How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

Welcome to this informative article that will guide you on how to write an effective email for the submission of your assignment. If you’re unsure about how to draft an email for submitting your assignment, this article is here to help you!

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

What to include in the email.

When composing your email for assignment submission, it’s important to include the following parts:

Subject Line

Choose a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email. For example, “Assignment Submission – [Course Name]”. This helps the recipient identify the email’s content quickly.

Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as “Dear Professor [Last Name],” or “Hi [Instructor’s Name],”. Use the appropriate salutation based on your relationship with the recipient.


In the body of the email, mention any relevant details or specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clearly state that you are submitting your assignment and acknowledge the due date. If there are any additional comments or questions related to the assignment, include them here.

End your email with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name and contact information. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for the recipient to respond if necessary.

Email Template – Assignment Submission

Subject: Assignment Submission – [Course Name] Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date]. If you have any further instructions or clarifications, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]
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How to Write an Academic Email

4-minute read

  • 21st October 2019

When you email a professor or tutor for the first time, you want to make a good impression. But how can you do this? Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following:

  • Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials.
  • Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about.
  • Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.
  • Use a clear, concise writing style and appropriate academic language.
  • Proofread  your email carefully before hitting send.

Check out our guide below for more on how to write an academic email.

1. When to Send an Academic Email

If you say the word “inbox” to an academic, they will shudder in horror. This is because most lecturers and tutors receive dozens of emails every day. Keeping on top of this can take a lot of time and effort.

So, before writing an email, ask yourself: Do I need to send this?

Often, you can find the information you need in other places. If you want to know about a reading assignment, for example, you should check your syllabus, course documentation, or reading list.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t ask for help. Academic staff are there to assist you. But they can do this more effectively if they have time to spare, so it’s best only to email someone when you can’t find the information elsewhere.

2. Subject Line

Every academic email should have a  clear subject line  that sets out why you’re emailing. For example, if you need to discuss a paper you’re writing, a vague subject line like “Question” or “Urgent!” may be easy to overlook.

Instead, you could write something like:

Aristotle Paper – Tutorial Request for Wednesday

This is short and simple, but the recipient will immediately understand the topic of your email, what you need, and when you need it.

3. Be Specific About Why You’re Emailing

The text of your email should be as specific as possible. To do this:

  • Set out who you are and your relationship to the recipient.
  • Explain your situation in no more than a couple sentences. For more complex requests, you’re better off setting up a meeting in person.
  • Suggest how the recipient can help you address the problem.

This will ensure the recipient knows who you are and what you need from them. The simpler you make this, the easier it will be for them to respond.

4. Be Clear, Concise and Formal

As well as being specific, you need to use an appropriate writing style. This should be clear, concise, and  formal . Be sure to:

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  • Address the recipient using their proper title (e.g.,  Dear  Prof.  Smith ).
  • Use academic language as appropriate (avoid slang and emojis).
  • Be polite in your request; don’t make demands.
  • Thank the recipient for their time at the end of the email.

It may be the recipient is happy for you to use a less formal writing style. But it’s best to stick to formal, respectful language until you get to know them.

5. Proofread Carefully

Finally, be absolutely sure you  proofread your email before sending it.

This will save you from any embarrassing typos, ensuring your email is easy for the recipient to understand.

Example Academic Email

In closing, here’s an example of an academic email:

Dear Prof. Smith,

I am a first-year student on your Ancient Greek Philosophy module, and I was hoping we could meet to discuss the upcoming Aristotle paper (due on March 3).

I am planning to write about Plato and Aristotle, and I have attended the lectures and completed the required reading, but I have questions I would like to ask before I begin writing. Will you be available to meet this Wednesday?

Early afternoon would be best for me, but I am happy to adapt my schedule if you are not available then. If we cannot meet, do you have any books or research papers about Plato and Aristotle that you can suggest?

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,

Isaac Kinsella

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Home / Formal email writing examples & tips

25 formal email writing format examples & best practices

Get professional email writing formats proven to work in real life. See top formal email examples and learn professional email best practices.

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Professional email writing is a skill that comes in handy throughout your day-to-day – whether it’s communicating in the professional context, or managing your personal life. Using the right formal email writing format and best practices can get you understood, heard, and better respected.

The good news is that once you have the right examples for the right contexts, you can easily adjust the text to get your message across. Luckily, we’ve rounded up our favorite tips for creating and structuring effective formal emails, with helpful examples and templates.

Let’s dive in!

What’s in this article

Formal vs. informal email writing

  • Basic formal email structure

Thank you email

Formal letter of appreciation, letter of complaint, cover letter, reminder email, letter of apology for a client, apology letter from boss.

  • Apology mail for the manager
  • Introduction email to client (outreach)
  • Sample email for proposal submission

Proposal submission email

  • Quotation email

Email asking for feedback

Email of inquiry requesting information, email asking for a status update, sick leave mail format, letter asking for a discount from the supplier, ask for a raise, email your boss about a problem (asking for help), email to schedule a meeting.

  • Email to the client sharing the status of project
  • Email to the boss about work progress

Acceptance email

“this is to inform you that” letter, job rejection email, aesthetics of a formal email.

  • How to improve your email writing skills

Formal email writing is utilized in a B2B or B2C scenario, where you’re exchanging professional emails with colleagues, businesses, or partners. Informal email writing is the style you’d likely use when corresponding with a friend or family member, or even a quick email to a colleague.

When you’re emailing a friend, there’s less on the line if you get your words or meaning wrong. But when writing a business email there is much more at stake. A crucial mistake could hurt your reputation or wreck an incredible business opportunity.

That’s why we’ve decided to cover the best practices of formal email writing, so that you can get it right every time.

We’ll review the ins and outs of email structure, different email formats you can use, as well as short email templates that you can use in various scenarios. Keep reading to learn how to write the perfect email.

email writing example

Basic formal & professional email structure

Before we get into different email templates, it’s important to know how to build an email yourself. For the most part, every email, regardless of its contents, will follow the same structure with the same basic elements. You should get to know these elements in order to ensure proper and effective email writing as a whole.

The basic elements of professional email writing:

  • Your email address
  • Subject line
  • Email opening
  • Email ending
  • Email sign-off
  • Email signature, or “footer”

Now let’s break these down, one by one:

1. Start with a professional email address

Your email address is often out of your control. If you work for a company, or operate under the umbrella of a brand, your email address will likely include the company or brand name domain.

For example, the emails in WiseStamp are all in the following format: [employee_name] This ensures that we all have a professional business email address. Since only the owner of can issue email addresses under that domain name, this ensures our emails appear legitimate.

Imagine if each employee had a random Gmail address like [name][email protected]. Anyone can create that email, which would make it suspicious. Email open rates are first and foremost dependent on trust, so make sure you have a trustworthy email address—otherwise suffer very low open rates.

If you are a freelancer professional, working separately from an established brand, consider buying a domain name for your personal brand. You can look up available domains on Google domain registrar .

2. Email subject lines

Your subject line will be the single most important element in your formal email writing. It is the first thing your recipient will see, so your goal here is to convince them that your email is a safe, relevant, and high priority (in that order). If you don’t succeed in doing that, your email may never be opened, and any effort you put into the rest of the email elements will go to waste.

Your subject line will depend on the purpose or content of your email, but overall, you want it to be something engaging enough for a recipient to click on.

Email writing subject line guidelines:

  • Be clear and specific : Avoid using generic or clickbait subject lines that say little or make unrealistic promises, like “Find out how to double your business in a week!”
  • Be original : Avoid the overused subject line templates you find on the internet. Instead, make original subject lines that are relevant, personal, and concise.
  • Add relevance : Address something that the recipient will recognize, like an acquaintance’s name or an article, show or book they appeared on.

Studies have shown that personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. You also want to tailor your email subject line to your email goal, whether it’s a sales email, a personal email, a newsletter, or something else. Think of 3-4 refined options then narrow them down to which will likely be most appropriate.

Best email subject line for cold sales

3. Email opening

The next most important way to hook a recipient into your email is by writing a strong email opening line . Like your subject line, the email opening is mostly used as another filtering stage for most people. If it fails to meet the promise made in the subject line, your readers will bail.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to state your main point in 1 to 2 paragraphs, tops. When you clearly convey your request or question, and your reader feels it’s relevant and interesting, they’ll continue reading your email. If you manage to get them to stay beyond this point, then in most cases, they’ll reply to your email. Good for you!

professional email greeting examples

Email writing opening guidelines:

  • Address your recipient by their preferred name : Look up an article they’ve written or their LinkedIn page for reference. Some people will use their full name or their nickname accordingly. For example David might go by Dave, or Anastasia goes by Ana.
  • Establish a connection : In your email, reference a personal experience that involves the recipient, like an article or a news piece you’ve read about them, or a conversation you had with an acquaintance.
  • Match the opening with the subject line : Your opening message has to mirror the promise made in the subject line because this is how the reader determines whether your email is relevant or not. If you don’t connect the subject line to the opening, readers may get confused or even assume that you’re using clickbait.
  • Get to the point fast : Tell your reader why you reached out and what’s in it for them.

email opening lines

4. Email body

The body of your email is where you get into your main message. Whether you’re composing an email to establish a new business connection or just following up on a meeting, the body of your email should be detailed enough that the reader isn’t confused, but also brief and to the point. No one wants to sit and read a long-winded email when they have dozens of other unattended messages in their inbox.

Email body writing guidelines:

  • Be concise and detail only what’s needed to get your point across.
  • Use words that convey (authentic) positive personal emotions , like “glad,” “excited,” “intrigued,” and “confident.”
  • Use the word “because ” when asking for something. It’s been scientifically shown that people are more easily convinced to do something if told why, and even more so if the reason is important to them.
  • Show, don’t tell . If you can’t explain something in a few words, see if you can add a screenshot, a video, or a link that explains it better.
  • Use headings to split long content into sub-topics . If you can’t avoid writing a long email, make sure to break it up into subsections with headings. This will help your time-scarce readers to scan and find their points of interest.
  • Add your concrete request or question in bold text . To best ensure your readers do not miss the most important piece of content (i.e. your request or question), add it to a separate line, in bold. You can also use a different color, if that works for your brand. Just be sure to avoid light shades for a high contrast between the text and the white background. Oh, and once you pick a color—stick to it throughout your email!

5. Email ending

After you’ve addressed all your main points in the body of your email, you’ll want to add a respectful and brief conclusion. You can either invite your recipient to reach out for more questions, wish them success, or ask a question. It all depends on the motive for your email. If it was a long email it could also be a good idea to gently reiterate your main request, question, or motivation.

6. Email sign-off

When closing your email, choose a suitable email sign-off . There are different sign-offs you can use for each occasion, such as “best regards,” “sincerely,” or “with love.” Use your best judgement on which to use that best suits your email content and recipient. For example, you obviously wouldn’t want to send the last one to your manager!

A cool tip you can apply is to add a handwritten signature sign off. A handwritten signature give your recipient the feeling that you gave the email special attention and a personal touch. You can create one here .

7. Email signature / footer

Your email signature (or footer) is your wave goodbye, and the way you do it seals the impression you’ve made up to this point. Make this moment memorable, organized, and aesthetic, and you can get some extra credit and a positive attitude from your reader. A messy, disorganized signature is at best an opportunity lost, and at worst, a discredit to your image.

