How to Write a Resume for College – A CollegeAdvisor Guide

How to write a resume for college – introduction.

Standing out as a stellar applicant in the college admissions process is tough. One way to separate yourself from the crowd is by crafting a strong resume for college. Your college resume can highlight information about your background, activities, and achievements. Some of these might not be indicated elsewhere in your college application or recommendation letters . 

In this article, we will teach you how to write a college resume. We’ll highlight 5 simple steps to building your college application resume. We will also discuss what a college resume is and why you may need a resume for college. Additionally, we will provide examples on how to write a resume for college by reviewing college resume examples. Finally, we’ll walk you through some college resume templates in our example college resumes.

So, let’s look at how to write a college resume and explain what makes a good college resume, why you should include a resume for college in your applications, and more!

What is a college resume? 

A high school resume is typically a one-page document that complements your college application . Your high school resume (or college resume) can help you showcase your achievements and extracurriculars for college. It does this by sharing information that is not elsewhere within your college applications. The goal of a college resume is to show the college admissions officers who you are and how you spend your time outside of the classroom . 

Before we jump into how to write a college resume, let’s examine some things that make up a good college resume.

A good college resume should include: 

  • Clear structure
  • Concise language (bullet points over essay-style)
  • Relevant details
  • Strong formatting

As we discuss how to write a resume for college, you might wonder what purpose a college resume serves. In short, a college resume is a summary of experiences that you can use to add depth to your college applications. You can also think of a college resume as your high school resume, or a resume for college. Your college resume will include a brief description of each of your experiences and extracurriculars for college. 

While we examine how to write a resume for college, you should first note that your college resume should include key details like your educational details, GPA , extracurricular activities/jobs, and honors/awards. As we’ll discuss, your college resume will have other key features. We’ll go through each of these as we learn how to write a resume for college. 

Many colleges list a college resume within their college application requirements. But, even if a college resume is not listed in the college application requirements, we recommend creating one anyway. 

We will look at a sample college resume later in this article, along with a 5-step guide to creating a resume for college that you can use as you begin writing your college resume. 

Do I need a resume for my college applications? 

No, you do not necessarily need to include a college resume with your college applications. However, a high school resume or resume for college can be a helpful tool in the college admissions process. 

So, how could including a resume for college application be beneficial? First, including a college resume in your college applications can help highlight your skills, experiences, and qualifications to the admissions office of your dream school.  

Having a college resume can help you showcase your extracurricular activities in your college applications. You can highlight leadership positions, accomplishments, interests, and activities on your college resume that might not appear elsewhere in your college applications. 

Creating a resume for college application can also demonstrate your accomplishments and experiences to college admissions officers. Even if a high school resume is optional in the list of college application requirements, including one in your college applications can help you stand out. Standing out is incredibly important in the admissions process, especially if your ideal college is high on the list of college rankings . 

It is a good idea to start putting together your college resume as you near the end of high school.

You may forget the names of clubs, supervisors, mentors, teachers, etc. as you get ready to apply to college. So, the earlier you can gather all the information for your high school resume, the better! That way, all of your experiences are fresh in your mind, and you can create the strongest resume for college possible. 

When should I prepare my college resume? 

As you begin the process of applying to college, you might be wondering when to prepare your college resume. The ideal timeline for creating your high school resume can start as early as 9 th grade. 

In general, you won’t want to include anything on your high school resume before 9 th grade. Like other college application requirements, college admissions officers are only interested in the activities you have participated in during high school. 

Keep a list starting in 9th grade

As early as 9 th grade, you can start keeping a list of your accomplishments and activities. Even though you won’t need to format this list into a college resume yet, it will be the basis for your future college application resume.

As you begin the college admissions process, you can use the list you created and turn it into a college resume. As you apply to college and prepare your college resume, research which college resume format works best for you. Reviewing a sample college resume or college resume template can help you find the perfect college resume format. 

As you look through college resume examples, think about which aspects of the college resume template you like the best. Then, adapt things from those college resume examples to fit your college resume. Once you have decided on a college resume format, list your accomplishments, jobs, and activities within that college resume format. 

Summer before senior year

The best time to create your high school resume is during the summer before your senior year. This gives you plenty of time to perfect your college application resume. 

We’ll examine the necessary components of a successful college resume in the next section of this article. So, read on!

What should a high school student put on a resume? 

As you begin the college admissions process, you may be asking yourself what to include on your high school resume. You can start the college application resume writing process by brainstorming how you spend your time outside of your courses. 

Think about everything you have done or achieved since you started high school and write it down. Your high school resume should highlight your activities, interests, and skills. Pay particular attention to these factors as you consider what to include on your high school resume.

Your high school resume will be organized categorically. Some of the most common categories for a resume for college application include personal information, work experience, extracurricular activities, volunteer experience/community service, education, and skills.  In addition to the categories listed above, below is a list of some other things that high school students should list on their resume for college.

Top ten things to list on your college resume:

  • School name and address
  • Contact Info
  • GPA or Class rank, if applicable
  • Internships & volunteer roles
  • Awards and honors
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Leadership positions
  • Language competencies

As we mentioned earlier, you may not have information or experiences for every category listed above. That’s perfectly fine! Focus on what applies to you and what you can include on your high school resume as you learn how to write a college resume. 

What does not belong on my high school resume? 

Now that we have examined what to include on your high school resume, let’s discuss what does not belong on your college application resume. 

Keep it current

In general, you should avoid including any activity or achievement from before 9 th grade on your resume for college. However, it’s okay to include something that is particularly impressive and/or attached to a current activity. 

For example, if you have 12 years of experience in playing the violin, you will want to include that on your high school resume. However, if you joined your middle school band for a semester, you should likely leave that out of your college resume. Your resume for college should reflect activities that matter to you now.

Avoid listing daily duties

There is no need to include informal everyday activities on your college resume, such as cooking for your family or cleaning around the house. When you are crafting your resume for college, it’s best to stick to things that are relevant to admissions committees or future employers. 

Note that this is one area where your college resume differs from your activities list. For instance, if you spend considerable time caretaking your three siblings, you may choose to include that on your activities list within the Common App. However, the same responsibilities likely shouldn’t appear on your resume for college.

Keep it clear

As you examine college resume templates and college resume examples, take note of the language and structure in a sample college resume. It’s important to use concise language and clear structure throughout your resume for college. 

Additionally, do not include excessive text or overly detailed explanations on your college application resume. You want your resume for college to be simple and clear. In general, you should limit your high school resume to one page, or two at the absolute maximum. Most people who review your college resume will spend about 30 seconds with it. So, your resume for college should be easily scanned, above all. 

When you use concise language throughout your college resume, it will make it easier for your reader to understand your accomplishments. Because most people will skim your high school resume, having a clear structure throughout will make it easy to read. Keep it simple and keep it consistent. 

Steer clear of images and graphics

While you might come across this in your college resume format research, it’s best to avoid including images or graphics in your college application resume. Although this is a new trend and can be seen on multiple college resume examples and college resume templates, it can be distracting and take up valuable space on your high school resume.  

For instance, if you volunteered at twelve different soup kitchens, there is no need to list each one separately. That will become tedious and take up too much space on your essential resume for college application. 

Finally, you should never misrepresent your qualifications on your high school resume. Be honest about your involvements, however many you have. It’s not worth potentially getting caught in a lie or an exaggeration during a college interview.

Where do I submit my college application resume? 

While you apply to college, you might be wondering what to do with your resume for college applications. Many college application portals will include a section for your college resume, especially if a resume for college is listed as one of the college application requirements. 

Most college application portals list the high school resume section as optional. While you are applying to college, you might notice that most colleges require that you fill out an activities section as part of the application process. The activities section will ask you to list your extracurriculars for college. Often, your activities section will serve the same purpose as your college resume. 

If you choose to include a high school resume with your college application, it should reflect your accomplishments in more detail than your activities section. Additionally, if you choose to include a resume for college with your application, make sure it adds something new to your activities list. 

You will receive access to your college’s application portal once you have completed the process of applying to college but before you receive a college acceptance letter and officially enroll . When it’s time to upload your high school resume, be sure to upload it as a PDF rather than a Word document. That way, you can ensure that your formatting of your college resume stays consistent on every application. 

We’ll provide more details about the college resume format later in this article, when we examine college resume examples and college resume templates. 

How often should I update my college resume? 

It may be helpful to update your resume (or other records) every six months to a year in order to avoid missing any important details. You can use your college resume for more than just your college application requirements. In fact, there may be internships or other opportunities you seek out in high school that will ask you to submit a high school resume. Updating your college resume often will help you keep track of your experiences and accomplishments. 

In general, you should update your high school resume as often as it works for you. However, when you are almost done applying to college , you will want to make sure that your college resume is up-to-date and accurate before including it with your application. 

No matter how often you update your resume for college applications, we encourage you to keep copies of any old college resume examples you might have. Having old copies of your college resume can help you in the future as you begin to tailor your college resume for potential reviewers. 

How to write a resume for college

Now that we have a better understanding of what makes up a college resume, let’s focus on how to write a resume for college. You can begin writing your college resume by creating a list of your key details . Your key details will be the starting point for your college resume. 

First, you will include information about where you go to school, as well as your current GPA and any Honors statuses. You will also want to list your academic interests on your high school resume, including what you hope to study or pursue beyond high school. 

You will also include your extracurricular activities and the years you engaged in them on your resume for college. Additionally, you will want to add any jobs or internships you have had and the dates you held them. You can also list any leadership positions and the years you held them on your college resume. 

Finally, you will want to include any special skills you have on your resume for college. This can include certifications as well. 

Once you have a list of your key details, you will want to organize these details into sections on your high school resume. For some, these sections might include Objective, Education, Leadership Positions, Work and Internship History, and Special Skills.  

College Resume Walkthrough

Linked about is our college resume walkthrough. Let’s do another walkthrough of these sections here to see what kind of information to include in each one. 

Your objective is the reason why you are writing your college resume. This section will vary depending on where you send your resume. 

If you are creating a resume for college applications, you should include information about your intended major or future career in this section. However, if you are sending your high school resume to a potential employer, your objective section will include information about why you are uniquely skilled for the job. 


The education section of your college resume should include all high schools you have attended, along with your GPA and anticipated date of graduation. 

If your high school provides you with a class rank, you can also include that piece of information within this section of your resume for college. 

Additionally, you can include your SAT or ACT score within this section, especially if you are submitting your resume for college applications. 

Leadership Positions 

Be sure to highlight any leadership positions you have held in your college resume. This includes any appointed positions you have received and even informal leadership positions. 

For example, if you were voted Class President of your Student Council, you can include that information here. Or maybe you are a peer mentor on your soccer team—you can include those details within this section of your college resume. 

Work and Internship History 

This section of your high school resume will list your whole work history, including internships , summer jobs , or part-time jobs. 

You will want to include the job title, company, dates of employment, and a brief outline of your duties for each of the work or internship experiences in this section of your resume for college. 

Special Skills 

Finally, this section of your college resume will outline any technical or soft skills you might have. Soft skills include things like teamwork, communication skills, and conflict resolution. 

In this section of your resume for college, you can also include any languages you speak or certifications you have. 

After you have organized your high school resume into sections, you will want to include a bulleted list detailing your responsibilities within each of your engagements/leadership roles. Be sure to include only relevant details in your descriptions, as it’s important to be concise on your college resume.  

Remember to include the years for every role/activity on your college resume. You will want to list them with the most recent positions/activities at the top of your resume for college. 

