472 Popular Culture Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 4070 words
  • Icon Clock 19 min read

Popular culture essay topics offer an in-depth exploration of various facets of societies’ prevailing trends, interests, and practices. Some themes may include areas, such as music, fashion, social media, film, television, literature, and even sports. From analyzing the societal influence of groundbreaking television series to dissecting the role of social media in shaping fashion trends, these topics provide an excellent platform to understand the human cultural milieu. Moreover, they offer a critical lens to examine the intersection of popular culture with issues, like gender, race, politics, and identity. By delving into such topics, one can get a better understanding of current societal dynamics, influential forces, and the complexities of shared cultural narratives. Thus, popular culture essay topics allow students to develop an engaging discourse on how pop culture reflects, influences, and challenges societal norms and beliefs.

Best Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Anime’s Influence on Global Fashion Trends
  • Superheroes and Their Reflections on Societal Ideals
  • Latinx Representation in Hollywood: Progress and Pitfalls
  • Evolution of Video Game Narratives in the 21st Century
  • K-Pop’s Global Dominance and Cultural Exchange
  • Graffiti as an Expression of Urban Culture and Identity
  • Reality TV and Its Effect on Public Perception of Celebrity
  • Transformation of Comedy in Digital Platforms: Case of Memes
  • Reinterpretation of Classic Literature in Modern Cinema
  • TikTok: Disrupting Traditional Performance Art
  • Influence of Western Culture on Bollywood Cinema
  • Streetwear and Its Intersections With Youth Culture
  • Science Fiction and Its Predictions of Future Technologies
  • Dystopian Novels as Commentary on Present Societies
  • Skateboarding’s Influence on Pop Culture and Urban Development
  • Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters in Children’s Cartoons
  • Ethical Concerns Surrounding the Consumption of True Crime Content
  • The Role of Comics in Shaping Political Satire
  • Internet Slang and Its Effect on Language Evolution
  • Cancel Culture: Societal Responsibility or Online Mob Mentality?
  • Body Positivity Movement’s Impact on Fashion Industry
  • eSports’ Rise to Mainstream Popularity and Its Future
  • Nostalgia Marketing in Film and Television: Case of Reboots
  • Cinematic Depictions of Historical Events and Their Accuracy
  • Food Trends and Their Influence on Health Perceptions
  • The Cultural Significance of Music Festivals in Globalization
  • Cosplay’s Emergence as a Mainstream Hobby and Its Impact on Fashion

Popular Culture Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Pop Art and Its Relevance in Modern Advertising
  • Podcasts as a Medium for Storytelling and Social Discussions
  • Interpretations of Artificial Intelligence in Cinema and Literature
  • Drag Culture and Its Influence on Gender Norms
  • Cyberpunk Culture and Its Visions of the Future
  • Disney’s Influence on Childhood Perceptions of Morality
  • Social Issues Portrayed in Animated Films
  • Rap Music as a Tool for Sociopolitical Commentary
  • The Role of Netflix in Shaping TV Consumption Habits
  • Mental Health Representations in Modern Literature
  • Zombie Mythology and Its Reflections on Societal Fears
  • Veganism’s Impacts on Culinary Trends and Food Industry
  • Diversity in Barbie Dolls: Shifts in Gender and Racial Representation
  • Role-Playing Games and Their Influence on Social Interactions
  • Viral Challenges: Risks and Rewards of Internet Fame
  • Fanfiction’s Role in Expanding and Challenging Canonical Narratives
  • Sci-Fi’s Influence on Public Interest in Space Exploration
  • Generation Z’s Use of Social Media for Activism
  • The Evolution of Dance Trends Through TikTok
  • Modern Interpretations of Fairy Tales in Popular Culture
  • Street Dance and Its Influence on Music Videos
  • Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Film Production Techniques
  • Hyperrealistic Art and Its Influence on Perception of Beauty
  • Book-to-Film Adaptations: Analysis of Narrative Fidelity
  • Technology’s Role in Transforming the Music Industry

Interesting Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Musical Theatre’s Cultural Impact: Case Study of “Hamilton”
  • Virtual Reality’s Impact on the Video Game Experience
  • Youtubers as Modern-Day Influencers: Challenges and Successes
  • Sports Marketing and Its Influence on Brand Perception
  • Architectural Styles in Popular TV Shows and Films
  • Environmental Messages in Animated Children’s Movies
  • Hollywood’s Influence on Global Beauty Standards
  • Historical Analysis of Hip-Hop Culture
  • Streaming Platforms and the Decline of Traditional Radio
  • Digital Art’s Rise in Contemporary Art Market
  • Country Music’s Reflection on American Culture
  • Young Adult Dystopian Novels and Their Societal Messages
  • The Influence of Award Shows on Film and Music Industries
  • Paranormal Fiction and Its Appeal to Young Adult Readers
  • Contemporary Tattoo Culture and Its Significance
  • The Evolution of Feminism in Pop Music
  • Subcultures and Their Representation in Modern Films
  • Magic Realism in Latin American Literature
  • Technology’s Impacts on Print Media and Journalism
  • Food Blogs and Their Influence on Culinary Industry
  • The Cultural Significance of the Olympic Games
  • Modern Photography and Its Role in Documenting Social Movements
  • British Influence on American Pop Culture

Pop Culture Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Influence of Reality Television on Modern Society
  • Representation of Gender Roles in Disney Films
  • Nostalgia and Its Role in Fueling Retro Fashion Trends
  • Impacts of Social Media on Celebrity Culture
  • Violence in Video Games: Examining Its Effects on Players
  • Modern Rap Music: Examining Its Influence on Youth Behavior
  • Superhero Films: The Potential Over-Saturation of the Genre
  • Body Image Perception Altered by the Fashion Industry
  • Internet Memes and Their Cultural Significance
  • Roles of Artistic Expression in Protest Movements
  • Podcasts vs. Traditional Radio: A Shift in Audio Consumption
  • Animation Advancements: Pixar’s Influence on the Film Industry
  • Streaming Services: Impact on Movie Theatre Culture
  • Virtual Influencers: The Future of Advertising?
  • Cultural Appropriation in Popular Music: Where to Draw the Line?
  • Influence of Anime on Western Animation
  • Celebrity Endorsements and Their Effect on Consumer Behavior
  • Fan Fiction: Challenging the Boundaries of Intellectual Property
  • The Instagram Aesthetic: The Reality vs. The Highlight Reel
  • Diversity in Hollywood: A Reflection of Society or Tokenism?
  • Cancel Culture: Champion of Accountability or Modern Witch Hunt?
  • Impacts of K-Pop on Global Music Trends
  • Virtual Reality in Entertainment: Boon or Bane?
  • Binge-Watching: The Shift in Television Consumption Patterns

Pop Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Dark Humor in Television Shows: A Psychological Perspective
  • Examination of Gothic Themes in Modern Literature
  • Virtual Influencers and Their Role in Digital Marketing
  • The Cultural Impact of Mobile Gaming Trends
  • Post-Apocalyptic Narratives as Reflections of Societal Anxiety
  • The Evolution of Romantic Comedies in the Film Industry
  • Queer Coding in Classic Hollywood Films
  • The Role of Autobiographies in Celebrity Branding
  • Analysis of Minimalist Lifestyle Trends
  • Pop Culture’s Role in Destigmatizing Mental Illness
  • Transformation of Traditional News Platforms in the Digital Age
  • Fan Cultures and Their Influence on TV Series Continuity
  • The Cultural Significance of Ballet in Film
  • The Rise of Celebrity Chefs and Gourmet Cooking Shows
  • Psychedelic Art and Its Influence on the Music and Fashion Industry
  • Celebrity Activism: Influence on Public Policy and Opinion
  • Examination of Fashion Statements in Award Shows
  • Roles of Women in 21st-Century Horror Films
  • Graffiti and Street Art as Tools for Political Protest
  • The Impact of Hollywood’s Typecasting on Actor Careers
  • Evolution of Women Characters in Comic Books
  • Influence of Science Fiction on Technological Innovation
  • Cybersecurity in Pop Culture: An Analysis of Film Depictions
  • The Cultural Impact of Mobile Apps on Daily Life

Essay Topics on Pop Culture and Internet Trends

  • Influences of TikTok Challenges on Youth Behavior
  • Memes as Communication Tools in Modern Society
  • The Impact of Streaming Platforms on Traditional Media
  • Cyber Activism: The Power of Hashtag Movements
  • Anime Influence on Global Pop Culture
  • Fashion Trends Initiated by Influencers and Their Consequences
  • Cultural Shifts Facilitated by YouTube Personalities
  • Roles of E-Sports in Defining New Entertainment Avenues
  • Instagram’s Contribution to Self-Image and Mental Health
  • Influence of K-Pop on the Global Music Scene
  • Cyberbullying Phenomenon in the Age of Social Media
  • Intersectionality of Pop Culture and Politics in the Internet Era
  • Podcasts: Disruption of Traditional Broadcasting Media
  • Ethical Dimensions of Internet Privacy and Personal Data
  • Reality Television’s Influence on Social Perceptions and Norms
  • Cancel Culture: Internet Accountability or Online Harassment?
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency: Impact on Financial Cultures
  • Virtual Reality: Changing Dynamics of Entertainment and Gaming
  • The Role of AI Influencers in Modern Advertising
  • Social Media: Agent of Globalization or Cultural Appropriation?
  • The Influences of Internet Slang on Language Evolution

Essay Topics on Pop Culture in Mass Media

  • Influences of Pop Culture on Modern Advertisement Strategies
  • Representation of the LGBTQ+ Community in Pop Music Videos
  • Impacts of Superhero Movies on the Young Generation’s Ideals
  • The Evolution of Animated Series and Their Cultural Significance
  • Reality Television: A Window Into Contemporary Society
  • Pop Culture’s Role in Shaping Youth’s Body Image Perceptions
  • Digital Media’s Influence on Fashion Trends in Pop Culture
  • Asian Representation in Hollywood: A Discussion on Cultural Diversity
  • Graffiti and Street Art: Symbols of Counterculture in Mass Media
  • Stand-Up Comedy’s Effect on Social Commentary Within Pop Culture
  • Memes and Their Disruptive Impact on Mass Media Communications
  • Feminism Portrayed Through Pop Culture: A Historical Perspective
  • Musical Genres and Their Reflection of Societal Changes
  • The Role of Science Fiction Films in Shaping Future Expectations
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Celebrity Culture
  • Analysis of Pop Culture’s Influence on Language Evolution
  • eSports’ Rise: A New Phenomenon in Pop Culture
  • The Power of Animation in Breaking Societal Taboos
  • How Do Video Games Reflect and Influence Pop Culture?
  • The Impact of Mass Media on the Globalization of Pop Culture
  • Cult Television Shows and Their Impact on Fan Cultures
  • Graphic Novels’ Cultural Significance in Contemporary Society

Fashion and Beauty in Pop Culture Topics

  • Evolving Trends in Celebrity Street Style
  • Power of Pop Icons in Shaping Fashion Norms
  • K-Pop Influence on Global Beauty Standards
  • Roles of Social Media Models in Fashion
  • The Art of Body Positivity in Hollywood
  • Influence of Hip-Hop on Urban Style
  • Red Carpet Events: The Ultimate Fashion Showdown
  • Film and Its Effects on Contemporary Hairstyles
  • High-Fashion Inspirations in Music Videos
  • Tattoos: An Emerging Trend Among Celebrities
  • Representation and Diversity in the Beauty Industry
  • Fashion Lessons From Period Drama Series
  • Sustainability Practices of Luxury Brands
  • Sneaker Culture Within the Music Industry
  • Athleisure Wear: Sports Celebrities as Style Icons
  • Vintage Revival in Modern Celebrity Wardrobes
  • Gender Fluidity: Changes in Fashion Perception
  • TV Series That Revolutionized Makeup Trends
  • Music Festivals and Their Unique Style Statements
  • Reality Shows’ Impacts on Fashion Choices
  • Video Game Characters Inspiring Cosplay Trends

Food and Drink in Pop Culture Essay Topics

  • Influence of Television Cooking Shows on Modern Cuisine
  • Representation of Cultural Identity Through Food in Anime
  • Impacts of Celebrity Chefs on Popular Culinary Trends
  • Drinks in Film: Crafting Character and Setting Through Beverage Choice
  • The Rise of Veganism: How Does Pop Culture Encourage Plant-Based Diets?
  • Coffee Culture’s Emergence in Television and Its Social Impact
  • Food-Related Social Media Trends: The Effect on Eating Habits
  • Wine in Literature: Symbolism and Character Development
  • Evolution of the Fast Food Industry as Shown in Popular Music
  • The Art of Baking in British Television: Cultural Interpretation and Influence
  • “Cocktail Culture” in Classic Hollywood Films: Glamour, Intrigue, and Influence
  • Depictions of Holiday Feasts in Movies: Ideals and Reality
  • The Role of Comfort Foods in Iconic American Sitcoms
  • Feast or Famine: Food Symbolism in Fantasy Literature
  • Chocolate in Pop Culture: A Sweet Treat’s Role Across Mediums
  • Culinary Reality Shows and Their Impact on the Restaurant Industry
  • The Beer Industry’s Presence in American Sports Culture
  • Tea Rituals in Asian Cinema: Tradition, Modernity, and Cultural Exchange
  • The Socio-Economic Influence of Foodie Culture as Presented in Blogs
  • The Image of Soda Pop in Teenage Films: A Symbol of Youth Rebellion

Historical and Literary Influences on Pop Culture Topics

  • Gothic Literature’s Elements in Today’s Horror Pop Culture
  • Chronicles of King Arthur: Recurrent Themes in Fantasy Genre
  • Biblical References in Contemporary Music Lyrics
  • Victorian Fashion Trends Revived in Modern-Day Couture
  • Examination of War Poetry’s Influence on Anti-War Songs
  • Jack Kerouac and the Beat Movement’s Echoes in Indie Culture
  • Norse Mythology’s Role in Video Game Narratives
  • The Odyssey: Inspiration for Epic Space Operas
  • Orwellian Themes in Dystopian TV Shows and Films
  • Resurgence of 1920s Jazz Age in Postmodern Music
  • Reflection of the Harlem Renaissance in Urban Street Art
  • Reinterpretation of Fairy Tales in Disney Animation
  • Renaissance Art and Its Impact on Graphic Novel Aesthetics
  • Influence of Chivalric Romances on Modern Fantasy Tropes
  • H.P. Lovecraft’s Cosmic Horror: Inspiration for Sci-Fi Movies
  • Influence of Homeric Epics on Hollywood Blockbusters
  • French Revolution’s Symbolism in Political Drama Series
  • Roles of American Frontier Legends in Western Movies
  • Japanese Folklore’s Influence on Anime and Manga
  • Elements of Celtic Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy Literature
  • Eastern Philosophy’s Imprint on Mindfulness Movements in Pop Culture

Pop Culture and Education Essay Topics

  • Intersecting Worlds: The Influence of Pop Culture on Modern Education Systems
  • Unraveling the Impact of Social Media Stars on Youth Learning Habits
  • Hollywood’s Effect on Contemporary History Education
  • Significance of Graphic Novels in Promoting Literacy
  • Celebrities as Role Models: A Study on Ethical Education
  • Role-Playing Games and Their Potential for Pedagogical Strategies
  • Podcasts as a Platform for Lifelong Learning and Self-Education
  • Memes and Their Influence on Digital Literacy
  • Science Fiction Literature’s Effect on STEM Education
  • Art Education: The Role of Pop Culture Iconography in Classrooms
  • Popular Music’s Contribution to Language Learning
  • Anime’s Influence on Cross-Cultural Understanding in Education
  • Superheroes in the Classroom: Teaching Morality Through Comic Books
  • Video Games’ Potential as Interactive Learning Tools
  • Gender Representation in Pop Culture: Implications for Sex Education
  • Virtual Reality: A Paradigm Shift in Experiential Learning
  • Food Shows and Their Impact on Culinary Education
  • Streamed Content as a Tool for Foreign Language Acquisition
  • Exploring Environmental Education Through Post-Apocalyptic Films
  • Street Art: A Catalyst for Creativity and Artistic Education
  • Reality TV’s Influence on Career Choices in the Modern Youth
  • Sports Celebrities as Motivational Figures in Physical Education

Pop Culture Essay Topics on Movies and TV Shows

  • Exploring the Cultural Impact of Superhero Movies
  • Analyzing the Evolution of Female Characters in TV Shows
  • Unraveling the Symbolism in Quentin Tarantino’s Films
  • Examining the Role of Diversity in Contemporary Television
  • Investigating the Influence of Anime on Western Animation
  • Dissecting the Complex Themes in Christopher Nolan’s Movies
  • Tracing the History of Film Noir and Its Modern-Day Resurgence
  • Unveiling the Psychology of Villains in Popular Movies
  • Exploring the Phenomenon of Binge-Watching and Its Effects
  • Deconstructing the Mythology of Star Wars
  • Focusing on the Representation of Mental Health in TV Dramas
  • Explaining the Success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Analyzing the Influence of Science Fiction on Popular Culture
  • Addressing the Satirical Elements in Black Mirror
  • The Evolution of LGBTQ+ Representation in Film and TV
  • Exploring the World of Animated Shorts
  • The Role of Soundtracks in Enhancing Movie Viewing Experience
  • Analyzing the Cinematic Techniques of Stanley Kubrick
  • The Impact of Streaming Platforms on Traditional Television
  • Unveiling the Power of Nostalgia in Remakes and Reboots
  • Examining the Cultural Significance of Game of Thrones

Topics for Analyzing Pop Culture

  • Analysis of Stereotypes in Sitcoms
  • Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication in Movies
  • The Popularity and Impact of DIY Culture
  • The Influence of Jazz Music on Modern Music Genres
  • Cyberbullying and Online Harassment in Digital Culture
  • The Role of Children’s Literature in Promoting Diversity
  • Impact of Biographical Films on Public Perception of Historical Figures
  • The Role of Modern Art in Social Justice Movements
  • Influence of Video Game Aesthetics on Fashion Trends
  • The Evolution of Women in Superhero Movies
  • Paranormal Reality TV Shows and Public Belief in Supernatural
  • Satire and Its Impact on Political Views
  • Trends in Advertising and Their Influence on Consumerism
  • Magic and Mysticism in Popular Literature
  • Transformation of Traditional Art Forms Through Digital Media
  • Influence of the Maker Movement on Technology and Education
  • Role of Aesthetics in the Popularity of Social Media Platforms
  • Cultural Significance of Epic Poetry in Modern Literature
  • Influences of Greek Mythology in Contemporary Pop Culture
  • Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Animated Movies
  • YouTube and Its Impact on Independent Music Artists
  • The Influence of Psychedelic Culture on Graphic Design
  • Implications of Digital Piracy on the Music Industry
  • Exploration of the Punk Rock Movement’s Influence on Fashion
  • Representation of Indigenous Cultures in Modern Cinema

