How do students submit an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?

Test-Taking Tips - In order to avoid potential problems during an assessment, it is recommended that you:

  • Use a supported web browser, such as the most recent version of Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer.
  • Make sure that you DO NOT have multiple windows or tabs open while testing.
  • Make sure that you have a dependable internet connection; wired rather than wireless if possible.
  • DO NOT use your browser back and forward buttons. Always navigate within Sakai.
  • For timed tests, remember that once you begin the test, the timer will continue to count down.  This is true if you lose internet connection, your browser crashes, or you simply exit and close your browser window.
  • Make sure that you only click on the Begin Assessment button ONCE when starting a test.
  • Make sure that you only click on the Submit for Grading button ONCE when submitting a test.

Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click on the title of the assessment.

Click on the title of the assessment.

In the Assessments section, click on the title of the assessment that you want to take.

Note: Assessments which are past the due date but still available for late submissions will appear in the list with the Due Date/Time shown in red. Assessments which are not currently available do not show up in the Assessments list at all.

Or, your instructor may have linked to the assessment from other tools in the course, such as Lessons.

Or, your instructor may have linked to the assessment from other tools in the course, such as Lessons.

Click on the link to the assessment to go to that item.

Begin assessment.

Begin assessment.

An introductory screen will display which contains summary information about the assessment, its due date, the time allowed for the test, and the number of submissions allowed.

If your instructor has enabled it for your assessment, you must check the box next to the Honor Pledge before you can begin.

When you are ready to start your assessment, click Begin Assessment .

Note: Make sure that you are ready to begin your test before clicking Begin Assessment. If it is a timed test, you will need to submit your test within the time limit or else it will be automatically submitted when your test time expires.

Answer each question.

Answer each question.

  • If allowed in the quiz settings, you may click the Table of Contents button to jump to a different question in the assessment.
  • If the test is timed, the time remaining will display at the top of the assessment. You may click the Hide/Show Time Remaining button to show or hide the count-down clock.
  • The question will display below the count-down clock. Select your response or enter it into the fields provided.
  • If allowed in the quiz settings, the Question Progress panel will appear on the right side of the screen. This panel will display your progress of answered and unanswered questions as you go through the assessment. You may also navigate through the assessment by clicking on the question numbers in the panel. Expand or collapse the panel by clicking on the Question Progress tab.
  • If allowed in the quiz settings, you may use the Previous button to go back to an earlier question.
  • After you have answered the question, click Next to save your response and advance to the next question.
  • You may also click Save on any question to save your answer.

Save and Submit.

Save and Submit.

When you have answered all of the questions in the assessment, click Save and then Submit for Grading .

Confirm submission.

Confirm submission.

You will be prompted to confirm that you are ready to submit the test. Click Submit for Grading to submit your assessment.

Click Continue.

Click Continue.

Once you submit, you will see a submission information page with a confirmation number for your submission.

Click Continue to return to the Tests & Quizzes page.

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unisa quiz assignment

Conducting MCQ Assessments

unisa quiz assignment

The following steps will guide you on how to complete an MCQ exam assessment:

Note: Use landscape mode on your mobile device if you are unable to see the question section .

  • Open the MCQ (Quiz) assessment.

unisa quiz assignment

The following video will guide you through all the steps listed above:   


NO, they are not, but is strongly advised that you attempt and submit all of the assignments. Research done at Unisa has shown that students who submit assignments has a far better chance of success because:
• assignments ‘force' students to work throughout the year, which in turn makes it possible to identify problems early;
• students build up a year mark, which might prove to be valuable if something goes wrong in the exams.
• the course, especially this one, may prove be to difficult to ‘cram' in the two weeks before exams.

Will the assignments contribute towards the final mark?
According to UNISA regulations, the assignments may count a small percentage of the final mark. In this course, our assignments can contribute a maximum of 15% to the final mark. The reason why it cannot be more than 15% is that we have no guarantee that the work submitted is the student's own work. Also, we allow students to work in groups, which implies that the work submitted is not entirely the own work of the student who submitted the work. However, we acknowledge the fact that most students work throughout the year and recognise your effort by making the assignments count. In most other courses at UNISA, assignments do NOT count towards the final mark, but simply serve as an entrance requirement for the examinations.

The maximum of 15% is allowed by letting each assignment count 5% of the final mark.

Nothing really, students will not be disadvantaged if they do not submit assignments. For this certificate course, ALL students have automatic entrance to the examination. If you have not submitted any assignments, you will simply have not year mark, and as a result, your examination mark will be the final mark. On the other hand, if you don't submit all the assignments, for example, If you submit only 1 of the 3 assignments, your year mark will only make up 5% of your final mark. We have a policy in this course, not to disadvantage students through their year mark, but use it to help them. For example, if your year mark is average (say 60%) and you gets 80% in the exams, your year mark will be disregarded.

If you have Internet access, please introduce yourself to the rest of the class on the discussion forum under the "Hello..."-thread. The reason for this assignment is twofold. First, it ensures that you have proper access to our discussion forum and knows how to use it. The second reason for introducing yourself is to get to know the rest of your classmates. Experience has told us that students benefit a lot by communication with their fellow students! If you have Internet access, please make sure that you become part of this group.

