Career Success Australia

Best Cover Letter Example Template for Australia

cover letter example templates for australia

The Best Cover Letter examples in Australia in 2022 will prompt a prospective employer to read your Resume. They do this by demonstrating how your skills and experience align with those sought after by the employer.

By briefly outlining how you can add value to their business, the hiring manager will see that you are someone worth investigating further.

Oftentimes, however, an application will be dismissed before the Resume is even read, as a result of mistakes in the Cover Letter.

Cover Letters play a massive role in whether you get called in for an interview or not. According to a survey conducted by ResumeLab, 83% of recruiters believe that Cover Letters are important in making hiring decisions, and can even convince recruiters to schedule an interview with an applicant despite a poor Resume.

While writing your Cover Letter, you may not be realising that you are making mistakes that are severely impacting your chances at securing the job. Our experts have analysed 100+ Cover Letter examples to highlight the most common mistakes to avoid.

It’s good to get into the habit of understanding these mistakes now before you jeopardise your chances of securing employment any further!

Here are the most important Cover Letter mistakes to avoid:

Best Cover Letter Examples: Avoid Typographical Errors

Page Contents

Most hiring companies in Australia are looking for people with outstanding communication skills.

Communication skills are one of the most important soft skills to have when looking for a job. Demonstrating high-quality communication skills helps to build trust, boost teamwork and furthers your professional relationships.

This will usually include written skills, as well as, verbal communication skills. Your Cover Letter is your first opportunity to show your prospective employer that you have the necessary language capabilities.

Typographical and grammatical errors will often see your application rejected immediately.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure to use a spellchecker after drafting your Cover Letter . This is an easy step that you shouldn’t overlook! If your Cover Letter contains any spelling errors or typos, this immediately sends the message that the rest of your application is weak too.
  • Re-read it to make sure the content is grammatically and contextually correct. Present yourself in a strong and accurate way!
  • Ask someone else to read through it as well. Sometimes we can miss some obvious mistakes as we have read the content a number of times and are ‘too close to it’. Having someone else read your Cover Letter to check for any mistakes is always a fantastic idea!

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid using a standard or generic Cover Letter

You need to tailor your Cover Letter to the position you are applying for, and the best Cover Letter examples in Australia have shown that.

One of the quickest ways to have your application overlooked is to send out a generic Cover Letter which does not address the specific key selection criteria or skill set required.

Things to include in a tailored Cover Letter in Australia are:

  • Your contact information like email address, mobile number and LinkedIn Profile
  • The position you are applying for
  • The skills and experience you have which qualify you as being suitable for this specific job
  • An example of how you applied as many of those skills in a previous role – this should directly tie in with one of the key selection criteria listed in the job advertisement
  • The name of the organisation you are applying to; the name of the hiring manager and change the date of your Cover Letter if you are using a template from a previous application

Best Cover Letters Template Tips: Don’t write too much!

Your Cover Letter should be concise, encouraging the hiring manager to want to learn more about you by reading your Resume, and, ultimately, inviting you to an interview.

By rambling on too much and including unnecessary information, you risk alienating yourself and having your application dismissed. Recruiters love simple, short and concise Cover Letters. Get to the point!

Keep your Cover Letter to one page, highlighting your most relevant achievements and skills, always ensuring they match the key selection criteria stated in the position description.

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid buzzwords

Using Buzzwords or clichés in your Cover Letter shows a lack of imagination and effort. You don’t want to give off the impression to recruiters of being unoriginal or lazy, do you?

Simply recycling those qualities listed in a job ad word-for-word and attributing them to yourself won’t do you much good. Without giving concrete examples of how they apply to you will see your application immediately brushed aside. Examples of such buzz words include: “team player”, “good communication skills”, “hard worker”, and “detail-oriented”.

Don’t just tell them you’re a hard worker, show them! Back-up your statements. You can do this by detailing specific tasks and outcomes you were responsible for, and successful at, while in your previous role(s).

Your Cover Letter and Resume may promise a certain level of personality or value, which is what will get you an interview, but once you’re face-to-face with a recruiter, that level of value will need to be made evident.

Best Cover Letters: Include appropriate personal details

Personal details such as your age, hobbies, and marital status should not be included in your Cover Letter .

Not only are they usually irrelevant to the job you are applying for, but they could also give the person reading your Cover Letter an excuse to dismiss your application without having read your Resume.

An employer wants to see how your previous work experience relates to the position on offer.  So, unless your outside interests are pertinent to the role, it’s best to not include them in your Cover Letter.

Best Cover Letters: Don’t exaggerate or lie about skills or experience

Sometimes job seekers are tempted to exaggerate their skills or experience to improve their chances of obtaining an interview. This is a big mistake.

Whether the prospective employer asks you about it during an interview or calls your previous employer to ask them, you will nearly always be found out.

It is much better to really think about how your actual experience relates to the qualities and key selection criteria being sought after. Once you have found qualitative and quantitative examples of this experience, aim to express this honestly and in your own words.

Even if you don’t have enough experience required for the job you’re applying for, you can overcome this by selling yourself in other ways.

A Cover Letter that highlights your achievements and includes similar projects or relatable experience can work in your favour. This will provide evidence of your value in terms of accomplishments which is what recruiters want to know about.

Also, if you’re qualified in any way, you can sell this in a Cover Letter or in the interview to convince recruiters of your value, regardless of any gaps in your experience, skill set or job history.

Download our Cover Letter Example Template For 2022 

To conclude, a good Cover Letter is a pivotal factor in the job application and job interview process. A Cover Letter should be well-written and engaging, and should convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate.

A Cover Letter is a brief introduction of a job applicant that captures the employer’s attention and conveys competence, professionalism, and enthusiasm. The Cover Letter should provide some basic facts about the applicant such as their current position, career goals, and key skills.

To help you develop the perfect Cover Letter, download our free Cover Letter Template today to get started! Our Cover Letter template includes tips and advice from top Australian recruiters which will help you catch the recruiter’s attention – so you land a job in 2022.

The template can be customised to apply for jobs in all industries including Information Technology, Engineering, Business, Finance, and Accounting.

cover letter example template download 2021

If you would like one-to-one support to create a high-quality and impactful Cover Letter to get more job interviews and jobs in Australia, please feel free to get in touch.

We wish you all the best in your job search! Careers Team, Career Success Australia

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Our Career Counsellors have helped more than 3000+ Job seekers to get their Dream Job in Australia.

How to write a cover letter

How to Write a Cover Letter!

Man writing notes down for a perfect cover letter for his job search

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How To Write A Great Cover Letter For A Job [Top Tips]

australian format cv and cover letter pdf

Hello, It’s been a real challange finding job(s) that DON’T require vaccinations. How does one succeed in getting THAT job where this isn’t a requirement?

While the initial advertisment for a job doesn’t mention the need for a double vaccantion, it isn’t until the end or indeed, when one is called for a interview, that the question arises.

What can I, as one that has been stood down from a 15 year job, do to succeed in getting a job? And one where the mandate hasn’t been implemented or has been rescinded. It just seems so prejudicial.

