Image of devices Power Planner available on

Meet the smarter academic planner. For a better you.

Schooltraq is an academic planner for students. Track your homework more efficiently, and see it at a glance. Add assignments with natural English. Sync it to your phone. Enjoy an award-winning interface. Let Schooltraq help you succeed academically — we've rethought things the right way.

Sign up — it's now free ! We can offer free accounts because some users support us. More info →

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Why a digital planner, and why schooltraq.

Your academics deserve to be wherever you go, not just on scrap paper or on chalkboards. While paper planners seem convenient, you could leave them at school, at home, or even in another room. Schooltraq allows you to get access to your coursework anywhere and ensures that any changes sync across your computer and phone. It's also the best-looking and clearest view of your workload you'll find.

All available at a glance, the award-winning online dashboard lets you keep your work visible and in control. With mobile sync, you won't forget about that one assignment, and you won't go to the library only to find that your planner is at home. Play it smart.

Save time; use natural language with Reflex.

Schooltraq comes with a natural language engine called Schooltraq Reflex. Instead of manually selecting information for each assignment, you can quickly add assignments using natural English. What was already fast becomes faster: "Kinematics project in physics tomorrow" is all you need. Schooltraq figures out the rest.

The smartest dashboard you can find.

Our users love the Schooltraq dashboard — many choose to leave it open on a separate screen or window even when they're not studying. The dashboard gives you a heads-up view of your academics, from what you have left to do to what you've done.

Sort your assignments alphabetically, by due date, by course, or filter them by search. Showing your completed assignments (like crossing things off a todo list) is a powerful motivator. Like things on a grid? We have weekly and monthly calendar views too.

This is a exact replica screenshot of what your dashboard might look like ↓

Never forget — get it on your phone.

Schooltraq for Android comes with you wherever you go. Designed for speed and clarity, you can add assignments as soon as they are announced. When you're doing homework, focus view and the overview lets you drill down or zoom out. Don't have Internet in the library? Full sync allows you to use Schooltraq offline. Designed for Android 4.0, backwards compatible.

Use an iPhone or other device? Schooltraq for Mobile Web is our mobile webapp that works for most devices. It's been optimized for iPhone, but we're also working on a native iPhone version.

All of this and more for free . If you like it, support us for only $2.49 a month.

We provide free accounts because we want to help everybody . Some Schooltraq users offset our costs and support development by paying for our services. Users who pay a small monthly due are Patrons. They receive special access to new features and, most importantly, our immense gratitude. How patronage works →

Right now, it costs $2.49 per month to become a Patron. It's much less than the cost of a coffee, and it helps ensure that there will be no advertisements or marketing rubbish. Who are we? Visual Denim is a team of high school students devoted to making lives better through simple solutions. We're based in the United States and the United Kingdom, and we go to school too. We love what we do.

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We've tried our hardest to make a product that we hope you will genuinely enjoy. Our users relate stories of academic success and comfort through Schooltraq, and we find joy in creating something that can add to the lives of others.

If we haven't convinced you, let us know and we'll try some more. We know Schooltraq can't be for everyone, but we hope it will be for you.

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Circle 1

Coordinated Calendars

Easily organize and color-coordinate your schedule and schoolwork, capture details about every assignment, and plan your study schedule.

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Circle 2

Schedule at a Glance

Categorize your assignments, set up grading scales, and enter details about teachers, room location, schedules, credits, and more!

Circle 3

Grade Analysis

Constantly up-to-date details about your grades in every class, a breakdown of your progress, and insight into which classes you're acing and what could use improvement.

Circle 4

Assignment Details

Enter due date and textbook details, add notes to remember later, set a priority level, and record grades when complete.

Circle 5

Materials Organizer

Maintain a list and details of the supplies, books, technology, and equipment you'll need to pick up to be ready for class each semester and each day.

Circle 6

Filtered Lists

Sort assignments by class, priority level, due date, materials needed, etc. for an easy way to structure your study time and plan your approach to mastering your courses.

