Studying / Writing Tools

Essay Topic Generator

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What do you do when you know what type of essay you need to write but can’t think of a proper topic? Answer: Come to our Essay Topic Generator and let us create the kind of topics you need to get started.

Need to write a controversial essay? Select that type from the drop down menu and click on the Generate Topic button!

Need to write an argumentative essay? No problem—we’ve got that covered as well!

Need to write a compare and contrast essay but don’t know what to write it about? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s see how it works!

How to Use Essay Topic Generator

Our essay topic generator is simple to use. You start by selecting the type of essay you will be writing. Options include: controversial essay, persuasive essay, personal narrative, and many more.

Once you’ve selected the type of essay you want, just click on the big blue Generate Topics button. Your first result will give you a topic idea followed by a proposed Essay Title.

For example, let’s say you have to write a controversial essay but can’t think of a topic. Select controversial essay from the drop down bar, and click the blue button. The first result you receive might be a topic on gun control. Gun control is a controversial topic in America, right? See how simple it is?

Well, say you don’t want to write on gun control—no problem. Hit that blue button again. You’ll get another result—maybe abortion as a topic. Abortion is a super controversial topic and would be a great subject for a controversial essay. But maybe you don’t want to write on that either. So smash that button again! We have hundreds of topic ideas and we’re sure you’ll find one that strikes your fancy.

Choose Your Essay Type

Essay topics.

Okay—so what? You’ve got a topic. Now you have to explore that topic. What’s that mean? It means you have to get to know the topic and understand it before you can expect to write about it. The topic is basically just a broad field for you play in. But in order to connect with your reader, you need to narrow the field. Think of your topic as a ballpark and connecting with your reader as a series of bases that have to be tagged before you can make it home. The topic tells you which ballpark you’ll be playing in—but you still need to step up to the plate and put the ball in play for your audience to care.

So how do you put the ball in play? That’s where our suggested Essay Title can help. It might strike you as a bunt or, meh, as a single. Or you make get one that strikes you as a double or a triple—or maybe one that even looks a like a homerun. It doesn’t really matter because a title is about putting the ball in play. You’re narrowing the focus and just trying to reach base in most cases. Once you’re on you can think about how to get from first to second or from second to third. The end goal is to make it to home plate. But the title is where it starts. It gets you thinking in the right direction. That’s why we don’t just stop at generating a topic idea for you. We also give you a great title to think about. So keep hitting that blue button and generating more results for yourself until you find one that fits!

From Essay Topic to Essay Title

The  essay topic  gets you in the right ballpark, the essay title lets you put the ball in play, and now you have to round the bases—i.e., write your essay. What are the steps to doing this? How do you go from topic to title to writing? Think about the bases on the base path. What shape do they make if you trace a line from home to first to second to third and back to home plate? They make a diamond shape. That’s why it’s called the baseball diamond. Now consider the writing process as a similar shape that you need to create. You’re creating a diamond for your reader and it is basically a step by step process just like rounding the bases.

Need help coming up with a title? Try our  essay title generator.

First, you need to touch first base. Let’s say first base is where you brainstorm using the title you’ve been provided. For example, if you like the title, “Should Public Schools Allow Teachers to Carry Weapons?” you can brainstorm the pros and cons of teacher carry schools. What would be the benefits of having armed teachers in public schools? What would be the drawbacks? What would be your preference if you were a student in such a school? Jot down your answers to these questions. There! See? Now you’re on first base.

Let’s get you over to second. Reaching second base is about pulling those ideas together and giving them some shape. This is where you want to start creating an outline for your essay. You bring these ideas together and arrange them in a way that makes sense. Your outline should start with an introduction that tells what you’ll be looking at in the essay. Then create a section for each point you want to cover: a section for the pros, a section for the cons, and a section for your personal view. Then follow that up with a conclusion that reiterates your points. There you go—that’s an outline!

Now you have to get to third base. Easy—start writing! Follow your outline to stay in the base paths and before you know it you’ll be rounding third and heading for home. To get to home plate all you need to do is go back and edit your essay!

Additional Title Information

You’ll notice that once you hit that big blue button we don’t just give you a topic and a title. We also give you Additional Info. This is where we provide with some more tips to think about when you got to make your outline. For example, with an essay on gun control, you might want to give both perspectives by arguing for one side and then writing a rebuttal. So pay attention to the Additional Info that we offer because it will help you round those bases.

Our Essay Topic Generator is a great way for anyone with writer’s block to get ideas on a topic. Click on the type of essay you need to write by selecting it from the drop down bar. Then click on the Generate Topics button. We’ll give you a topic that fits the type of essay you’re writing. We’ll also give you an essay title to help you get started with the brainstorming process. Finally, we’ll hit you up with some helpful additional info that you can use to flesh out your outline and round the bases towards writing your essay. Hey—no need to thank us! That’s why we’re here: we know that when it comes to writing, every little bit helps.

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AI Random Essay Topic Generator: Topics For Essays

Struggling to find the perfect essay topic ? You’re not alone. Many students face the same challenge, staring at a blank page, unsure where to begin. The pressure to choose a subject that’s both interesting and meets academic criteria can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can spark your creativity and save you time. Enter the AI-powered random essay topic generator. This tool offers a seamless way to generate fresh, unique ideas tailored to your needs, transforming the daunting task of brainstorming into a simple, efficient process. Let’s dive into how this technology can help you conquer your essay topic woes.

Table of Contents

What is an Essay?

An essay is your canvas to express ideas and support a thesis or argument. It’s a structured medium for sharing your thoughts, examining various topics, and presenting your viewpoint to the reader.

Picking the right essay topic is vital. It sets the tone and can make your work engaging. Think about what excites you and what you can discuss passionately. Your thesis statement should be clear and focused. It guides your essay’s content and structure, helping you stay on track and making your argument compelling.

Managing the scope of your essay is also crucial. You don’t want to be too broad, losing depth. Nor do you want to be too narrow, limiting your discussion. A well-chosen topic strikes a balance, making it relevant and manageable within the given word count or assignment requirements.

Here’s a simple breakdown to help:

  • Interest: Choose a topic that fascinates you.
  • Thesis Statement: Keep it clear and focused.
  • Scope: Maintain a balanced discussion.

For example, if you love environmental issues, you might focus on plastic waste in oceans rather than tackling global pollution. This keeps your essay focused, and you can provide meaningful insights without overwhelming the reader.

In essence, an essay is your platform to communicate effectively. By choosing the right topic and maintaining a clear structure, you can make your writing both engaging and insightful.

Importance of Choosing the Right Topic

Choosing the right essay topic can make a huge difference in your writing journey. It grabs your reader’s attention from the get-go and creates a strong base for your research and analysis. This keeps you focused and organized throughout your writing process.

A well-chosen topic also boosts your personal growth. It deepens your understanding and makes the writing experience rewarding and enlightening.

Think of it this way: – Engagement : A compelling topic hooks your reader instantly. – Foundation : It sets a clear path for your research and structure. – Growth : It enhances your knowledge and enriches your perspective.

Imagine writing about something you’re genuinely interested in. The words flow easily, your arguments are sharper, and your insights are more profound. This isn’t just about writing an essay; it’s about enjoying the process and discovering new things along the way.

Gateway to Engagement

Choosing the right essay topic can captivate your readers and pave the way for a compelling story. It’s vital to pick a topic that grabs your audience’s attention from the get-go. While a random essay topic generator can spark some ideas, it’s worth investing time in brainstorming topics that resonate with you personally. Reflecting on your personal experiences can add depth and authenticity to your essays.

When refining your essay topics, think about how they can showcase your creativity and critical thinking. This helps you avoid common pitfalls, such as choosing overly broad or clichéd themes. Instead, focus on unique aspects of your journey that highlight your growth and problem-solving skills.

Here are some steps to help you choose a great topic:

  • Reflect on personal experiences.
  • Brainstorm multiple ideas.
  • Avoid broad or clichéd themes.

Choosing the right topic isn’t just about grabbing attention; it’s about drawing readers into your narrative. A well-chosen topic sets the tone for your essay, making it engaging and memorable. When you pick a topic that genuinely interests you, your enthusiasm will shine through, making your writing more compelling. The aim is to create an essay that leaves a lasting impression, helping your story stand out among many others.

Foundation for Research and Analysis

Choosing the perfect essay topic is like setting the stage for a great performance. It’s the first step in ensuring your research and analysis will be thorough and insightful.

Begin with what excites you. A topic that sparks your interest will naturally drive you to explore it more deeply.

Next, identify gaps in existing research. This approach not only makes your essay original but also valuable.

Use an essay writing guide to narrow your focus. This ensures your topic is both relevant and manageable.

Make sure there are enough resources available for your chosen topic. This will streamline your research process and help you build a strong argument.

Here are some tips to help you refine your topic: – Start broad and then narrow down based on available data. – Focus on areas that intrigue you. – Look for unique angles or perspectives.

Enhances Personal Growth and Knowledge

Exploring a topic that genuinely interests you can ignite personal growth and deepen your understanding of complex issues. When you’re excited about a subject, the writing process becomes more enjoyable. It also opens doors to self-reflection and introspection.

Choosing a topic that excites you encourages you to research and analyze information critically. This thorough exploration enriches your understanding and develops your critical thinking skills. You’ll learn to approach problems creatively and communicate your ideas effectively. These skills are invaluable both inside and outside the classroom.

The process of brainstorming and refining topic ideas also makes you more self-aware. You’ll encounter moments that shaped you or challenges you’ve overcome. Reflecting on these experiences can lead to significant personal development. Trusting your intuition and seeking feedback helps you fine-tune your topic, ensuring it’s engaging and meaningful.

Ultimately, choosing a compelling essay topic is a powerful way to boost your personal growth and expand your knowledge.

How to Come Up With Essay Topic Ideas?

Coming up with essay topic ideas starts with understanding what your assignment is really asking for. Break down the requirements and get a clear picture of what’s needed.

Next, reflect on your personal experiences. Sometimes, the best ideas come from your own life. Think about moments that made you question something or sparked a strong emotion. These can be great starting points.

Use brainstorming techniques like free writing. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about grammar or logic. Just let your thoughts flow.

Talking to others can provide fresh perspectives. Discuss your ideas with friends, family, or classmates. They might offer insights you hadn’t considered.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • List your interests : Write down topics you’re passionate about. It’s easier to write about something you care about.
  • Research current events : Look at the news or trending topics. They can inspire timely and relevant essay ideas.
  • Think about problems and solutions : Consider issues that need solving. Essays that address problems and propose solutions are always engaging.