Many thanks, Armand Haine

australian format cv and cover letter pdf

Hi Armand, yes, we have heard of many cases where the person hasn’t been able to have the vaccination due to medical reasons. At some point in time the vaccination certificate requirement that some companies ask for will phase out. What you can do Armand is increase the number of job interviews you attend. The more interviews you get, the more offers you will get which means you may find an employer that does not require the vaccination certificate. Also, it depends which industry you are trying to get into. Some industries require it, others, not so much. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your case in detail. Best wishes, Career Success Australia

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Australia CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in Australia? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect Australian CV. Create your VisualCV today!

Australia CV Requirements

As with most countries, Australia has its own specific work culture and set of expectations for CVs. When applying for a job in Australia, it is important to ensure that your CV adheres to Australian CV requirements and is tailored to impress Australian recruiters and employers.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Australia CV Image

Australia CV Tips and Rules:

Australia CV Length: For experienced professionals, a three or four page resume is expected in Australia. If you are recently graduated or new to the workforce, two pages is sufficient, but as soon as your work history is robust enough for three to four pages, your resume should expand accordingly.

Australia CV Terminology: The terms ‘resume’ and ‘CV’ are used synonymously in Australia - they refer to the same document. The word ‘resume’ is used more commonly, however, so if in doubt, use that one.

Australia CV Language: When writing your resume, be sure to use correct Australian English - don’t forget those extra u’s, as in ‘colour’ and ‘labour’ (as opposed to the American spellings ‘color’ and ‘labor’).

Australia CV Format, Order and Layout:

Australia CV Photo: As a rule of thumb, it is best not to include a photo in your Australian CV. If you intend to host your resume online, or if you are in a creative industry where visuals are highly valued, then an image may be an asset. Be sure to do your research, however - if the company you are applying to isn’t expecting a photo, it can hurt your chances. As Australian HR and recruitment consultant Karalyn Brown says , “When you put your photo on your resume you are inviting a recruiter with their own set of prejudices, to consider how you look along with what you may have achieved.”

Australia CV Personal Information: The only personal information required for an Australian resume is your contact information - your name, address, phone number, mobile number and email address (which should be some variation of your name - keep it professional: [email protected] or something similar). Any other personal information such as age, marital status, and number of children is not relevant to your experience or job performance and should not be included.

import a resume example

Australia CV Objective: It is recommended, though not mandatory, that you include a Career Objective at the top of your resume. This can also be called a Career Profile or Summary . Your objective serves as a short introduction to you and to your resume and should give the hiring manager a reason to continue reading. According to Karalyn Brown , “A resume without a career objective is like a movie without a title, or a trailer.” Your objective should be brief - three to five lines - and should give a very clear description of the experience you are bringing to the position, and what your goals and ambitions are for the role you are applying to.

Australia CV Work Experience: Display your work experience in reverse-chronological order, with your most recent position at the top. Each entry should include the beginning and end date of your tenure, and be sure to account for gaps in your employment. Give details about your work experience , including your responsibilities and achievements in each role. Use quantifiable information wherever possible, and use powerful verbs like ‘delivered’, ‘trained’, and ‘promoted’.

Australian CV Education: List your relevant degrees and diplomas in reverse-chronological order , including dates. Include the name of the institution, your major, minor, and specialization, as well as any significant awards you may have received.

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of Australian resume templates .

3 Australian CV Examples

Hr australia cv example.

australian cv example human resources

Engineer CV Example Australia

engineer australia cv example

Australian CV example

australian cv example associate

Other sections for your Australian CV:

If you have information that you would like to display that was not covered by the sections above, you can include them in a separate section on your resume. Other sections include:

Skills: It is common to include a simple list of skills kept separate from your work history. This is to provide a quick, at-a-glance look at what you excel at, without delving into your experience too much.

Volunteer Experience: Volunteering experience should be noted on your resume. If you prefer, you can include volunteer experience in your Work History section, but be sure to note when a role is a volunteer position. Languages: If you are fluent in multiple languages, noting them may be an asset.

References: A simple ‘References available on request’ note will do here. It is not necessary to provide references until requested to by an employer or recruiter.

Does Australia Use CV or Resume?

In Australia, CV and Resume are used interchangeably. So you are free to select between either as your word of choice.

How do I Write a Good Australian CV?

Important things to keep in mind while writing your Australian CV is that your CV should be more than 1 page, you should follow Australian English, avoid including a photo and customize your CV for each job that you are applying to.

What is the Right Length for an Australian CV?

Most Australian hiring managers expect a CV to be more than 1 page long. An Australian CV should expand in number of pages as the experience of the job applicant increases.

Should I Put Address on my Australian CV?

While we recommend that you add your current location on your Australian CV, adding the full address isn’t advisable. Avoid listing the street name and simply list the city and the state you live in instead.


A well written and correctly formatted resume is integral to your job search. When applying for positions in Australia, it is important to tailor your resume to suit Australian CV requirements and expectations. Don’t let a poor resume stand between you and a great career in Australia!

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Australian Resume - Guide & Formatting Tips [Free Templates!]

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Every country has its own work culture and that means specific requirements when it comes to resumes and CVs. 

And Australia is no different.

If you’re doing some Aussie job-searching (or planning to do so), you probably have a few questions:

What do “resume” and “CV” refer to in Australia? Are there any formatting rules you should be aware of? How long does the resume have to be? Should you include your photo? 

Well, you’re in the right place.

We’re here to answer those questions and more!

In this article, you’re going to find everything you need to know about Australian resumes and how to prepare one.

What Makes Australian Resumes Different

  • Typical Australian Resume Sections

3 Free Australian Resume Templates

How to make a convincing resume - further readings.

Let’s get to it!

resume examples for Australia

We recommend creating your Australian resume in parallel with reading this guide. Just pick a template that you like, and get started.

Not sure where to look for a job in Australia? SEEK and CareerOne are some of the most popular job boards in the country.

Although it might appear similar to the U.S. resume format at first glance, the Australian resume differs in some details that if missed, might very well ruin your chances of getting a call-back. 

Don’t worry though, we’re going to cover all of those details starting with the elephant in the room:

#1. Australian Resume vs CV

Unlike the U.S., in Australia, the terms “resume” and “CV” are used to refer to the same document . You will most likely come across “resume” more often, but if not, know that the terms are synonymous with each other. 

#2. How long should an Australian resume be?

In the U.S., a resume should typically be one page . 

An Australian resume, however, should definitely be more than one page. If you are a professional, three to four pages are what’s expected. If you are a recent graduate or don’t have much experience in the field, two pages will be enough . 

Don’t forget to be to-the-point, though. Even though you have the freedom to present yourself with a lengthy resume, you shouldn’t get into unnecessary details.

If you have a lot of years of experience, you shouldn’t go more than 10 years back in your resume. If there are any earlier work experiences that you particularly want to mention, you can add a “other professional experience” section and briefly mention it there. You can also end the section with “Full resume available upon request.”

#3. Are there any language expectations for Australian resumes?

As a matter of fact, there are. If you're applying for a job in Australia you need to make sure that your resume is written in correct Australian english. 

#4. Do you include a photo in an Australian resume?

Unless you’re applying for a job that is related to your appearance (modeling or acting), it’s best to not include a photo in your resume. If the company wants you to include one, they will usually specify it beforehand. 

There are some countries, like Belgium, France, and Germany, where you should include a photo in your resume . This rule, however, doesn’t apply to Australia.