Coordinated Calendars. The Home Base.

Don't worry about trying to remember every homework assignment, project, or test— use that brainpower to ace your classes and let Helium whip your schedule into shape! Easily organize and color-coordinate your schedule and schoolwork, capture details about every assignment, and plan your study schedule. Keep track of the details of your class, put together your necessary supplies, and catalog things like teacher contact info and class location.

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Featured 1

Schedule At A Glance. The Brass Tacks.

With at-a-glance overviews of your past and present terms and classes, a quick sketch of your schedule is always handy. Categorize your assignments, set up grading scales, and enter details about teachers, room location, schedules, credits, and more!

Grade Analysis. The Bottom Line.

Tired of always wondering how you're doing in a class? Frustrated by trying to calculate your own grades? Record grades as you get them, and Helium takes care of the rest! A full workup of your progress is always just a click away, with constantly up-to-date details about your grades in every class, a breakdown of your progression through the term, and insight into which classes you're acing and what could use improvement. We'll crunch the numbers for you!

Featured 3

Assignment Details. The Nitty Gritty.

Never miss an assignment again! Let Helium remember the details of every assignment so you don't have to. Enter due date and textbook details, add notes, set a priority level, and record grades when complete.

Sign Me Up!" Back to Top

Materials Organizer. The Meat & Potatoes.

Everything you need for every class in one place! Helium will maintain a list of the supplies, books, technology, and equipment you'll need to pick up to be ready for class each semester and each day. Make textbook resale a snap by recording details about each book, such as seller, price, and condition.

Featured 5

Filtered Lists. The Nuts & Bolts.

In addition to viewing your assignments and events in the calendar, manage your schedule in List View for a concise snapshot of your assignment lineup. Sort assignments by class, priority level, due date, materials needed, etc. for an easy way to structure your study time and plan your approach to mastering your courses.

The Delightful Dingo. Our Mascot.

Because. Dingos primarily are wild neighbors to our Aussie friends, though they can also be found in parts of southeast Asia. They have a bit of a love/hate relationship with their human neighbors, who partially consider them pests and partially credit them for keeping rabbits, rats, and kangaroos (yes, kangaroos) at bay. An iconic aspect of Australian culture and history, we also think Dingos are cool because of their complex conversation system that, unlike that of Fido who just noticed the mailman out front, is only 5% barking.


7 best student planner apps

The best apps to help students keep track of classes, homework, due dates, quizzes, and more.

Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson Jan 21, 2022

12 min read

Student planner apps - blog - header

Table of contents

Experience scheduling automation for yourself!

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If you're a student, you need a system to organize classwork, exams, and life in general. And it's true, there is an app for everything. But there are lots of apps for planning and time management. Which ones make effective school planner apps?

When deciding on a planner app, you should obviously look for one with features most relevant to your life and your schedule. It should have a distinct purpose. And It shouldn't be thought of as a one-size-fits all productivity app . Here are the qualities to look for in a good student planner app:

Visually clean user experience vs. info-dense

Highly customizable vs. highly structured

Integrated with other apps vs. self-contained, with all the features you'll need in one place

Specialized for students vs. transferrable to post-school life

Here, you can check out just a few of the best school planners currently available. Each is highly rated, affordable, and, in several cases, geared specifically toward school and study. And they’re easy to find. Most are available in the Apple App Store or Google Play store for use on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or other smartphone.

7 great planner apps for high school and college students

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

Todoist is a project planner and to-do list all in one. Used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to executives, Todoist is an app that can carry you through school and beyond.

Although you can pay to upgrade, the free version offers more than most students are likely to need. Todoist includes features that help you: 

 Enter important details or to-dos in a note-taking section before you forget them

Set up projects for each class and any other activities or hobbies you're involved in

Add "next action" items, so you can always look ahead to your next assignment

Cross items off your checklist without losing them for good

Student planner apps - blog - Todoist screenshot

Other helpful features include due dates for individual tasks and reminders that pop up on your phone or email. You can customize every feature, so you won't get lots of notifications without asking for them.

