101 Hilarious (or Slightly Amusing) Comedic Story Prompts

comedy essay topics

Do you need some help conjuring compelling comedy ideas? Sometimes reading simple comedic story prompts is the easiest way to find them.

Most writers are often asked,  “Where do you get your ideas from?”  A majority of the time, writers find it difficult to answer that question.

We get our ideas from a plethora of sources — news headlines, novels, television shows, movies, our lives, our fears, our phobias, etc. They can come from a scene or moment in a film that wasn’t fully explored. They can come from a single visual that entices the creative mind — a seed that continues to grow and grow until the writer is forced to finally put it to paper or screen.

In the spirit of helping writers find those seeds, here we offer 101 originally conceived and hilarious — or at the very least, slightly humorous — story prompts that you can use as inspiration for your next horror story.

They may inspire screenplays, novels, short stories, or even smaller moments that you can include in what stories you are already writing or what you will create in your upcoming projects.

Check our our other story prompt lists here!

comedy essay topics

1. Two opposing football coaches from rival schools fall in love with each other.

2. A man is afraid of everything.

3. A mom is obsessed with wanting to be popular amongst her teenage daughter's friends and peers.

4. A past arcade game champion from the 1980s quits his job to travel the country getting high scores on classic arcade game consoles.

5. A world where cats and dogs rule Earth.

6. Mark Twain is transferred into the future to experience what life is like now.

7. Someone believes that they are an amazing athlete, but nothing could be further from the truth.

8. A character desperate for a job accepts a position as an interpreter, but can't actually speak the native language.

9. A bigot's soul is transferred into a minority's body.

10. An egotistical genius is suddenly stripped of their intelligence.

11. An unethical CEO of a superstore is ordered by the court to work a month as a cashier.

12. A cowboy is forced to work in the corporate world.

13. A male mermaid falls in love with a female castaway.

14. Mrs. Claus is forced to deliver presents on Christmas after her husband runs off with a stripper.

15. A janitor enacts hilarious daily revenge on the students that mock him.

16. A man finds a loophole to enter the Miss Universe contest.

17. A disgraced angel who hates humans is forced to live amongst them.

18. A mother and her teenage son switch bodies.

19. The world's unluckiest man.

20. An Uber/taxi driver picks up a doppelganger.

comedy essay topics

21. A world where everybody suddenly tells the truth no matter what the consequences.

22. A pastor is accidentally sent to Hell for a missionary trip.

23. A talented but laid-off chef is forced to take a job in a fast food joint.

24. A group of promiscuous high school friends decides to live like do-good virgins to win the heart of a new student.

25. What if Romeo and Juliet hated each other?

26. Someone dies, only to see that their childhood wish of returning to life as a dog comes true.

27. Someone that faints at the sight of blood becomes a vampire.

28. A man discovers that's he's actually a robot.

29. An alternate universe where adults are the children and kids run the world.

30. A man suffers from a strange mental disorder that forces him to communicate only through puns.

31. High school friends of the opposite sex vow to marry each other by 40 if they're still single — only to finally reunite at a high school reunion and discover they can't stand each other, but don't want to be alone.

32. A tone-deaf singer trying to make it as a performer.

33. An egotistical Dungeons & Dragons player wakes up within the world of their campaign.

34. Pranking gets out of hand in an office building.

35. A man finds any way he can to get his wife to divorce him — but none of it works.

36. A marriage counselor that has been married five times.

37. The world's worst beekeeper.

38. The world's worst soccer player that is only on the team because their father coaches.

39. An otherwise innocent priest is disenchanted with the church, quits, and decides to make up for lost time by sinning — but their conscience is making it very difficult.

40. The world's worst hunter.

41. The angel and devil on one's shoulders are actually real.

42. A man afraid of the water decides to confront his fear by visiting the world's biggest waterpark.

comedy essay topics

43. A man afraid of clowns decides to confront his fear by attending clown school.

44. A woman is literally afraid of her own shadow.

45. The country's funniest comedian decides to run for president as a joke — and wins.

46. The world of enthusiastic parents and coaches during a week-long soccer tournament.

47. A group of childhood friends reunites for their 25th reunion only to learn that each of them has undergone drastic changes in their genders and sexualities.

48. A character obsessed with Tom and Jerry cartoons is thrust into that world.

49. The son of a secret agent is nothing like his father.

50. A princess from another country decides to go incognito and attend an American college.

51. A prince from a male-dominated society comes to America.

52. The opposite of vertigo — the fear of being too close to the ground.

53. A woman has Sinistrophobia — the fear of objects to your left.

54. A millennial who can't detach from technology is forced to go camping.

55. A romantic comedy about two dogs that fall in love against all the odds.

56. Someone that hates horror movies because the characters make stupid mistakes is thrust into a world where those scenarios play out.

57. Dogs and cats, living together.

58. The frog that was turned into a prince turns back into a frog after the princess divorces him.

59. A millennial who can't detach from technology is transported to 1980s.

60. A hipster who wishes they could live in the simpler times of the 1800s gets their wish and realizes how hard that life really was.

61. A Little House on the Prairie fan wishes they could live in that world and realizes how hard that life really was.

62. A TV personality is a fake Shark expert on a Shark Week show.

63. A popular TV Chef that can't really cook is hired by the White House to cook for the inaugural ball.

comedy essay topics

64. An egotistical President of the United States decides to pull a publicity stunt for the upcoming election — he wants to be the first president in space.

