How to write a MUN Opening Speech

With Examples

Writing an opening speech in MUN can be a bit challenging.

Common questions we get from delegates before going to a conference. “What should I say in my opening speech?” “Should I read out my Positions Paper?” “How do I take all the research I did  and fit it into a short opening speech?”

Before you start working on your MUN opening speech, you should know the topic, done some research, and preferably already have written a position paper . 

A MUN opening speech should cover the following:

  • Problem The specific problem you want to solve – 1 line.
  • Clash Solution – What you want to do about the issue – 1 line.
  • Information Back up your views on the issue and solutions with facts from research . – 2 lines
  • Action Solution Details – The step by step how to solve the issue. – 3 + lines

What not to do:

Do not repeat the problem . Everyone knows what it is. Repeating the problem is a great way to waste precious speech time. Your first sentence should be what you want to do. That is what the other delegates are more interested in.

Your first sentence should be a clear clash. To impact the committee it is not enough to bring vague ideas. There needs to be engagement between delegates and your ideas need to be discussed by others.

You know your idea is important when countries that oppose your idea fight against it while countries who are on your side support it. Other delegates’ ideas clashing with yours is what gives them both life and makes them interesting and relevant.

For this reason, a good MUN opening speech needs to have:


Clash is your solution in one specific sentence. The Clash is framed as a two-sided solution which the other side can object to. Information is properly used facts. Call to Action is the policy you want to see implemented. The guide below will explain how the CIA formula works and how to use it to create your influential, informative, and rhetorically sound opening speech. Let’s get to it!

  • Intro to CIA
  • Opening Speech Structure
  • Topic Types
  • Opening Speech Examples

Introducing CIA

CIA is the foundation for any MUN opening speech. A strong CIA speech, will convey a clear and consistent message to your fellow delegates that you know what you are talking about and have a plan. Clear communication is the key to  successful MUNing in your committee. Missing your C lash, I nformation or A ction can result in confusion about where you stand on the matter and your outlook on how to solve the issue at hand. 

Just Remember CIA:

I nformation

C la sh – What you want to do in one specific sentence. .

I nformation – Relevant facts. numbers, that support your speech. Information can also be facts about your country that justify your position.

Call to A ction – How you will carry out the one line “what” you states in the Clash.

Before we explain how each part of CIA works, it is vital to understand clashing with at least a few other delegates is an important litmus test for how relevant your talking points are.

Why 100% Agreement = Irrelevance

A Model United Nations opening speech should present a problem, as you perceive said problem, and give one or more practical policy proposals on how you propose to solve it. However, if everyone agrees with you, no one will talk about your ideas.

When no one talks about your ideas, they will fade from the discussion. This is why your framing of the problem needs to clash with the world view of other delegates. The debate between you and those who oppose your ideas will keep both ideas alive. Hours later, if you find a compromise with the other side, you will get credit for making the biggest difference. If you cannot find a compromise, you get credit for sticking to your principles. In both cases, if your clash is central to what takes place in the committee, you will get the credit for shaping the discussion and bringing the ideas that led the direction the committee took.

This is why it is not enough to say what is correct, or even important. It needs to arouse some kind of response to remain relevant and important. Ideally, the way you frame the debate will be so relevant and well presented that the committee clashes along the lines you set and the rich and relevant discussion takes up a central place in the committee, or at least is relevant to enough delegates to keep it going as a secondary discussion. For this reason, the first part of your MUN opening speech is called a Clash.

What you want to do.

Clash definition: A confrontation of solutions.

We cannot censor people who incite violence in a country with freedom of speech. Vs We must censor people to ensure physical safety from those who successfully incite violence.

You cannot censor and not censor at the same time and there you have a strong clash.

For something to be a clash, delegates from your committee need to be on either side of it. If there are no two sides, the committee won’t debate it. Instead, your ideas will either unanimously go straight to the unimportant clause section of the resolution or fall entirely out of discussion. Either way, it will not be central to determining the direction the committee goes.

Examples of Clash:

Revoking asylum status for anyone who does not agree to get vaccinated at the border.

Advocating for megacities to have their own independent legal system.

The United Nations should fund water filtration in countries that suffer volcanic eruptions.

In all of these examples, there is a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. The answer to these questions will be the main one to divide the committee room.  

An idea that everyone agrees on is Off Clash . Off Clash statements (Like the Ebola virus is bad or tornados are dangerous) are a waste of precious speech time that could be further used to develop your Clash or Call to Action. (More on Clash and Off Clash in the expanded explanation below)

Which clash should you choose?

  Some topics have many possible clashes. In those cases, you should choose the one you feel will be most relevant to the discussion.

Committee : World Health Organization

Topic: Combating the Zika Virus

Clash 1: Increase the number of doctors sent to Peru to treat Zika.

Clash 2: Remove patent restrictions to let countries locally develop medicines to counter Zika.

Clash 3: Suggest countries around the world teach children about the world’s top deadliest diseases.

 The general concept of combating Zika is an Off Clash topic. No one will say the Zika virus is a good thing. To find the Clash you need to go one level deeper and decide what type of discussion will best serve our country’s interests.

It is clear that Clash 3 will save the least leaves and bring the least immediate benefit. It will also likely get little or no discussion time.

When choosing between Clash 1 and Clash 2, Paraguay would open for Clash 2, as creating generic medicines would be cheaper not only for fighting Zika but could also make medical treatment cheaper across the board. This idea would also be of interest to Angola, who faces similar constraints on creating generic medicines, even though they do not have the Zika virus. As a rule of thumb, it is better to choose a clash that is not only relevant to your country but many others can also agree with it.

Information = Hard facts that support your case

A strong MUN speech needs to have relevant facts and numbers that support parts of your speech.

Without information, your fellow delegates can only rely on your word, which might not give enough credibility to what you have to say. Numbers, names, dates and hard facts show what we are saying exists in the real world and is not an opinion. Numbers are the best form of information to use and the hardest to argue with.

No “Information”

The coral reefs are very important. Huge numbers of people who live near a reef. Corals also protect the shoreline of many countries. Also, many countries, like the US, and make a lot of money from tourism.

With “Information”

The coral reefs are very important. 962 million people (Roughly an eighth of the world’s population) lives within 60 miles of a reef. Additionally, corals protect 100,000 miles of shoreline in over 100 countries from being batters by the ocean’s force. The coral reefs also generating billions of dollars in tourism revenue. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service estimates the annual commercial value of U.S. fisheries from coral reefs to be over $100 million.

Which sounds smarter?

Information does not exist in a vacuum. There is no such thing as facts for facts sake. 

Information in a CIA speech should always do one of the following:

  • Supports why your Clash is the most relevant
  • Shows why your Call to Action is the most important
  • Shows why your country has the position it does
  • Disproves information brought by another delegate

Information in follow up speeches usually moves between these four. In earlier speeches the “I” focuses more on your own world-building and less on countering other countries. However, MUN simulation has a lot going on and the Information should be used, as deemed appropriate, on a case by case basis.

Call to Action (CtA) is a statement designed to give instructions for an immediate response.

In MUN, your CtA is the practical policy to solve the issue you set up in your clash.

Without a clear CtA other delegates will not know what to do with the Clash and Information you presented. Worse, they can use what you set up in your speech to justify other CtA’s.

A Call to Action needs to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound (SMART). 

Your CtA needs to be specific as to:

  • Where you will get funding from
  • Which organizations will be involved
  • What you will send

Clash: Let’s send teachers to the refugee camps in Ethiopia.

CtA : Hiring 300 teachers who specialize in teaching English and Math, to United Nations run high schools at the 3 refugee camps in the Tigray region in Ethiopia.

We can’t send “teachers” as we don’t know what types how many, where to send them or what they are going to do. However, when we look at the CtA, we can guestimate the cost of 300 teachers who specialize in English and Math and now know where to send them.

A good Call to Action explains the problem, the solution and what it’s going to do.

Specific actionable policy ideas will allow you to direct the discussion, and later take credit for the ideas when everyone else has the same general stance (ex. “humanitarian aid”).

Structure of an opening speech

The opening speeches at most MUN conferences are 60 seconds. 

