English Summary

Essay on My Three Wishes

I have many wishes. I pray that some of them may come true. out of all the wishes, three are most important for me.

My second wish is to fly like a bird. I love birds because they can fly when they want and they go wherever they want to go. Birds are free to fly and they are not like Aeroplanes and Kites. These things fly for only some time. Birds are independent. My favourite is the Eagle bird. It can fly very high in the sky. I wish I could become like it so that I could travel the whole world. I would see my city from above. I would love to fly in the clouds. There would be no noise there.

My mother says that If I will study well, I would make them come true in some ways in my future.

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Narrative Essay on My Three Wishes

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📌Words: 496
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 March 2022

What if you had the opportunity to make three wishes, what would they be? If I had that opportunity I would make my first wish to have a trillion dollars on a credit card, so that I could get anything I want and not have to worry about the money. My second wish would be the ability to teleport so that I can go anywhere in the entire world instantaneously. My third and final wish would be World Peace so that the world can be a utopia without violence or nuclear warfare. If I had the opportunity to choose three wishes I would choose the best options that I think would benefit me the most.

My first wish would have to be a trillion dollars on a credit card. I would choose the trillion dollars on a credit card because you can buy anything you want and it does not matter if you will run out because it's so much money. I would choose it to be on a credit card because if it was cash then it would take up all the space I have and on a credit card, you do not have to worry about carrying around a load of cash when it is just on a credit card. This would benefit me because it would mean that I would never have to work or anyone in my entire family. After all, we could just get anything we want.

My second wish would have to be the ability to teleport. Just imagine having the ability to just go anywhere in the world at any time without having to spend money on a plane ticket and having to wait such a long time when you could just get there instantly. With this wish, I would make it where anyone touching me would also teleport with me. This wish would benefit me because it would mean I could go anywhere I want to with anybody, just as long as they are touching me, that means I could go on any vacation with as many of my friends and family without having to waste a dime.

The last and final wish I would choose is to have world peace. This wish would allow the entire world to be able to cooperate on their differences and find a solution to the problem. This wish would also make it where there are no wars, meaning that countries do not have to fight each other with death and destruction. This wish would benefit me by making it where I won’t have to experience war and it would mean that future generations will live in a utopia.

What three wishes would you make if you could? That Is the question I was asked, and I decided that my wishes would be to have a trillion dollars on a credit card, the ability to teleport, and world peace. If those wishes did not work some of my backup wishes would be, to cure every disease and virus or to be the smartest living thing in the universe. If I had three wishes, I would choose the greatest possibilities that I believe would be the most beneficial to me.

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of ‘The Three Wishes’: A Curious Fairy Tale

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

The pattern of three is deeply imbedded in the structure of the fairy tale. Numerous fairy stories, from Goldilocks and the three bears to Rumpelstiltskin to the story of Snow White (to name but three) rely in part on the tripartite narrative structure (three bears, three bowls of porridge, three visits to the house, three nights, and so on). But perhaps the most concentrated example of this patterning is the fairy tale titled ‘The Three Wishes’, where the entire story hinges on the granting of three wishes to a character.

In summary, the story of the three wishes runs as follows. A man and his wife are poor and wish they were happier and better off, especially compared with their neighbours. At that moment, a fairy appears to them, and says she will grant them their next three wishes, but no more. After the fairy disappears, the husband and wife mull over their wishes.

The wife says it makes sense to wish to be handsome, rich, and ‘of good quality’. But the husband replies: you can be good-looking and rich but still be sick, full of worry, and end up dying young. So it’s better to ask for good health, happiness, and a long life. The wife retorts: but what use is a long life lived in poverty? They decide to sleep on it, and so go about their tasks at home.

As the wife is tending to the fire to keep them warm, she sees how good the fire is, and says to herself, ‘I wish we had a giant bit of black pudding over the fire, as that would cook a treat’. In an instant, a yard of black pudding comes tumbling down the chimney and onto the fire.

The husband, seeing his wife had wasted one of their three wishes, says, ‘You fool, I wish that black pudding was stuck to your stupid nose.’ And so it was: the black pudding attaches itself to the wife’s nose, and is stuck fast. The husband curses himself for being stupider than his wife. He says they should wish for something sensible for their final wish, like riches, but the wife says that all the riches in the world would be no good to her if she had to have a black pudding stuck to her nose for the rest of her life.