65. A family wakes up to discover that their dog, two cats, and two frogs can now talk.

66. A family is transported to the land of Oz only to be mistaken as witches because of their smartphones.

67. Unappreciative twin brother and sister are transported into the bodies of their father (brother) and mother (sister) at their birth and get a taste of what it was like raising twins.

68. Unappreciative twin brother and sister are transported into the bodies of their father (sister) and mother (brother) at their birth and get a taste of what it was like raising twins.

69. Parents travel into the future to see what their children are like — and the results are not that great.

70. Grandparents welcome their six grandchildren for a week's vacation; only the parents never come back.

71. A group of children start an underground candy factory and run it like a drug cartel.

72. A group of soccer moms start an underground cupcake factory and run it like a drug cartel.

73. A bunch of bored fathers that binge The Sopranos decides to start a suburban mafia — but they are a far cry from gangsters.

74. A farmer decides to open a knock-off of Disneyland, complete with lackluster versions of Pirates of the Caribbean , The Jungle Cruise , It's a Small World , and many other iconic Disney rides.

75. The competitive world of belly flop competitions.

76. The competitive world of cannonball diving.

77. The competitive world of adult go-cart racing.

78. The competitive world of minigolf tournaments.

79. Neighbors living in Midwest suburbia decide to get into the lucrative world of internet couples pornography.

80. A white family wants to open up a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

81. A group of children obsessed with 1980s movies decides to remake the classics.

comedy essay topics

82. A group of children playing hide and seek in their basement discover old VHS tapes and have no clue how to play them — leading to an adventurous journey of mystery and discovery.

83. A middle school decides to run school elections like the presidential race and prove to the world how childish adults in the political world really are.

84. A grownup butt dials their childhood phone number. Guess who answers?

85. A priest, a rabbi, and a monk walk into a bar.

86. The world's worst fistfight between two suburban dads goes viral.

87. A world where humans evolved from sloths.

88. A white-collar prisoner does everything he can to return to prison when he's released at an old age.

89. A spoof of The Shawshank Redemption where the protagonist is an idiot that makes the most stupid mistakes and gets caught at every escape attempt.

90. The world's easiest prison to escape.

91. A hardcore rapper that actually didn't grow up in the hood.

92. A mom that has had enough of her spoiled children and husband plans a vacation for herself.

93. A man and his best friend, his dog, switch bodies.

94. A woman and her best friend, a cat, switch bodies.

95. A movie buff that is sick of body switch movies actually switches bodies with someone.

96. The competitive world of the Summer Redneck Games —classic events include the toilet seat horseshoe toss, watermelon seed spitting, mud pit belly flop.

97. The competitive world of Quidditch.

98. The world of Renaissance fairs.

99. The world of cosplayers.

100. A 25th high school reunion committee decides to do an adult prom, leading to mirrored drama from twenty-five years ago.

101. A blogger trying to concoct a list of 101 hilarious (or slightly amusing) comedic story prompts runs out of ideas when he reaches the end of the list.

comedy essay topics

Share this with your writing peers or anyone that loves a funny story. Have some prompts of your own? Share them through comments on Facebook posts or Twitter retweets!

Keep writing.

Ken Miyamoto has worked in the film industry for nearly two decades, most notably as a studio liaison for Sony Studios and then as a script reader and story analyst for Sony Pictures.

He has many studio meetings under his belt as a produced screenwriter, meeting with the likes of Sony, Dreamworks, Universal, Disney, Warner Brothers, as well as many production and management companies. He has had a previous development deal with Lionsgate, as well as multiple writing assignments, including the produced miniseries  Blackout , starring Anne Heche, Sean Patrick Flanery, Billy Zane, James Brolin, Haylie Duff, Brian Bloom, Eric La Salle, and Bruce Boxleitner. Follow Ken on Twitter  @KenMovies

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55 Funny Writing Prompts To Inspire Your Inner Comedian

Hands up if you’ve enjoyed a funny series or movie lately and hoped the writers were well-paid for their work? 

Laughter is good medicine.

So, think of the comedy writing prompts in this post as our contribution to making the world a healthier place.

If you love to make people laugh but you’re struggling to think of funny topics to write about , we’ve got you covered. 

The real challenge is deciding which prompt to use first. 

Funny Writing Prompts 

Enjoy this list of 55 funny writing prompts. And keep track of those that stand out for you. 

1. Write about someone trying to explain to a teacher that their dog did, in fact, eat their homework.

2. Write about two characters — with entirely different lives and personalities- switching bodies.

funny writing prompts

3. Write about a little boy accidentally switching bodies with his dad for a day.

4. Write about someone playing the perfect April Fools Day prank.

5. Write about someone who accidentally buys a fish that can talk — and it isn’t exactly polite.

6. Write about someone who is friends with a hero and a villain. They don’t keep this a secret, but it does make for some interesting conversations.

7. Write about a hero and a villain rescheduling their battle due to a scheduling conflict.

8. Write about a superhero whose greatest threat is their younger sibling.

9. Write an analysis paragraph that makes an ordinary object sound infinitely complicated.

10. Write a poem about Tupperware.

11. Write about the origin of an inside joke.

12. Write a story about someone who can’t stop saying what they think — much to the dismay of those around them.

13. Write a character with a personality based on your favorite song.

14. Write a comedy script about a food that you hate.

15. Write a story about a deck of cards coming to life. How do their personalities mix with each other?

16. Write about someone trying to escape the afterlife.

17. Write a story about a great historical figure learning how to use the internet. What do they find online when they Google themselves? Do they like it?

