• PhD Careers – What to Do After a PhD

Choosing what to do after your PhD isn’t always easy, particularly when you’re not sure if you want to work in academia. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of career opportunities that come with a PhD – and a good chance it’ll increase your earning potential.

This page contains an overview of some jobs you can do after a PhD. We've covered routes into academia , including postdocs and fellowships , as well as permanent academic positions . We've also expored some non-academic career options for PhD graduates .

To help you make the best decision, we also have guides on PhD employability and earnings , and how you can decide if PhD study is worth it .

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We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions about PhDs, covering course types, applications, funding and the benefits of further study.

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Will a PhD help you get a job or earn a better salary? And what are your career prospects in and outside of academia?

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Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work as a student or recent graduate in the USA.

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Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

Academic careers

If you’re completing or applying for a PhD, it’s likely that at some point you’ll consider working in academia. Academia is the career path of researchers who work to advance teaching and research in institutes of education. While most academics are employed by universities, institutes could include government-funded experiments or sites of historical preservation, for example.

The main objective of academia is to produce original research. Though not all academics work in university, this page shall focus mainly on the university progression path.

How much do academics earn?

According to official data produced by HESA, in 2021-22 most full-time academics employed by a university in the UK were salaried between £47,419 to £63,668 . The second largest salary range, with just over 33% of academics falling into, was £35,326 to £47,419.

The average pay of full time UK academics 2021-22
Percentage of academics Salary band
0.02% <£20,092
0.48%£20,092 and £26,341
9.03%£26,341 and £35,326
33.50%£35,326 and £47,419
36.29%£47,419 and £63,668
* .

Average pay, however, will depend on the department. For example, those working in Biological, Mathematical and Physical Sciences are more likely to earn between £34,000-£45,000 . Whereas, surprisingly, in the Humanities, Language Studies and Archaeology a higher percentage of academics were earning above £45,000 . This, however, is likely because the sciences tend to have more job opportunities for early career researchers, thus lowering the average rate of pay.

How to become an academic

To become an academic in the UK it’s increasingly expected that candidates will have a doctoral degree . In order to obtain a doctoral degree at least an upper second-class undergraduate degree will be needed, and usually a Masters as well.

After finishing a PhD there are two different routes that can be taken to achieve a permanent position:

  • The first route focuses more on teaching . After completing a PhD, graduates might take up part-time teaching roles. The experience gained will make them more competitive candidates to apply for research or teaching fellowships and permanent lecture positions.
  • Alternatively, PhD graduates looking to focus on research might apply for at least one post-doctoral position. Having completed a postdoc, you will then be able to apply for fellowships and lectureships.

Candidates are not always expected to have completed a fellowship to apply for a lectureship. These roles can be obtained after completing a postdoc or teaching experience.

Postdocs and fellowships

Both postdocs (post-doctoral positions) and fellowships are fixed term contracts of research that employ recent PhD graduates. Usually contracts will be between one to four years and applicants will be expected to have completed their PhD no more than five years prior.

The main difference between postdocs and fellowships is the level of responsibility and control granted over a research project.

What is a postdoc?

A postdoc is a temporary funded research position at a university or in industry. Postdocs work under the supervision of a research group or established academic and are considered an employee, unlike PhD students. Some roles will include teaching responsibilities and assistant supervisory roles to students. Responsibilities will also include grant writing, funding applications and administrative duties.

Sometimes postdocs can be referred to as Postdoctoral Research Assistants or Postdoctoral Research Fellows. A postdoc, however, is not the same as a fellowship.

What is a fellowship?

Research fellowships are competitive and prestigious positions. Unlike postdocs, you will be funded to complete your own research project. Some positions will also guarantee a permanent academic role after completion. To successfully achieve a fellowship, you’ll need an interesting and viable research project, a history of academic excellence, and experience in writing successful funding or grant applications.

The other type is a teaching fellowship . These roles are not always for early career academics and will be offered to senior researchers so make sure you check the job description.

Do you need a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia?

Technically you do not need to have completed a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia, but it is becoming increasingly expected.

Employment in academia is more competitive each year as the number of PhDs rewarded is increasing, whereas the available permanent academic positions are not. The experience gained from completing one or more temporary positions can help you increase the competitiveness of your CV, make connections and build a positive reputation within the academic community.

Permanent positions and tenure

If you’re able to demonstrate a high level of skill in research through publications and successful funding applications, then you may be eligible for a permanent position.


Lecturing jobs are an entry level permanent position. Sometimes referred to as Assistant Professors, lecturers are required to teach, conduct independent research and administrative duties.

Usually lecture jobs have a probationary period of three to four years before the job is considered permanent. This period will also require successful completion of various training programmes.

The next level of academic rank is Senior Lecturer or Reader . Traditionally a senior lecturer’s position focuses on teaching whereas a reader will conduct more research. Reader positions, however, are becoming less common. Senior lecturers can also be referred to as Associate Professors, a title which is more commonly used in America.

To qualify for a promotion, you’ll usually be required to provide evidence of significant progression to a panel. Evidence could include publications, grants and contributions to teaching. Though there is no expected time frame, lecturers are often successfully promoted to senior roles after four or five years.


Professor is the most senior position in academia. They are expected to have extensively contributed to their research field, usually having multiple published monographs, and to have taken advanced leadership roles within their department.

What is tenure?

Tenure is a form of employment security common in North America that protects lecturers from being fired without proper cause. In the UK, however, academics in permanent roles receive the same employment security offered to every worker, though the details can change depending on the hiring institution.

Non-academic careers

Not all PhD students remain in academia after graduation. Many PhD graduates are able to thrive in industry roles because of the skills gained throughout their degree.

According to the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) just over 70% of PhD holders are no longer working in academia three and a half years after finishing their PhD, so you certainly won’t be in the minority if you decide that this is the best route for you!

You will have developed plenty of transferrable skills and hands-on experience during your PhD. These will serve you well when it comes to finding a job and help distinguish you from Bachelors and Masters graduates.

You’ll find PhD holders in all walks of life. From pharmaceuticals to the public sector, PhD graduates are not short of options. You also don't have to begin your industry career straight after graduation. You could go from academia to industry (or the other way around) at any point in your career.

If you're interested in the type of industry work you may be qualified for, here are some illustrative examples of PhD jobs:

  • A PhD in the Arts and Humanities demonstrates excellent written communication, presentation skills, creativity and analytical thinking. You may be suited to work for jobs in the Publishing industry , Digital Marketing or Civil Service .
  • A PhD in Biological and Medical Sciences builds specialist subject knowledge, data proficiency and collaborative skills. This will compliment work in industries such as Pharmaceuticals , Genomics or Clinical Care .
  • A PhD in Business and Finance will help build organisational and data experience that could benefit careers in Accountancy , Data Science or Consultancy .
  • A PhD in Chemical Sciences will provide you with laboratory skills and an advanced understanding of chemistry needed to benefit jobs in Chemical Engineering , Industrial Chemistry and Food Technology .
  • A PhD in Earth Sciences could set graduates up for careers in Construction , Environmental Protection or Mineral Surveying , utilising analytical skills and strong subject knowledge.
  • PhDs in Engineering have a strong emphasis on project management and practical construction. This could aid jobs in Management Consultancy and Finance as well as more practical fields such as Aeronautics .
  • The specialist knowledge gained from a PhD in Law can enable students to comfortably enter industries such as Investment . Additionally, soft skills gained in communication will help in careers such as Teaching or Public Engagement .
  • A PhD in Maths and Computing could benefit jobs in Finance , Investment or Web Development , complimenting skills in logic, problem solving and data.
  • A PhD in the Physical Sciences demonstrates experience with software and data. This could set graduates up to work in Software Engineering , Data Science or even Sound Engineering .
  • A PhD in Social Science and Health requires a deep understanding of human society on a macro or micro level. Graduates may find themselves working in Epidemiology , Public Health or Social Work .

You may be inclined to apply for jobs relating to the subject of your research or previous studies. But a PhD is a versatile enough qualification that you can often look outside your discipline area.

Non-academic PhD graduate jobs in STEM subjects

A PhD in a STEM subject can be used in a broad range of non-academic contexts, from industrial research settings to the public sector. Industry careers for STEM PhD holders could involve intellectual property, regulatory matters, big data, pharmaceuticals or consultancy.

Non-academic PhD graduate jobs in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

If your PhD is in an Arts, Humanities or Social Science (AHSS) discipline, the skills you have to offer differ from STEM PhD holders.

Your aptitudes as a AHSS PhD graduate are likely to be suited for industries where communication skills are necessary. The ability to research and write about complex topics will be in-demand across any number of leading companies and sectors. Also, creative thinking will be highly valued by employers in strategic planning or industries such as marketing.

Making the transition to a non-academic career

You should invest some time during your PhD for personal and professional development (this is true if you want to stay in academia too!).

Even if you attend none of the formal training courses offered by your department, your PhD itself will provide you with many skills. When leaving academia, you'll need to translate your skills so they make sense to the industry and commercial employers. Think outside the box and take stock of what you are good at or have experience in.

Some translation examples include:

  • The dissertation shows you're capable of presenting and organising large amounts of information.
  • Having published papers shows you can communicate information across a range of formats.
  • If you did interviews for your PhD project, you might graduate with skills in questionnaire design, sensitivity and data analysis.

There’s always a way to link your academic experience to the commercial world. Be prepared to do this in any upcoming job interviews.

It’s also a good idea to move away from the long, multiple page academic CV that you might be used to. Employers won’t read them. They also won’t be interested in scanning a lengthy list of articles. Instead, you should mention that you’ve had several publications without detailing every instance.

