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DELF A1: Writing a Postcard or letter in french about your vacation

DELF A1: Writing a Postcard or letter in french about your vacation

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

How do you write a postcard or letter in french telling someone, such as a friend, about your vacation? This is a common question to be found on many french exam or test paper. Well this article a step by step guide on how to write a postcard or letter telling someone about your vacation.  

In the Production Ecrite section of your french exam such as the DELF A1 exam, you will be required to write a message, email or letter consisting of 40 to 50 words.  So lets begin!

How to plan your postcard or letter in french

It is possible to plan and practice various response to the possible exercises before the date of your exam.  In general, when you are writing a postcard there are certain information you may include, such as:

  • How You went
  • Where you went (montagne, plage, campagne, ville…)
  • When / with whom you went
  • Where or with whom are you staying? (à l’hôtel, chez l’habitant, dans un camping, dans un gîte…) Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4
  • What you saw or visit/did or are doing, etc
  • Are you enjoying yourself?
  • What is the weather and or the place like
  • When are you coming back?
  • Sign your name

While it is not necessary to provide all of the above information, It is important to note that DELF exam instructions, sometimes select from the list above and specifically ask you to include such information. As a result, it is important to practice different response which will include different combination of the suggestions above. The ones highlighted in red are the basics and should almost always be included in your postcard.

Writing your postcard or letter in french

Sample exercise: writing  a postcard or letter in french about your vacation.

Exercise 1                                                                                                   15 points  

Vous êtes en vacances à Nice. Vous envoyez une petite carte postale a un ami à Paris. Vous lui parlez de temps, de vous activités et vous lui donnez votre date de retour. (40 à 50 mots).

Sample letter in french about your vacation :

Bonjour Jean,

  (Word count = 49)

Sample Exercise for You!


Je suis en vacances à _____________ pour _________________. C’est une ville très ______________. je visite_________________. c’est________________. Il fait______________ . Je rentrerai chez-moi _____________________.



  • Greetings : Bonjour Jean ( We could also use: “Salut Jean Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ”  “ Cher Jean” . Use “Chère” only if it is a female)
  • Where you are and for how long: Je suis en vacances à Nice pour cinq jours
  • What you did or are doing: Hier, j’ai jou é au volley sur la plage . Maintenant, je prends le déjeuner dans un petit café.
  • Are you enjoying yourself? Super!
  • What is the weather and or the place like: Il fait très beau, avec beaucoup de soleil.
  • When are you coming back?:  Je rentrerai chez-moi samedi prochain.
  • Farewells: Bises ( We could also use: “ Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 A bientôt” “or “a samedi !” or “a la semaine prochaine !” or “au revoir”)
  • Sign your name: Janet

There is agreement of adjective and verb: un petit café. Plus I have used three tenses:

  • Le présent: je prends, Il fait ,
  • le passé composé: j’ai jou é
  • le futur: Je rentrerai .

I have included the specific information that they had asked for. I have also stayed within the word limit. 

Remember to stick to the word limit and follow the instructions that are given. If they want you to provide any specific information such as when you are coming back, the weather, what you visited etc this must be included in your postcard. You will lose points if this is not done.

Check for Errors

Remember to read carefully through your text. Check to ensure that plural words have a plural ending. Make sure that there is agreement between adjectives and the nouns they describe (such as une belle église , un beau chateau ). Check all to ensure that all verbs are in the right tense and that the endings match the subject (such as Je vais for the present but Je suis allé for the past ). Check to make sure you have followed the instructions and fully used all the structures that you have learnt during your study.

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How would you write a postcard?

  • April 23, 2012

You’ve bought a postcard from Nice and now, it’s time to write to your French colleague Diane. Well. What will say? How will you phrase it? Sitting in a café, you could ask your neighbour. No. Let’s write it together.

A postcard in 1 phrase

Amitiés de Bordeaux

Formal Best wishes from Bordeaux

Gros bisous de Nantes.

Familiar Kisses from Nantes

A postcard step by step

Dire bonjour

Salut tout le monde !

Familiar Hi everyone

Chers amis,

Formal Dear friends

Where you are

Nous sommes à St Malo pour quelques jours / une semaine / les vacances

Formal We are in St Malo for a few days / a week / holidays

Nous profitons des vacances pour passer quelques jours à Paris.

Formal Since we are in holidays, we took the opportunity to spend a few days in Paris.

Nous voici enfin à Strasbourg pour quelques jours de repos bien merité.

Formal We are finally in Strasbourg where we will rest a few days. It’s well-deserved.

The weather

Il fait (très) beau. Le soleil est au rendez-vous.

The weather is great. It’s sunny.

Le temps est capricieux. Il pleut beaucoup.

The weather is bad. It rains a lot.

Il neige. Il fait très froid.

It’s snowing. The weather is very cold.

What you do

We sunbathe.

On va à la plage.

We go to the beach.

On fait du ski.

We are skiing.

On en profite pour lire.
On visite la ville.

We visit the town.

A bientot !

See you soon

On pense à vous !

We think of you.

Camille Tom & Julie La famille Martin Les 4 Dupont

Texts ready to use

Familiar, from a family, summer:

Salut tout le monde ! On passe quelques jours à St Malo en famille. Il fait très beau. On visite la ville à pied. Le soir, on découvre les spécialités bretonnes. Bref, on s’amuse bien. A très bientôt ! La famille Fron

Formal, from a couple, summer:

Chers amis, Nous voici dans le Sud-Ouest pour un séjour de 10 jours à deux. Le soleil brille. Nous visitons la région en voiture et nous arrêtons dans des petits villages, plus charmants les uns que les autres. Nous sommes ravis de ce voyage. En espérant vous revoir bientôt, Karine et Thomas

Formal, from 1 person, winter:

Bonjour à tous, Je vous écris de Toulouse où je passe quelques jours. Il pleut beaucoup et il fait très froid. C’est normal, c’est l’hiver, me direz-vous ! J’en profite pour visiter tous les musées de la ville et boire des chocolats chauds dans les cafés. Toulouse est une ville magnifique et ses habitants sont très chaleureux. Je suis ravie. A très bientôt, Sophie

Familiar, from a couple, winter

Salut Céline ! On est au ski pour une semaine aux Arcs. Depuis notre arrivée, il a neigé 2 jours puis grand soleil. On s’amuse bien. Marc a fait de gros progrès en ski. Je ne suis même pas encore tombée. Bisous Héloïse et Marc

A bientôt !

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Compréhnsion: Carte postale

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Reading comprehension of a French postcard.

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A1: Beginner French writing exercises