Todoist also allows you to label tasks. You can label by priority, context (laptop work, library, etc.), or any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recurring tasks, like weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment.

2. Microsoft To Do

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

A reworking of the long-appreciated Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do has continued to evolve its features to make it stand out in the field of student planner apps.

Student planner apps - blog - Microsoft To Do screenshot

One feature that stands out in To Do is that things you didn't check off from previous days stay in the “Yesterday” box. That way you can specifically choose which items to transfer to "My day," and plan a better time for those that won't fit in today's schedule.

To Do allows you to sort tasks into basic lists that you set up, such as "Work," "Home," or "Lab." You can then add subtasks to the items on each list. For example, if your list includes, "Presentation for econ class," create subtasks for "Brainstorm subjects," "Find sources," or other project milestones. 

To Do also includes some features that will please visually oriented people. Dark mode is helpful if you're reviewing your day just before sleep or when you first wake up in the morning. You can also change the background for each list, with lots of modern and inspiring designs.

3. Calendly

iOS, Android, and desktop: Free with additional features available on paid plans

Calendly simplifies scheduling with groups and individuals. As group projects have become the new normal, you’ll likely have to set up plenty of meetings with groups and individuals during the course of your time as a student. You can save a lot of time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

Here's how it works:

Connect Calendly with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar , Outlook , and others.

Create a meeting request.

Set the parameters. For example, you can let recipients see your availability, so they can pick a day and time, or you can set a day and time and they can either accept it or request a different time.

Select recipients and send.

Calendly will gather responses from the people you want to meet with, and you'll have a meeting set up without the long texting thread that's usually required.

Other helpful features include the options of Round Robin or collective scheduling on the paid plans. If others share their availability, Calendly will show times that work for everyone, so you can pick. Or, you can use its Meeting Polls feature to let people vote on proposed times before setting your meeting . Also, you can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Calendly streamlines setting up meetings, so you can free up your time and attention for classes and other responsibilities.

Get started with Calendly

Ready to make scheduling easier than ever?

4. iStudiez Pro

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with available paid Full Version upgrade 

iStudiez Pro is one of the highest-rated planner apps designed just for students. Enter your class schedule including the professor's name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color code your classes and use icons to make it visually interesting and easy to scan.

Student planner apps - blog - iStudiez screenshot

"Week view" allows you to plan your time and get ready for upcoming classes. "Day view" shows you tasks and scheduled items for today. For each class, you can add assignments, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

If you upgrade to the Full Version of iStudiez Pro, you can even get a regular update on your GPA. As you receive graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value. iStudiez will do the calculating for you with its GPA tracker. It keeps this info from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

5. myHomework

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

The myHomework student planner is a clean and simple planner app for education. Many teachers have already adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it's great for individual use as well.

Student planner apps - blog - myHomework screenshot

It's formatted for several types of class scheduling, such as block, period, or time-based schedules. myHomework allows you to not only input assignments and add tasks required to complete them, it also allows for prioritizing and categorizing tasks, so you can focus on what's most needed at any given time. You can set reminders for upcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident (or procrastination).

While you do need internet connectivity to sync with other devices, this homework app still has full functionality even when you're not connected to WiFi. The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version of this homework planner lets you get rid of ads as well as share assignments, add file attachments to assignments, and switch out your theme.

6. Power Planner

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams.

Student planner apps - blog - Power Planner screenshot

Though the app is full of useful features, one element that sets it apart from other similar apps is the responsiveness of the developer. Power Planner is updated regularly, offering continual improvements to its features.

The GPA calculator is more robust in this app compared to others, with its "What if?" feature, which calculates what scores you need on assignments to get an A in a class. It also includes notifications for due dates coming up. The paid version allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next.

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with multiple paid plans starting at $5, and an automatic student discount

ClickUp is the only productivity platform built to tackle everything from complex projects to your daily assignments, all in one screen. With hundreds of customizable features to organize documents, take notes, schedule due dates, and more, ClickUp is a great daily planner for students at every level.