However, you should ask your conference team if you are unsure about the opening speech times since this could differ. Take into considerations, a delegate could motion to change the opening speeckers time during the course of the conference or a chair could change the time due to other unforeseen reasons …. So  even if the opening speech is as short as 30 seconds, or as long as two minutes, the structure remains the same.

  • Information – Sprinkled throughout

Call to Action

Clash breaks into two parts, clashline and explanation.

How to start an MUN opening speech

A good MUN opening speech goes straight to the point. The longer you take the more of a risk you run that they’ll find someone else to focus on like passing a note, writing an opening speech of their own, chatting to the delegate next to them, etc. Your strong opener is your Clashline.

Clashline – Your first few lines. It tells the listener what clash you want to focus on. Shouldn’t be more than 10 seconds.

Examples of Clashlines:

Syrian refugees who spent over three years in refugee camps should get work visas Countries should be responsible for their own epidemics The UN should send food aid to the people of North Korea

Clash explanation – Your next few seconds should explain why what you are speaking about is important by showing why your clash is the correct one.

Examples of Explanation: Clashline: “The UN should send unconditional food aid to the people of North Korea.” Explanation: “The leadership is stable and not looking to change any time soon. Life will continue the same for the elites as the people are starving. This is why the food should be sent now.”

This is a good example of getting straight to the point. Within four sentences we have a clear idea that human rights come second to the leadership of the DPRK. This clarity of Clashline and Explanation can be used in any MUN committee from the General Assembly, ECOSOC, DISEC, SOCHUM and WHO to the Security Council and even a crisis committee.

Information Facts in your speech always have a purpose. That purpose is almost always one of the following: – Show why your Clash is the most relevant – Show why your Call to Action will make the biggest difference – Explain why your country has the position it does – Disprove information brought by another delegate

Use of information to strengthen a speech

Clash: The UN should send unconditional food aid to the people of North Korea. Kim Jong Un is 35 years old. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon. At the same time, 10.5 million people, which is 41% of the total population, are undernourished. Life will continue the same for the elites as the people are starving.

You should describe your policy / solution halfway through your speech at the latest. This is because you need time to elaborate on your solution. No idea is clear in one sentence. You will need time to explain why it is important and why it is going to work.

Use of Call to Action

The United Nations should send 240 million tons of food aid to the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea. This food should be sent over two years. 30 million should be sent every three months as long as Kim Jong Un abides by the following.

  • Regular scheduled UN inspections every six months.
  • Surprise inspections are accommodated.

This text can be turned into clauses for a draft resolution. The main idea is clear.

Closing your Opening Speech

After your Call to Action, a summary sentence can be a nice way to close your speech.

However, this should not come at the expense of your content or important details of your Call to Action. Style should never trump substance.

What if you have extra time in my opening speech?

If you find yourself with extra time in your opening speech, and you used the CIA format in your speech.

Do the following:

  • Elaborate on additional points you didn’t get enough time to introduce.
  • Set up ideas that you can follow up in your next speech.
  • Reinforce your main points.
  • End your speech early if you really have nothing to add.

It should be rare to have extra time in your opening speech if you planned wisely, when you happen to find yourself with extra time use it strategically.

Types of MUN Topics

How it impacts your opening speech.

There are three types of MUN topics, Open, Semi-Open and Closed.

Types of MUN Topics:

Open Open topics are very broad and should be significantly narrowed to create the clash in an opening speech.

Example – Combatting the Slave Trade

This topic is very broad and could be about anything that has to do with slavery in the world today.  What does slave trade mean? It could be child slavery, forced labor or the sex trade. It could be placed in the developed world or developing world. It could be about countries of origin, transit countries or destinations. To be debatable the opening speech needs to move from the topic to something specific to set the Clash.

Semi-Open Semi-Open topics are similar to open topics and should be narrowed and focused. They have more direction than open topics but you are still required to choose from a few directions to set the clash.

Example – The right to the internet of children in developing countries

There is an understanding of what types of countries and populations that we’re focusing on but there is still work needed to set a Clash. What ages are the children? Who is providing the internet, government, the UN or an NGO? What about the devices to use the internet?

Closed topics have a clear main clash. Most, or all, of the countries in the committee will fall onto one side or the other. For closed topics, countries without a clear point of view still need to pick a side before they can begin discussing the issue.

Example – Sending aid to the people of North Korea.

While you still need to decide what types of aid, how much and what conditions, the question of “should we send aid” is a yes or no question that each country should have an opinion on and which strongly influences their starting point in the discussion.

You can learn more about the three types of MUN topics here.

Below are MUN opening speech samples for an open and closed topic.

MUN Opening Speech Examples

The following MUN speech examples show both good and bad opening speeches. After the speech, there will be a breakdown according to CIA and an analysis of the speech evaluating what worked, what didn’t and why.

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MUN Opening Speech Example – Open Topic

Committee: World Food Program

Topic: Eradicating Global Hunger

Country: Norway

Honorable chair distinguished delegates,

The first step to stopping starvation is improving access to clean water, critical for food growth. Half of the 800 million people without access to clean water live in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Kingdom of Norway believes that the WFP’s efforts should focus on community-oriented aid to promote self-sufficient living. Norway thinks self-operated water harvesting devices are a good way to do this. The University of Akron in Ohio developed a water harvester that produces 10 gallons of drinking water per hour from thin air. The UN should purchase, and distribute, water harvesters to the countries most in need such as Niger, Burundi and Mozambique. For the UN to ensure long term success, the WFP should transfer harvesters and not funds to the countries in need.

The Breakdown

The first step to stopping starvation is improving access to clean water , critical for food growth. Half of the 800 million people without access to clean water live in Sub-Saharan Africa . The Kingdom of Norway believes that the WFP’s efforts should focus on community-oriented aid to promote self-sufficient living. Norway thinks self-operated water harvesting devices are a good way to do this. The University of Akron in Ohio developed a water harvester that produces 10 gallons of drinking water per hour from thin air . The UN should purchase, and distribute, water harvesters to the countries most in need such as  Niger, Burundi and Mozambique . For the UN to ensure long term success, the WFP should transfer harvesters and not funds to the countries in need.

Clash – Improving access to clean water is how we tackle global hunger.

When asked in a question, “Does stopping starvation means providing access to clean water as the first priority?” Some countries will agree and some will not.

Information – 400 million people don’t have access to water in sub-Saharan Africa. (Numbers) Water harvester in the University of Akron produced 10 gallons of water per hour. (Numbers and names) Niger, Burundi and Mozambique are countries that could use this. (Names)

Call to Action – The UN should replace cash with water harvesters and give them directly to the people in need.

This Call to Action has two parts. In a follow-up speech, Norway can say that they give $975 million in aid to sub-Saharan countries. This can support why they want to make sure their investment is spent correctly. Also, even if the committee doesn’t go for water harvesters, or even water, the idea of not sending cash to the countries in need can still be central to the discussion.

Speech Analysis

Norway is hedging her bets and, while going in strong, leaves room to maneuver. The subtext of her case is countries should use whatever they are given responsibly and handing cash to governments is not an effective means. As long as whatever policy is chosen is done more responsibly (by what Norway considers responsible) she can still have a strong impact on the committee even if none of her policies go through.

MUN Opening Speech Example – Closed topic

Committee: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Topic: Changing visa policy to combat illegal migration

Country: United Kingdom

Honorable chair distinguished delegates, 

The United Kingdom is strongly against making visa access easier. While the death of the 39 Chinese found inside a refrigerated lorry from Bulgaria on October 23rd, 2019 is regrettable, our only option is informing potential migrants of the danger to themselves.

Illegal migration into Britain is around 650,000—give or take a couple hundred thousand. Many of these enter countries on tourist visas and then stay. Changing the laws will only give smugglers more opportunities.

Britain proposes the UN create translated online platforms to apply for legal visas, while also showing the dangers of illegal migration. The UN should invest in the proliferation, so this information reaches the right people. The smugglers who get past our x-ray machines, canine units, heartbeat monitors and carbon-dioxide sniffers are extremely resourceful. If we loosen visa laws, they will adapt and continue to take money from the poor but now with the white hats, we handed to them.