For example, if you’re interested in environmental issues, you could write about the impact of plastic pollution on marine life. Or, if social media fascinates you, explore its effects on mental health.

Understand the Assignment

Grasping your assignment’s requirements can make finding the right essay topic much easier. Here’s how to break it down step-by-step:

  • Know Your Essay Type : First, figure out if you need to write an expository, argumentative, or another type of essay. Each one has its own set of rules and focus areas, guiding how you choose your topic.
  • Dissect the Prompt : Read the assignment prompt carefully. Look for key terms that tell you if you need to explain, argue, describe, or analyze. These clues will shape your approach.
  • Check for Limits : Always check for guidelines on sources, formatting, or content. This helps you avoid picking a topic that’s either too broad or too narrow.
  • Ask Questions : If something isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask your instructor. Better to clarify now than to realize you’ve missed the mark later.

Reflect on Personal Experiences

Reflecting on your personal experiences can ignite unique essay topics that highlight your individuality and growth.

Start by recalling impactful moments in your life, like achievements or challenges. These experiences are rich with stories and lessons that make your essay memorable. For instance, overcoming a tough obstacle can showcase your resilience and problem-solving skills.

Think about your happiest and saddest memories. These emotionally charged moments offer deep inspiration and help you connect with readers on a personal level. Reflect on significant decisions you’ve made and their consequences. Did a particular choice lead to a turning point in your life? These stories reveal your thought processes and values.

Don’t forget the scary experiences you’ve faced. These tales can demonstrate your bravery and growth under pressure. Also, consider the influential people in your life. Mentors, family members, or friends who have significantly impacted you can be the basis for unique essay topics.

Brainstorm Effectively

Reflecting on your personal experiences can lead you to some of the best essay topics. To get there, brainstorming is key. Create an environment where every idea is welcome. This approach encourages creativity and helps you explore a wide range of possibilities.

Here are some techniques to try:

  • Mind Mapping : Draw a central theme and connect related ideas visually. This method helps you see relationships and explore different angles.
  • Listing : Jot down every topic that comes to mind. Don’t judge them yet. Just get as many ideas on paper as you can.
  • Clustering : Group similar ideas together. This can reveal common themes or interesting combinations for your essay.
  • Dedicated Time : Set aside specific times just for brainstorming. This focused approach can generate more thoughtful and diverse ideas.

Brainstorming in a group can also offer new perspectives and insights. The goal is to gather as many ideas as possible, which you can refine later. Let your creativity flow and capture every thought!

Utilize Free Writing

Dive into free writing to spark a flood of ideas and find unique essay topics effortlessly. By engaging in uninterrupted writing, you let your thoughts flow freely, shedding the constraints of judgment and structure.

Set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes, and write continuously without pausing. This technique helps you overcome writer’s block and can lead to unexpected connections and creative breakthroughs.

Free writing encourages spontaneity and investigation. It helps you uncover personal interests or curiosities for essay topics. It allows you to explore different angles and perspectives without hesitation.

Here’s a simple table to visualize the process:




Step 1

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes

Initiates uninterrupted writing flow

Step 2

Write continuously

Overcomes writer’s block

Step 3

Review and highlight ideas

Identifies unique essay topics

Engage in Conversations

Engaging in conversations with others can ignite fresh and unique essay ideas. Chatting with peers, teachers, or family members often reveals personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions that you might not have considered on your own. These dialogues can inspire you to think differently and uncover new perspectives for your essay.

Here are four ways engaging in conversations can help you generate essay topics:

  • Share Personal Experiences : Sharing your stories and listening to others can highlight common themes or unique events. These can serve as compelling essay topics.
  • Gain Different Perspectives : Conversations can introduce you to new viewpoints, helping you see familiar topics in a new light.
  • Brainstorm Ideas : Collaborating with others can help you brainstorm a list of potential topics. Feedback helps refine these ideas.
  • Discover New Angles : Talking about a particular topic can lead you to consider different angles or approaches that you hadn’t thought of before.

For example, a casual chat with a friend about a recent trip could spark an idea for an essay on travel’s impact on personal growth. Or, a debate with a teacher about a historical event might lead you to explore lesser-known aspects of it. By engaging in conversations, you stay open to new ideas and perspectives, making your essay more interesting and well-rounded.

Explore Different Perspectives

Looking for fresh and unique essay topics? Try seeing things from different angles. It’s like looking at a piece of art from various viewpoints; you notice new details each time.

Think about how different people would see the same event or issue. Consider perspectives from different cultures, age groups, and professions. This practice can uncover hidden layers and nuances in your topic, sparking creativity.

When writing about something like technology’s impact on society, don’t just list pros and cons. Dive into both sides deeply. This balanced view makes your essay more compelling and shows critical thinking. You might find surprising connections that a single viewpoint would miss.

Exploring various perspectives also gives you a well-rounded understanding of your topic. This depth will make your essay stand out. It shows you’ve thought about the issue from all sides, making your argument more persuasive and insightful.

Here are some tips to get you started: – Imagine how different cultures view the issue. – Consider perspectives from various age groups. – Think about how professionals in different fields might see the topic.

Seek Feedback From Others

Don’t hesitate to ask friends, family, or teachers for feedback on your essay topic ideas to gain new perspectives. Often, others can see strengths and weaknesses in your ideas that you might overlook. Seeking feedback is a valuable step that can spark creativity and refine your thoughts.

Here’s how you can effectively seek feedback:

  • Organize a brainstorming session : Gather a few people you trust and discuss your initial ideas. Their input can help you see different angles and possibilities.
  • Ask specific questions : When presenting your ideas, ask for specific feedback. For example, “Does this topic sound engaging?” or “Can you relate to this experience?”
  • Be open to constructive criticism : Don’t take feedback personally. Use it as a tool to improve and strengthen your essay topics.
  • Gauge interest and relevance : Discussing your ideas with others can help you determine if they are interesting and relevant to a broader audience.

Revise and Refine Ideas

Once you have your initial ideas, it’s time to shape them up. Start by gathering feedback from peers or instructors. An outside view can often highlight strengths and weaknesses you may have missed.

Think about your audience and the purpose of your essay. Adjust your topic to grab their attention. Personal experiences, interests, or current events can spark unique and engaging ideas.

Use brainstorming techniques like: – Mind mapping – Free writing – Listing

These methods can help you find hidden connections and important details.

After brainstorming, narrow down your ideas. Check their relevance and feasibility. Ask yourself if the topic has enough depth for a strong narrative or argument. This ensures your essay will be meaningful and impactful, not just filler.

Trust Your Intuition

After gathering feedback and brainstorming, it’s time to let your intuition guide you to the most genuine essay topics. Trusting your inner voice can lead you to subjects that truly resonate with you. This process is about tuning into what feels right and allowing your natural creativity to flow.

Here are four ways to tap into your intuition for compelling essay topics:

  • Reflect on Emotional Moments : Recall times when you felt strong emotions like joy, sadness, anger, or fear. These moments often carry powerful stories and insights.
  • Consider Personal Interests : Think about what you are passionate about. Whether it’s a hobby, a cause, or a subject you love, your enthusiasm can make for an engaging essay.
  • Listen to Your Inner Voice : Pay attention to that small voice inside you. It often knows what you genuinely want to explore and share.
  • Follow Your Curiosity : What topics spark your curiosity? Look into areas where you naturally want to learn more or have an opinion.

Keep a Notepad Handy

Keeping a notepad handy transforms random sparks of inspiration into potential essay gold. Imagine you’re on the bus, in a café, or lying in bed. That sudden idea for a topic? Don’t let it slip away. Write it down immediately, and you’ll have a treasure trove of ideas to explore later.

During brainstorming sessions, a notepad shines. Start with a broad concept. Jot it down. As you brainstorm, narrow it down to something more focused. Writing things down helps you see connections and patterns that might otherwise be missed. It keeps you organized, allowing you to track ideas without cluttering your mind.

Notepads aren’t just for writing. They can be a canvas for creativity. Doodling or free-writing can open up new perspectives and insights. This act of writing can itself be a form of brainstorming, refining and developing your thoughts.

Benefits of Keeping a Notepad: – Capture ideas anytime, anywhere. – Visualize connections and patterns. – Organize thoughts without mental clutter. – Spark creativity through doodling and free-writing.

Using the Random Essay Topic Generator

If you’re struggling to brainstorm essay topics, consider utilizing the AI Random Essay Topic Generator. It can provide you with a wide array of unique ideas tailored to your preferences. By following a few simple steps, you can efficiently generate potential topics for your essays.

What is the Random Essay Topic Generator?

The Random Essay Topic Generator is an AI-powered tool designed to help you find essay titles that are both creative and appropriate for your needs. By taking into account inputs such as essay type and academic level, the generator analyzes these details and produces a selection of random essay titles. This tool is particularly useful when you need inspiration or a starting point for your writing assignments.

How Does the Random Essay Topic Generator Work?

The Random Essay Topic Generator operates through a simple, user-friendly process. Here’s a detailed explanation of how it works:

Input Collection:

  • Essay Type: First, you specify the type of essay you need to write. Common types include argumentative, descriptive, narrative, expository, and analytical essays . This input helps the AI narrow down the style and structure of the potential topics.
  • Academic Level: Next, you indicate the academic level for which the essay is intended. Options might range from middle school to graduate level. This ensures that the complexity and depth of the topics are suitable for your educational stage.
  • Contextual Processing: Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, the AI processes your inputs to understand the context and requirements. It analyzes the type of essay and academic level to generate appropriate and varied topics.
  • Database Query: The AI queries a vast database of potential essay topics, filtering and modifying them based on your inputs to ensure relevance and alignment with the specified criteria.

Topic Generation:

  • Randomization: The tool employs randomization techniques within the constraints of your inputs to generate a diverse array of essay titles. This ensures that the suggestions are not only fitting but also creatively varied, providing a wide range of potential angles and approaches.
  • Variety and Relevance: The generated topics are designed to cover a broad spectrum within the given essay type and academic level. For instance, if you choose an argumentative essay at the undergraduate level, you might receive topics like “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare” or “The Impact of Social Media on Political Opinions.

Benefits of Using the AI Random Essay Topic Generator

Using an AI Random Essay Topic Generator can transform the often daunting task of selecting an essay topic into a seamless and inspiring part of the writing process. This innovative tool is designed to spark creativity, offer fresh perspectives, and streamline the preparatory stages of essay writing. 

By generating a diverse range of topics with a simple click, it not only saves time but also introduces a level of spontaneity and discovery into your writing journey. Let’s delve into the benefits of leveraging such a tool for your next essay.