18. Write about a character who wakes up to find out the world is ending. Even stranger than that, everyone around them is celebrating.

19. Write a story that begins with the words, “Tuesday is always the worst day to rob a bank.”

20. Write about a woman who promised her firstborn child to several different witches. Now that a baby is on the way, she has to deal with a custody battle.

funny writing prompts

21. Write about a hero who accidentally falls in love with the daughter of their arch enemy.

22. Write about an alien race that believes ants are the most organized civilization on earth.

23. Write about Greek deities taking a class on Greek mythology. Which parts of the curriculum do they have issues with?

24. Write a story about Ares — the Greek god of war — getting trapped in the body of a preschooler.

25. Write a story about a chicken that accidentally hatches a dragon egg — much to the concern of the local population.

26. Write a story about an immortal who keeps finding increasingly creative ways to avoid the grim reaper.

27. Write about someone who takes up a career as a nanny. The adorable baby they’ve been hired to care for is, unfortunately, the antichrist.

28. Write a slow-burn love story that is narrated by a very impatient narrator.

29. Write a story in which the narrator hates the main character. This leads to lots of passive-aggressive side comments throughout the story.

30. Write a story that begins with the words, “Unfortunately, fire is not the solution to every problem.

31. Write a short story about a burned-out retail employee deciding to spend his last day messing with the worst customers. 

32. Write about a farmer who wakes up able to understand what the animals on the farm are saying — on the day he was planning to butcher some of them for food.

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33. Write a story about a famous Hollywood paparazzo who’s decided to retire and finds himself the object of unwanted attention (for reasons he’s about to learn). 

34. Write a story where you agree to house-sit a new “smart home” for a famous celebrity. Turns out the house is a bit glitchy. And it all begins in the bathroom.

funny writing prompts

35. You’ve just finished a string of speed dates and are preparing to spend the evening alone when your attractive new neighbor asks you to watch their pet rock. 

36. Write about a support group where members meet every month to discuss their mistakes and to “say anything.” 

37. Your cat wakes you up one day to let you know his kind have taken over the world. If you want to continue living, you’re now his “personal assistant.” 

38. The dogs of the neighborhood are meeting to build a resistance to the worst humans in the area. You follow your dog one evening and learn the truth. 

39. Write about something you should NOT have tried at home — but you did, anyway, with more or less predictable consequences. 

40. You buy something online and are so excited about the money you’ve saved — until it shows up. 

41. You’ve started a blog based on interviews with villains, and your first interview guest has just arrived at your agreed-upon meeting spot.  

42. Write a short story about a waitress who just dumped her boyfriend spending Valentine’s Day working at a restaurant, serving over-the-top romantic couples.

43. You’ve been holding it together, but when your grocery bag rips open as you’re crossing the street, something snaps… and you turn into a dragon. 

44. The pharmacy absent-mindedly packages the wrong prescription for you. Fortunately, the mistake isn’t fatal to you — but it does have consequences. 

45. Your new date drags you to a coffee shop that’s hosting local comedy routines, where you find, to your horror, that your oversharing dad is the main attraction. 

46. You’re answering an ad for a local “expert” who promises they can rid you of writer’s block for the rest of your life. The contract is unusual, to put it mildly.

47. After days of frustrating writer’s block, a breakthrough comes at the worst possible moment. And you can’t help yourself. 

48. You’ve just converted an old school bus into a mobile home to travel the country,  and after advertising for a traveling companion, you’re interviewing the top five. 

49. You’ve just finished a high-stakes version of rock-paper-scissors. You’re one of the “lucky ones.” 

50. Write a story that starts with “I hereby resign my position as neighborhood tooth fairy for the following reasons…”  

51. You’re at an open house for a property you’re looking to buy, and you hear a loud bang. You turn to see a plume of smoke rising from the garage next door. 

52. Write about an embarrassing moment that still makes you cringe when you remember it — but add a twist. 

funny writing prompts

53. You’ve decided to be a stand-up comedian, and the next day, you hear a laugh track every time you say something out loud. Was it always there?

54. You agree to a blind date only to come face to face with your arch-nemesis from school. 

55. You’re a superhero interviewing candidates for a sidekick position. One of your interviewees is your favorite barista, who also happens to be a supervillain. 

Now that you’ve looked through the whole list, which funny writing prompts stand out as your favorites? 

And how are you most inclined to begin your next story? 

  • With a bit of dialogue?
  • With a quick dive into an active disaster scenario?
  • With a pithy summation of a lesson learned the hard way?

Think about how some of your favorite stories begin. Then commit to choosing one of these prompts today and making it your own. 

Which will you write about first? 

Wanting to write the next best comedy series but don't know where to start? Enjoy our curated list of funny writing prompts that will surely make your readers laugh.

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110 Humor Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Top Humor Topic Ideas and Essay Examples

– Sense Of Humor: What Does It Do? Satire is much more particular as it relies on an accurate understanding of the intended audience.

– The impact of humor and fun in the workplace on employee morale and performance It is well-known that laughter has many benefits. However, laughter isn’t always a good thing for your […].

– The effects of humor and persuasion Humor can still be used to persuade. Comedy/Amusement

– The Cask of Amontillado Horror Story – Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe makes use of humor and horror to tell “The Cask of Amontillado”.

– Humor’s Nature: What Makes People Smile? Literary works are academically a constructive and creative way to condemn evils such corruption, impunity and gender violence.

