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american history essay

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543 American History Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 4964 words
  • Icon Clock 22 min read

Exploring the multifaceted nature of American history provides a wide range of thought-provoking essay topics. Basically, there are many subjects that can be analyzed, studying the country’s indigenous origins, its struggle for independence, its participation in world wars, the civil rights movement, technological advancements, ongoing sociopolitical discourse, and others. In the United States (US), some themes can focus on significant events, like the Revolutionary War or the Space Race, important figures, such as Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, or Martin Luther King Jr., or major periods, including the Great Depression or the Cold War era. The examination of how historical influences have shaped current American society, issues of racial and gender equality, immigration policy, and foreign affairs, offers rich perspectives. Thus, American history essay topics cover a deep understanding of the evolution of the nation built on diverse ethnicities and ideologies.

Cool American History Essay Topics

  • Examination of Manifest Destiny’s Influence on Territorial Expansion
  • Colonial Era’s Impact on Modern American Democracy
  • Evaluating the Emancipation Proclamation’s Consequences
  • Prohibition Era: Analysis of Society and Law
  • Understanding the Trail of Tears: Native American Displacement
  • Civil War’s Effects on American Industrialization
  • Abolition Movement’s Roles in Shaping American Values
  • Vietnam War: Implications for Foreign Policy
  • Exploring Women’s Suffrage Movement: A Milestone in Gender Equality
  • Apollo Program’s Influence on Science and Technology
  • Examining the Harlem Renaissance’s Impact on African American Culture
  • McCarthyism’s Consequences on Freedom of Expression
  • Revolutionary War: Analysis of the Birth of a Nation
  • Influence of Immigration on the Cultural Landscape of America
  • Civil Rights Movement’s Impact on Legislation and Society
  • Japanese Internment during World War II: An Examination
  • Investigation of the Cuban Missile Crisis’ Effect on Cold War Tensions
  • Roles of Transcontinental Railroad in Westward Expansion
  • Impacts of the Great Awakening on American Religious Practices
  • Watergate Scandal: A Study in Political Ethics
  • Exploration of the Roaring Twenties’ Societal Shifts
  • Revolutionary Figures: Contributions of the Founding Fathers

American History Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy American History Research Topics

  • American Exceptionalism: Origins and Influence on Global Policy
  • Analysis of the Louisiana Purchase’s Impact on Expansion
  • Jazz Age: Implications for American Music and Culture
  • Evaluating the Space Race: National Pride and Technological Advancement
  • Consequences of the Teapot Dome Scandal in the Roaring Twenties
  • Federalist Papers: Shaping American Governance
  • Westward Expansion: Effect on Native American Communities
  • Impacts of the Dred Scott Decision on Slavery Debates
  • Cold War: Ramifications for American Society
  • Influence of Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ on Revolutionary Sentiment
  • Exploration of American Neutrality in World War I
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion: An Examination of Failed Foreign Policy
  • The Dust Bowl: Environmental Impact and Migration
  • Roles of Television in the Nixon-Kennedy Debates
  • The Stonewall Riots: Catalyst for the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
  • Populist Movement: Impact on American Politics
  • Influence of the Gold Rush on California’s Development
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights: Impact on Citizen Liberties
  • Rise of Labor Unions: Influencing Workers’ Rights
  • Civil War Reconstruction: Successes and Failures
  • The Zenger Trial: A Landmark for Freedom of the Press

Interesting US History Topics

  • Exploration of the Battle of Gettysburg’s Significance in the Civil War
  • Implications of the Monroe Doctrine on American Foreign Policy
  • Marbury vs. Madison: Analysis of Judicial Review
  • Unraveling the Causes and Consequences of the Iran-Contra Affair
  • The American Red Scare: Effects on Society and Politics
  • Causes and Implications of the 1929 Wall Street Crash
  • Underground Railroad: Role in Abolitionist Movement
  • Analysis of the Three-Fifths Compromise’s Impact on Representation
  • Significance of the Missouri Compromise in Slavery Debates
  • The Pentagon Papers: A Study in Government Transparency
  • Roles of Susan B. Anthony in the Women’s Suffrage Movement
  • Influence of the Scopes Trial on the Teaching of Evolution
  • Understanding the Impact of the GI Bill on Post-War America
  • Tracing the Development of American Modernism in the 20th Century
  • Federal Indian Policy: An Examination of Treaties and Legislation
  • Impacts of the Homestead Act on Westward Expansion
  • Analysis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition’s Contribution to Scientific Discovery
  • Analysis of the Pentagon Papers’ Effect on Public Trust
  • Exploration of the Boston Tea Party’s Impact on Revolutionary Sentiment
  • Vietnam War Protest Movement: Influence on Public Policy
  • Mexican-American War: Causes and Consequences
  • Repercussions of the Atomic Bomb on Global Politics
  • The Gilded Age: Scrutinizing Wealth and Inequality

US History Topics for High School

  • Impacts of the Gold Rush on California’s Development
  • Significance of the Monroe Doctrine in US Foreign Policy
  • Manifest Destiny and Expansion of the American West
  • Examination of The Great Depression’s Socioeconomic Effects
  • Role of Women in the American Revolution
  • Native American Resistance: Case Study of the Sioux Nation
  • Influence of Jazz Music on the Harlem Renaissance
  • Abolitionism’s Effect on Pre-Civil War Politics
  • Reconstruction Era: Assessing its Success and Failures
  • Impact of Immigration Waves on American Culture and Economy
  • Evolution of US Foreign Policy During the Cold War
  • Transformation of American Society During the Roaring Twenties
  • Examination of The Civil Rights Movement’s Major Milestones
  • Roles of Labor Unions in the Industrial Revolution
  • Influence of The Second Amendment on Gun Control Debates
  • Native American Assimilation Policy: The Carlisle Indian School
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: A Pivotal Moment in Cold War History
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement and the 19th Amendment
  • Exploration of the Gilded Age’s Economic Disparities
  • Significance of the Federalist Papers in Constitutional Interpretation
  • Analysis of the Patriot Act’s Impact on Civil Liberties
  • Effects of the Vietnam War on Domestic Social Movements
  • Roles of New Deal Programs in America’s Economic Recovery