Want to find out more about PhD careers?

Check out our guide to PhD employability and earnings . Then, head to our course listings to find your perfect PhD opportunity .

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Career options after PhD: Tips for a successful job search

Career Opportunities After PhD: Tips for a Successful Job Search

Table of Contents

Challenges with employment and career opportunities after PhD

The current academic job market has become increasingly competitive for PhD graduates, which has made it important for them to explore the available options and careers after PhD. PhD holders exceed the limited tenure positions and are often forced to move to non-academic positions or remain underemployed in career paths after PhD that often require lesser degrees. Graduates of some fields may better navigate non-academic labor markets than others. 1

For example, STEM, business, and economics graduates are more likely to obtain industry-specific technical and applied skills. But, others wondering how to get into industry after PhD may not recognize the extent to which their problem-solving, analytical, and critical-thinking skills may be used outside academia.

Non-academic careers after PhD are not simply a preference but have become a necessity for many PhD holders, especially when academic jobs are limited. It could also be related to your personal values, family situation, instability/insecurities in working on a contract, preferences or available career options after PhD. Doctoral students also perceive limited support and a lack of resources to address their diverse career development needs during their training as a reason for this shift. 2 Most often, PhD scholars don’t know how to get into industry after PhD as they feel they are misfits here. The extent of mismatch could be in terms of skills, the field of study, and over-qualification. This article can help you overcome some challenges in finding suitable career opportunities after PhD.

Career options after PhD

Most often, PhD scholars don’t know how to get into industry after PhD as they feel they are misfits here. The extent of mismatch could be in terms of skills, the field of study, and over-qualification. This article can help you overcome some challenges in finding suitable career opportunities after PhD.

The following are just some of the PhD career options you have upon achieving your doctorate:

In academia

  • Adjunct faculty position

In industry

  • Policymakers/Adviser to policymakers
  • Entrepreneur
  • Public speaker

Optimizing your job search for great careers after PhD

As a PhD student, you might find it hard to decide the next step in your career after PhD. Not everyone completing a PhD will find full-time tenure positions at higher education institutions. You would naturally want a lucrative and rewarding career after PhD that makes all the hardships worthwhile. But choosing between academic/non-academic jobs or private/public sector jobs can be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with the job-hunting game inside/outside of academia. The following steps can help you with your job search process and steer your career path after PhD.

  • Reflect : Look back on your experiences to identify what aspects of your research you enjoyed most. It could be experimental or fieldwork, creative writing, connecting with other researchers or managing your project. There are many career options for PhD holders in the market and some reflection will help you identify the direction in which you want to go.
  • Decide location : Your preferred location can influence your job search. Think about where you’d like to live and the job opportunities and career options for PhD holders available there. Often, you might find that you want to go back to your home country to pursue a career after PhD and would have to adjust your job search depending on the type of jobs available locally. Therefore, looking for the right job in the right place can reduce your search time.
  • Network : Many PhDs underestimate the importance of networking effectively and having a good communication strategy in determining their careers after PhD. Jobs received through university networks tend to align with your education and offer better career opportunities after PhD. 3 So find some time to attend events and network with stakeholders in top companies and other universities. Speaking to senior colleagues about your job search can also help you understand their experiences and learn how to get into industry after PhD. Finally, make sure to have a LinkedIn profile to connect with people having similar interests and careers after PhD.
  • Career centers : Your university career center can also offer guidance on possible careers after PhD, especially finding a good position upon graduating. They can also help you familiarize yourself with institutions that award research grants and their requirements.
  • Websites : You may find career opportunities for PhDs on university websites or other relevant platforms, such as:

-Nature careers

-New scientist jobs

-Science Careers

-Technojobs-PhD jobs

  • Strong resume : When applying for non-academic jobs, focus on enhancing the many transferable skills from your PhD, such as:

-Communication skills – your work with presentations, lectures, or seminars

-Creative thinking – good at outside-the-box thinking

-Management – great with time, workloads, mentoring undergraduate students

-Problem-solving skills – mention the many research problems solved

Use the following strategies to enhance the quality of your CV or resume for better

  • Highlight achievements: Your CV should include sufficient detail to show a selection committee that you are the perfect candidate for the job. Update your CV regularly to include recent achievements and skills gained that are relevant in careers after PhD.
  • Tailor-made for the job: Fine-tune your CV to meet the job requirements. An academic CV should be different from a non-academic one to match the needs of that particular opportunity. A 1-2 page summary of your experiences and expertise is sufficient for an industry job, but your academic CV should include a full record of your work and can be much longer.
  • Add specific, credible information: To secure the best career after PhD, ensure the CV you submit is supported by sufficient details of specific experiences that highlight your efforts and skills.
  • Add evidence: Incorporate quantitative evidence or proof to support the facts in your CV. Do not fabricate information that will crumble under scrutiny and mar your career options after PhD.
  • Start early and keep looking: Finally, start your job search early and keep looking until you have found a job that meets your requirements.

You can pursue a variety of careers after PhD, and we hope the points above help you find the best career opportunities after your PhD is over. Best of luck with your applications!

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Ten Jobs Where You Can Use Your PhD

By Michelle Lanchart and Stacy Hartman

Earning a PhD provides you with more skills and career opportunities than you might think it does. Below are ten jobs where you can use your PhD—some in academic settings and some not. There are many other opportunities available to you; this list is just a place to start thinking about your career options.*

1. Staff culture writer, digital media company

Staff writers report on artistic and cultural events, providing analysis and context for a broad audience on a variety of topics. As a PhD, you already have the excellent writing and research skills the job requires, and your advanced training in the interpretation of literature, culture, and language enhances your ability to articulate the significance of cultural and artistic phenomena.

2. Dean of students, private high school

A dean of students leads curriculum design, develops academic and behavioral policies, and determines the best strategies to build students’ academic success. The research, leadership, and teaching experience you acquired while earning your PhD makes you a good candidate in this field.

3. Assistant professor, university or college department

An assistant professor teaches undergraduate (and, depending on the institution, graduate) courses, serves on committees that help determine academic and organizational policies for the department and institution, and conducts research, with an eye toward receiving tenure.

4. Research associate, variety of companies

As a research associate you would gather data to determine whether a product or service is desirable to consumers or companies. Your extensive experience conducting research and presenting it to a variety of audiences is a transferable skill that you bring to research associate positions.

5. Development writer, nonprofit or university

A development writer builds relationships with donors and increases public engagement through written and oral communication. Your ability to write about specialized research or technical activities for a general audience is useful for this position.

6. Assistant director, learning programs

Assistant directors have a variety of responsibilities, from providing instructional support to faculty members and graduate students to assessing and improving educational services. This can be an exciting opportunity to apply your teaching and leadership experience beyond the classroom.

7. Associate director, global programs

Associate directors work with faculty members to develop programs and curricula for students studying abroad. Your experiences teaching, developing educational programs, as well as studying, living, and researching abroad, are ideal for this position.

8. Program officer, think tank, foundation, or scholarly association

As a program officer you would take the lead in program development, which involves procuring grants and funding, managing projects, and overseeing budgets. These roles leverage your experience applying for funding and managing complex projects.

9. Copywriter, many companies and organizations

Copywriters produce and edit copy (i.e., writing) for marketing campaigns and then plan and implement those campaigns, which help companies promote products and services across a variety of media. Excellent research and writing skills and an ability to write for different audiences are essential for this job.

10. Curriculum designer, educational technology

Curriculum designers develop educational content and curricula to be delivered digitally to students or employees and often provide technical support to instructors or trainers. This is a great role for those who have developed skills in the digital humanities or in blended learning, and it also leverages your experiences in teaching and in curriculum development.

Your PhD gives you the skills to pursue a variety of career paths. To learn more about how to prepare for the job search and how to gain experience in the industries that interest you, visit the  Connected Academics Web site .

*Please note that the job ads are provided as examples and may no longer be accepting applications. A job ad’s inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement of the employer by the MLA.

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3 comments on “Ten Jobs Where You Can Use Your PhD”

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Steve Colburn says:

And don’t forget Government service at the Municipal, County, State, and Federal Level. I know Language and Literature academics who have pursued rewarding careers at all of these levels of Government service to the public, and have received good financial compensation, enjoyed reliable job security, defined-benefit pension programs, and the opportunity to pursue a challenging, rewarding job! Retired Training Manager and Senior Organizational Policy Analyst for Local County Government in Sunny South Florida! Life Member of the MLA, since Grad School in 1976.

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Peter Marbais says:

There are a number of language editing opportunities in addition to copy editing. I made the transition from teaching English literature and composition to editing documents for ESL writers aspiring to publish in English-language journals. My experience helping ESL students at the Kent State University writing center and in my composition courses paved the way to helping researchers from around the world. The work is highly rewarding, and there are a number of great resources available online for both contract editors (freelancers) and full-time editors. This link provides a good overview of several types of editing roles: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/freelance-editing-jobs-1360401 .

Peter Marbais, PhD, ELS Quality Control Editor III American Journal Experts, a Research Square company

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David -Ross Gerling says:

I made the transition to a law firm in Spain whose clients are Brits and American ex-pats or just foreigners in trouble with the Spanish legal system. My work as ex-pat advocate is every bit as satisfying and infinitely more lucrative than teaching Spanish . David-Ross Gerling, PhD

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  • PhD positions in Munich (5)
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  • PhD positions in Erlangen (2)
  • PhD positions in Freiburg im Breisgau (1)
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6 Exciting Job Opportunities after Completing PhD

Unlocking the Door to Exciting Career Paths: The Abundance of Job Opportunities Available After Completing Your PhD!

