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Wharton MBA Classes, Courses & Curriculum

The wharton mba curriculum has a unique structure, offering rigor and flexibility. the intensive, cross-functional core curriculum provides business fundamentals and the leadership, communication and analytical skills that are critical to your success. you develop one or more areas of expertise by selecting a major and complementary electives . all mba coursework varies by instructor and class environment, but the core course offerings (listed below) are consistent throughout the program., mba curriculum.

The Wharton MBA Curriculum provides a flexible approach to learning. The program requires 19 credit units (CU) to graduate, which is broken up into 3 categories:

9.5 CU
5.0 CU
4.5 CU

MBA Core Curriculum

You will ground your MBA with six required fixed core classes that will be required for your degree, along with choices in the flexible core . The flexible structure of the core course allows you to take more electives in the first year to prepare for an internship, global experience, business venture, or other interests, and defer some core requirements to their second year. Offered as quarter or semester-long courses, the core curriculum covers traditional management disciplines

The MBA Core classes include 9.5 credit units, distributed in two parts:

  • Fixed Core : 3.25 credit units fixed in the first semester
  • Flexible Core : 6.25 credit units in the first semester or anytime thereafter

mba program coursework


Flexible core courses.

The fixed core courses within the Wharton MBA program consist of the fundamentals and analytical courses that set the stage for your education. These are classes typical of what you would take in business school, and help prepare you for your future,  whether you come to Wharton with a background in business, liberal arts, engineering or more.

Leadership: Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership

Develop your future personal leadership style and capabilities. You will begin with the Teamwork and Leadership Simulation—a team-based, highly interactive simulation that is custom-designed for this course.

Marketing: Marketing Management

Develop skills to apply analytical concepts and marketing tools to decisions like segmentation and targeting, branding, pricing, distribution, and promotion.

Microeconomics: Microeconomics for Managers

Master the basic theory of microeconomics: supply, demand, consumer behavior, market price and output, production, cost, simple competitive market equilibrium, simple monopoly pricing and output determination, price discrimination, and bundling.

Microeconomics: Advanced Microeconomics for Managers

Apply microeconomic theory to firm management and learn how to use microeconomics to enhance decision making. Topics include: sophisticated pricing policies, transfer pricing, strategies for dealing with competitor firms, cooperation strategies, managing under uncertainty, and more.

Statistics: Regression Analysis for Managers

Become familiar with two key statistical methodologies for working with data: regression analysis and experimentation. Learn techniques such as least-squares estimation, tests and confidence intervals, correlation and autocorrelation, collinearity, and randomization.

Management Communication: Speaking and Writing

Speaking : Strengthen your skills in persuasion, speaking confidently, and handling Q&A during the Fall speaking course. You’ll have a choice of advanced topics during the Spring speaking courses.

Writing : In WHCP 621, students will improve their ability to organize and develop the kinds of persuasive arguments they’ll need to lead teams and effect change.

Flexible Core Courses

More than half of the core courses are flexible in order to match your learning style, interests, and goals. Within each different core area, the course choices offer additional flexibility in content, timing, and format. Subjects include:

Operations, Information, and Decisions

Options : Quality and Productivity, Business Analytics, Innovation, Operations Strategy, Enabling Technologies, Managerial Decision Making

Options : Dynamic Marketing Strategy, Strategic Marketing Simulation


Options : Impromptu Speaking and Elements of Story for Business, Crisis Communication, Fundamentals for Prospective Entrepreneurs, Communications Challenges for Entrepreneurs, and Persuasive Writing for Business Leaders

Options : Financial Accounting, Financial and Managerial Accounting

Corporate Finance

Options : Corporate Finance, Introduction to Corporate Finance


Options : Macroeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics

Options : Managing the Established Enterprise, Managing the Emerging Enterprise

Legal Studies & Business Ethics

Options : Responsibility in Global Management, Responsibility in Business, and Business, Social Responsibility, & the Environment

You can select from 18 MBA concentrations to pursue your goals. Most majors consist of five CUs—usually four CUs in addition to the core curriculum. Courses may count toward more than one major, giving you the option to pursue your MBA with a double major.

MBA Electives

Choose your own areas of study. Choose from nearly 200 courses across 10 academic departments, plus many more offered through Penn’s other 11 world-class schools. With so much to choose from you can tailor the curriculum to your goals. Your knowledge from Wharton’s core curriculum is supplemented by the broad range of elective courses. Some electives will count toward your major, but you’ll have room to take some chances and explore new topics.

Electives Across the University of Pennsylvania

One of Wharton’s strengths is the ability to extend your studies across the vast academic resources of the entire University of Pennsylvania. When choosing electives, you can work with your advisor to select up to four courses from Penn’s 11 other Schools.

  • Annenberg School for Communication
  • Graduate School of Education
  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • School of Design
  • School of Engineering and Applied Science
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Social Policy & Practice
  • School of Veterinary Medicine

View and Download the Electives Course List

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A Chronological View of Your Wharton MBA Experience

Your immersion begins the first day of Pre-Term. Pre-Term is the beginning of your educational journey within the Wharton MBA program. It will transform you in ways you cannot yet predict, preparing you for the many challenges you will face at Wharton — returning to school, transitioning to Philadelphia or adjusting to the U.S., and balancing the demands of academics, career preparation, and co-curricular pursuits.

Pre-Term is designed to allow you time to get settled into the community while providing an essential academic foundation for your Wharton classes, including the core course, MGMT 6100: Foundations of Leadership and Teamwork .  When our students and alumni reflect on their Wharton experience, Pre-Term is among their fondest memories. After you’ve selected your MBA courses and gotten acclimated to the learning environment, you’re ready to take on year one.

The first year is intense. You will begin by moving through key courses with your learning team — a group of five or six classmates with whom you will work closely on projects. Then, you’ll select from many options as you branch out in the second half of First Year and beyond. You’ll have a choice of content areas for some core courses and will start to pick your electives. In addition, you will become involved in co-curricular and extracurricular activities that tie into the courses you choose.

MBA summer internships teach real-world skills, advance your education through experience, and allow you to test your new skills from your first year of the MBA program. Even if the summer internship does not lead to a full-time offer, it is a great opportunity to improve your resume and network with new people.

Internships are not required, but most students choose one or more internships, often in combination with other summer experiences. Some students choose to work on their startup over the summer instead of interning at a company.

Learn more about Wharton MBA internship statistics .

You will take any remaining core requirements, drill deeper within the wide range of electives, and develop one or more areas of expertise. For customized interests, students often partner with faculty and businesses on individual advanced student projects.


Receive your degree and be welcomed into Wharton’s 100,000-strong alumni network.


  • What is a Typical MBA Program Curriculum?

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Those considering an MBA program are typically curious about the coursework these degrees require. This guide aims to help potential MBA candidates learn what to expect from their degree program. Before presenting the curricula taught in the world’s three best MBA programs, let’s briefly review what this degree is and why someone might want to pursue it.

A master of business administration (MBA) is a master’s degree that hones the expertise required for success by aspiring business leaders. The Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration established the world’s first MBA program in 1908 to train leaders in scientific management. This paradigm swept through the newly industrialized corporate America in the early 20th century; companies demanded that their managers understand and practice it.

Since then, the MBA program has evolved into an extensive professional training curriculum to groom future business leaders, similar to the education provided by medical schools to train physicians or by law schools to train attorneys. Above all, the MBA curriculum intends to develop students’ analytical abilities needed to optimally solve problems that managers and executives typically face while at the same time developing students’ leadership capabilities.

As the most popular graduate degree in the United States , the typical two-year MBA curriculum blends these advanced skills with real-world experience to prepare graduates for advancement in management careers in various fields.

Why Should I Pursue an MBA?

Of all the reasons to earn an MBA degree , employer demand, higher earnings, and alumni networking appear to be the most frequently cited.

Employer Demand

Demand for the degree by employers provides one compelling reason why so many pursue this degree. Employers prefer MBA graduates because of the breadth and depth of their professional skills, field experience, and insider knowledge of business networks and relationships. In addition, the U.S. News and World Report (2023) points out that often employees can hit a wall with their advancement opportunities because, while they have the necessary technical skills, they haven’t developed soft skills such as leadership and teamwork. An MBA can help overcome these hurdles.

Higher Earnings

The prospect of higher earnings is also a compelling reason. A survey published in 2022 by the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC), in association with Fortune Education, found that the “average” MBA graduate earned approximately $115,000, more than $40,000 per year than those with just a bachelor’s.

However, degrees from top-ranked programs can increase that number significantly. For example, graduates from a program ranked in the top 50 earn nearly $100,000 more, while those from the top ten schools earn $150,000 more annually. And graduates from the top three schools? Well, they make a staggering $5,010,000 more than their undergrad counterparts.

Alumni Networking and Other Reasons

Other reasons to pursue an MBA include access to alumni networks that can help advance one’s career; for many, these connections are the most valuable aspect of the MBA.

In addition, MBAs can also be beneficial for people going through life transitions, including those trying to shift into entrepreneurship or different careers. U.S. News also emphasizes that pursuing an MBA makes sense for folks who have hit career ceilings or need new skills to advance.

On balance, Fortune Education magazine contributor Meghan Malas said, “87 percent of business school alumni experience a positive return on investment on their graduate business school degree”, according to a survey of 3,600 graduates conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

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For the 2023-2024 academic year, we have 118 schools in our BSchools.org database and those that advertise with us are labeled “sponsor”. When you click on a sponsoring school or program, or fill out a form to request information from a sponsoring school, we may earn a commission. View our for more details.

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What is a typical mba core curriculum.

University deans who manage MBA programs have recently updated several aspects of their curricula. Many of these updates developed in response to the 2007-2008 global economic disaster.

In its wake, many commentators blamed business schools for advocating the use of potentially dangerous financial instruments that sparked the crisis, like interest-only mortgages and derivatives, without providing their graduates with concomitant professional responsibility training concerning the appropriate applications of these instruments.

However, one area that may have seen fewer changes is the curriculum’s “core.” According to the University of Northern Iowa business faculty member Crag VanSandt , these compulsory subjects, which have dominated business school curricula for two generations, amount to the portion that grounds students in business fundamentals. He advocates for a more problem-based learning (PBL) approach,

To contrast PBL with our current teaching methods, what we do now is essentially tell our students how to use a hammer (hit a nail with it as hard as you can), saw (you cut stuff by pulling and pushing the saw through it), or a screwdriver (you stick the pointy end into a slot on the screw and twist it), before they have ever seen a nail, a board, or a screw.

MBA Curriculum: Methodology

To write the following composite profiles, our editors analyzed the curricula of the world’s most popular MBA programs : those at Harvard University’s Harvard Business School, Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. More candidates apply to these business schools than any others worldwide.

Our analysis identified the required core courses common among all three business schools. We then grouped these common courses by functional disciplines. As a result, we found six groups of related courses within the core curricula that every student must complete to earn an MBA degree from these top institutions.

Then we went further. We compared the descriptions of similar courses within these functional groups to find key topics. Only where these schools’ published course descriptions seemed too vague or brief to identify these topics did we attempt to fill in the gaps. We mostly accomplished this result from inferences based on known courses at other nationally-ranked MBA programs previously profiled in our guides. Those MBA programs include the University of Illinois and the University of North Carolina .

MBA Core Courses

Our composite summaries of the key courses and topics within these groups follow.

The finance discipline focuses on investments, especially the risk dynamics of assets over time under various conditions of uncertainty. In an introductory MBA finance course, students learn to apply capital budgeting in making decisions and evaluate the relative strengths of asset valuation techniques, such as the payback period, internal rate of return, and discounted cash flow models. The course also presents the functions of modern capital markets and financial institutions as funding sources.

Harvard and Stanford require two finance classes, while UPenn’s finance course is optional. Harvard’s finance courses primarily explore evaluating complex investments and setting and executing financial policies. Topics include financial analysis tools, policy choices like dividends or financing through debt or equity, and market imperfections; they also include deals like mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, hostile takeovers, and initial public offerings (IPOs).

