• Faculty of Arts
  • Study with us
  • Graduate research

Study Graduate Research

Our courses.

The Faculty of Arts attracts high-achieving graduate students who benefit from working with internationally recognised scholars and their global networks. The University is a premier institution that is ranked 37 in the world (Times Higher Education 2024).

Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar & Shorter Thesis)

The Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar and Shorter Thesis) provides you the flexibility to pursue an area of humanities and social sciences that interests you.

This degree program is only available in the Philosophy discipline.

Master of Arts (Thesis only)

If you want to develop specialised knowledge in one or more areas that interest you, the Master of Arts (Thesis Only) provides you with an advanced understanding of the major issues experienced in your chosen field.

This program is not available for students in the School of Social and Political Science.

Doctor of Philosophy – Arts

The Doctor of Philosophy – Arts – also known as a PhD or Doctorate – is the highest Arts degree offered by the University of Melbourne. You will complete a compulsory coursework component and undertake supervised research under the direction of a supervisory team of experts in the field.

Application dates

The Faculty of Arts only accepts applications for Graduate Research study to commence in Semester One. No mid-year intake is offered.

We offer two rounds of applications for our graduate research programs for commencement in the following year. Applications for admission to a graduate research program must be submitted in full before the closing date. We recommend you submit your application at least four weeks before the closing dates. This gives you some extra time in case you are required to provide any additional documents. Please note that if your application is incomplete by the relevant closing date your application will not be considered in the respective round.

You will be automatically considered for the  Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships as part of the graduate research course application.

Application outcomes will be available approximately eight weeks after the application closing date.

Applications from Closing dateOutcome notified by
International applicants* 31 August Mid-October
Domestic applicants
International applicants*
31 October Mid-December

*International applicants

  • To be considered for the  Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships we strongly recommend you submit a complete course application before 31 August . The majority international Graduate Research Scholarships are awarded in September;
  • If you are successful in obtaining a scholarship, you must commence your course by the first day of Semester 1 of the academic year you have been made an offer for;
  • Please ensure you have allowed adequate time for your student visa application to be processed between your admittance into the course and the last date you can start your course;
  • You must provide evidence that you meet the University of Melbourne English Language requirements by the application closing date.

How to apply

Step 1: check your eligibility.

Please check you meet our  entry requirements before proceeding further. The Faculty of Arts offers three research degrees:

  • Doctor of Philosophy – Arts (PhD)
  • Master of Arts (Thesis Only) – not available to students in the School of Social and Political Sciences
  • Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar and Shorter Thesis) – available only in the Philosophy discipline

Check that you meet the  University’s English Language requirements .

If you do not meet the minimum entry requirements for direct entry into our graduate research degrees, you may wish to consider undertaking the Graduate Diploma in Arts (Advanced) as a pathway into Graduate Research.

For further information about graduate pathways please email Arts Graduate Admissions .

To be considered for entry to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) you must demonstrate that you meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of at least a four-year Bachelors (Hons) degree and/or a Master’s degree equivalent to the University of Melbourne’s H2A (75%+) standard; and
  • A degree that is in a discipline relevant to your intended PhD; and
  • A substantial research component that accounts for at least 25% of one year’s work at 4 th year or masters’ level, with a minimum result of H1 (80%) University of Melbourne equivalent.

To be considered for entry to a Master of Arts (Thesis Only) or Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar and Shorter Thesis) you must demonstrate that you meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of at least a four-year Bachelors (Hons) degree and/or a Master’s degree equivalent to the University of Melbourne’s H2B (70%+) standard; and
  • A substantial research component that accounts for at least 25% of one year’s work at 4 th year or masters’ level, with a minimum result of H2A (75%) University of Melbourne equivalent.

Step 2: Finding a supervisor

Before you submit an application online, you must have obtained written support of an academic supervisor in the Faculty of Arts for your proposed research project.

You can look for potential supervisors by:

  • Exploring our current research degree opportunities page to discover projects recruiting students

Find current Research Degree opportunities at Arts

  • Searching the University’s Find an Expert directory and contact a potential supervisor directly with your research proposal

Search the Find an Expert directory

  • Visiting the School websites to explore our range of research areas or browse potential academic supervisors from the School's Our people page .

Please note: if you do not receive a response from a supervisor within five working days, send a follow up email to the contact email address listed on their Find An Expert profile page. If you do not receive a response within two weeks, consider contacting another supervisor.

When contacting a potential supervisor, you should include:

In your CV please highlight your academic achievements and any relevant professional experience or publication information that are relevant to your intended research area
Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual mark received in your university-level qualifications to date, as well as the institution's grading system

The research proposal is the starting point for your thesis. It should include a brief introduction and conclusion, and the following outline:

1. The specific area of your intended research, with a clear title
2. A brief summary of the key literature in this field, including a short bibliography and summary of key relevant works
3. A sketch of the key research questions you hope to answer
4. A description of the methodology required to conduct this research

Here are some guidelines to help you develop a proposal for the Creative Writing graduate research program.

Please include a sample of your written work typically your Honours or masters thesis, or a recent essay or paper that you think demonstrates your research and writing abilities. Please provide a very brief explanation of the context, ie. whether this is a chapter from your thesis, or a 4th year essay, or a paper writing in a particular context. Ensure both documents are labeled with your name, the School to which you are applying and the date.

Guideline for Creative Writing Proposals

The creative PhD at the University of Melbourne is developed and marked as a single thesis, with two major elements: a dissertation and a creative work.

Each part usually contributes 50% to the overall word count. It is possible to increase the dissertation above 50%, but the creative work cannot be more than 50%.

One way to understand the unity of the creative PhD thesis is to consider that there is one overarching research question or hypothesis, which is approached within the thesis in two different manners, a scholarly one and a creative one.

The dissertation is not an exegesis. The dissertation does not offer a commentary on the creative processes or the intentions of the writer. The dissertation is intended to stand independently as a scholarly work making an original contribution to its field or discipline. In creative writing, this field is often interdisciplinary, but it can be characterised as a discipline interested in writerly questions, that is questions that take into account creativity, creative processes, the decision-making that goes into a creative text, cultural and technological influences on writing, questions of genre boundaries (including emerging genres, hybrid genres), and questions that address issues in conceiving of writing as a craft. This is a broad description and it is not exhaustive, but it does indicate that most dissertations are investigating aspects of the act of writing.

In your proposal you should make it clear what your research question is, and how this question fits with or responds to an ongoing critical discourse. You should identify the fields or disciplines you will draw upon, what models of analysis you will adopt, and what critical and creative texts you wish to discuss in your dissertation.

The creative work will need to be articulated in your proposal with some detail, understanding that as with all creative works there will be room for re-considerations and re-drafting. You should show how your creative work addresses or arises from your research question.

Your proposal should include an indicative list of the texts you will consult.

Step 3: Submit an application

Please be aware that m eeting the minimum entry requirements or having strong supervisor support does not guarantee admission to the course. All applications are subject to review and approval of the Faculty's selection committee.

To submit an application, please visit the online application portal:

  • Domestic applications
  • International applications

Search for the course code to start an application:

  • DR-PHILART for Doctor of Philosophy – Arts
  • MR-ARTSTHS for Master of Arts (Thesis Only)
  • MR-ARTSAST for Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar and Shorter Thesis)

Please also note the following study package mode

  • International applicants - select ‘PG Overseas Fee Paying’
  • Domestic applicants - select  ‘RTP / RTS / CTS’
  • Attendance mode: select 'On Campus'
  • Study mode: select 'Standard'.

Assessment of your application will only commence once you have provided all required documents. To avoid delay in the assessment of your application, ensure you follow the online application instructions carefully and upload all the required documents.