– World Literature: Humor and Comedy Here is the absurd comedy of Okonkwo’s father’s description of his family’s poverty.

Humor in Lysistrata, She Stoops to Conquer: Still funny today The satire of Lysistrata is a farcical comedy that delights modern audiences. It focuses on national wars and peace.

Humor at Work This paper’s findings are both theoretically and practically important.

Attardo: “Humor and laughter” The field has been lacking a synthesis of laughter and humor since then.

– Racial Humors, Stereotypes, and “Rush Hour 2”, The influence of globalization made it possible for different cultures to come into contact. This led to massive migrations across every country and clashes of customs and religions

– African-American Humor: A Reflection on Change This article aims to demonstrate that the African-American population has used humor to diminish stereotypes and get them closer to realizing equal rights […]

Humor at Work: How Important is It? The HRM function is responsible with motivating workers. Humor can help create a friendly environment.

– Japanese Literature – Humor and parody This paper explores the use of humor and parody within the following works of Edo-Tokugawa periods.

– Humor in Zadie’s Novels Zadie’s style serves as a guideline to help readers understand situations that might be ethically or otherwise problematic.

Humor Therapy for Mental Illness Patients Therefore, researchers focused on humor in therapy as it has the potential for positive patient outcomes.

– Humor, Technology and the Young Frankenstein Movie One of the most heated debates was about the role of scientists in today’s age. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, which addresses this question.

Humor: Different tastes Humor is part of our human nature. […]

– Harpagon The Achievement of Humor, “The Miser” Moliere The audience can find humor in whatever happens to him throughout the play because he has become distant from all other characters.

– Strategies for Humor and Australian Art Post 1970 Humor regarding emotions and needs is a powerful tool for constructing a society that accepts these emotions.

– Humor of Multifunctional Nature: Cultural Traditions and Comedy Works The Colbert Report was a catalyst for patriotism and self-awareness in 2008, especially when it came to the elections. It was intended to make people laugh and compensate for the […] lack of truth.

– Mark Twain’s Humor according to Critics In the 1860s, he moved with his family to Nook farm in Hartford, Connecticut. Then, they moved to Fredonia, New York, and Keokuk in Iowa.

– The Racial Humors in America: Jokes with Racial or Ethnic Contents Connotations Peter Russell’s performance began in 1989 and has covered the most important areas of Indian childhood, racial stereotypes and race relations.

– Humor and Asian Cinema: The Functions Of Humor In Japanese Films Humor in cinema can help to bring out the most important themes and add some unique details.

– Culture-Based Humor, Stereotypes and Comedians’ Relationship with the Audience Without being able to analyze one’s reactions, it is impossible to determine which kind of comedy would be the most entertaining for someone.

– Ethics, Persuasion and Humor: The Social Functions of Humor in Society In this instance, the mental state is defined as the person’s attitude. Humor is an effective way to persuade others.

Drew Hayden Taylor’s Aboriginal Humor. This essay will examine the traditional theories of aboriginal humor. It informs about the […]

Humor in the Workplace: Reducing employee tension and communication The cartoon helps reduce tension at work by giving the employer an opportunity to offer advice to the worker. Management understands that employees have the freedom to learn […].

Humor as Therapy at Humormatters.com It can be searched for using the Google keyword “Sultanoff” as well as listed on the Pepperdine University website under the section dedicated o the researcher and a faculty member.

– Humor as a Method of Conflict Management: Facilitating & Regulating Communication Humor can help to create a relaxed environment, which is sometimes necessary in a workplace.

Humor can be a tool to achieve positive results at work Managers should be able to establish good relationships with multi-ethnic teams that include members from different ethnicities.

Humor is the best strategy for stress relief This paper will discuss how humor can be used to manage stress. It is not enough to understand the causes of stress.

Film Noir, Black Humor and Film Noir in “The Missing Gun” Black humor and noir elements can be seen as features that help to create an image and atmosphere in a movie. These elements are combined in “The Missing Gun” to show an […].

Simple & Easy Humor Essay Titles – The Theme. The Message. The Humor. The Setting of The Flaw in Our Stars. John Green’s Novel. – The Theme of Humor, The Taming of the Shrew (William Shakespeare) – The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon & White Noise By Don DeLillo – Humor and Uses – Transforming Moments: Humor and Laughter In Palliative Health Care Adams’ Hitch Hiker’s Guide to Humor and Absurdity – Humor through the Characters by Creating False Realities In the Taming Of The Shrew – The Humor, Satire and Writings of Mark Twain – Comedy as a Humorous Tool in Movie Zombieland Voltaire’s Principles of Satire and Humor In Candide – Tone, Irony and Humor in The Hammon And The Beans – Oscar Wilde’s The Imitance of Being Earnest: How Humor and Irony are Used – The Importance Of Humor In Literature For Beginning Readers – Humor and Language Techniques in Monbiot’s Article Modeest Proposal for Youth Scourge The Possible Correlations between Self-Defeating Humor and Humor Sigmund Freud and Woody Allen discuss the use of humor – The Importance Humor In Tragic Hamlet. A Play by William Shakespeare Emma Jameson: Humor and Culture in Relationship – Oscar Wilde’s The Importance and the Earnest: How Humor Works – How to Find Humor in a Parody. Humor’s Positive and Negative Implications – The Cooperative principle of Pragmatics: An Analyse of Verbal Humor among Friends – The use of literary devices to create humor for Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer night’s Dream, A Play about Humor – What is the Triumph of Humor over Human Adversity? – Humor Production: The Differences and Similarities between Academic and Popular Sources – To improve the students’ speaking skills, use humor in the teaching-learning process

