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Early networks

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How does the Internet really work?

Who controls the Internet?

Is the internet “making us stupid”, is cancel culture (or “callout culture”) good for society.

multiple exposures, depiction of deep web, internet

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  • Table Of Contents

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Who invented the Internet?

The Internet consists of technologies developed by different individuals and organizations. Important figures include Robert W. Taylor, who led the development of the ARPANET (an early prototype of the Internet), and Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn , who developed the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) technologies.

How does the Internet work?

The Internet works through a series of networks that connect devices around the world through telephone lines. Users are provided access to the Internet by Internet service providers . The widespread use of mobile broadband and Wi-Fi in the 21st century has allowed this connection to be wireless.

Is the Internet dangerous?

The advent of the Internet has brought into existence new forms of exploitation, such as spam e-mail and malware , and harmful social behaviour, such as cyberbullying and doxxing. Many companies collect extensive information from users, which some deem a violation of privacy.

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web refers to a series of Web sites that require special decryption and configuration tools to access. It is most commonly used for purposes that require strict anonymity, including illegal sales (e.g., of weapons and drugs), political dissent in countries with heavy censorship , and whistleblowing .

While the Internet is theoretically decentralized and thus controlled by no single entity, many argue that tech companies such as Amazon , Facebook , and Google represent a small concentration of organizations that have unprecedented influence over the information and money on the Internet. In some countries, certain parts of the Internet are blocked via censorship .

Whether the Internet is "making us stupid" is widely debated. Some argue the Internet is reprogramming our brains for the worse, as seen by diminishing IQ scores, and that new technologies and platforms like the Internet are harming attention spams, the ability to concentrate, and perform simple tasks. Others argue that virtually all new technologies throughout history have been initially feared, that the Internet gives voice to diverse populations and equal access to information for the benefit of social advancement, and that changing how the brain works and how we access and process information is not necessarily bad. For more on the debate about whether the Internet is "making us stupid," visit ProCon.org .

Whether cancel culture is good for society is widely debated. Some argue it allows the public and marginalized people to seek accountability in their leaders, gives a voice to disenfranchised or less powerful people, and is simply a new form of boycott. Others see cancel culture as a dangerous form of bullying, a suppression of free speech, and a form of intolerance that harms democratic societies by excluding and ostracizing anyone with contrary views. For more on the cancel culture debate, visit ProCon.org .

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Internet , a system architecture that has revolutionized mass communication , mass media , and commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect. Sometimes referred to as a “network of networks,” the Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general public until the early 1990s. By 2020, approximately 4.5 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet. And that number is growing, largely due to the prevalence of “smart” technology and the " Internet of Things ," where computer-like devices connect with the Internet or interact via wireless networks . These “things” include smartphones , appliances, thermostats, lighting systems, irrigation systems, security cameras. vehicles, even cities.

The Internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information, and it is accessible by every individual who connects to one of its constituent networks. It supports human communication via social media , electronic mail (e-mail), “chat rooms,” newsgroups, and audio and video transmission and allows people to work collaboratively at many different locations. It supports access to digital information by many applications, including the World Wide Web . The Internet has proved to be a spawning ground for a large and growing number of “e-businesses” (including subsidiaries of traditional “brick-and-mortar” companies) that carry out most of their sales and services over the Internet. ( See electronic commerce .)

Origin and development

How does the Internet really work?

The first computer networks were dedicated special-purpose systems such as SABRE (an airline reservation system) and AUTODIN I (a defense command-and-control system), both designed and implemented in the late 1950s and early 1960s. By the early 1960s computer manufacturers had begun to use semiconductor technology in commercial products, and both conventional batch-processing and time-sharing systems were in place in many large, technologically advanced companies. Time-sharing systems allowed a computer’s resources to be shared in rapid succession with multiple users, cycling through the queue of users so quickly that the computer appeared dedicated to each user’s tasks despite the existence of many others accessing the system “simultaneously.” This led to the notion of sharing computer resources (called host computers or simply hosts) over an entire network. Host-to-host interactions were envisioned , along with access to specialized resources (such as supercomputers and mass storage systems) and interactive access by remote users to the computational powers of time-sharing systems located elsewhere. These ideas were first realized in ARPANET , which established the first host-to-host network connection on October 29, 1969. It was created by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense . ARPANET was one of the first general-purpose computer networks. It connected time-sharing computers at government-supported research sites, principally universities in the United States , and it soon became a critical piece of infrastructure for the computer science research community in the United States. Tools and applications—such as the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP, commonly referred to as e-mail), for sending short messages, and the file transfer protocol ( FTP ), for longer transmissions—quickly emerged. In order to achieve cost-effective interactive communications between computers, which typically communicate in short bursts of data, ARPANET employed the new technology of packet switching . Packet switching takes large messages (or chunks of computer data) and breaks them into smaller, manageable pieces (known as packets) that can travel independently over any available circuit to the target destination, where the pieces are reassembled. Thus, unlike traditional voice communications, packet switching does not require a single dedicated circuit between each pair of users.

Commercial packet networks were introduced in the 1970s, but these were designed principally to provide efficient access to remote computers by dedicated terminals. Briefly, they replaced long-distance modem connections by less-expensive “virtual” circuits over packet networks. In the United States, Telenet and Tymnet were two such packet networks. Neither supported host-to-host communications; in the 1970s this was still the province of the research networks, and it would remain so for many years.

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DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; formerly ARPA) supported initiatives for ground-based and satellite-based packet networks. The ground-based packet radio system provided mobile access to computing resources, while the packet satellite network connected the United States with several European countries and enabled connections with widely dispersed and remote regions. With the introduction of packet radio, connecting a mobile terminal to a computer network became feasible . However, time-sharing systems were then still too large, unwieldy, and costly to be mobile or even to exist outside a climate-controlled computing environment . A strong motivation thus existed to connect the packet radio network to ARPANET in order to allow mobile users with simple terminals to access the time-sharing systems for which they had authorization. Similarly, the packet satellite network was used by DARPA to link the United States with satellite terminals serving the United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, and Italy. These terminals, however, had to be connected to other networks in European countries in order to reach the end users. Thus arose the need to connect the packet satellite net, as well as the packet radio net, with other networks.

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800 Words Essay On Internet in English for Students

The internet has transformed the world in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. It has revolutionized how we communicate, access information, conduct business, and even how we entertain ourselves. The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.

At its core, the Internet is a vast network of interconnected computers and servers that allows for the exchange of information and data across the globe. It was originally conceived as a way for researchers and scientists to share information and collaborate on projects, but it has since evolved into a ubiquitous platform that has permeated every aspect of modern life.

One of the most significant impacts of the internet has been on communication. Before the internet, communication was limited by geography and time zones. People had to rely on physical mail, telephone calls, or face-to-face meetings to communicate with one another. The internet has made communication instantaneous and borderless. With the rise of email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media platforms, people can communicate with each other from anywhere in the world, at any time.

The internet has also revolutionized the way we access information. In the past, people had to rely on physical libraries, books, and other printed materials to access information. Today, with the internet, a wealth of information is available at our fingertips. From online encyclopedias to news websites, academic journals, and online databases, the internet has made it possible to access information on virtually any topic imaginable.

Another significant impact of the internet has been on the economy and the way we conduct business. The rise of e-commerce has made it possible for businesses to reach a global market and sell their products and services online. Online shopping has become increasingly popular, and many traditional brick-and-mortar stores have had to adapt to this new reality by establishing an online presence.

Furthermore, the internet has enabled the rise of the gig economy, where people can work as freelancers or contractors for multiple clients and projects simultaneously. This has created new opportunities for individuals to earn a living and has allowed businesses to access a global talent pool.

The internet has also had a profound impact on education. Online learning platforms and distance education programs have made it possible for students to access educational resources and attend classes from anywhere in the world. This has opened up new opportunities for people who may not have had access to traditional educational institutions due to geographical or financial constraints.

However, the internet has also brought with it a number of challenges and concerns. One of the biggest concerns is privacy and security. With so much personal information being shared online, there is a risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. Companies and individuals need to be vigilant about protecting their personal information and implementing strong cybersecurity measures.

Another concern is the spread of misinformation and fake news. The internet has made it easier for anyone to publish and share information, regardless of its accuracy or credibility. This has led to the proliferation of fake news and conspiracy theories, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

There is also concern about the impact of the internet on mental health and well-being. The constant exposure to social media and the pressure to curate a perfect online persona can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the addictive nature of the internet and the constant stream of information can contribute to decreased attention spans and difficulty focusing on tasks.

Despite these challenges, the internet has proven to be an invaluable tool that has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. It has opened up new opportunities for communication, education, and economic growth, and has made it possible for people to connect and collaborate in ways that were previously unimaginable.

As we move forward, it is important to address the challenges and concerns surrounding the internet while also embracing its potential for innovation and progress. This may involve implementing stronger cybersecurity measures, promoting digital literacy and critical thinking skills, and encouraging responsible and ethical use of the internet.

In conclusion, the internet has had a profound impact on virtually every aspect of modern life. It has revolutionized communication, education, business, and access to information. While it has brought with it a number of challenges and concerns, the internet has proven to be an invaluable tool that has transformed the way we live and interact with the world around us. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is important to embrace the opportunities that the internet provides while also addressing its challenges and promoting responsible and ethical use.

Uses of Internet

In the 21st century, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. Its multifaceted uses have permeated every aspect of society, bringing about unprecedented convenience and opportunities.

Communication stands out as one of the internet’s most significant uses. Instant messaging, video calls, and social media platforms have transcended geographical barriers, allowing people to stay connected with friends and family across the globe. The internet has turned the world into a global village, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among diverse cultures.

Education has undergone a remarkable transformation due to the internet. Online courses, tutorials, and educational resources have made learning accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Students can pursue degrees, acquire new skills, and access a wealth of information at their fingertips, democratizing education and breaking down traditional barriers to learning.

The internet has also redefined the way we work. Remote collaboration tools, cloud computing, and virtual offices have become essential components of the modern workplace. This shift has not only increased efficiency but has also opened up new opportunities for freelancers and remote workers, contributing to the rise of the gig economy.

In the realm of information, the internet has become an unparalleled resource. Search engines allow us to access vast amounts of information on any topic imaginable. This democratization of information has empowered individuals, encouraging critical thinking and facilitating informed decision-making.

Entertainment has undergone a digital revolution, with streaming services, online gaming, and social media platforms providing endless avenues for amusement. The internet has not only transformed how we consume content but has also given rise to new forms of artistic expression and creativity.

In conclusion, the internet’s uses are multifaceted and far-reaching, impacting every facet of our lives. From connecting people across the globe to revolutionizing education, work, and entertainment, the internet continues to be a transformative force, shaping the present and influencing the future. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is essential to harness the potential of the internet responsibly, ensuring that it remains a force for positive change in the years to come.

Convenience Due to Internet

The advent of the internet has ushered in an era of unprecedented convenience, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with the world. In our fast-paced lives, the internet has become a cornerstone of efficiency and ease, offering a multitude of conveniences that have reshaped our daily routines.

Communication is perhaps the most obvious and impactful convenience brought about by the internet. Instant messaging, email, and social media platforms have revolutionized the way we connect with others. Whether it’s staying in touch with loved ones, collaborating with colleagues, or reaching out to friends across the globe, the internet has made communication instantaneous and seamless.

The convenience of online shopping has fundamentally altered the retail landscape. With just a few clicks, consumers can browse, compare prices, and purchase a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes. The rise of e-commerce platforms has not only made shopping more convenient but has also introduced the concept of doorstep delivery, saving time and eliminating the need for physical store visits.

Information retrieval has been transformed by the internet’s vast repository of knowledge. Search engines provide instant access to information on any conceivable topic, enabling users to quickly find answers, conduct research, and stay informed. This ease of information retrieval has empowered individuals, making knowledge more accessible than ever before.

The workplace has undergone a paradigm shift with the internet, enabling remote work and flexible schedules. Online collaboration tools, cloud computing, and virtual communication platforms have made it possible for individuals to work from virtually anywhere, reducing the constraints of traditional office settings and commuting.

Entertainment has also become infinitely more convenient through streaming services, online gaming, and digital media platforms. The ability to access a diverse range of content on-demand has given consumers unprecedented control over their entertainment choices, eliminating the need to adhere to fixed schedules or physical media.

In conclusion, the internet has woven a tapestry of convenience into the fabric of our lives. From streamlined communication and effortless online shopping to boundless information access and flexible work arrangements, the conveniences offered by the internet have become integral to our modern existence. As we navigate this digital landscape, the ongoing evolution of internet technologies continues to enhance and redefine the meaning of convenience in our interconnected world.

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Essay On Internet- FAQs

What is internet short essay.

In the modern time, internet has become is one of the most powerful and interesting tools all across the world. The Internet is a network of networks and collection of many services and resources which benefits us in various ways. Using internet we can access World Wide Web from any place.

What is Internet in 150 words?

The internet is the most recent man-made creation that connects the world. The world has narrowed down after the invention of the internet. It has demolished all boundaries, which were the barriers between people and has made everything accessible. The internet is helpful to us in different ways.

What is internet 100 words?

A. The internet, a recent man-made marvel, has brought the world closer. It has shattered all barriers and made everything accessible. The internet serves us in countless ways, from sharing information with people across the world to staying connected with our loved ones.

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Essay on Internet


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  • Oct 1, 2021

Essay on Internet

With throat-cutting competition, the difficulty level of various competitive exams has increased. Apart from domain-specific knowledge, questions framed in various exams evaluate critical thinking and decision-making ability, reading and writing skills, and  Logical and Analytical Reasoning . It thus has become important to focus on all the components equally. Just like the aforementioned topics, Essay writing is another crucial element of a wide range of entrance tests like IELTS , TOEFL , UPSC exams , etc. The topics for essays can range from Digital India and Economic issues to the role of Education and Women Empowerment . In this blog, we will share some samples of essays on the internet with you!

Uses of Internet Essay

By the term internet, we can decipher that it is a global wide-area network where innumerable computer systems are connected to a single network. From running a business to making financial transactions, the internet, which is one of the most powerful tools has made modern lives absolutely easier and simpler. 

It is because of easy accessibility and global reach, we are able to communicate with people across the world through various platforms in a cost-effective and time-saving way. Not only restricted to news, one can easily send important updates, pursue online courses, watch live broadcasts, attend business meetings, and purchase and sell goods online with a simple click. 

However, with good, comes bad. Despite revolutionizing industries, the internet also has risks associated with it. Cyber frauds, malware attacks, disorganised and unverified materials, identity thefts, unscrupulous businesses, etc are some of the major issues concerned with the internet. Furthermore, excessive use of the internet can affect both mental and physical health. 

Taking precautions like not saving your bank details, installing antivirus software, regularly updating passwords, purchasing goods from verified websites, etc while using the internet can help you stay safe. Hence, despite being a double-edged sword, the internet is like a vast ocean, the pros of which outweigh the cons!

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

In the late 1960s, a global wide-area network was created which is now referred to as the Internet. With its roots spread across industries, it has become a quintessential necessity for mankind to live with. Not restricted to only establishing communication, but one can perform financial transactions, watch movies, listen to music, pursue courses, and go shopping with the help of the internet. 

There are more advantages to the internet rather than disadvantages. From online shopping to online learning, the internet has helped mankind thick and thin. Similarly, from business units to schools, healthcare, and government departments, the internet has become a need of the hour. Connectivity, communication, and information dissemination from satellites and space stations have also become possible due to the emergence of the internet. Furthermore, the entertainment industry has gained a massive impetus with the help of the internet. Now people can skip the long queues for the movie ticket and watch any movie in the comfort of their homes. 

Though there are numerous advantages, the Internet is also a double-edged sword which has disadvantages too. The emergence and popularity of the internet have given space for bullying and online stalking and trolling. Furthermore, easy access to violent and vulgar images on the internet has also given rise to crimes. Seen as a major addiction and cause of distraction, especially among teenagers, it not only causes mental distress but also leads to physical illnesses as well. Apart from this, the Internet has given major room for hackers to steal valuable information and intrude into other’s privacy. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating are also the main disadvantages of the internet. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to every new invention, however, with proper precautions like practicing safe browsing, staying vigilant with the data you share, changing passwords frequently, updating privacy settings, and not sharing your credentials with others can help you use the internet with utmost ease and without any worry!

Tips to Write an Essay on the Internet 

Here are some of the tips which you can follow in order to write an impressive essay on the internet. 

  • Your essay on the internet should be clear and concise with appropriate information. 
  • Research meticulously before you start writing an essay on the internet.
  • Add both, advantages and disadvantages of using it.  
  • Write the content in paragraphs. 
  • Avoid the use of jargons and slangs. 
  • Keep the tone formal. 
  • You can also add statistical data.

The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that connects millions of people in over 150 countries. Using the internet, you can send emails, chat with people, and obtain information on different variety of subjects. 

Internet can be used for multiple purposes including finding information, communicate with people, shop online, manage your finances, etc.

The first workable prototype of internet came in the late 1960s with creation of ARPANET or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

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The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. In almost everything we do, we use the Internet. Ordering a pizza, buying a television, sharing a moment with a friend, sending a picture over instant messaging. Before the Internet, if you wanted to keep up with the news, you had to walk down to the newsstand when it opened in the morning and buy a local edition reporting what had happened the previous day. But today a click or two is enough to read your local paper and any news source from anywhere in the world, updated up to the minute.

