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Postgraduate research theses contain ‘a wealth of data… which can shed light on very interesting areas’ (The British Library, 2014).

You can find theses submitted by University of Manchester postgraduate research students from the late 19th Century to the present day using the Library Search box above. Or try the Advanced Search for more options (select 'Theses' from the drop-down list for ‘Material type’).

Follow the links below for more information about accessing theses submitted by Manchester researchers, as well as theses from authors all over the world.

Access to British Library EThOS - March 2024

Access to British Library EThOS  is currently unavailable due to a major technical outage affecting several of their online services.

View news and updates on the British Library website

The Beyer Building

Manchester eTheses

Doctoral theses submitted from 2010 onwards which are currently Open Access are available to view via the University’s Research Explorer.

Alan Gilbert Learning Commons

eTheses submission

Supporting Postgraduate Research Students, Supervisors and Administrators with the submission of electronic theses.

Student in laboratory setting

Search ProQuest for digitised pre-2010 Manchester theses, as well as over four million theses and dissertations from institutions around the world.

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Theses Library Guide

Consult our Theses Library Guide for guidance on how to locate and access theses from UK and International institutions.

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Faculty of Graduate Studies

Drive the University towards National and International Recognition in Research and Innovation

The Nation which does not Create New Things will not Rise

Our Research is in Creating new Value and We Take Due Care in Pursuing the Mission

Creating an Oasis for Research

Make University of Moratuwa as your Research Destination!

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Application Guide

Online application, multidisciplinary research centers, expression of interest on research degrees.

News & Events

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VISITOR TALK - End-User Design in Prosthetic Research

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Inaugural Lecture Series - 26th Inaugural Lecture (Prof. (Mrs.) Galhenage A. Sewvandi)

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Research Lounge #21

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Research Lounge #20

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Inaugural Lecture Series - 24th Inaugural Lecture (Prof. Thanuja Sandanayake)

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Inaugural Lecture Series - 23rd Inaugural Lecture (Prof. Bandara Abeysinghe)

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19th Research Lounge

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MSc Students

MPhil Students

PhD Students

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“BOLGODA PLAINS” is to give a voice to the University of Moratuwa Researcher. Our eco-system spans 6 faculties with 35 departments and 9 centers. Communicating and dissemination are key ingredients of any research endeavor. The goal of the magazine would pursue is in realizing the impact the society expects.


Research Lounge

Research Lounge is a Meeting Space where in-depth discussions will take place among resource person/s and students. Students will have opportunities to get knowledgeable advice, consult and feedback when they discuss their issues and concerns.


Lighthouse Talk

With every research experience you will gain new skills to do your research activities, learn more about the different types of environments you enjoy being in, further explore their strengths and interests, and test out your motivation to further study in a field or discipline.

Lighthouse talk provide opportunity to listen to a wide range of research experties.


Inaugural Lecture Series

An inaugural lecture highlights unique contributions of a newly promoted Professors on their field, and also draws attention to the fact that they have developed others as researchers while doing so. The lecture in a specialized area and widely accessible, so that it will get the attention, not only of others working in general area of interest, but also that of the wider public.

You'll need to visit the application portal and you will be able to start the application form and upload all your supporting evidence. Application Portal

You can follow our recorded sessions through below link. Recorded Sessions

Once you complete your bachelor's degree, it's time to engage with a research degree if you are in a thrust to grow your future with research in any interested field. The very first stage to engage with UoM research is to find a potential supervisor who is doing in the same field you are interested. Recorded Sessions

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The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More

Faculty of Graduate Studies

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University of Manitoba

University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2

Format your thesis or practicum

The University of Manitoba requires that all theses and practica reasonably conform to the following specifications.

Style manual

Select a standard style manual recommended by your department. Always use the latest edition available. If there is a conflict between these UM instructions and the style manual chosen, follow the UM instructions. 

Manuals recommended by the Faculty of Graduate Studies include but are not limited to:

  • American Psychological Association, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations
  • The Modern Language Association of America, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
  • University of Chicago Press, The Chicago Manual of Style

American, Canadian or British spelling is acceptable. Use one style consistently throughout the document.