So the husband reluctantly allows his wife to wish for the black pudding to be removed from her nose – and so it is. They have used up their three wishes and all they have to show for it is a black pudding. The husband decides that from now on they should wish for nothing, and be happy with their lot.

The above summary is of the version of the three wishes tale which Iona and Peter Opie collected in their definitive anthology of fairy stories, The Classic Fairy Tales , but as the Opies note in their fascinating introduction to this story, the tale of the three wishes has a long and complex history.

Like many other fairy tales, versions of ‘The Three Wishes’ are found, in slightly different form, in medieval Persian texts, eighteenth-century French volumes of fairy tales, and even, perhaps, in a collection of fables attributed to the ninth-century Saxon king, Alfred the Great.

The pattern of the three wishes extends far beyond traditional fairy tales, however, and can be seen in the tale of Aladdin and the magic lamp and in the wonderful Edwardian story by W. W. Jacobs, ‘ The Monkey’s Paw ’, to say nothing of that other Edwardian classic, this one for children, namely E. Nesbit’s trilogy of novels featuring the Psammead .

One of the most curious of these sister-tales to ‘The Three Wishes’ is the one found in a ninth-century Persian book, commonly known as The Book of the Seven Sages . In that version of the story, a husband and wife are visited by a friendly spirit and granted three wishes. In consultation with his wife, the husband requests that he be generously endowed with the means of satisfying his wife.

The wish is granted, but the husband finds that he is now so well-endowed that he is weighed down by his new ‘gift’.

So for his second wish he asks that all that embarrasses him be removed. When the wish is granted, he finds that he has been left, in the Victorian Andrew Lang’s delicate phrase, with ‘a frightful minus quantity’. The third wish is for his original, more modest ‘endowment’ to be restored. Black puddings are swapped for something else meaty and sausage-shaped in this version, it would seem.

The moral of the story is curious. It cannot be analysed as a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’, since, in the tale of the three wishes, the protagonists don’t end up worse off than they started. But nor do they end up better off either. Instead, they end up exactly back where they started, because they have foolishly and recklessly not made the most of the wishes on offer.

With this in mind, it may be that the tale was conceived as a reminder of the folly inherent in human nature: we wish for things idly all the time, and even if those wishes could instantaneously be made reality, we’d still frivolously misuse them for short-term gain, myopically unable to see how more prudent wishing might serve us better in the long run.

This is made more poignant in the version of the story summarised above, since the husband and wife sit down and carefully discuss which wishes it would be wisest to make, but then carelessly go and wish for trivial things in the course of going about their lives. To quote a clichĂ©, ‘give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day; teach him how to fish and he can feed himself and his family for a lifetime.’ The wishers in ‘The Three Wishes’ very much fall into the ‘give us a fish’ category, rather than the latter.

Or, to quote another proverb: ‘If wishes were horses, the Devil would ride.’ In ‘The Three Wishes’, wishes are horses, in that they are made reality. But the protagonists, not devils but merely flawed and silly human beings, end up riding round in circles.

Perhaps the ultimate moral of ‘The Three Wishes’, in the last analysis, is found in the husband’s words at the end of the fairy tale: one should wish for nothing and either be happy with one’s lot or strive to improve it oneself. Relying on wishes from supernatural benefactors is a dangerous and unreliable game, after all.

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2 thoughts on “A Summary and Analysis of ‘The Three Wishes’: A Curious Fairy Tale”

Glad you included “The Monkey’s Paw” in your list of similar tales. It is one of my favourite short stories and the consequences of the first two wishes are certainly more frightening than having a black pudding stuck on your nose!

Funny you should remind us of this now. I have just written a ‘three wishes’ tale to read out at a charity gig we are putting on called “Tunes and Tales.” In it a grandmother and her granddaughter find a silver teapot on the beach. Without realising it is magic the grandmother asks that the dull day become sunny and the weather improves. She wishes out loud that her husband was not so ill. The girl takes the teapot home but it rattles. When they arrive home the grandfather is feeling better. Grandma suspects the teapot is magic but doesn’t quite believe it. She would have liked to wish for riches. Upstairs the girl looks down the spout to see what is rattling in the teapot. It is large, red and shiny. She wishes she could open the lid…..