Topics on American Pop Culture

  • Rock ‘n’ Roll Revolution: Impact on American Pop Culture
  • Hollywood Blockbusters: Evolution of the American Film Industry
  • Jazz Age: Birth of American Music Icons
  • Urban Street Art: Influences on American Graffiti Culture
  • Fashion Icons: Shaping Trends in American Pop Culture
  • Sitcom Sensations: Comedy Shows That Defined American Television
  • Hip-Hop Phenomenon: Cultural Influence and Evolution
  • Comic Book Heroes: Superheroes’ Impact on American Culture
  • Gaming Revolution: Rise of Video Games in American Society
  • Reality TV Obsession: America’s Fascination With Unscripted Entertainment
  • Broadway Spectacles: Theatrical Experiences That Captivated America
  • Social Media Influencers: Power of Online Personalities in American Culture
  • Breaking the Mold: Iconic American Art Movements
  • Sports Legends: Athletes Who Became Cultural Icons
  • Technological Advancements: Shaping American Pop Culture
  • Literary Icons: American Writers Who Transformed Popular Literature
  • Television Talk Shows: Influence on American Conversations and Trends
  • Golden Age of Radio: Impact on American Pop Culture
  • Stand-Up Comedy Revolution: Comedians Who Redefined American Humor
  • American Food Culture: From Fast Food to Gourmet Delights
  • Dance Craze: Evolution of American Dance Styles
  • Drive-In Theaters: Iconic American Pastime and Entertainment

Celebrity Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Celebrity Influence on Fashion Trends: A Comparative Analysis
  • Exploring the Psychological Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Behavior
  • Ethical Dilemmas of Paparazzi and Invasion Into Celebrity Privacy
  • Examining the Role of Public Figures in Social Change: Celebrity Activism
  • Analyzing Successful Celebrity-Brand Partnerships: Strategies for Celebrity Branding
  • Investigating the Effects of Celebrity Scandals on Public Perception and Career Sustainability
  • A Sociocultural Examination of Fame and Obsession: The Cult of Celebrity
  • Celebrity Parenting Styles and Their Influence on Public Perception
  • The Evolution of Celebrity Gossip Journalism: Tabloids to Digital Media
  • Shaping Culinary Trends and Food Culture: The Role of Celebrity Chefs
  • Celebrity Influence on Body Image and the Rise of Eating Disorders
  • Examining Motivations and Impact: Celebrity Humanitarian Efforts
  • Analyzing Power Imbalances: The Dynamics in Celebrity Relationships
  • Investigating the Role of Fame in Addiction Recovery: Celebrity Rehabilitation Culture
  • The Impact of Celebrity Culture on Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Exploring the Phenomenon of Celebrity Obsession: Celebrity Impersonators
  • Psychological Motivations and Implications: Celebrity Worship Syndrome
  • The Intersection of Celebrity Culture and Politics: Influence and Perceptions
  • Evaluating Effectiveness and Transparency: Celebrity Charity Foundations
  • Economic Impact and Market Dynamics: The Celebrity Endorsement Economy
  • Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Tragedy: The Dark Side of Celebrity

Culture Essay Topics on Modern and Popular Literature

  • Cultural Identity and Immigration in Contemporary Poetry
  • The Role of Gender in Recent Literary Works
  • Ecological Themes in Popular Environmental Literature
  • Unconventional Narrative Structures in Contemporary Fiction
  • Love and Relationships in Modern Romance Novels
  • Social Commentary in Contemporary Satirical Writing
  • Historical Fiction as a Window Into the Past
  • The Representation of Mental Health in Modern Literature
  • Magical Realism in Contemporary Short Stories
  • Coming-of-Age Stories in Recent Young Adult Fiction
  • Political Allegories in Contemporary Literary Works
  • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Popular Science Fiction Novels
  • The Power of Mythology in Modern Fantasy Literature
  • Social Media and its Influence on Contemporary Literary Themes
  • Personal Identity and Self-Discovery in Recent Memoirs
  • Capturing the Spirit of a Generation in Modern Poetry
  • Examining Postcolonial Narratives in Contemporary Literature
  • Technological Advancements and Their Impact on the Detective Genre
  • Environmentalism and Nature Writing in Popular Non-Fiction
  • Investigating Magical Elements in Modern Magical Realism
  • The Art of Subversion in Contemporary Literary Criticism
  • Exploring Family Dynamics in Recent Domestic Fiction

Ethics and Morality in Popular Culture Research Topics

  • Analyzing Ethical Choices of Superheroes in Comic Books
  • Roles of Ethics in Music Lyrics and Popular Songs
  • Exploring Moral Ambiguity in TV Series
  • Ethical Considerations in Advertising and Product Placement Within Movies
  • Influence of Social Media on Moral Decision-Making
  • Morality and Violence in Video Games: A Critical Analysis
  • Ethical Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture
  • Ethics of Cultural Appropriation in Fashion and Music
  • Morality in Documentary Filmmaking: Balancing Objectivity and Impact
  • Moral Implications of Reality Television Contestants’ Behaviors
  • Ethical Issues in Celebrity Endorsements and Sponsorships
  • Morality and Privacy in Digital Age: Examining Social Media Influencers
  • Analyzing Ethical Treatment of Animals in Film and Television
  • Ethical Dimensions of Political Satire in Late-Night Talk Shows
  • Morality and Consent in Popular Romance Novels
  • Roles of Morality in Gaming Community: Online Interactions and Behavior
  • Ethical Challenges in Virtual Reality Gaming and Augmented Reality Experiences
  • Morality and Surveillance in Science Fiction Literature and Films
  • Ethics of Violence in Sports and Athletic Competitions
  • Examining Moral Consequences of Reality TV Judge Panels
  • Morality and Body Image in Fashion Advertising and Magazine Covers
  • Ethical Implications of Historical Revisionism in Film and Television
  • Exploring Morality and Identity in Video Game Character Customization

Music-Related Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Protest Anthems: Social and Political Expressions
  • Jazz: A Timeless Cultural Heritage
  • Music Festivals: Celebrating Diversity and Unity
  • Country Music and the American Identity
  • Harmonies in Advertising: Music as a Marketing Tool
  • Reggae Rhythms: Cultural Roots and Global Impact
  • K-Pop Sensation: Global Domination and Influence
  • Music as Catalyst: Driving Social Movements
  • Rap Battles: Verbal Artistry and Competition
  • Melodies and Fashion Trends: A Symbiotic Relationship
  • Music in Video Games: Immersive Sonic Landscapes
  • Empowering Women in Music: Breaking Barriers
  • Streaming Services Reshaping the Music Landscape
  • Healing Harmonies: The Therapeutic Power of Music
  • Classical Symphony: Timeless Expressions of Emotion
  • Music and Politics: Amplifying Movements
  • Honoring Musical Legends: The Legacy of Tribute Bands
  • Shaping the Sound: The Evolution of Music Production
  • Cultural Appropriation in Music: Navigating Boundaries
  • Rhythms and Visual Arts: Exploring Creative Connections
  • Technological Innovations in Music: Transforming the Industry
  • Music and LGBTQ+ Culture: A Pathway to Inclusion

Popular Culture Essay Topics for Social Issues

  • Media Representation of Gender Stereotypes: Influence and Challenges
  • Impact of Social Media on Body Image Perception
  • Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Music: Debates and Effects
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Modern Television Series
  • Celebrities’ Role in Advocacy and Activism
  • Influence of Video Games on Youth Attitudes and Behavior
  • Racial Diversity in Film Industry: Progress and Obstacles
  • Social Media Influencers and Consumer Culture
  • Popular Culture’s Contribution to Environmental Awareness
  • Future of Traditional TV in the Era of Online Streaming
  • Celebrity Endorsements and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior
  • Societal Effects of Reality TV Shows
  • Music as a Catalyst for Social Change
  • Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Literature and Cinema
  • Globalization and Cultural Exchange through K-Pop
  • Representation of Mental Health Issues in Popular Culture
  • The Power of Memes in Public Discourse
  • Fashion Trends Shaped by Popular Culture
  • Women in Superhero Movies: Empowerment or Objectification?
  • The Intersection of Sports and Popular Culture
  • Online Fandom Communities and Fan Culture

Sports and Athletics in Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Evolution of Basketball: From Naismith to Professional Leagues
  • The Rise of Women in Competitive Soccer
  • Influence of Sports Films on Popular Culture
  • Olympic Games: Unifying Nations through Athletic Competitions
  • The Impact of Social Media on Sports Promotion
  • Baseball’s Cultural Significance in American Society
  • Sports and Style: The Intersection of Fashion and Athletics
  • eSports: The Growing Influence of Competitive Gaming
  • Memorable Moments in American Football History: From “The Catch” to Miraculous Plays
  • The Fusion of Music and Sports: Athletes as Musical Icons
  • Analyzing the Legacy of Muhammad Ali: A Sporting Legend
  • Sports in Advertising: Athlete Endorsements and Product Marketing
  • The Olympic Spirit: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion Through Sports
  • Breaking Gender Stereotypes: The Impact of Sports in Empowering Women
  • Sports as a Catalyst for Overcoming Adversity
  • Extreme Sports: Pushing Boundaries and Defying Gravity
  • Sports Technology Innovations: Revolutionizing Athletic Performance
  • Football and National Identity: Passionate Support for Club and Country
  • Soccer’s Global Dominance: How Did the Beautiful Game Conquer the World?
  • The Artistry of Sports Photography: Capturing the Essence of Athleticism
  • Sports and Well-being: Exploring the Health Benefits of Physical Activity
  • Athletics and Education: The Vital Role of Sports in Schools

Video Game Culture Topics for Popular Essays

  • The Impact of eSports on Gaming Culture
  • Gaming as a Form of Storytelling
  • Cultural Representation in Video Games
  • The Power of Video Game Music
  • Game Development and Industry Trends
  • Online Communities and Social Interaction in Gaming
  • Video Games as Educational Tools
  • Ethics and Morality in Gaming
  • The Psychology of Video Game Addiction
  • Preservation of Video Game History and Retro Gaming
  • Social Impacts of Multiplayer Gaming
  • Diversity in Game Character Design
  • Gaming’s Positive Effects on Mental Health
  • Video Game Localization and Cultural Adaptation
  • Gender and Identity in Gaming Culture
  • The Rise of Indie Game Development
  • Streaming Platforms and Content Creation in Gaming
  • Monetization Models and In-Game Purchases
  • Gamification in Non-Gaming Contexts
  • Video Game Censorship and Freedom of Expression
  • Representation of Historical Events in Gaming
  • Gaming’s Influence on Popular Culture
  • Virtual Economies and In-Game Trading Systems

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130 Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Culture is a rich and diverse concept that encompasses various aspects of human society. When writing an essay on culture, it is essential to choose a topic that is not only interesting but also allows for in-depth exploration and analysis. To help you get started, here are 130 culture essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of globalization on traditional cultures.
  • Cultural appropriation: the line between appreciation and exploitation.
  • The role of social media in shaping modern culture.
  • The influence of pop culture on youth identity.
  • The impact of immigration on cultural diversity.
  • The significance of language in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Cultural stereotypes: their origins and consequences.
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
  • The portrayal of gender roles in different cultures.
  • The role of food in cultural identity.
  • The impact of technology on cultural practices.
  • The influence of religion on cultural values.
  • Cultural assimilation versus cultural preservation.
  • The role of museums in preserving cultural artifacts.
  • The impact of music on cultural expression.
  • The significance of traditional clothing in different cultures.
  • The role of education in promoting cultural understanding.
  • The impact of cultural tourism on local communities.
  • Cultural differences in communication styles.
  • The role of art in reflecting and shaping culture.
  • The impact of globalization on indigenous art forms.
  • Cultural practices surrounding birth and death.
  • The influence of media on cultural perceptions.
  • Cultural taboos: understanding and respecting diverse norms.
  • The role of folklore in preserving cultural traditions.
  • Cultural rituals and their significance in different societies.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on teamwork and collaboration.
  • Cultural expressions of love and romance.
  • The role of family in transmitting cultural values.
  • The influence of culture on healthcare practices.
  • Cultural appropriation in the fashion industry.
  • The significance of cultural festivals and celebrations.
  • Cultural differences in parenting styles.
  • The impact of colonialism on language extinction.
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural unity.
  • Cultural perceptions of beauty and body image.
  • The influence of technology on traditional storytelling.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of time and punctuality.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on self-identity.
  • Cultural expressions of grief and mourning.
  • The role of cultural heritage in sustainable development.
  • Cultural differences in attitudes towards aging.
  • The influence of culture on political ideologies.
  • Cultural practices surrounding marriage and weddings.
  • The significance of cultural symbols and their meanings.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on workplace dynamics.
  • Cultural differences in educational systems.
  • The role of culture in shaping personal values.
  • Cultural expressions of power and authority.
  • The influence of culture on decision-making processes.
  • Cultural differences in attitudes towards mental health.
  • The impact of colonialism on cultural appropriation.
  • Cultural expressions of hospitality and etiquette.
  • The role of culture in shaping environmental attitudes.
  • Cultural differences in approaches to conflict resolution.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in post-conflict reconciliation.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards gender equality.
  • Cultural expressions of spirituality and religion.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on economic development.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of privacy and personal space.
  • The role of culture in shaping political systems.
  • Cultural practices surrounding food and eating habits.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in urban planning.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on intercultural communication.
  • Cultural expressions of humor and satire.
  • The influence of culture on consumer behavior.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of success and achievement.
  • The role of culture in shaping environmental conservation efforts.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in disaster resilience.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare access and outcomes.
  • Cultural expressions of social justice and activism.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards disability.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of leadership and authority.
  • The role of culture in shaping peacebuilding efforts.
  • Cultural practices surrounding gender and sexuality.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting social cohesion.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on media representation.
  • Cultural expressions of protest and resistance.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards technology.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of beauty and aesthetics.
  • The role of culture in shaping educational policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting intergenerational dialogue.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on cultural diplomacy.
  • Cultural expressions of identity and belonging.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards immigration.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of justice and fairness.
  • The role of culture in shaping urban design and architecture.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting peace and reconciliation.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on employment opportunities.
  • Cultural expressions of resistance and resilience.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards climate change.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of morality and ethics.
  • The role of culture in shaping public policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting social inclusion.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on intercultural relationships.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural hybridity and fusion.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards animal rights.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of health and well-being.
  • The role of culture in shaping immigration policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting sustainable tourism.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on educational opportunities.
  • Cultural expressions of resilience and post-traumatic growth.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards artificial intelligence.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of democracy and governance.
  • The role of culture in shaping social welfare policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting human rights.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on intercultural friendships.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural preservation and revitalization.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards genetic engineering.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of peace and conflict.
  • The role of culture in shaping criminal justice systems.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting gender equality.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on access to financial resources.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural resistance and decolonization.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards space exploration.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of identity and belonging.
  • The role of culture in shaping educational curricula.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting intercultural dialogue.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on artistic collaborations.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural exchange and cross-pollination.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards nuclear energy.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of citizenship and belonging.
  • The role of culture in shaping healthcare policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on access to housing.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural resilience and adaptation.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards space ethics.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of social justice and equity.
  • The role of culture in shaping social media policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting cultural diplomacy.

Remember, these topics are just a starting point. Feel free to modify or combine them to suit your interests and research goals. Good luck with your essay on culture!

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100 best popular culture essay topics.

popular culture essay topics

Popular culture essay topics are interesting and exciting to read about. They have mass appeal and most people can relate to them. Pop culture can take different media forms. It can range from comic books to films about superheroes. The list can also include fashion, social media, and slang.

As such, selecting pop culture topics to write about is not easy for some students. Although learners have many ideas to consider, they should think carefully before they start to research and write. Pop culture is often criticized for being superficial and primitive. Some people think it’s from indie groups. But, how justifiable are these beliefs? These are some of the issues that can form the basis of popular culture topics for essays. But, if struggling to choose what to write about, here is a list of popular culture topics to consider.

Argumentative Popular Culture Essay Topics

Most people love reading argumentative essays. However, writing argumentative essays on pop culture topics is not easy. It requires skills and time. Here are some of the topics to consider if you want to write an argumentative essay about pop culture.

  • Popular television shows do not portray what society considers important
  • Social media does not affect the movies that we watch
  • Globalization does not affect the pop culture
  • Globalization affects pop culture significantly
  • Social media affects movies significantly
  • Social ideas and pop culture do not have a connection
  • Popular culture is defined by social ideals
  • Celebrities influence the buying decisions of most people
  • Most people will buy a product that is sold by a celebrity
  • The popularity of soap operas will keep rising
  • Soap operas are no longer part of the popular culture
  • Music connects people and other music topics
  • Connecting with people that listen to different music style is not easy
  • Music can connect even people that listen to different genres
  • The internet does not affect what people enjoy
  • The internet affects what people like
  • Artists with a low following should watch everything they do and say
  • Artists should not worry about younger followers that mimic what they do and say
  • Weather channels should be an aspect of popular culture
  • Disney princesses affect young girls positively

When writing on any of these pop culture argumentative essay topics, students should be persuasive and provide relevant examples. What’s more, they should be logical in their thinking to convince readers to believe their viewpoints.

Topics about Culture and Science

It’s not easy for some people to think that science and popular culture can merge. However, some topics touch on both science and popular culture. If looking for a pop culture topic that allows you to talk about science, consider these ideas.

  • Some scenes in pop culture films are accurate
  • Experiments from Frankenstein can be conducted today
  • Some experiments from Frankenstein can be conducted in the future
  • Pluto should be considered as a planet in the current age
  • Evolution is real when viewed from a pop culture’s perspective
  • Evolution is a myth when viewed from a pop culture’s perspective
  • Discuss the popular existential crises attitudes in the 21st century
  • What can humans learn from watching television about neuroscience?
  • What parallels can be drawn from Huxley’s Brave New World with the current drug industry?
  • How does the Gattaca movie resemble current genetic editing
  • Discuss the popular attitudes towards 21st-century space exploration
  • Discuss changes in the evolution’s opinion in the popular culture over the centuries
  • What are the most common objections to eating meat as popular culture?
  • Can popular culture be studied in science professions by academics?
  • How has the perception of healthy eating changed?
  • How does popular culture portray scientific questions with a link to existential philosophy?
  • What is the effect of climate change movies on impact reduction?
  • Has the understanding of the solar system and stars been changed by popular science?
  • Discuss the popular objections that some people have towards vegetarianism
  • Why is the inclusion of popular culture references in academics wrong?

This list also has some of the best pop culture debate topics. Nevertheless, you should pick the idea to write about carefully. That’s because some ideas are the basis of controversial pop culture topics. As such, you must also convey contrary opinions and take a stance when writing your essay.

