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When and How To List Online Courses on a Resume

Wondering if you should add online courses to your resume? This guide will tell you exactly when and how it’s worth doing.

3 years ago   •   11 min read

The appeal of online courses is simple — they’re quick, low-commitment, and often free. But are they actually useful? And more importantly, are they ever going to help you get a job?

There are many types of certifications that belong — and don’t belong — on a resume. Obviously, significant qualifications like degrees or mandatory professional accreditations should be listed, but what about short courses you can take fully online?

Do online courses belong on your resume?

The short answer is: It depends .

The longer answer is, there are a few things you should consider when listing an online course on your resume, like:

  • Is it relevant to the job you’re applying for?
  • Does it demonstrate key skills?
  • Is it from a reputable source?
  • How senior are you?

We'll discuss when to list online courses on your resume — and when to leave them off — in more detail below. First, let's take a look at how to list online courses on your resume.

Listing online courses on your resume: A step by step guide

  • Focus on relevant courses. If you've completed multiple online courses, choose 1-2 that are most relevant to the specific job you're applying for.
  • Choose where to list them. Online courses can be listed in your education, certifications, projects, or other section — more on that below.
  • List the name of the course.
  • Include the name of the provider.
  • Specify the date you completed the qualification.
  • Include 1-3 accomplishments or key learnings in bullet points (optional).

Here it is in practice:

additional courses in resume

Examples of listing online courses in your resume

Here are some examples of the most effective ways to list online courses on a resume, as used by successful job seekers and verified by recruiters.

In your education section

List entries in this section chronologically, with the most recent qualification first. If your education section is the most relevant part of your resume (for example, if you’re a recent graduate or are changing careers), pin it at the top of your resume above your work experience .

EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS ABC Institute , Online SQL for Developers certificate, February 2021

When: If you’ve taken an online course recently — or if it’s particularly relevant or well-known and you want to emphasize it — you can include it in your education section.

List recent online courses in the education section of your resume.

More information: The must-haves when writing your education on your resume

As a separate online course section

Typically, you won’t want to dedicate too much resume space to your online course, as most of them can be covered in a couple of lines.

The exception to this is if you have multiple online courses or certifications that are all particularly relevant to the job. In that case, you can create a separate section for your online courses to help them stand out.

CERTIFICATIONS - Cisco - CCNA - SQL for Developers certificate from ABC Institute (2016)

When: This is a good idea for career changers who want to emphasize recent educational experience in a new field.

Only do this if it genuinely adds value to your resume — if you’re considering adding a certifications section to list a bunch of very short courses or to include qualifications in an unrelated area, it’s better to leave those off instead.

List online courses in a separate certifications section of your resume if you want them to stand out.

More information: How to list certifications on a resume

In a projects section

Projects give you a chance to include a few relevant accomplishments and demonstrate how you’ve used those skills in action. List the project name, your specific role, and 1-3 bullet points. If possible, make sure you also include a portfolio or GitHub link so recruiters can see examples of your work for themselves.

PROJECTS Project Name | Developer , Feb 2021 GitHub link: [link] - Designed the overall architecture of the editor using React.JS, with XYZ collaboration - Set up multiple authentication methods, including Google OAuth, magic link and Shibboleth SSO

When: If your online course included substantial project experience, or if you lack more relevant paid work experience.

List certifications in the projects section of your resume to showcase relevant accomplishments.

More information: How to list projects on a resume

In an additional section

Online courses in an additional section should be listed on a single line with a clear subheading: something simple like 'Online Courses' or 'Certifications' will tell a recruiter exactly what the section consists of. If it adds credibility, make sure to specify where you completed the course or who the provider was.

ADDITIONAL Certifications & Training: Online Course in Management (Coursera), Passed Resume Worded Examinations

When: An ‘additional’ or ‘other’ section at the bottom of your resume is ideal for things that don’t merit their own sections, or if you’re running low on space. This could include online courses that aren’t required but demonstrate relevant skills, or that are relevant but not noteworthy enough to include in a more prominent section.

additional courses in resume

More information: Including skills and additional information on a resume

If you’re not sure if you’ve listed your online courses the right way, upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan your resume and give you detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve your resume sections.

The best online courses to list on your resume

The best online courses to list on your resume are ones from reputable providers. Here are some of the best ones + examples of how (and when) to include them on your resume.

How to put Udacity on a resume

Should you mention a Udacity degree on your resume? Udacity offers "nanodegrees" that, despite their length, are well-regarded in professional circles. Udacity have gained a reputation for offering strong courses, partnering with reputable businesses, and requiring stronger effort to pass than similar online courses, which makes them a good option for picking up a new skill.

To list a Udacity degree on your resume, you have a few options:

  • List it in your education section
  • Put it in a separate certifications section
  • Include Udacity in your resume projects section

additional courses in resume

Putting a Udemy certificate on a resume

Unlike other online course providers, Udemy doesn't grade students or require tests to pass. That doesn't mean you can't include a Udemy completion on your resume — just make sure it adds value before you do.

additional courses in resume

Putting an eCornell certificate on a resume

If you have an online certificate from a reputable institution like Cornell, it's worth highlighting that on your resume. Be sure to specify that you hold a certificate, not a full degree — listing it in a Certifications or Additional Information section rather than your Education section can help make this clear.

additional courses in resume

Putting a Lynda certificate on a resume

Getting a Lynda certificate with LinkedIn Learning can be a great way to boost an existing skill or change course with a new one. Like any unaccredited online course, it's important to back up your learning with other qualifications, projects, or professional experience.

additional courses in resume

Putting a Coursera certificate on a resume

Coursera offers a wide range of certificate and other courses, which means it pays to be specific about which one you took. Be sure to note if it you completed a full certificate, the name of the program, and the specific provider — keeping in mind that some are more reputable than others.

additional courses in resume

How to add a Google Data Analytics Certificate to a resume

A Google Data Analytics certificate on its own isn't going to be enough to convince a recruiter you have the skills they're looking for. So why include it? Because it's one piece of the puzzle — when included alongside technical skills, projects, and other relevant qualifications.

additional courses in resume

Related : What You Need to Know About Google Career Certificates (and The Best Ones for Your Resume)

Putting a HarvardX certificate on resume

Like eCornell, HarvardX is Harvard University's online offering. The platform offers over 140 courses ranging from single subjects to full professional courses.

additional courses in resume

Putting an EdX certificate on a resume

EdX is also a Harvard initiative, co-created with MIT. EdX offers accredited online courses from universities across the United States and is highly regarded as a provider of top-quality academic content — you can even complete a full degree program online or use EdX courses to transfer with academic credit.

additional courses in resume

When to list online courses on your resume

Here are a few situations where listing an online course can be worth it:

If it’s required for the job

Anything listed in the job description should be addressed on your resume. If a specific qualification is mentioned in the job ad — either as a minimum requirement or as a ‘nice to have’ — you should list it on your resume. These must-haves are often set as filters on ATS software, which means that if you leave them off, you risk having your resume sent straight to the ‘no’ pile before it even reaches a recruiter’s desk.

If it adds credibility

Not all online courses are created equal. Certified courses are generally held in higher regard than non-certified courses, and a six-week online course from an accredited institution looks far more impressive than a four-hour Zoom workshop. You can increase the credibility of online courses by opting for a verified certificate or completing a project that puts the skills you learned into practice.

If you’re changing careers

When you’re looking to break into a new role or industry, either as a recent grad or a career changer , your education takes on an extra layer of importance.

Not only can taking an online course help you develop some of the basic skills you’ll need for the new position, but listing it on your resume is a good way to show that you have the skills required for the job and include the keywords necessary to get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

When to leave your online course off your resume

So, when shouldn’t you list an online course on your resume? Here are some general principles to keep in mind:

Keep very short courses off your resume

On the flip side, any course that only takes a very short time to complete (less than a few days or so) usually won’t be significant enough to include on your resume. In general, aim to include no more than 1-2 certifications — listing every single workshop or conference you’ve ever attended will only waste valuable resume space and dilute the impact of any genuinely relevant certifications.

Only list relevant online courses

This is the basic litmus test for everything on your resume: Is it relevant to the specific job you’re applying for? It doesn’t matter how impressive the qualification, if it has nothing to do with the role or industry you’re targeting, it’s better to leave it off.

Experience trumps qualifications

If you're a senior-level candidate or have at 8+ years of experience in your field, it's often a good idea to leave off short online courses from your resume, unless they're clearly credited, like an Executive MBA or similar. Most hiring managers only will focus on your formal work experience on a resume when you're at the senior level, and education, extra-curricular and online courses are much less important.

Reputation matters

Avoid notoriously unreliable institutions, which can do more harm to your candidacy than good. A lot of online for-profit colleges (like the University of Phoenix) have such bad reputations that it may be worth leaving those qualifications off your resume entirely, unless you can’t avoid it.

How can I find online courses?

Want to include online courses on your resume but aren’t sure where to find them? Here are some good places to start looking:

Check the job description

This is oft-repeated advice, but that’s because the job posting itself is almost always the best place to start when building your resume. If the ad mentions a specific certification candidates should have, it may be worth your while to pursue it as an online course — that way you don't need to take time off work.

Target specific skills

If you know what skills you need to brush up on, try searching for online courses that target those areas. If you aren’t sure, use the skills and keywords tool below to find the right skills based on your desired industry or job title.

Ask your network

The best way to know what qualifications are actually useful is to ask people with experience in similar roles. Ask your existing network, search LinkedIn or alumni databases for potential contacts, and ask for informational interviews with people who can help steer you in the right direction.

Ask them if an online course in the field is worth doing, and if there are any reputable ones they recommend. People who work in the industry will be more in-the-know about the right online courses to do and which ones are respected.

Choose a legitimate provider

The more well-known a course or institution, the better. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of reputable online course providers:

  • CodeAcademy
  • FutureLearn
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Google Analytics Academy

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  • How to List Education on Your...

How to List Education on Your Resume (with Examples)

10 min read · Updated on March 27, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Use your education to show you have the knowledge to land the job

Your education is an essential detail to include on your resume, as it indicates that you're trained in your field. Even if your formal education isn't directly related to your current career path (perhaps you made a career change, for instance), it's still worthwhile to show that you succeeded in a high-level learning environment.

As with much of resume writing, the content and format of your resume Education section is fluid and will depend on where you are in your career. Still, it's important that you get it right to prove you're qualified for the job you want.

In this article, you'll learn how to list education on your resume and see examples that you can use for inspiration as you craft your own. 

What to include under Education on a resume

It sounds simple – you list the degrees you've obtained and the schools where you got them. 

But, wait! There's more.

In some instances, it may be appropriate to include your GPA, some relevant coursework, or even give a nod to some major project you worked on. Much of this depends on whether you're fresh out of school or have some experience under your belt. 

Here are some other things to consider when writing the Education section of your resume:

Does your education section go at the top or bottom of your resume?

Do you include a degree if you're still working on it?

Does high school belong on my resume?

Let's start with the basics.

