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23 Creative Resume Examples for 2024

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In This Guide:

Gisele henne creative resume shows results not responsibilities, pierre rogers’ creative resume showcases intense passion, jimmy moore’s resume shows out of the box thinking, emily bain shows how a creative resume can stand out.

Scott McDowell's creative resume is playful and inventive

Linda Nakanishi shows by doing

Deda's resume shows who she is as a person

Matteo Reggi's creative resume showcases style

Stuart Mayhew's resume is a conversation starter

Anton Yermolov has a simple and creative 1-page resume

An extraordinary korean style resume, magnus henriksen is nothing but himself, harrison carter watkins shows off his design philosophy.

Chris Rowe's personality doesn't get lost in the details

Pau Morgan gets the important information across

Jimmy raheriarisoa’s resume is bursting with personality.

Monica Gomes' resume pays tribute to classics

Navdeep Raj's resume divides and conquers

Pam Bailey's resume tells a story

Seth Adler's resume is tailor made for the job he wants

Jonathan Fischer's resume is like nothing you've ever seen

Victor Rodriguez creative resume thinks inside the box

Nick begley thinks way outside the box, should you use a creative resume, how do i make my resume creative (without going overboard).

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Gone are the days when a resume was only about showing your work experience.

A great creative resume needs to stand out.

Whether it’s at a career fair or in an HR department, when recruiters have looked at 100s of resumes in a single day, they should remember yours.

But that’s easier said than done.

So we found 23 truly unique creative resume examples to show you just what’s possible.

While each has its strengths and weaknesses, they all have something to teach you about how to create a standout resume.

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • Browse through unique resume examples and the tactics they use to highlight important info;
  • When should you be creative on your resume (and when not);
  • Practical tips on how to make your resume more visually appealing.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

We designed most of Enhancv’s features with the applicant’s individuality in mind.

Sure, we could have made a sleuth of simpler, black-on-white resume designs, but for that you’ve already got MS Office.

Some features that make Enhancv a staple creative resume builder include My Time, the 1000s of font, colour and background combos and the ability to rename just about any section of the builder to your liking.

This gives you a starting point to unleash your creativity and do some wondrous things without going overboard:

  • Spruce up your headline or any other section;
  • Make use of a single page resume ;
  • Describe your passions and professional resume story just like we did with Marissa Mayer’s resume .

For the 23 designers below, sending a resume in a black-on-white A4 doc file is a sacrilege.

And, while being creative on your resume has its time and place (read more about that at the end of the article), you can use some of the design choices below to your advantage.

Let’s dive in!

creative resume examples by gisele henne

Gisele’s resume does a great job balancing eye-catching design with a strong focus on results. Right away you can’t miss the key metrics here: 20 corporate projects delivered, 40 books managed, 15 years of freelance experience. All that is valuable information you have to pass to the reader right away.

It’s best to focus on results and not responsibilities. This has been a resume writing best practice for years , but it can’t be emphasized enough. Still, what makes this resume stand out is the “creative process” section. It’s designed to get the reader to really understand Gisele’s way of thinking, something a traditional resume wouldn’t be able to convey.

Last but not least, the “Etc.” section is a very smart way to grab employers’ attention and showcase side activities that shaped Gisele as the person. Things like playing the piano and guitar since childhood may be left out of most resumes, but they show qualities like dedication and consistency.

Gisele didn’t play for a few years and then got bored, she stuck with it. Those are qualities employers look for.

creative resume examples

Pierre Rogers has incorporated his passion for computer games into his resume. His completed missions are his achievements, his special attributes are his experience and his weapons are his software as a character artist. It’s clear he didn’t get into his field because he couldn’t think of anything better to do.

Showing your passion for your work speaks volumes to employers, making you more memorable and hireable. That’s a lesson Pierre has learned well.

creative resume examples

Filmmakers and producers always need to be ready to think outside of the box. From having to reshoot a certain scene when an actor has a new hairstyle to creating a chase sequence on a shoestring budget. Jimmy‘s resume shows he has the mindset to tackle those tough problems by showcasing his creativity. True, it has far fewer career details, but those can always be available on request. What Jimmy has done here is make a strong first impression.

creative resume examples

With both of the resumes she uses, Emily starts off with her top professional strengths. Putting them right beneath her name ensures any read will get the main points right off the bat. One resume then focuses on telling her story and giving important context to the rest of the resume while the other gets straight into her work history.

Scott McDowell's creative resume is playful and inventive

creative resume examples

Scott’s resume gives you an immediate impression of who he is and how he thinks. What it sacrifices in details it makes up for in personality (plus by including a link to more information, the typical biographical details we expect to see on a resume are all readily available).

The inclusion of subtle background elements encourages readers to take some time to explore the resume, giving it more time to make an impression.

creative resume examples

You may have read that recruiters spend 6 seconds on a resume . Well, it’s unfortunately true. Often the choice whoever gets an interview call comes down to who made a quick impression. Linda starts off with two sentences explaining who she is and what she does before breaking down her work and life skills.

The result is a resume that explains the essentials in advance before inviting you to explore more. You can check Linda’s website here .

Deda's resume shows who she is as a person

creative resume examples

You have to see the full version of Deda’s remarkable resume ! In it she shares not only the obligatory things (skills, experience, etc.) but also her Design Theory, Life Essentials, Personal Lifestyle Preferences and the Statement of Purpose – things that reveal much more about her personality.

Personality is important enough that even Richard Branson admits that it’s the most important component when hiring. Why? Because tech skills can be learned with time, but being persistent, diligent, and communicative are rare gems in a sea of qualified applicants.

Matteo Reggi's creative resume showcases style

creative resume examples

Matteo Reggi’s resume shows he has the mind of a designer. His mind works a bit differently and you may have to tilt your head a bit to get it all. But that’s how interesting and engaging design often works.

The resume may be unconventional, but so is Matteo. Instead of pretending to be something he’s not, he brings his whole self to his resume. If you ask us, it really shows. You can view his work here .

Stuart Mayhew's resume is a conversation starter

creative resume examples

We simply love this resume! Stuart Mayhew has combined information regarding his knowledge and experience and has shaped it brilliantly with this design. It paints a picture of a full person, from various life and work experiences to generally how he thinks.

Combined with a powerhouse list of clients, there’s plenty here to make a recruiter want to strike up a conversation and learn more about Stuart. That’s where he can have the chance to make yet another good impression.

creative resume examples

He’s produced hundreds of copies of his simple and contemporary 1 page resume to hand out. Besides the design, Anton’s resume stands out by including information that’s hardly typical. Travels, interests, and characteristics bring his personality and experience to the forefront.

A great idea is to change the name of your “tech skills” section to a more job-specific one like Creative Fields or Management Skills, so that it’s more relevant to the position you are applying for. Go & see his work !

creative resume examples

Undoubtedly a unique design incorporating Korean elements, this resume actually stands out in more ways than one. The whole resume has a fantastic “My Favorite Things” section which really shows off their design skills. One small issue is using language like “Please contact me…” which can signal a lack of confidence. Otherwise, this resume is memorable.

creative resume examples

Magnus Henriksen created this original resume that shows him both as a person and as a professional. It’s simple and straight-forward in a refreshing way while not sacrificing any personality or style. Having such a resume confirms your skills as a designer and makes you stand out. Elements of it may be a bit immature, but Magnus isn’t interested in being anything other than himself.

It’s for the best, as companies should always know what they’re getting when they hire. With Magnus, they’re getting a talented jokester. You can check out some of his work here .

creative resume examples

Next up is Harrison Carter Watkins’ Creative Resume . “How I think” is a powerful section to include, especially the way he did it – separate it into two parts – “Thoughts & Method” and “Productivity & Speed” which add a layer of personality alongside the technical one.

Another thing that makes a great impression is the quote featured prominently in the center: “The details don’t make the design, they are the design.”

You get a strong feeling for Harrison’s philosophy of design alongside his work experience and other details. For more of his works check out his Behance profile .

Chris Rowe's personality doesn't get lost in the details

creative resume examples

This resume is outstanding not only because of it’s visual appearance but because of the compelling manner Chris has described himself. Including sections like “Clearing the mind” or “The Intangibles” provide a lot of details about your true personality and are a much better way to express what kind of person you are.

Besides, dividing your skill set into 3 parts – Knowledge, Design and Management & Communication, enables the recruiter to immediately see what your main areas of expertise are and gives him an incentive to keep on reading. See all his amazing work here .

creative resume examples

Here Pau has visualized his work experience in an easy-to-understand way so that a recruiter can process the information faster. He’s also included the section “Expositions” which, in his case, is pretty important and tells a lot about his abilities. Visit his personal website to enjoy more of his work.

creative resume examples

3 things about Jimmy’s resume impressed us – it’s short and concise, extremely well-designed and it emphasizes on the most important information – his title, skills and awards. Plus, it’s bursting with personality. See all of his work here .

Monica Gomes' resume pays tribute to classics

creative resume examples

Maybe one of the most stylish resumes we’ve came upon. From its homages to the original macintosh and classic telephones to the classy self portrait, Monica shows her skills and passions with style. Combining her motivation and professional goals into the footer also leaves the reader with an excellent final impression. See her amazing work here .

Navdeep Raj's resume divides and conquers

creative resume examples

Navdeep has done an amazing job visually breaking up the different sections in his creative resume . He begins with a simple, straight-forward line about who he is: “I love to design great looking, usable interfaces.”

The other thing we appreciated is that he highlights the fact that he has worked with top companies using a simple “Clients” section. We strongly encourage you to include that information, especially if you have worked for companies like Apple, Disney, MTV or SAP.

Last but not least the way Navdeep divided his skills so that they can be easier to process is very effective – “Practice Areas” and “Technologies”. You can check his work here .

Pam Bailey's resume tells a story

creative resume examples

Pam is a professional storyteller whose resume does just what it should: tells her story. Hagan Blount has done a great job turning her resume into a real masterpiece.

Positioning her awards and professional achievements in the middle of her resume is a great idea, especially if you have some numbers and medals to show as she does. They tell the reader that you’re goal-oriented.

The other unique element here is the “Testimonials” section at the bottom.

Seth Adler's resume is tailor made for the job he wants

creative resume examples

This is a great example of a performance-based resume by the same person who created Pam Bailey’s resume: Hagan Blount.

Again the content is based on results, not responsibilities, and the design highlights them well. The best part is that the resume is personalized for the VP of Sales position Seth is applying for. For that reason, he’s split his experience into three different categories – Business Development & Strategic Planning, Sales, and Marketing.

That way he stresses the fact that he has what it takes to succeed in that role. Personalizing your resume is one of the best things you could do to raise your chances of getting an interview.

Jonathan Fischer's resume is like nothing you've ever seen

creative resume examples

Sometimes a resume just breaks the mold. Jonathan Wakuda Fischer’s is one such example. His resume takes the form of an identity booklet, old Russian style.

Everyone likes seeing absolutely unexpected things and if you read his resume carefully you will realise that Jonathan has gone far beyond the design of his resume and has created a real masterpiece.

Recruiters aren’t going to forget him. Check out his website here .

creative resume examples

Victor Rodriguez is clearly being a bit cheeky with his “thinking inside the box” resume . You should never forget that the main goal of your resume is to make a great first impression to the person reading it, no matter whether it’s a word document, infographic, powerpoint presentation or a cereal box.

I can barely think of a better way to grab someone’s attention, especially if this pops up on your table! You can explore Viktor’s creative work here .

creative resume examples

We have saved the dessert for last – Nick Begley is the bold man whose resume is a candy bar. When we said these were creative resume ideas, we weren’t kidding.

If you are in a creative industry you already know better as to whether or not sending a creative resume is the right way to go.

How about the rest of us, the non-designers who still want to stand out?

We have to take into consideration the public enemy #1 of creative resumes out there – the Applicant Tracking System, or ATS, for short.

It’s a computer software that is designed to read simple text on resumes and match skills, experiences and keywords to the job description.

This is why it will have a hard time if you encode your key information into graphics and images.

With that being said, the above designers don’t have to pay attention to ATS at all.

They send resumes directly to employers. Which can be the case for many of us.

Small and medium-sized companies aren’t likely to use ATS, either.

Whereas even if you’re applying for a position in a big corporation, you can still incorporate a dash of creativity, as long as you maintain a professional tone.

Here’s a thought – you don’t have to make a cereal box resume to impress recruiters.

Frankly speaking, nobody is expecting you to be creative.

So, if you make a few adjustments here and there, it will come as an added bonus.

Use creative tactics, such as two-colour combinations, adjusted font size, easy-to-read font family, proper resume margin and skimmable layout. ( Enhancv’s resume builder takes care for the lot of it.)

Designers made their infographic resumes to highlight key information in a creative manner. You too can incorporate their tactics described above, albeit in a more down-to-earth way.

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25+ Creative Resume Designs to Inspire You [Updated 2024]

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On average, a recruiter looks at a resume for just around 7 seconds . 