Social Issues and Culture Topics

Some pop culture essay topics tie with some social issues. A topic is popularized by society. That’s why most films, television programs, and books focus on social issues. Therefore, good pop culture topics are relatable to most people. Here are some of the best social issues and pop culture paper topics to consider.

  • Popular culture implication on dumbing down the youth
  • Racism and popular culture over the last century
  • Impact of the popular culture on the moral compass
  • Why some religions are popular than others
  • Which are the most popular religions?
  • Why does free speech stress some people in today’s society?
  • Discuss the impact of social media on popular movements in society
  • Analyze the current popular culture and consumer behavior trends
  • Analyze popular culture and consumer behavior in the past 100 years
  • Discuss the changing landscape in the popular culture and gender equality
  • How does popular culture represent terrorism
  • Discuss changes in terrorism representation over the past years
  • What are the most popular clans in the world?
  • What is the influence of popular clans?
  • Discuss the changing attitudes towards gender equality
  • How is the moral landscape changing?
  • What are the most influential cults in popular societies
  • How has feminism affected popular culture?
  • How does pop culture create apathy in modern society
  • How does homosexual attitude differ in society due to popular culture?

These pop culture research paper topics touch on social issues too. They show that popular culture is an important aspect of society. Students can focus on these pop culture research topics to show that this essential aspect can cause or solve issues in society.

Controversial Pop Culture Topics for Research Papers

Some popular culture research topics are generally controversial. Writing about such topics entails addressing the controversy that is witnessed almost every day by students. Nevertheless, writing about controversial American pop culture topics, for instance, requires analytical skills. Here are examples of topics in this category.

  • The government should ban some countercultures
  • Some cartoons are catchy and bright- Discuss with Toy Story in mind
  • Products of pop culture bend the present-day youth’s aesthetic perception
  • Social media activity should be moderated strictly
  • Some old music and books are better than some of the modern bestsellers
  • Most people criticize some products of pop culture for being trash
  • Celebrities should be accountable for racist messages
  • Most celebrities include sexist messages in their work
  • Parents should be attentive to the music listened to by their kids
  • Reading comic books can cause a superficial perception of daily reality

It’s crucial to remember that you should always be ethical when writing about controversial popular culture topics. That means you should focus on making a strong argument with sufficient evidence when writing your paper or essay.

Interesting Culture Speech Topics

Some educators ask students to write speeches on global and American popular culture topics. These topics can also be great for debates. Here are examples of topics that learners can choose for their speeches.

  • Negatives and positive effects of popular culture on young people
  • How pop culture can influence the current generation’s moral code
  • How the values of feminists are represented in contemporary cartoons
  • How pop culture denounces gender inequality
  • How popular culture promotes gender inequality
  • Discuss religious conflicts in pop culture
  • Explain the influence of pop culture on consumer behavior
  • How does pop culture lead to political apathy?
  • Is pop culture the reason why society has accepted homosexuality?
  • How is the fight against terrorism represented in popular culture?

These are great culture research topics that can also be great for speeches and debates. Nevertheless, they also require research to come up with detailed facts and present them properly.

Extraordinary Culture Essay Topics

Students that like thinking outside the box should pick extraordinary popular culture research paper topics. Here are examples of such topics.

  • Traveling is part of the modern popular culture
  • Pop culture is important for modern education
  • What is McDonaldization?
  • Discuss the American history representation in modern television series
  • Compare the portrayal of yakuza in Western and Asian pop culture
  • Contrast the portrayal of yakuza in Western and Asian pop culture
  • Contrast pop culture and folk culture
  • How has the childhood concept been changed by pop culture?
  • How has popular culture influenced the global economy?
  • Explain your relationship with the popular culture phenomenon
  • What is Black Dandyism?
  • Discuss the pop art principles
  • Explain ethical problems using pop culture’s technologies
  • What role do anime and manga play in modern popular culture?
  • How does American popular culture affect the rest of the world?
  • How is the US criminal justice system represented in pop culture?
  • How are the US courts represented in pop culture?
  • Discuss a famous historical personality in pop culture
  • How is the mentality of children influenced by their faith in superheroes?

Students can choose from a wide range of global, Asian, or American culture topics. However, it’s crucial to pick a pop culture topic that a learner is interested in. Our term paper writers are here to help. They make writing a paper or essay interesting and easy.

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100+ Pop Culture Essay Topics


Table of Contents

Pop Culture Essay Topics: Dive into the Pulse of Modern Society

Pop Culture, short for ‘popular culture’, is a fascinating area of study that delves into the various elements of entertainment, fashion, news, and daily living that are prevalent in a society at a given point in time. The culture we consume, whether it’s the music we listen to, the shows we binge-watch, or the trends we follow, gives insights into our values, our beliefs, and our aspirations. Writing a Pop Culture essay offers a unique opportunity to explore these topics in-depth, offering both a critique and appreciation for the world we live in.

What is a Pop Culture Essay?

A Pop Culture essay is an academic or personal narrative that explores the influence and significance of current trends, events, idols, or practices that are widely accepted and followed by a large group of people. It is a reflection of how society perceives and interacts with these elements, and how they in turn shape societal norms and behaviors. From movies to memes, and from fashion fads to viral challenges, Pop Culture essays can dissect any of these aspects to shed light on its larger implications.

Guide to Choosing a Pop Culture Essay Topic

Selecting the perfect topic for a Pop Culture essay starts with personal interest. Think about what you love, what intrigues you, or what you often discuss with friends:

  • Stay Current: Trends change quickly. Your topic should be relevant to the current cultural climate.
  • Be Passionate: Choose a topic that excites you. Your enthusiasm will come through in your writing.
  • Research: Make sure there’s enough information available to support your argument or perspective.
  • Broaden or Narrow Down: Depending on the assignment’s length, ensure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.

Riveting Pop Culture Essay Topics Lists

Television and movies.

  • The cultural significance of binge-watching
  • The rise and impact of superhero movies
  • Representation and diversity in modern television

Music and Artists

  • The influence of K-pop on global music trends
  • Evolution of music festivals and their societal impact
  • The role of music in social activism

Fashion and Trends

  • Sneaker culture and its rise to prominence
  • The lasting impact of fast fashion on the environment
  • The evolution of beauty standards through the decades

Digital Age and Social Media

  • Memes: A reflection of society or mere entertainment?
  • The psychology behind viral challenges
  • Social media influencers: A new age of celebrity

Literature and Books

  • The young adult genre: A reflection of modern teen struggles
  • The re-emergence of poetry in the digital age
  • Post-apocalyptic novels and society’s fascination with the end of the world

Sports and Games

  • The cultural implications of e-sports
  • Sports activism and its role in societal change
  • The rise of niche sports in mainstream media

Art and Performance

  • The rebirth of street art and its societal messages
  • The evolution of performance art in the 21st century
  • Drag culture: From niche to mainstream

Food and Lifestyle

  • The vegan movement and its cultural implications
  • Coffee culture and its global significance
  • Travel trends: From luxury vacations to eco-tourism

Global Events and Movements

  • Pop culture’s role in promoting environmental awareness
  • The significance of global award ceremonies like the Oscars and Grammys
  • Celebrity involvement in political and social movements

Streaming and Digital Content

  • The impact of streaming platforms on traditional TV
  • Podcasts: The new radio or a unique medium?
  • Binge-watching culture and its psychological effects

Diverse Representation

  • The significance of minority representation in Hollywood
  • LGBTQ+ representation in modern television shows
  • The rise of international cinema in global box offices

Modern Technology and Its Influence

  • The cultural shift from Facebook to TikTok
  • Virtual reality: The future of entertainment?
  • The societal implications of AI-generated art and music

Evolving Music Genres

  • The impact of hip-hop on social justice movements
  • The re-emergence of vinyl and analog music
  • The cultural resonance of indie music in the digital age

Politics in Pop Culture

  • The portrayal of politicians in movies and TV series
  • The role of celebrities in political campaigns
  • Satire and political commentary in late-night shows

Evolving Beauty and Fashion Standards

  • The rise of the body positivity movement
  • Influences of global fashion trends on local cultures
  • The impact of digital filters on beauty standards

Gaming Culture

  • The social dynamics of online multiplayer games
  • The cultural impact of mobile gaming
  • Video games as a form of interactive storytelling

Contemporary Literature and Reading Habits

  • Digital vs. traditional reading: Changing habits and implications
  • The allure of dystopian novels in today’s society
  • The growth of self-publishing in the literary world

Youth and Adolescence in Pop Culture

  • The portrayal of teenagers in contemporary movies
  • The cultural significance of coming-of-age stories
  • Gen Z’s influence on pop culture trends

The World of Sports and Athletics

  • The impact of sports documentaries on fans’ perceptions
  • The societal implications of athletes taking political stances
  • The commercialization of amateur sports

Online Communities and Subcultures

  • The growth and influence of fandoms in shaping media content
  • The role of Reddit in shaping pop culture discussions
  • Exploring the “Stan” culture and its origins

Pop Culture and Mental Health

  • Addressing mental health through TV shows and movies
  • The role of music in therapy and mental well-being
  • Social media’s impact on self-esteem and body image

Historical Reflections in Pop Culture

  • The revival of the ’80s and ’90s trends in fashion and music
  • Period dramas and their influence on modern perceptions of history
  • The nostalgia factor: Reboots and remakes in the film industry

Contemporary Art and Design

  • Streetwear and its roots in urban culture
  • The influence of social media on modern art consumption
  • Pop art in the 21st century: Evolution or revolution?

Societal Movements and Pop Culture

  • The #MeToo movement’s reflection in films and TV shows
  • Pop culture’s role in the climate change discussion
  • The cultural implications of the Black Lives Matter movement

Digital Phenomena and Trends

  • The rise of short video platforms and their influence on attention spans
  • The allure of unboxing videos and consumer culture
  • The significance of virtual influencers in advertising and media

Celebrity Culture and Influence

  • The phenomenon of cancel culture in the digital age
  • Celebrities’ role in mental health advocacy
  • How influencers are redefining the meaning of celebrity

Music and Its Changing Dynamics

  • The resurgence of folk music in mainstream culture
  • The blurring lines between genres in modern music
  • The cultural impact of music festivals in the virtual era

Modern Interpretations of Classic Tales

  • The allure of dark retellings of fairy tales in media
  • The influence of Greek mythology in today’s pop culture
  • Contemporary adaptations of Shakespearean plays

Fashion, Sustainability, and Trends

  • The cultural implications of thrift shopping and upcycling
  • The influence of Korean fashion on global style trends
  • The growth and significance of sustainable fashion

Emerging Technologies and Entertainment

  • The role of augmented reality in art and exhibitions
  • The emergence of hologram concerts and performances
  • The influence of cryptocurrency and NFTs in the entertainment industry

Social Issues and Popular Narratives

  • The portrayal of immigration and cultural identity in movies
  • The influence of women empowerment anthems in pop music
  • Pop culture’s response to global crises like pandemics and natural disasters

Internet Cultures and Fandoms

  • The evolution and impact of fanfiction in literature
  • The role of internet memes in political and social commentary
  • The cultural significance of niche internet communities

Need Help Crafting Your Pop Culture Essay?

Crafting an essay on Pop Culture requires a keen eye for detail and a finger on the pulse of current trends. If you need assistance, our essay writing service at writeondeadline.com is here to help! Our experienced writers can bring depth, insight, and flair to your essay, ensuring it stands out.

Useful References

  • Pop Culture: An Overview – Philosophy Now
  • Understanding Popular Culture – John Fiske, Routledge
  • Pop Culture and the Power of Media – International Journal of Communication

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164 Popular Culture Topics and Questions for Essays & Research Papers

Are you looking for popular culture essay topics? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has compiled a list of popular culture topics for you to debate in argumentative papers or use for essays, projects, and other assignments. Feel free to use these pop culture research topics for your inspiration!

👨‍🎤 TOP 7 Popular Culture Research Paper Topics

🏆 best pop culture topics to write about, 🌶️ hot popular culture ideas to write about, 🎓 most interesting pop culture essay topics, 💡 simple pop culture research topics, ❓ pop culture research questions, 🗣️ pop culture persuasive speech topics, 💃 pop culture criticism topics, 🌺 more popular culture topics.

  • Functionalism and Other Theories of Popular Culture
  • Why Are Fantasy Films so Popular?
  • The Influence of Popular Culture on Society
  • “Cultural Theory and Popular Culture” by John Storey
  • Michael Jackson’s Influence on Pop Culture
  • The Impact of Popular Culture on Body Image
  • The Impact of Technology on American Popular Culture in the 20th Century
  • Exploring Popular Culture in Architecture The given work is considering a popular culture in architecture as an important part of the architectural field.
  • The Global Impact of American Popular Culture The paper discusses the global impact of American popular culture, both positive and negative and concludes that American culture is a double-edged sword.
  • Popular Culture via the Lens of Marxism, Postmodernism, and Psychoanalysis The purpose of this paper is to describe a popular culture through the lens of Marxism, Postmodernism, and Psychoanalysis.
  • How Popular Culture Influences Morality in Society The article titled “Readers on Morality: Don’s Let TV Be Guide,” reveals much insight regarding what most content consumers feel about popular TV shows.
  • The Influence of Popular Culture on Society’s Perception of Wealth as Life’s Priority The modern world has long entered the era of technological advancement that broadened the scope of popular culture manifestations.
  • Popular Culture in “Inglourious Basterds” Film One of the most well-known and controversial movies about World War II, “Inglourious Basterds” by Quentin Tarantino, is densely packed with references to popular culture.
  • Popular Culture’s and Fashion Industry’s Influences The popular culture influences particularly the youth. This paper creates awareness for the audience concerning the effects of the manufacturers’ advertisements.
  • Michael Jackson: Essay on His Influence on Music & Pop Culture Jackson has received a place in pop history as a pioneer and legend, which is why he will always be remembered as the King of Pop.
  • Interconnection in Popular Culture With globalization and commercialization of culture, every aspect of culture seems to be merged into one single realm.
  • Pop Culture in America Pop culture is a multidimensional concept acting in many interpretations as the opposite of elitist types of cultures and is often replaced by the term mass culture.
  • Cars in Popular Culture and Mass Media The entirety of ideas, fancy images, attitudes, and perspectives within the cultural mainstream define what is known as popular (or pop) culture.
  • The Impact of Popular Culture on Body Image in Women This paper is about how the media and film industry promotes unhealthy body image toward women and how it affects women consumers.
  • Popular Culture and the Cold War Popular culture was strongly restricted. The Cold War had an immense influence on the lives of people since they were afraid to be considered communists.
  • Doctor Faustus in Popular Culture This paper examines the image of Doctor Faustus in popular culture, using the examples of the works by Christopher Marlowe and George Lucas.
  • Pop Culture in Movies: How Far Can It Get? Pop culture is music, films, products etc. in a particular society that are familiar to and popular with most ordinary people in that society.
  • How Popular Culture Can Promote the Idea of Sexual Assault in Society Popular culture, including articles, songs, videos, and other materials from influencers in social media and life, can promote the idea of sexual assault in society.
  • Aspects of the American Pop Culture The paper states that the American film industry is one of the main components of the nation’s popular culture. It highlights the domains in the US.
  • Einstein’s Impact on Science, Pop Culture, and Diversity Albert Einstein was chosen because he is one of the most recognized figures in science and pop culture and his name is well-known to people and children.
  • Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola The Godfather film is a part of the pop culture because it is regularly cited as an inspiration by many filmmakers.
  • Anime in Pop Culture: Art Review Anime as a form of art presented a new storytelling method. The link between cinema and anime is evident in the technology and storylines used.
  • Gendered Details and Variations Between Popular Culture
  • Method Acting and 1950’s Popular Culture
  • Differences Between Popular Culture and Indigenous Culture
  • Baseball and American Popular Culture
  • How Does Popular Culture Mirror America Life?
  • Media and Popular Culture During World War I
  • Popular Culture and Border Musical Audience
  • American Popular Culture Definition
  • Popular Culture Affect Gender and Sexuality
  • American Music and Popular Culture
  • Advertising and Senior Citizen Treatment by Popular Culture
  • Popular Culture and Consumerism
  • European Witchcraft and Popular Culture
  • Christianity and Popular Culture
  • Did the Popular Culture of 1960 Do More Harm Than Good?
  • Popular Culture and the Influence of TV News
  • Shakespeare and Modern Popular Culture
  • Contrasting and Comparing Mass Society With Popular Culture Media
  • How Does Popular Culture Stereotype Latinos?
  • Bureaucratization and Popular Culture
  • Asian Americans and Popular Culture
  • American Popular Culture and Advertisement
  • American Popular Culture and Gender Roles
  • Immigration and Popular Culture
  • Korean Popular Culture and Its Influence in India
  • Society’s Changing Views Reflected on Popular Culture
  • Popular Culture American Family in Television Entertainment
  • Moscow’s 1980 Olympic Games and Russia’s Popular Culture
  • American Influence on Popular Culture in Australia
  • Japanese Popular Culture and Traditional Culture
  • “The Star Trek” Film and Popular Culture This paper analyzes the book Star Trek and Popular Culture and analyzes the issues addressed such as Trump’s politics, civil rights, war, and gender inequality.
  • Worldly Writing on Music: K-Pop Culture Music is an essential component in the socio-cultural mainframe of any community due to the trickle-down effect of influencing emotional connectivity despite diversity.
  • Pop Culture and Serial Killer in Darkly Dreaming Dexter The essay compares and contrasts how the literary study could explore “Darkly Dreaming Dexter” differently than a film analysis could of the TV series.
  • Pokémon Go Pop Culture Analysis Pokémon Go became one of the most popular games in the world right after its release in 2016. For a short time, the game became part of pop culture.
  • Popular Culture and Musical Success This project aims to establish the link between popular culture and marketing and promotion of an indie record label, Elusive Records.
  • The Impact of Popular Culture on Racial Perceptions Dehumanization through the use of racial stereotypes in popular culture extends as far as labeling minorities “exotic.”
  • Popular Culture: Artifacts, Icons and Myths Popular culture helps businesses to grow because they have to get what is trendy at any particular time in order to meet the people’s needs.
  • Gender Representation in American Pop Culture The excerpt of the book “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies.
  • Pop Culture as a Potent Globalization Tool Pop culture popularizes different ideas and makes them familiar to people from various countries, which helps to minimize the number of misunderstandings.
  • The Link Between Pop Culture and Stereotypes The majority of movies in the military and action genre involved Russians as primary antagonists. Such films used the stereotypical version of Russians.
  • Hip-Hop Influence on American Popular Culture The sphere of the hip-hop influence on American popular culture is constantly extending, involving new forces and new interpretations.
  • “TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture”: General Idea and Sub-Points The author sees mass media as a powerful tool of influence on the public as well as a great sphere for the social struggle against social unfairness.
  • Pop Culture: Developments, Recycling and Revitalizing Pop can be defined as the usual way of life of Americans. It refers to the popular culture that at least all Americans agree to.
  • Dickson’s “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?” & Pop Culture Emily Dickson vividly portrays that modern society is influenced by mass culture and customization which leads to the selfless and nameless society.
  • Popular Culture: Native American Communities BBC and Reuters, the Times, and the Look portray that low-class location prevents many Native Americans to obtain social respect and opportunities available for the white majority.
  • Resistance in Popular Culture In the 1970s, with the development of equal rights movement, popular music was enriched by a number of songs, which sought to de-construct androcentrism.
  • American Popular Culture and Globalization Effects The ubiquity of wealth-concentrated American popular culture in the lives of modern people threatens the generally accepted system of values and causes adverse shifts in it.
  • Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation This paper reviews three articles: Medhurst’s “Batman, Deviance, and Camp,” McBride and Bird’s “From Smart Fan to Backyard Wrestler,” and Kidd’s “Methodology Moment.”
  • Rhetoric in “Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada” The way words are presented has a huge influence on the manner readers will get the intended message while interpreting aspects such as logic, emotions, etc.
  • Female Pop-Culture in “Where the Girls Are” by Douglas In “Where the Girls Are”, Susan J. Douglas analyzes the state of the media in the 1960-1970s. She describes and explains the female pop-culture images of the time.
  • Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. Popular culture helps businesses to grow because they have to get what is trendy at to meet the people’s needs.
  • The American Popular Culture in New York City
  • Modern Popular Culture: Katabasis
  • Latin American Popular Culture’s Transformed
  • The Erudite and Popular Culture and Music
  • New Femininities, Gender Constructs, and Popular Culture
  • Heroes Throughout History and Popular Culture
  • Asia and American Popular Culture
  • Subcultures: Popular Culture and Cultural Capital
  • Popular Culture, Gender Constructs, and “New Femininities”
  • Heterosexuality and Gender Ideals in Contemporary Popular Culture
  • Has Popular Culture Turned Marriage Into a Joke
  • Market Imperative and Popular Culture
  • Communism and Popular Culture
  • Vampire Genre Storms Popular Culture
  • Transcendentalism Through Popular Culture Project
  • Politics and Popular Culture During the 1960s
  • The Air Jordan Brand as Popular Culture Object
  • Popular Culture and Media Portrayals of Child Abuse
  • Japanese Popular Culture and Eastern Media Societies
  • Popular Culture and Feature Films
  • Popular Culture and Music Affect U.S. Public Opinion On
  • Critical Thought and Popular Culture
  • Australian Popular Culture Influenced by the United States
  • Popular Culture: Historical Icons and American Culture
  • Mass Media, Popular Culture and the American Dream
  • Indian Cinema and Popular Culture
  • Folk Culture and Popular Culture
  • American Popular Culture: Trends and How They Affect Personal Decisions
  • Gender Roles and American Popular Culture
  • Does Popular Culture Teach Immoral Values?
  • How Did “Frankenstein” Become an Essential Part of Pop Culture?
  • How Does the Line Between High and Popular Culture Become Blurred?
  • How the Popular Culture in the United States Depicted the 9/11 Attack?
  • Why “The Beatles” Revolutionized Music and Popular Culture?
  • Why Video Games Have Made a Shift Into Mainstream Popular Culture?
  • What Area the Differences Between Pop Culture and Reality?
  • What Are the Effects of the Simpsons Television Show on Pop Culture?
  • Will Western Popular Culture Destroy National Culture in Thailand and Malaysia?
  • Does “Romeo and Juliet” Deserve to Be Considered Pop Culture in the Elizabethan Era?
  • How Pop Culture and Mass Media Affects Each and Every One of Us?
  • How the Popular Culture and Politics of the 1970s Shaped American History?
  • What Negative Effects Popular Culture Has on Adolescent Women?
  • What Does Pop Culture War Mean and What’s Its Influence on Modern Society?
  • What Is the Change Into Popular Culture Through Media and Other Forms?
  • Why the Gap Between High and Pop Culture Is Still So Huge?
  • What Does the Popular Culture’s Critical Attention Mean?
  • How Can New Media Help Enhance the Spread of Local Pop Culture?
  • How Does Popular Culture Shape the Way Students See the World?
  • How Popular Culture Has Impacted the Smarts of the USA?
  • How and Why Japanese Pop Culture and Anime Comunity Has Invaded the U.S.?
  • How Does Popular Culture Shape Teen Society?
  • How Did the Infusion of Pop Culture in Educational Discourse Happen?
  • How Can Popular Culture Help to Engage Students in the Classroom?
  • How a School Shooting Affected a Nation, From Gun Control to Popular Culture?
  • What Event Has Forever Changed the Pop Culture of America?
  • Can stricter video game regulations help reduce youth violence?
  • Hollywood films should prioritize diversity and minority representation.
  • Do reality TV shows harm our relationships and values?
  • Music artists are well-positioned to foster political and social change.
  • The hidden dangers of the use of celebrity endorsements in advertising.
  • We should boycott fashion companies using excessive Photoshop and image editing.
  • Internet memes are a powerful tool to use in social activism.
  • Pop culture artists should challenge gender stereotypes.
  • Binge-watching as a threat to mental health.
  • Is it ethical to use CGI to resurrect dead actors in movies?
  • The lack of diversity in mainstream movies and TV shows.
  • Unrealistic standards promoted by fashion magazines.
  • The overemphasis on consumerism and materialism in pop culture.
  • The shallow nature of paparazzi culture.
  • The impact of digitalization on the homogenization of pop music.
  • The cult of youth and the marginalization of older pop culture icons.
  • The objectification of women in pop culture.
  • Modern pop culture: art as a commodity.
  • The promotion of toxic masculinity in pop culture and its effects.
  • The influence of pop culture on body image and eating disorders.
  • The impact of pop culture on adolescents’ identity formation.
  • The portrayal of gender and sexuality in pop culture.
  • Video games as an educational tool.
  • The depiction of mental health issues in pop culture and its effects on stigma.
  • The link between pop culture and consumerism.
  • The role of memes in modern communication.
  • The place of cosplay and fandoms in pop culture.
  • The impact of pop culture on fashion trends.
  • The influence of streaming services on the film and TV industry.
  • Pop culture’s role in shaping national identity.

