Joel Schofer's Career Planning Blog

Neither the department of the navy nor any other component of the department of defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this blog., cv, military bio, and letter of intent templates.

Posted on July 26, 2017 Updated on May 18, 2020

Every nominative position requires you to submit a CV, military bio, and letter of intent (LOI), so I always have these documents ready. People are always e-mailing me and asking for templates, so here are some Word documents you can use as you see fit. I’ll also put them in the Useful Documents page .

For CVs there are many, many acceptable formats.  Here is my personal CV:

CAPT Schofer CV – 5 MAY 2020

Here is my military bio:

CAPT Schofer Military Bio – 5 MAY 2020

Here is an old LOI I’ve used:

CDR Schofer LOI

Here is a LOI template created by CDR Melissa Austin when she was an EA:

LOI Template

Here are the BUMED templates if you want a slightly different flavor:

CV Example – BUMED

Letter of Intent Example – BUMED

Military Biography Example – BUMED

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15 thoughts on “ CV, Military Bio, and Letter of Intent Templates ”

CDR Schofer. Two comments:

1) your personal cellphone is in your posted CV 2) double spaces still with a proportional font!?! –

in all seriousness, thank you for your blog as it’s been a great resource

Hey, no one said I was an English major. And I love talking to people…

CDR Schofer,

I continue to be impressed by your work with the MC Career Blog. It is a testament to your leadership and desire to help people grow in their professional lives. I joined the Navy 17 years ago, first spending 10 years in the line community as an NFO, and then laterally transferring to the MC.

I just completed a year as Chief Resident, and your website was a daily reminder of why I wanted to take on the role. I finally got my own website up and running after being inspired by you for the past few years.

Thank you for the motivation and inspiration to keep serving.

Wishing you all the best. Jason Valadao, MD LCDR MC USN Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton

[…] This PDF contains a list of necessary qualifications. Any interested applicant should submit a CV/BIO/LOI to CDR Frank Mullens at BUMED with Specialty Leader and Detailer […]

[…] interested parties need to send a current Bio and CV to CAPT Vincent L DeCicco, Deputy Medical Officer of the Marine Corps & Fleet Marine Force […]

[…] book). All interested parties need Detailer/Specialty Leader concurrence and should forward a CV/BIO and letter of intent (LOI) to their Specialty Leader by 15 November. The goal is to have the individuals identified by […]

[…] CV, BIO, and Letter of Intent needed for […]

[…] Action: Disseminate the request for Navy Medicine nominations for the 2018 MHS Female Physician Leadership Course nominees to the Regions, operational commands and BUMED Codes. Eligible nominees are female Navy physicians at the O-4-select, O-4, or junior O-5 levels (less than 2 years TIG). Navy Reserve Physicians are also eligible. Complete nomination packets are due by 05 JAN 2018. A complete packet will include the nomination form, a 250 word or less letter of endorsement from the nominator and the nominee’s CV. […]

[…] Interested candidates should send an e­mail to CAPT Thomas J. Nelson (e-mail address is in the global) no later than Friday, 29 December 2017 with the following attachments (templates available here): […]

[…] officers interested should submit packages (CV/BIO/contact info/Detailer concurrence) to CAPT Christopher Quarles (contact info in the global address […]

[…] Applications are due 31 MAR. CV, Bio, and Letter of Intent templates can be found here. […]

[…] CV […]

One is usually not allowed to use command letterhead unless you are the commander/CO or have by-direction authority and the purposes of the letterhead are representative as to the command as a whole. Most letters, then, also would require serialization.

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24 Biography Templates and Examples (Word | PDF | Google Docs)

Biographies serve as a fascinating lens into the lives of individuals, ranging from influential family members and historical figures to renowned personalities. Whether you’re a student, an aspiring writer, or someone captivated by the art of telling a life story , grasping the essential elements of a biography is vital. Writing a biography goes beyond compiling facts; it involves crafting a narrative that educates and inspires your readers. This guide provides you with practical steps, style advice, and, importantly, biography templates to assist you in structuring your work effectively. With these resources, you can start to create biographies that not only inform but also captivate your audience. Are you ready to capture the essence of a life story in words? Let’s delve into the fundamentals of crafting a compelling and memorable biography.