1. Degree earned

When you finally graduated and received your diploma, what did it say? For example, you may have achieved a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Whatever it was, it's the most important education detail you can put on your resume, because it's the official evidence of your education.

One of the most important things to remember is that you should list your degrees in reverse chronological order. That means you start with the most recent one (which is likely to be your highest) and work backward. Also, once you get into college there is no reason to add high school. Employers know that you have to finish high school to get into college, so they'll assume you graduated. 

Remember that one degree type can be applied to a variety of fields of study. For example, a Bachelor of Science degree can be earned for both physics and computer science. Therefore, in addition to the degree itself, you must include the major for which the degree was earned. This way, a hiring manager knows exactly what topics you've studied.

If you completed any minors or concentrations, you can include those too.

3. University, college, or institution

Add some context to your education by listing the university, college, or institution where you went to school. This is especially important if you attended a well-respected program in your field, because it will make you seem all the more impressive.

4. Years attended

The timeframe that you were in school is generally something you don't need to worry about including unless you're still in school or graduated within the last year. Additionally, you might add the dates you were in school if you need to take care of a gap in employment. Outside of these conditions, you should leave off the timeframe you were in school.

Whether or not you include your GPA in the Education section of a resume depends on many factors. If you earned your degree 20 years ago, your GPA is likely a defunct measure of your current abilities. If you earned your degree recently, however, adding your GPA can be a great move – but only if it's 3.5 or higher. You can also indicate any distinctions you earned based on your grades, such as summa cum laude , if applicable.

6. Extracurricular activities

If you were in an honors society, you can list your membership. If you were part of a fraternity or sorority, it's a toss-up. While you might think this is a good inclusion because it demonstrates you were participating in service-related activities or so on, Greek rivalries can extend way past college years and you wouldn't want to accidentally tip off your hiring manager that you belonged to a rival group.

7. Certifications 

Outside of formal education, you may also have taken the initiative to earn supplementary certifications or complete online courses that are relevant to your field. Highlight these in your resume Education section, especially if they are on niche or high-level topics that prove your expertise far beyond a more generalized curriculum.

Here's an example of what all that looks like:


Bachelor of Business Administration | ABC University | 2021-2024

Dean's list - summa cum laude

President - Marketing Club


Project Management Professional (PMP) | Project Management Institute

Conditions to consider, aside from the basics

Some of those basics may be optional - as we mentioned, you wouldn't include the dates of your degree program if you've been out of school for more than a year. When you begin to craft the Education section of your resume, there are other things to consider as well.

You completed high school

Attending college may not be among the goals you've set for your life. That's okay!

If you decide to graduate high school and go straight to work, your career can still be rich and full. At this point, though, a lot of people ask if they should include high school on their resume. 

A few rules of thumb about adding high school to the Education section of your resume:

Exclude high school altogether if you go to college

Exclude high school if you've attended trade school

Include high school if you have no additional education, professional development, or certifications

Include high school if the job description specifically mentions that you need a high school diploma

Include high school if you're applying for a job while still in high school

This is what the Education section of your resume would look like if all you have to put in it is high school:

Diploma or GED [whichever is appropriate] | DEF High School

Graduated: 2023

Relevant courses: Accounting, Business Law, and Ethics

Just because high school is the highest education you've obtained, doesn't mean you can't take the opportunity to inject some relevant keywords into your resume. 

PRO TIP: Check out our article on tailoring your resume to different jobs to understand how important relevant keywords are when writing your resume.

You have an undergrad degree

Once you graduate from college and start searching for your first entry-level position, it's assumed that you'll remove any information that refers to your high school activities and focus on your new undergrad degree.

Go back to the basics to build your Education section when you earn your Bachelor's degree. 

Include your degree and major

Add the name of the school where you obtained the degree

Throw in some extras, like achievements, coursework, and affiliations

The last point – about adding extras – is extremely important if you have little to no work experience . Adding that you were a Resident Advisor or won first place in a robotics competition could be the thing that puts your resume at the top of the yes pile. 

You have an advanced degree

Once you enter the world of Master's degrees and PhDs the Education section of your resume becomes more robust and might include things like the title of a dissertation, fellowships or internships. 

As before, always start with your highest degree and work backward. Here's an example of an Education section with advanced degrees:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Leadership Studies | CCC University 

International Student Scholar

Dissertation: Exploring the Relationships of Principal Preparation Programs and Leadership Styles on School Accountability Indices

Master of Arts (MA) – Counseling | BBB University 

Bachelor of Science – Psychology (cum laude) | University of AAA

You started college at one place but finished somewhere else

If you attended college at one institution – perhaps a community college – and then completed your education in another place, you only need to list the university where you completed your degree. All the employer wants to know is which college supplied you with your degree at the end of your education; they don't necessarily care or need to know how you arrived at this place. Save that resume space for more important information.

You didn't attend or finish college

If you attended college but didn't graduate, you may want to list the relevant courses you took, especially if you made it to some of the higher-level classes, to demonstrate the skills you built or the disciplines you were exposed to during your coursework.

You're still pursuing a college degree (undergrad or grad program)

If you're still attending college for either your undergraduate or graduate degree, you can simply add an expected graduation year to this information. You can add a list of a few courses you've completed if 

They're higher-level courses that are relevant to your job goals

You don't have a lot of relevant work experience to market on your resume.

You earned your degree more than 5 years ago

If you earned a degree or certification more than 5 years ago, place your Education at the bottom of your resume and remove the graduation date. It's important to demonstrate you've earned the degree, but there's no need to draw attention to how long ago this occurred.

Doing so will allow you to focus your resume on your skills, accomplishments , and professional history. For those who have many years of professional experience, education becomes less important because you should be moving forward in your career.

Where does the Education section of your resume go?

If you're new to the workforce and your new degree is your best selling point, the Education section should appear toward the top of your resume , because 

You most likely have limited professional experience to list on your resume

Your education is the core competency that you wish to highlight for an employer

After you have a few years of relevant experience under your belt, the education section gets shifted to the bottom of your resume, and your work history will get pushed farther up on the page.

Key takeaways

Presenting your education on your resume in a thoughtful way will open a lot of employment doors. Here's what you should keep in mind as you write the Education section of your resume:

You list education on your resume in a certain way based on what stage of your career you're at

The main components of your Education section are degree, major, school, years attended, and certifications

Tailor your Education section based on keywords and qualifications mentioned in the job description

Be honest about ongoing education or degrees you've decided not to complete

Your Education section is fluid

Remember, there isn't one resume format that fits all job seekers. Be strategic when placing your Education information by considering where you are in your career and how it will help you to land the jobs you're after. 

Find out if you are showcasing your education on your resume - get a free resume review from TopResume.

This article was updated in December 2023. It contains work by Amanda Augustine and Lauren Settembrino  and Heather Rothbauer-Wanish .

Recommended reading:

Resources for In-Demand Job Skills You Can Learn Online

How To Speed Up the Resume-Writing Process

The Most Essential Trait You Need to Land Any Job

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  • Career Development

How to List Online Courses on a Resume (Examples and Tips)

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If you’re one of the millions of people who pursue continuing education through online courses – congratulations! In an ever-evolving economy where new technology can quickly render old skills obsolete, it’s vital for employees to continually upgrade their skills. In addition, employers appreciate workers who are invested in their own skill sets. However, those online courses and certifications may pose a challenge for your resume if you decide to seek a new job. In this post, we will explain how to list online courses on a resume the right way.

What are online courses?

The term online courses typically refers to MOOCs. MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are the leading source of non-academia education and professional development. You’ve probably heard of some of the more popular MOOC websites, like Lynda, Udemy, and Coursera. But there are actually hundreds more!

When you browse MOOCs, you will be inundated with so many options for ways to develop professionally. The courses, though delivered through the sites listed above, are actually designed by leading global companies and ivy league colleges. There are short- and long-term professional certification courses, online Master's degrees, and in-depth skill development courses. 

The true benefit of MOOCs though? They’re open-source. Meaning the content is free to access, and the certifications are still professionally verified. If you want to advance your career but don’t have the means or time to go back to school for a degree, online courses through MOOCs are excellent to know about. 

Here are some of the other popular online services that offer courses :

Khan Academy

Should you List Online Courses on a Resume?

You might be wondering whether you should list online courses on your resume. Does it add value – or is it even worth listing online courses on your resume? Or any online studies, for that matter?

The answer is – Yes!

The world is changing – faster than most of us realize. Today’s skills often have a short shelf-life, and smart employees will recognize the need to upgrade their talents. That’s the best way to ensure that you maintain and enhance your value as an employee. In the end, that value is what makes employers want to hire you.

Of course, most of us would struggle to hold down a job and go to a traditional college at the same time. Fortunately, the rise of the internet has presented workers with alternative options for continuing education.

Why is it important to show online courses on a resume?

Any way that you are able to showcase professional development on a resume is encouraged. For many people, their careers don’t inherently follow a linear path, which can make a resume appear less strong. However, if you have a section in your resume to describe professional development, you can list out your online courses, adding value. 

Online courses are appreciated by recruiters because usually for someone to enroll, it means they have an authentic desire to grow professionally. It also shows an affinity for keeping up with market and industry trends. 

For example, the field of UX design has become very popular recently. In that time, the ethics and standards have also changed significantly. If someone entered UX in the early 2000s and has kept the same job, a recruiter might question the relevance of their insight. If that same candidate also showed professional development courses throughout the last twenty years, it would indicate that they are up to date with trends and have likely obtained the skills to produce appropriate content. 

How to List Online Courses on Your Resume

MOOCs, including sites like Lynda, Udemy, and Coursera, offer workers valuable education, new or enhanced skills, and certifications that can carry real value in the marketplace. More importantly, employers need to be able to see how you’ve tried to keep pace with skillset changes. For all those reasons, you need to know how to list online courses on your resume.

Keep in mind that online courses are a recent phenomenon. That means that some employers may not understand their relevance – or even give them much credence. If you know how to list online courses on your resume, however, you can overcome those challenges. 

These tips can help.

Choose Relevant Coursework

First, it’s important to be selective when you list online courses on your resume. You may include continuing education courses on a resume , but that doesn’t mean that the employer needs to hear about every class you take.

Instead, think about the skills you need for the job you’re seeking. Which courses provided skills that directly relate to that job? Those are the courses that you want to emphasize in your resume. Try to tailor your list as much as possible, for maximum impact.

Don’t Include Any Courses That Could Be Considered “Beginning-Level”

Skip any courses that might present you as a novice in that skill area. So, if you took a course introducing students to PowerPoint, for example, you can leave it off your resume. Its inclusion would mark you as a beginner and detract from your other areas of expertise. In short, only include courses that enhance your credibility as an expert in your field.

Some other beginner-level certs that might be most effective when omitted are the use of Microsoft Word, the Google Suite, or how to organize files on your computer. Your resume should be reserved for your proudest achievements. A recruiter might get the wrong idea about you if you consider using Word as a proud achievement. 

Use online courses to advance your career

If you are interested in changing careers or pursuing a promotion at work, use online courses to your advantage! One of the biggest setbacks professionals face when trying to make a big career change is that a lot of the time, they don’t quite have the experience or meet the qualifications. Online courses can offset that. 