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"164 Popular Culture Topics and Questions for Essays & Research Papers." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/popular-culture-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "164 Popular Culture Topics and Questions for Essays & Research Papers." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/popular-culture-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "164 Popular Culture Topics and Questions for Essays & Research Papers." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/popular-culture-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "164 Popular Culture Topics and Questions for Essays & Research Papers." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/popular-culture-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Popular Culture were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

Pop Culture Essay Topics: Find Out the Pulse of Modern Society

Pop culture is an influential and ubiquitous force that permeates the daily lives of millions worldwide. Movies, series, music, games, and other forms of entertainment play an important role in our lives, shaping our experiences, influencing our opinions, and building social connections. Given this, discussing popular culture has become an increasingly essential practice.

Popular culture reflects and criticizes contemporary social, political, and cultural issues through artistic expression. When writing about topics related to culture, there are important things like the representation of minorities, feminism, changing aesthetic standards, or the entertainment industry.

Additionally, discussing popular culture allows individuals to express their creativity and personal opinions. Popular culture evokes intense passions and emotions, creating a space for students to explore their perspectives and interpretations. This personal expression is very important for developing critical thinking and analytical skills and encouraging self-discovery. That is why an essay about pop culture should be developed by all students at least once.

Therefore, engaging in pop culture essays is more than a relevant practice. This practice becomes increasingly important as we recognize the impact of popular culture on our lives and its ability to shape our worldview. See some of the important topics that can be addressed in this subject and the suggestion of exciting topics to develop an essay.

American Pop Culture Topics

American pop culture essay topics are a fascinating phenomenon that affects not just the United States but the entire world. This includes a wide range of elements such as music, film, television, sports, and even iconic brands and products.

Examining issues related to American popular culture allows us to analyze its social impact, evolution over time, and relevance to contemporary issues. Here are five topics for essays on American popular culture issues:

  • The Social Media Phenomenon and Its Impact on American Popular Culture
  • The Role of American Reality Television Shows in Constructing the American Identity
  • The Expression of Diversity and Religion Clash in American Culture
  • The Influence of Popular Culture on Political Opinion Formation
  • The Role of Celebrities Influence and Historical Personalities in American Popular Culture

Sports in Pop Culture: Essay Ideas for the Ultimate Fanatic

Sports in pop culture topics have helped unite fans worldwide and create communities of passionate enthusiasts. The relationship between sports and pop culture is complex, ranging from sports idols and historical events to the influence of sports on film, music, and fashion.

Examining sport-related issues in popular culture allows us to analyze the social impact of sports, sports stories that engage audiences, and the intersection of sports and entertainment. Here are five essay topics on the topic of sports:

  • Sport as a Form of Cultural Identity
  • The Role of Sport in Breaking Down Social Barriers
  • Culture of Supporters and Sports Fans
  • Sports and Sports Stories in the Pop Media
  • The Impact of Sport on Celebrity Fashion and Culture

Film-themed Popular Culture Essay Topics

Cinematic popular culture is a global phenomenon that fascinates audiences, and pop culture influences many aspects of society. Movies are not just entertaining. They also reflect and shape our culture, values, ​​and worldview.

Exploring the pop culture issues that essay films address allows us to understand the impact of cinema, the trends and influences it creates, and the messages and expressions it conveys over time. Here are five writing topics in “Film-themed Pop Culture Essay.”

  • Film Action Hero Development in the Mass Media
  • Representation of Minorities in Cinema and Mass media
  • The Role of Cinema in Disseminating Ideas and Values
  • The Impact of Remakes and Reboots on Popular Culture
  • The Power of Independent Films in Pop Culture

Essay Topics on Style and Pop Culture

The fashion industry and pop culture are inextricably linked, influencing and being influenced by each other. Fashion is how people express their identity and personality, while popular culture reflects and shapes the trends and styles of the time.

Delve into style and pop culture topics to analyze the evolution of fashion, the influence of celebrities and social media, and the intersection of fashion and social issues. The five writing topics under “Style and Pop Culture” are:

  • The Role of Social Media in Influencing Fashion
  • Fashion as a Form of Female Empowerment
  • The Impact of Hip-Hop Music Culture on Fashion
  • The Relationship Between Sustainable Fashion and Popular Culture
  • Fashion as a Form of Resistance and Cultural Expression

Social Media’s Influence on Pop Culture

The impact of social media on pop culture today is undeniable. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have changed how we consume entertainment, discover new trends and connect with others.

Investigating questions about the impact of social media and mass media on pop culture allows you to analyze the effects on celebrities, the entertainment industry, the dissemination of trends, and engagement with the general public. Here are five essay topics on “Social Media’s Influence on Pop Culture.”

  • The Role of Digital Influencers in Pop Culture
  • The Transformation of Celebrity in the Age of Social Media
  • The Diffusion of Trends and Challenges in Popular Culture
  • The Democratization of Entertainment Through Social Networks
  • The Impact of Social Media on the Entertainment Industry

Essay Topics on Evolving Pop Culture Trends

Pop culture trends constantly evolve to reflect the social, technological, and cultural changes around us. These trends influence how we express ourselves, dress, consume media, mass media, and interact with each other.

By examining issues related to ever-evolving trends in popular culture, we learn how these changes impact our society and social media’s role in spreading trends. You can analyze the influence of cultures and artistic movements. Here are five essay topics on evolving trends in popular culture.

  • Subculture’s Influence on Pop Culture Everyday Life
  • The Impact of Social Networks on the Dissemination of Trends
  • The Evolution of Fashion and Celebrity Gossip in Pop Culture
  • The Expression of Diversity and Cultural Appropriation in Pop Culture
  • The Power of Streaming Media in International Relations.

Pop Culture Paper Topics in the Digital Age

Pop culture has undergone significant changes in the digital age due to technology and global connectivity. Modern technologies, social media, music, video streaming, video games, and content-sharing platforms have played an important role in spreading and developing popular culture.

Investigating issues surrounding pop culture in the digital age explores issues related to the impact of technology on entertainment, changes in the way popular culture is consumed and participated in, and the analysis of privacy and authenticity.

Here are five writing topics on “Pop Culture in the Digital Age”:

  • Impact of Social Media and Pop Culture Objects on Fandom
  • The Era of Binge-Watching and the Popular Culture Influence
  • The Relation Between Folk Culture and Popular Video Games
  • Privacy and Trust in the Digital Age for Young People in the Mass Media
  • The Role of Content-Sharing Platforms in the Democratization of Popular Culture

Music and Pop Culture

Popular music is an integral part of popular culture, influencing and being influenced by many aspects of society. It reflects the values, trends, and artistic movements of the time and plays an important role in constructing individual and collective identities.

Investigating issues related to pop music trends and pop culture makes it possible to analyze the influence of popular music on fashion, cinema, politics, and social change. Here are five essay topics about pop music and pop culture.

  • The Influence of Music Affect on Pop and Folk Culture
  • Music and Pop Culture Promote as a Form of Social and Political Activity
  • Pop Music Industry and the Rise of Latin American Pop Music
  • Music Shape as an Expression of Identity and Subcultures in Young People
  • Impact of Sunshine Pop Music Era on the Entertainment Industry and Consumer Behavior

Controversial Pop Culture Topics

Pop culture often provokes debate and controversy because it deals with sensitive and potentially divisive issues. These controversial issues range from the representation of specific groups in the media to the impact of popular culture on society and traditional values.

Addressing these questions in a culture research paper topic allows you to explore different perspectives, contrast ideas, and encourage constructive discussion. Here are five writing popular culture topics for “Controversial Issues in Pop Culture.”

  • Representation of Minorities in the Media – A Vital Pop Culture Change
  • Political Apathy and Celebrity Pop Culture Reflect These Two Entities
  • Sexuality and Eroticization in Pop Culture – Positive or Negative Impact
  • Censorship and Culture Influence Consumer Behavior
  • Capitalism and Commercialization of Pop Culture Influence and Celebrity Worship

Comic Books in Pop Culture

Comics have played an important role in pop culture and captivated fans of all ages around the world. They are a visually powerful medium for storytelling with iconic characters and compelling narratives.

Examining the issue of cartoons in popular culture allows us to analyze the impact of modern cartoons on film, literature, representation of minorities, and social discourse. Here are five essays on popular culture topics: “comic books in popular culture.”

  • Impact of Comic Book Adaptations in Soap Operas
  • The Development of Comics as an Art Form
  • Representation of Minorities Romantic Relationships in Comics
  • Comics and Modern Bestsellers as Educational Tools
  • Independent Comics and Their Impact on the Teenage Generation

Pop Culture Research Topics for High School

Considering pop culture topics in high school is a great way to engage students in relevant discussions and spark an interest in contemporary culture. These topics range from analyzing cultural trends and influence to examining how popular culture reflects and shapes society.

Exploring these topics in essays helps students develop research, critical thinking, and persuasive writing skills. The five writing topics for Pop Culture Research for High School are:

  • The Role of Pop Culture in the Formation of Adolescent and Young Adults’ Identity
  • The Impact of Popular Culture on Education
  • Representation of Minorities in Modern Popular Culture in the School Environment
  • Use of Social Networks in Schools to Access Modern Pop Culture
  • Pop Culture and the Fight for Gender Equality

Pop Culture and Science

The interface between pop culture and science is an exciting and ever-evolving field. As science advances, it finds its way into popular culture essays through movies, television shows, literature, and other forms of entertainment.

Likewise, pop culture often inspires science, with discoveries and innovations inspired by fictional ideas. Exploring the relationship between popular culture and science allows writers to analyze how these two fields interact and reflect the values ​​and aspirations of today’s society.

Here are five essays on the topic of “pop culture and science”:

  • Influence of Pop Culture on Scientific Research Papers
  • Dissemination of Science Through Pop Culture
  • How Pop Culture Mediums Tackle Complex Ethical Questions Surrounding Scientific Advancements
  • Influence of Science Fiction on the Scientific Imagination
  • Important Representations of Science in Pop Culture and Online Learning

Sexism and Feminism in Pop Culture

The presence of sexism in pop culture and the struggle for feminism are relevant and complex issues that provoke heated debates. Popular culture often reflects and reinforces gender stereotypes, but it can also be a space that challenges these norms and promotes gender equality.

Investigating issues of sexism and feminism in popular newsroom culture allows us to analyze the portrayal of female characters, the objectification of women’s bodies, the media’s influence on the construction of gender identities, and much more.

Here are five essay topics on “Sexism and Feminism in Pop Culture” with feminist values represented.

  • Evolution of Female Representation and Feminist Values in Popular Culture Essay
  • The Objectification of the Female Body in the Celebrity Culture
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on the Construction of Gender Identity for Young Girls
  • The Role of Feminism in Pop Art Culture and Modern Society
  • Analyzing the Portrayal of Women in Video Games

In summary, the good pop culture topics covered above are a few suggestions for starting pop culture argumentative essay that include a variety of related topics. Discussing these popular culture essay writing is very important, as it brings many benefits to the training of students pop culture influenced.

Appreciation of pop culture stems from its powerful influence on our daily lives. Exploring his artistic expression allows him to understand and reflect on current social, political, and cultural issues. This comprehensive understanding will enable you to develop critical thinking skills and gain a broader view of the world through popular culture essay.

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100 popular culture essay topics.

December 3, 2020

Popular Culture Essay Topics

The need to develop a good pop culture topic for any level course is difficult for most students. They often face a large number of responsibilities and distractions from all over, and many wait until the last minute to start brainstorming viable popular culture essay topics that meet their assignments’ requirements.

We’ve gathered 100 interesting and original pop culture topics to fit just about every occasion. We’ve got culture and other social issue essay topics for different grade levels and assignments covering a wide range of areas related to the beliefs, objects, and practices that dominate and are prevalent in a society at any given point in time. Here are our ideas for your consideration:

Controversial Pop Culture Topics

  • How has social media affected the way we view romantic relationships?
  • Has the increased use of social media increased the number of teenage pregnancies?
  • Is social media making people more depressed?
  • Do sporting events help unify international relations?
  • Is it reasonable to think that teenage pregnancy is on the rise because of social media?

American Popular Culture Topics

  • Why has online education become a popular alternative to in-class learning?
  • Why did the Harry Potter series of books resonate so much with Americans?
  • How do sporting events bring people together for a common cause?
  • Does the sexuality of celebrities negatively impact the way teenagers view body images?
  • Does American culture impact the way we view

Pop Culture Argumentative Essay Topics

  • What technological advancements have had the greatest impact on pop culture?
  • What role do the Andy Warhol art pieces have on modern artists?
  • In what ways has social media affected the way we communicate?
  • What impact has celebrities that share photos of themselves wearing masks had on society?
  • Are celebrities that give public service announcements more influential?