College resume format

Your college resume format is one of the most important features to consider as you apply to college. As you construct your college resume format, make sure that it’s readable. 

Most people won’t look at your college resume for more than 30 seconds. So, any reader should be able to skim your high school resume and come away with a relatively clear idea of your qualifications and background. 

The ideal college resume format will have the name of the student clearly listed at the top of the college resume. Another aspect of a strong college resume format will have clear sections with strong headlines. Additionally, the best college resume format will include bulleted lists where appropriate. 

We will look at the college resume format in action as we review some college resume examples and college resume templates. 

College resume examples

As we review our sample college resume, we will explain how to use it to craft your own college resume when you apply to college. Use this sample college resume as a reference point for your resume for college. Then, adapt it to fit your own unique needs. 

We will discuss the sample college resume in the next two sections of this article. As we review the sample college resume, pay particular attention to what makes this college resume clear and effective. You can use this sample college resume as a college resume builder while you apply to college. 

At first glance, you can see that this college resume is organized. This resume for college has clear sections and a concise structure. What makes this college resume clear and effective is its formatting, language, and length. Be sure to incorporate these same elements into your own high school resume as you apply to college. 

Remember, this sample college resume is just one of many college resume examples available. Figure out what you like best about this sample college resume and use it to craft your own college resume. 

Sample college resume – What works? 

The key features of this sample college resume are its formatting, language, and length. Focusing on these in your own college resume will ensure that your resume for college stands out. 

Clear delineated sections

The formatting in this college resume works so well because it includes clearly delineated sections and organized by year. Keeping your information and experiences organized by year is an effective format for a resume for college applications. 

Simple and straightforward language

Another feature of this college resume that works well is the language. There is clear language and details throughout this resume for college that provide context for each role and accomplishment. For example, each of the work experiences in this high school resume feature a brief description of the student’s role and duties/responsibilities. 

Concise structure

Additionally, this resume for college application features a concise structure that helps the reader clearly understand the purpose of each section. The descriptions within this college resume are brief but comprehensive. Having a concise structure and clear language throughout your college resume is key. 

The final key feature that works well in this college resume is the length. This resume for college is just one page in length. Ideally, you want your college resume to fit on one page, but that is not a hard and fast rule. If you have a wealth of experiences and extracurriculars for college, your college resume can go over the typical one-page length. 

Even though this high school resume is a little over one page, it does not have any irrelevant details or extraneous information on it. As you begin writing your college resume, be sure to only include relevant details on it. 

As you learn how to write a college resume, keep track of what features work well and incorporate them into your own college resume. If you are unsure if the sample college resume will work for your college resume, don’t worry. There are plenty of college resume examples and college resume templates to choose from as you are applying to college. 

College resume template

There are multiple college resume examples that you can review as you start your college resume or college application letter . Looking at a college resume template can help you decide on the formatting, language, and length that works best for you. 

Hunter College has a web page with college resume examples and college resume templates. Use it as a resource as you build your high school resume. 

If possible, you should avoid using form templates as you construct your college resume. Instead, think of the college resume template as a guide. You should aim to format your resume for college in the way that works best for you. 

It’s best to be a bit unique as you create your high school resume. Looking at a college resume template can help you find your own distinct style. You can also incorporate different aspects from a college resume template into your own college resume. 

However, be sure to avoid any hard-to-read fonts or unnecessary details in your formatting as you learn how to write a college resume. While your resume shouldn’t look like it was made using a stock college resume template, it also should not be overly crowded.

College resume builder

There are also college resume builder resources, like this one from Wheaton College , that will help students build their college resumes. You can use a college resume builder to format your own resume for college. 

At, we host webinars on topics that help you apply to college. We have a webinar on how to write a resume for college, with plenty of college resume examples. We also have a webinar with advice from former Admissions Officers on how to build your college resume. 

Once again, you should generally avoid a pre-formatted college resume builder or college resume template. Instead, use these college resume examples as a jumping off point as you begin the college admissions process. 

Formatting your high school resume yourself makes it easier to make any quick edits or fix any formatting quirks. If you were to use a college resume builder or college resume template, these adjustments may be a challenge. 

Build your College Resume in 5 Simple Steps

Having examined some college resume examples, let’s review 5 simple steps for how to write a resume for college. 

Five Steps to Build your College Resume

Make an accurate list of your experiences, awards, education, and qualifications. You will use this list as the outline for your resume for college. 

Choose the best college resume format for the job. Before you finalize your choice of college resume format , review a college resume template or college resume examples for guidance. Then, create a resume header for your college resume. 

Add your accurate information by section on your resume for college. Reference the college resume examples you reviewed previously to choose the sections you will use on your high school resume. Organize each list by year, placing the most recent item at the top of your resume for college. Be sure to separate your extracurricular experiences from your awards/honors, creating two lists (or more if necessary). 

Format your lists to be clear and readable , and add your name and contact information as the header of your college resume. 

Ask a friend, family member, or mentor to copy edit your resume for college! Having another set of eyes on your high school resume will help you create the strongest resume for college possible. 

How to write a college resume – Final Thoughts

In this article, we reviewed how to write a college resume. As we discussed the purpose of a college application resume, we examined college resume examples and described key features that work in a college resume. We hope the college resume examples we featured in our article on how to write a resume for college help you craft your high school resume as you apply to college.

Need help crafting the perfect college application resume? can teach you how to write a resume for college. Register for a free account and receive access to hundreds of articles and webinars. These resources will help you craft your college resume as you begin applying to college.

This article was written by  Claire Babbs . If you want to get help with your college applications from Claire or other  Admissions Experts , click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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20 College Student Resumes + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

  • College Student Resumes
  • College Student Resumes by Role
  • College Student Resumes for Academics

Writing Your College Student Resume

Companies sometimes require that entry-level candidates have experience, but how do you get experience when even entry-level jobs make it difficult to apply?

Getting that first job or internship can be the most challenging part of your career. Fortunately, as a college student, you’re in a great position to get that first break you need. Once you get your degree, you’ll have the experience employers are seeking, but until then, how can you build an effective resume or write a cover letter as a college student?

After reviewing countless  resume samples , we’ve determined what types employers want to see from college students. Furthermore, we used that knowledge to create  20 college student resume examples to help inspire your resume in 2024 .

College Student Resume Example

or download as PDF

College student resume example

Why this resume works

  • This lets employers know when you can work full-time. Whatever you do, be honest. Stretching the truth won’t get you any points with employers. It’s better to be upfront and willing to learn a skill rather than try to succeed by the skin of your teeth.
  • The golden rule on your college student resume is to lead with your strengths. If you’ve got a relevant internship, add it. If you’ve done any related class projects, list them. No matter what you include, make sure to highlight transferable skills.

Undergraduate Student Resume

Undergraduate student resume example with project experience

  • To impress the recruiter, demonstrate the dedication you have had in your previous posts despite minimal experience.

University Student Resume

University student resume example with internship experience

  • In that case, your university student resume can capitalize on your analytical skills, which helped identify cost-saving opportunities and cut overall expenses by six percent.

College Student No Experience Resume

College student no experience resume example

  • Luckily, there are a host of  resume templates  you can use to format your experience well, so long as you adjust based on your qualifications.
  • For example, you can add or remove sections based on the amount of work history you have (or don’t have).
  • For example, being on the club basketball team may feel irrelevant to business analysis. But by focusing on how you’ve organized practices and led a local volunteer effort, your  college student no experience resume  can point to qualities that might appeal to a thoughtful employer.

Current College Student Resume

Current college student resume example

  • A reverse-chronological format is still the most accepted, but if you want to highlight your skills, try using a functional format instead.
  • Adding relevant metrics shows that you know what matters to your employer and you’ve positively impacted your previous workplace.

College Student for Internship Resume

College student for internship resume example with 8 years of experience

  • That’s okay—you can weave in other things, like projects and part-time jobs. Of course, if you do have internship or job experience, put that at the top.
  • It’s as easy as checking the  job description . Then just list your relevant abilities according to what matches the keywords listed by the employer.

College Student Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician Resume Example

College student assistant medical laboratory technician resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Do you have a unique interest related to science? Are you involved in a sport? Do you volunteer? All of these hobbies are great additions to your resume.
  • If you’ve just graduated, you can bulk up your education section.
  • Feel free to add any college awards you won and your GPA (if it’s higher than 3.5).

College Student HR Executive Assistant Resume

College student hr executive assistant resume example

  • As a rule of thumb, we recommend including one if you’re light on experience or are going through a substantial career change. Otherwise, leave it out in favor of work experience. 
  • Good skills to include on an HR executive assistant resume are “talent acquisition,” “conflict resolution,” “legal compliance,” and “compensation/benefits.”
  • An even more effective way to breathe life into your skills is to weave them into your work history or project bullet points.

College Student Case Assistant Resume

College student case assistant resume example

  • Show off your personality using contrasting colors, classic fonts, and well-organized layouts. Our ready-to-build  resume templates  or handy  Google Docs interactive resumes  can help you keep your resume both tasteful and personable.
  • If you don’t have certification, then now’s the best time to get it. Better late than never!

College Student Resident Assistant Resume

College student resident assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Though an objective isn’t required, it can help employers see your skills and experience straight away.
  • Just make sure to tailor it for every job you apply for by including the name of the employer, the position you’re seeking, and some matching keyword skills (that are true about you) gleaned from the  job description . 
  • You also shouldn’t feel limited by your work experience. If you’ve done any relevant projects or have volunteered, include them! Employers love to see transferrable skills like collaboration, a good work ethic, and organization.

College Student Warehouse Worker Resume

College student warehouse worker resume example

  • If you’re struggling to get going, consider using a  resume outline  to help you structure your experience—just don’t forget to fill out all the sections thoroughly!
  • While it’s not impossible to land an excellent job without internships or experience, having some kind of work history, even in the form of projects, will allow you to be more picky and skim from the top of warehouse positions.

College Student Teacher Assistant Resume

College student teacher assistant resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Adjusting formatting details, like the layout and header colors, can make your resume pop and reveal a bit about yourself. (Red and pink are bold, daring colors, while blue and green are calming.)
  • Adding a  hobbies and interests section to your resume  can also help catch the eye of employers, provided you list hobbies that are relevant to the desired job, such as creative pursuits, volunteering, or research.
  • Even if you’ve never had experience as a teacher assistant, you can instill confidence by demonstrating the impact of your communication skills. Did you effectively resolve an issue using negotiation? Write something that added helpful clarity? Show how you used communication to affect others positively!

College Student Biology Lab Technician Resume

College student biology lab technician resume example

  • Don’t get too carried away here; after all, it’s still a resume and not a flier for a Wednesday Night Disco. But, one to two colors can be appropriate for all but the most conservative working environments. 
  • Numbers can be frustrating to calculate and add to your resume, but trust us when we tell you that they make a world of difference. Hiring managers are consistently more willing to interview people with metrics on their resumes, as they convey job competence and confidence.

College Student English Tutor Resume

College student english tutor resume example

  • Breaking up each work experience into bullet points can make your resume both easier to read (with fewer blocks of dense text) and easier to write.
  • Instead of writing one big chunk of cohesive text, you can focus on pulling out as many highlights about your work history at each job as possible. 
  • A project can be anything. Seriously, your final group project from that writing seminar counts, or you could highlight a blog you’ve been working on in your free time.
  • Hint: Projects also make great stories to discuss on your college student cover letter .