#5. What personal information should you include in an Australian resume?

Just like your photo, personal information can make you vulnerable to profiling based on gender, race, age, or appearance. To avoid that, provide only the necessary contact information like name, address, phone number, and email address. 

It’s actually illegal for employers in Australia to ask you for information like age, marital status, religion, sexual preference, or nationality.

6 Typical Australian Resume Sections

Now that we’ve gone over what makes an Australian resume different, let’s focus on its layout and format. 

An Australian resume typically has the following sections:

Resume Objective/Summary

Although it isn’t mandatory, it is recommended for you to include a resume objective or summary.

A resume objective (or career objective) states your goals for employment and what you aim for in your career. It’s 1-2 sentences and is great for recent graduates or people who are changing careers. 

  • Recent computer science graduate seeking a full-time position as a programmer. Strong knowledge of object-oriented programming and application development tools.

A resume summary (or career summary) highlights your professional experience and gives the employer a glimpse of your skills before reading about them further in your resume. It’s between 3-5 sentences and is great for job seekers with years of experience. 

  • Driven programmer with 8+ years of experience developing and maintaining enterprise software applications. Helped design and develop 3 successful applications over the past 5 years.

Work Experience

Your work experience should be displayed in a reverse-chronological order . With each entry, you should provide the start and end date along with a brief description of your experience, your responsibilities, and your achievements. 

When possible, quantify your achievements and responsibilities. This shows the recruiter how you stand out from the rest of the applicants: 

Marketing Manager


  • Launched social media campaigns for the company
  • Managed a large team

07/2018 - Present


  • Developed and launched promotional campaigns that increased sales revenue by 12%
  • Trained and managed over 15 marketing and sales specialists, making sure sales targets were always met. 

If there are any gaps in your employment history, you should account for them as well if possible. Chances are, your interviewer will ask you about it anyway. 

If you have work experience in a large company/institution in your country that an Australian recruiter might not be familiar with, you should provide some information on your employer as well. 

For example, if you have worked as a sales manager for one of the largest toy companies in your country, don’t be hesitant to provide that information. By simply stating the name of the company you risk downplaying your experience if the recruiter isn’t familiar with the company.  

Your education history should also be displayed in reverse-chronological order. Each entry should consist of the name of the institution, date attended, your major/minor/specialization, and any related honors or awards. 

BA in Economics

Bentley University

07/2017 - 05/2021

  • Dean’s List 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Member of the Investment Club

A simple list of skills and strengths will provide the employer with a quick snapshot of what you have to offer and what you excel at. In general, it’s best to focus on hard skills, but if you will be listing any soft skills like “leadership” or “critical thinking”, make sure you can back them up with experiences. 

how to list skills on resume

Volunteer Experience

If you have any volunteer experience , it’s important to note it on your resume. Hiring managers appreciate it. 

Often, volunteer experience can count as work experience too. Especially if it matches with a period of time you were not employed and if it is related to your profession. In that case, you can even include it in the “work experience” section. 

The name, position, and phone number of your referee/s will be enough. Most recruiters contact references after the interview process anyway.

references on resume

If you want to create a resume that stands out, you’ll need to use a good-looking template.

#1. College/University Resume Template

college australian resume template

As a student or recent graduate, you want your resume to highlight your education and emphasize your skills. This is exactly what the College resume format does. 

It has a simple and organized format that is easy to skim and has a nice aesthetic. 

#2. Professional Resume Template

professional australian resume template

Approved by various recruiters and one of our all-time favorite templates, the Professional template can adapt to all fields. 

It highlights your work experience and makes all information easy to find for the recruiter. 

#3. Creative Resume Template

creative australian resume template

If you have a career in marketing, design, advertising, or other creative fields, this is the perfect template for you. 

The Creative resume template is compact and organized but has some details that add to it a unique touch, fit for the industry you are in. 

At this point, we’ve got you all covered on Australian resumes, what they look like, and how they differ from resumes in other countries.

However, there’s always room for improving and perfecting your resume and job-searching process. 

Check out some of our top resources on job-search, resumes, and the interviewing process and be on top of your game in all steps:

  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Finding a Great Aussie Job in 2024 - This guide is as good as it sounds. You’ll find all you need to know about the job-finding process in Australia.
  • How to Write a Resume | Professional Guide - Everything you need to know about how to make a resume, from layout to content.
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 - The A to Z guide to the perfect CV that will land you that interview.
  • 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers [Complete List] - Leave nothing to chance and ace that interview by learning how to answer these unavoidable questions.
  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method - The key to giving a good answer to every single behavioral job interview question.

Looking for more? Head over to our career blog and find all the information you need.

Key Takeaways

The differences of an Australian resume may be subtle, but if you don’t pay attention to them, you probably aren’t getting any callbacks. 

To avoid that, when preparing your Australian resume remember:

  • In Australia, “resume” and “CV” refer to the same document.
  • You can and MUST go longer than one page. 3-5 pages is ideal, but 2 pages can be acceptable if you don't have a lot of experience.
  • Your resume has to be written using correct Australian English so always double-check that your spelling is right
  • It is highly recommended to include an attention grabbing-resume objective or summary that will make the recruiter intrigued to read further

And that’s a wrap! 

Good luck and wish you a successful job-search!

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Free cover letter template

A cover letter is all about making a great first impression and giving your job application the best chance of making progress. a well-written cover letter will encourage a potential employer to read through to your resumé and get in touch to find out more or set up an interview..

  • why you’re interested in that role,
  • what the most relevant skills and experience you could bring to it.

“I’m starting out my career in…"

  • “I’ve committed myself to building skills in <aspect of the job> and <another aspect> throughout my work as an <your current role>. Now, I’m ready to take the next step in my career. The <job title> role at <company name> would allow me to contribute my skills to the <team name> team, and in doing so, help <company name> to succeed in <what the company does>.”
  • “Providing patient-centred care has grown to become my key focus as I establish my nursing career. I’m passionate about ensuring dignity and respect, and that’s why this role as Graduate Nurse at Smith Hospital appeals so greatly to me.”

"<Company name> has been of interest to me since …"

"i welcome the opportunity…", top search terms, explore related topics, subscribe to career advice.

Australian Resume Format: Land Your Next Job in Australia

Australian Resume Format: Land Your Next Job in Australia

Australia is among the countries paying the highest minimum wage in the world, which means a permanent demand for skilled workers. If you are planning to work, study, or settle in Australia, this is a perfect time.

All resume examples in this guide

australian format cv and cover letter pdf

Australian Resume Example

Casey James Administrative assistant [email protected] +61 2 1356 5828

Profile summary

A dedicated administrative assistant with over 5 years of experience in legal firms excited to contribute to Telco Pty Ltd's dynamic culture. As administrative assistant for the CEO, I was responsible for the CEO's schedules and travel plans while also managing the general administration functions at M&A Consultants.