Pop Culture Research Topics for High School

  • What is the most effective form of punishment for online bullying?
  • How does social media impact the spread of pop culture news?
  • Can popular culture affect a society’s level of intelligence?
  • What kind of influence has Madonna had on today’s female musicians?
  • What impact did Marilyn Monroe have on Hollywood fashion?

American Culture Topics for High School

  • Do technological devices, like the smartphone, lead to greater distractions?
  • What role have the musicians of the 1960s played in musical progress?
  • Is online learning the new preferred normal for students?
  • Should social media sites be censored?
  • What impact do celebrities have on influencing sexual behavior in teenagers?

American Pop Culture Topics for College

  • Who are the least trustworthy news anchors in the U.S.?
  • How do musicians stand out in today’s world?
  • How has streaming services changed the way we watch T.V.?
  • Does the Jurassic Park film accurately convey the threat of science?
  • How have our thoughts on evolution changed in the last 100 years?

Interesting Pop Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Is popular culture making today’s youth less intelligent?
  • How does our sense of morality change because of pop culture?
  • In what ways has popular culture changed our views about homosexuality?
  • How does popular culture influence our attitudes about ethnicity?
  • In what ways are empathy and apathy affected by popular culture?

Weird Popular Culture Research Topics

  • How do cartoons influence America’s youth?
  • In what ways do television personalities influence politics?
  • How have generational dances impacted our sense of pop culture?
  • Can boy bands ever fall out of the public’s favor?
  • Why do people root for villains in super-hero films?

Pop Culture Topics for Research Papers

  • How have violent video games changed our views of feminism?
  • What role does marketing play in popular culture?
  • Why are reality television shows so popular in our society?
  • How did we become addicted to watching the lives of others on television?
  • Why are young people so attached to the lives of the Kardashians?

Five Popular Culture Topics for Essays

  • In what ways has reality television changed our viewing habits?
  • Are television ads effective in changing our perception of products?
  • Why are men less likely to go on healthy diets?
  • Is there such a thing as marketing overload in today’s world?
  • How did botox injections become so popular?

Good Pop Culture Topics for a Short Paper

  • What are the main differences between middle school and high school?
  • How do celebrities influence our spending habits?
  • Why are soap operas so popular among stay-at-home adults?
  • What psychological effects do violent video games have on young adults?
  • Do young adults pay too much attention to popular culture?

List of Popular Culture Topics on Music

  • How does modern music affect how young adults view society?
  • Why are Hip Hop and Rap music so popular across cultures?
  • In what ways did the grunge movement of the 1990s influence modern culture?
  • Why is the music from the 1960s still popular among young adults?
  • In what ways can music impact the way people view modern society?

Culture Speech Topics for a Presentation

  • How has the stereotypical superhero/superheroine changed over the decades?
  • What kind of effects do violent films have on young adults?
  • How does text-messaging impact in-person communication in adults?
  • How has the internet affected the way parents raise their children?
  • Is popular culture today a form of mythology?

Pop Culture Paper Topics on Television

  • How do television shows like the Simpsons and Family Guy present female characters?
  • How have political candidates changed the way we perceive them because of television?
  • Do characters in television sitcoms positively or negatively influence today’s youth?
  • What impact do professional athletes have when they speak out on television?
  • How has streaming impacted the way we watch traditional television?

Five Great Pop Culture Debate Topics

  • Do comic books and graphic novels portray female bodies in positive or negative ways?
  • Should we consider censoring social media applications for offensive content?
  • Should the internet be censored or should people have the right to read what they want?
  • Do Disney characters have a positive or negative impact on children?
  • Are technological devices causing more distractions among adults?

Interesting Topics About Culture Today

  • Why does the public obsess over celebrity diets and health routines?
  • Does the paparazzi influence the rise of celebrity culture?
  • Has the internet impacted how parents raise children?
  • Are teenagers inclined to follow new age religions?
  • How do video games change our views on gender?

European Culture Essay Topics

  • How is European culture different from American culture?
  • How has the Brexit movement changed the culture in Europe?
  • What impact does the European Union have on the continent?
  • What influence does French cuisine have on other European countries?
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected cultural views in Europe?

Culture Research Topics about the U.S.

  • Are romantic films negatively impacting our view of relationships?
  • Why are countercultures so popular amongst American youth?
  • Is music piracy an important part of American culture?
  • Why is there so much racism and sexism in Trump’s America?
  • How does the term “high-quality” fit into today’s culture?

Popular Culture Research Paper Topics

  • Are news channels like Fox News and CNN considered to be a part of popular culture?
  • How does pop culture promote social change in the U.S.?
  • Why hasn’t the global sport of soccer been embraced in the U.S.?
  • How did the sport of basketball become so popular around the world?
  • What impact do American celebrities have around the world?

Funny Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • Why are people obsessed with getting plastic surgery?
  • What are today’s expectations of beauty?
  • How have superhero films become the preferred film category for youth?
  • How is celebrity worship different today compared to 20 years ago?
  • Do ultra-thin models present a negative view of feminism?

If you need more pop culture topics to write about you can always contact our professional writer service via chat, email, or phone. We can put you in communication with one of our top academic experts to give you a custom list of pop culture essay topics written specifically to fit any length and type of assignment. Don’t fret over having to come up with a great pop culture topic by yourself. Just give us the details and we’ll do the rest for you.

Music Essay Topics

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60 Popular Culture Essay Topics To Excite Your Mind

Popular Culture Essay Topics

There is nothing as fascinating as writing on a subject you like. A majority of college students love pop culture, and hence this is a friendly paper for them. Nevertheless, coming up with good pop culture topics remains a tough battle yet to be won.

What Is a Popular Culture Essay?

It denotes an academic paper that investigates the set of beliefs, practices, and objects dominant in a society at a given point in time. The customs and behaviors embraced by the public are also part of pop culture.

How To Write Pop Culture Essay Topics

Popular culture encompasses various categories, such as social media, TV, music, slang, and fashion. Therefore, to have a hot pop culture topic:

Consider the culture of the day Look at the beliefs and tendencies towards it Settling on an interesting pop culture

Below are practical examples for your motivation:

Comparison Essay Topics Based on Popular Culture

  • How pop culture influences a person’s behavior and mode of talking
  • Compare and contrast the communication jargon between the old and young people
  • A case study of the trending topics on Twitter
  • Make a comparison of the advertisement techniques for male and female products
  • The pervasive influence of pop culture on everything we do.
  • How generation gaps influence different pop cultures

Popular Culture Topics For Analysis Essay

  • Analyze how modern cartoons represent feminist values
  • Critically analyze the influence of pop culture on gender equality
  • How does pop culture relate to political affiliations?
  • Why does religion clash with popular culture?
  • Pop culture and its impact on consumer behavior
  • Does popular culture determine the moral code of a society?

Serial Killers as Heroes in Popular Culture Essay Topics

  • The sadist nature of murderers in movies and plays
  • The more people see a particular crime, the less they are to participate in it
  • Do serial killer movies only portray them as heroes for ratings?
  • The depiction of serial killers as fathers, friends, or even co-workers
  • The question of nature versus nurture in developing serial killers
  • The relationship between serial killers and intelligence

Pop Culture Topic Ideas For College Students

  • The emergence of lip, cheek, tongue, and butt injections for ladies
  • Why women have a more affiliation for fashion than men
  • The emergence of celebrity worship in the 21st century
  • The depiction of dystopian futures and post-apocalyptic societies in movies
  • The one-dimensional nature of women in movie stories
  • How reality television shows have helped shape popular culture

Pop Culture Topics To Write About

  • The rise of hip hop music among teens and adolescents
  • How unisex clothing and hairstyles are becoming the new norm
  • Differentiate between the traditional TV Programmes and those of today
  • Explain why more teens prefer going out on weekends with their friends
  • How reality shows are becoming a form of exploitation and abuse
  • How to handle the LGBTQ movements in the 21st century

Popular Culture Research Paper Topics

  • How popular music helps in forming a person’s personality
  • The portrayal of sex and racism in contemporary popular music
  • Values that music and dance incorporate into society
  • How social media is a rapid tool for disseminating pop culture music
  • The surge in music piracy-related issues
  • Positive and negative characteristics of pop music

Popular Culture Topics For Persuasive Essays

  • The power of celebrities in influencing their audiences
  • The history and development of pop culture in the US
  • How different social groups vary in their music taste and preferences
  • How mass media brings out different cultures in its programming
  • A critique of what to watch during watershed periods
  • The growing tendency of people towards social media

American Popular Culture Topics

  • Sexism and feminism in the American pop culture
  • How musicians are branding and marketing companies
  • American reality television shows and pop culture
  • Why Kim Kardashian is a household name in the US
  • Pop culture reflection of society
  • Lady Gaga’s ‘Till it happens to you’ video

Colorful Pop Culture Project Ideas

  • How social media impacts relationships
  • The role of cartoons in criticizing society
  • Movies as a mirror of society
  • Modern TV’s portrayal of gender roles
  • Internet and influence on music
  • Why ladies love soap operas
  • Is online learning the new norm?
  • Social media and increased teenage pregnancies
  • The role of the internet in parenting
  • Censor mechanisms for social media
  • Paparazzi and celebrity culture
  • Celebrities and people’s buying decisions

Are you tired of writing long essay assignments on your own? On top of professional pop culture topics, we also offer expert writing services online. Get your paper done fast today.

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50 Culture Essay Topics — Best Ideas for College Students

From time to time, students have to observe various aspects of spiritual and material worlds and values. This process is frequent for History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology classes. Talking about culture in the USA and other countries and conducting culture research helps to develop various skills and ways of thinking. Writing about it boost your creativity and help to formulate interesting thoughts while supporting them with reasonable evidence.

In college, young people are faced with a wide range of writings, and the culture is one of the most interesting essay topics to be assigned. It's always interesting to compare and analyze the development and importance of different customs around the world and find ways to understand contemporary popular art. But to express your opinion appropriately, it's important to decide on a subject matter first. And, if you don't have culture essay topics at hand, we are glad to help.

In this article, we offer you 50 topics for an essay in which you can explore customs, traditions, lifestyles, and art from different perspectives.

Choosing Your Topics

It is not that easy to select essay topics on this issue— there are too many of them! We can only pick the most relevant ones and give a hint on how to choose the best topic ideas.

  • If your professor does not assign a topic, specify whether you can choose one on your own.
  • Check your social media accounts for trends.
  • Brainstorm with your college friends.
  • Write down all possible topics that culture conveys well.
  • Search for the sources in your college library or online (e.g., Google Scholar).
  • Pick only credible references and fresh ideas to cover in your paper.
  • Decide which of the topics can be supported by most of the sources.
  • Think about the culture you're more-or-less familiar with.
  • Stay original — don't be afraid to come up with new topics!
  • Think of the reasons your theme to be rejected. If you doubt, it's better to consult your professor before writing.

Now, if you need some inspiration, you may use the ideas offered below.

The American Culture Essay Topics

Here, it's obvious that you should cover issues related to the history of the United States. Here are some of them:

  • The customs of American tribes that still exist in today's lifestyles.
  • The difference between the North and South American cultures.
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and its culture influence in the history of the US.
  • Best pop culture products with their ideas on the Civil War.
  • The impact of the most known works in American literature on the rest of the world.
  • The role of the so-called Beat Generation in the development of American art heritage.
  • The origins of rock'n'roll and dance music.
  • Why do some works of art fall under certain genres?
  • The evolution of cinematography in the United States.
  • Massive amounts of immigration and its influence on native American society.

Note: While writing on American art and customs, make sure you have enough reliable evidence from history.

Canadian Culture Topics

As you may know, Canadian traditions and ways of living look significantly different from one people have in the United States. The essay example topics below can help you analyze different culture aspects of these countries and come up with a good paper:

  • The way Canada is showed in South Park.
  • Avril Lavigne and other famous Canadian rockers in the US.
  • How did Canadian hockey change sports development?
  • Why is Canada frequently associated with cold and ice?
  • Living in a chilly region with warm hearts.
  • Ukrainian and Russian diaspora in Canada.
  • Ethnicity groups that shaped the Canadian way of living.
  • Canada — before and after the exploration.
  • Famous Canadian actors and actresses.
  • Wild animals living in Canada that have an impact on their art and customs.

Note: If you're writing an essay about a foreign country, the simplest strategy would be to compare its lifestyle with the one you have in your homeland.

Pop Culture Topics

In the context of culture influence, the issue of pop art is exciting. If you think about soap operas and Britney," you're in the essence of that concept. Here are some interesting ideas for you:

  • The impact of popular art on marketing.
  • The connection between modern pop art stars and social networks.
  • Several ways to become popular today.
  • Sexism and feminism in the United States.
  • The top preferred reality shows.
  • Iron Man as the reflection of all heroes.
  • Heroes 3: Of Might and Magic.
  • Pop culture influence of Japanese anime on the life of students.
  • What makes Pokemon so popular?
  • Comparing different trends in culture.

Note: Remember that phenomena that have mass accessibility aren't always perfect. That is a good thought for an argument or persuasive essay.

World -Related Topics

These culture essay topics cover all regions, so you have a great variety of options to choose from. It is always a good decision to select the area (country, state) that interests you or that you've been to:

  • Generational trends in everyday life.
  • The way customs and art are different and similar in Japan and China.
  • Russian and Slovenian heritage and customs.
  • Customs and traditions of the Middle East.
  • The Chinese culture: leisure activities as a form of art.
  • The impact of Eurovision on world music trends.
  • Famous rock and metal bands from the United Kingdom.
  • A geisha in the Japanese culture.
  • Carnivals and other holidays in Brazil.
  • Things that make the Australian lifestyle so exciting.

Note: When comparing different lifestyles and customs, remember that there are historical reasons for everything. Even to discuss any heritage issue or custom of another country, you have to provide enough evidence.

Cultural Analysis Topics

If you need to write a paper on one of the analysis essay topics, we recommend using credible, up-to-date external sources and conduct in-depth research to analyze the specific issue from all possible aspects. Grab one of these ideas if you like:

  • Promotion of social changes nowadays.
  • "Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." Do you agree with this statement?
  • Things that make a motion picture popular.
  • Reasons why some music albums fail.
  • Modern pieces of art and their difference from retro.
  • A specific TV show that you like.
  • Revealing human worst traits on the example of a chosen antagonist.
  • Traveling and learning art and customs.
  • How does learning a foreign language help to get closer to the culture of people who speak it?
  • The origins of siesta and its role in the countries where they follow this tradition.

Note: Whatever topic you choose, analyze the concepts and phenomena objectively. Any analysis assignment requires a diligent approach and thoughtful background research.

Now, you have a full list of wonderful topics for culture essay. If you need more help or a custom essay written from scratch for you, contact professional writing service online!

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220 Pop Culture Topics for an A+ Essay

There are many ways to define popular culture. Here’s one of them: pop culture includes mainstream preferences in society within a specific time frame. It covers fashion, music, language, and even food. Pop culture is always evolving, engaging in new trends, and leaving the old ones behind.

This article offers you a list of pop culture topics covering its numerous aspects. Continue reading to find helpful tips on how to choose a perfect topic for your assignment. And don’t forget that custom-writing.org is ready to help you with any task. Check out our resources!

🔝 Top 10 Pop Culture Topics

✅ how to choose a topic.

  • ⭐ Top 10 Pop Culture Essay Topics
  • 🎵 Music Topics
  • 📰 Mass Media Topics
  • 📚 Popular Literature
  • 📺 Movies & T.V.
  • 🇺🇸 American Pop Culture
  • 🌐 Internet Phenomena
  • ✍️ Pop Culture Analysis
  • 🤔 Pop Culture & Social Issues

🔍 References

  • How is politics related to sport?
  • Is religion related to pop culture?
  • Does music affect the fashion industry?
  • The ways technology affects pop culture
  • Is traveling a part of modern pop culture? 
  • Pop culture’s impact on consumer behavior
  • How does globalization affect pop culture?
  • Is there a negative effect of popular fiction?
  • Entertainment industry during different generations
  • How does fandom culture vary around the world?

Choosing a topic is the first step towards completing an assignment. This section will help middle, high school, and college students identify the right subject for an essay. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the requirements? Make sure you understand the task you need to complete.
  • You are free to choose your topic. Keep in mind the purpose of the course and the material covered in class. Brainstorm your ideas and choose the one you like the most!
  • You are provided with a list of topics to choose from. In this case, start by reviewing every option. Eliminate the ones you are least excited about. Then, select a subject that seems the most interesting to you.
  • What do you already know? Of course, you could choose a topic that is brand-new for you. But working with a familiar subject will make the research easier.
  • What does your instructor say about the topic? Don’t hesitate to consult with your instructors before writing. Make sure that the selected topic fits the requirements.

Now you understand how to select the right subject for your assignment. Let’s see the topic options! If you looked through the list but still haven’t found anything that insterests you, try your luck with an essay ideas generator .

⭐ Top 10 Pop Culture Essay Topics 

  • Gender equality in fashion
  • Is food a part of pop culture?
  • Characteristics of pop art
  • Pop culture vs. folk culture
  • K-pop culture’s impact on fashion
  • How cultural appropriation affects media
  • Consumer culture and the world economy
  • Entertainment industry and mental health
  • The role of media in the music industry
  • Is TikTok a part of modern pop culture?

🎵 Popular Culture Topics about Music

Music never stops changing. It came a long way from hand-crafted instruments to computer programming. You can write about music that was popular in a specific timeframe or discuss the latest trends. Here is a list of topic ideas on this subject.

  • How did space-age discoveries affect rock music?
  • Discuss music marketing in the digital era.
  • Describe the features of Latin American pop music.
  • What makes K-Pop stand out?
  • The role of pop music for your generation.
  • Write about the origin of hip-hop.
  • Select a time period and write about its music trends.
  • Analyze the evolution of pop music starting from the 1950s.

Bob Dylan quote.

  • Write about the occupational hazards of being a musician.
  • The origin and development of sunshine pop.
  • Choose a music album and analyze its impact.
  • Which pop music era seems the most interesting to you?
  • Pick a famous band and describe their career path.
  • Compare two different pieces of music from the 20th century.
  • What are the main features of rock music?
  • How do pop songs influence the teenage generation?
  • The role of radio broadcasting in the pop music industry.
  • Popular vs. serious music: a comparison.
  • Talk about a person who largely contributed to pop music. 
  • What are the functions of film music?
  • Can popular songs influence public opinion on a specific subject?
  • Why do some people develop a very negative attitude towards pop music?
  • Describe the role of music in your life.
  • Do famous artists influence the lifestyle of their fans?
  • Discover why some entertainers remain famous even after their death.

📰 Mass Media Pop Culture Essay Topics

Popular culture exists and survives because of the mass media. With its help, it reaches and unites billions of people. Television, radio, and newspapers are the main outlets of mass media. Here is the list of media-related pop culture topics to write about.