College Application Resume

College application resume example with community service experience

  • Suppose you’re applying for a Bachelor of Arts in education. Express your passion for teaching and eagerness to advance your knowledge of education theories and practices. Even better, emphasize your long-term ambition to shape future generations through innovative education methods.

College Admission Resume

College admission resume example with project experience

  • Take a leaf from how Brian narrates his stints as a restaurant server, project presenter, and volunteer. Well-described, such experiences paint a picture of a well-rounded character who can take on varied challenges of an engineering program, enhancing their appeal in the eyes of the college admissions committee.

College Freshman Resume

College Freshman resume example with soccer playing experience

  • Use past projects to advantage here even if they’re only a year long. Clearly state how you used skills such as Canva and Microsoft Teams to make specific impacts during this time. Another great addition to your college freshman resume is any work experience under your belt.

College Student Academic Highlights Resume

College student academic highlights resume example

  • Say you have some work experience, but it’s not relevant to the job. That’s okay—instead of trying in vain to match the  job description , focus on transferable skills like customer service, organization, event planning, public speaking, and computer literacy.
  • If you lack much work history, adding projects, coursework, or volunteer experience is the next best way to showcase your potential. You can also list your involvement in clubs, organizations, or peer mentorship.
  • Write them like you’d write work experience by using active verbs and incorporating metrics (numbers).

First Year College Student Resume

First year college student resume example with project experience

  • Your time contributing to a project is tangible evidence of your skills and experiences. Depending on what you include, it could showcase your communication and organizational skills or more technical abilities, like your proficiency with Microsoft Office.

Freshman College Student Resume

Freshman college student resume example with project experience

  • Do you love gardening or nature photography? Awesome, it shows you’re inherently passionate about biology. Do you spend your time baking as well? It’s a sign that you know how to follow instructions and observe changes over time—skills that will come in handy as a lab assistant.

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  • College Graduate
  • Grad School
  • Entry level

Job seeker in purple shirt reviews past accomplishments and statistics to include in job materials

Before we dive into the difference between a  resume objective  vs. a  resume summary , let’s get some definitions out of the way:

  • Resume objective : A statement of your qualifications, interests, and skills that make you a good fit for the role to which you’re applying.
  • Resume summary : A summary of your past experience detailing your high-level accomplishments and projects.

When you’re applying for a job or internship as a college student, you likely won’t have extensive work experience. So, we’d recommend including a resume objective instead of a resume summary.

The goal of your resume objective is to set the stage for your resume. It should highlight your skills applicable to the job at hand, and it should be specific for each job to which you’re applying.

Most resume objectives are boring and generic. By taking the time to craft a customized and effective resume objective, you give yourself an edge over other applicants and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Before we dive into the rules for creating a strong resume objective, let’s look at some examples.

Sample college student resume objectives

  • “Recent college graduate with a degree in marketing looking for a full-time role where I can utilize my experience in social media and paid advertising to help an up-and-coming brand like Club Z! Inc. spread awareness and acquire more users.”
  • “Diligent college student at the University of Pittsburgh who is equally committed to academic excellence (3.8 GPA) and service (student leader at the local food shelter) looking for an opportunity at Unidos as a part-time employee to utilize these talents to improve customer satisfaction.”
  • “Recent graduate with a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) seeking an opportunity within an established management organization to utilize my organizational and quantitative abilities. Epic seems to have a culture of empowering employees to have ownership over their problems, and that culture fits my work style perfectly.”

You can see that all of these resume objectives specifically mention the company that the student is applying to. Tailoring is the golden rule of resume objectives.

Here are some other rules to make your objective the best it can be:

  • Again, take the time to  customize your resume objective for each company to which you’re applying .
  • Don’t be afraid to inject your personality. Making an impression will help you stand out among the hundreds of other applicants.
  • Keep it to two to three sentences.
  • Mention any relevant skills or certifications you have for the role to which you’re applying.

College Student Resume Formats

Job seeker reviews qualifications and accomplishments to build job application for next role

One of the hardest parts of using a resume maker  as a college student is the blank page. The “getting started” part is overwhelming—you’re unsure what your resume should look like, let alone what should be in it!

When it comes to formatting your resume, the best advice is to keep it  simple . You need to convincingly make the case that you deserve an interview for the role to which you’re applying.

In short, your resume should likely contain the following sections:

  • Header: This is your name and job title. Have your job title match the job title to which you’re applying.
  • Resume objective: We talked about this above, a quick summary of your skills and what you’re seeking.
  • Education: As a college student, this should include your anticipated graduation date, the field of study, and relevant classes.
  • Skills: List six to ten technical skills relevant to your career.
  • Work experience: If you have any relevant internships or part-time jobs, mention them here.
  • Projects: Did you do any side projects that demonstrate your competency? Include them!

Not all of these sections need to be included in your resume.  Your resume should focus on your strengths.

If you don’t have much relevant work experience, you can omit that section in favor of discussing your projects or classwork.

However, no matter what format you choose, there are a few writing guidelines you should adhere to throughout your resume.

Formatting guidelines for your resume

  • Keep your resume to one page! Your resume should only extend to a second page when you have 10+ years of experience.
  • Avoid any spelling or grammar errors by double-checking your text and having a friend review your resume. Don’t let typos be the reason why you don’t get an interview.
  • Break up your work experience into small, consumable bullet points. Nothing is harder to read than a big wall of text.
  • Use reverse-chronological order to keep your most recent experience/projects at the top.
  • Don’t include fancy images or graphics. It’s highly likely a computer will read your resume before a human ever does, and images are hard for computers to scan.
  • Don’t list more than ten skills on your resume. (We’ll expand on this below.)

Skills to pay the bills

When building your skills section, it can be tempting to list any and every skill you know. You’ll have to resist this temptation.

Before a human reviews your resume, an automated system called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will score your resume based on whether or not it includes the “right” keywords. These filters are largely screening for specific skills.

Doesn’t this mean that you should include as many skills as possible to beat the ATS? Unfortunately, you need to make your resume appealing to both the ATS and a human, and nothing is a bigger red flag to a hiring manager than a candidate with a laundry list of skills!

You’re much better off focusing on  six to ten skills you’re an expert in  than including more that you kind of know. Generally, if you wouldn’t be comfortable being interviewed on a given skill, don’t include it on your resume. 

Work Experience and Projects

Portfolio of past work experience proving impact on the job with statistics, graphs, and examples

In any resume, no matter the career stage, your work experience and projects should take up at least 70 percent of the overall space. These will decide whether you get an interview or not.

Once you have a few years of experience, then the size of your projects section will decrease as the size of your work experience section expands.

If you have an internship relevant to the job you’re applying for, this should be listed in your “work experience” section. As a college student, your work experience can also contain any part-time jobs you had while in school, even if they don’t seem relevant to the position to which you’re applying.

It’s not easy to balance work and school, so having a part-time job demonstrates responsibility and drive.

When talking about your work experience, there are a few key tips you should follow:

  • Mention the skills you demonstrated on the job.
  • Quantify the impact of your work whenever possible.
  • Talk specifically about your role; avoid being too general.
  • Use action verbs like “owned” or “led” to highlight your leadership abilities.

Numbers truly speak louder than words, especially on your resume. By providing numerical context around your work, you show your ability to contribute meaningfully to your workplace.

Compare these two descriptions of an internship. Which do you think would be more compelling to a hiring manager?

WRONG – general work experience descriptions

Marketing Science Associates April 2020 – Current, New York NY Digital Marketing Intern

  • Created testing plan for Facebook ad copy
  • Built key reports for the executive team around KPIs
  • Oversaw the creation of the blog for SEO purposes
  • Worked closely with clients to understand their product positioning to incorporate into ad copy

RIGHT – specific, quantified descriptions

  • Created A/B testing plan for Facebook ad copy, improving ROI by 15%
  • Built key reports for the executive team around KPIs such as marketing spend, new leads, revenue generated, and ROI
  • Oversaw the creation of the blog for SEO purposes which grew from 1,000 to 5,000 monthly organic visitors
  • Worked closely with clients to understand their product positioning to incorporate into ad copy, leading to client satisfaction of 99%

Projects can be anything

If you don’t have much (or any) relevant work experience for your resume, don’t fret. You can still  create a highly effective resume  by showcasing your projects.

As a college student, you’ve likely done a lot of class projects that are relevant to the job or internship you’re looking to get. This is the perfect place to talk about those projects. You can even mention projects you completed outside of class. Talk about your goals, the methods/skills you used, and the project’s outcome.

The key is to include anything that will convince the hiring manager you have the drive, skills, and ability to translate your academic knowledge to the real world and contribute to the roles for which you’re applying.

Here are some potential projects you can work on for different majors:

Project ideas for college students

  • Are you a business student? Detail a case study that you analyzed and presented in a class.
  • If you’re a marketing student, you can write a short blog post about how you’d improve the paid marketing strategy for a company you admire.
  • As a graphic designer, this is a great opportunity to talk about some of the projects in your portfolio.
  • If you’re looking for a data analyst role, talk about how you analyzed stock data to determine areas of opportunity.
  • As a human resources major, you’ve likely created processes for companies as part of a class, so talk about that.
  • Software engineering students complete meaningful coding assignments all the time. Discuss one of those or talk about your side project.
  • If you’re looking to break into product management, discuss a hackathon you were part of or create a case study for a feature your favorite product is missing.

Basically, the projects you include on your resume can be just about anything. They simply have to demonstrate you know what is required of the kind of role you’re applying to, and that you can meet those requirements.

Your Education Section

Two hands rearranging sections on job application materials

As a college student, it should go without saying that you need to include an education section on your resume.

Here’s what you need to include in your education section no matter what:

  • The school you’re currently attending (or recently graduated from). You do not need to include your high school.
  • Your graduation date (or expected graduation date). You can give just the month and year.
  • The kind of degree you’re working toward (bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master’s, etc.).
  • Your field of study.

Once you include all that, there’s more flexibility. If you have a strong GPA (greater than 3.5), you should include it, too.

If you don’t have much experience yet, then you can add relevant courses or awards to your education section, provided they’re relevant to the job for which you’re applying.

For example, if you’re applying for a role as a data scientist, then it makes sense to include any math, economics, or programming classes you completed.

Here’s an example of an effective education section for a college student looking for a marketing role:

College student resume - education section example

If you received any awards or honors during your time in college, list them here. These can include getting on the Dean’s List, any department-specific awards relevant to your major, or formal recognition for your work or volunteer efforts.

Resume Builder for College Students

Yellow and purple computer screens depict career document builders on BeamJobs

There you have it—we’ve discussed the building blocks to help you land a job or internship as a college student!

In summary, here are the keys to making an effective resume as a college student:

  • Inject your personality into your resume objective and customize it for each company to which you apply.
  • Your resume format should include a header, resume objective, skills section, education, and work/ project experience.
  • Include any relevant internships or part-time jobs you’ve had during college and quantify the impact of your work.
  • If you don’t have much working experience, include relevant projects you’ve completed either in the classroom or on your own time.
  • Your education section is your chance to highlight classes you’ve completed that will convince the hiring manager you have the right tools for the job.

Finding a job or internship as a college student can be incredibly stressful. Building an AI resume  is a huge first step, so pat yourself on the back. After you’re done with the writing, you can  check your resume  against our AI-powered tips to see how your resume matches up.

Just remember, it does get easier after you get some experience first. We can’t wait to see where you’ll go!

Create my free resume now

• We’ll show you how, step-by-step • Real, practical tips and tools • 100% free

How to Write a Resume for College

High school and college students need a resume when applying for academic and career opportunities.

write a resume for college

Getty Images

Students should include standardized test scores, Advanced Placement and honors courses, awards, activities and talents that show depth in educational endeavors.