Consider creating a professional email signature to nail a positive lasting impression. Use the simple text email signature we all used back when email started at your discretion. Whichever you choose, be sure to include all your professional and contact information. You should also add links to your website, social media sites you are most active in, or a landing page.

Professional formal email examples: specific formats for specific goals & uses

To better understand how all the elements of an email work together in different types of emails, let’s look at some templates. These letters are suitable for a number of email scenarios, so tweak the content to make it more relevant to your needs.

See our examples of the most common email writing formats:

Apology letters samples:, sample business emails (b2b and b2c):, information inquiry letter samples:, request email samples – professional email asking for something:, work update email samples:, confirmation vs rejection email samples:.

A thank you email is usually one that you’ll send after previous communication with someone. You might want to thank them for their help on a project, for fulfilling your personal request that you previously sent, for a job interview, or even for something as simple as taking a phone call or a meeting.

When composing a thank you email, you don’t want it to be too long, so get straight to the point. Also, this type of email isn’t always necessary, and might even clutter up the inbox of someone who is very busy, so consider whether or not it will be useful for you before you click “Send” on a thank you message.

Thank you email for work done or service rendered

Thank you so much for [action they did] It was such a pleasure to work with you, and I’m look forward to the next opportunity to work together again.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional information.

Best regards, [name and job title]

Thank you email for a job interview

Dear [name of hiring manager],

I enjoyed speaking with you the other day during our interview for the [position title] at [company name]. The job appears to be an ideal match for my skills, ambitions, and interests.

The innovative approach to the corporate culture within the [job field] world confirmed my wish to work at your firm.

I will bring my engineering skills, assertiveness, and ability to engage others to work in a cooperative way within the [name of department] department.

Thank you, again, for your time, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best Regards,

professional thank you email example

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name],

I would like to formally recognize all the hard work and dedication you’ve put into completing [project/task]. Due to your consistent efforts, the project is what it is today and that led to the positive results we were hoping for. 

On behalf of [company name, board members, etc.], we would like to formally thank you for your hard work and we would like to let you know that we highly value your contribution and your continued dedication to your job.

We are very grateful to have you as a member of our team and we wish to continue to see you thrive within our organization.

Best regards,

[Name and job title]

Dear [name],

On January 30th, 2020, I made a reservation at your restaurant located at 1234 Mulberry Lane for a birthday dinner for four people. This letter is intended to bring certain issues to your attention.

Unfortunately, we did not enjoy our dinner due to the fact that the food was very slow to arrive and we received the wrong dishes. It’s understandable that it was a busy time at your restaurant, but the quality of the service was not as expected.

To resolve this problem, I would appreciate it if you could provide compensation in the form of a gift voucher or discount on a future meal. 

I’m looking forward to your reply.

With regards,

[Your name]

It used to be common to send your cover letter and CV as an attachment to your email. However, it’s becoming a lot more accepted to use the email itself as your cover letter and simply attach your CV.

When sending a cover letter email, make sure you’re using formal language, addressing the right person such as HR or the hiring manager, you use a relevant subject and opening line, and the body of your email demonstrates why you’d be a perfect fit for the job and company. Hiring managers likely receive dozens of email cover letters, be sure to make sure yours stands out and doesn’t drag on too long.

Cover letter example

Dear hiring manager [name],

I’m very interested while reading the job posting for the position of [job title]. I believe that the experience I have strongly match the responsibilities of this position. I am enthusiastic about submitting my application for the position.

My most recent position was at [company name], where I was a [job title name ]. Additionally, I recently participated in a [mention an accomplishment in your last job that is relevant]

I have attached my resume to this email. Thanks to it, I believe you will learn more about my experience, education, and achievements.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

The format of this type of email message will be different depending on whether it’s your first time reaching out to someone, or the second or third time. The main difference is that the first contact email has to include details that provide context.

When writing a reminder email or follow-up email you don’t need to provide a broad context. Instead, briefly remind your recipients of what you’ve both already agreed on, as it might have simply may been forgotten or placed low in their backlog.

This little push can go a long way in shortening your timetables and making sure you’re items are prioritized. Most people appreciate the reminder and respect you for being steadfast.

Reminder email sample

I’m sure your schedule is very busy, so this email is simply to remind you of your upcoming interview with [name] who is a candidate for [name of position].

The interview will be at [time] on [date] in [location].

Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with to prepare to interview this candidate.

Apology letters samples

From time to time we all make mistakes, and we all get something wrong. Sometimes our mistakes hurt others, cause them discomfort, or make them frustrated. In these situations, it’s usually the right call to simply apologize.

Apologizing is something that must be sincere or you risk offending the person further. It’s always the best approach to express genuine regret.

But regardless of whatever you truly feel, be very careful to only use words that express empathy for whomever it is you’re apologizing to. Do not lay any responsibility on them, and do not give excuses.

Dear [client’s name],

Please accept my deepest apologies on behalf of [company or business name] for the poor experience you had at our restaurant.

I want to thank you for bringing these issues to my attention and please know that we are making every effort to correct our mistakes so events like these don’t happen in the future.

As a token of our apology, please accept a gift card in the amount of $50.00 that can be used at our restaurant in the future.

I hope to greet you again soon at [company or business name].

Yours sincerely,

[Your name and job title]

Dear Mr./Mrs. [boss’s family name],

I’m writing to you to express my regret for my behavior on [date] in regard to [event]. I would like to apologize for my words and actions and reassure you that such an event will not happen again.

On the date in question, I got into a verbal altercation with the head waiter about the scheduling, and this led to my inexcusable behavior. I have already apologized to [name of colleague], and I wanted to assure you that I will work to improve my reactions and behavior in the future.

I’d be happy to meet with you to speak about the incident further if you have any outstanding concerns.

I am sorry again.

Apology mail for manager

Dear [manager’s name],

I owe you an apology for providing you with the wrong information on [date] regarding [event]. It was not my intention to provide inaccurate or misleading information, and I apologize for any inconvenience that this careless mistake may have caused you.

I will be sure to be more thoughtful in the future and learn from this incident.

Please do not hesitate to share any thoughts or concerns with me. I’d be glad to discuss this further and make it right. 

Business email writing samples

Introduction email to a client (sample email to approach a new client).

Dear [Sir/Madame/Name],

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and my company. My name is [name] and I am a [job title] at [company name]. Our company provides customers with cutting-edge technology for all their email signature needs.

At [company name], there are a number of services we can offer, such as [short list of services]. Our employees are also highly dedicated and are willing to help you with your every need. 

I’d love the opportunity to speak or meet with you to discuss your needs further and to tell you more about how [company name] can help you succeed. You can contact me at [phone number] with any questions you may have.

Dear [Name],

Please find enclosed to this email the proposal you requested regarding your website audit.

We hope that you will find this proposal helpful and insightful and that it meets your expectations. Of course, if you would like to make any adjustments or go in a different direction, feel free to let us know and we’d be happy to discuss with you.

Thank you for entrusting [your company name] with your website audit, and we hope to hear back from you soon.

Sending quotation email

Dear [customer name],

We’d like to thank you for sending in your inquiry on [date] regarding a quotation for auditing your website.

Based on an initial estimation, we are happy to offer you a quotation based on your requests. Please find the official pricing quote attached to this email. Note that this quotation includes [list of services], but should you want additional services, we’d be happy to discuss it further with you and provide another quotation.

Please do not hesitate to get back to us with any questions about the quotation or our services.

Hi [customer name],

We really appreciate you using our services on [date] and we’d like to get your feedback on your experience.

Please follow the link [insert link] to complete a short survey regarding your experience. This survey shouldn’t take any longer than 2 minutes and it will help us improve our products and services in the future.

We want to thank you in advance for your time and hope that you enjoyed your experience with [company name].

[Name and/or company name]

Inquiry letter samples

This email is to inquire about the website audit services you posted on your website. 

As I understand, you offer services to audit businesses’ websites and provide personalized insight into what improvements can be made. I’d like to request further information with regard to your pricing as well as the scope of the work that will be performed, including specific services that can be expected.

I look forward to receiving your response.

I wanted to check in and check on the status of the website audit project that is due on [date]. 

Please let me know where you’re at with the project and don’t hesitate to let me know if you require any assistance from my end.

Request email samples: professional email asking for something

A personal request email is usually straight to the point and involves a sender asking a recipient for something. It could be anything from connecting on a professional network, asking to set up a meeting, or even requesting a professional introduction. Following a personal request email, a recipient may decide to either accept or reject what the sender is asking for. In this type of email, it’s important to be very clear with what you’re asking for.

Hi [Name of manager/supervisor],

I am writing to request sick leave from [date range]. I will be undergoing surgery and at the recommendation of my doctor, I need to be off of work for 2 weeks in order to recover. I hope to be back at work on [date]. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Dear [name of the supplier],

Thank you for sending over your product catalog. We are very much interested in purchasing [name of the product(s)] from you and would like to get a quote for these items.

Additionally, we are hoping that this will lead to a prolonged partnership between the two of us. Therefore, we are kindly requesting that you provide us with your best possible price since we would like to use your goods on a permanent basis.

Thank you for your understanding.

Dear [Name of Manager/supervisor],

I have greatly enjoyed working for [company name] over the last 3 years. During these years, I feel that I have become a valuable member of your team and I have contributed to projects in a significant way. 

Since working here, I have accomplished: [list accomplishments].

As an employee, I think I have outperformed the goals set for me. As a result, I would like to have the opportunity to discuss increasing my salary so that it matches my current performance. Please let me know when is a good time for you to meet so that we can discuss this further.

Once again, I am grateful to be part of an organization that provides me with unique challenges and opportunities to continuously learn and grow.

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of boss],

I would like to bring to your attention the incident that occurred at [location] on [date] at [time].

I was deeply upset by the actions of [coworker/event]. I tried to speak with them, but this did not lead to any sort of resolution and now I feel as if our professional relationship at work is strained as a result.

I am turning to you for assistance with the matter and I hope that you are able to come up with a solution that neither of us has thought of yet. 

Thank you for taking the matter seriously and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks for getting in touch with us about our product. I’d be glad to set up a meeting in order to give you more information, answer your questions, and show you how it can work for your business. Does [date] at [time] work for you?

I look forward to meeting with you soon!

Work update email

Email to the client sharing the status of the project.

Dear [name of client],

We’d like to keep you updated regarding the progress we’ve made on our project. Please have a look at the tasks we’ve accomplished below and do not hesitate to get back to me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Key highlights and updates:

  • [list them]

Tasks accomplished this week:

Tasks to do next week :

Email the boss about work progress

Hi [name of boss],

I am happy to let you know that the project [name of project] that was assigned to me on [date] is now nearing completion. Due to the hard work of our team, the project is expected to be completed on time. Based on the pace of our work, I expect to have the entire project completed by [date].

The remaining elements of this project to be completed are as follows:

  • [List them 1]
  • [List them 2]
  • [List them n]

Thank you for your continued support and guidance and please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

Confirmation vs rejection email samples

You might get an email confirmation after you purchase something online, or you can also reply to a formal email confirming receipt of an email attachment, a meeting time, or a company update. A rejection email is similar in that it might reject the item that was proposed in an email, in which case you’d let the sender know.