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My Three Wishes

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If wishes were fishes we'd all have some fried. There is an old saying "Be careful what you wish for." Everyday three or more times we say that we wish we could have this or we wish we could have that. We do not realize that wishes also come with negative outcomes. If you had three wishes, then what would they be? In the book "The Monkey's Paw" they wish for things that aren't sensible and bad things happen. The first wish is for money and their son gets caught in the machinery at his work and they collect the amount of money they wished for. Their second wish is for their son to come back to life, and he comes back as a zombie. Both these wishes resulted in bad things happening because they weren't smart when they made their wishes. If I were to have the opportunity to make three wishes, my wishes would be: for me to be a professional skier, not having to worry about money, and having a condo in Park City Utah. I feel that wishing for things and them not coming true will indeed be a blessing in the end.

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I said that for my first wish I would like to be a professional skier. This is one of my many dreams when I grow older. If I were able to be a professional skier my life would be perfect because I would be able to ski around the world, and I would be able to meet the other famous skiers. An example of a Famous skier, His name is Glen Plake, and he was a punk skier/skateboarder who has a mo-hawk. He has a very wild appearance, but like in most cases looks can be deceiving. He is one of the nicest people alive, because he has donated some out of every one of his checks to help homeless people, and he also supplies money to prevent child abuse. He is one of my role models, and even though his hair is different, he has a big heart.

Also, my wish to be a professional skier could have negative happenings. For instance, I could be skiing and get caught in an avalanche and die. I could also slide on a forty-degree ice face and die or I could also have a friend be hurt or die because I was being careless. Many things can happen depending on the conditions and the environment. Skiing is a very dangerous sport and there is a lot of risks in doing it, and in doing it you take risks. I hope nothing like this ever happens to me, but that is the risk I take.

For my second wish I wished for me to never have to worry about money. Like most humans on the earth, we all would like to never have money problems. I would just like enough to live on and no more. Some people may say that I am nuts but that would be enough to make me happy. An example in the Monkey's Paw is when they wish for a lot of money. They are just fine they way they are, but they get a greediness that we all get now and then, and they ask for more. They made a big mistake, and they paid for it with their sons' life.

Many bad things could occur with this wish also. For example, one of my loved ones could be killed like in the book, and I would get the money that way. I could be paralyzed or terribly hurt and could collect insurance money. An example of greed is in my family. I have an uncle who is very wealthy and treats everybody else in our family like we are dirt under his feet. Although I don't want to see it happen, I feel that one day he will pay for it.

My last wish is for me to have a Holiday home in Paris or New York. I love the whole feel of Paris and New York; I am destined to live in a busy city. Paris and New York is like my dream destination in life, to be in a city full of people, shops and attractions, and to be in a city where there are lot of business opportunities, such as acting.

As with all wishes this one has many negative side effects. For instance an avalanche could wipe out the town or the holiday home could burn down. I would have to visit all the time and I wouldn't have time to do things that I want to do. Almost anything can happen when you wish for something that you necessarily don't need.

In this paper I talked about the three things that I would wish for and they were: for me to be a professional skier, to have enough money to never have to worry again, and for me to have a holiday home in Paris or New York. I said that you need to be careful in what you wish for. This holds true because you never know what tomorrow brings. Anything possible can happen, and we build our own futures. Whenever you start to wish for something just stop and think a minute and make sure it is what your heart truly desires.

Brian Fraser.

My Three Wishes

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  • Word Count 904
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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‘if you had three wishes, what would they be?’ | creative writing

It’s a common discussion – almost as much as what you’d do with the money if you won the lottery: if you had three wishes, what would they be?

Now, the obvious seems to be money, some sort of infinite riches to live a comfortable life, or perhaps a luxurious house that you didn’t need to take a mortgage out to afford. Physical possessions are what most would consider first.

Then there’s those things that always cause controversy in the movies – love, respect, bringing people back from the dead, infinite wishes; the kind of wish that removes free will and gets everyone talking about free will and control of others.

But then, what do you wish for?

My genie stayed with me for a long time – I didn’t believe it at first, I was only 8 and my mum had gone into some antique furniture shop to find a set of drawers and I was playing in the old dresser when I was looking through all the drawers and found this old oil lamp.