  • A busy sea holiday [US: vacation] Le Présent (Indicatif) Article défini Verbes réguliers avec -ER Aline spends her seaside holiday [US: vacation] enjoying water sports.
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  • A love letter Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Genre masculin Thomas writes a love letter to his girlfriend Julie.
  • A love story Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Family & Relationships Cécile and Andrew meet in a bar.
  • A musical family Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif possessif Music Family & Relationships In Killian's family, everyone loves music!
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  • A passion for planes Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pluriel Léo's little brother loves planes.
  • A quick phone call Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Franck calls his wife Lisa before she leaves work.
  • A quiet New Year's Eve Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Bastien likes spending New Year's Eve alone at home.
  • A rainy afternoon Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre masculin Family & Relationships Soizic and Armelle meet up on a rainy day in Brest.
  • A romantic Valentine Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Henri tells us about his special plans for Valentine's Day.
  • A stylish couple Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Préposition Karim describes a couple's stylish outfits.
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  • A week of treats Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Article défini To treat her mother, Julie organises a week of Mother's Day gifts.
  • A winter meal Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pluriel Food & Drink Bernard has his perfect comfort meal for cold nights.
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  • Anne's Easter loot Adjectif Préposition Pluriel Celebrations & Important Dates Anne lists all the treats she found during her Easter egg hunt.
  • Annoying Things Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Family & Relationships Philippe and Julien share some of the things that really annoy them.
  • Anthony, hairdresser Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Genre masculin Anthony tells us about his job as a hairdresser.
  • Arnaud and Ophélie describe themselves Le Présent (Indicatif) Article défini Verbes avec -OIR Family & Relationships Arnaud and Ophélie describe themselves physically.
  • Astérix Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Learn more about this iconic character from French culture.
  • At breakfast Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Adjectif Émilie and Jérémie are having breakfast.
  • At midnight Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Sébastien's family celebrates Christmas on the evening of the 24th.
  • At the airport Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbe irrégulier Louis and Lucie are about to get on a plane.
  • At the beach Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Conversation at the beach between an ice cream vendor and a customer.
  • At the beach Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Tom is telling us about his day at the beach.
  • At the bookshop Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Question/Interrogative Employment Literature, Poetry, Theatre François needs help choosing a book.
  • At the brasserie Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Article Eve orders food at a brasserie in France.
  • At the campsite Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Benjamin and Thomas have just arrived at the campsite.
  • At the gift shop Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Mike and Linda pick some souvenirs in a Montmartre gift shop.
  • At the newsagent's Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Employment Family & Relationships Sophie is buying a few items at a French newsagent's.
  • At the sporting goods store Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sports & Leisure Alain is buying tennis equipment for his son.
  • Baby at the beach Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Family & Relationships Baby enjoys being at the beach with his family.
  • Back to School Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Language & Education Family & Relationships Mathieu tells us about going back to school tomorrow.
  • Ball Sports Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pluriel Sports & Leisure Vincent and Leila discuss their favourite ball sports.
  • Between neighbours Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Question/Interrogative Neighbours Jules and Sarah talk about an upcoming barbecue.
  • Beyoncé Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Genre masculin Famous People Music Family & Relationships The famous singer introduces herself.
  • Board games Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Jonathan is playing board games with his family.
  • Booking a hotel room Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Pierre wants to book a room in a hotel.
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  • Cleaning with my family Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Jonathan and his family are cleaning the house today!
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  • Corsica is beautiful! Adjectif Pluriel Le Présent (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Julien explains why he thinks Corsica is so beautiful.
  • Do you like the French language? Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Language & Education Noémie and Léo have opposite opinions on the French language!
  • Do you like theme parks? Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Sports & Leisure Louis and Zoé give their opposite opinions on theme parks.
  • Driving in the city Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Genre féminin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Sophie and Christophe talk about driving in city centres [US: downtown].
  • Easter decorations Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Alice and her sister Zoé are decorating their house for Easter.
  • Easter preparations Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Adjectif Celebrations & Important Dates Language & Education Today, Daniel and his pupils are getting ready for Easter.
  • Émile and I Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Antoine talks about his imaginary friend, Émile.
  • Exchanging a scarf Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Adjectif démonstratif Family & Relationships Christine is returning a scarf to the shop
  • Father of two Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Pluriel Family & Relationships Léon talks about his two beloved children.
  • Father's Day Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Sophie has a special routine for Father's Day.
  • Filling in a form Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Adjectif Employment Family & Relationships Olivier answers questions from a form.
  • First day at uni Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Samuel and Gina meet at university.
  • Food shopping for a picnic Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Article Food & Drink Daniel and Aline are buying food for a picnic.
  • For equality Le Présent (Indicatif) Article défini Article Hadrien and Sonia explain why they're for gender equality.
  • Gardening with Jacqueline Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre masculin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Julia always loves to take care of her aunt's garden with her.
  • Going on a diet Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Futur Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Marie has a plan to lose weight this year.
  • Going shopping Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Food & Drink Family & Relationships Annie and Nicolas discuss her upcoming trip to the shop.
  • Hanukkah with my family Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Rachelle celebrates Hanukkah with her family every year.
  • Happy New Year! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Paul loves celebrating the New Year.
  • Healthcare in France Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom sujet Learn about France's healthcare system.
  • Hello, my name is France! Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Pluriel Politics, History & Economics The country France introduces itself.
  • Hello! I'm Mario! Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom Pronom sujet Famous People Sports & Leisure The famous plumber introduces himself.
  • Helping my neighbourhood Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Family & Relationships Noémie likes helping her neighbours after school.
  • Helping the planet Article Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Technology & Science François does his best to help the planet in his everyday life.
  • How to make a cake Préposition Article Futur Brigitte is going to make a cake today.
  • How to stay healthy Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Article Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Matthieu tells us about his healthy habits.
  • How to vote at a polling station in France? Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Politics, History & Economics Learn how to vote in a French election.
  • Hurray for football [US:soccer]! Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Annie's brother is a big fan of football [US:soccer].
  • Hurray for snow! Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Verbes réguliers avec -ER Léo loves snow.
  • Hurray for the city centre! Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Julien tells us why he loves living in the city centre [US: downtown].
  • Hurray for the internet! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Amir and Chloë talk about why they love the internet.
  • I hate the rain! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe Sports & Leisure Annie stays in on rainy days
  • I love camping! Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre masculin Anissa goes camping in the summer.
  • I love Hallowe'en! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe Gabriel tells us why he loves Hallowe'en.
  • I, Louis XIV Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Famous People Politics, History & Economics Family & Relationships The French king Louis XIV tells us about himself.
  • I'm hot! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Marc offers tips for dealing with the heat.
  • I'm Jean Valjean Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes avec -OIR At the beginning of Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables", our hero Jean Valjean knocks on a bishop's door.
  • In a Basque restaurant Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Question/Interrogative Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Pascal wants to try a Basque specialty while visiting Biarritz.
  • In French class Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom sujet Préposition Language & Education Marc explains what his French lessons consist of.
  • In science class Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Article défini Language & Education Family & Relationships Jérôme's favorite subject is science!
  • In the bathroom Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Pluriel Adrien describes his bathroom.
  • Jean-Paul's routine Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Family & Relationships Retiree Jean-Paul loves his morning routine.
  • Job: Postman Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Employment Philippe tells us about his job as a postman.
  • Job: Veterinarian Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Article What does being a veterinarian entail?
  • Juliette Binoche Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Article Famous People Film & TV The famous French actress tells us about herself.
  • Learning the guitar Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Pluriel Music Sports & Leisure Stéphane tells us about his guitar lessons.
  • Léna's family Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Genre masculin Family & Relationships Meet Léna's close family.
  • Mimi the mermaid Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Mimi the mermaid introduces herself.
  • Mister Grumpy Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Article défini Family & Relationships Meet Mister Grumpy who hates jokes, humour and pranks!
  • Money and me Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Troisième personne Politics, History & Economics Thibault and Flora are complete opposite when it comes to money!
  • Montpellier Hérault Rugby club Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Martin tells us about his favourite rugby club, the MHR.
  • Moods and colours Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Accord Language & Education Family & Relationships Martin likes different colours depending on his mood.
  • Mrs Durand's Menagerie Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Family & Relationships Mrs Durand loves her many animals.
  • My active routine Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sports & Leisure Thomas's routine reflects his passion for sports.
  • My afternoons with my friend Lise Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Nora and her friend Lise have a nice Saturday afternoon routine.
  • My astronaut costume Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Pluriel Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure This year, Hugo is dressing up as an astronaut for Mardi Gras.
  • My basketball team Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Quentin loves his basketball team!
  • My bicycle ride Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pluriel Bastien loves his weekend ride in the woods.
  • My children's Hallowe'en Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Adjectif Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Luc's children are all ready for Hallowe'en.
  • My cousin Benjamin Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pluriel Family & Relationships Jonathan talks about his favourite cousin.
  • My daughter and books Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre masculin Literature, Poetry, Theatre Sports & Leisure Patrick's daughter has a passion for books !
  • My daughter's birthday Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Family & Relationships David's daughter Émilie is turning seven today!
  • My daughters' interests Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Samuel's daughters have very different interests!
  • My dog's birthday Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Every year, Florian celebrates his dog Max's birthday.
  • My eco-friendly habits Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Marc tries to help the planet in his everyday life.
  • My favourite desserts Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Préposition Food & Drink Liliane, Sébastien and François talk about their favourite desserts.
  • My favourite instrument Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Marc and Véronique tell Sabrina what their favourite musical instruments are.
  • My favourite season Le Présent (Indicatif) Article défini Adjectif Bertrand tells us why he prefers fall to other seasons.
  • My favourite summer fruit Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Article défini Lucas tells what fruit he loves eating in the summer.
  • My favourite superheroes Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Verbes réguliers avec -ER Thomas talks about his favourite superheroes.
  • My favourite winter drink Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Food & Drink Find out what Coline's favourite winter drink is!
  • My godmother Isabelle and I Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Adjectif Family & Relationships Simon talks about his great relationship with his godmother.
  • My grandson Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbe irrégulier Raymond is completely gaga over his first grandson.
  • My hotel room Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Lucas describes his Paris hotel room.
  • My little sister Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Genre masculin Family & Relationships Damien's little sister can be pretty annoying.
  • My neighbourhood Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Préposition Family & Relationships Antoine tells us about his neighbourhood's best features.
  • My New Year's resolutions Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Adjectif possessif Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Thierry makes a list of good resolutions for the new year 2020.
  • My shopping list Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Article Food & Drink Family & Relationships Bertrand is getting his shopping list ready.
  • My sister the nurse Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Verbes réguliers avec -ER Laure tells us about her sister's job.
  • My staycation Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Arthur is going to enjoy his week of staycation.
  • My three children Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Justine tells us about her three beloved children.
  • My turtle Caroline Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom réfléchi Family & Relationships Daniel tells us about his favourite pet.
  • My twin daughters Adjectif Pluriel Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Philippe tells us about his lovely identical twins Ella and Emma.
  • My typical snowy day Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Pauline tells us what she likes to do when it snows outside.
  • My week of activities Le Présent (Indicatif) Article défini Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Julien's week is full on activities!
  • Night routine before a test Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Adjectif Language & Education Technology & Science Antoine's night-before-a-test routine is all about reducing stress.
  • No chores for me! Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Teenager Lise hates doing chores.
  • On the red carpet Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Art & Design Laura admires the stars' outfits as they walk the red carpet.
  • Opposite siblings Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Élodie tells us how different she is from her brother Thomas.
  • Portrait of a cat Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Article défini Family & Relationships Marcel the cat is talking about himself.
  • Profession: G.P. [US: family doctor] Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Pronom démonstratif Employment Technology & Science Thérèse talks about her job as a general practitioner [US: family doctor].
  • Profession: Journalist Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pluriel José tells us about his job as a journalist.
  • Quebec City Adjectif Genre féminin Adjectif possessif Olivia loves living in Quebec City.
  • Radio news bulletin Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Article Politics, History & Economics Here is a short news broadcast.
  • Speed dating Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Claudine and Marc get acquainted during a speed dating session.
  • Summer food and drinks Adjectif Article défini Pluriel Food & Drink Léa asks her friends what they like to eat and drink in the summer.
  • Thanksgiving with family Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Préposition Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships James tells us about his Thanksgiving traditions.
  • The driving licence test Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Language & Education Technology & Science Véronique is taking her driving licence exam.
  • The election of the French president Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Question/Interrogative Politics, History & Economics Learn how the French president is elected.
  • The Hobbies Family Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre féminin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships In Raphaël's family, everyone has a different hobby!
  • The woman on the train Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Article Family & Relationships Every morning, Lisa sees this woman on her commuter train.
  • Tips to fight the cold Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Genre féminin Barnabé is very sensitive to cold, but luckily, he has lots of coping mechanisms!
  • To buy a train ticket Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Idioms about Time Family & Relationships Thomas is buying a train ticket at a French train station.
  • To get to the train station Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Arnaud asks a passerby for directions to the train station.
  • Toulouse's specialties Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Marius and Anaïs talk about the Southern city's delicious specialties.
  • Visit to A&E [US: the ER] Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Adjectif Employment Technology & Science Lucie talks to a doctor at the hospital.
  • Visiting Orléans Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Matthieu asks for recommendations for his first time visiting Orléans.
  • What is Francophonie? Article Article défini Le Présent (Indicatif) Language & Education Damien explains what francophonie is.
  • What's your favourite artistic activity? Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Art & Design Sports & Leisure Nora and Lucien share their favourite artistic activities.
  • When I'm sick Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Julien tells us what he does when he's ill.
  • Where is the town hall? Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Mode impératif Sports & Leisure James asks Mélanie for directions.
  • Which French king am I? Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Politics, History & Economics This mysterious French king tells us about himself... do you recognise him?
  • Why do I love the Alsace region? Genre féminin Adjectif possessif Pluriel Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sébastien tells us why he loves this French region.