When you submit your application, your referees will be emailed a link to complete a Referee Form and you will be notified when they submit their reference. It is important that you contact your referees before submitting your application to ensure that they will expect the request for a reference from the University of Melbourne. Please ensure that your referees are able to comment on your relevant academic program completed and/or your academic ability to undertake graduate research.

Once you've submitted your application, you will receive an email stating that your application has been received. If your application is incomplete, you will receive an email requesting additional documents.

If you have submitted a complete application before the closing dates, you will receive an outcome by the relevant outcome notification date outlined above.  Applications submitted after 31 October will not be considered.

To ensure your application is assessed without delay, please provide the following documentation in your online application:

  • Evidence of supervisor endorsement for your application via email or complete this form
  • A current CV outlining all your complete and incomplete academic qualifications and any experience relevant to your proposed field of research including work experience and prior research output or publications
  • If your last qualification completed (overall or thesis component) is marked on a pass/fail basis, provide a copy of the examiner's report and complete the Academic Report of Ungraded Thesis Form.
  • If you are still studying, you can apply now before completing your degree by including current transcripts of at least up to the first semester of your final year studies.
  • Students apply from a University of Melbourne Honours or Master program do not need to submit transcripts.
  • Evidence of having met the University's English language requirements
  • A 2,500-word research proposal
  • A 5,000-word writing sample

More information

Ensure both research proposal and writing sample documents are labelled with your name, the School to which you are applying and the date.

To support your application, you will need to nominate two referees who can comment on your academic ability and research potential. We recommend that at least one report from someone who has supervised your thesis/dissertation or research work.

All referee reports must be submitted using the online tool. On submission of your application, your referees will be emailed a link to access the online referee form and they must provide their references using this online form. You will be notified when they submit the reference. Your application may be deemed as incomplete if the referee reports are not submitted before the application closing dates.

Please note: students who have completed honours or a master degree through the University of Melbourne need only to provide two University of Melbourne referee contacts, and are exempt from providing referee reports.

If you have a completed a thesis or research component that is marked on a pass/fail basis, provide a copy of the thesis. The examiner’s report and an Academic Report of Ungraded Thesis Form . Send the form to the most senior academic staff involved in the assessment of your thesis/research component and request them to complete and return the form before the deadline of the round that you are applying for.

You will be automatically considered for the  Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships when you apply for the course. No separate application is required.

Please note: In order to be eligible for consideration for a Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship, you must have met the University of Melbourne English Language requirements by the application closing date.

Other scholarships

  • Domestic students experiencing compassionate or compelling circumstances (including illness, disability, care responsibilities or personal hardship), may be eligible to apply for the Fay Marles Scholarship or the Frederick Blake Shepherd Scholarship . Applications close on 31 October.
  • Human Rights Scholarship
  • Hansen Scholarship in History
  • For all other scholarships please follow the relevant application instructions and complete the scholarship application section in the online form.

If your application is successful, you will receive an offer letter by email. Please read your offer letter closely and accept your course offer online by following the instructions in your course offer letter.  You will also need to accept your scholarship offer following the instructions in your scholarship offer letter.

If you are successful in obtaining an offer for a place, you must complete your enrolment and commence your course by the first day of Semester 1 .

All commencing graduate researchers are invited to an Orientation Welcome Session before the start of the semester. At this session you’ll be introduced to your Graduate School, learn about our facilities and services, and get a chance to meet coordinators and peers from your program. For more information please visit the Faculty of Arts Orientation and Induction web page.

Graduate Researchers completing a Doctor of Philosophy – Arts degree are required to complete 4 PhD coursework subjects in the first year as part of the Confirmation of Candidature prerequisite. For more information about the coursework and candidature requirements, please visit the Faculty of Arts Current Graduate Research Students website.

Transferring students apply through the same application process as new applicants. Please note, however, that the ability of students to transfer into the Doctor of Philosophy – Arts has been severely limited because of the requirement to complete the PhD coursework in the first year prior to confirmation. Your application will be assessed based on your ability to meet our degree requirements and complete your course in a timely manner. Please ensure that if you are considering a transfer from your current course that you discuss the following with a nominated supervisor:

  • Reasons - what are the reasons for transferring?
  • Confirmation - have you met your current university's Confirmation requirements?
  • PhD Coursework – If you have not been confirmed in your current candidature, how will you complete the Arts PhD coursework component before Confirmation?
  • Completion - do you have a plan for completion of your course within 3 years from the initial enrolment date when you started your current research degree? You will also need to provide evidence of satisfactory progress in your current program.
  • Residency requirements - will you be able to meet the University of Melbourne's residency requirement if your transfer is successful?

Domestic students who are admitted in a graduate research degrees will receive a Research Training Program Fee Offset Scholarship to acknowledge the contribution from the Australian Government towards the cost of their tuition. Learn more about the RTP Fee Offset Scholarship and  Graduate Research Scholarships

International students should consult the Study Fees web page for details about calculating your fees, the cost of living in Melbourne, and the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

For more information about fees please visit the Students Fees web page.

All candidates must have a plan that includes spending at least one-third of their candidature on campus. The residency requirement is deemed especially important during the period of probationary candidature and while completing the PhD coursework component.  Please note that the University does not offer entirely distance or online supervision. Throughout your candidature, it is expected that you will attend the University to fully benefit from planning, conducting and writing up your research. This on campus presence is essential for fostering a vibrant research culture and cultivating a sense of belonging within your respective school’s research community.

For more information on residency requirements please see the Melbourne Policy Library Selection and Admission Policy (MPF1295) .

To support you in your studies you should bring your own laptop for University use. Our shared workstations are equipped with monitors and power sockets to allow you to connect your own device to the University network for internet access and printing facilities.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

School of Mathematics and Statistics

  • PhD degrees

PhD studies in mathematics and statistics

If you've completed an Honours or a Masters course with a significant research component, you're eligible to go on to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or other graduate research program.

Graduate research degrees

PhD graduates dressed in graduation gowns

Doctor of Philosophy (Science)

A PhD is an essential qualification for a research career in mathematics and statistics. Many of our graduates go on to work as postdoctoral research scientists and careers in research and teaching in academia or move into industry where their technical and professional skills are highly valued. Overview

Three people sitting at a desk examining papers

Master of Philosophy (Science)

Join one of our world-renowned research groups, work with state-of-the-art equipment, and soak up all the professional development opportunities and international connections that come with studying at Australia's leading university. Overview

Getting started in graduate research

Once you know the Graduate Research degree you want to pursue, you need to find a researcher, group or project to work with while pursuing your degree. There are two great ways to find your passion and a supervisor or group to help you reach it:

Option 1: Meet our researchers

There is a wide range of research being performed across our School – explore our website to learn more about the supervisors you could join. Send a prospective supervisor a message on their Find an Expert profile and explain what you'd like to do. Explore by research area All potential supervisors

Option 2: Find a graduate research project

Many of our researchers' projects are listed on the University's Graduate Research Opportunity Tool – a central directory of PhD and Masters by Research projects. Search by course, field of research or location to find a research project that you're excited to join. Explore all research opportunities

What do I say to a prospective supervisor?

You need the written support of a supervisor before submitting an application to the University. Once you've found a prospective supervisor, contact them with the following documents and information:

  • Your curriculum vitae (CV)
  • All higher education transcripts
  • A brief summary of your intended area of research.

They will consider your past academic performance and whether there is an available project that fits with your  background and area of interest.


The University of Melbourne has one of the most generous scholarship programs in Australia. With over 1200 scholarships and prizes available for new and current students, it's more than likely there is one that you're eligible for either when you start your course or during your studies.

You will be automatically considered for a number of scholarships, but some awards will be assessed by application.

