methodology final year project

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Final year project: the ultimate guide for beginners.

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  • If you have enrolled yourself in any program, you need to design short-term projects every semester that may not consume enough time. Most of them are assigned to every individual, however, based on the nature and complexity of the project, two members can form a single group for the semester project which, more often than not, can be handled pretty well, nevertheless, final year project is a different story altogether.
  • On the other hand, some students don't start their project at all until days before the due date comes near. They just aim to complete the project anyway, just for the sake of getting good marks and meeting the general criteria to get the degree.
  • I think I have spent enough time to scare the hell out of you before giving any practical tip to handle your final year project. Don't you worry, I'll walk you through the step by step how you can manage the final year project and the practical ways to organize it without getting overwhelmed.

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

Group Formation

  • I have seen in my graduation when it comes to making a group for final year project, some intelligent students don't recognize their best friends and always sneak their eyes whenever they encounter them.
  • The genius students are never ready to think outside the box. They feel secure in the loop they have developed over the years. Whenever they try to think outside the box, the daunting circles of insecurity and fear of failure always succeed in overpowering their innovative thinking. The everlasting wish to be number one and appearing in the glaring eyes of the teachers always put them in a sheer pressure, leaving their new ideas null and void before they actually come into play.

Picking the Supervisor

  • Most of the students intend to pick the adviser based on their likeness instead of mainly focusing on how he can be a valuable asset and who can guide you in the right direction. It is quite possible, the advisor you are aiming to work with is not an expert in the field you plan to develop your project on.

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

  • It is advised to pick the teacher that can be a good fit for your project and can practically help you during the project execution. Similarly, if you want to pick the female adviser, and your project requires a lot of industrial visits per month, you may find difficult arranging the visits quite often. The female advisors are not very keen on the fieldwork and mainly focus on the projects that can be easily managed from the comfort of the office. Still, it is an observation and it all depends on the nature of the project.

Project Proposal

  • You may have to deal with the number of rejections before your proposal actually gets accepted. It is advised to work on three or four proposals that resonate with your interest, so you come up with more options to present your idea in a better way.

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

  • Most of the students feel very energetic at the start of the project development. Nevertheless, as time passes by, they lose the real spark and fail to sustain their interest. There is a vital reason behind it. Presenting the project theoretically is very easy, but when it comes to practically implement your written strategies and walk your talk, things go complex, if not always, leaving you stuck in the middle of no man's land.
  • Don't stress and rush over things. When you think the steps you take are not going in your way, it is good to take some rest. If you fail every time to run your project properly after making too many attempts and compiling the code over and over again gives you h, it is advised to switch your field of interest.
  • Embedded system projects
  • Electronic Projects
  • Arduino Projects
  • PLC Projects
  • 8051 Projects
  • PIC Projects

Assigning the task

  • Not every student comes with the same taste in the relevant field. Some are pro in the mechanical part, some are good at coding and some feel pleasure playing with the technical circuitry involved, and at the very least, if they are not good at anything, they enjoy writing the technical report of the project that you need to submit at the end of the project.

What if you get stuck?

  • It is good to start with the proper planning and doing appropriate research pertaining to the relevancy of the project, but don't get too inundated with the research process that you feel fear starting out the project at first place. Do the thorough research, but once you are done, start off your project right away.

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

  • It is observed, students spin their wheels on the research process and half of their semester is gone while they are still at the brink of finalizing their project topic. Keep these things into consideration, they can save you from the big loss looming upon you later.

Time Management

  • In most of the universities, the whole project is divided into four presentations with each one requires you to preset the work you have completed until then.

Avoid Copying Others

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

  • Yes, you can get inspiration by evaluating different projects but you can't copy the entire project and get away with it. Look for help and explore as many sites and books as you want, but at the end design your project in your own way that gives value to the potential visitors and turns out to be very handy for the industrial use.

How to Make it Economical

  • Developing a project in the engineering field and any other field on that matter is all about creating the solution for a particular problem by using minimum resources possible and keeping it under an economical price so even a common man feels no difficulty and doesn't think too much before buying your project in order to get rid of their problems.
  • Getting help from reasonable PCB fabrication house needs some due diligence. If you pick any manufacturer without doing much research, you may end up putting your whole project under huge risk that eventually costs you both your precious time and money. But, don't you worry. I have got you covered.

final year project the ultimate guide for beginners, how to manage final year project

Final Thought

  • If you don't put your effort layered with problem-solving skills, you may succeed in developing the project but you won't be getting something valuable out of it.
  • Everyone is a common human being like you. No one is extraordinary but the ones who know how to work smart, if not harder.
  • Keep pushing yourself, and keep learning new things unless you get stuck. In that case, give yourself a little bit room, calm yourself, take rest, switch your interest without breaking the bond with the relevant project and then start all over again.

