
  • Admission Notice: पूर्व पंजीकृत शिक्षार्थियों के आगामी (02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/ 08) वर्ष एवं सेमेस्टर के सत्र जुलाई 2024 की प्रवेश प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ होने के संदर्भ में।
  • सूचना: कार्यक्रम परिवर्तन हेतु ऑनलाइन प्रकिया
  • सत्र जनवरी 2024 की प्रवेश की अंतिम तिथि विस्‍तरित कर 31 मार्च 2024 होने के सम्‍बन्‍ध में|
  • सत्र जनवरी 2024 की प्रवेश की अंतिम तिथि विस्‍तरित कर 15 मार्च 2024 होने के सम्‍बन्‍ध में|
  • Online Admission Guidance Session for B. Com. Learners Under NEP Schedule for the Department of Commerce (February- 2024)
  • प्रवेश संबंधी सूचना
  • नोटिस: दिनांक 01 जनवरी 2024 से विश्‍वविद्यालय के सभी पाठ्यक्रमों में ऑनलाइन प्रवेश प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ
  • Academic Calendar 2023-24
  • राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना इकाई में प्रवेश सूचना
  • Admission Prospectus July 2023
  • Academic Calendar 2022-23
  • Admission Prospectus September 2022
  • Admission Data September-2021
  • विषय:शीतकालीन सत्र जनवरी 2022 में प्रवेश की अन्तिम तिथि विस्‍तार के सन्‍दर्भ में
  • विषय: सत्र 2021-22 में विभिन्‍न पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश हेतु अन्तिम तिथि विस्‍तारणके संदर्भ में।

Incharge  (Admission)

assignment ba 3rd year

Dr. Sumit Prasad

Email : [email protected]

Phone: 05946-286043, 286002

Admission Staff Dr. Vishal Kumar Sharma, Assistant In-Charge, P: 05946-286002 Dr. Vinod Kumar, Assistant In-Charge, P: 05946-286002 Dr. Deep Prakash, Assistant In-Charge.  P: 05946-286002 Smt. Ranjana Joshi, Coordinator, P: 05946-286002 Smt. Kanchan Bisht, Adm Consultant, P: 05946-286002

Important Links

Online Admission

Admission Manual 2021

Check Application Status/Reprint Form

Student Information Change 

ID-Card Print

Academic Calendar

Admission Fee Refund Form

Re-Admission Form for all Programmes

MoM of Admission Committee

Credit Transfer Report of IGNOU SWAYAM Courses

Updated List of Intermediate Equivalence issued by उपर सचिव उत्तराखण्ड विद्यालयी शिक्षा on 25th Sep 2023

Alumni Portal

Announcements, assignments, e-books/syllabus.

  • वि0वि0 के (B.Ed (Special), B.Ed. (ODL), MBA,MCA) में प्रवेश लिये जाने हेतु प्रवेश परीक्षा आवेदन करने की तिथि के संबंध में
  • परीक्षा सत्र जून-2023 में आयोजित हुई परीक्षा से संबंधित उत्तरपुस्तिका के लिए शिकायती प्रकोष्ठ (Grievances Committee) को प्राप्त हुए आवेदनों के निस्तारण संबंधी सूचना
  • ग्रीष्‍मकालीन परीक्षा जून/जुलाई 2024 का स्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Revised Final Date Sheet)
  • ग्रीष्‍मकालीन परीक्षाओं जून/जुलाई 2024 का अस्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Tentative Exam Date Sheet)
  • विश्‍वविद्यालय परीक्षा सत्र-दिसम्‍बर 2022 एवं जून-2023 (वार्षिक/सेमेस्टर परीक्षा) की प्रयुक्‍त उत्‍तरपुस्तिकाओं, सत्रीय कार्य, क्षेत्रीय कार्य, लघु शोध, परियोजना कार्य, उपस्थिति प्रपत्र,मुख्य/बैक/सुधार परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र,स्क्रूटनी आवेदन पत्र संबंधी सूचना
  • फरवरी/मार्च 2024 में सम्‍पन्‍न हुई परीक्षा से संबंधित समस्‍त परीक्षाफल घोषित किये जाने, स्‍क्रूटनी आवेदन एवं अन्‍य आवश्‍यक सूचना के संबंधित
  • नई राष्‍ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति के अन्‍तर्गत आने वाले विद्यार्थियों के लिए अंक ग्रेड रूप में दिये जाने संबंधित सूचना
  • विश्‍वविद्यालय की ग्रीष्‍मकालीन परीक्षा सत्र (माह जून-2024) से संबंधित परीक्षार्थियों हेतु बैक परीक्षा, सुधार परीक्षा, परीक्षा केन्द्र परिवर्तन एवं बैक सत्रीय कार्य आवेदन हेतु महत्तवपूर्ण सूचना

Exam Schedule

  • दिनांक 9 एवं 10 फरवरी 2024 को रदद् हुई परीक्षा एवं EPC-1 की नवीनतम परीक्षा तिथि के सम्बन्ध में।
  • Exam Schedule : NEP पाठ्यक्रम की संशोधित परीक्षा तिथि हेतु अतिआवश्‍यक सूचना
  • Final Exam Date Sheet : शीतकालीन परीक्षा सत्र दिसम्बर 2023 का स्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम एवं आवश्‍यक सूचना
  • शीतकालीन परीक्षा सत्र दिसम्बर 2023 का अस्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Tentative Date Sheet )
  • पीएच0डी0 कोर्स वर्क परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Exam Date Sheet ) संबंधी सूचना
  • ग्रीष्‍मकालीन परीक्षाओं का स्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Final Date Sheet)
  • ग्रीष्‍मकालीन परीक्षाओं का अस्थायी परीक्षा कार्यक्रम (Tentative Exam Date Sheet )

Controller of Examination


Prof. Somesh Kumar

Phone: 05946-286022,286023

Exam Department Staff Details  

Apply for Back Exam

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Download Provisional Degree/NOC

Download Transcript/MarkSheet

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Online Assignment

Exam City Change form

Improvement Exam Form

Download Exam Admit Card

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Fee Challan for Exam 


Lecture Notes

Nodal officer (library).

Dr. Arvind Bhatt

Dr. Rakesh Pant Cataloguer

Dr. Meetu Gupta Cataloguer

Old Question Papers

Register complaint / queries.

Programme Offered

Post Graduate Programme

Graduate Programme

Post Graduate Diploma Programme

Diploma Programme

Certificate Programme

Video Gallery

  • यू ओ यू में ऑनलाइन कार्यशाला 23 से होगी | Hindustan : 2023-01-19
  • यू ओ यू में नई शिक्षा नीति पर हुई चर्चा ; मुक्त वि वि के पाठ्यक्रम में कुमाउनी शामिल | : 2023-01-19
  • हल्द्वानी में धूमधाम से मना उत्तराखण्ड मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय का दीक्षांत समारोह, राज्यपाल और सी एम ने वर्चुअल माध्यम से किया संबोधित | : 2023-01-12
  • यू ओ यू का सातवाँ दीक्षांत समारोह आज ; 18हजार छात्रों को बांटी जाएंगी डिग्रियां | : 2023-01-11
  • यूओयू का एनएसएस शिविर सम्‍पन्‍न | Amar Ujala : 2023-01-09
  • यू ओ यू नि: शुल्क कराएगा माईक्रो फाईनेंस, वेब टेक्नोलॉजी कोर्स | Hindustan : 2023-01-02
  • बीएड विशेष शिक्षा की प्रयोगिक कक्षाएं आज से | Hindustan : 2023-01-02
  • गढ़वाल में परिसर बनाने के तैयारी में यूओयू | Amar Ujala : 2023-01-02
  • उत्तराखण्‍ड की 3 विभूतियों को मानद उपाधि देगा यूओयू | : 2022-12-30
  • यूओयू के गणित विभाग की ओर से दो दिवसीय संगोष्ठी में डॉo राजेश मठपाल को बेस्ट रिसर्चर का पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया | Hindustan : 2022-12-30

Lecture Broadcast Schedule

Online assignment schedule for 2023-24 session (yearly/semester) main and back exam, important instructions.