Professional Experience

June 2019 to Present Telco Pty Ltd

  • Hired over 50 legal associates in 2021 including advertising, shortlisting, and scheduling interviews
  • Worked with attorneys and clients on legal requirements
  • Planned and managed the executives' annual travel budget
  • Carried out training programs for administrative tasks for the new employees
  • Implemented an internal communication platform and managed the transition to reduce the lead time of email communications by 30% ‍

Aug 2017 to May 2019 Milton Associates

  • Managed a $50,000 annual budget for the procurement of stationery
  • Contributed to an increase of 15% in customer satisfaction by handling client inquiries
  • Supported the operations of the finance and marketing departments through administrative duties
  • Created, edited, and proofread client proposals
  • Managed the client database and updated the CRM weekly
  • Carried out social media activities on LinkedIn and Instagram

Bachelor’s degree in HR management, 2012-2015 Australian National University

  • Recruitment
  • HR strategy
  • Employer branding

GPA- 3.8/4 Diploma in Information Technology 2018-2019 Institute of Technology, Melbourne

  • Advanced computer literacy

The expertise of Calendar management and scheduling tools Database management MS Office (Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Sharepoint) Client call handling Strong written and verbal communication Business intelligence Teamwork and delegation when needed

australian format cv and cover letter pdf

All major brands and businesses, top universities, great weather are some of the many reasons why Aussie has become The Lucky Country for international students and immigrants.

However, just landing in Australia will not guarantee you a job – especially one that pays well. Most well-paid jobs receive thousands of applications and go through a series of shortlisting and interviewing processes.

Reading this article will save you months of your time applying for jobs and the opportunity cost of living in Australia without a proper job. Also, we discuss:

  • Resume examples and how each section should be written
  • Job applications for international students
  • What to include and what to exclude
  • Ideal resume length in Australia

And many more.

Consider having a look, if you would like to create a professional resume with one of our ready-to-fill resume templates tailored to the Australian market.

While the elements of your resume will change depending on the position you apply for, the basic structure of an Australian resume will remain the same. Here is an example of a perfect Australian CV for an administrative assistant.

resume to work in Australia

Australian Resume for International Students

Australia provides a variety of opportunities for international students to study, work, and settle in the country. In other words: the Australian economy needs you.

International students will have access to a variety of full-time and part-time job opportunities based on the allowed hours during their studies.

This sample Australian resume is to apply for a part-time job in a restaurant (but it also works for other similar roles):

Curtain Welsh

+61 2 1256 8723

Professional summary

A highly organized, flexible, and experienced student with a strong focus on customer service and impressive time management skills who is keen to work in the restaurant industry looking for a part-time position at Fleet.

Work History

April 2018 to Nov 2019

Mc Donalds- UK

  • Handled over the phone inquiries of the customers– over 20 calls a day
  • Responded to web inquiries and communicated orders to the appropriate personnel
  • Achieved a customer satisfaction of 25% in 2019 as one of the best Mc Donald restaurants in the UK
  • Knowledge of menus scored 98%
  • Became the main customer-facing officer in 2019
  • Developed a welcoming atmosphere with the staff and management

Cambridge High School, 2014-2017

  • Excellent at accounting and math
  • Student council president for 2016
  • Expertise in POS system entries
  • Cash handling
  • Microsoft excel
  • Social media expert
  • Time management
  • Interpersonal skills
  • High energy

English Native

French Fluent

Chinese Basic

How do Australian Resumes Differ from American ones?

An Australian resume is similar to an American one in terms of style and format. A minor variation could, however, make your resume look odd in a pool of Australian resumes. Therefore you must consider the following points while preparing and sending your resume to Australia.

  • American and Australian English have differences related to spelling and vocabulary: you should read further , identify those differences, and incorporate the relevant changes in your writing. Using correct Australian English on your resume will give you an edge during screening.
  • In Australia, a resume is often called a ‘CV’: in your email body, you can mention that you have attached the CV to give it a more Australian feel.
  • Australian resumes are lengthy compared to the American ones: how long they should be and what information makes up the additional pages will be discussed below.

Consider also how resume format, structure, and other information differ in Canadian resumes compared to Australian and American resumes.

australian resume

How to make an Australian Resume?

An Australian standard CV layout would be a great place to start making your resume. We have highlighted each section with the information you should include and the best practices.

1. Start with The Resume Header

Your CV should start with your name and contact information. This is generally followed in many regions including Australia.

Name is typically the first name and the last name followed by the current job title (if it is relevant to what you’re applying).

Contact information should consist of your email address, a mobile phone number, and a link to your LinkedIn profile or the portfolio (if relevant).

  • Do not include your mailing address unless the job advertisement has specified about it
  • Update your LinkedIn profile pic, cover photo, and description before putting the link in your CV
  • Don't use official emails; use your personal email instead

2. Write a professional summary or an objective summary

This is considered the sales pitch in your CV. In this, your objective should be to communicate to the hiring manager that you’re a potential candidate for the position.

Writing a resume summary is simple if you know the right technique. The professional summary should consist of 2-3 sentences that describe you. Use the first sentence to describe your experience and how your expertise would help the new employer. In the second sentence, write about how that helped your previous employer and the results you achieved.

Just like this:

The objective summary would be the same as the professional summary: you should write your career objective instead of your previous experience. Objective summaries are used in case you do not have much experience for the position or you’re in a career transition.

3. Continue with Your Work Experience

This is the most important part of any resume whether it is in Australia, the USA, Europe, or any part of the world. This section can make or break your Australian job dream.

While writing your employment history, the format you pick matters. There are mainly three standard resume formats : reverse chronological, functional, combination. Though all three formats are accepted in Australia, the most popular one is the reverse-chronological format.

In reverse chronological resume format, you should list your experience starting with the most recent position. This provides the hiring manager the opportunity to access the most up-to-date experience of the candidates with ease.

Here’s a set of guidelines to follow when writing your experience section:

  • State the company name, job title, and the period
  • Use bullet points to describe your experience
  • Use specific details of projects you were assigned to, achievements, and the tools used
  • Use numbers wherever possible to add credibility to your statements
  • Use keywords that are specific to the industry, the job role, and are mentioned in the job advertisement

An applicant tracking system is in place in many Australian companies which carries out the initial shortlisting of applications – your resume should be keyword-heavy to get through this step.

4. What to Include in The Education Section?

For most job positions, your education would come in handy even if it is not directly relevant. List down your education section giving priority to your highest academic achievements.

If you have completed any academic program in Australia, that would be an advantage.

In writing this section, use a consistent format. Also write to the point as this should be a small section of the resume.

Put the academic qualifications that are relevant to the job you apply for. For instance, if you are applying for a part-time job in a cafe to cover your expenses while you study, you might not want to put your Masters's degree in the resume. Many employers don't hire overqualified candidates because they think they won't last.

5. What Skills to Put in The CV?

The skills section is common on resumes in many regions, though a generic list of skills does not work anymore – also in Australia.

The skills of a candidate could be either soft skills or hard skills. What most hiring managers expect is a combination of these two types.

  • Time Management
  • Communication skills
  • Business intelligence
  • Problem-solving
  • Organizational skills
  • Negotiation
  • Creative thinking

Instead of just putting up a list of soft skills in your skills section, identify 3-5 most important skills required to perform your duties on the job.

How do you find these?

Employers often describe the personal traits they expect from the candidate in the job advertisement.

Expertise in ventilation systems and HVAC

Technical report writing, BOQ preparation, and tendering

Electrical and Electro-mechanical systems

Mechanical system designing with Solid Work and Auto Cad

6. Should I Put Additional Sections?

Of course! Additional sections are a great way to showcase some of your most marketable skills. A separate heading on your resume gives the information more visibility.