Format for prefatory pages

The title must be a meaningful description of the content of the research. The author’s name should be in full, identical to the name under which they are registered and be consistent on all other documents.

The title page should contain:

  • the title of the thesis or practicum
  • the name of the university
  • the degree for which the thesis or practicum is submitted
  • the name of the unit
  • the full name of the author
  • the universal copyright symbol ©.

View sample title page .

The abstract provides a concise account of the thesis or practicum. It should contain a statement of the problem, methods, results and conclusions.

Abstract maximum length: 350 words for either a Master’s or PhD thesis.


The content of this single page is left to your discretion. You may make reference to your advisor and advisory committee members and other people who have provided invaluable assistance to the during thesis or practicum development. Include here any financial assistance received to conduct the research.

You are allowed one dedication page.

Table of contents

The table of contents must list and provide page references for all elements of the thesis or practicum. The numbering and format must be identical to the way the material appears in the text. Page numbers should be right justified.

View sample table of contents .

List of tables

The list of tables immediately follows the Table of Contents and should follow the same format. This list includes the number of each table, its title, and its page number.

List of figures

The list of figures immediately follows the list of tables and should follow the same format as the Table of Contents. The list includes the number of each figure, its title, and its page number.

Format for body of thesis

The entire thesis or practicum must be in the same text font, style and size.

The margins must be consistent throughout the thesis or practicum (including appendices, diagrams, maps, photographs, charts, tables, etc.

Page numbers

Number each page in the thesis or practicum consecutively. Illustrative pages must also be numbered.

Footnotes, references and appendices

Follow the instructions in the style manual recommended by your unit. No matter which style manual you use, it is important that you be consistent with your format.

Figures, illustrations, photographs and design drawings

Illustrative material.

All illustrative material should be consistent throughout the thesis or practicum. All figures, illustrations, photographs and drawings must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and be accompanied with a title. The material should appear as soon after as it is mentioned in the text. All original materials should be of high quality, with sharp and clear images.

Layout of tables and figures

Each table and figure must have a number and title and appear at the top or bottoms of the table or figure. They must conform to the margin requirements of the thesis or practicum. If the table or figure is oversized, reduce it in size in such a way that it remains clearly legible. The title of the table or figure should be as short as possible and indicate the major focus of the material within the table or figure.

Consent and copyright

Consent and access to information forms.

Sample copies of consent forms used to obtain consent from participants to take part in the information gathering procedures for the thesis or practicum must be included in an Appendix. Ensure you remove any personal information from the submitted form.

In some cases, approval from an agency or institution or corporation may have been required before the information gathering procedures could proceed. Ensure you retain the original approval form for access and submit a copy to the Faculty of Graduate Studies upon completion of your thesis or practicum.

Use of copyrighted material

If the thesis or practicum includes copyrighted material from other sources, you may need permission from the copyright holder(s) to use the material.

For more information see Copyright Support for Students or contact the Copyright Office at [email protected] .

Formatting a grouped manuscript thesis (sandwich thesis)

A “sandwich” or grouped manuscript style of thesis or practicum consists of a paper or collection of papers, which are published or are soon to be published.

The number of papers to be included will be determined by you and the advisory committee. The formatting must be consistent throughout and cannot merely consist of several papers or articles contained within the one document.

This style of thesis and practicum must follow all of the formatting rules for a regular thesis, except that each paper within the thesis will follow the style manual of the publication in which it appears.

Publication, or acceptance for publication, of research results prior to the presentation of the thesis and practicum does not supersede the evaluation of the work by the examination committee; i.e., it does not guarantee the thesis and practicum will be found acceptable. Examiners may specify revisions regardless of the publication status.

Components of the grouped manuscript thesis

There must be an introductory chapter to the entire thesis or practicum, that precedes any of the papers. The  papers or articles must contribute toward the overall theme that represents the thesis  or practicum work and must be smoothly integrated into the flow of the thesis or practicum to produce a unified document. This may require changes or additions to, and rewriting of, any work that has already been published.