PhD scholarship opportunities All scholarships

a person sitting in a classroom

Helpful resources for graduate researchers

There are a range of resources for graduate researchers in our School:

  • The University's Graduate Research Hub and  Faculty of Science Graduate Research Course Guide explain everything you need to know about your time as a graduate researcher – from induction to submitting your thesis.
  • Learn about the expectations and obligations for graduate researchers in our School .
  • Access Graduate research on the LMS (student login required).

Need advice or help getting started?

We welcome general inquiries from graduates interested in undertaking postgraduate study – email the Graduate Research Coordinator .

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  • Exceptional Talent Scholarship
  • Professor David Balding featured in The Age
  • Heroines of mathematics
  • Matilda to the Rescue
  • Weighing Up Evidence in Criminal Courts and at a King's Burial Site
  • Professor Anthony Guttmann honoured with Order of Australia
  • COVID-19 modelling released from Doherty Institute
  • ARC Future Fellowships announced for Maths & Stats
  • Open Day at Maths and Stats
  • Watch the Course Information Session
  • Women in Geometry, Analysis and Topology
  • New mathematics leads to innovative solutions
  • Forecasting landslides from space
  • Mathematician and role model elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science
  • Using mathematical modelling to fight malaria
  • Professor Michael Stumpf awarded prestigious ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship
  • OPTIMA ARC Training Centre aims to transform industry through optimisation
  • Academics join 2022 Superstars of STEM cohort
  • Applications open for undergraduate and postgraduate awards
  • Software developed by School of Mathematics and Statistics researcher shortlisted in prestigious Eureka Prizes
  • New video series spotlights mathematical biology
  • Science academics rank as world-leaders for research citations
  • University confers Honorary Doctorate on mathematician
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  • Avoidance, confusion, solitude: whales react to rising noise pollution
  • Mathematicians moved by dance, karate and building a better world
  • Congratulations to Science community members for King’s Birthday Honours
  • Undergraduate studies
  • Masters, diplomas and certificates
  • Expectations and obligations
  • School policy on research student supervision
  • Supervision
  • Graduate Research Student Travel
  • PhD scholarship opportunities
  • Graduate profiles
  • Careers talks
  • External resources
  • Find a potential supervisor
  • Student-Staff Liaison Committee
  • Resources for students
  • Resources for academics
  • Scholarly activities
  • Course advice
  • Mathematical Ecology, Epidemiology and Biosecurity
  • ARC CoE for Biosecurity Risk Analysis
  • ARC CoE for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers
  • ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies and Applications
  • Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
  • Academic Staff
  • Professional Staff
  • Honorary Staff
  • Postgraduate students
  • Upcoming events
  • Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition
  • Professional development for maths teachers
  • Micro Mathematicians
  • Vacation Scholarships Projects
  • Vacation Scholarships Posters
  • Vacation Scholarships Supervisors
  • Connecting with alumni
  • Student societies
  • Support mathematics and statistics
  • MS Walkers Mentoring Program
  • Student Awards
  • Equity & Diversity feedback form
  • Our leadership team
  • Message from Head of School
  • Staff Intranet
  • Current Students


The phd program (phd in physics), the doctorate program (phd physics):.

The approximately 3 and a half year PhD in Physics program is based purely on research. There are no required subjects. Key milestones in the program are: (1) Candidacy: There is a progress review at the end of your first year. This consists of a presentation, short report, and a Q&A session with the candidacy committee (composed of three to four faculty members). If you are on-track, you become a PhD candidate. (2) Annual reviews: There continue to be annual reviews of your progress and any issues that have arisen with your candidacy committee each year, (3) Thesis: At the end of your PhD program, you submit a thesis documenting your PhD research that is reviewed by an international panel of experts in your field.

Choosing a research project and supervisor:  Before submitting a PhD application, you must liaise with your planned supervisor about your planned PhD project. In most cases, this is your MSc supervisor, but there are exceptions if you are coming from a different institution or decide to change your research focus.  We have listed (very!) brief project ideas for each research area under the Research link. If you are interested in an area and would like to know more, please contact the faculty member directly.

If you are applying internationally, the first step in applying for the PhD program is to send your CV, transcripts, evidence of English proficiency (if required), and an indication of your research interests to [email protected] . They will suggest some potential supervisors. No one is admitted to the PhD program without a supervisor.

Funding: All of our PhD students receive a stipend sufficient to support them over the course of their PhD. This also comes with a tuition fee waiver. There can be supplementary scholarships and awards on top of this, and (with permission of their PhD supervisor), PhD students often supplement their income while developing their teaching abilities by acting as tutors in undergraduate or graduate subjects.

  • Getting here
  • Using Asteroseismology to Measure an Integrated Mass Loss for Evolved Stars in Globular Clusters Wednesday 14 Sep 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Level 6 Geoff Opat([...]
  • Understanding X-Ray Signatures of Outflows Through 3-D Simulations Wednesday 07 Sep 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Level 6 Geoff Opat([...]
  • Orbital structures of SAMI passive galaxies from orbit-superposition Schwarzschild models. Wednesday 31 Aug 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Laby Theatre(+Zoom)[...]
  • On Modelling Complex Systems in Astronomy Wednesday 17 Aug 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Laby Theatre(+Zoom)[...]
  • Hydroxyl as a Probe of the Interstellar Medium Wednesday 10 Aug 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Zoom Dr Anita Petzl[...]
  • How do galaxies regulate their own star formation? Wednesday 03 Aug 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Laby Theatre(+Zoom)[...]
  • Leaks and bursts Wednesday 27 Jul 2022 @ 12:00 p.m., Laby Theatre(+Zoom)[...]
  • Research Overview
  • Epoch of Reionisation
  • Inflation and the Early Universe
  • Galaxy Formation and Evolution
  • Gravitational Lensing
  • Dark Energy
  • Extreme Objects
  • Gravitational Waves
  • Dark Sky Studies
  • News and Events
  • Ask an Astrophysicist
  • Introduction to Life, Earth, and Universe
  • Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
  • Current students
  • Graduate researchers

Course requirements

Understand the requirements of the MPhil and PhD in Engineering & Information Technology programs at the University of Melbourne.

It’s very important that you understand the course requirements of your PhD or MPhil with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology . In simple terms, there are research progress and administration requirements that you will need to engage with and fulfil during your candidature.

Administrative requirements

Administration requirements need to be completed in a timely manner when enrolment or candidature changes need to be made. Some examples of these are: submission of progress reviews, leave of absence, study away, change to project details and change of study rate. We also expect you to check your University email for current correspondence  at least twice per week.

Research progress

Your research progress will be assessed during your candidature by your advisory committee and at critical time points or milestones; this is represented by progress reviews scheduled according to your degree type: please see the Milestones (bookmark)section below.

Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you meet the requirements of your degree in the appropriate timeframe.

Timely completion of progress reviews is a course requirement: interventions including ‘at risk of unsatisfactory progress’ and/or ‘formal warning of unsatisfactory progress’ strategies will be applied if progress requirements appropriate for your candidature stage are not met. As a graduate researcher, you must meet with your supervisor regularly and attend progress review meetings with your advisory committee to ensure you are on track to complete your degree within the maximum time period for your degree.

Refer to the diagrams below that represent your review schedule.

PhD timeline

At all times, your review schedule is referenced to your thesis date. If your thesis date is updated, your review dates will be updated. See below for an example of a graduate researcher enrolled in the PhD program who took a leave of absence for one month:


7 July 2019


7 February 2020

Leave of absence approved

1 month


7 August 2020

Progress review

7 August 2021

Progress review

7 August 2022

Thesis submission

7 August 2022 = 3 years or 3 EFTSL (equivalent full-time study load)

For more information on confirmation or progress reviews please see the Graduate Research Hub .