US History Topics for College Students

  • Exploration and Impact of the Louisiana Purchase
  • Evolution of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Native American Resistance to European Colonization
  • Establishment and Influence of the Federal Reserve System
  • Impacts of Industrialization on American Society
  • Consequences of Prohibition: The 18th and 21st Amendments
  • Influential Innovations During the Second Industrial Revolution
  • Manifest Destiny and Its Sociopolitical Implications
  • African-American Soldiers in the American Civil War
  • Formation and Legacy of the Hudson Bay Company
  • Roles of Religion in the Founding of American Colonies
  • American Policy and the Vietnam War: An Analysis
  • Development of the Transcontinental Railroad
  • Expansion of American Pop Culture During the Cold War
  • Key Legal Cases in the Fight for Desegregation
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: The Stonewall Riots and Beyond
  • Role of the American Media During the Gulf War
  • Technological Advances and the American Space Race
  • Examination of the US Immigration Policies Throughout History
  • Rise of American Suburbia in the Post-WWII Era
  • Development of the American Healthcare System: Legislation and Impact

US History Topics for University

  • Watergate Scandal and Its Influence on American Politics
  • Native American Civil Rights Movement in the 20th Century
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: Cold War Diplomacy and Consequences
  • Influence of the American Labor Movement on Working Conditions
  • Mexican-American War: Causes, Progress, and Consequences
  • Women’s Suffrage: From Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment
  • Role of American Inventors in the Age of Enlightenment
  • Effects of the US Interstate Highway System on American Society
  • Examination of the US Intervention in Latin America
  • Impacts of the Baby Boomer Generation on American Culture
  • California Gold Rush and its Influence on Westward Expansion
  • Abolition Movement: Influential Figures and Strategies
  • Development and Impact of the US Postal Service
  • Key Economic Policies of the Roosevelt Administration
  • Influence of the Harlem Renaissance on American Literature
  • Technological Shifts and the Digital Age in America
  • Evolution of Gun Control Legislation in the United States
  • Exploration of the Oregon Trail: Migration and Hardship
  • Rise and Fall of the American Temperance Movement
  • Impacts of the GI Bill on Post-War American Society
  • American Imperialism: From the Philippines to Puerto Rico
  • Cultural Significance of the American Beat Generation
  • Causes and Outcomes of the American Housing Bubble in 2008

American History Essay Topics on Revolution Battles and Key Events

  • The Battle of Saratoga and Its Influence on the American Revolution
  • African Americans’ Roles in Revolutionary War
  • Impacts of the Battle of Yorktown on American Independence
  • Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and Its Revolutionary Ideals
  • Women’s Contributions to the American Revolution
  • The Battle of Trenton: Pivotal Point in Revolutionary War
  • Boston Massacre: Instigator of Colonial Dissent
  • French Alliance: A Game-Changer in American Victory
  • Constitutional Convention: Shaping the American Government
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill: Boosting Revolutionary Morale
  • Declaration of Independence: Foundation of American Nationhood
  • Lexington and Concord: Sparking the Revolutionary War
  • Native Americans’ Impacts on the American Revolution
  • Treaty of Paris (1783): Securing American Independence
  • Battle of Cowpens: Key Turning Point in Southern Campaign
  • George Washington’s Influence on Revolutionary Leadership
  • Valley Forge: Endurance and Transformation During the Revolution
  • Guilford Courthouse: Decisive Battle in the Southern Campaign
  • Stamp Act Crisis: Prelude to Revolutionary Resistance
  • Militia’s Roles in the Revolutionary War

American Essay History Topics Before 1865

  • Founding Fathers’ Vision for a Democratic Republic
  • Revolutionary War: Catalyst for American Independence
  • Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement
  • Louisiana Purchase: Expanding National Borders
  • Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
  • Underground Railroad: Resistance against Slavery
  • Boston Tea Party: Igniting the American Revolution
  • Emancipation Proclamation: Eliminating Slavery in the Confederacy
  • Declaration of Independence: Establishing American Nationhood
  • Constitutional Convention: Framing the US Constitution
  • Dred Scott Case: Impact on African Americans’ Rights
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition: Exploring the Western Frontier
  • Industrialization: Transforming American Society
  • Battle of Yorktown: British Surrender and American Victory
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: Achieving Voting Rights for Women
  • Mexican-American War: Annexing Texas and Western Territories
  • Great Awakening: Religious Revival in Colonial America
  • Missouri Compromise: Balancing Free and Slave States
  • Marbury vs. Madison: Establishing Judicial Review
  • War of 1812: Forging American National Identity

US Research Paper Topics on Black History

  • Struggles and Triumphs: The Impact of the Underground Railroad on Black History
  • The Legacy of Harriet Tubman: A Trailblazer for Freedom and Equality
  • Examining the Abolitionist Movement: From Slavery to Liberation
  • African American Soldiers in the Civil War: Their Role and Contribution
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott: Igniting Change for Civil Rights
  • Martin Luther King Jr.: A Visionary Leader for Equality
  • The Black Panthers: Revolutionizing Racial Empowerment
  • Celebrating Black Culture and Artistic Expression: The Harlem Renaissance
  • Pioneers of African American Military Aviation: The Tuskegee Airmen
  • Desegregation in Schools: Brown vs. Board of Education’s Impact
  • The March on Washington: A Milestone for Civil Rights Advancement
  • Malcolm X: A Voice for Black Nationalism and Self-Determination
  • Rebuilding After the Civil War: The Era of Reconstruction
  • Breaking Down Legal Barriers: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Great Migration: Black Americans’ Journey Northward
  • Integration of New Orleans Schools: Ruby Bridges’ Courageous Stand
  • Tragedy and Resilience in Tulsa: The Black Wall Street Massacre
  • The Vital Role of Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Redefining Black Identity and Empowerment: The Black Power Movement
  • Frederick Douglass: From Escaping Slavery to Becoming a Leader

US History Essay Topics on Civil Rights Movement Topics Beyond the 20th Century

  • Women’s Roles in the Civil Rights Struggle Beyond the 20th Century
  • LGBTQ+ Activism’s Impacts on Contemporary Civil Rights
  • Addressing Police Brutality in the Fight for Civil Rights Today
  • Progress and Challenges of the Voting Rights Act in Post-Civil Rights America
  • Intersections of Race and Immigration in the Struggle for Equal Rights
  • Environmental Justice: Linking It to the Civil Rights Movement Today
  • Reparations Debate: Remedying Historical Injustices for Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights Movement: Achievements and Ongoing Struggles
  • Indigenous Rights Movements: Continuing the Fight for Civil Liberties
  • The Battle for Educational Equality in the Post-Civil Rights Era
  • Affirmative Action: Equalizing Opportunities or Reverse Discrimination?
  • Asian American Civil Rights Activism in the 21st Century
  • Criminal Justice System and Civil Rights: Reforming for Equality
  • Reproductive Rights as Fundamental Civil Liberties: Progress and Challenges
  • Native American Tribal Sovereignty: Preserving Civil Rights in Modern America
  • Nonviolent Resistance: A Powerful Tool in Modern Civil Rights Movements
  • Addressing Racial Disparities: Civil Rights and the Mass Incarceration Crisis
  • Immigrant Rights Movements: Upholding Civil Liberties in America
  • Islamophobia and Civil Rights: Combating Discrimination in the 21st Century
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Fighting for Equality and Marriage Freedom
  • Balancing Second Amendment Rights and Public Safety: The Gun Control Debate