The Internet itself has been transformed. In its early days—which from a historical perspective are still relatively recent—it was a static network designed to shuttle a small freight of bytes or a short message between two terminals; it was a repository of information where content was published and maintained only by expert coders. Today, however, immense quantities of information are uploaded and downloaded over this electronic leviathan, and the content is very much our own, for now we are all commentators, publishers, and creators.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Internet widened in scope to encompass the IT capabilities of universities and research centers, and, later on, public entities, institutions, and private enterprises from around the world. The Internet underwent immense growth; it was no longer a state-controlled project, but the largest computer network in the world, comprising over 50,000 sub-networks, 4 million systems, and 70 million users.

The emergence of  web 2.0  in the first decade of the twenty-first century was itself a revolution in the short history of the Internet, fostering the rise of social media and other interactive, crowd-based communication tools.

The Internet was no longer concerned with information exchange alone: it was a sophisticated multidisciplinary tool enabling individuals to create content, communicate with one another, and even escape reality. Today, we can send data from one end of the world to the other in a matter of seconds, make online presentations, live in parallel “game worlds,” and use pictures, video, sound, and text to share our real lives, our genuine identity. Personal stories go public; local issues become global.

The rise of the Internet has sparked a debate about how online communication affects social relationships. The Internet frees us from geographic fetters and brings us together in topic-based communities that are not tied down to any specific place. Ours is a networked, globalized society connected by new technologies. The Internet is the tool we use to interact with one another, and accordingly poses new challenges to privacy and security.

Information technologies have wrought fundamental change throughout society, driving it forward from the industrial age to the networked era. In our world, global information networks are vital infrastructure—but in what ways has this changed human relations? The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution.

The changes in social communication are of particular significance. Although analogue tools still have their place in some sectors, new technologies are continuing to gain ground every day, transforming our communication practices and possibilities—particularly among younger people. The Internet has removed all communication barriers. Online, the conventional constraints of space and time disappear and there is a dizzyingly wide range of communicative possibilities. The impact of social media applications has triggered discussion of the “new communication democracy.”

The development of the Internet today is being shaped predominantly by instant, mobile communications. The mobile Internet is a fresh revolution. Comprehensive Internet connectivity via smartphones and tablets is leading to an increasingly mobile reality: we are not tied to any single specific device, and everything is in the cloud.

People no longer spend hours gazing at a computer screen after work or class; instead, they use their mobile devices to stay online everywhere, all the time.

Anyone failing to keep abreast of this radical change is losing out on an opportunity.

Communication Opportunities Created by the Internet

The Internet has become embedded in every aspect of our day-to-day lives, changing the way we interact with others. This insight struck me when I started out in the world of social media. I created my first social network in 2005, when I was finishing college in the United States—it had a political theme. I could already see that social media were on the verge of changing our way of communicating, helping us to share information by opening up a new channel that cuts across conventional ones.

That first attempt did not work out, but I learned from the experience.I get the feeling that in many countries failure is punished too harshly—but the fact is, the only surefire way of avoiding failure is to do nothing at all. I firmly believe that mistakes help you improve; getting it wrong teaches you how to get it right. Creativity, hard work, and a positive attitude will let you achieve any goal.

In 2006, after I moved to Spain, I created Tuenti. Tuenti (which, contrary to widespread belief, has nothing to do with the number 20; it is short for “tu entidad,” the Spanish for “your entity”) is a social communication platform for genuine friends. From the outset, the idea was to keep it simple, relevant, and private. That’s the key to its success.

I think the real value of social media is that you can stay in touch from moment to moment with the people who really matter to you. Social media let you share experiences and information; they get people and ideas in touch instantly, without frontiers. Camaraderie, friendship, and solidarity—social phenomena that have been around for as long as humanity itself—have been freed from the conventional restrictions of space and time and can now thrive in a rich variety of ways.

Out of all the plethora of communication opportunities that the Internet has opened up, I would highlight the emergence of social media and the way they have intricately melded into our daily lives. Social media have changed our personal space, altering the way we interact with our loved ones, our friends, and our sexual partners; they have forced us to rethink even basic daily processes like studying and shopping; they have affected the economy by nurturing the business startup culture and electronic commerce; they have even given us new ways to form broad-based political movements.

The Internet and Education

The Internet has clearly impacted all levels of education by providing unbounded possibilities for learning. I believe the future of education is a networked future. People can use the Internet to create and share knowledge and develop new ways of teaching and learning that captivate and stimulate students’ imagination at any time, anywhere, using any device. By connecting and empowering students and educators, we can speed up economic growth and enhance the well-being of society throughout the world. We should work together, over a network, to build the global learning society.

The network of networks is an inexhaustible source of information. What’s more, the Internet has enabled users to move away from their former passive role as mere recipients of messages conveyed by conventional media to an active role, choosing what information to receive, how, and when. The information recipient even decides whether or not they want to stay informed.

We have moved on from scattergun mass communication to a pattern where the user proactively selects the information they need.

Students can work interactively with one another, unrestricted by physical or time constraints. Today, you can use the Internet to access libraries, encyclopedias, art galleries, news archives, and other information sources from anywhere in the world: I believe this is a key advantage in the education field. The web is a formidable resource for enhancing the process of building knowledge.

I also believe the Internet is a wonderful tool for learning and practicing other languages—this continues to be a critical issue in many countries, including Spain, and, in a globalized world, calls for special efforts to improve.

The Internet, in addition to its communicative purposes, has become a vital tool for exchanging knowledge and education; it is not just an information source, or a locus where results can be published, it is also a channel for cooperating with other people and groups who are working on related research topics.

The Internet and Privacy and Security

Another key issue surrounding Internet use is privacy. Internet users are becoming more sensitive to the insight that privacy is a must-have in our lives.

Privacy has risen near the top of the agenda in step with an increasing awareness of the implications of using social media. Much of the time, people started to use social media with no real idea of the dangers, and have wised up only through trial and error—sheer accident, snafus, and mistakes. Lately, inappropriate use of social media seems to hit the headlines every day. Celebrities posting inappropriate comments to their profiles, private pictures and tapes leaked to the Internet at large, companies displaying arrogance toward users, and even criminal activities involving private-data trafficking or social media exploitation.

All this shows that—contrary to what many people seem to have assumed—online security and privacy are critical, and, I believe, will become even more important going forward. And, although every user needs privacy, the issue is particularly sensitive for minors—despite attempts to raise their awareness, children still behave recklessly online.

I have always been highly concerned about privacy. On Tuenti, the default privacy setting on every user account is the highest available level of data protection. Only people the user has accepted as a “friend” can access their personal details, see their telephone number, or download their pictures. This means that, by default, user information is not accessible to third parties. In addition, users are supported by procedures for reporting abuse. Any user can report a profile or photograph that is abusive, inappropriate, or violates the terms of use: action is taken immediately. Security and privacy queries are resolved within 24 hours.

We need to be aware that different Internet platforms provide widely different privacy experiences. Some of them are entirely open and public; no steps whatsoever are taken to protect personal information, and all profiles are indexable by Internet search engines.

On the other hand, I think the debate about whether social media use should be subject to an age requirement is somewhat pointless, given that most globally active platforms operate without age restrictions. The European regulatory framework is quite different from the United States and Asian codes. Companies based in Europe are bound by rigorous policies on privacy and underage use of social media. This can become a competitive drawback when the ground rules do not apply equally to all players—our American and Japanese competitors, for instance, are not required to place any kind of age constraint on access.

Outside the scope of what the industry or regulators can do, it is vital that users themselves look after the privacy of their data. I believe the information is the user’s property, so the user is the only party entitled to control the collection, use, and disclosure of any information about him or herself. Some social networks seem to have forgotten this fact—they sell data, make it impossible to delete an account, or make it complex and difficult to manage one’s privacy settings. Everything should be a lot simpler and more transparent.

Social networks should continue to devote intense efforts to developing self-regulation mechanisms and guidelines for this new environment of online coexistence to ensure that user information is safe: the Internet should be a space for freedom, but also for trust. The main way of ensuring that social media are used appropriately is awareness. But awareness and user education will be of little use unless it becomes an absolute requirement that the privacy of the individual is treated as a universal value.

The Internet and Culture

As in the sphere of education, the development of information and communication technologies and the wide-ranging effects of globalization are changing what we are, and the meaning of cultural identity. Ours is a complex world in which cultural flows across borders are always on the rise. The concepts of space, time, and distance are losing their conventional meanings. Cultural globalization is here, and a global movement of cultural processes and initiatives is underway.

Again, in the cultural arena, vast fields of opportunity open up thanks to online tools. The possibilities are multiplied for disseminating a proposal, an item of knowledge, or a work of art. Against those doomsayers who warn that the Internet is harming culture, I am radically optimistic. The Internet is bringing culture closer to more people, making it more easily and quickly accessible; it is also nurturing the rise of new forms of expression for art and the spread of knowledge. Some would say, in fact, that the Internet is not just a technology, but a cultural artifact in its own right.

In addition to its impact on culture itself, the Internet is enormously beneficial for innovation, which brings progress in all fields of endeavor—the creation of new goods, services, and ideas, the advance of knowledge and society, and increasing well-being.

The Internet and Personal Relationships

The Internet has also changed the way we interact with our family, friends, and life partners. Now everyone is connected to everyone else in a simpler, more accessible, and more immediate way; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smart phones, and tablets.

The benefits of always-online immediate availability are highly significant. I would find a long-distance relationship with my life partner or my family unthinkable without the communication tools that the network of networks provides me with. I’m living in Madrid, but I can stay close to my brother in California. For me, that is the key plus of the Internet: keeping in touch with the people who really matter to me.

As we have seen, the Internet revolution is not just technological; it also operates at a personal level, and throughout the structure of society. The Internet makes it possible for an unlimited number of people to communicate with one another freely and easily, in an unrestricted way.

Just a century ago, this was unimaginable. An increasing number of couples come together, stay together, or break up with the aid—or even as a consequence—of social communication tools. There are even apps and social networks out there that are purposely designed to help people get together for sex.

Of course, when compared to face-to-face communication, online communication is severely limited in the sense impressions it can convey (an estimated 60 to 70 percent of human communication takes place nonverbally), which can lead to misunderstandings and embarrassing situations—no doubt quite a few relationships have floundered as a result. I think the key is to be genuine, honest, and real at all times, using all the social media tools and their many advantages. Let’s just remember that a liar and a cheat online is a liar and a cheat offline too.

The Internet and Social and Political Activism

Even before the emergence of social media, pioneering experiments took place in the political sphere—like  Essembly , a project I was involved in. We started to create a politically themed platform to encourage debate and provide a home for social and political causes; but the social networks that have later nurtured activism in a new way were not as yet in existence.

Research has shown that young people who voice their political opinions on the Internet are more inclined to take part in public affairs. The better informed a citizen is, the more likely they will step into the polling booth, and the better they will express their political liberties. The Internet has proved to be a decisive communication tool in the latest election campaigns. It is thanks to the Internet that causes in the social, welfare, ideological, and political arenas have been spoken up for and have won the support of other citizens sharing those values—in many cases, with a real impact on government decision making.

The Internet and Consumer Trends

New technologies increase the speed of information transfer, and this opens up the possibility of “bespoke” shopping. The Internet offers an immense wealth of possibilities for buying content, news, and leisure products, and all sorts of advantages arise from e-commerce, which has become a major distribution channel for goods and services. You can book airline tickets, get a T-shirt from Australia, or buy food at an online grocery store. New applications support secure business transactions and create new commercial opportunities.

In this setting, it is the consumer who gains the upper hand, and the conventional rules and methods of distribution and marketing break down. Consumers’ access to information multiplies, and their reviews of their experience with various products and services take center stage. Access to product comparisons and rankings, user reviews and comments, and recommendations from bloggers with large followings have shaped a new scenario for consumer behavior, retail trade, and the economy in general.

The Internet and the Economy

The Internet is one of the key factors driving today’s economy. No one can afford to be left behind. Even in a tough macroeconomic framework, the Internet can foster growth, coupled with enhanced productivity and competitiveness.

The Internet provides opportunities for strengthening the economy: How should we tackle them? While Europe—and Spain specifically—are making efforts to make the best possible use of the Internet, there are areas in which their approach needs to improve. Europe faces a major challenge, and risks serious failure if it lets the United States run ahead on its own. The European Commission, in its “Startup Manifesto,” suggests that the Old World be more entrepreneur-friendly—the proposal is backed by companies like Spotify and Tuenti. Europe lacks some of the necessary know-how. We need to improve in financial services and in data privacy, moving past the obsolete regulatory framework we now have and making a bid to achieve a well-connected continent with a single market for 4G mobile connections. We need to make it easier to hire talent outside each given country.

The use of e-commerce should be encouraged among small and medium-sized enterprises so that growth opportunities can be exploited more intensely. Following the global trend of the Internet, companies should internalize their online business. And much more emphasis should be placed on new technologies training in the academic and business spheres.

Modern life is global, and Spain is competing against every other country in the world. I do not believe in defeatism or victim culture. Optimism should not translate into callousness, but I sincerely believe that if you think creatively, if you find a different angle, if you innovate with a positive attitude and without fear of failure, then you can change things for the better. Spain needs to seize the moment to reinvent itself, grasping the opportunities offered up by the online world. We need to act, take decisions, avoid “paralysis through analysis.” I sometimes feel we are too inclined to navel-gazing: Spain shuts itself off, fascinated with its own contradictions and local issues, and loses its sense of perspective. Spain should open up to the outside, use the crisis as an opportunity to do things differently, in a new way—creating value, underlining its strengths, aspiring to be something more.

In the United States, for instance, diving headfirst into a personal Internet-related startup is regarded as perfectly normal. I’m glad to see that this entrepreneurial spirit is beginning to take hold here as well. I believe in working hard, showing perseverance, keeping your goals in view, surrounding yourself with talent, and taking risks. No risk, no success. We live in an increasingly globalized world: of course you can have a Spain-based Internet startup, there are no frontiers.

We need to take risks and keep one step ahead of the future. It is precisely the most disruptive innovations that require radical changes in approach and product, which might not even find a market yet ready for them—these are the areas providing real opportunities to continue being relevant, to move forward and “earn” the future, creating value and maintaining leadership. It is the disruptive changes that enable a business, product, or service to revolutionize the market—and, particularly in the technology sector, such changes are a necessity.

The Future of Social Communications, Innovation, Mobile Technologies, and Total Connectivity in Our Lives

The future of social communications will be shaped by an  always-online  culture.  Always online  is already here and will set the trend going forward. Total connectivity, the Internet you can take with you wherever you go, is growing unstoppably. There is no turning back for global digitalization.

Innovation is the driving force of growth and progress, so we need to shake up entrenched processes, products, services, and industries, so that all of us together—including established businesses, reacting to their emerging competitors—can move forward together.

Innovation is shaping and will continue to shape the future of social communications. It is already a reality that Internet connections are increasingly mobile. A survey we conducted in early 2013 in partnership with Ipsos found that 94 percent of Tuenti users aged 16 to 35 owned cell phones, 84 percent of users connected to the Internet using their phones, and 47 percent had mobile data subscriptions for connecting to the Internet. A total of 74 percent of users reported connecting to the Internet from their phone on a daily basis, while 84 percent did so at least weekly. Only 13 percent did not use their phones to connect to the Internet, and that percentage is decreasing every day.

Mobile Internet use alters the pattern of device usage; the hitherto familiar ways of accessing the Internet are changing too. The smartphone activities taking up the most time (over three hours a day) include instant messaging (38%), social media use (35%), listening to music (24%), and web browsing (20%). The activities taking up the least time (under five minutes a day) are: SMS texting (51%), watching movies (43%), reading and writing e-mail (38%), and talking on the phone (32%). Things are still changing.

Smartphones are gaining ground in everyday life. Many of the purposes formerly served by other items now involve using our smartphones. Some 75 percent of young people reported having replaced their MP3 player with their phone, 74 percent use their phone as an alarm clock, 70 percent use it as their camera, and 67 percent use it as their watch.

We have been observing these shifts for a while, which is why we decided to reinvent ourselves by placing smartphones at the heart of our strategy. I want to use this example as a showcase of what is happening in the world of social communication and the Internet in general: mobile connectivity is bringing about a new revolution. Tuenti is no longer just a social network, and social media as a whole are becoming more than just websites. The new Tuenti provides native mobile apps for Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone, as well as the Firefox OS app and the mobile version of the website, m.tuenti.com. Tuenti is now a cross-platform service that lets users connect with their friends and contacts from wherever they may be, using their device of choice. A user with a laptop can IM in real time with a user with a smartphone, and switch from one device to another without losing the thread of the conversation. The conversations are in the cloud, so data and contacts are preserved independently of the devices being used. This means the experience has to be made uniform across platforms, which sometimes involves paring down functionalities, given the processing and screen size limitations of mobile devices. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on are all evolving to become increasingly cross-platform experiences. But Tuenti is the first social network that has also developed its own Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)—the company is an Internet service provider over the mobile network. Tuenti is an MVNO with a social media angle, and this may be the future path of telecommunications.

Social media are evolving to become something more, and innovation must be their hallmark if they are to continue being relevant. Tuenti now embraces both social communications and telecom services provision, offering value added by letting you use the mobile app free of charge and without using up your data traffic allowance, even if you have no credit on your prepaid card—this is wholly revolutionary in the telecom sector. The convergence of social media with more traditional sectors is already bringing about a new context for innovation, a new arena for the development and growth of the Internet.