Sparks Creativity

One of the primary advantages of the AI Random Essay Topic Generator is its ability to inspire creativity. When you’re faced with writer’s block or feel overwhelmed by the vastness of possible subjects, this tool can:

  • Present unexpected ideas that challenge you to think outside your comfort zone.
  • Inspire new angles on familiar subjects, enriching your approach to essay writing.

Time-saving and Efficient

Choosing the right essay topic can be time-consuming, involving extensive brainstorming and research. The AI Random Essay Topic Generator streamlines this process by:

  • Quickly providing a list of potential topics, reducing the time spent in the initial phase of essay writing.
  • Allowing you to focus more on the research and writing phases, where you can deepen your exploration and refine your arguments.

Encourages Learning and Exploration

The random nature of the topics generated encourages you to explore subjects you might not have considered otherwise. This exploration can lead to:

  • A broader knowledge base, as you research topics outside your usual interests or academic focus.
  • Enhanced research skills, as you become adept at diving into new subjects and gathering relevant information efficiently.

Reduces Decision Fatigue

Making decisions can be exhausting, especially when it comes to something as open-ended as choosing an essay topic. By offering a selection of topics, an AI Random Essay Topic Generator:

  • Reduces the mental load of having to come up with a topic from scratch.
  • Helps you quickly move past the decision-making phase to the actual writing, maintaining your motivation and focus.

Customization and Relevance

Advanced AI Random Essay Topic Generators often come with customization options, allowing you to tailor the suggestions to your specific needs and interests. This means you can:

  • Set parameters based on your subject area, desired difficulty level, and personal interests, ensuring the topics are both challenging and engaging.
  • Receive suggestions that are relevant to your current studies or professional focus, making the essay more meaningful and applicable to your goals.

Steps to Use Random Essay Topic Generator

To efficiently utilize the AI Random Essay Topic Generator, consider inputting your preferred subject or keyword to generate relevant and stimulating essay topics. Here are some steps to make the most out of the AI Random Essay Topic Generator:

  • Start by choosing an essay type.
  • Refine your search by specifying your academic level.
  • Hit ‘Generate’ and explore the generated essay topics and select the one that resonates with you the most.
  • Use the chosen topic as a foundation for further research and development of your essay.

Tips for Finalizing Your Essay Topic

After brainstorming and researching, you should now be ready to make a firm decision on your essay topic. Finalizing your essay topic is essential for the success of your writing. Here are some tips to help you solidify your topic choice:

  • Consider Your Interests : Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your passion for the subject will shine through in your writing.
  • Evaluate Available Resources : Make sure there are enough credible sources available to support your chosen topic. Research materials are essential for a well-rounded essay.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : Refine your topic to a specific aspect or angle to avoid a broad and unfocused essay. A clear focus will make your writing more concise and impactful.
  • Seek Feedback : Share your potential topics with peers, teachers, or mentors to get valuable input. Outside perspectives can help you choose the most compelling topic.

Similar AI Generators is your one-stop solution for all your essay writing needs. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, structuring your arguments, refining your writing style, or catching errors, our essay writers provide valuable assistance. Get access to writing prompts, feedback, tips, and resources that make writing essays easier than ever before. Let us simplify academic writing for you!

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Random Topic Generator for Essays & Speeches

Looking for a random topic generator? Try the tool on this page! Our random essay topic generator will create a bunch of writing ideas and prompts for your paper or speech.

Follow a few simple steps to generate a topic for your assignment:

  • Enter your search term
  • Press the “Search topic” button and view the ideas proposed by the topic randomizer
  • In case you need more options, press the button once again to refresh the list

Are you in this situation? You have been assigned an essay and not only do you have to write it, but you also need to come up with the topic you want to write about. Choosing an idea for a paper or speech can be tricky.

Having a seemingly endless number of essay topic possibilities can feel overwhelming. Especially when you have to navigate through the mountains of information available online. Is choosing a topic really that difficult of a task for a student?

Simplify this process with!

Custom Writing offers topics for persuasive essays, informative speeches, creative writing - you name it! With just a few clicks, our random essay topic generator will provide you with brilliant ideas for your next assignment. You will be surprised by the creativity of our amazing generating tool.

  • ⭐ The Tool's Benefits
  • 🤨 Choosing an Essay Topic

🔍 References

⭐ essay & speech topic generator: the benefits.

Our essay and speech topic generator can provide you with fresh original content ideas. Why is it better than other tools out there?

💸 Free This random topic generator is free, with no registrations or sign-ups.
⏰️ Fast All you need to do is add the keywords and enjoy the result.
🤝 User-friendly The interface of the speech topic generator is intuitive.
🌐 Online Don’t waste precious space on your devices.
💡 Full of ideas The tool is based on a huge database of essay topic ideas.

In other words:

It’s free and requires no registration

How many times have you encountered a supposedly free tool only to be asked to sign up? This time, that’s not a problem! Use the random topic generator without payment or registration.

The generator is fast (and furious)

The search speed can play a significant role if you have a deadline. With this topic creator, you don’t have to deal with slow processing speeds. This automatic generating tool as fast as can be.

Instead of spending your time on choosing a topic, you can concentrate on researching the subject and editing your writing.

It’s user-friendly

You don’t really need detailed instructions on how to use this writing topic generator. It has a super intuitive interface. There are two categories to pick from and one button—that’s it!

Our tool is accessible online

You don’t have to download anything to use our topic creator. If you have access to the internet, you have access to this free tool!

The tool has a huge database of information

There are a lot of unutilized ideas out there waiting for you. Our generating tool collects them from a variety of sources and suggests them here. It regularly updates its list of topics to propose more relevant ideas.

Our random topic generator is the perfect choice for you. In case you prefer looking at the full list of ideas rather than at its parts, there are quite a few of them that you can find online.

🤨 Steps to Generate an Essay or Speech Topic

When you have a number of different options, you can find yourself struggling to make a choice. Which one is the most appropriate one for your academic writing or speech? How can you select it from the bunch?

W questions: Who? Where? When? Why? How

Who are you talking about? Why should the reader know about them?

Where is your topic being researched? Where is your topic relevant?

When is your assignment due? When did the majority of research on your topic get published (especially important in the sciences)?

Why is your topic being researched? Is it an important, urgent issue? Why do you like your topic?

How are you going to do your research? How will you phrase your thesis or research question? How will you focus your topic?

To answer this, check out our guide!

🎓 Select an Assignment

Let’s start with the basics: did your professor or tutor ask you to prepare an assignment in a particular format, such as an essay? Or are you required to choose your own format and assignment type? If so, select one from the list!

With our topic maker, you can search for an idea specifically for:

Consider what you can write about for a blog. Discover what ideas are relevant and can attract potential readers.

There are a variety of academic papers, with essays being the most common one for students. If you’re assigned to write one, use our topic randomizer to pick the best idea.

The 4 main types of academic writing

Our topic generator can propose titles according to a paper type, with each one having specific characteristics. There are ideas for expository, descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, and creative essays. The tool forms them so that the title and the writing style fit the format.

Whether it’s an assignment or your desire to compose something creative—it doesn’t matter! The topic generator can provide you with an idea that can boost your imagination and give you inspiration.

Whether you’re planning a college essay or a blog post, the generating tool can be helpful. If you don’t find your assignment type listed, search by the subject of interest instead. More on that below.

🙋 Pick a Subject

Do you have an area of research that you're required or willing to dive into? If the answer is yes, then consider the subjects that our generator proposes.

The tool can be a great random science topic generator when you need one. It provides a collection of unique topics on natural sciences, as well as healthcare and medicine. Get ready for extensive research or a quick search for useful information—whatever you choose!

What’s more:

The topic maker also covers social studies. You can find an idea for a paper on law, business, political sciences, history, or even religion. Nowadays, topics on theology are increasingly popular, and our tool can help propose ideas on what to write about.

The themes of theology include God, humanity, the world, savation, and eschatology (the study of last times).

When you’re looking for a creative idea, there are art and design topics for you. You can also find suggestions related to literature or language if it’s your sphere of interest. And ideas for such subjects such as media and education can be helpful regardless of your initial task.

Whatever subject you select, you will get a bunch of engaging ideas. So, what’s next?

👀 Consider the Topics

Having found a list or used the research paper topic generator, look at the proposed ideas. Which ones do you find most intriguing? Worthy of your time?

Choose a few topics and eliminate them one by one. Copy the picked ones and paste elsewhere or write the ideas down. From the ideas proposed by our topic generator, make your own list to compare and contrast items later.

Keep in mind:

If the selected ideas are broad, that’s great! You can narrow your topic down further. A vague idea will give you a starting point from which you can determine specifics later. Remember, you don't want your subject matter to be too narrow, as it can be hard to find any credible information on it.

Don't rush with idea finalization

To figure out the perfect in-between, neither too broad, nor too narrow, try selecting a specific aspect or angle for your essay topic. Or you can explore how various factors affect the narrow subject matter.

Overall, improve the topic!

Don’t be afraid to modify the topic to your needs. You’re the one who will be doing the research and essay writing. You should call the shots.

🎯 Define a Thesis Statement

Now that you have your topic area, see if you can create a thesis statement . You don't have to do it right away, but it can help direct your research and develop your arguments.

To create a thesis statement, try turning the given sentence into a question and then try to answer it. Study the subject matter further if you’re unsure where to begin. It’s crucial as this claim will become your thesis.

Bear in mind:

A thesis statement is neither an essay title nor an announcement. It’s a specific assertion that expresses the essential idea of academic writing. It’s the point you will argue throughout your essay, drawing on examples that prove or support this thesis statement. You create it at the beginning of your paper to make a reader understand the point of your work from the start.

3 steps to write a thesis statement

So, use a topic to come up with one key point that you will write in your thesis statement. If it’s impossible for you, find another point or subject matter. An essay question generator can always help you with the latter.

🔎 Research Your Topic and Start an Outline

At this point, you're ready to start, but for any good paper or speech, you need an in-depth knowledge of the idea that you have chosen to write about. You need to find some factual information to support your thesis statement.

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Start by investigating the idea and composing an outline. If you see that you can't structure and write an appropriate text, change the topic a bit or select an entirely new one. It’s more appropriate to change a subject matter while you are writing, rather than suffer through attempting to compose an entire paper.

To organize your essay or research, include topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph. They should include the idea you are discussing in that paragraph and they should link to your thesis statement. Coming up with them beforehand can help offer structure to your writing and your research.


You have now successfully chosen a topic for your academic writing. Use our essay idea generator for future projects and share this article to help others with their writing.