Syed Zain Nasir

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How to Write a Research Methodology of your Final Year Project

How to Write a Research Methodology of your Final Year Project

A Research methodology is the fulcrum that balances what the researchers tend to do and how it would be done. The Research methodology is a critical part of thesis or research paper writing . Writing the method of analysis of a thesis can be a daunting task for inexperienced scholars, bearing in mind the sophisticated components discussed in this chapter. This review aims to assist amateur researchers in creating an effective methodological approach by providing them with a clear understanding of the mechanism of a methodology. In some institutions of learning, it is known as chapter three or section three. These are the key elements in the Research methodology section:

  • introduction and overview
  • methodology approach
  • research design
  • study population
  • sample technique and sample size
  • data collection methods
  • Reliability and validity of research instrument
  • data analysis and synthesis methods
  • ethical considerations
  • issues of trustworthiness

Guidelines on How to Write the Chapter 3 of your Final Year Project

We will be explaining how each component of the research methodology should be developed and presented. Demonstrate that you fully comprehend how all elements work together to form a coherent, intertwined sequence contributing to the study’s overall integrity of research methodology. The Research methodology is not limited to all the elements list above. Every institution of research or higher learning could add more to this list.

Step 1: Introduction and Overview

Just like in the previous chapter, explain the approach you would employ to achieve the research objectives. In this case, describe your methodological approach. At a glance, the introduction would show the reader how the researcher is set to accomplish the study’s objective. The introduction should contain all the elements listed from a-l. for instance, “this section describes the methods employed. It contains the methodological approach, research design, study area……..issues of trustworthiness.

Step 2: Methodology Approach

There are three methods of approaching or achieving the research objectives. They are quantitative methods, qualitative methods and mixed methods

  • Quantitative Method: This method is frequently utilized by researchers who adhere to the scientific paradigm. This technique involves estimating and generalizing data from a sample of a target population. It employs a formalized data collection procedure with numerical data output. Quantitative research also employs empirical study through the use of statistical methods. Where the research employs the quantitative method, data must be analyzed either through descriptive or inferential statistics
  • Qualitative Methods: In contrast to the quantitative method, which seeks to measure things in an attempt to elucidate what is observed, the qualitative approach seeks to create a comprehensive and thorough explanation of your observations as a researcher. Rather than offering assumptions and/or causal explanations, the qualitative approach provides translation and interpretation of the collected data. This research approach is contextual and necessitates a smaller sample size of carefully selected respondents.
  • The combination of various quantitative and qualitative approaches resulted in a modern method. The emergence of the mixed methods research originated from its capacity to impact researchers better understand human relationships and their complexities by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods while acknowledging the constraints of both at the same time.  In social and management science research, mixed methods are also recognised for the basic idea of triangulation. A triangulation allows students to process various observations about a single phenomenon by incorporating quantitative and qualitative approaches into one study.

Hence a researcher can use any of the methods listed based on the objectives of the study and the direction desired by the guide or supervisor. The researcher needs to justify why the methodology is adopted.

Step 3: Research Design

A scholars’ research design is a blueprint for the methodologies they will use in conducting a study. A study research design describes the type of investigation (exploratory, survey, relationships between variables, semi-experimental, analysis) as well as its sub-types (observational study, research issue, descriptive case-study). It is advisable that while using a primary source of data, descriptive survey research (cross-sectional data) is used, and the expo-facto research design is used for secondary data. The author should justify why this study area is used for analysis.

Step 4: Study Area

The next subheading should be the study area. The study area is the theatre of study or where the study is to be carried out. For instance, Branding and Firm Performance in South-West, Nigeria. The study area is the South-West, Nigeria. The author should justify why the study area is selected and used in the study.

Step 5: Study Population

A research population is a large group of people or things that are the target of a systematic investigation. A study population is also classified as a well-defined collection of elements with common traits. The researcher should note that a population of different characteristics should not be used in a study. For example, it is wise to use both customers, employers or other stakeholders in a study at once. The population should pick one stakeholder at a time. That is, customers alone, employers alone or  other stakeholders alone at a time.

Step 6: Sample Size

In research, sample size refers to the number of participants included in a response rate. We define sample size as a group of respondents chosen from the population at large who are regarded to represent the entire population for that particular study. The number of individual samples measured or information collected in a study or experiment is the sample size. For instance, if you evaluate 300 biological samples (specimen, human beings customers, business owners, etc.), your sample size is 300. The sample size should be systematically gotten from the population of the study. Common methods used are Taro Yamane sample size estimation and online sample size calculators.

Step 7: Sampling Technique

As explained in step six, a sample is a subset of people drawn from a larger group. The sampling technique is a method or process of arriving at the sampling size. The sampling technique is also seen as selecting the group you will collect data for your research. Cluster sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling and simple random sampling are all methods of probability sampling. However, the simple random sampling technique is one of the most commonly used sampling techniques for saving time and resources. It is a trustworthy method of gathering information in which every single element of the population is selected randomly, purely by chance.

