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Electromyography And Image Processing in Silent Sound Technology: A Review

With the use of silent sound innovation, it should be possible for people who have lost their voices to communicate and hold intimate discussions without upsetting others by translating each lip movement into sound. Your phone would interpret your lip movements by detecting muscle action rather than producing sounds, and it would then translate this into speech that the person on the other end of the queue would appear to listen to. In a sense, it scans your lips. This cutting-edge method will be very helpful whenever someone loses their voice while speaking, allowing people to make quiet calls without agitating others and actually enabling us to share our Stick number with a trusted friend or family without worrying about almost being discovered. A unique processing is audible to the listener.

Sanni Hafiz Oluwasola. Silent Sound Technology. International Journal of Science and Research

(IJSR). Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017; 1732-1735.

Hemant Kumar Kathania, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, Paavo Alku and Mikko Kurimo. Using Data

Augmentation and Time-Scale Modification to Improve ASR of Children’s Speech in Noisy Environments.

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P.Thirumal, L.Shylu Dafni Agnus, N.Sanjana, K.Yogajeeva and V. Namitha, Speech Recognition Using

Data Augmentation, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics,

Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp1-5.

S. Devi, S. Chokshi, K. Kotian and J. Warwatkar, Visual Speech Recognition,4th Biennial International

Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE), 2021, pp. 1-4.

Diana John Esther, G. R. Gayathri, Dhanya Mathew, Kripa Binoy, S. S Neha Smart Assistive Device

for Speech Impaired using Silent Sound Technology, International Journal of Engineering Research and

Technology (IJERT), Volume 10, 2021, Issue 05.

K.R.Swetha A survey on Silent Sound Technology Using Electromyography and Image

Processing,Volume63, 2020, Issue 05.

Rathee N. A novel approach for lip reading based on neural network. In2016 International Conference on

Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT) 2016 Mar 11 (pp. 421-426).

Son Chung J, Senior A, Vinyals O, Zisserman A. Lip reading sentences in the wild. InProceedings of the IEEE

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Fisher CG. Confusions among visually perceived consonants. Journal of speech and hearing research. 1968


Petridis S, Stafylakis T, Ma P, Cai F, Tzimiropoulos G, Pantic M. End-to-end audiovisual speech recognition.

In2018 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP) 2018 Apr 15 (pp.

-6552). IEEE.

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  • Corpus ID: 55492935

Silent Sound Technology- An End to NoisyCommunication

  • Shehjar Safaya , K. Sharma
  • Published 2013
  • Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science
  • International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

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Sensor based speech production system without use of glottis, deep learning and its application in silent sound technology, technology for the convenience of persons with disabilities, 3 references, silent speech interfaces, development of a silent speech interface driven by ultrasound and optical images of the tongue and lips, biomechanics of the musculo-skeletal system, related papers.

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Silent Sound Technology

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Everybody has the experience of talking aloud in the cell phone in the midst of the disturbance while travelling in trains or buses. There is no need of shouting anymore for this purpose. 'Silent sound technology' is the answer for this problem. The Silent sound technology is an amazing solution for those who had lost their voice but wish to speak over phone.

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Nowadays whenever we are talking on a cell phone in a crowd, then actually we are not talking, we are yelling because of lots of disturbance and noise around us. However, there is no need to scream to convey our message and wasting our energy anymore.For this purpose a new technology known as the " Silent Sound Technology " has been introduced that will put an end to the noise pollution. The Silent sound technology is a perfect solution for those people who have lost their voice but wish to speak on mobile phones. It is developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and you can expect to see it in the near future. When this technology is used, it detects every lip movement and internally converts the electrical pulses into sounds signals and sends them neglecting all other surrounding noise. It is going to be really beneficial for the people who hate talking loudly on cell phones. " Silent Sound technology " aims to notice every movements of the lips and transform them into sounds, which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others. Rather than making any sounds, your handset would decipher the movements your mouth makes by measuring muscle activity, then convert this into speech that the person on the other end of the call can hear. So, basically, it reads our lips. Another important benefit of this technology is that it allows you to communicate to any person in the world as the electrical pulse is universal, it can be converted into any language depending upon the users choice. This technology can be used for languages like English, French & German but not for languages like Chinese because different tones hold different meaning in Chinese language. This new technology will be very helpful whenever a person loses his voice while speaking or allow people to make silent calls without disturbing others, thus now we can speak anything with our friends or family in private without anyone eavesdropping. At the other end, the listener can hear a clear voice. This device works with 99% efficiency, and can been seen in the market in another 5-10 years and once launched it will have a drastic effect and with no doubt it will be widely used.

