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'Do Your Homework' or 'Do The Homework'. Which Is Correct?


The expression “do homework” refers to the work that a teacher gives a student to do at home.

The expression “ do homework ” refers to the work that a teacher gives a student to do at home.

Doing homework is a boring activity for some students.

Use the article “the” or a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, etc.) to be more specific.

Have you done your math homework ?

Since homework is an uncountable noun, it is not possible to use the indefinite article a/an.

The history teacher gave us some homework to do by Monday.

The history teacher gave us a homework to do by Monday.

1. Homework Is Uncountable

2. using other determiners with ‘homework’.

“ Homework ” is an uncountable noun; therefore, it does not have a plural form.

I have some homework to do.

I have three homeworks to do.

Being uncountable, " homework " is always followed by a singular verb.

The science homework was extremely difficult.

And you cannot put the article a/an in front of it.

You should do some homework today.

You should do a homework today.

But you can use the word “ assignment ” to mention separate pieces of homework.

Complete the three homework assignments .

Rebecca, you did an impressive job on the homework assignments .

Or just say “ a/one piece of homework ” or " a bit of homework ".

You still have one piece of homework left to do.

Note that we always say “ do homework ”. Avoid the verbs make or write with this word.

It’s worth doing a bit of homework before playing video games.

It’s worth making/writing a bit of homework before playing video games.

But you can use the verbs give or help (somebody).

The teacher gave us some homework to do by Friday.

My mother used to help me with my homework .

Instead of referring to the work that a student is asked to do at home, you can use “ homework ” as a synonym of preparation.

Since we have done our homework , we are well prepared for the meeting with the investor.

Using "a" or "the" with common activities

We commonly add a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, her, our, their) before “ homework ”.

Do your homework before dinner.

Have the kids done their homework ?

Jennifer is very good at doing her homework .

But you can also use other determiners, such as:

  • some (affirmative sentences)
  • any (interrogative and negative sentences)

The teacher gives too much homework .

I don’t have any homework .

We can also omit the determiner to speak about homework in a general way.

Homework is boring.

Is it bad to do homework in bed?

For homework , finish the exercise on page 8.


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30 Idioms for Homework

Idioms, in particular, add color and flair to our conversations. In the realm of homework, where words often reign supreme, understanding idioms can be the key to unlocking a deeper level of communication.

Let’s embark on a delightful exploration of idioms for homework – expressions that not only enhance your language skills but also make you a master of casual conversation.

30 idioms for homework

Idioms for Homework

1. hit the hay.

Meaning: To go to bed or fall asleep.

In a Sentence: After a long night of studying, Sarah decided it was time to hit the hay.

Exploring idioms is like hitting the hay – it may seem mundane at first, but the rewards are truly refreshing.

2. Kick the Bucket

Meaning: To die or pass away.

In a Sentence: Sadly, my goldfish kicked the bucket after years of cheerful swimming.

Homework can sometimes feel overwhelming, but no need for it to kick the bucket – we’ll tackle it together!

3. Bite the Bullet

Meaning: To endure a painful experience or face a difficult situation.

In a Sentence: Instead of procrastinating, Amy decided to bite the bullet and finish her science project ahead of time.

Facing challenging assignments head-on is like biting the bullet – it might be tough, but the relief afterward is worth it.

4. Break the Ice

Meaning: To initiate conversation in a social setting, often to relieve tension.

In a Sentence: To ease the tension before the group project, Sam tried to break the ice with a funny joke.

Homework groups are more effective when everyone helps break the ice – it’s the first step towards collaboration.

5. Burn the Midnight Oil

Meaning: To work late into the night, usually on a project or task.

In a Sentence: Knowing the deadline was approaching, Mark had to burn the midnight oil to complete his essay.

Homework often requires burning the midnight oil, but the sense of accomplishment is worth the sacrifice.

6. Cost an Arm and a Leg

Meaning: To be very expensive or costly.

In a Sentence: Getting a new laptop for college can sometimes cost an arm and a leg.

Textbooks might cost an arm and a leg, but the knowledge gained is priceless – a fair trade in the end.

7. Cry over Spilled Milk

Meaning: To lament or worry about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

In a Sentence: Instead of crying over spilled milk, Jake decided to focus on finding a solution to the problem.

In the world of homework, it’s essential not to cry over spilled milk – mistakes happen, and learning from them is the key.

8. Cut to the Chase

Meaning: To get to the main point without unnecessary details.

In a Sentence: When giving instructions, the teacher preferred to cut to the chase to save time.

Homework discussions are more efficient when we cut to the chase – clarity is the secret ingredient.

9. Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk

Meaning: Reiterating the importance of not worrying about past mistakes or misfortunes.

In a Sentence: “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” Mrs. Johnson reminded her students after the math test.

Homework challenges may arise, but always remember: don’t cry over spilled milk – focus on improvement.

10. Drive Someone up the Wall

Meaning: To irritate or annoy someone greatly.

In a Sentence: Sam’s constant tapping during the exam drove his classmates up the wall.

Group projects can be challenging, but constant communication helps avoid driving each other up the wall.

11. Jump on the Bandwagon

Meaning: To adopt a popular trend or activity.

In a Sentence: After witnessing the success of the study group, more students decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Homework strategies evolve – it’s okay to jump on the bandwagon of effective study methods.

12. Kick the Bucket (Again?)

Meaning: To die or pass away (Yes, we’ve got a repeat!)

In a Sentence: The old car finally kicked the bucket after years of faithful service.

Repeating the importance of not letting homework stress kick the bucket – perseverance is the key.

13. Let the Cat out of the Bag

Meaning: To reveal a secret or disclose information.

In a Sentence: Mary accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

Homework collaborations thrive on trust – always ensure not to let the cat out of the bag inadvertently.

14. Piece of Cake

Meaning: Something very easy to do.

In a Sentence: Solving the first few math problems was a piece of cake for Alex.

Approaching homework step by step makes it feel like a piece of cake – small victories lead to big accomplishments.

15. Raining Cats and Dogs

Meaning: Raining heavily.

In a Sentence: We canceled our outdoor study session because it started raining cats and dogs.

Sometimes, adapting to unexpected challenges in homework is like dealing with a sudden downpour of cats and dogs.

16. Spill the Beans

Meaning: To disclose a secret or reveal information.

In a Sentence: Tom couldn’t resist the excitement and decided to spill the beans about the surprise quiz.

Homework collaborations rely on trust – resist the temptation to spill the beans before the right moment.

17. The Ball Is in Your Court

Meaning: It’s your responsibility to make a decision or take action.

In a Sentence: Now that you have all the information, the ball is in your court regarding the group project.

Homework assignments often end with the ball in your court – decisive actions lead to successful outcomes.

18. The Whole Nine Yards

Meaning: The entirety or completeness of something.

In a Sentence: Sarah went above and beyond, providing the whole nine yards of information for her presentation.

Strive for the whole nine yards in homework – thoroughness and attention to detail always pay off.

19. Through Thick and Thin

Meaning: Supporting someone in good times and bad.

In a Sentence: True friends stick with you through thick and thin, just like reliable study partners.

Homework journeys are smoother when you have companions who stay with you through thick and thin.

20. Throw in the Towel

Meaning: To give up or surrender.

In a Sentence: Despite the challenges, she refused to throw in the towel and kept pushing through the assignment.

Homework may be tough, but throwing in the towel is never the solution – perseverance brings success.

21. Under the Weather

Meaning: Feeling unwell or sick.

In a Sentence: James couldn’t attend the study group because he was under the weather.

Taking breaks when feeling under the weather is crucial – a rested mind tackles homework more effectively.

22. A Dime a Dozen

Meaning: Something common and easy to find.

In a Sentence: Online resources for research are a dime a dozen, but quality matters.

Homework help is abundant, but choosing the right sources is essential – quality over quantity.

23. All Ears

Meaning: Listening attentively or eagerly.

In a Sentence: When the teacher started discussing the upcoming project, the students were all ears.

Active listening is a valuable skill in homework discussions – be all ears for useful insights.

24. Burn Bridges

Meaning: To damage relationships or cut ties.

In a Sentence: Avoiding conflicts in group projects is essential to not burn bridges with your peers.

In the world of homework, collaboration is key – never burn bridges, always build connections.

25. Catch Someone’s Eye

Meaning: Attracting someone’s attention or being noticed.

In a Sentence: Her unique presentation style managed to catch the professor’s eye.

In the realm of homework, standout work is bound to catch someone’s eye – excellence is hard to ignore.

26. Hit the Nail on the Head

Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

In a Sentence: Sarah hit the nail on the head when she pointed out the flaw in the experimental design.

Critical thinking in homework often involves hitting the nail on the head – identifying the root cause is crucial.

27. Jump on the Bandwagon (Again?)

Meaning: Adopting a popular trend or activity (Yes, another repeat!)

In a Sentence: As the semester progressed, more students decided to jump on the bandwagon of using productivity apps.

Repeating the idea that adapting to new homework strategies is like jumping on the bandwagon – staying current is key.

28. Kick the Bucket (Once More)

Meaning: To die or pass away (Another repeat, but with a twist!)

In a Sentence: The outdated study methods had to kick the bucket for the students to embrace more effective techniques.

Repeating the importance of letting old habits kick the bucket – sometimes, change is the key to success.

