…” in the exercising (sent. 5). I can’t make heads or tails of it) Explain it to me, please!

Well spotted! It’s a typo. I don’t have time to do proof reading. Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you a lot!!!! I appreciate your help!

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Hi! Liz This is didar. I’m very pleased to get your topics and video….Where can i get answer speaking part 2… please Answer me?


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hi elizabeth liz, i am amanpreet singh, i love you’re website and i really appreciate you for helping a lot for ielts exam.i love you’re kindness and smartness.if i get a chance i really want to meet you and make you my best friend.thank you.i wish you all the best for further giving knowledge to students for ielts and wish you best of luck for life.goodbye see you.ha ha ha ha ha happy happy happy happy all the time because i always true love and believe in “God”.God is the owner of the world.

Thanks for your support 🙂

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Ma’am. You’re really Awesome. Great. I love the way you speak , Your charming smile. I love you. You’re doing a wonderful job. May God fulfill your dreams and wishes. God bess you. Thank you. Shefali.

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In listening test I’m not able to grasp some difficult words so what can i do to improve that?


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Hi dear Liz my name is Christine!i really appreciate you!could you say me please gow could i Copy your lessons?

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I really appreciate your effort. I am trying to get Band 8. Do you think the materials you have presented are still useful for people are targeting this score? Thanks Ali

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Thank you very much for your fruitful tips and lesson and I become a fan you.you are requested to take love with respect from Bangladesh by khan Mehedi .

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My xam was on 10th oct..really in tension..

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I mean scholarship by reduction fee

You must ask the requirements of the scholarship. Each one is different. All the best Liz

Hi Liz finally i received my ielts certificate which has 6.0 band score with your lessons and useful comments.What do you think can i take reduction fee with that result in university degree?

Sorry, I don’t understand “reduction fee”. Liz

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I m abdul hameed.frist for all my related ielts friends i hops you are good afterthat my very nice teacher liz you are good teacher of ietls and i keep truest you will help from ielts exam than i will take exam next month.your any student do prepration ielts with me my skype id. hameedKarachi

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Hi Liz, Your teaching methods are really awesome and one can easily grasp. It is very useful for everyone who writes IELTS. I got 6 in first attempt by going through your website for last two weeks only. Thank you for your website and teaching. Muthu Manikandan

Well done!. Band 6 is a good result. I’m glad my blog was useful 🙂 Liz

Thanks a lot. I was really struggling in all areas of the test especially listening. I wanted to thank you with my result as I was confident in my result after going through the website 🙂

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That’s really nice, you’re a world-class teacher.

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I have already gone through and listened the audio too. I know many words but giving the meaning for it is too great! I have learnt a lot from those vocabs!

Thanking you so much.

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Dear teacher, I’d like to ask some questions that make me brainstorm. What is the difference between ” traffic warden” and ” traffic police”? Could you explain it to me, please? Thanks a million!

A traffic warden is a uniformed official working with parking offences – not part of the police. The traffic police are police who work with traffic offences, traffic accidents and any crime involving traffic. All the best Liz

Thank You very much. So, it’s not the same traffic warden and traffic police. Best Regards, Romeo.

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Hi , Liz I am a new student for ielts preparation I do have only basic English I have started an ielts course 2 weeks ago but it’s not enough to emprove my English for university I have relised that your methods to explain vocabulary is fantastic And easy I would like to ask you PLZ if I can contact you private about teaching me Thank u in advance and sorry for any mistake that I committed

I wish I had the time but unfortunately, I don’t have time for private lessons this year. There are quite a lot of websites with free English grammar and vocabulary. See my useful websites page in the IELTS Extra section. I’m glad you’re thinking about your level of English – it is critical for success in IELTS. All the best Liz

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you are a wonderful teacher , really ,thank you a lot from Iraq. how could i use these vocabs in the essay writing or speaking section ?

You can use these words for both speaking and writing. All the best Liz

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Criminals got lots of choices here Liz. I love all your lectures. Ta!

Yes, it was weird writing such a long list of crimes and criminals 🙂

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It’s really useful words not just for IELTS but for general speaking English. May I thank you Liz and we hope you carry on with this way to let us clamb this mountain. We owe you Best wishes Qusay

I’m glad it was useful 🙂

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Dear Liz, This is my great pleasure to express how appreciate I’m about all your teaching method, It was perfect, easy and faster to comprehend by everyone else. And since when I have started to got your videos my experience and my abilities improve better related to English Language. Although I cannot express how excited I felt about meeting you as my English teacher, I’m extremely lucky to have an amazing teacher like you that you always influence me positively to reach my future goals! thank you Liz and GOD will reward you.