Perhaps you don’t have five years of data analysis experience on top of your project management job. But, if you took an inline certification course in professional data analysis, you could still come out as a top candidate. 

Choose Your Placement Wisely

Be smart about where you list online courses on your resume. Sure, they’re educational in nature, but that doesn’t mean that they belong in the education section of your resume .

Formal education is just that: formal. That includes university degrees and other college or trade school accomplishments. List those achievements in your education section, and then create a different section for your continuing education efforts. 

We recommend using a title like "Professional Development", "Certifications", or "Professional Training" (or something similar) to highlight these online courses and skills.

(We wrote a good post on including certifications on your resume .)

You can use that section to list online courses on your resume, as well as other professional development. Try to limit those courses and skills to no more than five or six. You can include everything from online courses to technical certifications in this section.

Depending on the relevance of these courses to the job you’re applying for, you can choose to include the section on either the front page near the top, or towards the bottom. 

Example of Online Courses on a Resume

Bachelor of Arts, Communications – Seattle University

Professional Development & Affiliations

Excel for Marketers –

Marketing Courses – UC Berkeley Extension

Affiliations – National Association of Sales Professionals, Think LA, SF BIG, IAA Board SF

Here is an example on a resume:

Online Courses on Resume Example

Focus on How You’ve Used Those Skills

How you list online courses on your resume matters too. While you might be tempted to just use a dry list of your certifications and other continuing education, don’t. Those skill enhancements are basically meaningless without context. In other words, you need to do more than just list them; you need to showcase their value.

The best way to do that is to cite projects or tasks where you have used those skills. So, for example, if you received software certification of some kind, include a project that involved that skill.

That helps to flesh out the coursework and demonstrate its value to any prospective employer. It might require a little more creativity and thought on your part, but the results will be well worth the added effort.

Closing Thoughts

When you know how to list online courses on a resume, you can enhance your image as an expert in your field. At the same time, you will also demonstrate a passion for your industry. Just remember to focus intently on showcasing value. That will help any potential employer to better understand why you’re the best candidate for the job!

Recommended reading:

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2023

50 Resume Dos and Don’ts You Need to Know in 2023

Including Professional Development on a Resume (Examples)

Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer, Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer

Emma is a certified employment specialist with over 6 years of experience in career mentorship and employment training. With an affinity for technical writing, Emma is passionate about developing training, policy, and procedure manuals. In 2020 she helped design Colorado’s first state-certified training program for people with disabilities entering the workforce.

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How to List Online Courses on Your Resume the Right Way (Because Yes, There Is a Wrong Way)

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So you’ve been taking some online courses . You’ve learned a ton, and you’ve even been using your new skills at work or to develop a side project.

But now you’re contemplating a career move and wondering how (and even whether) to include your continuing education on your resume. You’re right to approach this task thoughtfully. Online courses are still relatively new, recruiters can be skeptical, and in certain cases, listing your online education can actually make your resume worse.

I spoke to several recruiters and hiring managers to gather insight on what they think when they see online courses listed on candidates’ resumes. So, whether you aced your marketing MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), killed it in coding bootcamp , or taught yourself graphic design; here are some of their tips on how to tell that story in your application:

1. Put Them in Their Proper Place

Across the board, the hiring managers and recruiters I spoke with agreed that MOOCs and other online courses can help make the case that you can do the job. However, they also think these classes shouldn’t be the star of the show. As Anne Lewis, the Director of Sales and Recruitment for Betts Recruiting , a firm specializing in recruitment for technology companies, told me, “In general, MOOCs can help to make candidate profiles stronger, especially junior candidates that don’t have as much experience.”

If you’ve taken courses that have taught you something that will help you on the job, by all means, include them on your resume, she says. Just keep the list of courses short, and confine them to a single, small area, such as a “Professional Training” section under your work history.

2. Keep it Relevant

Kudos for being a lifelong learner, but in all honesty, no one cares that you studied Ancient Greek Art when you're up for a job in the sales department. You wouldn’t list every course from your college transcript, so why do it with your online learning?

Instead, include only those courses that are relevant to the work you expect to do. Lewis suggests editing the list of courses on your resume depending on the job for which you’re applying. “It’s all about positioning these certifications as relevant to a particular role and outlining how [they] add value," she says.

3. Skip the Intro Classes

Multiple recruiters mentioned that listing introductory-level online courses can make a candidate look bad when the expectation is that he or she will be an expert. For example, Sham Mustafa, the CEO of Correlation One , a company that recruits for data science positions, told me a story about a candidate whose current title is "Senior Data Scientist." The candidate holds a PhD and has worked in roles requiring advanced quantitative skills for the past 25 years. “Yet,” Mustafa says, “Under his education, he lists introductory MOOCs in Machine Learning and Data Science.” Rather than helping him, these courses making him sound less experienced and actually decrease his competitiveness for the job.

Muse Master Coach Erica Breuer takes it one step further: “I advise my clients to include details about their professional development—including online courses—only when they've completed a major certification or other notable credential.” You want anything on your resume to bolster your credibility: Don’t waste lines on a low-level course that’s not adding to what you’d bring to the table.

4. Show How You Put Your Skills Into Practice

Recruiters were also in agreement that providing evidence of how you put your skills into practice can help strengthen the case that your continuing education meant something. While your education is important—whether we’re talking online courses or a university degree—it’s how you’ve put that education to work that really counts.

Breuer says, “It's crucial for candidates to demonstrate that they're keeping their skills fresh. So, don’t just list a class you took, include a special project, or pro-bono work with your favorite charity to provide context around the results you’ve brought using that new skill.”

Mustafa, of Correlation One, shared a story of a candidate for a data science position. The candidate’s degrees are in unrelated fields, but he has listed several data science courses on his resume. He has also successfully completed several projects and competitions on Kaggle, a popular data science site. “The reader of the resume can see that he is putting his newly acquired skills to work,” Mustafa says.

5. Prepared to Be Quizzed

OK, this one is kind of a bonus, because it’s about your interview—but hopefully your stellar resume gets you to this point in the process! If you list online courses, expect an open-ended question like, “Your resume lists a digital marketing class. What can you tell me about that experience?” Or you may have to field more specific questions, especially if you are claiming technical expertise.

So, while you’re thinking about your answers to common interview questions , also make a list of some you might be asked about your studies and come up with answers for each of them.

Listing online classes on your resume is a definite do. Just make sure you do it thoughtfully so you’re sending the right message about your continuing education. After all, you worked hard to complete all these courses in your free time, you owe it to yourself to make sure they count.

additional courses in resume

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How to Include Relevant Coursework On Your Resume

Craft a Resume That Focuses on Student Coursework

additional courses in resume

What Courses and Projects to Include

Other experience to include.

  • How to Add Relevant Coursework

Use Keywords in Your Descriptions

Proofread and edit.

  • Where to Put the Education Section
  • Example of a Coursework-Focused Resume

As a current student or recent graduate, you may not have very much work experience to include on your resume. However, you can potentially strengthen your resume by emphasizing related coursework and other academic projects. 

Employers understand that entry-level employees may not have a whole lot of career experience. They will often look at your coursework and academic experiences to help determine whether you have the knowledge to fill the open position.

Add Relevant Coursework

When  creating a resume , you can add a section titled “Relevant Coursework." In it, include the courses directly related to the position you are applying for. For example, if you're applying for work as a paralegal, list any classes you took related to law or politics.

List Projects

Similarly, if you have completed any research projects related to your future career, list these too. If you're applying for a job that involves conducting research, list any extensive research projects you worked on.

Having a section listing relevant coursework makes sense if you're applying for an internship or entry-level position. Once you can no longer be termed a recent graduate, and have some on-the-job experience, you can remove this section from your resume. 

Emphasize Your Achievements

Beyond related coursework, you should also emphasize any academic successes, such as a high GPA or an award from an academic department. It's a good idea to include this information in the education section.

Although these successes may not appear to be directly related to the job for which you are applying, they demonstrate your hard work and responsibility.

Extracurricular Activities

If you participated in any sports or clubs where you developed skills relevant to the job you’re applying for, include these too. You could, for example, include a section in your resume titled “Extracurricular Activities,” or you might highlight activities in a broader section titled “Relevant Experience.”


Volunteer work is a relevant experience. Even if you didn't get paid for this work,  volunteer experiences  can make terrific additions to your resume. For example, if you're applying for a job as a teacher’s assistant, describe your volunteer tutor experience.

How to Add Relevant Coursework to Your Resume

You'll likely want to add this information below your college or graduate information.

Relevant Coursework Section

You can format it as a single section—for example, if you're applying for a role as a journalist:

Relevant coursework:  Ethics in Journalism, Modern Media Communications, and Forensic Accounting for Journalists

Relevant Coursework List

Or, you may opt to format the information as a bullet-point list. For instance, if you're applying for a role in marketing, you could present your coursework like this: 

Relevant Coursework

  • Developing a Brand 
  • Communications 
  • Public Speaking 

More Options

Finally, you may want to share several types of experience, using more detailed bullet points. Or, you may want to share some descriptive details about the courses you've listed if it's not clear from the course titles. 

If you include coursework on your resume, be prepared to talk about the classes and what you learned in them during interviews. 

Including relevant coursework on your resume is a good way to incorporate keywords. Look for keywords in the job listing, and try to include them in this section. 

For instance, if the job requires field research experience, you can mention your “30+ hours of field research” in the description of your senior project. Or, you can add "Field Research Methods" as one of the courses you've taken. 

Take the time to thoroughly edit your resume for spelling and grammar errors. Also, make sure that your font and style choices are consistent—for example, if you format one section title in bold, all section titles should be bold.

You might set up a meeting with a counselor at your college career services office to have someone else read through your resume too.

Where to List the Education Section of Your Resume

The education section of your resume—which generally includes relevant coursework—can be placed at the top or bottom of the document. If it's your best experience, or if you think your educational background will be relevant to hiring managers, include whatever is most appropriate at the top of the document.

Example of a Coursework-Focused Resume

This resume focuses on relevant coursework and leadership experiences.

Student Resume Focusing on Coursework

Hailey Applicant 456 Oakwood Terrace Anytown, PA 99999 (555) 555-555


Advancing science and law through dedicated legal and scientific research

A respected research assistant who has worked with tenured professors, practicing lawyers, school administrators, and company executives to produce research reports on scientific study and Supreme Court case law.

Key skills include:

  • Computer-Assisted Research
  • Organizing Research Data for Comprehensive Reports
  • Analyzing Case Law
  • Working with Research Teams
  • Presenting Research Data


XYZ LABS, White Plains, NY RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Fall 2020 – Present) Collaborate with an adviser, research team, and Smith School of Medicine to conduct research regarding the effects of steroids on the activity level of rats.

Notable accomplishments:

  • Use a computer to gather and analyze data for distribution to the research team.
  • Present new findings in bimonthly discussion with the department.