Step 8: Data collection methods

There are basically two data collection methods: primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary source includes survey interviews, questionnaires, interviews, observation, etc., while the secondary source of data is extracting data from reliable sources such as World Bank, Financial Statements of Institutions or trading companies, Stock Exchange, etc. The author should determine the most convenient and realistic source which will provide the data needed timely for analysis

Step 9: Reliability And Validity Of Research Instrument

The concepts of reliability and validity are used to assess the quality of data analysis. They imply the accuracy with which a technique, procedure, or test measures a variable. The consistency of a measure is its reliability, whereas the precision of an indicator is referred to as its validity. There are five major sources of information for validity. These are clear indications predicated on (1) content validity, (2) feedback procedure, (3) internal structure, (4) relationships with other variables, and (5) diagnostics outcomes. It is a must to carry out reliability and validity while using a primary source of data.

Step 10: Data Analysis And Synthesis Methods

The method of data analysis should be indicated in the study. It should be revealed if the study will testing effects use, Regression, Anova, SEM, Factor Analysis, etc.) and if trends use descriptive analysis.

Step 11: Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations is a set of principles and values that address what is positive and negative in human existence. Ethics seeks justifications for acting or abstaining from behaving; for approving or rejecting behaviour; for trusting or rejecting something about virtue or cruel behaviour in research. One of the ethical considerations is not revealing the identity of the respondents or key information about them.

The methodology determines if the results will be generalized or not. Hence there is a need to justify each of the steps highlighted in the methodology with existing literature .



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Top 10 Project Methodology Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Project Methodology Templates with Samples and Examples

Vaishali Rai


Project management is confusing. Have you ever been in a situation like this, sitting at your project meeting, perhaps feeling out of your depth, and finding it hard to follow the conversation around you? It may be due to unstructured and unorganized execution of the project's principles. You also might need to apply a suitable project management methodology. 

What is project management methodology?

A project management methodology is a set of principles, techniques, and procedures Project Managers use to execute and manage projects. There are several methodologies and all require different workflows, deliverables, and project management software development. The project management methodologies facilitate team collaboration by directing team members to work for a common objective.

Are your projects complex or straightforward? Whatever the case may be, these Top 10 Project Management Cycle Templates will help you organize and track every bit of it!

When a project is carried out systematically, chances of success are better. Project managers are responsible for planning tasks, tracking progress, and delivering results. Here’s when a project methodology comes in. It includes certain procedures that help you structure your team’s workflow.

There are many project methodologies available for the systematic execution of a project. Choosing the best one among a landscape of methodologies can be overwhelming. Some of these work well in specific projects or industries. However, Product managers select the methodology that best suits the way their teams work. 

Here, in this blog, we'll talk about project methodologies and templates you can use in your projects. 

Let’s explore!

Template 1: Project Management Methodologies PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This PPT displays an elaborative project agenda, including the project brief essential to operate efficiently. The layout also consists of details about the company's products. Showcase the progress summary, and the milestones achieved and reflect on the potential goals. Download now!

project management methodologies powerpoint presentation slides wd

Download now!

Template 2: Three Principles of Waterfall Project Methodology

This PPT is designed while keeping in mind the linear approach, meaning that the tasks are organized in a sequence. This template allows you to map the tasks from beginning to end and work accordingly. It includes three essential waterfall project methodology principles: low customer involvement, robust project documentation, and sequential stages that smoothen up the project management process. Download now!

3 principle of waterfall project methodology

Template 3: 5D Consulting Project Methodology with Implementation

This PPT Template portrays a five-dimensional visualization process for consulting projects. It includes major steps like discovering, designing, developing, designing, and determining while considering budgetary and cost requirements. It also comprises activities like process assessment, tools management, collaboration, etc., that aid in accurate project deployment and maintenance. Download now!

5d consulting project methodology with implementation wd

Template 4: Enterprise Resource Planning Consulting Project Methodology

This template displays an execution method for designing ERP software for both parties; the consulting firm and the buyer. It includes the implementation team, administrative project management, project management team, etc. Ace your resource planning game by organizing, identifying, and listing the resources required to complete a project. Get it now!

enterprise resource planning consulting project methodology wd 4

Template 5: Rotation Process Illustrating Agile Project Methodology

Agile is more of an approach than a methodology. It is collaborative, fast and effective, data-backed, and values individuals over processes. This template lets you analyze processes, provide suggestions, plan & design projects, project construction, and evaluate & monitor processes. Download now!

rotation process illustrating agile project methodology wd

Template 6: Consulting Project Methodology for Supply Chain and Logistics

This template exhibits consulting project methodology for supply chain and logistics. It includes the five-step process of mapping, internal audit, gap assessment, solution design, and implementation. The topics discussed in this slide are gap analysis, solution design, implementation, internal audit, and mapping. Download this versatile template now!

consulting project methodology for supply chain and logistics wd

Template 7: Project Management Methodology Including Planning

This methodology is the one most used by project managers. It portrays the tasks in a chronological manner involving designing, developing, testing, and deploying a project. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to your next project, look no further than this. Download it now!

project management methodology including planning wd

Template 8: Project Management and Implementation Methodology Overview

Project management and implementation methodology plays a significant role in ensuring successful delivery of projects. This template explains how these methods can be used to ensure the successful delivery of projects, along with some tips for implementing them. They also include a variety of practical examples to help you understand how the methodology can be applied in a real-world scenario. Get it now!