A2: Lower Intermediate French writing exercises

  • 10 house rules for children Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Préposition Family & Relationships Here are ten rules to make home life nicer.
  • A Creole picnic Adjectif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations During a visit to La Réunion, Julie and Léo went for a typical Creole meal.
  • A day with Grandad Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Bastien went to visit his granddad at his retirement home.
  • A family of dog lovers L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Family & Relationships Anthony had many dogs growing up, but Pip was special.
  • A few days in Dordogne Free Pronom d'objet direct Adjectif Pronom d'objet indirect Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Monique tells Patrick about her coming holiday [US: vacation].
  • A football accident Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Anthony had his friend Bruno over to play...
  • A great party for Mum [US:Mom]! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Participe passé Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Manon and her sister Aline treated their mother for Mother's Day.
  • A great weekend Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Préposition Henri had a lovely weekend.
  • A Hallowe'en party Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Le Présent (Indicatif) Amélie's guests are having a Hallowe'en blast!
  • A holiday [US:vacation] letter Adjectif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Jacqueline writes about her holiday [US: vacation] to her friend Patricia.
  • A love for teaching L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pluriel Damien's passion for teaching started early.
  • A new mother Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Rachelle and her boyfriend had to learn how to take care of their baby.
  • A new TV Adjectif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Sébastien tells Yvan about the TV he just bought.
  • A nice train journey Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Lucie and her boyfriend Marc went to the countryside by train this weekend.
  • A noisy hotel room Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Bertrand complains to the hotel reception about noises during the night.
  • A nostalgic walk Adjectif Adjectif possessif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Bernard's neighbourhood has changed a lot over the years.
  • A romantic trip to Paris Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Anna took her boyfriend on a romantic trip to Paris.
  • A romantic weekend away Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Aline and her boyfriend went away for a relaxing weekend.
  • A sleeper's story L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Amélie used to be a real sleepyhead.
  • A Thanksgiving gift Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Verbes réguliers avec -ER Tammy's family prepared a Thanksgiving meal for a less fortunate family.
  • A week of beach activities Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe auxiliaire Participe passé Oriane spent the week enjoying beach sports and activities.
  • A weekend of chores Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Romain and his wife Sabine spent the weekend doing chores.
  • Afternoon ice cream Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Adjectif Food & Drink Lucie and Greg feel like an ice cream this afternoon.
  • An Easter egg hunt Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Celebrations & Important Dates Discover where Julien and his siblings found their Easter eggs!
  • An Italian holiday [US: vacation] Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Julia's girlfriends went on an Italian holiday [US: vacation].
  • Apple tart Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Verbes réguliers avec -ER Bruno helped his aunt make her famous apple tart.
  • Arriving at the hotel Pronom d'objet direct Mode impératif Pronom d'objet indirect Employment Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Aline checks into her Parisian hotel.
  • At a Fatals Picards concert Adjectif possessif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Julien and his friend Matthieu went to see the French band Les Fatals Picards on stage.
  • At my best friend's wedding Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Patrick gives a toast at Stéphane's wedding.
  • At rapper Soprano's concert Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pluriel Troisième personne Music Romain was thrilled to finally see his idol Soprano live!
  • At the allergist's Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Employment Technology & Science Pierre went to the allergist to get a diagnosis.
  • At the bar Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Forme négative Food & Drink Au bar Patricia and Samuel discuss what drinks they want to order.
  • At the bureau de change Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Employment Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Patrick needs to change some dollars upon arriving in Paris.
  • At the Chinese restaurant Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Article Food & Drink James is ordering food in a Chinese restaurant.
  • At the cinema Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Verbe irrégulier Thibault and Aïssa enjoy an evening at the movies.
  • At the dermatologist's Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Employment Technology & Science Manon needs help with her eczema.
  • At the farmers' market Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Stéphane enjoys a visit to his local farmers' market.
  • At the grocery store Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Préposition Employment Food & Drink Family & Relationships Julie and Frank need some things from the grocery store.
  • At the gym Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Hélène is looking to join some classes at her gym.
  • At the library Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Alexandre is borrowing a book at his local library.
  • At the medieval market in Orléans L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Flora and Sami enjoy Orléans's medieval market.
  • At the mountain restaurant Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Gérard and Sylvie stop for lunch after their mountain hike.
  • At the nail salon Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Préposition Barbara is at the nail salon.
  • At the New Year's Eve House Party Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Mathieu welcomes his guest at his New Year's Eve house party.
  • At the post office Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Infinitif Family & Relationships Christophe has a few errands to run at the post office.
  • At the shoe store Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Christine is looking for a pair of shoes with the help of a nice sales assistant.
  • At the till [US: cash register] Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe A customer is offered the shop's loyalty card.
  • Bastille Day in the South of France Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Bernard tells us about celebrating Bastille Day last summer.
  • Bedtime stories L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Literature, Poetry, Theatre Family & Relationships Florian remembers the bedtime ritual he had with his daughter.
  • Breakfast in the sun Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Participe passé Food & Drink Family & Relationships Sabrina surprised Thomas with a nice breakfast on the balcony.
  • Calling the hotel's room service Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Adverbe Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Valérie calls room service from her hotel room.
  • Camille Cottin Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire The French actress introduces herself.
  • Chocolate mousse cooking tips! Mode impératif Le Présent (Indicatif) L'Impératif Présent Food & Drink André gives us some tips to make the perfect chocolate mousse.
  • Chocolatier Amaury Guichon Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Inès introduces Thibault to the famous pastry chef and chocolatier.
  • Conversation on the plane Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Adjectif possessif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Pascal and Julie get acquainted on a flight to Montpellier.
  • Cooking as a family L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Food & Drink Family & Relationships Yesterday, Antoine and his family made tartiflette together.
  • Dividing the restaurant bill Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Verbes réguliers avec -ER Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Isabelle and her friends are splitting the bill at the restaurant.
  • Do you have a favourite male singer? L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Genre féminin Troisième personne Famous People Music Simone and Amélie are talking about their favourite French-speaking male singers.
  • Do you have any dirty clothes? Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Bastien and his mother debate the need for a dirty laundry basket.
  • Drawing a face Adjectif L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Teacher François asks his pupils to draw a face.
  • Driving in France Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Here are a few things to be aware of when driving in France!
  • Easter in France Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Article défini Learn more about how French people celebrate Easter.
  • Finding a Father's Day present Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Préposition Louna and her brother Nassim went shopping for Father's Day.
  • Fireworks Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Participe passé Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Juliette went to watch New Year's fireworks yesterday.
  • First Christmas Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif This year was baby Tristan's first Christmas.
  • First visit to the vet L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre masculin Sébastien's cat just gave birth to four little kittens!
  • Fishing with Dad Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre masculin Sports & Leisure Benjamin went fishing with his father last Sunday.
  • From the city to the countryside Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Marie decided to leave Paris to live in the countryside.
  • Gardening : yes or no? Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom sujet Thibault and Cécile gives their differing opinions on gardening.
  • Getting to know each other Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Employment Family & Relationships New colleagues Julien and Olivier get to know each other over a coffee.
  • Giving up tobacco Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Amélie has stopped smoking and she's so happy about it!
  • Gwoka: Guadeloupe's music Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Article défini Learn about Guadeloupe's traditional music.
  • Holiday [US: Vacation] by the sea L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Édouard remembers his childhood seaside holidays [US: vacations] in the south of France.
  • I love autumn! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Jacqueline tells us what she loves to do in the fall.
  • I love my grandmother! Le Présent (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Family & Relationships Lucas tells us about his lovely grandmother.
  • I love the mountains! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Gilles shares why he loves going to the mountains more than going to the seaside.
  • I prefer going skiing Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Comparatif Sports & Leisure Pierre tells us why he prefers going skiing rather than beach holidays.
  • In a taxi Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Magalie needs her taxi to take her for a few errands.
  • In the changing rooms Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Mélanie is trying on a dress... and testing Pierre's patience!
  • Instagram love Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Préposition Family & Relationships Technology & Science Julien and Sandra became famous thanks to their Instagram account.
  • Instructions for a test L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Préposition Language & Education Teacher Marc read out the instructions for today's French test.
  • It's not my fault! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre masculin Genre féminin Teacher Émilie lists her students' funny excuses.
  • Jacques Brel Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Gaston is a big fan of the Belgian singer-songwriter.
  • Jojo is such a joker! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Family & Relationships Thomas talks about his school friend Jojo, who loves a joke.
  • Last night's party Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Pauline and Adrien discuss yesterday's party at Thomas's house.
  • Les Sables-d'Olonne Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Julien enjoyed his stay in the seaside town of Les Sables-d'Olonne, in the Pays de la Loire region in France.
  • Lockdown solidarity Free Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Clément and his neighbours organised to help each other.
  • Making Halloween decorations Question/Interrogative Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Elsie and her mother are making some spooky Halloween decorations.
  • Mister Snowman Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Mister Snowman was born this morning.
  • Mother's Day presents Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Eve and Ornella compare their Mother's Day presents.
  • Movie Date Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Film & TV Family & Relationships Luc was nervous for his first date with Belinda.
  • Movie night at home Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Film & TV Food & Drink Pauline and Alex are getting ready to watch a movie at home.
  • Moving in: Calling the electric company Adjectif possessif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Bruno sets up the electricity account for his new place.
  • Muscle ache Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Viviane tells her friend Jérôme how going back to the gym left her pretty sore!
  • My afternoon at the funfair L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Sports & Leisure Sébastien spent last Saturday afternoon at the funfair with his friend Matthieu.
  • My breakfast habits L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Food & Drink Sophie's breakfast habits have changed quite a lot over time.
  • My children's after-school activities Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Marc's children have picked their after school activities for this year.
  • My cousin and her accordion Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Language & Education Music Aurélie's cousin Lyse plays the accordion.
  • My dad is the best! Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Colette talks about her father and how kind he is.
  • My driving licence [US: driver's license] Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Jean-Pierre is taking his driving test tomorrow.
  • My electric car Adjectif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) François is really happy to have bought an electric car, despite a few disadvantages.
  • My favourite team won! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Yesterday, Anna celebrated her team's victory.
  • My favourite work of art Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Adjectif possessif Art & Design Stéphane asks Isabelle, Clémence and Benjamin about their favourite works of art.
  • My gratitude journal Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre masculin Benoît gets a lot out of his gratitude journal.
  • My Hallowe'en costume Adjectif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Daniel tells us how hard it can be to pick one's Hallowe'en costume.
  • My head in the stars L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Genre masculin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Technology & Science Thomas has always had one passion: the stars.
  • My kids' letter to Santa Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Pluriel Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Julia's twins wrote their first letter to Santa.
  • My name is Tintin! Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Language & Education Literature, Poetry, Theatre Famous reporter Tintin introduces himself.
  • My new glasses L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Technology & Science Michel recently realised he needed glasses.
  • My trips to the swimming pool with my daughter L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Brigitte fondly remembers her weekly trips to the swimming pool with her young daughter.
  • My weekend with Mum [US: Mom] Free Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Claire spent quality time with her mother last weekend.
  • My weekend's activities Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Concordance des Temps Sports & Leisure Éric tells us how the weather affected his weekend.
  • My weekends with Dad L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Préposition Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Alexandre remembers the getaway weekends he used to spend with his father.
  • My work experience placement Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Thomas worked in an office as part of his work experience placement.
  • Napoleon, a Corsican emperor Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Famous People Politics, History & Economics Did you know that French emperor Napoleon was from Corsica?
  • Natural disasters Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Technology & Science Frank and Julien talk about natural disasters and their causes.
  • New Year's celebrations in Belgium Adjectif Préposition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Magalie discovered a few Belgian traditions when she spent New Year's there.
  • New Year's plans Le Présent (Indicatif) Futur Le Futur Proche (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Yann and Paul are discussing their plans for New Year's Eve.
  • On the first floor of the Eiffel Tower L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Visitors Jenny and Sam chat on the first floor of the famous Eiffel tower.
  • One day in Father Christmas's workshop Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Let's peek through the window to see what the elves are doing.
  • Organising my desk Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Adjectif Language & Education Julie got her desk ready to go back to school.
  • Our new family member Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships The family is growing bigger with the arrival of Minette, our new cat.
  • Paying bills Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Roommates Émilie and Judith discuss bills.
  • Phone call from the bank Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Adjectif Family & Relationships Mr Dupuy gets a phone call from his bank.
  • Picking an outfit Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom d'objet indirect Emma is choosing an outfit with the help of her friend Lucie.
  • Playing with my boys Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom sujet Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Romain likes spending time with his sons.
  • Postcard from Vendée Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Juliette writes a postcard from the Vendée region in France to her best friend Matt.
  • Quitting a job Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Employment Michelle had had enough of her boss's disrespect.
  • Reading "The Lord of the Rings" L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Baptiste remembers the first time he read Tolkien's masterpiece.
  • Room for dessert? Le Présent (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Olivier and his girlfriend Sarah debate having dessert at the restaurant.
  • Saïd Taghmaoui Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Famous People Film & TV Learn about this famous French-Moroccan-American actor.
  • Salad Niçoise recipe L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Préposition Food & Drink Babette teaches us how to make a salad Niçoise.
  • Segway in the park L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Noémie and her friend Manon went for a Segway ride in Versailles's royal gardens.
  • Senegalese soldiers Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Politics, History & Economics Learn about these Senegalese soldiers and their role in French History.
  • Studying abroad Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Language & Education Daniela shares her experience studying abroad for a year.
  • Switzerland Adjectif Article défini Pluriel Learn more about this Francophone country.
  • Taking Grandma phone shopping L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Marielle took her grandmother to buy a mobile phone.
  • Tent or camper van? Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Sports & Leisure André and Yann discuss their camping preferences.
  • The birth of my son Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Geoffrey remembers the first time he saw his son.
  • The Grund neighbourhood in Luxembourg City Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Joséphine tells us about her favourite area in Luxembourg City.
  • The LU Tower in Nantes Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom sujet Pronom Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Romain visited the famous former biscuit [US: cookie] factory in Nantes.
  • The new menu at the Bistro du Soleil Adjectif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Food & Drink Julien was happy to discover the Bistro du Soleil's new menu.
  • The perfect couple Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Marielle tells us why she thinks that Marc and Julien are the perfect couple.
  • The right to vote in France Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Politics, History & Economics Find out facts about the right to vote in France.
  • This week Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Paul talks about his busy week.
  • Tom's first day back to school Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Reflexive verbs Émilie tells us about her son Tom's first day of school.
  • Two great museums in Nice Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Barnabé tells Hélène about his visits to the Chagall and Matisse museums in Nice.
  • Two major French-speaking female authors Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre masculin Adverbe Language & Education Literature, Poetry, Theatre Eric and Fiona talk about French-speaking authors Myriam Warner-Vieyra and Maryse Condé.
  • Une leçon de ski Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Julie and Yvan are having their first ski lesson.
  • Visit of Marseille Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Gaspard spent the weekend in Marseille, France.
  • Visiting Toulouse Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Bastien and Léa enjoyed their visit of Toulouse's historical centre.
  • Weather forecast Préposition Article Le Futur Proche (Indicatif) Technology & Science Here's a French weather forecast.
  • Weekend in Lyon Free Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Vincent tells us about the weekend he spent in Lyon with his cousin.
  • Welcome to the Sticks Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Film & TV Mickaël learned a lot from this funny French comedy.
  • What a change! L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Émilie moved from a small village to Paris, and that's a big change!
  • What do you want to watch? Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Mode impératif Grégoire and Inès decide what they want to watch on TV.
  • When I became a vegetarian Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Forme négative Pronom d'objet indirect Food & Drink Family & Relationships Geoffrey tells us about his journey becoming a vegetarian.
  • Who am I? Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Famous People Politics, History & Economics Guess who this important figure of the French Resistance is.
  • Who is this writer ? Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Participe passé Famous People Literature, Poetry, Theatre Guess who this (male) French writer is!
  • Why I learned German L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Sabrina tells us why she first decided to learn German.
  • Why study French? Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Language & Education Hugo gives us his reasons to pick up French again.
  • Working from home - an opinion L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Patrick tells us about trying WFH a few months ago.