American History Essay Topics on Cold War and McCarthyism

  • Impacts of the Korean Conflict on Cold War Politics
  • Red Scare and the Hollywood Blacklist
  • Space Race and Significance in Cold War Dynamics
  • Eisenhower’s “New Look” Policy and Nuclear Arms Race
  • Berlin Crisis and Construction of the Wall
  • McCarthyism and Suppression of Civil Liberties
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion: Failed US Intervention in Cuba
  • Vietnam Conflict as Proxy War in Cold Era
  • Marshall Plan and American Economic Aid in Cold War
  • Suez Crisis: Cold War Politics in the Middle East
  • U-2 Spy Plane Incident and Escalating Tensions
  • Hungarian Revolution and Soviet Repression
  • Cultural Impacts of the Beat Generation During the Cold War
  • Arms Control Negotiations: SALT and START Treaties
  • Domino Theory and US Involvement in Southeast Asia
  • CIA’s Roles in Covert Operations During Cold Conflict
  • Influence of Korean Conflict on US Military Strategy
  • Space Exploration: Cold War Competition for Technological Superiority
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: A Step Toward Détente
  • Brinkmanship Strategy and Cuban Missile Crisis

American History Topics on Civil Rights Movement

  • The Impact of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • The Influence of Brown vs. Board of Education on Desegregation
  • The March on Washington: Pursuing Equality
  • Nonviolent Resistance: Catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Voting Rights Act: Expanding Ballot Access
  • Freedom Riders: Challenging Segregation in Transportation
  • Sit-In Movement: Breaking the Chains of Racial Segregation
  • Birmingham Campaign: A Turning Point in the Struggle for Civil Rights
  • Formation and Significance of the Black Panther Party
  • Assassination of Malcolm X: Impact on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Selma to Montgomery March: Milestone for Voting Rights
  • Mississippi Freedom Summer: Empowering African American Voters
  • Women’s Contributions to the Civil Rights Movement
  • Black Power Movement: Revolutionizing Activism
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964: Banning Discrimination
  • Integration of Little Rock Central High School: Breaking Barriers
  • Chicago Freedom Movement: Urban Segregation and Activism
  • Medgar Evers’ Assassination: Tragic Loss for the Civil Rights Movement
  • Fair Housing Act of 1968: Combating Housing Discrimination
  • Albany Movement: Lessons From an Unsuccessful Campaign
  • Impacts of the 24th Amendment: Eliminating Poll Taxes

US History Essay Topics on Immigration & Ethnic

  • The Impact of Irish Immigration on American Society
  • Chinese Exclusion Act: Origins and Ramifications
  • Mexican Migration and the Bracero Program
  • Italian Americans: Assimilation and Cultural Heritage
  • The Great Migration: African American Movement to the North
  • Japanese Internment: World War II Consequences
  • Ellis Island: Gateway to the American Dream
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Expression and Immigrants
  • Irish Americans: Famine, Resilience, and Success
  • Puerto Rican Migration and Nuyorican Culture
  • Angel Island: The West Coast Immigration Center
  • Immigration’s Impacts on Industrialization in the United States
  • Polish Americans: Traditions and Integration
  • The Bracero Program and Agricultural Labor
  • Jewish Immigration and American Zionism
  • Chinese Exclusion Act’s Influence on Immigration Policy
  • Mexican Americans: Struggles and Achievements in the Southwest
  • Immigration and the California Gold Rush
  • German Americans: Contributions and Integration in American Society
  • The Immigration Act of 1924: Restricting National Origins

American Industrial Revolution History Topics

  • Roles of Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin in Industrial Transformation
  • Evolution of Transportation: Railroad’s Influence on American Industry
  • The Rise of Urbanization during the Industrial Era
  • Women’s Participation in the Industrial Workforce: Challenges and Achievements
  • Native American Communities: Industrialization’s Impact
  • Labor Movements and Worker Rights in the Industrial Age
  • Technological Advancements and the Birth of the American Industrial Revolution
  • Development of Factory System: Transition From Artisanal to Mass Production
  • Immigration and Workforce Transformation in the Industrial Revolution
  • Agricultural Practices: Industrialization’s Impact on American Farms
  • American Markets: Industrial Revolution’s Role in Expansion
  • The Growth of Urban Centers: Industrialization’s Effect on Cities
  • Child Labor and the Industrial Revolution in America
  • Changing Roles of Women in American Society during Industrialization
  • Industrialization and American Trade and Commerce
  • Government Regulation and Control in American Industrialization
  • Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on American Education and Literacy
  • Technological Advances in Communication during Industrialization
  • Environmental Consequences of American Industrialization
  • Industrial Revolution’s Influence on American Architecture
  • Effects of Industrialization on American Art and Cultural Trends

Latin American History Essay Topics

  • Conquest and Resistance in Latin America
  • Economic Exploitation in Colonial Latin America
  • Independence Movements in Latin America
  • The Impact of European Immigration on Latin American Societies
  • The Role of Women in Latin American Independence Movements
  • Indigenous Cultures and Their Contributions to Latin American History
  • Latin American Revolutions: Comparing Mexico and South America
  • The Influence of African Slavery in Latin American Societies
  • Dictatorships and Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America
  • The Mexican Revolution: Causes and Consequences
  • Cultural Identity and Nationalism in Latin America
  • The Falklands War: Britain and Argentina in Latin America
  • The Zapatista Movement: Indigenous Rights in Mexico
  • Latin American Literature and the Boom of the 1960s
  • Neoliberalism and Economic Crisis in Latin America
  • Drug Trafficking and Its Impact on Latin American Societies
  • Environmental Movements in Latin America
  • Indigenous Land Rights and Conflicts in Latin America
  • The Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua
  • Chilean Dictatorship: Pinochet’s Rule and Its Legacy