It is my great pleasure to inform you that I will be accepting your offer for employment as [job title] with [company name]. The goals for this role that you described are in line with my personal career aspirations, and I hope to be able to learn and grow in this role.

As discussed in our previous meeting, my salary will be [salary] and I will be starting on [date].

I appreciate all the time you took to make the interviews as seamless as they were, and I look forward to working with you soon.

This is to inform you that your business proposal [title of the proposal] has unfortunately been rejected by our committee. While we did like your idea, unfortunately, the costs involved reach well beyond our budget for this quarter. 

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and encourage you to submit additional proposals if you have others that are aligned with our goals.

Best of luck,

This is to inform you that I will not be proceeding in the interview process for [job title] with [company name]. I would like to formally withdraw my candidacy.

At this time, I have accepted a position with another company, so I am no longer in search of employment. However, I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to meet with me and for being attentive to my questions about the role. 

It was a pleasure meeting with you and I wish you luck in finding the right candidate for the job.

Before you even get started on the content of your email, you want to make sure the aesthetic is appealing and not too out of the ordinary. Of course, you want to capture the attention of your recipient, but you also want to appear professional, so keep the Comic Sans font out of the equation. What sort of aesthetics should you pay attention to in a formal email? Let’s take a look.

Choice of Font

Don’t start reinventing the wheel here. It’s better to go with a safe bet instead of a creative option when selecting a font. Choose a font that’s easy to read and skim, since if you’re sending a longer email it’s possible your recipient will just skim its contents. Therefore, you want to font to be clear and the letters to be far enough apart. We suggest going with fonts like Georgia, Verdana, Arial, or Times New Roman.

formal email fonts

You don’t want your recipient to have to squint to read your email, but your text also shouldn’t appear as if it’s yelling either. Depending on the font you go with you might need to tweak the sizing a little, but in general, font size 12 is what you should be using. You can use size 10 or 11 as well, just make sure it doesn’t look too small before sending your email.

How do I improve my email writing skills?

There are a number of ways you can make your emails shine, and you don’t need to be a professional writer to do it. In fact, there are a few small areas you can focus on to make your emails clearer and more well-received. Here are a few things you should keep in mind when composing an email:

1. Optimize your email subject lines

Your subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they receive your email. Therefore, it’s important that it’s optimized as much as possible. Keep these tips in mind when coming up with your subject line:

  • Keep it short to no more than 40 characters
  • Make it personal, use the recipient’s name if you have it
  • Use a call to action, like “let’s set up a meeting today”
  • Create a sense of urgency, such as “offer to expire soon”

2. Practice summarizing your main point for your email openings

Once you get your recipient to open your email, you don’t want to bore them right away. You have to keep things interesting, relevant, and straight to the point. That’s why it’s crucial to put your main point somewhere in the first sentence, or at least the first paragraph. 

While your opening line can be something general like “thank you for taking the time to meet with me,” the very next line should be something more powerful. Whether you ask for the results of a meeting, make a proposal, or initiate a follow-up meeting, this first sentence sets the tone of the rest of the email so the reader knows exactly what the subject is and what to expect from the rest of your message.

3. Research the correct email etiquette to use for your most common scenarios

When sending emails, especially formal or professional emails for work, it’s important to maintain email etiquette . Since many of us answer our emails on our phones while on the go, it’s tempting to reply to emails as we would a text message, but that’s not good practice.

4. Proofread for typos and grammar mistakes

Finally, always review your email before you click “Send.” Make sure your email is free of typos, punctuation errors (and that you’re not, for example, using too many exclamation points), and that your syntax is correct.

Also: don’t always rely on spell-checkers. While they’ve come a long way thanks to AI, they don’t always pickup errors where words are spelt correctly, yet used in the wrong context.

The best way to do this is to read your email out loud before sending, especially if it’s an important message to a superior or a client, as emails with grammar mistakes can potentially have a negative impact.

There are countless reasons for needing a formal email writing template. If we didn’t cover every single scenario here, we hope that you know at least have a better idea of what constitutes a good formal email. Using our tips and examples, you’ll be able to compose better emails that get you the results you want. 

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Read : 5 ChatGPT Prompts to Drive Business Growth and Innovation

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AI Expert Services

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Affiliate Marketing with a Techy Twist

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AI can also help you find products related to your niche to promote with affiliate links, making your awesome website into a money-making machine.

Build Your AI Empire

1. tool time: coding for cash.

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As AI gets more important, companies will be desperate for consultants like you!

Things to Remember:

Humans still needed: the ai hype is real, but….

AI is a powerful tool, but it’s still just that – a tool. It can mess up, make stuff that’s just plain weird, or even be used for harmful things if we’re not careful. That’s where you come in!

Your job is to double-check AI’s work, make sure it sounds natural and makes sense, add your own creative spark, and be the one to make sure the AI is doing good, not harm.

Find Your Thing: Be the Specialist

Trying to be an expert in everything AI-related is a recipe for a headache. Instead, become known as THE person for something specific.

Are you the best AI product reviewer for tech gadgets? The go-to person for building customer service chatbots? The genius who finds hidden stock market patterns using AI?

Specializing makes it easier for clients to find you and know exactly what you can do for them.

Never Stop Learning: The AI Train Keeps Rolling

AI technology changes at lightning speed! New tools, techniques, and updates are happening all the time. To stay ahead of the game, you’ve got to be curious and willing to learn.

Subscribe to tech newsletters, mess around with new AI programs as they come out, and take online courses. The more you know about cutting-edge AI, the more valuable your skills become!

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Writing a Submission Email

It’s not always easy writing a submission email. Each magazine is as different as each editor. As an editor, I wanted to leave my mark on the magazine and make it a ‘useful’ magazine. I focussed on ‘teaching’: a lot of how-to tutorials, and tips that you could incorporate into your own work. But that is not true of all magazines. So, here are the  top eight tips to preparing the best submission email possible.

Read all the way to the bottom where I include an example of (what I would have considered) a good submission email.

Before we start: Disclaimer (again)!

These are just my personal opinions: I can not guarantee that these things will get you published. However, I am 99% sure that by doing some of these things means your email will not be overlooked. Always  read the submission guidelines (especially when it comes to the size of the image to submit).

1. Know the publication.

Buy a couple of recent issues of the publication. Soak in the pages; see how the projects are displayed. Read everything: what type of tips do they give, what are the projects and features like, do they use metric or imperial measurements? Get to know the publication your submitting to first and foremost.

2. Write an actual email.

Layout attached .

That is not an email. That is part of an email. Write an actual letter, please.

3. Get in, get out.

Follow on from tip two: that being said, get in and get out as quickly as possible. I don’t need to know your scrapbooking story from beginning to end: this is our first date after all. I only need to hear about the project you’ve sent me.

A quick guide: say hello, tell me about your layout, say goodbye.

4. Send to one publication at a time.

Nothing irritated me more than seeing more than just my submissions email in the “To” field. I understand you’re excited about finishing a project and that you’re super proud of it and that you want it published. We  want to publish it. But sending a generic email to a multitude of submission email addresses is likely to get your email skipped.

That being said, as editors, we  know you are submitting to all publications possible. So let us know in the email if you’ve submitted elsewhere or if you’re going to submit elsewhere.

5. Understand the turn-around time for magazines.

At Scrapbook Creations, all content was due from the editor three months before publication. This meant I would start commissioning six months before publication because I needed to confirm with contributors that they would be in the magazine, get them to send their projects (via mail) and text (via email) to me.

The projects needed to be in my hands four months before publication so I could get photography done. Text also needed to be with me at that stage so I could edit the text and query contributors on things that didn’t make sense.

Two months before publication the magazine needed to be at the printers.

Each Scrapbook Creations magazine took eight months, from start to finish (including sending back projects and invoicing after the magazine was published). I don’t say this for any reason other than letting you know that it takes a long time to publish a magazine. Please be realistic in your expectations of turn around. It’s very unlikely we’ll get to your email twenty minutes after you send it.

6. Answer this one little question.

What makes this project better than any other the editor will see today? Make sure you include that answer in your email.

7. Know your editor.

I don’t mean you need to become friends with them on Facebook, nor do you need to stalk their Instagram or Pinterest(1) accounts. All editors work differently. Some will reply shortly after you submit, some will reply in six weeks. Some (and I am guilty of this) will not reply at all. Editors will not make exceptions for you, because you are such an amazing papercrafter(2) — they have a work flow and will stick to it.

I would recommend to never follow up on a submission. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t heard from them in two months(3), then they’ve passed on your submission.

(1) It actually may be worth looking at the editor’s Pinterest page, since you will get a sense of the style of work they like. This doesn’t mean they won’t publish your style, but it might help you understand why they don’t.

(2) The exception to this rule is if an editor gives you their direct email address and says that it’s okay for you to email submissions directly.

(3) I say two months because that’s how often Scrapbook Creations was published. If your magazine comes out more frequently or less frequently, use that time span as a guideline.

8. Check the submission guidelines.

I have written this post based on the idea that submissions happen via email. This is not always the case, and you  must must MUST read the submission guidelines closely. If you don’t submit as suggested by the guidelines, there is a high chance that your submission will get overlooked (or worse: binned!).

The perfect email.

In my personal opinion.

Dear Ellen, Please find attached an image (and one close-up) of “Happy Happy Day”, a layout I have recently completed. I am submitting this layout to your ‘Yellow’ theme and would like to point out the use of hand-made resin embellishments I have included. (You can see this in detail in the close-up image.) Thank you for your time in reading my submission. Please note that this is a simultaneous submission and I look forward to hearing from you. Kindest regards, A. Beecee p: +0123-456-789 email: [email protected]

The commentary that goes with this email:

First, there’s a greeting just for me! I feel loved. Let me keep reading.

Check that there are only two attachments as the emails suggests: yes, keep reading!

Oh, okay, this is for the yellow theme. (Check spreadsheet to see if there’s room for another layout.) Oh wait! A DIY resin embellishment? Must check this out now. (Open image: so pretty.)

Read rest of email very quickly and I see the note about simultaneous submission. At this point I would email A. Beecee back and see if the layout is still available. However, maybe the layout doesn’t fit the theme as well as I’d like, but I desperately want the hand-made resin: I might ask you to create a feature around DIY resin embellishments. By giving an editor a little more information, they may be able to offer you something anyway.

Further reading:

Eight Tips for Getting Published in Magazines , Gary Bell. While this particular article is for those writing magazine articles, it would help those of you who wish to do longer pieces / features in papercraft magazines.

Online Writing Submissions: Mistakes Writers Make Submitting To Literary Agents And Editors , Writer’s Relief. Some guidelines apply, some don’t. My favourite: “Don’t rush through the process.”

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Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

essay submission email

We’ve all been there at some point in our education. For one reason or another, we are unable to meet the deadline for an assignment and need to find a way to appeal to a professor to accept our late submission.

Sending an email to your professor would be the best option. The only question remaining is the contents of the email. After all, professors have loads of work to do and would not be able to read a long email.