A resume is no longer reserved for after graduation. Students may want to craft one as early as the ninth grade for everything from college admissions to scholarships and internship opportunities.

Impress College Admissions Counselors

Arlene Weintraub Sept. 13, 2017

Students talking in study meeting

The resume should continue to evolve over the course of one's academic career, shaped by experiences and reflecting the student's interests and activities, experts say. Both high school and college students should keep a well-polished resume up to date.

"It's a really valuable thing for a student to have," says Kelly Fraser, owner and principal consultant at Green Apple College Guidance & Education, which has offices in Boston and the Washington, D.C., area.

Some colleges require a resume with the application, while others welcome the document in the supplemental materials section. Some internship, scholarship and study-abroad applications also require resumes.

Fraser says a high school resume should be complementary to a college application but students should avoid repetition and cramming all of the same information onto the document.

"Each document that you submit to a college does not have to have everything about you in it, but all of the pieces of the puzzle should come together to make a nice picture," Fraser says.

Resumes for High School Students

While a resume in ninth grade isn't an absolute must, students should at least be thinking about it, says Nancy Polin, president and senior college counselor at Educational Excellence in Florida. "It doesn't have to be a formal resume, but I recommend that they start some sort of formal record-keeping system in the summer before ninth grade," Polin says.

Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz, founder and director of adMISSION POSSIBLE in California, sees resumes as pieces of information that allow students to communicate who they are.

"More and more, college admissions officers are now looking for how and where people spend their time, including the quality, depth and length of involvement," Shaevitz says, noting that the value of a good resume is the ability to compile this information succinctly.

She recommends that students include standardized test scores, if available, Advanced Placement and honors courses, awards, activities and talents that show depth in educational endeavors. Grade point averages and other accomplishments also should be highlighted, such as leadership roles and work experience.

"Colleges want to know who you are," Shaevitz says, adding that the same is true for students who may have family responsibilities such as caring for younger siblings or working.

"There are many students who have to work, who have to go home to family responsibilities. Colleges understand that, and (students) should put those on their resume," Fraser says.

And in the time of COVID-19, when many extracurriculars melted away during the pandemic, colleges want to know how students waxed creative. What opportunities did they pursue on their own? What interests emerged during the pandemic? As one example, Shaevitz points to virtual dance classes created by two of her students with the aim of bringing the arts to underpriveleged kids.

Experts advise high school students to mine their entire academic career for experiences and accomplishments.

Yuridia Nava, who works in college and career counseling for the Riverside County Office of Education in California, wrote in an email that she asks her students to reflect all the way back to kindergarten for their experiences, urging them to consider lengthy volunteer commitments and passions they've held for years.

Advisers also insist on sincerity, cautioning students to not embellish their resumes.

"If you're applying to a college and you're submitting anything in your application that's not true, then it's a big problem," Fraser says, adding that students also should avoid listing experiences that they will have trouble talking about in a college admissions interview .

Nava also cautions students against including social media profiles "unless it's clean of any negative images or memes" and to avoid using email addresses with unprofessional language.

Resumes for College Students

Experts encourage college students to continue to build their resume and keep it current with recent and relevant experiences. As they gain skills through classes and student organizations, those should be added to their resume, as should job experiences.

Jeremy Fisher, director of the John P. Fahey Career Center at Creighton University in Nebraska, says resumes for college students may be more career-specific than in high school.

"A college-level resume will be more focused on relevant experiences, skills, leadership, service and other activities that may be more important to a potential employer," Fisher wrote in an email.

For high school and college resumes alike, students should follow many of the same rules. Experts emphasize writing clearly and concisely, personalizing the resume for applications, proofreading diligently for spelling and grammar, and soliciting feedback. Resumes should also contain clearly identifiable information so readers know who is presenting themselves and how to contact them.

Experts also encourage students to keep it simple and straightforward, avoiding flashy text or graphics. Generally, they suggest a one-page resume as the standard for college students, though a high school activities resume may have some leeway to stretch a bit longer.

"Employers scan and review resumes very quickly – typically in 15 to 30 seconds or less initially, so it is important to have a resume that looks professional (style, format, font, etc.) and is very easy to read," Fisher says. "The use of proper spacing, bullet points for descriptions, bolding, underlining, or italicizing important information such as the resume categories, school, degree, major, employer name, job titles, etc. is very helpful."

Some consultants and counselors provide model resumes for students to follow, though templates are typically discouraged at the college level, according to Fisher.

Fisher says templates can be helpful as a guide, but resumes created from templates are not unique and don't stand out.

"Why would you want your resume to look exactly like hundreds of others?" he says.

Creighton lists guidance on its website showing resume examples for those early in their academic careers as well as those in graduate and professional programs. For first- and second-year students, Creighton's career center offers a simple one-page example that focuses on education, including major and GPA, experience, and activities and service.

Whether for high school or college, experts stress the need to have a resume handy.

"The earlier a student has a professional resume developed," Fisher says, "the more ready they will be to pursue opportunities as they arise."

Steps to Building a Resume

Need to develop a resume for college admissions or other oppotunities? Use the basic details below as a starting point.

  • Identify activities and accomplishments to include.
  • Detail relevant academic accomplishments and work, internship or volunteer experience.
  • Include high school or college information and contact details.
  • Verify key dates and details for accuracy.
  • Spell check and proofread.

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6 Tips for Your College Application Resume

Your resume will be an important part of your career life, serving as a catalog of your professional accomplishments, experience, and achievements. But even before you’re a full-fledged working adult, it’s still a good idea to start building your resume.

Many high school students use this space to record and describe their accomplishments, such as awards, volunteer and paid work, prestigious program participation, and more.

So, if you’ve taken the time to create a resume, can you submit it to colleges to augment your application? In some cases, yes. Keep reading to find out how to craft the ideal resume for colleges.

Which Schools Allow You to Submit Your Resume?

The schools allow you to submit your resume via the Common Application. This list is not exhaustive; it includes the top 20 universities and liberal arts colleges that allow you to do so.

  •     Brown University
  •     Claremont McKenna College
  •     Cornell University
  •     Dartmouth College
  •     Johns Hopkins University
  •     Northwestern University
  •     University of Pennsylvania
  •     Vanderbilt University
  •     Vassar College
  •     Washington and Lee University
  •     Washington University in St. Louis

Should You Submit Your Resume?

It’s a good idea to submit your resume if there is important information you’re unable to include on the rest of your application, such as professional experiences or special projects.

If you don’t have something new to say, then you shouldn’t include a resume. That is, you shouldn’t regurgitate information the adcom can find elsewhere on your application. You can, however, use it as a space to expand on or illustrate accomplishments if you don’t feel you’ve been able to in the activities section or your essays.

How to Write a Resume for College Applications

1. include information you feel isn’t represented elsewhere..

As you’ll find in your career, not every experience relates to the opportunity you have at hand. When you enter the job market, you’ll learn to tailor your resume to specific positions based on how your work history relates to them. This is true of your college applications, too. For each experience you include, consider how it bolsters your overall profile — and only add the ones that do to your resume.

First, here’s the essential info you should include on your resume:

  • Name and email address (no need to include your actual address)
  • Education/high school info, like your GPA and test scores 

Other info you may include:

  • Special projects related to your interests (if you’re a writer, this could be a list of pieces you’ve written with a description, or if you’re a programmer, you could also describe your projects).
  • Publications (scientific, literary, etc.)
  • Non-traditional coursework or academic activities (legitimate online certificates/courses, academic programs, etc.)
  • Extracurriculars, hobbies, and skills and interests
  • Professional and work experience
  • Family responsibilities

2. Don’t rehash your activities section.

Again, don’t use this space to regurgitate information you’ve presented elsewhere on your application. Instead, it should be a space to share unique facets of yourself that don’t fit into other places.

For example, perhaps there’s a specific job you held that you couldn’t properly describe in the activities section. You can use this space to elaborate on the responsibilities you held. Or, as mentioned in the previous section, you can describe specific projects you’ve completed related to your interests. This is especially helpful for more self-driven pursuits, like independent writing.

write a resume for college

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3. Keep it brief (one page) and easy to read.

Your resume should be concise. Since you probably haven’t accumulated a significant amount of experience as a teenager, you should keep it to one page (if you’re an adult student, that’s a different story). At the same time, avoid using teensy font and ultra-slim margins to cram everything into a single page — the resume should be easy to scan and read. Remember: be selective to ensure you have enough room.

Part of making your resume readable means formatting it such that it’s presentable. Use space to your advantages, along with a clear system for organizing the information; the traditional format is chronological, but you may choose to use an alternative format instead. Use headings, too, and make sure your formatting is consistent throughout.

4. Use active and specific language.

Use the active voice when cataloging your achievements. You should also be offering clear evidence. If you can, use numbers and facts to support your experiences.

For example, rather than saying, “Started tutoring business,” you might instead write, “Built a tutoring business by recruiting 15 student tutors and initiating a social media campaign targeting students in need of STEM support; personally worked with 25 students, who improved their GPAs by an average of X points.”

5. Talk yourself up, but don’t be dishonest or unreasonable.

Some students are eager to share their accomplishments. If you’re ever going to talk yourself up, this is the time to do it. You can’t be shy or reluctant to, well, brag a little. Other students will be talking themselves up, and you don’t want it to appear as though you don’t have anything to show for yourself.

At the same time, be careful of hyperbolizing your achievements. Colleges can easily verify the facts on your resume. If your accomplishments seem unfathomable, it will raise a red flag. This will lead colleges to question other aspects of your application, too.

Just as you should with the rest of your application, you’ll need to proofread your resume many times to catch any errors or typos. You should also read it over for clarity and to ensure that it’s as concise as it can be.

If you can, get another set of eyes on your resume before you upload it to your application. A peer, teacher, or guidance counselor can help you make sure your achievements are coming across the way you want them to and that you’re presenting yourself authentically.

Looking for more general guidance on the college application process? CollegeVine is here to make it as seamless as possible. Our free platform allows you to see your chances of acceptance, get essay feedback from peers, and hear from experts in daily livestreams. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account to get started.

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College Freshman Resume [W/ Example & Writing Tips for 2024]

Background Image

Whether you’re a college freshman looking for a part-time job, internship, or exchange program, you’re faced with tough competition.

On one hand, student debt can be crippling, so many college students are searching for opportunities to make it at least less painful.

On the other hand, most college freshmen wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to study abroad or partake in exciting options their university may offer. 

Whichever the case might be, with so much competition, landing a job or a paid internship as a college freshman can be hard, especially if you’re just entering the workforce and have little to no job experience.

This is exactly why you need a rock-solid college freshman resume that will give you an edge over your competitors.

And we’re here to help!

With our step-by-step guide and a top-notch college freshman resume example, you’ll learn how to write an impressive college freshman resume that will help you land an interview for the job, internship, or any other opportunity you’re after even if you have no previous work experience.

So, let’s dive in!

College Freshman Resume 

Here’s what this college freshman resume example does right:

  • Reverse-chronological format. The college freshman resume example above uses the reverse-chronological resume format , which is the most popular resume format among recruiters throughout the world.
  • Relevant contact information. The college freshman resume example above mentions key contact details, including the candidate’s full name, phone number, email address, and location.
  • Eye-catching resume objective. This college freshman resume example includes an effective resume objective that puts the candidate’s language skills in the spotlight and attracts recruiters’ attention from the get-go.
  • Focus on achievements. Whenever possible, the candidate in the college freshman resume example above lists their achievements and makes them quantifiable to drive the point home.
  • Organized skills section. In the college freshman example above, the candidate doesn’t include just the skills that are relevant for the position but also lists his soft and hard skills separately.
  • Bullet points. Reading large chunks of text is difficult, so this candidate uses bullet points to organize the information on his college freshman resume.
  • Additional sections. This college freshman resume example makes use of relevant additional sections by including the candidate’s language proficiency and hobbies.