Honorable chair distinguished delegates,  The United Kingdom is strongly against making visa access easier . While the death of the 39 Chinese found inside a refrigerated lorry from Bulgaria on October 23rd, 2019 is regrettable, our only option is informing potential migrants of the danger to themselves . Illegal migration into Britain is around 650,000 —give or take a couple hundred thousand. Many of these enter countries on tourist visas and then stay . Changing the laws will only give smugglers more opportunities.

Britain proposes the UN create translated online platforms to apply for legal visas, while also showing the dangers of illegal migration . The UN should invest in the proliferation , so this information reaches the right people. The smugglers who get past our x-ray machines, canine units, heartbeat monitors and carbon-dioxide sniffers are extremely resourceful. If we loosen visa laws, they will adapt and continue to taking money from the poor but now with the white hats, we handed to them.

Clash – Do not change the visa laws. Like at all.

Information – 39 victims inside a lorry from Bulgaria (numbers and names), Illegal migration into Britain + – 650,000 (number), x-ray machines, canine units, heartbeat monitors and carbon-dioxide sniffers (specific names of detection methods.)

Call to Action – UN online platform in local languages explaining the visa process and warning of dangers. UN should create a mechanism to make sure the platform reaches relevant people. (How to reach people needs elaboration in later speeches) 

This speech starts with the UK clearly stating that they are against changing visa status, which shows which side of the main clash he is on. He brings information which he knows those who want to change visa status to save lives will bring up and says, despite that, he is against.

The UK brings many new stakeholders into the discussion such as the resourceful smugglers and how most illegal migrants come with tourist visas and stay.

As draft resolutions are practical policies, it isn’t enough to be against changing visas. The UK also needs to propose something proactive. The online resource is a good policy proposal in that it gives the IOM sometimes to advocate for which does not require a change in visa law. All countries that don’t want to change their immigration policy can get behind this idea that does not really change anything. It’s a position that many countries could back and might even get a majority. By putting the focus on resourceful smugglers, the UK is moving away from the danger to human life by saying the real enemy is the smugglers, who will be empowered by changing visa law.

Examples of Bad MUN Opening Speeches

Example bad opening speech - #1.

Committee : ECOSOC

Country : Egypt

TOPIC :  Rebuilding the Middle East

We, the Arab Republic of Egypt believe that we should help rebuild the Middle East and specifically Syria .

While the 580,000 casualties of the civil war in Syria are extremely regrettable, the real victims are the people trying to stay alive in the conflict zone that is modern Syria. More than 6.2 million people are displaced . 13.1 million are still in need of humanitarian assistance . The estimated unemployment rate stands at 54 percent . Also, 83.5 percent of the 19,454,263 Syrians live below the poverty line . Cities have been engulfed in crime, police stations closed down and the overall police personal dropped from 100,000 officers to 20,000 . Rates of theft increased, with criminals looting houses and stores. To fix this problem we need to rebuild the Middle East by rebuilding Syria!

Clash – Rebuilding the Middle East = Rebuilding Syria 

Information – A lot of facts about how difficult life is in Syria.

Call to Action – There is none.

This speech starts with the clash going half way. It focuses the rebuilding efforts on Syria. This excludes Iraq, and other candidate states, but is also a fairly predictable option which could be expected from a majority of delegates (at least if the committee takes place late 2019).

After the place setting in Syria, the speech brings many facts. This shows research but a clear lack of focus. The facts shows life in Syria is difficult, but the knowledge that life is difficult for Syrians is something everyone in the committee probably knows. The information is scattered between those who need aid, those who are unemployed and the information about dropping police forces. There is no Call to Action to make use of the data so the listener is left with the conclusion that life in Syria is hard, which they knew before the committee began.

Furthermore, the information in this speech can be used to support almost any Call to Action, from sending emergency humanitarian aid workers throughout the country to giving 100% support to Bashar Assad to reassert full control. This is the danger in giving a speech with a sort of Clash, Information and no Call to Action. Anyone can use your facts to support their own agenda.

Example Bad Opening Speech #2

Country : Ireland

The Republic of Ireland declares that we need to rebuild the Middle East ! Ireland believes that we should take action against the war and apply sanctions against the rebel terrorists in Syria and even resort to military action if necessary to stop the war. Syria is in such a poor condition because of the west’s irresponsible behavior regarding the war. The millions who died and fled are directly our fault. This is the same level of neglect seen after the Vietnam war in 1975 , when we left over 2 million as the casualty count and fled to lick our wounds and rebuild ourselves. Once the war is over, we should send financial aid to rebuild Syria again and prevent any future wars from happening. 

Clash – Unclear. 1) Rebuild the Middle East (off clash), 2) Apply Sanctions against rebel terrorists in Syria, 3) Resort to military action.

Information – Vietnam war ended in 1975. Casualty count of over 2 million.

Call to Action – Send financial aid.

This speech is a mess of mixed messages. The Clashline is Off Clash, as there likely isn’t a country who would say they do not support the idea of rebuilding the Middle East (whatever that means). We then hear “we should apply sanctions against the terrorists in Syria” with no further explanation of how this will work or who they are. We then hear “resort to military action to stop the war” with no explanation about who we are taking action against. It could be the undefined terrorists mentioned before. It could be the Syrian army. It could be someone else.

The information in this speech is about the Vietnam war. The example is extremely dated, and the numbers undefined and possibly incorrect. However, the larger issue with the information is that it doesn’t serve a purpose. The west abandoning the Middle East is never even hinted at in the beginning of the clash. It also has nothing to do with the one liner Call to Action that comes later.

The Call to Action, if we can even call it that, has nothing to do with any previous part of the speech. If anything, sending aid is the opposite of sanctions and war, both of which have nothing to do with the American withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975.

Overall, this is a confusing speech where each part sends a different message from the other parts. This speech is very open to highjacking by another delegate who will say that this speech supports their ideas. Another option is this speech is ignored. What is clear is the direction the committee takes will likely not be set by this speech.

Example Bad Opening Speech - #3

Committee : ECOFIN

Country : Peru

Topic : Responsible Usage of Arctic Resources

Peru believes that every Arctic country has the sovereignty to use their resources .

However, because of the climate changes, we should create a special committee that will discuss this subject and find ways to decrease the ecological damage. The Arctic region contains major reserves of uranium, copper, tungsten, gold, diamonds and most importantly gas and oil . In addition, it’s one of the largest freshwater reservoirs in the world. Climate changes and release of contaminants in the Arctic have potential to affect European and global weather patterns. The Arctic is particularly sensitive to the effects of global warming, and icebergs are melting at a rapid rate. Scientists fear that it will cause a significant rise in sea levels around the world, and that in the 20th of the 21 century there will be no ice zone at all during the summer.

Clash – Countries can use resources within their territory.

Information – Names of resources in the arctic and some more scattered data.

Call to Action – Create a special committee.

This speech starts with a pretty clear Clash, that countries who have access to the arctic can use their resources as they please. The next line contradicts the first and presents either an alternative Clash or a Call to Action in the form of creating a “special committee” to find ways to decrease egonolical damage (first time this is mentioned).  The rest of the speech is an array of information that doesn’t really point at anything. Some of it counts as Information in the form of new facts but most of what is said doesn’t really serve a purpose. At the end of the speech we are left wondering what was the point. From the third sentence the speech rambles on with no connection to the Clash or Call to Action which end up forgotten by the end of the speech..

Example Bad Opening Speech - #4

Country : Cuba

The Arctic states are completed and integrated by customary international sea law and several treaties. The Arctic includes areas of the national sovereignty. Cuba fully respects these sovereign rights and will be ready to play their role to confront global challenges with its scientific and technological expertise and leading companies to contribute to a sustainable Arctic development while respecting the ecosystem and indigenous people.

In this frame, Cuba expects the extending bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the Arctic, in the framework of international law to create a committee to cooperate in the following subjects : wider access of geo- strategic interest , scientific cooperation on climate change and environmental protection , economic expertise in the use of mineral resources , cooperation on human lives in extreme climate conditions .

Clash – None.

Information – None.

Call to Action – Create a committee to do basically everything.

This speech opening with what is clearly not a clashline. Cuba then says they “fully respect sovereign rights” and continue with a run on sentence (specifically how they will “ play their role to confront global challenges” using “scientific and technological expertise and leading companies” to “contribute to a sustainable Arctic development” while “respecting the ecosystem and indigenous people.”)