It was dusty and clearly hadn’t been touched in a very long time. I opened the lid, peering inside there was a little scroll – I thought it would have a price on it but it just said ‘Take me home’. So I did. I shoved it in my bag and took it home.

I started dusting it off and as soon as I started polishing it this gold mist poured out the spout and swirling around my room into this man. Just a human man, or who appeared to be a human man.

Of course, as an 8 year old, I wished for a secret stash of sweets that my mum couldn’t see (and so the invisible, never ending sweet jar came to be) but then I became surprisingly thoughtful and didn’t want to waste my last two wishes.

My genie went back into his lamp and I could summon him whenever I decided what I wanted to use my last two wishes on. And I didn’t see him for fifteen years.

It became a complex of mine – do I wish for the things that’ll make me happy immediately or do I go for long term happiness? I wanted to wait until I knew exactly what I wanted to wish for.

Then I met him – he was at the bar with his friends when I was on a girls night, I was buying a round of drinks and he stood next to me at the bar; no chat up lines, no cheesy compliments, just genuinely started chatting to me and we haven’t stopped since.

I’ve never cared about anyone more in my life – he was everything. We both quit our jobs and went travelling for a year and we lived more in those three years we spent together than I had in the rest of my life. He asked me to marry him and I did.

Then came the complications – we couldn’t conceive. We wanted children more than anything and in that instant I knew what my second wish was.

And it was granted, we had two gorgeous little boys and everything we perfect.

But I still had one wish.

What do you do with that last wish? What if I wasted it and regretted it in years to come? What if something happened to my family and I couldn’t change it?

And that’s when I realised. The oil lamp had taught me a lesson – having wishes of unlimited grandeur isn’t a blessing, it’s a curse that weighs down on you and makes you look at the world with too much of a negative eye.

If I had learnt anything it was that I wished to be present – all those years I spent learning about myself with him and with my children and I just wanted to experience it. I don’t need to spend the rest of my life worrying about what my last wish is.

So I got my oil lamp out again and saw the man I’d known for thirty years.

“What is your final wish, my child?”

“To not have any more wishes.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want the last wish. You can be free, whether it be a genie or a man, be free.”

“You think I could be human?”

He looked so hopeful, years of serving and waiting and I knew exactly how to use this last wish.

“I wish you to have the life you desire.”

And the lamp evapourated into a pile of that same gold mist I saw so long ago – my genie was shrouded in this same mist and then suddenly it was gone. He no longer wore his ornate gold jewellery or his serving clothes but jeans and an old sweatshirt; he was his own man.

“I can’t thank you enough.”

“And neither can I.”

That took a very different turn than I expected it to, but whenever I write creatively on this blog it always ends up reading like soppy fanfiction without the ‘fan’ aspect.

I love doing these little pieces every now and then and it reminds me how much I love creative writing but focusing on writing my book (alongside having time for it) isn’t something I’m very good at.

For one, creative writing used to be something that my best friend from secondary school and I would do together – it was our thing, it was one of the reasons we were so close and she was there throughout the entire process of writing the first draft of my book. So going back to it is difficult because I think of her and while the memories are fond, the fact that we don’t talk any more saddens me sometimes.

But then on the flip side, in terms of getting a book published and getting agents and publishers to be interested in your writing is something I just can’t find any information on – agents have to be paid and google will only give me information on self publishing which is not something I’m interested in doing.

Writing these little posts are really therapeutic, in a way, for me and from the amount of likes and views the last couple of posts have got, I think maybe there are people that like reading them too.

So do you mind if I keep doing it?

Thank you for reading,

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3 thoughts on “ ‘if you had three wishes, what would they be?’ | creative writing ”

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I don’t mind it at all if you keep writing these posts. I truly enjoyed reading it. Now I want to read more.

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If had three wishes they would be, No one covid-19 Cause I don’t like how so many people are dieing from all around the world and That I don’t like wearing my mask. Number two I have one annoying younger brother So I wish I had 5 sisters cause I never had a sis 😩 and I want to see how it is like to have one. Last one is, That me and my whole family lived in a Gigantic mansion and our stuff will all be there.

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My three wishes.