Dr. Somasundaram R

Are you one of the many individuals who are currently pursuing or have already completed their PhD? If so, you may be wondering what career opportunities are available to you after completing this prestigious degree.

While many people may assume that job prospects for PhD graduates are limited to academia, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there are many job opportunities available to PhD holders in a wide range of fields and industries.

Discover the endless career possibilities after earning your PhD! From academia to industry, government, non-profits, and entrepreneurship, this article explores the most promising job opportunities available to PhD graduates. Don’t miss out on your chance to unlock the door to an exciting and fulfilling career path! ilovephd

In this article, ilovephd listed the 6 exciting job opportunities after completing your PhD.

1. Academia

man in beige blazer holding tablet computer

One of the most obvious career paths for PhD graduates is academia . Many individuals who obtain a PhD choose to pursue a career in teaching and research at universities or other educational institutions.

This can involve teaching undergraduate or graduate-level courses, conducting research in a specific area of interest, and publishing academic papers and books. While academia can be a rewarding career path, it is important to note that the competition for tenure-track positions can be fierce.

However, academia is not the only career path available to PhD graduates. Many industries value the skills and expertise that PhD holders possess, and there are many job opportunities available in fields such as healthcare, finance, technology, and government. For example, a PhD in biology or chemistry could lead to a career in pharmaceutical research and development, while a PhD in economics could lead to a career in consulting or financial analysis.

2. Entrepreneur

person holding white and blue business paper

Another career path that is becoming increasingly popular for PhD graduates is entrepreneurship. Many PhD holders have a deep understanding of a particular field or industry and are able to leverage this knowledge to start their own businesses. This can involve developing new products or services, conducting market research, and securing funding from investors.

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can start your own business based on your PhD research. Many successful companies have been founded by PhD graduates, including Google, Tesla, and Genentech.

So, what are some specific job opportunities available to PhD graduates? Here are just a few examples:

  • Data Scientist: With a PhD in statistics or data science, you could work as a data scientist for a variety of companies in industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology.
  • Medical Scientist: A PhD in biology or medicine could lead to a career as a medical scientist, conducting research to develop new drugs and treatments for diseases.
  • Financial Analyst: A PhD in economics or finance could lead to a career as a financial analyst, conducting research and providing insights on financial markets and investment opportunities.
  • Patent Attorney: With a PhD in science or engineering, you could work as a patent attorney, helping companies protect their intellectual property.
  • Policy Analyst: A PhD in public policy or political science could lead to a career as a policy analyst, working for government agencies or non-profit organizations to develop and implement policies.

3. Industry

fish eye view photo of glass high story building over white cloudy sky during daytime

PhD graduates are also in high demand in industry , especially in the fields of technology, engineering, and healthcare. You can become a research scientist, product manager, or consultant in these industries.

With your deep subject matter expertise and research skills, you’ll be highly sought-after candidate in industries such as biotech, pharmaceuticals, engineering, and finance. Explore your options and find your perfect fit in the industry job market!

4. Government Jobs

berlin eu european union federal chancellery

Are you interested in using your research skills and expertise to make a difference in society? A government job after earning your PhD might be the perfect fit for you! From organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to non-profits like the Gates Foundation and the American Cancer Society, government and non-profit organizations need PhDs to help conduct research and analyze data. Explore the exciting and fulfilling career paths available to you in government and non-profit organizations after completing your PhD.

PhD graduates are also highly sought after in the government sector. You can work for agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, or the Department of Energy. You can also become a policy analyst, working on science and technology policy.

5. Non-Profit Organizations

man love people woman

PhD graduates can also find job opportunities in non-profit organizations, where they can work on research and development projects or become program director. Non-profits such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or the World Health Organization offer exciting opportunities for PhD graduates.

Government agencies and non-profits also need PhDs to help conduct research and analyze data. In these roles, you might work for organizations such as the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the World Health Organization.

You could also work for non-profits such as the Gates Foundation or the American Cancer Society. In these roles, you’ll be able to use your research skills to help address pressing societal challenges.

6. Consulting

crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign

Finally, PhD graduates can become consultants in a variety of fields, including finance, healthcare, and technology.

As a consultant, you’ll work with clients to solve complex problems, conduct research and analysis, and provide expert advice and guidance. Explore the exciting and challenging career path of consulting after completing your PhD.

In conclusion, obtaining a PhD can open up many exciting career opportunities beyond academia. With a deep understanding of a particular field or industry, PhD holders are in high demand across a wide range of industries. So, whether you’re interested in teaching and research, entrepreneurship, or another career path entirely, a PhD can be an excellent investment in your future.

Also Read: Industry vs Academic Research – iLovePhD

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Dr. Somasundaram R

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Top 7 Career Opportunities in India after PhD in 2024

Top 7 Career Opportunities in India after PhD in 2024

A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic qualification offered to an individual following a course of study. The term PhD originates from the Latin term ‘Philosophiae Doctor’ and represents competition of individual research in a field of interest. The doctoral research degree paves the path for a wide range of opportunities. It is a 3 to 8 years course that helps you become competent at presenting your thesis based on independent research of a topic.

There is a breadth of skills students acquire while pursuing a PhD. It elevates your ability to critically analyse a subject, display intellectual maturity, gain in-depth knowledge of a specific field and publish a valid thesis. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at the best job opportunities after PhD that are available to students in different industries—academia, government sector, entrepreneurship, consultancy, and so on. If you are looking for PhD admission for 2024, please read further. 

What is the career outlook for PhD holders in 2024?  

Based on my experience and insights, job opportunities after phd in india appear promising in 2024. Their advanced research and analytical skills are in high demand across various sectors. In academia, opportunities abound as they can pursue careers as professors or researchers. The corporate sector offers avenues for success in roles related to research and development, data science, and consulting. Government agencies value their expertise in policy analysis and implementation. Additionally, for those inclined towards entrepreneurship and innovation, there are opportunities to venture into new territories. Overall, the year 2024 presents an encouraging landscape for PhD holders in India, offering diverse career paths and the potential to make meaningful contributions in their respective fields.  

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Top Job Opportunities after PhD

1. academics, a. faculty position.

One of the most commonly opted choices after a PhD is teaching, primarily due to the uncanny similarity between academia and what an individual must do to acquire the degree. The degree practice and teaching involve teaching, researching, and nurturing your acquired knowledge.

If you are interested in landing a faculty position or taking up the teaching path, plenty of institutions are keen on having a PhD holder in their faculty, especially in developing countries.

The PhD holders have a niche of their own in the domain or topic they have spent time researching about. They have made a good number of contributions to the field of study, so they have a firm hold on the subject.

So the PhD holders as faculty seem to be a natural fit, as they can impart the knowledge mentioned in the curriculum and much beyond that. They can open their students’ minds to concepts they would not usually be exposed to and thus help them develop a frame of mind that is inquisitive and has a strong foundation.

Some of the skills that the faculty must possess to impart the education smoothly are an excellent hold of the subject, communication skills, analytical skills, people management, understanding of human behavior, assessment skills, empathy, etc.

The profession of teaching is considered one of the best, high paying and most successful one. The compensation varies according to the subject, institution, experience, etc. On average, after PhD salary in India of a faculty is  12.0 lakhs per annum. The average salary bracket ranges from 1.3 lakhs per annum to 30.0 lakhs per annum (Source).

b. Post Doctorate

You can also choose to stay in the same university for varying periods (from one to four years) and get an extended project based on the one you did earlier. You might also work on publishing your erstwhile researched product.

The significance of a post-doctorate is many. They take on individual or group research projects that are impactful. Their research and findings help society, government education, industries, etc.

A post-doc has the autonomy of their day. Some of the skills that are required from a post-doc are the nature of being inquisitive, research skills, documentation, verbal and written communication, a good hold of the subject matter, people skills, team management, etc.

The salary for a post-doc may vary depending on factors such as the institution, domain, research topic, experience, etc. On average, a postdoctoral researcher procures the compensation of 10.0 lakhs per annum. The salary ranges from 3.0 lakhs per annum to 40.0 lakhs per annum (Source). People have apprehension about “ What comes after PhD ?” Post-doctorate can be considered an option.

c. Adjunct Position

An adjunct position is a non-tenure position in universities; they are professionals who don’t carry the title of a professor but make valuable contributions to the faculty. In some universities, professionals in Adjunct positions work overtime and bear numerous educational responsibilities.

d. Teaching

PhD holders can teach at institutions offering undergraduate courses where they are looking for staff with a PhD who can carry out practical research.

PhD candidates can be assistant professors by teaching undergraduate courses or being a part of committees that help form academic and organisational policies and perform research to achieve tenure.

There exists a myth that PhD courses are designed to PAVE the path for individuals to become professors at the university level. However, the horizons of a PhD degree spread farther than simply academia, so it’s wrong to assume so. 

Here’s looking at the different verticals where PhD holders can chart a rewarding career. 

Assistant Professor, Postsecondary / Higher Education₹178k – ₹987k (Estimated *)₹401,436
Senior Writer₹798k – ₹2m (Estimated *)₹1,269,174
Senior Software Engineer₹370k – ₹2m (Estimated *)₹879,393
General / Operations Manager₹390k – ₹2m (Estimated *)₹1,033,558
Research Scientist₹302k – ₹2m (Estimated *)₹773,618
Principal Scientist₹443k – ₹5m (Estimated *)₹1,557,262
Applications Engineer₹231k – ₹827k (Estimated *)₹436,276

2. Government Jobs

The government job sector is ideal for patriotic and passionate people who want to serve the country. Since the government is always on the lookout for creative and skilled people, professionals who love researching and put their skills to good use can rely on the government sector. 