B1: Intermediate French writing exercises

  • A better commute L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom relatif Technology & Science Aurélie is looking forward to the new, much better commute she'll have soon.
  • A childhood passion L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Vincent and his brother loved video games growing up.
  • A clichéd break-up Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships François uses all the clichéd breakup lines to leave his girlfriend Sophie.
  • A dinner invitation Le Conditionnel Présent Préposition Article défini Sabrina invites her friends Louise and Manon to dinner.
  • A family day at the park Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Benoît will spend this Saturday at the park with his daughter Mia.
  • A French April Fool's Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Cécile and her sons are making the traditional French fish for April Fool's day.
  • A friend's apology Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Forme négative Verbe irrégulier Gaston apologises for hurting his friend Miriam.
  • A game of hide and seek Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Linda and Christian are watching from afar a game of hide and seek between the children.
  • A gem of a restaurant Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Gilles and his wife Martine discovered a little Italian restaurant in town last weekend.
  • A good work routine Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Genre féminin Employment Marc plans to improve his work routine.
  • A greener future Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Technology & Science Julien is seeing a future where people are more eco-conscious.
  • A Horror Story Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships On a dark October night, Emma received a disturbing call...
  • A luxury holiday [US: vacation] with friends Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -IR Verbes réguliers avec -ER Alain has the perfect luxury holiday [US: vacation] planned for when he wins the lottery!
  • A special Monday Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Anna is looking forward to a lazy Easter Monday!
  • A strange encounter Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Reflexive verbs Literature, Poetry, Theatre Family & Relationships Yoann had the strangest encounter in the Broceliande forest!
  • A trip to the cinema Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Présent (Indicatif) Film & TV Sports & Leisure Antoine and his daughter Emma are planning a trip to the movies.
  • A weather forecast Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Technology & Science Find out what tomorrow's weather will be like.
  • A weekend in Montpellier Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Élise and Lucas plan their weekend in the southern French city.
  • A wonderful job Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom relatif Guillaume loves his job as an A&E [US: ER] doctor.
  • An afternoon in the fall Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Adjectif Zoë is planning to meet her friend Quentin for a nice October afternoon.
  • An amazing New Year's Eve meal Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Henriette is planning a dazzling meal for New Year!
  • An annoying cat allergy L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Genre féminin Genre masculin Family & Relationships Éloïse suffers from an annoying cat allergy.
  • An awful new boyfriend L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Grégory finds his aunt's new boyfriend quite repulsive!
  • An incredibly caring boy L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Lydia's son, Olivier, is such a caring person.
  • An old scary tradition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Celebrations & Important Dates Yoann recalls celebrating the old Celtic tradition of Samhain with his Gran.
  • An opinion on football [US:soccer] Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Théo has a nuanced take on football [US:soccer].
  • Anger management Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe Lucie talks about her techniques to manage her anger.
  • Animal emergency Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Julien's cat is stuck in the tree!
  • Around the world by motorcycle Le Conditionnel Présent Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Joël would love to travel the world on his motorcycle.
  • Artist Chéri Chérin Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Adjectif possessif Art & Design Famous People Learn about the amazing Congolese artist Chéri Chérin.
  • Asking about a hotel room Adjectif possessif Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet indirect Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Catherine has a few questions about the hotel room she's booked.
  • At the amusement park Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Sports & Leisure Thomas will go to the amusement park with his friend Samia for their birthday this year.
  • At the coffee machine Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Forme négative Verbe irrégulier Cyril, Pauline and Eve catch up by the coffee machine on Monday morning.
  • At the doctor's Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Family & Relationships Robert goes to the doctor for a consultation.
  • At the patisserie Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Conditionnel Présent Daniel needs a special cake.
  • At the till Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Employment Sports & Leisure Peter is at the till [US: cash register] of a French supermarket.
  • Back pain L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Flora tells the doctor how she hurt her back.
  • Beatrice's baby shower Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Emma and her sister organised their cousin's baby shower.
  • Becoming a model L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Préposition Art & Design Employment Enjoy some useful tips on becoming a model.
  • Becoming an astronaut L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Pronom d'objet indirect Élodie dreams of becoming an astronaut.
  • Belgian food facts Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Article Discover some interesting food-related facts about Belgium.
  • Birthday makeover Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pluriel Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships "New year, new me" Julia thought on her 20th birthday.
  • Booking an appointment at the dentist's Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Famous People Marc needs an urgent dentist appointment for a bad toothache.
  • Busy Schedule Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Idioms about Time Family & Relationships Isabelle recaps what everyone will have to do on Saturday!
  • Camping at home Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Gabriel and Rose are making plans for the weekend.
  • Cancelling a purchase L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Justin calls Bokado's customer service to cancel his order.
  • Cathy's future holiday [US: vacation] in Montpellier Free Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Learn about Cathy's plan to spend her holiday [US: vacation] in Montpellier.
  • Choosing a travel pass in Paris Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Susan needs (travel) tickets to visit Paris.
  • Christmas at my parents' house Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Verbe irrégulier Quentin spent a classic Christmas with his parents.
  • Christmas in the mountains Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Antoine will spend Christmas at his dad's house in the Alps, if he can get there!
  • Christmas specialities Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Article Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Paul tells us about some traditional French Christmas dishes.
  • Conversation between the election's two rounds Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Politics, History & Economics Marc explains the French presidential election process to his friend Alice.
  • Corsican polyphonic singing Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Music Do you know about this bewitchingly melodic tradition from Corsica?
  • Credit card fraud Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Josiane calls her bank about a suspicious transaction.
  • Cycling in Nantes Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Isabelle agrees with Nantes's status as France's "cycling capital".
  • Dalida Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Adjectif possessif Famous People Music Learn about Dalida, an iconic French-speaking singer.
  • Dealing with your emotions Adverbe Mode impératif Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Here's a guide to keeping calm.
  • Discussing a ski weekend Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Laurent and his friend Matt are planning their ski weekend.
  • Dreaming of Paris Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Grégory imagines his ideal Valentine's Day's proposal.
  • Easter baking class Adjectif Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Flora and Yvan enjoy decorating their Easter chocolate bunnies.
  • Family holiday car trip Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Let the squabbles begin!
  • Flying anxiety Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Jean-Luc has a plan to deal with his fear of flying.
  • Following the GPS L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Follow this GPS's instructions to reach your destination.
  • François Damiens's hidden camera videos L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Article Adjectif possessif Philippe and Anissa talk about their favourite hidden camera pranks by François Damiens.
  • Getting ready for autumn Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Rosalie won't get caught out by the arrival of autumn this year.
  • Giving up smoking L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Forme négative Family & Relationships François tells us how he managed to stop smoking.
  • Going back in time Le Conditionnel Présent Verbe irrégulier L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Politics, History & Economics Family & Relationships Marine asks Amanda, Bruno and Sébastien what they would do if they could go back in time.
  • Going to the bank Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Flora and her father need to go to the bank.
  • Guadeloupe's Carnival Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe Discover this colourful Guadeloupe tradition.
  • How do you like to keep up with the news? Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre féminin Vanessa and Ludovic tell us how they stay informed.
  • How to share household chores equally Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Follow Céline's tips to share household chores more equally.
  • I love swimming! L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Sports & Leisure Thomas tells us about his love for swimming and his hope to one day dive from up high!
  • I miss French food! L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Pronom d'objet indirect Food & Drink Hélène tells Betty how she's coping with missing French food abroad.
  • I want to help! Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Family & Relationships Suzanne wishes she had more time to help others.
  • I, Lucky Luke Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adverbe Literature, Poetry, Theatre Christophe imagines what he would do if he were the fastest shooter in the West.
  • I've always loved French Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Emily has always had a fascination for the French language.
  • If I could be a child again Le Conditionnel Présent Verbe irrégulier Forme négative Laurent would love to be 10 again.
  • If I could start over... Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Employment Language & Education Anne wishes she could do things differently.
  • If I were a chef Le Conditionnel Présent Pronom relatif Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Food & Drink Benjamin tells us of his dream of being a chef.
  • If I were Céline Dion Le Conditionnel Présent Adjectif Préposition Ornella imagines what it would be like to be the French Canadian star.
  • If I were Wonder Woman Le Conditionnel Présent Pronom indéfini Pronom relatif Film & TV Literature, Poetry, Theatre Annie imagines what it would be like to be Wonder Woman.
  • In the changing rooms [US: locker rooms] Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Forme négative The guys are chatting after football [US: soccer] practice.
  • Interview with a jewellery creator Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Adjectif possessif Art & Design Hugo is interviewing Marie who creates her own jewellery.
  • Ivory Coast: a destination like no other Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Find out why Ivory Coast is such an amazing holiday [US:vacation] destination.
  • Learning to read in French Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Language & Education David talks about how he learned to read fluently in French.
  • Let's go back to the gym! Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adverbe Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Olivier and Victoria discuss going back to the gym after the winter.
  • Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Adverbe Learn about the origin of the French Republic motto.
  • Lighthouses in Brittany Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Learn about the beautiful lighthouses you can find in Brittany.
  • Lockdown shopping Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Préposition Marguerite's Christmas shopping habits will be a bit disrupted this year.
  • Looking for a new house Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Pronom d'objet indirect Sébastien and Éric are looking at real-estate listings.
  • Looking for my phone Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adverbe Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Jonathan lost his phone on the train...
  • Lyon saucisson Adjectif Idioms about Time Genre féminin Food & Drink Learn about Lyon's famous pork sausage and how best to enjoy it.
  • Making friends online Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Family & Relationships Technology & Science Find out how Mary made new friends online
  • Marseille's famous people Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Adjectif Louis and Emma talk about their favourite celebrities from Marseille.
  • Message to my granddaughters Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Grandmother Viviane has a message for her beloved granddaughters.
  • My brother and his wife Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre masculin Pronom réfléchi Family & Relationships Marielle tells us about her brother's great relationship.
  • My European trip Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Jonathan is planning a mini tour of Europe for next year's holiday [US: vacation].
  • My family's breakfasts Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pluriel Food & Drink Sébastien tells us about his family's different breakfast routines.
  • My favourite things at Easter Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Alain talks about the things he loves about this time of year.
  • My Hallowe'en Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Like every year, Bastien will spend Hallowe'en with his nephews.
  • My ideal day Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Genre masculin Sports & Leisure Anna tells us how she would spend her ideal day.
  • My ideal garden Adjectif Adverbe Le Conditionnel Présent Flora imagines her perfect garden.
  • My ideal person Le Conditionnel Présent Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Family & Relationships Cédric imagines his ideal partner.
  • My love for museum gift shops Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Adjectif Art & Design Laurent loves museums, and their gift shops even more!
  • My neighbour from Hell Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Julie's neighbour, Sonia, is pretty terrible!
  • My new flat [US: apartment] L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Franck is moving soon into a much nicer flat [US: apartment]
  • My New Year's Eve's celebration Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates This year, Paul is hosting New Year's Eve.
  • My next holiday [US: vacation] Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations François has his holiday [US: vacation] to Canada well planned!
  • My post-university plans Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbe irrégulier Employment Language & Education Antony wants to move to Paris after his studies.
  • My Provence dream Le Conditionnel Présent Verbe irrégulier Pronom relatif Juliette dreams of what life would be like if she lived in Provence.
  • New in town Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Family & Relationships Caroline writes in her diary about her plans to make new friends in a new town.
  • New recruit Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Adverbe Employment Family & Relationships Antoine sums up his first two months in the company.
  • New year, new resolutions Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Comparatif Verbes avec -DRE Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Séverine and her friend Maya discuss their future New Year's resolutions.
  • Next summer in Paris Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sabrina will visit her friends in Paris next summer.
  • On the phone to Grandma Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Jeanne calls her grandmother to catch up.
  • Our family chalet L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Florian tells about his family's chalet tradition.
  • Our Halloween costumes Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Lisa and her friend Olivier discuss what they'll wear for Halloween.
  • Our next family reunion Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Préposition Sophie can't wait to see her family again.
  • Our Parisian holiday Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Anthony has his Paris holiday all planned out.
  • Our plans for Music Day Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Celebrations & Important Dates Music Sabine and Thomas discuss their plans to celebrate Music Day on June 21.
  • Picking our wedding flowers Adjectif possessif Pluriel Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Perrine has opted for a country-style wedding, with matching flowers.
  • Police check Le Présent (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Janine is stopped for a routine police check.
  • Preparing our shopping list Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Food & Drink Thibault and Julie are writing their shopping list.
  • Ready for Easter Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Christine and Baptiste discuss their plans for Easter.
  • Ready for school? Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Celebrations & Important Dates Language & Education Family & Relationships Lisa and Jonathan discuss their kids' state of mind before going back to school.
  • Ready for the zombie apocalypse Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbe irrégulier Sébastien explains how he and his friends will deal with the imminent zombie apocalypse.
  • Redecorating the bedroom Préposition Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Art & Design Jean-Marc and Pauline are chatting about redecorating their bedroom.
  • Sailing in the Caribbean Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Patrick and Sébastien are planning a sailing tour of some of Caribbean islands.
  • Selfies L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Technology & Science Marc considers the photographic phenomenon of the selfie.
  • Selling stamps L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Christophe needs help to sell a stamp collection.
  • Spanish cooking Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Jean-Luc cooked a Spanish meal for his friends, with mixed results!
  • Splitting the bill Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Lisa, Julien and Manon have to split the bill at the restaurant.
  • Squabbling Sisters' Scrabble Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Maya and Liane are arguing while playing Scrabble.
  • Studying abroad Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Language & Education Louis decided to go study abroad next year.
  • Studying for an exam Pronom d'objet direct Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet indirect Language & Education Julie, Matthieu and Laurent discuss their revision strategies.
  • Studying programme Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Language & Education Jérôme and Thomas have a plan to study for their end-of-semester exams.
  • Surfing in Biarritz Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Milo and Stéphane talk about going surfing in Biarritz.
  • Synchronised swimming L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Frank would love to join a synchronised swimming team.
  • Table for one Question/Interrogative Préposition Mode impératif Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Kelly is trying her luck for a table at a restaurant.
  • The 8 skittles game Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Sports & Leisure Learn about this French version of a classic sport.
  • The best carnivals in the world Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Simon asks Mathieu and Lydia what carnival they'd love to go to.
  • The best concert ever! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Music Laura tells us about the great concert she went to yesterday.
  • The brass band Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Music Alice can't wait to go and see the brass band on Sunday!
  • The Cirque of Mafate in La Réunion Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Find out about an exceptional place to visit on Réunion island.
  • The manga phenomenon in France Adjectif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Learn more about French people's love for these Japanese comics.
  • The new dad Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Christophe wants to share so much with his newly born daughter.
  • The play Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet direct Literature, Poetry, Theatre Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Lucie just joined an after work drama class.
  • The pleasure of traditional mail L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Présent (Indicatif) Coralie has always loved sending and receiving letters.
  • The power of love L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Gaspard became a new man when he fell in love.
  • The year of the Baccalauréat Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Language & Education Laurent is planning the year ahead to prepare his end-of-high school exams.
  • Travel money in France: what to do and not to do Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Sports & Leisure Listen to Marc, a travel expert, tell people about travel money on a radio show.
  • Trip to Paris Free Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Mélanie's sister and her husband went to Paris last year.
  • Trip to the theatre Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Pronom d'objet direct Thierry went back to the theatre last weekend.
  • Two model daughters Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Family & Relationships Marina and Louise are on their best behaviour to convince their parents to let them go out.
  • Visit to the Chocolate Fair Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Food & Drink Vincent and his familly will go to the Paris Chocolate Fair this year.
  • Watching the Olympic Games Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Pluriel Bruno and Flora like following the Olympics.
  • What I love about my partner Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adèle talks about her partner's best features.
  • What literary hero would you be? Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif Literature, Poetry, Theatre Michel and Lisa discuss what character from a novel they'd like to be.
  • When I'm retired Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif Pluriel Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Bernard tells us what he'll do once he retires.
  • Which band to see? Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sabrina and Angélique are deciding which band they want to go see next.
  • Winter weather forecast Préposition Verbe irrégulier Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Film & TV Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Tomorrow's weather forecast is very wintery.