Yep, 7 seconds is all it takes for them to decide if they’re going to reject the resume and never look at it again, or give it a deeper look.

So, what does this mean for you?

This means that your resume should be well-designed to grab their attention, and easy to skim to make sure that the recruiter finds the information they’re looking for ASAP.

And in this article, we’ll teach you how, exactly, you can achieve that with 51+ inspirational resume designs!

Let’s give them a look!

Want a well-designed, engaging resume without having to spend hours formatting it?

Give our resume builder a try! You’ll be able to create a job-winning resume in less than 5 minutes.

#1. Start Bold

resume design

Your resume header is the first thing that a recruiter looks at during those 7 seconds of skimming, so it’s important that you have a header that pops. You can do that by using a color that contrasts with the rest of the resume, like in the design above. You can get this template over here .

#2. The “Less Is More” Resume Design

resume design less is more

If you stand by “less is more”, then a clean, sharp-looking, minimalist resume template is what you’re looking for. This puts more focus on the information written on the resume with some minimal color use. If you’d like to use this design, you can find the template here . 

#3. Use Columns to Separate and Organize

resume designs

Creating a simple, organized, and pleasant-to-look-at resume can be as easy as that. Split your sections into separate columns, emphasize the section titles or any important detail, and you’re good to go. The design above has two columns for a professional, organized, and minimalistic look. You can find the template for this design over here. 

#4. No Distractions

simple resume design

For some positions and companies, a colorful and engaging resume isn’t considered appropriate. In that case, you should go for a simple, text-based resume that focuses on the information presented. You can experiment with the fonts and the resume layout but still maintain a rather traditional and professional look. You can get this template here .

#5. Use a Resume Builder

resume design examples

Want to create a compelling resume, without having to spend hours perfecting the resume design?

Try our resume builder! Pick from our 16 well-designed templates , fill in the contents, and you’re good to go.

#6. Be Contrasting 

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Whether it’s between the header and the body of the resume, or between the skills section and the rest, creating contrast in your resume can be a good move. Stevani Wilhemmsons chose dark gray and mustard to create this interesting color block scheme. It’s attention-grabbing but has an overall minimalist feel to it. 

#7. Add Some 3D Elements

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The smallest details, like shadows, can make your resume come to life. This will give it a playful edge and will make the specific elements stand out. Literally. The design above adds a new dimension to the resume sections by making them look folded. 

#8. Matching Color Palette 

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Using coordinated colors for your resume gives it a playful but still organized look. Depending on the scheme you use, you can up or lower the “drama” level. You can go for a minimalistic look and use pastel colors, or make your resume pop with some purple and pink tones just like Sneha Sur Roy did. 

#9. Give a Different Perspective 

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How about switching things up and presenting your resume in landscape orientation? Now that’s surely something that will leave an impression. It will also allow you to experiment more with the way you present the information and how you divide sections. Check out this refreshing horizontal design by Derya Dilara Dogan . 

#10. Preview Your Work

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If you’re in the design, illustration, or photography industry, you can turn your resume into part of your art and incorporate some of your work. Stefany Puche , a designer from Argentine, decided to showcase one of her illustrations into her resume. Can’t get more unique than that!

#11. Fold It Up

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A folded resume will surely leave an impression on whoever gets to open it. Check out this awesome folding design by Artalic Graphics . Going through your resume turns into a visual experience. 

#12. Timeline

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Want to show off your career journey in a chronological timeline? This resume design can help! You can see in the example above by Sarah Attia how easy it is to follow and go over her education and work experience information. 

#13. Illustrate Information

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An interesting detail to add to your resume is illustrations. Accompanying your skills with some illustrated icons can add some life to even the most boring of resumes. It also allows you to play with some other elements other than colors and shapes. This resume by Edgielyn Ventura uses illustrations to accompany the list of services that the applicant can offer. 

Only use illustrations on your resume if you’re applying to a company that doesn’t use an applicant tracking system (ATS) . Otherwise, the ATS won’t be able to read your resume, and automatically discard it.

Want to make sure that your resume is ATS-friendly? Use one of our resume templates ! 

All our templates are compatible with the most popular applicant tracking systems on the market.

#14. Signature Detail 

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Your own logo, stamp, personalized font, or even tagline is the perfect detail for a pastel-colored unique resume design. The bonus with this detail is that you can turn it into your own “brand” and use it in other places like letters and business cards as well. In the example above , the applicant used a simple logo to customize the resume. 

#15. Dark Background, Light Text

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Instead of the classic light background and dark text, you can switch it up and do the opposite. The design above uses a dark gray background with a contrasting mint text. Remember to use a subtle dark color for the background and a readable one for the text, so that the combination isn’t too hard on the eyes. 

#16. Color-block Sections

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Creating separate sections for different pieces of information in your resume creates a very structured and easy-to-navigate look. You can do so by using different blocks of color or by framing the sections with borders. The example above uses a black background with contrasting pastel-colored grids to organize the information in the resume. 

#17. Experiment With the Shape

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This is quite a risky move since not all recruiters appreciate it, but if it’s in the right hands, it leaves quite the impression. Having a round or triangular resume is sure going to make you stand out. You need to make sure, however, that the text is readable and the design is not overwhelming. You don’t want the interviewer to struggle with going through it. This resume by John Mujica has a unique round layout, large capital-letter font, and subtle colors.  

We only recommend using such a creative resume template if you’re applying for a position in the creative industry, where they’ll appreciate the novelty.

#18. Fonts Can Make a Difference

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Check out the example above by Corinne Garcia for the nice use of fonts.

#19. Mobile-friendly Resume Design 

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If you have your resume linked online (on your website or platforms like Linkedin), you should make it accessible for people using a mobile phone. This design by Mathieu Hervouet makes it easy to navigate and read the resume from a cell phone.

#20. Resume Frame

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Adding a border around your resume can be a nice touch if you’re looking to keep a minimalist style, but still add some originality to it. You can add a plain color border, an image, or an illustration like in the design example above . 

#21. Deliver the Full Experience 

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If you will be sending your resume by mail, you can put in some extra effort and turn it into a package. We’re talking about a customized envelope, folded resume, and even a personalized logo or sticker. This design by Lenka Kubisova is the perfect example.

#22. Use a Monogram

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Don’t want to include a picture on your resume ? You can substitute your photo with a monogram with your initials. It will look like a logo and give your resume a personal touch. Take a look at the minimalist monogram in Lime Resumes’ design. 

#23. Use A “Star” Color

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If you want to add some drama to your resume, but don’t want to step out of the lines too much, you can go for a simple, minimalist resume and break the contrast with one accent color. It can be a light pastel green or a bright purple - whatever level of oomph you’re looking for. Prarthana Katariya and Jinkal Kalathiya used a lovely green to add life to their design. 

#24. Make It B I G

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If colors and illustrations aren’t really your thing, you can still make a statement with your resume by using big, bold headers - nothing more. In their design, CPGR used very subtle colors, but they made their resume stand out by their big headers and even bigger first letters. 

#25. Self-Branding Package

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#26. Brain Scan 

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This is a great design, especially for illustrators, since they can also use it to showcase their talents. Yuri Kim’s resume looks like the report of a brain analysis with a half-circular timeline of education and work experiences as well as visual representations of skills and hobbies.

To wrap things up, we’ll give you some last pointers. 

  • Your resume design is a reflection of your personality. Choose wisely.
  • Not every industry/company appreciates every resume design. Choose appropriately.
  • Font type and size can change the whole vibe of the resume. Choose tastefully.

Want to learn more about writing a compelling resume? Check out our complete guide to writing a resume .

Discover More Resume Templates

  • Functional Resume Templates
  • Combination Resume Templates
  • Chronological Resume Templates
  • Google Docs Resume Templates
  • Word Resume Templates
  • High School Resume Templates
  • One Page Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates

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Vandelay Design

39 Creative Resume Examples & Templates (Creative CV Ideas)

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A creative resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is one document you can’t skimp on. This is true for everyone, but especially for designers and other creative professionals.

When applying for a job, the first impression you create is strong and longest-lasting. The same is true when making contact with a new potential client. That first impression has to help you stand out from your competitors.

That first impression is usually made via an online application, your website, an email, or even through social media. Hopefully, you already have a strong portfolio website , either a personal portfolio or your freelance business site. And hopefully, your social media presence continues your personal or business brand look and feel. But what about your resume?

Most job applications ask applicants to attach a CV or a resume. And after initial, brief research on your website or social media accounts, a prospective client will often ask for a resume if they don’t find the information they need or if they need to present a list of freelancers to their boss.

As such, no matter if you’re searching for a job or trying to land new clients, your resume design could be what differentiates you from a competitor with similar skills and level of experience. The right kind of creative resume truly reflects your character and experience in an expressive way.

The following are some excellent creative resume and CV examples to help get ideas flowing for your own resume design. Notice that some tend to remain more straightforward and business-like with a hint of creativity thrown in. Some go over the top in the creative aspect. And others strike a nice balance between the two extremes.

Designers have discovered new methods to showcase their skills and attributes in a bold way with creative CVs and resumes. You can come up with a highly creative resume idea, design it and then showcase your skills and abilities to the whole world.

You’ll need to make a calculated decision on your own resume design. If your brand look and style of work is highly artistic, then, by all means, go all out. If, however, you’re applying for a job in a less creative field, you may want to tone down tons of graphics and colors and stick with a more corporate look that still creatively reflects your personal brand.

Best Creative Resume Examples

We’ve searched to find the most creative resumes available. These creative resume examples and creative CV examples are sure to provide plenty of inspiration. And best of all, if you see a template you like, you can purchase it to save hours of your time.

Creative Resume by Jahangir Alam Jisan

Creative Resume by Jahangir Alam Jisan

Jisan’s creative CV uses icons, color, and bold banners to add creativity to his resume design. Plus, the unusual layout helps the information to stand out nicely while still maintaining a professional and organized look.

My Resume by Soumitra Saxena

My Resume by Soumitra Saxena

This is another creative resume design that shows off the designer’s humor as well as his wide range of skills. Even with the creative illustration and extra information, the graphic design is still clean and organized, which says a lot about his engineering side as well.

Curriculum Vitae by Anton Yermolov

Curriculum Vitae by Anton Yermolov

Both clean and colorful, Yermolov’s CV design stands out with neat columns and colorful icons. His illustrated self-portrait is a nice alternative to a photo and ensures it will look nice even if a client uses their own poor-quality printer to print a copy.

CV – Take a Look Inside by Amber Van Mieghem

CV - Take a Look Inside by Amber Van Mieghem

Both the format and the fold of this CV design is fantastically creative. Amber does an excellent job of creating intrigue and keeping attention by leading to the next page with the fold.

Shameless Self-Promotion by Kyle Robertson

Shameless Self-Promotion by Kyle Robertson

A personal logo is always a safe way to add some originality to a professional resume that needs to remain more on the corporate side. Robertson doesn’t stop there, though. His beautiful choice of fonts also adds to the appeal of his creative resume design.

My Resume by darthkix

My Resume by darthkix

Fitting a lot of information onto a single page is one of the more difficult parts of a resume, but darthkix solves this problem quite beautifully. The silhouette graphic on the background is a brilliant way to break up his information neatly but uniquely.

Resume by Yojna Shetty

Resume by Yojna Shetty

I love how this creative resume organizes so much content so neatly onto a single page. At first glance, it is almost overwhelming, but the lines and other graphics help to draw the eye from one section to the next quite easily. It should not take very long for the viewer to go through it so each section and detail should be connected to the next one and everything should be displayed in a rather expressive and creative manner.

Self-Promotion by Syril Bobadilla

Self-Promotion by Syril Bobadilla

The bright colors in this original resume by Bobadilla are stunningly balanced out by the excellent, clean layout of content. Plus, the custom fonts add a very nice, original touch to the entire design.

Curriculum_Vitae by Francisco Hidalgo

Curriculum_Vitae by Francisco Hidalgo

I highly urge you to visit Hidalgo’s Behance page to view his curriculum vitae in full effect, as the images above do not do his gorgeous illustration justice. You can build on this idea and design similar creative resumes that are more than just a professional resume. Not only does his design show off his illustration skills, it also keeps his information easy to read and digest in a memorable viewing experience. Beautiful!

Curriculum Vitae by Camila Soto

Curriculum Vitae by Camila Soto

Handwritten fonts and illustrations are a stunning touch in this creative CV and infographic resume by Soto. I love how each section is divided into boxes. Different calligraphic fonts have been put to use, few items have been sketched and you get a colorful resume for your work.

Resume by Roberta Cicerone

Resume by Roberta Cicerone

I really love how this website resume could also double as a poster-like print resume design. Roberta does an excellent job of keeping a visitor scrolling with uniquely phrased section headers and dotted lines. Different geometrical figures and calligraphic fonts have been displayed in quite a skeptical and playful way. Her illustrations and custom fonts are stunning!