Just about everything in the world of the Internet still lies ahead of us, and mobile communications as we know them must be reinvented by making them more digital. The future will be shaped by innovation converging with the impact of mobility. This applies not just to social media but to the Internet in general, particularly in the social communications field. I feel that many people do not understand what we are doing and have no idea of the potential development of companies like ours at the global level. Right now, there may be somebody out there, in some corner of the world, developing the tool that will turn the Internet upside down all over again. The tool that will alter our day-to-day life once more. Creating more opportunities, providing new benefits to individuals, bringing more individual and collective well-being. Just ten years ago, social media did not exist; in the next ten years, something else radically new will emerge. There are many areas in which products, processes, and services can be improved or created afresh. The future is brimming with opportunities, and the future of the Internet has only just begun.

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Essay on Importance of Internet

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Internet in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Internet


The Internet is a powerful tool that has transformed our lives. It is a network of computers that allows us to access information, communicate, and perform various tasks.

Access to Information

The Internet provides a vast amount of information on every subject imaginable. It helps students in their studies and keeps us updated with the world.


The Internet has made communication easier and faster. We can chat, video call, and email anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Online Services

From shopping to banking, the Internet offers numerous services. It saves time and makes our lives convenient.

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250 Words Essay on Importance of Internet

The lifeline of modern society: the internet.

The internet, often referred to as the “network of networks,” has become an integral part of our lives. Its significance cannot be overstated as it has revolutionized communication, education, business, and entertainment.

Communication and Information Access

The internet has transformed the way we communicate. Emails, social media, and video conferencing have made it possible to connect with anyone, anywhere, at any time. It has also made information access easier than ever. The vast ocean of data available online has made the internet a primary source of information, research, and news.

Education and Learning

The internet has significantly impacted education. With the advent of online courses, learning has become more accessible. It has broken the barriers of geography, allowing students to learn from the best educators worldwide. Moreover, the internet acts as an enormous library, offering countless resources for academic research and knowledge expansion.

Business and Commerce

The internet has also revolutionized business operations. It has facilitated global trade, enabling businesses to expand their reach beyond geographical boundaries. E-commerce platforms have made buying and selling goods globally a simple process. Furthermore, digital marketing strategies have allowed businesses to target their audience more effectively.

Entertainment and Leisure

In conclusion, the internet has significantly shaped our world, influencing various aspects of our lives. Its importance is undeniable, and its potential for future advancements is limitless.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Internet

The advent of the internet.

The internet, a global network connecting millions of computers, has revolutionized the world, transforming every facet of our lives. It’s not just a technology; it’s a phenomenon that has reshaped our societies, economies, and cultures.

The Internet as a Source of Knowledge

Facilitating communication and collaboration.

The internet has also transformed the way we communicate. Email, social media, and instant messaging have made communication faster and more efficient. The internet has made it possible to connect with people across the globe instantaneously, breaking down geographical barriers. This has also fostered global collaboration, allowing people from different parts of the world to work together on projects or ideas.

Impact on Economy and Commerce

The internet has had a profound impact on the economy. It has given rise to a new form of commerce – e-commerce, enabling businesses to reach a global audience. Companies like Amazon and Alibaba have revolutionized retail, while platforms like Airbnb and Uber have disrupted traditional industries. The internet has also created new job opportunities, from digital marketing to web development.

Entertainment and Media

The internet and social change.

The internet has also been a catalyst for social change. It has given a voice to those who were previously unheard, enabling them to share their stories and mobilize for change. Social media platforms have played a key role in movements like the Arab Spring and Black Lives Matter, demonstrating the power of the internet to drive social change.

The importance of the internet cannot be overstated. It has transformed our world, reshaping the way we learn, communicate, do business, and engage with our society. As we move further into the digital age, the internet will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our future. However, as with any powerful tool, it is important that we use the internet responsibly, ensuring it is a force for good in our world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essays About The Internet: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Are you writing essays about the internet? Then, read our guide, including interesting essay examples and writing prompts to get you started. 

The internet is a vast network of billions of computers connecting people virtually worldwide. When you connect to the internet or go online, you can access loads of information and communicate with people from millions of miles away.

The internet has presented groundbreaking benefits to society, such as global, real-time communication, more accessible access to information, and more source of leisure. However, when in the wrong hands, the internet can be a dangerous neighborhood that bustles with criminal opportunities for thieves, stalkers, and murderers.

For inspiration in writing an article about the internet, read our round-up of thought-provoking essay examples and prompts. 


1. Forty Years Of The Internet: How The World Changed Forever by Oliver Burkeman

2. who owns the internet by elizabeth kolbert, 3. a nation of echo chambers: how the internet closed off the world by will leitch, 4. the rise of memes in the internet world by lennlee keep, 5. how to fight lies, tricks and chaos online by adi robertson, 10 writing prompts on essays about the internet, 1. the internet’s benefits to students, 2. dangers of the internet on the youth, 3. how the internet changed how we date, 4. how the internet revolutionized business, 5. safeguarding your privacy online, 6. effects of internet slang on literacy, 7. are bloggers replacing journalists, 8. the internet of things, 9. metaverse: the future of the internet, 10. creating communities online.

“It’s impossible to say for certain when the internet began, mainly because nobody can agree on what, precisely, the internet is. (This is only partly a philosophical question: it is also a matter of egos since several of the people who made key contributions are anxious to claim the credit.”

Burkeman treads the history of the internet through the lens of those who claim to have contributed to its development and arrival on the tech scene. His nostalgic journey interestingly shows how the internet emerged glacially slow, heading toward the dotcom boom not until decades after a successful computer communication experiment initially intended to establish US defense. You might also be interested in these essays about computers .

“The Internet revolution has, indeed, sent heads rolling, as legions of bookstore owners, music critics, and cirrhotic editors can attest. Instead of becoming more egalitarian, the country has become less so: the gap between America’s rich and poor grows ever wider.”

Once envisioned to democratize power to the people, the Internet disappoints as it continues to concentrate power on a few, deepening inequality with graver concerns, such as piracy and fake news.

“We now only have to interact with people who agree with us; if I use Twitter as my primary news source, as so many people do, I can carefully curate my feed to exclude anyone who disagrees with me about anything. (And if someone who slips in there who does, I can call them a horrible person.).”

The essay laments how the internet has isolated us into our echo chambers, leaving our beliefs unchallenged and stripped of world-proven facts on matters as evident as vaccination. Furthermore, because we addictively feed into the positive validation of people who share our opinions, it becomes easy to demonize those who don’t. As such, our society deals with more conspiracy theory believers and spreaders. 

“The internet is still in some ways the Wild West, and putting your meme and your art out in the world requires a certain amount of faith in humanity, diligence and maybe a good rights attorney on retainer.”

An integral part of social media, memes may not mean what we know them to be in the internet age. Instead, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins contends that memes are cultural ideas and customs passed on if worthy of being “meme”-icked. If we go by this definition, memes could date back to early civilizations and even be found in the animal kingdom.

“This kind of viral half-truth is part of the fabric of today’s internet, and the kind of anger it inspired has been turned into a dangerous commodity. It’s cynically exploited by businesses for ad-supported “fake news,” by scammers raising money online, and by authoritarian governments to spread hate and fear.”

The widespread falsehoods being peddled over the internet requires netizens’ heightened vigilance. But Robertson recognizes the struggle always to be vigilant, drawing up a list of practical techniques everyone can use to combat fake news. 

Essays About the Internet: The internet’s benefits to students

Share your insights and experience on how the internet has expanded your knowledge in a subject matter and helped you complete your academic papers. In addition, you can compare these perks against the difficulties students and researchers had to endure before the birth of the internet. 

Anyone can be a victim on the internet, but kids are most vulnerable to cyberattacks and offenses. So first, cite the most common concerns kids can encounter while surfing online. A few examples you can include are cyberbullying, phishing, predators, and scams. Next, offer kids and parents some helpful safety tips to avoid falling prey to these online traps. 

Critics hate the internet for making dating among the youth an easy game that heavily emphasizes sexual and physical attractions. Do you agree with them? Discuss your feelings on this point. You can also look into how the internet has strengthened relationships, especially long-distance ones, through communication.

In your essay, take a deep dive into how e-commerce has forever changed how we do business, from how we market our products to the skills of employees now sought. Then, lay down the risks and opportunities in e-commerce. Finally, provide expert tips on how businesses, especially small and medium enterprises, can be competitive by conquering the risks online while optimizing profits through the opportunities of a digitally borderless world. 

Privacy is a contentious issue over the internet. Laws on privacy have turned more complex and become doubly challenging to enforce. In this prompt, hammer down the essence of maintaining privacy on the internet. Then, taking off from privacy experts’ recommendations, offer your audience critical steps to ensure they protect their private space and their data when online.

Internet slang is an evolving language created for people to communicate online easily. It has drawn extensive debates on its effects on the future of language and literacy. In your essay, write your insights on internet slang’s negative and positive effects on shaping students’ linguistic views and skills. If you’re a linguistics geek, you might also be interested in discovering how different languages created their internet lingos.

Can blogging meet journalistic standards and be a reliable source of truth? Journalists do not think so, but some contend that blogging is a form of citizen journalism that can legitimately put light on different angles of an event or situation. Answer this question yourself through your essay and dig deeper into the pros and cons of blogs as a source of news. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) — the interconnectivity of devices made possible by the internet — is poised to be the next most significant technological advancement. When writing this essay, explain what part IOT can play in redefining the future. Then, cite its potential real-world applications and how it can revolutionize industries. 

Write about the metaverse and its promises of raising the online experience to the next level. Talk about what your readers can expect and what activities they can do once they enter the metaverse. Then, consider tackling the technologies making the metaverse a reality and the cost of “living” in this virtual space. You may also go so far as to mull over the potential problems the metaverse poses, such as promoting an improved alternate world to escape from reality. 

One of the most significant social benefits of the internet is finding new friends who share the same interests. We can engage with them directly or through forum discussions that strengthen our knowledge of our interests. For this essay, write about online groups and communities you are part of and share how these are helping you learn more while also challenging you to think more deeply to develop your insights and analysis. Want your essay to leave a good, lasting impression on your readers? Check this guide on how to write an argumentative essay . If you’re still choosing an essay topic, read our essay guides on social media and technology .

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Essay on Internet

We live in a world where everything happening around us has come to be dependent on the internet. Anything that we want to know is not just a click away. The Internet, sometimes also called the "Net", is a worldwide system of computer networks. It is used by many as the primary source of information consumption and has fueled the growth of social media and content sharing. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Internet’.

Essay on Internet

100 Words Essay on Internet

The Internet is considered the greatest invention of human history that has changed the daily lifestyle of human beings. The Internet was first officially launched on January 1, 1983, and since then it has been developed rapidly. The Internet is an incredible medium for the transfer of data, news, images, information etc.Internet has made it easier for people to talk to anyone around the globe via phone calls and video calls in a matter of seconds.

The internet became a crucial part of every field whether it is medicine, engineering, research,. It also gained huge momentum in the field of education during the pandemic. Students were unable to go to school because of COVID-19 pandemic and it was only because of the internet that the students were connected to the teachers. Information technology is gaining a huge momentum day by day and the internet is the foundation of this cutting-edge time.

200 Words Essay on Internet

The father of the internet is known to be Vint Cerf. In 1969, he successfully connected a few computers in a room and named that network ARPAnet since he was the governor of ARPA (Advance Research Project Agency), a government-funded organisation.

The Internet has become a necessity for school students, college students, working men and women, etc. With the help of the internet, we can gather information about any place on this globe within seconds and without leaving our home. Today most of the work is handled through the internet and most workers work just by sitting in their homes with the help of the internet.

The Internet is an important asset for everyone and it is beneficial for them but at the same time. Although, excessive use of the internet may be harmful also because as technology is progressing, the rate of cybercrime is also increasing day by day. Anyone on the internet may become the target of cybercriminals. Students also become the targets sometimes because their private information can be released on the internet and as a result, students face a lot of distress. As long as we follow proper guidelines for the use of the internet we will remain safe.

500 Words Essay on Internet

We live in the era of technology and the internet is the one that binds every technology together and it is further advancing day by day. We can’t think of living without an internet connection for a single day. The internet has billions of uses nowadays, just a single click can access any information in this world. It has made human life very simple and easier. The internet has connected every small device. We can control the air conditioner, washing machine, television, lighting, etc from any corner of the world with the help of the internet.

Internet in Education

Education is a necessity of every human being and it became a lot easier with the use of the internet. During the pandemic, the internet played a crucial role in the continuation of education of the students for the whole two years. Students can gain any knowledge with the help of the internet and can also learn from the teacher of their own choice. The Internet is so developed in the field of education to an extent where an AI is capable of solving any doubts of students.

The internet is an important asset for students but at the same time, it can also harm them or misguide them from their path. If students don't pay attention to their online security, they risk being the target of cyberbullies.

Internet in Business

As agriculture is known as the backbone of the Indian economy, the entrepreneur is also known as the heart of the economy. Every country is investing in business for their profits and the internet plays an essential role in it. The internet records everything happening in business and with the help of that data, businessmen understand the situation of the market. People invest in their businesses using the internet and control their work just by sitting on their chairs and it is possible because of the internet.

Internet in Defence

The Internet is also playing an important role in the defence sector of every country. The Internet connects all government agencies across the globe and helps to maintain peace. It saves a lot of time because any little issue between the countries can be solved just at their offices through video conferencing. Defence satellites work all time and keep eye on enemy activities and transmit them to the defence sector. Even the armoury can also be remotely accessed with the internet which can save the life of the soldiers in harsh weather conditions or the areas where troops can’t go in case of emergencies.

Use of Internet in Daily Life

People travel from one place to another for various purposes and in some cases, they are not aware of the geography of the locality due to which they got lost but with the use of the internet they can reach the destination without any problem.

With the use of the internet, students can solve their doubts within minutes or seconds.

The Internet connects family members even if they are not living together.

The Internet is an important source of entertainment for humans, like watching movies, news web series, cartoons, anime.

In the police department, the internet is used to catch cybercriminals.

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A Brief History of the Internet

Introduction, published 1997.

Barry M. Leiner, Vinton G. Cerf, David D. Clark, Robert E. Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock, Daniel C. Lynch, Jon Postel, Larry G. Roberts, Stephen Wolff

The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology. Today, terms like “ [email protected] ” and “ http://www.acm.org ” trip lightly off the tongue of the random person on the street.  1

This is intended to be a brief, necessarily cursory and incomplete history. Much material currently exists about the Internet, covering history, technology, and usage. A trip to almost any bookstore will find shelves of material written about the Internet.  2

Learn more about how we are building a bigger, stronger Internet.

In this paper, 3  several of us involved in the development and evolution of the Internet share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switching and the ARPANET (and related technologies), and where current research continues to expand the horizons of the infrastructure along several dimensions, such as scale, performance, and higher-level functionality. There is the operations and management aspect of a global and complex operational infrastructure. There is the social aspect, which resulted in a broad community of Internauts working together to create and evolve the technology. And there is the commercialization aspect, resulting in an extremely effective transition of research results into a broadly deployed and available information infrastructure.

The Internet today is a widespread information infrastructure, the initial prototype of what is often called the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure. Its history is complex and involves many aspects – technological, organizational, and community. And its influence reaches not only to the technical fields of computer communications but throughout society as we move toward increasing use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition, and community operations.

Origins of the Internet

The first recorded description of the social interactions that could be enabled through networking was a  series of memos  written by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT in August 1962 discussing his “Galactic Network” concept. He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site. In spirit, the concept was very much like the Internet of today. Licklider was the first head of the computer research program at DARPA, 4  starting in October 1962. While at DARPA he convinced his successors at DARPA, Ivan Sutherland, Bob Taylor, and MIT researcher Lawrence G. Roberts, of the importance of this networking concept.

Leonard Kleinrock at MIT published the  first paper on packet switching theory  in July 1961 and the  first book on the subject  in 1964. Kleinrock convinced Roberts of the theoretical feasibility of communications using packets rather than circuits, which was a major step along the path towards computer networking. The other key step was to make the computers talk together. To explore this, in 1965 working with Thomas Merrill, Roberts connected the TX-2 computer in Mass. to the Q-32 in California with a low speed dial-up telephone line creating the  first (however small) wide-area computer network ever built . The result of this experiment was the realization that the time-shared computers could work well together, running programs and retrieving data as necessary on the remote machine, but that the circuit switched telephone system was totally inadequate for the job. Kleinrock’s conviction of the need for packet switching was confirmed.

In late 1966 Roberts went to DARPA to develop the computer network concept and quickly put together his  plan for the “ARPANET” , publishing it in 1967. At the conference where he presented the paper, there was also a paper on a packet network concept from the UK by Donald Davies and Roger Scantlebury of NPL. Scantlebury told Roberts about the NPL work as well as that of Paul Baran and others at RAND. The RAND group had written a paper on packet switching networks for secure voice  in the military in 1964. It happened that the work at MIT (1961-1967), at RAND (1962-1965), and at NPL (1964-1967) had all proceeded in parallel without any of the researchers knowing about the other work. The word “packet” was adopted from the work at NPL and the proposed line speed to be used in the ARPANET design was upgraded from 2.4 kbps to 50 kbps.  5

In August 1968, after Roberts and the DARPA funded community had refined the overall structure and specifications for the ARPANET, an RFQ was released by DARPA for the development of one of the key components, the packet switches called Interface Message Processors (IMP’s). The RFQ was won in December 1968 by a group headed by Frank Heart at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN). As the BBN team worked on the IMP’s with Bob Kahn playing a major role in the overall ARPANET architectural design, the network topology and economics were designed and optimized by Roberts working with Howard Frank and his team at Network Analysis Corporation, and the network measurement system was prepared by Kleinrock’s team at UCLA.  6

Due to Kleinrock’s early development of packet switching theory and his focus on analysis, design and measurement, his Network Measurement Center at UCLA was selected to be the first node on the ARPANET. All this came together in September 1969 when BBN installed the first IMP at UCLA and the first host computer was connected. Doug Engelbart’s project on “Augmentation of Human Intellect” (which included NLS, an early hypertext system) at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) provided a second node. SRI supported the Network Information Center, led by Elizabeth (Jake) Feinler and including functions such as maintaining tables of host name to address mapping as well as a directory of the RFC’s.