Write Your College Freshman Resume With This Step-By-Step Guide 

So, you want to learn how to write a college freshman resume no less impressive than the example above?

Read along and we’ll show you exactly how to do it with our step-by-step guide:

#1. Format Your College Freshman Resume the Right Way 

You don’t want your college freshman resume to look like a mess, and that’s why you first need to pick the right resume format to structure it and make it easy to follow.

Basically, these are the three most common resume formats:

  • Reverse-chronological resume format
  • Functional resume format
  • Combination (hybrid) resume format

But, as we mentioned above, the reverse-chronological resume format is hands down your best option.

Whether you have work experience or not, the reverse-chronological format will bring your skills and achievements to the foreground (not to mention, hiring managers love it!).

Here’s what that looks like:

reverse chronological resume example

Now that you got the formatting part for your college freshman resume out of the way, let’s talk about your resume layout , which includes:

  • Font. Sure, you might’ve just left high school, but your college freshman resume has to look professional, and that means saying goodbye to fonts like Comic Sans. Instead, pick a simple font that is easy to read. 
  • Font size. You don’t want your college freshman resume to spill over to page #2 or be hard to read, so keep your headings at 14-16 pts and the body of your resume at 11-12 pts. 
  • Length. Hiring managers are busy people, which means they don’t have the time to read multiple-page resumes (unless the candidate’s professional background is really impressive). So, just keep your college freshman resume one page long. 
  • Bullet points. Whenever possible, use bullet points to organize the information in your college freshman resume. This way, your resume will look clean and well-structured.
  • Format. Unless specifically asked otherwise, make sure to save your college freshman resume as a PDF file . Otherwise, your resume might look messed up once opened on a different device or OS.

Times New Roman is the most common resume font.

Find it too dated or bland for your taste?

Make your college freshman resume stand out with a modern font that is also easy to read, such as Ubuntu or Overpass.

Or Pick a College Freshman Resume Template 

Let’s face it - making a resume from scratch can take ages.

After all, you have tons of college assignments, so tweaking the margins of your college freshman resume, or making sure it doesn’t spill over to the next page is the last thing you want to do in your free time.

So, chances are you’re procrastinating and we can’t blame you!

Well, what if we told you there’s a way to kiss this problem goodbye?

Yeap! With our resume templates , you can make your college freshman resume in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is pick a plug-and-play template and fill in all the contents - the formatting and layout are already taken care of. 

That means you don’t have to choose between starting your job search and going to a college party this weekend - you can do both!

Not just that - our resume templates are free, look professional, AND they’re much more visually appealing than basic resumes.

Check it out yourself:

college freshman resume examples

#2. Add Your Contact Details 

Once you’re done with the formatting of your college freshman resume, you can start filling in the contents, which start with your contact details .

Here’s what you need to include:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Your city and state

Optionally, you can also include any relevant social media handles (e.g. if you’re applying for a job at a bakery and have an Instagram profile dedicated to desserts, write it down).

Sounds simple, right?

And it is! Just make sure you don’t make any typos and you’re good to go.

Here’s an example of the contact information section:

Paula Brown

012-345-6789 [email protected]  Albuquerque, New Mexico

#3. Write a College Freshman Resume Objective 

To catch the hiring manager’s attention and get them to read your college freshman resume, you need an effective resume objective. 

Simply put, a resume objective is a 2-3 sentence introduction that highlights your skills and professional goals.

As such, a well-written resume objective lets recruiters quickly see whether you’re a relevant candidate and what you can offer to the company.

Here’s how to write a resume objective that will get the hiring manager to read the rest of your resume:

  • Mention what you’re currently studying (or planning to study during the upcoming years of university)
  • Include any relevant background (skills, work experience, etc.) that makes you a good fit for the position
  • Mention your motivation for working in that particular field/company

And here’s an example of a powerful college freshman resume objective:

Energetic and cooperative undergraduate student majoring in Psychology looking for a part-time sales associate job in Company X. Eager to learn more about organic skincare products and looking to apply my excellent active listening and persuasion skills to assist your customers and drive more sales to your store.

#4. Prioritize Your Education 

As a college freshman, it’s only natural that you don’t have much (or any) work experience.

That’s why you should first list your ongoing education on your college freshman resume, along with any relevant education details (your major, your minor, research projects, relevant courses, etc.).

For starters, format your education the right way:

  • Start by writing down your major.
  • List your college/university name and, optionally, location.
  • Include the expected year of graduation.
  • Add relevant additional information, such as your minor or relevant courses.

Since you’re still in the progress of getting your degree, you can also write down your high school education (and, particularly, don’t forget to mention your high school achievements, if any).

And here’s a great example of the education section if let’s say, you’re applying for an internship or a part-time job at a news media company:

Majoring in Journalism (Bachelor of Arts) Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY Expected graduation date: 2024

Minor: Public Relations

Relevant Courses:

  • Introduction to News Writing
  • Press Law and Ethics
  • Intermediate Reporting
  • Feature Writing
  • Fundamentals of Public Relations
  • Public Relations Writing and Production

#5. Describe Your Work Experience (The Smart Way)

Once you’re done polishing your education section, it’s time to describe any work experience you may have.

Let’s start with the basics - here’s how to format your work experience section on your college freshman resume the right way:

  • List your most recent job first. From there, move back in time and add your older positions. This way, you will have a well-organized work experience section.
  • Add your job title. Make sure that the job title accurately describes your role, so avoid any eccentric job titles (e.g. use ‘Lifeguard’ instead of ‘Ocean Attendant’, ‘Barista’ instead of ‘Coffee Wizard’, etc.).
  • Include the company name and location. Feel free to add a brief company description if the company you worked for isn’t well-known.
  • Add the employment date. Use the mm/yyyy format so that the hiring manager can see how long you’ve worked in the company.
  • Add your responsibilities and achievements. If you have had several jobs in the past, add 5-6 bullet points to your more recent jobs (if possible) and just a couple for your older roles.

And here’s an example of an effective work experience section on a college freshman resume:

Company X  

05/2020 - 09/2020

  • Welcomed and served 80+ customers daily.
  • Prepared and served hot drinks and light snacks.
  • Operated Point of Sale systems.
  • Kept the work area, coffee machines, and other equipment clean and organized.
  • Awarded Employee of the Month in July and August 2020 for efficiency and providing excellent customer service.

What If I Don’t Have Work Experience? 

Now, as a college freshman, you probably don’t have much work experience, and that’s okay - hiring managers don’t expect you to have lots of relevant work experience anyway.

In fact, according to Jobvite, the importance of previous job experience for choosing a candidate has dropped by 30% in the last 4 years.

Truth is, even with no work experience , you can still write a job-landing college freshman resume.

Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your work experience section as a college freshman:

  • List any work experience you have. Any work experience is better than nothing, so add any jobs you’ve had (even if they aren’t relevant for the position you’re applying for) to help you stand out among other candidates, many of whom might have no work experience at all.
  • Make use of any other experience you have. If your work experience section is lacking, present your internships, volunteer jobs , etc. as work experience on your college freshman resume (especially if they’re related to the job you’re applying for or your major).
  • Highlight your achievements. Your achievements make you stand out from the rest of the candidates who had similar responsibilities, so make sure to focus on them. And, if possible, make your achievements quantifiable to show the impact you had in your previous workplace.
  • Take advantage of action verbs . They sound more impressive and make your responsibilities and achievements stand out (e.g. aided, supported, achieved, etc.).

Here’s an example of how you could present your volunteering experience on your college freshman resume:

Special Needs Support Volunteer

06/2018 - 08/2018

  • Provided care for people with disabilities.
  • Initiated the ‘Conversational English’ teaching program.
  • Assisted in organizing educational games, board game evenings, and other socialization activities.

#6. Include Both Soft and Hard Skills

The skills section is one of the most important parts of your college freshman resume - even though you may not have much work experience, it doesn’t necessarily mean you lack relevant skills for the job.

So, no matter the job, you should make sure to perfect your skills section - and here’s how you can do it:

  • Tailor your skills section to the position. Sure, you may be an AutoCAD master, but it means nothing if you’re applying to be a bartender in a local craft beer bar. So, instead of wasting your time listing all of your skills, simply write down the skills that are relevant for the job. 
  • Write down your soft and hard skills separately. Whether you want to land a customer service representative or a lab assistant job, you’re expected to have an assortment of different skills. So, to have a well-structured college freshman resume, list your soft skills separately from your hard skills. 
  • List any skills from the job ad that you match. Are you unsure which skills to mention in your college freshman resume? Take a close look at the job listing and simply write down any skills you have that the company is looking for.

Need more inspiration? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills you can add to your college freshman resume!

#7. List These Additional Sections 

If you don’t have much work experience, you likely have some space left even after filling in all of the main parts of your college freshman resume.

So, to make the most out of your application, consider adding any of these additional sections to show off your unique abilities:

  • Languages. Foreign languages are valued in all job sectors, so knowing one or two languages can increase your chances of both finding a job and getting a higher salary . So, make sure to list any foreign languages you know on your college freshman resume (just remember to stay realistic and don’t overestimate your abilities!).
  • Personal projects. Whether you’ve done any projects in college or in your free time, make sure to include them on your college freshman resume to show the hiring managers you’re a passionate and enthusiastic candidate (and especially so if any of your projects are related to the position you’re applying for).
  • Certifications. Don’t let your certificates collect dust in your drawers - take advantage of them by listing any certifications you have on your college freshman resume.
  • Hobbies and interests. Your hobbies and interests can help you build rapport with the hiring manager and, in case they’re relevant for the job, strengthen your position (e.g. if you’re applying to be a receptionist at a yoga studio, an interest in mindfulness, meditation, Eastern philosophies, etc. can work in your favor). 

And here’s an example of how additional sections look on a college freshman resume:

  • English - Native or Bilingual Proficiency
  • Russian - Limited Working Proficiency

Personal Projects

Nomadic Maddie

04/2018 - Present

  • A travel blog with 5,000+ monthly readers.
  • Public speaking

#8. Attach a Cover Letter to Your Resume 

Now that you know how to write an impressive college freshman resume, there’s one final step left-  and it’s writing a compelling cover letter.

The same Jobvite study that found that work experience is much less important than 4 years ago also found that hiring managers value cover letters much more than before - in fact, their importance has increased from 8% to 26% since 2017 . 

So, to land the job, you have to attach an effective cover letter to your college freshman resume that explains to the recruiter that you’re the perfect candidate for the position as well as a great match for the company.

Not sure how to write a cover letter ?

Here’s exactly what you need to do:

  • Include your contact details (full name, phone number, e-mail address, location, and, optionally, links to any relevant social media profiles you may have) in the header to start your cover letter the right way . 
  • Greet the hiring manager directly by their name to show that you’ve researched the company and have an eye for detail.
  • Mention your 1-2 top achievements in the first paragraph to make a great first impression.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to describe any experience and the skills you have as well as explain why you want to work in this company specifically and how you would benefit their team. This is also where you can explain anything you couldn’t in your college freshman resume, such as the reason why you choose a specific major or add anything that didn’t make it on your resume.
  • To effectively end your cover letter , include a call to action (e.g. “Please let me know if you need anything else,” “I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this internship in greater detail at your earliest convenience,” etc.).