Matthew Jhon Creative Resume Template

Matthew Jhon

This modern template is perfect for a graphic designer or creative professional who wants a resume that makes a strong first impression on a hiring manager. You’ll have a place for your work experience highlights, as well as your education, skills, and contact info. The header and footer feature a stylish design. It comes as a Microsoft Word file (DOCX) and as a PDF.

Kesya Cole

This is one of the most creative and unique resume or CV templates you’ll find. It’s colorful and also includes a small illustration, as well as some shapes and icons. It comes in Ai, EPS, and PSD formats.

Alex Buell Template

Alex Buell Template

If you want a resume or CV that stands out, this template is an excellent choice. It features a little bit of color and some subtle but stylish design elements to impress viewers. You can use the template in Word, Illustrator, or Photoshop. It comes in PDF and EPS format.

Colorful Resume Template


Who says resumes have to be boring? This template uses a lot of color, especially in the header, to really stand out. It comes in vector format (Ai and EPS file formats) and includes a template for a cover letter.

Charles Midleton Template

Charles Midleton

Here is another bright, colorful curriculum vitae template 100% guaranteed to stand out. It can be edited in Word, Photoshop, or Illustrator to quickly and easily create a beautiful resume. Shapes and colors make this design unique, but it also includes all the details needed to be effective.

Anthony Arlo

Arlo CV Template

This colorful template features a large header with a photo and shapes that make a nice background for your bio and contact info. It also displays your relevant experience and skills attractively. Edit the template in Photoshop, Illustrator, or Word.

Lester Chandler

Lester Chandler

This package includes a two-page creative CV template and a cover letter template. This design features bold black & white, large photos, and a clean design. It’s perfect for creative professionals who want a great-looking resume showcasing their abilities.

Modern CV Resume Template

Modern CV Resume

This template features a stylish design and a big header with a place for your photo. The skills section uses a creative way to display your most essential skills and your level of expertise. It also includes a nice cover letter template.

Darryl Philbin

Darryl Philbin

This creative resume template and CV template is also professional. It’s exceptionally well designed with a lot of style to ensure you stand out. There’s a spot for a photo in the header, and the download even comes with a photo filter, so your photo will match the style shown in the preview above.

Mono Resume

Alex MacIntosh

We’ve looked at some examples of colorful resumes, but this one takes a different approach with a monochromatic color scheme. It’s perfect for creative professionals because the header is innovative and interesting, allowing you to enter a photo. It’s also got plenty of room for all the important details about your experience and accomplishments.

Alan Querin

Alan Querin

Here is another black & white design that definitely stands out from the typical resume template or CV template. It uses typography and some well-designed content blocks to create a truly professional resume.


If you want a resume or CV that will stand out without taking extreme measures regarding an unusual design, this one is a good option. It uses color and some nice design elements, but still has a clean look and feel. It comes in PSD, Ai, and EPS formats.

Steven Gerard

Steven Gerard

This unique design includes a full-page photo with a greeting and a second page with a full resume or CV with a photo header. The full-page photo could be skipped if you want the simple one-page option. It’s a well-designed and colorful template that you’ll love.

Mauro Haskey Template

Mauro Haskey Template

This template uses a beautiful design and layout that features a small photo and a brief profile in the sidebar. It includes all the necessary details like contact info, work experience, and education. The skills section at the bottom uses star ratings to display strengths in different areas creatively.

Juandha Whitney

Juandha Whitney

This clean and elegant template makes creating a curriculum vitae with a professional look easy. You’ll be able to show off your strongest skills, education, and work experience.

Claire Ridley


Here is another very clean and professional CV template with a nice design. The header includes room for a photo and a brief bio before getting into the details of your experience and background.

Henry Silly Template

Henry Silly

Present your qualifications in a clean and professional way with the help of this creative resume template. It comes in Illustrator format with five different color variations that you can choose from, and of course, you can also edit the colors if you’d like.

Pink Resume Template

Pink Resume Template

Now, here is one that’s sure to be unique! The design uses a pink background, probably unlike any resume you’ve ever seen. It also includes all of the usual details, so it’s functional too.


This template uses some splashes of color for a creative CV design. It includes space for a headshot, a skills section that utilizes star ratings, and an additional template for a cover letter. The download includes the designs in Ai and EPS formats.

Two-Page Modern Resume Template

Two-page resume template

This unique resume template is not only creative in terms of design and style, but it’s also one of the few two-page templates you’ll see in this showcase. The first page includes details about you and your skills, and the second page is focused on work experience and education. The templates come in Word and InDesign formats.

Indah Kusuma

Indah Kusuma

This CV template uses a colorful header with a photo. The rest of the design is fairly clean and simple. You’ll also get matching cover letter templates. The files can be edited in Word, Photoshop, or Illustrator.

The Peachy CV Resume Template

Peachy CV

The Peachy template makes use of icons and content blocks to display your experience and qualifications in an attractive way. The header includes a spot for a small photo along with your name and contact info. This template is ideal for highlighting a few past jobs or specific experiences that you’ve gained.

Taylor Sheeran Template

Taylor Sheeran

This stylish design stands out from the typical resume template without being too unconventional. The dark header and footer add contrast and visual interest. The header includes space for a small photo. It also comes with a template for a matching cover letter, which is sure to come in handy.

Carol Holmes

Carol Holmes Resume Template

This modern resume template’s layout is pretty unique and will make you stand out from other job applicants. It also comes with a cover letter template and can be edited easily in Microsoft Word.

Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert

Although it’s a fairly simple design, this CV is definitely unique. It makes excellent use of typography and gives you a solid template that could be used in many different industries.

Anthony Silver


With the help of this template, you can get a very professional CV in no time. There’s a sport for your photo in the head, and the resume layout is beautifully designed to show off your experience and skills. It is provided in InDesign file format.

Web Designer Resume Template

Web Designer Resume Template

This template is a fun way for web designers to present their professional resume or CV. It includes a spot for a QR code at the top, which is a cool touch. Of course, there’s also a section to show off your experience, and the skills section at the bottom presents a way to display your specific skills visually.

Walter Smith

Walter Smith

With this template, you can pack plenty of detail into your resume or CV without a cluttered look. You’ll have a place for your work experience, education, skills, contact info, references, and a brief profile and photo. It comes in four different color variations.

You Only Have a Few Seconds… A Creative Resume Will Help

Your creative resume can make a strong first impression on a potential employer or recruiter. How creative is your resume or CV design? Are you confident yours will stand out from the rest of the pile? If not, then you may want to use one of the creative resume examples above (or use a resume builder) to model your own design, but don’t forget to consider your audience. And have fun with it so that your creative passion shines through loud and clear.

Frequently Asked Questions

A creative CV or resume will show off your skills or experience in a way that sounds out from most text-based resumes during a job search. It may include color or a more unique visual design. If you’re in a creative industries, like designers, taking this approach as a job seeker may help you to get an interview.

The easiest way is to use one of the many templates showcased on this page. In just a few minutes, you can have a beautiful resume or CV that you can be proud of. Check the creative CV ideas in this article to find one you like.

If you’re in a creative industry, taking a more original approach to your resume can be effective and may help you to land your dream job. However, in other industries you may be better off with a more traditional resume.

It really depends on the person who is receiving and reviewing the resumes. Look at it this way, many job openings receive at least 100 resumes. The creative approach is sure to makes your stand out and be noticed. Will it help every time? No. But getting noticed is an important step if you want to get an interview, especially in a creative profession.

Get the Free Resources Bundle

Tara Hornor enjoys writing about advertising, marketing, branding, web and graphic design, and more. As Senior Editor for Creative Content Experts, she has over 2,000 published articles on the web. Connect with @TaraHornor for more design and freelancing advice.

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Job-winning creative resume templates

Elevate your professional image with our unique creative resume templates, designed to highlight your creativity and set you apart in the job market.

Modern resume template Toronto

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

Creative resume templates.

A bold, original feel perfect for artistic fields and contemporary companies

From photography to fashion, graphic design and even costomotology, the world of creative professions is vast and varied. When applying for creative positions, candidates need to communicate passion and talent. A creative resume template is the best way to do just that.

According to research funded by the UK government, creativity is one of the most in demand skills for professions across the board and the need for creative professionals is only expected to increase over the coming decade.

That’s why our creative resume templates are expertly crafted to show off your skills and eye for good design. If you want a resume that doesn’t hold back, look no further than the bold colors and eye-catching fonts that make up our collection of creative templates. These resume designs are best for highlighting your experience in a modern, attractive way with an emphasis on your unique qualifications.

When to pick a creative resume template

Chances are, if you work in a creative field, you’ve already been eyeing some creative resume templates. But should you really go for such a bold approach? One way to decide is to evaluate the brand and company you plan to work for. Do they favor loud colors and an informal, direct tone? In that case, a creative resume can be a great tool to prove why you’d fit right into their workplace.

Creative resume templates

Professionals who work in fashion, film, media, marketing, design, web development , floral, cosmetology, art or writing may all benefit from a creative resume template. Whereas in other industries you may have the choice whether or not to go bold, in certain creative fields, a strong resume is not only advised, it’s expected. After all, a prim and proper image sends the message you haven’t done your homework when it comes to being familiar with the company.

Lastly, even if you're not a creative professional, you may choose a creative resume template to stand out from other candidates and show that you’re not afraid to be yourself. This works best in situations where the company is a creative agency, even if your role is not. For example, a receptionist for a photography studio may use a creative resume to show that they appreciate aesthetic touches, even if they are not an artist themselves.

Top 5 why choose a creative layout

  • You want to send the message that you are an innovative candidate
  • You are applying to a forward-thinking and creative company
  • You want a resume that matches your creative portfolio
  • You appreciate bold design and think your potential employer will too
  • You work in an industry where a subdued resume just won’t cut it

What makes a creative resume template

A creative resume template is defined by eye-catching colors and daring fonts. A strong block of color at the top of the resume draws attention to the candidate’s name and title with plenty of white space below for skills and experience. A creative resume template should also include space for social media handles or a website where potential employers can see a collection of the candidate’s work. In some industries and countries, a headshot is required, so a creative resume template should include space for that possibility.

Top 10 parts of a creative resume template

  • A flashy color used throughout the template
  • A strong font that draws attention to the candidate’s name
  • Plenty of space for skills and experience
  • Strong lines that guide the reader to all parts of the resume
  • Room for a headshot or logo if needed
  • Enough space for a creative profile summary
  • Place for links to social media or portfolio
  • White space to balance out the color
  • A strong emphasis on the top of the resume
  • Stylish and modern design that works for a variety of fields

Free to download and use in Microsoft Word, as a PDF, or in Google Docs

For creatives, your passion and individuality are your greatest assets. Let them shine by choosing a great template to craft your perfect resume. Then, test out our easy-to-use resume builder tool to add your experience, skills and achievements. Our builder tool has already been tested by thousands of satisfied customers who have found their dream jobs hassle-free.

Finish your application strong by choosing the right file format to keep your resume consistent no matter how you send it. Within our builder tool, you can download your resume as a MS Word or Google Doc version completely free. You can also download your resume as a PDF.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to find your perfect template, add your personal touches and land your dream position in a few easy clicks! Don't forget to check out our collection of creative or perhaps modern resume templates

Try our professional Resume builder now!


12+ Creative Resume Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #28

12+ Creative Resume Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #28

25 Oct 12+ Creative Resume Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #28

Each day there are millions of pieces of content published on the internet. I mean, it’s overwhelming how much we can produce and share with the world in a 24 hour time period.

Especially in the design world.

Every hour there are thousands of projects published by many talented designers. But because those are published across a collection of different social networks and sites, you often miss them.

That’s why I decided to put together the first edition of the Daily Design Inspiration. With this daily collection of Halloween poster examples, I want to give new designers a platform to show off their work.

To spread some inspiration to readers. To collect amazing design work on one platform. And to make it easy for anyone to create something beautiful.

So let’s get started!

In this edition of the Daily Design Inspiration, we are going to look at some Halloween poster examples from  Fernando Báez ,  Vincenzo Castro ,  and a few from our own Venngage designers.

Also be sure to check out yesterday’s Daily Design Inspiration, where we covered some  Halloween Flyer examples!

1. Black & Yellow Tech Infographic Resume Example 

creative resume examples

Creator: Vincenzo Castro

Type:  Creative Tech Resume Example

For as long as I can remember we’ve had the same boring resumes; a page full of text describing each task you have done. Looking at this infographic resume idea, I wish we got to this era earlier.

Considering Vincenzo Castro is a graphic designer, he’s done an exceptional job at showing just how good he is. Each icon accurately represents the section it leads to, and each section is clearly visible and to the point.

There is a minimal amount of text, which really helps reduce clutter and allows the reader to see his key points instantly. He has done so by making the key text a certain font weight, while the boldness makes it stand out from the surrounding text.

Just by looking at his resume, makes me want to hire him instantly! Let this infographic resume idea inspire you to start upgrading your own!