project management and implementation methodology overview wd

Template 9: Waterfall vs Agile Development Methodology for Project

This two-stage process template for projects is explicit and effective. It combines clarity and concise expression to achieve holistic project development by enabling client/stakeholder collaboration. It encourages frequent interaction of team members, making them resolve any complexities and meet requirements before deadlines. Download this now!

waterfall vs agile development methodology for project wd

Template 10: Methodology Five Steps Indicating Project Lifecycle

Strategically important complex projects that are long-term, resource-heavy, and extensive, require flexible project management methodology. This template includes five steps of a project lifecycle that helps bring more cohesion to your project. Keep every team member on the same page with this helpful and 100% customizable template. Download now!

methodology 5 steps indicating project lifecycle wd

Manage Your Projects Well

By choosing the right project management methodology at the right time and the right place, you’ll be able to make your projects more efficient. Finding the perfect project methodology also helps implement processes right for you, your team, and your organization.

We hope that the above set of templates serves as the ultimate tool in your belt!

FAQs on Project Methodology

What is a project methodology.

A project management methodology is a detailed manual to supervise project completion. A project team uses this set of defined processes to initiate, plan, and execute the project. The type of project methodology you choose establishes the way of work organization, prioritization, and completion. 

The project management methodology aims to standardize, structure, and organize work requirements and methods. This helps focus on what works best and enables the repetition of successful aspects and learning from mistakes, resulting in a continuous improvement process.

What are the five project methodologies?

Here are five common project methodologies used by Project Managers to manage workflow:

  • Agile : This method is best suited for projects which require extreme flexibility and speed. It focuses less on documentation and more on customer satisfaction. Agile methodology is good for products with a faster release cycle. 
  • Scrum : Scrum methodology has an iterative project management style. It follows the principles followed in Agile methodology. In this method, the work is done in sessions known as ‘Sprints’. Here, the Scrum Master facilitates the process instead of a Project Manager. 
  • Waterfall : It is based on traditional methods and mainly focuses on following the processes. Here, much emphasis is given to project documentation. 
  • Critical Path Method : This methodology is a step-by-step method and works best for projects with independent tasks. Its key role is to measure and prioritize tasks.
  • Program Evaluation and Review Technique : This method is commonly used along with CPM (Critical Path Method). It is mostly used by businesses that are looking for expansion. It measures progress to create timelines and budgets.
  • Critical Chain Method : A separate classification, this methodology is more advanced than the CPM methodology. Here, goals are created based on constraints while focusing on cost-saving benefits.

What are the three major types of project methodologies?

Here are three major types of methodologies commonly used:

  • Scrum method : Scrum is the most widely used agile methodology for project management. It allows you to do more by scheduling tasks in short cycles named sprints. It enables you to work as a dedicated team to analyze processes, meet requirements, and meet deadlines. It also helps you receive continuous feedback rather than using final evaluations. The scrum methodology is mostly used to develop new projects, compile budgets, and organize annual reports. 
  • Waterfall method : This method is linear and phase-based. It arranges and organizes tasks chronologically, which helps identify major areas of errors. Documentation is a huge part of waterfall methodology. It entails precise details about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This methodology doesn’t provide any room for flexibility.
  • Lean and Six Sigma method : Lean and Six Sigma method is famous for its ability to manage the resource and time wastage that occurs in other methodologies. It is an approach to continuous improvement that is divided into two types of initiatives- Ongoing improvement initiatives and project-based initiatives. Each of these is associated with a set of methods and tools for you to employ. Ultimately, this methodology is based on the Kaizen principle that aims at making small changes on a daily basis for continuous improvement in small, easy steps.

How do you prepare a project methodology?

A good project method will represent the convergence of many factors, such as your scope, professional experience, and the research done. Here’s how you can prepare a project methodology in five steps:

  • Communicate deliverables : A solid plan requires proper research and pre-planning. So, the first step is to set clear objectives, cost & budget, project requirements, and deliverables to work upon. 
  • Define the process : Choose the project methodology that best suits your team’s workflow and organizational structure. Sit with your team and draft a process that matches your work style and project requirements. 
  • Communicate risks and deadlines : Analyzing the ability to manage risks while meeting project deadlines is the next step in preparing a methodology. You need to observe the level of risk you can handle based on the size of the project.
  • Determine task dependencies : Next, it is important to understand if you can perform tasks while keeping room for flexibility to alter the processes.

Define client/ stakeholder collaboration : Finally, you need to oversee the level of involvement you need from your stakeholders and clients in a project. It also defines team roles and assignments to help break down bigger projects into small and easy tasks.

Related posts:

  • [Updated 2023] An All-Encompassing Guide to Project Planning (With 30+ PowerPoint Templates to Help You Get Started)
  • [Updated 2023] Top 20 One Page Project Plans, Project Proposals, and Executive Summaries for Project Management
  • Top 10 Research Paper Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples
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  • Posted: Friday, 17 April 2020
  • By: ResearchWap Admin

How To Write Chapter Three Of Your Research Project (Research Methodology)

Methodology In Research Paper

Chapter three of the research project or the research methodology is another significant part of the research project writing. In developing the chapter three of the research project, you state the purpose of research, research method you wish to adopt, the instruments to be used, where you will collect your data, types of data collection, and how you collected it.