silent sound technology literature review

In this work, we have propose a novel design for a basic mobile phone, which is focused on the essence of mobile communication and connectivity, based on a silent speech interface and auditory feedback. This assistive interface takes the advantages of voice control systems while discarding its disadvantages such as the background noise, privacy and social acceptance. The proposed device utilizes low-cost and commercially available hardware components. Thus, it would be affordable and accessible by majority of users including disabled, elderly and illiterate people.

Designing Mobile Phones using Silent Speech Input and Auditory Feedback Cover Page

The possibility of speech processing in the absence of an intelligible acoustic signal has given rise to the idea of a 'silent speech'interface, to be used as an aid for the speech-handicapped, or as part of a communications system operating in silence-required or high-background-noise environments.

Silent speech interfaces Cover Page

Quiet Calls is a technology allowing mobile telephone users to respond to telephone conversations without talking aloud. QC-Hold, a Quiet Calls prototype, combines three buttons for responding to calls with a PDA/mobile phone unit to silently send pre-recorded audio directly into the phone. This permits a mixed-mode communication where callers in public settings use a quiet means of communication, and other callers experience a voice telephone call. An evaluation of QC-Hold shows that it is easily used and suggests ways in which Quiet Calls offers a new form of communication, extending the choices offered by synchronous phone calling and asynchronous voicemail.

Interactive Quiet Calls: Talking Silently on Mobile Phones Cover Page

Speech communication has been and still is the dominant mode of human-human communication and information exchange. Therefore, an interface based on speech allows people to interact with machines in a more natural and effective way (Teixeira et al., 2009) and, for this reason, spoken language technology has suffered a significant evolution in the last years. However, conventional automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems use only a single source of information – the audio signal. When this audio signal becomes corrupted in the presence of environmental noise or assumes particular patterns, like the ones verified in elderly speech, speech recognition performance degrades, leading users to opt by a different modality or to not use the system at all. This type of systems have also revealed to be inadequate in situations where privacy is required, for users without the ability to produce an audible acoustic signal (e.g. users who have undergone a laryngectomy) and users with speaking d...

Silent Speech for Human-Computer Interaction Cover Page

The purpose of tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is to induce habituation, first of the reaction to the tinnitus signal, and subsequently to habituate the perception of tinnitus itself. Habituation of sound is achieved through sound treatment which involves the use of low-level broadband noise mainly through noise maskers. Noise maskers are costly hence there is a need to find an alternate source of noise like MP3 and mobile phones. The goal of present study was to find out whether persons with tinnitus may be successfully treated with TRT using sound treatment from the noise presented through mobile phones. Total 30 male adult patients with tinnitus were enrolled for TRT. TRT comprised of two activities i.e. directive counseling and sound treatment. The most efficient noise stimulus was tape recorded by presenting the noise in the sound field using speakers and was recorded using a digital tape recorder. The recorded noise was saved to the mobile phone of the person with tinnitus and was asked to play it using hands-free at the level which was just audible for the duration of 3–4 hours per day. The Tinnitus interview forms were used to measure: (1) Percentage awareness of tinnitus, (2) Percentage of the time it caused distress and (3) Number of life factors affected. After 6 months these measurements were repeated and an improvement score of 40% was taken as criteria for the significant success of TRT. Out of 30 patients, 25 could continue coming for follow up sessions. Out of these 25 patients, 17 patients (68%) showed significant improvement. The sound treatment may be provided with the help mobile phones, which is a cheaper substitute for costly noise maskers.