2. Green & Yellow Modern Resume Template 

creative resume examples


Creator:  Venngage

Type:  Simple Modern Resume Example

When creating your resume, keep in mind the industry you work for and the type of mindset that will review your resume. In this case, the modern resume example above keeps it simple, but still informative and visually appealing.

Each icon around Emilie’s picture represents what her personality traits are, all combining into one full circle. Next, she shows a clear vision of how strong her skills are, without using any additional words. With the use of large headings, it’s easy to determine what each section is about and quickly read over the material, without feeling overwhelmed.

The use of color against the negative space provides a clean, minimalistic look, making it stand out through a pile of resumes. Also, be sure your contact information is clearly listed, and easy to find, just like this modern resume example.

3. Sleek Red & Black Modern Infographic Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  Fernando Báez

This creative resume template is the ultimate package deal, from the cover letter to the resume; each page keeps the audience entertained.

The bold use of color and typography fits right in with his job title and what he loves, something you learn from the first sentence you read! Instantly making you understand his design choice for the creative resume template, even if you thought it was too bold, it all makes sense now.

As a general rule, try to keep your resume under two pages, but in this case, it didn’t apply. There is a great deal of negative space to make the information spaced out through each page; it’s not full of cluttered text like the rest. Each design element is unique, I mean, he even uses a graph to display his social skills!

4. Minimalist Floral Resume Template

creative resume examples

Type:  Creative Minimalist Resume Example

How have we never thought of using a background image to frame our resume before? In this creative resume example, the designer used the last name as inspiration for the border, making it fit right in.

If you want to play it safe when applying for jobs, use this creative resume example to add color, and still be respectful of the classic design.

There are two different font styles present, but gives the appearance of three. Showing how different font weight can really affect the appearance. Keeping a minimalistic design can get the main points through and make the reader want to reach out for more details, successful way to score an interview right?

5. Innovative Folding Creative Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  Laura Voet

Type:  Innovative Resume Example

Over the years the design of resumes has really evolved, and this creative resume idea is a great example. As a graphic designer, you can really enjoy the role the typography and lines play in this resume! The name and title dominate the page instantly, leaving no doubt about the skills of the candidate.

My personal favorite from this creative resume idea is the type of references the designer produced. For your resume, it doesn’t have to be the same people, as that can be very risky without knowing whom your end audience is, you can alter it to reflect your references. The margin and use of headings make it look like an excerpt from a book, altering the resume experience altogether!

6. Personal Branding Creative Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  Matteo Innominato

Type:  Personal Branding Resume Example

The callout gets my attention and makes me start reading right away. The entire illustration of this creative resume design gives the audience a taste of how talented the candidate really is! The reoccurring yellow in each section creates a sense of consistency and feeling of a theme.

It’s neat how the designer used a timeline to list his learning experiences. For years we have used the same way to list our work experience, but why haven’t we tried a timeline before? It’s much easier to comprehend and imprints on your mind. Even the level of each skill is shown through a graph, all taking us back to the basics we learned when we were young, and now it comes back in an artistic form. Certain words are bolded in yellow that make it pop and give the reader a quick glimpse without having to read the full text.

7. Futuristic Purple Infographic Resume Template

creative resume examples

Type:  Creative Infographic Resume Example

The colors in the picture are repeated again to show what the candidate is about in this creative resume layout. Bringing color and life to a section where it starts to get more serious. The heading of the resume consists of icons that show different ways you can reach out, making it easier for the eye to jump to the medium you want. Notice how this frame lines up perfectly with the size of the picture, balancing out both elements.

From all of the examples provided, you can see the new trend of visually showing a level of expertise in each skill, just like this creative resume layout. It’s a quick and easy way to show what your capable of, without having to add excessive text to your resume.

8. Double Exposure Minimalist Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  Cristian Martínez Castellar

The image overlay in this minimalist resume example makes you feel like your viewing the soul of this candidate, just as a resume teaches you about a person. We have come to be more accepting and receptive to resumes that think outside of the box, what better way to show it?

This minimalist resume example even lists a QR code should you prefer to view it electronically, making it more accessible for the reader. Each section is carefully balanced out under the main image, respective to the margin, providing a clean, organized look. Though this resume is grayscale, the image sucks the user in, and with the use of concise words, the reader’s attention stays put.

9. Colorful Infographic Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  Alysa Choudri

There is a great deal of noise present in this infographic resume design, but with it being repetitive through the page, you know it’s intentional. Looking at each element, it looks as if something is loading, from the top to the bottom. Sure enough, the very last section on the bottom right is a full circle image indicating the perfect fit. This neat representation resembles the idea of searching through candidates for the perfect fit, once located, it’s 100% complete.

When incorporating such an infographic resume design, ensure your text is easily legible from a distance. If the manager can’t read it from the first instance they look, they won’t bother moving forward. Make it easy for them, requiring minimal effort.

10. Creative Photographer Resume Template

creative resume examples

Type:  Creative Resume Example

Due to the nature of this industry, this photographer resume template can be used as a preview for the hiring manager. For a photographer, you don’t need to read long bodies of text to see what their skills are and whom they have worked with! All you care about is what the images look like and how well you can work with them. The use of a high res image can be the start of attracting the audience.

With the resume being split into two different sections, you can easily jump to the text and read through quickly. Clear and concise is key. The white space helps balances the information through the page and helps make it legible.

This photographer resume template provides a link to showcase their portfolio, and to me, this is where the real test begins.

11. Bold Black & Yellow Horizontal Resume Example

creative resume examples

Creator:  John Gatapia

Type:  Creative Horizontal Resume Example

Who knew changing up the orientation of a page could be visually effective for this creative resume example? We’ve always thought about changing up design choices for a stronger impact, but this simple change really made it stand out from the pile. The bold choice in colors adds to this effect, the contrasting black and yellow not only stands out in a crowd but also makes it easy to read.

In a way, the creative resume example gives the appearance of a brochure design with the sections divided into three. Companies today want to see if a candidate will fit into their corporate culture, and get along with others. The X-factor and Cool Features section in this template makes all the difference and will help them answer these questions.

Find out the needs of the company you are applying to, and cater to them through your resume.

12.  Abstract Creative Resume Template

creative resume examples

The colors in this creative resume template give a fun, approachable feel.

When a job is posted, there are a lot of resumes to sift through, making it repetitive and monotone for the reader. Spark a feeling in the reader that will not only catch their attention but make them happy to read your resume, trust me, it will increase your chances!

Each section in this creative resume template is clearly defined by a bold color choice; bringing life to a flat design. The contrast of color for the icons, text, and headings against the background all make it legible with ease.

Notice how the designer used a light grey background to make the name and title pop out. In a way, all the other sections wrap around the name, making it a focal point.

Now if you want to learn more about creating your own resume I would recommend checking out this article:

infographic resume template

20+ Infographic Resume Templates and Design Tips to Help You Land That Job

Coming up with a great design idea from scratch is hard work! That’s why we have collected over 1000 examples of infographics, flyers, brochures, posters and more, to inspire designers of all skill levels.

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zengig Logo

Creative Resume

What is a creative resume.

The creative resume style is one that doesn’t adhere to traditional norms in terms of format and content. It’s eye-catching and visually appealing, making use of unique elements like color, font formatting, and graphics to convey information. 

Candidates using a creative format often provide outside links to multimedia content like videos and online portfolios, which are important for design-based and other creative roles. You might include a headshot even, as seen in the example creative resume shown below.

A creative resume can help you stand out when applying for jobs that value outside-the-box thinking. It can also help you showcase skills that are relevant to the job, like graphic design or data visualization. 

Who should use a creative resume?

  • Anyone applying for jobs in creative fields like design, media, film, or tech
  • Job seekers looking to use their resume to showcase relevant skills
  • Applicants to jobs that require a portfolio or other supporting materials
  • Candidates with an especially lengthy or diverse work history who want to sharpen the focus on their skills

Who shouldn’t use this type of resume?

  • Candidates for jobs in conventional fields like law or banking
  • Applicants to jobs that use an applicant tracking system (ATS), which can’t read most creative resumes
  • People who are more comfortable working with text-based formatting

Creative resume format and key components

Assuming you’re in a field that accepts it, building your resume can actually be a lot of fun. The format you use and the components you include are entirely up to you based on what you wish to showcase. If you’re applying for a video production job, for example, you might create a video clip to accompany each section of your resume.

Even though you should think outside the box, there are still a few essential components to include that most hiring managers will be looking for:

  • Contact info and website link For most creative professionals, your skills can’t be summed up in words on paper. That’s why it’s essential to include a website with additional assets that demonstrate your abilities in addition to your regular contact info. This might be a personal blog that showcases clips if you’re a writer or a portfolio of your images if you’re a photographer. Include links that give hiring managers the opportunity to explore your skills beyond your resume.
  • Profile A profile is a short statement that sells your strengths and sums up your most relevant experience. Unlike in a traditional resume, where it’s best to keep your summary focused on professional skills, the profile in a creative resume might include tidbits that help the hiring manager learn more about the candidate as a person, like passions and hobbies.

Sample creative resume showcasing a professional's contact info, profile, skills, experience, and education

  • Skills Even if you’re using this format, you still need to focus on highlighting the skills that are most important for the job. Use the job description to discern which skills the hiring manager is most likely to be looking for, then tailor your resume for each application. Visuals like graphics can be a great tool for showcasing different skills–see the resume shown here for an example.
  • Experience No matter how eye-catching your resume is, most hiring managers will still go straight to your work experience section first. Be sure to include the essentials–the name of the company, your position, and the dates you were employed–along with your most noteworthy achievements.
  • Education List the name of the institution and the degree or credential you received. If you’ve received any specialized training that’s related to the job, it can be included here, too.

Need help crafting a resume?

Build the perfect creative resume today to land your dream job!

They can help someone stand out when applying for jobs that value originality. They’re an effective way to showcase skills that are relevant to the job, like visual design or user experience.

Though the format of resumes may vary, there are a few important parts they should include: contact info, profile, skills, experience, education, and a link to supporting materials like a personal website or portfolio. 

A traditional resume is text-based, follows a standard structure, and does not contain additional visual elements like graphics. A creative resume is unique from one candidate to the next and is customized based on what the candidate wants to showcase. It may contain visually interesting elements like color, images, and even multimedia content.

A reverse creative resume is one where the candidate’s work history is listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent position first. This is the typical way of listing work experience regardless of the resume format being used.

Your resume should focus on your most recent 10 to 15 years of work experience.

If you’ve had a lot of short-term jobs, using a creative format can help minimize the appearance of job-hopping and direct attention toward your relevant skills.

Since most hiring managers only ask for references once you’ve made it past the first few rounds of interviews, there’s no need to use your resume space on them.

Traditional advice states that a resume should be no longer than one to two pages. A creative resume, however, gives you the opportunity to provide links to outside sources like your online portfolio where you can include as much material as you want. 

The best resume fonts are traditional and easy to read. A creative resume offers more leeway for non-traditional font choices, but you should still stick to fonts that are familiar to most readers.

Even if you’re using a creative resume format, don’t make the mistake of getting too creative. Avoid overly complex fonts and busy design elements that make it hard for a hiring manager to find what they’re looking for. Additionally, don’t neglect the opportunity to provide links to additional materials like your website that spotlight your creative abilities.

It’s essential that your resume contains keywords that hiring managers and applicant tracking systems are looking for. These can be found in the job description (especially the requirements and qualifications sections) and by using free keyword finder tools online. Related: How to find keywords in a job description to use in your resume

No matter what resume format you’re using, the most important thing to communicate is your relevant skills. Even the best-looking resume won’t result in an interview invite if you lack the skills required to do the job.

Including an objective in your resume is optional. When using a creative resume format, an objective section can be used to show a bit of your personality, which is often relevant to hiring managers for creative roles. 

Many hiring managers welcome seeing a candidate’s desired pronouns on their resume, and it’s becoming increasingly common. Including your gender pronouns can signal that an inclusive workplace is important to you. 

Unlike a traditional resume, where including hobbies and interests is discouraged, this style offers more leeway for incorporating this kind of personal information. It may be a welcome addition for companies that prioritize culture to help get to know you beyond a list of skills and work experience.

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15 Creative Resume Examples That Will Land The Job

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

While you may think of this adage while preparing for your next interview, how often do you think about it when submitting your CV or resume to a potential client or employer?

The average length of time someone will look at your resume is about 5-8 seconds. That means you need a way to grab their attention quickly. Now, imagine competing with hundreds of other applicants for that same opportunity. As you might have guessed, the chances of getting noticed are reduced even more.

So how do you tackle this problem? How do you get your resume to stand out above all the rest? One way is by submitting a creative resume .

What Is a Creative Resume

A creative resume is one that steps away from the traditional, text-only resume and instead adds creative elements into the mix. This can be anything from interactivity, videos, infographics, and even things like custom chocolates and candy wrappers – although I don’t recommend those last two.