ClickUp's flexible organizational Hierarchy is perfect for breaking down course loads into manageable tasks, subtasks, and Checklists. There are over 15 ways to visualize your schedule in ClickUp including a dynamic Calendar, List, and Everything view for a high-level look at all projects and deadlines. Plus, ClickUp's Home feature syncs with your favorite calendar app to present your classes, reminders, and messages conveniently alongside your upcoming tasks.

ClickUp UI

ClickUp was built to consolidate your work into one centralized hub that can be accessed virtually anywhere, even offline, from your phone, or on your Apple Watch. You can create detailed course notes, format drafts, and everything in between using ClickUp's built-in document editor, then export or share them in seconds with a simple URL.

Access its top daily planner features, ClickUp Docs, unlimited tasks, over 1,000 integrations, and more when you sign up for ClickUp's Free Forever Plan, and automatically save 25% on any paid plan for being a student.

3 tips for getting the most from your student planner app

In addition to finding a great app for students, these tips can help you increase your productivity and keep your schedule running smoothly. No matter which app you choose, you’ll get more out of it if you use it alongside smart planning practices.

1. Treat yourself to a semester review

At the beginning of each semester, set aside a couple of hours to prepare yourself and get everything organized in your app and in your head. Make it fun: Take yourself out for coffee, turn on your favorite music, and turn off your texting and other notifications. This is time to get in the zone.

Give yourself time to look through your new app's features and figure out the best way to use them (or customize them) for you. It's helpful to read reviews, as people will talk about the most useful features. It's also an easy way to learn how to use the app.

Gather your syllabi, work schedules, and any other pertinent calendar info. First, enter all your calendar info for the semester. This helps you understand what your weekly schedule will be like. Then create projects or enter assignments (and due dates) for any big projects  your professors already have planned.

For example, the class may require a video assignment due at the end of the semester. Create a task called "plan out video project," and set the due date for around the time you want to begin the project. You don't want to get bogged down in planning the details of all those projects during your semester review. If you stay focused on the big picture, you may have time for more specific project planning at the end of your review session.

This is also a good time to set goals for yourself. Do you want to turn in more assignments on time or participate more in class? Do you want to learn a new instrument or join a team? Get inspired about doing more than just making it through the semester. With a powerful school planner app on your side, this could be your best semester yet — and there's more to that than just getting good grades.

2. Add a weekly review to your calendar

To keep your planner system functional, you have to keep giving it attention. Set up a time every week — about 30 minutes to an hour — for reviewing your projects and planning out your weekly schedule. Make this appointment as set-in-stone as your class times, so you aren’t tempted to put it off.

You can use this time to input any grades you've received if you've chosen an app with a GPA-tracking feature. Make sure that for every project, assignment or exam, you've entered specific tasks to prepare for them as well. You don't want to just remember that you have something due. You want to have a plan for turning in your best work! 

This is also a great time to set up meetings you'll need for the week. Use an app like Calendly to send out requests for meetings, so you're not scrambling at the last minute to find a time when everyone can meet.

And don't forget to schedule some rest! One of the best ways to stay motivated and stick with your work is to know you have some quality fun time coming.

3. Plan daily check-ins

Every morning look over your daily schedule and your list of things to do. This usually doesn’t take more than five minutes, but it can do a lot to help you bring your best to the things that are important to you.

Improve your learning through great planning

Choosing the student planner app that’s right for you is a great way of keeping your mind focused and your grades high during the semester. A great app will help you stay on top of your classes and work, especially if you keep your app up-to-date with regular reviews. 

A great calendar app can also help you to make the most of the other aspects of your life, for a less stressful, more rewarding student experience. The world needs what you have to give, and these apps can help you give your best.

Webinar: Getting Started with Calendly

Webinar: Getting started with Calendly

Thad Thompson

Thad is a former Content Marketing Manager at Calendly. When not sharing scheduling and productivity insights, you’ll find him hiking trails with his family or thumping a bass with a power pop band.