SOCIOLOGY OF LAW COURSE, SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT, XYZ COLLEGE, White Plains, NY RESEARCH INTERN (Spring 2020) Researched case law dealing with social policy and the Supreme Court.

Notable Accomplishments:

  • Analyzed cases and produced final paper regarding social policy in court cases.
  • Explained results and conclusions in a final presentation to practicing lawyers.


XYZ COLLEGE , White Plains, NY Bachelor of Arts in Government (Cumulative GPA: 3.9) Awarded Outstanding Government Student, May 2020

Computer Skills

Microsoft Word • Excel • PowerPoint • LexisNexis • Adobe

How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume

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Should you include relevant coursework on your resume?

How to include relevant coursework on your resume, tips for mentioning relevant coursework on a resume, relevant coursework on a resume template, example of relevant coursework on a resume.

Highlighting relevant coursework on your resume as a student or recent graduate can offer some advantages. Students must often have to take a different approach when they don’t have much work experience to put on their resume. This article explains how to include relevant coursework on your resume so you can enhance your image when applying for a job.

Here are some situations in which it’s appropriate to include relevant coursework on your resume:

You don’t yet have much work experience

Work experience is a necessity for a resume. However, if you are inexperienced, submitting a resume with relevant coursework details can improve your chances of recruitment.

Coursework is relevant to the position

You should consider the type of job you are applying for before including any coursework. Different jobs have varying levels of educational requirements. Usually, relevant coursework details are important to add to a resume for an entry-level position that’s relevant to your desired career.

The coursework would benefit you in the position

Make sure that any coursework you add shows the employer your qualifications for the position. For example, if you are applying to be a professor or a researcher at an academic organization, it’s a good idea to add coursework that highlights your academic achievements.

The coursework positioning improves the look and style of your resume

Your coursework details should improve the appearance and content of your resume. In addition, make sure your coursework details only add as much to your resume as is necessary. You can add the most relevant classes to help save room and keep.

Consider the following steps while including relevant coursework on your resume:

1. Firstly, make sure your placement is accurate

The placement of your coursework information can create a big difference in the effectiveness of your resume. If your resume is meant to highlight your educational achievements, you may place it near the top of your document. However, coursework showing your experience or skills could be placed in the skills section. If your coursework is related to a specific type of job, you may include it in the education section.

2. Secondly, include only the most relevant details

You may mention the relevant coursework alone instead of adding other classes to your resume. This is also a good place to highlight any volunteer opportunities you’ve undertaken if you don’t have any prior work experience.

3. Thirdly, highlight the coursework with academic achievements

You can make your coursework more credible to the recruiter if it is supported by high grades that you have achieved in your classes. You may also add related educational awards to help create a positive impression on your potential employer. You can mention your academic honors, awards and other test scores that are relevant to your resume’s purpose.

4. Next, mention relevant personality factors or experience

If you have a skill that complements your coursework, you may include it on your resume. For example, if you are applying for a position as a content writer and mention coursework in which you were required to create an online magazine, you could discuss your ability to create search engine optimized content. Another method is to add relevant projects that you’ve completed. For example, you may mention any research papers you wrote that are pertinent to the job.

5. Fifthly, include online courses

Many people take online courses in their free time to enhance their professional skills. You can add these courses to your resume if they are relevant to your job application. If you have taken an optional course designed to improve your performance at work, include any relevant experience you gained from it.

6.  Next, make sure to include the job post’s keywords

You may include keywords from the job post when discussing your coursework. The employer may find it relevant and thoughtful, and it can also help your resume make it through any applicant tracking systems the employer may be using. For example, if the employer talks about the importance of programming skills in their job posting, you can discuss a project in which you used JavaScript to help create a website. 

7. After that, create an additional section if needed

You may create a subsection in the education section of your resume to make your coursework look more relevant to the job. You may use detailed bullet points mentioning crucial information about the coursework. 

For example, if you include writing coursework, you may mention any specific writing formats or referencing styles you learned. You may create another section if you are creating an online resume that anyone can access. In some cases, it may be better to list your coursework details on a subsection on your webpage dedicated to your educational achievements.

8. Finally, always stay relevant

Any coursework you put on your resume must always be related to the job. It should be direct enough to convince the employer that you have the required skill set for the position. You may also include your most recent coursework if it applies to the position you’re seeking. 

Below are some additional tips that can help you effectively add relevant coursework to your resume:

  • Proofread and edit. Make sure to thoroughly edit your resume to remove out any redundancies from the coursework section. 
  • Consider the employer’s perspective. Ask yourself how your potential employer would view the courses and projects you’ve mentioned in your resume. Include them only if you believe it would impress the hiring manager.
  • Use consistent formatting. Follow the same format when referring to all coursework material to create a more formal and professional look to your resume.
  • Include the necessary details. Add details about the coursework you mention, such as the projects you completed or the professional skills you learned.

It’s a good idea to prioritize your most relevant courses and projects when adding these details to your resume as a student or recent graduate.

Here’s a template you can use if you’re considering adding coursework to your resume:

[Name and location of school]

[Years attended]

[Details about the coursework that explain the professional skills you gained from it] 

Below is an example of relevant coursework that has been added to a resume:

Resume example for a market research analyst position

Paramount University, Providence, RI

2014 to 2018

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, with courses related to institutional and educational sociology, psychology and sociological culture.

Relevant coursework

  • Institutional sociology: Explored the influence of various social institutions on the process of socialization.
  • Educational sociology: Learned how education plays a crucial role in defining the social structure of society, which can guide the direction of a marketing campaign
  • Psychology and sociology:  Gained a thorough understanding of the link between sociology and psychology as social sciences that interact in the real world.
  • Sociological culture:  Explored the various ways in which culture is defined by sociology, which could influence different markets and their preferences

Resume example for an HR position

Inston  College, Nashville, TN 2015 to 2019 Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management, with courses focusing on project management, leadership, recruitment and staffing

  • Motivation theories: Learned different practices for improving employee morale, studying real-life examples as guides
  • Recruitment processing: Practiced creating recruitment forms and job descriptions. Studied the process involved in interviewing applicants and choosing the correct candidate for the job.

How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

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In This Guide:

How important is it to list relevant coursework on a resume as a college student, how can i include relevant coursework on a student resume, when to avoid coursework on resume, what other sections can you add that can have more impact than coursework, volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, passions/strengths/interests, relevant coursework on resume – takeaways.

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In today’s hiring landscape, your resume needs to quickly communicate all of your potential value to an employer. If you’re a student or recently graduated, your practical job experience may still be poor – but your coursework is probably rich.

So should you include the relevant classes you took on your resume? You can!

However, there are some factors you should consider before listing your coursework. You need to think about where you are in your career, what is the position you are applying for, and how relevant your education is to the job description.

Don’t get scared, it is not so much. Stay with us. This article will help you decide whether you need to include your relevant coursework.

You can also browse through our Resume Examples where you can see a perfect one for your dreamed position.

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If you are a student or have just graduated, it is possible that you don’t have enough professional experience to show. So a good way to demonstrate your expertise is by including your relevant coursework.

However, if you already have a year or more work experience, this section won’t be much of a help.

Then you should focus on the professional experience and achievements you’ve accomplished.

Even if you are a student or freshly graduated, there are jobs, for which relevant coursework won’t be helpful. For example a cashier or a waiter. If you are looking for these jobs, better emphasize on your technical skills and past experience.

If you’re applying for a job that emphasizes the importance of academic experience, like an internship or other education-focused position, it would be best to include a relevant coursework section on your resume.

Whether they are needed or not, look through the job description. This could help you understand what to write. If they’re looking for a certain diploma, certification, portfolio or GPA, these are indicators that you should include.

How much coursework you fit into your resume and where you include it depends on three factors:

  • The number of relevant courses you’ve taken
  • The detail you want to include
  • The space you have

Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes.

To do this, just write “Relevant Coursework” beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

If you have enough space, you could also make a bullet list. This way it would be easier for the Recruiter to read.

Another way to write it is a separate section.

We, from Enhancv, have made that easy. Just go to our resume builder and make the most of it.

Write your relevant courses as a separate section if you want to include more than just the names of the classes. A perfect way to tell the Recruiter what you have learned through your studies when they are related to the job you are applying to.

Couple with academic achievements / GPA

If you don’t want to use a separate section, or you don’t have enough space for it, you can always couple them with your academic achievements or with your GPA.

Decide which to use in your resume, after you read the job description and see which is going to be more helpful to you to get that job.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework, just write the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put in all of your classes. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

If your coursework is crucial to the position consider putting it closer to the top of your resume.

If the class is necessary for the Hiring Managers don’t put it in the education section, because it could get lost along with all of the information.

Only list the names of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers wouldn’t know or care what the numbers mean.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework write just the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put all of your courses. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

Only list the name of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers won’t know or care what the numbers mean.

As we said earlier, coursework is a good way to show your educational achievements. However, there are times when it’s better not to include them.

If it’s been some time since you have been in school and the coursework is outdated, it might be best to leave the specifics off your resume.

What is more, keep an eye on the length of your resume. If you have just graduated or still a student, better make it no longer than one page. If there is no space for the related coursework, don’t include them if they are not specifically asked for in the job description.

Don’t include courses that are in no way relevant for the position.

If you have successfully finished a course in “Art History”, but you are applying to a position in a call center, don’t include it in your resume.

It will not help you to get the job you want and it will distract the Hiring Manager from your skills related to the position.

There are many other sections, which you can include if you have no experience. And sometimes, they could be much more important than the coursework.

According to Deloitte, 82% of hiring managers prefer applicants with volunteer experience.

They believe volunteer work makes you a good leader and strengthens your communication skills.

You should include your volunteer work when it is relevant to your professional development.

It can put you in good light and make you stand out among other applicants..

Check the great example from Avery Leclerq:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

If you don’t have volunteer experience or it is not related to the position you are applying to, choose one of the sections below.

Focus the Hiring Manager’s attention on your experience outside of the university. It could be any extracurricular activity related to the position you are applying to.

For example, you could have been part of your local AIESEC team and participated in their initiatives.

Or you could have been part of a student organization or a club and made your university a better place to study in.

Adding this experience in your cover letter tells the Recruiter that you have developed yourself, your organizational skills, and you are motivated to help others.

Another way to make your resume look good without work experience is by adding activities and projects that are related somehow to the position you are applying for.

Even if they were university or academy projects, you have gained a lot while finishing them.

Recruiters will see that you’re a person who is dedicated to their career path and gains better skills and experience with side projects!

These can help you in identifying yourself and your own personality with the company’s culture fit profile.

Be sure to highlight your personality and unique qualities.

See this example:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

As it’s clear, the candidate is an outgoing, extroverted person who enjoys nature, tech and education.

It is a creative way to show your hobbies and interest. What is more, the Recruiter could make a conclusion just by seeing the pie chart and the distribution of time.

There is another section you can use – Passion. It can be used to enhance the effect of the hobbies and interests section.

Adding them is not mandatory, but might be valuable when your life passions are relevant to the job.

Whatever you choose to include, always make sure you present it in a way that sounds and looks professional.