Biography Templates & Examples

Aesthetic Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Aesthetic Biography Template

An Aesthetic Biography Template is a carefully designed layout that allows individuals to present their personal and professional information in an organized and visually appealing manner. The template provided in the previous response offers a structured format for users to showcase their educational background, work experience, skills, and personal interests. This format is particularly useful for creating a compelling narrative of one's life and achievements, making it ideal for applications, personal websites, or professional profiles. The inclusion of sample data guides users on how to effectively fill out each section, ensuring clarity and coherence in presenting their unique story.

Short Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Short Biography Template

A Short Biography template is a structured format for summarizing an individual's personal, educational, and professional background. It offers a concise yet informative way to present one's achievements, skills, and experiences. The template provided above is designed to capture a wide range of details, from basic personal information to career highlights and skills. It is versatile and can be tailored to suit different situations, whether for a professional profile, a speaker introduction, or a personal website. The inclusion of sample data in the brackets makes it user-friendly, allowing for easy customization. This template serves as a useful starting point for anyone looking to create a clear and engaging biography.

Free Professional Bio Template

Professional Biography Template

A Professional Bio Template is a structured format designed to aid individuals in crafting a succinct and engaging biography that highlights their career achievements, skills, and personal qualities. This template helps users efficiently organize and present their professional story, ensuring that key elements like career milestones, skills, and personal interests are effectively communicated. This assists in creating a compelling bio that resonates with various audiences, such as potential employers or networking contacts, enhancing their professional presence and impact.

Free Personal Biography Template

Personal Biography Template

A personal biography template is a structured outline designed to guide individuals in documenting their life stories, achievements, and experiences. It provides a framework to organize personal details in a coherent and engaging manner. This template, created in our prior response, can assist users by simplifying the process of writing their biography. It offers a clear structure, ensuring that key aspects of one's life are highlighted effectively. This can be particularly useful for creating professional bios, personal introductions, or for preserving personal history.

You can explore more free biography templates and examples in the collection at Highfile . This resource offers a diverse range of templates suitable for various needs, whether for professional, personal, or academic purposes.

Biography Template #01

What Is a Biography?

A biography is an in-depth narrative of someone’s life, written by another person. It encompasses more than just basic facts like birthplace and education. A biography delves into the subject’s personal experiences, significant life events, and the influences that shaped their character and achievements. It’s not just a timeline of events; a biography weaves these details into a compelling story, offering insights into the individual’s motivations and impacts. The aim is to present a well-rounded portrait that is both informative and engaging, allowing readers to understand and empathize with the subject’s journey. A biography, in essence, is a vivid window into another person’s life experience, capturing their unique contributions and the essence of their existence.

Fun Fact: Did you know that one of the earliest biographies ever recorded was about an ancient Egyptian official named Ptahhotep around 2400 BC? This ancient biography was not written in a book but carved on the walls of his tomb, depicting his life and achievements. This highlights how the art of biography writing has been significant throughout human history, evolving from ancient carvings to modern digital formats!

Essential Elements of a Biography Template

Crafting a professional biography involves creating a concise yet comprehensive summary of your career objectives, current position, and notable achievements. This type of bio is ideally suited for professional networking platforms like LinkedIn or AngelList, where a more detailed and career-focused narrative is expected compared to the brief bios often seen on other social media sites.

Key Components to Include in Your Professional Biography:

  • Your Name : Clearly state your full name at the beginning.
  • Personal Brand or Company Affiliation : Mention your business or the brand you represent.
  • Professional Tagline or Current Role : Include your current job title or a tagline that encapsulates your professional essence.
  • Career Aspirations : Briefly outline your career goals or what you aim to achieve professionally.
  • Unique Personal Fact : Share an interesting personal detail that sets you apart.
  • Top Achievements : Highlight two or three significant accomplishments relevant to your professional trajectory.

While primarily professional in tone, don’t hesitate to weave in personal elements like a favorite book or hobby. This adds a human touch, making your bio more relatable and engaging. Remember, a well-rounded biography balances professional accomplishments with personal insights, creating a holistic view of you as both a professional and an individual.