B2: Upper Intermediate French writing exercises

  • "Amélie": my favourite film! Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Mode subjonctif Film & TV Lisa explains why "Amélie" is her favourite film.
  • "Vernon Subutex" - an opinion Le Présent (Indicatif) Genre féminin Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Carole tells us why she loves the first volume of Virginie Despentes's trilogy.
  • (Scary) Bedtime stories Le Subjonctif Présent Pronom d'objet indirect Le Présent (Indicatif) Jasmine talks to her partner Nicolas about the type of bedtime stories he is telling their son.
  • A busy weekend ahead Le Subjonctif Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Family & Relationships Olivier sums up his busy schedule for the weekend.
  • A day in the countryside Free Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Marie spent last weekend in the countryside with her daughters.
  • A great Advent calendar Adjectif Mode impératif Le Présent (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Find out how to make a unique Advent calendar.
  • A great passion for reading L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Literature, Poetry, Theatre Sports & Leisure Florence talks about her grandmother's passion for books.
  • A History of French TV Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Préposition Film & TV Learn some interesting facts about the beginnings of French TV.
  • A little lost dog L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Sébastien helped a lost dog find his home.
  • A networking New Year's Eve Le Subjonctif Présent Adjectif possessif Mode subjonctif Jacques has to go to a networking party for work on New Year's Eve.
  • A nice morning surprise Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom d'objet direct Food & Drink Lucie will serve a delicious breakfast in bed to her fiancée on their anniversary.
  • A nice table "à la française" Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Subjonctif Présent Food & Drink Jacqueline explains the intricacies of setting the table the French way.
  • A nightmare journey Free Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Family & Relationships Josiane and Robert explain why they're an hour late to their friends' place.
  • A perfect interview L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Employment Léo's just had the best job interview of his life!
  • A professional phone call Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sonia Martel is talking to M. Delarue's executive assistant.
  • A slippery drive Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Technology & Science Richard struggled to get to work this morning: everything was frozen!
  • A surprise gift Préposition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Gaspard remembers a special gift he made for his mother when he was a boy.
  • A year full of changes Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Annette reflects back on the last year and its ups and downs.
  • Ahmed the elephant : an Ivory Coast story Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Participe passé Discover the heartwarming true story of Ahmed the elephant.
  • At the dry cleaner's Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Verbe irrégulier Eric brought his favourite suit jacket to the dry cleaner's.
  • At the football [US: soccer] game Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Adjectif possessif Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Henri took his dad to a football [US:soccer] game for Father's Day.
  • At the garage sale Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Patrick explains to Amelle how to find bargains.
  • At the neighbours' house Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Food & Drink Family & Relationships Véronique and Bruno are at their neighbours' house for an aperitif.
  • At the repair shop Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sabrina needs help with her laptop.
  • At university Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Pronom d'objet direct Léa and Laura bump into each other at their new university.
  • Autumn/Winter 2020 trends Verbe irrégulier Préposition Adjectif Discover the Autumn/Winter 2020 fashion trends.
  • Bad Movie Review L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Le Subjonctif Présent Film & TV Bernadette delivers a scathing movie review.
  • Barbara L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Famous People Music Laëtitia talks about her passion for fascinating French singer Barbara.
  • Bastille Day in France L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Adjectif Mathilde remembers how she used to celebrate Bastille Day with her family.
  • Bayonne, France's chocolate capital Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Préposition Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Learn why Bayonne is considered the French capital of chocolate.
  • Bouldering in Fontainebleau Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom disjonctif Irène loves spending the day rock-climbing in Fontainebleau.
  • Brasserie La Coupole Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Adverbe Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Vincent always eats here when he's in Paris.
  • British National Museums Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations National museums are free in the UK, as Paul happily found out.
  • Building a snowman Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sports & Leisure Martine and Bastien enjoyed building a snowman.
  • Camping with your dog Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Patrick gives us some advice on taking your dog camping with you.
  • Car breakdown Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Julien's car broke down at the most inconvenient time.
  • Catherine Ségurane: a local heroine Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Famous People Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Toni, a tourist guide from Nice talks about local legend Catherine Ségurane.
  • City vs dog poop L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Politics, History & Economics Family & Relationships Alain and Pauline discuss the city's measures to fight against dog waste.
  • Composting is awesome! Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Technology & Science Elsa explains composting to her friend Pierre.
  • Congratulations on your degree! Pluriel Pronom d'objet direct Adverbe Language & Education Family & Relationships Thomas's aunt and uncle send him an email to congratulate him on getting his Master degree.
  • Conversation between friends Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Friends Simon and Isabelle are catching up.
  • Couples' annoying habits Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Olivier gets so annoyed by the way couples behave sometimes!
  • DIY with Dad L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Troisième personne Émilie loved spending time in her father's shed.
  • Easter, a family celebration Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships François and his family celebrate the religious holiday of Easter.
  • Extreme cosmetic surgery Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Anella had several operations to look like her idol, the Barbie doll.
  • Family Reunion Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Family & Relationships At a family reunion, Lea sees her aunt Patricia for the first time in years.
  • Fatherly pride L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Luc is so proud of his daughter's stage debut.
  • Fighting lockdown blues Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet indirect Samia did everything she could to cheer up her grandmother Janine during lockdown.
  • Finding the perfect anniversary gift Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Jean-Paul is listing his gift ideas for his wife on their anniversary.
  • First night out after Baby Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Romane couldn't wait to go out with her girlfriends again!
  • Food shopping in farm shops Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Food & Drink Politics, History & Economics Find out the advantages and disadvantages of food shopping in a farm shop.
  • French Easter specialties Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom relatif Celebrations & Important Dates Discover some of France's regional Easter specialties.
  • French-style lemon tart recipe Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Préposition Food & Drink Follow the recipe to make a delicious lemon tart.
  • Garip Ay's amazing paintings Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Pronom relatif Art & Design Jean-Pierre tells us about the work of this fascinating Turkish artist.
  • Getting ready for the holiday [US: vacation] Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Bastien and Alicia are getting ready for tomorrow's departure.
  • Giving back Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Pronom relatif Celebrations & Important Dates Especially during the holiday season, it's good to give back to those less fortunate than us...
  • Going lily-of-the-valley picking Adjectif possessif Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Jean-Pierre's family goes to pick lily-of-the-valley every year.
  • Happy Father's Day! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Adverbe Sabrina has prepared the perfect Father's Day for her dad.
  • Heatwave Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition L'Impératif Présent Politics, History & Economics Technology & Science A weather forecast on one of the hottest days of the year.
  • High cost of cigarette packaging change Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Politics, History & Economics Learn about the cost of the new policy on cigarette packaging in France.
  • Holiday [US: Vacation] in French-speaking Switzerland Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Genre Irène tells Jules how delighted she was by her trip to French-speaking Switzerland.
  • Holidaying abroad: pros and cons Adverbe Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Sébastien weighs up his pros and cons of going abroad for the holiday.
  • Horse riding on the beach L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Iris discovered the joy of horse riding by the sea.
  • How I met your mother L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Julien tells his children how he met their mother Émilie.
  • How to become an official candidate in the French presidential election? Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Le Présent (Indicatif) Learn about the French electoral process to become a presidential candidate.
  • I can't find my shirt! Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Claire and Julien are almost ready to go out...except for Julien's missing shirt!
  • In a clothes store Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Sports & Leisure Patrick complains to the sales assistant about a defective item.
  • In the return taxi Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Aline talks about her trip with the taxi driver on her way back to the airport.
  • In the woods with my dog Ulysse Le Présent (Indicatif) Infinitif Pronom relatif Gaëlle enjoys her walks through the woods with her dog Ulysse.
  • Jean-Pierre Bacri Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Adverbe Yann and Élodie loved the great French actor who passed away in 2021.
  • Living abroad Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Adverbe Bastien thinks that living abroad can only enrich one's life.
  • Lockdown letters Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Alexandre has been sending letters to his grandmother during lockdown.
  • Long time no see! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Family & Relationships Marina and her cousin Tom catch up after quite a while.
  • Louise Bourgeois Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Pluriel Art & Design Famous People Politics, History & Economics Marie-Claire tells us about her favourite French artist.
  • Mice invasion Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Lisa and Paul are discussing options to get rid of Lisa's mice.
  • Moving house chores Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Family & Relationships Sophie had so many chores to do before moving into her new apartment.