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

Read:  Best Notes App for Windows to Increase Productivity

Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

Also Read:  Take a Picture of Handwriting And Convert to Text – Android Apps

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Free study planner and class schedule sheets

Capture and track your daily goals, priorities, and deadlines with these beautiful, totally free, and customizable class schedules, exam countdown sheets, and study planner templates!

Free study planner and class schedule sheets

Here at Brainscape, the conviction that daily habits are the stepping stones to even the loftiest of goals—like graduating from school or college, running a four-minute mile, or writing your first novel—is so deeply coded into our thinking, there isn’t a team member among us who doesn’t make use of some kind of daily planner or habit building app. Actually, come to think of it, Brainscape itself is the ultimate study habit app!

But for those of you who are looking for customizable study planners , class schedules and exam countdown templates to easily capture your daily learning goals, priorities, and deadlines, we’ve got some really pretty Google Sheet templates you can copy and use, absolutely free of charge. You’ll find them below. Simply click on the design you like the look of and it’ll open that design in Google Sheets.

How to make your very own study planner with our templates

In the section below, click on the study planner preview you like (or all of them) and you’ll be magically teleported to Google Sheets. These templates are read-only because we don’t want anyone accidentally making any edits to them duh. To create your own copy (which you can then customize):

  • Click “File” and then…
  • In the drop-down menu, “Make a copy” 

homework planner maker

  • Name your unique copy, and 
  • Choose where you want to save it: 

How to make an editable copy of a Google Sheets template 2

Now you’ll see all the usual editing tools available to you in Google Sheets and you can start editing! If you’re still struggling, this two-minute YouTube video PERFECTLY explains how to make an editable copy of a read-only template. (Thanks Rick Bray!)

And with that said, here are our free study planner templates!

Daily / study planner template 1

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

Laid out in the beguiling rainbow colors of Brainscape’s confidence-based rating system, this totally customizable study planner breaks every hour of the day into 15 minutes, perfect for laying out finer-grained details of your daily commitments, classes, and goals. 

The template starts at 05:00 AM and ends at 22:30 PM but you can easily customize the start and end times based upon your own chronotype ( What’s a chronotype? ). This study planner can also be used as a daily schedule and is perfect for people of all ages and stages of their education or career!

Daily / study planner template 2

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

For those of you who love the sweet dopamine spike of checking off the items you’ve successfully completed, you’ll love this daily study planner, which has even more customizable features. Within the sheet itself, you’ll notice a few fillable fields at the top that allow you to specify the:

  • Start time of your planner to coincide with your wake-up time or perhaps the time you arrive at school, college, or work, etc. It’s up to you!
  • Time intervals , whether you prefer to break your day down into 15, 30, or 60-minute time slots. (Just remember to write the actual number in minutes and not hours.)
  • Week start date , which’ll detail the day and date at the top of every column, saving you from having to write it out each week.

Daily / study planner template 3 (exam countdowns) 

If you’ve got a big exam coming up, these exam countdown schedules will help you break down all the work you need to do between now and your deadline. We’ve got study planners with two-week countdowns , three-week countdowns , one-month countdowns , and three-month countdowns for major exams that require a lot of time to prepare for!

A few things to remember:

  • The more specific you are with your daily study goals, the better; so make sure you detail the exact topic(s) or chapters you aim to cover each day and the specific study-related tasks you wish to accomplish, such as making notes, working through flashcards, practicing the Feynman Technique , etc.

(You might want to read this article on how to set SMART goals first!)

  • These templates are YOURS to customize! If you need more rows per day or more days in general, simply “insert row” (or copy and paste a few rows). If you need fewer, hit that “delete” button! You want your exam countdown schedule to correspond with the exact number of days you have left.
  • Make sure you schedule a couple of rest days —or at least additional cushion days—for those major exams that require long-haul study, like the MCAT or MBE. You don’t want a sick day or two to derail your entire study planner.
  • Read ‘ The best 22 test-taking strategies used by top students ’ to really equip yourself with the best toolbox for performing well in exams. 