❓ Speech Topic Generator FAQ

❓ how do you create ideas for an essay.

First of all, understand the assignment and the subject. When it’s done, there are 4 key methods:

  • Brainstorming. Write down all the words and phrases that you associate with the subject.
  • Freewriting. Write non-stop for a few minutes.
  • Idea web. Create a web of terms and phrases related to the subject.
  • Daydreaming. Let your mind wander, write when you’re ready.

❓ How do you choose a topic for an essay?

The following tips will help you with picking the perfect topic:

  • Start from examining the task. Understand your assignment and determine your field.
  • Find something that you’re curious about. Eliminate boring topics from the start.
  • Select an idea that is neither too broad nor too narrow. Improve the topic, if you’re allowed to.
  • Check whether there are trustworthy sources for your essay.

❓ How do you develop a research topic?

When deciding on a research idea, keep in mind the following:

  • You can select a topic or come up with one. Improve its initial version later to suit you better.
  • Determine your area of interest. Consider what you know and whether it intrigues you.
  • Define your title. Make it narrow enough to know what to focus on.
  • Find reliable and relevant sources.

❓ How can I start writing?

Writing should start from you ensuring that you have enough time to write without distractions. Then, create or choose a good idea. Composing will come naturally from you contemplating on and researching a fruitful topic.

Take notes and make an outline before you proceed to actually write. If you can’t start from the beginning, start composing from any other part.

❓ What is a good persuasive speech topic?

A good persuasive speech topic is the one that you have something to say about. If you care about what you’re talking about, you have a higher chance of convincing your audience.

Make your topic appropriate and relevant to your listeners. But find one that not everyone heard about. Even the most engaging topic becomes boring when it’s overdone.

  • Introduction to Research: Cornell University Library
  • Prewriting Strategies: KU Writing Center
  • Choosing a Topic: Purdue Writing Center
  • Tips on Choosing a Topic for Long-Term Blogging Success: Susan Gunelius, Lifewire
  • How to Choose Your Thesis Topic: Central European University

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Instant Inspiration: Explore the Power of Our Essay Topic Generator Tool

Say goodbye to the difficulty of finding the perfect topic and say hello to endless inspiration. Our AI-powered tool is like your creative friend, making personalized essay topics with just a click.

No more staring at blank screens—our generator is made to spark your imagination right away.

Easy to use yet smart, this tool lets you be in charge. Whether you're writing about science, literature, history, or technology, we've got it all covered.

Why choose the ordinary when brilliance is just a click away?

Upgrade your writing experience with our Essay Topic Generator, where every topic opens a door to a world of possibilities.

What Exactly is an Essay Topic Generator?

The Essay Topic Generator is a tool that helps you easily find interesting and personalized topics for your essays. It's designed to save you time and spark your creativity by generating tailored essay topics based on your preferences.

You can specify your interests, subject area, or any unique requirements, and the generator will provide you with a curated list of captivating topics.

It's a user-friendly way to overcome writer's block and enhance your writing experience.

Key Features of Our Essay Topic Generator Tool

Make the most of our Essay Topic Generator with these special features designed to make your writing experience better.

🌐 Personalized Topics:

Tailor your essay topics to match your interests, subject area, or specific requirements for a truly customized writing experience.

⚡ Instant Generation:

Experience the convenience of a single click generating a curated list of captivating topics, saving you time and eliminating writer's block.

🔄 User-Friendly Interface:

Navigate effortlessly through our intuitive tool, making the process of selecting topics simple and enjoyable for users of all levels.

📚 Versatility Across Subjects:

Whether you're delving into science, literature, history, or technology, our tool covers a broad spectrum of subjects to meet diverse academic needs.

🚀 Effortless Creativity:

Say goodbye to the struggle of finding the perfect topic and hello to a world of inspiration, where your ideas can flow effortlessly.

🤖 Smart Technology:

Benefit from our AI-driven algorithms that ensure the generated topics are not only relevant but also of high quality, meeting academic standards.

Become a Part of Our Ever Growing Community of Writers and Students is your ultimate choice for those seeking exceptional essay topics. Join our ever-growing community of 1.2M+ students who rely on our Essay Topic Generator to enhance their writing creativity.

Let us guide you in effortlessly achieving excellence in your essay topic selection journey.

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Get Unique Essay Topics With Ease And Incredible Speed

How to Use Our Essay Topic Generator?

Finding a great essay topic is now a breeze! Just follow these simple steps to make the most of our tool:

Choose Your Field of Discussion

Begin by selecting the subject or field you're exploring. Whether it's chemistry, biology, Artificial Intelligence, or any other area of interest.

Specify Your Essay Type

Next up, let the tool know about the type of essay you're aiming for. Are you aiming to persuade, analyze, or present a compelling argument? Choose from categories such as argumentative, persuasive, analytical, and more.

Identify Your Intended Audience

Lastly, consider your audience. Are you writing for scholars, teenagers, high schoolers, or a specific group? Communicating with your target audience ensures that the generated topics resonate with the intended readership.

And that’s it! With these three simple steps, our tool transforms the often challenging task of choosing a topic into a seamless and personalized experience.

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Essay Topic Generator

Craft engaging and impactful essay topics and research titles effortlessly with essaygpt's essay topic generator..


Compose Persuasive and Fun Essay Topics with EssayGPT’s Essay Topic Generator

Follow the simple steps below to learn how to make the most of EssayGPT’s essay topic generator, which will spark your creativity and ensure your essays stand out.

  • 1. Go to the essay topic generator tool page and enter your topic or keyword in the designated field.
  • 2. Select your preferred essay type, academic level, and desired language from the dropdown list.
  • 3. Click the “Generate” button and prepare to unleash your creativity and elevate your essays.

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Why EssayGPT’s Essay Topic Generator Stands Above the Rest?

EssayGPT’s essay topic generator offers remarkable qualities that set it apart from the competition, allowing you to boost your writing inspiration. Here are some reasons why EssayGPT’s essay topic generator is the go-to tool for generating engaging research titles and compelling essay topics.

Cutting-Edge AI Features: EssayGPT’s essay topic generator leverages advanced AI capabilities to provide you with the most relevant and compelling essay topics. Its AI-driven algorithms constantly evolve, ensuring that the generated topics are not only up-to-date but also finely tuned to your specific requirements, setting your essay titles apart from the rest.

Wide Topic Selection: Our title-generating tool boasts an extensive database of topics covering various subjects, ensuring you can always find an essay topic that aligns with your interests and your assignment's requirements. Whether you’re writing about literature, science, history, or any other topic, you’ll find options to suit your needs.

Personalized Suggestions: EssayGPT’s essay topic generator takes personalization to the next level, factoring in your input, such as your chosen topic or keyword and academic level. Our tool generates fresh, high-quality suggestions tailored to your unique needs, helping you find topics that resonate with your writing style and preferences.

Supports Multiple Languages: In today’s global academic environment, where writing essays in different languages is a common requirement, the EssayGPT essay topic generator rises to the challenge by supporting over 30 languages. You can select your preferred language from the options, guaranteeing that the generated topics are in your comfortable language.

Optimal Cross-Platform Compatibility: EssayGPT’s free essay topic generator is versatile and can be accessed on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, providing flexible options. The user-friendly design certifies that students, writers, and professionals can generate easy essay topics conveniently wherever they are.

What Makes EssayGPT’s Essay Topic Generator Your Writing Ally?

Discovering the ideal essay topic often proves challenging, yet EssayGPT’s essay topic generator can serve as your writing ally, offering instant, customized title suggestions. Here are some of the key benefits that make our essay topic generator an essential tool for easily crafting essays and enhancing your writing prowess.

Seamless Essay Title Creation: EssayGPT’s essay topic generator excels at simplifying the art of crafting compelling essay titles, taking the complexity out of brainstorming, and delivering instant, engaging suggestions. With just a few clicks, you can find the perfect title that aligns with your essay’s content and your unique style.

Time and Cost Efficiency: Our title-generation tool allows you to say goodbye to hours spent searching for the ideal essay topic or investing in expensive research materials by dramatically reducing the time and costs associated with topic selection. The essay topic generator from EssayGPT lets you focus your energy and resources on what truly matters – writing your essay.

Enhanced Writing Productivity: EssayGPT’s essay topic generator provides a significant boost to your writing productivity by eliminating the struggle of finding the right topic. Our random essay topic generator leaves you with more time and energy to dedicate to the actual writing process, leading to higher-quality essays and less writing-related stress.

Versatility and Customization: EssayGPT essay topic generator caters to various academic levels and subject areas, whether you’re a high school student or a graduate researcher. Our tool provides topic suggestions tailored to your specific needs and offers customization options to refine your topics, ensuring that your essay fits your objectives and style perfectly.

Develop Fun Essay Topics with EssayGPT’s Essay Topic Generator

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1. Can this tool be used for non-academic purposes, including blog and article content creation?

EssayGPT’s random essay topic generator is not limited to academic use alone. It’s also highly suitable for creative writing, including crafting blogs and articles, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of writing purposes.

2. How many essay topics can this tool generate simultaneously?

EssayGPT’s essay topic generator can provide up to 10 essay topic suggestions at once per input, allowing for rapid exploration of multiple options for your writing needs.

3. Is EssayGPT’s tool compatible with mobile devices, or is it limited to desktop computers?

Our free essay topic and title generator is designed with optimal cross-platform compatibility. You can use it seamlessly on both your mobile device and desktop computer, offering the flexibility you need for your on-the-go writing tasks.

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Random Essay Topic Generator for Your Writing Needs

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How to Brainstorm Effective Topics for Your Essay

Brainstorming effective topics for your essay can feel daunting, but it’s also a chance to be creative and find something you’re passionate about. 

Free Writing

One of the simplest brainstorming techniques is free writing. Set a timer for five to ten minutes and write down everything that comes to mind about your subject. Don’t worry about grammar or structure. The goal is to get as many ideas on paper as possible. After the timer goes off, review what you’ve written and highlight ideas that stand out. This can help you find a starting point for your essay.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visual way to organize your thoughts. Start with a central idea in the middle of a page and draw branches to related topics, subtopics, and details. This method helps you see connections between different ideas and can spark new thoughts you hadn’t considered. Use colors and images to make your mind map more dynamic and engaging.

Another easy method is listing. Make a list of potential topics or questions related to your essay subject. This approach is particularly useful when you have a general idea but need to narrow it down. By writing out different possibilities, you can quickly see which topics interest you the most and which ones meet the assignment criteria.