  • My car is a real beater! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Yann's car has so many problems!
  • My chosen family L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Magalie found her own loving family.
  • My dream invention Le Conditionnel Présent Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet indirect Technology & Science Sonia asks Sylvie what invention she'd dream to see becoming a reality.
  • My exotic Christmas Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Celebrations & Important Dates Aline is remembering spending last Christmas in Marrakech, Morocco.
  • My first Easter memory L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Alexandre remembers the first time he went egg hunting.
  • My first music festival L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Music Amélie recalls the first time she went to a music festival with her best friend Emma.
  • My grandmother's rosebushes L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Lucie tells us about her grandmother's beloved and renowned rosebushes.
  • My hot-headed nephew L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Family & Relationships Michel talks about how his nephew used to get on his nerves.
  • My kids' back to school day Le Subjonctif Présent Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Language & Education Family & Relationships Claire is getting ready for the kids' first day back to school.
  • My life is a hashtag Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Participe passé Family & Relationships Technology & Science Sébastien explains why hashtags are so important in his life.
  • My mother's favourite singer Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Conditionnel Présent Famous People Music Patricia tells us about her mum's passion for French singer Serge Lama.
  • My passion for French cuisine Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Food & Drink James presents some of the reasons why he loves French cooking.
  • My plan for the day of my exam Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Adverbe Language & Education Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Viviane has perfectly planned for her exam day.
  • My sense of direction Verbe irrégulier Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Joseph and Sabrina discuss their more or less deficient sense of direction.
  • My sister the future pianist Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Forme négative Music Sports & Leisure Lucas's sister has always dreamed of playing piano.
  • New town, new friends Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Pluriel Family & Relationships Laurence wants to help her daughter make new friends in their new town.
  • New vs old technologies L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Reflexive verbs Technology & Science Enzo asks retiree Gertrude her opinion on new technologies.
  • New wallpaper in the dining room L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Josiane explains her choice of new wallpaper for the dining room.
  • Nostalgia: pros and cons Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Article Noémie and Alain discuss the pros and cons of nostalgia.
  • Nudist beaches in France Préposition Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Discover some of France's nudist beaches.
  • Oceanopolis is great! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Céline tells you about her visit to the ocean discovery park in Brest, Brittany.
  • On the terrace of a fancy restaurant Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Food & Drink Family & Relationships Jean-Luc and his fiancée are enjoying a meal on the terrace of a fancy restaurant.
  • On Valentine's Day, beware of faux pas! Verbe irrégulier Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Family & Relationships Henri gives us tips to pick the right Valentine's Day's present.
  • Our "grown-up" hobbies Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Viviane and Luc tell us about their respective hobbies: adult colouring and homebrewing.
  • Our camper holiday [US: RV vacation] Pronom d'objet direct L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Élodie and her cousin Sarah had the best time on their camper holiday [US: RV vacation].
  • Our holiday [US:vacation] in Wallonia Verbes réguliers avec -ER Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Daniel and Claire are planning their visit to Wallonia [re: French-speaking Belgium].
  • Our new house's renovations Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Jacques and his partner Louise are planning their new house's renovations.
  • Our plans for Valentine's Day Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Verbe irrégulier Barnabé and Samia discuss their Valentine's Day plans.
  • Pears in red wine and cassis Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Préposition Food & Drink Here's chef Paul Bocuse's famous (and delicious) "Poires à la Beaujolaise" recipe.
  • Pisces Horoscope Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Technology & Science Find out what the predictions are for Pisces this coming week.
  • Planning a camping trip Verbe irrégulier Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom Patricia and Alexandre are planning their camping weekend.
  • Playing video games Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Quentin and Lise are playing a racing video game together.
  • Pre-date stress L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Forme négative Préposition Family & Relationships Luc was really nervous last week ahead of his date with the amazing Olivia !
  • Public Transport L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships François discovered the joys of public transport when moving from a small village to Paris.
  • Rebooking a flight Le Présent (Indicatif) Question/Interrogative Adjectif possessif Employment Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Patrice calls Easyplane to postpone his flight.
  • Roaming charges in France Adjectif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Lisa, who is French, discusses roaming charges for foreigners visiting France with her British friend Mike.
  • Robbery at the bakery L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Employment Here's a local news article about a robbery.
  • Saving up for Christmas Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Le Subjonctif Présent Politics, History & Economics Celebrations & Important Dates Nadia has a plan to save money until the Holidays.
  • Sorting out my office Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Jean-Pascal's office needed a good clean.
  • Stendhal syndrome Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Learn more about this fascinating, if controversial, affliction.
  • Strasbourg's Christmas Market Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Celebrations & Important Dates Olivier tells us about one of the most magical Christmas markets in France.
  • Tarte Tatin recipe Mode impératif Préposition Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Food & Drink Learn how to prepare this delicious French apple tart.
  • Thanksgiving celebrations Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Verbes réguliers avec -ER Adam and his friends are making their own Thanksgiving dinner this year.
  • The adventures of Fantômette L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Conditionnel Passé Adjectif possessif Literature, Poetry, Theatre Nadia has always loved the character of Fantômette!
  • The Alsace wine route Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pluriel Pronom d'objet direct Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Henri is finding out about Laura's trip to Alsace.
  • The Appeal of 18 June 1940 Article Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Article défini Politics, History & Economics Celebrations & Important Dates Discover the historical context around Charles de Gaulle's most famous speech.
  • The benefits of yoga Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Pronom d'objet Discover a few of the many benefits yoga can bring into one's life.
  • The best hotel booking L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Adverbe Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Olivier had the most amazing hotel experience!
  • The mental load L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Emma explains how the bulk of household organisational tasks tends to fall on women's shoulders.
  • The Nice Carnaval Préposition Pronom relatif Le Présent (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Guillaume plans on going to the famous Nice Carnaval this year.
  • The Paul Bocuse Institute in Lyon Adverbe Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Famous People Food & Drink Language & Education Marie's son dreams of studying at this world-renowned French cooking school.
  • The Ritz hotel in Paris Préposition Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Famous People Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Learn about one of the most iconic hotels in Paris.
  • The worst holiday [US: vacation] ever! L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Amandine tells us about her very disappointing holiday [US: vacation]!
  • Thomas Pesquet Préposition Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Famous People Technology & Science Learn about France's most famous astronaut.
  • Toussaint Louverture Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Famous People Politics, History & Economics Find out why this historical figure is important in Haiti.
  • Train mishap L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Genre féminin Family & Relationships Lisa missed her stop on her way to work!
  • Training for a marathon Verbe irrégulier L'Impératif Présent Mode impératif Sports & Leisure Follow our tips to train and run your first marathon.
  • Trouble on the way to holiday [US: vacation] Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships On the road to go on holiday [US: vacation], Christophe and Laure's car engine overheated.
  • Two tourist destinations Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Subjonctif Présent Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Béatrice and Simon are discussing two different places to visit in France.
  • Visit to Disneyland Paris Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Tristan can't wait to visit the famous theme park for the first time!
  • Visiting my best friend L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Juliette wants to visit her best friend Pierre who moved away last year.
  • Water damage Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Family & Relationships Noémie and Samuel investigate a water leak in their flat [US: apartment].
  • Welcome to Bordeaux's Tourist Office Free Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Article défini Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Bordeaux's Tourist Office introduces us to the city's best touristic attractions
  • What is joual? Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Article Learn about this typical French Canadian way of speaking.
  • What monster would you be? Le Conditionnel Présent Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Family & Relationships Suzanne asks David, Agathe and Hugo what monsters they'd like to be.
  • What to get Mum [US Mom]? Pronom d'objet indirect Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Daniel and his girlfriend Olivia decide what to get his mother for her birthday.
  • Where to study L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Adjectif Italian student Mateo finally picked the country where he wants to study.
  • Women's vote in France Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Genre féminin Politics, History & Economics Catherine and Blanche tell us about the first time they were allowed to vote in 1945.
  • Workaholic's back to work Le Présent (Indicatif) Pluriel Verbes réguliers avec -ER Employment Arthur hates time off and can't wait to be back at work!
  • Working as an A&E [US: ER] doctor Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Adverbe Employment Technology & Science Find out what it's like for Dr. Patrick Dupond to work as an A&E [US: ER] doctor.
  • Worrying weather changes Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif Adverbe Technology & Science Friends Ferdinand and Josette are worrying about the weather changes they've witnessed over the years.