MBA marketing courses classically teach students how to “find needs and fill them.” Course overviews focus on the “four Ps of marketing:” product strategy, pricing, promotion, and placement.

Students then learn to control the marketing mix elements (e.g., product policy, distribution channels, communication, pricing) and apply analytical concepts to decisions like segmentation, differentiation, targeting, distribution, and branding. Students learn to set prices by extending economic price theory to selling strategies in competitive environments. Additional topics include consumer behavior, decision-making, and promotional, advertising, and marketing communications strategies. Harvard students also apply this knowledge in a brand management simulation.

The discipline has recently received many updates that explore the role of digital marketing and applications for “big data,” reflected in newer course topics focusing on marketing in a digital world, digital analytics, digital promotional strategy, and social media marketing.

Accounting involves the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information. However, core MBA accounting courses don’t attempt to train future accountants. Rather, they enable students to become informed users of key financial statement information, such that they understand the implications of financial statement information that may relate to a firm’s future cash flows and earnings potential.

MBA programs first teach financial accounting: the measurement of economic activity for decision-making. Students initially learn to analyze key transactions, followed by financial statements like balance and income statements, and finally, sophisticated reports like the statement of changes in financial position. They also learn the judgment involved and discretion allowed in choosing generally accepted accounting methods, creating estimates, and disclosing information in financial statements.

MBA programs also require a course in managerial accounting, which teaches students alternative costing methods to analyze the profitability of different products and control costs in various business settings.

For example, students learn how to budget, calculate variances from standard costs in production environments, and apply specific analytical concepts such as contribution analysis, which determines the relative contribution to a firm’s overall profit by a department or subsidiary. Stanford’s course also examines the role of internal accounting systems in evaluating the performance of individual business segments and divisions.

Leadership, Teamwork, Management, and Organizational Behavior

MBA leadership courses teach students how to motivate and direct an organization’s human resources and to develop their own future personal leadership styles and capabilities.

These courses no longer present methods for hiring, promoting, and disciplining employees. As we note in our guide to general management MBA programs, perhaps no other discipline within business schools has evolved so dramatically over the years, reflecting a paradigm shift in its basic conceptual framework from management to leadership.

Although in past decades, students mostly received training in the applied psychology discipline known as organizational behavior, today’s management programs are more focused on strategic leadership and organizational strategy, along with tactical skills like negotiation.

For example, Harvard’s course considers teams, individuals, and networks in the context of group culture determinants, managing individual subordinates, and establishing productive relationships with peers and seniors over whom a manager may have no formal authority. The course then looks at successful leaders in action to see how they develop a vision of the future, align the organization behind that vision, motivate people to achieve it, and design and change effective organizations to achieve superior performance.

It’s also interesting that Stanford requires students to take six core courses in leadership. Topics include managerial skills, managing groups and teams, organizational behavior, strategic leadership, and human resource management (with their leadership labs experiential module required of all students).

Economic Statistics and Operations

Economic statistics is a type of applied statistics that concerns the analysis of economic data. Most MBA statistics courses first teach basic probability concepts, then rapidly move through statistical inference tests and confidence intervals involving various kinds of standardized distributions, the “bell curves” that explain how accurately samples reflect the populations from which they’re drawn.

After considering hypothesis testing, these courses present topics incorporating the least-squares estimation method. These topics include linear regression, followed by multiple regression, which correlates two or more independent variables with a dependent variable. Courses often close with statistical decision theory, presenting decision-tree approaches to optimize decision-making under uncertainty.

Courses in operations research can spend up to half their time on linear programming, a technique to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model where the requirements are represented by linear relationships involving equality and inequality constraints.

The courses then present topics like the Program Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, a statistical project management tool that analyzes and represents the tasks involved in completing a project. This analysis discloses the sequence of project network activities that offer the shortest possible time to complete the project, known as the “critical path.”

Business Accountability and Ethics

Nonexistent in the core curriculum at many MBA programs 30 years ago, courses in professional responsibility and business ethics are now required within the core at all three of the schools profiled in this report.

These courses typically focus on corporations’ responsibilities, leaders, and boards of directors. Harvard’s approach aims to “deepen students’ understanding of the economic, legal, and ethical dimensions of these responsibilities and to provide practical guidance on driving performance that delivers on all three dimensions.”

In an ominous-sounding and obvious reference to the 2007-2008 global economic meltdown , Harvard Professor Paul Healy notes that “these situations have the potential to define, for good and bad, the careers of executives involved, and to determine the sustainability of their firms.”

The Harvard course then poses complex dilemmas set in diverse world regions to construct a framework for decision-making and explores the elements of effective corporate governance.

Which Concentrations are Most Popular?

Concentrations, which some schools call specializations, are focused subject areas where a student conducts research or scholarship. However, not all business schools require students to select concentrations, most notably Harvard and MIT Sloan School of Management.

Nevertheless, the current trend appears to be toward offering concentrations, probably because students believe they will be more competitive as job candidates if allowed to specialize. And even at schools like Harvard that don’t offer formal concentrations, those programs allocate as much as 50 percent of instructional time for electives that students can effectively use to build their own de facto concentrations.

Summary: What is a Typical MBA Curriculum?

In 2022, a typical curriculum at the world’s most popular business schools requires core coursework in six foundational areas: finance, marketing, accounting, leadership and teamwork, economic statistics and operations, and accountability and ethics.

The vast majority of graduates then pursue specializations in areas such as finance, marketing, accounting, entrepreneurship, or general management, among others, by supplementing their core requirements with additional courses in those fields.

Douglas Mark

While a partner in a San Francisco marketing and design firm, for over 20 years Douglas Mark wrote online and print content for the world’s biggest brands , including United Airlines, Union Bank, Ziff Davis, Sebastiani, and AT&T. Since his first magazine article appeared in MacUser in 1995, he’s also written on finance and graduate business education in addition to mobile online devices, apps, and technology. Doug graduated in the top 1 percent of his class with a business administration degree from the University of Illinois and studied computer science at Stanford University.

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What Do You Learn in An MBA Program?

Bethany Garner

Bethany Garner - BusinessBecause

Bethany Garner is a writer at BusinessBecause.com

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The MBA , which stands for Master in Business Administration, is the world’s most popular business degree.

According to research by the Graduate Management Admission Council ( GMAC ), almost half of all business school applicants think about doing an MBA.

One of the main reasons to get an MBA is its broad, practical curriculum, which is designed to bring you up to speed with all the main functions of a business – like finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, human resources, and operations.

At the same time, you’ll have ample opportunities to hone your leadership abilities and crucial soft skills in a collaborative environment that fosters discussion among a diverse group of classmates.

By the time you graduate from an MBA, you can expect to have a good understanding of how different verticals of a business come together, and be able to collaborate successfully with people from several different backgrounds.

So, what do you learn in an MBA program?

What subjects are on the MBA curriculum?

Whether you choose a one-year, two-year, online, or part-time MBA, you’ll cover the same fundamental business topics.

The core curriculum of an MBA typically includes:

  • Business Communication
  • Business Ethics
  • Business Strategy
  • Data Analytics
  • Leadership and Management

Alongside these core MBA modules, you’ll have the chance to choose from a selection of elective courses. Which ones you choose will depend on your individual career goals.

If you’re interested in a career in consulting, for instance, you might pick some extra strategy classes, while finance-minded students might select additional corporate finance or investment modules.

Many programs also offer MBA specializations , which enable you to dive deeper in a specific area of business. Some common specializations include entrepreneurship, sustainable business, business analytics, marketing, innovation, and finance.

What are the usual MBA teaching methods?

You’ll experience a broad range of teaching methods during an MBA. One of the most prominent is known as the case method .

Developed at Harvard Business School, this teaching method presents students with real-world business challenges written from the perspective of a leader in the organization, and challenges them to come up with a solution to the problem at hand.

MBA students engage with each business case before class, and during the session explain their solutions.

This teaching style is highly collaborative, with the professor assigning the case and guiding the discussion with pertinent questions and insights, rather than simply delivering a lecture.

Besides the case method, you can expect to take part in several group projects, presenting your results to the rest of the class, and complete a capstone project – an individual piece of work addressing a contemporary business issue.

How practical is an MBA?

Most MBA programs are very practice-orientated compared with other degree types. In a typical MBA program, you’ll have the chance to take part in study trips to real companies, attend talks by local business leaders, and take part in consulting projects organized by your school.

If you want to get even more hands-on experience, you can also opt to complete an internship, or take part in extracurricular activities such as case competitions .

During these competitions, small teams of MBA students are presented with a business problem and given a limited amount of time to come up with a solution that they pitch to a panel of judges.

What are some of the most important MBA skills?

Along with practical experience and a good understanding of the business world, you’ll also develop several key MBA skills that you learn in an MBA program.

Some of the most important skills you’ll develop are:

  • Strategic problem-solving
  • Teamwork with people from diverse backgrounds
  • Drawing insights from data
  • Communication

According to GMAC’s 2021 Corporate Recruiters Survey , these skills are among the most valued by employers.

80% of employers said interpersonal skills were crucial for business school graduates, while a further 75% cited leadership as being an important attribute.

What career support do you get during an MBA?

The MBA is a careers-focused degree program. For about 50% of MBA students, making a career pivot or securing a promotion is a primary motivation for enrolling.

Beyond the classroom, you’ll also get tailored career support from a team of experts with connections across industries.

Alongside their studies, most MBA students choose to engage with their school’s career service. Support offered by these services usually includes:

  • One-to-one coaching to help you plan your post-MBA career
  • Connecting you with alumni in your target industry
  • Organizing recruitment fairs, whether virtual or in-person
  • Organizing networking events
  • Putting on workshops in areas like resume-writing, interview technique, and personal branding

With this support, 90% of MBAs report satisfaction with the career development the program provides.

If you want to explore a broad range of business topics, enjoy a practical, discussion-based approach to learning, and access high quality careers services, an MBA could be the ideal program type for you.

Bethany Garner is an experienced writer at BusinessBecause.com , where she's credited with more than 200 articles covering everything from entrepreneurial stories to mental health at work.

She also oversees the BusinessBecause Applicant Question, which poses important admission questions to experts in the field, and regularly hosts webinars on various aspects of the business school experience.

Prior to joining BusinessBecause, Bethany honed her skills as a freelance writer, tackling a wide array of topics from petcare to car maintenance.

Bethany holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Year One, Fall

Begin the year with personal leadership activities, reflection, and small team projects..

+ View Curriculum & Videos

HBS's MBA curriculum includes a range of exciting courses and is frequently refreshed with new content. The goal is to give students a firm grasp of broad-based fundamentals. The School's inductive learning model goes beyond facts and theories—a process that teaches individuals not only how to manage organizations, but also how to continually grow and learn throughout life.

During the first year at HBS, all students pursue the same course of study: the Required Curriculum and FIELD. By studying under a common curriculum, students build a solid, broad foundation of general management concepts and skills across all the key disciplines.

Required Curriculum

  • Finance 1 (FIN1)
  • Financial Reporting and Control (FRC)
  • Leadership & Organizational Behavior (LEAD)
  • Technology & Operations Management (TOM)
  • Short Intensive Programs (SIPs)

→ View Course Descriptions

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Year One, Spring

Practice teamwork and deepen conversations about diversity as you prepare for a global immersion..

The Required Curriculum forms the first year of study and establishes a common foundation in the fundamental practices of business including finance, marketing, leadership, negotiation, operations, strategy, and more. All students participate in the same set of classes within their section of 90 colleagues, including FIELD, which complements case-method learning with smaller hands-on team projects, personal reflection, and global immersions. In addition to acquiring specific analytical and quantitative skills, students become acclimated to MBA Program standards of communication and collaboration, and develop strong, lasting relationships with one another.