Two-week exam countdown planner

Got finals coming up? Or a pretty big college test? This two-week exam countdown planner will help you plot your path towards success, even if you've got a ton of other work on your plate.

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

Three-week exam countdown planner

For major high school and college assessments (like finals), this three-week exam countdown planner provides the perfect study runway to send you into that exam confident and fully prepared! It's also particularly useful if you find yourself so busy, you can only really spare 30 minutes to an hour per day to study!

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

One-month exam countdown planner

For those big exams that require a full month to prepare—or for students who like to give themselves a longer runway with a whole lot less cramming—this one-month exam countdown planner is your template to success! (Think: NCLEX study planner)

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

Three-month exam countdown planner

You're not messing about here! We're talking the MCAT or even the MBE... if you've got the biggest exam of your life barrelling towards you like an Earth-bound asteroid, this three-month exam countdown planner is the emergency NASA mission that'll help you plot your path to victory!

Free editable study planner templates in google sheets

Your next steps…

Charting out a road map toward your academic or professional goals is a powerfully motivating way to actually crush them. It gives you that 30,000-foot view over where you’re headed, which is why the team here at Brainscape is such a huge fan of using study planners, daily schedules, and exam countdown templates like the ones we’ve made for you!

Now that you’ve taken that first, essential step towards getting organized, the next thing you can do is equip yourself with a study tool that empowers you to learn TWICE as fast as the traditional study methods you may have been using until this point.

Yeah, I’m talking about adaptive digital flashcards!

Download the Brainscape app (free), head on over to our extensive library, and get the right flashcards for the subjects you’re studying . Schedule just 20-30 minutes of daily flashcard practice into your study planner, and I can just about guarantee that you’ll do better than pass your subjects and exams… you’ll crush them!

Flashcards for serious learners .

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  • Weekly Planners

Free Weekly Planner Maker for Organized Planners

Create Your Weekly Planner It’s free and easy to use.

Free Weekly Planner Maker for Organized Planners

  • Organize your life with our weekly planner templates.
  • Create a weekly planner with times to easily remember appointments.
  • Make an eye-catching printable schedule you’ll love.

Free Weekly Planner Maker for Organized Planners

Chosen by brands large and small

Our weekly planner maker is used by over 27,500,000 marketers, communicators, executives and educators from over 133 countries that include:

Penske Truck Leasing


Weekly Planner Templates

If you’re wondering, “How do I make a weekly schedule,” we’ve got you covered! With our beautifully designed premade templates, our planner maker does it all for you. The schedule maker app allows you to choose your favorite template, completely customize it (including colors, fonts and more) to make it your own and print it off!

Project Planner Schedule Template

Create your weekly planner View more templates

Features of the Weekly Planner Maker

Beautiful weekly planner templates.

We have several schedule templates available for you to choose from. Find the perfect premade weekly planner template or customize one of our other schedule templates to fit your week at a glance. If you don’t fall in love at first sight, you can completely switch up design colors and fonts to fit your vision.

Create Your Weekly Planner

Beautiful weekly planner templates

Build your weekly planner

Take advantage of Visme’s easy-to-use table creation tool to perfectly design your weekly planner. Give yourself a column just for appointments. Focus more on your to do list. Create weekly goals. The possibilities are endless, and you’re able to build your weekly planner to exactly your specifications.

Build your weekly planner

Customize every aspect of your weekly planner to fit your lifestyle

It can be stressful starting the week without any kind of plan put into place. Create your weekly schedule design so that you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You can manage your weekly planner online in Visme or print off your schedule and fill it in with ink. Customize it to fit your week exactly, whether that involves a college schedule, kids’ school and extracurriculars or the busy life of an entrepreneur.

Customize every aspect of your weekly planner to fit your lifestyle

More Great Features of the Weekly Planner Maker

Share your weekly planner.