This chapter explains the different methods to be used in the research project. Here you mention the procedures and strategies you will employ in the study such as research design, study design in research, research area (area of the study), the population of the study, etc.

You also tell the reader your research design methods, why you chose a particular method, method of analysis, how you planned to analyze your data. Your methodology should be written in a simple language such that other researchers can follow the method and arrive at the same conclusion or findings.

You can choose a survey design when you want to survey a particular location or behavior by administering instruments such as structured questionnaires, interviews, or experimental; if you intend manipulating some variables.

The purpose of chapter three (research methodology) is to give an experienced investigator enough information to replicate the study. Some supervisors do not understand this and require students to write what is in effect, a textbook.

A research design is used to structure the research and to show how all of the major parts of the research project, including the sample, measures, and methods of assignment, work together to address the central research questions in the study. The chapter three should begin with a paragraph reiterating the purpose of research.

It is very important that before choosing design methods, try and ask yourself the following questions:

Will I generate enough information that will help me to solve the research problem by adopting this method?

Method vs Methodology

I think the most appropriate in methods versus methodology is to think in terms of their inter-connectedness and relationship between both. You should not beging thinking so much about research methods without thinking of developing a research methodology.

Metodologia or methodology is the consideration of your research objectives and the most effective method  and approach to meet those objectives. That is to say that methodology in research paper is the first step in planning a research project work. 

Design Methodology: Methodological Approach                

Example of methodology in research paper, you are attempting to identify the influence of personality on a road accident, you may wish to look at different personality types, you may also look at accident records from the FRSC, you may also wish to look at the personality of drivers that are accident victims, once you adopt this method, you are already doing a survey, and that becomes your  metodologia or methodology .

Your methodology should aim to provide you with the information to allow you to come to some conclusions about the personalities that are susceptible to a road accident or those personality types that are likely to have a road accident. The following subjects may or may not be in the order required by a particular institution of higher education, but all of the subjects constitute a defensible in metodologia or methodology chapter.



A  methodology  is the rationale for the research approach, and the lens through which the analysis occurs. Said another way, a methodology describes the “general research strategy that outlines the way in which research is to be undertaken” The methodology should impact which method(s) for a research endeavor are selected in order to generate the compelling data.

Example Of Methodology In Research Paper :

  • Phenomenology: describes the “lived experience” of a particular phenomenon
  • Ethnography: explores the social world or culture, shared beliefs and behaviors
  • Participatory: views the participants as active researchers
  • Ethno methodology: examines how people use dialogue and body language to construct a world view
  • Grounding theory*: assumes a blank slate and uses an inductive approach to develop a new theory

A  method  is simply the tool used to answer your research questions — how, in short, you will go about collecting your data.

Methods Section Of Research Paper Example :

  • Contextual inquiry
  • Usability study
  • Diary study

If you are choosing among these, you might say “what method should I use?” and settle on one or more methods to answer your research question.


Research Design Definition: WRITING A RESEARCH DESIGN

A qualitative study does not have variables. A scientific study has variables, which are sometimes mentioned in Chapter 1 and defined in more depth in Chapter 3. Spell out the independent and dependent, variables. An unfortunate trend in some institutions is to repeat the research questions and/or hypotheses in both Chapter 1 and Chapter 3. Sometimes an operational statement of the research hypotheses in the null form is given to set the stage for later statistical inferences. In a quantitative study, state the level of significance that will be used to accept or reject the hypotheses.

Pilot Study

In a quantitative study, a survey instrument that the researcher designed needs a pilot study to validate the effectiveness of the instrument, and the value of the questions to elicit the right information to answer the primary research questions in. In a scientific study, a pilot study may precede the main observation to correct any problems with the instrumentation or other elements in the data collection technique. Describe the pilot study as it relates to the research design, development of the instrument, data collection procedures, or characteristics of the sample.


In a research study, the instrument used to collect data may be created by the researcher or based on an existing instrument. If the instrument is the researcher created, the process used to select the questions should be described and justified. If an existing instrument is used, the background of the instrument is described including who originated it, and what measures were used to validate it.

If a Likert scale is used, the scale should be described. If the study involves interviews, an interview protocol should be developed that will result in a consistent process of data collection across all interviews. Two types of questions are found in an interview protocol: the primary research questions, which are not asked of the participants, and the interview questions that are based on the primary research questions and are asked of the participants.

In a qualitative study, this is the section where most of the appendices are itemized, starting with letters of permission to conduct the study and letters of invitation to participate with the attached consent forms. Sample: this has to do with the number of your participants or subjects as the case may be. Analysis (how are you planning to analyze the results?)