  • Do magazines publish celebrity gossip too often?
  • Describe the way mass media dictates fashion standards to young adults.
  • Analyze the link between pop culture and mass media in the U.S.
  • Does mass media influence the preferences of the audience?
  • Describe how the media contributes to stereotypes about minorities.
  • Should newspapers expose sensitive details about celebrities’ lives?
  • How can one make sure not to consume fake news?
  • Analyze the peculiarities of New Journalism.
  • Discover the influence of the New York Times on the press.
  • Write about radio stations contributing to pop culture in the past.
  • Discuss racial stereotyping on television.
  • Talk about an influential online news resource.
  • Body as a subject in media and marketing.
  • What kind of pop culture topics are not broadcast via mass media?
  • Would you consider Twitter a mass media source?
  • Talk about the media and the global public sphere.
  • Write about promotional campaigns via mass media.
  • Is it possible for an artist to gain fame without the internet?
  • Which websites are known for spreading fake news ?
  • How to avoid information overload nowadays?
  • Conduct a semiotic analysis of a perfume commercial.
  • Can pop culture survive without American media?
  • Describe the American Idol phenomenon.
  • Talk about the internet’s effects on journalism.
  • Which influencers do you personally prefer and why?

📚 Modern Popular Literature Essay Topics

This section will be fun for book lovers! The term “popular literature” refers to writings intended for a broad audience. It’s no surprise that such books often become bestsellers. You can describe this type of writing as fiction with a strong plot. Look at this list of topic ideas for a great analytical, argumentative, or informative essay.

  • Describe the magic of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books.
  • Discover the initial public opinion about The Handmaid’s Tale .
  • Why did The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo become a bestseller?
  • Principles used in Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson.
  • Why did Enduring Love by Ian McEwan gain popularity?
  • What charmed the readers of The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton?
  • Discuss the theme of change in Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee.
  • Discover the way the sad ending in The Lucky One affected the readers.
  • Orange Is the New Black: Netflix series vs. book.
  • What made The Wednesday Letters different from other love novels?

Clive Bloom quote.

  • How did The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins become iconic?
  • Describe the characters of Katherine Min’s Courting a Monk .
  • Discover the way Atonement by Ian McEwan impacted the readers.
  • What values are encouraged in Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks?
  • Discuss the initial public opinion about Life of Pi by Yann Martel .
  • Self-awareness in The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman.
  • Analyze the success of The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie .
  • Discuss the literary issues of Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air.
  • How did the public accept the controversial message of The Da Vinci Code ?
  • Did Aziz Ansari’s reputation contribute to the fame of his book Modern Romance ?
  • What made The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer popular?
  • Analyze the fanbase of The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler.
  • What draws the readers to Confessions of a Shopaholic ?
  • Explore confession and forgiveness in The Lovely Bones.
  • Why did The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield gain popularity?

📺 Pop Culture Topics: Movies and T.V.

Movies and T.V. shows are an integral part of U.S. culture. This category includes films based on popular literature and all-time-classic movies. T.V. production is often accompanied by a massive amount of merchandise that fills clothing and toy stores. The following list will help you select an on-point essay topic.

  • Write about the way the Star Wars saga unifies several generations.
  • The Wizard of Oz in relation to populist movement.
  • Analyze the impact of King Kong on cinema.
  • What makes New York City an iconic location for movies?
  • Describe the role of fandom in pop culture.
  • Is it better to watch a movie at home vs. in theater?
  • Why is Lord of the Rings considered one of the greatest trilogies?
  • Define the genre of Scarface.
  • How does Groundhog Day relate to Buddhism?
  • Did The X-Files inspire conspiracy theories?
  • Analyze the way Friends logo entered the clothing industry.
  • Write about the role of the media in Jerry Maguire.
  • Why did the movie Aliens become popular?
  • Discover the effects of Western movies on Arab youth.
  • What has brought Terminator into pop culture?
  • Write about the impact Rocky had on viewers.
  • Discuss what fans appreciate about The Matrix movies.
  • Racism and masculinity in A Soldier’s Story.
  • Write about a successful Marvel movie.
  • What makes D.C. movies iconic?
  • Describe the role of social workers in Crash.
  • Discuss the periods of The Simpsons ’ fame.
  • Analyze the way Parks and Recreation reflect the U.S. culture.
  • Talk about your favorite blockbuster.
  • Should government control the contents of T.V. shows?

🇺🇸 American Pop Culture Topics

The history of the United States was always reflected in various art forms. Today its pop culture highlights social identity and carries on the American heritage. In this section, you can explore the elements that contribute to American pop culture.

  • How did globalization impact American pop culture?
  • Analyze the influence of the American movie industry on the world.
  • Write about Hispanic American culture.
  • Explore the place of alien encounters narrative within American culture.
  • Write about a specific period of American pop culture.
  • Examine the popularity of American movies overseas.
  • Write about the history and influence of Halloween.
  • Discover the economic value of the American entertainment industry.
  • Write about an aspect of the American pop culture you’re most proud of.

Andy Warhol.

  • What would you like to change about the U.S. pop industry?
  • American folk culture vs. pop culture.
  • Which countries are not influenced by American culture at all?
  • Describe the role of T.V. broadcasting for the U.S.
  • Talk about American fast food as a part of pop culture.
  • Discover vacation destinations in and outside of the U.S.
  • Why is so much of today’s pop culture focused on the 80s?
  • How significant is Disney for Americans?
  • Discover the roots of U.S. pop culture.
  • How does the American pop industry portray sexuality?
  • Analyze the way pop culture unifies American citizens.
  • What are the destructive trends prevalent in the U.S.?
  • Discuss gender roles in American cartoons.
  • What does American pop teach about lifestyle?
  • How quickly do new fashion trends spread across the U.S.?
  • Discuss the way the U.S. pop culture reflects its historical values.

🌐 Popular Culture Essay Topics on Internet Phenomena

The internet is the ultimate means of communication worldwide. The rise of online trends is quite unpredictable, which is why it’s called internet phenomena. Memes, videos, challenges will be the focus of this section. Continue reading to find a fun essay topic!

  • What purpose was intended for the Ice bucket challenge ?
  • What made the dab famous worldwide?
  • Describe a dangerous internet phenomenon.
  • Why were teens attracted to the fire challenge?
  • Analyze the way Harlem Shake went viral.
  • What is people’s attitude towards social media?
  • How does something become an internet phenomenon?
  • Describe the influence of the Thriller dance on the world.
  • Debate the ethics of Coffin Dance.
  • What’s the reason for Gangnam Style’s fame?
  • How did the Momo challenge turn into a worldwide phenomenon?
  • Write about an internet phenomenon that emerged in 2020.
  • Talk about an online challenge you participated in.
  • What made Bongo Cat famous for many years?
  • Write about a politics-themed online phenomenon.
  • What distinguishes popular video games nowadays?
  • Analyze the role of TikTok in song advertisement.
  • Write about a comics book that gained popularity online.
  • Discover online challenges that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Describe the Bernie Sanders phenomenon among college students.
  • What internet phenomena are popular amongst the older generation?
  • Discuss the outcomes of a viral fundraising challenge.
  • Talk about one of the earliest internet phenomena.
  • How did the first memes appear on the internet?
  • Write about a web cartoon that qualifies as an internet phenomenon.

✍️ Pop Culture Analysis Topics to Write About

Pop culture includes many components you could write about. For an analytical paper, feel free to pick any aspect of pop culture. You can focus on positive, negative, or controversial factors. Make sure to use academic resources and professional critique. Here are some topic examples of your future paper.

  • How does pop culture impact public health?
  • Analyze Coca Cola marketing strategies from the sensory perspective.
  • Will the entertainment industry survive without encouraging predatory behavior?
  • What percentage of the U.S. population is currently involved with pop culture ?
  • Analyze a popular culture artifact of your choice.
  • What makes a pop song relatable?
  • Why is popular literature often made into films?
  • How does Instagram affect people’s lives?
  • Will your generation be drawn to pop culture decades from now?
  • How can one become famous in the age of informational overload?
  • Analyze the price one is paying for remaining popular.

Suzy Kassem quote.

  • Why do some classic paintings become a commodity?
  • Write about a person who significantly impacted T.V.
  • Pick a T.V. show and analyze its rise to popularity.
  • Discover how one becomes an influencer.
  • Do video games have any positive effects?
  • In what ways does politics influence pop culture?
  • How necessary is funding for the pop industry?
  • Why have memes become a popular form of communication?
  • What things should celebrities stop promoting?
  • Analyze YouTube’s contributions to pop culture.
  • Talk about the important messages in current pop music.
  • What catches the attention of modern consumers?
  • How did the 2020 pandemic influence pop culture?
  • What happens to famous artists who quit their career?

🤔 Popular Culture and Social Issues Essay Topics

Pop culture reveals social issues and creates new ones. In your paper, consider various aspects of society. Think about popular culture’s effect on different generations, languages, or values. The following list will help you select an interesting essay topic.

  • Describe ways in which pop culture divides social groups.
  • Do pop songs represent the voice of society?
  • What social issues does pop music contribute to?
  • Analyze the media’s influence on women’s self-image.
  • How does an expectation of the zombie apocalypse affect the Americans?
  • The impact of T.V. shows on self-realization amongst teenagers.
  • Does popular literature disconnect teenagers from society?
  • Why do people incorporate fictional characters in protest marches?
  • What do modern toys teach children about body image?
  • Did pop culture contribute to social unrest in the U.S.?
  • Discover the way popular movies contribute to discrimination.
  • In what ways do memes influence public opinion?
  • Analyze the effects of mass media on one’s sexuality.
  • Examine the impact of YouTube on young adults’ career choices.
  • Does pop culture promote promiscuous behavior?
  • Describe the way modern movies stigmatize obesity.
  • What family values are projected in today’s mass media?
  • Explore the harming side of fandoms.
  • Does mainstream media sabotage social norms or encourage them?
  • Do pop songs encourage rebellious behavior amongst teens?
  • What kind of lesson does pop culture teach about gender?
  • Correlation between mobile games and the overuse of display devices.
  • Discover stereotypes that are prevalent in the pop industry nowadays.
  • Analyze the effect of television on bullying.
  • In what light does pop culture portray religion?

We hope you found this article helpful and choose an excellent topic for your assignment. Now go ahead and write an A+ essay on pop culture!

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How to Write Personal Essays About Pop Culture

How to Write Personal Essays About Pop Culture

"It was mostly through pop culture, through hip-hop, through Dungeons & Dragons and comic books that I acquired much of my vocabulary." -Ta-Nehisi Coates

Write about Pop Culture with Lit Hub and Crime Reads contributing editor Lisa Levy

We all engage with pop culture every day: we check gossip sites, we hit Spotify, we read about a new movie; we play an alphabet soup of games, we scan websites, or watch a YouTube video, or binge a Netflix show. There are as many forms of popular culture are there are ways to write about it.

We start engaging with pop culture as soon as we're able to perceive the world around us. You know when you're a teenager, and you have all these obsessive interests that might seem strange to anyone who doesn't understand the rabbit hole you've gone down (or live in)? Your entire world revolved around a grunge band from the 1990s that only released one album with five good songs, but you listened to those songs on repeat and learned every lyric.

Or you were obsessed with this one character in an animated show about animals that was too odd for adults, but it was just so funny, even now. Or, you followed every move of some boy band from the early 2000s that you can only find on YouTube now (a few rungs below LFO). 

Some of these obsessions follow you into adulthood, or you're discovering them for the first time years later. What do all of these things have in common? They are all obsessively obsessed with pop culture. And while they might seem trivial or silly, they also offer a lot of great insight into who we were as younger people. Or who we are now. Or who we have discovered ourselves to be through some portal into the long-forgotten. 

Why did we love  this  particular thing or moment so much? How did it impact us as young people in forming our own identities? Why did we like it so much at the time? And would others benefit from our intelligent and incisive commentary?

Want a great example?  Read  The Ecstasy of Frank Ocean  by Doreen St. Félix,  MTV News.

What Is a Personal Essay About Pop Culture?

In the Washington Post , Sonny Bunch wrote, "the best writing about popular culture — about music, about movies, about TV shows, about books, about whatever — interrogates the way we think rather than what we think." Indeed, pop culture is an integral part of the development of a person's personality and identity.

And a personal essay about pop culture can be like any other essay you've written. You might have fond memories of watching  The Office  and choose to write about how it worked its way into your life at the time, how it shaped your sense of humor, or the conversations you had at school or work. You can look back on it and recognize a link between how you felt about the show and how you feel about it now. If you enjoyed it back then, you might still enjoy it now, but you might also notice flaws you didn't see at the time. It can be the starting point for a personal essay that takes a second (or third or fourth) look at the pop culture that shaped or changed you.

Want a great example?   Read  The Grace of Keanu Reeves  by Angelica Jade Bastién,  Bright Wall/Dark Room

Writing Your Essay About Pop Culture

Of course, writing about  The Office  is but one of infinite possibilities. Writing your essay about pop culture is about finding the small details that link your past (recent or otherwise) to the present day. How does the fictional character you were obsessed with or the album you cared so much about still inspire you in your life now? Or, how does it show the flaws in the way you might have thought about culture then as now? 

Do you think about the plot of the movie or book you read often? What do you think about the music or song lyrics that impacted your life? How do you think that specific moment shaped who you are today? 

When you write your essay about pop culture, try to focus on specific details that link you to the time; you don't have to try to go for some grandiose idea of how it changed your life, but that is fine if you do. What matters is the emotional connection you make on the page. As the cliche goes, to be genuinely universal, you need to be specific, so write into the details that stand out, are personal, and will be relatable to your reader.

Want a great example?  Read  As Not Seen On TV  by Pete Wells,  The New York Times

We live in an age of democratized criticism: the only thing stopping you from writing about your favorite show or game or app is you.

When you write a personal essay about pop culture, you might be trying to praise or critique the cultural artifact in question. However, to make your piece of writing more impactful, you should focus on how it impacted your life and how it still impacts you in the present day in some way. 

Pop culture connects us and, in many cases, shapes who we become and what we like and molds our worldview and ethos, and it's important to reflect on these moments that shaped us and our identities.

Want a great example?   Read  The Weight of James Arthur Baldwin  by Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah,  BuzzFeed

More Examples:

Read  The Babysitter's Club  by Jesse Barron,  Real Life

Read   The Confessions of R. Kelly  by Chris Heath,  GQ

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Home — Essay Samples — Arts & Culture — Pop Culture — Impacts Of Popular Culture On The Society


What is Popular Culture and How It Impacts The Society

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Words: 1737 |

Published: Jul 10, 2019

Words: 1737 | Pages: 4 | 9 min read

Table of contents

Introduction: what is popular culture, impacts of pop culture in the society today, works cited:.

  • Bartz, G. K. (1997). Michelangelo: The complete sculpture, painting, architecture. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
  • Bull, G. (2020). Michelangelo: A life in six masterpieces. Penguin.
  • Campbell, S. (2005). Michelangelo: critical studies. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Cole, B. (1992). Italian art, 1250-1550: The relation of Renaissance art to life and society. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Condivi, A. (2005). The life of Michelangelo. Penn State Press.
  • Goffen, R. (1999). Pieta, in Michelangelo's Three Pietas: http://www3.nd.edu/~ggoiffon/htdocs/papers/pieta.html
  • Harris, B. (1998). Michelangelo's David: Florentine history and civic identity. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 61, 1-54.
  • Mundy, J. (1996). Michelangelo. Bantam.
  • Parker, H. (2016). Michelangelo: Complete works. Taschen.
  • Seymour, C. (2012). Michelangelo’s sculptures: The finest quality cast reproductions. Titan Books.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essays on popular culture


Essay on Pop Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Pop Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Pop Culture

What is pop culture.

Pop culture means popular culture. It’s made up of ideas, images, attitudes, and creative works that are well-liked by many people. Pop culture includes music, movies, fashion, and slang. It’s what we see on TV, hear on the radio, and talk about with friends.

The Role of Media

Media, like television and the internet, plays a big role in spreading pop culture. They show us new trends and famous people. Social media platforms help us share and talk about pop culture with friends and even strangers.

Changes in Pop Culture

Pop culture is always changing. What was cool yesterday might not be cool today. New artists, technology, and ideas come in and change what we like and do. Pop culture keeps evolving with the times.

Impact on Society

Pop culture can influence how we dress, what we listen to, and how we act. Sometimes it can even shape our beliefs and opinions. It’s powerful because it reaches so many people and can bring them together.

250 Words Essay on Pop Culture

Pop culture is the collection of ideas, images, and attitudes that are known by the mainstream of a society at a given time. It includes music, movies, fashion, technology, and slang. Pop culture is often seen as fun, easy to understand, and enjoyed by many people.

Music and Movies

In pop culture, music and movies are very important. Popular songs and films spread quickly and can be known by people all over the world. Artists like Taylor Swift or movies like “Avengers” are part of pop culture because they are widely recognized and shared.

Fashion and Technology

What we wear and the gadgets we use are also parts of pop culture. When a certain style of clothing or a new phone becomes popular, it becomes a trend. Many people follow these trends, which makes them a big part of pop culture.

Social Media’s Role

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok help spread pop culture. They let people share pictures, videos, and thoughts quickly. This helps new trends and ideas become popular very fast.

Why Pop Culture Matters

Pop culture is important because it brings people together. It gives them something to talk about and enjoy with each other. It can also show what a society thinks is important at a certain time. Pop culture is like a mirror that reflects what people in a society like and think about.

500 Words Essay on Pop Culture

Music and movies are huge parts of pop culture. They can bring people together and make them feel all sorts of emotions. When a song becomes a hit, it’s because lots of people enjoy listening to it and it often gets stuck in their heads. Movies that are popular can make people laugh, cry, or sit on the edge of their seats. Sometimes, the characters from these movies become so loved that they appear on T-shirts, lunchboxes, and all sorts of things.

Fashion and Style

What we wear is also a big piece of pop culture. The clothes that are in style change all the time. One day, everyone might be wearing bright colors, and the next, it could be all about black and white. Fashion is not just about clothes, though. It’s also about hairstyles, shoes, and even the kind of backpacks kids carry to school. When a famous person wears something new or different, often many people want to wear the same thing.

Technology and Social Media

Sports and games.

Sports stars and the games people play are also important in pop culture. When a sports team wins a big game, they can become heroes to many people. Video games are just as important. Some games become so popular that millions of people play them. They can even be a way for people to make new friends and learn about teamwork.

Pop culture is important because it brings people together. It gives them something to talk about and share with each other. It can also show what a society values and what it finds interesting or funny. Sometimes, pop culture can even lead to important changes in society by discussing big ideas and problems in a way that is easy for many people to understand.

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essays on popular culture

70 Pop Culture Topics: Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Do you want to write something exciting and interesting for the general public? We are glad to offer you 71 hot topics about pop culture for your custom essays ! Pick one of these amazing themes and create a great essay or a post for your personal blog.