Humorous Topics for Essays – The Truth Behind Comedy. A Study Of Comedians. Jane Austen’s Subtle Humor about Pride and Prejudice – The Humor of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America to Make Beneficiious Nation of Kazakhstan – The Cynical Perspectives and Dark Humor Of Voltaire in Candide And Zadig – Therapeutic Uses Of Humor – Women and Comedy: Sexual Humor And Female Empowerment Using dark humor and journals – Mark Twain’s Humorous Writings – Humor is essential in creating effective advertising for marketers – The Cellular and Immune Effects Of Humor Humor in Flight: What Roles Does It Play? – Chaucer8217s Canterbury Tales: Humor and Satire Shakespeare’s Humor: Richard Iii. – One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest: Powerful Humor – Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Life and Dark Humor in Satirical Fictions – The Difference between British and American Humor – George Orwell’s Animal Farm demonstrates the use of humor to describe historical events Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Humor – How to use humor to face the harsh realities of everyday life as a prisoner during the Holocaust – William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet – Humor – The development of a sense of humor in childhood Hwee Hwee Ta – Humor through Contradictions within Foreign Body Components Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: Wit and Humor – Humor theories by Jim Holt – 21 Jump Street: The Humor of Chris Miller and Phil Lord

Questions about Humor – What Does it Mean to be “Bad”? – What is Humor? – What is the opposite of humor? – What is the best synonym for humor? – What is the closest synonym for the word humor? How African American Humor and Our View of Comedy Have Changed – Chaucer uses humor to make social criticism. – How does Dorothy Parker use humor to explore gender differences? Humor: How does it affect our society? – What is Humor? – Emily Dickinson uses humor and irony in her poetry – How can humor benefit workplace relations and improve employee performance? – How can humor create different emotions within comedy? How can humor be an important part for health? Humor can make a greater impression than Stern speeches. – How can Japan’s open-mindedness, responsibility and sense of humor make it a better country? Russel Peters uses race-based humor? – What are the unique characteristics of Jewish Humor and Humorology? Humor-Based Positive psychology Interventions for Whom? – How do personality traits and sense of humor affect your ability to make decisions? Is there a relationship between Humor Styles & Subjective Well-Being that is different across cultures and ages? How does humor affect brand imaging, interpersonal? – How does Humor influence perceptions of veracity? – Is Humor a Qualify for a Person? What is the importance of humor? – How did social change and its humor idioms in the Twentieth Century occur? – What are the Different Styles Of Humor?


Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.

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Essay on Comedy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Comedy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Comedy

Introduction to comedy.

Comedy is a genre of literature, drama, and cinema that seeks to entertain audiences through humor. It often involves funny characters, situations, or dialogue.

Types of Comedy

There are various types of comedy, including slapstick, parody, and satire. Slapstick involves physical humor, parody mocks other works, and satire criticizes society.

Role of Comedy

Comedy plays a crucial role in society by providing entertainment and relaxation. It also helps us to look at serious situations in a lighter vein.

Comedy and Learning

Comedy can be an effective tool for learning. It makes learning fun and helps in retaining information better.

Also check:

  • Speech on Comedy

250 Words Essay on Comedy


Comedy, a genre of entertainment that has been cherished throughout human history, serves as a powerful tool for social commentary, psychological therapy, and cultural bonding. Rooted in ancient Greek theater, it has evolved into various forms, from slapstick and satire to romantic and black comedy, reflecting the diversity of human humor.

The Evolution of Comedy

Comedy’s evolution mirrors societal changes. In ancient Greece, Aristophanes’ satirical plays critiqued political leaders, showcasing comedy’s role as a platform for dissent. In the Elizabethan era, Shakespeare’s comedies, with their intricate plots and humorous misunderstandings, highlighted the human condition’s absurdity. In the modern era, comedy has diversified, with stand-up comedians, sitcoms, and internet memes offering different humor styles.

The Social Impact of Comedy

Comedy is more than just a source of amusement. It is a social instrument that challenges societal norms, provokes thought, and fosters empathy. Comedians often tackle sensitive topics, using humor as a bridge to facilitate difficult conversations. Comedy can also serve as a unifying force, bringing together diverse communities through shared laughter.

The Psychological Benefits of Comedy

Psychologically, comedy has therapeutic benefits. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, promoting an overall sense of well-being. Comedy can also provide a coping mechanism, helping individuals navigate through life’s challenges with a lighter heart.

Comedy, in its myriad forms, is a vital part of our cultural fabric. It not only entertains but also enlightens, challenges, and heals. As we navigate through evolving societal landscapes, comedy will continue to serve as a mirror, reflecting our triumphs, absurdities, and shared human experiences.

500 Words Essay on Comedy

Comedy, a genre of drama that has been captivating audiences for centuries, is a rich and complex art form. It is a genre that is designed to amuse and entertain, often by satirizing human behavior, presenting absurd situations, or employing clever wordplay and wit.

The Origins of Comedy

The origins of comedy can be traced back to ancient Greece in the 5th century BC, with Aristophanes being one of the best-known early playwrights. In the Middle Ages, comedy was often a part of theatrical mystery plays. In the Renaissance, comedies were written for the new commercial theatre. Today, comedy remains a major part of the global entertainment industry, encompassing film, television, theatre, stand-up, and digital media.