American History Topics on Progressive Era

  • Reforming the American Education System During the Progressive Era
  • Industrialization and Urbanization: Impact on Progressive Era Society
  • Regulating Big Business: Anti-Trust Reforms in the Progressive Era
  • Political Transformations: From Municipal to National Level in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Leaders: Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
  • Investigating Corruption: Muckrakers and Journalism in the Progressive Era
  • Preserving America’s Natural Resources: The Conservation Movement in the Progressive Era
  • Labor Rights and Social Justice: Workers’ Struggles in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Initiatives: Social Welfare Reforms and Their Impact
  • Temperance and Prohibition: The Progressive Era’s Crusade Against Alcohol
  • Suffrage and Equality: Women’s Fight for Political Rights in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Policies: Immigration Regulations and Nativism
  • Ensuring Consumer Safety: Consumer Protection Reforms in the Progressive Era
  • Science and Social Control: Eugenics and Social Darwinism in the Progressive Era
  • Public Health and Sanitation: Reforms During the Progressive Era
  • African Americans and Civil Rights: Challenges in the Progressive Era
  • Expanding Federal Power: Progressive Era and the Growth of Government Authority
  • Intellectual Movements of the Progressive Era: Pragmatism and Social Gospel
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A Turning Point for Labor Reforms
  • Child Labor and Reform Efforts: Progressive Era’s Fight Against Exploitation
  • Diversity and Assimilation: Progressive Era Immigration Policies

American History Essay Topics on Roaring Twenties

  • Economic Prosperity and Consumerism in the Roaring Twenties
  • Impacts of Prohibition on American Society During the Jazz Age
  • Women’s Empowerment Movement in the Roaring Twenties
  • Jazz Age: Cultural Revolution of the 1920s
  • Harlem Renaissance: African-American Art and Culture in the Jazz Age
  • Technological Advancements and Their Influence in the Roaring Twenties
  • Red Scare and Fear of Communism in 1920s America
  • The Great Gatsby: Symbolism and Critique of the Jazz Age
  • Flappers and the Evolution of Gender Roles in the Roaring Twenties
  • Scopes Trial: Clash of Evolution and Creationism in the 1920s
  • Mass Media and Popular Culture in the Roaring Twenties
  • Wall Street Crash of 1929: The End of an Era
  • Political and Social Movements in the Jazz Age
  • Prohibition Enforcement: Bootlegging and Hidden Bars in the 1920s
  • Fashion Transformations in the Roaring Twenties
  • Impact of Radio and Movies on American Culture in the Roaring Twenties
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement and the 19th Amendment in the 1920s
  • Race Relations and the KKK in the Roaring Twenties
  • Art Deco: Architectural and Design Trends of the Jazz Age
  • Automobile Industry’s Influence on American Society in the 1920s

American Reconstruction History Essay Topics

  • The Evolution of Freedmen’s Rights in American Reconstruction
  • Political Reforms and Transformation in Post-Civil War America
  • Economic Shifts and Development During the Reconstruction Era
  • The Influence of the Thirteenth Amendment on American Society
  • Reconstruction Policies and Their Impact on Southern States
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: A Catalyst in Reconstruction
  • African American Political Leadership in the Reconstruction Era
  • The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Reconstruction Period
  • The Establishment and Impact of the Freedmen’s Bureau
  • African Americans’ Changing Roles in Post-Civil War America
  • The Reconstruction Amendments: Expanding the Notions of Citizenship
  • Education Reforms: Empowering the Disenfranchised During Reconstruction
  • The Ku Klux Klan’s Opposition to Reconstruction
  • The Reconstruction Act of 1867: Restructuring the South
  • The Debate on Land Redistribution in the Reconstruction Era
  • Reconstruction’s Enduring Influence on American Identity
  • The Compromise of 1877: An End to Reconstruction
  • Radical Republicans and Their Influence on the Reconstruction Era
  • Shifting Political Dynamics: Southern Power During Reconstruction
  • The Legacy of Reconstruction: Shaping American History
  • The Supreme Court’s Role in Shaping Reconstruction Policies

LGBTQ+ American History Research Paper Topics

  • Historical Milestones of LGBTQ+ Rights in America
  • The Stonewall Riots: Catalyst for LGBTQ+ Activism
  • Impacts of Harvey Milk on American LGBTQ+ Politics
  • Transgender Rights Movement in the United States
  • The AIDS Crisis and Its Effects on the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Intersectionality: Race and Activism in LGBTQ+ History
  • Lesbian Feminism in America: Past and Present
  • Homophobia and Its Roots in American Society
  • Evolution of LGBTQ+ Representation in Media and Entertainment
  • LGBTQ+ Veterans: Advocacy on the Battlefield
  • Significance of LGBTQ+ Landmarks in American History
  • Religious Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Rights in America
  • LGBTQ+ Activism in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Impacts of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Youth in American Society
  • LGBTQ+ Resistance and Resilience in Conservative States
  • Role of LGBTQ+ Activism in Shaping Employment Discrimination Laws
  • Pioneering Transgender Individuals in American History
  • Queer Literature’s Contribution to LGBTQ+ Identity
  • Roles of LGBTQ+ Community Centers in Promoting Equality

Native American History Essay Topics

  • Native American Resistance During Early Colonial Encounters
  • Impacts of European Diseases on Indigenous Populations
  • Tribal Governance Structures and Political Systems of Native Nations
  • Contributions of Native Americans to the American Revolution
  • Forced Removal of Indigenous Tribes: The Trail of Tears
  • Significance of Native American Diplomacy in the 19th Century
  • Assimilation Policies and the Dawes Act: Effects on Indigenous Communities
  • Native American Women in History: Leaders, Activists, and Guardians
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: Causes and Consequences
  • Indigenous Art, Literature, and Music: Cultural Contributions
  • Native American Tribes’ Role in the Civil War
  • The Indian Reorganization Act: Impact on Tribal Sovereignty
  • Land Rights and Legal Challenges Faced by Indigenous Peoples
  • Native American Religion and Spiritual Practices: Continuity and Adaptation
  • Native American Code Talkers in World Wars I and II
  • Boarding Schools and Cultural Suppression: Indigenous Experiences
  • The American Indian Movement (AIM): Impact on Indigenous Activism
  • Indigenous Trade Networks and Economic Systems
  • Reservation Policies and Tribal Self-Governance Among Indigenous Peoples
  • Hunting, Gathering, and Agricultural Practices of Native Nations
  • Indigenous Languages: Preservation and Revitalization Efforts

American History Research Paper Topics About World War I & II

  • The Impact of Propaganda on American Society During World War I
  • Women’s Roles in the American Homefront During World War II
  • The Aftermath of World War I: Treaty of Versailles and Its Consequences
  • America’s Race to Build the Atomic Bomb: The Manhattan Project
  • African Americans’ Contribution to World War II
  • The Great Depression’s Influence on American Entry Into World War II
  • America’s Aid to Allied Forces: The Lend-Lease Act During World War II
  • Racial Tensions in America During World War II: The Zoot Suit Riots
  • The GI Bill: Impact on Post-World War II America
  • America’s Shift in Foreign Policy After World War I: The Interwar Period
  • The Battle of Midway: A Decisive Moment in the Pacific Theater of World War II
  • Cold War Paranoia in America: The Red Scare and McCarthyism
  • Japanese Americans’ Internment During World War II
  • The Marshall Plan: American Aid for Post-World War II European Reconstruction
  • Unsung Heroes of World War II: The Navajo Code Talkers
  • Veterans’ Struggles During the Great Depression: The Bonus Army March
  • American Nurses’ Role in World War I and II
  • Tragedy in the Pacific Theater of World War II: The Bataan Death March
  • Mexican Laborers in the American War Effort: The Bracero Program
  • America’s Involvement in a Cold War Proxy Conflict: The Korean War