  •  Go through the Instructional video carefully before starting the assignment quiz.
  • You must have good internet connectivity to attempt the assignment quiz.
  • Kindly make sure to submit the assignment quiz at the end within the time frame, any open quiz will be submitted automatically, considered submitted after 1 hr even if you were disconnected from internet.
  • Login Details : Username is your Enrollment Number and Password is your Date of Birth (in YYYYMMDD format eg. if  your date of birth is 23 Jan 1980 then password is 19800123 )
  • For issues related to Login/course code not showing , Kindly email your details ( Enrollment No., Name, DOB, Program Code) to [email protected] , we will reply you in next 24-48 Hrs.
  • You will be given maximum 2 attempts for each course code of which highest Grade (marks) attempt shall be considered.

Tutorial : Instructions for  Assignment Quiz

महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश.

  • असाइनमेंट प्रश्नोत्तरी शुरू करने से पहले निर्देशात्मक वीडियो को ध्यान से देखें।
  • असाइनमेंट प्रश्नोत्तरी का प्रयास करने के लिए आपके पास अच्छी इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी होनी चाहिए।
  • समय सीमा के भीतर सत्रीय कार्य प्रश्नोत्तरी को अंत में जमा करना सुनिश्चित करें, अन्यथा इसे 1 घंटे के बाद स्वचालित रूप से जमा माना जाएगा। कोई भी खुली प्रश्नोत्तरी को स्वचालित रूप से 1 घंटे के बाद सबमिट माना जाएगा, भले ही आप इंटरनेट से डिस्कनेक्ट हो गए हों ।
  • लॉगिन विवरण: यूजर नाम - आपकी नामांकन संख्या है और पासवर्ड - आपकी जन्म तिथि है (YYYYMMDD प्रारूप में उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपकी जन्म तिथि 23 जनवरी 1980 है तो पासवर्ड 19800123 है) ।
  • लॉगिन/पाठ्यक्रम कोड नहीं दिखाने से संबंधित समस्या के लिए, कृपया अपना विवरण (नामांकन संख्या, नाम, जन्म तिथि, कार्यक्रम कोड) [email protected] पर ईमेल करें, हम आपको अगले 24-48 घंटे में जवाब देंगे।
  • आपको प्रत्येक विषय कोड के लिए अधिकतम 2 प्रयास दिए जाएंगे जिनमें से उच्चतम ग्रेड (अंक) के प्रयास  को सम्मिलित किया जाएगा।

Helpline Number's

(Timing 10 Am -5 Pm on working days)

Time Table Schedule for Assignment

Login to Assignment Portal

Note: This Assignment Schedule is for January-2024 (Semester) and July-2023 (Yearly) Session Students only.

  • MAPS Academic Excellence: Specialized Counseling for Assignments & Exams
  • BAPS Academic Excellence: Specialized Counseling for Assignments & Exams
  • Notice: Online Pre-exam Special Counselling Schedule for the Department of Commerce
  • एम.ए. और बी.ए. मनोविज्ञान कार्यशाला संबंधी सूचना

Important Dates

Admission: 05946286002 Exam: +91-5946286022 Books: +91-5946286001 Others: +91-5946286000 (10am - 5pm : Mon- Sat)

For Administrative enquiries:

Uttarakhand Open University

Behind Transport Nagar, Vishwavidyalaya Marg, Haldwani (Nainital) 263139 Uttarakhand

Toll Free :  1800 180 4025 Operator :  05946-286000

Admissions :  05946286002

Book Distribution Unit :  05946-286001

Exam Section :  05946-286022

Fax :  05946-264232

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IGNOU Assignment Question Papers

Search and download latest assignment question papers for your ignou course for free.

IGNOU ACC-01 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Organising Child Care Services

IGNOU AHE-01 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Human Environment

IGNOU AMT-01-P Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Teaching of Primary School Mathematics Project

IGNOU ACC-01 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

Consumer Studies

IGNOU AHE-01-P Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

Project on Human Environment

IGNOU ANC-1 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

Nutrition for the Community

IGNOU ACS-01 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Environmental Chemistry

IGNOU AMK-01 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Office Organisation and Management

IGNOU AEC-01 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

Export Procedures and Documentation

IGNOU AMT-01 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Teaching of Primary School Mathematics

IGNOU AOR-01 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

Operation Research

IGNOU AED-01 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

This page contains IGNOU assignment question papers for the following years: 2022-23, 2023, 2023-24, 2024. This covers July and January Sessions.

assignment ba 3rd year

  • Distance MBA
  • One Year MBA
  • Executive MBA
  • Finance Management
  • Operations Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • International Business Management
  • Information Technology
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Banking and Finance Management
  • Hospital Administration
  • Hospitality Management
  • Retail Management
  • Rural Management
  • Business Management
  • Project Management
  • International Trade Management
  • Admission Procedure 2024
  • Fees Structure
  • Prospectus 2024
  • Eligibility
  • Study Material
  • IGNOU MBA Alternative
  • Distance MCA
  • Admission Procedure
  • Distance BCA
  • Distance M.Tech
  • Part Time M.Tech
  • Distance M.Com
  • Distance M.Sc
  • Distance MA
  • Public Administration
  • Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Political Science
  • Rural Development
  • Distance B.Tech
  • Part Time B.Tech
  • Distance BBA
  • Distance B.Com
  • Distance B.Sc
  • Distance BA
  • HR Management
  • Entrance Exam
  • Ph.D Distance Education
  • Doctoral Program
  • Law Courses
  • M.Phil Course
  • Librarian Course
  • IT Management
  • Data Science
  • Full Stack Development
  • Game Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Cyber Security
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Science and IT
  • M.Tech for Working Professionals
  • Online M.Tech
  • Computer Science
  • Civil Structural
  • Electrical Power System
  • Mechanical Production
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Electronics VLSI
  • Civil Highway
  • Power Electronics
  • Online M.Com
  • Accounting And Finance
  • International Finance
  • Financial Management
  • Online M.Sc
  • Applied Finance
  • Business Analytics
  • AI & Machine Learning
  • Mathematics
  • B.Tech for Working Professionals
  • B.Tech After Diploma (Lateral Entry)
  • Online B.Tech
  • Mechanical & Automobile
  • Journalism & Mass Comm.
  • Banking And Finance
  • Digital Marketing
  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Engineering & Project Management
  • Cloud and Security
  • Multimedia & Animation
  • Database Management System
  • New Age Technology
  • Data Science & Big Data Analytics
  • Online B.Com
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Banking & Finance
  • Auditing & Taxation
  • Stock Market Operations
  • International Business
  • Behavioural Finance
  • Banking & Insurance
  • Online B.Sc
  • Diploma In Agriculture
  • Agriculture Course after 10th
  • Agriculture Course after 12th
  • Online BLIS
  • Online MLIS
  • Online Certificate
  • Entrance Exam Date 2024
  • Re-Registration
  • Application Forms
  • Syllabus & Exam Pattern
  • Previous Year Question Papers
  • Regional Study Center
  • School Of Studies
  • IGNOU UG Courses
  • Online Re-Registration Last Date
  • Online 2nd year Admission

What Is IGNOU BA Assignment? - Guide 2024


What Is IGNOU BA Assignment

  • Step 1: IGNOU BA Assignment
  • Step 2: Step by Step Guide to IGNOU BA Assignment
  • Step 3: Why should you choose BA from IGNOU?
  • Step 4: FAQs

About IGNOU BA Assignment

Indira Gandhi National Open University; IGNOU is a well-established university initiated in the year 1985. The university is globally recognized by the University of Grants Commission and NAAC with an A grade. IGNOU offers a variety of courses in different specializations and aims to offer distance education to all parts of the world. Moreover, the infrastructure and faculty of the university takes care of all the study material and assignments that happen accordingly along with the semester exams.