Still, you need to convey your point to the professor and make it convincing. A long email would most likely lead to no response or a negative one. So how do you send a convincing email that would increase the chances of a positive response?

How To Find A Professor’s Email

The first step to emailing your professor is finding their email address. If you don’t know their email, how do you find it?

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School Website

The first approach would be to try looking for the professor’s email address on the school’s website. If your school has a learning management system, you’ll find your professor’s official contact details on the overview page of their course.

For schools with simple websites, you’ll find your professor’s email on the relevant faculty pages. Each professor’s official title, name, picture, and email address would be available on those pages.

Course Syllabus

Another way to find your professor’s email is to take a look at the course syllabus. Most tertiary institutions include each course’s professor’s contact email on the syllabus. This enables students to easily find their professor’s emails and contact them when necessary.

Ask Other Students

If the above options fail to yield the expected results, you can reach out to other students individually or on school forums and other dedicated student community pages. A typical example is asking on your student WhatsApp or Telegram groups.

You’ll most likely receive a response from another student or at the very least receive a tip from a student on where they may have seen the professor’s email address .

Tips For Writing To Professors

Simply writing “please find my assignment attached” may not be enough, especially in cases where you’ve missed the deadline for submission. Let’s take a look at certain things to keep in mind when emailing professors.

Use School Email

Refrain from contacting your professor through your personal email address. School email addresses are given to us for a reason. When looking to submit your assignment to your professor, it’s advisable to use your school-issued email address.

This will ensure that your email reaches the teacher as your personal email could likely end up in a spam folder. The school’s email addresses are whitelisted on the same network making it possible for anyone using the school’s email to receive emails within the school’s network.

The last thing you want is to carefully craft an email to send to your professor only to find out they never received it. You can’t blame the professor in such situations especially when the deadline has long expired.

Clear Subject Line

The subject of the mail should be clear to better convey the intent of the email to your professor. Typical examples include:

Apology for late submission

Requesting an extension of the deadline

Formal Address

Use the instructor’s appropriate title when addressing them. It may seem like a simple mistake when you address a professor as a Dr., but academics can be quite keen about their titles.

Avoid addressing professors as doctors as the title means a lot to them. Recognize their position and make sure you are familiar with their official titles. Use their official titles (Dr., Professor) when addressing them to avoid making a bad impression.

Identify Yourself

Professors may teach more than one class and interact with multiple students daily. Simply sending an email with your name isn’t enough for them to identify you, and the class you’re in.

Don’t give them extra work to go through their list of students to identify which class you may be in. They’d most likely ignore your email and focus on other pressing matters.

Make it easy for them to recognize you by providing your full name, and the class you’re in which they teach.

Formal Tone

Irrespective of your relationship with the professor, refrain from using informal language during official email communications. Avoid using abbreviations, emojis, and other forms of slang in your email. Refrain from including personal information that is irrelevant to the discussion or topic.

Correct Grammar

The role of a professor is to educate their students and they expect students at that level of education to have good grammatical skills. Writing an email that’s difficult to read will lead to the professor ignoring your email.

If you aren’t confident in your writing, let a third party read carefully read through the email before submission. Additionally, you can leverage tools like Grammarly to help identify errors in your writing. Keep in mind that these tools aren’t perfect. It’s advisable to go through your writing to identify any errors.

Clear Communication

Try and clearly convey your specific need in only a few sentences. Professors are busy and won’t have time to read lengthy emails. Avoid filling your sentences with words that would obviously require a dictionary to make a sentence understandable.

Being polite in your email can go a long way toward scoring points in your favor. Ensure that the tone of your email is polite and the necessary respect is being conveyed. Irrespective of any negative impressions you might have of the professor, it’s advisable to show them respect in your communication.

End Formally

At this point, you need to show appreciation to the professor for taking the time to read up to the end of the email. Simply thank them for their time and sign off your email with “Sincerely” or “Best regards” followed by your full name.

Professors have a lot of work to do and responding to your email may slip their minds. Refrain from spamming them every few hours with reminders as that could just serve to annoy them. If they don’t get back to you, simply follow up after your next class with them.

Sample Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

Template 1 – late submission due to emergency.

Email Subject

{{Assignment Title}} : Apology for late submission

Dear Professor {{ Last name }},

My name is {{ Your name }}, from {{ Class name }}. I would like to apologize for the late submission of my assignment which was due {{ Assignment due date }}. My brother fell sick and had to be hospitalized which left me little time to work on my assignment as I had to take care of him.

I realize I should have brought this to your attention earlier, and humbly beg that you consider this submission. Going forward, I promise that I will not repeat this mistake. Thank you for your time and consideration.

{{ Your name }}

Template 2 – Assignment Deadline Extension 1

Request for deadline extension of {{ Assignment Title }} assignment

Dear Dr. {{ Last name }},

My name is {{ Your name }}, and I am in your {{ Class name }}. I am finding it a little hard to find relevant materials for my {{ paper title }} given the complexity of the topic. I would like to ask for a little more time to thoroughly go through the various publications linked to the topic.

I would hope to be able to complete this assignment by {{ Date you wish to submit assignment }}. Thank you very much and I will endeavor to produce a well-researched paper on {{ Assignment Title}}.

Template 3 – Assignment Deadline Extension 2

Deadline extension {{ Assignment Title }}

My name is {{ Your name }} and I am a {{ First, second, third, or fourth }} year student in your {{ Class }}.

I am emailing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the {{ Assignment title }} due on {{ Assignment due date }}. Unfortunately, I am behind with this assignment because {{ Reason why assignment can’t be completed on time }}.

I would hope to be able to complete this assignment by {{ Expected date of completion }}. I hope that you will consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

Template 4 – Assignment Submission

Assignment submission : {{ Assignment Title }}

I hope this email finds you well. This is to inform you that I have completed my {{ Assignment title }} assignment that you had assigned to the class {{ Date assigned }}. A PDF version of the assignment is attached to this email.

While I believe my delivery is well-researched, I would be grateful for any suggestions or feedback you might have. Thank you for your time.

Akshay Vikhe

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How to Write an Email

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Want to know how to write an email? Need some guidance on what goes where and why? Well, whether this is the first email you’ve ever composed, or you just want to refresh your memory, here go through everything you need on the subject of how to write email properly! For more advanced email writing techniques, check out our how to write a professional email.

Formatting and Components

Learning how to write a basic email is simple, and every email you ever write will feature the same format that requires you to address each of these components:



  • Subject Line

Here, we go into each of these components in more detail so you know exactly what makes a great email.

These fields, found at the top of your email, are where you will place the email addresses of the people you wish to contact. Each has a different function:

This is where you add the email address/es of your primary contact.

Use this in conjunction with “To” and email addresses to this field if you want someone to see the message but you don’t need a reply.

Use this in conjunction with “To” if you want to send an email to multiple people but you need to keep their email addresses confidential.

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The attachment function in your email allows you to attach supporting documents that can be downloaded or previewed within your message. Most formats are supported, and in most cases, you can include text, images, videos, audio, and GIFs. It’s worth remembering, however, that there is usually a limit to the size of the file you can send.

The subject line of your email is all-important , spelling out the intention of your email and what it contains.

They’re often forgotten but this is bad news as they not only help the recipient understand what the body of your message contains, but they also ensure your email doesn’t end up in the trash folder .

Always start your email with a greeting.

Learning how to write an email introduction and greeting is important as it allows you to be polite and let the recipient know the purpose of your message .

Formal emails, such as for a job application or  sales email , require a formal greeting. When considering personal emails or those between close colleagues, it’s usually fine to use a more casual greeting. You should keep this in mind in you’re using any email templates or AI writing tools.

Naturally, the body of your message is an important element when writing an email. The ideal email body has to be focused, structured, with a clear purpose and to the point .

Remember that story telling qualities aren’t appreciated in an email and people tend to lose focus and interest if you don’t keep your email short and to the point.

Always state what your email is about early in your message, and layout your information so it is easily accessible when skim reading .

Signing off your email correctly is just as important as starting it correctly, and ensuring you use the right kind of closing for your intended recipient ensures they know the message is finished.

Tailor your closing on a per-message basis and, if you are unsure about how to sign off, always default on the side of formality.

Sending and Writing an Email – Dos and Don’ts

There are many dos and don’ts when learning to write an email:

– Keep your subject lines short and to the point so that the recipient knows what’s in your email.

—There’s a good chance your email will either be ignored or end up in the spam folder if you forget.

– It’s important that you use the right function at the right time.

— Not checking your To, CC, and BCC fields is a recipe for disaster, and sending emails to the wrong people can have consequences in some cases.

– Stick to the point and make sure your sentences are understandable. Use formatting options to bring clarity to your points.

— Emails should always be as concise as possible, and long-winded texts are likely to put off your recipients and ensure that your information doesn’t hit home. Once you’ve written the body of your email, read through it once again and try to redact it as much as possible.

– Whoever you are writing to, make sure you write in a way that is suitable. Don’t be formal with family members and don’t be casual with the boss!

— Formality in writing, whether you believe in it or not, is still extremely important in professional settings. For this reason, using the same kind of tone you would in your apps can often be a bad idea. Always tailor your tone to your purpose and avoid being too casual when writing professional emails.

– Don’t forget to check all your email functions such as email addresses and attachments.

— If you don’t proofread your emails before hitting send, then you’re opening yourself up to a whole world of trouble. Proofread the body of your email and save yourself a headache later down the line.

How To Write An Email – The Basics

When learning how to write an email, once you have added the recipients email address to the correct field, you’ll need to focus on three main areas. These are:

Here, we provide some examples of how you should approach each of these elements so that you can compose your email.

How to Write an Email Subject Line — Examples

Your subject line should be concise and to the point and include any relevant information that the recipient needs in order to identify the purpose of the message. When learning how to write an email subject line, you can use the following examples to guide you:

This is my new email address

If you want to share your new email address with your contacts.

Request for Information

If you want to ask for information from a contact or a company.

Just Checking In

If you haven’t been in touch someone in a while and you want to see how they are doing or get an update on a project.

Introduction – Hi Jane, please meet John

If you want to introduce two people who haven’t met before.

Urgent – Please Confirm Attendance by Tuesday

If you need a time-sensitive reply to a meeting or event.

How to Write Email Introduction – Examples

Your greeting, salutation, or introduction should be tailored to your intended recipient. In many cases, your email introduction will be familiar to you from letter writing practices.

Hi Gemma,

Simple, friendly and to the point. Most common for emails to friends or family.

Hi All,

Simple, friendly and to the point. Useful for group emails.

Dear Mr. Smith,

More formal, used when you already know the person you are writing to.

Dear Sir/Madam

Formal. Used when you don’t know the person you are writing to.

To Whom it May Concern

Not really used in email. A little bit archaic.

How to Write the Email Body – Examples

The body of your email will need to contain all the information you want to convey, without being overly long or complicated. Here are a few tips:

Standard Text

You can usually get your most important points across using standard texts. Just remember not to go overboard. Sometimes, a second email may make more sense.

Bullet Points

Simple and clear, bullet points can help your recipient understand things quickly.


If you really need to emphasize something, bolding a section of text can help.


Sometimes italics are used, although not often. For example, they can be useful for indicating titles of publications or reports.