PhD holders carry a unique, innovative perspective that allows them to view complex problems, understand them and make practical, diplomatic choices.

There are several opportunities here, starting from the military sector (e.g. military research). If you are interested in politics, you can opt for a policymaker position in state and central government. You can also be a minister if you can work your way up with innovative diplomatic ideas.

First, the PhD holders are eligible to sit in the government exam. They are highly qualified professionals who give a learned and deeper perspective to the government professionals that helps in better decision-making. They can work in various departments of the government, such as policy making, rural development, transportation, scientific research, military, international relations, etc. One can procure various PhD jobs in India in the government sector.

3. Entrepreneur

In today’s world, the entrepreneurship sector is growing exponentially. Since information and technology are accessible to everyone, there’s a growing shift towards startups, self-employment, and innovation. PhDs holders carry the potential to be first-grade innovators/entrepreneurs.

Research shows that PhDs and entrepreneurial journeys are way more similar than they seem, and hence, students who have PhD degrees are very likely to thrive when they get into entrepreneurship.

Apart from various similarities between the entrepreneurs and PhDs, there is one common similarity between these two, and that is innovation and research skills. Both of these professionals identify a problem persisting in society and develop a model that solves it. So naturally, the PhD holders seem as a fit progression to entrepreneurship.

Some of the skills required for a successful entrepreneur are identifying problems, critical thinking, problem-solving, business management, creativity,  team management, self-starter attitude, communication skills, networking, etc.

4. Consultancy

The skillset required to be a consultant includes maintaining large amounts of data. Plenty of companies rely on MBA professionals and PhD holders for consultancy due to the increasing influence of technology in the real world.

Large consultancy firms hire PhD holders from all different fields. The idea is to leverage valuable data and glean helpful insights to empower business decision-making. 

PhD and other advanced degrees help students shine in consultancy since there is a massive requirement for specialised expertise in today’s age. Therefore, if you have a PhD, consultancy is a very prominent job opportunity that can be highly rewarding.

There are various reasons for being a consultant professional as a PhD holder, as they have a high capacity for critical thinking. They are skillful for effectively and scientifically solving problems. The PhD holders can effectively analyse the data and come to conclusions. The companies hire the PhD holders for the level of expertise they bring. Usually, they are hired at the same level as MBA professionals. This may vary depending on the companies, level of skill sets, location, and other factors.

5. Digital Media Company

The job description is to prepare reports providing a comprehensive analysis and context on various topics. It also includes preparing reports on artistic and cultural events. A PhD course equips you to be an individual with excellent writing and research skills. These are extremely handy when pursuing a writing job opportunity at media company.

Unlike a regular digital marketing professional a PhD holder would come up with a much deeper perspective and understanding. They would be having the in depth knowledge of the funcitonings. 

There is an option available to do PhD in digital marketing, these professionals would come up with understanding on the culture, society, ethnicities, human behaviour and many more. There are various options available fo r phd jobs as   there are various firms and companies that employe the professionals.

6. Research Associate

As the word suggests, a research associate job position requires you to gather data to determine whether consumers or companies find a product or service desirable or appealing.

For this job position, the skills you acquire during your PhD study (presentation and research skills) prove to be highly influential; these are the skills that help you excel in research.

Switching from academic research to corporate research, where the information acquired via research is used well, is a choice most professionals make these days since academic research can get monotonous and underwhelming at times.

The research associates are responsible for various tasks such as gathering of data, preparing data, analysing, reporting, research and may more. They identify the problem and then go about their workf to find solutions for the problem.

It is considered as one of the most sought- after jobs one can go for. There are various industries and fields one can go ahead to make a career fro themselves. These researches make a positive contribution to the society in various fields such as history, science, art and culture, society, policy making, etc.

Usually there is no degree after PhD is required to become a research associate a PhD suffices. Moreover, the profession as a research associate is high paying and is a stable career. 

7. Product Manager

The job profile of a product manager includes overseeing every aspect of the development, growth, maintenance, and improvement of a product.

Companies prefer PhD holders over other UG PG holders for positions that require overseeing or handling end-to-end tasks since a PhD equips you to handle multitasking effortlessly.

The role of a product manager doesn’t stop after product formulation and release. It extends to maintenance, improving product performance, devising marketing strategies, and enhancing product efficiency by bringing in new methods that can replace older ways. Online PhD programs offer you offer flexibility to manage your work and other commitments.

 A product manager is required to be aware of the customer’s needs and manage to address the gap by innovating the product. They are responsible for making the product better that helps in taking the business forward. 

In order to all of that, they are required to be equipped with certain skill sets that understands th ehuman behavioru, mindsets of people coming from different geographies and age groups. And according to various factors, inculcate the innovations in such a way that the product feels relatable to the target audience. But most importantly, they should also be having the business acumen that helps them in aking decisions that benefits the business.

The profession as a product manager is considered as high paying and on average the salary goes up to 16.3 lakhs per annum. The average salary ranges from 6.0 lakhs per annum to 35.0 lakhs per annum (Source). This salary bracket may differ due to various factors such as geographical location, skill sets, experience, type of company, etc.

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The minimum requirement to pursue this degree is a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) or 5+ years of work experience. Don’t wait, sign up and book your seat today!

Is it easier to find a career opportunity with a PhD degree?

Based on my own experience and observations, pursuing a PhD, although demanding in terms of time and effort, can significantly broaden your career horizons. PhD holders are highly esteemed for their specialized knowledge, exceptional research skills, and critical thinking abilities. They find ample opportunities in academia, securing coveted positions as professors and researchers. Moreover, industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology highly value PhDs, often offering them lucrative roles in research and development, data analysis, and leadership.  

However, the ease of finding suitable job opportunities after phd in india can vary based on factors like your field of study and location. In India, PhD graduates can unlock diverse and rewarding career paths with the right set of skills and effective networking. The investment in higher education pays off in the form of fulfilling and promising professional opportunities.

T he landscape of job opportunities after a PhD in India in 2024 appears promising and diverse. The demand for highly skilled and specialized professionals continues to grow across various sectors. Whether you aspire to excel in academia, contribute to cutting-edg e research, or significantly impac t the corporate world, a PhD opens doors to numerou s avenues. The key lies in leveragin g your unique expertis e , networking effectively, and staying attuned to emerging trends in your field. With the right strategy and dedication, you can embark on a fulfilling and rewarding career journey, making your investment in a Ph .D. an asset in the dynamic Indian job market.  


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Communication skills can effectively drive career potential since PhD holders are expected to deliver out-of-the-box thinking, management, and creative ways of solving problems via critical thinking. Developing communication skills is crucial in showcasing and presenting your ideas to technical and non-tech teams convincingly.

PhD holders have the upper hand over Master’s or Bachelors's students across industries due to their high-end skill sets that include critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective decision making. In addition, their unmatched research skills and data management abilities make them an obvious choice for a host of high-profile roles across industries.

The average salary of PhD holders ranges between ₹ 6,00,000 and ₹ 12,00,000 per year, depending on the field of choice, experience, and skillsets. The average base salary for a PhD holder working as a professor is ₹16,73,000 per year, approximately ₹90k per month).

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Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 | Openings After Ph.D.

Latest Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 | Openings After Ph.D.: Are you one of the candidates who are waiting for the Latest updates of Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024? Why waiting? Here we have provided the complete information regarding the Ph.D. Government Jobs 2024 in India through this article. Candidates who visit with great interest to know about the updates of Ph.D Jobs in Government 2024, can find all the relevant details on this page. In order to receive recent notifications and the new updates of the Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 on a daily basis, Bookmark (CTRL+D) this article. So, that the candidates can receive all the released Ph.D. Govt Job Notifications 2024. You can also visit our portal Freshers Now for more such Government Jobs information. Have a great time and grab the complete details of Government Ph.D Jobs 2024 provided on this portal!!

Latest Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 List

Company Post Name(s) Education Total Posts Location Last Date Apply Online Latest Notifications
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Various 54 Haryana 31st July 2024

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor




31st July 2024

Assistant Professor Master's Degree, Ph.D 62 New Delhi 6th July 2024

Assistant Professor

Master's Degree, Ph.D


New Delhi

6th July 2024

Guest Faculty Bachelor's Degree/ M.F.Sc/ Ph.D 10 Kerala 4th July 2024

Guest Faculty

Bachelor's Degree/ M.F.Sc/ Ph.D



4th July 2024

Assistant Professor, Medical Officer Various 87 Gujarat 16th July 2024

Assistant Professor, Medical Officer




16th July 2024

Teaching, Non-Teaching Ph.d, Degree 65 Maharashtra 12th July 2024

Teaching, Non-Teaching

Ph.d, Degree



12th July 2024

Professor, Assistant Professor Ph.D 32 Andhra Pradesh 12th July 2024

Professor, Assistant Professor



Andhra Pradesh

12th July 2024

Senior Resident Various 71 Across India 1st July 2024

Senior Resident



Across India

1st July 2024

Advisor, Junior Fireman various 158 Across India 1st July 2024

Advisor, Junior Fireman



Across India

1st July 2024

Assistant Professor Various 15 Uttar Pradesh 1st July 2024

Assistant Professor



Uttar Pradesh

1st July 2024

Various Various 22 Goa 28th June 2024





28th June 2024

Faculty ME/ M.Tech/ Ph.D. 8 Across India 27th June 2024


ME/ M.Tech/ Ph.D.