Coursework subjects

Candidates may be required to supplement their research program by completing coursework subjects if the subject(s) are considered necessary by your principal supervisor.  Graduate Researchers who commenced before 1 January 2019 are required to complete coursework subjects as per the handbook for the year in which they were enrolled/commenced their current degree.

Candidature resources

Check your candidature status.

You can check your supervisors, study rate, key milestone dates including expected thesis submission date, and other candidature details on the landing page when you log into your Student Portal and click on the Graduate Research tab on the top of the screen.

The Handbook

  • Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering (DR-PHILEIT) 2023
  • Master of Philosophy - Engineering (MR-PHILEIT) 2023

You will need to refer to the handbook entry for the year in which you commenced. If you are looking for previous versions of the handbook, please see the following links:  Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering (DR-PHILEIT) or Master of Philosophy - Engineering (MR-PHILEIT) .

Graduate Research policies and codes of conduct

  • Graduate Research Training Policy
  • Research Integrity
  • Intellectual Property Policy
  • Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
  • Student charter
  • Student Conduct Policy
  • Authorship Policy

Graduate Research Hub

For all your graduate research essentials.

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Welcome to r/unimelb, a subreddit dedicated to the University of Melbourne community. Whether you are a current student, staff member, alumnus, or simply interested in the university, this subreddit is for you. This community serves as a platform for discussion on a variety of topics, from academic discussions, campus life experiences, and event updates to news and research insights. Members are encouraged to engage in respectful and informative conversation.

WAM for honours/PhD

Just wondering if your WAM throughout entire studies is considered when applying for honours/pHD or just your last (couple) of years...

I am in my second year doing BSci and majoring in Neuro. I am getting H1s in pretty much all my subjects except for 3 broadscope and extensive prerequisite subjects (chem, bio) that my brain refuses to absorb any information of and as a result have received Passes or H3s...

Anyway, I'm not super concerned because what'll be will be in the end but I would love to know whether these subjects will be considered when applying for further studies? It seems kind of silly to me to judge a PhD candidate on their first year subjects, but I haven't found anything that states otherwise.

  • Student/Faculty Portal
  • Learning Hub (Brightspace)
  • Continuous Professional Development
  • Admissions and Application Process

Prerequisites and Requirements

  • Financial Support
  • Curriculum Overview
  • Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
  • Career Development Internships
  • Tracks Overview
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering and Physiology
  • Clinical and Translational Science
  • Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
  • Neuroscience
  • Regenerative Sciences
  • Virology and Gene Therapy
  • Find a Mentor
  • Student Life Overview
  • Student Organizations
  • Graduate Student Workspaces
  • Events and Programs
  • Alumni Perspectives

Before applying to the Ph.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, review our full list of prerequisite information and complete admission requirements. The admissions committee reviews all completed applications through a holistic review process to select candidates for interviews.


Candidates for the Ph.D. Program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree, preferably in the biological or physical sciences, from an accredited institution. 
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. GPAs from graduate degrees may also be considered for competitive candidates if improvement of academic record is evident.
  • Degree conferral before the program begins (program begins in July).

Suggested undergraduate coursework:

  • Applicants to our Ph.D. program are encouraged to have completed coursework with demonstrated proficiency (B average or above) in their math and science courses. Additionally, advanced courses in biology, chemistry, and physiology are encouraged.
  • Applicants interested in applying to the Biomedical Engineering and Physiology Track are advised to take courses in quantitative science and engineering, such as signal processing, computer science, and instrumentation.

Holistic review

Our Ph.D. program prepares students to translate scientific discoveries into applications that improve patient care. This requires a wide range of skills, aptitudes, and characteristics. Along with the basic set of prerequisites, the track admissions committees take a holistic approach to admissions; meaning, they take into consideration the many factors that make up an applicant. These acceptance factors include:

  • Academic performance
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Research experience

Transfer student policy

The only pathway to matriculation at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is through application during the annual application window, September 1 - December 4.

The Ph.D. program does not accept transfer students; however, transfer credits for graduate courses taken at another institution may be considered if appointed to our Ph.D. program.

Application window

Apply between Sept. 1 and Dec. 4 for the following academic year.

To get in touch with the Ph.D. Program, fill out the form on the Contact Us page .

  • Facts and Figures
  • Accreditations
  • Maps and Directions
  • Career Opportunities
  • Student Organizations
  • Computer Engineering
  • Capstone Design Laboratory
  • Global Programs
  • Engineering Honors
  • Admissions and Aid
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • Entry to a Major Process
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates
  • Research Highlights

Online Doctor of Philosophy - Computer Engineering

Work leading to the degree of  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)  is designed to give the candidate a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field and training in methods of research. The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate’s grasp of the subject matter of a broad field of study and a demonstrated ability to do independent research. In addition, the candidate must have acquired the ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written languages. The degree is not granted solely for the completion of coursework, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met.

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Degree Highlights

Why choose engineering online.

Advance your career with our Engineering Online program! Backed by the university's esteemed reputation and national recognition in engineering education, you'll engage directly with industry leaders and a rigorous curriculum. Beyond graduation, tap into the extensive Aggie Alumni Network, offering invaluable connections to propel your career forward.

Engineering Online Benefits

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Degree Details

Total number of hours (64 or 96) • For students who already hold a Master’s Degree, 64 total hours are required. • For “direct PhD” students, 96 hours are required.

A maximum of (6) transfer hours allowed from another institution. • Transfer hours must be from a U.S. peer institution; they cannot have been used on a previous degree plan. • Students must send syllabi, transcript, and TAMU course equivalent to the Graduate Office. Transfer hours are subject to the approval of the GSC.

All PhD students are required to pass the Departmental Qualifying Examination . All incoming PHD students (64 and 96 hour) are required to take the exam within one year of starting the program.

There are two types of Qualifying Exams available. The research advisor will select which Track the student takes. Students without a research advisor default to Track 1. Track 1: Written exam consisting of questions from undergraduate courses. This exam is administered in January and June of each year. More details on Track 1 are provided later in the handbook. Track 2: Written and oral exam in which the separately formed committee provides a student research articles to analyze then give a presentation. More details on Track 2 are provided later in the handbook.

For more details, please refer to our  Graduate Student Handbook

Prior to admission , students must present a study p l an that is reviewed by a TAMU ECEN facu l ty member to demonstrate to the department the feasibi l ity and viabi l ity of their prospective study. A Texas A&M electrical and computer engineering (ECEN) facu l ty member must commit to serve as the dissertation advisor prior to the admission of a student. The dissertation research content shou l d invo l ve on l y theories, software, or the modest use of hardware, instead of any physica l   l ab use, so that the research can be performed remote l y without being on campus. Students wi l l  a l so need to submit a signed document acknow l edging that their emp l oyer is aware of the Ph.D. study and a l l ows dissertation research resu l ts to be pub l ished. The p l an shou l d inc l ude the courses to be taken and ensure that a l l  the courses have distance  l earning sections avai l ab l e. The advisement of students in this program is simi l ar to the on-campus program except that the student-facu l ty interactions are a l l  conducted through internet-based conferencing software. Students in this program will take the qua l ifying exam, pre l iminary ora l  exam, and dissertation defense in the same way as the on-campus program. Students will need to cover their trave l  expenses to the campus for these exams.

Course Information

A minimum of 18 (or 42) classroom hours (excludes 681, 684, 685, and 691). • 18 hours required for students with a previous Master’s degree and 42 for direct PHD students. • Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering (all departments) and/or College of Arts & Sciences (only MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, BIOL) • Courses on degree plan must be approved by Research Advisor.