Asking Questions

Start by asking yourself questions about the topic. Who, what, when, where, why, and how are great starting points. For example, if you’re writing about climate change, you might ask, “How does climate change affect polar bears?” or “Why is climate change accelerating?” Answering these questions can help you find a specific angle to focus on.

Research and Inspiration

Sometimes, a little research can go a long way. Look up recent articles, watch documentaries, or read books related to your subject. This can provide inspiration and help you see what aspects of the topic are currently relevant and interesting. Take notes on what catches your attention and consider how you could turn these insights into an essay topic.

What Makes a Good Topic?

When brainstorming, it’s important to find a topic that’s not only suitable for the assignment but also interesting to you. Here’s what to consider, when picking out a topic from our Random Topic Generator for Essay:

Relevance and Scope

Your topic should be relevant to the assignment and the course material. Make sure it’s broad enough to find plenty of information but narrow enough to cover in the length of your essay. For example, “The impact of social media on teenagers” is a good scope, whereas “Social media” is too broad.

Personal Interest

Choose a topic you find intriguing. When you’re interested in what you’re writing about, it shows in your work and makes the process more enjoyable. If you’re passionate about environmental issues, topics related to climate change or sustainability might be more engaging for you.


Aim for a unique angle. Think about how you can approach the topic differently than what’s already been done. Originality can make your essay stand out and be more engaging for both you and your readers.

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Essay Topics Generator By 5StarEssays:

How to use our topic generator:.

  • Select the essay type and click “Generate Topics”
  • To generate essay topics according to a particular essay type, make sure you select an essay type before clicking on "Generate Topics".
  • Choose a topic of your interest from the generated results and have our writers craft an outstanding essay.

Generating Ideas

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Why Our Essay Topic Generator Will Help You While Studying?

English language courses in high school and college demand a lot of writing assignments from students. When you are a middle school student, the amount of writing assignments isn’t as much and the topics assigned are comparatively easier.

When assigned to write an essay, college students find themselves in a predicament. Whether the professor assigns the topic or asks them to search for it, students are always confused. Finding the right topic is both important and difficult at the same time. Often the topic suggested by the professor is boring or too complicated to understand and coming up with a unique and good idea is even harder - you feel like everything has been talked about already.

Importance of Choosing the Right Topic

We have mentioned that choosing the right topic for your essay is highly important, but why is that?

Let’s put it this way; you have two different topics, one that you don’t understand or find interesting and the second topic that is intriguing and engaging. If you’re asked to write an essay on the first topic that doesn’t fascinate you will almost impossible for you to right, whereas crafting an essay on the second topic and sharing your point of view will be a piece of cake for you.

This is one of the reasons why you need the right topic that you are passionate about in order to make it interesting for you as well as the reader. You must also pay attention to the interest level of your reader who in this case, is your professor in charge of your grade. To make sure your essay is impressive and leaves your professor awestruck, you need an engaging topic to write on.

Another important aspect of writing an essay is research and gathering information. You can pick a topic that apparently looks unique and fascinating, but when it comes to finding relevant information on it – there is none.

How do you expect to prove your claim and get the reader to agree with your side of the argument when writing a persuasive or argumentative paper without any solid information to support your side. An argumentative topic is debatable in nature as everyone has a different opinion and demands the writer to justify his/her opinion using supporting facts and evidence, which is why you must pick the topic that has enough research material available.

For instance, if you’re writing on the topic “Do people who commit horrendous crimes deserve death sentence?”

You can’t write for or against it without having the right information and understanding. You need to solidify your argument with valid evidence because such topics must be handled with sensitivity.

Lastly, some students make the mistake of choosing worn-out topics as they are familiar with it, but this won’t get them a good grade. Professors are tired of having to read the same old topics over and over; they just take a glance at your paper and put it aside if it’s on an overdone topic.

Essay Topics Generator

To make your life easier and provide you a topic that has all the characteristics to qualify as a good topic, we came up with the idea to create an essay topics generator.

Firstly, this generator finds a comprehensive and detailed list of topics. Choosing a topic that you find interesting from this wide list wouldn’t be a problem.

Secondly, each topic that we have comprised has been added to this list after ensuring that ample relevant research material is available for students to craft their essays easily.

Our ‘ write my essay ’ service makes sure that each topic is unique and allows students to write on a different and new aspect.

How Does Our Essay Topic Generator Work?

Our essay topics generator is a tool specifically made for students who either lack creativity and have trouble finding intriguing ideas to base their essays around or aren’t patient enough to perform exhaustive research on particular subjects to pick a topic.

We aim to help not only students but professors as well who need new and interesting ideas to have their students write their essays on.

This generator saves you time and effort by finding a list of top essay topics in an instant. All you have to do to get interesting topic ideas is:

  • Select the type of essay (e.g. argumentative essay, descriptive essay, definition essay, etc.)
  • Click on “Generate Topics”

Benefits of Using Our Essay Topics Generator

Having an interesting topic is the biggest necessity to write your essay.

  • With the help of our generator, you get a variety of free topic ideas without putting in any efforts.
  • With two simple clicks, you get your desired results, making it easier to start writing your essay in no time.
  • You get unique topic ideas relevant to your essay type.

Type of Essay Topics Available

We are aware of the various kinds of essays that students get assigned to write every now and then. These essays are difficult to write as is, having to find intriguing topics is an added job. Keeping that in mind, we decided to add topics for a wide range of essay types, including:

  • Compare and Contrast Essay
  • Obesity essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Rhetorical analysis essay
  • Cause and Effect Essay
  • Expository Essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Persuasive essay
  • Psychology research paper
  • Persuasive Speech
  • Definition essay
  • Narrative Essay
  • Informative Speech
  • Demonstration Speech Ideas
  • Impromptu Speech

The idea behind this essay topics generator was to make searching for the right essay topic easier for students.

Our essay topic generator compiles unique topic ideas from different subjects and areas such as criminal justice, technology, social media, and more for different academic levels.

Finding the perfect topic itself is enough struggle and we realize that not every student possesses the skills required to craft a high quality essay, or some just don’t have the time to perform a detailed search on the topic and then work on the essay.

Well, whatever your reason might be, if you have found the topic that you are passionate about, all you need to do is contact our expert writers and get essay help from the top essay writing service available.

Essay topic generator by EduBirdie

How to use topic generator:

  • Begin typing words related to your essay topic in the keyword section
  • Select the subject from the category section as needed
  • View the variations generated and inform our writers which you would like them to use on your essay

We can turn your paper into a perfect one

Why choose us, why do you need an essay topic generator for studying.

In a world like this, where every subject has been exposed, it is hard to find new topics to talk about. The feeling that there are a lot of things happening at this moment and you can’t just connect with anything is frustrating. To start writing with fluency about something, it is necessary for you to feel attracted to that subject area, it is easier to talk about something that you like than something about you do not feel interested in. But, even knowing what you like, it is difficult to choose and develop an idea in an ocean of situations and issues that all sides of life can have. This is the reason why you might need some help.

✅ Unique Topics Enter a keyword and get original topic ideas
📚 20+ Categories Business, Art, Culture, Law, Health, and many more
⏱ Immediate Result Available 24/7
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How it Works

An essay topic generator is an option for students that have problems finding something to talk about in their essays, they don’t have the creativity nor the patience to pick topics type and not even a subject area. It might seem that it is not an easy search to do.

EduBirdie offers a random essay topic generator that could help you to clear your head and show you the best options for you to start your research. This essay title maker is based on what kind of essay you need to write (including blogs, editorials, and poems) and shows you all the available subject fields for them.

Benefits You Can Get From Essay Title Generator

Selecting EduBirdie as your free essay idea generator and title page maker , you will be sure that you’ll obtain a variety of unique themes. Thanks to the creativity presented in each result of our title maker for essay, you can get the best ideas to start writing about an interesting subject area, the topic sentence generator is going to open the field where your mind feels more interested in, and you’ll be able to work on a high-quality project.

With Edubirdie’s persuasive essay title generator, you are able to get the most original and creative titles, and the best of all is that it is very easy to use. Just select our tool, and with two simple clicks, you will get several excellent options that you couldn’t even assume. It is a guaranteed paper title generator that offers you well thought results. The creative essay title generator tool was made for students who are searching for ideas for their argumentative essay writing or for creative papers, descriptive, research among other variety of assignments, or just unique ideas for their blogs, giving them the best subject fields to write about. Themes include art and design, business and economics, history, literature, religion, natural sciences, and more, so they can be sure that they’ll always have something interesting to write about and that no one else in the world will have anything like that. What could be better than this? Go to and get the best original essay headlines from the creative title generator.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an essay title generator and how does it work, do i need to sign up or pay to use it, how extensive is the subject coverage of the essay title generator, are there other writing assistance tools available on edubirdie, we handle all writing assignments for any type of paper, including:.

  • Essay (Any type)
  • Research paper
  • Argumentative essay
  • Book/Movie review
  • Critical thinking
  • Admission essay
  • Article review
  • Research proposal
  • Presentation or speech

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essay topic randomizer

Essay Topic Generator

Ai-powered essay topic ideas.

  • High school or college essays: Find engaging topics for your academic assignments.
  • Blog posts: Discover interesting subjects to write about and attract readers to your blog.
  • Research papers: Uncover unique angles to explore in your next research paper.
  • Opinion pieces: Generate thought-provoking topics for opinion articles or editorials.
  • Thesis or dissertation: Identify potential topics for your graduate or postgraduate research.

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Random Topic Generator

Random Topic Generator

Last Updated : 08 January, 2024

Our random topic generator can be a life-saver tool for students, writers, bloggers, or anyone looking for exciting and innovative ideas for their essays, stories, blog posts, or any other writing assignments.

This tool is convenient and hassle-free because it has a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and straightforward. Click the "Generate" button to get randomly selected topics from our up-to-date database.

So try it now and see how it can inspire your next writing project.

Quick Guide: Using Our Random Topic Generator

  • Step #1. Go to our Random Topic Generator.
  • Step #2. Choose your writing category (essay, business, couple or family).
  • Step #3. Customize the number of topics you want.
  • Step #4. Click "Generate" to get unique ideas instantly.
  • Step #5. Keep clicking until you find the perfect topic.

Discover the Benefits of Our Topic Randomizer

Our topic generator acts as your virtual brainstorming partner, offering various benefits to enhance content creation:

Inspiration Source

It acts as a creative stimulant by generating unique and random topics that can provoke imaginative thinking and fresh ideas. This helps writers overcome creative block or stagnation.

It eliminates the time-consuming task of idea generation. With a click, it provides instant topics, letting you focus on writing rather than spending precious time brainstorming.