The introductory chapter must explain the connection between the different chapters. This provides a logical link of the integration of the information. Not including an explanation of how the chapters connect may compromise the ability of the examiners to evaluate the work. 

The thesis or practicum must contain a concluding chapter that includes a discussion on how the entirety of the thesis or practicum, with its findings, provides a distinct contribution to knowledge in the research area.

In the case of multi-authored papers, the nature and extent of the student or candidate’s contribution, and those of the other authors, must be specified in a section of the thesis or practicum entitled "Contributions of Authors".

Malaysian Government


thesis format uom

thesis format uom

Guide to Thesis Preparation

thesis format uom

Updated:: 09/12/2022 [aslamiah]

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Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang ,Selangor

Contact List by Unit Staff and Services



  1. UOM Thesis Guide

    thesis format uom

  2. How To Write A Dissertation Undergraduate

    thesis format uom

  3. 免费 Sample Thesis Title Page

    thesis format uom

  4. Thesis template v1.3 usm library

    thesis format uom

  5. MPhil PHD Thesis Templete Sept. 2018 UOM Approved

    thesis format uom

  6. Thesis/Dissertation Template for University of Malaya Template

    thesis format uom


  1. Social Engineering

  2. Panamera Sport Turismo eHybrid

  3. Art Farmer & The Baroque Orchestra

  4. नयाँ EMIS मा Mark wise,Grade wise ledger,Grade sheet,cumulative & control sheet निकाल्ने तरिका |EMIS

  5. How to Format Thesis Reference List…? 🤯

  6. Briefing of FYP Thesis Format


  1. PDF 4. Physical Format and Layout of Dissertations and Theses

    A thesis is the written document that results from a period of supervised research at the University. It reports on new findings and implications of research undertaken, set in the context of the earlier work of others and making appropriate reference to those previous studies and results that have influenced the conduct of work. A thesis must ...


    The submission of project proposal/synopsis and dissertation is guided by binding regulations, as laid down in the current UOM Regulations. The table below is included here as an aide-mémoire to the regulations of the University. You are advised to seek guidance from your supervisor(s) if needed. Project Proposal/.

  3. PDF University of Moratuwa

    2.7 Binding 2.7.1. Cover Page: See the Appendix - I for the format of the cover page.Lettering on Cover should be in GOLD. 2.7.2. Draft: The draft to be submitted to the examiners should be soft bound and the number of copies should be as specified by the department. 2.7.3. Final Submission: The final corrected copy of the thesis/dissertation must be free from typographical, grammatical and ...

  4. PDF University of Moratuwa

    A thesis is a dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, as a requirement for an MPhil or a PhD degree. All postgraduate students at the University of Moratuwa should follow the under mentioned instructions before preparation of their higher degree theses and dissertations. Undergraduate students, who are required ...

  5. PDF Handbook for Postgraduate Research Degree Candidates

    Studies (FGS), University of Moratuwa (UoM). This version outlines only the basic academic aspects that are important for prospective and current graduate students. We plan to update this with further details as well as more information on graduate student life at the University. This handbook has been prepared with the graduate student in mind.


    A Transfer Report/Thesis Declaration Form (RDDC) will have to be filled in and submitted together with the RDE1 form. A two- page abstract duly approved by the main supervisor must be attached with the forms. (ii) If a student intends to submit his/her thesis or has submitted the thesis, but does not obtain the supervisor's

  7. Search theses (The University of Manchester Library)

    You can find theses submitted by University of Manchester postgraduate research students from the late 19th Century to the present day using the Library Search box above. Or try the Advanced Search for more options (select 'Theses' from the drop-down list for 'Material type'). Follow the links below for more information about accessing ...

  8. PDF Chapter 7

    UoM premises would need the prior approval of the supervisor(s). Students should fill in the Project Proposal/Synopsis (Annex 1) and the Project Progress Log (Annex 2) and same should be attached to the thesis in a permanent manner in order for the thesis to be considered as receivable. However there would be flexibility at Departmental level ...