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            My Three Wishes Wishes are what people hope to happen or not to happen to them or someone else to come true. Wishes can be what ever anyone wants their wish to be. Wishes may not come true all the time, but some do come true if some one is lucky. I have three wishes that I want to come true. These three wishes are wishing that I wouldn't get made fun of, wishing that Sean C. would be here today, and wishing that my brother would come around again.              .              The first wish that I want to come true is that I wish that I wouldn't get made fun of. I tend to get made fun of a lot because of the types of clothing I wear, because I"m a model, and because I ask many questions in class. I try to ignore the ignorant people who make fun of me and call me names, but a person can only take so much harassment. When people make fun of me I just say to myself, "Their just immature and don't have a life so they just pick on me to make their life more interesting." If the harassment still continues I will report it to the assistant principal and hopefully he will do something about it. It would be great if I wouldn't get made fun of because then I would have more confidence in myself to get me through school. I just try to go through the day with a good attitude and with my head held high. I hope that one day soon that my wish of being made fun of will come true.              .              My Second wish is that I wish that Sean C. would be here today. Sean was the first person that I loved that died. After I found out that my best friend had died my heart was torn into pieces. Sean was my best friend because he was there for me through the good and the bad times. When I was sad I had his shoulder to cry on and when I was happy I shared the happiness with him. Sean was the type of person that liked me for who I was and not what others thought of me. I want Sean to be here with me because he always made me laugh, I"m going through a tough time now and, I need that great sense of humor to make me laugh.

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Here is your short paragraph on My Three Wishes !

Almost all of us have many types of wishes and we sincerely wish that our wishes came true.

When I was very small, my mom used to say to write down the wishes and keep it somewhere hiding, so the fairies could see and grant my wishes.

And so I used to do it and most of it were being granted. It was later only I realized that it was my mom who made my wishes come true. Now when I am a bit more older, I have a few wishes in me, which I would love to get fulfilled at some point of time.


My first wish is to be in the cockpit of an airplane and ride the airplane for some time !! Wow..does not that sound great. I have watched in the television about the cockpit detail and how efficiently they manage it. Though I know that you need to study a lot about it, atleast I would like to see how it works. I really liked the inside of the cockpit when I saw it in the television. My father said to me he will try. I hope one day I would be able to fulfill my dream.

My second wish is to write a book when I get big. I love reading and I read a lot of books. Each time I read a book, even I think I should be writing something valuable for others to read. There are so many things of what I could write, but I prefer to write detective novels. They are so interesting and thrilling that the readers would love to keep them excited throughout the book. I hope one day I would be able to write a good detective novel and be able to sell my books.

At last not the least, I have another wish too, to be a Chef!!! I always see my mom preparing all that lovely food for us. It is an art to prepare great and delicious food and present it well. I help my mom sometimes and I love cooking. I hope one day I would become a great Chef.

Simple wishes in life, but I believe when we wish sincerely, it would become true and I sincerely hold to my three wishes and hope to get it true.

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Ohad Essays My three wishes

My three wishes.

The purpose of this essay is to tell you about my three wishes. Firstly I would wish for my family's health because my family is above everything. I love my family; they always take care of me and look after me, and I cannot think about something else as a primary and first wish, I would rather wish. For my second wish I would like to have a lot of money because, let's face it, money controls our lives and without it we are useless in the world. For my last wish I would like to fly to the moon because, it is the most exciting experience you would probably only experience once or none. Also because I just think it is cool and fun floating on, and through, the "air" on the moon. In conclusion, my most important and wanted wish of all is of course my first wish for my family's health, nothing more.

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Three Wishes 4 Pages 963 Words

                          Three Wishes                                        Is there anything a person would not do to have three wishes granted in this day and age? One might think that this decision would be easy, but have they really taken this subject into consideration? Think about it; one person has a set of goals their whole life; they long for a desire that is out of their reach, but upon the utterance of a few words, in that instance that fantasy becomes reality. If I were to have the option of having three wishes granted, I would have to stop and consider would I wish happiness for myself or happiness for others . I believe that I would wish for myself, being the selfish person that I can be sometimes. My three wishes would consist of : To be content in life , to never be alone, and to be recognized as a famous athlete.              The actual state of " contentment " in life may be seen very differently through other's eyes. To be content in life consists of many subjects for me. First of all, for me to be content with my life, I want to be successful in my future career, which is to be a college softball coach. For instance, I would like to be recognized for having the most wins in the university's history, or for having the best winning record in the nation for a season. I want for others to know that I am successful in what I have always wanted to do in life. Another factor that would contribute to my satisfaction in life would be for my husband to be well-known and thriving in his choice of career. Obviously I have no idea who that husband will be now, or what career he will choose, but I would like for him to be content in his mind and be happy with his line of work. I also never want to have money problems; that is, I do not want money to always be the restriction when my family wants something!              . For example, I don't want to have to sweat it when bills come, and Christmas comes around, or when other spending issues come up. I want to be able to buy whatever it is that ...