I’m so pleased my lessons are useful 🙂

I have totally agree from the bottom of my heart. The way you teach, explain, your smile everything I feel that you are in front of me and teaching. I have paid USD 250 before my exams. I have kept asked the teacher to give tips, but nothing had given. Luckily I have got to know your blog WOW! too good! I have learnt now how to answer T/F/NG and Y/N/NG. I have paid USD 24 for your writing task 2 lesson, thoroughly enjoyed. I am going to follow exactly your way. You are a wonderful teacher who knows the subject deeply and deliver the lesson for the students. GOD BLESS YOU to do more and more for us. Ragel

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    IELTS Essay: Fixed Punishments. Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  10. IELTS Cause Solution Essay Band 9 Model Answer

    IELTS Cause Solution Essay Band 9 Model Answer. The model answer below is for an IELTS cause and solution essay in writing task 2 on the topic of crime and punishment. Many offenders commit more crimes after serving their first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

  11. IELTS essay Crime and Punishment

    Crime and punishment are critical components of any society's legal and moral framework, reflecting how a community upholds justice and social order. This topic encompasses the various aspects of the criminal justice system, the ethics of punishment, and the effectiveness of different punitive measures. Understanding these elements is ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime ...

    1. It is often argued that precipitous global declines in crime are principally down to developments in technology. 2. While advanced technology admittedly plays an integral role in crime reduction, I would argue education hits more directly at the cause of crime. For your first sentence, paraphrase what the overall topic is.

  13. IELTS Essay About Crime

    Give a general statement that covers the background of the issue. Outline my essay and give my opinion. Body paragraph 1. Topic sentence - some crimes are the result of innate characteristics. Explain this Give an example - violent crimes. Show that this is hard to prove and may overlap with circumstances. Body paragraph 2.

  14. Crime Essays

    joylcd - IELTS Essay - Ways to Reduce Crime by: Anonymous Certain people believe that a longer life imprisonment is the best possible way to eliminate the increasing criminality rate in our society, however, some believe that there are other ways to reduce the crime rate. In my opinion, it is necessary that the government will focus more about ...

  15. Sample Essay on Rising Crime Rates

    Introduction. Introduce the topic (rising crime rates) Briefly outline my essay. Body paragraph 1. Note that there are different reasons in different places. Explain why urbanisation may be to blame (lack of accountability and social values) Other issues: unemployment, drugs, gangs. Body paragraph 2.

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2: crime topic

    Here is a "problem/solution" question, with some ideas for an essay below: Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? Causes of crime and re-offending: The main causes of crime are poverty, unemployment and lack of education. People who commit crimes ...

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Crime and the Police (Real IELTS

    This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer from the real IELTS exam about the topic of crime, which comes up frequently on the test. ... My first sentence quickly restates the topic for the essay - spend a lot of time understanding the question correctly but don't waste time writing this sentence - it isn't that important! ...

  18. IELTS Essay # 1249

    Model Answer 1: Crime is a pervasive issue that plagues many countries around the world. In recent years, the amount of crime has been on the rise, causing widespread concern among policymakers and the public alike. In this essay, I will explore some of the main causes of crime and discuss potential strategies to tackle these causes.

  19. Many Criminals Commit Further Crimes Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2

    The IELTS Writing section evaluates candidates' ability to articulate ideas clearly and coherently through two tasks: Task 1 involves interpreting data from graphs or charts, while Task 2 requires responding to an essay prompt.

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. ... Crime is a serious problem across the globe and all countries are trying to deal with this pressing issue. A section of the society believe that prison sentences for a longer duration can help reduce the crime, whilst others disagree and argue that there are ...

  21. Crime IELTS Topic Ideas, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

    In this tutorial, we discuss crime IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers. We look at: Specific vocabulary, collocations, and phrases related to crime. What are cleft sentences and how to use it in the IELTS Topic crime. Model essay on the Pros and cons of imprisonment versus rehabilitation.

  22. IELTS Essays: What is the best way to reduce crime?

    IELTS Essays - Reducing Crime. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  23. In Many Countries The Amount Of Crime Is Increasing Sample Essays

    In the IELTS Writing section, you demonstrate your proficiency in written English.Tasks 1 and 2 assess different skills depending on whether you're taking the General Training or Academic module. For the General Training, Task 1 typically requires writing a letter responding to a given situation or request. In contrast, Task 1 of the Academic module involves describing visual information, like ...

  24. Youth Crime Essay

    This sample IELTS writing is on the subject of youth crime. In this essay, you are presented with an issue and asked to discuss the 'reasons' why it is occuring and suggest 'solutions'. Crime is a topic that sometimes arises in IELTS essays and in speaking questions. But be careful to identify what kind of crime is being referred to - this is ...

  25. Crime and Punishment Vocabulary with Pronunciation

    The most common crime and punishment vocabulary with audios for pronunciation. This word list covers crimes, criminals, punishment, court proceedings and other useful words to write and talk about the topic of crime. Practice the words with the vocabulary exercise at the bottom of the page.