With a creative resume , the sky is the limit; you’re only capped by your imagination. Well, that and whether or not you really want that job.

Many recruiters and potential clients and employers may not appreciate a creative resume. If the important details get lost in the design, it’s not going to fare well for you. In fact, if you’re going to use a creative resume, it’s important to understand where they’ll work, and more importantly, where they won’t.

That said, you need to tailor your resume to the type of job you want. For example, you’re likely not going to send a creative resume if you’re applying for a job as a court clerk or a delivery driver. However, if you’re applying for the Creative Lead position at the local publishing house, it might just be the perfect opportunity to show off your design skills.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some examples of creative resume designs to help give you an idea of what’s out there, and what can be done. We’ll also give you some guidance on which industries will work best for a particular design choice.

Creative Resume Examples

Unique resume / joe kelso.

Unique Resume

This unique resume, created by Joe Kelso in 2007, will surely turn heads. When asked about it in an interview, Joe revealed that it was his secret weapon to getting noticed. In fact, it was so effective that he was often called in for interviews in which he wasn’t a perfect match.

Industry: Media. Entertainment. Design.

Interactive & Fun / Robby Leonardi

Interactive Resume

If you’re looking for a fun resume idea, check out Robby Leonardi’s interactive resume . Robby’s resume, which looks a lot like a video game, takes you on a journey through his experiences by allowing you to control the player using your mouse or keyboard. When you make it to the end of the game, you’re rewarded with an opportunity to send Robby a message.

Industry: Animation. Design. Game / Web Development.

Simple Creative / Chen Zhi Liang

Simple Creative Resume

Infographics are all the rage these days, and it’s no surprise that they made their way into the resume design space. In this simple creative CV , Chen Zhi Liang makes use of them to highlight his skills, and I think he nailed it.

Industry: Design. Development.

Amazing / Joseph Acena

Amazing Resume

Another resume that uses infographics to highlight skills and other areas of interest is this amazing resume by Joseph Acena. The only issue I have with this one is related to the placement of the contact information – it’s a little hard to spot – but otherwise this is a brilliant looking resume.

Industry: Education. Publishing.

Artistic / María Camila Soto

Artistic Resume

María Camila Soto shows off her skills and her personality with her artistic resume . There’s just something about the hand-drawn look that I love.

Industry: Design. Art. Illustration .

Interesting / Gloria Edith Escalera Manzano

Interesting Resume

Gloria’s resume is the most interesting resume on the list. Although she created it for a school project, she clearly gave it a lot of thought, and I think she has something special here.

Industry : Design. Art. Illustration. Children’s Book Publishing.

Beautiful / Stuart Mayhew

Beautiful Resume

This beautiful resume by Stuart Mayhew uses a single accent color to highlight the important bits of information. The font choice is also brilliant. Many people forget how important readability is when they focus too much on the flashy design elements. Stuart clearly did not.

Industry : Design. Marketing.

Designer / Anton Yermolov

Designer Resume

Anton Yermolov created this elegant designer resume, which also uses infographics to highlight his skills. This simple design reminds me of something I might see in a magazine, and it certainly caught my attention.

Industry : Design. Development. Print Media.

Creative Marketing / Mathew Lynch

Creative Marketing Resume

Although there’s not much room for, well anything, Mathew Lynch sure knows how to ask for what he wants! With his creative marketing resume, there’s no question about what he’s after. The fantastic typography alone will surely draw some attention.

Industry : Publishing. Development. Design.

Awesome / Jimmy Raheriarisoa

Awesome Resume

Jimmy Raheriarisoa’s awesome resume is two-color, noir perfection! It’s simple, elegant, fun, and best of all… his skills are up-front and center. I’d call him in for an interview in a heartbeat.

Industry : Publishing. Media. Art. Entertainment.

Innovative / Paula Del Mas

Innovative Resume

This innovative resume comes from Paula Del Mas, which she created to promote her skills as a graphic designer. Technically more of a portfolio than a resume, Paula spent a lot of time designing it. She looked at every aspect of this book, including cover design and font selection, and included only things that would highlight her abilities.

Industry : Design. Publishing.

Creative / Lim Zhiyang


Lim Zhiyang uses infographics to highlight his skills and general interests in this fantastically fun and creative resume. A resume like this is great when you have skills, but not a lot of experience.

Industry : Design. Development. Illustration.

Cool / Francesco Rivieccio

Cool Resume

Francesco’s cool resume gives us a look at the anatomy of a creative professional. His resume highlights his skills in a way that I’ve not seen before. If I were recruiting for new creative talent, Francesco would make it on the list, for sure!

Industry : Design. Illustration. Publishing. Gaming.

Creative / Allison Brunton

Creative CV

This creative resume by Allison Brunton reminds me of a technicolor version of Jimmy Raheriarisoa’s resume (#10). The important information is easy to find, and the use of infographics brings things together nicely.

Industry : Design. Creative Arts.

Creative Genius / Rebecca Fisk

Creative CV Resume

When I first saw Rebecca Fisk’s creative CV, I was immediately reminded of those old Pantone color-chips from back in the day. While I’m not sure how practical of a CV this is, it’ll absolutely make a lasting first impression.

Industry : Creative. Design.

Creative Resume Design Tips

Now that you’ve seen some creative resume examples, you might decide to make one of your own. Before you do, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose legible fonts. One of the most important tips is font selection. Too often, I’ve seen it where either an illegible font was used or too many fonts were used together. The basic rule here is to keep it simple and clean. Don’t select crazy fonts just because they’re available.
  • Keep your contact information easy to spot. This should go without saying, but when your contact information is more difficult to find than the Ark of the Covenant, no one – not even Indiana Jones – will find you. If you want people to contact you, make sure you make it easy for them to do so: don’t hide your contact information behind a terrible design.
  • Include important information, but keep it brief. If the average read-time is about 6-8 seconds to determine whether or not you’ll be getting a call, then imagine how much time is spent reading the rest of your resume. That said, keep it clear and concise. Don’t include irrelevant information, and don’t use big words when smaller ones will do.
  • Let your personality show. Be creative. Let your resume speak to your personality. While my own resume isn’t exactly “creative” – I use a traditional style – my personality still comes through. In my profile section, I have the following bullet points:
Zombie aficionado — should there ever be a zombie apocalypse, it might be nice to have me around. Just sayin’.
  • Use infographics to highlight your skills. Infographics can play a huge part in making a resume stand out, but it’s important to understand what infographics are , and how to make them work. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your resume look like a photo collage put together by a second-grader.

Creative Resume Templates

If you’re not keen on designing your own creative resume, you might consider starting with a template . A word of caution, though… with a template, you run the risk of not being original. However, resume templates do offer a good starting point.

Here are a few to help get you started:


$99.00 USD: Get it here This template offers a nice balance between traditional and creative. The important information is easy to spot, and the color and font selection are spot-on.

Clean CV Resume

$16 USD: Get it here This template comes jam-packed with extras, including matching business cards! It also comes in three different formats: .psd, .docx, and .doc.

Flat Resume with Infographics

$12 USD: Get it here If you’re looking for an entry-level infographics format, this one by Creative Graphics is simple, flat , and fully customizable. However, you’ll need Adobe Illustrator for this one.

Infographic Resume/CV

$15 USD: Get it here In my book, this one by Whitegraphic is a solid choice. It features both a light and dark style, uses free fonts, and comes in two formats: .psd and .ai.

There are tons of templates online. Some are free, some are not. The best advice I can give, go with what speaks to you and your personality. Just keep in mind where it is you’re sending it.

Creative resumes aren’t for everyone, and they’re certainly not for every type of job—but they do have their place and can be an effective tool when you’re looking for new opportunities. Just keep things tame!

The bottom line is that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Creative resumes do have the potential to get you noticed, but you want to make sure that you’re being noticed in a good way and for the right reasons.

About the Author Tammy Coron is an independent creative professional and the host of Roundabout: Creative Chaos. She’s also the co-founder of Day Of The Indie, the organizer behind Indie DevStock, and the founder of Just Write Code. Find out more at .

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  • 20 Creative Resume Examples for Your Inspiration

Job market is way too crowded as it was even 5 years ago, that`s why it`s vital to obtain a good job, which will bring both pleasure and money into your life, and to get one you are to represent yourself digitally, - in the form of resume. This document shows everything you`re capable of as an expert, so why should you limit yourself and go for tedious MS Office Word one paper length outline? Broaden your horizon and study creative resume examples below to know all the possible variants of styling a resume. Who knows, maybe these ones will inspire you to come up with your unique resume design? We hope so.

Discover the most creative resume ideas

Did you know that your outline can be minimalistic but stylish? Modern and colorful? Unique and simple? It`s your obligation to be aware of everything that can promote you as an expert. Remember that you`ll never have the second chance to make the first impression, so make a decent one!

Here`s your creative resume design inspiration

1) Simple but detailed outline, perfectly structured. It`ll show your management skills.

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2) Newspaper style looks just great! It gives profound details about the applicant and it`s never dull to look at it.

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3) A resume that bends. Wow!

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4) This template is all about visualization and pictures.

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5) Infographic resume is the latest trend, as it`s readable and engaging.

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6) Bubbles can be more than a form of entertainment for children. They can serve as your self-presentation. Accompanied by a smiley photo (read here: not boring pic with such a serious face as if you`re passing the most difficult exam in the world) such resume will not be missed.

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7) Life as a diagram.

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8) Black and white outline shows your determination and creativity. It`s minimalistic but catchy.

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9) Who said that fruits are inappropriate? If you use them cleverly, your resume will never be skipped.

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10) Typographic resume can`t be forgotten.

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11) All data included and well-organized content will make you a desirable candidate for the position.

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12) Resume book will make one stand out from the crowd.

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13) An outline of your skills can even be a piece of art at some exhibition. This pop-up folder includes all data about an applicant. 

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14) It`s all about colors. Purple palette is a remarkable tool to make an exceptional outline. 

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15) You can even make your resume in the form of icons and signs.

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16) Anatomy can be fun too.

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17) Use your imagination and shape the resume differently to introduce yourself to the recruiter.

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18) Feminine looking outline for a beautiful lady.

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19) Shine bright like a diamond with the unusual colors but be careful with it and don`t overuse this palette.

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20) Colorful header and shaded sidebar look amazing. It`s a great plus that you can see all the info clearly.

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Tips on how to make a creative resume

Now that you`ve seen various options of outline`s design, structure and from, you can start making your own extraordinary resume. If you have no time to deal with such issues, you can use creative resume makers for help.

On the other hand, if the question «how to write a creative resume that stands out on my own?» is your issue, here is the secret recipe just for you:

  • Think about the concept of your innovative resume. Try to understand what your outline has to represent, which values it possesses. Visualize your resume.
  • The best option with the size is 1 page but if you fail to fit your relevant skills into a singular sheet of paper, you are to use columns to maximize the space.
  • Divide your outline into sections; fill in your experience in a chronological order, using highlighters.
  • Utilize one font in the whole outline text and apply the other one for titles of sections.
  • Make use of infographics, signs, pictures, graphic icons (come on, even Microsoft Word has them). Here is the place to show all your creativity. Try transforming every segment of your resume into infographic. You can convert your previous working experiences into a timeline. Take a hand at shaping tools (like graphs and charts) to represent your knowledge of languages and software.
  • Utilize colors smartly and avoid strikingly bright palette. Apply minimal and neutral colors to give your resume a pro look.
  • Do not forget about your profile photo. It has to be of high quality, show your enthusiasm and positive attitude to life.

P.S. Keep in mind that for administrative positions the last two hints should not be applied. In this case, go for minimalistic colors, which will not become the cause of your CEO headache. It`s also better to use small pics and charts, plain graphs and fonts.

That`s when the time has come to make a creative resume  to get the job of your dreams and become an odd applicant, who is able to bring some magic and a piece of originality in everything.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias aut delectus magni officia quidem quis tempora veniam. Culpa eius expedita mollitia nemo perspiciatis. Atque ipsum quas quis repellat voluptate. Placeat?

creative resume examples

Career Sidekick

A resume summary statement usually comes right after a job seeker’s contact info and before other resume sections such as skills and work experience. It provides employers with a brief overview of a candidate’s career accomplishments and qualifications before they read further. Because of how early it appears on the document, your resume summary statement (or your CV “profile” in the UK) is one of the first places recruiters and employers look. And without the right information, they’ll doubt that you’re qualified and may move to another resume.

So I got in touch with a select group of professional resume writers, coaches and career experts to get their best resume summary examples you can use and adapt to write a resume summary that stands out and gets interviews.

As a former recruiter myself, I’ll also share my best tips to write your resume summary effectively.