Here’s an example of a top-notch college student cover letter :

college student cover letter

Use our professional cover letter templates to match your cover letter to your college freshman resume!

Key Takeaways 

And now you know how to write a job-winning college freshman resume!

Before you start working on it though, let’s go over the key points we’ve covered in this guide:

  • For your college freshman resume, pick the foolproof reverse-chronological resume format.
  • As a college freshman, you should mention your ongoing education first.
  • If you have little to no work experience, take advantage of any internships, volunteering, and other experiences you may have.
  • List your relevant soft and hard skills separately to keep your college freshman resume well-organized.
  • To help you secure the job, attach a convincing cover letter to your college freshman resume.

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How To Write A College Student Resume (With Examples)

  • General Resume Examples
  • Resume With No Experience
  • Student Resume
  • College Resume
  • Entry Level Resume
  • Military Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • First Resume
  • College Application Resume
  • 2 Page Resume
  • Blank Resume Template
  • College Freshman Resume
  • Work History
  • Resume Templates

As a college student, a resume may seem daunting because you may not have much experience, but there are a lot of other opportunities to make your resume stand out to employers. The opportunities that you can showcase include any volunteering you did, studying abroad, any specialized classes, or internships you’ve done.

To help you write your college student resume, we’ll go over how to write a college student resume, provide a resume example, and go over some tips to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways:

Emphasize your education and honors/awards received in college.

Take advantage of the many opportunities college gives to you and use those to spice up your resume.

Make your resume job/ internship application-specific.

Include extracurriculars, volunteer experiences, certifications, publications, interesting projects, or impressive leadership experiences if you have any.

How To Write A College Student Resume (With Examples)

What is a college student resume?

How to write a college student resume, current college student resume example, college student resume template, tips for writing a college student resume, college student resume faq, final thoughts.

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A college student’s resume is a document that summarizes your academic qualifications and your time spent in college. You probably had to write a brief resume for your college applications. Writing a resume as a college student is similar to that, except with a more professional edge.

Since you don’t have years of professional experience, hiring managers will understand when you don’t have that, which is why they will be looking at your academic history. They will be wondering how you have applied yourself in college both inside and outside of the classroom.

As mentioned above, college is full of opportunities to have enriching experiences. Take advantage of them — they will greatly help you not only by filling out those blank spots on your resume but also by giving you something to stand out from the rest of the competition .

Hiring managers and recruiters will be looking for signs of maturity, self-motivation, and work ethic . Keep these elements in mind as you decide how best to sell yourself based on your college experiences.

To write a college student’s resume, you should start with a resume header that includes your contact information and then go into your resume objective statement. Your top claim to fame is your educational experience and the extracurricular activities you were involved with.

Here’s a more detailed list of what each section of your resume should include:

Resume header . Your resume header should include your contact information. Open with your first and last name, which should be a slightly larger size or otherwise emphasized above all else. Include your location ([City, State] is fine), phone number, and professional email address. If you have a LinkedIn or an online portfolio , feel free to include a link to those here as well.

Important tip: Never put your contact information into an actual header on your word processing software. Some applicant tracking systems (robots that parse resumes to weed out unqualified candidates) can’t read the information in a header.

If the ATS can’t find your contact information, your resume will be thrown out before it even reaches a human reader .

Resume objective statement . We normally steer job-seekers away from resume objectives toward resume summary statements .

However, it’s perfectly appropriate for a college student to use a resume objective instead. Be sure to keep it short (1-3 sentences), include keywords from the job description, and state your relevant skills and career goals.

That being said, if you have substantial or impressive work/internship experience under your belt that truly makes you perfect for the position, opt for a resume summary statement that emphasizes your qualifications and expresses your value to the employer.

Education . Depending on how valuable you find your education section as compared to your experience section, you can swap the order around. We put education third based on the assumption that it’s your most valuable asset at the moment.

Your education section should always include the following information:

Name/Location of the school you attended

Dates attended, date graduated, or anticipated date of graduation

Name of your major/degree

The rest of the information is optional, but more is usually better (especially if the rest of your resume is light):

GPA (if it’s over 3.5)

Minor (if relevant)

Academic honors (Latin titles, Dean’s List , Honors Programs, etc.)

Merit scholarships

Publications and/or research

If you really want to beef up your education section, you can also include more details about relevant coursework . This can be a great way to incorporate keywords from the job description and showcase that you have solid foundational knowledge.

Experience . Once you’ve progressed in your career, this will be a history dedicated to your work history, but for now, keep the heading more open-ended by calling it something like “Relevant Experience.” The reason why this heading works is because it allows you to put down a whole host of experiences in just one section. Items you can put here include:

Work experience (summer jobs, part-time work, etc.)


Volunteer work

Freelancing experience

Relevant coursework (if you didn’t include it in your education section already)

Study abroad

Club membership/leadership positions

In general, you should keep things in reverse chronological order (the most recent stuff first). Always be sure to quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. Make it easy for a reader to see what value you added to each experience you were a part of.

Extracurriculars. If you’re a part of one or many extracurricular activities, it might be worth including a separate section detailing your involvement with each. Be sure to highlight the key skills you picked up from each experience to show how it relates to the job you’re applying for.

Skills . You’ve certainly acquired some skills during your time in college. Try to give a healthy mix of hard skills and soft skills . Hard skills are those you must be taught, and be tested or measured in some way. Soft skills refer to the intangible, interpersonal qualities that make you great to work with.

Where you can, add a bit of detail to flesh out each skill more fully. For example, if you put down “HTML” as a skill, give a brief description like “wrote webpages during a 3-month internship with XYZ Inc.”

Also, try to make sure that each soft skill you list comes with a correlating piece of data in your experience section. For instance, if you write that you have excellent communication skills , there better be some proof of those skills in action elsewhere on your resume.

Hobbies and interests . If you’re still not at a full page , you can consider adding relevant hobbies and interests. Even something seemingly irrelevant, like a love of working on miniature models, can paint a picture of a candidate who regularly hones her attention to detail in her free time.

Remember, every resume should be job-specific . You should b e tailoring it to each job you apply to. This will help you get noticed by hiring managers.

With that in mind, check out this current college student resume example:

Prateek Student

102 University Blvd. | University, CA 33409 | (555) 555- 5555 | [email protected] CAREER OBJECTIVE Dedicated outdoor education student with extensive teaching experience seeking hands-on internship opportunities.

PRE-PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE The Pool Pros, University, California Lifeguard Senior Manager and Educator (June 2015-May 2018

  • Managed over 100 lifeguards at three public pool locations.
  • Completed 20 training classes for lifeguard certification and recertification each season.
  • Organized and implemented water conservation and education classes for 50 students per season.

Outdoor Leadership Liaison and Leader, (August 2017- May 2018)

  • Organized outdoor excursions for 200+ university students.
  • Led training workshops for outdoor skills monthly to 20 students per workshop.
  • Kept communications between outdoor nonprofit leaders and university officials to ensure the safety of university students while on excursions.

National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Lander, Wyoming Wilderness Medicine and Rescue Semester Team Leader, (August 2018- May 2019)

  • Led 15 students on two semester-long wilderness immersion school expeditions.
  • Trained students in wilderness safety, leave no trace principles and each student completed Wilderness EMT certifications.

EDUCATION CERTIFICATIONS California State University , University, California Bachelor in Outdoor Education and a minor in emergency medical response GPA: 3.90 Graduated May 2018 Received NOLS scholarships for a semester abroad in India. Dean’s List all semesters.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) , California Licensure Wilderness EMT certificate expiration date May 2020 EMT certification expiration date May 2020 BLS Healthcare responder expiration date August 2021

Here is a college student resume template to help you get started on yours. Be sure to tailor your resume to fit your needs and the position you are applying for:

Your name [Address, City, State ZIP code]| [Phone Number] | [Email Address] | [LinkedIn Profile (optional)] CAREER OBJECTIVE Dedicated and motivated college student seeking [Internship/Part-time] EDUCATION [Degree Pursuing, e.g., Bachelor of Science in Computer Science] [University Name, City, State] [Expected Graduation Month, Year] [GPA: X.X/4.0] Relevant Courses [Course Name] [Course Name] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE [Job Title] [Company/Organization Name, City, State] [Dates of Employment] [Brief description of responsibilities and achievements] [Job Title] [Company/Organization Name, City, State] [Dates of Employment] [Brief description of responsibilities and achievements] EXTRACURRICULAR [Club/Organization Name, Position held, Dates] [Brief description of your role and contributions]

When writing a college student resume, you should include action verbs to help show what you did and be sure to keep your resume relevant to the job you are applying to. Here are some more tips to keep in mind when writing yours:

Use action verbs. Action verbs help you show a potential employer what you did. Some example action verbs to use are:

Proofread. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending your resume in without proofreading it first. Take an extra couple of minutes and read through your resume for any spelling or grammar mistakes. You can even have a friend or a professor look over it to catch anything you might have missed.

Choose the right format. You want your resume to be easy to read so make sure you choose a format that won’t get tossed aside because it has a million different fonts and colors. The top resume formats to use are chronological, functional, and combination.

Keep it relevant. You only want to add the relevant information. They won’t want to hear about your pottery club if you are applying for a tech company. Rereading the job description is a great way to know what relevant information you should include. This will

Get help. If you are completely stuck, ask for help. They have centers at most colleges that help with this kind of thing. They won’t judge you for having the wrong format or too much information. The entire point of college is to learn and get prepared for the workforce, and getting help is doing that.

Getting help will also give you feedback on how to improve your resume. Career centers are the best places to get help with resumes and cover letters .

Keep it to one page. Since you don’t have much experience, your resume should be one page long. If your resume is too long, potential employers will pass yours over. Keeping your resume to one page will also help you keep it relevant and concise.

Select the right font. The font that you use should be professional and easy to read. The most professional fonts are sans-serif or serif fonts and examples of those include Calibri, Helvetica, and Georgia .

What should be on a college resume?

A college resume should include education history, relevant jobs, extracurricular activities, leadership experience, and any skills relevant to the job.

Since college students may not have much work experience, it’s important to emphasize your education history and any relevant jobs that may have armed you with skills for the job you’re applying for.

You can also demonstrate your abilities by including volunteer work, internships, or extracurricular activities.

How do you write a resume for a college application?

The five things you need to write a resume for a college application are:

Your relevant contact information

Detailed education history and test scores



Any additional skills you’d like to share

These are the different sections required for a resume for a college application. Most sections are self-explanatory, but your experiences section might be a little tricky for some.

In this section, you have the opportunity to differentiate yourself because you’ll want to articulate more than your responsibilities. Focus on your accomplishments and provide numbers for context and scale.

Do you need a resume for college?

No, you don’t need a resume for college, unless a school specifically requests one. The items typically requested on a college resume are typically things that are asked on your college application.

However, resumes can be used to streamline this information and can be advantageous for those with extensive leadership achievements in and outside of the classroom.

A resume can also be used to tell a story, rather than just a list on an application, and can allow applicants to expand on experiences not mentioned in other places.

How can a college student make a resume for a first job?

A college student should include contact information, a resume summary, education, experience, skills, and any additional achievements on their resume for a first job. The candidate should have the relevant experience to draw on for an entry-level job by including all of this information.