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “pop culture”? Maybe comics, Madonna, or superhero movies? In fact, popular culture includes many more categories: television, social media, music, fashion, slang, and others. Although pop culture is an indispensable part of modern society, it often faces criticism from the members of non-mainstream groups. They consider this culture to be superficial, primitive, and stultifying. Yet, how can beliefs and tendencies with such a great number of fans be bad?

Maybe pop culture will not teach us how to be geniuses. However, it helps us to make everyday life brighter. Moreover, the objects and practices of popular culture can be an interesting subject for study. Below, you’ll find a list of pop culture topics of different categories, prepared by our essay writers . Pick one and create an outstanding essay easily!

Pop culture topics: Barbie essay questions

  • How the concept of Barbie is racist/ is making society racist/ is causing kids to become racist?
  • How has Barbie given unrealistic body images to young girls?
  • How does Barbie affect African American girls’ self-esteem?
  • What psychological effects do American Barbie dolls have on young girls/women?
  • How Barbie affected American culture regarding women’s body ideals in the 1900s?
  • Barbie or Mulan?
  • Why was Rapunzel Barbie successful on a global level?
  • Should Barbie be banned?
  • What is Barbie’s negative impact on lifestyle?
  • Is Barbie a bad role model?
  • Does Barbie empower girls by encouraging them to explore different roles, or does she perpetuate gender stereotypes?
  • What is the importance of Barbie as a toy for imaginative play and its impact on children’s development and socialization?
  • What is Barbie’s success in the toy industry, and how it has influenced the design and marketing of other dolls and toys?
  • What are the main issues the Barbie brand faces? What are the ongoing controversies?
  • What is your assessment of Mattel’s repositioning efforts, including new advertisements and new products?
  • How did the 2023 Barbie marketing campaign increase sales?

Pop culture argumentative essay topics

If you are looking for a good discussion, these topics are for you! The most important thing about writing an argumentative essay is being persuasive. provide examples and facts, and use your logical thinking to make your readers believe your point of view. We recommend you to use the classic five-paragraph structure to make your writing readable.

  • Can The Weather Channel be considered as a part of pop culture?
  • Do Disney princesses have a positive or negative impact on young girls?
  • Can American popular culture replace absent common mythology?
  • To what extent have modern technologies changed pop culture?
  • Does the portrayal of sexuality in pop culture influence the teenage body image?
  • Is pop culture good or bad for modern society?
  • Does pop culture influence our perception of romantic relationships?
  • Has interpersonal communication worsened because of social media?
  • What actually makes pop culture popular?
  • Can pop culture disrupt moral values?

Pop culture and science essay topics

An unusual combination, right? Surprisingly, the general public learns more about science from pop culture than from scientific sources. We don’t like reading boring journals and articles. Scifi movies, scientific TV shows, and personal blogs of scientists – that’s what we like. Choose one of the pop culture topics below to sound smart!

  • How are the principles of materialism and vitalism interpreted in the portrayal of the monster in “Frankenstein”?
  • Can genetic experiments from the novel “The Island of Doctor Moreau” by H. G. Wells be conducted today?
  • Can the audience learn about neuroscience from TV series?
  • Compare and contrast the process of gene editing in the movie “Gattaca” and the novel “Brave New World.”
  • The advantages and disadvantages of species revivalism in the movie “Jurassic Park.”
  • Why can the use of biotechnology be dangerous? Use the movies “I, Robot” and “Ex Machina” as examples.
  • Are pop culture objects worthy of academic study?
  • How is the future of humanity represented in pop culture?
  • How does the representation of science in pop culture influence the social attitude toward scientists in reality?
  • Why can pop culture be harmful to scholarly researches?

Pop culture topics: social issues

As we’ve mentioned above, pop culture is an indispensable part of our society. Consequently, it may cause or, on the contrary, resolve certain social issues. If you’re interested in sociology, this category is perfect for you. Make your readers take pop culture seriously!

  • Positive and negative impacts of pop culture on youth.
  • Can pop culture influence the moral code of our generation?
  • How are feminist values represented in modern cartoons?
  • Does pop culture promote or denounce gender inequality?
  • Can the representation of terrorism in popular culture help the fight against it?
  • The conflict of religions in pop culture.
  • Has pop culture helped the acceptance of homosexuality in society?
  • Can pop culture influence the intelligence level of the whole society or generation?
  • Does pop culture cause political apathy?
  • How does pop culture influence consumer behavior?

Pop culture topics: idols and heroes

Who are the heroes of our time? Firemen, doctors, teachers? Not likely. Although these people have very important missions, their work remains inappreciable. Meanwhile, singers, actors, supermodels, and superheroes take the place in millions of hearts around the planet. If you want to take a closer look at one of these idols, you’re welcome to choose one of the pop culture topics below.

  • Has Madonna changed the perception of women in society?
  • Can Bob Dylan be considered as an idol, and why?
  • How does children’s faith in superheroes influence their mentality?
  • Marilyn Monroe and her influence on modern popular culture.
  • Why did Michael Jackson become “The King of Pop”?
  • How do K-pop idols influence the fashion industry in Asia?
  • How did Psy and his single “Gangnam Style” become so popular?
  • Can Miley Cyrus and her career progression serve as an example for teenage girls?
  • Compare and contrast the portrayal of Beowulf in the 2007 movie adaptation and in the epic poem.
  • How has the representation of superheroes changed since the 1960s?

Extraordinary pop culture essay topic ideas

Are you used to thinking outside the box? Our extraordinary topics are waiting exactly for you! You’re free to offer innovative ideas in your essays, as these themes are not for common conversation. Cross the borders of conservatism and enjoy composing your outstanding piece of writing!

  • Narrative essay about your relationship with a particular pop culture phenomenon.
  • Definition essay: Black Dandyism.
  • The main principles of pop art.
  • Essay about Kpop and its popularity .
  • Ethical problems with the use of technologies in pop culture.
  • The role of manga and anime in modern pop culture.
  • Historical personalities in modern pop culture (such as the Borgia family).
  • The representation of the US court and criminal justice system in pop culture.
  • How does American pop culture influence the world economy?
  • How has modern popular culture changed the concept of childhood?
  • Compare and contrast folk culture and pop culture.
  • Definition essay: McDonaldization.
  • Compare and contrast the portrayals of yakuza in Asian and Western pop cultures.
  • The representation of American history in modern TV series.
  • How can pop culture be useful for education?
  • Can traveling be considered a part of modern pop culture?

Pop culture essay writing help from experts

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6 thoughts on “ 70 Pop Culture Topics: Shine Bright Like a Diamond ”

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I found this post when I was in search for help because I need pop culture research topics, and I found them!!!

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Thanks for the interesting article…

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good and knowledgeable article. Decent pop culture topics.

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History | June 21, 2024

The Real Story Behind ‘The Bikeriders’ and the Danny Lyon Photography Book That Inspired It

A new film dramatizes the story of a motorcycle club chronicled by Lyon in the 1960s, offering a tribute to the outlaw spirit

Benny on a bike

Ellen Wexler

Assistant Editor, Humanities

Danny Lyon considered himself a bikerider, but there were glaring differences between him and the members of the Chicago Outlaws , a notorious motorcycle club. They were blue-collar Midwesterners riding Harleys and living on the outskirts of society. Lyon was a college-educated photographer who rode a Triumph and toted around two cameras and a seven-pound tape recorder .

It was the mid-1960s, and Lyon was following in the footsteps of Hunter S. Thompson, the journalist who rode with—and wrote about —the Hells Angels around the same time. Lyon even sent a letter to Thompson, perhaps expecting encouragement from a like-minded chronicler. Instead, the writer advised Lyon to “get the hell out of that club. … I’ve seen the Angels work, and they scare the hell out of me.” Lyon bristled at this advice, which he later summed up thusly : “[Thompson] advised me not to join the Outlaws and to wear a helmet. I joined the club and seldom wore a helmet.”

Lyon documented the Outlaws for several years, but he was not an objective observer. When The Bikeriders , a collection of photographs and interviews, came out in 1968, Lyon—who had become a full member of the club in 1965—billed it as an “attempt to record and glorify the life of the American bikerider. It is a personal record, dealing mostly with bikeriders whom I know and care for.”

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Now, more than 50 years later, The Bikeriders forms the basis of a new movie adaptation of the same name. Directed by Jeff Nichols , the film uses verbatim quotes from Lyon’s interviews for around 70 percent of its dialogue. The plot, meanwhile, is a work of fiction created by weaving the interviews together.

The movie is concerned less with telling a true story than with capturing the feeling of freeways and freedom, of outlaws and open roads—what Lyon calls the “spirit of the bikeriders: the spirit of the hand that twists open the throttle on the crackling engines of big bikes and rides them on racetracks or through traffic or, on occasion, into oblivion.”

Here’s what you need to know about The Bikeriders (both the book and the adaptation) as the film, which stars Austin Butler , Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy , arrives in theaters in the United States on Friday.

The outlaw archetype

In 1957, about a decade before The Bikeriders , Jack Kerouac published On the Road , his famous chronicle of disillusioned, peripatetic young travelers wandering the country and searching for answers. One reviewer described Kerouac as a “kind of literary James Dean,” the actor responsible for a formidable percentage of the motorcycle’s cultural cachet.

Members of Hells Angels rounding a corner on their motorcycles in 1966

Like many young men, Lyon, who was 15 when On the Road came out, was inspired by the book. In the summer of 1962, after wrapping up a semester at the University of Chicago, he asked friends to drop him off along Route 66, “ the road Jack Kerouac used ,” and hitchhiked to Cairo, Illinois, where he saw future congressman John Lewis speak and began photographing scenes from the civil rights movement. By 1964, he was back in Chicago , where he started planning The Bikeriders .

Around this time, Lyon wrote to a publisher about the project. When he revisited the letter many years later, he realized he came across as “a kind of crazy person who writes in this sub-Jack Kerouac-style prose about the open road and the freedom of being an outlaw,” as he told the Observer in 2014.

American motorcycle clubs were also fueled by this outlaw spirit. Their history stretches back to the end of World War II , when returning veterans —particularly those having trouble reintegrating into civilian life—began to form new groups. The lifestyle combined several values these former soldiers clung to: As Vox put it in 2015, “Nostalgia for the camaraderie and risk-taking of the war made the clubs’ focus on male bonding and dangerous activities like, say, riding motorcycles particularly attractive.”

Many such clubs were part of the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). Membership in the organization, which was founded in 1924 and still exists today, requires adherence to strict rules. Some clubs resisted these rules and formed without the group’s stamp of approval. As Lyon wrote in The Bikeriders , they “are so far in spirit from attitudes of the AMA that they neither want nor could receive AMA sanction. These are known as outlaw clubs.”

essays on popular culture

Members of outlaw clubs are also known by another term: “ one-percenters .” This identifier comes from an oft-repeated (but possibly false) story about the AMA insisting that 99 percent of motorcyclists are mainstream, law-abiding Americans. The outlaw clubs proudly position themselves in that remaining 1 percent.

One of the first such clubs was the McCook Outlaws , which formed in McCook, Illinois, in the 1930s. After a period of dormancy during World War II, the group came back together and ultimately relocated to Chicago, becoming the Chicago Outlaws in the 1950s, about a decade before Lyon started tagging along.

The bikeriders’ best storyteller

Each of Lyon’s interviewees had a unique perspective on outlaw culture and how they fit into it. Cal, a former airman, had been to 18 countries and “seen what most people have read about.” Rodney Pink, meanwhile, was a motorcycle racer who insisted that “being on a motorcycle don’t make you special at all” and lamented that while “everyone wants to be part of something,” nobody wants to “have any responsibility unloaded on ’em.”

Danny and Kathy

The bikeriders also spoke candidly about the dangers of their lifestyle. Johnny Goodpaster, who once broke his leg in 17 places, called such injuries an “occupational disease,” while “Funny Sonny” described watching a “little guy on his Honda” with a “helmet and everything” who accidentally drove over a cliff.

But as Lyon recalled in a 1997 preface to a new edition of the book, the “best storyteller” of the group was Kathy Bauer , 26, who “didn’t even ride a motorcycle, but was married to Benny, a member of the club.”

According to her interview, Kathy noticed Benny while she was at a bar with a friend, who advised her not to get involved. “Every time he gets up on his bike, he has an accident,” the friend warned. Benny persisted, planting himself outside Kathy’s house and refusing to go home.

“My boyfriend would still come over, and Benny would still sit here, and I’d tell him, ‘You better go home.’ And he wouldn’t go,” she recalled. “So finally, my boyfriend left, and Benny was still around. So he says, ‘Let me take you to the meeting. Everything’ll be real nice.’ So I went to the meeting. After that, I started goin’ out with him. I only went out with him, never with any of the other guys in the club. And five weeks later, I married him.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Danny Lyon (@dannylyonphotos2)

In The Bikeriders , Kathy describes the arc of the couple’s relationship in a series of startling anecdotes and off-the-cuff reflections:

I’ve had nothin’ but trouble since I married Benny. I’ve seen more jails, been to more courts and met more lawyers, and it’s only a year. That’s a short time for so much to happen.   Benny thinks that when you die, you’re better off than when you’re living. You know, like when his dad died, he said, “It’s just as well, he’s better off that way.” When his friends got killed, well, they’re better off that way. No feelings.   I thought I could change him, you know? Every woman thinks that she can change a guy. Not to her own ways, but to be different. Not to be different, but to be, I don’t know. Like he’s wild. I used to think he’d get over that. But he don’t.

Lyon’s book features one photograph of Kathy. Sporting a dark beehive haircut with side-swept bangs, she stands in a bathroom with three mirrors, each reflecting her profile at a slightly different angle. In the main reflection, she looks directly at the camera, lips slightly parted, at ease but alert.

Benny, meanwhile, is an elusive figure. While Kathy describes him at length, he was never interviewed. The book features two photographs identified as him: One shows him gripping a pool table covered with ring stains; his head hangs between his shoulders, obscuring his face. The other captures him from behind on his motorcycle, wearing a “Chicago Outlaws” jacket and backlit by headlights.

Adapting The Bikeriders for the screen

The film adaptation, which debuts Friday, follows characters based on Kathy (played by Comer), who also narrates the story, and Benny (Butler). Some scenes play out just as the anecdotes in the book, such as the pair’s first meeting. Kathy is at a bar with a friend when she notices Benny, who is leaning against a pool table in a nearly perfect recreation of Lyon’s photo. Here, though, he looks up. We see his face, hear his voice and find out what happens next.

Still of Benny

Ahead of the movie premiere, Lyon heard from a man named Kirk: Kathy and Benny’s son. He learned that Kathy had died, but Benny was living in Florida. “So I call Benny up,” Lyon tells the Telegraph . “We have a great talk. He’s totally upbeat. And then he says, ‘Hey, you know the picture of me at the pool hall?’ I said, yeah. He says, ‘It’s not me.’ What? ‘Check out the tattoos. It’s not me.’”

The movie is structured in two parts. The first half follows a group of misfits finding a family; much like Lyon’s book, it is meant to “glorify the life of the American bikerider.” As one of the club members, Brucie (Damon Herriman), says, “We don’t belong nowhere else, so we belong together.” The second half is a darker meditation on the dangers of outlaw life. As members of a younger generation join up, they introduce a newfound aggression and propensity for cruelty.

“[The violence] in the second half is fairly cruel, and that’s the important part,” Nichols tells PA Media . “If you just have the first hour, this would be a film glamorizing violence. Nobody wants that, nobody needs that, the world doesn’t need that. If you take the two parts as the whole, I think it says, ‘Here are the consequences of choosing to live this kind of life.’”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Benjamin Nichols (@benlucero74)

The book does not feature this second chapter. But while Lyon has retained an affection for the outsider spirit—“I like rebels and think they are intrinsic to the survival of our democracy,” he told the Chicago Reader in 2014—his views have evolved with time.

By the end of his stint with the Outlaws, Lyon was already growing disillusioned with the group. As he said to the Observer , he remembers getting into a “big disagreement with this guy who rolled out a huge Nazi flag as a picnic rug to put our beers on. By then, I had realized that some of these guys were not so romantic after all.”

What became of the Outlaws

Today, more than 300 outlaw motorcycle gangs operate across the United States. According to the Department of Justice , which defines the groups as “organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises ,” the Outlaws have some 1,700 members in more than 100 chapters around the world. The club has engaged in criminal activities such as “arson, assault, explosives, extortion, fraud, homicide, intimidation, kidnapping, money laundering, prostitution, robbery, theft and weapons violations.”

Benny on his motorcycle

The real Outlaws are “certainly aware of the film,” Nichols tells the Globe and Mail , but he has not had any contact with them. In the film, the club is called the Vandals, a fictional name intended to distance the project from existing groups, which the director had no desire to portray on screen. “If I’m being completely honest, I’m not really interested in contemporary biker culture,” he adds. “I was interested in the people in Danny’s book.”

Besides, Lyon believes the two groups have little in common. The people he knew in the 1960s were quite different from today’s biker types, whom he notices in connection with news events like the January 6 insurrection . Instead, the photographer tells A Rabbit’s Foot , the closest analogues are perhaps “the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Sioux fighting the oil pipeline and the catastrophe of climate change.”

Today’s Outlaws appear to have an internet presence, albeit a limited one. One website, belonging to the Outlaws M.C. , instructs, “Everything is done face to face NOT online DO NOT write us asking how to join! Find an Outlaw and ask him!” Another site, belonging to the Outlaws M.C. World , features an article titled, “What is [an] Outlaw M.C. one-percenter today?” “To say that one-percenters are criminals or people of a lesser moral code than the rest of society is a tainted opinion,” the pseudonymous author argues. “We may not live by the rules of society, but we do live by its laws.”

Kathy and Benny

Another language quibble: “Bikerider” is not a word, strictly speaking. It does not appear in the dictionary. According to Lyon, it is a word that once held a narrow definition, describing a subculture as it existed at a specific time and place.

“Back then in Chicago, they had a lot of names for things, names that were of the Midwest, and of that city, words belonging to that place and to the people who lived there,” wrote Lyon in the 1997 preface. “One of those words was bikeriders . No one there ever called them motorcyclists . The machines were called bikes , and the riders were called bikeriders . The word biker was simply never used in the Midwest by anyone at that time.”

After finding a publisher for the book, a copy editor explained that the title would need to be two words: The Bike Riders . Lyon pled his case—and won. In the years that followed, he was aghast to see “biker” become widespread. “I even use it myself,” he wrote. “The term that I heard and loved, and used with such pride, has all but been forgotten.”

Benny on his bike at night

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Ellen Wexler

Ellen Wexler | | READ MORE

Ellen Wexler is Smithsonian magazine’s assistant digital editor, humanities.

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essays on popular culture

Low Culture Essay: Manu Ekanayake On Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

In this month's subscriber essay, Manu Ekanayake revisits the BBC adaptation of John Le Carré's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to explore ideas of Englishness and patriotism corrupted by the Establishment and private school system (note – contains spoilers!)