There are THREE formal assignments for each module (four in total). The first two assignments are comprised of multiple choice questions. All assignments must be submitted ON or BEFORE a specified due date for marking. NO late assignments will be marked. Due to the tight time constraints of fitting everything into a semester, we will NOT be able to consider late assignments for marking. If you cannot make a due date, remember that it will not be counted against you - you can only benefit by submitting it in time.

(Prepare for submission)

Many people find it easier to work from paper than to work from a monitor. Web-based students might therefore find it easier to first print out the assignment before working on it.

You can use a copy of our DUMMY ANSWER SHEET, (found at the end of this document) to assist you in preparing your answers for submission. For each question, select only the BEST possible answer, and write down the number of that answer next to the question number eg. (1.) 4. Complete all questions on your dummy answer sheet. If you intent to submit your answers electronically, keep your dummy answer sheet ready.

If you are a correspondence student without Internet access, use one of the computerised mark-reading sheet that you have received with your registration papers, and carefully complete the mark-reading sheet from your dummy answer sheet.

(Prepare for submission)

Assignment 3 is a practical exercise based on the entire course. For this exercise, you will have to install (if you have not yet) and use the XML Spy editor that accompanied your textbook. You are expected to do the exercises, PRINT them and submit them through SOL or through postal mail. Only printouts of your practical work will be considered.

Please remember that submission must be ON or BEFORE the due date. If there is a consistent problem with the Unisa-servers two days prior to the due date, we automatically extend the due date for a week (Also the section on Possible Problems). Remember that the automatic extension of one assignment does NOT imply extension of the follow-up assignments, you must therefore continue with your study programme as initially planned and not adjust your schedule according to the new date.

Using this method, the assignment must be admitted through the SOL server ( Do NOT e-mail your assignment to the lecturers please since it cannot be marked by the computer program which marks the incoming assignments.

Put your assignment in a Unisa envelope and post it to Unisa. (Use the services and procedures booklet, that you have received with your registration papers if you have any queries in this regard.

All multiple choice assignments are marked electronically as a batch on a predetermined date. The system does NOT mark assignments as they are submitted, but all are marked at the same time as a single batch. This means if your assignment is not part of the batch it will not be considered for marking. The Assignment Department publishes the results of the marked assignment on SOL or send it by postal mail to correspondence students.

Assignment 3 is marked by hand. Our response will be sent back to you as soon as possible. Remember, since this assignment is due a few weeks before the examination, it will NOT be possible to extend the submission date, as this will not allow us enough time to assess and return your work.

Because the first two assignments are marked by batch processing, we cannot arrange for the marking of individual assignments. It is therefore very important that you submit your assignment ON or BEFORE the due. Please DO NOT ask for extension to submit an assignment. Because we cannot arrange for individual assignments to be marked, we also cannot grant extension. If you miss an assignment, please start working on the next assignment. The date of marking is usually set THREE days after the due date.

As explained in the previous section, we can unfortunately also not accept any late submissions for Assignment 3. Please be on time to be eligible for improving your term mark.

Can students work together in groups?
Absolutely! You may work together in groups, as long as each person submits his or her own work. The electronic submission does not make room for group submission, therefore each person in the group has to submit an assignment.

unisa quiz assignment

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unisa quiz assignment

How do I access my assignments?

You can access you assignments via the LearnOnline unit content page.  Information on using LearnOnline can be found on the  LearnOnline help website .

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  13. Assignments

    Assignments. Assignments help lecturers to see whether you understand the module, and they help you to learn the work and prepare for exams. They're critical and compulsory - you won't be allowed to write the examination unless you've completed the relevant assignments. Last modified: Mon Aug 07 11:29:56 SAST 2023.

  14. myExams Frequently Asked Questions

    Open myUnisa at On the myUnisa page, click on the myExams button in the bottom right Important links box. On the myExams portal click on the date your assessment is scheduled as per your exam timetable.

  15. General information about assignment submission

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    1. Open myUnisa at 2. On the myUnisa page, click on the myExams button in the bottom right Important links box as per the image below. 4 3. ... On the modules exam page select the MCQ (Quiz) or Take Home (Assignment) assessment. 10. You can now review the assessment information and start. Author:

  17. Assignments

    According to UNISA regulations, the assignments may count a small percentage of the final mark. In this course, our assignments can contribute a maximum of 15% to the final mark. The reason why it cannot be more than 15% is that we have no guarantee that the work submitted is the student's own work. Also, we allow students to work in groups ...

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  21. Do your assessments

    To check that Unisa has received your assignment, login to myUnisa, click on "myAdmin", "Assessment Admin" and then "Assignments submission". Types of assessments. Multiple-choice assessments: You should submit multiple-choice assessments online via myUnisa. Always ensure that your answers to multiple-choice questions are ready before ...

  22. Results

    Assignment results can be obtained by. logging into your myUnisa to view your results online OR. Enquire via email to the email address: [email protected] (indicate your student number in the subject heading) Portfolio assignments. As part of your assessment you may be asked to submit a Portfolio.

  23. How do I access my assignments?

    How do I access my assignments? Published 25/01/2017 09:50 AM | Updated 25/01/2022 01:57 PM You can access you assignments via the LearnOnline unit content page.