This delegate’s opening speech, unknowingly, tries to cover everything. The same can be seen in their call to action where the committee is created to do 5 separate things, which could each be an entire Call to Action in its own right.

This speech is hard to follow and tries to commit to so many different things. As a result, almost any other delegate can say that Cuba supports them. There are buzzwords like terms that have no clear link between them such as “sustainable Arctic development”,  “ecosystem”, “indigenous people” and more. Overall, it is a difficult speech to follow where the listener is left without a clear idea of what the delegate wants, unless if what they want is absolutely everything.

Country : Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic says we have to take care of the arctic . It is important because there are many resources there which the world will be sad to lose. It also has endangered species.

We have not been careful with the arctic. Countries could also go to war over it. We need to be responsible. This means setting up mechanisms to protect the environment. We should also create treaties to protect nature and the natural resources there.

We owe it to our children and their children to take care of the arctic . We will have failed them if they ask us “why were you not responsible”. We need to be able to have an answer. As ECOFIN, we need to make sure the United Nations ensures that its member states use the arctic responsibly or do not use it at all. If we want an arctic when we are older we need to protect it today!

Clash – The clash in this speech is off clash.

Information – There are zero facts in this speech.

Call to Action – “take care of the arctic” which could mean anything.

This speech could have been written by someone who only read the name of the topic. Everything in it is general. No fact is present and no original idea is presented.

The only merit of this speech is that it can be read dramatically but even then there is nothing to remember except for lines like “we owe it to our children and their children to take care of the arctic.” At best, this speech shows eloquence and a knack for drama. What it does not do is set or drive debate in any way. Coming away from this you can assume no research was done and there is possibly a lack of understanding of how a MUN works.

Adapting Your Opening Speech in Real Time 

At this point, you should be able to understand the different parts of a MUN opening speech and how they work together. Inspired by the examples and opening speech analysis, the patterns and characteristics of a good MUN opening speech should be clear. The final part of the opening speech process is the modifications you will sometimes need to do to adapt your speech to the previous speeches that came before yours.

MUN RULE: Always ready to adapt in real-time. This rule applies to your opening speech.

Just because it’s your first speech , doesn’t mean it’s the first speech in the committee room. 

Ideas will come up from the very first opening speech in the committee. Once a delegate utters the words,“Honorable chair distinguished delegate” you should be ready to make a few modifications to your opening speech. Adapting  to the room and the ideas is key to success in MUN.

Factor in the speaking order

Opening speeches are usually heard alphabetically. Other options are reverse alphabetical , in order of seating or completely at random . 

Write your speech to build on top of others

Take note of the first letter of your country, write your speech with your place in the speaking order in mind. Countries with the letters A through C often give the first speeches, since not every committee has interviews countries with every letter in the alphabet. : )

(Remember although most conferences have opening speeches in alphabetical order, this is not a guarantee) 

The countries who start their opening speech have first crack at defining the terms, setting the Clash and introducing the first Calls to Action.

More delegates on your Clash = Better

If you are not the first delegate making an opening speech, it is very possible you will join an existing Clash. Joining other delegates with the same idea is not a bad thing. The more delegates who subscribe to your world view the better chance you have to get a majority.

Hearing your Clash by another delegate in previous speeches is a very good thing. This lays the foundation to start building your coalition already during the opening speech stage through a tactic called echoing .

If you are not the first delegate making an opening speech, think what is likely to have been said and add to it. It is very possible you will join an existing Clash. This is not a bad thing. The more delegates there are who subscribe to your world view the better chance you have to get a majority.

As long as it isn’t Off Clash, hearing your Clash in some of the previous speeches is a very good thing. This means you can start building your coalition already during the opening speech stage through a tactic called echoing.

Echo others

Echoing is mentioning another country by name in your speech. You can echo that you agree with them or disagree. You can directly quote or paraphrase. Echoing is not limited to opening speeches but it is a very potent strategy to use when you aren’t the first speaker.

How to Echo:

Echoing in an opening speech is usually best done right before your clash. You can also echo a country in the middle of your speech but it has a larger chance of getting missed.

Echoing in an opening speech can look something like this:

“Portugal agrees with Denmake, France and Haiti and disagreed with Russia and Pakistan.”

When you mention another country by name their ears perk up and they listen. You want allies and the opposing bloc to listen. You definitely want the countries you mention by name to listen.

Echoing in an opening speech needs to have a purpose. The purpose is usually to start putting your coalition together. Mentioning someone else in your speech grants you street credit with them. On a secondary level echoing helps set the Clash. Other countries will see that a number of delegates see your Clash as the issue to discuss and can choose to come on board, or at least acknowledge the Clash as something to be addressed.

If you are not one of the first speakers echoing it is also a way to show other delegates that you’re listening. If you mention countries who spoke at the beginning when you’re one of the later delages to speak, it sounds like your stopped listening at the beginning. It’s better to echo a country from the beginning, middle and a few speakers before you. This way the delegates in the room know your are attentive. 

Echoing other delegates as a way to communicate with them from within your opening speech. Those extra words can help you start building coalitions, and agreeing on what reality the committee is taking place in, before the opening speeches end.

Finally, remember that echoing is part of your word count . If you’re going to echo, factor that into your speech time. A strategy some delegates use is writing their opening speech with 10 words less than fits a minute to leave room for echoing.

Saying CtA Best > Saying CtA First

Some MUN topics have a limited number of policies that can be implemented. If you’re a further down the opening speech list it is very likely someone said your policy, or something like it. This too is a good thing. When the topic has only three or four viable policies, it should be expected that some ideas will repeat themselves.

If you’re dealing with an earthquake there are only so many ways to rescue people from under the rubble.

If you’re dealing with a virus, there are only so many ways to vaccinate and research an antidote.

This is why would should not worry about saying the Call to Action first. On some topics, if you’re the only one to say it, you likely have a much larger problem

This is where going into detail and SMART policy come into play. You can echo the other countries who mentioned your policy idea in one line and develop it. If they gave one line at the end of their speech but you take 25 seconds to explain, the credit will go to you.

Remember that your opening speech is not the end, it’s a beginning. The delegate who best develops the idea, and pushes it the furthest over time, is the one who gets the credit. Also, you don’t need to do it alone. Having one or two strong allies will make a big difference when it comes to getting your Call to Action a central place of the draft resolution. MUN is a team activity and there is no promise of an easy ride to a majority. That is also part of the fun and the magic that is MUN. Be open to working with others and see the other delegates who try to set your Clash or introduce your Call to Action as an opportunity. CIA alone is more work for you. Others joining and supporting  your CIA is the essence of cooperation and leveling up in Model United Nations.

There you have it. The secret to writing a great MUN opening speech. Remember, a speech alone is not though. You need to combine it with proper country representation , good coalition work, and resolution writing . However, if you give a bad opening speech you will need to work extra hard to catch up afterward. This can potentially be especially hard in an expert room.

You will also have to give other speeches after the first one. There are all types of follow up speeches that are needed to keep your CIA going. Once the ideas are out, their repetition is key to keeping your ideas on the table and yourself relevant. However, now that you gave a great opening speech, you have a much better chance to influence the direction the committee takes.

You should also use the tools of CIA speech writing to critically listen to others. Listen to hear what they are missing, whether it’s a Clash, a Call to Action or data to back it up. Write notes on their speeches and factor that into your general strategy.

The tools you gained here are relevant for high school MUN, college or university MUN as well as for other platforms that involve public speech. More importantly, these tools can also be used outside of MUN. After all, being relevant, interesting and driving conversation are even more important outside of a Model UN committee simulation. Make these tools second nature and they should serve you well for a long time.

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The MUN Calendar of Turkey!

How to Write an Opening Speech for MUN by Irmak OKUR

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How to write an Opening Speech in MUN by Irmak OKUR

First steps on mun, how to write that opening speech which anyone does not have an idea of how to ..

How to write an Opening Speech in MUN? It is important to know how to write a fantastic opening speech which will make you look experienced and sophisticated –and not like a noob-. Believe me, I am talking with experience right now, an opening speech changes people’s impression on you so quickly that you will be so surprised.

Part 1: Understanding what is an opening speech

”You are representing your country to a bunch of people… on a formal session of UN !”