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Three Wishes and What They Taught Me

Three Wishes and What They Taught Me

Three wishes are upon me and three wishes are my lead into achieve what I want. These wishes can or cannot grant what I want but they will surely help me think what the most important things in my life are. I got these three wishes for my great personality and my positiveness. I have three wishes that I would like to wish for, even though if they can’t be granted at least the most important thing is to try it by my own. These wishes are the lead to my happiness and they are, wishing to visit Osaka Japan, second is to wish to pass my ENG 010 class and the final wish is to graduate from college.

Wishing to visit Japan is one thing I always wanted. Even though I don’t speak Japanese, there are things do and places to go that don’t need language skills. There are plenty of wishes I would like to wish for, but visiting Osaka Japan is one of first one that I have in mind. Wishing to visit a place isn’t really a wish because you can do it whenever you want if you have money. I wish to visit Japan not only because is a famous country, instead, is because I would love to interact into a different culture. I choose this wish since money is a problem when talk about vacations. For example, when people talk about vacation, the first thing they think about is money. Since money is the lead into do whatever you like, going to an expensive place would be impressive. I prefer this wish than others because visiting a far place will not be an opportunity that I would have every day. In addition, I would love this wish since life is about time I want to pass some of that time being happy and free from problems.

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Passing a class on school is a big deal for me. My second wish would be about passing my ENG 010 class. I choose this wish because I want to pass that class, finish the year and finally graduate. This wish is my second most important in my life not only because is about my education but because my future is ahead of me. If this wish can be granted, my life would be easier in several ways. For example, if this wish is granted maybe I could have the ability to do much better. Also, this wish could give me more knowledge by studying more into passing the class. I wish to pass this class since this is the one I’m doing worst, I also don’t want it to be the first one I failed for the first time. I choose this wish instead of others because failing a class is a nightmare. For example, you will have to pay for the class all over again each time you failed it. Also, you have to work on things you already done. Finally, each time you failed a class you will be one step further from your career. Passing my English class has been a frustrating moment for me and that’s why I want this wish to be granted.

Graduating from college is my first and most important wish I have. This wish is unique from others because it can lead me into achieving what I want, which is graduating from college. This wish will give me the benefit to finally get one step closer to my career. I choose this wish because this is the one which will show me my future. For example, if I get this wish granted, I will see me myself working on a big company in the future. This can be done by completing my education and begin to do what I want to. I prefer this wish not only because is about my education instead since I will know by then that when I graduate I will have master my skills in any subject. If this wish is granted, it will be easier for me because this wish will improve my knowledge on studying and brings me more hope onto pass my four years without any problem. Having this wish granted or not, I will still be happy and trying hard to finish college.

Having wishes is one of the greatest things I always wanted. These three wishes can change my life in several ways. These three wishes can change others life’s in several ways. I have three wishes which they are important in my life, even though if they can’t be granted, I would still be happy for what I had. Having the opportunity to go to Osaka Japan is amazing since is really expensive. Passing my ENG 010 class can be a great time for me because I will be one step closer to my graduation. Finally, graduating from college is the best thing that could happen to me; one step closer to be part of the career I want. Where there is hope, there are always wishes and I will still be happy if these wishes aren’t granted.

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Guest Essay

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

essay on my 3 wishes

By George Clooney

Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer.

I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I’m proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my participation in the democratic process and in support of my chosen candidate, I have led some of the biggest fund-raisers in my party’s history. Barack Obama in 2012 . Hillary Clinton in 2016 . Joe Biden in 2020 . Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election. I say all of this only to express how much I believe in this process and how profound I think this moment is.

I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “ big F-ing deal ” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.

Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, who we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.

Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.

We love to talk about how the Republican Party has ceded all power, and all of the traits that made it so formidable with Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to a single person who seeks to hold on to the presidency, and yet most of our members of Congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. But the dam has broken. We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth.

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