  • Business, Government, and the International Economy (BGIE)
  • Strategy (STRAT)
  • The Entrepreneurial Manager (TEM)
  • Finance 2 (FIN2)
  • Leadership and Corporate Accountability (LCA)
  • FIELD Global Immersion (FGI)

→ Course Descriptions

mba program coursework

Year Two, Fall

Choose from an unparalleled range of elective courses to build on the concepts developed in the required curriculum..

+ View Curriculum

During the second year, students choose from an unparalleled range of elective courses to build on the basic concepts developed in the Required Curriculum. This portion of the program enables students to integrate the functional skills learned in the first year into an understanding of the firm as a total enterprise.

Students may take any combination of courses—up to five courses per semester—and also have the opportunity to cross-register for courses in other select graduate programs.

Elective Curriculum

Consult the online listing of Elective Curriculum MBA courses for faculty biographies, unit overviews, and detailed course descriptions.


Opportunities for students to take classes at other select graduate programs during their second year.

→ More About Cross-registration

Year 2, Spring

Integrate the functional skills you've learned into an understanding of the firm as a total enterprise..

During the winter term, choose from an array of courses spanning topics from corporate board leadership to reimagining capitalism and authentic leadership development to managing global health. You also have the opportunity to participate in Immersive Field Course (IFC).

Full-time MBA Courses & Curriculum

Returning users:  Log in  to continue or complete your application

Through complex coursework, experiential learning, and the case method, the Georgetown MBA curriculum inspires collaboration among both students and faculty. A challenging core curriculum with an emphasis on ethical leadership provides students with a global management framework that is crucial for continued professional accomplishments. Specialized electives and intensive learning experiences allow students to tailor their coursework and further strengthen their professional skill set to advance in today’s global marketplace.

All students begin by taking individual core classes including finance, marketing, strategy, decision sciences, economics, and management in a cohort of approximately 60-70 students. Starting in the second semester, full-time students begin to tailor the curriculum to meet their interests by taking elective courses in addition to core classes. 

mba program coursework

    Current first and second year Full-time students should refer to  Canvas  for their curriculum map.  

STEM-Designated Management Science Major

The Georgetown MBA offers a variety of coursework focused on quantitative analysis and management science, allowing students to complete a STEM-designated management science major. In addition to the STEM-eligible credits you will take as part of the core curriculum above, students must complete 12 elective credits during the MBA program from the designated list to earn the designation.

Opening Term

Your MBA studies will begin with three weeks of intensive, interactive and engaging instruction in leadership development and global business. You will complete the Leading Teams for Performance and Impact and Structure of Global Industries courses.

Core Courses

  • Leading Teams for Performance and Impact
  • Structure of Global Industries
  • Accounting Fundamentals
  • Corporate Financial Reporting
  • Financial Analysis for Managers and Investors
  • Firm Analysis and Strategy
  • Financial Markets and Corporate Decision Making
  • Marketing Analysis & Customer Strategy
  • Managerial Statistics
  • Analytical Problem Solving
  • Leadership Communications
  • Business and Policy in a Global Economy
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Global Business Experience

Although you do not have to choose an area of concentration, you can customize your academic experience by selecting electives from more than 70 course offerings. 

  • Business Processes and Enterprise Technology
  • Taxes & Business Strategy
  • Startup Law
  • Investment Analysis 
  • Derivatives and Financial Markets 
  • Real Estate Private Equity 
  • Project Finance 
  • Real Estate Public Debt 
  • Real Estate Private Debt 
  • Real Estate Public Equity 
  • Private Equity 
  • Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital 
  • Valuation 
  • Applied Value Investing
  • Financial Analysis & Modeling 
  • Financial Markets & Crises 
  • Strategic Marketing Research
  • Applied Product Management 
  • Consumer Behavior 
  • How to Build Strong Brands 
  • Data and Society 
  • Customer Analytics 
  • Practicum: Consumer Analytics 
  • Global Marketing 
  • Social Marketing for Global Good
  • Critical Conversations 
  • Understanding Social Innovation
  •  Managing the Enterprise 
  • Innovation Through Inclusion
  •  Impact Investing  
  • Lean Startup Principles
  • Design Thinking & Service Consulting 
  • Globalization & Wine Industry
  • Building Entrepreneurial Ventures 
  • Growing Entrepreneurial Businesses 
  • Defending the Bottom Line 
  • Understanding Entrepreneurship
  • Consulting Methods & Methods 
  • Consulting Strategic Analysis 
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Advanced Oral Presentations  
  • Meditation and Leadership 
  •  Leadership & Management of Nonprofit Organizations 
  • Sports Leadership
  •  Negotiations 
  • Advanced Coaching: Leadership Fellows

Operations and Analytics

  • Decision Support Systems
  • Decision Theory: Small Data 
  • Environmentally Sustainable Operations & Business Models 
  • Regression Analysis 
  • Sustainable Business Practicum 
  • Data Science for Business Decisions 
  • Analytics Advantage 
  • Database Development & Management
  • Applied Data Visualization
  •  Global Supply Chain Management 
  • Internet Business Technologies 

Strategy, Economics, Ethics & Public Policy

  • The Non-Market Environment in DC 
  • The Miracle of Markets
  • Strategies Beyond the Market 
  • Tech Disruption & The Future of Work
  •  Peer to Peer Economies 
  • Economics of Strategic Behavior 
  • Organizational Design Strategy 
  • China: Economy, Politics, & Business
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Game Theory
  • Technology Strategy 
  • Antitrust & Business Strategy 
  • Strategic Pricing 
  • Global Strategy

Intensive Learning Experiences

Intensive Learning Experiences (ILEs) are elective courses offered in short time periods (one to two weeks) and provide one and a half or three hours of academic credit. These courses use innovative pedagogies, such as experiential learning, client-centered work, and off-site visits that take advantage of the concentrated time format.  This list is a general guide and is subject to change.

  • Infrastructure Finance
  • Understanding Mutual Funds
  • Startup Factory 
  • The Life of Work
  • Net Assessment Strategy 
  • National Security & The Global Economy 
  • Mobile and AI Strategies, Products & Business Models
  • Core Principles of Data Visualization 
  • Developing New Business Models
  • Effective Crisis Management 
  • Women and Leadership 
  • Fundamentals & Techniques of Value Investing
  • Information-Based Investment Strategies 
  • Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances
  • Coaching High Performance Teams 
  • Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship 
  • Venturing for Business & Social Value 
  • Digital Advertising
  • Real Estate Development 
  • The Business of Defense
  • Disruption in US Healthcare 
  • AI, Talent Analytics, & the Future of Work
  • Commercial Approaches to the Public Sector

Transfer Credit Policy

Georgetown McDonough MBA students may petition for the transfer of a maximum of 12 credits for specific courses taken at an accredited institution  prior  to their admission at McDonough. Only courses that satisfy the following requirements will be considered for transfer credit:

  • Course must be graduate level, relevant to the MBA, taken for credit at degree-granting institutions, and meet McDonough academic standards as determined by the Associate Dean of MBA Programs in consultation with appropriate faculty.
  • Only courses completed in the last seven years (from time of request) for which you earned a “B” or better (or the equivalent) will be considered.
  • Courses applied toward a previous degree cannot be approved for transfer. If the course to be transferred is on a transcript for a previous degree, it must be clearly noted that it was not used to satisfy any degree requirements.
  • Transfer credit requests for core courses will only be approved if you also pass a waiver exam proving mastery of core concepts. If the waiver exam is not passed, no transfer credits will be granted.

You must complete a minimum of 75% of the credits required for the MBA at Georgetown McDonough. Therefore, transferring credits may limit opportunities for registration in Consortium of Universities in D.C. courses, cross registration at Georgetown University, and study abroad.

Requests for transfer credit will be reviewed for Flex MBA students after admission to McDonough is granted; full-time students’ requests will be reviewed after being admitted and submitting a deposit.

Registration Outside the MBA Program

As an additional way to customize your MBA, we offer you the opportunity to request to take up to 13.5 elective credits outside of the McDonough School of Business. Relevant graduate-level classes may be taken elsewhere within Georgetown University through cross registration. You can also pursue courses through the Consortium of Universities in D.C., such as: American University, George Mason University, Howard University, The George Washington University, and the University of Maryland at College Park.

Certificates and Experiential Learning

Through certificate programs, academic tutorials, in-class client work, and experiences like the Venture Fellows Program and Real Estate Clinic, we bring the real world to the classroom for our students.

Continue Exploring McDonough MBA

students walking on healy lawn in the fall

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  • Tuition + Financial Aid
  • Log into my account portal
  • Companies + Recruiters

Full-Time MBA Program

MBA students sit on the Spanish Steps of the Global Hub

Choose your course of action

Our Full-Time MBA Program provides several distinct options for earning your MBA. Each offers extensive options for achieving your personal, professional and educational goals. Whichever one you choose, you’ll develop as a person and learn how to spark growth in any organization. No matter which Full-Time MBA you choose, you will leave with a broad-based, agile skill set that prepares you to lead confidently in the face of unprecedented challenges and enormous opportunities.

Meet the Class of 2025: A group of dynamic leaders, ready to make an impact

Woman with long brown hair and wearing a gray shirt points to something on a board while collaborating with another person

Contact us about the Full-Time MBA Program at Kellogg

Full-Time MBA Application Deadlines

Round 1:  Sept. 11, 2024 Round 2:  Jan. 8, 2025 Round 3:  April 2, 2025

NYU Stern Logo

Full-time MBA | Curriculum

Customizable to the Core

Customize your curriculum.

20+ Select up to 3 specializations from more than 20 options  25% Take up to 25% of your courses at other NYU graduate schools or partner institutions 200+ Choose from over 200 electives taught by top researchers and industry leaders


LAUNCH  is our introduction to the NYU Stern MBA experience for all incoming full-time MBA students. Through LAUNCH, we want to transform the mindsets of MBA students, to get them to think broadly about the ways in which business can transform challenges into opportunities to create value for society.

Year 1 Required Core:                                                    

Financial Accounting & Reporting Statistics & Data Analysis Leadership in Organizations Team Communications

Menu Core - Choose 5                                                           

Summer internship                                                  , year two electives and specializations:.

in over 10 locations worldwide

What our Alumni are Saying

Full-time MBA student

Edgar Corona, MBA 2020

Constantine Filipos headshot

Constantine Filipos, MBA 2023

"I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn outside of the bounds of the traditional classroom environment through DBi trips and other experiential learning opportunities."

Invent the future. Start with yours. Register your interest!

Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

Apply now and work for two to five years. We'll save you a seat in our MBA class when you're ready to come back to campus for your degree.

Executive Programs

The 20-month program teaches the science of management to mid-career leaders who want to move from success to significance.

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

Choose your own management adventure.

Your MBA curriculum begins with a Core semester where you and a cohort of peers dive deep into management ideas. From there, you author your own adventure.

Explore the MBA curriculum

Think, act, reflect (repeat).

MIT’s motto, "mens et manus," translates from Latin to mind and hand. With intention, MIT’s founders knew that, above all, education was for practical application.  Simply put, it's not enough to sit in an ivory tower and think about stuff all day—you have to go out in the world and make use of it. Learning by doing is a centerpiece of the MBA experience. Through Action Learning labs, MIT Sloan Intensive Period , and the  MIT Independent Activities Period ,  you get to practice these skills over and over again.

Action Learning embodies the MIT spirit. It really is, We've talked enough. Now let's get out of the classroom and roll up our sleeves. We need to get things done.

STEM Classification

The MBA program qualifies as a STEM-designated program, which allows international students to extend their stay in the U.S. by 24 months after graduation.


Engage with thinkers on the cutting edge

Here, everyone is accomplished, and everyone assumes you are, too. Our faculty know that because you’re at MIT, you have a hand in something both interesting and meaningful. They respect and embrace your perspective. And, like most people here, they're refreshingly down to earth. 