In an Australian CV, the following additional sections are recommended:

  • Volunteer experience
  • Computer skills
  • Licenses and Certifications

It is not required to include all these additional sections in your resume. Putting more of these sections would make it difficult to achieve the main objective of additional sections which is more visibility.

australian resume

What Is a good Resume Length for Australia?

Typical Australian resumes are quite lengthy compared to the USA ones. There’s no hard and fast rule as to how long it should be, but definitely more than one page like in the US.

For professionals, three to four pages is a good CV length. For entry-level jobs and recent graduates, try to make the CV two pages.

You should utilize this space to present the most important information about yourself – being relevant to the position you apply for as much as possible. Most applicants from the USA who spent hours compressing their resumes to fit one-page standard struggle in Australia to decompress it to fit the Australian standards.

The important factor to remember here is that you should not expand your resume in a way that the information is not interesting to read or less relevant.

Whether it is in the US or Australia, it will be a human who will read your resume and make a decision. Write your resume as long as it has to be but as succinct as possible .

What should you not include in an Australian-style resume?

If there is some information, formatting, or features missing in your resume, it won't be rejected, but if you include something the Australian job market considers inappropriate, it will.

Including a photo of you in your resume is considered a Capital sin in Australia . This is due to strict anti-discrimination labor laws and regulations. It is believed that the candidate’s photo could influence the employer’s decision of shortlisting for an interview.

The CVs that come with a photo is typically ignored to prevent possible discrimination lawsuits against the employers and recruiters.

There are however ways to bypass these and get the same benefits of putting a picture without breaking the law. Visit our detailed guide on Resume Pictures to learn about the countries where you should not include a picture and everything else about the topic.

Resume, CV, Curriculum Vitae in the Title

This is an old practice of writing resumes. In many countries including Australia, this practice is no longer accepted.

Recruiters already know the document is your resume when they receive it.

More than 15 years old experience

You should use reverse chronological order to write your experience section. This will allow you to showcase your latest experience first. However, some candidates list down experiences that are more than 15 years which are not relevant to the context.

While you're allowed to write 3-4 pages for your CV in Australia, try not to include irrelevant or too old experiences to fill up the space.

Personal information

Do not include personal information such as age, gender, religion, or marital status. These could lead to the rejection of your CV in Australia on the basis of anti-discrimination policies in recruiting.

Interesting Facts about The Australian Job Market

  • The job market keeps growing

Simply “there have never been so many jobs available in Australia at one time”, an Australian labor market research study says.

The post-pandemic Australia is going to be full of well-paid opportunities and the government is opening up borders for international skilled workers who are interested to work, studying, and settling in Australia.

  • Salaries are among the highest worldwide

As businesses in Australia are experiencing labor shortages, salaries are increasing further. In general, salaries in Australia are among the best salaries in the world. As of 1 July 2021, the National Minimum Wage is $20.33 per hour or $772.60 per week whereas this figure is adjusted every year.

  • The healthcare and the engineering industries lead the market

Jobs in healthcare such as doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, hospitality workers will be in high demand. In addition, construction and engineering sectors will have many opportunities including construction laborers, brick workers, and plumbers.

Another sector falling into the high-demand category is accountants and finance professionals – for both government and private-sector jobs.

If your job search is in one of these categories, you’ll experience a higher level of demand – having a great resume together will help you land the best job.

australian resume

Tips for Making an Australian-style Resume

These pro tips will make your next Aussie CV stand out from the rest of the pack.

  • Read the job description or the advertisement to pick the keywords your employer care about – include them naturally in your professional summary, experience, and skills sections.
  • Include a link to your LinkedIn professional profile or portfolio website in the header – check whether the link work in PDF and MS Word formats.
  • Choose a resume template that represents your personality and tailor it to match the industry you apply to – check out our ready-to-fill resume templates . If you are creating your template, make sure your formatting such as fonts, font sizes, colors, and margins are consistent throughout.
  • In Australia, skill certifications and licenses are highly valued by employers – if you do not have one, consider applying for relevant certification.
  • Use a tool like Grammarly and check for general grammar mistakes as well as for Australian English variations in your resume.
  • Write your resume tailored to the job instead of sending the same CV for every job.
  • Write a cover letter that complements your resume – check out our cover letter templates to get an idea

Key Takeaways When Writing an Australian Resume

  • Start your resume with the header – include name and the contact information
  • The professional summary should consist of two sentences - one describing your expertise and how it would benefit the employer, and one explaining how it helped the previous employer.
  • The experience section should not just contain a list of tasks you performed in your job - it should be results-oriented, with numbers to provide credibility
  • Follow a consistent format to showcase your education qualifications – add relevant academic qualifications only.
  • Write a combination of soft skills and hard skills - you'll likely find the skills employers are seeking in a potential candidate in the job posting.
  • Use additional sections to provide a pleasant surprise to the hiring manager – but ignore the irrelevant information.
  • One page resume is not the standard followed in Australia – you can expand your resume into multiple pages

Frequently Asked Questions

Do australians say ‘resume’ or ‘cv’.

Australians use the words ‘CV’ and ‘Resume’ interchangeably – both referring to the same thing. However, again, we do not advise using the word ‘CV’ or ‘Resume’ at the top of the resume as a heading.

When you’re sending an email with your resume attached, you can use the word ‘CV’ in your body text to refer to the attachment.

What do Australian employers look for in a resume?

It would be your experience, professional summary, skills, and education sections consecutively. Some Australian recruiters, however, look for a solid professional summary that summarizes the candidate’s profile.

Most shortlisting is done based on the experience section. This also depends on the type of profession. For high-skill jobs, they would give priority to education.

Do I need a cover letter with my Australian resume?

In Australia, some employers expect cover letters while others would not. Also, some industries and professions require the applicants to send a CV with a cover letter.

In the following situations, a cover letter is useful:

  • If the job advertisement states the requirement of a cover letter
  • If you do not have much experience related to the job, but you would like to express your enthusiasm to work for the company
  • Your CV is a general one which includes all your career history – you can use a cover letter to summarize what is relevant to the particular job position

Download Your Australian-Style Resume in Word or PDF

Create your resume with the best templates.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Create your resume in 15 minutes

Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

australian format cv and cover letter pdf

Sample letters to download

Electrician resume sample

Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Cover Letter for Jobs in Australia: Sample & Tips

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on writing a cover letter for a job application in Australia. Crafting a compelling cover letter is crucial for landing your dream job and showcasing your skills and qualifications to potential employers.

In this guide, we will provide you with a detailed sample cover letter that you can use as a reference when drafting your own. We will also offer valuable tips and insights to help you tailor your cover letter specifically for the Australian job market.

Whether you’re a local candidate or an international applicant seeking opportunities in Australia, our expert advice will help you create a standout cover letter that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

Let’s dive in and learn how to create a compelling cover letter that will make a lasting impression on employers in Australia.

Note:  This is a general guide for writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia. It is recommended to customize your cover letter based on the specific requirements of the employer and the job you are targeting.

Recommended: Canadian Cover Letter Sample

Australian Jobs Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the job position at your company. I recently came across the job listing on your website and was immediately drawn to the exciting opportunities that your organization offers.