Why the Resume/CV Summary is Important

You may have heard that recruiters only spend 8-10 seconds looking at your resume. The truth is: they spend that long deciding whether to read more. They do glance that quickly at first and may move on if your background doesn’t look like a fit. However, if you grab their attention, they’ll read far more. Recruiters aren’t deciding to interview you in 8-10 seconds, but they are ruling people out in 8-10 seconds. And this is why your resume summary is so crucial. It appears high up on your resume (usually right after your header/contact info) and is one of the first sections employers see. So it’s part of what they’ll see in the first 8-10 seconds.

Your resume summary statement is one of your first (and one of very few) chances to get the employer to stop skimming through their pile of resumes and focus on YOU.

Watch: Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

10 resume summary examples:.

These career summary examples will help you at any experience level – whether you’re writing a professional summary after a long executive career, or writing your first resume summary without any experience! After you finish this article you’re NEVER going to have to send out a limp, weak resume summary statement again (and you’ll get far more interviews  because of it).

1. Healthcare Sales Executive Resume Summary Example:

Turnaround & Ground Up Leadership – Concept-to-execution strategies for untapped products, markets + solutions that yield 110% revenue growth – Negotiates partnerships with leading distributors + hospitals—Medline to Centara + Novant Health to Mayo Clinic –  Revitalizes underperforming sales organizations via scalable, sustainable infrastructures emulated as best practice –  C-Level networks of clinical + supply chain leadership acquired during tenures with XXX, XXX and XXX

Why this resume summary is good:

This resumes summary example’s strength lies in the detailed, unique information that has been included. By including revenue stats, names of past employers and partners, the reader right away sees that this person will bring to the role a strong networking ability with key players in his industry, and more importantly can build, grow and revitalize a sales organization, market or product.

By:  Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

2. 15+ Year Business Owner Resume Summary Statement:

Dynamic and motivated marketing professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, designing educational strategies, and coaching individuals to success. Skilled in building cross-functional teams, demonstrating exceptional communication skills, and making critical decisions during challenges. Adaptable and transformational leader with an ability to work independently, creating effective presentations, and developing opportunities that further establish organizational goals.

Why this is a good summary section:

This is a resume summary statement that was for  a candidate returning to work after having her own business for 15+ years. Because of this, we needed to emphasize her soft skills and what she can bring to this potential position. In addition, we highlighted the skills she has honed as a business owner so that she can utilize these qualifications as a sales professional, account manager , and someone knowledgeable about nutrition, medicine, and the overall sales process.

By: Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish. MBA, Ph.D., CPRW, and Founder of Feather Communications

3. Human Resources Generalist Resume Summary Example:

Human Resources Generalist with progressive experience managing employee benefits & compliance, employee hiring & onboarding, performance management processes, licensure tracking and HR records. Dependable and organized team player with the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Skilled at building relationships with employees across all levels of an organization. Proficient with HRIS, applicant tracking and benefits management.

Why this is a good resume summary:

The applicant highlights their experience across a wide range of HR functions from the very first sentence, and continues this pattern throughout the rest of the summary. They then use easily digestible langue to showcase their hard skills (in the first & fourth sentences) and soft skills (in the second & third sentences). They also integrate a variety of keywords to get past automated job application systems , without sounding spammy or without overdoing it.

By: Kyle Elliott, MPA/CHES,  Career Coach and Consultant

4. Social Media Marketing CV Profile Example (UK):

Social media expert with successes in the creation and management of social media strategies and campaigns for global retail organisations. Extensive experience in the commercial utilisation of multiple social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; I build successful social strategies that increase brand awareness, promote customer engagement and ultimately drive web traffic and conversions.

Why this summary is good:

This summary is well-written, short, sharp, and gives recruiters a high-level explanation of the candidate’s core offerings in a persuasive and punchy style. A quick scan of this profile tells you the exact type of social media platforms the candidate is an expert in, as well as the campaigns they have experience running and types of organizations they have worked for. Most importantly, the summary is rounded off by showing the results that this person achieves for their employers, such as increased web traffic and conversions.

Editor’s note: This CV profile summary was written for the UK market… this is a great one to use/copy, but make sure you put it through a spell-checker if you’re applying for jobs in the US (utilisation vs. utilization, etc.)

By: Andrew Fennell, Director at StandOut CV , contributor for The Guardian and Business Insider

5. Marketing Manager Professional Summary Example:

Marketing Manager with over eight years of experience. Proven success in running email marketing campaigns and implementing marketing strategies that have pulled in a 20% increase in qualified leads. Proficient in content, social media and inbound marketing strategies. Skilled, creative and innovative.

This resume summary stands out because it gets straight to the point. By immediately introducing the number of years of experience the candidate has, the HR manager doesn’t need to spend time adding up years. The candidate also jumps right into his or her strongest skill, provides a statistic , then gives additional skills.

By: Sarah Landrum, career expert and contributor at and Forbes

6. Warehouse Supervisor Resume Summary Example:

Warehouse Supervisor with Management, Customer Service, & Forklift Experience –  Dependable manager with 15+ years of experience in warehouse management and employee supervision. –  Skilled at managing inventory control, shipping & receiving, customer relations and safety & compliance. –  Certified Power Equipment Trainer, Forklift Operator and Reach Operator skilled at coaching other staff. –  Promoted to positions of increased responsibility given strong people and project management skills.

The applicant was applying for a warehouse supervisor position that required them to have demonstrated management, customer service and forklift experience. As such, the applicant showcased their experience in these areas with a few keywords in the title, followed by additional details in the accompanying bullet points. Their final bullet shows a record of promotions, while reinforcing the applicant’s customer service and project management skills.

7. IT Project Manager Resume Summary Example:

Experienced Project Manager with vast IT experience. Skills include computer networking, analytical thinking and creative problem solving. Able to apply customer service concepts to IT to improve user experience for clients, employees and administration.

Because this candidate is switching career paths, it’s important he or she take skills used for previous positions and apply those skills to the new job listing. This is a great example because the candidate makes it clear that his or her experience is not in the new field, but that they are still able to bring relevant experience to the table. When writing your resume summary, keep these tips in mind: Use writing that is straight to the point, clear and concise, you’ll have a higher chance of getting noticed by the hiring manager.

8. Career-Changer Resume Summary Example:

Earn trust, uncover key business drivers and find common ground as chief negotiator and identifier of revenue opportunities in sales, leadership and account management roles spanning e-Commerce, air travel and high-tech retail. Navigate cultural challenges while jumping time zones, lead international airline crews and manage corporate accounts to deliver an exceptional customer experience. A self-taught techie sought after as a go-to for complex billing systems and SaaS platforms alike—bridging the divide between technology and plain-speak. – Tenacious Quest for Success + Learning . Earned MBA and BS in just 3 years while working full-time – gaining hands-on experience in research- and data-driven product roadmap development, pricing and positioning. – Results-Driven Leadership. Whether leading Baby Boomers, Gen X or Millennials—figures out what makes teams tick, trains and transforms individuals into top-performers. – Challenger of Conventional Wisdom. Always ask the WHY. Improve the user experience through smart, strategic thinking that anticipates outcomes. Present cases that influence, and lead change that drives efficiency and profitability.

This client was eager for a career change and had moved from role to role and industry to industry. After completing her Master’s degree, she was eager to tie her skills together to land a role – which she did – as a Senior Technology Account Strategist for a global travel company. Although a bit longer than a traditional summary, its strength lies in the details. Without ever getting to the experience section, the reader gets a clear idea of the scope of responsibility, and hard and soft skills the candidate brings to the table.

By: Virginia Franco, Founder of Virginia Franco Resumes  and Forbes contributor.

9. Project Management Executive Professional Summary Example:

15+ years of initiating and delivering sustained results and effective change for Fortune 500 firms across a wide range of industries including enterprise software, digital marketing, advertising technology, e-commerce and government. Major experience lies in strategizing and leading cross-functional teams to bring about fundamental change and improvement in strategy, process, and profitability – both as a leader and expert consultant.

Why this resume summary is good:

“Project Manager” is one of those job titles that’s REALLY broad. You can find project managers earning $50K, and others earning $250K. The client I wrote this for was at the Director level, and had worked for some of the biggest and best tech companies in her city. So this resume profile section shows her level and experience, and the wide array of areas she has responsibility for in her current work. You can borrow or use some of the phrasing here to show that you’ve been responsible for many important areas in your past work.

By: Biron Clark, Founder of

10. Startup And Finance Management Consultant Career Summary Example:

Experienced strategist, entrepreneur and startup enthusiast with a passion for building businesses and challenging the status quo. 8+ year track record of defining new business strategies, launching new ventures, and delivering operational impact, both as a co-founder and management consultant. 

Why this resume summary example is good:

This summary was for a highly-talented management consultant looking to break out of finance, and into trendier tech companies like Uber . His track record and educational background were great, so the goal of this summary section was to stand out and show he’s more than just the typical consultant with a finance background. So we emphasized his passion for startups, and his ability to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. That’s something that companies like Uber and other “disruptive” tech companies look for.

14 Resume Summary Examples for Various Industries

Compassionate and effective 5th-grade teacher with experience overseeing the classroom and preparing lessons. Extensive experience encouraging students through positive reinforcement and motivational techniques. Collaborate well with school administration and other members of the teaching team. Ensure all students meet learning requirements, including literacy, social, and arithmetic skills.

2. Teacher’s Assistant

Goal-oriented teacher’s assistant with ten years of experience working with elementary school children. Aid teachers with lesson planning, classroom settings, and group instruction. Model positive behavior and maintain order in the classroom. Willingness to take on additional responsibilities to meet learning objectives.

Tech Industry

3. computer programmer.

Innovative computer programmer with a proven track record of writing high-quality code and supporting team needs with subject matter expertise. Adept in multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and C++. Ability to troubleshoot complex programming issues with inventive solutions. 

4. Cybersecurity Analyst

Dedicated cybersecurity analyst with ten years of experience in online security research, execution, planning, and maintenance. Proven track record of identifying business risks and proactively resolving them. Experience designing and instituting layered network security for large-scale organizations. Train users and other staff members on IT safety procedures and preventive techniques.
Skilled healthcare professional with ten years of experience in patient care, diagnosis, and providing appropriate treatments and medical services. Manage medical staff and resolve complex medical cases with maximum efficiency. Communicate the patient’s condition and treatment plan in easily understood terminology. Remain current with the latest advancements in medicine and research to ensure patients receive proper care.

6. Registered Nurse

Seasoned registered nurse offering comprehensive patient care in emergency room settings. Experience handling diverse patient populations and caring for various conditions. Proven leadership managing nursing teams and other staff. Focus on enhancing patient care and satisfaction through empathetic communication and excellent customer service. 

7. Digital Marketing Manager

Forward-thinking digital marketing manager experienced in all facets of digital marketing, including social media management, PPC advertising, SEO, and email marketing. Proven experience creating comprehensive marketing plans that improve lead prospecting and enhance brand awareness. Up to date with the newest tools available for digital marketing campaigns.

8. Marketing Analyst

Industrious marketing analyst well-versed in analyzing marketing campaign analytics and making recommendations to improve performance. Collaborate with account managers and use KPI metrics to explain the results of marketing initiatives. Meticulous with a strong work ethic and robust communication skills.

Food and Service Industry

Experienced wait staff member capable of managing orders, processing payments, and upselling menu items. Ensure restaurant guests feel welcome with attentive service catered to their needs. Remain current on updates to the menu and assist guests with selecting orders to meet their dietary requirements. Maintain a positive attitude and focus during busy restaurant periods.

10. Hotel Receptionist

Friendly hotel receptionist with extensive experience handling guest check-ins, check-out, and payments. Facilitate a positive guest experience with polished customer service skills and a readiness to address common inquiries and complaints. Collaborate well with other hotel team members, including executive administration and on-site restaurant staff.

Business/Office Jobs

11. financial analyst.

Highly motivated financial analyst with a proven track record of recommending appropriate financial plans based on financial monitoring, data collection, and business strategizing. Experienced in qualitative and quantitative analysis, forecasting, and financial modeling. Excellent communication skills for building and fostering long-term business relationships across the organization.

12. Tax Accountant

Experienced tax accountant with ten years of experience preparing federal and state tax returns for corporations and partnerships. Monitor changes in laws to ensure the organization properly complies with reporting requirements. Assist with tax audits, ensuring the team receives proper supporting evidence for tax positions. Analyze and resolve complex tax issues. Look for available tax savings opportunities for corporations with an aggregate savings of $500K last year. Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail.

Sales and Customer Service

13. sales representative.

Enthusiastic sales representative with expertise in identifying prospects and converting qualified leads to paying customers. Provide quality customer service and contribute to team sales success. Offer exceptional communication skills and seek to understand client needs before making the appropriate product recommendations. Continually meet and exceed sales goals. Leverage extensive knowledge of available products to provide appropriate client solutions and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

14. Customer Service Associate

Knowledgeable customer service professional with extensive experience in the insurance industry. Known as a team player with a friendly demeanor and proven ability to develop positive rapport with clients. Maintain ongoing customer satisfaction that contributes to overall company success. Highly articulate, with a results-oriented approach that addresses client inquiries and issues while maintaining strong partnerships. Collaborate well with the customer service team while also engaging independent decision-making skills.