Faculty Spotlight

Andrew W. Lo

Andrew W. Lo

Economics, Finance and Accounting

Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor

Zeynep Ton

Management Science

Professor of the Practice, Operations Management

Roberto Rigobon

Roberto Rigobon

Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management

Simon Johnson

Simon Johnson

Behavioral and Policy Sciences

Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Vivek F. Farias

Vivek F. Farias

Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor

Renee Richardson Gosline

Renee Richardson Gosline

Senior Lecturer

Invent the future. Start with yours.

Whatever your career goals, your time here will be a life-changing experience. And we can't wait to see and support this transformation. Our experienced career advisors help you design a plan, find your path, and make your brilliant ideas a reality

Learn more about MIT Sloan's Career Resources

[email protected]   |   +1.617.258.5434 📍  50 Memorial Drive, E52-359, Cambridge, MA 02142

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mba program coursework

Health & Nursing

Courses and certificates.

  • Bachelor's Degrees
  • View all Business Bachelor's Degrees
  • Business Management – B.S. Business Administration
  • Healthcare Administration – B.S.
  • Human Resource Management – B.S. Business Administration
  • Information Technology Management – B.S. Business Administration
  • Marketing – B.S. Business Administration
  • Accounting – B.S. Business Administration
  • Finance – B.S.
  • Supply Chain and Operations Management – B.S.
  • Communications – B.S.
  • User Experience Design – B.S.
  • Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree (from the School of Technology)
  • Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)

Master's Degrees

  • View all Business Master's Degrees
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • MBA Information Technology Management
  • MBA Healthcare Management
  • Management and Leadership – M.S.
  • Accounting – M.S.
  • Marketing – M.S.
  • Human Resource Management – M.S.
  • Master of Healthcare Administration (from the Leavitt School of Health)
  • Data Analytics – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
  • Information Technology Management – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
  • Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed. (from the School of Education)


  • Supply Chain
  • Accounting Fundamentals
  • Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
  • View all Business Degrees

Bachelor's Preparing For Licensure

  • View all Education Bachelor's Degrees
  • Elementary Education – B.A.
  • Special Education and Elementary Education (Dual Licensure) – B.A.
  • Special Education (Mild-to-Moderate) – B.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
  • Mathematics Education (Secondary)– B.S.
  • Science Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Physics) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Biological Sciences) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)– B.S.
  • View all Education Degrees

Bachelor of Arts in Education Degrees

  • Educational Studies – B.A.

Master of Science in Education Degrees

  • View all Education Master's Degrees
  • Curriculum and Instruction – M.S.
  • Educational Leadership – M.S.
  • Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed.

Master's Preparing for Licensure

  • Teaching, Elementary Education – M.A.
  • Teaching, English Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Mathematics Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Science Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Special Education (K-12) – M.A.

Licensure Information

  • State Teaching Licensure Information

Master's Degrees for Teachers

  • Mathematics Education (K-6) – M.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Middle Grade) – M.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • English Language Learning (PreK-12) – M.A.
  • Endorsement Preparation Program, English Language Learning (PreK-12)
  • Science Education (Middle Grades) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Physics) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Biological Sciences) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)– M.A.
  • View all Technology Bachelor's Degrees
  • Cloud Computing – B.S.
  • Computer Science – B.S.
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – B.S.
  • Data Analytics – B.S.
  • Information Technology – B.S.
  • Network Engineering and Security – B.S.
  • Software Engineering – B.S.
  • Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree
  • Information Technology Management – B.S. Business Administration (from the School of Business)
  • User Experience Design – B.S. (from the School of Business)
  • View all Technology Master's Degrees
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – M.S.
  • Data Analytics – M.S.
  • Information Technology Management – M.S.
  • MBA Information Technology Management (from the School of Business)
  • Full Stack Engineering
  • Web Application Deployment and Support
  • Front End Web Development
  • Back End Web Development

3rd Party Certifications

  • IT Certifications Included in WGU Degrees
  • View all Technology Degrees
  • View all Health & Nursing Bachelor's Degrees
  • Nursing (RN-to-BSN online) – B.S.
  • Nursing (Prelicensure) – B.S. (Available in select states)
  • Health Information Management – B.S.
  • Health and Human Services – B.S.
  • Psychology – B.S.
  • Health Science – B.S.
  • Public Health – B.S.
  • Healthcare Administration – B.S. (from the School of Business)
  • View all Nursing Post-Master's Certificates
  • Nursing Education—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Nursing Leadership and Management—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Family Nurse Practitioner—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner —Post-Master's Certificate
  • View all Health & Nursing Degrees
  • View all Nursing & Health Master's Degrees
  • Nursing – Education (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Leadership and Management (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Nursing Informatics (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
  • Nursing – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
  • Nursing – Education (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Leadership and Management (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Nursing Informatics (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Master of Healthcare Administration
  • Master of Public Health
  • MBA Healthcare Management (from the School of Business)
  • Business Leadership (with the School of Business)
  • Supply Chain (with the School of Business)
  • Accounting Fundamentals (with the School of Business)
  • Digital Marketing and E-Commerce (with the School of Business)
  • Back End Web Development (with the School of Technology)
  • Front End Web Development (with the School of Technology)
  • Web Application Deployment and Support (with the School of Technology)
  • Full Stack Engineering (with the School of Technology)
  • Single Courses
  • Course Bundles

Apply for Admission

Admission requirements.

  • New Students
  • WGU Returning Graduates
  • WGU Readmission
  • Enrollment Checklist
  • Accessibility
  • Accommodation Request
  • School of Education Admission Requirements
  • School of Business Admission Requirements
  • School of Technology Admission Requirements
  • Leavitt School of Health Admission Requirements

Additional Requirements

  • Computer Requirements
  • No Standardized Testing
  • Clinical and Student Teaching Information


  • FAQs about Transferring
  • Transfer to WGU
  • Transferrable Certifications
  • Request WGU Transcripts
  • International Transfer Credit
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Financial Aid
  • Scholarships

Other Ways to Pay for School

  • Tuition—School of Business
  • Tuition—School of Education
  • Tuition—School of Technology
  • Tuition—Leavitt School of Health
  • Your Financial Obligations
  • Tuition Comparison
  • Applying for Financial Aid
  • State Grants
  • Consumer Information Guide
  • Responsible Borrowing Initiative
  • Higher Education Relief Fund

FAFSA Support

  • Net Price Calculator
  • FAFSA Simplification
  • See All Scholarships
  • Military Scholarships
  • State Scholarships
  • Scholarship FAQs

Payment Options

  • Payment Plans
  • Corporate Reimbursement
  • Current Student Hardship Assistance
  • Military Tuition Assistance

WGU Experience

  • How You'll Learn
  • Scheduling/Assessments
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  • Explore Your Options

Admissions & Transfers

  • Admissions Overview

Tuition & Financial Aid

Student Success

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  • Partnering with WGU

Master of Business Administration

An Online MBA Degree That Prepares You to be a Successful Business Leader

You're ready to become a leader and rise to the next level in business. A master's degree in business administration is the step you need to take you further in your professional career and potentially earn a higher salary. A reputable online MBA degree program can be the difference-maker for your future by helping you understand business practices and management skills. This master's in business administration is focused on equipping you with skills and credentials that helps distinguish your value in the business world.

Compare this degree:  Also considering the MSML degree program?  This article can help you understand the differences .

mba program coursework

Graduates can finish within 

WGU lets you set a schedule so you can finish your MBA in just one year. You are in control of the schedule and timing for your online MBA program.

*WGU Internal Data

Tuition per six-month term is

See what your online MBA will cost at our university. Tuition charged per term—rather than per credit—helps students control the ultimate cost of their degrees. Finish faster, pay less!

Average salary increase

Master of Business Administration graduates report an average salary increase of $14,025 after completing their WGU degree.

Ready to Start Your WGU Journey?

Next Start Date: {{startdate}}

Start Dates the 1st of Every Month

MBA Courses

Program consists of 11 courses

At WGU, we design our curriculum to be timely, relevant, and practical—all to help you show that you know your stuff.

This program is composed of the following business and management courses. You will typically complete them one at a time as you make your way through your program, working with your Program Mentor each term to build your personalized degree plan. You’ll work through each course as quickly as you can study and master the material. As soon as you’re ready, you’ll pass the assessment, complete the course, and move on. This means you can finish as many courses as you're able in a term at no additional cost.  One year MBA students can complete all of their coursework in just two WGU terms. You will set a schedule with your Program Mentor to enable you to finish your program quickly.  Learn more about the one year MBA program at WGU. 

To ensure WGU graduates acquire the knowledge and skills sought by today’s employers, our Master of Business Administration—like all of WGU's School of Business programs—was developed with significant input from experts and business leaders who serve on our Business Program Council.

This course covers principles of effective management and leadership that maximize organizational performance. The following topics are included: the role and functions of a manager, analysis of personal leadership styles, approaches to self-awareness and self-assessment, and application of foundational leadership and management skills.

This course focuses on strategies and tools that managers use to maximize employee contribution and create organizational excellence. You will learn talent management strategies to motivate and develop employees as well as best practices to manage performance for added value.

This course prepares students for the communication challenges in organizations. Topics examined include theories and strategies of communication, persuasion, conflict management, and ethics that enhance communication to various audiences.

This course focuses on the strategic importance of operations management to overall performance. This course also emphasizes principles of supply chain management relevant to a variety of business operations ranging from manufacturing goods to retail services. You will examine the various planning, control, and decision-making tools and techniques of the operations function.

This course examines how economic tools, techniques, and indicators can be used for solving organizational problems related to competitiveness, productivity, and growth. You will explore the management implications of a variety of economic concepts and effective strategies to make decisions within a global context.

Marketing Fundamentals introduces students to principles of the marketing environment, social media, consumer behavior, marketing research, and market segmentation. Students will also explore marketing strategies that are related to products and services, distribution channels, promotions, sales, and pricing.

This course provides you with the accounting knowledge and skills to assess and manage a business. Topics include the accounting cycle, financial statements, taxes, and budgeting. This course will improve students’ ability to understand reports and use accounting information to plan and make sound business decisions.

This course examines the ethical issues and dilemmas managers face. This course provides a framework for analysis of management-related ethical issues and decision-making action required for satisfactory resolution of these issues.

This course covers practical approaches to analysis and decision-making in the administration of corporate funds, including capital budgeting, working capital management, and cost of capital. Topics include financial planning, management of working capital, analysis of investment opportunities, sources of long-term financing, government regulations, and global influences. This course will improve students’ ability to interpret financial statements and manage corporate finances.

This course presents critical problem-solving methodologies, including field research and data collection methods that enhance organizational performance. Topics include quantitative analysis, statistical and quality tools. You will improve your ability to use data to make informed decisions.

MBA Capstone is the culminating course in the MBA program that provides an integrative experience with all competencies and assessment topics throughout the program. Students synthesize concepts from previously completed coursework and demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices for growing and running a business. This course promotes a meaningful connection between the academic work and career experience.

Program consists of 11 courses

Capstone Project

Special requirements for this program

At the end of your program, you will complete a capstone project that represents the culmination of all your hard work—a project that allows you to take what you’ve learned and apply it to a real-world situation, proposing a solution to an actual issue you face in your place of business.

Skills For Your Résumé

As part of this program, you will develop a range of valuable skills that employers are looking for. 

  • Management: Identified and determined the resources required to effectively support an organization or process, ensuring optimal functionality and efficiency.
  • Operations: Developed comprehensive systems with standard operating procedures (SOPs) for distinct parts of a business, promoting consistency, compliance, and operational excellence.
  • Communication: Leveraged appropriate communication techniques to effectively persuade and guide outcomes.
  • Data Analysis:  Applied analytical and logical reasoning skills to uncover valuable information crucial for decision-making processes.
  • Written Communication:  Addressed internal and external stakeholders using the most suitable written communication strategy for each audience, fostering effective communication and engagement.
  • Business Development:  Developed strategic plans for acquiring new business and expanding existing business in collaboration with the business development team.

“Because of WGU's competency-based program, I didn't have to get into things that I already knew. Instead I was able to use that for the things that were more challenging for me to learn.”