American History Essay Topics About Founding Fathers and the Constitution

  • The Revolutionary Vision: Exploring the Ideals of America’s Founding Fathers
  • Jefferson’s Influence on American Democracy
  • Hamilton’s Economic Policies and Their Impact on the Constitution
  • James Madison: Shaping the Foundation of the Constitution
  • The Delicate Balance: Compromises at the Constitutional Convention
  • Analyzing the Federalist Papers: Arguments for Ratifying the Constitution
  • Safeguarding Individual Liberties: The Significance of the Bill of Rights
  • John Adams: Statesman and Advocate for Independence
  • Thomas Paine’s Impact: Common Sense and Revolutionary Ideas
  • Benjamin Franklin: Influencing American Diplomacy
  • Abigail Adams: Trailblazing Woman and Her Role in Nation-Building
  • Opposition to the Constitution: Examining the Anti-Federalist Movement
  • Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Policies: A Federalist Approach
  • Shaping American Jurisprudence: The Contributions of John Jay
  • The Articles of Confederation: Weaknesses and the Call for a New Constitution
  • Crafting American Government: The Constitutional Convention
  • Slavery and the Constitution: Debate Over the Three-Fifths Compromise
  • Samuel Adams: Revolutionary Catalyst and Political Figure
  • Patrick Henry’s Inspiring Speeches: Fanning the Flames of Independence
  • The Northwest Ordinance: Guiding Principles for Westward Expansion
  • Challenging Free Speech: The Alien and Sedition Acts

American History Topics About Space Race and NASA’s Contributions

  • NASA’s Roles in the Space Race: A Historical Perspective
  • The Mercury Seven: Trailblazers of American Space Exploration
  • Apollo 11: A Monumental Leap for Mankind
  • The Impact of Sputnik on US Space Programs
  • Lunar Exploration: NASA’s Quest to Unravel the Moon’s Mysteries
  • Revolutionizing Space Travel: The Legacy of the Space Shuttle Program
  • Unsung Heroes: The Hidden Figures of NASA’s Early Years
  • The Cold War Context and the Space Race
  • Advancements in Weather Forecasting and Earth Observation by NASA
  • Beyond Our Solar System: NASA’s Voyager and Pioneer Missions
  • Skylab: America’s First Orbital Space Station
  • Robotic Pioneers: NASA’s Missions to Explore the Solar System
  • Lessons Learned From the Challenger Disaster for Space Exploration
  • Expanding Horizons: The Hubble Space Telescope’s Contributions
  • International Collaborations in Space Exploration: NASA’s Global Impact
  • Revealing Mars’ Secrets: NASA’s Robotic Rovers
  • Trailblazing With the X-15 Program: Advancing Spaceplane Technology
  • Enabling Satellite Communications: NASA’s Contributions
  • Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: A Symbol of US-Soviet Space Cooperation
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy: Aftermath and Reforms

US Civil War Research Paper Topics

  • Causes and Consequences of the Battle of Gettysburg
  • Reconstruction Policies and Their Impact on Post-Civil War America
  • Women’s Roles in the Civil War: From Nurses to Spies
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership and the Emancipation Proclamation
  • The Underground Railroad: Freedom Heroes and Heroines
  • Battle of Antietam: Decisive Turning Point
  • African American Soldiers in the Union Army
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea: Total Warfare Strategy
  • The Battle of Bull Run: A Shocking Wake-Up Call
  • Significance of the Vicksburg Campaign in the Civil War
  • Election of 1860 and the Secession Crisis
  • Civil War Photography’s Impact on Public Perception
  • Formation and Ideals of the Confederate States of America
  • Fort Sumter: Prelude to War
  • Clara Barton and the Red Cross: Humanitarian Aid during the Civil War
  • Draft Riots of 1863: Social Unrest in New York City
  • Robert E. Lee’s Military Strategies and Leadership
  • Emancipation Proclamation: Freedom for the Enslaved
  • Battle of Shiloh: Bloodiest Conflict in the Western Theater
  • Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Government’s Formation

American History Research Paper Topics on Vietnam War

  • The Nixon Doctrine: America’s Foreign Policy Approach During the Vietnam War
  • Women’s Role and Contributions in the Vietnam War Effort
  • The My Lai Tragedy: Atrocity and Its Consequences in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Draft Resistance Movements: Opposition to the Vietnam War
  • Negotiating Peace: The Paris Accords and the End of the Vietnam Conflict
  • The Ho Chi Minh Trail: North Vietnam’s Strategic Supply Route
  • Agent Orange: Environmental and Health Impacts of Chemical Warfare
  • The Fall of Saigon: The Final Chapter of the Vietnam War
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Escalation and Justification of the Vietnam Conflict
  • Battle of Khe Sanh: Symbolism and Significance in the Vietnam War
  • Anti-War Movement: Activism and Protests Against the Vietnam Conflict
  • The Phoenix Program: Counterinsurgency Tactics in the Vietnam War
  • Operation Rolling Thunder: Aerial Bombing Campaign During the Vietnam Conflict
  • Hamburger Hill: Intense Combat and Sacrifice in the Vietnam War
  • Kent State Shootings: Tragedy and Student Demonstrations in the Vietnam War
  • The Siege of Khe Sanh: A Crucial Moment in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Congressional Response: The War Powers Act and Its Impact on the Vietnam War
  • African American Soldiers: Contributions and Challenges in the Vietnam War
  • Strategic Hamlet Program: Counterinsurgency Strategy in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Laotian Civil War: Regional Dynamics and Their Influence on the Vietnam War

American History Essay Topics on Women’s Suffrage and Feminist Movement

  • The Evolution of Women’s Suffrage in American History
  • Key Leaders in the American Feminist Movement
  • Seneca Falls Convention: Catalyst for Change
  • Abolitionism’s Influence on Women’s Suffrage
  • Progressive Era: Intersection With Women’s Rights
  • Susan B. Anthony’s Impact on the Suffrage Movement
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association: Formation and Impact
  • Alice Paul and the National Women’s Party’s Influence
  • Women’s Suffrage and World War I: Shifting Perspectives
  • Battle for the 19th Amendment: Triumphs and Challenges
  • Suffragettes’ Strategies: Methods and Successes
  • African American Women’s Contributions to Suffrage Movement
  • Native American Women’s Role in the Fight for Suffrage
  • Women’s Suffrage in the Western States: Trailblazers of Progress
  • Feminist Movement and World War II’s Impact
  • Second Wave Feminism: Objectives and Accomplishments
  • Feminist Literature: Catalyst for Social Change
  • Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” and Its Influence
  • Women’s Liberation Movement: Birth of NOW
  • Roe vs. Wade: Women’s Reproductive Rights Examined
  • Title IX: Transforming Women’s Sports and Education

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American history since 1865.