C1: Advanced French writing exercises

  • 3 Culinary delights from French-speaking countries Adjectif Le Présent (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Find out about three dishes from French-speaking countries.
  • A bad matchmaker Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet Family & Relationships Sophie tells us about her failed attempt at matchmaking.
  • A birthday party Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Verbe irrégulier Nicolas has planned a birthday party full of games for his daughter Flora.
  • A chilling story L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom relatif A young couple had just moved into a huge manor...
  • A couple's ups and downs Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Family & Relationships Hélène explains how she and her partner managed to navigate out of a rough patch.
  • A difficult sibling relationship L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Pronom réfléchi Family & Relationships Yvan has always had a fraught relationship with his sister.
  • A dissatisfied customer Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Pronom d'objet direct Monsieur Dubois writes to complain about not receiving an order.
  • A dreadful teenager L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Family & Relationships Philippe recalls his bad behaviour as a teenage boy.
  • A drunken evening Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Participe passé Pronom d'objet direct Christophe had quite an eventful evening!
  • A ghost story L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Hugo is visiting his mother on All Saints' Day.
  • A hard time at work L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Employment Érica went through a rough time at work.
  • A horrible storm! L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Technology & Science Julien remembers spending a horrible night due to a violent storm.
  • A last minute request L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Employment Family & Relationships Isabelle's colleague keeps making her miserable...
  • A long-standing friendship L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Carole tells us about her long-standing relationship with her friend Aline.
  • A lovely car L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Genre masculin Première personne Technology & Science Find out about Michel's beloved 2CV car.
  • A lovely encounter L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif Genre féminin Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships On her daily walk, Audrey met a furry little friend in need of help...
  • A snow storm to remember Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Verbes réguliers avec -ER Lily recalls last year's snow storm.
  • A special Christmas in Switzerland L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Préposition Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Damien recalls a wonderful family Christmas holiday in Switzerland.
  • A sudden reappearance Pronom d'objet direct Forme négative Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Family & Relationships After years of disappearance, Olivia's friend is back.
  • A wedding proposal L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect David tells us how he planned to propose to his girlfriend.
  • Advice for new pet owners Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Laurent asks people for their advice on welcoming a new pet at home.
  • Alberto Giacometti Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Jean-Louis and Samuel discuss the famous Swiss artist.
  • Alice and the Caterpillar (Alice in Wonderland) Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Literature, Poetry, Theatre Alice meets the mysterious Caterpillar in this adapted excerpt from "Alice in Wonderland"
  • An animal tale L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Mode impératif L'Impératif Présent Family & Relationships By a lovely winter morning, Henri the hare meets poorly Lili the rabbit.
  • An incredible trip on the Canal du Midi Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Patrice recalls his trip along the Canal du Midi.
  • An upcycling tutorial Adjectif Préposition Pronom d'objet direct Art & Design Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Find out a few ideas for your upcycling projets.
  • Anna's birthday party L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Food & Drink Family & Relationships Clément discusses the organisation of his daughter's birthday party with his friend Charlotte.
  • Anne of Brittany Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Genre féminin Learn about the extraordinary woman who was crowned Queen of France twice.
  • At the psychiatrist's Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Employment Family & Relationships Mme Dupont is talking to her psychiatrist.
  • At the ski resort Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Sports & Leisure Paul needs to get ski gear for himself and his family.
  • At the water park Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif The whole family is having a good time at the water park.
  • At Uncle Robert's 70th birthday Verbe irrégulier Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Family & Relationships Laura catches up with her cousin Charlotte at a family event.
  • Back to School shopping Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Mode impératif Language & Education Family & Relationships Viviane and Christian try and get everything on their children's school supply list.
  • Bathroom chat Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Bruno and Sonia are having a chat in the bathroom.
  • Brest during World War II L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Adjectif possessif Politics, History & Economics Alex is talking about WWII in Brest with his granddad.
  • Californian dream L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Olivia finally followed her dream to move to California.
  • Camping in the woods Free L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Nathalie enjoys camping in the middle of the woods.
  • Coco Chanel Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Article Verbes réguliers avec -ER Famous People Politics, History & Economics Learn about this extraordinary woman who became a fashion icon.
  • Complaining about a hotel room Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Gérard complains to the receptionist about the state of his hotel room.
  • Coping with the heatwave Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Family & Relationships Emma asks how Simon and his pregnant girlfriend Christelle coped with the extreme heat.
  • Deep-sea diving in Martinique L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Pronom relatif Léonard took his new wife Sophie deep-sea diving in Martinique.
  • Discovering Guadeloupe Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Verbes réguliers avec -IR Alicia takes us on a tour of some of Guadeloupe's tourist spots.
  • Drôme provençale, a little piece of heaven Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Adjectif possessif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Vincent tells us about this beautiful region in the South of France.
  • Easter plans Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Le Présent (Indicatif) Julia hopes Easter will be nicer this year!
  • Édith Piaf Genre masculin Genre féminin Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Famous People Music Here's a short biography of one of France's most beloved singers.
  • Engagement dinner's speech Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom relatif Family & Relationships The bride's father thanks the guests for attending and announces the evening programme.
  • Engagement surprise Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Louise enjoys an unexpected visit at her engagement party.
  • Family Zoom Call Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Le Présent (Indicatif) Laurent tries to coordinate a Zoom call with his mother and grandparents.
  • Financial advice Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Le Présent (Indicatif) Alicia had a meeting with her financial advisor.
  • Finding love at a yoga retreat L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Adjectif possessif Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Seniors Germaine and Pierrot didn't expect to fall in love at a yoga retreat.
  • Fireside memories L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif possessif Family & Relationships Manuelle has warm memories of family times by the fireside.
  • First day back to school Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom d'objet direct Food & Drink Family & Relationships Sabrina tells us what she'll do on her children's first day back to school.
  • Fishing with my father Free L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom réfléchi Pronom relatif Julien remembers going fishing with his dad when he was young.
  • French Mobile Phone Habits Adverbe Préposition Mode subjonctif Politics, History & Economics Technology & Science We're taking a look at the importance of mobile phones in French people's lives.
  • Gardening weekend Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Participe passé Sports & Leisure Jean-Pierre had a busy weekend taking care of his garden.
  • Gastronomical review Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Food & Drink Discover a mouthwatering review of a French restaurant.
  • Gluten-free living L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Food & Drink Alexandre tells us how he dealt with his newly discovered gluten allergy.
  • Gustave Moreau Museum L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Art & Design Claire tells us about her fascination for 19th-century symbolist painter Gustave Moreau.
  • Holidaying in July L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Monuments, Tourism & Vacations July is a hard time to organise holiday [US: vacation] for, as Martine and Sam found out!
  • How to show your love? Verbe irrégulier Adjectif possessif Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Marianne and her partner Adèle are making some changes to show their appreciation for each other more.
  • How to take the best portrait photos Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Sylvie gives Jacques some tips to improve his portrait photos.
  • If only I'd won the lottery! Pronom d'objet direct Le Conditionnel Passé Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire Vincent shares what he would have done with the lottery money if he'd won.
  • If you could learn anything instantly... Le Conditionnel Présent Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Irène, Julien and Pascal answer the question.
  • In the Jura mountains with my dog Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Stéphane recommends going on a mountain holiday [US: vacation] with your dog.
  • In the lives of the writers of French romance novels Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Employment Literature, Poetry, Theatre Discover what the life of a French writer of romance novels looks like.
  • Jean-Marc Vallée Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom relatif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Famous People Film & TV Nathan and Florence discuss the late Quebecois director Jean-Marc Vallée.
  • Johnny Hallyday, a French icon L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Famous People Music Paul and his mum talk about her favourite French singer, Johnny Hallyday.
  • La Petite France in Strasbourg Préposition Adjectif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Discover this unique area of Strasbourg, a UNESCO site and tourists' favourite.
  • Last-minute hesitations L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Genre féminin Family & Relationships François is torn between his love for Marianne and his duty to the Duchess who he's about to marry.
  • Letter to my daughter L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Family & Relationships Marc writes a love letter to his newborn baby girl.
  • Letter to Santa Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbe irrégulier Mode subjonctif Celebrations & Important Dates Timothée writes to Santa, hoping he's been good enough this year...
  • Long distance relationships Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Here's some advice on how to keep your long distance relation working.
  • Luxembourg: A bit of history Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Pronom réfléchi Politics, History & Economics Learn about the early history of this interesting country.
  • Missed plane! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Adverbe Préposition Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Family & Relationships Bastien missed his morning flight to Paris!
  • Missing a friend's Hen [US: Bachelorette] Party Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Pronom d'objet direct Manquer l'EVJF d'une amie
  • Moana's French voice-over's interview Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Film & TV Paul interviews Cerise Calixte, the French actress who gave her voice to Disney's Moana (Vaiana in the French version).
  • Montpellier, city of street art Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Valentin tells us why Montpellier is a great street art city.
  • Multilingualism in Alsace Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Article Pronom d'objet direct Politics, History & Economics Language & Education Find out which languages are spoken in Alsace.
  • My family's Hallowe'en L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Préposition Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Martin tells us about his family's Hallowe'en traditions.
  • My first Mother's Day Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Danielle looks back on her very first Mother's Day with her son.
  • My Hanukkah traditions L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Rachelle explains why Hanukkah is such a special occasion for her.
  • My life as a locavore Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Subjonctif Présent Sophie explains why she decided to become a locavore.
  • My son's school trip transformation L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom relatif Family & Relationships Naomi wondered about her son's strange behaviour after his school trip to France.
  • My trip to Lyon Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom relatif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Yvan spent a few days exploring the French city.
  • Nice's cuisine: a healthy diet Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Adjectif Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Find out why the dishes from Nice are so healthy.
  • Not the festival type Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Jean-Marc discovered that outdoor festivals were really not his thing!
  • Ode to my favourite uncle L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Pronom d'objet direct Simon writes a loving text to his favourite uncle.
  • Of the difficulties of learning French Le Présent (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Mike and Jane discuss the challenges they encountered learning French.
  • On a desert island Le Conditionnel Présent L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Présent (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Technology & Science Pierre discusses his friend Yves's choice of single item that he would take with him on a desert island.
  • Our baby's progress Le Subjonctif Présent Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Christophe can't believe how fast his baby daughter is growing up.
  • Paris Catacombs Visit: Juliette's review Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Juliette reviews her visit of Paris's Catacombs.
  • Paris's Haussmannian revolution L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Verbes réguliers avec -ER Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Learn about the architectural revolution that took place in Paris in the 19th century.
  • Planning mishap Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Sports & Leisure Family & Relationships Fabienne and Pascal were to meet Charlotte and Cyril to go to the cinema...except they showed up an hour late! What happened?
  • Playground battle Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Family & Relationships Thomas and Alex fought an epic battle in the school playground.
  • Police Station Dialogue Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Family & Relationships Detective Jacques Poireau is interviewing a murder suspect.
  • Pompidou Centre Free Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Préposition Verbe irrégulier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Learn about the history of this unique building in Paris.
  • Prepaid travel cards Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Alain talks about the advantages of prepaid travel cards.
  • Reading books in a foreign language Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Language & Education Literature, Poetry, Theatre Killian and Rose, who are not native French speakers, are chatting about reading books in French.
  • Real daredevils! Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adverbe Patricia's twins have a loyalty card at the local hospital...
  • Results of the 2022 presidential election's first round Pronom relatif Conjonction de subordination Verbes réguliers avec -ER Politics, History & Economics Here's a summary of the main results of the first round of France's 2022 presidential elections.
  • Review of the iPhone 8 Plus Forme négative Comparatif Adverbe Technology & Science Christine reviews the disappointing new iPhone 8 Plus.
  • Roxy's bath Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Le Subjonctif Présent Giving a bath to her dog Roxy is really no picnic for Lisa!
  • Staycation: a positive experience Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Forme négative Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Oscar talks about his experience with staycations.
  • Stereotypes about girls: an evolution? Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Question/Interrogative Politics, History & Economics Family & Relationships Danielle Moreau, a sociologist, talks about the evolution of stereotypes towards girls on a radio show.
  • Summer recipes Le Présent (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Food & Drink Marielle shares her favourite summer dishes with us.
  • Taking the children to the park Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet direct Family & Relationships Overwhelmed dad Luc tells us about the challenge that is taking the kids to the park.
  • Taking the driving license test Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Verbe irrégulier Irène is taking her driving license test.
  • The "Veuve Clicquot" Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Pronom relatif Food & Drink Politics, History & Economics Here's the story of how widow Barbe-Nicole Clicquot created one of the most famous champagne brands in the world.
  • The Abbey of Fontevraud: a Royal affair Le Présent (Indicatif) Préposition Verbes réguliers avec -ER Famous People Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Eleanor of Aquitaine answers a few questions about the Abbey of Fontevraud.
  • The benefits of music Pronom d'objet indirect Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Music Mathieu tells us about the benefits of music.
  • The best house painting company Adjectif possessif Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect You won't find a better house painting company than Jean-Pierre's!
  • The city of the future Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Verbe irrégulier Family & Relationships Technology & Science Yann asked people what they imagine cities will look like in the future.
  • The feminist revolutionary Olympe de Gouges Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Le Passé Simple (Indicatif) Famous People Politics, History & Economics Bastien tells us about this extraordinary humanist writer from 18th century France.
  • The flower fair Adjectif L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Damien and his family really enjoyed their visit to the flower fair.
  • The French language in the world Préposition Article Le Présent (Indicatif) Employment Language & Education Find out about the impact of French in the world.
  • The GPS is malfunctioning! Pronom d'objet direct Pronom d'objet indirect Le Présent (Indicatif) Technology & Science Rémi and Isabelle's car GPS is malfunctioning!
  • The King cake Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Mode subjonctif Food & Drink Celebrations & Important Dates Learn about the tradition around King cake.
  • The Lumberjack - Part 1 L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Préposition Pronom d'objet direct Celebrations & Important Dates Literature, Poetry, Theatre Here's an original Christmas story about a lumberjack who lived in the North Pole...
  • The Lumberjack - Part 2 Le Présent (Indicatif) Forme négative Verbes réguliers avec -ER Celebrations & Important Dates Literature, Poetry, Theatre Who left those tiny footprints? Here's the end of our original Christmas story!
  • The town of Gruyères Mode subjonctif Verbes réguliers avec -ER Le Subjonctif Présent Sébastien had a lovely time visiting the famous Swiss town.
  • To our adopted son Pronom d'objet direct Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Mode subjonctif Family & Relationships Christian tells his son how wanted he was and still is.
  • Unicycle passion Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) Yvette tells us about the day when her passion for unicycling was born.
  • Welcome to Lille Le Présent (Indicatif) Adverbe Adjectif Monuments, Tourism & Vacations The northern city has a lot to offer to visitors.
  • What's a good mother? Le Présent (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Pronom relatif Family & Relationships Julie has been getting much contradictory advice since she became a mother.
  • Which book to choose? Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom relatif Pronom d'objet indirect Literature, Poetry, Theatre Christian is looking for a few recommendations at his local library.
  • Who's your favourite football [US:soccer] player? Pronom d'objet direct Le Présent (Indicatif) Pronom d'objet indirect Bertrand and Léa discuss their favourite French football [US:soccer] players.
  • Why did I become a vet? L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Pluriel Genre masculin Jean-Luc tells us what made him choose this profession.
  • Working as a PA Mode subjonctif Le Subjonctif Présent Verbe irrégulier Employment Sophie talks about her career as a personal assistant.
  • Writer's Block L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Le Subjonctif Présent Préposition Literature, Poetry, Theatre Lucille talks about coping mechanisms to circumvent the dreaded writer's block.
  • Yves Saint-Laurent L'Imparfait (Indicatif) Adjectif possessif Genre féminin Art & Design Famous People Thibault and his friend Sonia talk about French designer Yves Saint-Laurent.