Many managers hiring for entry-level jobs understand that college students may not have extensive work experience and will be looking for certain keywords throughout the resume that highlight education, experience, and skills.

Education can include your degree or any special training, experience may include work, volunteer, or internship experience, and skills may include anything that highlights a good fit for the open position.

How long should a college student’s resume be?

A college student’s resume should be one page. Resumes should be this length so that employers and hiring managers can review them quickly. Typically those looking to hire a candidate only have a few minutes to review a resume, so you should make sure it’s relevant and succinct, with all of your impressive information listed early.

Once you gain more experience, your resume may become longer but is typically only recommended for those applicants with over ten years of experience in the workforce.

How do you write a resume for college with no experience?

When writing a resume for college with no experience, be sure to emphasize your education instead. Your education and experiences in school will be key in helping you craft an effective resume for college. Be sure to include relevant internships, any soft or hard skills you possess, and projects you may be proud of.

You may also want to include hobbies, interests, certifications, languages spoken, or any additional achievements you may have received, whether they were in or outside of an academic environment.

What makes a college resume stand out?

Any relevant experience you have will make your college resume stand out. Your relevant experience may include any internships, volunteer positions, or extracurricular activities. To get an idea of what relevant experience you should include, reread the job description. This will include any keywords that you can add to help make your resume stand out more.

Adding any relevant awards or achievements can help your resume stand out. Awards and achievements help show any potential employer that you have the skills and abilities to do the work.

Writing a resume as a current college student is exciting because of the flexibility you have in crafting it. Every college student will have a unique resume and that’s a great thing because it helps you stand out from each other.

When writing a resume as a current college student, keep in mind that the best way to make your resume stand out is by taking advantage of the many opportunities being in college gives you.

Try new things: take on a new project or volunteer opportunity. It not only will help your resume but will also give you great pre-professional experience that will help you decide which career path you should take .

Harvard Extension School – Resume and Cover Letters

University of Pennsylvania – Undergraduate’s student resume samples

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Heidi Cope is a former writer for the Zippia Career Advice blog. Her writing focused primarily on Zippia's suite of rankings and general career advice. After leaving Zippia, Heidi joined The Mighty as a writer and editor, among other positions. She received her BS from UNC Charlotte in German Studies.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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How to Write a Resume for College Applications

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Watch the  Matriculate x CollegeVine webinar  to hear from Sarah (former Matriculate Advising Fellow and current Matriculate staff member) and a Matriculate alum – Wiralba (QuestBridge Match Scholar at Grinnell College) for tips on how to write a college resume. Here are some key takeaways:


(Start the video at 17:38 to learn more.) The short answer is, “Yes!” On the Common App, you can only add 10 activities to the Activity Section and use only 150 characters to describe them. By submitting your resume, you can share all of your activities with colleges and share far more details than 150 characters will allow. Note: Some colleges will not have the option to upload a resume to the application, in this case, use your resume as a guide to complete the Activity Section. Here’s advice from Common App on ‘Approaching the Activity Section.’


Unlike a professional resume, where the reader is looking for professional skills and experience, colleges are more interested in your scholastic achievements, awards, activities, athletics, clubs, leadership, community service, special talents, and other program participation .. *AHEM* Matriculate! 🙂 The college admission resume is designed to show how you spend time when you’re not sleeping, eating, or in school, and what you’re passionate about. 


Use this free college application resume template and verbs list to get started! Start the video at 4:12 to learn how to write the different sections of the resume.

Here are some key experiences to include on a college resume:

  • Volunteerism and Work Experience: While college resumes focus on your academics and how you spend time in school, the purpose of the Activity Section is to better know you as a student and how you spend time outside of the classroom – this includes your afterschool job, summer internship, and all volunteer work (even if it was a club requirement).
  • Leadership: Don’t forget to include your job title! In each activity description, if you‘ve had a specific job or leadership position, include that – for example: team captain, Vice President, Teacher’s Assistant, etc.
  • Family Responsibility: Many students have major responsibilities at home, including Home Health Aid, caring for younger siblings, etc – you should also include this in your resume!


Looking for advice on how to spend your summer and add more to your resume? Check out the CollegeVine x Matriculate webinar on “How to Make the Most of Your Summer.”


  • Scoir – The College Resume: A How-To Guide
  • College Essay Guy – How to Write a College Resume (+ Example Templates)
  • The Princeton Review – Write a High School Student Resume for College Applications


If you’re a high school junior and need free college application help – the Matriculate Class of 2025 Application is open until the end of August 2024. Students are accepted on a rolling basis – so if you apply today, you could be matched with your advisor within two weeks!

If you’re a younger student and need free college application help – join our mailing list  and be the first to get access to the application for your class.

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write a resume for college

Wiralba Pichardo 

Wiralba is a current junior at Grinnell College, a QuestBridge scholarship recipient, and a Matriculate High School Fellow alumna. Currently based in Barcelona for her study abroad program, Wiralba is a political science major with a concentration in education. She is very passionate about rural and urban education initiatives and bettering education. She loves cooking and is currently exploring saffron recipes.

write a resume for college

Sarah Oppenheim

S arah is from Bay, Arkansas and is the High School Fellow Recruitment Associate at Matriculate. Prior to this role, she was an Advising Fellow with Matriculate and graduated from Columbia University in 2021. In her free time, she loves kayaking, hiking, and trying new restaurants.

Matriculate © 2024 All rights reserved.

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How to write an entry-level resume.

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Senior Associate, JPMorgan Chase

write a resume for college

As a recent college graduate, you’ll likely have to craft an entry-level resume before you start applying for jobs . If you’re stressing over how to go about it, particularly because you don’t have much work experience to include at this stage in life, know there are ways to craft a resume to set yourself up to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers.

Just as a quick refresher, entry-level jobs usually refer to roles geared toward people entering the workforce for the first time – like recent college graduates. These roles are often designed for people who don’t have a lot of work experience.

Continue reading as we break down what to include on a resume if you’re an entry-level candidate, how long your resume should be, and more.

What do I include on a resume for entry-level jobs (and in what order)?

While there isn’t one resume template guaranteed to get every recent college graduate a job, there are some elements to consider including.

You may want to consider a specific order as you build your resume as an entry-level candidate that’s slightly different from what you’d do if you were further along in your career, too.

Your contact information

Make sure you have your contact information listed on your resume and that it’s easily accessible to anyone viewing it. If employers or recruiters want to contact you or refer you to another hiring manager, it’ll be important that they know a way to contact you and don’t have to dig around for that information. Many experts suggest that you put your contact information at the top of your resume.  

Your education and relevant coursework you’ve completed

“Early in your career, when you get out of school, your education needs to go on top,” Stacie Haller, Chief Career Officer at Resume Builder, told CNBC. “That flags you as entry-level.”

If you’re a recent college graduate, employers don’t expect you to have several full-time roles on your resume. They often want to see information about your education, your major, and any relevant coursework you have under your belt that may relate to the job you’re applying for. Depending on your college grade point average (GPA), you may want to include that information in this section as well.

Consider putting this section at the very top of your resume, underneath your contact information.

Professional experience

If you have internships, part-time, or even full-time roles under your belt, you'll want to build a section on your resume listing this experience. You may want to list each professional experience , with your title, the months or years you worked in each role, and key accomplishments for each.

Writing this section may feel tricky if you’re an entry-level candidate. You may not have work experience that feels relevant to the roles you want to apply for. Because of that, as you think through your work experience, consider thinking about the transferable skills you’ve gained with the work experience you do have. For instance, highlighting that you gained leadership, project management, or technical expertise may be as impactful to share with hiring managers as the tasks you were responsible for. Chances are you have more transferable skills than you think you do, too.

Relevant skills

You may consider including a relevant skills section on your beginner resume that includes a combination of technical and soft skills. From spreadsheet prowess to AP-style writing expertise, every industry prioritizes different skills, and you may have some of them without having gained them from work experience.

What top skills do recruiters and employers want to see on a beginner resume?

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), problem-solving is the number one skill employers seek on a candidate’s first job resume. In fact, according to the NACE’s Job Outlook 2024 report , 88.7% of employers said they value problem-solving skills, while less than half value skills and traits such as strategic planning, an outgoing personality, creativity, and fluency in a foreign language.

Other top skills employers look for from recent college graduates include:

  • Ability to work in a team (78.9%)
  • Written communication skills (72.7%)
  • Strong work ethic (71.6%)
  • Flexibility or adaptability (70.1%)
  • Verbal communication skills (67.5%)

If you’re applying for roles where a portfolio or personal projects may help showcase your skills, you may choose to include a portfolio link on your resume or figure out how to showcase a personal project.

Let’s say you’re applying for an entry-level social media content position. In this situation, if you’ve built up your own social media following, you may decide to highlight this on your resume, as well as the skills you’ve gained as you’ve done this.

Extracurricular activities and volunteer experience

In addition to listing your professional experience and skills, you may want to include an extracurricular activities and volunteer experience section . This section is where you can include that you participated in collegiate clubs, sports teams, theater, a volunteering role, or other activities you did during your time as a student (along with those outside of school).

Languages you speak

Some roles look for candidates who know another language besides English. If you speak another language other than English, you may want to consider including that information on your resume, as some hiring managers may find value in that.

What’s the best resume format for a beginner?

While there isn’t a “best” resume format that all successful job applicants or recruiters expect, several experts advise against one that includes your picture.

“You don’t want the reader to be distracted by your photo,” according to Amanda Augustine, a counselor at TopResume told CNBC .

Beyond that, stick to a clear and concise format that you think matches the experience and skills that you have to share. Keep the design simple and professional and avoid any distracting fonts or colors.

You may want to search online for a resume template to use as your base. There are many options to consider, and finding a template may be helpful as you go about crafting a resume.

How long should an entry-level resume be?

For entry-level job candidates, a resume should ideally be one page long. This length encourages conciseness and will allow you to focus on including only your most relevant experience. Keeping it to one page makes it easier for hiring managers to assess your qualifications quickly without having to sift through too much information as well.

As you progress in your career and gain more experience, you can then consider extending your resume beyond just one page.

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to writing a winning entry-level job resume. As you craft your resume, you may consider tailoring it to specific jobs you want to apply for. That may mean slightly changing language and what you’re choosing to highlight on your resume as you apply for jobs. 

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Master’s Student Resume Samples

Your resume is individual to you, your experiences, skills, and education. These sample resumes are not intended to be used as a template. The job/internship description defines the content of the resume; therefore, you will have more than one resume as you apply for various opportunities. Using action verbs , providing context/details, describing transferable skills, and including results/impacts in the bullet points of the experience section are key elements to an effective resume. In addition, it is important to think strategically about who will be reviewing your resume.  

The sample resumes below show both strengths and areas for improvement, which are listed to the right of the document. For more information and assistance with writing an effective resume, we recommend that you view the formatting checklist and resume resources below. We also have online resume books connected with career fairs , so be sure to upload yours in advance of the relevant fair. Finally, we encourage you to schedule an advising appointment on our Handshake platform to have your resume reviewed by Career Services.