Undergraduate hours allowed (2 courses or 8 hours) • Only 400 level courses can be included on degree plan.

No more than 3 credit hours of Internship (684) are allowed. • PHD students cannot take 684 after dissertation defense. • If you are considering going on internship (684), please consult your research advisor before making plans.

Three (3) hours of Seminar (ECEN/CSCE 681) are required.

No more than 2 credit hours of Directed Studies (685) are allowed. • Students working on a research project should enroll in Research (691) hours.

Graduate Requirements

Current a&m students - quick admit, application portal.

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Engineering online resources, tuition calculator.

To calculate cost, select the semester you’ll start, choose Engineering from the drop-down menu, and slide Hours to how many you’ll take each semester. Your total cost is Tuition and Required Fees + Engineering Program Fee (Remote).

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Graduate Research

Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering and IT

  • Arrow-right #2 in Australia for Engineering and Technology
  • Arrow-right #50 in the world
  • Course code: DR-PHILEIT

Course overview

Make your own research contribution with the Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and IT) at Australia’s leading university*. Build your expertise in a specialist area and be supported by experienced supervisors and advisory committees to create significant change in society. You’ll demonstrate academic leadership, independence, creativity and innovation in your research work.

Research projects are offered in:

  • Biomedical engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Computing and information systems
  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Infrastructure engineering (civil engineering; structural engineering; environmental engineering; geomatics and spatial information)
  • Mechanical engineering and mechatronics.

You can also pursue an engineering or IT research project of your own.

* Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023

Graduate Research Showcase

Find out how to study a research degree, come along to our in person Graduate Research Showcase on 31 October at Melbourne Connect.

Learn more and register now

Solutions for global problems

Work alongside researchers who are creating technological solutions to significant problems in our society and in our future. You’ll benefit from an environment of cross-disciplinary research excellence at Melbourne, connecting diverse study areas and blending academic and industry.

Our researchers are looking into water resource management, clean energy, disaster management, climate change, cancer treatment, epilepsy suppression, food processing, automated interpretation of data, personalised medicine, smart grids and more.

Internationally recognised qualification

Be part of one of the largest engineering research institutions in Australia, measured on research income. You’ll receive strong backing from industry and government.

Joint PhD degree opportunities

In addition to our leading PhD program, we also offer several graduate research joint PhD initiatives. Our joint PhD programs access expertise, resources and world-class training at the University of Melbourne and a leading institution abroad.

Our Jülich-University of Melbourne Postgraduate Academy (JUMPA) is a multidisciplinary Joint PhD training program with the Jülich Research Centre, Germany.

Our Melbourne-CNRS Network is a multidisciplinary Joint PhD training program with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.

Our Melbourne India Postgraduate Academy (MIPA) is a Joint PhD training program with one of three top Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs): IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, and IIT Kharagpur.

Our Melbourne and Manchester Graduate Research Group is a multidisciplinary Joint PhD training program with the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Our Priestley Scholarships are offered in conjunction with University of Birmingham .

For further information and how to apply for joint PhD programs: Graduate research: Joint PhDs

World class facilities

We’re home to an Australian-first, state-of-the-art VR biomechanical facility, CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment), which focuses on improving our understanding of human movement and rehabilitation. You’ll also have access to cutting-edge laboratories and a heavy engineering workshop for materials testing, engine and turbine testing, wind tunnel investigations and metal forming processing.

Related study areas

  • Bioinformatics
  • Civil, structural and architectural engineering
  • Computer science
  • Data and analytics
  • Data science
  • Digital infrastructure engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering business and management
  • Environment
  • Environmental engineering
  • Information systems
  • Information technology
  • Information technology and computer science
  • Mechanical, aerospace, industrial and mechatronic engineering
  • Software engineering

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  • Ph.D.- Education
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Ph.D.- Education (301AA) // Entry and participation requirements

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Melbourne Graduate School of Education

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Associate Dean (Research Training)

Entry requirements

The criteria for assessing applicants' eligibility for PhD candidature are:

Minimum qualifications Applicants are normally required to have completed at least a four-year honours degree at H2A standard from an Australian university, or a qualification or combination of qualifications considered by the RHD Committee to be equivalent.

Minimum level of academic achievement Applicants should have achieved an overall H1 (80-100%) or H2A (75-79%) grade in the relevant honours or Masters degree.

Relevance of the degree The completed degree must be in an area that is relevant to the intended PhD, including sufficient specialisation such that the applicant will have already developed an understanding and appreciation of a body of knowledge relevant to the intended PhD.

Evidence of research ability

Applicants are normally required to have completed a research project, component, subject or group of subjects that accounts for at least 25% of their work (i.e. Honours year), or 25% of one year accumulated over the length of a Masters course, and which has, or have, been conducted, and assessed, individually. Research carried out in groups should at least have been graded individually. This project, component, or subject(s) may include:

(a) any obviously research oriented project, subject or sustained piece of scholarly writing conducted for assessment, such as small theses, research essays, long essays, or studios; AND/OR

(b) any less-obviously research subjects, including practice-based subjects such as performance or fieldwork, where there is also scholastic rigor as documented in a sustained piece of writing analogous to (a); AND/OR

(c) any subjects directed at the formation of research skills, such as methodology and reasoning, such as scientific reasoning, or legal reasoning, where a sustained piece of writing has also been produced.

Currency of applicant's knowledge of the discipline The applicant's degree/s and/or professional experience must demonstrate that their knowledge of the discipline in which they plan to undertake their research higher degree is current.

Assessment of level of suitability Based on interview or other verbal communication, an assessment should be made of the level of understanding, motivation and time commitment of the student for the proposed program of study. For example, a full-time student would be expected to devote at least 40 hours a week and a part-time student about half of this.

Applicants must also meet the University’s English Language requirements .

Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)

All PhD candidates are required to complete the equivalent of at least 12 months full-time (24 months part-time) advanced study and research in the University unless studying at an outside institution approved by the Research Higher Degrees Committee (RHDC). The RHDC will not approve entirely distance supervision or entirely on-line supervision for research higher degree students. The residency requirement is deemed especially important during the probationary period of candidature. During this time the student is expected to interact on a regular basis with the supervisor, the faculty (including staff and other research students) and the University.

The Melbourne Graduate School of Education welcomes applications from students with disabilities. It is University and Graduate School policy to take reasonable steps to enable the participation of students with disabilities, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student’s participation in the Graduate School’s programs.

The core participation requirements for study in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education are:

In all courses

  • The ability to comprehend complex information related to education and the disciplines in which the student is teaching.
  • The ability to communicate clearly and independently in assessment tasks a knowledge of the content, principles and practices relating to education and other relevant disciplines.
  • Behavioural and social attributes that enable a student to participate in a complex learning environment. Students are required to take responsibility for their own participation and learning. They also contribute to the learning of other students in collaborative learning environments, demonstrating interpersonal skills and an understanding of the needs of other students. Assessment may include the outcomes of tasks completed in collaboration with other students.

Students who feel a disability will prevent them from meeting the above academic requirements are encouraged to contact the Disability Liaison Unit.

Last updated: 10 February 2024

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Jun 27, 2024

California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high school

What you need to know: California is ensuring that all high school students are taught personal financial literacy before graduating after an agreement between state leadership and NGPF Mission 2030, an affiliate of Next Gen Personal Finance was reached.

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast), Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas), and a national financial literacy non-profit — NGPF Mission 2030, an affiliate of Next Gen Personal Finance — today announced an agreement to make financial literacy required content to graduate high school.