In this section

  • Hanukkah 2023 Menorah
  • Christmas 2023 Advent Calendar
  • Tips and ideas to improve your French writing skills
  • French Glossary and Jargon Buster

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Tâche - Carte postale (Postcard in French to a student in another country)

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This written assignment will allow your students to practice their creative writing skills in French by writing an imaginary (or not) postcard to a student in another country. They will practice using verbs in the present tense and descriptive adjectives.

A learning criteria checkbrick is provided (This can be modified to meet the specific learning needs of your students (Ex. additional grammar categories can be added.)

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Écrire une carte postale/lettre

Lettre 6 : les vacances (compréhension et expression écrites, 3rd year).

Written comprehension and letter-writing activity relating to holidays.

How it maps to the curriculum

Strand: Topics

Strand unit: Holidays

Suggestions for use: Can be used with 3rd Year students.

Key Skills: Communicating

La carte postale (FlexiQuiz)

MCQ activity focusing on the postcard vocabulary.

Suggestions for use: Give this link to students and use as a self-assessment activity.

Key Skills: Managing Myself

Junior Certificate Informal Letter / Postcard Assessment Grid (French)

Grid (in French or English) designed to facilitate individual feedback relating to writing a letter or postcard in French (junior Cycle)

Suggestions for use: Fill in this grid for each student and give it to them with their corrected work.


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Postcard Vocabulary

Postcard Vocabulary

Subject: French

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Assessment and revision


Last updated

22 February 2018

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    docx, 25.48 KB. A notes handout based on the post card. Aimed at ordinary level leaving cert students. Includes lots of useful phrases for all aspects of postcard - when/how you arrived, weather, accommodation, food, feelings, activities etc…. Activities are set out under three headings - Present, Past and Future. There is also a sample postcard.

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  12. Tâche

    This written assignment will allow your students to practice their creative writing skills in French by writing an imaginary (or not) postcard to a student in another country. They will practice using verbs in the present tense and descriptive adjectives.

  13. Postcard

    Join the French Formula Insider newsletter today and get my free guide on how to write a postcard in French. This free guide will definitely help you if: You are studying for the DELF A1 exam, or. You would like to actually send a postcard in the French language. Get The Guide ».

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    Subject: French. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Other. File previews. docx, 17.99 KB. A 2 page handout on postcard writing in French. Well laid out and easy to follow. Different key phrases are laid out under headings e.g. accommodation, weather, present tense activities, past tense activities etc... A go-to handout for postcard writing.

  15. Tâche

    This written assignment will allow your students to practice their creative writing skills in French by writing an imaginary (or not) postcard to a student in another country. They will practice using verbs in the present tense and descriptive adjectives. A learning criteria checkbrick is provided (...


    assignment is in English. Punctuation: Did you include All of your punctuation is correct. There are no missing punctuation marks. All words that need to be capitalized are done so. There are a few missing punctuation marks. There may be a few words that have not been capitalized. There are some missing punctuation marks. Some words that should be

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  18. Écrire une carte postale/lettre

    Grid (in French or English) designed to facilitate individual feedback relating to writing a letter or postcard in French (junior Cycle) View full description . JC French. Add to My Favourites. Rate this resource. Add to Learning Path. How it maps to the curriculum. JC French.

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    Postcard and letter. In the letter please learn how to say the following: Start off by thanking him / her for the last letter. Thank him also for the photo. Thank him for the present. Say that you are very tired at the moment. Say that you have lots of homework at the moment. (EN ce moment)

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    Postcard Vocabulary. Subject: French. Age range: 11-14. Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. docx, 86.12 KB. Just a simple reminder for students about vocabulary they should already know or might want to use when writing a postcard from their holiday in France (or other francophonie countries). Because it was part of an ...

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