One month later, when SRI was connected to the ARPANET, the first host-to-host message was sent from Kleinrock’s laboratory to SRI. Two more nodes were added at UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah. These last two nodes incorporated application visualization projects, with Glen Culler and Burton Fried at UCSB investigating methods for display of mathematical functions using storage displays to deal with the problem of refresh over the net, and Robert Taylor and Ivan Sutherland at Utah investigating methods of 3-D representations over the net. Thus, by the end of 1969, four host computers were connected together into the initial ARPANET, and the budding Internet was off the ground. Even at this early stage, it should be noted that the networking research incorporated both work on the underlying network and work on how to utilize the network. This tradition continues to this day.

Computers were added quickly to the ARPANET during the following years, and work proceeded on completing a functionally complete Host-to-Host protocol and other network software. In December 1970 the Network Working Group (NWG) working under S. Crocker finished the initial ARPANET Host-to-Host protocol, called the Network Control Protocol (NCP). As the ARPANET sites completed implementing NCP during the period 1971-1972, the network users finally could begin to develop applications.

In October 1972, Kahn organized a large, very successful demonstration of the ARPANET at the International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC). This was the first public demonstration of this new network technology to the public. It was also in 1972 that the initial “hot” application, electronic mail, was introduced. In March Ray Tomlinson at BBN wrote the basic email message send and read software, motivated by the need of the ARPANET developers for an easy coordination mechanism. In July, Roberts expanded its utility by writing the first email utility program to list, selectively read, file, forward, and respond to messages. From there email took off as the largest network application for over a decade. This was a harbinger of the kind of activity we see on the World Wide Web today, namely, the enormous growth of all kinds of “people-to-people” traffic.

The Initial Internetting Concepts

The original ARPANET grew into the Internet. Internet was based on the idea that there would be multiple independent networks of rather arbitrary design, beginning with the ARPANET as the pioneering packet switching network, but soon to include packet satellite networks, ground-based packet radio networks and other networks. The Internet as we now know it embodies a key underlying technical idea, namely that of open architecture networking. In this approach, the choice of any individual network technology was not dictated by a particular network architecture but rather could be selected freely by a provider and made to interwork with the other networks through a meta-level “Internetworking Architecture”. Up until that time there was only one general method for federating networks. This was the traditional circuit switching method where networks would interconnect at the circuit level, passing individual bits on a synchronous basis along a portion of an end-to-end circuit between a pair of end locations. Recall that Kleinrock had shown in 1961 that packet switching was a more efficient switching method. Along with packet switching, special purpose interconnection arrangements between networks were another possibility. While there were other limited ways to interconnect different networks, they required that one be used as a component of the other, rather than acting as a peer of the other in offering end-to-end service.

In an open-architecture network, the individual networks may be separately designed and developed and each may have its own unique interface which it may offer to users and/or other providers. including other Internet providers. Each network can be designed in accordance with the specific environment and user requirements of that network. There are generally no constraints on the types of network that can be included or on their geographic scope, although certain pragmatic considerations will dictate what makes sense to offer.

The idea of open-architecture networking was first introduced by Kahn shortly after having arrived at DARPA in 1972. This work was originally part of the packet radio program, but subsequently became a separate program in its own right. At the time, the program was called “Internetting”. Key to making the packet radio system work was a reliable end-end protocol that could maintain effective communication in the face of jamming and other radio interference, or withstand intermittent blackout such as caused by being in a tunnel or blocked by the local terrain. Kahn first contemplated developing a protocol local only to the packet radio network, since that would avoid having to deal with the multitude of different operating systems, and continuing to use NCP.

However, NCP did not have the ability to address networks (and machines) further downstream than a destination IMP on the ARPANET and thus some change to NCP would also be required. (The assumption was that the ARPANET was not changeable in this regard). NCP relied on ARPANET to provide end-to-end reliability. If any packets were lost, the protocol (and presumably any applications it supported) would come to a grinding halt. In this model NCP had no end-end host error control, since the ARPANET was to be the only network in existence and it would be so reliable that no error control would be required on the part of the hosts. Thus, Kahn decided to develop a new version of the protocol which could meet the needs of an open-architecture network environment. This protocol would eventually be called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). While NCP tended to act like a device driver, the new protocol would be more like a communications protocol.

Four ground rules were critical to Kahn’s early thinking:

  • Each distinct network would have to stand on its own and no internal changes could be required to any such network to connect it to the Internet.
  • Communications would be on a best effort basis. If a packet didn’t make it to the final destination, it would shortly be retransmitted from the source.
  • Black boxes would be used to connect the networks; these would later be called gateways and routers. There would be no information retained by the gateways about the individual flows of packets passing through them, thereby keeping them simple and avoiding complicated adaptation and recovery from various failure modes.
  • There would be no global control at the operations level.

Other key issues that needed to be addressed were:

  • Algorithms to prevent lost packets from permanently disabling communications and enabling them to be successfully retransmitted from the source.
  • Providing for host-to-host “pipelining” so that multiple packets could be enroute from source to destination at the discretion of the participating hosts, if the intermediate networks allowed it.
  • Gateway functions to allow it to forward packets appropriately. This included interpreting IP headers for routing, handling interfaces, breaking packets into smaller pieces if necessary, etc.
  • The need for end-end checksums, reassembly of packets from fragments and detection of duplicates, if any.
  • The need for global addressing
  • Techniques for host-to-host flow control.
  • Interfacing with the various operating systems
  • There were also other concerns, such as implementation efficiency, internetwork performance, but these were secondary considerations at first.

Kahn began work on a communications-oriented set of operating system principles while at BBN and documented some of his early thoughts in an internal BBN memorandum entitled “ Communications Principles for Operating Systems “. At this point he realized it would be necessary to learn the implementation details of each operating system to have a chance to embed any new protocols in an efficient way. Thus, in the spring of 1973, after starting the internetting effort, he asked Vint Cerf (then at Stanford) to work with him on the detailed design of the protocol. Cerf had been intimately involved in the original NCP design and development and already had the knowledge about interfacing to existing operating systems. So armed with Kahn’s architectural approach to the communications side and with Cerf’s NCP experience, they teamed up to spell out the details of what became TCP/IP.

The give and take was highly productive and the first written version of the resulting approach was distributed as INWG#39 at a special meeting of the International Network Working Group (INWG) at Sussex University in September 1973. Subsequently a refined version was published in 1974 7 . The INWG was created at the October 1972 International Computer Communications Conference organized by Bob Kahn, et al, and Cerf was invited to chair this group.

Some basic approaches emerged from this collaboration between Kahn and Cerf:

  • Communication between two processes would logically consist of a very long stream of bytes (they called them octets). The position of any octet in the stream would be used to identify it.
  • Flow control would be done by using sliding windows and acknowledgments (acks). The destination could select when to acknowledge and each ack returned would be cumulative for all packets received to that point.
  • It was left open as to exactly how the source and destination would agree on the parameters of the windowing to be used. Defaults were used initially.
  • Although Ethernet was under development at Xerox PARC at that time, the proliferation of LANs were not envisioned at the time, much less PCs and workstations. The original model was national level networks like ARPANET of which only a relatively small number were expected to exist. Thus a 32 bit IP address was used of which the first 8 bits signified the network and the remaining 24 bits designated the host on that network. This assumption, that 256 networks would be sufficient for the foreseeable future, was clearly in need of reconsideration when LANs began to appear in the late 1970s.

The original Cerf/Kahn paper on the Internet described one protocol, called TCP, which provided all the transport and forwarding services in the Internet. Kahn had intended that the TCP protocol support a range of transport services, from the totally reliable sequenced delivery of data (virtual circuit model) to a datagram service in which the application made direct use of the underlying network service, which might imply occasional lost, corrupted or reordered packets. However, the initial effort to implement TCP resulted in a version that only allowed for virtual circuits. This model worked fine for file transfer and remote login applications, but some of the early work on advanced network applications, in particular packet voice in the 1970s, made clear that in some cases packet losses should not be corrected by TCP, but should be left to the application to deal with. This led to a reorganization of the original TCP into two protocols, the simple IP which provided only for addressing and forwarding of individual packets, and the separate TCP, which was concerned with service features such as flow control and recovery from lost packets. For those applications that did not want the services of TCP, an alternative called the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) was added in order to provide direct access to the basic service of IP.

A major initial motivation for both the ARPANET and the Internet was resource sharing – for example allowing users on the packet radio networks to access the time sharing systems attached to the ARPANET. Connecting the two together was far more economical that duplicating these very expensive computers. However, while file transfer and remote login (Telnet) were very important applications, electronic mail has probably had the most significant impact of the innovations from that era. Email provided a new model of how people could communicate with each other, and changed the nature of collaboration, first in the building of the Internet itself (as is discussed below) and later for much of society.

There were other applications proposed in the early days of the Internet, including packet based voice communication (the precursor of Internet telephony), various models of file and disk sharing, and early “worm” programs that showed the concept of agents (and, of course, viruses). A key concept of the Internet is that it was not designed for just one application, but as a general infrastructure on which new applications could be conceived, as illustrated later by the emergence of the World Wide Web. It is the general purpose nature of the service provided by TCP and IP that makes this possible.

Proving the Ideas

DARPA let three contracts to Stanford (Cerf), BBN (Ray Tomlinson) and UCL (Peter Kirstein) to implement TCP/IP (it was simply called TCP in the Cerf/Kahn paper but contained both components). The Stanford team, led by Cerf, produced the detailed specification and within about a year there were three independent implementations of TCP that could interoperate.

This was the beginning of long term experimentation and development to evolve and mature the Internet concepts and technology. Beginning with the first three networks (ARPANET, Packet Radio, and Packet Satellite) and their initial research communities, the experimental environment has grown to incorporate essentially every form of network and a very broad-based research and development community.  [REK78]  With each expansion has come new challenges.

The early implementations of TCP were done for large time sharing systems such as Tenex and TOPS 20. When desktop computers first appeared, it was thought by some that TCP was too big and complex to run on a personal computer. David Clark and his research group at MIT set out to show that a compact and simple implementation of TCP was possible. They produced an implementation, first for the Xerox Alto (the early personal workstation developed at Xerox PARC) and then for the IBM PC. That implementation was fully interoperable with other TCPs, but was tailored to the application suite and performance objectives of the personal computer, and showed that workstations, as well as large time-sharing systems, could be a part of the Internet. In 1976, Kleinrock published the  first book on the ARPANET . It included an emphasis on the complexity of protocols and the pitfalls they often introduce. This book was influential in spreading the lore of packet switching networks to a very wide community.

Widespread development of LANS, PCs and workstations in the 1980s allowed the nascent Internet to flourish. Ethernet technology, developed by Bob Metcalfe at Xerox PARC in 1973, is now probably the dominant network technology in the Internet and PCs and workstations the dominant computers. This change from having a few networks with a modest number of time-shared hosts (the original ARPANET model) to having many networks has resulted in a number of new concepts and changes to the underlying technology. First, it resulted in the definition of three network classes (A, B, and C) to accommodate the range of networks. Class A represented large national scale networks (small number of networks with large numbers of hosts); Class B represented regional scale networks; and Class C represented local area networks (large number of networks with relatively few hosts).

A major shift occurred as a result of the increase in scale of the Internet and its associated management issues. To make it easy for people to use the network, hosts were assigned names, so that it was not necessary to remember the numeric addresses. Originally, there were a fairly limited number of hosts, so it was feasible to maintain a single table of all the hosts and their associated names and addresses. The shift to having a large number of independently managed networks (e.g., LANs) meant that having a single table of hosts was no longer feasible, and the Domain Name System (DNS) was invented by Paul Mockapetris of USC/ISI. The DNS permitted a scalable distributed mechanism for resolving hierarchical host names (e.g.  www.acm.org ) into an Internet address.

The increase in the size of the Internet also challenged the capabilities of the routers. Originally, there was a single distributed algorithm for routing that was implemented uniformly by all the routers in the Internet. As the number of networks in the Internet exploded, this initial design could not expand as necessary, so it was replaced by a hierarchical model of routing, with an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) used inside each region of the Internet, and an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) used to tie the regions together. This design permitted different regions to use a different IGP, so that different requirements for cost, rapid reconfiguration, robustness and scale could be accommodated. Not only the routing algorithm, but the size of the addressing tables, stressed the capacity of the routers. New approaches for address aggregation, in particular classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), have recently been introduced to control the size of router tables.

As the Internet evolved, one of the major challenges was how to propagate the changes to the software, particularly the host software. DARPA supported UC Berkeley to investigate modifications to the Unix operating system, including incorporating TCP/IP developed at BBN. Although Berkeley later rewrote the BBN code to more efficiently fit into the Unix system and kernel, the incorporation of TCP/IP into the Unix BSD system releases proved to be a critical element in dispersion of the protocols to the research community. Much of the CS research community began to use Unix BSD for their day-to-day computing environment. Looking back, the strategy of incorporating Internet protocols into a supported operating system for the research community was one of the key elements in the successful widespread adoption of the Internet.

One of the more interesting challenges was the transition of the ARPANET host protocol from NCP to TCP/IP as of January 1, 1983. This was a “flag-day” style transition, requiring all hosts to convert simultaneously or be left having to communicate via rather ad-hoc mechanisms. This transition was carefully planned within the community over several years before it actually took place and went surprisingly smoothly (but resulted in a distribution of buttons saying “I survived the TCP/IP transition”).

TCP/IP was adopted as a defense standard three years earlier in 1980. This enabled defense to begin sharing in the DARPA Internet technology base and led directly to the eventual partitioning of the military and non- military communities. By 1983, ARPANET was being used by a significant number of defense R&D and operational organizations. The transition of ARPANET from NCP to TCP/IP permitted it to be split into a MILNET supporting operational requirements and an ARPANET supporting research needs.

Thus, by 1985, Internet was already well established as a technology supporting a broad community of researchers and developers, and was beginning to be used by other communities for daily computer communications. Electronic mail was being used broadly across several communities, often with different systems, but interconnection between different mail systems was demonstrating the utility of broad based electronic communications between people.

Transition to Widespread Infrastructure

At the same time that the Internet technology was being experimentally validated and widely used amongst a subset of computer science researchers, other networks and networking technologies were being pursued. The usefulness of computer networking – especially electronic mail – demonstrated by DARPA and Department of Defense contractors on the ARPANET was not lost on other communities and disciplines, so that by the mid-1970s computer networks had begun to spring up wherever funding could be found for the purpose. The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) established MFENet for its researchers in Magnetic Fusion Energy, whereupon DoE’s High Energy Physicists responded by building HEPNet. NASA Space Physicists followed with SPAN, and Rick Adrion, David Farber, and Larry Landweber established CSNET for the (academic and industrial) Computer Science community with an initial grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). AT&T’s free-wheeling dissemination of the UNIX computer operating system spawned USENET, based on UNIX’ built-in UUCP communication protocols, and in 1981 Ira Fuchs and Greydon Freeman devised BITNET, which linked academic mainframe computers in an “email as card images” paradigm.

With the exception of BITNET and USENET, these early networks (including ARPANET) were purpose-built – i.e., they were intended for, and largely restricted to, closed communities of scholars; there was hence little pressure for the individual networks to be compatible and, indeed, they largely were not. In addition, alternate technologies were being pursued in the commercial sector, including XNS from Xerox, DECNet, and IBM’s SNA. 8  It remained for the British JANET (1984) and U.S. NSFNET (1985) programs to explicitly announce their intent to serve the entire higher education community, regardless of discipline. Indeed, a condition for a U.S. university to receive NSF funding for an Internet connection was that “… the connection must be made available to ALL qualified users on campus.”

In 1985, Dennis Jennings came from Ireland to spend a year at NSF leading the NSFNET program. He worked with the community to help NSF make a critical decision – that TCP/IP would be mandatory for the NSFNET program. When Steve Wolff took over the NSFNET program in 1986, he recognized the need for a wide area networking infrastructure to support the general academic and research community, along with the need to develop a strategy for establishing such infrastructure on a basis ultimately independent of direct federal funding. Policies and strategies were adopted (see below) to achieve that end.

NSF also elected to support DARPA’s existing Internet organizational infrastructure, hierarchically arranged under the (then) Internet Activities Board (IAB). The public declaration of this choice was the joint authorship by the IAB’s Internet Engineering and Architecture Task Forces and by NSF’s Network Technical Advisory Group of RFC 985 (Requirements for Internet Gateways ), which formally ensured interoperability of DARPA’s and NSF’s pieces of the Internet.

In addition to the selection of TCP/IP for the NSFNET program, Federal agencies made and implemented several other policy decisions which shaped the Internet of today.