29. Throw in the Towel (Again?)

Meaning: To give up or surrender (One more repeat!)

In a Sentence: Despite the challenging exam, she refused to throw in the towel and sought additional help.

Repeating the idea that throwing in the towel is never the answer in homework – persistence leads to progress.

Embark on a literary journey to describe the academic task of homework using imaginative metaphors, and discover creative comparisons through similes for homework. To explore more, check out Metaphors for Homework and Similes for Homework .

IdiomMeaningExample Sentence
Hit the HayGo to bed or fall asleepAfter a long night of studying, Sarah decided it was time to hit the hay.
Kick the BucketTo die or pass awaySadly, my goldfish kicked the bucket after years of cheerful swimming.
Bite the BulletEndure a painful experience or face difficultyInstead of procrastinating, Amy decided to bite the bullet and finish her science project ahead of time.
Break the IceInitiate conversation to relieve tensionTo ease the tension before the group project, Sam tried to break the ice with a funny joke.
Burn the Midnight OilWork late into the nightKnowing the deadline was approaching, Mark had to burn the midnight oil to complete his essay.
Cost an Arm and a LegBe very expensive or costlyGetting a new laptop for college can sometimes cost an arm and a leg.
Cry over Spilled MilkLament or worry about something irreversibleInstead of crying over spilled milk, Jake decided to focus on finding a solution to the problem.
Cut to the ChaseGet to the main point without unnecessary detailsWhen giving instructions, the teacher preferred to cut to the chase to save time.
Don’t Cry over Spilled MilkReiterate not worrying about past mistakes“Don’t cry over spilled milk,” Mrs. Johnson reminded her students after the math test.
Drive Someone up the WallAnnoy or irritate someone greatlySam’s constant tapping during the exam drove his classmates up the wall.
Jump on the BandwagonAdopt a popular trend or activityAfter witnessing the success of the study group, more students decided to jump on the bandwagon.
Let the Cat out of the BagReveal a secret or disclose informationMary accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.
Piece of CakeSomething very easy to doSolving the first few math problems was a piece of cake for Alex.
Raining Cats and DogsRaining heavilyWe canceled our outdoor study session because it started raining cats and dogs.
Spill the BeansDisclose a secret or reveal informationTom couldn’t resist the excitement and decided to spill the beans about the surprise quiz.
The Ball Is in Your CourtYour responsibility to make a decision or take actionNow that you have all the information, the ball is in your court regarding the group project.
The Whole Nine YardsThe entirety or completeness of somethingSarah went above and beyond, providing the whole nine yards of information for her presentation.
Through Thick and ThinSupport someone in good times and badTrue friends stick with you through thick and thin, just like reliable study partners.
Throw in the TowelGive up or surrenderDespite the challenges, she refused to throw in the towel and kept pushing through the assignment.
Under the WeatherFeeling unwell or sickJames couldn’t attend the study group because he was under the weather.
A Dime a DozenCommon and easy to findOnline resources for research are a dime a dozen, but quality matters.
All EarsListening attentively or eagerlyWhen the teacher started discussing the upcoming project, the students were all ears.
Burn BridgesDamage relationships or cut tiesAvoiding conflicts in group projects is essential to not burn bridges with your peers.
Catch Someone’s EyeAttracting attention or being noticedHer unique presentation style managed to catch the professor’s eye.
Hit the Nail on the HeadDescribe exactly what is causing a situation or problemSarah hit the nail on the head when she pointed out the flaw in the experimental design.

In the lively world of idioms, our exploration of expressions for homework has been nothing short of enlightening. Just like the diverse idioms that color our language, approaching homework with creativity and adaptability enhances the learning experience.

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Time expressions usually go at the end

or at the beginning of a sentence:

Yesterday I went to school.

I went to school yesterday .

This week I’m going to New York.

I’m going to New York this week .

Other popular time expressions:

 When I wake up in the morning, I like to drink coffee.

 What do you drink in the morning?

 During the day, they go to school .

 What do you do during the day?

 The stars and the moon come out at night.

Most people sleep at night, but cats usually stay out late.

 In the afternoon, I come home from school and do my homework.

Using time expressions with the correct verb tense will improve your English:

– (past tense. )

– (present continuous tense to describe the entire week)

– (the “going to” future)

video: late, early, and on time:

Next: Lesson Seventeen infinitives

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Phrases or idioms which mean "I did not do my homework" [closed]

İs there any idom or phrase to say you did not prepare your homework?

For example, my teacher gives me homework. Let's assume that I did not do my homework, what should I say?

KillingTime's user avatar

  • 2 You should say the truth. It's much better than an idiom expressing a falsehood. :) –  user405662 Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 13:25
  • Are you thinking of an idiom in your native language? If you give that, it might help see what you're really asking. –  Mitch Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 13:30
  • If you are Down Under: "My dingo ate my homework." –  DjinTonic Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 13:34
  • 2 Yeah, "My dog ate my homework" is common in the US. –  Hot Licks Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 13:53
  • Say, "Sorry, I didn't do my homework." –  Lawrence Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 14:37

The dog ate my homework is probably the idiomatic expression more commonly associated with an excuse for not doing your homework:

“ The dog ate my homework ” is used as a stock example of the kind of silly excuses schoolchildren give for why their work isn’t finished. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first example of the dog ate my homework excuse in print can be found in a speech given by retiring headmaster James Bewsher in 1929 and published in the Manchester Guardian: “It is a long time since I have had the excuse about the dog tearing up the arithmetic homework.” The way this comment is phrased suggests that the whole dog ate my homework story had been around for some time before it was put in print.


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i do my homework expression

English Outside The Box

Do and Make

As I mentioned, do and make are commonly confused because of incorrect translations. Many languages use the same verb to mean make and do, so how do you know how to use these words correctly in English? First, it’s important to understand the basic differences between the two.

DO: completing an activity or performing a task

‘Do’ is often used with work or job related actions. Many nouns that have the word “work” in them will use the verb do, like homework. I need to do homework.

Other examples : I still have to do a lot of work before I go. He needs to do his job well for a promotion.

We also use ‘do’ to talk about housework, or cleaning. My husband always does the dishes and I do the laundry .

Other examples : They always do their chores on Sundays. It’s important to do vacuuming before mopping the floors.

Additionally, we use ‘do’ when talking about exercises because these are movement we need to complete. We do exercises.

Other examples : I always do core workouts on Tuesday and Thursdays. John does crunches and squats every day.

MAKE: constructing or creating something (often with our hands)

‘Make’ is used when we talk about constructing or creating something, often with our own hands. This thing does not exist and we build/construct or create it. I am going to make dinner. I am going to make a cake. My husband made our kitchen table.

Other examples : I am going to make dress for the party (I am going to sew it.). Oliver made my birthday gift last year, it was a beautiful ring.

English Expressions with Do and Make

Another reason do and make are confusing is because there are many ( MANY ) fixed expressions and collocations with do and make. These expressions and collocations don’t necessarily agree with the definitions I gave above, and are things you need to learn and memorize. I have not included all of the expressions and collocations because of time and length of this lesson. However, the video and extra examples in this blog post are a great place to start!

Expressions with DO

do research: I had to do research on language for my final thesis project.

Before you decide, do a little a research about it.

do business with someone: I do a lot of business with international clients.

Erin never does business with family and friends.

do (someone) a favor: I did my mom a huge favor last week. I helped her paint the house.

Oliver is so helpful, he is always doing favors for people.

do (good/bad/hard/extensive) work: If you want a raise, you must do good work.

The teacher told the class they would get a reward if they all did their best work.

do a (good/bad/decent/OK) job: My students always do a good job.

The painter did an awful job on the house.

do (one’s) hair: Before we go out, we often have to do our hair.

Jane likes when Sam does her hair because it looks better.

do (one’s) makeup: Before we go out, we often have to do our makeup.

Donna never does her makeup before school.


do an assignment/project: We have to do our assignment tonight because it’s due tomorrow.

do the shopping: My mom does the shopping on Sundays.

do (one’s) best= to try one’s hardest: Sarah always does her best in class.

do damage=to cause harm: Alex did a lot of damage when he spoke badly about his boss.

Expressions with MAKE

make a mistake: Many students make mistakes with do and make.

It’s common to make a mistake when learning new languages.

make an effort: However, if they make an effort, it’s easy to learn and they will improve.

Learning a language is difficult and it requires people to make an effort.

make a difference=to cause a positive change: Volunteers often make a big difference in various charities and organizations.

Simple acts of kindness can make a huge difference.

make a choice: I made a choice to move to a new city.

It’s not always easy to make the right choice.

make a decision: I made a great decision when I married my husband.

It’s important to know what you need and make the right decisions.

make sense: Is this information making sense?

The information was clear and made sense.

make someone (feel a) feeling: You make me so happy when you learn with me and watch my videos.

I hope I make you motivated to learn!

make a fortune=earn a lot of money: Lucy made a fortune selling her photographs and artwork.

make a suggestion=to give advice: Mark’s essay was incomplete, so his teacher made a few suggestions to help.

make the bed: I make my bed every morning.

make plans: I haven’t made plans for the weekend yet.

English Mistakes with Do and Make: Avoid these!