Comedy is not a monolithic genre; it encompasses a plethora of sub-genres, each with its unique characteristics and methods of eliciting laughter. Farce, for instance, relies on exaggerated and improbable situations, often with a fast-paced plot. Satire uses humor, irony, and exaggeration to critique or mock individuals or society. Slapstick comedy, on the other hand, involves physical humor.

Psychology of Comedy

The psychology of comedy is as fascinating as its history. Why do we find something funny? Theories of humor include the incongruity theory, which suggests that humor arises from the unexpected or the incongruous; the superiority theory, which posits that we laugh at the misfortunes or shortcomings of others; and the relief theory, which proposes that humor is a form of psychological relief from tension or fear.

Comedy as a Social Tool

Comedy also serves as a powerful social tool. It can be used to challenge societal norms, critique political systems, or highlight social issues. Comedians often play the role of social commentators, using humor to provoke thought and discussion about contemporary issues. Comedy can also foster a sense of community, as shared laughter helps to create bonds between individuals.

Conclusion: The Universality of Comedy

In conclusion, comedy is a universal language that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. It is a mirror that reflects the absurdities, idiosyncrasies, and complexities of the human condition. Whether it’s a timeless joke, a classic sitcom, or a modern stand-up routine, comedy has the power to bring people together, to provoke thought, and most importantly, to remind us of the joy of laughter.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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comedy essay topics

Comedy Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

🏆 good comedy essay topic ideas, 🥇 interesting comedy topic ideas for college, 📍 essay topics to write about comedy.

  • The Rivals: an anti-sentimental comedy Essay Sample Next Goldsmith and Sheridan, in the form of sentimental comedy, attempted a revival of the Restoration comedy of manners without its coarseness and immorality, and satirize sentimental tradition. If we examine the scenes of Faulkland-Julia, we will understand the writer's ...
  • How far do you think Twelfth Night succeeds as a comedy? Although the resolution of the joining of three couples: Orsino and Viola; Olivia and Sebastian and Sir Toby and Maria satisfies the criteria for a romantic comedy in some way, the bizarre nature in which some of these relationships come ...
  • Analyse How Moliere Uses Comedy as a Dramatic Technique in Le Tartuffe It is important to realise the historical context that influenced Moliere's work of Le Tartuffe in order to understand the construction of the characters and comedy portrayed. Moliere: The Theory and Practice of Comedy.
  • Establishment of the Comedy Genre through the prism of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew These are established early on in the first acts of the play, beginning with a setting of the scene and the characters to dictate the traditional plot of a resolution of "loose ends". Thus, in this sense it follows all ...
  • Brief for Comedy Films Coursework I will have to follow the key concepts of comedy films and the story line of the film will be kept the same. The person who you laugh at is usually the key actor/actress and usually brings down the tension ...
  • Analyse the humour and comedy of Act 1 in Much Ado About Nothing The utilisation of these words is humorous due to the fact she always wants the upper hand in the competition of wit, outsmarting the notorious Benedict. Furthermore, the theme of marriage is a theme that spawns conflict and comedy.
  • The Comedy in Chivalry The material appearance of Don Quixote and his horse Rocinante, as well as Don Quixote's vision on the banal places he stumbles upon proceeded to generate the foundation for laughter. The fact that Don Quixote had used cardboard as a ...
  • I’m Going! a Comedy in One Act The wife on the other hand tries to reason with him and let him know that she is willing to have a good time and she would rather be out with him than to be home alone and neglected. A ...
  • The comedy of errors Adriana represents a lot of feminist ideas that are ahead of her time; she is a very futuristic character in the play and does not fit in with women of this time. Adriana is an unfortunate victim of misunderstanding as ...
  • The Influence of Tragedy/Comedy on History Essay The wars that took place around the time the History was written were the following: the Ten Years War, the Ionian War and the disastrous expedition to Sicily. Another similarity between the History and the Greek tragedy is the fatalistic ...
  • How African American Humor has Evolved and the Way We Look at Comedy Going by this definition of culture the evolution of black humor has definitely been a foundation in the survival of the comedy in America. The slaves made the best of the circumstances through humor and by laughing at the way ...
  • Tragedy and Comedy in Drama Essay In The Rover, feminine power is symbolized by the way women use their sexuality to manipulate the whims of men. Like the gushes of romance that endears love to lover, drama has its own charm that pulls the audience to ...
  • The comedy movie South Park The media on television would in an attempt to provide more positive gender identities for adolescent women depict women on television in more realistic ways, should stop reinforcing negative stereotypes of women, and stop portraying women as sex objects in ...
  • Compare and Contrast Between Comedy and Tragedy The characters try to solve the problem and the story ends with all the characters uniting in either a marriage of a party. However, a difference between these two beginnings is that in Oedipus Rex the citizen are effecte.middle of ...
  • Comparison and Contrast of two plays: "Comedy of errors” by William Shakespeare and "Oedipus the King” by Sophocles Compare and Contrast Essay The main character Oedipus in the play "Oedipus the King"; is full of pride which he loses at the end and has to bow down to fate. Same as Shakespeare's reflection, the theme of tragedy is illustrated in the play ...
  • "Much Ado About Nothing” Display Elements of Both Romantic Comedy and Tragedy Essay Sample To answer the question it is necessary to explain and explore the different elements of tragedy and romantic comedy in the Shakespeare play "Much Ado About Nothing". The audience is also indicated early on in the play of Benedick and ...
  • Romantic Comedy in Twelfth Night At the beginning of the play, Sir Toby is said the be the Lord of the Misrule, who was appointed to manage the Christmas festivities held at court during this time of celebration. This is humorous to the audience because ...
  • The Twelfth Night Comedy by William Shakespeare Essay Sample Malvolio is the Puritan in the play, a political suggestion of the play. The title, Twelfth Night, stemmed from the request of Her Majesty, the Queen Elizabeth I, to attune the performance of the play during a night of rich ...
  • Subversive Femininity in The Taming of the Shrew and The Comedy of Errors The main theme of the current essay involves two of the most known plays of William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew and The Comedy of Errors. These two of Shakespeare's plays are both comedies, in which women are significantly ...
  • Romantic Comedy Films Syllabus Creative Writing The topic of romantic comedies is usually characters who have not yet fallen in love and married, who fall in love during the course of the film. The films Friends with Benefits and No Strings Attached are romantic comedies released ...
  • A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy It is a testament to the success of the TV series, that movie and animation adaptations followed - Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie and Mr. Bean is today a household name in Britain and across the world.
  • 4 books on writing comedy screen plays Such secrets of screenplays which involve the excellent comedy work are given by the author Stuart Voytilla in his book of Writing the Comedy Film. 4) - Writing the Romantic Comedy: From "Cute Meet" to "Joyous Defeat": How to Write ...
  • Comedy Film Wanda He has such control over his arm that he is able to extend it, and withdraw it in a matter of maybe a second. They are speaking excitedly about something and he leaps into the air, grabs a pipe that ...
  • The Theme Of The Importance Of Healthy Relationships in Comedy Movies Some of my personal favorites in this genre are the films 21 Jumpstreet and We are the Millers. Finally, once the group has safely returned to the US and are free of the drugs; the "family" ended up getting so ...
  • The awakening: tragedy or comedy Robert is a siginificant figure that reminds Edna of her natural inherent aptitude for love.that love is about her ain will and pick to take the individual she wants to remain with.and non strictly a notional wooing that flatters her. ...
  • A comparison of comedy in the seagull and the cherry orchard The method by which action is presented in these two plays, namely through narrative dialogue and the use of off-stage action that is only reported to the audience/reader, is one of the primary comedic aspects in each of these plays; ...
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  • The cherry orchard: chekhov’s comedy, stanislavsky’s tragedy Given the circumstances of late nineteenth and early twentieth century Russian history, it is tempting to see the play as a dismal story of loss, and Madame Ranevsky and her family as victims of the uprising of the industrial classes. ...
  • Race and stereotypes in comedy assignment Racial Stereotypes in Comedy Hollywood films, for centuries, have been using American comedies to humorously naturalized the beliefs of racial differences that construct the Ideological basis of racial hierarchy. Professionals have found a ways for these films to provide the ...
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NerdySeal . (2022) 'Comedy'. 17 February.