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

When both are included, they give a complete picture of who you are – not only in your work time.

That will significantly improve your chances of landing an interview, especially if you have a resume without job experience.

Here’s all you need to know about putting relevant coursework on a resume:

  • It is not absolutely necessary to list relevant coursework in a resume;
  • If you are a student or just graduated they could help you.
  • If you have the experience, drop relevant coursework from your resume, and focus on your practical experience and skills.
  • Use the education section to present the relevant coursework, you can separate them with commas or make a bullet-pointed list.
  • Make a section only for your relevant coursework if the position you’re applying for requires a strong academic background;
  • If it is not wanted by the job description, better drop it and focus on volunteer and extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests relevant to the position.

Still not sure whether or not you should put relevant coursework on a resume? Or maybe it has helped you get your dream job? Write to us in the comments below!

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27+ Free Certifications to Add to Your Resume in 2024

Free certificates are valuable assets, whether you are looking to improve your employability or simply want to keep your skills sharp.

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It’s difficult to stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market. But one way you can set yourself apart is by obtaining free certifications through online courses.

“Don’t underestimate the power of alternative credentials!” says business coach and consultant Aiyaz Uddin . “Relevant certifications, online courses, and bootcamps can equip you with specialized skills valued in your target field.”

You add certificates to your social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also print them out. But the best place to put them is on   your resume. 

Certifications  improve your resume  because they show potential employers that:

  • You have the necessary skills for the job.
  • You are willing to invest time and effort in your professional development. 
  • You are up-to-date with the latest trends in your field.

Another great way to improve your resume is to use a keyword optimization tool like Jobscan’s  resume scanner . It incorporates the latest AI technology to analyze your resume and make sure it’s optimized for each and every job you apply to.

jobscan has helped over 1 million users build and optimize their resume

Below is a list of  27+ free online courses  that provide certifications upon completion. You do NOT need to pay for the certifications on this list. These free courses cover a variety of industries, including technology, business, marketing, science, and medicine.

Free certifications by category

  • Project management certification
  • LinkedIn Learning certificates
  • Google Analytics certification
  • Salesforce certification
  • Python certification
  • Cyber security certifications
  • IT certifications
  • Data analyst certification
  • Bookkeeping and accounting certification
  • HubSpot certification
  • Google Ad certification
  • Nursing certifications
  • Digital marketing certificate
  • Technical writing certification
  • Business certifications  
  • SEO certification
  • Amazon AWS certification
  • Cloud computing certification
  • Machine learning certification
  • Customer service certification
  • Photoshop certification
  • MongoDB certification
  • Free Online excel courses with certificate
  • MATLAB certification
  • Content marketing certification
  • Email marketing certification
  • Front-end developer certificate

1. Project management certification

No matter what the industry, qualified project managers are always in demand.

Project managers are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of a project are taken care of, from budgeting to timelines. Without a project manager professional (PMP), it is very easy for a project to spiral out of control. 

Here are free certificates you can get in project management:

  • PMP Basics (SkillUp) (9 hours)
  • Project Management (Great Learning) (1.5 hours)
  • Project Management (Saylor Academy) (62 hours)

2. LinkedIn Learning certificates

With over 800 million users, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the internet. 

To help its users learn new skills, LinkedIn launched LinkedIn Learning . You can sign up for a free one-month trial. (Many of LinkedIn Learning’s course can easily be completed in less than a month).

Having a LinkedIn Learning certificate showing on your LinkedIn profile can improve your chances of landing a job. After all, LinkedIn is one of the first places recruiters and hiring managers go to learn about and find prospective employees. In fact, studies show that 6 people are hired on LinkedIn every minute!

If you want help optimizing your LinkedIn profile, try Jobscan’s LinkedIn Optimization tool . It analyzes your profile and tells you exactly what you need to do to improve it.

3. Google Analytics certification

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that is used by more than half of the world’s websites. That’s over 28 million websites!

Getting certified in Google Analytics can certainly help your job prospects. It demonstrates that you have a working knowledge of the platform and how to use it to collect and analyze data.

  • Discover the Next Generation of Google Analytics (49 minutes)
  • Use Google Analytics to Meet Your Business Objectives (1.7 hours)
  • Measure Your Marketing with Google Analytics (50 minutes)
  • Go Further with Your Google Analytics Data (46 minutes)
  • Google Analytics Certification Course (take the previous courses before taking the test)

4. Salesforce certification

Salesforce is a popular CRM (customer relationship management) software for small businesses. It requires no technical knowledge and provides users with a platform to manage their customer relationships, sales data, and marketing campaigns. 

Trailhead is an interactive, hands-on learning platform designed by Salesforce. It’s an easy and fun way to learn everything you need to know about Salesforce, and you can earn badges as you progress through the various modules.

5. Python certification

One of the most popular programming languages, Python is easy to learn and has powerful libraries for more experienced programmers. 

Python is also one of the most in-demand languages among employers. If you’re looking to get started in programming, Python is an excellent language to learn.

Harvard University has a free Python course called CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python .

To unlock Harvard’s free certificate, you have to set up an account via GitHub. It’s all explained in the first assignment .

6. Cybersecurity certifications

The cybersecurity field is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. In the past year, demand for cybersecurity jobs increased by 43%.

However, employers are having a hard time filling those roles because of a shortage of talent. If you are giving your career path a reconsideration, try looking into the rapidly expanding field of cybersecurity.

Here are some online cybersecurity courses that offer free certificates:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity (Cisco Networking Academy) (15 hours)
  • Cybersecurity Essentials (Cisco Networking Academy) (30 hours)
  • Cybrary offers a wide range of free cybersecurity courses, from beginner to advanced levels.

7. Best certifications for IT

Information technology (IT) covers a wide range of topics, including computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, the Internet, telephones, and wireless technology. offers a variety of IT certification courses and it’s 100% free. Since 2014, more than 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. 

If you’re interested in furthering your career in the tech industry, consider taking advantage of’s free certification opportunities.

8. Data analyst certification

According to The World Economic Forum , data analysis is one of the most in-demand job categories in the U.S. across all industries.

Data analysis is the process of studying data in order to figure out what it means. This can be done in a number of ways, but most data analysis involves using some type of software to examine the data and look for patterns.

These free online data analysis courses offer free certificates upon completion:

  • Data Science 101 (Cognitive Class) (3 hours)
  • Data Analysis and Statistical Inference (DataCamp)
  • Big Data Analysis with Revolution R Enterprise (DataCamp)

9. Bookkeeping and accounting certification

There are many opportunities for growth and advancement in the bookkeeping and accounting industry, and the pay can be good.

The following free courses teach you about the basic rules of double-entry bookkeeping and how to use this information to create a balance sheet and a profit and loss account.

  • Introduction to Bookkeeping and Accounting (OpenLearn) (8 hours)
  • Free Online Bookkeeping Courses (Alison)

10. HubSpot certification

HubSpot is one of the most popular marketing and sales platforms on the internet. It helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. 

HubSpot Academy offers free certification programs that cover all aspects of digital marketing. Its most popular courses are:

  • Inbound Marketing (4.54 hours)
  • Social Media Marketing (4:05 hours)
  • SEO (3:36 hours)
  • Content Marketing (7:24 hours)
  • Email Marketing (3:45 hours)
  • Inbound Sales (3:12 hours)

To become certified, you must pass an online exam. You can then use the globally-recognized HubSpot logo to show potential employers that you are up-to-date on the latest digital marketing techniques.

11. Google Ad Certification

One of the most popular forms of online advertising, Google ads appear on the Google search engine and other Google-affiliated websites. There are many opportunities out there for those with the skills and knowledge to utilize Google Ads effectively. 

The following courses offer free certifications upon completion:

  • Google Ads Display Certification (2.6 hours)
  • Google Ads Search Certification (3.7 hours)
  • Google Ads Video Certification (4 hours)
  • Google Ads Apps Certification (2.8 hours)
  • Shopping Ads Certification (3.1 hours)

12. Nursing certifications

Like most professionals, nurses should always continue learning and growing.

The Stanford Center for Continuing Education offers a variety of online medical resources, including podcasts and full-fledged courses. These resources are free and offer certificates of completion.

To earn these free certifications for nurses, here’s what you need to do:

  • Sign up for Stanford Medicine . 
  • Browse the catalog and enroll . By selecting “Online Course” and then “Enduring Materials” you should find plenty of open resources with free certificates..
  • Claim your certificate. Once you finish a course, you can claim your certificate via the catalog page. Some courses require passing an assessment to unlock your certificate.  

13. Digital marketing certificate

According to LinkedIn , digital marketing ranks among the top 10 most in-demand jobs.

The following free marketing certification course was created by Google and includes 26 modules that are packed full of practical exercises and real-world examples. 

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (Skillshop) (40 hours)

14. Technical writing certification

Technical writing is about providing technical information to readers in a way that is easy to understand. This type of writing is found in a variety of formats, including user manuals, how-to guides, and online help documentation.

Technical writing is an important skill to have in many different industries, as it can help communicate complex information clearly and concisely. 

The following courses offers a free certificate upon completion:

  • Technical Writing (Saylor Academy) (86 hours)
  • Technical Writing Essentials (Alison) (3 hours)

15. Business certifications

Business certification can be beneficial for both early-career professionals and those with more experience.

For early-career professionals, business certification can help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate your commitment to your chosen career path. For those with more experience, business certification can help you stay current with industry trends and developments. It can also demonstrate your expertise to potential employers. 

Here are some business courses that come with free certification:

  • Introduction to Business (Saylor Academy) (62 hours)
  • Business Analysis Foundations (LinkedIn Learning) (1 – 2 hours)
  • Business Analysis Foundations: Business Process Modeling (LinkedIn Learning) (1 -2 hours)
  • Business Analyst and Project Manager Collaboration (LinkedIn Learning) (Less than 1 hour)
  • Business Benefits Realization Foundations (LinkedIn Learning) (1 -2 hours)

16. SEO certification

One of the most important digital marketing skills is SEO, or search engine optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing a website for search engines, making it easier for people to find the site when they search for relevant keywords.

Here are two courses that will provide you with a free certificate upon completion:

  • Danny Sullivan on SEO (LinkedIn Learning) (less than an hour)
  • SEO Certification Course (HubSpot Academy) (3:36 hours)

17. Amazon AWS certification

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform that many companies use. While AWS training is free, you do have to pay for the certification exams. 

However, there is a free course that will teach you the basics and present you with a free certificate upon completion:

  • Getting Started with AWS Services Fundamentals for Beginners (SkillUp) (4 hours)

18. Cloud computing certification

Google Cloud Computing Foundations offers free beginner courses in cloud computing. The courses should be completed in the following order:

  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals
  • Infrastructure in Google Cloud
  • Networking and Security in Google Cloud
  • Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

19. Machine learning certification

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, or AI . It focuses on building systems that learn and improve from experience without being programmed.

The two courses below can be found at Kaggle , which offers a large variety of free computer science courses that come with free certificates. 