On March 17, 2024, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) issued the Jan/July 2024 session assignments for all programmes. The assignments are now available on the official ignou.ac.in website. The deadline for submitting assignments has been extended by IGNOU; candidates can now submit their assignments till June 30, 2024. The deadline had already been extended until June 15, 2024.

Assignments, Term End Examinations, Project or Practical Examinations are all part of IGNOU's multi-tiered evaluation system. Every IGNOU student is required to complete and submit their assignments to the study centre before the deadline. If a student fails to do so, he or she will be unable to take the IGNOU Term End Exams in June and December. Also Read: What Are The Assignments For IGNOU .

Step by Step Guide to IGNOU BA Assignment

The ongoing evaluation is made up of assignments. The grades you earn in the tasks will be factored into your final grade. As previously stated, a course assignment is worth 30% of the grade. As a result, you should take your assignment seriously. A minor omission on your part could cause you a lot of trouble in the future. You must complete two to three Tutor Marked Assignments for each subject in this programme. Depending on the nature of the course, (Assignment) may be required. Each semester's Assignment can be downloaded from the University's Student Zone website. You must finish the task by the deadlines listed in the assignment booklet. If you do not submit the assignment for a course on time, you will not be eligible to sit for the term-end examination for that course. If you show up for the term-end examination without submitting your assignments, your term-end examination result may be cancelled. Check to see if your assignment responses are complete in every way. Before submitting your work, double-check that you've answered all of the questions in each assignment. Incomplete assignment submissions may have a negative impact on your grades. Assignment primary goal is to assess your understanding of the learning materials you receive from us as well as to assist you in completing the courses. After correcting the tasks, the evaluators/academic counsellors return them to you with their comments and grades. The feedback will aid you in your research and help you improve it. As a result, it is critical that you obtain the evaluated Assignment as well as a copy of the assessment sheet containing the evaluator's remarks on your performance. For answering the assignments, the content provided in the printed course materials should suffice. Please don't be concerned about the lack of additional reading materials for working on the assignments. You may, however, utilise other books if you have access to them. The assignments are meant to help you focus primarily on the course topic while also allowing you to draw on your personal experience. Also Learn About: IGNOU BA Fees . You must turn in your assignment response sheets to the Coordinator of the Study Centre to which you have been assigned. Keep a copy of all the assignment responses you submit to the Coordinator for your own records. If you do not receive your duly evaluated tutor graded assignments, as well as a copy of the assessment sheet with the evaluator's remarks on your work, within a month of submission, please contact your Study Centre directly. This could aid you in improving future assignments. Duplicate copies of the assignment replies submitted to Study Centres should be kept. They can be required to be generated on demand at the Student Evaluation Division. Keep track of the corrected assignment responses you receive after they've been evaluated. This will aid you in representing your case to the University in the event of a difficulty. You must resubmit an assignment that does not receive a passing grade. Fresh assignments can be found on the University's website under the Student Zone category. You cannot, however, resubmit an assignment for a better mark once you have received a pass grade. Except for factual errors made by the evaluator, assignments are not susceptible to re-evaluation. You should notify the Study Centre Coordinator of any discrepancies you find in the evaluated assignments so that he or she can forward the proper score to the Student Evaluation Division at Headquarters. If the score given on the assignment sheet of your Tutor Marked Assignment is not accurately reflected or entered in your grade card, you should contact the Coordinator of your Study Centre and request that the correct award list be forwarded to the Student Evaluation Division at Headquarters. Along with the assignment, do not contain or express any questions or concerns you may have about the study material or assignment. Send your questions to IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068, addressed to the Director of the appropriate School. On the top of your letter, provide your full enrolment number, name, address, course title, Unit or assignment number, and so on.

Why should you choose BA from IGNOU?

BA is an undergraduate degree which comes with a lot of specializations and streams to explore. The course builds reading and writing skills of students and helps them grow into a better understanding of multiple subjects. BA is a very theoretical and practical subject that develops a researchful insight in students. BA holds a lot of career opportunities further after the completion. Hence, any student opting for this will end up with a profound career.

Moreover, choosing BA from IGNOU is a very beneficial option as the courses provided by IGNOU are very affordable. Other than that, the distance degree from IGNOU will hold the same worth as the regular degree as the university is globally recognized. Thus, choosing BA from IGNOU will always be a very right choice for the individuals.

⭐What is the duration to complete a BA from IGNOU?

The duration for the completion of BA from IGNOU is 3 years which can go up to 6 years.

⭐What is the fee structure of the general BA programme at IGNOU?

The total fees for the BA programme at IGNOU is INR 7, 200.

⭐Is IGNOU a recognized university?

Yes, IGNOU is a UGC recognized university.

Trending Courses At IGNOU In 2024

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BA Public Administration Syllabus, Subjects, Semester Wise, Entrance Exam, Projects

assignment ba 3rd year

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B.A (Public Administration) or Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration is a 3 year Under-Graduate Public Administration course. The Public Administration course covers administration ideas, public organizations, public services, and the constitutional framework. 

B.A (Public Administration)  or Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration is a great degree for students who are interested in working in public health institutions, hospital management, government agencies,non-government organizations and wish to work for the welfare of society.

Students who wish to pursue BA Public Administration must have passed the 10+2 examinations from a recognized board with an aggregate of minimum 50% marks. 

Table of Contents

  • BA Public Administration Complete Syllabus
  • BA Public Administration Semester Wise Syllabus

2.1 First Semester

2.2 Second Semester

2.3 Third Semester

2.4 Fourth Semester

2.5 Fifth Semester

2.6 Sixth Semester

BA Public Administration Books

3.1 First and Second Year

3.2 Third and Fourth Year

3.3 Fifth and Sixth Year

  • BA Public Administration Entrance Exam Syllabus

BA Public Administration Teaching Methodology and Techniques

5.1 BA Public Administration Projects

  • BA Public Administration IGNOU Syllabus

BA Public Administration Syllabus Madras University

  • BA Public Administration Syllabus Osmania university

BA Public Administration Syllabus: FAQs

Ba public administration course details.

The major features of the BA Public Administration Course are discussed in the table given below. 

Course BA Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
Course Level Undergraduate
Duration 3 years
Examination Type Semester based
10+2 from a recognized board with an aggregate of minimum 50% marks.
Entrance-based or Merit-based
Average Course Fee INR 1,000 - 1,00,000
Average Starting Salary INR 3,00,000 - 5,00,000
Top Recruiting Areas Economic Development agencies,, Education, Fire and Emergency Services, Bureaucracy Public Works, Corporate Management, Indian Civil Services Land Revenue Systems, etc
Top Job Profiles Corporate Operations Manager, Social worker Administrative Officer, Business consultants, etc.

BA Public Administration: Semester Wise Syllabus

BA Public Administration is a 3-year degree program. Each year consists of 2 semesters. The course curriculum incorporates various assignments, presentations and projects. A detailed semester-wise breakup of the course is given below.