Stay away from color. Some email apps don’t support it and if you overuse it your email may not be comprehensible.

How to Write an Email Signature or Sign Off – Examples

Signing off your email is simple, and you can choose how you do it depending on who you are writing to. Here are a few ideas:


Use this for friends or family or informal emails to people you care about.


Simple, friendly and easy. Use this when you know someone and you want to say thank you.

Best Regards

Professional and simple. Use this, or similar alternatives, when you need to write a professional email.


A little less formal and useful when you send a lot of emails at work.


Similar to the other two but maybe a little bit cold!

How To Write Email Like A Boss – Full Examples

Here, we look at some common examples of email writing to help you combine the elements above and rock your email technique.

How to Write an Email to a Friend or Family Member

When writing an email to a friend or family member, you don’t have to have as detailed of a subject line as you would for a more professional environment. Something along the lines of “Catching Up” will suffice. With your introduction, you can take a more conversational tone with them. You can use an informal introduction like “Hi Sam” when starting a conversation with them. 

Since you are talking to someone close to you in a non-business setting, you can treat it as would you a text message conversation. You’ll want to use a friendly tone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concise and clear, though. Don’t ramble as they’ll likely skim past your information if so. When closing your message, salutations like “Love”, “From”, etc. are acceptable depending on the nature of your relationship. 


I just wanted to check you’d received my invite for Thanksgiving? Please let me know if you’re coming so I know how much turkey to cook!


How to Write an Email to a Teacher or Professor

When emailing a teacher or a professor, you’ll want to use a much more clear tone than you would normally. In this setting, this person is an academic, so formality is required. Your introduction should be very formal. In our example below, we use “Dear” as the best option. When emailing a professor, be very concise and use bullet points when possible to make your point clear. When closing your email, use a formal salutation like “ Best Regards ”.

Dear Professor Smith, 

Unfortunately, due to sickness, I would like to request an extension to the deadline of our current project. If possible, I would like an extension until Monday. Please let me know if this works for if you. 

Kind Regards, 

How to Write an Email for a Job Application 

When sending an email for a job application, formality will be required. Your subject line should include “Application – JOB TITLE”. In your introduction, use a formal option like “Dear”. In your body, clearly state that your resume and cover letter are attached (don’t forget to attach them!).

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Please find attached my introductory letter and resume in application for the position of Marketing Associate as advertised on your website. You will find all the information you need in these documents, however, if you require anything further, you can reach me on my mobile or through email. 

Best Regards, 

Lorraine Lister

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview 

Getting a job interview is hard enough, so do something to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants and send a thank you letter after the interview. In the subject line, state that you are thanking the interviewer for their time and attention. In the introduction, use the opening of “Dear NAME”. In the body, thank them for their time and let them know you are available to meet again if needed. “ Kindest regards ” is a great closing to use as your salutation.

Dear Jan, 

Thanks for giving me the time to speak with you and learn more about the role available. It was a pleasure to connect with you and discuss and how I might fill the position of Marketing Associate. 

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any more information or if you would like to arrange another meeting to discuss how we can proceed. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 

Kindest Regards, 

How to Write an Email for Business Purposes 

Email is the communication language of business, so it’s important to know how to learn ace email skills to further your career. “Hi Team” or “Hi All” is an ideal opening when sending to a group of people, but for a single person, use “Hi NAME” . Clearly state the purpose of the email, the intended outcome (meeting scheduled, documents reviewed, etc.), and then communicate the timeline. When closing, use “ Thanks ” or “ Best Regards ” .

Hi Team, 

Attached you’ll find the latest sales figures from the last quarter. If you have any comments, please get in touch with me directly. 


Emma Watson

Sales Manager

ABC Company

upgrade your email experience

How to Write an Email – FAQs

Email is the number one method of digital communication in the world, and its simplicity and ease of use mean it’s still popular even though it’s pretty old. You can write an email for a number of reasons, including keeping in touch with friends or family, applying for jobs, communicating with colleagues, or even just requesting information.

Anyone with an email app and an email address can write an email, and it remains one of the most popular methods of communication thanks to its availability and ease of use.

Your email address will be made up of three of four components. These are: your name (or other handle), the @ sign, and the domain of your email provider. This is usually a .com or .net domain, however this will depend on your email service.

The subject line is usually found at the very top of your email, just below the To, CC , and BCC fields where you enter the email addresses of your contacts. Don’t forget to write a short and snappy subject line so your recipients know what your email is about.

Depending on the email app you use, you may find the attachment button at the top or bottom of the screen. It is usually indicated with a paperclip icon and a click will allow you to attach files from a computer or the cloud.

The send button may be at the top or bottom of the screen depending on the app you use. It may be a simple arrow icon, or it could be a button with the word “send”. Usually, one click is all it takes to send your message, so make sure you check it properly first.

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How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment

Posted: December 21st, 2021

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

Communication via email is a prominent component of our learning system nowadays. Both in remote and physical learning or education, communication between you and your instructor takes place with the help of emails.

Writing informal emails is sometimes confusing, and a vague email destroys your impression in front of your teacher.

As per Statista’s 2020 report, in 2019, more than 293 billion emails were sent and received every day. Therefore, you must know Email Etiquette. 

You can email your professor for several purposes, such as submitting an assignment, asking a question, asking about the grades, etc. This blog post mainly focuses on How to write an email to submit an assignment . However, the step-by-step procedure explained below will also help you write an email to a teacher or professor for any situation.

You email your friends and relatives without thinking about things you need to care about. It is OK for you not to be straightforward there. But writing an email to a Professor is quite different because you have to write an email that gets a reply and is appropriate. 

So how do you do it? Let’s help you with that regard. Below is the step-by-step procedure on how you can write an adequate and professional-looking email to a Professor.

What is an assignment to submit?

When I say assignment, I am sure that the word “Homework” comes to mind given by the teacher. But going somehow into its depth, we find that Assignment is a legal term where an assignor and an assignee are involved in transferring work, rights, or property. 

Greek and Hebrew words point out the origin of the word ‘assignment’ in English. The word in assignment perspective is taken from the Greek word “tasso”, which means to be assigned, ordained, or appointed.

From an institution and student perspective, an assignment to submit is the work given to you by your instructor. It plays a role in your study . Therefore you have to present it to your professor or teacher via several mediums such as emails, texts, in hand, etc… This post is titled How to write an email to submit in an assignment, so we focus on that here.

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

How to write an email to a Professor to submit an assignment?

You need to be competent and mature when writing an email to a Professor. Writing a great email will impress your professors, and they can consider you a great student when opportunities come.

You can write a letter to a Professor for several things, such as scheduling a meeting , questioning how you can improve your grades in exams or assignments, requesting assignment submission extension, asking for recommendation letters, and information about a particular class.

Start with a powerful greeting. 

Yes, before you dive into writing an email, a powerful and formal greeting is essential. This helps in creating a great image of you. You can start writing your email to the professor with a ‘Dear’ or ‘Hello’. It is Email Etiquette 101, and you should follow it in all professional emails.

So always start your email with a respectful greeting. A comma must follow your greeting.

You can start your email this way.

Dear Professor [Last Name] 

The Title and Name 

After a powerful salutation , write the title and name of the professor. You can address them by writing their professional title “Doctor” Or “Professor” followed by their last name.

It is not very formal but necessary for writing an email to a Professor. Remember, if you use the wrong title or remove it, it may not sound very respectful. So always be careful and recheck their name before sending the email.

Write a clear email subject line about the Assignment submitted.

You are writing an email to submit an assignment to the professor, so your email subject line should be clear. It needs to be written and must relate to the content of your email. Your subject line can be “The 5 Assignments of [ subject name] or “ Assignment on [ Topic Name ].

It is very much important because the recipient opening or ignoring it depends on a clear, point, and concise answer.

Below are some examples of the subject line 

[ Course Name ] Assignment.

Introduce yourself 

There are more than a hundred students of professors. Therefore, they should be provided with contexts to recognize you. It is more important if you email the professor for the first time. 

You can make it easy for them to find who you are by telling them which classes you are a student of and which days the types are in. Doing this will save the recipient’s time and guarantee that you get a reply very soon.

Indeed, you can leave this part in the email if you are sure that the professor knows you.

Length of the Email Message

I would say keep it simple, short, and to the point, because the professor gets loads of Emails. Be clear and write the primary purpose of the email clearly, so the professor doesn’t have to revise it to know what you want.

Always write precise emails and to the point. Writing lengthy emails will confuse the reader about its purpose. That’s why it’s pivotal that students write to cover all Information in short emails. Shorter emails have a more significant impact as your teacher can respond fast.

Use a Polite tone in writing.

When you write your teacher an email or even an email, generally being polite is essential. Students should always maximize respect for their teachers and be polite. Some negative words that begin with ‘Non’, ‘Un’ should be avoided. On the contrary, the email to the professor or teacher for an assignment or anything should be written positively and politely . Be respectful, and courteous, and use positive words.

Use Your Institute or Professional Email ID

Using your institute-provided email ID , or professional email address will look professional. It will also pass the institute’s Spam filter. Your professor will be clear that you are one of their students. They will take your email seriously and open it. If you submit your assignment other than your institute-provided email address, your assignment may not be considered. 

Using an educational email address will work far better, but if you don’t have one, use at least an appropriate Email ID. For instance, use [email protected] and avoid using emails like [email protected] .

Be professional and Punctual.

Your email reflects that your relationship with your professor is professional. So it would help if you were careful to use correct grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation, and spelling properly. You must avoid using any emojis in the email as you may do in your daily communication with friends and relatives. It is not professional. 

Also, be careful, and don’t include your irrelevant personal information. Read the email and take out all mistakes.

Be Careful about Grammar

An email with good grammar creates a vital impression and attracts the reader’s attention. Grammar plays a significant role both in verbal and written communication. If you are using correct grammar in an email, it shows your proficiency in the language.

Everyone writing an email must be careful about Grammar usage and a student more. A student who has written an email for assignment submission with wrong grammar will undoubtedly make a bad impression. 

Some tools will help you with the grammar aspect of your writing. Grammarly is a helpful tool: you may want to use that if you have doubts about your grammar.

Content uniformity

When writing an email, it’s important to maintain content uniformity. You should not use different fonts or font sizes, or colors to highlight points. 

An email with fonts and color variations seems awkward. An email without content uniformity may even not get a reply. Also, you can directly jump into a new topic or subject. Stick to one issue, such as writing an email to submit an assignment. You can write a separate email for a different matter.

Write Details about your Assignment

You submit your assignment; then you must tell all crucial details about your Assignment. Details should be relevant and brief. It helps teachers recognize you and know the purpose of the email. For exp, you have been given a specific topic to research and write about. Then you may put some details as.

Sir, on 26th Nov, you gave us the assignment to research child illiteracy and critically evaluate data. I have written 2000 words of content on the topic. Please check the attachment. 

Mention your assignment and attach the file

Your assignment can either be in word, excel, scanned photos, or PDF format. You can mention in the email politely that ” Assignment is attached as a Word file “, for example. Permanently attach your file in the format requested by the teacher. Disobey teachers can show ill manners. Besides, never forget to attach your file.