NerdySeal. (2022, February 17). Comedy. Retrieved from https://nerdyseal.com/topics/comedy-essay-topics/

NerdySeal . 2022. "Comedy." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/comedy-essay-topics/.

1. NerdySeal . "Comedy." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/comedy-essay-topics/.


NerdySeal . "Comedy." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/comedy-essay-topics/.

"Comedy." NerdySeal , 17 Feb. 2022, nerdyseal.com/topics/comedy-essay-topics/.

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Home Essay Samples Literature

Essay Samples on Comedy

My take on comedy: from tartuffe to sylvia and cards against humanity.

Defining comedy is extremely difficult. When something happens that makes you laugh, whether that is in a play or in real life, it’s difficult to pin down why you laughed, to begin with. I find myself defining comedy as a series of events that went...

Exceeding the Genre of Romantic Comedies in Annie Hall

Annie Hall is one of the best-known American romantic and sophisticated comedies since 1997. The film is considered as a “high-culture comedy that is intellectually stimulating with deeper meaning” (inkblotchpoison). In this essay, regarding the film Annie Hall, I will be discussing how this romantic...

The Manipulation and Exploitation of Orgon in Tartuffe

Moliere has written a Tart Tartuffe play comedy that reflects the fact of human nature. The author clearly portrays the nature of the characters and especially Orgon and Tartuffe. Through this, we can find the two main reasons why Tartuffe can easily manipulate and exploit...

  • Drama (Play Genre)

The Development of the Character of Orgon in Tartuffe

Hypocrisy is a character trait, and to some it 's clear Tartuffe is called a hypocrite right from the start. In Molière's Tartuffe, the central character, a man named Orgon, has been completely brainwashed and taken advantage of by the title character, a manipulative and...

The Use of Deus Ex Machina in Moliere's Tartuffe

Tartuffe, written in France in 1664 by Moliere, is ultimately about hypocrisy and deception. Tartuffe, a deceptive man aims to pry money from the wealthy people around him. He goes through the lengths of pretending to be Catholic to have a connection to the wealthy...

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The Role of Minor Characters in Measure for Measure

Minor characters in Shakespeare’s plays are often dismissed as merely providing comic relief. In Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, however, the minorcharacters serve as first-hand examples of some of the main aspects of societythat Duke Vincentio intends to change, which are the moral corruption of thepeople...

  • Measure for Measure

Comic Subplot in William's Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing

With the comic subplot of Dogberry and Verges, Shakespeare uncovered people's partiality to puzzle each other—a subject that runs all through the play. Beatrice and Benedick, for instance, surrender settling the issues in their relationship by continually submitting mistakes in 'documentation,' or procedures for seeing...