This chapter deals effectively with the research methods to be adopted in conducting the research, and it is organized under the following sub-headings:

  • Research Design
  • Area of Study

The population of the Study

  • Sample and Sampling Techniques
  • Instruments for Data Collection

The validity of the Instrument

Reliability of the Instrument

  • Administration of the instruments
  • Scoring the instruments

Method of Data Collection

Method of Data Analysis

Research Design:

This has to do with the structure of the research instrument to be used in collecting data. It could be in sections depending on different variables that form the construct for the entire topic of the research problems. A reliable instrument with a wrong research design will adversely affect the reliability and generalization of the research. The choice of design suitable for each research is determined by many factors among which are: kind of research, research hypothesis, the scope of the research, and the sensitive nature of the research.

Area of Study:

Research Area; this has to do with the geographical environment of the study area where the places are located, the historical background when necessary and commercial activities of that geographical area. For example, the area of the study is Ebonyi State University. At the creation of Ebonyi State in 1996, the Abakaliki campus of the then ESUT was upgraded to Ebonyi State University College by Edict no. 5 of Ebonyi State, 1998 still affiliated to ESUT with Prof. Fidelis Ogah, former ESUT Deputy Vice-Chancellor as the first Rector. In 1997, the Faculty of Applied and Natural Sciences with 8 departments was added to the fledging University, and later in 1998 when the ESUT Pre-Science Programme was relocated to Nsukka, the EBSUC Pre-Degree School commenced lectures in both Science and Arts in replacement of the former. This study focused on the students of the Business Education department in Ebonyi state university.

The population is regarded in research work as the type of people and the group of people under investigation. It has to be specific or specified. For example educational study teachers in Lagos state. Once the population is chosen, the next thing is to choose the samples from the population.

According to Uma (2007), the population is referred to as the totality of items or object which the researcher is interested in. It can also be the total number of people in an area of study. Hence, the population of this study comprised of all the students in the department of Business Education, Ebonyi State University which is made up of year one to four totaling 482. The actual number for the study was ascertained using Yaro-Yamane's formula which stated thus:

n   =        N

N is the Population

1 is constant

e is the error margin

Then, n   =         482


= 214.35 approximately 214

Sample and sampling technique:

It may not be possible to reach out to the number of people that form the entire population for the study to either interview, observe, or serve them with copies of the questionnaire. To be realistic, the sample should be up to 20% of the total population. Two sampling techniques are popular among all the sampling techniques. These are random and stratified random sampling techniques. (A). in Random Sampling, the writers select any specific number from a place like a school, village, etc. (B). In Stratified Random Sampling, one has to indicate a specific number from a stratum which could be a group of people according to age, qualification, etc. or different groups from different locations and different considerations attached.

Instruments for Data Collection:

This is a device or different devices used in collecting data. Example: interview, questionnaire, checklist, etc. instrument is prepared in sets or subsections, each set should be an entity thus asking questions about a particular variable to be tested after collecting data. The type of instrument used will determine the responses expected. All questions should be well set so as to determine the reliability of the instrument.

This has to do with different measures in order to determine the validity and reliability of the research instrument. For example, presenting the drafted questionnaire to the supervisor for scrutiny. Giving the questionnaire to the supervisor for useful comments and corrections would help to validate the instrument.

The test-retest reliability method is one of the simplest ways of testing the stability and reliability of an instrument over time. The test-retest approach was adopted by the researcher in establishing the reliability of the instrument. In doing this 25 copies of the questionnaire were administered on twenty-five selected respondents. After two weeks another 25 copies of the same questionnaire were re-administered on the same group. Their responses on the two occasions were correlated using Parsons Product Moment Correlation. A co-efficient of 0.81 was gotten and this was high enough to consider the instrument reliable.

Administration of the instruments:

Here, the writer states whether he or she administers the test personally or through an assistant. He also indicates the rate of return of the copies of the questionnaire administered.

Scoring the instruments:

Here items on the questionnaire or any other device used must be assigned numerical values. For example, 4 points to strongly agree, 3 points to agree, 2 points to disagree, and 1 point to strongly disagree.

Table of Analysis


The researcher collected data using the questionnaire. Copies of the questionnaire were administered by the researcher on the respondents. All the respondents were expected to give maximum co-operation, as the information on the questionnaire is all on things that revolve around their study. Hence, enough time was taken to explain how to tick or indicate their opinion on the items stated in the research questionnaire.

In this study, the mean was used to analyze the data collected. A four (4) point Likert scale was used to analyze each of the questionnaire items.

The weighing was as follows:

VGE—————- Very Great Extent (4 points)

GE—————– Great Extent (3 points)

LE—————– Little Extent (2 points)

VLE—————- Very Little Extent (1 point)

SA—————– Strongly Agree (4 points)

A——————- Agree (3 points)

D—————— Disagree (2 points)

SD—————- Strongly Disagree (1 point)

The mean of the scale will then be determined by summing up the points and dividing their number as follows with the formula:

Where; x= mean

f= frequency

X= Nominal value of the option

∑= summation

N= Total Number

Therefore, the mean of the scale is 2.5.