  • Federal agencies shared the cost of common infrastructure, such as trans-oceanic circuits. They also jointly supported “managed interconnection points” for interagency traffic; the Federal Internet Exchanges (FIX-E and FIX-W) built for this purpose served as models for the Network Access Points and “*IX” facilities that are prominent features of today’s Internet architecture.
  • To coordinate this sharing, the Federal Networking Council 9  was formed. The FNC also cooperated with other international organizations, such as RARE in Europe, through the Coordinating Committee on Intercontinental Research Networking, CCIRN, to coordinate Internet support of the research community worldwide.
  • This sharing and cooperation between agencies on Internet-related issues had a long history. An unprecedented 1981 agreement between Farber, acting for CSNET and the NSF, and DARPA’s Kahn, permitted CSNET traffic to share ARPANET infrastructure on a statistical and no-metered-settlements basis.
  • Subsequently, in a similar mode, the NSF encouraged its regional (initially academic) networks of the NSFNET to seek commercial, non-academic customers, expand their facilities to serve them, and exploit the resulting economies of scale to lower subscription costs for all.
  • On the NSFNET Backbone – the national-scale segment of the NSFNET – NSF enforced an “Acceptable Use Policy” (AUP) which prohibited Backbone usage for purposes “not in support of Research and Education.” The predictable (and intended) result of encouraging commercial network traffic at the local and regional level, while denying its access to national-scale transport, was to stimulate the emergence and/or growth of “private”, competitive, long-haul networks such as PSI, UUNET, ANS CO+RE, and (later) others. This process of privately-financed augmentation for commercial uses was thrashed out starting in 1988 in a series of NSF-initiated conferences at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government on “The Commercialization and Privatization of the Internet” – and on the “com-priv” list on the net itself.
  • In 1988, a National Research Council committee, chaired by Kleinrock and with Kahn and Clark as members, produced a report commissioned by NSF titled “Towards a National Research Network”. This report was influential on then Senator Al Gore, and ushered in high speed networks that laid the networking foundation for the future information superhighway.
  • In 1994, a National Research Council report, again chaired by Kleinrock (and with Kahn and Clark as members again), Entitled “Realizing The Information Future: The Internet and Beyond” was released. This report, commissioned by NSF, was the document in which a blueprint for the evolution of the information superhighway was articulated and which has had a lasting affect on the way to think about its evolution. It anticipated the critical issues of intellectual property rights, ethics, pricing, education, architecture and regulation for the Internet.
  • NSF’s privatization policy culminated in April, 1995, with the defunding of the NSFNET Backbone. The funds thereby recovered were (competitively) redistributed to regional networks to buy national-scale Internet connectivity from the now numerous, private, long-haul networks.

The backbone had made the transition from a network built from routers out of the research community (the “Fuzzball” routers from David Mills) to commercial equipment. In its 8 1/2 year lifetime, the Backbone had grown from six nodes with 56 kbps links to 21 nodes with multiple 45 Mbps links. It had seen the Internet grow to over 50,000 networks on all seven continents and outer space, with approximately 29,000 networks in the United States.

Such was the weight of the NSFNET program’s ecumenism and funding ($200 million from 1986 to 1995) – and the quality of the protocols themselves – that by 1990 when the ARPANET itself was finally decommissioned 10 , TCP/IP had supplanted or marginalized most other wide-area computer network protocols worldwide, and IP was well on its way to becoming THE bearer service for the Global Information Infrastructure.

The Role of Documentation

A key to the rapid growth of the Internet has been the free and open access to the basic documents, especially the specifications of the protocols.

The beginnings of the ARPANET and the Internet in the university research community promoted the academic tradition of open publication of ideas and results. However, the normal cycle of traditional academic publication was too formal and too slow for the dynamic exchange of ideas essential to creating networks.

In 1969 a key step was taken by S. Crocker (then at UCLA) in establishing the  Request for Comments  (or RFC) series of notes. These memos were intended to be an informal fast distribution way to share ideas with other network researchers. At first the RFCs were printed on paper and distributed via snail mail. As the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) came into use, the RFCs were prepared as online files and accessed via FTP. Now, of course, the RFCs are easily accessed via the World Wide Web at dozens of sites around the world. SRI, in its role as Network Information Center, maintained the online directories. Jon Postel acted as RFC Editor as well as managing the centralized administration of required protocol number assignments, roles that he continued to play until his death, October 16, 1998.

The effect of the RFCs was to create a positive feedback loop, with ideas or proposals presented in one RFC triggering another RFC with additional ideas, and so on. When some consensus (or a least a consistent set of ideas) had come together a specification document would be prepared. Such a specification would then be used as the base for implementations by the various research teams.

Over time, the RFCs have become more focused on protocol standards (the “official” specifications), though there are still informational RFCs that describe alternate approaches, or provide background information on protocols and engineering issues. The RFCs are now viewed as the “documents of record” in the Internet engineering and standards community.

The open access to the RFCs (for free, if you have any kind of a connection to the Internet) promotes the growth of the Internet because it allows the actual specifications to be used for examples in college classes and by entrepreneurs developing new systems.

Email has been a significant factor in all areas of the Internet, and that is certainly true in the development of protocol specifications, technical standards, and Internet engineering. The very early RFCs often presented a set of ideas developed by the researchers at one location to the rest of the community. After email came into use, the authorship pattern changed – RFCs were presented by joint authors with common view independent of their locations.

The use of specialized email mailing lists has been long used in the development of protocol specifications, and continues to be an important tool. The IETF now has in excess of 75 working groups, each working on a different aspect of Internet engineering. Each of these working groups has a mailing list to discuss one or more draft documents under development. When consensus is reached on a draft document it may be distributed as an RFC.

As the current rapid expansion of the Internet is fueled by the realization of its capability to promote information sharing, we should understand that the network’s first role in information sharing was sharing the information about its own design and operation through the RFC documents. This unique method for evolving new capabilities in the network will continue to be critical to future evolution of the Internet.

Formation of the Broad Community

The Internet is as much a collection of communities as a collection of technologies, and its success is largely attributable to both satisfying basic community needs as well as utilizing the community in an effective way to push the infrastructure forward. This community spirit has a long history beginning with the early ARPANET. The early ARPANET researchers worked as a close-knit community to accomplish the initial demonstrations of packet switching technology described earlier. Likewise, the Packet Satellite, Packet Radio and several other DARPA computer science research programs were multi-contractor collaborative activities that heavily used whatever available mechanisms there were to coordinate their efforts, starting with electronic mail and adding file sharing, remote access, and eventually World Wide Web capabilities. Each of these programs formed a working group, starting with the ARPANET Network Working Group. Because of the unique role that ARPANET played as an infrastructure supporting the various research programs, as the Internet started to evolve, the Network Working Group evolved into Internet Working Group.

In the late 1970s, recognizing that the growth of the Internet was accompanied by a growth in the size of the interested research community and therefore an increased need for coordination mechanisms, Vint Cerf, then manager of the Internet Program at DARPA, formed several coordination bodies – an International Cooperation Board (ICB), chaired by Peter Kirstein of UCL, to coordinate activities with some cooperating European countries centered on Packet Satellite research, an Internet Research Group which was an inclusive group providing an environment for general exchange of information, and an Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB), chaired by Clark. The ICCB was an invitational body to assist Cerf in managing the burgeoning Internet activity.

In 1983, when Barry Leiner took over management of the Internet research program at DARPA, he and Clark recognized that the continuing growth of the Internet community demanded a restructuring of the coordination mechanisms. The ICCB was disbanded and in its place a structure of Task Forces was formed, each focused on a particular area of the technology (e.g. routers, end-to-end protocols, etc.). The Internet Activities Board (IAB) was formed from the chairs of the Task Forces.

It of course was only a coincidence that the chairs of the Task Forces were the same people as the members of the old ICCB, and Dave Clark continued to act as chair. After some changing membership on the IAB, Phill Gross became chair of a revitalized Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), at the time merely one of the IAB Task Forces. As we saw above, by 1985 there was a tremendous growth in the more practical/engineering side of the Internet. This growth resulted in an explosion in the attendance at the IETF meetings, and Gross was compelled to create substructure to the IETF in the form of working groups.

This growth was complemented by a major expansion in the community. No longer was DARPA the only major player in the funding of the Internet. In addition to NSFNet and the various US and international government-funded activities, interest in the commercial sector was beginning to grow. Also in 1985, both Kahn and Leiner left DARPA and there was a significant decrease in Internet activity at DARPA. As a result, the IAB was left without a primary sponsor and increasingly assumed the mantle of leadership.

The growth continued, resulting in even further substructure within both the IAB and IETF. The IETF combined Working Groups into Areas, and designated Area Directors. An Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) was formed of the Area Directors. The IAB recognized the increasing importance of the IETF, and restructured the standards process to explicitly recognize the IESG as the major review body for standards. The IAB also restructured so that the rest of the Task Forces (other than the IETF) were combined into an Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) chaired by Postel, with the old task forces renamed as research groups.

The growth in the commercial sector brought with it increased concern regarding the standards process itself. Starting in the early 1980’s and continuing to this day, the Internet grew beyond its primarily research roots to include both a broad user community and increased commercial activity. Increased attention was paid to making the process open and fair. This coupled with a recognized need for community support of the Internet eventually led to the formation of the Internet Society in 1991, under the auspices of Kahn’s Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) and the leadership of Cerf, then with CNRI.

In 1992, yet another reorganization took place. In 1992, the Internet Activities Board was re-organized and re-named the Internet Architecture Board operating under the auspices of the Internet Society. A more “peer” relationship was defined between the new IAB and IESG, with the IETF and IESG taking a larger responsibility for the approval of standards. Ultimately, a cooperative and mutually supportive relationship was formed between the IAB, IETF, and Internet Society, with the Internet Society taking on as a goal the provision of service and other measures which would facilitate the work of the IETF.

The recent development and widespread deployment of the World Wide Web has brought with it a new community, as many of the people working on the WWW have not thought of themselves as primarily network researchers and developers. A new coordination organization was formed, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Initially led from MIT’s Laboratory for Computer Science by Tim Berners-Lee (the inventor of the WWW) and Al Vezza, W3C has taken on the responsibility for evolving the various protocols and standards associated with the Web.

Thus, through the over two decades of Internet activity, we have seen a steady evolution of organizational structures designed to support and facilitate an ever-increasing community working collaboratively on Internet issues.

Commercialization of the Technology

Commercialization of the Internet involved not only the development of competitive, private network services, but also the development of commercial products implementing the Internet technology. In the early 1980s, dozens of vendors were incorporating TCP/IP into their products because they saw buyers for that approach to networking. Unfortunately they lacked both real information about how the technology was supposed to work and how the customers planned on using this approach to networking. Many saw it as a nuisance add-on that had to be glued on to their own proprietary networking solutions: SNA, DECNet, Netware, NetBios. The DoD had mandated the use of TCP/IP in many of its purchases but gave little help to the vendors regarding how to build useful TCP/IP products.

In 1985, recognizing this lack of information availability and appropriate training, Dan Lynch in cooperation with the IAB arranged to hold a three day workshop for ALL vendors to come learn about how TCP/IP worked and what it still could not do well. The speakers came mostly from the DARPA research community who had both developed these protocols and used them in day-to-day work. About 250 vendor personnel came to listen to 50 inventors and experimenters. The results were surprises on both sides: the vendors were amazed to find that the inventors were so open about the way things worked (and what still did not work) and the inventors were pleased to listen to new problems they had not considered, but were being discovered by the vendors in the field. Thus a two-way discussion was formed that has lasted for over a decade.

After two years of conferences, tutorials, design meetings and workshops, a special event was organized that invited those vendors whose products ran TCP/IP well enough to come together in one room for three days to show off how well they all worked together and also ran over the Internet. In September of 1988 the first Interop trade show was born. 50 companies made the cut. 5,000 engineers from potential customer organizations came to see if it all did work as was promised. It did. Why? Because the vendors worked extremely hard to ensure that everyone’s products interoperated with all of the other products – even with those of their competitors. The Interop trade show has grown immensely since then and today it is held in 7 locations around the world each year to an audience of over 250,000 people who come to learn which products work with each other in a seamless manner, learn about the latest products, and discuss the latest technology.

In parallel with the commercialization efforts that were highlighted by the Interop activities, the vendors began to attend the IETF meetings that were held 3 or 4 times a year to discuss new ideas for extensions of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Starting with a few hundred attendees mostly from academia and paid for by the government, these meetings now often exceed a thousand attendees, mostly from the vendor community and paid for by the attendees themselves. This self-selected group evolves the TCP/IP suite in a mutually cooperative manner. The reason it is so useful is that it is composed of all stakeholders: researchers, end users and vendors.

Network management provides an example of the interplay between the research and commercial communities. In the beginning of the Internet, the emphasis was on defining and implementing protocols that achieved interoperation.

As the network grew larger, it became clear that the sometime ad hoc procedures used to manage the network would not scale. Manual configuration of tables was replaced by distributed automated algorithms, and better tools were devised to isolate faults. In 1987 it became clear that a protocol was needed that would permit the elements of the network, such as the routers, to be remotely managed in a uniform way. Several protocols for this purpose were proposed, including Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP (designed, as its name would suggest, for simplicity, and derived from an earlier proposal called SGMP) , HEMS (a more complex design from the research community) and CMIP (from the OSI community). A series of meeting led to the decisions that HEMS would be withdrawn as a candidate for standardization, in order to help resolve the contention, but that work on both SNMP and CMIP would go forward, with the idea that the SNMP could be a more near-term solution and CMIP a longer-term approach. The market could choose the one it found more suitable. SNMP is now used almost universally for network-based management.

In the last few years, we have seen a new phase of commercialization. Originally, commercial efforts mainly comprised vendors providing the basic networking products, and service providers offering the connectivity and basic Internet services. The Internet has now become almost a “commodity” service, and much of the latest attention has been on the use of this global information infrastructure for support of other commercial services. This has been tremendously accelerated by the widespread and rapid adoption of browsers and the World Wide Web technology, allowing users easy access to information linked throughout the globe. Products are available to facilitate the provisioning of that information and many of the latest developments in technology have been aimed at providing increasingly sophisticated information services on top of the basic Internet data communications.

History of the Future

On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term Internet. This definition was developed in consultation with members of the internet and intellectual property rights communities. RESOLUTION: The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following language reflects our definition of the term “Internet”. “Internet” refers to the global information system that — (i) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (ii) is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and (iii) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.

The Internet has changed much in the two decades since it came into existence. It was conceived in the era of time-sharing, but has survived into the era of personal computers, client-server and peer-to-peer computing, and the network computer. It was designed before LANs existed, but has accommodated that new network technology, as well as the more recent ATM and frame switched services. It was envisioned as supporting a range of functions from file sharing and remote login to resource sharing and collaboration, and has spawned electronic mail and more recently the World Wide Web. But most important, it started as the creation of a small band of dedicated researchers, and has grown to be a commercial success with billions of dollars of annual investment.

One should not conclude that the Internet has now finished changing. The Internet, although a network in name and geography, is a creature of the computer, not the traditional network of the telephone or television industry. It will, indeed it must, continue to change and evolve at the speed of the computer industry if it is to remain relevant. It is now changing to provide new services such as real time transport, in order to support, for example, audio and video streams.

The availability of pervasive networking (i.e., the Internet) along with powerful affordable computing and communications in portable form (i.e., laptop computers, two-way pagers, PDAs, cellular phones), is making possible a new paradigm of nomadic computing and communications. This evolution will bring us new applications – Internet telephone and, slightly further out, Internet television. It is evolving to permit more sophisticated forms of pricing and cost recovery, a perhaps painful requirement in this commercial world. It is changing to accommodate yet another generation of underlying network technologies with different characteristics and requirements, e.g. broadband residential access and satellites. New modes of access and new forms of service will spawn new applications, which in turn will drive further evolution of the net itself.

The most pressing question for the future of the Internet is not how the technology will change, but how the process of change and evolution itself will be managed. As this paper describes, the architecture of the Internet has always been driven by a core group of designers, but the form of that group has changed as the number of interested parties has grown. With the success of the Internet has come a proliferation of stakeholders – stakeholders now with an economic as well as an intellectual investment in the network.

We now see, in the debates over control of the domain name space and the form of the next generation IP addresses, a struggle to find the next social structure that will guide the Internet in the future. The form of that structure will be harder to find, given the large number of concerned stakeholders. At the same time, the industry struggles to find the economic rationale for the large investment needed for the future growth, for example to upgrade residential access to a more suitable technology. If the Internet stumbles, it will not be because we lack for technology, vision, or motivation. It will be because we cannot set a direction and march collectively into the future.

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1 Perhaps this is an exaggeration based on the lead author’s residence in Silicon Valley. 2 On a recent trip to a Tokyo bookstore, one of the authors counted 14 English language magazines devoted to the Internet. 3 An abbreviated version of this article appears in the 50th anniversary issue of the CACM, Feb. 97. The authors would like to express their appreciation to Andy Rosenbloom, CACM Senior Editor, for both instigating the writing of this article and his invaluable assistance in editing both this and the abbreviated version. 4 The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) changed its name to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1971, then back to ARPA in 1993, and back to DARPA in 1996. We refer throughout to DARPA, the current name. 5 It was from the RAND study that the false rumor started claiming that the ARPANET was somehow related to building a network resistant to nuclear war. This was never true of the ARPANET, only the unrelated RAND study on secure voice considered nuclear war. However, the later work on Internetting did emphasize robustness and survivability, including the capability to withstand losses of large portions of the underlying networks. 6 Including amongst others Vint Cerf, Steve Crocker, and Jon Postel. Joining them later were David Crocker who was to play an important role in documentation of electronic mail protocols, and Robert Braden, who developed the first NCP and then TCP for IBM mainframes and also was to play a long term role in the ICCB and IAB. 7 This was subsequently published as V. G. Cerf and R. E. Kahn, “A protocol for packet network intercommunication”, IEEE Trans. Comm. Tech., vol. COM-22, V 5, pp. 627-641, May 1974. 8 The desirability of email interchange, however, led to one of the first “Internet books”: !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and Networks, by Frey and Adams, on email address translation and forwarding. 9 Originally named Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee, FRICC. The FRICC was originally formed to coordinate U.S. research network activities in support of the international coordination provided by the CCIRN. 10 The decommissioning of the ARPANET was commemorated on its 20th anniversary by a UCLA symposium in 1989.