Share your weekly planner with your study group, family, colleagues and more. Publish it publicly or privately to create a link to the online version or download as a PDF to print and share. You can also give people “view” access only so they’re able to see what your week looks like, but can’t edit your schedule. Create weekly planner templates to send to friends and family and help them get organized as well.

Share Your Weekly Planner


What is a Weekly Planner ?

A weekly planner is an organizational tool that allows you to put down all of your tasks and appointments so you can see your week plan all at a glance. Use your weekly planner to stay organized and on top of your tasks to keep the stress away.

Use the weekly schedule planner to start your week off on the right foot. Whether you use it as a college schedule maker to keep track of homework and tests or a regular online schedule maker, you’ll love the newfound structure you have in your week.

What is a Weekly Planner?

Use the online weekly planner maker to remember important appointments.

Are you famous for forgetting to do list items, meetings, appointments or even just outings with friends? By creating your own customizable weekly planner, you’ll never double book yourself again! Our free schedule maker is perfect for helping you remember everything you need to do this week.


More Than a Weekly Planner Maker

You’re not going to come away with a boring weekly schedule when using our weekly schedule maker. Instead, your end result will be a bright, fully customized to your needs and engaging schedule that you’ll be excited to fill out week after week.

Charts & Graphs


Charts & Graphs

Use tables to insert your daily, weekly or monthly schedule, and add additional data widgets to visualize numbers and statistics.


Create animated and interactive schedules that you edit and share online using Visme’s interactivity tools and custom animation.

Stock Photos & Icons


Stock Photos & Icons

Choose from over a million stock photos, icons, illustrations, characters, lines, shapes and more to create your own custom schedule design.


How to Make Weekly Planners in 5 Steps

Use our free online weekly schedule maker to help get yourself on track week after week. Stop forgetting tasks and remembering meetings and appointments at the last minute. Put together your weekly planner in a way that helps you stay organized and get things done.

Watch our video tutorial and follow our quick five-step guide below for creating your own organized weekly planner maker.

  • Create a free Visme account to get started on your next design.
  • Surf through our various weekly planner templates to find one that works best for you.
  • Customize your weekly schedule to fit your tastes by updating fonts, colors, design elements and more.
  • Add additional pages until you’ve created the perfect planner.
  • Input your weekly schedule online or download it as a PDF and print it off.

How to Use the Weekly Planner Maker

First, consider how you want to use the weekly planner. Are you a college student? Busy entrepreneur? Parent needing to organize their family? All of the above? You might want to create columns for each part of your day, you might want a column for appointments and a column for tasks or you might need to use it in a different way altogether.

Log into your Visme dashboard and start a new project.

Click on the Printables tab and choose Schedules from the below template options.

Once you understand your weekly planner needs, choose from our available schedule templates! You can find one that matches your vision perfectly, or use it as a starter design and customize it further.

Update the table element so that it has the correct rows and columns. Remember, you’ll need at least one row per day, so start with seven and go from there.

Customize the fonts and colors until your weekly planner has the exact look and feel you’re looking for.

If you need more pages than the one provided, you can simply add another from the right-hand panel. Add in as many pages as you need.

Input your schedule information right in Visme, or download as a PDF file and print your new weekly planner to pencil in your meetings and to do list.

Questions About the Weekly Planner Maker

How much does it cost to create a weekly planner with the planner maker, are the weekly planner templates completely customizable, what can the weekly planner maker be used for, how do you plan a college schedule, can i print the weekly planner myself, can i go back and edit my weekly planner.

Your weekly plans deserve to be beautiful and so does the rest of your content

Your weekly plans deserve to be beautiful and so does the rest of your content

Sign up. It’s free!

homework planner maker

homework planner maker

Free High School Planner and Organizer- My Study Life

Free High School Planner and Organizer- My Study Life

High School Planner and Organizer

You're only a couple minutes away from having the ultimate high school planner set up. it's free, accessible on both your phone and computer, usable online or offline, and completely tailored to your needs..

college schedule maker

How to use our high school planner

Your school day, at a glance..