—Alvyn Joy Halili MBA

WGU vs. Traditional Universities Compare the Difference

Traditional Universities


Per credit hour

Flat rate per 6-month term

Schedule and wait days or even weeks to meet with one of many counselors

Simply email or call to connect with your designated Program Mentor who supports you from day one

Scheduled time

Whenever you feel ready

Professor led lectures at a certain time and place

Courses available anytime, from anywhere


Approximately 2 years, minimal acceleration options

As quickly as you can master the material, can finish programs in 1 year

mba program coursework

Earning Potential

After graduation, WGU MBA master's degree graduates report earning $16,200 more per year*. Are you ready to make more money?

mba program coursework

Entirely Online

Competency-based education means you can move as quickly through your degree as you can master the material. You don't have to log in to classes at a certain time—you are truly in the driver's seat of your education.  

mba program coursework

The Master of Business Administration degree at WGU is 100% online, which means it works wherever you are. You can do your coursework at night after working at your full-time job, on weekends, while you're traveling the world or on vacation—it's entirely up to you.

Accredited, Respected, Recognized™

One important measure of a degree’s value is the reputation of the university where it was earned. When employers, industry leaders, and academic experts hold your alma mater in high esteem, you reap the benefits of that respect. WGU is a pioneer in reinventing higher education for the 21st century, and our quality has been recognized.

Accreditation Council For Business Schools and Programs


Affordable Online Degree Programs

By charging per term rather than per credit—and empowering students to accelerate through material they know well or learn quickly—WGU helps students control the ultimate cost of their degrees. The faster you complete your program, the less you pay for your degree.

A College Degree Within Reach

There is help available to make paying for school possible for you:

mba program coursework

The average student loan debt of WGU graduates in 2022 (among those who borrowed) was less than half* the national average.

mba program coursework

Most WGU students qualify for financial aid, and WGU is approved for federal financial aid and U.S. veterans benefits. 

mba program coursework

Many scholarship opportunities are available. Find out what you might be eligible for.

* WGU undergraduate students have approximately half the debt at graduation compared to the national average, according to the Institute for College Access and Success (2022).

Flexible schedule, you control where, when, and how fast you learn and graduate.

Schedules are tight and often unpredictable for busy professionals. That’s why we offer a flexible, personalized approach to how education should be. No interruptions to your work and family obligations. No rigid class schedules. No barriers to earning your degree on your own terms. Just a solid, career-focused online MBA program that meshes seamlessly with your current lifestyle.

"I was fortunate enough to finish my WGU degree program in six months because I was able to show what I knew and not have to sit in needless classes. I was able to showcase my strengths and still have plenty of time to work on my weaknesses, which really helped me finish my degree. I couldn't have done this anywhere else.”

—David Burks MBA

mba program coursework


A Respected MBA Degree That Can Prepare You for a Successful Management Career

Goldman Sachs. Google. MGM. Microsoft. Apple. These giant organizations are changing the world, and WGU MBA graduates are there in the thick of it—making decisions as key leaders in top organizations. An online MBA degree from WGU has prepared these graduates to stand out from the competition, to take charge, and to make change. And a master's in business administration degree could do the same thing for you. Get an MBA online that is focused on helping you excel as a business leader and reach all your career aspirations.

WGU’s online MBA degree is designed for business professionals who are ready to advance their career. It is a university program that focuses on management, strategy, and business skills that are vital to your success as a leader. Earn an online MBA that gives you the skills to become the impactful business leader your organization needs.

Return on Your Investment

On average, wgu graduates see an increase in income post-graduation.

Average income increase from all degrees in annual salary vs. pre-enrollment salary. Source:  2023 Harris Poll Survey  of 1,655 WGU graduates.

Survey was sent to a representative sample of WGU graduates from all colleges. Respondents received at least one WGU degree since 2017.

Employment of top executives is projected to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031.

—U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

MBAs from WGU Are Leading Teams and Businesses in Diverse Industries

Problem-solving leaders are required in every industry, and strategic thinking is necessary at every successful company. If you're ready to broaden your business knowledge and advance your career, WGU's MBA program online can prepare you to be an effective leader and produce successful results wherever you go. Your business management career starts here! Our 5,300-plus MBA grads have great jobs and satisfying careers.

  • President and CEO
  • Vice president
  • Executive director
  • Chief strategic officer

Top Industries

  • Private companies
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Colleges and universities

Top Employers

  • American Airlines
  • Edward Jones
  • Intermountain Healthcare
  • Mayo Clinic

WGU Grads Hold Positions With Top Employers


MBA Admission Requirements

To be considered for this program, you must:

  • Submit a transcript verifying receipt of your bachelor’s degree from a recognized, accredited institution.

NOTE: You do not need to take the GRE or GMAT to be admitted to this program.  Learn why we don't require these tests.

Transfer Credits

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Get Your Enrollment Checklist

Download your step-by-step guide to enrollment.

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Get Your Questions Answered

Talk to an WGU Enrollment Counselor.


The One-Year MBA

WGU's unique competency-based model allows you to move faster through your degree program. This online Master of Business Administration degree gives you the flexibility you need to earn your degree on your terms. You don't have to leave your job to pursue a master's in business administration—something you and your employer will both appreciate. No logging in, no set class times—you are in the driver's seat of your education.

WGU's one-year* MBA allows you to finish your Master in Business Administration program in only 12 months for just $9,510.

* Program can be completed in as little as 12 months. Pricing is based on 12-month completion of the program. Students that do not complete in 12 months and need longer to complete the program will need to pay for additional terms.

mba program coursework

Frequently Asked Questions about MBA Programs

  • General MBA FAQs
  • Online MBA FAQs

What is an MBA?

MBA stands for Master’s of Business Administration. An MBA is a graduate-level business management degree that teaches you leadership skills for the modern business world. Those with an MBA often stand out among candidates for upper management positions.

Is it Masters or Master of Business Administration?

Both terms are commonly used, but the technical correct usage is Master of Business Administration, or a Master's in Business Administration. 

What can you do with a Master in Business Administration?

There are many job opportunities with an MBA degree. They include:

  • Chief executive officer
  • Chief financial officer
  • Marketing manager
  • International business development
  • Chief marketing officer
  • Sales manager
  • Operations manager
  • Human resources manager

What is the purpose of an MBA degree?

An MBA gives you additional skills and training that can help you progress in your career. You'll learn about strategy, communication, management, and leadership that will help you move into larger roles in an organization. An MBA trains you to become a business leader in many different kinds of industries.

What do you learn in an MBA program?

In an MBA program you'll have courses in accounting, finance, marketing, strategy, leadership, management, and more. 

Is a Master's in Business Administration worth it?

Yes! An MBA can help you boost your résumé and help you get higher pay, better job opportunities, and more. In fact, WGU MBA graduates earn an average of $16,200 more per year after graduation.

Why should you pursue an MBA?

An MBA is a great option for those who want to progress into management or leadership roles in an organization. Whether you want to move to a new company or have upward mobility in your current organization, an MBA can help you be prepared to move up.

What is an MBA good for?

An MBA teaches you leadership skills that can help you excel as an executive in a business setting. Earning an MBA can set you apart when you’re looking to advance into a management role within a corporation. The skills you learn in an MBA program may also help you start and manage your own business.

How long does it take to get an MBA degree?

In general, it takes around two years to earn an MBA degree. That said, through a competency-based online MBA program like the one offered at WGU, students may be able to earn their degree more quickly, sometimes in 18 months or less.

How many years does it take to get an MBA degree?

The number of years it takes to earn an MBA degree can vary depending on the university.

  • Traditional university: 2 years
  • Competency-based MBA program: 1 to 1.5 years
  • Part-time MBA program: around 3 years

Can you earn an MBA completely online?

Yes. You can earn an MBA completely online. This unique model enables students to keep their current job while working toward their degree. Competency-based education models and on-demand classes, tests, and assignments make earning a degree online a valid option for busy working professionals or those with limited access to a brick and mortar university.

Does online MBA have any value?

Yes. With the growing prevalence and availability of online MBA programs, curriculum and acceptance criteria have become more rigorous. As higher education has moved increasingly to online formats, more employers are respecting online MBAs and finding online MBA grads to possess the skills necessary to add value to their business. 

Is an online MBA respected?

Yes. If you earn an MBA from an accredited and reputable university, it will likely be respected by employers. Many online MBA programs have gained enough of a reputation that employers now seek out graduates specifically from certain online programs and universities.

Which online MBA program is best?

The best online MBA programs in terms of ROI include:

  • Excelsior College; 497% ROI
  • Western Governors University; 267% ROI
  • American Public University; 249% ROI
  • Arizona State University—Skysong; 225% ROI
  • Capella University; 171% ROI

Is an online MBA easy?

No. An online MBA is not necessarily easy. While an online MBA may offer more flexibility and accessibility than a typical in-person program, online programs are still competitive and rigorous. Many students, however, find that an online MBA is easier in the sense that it fits more seamlessly into their busy lives, as they can access courses, take exams, and complete projects anywhere they have internet access.

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Education & The Enterprise Diary

Understanding the mba program timeline: a comprehensive guide.

Understanding the MBA Program Timeline: A Complete Guide | The Enterprise World

Navigating the MBA program timeline can be challenging. It’s essential to understand the key stages involved in your journey. Whether you’re just starting or preparing to graduate, knowing the timeline helps you stay organized.

This blog post will help you understand the MBA program timeline, from course sequences to internship timelines. Get ready to explore the critical moments that shape your MBA path. Read on and learn more.

Overall Scope of an MBA Program

Typically, an MBA program lasts from  12 months to more than five years . The program duration depends on the type of program you choose – full-time, part-time, or executive education. Each of these programs has its own unique structure and pace.

A full-time MBA takes two years to complete. Meanwhile, part-time programs offer more flexibility but may take longer to finish due to fewer courses per semester. Executive MBAs are designed for experienced professionals who want to upgrade their skills while working.

Understanding the Course Sequence

Understanding the MBA Program Timeline: A Complete Guide | The Enterprise World

The course sequence in an MBA program is important for your success. Typically, you will start with core courses. These classes cover the fundamentals of business, such as finance, marketing, and management.

After completing core classes, you will move to electives. Electives allow you to explore specific areas of interest. You can choose courses that match your career goals or passions, making your  MBA experience  unique.

Mastering the Academic Calendar

Understanding the academic calendar is key to your MBA success. Each school has its own important dates, such as start and end dates. Knowing these dates helps you plan your study schedule wisely.

You should also be aware of important deadlines. Keep track of registration dates and exam schedules. This way, you can avoid last-minute stress and stay focused on your coursework.

Program Phases – From Orientation To Graduation

Understanding the MBA Program Timeline: A Complete Guide | The Enterprise World

The MBA journey begins with orientation. During this phase, new students learn about the program and meet their peers. It helps everyone feel welcome and ready for the challenges ahead.

As students progress, they engage in classes and group projects. These experiences build teamwork skills and knowledge. Finally, graduation marks the end of this journey, where students celebrate their achievements and new opportunities.

Decoding the Internship Timeline

Internships are a key part of your MBA journey. They often happen between the first and second year of the program. This timeline is important because it helps you gain practical experience.

Planning for your internship starts early. You should begin researching companies and roles during your first semester. Networking and attending career fairs can help you land the right opportunity.

Balancing Life During Your MBA

Understanding the MBA Program Timeline: A Complete Guide | The Enterprise World

While academics are important in an MBA program, it is just as essential to keep a balanced life during this busy time. You will have to handle classes, group projects, internships, and networking events while also taking care of yourself. This can be tough, but with good time management, you can make it work.

Concluding Your MBA Program Timeline: Your Roadmap to Success

Understanding the MBA program timeline is crucial for success. Knowing the key stages helps you stay organized and focused. From core classes to internships, each step matters. Balancing your studies with your personal life is also essential.