Semester I Semester II
Open Administration: Meaning, Nature, Evolution, Significance Basics of Public Administration
Hypotheses of Organization: Classical and Bureaucratic Workforce Administration: Meaning; Nature and Significance
New Public Management and Public and Private Administration Scope of New Public Administration
Association: Meaning and Basis Components of Personnel Administration: Recruitment, Training/Capacity Building
Standards of Organization: Hierarchy, Span of Control, Coordination, Supervision and Control Financial plan: Principles, Preparation and Enactment of Budget
Open Funds: Accounting and Auditing Communication, Decentralization and Delegation
Department, Board, Corporation and Commission Types of Organizations: Formal and Informal
Assigned Legislation Independent Regulatory Commission
Managerial Law -
Semester III Semester IV
Central Administration State and District Administration
English Legacies over Indian Administration States: Representative, Constitution Framework
Ministry of Finance: Organization and Functions Divisional Commissioner: Powers, Functions, and Position
Elements of Indian Administration Committee of Ministers and State Legislature
Essential Rights and Duties Powers, Position, Role, Organization and Structure of State Administration
Chief Minister: Appointment Powers and Functions Indian Administration in Socio-Economic Development
President: Election, Impeachment, Powers and Position State Secretariat and Directorate: Organization and Functions
Head administrator and Council of Ministers: Appointment, Powers and Role State Planning Department and Board
Service of Home Affairs: Organization and Role -
Semester V Semester VI
Nearby Government: Evolution, Meaning, Features and Significance 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts
Rural-Urban Administration Concepts of Welfare State
Development Administration Importance and Scope of Development Administration
Panchayati Raj Institutions: Composition, Functions Directive Principles of State Policy, Welfare State, Association of Planning Agencies, Planning Commission
Sources of Income of Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samities and Zila Parishads National Development Council
Region Planning Committee: Composition, Functions and Significance State Planning Board and Department
State Finance Commission Preparation of Five Years Plans
Urban-Rural Relationship and Problems Social Welfare Administration in India: Women and Children

BA Public Administration Syllabus Semester Wise

BA Public Administration is an undergraduate course of 3 years with six semesters which provides knowledge to the student for their graduation from the course.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 1st Semester

  • Open Administration: Meaning, Nature, Evolution, Significance:  It includes the Nature, definition and scope of public administration. Students are taught the distinction between public and private administration.
  • Types of Organizations: Formal and Informal : Students will learn more about Formal and informal organizations with their advantages and disadvantages.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 2nd Semester

  • Financial plan : Principles, Preparation and Enactment of Budget: This will guide students about the scope and importance of financial management and preparation of the budget.
  • Basics of Public Administration : Students will learn more about the importance of Public Administration in modern society. It also provides in-depth knowledge of basic principles and dynamics relating to public administration.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 3rd Semester

  • Central Administration  -It includes British Legacies over Indian Administration, Role of Indian Administration in Socio-Economic Development, Features of Indian Administration, Fundamental Rights and Duties and many more.
  • President - Election, Impeachment, Powers and Position: Students will get to know more about President Election, Powers and Position, Impeachment Prime Minister & Council of Ministers: Appointment, Powers and Role. Central Secretariat and Cabinet Secretariat: Organisation, Functions and role.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 4th Semester

  • State and District Administration  - Students will learn more about the Organisation and structure of state administration. It also includes the Constitutional Framework of States in India.
  • State Planning Department and Board - This will give students more knowledge about State Planning Department and Board. It also includes about Divisional Commissioner and its Powers, Functions and Position.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 5th Semester

  • Rural-Urban Administration:  Detailed information about Local Government: Meaning, Features and Evolution.
  • Urban-Rural Relationship and Problems-  This includes topics like urban-Rural Relationship Problems, State Finance Commission, State Election Commission and Local Leadership.

BA Public Administration Syllabus 6th Semester

  • Development Administration-  Development Administration contains the meaning, Concept and Significance of Rural Development Administration and the Growth of Rural Development Institutions in India (since Independence). 
  • Importance and Scope of Development Administration -  It includes the Importance of development administration, Administrative development in a political, economic, social context and Public participation in development.

The Books followed by B.Tech CSE students for various subjects at a large scale in C.S.E books as per the topic are mentioned below:

BA Public Administration First & Second Year Books

Books Author Name
Elements of Public Administration, Bharat Prakashan, Jalandhar (Punjab) Dr. K.K. Puri
Public Administration: Theory & Practice, Raj Publishers, Adda Tanda, Jalandhar Dr. Pundik Ojha & Kiran Sharma
Advanced Public Administration, Sterling, New Delh . Goel S.L.
Modern’s Elements of Public Administration, Modern Publishers, Railway Road, Jalandhar Dr.V.K . Puri
Public Administration, Laximinarayan Agrawal, Agra, 1997 Awasthi & Maheshwari

BA Public Administration Third & Fourth Year Books

Books Author
Indian Administration, Bharat Prakashan, Jalandhar (Punjab) Dr. K.K. Puri
A Central Administration Awasthi
History of Indian Administration B.P. Puri
Indian Public Administration, Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi Ramesh K. Arora & Rajni Goyal
Public Administration in India. C.P. Berthwa
Indian Administration –Kitab Mahal Distributors, New Delhi Hoshiar Singh

BA Public Administration Fifth & Sixth Year Books

Books Author
2004, Decentralized Governance in India: Myth and Reality, Deep & Deep, New Delhi Surat Singh
1979, Supervision Over Municipal Administration: A Case Study of Rajasthan, Associated Publishing House, Delhi Hoshiar Singh
1980, Municipal Government & Administration in India, Chugh Publications, Allahabad O.P. Srivastva
2002, Urban Local Government in India, Kitab Mehal, Allahabad Pardeep Sachdeva
1970, Local Government in India, Laxmi Narain Aggarwal, Agra Maheshwari S.R
2005, Governance at grassroots level in India, Kanishka, New Delhi S.S. Chahar
2002, Panchayati Raj in India (Hindi), College Book Depot, Jaipur, Sharma K.K.

BA public administration Entrance Exam syllabus

The entrance exam for BA Public administration is  CUET.  The full form of CUET is the Central Universities Entrance Test. In 2023, the National Testing Agency is expected to conduct the Central Universities Entrance Test (CUET) in July 2023 like the previous year.

CUET Syllabus UG 2022 Highlights

CUET 2022 Syllabus for UG courses will consist of three sections Section IA and IB will be Language-based, Section II Domain-Specific Subjects, and Section III will be a General Test.

Syllabus Details
Section I- Languages (Section IA and Section IB) Reading Comprehension based on different types of passages like Literary, Narrative, and Factual, ( Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary)
Section II- Domain-Specific Subject MCQs will be based on the Class 12th syllabus
Section III- General Test General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning- Simple application of basic mathematical concepts/Algebra Geometry/ Mensuration and stat taught till Grade 8th, Logical and Analytical Reasoning

Section Wise CUET UG Syllabus 2022

CUET Syllabus 2022 for UG consists of the following sections:

  • Section IA- 13 Languages (can be opted as a medium of CUET Exam and Language)
  • Section IB- 20 Languages (other than the one in Section IA)
  • Section II- 27 Domain-Specific Subject
  • Section III- General Test

The Public Administration BA syllabus in India takes into account top-class coaching and teaching methods. There is also a research project part of the curriculum. To develop emotional and intellectual competencies by honing student’s leadership skills.

  • Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Project Submission
  • Conceptual Learning
  • Study Abroad Opportunities

BA Public Administration Projects

The list of BA Public Administration projects supplemented by the colleges helps students gain hands-on experience for educational purposes. The popular BA Public Administration project titles are as follows;

  •  The Significance of Effective Leadership in the achievements of Organizational goals 
  • How the Role of Judges Influences the Decision to Collaborate in Juvenile Courts
  • Interest Groups in Urban Policy Making: An Empirical Exploration of a Low Salience Policy Setting
  • The Influence of Local Institutional Arrangements on Sustainability Policy Implementation and Management
  • Prepare Multiple Essays on the Economics of For-Profit Colleges
  • Causes and Effect of Alcoholism among Youths

BA Public Administration ignou syllabus

The detailed syllabus for ignou BA Public Administration are as follows:

The IGNOU BAPAH Programme has total 148 credits and theses 148 credits are divided into 5 types of courses .they are:

Core Courses
Perspectives on Public Administration Understanding Public Policy Public Finance and Administration
Administrative Thinkers Comparative Public Administration Rural Local Governance
Administrative System at Union Level Public Policy and Administration in India Development Adminstration
Administrative System at State and District Level Public Systems Management Contemporary Issues and Concerns in Indian Administration
Personnel Administration Urban Local Governance -
Discipline Specific Electives
Right to Information Administrative System in BRICS Social Policies and Administration
Organizational Behavior - -
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
Environmental Studies English Communication Skills Hindi Bhasha Aur San preshan
Skill Enhancement Coureses
Emotional Intelligence Managing Stress
General Electives
General Psychology Rethinking and Development Gender Sensitisition : Society and Culture
Psychology and Media - -
Semester 1 Semester 2
Tamil or other language Tamil or other language
English English
Principles of Public Administration Organization Theory
Administrative Thinkers Modern Administrative System –I (U.K., U.S.A., France)
Human Rights Administration Police Administration
Semester 3 Semester 4
Tamil or other language Tamil or other language
English English
Principles of Management Indian Constitution
Modern Administrative System –II (Switzerland, China, Japan) Administrative Law
Basics of Computer Education Public Relations
Semester 5 Semester 6
Public Personnel Administration Indian Administration
Public Financial Administration Govt. and Administration in Tamil Nadu
Development Administration Local Govt. Administration in India
Social welfare Administration Labour Welfare Administration
Environmental studies Value Education

BA Public Administration syllabus Osmania university

Course Title First Year Semester –I
Basics Of Public Administration
First Year Semester –II
Development Dynamics And Emerging Trends
Second Year Semester –III
Union Administration
Second Year Semester –IV
Union Administration
Third Year Semester –V
Indian Constitution And Administration
Human Resource Management
E-Governance- Concepts
Public Office Administration
Third Year Semester –VI
Good Governance
Financial And Material Resources Management
E-Governance- Case Studies
Technology And Office Administration

Ques. What are the subjects in BA Public Administration?

Ans. BA Public Administration Course includes subjects like Bureaucracy, Economic Development agencies, Indian Civil Services, Education, Fire and Emergency Services, Public Works, Corporate Management, Land Revenue Systems, Municipal Bodies, Management Police Department, Panchayati Raj, Secretariat Tribal Administration, etc.

Ques. Is BA PUBLIC Administration easy?

Ans. The subject is generally regarded as easy and simple to understand. There is abundant study material for public administration. The questions are generally straightforward. There is quite an overlap with the general studies papers.

Ques. What are the benefits of studying BA Public Administration?

Ans. Students can get great career opportunities in government, diverse knowledge backgrounds, and can get best universities .it also includes leadership skills and management skills. 

Ques. Who is the father of public administration?

Ans. The father of Public Administration is Woodrow Wilson.

Ques. What are the 4 types of Public Administration?

Ans. The four Key types of public administration include; Classical Public Administration, New Public Management, and lastly Postmodern Public Administration. The Approaches or Theories of public administration help us to understand the importance and functions of public administration.

Ques. What is the main role of public administration?

Ans. The role of public administration is the implementation of government policies. It also includes determining the policies and programs of governments. Specifically, it is the planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling of government operations.

Ques. What is the best definition of Public administration?

Ans . Public administration is a branch of political science dealing primarily with the structure and workings of agencies charged with the administration of governmental functions.

Ques. Who is the father of public administration in India?

Ans. Kautilya is regarded as the Father of Public administration in India. He has discussed elaborately on Public administration in his writing "Arthashastra".

Ques. Who is the first professor of public administration in India?

Ans . S.R. Maheshwari was the first professor of public administration in India, by “Teaching of Public Administration in India” as an academic study.

Ques. What is the BA in Public Administration?

Ans . It is a degree program that prepares individuals for leadership positions within the governmental, nonprofit and health care areas. Students learn more about applicable theories and policies of public administration, along with effective management practices

Bachelor of Arts [BA] + Bachelor of Education [B.Ed]

Bachelor of arts [ba] (english), bachelor of arts [ba] (economics), bachelor of arts [ba] (history), bachelor of arts [ba] (political science), bachelor of arts [ba], bachelor of arts [ba] (public administration) colleges in india.

Acharya Nagarjuna University - [ANU]

Acharya Nagarjuna University - [ANU]

Government Arts College (Autonomous)

Government Arts College (Autonomous)

Annamalai University - [AU]

Annamalai University - [AU]

Jyoti Nivas College - [JNC]

Jyoti Nivas College - [JNC]

St Ann's College for Women

St Ann's College for Women

Kasturba Gandhi Degree and PG College for Women

Kasturba Gandhi Degree and PG College for Women

Nizam College

Nizam College

A.V. College of Arts Science and Commerce - [AV College]

A.V. College of Arts Science and Commerce - [AV College]

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IGNOU BAG Solved Assignment  

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Economics: Discipline Specific Courses

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Anthropology: BAG Core Courses

  Anthropology: Honours Courses

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BANC-112 Anthropology in Practice Download Now
BANC-113 Forensic Anthropology Download Now
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English Discipline: Honours Courses

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Hindi Discipline: BAG Courses

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Hindi Discipline: Honours Courses

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Psychology: honours courses.

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Psychology (hindi): discipline specific courses.

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Political Science: Discipline Specific Courses

Public administration: bag courses, public administration: honours courses.

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IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU BAHIH Assignments 2024 - IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BAHIH program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BAHIH Program.

We also inform all BAHIH students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BAHIH program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BAHIH assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

  • IGNOU BAHIH Syllabus
  • IGNOU BAHIH Study Material
Program Code
Name of the Program Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE June 2024 & December 2024

List of IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2024

  • Download IGNOU BAHIH Assignments 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper . The BAHIH students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BAHIH Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam June 2024 or December 2024 .

For TEE June 2024 15th May 2024 (Extended)
For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024

Where to Submit IGNOU BAHIH Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BAHIH Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAHIH Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BAHIH Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAHIH Assignments.

74 thoughts on “IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

mera book nhi aaya hai

BAHIH ka BPAG 171, BPAG 172 ka assignment kiu nehi aa raha he kisiko pata ho to kindly mujhe bataye

2023 July ka assignment kab jama karana ha kisi ko pata ha to please bata dijiye kyuki mere assignment me to aagle saal Apri our October ki Date bata rakhi ha to please bata dijiye ki July assignment 2023 wala kab jama hoga aagar kisi ko information ho to please bata dijiye

Yes I have provided BAHIH books meterial (22-23)but assignment is not arrived

Hume sirf apne subject ke hi assignments banana ha ki Sabhi k

bhai pta chle to btana muje bhi? isme to saare hi given h but is semester m to sirf kuch hi subjects h inme se to.

Aapne hi subject ke bana ne ha assignment

Sir, Ye assignment 2nd year January 2022 session ke liye valid hai?

I have enrolled in BAHIH JULY 21 session but till now not find the assignment in portal . please send help

I’m bahih Hindi student tell me assignment date

July2021 session ka assignment Kab bharna h

Hello everyone, I just registered for BAHIH programme today. How can I know if I have enrolled for July 2021 session or January session? When will I receive study materials. Someone pls help

January 2021 BAHIH me kitne subject ka assignment likhna hai.

anyone can tell BHIH PROgramm exam date


What is last date of assignment submitted of BAHIH.

I have enrolled in BAHIH January 2021 session and I didn’t get my assignment questions. If anyone get them Please leave a reply.

I have received eight books of my History Honours BA course. Four books are for History which code are BHIC-101 102 103 104 and remaining four are Environment, English language etc. So the problem is that how can a person make a assessment without books, because BHIC 105, 107 assignments also need to be done. Internet learning needs more effort to make assignments.