See your classes, assignments, and tests all in one personalized screen to stay on track.

homework planner maker

High school course and class planner, in your pocket.

Easily check your class schedule, including class times, teachers, and locations with our school agenda app.


Don't let your homework or tests fall through the cracks.

View your tasks directly from the dashboard, allowing you to manage your workload efficiently and effectively. Never forget an assignment again with the homework tracker.


homework planner maker

Break the habit of last minute cramming.

Enhance your time management skills and prepare for tests and exams well in advance to achieve improved grades and reduce stress.


Update your schedule and school to do list on your phone or computer- anytime, anywhere.

Whether online or offline, MyStudyLife ensures you can always track and access your high school planner, giving you peace of mind no matter where you are.

homework planner maker

Take control of your day.

We get it- high school can be super busy. stay focused and get more done using my study life., discover more on the mystudylife blog.

See how MyStudyLife can help organize your life.

Top Summer Jobs for Teens: Best Opportunities & Resources

Top Summer Jobs for Teens: Best Opportunities & Resources

Unlocking Opportunities: Summer Internships for High School Students

Unlocking Opportunities: Summer Internships for High School Students

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Tesla stock pops 10% as deliveries beat estimates and Wall Street sees stronger days ahead

  • Tesla shares surged as much as 10% after second-quarter vehicle deliveries beat estimates.
  • The EV-maker delivered 444,000 units, exceeding estimates of 438,000.
  • It's a sign the worst is behind Tesla, said Wedbush analyst Dan Ives.

Insider Today

Tesla shares spiked as much as 10% on Tuesday after second-quarter deliveries beat estimates.

The EV-maker delivered 444,000 units during the period, exceeding estimates of 438,000. Wedbush Securities says it's a sign the company is finally on the upswing after a difficult period.

"This was a huge comeback performance from Tesla and Musk with the Street expecting a clear miss this quarter with EV demand still choppy globally," analyst Dan Ives wrote on Tuesday, citing that deliveries outpaced what even bullish investors hoped for.

He added: "In a nutshell, the worst is in the rear view mirror for Tesla as we believe the EV demand story is starting to return to the disruptive tech stalwart ahead of a historical Robotaxi Day on August 8th."

Tesla stock was down 16% in 2024 through Monday's close, although Tuesday's move trimmed that to an 8% year-to-date loss.

Ives thinks the comeback will continue in the second half of 2024. Apart from its deliveries win, he notes that Tesla also enjoyed a second quarter "mini rebound" in China, which has brought about price stabilization.

Another source of momentum will come on August 8, when Tesla hosts its Robotaxi day, Ives said. The firm is set to unveil its long-teased autonomous taxi vehicle during the event, which Ives says is a demonstration that the company is following on its word to unleash full self-driving technology.

"We continue to believe that Tesla is more of an AI and robotics play than a traditional car the rubber meets the road as the Street anticipates August 8th as a key linchpin day for the Tesla story," Ives said.

Not everyone on Wall Street shares Ives' optimism. Some have warned that Tesla faces as much as a 91% correction , given lasting industry headwinds and problems in the firm's own business approach.

homework planner maker

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  1. MyStudyLife

    Transform your study habits and get better grades with MyStudyLife's game-changing student planner. Organize your schedule, track homework and achieve success . Revolutionize the way you tackle your academic journey with MyStudyLife, the ultimate high school or college schedule planner and online organizer rolled into one. Seamlessly integrate your academic life with this comprehensive tool ...

  2. FREE Printable Homework Planner Template

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  3. Power Planner

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  5. Free Digital Planners

    Free Planner Maker. Create a planner. 100% fully customizable. Beautifully designed templates. Millions of photos, icons and illustrations. Easily download or share. Stay organized and on track, no matter your goals, with a personal planner. Start inspired with free planner templates and build your document with powerful editing tools and a ...

  6. MyStudyLife Student Study App- Explore our Features

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