Understand An OS (Opening Speech) is more like a formal introduction to your country and your delegation. Basically, you are explaining your country’s viewpoint on the problem that you are willing to solve.

 Imagine Close your eyes and imagine that you have been chosen to represent your country in a formal UN Session. What would you say to represent your country?

Learn There are differences between THIMUN and HMUN. Do not forget to check your conference’s format!

Read examples You can find tons of OS examples just by googling it. Read them and ‘’inspire’’ a little bit. But do not copy them!

Check your friends’ speeches Just take a look at your friends’ OS when you cannot write anymore. It will give you some ideas to write more. But do not forget to ask permission first. Sometimes they might be unpleasant about ‘’getting inspired from their speech’’.

Research You have to have basic information about your committee’s topic and your country’s viewpoint. Do not try to write an OS without searching for your topic.

Do not stress it An experienced and knowledgeable delegate may write an OS in 1-2 hours. If it is your first conference, do not worry. In a worst-case scenario, you will write it for 2 days.

Be careful about speech’s time Generally chairs want to get all OSs in one session. Depending on session time, headcount and experience level chairs may set a time for delegates’ OS time. They usually last between 45 seconds and 2 minutes.

Get knowing people’s help Your friends, a senior or a teacher may help you. Personally, I do my best to help first-timers. We are eager to help! Just do not makes us write your OS.

And no. You do not have to write two opening speeches for two topics

Part 2: Writing Your Opening Speech

‘ ‘The part that everyone is afraid of… Actually sitting and writing your opening speech without an excuse.”

Harvard MUN Format

Flatter Everyone Before Going for a Speech This is an unwritten rule of all MUN conferences. You can hear that everyone starts their speech by saying ”Honourable Chair and Esteemed (or distinguished whatever) Delegates”. You can try to be creative on this part but keep it diplomatic. People usually do not realize this type of little surprises.

The Formal Introduce Part (Not Always Necessary) As we all know MUN is a conference that sometimes you should use fancy sentences in order to look formal. In this part, you should use sentences that explain how honored you are as a country to take place in this ”prestigious”-yep, a popular MUN word- conference and saying that you wish to tackle significant issues by debating.

   As the delegate of X (Always use your country’s full and official name like the ”Federal Republic of Nigeria” instead of just ” Nigeria ”) we would like to state that it is a great honor to take place in this prestigious conference.

Or another example

  It is a great honor to represent X in this respected conference.

Briefly Explaining the Situation In this part you should explain your topic by a few sentences and avoid detailed ones if possible. (if you have two or more topics then try to write generally on your committee)

  • a) Firstly explain why you have gathered.
  • b) Tell why this situation is dangerous to people by using data.
  • c) Then add the viewpoint of your country on this situation.

Best Wishes on Debating and Epilogue Give your best wishes about debating and solving the situation that you are meant to solve in a diplomatic, positive and meaningful way.


In THIMUN format there are special delegates called ‘’Ambassadors’’ which meant to make a speech on General Assembly. In additionally they have to make another one on their committee. So Ambassadors should be prepared for two opening speeches.

There is only one ambassador in each delegation. These Ambassadors’ speech on GA (General Assembly) should contain all topics of that conference. You do not have to explain them all. A speech about the conference’s theme referring to the committee agenda is fine for a start. You do not have a strict time limit but keep it short and brief as possible.

Write your other OS as usual.

Part 3: Performing that Opening Speech (Do and Don’ts)

‘’Writing is okay. What about reading?’’

Practice Just read your speech to your friends a few times before actually making your speech to your all committee.

Take criticism Accept qualified criticism and listen to them. It will make your speech better.

Use body language  will make you appear more confident and listenable which is a thing that we aim for.

Use ‘’We’’ instead of ‘’I’’ Since you are representing a country you should not say ‘’I’’. For example, we do not say ‘’I feel very honored to attend this conference.’’ Instead of that, we prefer saying ‘’We feel very honored to attend this conference.’’

Speak clearly Try to be understandable. If anyone did not understand anything from your speech, then your speech is useless.


Don’t look at your paper all the time Reading every sentence from a paper is a very annoying behaviour. Try to make eye contact and look at your paperless as possible.

Don’t try to memorize your speech, Of course, it would be great to memorize your speech but it is unnecessary. Use that time for understanding your topic and get enough information.

Don’t be a perfectionist , First of all, it is okay to make mistakes. If you did pronounce wrong just ignore it. Probably they did not even realize it. All MUNers has embarrassing yet funny stories- yep nearly all of them- Be relaxed and have fun.

Sample Opening Speeches

Sample Opening Speech 1 Honourable Chair and Fellow Delegates, As the delegate of Iraq, It is a big honour for us to represent our country in this meeting. We are sad to announce that we lost more than 10.00 people in our country due to COVID-19. We are aware of the fact that we need to take more precautions to protect our citizens from COVID-19. Secondly, if we close our social areas, our economy is affected badly. We should be balanced in these restrictions. We think the world should go under quarantine as a whole. We need to schedule social life to ease the infection rate. Moreover, we need to open new hospitals in the African region and the world must help them. Doctors and medical equipment should be sent to Africa as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Sample Opening Speech 2 Opening Speech of Spain Honourable Chair and Fellow Delegates, As the delegate of Spain, we feel honoured to take part in this significant meeting. In the begging of the global pandemic, our nation was hit strongly by the major COVID-19 cases. Unfortunately, our cases have passed 1 million even though our government has tried to decrease the cases. We believe that if there is enough medical equipment, African countries can stop the second COVID-19 wave. We need to send cleaning supplies, medicine and mental care support. We should raise awareness in the African content so that we can fight COVID-19 as a whole. Africa has a young population, and WHO thinks the COVID-19 death toll remains low for this reason. If we can work together with member states, we can stop the spread of coronavirus. Thank you for your attention. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Sample Opening Speech 3 Forum: Human Rights 2 Question of: The Use of torture in criminal interrogation procedures Country: United States Of America Honorable chair and fellow delegates; the United States is extremely privileged to attend this conference. In the past few years, the United States and several allies have been fighting a campaign in Iraq as part of its war on terror. Many lives were lost, but after long, hard combat the US finally defeated dictator Saddam Hussein. After his removal, the United States has been working to rebuild Iraq into a democracy and soldiers have stayed behind to eliminate insurgents. However, the delegation from the United States feels that its progress in Iraq has come to the point where the Iraqi government can handle itself independently, as is needed for any strong democracy. Beginning in 2011, the United States will begin withdrawing its soldiers from its Iraq. It has faith in the Iraqi people and knows that they will be able to become a healthy nation. Thank you.
Sample Opening Speech 4 Forum: The Environment II Council Question of The Question of the Disposal of Nuclear Waste Delegation: The United States of America Honorable chair, fellow delegates, and distinguished guests, The United States of America is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this conference and the chance to find suitable solutions for environmental issues, such as nuclear waste disposal. Nuclear waste disposal is an important issue in the modern world because nuclear power greatly benefits human society, while at the same time potentially resulting in serious consequences. Exposure of radioactive waste in the environment must be eliminated if nuclear power is to be used, and better-disposing methods of nuclear waste must be achieved. The United States highly values the environment and its well being. Therefore, it looks forward to discussing this and other issues in the following days. Thank you.
Sample Opening Speech 5 Forum: Human Rights Question of: Gender equality in access to primary and secondary education Country: Morocco Honorable Chair and fellow delegates and distinguished guests, thank you for according us your time to deliberate this speech which Morocco believes is capital. Despite many efforts made by Morocco, gender equality in access to primary and secondary education is essential for a developing country such as Morocco. Women in Morocco usually receive less education then men which the data shows that 40% of women and 60% of men in Morocco receive a basic education which is a huge impact on society. Morocco has already made considerable effort to enforce the laws but still has some progress to make. Morocco is looking forward to the support of UN countries beyond the borders for solutions to this International issue. Retrieved from

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I cant write a opening speech its so hard I search like 1000 sites but I cant write a opening speech

how to start speech in mun

How to Get Ready for an MUN Conference by Ayşe İnci DAL

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Türkçe MUN Konferanslarının Faydaları, Ecenur GÜLMEN IT Team

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GSL Speech For MUN

Writing a perfect MUN GSL Speech is a skill set you will learn over time. There are a few different ways you can approach writing your Model UN GSL speech that we will talk about in this guide.