  • Intro to Machine Learning (3 hours)
  • Machine Learning Explainability (4 hours)

20. Customer service certification

Customer service can be a highly rewarding job. You get to help people achieve their goals and you learn a lot of important skills along the way, such as conflict resolution and effective communication. 

In fact, the skills you learn in customer service can be applied to practically any job in any industry.

The following course can be accessed for free by signing up for LinkedIn Learning’s one-month free trial: 

  • Build Your Skills In Customer Service (5 hours, 38 minutes)

21. Photoshop certification

Photoshop is a software program for editing photos and other images. 

Many jobs require Photoshop skills, especially jobs like graphic design, web design, or user interface design. Knowing Photoshop can also help you get a job in marketing as well.

Here are two courses that offer free certificates upon completion: 

  • Online Free Course Photoshop Certification (EDUCBA) (2+ hours)
  • Photoshop Quick Tips (LinkedIn Learning) (33 minutes)

22. MongoDB certification

MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database that offers both speed and scalability. It’s a versatile and powerful database that can be used in a variety of business applications.

The following 2 courses can be found at MongoDB University , which offers numerous free courses with certification upon completion. 

  • MongoDB Basics (8.5 hours)
  • MongoDB for SQL Pros (2 hours)

23. Free Online excel courses with certificate

Excel is a powerful tool that can help you organize, analyze, and present data. It can be used for a variety of purposes – from creating charts and graphs to tracking expenses – so learning how to use it effectively can make you a more well-rounded and versatile job candidate.

Here are two Excel courses that come with a certificate. The LinkedIn Learning course can be accessed for free by signing up for LinkedIn Learning’s one-month free trial:

  • Excel for Beginners (Great Learning) (2 hours)
  • Build Your Excel Skills (LinkedIn Learning) (9 hours, 47 minutes)

24. MATLAB certification

MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. It’s a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language whose basic data type is the matrix. 

The following free courses can be found at MathWorks , which offers a variety of courses about MATLAB.

  • MATLAB Onramp (2 hours)
  • Machine Learning Onramp (2 hours)
  • Reinforcement Learning Onramp (3 hours)

25. Content marketing certification

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing, content marketing focuses on building a strong relationship with your audience by providing them with high-quality content on a regular basis.

These free courses offer certification upon completion:

  • Content Marketing (HubSpot Academy) (7:24 hours)
  • Content Marketing Basics (Great Learning) (1.5 hours)
  • Content Marketing Foundations (LinkedIn Learning) (53 minutes)

26. Email marketing certification

Email marketing can be used to increase sales, build customer loyalty, or promote a brand. It’s a valuable skill for any job candidate because it demonstrates an ability to effectively reach and engage an audience. 

These two online courses are free and offer a certificate upon completion:

  • Email Marketing Course (HubSpot Academy) (3 hours 45 minutes)
  • Email Marketing (Great Learning) (1 hour 30 minutes)

27. Front-end developer certificate

A front-end developer certificate demonstrates your knowledge and skill in developing user interfaces and front-end web applications. 

Here are free online front-end developer courses that provide you with a certificate:

  • Introduction to Front-End Development (SkillUp) (12 hours)
  • Front End Development – CSS (Great Learning) (1 hour, 30 minutes)
  • Explore a Career in Front-End Web Development (LinkedIn Learning) (22 hours)

How to list certifications on your resume

Listing your free online certifications on your resume is a great way to catch the attention of a hiring manager.

Certificates show that you have taken the initiative to learn new skills and are constantly trying to improve your qualifications. They can give you a competitive edge over other candidates who don’t have certificates.

Here’s a quick guide to listing your certificates on your resume.

Add to your resume summary

Your resume summary is a brief statement at the top of your resume that showcases your most relevant qualifications, experiences, and achievements. Your summary can be a great place to mention your free certifications. Here’s an example:

“Dynamic marketing professional with a recent certification in Digital Marketing Fundamentals from Google. Boasts 5 years of experience in creating impactful social media strategies and content marketing. Proven track record of increasing online engagement by 40%.”

Create a designated section

Create a section specifically for your certifications at the very bottom of your resume. You can call it “Certifications,” “Professional Training,” or “Courses.” 

This way, your hard-earned certifications will be easy to spot, since hiring managers typically only spend a couple of seconds skimming each resume.

List certifications in reverse chronological order

Just like the work experience section of your resume, your certifications sections should include dates. 

Put the dates in parentheses and organize them in reverse chronological order, with your most recent certificate at the top.

Bold important details

Bold font can be used to highlight important details, like the name of a well-regarded certification program.

Here’s an example of how your certifications section should look:

How to add certifications to your resume

To make sure you have your certificates listed properly, use a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Scanners score your resume and provide advice on how to optimize your resume for each job you apply to.

Read the full guide : How to Format Your Resume Education Section: Tips and Examples

NOTE : If you’re building your resume from scratch, try Jobscan’s free resume builder . There are no hidden costs and it allows you to build an ATS-compatible resume in no time!

There are a number of free online certificates you can get that will help improve your resume and make you more attractive to potential employers. Most do not require any prior experience or training. Some of the most popular websites for obtaining free online certificates include: Hubspot Academy LinkedIn Learning Free Google Certifications Skillshop Great Learning DataCamp Saylor Academy Kaggle Cisco Networking Academy Cognitive Class OpenLearn SkillUp Read the full guide : Low-Cost Online Training to Add to Your Resume

There is no denying that free certifications have become increasingly popular in recent years. And it’s easy to see why: they are, quite literally, free. But are they actually valuable? It depends. On the one hand, free certifications may be seen as less valuable because they usually don’t require the same investment of time and money as paid certifications. On the other hand, free certifications demonstrate a strong commitment to your professional development and a desire to stay current in your field. Free certifications can be particularly beneficial when changing careers , serving as evidence of your skills and knowledge in a new area.

In addition to the list of courses above, you can simply search Google for additional free and quick certifications online. Most courses are easy to sign up for. You will generally need to create an account in order to access the course, but once you have done so you should be able to start right away. Some free courses offer a certificate once you finish the course, but others require that you pass some kind of assessment or test to unlock the free certificate. By taking advantage of free courses and certification programs, you can save money while still learning the skills you need to further your career.

  • 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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How to list online courses on your resume


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You did it: you’ve finished up another online course to help you advance in your career as a developer. How can you share the work you’ve put in with your future employer?

A lot of our learners ask us for guidance on listing online courses on their resumes. That’s why we’ve put together this quick guide on why this is a great idea and how to do it.

Why you should list online courses on your resume

There are several reasons why you should list the online courses you’ve completed on your resume. We’ve rounded the up here.

It shows employers that you’re proactive

Today, most companies want to hire people who can work independently rather than waiting around to be told what to do. When you take a professional online course on your own initiative, it shows employers that you’re serious about advancing your career and have the discipline to follow through on your plans.

Online courses can fill career gaps

Employers don’t like to see long gaps in your resume. Whether you’ve been looking for a job for a while or you just wanted to take some time off, taking relevant online courses is one way to show that you’ve been keeping a foot in your professional field since your last job position.

Online courses validate your skills

Yes, it’s true that many professionals improve their skills and learn new ones in the workplace. And it’s completely valid to provide a list of these skills on your resume.

But think about it from the perspective of a future employer. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people submit resumes claiming the same skills. How is it possible to pick out who’s better?

Online courses can validate your skills and give companies an objective understanding of your professional knowledge.

5 tips on how to list online courses on your resume

While you can simply list all the online courses you’ve taken on your resume, that might not attract a potential employer. Here are some tips to help you list these courses in a way that will impress interviewers:

1. Have the job description in front of you

Read (or re-read) the job description to give yourself a clear idea of what kind of person the company is looking for. This is especially important if you’re applying to several jobs at once.

As you go through these other tips, keep referring to the job description as your guide to listing online courses on your resume.

2. Add courses that matter

Remember that most hiring managers take just a few seconds to look through each resume they get. If you list every online course you’ve taken, the reader will skip over the important parts of your resume.

This is why you should keep that job description handy. Take a look at the description. Then, as you add in online courses, ask yourself, “Did I learn a skill here that the company is looking for?” If so, then include it in your resume.

3. Make sure your list is easy to verify

Include the course provider in your list and write course names exactly as they appear on the course provider’s website.

You should also make sure you take courses from a reputable provider. Before starting a course, check that the provider has a strong online presence, good reviews, and works with well-known clients.

You’ll also want to download and organize certification documents and completion certificates so that you can quickly provide them to your future employer if requested.

4. Don’t forget to add the dates

Including the dates of your online courses helps employers understand how current your knowledge is. If you include the length of the course, either in weeks or hours, employers can also gauge how in-depth your knowledge is. If it’s been years since you’ve taken a course, you may want to look into taking a refresher course to show employers that you’re staying up to date.

If you’re still taking the course, it’s okay to write in “In Progress” or the expected completion date.

5. Briefly mention what you learned

It’s easy to sign up for a course, but what employers really want to know is what you took away from it. In particular, what did you learn during this course that would help you succeed in your new job? Take a look at the job description and write one or two bullet points that directly connect what you learned in the course with something in the job description.

Where to list your online courses

In most cases, you’ll want to have a separate “Professional Development” section in your resume that lists your online courses in order of completion date — the most recent courses should come first.

Don’t forget about your online profile

Your professional online presence is just as important as your CV. If you’re active on LinkedIn — and you should be — you can also share your certificates there. Hiring managers constantly use social media to find new talent, and having a certificate in your professional profile is another way to distinguish yourself.

Codecademy Pro members earn certificates each time they complete a course, Skill Path, or Career Path, and these certificates can be shared directly to LinkedIn.

additional courses in resume

Online courses can help make you the perfect candidate

We know how much effort and commitment you’ve put into your development career. And ideally, hiring managers would be able to learn everything about your skills and experience before deciding whether to move you to their interview list. Unfortunately, most of us only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention. The online courses on your resume should help show that your entire professional history up to now has made you the perfect candidate for the job.

If there are any specific skills or languages you’re looking to brush up on before starting to apply for jobs, head over to our course catalog to find the right course to help your resume stand out.

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How to List Certificates, Courses, Awards and Additional Education on a Resume

The information in the resume about certificates, courses and training events serves two important purposes:

firstly, each certificate that corresponds to the position increases salary potential (as well as increasing confidence in one’s own skills) secondly, it confirms your interest in professional growth and desire for self-development.

“87% of people who are enrolled in continuing education report career benefits such as promotions, salary increases or new roles.” Coursera Student Performance Survey (2019)

Where to place the block with certificates, courses and awards?

If you have certificates, awards or training credits, you should highlight them in a separate section of your resume. Why?

Let’s do a little test:

Imagine that you’re a recruiter. Take three seconds to look at each resume, then tell us , which is the best image.

Where to place the block with certificates, courses and awards?

Isn’t it true that an image in its own space catches the eye much more? Next, you will learn how to correctly add certificates, training credits and rewards to your resume!