Many students translate words and expressions for their native languages to English, which creates a lot of mistakes when speaking in English. This is why I never recommend translating! However it happens, and maybe you do it. So here are some common mistakes with do and make to avoid:

to make a barbecue or a party  → to have a barbecue or a party: I am having a barbecue next week. I am having a party next week.

to make a question  → to ask a question: The teacher asked the students a question

to make a road trip → to take a road trip: Next year I am taking a cross-country road trip.

to make a test/exam  → to take a test/exam: Last year I took a very important test.

Practice Exercises

Practice makes perfect! Review the sentences above to understand how to use do and make correctly in English. I recommend reading the sentences out loud to practice pronunciation, and trying to create your own sentences with your own life/personal context. Additionally, try these exercises below. All of the answers are

Fill in the blanks : Complete the following sentences with the correct form of DO or MAKE. Pay attention to the time tenses and structure!

You can find the answers below

  • We all need to ________ our best to succeed.
  • I need to pass the TOEFL test to get into my college so I am _______ it next week.
  • I think it’s important to __________ a difference, so I volunteer 2 times per month.
  • Jason met someone he was interested in _________ business with.
  • It ______ my grandma happy when I called her every week.

Discussion questions:  Use these questions to practice what you’ve learned today and improve conversational skills.

  • What’s the most important decisions you’ve ever made?
  • Did you do any important projects last week? If so, what was it?
  • Have you ever made a mistake that you’ve regret?
  • How do you understand a word or phrase that doesn’t make sense in English?
  • What’s the last favor you did for someone? What’s the last favor someone did for you?

In this video, I mentioned offering private Skype lessons . Please check my website for current opportunities and training options.

*Word Frequency Stats from Word Frequency Data

Fill in the blank answers:  1) do  2) taking**  3) make  4) doing  5) makes.

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DO & MAKE – How to talk about housework in English

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Thank you ma’am Ronnie :),. May I asked you to give us explanations about when to use “have been” and “had been” on a sentence?

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Thanks alot

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Hi Ronnie, Thank you for all the lessons. I have an important question: What’s the Difference Between “Like” and “Such As”? Thank you

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Such as we usually use to give and example – it is more formal than like. EX… My hobbies are playing sports, such as hockey, football, baseball. You can also say My hobbies are playing sports, like hockey, football, baseball Like is more casual and we use it more often!!!!!!

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Hi Ronnie.First of all you’re the great teacher.You’re my best teacher.But i have a problem.I want to ask one thing.I’m really confuse about idioms and phrase.So please help me.And tell me what do i do?And if you know about any book or website which of my English would be good so please tell me.I’m waiting your reply…………………………..

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The best way to learn idioms is to go to a country where they speak English OR you can watch movies!!!!!!! The problem with books is that there are MILLIONS of idioms that we never use!

Oh, What a nice surprise!

hi ronnie you are so talented woman, thank u so much

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Thanks for your input you make it incredibly easy to understand … successes Ronnie

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hi Ronnie thank yoooooooooooooooo alot

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5 out of 5…yey!!!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher. Ilike you a lot. Please, tell me what should I do to improve my listening in English??

Listen to English music, tv shows, movies and people if you can!!!!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher. Ilike you a lot.

Excellent !!!!!

Dearest Ronnie, its an excellent way to teach. i m not good in English but amazingly i understood each and every world i listened.hope you will teach me more lesson like this but with different verbs. God bless you.

Ronnie, But we can use make for unmaterial things, like mistake, wish or something like that. Could you explain us how we can use DO or MAKE for these cases? Are there some secret or trick for it?

Hugs to you.

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Hi Marcio, I believe we use ‘do’ for repetitive actions such as doin’ someone a favour , do an exam e.t.c while ‘make represents originality when you make coffee, it doesn’t always taste the same or when you make a mistake there is originality in it . We make cake,decision, wish ,noise e.t.c … but we can do the sound of a bird ( repeating what’s already in existence) ..

Look at the RESOURCES section on the site – there is a list off ALL the uses!!!!!!!!!!!!

it tooks me a while to understand about ‘do n’ make’ too. now is easier 4 me. see u Ronnie, I have to make my messy bed. make love instead war. that’s what I’m think.

Hi Ronnie. Good lesson! thx for all

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I loved this Video Classes.I have many years triying to learn English.I hope this classes goin to help me a lot.Thanks very much for this webside.I will be conected with you.Thanks Again.

thank Ronnie. my question is this lesson or this course American accent or British. thanks again..

this is American Accent

really very helpful topic, my idea wasn’t strongly clear but now i can say after listen this listen i gave test this lesson too in order to i took in this 5 out of 5 , thanks Thanks Teacher

Hi !! Ronnie its me Taimoor Alvi ned to know about how to speak English like native speakers and what about the slang in English language ?

thanks Ronnie

I really want to study English on internet. so please everyone tell me, about studying on internet

Thanks ronnie ju are exelent teacher …I like your lessons..

Hi Ronnie , i have one question for u,ok? when do we use For and Since? thinks

For with a number. I’ve lived her for 3 years. Since with a date. (day/month/year) I’ve lived here since January.

Hi Ronnei, I learn a lot from your lessons. Thank you, you are a wonderful teacher.

thanks it is so useful for us

Hi Ronnie, Is there a specific verb to cleaning furniture?

NO! You can just say I cleaned the _______ (furniture name)

you can also “dust the furniture”

Thanks a lot for both answers: Ronnie and Engvid!

great teacher may you explain if conditional cause im confused between second and third case¿

\i have made a video on conditionals = it will be on the site soon!

Ronnie you are the best teacher. Thank you for this lesson! What a pity that you don’t teach English in my school!

mam your teching method is fantastic

hi ronnie how r u i dont speak very well english and can’t write aslo but you u r very good teacher never saw in life.yours teaching way i like very much if get a change i want to meet u one day i learn form u very well thanks

i’m learning a lot in this page…and i have to do all my homework tomorrow..

Hi my teacher Sorry for my weak language because I am new student, I admired you when I saw you the first time in our class “in school”, Please accept me as student at you. sorry again for errors in my language, thank you teacher I will wait your advice to improve my language

hi,ronni can i ask you a question do you know where the action is in this town? what does the expression means !

It means where is the party or good place in town!

thanks alot ronni

thanks alot for ur explanion i’d like to ask u a question my mananger speaks english fastly, and don’t repeat any word and that make a problem for me

Tell your manager to speak more slowly!

Hi I would like to tell you,I have problem with listen.When I listen a lesson as quick I forget.I need your advice to going be better.Many Thanks Heman

The best way to remember something is to see or listen to it many, many times!

Thanks alot for the piece of information you gave to us And also the way you presented it was great.

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hi.plz slove my problum this word in garmmer.;bear; ;back; ;blow; ;beat; plz arranged the lesson

thanks very much

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well, you are extraordinary! I love your style, your lessons are very enjoyable, don`t stop :)

thank you…you are a great teacher…I hope I can be a good teacheras you are 5 years later…

Thanks a lot Ronnie . i love your style of teaching and also lessons .

You scored 4 out of 5.

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Thanks a lot Ronnie. You’re great. I really enjoy your lessons. Greetings from Brazil.

Thank you so much.

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I love your teaching so much , many thanks Appreciated

My compliment!

Hi Ronnie. I have problem between idioms and phrasal verbs.So please tell me what do i??Because I’m really confused that where can we use the normal verbs and phrasal verbs and idioms.so please tell me i’m really confused.So please help me and give me your some advise. And one more question that where can we use the having word and hell.. Example is…. What the hell and you having us etc………… i hope you would understand what i want to say you…………….

Thank you. You’re really cute :D

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Everything is very clear Ronnie, Thanks Jayathilake Sri Lanka

really it’s a very usful video for veiwers ….. really today i learn do & make … i understood thx a lot

Wow, i fell luck i found this website ! Thanks a lot to you all teachers ! I’m from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil and you can bet that i’ll come everyday !

My score was 4/5 !

Thanks you!! a lot

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That’s it! I made five points. Teacher, i have some questions and i guess you’re the one to solve them. I always make mistakes with “IN”, “AT” and “ON”. Is there a way to know when we have to use each of them ?

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Thanks a lot Ronnie!

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hey Ronnie ! thanks for the lesson :) i like your way of teaching it’s so exinting !

Thank you Ronnie to your advice , I will try it in the future .

Thank you for providing the correct usage of do and make.I really appriciate your help.

Hi Ronnie… Thanks alot for your Lessons…..

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Hi, Ronnie. Your lessons are really amazing. They are designed so fantastically that we can bring them into practical use soon after listening to them.

Hi Ronnie. I have problem between idioms and phrasal verbs.So please tell me what do i??Because I’m really confused that where can we use the normal verbs and phrasal verbs and idioms.so please tell me i’m really confused.So please help me and give me your some advise. And one more question that where can we use the having word and hell.. Example is…. What the hell and you having us etc………… i hope you would understand what i want to say you…………….

It’s a very useful lesson! And yes, They are kinda confusing.

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thanks alot teacher

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many many thanks Ronnei,

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Mrs. Ronmie, thank you very much for your clear explanation, but I want to ask about something! when you were explaining, at once you said the word ( creating ), and you also said the same word but in a different order, which is ( creation ). I believe both of them were used as nouns, could you please tell us the difference between both. I have had this question for a long time, but I hope it’s going to be clear enough to me by your answer. The same thing with the word ( communicating ), and the word ( communication. I also know when we add the ING to a verb, it changes to a noun, so I have an idea about how the gerund goes, but knowing the differences between ( creating, and creation ) is not clear enough to me. Thank you.