For our first paper assignment, you will be asked to write a short essay that responds to the following prompt:

The historian Eric Foner argues that Reconstruction should be understood as an “unfinished revolution.” 1 In what ways, if any, were the American Civil War and the Reconstruction period that followed revolutionary, and for whom? What was left “unfinished” by Reconstruction?

Essays should present an original argument that responds to the above prompt. This argument should be unique (of your own making) and should reflect careful and serious engagement with course materials. It should also be clearly expressed and organized, so a reader would have no problem understanding both the overall argument and its progression through your essay. In crafting your argument, you should draw on lecture, discussion, and secondary source readings (materials assigned for Lecture 2). Evidence in support of this argument should be drawn from at least three primary sources (materials assigned for Lecture 3).

Essays should be approximately 1250 words in length (please include a word count at the end of your essay), double-spaced, and written in a 12 point font. They should include page numbers, properly formatted footnotes with accurate citations, and a title that reflects the paper’s argument. All sources should be cited using the Chicago Manual of Style (see the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide ). For an example of what citations in Chicago format look like, see the footnote at the bottom of this page.

Essays will be evaluated according to:

  • The quality of the analysis and argument presented
  • The strength of the evidence marshaled in support of that argument
  • The clarity and quality of written expression (this includes style, grammar, and proper citation)

Essay #1 is due during Lecture 5.  

1 Eric Foner, Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877 (New York: Harper Collins,1988).


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The Cambridge History of the American Essay

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  • Edited by Christy Wampole , Princeton University, New Jersey , Jason Childs
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Book description

From the country's beginning, essayists in the United States have used their prose to articulate the many ways their individuality has been shaped by the politics, social life, and culture of this place. The Cambridge History of the American Essay offers the fullest account to date of this diverse and complex history. From Puritan writings to essays by Indigenous authors, from Transcendentalist and Pragmatist texts to Harlem Renaissance essays, from New Criticism to New Journalism: The story of the American essay is told here, beginning in the early eighteenth century and ending with the vibrant, heterogeneous scene of contemporary essayistic writing. The essay in the US has taken many forms: nature writing, travel writing, the genteel tradition, literary criticism, hybrid genres such as the essay film and the photo essay. Across genres and identities, this volume offers a stirring account of American essayism into the twenty-first century.

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The Cambridge History of the American Essay pp i-ii

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The Cambridge History of the American Essay - Title page pp iii-iii

Copyright page pp iv-iv, contents pp v-viii, acknowledgments pp ix-x, notes on contributors pp xi-xviii, introduction pp 1-12.

  • By Christy Wampole

Part I - The Emergence of the American Essay (1710–1865) pp 13-146

1 - essays to do good: puritanism and the birth of the american essay pp 15-31.

  • By Jan Stievermann

2 - Prattlers, Meddlers, Bachelors, Busy-Bodies: The Periodical Essay in the Eighteenth Century pp 32-45

  • By Richard Squibbs

3 - The Federalist and the Founders pp 46-60

  • By Matthew Garrett

4 - American Nature Writing: 1700–1900 pp 61-80

  • By Noah Rawlings

5 - The Essay and Transcendentalism pp 81-95

  • By Laura Dassow Walls

6 - Old World Shadows in the New: Europe and the Nineteenth-Century American Essay pp 96-113

  • By Philip Coleman

7 - Poet-Essayists and Magazine Culture in the Nineteenth Century pp 114-128

  • By John Michael

8 - Antebellum Women Essayists pp 129-146

  • By Charlene Avallone

Part II - Voicing the American Experiment (1865–1945) pp 147-334

9 - writing freedom before and after emancipation pp 149-165.

  • By Kinohi Nishikawa

10 - Social Justice and the American Essay pp 166-181

11 - “zones of contention” in the genteel essay pp 182-196.

  • By Jenny Spinner

12 - The American Comic Essay pp 197-217

  • By David E. E. Sloane

13 - Nineteenth-Century American Travel Essays: Aesthetics, Modernity, and National Identity pp 218-234

  • By Brigitte Bailey

14 - American Pragmatism: An Essayistic Conception of Truth pp 235-249

  • By Jonathan Levin

15 - The Essay in the Harlem Renaissance pp 250-264

  • By Shawn Anthony Christian

16 - The Southern Agrarians and the New Criticism pp 265-279

  • By Sarah E. Gardner

17 - Subjective and Objective: Newspaper Columns pp 280-299

  • By William E. Dow

18 - The Experience of Art: The Essay in Visual Culture pp 300-313

  • By Tom Huhn

19 - The Essay in American Music pp 314-334

  • By Kyle Gann

Part III - Postwar Essays and Essayism (1945–2000) pp 335-524

20 - the essay and the twentieth-century literary magazine pp 337-360.

  • By Eleni Theodoropoulos

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American History Essay Contest

The American History Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history and learn about history in a new light.

This contest is open to students in public, private, and parochial schools, and registered home-study programs. Students in grades five through eight are encouraged to participate. Each year, a selected topic for use during the academic year is announced, and contest instructions are published online and sent to schools by participating DAR chapters. Essays are judged for historical accuracy, adherence to the topic, organization of materials, interest, originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness.

Participating chapters send one winning essay from each of the four grades for judging on the state level. The state will send one winning essay from each of the four grades to be judged on a divisional level. The winning essay from each of the four grades will then be judged on the national level and the winners are announced.

Each student participant receives a certificate of participation from the chapter and the chapter winners receive bronze medals and certificates. State winners receive certificates and silver medals. National winners receive special certificates, medals, and a monetary award.

Click here for an informational PDF handout . For additional contest information or guidelines, please contact your local DAR chapter .

Patriots of the American Revolution High School Essay Contest

In preparation for the 250th anniversary of the nation’s founding, the DAR has launched the "Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Contest.” This contest will focus on the men and women who figured in the events of the American Revolution (1773 – 1783), and it is hoped that students will find Patriots to write about who will interest and inspire them.