The difference between certificates, courses and training credits in a resume

After any training, you receive some sort of acknowledgement of the skills you have acquired and the results you have achieved. It can be a certificate, a diploma, an accreditation, or a less formal reward to mark your achievement. What are the differences?

Professional certification officially confirms your knowledge. The certificate is issued by an authorised government agency or international organisation.

Courses and training , including those done online, are conducted by any commercial organisation. Sometimes training leads to certification, but not always.

Awards , such as prizes or diplomas, are recognition and reward for outstanding results achieved in your field of activity.

Now, let’s go into more detail with examples of each of these subsections. But first, take a look at how certifications, courses and awards look like in an example of a generic resume:

Marketing manager resume template 2020

Listing courses and training in resume

If you have a document about taking a course, training, or seminar, you must also give this information in a separate section of the resume. However, do not forget that this type of professional development, unlike certification, is carried out by any commercial organisation (including online), and the certificate is proof of qualification from the competent institution. Sometimes learning leads to certification, but not always.

Selection of the most popular online platforms and courses!

Hubspot – for specialists in incoming marketing, sales and customer service. (MOOC) – Open online courses from the world’s largest universities. Alison – Thousands of courses available free of charge. Coursera is an online platform for education, holding first place in the rating of “Time” magazine. is a private American company for online learning from the United States. Specialises in computer programs, particularly for graphic editors. Skillshare is a tool for those who want to sell online courses. Udemy – courses from teachers with practical experience in business, management, finance and technology. EdX – is a Harvard University project offering online training in 24 different areas.

Awards and recognitions

Awards and distinctions can be received from professional organisations, employers or specialised publications. It is better to list them in a separate section of the resume. For example: “Top Manager of the Year by Forbes” or: Member of the list of “Top-10 Recommended Lawyers according to the Who’s Who Legal” publishing house. or: “Award for Outstanding Achievement in PR and Advertising of Project N”

General advice

  • Record each certification, course or training in reverse chronological order , starting with your current or most recent learning event .
  • Do not include certificates/trainings/courses that are not relevant to your work. If you think that they are not directly related but can help in employment, include them in other sections, for example, «About yourself» (we have an article about this section).
  • Any abbreviations must be written in full , at least once, so that they can be understood by recruiters who are not specialists in your field. It is also necessary for registration in the Candidate Tracking System (ATS), which many companies use in the recruitment process.
  • Use keywords: Use keywords and phrases relevant to the job you are applying for. This can help your resume stand out and improve your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.
  • An acceptable certification format should take into account the following structure:
  • Name of award/licence/membership/course
  • Name of the certifying authority (if any)
  • Dates and duration received (if applicable)
  • Location (if necessary)

If you are taking the course or have not yet fulfilled the requirements for obtaining an official document, you can simply add a note «in the process» and specify the expected completion date.

Basically, the only certificates that are of interest to the employer are those that you have received in the last five years. The inclusion of irrelevant or obsolete certificates does not enhance your resume.

The use of expired certificates in the CV is not acceptable. If you have an expired certificate or licence, make sure you renew the certificate before including it in your resume.

Remember these point:

  • Only relevant certificates and diplomas
  • Reverse chronological order, all names complete
  • Information at the top, if the profession requires it
  • Separate section of your resume

How to fill in the rest of your resume – read the detailed guide

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Exactly When, Where, and How to List Certifications on Your Resume (Because You’ve Earned Them)

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by Regina Borsellino, original published at The Muse

additional courses in resume

As you  write your resume , many of the things you need to include may have an obvious place: Your past jobs go in your work experience section, your education goes in your education section, and your skills go in your  skills section . But what about certifications? They’re not quite experience or education, but they can be just as—if not more—important to you landing your next job.

We’ll tell you exactly when to include certifications on your resume and how, but first…

What Are Certifications?

A certification is a standardized professional credential—that is, everyone with a certification must meet the same requirements—issued by professional associations, organizations, or companies. You often need to pass exams and may need to meet certain education and experience requirements to obtain one. For example, a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is issued by the  Product Management Institute , and in order to receive it you must have a minimum number of months of experience leading projects, complete a minimum number of hours of project management training or a lower-level certification from PMI, and pass the PMP exam.

A certification that checks all of these boxes but is issued by a government or regulatory body and/or is legally required in order to do a certain job is called a license, says  Heather Yurovsky , Muse career coach and founder of  Shatter & Shine . For example, to legally practice as a nurse in New York State you must have a  NYS nursing license , which requires completing an approved nursing degree, undergoing background checks, and passing the NCLEX exam. Teachers, doctors, social workers and other mental health professionals, accountants, and lawyers are also among the professionals who often need licenses to practice. Licenses are also more likely to require ongoing education and training to stay current in your field and can expire if you don’t keep them current, Yurovsky says.

Meanwhile, certificates and  online courses  are not certifications. They’re not standardized and are often education-based rather than experience- or assessment-based. Certificates might be issued by universities, colleges, or vocational schools and show that you completed a set of classes (usually fewer than a degree) or they might “showcase your completion of online courses and learning and development trainings,” Yurovsky says. For example you can get a certificate in  Cybersecurity Technology  from the University of Maryland Global Campus or a  Front-End Web Developer Certificate  from edX. Individual companies may require certain certificates when hiring for roles, but you generally aren’t shut out of a career without one. When relevant, certificates still belong on your resume, but you might consider putting them in your resume’s  education section  (especially when issued by a school) or otherwise distinguishing them from your certifications. If you want to include online courses and certificates on your resume, read more  here .

When Should You Include Certifications on Your Resume?

If you have a certification or license that is required or preferred for the role you’re applying to, definitely put it on your resume. Beyond that, “like with all information in your resume, you want to feature certifications that are relevant to the role you’re pursuing,” Yurovsky says. Think about whether a certification shows how qualified you are as a candidate for  this specific role.  For instance, if you’re applying for a help desk or other IT support role, a  CompTIA A+  certification that proves you’ve been tested on your IT skills will add to your resume even if the job description doesn’t ask for it.

Think about what each of your certifications is saying to a recruiter or hiring manager who reads your resume and what  transferable skills  it communicates. For example, that PMP certification will show that you can manage teams through complex projects and that you likely have strong leadership, communication, and organization skills, which might add to your qualifications not just for a project management job, but for any role where you have direct reports or are overseeing complicated processes. And, as the name suggests, a Google Analytics Individual Qualification shows that you’re an expert in Google Analytics, which might add to your value when being considered for a marketing, content, or data role.

Use the same principles to decide what to leave off your resume. You want your resume  to be tailored  so it’s clear to recruiters why you’ve applied to  this  job. Irrelevant qualifications could leave them confused or make them think you applied to a job that’s not in your field accidentally or indiscriminately. So that CPR certification from your summers as a camp counselor can probably come off your resume as you look for a full-time sales role, and the fact that you’re licensed to teach in Florida probably doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a job in tech—unless you want to pivot to edtech.

How Do You List Certifications on Your Resume?

If you’ve decided to list your certifications or licenses on your resume, there are a few places you can do it. You might consider making a “Professional Certifications,” “Licenses,” or similar section or, Yurovsky says, you can include them in your “Education” section—which you might consider renaming “Education and Certifications” for clarity.

Generally, your certification and license sections should go at the bottom of your resume—below your work experience but above education. However, you always want to lead your resume with the most important information, so if you’re an  entry-level candidate , you might consider moving your certifications and licenses up to the top of the page.

For each certification and license that you list on your resume include:

  • The full name of the certification (any common abbreviation can be included in parentheses)
  • The issuing organization (or state)
  • The date you earned the certification
  • The location (if applicable and not implied by the issuer)
  • Additional additional details or add-ons (if applicable)

If you’re still working on the certification, give your reader the proper context and avoid any awkward interview moments by including “In Progress” next to the name of the certification and/or “Expected” before the month and year you’re on track to complete the program, Yurovsky says.

How would this look in practice? Here are a few examples:

Certifications Project Management Professional (PMP) ,  Project Management Institute  – June 2020 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) ,  Scrum Alliance  – January 2017

Licenses Professional Educator License (PEL) | State of Illinois | Expected: January 2021 Endorsements: Elementary Education, Special Education

You can also immediately signal that you have your most important certification or license by including it in a  resume summary  or  headline . Particularly in the case of licenses or certifications that are “key to the position at hand,” Yurovsky says, you might also include the abbreviation next to your name at the top separated by a comma. For example, if you’re a registered nurse applying for a nursing role at a hospital, you might write, “Priya Anand, RN” at the very top of the page; or if you’re applying to a position that requires a CPA, go ahead and put “Timothy Oluwa, CPA” as your header. When you literally can’t do the job without that qualification, making it crystal clear that you’ve already jumped that hurdle will only help you.

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Listing Courses and Certificates on your CV

Including certifications on your resume can demonstrate your skills and experience to potential employers and help set your application apart from others. When is it useful to list courses on your CV? That depends on the position you’re applying for, how much space you have on your resume and the stage of your career and in which section of the CV should you list them? Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Certifications?

Certifications essentially prove that you have mastered specific skills and met certain qualifications that pertain to your profession. Certifications are typically awarded by official associations, accredited boards, or other well-recognized experts. Often, you must pay a fee, take a course of some kind, and pass an assessment or final exam in order to earn a certification.

There are many different types of certifications available for various professions, such as:

  • NCLEX-RN certification for nurses
  • Board certification for surgeons
  • CPR/lifeguard/first aid/EMT certification
  • Teaching certifications
  • Business and accounting certifications
  • Online certifications for SEO, marketing, etc.

When Should You Include Certifications on Your Resume?

There are three main instances when it’s a good idea to include your certifications on your CV:

If Certifications are Required for the Position

Of course, if a certification is specifically required for the position that you are applying for, you should include that certification on your CV to demonstrate that you are qualified and a good fit for the job. If you don’t list that you have the certification, you may not be considered for the position.

To Demonstrate Relevant Skills or Experience

In some cases, a certification might not be required for the position that you are applying for, but you might still wish to include a certification that shows you have relevant skills and experience. Additionally, some certifications are only available to professionals who have worked a certain number of years in the field, so including such a certification can serve to verify your level of work experience .

Some employers might not require certain skills, but they may give preference to applicants who possess certain desirable skills and experience.

To Supplement Limited Work Experience

Finally, it can be beneficial to list your certifications when you have little or no relevant work experience . For example, if you are a high school student applying for your first job and you obtain a lifeguarding certification, your chances of being hired as a lifeguard increase exponentially. This same concept also applies for college students, recent graduates, and those who are changing careers. Investing in your future by obtaining a certification shows employers that you are dedicated to developing your skills and committed to your success in the field.

For the most part, you will likely only want to include certifications that are directly relevant to the position that you are applying for. However, if you have space left over on your resume , you may wish to include other certifications that may not be directly related but that have still helped you gain transferable skills and experience.

Include relevant courses only

When you’re applying for a project manager role, for example, few employers will care about your pottery course or that you’re a qualified scuba diver. The key is to only include courses that are relevant to the job description and that complement your skills and work experience.