Efficacy of TRT Using Noise Presentation from Mobile Phone Cover Page

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018

Mobile phones are used in a variety of situations where environmental noise may interfere with the ability of the near-end user to communicate with the far-end user. To overcome this problem, it might be possible to use active noise control technology to reduce the noise experienced by the near-end user. This paper initially demonstrates that when an active noise control system is used in a practical mobile phone configuration to minimise the noise measured by an error microphone mounted on the mobile phone, the attenuation achieved at the user's ear depends strongly on the position of the source generating the acoustic interference. To help overcome this problem, a remote microphone processing strategy is investigated that estimates the pressure at the user's ear from the pressure measured by the microphone on the mobile phone. Through an experimental implementation, it is demonstrated that this arrangement achieves a significant improvement in the attenuation measured at t...

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… Annual Conference of …, 2010

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IRJET, 2020

A idea implemented can be revolution, Voice without voice generation is a technology that helps to generate voice without actually removing voice from mouth just lip movement is necessary, Electromyography and Image processing are two techniques used, the flaws occurred is covered by IOT Sensors in both the process, This helps many disabled people who lost voice Also for sharing sensitive information that can't be heard while speaking. The IOT sensor used in EMG can discard the instrument obstacles and the IOT Devkit AZ166 is used to discard language obstacle. A way for discarding the obstacle is done by following the procedure of using the sensor which connected to internet and send information to cloud , from cloud the voice notes can be send through any end user platform, and hence this would leads to finally hearing of the voice produced by just lip moving. Finally conclusion is betterment of society through Information Technology means.


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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

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International Journal of Audiology

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Interspeech 2013, 2013

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IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 2005

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IRJET, 2022


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International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020

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Transportation, 2009

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In this paper we approach to which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others, rather than making any sounds, your handset would decipher the movements your mouth makes by measuring muscle activity, then convert this into speech that the person on the other end of the call can hear. So, basically, it reads our lips. Another important benefit of this technology is that it allows you to communicate to any person in the world as the electrical pulse is universal, it can be converted into any language depending upon the users choice.

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  1. PDF A Survey on Silent Sound Technology Using Electromyography and Image

    Developed at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This technology basically detects every movement of the lips and internally converts electrical pulses into sound signals and transmits separation to all other surrounding sounds. techniques used to detect trivial sounds, namely electromyography and image processing.

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    II. LITERATURE SURVEY Silent sound technology has been the subject of numerous research studies and publications over the past few decades. Here are some key findings from a literature survey on this technology: A detailed overview about silent sound technology was provided in the paper 'Silent Sound Technology - An End to Noisy

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    LITERATURE REVIEW [4]Kameshwarsharma, ―Silent Sound Technology‖ -An End to Noisy Communication, Speech Communication Vol.1,Issue 9, November 2013.In International journal Trends and Technology . Silent Sound technology aims to notice every movements of the lips and transform them into sounds, which could help people who lose voices to ...

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    The silent sound technology first came out from "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology". This technology observes every lip movement of a person and then converts that muscle movements i.e ...

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  7. Deep learning and its application in silent sound technology

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  8. PDF A survey on Silent Sound Technology Using ...

    Silent sound technology gives 99% efficiency according to the engineers. It makes sense by helping out to those who have lost their voices but eagerly waits to talk on a mobile phone by observing ...

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    The purpose of "Silent Sound" technology is to track every movement of the lips and transform them into sounds, enabling people to conduct private conversations without disturbing others or assisting those who have lost their voices. This time every person has the enjoy of talking aloud within the cellular cellphone within the midst of the disturbance whilst travelling in trains or buses.