Across India

27th June 2024

Scientific Assistant, Scientific Officer Various 19 Mumbai 18th July 2024

Scientific Assistant, Scientific Officer




18th July 2024

Associate Professor Various 88 Madhya Pradesh 28th March 2024

Associate Professor



Madhya Pradesh

28th March 2024

Assistant Professor Ph.D. 135 Maharashtra 27th June 2024

Assistant Professor




27th June 2024

Various Various 74 Across India 4th July 2024




Across India

4th July 2024

Project Staff Various 26 Chennai 23rd June 2024

Project Staff




23rd June 2024

Teaching Associate M.Sc., M.Phil., MA, Ph.D 13 Telangana 27th June 2024

Teaching Associate

M.Sc., M.Phil., MA, Ph.D



27th June 2024

Senior Resident Various 517 Across India 19th June 2024

Senior Resident



Across India

19th June 2024

Various Various 259 Uttarakhand 30th July 2024





30th July 2024

Assistant Professor Master's degree/ M.Phil/ Ph.D. 37 Andhra Pradesh 20th June 2024

Assistant Professor

Master's degree/ M.Phil/ Ph.D.


Andhra Pradesh

20th June 2024

Various Various 315 Maharashtra 14th June 2024





14th June 2024

Various Various 24 Across India 19th and 20th June 2024




Across India

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Senior Resident/ Senior Demonstrators Various 70 Across India 27th June 2024

Senior Resident/ Senior Demonstrators



Across India

27th June 2024

Various Various 312 Across India 13th June 2024




Across India

13th June 2024

Various Various 60 Across India 19th July 2024




Across India

19th July 2024

Various Various 58 Kolkata, West Bengal 8th July 2024




Kolkata, West Bengal

8th July 2024

Various Various 10 Across India 10th June 2024




Across India

10th June 2024

Assistant Professor Various 14 Across India 28th June 2024

Assistant Professor



Across India

28th June 2024

Various Various 63 Assam 25th June 2024





25th June 2024

Teaching Posts for Assistant Professor, Administrative Posts Various 121 Gujarat 18th June 2024

Teaching Posts for Assistant Professor, Administrative Posts




18th June 2024

Various Various 276 Across India 20th July 2024




Across India

20th July 2024

Various Various 59 Across India 19th June 2024




Across India

19th June 2024

Various Various 32 Across India 12th June 2024




Across India

12th June 2024

Various Various 12 Across India 13th June 2024




Across India

13th June 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Bachelors's/ Masters's Degree/ and Various 67 Delhi 17th June 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Bachelors's/ Masters's Degree/ and Various



17th June 2024

Assistant Professor Various 47 Across India 18th June 2024

Assistant Professor



Across India

18th June 2024

Various Ph.D. 33 Across India 30th June 2024




Across India

30th June 2024

Assistant Professor Various 29 Andhra Pradesh 27th May 2024

Assistant Professor



Andhra Pradesh

27th May 2024

Associate Professor Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. Degree 12 Maharashtra 4th June 2024

Associate Professor

Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. Degree



4th June 2024

Project Research Scientist-III, Project Technician Support-III, and various Various 10 Delhi 30th May 2024

Project Research Scientist-III, Project Technician Support-III, and various




30th May 2024

Professor, Additional Professor, and various Various 96 Across India 30 days after the publication

Professor, Additional Professor, and various



Across India

30 days after the publication

Assistant Director, Deputy Commissioner, and various Various 17 Across India 16th May 2024

Assistant Director, Deputy Commissioner, and various



Across India

16th May 2024

Assistant Commissioner, Marketing Officer, and various Various 83 Across India 31st May 2024

Assistant Commissioner, Marketing Officer, and various



Across India

31st May 2024

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Officer (Training & Placement) Various 12 Across India 15th May 2024

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Officer (Training & Placement)



Across India

15th May 2024

Senior Resident Various 97 Across India 19th May 2024

Senior Resident



Across India

19th May 2024

Associate Professor, Clinical Psychologist, and various Various 24 Goa 24th June 2024

Associate Professor, Clinical Psychologist, and various




24th June 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor B.Tech./ B.E./ M.Tech./ M.E/ MBA/ Ph.D./ Masters’ Degree 43 Across India 10th May 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

B.Tech./ B.E./ M.Tech./ M.E/ MBA/ Ph.D./ Masters’ Degree


Across India

10th May 2024

Junior Resident Various 62 Delhi 28th June 2024

Junior Resident




28th June 2024

Assistant Professorship Master’s Degree/ Ph.D. degree/ Post Graduation/ PG Diploma Check Notification Tamil Nadu 15th May 2024

Assistant Professorship

Master’s Degree/ Ph.D. degree/ Post Graduation/ PG Diploma

Check Notification

Tamil Nadu

15th May 2024

Deputy Registrar, Professor, Associate Professor Ph.D. 19 Assam 29th April 2024

Deputy Registrar, Professor, Associate Professor




29th April 2024

Project Associate-I, Senior Project Associate, Project Assistant M.Sc/ M. Tech/ Ph.D/ B.Sc 13 Across India 1st May 2024

Project Associate-I, Senior Project Associate, Project Assistant

M.Sc/ M. Tech/ Ph.D/ B.Sc


Across India

1st May 2024

Project Coordinator, Research Officer, and various 12th/ Ph.D/ Master's degre 11 Uttarakhand 5th May 2024

Project Coordinator, Research Officer, and various

12th/ Ph.D/ Master's degre



5th May 2024

Junior Research Officers, Research Officer MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ M. Phil/ Masters Degree/ Ph.D. 10 Across India 30th April 2024

Junior Research Officers, Research Officer

MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ M. Phil/ Masters Degree/ Ph.D.


Across India

30th April 2024

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Various 34 Odisha 25th April 2024

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor




25th April 2024

Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Research Associateship (RA) Post Graduation, Ph.D 11 Across India 15th May 2024

Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Research Associateship (RA)

Post Graduation, Ph.D


Across India

15th May 2024

Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow (SRF), and various Ph.D./ Master’s degree/ B. Tech./ M. Tech./ Bachelor's Degree/ Graduation 15 Delhi 12th May 2024

Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow (SRF), and various

Ph.D./ Master’s degree/ B. Tech./ M. Tech./ Bachelor's Degree/ Graduation



12th May 2024

Assistant Professor various 158 Posts Delhi - New Delhi 30th April 2024

Assistant Professor


158 Posts

Delhi - New Delhi

30th April 2024

Various Various 268 Uttar Pradesh 10th May 2024




Uttar Pradesh

10th May 2024

Associate Professor Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D 38 Posts Odhisa 20th April 2024

Associate Professor

Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D

38 Posts


20th April 2024

Assistant Professor Grade Ph.D. 09 Across India 31st May 2024

Assistant Professor Grade



Across India

31st May 2024

Assistant Professor Various 258 Orissa 10th May 2024

Assistant Professor




10th May 2024

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Master‘s degree, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree, M. Pharmacy 25 Punjab 19th April 2024

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

Master‘s degree, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree, M. Pharmacy



19th April 2024

Professor ph. D, Bachelor's Degree or Master's degree 17 Posts Odisha 18th April 2024


ph. D, Bachelor's Degree or Master's degree

17 Posts


18th April 2024

Manager, Deputy Manager B.Tech/ B.E/ M.S.c/ M.Tech/ Ph.D. 55 Across India 16th April 2024

Manager, Deputy Manager

B.Tech/ B.E/ M.S.c/ M.Tech/ Ph.D.


Across India

16th April 2024

Group-A Biophysical Sciences, Group-B Atomic, Nuclear, and High Energy Physics, and various PhD 11 Across India 30th April 2024

Group-A Biophysical Sciences, Group-B Atomic, Nuclear, and High Energy Physics, and various



Across India

30th April 2024

Assistant Professor Grade II, Assistant Professor Grade I, Associate Professor M.Arch/ M.Plan/ Ph.D. 77 Across India 30th April 2024

Assistant Professor Grade II, Assistant Professor Grade I, Associate Professor

M.Arch/ M.Plan/ Ph.D.


Across India

30th April 2024

Scientist-B, Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor, and various Various 109 Across India 2nd May 2024

Scientist-B, Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor, and various



Across India

2nd May 2024

Librarian Master’s degree, PHD 255 Madhya Pradesh 13th April 2024


Master’s degree, PHD


Madhya Pradesh

13th April 2024

Various Post-graduate Degree, Degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s Degree, B.Sc/ BCA., B.E/ B.Tech, M.Sc, MCA, BCA / BSc 26 Across India 12th April 2024


Post-graduate Degree, Degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s Degree, B.Sc/ BCA., B.E/ B.Tech, M.Sc, MCA, BCA / BSc


Across India

12th April 2024

Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Master's Degree/ Ph.D. 25 Rajasthan 27th April 2024

Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Master's Degree/ Ph.D.



27th April 2024

System manager, Programmer/ Technical Officer, and various Various 66 Uttar Pradesh 17th April 2024

System manager, Programmer/ Technical Officer, and various



Uttar Pradesh

17th April 2024

Various Various 25 Across India 10th April 2024




Across India

10th April 2024

Various Various 21 Across India 10th April 2024




Across India

10th April 2024

Faculty Ph.D 32 Across India 6th May 2024




Across India

6th May 2024

Non Faculty(Group A, B & C) Various 90 Across India To Be Released

Non Faculty(Group A, B & C)



Across India

To Be Released

Assistant Professor BE/ B.Tech, ME/ M.Tech, Post Graduation, Ph.D., Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, MS 88 Tamil Nadu 5th April 2024

Assistant Professor

BE/ B.Tech, ME/ M.Tech, Post Graduation, Ph.D., Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, MS


Tamil Nadu

5th April 2024

Assistant Professor master's Degree and Ph.D. 156 Jharkhand 1st April 2024

Assistant Professor

master's Degree and Ph.D.