Now you have 24 professional resume summary statements and some explanations of why they’re effective. Next, I’ll share tips for how to write your own in case you’re still unsure how to begin based on these examples above.

How to Write a Resume Summary: Steps and Hints

We’ve looked at 10 great resume summary examples above. As you begin writing a resume summary for yourself, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Read the employer’s job description. Your career summary shouldn’t be a long list of everything you’ve done; it should be a refined list of skills and experiences that demonstrate you’re a fit for their job.
  • Mention your current job title if relevant. One common way to begin your resume summary is to state your current job title.
  • Explain how you can help employers achieve their goals or solve their problems.
  • Consider using bold text to emphasize one or two key phrases.
  • Include any relevant metrics and data like dollar amounts, years of experience, size of teams led, etc. This helps your resume stand out.
  • Focus on making the employer want to read more. The goal of your resume summary isn’t to show everything you can do, but to grab their attention and show enough that they continue reading.

Creating a Customized Resume Summary

While general summaries are appropriate when applying for jobs requiring similar skills and experience, a customized resume summary can enhance your chances of moving on to the next step in the hiring process. 

That’s because most companies use automated tracking systems (ATS) to review submitted resumes for content directly related to the job posting. If you use keywords and natural language phrases in your summary that interlink to the job description, you’ll have a much higher chance of passing the ATS review.

Let’s look at an example of a resume summary that is customized for the specific job description below:

Social Media Specialist Job posting

“Highly motivated social media specialist with strong project management skills. Creative marketer skilled in crafting innovative social media campaigns that resonate with a target audience. Regularly develop compelling copy and social media content to enhance lead generation and brand awareness. Detail-oriented with extensive project management skills that ensure proper prioritization of tasks and projects. Work with various social media management and analytics tools to examine results and make adjustments as necessary.”

This summary directly addresses the key points in the job description but rewrites them so the customization is natural and flows well. It’s personalized for the open role and uses similar terms with a few strategically placed keywords, such as “social media content” and “project management.”  

How Long Should a Resume Summary Be?

As you read the resume summaries above, you probably noticed there are some short single-paragraph resume summary examples and much longer career summaries that are two to three paragraphs plus bullet points. So how long should YOUR professional summary be? If you have relevant work experience, keep your summary to one or two paragraphs. The piece you really want the hiring manager to read is your most recent work experience (and you should make sure you tailored that info to fit the job description). The resume summary is just a “bridge” to get the hiring manager into your experience.

If I were writing my own career summary right now, I’d likely use one single paragraph packed with skills, accomplishments, and exactly why I’m ready to step into the job I’ve applied for and be successful!

Even for a manager resume summary, I recommend a very short length. However, if you’re changing careers, or you’re looking for jobs without any work experience , the summary section needs to stand on its own, and should be longer. That’s why some examples above are a bit longer.

Formatting Your Resume/CV Career Summary

You may have noticed a variety of different formats in the career summary examples above. There isn’t one “right” way to format this section on your resume or CV. However, I recommend either using one or two brief paragraphs, or combining a short sentence or paragraph with bullets. Avoid writing three or four long paragraphs with no special formatting like bullet points. That’s simply too much text for your summary section and will cause recruiters and hiring managers to skip over it in some cases.

Should You Include a Resume Objective?

You do not need to include an objective on your resume, and doing so can make your resume appear outdated. Use a resume summary instead of an objective. Follow the resume summary examples above and focus on discussing your skills, qualifications, and achievements, rather than stating your objective. Employers know that your objective is to obtain the position you’ve applied for, and the resume objective has no place on a modern resume/CV in today’s job market.

Examples of Bad Resume Summaries

Now that we’ve seen a few exemplary resume summaries, let’s look at some that you should avoid at all cost.

1. Typos and Grammatical Errors

“Experienced cashier who knows how to run the register cash. Responsible with the money and can talk with the customer. Knows when to stoc up the invenory and checks it all the time. Can count change and run credit card tranactions. Get the customer happy by good service. I am always cheerful and organized.”

Why this resume summary is bad:

If you read the summary carefully, you’ll notice several spelling errors. The words “stock,” “inventory,” and “transactions” are all spelled wrong. Grammatical errors make the summary choppy and difficult to follow (“Get the customer happy by good service”).  A summary like this probably won’t fly with a company looking for a detail-oriented cashier responsible for managing in-person sales.

2. Lacks Relevant Keywords

“Talented worker with experience managing a team of staff. Creative and responsible with knowledge of organizational processes. Can keep up with the busiest of environments. Stays focused when at work, ensuring prompt task completion. Dependable and willing to collaborate with a team to get things done.”  

In this example, the chef doesn’t use keywords relevant to cooking, restaurants, or kitchens. The summary is very generic and can apply to nearly any job. A manager who receives the application isn’t likely to understand what value the candidate can bring to the restaurant.  To fix the summary, the applicant must rewrite it to include relevant keywords and phrases. 

3. No Numbers to Quantify Achievements

“An experienced and hardworking manager ready to align procedures for maximum revenue and profits. Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in higher sales and better customer satisfaction. Collaborate well with sales team members, ensuring they have the resources and knowledge to support customer purchases and inquiries. Develop strong rapport with clients and maintain ongoing relationships.”

This isn’t a terrible summary for a sales manager, but it has room for improvement. For one, the first two sentences essentially duplicate each other, mentioning an aptitude for improving processes with the objective of higher sales. The other issue is a lack of quantifying achievements. 

The applicant mentions they have a proven record of increasing sales, but they could strengthen the summary by quantifying their results. For example, they might say, “Proven track record of streamlining and strengthening processes, resulting in a 25% increase in sales over the past year.” The quantifier provides additional credibility. 

4. Not Targeting the Specific Job

“Looking for work in a role that requires great customer service, project management, and communication skills. Able to collaborate with people from diverse and varying backgrounds. Highly organized and reliable worker with a strong work ethic. Responsible and reliable worker you can count on.”

While the candidate lists various skills they have, including customer service and project management, there’s no indication of prior roles held or what position they’re applying for. The summary could apply to numerous positions in a variety of industries. To improve the resume summary, the applicant must specify the job they’re applying for and indicate their prior experience in a similar role, if they have any.

After You Start Getting Interviews, Make Sure to Take Advantage…

If you follow the advice above, you’ll have a great professional resume summary to make your qualifications stand out to employers. But landing the interview is only half the battle… So make sure you go into every interview ready to convince employers that they should hire you, too! If you write a great resume summary example that gets employers excited to interview you, they’re going to ask you questions like, “tell me about yourself” early in the interview to learn more about your background. So make sure you’re prepared with an answer.

I also recommend you review the top 20 interview questions and answers here.

Your resume caught their interest, so naturally, they’re going to follow up with a variety of questions to learn more about your professional background.

The bottom line is: A strong professional resume summary, followed up by other well-written resume sections will get you the interview, but your interview performance is what determines whether you get the job offer!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

More Resume Tips & Guides

Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), how to beat applicant tracking systems with your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, what happens when you lie on your resume 10 risks, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, guide to resume sections, titles, and headings, 12 resume formatting tips from a professional, how artificial intelligence (ai) is changing resume writing, 22 resume bullet point examples that get interviews, are resume writers worth it, 41 thoughts on “24 resume summary examples that get interviews”.

I would recommend to customise the skills section of your resume, and ensure that it matches the job posting. The higher the number of phrases within the resume matching the job requirements the more are the chances that the recruiter will pick you for the job.

I just wanted to say, “thank you!”. This was very helpful. Instead of jumping from one website to the next there’s so much useful, relevant information right here.

Hi, I have been having trouble creating a resume as My old one is so long, I’ve worked for a government agency for the past 14 years and held multiple positions doing many different duties for each and now I have to relocate to another area where they do not have an agency like mine in my new area within a 3 hour drive, how can I squeeze all my experience and duties on one page and where do I even start, I’m so nervous, it’s been so long since I’ve attempted the job hunt. So I’m wondering, I do not want to cut anything out that may hurt my chances and I can’t afford to have my resume rewritten by a professional. Can you guide me as to where you think would be a good place to start, I’ve been staring at this laptop for weeks trying to decide on a resume template, there are so many. I thank you for your time and any input will help.

Hi, I am a new graduate and do not have any experience in my field which is Nursing. I want to apply for the jobs but I have no idea about what to mention in my resume.

Hi, this article should help with the resume summary, at least:

Other than that, you need to put your academic experience. And internships/part-time jobs if you’ve had any.

Dear Biron,, Thanks for sharing the 10 examples of professional summaries in your article, and especially the reasons why they were considered to be good. However, as a HR professional, I would most likely skip over most of them and would not read much past the first or second sentence. The summaries were mostly too wordy and boring, and did not demonstrate ‘oomph’ at first cursory reading. Simply indicating certain skills or behaviors does not give an idea of the level of expertise, and could simply be wishful thinking on the part of the resume writer.

Just goes to show that there are many ways to see what makes a good summary.

I am a chemical engineer and project management professional with 15+years experience. My experience is between process engineering and project management . How can I marry the two in my profile summary?

It’s not about showing everything you’ve done. It’s about showing employers evidence you’ll succeed in their job. You can show a bit of both but focus heavily on what’s most relevant for the jobs you’re applying for right now. 80/20.

This was absolutely helpful and amazing! Thank you very much!

Hello, I am an active job seeker. I hold a law degree from a foreign country and currently in college for an associate degree. My question is, how do I blend both my foreign job experience with that of the United States in my resume. Thank you.

I’d put your work history in chronological order, starting with the most recent up top. That’s what I’d recommend for 95% of people actually. Then it doesn’t matter where you held each job.

And then in your Education section, I’d include your foreign degree and the current degree you’re pursuing in the US, too (for the US degree, you can say “in progress” or “graduating May 2019” for example).

I am 40 years old & B.A degree holder I have experience in many fields.I would like to join any one fields

I am a fresh graduate, who has five years teaching experience and some months customer service representative experience. Pls kindly assist me to put the resume summary together

I’m an active duty service member and finding in a little difficult creating a good transitional summary from 20 year profession in tactical communications to a drug and alcohol counselor. Do you have any recommendations how I should approach this? Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks

Great piece

How to write the CAREER ABSTRACT in resume for ware super visor retail business?

Just wanted to say thank you.Your advise and information was clear and easy to understand , sometimes there is nothing pertaining to what im looking fot in particular, buy you have sermed to cover everything I n a short quick easy to understand method.It will help tremendously.

Thanks! Glad to hear it helped :)

Very informational

What if you have work experience, but the job your going for(teachingeducation) has nothing to do with warehouse work? How should I build my resume?

In the summary, describe yourself and then say, “…looking to transition into ___” (the type of work you want to be doing now).

This is a bit like a resume “Objective”. I normally don’t recommend an Objective section (and I recommend a Summary section instead), however the one time an Objective does make sense is when you’re trying to change industries or make a big change in the type of role you have.

So that’s why my advice here might seem like I’m telling you to combine an Objective with your resume Summary.

Then “tailor” your previous work to be as relevant as possible. Even if you worked in a different industry you can still show things like leadership, accountability, progress/improvement, hard work, achieving goals, strong teamwork skills, etc. You can do all of that in your resume bullets and work history.

Don’t u have Resume Summary of legal secretary/legal assistant?

No, sorry about that. There are hundreds of different professions/job titles, and we aren’t able to include an example for every scenario out there. These resume summary examples are designed to give you a general idea of how to write yours.

The summaries listed are excellent example and have helped me develop a stand out summary for a new position.

Hello, I been trying to land the job of my dreams. I need help with my resume if i want the recruiters in airlines to notice me. I’ve applied before but haven’t had complete success to making it to a face-to Face Interview. It is a career change – yet i feel i am a great candidate bc i have had many customer service and I even attended an academy for that specific position. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong on my resume ?

what if i never had a job experience?

Great question. If you don’t have any work experience, take one of the formats/examples above and put your accomplishments and qualifications from your academic studies.

Your headline could say: “Motivated Bio-Sciences Graduate With Expertise in ____”.

And then you might talk about accomplishments in school, group projects you worked on or led, etc.

Basically, when you have no work experience, your school/studies BECOMES your recent work. You should talk about that like it’s a job, because that’s the experience you do have.

really amazing article and too useful , thanks

Hi Mr. Clark, I have been out of the work force for about 18+years and I have been a small business owner for the same number of years. However, I want to go back to the work force. But my problem is that, I don’t know how to prepare my resume or resume summary statement. I had a degree in Communication,Arts and Sciences and a postgraduate degree in Public Administration. I’m a bit confused as to how to incorporate all these experiences into my resume. Please can you help?