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Creating = present continuous. “I am creating a necklace.” Creation = noun. “My creation is a necklace.”

Thank you very much Mrs. Ronnie,,

thank you for the lessons teacher Ronnie :) 5 out 5 yes!

Ronnie, I desperately need help about pronunciation. Just tell me how am I supposed to pronounce endings of specific words such se PRONUNCIATION, CALCULATION, AVIATION? I used to pronounce it, for example /pr-nan-si-ei-sn/, but after I’ve watched your lesson where you said we should pronounce /pr-nan-si-ei-sin/. I mixed all those words in my head, and everything I used to know, now I don’t. Please tell me hoe to pronounce them :(

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They all end in “shin”. Cal-ku-lay-shin. A-v-a-shin

Hi Ronnie, many confuses to pronoun vocabulary in English at first word: Ex: aviation from you A-v-a-shin but someone read ei-vi-ei-shion or idea read ai-dia but Indian not read ai…..ete. could you show me how to indicate reading the words. thanks

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Hello Sir, i am very glade form youer teaching but i have a one quishion. can we use short form in english like u r (youer) and 2 buzy (to buzy )

nice job Ronnie, tell me is their difference in American English and Canadian and Australian

Awesome video’s… Thank you…..

Awesome video’s…:-) Thank you….

your great person and we never meet but i think your the best thanx

Thanks Madam Ronnie you are great that you are providing good communication skills .You delivered lecture DO ,Make . I want to ask you Is this correct use of DO, Make ?

Do the dishes . I am doing dishes . Did you not do dishes ?

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Great work! But you need to say “the dishes” in all the sentences!

I made it.thanks Ronnie to give me full marks

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Hi Ronnie.First of all you’re the great teacher.You’re my best teacher.But i have a problem.I’m facing IELTS exam end of this year please give me some advices for decrease my tension,I’m waiting for your advice……….

Don’t worry about it – just try your best and you will do well!

Hi Ronnie, you’re a great teacher.I realy like you lessons

hi ronnie, ur good at ur teaching can u make a video on if clause and unless I am bit confused with that…………….. waiting for ur replay……. Harin

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OK I will try to make a video for you!

Thank you very much Ronnie

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Hi, Ronnie! I hope you’re doing great. Sorry to bother you by my irrelevant questions but I really don’t know anyone who can help me more than you! I’ve 3 questions concerning syntax. 1) What is the present third-person singular (s 3d) of “have” and “be”? 2)If I asked you to fill out the noun paradigms of: fish, clothes, physics and measles, what would you write in the “-s plural” column for each one? 3) When filling out the comparable paradigms, I fail to know which adjectives take the -ER cp and -SP cp (like healthy, healthier, healthiest), and which adjectives don’t but rather be proceeded by more and most (like honest, more honest, most honest). Could you tell me a rule or a solution for this problem, please? Thanks in advance and I really hope that I don’t annoy you!

1) They 2) fish -fish (OR fishes if you are talking about different species of fish). clothes-clothes, measles-measles. 3) If the adjective has 1-2 syllables, you use – er -est. If the adjective has 2 or more syllables, add more/the most. The problem is that these rules overlap (2 syllables) Two-syllable adjectives ending in –er, -le, or –ow – ous -ed -est ……add –er and –est to form the comparative and superlative forms. Some 2-syllable adjectives can use BOTH !!!!!!!! clever gentle friendly quiet simple

Thanks, Ronnie, very useful lesson

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Hi Ronnie, I watched your video on q&a in job interview. I went for a job interview last week, I didn’t get the job however that was the best interview I have had in a long time, many thanks! Alison

Hi! Miss Ronnie p;z solve my problem for the words glisten, glitter, shine, gleam, glow, sparkle, shimmer, bright plz make a lesson for these words Thank you

Ok I will try!

Hi Ronnie. Congratulations. You’re a great teacher. I liked your lesson so much. Watching you to teach, the English language seems very easy. Thank you for help me learn English.

Ronnie, really my back ground to be rural but really enjoyed and understood ur session…!if it possible can u send any English material to my mail Id.

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great lesson,but my question is what is the difference between close and near?

They are the same. Except we have to say close + to and near we NEVER use a preposition!! I live near the river. I live close to the river!

Hellow There will iam junaid alam i have been following your lessons closely and i am of the view that you that are the best teacher believe me . Maam i am going to take toefl test this january and i am having difficulty dealing with expression like that is and oh yes and many others Can you help me out in this regard i will be really thank ful i really need your help.

Thanks ronnie for giving us good topics to learn. i really appreciate on how you deliver your teaching.

Hi teacher I Arabian, I would speak English can you my friend via messenger please ^_^

I am an Arab sorry ^_^

great Ronnie Gianfranco

I’ve done 5 of 5!!! Very useful lesson. Thank You!!!

Hello my dearest teacher Ronnie,your style of teaching is very well.I am from India and want to work in USA.So help me to improve my English.Thanks a lot.

thanks a lot. this’s realy great!

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hello rannie I just wanted 2say THANK YOU ( you r the best )

Tks Ronnie. You’re so kind. Lily from Brazil

Hi Ronnie thank you thank you thank you :) You have a beutiful way to teach us and i love it I saw your leasons in youtybe then I enthusiastic to learn more , Then I SignUp in this site:) “sorry for spelling ;)”

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I like the way you teach RRRonnie THANK YOU…….. I used to live in the USA but now I live in Mexico city and Im a teacher and I have alot of problems in teaching.I DONT wanna bother you, I JUST WANNA have a friend like you…right now were in vacatios 10 days..do you vave some tips to teach adjectives and adverbs.than you again talk to later

Search the site for adjective and adverb – there is a video for it! Good luck!

Do you do this about yourself. your a hart worker,you are a good person. I wish i can be like you.Merry Christmas and a happy new year

hi miss ronnie thank for all your lessons … i really like it .. but im new in thes web & i dont know from where to start on .so if you can help me and tell me from where to start

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Ronnie, how i can play your lesson continue?

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood

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hi that,s great lesson

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hi Ronnie I want to ask about If someone didn’t understand me I can say don’t get me wrong . Is that correct ? please correct me If I’m not mistaken thanks….

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No – we use don;t get me wrong when we are justifying our opinion. Ex… I hate Christmas. Don’t get me wrong I like the food, just not the shopping.

Ronnie you are the best teacher. Thank you for this lesson!

Ronnie, you are just hilarious teacher! That vacuum looked like a armchair with a sucking dust bottom! that is an idea for a new generation vacuums! :)

thank you so much ronnie , you are great because your lessons are very clear and funny ,thank you and merry christmas

Hi Ronnie can you help me.(when Iam writing Ihave some mastek) Ex v-f-ph

Hi Ronie the lesson it’s very helpfull and very clearly thanks a lot happy new year.

Hi Ronnie i would like to say tanks-for helping me to improve English .and i always looked your videos keep it up . but one thing i want to ask you .there is a problem in me when every thing i understand but i can’t remember it so can you give me some ways to recognize my lesson ? OK I am waiting for you to answer my questons

THe only way to remember anything is to repeat and review it!

dear ronnine,you have an excellent teaching method. I love it.keep it up

hi Ronnie, you are nice teacher. thank you for this exercise.

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Thank you But if it is possible to let the quota be a good interpreter Thanks once again (in other words what you are saying is written on screen)

HI Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a good teacher. I like you a lot. thanks for you

hi Ronnie, thanks for lesson

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Hi Ronnie teacher. I want to speak in english plz help me.

Ronnie, thank U so much. I understood everything that you said, I hope with your lessons I will improve my English. Thank U.

Madam Ronnie You are a good tutor, and describing things very clearly thanks a lot

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that a great lesson, thank you Ronnie

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Good evening my teacher , realy you are very exclent teacher . Thank you

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Madam Ronnie you are the best teacher . thank u so much .i understanding everything you said but i have writing and pronunciation problem so what you advise me to do madam

As far as pronunciation = listen and repeat English phrases! Writing = write a diary everyday.

hey! Ronnie its a great lesson love ya

thx very much,so interesting

awww i got 3 out 5…mam how i can improve my english…?? what shuld i do…? plz tel me…i luv to speak englsh bt i can’t…help me mam…:(

If you are having trouble in grammar, you just need to review and practice the rule you are learning. Make example sentences to help you! If you love to speak that you CAN do it!!! Just don’t worry about making a mistake!

Thanks for leassons. You are very good teacher. From Azerbaijan

thank u am proud 2b 1 of your students

Thanks Ronnie,The first time I heard that’s word (Chores).Now ,I know that mean is housework .God bless you,you’re the best.

hello ronnie.ı trouble with preposoitions in english.in addition being used at sentences as location,date,adress,we need methods which is used long sentences.could you help me.thanks

http://www.engvid.com/prepositions-how-to-use-in-at-and-on-in-english/ http://www.engvid.com/prepositions-of-place-at-on-in-grammar/ http://www.engvid.com/how-to-give-directions-in-english/ Check out these lessons!