You don’t need to write 105 and more than that, those are for third semester students and not for us. We need to write the four assignments only.

I am also waiting my book set. semester is July kindly confirm when i will get my book set


Bhai same here. abhi confusion m hi hu.. mujhe reply krna. gooda2146 ye mera gmail h.. msg dena agr tere ko pta chle.. to

Sir , June 2021 assignment ka result kab ayega

BHIC 101, 102 kr liya h kya?

bhic 101,102,103,104 assignment download hua h.. baki bche hue char Beave 181 , bsog171, begav 182, bgdg 172 ka nhi prepare krna ky assignment.. Yrr isliye hi open distance learning bekar h..pura confusion rhta h. plz somebody reply.. BA history honours h july 2020 admission.. hyderabad center.. agr koi h aas pas to yrr mil lo mil ke center chlte h.. ek din

Mera bhee wahi baat hai bhai

BHIC 103, BHIC 104 Ka assignment kb aayega. I’m July 2020 student

BAHIH first year ke students ko kitne assignments bnane honge ? Btayega koi please and paper kitne hone h total toh 8 subject hote h books bhi complete ni aayi h abhi please help

Hey dear apki books aa gyi h kya mujhe toh ek bhi book nhi mili Abhi Nd assignments bhi 4 hi download kr payi hu mein toh or mil hi nhi rhe ap btaoge mujhe iske baare mein plz

My admission confirmed on 23 september 2020 Nd now everyone saying that assignment September m hi submit karne h now can u plz tell me when would I have to submit my assignment plzzzz

BAHIH ( 2020-2021) July Session के लिये Assignment कब तक उपलब्ध होगा।

BAHIH ka assignment mil gy ky please reply dena

Sirf 4 honours subjects ka aaya hai baki kuch nahi aaya hai agar kuch pata chale to please inform me

I have enrolled in Dec but assignment code no BHIC 103 AND 104 not show on website

hello brother, aapne bahih101 ka assignment bna lia hi kya

Hello friends, brother and sister… Please help me .. assignment kb aayega aur ye kha summit Hoga.. offline ya online summit Hoga.

I have enrolled in December seccion but till now not get all assignment questions


How we would submit assignment in September? We have not received all assignments.

2 subject ka assingment diya hai na abhi tk

HEY, Myself md Azad I don’t have found the rest of the assignments like BHIC-103 BHIC-104 How can I get them please reply.

Bhic 103 ,104 aya ki nahi

Hello bhai mai pune se hi mera bhi same problem hai mere sare assignments ho chuke h bas BHIC 103 and BHIC 104 abhi tak nahi aaya website pe uske bina kaise karenge assignments submit maine bohot mail bheje IGNOU walo ko wo jawab hi nai de rahe h bilkul bhi bhai tumko agar ye assignments mile to please mujhe bhi batana

Hello bhai kya assignment h tumahre pas to plz send me

Maine jan 2020 mai admission liya hai program bahih hai mujhe pta nhi kon kon se assignment submit karne hai koi batao


Our IGNOUHelp team will upload it soon once it gets released from IGNOU Officials.

September ane wala hai hum kese Kare assignment submit abhi tak nhi aya bhic 103,104

I’m July 2020 BAHIH 1st year student. Muje abhi tk books nhi mili hai. Kb tk aa jaayegi . Pls reply

Mujhe bhi nhi mili abhi tak .

I m student of July 2020 session BAHIH . I could not submit my assignment of ist year / or both semester . Can I submit my assignment now ..can I pay exam fee now …please help me how can I submit my assignment . What is the last date please some one help me

Hume assignments kb dene h kuch pta h🙄

Mera bhi same kya aap english medium ka h kya


Apko abhi MIL gaya Kya bhic 103 or 104

Aap history Hons k student ho kya ? Aapko books mil gyi kya…. Pls reply dear

Haa ,mujhe mil gyi books, maidan garhi, chatarpur se milegi books

Aap jan21 session ke student ho kya BAHIH ke assignment kb bnane hai

Gujarat kutch se admission liya he abhi tak books nai mili july 2020 session.

haa mil gya h post ke through aaya h. books kaafi achhe condition me mile h.

September me shayad

Assignments are available now is BHIC and EHI is it same #Namita kumari.

Assignment submission process

Last submit date of assignments

Nahi mujhe book nahi mili han

Nahi Mila hai aur aapko

Hey, need to GET HELP from BAHIH program students,please reply if possible

Yes mil gyi

Haa book aa agata hai

Aapko books mil gyi kya ? Pls reply

Abhi tak Nahi mila

Ranchi marwari college se koue h kya jiska history Honour paper h plzz reply

Bhai mera to books hi abhi tk nai aaya h kya karu..

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VMOU Kota BA Assignment 2024

  • January 11, 2024
  • Information

We have provided here complete details about the VMOU BA Assignment 2024 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year students. You can find assignment work like VMOU BA First Year Assignment at vmou.ac.in. All updates regarding VMOU Kota BA Project Work 2023 will be provided on this webpage throughout the year.

All students can download VMOU BA assignment questions for July 2023 and January 2024 sessions on this page.

वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी कोटा राजस्थान में स्थित एक खुला विश्वविद्यालय है जिसमें अंडर ग्रेजुएट, पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट, डिप्लोमा और पीएचडी जैसे कई कोर्स डिस्टेंस लर्निंग के माध्यम से करवाए जाते है।

VMOU के सभी डिस्टेंस लर्निंग प्रोग्राम्स/कोर्सज में स्टूडेंट्स को असाइनमेंट्स तैयार कर यूनिवर्सिटी को offline सबमिट करने होते है। इन असाइनमेंट्स के अंक स्टूडेंट्स के एग्जाम रिजल्ट्स में ऐड किये जाते है।

vmou ba assignment

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota Rajasthan conducts annual exams for the BA course twice a year but before taking exams, All VMOU BA students have to submit their assignment work so that they can get their results on time.

BA Assignment project work of Kota Open University is mandatory for all students. Students have to download each subject assignment and submit it to the university before the last date.

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota has availed all ba assignments to download for the 2023-24 session.

VMOU BA 1st Year Assignment 2024

All those candidates who have taken admission in BA 1st year course in Vardhman Mahaveer open university Kota need to know more about BA 1st Year assignment compared to second and third-year students because they are just starting with all processes of Kota open university.

UniversityVMOU, Kota
ProgrammeVMOU BA 1st Year

Your assignment will be downloaded in PDF format. You have to find your subject questions and answer them using your textbooks, sent by VMOU.

यह जानें: VMOU Assignment कैसे बनायें

VMOU BA 2nd Year Project Work 2024

Whichever subjects you have in BA like history, PS, economics, Hindi, English,

UniversityVMOU, Kota
ProgrammeBachelor of Arts (BA) 2nd Year

VMOU BA Final Year Assignment 2024

As you are a final-year student, You know very well how to make BA assignments. Just download a pdf copy from here and start your work.

UniversityVMOU, Kota
ProgrammB.A. 3rd Year

👉👉 VMOU Assignment Submission Last Date

We have uploaded all assingment question pdf file of BA hons, additional subject and general ba programs.

अगर कोई कैंडिडेट/स्टूडेंट असाइनमेंट जमा नहीं करवा पाता है तो वो यूनिवर्सिटी का एग्जाम दे सकता है लेकिन उसका रिजल्ट रोक दिया जायेगा। रिजल्ट को असाइनमेंट वर्क सबमिट करने के बाद ही यूनिवर्सिटी प्रशासन द्वारा जारी किया जाता है।

ऐसे में आप अपना बीए असाइनमेंट या प्रोजेक्ट वर्क बनाने में कोई ढिलाई ना बरतें। इसे समय पर पूरा करें और रीजनल सेंटर पर अंतिम तिथि से पहले जमा करवाएं.