Think about breaking your GSL speech into 3 parts:

  • Hook – Grab the attention of your fellow delegates in the committee
  • Point – Get your policy across that you may want to see in the draft resolution
  • Call to Action – Mention Action step based on your hook and point This is simple yet effective time

Make sure you are on the General Speakers List (GSL) as much as possible during the MUN Conference.

It’s not just about having ample speakers tine in GSL rather about bringing your points and ideas across your fellow delegates in the committee and show the Chair you are playing a key role in shaping the debate.

While delivering your GSL Speech:

Remember the importance of Body Language, to matter if your topic is discussing nuclear weapons or human rights, make to have your body language in line with the words you say in your speech.

What is a good way to start a General Speakers List speech in MUN?

Good general tip for a MUN speech is to try to be  be dramatic as well as informative. Remember that you can’t just read what’s written on the page of your speech.

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How Do I Propose a Mod?

Let's start with an example and then break it into pieces to explain how to propose a mod: Delegate raises their placard and says "Motion for a 9 minute moderated caucus, with a 45 second speaking time, on the topic of the duration of government patents."

Some other things to consider about moderated caucuses:

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Fact-check: Trump’s speech at Trump Tower after his New York felony conviction

Former President Donald Trump lashed out about his Manhattan trial and sought to defend his record and his character

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In remarks from Trump Tower almost nine years after he  launched  his first presidential campaign there, former President Donald Trump lashed out about his Manhattan trial and sought to defend his record and his character. Trump criticized a judicial gag order and the prosecution that one day earlier resulted in 34 felony convictions for falsifying business records.

As he has since the first of his four criminal indictments, Trump blasted the prosecution as “political interference” and said the outcome was “rigged.” Over the course of 44 minutes, he attacked the trial judge and witnesses, including his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and reiterated his claim that U.S. elections are corrupt.

Trump did not take questions.

He is scheduled to be sentenced July 11 and is expected to appeal his conviction, a process that could last beyond Election Day. But the verdicts mean his schedule could open a bit, allowing him more freedom to campaign because he is no longer in court multiple days a week. Trump has sought to parlay his legal troubles into energy among his voter base, which responded with a cash infusion that the campaign says  topped $30 million  in one day.

Trump listed grievances that echo those he often shares in campaign rallies. Meanwhile, at the White House, President Joe Biden praised the justice system and its resilience.

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed” in the Manhattan case, Biden said, adding that Trump was afforded the opportunity to defend himself.

Biden also sought to counter Trump’s narrative, saying “it’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged, just because they don’t like the verdict.”

Here is a fact-check of some of Trump’s May 31 remarks at Trump Tower.

Trump continued his theme of trashing U.S. elections

“Our elections are corrupt,” Trump said. Trump has falsely described elections as  “rigged”  at least  since 2016 . Elections are administered in thousands of local areas nationwide, each with safeguards, making any attempt to “rig” a national vote highly improbable.

Trump falsely linked New York case to Biden (again)

Trump said his Manhattan trial was “all done by Biden and his people.” That’s  False . The Manhattan district attorney’s investigation began in 2018 before Biden was his party’s presidential nominee. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed the charges in 2023; Trump’s fighting a subpoena lengthened the timeline before trial.

Trump has been critical of Bragg’s hiring of Matthew Colangelo, a former Justice Department prosecutor who, when he worked for the New York attorney general, investigated Trump. It’s common for seasoned prosecutors to move among federal, state and local offices. Reasonable people may question the political wisdom of Bragg’s hire, but it doesn’t prove Biden has directed the Manhattan investigation.

Trump was convicted of felonies, not misdemeanors

“It’s only a misdemeanor,” Trump said.  On its own ,  falsifying records in the second degree  is a misdemeanor. However, the charge transforms into a  felony  if the person accused is convicted of falsifying business records intending to commit another crime or to aid or conceal a crime committed. The upgrade would make the crimes Class E felonies, New York’s lowest level.

Trump was correct that he has been fined for violating gag order

“Now I’m under a gag order” Trump said. He called it a “nasty gag order, where I’ve had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines, and was threatened with jail.” An April 1  gag order  bars Trump from talking about witnesses or jurors in the New York case about falsifying business records.  Trump has been found in violation 10 times , and fined $1,000 for each violation.

Is Trump ‘supposed to go to jail for 187 years’?

Even if Judge Juan Merchan does hand down a sentence that includes prison time, legal experts say Trump’s characterization of 187 years is a wild exaggeration.

If Trump gets any prison time at all, he would likely be sentenced to serve the sentences for  each count concurrently.  Legal experts also told PolitiFact that the crime Trump was convicted of has prison time capped at 20 years.

“On a class E felony, which this is, the maximum sentence is four years,” said Cheryl G. Bader, an associate clinical law professor at Fordham University. “The judge has discretion to sentence consecutively on the multiple counts, but I can’t imagine a sentence of more than four years. I also can’t imagine a sentence of four years, and I think any sentence of incarceration is unlikely and would be only a token amount of time to make the point that Trump is not above the law.”

Trump omitted full story about DA Alvin Bragg

“Bragg didn’t want to bring that,” Trump said of his case. That’s not the full story.

Bragg  took office as Manhattan district attorney in January 2022 . The next month, two prosecutors who were heading the investigation into Trump’s business dealings  resigned .

Days later, Bragg’s office said a new prosecutor had been assigned to lead the case.

But even then it wasn’t clear whether Bragg was pursuing the case against Trump. In March 2022, The New York Times published the  resignation letter of Mark Pomerantz, one of the prosecutors who resigned.  In the letter, Pomerantz told Bragg  he disagreed with his decision not to prosecute Trump and take the case to a grand jury.

Bragg said in an April 7, 2022,  statement  that the investigation against Trump was continuing.

What Trump omitted about actions of the FEC, Southern District

Trump said the case about business records “was dropped by the highly respected Southern District,” ,a reference to the U.S. Attorney’s office of the Southern District of New York, and the Federal Election Commission. The  Federal Election Commission’s general counsel  recommended commissioners find reason to believe that Trump engaged in wrongdoing. But the case died after commissioners split on their vote along party lines. Trump also omitted the full story on the actions of the U.S. attorney’s office.

Did Michael Cohen’s legal trouble have nothing to do with Trump?

Referring to Cohen without naming him, Trump said, “This was a highly qualified lawyer. … He did work. But he wasn’t a fixer. … Now he got into trouble, not because of me. He got into trouble because he made outside deals and he had something to do with taxicabs, and medallions and he borrowed money.”

In news reports, Cohen has sometimes been called a “fixer,” a term with no formal definition. In August 2018,  Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court to a series of criminal charges . Some of the charges were unrelated to his work with Trump, but they included a campaign finance law breach that implicated Trump.

In announcing Cohen’s guilty pleas, the U.S. attorney’s office for New York’s Southern District  wrote  that he “caused $280,000 in payments to be made to silence two women who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election.”

Trump disputed former aide’s testimony about his actions on Jan. 6, 2021

Trump commented about testimony related to his actions on Jan. 6, 2021. “I did not attack the Secret Service agent in the front of a car,” he said. “It never happened. It was all made up. And that was proven to be made up. It proved to be a false story.”

Former Trump aide  Cassidy Hutchinson  testified before a 2022 congressional committee that when Trump got into the presidential vehicle on the Ellipse, he thought he was headed to the Capitol. When he was told he wasn’t, he grabbed for the steering wheel and a Secret Service agent pulled Trump’s hand away, Hutchinson said, recounting information that she said Tony Ornato, the top White House aide for security, told her when she, Ornato and the agent met afterward. A  House Republican report  contradicted Hutchinson’s testimony.

“None of the White House employees corroborated Hutchinson’s sensational story about President Trump lunging for the steering wheel of the Beast,”  the report stated , referring to the president’s armored limousine.

PolitiFact copy chief Matthew Crowley contributed to this story.

This fact check was originally published by PolitiFact , which is part of the Poynter Institute. See the sources for this fact check here .