P. Baran, “On Distributed Communications Networks”, IEEE Trans. Comm. Systems, March 1964. V. G. Cerf and R. E. Kahn, “A protocol for packet network interconnection”, IEEE Trans. Comm. Tech., vol. COM-22, V 5, pp. 627-641, May 1974. S. Crocker, RFC001 Host software, Apr-07-1969. R. Kahn, Communications Principles for Operating Systems. Internal BBN memorandum, Jan. 1972. Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Packet Communication Networks, Volume 66, No. 11, November 1978. (Guest editor: Robert Kahn, associate guest editors: Keith Uncapher and Harry van Trees) L. Kleinrock, “Information Flow in Large Communication Nets”, RLE Quarterly Progress Report, July 1961. L. Kleinrock, Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Delay, Mcgraw-Hill (New York), 1964. L. Kleinrock, Queueing Systems: Vol II, Computer Applications, John Wiley and Sons (New York), 1976 J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark, “On-Line Man Computer Communication”, August 1962. L. Roberts & T. Merrill, “Toward a Cooperative Network of Time-Shared Computers”, Fall AFIPS Conf., Oct. 1966. L. Roberts, “Multiple Computer Networks and Intercomputer Communication”, ACM Gatlinburg Conf., October 1967.

Barry M. Leiner was Director of the  Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science . He passed away in April 2003. Vinton G. Cerf  is Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at  Google . David D. Clark  is Senior Research Scientist at the  MIT Laboratory for Computer Science . Robert E. Kahn  is President of the  Corporation for National Research Initiatives . Leonard Kleinrock  is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a Founder of Linkabit Corp., TTI/Vanguard,  Nomadix Inc., and Platformation Inc. Daniel C. Lynch  is a founder of the  Interop networking trade show and conferences . Jon Postel  served as Director of the Computer Networks Division of the  Information Sciences Institute  of the University of Southern California until his untimely death October 16, 1998. Dr. Lawrence G. Roberts was CEO, President, and Chairman of Anagran, Inc . He passed away in December 2019. Stephen Wolff  is Principal Scientist of  Internet2 .

The Invention of Internet Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Introduction and Thesis Statement

Events that led to the advancement of the internet, effects of advancement of the internet, evolution if the advancement the internet.

Internet is a communication tool that has enabled the entire world to become like a village. This is because with internet people from all corners of the world can reach each other in less than a minute. Internet was invented, and it required people to have computers to get its access.

With internet, people who work or study abroad can talk to their family members almost anytime. This is due to low cost of making telephone calls through the internet (Abbate, 2000). In fact, internet has saved a lot of resources for both individuals and governments.

This is due to the ease of sending and receiving information from their accomplices or business partners from all over the world. For instance, governments used to spend a lot of money in air tickets as their officials went around the world looking for potential business or development partners. Invention of the internet has made work easy because ministry officials can make deals over internet enabled calls. In addition, today one is able to make video calls with the aid of various internet applications.

This means that the internet is an essential communication tool that has transformed the whole world in terms of accessibility (Aspray, 2008). Development in the internet is continuously advancing as several mobile gadgets have been developed to enable more people to access internet. This ranges from the use of laptops which are portable computers to hand devices such as mobile phones.

Several events led to the advancement of the internet in the world today. All these events revolve around the fact that everyone wanted easy and cheap modes of communication. As the world developed and people started migrating from their homes to other countries and continents in the world, they needed to communicate with people back at home.

Therefore, this led to the advancement in the internet to enable them to communicate effectively with people back at their homes. In addition, the development of the digital world played a crucial role in development and advancement, in internet.

This means that due to the creation of digital images and other effects that could be translated electronically; it was vital to advance internet. This was vital because people required sending and receiving photos and other data through the internet. Many countries in the world came up with strategies of ensuring that computer applications studies are compulsory in their public and private institutions (Hewson, 2002).

The level of computer literacy in the world played a leading role in the advancement of internet as teachers and students wanted to get the information online. In fact, it is easier to get information from internet compared to going through books in the library. This is due to the simple nature of data searching through the search engines in the internet. Internet was advanced to enable professionals to consult on their work from wherever they are in the world without necessarily travelling to hold physical meetings.

Internet has enabled the world to become small in the sense that regardless the distance between people, they can close business transactions effectively. This is because business partners may meet and transact their business in the virtual world through the internet.

For instance, social networks, which are supported by the internet, have created a global scenario where people can mingle and make friends. In fact, strangers are meeting through internet, and if they have common activities they may extend them to their benefits. In addition, people abroad have been able to communicate with their family members and friends without incurring a lot of costs.

Internet has enabled people to shop from anywhere in the world by visiting desired websites. This has happened especially in the motor vehicle business where a consumer accesses motor dealers through the search machines. The customer is able to see various motor vehicles available in the dealers’ yards.

All information regarding vehicles is made available on the internet and upon making the desired choice, negotiations start (Misa, 2011). This maybe in the form of electronic mails, internet enabled phone calls or live chats. When they agree on terms of purchase and shipping the vehicle to customer’s location, payment is done through internet payment systems.

Then the vehicle is shipped to the customer who throughout the process keeps in touch with the dealers through internet. Internet has enhanced learning in universities and other learning institutions by providing easy means of accessing information. In fact, there is a variety of information available in the internet hence allowing students to have access to a lot of knowledge.

Everything that has advantages may be accompanied by several disadvantages. Internet has many advantages, but it also has a dark side of its advancement. There has been cases of internet crimes where people have lost their property and lives to internet friends. This happens where one discloses their information to strangers who purport to be looking for business accomplices (Weber, 2004).

After they get all the necessary information, they get access to bank accounts draining all the money to their accounts. Many people in the world have committed suicide after losing their long saved fortunes to internet conmen. Internet has negatively impacted social lives where young people have been exposed to pornographic materials. These materials have corrupted minds of youths hence causing them to engage in irresponsible sexual behaviors.

As a result, it has led to spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AID among young people. Internet has contributed to increased rate of piracy hence affecting artists (Morozov, 2011). This happens because upon the release of their music and other electronic works of art people send them to the internet making it easy for others to download. This affects their profitability as majority of people who get access to the works of art pay almost nothing.

In addition, people have lost their lives by meeting bandits from the internet. This is where people start up relationships on the internet and upon meeting they may disagree on some things. This might lead to physical confrontation or even to loss of lives in some cases. Therefore, internet users should be careful whenever planning to meet or transact any business with strangers.

Internet has transformed lives of many people in the world today as they can access any information with only a click of a mouse. This means that information sources have been made readily available in the world today. Transacting business with people abroad has become easy with the development of electronic payment systems which are aided by the internet.

People can send pictures and other information through the internet to their loved ones and friends. On the other hand, internet should be used wisely to reduce the rates of social crimes. People have lost their lives and property though internet deals, therefore, caution must be taken to prevent such actions.

Abbate, J. (2000). Inventing the Internet . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Aspray, W. C. (2008). Internet and American Business . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hewson, C. Y. (2002). Internet Research Methods: A Practical Guide for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. London, GBR: SAGE Publicatins Inc. (US).

Misa, T. J. (2011). Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present . London: JHU Press.

Morozov, E. (2011). The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom. PublicAffairs. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Weber, R. (2004). Computers Then and Now . Michigan: Compass Point Books.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). The Invention of Internet. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-invention-of-internet/

"The Invention of Internet." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/the-invention-of-internet/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'The Invention of Internet'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "The Invention of Internet." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-invention-of-internet/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Invention of Internet." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-invention-of-internet/.


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Internet Essay | Essay on Internet Internet Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Internet Essay in English: The essay on Internet is a useful tool to educate students about the benefits and dangers of the Internet. The Internet is also a tool that we cannot avoid in this day and age. Nearly every aspect of our lives, from social interaction to learning and education, is performed through the Internet.

Hence, the best way for students to learn about the Internet is by writing an essay on the Internet. Doing so will ensure that the technology will not be taken for granted. The perfect analogy for the Internet is the ocean; it is vast, expansive, and very easy to get lost in. However, with the right knowledge, this will not be an issue. Read on to find more about Write an essay about English, essay writing on internet.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Short Essay on Internet – Important Points to Note

Following are a few things to keep in mind before writing an essay on the Internet:

  • Perform a thorough research on the topic before starting.
  • Always write an introductory paragraph
  • Reduce the usage of jargons
  • Present the content in points wherever necessary
  • Break up large sections of monotonous texts into digestible chunks
  • Use dates, figures, names, and other specifics
  • Always provide a concluding paragraph
  • Read through the essay once to eliminate grammar and spelling mistakes.

“The Internet is becoming the town square for the Global village of tomorrow – Internet Essay”

Essay on Internet

Essay on Internet in English for Class 10 – Sample 1 (250 Words)

Life in today’s day and age is entirely dependent on the Internet. Without this crucial tool, life would probably come to a standstill. In many countries, financial transactions are done entirely online. So if the Internet were to stop working, it could cause many hassles for the users.

People all over the world are connected through the Internet. News or any information for that matter travels through the Internet. This is how we keep ourselves updated with information. However, there are some downsides to this as well. Due to the Internet’s worldwide reach, crucial data, such as credit card numbers can be stolen. News or other information can be manipulated or distorted.

Essay About Internet – Problems of Internet

On an individual level, the Internet can cause a lot of problems – one of the most significant being procrastination. Procrastination is the habit of postponing a task indefinitely. Social media platforms, such as Facebook and other similar sites, are to be blamed as it is easy to get sucked into them. Countless hours could disappear if the user does not keep track of time.

However, the Internet is not all bad. There are many other things that you can learn. For instance, a technical subject such as physics can be better understood through the help of videos. Abstract subjects such as mathematics are understood better through the help of websites and forums dedicated to explaining the concepts better.

In conclusion, the Internet is like a double-edged sword. It can be a great boon if used in the right way. It provides valuable knowledge and resources to better yourself. However, it can also be easy to distract yourself and waste countless hours of your time.

Sample 2 – Essay on Internet 500+ Words

The United States is responsible for inventing the Internet in the 1960s; however, it was initially known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a project funded by the United States Department of Defence. It was quite primitive and transferred data through “packet switching,” which would later go on to become a fundamental aspect of the Internet.

It took a few more decades before the Internet became widely accessible. By the 1970s and 80, the technology grew to a more recognizable form. And by the late 1990s, most households were connected to the Internet. Though it was very primitive, it set the stage for future events that would change the world.

The first-ever website went live on the 6th of August, 1991. It was dedicated to the World Wide Web project and provided relevant details about the same. The original address still exists – http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html . However, there are no instances of the original page instead, the link leads to the version taken in 1992. Ever since then, countless websites came into existence on the world wide web. Today, as of January 2019, there are over 1.94 billion websites. This number is only expected to grow in the coming years.

Essay on Internet and Its Uses

The Internet is one of the best tools for productivity today. A student can learn any subject from vast online resources. Technical subjects can be explained better through videos or online guides. Abstract subjects like mathematics can be better understood through online practice pages and forums. Writers can find inspiration online. Musicians have access to countless tools to create their next masterpiece. In short, the Internet is a fantastic place to help and guide individuals to do amazing things. Disadvantages of Internet Essay  is primarily written for students and children to know about the internet misuses.

However, we need to know that the Internet is like a double-edged sword. It has the potential to be beneficial to us, but at the same time, it can negatively affect us if we are not careful. Social media sites are invaluable, but they can cause many negative repercussions, such as procrastination and internet addiction. Moreover, the Internet can host many distractions and illegal activities; hence, one should be careful not to get entangled in it.

Another essential concept readers should know about the Internet is the dark web. To understand the dark web better, consider this analogy: An iceberg floats on water, but only 10-15 percent of the entire structure is visible above the waterline. The dark web is the part of the iceberg present below the waterline. So why does this part of the Internet exist?

Conclusion on Internet Essay in English

Important information, such as credit card numbers, online banking details exist on the dark web, and it is heavily encrypted. Similarly, every private and unlisted YouTube video exists on the dark web. Moreover, an individual cannot reach the dark web through a regular browser. Select software or specific configurations that are required to access the dark web. In short, the dark web helps individuals to stay anonymous over the Internet. Essay on Internet in Hindi, English, Punjabi language for kids will update soon.

In conclusion, the Internet can be thought of as a massive ocean; if used in the right way, it can be very productive and helpful.

FAQ’s on Essay on Internet

Question 1. What is the Internet?

Answer: The Internet is a global network of computers that provide information and facilitate communication over a series of interconnected networks.

Question 2. What is the importance of the Internet?

Answer: The Internet is a part of our daily life. It provides information, resources and a platform for interaction.

Question 3. How was the Internet created?

Answer: The Internet was the result of a project funded by the U.S Department of Defence. It was initially called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

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  • Internet Essay


Essay on Internet


The Internet is a system of interconnection of computer networks that link several billion devices worldwide. It is a global network of networks that consists of millions of non-public, public, academic, business and government packet-switched networks, joined by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an intensive variety of information resources and services, like applications of the world wide web (www), the infrastructure to support email, peer-to-peer networks for file sharing and telephony. It has become an important part of our life and we cannot live without it. The Internet can be called the discovery of man that has revolutionized his style of working and living.

The Internet was started as the creation of a small band of dedicated researchers and has grown to be a commercial success with billions of dollars of annual investments. It has completely reduced distance, minimized all limitations and made our world relatively a smaller place. The Internet has brought information to our doorstep at the click of a button. The Internet revolutionized the computer and world of communication like never before.

Advantages of Internet

The Internet is replete with countless advantages. It has made possible man’s access to countless websites, information programs, scientific discoveries, global political, social, economic and cultural developments and happenings, libraries, entertainment and much more. 

The Internet boom in India has become one of the major contributors to the economic growth of the country. It has revolutionized the metros, the towns and the villages. The Internet has contributed massively to the employment sector across the country. The need for professionals has increased who would feed the information into the web. Content writing and management, web page designing, Internet advertisements have become booming sectors within the IT industry.

In the education field, learners can coordinate projects with classrooms all over the globe. Students across the globe do research works online and all information related to research is accessible on the web at the touch of a button. Not only for the students, but the Internet has also become an incredible tool for job seekers. 

The Internet is being used for finding people, places or information on any subject. One can use the directory services to search phone books of any country together with zip codes. People are connecting with friends and families by exchanging emails to facilitate letter-writing, keeping down the cost of phone calls.

In the field of travel, cities, towns, states and countries are using the web to post detailed tourist and event information. Travelers can easily find information on weather, maps, timings for events and transportation schedules and buy tickets to various tourists’ spots.

Today the Internet is used for shopping, paying utility bills, credit card bills, admission fees, E-commerce, online banking facility. In the world of marketing and sales, companies are marketing and selling their products and creating brands over the net. 

Patients and doctors keep up-to-date with the latest medical findings, share treatment information and give one another support in medical problems. 

Furthermore, people are also finding partners through matchmaking sites. 

Today, people are doing financial research; trading like buying and selling stock and investing money. 

However, the Internet has some setbacks too, which is a threat to the entire mankind. People, especially youngsters are getting addicted to the Internet and thus causing problems to their health. It is making this generation lazy. Internet hackers are on the rise, creating nuisance in the world of business and communication. There are a lot of thefts, frauds and unscrupulous businesses cropping up that are taking undue advantage of innocent people. Anti-social elements of society and cybercrime are also using the Internet against humanity. 

Internet is a great tool that man has discovered but its wrong use and negative impact must be minimized.


FAQs on Internet Essay

1. What is the Internet?

The Internet is a computerized network of information. It is a system of interconnection of computer networks that link several billions of devices. The global system of interconnected computer networks, popularly known as, the internet brings the internet protocol suite, that is, TCP/IP into use to communicate between networks and devices. This network consists of private, academic, public, government and business networks that range from local scope to global scope linked by technologies including wireless, electronic and optical networking. There is a broad range of information resources and services on the internet. These resources include the world wide web (www), telephony, electronic mails, file sharing, and interlinked hypertext documents.

2. What are the Advantages of the Internet?

The Internet has brought information to our doorstep. It has made possible man’s access to countless websites, information programs, scientific discoveries, global political, social, economic and cultural developments and happenings, libraries, entertainment and much more. The spread of the internet across the globe has increased connectivity, communication, and sharing between people. With the accessibility of all kinds of languages, the internet has now become a hub of information, knowledge, and learning for people of all ages and all backgrounds. Internets also now act as an address book as they provide the contact information of people through social networking websites. The Internet has now also become a platform for selling all kinds of items and making money through it without much investment. Therefore, the internet facilitates business opportunities for many people. The Internet is now also used for entertainment purposes, banking, payment of bills, shopping, donations and funds, cloud computing, and cloud storage. In recent times, we have also seen how the internet has made work from home, collaboration, and access to the global workforce an easy possibility.

3. What are the Disadvantages of the Internet?

Some of the disadvantages of the Internet: people especially, the youngsters are getting highly addicted to the Internet. There are a lot of thefts, fraudulent activities and unscrupulous business happening, which have become a threat to humankind. The main disadvantages of the widespread use of the internet are:

The Internet is an addiction that causes distraction, affects focus and patience, and wastes the time of students when not used for the right purposes.

Bullying, trolling and stalking have now become a common task for people due to the Internet.

The Internet has also increased the crime rates in the country.