This means that any item statement with a mean of 2.50 and above is considered agreed by the respondents and any item statement below 2.5 is considered disagreed.

EDITORS SOURCE: How To Write Chapter Three Of Your Research Project (Research Methodology)

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Final year project


Loizos Lambis, a final year student at the IOE, has identified 6 key factors to think about when tackling your final year project, and where to go to to get additional resources and support. 

Please note: Final year projects vary greatly by discipine. Always follow the guidelines set by your programme/department and seek support from your project supervisor if you have any questions about yoru final year project. 

1. Time management

Managing your time will be crucial on your way to achieving a grade you'll be happy with for your final year project. The  Open University  offers a comprehensive guide for managing your time effectively according to your needs. The guide considers distractions and procrastinations and includes short videos in each section. The skill of time management is also highly valued by employees and will be useful when proceeding to a Masters or Phd degree.

2. Choosing your literature

There may be hundreds of thousands of literature pieces related to a particular topic. Choosing the most relevant and important literature for a final year project can be a challenging and daunting task.  UCL Library Services  have put together a range of resources and videos for developing an effective search strategy. These enable students to carefully plan their search and easily identify the appropriate literature.

3. Research methodology

All final year projects involve dealing with and/or interpreting some form of data. Choosing an appropriate research method will enable you to arrive at conclusions for your research question. An exhaustive list of research methods and how to carry them out can be found online at  SAGE Publishing . These methods are suitable for any kind of data ( quantitative, qualitative, primary, secondary)

4. Proper academic writing

Your final year project is the culmination of your undergraduate degree and thus requires a high standard of academic writing. The  IOE Writing Centre  offers plenty of resources for academic writing, including workshops and 1-to-1 tutorials. These resources thoroughly explain how to critically read and write, structure and edit your paper, and ensuring the text is clear and concise. Proper academic writing is the backbone of your final year project, therefore frequent writing practice and feedback are highly encouraged.

Also remember to refresh and familairise yourself with the principles of academic integrity  to ensure you are being honest in your academic work, and formally recognising and referencing the existing knowledge and ideas on which your work is based. If you do not acknowledge the work or ideas of others, you could be penalised for  Academic Misconduct .

5. Creating a readable document

The presentation of your final document is crucial for ensuring that your work is readible and sensible to all kinds of readers. The  ISD's section  on 'creating accessible content' includes a set of principles for creating word processed documents. These place emphasis on alignment, font, formatting, spacing, layout, printing and sharing. The specific section refers to Microsoft Word documents, how to convert to/create PDF documents.

Binding your document is the final stage of your Final Year Project before submission. All UCL undergraduate dissertations must meet  certain specifications  irrespective of programme of study. A list of companies providing binding services can be found online on UCL's  'Research Assessments'  Section. Check with your department before proceeding with binding.

Other support resources:

Research and writing skills for dissertations and projects.

This Moodle course is a resource to help you develop the skills associated with researching and writing an extended piece of work.

LinkedIn Learning

Learn more effectively and develop your writing skills.  Improve your information literacy and learn quantitative research methods.

UCL Library Guides: support for disserations and research projects

This guide highlights the extensive online library collections and services available to you, and also directs you to other academic support services that may be useful when undertaking your dissertation or research project.

UCL Library: subject guides

Subject guides are a helpful starting point for identifying library collections and resources to support your discipline of study. 

Be prepared to write your dissertation

Although written for PGT students, much of this guide is useful to help prepare for your final year project. 

Table of Contents

1. choose your topic wisely, 2. choose the right project guide, 3. plan your project well, 4. read the existing research papers, 5. publish a research paper, 6. implement and test your project, 7. presentation and visualization, final year project tips that will save the day.

Final Year Project Tips That Will Save the Day

The final year project plays a very crucial part in a student's life. A lot of things depend on it, and it will be used as a benchmark by job recruiters too. During the course of your project, there will be many crossroads that you might face. This article will help you get a clear idea of how to go about your project. Here, we will give you seven vital tips that will help you ace your final year project. We will look into each one of these tips individually.

Watch this video to learn the tips and tricks to ace you final year project.

Also Read: The Top Upskilling Tips for Today’s Learners

Here’s a look at the top project tips for your final year: 

  • Choosing the right final year project topic holds paramount importance. This decision can be overwhelming with the number of options available today. Choose a topic related to your field of study that is of great interest to you.  
  • Additionally, it is advised that you have a topic that has a powerful motive. For instance, a project that helps humankind will truly be unmatched. Another factor to keep in mind is to choose topics that aren't very common. 

Let us now take you through a few examples of projects related to the different branches of engineering:

1. Computer Science and IT Final Year Project Ideas: 

  • Creating a chatbot is a great project idea. Currently, chatbots are gaining huge popularity and are being used extensively to solve customer issues.
  • The next project idea is face detection. This is used in companies like IBM, Facebook, and Google.
  • You can also have a project centered on current events such as predicting Coronavirus cases, US Election results, and so on.
  • Creating a search engine that would return relevant links based on your search term is also interesting.
  • Performing sentiment analysis using R or Python is another absorbing project idea.