Proofread your email

When you have finally finished writing an email to submit an assignment, remember not to click right away. Proofread and take out all mistakes or words that could create a wrong impression.

Proofreading your email at least twice will work best. In this way, you can make significant improvements. Never ignore proofreading. It helps.

Proofread the name of the teacher

Your teacher’s name should be correct without spelling mistakes. Miswriting your teacher’s name creates a wrong impression. 

End an email politely and include a professional signature

Conclude your email politely with words like ‘Thanks’, ‘Best’, and ‘Cheers’. If your university-provided email address doesn’t have your first and last names, don’t forget to write them at the email ending time. In this way, a professor can also search for you in their system.

All of the terms are so important for learning How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment. So remember those are very carefully.

How do you email a professor about submitting an assignment?

First of all, you must have done the assignment your professor or teacher assigned. Then save the document in the format requested. The file name should be your introduction. So click on opening a new email. Then click the attachment option, which looks like a paperclip sometimes. Find the document you have saved, click on it, and it will be attached to the email.

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min.

After that, write the professor’s email address and click on it If it is already saved. Then write an email for assignment submission.  Follow the rules discussed here. After these simple steps and filling in the subject of your email, check if everything is on order and send it.

How do you email a professor about an assignment

How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment ( Email Samples )

Email Samples

You have learned How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment; now, you must do that practically. You may refer to the email to the professor sample below before writing an email for assignment submission. 

  • Email to a professor to submit an assignment

Subject: Assignment Submission on illiteracy 

Dear Professor Stephen,

This is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section 3. I am writing to inform you that I have finished the assignment on Child Illiteracy that you assigned us on the 26th of November. As suggested, its well researched, critically evaluated contents of 2000 words. Please check the attachment.

Please find my attached assignment; we will submit it by Monday. 

Best regards,

Michael White 

  • Email to a professor about not attending class

Subject: Sociology A: Class attendance

This is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section. I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to attend your class on Monday because my mother is not well. I need to take her to a doctor.

I will do my best to review the materials you provided for Monday’s class. I will also contact my classmates for notes.

  • Email a professor about grades

Subject: Sociology A: Query about my grades 

My name is Michael White, from Sociology A, Section 1. I wondered if we could set up an appointment to discuss my grade on [Subject name] or [Assignment name].

I confirmed, that on Wednesday, you will be in the office from 2 to 5 PM. If I am right, please let me know if you could give me some time. 

I look forward to your reply, sir.

  • Email to a professor asking a question

Subject: Question about the Sociology Second Assignment

I am Micahel White, from Sociology A. On August 29, you assigned us our second assignment in Sociology. The topic was children’s illiteracy. But, I forgot some points you discussed in class.

Could you please provide me with the details of the assignment?


Micahel White

  • Email to a professor asking for an appointment

Subject: History A: Request for an Appointment

I am a student in your History A class, Section 3. I am facing some difficulties writing my thesis and I have some questions. You can help me with that regard. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some time during your office hours.

Please let me know if you are available to meet this week.

Thanks very much. I look forward to your reply.

Michael White


We have covered everything in this article, from writing an email to submitting an assignment to samples of emails to a professor about an assignment. The report contained Steps by Steps on writing an effective email for assignment submission. Read every carefully and check all email samples. And hope there’s no confusion about How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment. if any questions please comment below.

What is an Assignment?

From the education perspective, assignments are tasks that teachers or tutors assign to their students. Students need to complete them on time. An assignment is a part of learning. It can be in written, art, practical, fieldwork, or online.

How to write an assignment?

We are talking about an assignment that needs to be written. Writing quality assignments is a difficult job for many of us. As an assignment, you may be assigned to write an essay , case study, research paper, lab report, thesis, coursework, or any other academic writing format.

Some essential things that you must keep in mind on how to write an assignment are as below in the bulletin.

  • Understand the assignment well
  • Research and take notes
  • Read samples for an idea
  • Create your outlines 
  • The prewriting phase is important 
  • Design your paper well
  • Make edits and proofread until you think it is what you want.

You may get allotted essay, research paper , lab report, case study, programming assignment, dissertation, thesis, homework and coursework, and many other academic writing formats.

Why do we need to write an assignment?

Assignments are a part of learning. We need to write an assignment because it improves our knowledge, organizes ideas, argues points, thinks logically and critically, and compares ideas to satisfactory solutions. Therefore, we need to write assignments demonstrating our academic competence. 

What is an email?

Email stands for electronic mail. It is a message that can contain files, texts, images, and other attachments. An email sent through a network helps individuals and groups. Nowadays, almost every person who uses social media has an email address. They use it for communication purposes and to create accounts simultaneously. 

What is an Email Sample?

You can write an email to a teacher for any work, a company for maybe a job, and several other pieces. Following relevant and accepted formulas, the email you write is known as email samples, some of which we have noted above.

What is the Attachment file?

An attachment file is an option in your Gmail account. Whenever you want to send an image, pdf, or any file, submit it to someone. It is known as the attachment file.

How to attach a file to an email?

How to attach a file in Email to Submit an Assignment1

Firstly, click on the compose button in your Gmail, and then you can see an interface as above. The paperclip 📎 like the option above is in the pic is where you will be able to attach your file. It can be an image, video, pdf, etc. This is how you can attach a file to an email.

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How to write a submission email with an email template

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Learn how to write better submission emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to reply to submission emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to write email submission using our tips and template

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So you want to write the best submission email, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write a submission email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next submission email, and save hours every week!

How to send a submission email

Flowrite is an email writer that uses artificial intelligence to turn short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

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Kind regards, Sam

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Replying to a submission email might seem tricky, but it shouldn’t be.

Do you wish you would never worry about how to reply to a submission email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation of your emails?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next reply email, and save hours every week!

Reply to submission email

Flowrite is an email writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send email replies across your browser.

Our smart reply email template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and received message:

Submission response email format

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like replying to meeting invitations , helping you be your most productive self no matter what you work on.

This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to compose a reply to a submission email).

With Flowrite, formatting perfect reply emails is as easy as clicking a few buttons.

Reply to submission email template

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered reply messages with one click today. See it for yourself and test some of our templates below:

So you want to write the best email submission, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write a type of email again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail your next email, and save hours every week!

How to send email submission

Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Email format for submission

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like follow-ups , thank you emails , and reminder emails .

This way you will never have to worry about getting the email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect email submission).

Email submission template

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5 places to submit your personal essays

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The best stories often come from real-life experiences. If you enjoy writing personal essays, consider submitting your work to one of the publications on this list. (Fiction writers and poets, there are some gems for you here too.) All the journals on our list are currently open for submissions and none charge fees.

Note: We are a creative writing school and compile these lists for the benefit of our students. Please don’t send us your publishing queries or submissions :). Click on the links to go to the publication’s website and look for their submissions page.

Adelaide Literary Magazine accepts personal essays and narrative nonfiction (up to 5,000 words) written in English and Portuguese. You can also submit short stories (up to 5,000 words) and poetry (up to 5 pieces per submission). They publish online once per month and generally respond within two months.

bioStories focuses exclusively on personal essays (500-7500 words). They publish essays on nearly any topic and are especially interested in work that celebrates the extraordinary within the ordinary. Pieces are published as they are accepted, and the editors generally respond to submissions within two months.

HuffPost Personal wants personal stories from writers of diverse experiences and welcomes essays on nearly any topic so long as they’re told with an authentic voice and point of view. There are no specific word limits, but writers are asked to pitch the editors before submitting their piece for consideration.

Quarter After Eight is an online literary journal published once per year. The editors are seeking work that ‘directly challenges the conventions of language, style, voice, or idea’. In addition to essays and creative nonfiction (no specific word limits), they also accept flash fiction, short stories (up to 7,500 words), and poetry (up to 4 pieces per submission). Submissions are open through 15 April 2021, and the average response time is 2-3 months.

The Rappahannock Review is an online literary magazine that publishes twice per year. In addition to essays and creative nonfiction (up to 8,000 words), they’re also looking for flash fiction, short stories (up to 7,500 words), and poetry (up to 5 poems per submission). They generally respond within one month.

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How to Write an Email?

Email expressing your appreciation, email about your trip.

  • Email on Seeking Information about Course Details

Email on Introducing a New Employee to Your Team

Email on official intimation of your resignation, email informing your employees about the change in work timings, faqs on email writing format.

Email writing is an essential part of professional communication. It is not easy to get people to respond to your emails if they do not feel interested in your message or proposal. This is exactly the reason why you should learn to write good emails. Be bold. Get to the point right away. The best email communication is the one that is simple and clear.

There are a few tips you have to keep in mind when you sit down to write emails. Emails can be casual or professional, just like informal and formal letters. The format of the email changes according to the kind of email you are writing. However, accurate grammar and spelling are aspects that are to be taken seriously.

When you start writing an email,

  • Make sure you type in the right email ID. Always check with the receiver for the exact email address because even a full stop that is not part of the email address can land your email with the wrong person, or the mail would simply bounce.
  • The Subject line is the next most important factor you should carefully consider because that is the first thing anyone receiving the email would see. It also determines if the receiver would want to open the mail. ‘The from line is what recipients use to determine whether to delete an email. The subject line is what motivates people to actually open the email.’ said Loren McDonald. Spend double the time you spend on drafting the body to draft the subject.
  • See to it that your Salutation or Greeting is appropriate to the receiver/s. The greeting builds a rapport.
  • The Body of the email states what the email is about. Be clear with what you want your receiver to know. Make sure you have everything you want to convey drafted in simple terms. Do not use colloquial language or long unwinding sentences. Try not to repeat words or use cliched terms. Make your message positive, even if you’re turning down an offer. If you have to follow, do it before they remind you to. Keep it short. Use standard font style and size. Do a final spelling/grammar check/proofread.
  • Finally, Sign off the email on a polite note and proofread it before hitting send. The closing should feel genuine; only then will the receiver want to respond.

Email Writing Format Samples

Here are some sample emails that will help you understand how to write an email in the best possible way.

Informal Email Writing Format Samples

To: Recipient’s email address

Subject: Congratulations!

Dear (Name),

My heartfelt congratulations to you. I was glad to see your name on the merit list. All your efforts were definitely not in vain. I bet everyone at home is so proud of you.

You have truly honoured the family name, and I am happy that you would get to take up the course in architecture that you had been waiting for. I am waiting to meet you in person to convey all my love and appreciation.

Convey my regards to uncle, aunty and grandpa.

To: Recipient’s email ID

Subject: About my trip

My dear (Name),

I am very excited to write to you about the long tour I will be going on along with my parents. We will be leaving on the 25 th .

We will be away for three months. We are going to San Francisco for an official meeting my father has to attend. We would then be travelling to New York to visit our cousins. We would stay there for a month. After that, we will be going to Paris. It has always been my dream to visit Paris at least once in my lifetime, and my parents have finally agreed to take me there. I will definitely write to you all about my trip – all the different places we visit, the variety of food we eat and the people we meet.

It would have been even more special if you had come along with me. We will make sure we plan out a trip once I am back home.

With best wishes,

Formal Email Writing Format Samples

Email on seeking information regarding course details.