There are a lot of spam emails and advertisements that flourish throughout the internet.

Internet is also now made a tool for pornography and violent images.

With the internet, now everyone is connected to their work every time. There is no holiday or family time left now.

Internets have also made identity thefts, hacking, and cheating possible.

It is also a proven fact that since people spend the majority of their time sitting over the internet, it has greatly increased health issues and obesity in people.

People most often end up buying things that they don't need because of exchange policy and net banking.

The Internet is surely not a safe place for children to spend their time.

4. How has the Internet Become a Boon to India?

The Internet in India has made revolutionary changes in the metros, small towns and villages. It has created a plethora of job opportunities. The rise in the use of the Internet has led to the growth of cyber cities, cyber cafes and Internet parlors across the country. The main advantages of the widespread use of the internet are:

The Internet has made connectivity, communication, and sharing of documents and related data very easy.

The Internet is a library of information, knowledge, and learning for people of all ages and from all fields.

The Internet has facilitated online shopping, thereby giving business opportunities to many entrepreneurs.

Apart from business, there are various jobs available over the internet.

With the advent of net banking and mobile banking, the internet has made banking-related jobs easy.

The Internet has now become one of the biggest sources of entertainment with thousands of web series, movies, and shows.

The widespread use of the internet has made work from home job opportunities possible and easy.

It has also grown possibilities of collaboration and access to a global workforce for businesses.

Cloud computing and cloud storage facilities have increased access to data across multiple devices. 

5. How has the Internet made our life easier and convenient?

The widespread usage of the internet in all corners of the world has made our lives more convenient as compared to the times when there was no internet. Earlier, people used to stand in long queues for any of their work whether it was to send letters to their loved ones, book movie tickets, train tickets, flight tickets, or for bank-related work like withdrawing money and depositing money. Now, all this work can be done over the internet without the need to stand in queues and wait. Emails and chat applications have completely stopped the trend of sending letters. Booking tickets for any purpose is now easily done from the comfort of home using a mobile phone or laptop. Also, net banking and phone banking services have minimized the need for a person to go to the bank for any purpose. Surely, the internet has made lives much easier than they otherwise were.

Essay on Uses of Internet for Students and Children

500 words essay on uses of internet.

The Internet has become a sensation nowadays. It is something that humans cannot function without anymore. It has occupied a great part of our lives. We use the internet for almost every little and a big task now. It ranges from searching for a job to listening to music.

Essay on Uses of Internet

The Internet has basically made our lives easier and convenient. The world is at our fingertips now, thanks to the internet. When we see how it has changed the scenario of the modern world, we can’t help but notice its importance. It is used in all spheres of life now.

Internet and Communication

The world has become smaller because of the internet. Now we can communicate with our loved ones oceans away. The days of letter writing are gone where we had to wait for weeks to get a reply. Everything is instant now. Even though telephones allowed us to do that, but the cost was too high. The common man could not afford to call people overseas because of the costs.

However, the internet changed that. Communicating with people both near and far is now easy and affordable. We can send them emails and chat with them through instant messaging apps. We may also video call them using the internet which allows us to see them clearly even though we are miles away.

Furthermore, we can now get instant news updates from all over the world. The moment anything takes place anywhere in the world, we get to know about it. In addition, we are informed about the natural calamities within the correct time. Moreover, we can easily contact our job recruiters using the internet. Job application has been made so much easier through the internet.

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Internet and Entertainment

Entertainment and the Internet go hand in hand now. Everything is at your fingertips to enjoy. You can book movie tickets easily on the internet. Gone are the days of waiting in long queues to get the ticket for the latest movie. It can all be done through the comfort of your home. Similarly, you can also book match tickets and concert tickets without going through the hassle of standing in long lines.

In addition, we can now do all our shopping online. You won’t have to go out in the harsh weather to shop for stuff. The Internet allows you to browse through a large assortment of products with all the details given. It ranges from something as small as a mug to a laptop, you can have it all. Furthermore, you may also filter the categories to find exactly what you are looking for within seconds.

Nowadays, web series are quite a hit amongst the youth. They do not watch TV anymore; rather they enjoy the web series. Various platforms have created shows which they release on the internet that has a major fan following. You can get your daily dose of entertainment from the internet now. Whether you want to hear the latest music, you don’t have to spend a hefty amount to buy the CD. You can simply listen to it on the internet.

Thus, we see how the internet has changed and made our lives easy in various ways. We can connect with our loved ones easily and get access to unlimited entertainment instantly.

FAQs on Uses of Internet

Q.1 How does the internet help in communicating?

A.1 We can now communicate with our loved ones using the internet. We can video call them and connect with our relatives living overseas.

Q.2 What does internet offer in terms of entertainment?

A.2 Internet offers us various modes of entertainment. We can watch movies and shows online. We can also book tickets and shop for products online.

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Essays on Internet

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Social Media

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  • The role of social media in shaping political discourse and public opinion
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being
  • The rise of influencer culture and its impact on social media trends

Online Culture

  • The evolution of online gaming communities and their impact on gaming culture
  • The phenomenon of viral internet memes and their cultural significance
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Digital Innovation

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  • The role of digital marketing in shaping brand identity and consumer engagement
  • The future of cybersecurity in the age of digital transformation
  • The ethical considerations of data privacy and surveillance in the digital age

Online Communication

  • The evolution of online communication: from email to social media
  • The influence of online communication on language and writing skills
  • The psychology of online interactions and the concept of "digital identity"
  • The impact of online dating and relationships in the digital age
  • The role of online communication in fostering global connections and understanding

Internet and Education

  • The benefits and challenges of online learning
  • The impact of technology on traditional education methods
  • The role of the internet in providing access to educational resources for all
  • The influence of online research on academic writing and plagiarism
  • The future of education in a digitally connected world

Online Business and E-commerce

  • The growth of online shopping and its impact on traditional retail
  • The role of social media in digital marketing and brand promotion
  • The challenges of cybersecurity for online businesses
  • The impact of online reviews and ratings on consumer behavior
  • The future of e-commerce and the influence of emerging technologies

Internet and Politics

  • The influence of social media on political discourse and activism
  • The role of online news and misinformation in shaping public opinion
  • The impact of online fundraising and campaigning on political elections
  • The implications of government surveillance and online privacy laws
  • The future of democracy and governance in the digital age

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Writing about the Internet

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essay about internet

It is literally impossible to imagine our lives without the Internet today. People work, sell and buy goods, communicate with friends and family, and look for entertainment online. The list of advantages and disadvantages of the Internet is quite long, but the fact that it became an inevitable part of life is doubtless. That is why so many teachers and professors around the world assign their students to write an essay on the Internet.

The range of topics on Internet varies greatly, and you can use your creativity and critical thinking to come up with an original and interesting one. If you are ready to start working on your essay but got lost in various ideas, do not worry! In this article, we will suggest the best topics for your essay about the Internet and share some useful writing tips.

Internet essay topics

Here are some exciting ideas for your consideration:

  • Essay on the Internet and its uses
  • Purpose of the Internet essay
  • Stance about Internet essay
  • The power of Internet essay
  • The evaluation of Internet essay
  • Life before and after the Internet essay
  • Do we underestimate the value of the Internet essay
  • Online services on Internet essay
  • Purchases on Internet essay
  • Reasons for surfing the Internet essay
  • Unlimited access to the Internet essay
  • The bane of the Internet essay
  • Politics and the Internet essay
  • Sexuality and the Internet essay
  • Christianity and the Internet essay
  • Sleep deprivation and use of the Internet essay
  • Essay on uses of the Internet for terrorist activities
  • Essay on role of the Internet in children’s development
  • Essay on importance of the Internet in socialization
  • Essay on uses of Internet in our daily life
  • Essay on life without Internet
  • Advantages of Internet for students essay
  • Unlimited access to Internet: Good or bad essay
  • Merits and demerits of Internet essay
  • Essay on benefits of Internet
  • Essay on influence of Internet on children
  • Pros and cons of Internet essay
  • Uses and misuses of Internet essay
  • Invention of the Internet essay
  • Impact of Internet on society essay
  • Spending too much time on the Internet essay
  • Access to Internet and education essay
  • Importance of internet in education essay
  • Safety measures for surfing Internet essay
  • Privacy on the Internet essay
  • Dangers of the Internet essay
  • Life without internet essay books vs Internet essay
  • Can you make real friends on the Internet essay
  • Positive effects of Internet essay
  • Negative effects of Internet essay
  • Insomnia for using Internet essay
  • Addiction to Internet essay
  • Dependency on Internet essay: Do we rely on it too much?
  • Compare news from television and news from Internet essay
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advantages of internet for students essay

Internet essay outline

Outlining is one of the most important stages of essay writing on the Internet. No matter what size of your paper is, neither long nor short essay on the Internet cannot be written well if you do not have a plan to follow. Outline is exactly such a plan. It helps you understand what sections your paper will consist of and what each paragraph will cover. The more research you do – the more details you can include in your outline. However, you should remember that the basis would be:

  • Introduction about Internet essay.

It usually consists of 5-6 short sentences introducing the topic of the essay. The first and the last sentences of each intro part are hook and thesis statement for Internet essay.

  • A perfect hook for Internet essay is a phrase that can immediately interest your reader and engage him or her into reading the paper. In case with Internet essay, you may use some astonishing statistics about Internet use.
  • Before moving to the thesis, you need to add some background information to help the reader understand your topic better. Do not go deep into the history of the issue under consideration – just give a brief overview of it.
  • Your thesis statement has to present the issue you will consider and emphasize its relevance and importance. You can also list the points that you are going to discuss in regards of this issue.
  • Main paragraphs of Internet essay.

This is the biggest part of your paper, where you need to present a lot of factual information. Usually, there are 2-3 paragraphs describing the essence of the issue in a regular essay (but of course, there can be more or less depending on your word limit). Arguments are essential in this section. These are facts, scientific evidence, references to the opinion of scholars, etc., which help you to back up the points you have made in the thesis.

  • Conclusion of Internet essay.

In this part, you draw a general conclusion about the essay topic, summarizing the main points and restating the thesis statement. Here, you can repeat some of the ideas that you have mentioned earlier. However, do not copy them from the previous part of your essay – you will need to rewrite them completely. The closing part is your last opportunity to convince the reader that your reasoning is valid, so end with a strong statement.

merits and demerits of internet essay

Best tips on writing an essay about the Internet

  • Choose a narrow topic. When it comes to the Internet, there are millions of things you can talk about. As it is used in every sphere of our lives, it is hard to think of something that is not connected to it in any way. While a lot of aspects of the World Wide Web might be interesting to you, it is crucial that you focus on a narrow topic, as you likely have only a page or a few to write about it. The more specific the topic is, the better arguments you will be able to present.  
  • Stick to the outline. Once you have received the assignment, determine the type of essay that need to be written and the outline that would suit it. Use bullets to list the sections you are going to include and add brief descriptions to each one so that you can remember the points you were planning to include during the writing process.
  • Be concise. In general, an essay is a short piece of writing. However, some students may think that the more, the better and write huge papers. This is far from being true. If your work is interesting, to the point, and you have not overloaded the text with factual information, it will be much more interesting to read than a 10-page rambling on a topic.   
  • Back up your claims. Each idea you write should be based on certain facts. Back it up with arguments, strong examples, statistics, and other information from credible sources. You should prove in your paper that you know what you are writing about and there is enough research to support it.
  • Mind the formatting style. You will need to ask your professor about the formatting of the essay that you are assigned to write. Some of the most well-known formats that universities around the world ask students to stick to are MLA, APA, and Chicago. However, they are all very different and it’s best to know which one your professor prefers before you start writing.
  • Work on your reference list. When you are writing an A+ essay, you have to know that it’s not enough just to mention one or two references. A good reference list includes three and more sources that you need to cite in your paper to support your ideas. Besides, you also need to make sure that these sources are trustworthy enough (like books or scholarly articles) to be mentioned in your paper.

essay on benefits of internet

Amazing facts about the Internet

The Internet is indeed limitless and versatile. We have collected the most astonishing facts about it for your review:

  • More than 2.4 billion people worldwide use the Internet.
  • Google is the most popular website in the world.
  • If Facebook was a state, then it would be the  country with the 3rd largest population.
  • 75% of emails (281 billion) sent every day are spam.
  • 1 in 8 married couples has met on the Internet.
  • The first video uploaded to YouTube was with the founder of the platform, Javed Karim , who was looking at elephants at the zoo.
  • The Internet is guarded by seven real people. Each of them has a key that allows them to reboot the world network in case of a technological disaster or some other event.
  • The hackers break into about 30 thousand websites per day.
  • According to a study by Statistic Brain, dating websites generate more than a billion dollars of income a year. In the United States, almost 19% of all married couples met online.
  • According to a study by Pew Research, by 2025, the Internet will be considered as a basic human need, the same as electricity and water.
  • The first website in the world was http://info.cern.ch , which was created on August 6, 1991. It consisted of one web page with 153 words.
  • The number of devices connected to the Internet exceeds the number of people on the planet.
  • North Korea is the only country where only government officials and the military have access to the Internet.

All things considered, writing the best Internet essay is not that hard. The most important thing is to find a topic that is really interesting for you and stick to the writing tips presented in this article. All of this, along with a bit of inspiration, will help you to create a really interesting Internet essay. Good luck!

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Essay on Internet in 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-12

The Internet is a modern thing that improved human life. Here are some essays on the internet in 300, 400, 500, 600 words and in 10 lines for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on Internet in 300 Words


The Internet is a very important thing in this modern time. We can’t think of a single day without an internet connection. The entire world is connected with one network and that is the internet . 

It has various uses and billions of people use internet services worldwide. It has made human life very simple and easy. People can access many complex things easily with a few clicks. 

Advantages of the Internet: 

The biggest advantage of the internet is ‘information has been easy’. If you need to know anything you can search that online. There are many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. You can find your desired information from there. 

There are good articles, videos, and images on every single topic. So if you want to learn anything, the internet could be the best tool for you. It is the best way to contact anyone. Social media platforms are booming and billions of people are using them. 

All these have been possible for a good internet connection. One can interact with his friends and families on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. They can share their own views and opinions. 

Disadvantages of the Internet: 

There are many disadvantages to the internet too. It gets addicting for many people. Especially the youth get too much addicted to social media and online games. That could be harmful to their health and education. 

It has a direct impact on physical and mental health. We need to use the internet on a specific limit. Some people spread fake news and make violence on social media. These should be protected. 


After all, the internet is a very useful thing for us. We can run businesses with the help of the internet. And can learn many things with it. 

Essay on Internet in 400 Words

In this modern time, the internet is a very common thing for everyone. Every single smartphone user can access the internet from their mobile phone . It lets us explore a new world with much information and knowledge. 

There are various uses of the internet. It has many good sides and some bad sides too. To use the internet you need a device such as a computer or mobile phone that has internet compatibility. 

Uses of the Internet: 

The Internet has very vast use. Almost every sector and industry uses it as the most important tool. It has brought a huge change in those sectors. Let’s talk about education. Now the students can learn their lessons from home and the teachers can teach from home. 

Video conferences can hold a very important office meeting. And an engineer can submit his design online. Even a doctor can suggest his patients online. So it is easy to understand that the internet has a broad usage. 

At this time, a student can access US university classes sitting in India. He just needs to get himself admitted to the online course and get connected with a good internet connection. And it is possible to get a complete degree online. Education has been easy and cheap because of it. 

Communication is the most exciting thing about the internet. People can get connected with each other through many online platforms such as WhatsApp, Imo, or Facebook Messenger. It takes only a second to send a text or photo to anyone, anywhere in the world. 

Because of the internet, our life has been so easy and effortless. In the old-time people had to wait in a queue to send a letter only. And now you can write and send a text within a second. You can buy a bus ticket, train ticket, or book a restaurant table on the internet easily. 

All these have made our life very easy.  With so many good sides, there are a few bad sides too. Lots of people do cyberbully through social media sites and spread hate. These things are very bad and have a direct impact on our mental health. Sometimes people get too addicted to the internet and it is not good for their health .  

If we can use the internet the proper way then we can learn many things from it and can use it for our good.

Essay on Internet in 500 Words

Essay on Internet in 500 Words

We live in an age where the internet is the most important part of our life. The Internet was started a long time ago but at this time it has been the most crucial part of our life. 

It has brought many changes in human life. We can send or receive big and small messages from all across the world. There are many uses of the internet. 

Almost every field has the use of the internet at this time. Let’s start with communication. Because of the internet, communication has been so easy and cheap. Now people can stay connected with each other, can send messages, photos, videos and can see each other through video calls and all these are for free.

With a stable internet connection, there are many things on your hand that you can use to improve your life. Then there are websites related to every single topic. You can search for your desired information, video, or photo. 

Entertainment has been internet-based right now. Lots of streaming websites are providing movies, songs, and other videos. Anybody can access them. YouTube is the largest streaming website on the internet. You will find videos on every single topic. It’s a good place for learning something new. 

It is also a social media platform now like Facebook or Twitter. You can share your views and opinions on these platforms. These uses are improving human life and letting improve relations with each other. 

Misuses of the Internet: 

Along with many good sides, there are a few misuses of the internet too. First of all, there are many people who bully others on social media platforms. These are known as cyberbullying, it is an offensive crime. 

And it has been increasing too fast when the internet gets easy for all. Many people spread fake news and spread violence. And sometimes this becomes the reason for a big riot. That’s why we need to become careful on the internet before sharing something. 

Young people get too addicted to this and they keep using social media or video streaming sites. And that makes a bad impact on their study. Porn addiction is also a huge misuse of the internet. Porn has been so easy to watch and it is destroying the youth. It is a highly important task to control these misuses. 