I first met George Smiley when I was 21. The tap on my shoulder happened in suburban Essex when, home for Christmas, I watched Sir Alec Guinness’ sublime performance as the spymaster in the 1979 BBC adaptation of the John Le Carré novel, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy . This complex tale of espionage, human frailty and betrayal, played out in the morally grey and stodgily brown 70s Britain that lingered into my childhood in the 80s, blew me away and I’ve been obsessed ever since.

The series of seven episodes was directed by Jonathan Powell and was broadcast between 10th September and 20th October 1979. The opening scene, in which various bigwigs of British intelligence gather for a meeting in a nondescript room in ‘The Circus’ (Le Carré’s name for both his fictionalised British intelligence and its HQ) is a dialogue-free and patient work of genius that sets the tone for the slow-moving yet gripping hours to follow. George Smiley is brought in from semi-retirement to flush out the Soviet mole in the highest levels of the service. Under suspicion himself, Smiley must work out whether Percy Alleline (‘Tinker’, played by Michael Aldridge), Bill Haydon (‘Tailor’, Ian Richardson), Roy Bland (‘Soldier’, Terence Rigby) or Toby Esterhase (‘Sailor, Bernard Hepton) is working with the Soviet enemy.

When the mole is revealed as being Bill Haydon, Peter Guillam refers to him as having been a hero to his generation – “my kind at least, a kind of antiquated English patriot. No matter what kind of dirt we have to do, it’s for England”. But of course the traitor – and the 1960s Cambridge Five spy he was based on, Kim Philby – was no patriot or hero at all, at least not to Britain. His loyalties were strictly to Mother Russia, in the form of the USSR, and more specifically to Moscow Centre, the greatest rivals of Le Carré’s Circus in the “great game” of Cold War espionage. That rather lackadaisical term for Anglo-Russian conflict goes back to British Intelligence officer Arthur Connolly in 1840, though it was popularised by Rudyard Kipling’s novel Kim in 1901. It is used by certain foolish characters in Tinker, Tailor , usually those who, safe behind their desks in Whitehall, do not have to suffer the game’s realities first-hand. Smiley, of course, would never utter such nonsense. He’s played ‘the game’ at close quarters and he knows very well how lethal the stakes are for everyone concerned. It is Smiley who is the “antiquated English patriot”, not his quarry.

Quiet Smiley might be, but Guinness’ genius in the role is carrying the cold determination and lengths to which he will go to capture a traitor – and avenge a friend. Agent Jim Prideaux was sent to Czechoslovakia by the Circus’ old boss, Control, on a nearly-fatal wild goose chase to learn the identity of the mole among the top brass. “A bullet in the back is quite a high price, even in your world” Smiley is told by Lacon, a Whitehall intelligence type who lives well above the fray. “Two bullets actually” replies Smiley, as he would never disrespect Prideaux’ imprisonment and torture by the Russians by getting such a painful detail wrong. 

Smiley’s propriety here reflects his own vulnerabilities. Haydon had an affair with Smiley’s wife, the faithless Lady Anne, on the orders of his Russian handler, Moscow Centre’s legendary spymaster Karla. So Smiley must face his “failings as a husband” too – a terrible sacrifice that serves to emphasise his loyalty to his work. Smiley’s patriot…

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What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis Essay (Critical Writing)

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Critical analysis of popular culture, works cited.

John Storey captures the definition of popular culture from several perspectives. Generally, popular culture incorporates itself in many walks of life or conceptual categories, for example, in ‘common’, ‘folk’, and ‘mass’ cultures. It has spread across many centuries in terms of history, commerce, media, art, drama, and the movie industry. In this detailed critical approach, Storey incorporates different definitions of terms like culture and ideology to clearly define popular culture. In his definition and approach makes me accept his definition of popular culture in different ways that are discussed in this paper.

To critically analyze the basic definition of popular culture, let’s examine Storey’s definitions in detail. Popular culture is constantly defined in contrast to the conceptual categories named above like folk culture (Storey 1). He argues that the term ‘popular’ is faced with certain difficulties in terms of theoretical and analytical definitions. Storey (1) therefore notes that popular culture can effectively be represented as an empty conceptual category that can be satisfactory about a variety of contextual references. These contextual references can be associated with great philosophers, artists, poets, and aesthetic factors. Also, the second noun ‘culture’ is used to denote; a way of life, works and practices of great artists, and the skill of producing ‘signifying practices’ like poetry and pop music. Therefore, Storey observes that the incorporation of the true meaning of the word culture as a way of life and culture should be in the form of ‘signifying practices’ named above.

Definition of ideology

To clearly understand the true meaning of popular culture, Storey was indebted to incorporate the term Ideology in his approach to defining popular culture. He notable uses five ways in defining ideology. In his first approach he defines ideology as an organized structure of ideas expressed by various identities of people. This refers to different collections like political affiliation manifestos, professional groups’ terms and conditions, e.g., marketing industries, and social ideas of a political party. Secondly, ideology is a certain distortion of texts and images that show the reality that evokes wrong awareness. These distortions perform well when the powerful oppress the powerless. This brings dominance where the powerful do not see the magnitude of their exploitation, thus concealing reality, e.g., capitalist ideology. A third explanation of ideology is defined in relation to Marx’s approach to ideological forms. This focus on pop songs, films, and novels, from the society’s point of view rather than a consensual approach. Thus, he defines popular culture as a site where well-understood and combined social concepts are formed. These concepts are meant to win the hearts of people in their perception of the world (Storey 4).

The fourth description of ideology according to Roland Barthes is based on the meaning of various texts and different practices they carry based on the level of connotation. Lastly, ideology is defined as a material practice that entails everyday errands in a social order and not as a body of ideas, as observed by Louis Althusser. Therefore we found the similarity and differences between the two words. Both culture and ideology focus on the conceptual arena of ideas. While the difference is, ideology offers a broad perspective of political dimension and culture generalizes. Hence, the definition of the terms culture and ideology clearly becomes the paramount stepping stone for approaching the correct definition of popular culture in different dimensions as discussed below (Storey 4).

What is popular culture?

First, popular culture is simply a custom that is widely preferred by many people. Thus, it implies that the magnitude of interested people determines the social concepts present. Such quantitative index of the majority of people can be traced in different lucrative fields. For example, a study on the rate of sold books and other electrical gadgets and find the statistic of net income. Also a close study on attendance reports at movie and sporting events could give the most approved movie or sporting event. An analysis of market research findings on the most preferred programs. Such details could give at a glance the most preferred item in the social lives of people. Although it might be difficult to agree on a certain figure that may qualify to be widely favored and qualify to be liked by the majority. However, a quantitative approach should be essential in defining popular culture.

Another way of defining popular culture is ‘to suggest that it is the culture that is left over after we have decided what high culture is … a residual category, there to accommodate texts and practices that fail to meet the required standards to qualify as high culture … it is a definition of popular culture as inferior culture’ (Storey 6). Thus, popular culture must include the audience and avoid complexity of ‘high culture. This would be done when it includes a range of judgments in a respective item. This approach can be supported by the assumption that popular culture is commercial while high culture is individually forged. Thus high culture requires moral and aesthetic response and popular culture deserves a social conceptual inspection.

Third, popular culture can be defined as ‘mass’ culture (Storey 8). This implies that popular culture produces mass items that are consumed largely. The audience renders the mass-produced items hopeless because they will be wholly consumed, hence a non-discriminating audience. The culture is manipulative and in a designated formula that is passive. For example during the 20 th century many films failed to benefit from the promotion cost incurred. Mass culture has been characterized to be influenced by American culture. However, this culture is hardly consumed wholly. The items of popular culture are seen as fantasy and have no structure or moral approach hence ‘sees popular culture as a sort of ideological machine which more or less effortlessly reproduces the prevailing structures of power’ (Storey 9).

‘A fourth definition of popular culture is a custom that originates from ‘the people’… according to this definition; the term should only be used to indicate an ‘authentic’ culture of ‘the people’. This is popular culture as folk culture: a culture of the people for the people’ (Storey 9). This definition is sometimes referred to as the working-class culture and acts as the main foundation of capitalism. However, like in the first definition, who are ‘the people’ and who qualifies to be ‘the people. In addition, the definition does not touch on commercial approach of items from popular culture. This definition evokes various questions. For example, what would be the implications of popular culture producing commercial raw materials?

Another attempt to define popular culture by Storey is that it is popular culture is one that focuses on political analysis and the concept of hegemony. Hegemony means the way powerful people try to win the hearts of the powerless using intellectual and moral forms of leadership (Storey 10). The political concept here explains the tension between the weaker individuals called ‘subordinate’ and the stronger class of people called ‘dominant group’. Thus this culture is far from the mass culture or oppositional popular cultures discussed above. It mainly centers on the idea of hegemony. The various arguments on this theory apply to the struggle of the dominant group and the subordinate or the weaker group. Therefore, there are various aspects of this theory that need to be discussed in depth. For example, hegemony allows interaction between the dominant and subordinate groups to attain equilibrium, thus ‘the compromise equilibrium of hegemony can also be employed to analyze different types of conflicts within and across popular culture … but hegemony theory can also be used to explore and explain conflicts involving ethnicity, ‘race’, gender, generation, sexuality, disability, etc., all are at different moments engaged in forms of cultural struggle against the homogenizing forces of incorporation of the official or dominant culture’ (Storey 11). In addition, popular culture has another feature that is attributed to hegemony theory, that it is a site for evaluating social groups and their response to political power.

Lastly, popular culture may be defined in relation to postmodernism. This is where the there is no distinction between ‘high culture’ and ‘popular culture. No difference between ‘authentic’ and ‘commercial’. There is full integration of the above-discussed definitions.

In conclusion, ‘what all these definitions have in common is the insistence that whatever else popular culture is, it is a culture that only emerged following industrialization and urbanization (Storey 12).

John Storey, Cultural theory and popular culture: an introduction (fifth edition).

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 1). What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-popular-culture-definition-and-analysis/

"What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis." IvyPanda , 1 Jan. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-popular-culture-definition-and-analysis/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis'. 1 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis." January 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-popular-culture-definition-and-analysis/.

1. IvyPanda . "What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis." January 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-popular-culture-definition-and-analysis/.


IvyPanda . "What Is Popular Culture? Definition and Analysis." January 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-popular-culture-definition-and-analysis/.

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How Native Culture Inspired ‘Fancy Dance’s’ Set Design Details

By Jazz Tangcay

Jazz Tangcay

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Fancy Dance

Familiarity was at the heart of Erica Tremblay ’s storytelling for AppleTV+’s “ Fancy Dance .”

“Dark Winds” and “Reservations Dog” director Tremblay (Seneca–Cayuga) wanted to work with people she loved, and her friends. That included casting Oscar-nominated actress Lily Gladstone , who had starred in the short “Little Chief,” as her lead. Tremblay also wanted familiarity with the details of her sets, so she called on set decorator Tafv Sampson to help.

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In telling the story, the family home was an important part of the storyline — it’s where Tawi, Roki and Jax all dwell. But it wasn’t just any home: Tremblay wanted it to have a specific detail.

Growing up, Tremblay recalled, “In the homes of the folks that I grew up with, specifically Native people, all the homes had an artery-like central hallway and then they had the rooms that come off the side.”

But that specificity was near impossible to find during the location scout until Sampson suggested her aunt’s house.

The Sperry home was exactly what Tremblay had in mind. Sampson stepped in and put up wood paneling from the 1980s and added in a thick brown carpet to date the home a bit.

Tawi’s purple bedroom represented family to both Roki and Jax. Said Sampson, “We had a local artist Tricia Fields make a star blanket that we put on the wall.” She added, “Yellow meant safety, so we’d hide hints of tonal things that translated to that emotion.”

Tremblay also wanted to show this was also a house of creative women, so Sampson sprinkled elements of that all around the house.

Sampson notes each detail was carefully curated with items that had meaning. A child’s drawing on the fridge came from the 1990s and was drawn by a family member. Said Sampson, “We were trying to show the crafts through the ages such as beading and origami. The idea was, ‘This is something she made when she was six years old. And now, here’s something she made as a 12-year-old.'”

Another personal touch was the wind chime.

Growing up, Tremblay’s mother hung a windchime above every doorway as a security alert system. “If you live there you know to go around the wind chime, but if you’re a burglar or someone that is not supposed to be there, you’re going to run into the wind chime.” And so Sampson added in the wind chime detail on the back door.

The finale shows Jax and Roki at the powwow, which shot at the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City.

Even that held special meaning. Rather than shoot at an actual powwow, the production recreated the entire sequence using real vendors and worked with local artisans.

Artist Joe Chamberlain had designed a Pendleton blanket called “Never Alone.” Tremblay hung it in the background as the girls were dancing. “He passed away right before we started shooting, so he never got to see his blanket, but just knowing where it came from and the person behind it, you can’t fake that stuff, and so many people know what it means,” Tremblay said.

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The depressing reality of quiet vacationing

Why is everyone suddenly going on trips without actually taking time off?

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Who among us has not done a little fibbing at work? A little résumé embellishment here, a fake dental appointment there. Now people are taking full-blown holidays while on the job as part of a trend that's been called " quiet vacationing ."

There's no set definition of quiet vacationing, and it can encompass a variety of behaviors — traveling to a faraway place and not saying anything while still getting your work in, or not working but keeping your mouse moving to appear as if you're online in hopes that no one will notice your drop in productivity.

On the one hand, this sounds like an awesome, novel possibility brought about by the rise of remote work. Responding to the 10th email of the day while sipping a margarita on the beach sounds a lot nicer than doing it from an office desk as a coworker nearby munches loudly on their sad salad . If work gets slow in the summer, there's no good reason to sit and stare at your computer.

On the other hand, the idea that people are under so much pressure at work that they feel they can't take true disconnect-from-everything time off or even tell their boss they're working out of town for a bit is deeply depressing. It's a stark reminder of how broken American work culture is, just in time for summer.

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"It may be a question of just psychological safety, or lack thereof, that the employee doesn't feel like they can openly have a conversation with their manager about taking real time off," said Rebecca Zucker, an executive coach and the founding partner of Next Step Partners, a leadership consultancy. "We're all big boys and girls, and it's a question of not where we're working or when we're working, in terms of the hours we're working, but are we doing what we need to get done."

The whole quiet-vacationing discourse got kicked up by a recent Harris Poll survey on out-of-office culture. It found that 28% of workers said they'd taken time off work without telling their bosses — basically, they're out of the office, but not "officially." Millennials in particular have picked up on the practice, with 37% saying they'd dipped out of work on the sly.

People feeling like they have to be sneaky about their whereabouts is not a positive sign.

It's not that these workers are unhappy with the vacation their companies offer: 83% of respondents said they were satisfied with their company's paid-time-off policy. The issue seems to be that employees don't feel like they can actually use the time off they're given. Eight in 10 workers said they didn't use the maximum amount of PTO allowed; some said they felt pressure to always be available, while others cited a heavy workload as their reason. Almost half said they got nervous about requesting time away, and three-quarters said they wished their workplace culture put more value on taking breaks. Workers reported being tricky about the whole thing, too: About a third said they moved their mouse to make it look like they were online, and about the same share said they scheduled messages outside work hours to give the impression that they were working overtime.

The problem isn't really that people are working from elsewhere, especially if it's not hurting their productivity . The greater issue is what it signifies about their relationship with work and the incentives that have been fostered at their companies . People feeling like they have to be sneaky about their whereabouts is not a positive sign, nor is feeling like the only way to disconnect is to remain half plugged in.

The people taking vacations on the sly may be at organizations that are likelier to reward overworkers, said Malissa Clark, an associate professor and the head of the Healthy Work Lab at the University of Georgia. In turn, those quiet vacations may perversely reinforce the always-on culture, even when always being on isn't necessary or leading to better business results. Clark, who also wrote the book "Never Not Working: Why the Always-On Culture Is Bad for Business — and How to Fix It," pointed to 2015 research looking at how some men at a consulting firm were able to pull back from work while pretending to still put in 80-hour weeks. Their managers couldn't tell the difference, and they were rewarded for giving off the impression that they were workaholics, whereas men who were up front about needing to downshift were penalized.

"That's why there's this pressure for people to constantly be working and feel like if they take a step back they'll be left behind, because that's a very real thing," Clark said. "Apparently, that's what a lot of organizations reward."

Pretending to work when you're not or acting like you're putting in more hours than you do is not a new phenomenon . Zucker recalled working years ago at an investment bank where men would leave their suit jackets on the backs of their chairs after hours so people would think they were still somewhere in the office. But technology does make this behavior easier. The ability to connect from anywhere is a double-edged sword: Sure, it's nice to be able to answer an email on a midday walk or work from a relative's house over the holidays, but it sucks to know your boss knows that you saw that 10 p.m. Slack message pop up on your phone.

This is a societal problem and one that is uniquely American. We're told to go, go, go, made to feel like we can never get off the treadmill for even a second, lest we fall behind or give the impression that we're not trying hard. We often don't see taking time off as necessary and well deserved but as a sign of laziness and lack of work ethic. People aren't told to work to live; they're told to live to work.

Some of the fundamentals underlying quiet vacationing are positive. We live in an era where a lot of people can work from wherever and have more flexibility to achieve a better work-life balance. The rub is the sneakiness of it all. It would be much better if we were talking about, say, "loud working from anywhere for a month," or whatever you'd want to call it. (Or we could stop coining terms for work trends, the true dream.) It should be OK to have a conversation with your manager about spending a few days in the mountains or on the beach and, as long as the WiFi is decent, fulfilling your capitalist soldier duties.

Clark said this trend may make employers even more eager to force workers back to the office. Managers don't always love the idea that they don't know where their employees are, and they have the (often false) impression that being out of sight means not working.

Working from elsewhere does not erase the need for an actual vacation. There's all sorts of research indicating that time off improves mental and physical health, reduces stress, and boosts productivity, among other benefits. Even planning a vacation makes people happier. People need to psychologically detach from work in order to relax and recover.

By always feeling like you have to stay connected, you never recover from work.

"By always feeling like you have to stay connected, you never recover from work," Clark said. "And so it's like you're constantly running a marathon, but then you never take a break, and what is it going to do? It's going to wear your body down slowly, gradually, to the point where you hit a wall. And then all of a sudden you're burnt out."

If you're quiet vacationing and your boss doesn't know, good for you, I guess. But it would probably be better if you could be honest about where you are and what you're doing. And none of this scraps the need for an actual vacation. Regardless of how up front (or not) employees are, at the end of the day, American work culture is the bad guy here. The toxicity of hustle culture is the real problem, not the person who's low-key working from a cabin in the woods or the coworker who said screw it and is taking three weeks off.

Emily Stewart is a senior correspondent at Business Insider, writing about business and the economy.

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