“We need to help Californians prepare for their financial futures as early as possible. Saving for the future, making investments, and spending wisely are lifelong skills that young adults need to learn before they start their careers, not after.” Governor Gavin Newsom

Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) : “Financial literacy is a critical tool that pays dividends for a lifetime. There’s a wealth of data about the benefits of learning these valuable lessons in high school, from improving credit scores and reducing default rates to increasing the likelihood that our future generations will maintain three months of savings for emergencies and have at least one kind of retirement account.”

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas) : “Ensuring our students have the skills and knowledge to thrive is paramount to California’s continued success, and financial literacy is a key part of that educational mission. Our agreement is the culmination of many robust and productive conversations with stakeholders across the state on how best to implement financial literacy into every student’s high school curriculum.”

Tim Ranzetta, co-founder of NGPF and lead proponent of the Californians for Financial Education initiative campaign:  “We commend Governor Newsom, Senate President pro Tem McGuire, Speaker Rivas, and the bill’s authors and supporters for their leadership and commitment to guaranteeing access to one semester personal finance education for every California student. We look forward to supporting the implementation of this essential course.”

This agreement is reflected in AB 2927, sponsored by NGPF Mission 2030, which the Governor will sign. The legislation will require a semester-long personal finance education course available for all California high school students by the 2027-28 school year and make personal finance a graduation requirement starting with the 2030-31 graduating class. 

Once the Legislature passes this legislation, proponents of the California Personal Finance Education Act initiative eligible for the November 2024 ballot have agreed to withdraw their measure.

College savings accounts

The financial literacy bill aligns with state efforts to prepare students early on for a healthier financial future. California’s  CalKIDS program  invests $1.9 billion into accounts for low-income school-age children in grades 1-12 and for newborn children born on or after July 1, 2022 – indicating the need for early financial literacy. All families of low-income public school students – 3.4 million across the state – are able to access college savings accounts created in their children’s names.

Press Releases , Recent News

Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations

Online Graduate Certificate

Apply to Expand Your Future

As the value of data continues to skyrocket, companies are in need of people who can transform large data sets into rich analytical insights. Now, you can learn these techniques in Carnegie Mellon’s cutting-edge online program. Apply today to expand your future in machine learning and data science.  

Are we the right fit?  

Let’s face it, pursuing any kind of advanced training is an investment of your time, energy and resources. Before you consider our program, make sure your background aligns with our program expectations.  

Successful applicants will have:

  • A bachelor’s degree in STEM or related field  Successful applicants will hold a degree in a science, technology, engineering or math-related field. Other degrees will be considered if the applicant can show the necessary proficiency in math and programming.  
  • Proficiency in advanced math  Students should provide evidence of successful completion of advanced math coursework such as calculus, linear algebra and statistics.  
  • Proficiency in programming  Students should be proficient in Python, R, or an analogous programming language, with experience writing at least 1000 lines of code.  
  • Relevant work experience   Ideally, applicants will have some relevant work experience in either computer programming or a related field. Internships or other related work are acceptable.  
  • A disciplined and motivated mindset  Harder to measure, but equally important, successful applicants will have a resilient spirit, a hunger to learn, and a knack for solving problems through technical innovation. With courses taught by CMU faculty from the #4 computer science school in the country, a consistent and conscious effort will be required to master each topic.

If you have questions about the program or how it aligns with your background, please call 412-501-2686 or send an email to  [email protected]  with your inquiries .

Application Requirements

Ready to apply? Here’s what you’ll need to complete the admissions process: 

✔ Complete the online application Submit your application in the application portal.

✔ Submit your resume/CV We’d like to learn more about your employment history, academic background, technical skills, and professional achievements. Submit a 1 to 2 page resume or CV showcasing your experience. 

✔ Submit your transcripts Submit an unofficial copy of your transcript for each school you attended. Transcripts must include your name, the name of the college or university, the degree awarded (along with the conferral date), as well as the grade earned for each course. Email your transcripts directly to [email protected] .  

✔  Upload a statement of purpose Tell us your professional story. Where have you been, and where do you hope to go? In 500 words or less, please share how our program would advance your capabilities in your current role or prepare you for a new role in the industry. 

✔ Submit your TOEFL, IELTS, or DuoLingo test scores An official TOEFL, IELTS, or DuoLingo test is required for non-native English speakers. This requirement will be waived, however, for applicants who either completed an in-residence bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree program in the United Kingdom, United States, or Canada (excluding Quebec) or have at least three years of professional work experience using English as their primary language. If you fall into one of these categories, please include this information on your resume.  

Tuition: Invest in Your Future

By enrolling in our graduate-level program, you'll be investing in your professional growth to expand your skillset or advance your career. We know this is a significant investment. Not just for you, but for your family as well.

Scholarships To help offset the cost of tuition, and to make our program as accessible as possible, we offer a limited number of partial, merit-based scholarships. All applications will be evaluated for these awards automatically; there is no need to submit additional materials. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be notified in your decision letter.  All applicants who submit by the priority deadline will receive a partial scholarship award.

In addition, Carnegie Mellon alumni are eligible for a scholarship to the Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations worth up to 20% of tuition. Indicate your alumni status within the application to be eligible.

So, what is the investment per course? Below is a breakdown of our tuition for the 2024/2025 academic year:

Course Units Investment

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

6 units $4,242

Computational Foundations for Machine Learning

6 units $4,242

Python for Data Science (Part 1)

6 units $4,242

Python for Data Science (Part 2)

6 units $4,242
Foundations of Computational Data Science (Part 1) 6 units $4,242
Foundations of Computational Data Science (Part 2) 6 units $4,242

Total Investment

  • An additional technology fee of approximately $230 will be assessed each semester.
  • The rates above are for the 2024/2025 academic year only. If the program is not completed within that time frame, tuition may increase slightly for the following academic year.

Financing Your CMU Graduate Certificate

Monthly payment plan.

CMU provides a monthly payment option , managed by Nelnet Campus Commerce, designed to help students spread out tuition payments into manageable monthly installments. This plan also offers the ease of online enrollment. Should you be admitted and choose to join us, we recommend registering for this plan early to fully benefit from the range of payment options available.

Financial Aid & Private Loans

Students pursuing a graduate certificate are not eligible to receive federal financial aid. However, private loans are a viable alternative to consider with competitive interest rates and borrower benefits. See FastChoice , a free loan comparison service to easily research options.

Employer Tuition Reimbursement

Many companies offer tuition reimbursement programs to foster professional development among their employees. We encourage you to contact your HR department to find out if similar opportunities exist at your workplace. 

When you speak to your employer, you can share that our program: 

  • Consists of transcripted, credit-bearing courses (not just continuing education units). You will earn 36 Carnegie Mellon graduate-level credits when you complete the full program.  
  • Equips you with foundational skills in AI, machine learning, and computational data science, which means you’ll be ready to extract meaningful insights from large, complex data sets right from the get-go. With the #1 program in Artificial Intelligence and the #1 Programming Languages school in the country, CMU is the ideal place to learn these skills and techniques.
  • Features coursework taught by CMU faculty experts who are spearheading research in language technologies, computer science, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. 
  • Is delivered completely online , which means you can take classes on your own time while maintaining your normal work schedule.

Not sure how to approach your employer? Need specific documents to proceed with enrollment?  Call 412-501-2686 or send an email to  [email protected]  with your inquiries .  We’re here to help you take the next step in your professional  journey. 


The Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations is eligible for CMU tuition remission. Review the   CMU tuition remission policy   to check your eligibility.

A Note for International Applicants

As part of a global university with locations and students from around the world, the School of Computer Science welcomes the diverse perspectives that international students bring to our programs.

The Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations provides a unique opportunity for individuals nearly everywhere to earn a certificate at the intersection of AI, machine learning, and computational data science from one of the top ranked computer science schools in the country. 

To help ensure you are fully prepared for the admissions process and, if admitted, for success as a student, this section provides detailed information about requirements for international applicants.