High Versatility

Whether you're writing a research paper, crafting an essay, preparing a powerful speech, or weaving an engaging story, our tool is versatile enough to generate topics suitable for all requirements.

Unlimited Topics

The generator can produce countless random topics catering to frequent users like writers, students, and educators who need new themes regularly.

Educational Support

It's a handy topic tool for students struggling with essay topics or educators trying to generate engaging discussion subjects, such as clubbing education with entertainment.

Boosts Productivity

Handling topic generation and cutting down the period spent on decision-making regarding topic selection allows improved focus on actual writing, thereby boosting overall productivity.

FAQs for Our Random Topic Generator

What writing categories does the generator support.

Our generator supports various writing categories, including business, essay, family, and a couple of topics.

Can I customize the number of topics generated?

Yes, you can customize the quantity of topics according to your preference, ensuring a tailored experience.

How many topics can be generated with each click?

You can generate up to twelve topics with each click on the "Generate" button.

Is the tool suitable for all types of writing projects?

Absolutely! Whether you're working on a research paper, essay, speech, or crafting a story, our tool's versatility ensures it can generate topics for all writing requirements.

How does the generator benefit students and educators?

For students, it helps overcome essay topic challenges, while educators can use it to generate engaging discussion subjects, bridging education with entertainment.

Random Topic Generator

The random topic generator tool allows you to randomly generate a list of unlimited different topics., your selected topics, about random topic generator tool.

We understand how difficult it is to come up with new ideas when you are in writer’s block. So, Randomready is here to help you with your ideas resurface. This Random Topic Generator generates topic words just with a click. It gives ideas which you can work on. You can combine the generated topic to create a whole new thought, or you can just work on a single topic.

Advanced Algorithm: This random idea creator is developed with the most advanced algorithm to generate unique and incredibly relatable topic words. With is advanced artificial intelligence and non-pseudo-random algorithm, it provides you with topic ideas that can help you think and formulate creative new thoughts. Study Project: If you are struggling with selecting a topic for your study project, essay, or research, this random topic creator can help you with that, giving you an idea of sectors that you can put your thoughts in. Creative Ideas: The random topic words may help you think from a different stance of view and assist you in formulating remarks surrounding the topic. Versatile Usage: Multipurpose Usage: The range of its usage is wide where you can use this tool to fulfill your needs. You can play word games, guessing games, or generate random words for fun.

How to Generate Random Topics:

1. Opt-in your number of desired words in the “Input Quantity” box. 2. Click on the green “Generate” button to initiate. 3. The expected number of topics will appear below the button. 4. Select the words of your choice to the output box. 5. Hit the green button to copy to your clipboard and the red button to clear them. 6. Or you can add more to the list by clicking on Generate button and selecting them subsequently.

essay topic randomizer

  • How It Works
  • Essay Examples

Free Topic & Title Essay Generator

We have created this Essay Topics Generator to provide exciting essay topics for students and professors alike. Using the tool is incredibly simple - just enter your keywords and make selections, - as simple as that. This way, you can come up with brilliant topics in a matter of seconds. It has already helped a lot of people come up with excellent essay topics, but we keep improving the tool, making it into an even greater source of inspiration for everyone who is dealing with academic writing. In other words, we want Essay Topic Generator to be used more widely. This is why, if you like our tool and would like to contribute to its development, we strongly encourage you - spread the word, so that more people would use this great service! You can link it to your blog, share it on your social media, or just suggest that your students use it in class, - any form of sharing is a significant contribution.

If you have a specific list(s) of topics that could be an excellent addition to our mix or any other particular suggestions, we would be utmost grateful for your emails. If you write us, however, please, classify your suggested topics by subjects.

Otherwise, you are more than welcome to use our generator as much as you like, knowing that merely using the service also contributes to its improvement and development. Moreover, you should also be aware that such contributions keep us from hiring more people to work on this project, thus helping us to keep it free for anyone who needs it.

We have come a long way building our topic-generating tool, and we won't stop until we make it a #1 tool in this niche. We would like everyone who has no time or inspiration to come up with essay topics on their own to make use of our Essay Topic Generator.

essay topic randomizer

Research Title Generator

We’ll help you brainstorm great title ideas for your essay, research or speech in no time!

Every piece of writing needs a title. It expresses the main idea, sets the right tone from the very beginning. Plus, a good title prepares the audience for what’s coming. Whether they are reading or listening to your presentation, it serves two purposes: intrigues and grabs the attention.

Most probably, you already have a lot on your plate. Coming up with a title may not be your priority at the moment. Looking for one online isn't practical as well. It wastes a lot of time and does not bring much-needed results. There are too many ideas on the Internet that can look engaging and fruitful but lack substance.

So, what’s the solution?

Use the speech and writing topic generator on IvyPanda ! Type a search term that you want to center your assignment around and click the “Generate ideas” button. Our idea generator will find a few titles that you can employ. The best part of it - it’s absolutely free!

You can use it for both speaking and writing assignments. Let’s say you want to start writing fiction in your leisure time. Our topic generator will help you to come up with story or chapter titles! Plus, check the tips below that can help you with composing and outlining anything.

  • 🎨 When Do You Need It?
  • 📚 Research Paper
  • 💡 Creative Writing

🔗 References

🎨 when do you need a topic generator.

Our topic generator is useful for various types of academic and non-academic writing. Plus, with its help, you can find a title for your upcoming public talk or presentation. Below, you’ll see for what purposes you can employ it:

  • Essay. The most popular reason to use an idea generator is to find a title for an essay. You can see a massive variety of topics connected by the keyword of your choice. Pick one or combine a few to get the best essay topic.
  • Research paper. Writing a research paper can be tricky. It requires a lot of research and attention to detail. Save your time for the most challenging part of it, and let our tool provide you with the best title. Spend your time researching and writing rather than coming up with a title.
  • Blog. Coming up with a blog post can be as bothersome as completing a though research. Whether you’re writing a game review or recalling your day, our tool can formulate a relevant title for you.
  • Drawing. Any artist can find themselves stuck in a corner, willing to create something, but lacking an idea. Our topic generator can save you all the trouble and propose a random drawing idea. Don’t be afraid of starting your draft with something that our tool provided. You’ll most definitely end up with an original result.
  • Creative writing. Are you striving to write but have no idea what to write about? Or you’ve already composed a piece and now looking for a suitable title? Then, our tool is for you. Use it as writing prompts generator to find a new plot point. Plus, pick a title for a chapter or even for a whole story. You’ll still have to use ideation sessions to develop the topics further, though.
  • Speech. To have a successful presentation, you need to have good public speaking skills. If you don’t have them, then you will have to spend most of your time practicing and memorizing the text, preparing your visual aid (PowerPoint presentation, infographics, etc.). You may lack time for crafting a title—so you our idea generator!

✨ How to Create an Outline?

Here are a few general pieces of advice for a good structure:

  • Define your goal (Why are you preparing this speech or writing?)
  • Determine your audience (Who is going to listen to you or read your paper?)
  • Decide on your topic and thesis (What are you trying to say?)

Depending on your assignment and the goals you are trying to achieve, you can use your outline differently. Here are some outline recommendations for you:

📝 Essay Outline

Having picked your essay topic, you can start the outlining process. To compose an appropriate structure, do the following:

  • Determine the type. The use of evidence and organization heavily relies on what kind of essay you’re working on. A persuasive essay requires a more factual approach as you’re trying to convince your reader. Hence your outline will include places for examples and proof. In an opinion essay, you won’t have to provide as much evidence your outline structure will be different too
  • Create a thesis statement. Stop typing or writing for a moment and consider what you’re trying to argue. Create a clear and concise statement that thoroughly reflects your idea. Make the first sentence its preview, which grabs the reader’s attention. Then, elaborate on the thesis in the following paragraphs, proving your point.
  • Choose the most prominent ideas. Make sure they are connected to your thesis. Use them to develop your paragraphs and argumentation. Introduce each one with a topic sentence at the beginning of the respective part of your essay.
  • Organize them in a logical order. The basic structure presents an idea for a paragraph, but the order will differ. The presentation of your points in a compare and contrast essay isn’t the same as that of the other ones.

📚 Research Paper Outline

The outline of a research paper is in some way similar to essay one. You still need a thesis statement, arguments that support it, and your evidence.

Nevertheless, there are some major differences too:

  • Introduction. Start with the attention grabber and a thesis sentence. Then, there is additional information that you can provide in this section. Give an overview of the subject and a justification for your work. Explain why you picked this specific topic. Elaborate on why it’s relevant and why your research and contribution are significant. In effect, you should give a preview of the whole work and explain your objectives.
  • Materials. In this section, elaborate on the existing theoretical framework. List the relevant works and thinkers, including some case studies that you find suitable. Explain what existing material you implemented in your research and why.
  • Methods. State your research questions and your method. Tell your reader why you’ve chosen this method in particular.
  • Results. Provide a list or a description of your findings. Use visual aid (charts, graphs, tables, etc.) to illustrate them but don’t present definitive statements.
  • Discussion. Provide your critical opinion regarding the topic and the discussions that are happening in the field. Offer your ideas and interpretations.
  • Limitations. Explain how you were restricted in your research and suggest what can be done next.
  • Conclusion. In the final part of your paper, provide a brief recap of what you studied and found. Recall your initial objectives and explain what you’ve accomplished. Give some recommendations for future research. Don’t forget to list all the references used in your paper and add acknowledgments, if necessary.

💡 Creative Writing Outline

As we stated earlier, you can use this topic generator for writing a short story or a novel. To ensure the natural flow and logical order of events, you need a good outline.

Before writing, answer these questions:

  • Who is the protagonist?
  • What are the circumstances in the beginning?
  • What is your protagonist’s goal?
  • Who is the opponent or antagonist?
  • What misfortune will happen?
  • What conflict will appear?

Whether you’re composing a story for an assignment, or writing your book for fun, answer the questions beforehand. Combine them in a couple of sentences to create a synopsis that will remind you of your premise.

Then, you need to prepare significant plot points in advance. List all the good ideas that you have, make a few drafts of the key scenes. If you want to present a plot twist, plan it early on and ensure that it doesn’t contradict the story.

Develop your secondary characters before you start writing. Give them personalities and objectives, invest them in the story. Let them support the growth of your main hero.

What’s more crucial:

Pay the closest attention to characterizing your protagonist and their opponent. They hold the plot together, so make them memorable and well defined. Try to give them an intriguing background and unique personalities.