Internet for Business: 

The Internet has improved the business field. Because of better communication people have been able to reach each other easily and trade easily. Import-export and international businesses have been so effortless. 

People also love to shop online. And they can get a better experience with that. That’s how the business industry has seen a massive change because of the internet. 


The Internet has good sides and bad sides both. We need to use it in a good way. We can be benefited from it and also can waste our time and energy on it. That totally depends on our intention. 

Essay on Internet in 600 Words

Essay on Internet in 600 Words

The Internet is one of the most exciting things in this modern time. It has brought many changes in human lives. There are countless services that are directly connected to the internet. Right now the entire world is depending on the internet a lot. 

It is not possible to spend a single day without the internet. It has been like a basic demand for every person. The entire world has become like a small village where anybody can get themselves connected with anybody else. Communication, education, business, medical, and many other industries have developed due to the internet. 

Internet for Communication: 

The Internet was invented to improve communication. It is nothing but a connection of millions of servers where people host their information, videos, articles, and images. When someone keeps something on a public server everyone can access that and there are private servers too where people store their important data. 

Sometimes people need to send a big amount of data from one place to another place. Now it is very easy to do it with the internet. There are countless communication platforms that work perfectly for connecting with peoples. 

For example, we can talk about WhatsApp. WhatsApp is an application that allows you to send text, photos, videos to your contact and it is for free. You just have to get connected with the internet. 

There are some social media platforms too where anybody can connect with anyone. Because of that strong communication system, it is possible to improve public relations and business. 

Internet for Education: 

The Internet is a hub for information. If you are a person who seeks information to learn new things then the internet is an exciting thing for you. There are many search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing where you can search for your desired information. 

A huge amount of students are relying on the internet for their lessons and class. The virtual classroom has been a very common thing. A teacher can teach thousands of students at the same time from his home and it is possible because of a good internet connection. 

There are many educational materials that are available on many free websites. A student needs to search and find the proper information for him. Depending on your country, you will find many educational apps where you will find all the lessons for school or college. That’s how the education field has been rich day by day due to the presence of the internet. 

Business is a huge thing or the entire world. The business has been so exciting that one can operate a business worldwide staying at home. That has been possible due to the internet. With time, the number of online consumers is booming. 

A huge number of people are relying on the internet for their products. It let the business owners focus on just a website and make some awesome sales. It is easy for business and for the customer too. One can get a product from home. 

Due to the great communication system, international business opportunities have been easy. Now anybody can import or export products oversea. And all these have been possible due to the internet. 

Now every business owner is focusing on taking their business online with a website and a Facebook Page. It is pretty easy to grow a business on social media, it takes time but it is profitable. 

There are exciting parts of the internet. There are a few disadvantages too. But after all, it is a great tool for humans. We need to use it in a good way and get the best output from it. 

10 Lines Essay on Internet

1. The Internet is a very useful tool in this modern time. 

2. It has made our life easy and effortless.

3. The Internet has brought a huge change in our life. 

4. Education has been so easy. 

5. Anybody can learn anything with the videos and articles. 

6. Information access has been so easy, anybody can access any information from anywhere. 

7. The Internet is very cheap.

8. There are many websites and services that are available on the internet. 

9. Too much internet using could be difficult for our health. 

10. We need to use the internet for educational purposes to learn something new. 

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  • Home Internet

Internet in the US Costs $63 a Month. Here’s How You Can Pay Less

CNET's analysis of more than 150 internet plans found that prices increased to $76 in the second year and $80 in the third.

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How much does internet really cost? Between hidden fees, price increases and confusing promotions, that's a harder question to answer than you'd think.

And despite efforts like the US Federal Communications Commission's recently mandated labels for home internet plans , the total you see on your internet bill never seems to be quite what you expected when you signed up.

To find out the real cost of internet in the US, I turned to CNET’s database of internet service providers, which is updated regularly by inputting addresses around the country for 27 of the largest providers.

Locating local internet providers

I found that the median price for internet in the United States is $63 per month for all speeds available, with auto-pay discounts applied. This price doesn’t include the cost to rent equipment, which on average adds another $15 to your monthly bill. That brings the grand total to around $78 per month for home internet -- almost exactly the same as the $75 that Consumer Reports found when it analyzed 18,359 internet bills in 2022. 

There's an enormous range of prices available. Astound , Mediacom , Xfinity and Ziply Fiber all offer plans starting at just $20 per month. Ziply also has the most expensive (and fastest) internet plan in the country by a mile: $900 a month for an absurdly over-the-top 50Gbps plan. 

For many people, $63 per month probably sounds like a pretty good deal. If you're paying significantly more than that, consider this a wake-up call. There are steps you can take to lower your costs, like negotiating your bill, purchasing your own equipment or downgrading to a cheaper plan. But the best option might be to switch providers altogether. There's been an unprecedented federal investment in internet infrastructure over the past few years, along with new technologies like 5G home internet . If you haven’t evaluated your options in a while, you might be surprised to find some new internet providers on the block. 

Internet cost by connection type

How much you pay for internet is heavily impacted by the connection type you're using. This analysis confirms what many rural internet customers have known for years: Rural providers are the most expensive, with the slowest connections around. 

DSL and satellite internet -- often the only options in rural areas -- were the slowest connections by far. DSL was particularly sluggish, with median download speeds of just 40Mbps, which doesn’t meet the FCC's minimum definition for broadband internet . 

Satellite internet was prohibitively more expensive than other connection types. Satellite providers had a median price of $110 per month for download speeds of 100Mbps. 

Prices for cable internet tend to start pretty low, but these providers are most likely to raise your prices after a year or two (or both). Fiber internet was also on the pricier side, but plans don't typically come with price increases. The median price for fiber internet was $75 per month in the first year and $83 in the third -- much less severe than cable’s $28 jump from the first year to the third.

Equipment fees

About half the internet plans I looked at included a monthly fee for equipment, but you always have the option to purchase your own modem and router instead of renting it each month from your ISP. The median equipment fee was $15 per month. Spectrum has the lowest equipment costs, at $7 per month, while Starlink has the highest, with a required up-front equipment purchase of anywhere from $599 to $2,500.

The following providers don’t charge extra for equipment:

  • Frontier Fiber
  • Google Fiber
  • Quantum Fiber
  • Starry Internet
  • T-Mobile Home Internet
  • Verizon Fios
  • Verizon 5G Home Internet

Some providers jack up prices after a year or two

Skyrocketing bills are one of the most frustrating parts of being an internet customer, and this analysis revealed just how much your bill will grow in the second (or third) year. 

Though the median price in the first year was $63 per month, it rose to $76 in the second year and to $80 in the third year. Some of the providers with the steepest price increases were Mediacom ($50 in the second year), Spectrum ($37 in the second or third year) and Cox ($28 in the third year). Here are the average price increases associated with each provider:

These are the extra charges internet providers tack on to your bill for vague purposes like "network maintenance" or "technology service." Thankfully, these are largely a thing of the past. Altice, the company behind Optimum and Suddenlink, was forced to pay $15 million in a class-action lawsuit in 2023 for these kinds of charges. I found only five providers that currently impose junk fees.

Average monthly increaseWhen it kicks in
$50One year
$37One or two years
$28Two years
$26One or two years
$25One year
$19One year
$19One year
Ziply Fiber $14One year
$10One year
$10One year

That noted, I wouldn't be shocked to hear about internet providers adding on fees after you enroll that weren't listed while you were shopping. Consumer Reports' analysis was in 2022, but it found 13 ISPs that had junk fees in their bills. 

How to lower your internet bill

If you're paying too much for internet, there are several steps you can take to reduce your monthly costs . Here's what you can do:

  • Buy your own modem and router: This is the low-hanging fruit of lowering your internet bill. If your provider is charging you for equipment, purchasing your own modem and router will almost always pay for itself within the first year. I learned this myself the hard way when I spent almost $1,000 renting equipment from Xfinity for six years. You can usually get both for a little over $100. CNET's pick for the best Wi-Fi router is currently available for $75, and you can get a decent modem for around $50. Just make sure it's compatible with your internet provider before you pull the trigger. As an added bonus, you might see a nice boost in internet speeds, too.
  • Negotiate with your current provider: Internet providers used to be willing to work with customers when prices got out of control, but that's changed somewhat in recent years. Still, sometimes getting a better price is as simple as calling your ISP and asking for one. Before you call, do some research on what prices they're offering new customers and what plans are available from competitors in the area. And if there's a store in your area, go visit in person. Many customers have had better luck talking face-to-face than trying to get an actual human on the phone.
  • Lower your plan: A lot of us are likely paying for more internet speed than we really need . The median internet plan offers 600Mbps download speeds -- enough to stream Netflix in 4K on 40 TVs at once. The speeds advertised by providers are for a wired connection, and Wi-Fi will slow it down considerably, but you get the point. If you're getting speeds over 500Mbps, I recommend evaluating whether you could get by with a slower plan.
  • Switch providers: If all else fails, the best way to get a better price on internet is to switch ISPs altogether to take advantage of first-year pricing. You can see exactly which providers are available to you by entering your address on the FCC's broadband map . From there, you’ll have to input your address on each provider’s website to find details on their plans and prices. 

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Why is so much of the internet’s infrastructure run by volunteers?

Malware smuggled into xz utils software highlights a bigger problem.

A group of volunteers holding up an oversized computer chip

A DECADE AGO someone realised that the locks keeping swathes of the internet secure were not working. Open SSL , a tool used to encrypt anything from social-media passwords to e-commerce purchases, had a fatal flaw that made the information it was supposed to protect visible to potential hackers. The discovery was unsurprising to anyone who knew about the team behind Open SSL . The software, used by almost 20% of websites—including tech companies making billions of dollars in annual profits—was largely run by two men named Steve, who worked on it in their spare time. Comments on the code contained admissions of potential weaknesses, such as “EEK! Experimental code starts.”

After the flaw, which came to be known as “ Heartbleed ”, was discovered, tech companies pledged millions of dollars to expand Open SSL ’s team. The hobbyists would become paid staff, better able to secure the web. But last month another hole in the internet’s infrastructure was discovered: a volunteer who for two years had helped run XZ Utils, a piece of software used to compress and decompress data on Linux, an operating system used in key parts of the internet’s infrastructure, had smuggled malware into the code , allowing hackers to send nefarious commands that would otherwise have been prevented. Once again a volunteer-run project had been breached—this time, deliberately. In 2021 Log4j, a tool that records computer errors, faced a similar vulnerability. Given the frequency with which these breaches occur, why is so much critical software maintained by hobbyists?

In part it is a quirk of history, says Mar Hicks, a historian of technology at the University of Virginia. The internet has been decentralised since its founding: businesses share control with academics and hobbyists. That has always involved an uneasy truce between state and corporate interests, who bankrolled the projects that got the internet started, and volunteer enthusiasts who maintain much of the technology, adds Ciaran Martin, former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre, the defensive arm of GCHQ , the country’s signals-intelligence agency. Tinkerers and hobbyists form a large part of the open-source movement, a community of internet-users who develop free-to-use software and make the underlying code publicly available. Such software is commonly deployed across large parts of internet infrastructure because of its low cost.

Although one person can maintain a small-scale software project, the pressure increases when the technology becomes widely adopted. Life—including paid work—can get in the way. And hobbyists can simply get bored. Or worse: Lasse Collin, the developer who led the maintenance of XZ Utils, warned two years before the recent breach that its upkeep was harming his mental health.

This results in a danger to all internet users. Synopsys, a cyber-security firm, analysed software across 17 industries, and found that three-quarters of the code it reviewed had weak spots that had either been shown to make it vulnerable, or had previously been exploited by hackers. That is worrying, but hard to rectify. The infrastructure that underpins our digital world is too deeply embedded to tear up and rebuild to be fit for purpose, says Mr Martin. There is no commercial incentive for any one company to do so, he reckons. Omkhar Arasaratnam, of the Open Source Security Foundation (Open SSF ), a successor to the project set up with big-tech funding after Heartbleed, says the tech industry wants to build ever more skyscrapers, but leaves the plumbing and sewerage to volunteers.

If the tech companies won’t build better infrastructure themselves, there is still a way to improve internet security: to pay organisations, like Open SSF , enough to employ others to do it. But for that to work, tech companies would need to band together—compelled by governments, if necessary—to provide consistent funding, rather than splurging when something goes wrong and forgetting about the problem when attention subsides. ■

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Guest Essay

What Happened to Stanford Spells Trouble for the Election

An illustration showing the repeated words “the steal” in red on a black background.

By Renée DiResta

Ms. DiResta is the former research director of the Stanford Internet Observatory, a unit of Stanford University that studies abuse of online platforms.

In 2020 the Stanford Internet Observatory, where I was until recently the research director, helped lead a project that studied election rumors and disinformation. As part of that work, we frequently encountered conspiratorial thinking from Americans who had been told the 2020 presidential election was going to be stolen.

The way theories of “the steal” went viral was eerily routine . First, an image or video, such as a photo of a suitcase near a polling place, was posted as evidence of wrongdoing. The poster would tweet the purported evidence, tagging partisan influencers or media accounts with large followings. Those accounts would promote the rumor, often claiming, “Big if true!” Others would join, and the algorithms would push it out to potentially millions more. Partisan media would follow.

If the rumor was found to be false — and it usually was — corrections were rarely made and even then, little noticed. The belief that “the steal” was real led directly to the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Within a couple of years, the same online rumor mill turned its attention to us — the very researchers who documented it. This spells trouble for the 2024 election.

For us, it started with claims that our work was a plot to censor the right. The first came from a blog related to the Foundation for Freedom Online, the project of a man who said he “ran cyber” at the State Department. This person, an alt-right YouTube personality who’d gone by the handle Frame Game, had been employed by the State Department for just a couple of months .

Using his brief affiliation as a marker of authority, he wrote blog posts styled as research reports contending that our project, the Election Integrity Partnership, had pushed social media networks to censor 22 million tweets. He had no firsthand evidence of any censorship, however: his number was based on a simple tally of viral election rumors that we’d counted and published in a report after the election was over. Right-wing media outlets and influencers nonetheless called it evidence of a plot to steal the election, and their followers followed suit.

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  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay

500+ words advantages and disadvantages of internet essay.

The internet plays a significant role in the lives of people today. It is a valuable source of information that helps people share information and communicate with anyone sitting in any corner of the country with an internet connection. But, with many advantages, there are also disadvantages to the internet. With the help of ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet’ essay, we will throw light on both these aspects. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays for students to boost their essay-writing skills. It contains sample essays on several topics, which will give ideas to students and help them write effective essays.

Advantages of the Internet

The role of the internet in the modern world cannot be understated. Nowadays, every person uses the internet to do their daily tasks. People in different fields like offices, schools, colleges, hospitals etc., use their electronic devices like laptops, computers, tablets, cell phones etc., to make their work simple and fast. The internet has also made access to information easier. We can learn about the whole universe with just a single click by using the internet. We can easily communicate and share information with other people around the world with the help of email, instant messaging, video calls etc.

The internet delivers a wide variety of advantages. It not only enables people to share information but also serves as a place to store information and media digitally. This feature has benefitted the fields of education and research the most. We have seen a boom in the e-commerce business as they have used the internet and provided a seamless experience of buying and selling products online. It has created a large market for online retailers and integrated different business fields. Due to this facility, people can now purchase almost everything they need and get it delivered right to their doorstep in a few days. Many services are now provided on the internet, such as online booking, banking, hotel reservations etc.

The internet has made everything a lot more accessible and quick. Most organisations around the world advertise their vacancies on the internet. So, people can search for different types of jobs around the world. The internet provides different types of entertainment to people; be it music, movies, theatre, entertainment, live matches, or live broadcasts. It also helps students to continue their learning through online education.

It is difficult to name all of the benefits and advantages of the internet. This is because the internet has become so entangled and integrated into our daily lives that it has an influence on everything we experience around us.

Disadvantages of the Internet

Although the internet has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. In the next section of the advantages and disadvantages of the internet essay, let us discuss the disadvantages and the possible risks associated with the modern-day applications of the internet.

While the internet provides us with all tools, products and services we need right at our doorstep, at the same time, it isolates us from the world outside. As we get more accustomed to ordering everything online, be it clothes, food, drinks, grocery, commodities, or even paying bills, getting out of the house has become less frequent. This has caused health issues and various mental health issues such as social anxiety, insomnia and even depression. Teenagers and kids are the most influenced by the internet as they are the generation which has seen the immense use of the internet. They are moulded to a life dependent on the internet. This hinders their learning capabilities and real-life problem-solving skills because they are accustomed to using their mobile for every task.

Today, the internet is the most popular source of viruses in electronic gadgets. As we perform various activities on the internet, we are exposing ourselves to various threats such as malicious software and viruses. Due to these viruses, confidential data may be accessed by unauthorised people or hackers. Some websites contain immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies. These websites damage the character of the new generation, especially kids and teenagers. A lot of time is wasted collecting information on the internet. Many people become addicted to spending time on the internet, like chatting with friends or playing games. A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on websites. Some information may be incorrect or not authentic. So, it becomes difficult to select the correct information.

From the information covered in this advantages and disadvantages essay, it can be said that the benefits of the internet outweigh the disadvantages and threats it brings. The responsibility to be safe falls on the users themselves. One needs to stay vigilant and perform regular security checks on their network and computing devices to ensure they are secure from any online attacks. Provided that all government regulations for safe internet browsing are followed and appropriate measures are taken.

Students must have found the ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet’ essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study materials for CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams.

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