Remember to plan ahead and set realistic goals. With the right preparation, you can navigate your MBA journey effectively. By following this roadmap, you will be well-equipped to achieve your dreams and seize new opportunities.

  • Also read: Thriving on a Budget: Best Online MBA Programs for Startup Entrepreneurs

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Ready to learn more about our program?

No GMAT or GRE? Don’t Worry.

The GMAT or GRE is not required for admission, making it even easier to take your next giant leap.   Learn more about our admission requirements .

Take the Next Giant Leap in Your Career

Earn your MBA 100% online from the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business at Purdue University, a leading STEM institution recognized for the persistent pursuit of innovation and excellence in business and technology.

Get ready to make your mark. Prepare for your next career success — online, on your terms.

Top 10 Most Innovative School

U.S. News & World Report named Purdue among the most innovative institutions in the nation for improvements in curriculum, faculty, students and technology. 1

#9 Best Online MBA in North America

In 2024, the Purdue Daniels school was ranked as one of the best online MBA programs in North America by CEO Magazine 2

Ranked and Respected

Earn a data- and technology-driven MBA from Purdue, a top 10 public university in the U.S. Purdue is also ranked #7 for Best Value, delivering both quality and affordability. 3

Prestigious Alumni Network

Purdue is ranked in the top 20 for most graduates working at leading Fortune 500 companies. 4 Join our international network of 600K+ alumni making an impact.

About the Purdue Online MBA

Develop the analytical, strategic and problem-solving expertise you need to lead teams and organizations. Learn how dynamic global environments are transforming modern business, and gain the management skills to tackle new challenges, drive change and inspire others. You'll experience an AACSB-accredited, quant-based curriculum that empowers you to ask the right questions while turning data into knowledge.

The Purdue Online MBA Offers:

  • Balance: While you can complete your courses online when it’s convenient for you, our program provides 1-on-1 support from staff and faculty who host virtual sessions and office hours.
  • Community: Learn from our esteemed faculty in a connected, collaborative online environment, where you still get the full, immersive Purdue student experience. Join Purdue’s worldwide network of students from 135+ countries.
  • Growth and Support:  Work closely with a certified Executive Coach from the Career Services Office who provides specialized support in achieving your career goals. You’ll also enjoy 1-on-1 guidance from a Student Success Coach who’s dedicated to your educational and career advancement.

Tuition and Fees

$60,000.00 tuition for Indiana residents, including fees 5

$62,102.40 tuition for non-Indiana residents, including fees 5

$1,000 nonrefundable deposit required 6

Tuition Reductions

Purdue offers tuition reductions and scholarships for the Daniels School Online MBA to select individuals, ensuring that career advancement and personal growth are even more within reach.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or 877-491-0224 .

Upcoming Start Dates

Spring Term 2025

Apply by: December 1

Summer Term 2025

Apply by: April 1

Fall Term 2025

Apply by: August 7

Purdue News, Information and Highlights

Stay up-to-date on all that’s happening at Purdue University.

In the News

  • Purdue Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright U.S. Scholars
  • Purdue’s Daniels School Is Shaping the Future of Business Education
  • Purdue Research: The Effect Airbnb Bans Have on Rental Markets
  • Former World Bank President to Join Purdue University and Its Daniels School of Business
  • Purdue University Receives $100 Million Commitment from Lilly Endowment
  • Excellence in Economics: Three Daniels School Faculty Among Exeter Prize Finalists
  • Purdue Offers Online MBAs in These 4 High-Demand, High-Paying Industries

Information and Events

  • Learn More About the Mitchell E. Daniels School of Business
  • Access the Purdue Business Journal
  • Check out Daniels School of Business Events

About the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business

Part of a leading stem university.

Purdue’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business is part of one of the world’s preeminent engineering, science and technology universities. Our graduates are immediately prepared to contribute and possess the leadership skills to advance their careers, initiate progress and innovation in their fields, and build a better world.

Respected Internationally

The Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business' faculty , staff, students and alumni push the boundaries of knowledge and together solve the world’s most complex problems every day.

A “Brand That Matters”

For the second year in a row, Purdue was named as one of Fast Company’s “Brands That Matter,” a list honoring organizations for cultural relevance, social impact and clear, authentic communication. Purdue is proud to be the sole university and one of only 13 two-time honorees to join internationally recognized brands like Nike, Salesforce.org, Fender and other influential organizations who made the 2022 list. Come experience the Boilermaker brand of business !

What Our Students Say

Meredith Simmons

"My Online MBA classes have immediately paid off in my day-to-day. It's been awesome to see things I learn in my coursework get put to use at work."

Meredith Simmons Purdue University Online MBA Graduate, 2022

Amanda Farrer

"The Online MBA program offers group work in almost every course, which is where you get the opportunity to learn from your peers and learn about other roles or business industries that are out there."

Amanda Farrer Purdue University Online MBA Graduate, 2022

Christian Coakley

"What stood out to me about the program was the flexibility. I was working in a position where I was traveling a lot, and since the program is online, I could study from anywhere in the world."

Christian Coakley Purdue University Online MBA Student, 2023

Application Requirements

To be eligible for admission to this program, the following are recommended:

  • At least 24 months of work experience
  • The equivalent of a U.S. four-year bachelor’s degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0

Application review emphasizes your work experience, prior undergraduate academic record and professional training. To be considered for the Purdue Online MBA program, you may be asked to complete an interview with the program manager, and you will be required to submit all the items below:

  • Academic Statement of Purpose introducing yourself to the Admissions Committee ( view full details )
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Personal History Statement ( view full details )
  • Professional resume with education, work experience and training
  • Official transcripts for every higher education institution attended. Please note: All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded by the applicant to the online application system are considered unofficial. Please order your transcripts to be sent directly from your institution to the Purdue University Graduate School at [email protected] .
  • Interview feedback

The Online MBA is a rigorous program that requires quantitative aptitude. The Daniels School's online programs admissions team will look for evidence of this in your application via previous coursework. If you feel that you do not have sufficient evidence in your previous coursework to demonstrate this aptitude, you may want to consider submitting a GMAT or GRE score to enhance your application. The GMAT or GRE is not required for admission to the online MBA.

Online Application

When completing your application for the Purdue master of business administration online program, select the following:

  • Graduate major: Management (MBA)
  • An area of interest
  • Degree objective: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Course delivery method: Distance (online or off-campus location)
  • Fall 2024 Term: August 19, 2024 (application deadline – August 1, 2024)
  • Spring 2025 Term: January 13, 2025 (application deadline – December 1, 2024)

Transcript Information

  • All applicants must upload to the online application transcript(s) and/or academic document(s) for every institution of higher education attended. If a transcript and diploma/degree certificate is not in English, an English translation (certified by the college or university that issued it) must be uploaded.
  • The uploaded transcript and/or academic document must be from the official version of the document. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution.
  • If personal identifying information such as a student identification number or Social Security number appear on the document, REMOVE THIS INFORMATION from your electronic version of your document or mark out the information in black ink before scanning your document.

All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded by the applicant to the online application system are considered unofficial. Please order your transcripts to be sent directly from your institution to the Purdue University Graduate School at [email protected] . The Purdue University Graduate School reserves the right to require official transcripts and/or academic documents at any time during the admissions process.

Letters of Recommendation

  • Two online recommendations are required for your application to be received. No more than two recommendations are needed.
  • Recommendations will only be accepted through the online application (no paper recommendations will be accepted).
  • We strongly urge (but do not require) that one recommendation be from your direct supervisor.
  • Recommendations from friends, family members, acquaintances and other sources unable to evaluate professional or academic qualifications for MBA study are not acceptable.
  • We require that recommenders submit the recommendations online (instructions to do so are provided within the online application).

Please note that we will not receive your application until at least two registered recommenders have submitted recommendations through the online application.

Required Essays

Academic statement of purpose (2-pages max).

The Academic Statement of Purpose is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to the Admissions Committee. In your statement, you should share information about your academic background and training, academic objectives and interests, and why you are a good match for the program to which you are applying.

View more information about the application statement .

Personal History Statement

Your Personal History Statement helps reviewers learn more about you and your potential as a graduate student. Your statement may include relevant information about your leadership roles, community services projects, participation in diverse teams, as well as any barriers you’ve had to overcome to attend graduate school.

View details about the personal history requirements .

Personalize Your Degree Plan

It's Your MBA on Your Terms

Design your own plan of study to fit your individual needs and goals. Graduate in as few as two years, or lighten your course load and take more time. For busy adults balancing work and school, it’s important to be able to slow down when you need to — or speed up when life allows.

You can also customize your MBA by choosing from a wide range of courses that best align to your career plans. Want to further hone your expertise? Add a specialization in one of ten high-demand areas, such as Business Analytics, Machine Learning and AI, and Digital Marketing & Analytics.

Two students conversing

Additional Daniels School Master’s Programs

Whether you are an experienced working professional or looking to launch your career, Daniels offers a variety of graduate business options designed to suit your background and goals:

  • Master of Business Programs
  • Online Programs
  • Specialized Master's Programs
  • Certificate and Professional Development Programs

As Few as 2 Years

Program Length

3 Times a Year

Start Dates

100% Online

Learning Format

Ready to Take Your Next Giant Leap?

Notes and conditions - please read.

1 Innovative Institutions: Source: U.S. News & World Report, on the internet at https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/innovative

2 #9 Best Online MBA in North America: Source: https://ceo-mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-Global-MBA-Rankings-All-Categories-.pdf

3 Top 10 Public University: The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, on the internet at https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-public-universities-united-states ; #7 for Value: The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, on the internet at https://www.wsj.com/articles/college-rankings-list-2022-11632246093

4 Graduates at Fortune 500 Companies: Source: Forbes, on the internet at https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2021/09/04/the-universities-with-the-most-graduates-working-at-top-fortune-500-companies/

5 Tuition rate includes fees. Tuition and fees are subject to increase based on approval by the Purdue University Board of Trustees. Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

6 Deposit is applied toward the first semester's tuition upon enrollment.

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  • Study in Russia /

MBA in Russia


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 7, 2023

MBA in Russia

Russia is a culturally rich country that is now quickly on its way to becoming a global power. Its economic affluence makes it one of the popular destinations for academic endeavors. Several institutions provide top-notch education with highly esteemed faculties. While engineering and medicine have been the most sought-after courses by international students, MBA courses in Russia are fast gaining traction. Pursuing MBA from Russia is a great opportunity to widen one’s professional horizons and develop quantitative, analytical, and interpersonal skills. Several notable institutions are offering a wide range of MBA programs. Read this blog to know about MBA in Russia fees, requirements, universities, and more!

This Blog Includes:

Table of contents, mba in russia- quick overview, why study mba in russia, eligibility criteria, mba in russia: course duration, top mba courses in russia, st. petersburg state university , moscow state university, stockholm school of economics, moscow school of management, moscow international higher business school – mirbis, vlerick business school , top business schools in russia, mba in russia: salary, how to apply for a government scholarship.

Minimum 50% marks in bachelor’s Degree from any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent. 
1-2 years 
Semester pattern 
Full-time, Executive, Part-time, Online
Required but not mandatory.
INR 10 Lakhs per annum 

Must Read: Career Objective for MBA Graduates

There are several reasons why you should study MBA in Russia. They are mentioned below.

  • Studying MBA in a foreign land (such as Europe) would mean knowing both English and the state language. Admissions to institutes might require documents certifying proficiency in these languages. But a hefty tuition fee and additional language courses can be heavy on your pocket.
  • Universities in Russia offer Russian language courses and other language courses for a very reasonable price. Additionally, for pursuing courses in English, TOEFL or other certificates are not needed.
  • MBA courses offered by Universities in Russia are far more reasonable than those offered by universities in the USA, UK, or Canada. The level of training and the quality of education is on par with the West’s services.
  • The Russian government offers several scholarships to international students. Through various scholarship programs, students can procure free education or education at subsidized rates.
  • Students can also avail of an MBA degree by choosing English as the medium of education.
  • International students can acquire discounts on public transport, for visiting museums, theatres, concerts, libraries, and other public facilities, making a living and studying in Russia an unforgettable experience for many. 