Subject: Regarding Course Details

I have passed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as the main subject. I intend to have a course in Computer Science and would like to know the details of the courses taught at your institution. Could you please send me a copy of your prospectus?

Yours faithfully,

Subject: Meet the New Customer Service Representative

I am pleased to introduce you to (Name), who is starting today as our Customer Service Representative. She will be providing technical support and assistance to our users and making sure they enjoy the best experience with our products.

Feel free to greet (Name) in person and congratulate her on the new role!

Best regards,


Subject: Resignation

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am planning to pursue my higher studies in the coming academic year, and hence I would like to inform you of my intention to resign from the post of (Designation) at (Name of the Institution), effective three months from now.

I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development you have provided during my association with (Name of the Institution). It was indeed a privilege working here, and it was a valuable work experience which has helped me grow personally and professionally to a great extent.

Please accept this letter as the formal intimation of my resignation.

Thank you for your guidance and support.

Yours sincerely,

Subject: Revised Working Hours

Our company is growing, and there is a good inflow of projects every week. This has been possible with your dedicated and timely teamwork. In order to keep up with this, we have decided that the working hours would be advanced by 30 minutes. The revised time would be 8:30 am to 5 pm. This will be in effect from July 5, 2021 (Monday). It would be appreciated if all of you keep up with the timing and abide by it.

Feel free to come up with suggestions, if any.

Warm regards,

What should I put as the subject in an email?

The subject in an email should state what your email is about. Do not use long sentences when writing the subject. Use simple vocabulary and place the most important words at the very beginning of the subject.

What is the format of email writing?

Be sure to type in the exact email address of the recipient. Keep the subject as short as possible. Use it only to convey what the mail is about. No explanation about the matter should be included in the subject line. The body of the email should explain the purpose of the email. However, add only the necessary details. Keep it simple. End the email with a complimentary close and sign off with just your name in informal emails and with your name and destination in a formal email.

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Emails for Proposal Submissions: 4 Methods With Samples

essay submission email

You’ve written all the essential sections for your proposal. The design looks great. Now…all you need to do is craft the perfect email to submit your proposal to your prospective client.

But, writer’s block is settling in. You’re not quite sure what to write in your proposal submission email.

Don’t fret. To help you cross this task off your to-do list, we’ve rounded up 4 unique methods for writing proposal submission emails . Plus, we’ve got email samples for each method.

All you have to do is copy and paste your favorite email sample and customize it to your needs. Let’s do this!

Why your proposal submission email matters

If you have experience writing proposals, you know that your executive summary is important. It sets the tone for the rest of your proposal and clarifies why the prospect should invest time reading it in detail.

But here’s the thing: the submission email comes first. 🤫Don’t tell your cover letter we told you so, but the email is the real first impression.

When prospective clients receive the submission email, it encourages them to view your proposal in its entirety.

To be effective, the email should be:

On brand - Every part of your client experience should be on brand, including this email. For different companies, that might mean using formal language, straight-to-the point messaging, or tons of emojis. Just make sure the email is true to your brand style.

Professional - Potential clients will judge the grammar, formatting, appearance, and language of your email to help them decide whether or not they trust you enough to do business with you, so now is not the time for sloppiness. Always proofread your emails.

Purposeful - Don’t stuff this email with unnecessary information or requests. Make sure that every line serves a purpose. If it doesn’t cut it. If your email is too long or complicated, it will be a big turn-off.

Keep these tips in mind when crafting your email, no matter which of the writing methods below you ultimately choose.

4 methods for writing proposal submission emails [with samples]

So how do you write an email to deliver your proposal?

Try one of these 4 unique email-writing methods:

Short and sweet

Full executive summary

Mini executive summary

Assume the sale

Use the one that best matches your company and industry. Then, add your unique brand style and prospect details, and hit that send button!

Method 1: Short and sweet

First up, let’s dive into the simplest of all our email-writing methods.

This email acknowledges the fact that your prospective client probably just wants to read your proposal , not a long, fluffy email. So, this email is kept short and sweet. It serves as a notification and a quick request for the reader’s attention. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sample email

Here’s an example email using this writing method:

Subject line: Partnership marketing proposal Hi Name, I enjoyed our conversation and I look forward to helping you grow your business through strategic, aligned partnerships with the right companies, associations, and influencers in your industry. I prepared a proposal based on your needs and our solution here: {link} Let’s schedule some time early next week to review any questions you might have and move this forward with next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions in the meantime, {Your Signature}

Method 2: Full executive summary

Our next method is a lot more robust. Geoffrey James, a contributing editor for Inc., says every salesperson should master the proposal submission email.

He recommends this 7-point template to guide your writing:

Statement of gratitude (1 sentence)

Problem definition and financial impact (1-2 sentences)

Desired outcome (1-2 sentences)

Proposed solution (2-5 sentences)

Proposed price (1 sentence)

Risk reduction (1-2 sentences)

Next step (1 sentence)

With this method, you’re essentially re-purposing your cover letter for your submission email.

Here’s an example email using Geoffrey’s method:

Subject line: Software development proposal Hi Name, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to submit a proposal for your new startup. The school sports club management niche has not yet been digitized and you have the opportunity to be the first SaaS player in this space. If you don’t get to market quickly, you could lose out on this first-mover advantage. You need to take your product to market in under 6 months, and we expect to meet that deadline. I propose a small product team of two senior-level engineers, one product manager, one DevOps engineer, and one QA tester. My business team will provide strategic direction to ensure that this product team performs at a high level and stays on track with the product roadmap. The cost will be $30,000 per month, with a total expected investment of $180,000 (6 months) to develop your MVP and go to market. After this initial development, the ongoing monthly cost will be lower depending on how aggressively you want to add advanced features. To ensure that the MVP meets user needs, we will start by developing a prototype and conducting user testing with 10 target users. After product validation, we will begin development. Please read the proposal in its entirety. You can find it here: {link} If you’d like us to kickoff prototyping next month, I’ll need the signed proposal and a deposit of $30,000 by March 15th. Let’s speak later this week to go over any questions you might have and move this forward with next steps. I’ll send you an invite. {Your Signature}

Method 3: Mini executive summary

This method is inspired by Geoffrey’s 7-point template above—except that it’s a condensed version.

Instead of writing one or more sentences for all of his 7 points, you cover just 3 or 4 of those points.

The benefit of this email method is that it offers context and clarity, without being unnecessarily long.

After all, you probably don’t need to submit a super-long email with your proposal. You just need to encourage the prospect to give it a read.

We recommend you share your gratitude for being able to submit a proposal, describe their pain points or the desired outcome, and detail your proposed solution. However, you can mix and match any of the 7 points from Method 2 to craft an email that is contextualized, yet brief.

This type of proposal works well for financial aid appeal letters as these emails are not so short, and not so lengthy. Precise, to-the-point, and drives results.

For this example email, we’re including the following points: gratitude, desired outcome, proposed solution, and next step.

Subject line: Proposal ready for review Hi Name, Our team at Acme Architects is honored that you’ve given us the opportunity to submit a proposal for your dream cabin. We know how important it is that this cabin provides memories for your family to enjoy for decades to come. To achieve your goals, we’re proposing our standard package, which includes surveying, architectural renderings, design revisions, and streamlined collaboration with your engineer and building team. Please take a moment to review the proposal here: {link} Once the proposal is signed, our team will get to work immediately on the land survey. In the meantime, let's get some time on the calendar to review the proposal together and I can answer any questions. {Your Signature}

Method 4: Assume the sale

With this method, pretend like you’re writing to a new client who’s being onboarded—instead of trying to sell your services.

Most sellers know the “assume the sale” trick . Here’s how it works: you talk (or write) as if the prospect has already said yes. Your easy confidence in winning the deal helps convince them that you’re the one for the job.

This technique is frequently used on sales calls. A sales representative might say something like, “ Let’s make sure to set up a training session on this feature. Our head of education, Samantha, is really great. Your team is going to love her. What month would you like to schedule that ?” The seller is putting the prospective client in the mindset of having already said yes to the deal.

You can use this little sales trick in your proposal submission emails as well. You might hone in specifically on the next steps and not mention much else. Or you might include some details on the first few phases of the project.

Keep in mind that this trick can be effective for small businesses, but if your prospective client is a large organization, you might come across as clueless if you assume that decision-makers are already on board. So, use this method with caution. Find ways to mention onboarding and service details without being overly presumptuous.

Here’s a sample email using this method:

Subject line: Let’s get started! Hi Name, I’m looking forward to working together. You can find the proposal based on our conversation here: {link} Next week, we’ll kick things off with a 90-minute strategy session. I can’t wait for you to meet our chief brand strategist. She’s a gem and very excited about this project! Then we’ll dive straight into customer and market research, and your new brand will be ready for you by May 1st. Can’t wait! {Your Signature}

Must-have email templates when submitting proposals

When writing a professional email, it’s wise not to start from scratch. The proposal submission is an essential part of the sales process, and you want to get it right.

Before sending your sales proposal, consider using these great email templates. They’re available inside of Proposify , our platform designed for sending, tracking, and closing proposals.

Email template for sending the proposal

We’re big believers that for many companies and industries, sales emails should be kept simple.

This proposal email doesn’t include pain points or value propositions. It simply asks the prospective client to take a look at the proposal and let the sender know if they have any questions.

Screenshot of email template for sending a proposal

Let this template be a reminder: you don’t have to dress up your proposal with a complicated email. You can choose to let your proposal shine instead (and take pomp and circumstance out of the picture).

Automated follow-up email template to close the deal

Before you submit your proposal, you should set up at least one automated follow-up email . Not only will this save you time, but follow-up email automation also boosts proposal closing rates by 50% on average .

Use our reminder email template as an example. It kicks things off with a simple opening paragraph: “Do you have any questions on the proposal? I’m happy to adjust the terms to meet your needs.”

Screenshot of an email template for a proposal reminder

Automated thank-you email template

The thank-you email serves as one of the initial elements in your client experience.

You should use automation to send the thank-you email, because you want the client to feel good about their decision to work with you. If they sign the proposal while you’re away from your desk, automation ensures that you’re responding to their decision without delay.

You can use this email to cover important onboarding steps, such as filling out a questionnaire or booking a kickoff meeting. Or, you can simply deliver a copy of the signed proposal and let your client know you will be in touch with them as soon as possible to begin the onboarding process.

Proposify offers automated thank-you emails within our platform. This template uses simple, positive language like, “Thank you for accepting our proposal. We’re excited to get started and we’ll be in touch ASAP with next steps.”

Screenshot of a template for a thankyou for accepting a proposal email

With Proposify, you can edit any of our email templates or create your own templates for a variety of use cases.

Get proposal templates and automated emails with Proposify

To send beautiful proposals and submission emails in a snap, you need proposal software .

Proposify includes both proposal templates and email templates to save you time and create consistency for your sales team. Our software also offers analytics features so you can check which prospective clients have viewed your proposal and how often. This data will help you craft custom follow-up emails based on each client’s level of interest (or lack thereof). You can also track average viewing and closing rates to set goals for improving your sales stats.

And for the cherry on top, emails sent with Proposify enjoy an average open rate of 90.5% , so you can be sure that your emails are getting through to your prospects.