We look forward to reviewing your application.

The Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations considers for admission international applicants who reside within, or outside of, the domestic United States. International applicants who reside within or outside of the domestic United States are advised of the following information and additional requirements for international applicants to the program.

Student Visas

Since this program is fully online, enrollment in this program will not qualify students for any type of visa to enter or remain in the United States for any purpose. 

Time and Attendance Requirement  

Classes for the program will be taught on the U.S. Eastern Time zone schedule, and students must be available to attend all live classes, regardless of location.

U.S. Sanctions; U.S. Sanctioned Countries

Individuals who are the target of U.S. sanctions or who are ordinarily resident in a U.S. sanctioned country or who live or expect to live in a U.S. sanctioned country while participating in the program are not eligible for admission to this program due to legal restrictions/prohibitions and should not apply. U.S sanctioned countries are currently Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria and the following regions of Ukraine: Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk. In addition, all or a portion of this program may not be available to individuals who are ordinarily resident of certain countries due to legal restrictions.  

Applications received from these individuals will not be accepted. As well, if an individual is admitted to the program and subsequently the individual becomes the target of U.S. sanctions, ordinarily resident of a U.S. sanctioned country or lives in a U.S. sanctioned country while participating in the program (or otherwise becomes ordinarily resident of country in which the program is not available due to legal restrictions), the individual’s continued enrollment in the program may be terminated and/or restricted (due to U.S. legal restrictions/prohibitions) and the individual may not be able to complete the program.  

Licensure in Various Jurisdictions

From time to time Carnegie Mellon reviews the licensing requirements of various jurisdictions in order to assess whether Carnegie Mellon may be precluded from making the program available to applicants that are residents of one or more of these jurisdictions prior to Carnegie Mellon obtaining the relevant license(s). Affected applicants from these jurisdictions, if any, will be notified prior to enrollment if Carnegie Mellon determines that it is unable to make the program available to them for this reason.

Value Added Tax (VAT) and Other Taxes

The tuition, required fees and other amounts quoted for this program do not include charges for applicable Taxes (hereinafter defined). The student is responsible for payment of all applicable Taxes (if any) relating to the tuition, required fees and other amounts required to be paid to Carnegie Mellon for the program, including any Taxes payable as a result of the student’s payment of such Taxes. 

Further, the student must timely make all payments due to Carnegie Mellon without deduction for Taxes, unless the deduction is required by law. If the student is required under applicable law to withhold Taxes from any payment due to Carnegie Mellon, the student is responsible for timely (i) paying to Carnegie Mellon such additional amounts as are necessary so that Carnegie Mellon receives the full amount that it would have received absent such withholding, and (ii) providing to Carnegie Mellon all documentation, if any, necessary to permit the student and/or Carnegie Mellon to claim the application of available tax treaty benefits (for Carnegie Mellon review and completion, if warranted and acceptable). 

Taxes mean any taxes, governmental charges, duties, or similar additions or deductions of any kind, including all use, income, goods and services, value added, excise and withholding taxes assessed by or payable in the student’s country of residence and/or country of payment (but does not include any U.S. federal, state or local taxes).

  • What kind of academic background do I need? Successful applicants will have a bachelor’s degree in a STEM-related field. Other degrees will be considered if the applicant can show the necessary proficiency in math and programming. Applicants should also have proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, with experience writing up to 1000 lines of code. 
  • Do I need work experience? Applicants will ideally have some relevant work experience in either computer programming or a related field. Internships or other related work are also acceptable.
  • What materials do I need to submit when I apply to this program? Besides the online application, applicants must submit a current resume, transcripts, and a personal statement to be considered for enrollment.
  • Is there an application fee? No, this program does not require an application fee.
  • When is the application deadline?  All applicants who submit by the priority deadline of July 9, 2024 will receive a partial scholarship award. The final deadline to apply is July 30, 2024.
  • How do I check the status of my application? You can view the status of your application at any time in the application portal. A decision letter from Carnegie Mellon will be sent through the application portal within a few weeks of submitting your online application.
  • After I submit my application, when will I hear back? You’ll receive a decision letter within a few weeks of submitting your application.
  • Is a deposit required to secure my spot? No, a deposit is not required to secure your spot in the program.
  • If I choose to complete the entire certificate, what is my total investment? The total investment for the Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations certificate during the 2024/2025 academic year is $25,452. A breakdown of the tuition and fees can be found above. Partial scholarships are available. All applicants who submit by the priority deadline of July 9, 2024 will receive a partial scholarship award. Carnegie Mellon alumni are eligible for a scholarship to the Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations worth up to 20% of tuition.
  • Is this program eligible for CMU tuition remision? Yes, the Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations is eligible for CMU tuition remission. Review the   CMU tuition remission policy   to check your eligibility.

Application Deadlines

Priority*: July 9, 2024 Final: July 30, 2024

*All applicants who submit by the priority deadline will receive a partial scholarship award.

Request Info

Questions? There are two ways to contact us. Call 412-501-2686 or send an email to  [email protected] with your inquiries.

Fast Admission Decisions

Applications are evaluated on a bi-weekly basis, which means you’ll receive a decision letter fast,  within a few weeks  of submitting your application .  

At CMU, we recognize the value of time well spent. Quick decisions mean less time wasted and more time preparing for your future.

Due to the individual nature of the coursework, space is limited for our program - applications will be accepted until the class is full.

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Civil Engineering

Supported Degree Objectives

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • MS in Civil Engineering (MSCE)
  • Graduate Certificate

Required Supporting Documents

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Academic Statement of Purpose
  • Personal History Statement

English Proficiency Requirements

  • The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars , visit the English Proficiency Requirements page.

TOEFL: Internet-Based Test (IBT): Minimum Overall Required Score: 90 Minimum section requirements:

  • Reading: 19
  • Listening: 14
  • Speaking: 18
  • Writing: 18

IELTS (Academic Module): Minimum Overall Required Score: 7 Minimum section requirements:

  • Reading: 6.5
  • Listening: 6
  • Speaking: 6.5
  • Writing: 5.5

We are not currently accepting TOEFL Essentials test scores.

Doctoral and Master's Degree Program Requirements

  • 3.0 or equivalent (A=4.0)

Application Deadlines

May 15 September 15 No Entry U.S. Citizen
April 15 September 15 No Entry International
  • *Fall deadline for priority consideration for financial support is December 1.

Program Contact Information

Stacy Lane
Graduate Office
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Purdue University
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051

Additional Information

  • Current master's students wishing to move to a doctoral degree program in this same graduate program will not be required to submit a new application.
  • International Applicants: No financial statements should be mailed to the CE Grad Office. If you are accepted to Purdue University and you are an international applicant, the International Students and Scholars office will send you the correct forms to be filled out upon acceptance.

The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Graduate School, visit the English Proficiency Requirements page.

Purdue West Lafayette campus


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    phd requirements unimelb

  5. Unimelb Timetable

    phd requirements unimelb

  6. How to get a PhD: Steps and Requirements Explained

    phd requirements unimelb


  1. "Constellation de la couronne Boréale" (2006) by Guillaume Connession

  2. First Provisional Merit List of Bachelor's Degree Program for Academic Year 2024

  3. "Wheel Around" (2019) by Joanne Harris

  4. Graduate Research Scholarship

  5. The North Shore" (1993) by Gavin Bryars

  6. Viola Sonata (1990) II: Declamatory by Jennifer Higdon


  1. Doctor of Philosophy

    Not just a researcher. The Melbourne experience enables our graduates to become specialists within their field, leaders in communities, attuned to cultural diversity, and active global citizens. Complete your PhD in Science with an independent research project to produce an original thesis and contribution to knowledge.