Must Read: MBA after Mechanical Engineering

The basic eligibility criteria for students who wish to pursue MBA in Russia include:

  • The student applying should have completed 16- 14 years of education, i.e. must hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
  • Although it’s not mandatory, it’s preferred that students applying to appear for proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL .
  • In case students have not appeared for IELTS or TOEFL, students have the option of appearing for an English language interview. 

A full-time MBA course in Russia, like other MBA programs, takes two years to complete. Individuals can choose the length of their part-time MBA program based on how much time they need to complete their MBA degree. Professionals will improve their skills and expertise by enrolling in an 18- 20 month executive MBA in Russia program.

While a general MBA  is the most popular course to pursue in Russia, universities offer various other specialties including:

  • MBA in Strategy
  • MBA in Healthcare Management
  • MBA in Marketing and Sales Management
  • MBA in Finance
  • Global Executive MBA
  • International Executive MBA
  • MBA in Entrepreneurship

Read: Popular Russian Scholarships for International Students

Top Universities in Russia

Tabulated below are the top universities and colleges for pursuing MBA in Russia. You can check it out here: 

St. Petersburg State University2 yearsINR 5.9 lakhs
1.5 yearsINR 37.5 lakhs per year
2 yearsINR 4.6 Lakhs
Moscow International Higher Business School – MIRBIS5 yearsINR.2.88 Lakhs
Vlerick Business School5 yearsINR 5.68 Lakhs
Moscow School of Management1.5 yearsINR 4.80 Lakhs

Also Read: Education in Russia: Most Popular Universities in Russia

Let us now look at these universities in further detail.

Established 285 years ago, St. Petersburg State University is one of the oldest and most sought-after universities in Russia. It is a top choice by international students for pursuing MBA in Russia. The university consists of over 3000 teaching staff and over 32,000 students from all over the world. St. Petersburg State University is especially renowned for its Masters in International Business program. Check out our blog on MBA in Civil Engineering

Moscow State University is one of the finest universities for MBA in Russia that prides itself on having state-of-the-art facilities, infrastructure, and highly established faculty. According to Times Higher Education, Moscow State University was ranked 155th among all the universities in the world. Moscow State University offers various courses in EMBA and executive MBA but is famous for its Masters in International Business program.

Though relatively new, the Stockholm School of Economics has quickly become an outstanding business school offering great MBA courses in Russia. Concerning its tuition fee, the Stockholm School of Economics can be relatively expensive. However, the university offers various globally recognized courses like Masters in International Business and Executive MBA. Also, read our blog on MBA Hospitality Management

Moscow School of Management is widely regarded as a world-class business school owing to its excellent teaching facilities. It is one of the top 10 business schools in Russia making it an obvious choice for most students to study MBA in Russia. The curriculum adopted by this university gives importance to developing markets and global trends in business. Moscow School of Management was founded by 18 top-class international and Russian companies. Some of the specializations offered here include MBA in Social Media, Executive MBA, and MBA in international business, to name a few.

This college is ranked among Russia’s top ten management schools. Indian students can only apply for admission if they take the TOEFL or IELTS exam . The college offers courses such as Master of International Business, Master of Economics, and Master of Finance.

Since it only offers online and distance MBA courses, this institution is well-known in Russia for its online and distance MBA programs. It offers courses such as Master of Business Marketing, Economics, Finance, and Accountancy, among others, and is thus well-known in Russia in its field. It offers placement assistance in addition to online courses.

Read: MBA in Logistics

Russia is also renowned for some of the best business schools. If you want to pursue an MBA in Russia then you must have a look at the names of schools tabulated below. 

  • The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Eurasian Management and Administration School (EMAS Business School)
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School
  • IMISP International Management Institute St. Petersburg
  • International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS)
  • State University of Management – Higher Business School
  • Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • The American Institute of Business and Economics
  • Kazan Federal University
  • Sinerghia (Synergy) Institute of Economics & Finance
  • Moscow University Touro
  • Kaliningrad International Business Institute

Explore: Best MBA Colleges in World

In Russia, an MBA professional’s salary ranges from Rs.10-15 lakhs per year. It can go up to Rs.35-40 lakhs per year with increased awareness and years of experience. In comparison to other European countries, wages for MBA professionals in Russia are significantly higher. International students working in Russia will take advantage of Moscow’s and Saint Petersburg’s opulent lifestyles.

MBA in Russia: Russian Government Scholarships

After passing entrance exams or the Uniform State Examination (EGE), some categories of foreigners, Russians living abroad, and immigrants can apply for state scholarships on the same terms as Russian citizens. Furthermore, the Russian government offers foreign applicants so-called “state-funded spots” at universities every year.

In a nutshell, the government scholarship entails:

  • Free tuition for the length of the selected program.
  • Maintenance allowance (for the duration of the program, regardless of whether or not the applicant is successful).
  • Dormitory facilities/accommodation (if available).

However, travel costs, living expenses, and a voluntary health care program is not covered by the government scholarship.

Must Read: Russian Scholarships

Note: To find out how to apply for a state scholarship, contact the university of your choosing. Your informative letter will be responded to by the University’s International Office.

  • On the website StudyinRussia.ru , you will learn more about how foreign applicants are chosen.
  • Get information about available scholarships and fields of study by contacting the united operator* in your region.
  • Personal details (full name, date of birth, country of origin, e-mail address, and phone number – you will be notified of the status of your application)
  • Your chosen profession, specialty, or field of study (you can change this information at any time before taking the relevant tests)
  • Your present educational level
  • Russian/English proficiency.
  • To engage in the selection process, wait for an invitation (interviews, tests, examinations).
  • Find your name on the list of applicants (based on test/examination results).
  • If your name appears on the list of applicants, please bring additional documentation with you, such as a medical certificate, HIV test records, and copies of documents, among other things.
  • Wait for a letter/notification from the university confirming your admission and outlining the next steps. A representative of the United operator in your country will relay this information to you.

According to independent ratings, Russia has some good business schools. Their MBA graduates have a high degree of learning satisfaction. These schools are often included in the “Narodny Ranking of Russian Business Schools,” which is based on graduate interviews.

Russia is one of the most popular study abroad destinations in the world, but students don’t just flock to Moscow. Other cities with prestigious universities, such as Saint Petersburg, Kazan, and Tomsk, are just as appealing to foreign students.

Russian universities are very affordable as compared to higher education institutions in the United States or the United Kingdom. For Bachelor’s degrees, international students usually pay between 1,475 and 10,600 EUR per year. Master’s degrees cost between 1,770 and 5,540 EUR per year.

Russia may not be as stable as Switzerland, but it is certainly not as dangerous as Latin America. The Russian government has taken a tough stance against skinhead activities, and the risk of being targeted by a xenophobic group is lower than it was in the early 2000s.

Degrees are available to study in Russia without taking the IELTS exam. It is possible to study in Russia without taking the IELTS exam. IELTS is usually required for admission to European universities.

This was all about an MBA in Russia. Universities in Russia and amiable to international students and promote diverse campus culture. If you are considering pursuing an MBA then education in Russia is something to consider. We hope you find this blog helpful. For more academic-related queries get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu !  

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I want to know how much it coast to study MBA International Business, in Russia as a Nigerian.

hi this is faisal uddin from india i want to study in russia course is mba please contact me my number 919032578710

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Hi, Rithvik! You are the right place, reach us at 1800 57 2000 for taking admission abroad. Also, read: MBBS in Russia Russian Scholarships MBA in Malaysia

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Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs at ASU

Explore MBA degree programs created for people like you. The W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University delivers a transformative Connected MBA curriculum and experience that shapes students into leaders who do, build, and catalyze. This is a school where preparation meets opportunity, where people are valued, and where students from all backgrounds gain tools and connections to transform themselves and their communities.

  • How to Apply
  • Alumni Network

Compare MBA degrees

Developing your leadership skills no matter where you are in your career, the highly ranked W. P. Carey MBA is offered full-time, part-time, and 100% online. We also have distinct offerings for business executives. Most of our programs are STEM-designated, providing expanded career opportunities for international students.

There are multiple ways to earn a W. P. Carey MBA, all designed to help you make an impact, while meeting you where you are in your career. No matter which MBA degree you choose, you will grow as a person and emerge with a new perspective on business, yourself, and the world — and gain tools and connections you can leverage for life.

Full-time MBA

Our immersive, STEM-designated Full-time MBA welcomes future leaders from around the world. Core classes are offered mostly during the day, with some evening options, at ASU's Tempe campus. With built-in career coaching, leadership courses, executive mentoring, and eight concentrations to customize your education, Full-time MBA students become market ready for life.

Program starts: August

Program length: 21 months

Work experience: 3-5 years

GMAT or GRE required

Evening MBA

The STEM-designated Evening MBA can be tailored to fit your schedule. Classes are held two evenings a week on the Tempe campus, with the option to take some courses online. Customize your experience with 40+ electives, concurrent degrees, and technical certificates — and enjoy the flexibility to earn your degree in two, three, or four years.

Program starts: August, January

Work experience: 5-10 years

No test scores necessary

ASU’s highly ranked Online MBA is a great fit for working professionals who desire a part-time schedule. With one core course at a time and flexible elective and concurrent degree options, you’ll develop your leadership skills wherever and whenever learning suits you best.

Program starts: August, January, May

Program length: 24 months

Executive MBA

Our STEM-designated Executive MBA is suited for seasoned managers with demanding schedules and 10+ years of leadership experience. Welcoming students from multiple regions, the EMBA offers travel scholarships and a flexible schedule requiring one in-residence weekend per month.

Work experience: 10-20 years

EGADE — W. P. Carey Executive MBA

Redefine your career with a dual degree from two of the world’s best business schools. A unique international partnership between Tecnológico de Monterrey's Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (EGADE) and ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business, the EGADE — W. P. Carey Executive MBA delivers a unique opportunity that will prepare you for C-suite leadership in as little as 15 months.

Propel your workforce with a custom MBA

Send a select group of employees through a W. P. Carey MBA that is specifically designed around your firm’s strategic objectives. W. P. Carey Executive Education will partner with you to create a Custom Corporate MBA offered partly, or even entirely, online to employees worldwide.

Why get an MBA from ASU?

Being able to build meaningful, authentic, collaborative relationships that bring out the best in everyone is an essential skill for any leader. At W. P. Carey, our motto reflects this ethos: Where Business is Personal. This is an essential part of who we are and one of the unique strengths of the Connected MBA.

They really do try to make Where Business is Personal true. The school wants you to be involved. The majority of the staff work on the third floor of McCord Hall, and us MBA students practically live in McCord Hall. You walk past people and it’s such a friendly environment. It’s almost like a second home because you spend so much time there and get to know everyone.

Shale Brenner (MBA ’24)

Shale Brenner

The Connected MBA enables transformation

Entrepreneurship and innovation are key to our curriculum and your experience. Students not only benefit from high-touch programming, but also see firsthand how powerful connection can be in driving organizations to do great things. Over the course of your program, you will connect with yourself, others, industry, ideas, your community, and the world.

Do: Learn by doing. Practice new skills in a supportive environment and spark connections with classmates and faculty.

Build: Make an impact, establish your thought leadership, and create a career path on your own terms.

Catalyze: Become an action-oriented, connected leader with strong human skills.

Community to me is everything. It’s the lifeblood of any group of people with common goals, and it’s the support system that keeps individuals thriving and growing. The community here at W. P. Carey lives up to that, and more. My cohort boasts some of the greatest people I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Not only do staff and students alike champion your efforts and celebrate your victories, each and every one of them will go out of their way to help you succeed.

Jamelyn Ebelacker (MBA ’24)

Jamelyn Ebelacker

The world needs connected leaders

People are our greatest asset. Organizations who want to compete in today’s environment need visionary leaders who are keenly attuned to others, see and develop the value they can bring to the table, and create opportunities for them to do their best work.