Also Read: How Facebook is Using Big Data?

2. Electrical and Electronics Final Year Project Ideas:

  • You can create a simple Bluetooth controlled electronic home appliances project. With Bluetooth technology, you can control various electrical appliances and electronic devices using an android device.
  • You could also use radiofrequency technology to build a metal detector robotic system that can identify metals in the ground, inside a bag, and so on.
  • You can build a 5 volt regulated DC supply from a 220 AC to charge mobiles as well as the power source for ICs, digital circuits, breadboard circuits, micro-controllers, etc. 
  • Next, you can create a micro-controller based project that automatically turns on or off the lights in a room.
  • A project on micro-inverters can be used to power light loads such as night lamps and cordless telephones. We can modify this into a powerful inverter by adding more MOSFETs.

2. Mechanical Final Year Project Ideas:

  • One of the ideas is that you can build a 3D printer machine with additive manufacturing techniques in which we can print 3D objects with CAD software's help.
  • You could also create a compressed air engine that does mechanical work by expanding compressed air, reducing vehicle production costs, and consuming fossil fuels.
  • Using modern tools and software such as Vred, Autodesk Showcase, LightWave 3D, and Autodesk Alias, you can create 3D visualizations and design vehicles.
  • Next, you can have a conveyor system project that supports mechanical handling equipment to move objects from one location to another.

Those were a few of the project ideas for your final year; however, these projects are not the only ones you need to choose. There are several other interesting projects that you can opt for in your final year.

  • Project guides play a major role in defining the success of a final year project. He/She should be an excellent mentor and a subject matter expert. It will be beneficial if your guide is carrying out research in the same field or if he/she has already published research papers in the past. This way, you can add an extra weightage to your project by utilizing your guide’s experience and knowledge.
  • In addition to choosing the right project guide, you must also make sure to choose the right set of team members to work with if it is a group project. Choosing the right project members who are cooperative and equally hard-working is very crucial. 
  • As generic as it sounds, it is that important. Once you have finalized your project topic and the guide, you have to make extensive plans to go about the entire process. It would be best to have a project plan covering the goal, research, requirements, cost estimations, implementation, and presentation.
  • Make sure to create a plan, keeping in mind the deadlines; this will help you streamline the process and, in turn, save you from last-minute confusion. Breaking down your project into phases and executing them is the right approach. A strong project plan can yield better results than one can imagine.  
  • Several advantages come by if you read the existing research papers that are closely related to your project. For instance, you will get an idea of what content is already available and what is lacking. This way, you can certify that your project has additional information from the existing ones. 
  • Reading research papers will also give you ideas, a strong foundation, and an outline of how you should go about with your final year project.
  • Publishing a research paper is one of the few ways you can add credibility to your final year project. This gives you more confidence while presenting your project. Many times, research papers also open doors to new opportunities. 
  • After you complete your research paper, make sure to reference it well, proofread, and edit it. Check your paper for repetitions, grammatical errors, and quotation rules obeyed, etc. Research papers add a huge amount of value to your resume.

The cut-outs shown below are a few samples of research papers published in leading journals and professional associations related to multiple technologies and research domains, such as quantum computing, wireless sensor networks, augmented reality, axial turbines, and others.

It is highly recommended to publish a research paper in peer-reviewed journals that give international recognition to individuals, departments, universities, and institutions. This also helps in enrolling for higher education at reputed institutes.  

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  • Before presenting your project, you need to implement and test it. By doing so, you can fix errors, if any. Using the trial and error method, you should continue the process. 
  • You can use some test cases to check if your project yields the expected results. Ensure that the result is aligned with your project goal, and there shouldn't be any deviations.  
  • It is pointless to have slogged for your project if you cannot deliver your project well on the final day. Hence, it is of supreme importance that you are well-versed with your project and make a good, in-depth, and interactive presentation on it. 
  • Using data visualization in your presentation will be beneficial as the project results will be conveyed concisely. During the course of your presentation, be prepared to carefully and calmly answer the questions asked by the panel. You can master the art of presentation with a considerable amount of practice. 

Those were the important project tips to complete your final year project in a hassle-free manner. 

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Now that this article has given you an insight into the top project tips, you can work around these tips and work hard to bring out a great final year project successfully. Do you have any questions about this article on 'The Best Guide to Your Final Year Project Tips'? Please mention them in this article's comment section. Our qualified experts will get back to you as quickly as possible. To learn about project management check out our PMP certification course. You can watch this video: Final Year Project Tips to learn more about this topic. 

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    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

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    Final Year Project (FYP), a SIX credit course, is a graduation requirement for all students ... Methodology - techniques employed to answer the research questions/hypotheses and ethical concerns in conducting the research. 4. Conclusion, covering limitations of the study and expected outcome. 5. An initial reference list or bibliography of ...

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    As part of my Project Proposal I have to talk about which methodology I will use to develop my software. From what I have learnt in school and from extra reading I find that the Incremental Development model seems a good idea. I would run 2- 3 iterations of Plan, Design, Implement until I get the full functionality of the software.