1st April 2024

Young Professional, Consultant & Various Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree & Various 10 Across India 21st April 2024

Young Professional, Consultant & Various

Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree & Various


Across India

21st April 2024

Faculty Ph.D, M.Sc., M.Tech/ M.E., B.Tech./ B.E. 99 Karnataka Check Notification


Ph.D, M.Sc., M.Tech/ M.E., B.Tech./ B.E.



Check Notification

Assistant Professors Masters Degree, M.Phil, Ph.D 112 Haryana 3rd April 2024

Assistant Professors

Masters Degree, M.Phil, Ph.D



3rd April 2024

various 12th, Diploma and various 61 Sikar, Rajasthan 20th April 2024


12th, Diploma and various


Sikar, Rajasthan

20th April 2024

Consultant, Young Professional Various 91 Across India 60 Days from the publication of advertisement

Consultant, Young Professional



Across India

60 Days from the publication of advertisement

Visiting Faculty, Academic/ Teaching Associate M.Phil/ Ph.D. Degree, Master’s Degree, Graduation 10 Across India 26th March 2024

Visiting Faculty, Academic/ Teaching Associate

M.Phil/ Ph.D. Degree, Master’s Degree, Graduation


Across India

26th March 2024

Tradesman, Work Assistant, Administrative Assistant, and various 10th, BE/ B.Tech, ME/ M.Tech, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree, Degree, Masters Degree, Graduation, B.Lib 33 Across India 23 March 2024

Tradesman, Work Assistant, Administrative Assistant, and various

10th, BE/ B.Tech, ME/ M.Tech, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree, Degree, Masters Degree, Graduation, B.Lib


Across India

23 March 2024

Assistant Professor Master's Degree and a Ph.D. 290 Jharkhand 10th April 2024

Assistant Professor

Master's Degree and a Ph.D.



10th April 2024

Associate Director, Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Director of Examination Masters Degree, Ph.D 60 Gujarat 25th April 2024

Associate Director, Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Director of Examination

Masters Degree, Ph.D



25th April 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor Various 60 Rajasthan 15th March 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor




15th March 2024

AP State Eligibility Test (APSET) Various Check Notification Andhra Pradesh 14th March 2024

AP State Eligibility Test (APSET)


Check Notification

Andhra Pradesh

14th March 2024

Assistant Professor, Professor, Associate Professor PHD 134 Orissa 14th March 2024

Assistant Professor, Professor, Associate Professor




14th March 2024

Senior Resident, Tutor, Assistant Professor MD/ MS/ MDS/ DNB, PG degree, DM/ M.Ch, Ph.D. degree, MBBS/ BDS/ M.Sc., Graduation 34 Odisha 12th March 2024

Senior Resident, Tutor, Assistant Professor

MD/ MS/ MDS/ DNB, PG degree, DM/ M.Ch, Ph.D. degree, MBBS/ BDS/ M.Sc., Graduation



12th March 2024

Project Research Scientist II (Non-Medical), Senior Project Assistant (Finance) and various Post Graduation, Ph.D., MBBS / MVSc/ BDS, M.com/ MBA/ CMA / CA, IT/ CS/ EC, B.Sc, or Bachelor’s degree 11 Across India 8th March 2024

Project Research Scientist II (Non-Medical), Senior Project Assistant (Finance) and various

Post Graduation, Ph.D., MBBS / MVSc/ BDS, M.com/ MBA/ CMA / CA, IT/ CS/ EC, B.Sc, or Bachelor’s degree


Across India

8th March 2024

Various Various 12 Kerala 5th March 2024





5th March 2024

Junior Engineer, Semi-Professional Assistant, Lab. Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Steno Typist, Junior Assistant, Section Cutter(Geology) Various 42 Jammu 4th April 2024

Junior Engineer, Semi-Professional Assistant, Lab. Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Steno Typist, Junior Assistant, Section Cutter(Geology)




4th April 2024

Project Scientist Various 72 Across India 1st March 2024

Project Scientist



Across India

1st March 2024

Project Scientist III, II, I, Expert/ Consultant(Scientific), Expert/ Consultant(Admin) various 39 Across India 1st March 2024

Project Scientist III, II, I, Expert/ Consultant(Scientific), Expert/ Consultant(Admin)



Across India

1st March 2024

Scientist-B Masters's Degree, or Ph. D 122 Posts Karnataka 1st March 2024


Masters's Degree, or Ph. D

122 Posts


1st March 2024

Lecturer, Junior Lecturer Various 78 Andhra Pradesh 29th February 2024

Lecturer, Junior Lecturer



Andhra Pradesh

29th February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Various 110 Uttar Pradesh 11th March 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor



Uttar Pradesh

11th March 2024

Assistant Professor, Various Various 26 Maharashtra 26th February 2024

Assistant Professor, Various




26th February 2024

Post Doctoral Fellow Ph.D. 13 Across India Online: 25th January 2024 Hard copy: 31st January 2024

Post Doctoral Fellow



Across India

Online: 25th January 2024 Hard copy: 31st January 2024

Teaching Assistant Ph.D., or Master's Degree, Degree 33 Uttar Pradesh 1st and 15th March 2024

Teaching Assistant

Ph.D., or Master's Degree, Degree


Uttar Pradesh

1st and 15th March 2024

Assistant Professor Master's degree/ Ph.D./ Degree/ M.Phil 200 Rajasthan 21st February 2024

Assistant Professor

Master's degree/ Ph.D./ Degree/ M.Phil



21st February 2024

Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Resident Physician various 526 Assam 28th February 2024

Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Resident Physician




28th February 2024

Various PG Degree, M.Sc, B.Sc 11 Himachal Pradesh 6th March 2024


PG Degree, M.Sc, B.Sc


Himachal Pradesh

6th March 2024

Various Various 15 Across India 15th February 2024




Across India

15th February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor M.Sc./Ph.D 21 Maharashtra 22nd February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor




22nd February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Various 32 Across India 7th February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor



Across India

7th February 2024

Faculty Various 22 Uttar Pradeh 17th February 2024




Uttar Pradeh

17th February 2024

Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Raj Fellowship Various 51 Karnataka 5th February 2024

Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Raj Fellowship




5th February 2024

Yoga Instructor Various 406 Maharashtra 31st January 2024

Yoga Instructor




31st January 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Check Notification 26 Uttar Pradesh 29th January 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Check Notification


Uttar Pradesh

29th January 2024

Various Various 13 Across India 3rd February 2024




Across India

3rd February 2024

Junior Research Fellows, Research Associate Various 14 Across India 15th February 2024

Junior Research Fellows, Research Associate



Across India

15th February 2024

Teaching Ph.D. 31 Punjab 1st February 2024





1st February 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Ph.D./ Master's Degree/ NET/ CSIR/ SET 231 Jammu and Kashmir 19th January 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Ph.D./ Master's Degree/ NET/ CSIR/ SET


Jammu and Kashmir

19th January 2024

Various Check Below 267 Andhra Pradesh 14th January 2024


Check Below


Andhra Pradesh

14th January 2024

Scientist BE/ B.Tech/ M.Sc/ ME/ M.Tech/Ph.D. 12 Posts West Bengal 24th January 2024


BE/ B.Tech/ M.Sc/ ME/ M.Tech/Ph.D.

12 Posts

West Bengal

24th January 2024

Joint Director, Senior Manager, Deputy Director, Manager and various Various 26 Across India 29th January 2024

Joint Director, Senior Manager, Deputy Director, Manager and various



Across India

29th January 2024

Group A, B and C Various 140 Across India 31st January 2024

Group A, B and C



Across India

31st January 2024

Various Various 14 Across India 8th January 2024




Across India

8th January 2024

Lecturer Master's Degree/ Ph.D. 19 Odisha 20th February 2024


Master's Degree/ Ph.D.



20th February 2024

Technical Posts Various 16 Across India 29th January 2024

Technical Posts



Across India

29th January 2024

Various Masters Degree/ Ph.D./ Doctoral Degree/ Postgraduate/ M.Sc 11 Across India 5th January 2024


Masters Degree/ Ph.D./ Doctoral Degree/ Postgraduate/ M.Sc


Across India

5th January 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Ph.D 16 Across India 24th January 2024

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor



Across India

24th January 2024

JRF, Scientist/ Engineer ‘SD’ Various 15 Across India 15th January 2024

JRF, Scientist/ Engineer ‘SD’



Across India

15th January 2024

Various Various 29 Across India 21st December 2023




Across India

21st December 2023

Senior Resident PG, MD/ DNB/ M.Sc & Various 129 Across India 20th December 2023

Senior Resident

PG, MD/ DNB/ M.Sc & Various


Across India

20th December 2023

Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Various 125 Across India 30 days from the date of publishing in the Employment newspaper

Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor



Across India

30 days from the date of publishing in the Employment newspaper

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Various 18 Andhra Pradesh 5th January 2024

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor



Andhra Pradesh

5th January 2024

Senior REO, REO (Grade I), REO (Grade II) Various 30 Across India 20th December 2023

Senior REO, REO (Grade I), REO (Grade II)



Across India

20th December 2023

Assistant Professors, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Directors Various 232 Tamil Nadu 13th December 2023

Assistant Professors, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Directors



Tamil Nadu

13th December 2023

Assistant Professor MD/ MS/ DNB, MBBS, M.Sc, Ph.D, D.Sc 53 Delhi 11th December 2023

Assistant Professor

MD/ MS/ DNB, MBBS, M.Sc, Ph.D, D.Sc



11th December 2023

Superintendent, Assistant Director (Chemistry) and Various Various 23 Gujarat 30th November 2023