I am a highly motivated and qualified candidate with [number of years] years of experience in [industry/field]. I have a strong background in [specific skills/qualifications relevant to the job], which I believe would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Having recently relocated to Australia, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to the local job market. I am impressed by your company’s commitment to [specific values/goals], and I am confident that my skill set aligns well with your requirements.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to [mention key achievements/experiences that prove your competence]. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Additionally, my strong communication and problem-solving skills have allowed me to successfully collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver exceptional results.

I am particularly interested in the opportunity to work at your company because of [mention specific aspects of the company that you find appealing, such as its culture, mission, or reputation]. I believe that my passion for [mention relevant industry or field] and my dedication to continuous learning would make me a great fit for your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications and experience align with your company’s needs in more detail. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your continued success.

[Your Name]

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for a Job in Australia?

Writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia follows a similar structure and format as cover letters in other countries. Here are 10 key tips to help you craft an effective cover letter to apply for a job in Australia:

1. Contact Information:  Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page.

2. Salutation:  Begin your cover letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]”

3. Introduction:  Start by introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for. Mention how you learned about the job opening and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

4. Highlight Your Skills and Experience:  In the body paragraphs, showcase your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Draw attention to specific accomplishments that demonstrate your suitability for the role. Use bullet points or paragraphs to present this information clearly.

5. Research the Company:  Take the time to research the company and understand its values, goals, and culture. Mention specific aspects that align with your background or career aspirations.

6. Explain Your Motivation:  Explain why you are interested in working for the company and why you believe you are the right candidate for the position. It’s important to demonstrate your passion and commitment.

7. Customize for Each Application:  Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

8. Closing:  Conclude your letter by thanking the hiring manager for considering your application and expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications.

9. Signature:  End the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name.

10. Proofread and Edit:  Before sending your application, thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any grammar or spelling errors. Read it aloud or ask someone else to review it as well.

Final Thought

Congratulations! You have now acquired the knowledge and tools to create an outstanding cover letter for job applications in Australia. By following our sample and utilizing the tips provided, you can confidently put together a document that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on potential employers and separate yourself from the competition. Tailoring your letter to the Australian job market will demonstrate your understanding of local expectations and increase your chances of success.

As you begin drafting your own cover letter, keep in mind the importance of personalization, showcasing your relevant skills, and conveying your enthusiasm for the job. Take the time to proofread and review your letter before sending it off, ensuring that it is error-free and clearly communicates your value as a candidate.

Best of luck with your job application in Australia! We are confident that with the information provided in this guide, you will be able to create a compelling cover letter that catches the attention of employers and sets you on the path to career success.

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  • Sample Cover Letter for UN (United Nations) Jobs
  • Entry Level Porter Cover Letter With No Experience | Sample & Tips
  • Entry Level Lineman Cover Letter No Experience

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Cover letter template

Explain to the employer the purpose of your letter, why you’re applying for the job, how you meet the job criteria, and how they can contact you for an interview.

Cover letters for job applications

[your street number and name] [your suburb, state and postcode]

[title and name of addressee] [his/her position title if known]

[organisation’s name] [organisation’s address]

Dear [insert Ms/Mr Xxx or Sir/Madam]

    Application for position of [name of role], Reference Number [if given]

OPENING PARAGRAPH(S): The purpose of this letter, and why them.

Paragraph 1 : start by referring to the position you’re applying for (or “I am applying for the above position” if formatted as above) and where you saw the advertisement or heard about the role.

Paragraph 2 : explain why you’re interested in the role and the organisation. In order to do this, you need to have thoroughly read the selection criteria relating to the role and researched the organisation using their website, news sites, industry contacts, and so forth. If you’re applying through a recruitment agency and don't know the name of the hiring organisation, you can research the industry instead. Try to avoid clichés and make your interest in the organisation appear personal and genuine. A brief summary of your key selling points can be included at this point to highlight your ‘organisational fit’.

eg, GreenBuild’s recent exhibit at the Sustainable Cities festival was of particular interest to me as I have a passion for sustainable development. My skills in residential design developed through my Bachelor of Design in Architecture, along with my thorough knowledge of sustainable building practices acquired over two years as a project officer with the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage, would allow me to make a meaningful contribution to your mission to create Sydney’s greenest housing developments.


Paragraph 3 : this is where you provide evidence as to how your qualifications, skills and experience meet the selection criteria for the position. You can draw evidence from a range of experiences if relevant, including academic studies, extracurricular activities, placements, volunteer roles and paid employment history, including casual work. This section where you address the selection criteria should be the longest section in your letter. It may be necessary to divide it into more than one paragraph.

eg, My strong time management skills have been developed through balancing part time work at Bob’s Café with volunteering commitments at my local community centre while meeting all assignment deadlines to maintain a distinction average in my studies.


Paragraph 4 : this is where you express the hoped-for outcome of your letter. End on a positive note and a call to further action. You may want to reiterate how your relevant strengths make you a suitable candidate for the role and mention your availability for interview. Refer to any attachments such as resume, transcript, application form, etc.

Yours sincerely [your name typed]

[Note: Use ‘Yours sincerely’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear plus Addressee’s Name’ and ‘Yours faithfully’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’]

Speculative cover letters

Speculative cover letters are used when you are proactively seeking opportunities directly with an employer, rather than responding to advertised vacancies. For speculative letters, follow the format above, with the following adjustments:

Opening paragraph : If you’ve been referred by a friend or colleague known to the recruiter, mention this. As no job has been advertised, state that you’re seeking employment opportunities in a particular occupational area or role.

Final paragraph : You may wish to include your intention to contact the employer on a particular day to follow up. Make sure that you keep your promise by noting the date in your diary and contacting the addressee on the mentioned date, as planned.

Need more cover letter tips?

How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter is your first introduction to a potential employer, so it needs to show that you’re a suitable candidate.

Addressing selection criteria

Selection criteria are the skills, knowledge, and experience required to successfully do the job.

How to write a resume

A clear, tailored and professional resume is essential for any job application. It should aim to convince an employer that your qualifications, work experience and skillset make you a strong match for the job.

How To Write an Australian Resume

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In This Guide:

What is an australian resume format, what sections to include in your australian resume, example australian resume, final thoughts on an australian resume.

Resume image 1

Searching for a new job is an ongoing process, but there are ways to decrease the time you spend looking for the ideal position. When you have an outstanding resume, you increase your chances of the hiring managers pulling your document out from the stack of other applicants.

Australia pays a higher minimum wage than the United States, so it’s no surprise that many job seekers want to move to make a better living. Read on to learn how an Australian resume differs from the standard format. You’ll find out what sections you should include to ensure the hiring manager knows you’re the right fit for the job.

Innovative Full Stack Software Developer resume example

An Australian resume looks similar to standard resumes, but there are some key differences you won’t want to miss. For example, skipping details can make the difference between a hiring manager giving you a callback or passing you by for a candidate that paid attention to the specifics.

A resume and a CV are two distinct documents in the United States. However, Australian job postings use the terms interchangeably. Therefore, as long as you have a resume that includes the sections below, you can apply to jobs that ask for a resume or CV with the same document.