Ronnie,Many thanks for lesson. Could you please explain me the correct option of this sentence which is ” his car is not so good because its break does’nt work properly Or his car is not so good beacuse its break not works properly Or his car is not so good because its break not working properly”?

hello ronnie, thank you so much for your lesson , you are the best =), but please help me, I have a big problem with vocabulary and ” writing” I don’t know how to express or how to write correctly my text, and I’am worried about that, because I have the final baccalauriat exam in english this year, and I don’t know what to do, What do you advice me ? Thank you so much!!!!

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Write a diary in English about your life! Write a sentence everyday, the try 2 sentences, then 3!! Just write about what you did that day or how you feel or any exciting/bad news!

Ronnie, you are the best! Thanks a lot for your funny but important lessons.

Thank you, you are the best teacher, it is very accessibly and available

Thanks for your great job. :)

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hii Ronni thanks a lot for this lession .Ronni really you are a good teacher .you teach english in a better way but iam so confused in writing an essay ,tell me how to write an essay in english.If you can provide an english video lecture then please…….. Thenkew very much

Google “how to write an essay” – then you can have written examples! Good luck!

Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for the lesson. I really like the way you’re teaching…

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i got 4 of 5 corretly…

i got 4 out of 5.. why “I make my homework every day after school” is wrong?

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You don’t make/create the homework – the teacher does!

HI, thank you for the lesson… i have a question, what does mean “to make do”.. i read that in the list of verbs… thank you very much!

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To make do = to use what little supplies you have!


Ronnie,thank you! You are a very talented teacher. I love all your lessons.I have a question. You wrote “You don’t make/create the homework – the teacher does!”, but do=wash

hi first of all thank you so much for this lesson really it’s good lesson. i would like to speak with teacher Ronnie in Skype if possible please because reality she’s best teacher for me. so i can’t know how i thank you hope to see you soon

s0 interesting….

you are a good teacher tnx a lot i learn something in this lessen

Hi Ronnie!! This is an interesting video!!! Thank you!!!

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Ronnie,Many thanks for lesson. Could you please explain me the differences among the verbs “take place, occur n happen?

They are all the same! However, in Canada/US we say happen more than occur/take place!

salam thnks ronnie ma’am u teach vry well.will u help us about all use of tenses.thnks

Hi Ronnie, once again a wonderful lesson! i just wanna know how do we pronounce ‘Chores’ in American English?? as i have been pronouncing it ‘kores’ n i heard it as ‘Chores’ from ur mouth…plz guide on the correct pronunciation of this word. Apart i have been taught british english since childhood so often there is little confusion in the pronunciation of words correctly and now i m keen on learning american english n wanna get fluency in the same as now i am staying in the US from past 6months,,, so plz suggest me ways to enhance my american ascent n fluency…(like sounds of R & T) Thanks in advance

It is not “k” it is CH like choo choo!

Thanks Ronnie. I’d like to see some examples with the phrase “to make do”. Thank you in advanced.

thanks alot teacher Ronnie.I wanna to ask you how to learn english fast what is the method Iam awaiting for reply.thenks second you are deadly

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Thanks….They you are teaching is just amaizing…

Mam i would like to thank 4r a best teaching u know we Asian are so weak in english .

What can I say you’re terrific. Loves from Izmir,TURKEY

Hi Ronnie,could you please send me 02 examples for ‘mess’.

5 out of 5…yey!!! thanks ronnie Mam..

thx u r the best one i love u sooooo much thx thx

Hi! Excellent substitution do-wash Great lesson, thanks a lot

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hi ronnie thanks for lesson

I’m Iraqi English teacher, but I’m interested in your lessons. You are mild and likeable, every one like to watch your Video lessons. Please can I get your new lessons on my email? your prompt action will be highly appreciated. profound regards

Sorry, I don’t know how to do that!

Hi there!!! Thanks a lot for your lessons. When you have enough time, I would you like to see a class concerning an unique word: “to figure out”. I hear it millions of times everyday, but sometimes I don´t know what it is meaning exactly. Ta-ta for now.

To figure out means to understand/comprehend something that may have taken a long time. Ex. I finally figured out what the problem was with my computer!

Ronnie I m a student in a high school and I love you a lot and I really wish u were my aunt.(I would spend all my time with u):) I watch your videos every week. u are really funny.If u come to Turkey I really wanna meet u.

i would like to say you are excellent teacher really i learn alot from you and your childhood trick awesome … tell me how can i over come my spelling mistakes and how can i improve writing like office emails and proposals ect..

As far as spelling mistakes, you should install spell check so that the computer corrects the spelling mistakes for you!

Ronnie thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

hello >>> ronnie i really thanks you so i have questions?

1_ what is the difference between this two sentences :

who did eat the chicken ?

who ate the chicken?

and when we use each one please explain

2_ i heard a singer said :

she dont sleep

but why he used dont i should be doesnt

and i also heard one said:

she lookin at me

why he did not put” is ” please explain >>>>>>>>>>>finally thanks

who ate the chicken? = correct. who did eat the chicken? = wrong = you can only have 1 verb in this sentence. Singers NEVER use correct grammar!

thank you Ronnie your way is very fantastic

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thanks for this explanation. I’ve learned by heart DO and MAKE before I visit this www. but made a mistake sometimes. You did a great job for me: Do = wash, make = creation. Bravo

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Hello, would you like to lern English together protanya?

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Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie i love the way you’re teaching. well, i got some difficulties with ” active voice/passive voice” and ” direct speech/indirect speech in english i don’t know if you’re already made some videos lessons on them, if yes i’d like to have the link. Thank you so much. Jude from Haiti.

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The direct/indirect speech video will be up soon! Go to the site search for “passive”, there is a lesson for you!

hello madame, i faced problem of different between Do and MAKE , know i am very clear about it. i am confused about ON and IN (on leave , in leave) please help me on this chores

Search for “prepositions” on the site – there are many lessons to help you! Leave on = keep on top of something. Leave in = keep inside of something!

Thanks a lot Ronnie. I dont understand “I have to vacuum” it means “I do the vacuuming” or “I need to vacuum”? pls help

“I need to vacuum”

Hello Ronnie again i wanna dustareb you that several i tolled you a bout tag question but didn’t answer me why if you thought a bout that plz sand me the link to find it out okay wish you don;t mind that love you all by

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thanks ronnie i learnt a lot from tag question what ever you thought us again thanks from the core of may heart love you all

Hai Ronnie ! Could you answer me these questions:

1. The phrases ‘ me too’ or ‘ mine too’. Which is the correct? Why?

2. Which the sentences is correct? ‘ Do you done your homework’ or ‘ Do you finished your homework?

3. If we are in university, the lecturer give me some exercise. Can we say that exercises is treated as ‘ homework’ or ‘ assessment’ or ‘ exercise’ other? Why?

I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank you kindly!

With regards, Fong

thnks for the lesson .

thanks good lesson

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i love your teaching way…:)

Hi Ronnie, you have a funny way to teach, I love it! I want to ask you, when should I to use the progressive form?, for example: “I like working”, “what do you like doing?” (I have seen these sentences in a handbook) sincerely I would write them: “I like to work”, “what do you like to do?” Thanks for your help, Ronnie. Best wishes.

Check out this lesson to help you! http://www.engvid.com/gerund-or-infinitive/

i am dalmar i want to learn engilsh how can i learn in english plz

my name is nuune i want to learn enlish plz help me from nuune cadde

Hi Ronnie i love your lessons you too much good. After i learn your teaching now i am able to write you some thing. thank you so much and God give you a better life. bye take care your self.

Hi Ronnie, very good lessons could you recommend me a good and easy book for speaking, grammar and with a lot of exercises. Thanks

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Sorry, I do not know any good textbooks to help you!

The way you deliver your lessons is quite interesting and amusing. Thanks.

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hello ronnie,

you’re a good english teacher and all of your lesson’s are very excellent!.but i suggest one thing,could you add “subtitles” in your video so we can understand you well,

I don’t know how to do that…sorry!

Thanks for answering my comment, I want you recommend me an good english workbooks for grammar and for speaking

Sorry, I really don’t know any good workbooks…I think they are all pretty much the same. If you want to learn slang….you can get a series of books called “Slangman”. http://www.slangmanpub.com/

hey ronnie! correct me… i’m busy in house chores. i’m busy with house chores.

I’m busy with house chores.

I have so many chores .soI dnt get more time to watch engvid lessons.but I make my bed anddo the launtry.Im fromKERALAinINDIA..I want to get a penfriend to improve my english.KERALA is aGODs on country.Ialso invite all of you kerala.

Ronnie this video is very useful, thanks a lot

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I’m back…Thank you Ronnie.

hi guys! im doing private lessons to a girl about thirty years old and we ware friends and its the first time i do this job. what are the very first lessons to do for the level of beginner?

Teacher, making a mess means we tidy something, isn’t it?

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No! Making a mess is the opposite of tidy. Make a mess = dirty!

I was born in C anada too!

Many thanks Ronnie

Ronnie I’m very confused among thse words : washroom ,bathroom toilet,lavatory ,prissy ,Latrine. can you explain them to me please and may allah reward you highest paradise

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Thank very much Ronnie it has been so good!

Thank you so much Madam, you’re the best.

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thanks alot

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Thanks a lot ,,,,

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I love this website!

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hello dear Ronnel i am sayed naqib sahar i one request u that when u make u r new video plz sand it to may Emil address okay love u all

Sorry, I cannot send videos to your email!

Excellent lesson Ronnie!!!