Superintendent, Assistant Director (Chemistry) and Various




30th November 2023

Senior Resident (Non-Academics) Various 36 Across India 7th December 2023

Senior Resident (Non-Academics)



Across India

7th December 2023

Technical Officer, Technical Assistant, Technician -I, Laboratory Attendant Various 28 Across India 11th December 2023

Technical Officer, Technical Assistant, Technician -I, Laboratory Attendant



Across India

11th December 2023

Scientist, Senior Scientist, Principal Scientist Ph. D./ MD 10 Across India 5th December 2023

Scientist, Senior Scientist, Principal Scientist

Ph. D./ MD


Across India

5th December 2023

Program Coordinator Master's Degree, B.E/ B. Tech, PG Diploma, MBBS, LLB, CA, ICWA, M.Phil, Ph.D 15 Across India 11th December 2023

Program Coordinator

Master's Degree, B.E/ B. Tech, PG Diploma, MBBS, LLB, CA, ICWA, M.Phil, Ph.D


Across India

11th December 2023

Teaching Posts Master Degree, Ph.D Degree 13 Bihar 2nd December 2023

Teaching Posts

Master Degree, Ph.D Degree



2nd December 2023

Various Various 31 Manipur 5th December 2023





5th December 2023

Associate Professor, Professor Ph.D. Degree/ Master’s Degree 305 Delhi 22nd November 2023

Associate Professor, Professor

Ph.D. Degree/ Master’s Degree



22nd November 2023

Assistant Professor Masters Degree, Ph.D 26 Delhi 30th November 2023

Assistant Professor

Masters Degree, Ph.D



30th November 2023

Teaching, Non-Teaching Various 31 Tamil Nadu 25th November 2023

Teaching, Non-Teaching



Tamil Nadu

25th November 2023

Various Various 29 Across India 22nd November 2023




Across India

22nd November 2023

Assistant Professor Ph.D 16 Across India 24th November 2023

Assistant Professor



Across India

24th November 2023

Food and Drug Administrative Mains Exam Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree & Various 202 Maharashtra 21st November 2023

Food and Drug Administrative Mains Exam

Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree & Various



21st November 2023

Various Various 59 Across India 16th December 2023




Across India

16th December 2023

Various Various 71 Across India 20th November 2023




Across India

20th November 2023

Professor, Associate Professor Ph.D. degree/ Bachelor’s degree/ Master’s degree 20 Across India 12th November 2023

Professor, Associate Professor

Ph.D. degree/ Bachelor’s degree/ Master’s degree


Across India

12th November 2023

Various Various 18 Gujarat 21st November 2023





21st November 2023

Various Various 53 Across India 30th November 2023




Across India

30th November 2023

Project Technical Support, Project Research Scientist & Research Associate Posts 12th, Diploma, Graduate & Others 20 Across India 5th November 2023

Project Technical Support, Project Research Scientist & Research Associate Posts

12th, Diploma, Graduate & Others


Across India

5th November 2023

Non-Academic & Subject Matter Expert Various 130 Rajasthan 18th November 2023

Non-Academic & Subject Matter Expert




18th November 2023

Faculty Posts Master‘s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Ph. D 3220 Andhra Pradesh 20th November 2023

Faculty Posts

Master‘s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Ph. D


Andhra Pradesh

20th November 2023

Various Various 22 Across India 27th November 2023




Across India

27th November 2023

Various Various 10 Across India 18th November 2023




Across India

18th November 2023

Various Various 12 Across India 3rd November 2023




Across India

3rd November 2023

Specialist Officer Various 192 Across India 19th November 2023

Specialist Officer



Across India

19th November 2023

Member Technical Staff (MTS), Scientific &Technical& Others Diploma/ Graduate/ B.E/ b.Tech & Various 159 Across India 17th November 2023

Member Technical Staff (MTS), Scientific &Technical& Others

Diploma/ Graduate/ B.E/ b.Tech & Various


Across India

17th November 2023

Professor, Additional Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Various 86 Across India 13th November 2023

Professor, Additional Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor



Across India

13th November 2023

Lecturers (PGT) B.Ed/ PG & Various 98 Chandigarh 16th November 2023

Lecturers (PGT)

B.Ed/ PG & Various



16th November 2023

Assistant Professor Ph.D, Any Master's Degree 0 Himachal Pradesh 17th November 2023

Assistant Professor

Ph.D, Any Master's Degree


Himachal Pradesh

17th November 2023

Professors Ph.D. Degree 32 Maharashtra 9th November 2023


Ph.D. Degree



9th November 2023

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Master’s degree/ Ph.D. degree 39 Haryana 7th November 2023

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

Master’s degree/ Ph.D. degree



7th November 2023

Project Scientist I, Senior Project Associate, Project Associate - I, Project Assistant Master’s degree/ Bachelor’s degree/ Ph.D degree 33 Across India 3rd November 2023

Project Scientist I, Senior Project Associate, Project Associate - I, Project Assistant

Master’s degree/ Bachelor’s degree/ Ph.D degree


Across India

3rd November 2023

Project Associate – I, Project Scientist – I, & Various 12th/ Bachelors Degree& Various 65 Across India 31st October 2023

Project Associate – I, Project Scientist – I, & Various

12th/ Bachelors Degree& Various


Across India

31st October 2023

Assistant Professor Grade-II Various 24 Across India 13th November 2023

Assistant Professor Grade-II



Across India

13th November 2023

Teaching & Non Teaching Various 27 Across India 30 Days from the date of publication in employment news

Teaching & Non Teaching



Across India

30 Days from the date of publication in employment news

Assistant Professor Ph.D 12 Maharashtra 15th November 2023

Assistant Professor




15th November 2023

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Ph.D 17 Across India 29th October 2023

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor



Across India

29th October 2023

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Various 19 Across India 30 days from publishing of this advertisement

Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor



Across India

30 days from publishing of this advertisement

Non Faculty posts Various 131 Across India 6th November 2023

Non Faculty posts



Across India

6th November 2023

Professor, Assistant professor, Associate professor Master's Degree, PG, Ph.D 10 Jharkhand 5th November 2023

Professor, Assistant professor, Associate professor

Master's Degree, PG, Ph.D



5th November 2023

Assistant Professor Masters Degree/ Ph.D., B.E./ B.Tech/ B.E./ B.Tech./ B.S. and M.E./ M.Tech./ M.S 54 Uttar Pradesh 18th October 2023

Assistant Professor

Masters Degree/ Ph.D., B.E./ B.Tech/ B.E./ B.Tech./ B.S. and M.E./ M.Tech./ M.S


Uttar Pradesh

18th October 2023

Various Various 142 Tamil Nadu 11th October 2023




Tamil Nadu

11th October 2023

Sr Resident, Jr Resident Various 137 Across India 3rd October 2023

Sr Resident, Jr Resident



Across India

3rd October 2023

Faculty Various 93 Across India 25th September 2023




Across India

25th September 2023

Assistant Professor Masters Degree, Ph.D 531 Gujarat 2nd October 2023

Assistant Professor

Masters Degree, Ph.D



2nd October 2023

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor BVSc, Master’s Degree, Ph.D. Degree 84 Telangana 30th September 2023

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

BVSc, Master’s Degree, Ph.D. Degree



30th September 2023

Teaching, Non Teaching PG, Ph,D & Various 48 Across India 45 days from the date of publication of Advertisement in Employment News

Teaching, Non Teaching

PG, Ph,D & Various


Across India

45 days from the date of publication of Advertisement in Employment News

Group A Posts Ph.D, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, MBBS 170 Maharashtra 3rd October 2023

Group A Posts

Ph.D, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, MBBS



3rd October 2023

Project Technician & Various Various 117 Across India 25th September 2023

Project Technician & Various



Across India

25th September 2023

Principal Scientist, Senior Scientist Doctoral Degree, Ph.D, PG Diploma or Masters’ Degree 368 Across India 15th September 2023

Principal Scientist, Senior Scientist

Doctoral Degree, Ph.D, PG Diploma or Masters’ Degree


Across India

15th September 2023

Librarian, Physical Training Instructor, Assistant Professor Masters Degree, Ph.D 543 Rajasthan 5th October 2023

Librarian, Physical Training Instructor, Assistant Professor

Masters Degree, Ph.D



5th October 2023

Assistant Professor B.E/ B.Tech & Various 23 Across India 18th September 2023

Assistant Professor

B.E/ B.Tech & Various


Across India

18th September 2023

Faculty Various 141 Across India 9th September 2023




Across India

9th September 2023

Project Staff Various 19 Across India 12th to 26th September 2023

Project Staff



Across India

12th to 26th September 2023

ARS Ph.D 260 Across India 20th September 2023




Across India

20th September 2023

STO, TO Doctoral Degree, M.Sc Degree 26 Across India 11th, 13th, 15th September 2023


Doctoral Degree, M.Sc Degree


Across India

11th, 13th, 15th September 2023

Faculty (Professor, Assistant Professor) Various 134 Across India 28th August 2023

Faculty (Professor, Assistant Professor)



Across India

28th August 2023

Guest Faculty Various 28 Across India 30th August 2023

Guest Faculty



Across India

30th August 2023

Professor, Deputy Director Various 46 Maharashtra 11th September 2023

Professor, Deputy Director




11th September 2023

Assistant Professor Master’s Degree, Ph.D 0 Gujarat 16th September 2023

Assistant Professor

Master’s Degree, Ph.D



16th September 2023

Associate Professor Various 12 Across India 6th September 2023

Associate Professor



Across India

6th September 2023

Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Tech 18 Uttar Pradesh 31st August 2023

Assistant Professor

Ph.D, M.Tech


Uttar Pradesh

31st August 2023

Assistant Professor Master’s Degree, Ph.D. degree, Post-graduate diploma Various West Bengal 31st August 2023

Assistant Professor

Master’s Degree, Ph.D. degree, Post-graduate diploma


West Bengal

31st August 2023

Various Various 29 Across India 11th September 2023




Across India

11th September 2023

Various MBBS, Ph.D 23 Telangana 10th August 2023





10th August 2023

Various Masters's/ Bachelor's Degree/ M.Phil and various 49 Across India 14th August 2023


Masters's/ Bachelor's Degree/ M.Phil and various


Across India

14th August 2023

Assistant Professor Master's degree, Ph.D 60 Delhi 11th August 2023

Assistant Professor

Master's degree, Ph.D



11th August 2023

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Ph.D 15 Across India 23rd August 2023

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor



Across India

23rd August 2023

Education Wise Govt Jobs

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Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 – Central & State Govt Vacancies

Are you looking for Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024? Well, here is the complete information regarding the Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024. We provide both the state and the central levels of various sectors Ph D Government Jobs 2024 for the candidates who passed a Ph.D. Many of the noted organizations like IIT, IIM, IISER, Etc, on frequent basis release the Ph.D Government Jobs 2024 . Some of the positions are Assistant Professor, Research Professor, Principal, Etc.