Describe the settings of your story. You can set the tone from the beginning through the surroundings. If you’re writing a mystery, the gloomy weather can enforce the unsettling atmosphere. For a science-fiction short story, you can put your characters on the space ship and dive into action, and so on.

Planning an outline helps with fighting the writer’s block as you’ll always know what to write in the scene. For additional plot points, you can use an idea generator.

🗨️ Speech Outline

To create a structure for your presentation, you can follow the essay organization but make it more detailed. With a good outline, you won’t need to write your speech at all, delivering it seemingly impromptu.

So, the basic structure:

  • The introduction, where you preview what you’re going to say. Start with a hook that draws the attention of your audience. Show that you’re thinking differently. Continue with a topic and statement, which briefly expresses the core message. Make a natural transition to the central part.
  • The body paragraphs, where you tell your audience what you’ve intended to say. List the arguments that support your thesis with illustrative examples. The more reasonable your evidence is, the more your audience will agree with you. You can tell a story in the process of presenting your proof. Make your audience feel as if you are in conversation with them. This way, you can trick the human brain into paying more attention. Try to sound natural as well, as if a light bulb appears above your head every time you come up with a point.
  • The conclusion, where you sum up what you’ve said. Recap key arguments and emphasize your message once again. Call your public to action if appropriate. Don’t talk too fast. This part your listeners should remember long after you finished.

You can use our title generator to find new proof for your speech, as it relies on the keyword of your choice.

Your commemorative speech should depend on the event, your relation to the occasion, and your personal experience. So, topics on shared values prevail:

  • courage or goals of a person (Steve Jobs)
  • inspiring examples of success
  • prominent discoveries
  • historical events that significantly affected the world (9/11, WW2)

Surreal questions (What if elephants could fly and how it would affect the economy?) can be fun if done seriously. Quirky yet positive titles (The unwritten rules of men’s toilet) are also amusing. The sense of humor differs from person to person, so don’t try to impress everyone.

An appropriate humor can save a tedious topic.

Thanks for finishing the article. We hope you found the topic generator and our tips on outlines useful. Share it with those who may need it for their speaking or writing assignments.

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • Easy Novel Outline: Free Writing Lessons and Worksheets
  • 7 Steps to Creating a Flexible Outline for Any Story: K.M. Weiland for Writer's Digest
  • Using Character Sheets in Fiction Writing: FreelanceWriting
  • 8 Basics of Creative Writing: Kurt Vonnegut, Gotham Writers Workshop
  • Outlining: David Kornhaber, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Outlining, Writing a Paper: Academic Guides at Walden University
  • Outline the Paper, Research Process, A Step-by-Step Guide: Research Guides at Georgia Tech Library
  • Why and How to Create a Useful Outline: Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Writing an Outline: Austin Community College
  • Speech Outline Examples and Tips [Persuasive, Informative]: My Speech Class
  • Speech Preparation, Speech Outline Examples: Andrew Dlugan for Six Minutes
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Our random topic generator will be of great use in case you need to come up with an original title idea for an essay, research paper, speech, or presentation. Finding a worthy topic to write about can be tough, and our essay subject generator will set you free of this burden.

Topic Generator for Speech Writers & Students

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Struggling with writing? We can help you out and deliver a paper within 3 hours! Learn More

Free Online Topic Generator for Writing & Speeches.

Every high school and college student faces the need to come up with topics for their assignments. It can be a draining and time-consuming activity. That's why we are happy to present our topic generator. This tool can develop a variety of inspiring topic ideas and writing prompts on any subject. Continue reading to discover:

  • Ways of using a topic generator;
  • Tips on topic development;
  • Answers to common questions on topic selection.

Now, let’s get started!

👍 Speech Topic Generator Benefits

🔀 as a random topic generator, 🖊️ as an essay topic generator, 🔊 as a speech topic generator, 🔬 as a research question generator, 💡 brainstorming ideas, 📚 researching your topic, ✏️ how to make a topic narrow, ✍️ tips on starting the writing process, 🔗 references.

The most essential benefits of this essay and speech topic generator are listed below.

🚅 Very fast 100% online, no sign-up required.
🔰 Easy to use Add the keywords & enjoy the result.
⭕ Multipurpose Generates informative & persuasive topics.
🤑 No payments The speech topic generator is 100% free.

✅ How to Use the Writing Topic Generator?

The topic generator is designed to help you find a subject for writing assignments. But that's not all: it is capable of much more. Whether you’re working on an essay, speech, or creative task, consider using this tool.

A writing idea generator is easy to utilize. You only need to:

  • Type in one or more words related to the assignment;
  • Click the “Search topics” button;
  • Go over the presented options;
  • Choose the one you like best.

Looks pretty straightforward, doesn't it? It's a free online tool that can save you time and effort with many assignments to come. Now, let's learn about other usages of the topic generator.

If you don't know the subject of your paper, use this tool as a topic randomizer:

  • Click the "Random topics" button without entering any keywords;
  • Review the list of random topic ideas;
  • Select the best one.

Make use of this tool when working with creative tasks such as writing a poem or even drawing.

Knowing which type of paper you're writing will make the search for a topic easier. Your essay is likely to fall under one of these categories:

  • Argumentative , where you defend a specific standpoint.
  • Persuasive , where you convince the audience to adopt a particular opinion.
  • Expository , in which you analyze a subject and explain it to the reader.
  • Informative , which aims to educate the reader.

Regardless of the assignment type, the topic generator will point you in the right direction. It includes creative writing tasks, such as ideas for a short story.

Students are likely to do public speaking at some point in their academic career. When preparing to speak at an event, you want your topic to be catchy and engaging. The topic generator will help you prepare for:

  • Speeches. Whether it’s impromptu, persuasive, oratory, or extemporaneous speech, you will find a topic that’s just right for you!
  • Debates. No matter the subject, this tool will help you choose a topic for a winning discussion.

Remember that you can always take a generated idea and give it your own twist.

A research question serves as the foundation for the whole investigation process. A clear and well-structured question plays a crucial role in science fair projects. It can refer to qualitative and quantitative research alike.

To generate a question, do the following:

  • Specify the research subject;
  • Choose one of the generated results;
  • Reword a topic idea into a question.

Follow these steps to start an excellent research project.

👌 Making Exciting Essay & Speech Topics

Every student wants to succeed with their assignments. Do you know what to do before and after choosing a topic? To find out, take a look at the following helpful tips.

The goal of brainstorming is to quickly produce as many ideas as possible. There are two types of brainstorming:

  • General brainstorming. Be innovative, revise your memories and experience, write down all ideas.
  • Subject-specific brainstorming. Direct all creativity towards a particular field.

Aside from it, you can also:

  • Research topic ideas. Don’t be limited by one source or subject generator. The wider your research is, the more likely you are to find a perfect topic.
  • Narrow or broaden the subject. Widening the issue can help generate new ideas. Making it more specific allows you to focus your attention on one aspect.

Remember the first rule of brainstorming: no idea is a bad idea!

Once you've landed on a topic, make sure to understand what you're dealing with. Research the selected subject to be fully confident about your choice. Consider looking at these sources:

  • A primary source is the one that has not been analyzed yet. For example, if you’re writing about a book, the book itself will be the primary source. Use it as the main evidence.
  • Secondary source refer to the research which has already been done. It covers everything from interviews to scholarly articles. Use these sources to support your argument.

After you've done the research, ask yourself this question: Are you satisfied with your choice? If not, don't worry. Keep seeking until you find the right topic. If yes, congratulations! Now you can start working on the assignment.

If your topic consists of three words or less (such as "global warming," "social media," "alcoholism"), it may be too broad. Nearly all subjects have numerous aspects to them. So, consider narrowing your topic. It will:

  • Ease the research and writing process;
  • Prevent you from information overload;
  • Make your paper more focused.

This is how you narrow down a topic:

  • Pick one specific aspect: The effects of global warming.
  • Determine from which angle you will approach it: The effects of global warming on marine life.
  • Make it interesting: Suffering of marine life due to global warming.

Repeat these steps a couple of times to make your topic more focused. Be creative!

Not that you’ve done some research, you can start writing. Here are some helpful tips to kickstart the process:

  • State your thesis. It should reflect the main focus of the assignment. Do your best to formulate it in one sentence.
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Write an introduction. Make it engaging to stir up the reader's interest. Be sure to introduce the thesis statement smoothly.
  • Set up a correct document format;
  • Create the title page according to the requirements;
  • Adjust the header ;
  • Prepare the last page to insert citation information.

Make sure to follow these tips to be all set for writing an excellent paper.

📌 How Do You Pick an Essay Topic?

  • Determine the subject;
  • Brainstorm topic ideas;
  • Choose the one you like most;
  • Narrow it down if necessary.

📌 What Is a Limited Topic?

📌 what is a good topic for a research paper.

  • Relevant: exciting and up to date
  • Researchable: you can easily find information about it
  • Appealing for you: you'd like to know more about this topic.

📌 How do you Find a Topic for a Research Paper?

  • The subject is well-researched;
  • You already have some knowledge about this topic;
  • It is interesting to study.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

  • Finding and Exploring Your Topic: University of Michigan
  • Moving from Assignment to Topic: Harvard University
  • MLA General Format: Purdue University
  • The Basics of Essay Writing: University of Australia
  • Speech Writing and Types of Speeches: University of Florida

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Unleashing Creativity with a Random Topic Generator: A Comprehensive Guide

In the vast expanse of the internet and the world at large, the quest for the perfect topic—be it for a riveting blog post, a high-stakes academic essay, or simply sparking an engaging conversation—can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. This is precisely where the concept of a random topic generator swoops in, not unlike a superhero, to save the day. Think of it as your personal muse, a digital counterpart that's always ready to inspire, challenge, and motivate you, regardless of the context or requirement.

The beauty of a random topic generator lies in its simplicity and versatility. It's a tool designed to spark creativity and overcome any form of writer's or speaker's block by offering unexpected prompts and topics. Whether you're an individual looking to explore new territories in your personal life, a business in pursuit of innovative ideas, a couple seeking to deepen your relationship, a family aiming to strengthen your bond, or a student struggling with essay topics, the random topic generator holds something for everyone.

But what makes this tool so indispensable in today’s world of content overload? And more importantly, how can you maximize its potential across different areas of life and work? This blog post aims to dive deep into the universe of random topic generators, uncovering the layers of its usefulness and guiding you on a journey of creativity and discovery. So, let's embark on this exploration together, and who knows—your next great idea might just be a click away.

Key Takeaways

Random topic generators are versatile tools that can stimulate creativity and provide inspiration for individuals, businesses, couples, families, and students.