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Hi, can i say: i´ll make the dishes, or i´ll make laundry, or i´ll do the bed, or i´ll do my lunch. is taht correct?.

NO. Watch the lesson again.

Hi Ronnie! Thanks for God we have teacher like you. You are great!! I´ve been watching you classes few days ago and I really appreciated them. You are a very special teacher. Bye!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher.

thanks ronnie. i got 5 out of 5 ,

thanks i benefit your lesson

i got 5 out of 5 thank u for teaching us.

hi ronnie thank u from morocco nice teacher love u we invite u to morocco

Teacher You’re a so great, You got a felling, thanks for the way You teach

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Thank you very much ronnie, you are nice teacher as always

Ronnie I don’t understood you said that “do”is when been wash like the floor and etc… but “Do the homework” was strange because you don’t wash the homework (kkk)For me understand better can you explain for me ? THANKS SO MUCH YOU’RE THE BEST !!

I’m waiting for answers!! kisses

Thank you very much!! I’m Mongolian.. And do you know Mongolia?

Thanks a bundle.

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thankz a lot. you are a good teacher.

Let me tell you, you’re the best teacher. I love the way you teach people.

Vacume or Vacuume ?

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i now notice that – vacuum not vacuume :)

Many thanks i really leaned.and wish you all the best

hi can i participate in your chat?i want to improve my English language

Dearest Ronnie, I would like to say that your lessons are fantastic! Every night i access the Internet to watch your videos. Thanks for all!

hi Ronnie, do you have any video such as (any,some,much)

Thank you teacher.

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Ronnie your each and every lecture is extremely useful for me.

Teacher Ronnie thank you so much, this lesson reminds me of my childhood friend that normally visits me. he was a good boy that does his housework before going out to play, we used to play together before heading either his house or mine to have a lunch. Thank you Ronnie and all the entire staffs of envid , you people are wonderful. kudos

Thank you so much for your lessons its so useful for us.

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thank you Ronni. It is so useful for me.

u r awesome dear but onething u mentioned here about some interview questions and answers about that plzzzzzzzzz its a kind request thank u…bye

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5/5 Thanks a looooot Ronni ^^

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how can i use if ,were,would,and will the proper way tell me about all way

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your lesson as sweet as you are ^^

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Thank you very much for all the efforts .. Grateful to you ……

Hello Ronnie, I would like to say that your lessons are fantastic! Thank you so much…

you are awsomen! you make english so funny…thanks

thank you so much Ronnie. its the best lesson i found it in internet and you are the best Teacher. i liked your lesson so much Jamal. from. Libya

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I LOVE this lesson! It’s so good! It helped me a lot in my grammar! Waiting for more lessons!

I REALLY like this lesson!!

Hi my best teacher just i want say thank youuuuuu……….

dear ronnie : good afternoon you great teacher and good style lesson thanks

Thank you very much teacher Teacher can you help me ? Can you explane the phreasl verb do & make

Thanks Ms Ronnie. I loved your tips. Could you explain me about some slangs?. when you can speak or not. Thanks

Thanks I got 8

OK I got 10 Thanks dear Ronnie

yap i will got 5 out of 5 continue 4 times….

thanks for u r great job. i like u r site. i will improve my english help of u r site…. really thanks a lot..

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Hi, Ronnie, I hope you are doing great. I do like your way when you are teaching. Thank you and of all of you

Ronnie, hi! Could you please clear this up for me? Is it correct that making the bed means both making in look nice and tidy in the morning and prepare it before sleeping in the night? Thank you very much!

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Thanks teacher Ronnie you are unique person I know

Excuse me teacher Ronnie can you help me I want to learn English quickly what way I have to do I hope you help me

I’ve been watching some video of yours. You have a very good sense of humour I think. I like the way you talk and your facial expression. Everytime I watch your video, it makes smile. And thnks for your lesson.

Tanks for the lesson Ronnie. I´m improving day after day.

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Hey Ronnie, what are you up to? I really like your classes and I was wondering if you could teach us the most common phrasal verbs and idioms used in everyday conversation. Congrats, you’re an amazing teacher

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Dear Ronnie!thank you very much for ur english, ur explanations. U are a great specialist!

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Dear Ronnie You are lovely teacher and I am understanding your lesson. You are a great specialist

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Thank you very much.

Peculiar “attention-catching” teacher!

Claudio. (Italy)

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Tks. You’re a very good teacher!Congratulations!

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When I make my bed I create an art piece, awesome, I will never forget this. Kind regards

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You have to sleep more and don’t do chores at all. :)

You are cool!

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You made splendid explanation! Many thanks, Ronnie!!! :)

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Hi Ronnie I’m Redha and I’m from Algeria my English is not very strong but I understood every word you said in your videos. So thank you very much you are doing a great job here. Please I have a question : Is there an exception in the * DO&MAKE* lesson ?

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thanks ronnie !!

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I understand from your lesson that I can say : I make a comment instead of : I do a comment.

Hi! Ronnie I have a question! What’s the Difference Between “prepare” and “cook”? I always confuse these words!!!! … Thank You!!!! =)

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I got 100% , seems like I do my housework perfectly. Thanks Ronnie you are always genuine.

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Oh oh I got perfect score again,I am feeling happy and excited to learn more

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how we use “used to”

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when we use “ever” and “forever”..?

After almost 2 months vacations I get 100 % in this lesson. Thanks.

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really you are great .. thank you

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this is the best site for learning english. thanks a lot!

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hi,ronnie. you are great..all the video i’ve seen,it helps me a lot…thank you very much and sorry for my grammar i dont know if its correct… can i have a request please? can you make a video or explain to me the proper usage of “WITH” ? i am confused when will i use it …. THANKS IN ADVANCE :) .. waiting for your reply..

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ohhh no, I got 3 from 5…..so bed.

Hi Ronnie,thank you for this video:-) You are the best.After this I dont have mess in my head , in my room only :-D

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hi,that was great.

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hi teacher : hope u r doing well to make means to create : why we use ( to do the homework ) thank u

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Hi Ronnie, you’re the best teacher, cause I understand almost everything you say…haha,but really, it’s truth. There are others teachers that speak too much fast and it’s like a mission impossible to understand what they’re saying. Hugs!!

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Hello Ronnie, Have you ever listen to I gotta feeling by black eyes pear? they sang “let’s do it, let’s do it, let’s do it” I think the song is a bout creative…. so why they said that still? it’s slang? it’s wrong? or i am wrong?

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I have a ?4U LOL

you are my best teacher thank you a lot for all the information

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can you give me some information ? because i love english but i’m not good in it

interesting lesson

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i wish I had watched this video two days ago. Because I needed a hoover and I didnt know how i would want it form dormitory personals. thanks , Ronnie this lesson is very usefull

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Thanks got 60%.

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Chores are:

*fun things we love to do

Hahaha.. I love your sense of humour, Ronnie :)

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Thank you Ronnie.I liked your lessons.

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thanks ronnie this video was really helpful, you are an excellent, after watching this video I solved my doubt.

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thanks ronnie this video was really helpful, you are an excellent teacher, after watching this video I solved my doubt.

you are so excellent teacher , ronnie . Thanks a lot :-)

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Thank you Ronnie, you are excellent and funny teacher. I ever learn using your videos.

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Thank You :)

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Interesting lesson. Thanks teacher Ronnie

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Hi Ronnie, I found your website on youtube and this is really a big help for me because I want to learn more about English. ;-)

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Thank you Ronnie

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Excellent job easy explanation but I still confuse when I talk to some body but I do thank you very much

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i like it here. Just got a little confuse about that “homework” thing. we never wash our homework right? so i put ” make my homework”, where in a sense i know from the start that it should be ” do my homework”. har..har..har..

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thanks. You are my best teacher, Ronie. But I feel very boring because I don’t become better after longtime.

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thank Ronnie, I love your english class……..

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Thanks So mach Ronnie :)

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I like you and your lessons too, Ronnie. Thank ou very much!

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Hi Ronnie…. You are great. The way of teaching is excellent. Bravo babes

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thank you:)

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wow 5/5 Hello thank you mis ronnie i wake up and i did the best today .i made my bed , made my breakfast and finally i did my dishes.

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Thanks a lot :-)

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Not too bad, thanks.

Thanks, you are lovely.

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Hey Ronnie, I’m Brzilian and you are helping a lot. Thanks so much!

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Thank you very much, Ronnie! Great class, teacher! And I really liked the drawing of the vacuum, :D See you later.

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Thanks a million Ronnie!!! You are my star :)

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Hi, Ronnie ! Thank you for the lesson. It was fun when you teach that’s make learning quick. Can you help me understanding the usage of Think, Feel, Sound and Believe. When and Where to use them? ?

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* Also “Seems” i forgot to mention it in earlier post.

*Also “Seems” i forgot to mention it in earlier post.

what a mess I did

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or what a mess I made?

Thanks a lot ma’am Ronnie. I really had a problem with expressing myself when it comes to chores. As a result my performance on this quiz dropped by 20%, I used to get 100% in the previous Quizzes I took.

#Anyone feel free to correct me if I made any mistake on the statements above, either grammar, spelling or punctuation.

EngVid is the Best!! :)

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Thank you so much!

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very useful Thanks a lot Ronnie!

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Hi dearv ronnie, can I say I made my dinner?

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Thanks Ronnie :)

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Thanks from POLAND ??????