How to Write a Biography

Writing a compelling biography requires a structured approach. Follow these steps to create an engaging and informative biography:

  • Choose a Subject : Select a person whose life story is interesting and impactful. Consider whether their contributions or experiences have the potential to inspire or connect with your audience.
  • Obtain Permission : If your subject is alive, obtaining their consent is crucial, as it involves discussing personal details. For deceased or public figures, ensure all information is factual to avoid legal issues.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Gather information from primary sources like interviews, letters, and personal accounts for an authentic portrayal. Complement these with secondary sources like documentaries and articles for additional context.
  • Formulate a Thesis : In the opening section, clearly state what the reader will learn from the biography. This thesis sets the stage for the narrative to unfold.
  • Organize Chronologically : Structure the biography in a timeline format, presenting events in the order they occurred. This helps in maintaining a clear narrative flow.
  • Incorporate Flashbacks : Skillfully use flashbacks to provide context or highlight significant past events, enriching the narrative without overloading it with background details.
  • Inject Personal Insight : While sticking to factual information, don’t shy away from adding your own perspective on the subject’s achievements and their societal impact. This adds depth and personal touch to the biography.

A good biography balances factual accuracy with narrative flair, bringing the subject’s story to life in a way that resonates with the readers.

Tips on Writing a Biography

Crafting a biography requires a blend of accuracy, creativity, and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to guide you in writing an effective biography:

  • Write in Third Person : Use the third person perspective for a professional and objective tone.
  • Inject Humor Appropriately : While maintaining professionalism, subtle humor can make the biography more engaging and relatable.
  • Be Mindful of Length : Keep an eye on the word count. A biography should be comprehensive yet concise enough to hold the reader’s interest.
  • Narrate a Story, Not Just Facts : Instead of listing events, weave them into a compelling narrative to make the biography more interesting and readable.
  • Include Relevant Links : Provide links to your work, projects, or publications to offer readers additional context and evidence of your achievements.
  • Provide Contact Information : Make it easy for readers to reach you by including up-to-date contact details.
  • Edit Thoroughly : Ensure your biography is free of errors and well-polished. Comprehensive editing enhances readability and professionalism.
  • Keep it Concise : Aim for brevity while ensuring all critical information is included. A succinct biography is often more impactful and memorable.

Important Note: Before diving into our FAQs, it’s crucial to remember that while a biography aims to be factual and accurate, it also requires a respectful approach, especially when dealing with sensitive aspects of a person’s life. As a biographer, your responsibility extends beyond mere storytelling; it involves ethical considerations, such as respecting privacy and presenting information in a manner that is fair and considerate to the subject and their family. Keep this in mind as you explore the frequently asked questions and embark on your journey of writing a biography.

For online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, a three-sentence bio should be concise yet informative. It should briefly introduce you, focusing on key aspects: Your Name : Start with your full name. Your Current Role : Mention your profession or the role you’re known for. A Notable Achievement or Personal Touch : Include a significant accomplishment or a unique personal detail (like a hobby or goal). This format ensures your bio is succinct but covers essential details.

A personal biography is a brief narrative focusing on your professional life, used for job searches or on professional platforms like LinkedIn. It’s slightly more detailed than a social media bio and should include: Your Name Personal Brand or Company : If applicable. Professional Tagline or Current Role Two or Three Key Achievements : Choose the most relevant and impressive ones. While primarily professional, feel free to add a personal detail like a hobby or favorite book to give a glimpse of your personality.

In a work-related bio, focus on aspects directly relevant to your professional life. This might be more detailed, including your career journey, key skills, and notable projects or roles you’ve held. Personal anecdotes or interests can be included if they relate to your professional persona or add value to your professional story. Remember, the context dictates the bio’s content and tone. Tailor it to suit the platform and the audience you are addressing.

When choosing a subject, consider individuals whose life stories are not only interesting but also have the potential to inspire or educate others. Look for unique experiences, significant achievements, or challenges they’ve overcome. Public figures, historical personalities, or even unsung heroes in your community can make excellent subjects.

Begin with an engaging opening that captures the essence of your subject’s life. This could be a pivotal moment, a significant achievement, or an anecdote that reflects their character. Starting with something compelling draws readers in and sets the tone for the biography.

Effective research methods include conducting interviews with people who know the subject well, reviewing primary documents like letters or diaries, and consulting reputable secondary sources for historical context. Online archives, libraries, and specialized databases are also valuable resources.