These Patriots may be one of our famous Founders, or an everyday man, woman, or child who supported the American Revolution in ways both large and small.  Students will be asked to discuss how their chosen Patriot contributed to the founding of the nation. Essays will be judged for historical accuracy, organization of materials, interest, originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and the quality and scope of references, particularly the use of primary sources.

This contest is open to students in public, private, and parochial schools, and registered home-study programs, in grades 9 through 12. Essays from students from all grades will be judged together, with one winning essay chosen at each level. Participating DAR Chapters will select one essay as the chapter winner, to be sent on to the State level; the State will select one essay winner to represent the state for judging at the Division level, and each Division level will also have one winner which will be sent on to the National contest. Each student participant receives a certificate of participation from the chapter and the chapter winners receive a bronze medal and certificate set. State winners receive a silver medal and certificate set. Division level winners receive certificates and a book. National winners receive special certificates, medals, and a monetary award.

The National Society will select first-, second- and third-place winners. The national winner will receive a National Winner Certificate, pin and monetary award, presented at NSDAR’s annual Continental Congress, and the winning essay may appear in official DAR communications. National second- and third-place winners will also receive a certificate and monetary award.

This essay contest is being launched to engage students during the 250 th anniversary of the American Revolution, and is designed to encourage students to think more about the many different people, known and unknown, who were a part of the American Revolution, and perhaps even see themselves in the figures they write about.

For additional contest information or guidelines, please contact your  local DAR chapter .

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UCLA History Department

Introductions & Conclusions

The introduction and conclusion serve important roles in a history paper.  They are not simply perfunctory additions in academic writing, but are critical to your task of making a persuasive argument.

A successful introduction will:

  • draw your readers in
  • culminate in a thesis statement that clearly states your argument
  • orient your readers to the key facts they need to know in order to understand your thesis
  • lay out a roadmap for the rest of your paper

A successful conclusion will:

  • draw your paper together
  • reiterate your argument clearly and forcefully
  • leave your readers with a lasting impression of why your argument matters or what it brings to light

How to write an effective introduction:

Often students get slowed down in paper-writing because they are not sure how to write the introduction.  Do not feel like you have to write your introduction first simply because it is the first section of your paper.  You can always come back to it after you write the body of your essay.  Whenever you approach your introduction, think of it as having three key parts:

  • The opening line
  • The middle “stage-setting” section
  • The thesis statement

“In a 4-5 page paper, describe the process of nation-building in one Middle Eastern state.  What were the particular goals of nation-building?  What kinds of strategies did the state employ?  What were the results?  Be specific in your analysis, and draw on at least one of the scholars of nationalism that we discussed in class.”

Here is an example of a WEAK introduction for this prompt:

“One of the most important tasks the leader of any country faces is how to build a united and strong nation.  This has been especially true in the Middle East, where the country of Jordan offers one example of how states in the region approached nation-building.  Founded after World War I by the British, Jordan has since been ruled by members of the Hashemite family.  To help them face the difficult challenges of founding a new state, they employed various strategies of nation-building.”

Now, here is a REVISED version of that same introduction:

“Since 1921, when the British first created the mandate of Transjordan and installed Abdullah I as its emir, the Hashemite rulers have faced a dual task in nation-building.  First, as foreigners to the region, the Hashemites had to establish their legitimacy as Jordan’s rightful leaders.  Second, given the arbitrary boundaries of the new nation, the Hashemites had to establish the legitimacy of Jordan itself, binding together the people now called ‘Jordanians.’  To help them address both challenges, the Hashemite leaders crafted a particular narrative of history, what Anthony Smith calls a ‘nationalist mythology.’  By presenting themselves as descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, as leaders of the Arab Revolt, and as the fathers of Jordan’s different tribal groups, they established the authority of their own regime and the authority of the new nation, creating one of the most stable states in the modern Middle East.”

The first draft of the introduction, while a good initial step, is not strong enough to set up a solid, argument-based paper.  Here are the key issues:

  • This first sentence is too general.  From the beginning of your paper, you want to invite your reader into your specific topic, rather than make generalizations that could apply to any nation in any time or place.  Students often run into the problem of writing general or vague opening lines, such as, “War has always been one of the greatest tragedies to befall society.”  Or, “The Great Depression was one of the most important events in American history.”  Avoid statements that are too sweeping or imprecise.  Ask yourself if the sentence you have written can apply in any time or place or could apply to any event or person.  If the answer is yes, then you need to make your opening line more specific.
  • Here is the revised opening line: “Since 1921, when the British first created the mandate of Transjordan and installed Abdullah I as its emir, the Hashemite rulers have faced a dual task in nation-building.”
  • This is a stronger opening line because it speaks precisely to the topic at hand.  The paper prompt is not asking you to talk about nation-building in general, but nation-building in one specific place.
  • This stage-setting section is also too general.  Certainly, such background information is critical for the reader to know, but notice that it simply restates much of the information already in the prompt.  The question already asks you to pick one example, so your job is not simply to reiterate that information, but to explain what kind of example Jordan presents.  You also need to tell your reader why the context you are providing matters.
  • Revised stage-setting: “First, as foreigners to the region, the Hashemites had to establish their legitimacy as Jordan’s rightful leaders.  Second, given the arbitrary boundaries of the new nation, the Hashemites had to establish the legitimacy of Jordan itself, binding together the people now called ‘Jordanians.’  To help them address both challenges, the Hashemite rulers crafted a particular narrative of history, what Anthony Smith calls a ‘nationalist mythology.’”
  • This stage-setting is stronger because it introduces the reader to the problem at hand.  Instead of simply saying when and why Jordan was created, the author explains why the manner of Jordan’s creation posed particular challenges to nation-building.  It also sets the writer up to address the questions in the prompt, getting at both the purposes of nation-building in Jordan and referencing the scholar of nationalism s/he will be drawing on from class: Anthony Smith.
  • This thesis statement restates the prompt rather than answers the question.  You need to be specific about what strategies of nation-building Jordan’s leaders used.  You also need to assess those strategies, so that you can answer the part of the prompt that asks about the results of nation-building.
  • Revised thesis statement: “By presenting themselves as descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, as leaders of the Arab Revolt, and as the fathers of Jordan’s different tribal groups, they established the authority of their regime and the authority of the new nation, creating one of the most stable states in the modern Middle East.”
  • It directly answers the question in the prompt.  Even though you will be persuading readers of your argument through the evidence you present in the body of your paper, you want to tell them at the outset exactly what you are arguing.
  • It discusses the significance of the argument, saying that Jordan created an especially stable state.  This helps you answer the question about the results of Jordan’s nation-building project.
  • It offers a roadmap for the rest of the paper.  The writer knows how to proceed and the reader knows what to expect.  The body of the paper will discuss the Hashemite claims “as descendants from the Prophet Muhammad, as leaders of the Arab Revolt, and as the fathers of Jordan’s different tribal groups.”