For individuals , these generators can unearth new hobbies, personal interests, and self-improvement opportunities by offering unique and thought-provoking prompts.

Businesses can utilize random topic generators to innovate in content creation and team building, ensuring a constant flow of fresh ideas and enhanced collaboration among team members.

Couples can deepen their relationships through engaging conversations and unique date night ideas generated to foster better communication and understanding.

Families benefit from random topic generators by using them as tools for family bonding and educational activities, creating memorable learning experiences and strengthening family ties.

Students facing writer's block can find the spark for their next academic essay through the wide array of topics provided, encouraging research and critical thinking.

Best practices for using a random topic generator include refining generated topics with specific keywords, evaluating each topic’s relevance, and combining prompts for a multifaceted approach.

The impact of embracing randomness includes increased creativity, engagement, motivation, and curiosity, leading to innovation and satisfaction from exploring new ideas.

To maximize the benefits of a random topic generator, it’s essential to keep an open mind and be willing to explore the unexpected, allowing one's creativity to flourish.

Understanding Random Topic Generators

At its core, a random topic generator is a digital algorithm that produces unexpected and varied ideas or prompts for the user. It operates on a straightforward principle: you enter a specific, broad, or no parameter, and it returns a topic or question that you might not have considered otherwise. This randomness is precisely what makes it a potent tool for brainstorming and inspiration.

The allure of random topic generators is multifold. They serve as a springboard for creativity, pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking by introducing you to ideas you might never stumble upon. For content creators battling the dread of the blank page, or speakers in search of engaging discussion points, these tools can be incredibly liberating.

But it’s not just about getting any random topic; it's about the relevance and unexpectedness that challenge our usual thought patterns and open us up to new possibilities. Whether you're crafting content, looking for leisure activities, or sparking conversation, the element of surprise can often lead to the most memorable and impactful outcomes.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let's delve into the numerous ways individuals, businesses, couples, families, and students can harness the power of a random topic generator to enrich their endeavors.

For Individuals

In today’s fast-paced world, where personal development and hobbies often take a backseat, a random topic generator can serve as a beacon of inspiration. Individuals looking to broaden their horizons can benefit significantly from its seemingly endless stream of ideas.

Hobbies and Personal Interests

For those stuck in a routine or seeking to discover new interests, a random topic generator can provide that much-needed nudge. By generating topics related to potential hobbies, it encourages exploration into areas you might not have considered. From unique crafts to outdoor adventures, the range of topics can help uncover hidden passions or rekindle old ones.


Journaling, meditation, and self-reflection are vital elements of self-improvement. However, consistently finding meaningful topics can be challenging. Here, the random topic generator shines by offering introspective prompts and questions. These can guide your thoughts, helping you delve deeper into self-awareness and personal growth.

For Businesses

In the competitive business landscape, staying innovative and fresh is crucial. A random topic generator can be an invaluable tool for businesses looking to inject creativity into their operations.

Content Creation

Content is king, but even the best creators sometimes face a block. Businesses can use a random topic generator to develop ideas for blog posts, social media, or marketing materials. This not only keeps the content calendar full but also ensures that the topics remain diverse and engaging.

Team Building

Incorporating random topics into team meetings or workshops can significantly enhance problem-solving skills and foster collaboration. It presents an opportunity for team members to think outside the box and work together in brainstorming solutions, thereby strengthening team dynamics.

For Couples

Communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. Couples often seek new ways to connect and deepen their bond, and here's where a random topic generator can add value.

Strengthening Relationships through Conversation

Engaging in deep, meaningful conversations is essential for couples. A random topic generator can provide prompts that encourage partners to share thoughts, experiences, and feelings they might not typically discuss, facilitating a deeper connection.

Date Night Ideas

Planning unique and interesting dates becomes effortless with a random topic generator. Whether it’s suggesting new activities or themes for your time together, it ensures that date nights are always exciting and memorable.

For Families

A cohesive family unit thrives on quality time and shared experiences. Utilizing a random topic generator can bring families closer in fun and educational ways.

Family Bonding

Dinnertime or family gatherings are perfect opportunities to engage in conversations that are both entertaining and insightful. Random topics can provoke laughter, share wisdom, and strengthen family ties through shared stories and discussions.

Educational Activities

For parents seeking to turn learning into an enjoyable experience, a random topic generator can be a gold mine. It can help create engaging and diverse educational activities that encourage children to explore new subjects and cultivate a love for learning.

For Academic Essays

Choosing a compelling topic is often the first hurdle students face when tasked with writing an essay. Here, a random topic generator can be the catalyst for creativity and originality.

Choosing Your Essay Topic

By generating a wide range of topics, students can find unique angles to approach their essays, making their work stand out. It also serves as a tool to break through writer’s block and kickstart the writing process.

Research and Critical Thinking

Random topics encourage students to explore less familiar subjects, fostering research skills and critical thinking. This exploration can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and more nuanced arguments in their essays.

Best Practices for Using a Random Topic Generator

To fully harness the potential of a random topic generator, consider the following tips:

Use specific keywords or parameters to refine the generated topics to suit your needs.

Evaluate the relevance and engagement potential of each topic before selection.

Combine multiple topics or prompts for a multi-faceted approach to content or discussions.

The Impact of Random Topics on Creativity and Engagement

The randomness of topics not only fosters creativity but also enhances engagement by introducing unexpected and diverse ideas. This process can lead to innovations and discoveries that would remain unexplored within the confines of conventional thinking.

Moreover, the psychological effects of engaging with new topics include increased motivation, curiosity, and, ultimately, satisfaction from learning or creating something unique.

The random topic generator is a versatile tool with the power to unlock creativity across a spectrum of contexts—from personal development and business to relationships, family bonding, and academic exploration. By embracing randomness, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and embark on a journey of discovery and innovation.

Embrace the unexpected, tap into the potential of a random topic generator, and let your creativity soar. Your next great idea is just a click away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common uses for a random topic generator? Random topic generators are used for content creation, brainstorming, educational purposes, conversation starters, and overcoming writer's or speaker's block.

Can a random topic generator help with academic research? Yes, by providing unique and varied topics, it can spark ideas for research papers, essays, and projects, encouraging exploration and critical thinking.

How do I choose the best random topic generator tool? Look for tools that allow customization through keywords or categories and offer a wide range of topics. Assess user reviews and try multiple tools to find the one that best suits your needs.

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  • Generate topic ideas for an essay or paper | Tips & techniques

Generate Topic Ideas For an Essay or Paper | Tips & Techniques

Published on November 17, 2014 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023 by Shona McCombes.

If you haven’t been given a specific topic for your essay or paper , the first step is coming up with ideas and deciding what you want to write about. Generating ideas is the least methodical and most creative step in academic writing .

There are infinite ways to generate ideas, but no sure-fire way to come up with a good one. This article outlines some tips and techniques for choosing a topic – use the ones that work best for you.

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Table of contents

Understanding the assignment, techniques for generating topic ideas, tips for finding a good idea, other interesting articles.

First, you need to determine the scope of what you can write about. Make sure you understand the assignment you’ve been given, and make sure you know the answers to these questions:

  • What is the required length of the paper (in words or pages)?
  • What is the deadline?
  • Should the paper relate to what you’ve studied in class?
  • Do you have to do your own research and use sources that haven’t been taught in class?
  • Are there any constraints on the subject matter or approach?

The length and deadline of the assignment determine how complex your topic can be. The prompt might tell you write a certain type of essay, or it might give you a broad subject area and hint at the kind of approach you should take.

This prompt gives us a very general subject. It doesn’t ask for a specific type of essay, but the word explain suggests that an expository essay is the most appropriate response.

This prompt takes a different approach to the same subject. It asks a question that requires you to take a strong position. This is an argumentative essay that requires you to use evidence from sources to support your argument.

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Getting started is often the hardest part. Try these 3 simple strategies to help get your mind moving.

Talk it out

Discussing ideas with a teacher, friend or fellow student often helps you find new avenues to approach the ideas you have and helps you uncover ideas you might not have considered.

Write down as many ideas as you can and make point form notes on them as you go. When you feel you’ve written down the obvious things that relate to an idea, move on to a new one, or explore a related idea in more depth.

You can also cluster related ideas together and draw connections between them on the page.

This strategy is similar to brainstorming, but it is faster and less reflective. Give yourself a broad topic to write about. Then, on a pad of paper or a word processor, write continuously for two or three minutes. Don’t stop, not even for a moment.

Write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how nonsensical it seems, as long as it somehow relates to the topic you began with. If you need to, time yourself to make sure you write for a few minutes straight.

When you’ve finished, read through what you’ve written and identify any useful ideas that have come out of the exercise.

Whichever strategy you use, you’ll probably come up with lots of ideas, but follow these tips to help you choose the best one.

Don’t feel you need to work logically

Good ideas often have strange origins. An apple fell on Isaac Newton’s head, and this gave us the idea of gravity. Mary Shelley had a dream, and this gave us her famous literary classic, Frankenstein .

It does not matter how you get your idea; what matters is that you find a good one.

Work from general to specific

Your first good idea won’t take the form of a fully-formed thesis statement . Find a topic before you find an argument.

You’ll need to think about your topic in broad, general terms before you can narrow it down and make it more precise.

Maintain momentum

Don’t be critical of your ideas at this stage – it can hinder your creativity. If you think too much about the flaws in your ideas, you will lose momentum.

Creative momentum is important: the first ten in a string of related ideas might be garbage, but the eleventh could be pure gold. You’ll never reach the eleventh if you shut down your thought process at the second.

Let ideas go

Don’t get too attached to the first appealing topic you think of. It might be a great idea, but it also might turn out to be a dud once you start researching and give it some critical thought .

Thinking about a new topic doesn’t mean abandoning an old one – you can easily come back to your original ideas later and decide which ones work best.

Choose a topic that interests you

A bored writer makes for boring writing. Try to find an idea that you’ll enjoy writing about, or a way to integrate your interests with your topic.

In the worst case scenario, pick the least boring topic of all of the boring topics you’re faced with.

Keep a notepad close

Good ideas will cross your mind when you least expect it. When they do, make sure that you can hold onto them.

Many people come up with their best ideas just before falling asleep; you might find it useful to keep a notepad by your bed.

Once you’ve settled on an idea, you’ll need to start working on your thesis statement and planning your paper’s structure.

If you find yourself struggling to come up with a good thesis on your topic, it might not be the right choice – you can always change your mind and go back to previous ideas.

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Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Generate Topic Ideas For an Essay or Paper | Tips & Techniques. Scribbr. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from

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Shane Bryson

Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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