Being a connected leader means having a holistic understanding of people, ideas, and context. W. P. Carey MBA graduates see the big picture, tackle problems from multiple perspectives, and can link seemingly unrelated ideas in unexpected and novel ways. Connected leaders don’t necessarily have all the answers — they are good listeners and proactively make space for great ideas to rise to the top.

Something I learned at W. P. Carey that really changed my perspective about things was the importance of everyone bringing their authentic perspective to the table. If we can bring our curiosity and our strengths to the table, we don't need to have everything figured out. We don't need to have all the answers. Together we can ask better questions. We can learn from each other's experiences, and we can arrive at better questions that lead us to better answers.

Rob Maloney (MBA ’22)

Rob Maloney

Create a blueprint for your career

The W. P. Carey Career Services Center will support your professional development as an MBA student and after you graduate. Career coaches serve as credible partners to help navigate your journey, while the Employer Engagement team works with leading companies across industries to connect talent to opportunity.

More than 650 organizations in over 35 industries partner directly with W. P. Carey to recruit talent.

W. P. Carey supports student and alumni career journeys from day one to graduation and beyond. Our goal is to be a lifelong resource for students to build career capabilities that make them competitive for the duration of their career.

Joseph Kimes (Executive Director, W. P. Carey Career Services Center)

Joseph Kimes

Prepare for what’s next

One of the biggest challenges that leaders face today is fostering a sense of shared values and united purpose within organizations that are far flung and diverse. In the age of remote work and globalization, leaders need to share their vision and gain buy-in in ways that are culturally sensitive, authentic, and meaningful.

Through a Connected MBA designed for where the world is headed, W. P. Carey will prepare you to navigate uncertainty and build a better future.

Pursuing my MBA, I knew I wanted to have even more business skills to be a stronger advocate for the communities I serve. Meeting incredible connections at W. P. Carey allowed me to get promoted within my organization and lead a national team. It was because of what I learned in the classroom directly that my professional career grew. Whether it’s faculty, staff, your classmates, or the community networks that you will find at Arizona State University, they will support you along the way.

Veronica Aguilar (BA Business Communication ’12, MBA ’21)

Veronica Aguilar

I had the technical side of the knowledge, but hadn’t really studied business in a systematic way. No matter what I plan to be in the future, either continuing the product management role or discovering something new, business fundamentals are something that every company needs and that every business manager should be armed with.

Lelle Wang (MBA ’23)

Lelle Wang

How and when to apply

Depending which MBA program you decide to apply for, there will be different application deadlines and requirements to be aware of. The W. P. Carey School has a dedicated graduate admissions recruiting team who can help — feel free to contact us with any questions.

Application process and dates

  • Application process
  • Application deadlines
  • Class profile

MBA application tips

Get ready to submit your mba application.

Create a graduate application that stands out.

How to write a compelling essay

Highlight the unique value you’d contribute to the MBA program at ASU.

Make an impact with your resume

Introduce yourself to the graduate school admission committee.

Improve your GMAT and GRE scores

Develop a strategy for your Full-time MBA entrance exam.

Your lifelong MBA network

W. P. Carey MBA students share unique perspectives and bring a combination of cultures, ideas, and professional experiences into the classroom. This combines with world-renowned faculty from six continents — and 120,000+ alumni living in 100+ countries — to create a global exchange of ideas.

After you graduate, you will have access to signature alumni events, career resources, and continued connections to your classmates and alma mater. No matter your location, this community will be yours for life.

Being a part of the W. P. Carey community is extremely important to me. I take great pride in being a Double Devil. From moving to campus as a first-year business student to starting the MBA program, W. P. Carey has always provided me with every opportunity to succeed. You gain more than just knowledge throughout your time here. You make connections that will propel your success throughout your career.

Alex Altman (BA Sports Business '22, MBA '24)

Alex Altman

This is one of the best programs in the country. I'm saying that not just because of the curriculum, the faculty, or the wonderful recruitment outcomes, but because it's a place of growth. Here in the Phoenix area, you get to learn a lot about the American Southwest, but also get to really know people because it's such a close-knit program. If you put in the work, you get to see all the ways you can grow as a person and you can achieve all the professional outcomes that you want for yourself.

Chikezie Anachu (MBA ’22)

Chikezie Anachu

Connect with W. P. Carey

Dedicated Sun Devils are standing by to answer questions, share insights, and provide support throughout your MBA application process. Complete the form to connect with your W. P. Carey graduate admissions representative.


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  1. Curriculum

    Begin the year with personal leadership activities, reflection, and small team projects. HBS's MBA curriculum includes a range of exciting courses and is frequently refreshed with new content. The goal is to give students a firm grasp of broad-based fundamentals. The School's inductive learning model goes beyond facts and theories—a process ...

  2. MBA Courses & Curriculum

    MBA Core Curriculum. You will ground your MBA with six required fixed core classes that will be required for your degree, along with choices in the flexible core.The flexible structure of the core course allows you to take more electives in the first year to prepare for an internship, global experience, business venture, or other interests, and defer some core requirements to their second year.

  3. Curriculum in the MBA Program

    Your first year in the Stanford MBA Program is invaluable. This is where you establish your foundation, begin to develop your managerial skills and style, and broaden your global perspective. Coursework mainly consists of core and distribution requirements. You'll gain insights from world-class researchers and senior leaders and a deeper ...

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    Those considering an MBA program are typically curious about the coursework these degrees require. This guide aims to help potential MBA candidates learn what to expect from their degree program. Before presenting the curricula taught in the world's three best MBA programs, let's briefly review what this degree is and why someone might want ...

  5. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Guide

    An MBA is a master's degree in business administration. In this popular graduate degree program, you'll learn about business principles and develop your leadership skills across various disciplines, such as marketing, finance, and accounting. You can expect to build a strong foundation in management knowledge and skills, while also finding ...

  6. MBA

    MBA. Harvard Business School offers a two-year, full-time MBA program with a general management curriculum focused on real-world practice. Becoming a student at HBS means joining a global community that propels lifelong learning and career support alongside peers, faculty, and staff who will both challenge you and cheer you on as you find and ...

  7. First-Year Curriculum

    Coursework in the first year includes primarily core and distribution requirements. You'll dive into complex managerial issues, gain insight into the perspective of senior leaders, and develop your decision-making and communication skills in a global context. And because you and your classmates have different educational and professional ...

  8. What Do You Learn in An MBA Program? │ mba.com

    The MBA, which stands for Master in Business Administration, is the world's most popular business degree.. According to research by the Graduate Management Admission Council (), almost half of all business school applicants think about doing an MBA.One of the main reasons to get an MBA is its broad, practical curriculum, which is designed to bring you up to speed with all the main functions ...

  9. What Is an MBA? About the Degree, Programs, Jobs, and More

    Types of MBA programs. An MBA degree program isn't one-size-fits-all. Consider your lifestyle, career goals, and current employment situation to decide which program is right for you. Here's a look at some common types of MBA degrees: Full-time MBA: Traditional two-year programs typically involve taking a full course load, much like an ...

  10. curriculum

    Consult the online listing of Elective Curriculum MBA courses for faculty biographies, unit overviews, and detailed course descriptions. Cross-Registration Opportunities for students to take classes at other select graduate programs during their second year.

  11. Typical MBA Courses That Applicants Should Know About

    Of the 747 AACSB-accredited schools that reported data in 2022-2023, 87% offered at least one MBA program. Here are 12 basic course areas that are typically offered in MBA programs, according to ...

  12. Full-time MBA Courses & Curriculum

    The Georgetown MBA offers a variety of coursework focused on quantitative analysis and management science, allowing students to complete a STEM-designated management science major. In addition to the STEM-eligible credits you will take as part of the core curriculum above, students must complete 12 elective credits during the MBA program from ...

  13. What an MBA Degree Is and What You Need to Know

    Annual tuition and fees are far higher at some ranked, full-time MBA programs than others. The most expensive programs ranked by U.S. News charged yearly rates of $80,000 or more in the 2022-2023 ...

  14. Full-Time MBA Program

    Choose your course of action. Our Full-Time MBA Program provides several distinct options for earning your MBA. Each offers extensive options for achieving your personal, professional and educational goals. Whichever one you choose, you'll develop as a person and learn how to spark growth in any organization. No matter which Full-Time MBA you ...

  15. Curriculum

    Curriculum. LAUNCH. LAUNCH is our introduction to the NYU Stern MBA experience for all incoming full-time MBA students. Through LAUNCH, we want to transform the mindsets of MBA students, to get them to think broadly about the ways in which business can transform challenges into opportunities to create value for society. Year 1. Required Core:

  16. Explore the Program

    The MBA program qualifies as a STEM-designated program, which allows international students to extend their stay in the U.S. by 24 months after graduation. MORE INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. Engage with thinkers on the cutting edge. Here, everyone is accomplished, and everyone assumes you are, too. Our faculty know that because you ...

  17. Online MBA Degree Programs

    No logging in, no set class times—you are in the driver's seat of your education. WGU's one-year* MBA allows you to finish your Master in Business Administration program in only 12 months for just $9,510. * Program can be completed in as little as 12 months. Pricing is based on 12-month completion of the program.

  18. Understanding the MBA Program Timeline: A Comprehensive Guide

    This blog post will help you understand the MBA program timeline, from course sequences to internship timelines. Get ready to explore the critical moments that shape your MBA path. Read on and learn more. Overall Scope of an MBA Program. Typically, an MBA program lasts from 12 months to more than five years. The program duration depends on the ...

  19. Purdue Online MBA

    The Online MBA is a rigorous program that requires quantitative aptitude. The Daniels School's online programs admissions team will look for evidence of this in your application via previous coursework.

  20. MBA in Russia: Top Colleges, Fees, Requirements 2021

    A full-time MBA course in Russia, like other MBA programs, takes two years to complete. Individuals can choose the length of their part-time MBA program based on how much time they need to complete their MBA degree. Professionals will improve their skills and expertise by enrolling in an 18- 20 month executive MBA in Russia program. Top MBA ...

  21. MBA Programs at Arizona State University

    EGADE — W. P. Carey Executive MBA. Redefine your career with a dual degree from two of the world's best business schools. A unique international partnership between Tecnológico de Monterrey's Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (EGADE) and ASU's W. P. Carey School of Business, the EGADE — W. P. Carey Executive MBA delivers a unique opportunity that will ...

  22. Stanford MBA Program

    Stanford GSB, with our campus in the heart of Silicon Valley, is a one-of-a-kind MBA program that has redefined the business school experience. Here, you'll be pushed and challenged by best-in-class faculty and supported by your classmates in an environment unlike anywhere else. Collaboration, not competition, is key in a Stanford classroom.

  23. MBA

    MBA is the most ambitious program of further education, which has been developing at our Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, since 2002. The high level of the program is ensured by our leading professors and invited business executives, many of whom are our alumni. The teachers contribute advanced concepts and systemic view ...

  24. Академия бизнеса MBA: Moscow Business Academy

    Moscow Business Academy — ведущая школа на территории РФ и стран СНГ. Одна из немногих образовательных организаций, которые занимаются экспортом российских MBA в западные государства и осуществляют ...

  25. Earning an M.B.A. While Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Meet Illinois

    Earning an MBA was a strategic decision to sharpen my leadership skills, master financial management, and grasp the bigger picture of business operations. ... and the ability to have half semesters and to design the coursework to fit my lifestyle was a huge advantage. I felt like it put the power in my hands. ... The one-year timeline of the ...

  26. Open programmes

    Dorie Clark. Dorie Clark is an adjunct professor at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and a professional speaker. She is the author of Entrepreneurial You (Harvard Business Review Press), which was named one of the Top 10 Business Books of 2017 by Forbes. Her previous books include Reinventing You and Stand Out, which Inc. magazine declared the #1 Leadership Book of 2015, and was a ...