  10. PDF Silent Sound Technology using Electromyography and Image Processing

    Silent Sound Technology using Electromyography and Image Processing . Manasa AY. 1, Rani AR. 2, Mamatha MK. 3, Nischitha TN. 4, Shwetha SN. 5, 1,2,3, 4. GG . Students, 5. Assistant Professor . Department of Computer Science and Engineering BGSInstitute of Technology,BG Nagar . Abstract - The Silent sound innovation is a stunning answer for

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    Silent sound Technology is a recent topic which has been a problematic concern to even expert lip readers. There is a scope for silent sound Technology to be resolved using various methods of machine learning. Silent sound Technology is a skill with salient benefits. Enhancement in silent sound Technology technology increases the possibility to ...

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    sanni O hafiz. Silent sound technology SST has be introduced to put end to noise pollution and help the people that have lost their voice and cannot speak on mobile phone. This device is developed at Karlsruhe institute of technology and expected to be see in near feature. This device will notice the lip movement inform of electrical impulse ...

  13. Electromyography And Image Processing in Silent Sound Technology: A

    Electromyography And Image Processing in Silent Sound Technology: A Review. With the use of silent sound innovation, it should be possible for people who have lost their voices to communicate and hold intimate discussions without upsetting others by translating each lip movement into sound. Your phone would interpret your lip movements by ...

  14. PDF Silent Sound Technology- An End to Noisy Communication

    In the silent sound technology the output of this image processing is an audio record. Most image-processing techniques involve treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques to it. Figure 3 shows how image processing works in case of silent sound technology.

  15. PDF Silent Sound Technology

    SILENT SOUND TECHNOLOGY YAMINI.A Student Computer Science and Engineering R. M. D Engineering College, Chennai, India. _____ Abstract : When we are in movie theatre, bus, there is lot of noise around us. We can't speak properly on a mobile phone .In future this problem is eliminated by Silent Sound Technology .It is a technology that helps ...

  16. Deep learning and its application in silent sound technology

    Corpus ID: 18373536; Deep learning and its application in silent sound technology @article{Varshney2016DeepLA, title={Deep learning and its application in silent sound technology}, author={Vibhu Varshney and Deeksha Singh and Ayush Tiwari}, journal={2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)}, year={2016}, pages={2716-2721}, url={https://api ...

  17. PDF Silent Sound Technology: A Solution to Noisy Communication

    Silent sound technology is processed in two ways .They are A. Electromyography (EMG) B. Image Processing A. Electromyography Electromyography is a technique used in silent sound technology that monitors tiny muscular movements that occur when we speak and converting them into electrical pulses that can then

  18. Silent Sound Technology- An End to NoisyCommunication

    Silent Sound Technology- An End to NoisyCommunication. Shehjar Safaya, K. Sharma. Published2013. Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. TLDR. This new technology will be very helpful whenever a person loses his voice while speaking or allow ...

  19. (PDF) Silent Sound Technology

    There is no need of shouting anymore for this purpose. 'Silent sound technology' is the answer for this problem. The Silent sound technology is an amazing solution for those who had lost their voice but wish to speak over phone. See full PDF. download Download PDF. Silent Sound Technology-An End to Noisy Communication.

  20. Silent Sound Technology

    In this paper we approach to which could help people who lose voices to speak, and allow people to make silent calls without bothering others, rather than making any sounds, your handset would decipher the movements your mouth makes by measuring muscle activity, then convert this into speech that the person on the other end of the call can hear.

  21. A Survey on Silent Sound Technology Using Electromyography and Image

    Silent sound technology is an excellent solution for those who have lost their voice but wish to communicate by telephone. This technology allows people to make calls without producing sounds. Developed at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This technology basically detects every movement of the lips and internally converts electrical pulses ...

  22. Silent Sound Technology: A Solution to Noisy Communication

    Priya Jethani , Bharat Choudhari. "Silent Sound Technology: A Solution to Noisy Communication", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V9 (14),694-696 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group. when we are in movie, theatre, bus, train there is lot of noise around us ...