Hi Dorothy, I can recommend a professional resume writer if you want. But they’re typically not cheap, so it’s something you’d have to be willing to invest in. If not, there’s a lot of free info online about how to “tailor” your resume for specific jobs. I can’t help one-on-one unfortunately, but I’d recommend thinking about which type of jobs you want, and think of what experience you have that is most relevant. that’s what to put on your resume. Your resume isn’t only about you, it’s about them – what do they want/need? (if you want to get a ton of interviews, that’s how to do it :) ).

Can I have a professional resume writer?

I use a similar format when writing my opening statement for my coverletter. How do you recommend differentiating the two? Or is it ok to use largely the same language?

I think it’s okay to use something similar. I might be more brief in the cover letter… it needs to be about them just as much as it’s about you. Whereas the resume is all about you, at least in the summary section. (The later sections should still be tailored to THEIR needs..)

Struggling to write a Summary Statement for a Secretary/Administrative Assistant position. I have 15 years government experience but have been away from the government since 9/1993 and have spent 15 years as a Substitute Teacher after taking off for 10 years to raise my children.

Hiya! I am a mother of three attempting to return to the workforce. I have been a stay at mom for about 13 years, so I have a (large) gap in my employment history; which doesn’t look great. I have a college education and have obtained a few certifications whilst not employed, plus many volunteer hours. I know that I should probably use a functional resume format. Would love some advice on what I should include in my summary statement.

Hi Juniper,

I rarely like functional resumes, but it might be worth trying. I’d “split-test” it (a marketing term). Create two resume styles, send out 50% one way, 50% the other way, and track results for a week.

I’d treat the resume summary statement just like any other resume. Highlight your skills and past wins/accomplishments.

how do i explain long term gaps in employment? leave them out?

Hi Paulette,

Don’t mention them on a resume summary. But do mention the gaps on a cover letter or lower down on the resume. Here’s an article on how to explain gaps in employment:

I am student in civil engineering field. Have 1.5 yrs of work ex. How should i structure my resume. Thanks.

Hello My name is Shataka and I’m a current job seeker trying to land my dream job as a Counselor. I have Master degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. My experience lies in many different fields. I’m currently a Substance Abuse Counselor, with a teaching background and over 5 years of social service experience. I guess my question is how would I sum up all my experience to help me find a job as a Counselor.

Comments are closed.

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Resume templates built to impress.

Creative resume templates designed by professional typographers. No matter how you customize your resume, it will always stand out.

The “Sharp” resume template highlights your application with its neat layout and simple yet standout design elements.

The “Sharp” resume template gives your resume a boost with its tidy layout and subtle design elements that add a punch. Its easy-to-follow section distribution makes it simple yet engaging, a standout among other resumes.

The “Postcard” resume template, with its tasteful design, creatively and memorably demonstrates your job fit to employers.

Looking for a resume that sends a clear message? The “Postcard” resume template might just be it. With a design reminiscent of a tasteful postcard, it shows your fit for the job to employers in a creative and memorable way.

With its standout color and layout, the “Bookmark” resume template highlights your skills and qualifications effectively.

The “Bookmark” resume template, with its unique colored background and two-column layout, ensures that your resume rises above the stack. This bookmark-themed design effectively draws hiring managers' focus right to your skills and qualifications.

With clear dividers and neat icons, the “Classy“ resume template highlights your experience, promoting a polished professional image.

The “Classy“ resume template strikes the right balance between clarity and style. What’s more, it lets your experience take center stage. With its subtle section dividers and neat icons, it's a great choice for job seekers looking to present a polished, classy look.

The “Soft” resume template offers a minimalistic approach with a clear, two-column layout and subtle background.

The “Soft” resume template is a distinct choice that shows information in a sensible way, using a two-column layout and clear section headings. What’s more, its subtle background tone lends a touch of minimalism.

The “Gradient” resume template draws attention with its top gradient, while efficiently highlighting your skills with clear icons.

Our “Gradient” resume template blends elegance and clarity. While a refined gradient at the top makes your resume pop among others, clear proficiency icons present your skills and qualifications in an engaging way.

The “Smart” resume template, with its subtle color and standout strengths section, showcases your key skills in a professional layout.

Looking for a template that embodies professionalism? The “Smart” resume template is your answer. It boasts a single-column layout, a subtly colored background, and a “strengths” section that really pops. It’s a great choice to display your key skills!

Preview of a creative resume template made by Kickresume resume builder

Creative and elegant, the “Doodle” resume template will help you get noticed thanks to its striking line-art illustration. This unique CV template is perfect for anyone who is applying for a creative job.

Preview of a professional resume template with two columns

The “Blurred” CV template provides an elegant solution for anyone looking to easily navigate through resume sections. This captivating template is guaranteed to make your resume stand out.

Preview of an attractive resume template you can use to build your resume in minutes

Our “Rhubarb” resume template uses contrasting colors to boldly highlight your skills and experience. Leave your mark with this modern CV template and impress any hiring manager.

Preview of a beautiful customizable resume template for all levels of experience

This creative resume template leverages a combination of a customizable dominant color and elegant geometric elements to give your professional profile the spotlight it deserves. This CV template is especially well-suited for creative and technical occupations.

Preview of a downloadable resume template to use with the best CV creator Kickresume

The “Sunny” resume template is perfect for any self-confident job applicant. It will help you strike the right balance in a way your CV sections are distributed, and make your resume look professional and neat.

Templates designed to elevate your resume.

Small changes in your resume’s design can make a huge difference. See how you can improve your job application with good resume template design.

Resume created by Kickresume

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1,500+ Resume Examples

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Website Builder

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Let our experienced human proofreaders make sure that your resume or cover letter have impeccable grammar. Don’t let a silly mistake ruin your chances of landing a job.

Your frequently asked questions.

If you don’t find answers to your questions here, don’t hesitate to ask. Kick’s customer service team is always ready to help.

Where can I get free resume templates?

At Kickresume we offer free resume templates which you can customize according to your needs, provided that you stick to the free customization options.

To access free resume templates, create a free account with Kickresume and select a template you want to customize. You can then fill in your information and download your resume an unlimited number of times, still for free. Unless you want to use a premium feature, you won't have to pay at all.

Our templates are designed by expert typographers to ensure optimal readability, are visually appealing, and ATS-friendly.

What is the best resume template?

The best resume template is one that ensures a resume is easily scannable, has clearly labeled sections , and a fitting structure . All that while being visually appealing.

Nevertheless, there's no one-size-fits-all template. While people in a creative industry (eg. fashion, social media) should aim for a resume that catches the eye, other industries (eg. finance, law) may prefer a more conservative design.

That's why the templates we offer at Kickresume are all designed by expert typographers to ensure optimal readability, a visually-appealing design, and an optimization for ATS software. No matter which template you pick.

Are these resume templates ATS-friendly?

Yes! All of our resume templates are optimized for ATS softwares and designed by expert typographers. The resume templates have clearly labeled sections , use ATS-friendly fonts, and have an option for you to add phrases tailored for the job description and to add key skills . You don't need to worry about your resume getting lost and never getting to a human recruiter.

An Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is a computer software that is used by companies during the hiring process. It collects resumes from candidates, scans them for attributes, and filters out the ones that don’t match them. However, with Kickresume's resume templates this won't happen.

How to make a resume with Kickresume?

It's very simple: First, you sign up or log in to your account. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to Your Documents and click on Create New.

Next, you can choose among:

  • creating a brand new resume using the template and customization options of your choice
  • importing your existing data from LinkedIn and choosing your preferred design
  • using one of our existing resume samples and tweaking the details to match yours

Finally, you add resume sections and populate each one with relevant content. If you're not sure about how to write the individual sections of your resume, you can visit our Help Center or read the ultimate resume guide .

Which resume template should I use?

The majority of our templates are quite universal and you can't go wrong with any of them. They come in a wide range of different design styles, ranging from creative and unique to simple and conservative. And anything in between.

There's no one-size-fits-all ultimate resume template. Choosing the best template for you depends on the kind of industry you work in. While in creative industries (eg. fashion, social media) candidates should aim for a resume that catches the eye, more traditional industries (eg. finance, law) may prefer a more conservative template.

Here are examples of resume templates for any occasion:

  • Creative : Pipeline, Bubbles, Hoth
  • Regular : White, Minimalistic, Europe
  • Conservative : Ios, Black, Reed


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    Find inspiration for your own resume design with these creative resume and CV examples. See how designers use color, icons, illustrations, fonts, and layouts to showcase their skills and stand out from the crowd.

  12. Creative Resume Templates [Word & PDF Format] Free Download

    Save time with our easy 3-step resume builder. No more writer's block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect resume employers love. Create My Resume Resume Examples. Cute, Cool, Unique! Elevate your job application with fun, fancy & creative resume templates. Expert-Designed Easy Download as Word/PDF Trusted by 31M+ Users!

  13. 50 inspiring resume designs to learn from

    From academic to corporate designs and creative resume layouts, you're sure to be inspired by these thoughtful creations. Click the image to see more resume templates. 01. Start it right ... This example by S.N. Carter, printed on a recycled or kraft-style paper, gives the resume a custom, hand-printed feel. Resume design by Sarah Nelson Carter ...

  14. 12+ Creative Resume Examples, Templates & Ideas

    5. Innovative Folding Creative Resume Example. Creator: Laura Voet. Type: Innovative Resume Example. Over the years the design of resumes has really evolved, and this creative resume idea is a great example. As a graphic designer, you can really enjoy the role the typography and lines play in this resume!

  15. 10+ Creative Resume Templates & Examples for 2024

    Discover over 1,000 creative resume examples to learn how other professionals describe their skills and experience. Edit This Template. Social Worker. Edit This Template. Aircraft Engineer. Edit This Template. Art Historian. Edit This Template. Journalist.

  16. Creative Resume Templates and Examples

    Visuals like graphics can be a great tool for showcasing different skills-see the resume shown here for an example. Experience. No matter how eye-catching your resume is, most hiring managers will still go straight to your work experience section first. Be sure to include the essentials-the name of the company, your position, and the dates ...

  17. Resume Templates to Download in 2024 (+Free)

    Zety's free and professional templates are the top choice for 2024. Designed to simplify the resume creation process, they're not just easy-to-use, but also loaded with features: 18 different resume templates to match your needs and style. Easy-to-use resume builder & CV maker with step-by-step instructions.

  18. 15 Creative Resume Examples That Will Land The Job

    Creative Resume Examples Unique Resume / Joe Kelso. This unique resume, created by Joe Kelso in 2007, will surely turn heads. When asked about it in an interview, Joe revealed that it was his secret weapon to getting noticed. In fact, it was so effective that he was often called in for interviews in which he wasn't a perfect match.

  19. 12 Eye-Catching Graphic Design Resume Examples

    Senior Graphic Design Specialist Experion - New York, NY | 20XX - Present. Lead in the design, development, and implementation of the graphic, layout, and production communication materials while helping clients cut their costs by an average of 12%. Delegate tasks to the 7 members of the design team and provide counsel on all aspects of the ...

  20. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Strong Professional Summary This resume opens with a compelling summary that highlights the candidate's experience and achievements. This introduction effectively helps attract the interest of galleries or potential clients. Detailed Artistic Experience Exhibitions and commissions are some of the most relevant achievements for a working artist. By creating separate sections for these ...

  21. 20 Creative Resume Examples for Your Inspiration

    17) Use your imagination and shape the resume differently to introduce yourself to the recruiter. 18) Feminine looking outline for a beautiful lady. 19) Shine bright like a diamond with the unusual colors but be careful with it and don`t overuse this palette. 20) Colorful header and shaded sidebar look amazing.

  22. Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Use this resume example to apply for a job when changing careers. Our professional resume example shows that career changers often emphasize experience and skills. Follow this sample resume for a career change and other examples of strong resumes, and emphasize transferable skills and work achievements that apply to the new job.

  23. 24 Resume Summary Examples That Get Interviews

    5. Marketing Manager Professional Summary Example: Marketing Manager with over eight years of experience. Proven success in running email marketing campaigns and implementing marketing strategies that have pulled in a 20% increase in qualified leads. Proficient in content, social media and inbound marketing strategies.

  24. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Here's an example of a resume that uses the functional resume format: Download a Functional Resume. When to use this format: ... Another option when creating a resume for a casual or creative industry is to opt for a video resume format. Video resumes are an innovative way to differentiate yourself from other candidates while showcasing your ...

  25. Free Resume Builder

    Creating a resume online with Canva's free resume builder will give you a sleek and attractive resume, without the fuss. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates, and customize them within minutes. With a few simple clicks, you can change the colors, fonts, layout, and add graphics to suit the job you're applying for.

  26. Best Resume Templates 2024

    While in creative industries (eg. fashion, social media) candidates should aim for a resume that catches the eye, more traditional industries (eg. finance, law) may prefer a more conservative template. Here are examples of resume templates for any occasion: Creative: Pipeline, Bubbles, Hoth; Regular: White, Minimalistic, Europe