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Biden announces Israel has offered a three-part proposal to end the war in Gaza

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Friday that Israel has proposed a three-part plan that would ultimately lead to a permanent cease-fire in the Gaza Strip , as well as the release of all hostages who have been held there for the last eight months.

Speaking from the White House, Biden said that the proposal comes after intensive diplomacy carried out by his team. The plan has been relayed to Hamas via Qatar, one of the main mediators in negotiations.

Biden’s announcement is notable as he and his administration have battled opposition from the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, especially as the general election is in full swing.

People have demonstrated across the country, including students who set up encampments on college campuses last month. And members of the Biden administration have also quit their jobs in protest over U.S. policy toward Israel.

Palestinians carry salvaged belongings as they leave the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip after they returned briefly to check on their homes on May 30, 2024.

The plan's first phase would start with six weeks of a full and complete cease-fire, including the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza, and the release of women and children being held hostage, Biden said during the surprise announcement. This initial stage would also include a surge of humanitarian assistance, with 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza every day.

Biden said that, in that first phase, Israel and Hamas would negotiate a permanent cease-fire and admitted that there could be major hurdles.

"I’ll be honest with you, there are a number of things to be negotiated to move from phase one to phase two," he said.

The president said that phase two wouldn't begin until all agreements are reached. That second stage would involve the release of all living hostages in exchange for Palestinians imprisoned in Israel.

The final phase would be the start of a major reconstruction plan in Gaza and the return of the remains of deceased hostages to their families.

“I’ve urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, regardless of whatever [political] pressure comes," Biden said.

While Israeli officials did not comment on the specific terms outlined by Biden, a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said he had authorized the government's negotiating team to "present an outline" that included "the return of all our abductees and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities."

Israeli soldiers during operations in the Gaza Strip in a photo released on May 31, 2024.

Netanyahu, who has repeatedly promised to not end the war until Hamas is destroyed, has come under intense pressure from the families of hostages, many of whom say he and the government are not working hard enough to gain the return of their loved ones.

Hamas released a statement saying that the group "views positively what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech today." Hamas also said that it would only deal with proposals if they were based on a permanent cease-fire and complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, among other stipulations.

Friday's statement echoed a statement from a day earlier in which the group asserted that if Israel stops its war in Gaza, it would be prepared "to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal."

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement stressed "the importance of creating real political conditions for the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state." Qatar has been heavily involved in mediating between parties during negotiations.

In a statement released after Biden's announcement, former President Barack Obama praised the outlined plan writing that a ceasefire would "save lives" and "lay the foundation for what will be a long and difficult road to a future in which Israel is secure and at peace with its neighbors, and Palestinians finally have the security, freedom and self-determination that they have sought for so long."

Biden's announcement comes after Israeli forces moved farther into the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Tuesday, days after an  airstrike sparked a major fire that killed dozens  of Palestinians.

Biden has grown increasingly frustrated with Netanyahu in recent months, though the U.S. successfully defended its ally in April against Iran's drone and missile attack on Israel.

In March, Biden warned Netanyahu against Israel launching a military assault in Rafah , with national security adviser Jake Sullivan saying after the two leaders spoke that it "would be a mistake." And in early May, the U.S. stopped a large shipment of offensive weapons to Israel. Despite what seemed to be Biden's red line, the White House said earlier this week that Israel had not crossed it .

The war in Gaza, triggered by Hamas' surprise assault on Israel on Oct. 7 which left some 1,200 dead and resulted in the kidnapping of 240, has killed around 36,000 Palestinians, according to officials in Gaza.  

Israel has been sharply criticized and become increasingly isolated during the war.

In recent weeks, the  International Court of Justice  ordered Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians fled after being forced from their homes.

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor  applied for arrest warrants  for Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as Hamas leader  Yahya Sinwar  and others over alleged war crimes.

In the last week, Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognized a Palestinian state , a step Israel vehemently opposes.

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Rebecca Shabad is a politics reporter for NBC News based in Washington.

how to start speech in mun

Alexandra Marquez is a politics reporter for NBC News.

Biden shines a light on safety and equality for LGBTQ+ community at start of Pride Month

"we recommit ourselves to do more to support lgbtqi+ rights at home and around the world," a statement reads, by kelly mcclure.

Same as last year, the Biden administration is recognizing the month of June as Pride Month , releasing an official proclamation from the White House, focusing on safety and equality for the LGBTQI+ community that spans beyond the United States.

"During Pride Month, we celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community," the proclamation reads.  "We reflect on the progress we have made so far in pursuit of equality, justice, and inclusion. We recommit ourselves to do more to support LGBTQI+ rights at home and around the world."

Elsewhere in the statement, "advancing equality for the LGBTQI+ community" is listed as being a top priority for Biden, who writes:

"I was proud to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving in the United States military. I signed historic Executive Orders strengthening civil rights protections for housing, employment, health care, education, and the justice system.  We are also combating the dangerous and cruel practice of so-called “conversion therapy” and implementing a national strategy to end the HIV epidemic in this country.  We ended the disgraceful practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood.  We are doing this work here at home and around the globe, where LGBTQI+ community members are fighting for recognition of their fundamental human rights and seeking to live full lives, free from hate-fueled violence and discrimination."

As The Washington Blade highlights, this proclamation comes on the heels of a  new guide  detailing federal resources, which a White House official said will cover “a number of key areas, including physical security, online safety, and targeted violence prevention” for the community.

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  • International

Donald Trump found guilty of all 34 charges in hush money trial

By CNN's Kara Scannell, Lauren Del Valle and Jeremy Herb in the courthouse

Our live coverage has ended. Follow  the latest news on Donald Trump's guilty verdict or read through the updates below. 

Stormy Daniels' attorney says she was "really emotional" after verdict

From CNN's Kaanita Iyer

Stormy Daniels' attorney Clark Brewster said his client was "really emotional" following former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict in the hush money case.

He told CNN's Kaitlan Collins that Daniels faced the "realization of the finality" and had "a lot of emotions flowing."

Brewster also responded to Trump attorney Todd Blanche saying he'd raise Daniels' testimony in appeal, arguing that "it was straightforward" and "they had an opportunity to cross examine her."

Stormy Daniels' friend said "it's a joyous day" after Trump's guilty verdict

From CNN's Piper Hudspeth Blackburn

Alana Evans, right, speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip on May 30.

Alana Evans, friend of Stormy Daniels and an adult film star told CNN’s Abby Phillip that she — and Daniels — absolutely feels vindicated by Trump’s guilty verdict, calling it a “joyous day.” 

"We were deemed credible, and it's heartwarming in that way because so many people judge us for who we are — our backgrounds — it's something that's thrown in our faces again and again ... it isn't a reflection of who we are as people," Evans said. Evans added that she's "really happy simply because it meant that at the end of the day, it really is a adult film star who is stepping forward and being the person to put that man to the truth."

Here's what happens now that Trump has been convicted in his hush money criminal case

From CNN's Devan Cole

Former President Donald Trump leaves the Manhattan Criminal Court in New York after a jury found him guilty of all 34 felony counts in his hush money trial on Thursday, May 30. 

A New York jury  convicting Donald Trump  on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records brought the former president’s weekslong trial to a close but ushered in a new phase of the historic case.

Now in the unique position of being the first former US president convicted of a felony, Trump faces the possibility of a prison sentence or probation for his crimes stemming from a hush money payment scheme he helped facilitate ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Trump – who is known for mounting lengthy appeals of court rulings against him – has said he will appeal the conviction, which can be done after he is sentenced.

Here’s what to know about the case following Trump’s conviction:

When will Trump be sentenced?

Judge Juan Merchan has set Trump’s sentencing for 10 a.m. ET on July 11. For now, the former president will remain out of prison as he awaits his sentencing. Prosecutors did not ask for Trump to post any bond.

Can Trump appeal his conviction?

Shortly after Trump was convicted, his attorney Todd Blanche asked Merchan for an acquittal of the charges notwithstanding the guilty verdict. The judge rejected the pro forma request.

Can Trump still be elected president?

Nothing in the US Constitution bars a convicted criminal from running for the nation’s highest office, University of California, Los Angeles law professor Richard L. Hasen has consistently said.