  • Much Ado About Nothing

Discrimination in Elizabethan Society in "Much Ado About Nothing"

The Elizabethan era is renowned for being a time of great cultural and artistic achievement. However, it was also a time of widespread discrimination and inequality, particularly towards women and those in lower social classes. This discrimination was deeply ingrained in society and affected every...

Much Ado About Nothing: Story You Can Understand Only by Reading the Title

The title of William Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing tells its reader everything they have to know and will eventually come to know in order to fully understand the play. The title is so significant because the ideas of noting, or observation, and nothing,...

Getting Message Across by Using Comedy

Some people express things in many ways, some ways may be serious while some can be associated with a bit or a lot of humor. Humor is something that a lot of people value in today's generation, whether it's through social media, or what we...

  • Culture and Communication

The Main Elements of Comedy

Having roots in the Latin word ‘Comedia’ which means to reveal some information while singing. Well to most people the definition of comedy is a lot different. Even though the element so revelation and song may be included, they are not fundamental to every piece...

The Mixture of Various Genres in Singing in the Rain

Comedy The entire story of Singing in the Rain blends different elements together; it is dramatic, comedy, musical and romantic. The genre of this movie are Comedy, Musical and Romantic. The film message is to be patient and be yourself because in the best way...

The Archetypal Characters in Friends and How I Met Your Mother

What is the difference between a good comedy series and a great one? Certainly, humor has to be in place and it should be of high quality. However, even when the viewers laugh every third minute of the show, there is no guarantee that they...

  • Relationship

Ravenous Heart of Nothingness: A Review of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (HHGTTG) is one of many science fiction comedies written by Douglas Adams. Originally beginning as a radio comedy, the highly popular story has been adapted as a TV series as well as a movie later on. Okay enough! We...

  • Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde is a Trivial Comedy

The Importance of Being Earnest is a trivial comedy for serious people. ​The time period was established in the 1890s, which their styles compared to us now is a lot plainer, simpler, and more practical. The geographical location was in the Victorian high society that...

  • Oscar Wilde
  • The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest Stands out Both as a Drama and a Satire

The Importance of Being Earnest A Trivial Comedy for Serious People is regarded as one of the most popular works of Oscar Wilde not only because of the fact that his career came to a scandalous and tragic end following the weeks of play being...

The Importance of Being Earnest : a Trivial Comedy for Serious People

The importance of being earnest is an English comedy created by Oscar Wild. It’s recognized as a satire. The main characters are Jack Worthing, Algernon Moncrieff, Gwendolen, Cecily Cardew and lady Bracknell. Jack is a young man residing within the country together with his ward...

Limited Power of Human Vision in 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream'

People perceive most of their impressions by sight among five sensors. However, relying solely on the eyes could lead to problems. In William Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the author makes references to vision constantly. This play was written about 1595-96 and is one...

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

Sparkling Romantic Farce In 'Midsummer night's dream' 

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, is generally thought of as a sparkling romantic farce. However, while the play is lovely and comic, it also has a strong trace of darkness and cruelty, a sinister underside that is inextricable from its...

Shaun of the Dead and Tucker and Dale vs Evil: The Mix of Horror and Comedy

Horror and Comedy are complete opposites, yet they seem to work rather well together. The genre of horror-comedy was first introduced into film in 1922, with D.W. Griffith’s One Exciting Night. And since then, countless comedy horror films have been made. The thing is, both...

Critical Analysis Of Land Of The Lost Adventure Comedy

An ode to old campy comedies and 60s sci fi, Land of the Lost (2009), delivers plenty to laugh at in this comical remake, making me wonder why so many critics are disappointed with this film. The writers of the original Land of the Lost...

The Comparison Of The Movies "Nacho Libre" & "Modern Times"

Modern Times, released on February 25, 1936, compared to Nacho Libre, released on June 16, 2006, theyshould almost complete opposites but, surprisingly after analyzing both movies they have quite a lot ofsimilarities. The main one being that they are both satires about their different modern...

  • Charlie Chaplin

The Analysis Of Comedies "Step Brothers' & "Superbad"

The two comedy movies that I have chosen for the project are Step Brothers and Superbad. These are my personal favorite comedy’s because the humor in these movies relates to my personality. These two movies have similarities and differences that I will further be explaining....

  • Movie Summary

Best topics on Comedy

1. My Take On Comedy: From Tartuffe To Sylvia And Cards Against Humanity

2. Exceeding the Genre of Romantic Comedies in Annie Hall

3. The Manipulation and Exploitation of Orgon in Tartuffe

4. The Development of the Character of Orgon in Tartuffe

5. The Use of Deus Ex Machina in Moliere’s Tartuffe

6. The Role of Minor Characters in Measure for Measure

7. Comic Subplot in William’s Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing

8. Discrimination in Elizabethan Society in “Much Ado About Nothing”

9. Much Ado About Nothing: Story You Can Understand Only by Reading the Title

10. Getting Message Across by Using Comedy

11. The Main Elements of Comedy

12. The Mixture of Various Genres in Singing in the Rain

13. The Archetypal Characters in Friends and How I Met Your Mother

14. Ravenous Heart of Nothingness: A Review of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

15. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde is a Trivial Comedy

  • Hidden Intellectualism
  • A Raisin in The Sun
  • Sonny's Blues
  • William Shakespeare
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hero's Journey
  • Who Was Chris Mccandless
  • A Farewell to Arms
  • Literary Criticism

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