Dayana Mayfield

Dayana Mayfield is a B2B SaaS copywriter who believes in the power of content marketing and a good smoothie. She lives in Northern California. Connect with her on LinkedIn here:

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What does America mean to you? This student’s artful answer won her recognition

Laylamae Weaver from Ewa Makai Middle School, placed second in a national contest

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - An Ewa Makai Middle School student has placed second in a national contest.

The inaugural “America’s Field Trip” is a nationwide scholastic contest sponsored by America250. The contest encourages students from elementary through high school to reflect on what America means to them.

Students responded to the prompt, ‘What does America mean to you?’ through artwork, video, or essay submissions.

Among the thousands of inspiring and creative submissions, Laylamae Weaver was selected as one of the 75 second-place awardees.

“I am grateful to win this award that allows me to show my patriotism through my art,” Weaver said.

A panel of current and former educators selected 150 students as awardees: 75 for a first-place prize and 75 for a second-place prize. Weaver was awarded a $500 cash prize for her artwork.

“At Ewa Makai Middle School, our vision is ‘Empower, Explore, Excel Together’. Layalamae Weaver drew a picture of how students in middle school can explore their civic responsibility by becoming active members of their community,” said Ewa Makai Middle School Principal Kim Sanders.

America250 is a nonpartisan initiative striving to engage Americans nationwide in commemorating and celebrating the 250th anniversary of the United States, which will occur on July 4, 2026.

Hawaii’s America250 Commission was formed last year through an executive order issued by Gov. Green.

Copyright 2024 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserved.

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A successful First Person essay may be funny, surprising, touching or enlightening – or all of these. It may present a slice of life or a powerful experience that changed you in some way. It may be a meditation on something that matters to you. It goes beyond a rant, and it is deft in moving from the particular to the universal.

Above all, an essay should be personal rather than political. It must be true, not fictional.

Here are some recent essays we thought were very successful:

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Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.

Facing away from each other, Hillary Rodham Clinton stands onstage on the left and Donald Trump stands on the right.

By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Mrs. Clinton was the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

Last week I had the time of my life at the Tony Awards introducing a song from “Suffs,” the Broadway musical I co-produced about the suffragists who won women the right to vote. I was thrilled when the show took home the awards for best original score and best book.

From “Suffs” to “Hamilton,” I love theater about politics. But not the other way around. Too often we approach pivotal moments like this week’s debate between President Biden and Donald Trump like drama critics. We’re picking a president, not the best actor.

I am the only person to have debated both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race, Mr. Biden). I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved. In our three debates in 2016, he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.

Mr. Trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions, like restrictions on abortion, giving tax breaks to billionaires and selling out our planet to big oil companies in return for campaign donations. He interrupts and bullies — he even stalked me around the stage at one point — because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.

These ploys will fall flat if Mr. Biden is as direct and forceful as he was when engaging Republican hecklers at the State of the Union address in March. The president also has facts and truth on his side. He led America’s comeback from a historic health and economic crisis, with more than 15 million jobs created so far, incomes for working families rising, inflation slowing and investments in clean energy and advanced manufacturing soaring. He’ll win if that story comes through.

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Thomson Reuters

Daphne Psaledakis is a foreign policy correspondent based in Washington, D.C., where she covers U.S. sanctions, Africa and the State Department. She has covered the rollout of U.S. sanctions on Russia after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Washington’s efforts to enforce its sanctions and the U.S. response to the conflict in Ethiopia, among other issues. She previously covered European Union politics and energy and climate policy for Reuters in Brussels as part of an Overseas Press Club Foundation fellowship in 2019. Daphne holds a Bachelor of Journalism in Print and Digital News and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies.

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Essays and columns typically run between 2,000 and 6,000 words. Pieces may be longer or broken up into a series depending on the length and subject matter. We work with established, emerging, and unpublished writers and journalists.

Personal essays should be submitted on spec . We look for smart, unexpected angles and compelling voices across a wide range of topics. Our personal essay rate is $500.

We accept pitches for researched and reported essays, critical essays, and columns . Rates start at $500, with the fee depending on the reporting and research required, as well as the total word count. Essays and columns, including some personal essays, are fact-checked as necessary.

Reading Lists

Longreads seeks writers who are eager to explore topics through curated reading lists. A reading list typically includes an essay-style introduction, followed by a collection of links to longform stories related to the theme that are freely available to read on the web. Note: while reading lists will occasionally highlight a book as a side note for further reading, we don’t accept reading lists that feature books exclusively . We pay $350 per reading list. Please email [email protected] and include “Reading List” and the proposed topic/theme in your email subject line. Timely topics, but also offbeat and unique angles, are especially welcome, as is a diverse mix of featured publications and writers. Not sure what to pitch? Browse our reading lists to see what we’ve published, or read a few that we love:

  • ‘We Are Everywhere’: A Reading List for the Queer South
  • Tomorrow Isn’t Over: A Reading List About Brighter Futures
  • How to Save True Crime: A Reading List of Wrongful Conviction Stories

What we look for

Before emailing us at [email protected] , please browse these collections of our favorite stories below to get a sense of what each of us likes to work on.

Carolyn Wells

Carolyn is interested in both reported and personal essays. She loves stories that look at different subcultures and unique characters or commentary on current cultural trends. Quirky or humorous always piques her interest. She is particularly drawn to adventure stories or pieces that explore the natural world. Please submit full drafts for personal essays and detailed pitches for reported stories.

Edited by Carolyn Wells


Dreaming of Water with Tiger Salamanders

Ron’s Place

Ron’s Place

Love Song to Costco

Love Song to Costco

Debt Demands a Body

Debt Demands a Body

Under the Knife

Under the Knife

How to Tell Your Husband You’re a Witch

How to Tell Your Husband You’re a Witch

Deconstructing Disney: The Princess Problem of ‘Frozen II’

Deconstructing Disney: The Princess Problem of ‘Frozen II’

Cheri lucas rowlands.

Cheri is drawn to quirky topics and distinct voices . She reads stories about anything, and especially enjoys pieces on the internet and technology that remind us of our shared humanity, portraits of offbeat communities, unexpected takes on identity and place, deep dives into your obsessions, and reported essays that have strong personal narratives at their core. Put forward your very best: submit polished first drafts for personal essays and detailed, targeted pitches for reported stories that show a specific angle into your subject.

Edited by Cheri Lucas Rowlands

The Strangely Beautiful Experience of Google Reviews

The Strangely Beautiful Experience of Google Reviews

The God Phone

The God Phone

Poets in the Machine

Poets in the Machine

All True At Once

All True At Once

California Burning

California Burning

How to Survive a Car Crash in 10 Easy Steps

How to Survive a Car Crash in 10 Easy Steps

When We Are Afraid

When We Are Afraid

The Expanding Table: Honoring Palestinian Culinary Tradition in Arkansas

The Expanding Table: Honoring Palestinian Culinary Tradition in Arkansas

Krista stevens.

Krista appreciates deeply human essays, reported pieces, and reading lists on science, outdoor adventure, pop culture, food, music, and more. She looks for essays with unexpected angles and a strong emotional arc. Please submit polished essay drafts. For reported essays, please frame your story clearly, elucidate why you’re the best person to tell the story, and include links to previously published work.

Edited by Krista Stevens

‘That Girl is Going to Get Herself Killed’

‘That Girl is Going to Get Herself Killed’

Bones, Bones: How to Articulate a Whale

Bones, Bones: How to Articulate a Whale

Signs of Ghosts

Signs of Ghosts

Meals for One

Meals for One

An Atlas of the Cosmos

An Atlas of the Cosmos

Live Through This: Courtney Love at 55

Live Through This: Courtney Love at 55

Stumbling Can Be Lovely

Stumbling Can Be Lovely

I Nearly Died Drowning. Here’s What it’s Like to Survive.

I Nearly Died Drowning. Here’s What it’s Like to Survive.

Peter rubin.

Peter assigns and edits all types of stories—reading lists, essays, and reported work—but he’s always looking for smart, timeless culture writing (pop, digital, and otherwise) and reported subculture pieces. Essays should be submitted in draft form, and pitches for reported and critical work should be 2-3 paragraphs, along with examples of previous writing.

Edited by Peter Rubin

The Sabbath Stew

The Sabbath Stew

A Hand From One Page, A Bomb From Another: Rethinking “Spy vs. Spy”

A Hand From One Page, A Bomb From Another: Rethinking “Spy vs. Spy”

Who’s Afraid of Lorne Michaels?

Who’s Afraid of Lorne Michaels?

Girl Genius

Girl Genius

Age, Sex, Location

Age, Sex, Location

The Sunset

Final Girl, Terrible Place

The Women Who Built Grunge

The Women Who Built Grunge

Some general tips.

It can take us a considerable amount of time to review pitches and read submissions, which means we are unable to respond to everyone. We recommend that you pitch your stories to other publications in addition to Longreads —but please include a note if you are doing so.

If you do decide to pitch something exclusively to Longreads , give us a deadline to consider your idea before taking your pitch to other outlets.

Because we receive so many emails each day, adding detail and context in your subject line will make your message stand out in a sea of emails simply titled “Submission.”

If you send your submission or pitch to [email protected], you may address a specific editor if you feel your piece aligns with their interests, although any editor may read and consider a draft or pitch that lands in our main inbox.

If we don’t accept your initial pitch, try again. We reject stories for a variety of reasons: a story may not be quite right for us, and sometimes it’s all about timing.


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  6. A. Written Submission Essay Structure

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  2. How to Write an Academic Email

    Our top tips for writing an academic email include the following: Consider whether you need to send an email. You may be able to find the information in your syllabus, timetable, or other course materials. Write a clear subject line setting out what your email is about. Let the recipient know who you are and make a specific request.

  3. How to write an email for document submission

    Sending documents is an essential skill in the professional word. Gain confidence by reading our tips and check out 6 document email samples at the end.

  4. Publish Your Personal Essay: 22 Magazines and Websites

    Here are 22 places to submit your personal essay. 1. Boston Globe. The Boston Globe Magazine Connections section seeks 650-word first-person essays on relationships of any kind. It pays, though how much is unclear.

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  6. What should I write in the email when submitting a manuscript to a

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  9. 1.3: Assignment: Writing a Formal Email

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  10. Email To Professor To Submit Assignment

    Email To Professor To Submit Assignment. We've all been there at some point in our education. For one reason or another, we are unable to meet the deadline for an assignment and need to find a way to appeal to a professor to accept our late submission. Sending an email to your professor would be the best option.

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  13. How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment in 10 min

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  14. How to write a submission email with an email template

    Submission email format. Our smart email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, such as follow-up emails and thank you emails . This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect submission email).

  15. 5 places to submit your personal essays

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  16. Email Writing

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    Here's how to submit: E-mail your essay to [email protected].. In the subject line, be sure to put "essay submission" and the topic (in 2 or 3 words). The topic is especially important ...

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    The Securities and Exchange Commission's Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee today released the agenda for its meeting on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, which will include an exploration of recent changes to the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program. Members of the public can watch the live meeting via webcast on

  29. Submissions

    Please email essay submissions, story pitches, reading list ideas, and other queries to our main editorial inbox at [email protected]. Essays (Personal, Researched, Reported, Critical) and Columns


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