If you write your introduction first, be sure to revisit it after you have written your entire essay.  Because your paper will evolve as you write, you need to go back and make sure that the introduction still sets up your argument and still fits your organizational structure.

How to write an effective conclusion:

Your conclusion serves two main purposes.  First, it reiterates your argument in different language than you used in the thesis and body of your paper.  Second, it tells your reader why your argument matters.  In your conclusion, you want to take a step back and consider briefly the historical implications or significance of your topic.  You will not be introducing new information that requires lengthy analysis, but you will be telling your readers what your paper helps bring to light.  Perhaps you can connect your paper to a larger theme you have discussed in class, or perhaps you want to pose a new sort of question that your paper elicits.  There is no right or wrong “answer” to this part of the conclusion: you are now the “expert” on your topic, and this is your chance to leave your reader with a lasting impression based on what you have learned.

Here is an example of an effective conclusion for the same essay prompt:

“To speak of the nationalist mythology the Hashemites created, however, is not to say that it has gone uncontested.  In the 1950s, the Jordanian National Movement unleashed fierce internal opposition to Hashemite rule, crafting an alternative narrative of history in which the Hashemites were mere puppets to Western powers.  Various tribes have also reasserted their role in the region’s past, refusing to play the part of “sons” to Hashemite “fathers.”  For the Hashemites, maintaining their mythology depends on the same dialectical process that John R. Gillis identified in his investigation of commemorations: a process of both remembering and forgetting.  Their myth remembers their descent from the Prophet, their leadership of the Arab Revolt, and the tribes’ shared Arab and Islamic heritage.  It forgets, however, the many different histories that Jordanians champion, histories that the Hashemite mythology has never been able to fully reconcile.”

This is an effective conclusion because it moves from the specific argument addressed in the body of the paper to the question of why that argument matters.  The writer rephrases the argument by saying, “Their myth remembers their descent from the Prophet, their leadership of the Arab Revolt, and the tribes’ shared Arab and Islamic heritage.”  Then, the writer reflects briefly on the larger implications of the argument, showing how Jordan’s nationalist mythology depended on the suppression of other narratives.

Introduction and Conclusion checklist

When revising your introduction and conclusion, check them against the following guidelines:

Does my introduction:

  • draw my readers in?
  • culminate in a thesis statement that clearly states my argument?
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American History: The Civil War (1861-1865) Essay

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The civil war, northern versus southern interests, causes of the civil war, aftermath of the civil war.


American history is considered as the most inquisitive worldwide. Traditionally, American history started by a declaration of independence in the year 1776. This declaration was due to threats of British government towards American self-governed system. Declaration of Independence led to war in 1775 that was to liberate Americans.

With help of France in providing military and financial support, the patriots won American Revolution. In 1789, war hero George Washington became the first president of federal government by virtue of Constitution. With influence of European community, coping with scope of central government proved to be a challenging issue for American people.

In 1790s, creation of political parties was initiated, and later fought for the second independence in 1812. Consequently, this brought about expansion of US territory westwards. With this, the US managed to overcome modernizers who were solely interested in deepening its economy rather than helping American people in expanding their geography.

Heavy demand for cotton in southern states encouraged slavery of Africans even though it was illegal in northern states. In 1860, came the election of Abraham Lincoln as president and this triggered a crisis in slave states as he dejected the expansion of slave trade. Amongst the slave states, some of them seceded in forming the Confederate States of America in 1861. This brought about American Civil War, which was from 1861 to 1865.

In the American history, Civil War is the most momentous event that ever happened in the US. This iconic event redefined the American nation, as it was a fight that aimed at preserving the Union, which was the United States of America. From inauguration of the Constitution, differing opinions existed on the role of federal government.

It was a belief of Federalists that in order to ensure the union did not collapse, there was need for the federal government to hold on to power. Anti-federalists on the other hand, were of the opinion that sovereignty of the new states were to remain within their countries. Anti-federalists believed that each state had the right to determine their own set of laws and it is not right to indict them in following mandates of the federal government.

With the advent of the slavery, Northern states completely squared off against Southern states. The main reason for this being economic interests of north and south which were opposed to each other. In addition, Southerners largely depended on large-scale plantations of cotton, which was more labor-intensive.

On the other hand, northerners were more of a manufacturing region who produced finished goods by making use of raw materials. Southern ingrained culture of the plantation era encouraged slavery because it gave them an inexpensive labor source. The compromise of each group was the fear that one could gain an unequal amount of power. For example, northerners feared that if more slave states existed, then they would garner an unequal power in the nation.

The causes of the American Civil War, which claimed of over 618,000 casualties, are traceable back to early days in history of the US when tensions escalated. The main cause was difference in economic and social capabilities between the North and the South. The South mainly depended on cotton, which meant the urgent need for cheap labor most probably slaves, as they became one crop economy. On the other hand, northerners depended solely on industrial products.

This disparity, which existed between the two, was the major difference in their economies. The second cause was due to the infighting between those who favored states’ rights and those who favored federal rights. Emergence of these two camps that had differences in opinions ignited the war.

Third, the American Civil War was caused by in-fight between those who were proponents of slavery and those who were against slavery. Another cause of the American Civil War was the growth of the abolition movement. The fact that northerners were against slavery led to the increase of abolitionists who were against slaveholders. Lastly, when Abraham Lincoln was elected as president, it catalyzed the Civil War, as Southerners believed that he favored interests of the northerners because he was against slavery.

Surrender of General Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865, marked an end to the Confederacy era. However, this did not stop the war completely as some small battles continued to occur. This was later to end when the last general, Stand Watie, surrendered on June 23, 1865.

Abraham Lincoln’s vision of reconstructing the nation did not bear much fruit as it failed to become a reality because of his assassination on April 14, 1865. The Radical Republicans imposed military rule on the southerners dealing with them harshly until Rutherford B. Hayes ended it in 1876. In the American history, Civil War is a watershed event and most importantly an event that officially ended slavery.

In conclusion, the Civil War was an important event in history of the American people. Moreover, its iconic stature is very vital, as the proponents who were against slavery became victors because their wish of anti-slavery was satisfied. In addition, it helped in liberating the people who had different opinions and gave them reasons to live for better ideals.

Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery . New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.

Kelly Martin. “ Overview of the American Civil War-Secession. ” About. Web.

Kelly Martin. “Top Five Causes of the Civil War: Leading up to Secession and the Civil War.” About. Web.

The History Channel. “ American Civil War. ” History. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 25). American History: The Civil War (1861-1865).

"American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." IvyPanda , 25 Oct. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)'. 25 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018.

IvyPanda . "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018.


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