  9. UOM Thesis Guide

    UOM Thesis Guide - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka "Thesis Gude"

  10. PDF Thesis Style University of Malakand (1)

    Microsoft Word - Thesis Style University of Malakand (1) Initally three copies of ring binded thesis should be submitted by the candidate for. evaluation and will become the property of University of Malakand. Text throughout the. document should be in times new roman, font size 12 and line spacing 1.5. The size of the.

  11. Faculty of Graduate Studies

    Thesis and Dissertation Guideline; Research Proposal Template (MPhil/PhD Only) Justification form for Higher Similarity Index; Grammarly, Writefull Booking Guideline ... The very first stage to engage with UoM research is to find a potential supervisor who is doing in the same field you are interested. Recorded Sessions. Engage, Connect, and ...

  12. Theses & Dissertation

    Free Online Theses and Dissertations. Australasian Digital Theses program. Canadian theses. Caltech THESIS. Follow us. E-Theses Repository, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.


    6. S EXAMINATION6. 6.1 IntroductionThe procedures apply to all programmes of study by research where assessment is entirely by thesis, possibly supplemented by a viva voce examination (for PhD candidates), wher. ecessary/advisable. They set out the framework for study for research degrees and the condi.

  14. Thesis & Dissertation

    University of Moratuwa Theses and Dissertations by University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at University of Moratuwa Theses and Dissertations Collection, University of Moratuwa Library.

  15. Dissertation Format Uom

    Dissertation Format Uom - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation, specifically regarding adhering to the stringent formatting guidelines of the University of [University Name], referred to as Dissertation Format UOM. It notes that students often struggle with balancing the academic/research ...


    thesis and therefore excludes the table of contents, list of figures, tables and schemes, declaration form (if any), acknowledgements and appendices. The report should be in the same format as the MPhil thesis, given in section 4.0 above. It should include a concluding chapter as well as the future plan of work. In addition, any

  17. Guidelines

    A thesis is a dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, as a requirement for an MPhil or a PhD degree. All postgraduate students at the University of Moratuwa should follow the under mentioned instructions before preparation of their higher degree theses and dissertations. Undergraduate students, who are required ...

  18. Format your thesis or practicum

    Format. The entire thesis or practicum must be in the same text font, style and size. Margins. The margins must be consistent throughout the thesis or practicum (including appendices, diagrams, maps, photographs, charts, tables, etc. Page numbers. Number each page in the thesis or practicum consecutively. Illustrative pages must also be numbered.


    7.1 IntroductionThe procedures apply to all programmes of study by research where assessment is entirely by thesis, supplemented by a viva voce examination online (for all PhD candidates), They set out the framework for study for research degrees and the condi. mission of the ThesisMPhil/PhD Students will be expected to publish at least one ...

  20. Theses & Dissertations Collection

    The UOM dissertations are listed in the catalogue under the subject Thesis and Dissertations. This collection is held on the First Floor and is available for reference only. Anyone who writes a thesis as part of his/her degree requirement must provide the University with copies, one of which will be placed in the Library. Those who wish to give ...

  21. Guide To Thesis Preparation

    Guide to Thesis Preparation. Updated:: 09/12/2022 [aslamiah] MEDIA SHARING. SEE ALSO. Guide to Thesis Preparation. Guidelines for Notice of Thesis Submission Process (GS-14a Form) Guidelines & Checklists for the Appointment of the Thesis Examination Committee.

  22. PDF Regulations for Final Year Projects/ Dissertations

    t exceed one (1) month.8.4.6 Length of Disse. tationLength of dissertation is normally indicated. The number of words in the final year project/ dissertation shall be between 6,000-8,000 for an undergraduate Certificate/ Diploma Programme, 8,000-12,000 for an undergraduate degree Programme and 10,000-14,000 for a taught postgraduate degree ...

  23. PDF Microsoft Word

    3. Thesis should be A4 size leaving 38mm margin on the left, and at least 25mm margins on right hand side, top and bottom. Font should be legible font (you may use Times New Roman and font size of 12). 1. The colours of the thesis (final copy) should correspond with the degree as follows: PhD- Red or Maroon MPhil - Dark Brown MSc - Dark Green