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good lissen mam

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That’s a great lesson! I wish to understand the differences between do and make in housework!

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Thanks!! You are the best teacher!!

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Tanks a LOT

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Thanks Ronnie

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Hey Ronnie!!!!

Thanks a lot for help with expression, because I had very mistake with them. ^^

obs: sorry, for grammaticals wrongs or wrongs words

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Thank you, Ronnie.Your teaching is interesting for me.

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Many thanks .

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Hi Ronnie :) can you tell me about what’s the different between (make time) & (do time) ?

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how are you ronnie my namis eba im mongolia im mining engineer i working for centerra gold gold mine that company is canada.so i want very very improve skill english.help me please

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Hello Mam !you teach very well and in simple way.I learn alot from your all lessons.Thank you mam.

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I’ve got through this lesson the right way of using MAKE or DO, often confused. I’m very happy. Thank you Ronnie.

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Hi Ronnie, very useful lesson again and very well done, thank you very much ;) By the way, i come back from Toronto,they speak very quickly, it was difficult for me to understand them but i had a great stay with my friends who live in there.

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Thanks big hug from Colombia Ronnie

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I love it Ronnie lessons, thanks for creatives and good actitud always ?

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Hello Ronnie, Love you so much. Thank you for all lesson if I want to speak English very well. How Do I do? Ronnie

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Thanks Ronnie. please could you please show me the different between “to make a time ” and to do a time “

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Hi Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher, thanks for your explanations. God bless you

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I got all the questions right. Thanks, Ronnie, you’re the best!!!!

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Hello, Ronnie, thanks a lot for these lesson. However,I have a question about “do my homework”, but not “make my homework”. you said–“do means wash, make means create”; they are different words but same meaning. Can I say “make my homework”? Please explain this rule for me, thank you very much.

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Hi Ronie i am writen from Djibouti…. i am a trainee english teacher in secondary school here…in Djibouti of course and specialy grade 10…okkk… first of all thank you for all of your lessons…but i have question concerning the passive voice…as i remember you made an exampl like an active voice …I eat the lunch and you made the passive voice the lunch was eaten…why??? Why not the lunch is eaten… thanks a lot…

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1oo%5 really happy for not making mistakes

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I always said for you,”Thank you.”

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Just because of your teaching style i can understand very easily and that’s the main reason which gives me 100% result. thanx miss Ronnie.

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Thank you! Ronnie many times i get these lessons late, i do not know if there are someone follow them live. please my teacher keep me posted!

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You got 5 correct out of 5.

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Thank you Ronnie i love you

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thanks for the lesson it was great. I gotta go becouse my wife asked me to do the dishes and the loundry and I do not know what to make for lunch.

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Thanks Ms. Ronnie.

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Hi Ronnie, thank you for your explanation.

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5/5! Good! I am lazy to do any housework.

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5/5 thanks a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan o6 Dec2o21:)

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I’m glad you exist sweet Ronnie and I’m quite grateful for your funny English lessons…greetings from Surco

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Thanks Ronnie 5/5

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I’m quite grateful dear Ronnie for your entertaining English lessons….. many greetings from Surco

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Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Do or make ?

When we use do and make with noun phrases, do focuses on the process of acting or performing something, make emphasises more the product or outcome of an action:

When I was [action] doing the calculations, I [outcome] made two mistakes.
I [action] did some work for her last summer; I [outcome] made a pond in her garden.

Nouns which combine with do



I do the shopping on Fridays usually.
Could you do a job for me next week?
Who does the cooking in your house?

Nouns which combine with make

They made me an interesting offer of a job in Warsaw.
Not many building firms will make a profit this year.
I have to make a phone call.

Do as a main verb



Word of the Day


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of or relating to a parliament

Fakes and forgeries (Things that are not what they seem to be)

Fakes and forgeries (Things that are not what they seem to be)

i do my homework expression

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do/make Expressions

Here are some standard expressions that you should learn. Notice that as main verbs we use make more often than do :

  • do a favour
  • do business
  • make an attempt
  • make a bed*
  • make a change/changes
  • make a complaint
  • make a decision
  • make a demand
  • make an effort
  • make an exception
  • make an excuse
  • make a loss
  • make a mistake
  • make a noise
  • make an offer
  • make a phone call
  • make a profit
  • make a suggestion

* make a bed usually means "tidy the bedclothes" but it could also mean "manufacture the furniture"

Reported questions with expressions of time – Exercise

Task no. 2325.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Peter, "Did John clean the black shoes yesterday?" Peter asked me  

Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes the day before .

Do you need help?

Reported questions in English

  • Mandy, "Are the boys reading the book?" Yesterday Mandy asked me .
  • Jason, "Who gave you the laptop?" Yesterday Jason wanted to know .
  • Robert, "Is Tim leaving on Friday?" Yesterday Robert asked me .
  • Daniel, "Will it rain tomorrow?" Yesterday Daniel asked me .
  • Jennifer, "Where do you play football today?" Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know .
  • Nancy, "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?" Yesterday Nancy wanted to know .
  • Barbara, "Must I do my homework this afternoon?" Yesterday Barbara asked me .
  • Linda, "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?" Yesterday Linda wanted to know .
  • Grandmother, "Where are my glasses?" Yesterday Grandmother asked me .
  • A man, "When does the train to Liverpool leave?" Yesterday a man asked me .
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech


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'Do' can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb. We can also conjugate it. In this lesson, we will learn more about it.

How to Use the Verb "Do" in the English Grammar

The verb do is used very often in English grammar. The verb do is used as an auxiliary verb or a main verb. In this lesson, we will learn all about it.

Functions of 'Do'

  • Auxiliary Verb

1. 'Do' as an Auxiliary Verb

Do as an auxiliary verb has no specific meaning and it is used to help make a question or a negation. Have a look:

  • Do as an auxiliary verb is used in simple present or simple past tense to make a question or negation. Have a look:

I work hard. → Do you work hard?/ I do not work hard.

'Work' is the simple present tense, so 'do' is needed to make a question or negation.

I tried to talk to him. → Did you try to talk to him?/ I did not try to talk to him.

'Tried' is the simple past tense, so 'did' is used.

  • Do is used to emphasize the verb. For example:

I do know what I say.

The speaker emphasizes what they know.

He did go there. I witnessed it.

The verb to be is the only main verb that does not take the auxiliary verb 'do' in questions or negations. Look:

She is a doctor. → Is she a doctor?/ She is not a doctor.

Position in a Sentence

The auxiliary verb do mainly comes before the main verb. Remember that in short answers, it can be used alone. For example:

Do you know what I mean?

I don't know.

A : Do you understand?

B : Yes, I do .

Contraction & Negation of 'Do'

This table shows some examples of the negation and negative contractions of the verb do :

negation negative contraction
I do I do not I don't
she does she does not she doesn't
they do they do not they don't
I did I did not I didn't

For example:

I didn't go there.

She doesn't think like that.

2. 'Do' as a Main Verb

Do as the main verb contributes to the meaning of the sentence. Take a look:

  • Do as the main verb is a dummy verb in this structure: do + noun . Look:

I do my homework .

I did chemistry at university.

  • Do as a main verb means 'to perform, to act.' For example:

Do what you want.

What is he doing in the kitchen?

The verb do as the main verb acts like other main verbs and expresses the action of the doer. To make a question or negation, we still need the auxiliary verb 'do.' For example:

I do my laundry. → I don't do my laundry./ Do you do your laundry?

The underline words are auxiliary verbs.

Remember that modal verbs and the auxiliary verb have are prioritized when we have the main verb do in a sentence. For example:

I will do chemistry at university. → Will you do chemistry?/ I will not do chemistry.

She had done her homework. → Had she done her homework?


Here is the conjugation of the verb 'do.' Look:

singular plural
I do we do
you do you do
he/she does they do
singular plural
I did we did
you did you did
she/he did they did
  • past participle
singular plural
I have done we have done
you have done you have done
she/he has done they have done
  • progressive
singular plural
I am doing we are doing
you are doing you are doing
she/he is doing they are doing

Recommend :

How to Use "whom" in the English Grammar



Simple Present Tense (do-does) – With Usage, Pictures and Example Sentences

simple present tense

Simple present tense (present simple tense) is a verb tense that describes the events and situations that do not change over time. We use simple present tense for the actions that happen regualarly, and that is why we use some frequency adverbs to express these repititive actions. “ Do ” and “ does ” are the auxiliary verbs of present simple tense. However, “ do ” and “ does ” are not used in positive sentences. They are used only in negative and question sentences. The auxiliary verb “ does ” is used for third person singular ( He, She, It ). In other subjects ( I, You, We, They ), the auxiliary verb “ do ” is used. The following animated sentences are examples of present simple tense:

simple present tense - grammar timeline

Examples with Pictures Dialogue exercise Sentence scramble game Translation exercise

⬤ Formation of simple present tense

For affirmative sentences we use the infinite form of the verb, but for negative sentences we use “ not ” after the auxiliary “do” and “does”. For questions we put “do/does” before the subject.

⬤ Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple present tense?

The auxiliary verbs in simple present tense are “ do / does “. However we use “ am, is, are ” to talk about a general state or condition. Examples:

  • I work in the office.
  • I don’t work in the office.
  • Do you work in the office?
  • I am in the office.
  • Are you in the office?