  2. Doctor of Philosophy

    Step 1 - Check your eligibility. The entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) are the same. Check our entry requirements to confirm that you are eligible. Please also check that you meet the University's English Language requirements. We can assess your application even if you do not yet ...

  3. Entry requirements

    To be eligible to apply for graduate research courses, you're normally required to have completed at least a four year Australian Bachelor course or overseas equivalent and achieved an overall average of greater than 75% in the final year of the course. You're also normally required to have completed a research project/component that accounts ...

  4. Entry and participation requirements: Doctor of Philosophy

    Entry requirements. 1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed: a four-year Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline which includes a substantial research component equivalent to at least 25% of one year of full-time study and have achieved a minimum weighted average of 75% in the final year subjects or (University of Melbourne) equivalent; or

  5. How to apply

    Support centre. Find answers to scores of questions about eligibility, applying, scholarships, offers and more. Our Future Students team can help answer your questions about studying in Melbourne. Find out how to apply for University of Melbourne graduate research courses, understand your fees, qualify for scholarships, receive your offer and ...

  6. Entry and participation requirements: Doctor of Philosophy

    Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) All PhD candidates are required to complete the equivalent of at least 12months full-time (24 months part-time) advanced study and research at the University unless studying at an outside institution approved by the Higher Degrees Research Committee (HDRC).

  7. Entry and participation requirements: Doctor of Philosophy

    Entry requirements. The criteria for assessing applicants' eligibility for PhD candidature are: Minimum qualifications Applicants are normally required to have completed at least a four-year honours degree at H2A standard from an Australian university, or a qualification or combination of qualifications considered by the RHD Committee to be equivalent.

  8. Research opportunities in Melbourne: PhD and graduate degrees

    Your research options. Discover the types of graduate research we offer, including the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and masters by research. Explore our research areas - from arts, humanities and social sciences to veterinary, agricultural and food sciences and learn more about your opportunities as a graduate ...

  9. Study graduate research

    Doctor of Philosophy - Arts. The Doctor of Philosophy - Arts - also known as a PhD or Doctorate - is the highest Arts degree offered by the University of Melbourne. You will complete a compulsory coursework component and undertake supervised research under the direction of a supervisory team of experts in the field. Find out more.

  10. Graduate research at the School of Physics

    Scholarships and fees. The University of Melbourne offers a variety of scholarship opportunities alongside its PhD programs. When you apply for a PhD with us, you'll automatically be considered for a Graduate Research Scholarship.This scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a living allowance, along with a relocation grant if you're moving to Melbourne.

  11. PhD Research (LING80001) // Eligibility and requirements

    Corequisites. None. Non-allowed subjects. None. Inherent requirements (core participation requirements) The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326).Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements ...

  12. PhD studies in Mathematics and Statistics

    Doctor of Philosophy (Science) A PhD is an essential qualification for a research career in mathematics and statistics. Many of our graduates go on to work as postdoctoral research scientists and careers in research and teaching in academia, or move into industry where their technical and professional skills are highly valued.

  13. Science : Entry requirements

    Entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy (Science) To be considered for entry, you must have completed: A 4-year undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline, including a substantial research component (equivalent to at least 25 per cent of 1 year of full-time study), with a weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 75 per cent in your ...

  14. The PhD Program (PhD in Physics)

    The approximately 3 and a half year PhD in Physics program is based purely on research. There are no required subjects. Key milestones in the program are: (1) Candidacy: There is a progress review at the end of your first year. This consists of a presentation, short report, and a Q&A session with the candidacy committee (composed of three to ...

  15. Engineering and IT : Entry requirements

    The University of Melbourne does not accept the revised TOEFL Paper delivered Test. If an English language test is required, you must achieve a minimum of: IELTS (academic English only): Overall 6.5 with no band less than 6.0. TOEFL (internet-based): 79, with writing 21, speaking 18, reading 13, listening 13. Pearson Test of English (Academic ...

  16. Your research options

    Your research options. Our graduate research degrees allow you to explore your area of interest in depth through either a: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which marks your admission to the community of scholars in your discipline and requires the completion of a thesis of 80,000-100,000 words on a specialised topic; Master of Philosophy (MPhil), an ...

  17. Neuroscience PhD Program

    The Melbourne Neuroscience PhD Program will help you to: Connect with other researchers from across the University. Build relationships with relevant external organisations. Develop your career path after graduation. Consider your research topic from different perspectives. Contribute to the discovery of new knowledge.

  18. Course requirements

    Administrative requirements. Administration requirements need to be completed in a timely manner when enrolment or candidature changes need to be made. Some examples of these are: submission of progress reviews, leave of absence, study away, change to project details and change of study rate. We also expect you to check your University email ...

  19. Requirements for PhD degree : r/unimelb

    Three years minimum to complete. No official WAM is required or guaranteed. Unimelb only take as many people as they are allocated APA scholarships for the year, which depends on federal govt funding and varies from year to year, from school to school, based on strategic priorities and what govt and uni negotiate.

  20. WAM for honours/PhD : r/unimelb

    It seems kind of silly to me to judge a PhD candidate on their first year subjects, but I haven't found anything that states otherwise. Share Add a Comment. Be the first to comment ... a subreddit dedicated to the University of Melbourne community. Whether you are a current student, staff member, alumnus, or simply interested in the university ...

  21. PDF Call for Joint PhD Projects 2024 The University of Melbourne and the

    The University of Melbourne Melbourne academics must be registered to supervise as per the Supervisor Eligibility and Registration Policy. Primary supervisors should be employed at Melbourne beyond the envisaged submission date of their PhD candidates (2029). If their employment contract does

  22. Prerequisites and Requirements

    Before applying to the Ph.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, review our full list of prerequisite information and complete admission requirements. The admissions committee reviews all completed applications through a holistic review process to select candidates for interviews. Prerequisites

  23. Doctor of Philosophy

    Entry requirements. 1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed: a four-year Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline which includes a substantial research component equivalent to at least 25% of one year of full-time study and have achieved a minimum weighted average of 75% in the final year subjects or (University of Melbourne) equivalent; or

  24. Online Doctor of Philosophy

    Work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is designed to give the candidate a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field and training in methods of research. The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate's grasp of the subject matter of a broad field of study and a demonstrated ability to do independent research.

  25. Doctor of Philosophy

    Make your own research contribution with the Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and IT) at Australia's leading university*. Build your expertise in a specialist area and be supported by experienced supervisors and advisory committees to create significant change in society. You'll demonstrate academic leadership, independence, creativity and ...


    A. Requirements for PhD candidates and thesis supervisors . 2 / 6 3. If I have been selected for an FI-SDUR grant, what requirements must I meet to join the university? 4. Is there any minimum average grade for undergraduate or graduate studies to be eligible for a FI-SDUR grant?

  27. Entry and participation requirements: Ph.D.- Education (301AA)

    Entry requirements. The criteria for assessing applicants' eligibility for PhD candidature are: Minimum qualifications Applicants are normally required to have completed at least a four-year honours degree at H2A standard from an Australian university, or a qualification or combination of qualifications considered by the RHD Committee to be equivalent.

  28. California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high

    Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast): "Financial literacy is a critical tool that pays dividends for a lifetime.There's a wealth of data about the benefits of learning these valuable lessons in high school, from improving credit scores and reducing default rates to increasing the likelihood that our future generations will maintain three months of savings for ...

  29. Apply to CMU's Online Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning and Data

    The Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations considers for admission international applicants who reside within, or outside of, the domestic United States. International applicants who reside within or outside of the domestic United States are advised of the following information and additional requirements for ...

  30. Civil Engineering

    The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars, visit the English Proficiency Requirements page.