“The Constitution contains only limited qualifications for running for office (being at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen, and at least 14 years a resident of the U.S.),” Hasen continued.

Will the conviction cost Trump his right to vote?

Trump is a Florida resident. When it comes to the Manhattan guilty verdict just rendered,  Trump’s right to vote in Florida  in November’s election will depend on whether he is sentenced to a term in prison and if he has finished serving that prison sentence by the time of the election.

Florida’s felon voting prohibitions apply to people with out-of-state convictions. However, if a Floridian’s conviction is out of state, Florida defers to that state’s laws for how felon can regain their voting rights.

Read more on the aftermath of Trump's guilty verdict.

Correction: This post has been updated to reflect when Trump is allowed to file an appeal.

In pictures: Trump convicted in hush money case

For the first time in history, a former US president has been convicted of a felony.

A jury on Thursday found Donald Trump guilty  on 34 charges of falsifying business records. Prosecutors alleged that the former president engaged in a cover-up scheme to hide reimbursement payments made to his former attorney, Michael Cohen, who had paid hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels to stop her from going public about a past affair with Trump before the 2016 presidential election. Trump has denied the affair.

See more photos from the trial .

Former President Donald Trump leaves the Manhattan Criminal Court in New York after a jury found him guilty of all 34 felony counts in his hush money trial on Thursday, May 30. 

Trump is facing 3 other criminal cases while running again for president

From CNN’s Devan Cole, Amy O'Kruk and Curt Merrill 

Former President Donald Trump appears in Manhattan Criminal Court, Thursday, May 30, in New York. 

The hush money criminal case against former President Donald Trump was only one of  four criminal cases  he is juggling while running again for president.

The former president still faces criminal indictments in Georgia, Washington, DC, and Florida. Trump has pleaded not guilty to every charge in these cases. 

Here's a recap of each case: 

  • Hush money:  Trump was first indicted in March 2023 by the Manhattan district attorney on state charges related to a hush-money payment to an adult film star in 2016. Prosecutors alleged Trump was part of an illegal conspiracy to  undermine  the integrity of the 2016 election. Further, they alleged he was part of an unlawful plan to suppress negative information, including the $130,000 payment. He was found guilty of all 34 counts on Thursday.
  • Classified documents:  Trump was indicted in June 2023 by a federal grand jury in Miami for taking classified national defense documents from the White House after he left office and resisting the government’s attempts to retrieve the materials. The National Archives said in early 2022 that at least 15 boxes of White House records were recovered from the estate, including  some that were classified . The charges were brought by special counsel Jack Smith. However,  Judge Aileen Cannon  has  indefinitely postponed the trial , citing significant issues around classified evidence that would need to be worked out before the federal criminal case goes to a jury.
  • Federal election interference:  Smith separately charged the former president last August with four crimes over his efforts to reverse the 2020 election results. The indictment alleges Trump and a co-conspirator "attempted to exploit the violence and chaos at the Capitol by calling lawmakers to convince them ... to delay the certification" of the election. That case is currently on hold  as the Supreme Court  weighs Trump’s claims of presidential immunity in the matter.
  • Fulton County:  State prosecutors in Georgia brought a similar election subversion case against Trump and others. An Atlanta-based grand jury on August 14, 2023, indicted Trump and 18 others on state charges stemming from their alleged efforts to overturn the former president’s 2020 electoral defeat. A trial date has not yet been set in that case.

Track the criminal cases  against Trump.

The post was updated with details from Thursday's verdict.

Melania Trump is in New York City, source says

From CNN's Kristen Holmes

Former first lady Melania Trump and her son, Barron Trump, are currently in New York, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The two were already in New York when the verdict was read earlier Thursday, although it was not immediately clear when they arrived in the city.

Melania Trump did not attend a fundraiser dinner with Trump at a private residence Thursday night in New York City.

She was not seen at court during the trial.

Schumer says “no one is above the law” after Trump verdict

From CNN's Morgan Rimmer

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer posted a brief statement about the verdict in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial on social media. 

"No one is above the law. The verdict speaks for itself," the New York Democrat said. 

Trump attorney Todd Blanche outlines appeal arguments

Todd Blanche appears on CNN after a Manhattan jury found his client, Donald Trump, guilty of falsifying business records on Thursday, May 30

Donald Trump's attorney Todd Blanche told CNN's Kaitlan Collins Thursday that the former president's legal team plans to argue in its appeal of the verdict that the jury was biased against Trump and the timing of the trial was unfair.

"Every single person on the jury knew Donald Trump as president, as candidate, from 'The Apprentice' so I don't accept that this was a fair place to try President Trump," Blanche said.

He added: "There was so much publicity around the witnesses and around – leading up to the trial that our system of justice isn't supposed to be a system where every person who walks into the courtroom knows about the case."

"The law says a person is entitled to a fair trial in front of a jury of their peers and we just think that because of everything around the lead up this trial, it made it very difficult for the jury to evaluate the evidence kind of independent of what they knew coming in," Blanche said.

Blanche previewed that Trump's legal team will now "vigorously fight" with motions due in a few weeks. And "if that is not successful," the attorney said they will appeal following the sentencing in July.

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Aesha Scott Reveals the Surprising Reason “It Was Scary” to Work with Sandy Again

The Below Deck Mediterranean chief stew tells The Daily Dish why she felt "a lot of pressure" going into Season 9 with Captain Sandy Yawn.

how to start speech in mun

Aesha Scott is making her Below Deck Mediterranean return for Season 9 , and the chief stew has strong feelings about reuniting with Captain Sandy Yawn .

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean  on Monday, June 3 at 9/8c and next day on  Peacock . Catch up on the Bravo app . 

"I've been wanting to work with Captain Sandy again for a long time," Aesha says in the video above, which is a preview of the Season 9 premiere  (set to air June 3). "The last couple of years, Sandy's been like a second mom to me. [My fiancé] Scott [Dobson] and I have gone to visit [Sandy and Leah Shafer ] in Denver ... I'm excited to prove myself to her."

Sandy is equally thrilled to have Aesha on board.

"Back in the day, when Aesha was working for me, Aesha always went the extra mile. She wanted to please the client," she says in the clip. "She has that passion, and that's something that I admire about her."

Aesha Scott explains why she felt "pressure" working for Captain Sandy

In a recent interview with The Daily Dish , Aesha shared that although she was ecstatic to be working for Sandy again, she was also very nervous to do so. 

"It was really cool because it felt like I got to go away, I got to grow into a woman, I got to grow into a really good chief stew, and then come back and kind of prove to the Med and Sandy what I’ve become," she said. "That’s why it was scary: because I have so much respect for Captain Sandy. I just wanted to show her that I could live up to the standard that she wants. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself."

Here's What You May Have Missed on Bravo:

Captain Sandy Opens Up About Her “Generous” Wedding Gift from Andy Cohen

Aesha Scott Returns to Below Deck Mediterranean for Season 9 — Meet the Rest of the Cast

Below Deck Med Returns for Season 9 in a Historic Location — and with Returning Yachties

Ultimately, Aesha declared, "Working with Captain Sandy was incredible ... She’s so amazing and supportive."

Aesha Scott opens up about her friendship with Sandy Yawn 

A split of Aesha Scott and Captain Sandy Yawn.

Outside of their yachting careers, Aesha and Sandy have a friendship that the chief stew described as "so beautiful."

"I think the same respect and love that we show for each other on the show and in the workplace is exactly what we carry out into the world," she told The Daily Dish . "I just feel so lucky that I get to see the full Captain Sandy. There’s so much more to her than just being a captain on a boat – not 'just' 'cause it’s a huge thing — but there’s more to Sandy than that. She’s got this beautiful life and a beautiful partner, and I’m just so happy for everything she has."

Captain Sandy Yawn and Leah Shafer Are Officially Married: "It Feels Incredible"

Check out the video above to start watching the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 premiere. 

  • Aesha Scott

Below Deck Mediterranean

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  16. Opening Speeches

    Sample Opening Speech 1. Honorable Chair, Esteemed delegates. The delegate of ----------- is delighted to be part of the 12th annual SIMUN conference. He/she hopes that his/her fellow delegates will engage in relevant debates, in order to make this conference productive. Let's all take wise decisions after considering every resolution.

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