SIMILAR PAGES: ❯❯ Learn verb to be here ❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here ❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here ❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here ❯❯ Learn simple past tense here ❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here ❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here

⬤ Positive (Affirmative) sentences

For the formation of positive sentences in simple present tense we do not use “do” or “does” in front of the verb. This may sound strange. Because we know that the auxiliary verbs that precede the verbs help us understand the tense of the sentence. However, the verb is alone here. In addition, for the subjects “He, She, It”, the suffix “ -s ” is added at the end of the verb.

  • I like pizza.
  • We go abroad every summer.
  • She speak s three languages.
  • Lions eat meat.
  • Oliver walk s to school.
  • They play computer games.
  • Maria prefer s action movies.

✎ NOTE: The verb “ have ” changes into “ has ” when it gets “-s” at the end.

  • She has breakfast.
  • She doesn’t have breakfast.
  • Does she have breakfast?

✎ NOTE : In positive sentences, when the subject is “He, She, It”, we change “ -s ” into “ -es ” or “ -ies “. The reason is as follows:

  • For the verbs ending with “ -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o ” we add “ -es ” at the end of the verb. brush es , kiss es , catch es , fix es , go es , do es etc.
  • If the verb has “ -y ” at the end and it precedes with a consonant letter, we drop the “-y” and add “ -ies ” try> tr ies , fly> fl ies , carry> carr ies etc.

⬤ Negative sentences

For the formation of negative sentences in simple present tense we use “ not ” together with “ do / does “. The short forms are “ don’t / doesn’t ”

  • I don’t like cigarette.
  • Sarah doesn’t need help.
  • He doesn’t forget names.
  • They don’t go out alone.

⬤ Interrogative sentences (questions)

For the formation of question sentences (interrogative) in simple present tense we put “ do / does ” before the subject. This also applies to the “ Wh- questions” which we call “information questions” as well.

  • Do you like lemonade?
  • Does she keep secret?
  • Where do you live?
  • Why does Molly wear pink dresses?

⬤ Sentence forms in simple present tense

 I speak  I speak   you speak?
 You speak  You speak   you speak?
 He speak  He speak   he speak?
 She speak  She speak   she speak?
 It speak  It speak   it speak?
 We speak  We speak   we speak?
 They speak  They speak   they speak?

⬤ Example Sentences

  • (+) They like basketball.
  • (-) They don’t like basketball.
  • (?) Do they like basketball?
  • (?) What do they like?
  • (+) He likes basketball.
  • (-) He doesn’t like basketball.
  • (?) Does he like basketball?
  • (?) What does he like?

⬤ Explanations and usages of simple present tense

Lets go on with the explanations, usages and time adverbs of simple present tense

⬤ 1- Facts or generalizations.

It is used for events and situations that never change. Examples:

  • People need food in this village.
  • The wind blows a lot here.
  • Trains carry many passengers.
  • Smart phones cause some health problems.
  • Water boils at 100C degrees.
  • The earth revolves around the Sun.
  • Lions don’t eat grass.
  • Plants give us oxygen.
  • Pandas live in China.

⬤ 2- Habits, routines or repeated actions.

We use simple present tense to talk about habits and routines. Examples:

  • I get up at 8 o’clock every day.
  • Do you drink coffee every day?
  • She always brushes her teeth.
  • Leo plays his guitar in his room.

⬤ 3- Likes and dislikes

We can also use simple present tense to talk about likes and dislikes. Some commonly used verbs are as follows: “like”,”love”, “hate”, “dislike”, “enjoy” etc. Examples:

  • I love ice-cream.
  • Do you like playing chess?
  • She hates lies.
  • Sandra doesn’t like tea with sugar.
  • We like to swim.
  • I dislike cold weather.

⬤ 4- Scheduled events in near future

  • The train arrives at 9 AM.
  • The bus arrives at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
  • When do we board the plane?
  • When does the wedding ceremony start?
  • The films starts at 8.30
  • The bus arrives at 6PM.
  • The English lesson starts at 10.30.

⬤ 5- With non-progressive verbs

Some verbs in English doesn’t have continuous forms. These verbs are called non-progressive or non-continuous verbs. We use simple present tense with these verbs. Some non-progressive verbs are: believe, know, remember, understand, need, hate, like, love, prefer, want, feel, mean etc. Examples:

  • I know the answer. – CORRECT I am knowing the answer. – INCORRECT
  • I want some sugar. – CORRECT I am wanting some sugar. – INCORRECT
  • Brian feels cold. – CORRECT Brian isn’t feeling cold. – INCORRECT
  • I don’t remember her name. – CORRECT I am not remembering her name. – INCORRECT
  • Do you understand? – CORRECT Are you understanding? – INCORRECT

⬤ 6- Narrating events

Example: The man opens the door and goes out slowly. He looks around carefully. Then he sees a little cat under the tree. He grabs it and says “Oh. Are you hungry?”

⬤ Adverbs of Frequency

What are Adverbs of frequency? Simple present tense indicates repetitive actions, so it is good to say the frequency of these actions. In this case, we use some words called “Frequency adverbs”. These words are used just before the verb. This list of frequency adverbs is as follows:

⬤ List of frequency adverbs

  • occasionally
  • hardly ever

➔ Examples of frequency adverbs

Read the example sentences with the frequency adverbs and try to make similar sentences. Examples:

  • I often eat eggs for the breakfast.
  • I never smoke.
  • Lisa always walks to school.
  • Do you usually get up early?
  • You hardly ever say “Thanks”.
  • They don’t normally go out for dinner.
  • My father often forgets my birthday.
  • I generally have breakfast before I go out.

⬤ Memory cards to learn the adverbs of frequency

The cards below have adverbs of frequency. Click on them and try to say the meaning of them in your native language.


⬤ Time adverbs to use in simple present tense.

every ….

  • I play football ever weekend.
  • We go holiday ever summer.
  • She gets up late every day.

once, twice, three times, ten times etc.

  • I go to cinema once a month.
  • She goes out with her friends twice a week.
  • I call my son at least 3 times a day.

on Mondays, at the weekends, in the mornings

  • I call my grandparents on Saturdays.
  • In the evenings I take a taxi to go back home.

⬤ Verb to be (am, is, are)

We use am, is, are when we talk about a state rather than an action.

  • ⬤ I work in London. (Action verb)
  • ⬤ I am in London. (State verb)

➔ Action verbs examples (do, does)

  • Frank works at the hospital.
  • Frank doesn’t work at the hospital.
  • Does Frank work at the hospital?
  • Where does Frank work?

➔ Verb to be examples (am,is,are)

  • Frank is at the hospital.
  • Frank isn’t at the hospital.
  • Is Frank at the hospital?
  • Where is Frank?

⬤ Images and example sentences

Look at the images below and read the simple present tense sentences. Then try to understand the usage.

⬤ A dialogue example

Here is a dialogue to learn simple present tense. Read and try to make similar dialogues.

Do you go holiday every summer?

I like summer holidays very much.

Where do you go for holiday?

In fact, I don’t go to seaside.

I like camping in the mountains.

Where do you go for camping?

It is up to us.

We usually decide before we go.

If you want, you can join us.

⬤ Translate the sentences about simple present tense.

You will see some examples of simple present tense below. Translate them into your native language.

⬤ Sentence scramble game

You will see scrambled words of simple present tense sentences. Click on the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

⬤ Example sentences to learn simple present tense

Here are examples of simple present tense in context below. Some are affirmative some sentences are negative and some are interrogative.

➔ 10 example sentences :

  • I always get up early.
  • I don’t like hot weather.
  • Mr. Anderson usually forgets to lock the door.
  • She keeps secrets.
  • Cats don’t like swimming.
  • She rarely writes emails.
  • Steven looks happy.
  • I like reading poems a lot.
  • The children brush their teeth every day.
  • When I buy something, I read the instructions.

⬤ Questions and answers

You will see 10 questions with their answers below. Try to understand the formation of the sentences.

➔ 10 questions and answers

  • How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
  • Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I like ice-cream.
  • Why do you always wear sunglasses? Because I have a problem with my eyes.
  • Does your father help your mother at home? Yes, he does.
  • What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at about 11 PM.
  • Do you make noise in the classroom? No, I don’t.
  • Where are you from? I am from Canada.
  • How often do you watch TV? I sometimes watch TV.
  • Do you agree with me? No, I don’t agree with you.
  • Are you OK? Yes, I am OK.

⬤ Reading passage – Daily routine

My daily routine My name is Lydia Collins. I live in a flat. My day daily routine starts very early. Every morning I wake up at six o’clock and wear my school uniform. Then I have breakfast with my father and mother. My little brother doesn’t have breakfast with us. Because it is too early for him. After breakfast I go out and wait for the school bus. At about 7 AM I get on the bus. I come back home at 3 PM. I feel tired when I come back. I have a rest and play with Dody, our cat. Then I start doing my homework. I try to finish it before 7 PM. So that I can go out and play with my friends. We have dinner at 8 PM. We often have chicken for dinner but I hate chicken. I eat it because mum gets angry. After dinner I watch TV for an hour. I go to bed early because I’m always very tired at the end of the day.

External resources: You can also visit Wikibooks page to learn simple present tense , or watch a video for example sentences .

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  14. Please show me example sentences with "I do my homework"

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  15. Collocations with DO: 42 Useful Expressions with DO • 7ESL

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