Australian resumes are typically three to four pages long, depending on your work experience. New graduates looking for entry-level positions might have a two-page resume. This length differs from the standards in the United States, which ask for a concise one-page document.

When you’re ready to create your Australian resume, include the following sections. You can put them in different orders depending on your strengths. For example, professionals with plenty of work experience use the reverse chronological format to showcase relevant jobs. New graduates list education first, while people changing careers highlight their skills.

You should follow formatting guidelines regardless of the layout you choose for your Australian resume. Use a dark font so it’s easy to read. Write your resume in correct Australian English to show the hiring manager you can adapt to the language and culture.

Your resume always starts with a header that contains your contact information . You don’t need to include information about your demographic, as that can lead to profiling. You also shouldn’t have much personal information since the rest of your resume will show the hiring manager more about you.

The contact information in the header includes items such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address

Some applicants may include their website if it’s a professional portfolio of writing samples, photography, or other information relevant to the job posting.

Career Profile

A career profile, also known as an objective or summary , states your career goal. While it’s not a required section, it’s ideal because it shows the hiring manager what you’re looking for in terms of employment. They can read this brief section and know whether you’re a match.

This section can range from one to three sentences long and gives a broad overview of who you are and what you want to do in the position. However, you don’t want to get too detailed because your specific work experience and education come later.

For example, someone fresh out of school can write: “Recent human resources graduate looking for a full-time position in payroll, employee benefits, and performance tracking.”

Someone with years of job history applying for the same position might write: “Human resources professional with over 12 years of experience seeks a role in hiring and onboarding.”

You can see how both objectives give information about the person while showing the hiring manager their intentions. Keep this format in mind as you brainstorm your summary.

Work Experience

Your work experience is an essential part of an Australian resume. This section is your opportunity to show the hiring manager what you’ve accomplished in the past and how you hope to continue in a new position.

The most common way to organize your work experience is in reverse-chronological order . This approach means your most recent job is at the top of the list since it’s where you currently work or the role you just left. From there, you go back through your job history, ending when you hit ten years or reach your first job, whichever comes first.

List your position since the hiring manager needs this information more than anything else. Then include the company name and the dates you worked there. Below this information, list any achievements you accomplished in the role in the form of bullet points.

Use active language in your resume. Instead of bland words like “did” and “tried,” use action verbs, such as :

  • Streamlined

These words express more action about your accomplishments and convey your sense of professionalism and productivity to the hiring manager.

Though you have up to four pages to fill, you don’t need to include irrelevant details in this section. For instance, applicants with years of work experience should only go back ten years. If you have relevant experience from jobs over ten years ago, create an additional “Other Professional Experience” section and list the highlights there.

List your education in reverse chronological order, just like your work history. Start with your most recent degree and work backward.

Most professionals only need to include higher education in this section. Include any degree you earned, listing the institution and dates attended. If you accomplished anything outstanding during your education, like Dean’s List or an academic scholarship, mention it.

People seeking entry-level jobs might also include their high school diploma if they have no other education. For example, if you completed Technical and Further Education (TAFE), list it here. Once you attend college, the hiring manager will know you have a high school education, so you don’t need to mention it.

If you’re applying for work and only have a high school diploma, include noteworthy details, like a distinction in a relevant course or membership in a club.

Your skills include strengths and knowledge you might not mention in your work history or education. These can be hard skills, like with graphic design software or another language. They can also include soft skills, like impeccable communication or time management skills.

If you have different ranges in your skill sets, consider separating them for clarity. You could have a section entitled “Areas of Expertise” separate from “Technical Skills,” showing the hiring manager where you exceed and where you have a working knowledge.

You should include skills that are relevant to the job. In fact, including specific terms from the job listing will help your resume stand out from the crowd. Many employers want to hire someone who

Volunteer Experience

Like skills, the volunteer section is a chance to share additional information about your passions and experience that might impact how well you can perform the job. Even if some volunteer experiences don’t align with the position, showing the hiring manager that you prioritize giving your time to volunteer organizations will make a positive impression.

If you have any gaps in your work history but volunteered during that time, be sure to list the experience in this section. Volunteering is a great way to explain what you were doing when you weren’t officially employed.

Hiring managers used to require applicants to list references on their resumes. You could name three professional contacts to verify the information on your resume. However, most hiring managers don’t need references as soon as they read your resume. They make a decision based on the information alone, then call you in for an interview or take you out of the running.

You should have three professional references in your notes, though. You might need to give the information to the hiring manager after your interview if they choose to move you ahead in the process.

Read the job description carefully. Some companies might mention that they want references with the application, so you could add them to your resume. You could also include this section and specify that references are available upon request, though it’s not necessary.

Below is an example of an Australian resume that gives you the basic format. Of course, since a professional with an extensive work history should have at least three pages of content, you’ll want to expand from this general foundation, but it’s a great starting point.

First and Last Name

Home Address

Phone Number

Email Address

Career Summary

Graphic designer with ten years of experience seeking to move from print multimedia to advertising campaigns. Expert use of Adobe Creative Cloud.

Print Production Manager at Global Graphics, 2013 to present

  • Conceptualize visuals based on the company’s rough drafts

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Art University, 2016

Associate of Art in Graphic Design, Graphic Community College, 2013

  • Conversational experience with Spanish

Creating an Australian resume isn’t too different from the basic format, so you shouldn’t have trouble spotlighting your experience and education. Make sure you use Australian English and put your best foot forward to stand out from the crowd. Happy job hunting!

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  • Resume Guides

Hillary Clinton's resume reveals how little we know about her

5 effective strategies to handle a workplace bully and reclaim your professional confidence, the 11 tools you should use to create your personal brand, 15 tips to create an eye-catching resume that gets you the job (including templates), the best jobs in the metaverse, how to update your resume: simple changes with big effects.

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Resume templates and cover letter examples

Get inspired by browsing CVs and cover letters for different industries and career stages.

You can also browse these resources by career stage to view the fictional profile and job advertisement used to draft the sample documents.

Michael Page - Jobs and recruitment agency in Australia, link to home page

Free cover letter templates

Cover letter template Australia

Your ultimate professional cover letter template resource

Best cover letter examples & templates, how do i write the perfect cover letter, tips for an excellent cover letter.

  • Find the hiring manager's name and address them personally.  
  • Ensure your cover letter is completely free of mistakes.  
  • Take the time to proofread, and ask someone else to have a look – a fresh pair of eyes might catch that small error you’ve read over hundreds of times.  
  • Be professional, but also find small ways for your personality to come through.  
  • Start out strong in your opening statement, including a compelling reason for why you are an excellent fit for the job or company you are contacting. Then use the next few lines to elaborate on your skills and experience that back up that claim.  
  • Align your writing to the keywords used in the job advertisement.

What should be included in all cover letters?

  • An opening that is unique, personable, and gives a bit of insight into your personality and best skills and experience.  
  • Highlights of both professional and personal experiences and specialised knowledge of your industry.  
  • Strong closing which includes a summary of why you are an excellent candidate.

Writing not just a good cover letter, but a great one

Template 1: generic cover letter template, cover letter sample:, template 2: cover letter template for a job ad, template 3: cold cover letter template, template 4: recruiter cover letter template, guidelines for success, looking for more resources.