Here are some general formatting guidelines to get you started with the formatting. Remember to always be consistent throughout the document:

  • Your margins are at least 0.65” on all sides and your font size is at least 10pt.
  • Your section headers are all spelled correctly (spellcheck does not automatically check words in ALL CAPS).
  • You have provided your official degree (e.g. “Candidate for Master of _____”).
  • You have included cities and states for each experience and formatted them consistently. (Make sure locations are listed in the same place for each experience and use two-letter state abbreviations).
  • All your experiences have dates, including months or seasons, and are formatted consistently. (Be especially mindful of alignment, spacing, how you abbreviate months, and dashes: – versus – ).
  • How to Write a Resume (Beyond Graduate School platform)
  • How to Modify Your Resume for Each Job (Beyond Graduate School platform)
  • 5 Resume Tips to Get You Started
  • 10 Ways to Improve Your Resume Today
  • How to Write Effective Resume Bullet Points
  • Making the Most of Targeted Resume to Robot-Proof Your Resume
  • Resume Tool Lesson on Big Interview

Also be sure to check out our Career Services YouTube Channel for more videos on resumes!

Resume Sample Type

Master of environmental studies (mes).

write a resume for college

Key Features:

  • One page with good, consistent formatting
  • Clear descriptions within the bullets and uses good action verbs to describe the skill/responsibility/project
  • Includes result/impact/outcome when possible
  • Dates placed on the right-hand side to keep the reader’s focus on the position title and experience – not when it was done

Advice we might give for this resume:

  • Include quantifiable elements that help to make the experiences more tangible and specific for the reader to understand
  • Include relevant coursework under the master’s program if the courses are related to the job position/field
  • Add a “graduate student” entry to the professional experience section to highlight key coursework or student projects, and the specific skills used to do them

Master of Public Health (MPH)

write a resume for college

Key Features for MPH resume:

  • 2 pages due to extensive experience and background
  • Clear descriptions within the bullets and uses good action verbs to describe the skill/responsibility/project.
  • Includes Presentations section given the nature of the field and if applicable for a research based role

Advice we might give for this MPH resume:

  • Move the dates from the degrees in the Education section to the right side (so that it is consistent alignment with the dates in the other sections)
  • Include relevant coursework under the Master’s Program in the Education section
  • Include a Summary Profile at top of resume to help give overview and highlights of experience

Master of Behavioral & Decision Sciences (MBDS)

write a resume for college

  • Put the Education section above the experience section since student is still enrolled in the master’s program
  • Add volunteer, leadership, or extracurricular experience if relevant to the position

School of Engineering & Applied Science

Sample SEAS resume 1

Master of Architecture

Click here for the design resume guide.

write a resume for college

  • One page in length
  • Clear descriptions within the bullets and uses action verbs to describe the skill/responsibility/project
  • Organizes the skills section by category
  • Includes Activities (Extracurriculars) section
  • Highlights honors/awards
  • Include result/impact/outcome when possible
  • Use different action verbs in the experience section (the same verbs were used a few times)

Master of Landscape Architecture

write a resume for college

Key Features

  • Includes Leadership Experience section
  • Highlights competitions/awards
  • Make sure font style is consistent throughout the resume (there are currently two different font styles being used)

Master of City Planning

write a resume for college

Advice we might give for this resume

  • Add volunteer, leadership, or extracurricular experience as a separate section if relevant to the position 

Master in Law

write a resume for college

  • Include quantifiable elements that help to make the experiences more tangible and specific for the reader
  • Includes Leadership Section
  • Dates placed on the right-hand side to keep the reader’s focus on the position title and experience– not when it was done
  • Include relevant coursework under the master’s program if the courses are related to the job
  • position/field
  • Include result/impact/outcome for each position (when possible)
  • Instead of just having descriptions of what was done under the experience section bullet points, describe the transferable skills in action

For more info on how to write a resume, click her e


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  6. 20 College Student Resumes + Complete Guide

    write a resume for college


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  2. Resume Tips

  3. Importance of Objective in CV or Resume

  4. Guide to effective Resume writing

  5. Resume Tips

  6. Guide to effective Resume writing


  1. College Student Resume Examples (With Template and Tips)

    2. Write a compelling resume objective. Your college resume should begin with a resume objective that showcases your key skills and ends with a statement of your career goals. As a college student, your resume objective is a key part of your resume to differentiate yourself from other students or even people with work experience vying for the ...

  2. College Application Resume for 2024 [With Examples, Tips & Template]

    Order Your Contact Information the Right Way #2. Write an Attention-Grabbing College Resume Objective #3. Put Weight on Your Education #4. Showcase Relevant Activities #5. Highlight Your Work Experience #6. Include Your Skills College application resume skills #7.

  3. College Student Resume: Examples, Template, & Tips

    To get your college job, you'll need a resume for college student that's damn compelling and dressed to the nines. But don't worry. This college student resume guide will show you: College student resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes. How to write a college student resume that gets more interviews.

  4. How to Write a Resume for College

    Step 3. Add your accurate information by section on your resume for college. Reference the college resume examples you reviewed previously to choose the sections you will use on your high school resume. Organize each list by year, placing the most recent item at the top of your resume for college.

  5. 9 Resume Tips for College Students (With Examples)

    9 college resume tips. When writing a resume for a job application as a college student or recent graduate, consider these tips: 1. Choose the right resume format. Potential employers spend a short amount of time looking at your resume—usually only several seconds. The easier your resume is to scan, the better you can hold their attention.

  6. College Resume

    A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements. College Student Resume Summary Example: Dependable marketing sophomore with 1 year part-time experience in a marketing internship to oversee marketing campaigns that maximise profit.

  7. College Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Profile Example. Motivated student with strong academic performance in high school, including an "A" average for mathematics. Demonstrated success in a leadership role through multiple school athletics and work activities. Naturally curious and eager to explore and understand new topics. 2.

  8. 20 College Student Resumes + Complete Guide

    Use action verbs like "owned" or "led" to highlight your leadership abilities. Numbers truly speak louder than words, especially on your resume. By providing numerical context around your work, you show your ability to contribute meaningfully to your workplace. Compare these two descriptions of an internship.

  9. How to Write a College Freshman Resume (Examples & Template)

    Major and level of degree. College name. Location of the school (including the city and state) Expected graduation date (both the month and year) Your GPA (but only if it's above 3.0) Any awards or honors. Also include the dean's list on your resume if you've made the list during your freshman year.

  10. How To Write a Resume for College Applications (With Sample)

    Use 1-inch margins on all sides of the document. Choose a readable font, such as Times New Roman or Georgia, in a 10- or 12-point size. Bold your name and section headers so colleges can scan key parts of your resume quickly. Use bullet points to structure your resume in a readable format.

  11. How to Write a Fantastic College Resume

    Acceptable margins are usually between one and 0.7 inches. Pick a readable font, like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and try not to go below font size 11. As a college student, stick to a one-page resume. However, you should consider keeping a longer version (called a master resume) for your own personal use.

  12. College Student Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    The trick is to choose and describe them correctly on your CV. Step 1: Create a master list. The master list is a free-form document — electronic or or even a piece of paper — where you write down every skill and quality you can think of. Keep your master list handy for reference whenever a new job opportunity arises.

  13. How to Write a Resume for College Applications

    You can see how this looks on our resume example below. But first, here are five essential tips on how to write a resume for college. 1. Include a Professional Email Address. A professional email address — perhaps [email protected], or a similar choice — sends the right message to colleges.

  14. Guide To Writing a Resume as a First-Year College Student

    1. Brainstorm your skills and experiences. As a first-year college student, your resume may be brief, but reflecting on your background may reveal which training, experiences and skills could be impressive to reviewers. Spend some time thinking about your achievements, skills, extracurricular activities, research projects, internships ...

  15. How to Write a Resume for a College Application

    For example, if you're applying to an arts-focused school, try starting your resume with a resume section called "creative accomplishments" or "artistic talents.". 2. Include resume keywords for your college resume. Use appropriate resume keywords when writing your college resume. Colleges and workplaces use applicant tracking ...

  16. How to Write a College Resume + Templates

    College Resume Template #3: Microsoft Word or Google Docs. College Resume Template #4: Microsoft Word or Google Docs. College Resume Template #5: Microsoft Word or Google Docs. College Resume Template #6: Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Note: To use these example college resume templates yourself: Click on the link, go to "File" > "Make a copy ...

  17. Recent College Graduate Resume Examples (Plus Writing Tips)

    Here are three expert tips for assembling the perfect job application as a recent college graduate: 1. Highlight your experience as a student. As a fresh graduate, your college education is your biggest asset in entering the job market. Employers understand that earning a degree requires a variety of marketable skills.

  18. How to Write a Resume When You're Still in College (With Examples)

    8. Get a friend to proofread. After staring at the same resume and cover letter for hours, it can be easy to gloss over your own writing and mistakes that a fresh pair of eyes can detect. After completing these documents, try a few proofreading tricks like reading them slowly and out loud. Then, ask for help!

  19. How to Write a Resume for College

    Use the basic details below as a starting point. Identify activities and accomplishments to include. Detail relevant academic accomplishments and work, internship or volunteer experience. Include ...

  20. 6 Tips for Your College Application Resume

    Calculate Your Chances for Free. 3. Keep it brief (one page) and easy to read. Your resume should be concise. Since you probably haven't accumulated a significant amount of experience as a teenager, you should keep it to one page (if you're an adult student, that's a different story).

  21. Resume Tips for Students and Recent Graduates

    How to Write a Resume Body: 8 Essential Tips. 1. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description. Tweaking your resume so that it aligns with the position is vital. Start by carefully reading the job description to identify keywords and key phrases. Next, insert these terms throughout your resume wherever applicable.

  22. College Freshman Resume [W/ Example & Writing Tips for 2024]

    Top ↑ College Freshman Resume Write Your College Freshman Resume With This Step-By-Step Guide #1. Format Your College Freshman Resume the Right Way #2. Add Your Contact Details #3. Write a College Freshman Resume Objective #4. Prioritize Your Education #5.

  23. How To Write A College Student Resume (With Examples)

    Name of your major/degree. The rest of the information is optional, but more is usually better (especially if the rest of your resume is light): GPA (if it's over 3.5) Minor (if relevant) Academic honors (Latin titles, Dean's List, Honors Programs, etc.) Merit scholarships. Publications and/or research.

  24. How to Write a Resume for College Applications

    Volunteerism and Work Experience: While college resumes focus on your academics and how you spend time in school, the purpose of the Activity Section is to better know you as a student and how you spend time outside of the classroom - this includes your afterschool job, summer internship, and all volunteer work (even if it was a club requirement).

  25. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design. ... Corissa is always looking for ways to create useful resources for job seekers, from writing job-specific resume samples to crafting in-depth articles on how to ace interviews. Corissa graduated from the University ...

  26. College Freshman Resume Example & Writing Guide

    So—. Use 1.15 line spacing in your college freshman resume and use a fresh, modern, 12 point font. Also use headings to help navigate the different content sections. After all, you have less than seven seconds to impress the recruiter. Go with the reverse-chronological resume format.

  27. Entry-Level Resume Tips

    As a recent college graduate, you'll likely have to craft an entry-level resume before you start applying for jobs.If you're stressing over how to go about it, particularly because you don't have much work experience to include at this stage in life, know there are ways to craft a resume to set yourself up to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers.

  28. Master's Student Resume Samples

    The job/internship description defines the content of the resume; therefore, you will have more than one resume as you apply for various opportunities. Using action verbs , providing context/details, describing transferable skills, and including results/impacts in the bullet points of the experience section are key elements to an effective resume.

  29. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps: Choose your template in Word. To create your resume from scratch, click "File" in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac).Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts.

  30. Juan Merchan

    Juan Manuel Merchan (born 1962/1963) is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. He is an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County (Manhattan). He presided over the 2024 criminal trial of former US president Donald Trump, in which Trump was convicted.Merchan is the first judge in history to preside over the criminal indictment and conviction of a US ...