You have a lot of work experience

If you have a lot of work experience, you’ll need to consider whether you have enough space on your resume to list your courses, bearing in mind that a CV should ideally be no more than two A4 pages in length .

While courses can help convince employers of your suitability for the job, it’s your practical experience that counts, so if you’ve had the opportunity to apply what you’ve learnt since taking the course, it’s fine to leave the course off your resume.

Non-recent courses

Courses are only interesting to employers if they are relevant and recent – but there is a caveat. For instance, if you’re applying for a secretarial position, it’s not necessary to list the MS Word course that you completed some fifteen years ago as it will be evident from your work experience that you can type. Not to mention that everyone can use MS Word nowadays and stating this is the same as saying you can read.

On the other hand, if you completed a secretarial diploma, it’s fine to mention it on your CV even if it was a long time ago as it will add value to your application.

Courses that don’t belong on your CV

The courses you list on your resume should present you in a good light. Therefore, avoid listing courses that appear out of the ordinary such as courses for reading tea leaves or communicating with animals telepathically.

The same applies to online courses. While many online courses allow you to develop your skills and build on your knowledge, some recruiters and employers, rightly or wrongly, value professional qualifications (exams taken at university or at an accredited institution) more than online courses.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to only include online courses from trustworthy training providers, e.g., Hubspot, Udemy, Coursera, etc.

How to list courses on your resume

Where you list courses on your CV will depend on the stage of your career and how much focus you want to place on them:

  • ‘Education’

If you have very little or no work experience , then consider listing your course(s) in the ‘Education’ section of your resume, in reverse chronological order.

To boost your application, you could mention any projects you completed while taking your course(s); projects or other assignments show that you’re able to put what you’ve learnt into practice.

Be sure to only include courses that are recognised or highly respected in your industry or result in a qualification, e.g. Google Analytics Academy, in this section of your CV.

  • ‘Work experience’ / ‘Employment history’

Alternatively, if you have completed training at work, you could mention the courses you’ve taken in the ‘Work Experience’ section of your resume.

Many companies offer training in first aid or fire safety. If you’ve completed training in either of these areas, it’s a good idea to mention it in your resume, regardless of the job you’re applying for, as first aid and fire safety skills are always useful to employers.

You would list these courses in the same way as you would list other courses in your CV, e.g.

Red Cross Nov 2020 First Aid Training

  • ‘Professional Development’/‘Training’

For professionals with extensive work experience, the most common way to list courses in your CV is in the ‘Professional Development’ or ‘Training’ section which goes after the ‘Work Experience’ and ‘Education’ sections of your resume.

To avoid giving employers the impression that you’re more skilled than you actually are, avoid mentioning introductory classes, seminars or workshops and only list the courses that you have completed.

  • ‘Certifications’

The ‘Certifications’ section of your CV is where you list official qualifications issued by accredited or recognised institutions. These can be industry-specific or skills-related qualifications.

If the course you have taken is necessary for the job you’re applying for and you have received a professional qualification for it, then it’s best to list the course in this section of the CV. You can easily do this using one of our resume templates .

For example, if you’re a chartered accountant and you have been awarded the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification, listing the qualification in the ‘Certifications’ section ensures that it will grab recruiters’ attention.

Certification Information to Include

If you’ve decided that it makes sense for you to include certifications on your resume, be sure to include these pieces of information for each of your certifications:

Certification Title

List the complete official name of the certification that you have earned. Keep in mind that some hiring managers or recruiters may not be familiar with your certifications, so they might need to research the exact title in order to see how it bolsters your ability to perform in the role. Spell out abbreviations for extra clarity.

Host Organization

Be sure to include the name of the organization, association, board, or entity that gave you the certification to add validity. Again, spell out the full name of the awarding body in case a recruiter or potential employer isn’t familiar with the organization. You can also include a clickable link to the organization’s website if you are submitting your CV online.

Date Earned

It’s also important to list the date that you earned each of your certifications. This shows potential employers how long you’ve been certified in your area of expertise and having the certification date allows them to more easily verify your credentials if necessary. If your certification needs to be renewed periodically, include your most recent renewal date as well as your initial certification date. You might also wish to include an expiration date in this case.

If you are currently in the process of earning a certification, you can still list it on your resume. In that case, include the anticipated certification date and give an indication of how much of the certification process you have already completed.

Relevant Skills Gained

If it’s not immediately apparent what skills you may have gained from a certification, you may also wish to include a brief description of what the certification entails, the skills you gained from completing it, and/or how it’s relevant to the position that you are applying for.

Other Pertinent Information

Depending on the certification, there could be other information that will be helpful for employers to know so you may wish to add more details. For example, some certifications are location-specific, so you may need to include the location parameters of your certification if applicable.

Key Takeaways

Listing certifications on your resume can help reinforce your qualifications for a job and set you apart from other applicants. In general, only list certifications that are relevant to the position that you are applying for. There are four different places that you can list your certifications: with post-nominal letters next to your name, in your CV summary, in your education section, and/or in a designated certification section.

Not sure how to translate your certifications, skills, and experience into an eye-catching resume? Consider using Jobseeker’s professional resume creation tool. You can enter in all of your information, choose between several polished CV layouts, and easily change the style, color scheme, and  fonts . Then download your finished resume instantly and get started applying for jobs!

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5 Ways To Maximize Your Academic Summer Program For Ivy League Admissions

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Harvard University

Participating in a rigorous, merit-based academic program over the summer is a fantastic way to build your resume and meaningfully engage with your subject of interest. While prestigious programs enhance students’ applicant profiles, the degree to which they set students apart from other applicants largely depends on students’ willingness to take initiative and make the most of their summer program. Simply attending adds an impressive line item to a CV, but it does little to make an application memorable in a sea of applications submitted by other talented and well-qualified students.

Whether the Yale Young Global Scholars , the Summer Science Program , or the Kenyon Young Writers Workshop , there are a plethora of opportunities for talented students to deepen their knowledge over the summer. Afterwards, it is imperative to showcase your involvement in such programs to Ivy League and other top colleges beyond listing them on your Activities List. If you want to stand out to your dream school, here’s how to make the most of your academic summer experience and elevate your college application profile in the process:

1. Build Your Network

Summer programs offer a valuable opportunity to build a network with reputable scholars in your field of interest. While attending a merit-based program at a particular school will not in itself increase your chances of acceptance to that university, getting to know the school’s resources and esteemed faculty can offer you a window into what studying there would be like and provide a network of people who can answer your questions about the school’s strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the connections you make with your peers can follow you through your collegiate career and beyond.

In order to establish these relationships while participating in a summer program, show genuine interest in your peers’ perspectives and contributions, and identify instructors or mentors who inspire you. Ask thoughtful questions, seek advice, and express your gratitude for their guidance. When the program comes to a close, be sure to collect contact information from your peers and academic mentors, and share updates as you embark on the college admissions process. You should also take the time to set up and update your Linkedin profile so that they can passively keep up with your progress over time.

2. Make Your Voice Heard

An academic summer program may be a student’s first foray into rigorous, college-level academics, and as such, it can be an intimidating experience. Many such programs take place on college campuses, and the prestigious environment filled with knowledgeable professionals can make you doubt yourself and retreat into the crowd, but resist this urge! Remember that attending a rigorous summer program is a special milestone in your academic journey, and you will get out of it what you put into it. The more you use your voice, ask questions, and put yourself out there, the more likely you’ll be to establish lasting relationships, have your questions answered, and enrich your knowledge.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 3. log your reflections.

Meaningful self-reflection can help you understand what you have learned and how you have grown from your experiences, as well as prepare you to articulate these insights in your college essays and interviews. To do this effectively, keep a daily journal during the program. Write about what you learned each day, how it made you feel, and any new interests or goals that emerged. Reflect on challenges you faced and how you overcame them. At the end of the program, review your journal entries to identify key moments of personal and academic growth and consider how the program shaped your aspirations and influenced your future plans. You can also use your reflections to brainstorm ideas for your college application essays or a passion project related to your area of interest. Admissions officers appreciate reading students’ genuine, thoughtful insights about their experiences and development, and having a collection of your reflections will ensure that your application materials genuinely reflect your takeaways from your summer academic experience.

4. Start a Blog or Vlog About Your Experiences

Creating a blog or vlog will allow you to document your journey, showcase your communication skills, and demonstrate your passion for learning. It will also provide tangible evidence of your engagement and accomplishments, and may allow you to connect with others who share your interests. WordPress , Wix , and YouTube are great platforms for beginners to share insights from their classes, projects they are working on, interviews with peers or instructors, and reflections about their experiences. Doing so can be a great way to not only make your resume more compelling and cutting edge (as many are increasingly converting their resumes into web portfolios), but also to connect with others who share your interests and provide a window into your personality for admissions officers.

5. Publish your work.

Depending on the summer program you attend, you may have the opportunity to produce or publish written work, whether research, creative writing, or critical essays. Even if this is not a formal aspect of the program, students should consider how they can develop their ideas and publish them on a platform that accepts high school students’ work. This could be through a literary magazine at your school, a research publication , or an online blog. Doing so will not only showcase your writing and research skills but also your dedication to sharing knowledge and contributing to your community. If your work is published, be sure to mention it in your college applications, and include links when possible (the Common App Additional Information Section is a great place to do this). This will impress admissions officers and show that you have taken your summer academic program seriously, translating your experiences into tangible, shareable achievements.

With intentional strategy and effort, your participation in a rigorous summer program can enhance your college application profile and offer a tangible example of your commitment to your core passion. By taking an active role in your own learning, you will build confidence, maximize your connections, and gain valuable insights for the college application process and your future career.

Christopher Rim

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    Example of relevant coursework in an education section. Most people include coursework in the education section of their resumes. If you want to expand your education section, write "Relevant Coursework" under your degree name, and then use commas to separate the names of the courses. For example:

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    UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Relevant Coursework: Language and Cognitive Development, Psychology of Emotion, Psychological Statistics, Cognitive Linguistics. If you add the relevant courses to a resume in this way, you'll have plenty of room for including other academic achievements on your resume. 2.

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    If you've taken courses that have taught you something that will help you on the job, by all means, include them on your resume, she says. Just keep the list of courses short, and confine them to a single, small area, such as a "Professional Training" section under your work history. 2. Keep it Relevant.

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    1. First, list relevant courses that show experience. For example, if you are applying for a job in education, you can list courses in child development, child psychology and any other classes that will show experience working with children. 2. Second, add internships to your resume. Many courses require you to complete summer internships that ...

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    5. Fifthly, include online courses. Many people take online courses in their free time to enhance their professional skills. You can add these courses to your resume if they are relevant to your job application. If you have taken an optional course designed to improve your performance at work, include any relevant experience you gained from it. 6.

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    The number of relevant courses you've taken. The detail you want to include. The space you have. Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes. To do this, just write "Relevant Coursework" beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

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    Create a section specifically for your certifications at the very bottom of your resume. You can call it "Certifications," "Professional Training," or "Courses.". This way, your hard-earned certifications will be easy to spot, since hiring managers typically only spend a couple of seconds skimming each resume.

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