  • All the resume tips and tricks you need  
  • How to write a winning resume  

Selecting and preparing referees

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  • applying for a job
  • Useful Templates

Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. Once you have the cover letter ready, read through these other resources to ensure your job application stands out from the crowd. 

All the resume tips and tricks you need

How to write a winning resume

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    australian format cv and cover letter pdf

  5. CV Format: Best Australian Curriculum Vitae for a Job [PDF]

    australian format cv and cover letter pdf

  6. Australian Resume

    australian format cv and cover letter pdf


  1. New Zealand Work Visa Free Jobs Free CV and Cover Letter Sample Formats #nzworkvisa #nzcvformat

  2. How To Write A CV or RESUME That Will Land You A Job In Australia Without Experience or Degree

  3. How to write an amazing cover letter for Australian nursing job application.Best cover letter format

  4. Templates for CVs, Resumes and Cover letter


  6. គំរូ CV និង Cover Letter


  1. Best Cover Letter Example Template For Australia

    Download our Cover Letter Example Template For 2022. To conclude, a good Cover Letter is a pivotal factor in the job application and job interview process. A Cover Letter should be well-written and engaging, and should convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate. A Cover Letter is a brief introduction of a job applicant that ...

  2. PDF Australian CVs and Covering letter advice

    CV/Résumé. Each CV/résumé is unique and the following should be consulted as general guidelines. However, in Australia it is usual to submit a CV of one to three pages in length, providing that the information is relevant and engaging. Personal information should be included at the top of the CV: This should include your name (positioned as ...

  3. Australia CV Tips & Format Requirements

    Australian CV Education: List your relevant degrees and diplomas in reverse-chronological order, including dates. Include the name of the institution, your major, minor, and specialization, as well as any significant awards you may have received. Resume template: Browse through our gallery of Australian resume templates.

  4. PDF Writing a Cover Letter

    A cover letter is usually no more than a one-page letter or short email that precedes a resume, and is the first point of contact with a prospective employer. The general purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself and your application to the organisation, demonstrate your interest in the position, and motivate


    Review in line with your resume: Your cover letter and resume go hand-in-hand and need to appear that they belong together as part of one application package. The employer will be looking for strong alignment and consistency. 3. Conduct research To develop an effective cover letter, you need to have an understanding of the organisation, and

  6. Australian Resume

    If you want to create a resume that stands out, you'll need to use a good-looking template. #1. College/University Resume Template. As a student or recent graduate, you want your resume to highlight your education and emphasize your skills. This is exactly what the College resume format does.

  7. Free cover letter template

    Download our free cover letter template. Download cover letter template. Think of your cover letter as a pitch - a way to introduce yourself professionally and show the value you could bring to the role you're applying for. Your resumé is there to document your skills, experience, and achievements, but your cover letter sums these things ...

  8. Australian Resume Format: Land Your Next Job in Australia

    International students will have access to a variety of full-time and part-time job opportunities based on the allowed hours during their studies. This sample Australian resume is to apply for a part-time job in a restaurant (but it also works for other similar roles): Curtain Welsh. [email protected]. +61 2 1256 8723.

  9. PDF How to write a cover letter

    Exercise 7. Cover letter quality check. Use this checklist to make sure your cover letter sends the right message to employers. Task You Friend The letter fits on one page (three or four paragraphs only) The letter has today's date on it The letter is easy to read and looks professional The letter references the job number and/or vacancy title

  10. Cover Letter for Jobs in Australia: Sample & Tips

    Salutation: Begin your cover letter with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name]". 3. Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for. Mention how you learned about the job opening and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity. 4.

  11. PDF Applicant Resource

    It is also recommended that you prepare your CV and covering letter in font size 10 (at a minimum) with a margin of at least 1cm (including top, bottom and sides). Please note that there is a size restriction to each attachment when applying online, which is 2MB per attachment, with a combined total of 8MB for all attachments.


    CV AND COVER LETTER English language tips: CV and Cover letters developed by the University of Melbourne, July 2017. This document is designed for an Australian context and is intended as a guide only. Describing your personal qualities As a recently qualified professional, you can make your application stand out by drawing attention to the ...

  13. Free Cover Letter Templates For 2024

    Instead, use the below cover letter templates as an outline and include information that's unique to each company and job application. To catch the reader's attention, follow these four steps: 1. Show genuine interest and enthusiasm. In your cover letter's introductory paragraph, be specific when stating your genuine interest in the company or ...

  14. Cover letter template

    Cover letters for job applications. [date] Dear [insert Ms/Mr Xxx or Sir/Madam] Application for position of [name of role], Reference Number [if given] OPENING PARAGRAPH (S): The purpose of this letter, and why them. Paragraph 1: start by referring to the position you're applying for (or "I am applying for the above position" if formatted ...

  15. How To Write an Australian Resume

    Below is an example of an Australian resume that gives you the basic format. Of course, since a professional with an extensive work history should have at least three pages of content, you'll want to expand from this general foundation, but it's a great starting point. First and Last Name. Home Address. Phone Number.

  16. Resume templates and cover letter examples

    Resume templates and cover letter examples. Get inspired by browsing CVs and cover letters for different industries and career stages. You can also browse these resources by career stage to view the fictional profile and job advertisement used to draft the sample documents.

  17. PDF Creating your cover letter

    Example 2 Speculative/cold approach cover letter for internship opportunity. Jane Do 161 Swanston Street Parkville, VIC 3010 0400 170 755. [email protected]. 20 April 2018. Mr John Doe Internship Co‐ordinator SciTech Corporation 100 St. Kilda Road, Suite 714 Melbourne, VIC 3000.

  18. PDF Cover Letter Planner

    ver Letter Planner Cover letters can be a great way to introduce yourself and highlight some o. your key qualities. Use this planner as a guide to structu. e your cover letter. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the job. ou are applying for. Taking the time to do some employer research, identifying keywords and understanding what you can ...

  19. Download FREE Resume Template Australia

    Download your Free Resume Template Australia. Enter your details above to download your resume template delivered to your email in Microsoft Word (Make sure you have the latest version of Word).The document is a Word file. To download, your device must support this, but we will also send you an email with the document.

  20. How to Write an Australian Resume: Format & Examples

    The exact length of your Australian resume will depend on your professional background and years of experience. Here are some general guidelines you can follow: University students or recent graduates: 1-2 pages. Early career or midlevel professionals: 2-3 pages. Senior or executive-level professionals: 3-5 pages.

  21. Free cover letter templates

    Dear [name]: I am a [Industry] professional with [list years of experience and 2-3 professional strengths] I am looking for [insert your goals and motivations. Mention any corporate values that you resonate with.] [Finish this paragraph with a summary of your strongest, most recent and most impressive experience.]

  22. PDF Building a professional resume, cover letter and portfolio

    Demonstrate your 'fit' with the role. Why are you a suitable candidate. Summarise any relevant experience. Highlight a couple of other key selling points e.g. degree performance, relevant skills or attributes. Provide specific examples as evidence. Stress relevant accomplishments. Cover letter structure.

  23. PDF Applicant Resource

    Make sure you tailor your CV and/or covering letter to the position you are applying for and only include information relevant to that position. Your application should: clearly indicate the position you are applying for; and. provide a clear link between your skills, experience and abilities in relation to those required for the position.