IMPORTANT – VMOU Assignment Answer (Solved PDF Files)

If you have any type of questions related to the VMOU Kota BA Assignment, please do comment and we are here to assist you. Thank you!!

51 thoughts on “VMOU Kota BA Assignment 2024”

अगर मैं Assignment फेल हो गया तो क्या होगा

बीए प्रथम ईयर के असाइनमेंट की लास्ट डेट क्या है

M. A. Previous Hindi k assiment paper kha se down load honge Or BLIS k

BA addition ke kab h assignment mujhe kuch samj hi nhi aa raha july 21 walo ke kb hoga assignment

Sir ba 2nd year 2021-22 assignment question paper pdf download kaise kare Download nhi ho Raha hai

Project file

Sir I have not assignment paper, plz guide me how I got it, I am a student of MA history previous

MA final History assignment

Sir b a 2nd year ke assignment kb bnege ji

BA 1st year ke projects kab bnane hai

B.A 1 st year English literature ka assiment dal diya h ky

B.sc (C.B.Z). 2nd year solved assignment chahiye.

Ba 2nd year exam dec 21 ka result kab aayega

Sir Ba 3 rd year ke assignment paper aa gaye he kya inhe kaise prapt yani print leven

Sir ba 2nd year December Bach walo k assignment aa gye h kya or aa gye h to unhone kese nikale plz btao

Sir july ba final ka assignment aa gya kiya sir pliz reply

M.A phsychology previous year k assignment kese milenge

Sr , sociology m.a.1st year k assignment dal diye kya …Plz rply

सर MA final year histri के एसाइनमेंट की PDF डाऊनलोड नही हो रही है

Assignment mil gay kya muge b chahiye Mene to abi tk b jma nhi krwaye .plz jankari dena

सर M.A. final year ke paper ki pdf nhi dal rakhi h

Sir. ba 3rd year ka assignment jma krane ki koi last date h kya?


Hlo sir, mai BA first year kisi student hu… Assignment kb tk jma krwana h..2021/22

Sir first year k assignment jma nhi hone par promote krenge ya nhi

प्रमोट कर देंगे लेकिन फिर भी असाइनमेंट जमा करवाने जरूरी है।

Please bhaiya reply aaya ho to muje bhi btana same cause bro

BA ADDITIONAL ENGLISH के असाइनमेन्ट के हल किसी के पास हो तो प्लीज मेरे लिए उपलव्ब करवा दीजिए Session 2020-21

Hello sir, mere b.a final year Rajasthani me assignment ki pdf me language misprint aa rhi he kya Kare. Please help me sir

Ba final year ke assignment kitne banwane hai …. please reply me

मैंने प्रवेश जनवरी 2020 में b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर में लिया था जिसके असाइनमेंट में किसी कारण वंश जमा नहीं करवा सका। क्या मैं अभी सेकंड ईयर के असाइनमेंट के साथ फर्स्ट ईयर के असाइनमेंट जमा कर सकता हूं या फिर पहले जमा करवाने पड़ेंगे प्लीज हेल्प

मैंने किसी कारण बस b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर के असाइनमेंट जमा नहीं कर पाए और बीए सेकंड ईयर चल रही है तो क्या b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर सेकंड ईयर के असाइनमेंट जमा हो सकते हैं क्या

Sir MA Political science study final ke assignment download hi nhi ho rhe hai

Sir M.A. final year ki marksheet kb aayegi

Sayad abhi site pr upload nhi kiye h m bhi MA final se hu pol science m bhi wait kr rha hu

2nd year ke assignment mil gaye kya aapko

Please provide B.A. additional solved assessment..??

Ba 1st year ka course Kam hua h ya nhi

M.A. geography final ke assignment jama krwane ki last date kya h

Abhi nahi hai par 15 may hoti hai

Covid ke chalte B.A 1st year ka course kam hua h ya nahi

Koi update nahi h

Ba 2 year January 2020 ke session assignment jma kr skte hai kya abhi, Please reply jrur 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

B. A last date assignments for 1st year

Abhi kaafi time hai, last date 15 may 2021 hai (for July 2020 Admission Session)

15 may 2021

Mene july 21 mein M.A political science final ka form bhara hai mein janana chahti hu sessional work kaha se prapt hoga v kb tk jama krna hai mene apna scholar khol ke dekha vaha sessional work nahi diya hua hai please bataye

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VMOU BA Assignments 2023-24

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University has uploaded its ongoing session Assignments for the Bachelor of Arts course for session 2023. Students enrolled in the BA Program at VMOU Kota can download the vmou ba assignment from this page. These assignments are for VMOU BA 1st, 2nd, and Final Year Students.

वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी कोटा से बीए करने वाले सभी स्टूडेंट्स को exam देने से पहले assignment questions को download कर असाइनमेंट बनाना जरूरी है। यह असाइनमेंट बीए प्रथम, द्वितीय और अंतिम वर्ष के सभी छात्रों को सभी विषयों के लिए बनाने होते है।

अपडेट- January 2023 सत्र के विद्यार्थियों के लिए असाइनमेंट जारी कर दिए गए है। यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा विद्यार्थियों को असाइनमेंट के अंक उनके थ्योरी पेपर में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर दिए जाएंगे।

vmou ba assignment

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University Kota में BA में Admission हर वर्ष दो बार होते है। यह admission जुलाई और जनवरी माह में होते है। इन दोनों सत्रों से बीए करने वाले स्टूडेंट्स को असाइनमेंट्स बनाकर last date से पहले regional centre पर submit करना होता है।

यहाँ हमने vmou kota से B.A. करने वाले 1st, 2nd & 3rd year के students के लिए assignment उपलब्ध कराए है। इन असाइनमेंट को स्टूडेंट यूनिवर्सिटी की ऑफिसियल वेबसाईट के माध्यम से भी ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड कर सकते है। यह असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ़ फाइल में उपलब्ध है।

Assignments की PDF Files में BA 1st Year, Second Year and Final Year students के लिए subject codes के साथ प्रोजेक्ट फाइल बनाने के लिए questions दिए हुए है। इन questions को vmou books और online sources की हेल्प से हल कर assignment submit करने की last date से पहले जमा कराना है।

VMOU BA 1st Year Assignment 2023

VMOU में ba 1st year में admission लेने वाले स्टूडेंट्स को असाइनमेंट के बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी नहीं होती है क्योंकि वो कोटा ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी के साथ अपना सफर शुरू कर रहे है। उन्हें session 2022-23 के लिए यहाँ दिए B.A. First Year Assignment को डाउनलोड कर प्रत्येक सब्जेक्ट के लिए अलग से असाइनमेंट बनाना है।

Assignment में बीए के सभी विषयों के असाइनमेंट दिए हुए है। ऐसे में स्टूडेंट को अपने subject code से subject को ढूंढकर असाइनमेंट prepare करने है। जैसे BA 1st Year में History के लिए HI-01 और HI-02 सब्जेक्ट कोड है।

B.A. 1st Year

अगर किसी स्टूडेंट को अपने subject code ध्यान नहीं है तो वो vmou की website पर student one view के द्वारा अपने subjects के subject code को देख सकता है।

BA 2nd Year Assignment

B.A. Second Year

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BA Final Year Assignment

Assignment 2023PDF
B.A. 3rd year

हमने यहाँ पर कोटा ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी के बीए के सभी वर्षों (1st, 2nd & 3rd) के लिए असाइनमेंट प्रदान कर दिए है। ध्यान दें कि assignments में सभी प्रश्नों की marking अलग है और इन्हें करने के तरीके एवं शब्द-सीमा के बारे में जानकारी असाइनमेंट में दी हुई है।

VMOU के BA के सभी courses और ba general के स्टूडेंट्स को अपने असाइनमेंट को vmou के उस study centre या regional centre पर सबमिट कराना है, जिसके लिए वो रजिस्टर्ड है। सभी असाइनमेंट को assignment submission last date से पहले सबमिट करना है अन्यथा यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा आपका रिजल्ट रोक दिया जाएगा।

VMOU Kota B.A. Assignment Last Date 2023

For June 2023 Exam : 15 May 2023

For December 2023 Exam : 15 January 2024.