To maintain objectivity, present facts without bias, and avoid letting personal opinions color the narrative. Acknowledge different perspectives on the subject’s life, especially in controversial or unclear aspects. Being fair and balanced is key to a trustworthy biography.

Yes, you can write a biography about a family member. However, it’s important to balance personal insights with objective storytelling. Ensure you have enough distance to present their story truthfully and respect their privacy and perspective.

Approach sensitive topics with care and respect. Verify the accuracy of such information and consider its relevance to the overall story. Be mindful of the impact this could have on the subject and their family, especially if they are still living.

The length of a biography depends on the depth of the subject’s life story and the intended audience. Some biographies are short, focusing on key events, while others are comprehensive, covering the subject’s life in detail. Tailor the length to suit the story’s complexity and readers’ expectations.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a biography requires a thoughtful blend of accuracy and creativity to captivate and engage your readers. By focusing on these essential elements and following the outlined steps, you can transform a simple life story into a compelling narrative that holds the reader’s interest from start to finish. Whether you’ve always wanted to write a biography or are just beginning to explore this genre, this guide provides a solid foundation to embark on your biographical writing journey. Remember, a well-written biography not only informs but also inspires, offering a deeper understanding of the subject’s life and legacy.

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Graduates of Cornerstone will be able to serve as principle advisors, who are educated in organizational behavior theories, philosophies, techniques, and practices required to advise and assist battalion/squadron level commanders, and who possess the competencies and ethical grounding to serve in senior leadership positions.

More information can be found on the Lejeune Leadership Institute Cornerstone page at Academic-Programs/Lejeune- Leadership-Institute/ Commandants-Combined- Commandership-Course/SgtsMaj/

Cornerstone Documents

Logistical Information:

  • MCB Quantico Map


  • USMC Professional Resume and Biography Instructions
  • USMC Professional Resume Template
  • USMC Biography Template

Required Reading:

  • MCDP 1 Warfighting
  • MCDP 1-0 Operations
  • MCDP 2 Intelligence
  • MCDP 3 Expeditionary Operations
  • MCDP 4 Logistics
  • MCDP 5 Planning
  • MCDP 6 Command and Control
  • MCO 1200.17 MOS Manual
  • MCO 6100.13 Physical Fitness Program
  • MCO P1040.31J Retention Manual
  • MCO P1400_32D CH2 PT 1 Promotions Manual
  • MCO P1610_7F W CH 1-2 PES
  • MCO P1900.16F with CH 1 and 2 SEPSMAN
  • MCO P5060.20 W CH 1_1 Drill and Ceremony
  • MCO P5060.20 W CH 1_2 Drill and Ceremony
  • MCO P5060.20 W CH 1_3 Drill and Ceremony
  • MCO P5060.20 W CH 1_4 Drill and Ceremony
  • MCO P5800.16A CH 1-5 LEGADMIN
  • The Armed Forces Officer
  • Chosin - Chosin Introduction
  • Chosin - Commandership at the Chosin Reservoir Part A
  • Chosin - Commandership at the Chosin Reservoir Part B
  • Chosin - Commandership at the Chosin Reservoir Part C
  • Bastion - 1_AR 15-6 Bastion Investigation Report (Final-UNCLASS, 19 Aug 13)
  • Bastion - 2_The Untold Story of the Battle of Bastion (Aikins, GQ, Sep 13)
  • Bastion - 3_Inside the Sept 2011 Kabul USEMB Attack (Aikins, GQ, Mar 12)
  • 36th CMC Commandants Planning Guidance
  • 37th CMC FRAGO 01

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Director, SgtMaj James Foster (703) 432-5541

Course Coordinator (703) 432-5286

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  2. PDF Usmc Professional Resume and Biography

    - Select the printer called "Microsoft Print to PDF" or "Adobe PDF" - Click "Print" and a "Save As" window will open - Save the pdf to your computer as: Rank First MI Last Name - Adobe Printed - Saving your new pdf to a different name will keep your "fillable" pdf intact and your printed pdf will not be editable. Biography

  3. PDF Professional Resume For

    Date of Rank: Spouse Name: Children/Age: EDUCATION (Civilian & Military) MAJOR AWARDS & DECORATIONS. Ver PR-1.0

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  5. PDF EXAMPLE BIO Ira M. Engineer was born in North Wilkesboro, North

    erior performance of his duties. Enclosure (5)EXAMPLE BIO In August 2002, Sergeant Engineer received orde. to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego for Recruiter School. Upon graduation he was assign. d as a recruiter to Recruiting Station Hickory, North Carolina. Successfully completing his first year of recruiting, he was runner-up for ...