Ph.D. Job Notifications 2024 – Salary Information

Many of the Ph.D candidates are eagerly waiting to know the salary information of the Govt Jobs for Ph.D 2024. Here are the salary details for the Ph.D. pass. Kindly remember that the salary figure depends upon the position and the organization applied by the candidate. As salary differs according to location, position, performance, organization, and such cases. For example, for the position of Research Associate at IIT would be around Rs.47,000/- per month. For more details give a look into the official notification of the Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024.

Ph.D. Job Openings in Govt 2024 – Selection Process

Firstly, before applying for any of the job or the organization, it is very important to get well known and grab the required information of the Selection process. If the candidate gets qualified in the Selection Rounds, then the candidate gets hired without any secondary objection. So, here is the information regarding the Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 Selection Process in a complete phased manner. Remember that, the Ph.D Government Jobs 2024 selection phase will entirely depend upon the respective position and the organization applied by the candidate at the Ph.D Job Vacancies 2024. A process of the selection for Ph.D. Government Jobs 2024 varies in Position, location, organization, and other aspects. Most of the reputed organization involve the Interview, Written Test, Personality Test, or the Work experience/ Merit of Education on the Selection Process. To get more details regarding the Ph.D. Govt Vacancies 2024 Selection Process visit the official notification of the Ph.D. Govt Job Openings 2024.

Hope this article met the quality of expectations of the candidates who are in search of Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024 . If you find the desired one, apply now for the Govt Jobs for Ph.D Holders 2024. For more similar information visit our portal Freshers Now frequently. To get more new updates from the other Government Jobs subscribe and follow our official site Freshersnow.com. All the best!!

Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions

Who can avail of the opportunity of Ph.D. Govt Jobs 2024?

The candidates who have completed Ph.D in different Streams can get benefitted from the Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024.

Does Freshers Now provide all the required information about Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024?

Yes, Freshers Now provides the complete details regarding Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024.

Why Should I Check Freshers Now to get Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024 Updates?

Freshers Now on the Regular basis provides and Updates full information related to the Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024. Candidates easily find both State and Central Government across India.

What would be the salary for the Ph.D Govt Jobs 2024?

The salary details depend on the choice of candidates like the position and the organization. So, please visit the related Ph.D Govt Job Notification 2024, to find about the Salary and Grade Pay details.

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How Your Ph.D. Prepares You to Be an Entrepreneur

You can deploy skills you develop as a grad student and postdoc in a variety of careers, including working for a start-up or founding your own, Chris Smith writes.

By  Chris Smith

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Innovation has become a hot topic in economic circles over the past few years. In March 2022, the United States’ National Science Foundation created its first new directorate in over 30 years : Technology, Innovation and Partnerships , or TIP. The passing of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 helped fund the directorate, the mission of which is to “advance U.S. competitiveness​ and societal impact by nurturing partnerships that​ drive and accelerate diverse innovation ecosystems, technology translation and development, and workforce development.” The U.S. is investing heavily in research and innovation—which you can take advantage of as a Ph.D. researcher working in academia or beyond.

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars already contribute much to research and innovation in the United States through their work on a variety of projects supported by the federal government and industry partners. But despite that fact, few consider a career focused on the leading edge of innovation: entrepreneurship.

Being willing to push the boundaries of human knowledge and forge new ideas into products is essential for entrepreneurs. And to secure backing, entrepreneurs must also work to articulate the value they and their products bring to individuals, organizations and the nation. Fortunately, plenty of resources are available to assist in those efforts, although many graduate students and postdocs may not be aware of them.

To encourage more technology commercialization and entrepreneurship, in the latter half of the 20th century the federal government established two funding programs for academics and others seeking to either move full-time to a start-up company or obtain funding to develop and commercialize new technologies. The Small Business Innovation Research program supports the growth of start-up companies, while the Small Business Technology Transfer program is aimed at technology commercialization.

Both the National Institutes of Health and NSF fund grants from both programs, and both offer a variety of other mechanisms to foster an innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the United States. In addition, NIH provides numerous resources to educate people about entrepreneurship and special programs like the Small Business Transition Grant for New Entrepreneurs (see a webinar on the program here ), which helps researchers interested in transitioning to entrepreneurship via a mentor.

American universities also offer an increasing number of programs that either focus on training Ph.D.s for careers in the technology transfer space or assist them in learning how to commercialize technological and other innovations coming from their research work, as our Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship here at Virginia Tech seeks to do. In addition, NSF’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) provides a seven-week experiential training program that prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and toward commercialization by engaging in customer discovery and other activities. Such programs can be a bridge between traditional academic research and exploring an entrepreneurial career or employment in the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Many academics may mistakenly believe that entrepreneurial skills are only relevant if one is planning to run a start-up company. Yet most faculty members running research groups at large universities are effectively leading small businesses inside their institutions. They must articulate a value proposition to get hired and ultimately secure funding for their research. In addition, most faculty leaders or principal investigators are in charge of hiring those who work in their labs and must manage these individuals and their projects toward a larger, common goal. A faculty leader must create a vision for their group and think strategically about how the various projects align toward both short- and long-term goals. This is entrepreneurship in an academic research context.

And just as an entrepreneurial mindset is essential to a successful academic career, it is also extremely useful for any scholar looking to create their own company, independent of their institution.

Entrepreneurial Skills From Your Ph.D. or Postdoc

Ph.D. training offers graduate students and postdocs many experiences to help them navigate entrepreneurship and/or working in a start-up company, such as the following.

  • Project planning and management. Completing a doctoral dissertation involves extensive project planning and management skills, from ideation to execution and dissemination. This directly translates to the ability to plan and manage large projects as an entrepreneur.
  • Independent work. Ph.D. students, and especially postdocs, often work independently with minimal oversight, building the drive and accountability needed to accomplish tasks without rigid external deadlines—a crucial skill for entrepreneurs.
  • Networking and collaboration. Entrepreneurs thrive on networking. Similarly, Ph.D. students and postdocs benefit from building strong connections—engaging with industry professionals, attending conferences and collaborating across disciplines to enhance their network. Such connections can lead to job opportunities, collaborations and funding.

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  • Thirst for knowledge. A core requirement for a Ph.D. is an insatiable desire to learn and expand one’s knowledge base. Entrepreneurs must constantly step out of their comfort zones and learn new skills, making this thirst for learning invaluable for Ph.D.s and postdocs looking to focus on entrepreneurship as a career.
  • Research skills. Doctoral training equips individuals with the ability to seek out, evaluate and synthesize quality information from various sources—a vital skill when navigating the unfamiliar territories of entrepreneurship.
  • Curiosity about the big questions. Starting a business requires asking and answering big questions about target audiences, value propositions and strategic direction. Ph.D.s are trained to take disparate information and craft cohesive narratives to address complex inquiries. Successful entrepreneurs do the same.
  • Problem-solving. Overcoming research obstacles and failed experiments hones problem-solving abilities in Ph.D.s and postdocs. As entrepreneurs constantly face new challenges, this skill is indispensable for finding innovative solutions.
  • Resilience and adaptability. Entrepreneurship involves risk-taking and overcoming failures. Ph.D. students and postdocs learn resilience by navigating setbacks. This adaptability prepares them for a dynamic marketplace for their products and ideas and the post-Ph.D. job market itself, where flexibility and the ability to pivot are critical.

In essence, the rigorous training and self-driven nature of doctoral programs and postdoc positions cultivate skills like project management, working both independently and collaboratively, learning agility, strategic thinking and problem-solving—all of which are invaluable assets for successful entrepreneurship. The key to honing these skills is taking increased agency in your projects so that you learn all aspects of the process of identifying a gap in knowledge or application, scoping out the current landscape of that area and working toward a solution. It is certainly not easy work, but it can help you in graduate school, postdoctoral training and beyond.

In sum, by embracing an entrepreneurial mindset in your job search, you identify opportunities in industry, start-ups, government or nonprofits or create your own position through entrepreneurship. And even if you don’t decide to go that direction, innovative thinking and treating one’s career development like a start-up can propel you to professional growth and success. The fact that cultivating the entrepreneurial skills I’ve described can also be significantly helpful for an academic researcher means leaning into them is a win-win for any graduate student or postdoc.

Chris Smith is the postdoctoral affairs program administrator at Virginia Tech. He serves on the National Postdoctoral Association’s Board of Directors and is a member of the Graduate Career Consortium—an organization providing an international voice for graduate-level career and professional development leaders.

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