If any change is made to the last date of submission of the assignment by the university, you will be informed here. If you have any queries about the VMOU BA Assignment for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, comment below. Our team will help you ASAP.


Sir mera 3rd year ka paper assignment paper nahi nikal rahe h


Sir mere ba first year and year mark seet me name me miste hai right ho payega kya

Sir mere BA 2 year assignment ke questions nhi Nikal the h . Plz agr kuch trika to batay

exam kab hai

Hello sir aap time pe exam krvate nahi ho .. Ham sikayat karinge.. Gehlot ji se……

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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.


  1. Assignments

    ASSIGNMENTS (Programme wise) Bachelor's Degree Programmmes. BDP/B.A. Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUG)/BAM. Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUG)/BSCM. CBCS/BAG. July 2024-January 2025 . January 2024-July 2024 . July 2023-January 2024 . January 2023-July 2023

  2. IGNOU BA Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    ignou ba assignment Hindi hours 2nd year Hindi medium question to answer. Reply. R Shalini says: June 23, 2023 at 4:19 pm. I did n't get BSWE 6 Assignment in BSW 2022-23 session. ... What is the last date of submission assignment for BA 3rd year session December 2020-2021. Reply. Neha Gautam says: October 12, 2021 at 12:44 pm ...

  3. BA 3rd Year English Syllabus, Subjects, Semester, Elective, Skills

    BA English Subjects in 3rd year are English Phonetics, English Language Teaching, American Literature, Commonwealth Literature, 20th Century Literature, Literary Criticism, Mediated English etc. ... You can also join MNCs if you develop other skills for the relevant assignment. Remember that it is a difficult course, but it is well worth it.

  4. IGNOU BAG Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    IGNOU BAG Assignments 2024- IGNOU BAG Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024.The students of the BAG program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BAG Program.

  5. PDF BACHELOR OF ARTS (BAG) ASSIGNMENT For the students enrolled in July

    You will have to do three Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for a six credit course and two TMAs for a four credit course. This Assignment booklet has TMAs for the core course BPAC- 132 - Administrative Thinkers, which is a six credit course. The booklet therefore has three TMAs whose total marks add up to 100 and carry a weightage of 30%.

  6. Online Assignment

    Helpline Number's. (Timing 10 Am -5 Pm on working days) 05946-286000. Email : [email protected]. Time Table Schedule for Assignment. Login to Assignment Portal. Note: This Assignment Schedule is for January-2024 (Semester) and July-2023 (Yearly) Session Students only.

  7. IGNOU BA Study Material

    You can solve your BA Assignments using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your Annual Exams with good grades. ... For BA first year December 2020 exam. IGNOUHelp says: September 26, 2020 at 11:17 am.

  8. BDP/BA Assignment

    BDP/BA Assignment. Session: July 2024-January 2025. Modern Indian Languages (MIL Courses) Psychology (BPC) Application Oriented Courses (English/Hindi) Hindi Elective. English Elective. FHD-02.

  9. BA 3rd Year English Literature Syllabus, Subjects ...

    BA 3rd year English Literature subjects are Women's Writing, Modern European Drama, Early 20th-Century British Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Modern Indian Writing In English Translation, Literary Criticism etc. ... The questions for the assignment can be found on the IGNOU website as well as the study centre. Before the 2nd and 3rd years ...

  10. IGNOU Assignment Question Papers

    This page contains IGNOU assignment question papers for the following years: 2022-23, 2023, 2023-24, 2024. This covers July and January Sessions.

  11. Aristotle Assignment for 3rd year

    Aristotle Assignment for 3rd year. this is a detailed assignment over the western political thinker calle... View more. Course. BA(P) political science (DSC B2) ... BA(P) political science. Lecture notes. 100% (8) 81. Understading political theory. BA(P) political science. Practice materials. 100% (5) 9.

  12. What Are the Assignment for IGNOU BA

    About IGNOU BA Assignment. Indira Gandhi National Open University; IGNOU is a well-established university initiated in the year 1985. The university is globally recognized by the University of Grants Commission and NAAC with an A grade.

  13. BA Public Administration Syllabus, Subjects, Semester Wise, Entrance

    BA Public Administration is a 3-year degree program. Each year consists of 2 semesters. The course curriculum incorporates various assignments, presentations and projects. A detailed semester-wise breakup of the course is given below. ... BA Public Administration Syllabus 3rd Semester.

  14. BDP/BA Assignment

    Session: July 2022-January 2023. MIL Courses. Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (English/Hindi) Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (Hindi) Generic Elective Courses (English/Hindi) Generic Elective Courses (Hindi) BHDLA-135. BHDLA-136. BHDLA-137.

  15. IGNOU Assignment 2024: Submission Last Date, Question Paper

    The Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU Assignment for the Term End Exam June 2024 is 31st May 2024. The due date is subject to change only after the official announcement from IGNOU Head Office otherwise it remains unchanged. The last date may differ for each program so the candidate is advised to confirm the due date from their concerned ...

  16. IGNOU Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Previous Year Question Papers

    Ask For Solved Assignment 2023-2024 Click Here. Call us +919811854308. WhatsApp us +919811854308. Last Date of Assignment Submission. Year Wise. July 2023 Session:31st May 2024 (for June 2024 Term End Exam). January 2024 Session:31st October 2024 (for December 2024 Term End Exam). Semester Wise. January 2024 Session:31st May 2024 (for June 2024 ...

  17. VMOU BA Old Paper Download (Question Paper)

    Students who are looking for the previous year's question papers of BA 1st 2nd 3rd-year, as well as the model paper, can download them on this page. Students who are searching VMOU BA Old Question Papers and Model Papers with Answers for Vardhman Mahaveer Open University Term End Exam are available here on VMOUhelp.in.

  18. Bachelor of Arts (B.A)

    Ask For Solved Assignment 2023-2024 Click Here. Call us +919811854308. WhatsApp us +919811854308. Last Date of Assignment Submission. Year Wise. July 2023 Session:31st May 2024 (for June 2024 Term End Exam). January 2024 Session:31st October 2024 (for December 2024 Term End Exam). Semester Wise

  19. IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    IGNOU BAHIH Assignments 2024- IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024.The students of the BAHIH program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU ...

  20. Assignment

    Assignments (Programme Wise) Master's Degree Programmes: Bachelor's Degree Programmmes: P.G. Diploma Programmes

  21. VMOU BA Assignment 2024 PDF {1st, 2nd & 3rd Year}

    VMOU Kota BA Assignment 2024. We have provided here complete details about the VMOU BA Assignment 2024 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year students. You can find assignment work like VMOU BA First Year Assignment at vmou.ac.in. All updates regarding VMOU Kota BA Project Work 2023 will be provided on this webpage throughout the year.

  22. VMOU BA Assignments 2023 (1st, 2nd & Final Year)

    VMOU Kota B.A. Assignment Last Date 2023. For June 2023 Exam: 15 May 2023. For December 2023 Exam: 15 January 2024. If any change is made to the last date of submission of the assignment by the university, you will be informed here. If you have any queries about the VMOU BA Assignment for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, comment below.

  23. PDF BA English Honours Programme (BAEGH) ASSIGNMENT

    Programme: BA English (Hons) Course Code: BEGC-103/2023-24. You are required to do one assignment for this English Honours Course titled Indian Writing in English Code BEGC-103, which will be a Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) and will carry 100 marks. It will be based on blocks 1 to 4. Aims: This assignment is concerned mainly with assessing your ...