  6. DOC Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego

    ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ = l þÿÿÿ


    Airlift Wing (Air Mobility Command). Official photograph. The official photograph is placed in the 3.2" upper right corner of the biography, below the banner, aligned with the top of the first paragraph, and flush with the right margin. The source photograph file should be of high resolution in a standard 8" x 10" or 5" x 7" format.

  8. How To Write a Marine Corps Resume (With Template and Example)

    Follow these seven steps to help you write a resume for the Marine Corps: 1. Input your personal contact information. Start your resume by inputting your personal contact information. This is to help the hiring party know how to address you and so they can contact you about a potential job interview.

  9. CV, Military Bio, and Letter of Intent Templates

    Here is my military bio: CAPT Schofer Military Bio - 5 MAY 2020. Here is an old LOI I've used: CDR Schofer LOI. Here is a LOI template created by CDR Melissa Austin when she was an EA: LOI Template. Here are the BUMED templates if you want a slightly different flavor: CV Example - BUMED. Letter of Intent Example - BUMED

  10. Military Bio Format

    1) Be brief. The standard military bio format is roughly 200 - 300 words when written and no longer than 60 seconds when read aloud. 2) Write in third person but use first person when reading it aloud. Third person would be like this: "Jane Smith trained with", while first person would be like this: "I trained with".

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    ss Personal Email AddressCapt T arr was commissioned on 26 May 2006 through the Un. ed States Naval Academy. Following the Basic School, he attended Infantry Offic. Course in Quantico, VA. In April 2007, Capt Ta rr was assigned as Platoon Commander, Rifle Platoon, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marine. aboard Camp Lejeune, NC.As a Rifle ...

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    A personal biography template is a structured outline designed to guide individuals in documenting their life stories, achievements, and experiences. It provides a framework to organize personal details in a coherent and engaging manner. This template, created in our prior response, can assist users by simplifying the process of writing their ...

  14. Cornerstone

    USMC Professional Resume Template; USMC Biography Template; Required Reading: MCDP 1 Warfighting; MCDP 1-0 Operations; MCDP 2 Intelligence; MCDP 3 Expeditionary Operations; MCDP 4 Logistics; MCDP 5 Planning; MCDP 6 Command and Control; MCO 1200.17 MOS Manual; MCO 6100.13 Physical Fitness Program;

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  16. PDF Current Photo Is Example

    UNCLASSIFIED Biography. [Military: Brief intro paragraph (~4 lines), detailing where you grew up, how you entered service (enlistment, academy/ROTC/OCS, etc), higher education source and focus area (as applicable), and/or any relevant professional, details not captured below.] [Civilians/contractors: Brief intro paragraph (~4 lines), detailing ...

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    The Platoon Commander's Notebook is a field ready tool used by Commanders to maintain and develop their Marines: Physical, mental and moral welfare. Discipline and military training. We will provide sample documentation that can be used to assist the chain of command with a: History of performance. Writing awards.

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    Release Statement (3) Additional Correspondence (As Required) Per the reference, Corporal Charg. is eligible and recommended for meritorious promotion. sergeant. Accordingly, the enclosures are submitted as required. Corporal Charger's height and weigh. are ____ inches and ____ pounds (body fat if not within standards). SNM last too.

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    HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS . 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON . WASHINGTON DC 20350-3000 . MCO 1070.1 . MMRP . 14 May 2019 . MARINE CORPS ORDER 1070.1 . From: Commandant of the Marine Corps .

  22. PDF Bio Instructions/Template

    Mr. Gramp was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in August 2020. His career experience includes significant roles in all aspects of engineering and acquisition and spans ten years of civil service and more than ten years in industry with an emphasis on software system engineering and development. Previous assignments included the Deputy ...

  23. Biography

    Administration and Resource Management. Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. Casualty (MFPC) Funeral Honors. Investigation Tracking. Long Term Assistance Program. Marine Corps Gold Star Representative. Repatriation (POW & MIA) Program. Casualty Assistance Command Representative (CACR) (CAC Enabled)